Biorefinery of Waste Orange Peel

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Biorefinery of waste orange peel

José Ángel Siles López, Qiang Li & Ian P. Thompson

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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2010; 30(1): 63–69


Biorefinery of waste orange peel

José Ángel Siles López1, Qiang Li2, and Ian P. Thompson2
Departamento de Química Inorgánica e Ingeniería Química, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Córdoba, Campus
Universitario de Rabanales, Edificio Marie Curie (C-3). Ctra. Madrid-Cádiz, Córdoba, Spain, and 2Department of
Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Begbroke Science Park, Sandy Lane, Yarnton, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, UK

Up to comparatively recently orange peel and the associated residual remnants of membranes resulting from
juice extraction represented a significant disposal problem, especially in those regions where orange cultivation
is a major industry. However, recent research has demonstrated that orange peel waste represents a potentially
valuable resource that can be developed into high value products. These developments are critically reviewed
in this article. This includes a summary of the chemical composition of the substrate and an assessment of the
range of applications in which the peel is deployed. Utilization as a substrate to produce animal feed, fertilizer,
essential oils, pectin, ethanol, methane, industrial enzymes, and single cell protein is discussed. The applications
described together with those that will no doubt be developed in the future, represent great opportunities to
harness the economical benefit of this agro-industrial waste and to develop even more efficient and sustainable
systems. A scheme of integrated utilization of orange peel in a biorefinery approach is discussed together with
some prediction of further necessary research.
Keywords:  Biorefinery; waste orange peel; D-limonene; pectin; bioethanol; methane; pectic enzymes; singe cell

Introduction the production sites. This led in some regions to the genera-
tion of large tracts of land containing significant quantities
The cultivation of oranges is a major industry and a significant of putrefying waste which presents a significant risk to local
component of the economies of the United States (Florida water courses and in some cases leads to uncontrolled meth-
and California), Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan, China, India, ane production. Traditionally, the only other disposal routes
Iran, and most Mediterranean countries. According to the for waste orange peels were to utilize it as raw material in
Statistical Database of the Food and Agriculture Organization the manufacture of cattle feed or simply to burn it (Lapuerta
of the United Nations (FAOSTAT), world orange production in et al., 2008; Ghani et al., 2009). These routes would also gen-
2007 was estimated to be 63,906,094 tonnes, of which Brazil erate global warming gases, although some of the carbon
is the largest producer with an output of 18,279,309 tonnes. dioxide generated from combustion would not contribute
In the United States, production was 7,357,000 tonnes whilst significantly to a net increase, since it would be subsequently
in Europe it was 6,199,986 tonnes. As well as orange juice assimilated by plants. This disposal problem has stimulated
this production results in broad range of other commodities significant recent interest in developing more responsible
including sweet orange oil (90% D-limonene), orange blos- ways of dealing with waste orange products, ideally with the
som, orange blossom honey, citrus honey, and marmalade, added benefit of yielding high value products and establish-
a conserve typically made of Seville oranges. Approximately, ing more environmentally responsible approaches.
50–60% of the processed fruit becomes citrus peel waste,
which is composed of the peel, seeds and membrane resi-
dues resulting from juice extraction (Wilkins et al., 2007a).
Compositional analyses of orange peel
Until comparatively recently these waste products led to sig- In order to harness the maximum value from waste peel, it
nificant disposal problems, since there was no satisfactory is essential to have reliable information regarding its chemi-
means of disposal other than dumping on land adjacent to cal composition. Briefly orange peel contains soluble sugar,

Address for Correspondence:  Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Begbroke Science Park, Sandy Lane, Yarnton, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5
1PF, UK. E-mail:

(Received 30 April 2009; revised 14 October 2009; accepted 14 October 2009)

ISSN 0738-8551 print/ISSN 1549-7801 online © 2010 Informa UK Ltd

DOI: 10.3109/07388550903425201
64   José Ángel Siles López, Qiang Li, and Ian P. Thompson

starch, fiber including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and Robinson, 2006). Tripodo et al. (2004) described a method
pectin, ash, fat and protein, and the quantitative composition which makes it possible to obtain animal feed from citrus
is detailed in Table 1 (Rivas et al., 2008). The small quantities juice centrifugation pulp. To this end, alkaline, and/or enzy-
that are not identified (about 4.35% of the peel) in the table matic treatments were carried out on the centrifugated pulp.
include organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, malonic The product obtained with this method showed excellent
acid, and oxalic acid, which collectively represent about 1% digestibility in vitro and its protein content, although not
and vitamins such as Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Bampidis especially high, compared favorably with that of many other
and Robinson (2006) also investigated the composition of agroindustrial waste products currently used as components
orange peel, and reported that the dry matter (DM) content of animal feed. However, it should be noted that there is a
of orange peel is mainly organic, containing proteins and limit to the amount of orange peel that can be added to the
many other short-chain (no more than four carbons) organic feed, since at high concentrations it can cause rumen parak-
acids (Table  2). It is worthy of note that the pH of orange eratosis, particularly when the level of dietary forage is low.
peel can be as low as 3.64. This means neutralization of pH Furthermore, preparation of the feed additive requires great
may be required for some applications. However, as with all care since poor preservation of citrus by-products can lead to
plant products the exact chemical composition of oranges the development of mycotoxins that are extremely deleteri-
varies and is affected by factors such as growing conditions, ous to ruminants (Bampidis and Robinson, 2006). In order
maturity, rootstock, variety, and climate (Kale and Adsule, to avoid generation of toxins a prior drying step would be
1995). necessary, although this would inevitably lead to an increase
in product price. In addition, poor preservation could lead
to uncontrolled methane production. Thus, the traditional
Direct utilization of orange peel exploitation of orange peel waste as animal feed has its risks,
Applications which utilize the whole orange peel without which has stimulated research into alternative applications
differentiating individual constituents represent the simplest yielding high value products.
way to process the raw material.
Organic fertilizer
Animal feed An alternative application of waste orange peel is to convert
As with most plant substrates orange peel is an attractive it to a fertilizer by composting (van Heerden et  al., 2002).
nutrient source to microbial communities and in particular This has been successfully achieved by modifying the citrus
those inhabiting the rumen (Table 2), which have evolved waste by adjusting its C/N ratio, pH, and moisture content
and adapted to use plant materials. This has traditionally to 24:1, 6.3, and 60%, respectively, and piling the modified
been exploited by feeding the high energy waste orange substrate under shelter. With regular turning and watering,
feed to ruminants promoting microbial growth and lacta- and a thermophilic phase lasting between 65 and 70 days,
tion. Indeed body weight increase in cattle is far greater composting can be completed within 3 months. Table 3
when fed orange waste than starch rich feeds (Bampidis and details the main characteristics of mature compost, which

Table 1.  The chemical composition of orange peel (Rivas et al., 2008) (in percentage).
Soluble sugar Starch Cellulose cellulose Lignin Pectin Ash Fat Protein Others
16.90 3.75 9.21 10.50 0.84 42.50 3.50 1.95 6.50 4.35

Table 2.  The chemical composition of orange peel (Bampidis and Robinson, 2006) (g/kg DM).
Organic Neutral Acid detergent Propionic Isobutyric
matter Crude protein detergent fibre fibre Lactic acid Acetic acid acid acid Calcium Phosphate pH
975 58 200 129 23.0 20.0 0.3 0.6 7.3 1.7 3.64
One kilogram of orange peel contains 233 g DM.

Table 3.  Characterization of mature compost from orange peel (van Heerden et al., 2002).
Air filled porosity Water-holding Bulk density Conductivity Phosphorus Potassium Calcium Magnesium
(%) capacity (mL/L) (g/cm3) (mS/m) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
14 590 1.05 480 15 1170 362 121

Sodium (mg/L) Chloride Boron Water-soluble Water-soluble Total carbon Total nitrogen C/N ratio
(mg/L) (mg/L) nitrogen (mg/L) organic matter (% DM) (% DM)
32 143 0.31 126 4788 8.85 1.26 7
Biorefinery of waste orange peel   65

demonstrates some, but acceptable levels of phytotoxic- 0.4 to 0.6 mm and are located at irregular depths in the
ity. Another potential concern is that the relatively high flavedo located at the outer rind of the fruit. Orange peel
conductivity of the compost may promote salinity, but its typically contains more than 5 kg of oil per 1000 kg of oranges
air-filled porosity, water holding capacity, and bulk density and approximately 90% of this is D-limonene (Braddock,
are typically within the limits conducive to plant growth. Temelli, and Cadwallader, 1986; Hull, Lindsay, and Baier,
In fact, in field experiments, preplant incorporation of the 1953), a hydrocarbon, classified as a cyclic terpene (Figure 1).
compost into soil at a rate of 2, 4, and 8 kg/m2 improved the It is colorless liquid at room temperature, with an extremely
growth of citrus trees by as much as 25%, compared to con- strong orange odor. As the main odorous constituent of cit-
trol groups in which trees were planted in non-amended soil. rus (plant family Rutaceae), D-limonene is employed in the
Furthermore, in a parallel study (Guerrero et al., 1995) the manufacture of food and medicines as a flavoring agent.
potential of peel waste as a more directly applied organic It also has many applications in the chemical industry,
soil fertilizer was investigated by testing its impact on lettuce cosmetics and domestic household products (Smyth and
(Lactuca sativa L., osteolata variety) yields. This was deter- Lambert, 1998). The process of extracting D-limonene from
mined in a poor soil, from the Algarve region, by drying and orange peel is relatively simply and well established. It can
grinding up the peel to an average particle size of 10 mm be removed from the peel by cold pressing, steam distillation
and then applying it to the soil, specifically to increase its or solvent extraction, usually with hexane or carbon dioxide
nitrogen content. The authors reported on increases between (Hull, Lindsay, and Baier, 1953).
30% and 130% of both fresh- and dry-matter with increasing
amounts of either orange pulp or peel applied. No phytotox- Pectin
icity was observed. Pectin is a structural heteropolysaccharide, and is exploited
in the food industry as a gelling agent. It is also employed
in fillings, sweets, as a stabilizer in fruit juices, and milk
Biorefinery of orange peel drinks. Orange peel contains appreciable quantities of
The direct utilization of orange peel is the simplest option pectin (Table 1), and thus it is an important source of this
for implementation, requiring little infrastructure or invest- high value commodity. There are well established extraction
ment, whilst potentially greatly increasing the value of the procedures (Ma, Cervera, and Sanchez, 1993) developed to
waste material. However, orange peel contains many high extract and recover pectin from orange peel. Briefly, it is first
value compounds (Table 1). With increasing knowledge of dried and then subjected to acidic hydrolysis. The hydro-
orange peel, it is now possible to increase the value of this lysate is separated, concentrated by boiling under vacuum
significant agricultural waste further by taking a biorefin- and extracted by ethanol. The gel that forms after storing
ery approach. A biorefinery is most commonly defined as for 24 h at low temperature is separated by filtration and
a facility that integrates biomass conversion processes and dried at 70°C. Under optimal conditions, a pectin yield of
equipment to produce fuels, power, and chemicals ideally 13.24% can be achieved. Moreover, the solid matter left after
from waste biomass. The biorefinery concept is analogous to acidic hydrolysis can be subsequently exploited to manu-
today’s petroleum refineries, which produce multiple fuels facture activated carbon, which further increases the value
and products from petroleum and importantly utilizing the of the peel. As well as acid extraction, pectin can also be
entire gross starting product. This differs from the current way extracted from citrus peel by polygalacturonase generated
we treat crops such as cereals, where the grain is treated as by inoculating whey with the yeast Kluveromyces fragilis
high value, whilst much of the remaining plant has tradition- (Donaghy and McKay, 1994). Conditions for pectin extrac-
ally been treated as low grade waste. By producing multiple tion from orange peel were optimized with regard to enzyme
products, a biorefinery can take advantage of the differences concentration, water:peel ratio, temperature, and duration
in biomass components and intermediates, and maximize of treatment. Increased liberation of pectin was achieved
the value derived from the biomass feedstock while leaving at 37°C compared to 25°C over 24 h period. A reduction in
little waste.
Extraction of the high value compounds
Orange peel contains many high value compounds, which
if extracted employing state of the art technologies, could
transform what is typically considered to be a problematic
substrate to a high value commodity. Among these essential
oils and pectin are the most attractive in terms of potential
economic value. CH3
Essential oils
Citrus fruit contains essential oils, which are widely CH2
employed in the food industry as flavors. They are located
in oil sacs or glands that range in diameter ranging from Figure 1.  Chemical structure of D-limonene.
66   José Ángel Siles López, Qiang Li, and Ian P. Thompson

pectin release was observed when the water:peel ratio was digestion of industrial orange waste (pulp and peel), with
less than 12:1. subsequent aerobic post-treatment of the digestate, has
been successfully demonstrated (Kaparaju and Rintala,
Conversion of lignocellulose to high value products 2006). In anaerobic batch cultures, methane production rates
employing microbes of about 0.49 m3/kg volatile solids (VS) (added peel waste)
Orange peel has appreciable quantities of cellulose, hemi- were achieved. In semicontinuous anaerobic cultures, load-
cellulose, and lignin, which constitute the largest organic ing of 2.8 kg VS/m3·d and hydraulic retention times (HRT) of
component residing after extraction of higher value products. 26 days generated a specific methane yield of 0.60 m3/kg VS.
In order to fully exploit the value of orange peel, intensive However, this required a pH adjustment (from an initial 3.2
research has been undertaken to identify effective proto- to 8.0) by the addition of CaCO3. Consequently, an aerobic
cols to convert the relatively low value, but highly abundant treatment with activated sludge transformed volatile fatty
compounds into high value products. In most cases microbial acids into carbon dioxide and water as well as ammonia into
fermentation plays a key role in these processes. nitrate. However, in order to remove the nitrogen an addi-
tional denitrification step would be required. There were no
Ethanol significant differences in terms of methane generation when
Ethanol has wide applications as a solvent, scent, flavoring different fruit and vegetable wastes, such as mango, pineap-
and medicine and has a long history of applications as a fuel ple, tomato, jackfruit, banana, and orange, were used as the
for heating. Demand for fuels generated from renewable feedstocks (Viswanath, Devi, and Nand, 1992). Furthermore,
resources has increased in recent years due to the fluctuat- methane production can be improved by pretreatment of the
ing oil price, concerns about greenhouse gas production, and orange peel with selected strains of Sporotrichum, Aspergillus,
increasing reliance on foreign sources of energy in the United Fusarium, and Penicillium (Srilatha et al., 1995). The fungal
States and Europe. A second generation of bioethanol focuses pretreatment enhanced the availability of nutrient in the
on conversion from cellulose, because of its large-scale avail- medium, reduced the concentrations of antimicrobial com-
ability, low cost and environmentally benign production. In ponents and enabled the utilization of a higher loading rate
particular, many energy production and utilization cycles of the substrates than the control.
based on cellulosic biomass have near-zero greenhouse gas As well as the orange peel, waste water from the press-
emissions on a life-cycle basis (Lynd et al., 2005). Orange peel ing of this by-product is also a good substrate for methane
has been demonstrated to be a good source for ethanol pro- production (Siles et al., 2007, 2008). When orange peel is
duction, a process which occurs via an enzymatic hydrolysis used as animal feed, the first step in this is the pressing
step and subsequent fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevi- of the rind which generates significant quantity of waste-
siae (Wilkins, Widmer, and Grohmann, 2007b). S. cerevisiae water. This is very polluting due to the high concentration
is more effective at converting orange peel to ethanol than of organic matter (147,680 mg of total chemical oxygen
the ethanologenic yeast Kluvyeromyces marxianus (Wilkins demand (COD)/L) and high alkalinity (8360 mg CaCO3/L),
et al., 2007a; Ghani et al., 2009). It is essential to adapt the given that in the pressing process Ca(OH)2 is used as binder.
cellulosic ethanol process when employing orange peel as Prior to anaerobic treatment this waste was subjected to a
the feedstock. As stated previously, orange peel is rich in physicochemical treatment using aluminium sulphate as
organic acids and contains essential oils, both of which are flocculant (at a concentration of 100 mg/L), with the aim
well-known antimicrobial agents (Braddock, Temelli, and of removing part of the solids content that would hinder
Cadwallader, 1986; Plessas et al., 2007). Because of this fea- and slow its anaerobic treatment, and for pH reduction
ture it is essential to determine the threshold concentration (from 11.21 to 5.50). In batch cultures of waste water treated
of D-limonene that can inhibit ethanol production. Minimum by anaerobic digestion, 84% of the soluble COD was suc-
inhibitory peel oil concentrations for ethanol production cessfully removed, generating a methane yield of 295 mL
have been determined to be 0.05% at 24 h, 0.10% at 48 h, and of CH4/g COD removed. However, high COD loadings
0.15% at 72 h, respectively for both S. cerevisiae and K. marxi- were found to inhibit methane production, suggesting the
anus (Wilkins, Widmer, and Grohmann, 2007b). The authors existence of some antimicrobial component in the waste
also found pretreatment by steam explosion removed 90% of water.
D-limonene in the orange peel. Not surprisingly, neutraliza-
tion of pH was required to achieve the greatest productivity Industrial enzymes
when organic acids become less toxic to exposed microbial Citrus peel contains appreciable quantities of pectin which
cells. can induce the synthesis of pectic enzymes by the microbial
communities that grow on them. Pectic enzymes have a
Methane broad range of applications in the fruit juice industry to facili-
Methane is the principal component of natural gas and can tate extraction and clarification of the juices (Rombouts and
be produced from a range of sustainable substrates anaero- Pilnik, 1986). Pectic enzyme production by Aspergillus foe-
bically by methanogenic bacteria. The process is well estab- tidus in solid-state cultures, on a laboratory scale, employing
lished and has been applied specifically for the generation of citrus waste as substrate has been demonstrated (Garzon and
methane from waste orange peel. The thermophilic anaerobic Hours, 1992). Viscosimetric activities up to 1600–1700 U/g
Biorefinery of waste orange peel   67

were attained after 36 h of culturing on the waste supple- 1. Pollutant absorbent: Orange peel has also been employed
mented with yeast extract and mineral salts. Additionally, the as a contaminant absorbing agent, targeting chemical
yield of pectinases was 25% greater than that achieved with components occurring in aqueous wastes. So far it has
apple pomace as the substrate with the same fungal strain been shown to be effective for the adsorptive removal
and under the identical culture conditions. Siessere and Said of methylene blue, a redox indicator that is widely
(1989) investigated pectinase production by Talaromyces used in analytical chemistry, and Direct Red 23 and 80
flavus, Penicillium charlessi, and Tubercularia vulgaris, in (Arami et al., 2005; Navasivayam et al., 2003), which are
solid-state cultures on citrus pulp waste. P. charlessi produced textile dyes. It has also been reported to be an effective
the most active pectic enzymes between 4 and 6 days of cul- absorbent of heavy metals ions (Ajmal et al., 2000). Many
tivation (15.06 U/g DM), followed by T. vulgaris (14.04 U/g biosorption studies are concerned with monometallic
DM) and T. flavus (9.42 U/g DM). Production of multienzyme systems. However, in practice, industrial waste water
preparations containing pectinolytic, cellulolytic, and xylano- usually contains more than one metal. The absorption
lytic enzymes, by the mesophilic fungi Aspergillus niger BTL, of several metal ions (Cd2+, Zn2+, and Pb2+) by orange peel
Fusarium oxysporum F3, Neurospora crassa DSM 1129 and has been also investigated in binary mixtures (Cd2+–Zn2+,
Penicillium decumbens, under solid-state fermentation of dry Cd2+–Pb2+, and Zn2+–Pb2+) (Perez-Marin et  al., 2008).
orange peel was also investigated. Adjustment of the initial The maximum sorption uptake was approximately 0.25
pH and moisture were found to be beneficial to enzyme pro- mmol/g for the three binary systems studied. In addi-
duction (Mamma, Kourtoglou, and Christakopoulos, 2008). tion, it is particularly notable that orange peel immo-
The selected fungi were also compared for their abilities to bilized onto zirconium (IV) removed four times more
secret specific enzymes when grown on orange peel. Under phosphate anions than commercially available zirco-
optimal conditions A. niger BTL was found to produce the nium ferrite with no associated peel material (Biswas
greatest yield of polygalacturonase, pectate lyase, xylanase, et al., 2008). Studies with fixed bed columns confirmed
β-xylosidase, and invertase. N. crassa DSM 1129 produced the complete adsorption of phosphate in a continuous
the highest yield of endoglucanase. operation. Zirconium leakage was prevented throughout
In addition to solid-state culturing, orange peel can the operating time.
also be used in submerged cultures. Continuous cultures 2. Activated citrus peel extract: Another potentially valu-
of Bacillus subtilis 11089 maintained on a basal medium able application of orange peel is its employment as
with orange peel as a sole carbon and energy sources, have an activated citrus peel extract (ACPE) (Medvedev and
been successfully employed to produce extracellular hydro- Kat, 2004). This typically comprises of at least one of the
lytic enzymes (Mahmood, Greenman, and Scragg, 1998). following: oligosaccharides, short peptides, flavonoid
Enzyme production yields from orange peel were similar glycosides, fatty acids, and triglycerides. ACPE has also
to, or better than those obtained from glucose in all trials. been found to be effective as a dermatological treatment
This was probably due to the nutrient-rich nature of orange for various skin conditions. It was also effective for pre-
peel. serving food, beverages, and cosmetics.
3. Paper pulp supplement: The relatively high concen-
Single cell protein trations of cellulose and hemicellulose in citrus peel,
Single cell protein (SCP) extracted from cultured algae, together with its low concentrations of lignin and ash
yeasts, or bacteria are commonly employed as substitutes render orange peel ideally suited for use as a paper pulp
for protein-rich foods, especially in pet food. Waste orange supplement (Ververis et al., 2007). Studies have dem-
peel has also been exploited as a substrate to produce SCP. onstrated that its addition had no detrimental effect on
Productions from solid-state cultures of Geotrichum candi- breaking length and indeed increased bursting strength
dum using acid pretreated orange peel has been successfully and decreased tearing resistance. The cost of orange
demonstrated (Locurto et al., 1992; Vaccarino et al., 1989). peel was about 45% lower than that of conventional
This typically contains 35–40% crude protein characterized pulp, resulting in a 0.9–4.5% reduction in final paper
by a very high in vitro digestibility (73–88%). From the solid price.
residue obtained after an acidic pretreatment of the peel, hes- 4. Succinic acid: Succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid
peridin, a high-value by-product (vitamin P), was recovered, (Figure  2), predicted to be one of the future plat-
reaching yields ranging between 3.7% and 4.5% DM (Locurto form chemicals that can be derived from renewable
et al., 1992). This by-product thus increases the cost-efficacy resources. Products such as polyamides, polyesters,
of the whole process. and polyester amides can all be obtained by chemi-
cal conversion of succinic acid (Bechthold et al., 2008;
Zeikus, Jain, and Elankovan, 1999). Bio-based succinate
Other uses has been produced by bacterial fermentation using
As well as providing a source of high value substrates, waste various sugar sources (Isar et al., 2006; Lin et al., 2008;
orange peel has been exploited in a range of other applica- Liu et al., 2008; Songa et al., 2008). Our research group
tions, which although not well studied hold great exploitable is currently investigating the generation of succinate
potential. from orange peel.
68   José Ángel Siles López, Qiang Li, and Ian P. Thompson

orange peel treatment steps, in which the residues obtained

O in one step will be employed as raw material in the following
one, according to the definition of a biorefinery facility.

Declaration of interest
The authors are very grateful to the Ministry of Science and
Figure 2.  Chemical structure of succinic acid.
Innovation, Spanish Government, for funding Jose Angel Siles
Lopez (Grant No. BES-2006-14074, Project No. CTM2005-
Conclusions and future work
01293. Co-financed by the European Social Fund).
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