Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Experiment: Measurement of Drag On Model Vehicles

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2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Experiment:

Measurement of Drag on Model Vehicles

William S. Janna1
David Schmidt2
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN

Abstract - A well structured fluid mechanics laboratory that compliments the lecture course is
vital to an effective presentation of the material. It is therefore prudent to provide meaningful
experiments that stimulate student interest in the fluid mechanics laboratory. Such
experiments are an important part of the laboratory experience.

This study shows how drag force measurements on model automobiles can be obtained
experimentally, and how the data can be used to calculate a drag coefficient. Frontal area of
the vehicle may be determined with internet resources, and used to find the drag coefficient.

In this study, data on drag versus velocity have been obtained for three different model
vehicles. Frontal area for each of these vehicles was obtained and drag coefficient versus
Reynolds number was determined. An experiment involving these measurements is a valuable
addition to the fluid mechanics laboratory, and very effective in generating student interest.

Keywords: Drag, drag coefficient, automobile, laboratory

Drag force measurements on various bodies can be obtained using a subsonic wind tunnel, which
can be found in most laboratories. Making measurements of drag force versus velocity using
spheres, hemispheres, disks, and flat plates are classical experiments. Although important,
these wind tunnel objects tend to leave a little to be desired. Alternatively, drag force versus
velocity measurements on ground vehicles, such as bicycles, trucks and automobiles, can be
obtained using models. Student interest is readily apparent when students work with such
objects in the wind tunnel.

Traditionally, the difficulty with using automobile models is in finding the frontal area
needed in the equation for drag coefficient. Several methods for estimating the area have been
suggested in the literature. Previous studies indicate that a frontal area for a vehicle of
interest is not easily obtained, and so published data often show the drag coefficient-area
product rather than just the drag coefficient. Current data on drag force or drag coefficient is
widely available on the internet. Moreover, students prefer to use the internet to obtain
information, and so the references listed and described here are primarily from the internet.

Wikipedia [1] has a description of drag force and drag coefficient, and provides over 115 recent

1 University of Memphis; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Memphis, TN 38152

2University of Memphis; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Memphis, TN 38152

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

internet publications on this topic. One of the difficulties with converting drag force to drag
coefficient is in finding the frontal area of the vehicle. Ecomodder [2] suggests using the product
of height and width of the vehicle, and multiplying by 0.84 to obtain the frontal area.
Instructables [3] provides a description of how to calculate the drag coefficient of a vehicle by
using the coast down procedure. This procedure provides a drag coefficient which is an average.
Results of the present study indicates that the drag (and drag coefficient) vary with speed.
Thus the Instructables [3] result appears to be an overall average. Truth [4] provides an
illustrated history of automobile aerodynamics, while Ask [5] gives a list of the most
aerodynamic production cars. Mayfo [6] supplies an exhaustive index of coefficient of drag for
many vehicles, but not for either of those used in this study. Mayfo also gives an index to for
horsepower vs speed curves.

In this study, data on drag versus velocity have been obtained for three different model
vehicles. Frontal area for each of these vehicles was obtained from an internet resource and
drag coefficient versus Reynolds number was determined. An experiment involving these
measurements is a valuable addition to the fluid mechanics laboratory, and very effective in
generating student interest.

Figure 1 is a sketch of the subsonic wind tunnel used in this study; manufactured by West Coast
Research. An automobile model is placed in the test section as indicated in Figure 2. There is no
provision for measuring drag on an automobile in this tunnel, so a system was set up to do so. The
automobile model is secured with a fishing line that extends outward from the front of the
tunnel. The line then goes over three pulleys, and is attached to a spring scale mounted on top of
the test section. Air moving past the model exerts a drag force which is measured directly with
the spring scale. A differential pressure meter is attached to a static pressure tap located in the
top of the test section. The meter provides a reading of pressure difference bettween that in the
test section and atmospheric pressure. Alternatively, an inclined manometer can be used to find
the pressure difference.

inlet flow

nozzle test fan


FIGURE 1. Subsonic wind tunnel used in this study.

A reading on the differential pressure meter is used to calculate the air speed in the test section
using the Bernoulli equation. We identify section 1 as being far upstream of the tunnel inlet.
Section 2 is at the test section where the manometer is attached. We apply Bernoulli’s equation
to these sections:

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

spring scale
differential pressure

automobile model

FIGURE 2. Sketch of the wind tunnnel test section with instrumentation.

p 1 g c V 12 p2gc V22
+ + z1 = + + z2 (1)
ρg 2g ρg 2g

where p1 is the pressure far upstream (= patm), V 1 is the velocity upstream (= 0), p2 is pressure
and V 2 is velocity, respectively, at the test section. Changes in potential energy are neglected.
Equation 1 reduces to

p 1 g c p 2g c V 22
– = ∆h =
ρg ρg 2g

The preceding equation may be rewritten as

V2 = 
2g ∆ h (2)

The drag force Df is measured directly with the spring scale. The drag coefficient is defined as

Cd = (3)
ρ V 22A

The difficulty encountered in automobile vehicle tests is in finding the frontal area to use in
Equation 3. Often what is reported in the literature is the product of drag coefficient and area:

CdA =
ρ V 22

To determine area in this study, however, the models used were photographed from the front in
a well lit setting. Photographs were uploaded into photo editing software, ImageJ [7], in which
the outline of the vehicle was carefully traced and the background removed. The software
measured the pixel count of the outlined area. A line was then drawn along the widest point of
the outline. The number of pixels that make up the line in the photograph was counted by the
software program. The pixel count divided by the actual measured length of the line was used
to scale the picture and obtain the frontal area.

The Reynolds number is given by

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

Re = (4)
In this study, the characteristic length D is taken to be the bumper to bumper length of the

Three model vehicles were used in this study, and these are listed in Table 1, along with the
physical dimensions of width and length. The frontal area is also shown.

The raw data were obtained using instruments calibrated in US customary (or Engineering)
units, and the results are provided in Table 2. Equation 2 was used to convert the pressure change
reading to a velocity in m/s. The force readings in ounces were converted to Newtons, and the
results are displayed in Table 3. Equations 3 and 4 were used to calculate drag coefficient and
Reynolds number, respectively, and the results are given in Table 4. Figures 3 and 4 show frontal
views of the vehicles.

TABLE 1. Model vehicles used in this study.

Model Chevrolet Dodge Ford
Vehicle 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T Ford F-350 pickup
Scale 1:24 1:24 1:31
Manufacturer Jada Big Time Muscle Castline M2 Machines Maisto Adventure
Material Die cast metal Die cast metal Die cast metal
Frontal Area 5.73 in2 4.35 in2 5.23 in2
0.003 7 m2 0.002 8 m2 0.003 4 m2
Width 3.15 in 3.18 in 2.79 in
0.08 m 0.08 m 0.071 m
Length 10.75 in 11.25 in 9.75 in
0.273 m 0.286 m 0.248 m

FIGURE 3. Frontal view of the models tested.

FIGURE 4. Screen shot of ImageJ [7] software used to compute frontal area.

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

TABLE 2. Raw data of pressure difference in the test section versus drag force for each vehicle.

pt – p Chevrolet Dodge Ford

psi oz oz oz
0.032 0.750 0.250 0.250
0.042 1.125 0.250 0.375
0.051 1.500 0.375 0.500
0.063 1.750 0.750 1.250
0.072 2.375 1.000 1.500
0.089 3.000 2.250 2.375
0.101 3.875 3.000 3.125
0.117 4.500 3.500 4.000
0.134 5.250 4.000 4.875

TABLE 3. Reduced data.

∆h V Chevrolet Dodge Ford

m m/s (mph) N N N
19.1 19.4 (43.4) 0.209 0.070 0.070
25.1 22.2 (49.7) 0.313 0.070 0.104
30.5 24.5 (54.8) 0.417 0.104 0.139
37.7 27.2 (60.8) 0.487 0.209 0.348
43.0 29.1 (65.1) 0.660 0.278 0.417
53.2 32.3 (72.0) 0.834 0.626 0.660
60.4 34.4 (77.0) 1.077 0.834 0.869
69.9 37.1 (83.0) 1.251 0.973 1.112
80.1 39.7 (88.8) 1.460 1.112 1.355

TABLE 4. Drag coefficient and Reynolds numbers for the vehicles in this study.

Chevrolet Dodge Ford

Cd Re Cd Re Cd Re
0.26 3.38 x 105 0.11 3.53 x 105 0.09 3.06 x 105
0.29 3.87 x 105 0.09 4.05 x 105 0.11 3.51 x 105
0.32 4.26 x 105 0.11 4.46 x 105 0.12 3.87 x 105
0.30 4.74 x 105 0.17 4.96 x 105 0.24 4.30 x 105
0.36 5.06 x 105 0.20 5.30 x 105 0.25 4.60 x 105
0.37 5.63 x 105 0.36 5.89 x 105 0.32 5.11 x 105
0.42 6.00 x 105 0.43 6.28 x 105 0.37 5.44 x 105
0.42 6.46 x 105 0.43 6.76 x 105 0.41 5.86 x 105
0.43 6.91 x 105 0.43 7.23 x 105 0.43 6.27 x 105

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference



Drag Force in N


15 20 25 30 35 40
Velocity in m/s

FIGURE 5. Drag variation with velocity for the three vehicles in this study


0.4 Dodge
Drag Coefficient C






10 5 106
Reynolds Number VD/ν

FIGURE 5. Drag coefficient variation with Reynolds number.

Much student interest in this experiment has been experienced. Students in the fluid mechanics
laboratory are to perform a “Design of Experiments” exercise. When given a choice, students
have opted to measure drag on a vehicle. Students have obtained drag data on models of trucks
with trailers, trucks with and without various aerodynamic devices, and much more.
Furthermore, results obtained here agree very well with published data (found on the internet)
on drag coefficient versus velocity. An experiment of this type is highly recommended as a
significant and popular addition to the fluid mechanics laboratory.

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

2014 ASEE Southeast Section Conference

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automobile_drag_coefficient
[2] http://ecomodder.com/wiki/index.php/Vehicle_Coefficient_of_Drag_List
[3] http://www.instructables.com/id/Measure-the-drag-coefficient-of-your-car/?ALLSTEPS
[4] http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/tag/coefficient-of-drag/
[5] http://ask.cars.com/2013/04/what-are-some-of-the-most-aerodynamic-production-
[6] http://www.mayfco.com/tbls.htm
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ImageJ

William S. Janna
William S. Janna is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Memphis. He
teaches courses in the energy systems area including fluid mechanics, heat transfer and
thermodynamics. His research interests include the fluid mechanics of sprays, mass transfer
from sublimating bodies and accelerating sphere problems. He has written three textbooks and
is a reviewer for several technical journals.

David Schmidt
David Schmidt is a 2011 graduate of the University of Memphis, Department of Mechanical
Engineering. He is currently working for Smith & Nephew as an engineer. Smith & Nephew
manufacture (among other things) shoulder, hip and knee implants.

© American Society for Engineering Education, 2014

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