Determination of Drag Coefficient For TOYOTA Car M

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Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model (Using Strain Gauge

Article · April 2016

DOI: 10.9790/1684-130403141145


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2 authors, including:

Abdessamed Kacem
University of Baghdad


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IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE)
e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. III (Jul. - Aug. 2016), PP 141-145

Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model

(Using Strain Gauge Method)
Abdessamed Kacem, Ali Najim Abdullah
Ministry Of Higher Education/ Baghdad University
Ministry Of Higher Education/ Al-Rafidain University College

Abstract: The flow field around an automobile is very complex, characterized by a high degree of three
dimensionality, flow separation, reattachment and vortex formation. Flow visualization as well as flow
simulation are helpful tools during the aerodynamic design of vehicles. The research-undertaken deals with an
experimental estimation of CD (drag coefficient) for TOYOTA car,(scale 1/20) using the strain gauge method (
FLA-6-11 type, 120Ω, 2.12 gauge factor, half-bridge connection), which was proved to be practical and
reasonably accurate. Experiments were run within a subsonic aspiration wind tunnel, covering an air speed up
to 33 m/s (i.e., Reynolds number 5.7 x 105). Results for drag coefficient were obtained in the range of 1.10 to
0.53. It was noted that the magnitude of CD decreased from 1.10 at 21.18 m/s to 0.53 at 33.00 m/s (i.e., decrease
of drag coefficient by about 50%). Comparison of our results with those given by other authors is satisfactory.
Key words: Strain gauge, Drag coefficient, Wind tunnel, Aerodynamics of automobile, Static loading, Dynamic
loading, Half bridge connection.

I. Introduction
Recently the incentive to reduce the aerodynamic drag of road vehicles has increased again. Different
methods to estimate drag coefficient of cars have been utilized in the past [1,2]. In the present paper, we use strain
gauges with bending moment diagram in order to estimate drag coefficient, the matter that proved to be
practical, accurate, and easy.
It is known that loads acting transversely to the plane of a large dimension cause a member to bend. A
bar member subjected to this loading is called a beam. In order to resist these loads, a beam must be supported at
one or positions along its length. If a beam has one end built-in, it is called a cantilever [3]. We used this idea in
order to fix a model of a vehicle at a free end of a cantilever, and estimate the drag coefficient from bending
moment diagram of the beam.

II. The Experimental Equipment and Instrumentation

A subsonic wind tunnel, aspiration type, with a maximum speed of 33 m/s, was used. Its cross section
and active length are respectively: 230x230 mm2 and 500mm [4]. Four strain gauges, FLA-6-11, 120 Ω, 2.12
±1% gauge factor, wire gauge type were used, with adhesive P-2, and coefficient of thermal
expansion=11.8x10-6/oC. The temperature coefficient of gauge factor is +0.1±0.05%/10 oC [5]. The sting made of
hot rolled, medium carbon steel (0.45%C), damped effect, E= 203.4x10 9 N/m2, and Iz=1.4426x10-10 m4.
A model reproducing a TOYOTA , made from PVC, scale 1/20, and blockage ratio of 16% was tested.
The extensometer bridge which was used, was provided with internal impedance of 120Ω to 500Ω, the range of
±20000 points, maximum resolution:1μΩ/Ω, and Amplificatory linearity is 0.002%. The gauge factor regulator
is 1 to 5 for 4 digits, and the excitation stability is 0.01%. The branching type is a half-bridge and full-bridge
with analogical exit of 0-2V for 0-20000 μΩ/Ω. The minimum charge is 2000Ω, and passer band of analogical
exit is 0 to 10 KHz[6].

III. The Experimental Procedure

Dimensions of the sting were chosen so as to reproduce minimum strain that we can read it via strain
gauges. The model was fixed at the reference point of the sting as shown schematically in (fig.1a).
From the bending moment diagram, (fig.1b), we can write Mo=FY.XC + FX.YC . The value of (FY.XC)
approaches to zero[3]. We need two equations in order to find the two unknowns FX and MO, and these two
equations could be obtained via the sting in its vertical position. Experimental procedure for TOYOTA model is
shown in fig. (2).

1-3-1 Drag force and fluid velocity calculation

The model and four strain gauges were fixed-as shown before in (fig.1a)-at reference point (O), (B),
and (A) respectively. La is the distance of strain gauge (A) from the reference point (O). L b is the distance of
strain gauge (B) from the reference point (O). From the bending moment diagram, (fig.1b), we have:
DOI: 10.9790/1684-130403141145 141 | Page
Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model (Using Strain Gauge Method)

MA=MO + FX.La (1)

MB=MO + FX.Lb (2)
MA, MB have direct relationship with readings of strain gauges εA, εB respectively as shown in subsequent
εA = σA/E = MA.h/ 2 Iz .E MA = 2IzEεA/h (3)
εB = σB/E = MB.h/ 2 Iz.E MB =2IzEεB/h (4)
Where Iz represents the second moment of area for the sting around Z-axis as shown schematically in (fig.3). By
solving equations (1) and (2), we can find the unknowns F X and MO. Drag coefficient could be estimated by the
CD= FX/ 0.5ρ V∞2 A (5)
And fluid velocity (air-speed) could be estimated by:
V  2 g (  w /  a )h

1-3-2 Deviation analysis for measurements

From equation (6):
V= constant x H
ln V= ln constant + ln H1/2 (7)
By differentiating the equation logarithmically
dV/V = 0.5 x dH/H
Where dH represents the absolute error ratio in total pressure head that could be estimated:
dH = ( H  H m ) 2  (H ) 2
Where H represents the total head.
Deviation analysis for drag force measurements could be estimated from:
dFX/ FX =  (d A /  A ) 2  (d B /  B ) 2 (8)
Deviation analysis for drag coefficient could be estimated from:
dCD/CD =  (dFX / FX ) 2  (2dV / V ) 2 (9)

IV. Results and discussion

Figure(4) shows the results of the wind tunnel calibration . Good stability in velocity distribution
within the working section, was obtained.
Experiments were run at an air speed from 21.17 m/s to 33.00 m/s (i.e., Reynolds number from 3.67
105 to 5.72 105), results for drag coefficient were obtained in the range of 1.10 to 0.53 as shown in figure (5). It
was noted that the value of CD decreased from 1.10 at 21.17 m/s to 0.53 at 33.00 m/s (i.e., decrease of drag
coefficient by about 50% within the range of an air speed of 12 m/s).
Figure (6) shows that dV/V ratio varies from ± 3.57% to ± 1.47 % (i.e., decreases by 59%), while
dFX/FX varies from ± 3.66 % to ± 1.42 % (i.e., decreases by 61 %), and dCD/CD ratio varies from ± 8.02 % to ±
3.26 % (i.e., decreases by 59 %), at the working range of an air speed.
For the undertaken model, the separation tends to occur when air flows from a low pressure to a high
one, which is known as an adverse pressure gradient. Conversely, a flow from a high pressure to a low one, is
known as a favorable pressure gradient, which is not only inhibits the separation but also slows down the rate of
boundary layer growth and delays the transition. A flow separation is particularly and likely to occur when the
air tries to go around a very sharp bend, Figure (7&8).
Figure (9) shows the flow visualization around TOYOTA model with re-circulating bubble or spiral
vortices at the rear. Figure (10) shows the scheme for the trailing vortices at the rear part of the vehicle.

V. Conclusion
The re-circulating bubble or spiral vortices determine the drag and stability. From the flow
visualization that consolidated with the strain gauge method results, it can be seen that as the size of vortices are
small, the drag coefficients are low.

FX: Total drag force (N).
FY: Lift force (N).
MA: moment at A (N.m).
MB: moment at B (N.m).
DOI: 10.9790/1684-130403141145 142 | Page
Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model (Using Strain Gauge Method)

MO: Pitching moment (N.m).

εA: Strain at strain gauge A (µ strain).
εB: Strain at strain gauge B (µ strain).
E: Young modulus of elasticity (N/m2).
(XC,YC):Centroid co-ordinates of the sting.
Iz: Second moment of area (m4).
σA: Stress at A (N/m2).
σB: Stress at B (N/m2).
b: Width of beam (m).
h: Thickness of beam (m).
ρa: Air density (kg/m3).
ρw: Water density (kg/m3).
V∞: Undisturbed air flow (m/s).
g: Gravitational acceleration (m/s2).
Δh: Head difference (m H2O).
CD: Drag coefficient.
A: The model frontal area (m2).
La: The distance of strain gauge A from the reference point (O).
Lb: The distance of strain gauge B from the reference point (O).
Subscript (O): Reference point (model fixing position on the sting at the back of the model).

[1]. Itsuhei Kohri, Teppei Yamanashi & Takayoshi Nasu, "Study on the transient behavior of the vortex structure behind Ahmed
body",SAE 2014.
[2]. Muzafferuddin Mahmood,"flow visualization in Wind Tunnels", 2011.
[3]. M.J.Iremonger,"Basic Stress Analysis", 1984.
[4]. DeltaΔLab, “ Soufflerie Subsonique a aspiration EA600”, France 2014.
[5]. Tokyo Sokki Kenkyujo Co. “TML Strain Gauge Test Data”, Japan,2015.
[6]. DeltaΔLab, “ Pont D’Extensometrie EI 616”, France 2014.
[7]. Simone Sebben, Tim walker & Christoffer, "Fundamentals basic principles in road vehicle Aerodynamics and design", April 2014.

Figure (1): (a) The vertical position of the sting (schematically)

(b) The bending moment diagram for the sting

Figure (2): Experimental procedure for TOYOTA model

DOI: 10.9790/1684-130403141145 143 | Page
Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model (Using Strain Gauge Method)

Figure (3): The second moment of area for the sting

Figure (4): Velocity distribution within the test section.

From calibration of the wind tunnel

Figure (5): Drag coefficient versus air speed for TOYOTA model

Figure (6): Variation of errors deviation with an air-speed for TOYOTA mode
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Determination of drag coefficient for TOYOTA car model (Using Strain Gauge Method)

Figure (7): Flow visualization around TOYOTA model

Figure (8): Attached flow at the right and left sides for TOYOTA model

Figure (9): Re-circulating bubble or spiral vortices at the rear part of TOYOTA model

Figure (10): Scheme for the trailing vortices at the rear part of the vehicle [7]

DOI: 10.9790/1684-130403141145 145 | Page

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