Tharpanam - Tilodakam - Swarna Prashan

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p / Tharpanam/ Tilodakam – Swarna Prashana

Discovery the spiritual science behind the new moon day and
our ancestors.

Tharpanam means “That o ering which satis es”. But what we mean by the
word Tharpanam is the o ering of water mixed with black Sesame seeds to
the manes-(dead ancestors). Though we have several ancestors, this
o ering is addressed to three generations of father, grandfather and great
grandfather along with their wives (Sapatnikaan if the wife is dead). Only
those whose father is dead are eligible to do Tharpanam.

Amavasya is the name of new moon night in ancient Indian way of life
((during and after the vedic times). It is the rst night of the rst quarter of
the lunar month. Since the moon is invisible on the day, Amavasya is also
referred as no moon night. Amavasi holds great importance in Bharatha
Boomi till date. Many Indians choose this day to make o ering (tharpanam)
to the dead ancestors especially the Thrimathastha.
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All the manes are supposed by our ancient Indians to live in the Pithru loka
for some time and either be reborn as any being or go to lokas like deva loka,
Vaikunta or even attain salvation. The pithru loka is populated by three
group of pithru devas viz, Vasu(father), Rudra(Grandfather) and
Adhithya(Great Grand Father)

“VasurudraAadithya swaroopanam asmath Pitru Pitamaha

Prappitamaha aavahayami”.

These devas receive our oblations and make it reach to our manes wherever
they are and in whichever form they are. The pithru loka is supposed to be on
the unseen side of the moon. This portion gets exposed to sun on the new
moon days. It is according to our concept lunch time for the people
populating the pithru loka. These pithrus, since they have left the world are
solely dependent on only their progeny to feed them. This feeding is done
through Tharpanam. It is believed that if Tharpanam is not performed then
the Pithru devas will curse us so that we may not have male descendants to
o er tharpanam to us.

The regular tharpanam which is supposed to be done on all amavasyas. Four

Month beginnings mesha, karkataka, thula, and makara and also during
eclipses. Our books have asked us to perform tharpanam on 96 days in a year
but this is not being done nowadays.

Mahalaya Amavasya is the highly auspicious time for performing Pithru Puja
to pacify the departed souls of the anscestors. The period starting from the
Pirathamai Thithi (Tamil) or Pratipad Thithi (Hindi) (that is) the day next to
Full Moon day (Pournami) in the tamil month of Purattasi (Sept 15th – Oct
15th) and ending on the Amavasya Thithi (New Moon day) is the most
auspicious time for performing this Pithru Puja.It is good if the Pithru Puja is
done on daily basis (15 days). For Pitru 365 days is equal to 1 day, As per the
our ancient Indian calender (Panchagam) we have 1 amavasya and 1
Pournami so for 1 year we have 12 Amavasya. This 12 Amavasya is equal to 12
hrs of the day for our Pitru. Hence when the monthly Tharpanam is given to
the Pitru it is done with Darbe, Black Sesame Offline
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and for the yearly we o er the prathyabdhika shraadha which is with black
Sesame seeds and rice(Pinda Tarpanam)

Why Black Seasme Seeds?

The Seasme seeds are considered to be sacred and it satis es the hunger and
the thirst of your ancestors. When the seasme seeds are o ered to the dead
ancestors along with the water, it slowly reduces the binding relationship
between the dead ancestors and their erstwhile members of the family.
When the bond between the dead ancestors and their family members are
broken, then the departed soul would be ready to make another journey for a
re-birth in another family. Thus the Seasme seeds acts as a catalyst to break
the bond between the living family members and the dead ancestors.

Things that needs to be followed while doing Pithru Tharpanam:

1. Never do this Pithru Tharpanam without taking head bath and your body
& mind should be clean and calm
2. Must do this Pithru Tharpanam on empty stomach (no co ee/water too)
3. Never eat Non Vegetarian foods on the day that you do this ritual
4. It is highly sinful to o er Non Vegetarian foods/alochol to the departed
5. It is highly damaging to mix seasme seeds with any non vegetarian foods
6. Should not take bath (for the whole day) after completing Pithru
Tharpanam or Pujas
7. It is always good to o er foods to those who are in really need of it
8. Never do Pithru Tharpanam on your Jenma Nakshatras
9. It is good to visit temples after completing the Pithru Tharpanam.

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Ranjani / June 4, 2016 / Ancient Wisdom / Moon

2 thoughts on “Tharpanam/ Tilodakam”

June 4, 2016 at 4:05 PM

A very informative article for the ever-questioning generation…great e ort

by Ranjani..

Ranjani Govindaraj
June 9, 2016 at 11:43 PM

Thankyou Priya! All credits to my parents and in laws who follow this and
always made me understand the importance of such things.

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