Continuous Beam Analysis: A Beginner's Guide To Structural Mechanics/Analysis
Continuous Beam Analysis: A Beginner's Guide To Structural Mechanics/Analysis
Continuous Beam Analysis: A Beginner's Guide To Structural Mechanics/Analysis
Section CB.4.1
Elastic Analysis
Influential Superpostion
Last Revised: 08/01/2008
The method presented here was developed by the author to facilitate some
Diagrams research that required the development of many moment envelopes. It is also
with End useful for axial force, shear and deflection envelopes as well.
Moment info
As with other methods, the structural geometry is defined and the possible
locations and nature (i.e. point, uniform, linearly varying, etc.) of the live loads
Plastic Analysis is determined. For the method of influential superposition, unit loads of the
same nature as the real live loads are applied individually to the structure and
Envelopes the effects on the structure are determined. To find the actual load effect the
load effect due to the unit load can then be multiplied magnitude of the actual
Influential load.
The Basic Premise
Example As a simple example of the basic idea, consider the cantilever beam shown in
Problems Figure CB.4.1.1. The beam is subjected to a uniform load, w, and a point load
P. We show these at load cases 1 and 2, respectively.
Problems Figure CB.4.1.1
Demonstration Problem
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If we call the distribute load LC1 and the point load LC2 we can find the values
of shear and moment at point A if each of the loads is a unit load. Set the
beam length, L to 10 ft. The resulting values are:
Now that we have done the structural analysis for the two load cases, we don't
need to do any more structural analysis. To find the total shear at A, we need
only take the shears that resulted from the unit loads and multiply by the actual
Let's say that the real beam has a distributed load that consists of 1.25 k/ft of
Dead Load and 1.5 kips of Live Load and point load at B that consists of 5 kips
dead load and 7 kips snow load. 2/9
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VA = 39.5 k
If we find that we have another load combination that has the same load cases
but different magnitudes, we are spared the trouble of doing another analysis.
Eliminating the need to perform more than a minimum number of analyses is
where this method finds its advantage. We simply multiply the unit load effects
by the new magnitudes to get the results.
The basic equation for finding a particular load effect at a particular location on
the structure becomes
(Equation CB.4.1.1)
While the above example is very simplistic (and not of any real value to the
simple problem given), the method becomes quite valuable when the analysis is
more complex. This happens when a structure is statically indeterminate and
envelopes need to be developed.
Developing Envelopes
Since load effect envelopes are built off the fixed load only case, this case is
computed first.
(Equation CB.4.1.2)
Uj,DL is the load effect at point j due to dead load (or other fixed load)
Pi,DL is the dead load component of load case i
n is the number of load cases (i.e. number of analyzes)
Uj,i is the load effect at point j due to a unit load used for load case i
As an envelope shows only the upper and lower bound of the load effect, this
particular method is very useful since only the live load terms with either 3/9
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To find the upper bound of the load effect envelope, simply add only those load
effects that have positive
(Equation CB.4.1.3)
Similarly, to find the lower bound of the load effect envelope, simply add only
those effects that have negative
(Equation CB.4.1.4)
Figure CB.4.1.2
Example Geometry
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A uniformly distributed dead load of 4 kN/m will be used for all spans. Uniformly
live loads of 6 kN/m, 8 kN/m, and 7 kN/m will be used for spans 1, 2, and 3
respectively. 4/9
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Figure CB.4.1.3 shows some the load cases (two cases are missing from the
set) that might be considered in a typical analysis of the given structure. The
result is that a minimum of six live load analyzes must be done and their results
superimposed on the dead load case so as to determine the load effects at each
point of interest. For this example the load effect, U, to be considered is
bending moment, M.
Figure CB.4.1.3
Typical Load Cases
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Figure CB.4.1.4 shows the load cases used by the method of influential
superposition. With this method, three analyzes are run. The load cases are
numbered by span. For example, LC1 is the case with the unit load only on span
1. Note that the unit load is unitless.
Figure CB.4.1.4
Basic Load Cases
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The bending moment results of the three influential superposition analyzes are
given in Table CB.4.1.1 and illustrated in Figure CB.4.1.5. These results can be
obtained by any means of classical or numerical analysis. Since the unit load
has no units, the results are in units of m2.
Table CB.4.1.1
Moments Resulting From Unit Loads
Figure CB.4.1.5
Moment Diagrams from Unit Load Cases
Click on image to get larger view
Three combinations are now required. The first is the combination for the dead
load case and the other two are the lower and upper bounds of dead plus live
load. For illustration, we will look at moment at point 6 (i.e. i=6). The same
can be done at all other points.
This equation includes the moment contribution of loads on all of the spans,
regardless of sign. All span effects are included since dead load is always
everywhere present at the same time and all spans contribute to the moment at
point 6. M6,DL is the moment at point 6 when the dead load is applied to all
The lower and upper bounds, Mlower,i and Mupper,i, are determined from
equations CB.4.1.3 and CB.4.1.4.
Note how the live load magnitudes are applied. To get the moment at point i
due to load case LCj, multiply the moment at point i due to the unit load in LCj
by the actual load applied at the same location as the unit load used in LCj. In
the above sample, a unit load on span 1 (LC1) causes a moment of -4.41 m2 at
point 6. To get the moment due an applied load of 6 kN/m on span 1, multiply
the moment from the unit load (-4.41 m2) by the applied load magnitude.
Similarly to get the moment contribution at point 6 due to an applied load of 8 7/9
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kN/m on span 2, multiply the moment resulting from the unit load (-1.02 m2) by
the actual load applied to the span (8 kN/m).
Examining the equation for computing the upper bound, note that the terms
associated with load on spans 1 and 2 are zero. This results from the maximum
statement in equation CB.4.1.2. The moment at point 6 due to the load on
spans 1 and 2 are negative and, as such, do not contribute to the upper bound
moment. Similarly for the lower bound calculation, the term associated with
load on span 3 is taken as zero since the resulting moment for the associated
load case is positive and does not contribute to the lower bound. The end effect
is that only spans 1 and 2 are loaded with live load for the lower bound and
only span 3 is loaded with live load for the upper bound. These load
arrangements are two of the load arrangements predicted by drawing the
influence line for moment at point 6, however the explicit step of determining
the arrangements via influence line determination is not necessary since the
method picks up on which load cases are applicable.
Similar calculations are made for the other points of interest. The results are
tabulated in Table CB.4.1.2 and illustrated in Figure CB.4.1.6. Slight differences
between that results in the sample calculation and Table 2 result from round off
error. Careful observation of Figure CB.4.1.6 and the data in Tables CB.4.1.1
and CB.4.1.2 reveal that the upper and lower envelope values come from
different live load arrangements. Other methods would require the analysis of
all the different load arrangements to get the same results.
Table CB.4.1.2
Moment Envelope Values
Figure CB.4.1.6
Resulting Moment Envelope
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The same approach used here for moment envelope determination could also
be used to determine shear or deflection envelopes for the same structural
system. The method can also be used with arrangements of point loads and
moments as well as distributed loads on more complex structures. It can be
used whenever superposition is applicable.
The method has the added advantage of reducing the potential for inadvertent
neglect of all applicable live load arrangements. 9/9