Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
Bitcoin Unlimited: Articles of Federation
of Federation
Bitcoin is at a crossroads that will determine whether it
becomes a worldwide public good, embodying a trustless ledger
and currency for all people, companies, and financial
institutions worldwide.
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accepted behavior should be to recuse oneself from such a
position of influence. Instead these developers insist on a
poorly defined consensus for determining the development of a
MIT licensed code base which they did not initially create. This
tactic has had the opposite effect of recusal, giving themselves
veto power over any changes. This has stalled improvements on
the block size issue in the Bitcoin Core variant.
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expressing their acceptance of valid blocks by working
on extending them and rejecting invalid blocks by
refusing to work on them. Any needed rules and
incentives can be enforced with this consensus
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Transactions that have only been confirmed once are less
secure compared to transactions that have been confirmed
twice and so forth along the continuum. Since 0-confirmation
transactions are practically useful for people, we encourage
innovations that enhance their security without undermining
other key properties of the Bitcoin network.
Article 2: Confederation
I. All Bitcoin Unlimited (henceforth BU) activities shall be
recorded and be publicly accessible.
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designated by the secretary), and schedule/initiate voting
(within the limits specified in these articles).
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sign all formal communications with the corresponding
private key.
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their vote. All votes are publicly recorded. V. Additional
BUIP requirements on patches.
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most votes. Largest number of votes wins. Note that for
expediency purposes, the Secretary may choose to
collapse the voting operation into a single phase (where
voters make multiple choices in a manner similar to the
BUIP/counter-BUIP system) if the number of candidates
is small enough to reasonably do so.
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Article 3: Operations and Resources
This article provides guidelines for operations assuming that
Bitcoin Unlimited becomes a non-profit corporation. Yet it also
provides instructions for operations before that event occurs.
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V. Public Forum infrastructure shall be controlled by the
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follows the same voting methodology as any other
(detailed in 2.IV).
I. Operation
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decided by BUIP. This should build a strong base of hash
power for the pool. Donations can be made for the specific
purpose of supporting the Pool, as opposed to donations to
the general Bitcoin Unlimited fund, and will be managed in
a 2 of 3 (President, Secretary, Pool Operator) multi-sig
account separate from Bitcoin Unlimited general purpose
V. 51% Risk
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