Taxing Cryptocurrency: A Review and A Call For Consensus: Commentary & Analysis
Taxing Cryptocurrency: A Review and A Call For Consensus: Commentary & Analysis
Taxing Cryptocurrency: A Review and A Call For Consensus: Commentary & Analysis
Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
tax notes international®
by Anshu Khanna
This article begins with a discussion of
Anshu Khanna is a
partner with Nangia cryptocurrency basics and considers what
Andersen LLP in San constitutes key taxable events in the
Francisco. cryptocurrency context. It then looks at the OECD
report and examines the existing tax laws and
In this article, the
related rules in a few sample jurisdictions. With
author examines a
recent OECD report on this background, it offers thoughts on the way
the taxation of forward.
provides a broad look I. Basics of Cryptocurrency
at how different Cryptocurrency is digital or virtual money
jurisdictions are that uses encryption techniques to generate units
addressing the issue, of currency and verify the transfer of funds,
and calls for a
independently of a central bank. The
coordinated global approach.
cryptocurrency network runs on blockchain
Copyright 2021 Nangia Andersen LLP. All technology. A fundamental part of the technology
rights reserved. is that there is no concept of a single server;
instead, the digital information is duplicated
Cryptocurrency has experienced record- thousands of times across a network of
breaking growth in recent years, leaving many computers. Another important aspect is the
investors and their tax advisers grappling with existence of public and private keys. The private
uncertainty. Cryptocurrency taxation remains a key is like a password that gives the owner access
contentious topic in several jurisdictions. There is to digital assets, such as bitcoins. If the private key
no global standard on several fundamental is lost, there is no chance of retrieving the digital
questions — such as whether cryptocurrency is assets. All the information or data stored using
considered currency or property and what blockchain technology is encrypted into a random
constitutes a taxable event. Large economies,
string of numbers and can only be converted into
including the United States and Japan, have
a readable format using the private key owned by
already started applying existing tax laws to the
the user. Therefore, any information or data stored
nascent technology. Regulators across the world
on the blockchain can only be viewed by the
are struggling to develop an effective tax policy
for virtual currency transactions. Amid this
Cryptocurrencies are emerging as hotbeds of
uncertainty, the OECD recently issued a report
financial speculation. A classic example is the
encouraging regulators to enact uniform and
bubble that has been emerging with Bitcoin: In
effective cryptocurrency tax regulations and
1 January the cryptocurrency reached a sky-high
offering guidance.
price of $32,000 after starting at just $1 in May
2011. Goldman Sachs believes that blockchain
technology holds great potential, especially to
optimize clearing and settlements, and could
OECD, “Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments
represent global savings of up to $12 billion per
and Emerging Tax Policy Issues” (Oct. 12, 2020). year. Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency, but there
© 2021 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
would give rise to a long- or short-term
capital gain depending on how long the
bitcoins are held.
• Cryptocurrency held as stock-in-trade is
transferred in exchange for fiat currency.
Income arising out of bitcoin trading activity
should be taxed as income from business
• Cryptocurrency is received as consideration
in return for goods or services. This is
treated on par with receipt of money for the
same goods or services; hence, it is
considered income.
Figure 1 is a simple illustration of possible
taxable events.
No taxable event occurs as a result of simply
buying and holding cryptocurrency or
transferring cryptocurrency from one digital
wallet to another owned by the same person.
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A. Character and Legality or wages typically qualifies as a taxable event.
There can be differences in the tax treatment of
Broadly, cryptoassets can be classified into
transactions in virtual currencies depending on
three main categories based on their economic
the status of the parties involved. Some
jurisdictions, including Australia, Canada, the
• payment tokens (another name for virtual Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United
currencies) are assets that can be exchanged Kingdom, adopt different approaches for
for goods and services; businesses versus regular traders and individuals
• utility tokens are primarily used to access versus investors.
specific services or infrastructure systems in
which the tokens represent prepayments, 2. Property Tax
vouchers, or licenses to use specific rights; Virtual currencies are treated as property in
and most jurisdictions and are likely to be subject to
• security tokens are tradable assets that are any gift, inheritance, or wealth taxes imposed in
often held for investment purposes. those jurisdictions. There can be different
property taxation rules for resident and
There are varieties within these three nonresident companies, which may affect the tax
categories, and some tokens may have hybrid rate or method of calculation. In some countries,
features that encompass more than one category. virtual currencies must be converted to fiat
Also, the categorization of particular tokens may currency for tax assessments; for example,
change over time because of their multilayered Switzerland’s federal tax administration requires
nature, like multilayered derivative contracts. that cryptocurrencies be converted to Swiss francs
The OECD’s report focuses on virtual for tax assessments and provides conversion rates
currencies, or payment tokens. Less guidance is for some virtual currencies. However, transfer
provided regarding utility and security tokens, taxes typically do not apply to virtual currencies
although they may follow the same treatment as because they do not fall within the scope of those
payment tokens. taxes, which often apply only to specific assets,
such as real estate or securities.
B. Tax Treatment of Virtual Currencies
3. VAT
This subsection presents key takeaways from
VAT treatment of virtual currencies is more
the report about the domestic tax treatment of
uniform than the income tax treatment. The main
virtual currencies in terms of income tax, property
reason for this seems to be the 2015 Hedqvist2
tax, and VAT.
ruling from the Court of Justice of the European
1. Income Tax Union, which held that virtual currency
The report describes several approaches that transactions (specifically, bitcoin transactions) —
have been taken to determine when the first including the exchange of virtual currencies for
taxable event for mined cryptocurrencies occurs fiat currencies and vice versa — are exempt from
for income tax purposes and which types of VAT. Hence, most EU countries agree that the
virtual exchanges of virtual currencies — for transfer of virtual currencies to or from fiat
example, crypto-to-fiat, crypto-to-crypto, or currencies is not subject to VAT. The same applies
crypto-to-goods-or-services exchanges — to the use of virtual currencies to buy goods or
generate a taxable event. services. Thus, no VAT should be charged to the
In most countries, virtual currencies are user for the use of virtual currencies. However,
considered a form of property, typically the supply of taxable goods and services paid for
subclassified as intangible assets other than with virtual currencies is subject to VAT. Many
goodwill. Income tax is commonly imposed upon other jurisdictions have adopted the EU
disposal or exchange, although some jurisdictions approach, although the report identifies New
allow individuals to exchange virtual currencies Zealand as a notable outlier.
for fiat currency without the transaction
representing a taxable event. Further, the 2
exchange of virtual currencies for services, goods, Skatteverket (Sweden) v. David Hedqvist, C-264/14 (CJEU 2015).
© 2021 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
Further, not all types of virtual currency • The report recommends that regulators
services are treated consistently across EU adopt a proper tax policy for taxing hard
member states or other countries. For example, forks. A hard fork occurs when there is a
some differences remain in the treatment of split in a cryptocurrency’s blockchain, and
mining income and related services as well as the the taxpayer receives a new coin (for
treatment of other cryptoassets. Thus, depending example, bitcoin cash) in addition to the
on the location and details, the trading and original coin (for example, the original
handling of virtual currencies, including mining, bitcoin). A handful of countries have issued
may still have VAT consequences. limited guidance on these events. Guidance
on this subject should clearly mention why
C. Considerations for Policymakers and when hard fork income should be taxed
Policymakers should ensure that they offer — such as when the taxpayer gains
specific and clear guidance covering all life-cycle dominion or control versus upon sale.
events of a cryptocurrency — events that include • Stablecoins and central bank digital
creation, exchange, storage, disposal, loss or theft, currencies are new forms of virtual
and related services (for example, exchange currencies that are often backed by other
services and wallets). They should also consider assets or fiat currencies. Their unique
characteristics can be key for tax purposes,
emerging issues, such as hard forks, stablecoins,
and policymakers need to consider whether
central bank digital currencies, and interest-
existing rules are appropriate for these
bearing tokens. This guidance should indicate
how other forms of cryptoassets (including
• The report suggests regulators develop
security and utility tokens) are to be treated for tax
specific tax guidance for proof-of-stake
purposes. The OECD also supports introducing a
consensus mechanisms, which have begun
de minimis rule to keep small crypto-transactions
to overtake proof-of-work mechanisms.
immune from taxation.
Both are consensus mechanisms used to
To improve transparency, the OECD report
validate transactions. Proof-of-work
encourages policymakers to state the rationale
rewards the miner for solving complex
behind their decisions to adopt particular tax
equations; in proof-of-stake, which
rules and how they fit cryptocurrencies into the
individual creates the next block is based on
existing framework. Further, regulators should
how much they have “staked.” With
provide more frequent guidance to keep up to
Ethereum moving from the proof-of-work
date with this fast-moving space.
to the proof-of-stake mechanism in the
D. Common Challenges and Emerging Issues coming months, this is an important area
that regulators need to address in official
Valuation is an important issue in the taxation guidance.
of virtual currencies. The report identifies the
practical challenges of determining the value and IV. Cryptocurrencies Around the World
cost basis of virtual currencies. Guidance on
valuation is limited. Jurisdictions have taken A. Similarities and Differences
different approaches to determining basis, There are both similarities and differences in
including the identification of specific units (used terms of how jurisdictions around the world treat
in, for example, the United States), deemed cryptocurrencies. A few examples:
chronological order (the first-in, first-out • Terminology: While cryptocurrencies are
approach used in, for example, Finland), or basis typically based on the same type of
pooling (used in, for example, the United decentralized technology — usually,
Kingdom). blockchain — with the same inherent
The report considers, and offers encryption, the terminology used to
recommendations regarding, several emerging describe them varies from one jurisdiction to
issues in the virtual currency area. For example: another. Terms used to refer to
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cryptocurrency (and examples of the • Initial coin offerings (ICOs): While China,
jurisdictions that use the terms) include Macau, and Pakistan ban ICOs altogether,
digital currency (Argentina, Australia, and other jurisdictions regulate them depending
Thailand), virtual commodity (Canada, on how they are categorized. For example,
China, and Taiwan), crypto-token in New Zealand, particular obligations may
(Germany), payment token (Switzerland), apply depending on whether the token
cyber currency (Italy and Lebanon), offered is categorized as a debt security,
electronic currency (Colombia and equity security, managed investment
Lebanon), and virtual asset (Honduras and product, or derivative. Similarly, in the
Mexico). Netherlands, the rules applicable to an ICO
• Warnings: One of the most common actions depend on whether the token offered is
that governments have taken in response to considered a security or a unit in a collective
the growth in cryptocurrency is to issue investment, an assessment that is made case
notices, typically through central banks, by case.
educating citizens about the added risk • Threat vs. potential: Not all jurisdictions view
resulting from the high volatility associated the advent of blockchain technology and
with cryptocurrencies and the fact that cryptocurrencies as a threat. Belarus, the
many of the organizations that facilitate Cayman Islands, Luxembourg, and Spain
related transactions are unregulated. Most are among the jurisdictions that see
of those notices warn people that they use potential in the technology and are
virtual currency at their own personal risk developing cryptocurrency-friendly
and that there is no legal recourse if they regulatory regimes to attract investment in
suffer a loss. A few examples of jurisdictions technology companies that excel in this
that have issued those notices are Belgium, sector. A few jurisdictions (including
India, South Africa, and the United Lithuania, the Marshall Islands, and
Kingdom. In the United States, the IRS has Venezuela, as well as the Eastern Caribbean
started a different kind of warning-letter Central Bank member states) are developing
initiative, which provides cryptocurrency their own systems of cryptocurrencies.
investors with guidance about compliance • Means of payment: In a few jurisdictions, like
with the Internal Revenue Code. These the Swiss canton of Zug and a municipality
warning letters, also called education letters, within the canton of Ticino,
aim to help taxpayers understand and meet cryptocurrencies are accepted as a means of
their obligations. payment, even by government agencies. The
• Restrictions: Australia, Canada, and the Isle Isle of Man and Mexico also permit the use
of Man recently enacted laws to bring of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment
cryptocurrency transactions and institutions in addition to their national currencies.
that facilitate them under the ambit of anti- Much like governments around the world
money-laundering and counterterrorist that fund various projects by selling
financing laws. Algeria, Bolivia, Morocco, government bonds, the government of
Nepal, Pakistan, and Vietnam ban all Antigua and Barbuda allows the funding of
activities involving cryptocurrencies. projects and charities using government-
Bahrain and Qatar bar their citizens from supported ICOs.
engaging in any kind of activities involving
cryptocurrencies domestically but allow B. An Overview of Cryptocurrency Taxation
citizens to do so outside their borders. Several important conclusions can be gleaned
Bangladesh, China, Colombia, Iran, from the comparative tables and figure below:
Lesotho, Lithuania, and Thailand bar • Most of the jurisdictions studied consider
financial institutions within their borders virtual currencies to be a form of property.
from facilitating transactions involving Most classify them as intangible assets other
cryptocurrencies. than goodwill, financial assets, or
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Table 1. Examples of Definitions of Virtual Currencies for Tax Purposes
Intangible Assets Financial Commodity or
Other Than Good Instrument or Virtual Legal Payment
Will Asset Commodity Currency Method Not Specified
Australia, France, Argentina, Austria, Canada, Belgium, Cote Japan United States
Chile, Czech Brazil, Croatia, China, and d’Ivoire, Italy,
Republic, Denmark, Israel, Indonesia and Poland
Luxembourg, Japan, Slovak
Nigeria, Spain, Republic, and
Sweden, South Africa
Switzerland, and
the United
Source: OECD, “Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments and Emerging Tax Policy Issues,” Table 2.1 (2020).
Data taken from questionnaire responses and country guidance documents.
Note from Argentina: There is no clear definition. However, for income tax purposes, virtual currencies are mentioned along
with some financial instruments or assets.
Note from Switzerland: With the exception of companies that trade in virtual currencies. Those companies account for virtual
currencies under inventories.
commodities. Therefore, most jurisdictions barter event but as a taxable sale. The report
treat cryptocurrencies as assets generating also notes that while EU member states
capital gain or, in rare cases, generating largely apply the same VAT rules, policies
business or miscellaneous income. regarding the application of VAT to newly
• Only a few of the respondent countries mined virtual currencies may differ.
consider virtual currencies to be similar to
traditional currency for tax purposes: V. Sampling of Cryptocurrency Tax Laws
Belgium, Italy, the Ivory Coast, and Poland.
Just a handful of jurisdictions subject A. United States
cryptoasset holdings to property taxes, The IRS addressed the taxation of
transfer taxes, wealth taxes, or estate taxes. cryptocurrency transactions in Notice 2014-21,
• Most countries consider exchanges between 2014-16 IRB 938, which states that taxpayers must
virtual and fiat currencies to be taxable recognize gain or loss on the exchange of
events. Exchanges of virtual currency as cryptocurrency for cash or for other property.
payment for goods, services, or wages are Gain or loss is recognized every time
also treated as taxable events in almost all cryptocurrency is sold or used to purchase goods
countries, and the tax treatment of the or services. The amount of gain or loss depends on
underlying transaction remains unchanged. the type of transaction conducted and the length
• VAT treatment of virtual currencies is more of time the position was held.
consistent across countries than income Key elements of the guidance include:
taxes. Most countries mirror the approach • Cryptocurrency is treated as property for
adopted in the EU in which exchanges of federal tax purposes — that is, it is treated
virtual currencies for fiat currencies or other much like stocks, bonds, or real estate.
virtual currencies are not treated as VAT General tax principles that apply to
events. When a consumer pays for goods property transactions also apply to
and services with virtual currencies, the exchanges of cryptocurrencies. Investment
underlying supply of goods or services is transactions (purchases and sales) involving
subject to the normal VAT rules — that is, bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies are
EU states do not treat the purchase of goods taxable events, and cryptocurrency
and services with virtual currencies as a investors must pay ordinary income or
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Table 2. First Taxable Event for Mined Virtual Currencies Under Income Taxes
Different Approaches for Businesses/
First Event on Receipt of New Tokens Regular Traders and Individuals/
From Mining First Event on Disposal Occasional Traders
New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States
Source: OECD, “Taxing Virtual Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments and Emerging Tax Policy Issues,” Table 2.2 (2020).
Data taken from delegates’ responses to questionnaire; OECD research.
Note from Argentina: Tax treatment will depend on a case-to-case analysis.
Mining is considered to be a commercial activity and therefore taxed on an ongoing basis.
capital gains tax as required by the IRC. The IRS’s guidance in Notice 2014-21 clarifies
Investors who fail to report their holdings some aspects of the tax treatment of
and transactions may face interest, financial cryptocurrency transactions, but there are several
penalties, and other consequences. open issues — most of which are addressed in the
• If a taxpayer mines a cryptocurrency, the fair OECD report — including:
market value of the coins on the day they are • International tax reporting: It is unclear
awarded to the taxpayer on the blockchain is whether owners of virtual currencies must
includable in gross income. This amount fulfill international reporting requirements,
also becomes the miner’s basis in the coins such as filing Financial Crimes Enforcement
and will be used to calculate future gains Network Form 114, “Report of Foreign Bank
and losses. Also, an individual whose and Financial Accounts,” and satisfying the
mining operations constitute a trade or reporting obligations of the Foreign
business is subject to self-employment tax Account Tax Compliance Act.
on the income derived from those activities. • FMV: More guidance is required for
• Any taxpayer who receives cryptocurrency valuation issues, including how to ascertain
as payment for goods or services, whether the FMV at the time of transaction and how
as an employee or an independent to track it.
contractor, must include the FMV of the • Coin hard forks (chain splits): The IRS has not
addressed the tax treatment of a hard fork in
cryptocurrency in reported taxable income.
the cryptocurrency context — namely,
© 2021 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
whether it is treated as stock split or stock B. Japan
In Japan, cryptocurrency exchange businesses
• Theft and loss: The IRS has not provided
are regulated under the Payment Services Act.
guidance regarding whether taxpayers
One of the most important issues involving the
could deduct virtual currencies in cases of taxation of cryptocurrencies in Japan has been the
theft. As with the theft of other financial application of consumption tax. Previously, the
assets, if the virtual currency was acquired sale of cryptoassets was subject to consumption
in a transaction entered into for profit, then tax when the transferor’s office was in Japan.
a theft-related loss would be deductible if However, the relevant tax law was amended in
other requirements are met. There is a need 2017. Accordingly, if the cryptocurrency sold can
for clarity regarding whether a taxpayer be considered a cryptoasset — for example,
who misplaces a private key or loses a bitcoin — under the Payment Services Act, the
password can deduct the amount as a consumption tax will not be imposed. The
casualty loss. National Tax Agency of Japan also announced
• ICOs: Convertible virtual currency is treated that gains realized from the sale or use of
as property and not as currency for tax cryptoassets will be treated as miscellaneous
purposes. The IRS has not provided any income if the taxpayer cannot use losses
guidance regarding the tax treatment of a elsewhere to offset the gains. Also, inheritance tax
cryptocurrency issuer. will be imposed on the estate of a deceased person
for cryptoassets that the decedent held.
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In Japan, all cryptocurrency income — from Kingdom. As a result, U.K. resident
lending, mining, and trading — is categorized as individuals — whether or not they are U.K.
miscellaneous income for tax purposes and can be domiciled — will be subject to U.K. tax if
taxed up to 55 percent. Nonresidents pay a flat 20 they carry out a transaction with their
percent tax rate on income, which they need to tokens that is subject to U.K. tax.
pay upon leaving Japan. • If the buying, selling, or mining of exchange
Before July 1, 2017, sales of virtual currencies tokens amounts to a trade, then receipts and
were subject to Japanese VAT if the transferor was expenses from that trade will form part of
in Japan. Since July 1, 2017, Japanese VAT has not the business’s trading profit for corporation
been charged on exchanges provided that the tax purposes. VAT is payable as usual for
token used meets the definition of cryptoasset any qualifying goods or services sold for
under the relevant laws. In effect, Japan treats exchange tokens. The value of the supply of
virtual currencies and sovereign currencies the goods or services on which VAT is owed will
same in terms of VAT. be the pound sterling value of the exchange
tokens when the transaction occurs.
C. United Kingdom • Stamp duty and Stamp Duty Reserve Tax
Although there is no definitive policy for the will usually not apply to the transfer of
taxation of cryptoassets (including exchange tokens because they are unlikely
cryptocurrency) in the United Kingdom, HM to meet the required definition of stock,
Revenue & Customs published relevant policy marketable securities, or chargeable
papers in 2018 and 2019 — one relating to the securities.
taxation of cryptoassets for individuals and the
D. China
other relating to the taxation of cryptoassets for
businesses. Key elements of the guidance China does not recognize cryptocurrencies as
include: legal tender and has not passed any legislation
• Cryptocurrencies are not regarded as regulating cryptocurrencies. In recent years, the
currency. Buying and selling of government has taken a series of regulatory
cryptocurrencies by individuals and actions to crack down on activities involving
corporate entities will amount to investment cryptocurrencies, mainly because of concerns
activity, subject to capital gains on any gains regarding the financial risks associated with those
they realize upon disposal of the currencies.
cryptocurrencies. Not only does this include The practice of raising funds through ICOs is
selling the assets for fiat currency, but it also also banned in China. The ICO rules prohibit
includes using them to pay for goods and converting legal tender into cryptocurrencies,
services, giving them away to another purchasing or selling cryptocurrencies, setting
person, or exchanging them for another prices for cryptocurrencies, or providing other
kind of cryptoasset. related services. Despite cracking down on
• If a person is resident of, but not domiciled privately issued cryptocurrencies, China has
in, the United Kingdom and claims the announced plans to introduce a central bank
remittance basis of taxation, income that has digital currency that would be issued to
a source outside the United Kingdom is commercial banks and financial institutions.
usually taxed only if it is remitted to the China has not issued any tax regulations or
United Kingdom. HMRC has taken the view guidance related to cryptocurrencies. However,
that for a U.K. resident, any exchange tokens the State Taxation Administration4 has noted that
they hold as the beneficial owner are the income individuals earn by purchasing virtual
deemed to be located in the United currency and selling it to others at a markup is
3 4
HMRC, “Cryptoassets: Tax for Individuals,” Policy Paper (Dec. 20, State Taxation Administration, “Official Reply of the State
2019) (first published in 2018); and HMRC, “Cryptoassets: Tax for Administration of Taxation on Issues From Virtual Currency Trading
Businesses,” Policy Papers (Dec. 20, 2019). Over the Internet” (Sept. 28, 2008).
© 2021 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
subject to individual income tax, which will be has not yet addressed the taxability of bitcoins in
computed and paid according to the rules for the statute books, but the levy of tax on bitcoins
property transfer income. cannot be ruled out because Indian income tax
laws have always sought to tax all income
E. Hong Kong received regardless of the form in which it is
Hong Kong does not prohibit the possession received.
or trading virtual assets that are not securities or If bitcoins, which are capital assets, have been
futures, but it does supervise and regulate firms held as an investment and are transferred in
that invest and trade in such assets. Bitcoin and exchange for fiat currency, then any appreciation
similar currencies are considered virtual in value would give rise to a long-term or short-
commodities and not electronic money, provided term capital gain depending on the period of
the cryptocurrencies are possessed and traded in holding of the bitcoins. Active trading in bitcoins
good faith. There are other regulatory would be treated as a speculative business and
considerations depending on the use of attract normal tax rates. Bitcoins received as
cryptocurrencies, such as the running of ICO consideration for sale of goods or services are
campaigns or trading Bitcoin futures contracts. treated akin to the receipt of money. It would
In general, there is no capital gains tax payable constitute income in the hands of the recipient.
from the sale of financial instruments in Hong
Kong. That said, any Hong Kong-source income VI. The Way Forward
from frequent cryptocurrency trading in the Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. There is
ordinary course of business may be treated as clearly a need for effective and coordinated
income in case of individuals and profits in case of regulations at both the domestic and international
corporations, and it is subject to income tax or levels. Some jurisdictions treat cryptocurrencies
profits tax, respectively, regardless of whether the as property; others treat them as a separate,
trading is made in exclusive cryptocurrency or unique asset; and many jurisdictions have no tax
fiat-to-cryptocurrency exchanges. rules on them at all. There are numerous open tax
For income and profit tax purposes, the issues, even in jurisdictions that have issued
analysis focuses on broad guiding principles such relevant tax regulations. The result is a confusing
as nature of transaction and the use and character patchwork of rules and guidance. A clear
of cryptocurrencies. If cryptocurrency is held as a standard for cryptocurrency tax and reporting is
long-term investment, any gains on its disposal needed.
will not be subject to profits tax. In contrast, Hong The OECD report is a first step toward
Kong-source profits from cryptocurrency providing clarity and guidance, and it lays the
business activities are subject to profits tax. In groundwork for policy developments and greater
other words, if cryptocurrency is used for convergence at a regional or global level.
business transactions, they should be accrued Policymakers in several inclusive framework
based on the prevailing market value as of the member countries are expected to follow the
date of transaction. If cryptocurrency has been report’s suggestion and provide more guidance
received as employment income, the amount to be on these issues, which will benefit all stakeholders
reported should be the market value of the involved in virtual currencies.
cryptocurrency at the time of accrual. Internationally, additional guidance, rules,
and regulations are needed to address the rapidly
F. India changing world of virtual currencies, especially
India has instituted a blanket ban on because national central banks and the European
cryptocurrencies and criminalizes activities Central Bank are considering developing their
associated with cryptocurrencies in India. The use own virtual currencies. The OECD is expected to
of cryptocurrency as legal tender or currency is introduce a common reporting standard for
not permitted. The ban includes mining, buying, crypto assets in 2021.
holding, selling, dealing in, issuing, disposing of, Domestically, the report should serve as a
or using cryptocurrency. The Indian government wake-up call regarding the need to develop rules
© 2021 Tax Analysts. All rights reserved. Tax Analysts does not claim copyright in any public domain or third party content.
and systems for taxing cryptocurrencies. Given blockchain technology that underlies these new
the growth and breadth of virtual currencies, assets so that they can offer better advice to
governments also need to provide guidance, taxpayers regarding its taxation, compliance, and
including supplementary guidance to address reporting. It is clear cryptocurrency transactions
issues that may remain open even when initial will be subject to some forms of taxation in almost
guidance exists. Governments should also begin all countries irrespective of whether they release
to recognize the need for a coordinated, specific regulations. In this environment,
international approach to the taxation of cryptocurrency users should make every effort to
cryptocurrency and ICOs. remain in compliance and avoid trouble.
In the meantime, tax practitioners should
become well versed in cryptocurrencies and the