0418 900
0418 900
0418 900
REN/SMG-030418Q9 (xxx.PDF)
Digital cellular telecommunications system, Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM)
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GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 3 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Intellectual Property Rights............................................................................................................................13
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................14
1.1 Scope of the Technical Specification................................................................................................................14
1.2 Application to the interface structures...............................................................................................................14
1.3 Structure of layer 3 procedures..........................................................................................................................14
1.4 Test procedures..................................................................................................................................................14
1.5 Use of logical channels......................................................................................................................................15
1.6 Overview of control procedures........................................................................................................................15
1.6.1 List of procedures.........................................................................................................................................15
1.7 Applicability of implementations......................................................................................................................16
1.7.1 Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) and Voice Broadcast Service (VBS)...................................................16
1.7.2 General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)........................................................................................................17
2 Normative references............................................................................................................................17
2.1 Definitions and abbreviations............................................................................................................................21
2.1.1 Random values.............................................................................................................................................21
2.1.2 Vocabulary...................................................................................................................................................21
3 Radio Resource management procedures.............................................................................................23
3.1 Overview/General..............................................................................................................................................23
3.1.1 General.........................................................................................................................................................23
3.1.2 Services provided to upper layers................................................................................................................23 Idle mode................................................................................................................................................23 Dedicated mode......................................................................................................................................23 Group receive mode...............................................................................................................................24 Group transmit mode..............................................................................................................................24 Packet idle mode....................................................................................................................................24 Packet transfer mode..............................................................................................................................25 Dual transfer mode (DTM)....................................................................................................................25
3.1.3 Services required from data link and physical layers..................................................................................25
3.1.4 Change of dedicated channels......................................................................................................................25 Change of dedicated channels using SAPI = 0......................................................................................25 Change of dedicated channels using other SAPIs than 0.......................................................................26 Sequenced message transfer operation...................................................................................................26 Variables and sequence numbers......................................................................................................26 Procedures for the initiation, transfer execution and termination of the sequenced message
transfer operation..............................................................................................................................26
3.1.5 Procedure for Service Request and Contention Resolution.........................................................................27
3.1.6 Preemption...................................................................................................................................................28
3.2 Idle mode procedures and general procedures in packet idle and packet transfer modes.................................29
3.2.1 Mobile Station side......................................................................................................................................29
3.2.2 Network side................................................................................................................................................29 System information broadcasting...........................................................................................................29 Paging.....................................................................................................................................................30
3.3 RR connection establishment............................................................................................................................31
3.3.1 RR connection establishment initiated by the mobile station......................................................................31 Entering the dedicated mode : immediate assignment procedure..........................................................31 Permission to access the network.....................................................................................................31 Initiation of the immediate assignment procedure............................................................................31 Answer from the network.................................................................................................................32 Assignment completion....................................................................................................................34 Abnormal cases.................................................................................................................................35 Entering the group transmit mode: uplink access procedure.................................................................35 Mobile station side............................................................................................................................36 Network side.....................................................................................................................................36
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GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 5 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
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GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 13 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)
which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.
This document has been produced by ETSI Special Mobile Group (SMG).
This document specifies the procedures used at the radio interface (Reference Point Um, see GSM 04.02) for Radio
Resource (RR) management within the digital cellular telecommunications system.
The contents of this document are subject to continuing work within SMG and may change following formal SMG
approval. Should SMG modify the contents of this document then it will be re-issued with an identifying change of
release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version 9.x.y
x the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
y the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 14 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
1 Scope
This EN specifies the procedures used at the radio interface (Reference Point Um, see GSM 04.02) for Radio Resource
(RR) management.
Notation "Reserved section number" is used to indicate which sections of the specification were moved from this part of
the standard to the other part when this standard was split between RAN and CN parts.
When the notations for "further study" or "FS" or "FFS" are present in this specification they mean that the indicated
text is not a normative portion of this standard.
These procedures are defined in terms of messages exchanged over the control channels of the radio interface. The
control channels are described in GSM 04.03.
The structured functions and procedures of this protocol and the relationship with other layers and entities are described
in general terms in TS 24.007.
GSM 04.11 contains functional procedures for support of point-to-point short message services.
GSM 04.60 contains procedures for radio link control and medium access control (RLC/MAC) of packet data physical
TS 24.071 contains functional descriptions and procedures for support of location services.
NOTE: "layer 3" includes the functions and protocols described in this Technical Specification. The terms "data
link layer" and "layer 2" are used interchangeably to refer to the layer immediately below layer 3.
The basic building blocks are "elementary procedures" provided by the protocol control entities of the three sublayers,
i.e. radio resource management, mobility management and connection management sublayer.
Complete layer 3 transactions consist of specific sequences of elementary procedures. The term "structured procedure"
is used for these sequences.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 15 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
i) Broadcast Control CHannel (BCCH): downlink only, used to broadcast Cell specific information;
ii) Synchronization CHannel (SCH): downlink only, used to broadcast synchronization and BSS
identification information;
iii) Paging CHannel (PCH): downlink only, used to send page requests to Mobile Stations (MSs);
iv) Random Access CHannel (RACH): uplink only, used to request a Dedicated Control CHannel;
v) Access Grant CHannel (AGCH): downlink only, used to allocate a Dedicated Control CHannel;
vii) Fast Associated Control CHannel (FACCH): bi-directional, associated with a Traffic CHannel;
viii) Slow Associated Control CHannel (SACCH): bi-directional, associated with a SDCCH or a
Traffic CHannel;
ix) Cell Broadcast CHannel (CBCH): downlink only used for general (not point to point) short
message information;
x) Notification CHannel (NCH): downlink only, used to notify mobile stations of VBS (Voice
Broadcast Service) calls or VGCS (Voice Group Call Service) calls.
Two service access points are defined on signalling layer 2 which are discriminated by their Service Access Point
Identifiers (SAPI) (see GSM 04.06):
Layer 3 selects the service access point, the logical control channel and the mode of operation of layer 2
(acknowledged, unacknowledged or random access, see GSM 04.05 and GSM 04.06) as required for each individual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 16 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- specific RR procedures for voice broadcast channels and voice group call channels (subclause 3.4.15)
Clause 8 specifies actions to be taken on various error conditions and also provides rules to ensure compatibility with
future enhancements of the protocol.
1.7.1 Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) and Voice Broadcast Service (VBS)
For mobile stations supporting the Voice Group Call Service or the Voice Broadcast Service, it is explicitly mentioned
throughout this technical specification if a certain procedure is applicable only for such a service and, if necessary, how
mobile stations not supporting such a service shall behave.
For VGCS and VBS, the following possible mobile station implementations exist:
- support of talking in voice group calls (VGCS talking. This always includes the implementation for VGCS
- support of originating a voice group call (VGCS originating. This always includes the implementation for VGCS
Apart from the explicitly mentioned combinations, all possible combinations are optional and supported by this
technical specification.
The related terms are used in this technical specification, if information on these implementation options is required.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 17 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
A GPRS MS may operate in one of the following MS operation modes, see TS 23.060 [74]:
- MS operation mode A;
- MS operation mode B; or
- MS operation mode C.
The MS operation mode depends on the services that the MS is attached to, i.e., only GPRS or both GPRS and non-
GPRS services, and upon the MS's capabilities to operate GPRS and other GSM services simultaneously. Mobile
stations that are capable to operate GPRS services are referred to as GPRS MSs.
NOTE: Other GSM technical specifications may refer to the MS operation modes A, B, and C as GPRS class-A
MS, GPRS class-B MS, and GPRS class-C MS.
It should be noted that it is possible that for a GPRS MS, the GMM procedures currently described in the present
document do not support combinations of VGCS, VBS and GPRS. The possible interactions are not studied yet.
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
- References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
- A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the
same number.
- For this Release 2000 document, references to GSM documents are for Release 2000 versions (version 9.x.y).
[1] GSM 01.02: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General description of a
GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".
[3] TS 22.002: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Bearer Services (BS)
supported by a GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".
[5] GSM 02.09: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security aspects".
[6] TS 22.011: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Service accessibility".
[7] GSM 02.17: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Subscriber identity modules
Functional characteristics".
[8] GSM 02.40: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Procedures for call progress
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 18 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
[10] TS 23.003: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Numbering, addressing and
[11] GSM 03.13: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Discontinuous Reception
(DRX) in the GSM system".
[12] TS 23.014: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Support of Dual Tone Multi-
Frequency signalling (DTMF) via the GSM system".
[12a] TS 23.071: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Location Services; Functional
description – Stage 2".
[13] GSM 03.20: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security related network
[14] TS 23.022: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Functions related to Mobile
Station (MS) in idle mode".
[15] GSM 04.02: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); GSM Public Land Mobile
Network (PLMN) access reference configuration".
[16] GSM 04.03: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Station - Base
Station System (MS - BSS) interface Channel structures and access capabilities".
[17] GSM 04.04: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); layer 1 General
[18] GSM 04.05: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Data Link (DL) layer
General aspects".
[19] GSM 04.06: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Station - Base
Station System (MS - BSS) interface Data Link (DL) layer specification".
[20] TS 24.007: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface
signalling layer 3; General aspects".
[21] TS 24.010: "Digital cellular telecommunications system ; Mobile radio interface layer 3
Supplementary services specification; General aspects".
[22] GSM 04.11: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Point-to-Point (PP) Short
Message Service (SMS) support on mobile radio interface".
[23] GSM 04.12: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Short Message Service Cell
Broadcast (SMSCB) support on the mobile radio interface".
[23a] TS 24.071: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3
location services specification.
[23b] GSM 04.31 "Digital cellular telecommunication system (Phase 2+);Location Services;Mobile
Station (MS) – Serving Mobile Location Centre (SMLC); Radio Resource LCS Protocol (RRLP)".
[[24] TS 24.080: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer 3
supplementary services specification Formats and coding".
[25] TS 24.081: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Line identification
supplementary services - Stage 3".
[26] TS 24.082: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Call Forwarding (CF)
supplementary services - Stage 3".
[27] TS 24.083: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Call Waiting (CW) and Call
Hold (HOLD) supplementary services - Stage 3".
[28] TS 24.084: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); MultiParty (MPTY)
supplementary services - Stage 3".
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 19 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
[29] TS 24.085: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Closed User Group (CUG)
supplementary services - Stage 3".
[30] TS 24.086: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Advice of Charge (AoC)
supplementary services - Stage 3".
[31] GSM 04.88: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Call Barring (CB)
supplementary services - Stage 3".
[32] GSM 05.02: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Multiplexing and multiple
access on the radio path".
[33] GSM 05.05: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio transmission and
[34] GSM 05.08: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Radio subsystem link
[37] TS 29.002: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Application Part
(MAP) specification".
[39] GSM 11.10: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Station (MS)
conformity specification".
[40] GSM 11.21: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); The GSM Base Station
System (BSS) equipment specification".
[41] ISO/IEC 646 (1991): "Information technology - ISO 7-bit coded character set for information
[42] ISO/IEC 6429: "Information technology - Control functions for coded character sets".
[43] ISO 8348 (1987): "Information processing systems - Data communications - Network service
[44] CCITT Recommendation E.163: "Numbering plan for the international telephone service".
[45] CCITT Recommendation E.164: "Numbering plan for the ISDN era".
[46] CCITT Recommendation E.212: "Identification plan for land mobile stations".
[47] ITU-T Recommendation F.69 (1993): "Plan for telex destination codes".
[49] CCITT Recommendation I.440 (1989): "ISDN user-network interface data link layer - General
[50] CCITT Recommendation I.450 (1989): "ISDN user-network interface layer 3 General aspects".
[51] ITU-T Recommendation I.500 (1993): "General structure of the ISDN interworking
[53] CCITT Recommendation Q.931: ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 20 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
[54] CCITT Recommendation V.21: "300 bits per second duplex modem standardized for use in the
general switched telephone network".
[55] CCITT Recommendation V.22: "1200 bits per second duplex modem standardized for use in the
general switched telephone network and on point-to-point 2-wire leased telephone-type circuits".
[56] CCITT Recommendation V.22bis: "2400 bits per second duplex modem using the frequency
division technique standardized for use on the general switched telephone network and on point-
to-point 2-wire leased telephone-type circuits".
[57] CCITT Recommendation V.23: "600/1200-baud modem standardized for use in the general
switched telephone network".
[58] CCITT Recommendation V.26ter: "2400 bits per second duplex modem using the echo
cancellation technique standardized for use on the general switched telephone network and on
point-to-point 2-wire leased telephone-type circuits".
[59] CCITT Recommendation V.32: "A family of 2-wire, duplex modems operating at data signalling
rates of up to 9600 bit/s for use on the general switched telephone network and on leased
telephone-type circuits".
[60] CCITT Recommendation V.110: "Support of data terminal equipments (DTEs) with V-Series
interfaces by an integrated services digital network".
[61] CCITT Recommendation V.120: "Support by an ISDN of data terminal equipment with V-Series
type interfaces with provision for statistical multiplexing".
[62] CCITT Recommendation X.21: "Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data
circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for synchronous operation on public data networks".
[63] CCITT Recommendation X.25: "Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data
circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and connected to
public data networks by dedicated circuit".
[64] CCITT Recommendation X.28: "DTE/DCE interface for a start-stop mode data terminal
equipment accessing the packet assembly/disassembly facility (PAD) in a public data network
situated in the same country".
[65] CCITT Recommendation X.30: "Support of X.21, X.21 bis and X.20 bis based data terminal
equipments (DTEs) by an integrated services digital network (ISDN)".
[66] CCITT Recommendation X.31: "Support of packet mode terminal equipment by an ISDN".
[67] CCITT Recommendation X.32: "Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data
circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for terminals operating in the packet mode and accessing a
packet switched public data network through a public switched telephone network or an integrated
services digital network or a circuit switched public data network".
[68] CCITT Recommendation X.75 (1988): "Packet-switched signalling system between public
networks providing data transmission services".
[69] CCITT Recommendation X.121: "International numbering plan for public data networks".
[70] ETS 300 102-1: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); User-network interface layer 3
Specifications for basic call control".
[71] ETS 300 102-2: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); User-network interface layer 3
Specifications for basic call control".
[72] ISO/IEC10646: "Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)"; UCS2, 16 bit coding.
[73] TS 22.060: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS); Service Description; Stage 1".
[74] TS 23.060: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS); Service Description; Stage 2".
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 21 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
[75] GSM 03.64: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS); Overall description of the GPRS radio interface; Stage 2".
[76] GSM 04.60: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS); Mobile Station - Base Station System (MS-BSS) interface; Radio Link Control
and Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) layer specification".
[77] IETF RFC 1034: "Domain names - Concepts and Facilities " (STD 7).
[78] GSM 04.65: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS); Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol (SNDCP)".
[79] TS 24.008: "3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Core Network;
Mobile Radio Interface Layer 3 specification; Core Network Protocols - Stage 3".
[80] TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A: "Upper Layer (Layer 3) Signaling Standard for cdma2000 Spread
Spectrum Systems".
[81] TIA/EIA/IS-833: "Multi-Carrier Specification for Spread Spectrum Systems on GSM MAP (MC-
MAP) (Lower Layers Air Interface)"
[82] TIA/EIA/IS-2000-4-A: "Signaling Link Access Control (LAC) Standard for cdma2000 Spread
Spectrum Systems"
It is required that there is a low probability that two MSs in the same conditions (including the case of two MSs of the
same type from the same manufacturer) will choose the same value. Moreover, it is required that, if it happens that two
MSs in similar conditions choose the same value, the probability of their choices being identical at the next occasion is
the same as if their first choices had been different.
The meaning of such a specification is that any statistical test for these values, done on a series of similar events, will
obtain a result statistically compatible with the specified distribution. This shall hold even in the cases where the tests
are conducted with a subset of possible events, with some common parameters. Moreover, basic tests of independence
of the values within the series shall pass.
Data against which correlation with the values shall not be found are the protocol state, or the IMSI, or identities or
other unrelated information broadcast by the network, or the current TDMA frame number.
2.1.2 Vocabulary
The following terms are used in this Technical Specification:
- idle mode: In this mode, the mobile station is not allocated any dedicated channel; it listens to the CCCH and the
- group receive mode: (only applicable for mobile stations supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening) In this
mode, the mobile station is not allocated a dedicated channel with the network; it listens to the downlink of a
voice broadcast channel or voice group call channel allocated to the cell. Occasionally, the mobile station has to
listen to the BCCH of the serving cell as defined in TS 23.022 and GSM 05.08.
- dedicated mode: In this mode, the mobile station is allocated at least two dedicated channels, only one of them
being a SACCH.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 22 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- group transmit mode: (only applicable for mobile stations supporting VGCS talking) In this mode, one mobile
station of a voice group call is allocated two dedicated channels, one of them being a SACCH. These channels
can be allocated to one mobile station at a time but to different mobile stations during the voice group call.
- packet idle mode: (only applicable for mobile stations supporting GPRS) In this mode, mobile station is not
allocated any radio resource on a packet data physical channel; it listens to the PBCCH and PCCCH or, if those
are not provided by the network, to the BCCH and the CCCH, see GSM 04.60.
- packet transfer mode: (only applicable for mobile stations supporting GPRS) In this mode, the mobile station is
allocated radio resource on one or more packet data physical channels for the transfer of LLC PDUs.
- main DCCH: In Dedicated mode and group transmit mode, only two channels are used as DCCH, one being a
SACCH, the other being a SDCCH or a FACCH; the SDCCH or FACCH is called here "the main DCCH".
- A channel is activated if it can be used for transmission, in particular for signalling, at least with UI frames. On
the SACCH, whenever activated, it must be ensured that a contiguous stream of layer 2 frames is sent.
- A TCH is connected if circuit mode user data can be transferred. A TCH cannot be connected if it is not
activated. A TCH which is activated but not connected is used only for signalling, i.e. as a DCCH.
- The data link of SAPI 0 on the main DCCH is called the main signalling link. Any message specified to be sent
on the main signalling link is sent in acknowledged mode except when otherwise specified.
- The term "to establish" a link is a short form for "to establish the multiframe mode" on that data link. It is
possible to send UI frames on a data link even if it is not established as soon as the corresponding channel is
activated. Except when otherwise indicated, a data link layer establishment is done without an information field.
- "channel set" is used to identify TCHs that carry related user information flows, e.g., in a multislot
configuration used to support circuit switched connection(s), which therefore need to be handled together.
- A temporary block flow (TBF) is a physical connection used by the two RR peer entities to support the uni-
directional transfer of LLC PDUs on packet data physical channels, see GSM 04.60.
- RLC/MAC block: A RLC/MAC block is the protocol data unit exchanged between RLC/MAC entities, see
GSM 04.60.
The three different network operation modes I, II, and III are defined in TS 23.060 [74].
The network operation mode shall be indicated as system information. For proper operation, the network operation
mode should be the same in each cell of one routing area.
The three different GPRS MS operation modes A, B, and C are defined in TS 23.060 [74].
- Anonymous access refers to limited service provisioning to an MS whose identity is unknown in the network.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 23 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
3.1 Overview/General
3.1.1 General
Radio Resource management procedures include the functions related to the management of the common transmission
resources, e.g. the physical channels and the data link connections on control channels.
The general purpose of Radio Resource procedures is to establish, maintain and release RR connections that allow a
point-to-point dialogue between the network and a mobile station. This includes the cell selection/reselection and the
handover procedures. Moreover, Radio Resource management procedures include the reception of the uni-directional
BCCH and CCCH when no RR connection is established. This permits automatic cell selection/reselection.
If VGCS listening or VBS listening are supported, the radio resource management also includes the functions for the
reception of the voice group call channel or the voice broadcast channel, respectively, and the automatic cell reselection
of the mobile station in Group receive mode.
If VGCS talking is supported, the radio resource management also includes the functions for the seizure and release of
the voice group call channel.
If GPRS point-to-point services are supported, the radio resource management procedures includes functions related to
the management of transmission resources on packet data physical channels. This includes the broadcast of system
information to support a mobile station in packet idle and packet transfer modes, see also GSM 04.60.
NOTE 1: This chapter includes some procedures used for multislot operation and for the TCH/H + TCH/H
configuration which need not be supported by simple mobile stations.
NOTE 2: The procedures and the information content relating to the TCH/H + TCH/H configuration in RR
messages is for further study.
The RR procedures include (on the mobile station side) those for automatic cell selection/reselection. The RR entity
indicates to upper layers the unavailability of a BCCH/CCCH and the cell change when decided by the RR entity.
Upper layers are advised of the BCCH broadcast information when a new cell has been selected, or when a relevant part
of this information changes.
- establishment/release of multiframe mode on data link layer connections other than SAPI 0, on the main DCCH
or on the SACCH associated with the channel carrying the main signalling link;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 24 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- setting/change of the transmission mode on the physical channels, including change of type of channel, change
of the coding/decoding/transcoding mode and setting of ciphering;
- release of an RR connection.
In this mode, the RR procedures on the mobile station side provide the services:
- local connection to the voice broadcast channel or voice group call channel;
- automatic cell reselection for the mobile station in Group receive mode;
- local disconnection from the received voice group call or broadcast call channels.
For mobile stations supporting both VGCS listening and VGCS transmit, in addition, the RR procedures on the mobile
station side provide the service:
In group transmit mode, the RR connection is a physical point-to-point bi-directional connection, and includes a SAPI 0
data link connection operating in multiframe mode on the main DCCH. If the group transmit mode is established, RR
procedures provide the following services:
- setting of the transmission mode on the physical channels, change of type of channel and setting of ciphering;
In packet idle mode, no temporary block flow exists (see GSM 04.60). Upper layers may require the transfer of a LLC
PDU, which implicitly triggers the establishment of a temporary block flow.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 25 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In packet transfer mode, the mobile station is allocated radio resource providing a temporary block flow on one or more
packet data physical channels. The RR sublayer provides the following services, see also GSM 04.60:
Depending on the GPRS mode of operation (class A or B), the mobile station may leave both packet idle mode and
packet transfer mode before entering dedicated mode, group receive mode or group transmit mode.
Cell reselection in packet idle and packet transfer modes is specified in GSM 05.08. The RR entity on the mobile station
side indicates to the upper layers the availability of a cell and a cell change when decided by the RR sublayer. Upper
layers are advised of system information broadcast in the cell when a new cell has been selected, or when a relevant part
of this information changes.
Moreover, the RR sublayer directly uses services provided by the physical layer such as BCCH searching and transfer
of RLC/MAC blocks, as defined in GSM 04.04.
These procedures are specified in such a way that a loss of a layer 3 message cannot occur on the radio interface.
However, messages sent from the mobile station to the network may be duplicated by the data link layer if a message
has been transmitted but not yet completely acknowledged before the mobile station leaves the old channel (see
GSM 04.06).
As the RR sublayer is controlling the channel change, a duplication of RR messages does not occur. However, there are
some procedures for which a duplication is possible, e.g. DTMF procedures. For all upper layer procedures using the
transport service of the GSM RR sub-layer (e.g., MM and CM procedures but not GMM or Session Management
procedures), the request messages sent by the mobile station contain a sequence number in order to allow the network to
detect duplicated messages, which are then ignored by the network. The same sequence number is used to protect
against message duplication caused by channel changes between GSM and UMTS and also by other UMTS procedures
(eg hard handover). The procedures for sequenced transmission on layer 3 are described in subclause
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 26 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Therefore, if an application uses a SAPI other than 0 and if this application is sensitive to message loss or duplication,
then it has to define its own protection mechanism. No general protection mechanism is provided by the protocol
defined in this Technical Specification.
- a channel change of dedicated channels is required (assignment or handover procedure) and the last layer 2
frame has not been acknowledged by the peer data link layer before the mobile station leaves the old channel.
- a channel change from UMTS to GSM is performed and the UMTS layer 2 protocol has not acknowleged the
layer 2 frames carrying one or more upper layer messages.
In this case, the mobile station does not know whether the network has received the message correctly. Therefore, the
mobile station has to send the message again after the new dedicated channel is established (see GSM 04.06).
The network must be able to detect the duplicated received message. Therefore, each concerned upper layer message
must be marked with a send sequence number.
To allow for different termination points in the infrastructure of the messages of different PDs, the sequence numbering
is specific to each PD. For historical reasons, an exception is that messages sent with the CC, SS and MM PDs share the
same sequence numbering. In the following, the phrase upper layer message flow refers to a flow of messages sharing
the same sequence numbering. The different upper layer flows are MM+CC+SS, GCC, BCC and RRLP. The GMM,
SM and SMS protocols do not use layer 3 sequence numbering.
The RR (GSM case) and/or RRC (UMTS case) sublayer of the mobile station shall have one associated send state
variable V(SD) ("Send Duplicated") for each upper layer message flow. The send state variable denotes the sequence
number of the next in sequence numbered message in the flow to be transmitted. The value of the corresponding send
state variable shall be incremented by one with each numbered message transmission. When the RR or RRC connection
starts with a core network of release '98 or earlier arithmetic operations on V(SD) are performed modulo 2. When the
RR or RRC connection starts with a core network of Release '99 or later, arithmetic operations on V(SD) are performed
modulo 4.
At the time when such a message to be numbered is designated for transmission, the value of N(SD) for the message to
be transferred is set equal to the value of the send state variable V(SD). See TS 24.007. Procedures for the initiation, transfer execution and termination of the sequenced
message transfer operation Initiation
The sequenced message transfer operation is initiated by establishing a RR connection. The send state variables V(SD)
are set to 0.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 27 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
A release '98 or earlier core network must compare the send sequence numbers of pairs of subsequent messages in the
same upper layer messages flow. In case the send sequence numbers of two subsequent messages in a flow are not
identical, no duplication has occurred. In case the send sequence numbers are identical, the network must ignore the
second one of the received messages.
A release '99 or later core network shall discard any message whose N(SD) is not greater (modulo 4) than the N(SD) of
the last accepted message. Termination
The sequenced message transfer operation is terminated by the RR connection release procedure.
Handover from GSM to UMTS or from UMTS to GSM shall not terminate the sequenced message transfer. UMTS
SRNC relocation shall not terminate the sequenced message transfer.
The data link layer in the mobile station compares the content of the information field (i.e. the layer 3 service request
message) received in the UA frame with the stored message and leaves the channel in case they do not match. This
procedure resolves contentions in the case where several mobile stations have accessed at the same random access slot
and with the same random reference and one has succeeded due to capture. The full description of the procedure is
given in GSM 04.06.
The purpose of the service request message is to indicate to the network which service the mobile station is requesting.
This then allows the network to decide how to proceed (e.g. to authenticate or not).
The service request message must contain the identity of the mobile station and may include further information which
can be sent without encryption.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 28 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
3.1.6 Preemption
The datalink layer provides the capability to assign a priority to any message transferred in dedicated mode on SAPI 0
with multiframe operation. The available message priorities defined in GSM 04.06 are "high", "normal" and "low".
Messages assigned a "high" priority are enabled to preempt, in the data link layer, all preceeding untransmitted and
partially transmitted messages assigned a "low" priority that are using the same data link connection (same SAPI and
logical channel). Messages or message portions that are preempted are discarded without notification to higher layers
except that the first 2*N201 octets of any partially transmitted message are not discarded. The following priority
assignments are defined for those Radio Resource, Mobility Management and Connection Management messages that
use SAPI 0.
Priority Messages
Low RR Application Information message
Normal All MM messages
All CM messages
All other RR messages using SAPI 0 not listed here
High RR Channel Establishment:
RR Configuration Change:
RR Handover related
RR Channel release
Use of the preemption capability by layer 3 is not required in a BSS or MS that does not send any "low" priority
message. In this case, all messages may be treated as having "normal" priority.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 29 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In packet idle and packet transfer modes (applicable only to a GPRS mobile station), the mobile station listens to either
the PBCCH, if that is present in the cell, or BCCH. The requirements for the monitoring of system information is
further specified in GSM 04.60. Moreover, the mobile station measures the radio propagation for connection with other
In packet idle mode (applicable only to a GPRS mobile station), the mobile station listens to the paging sub-channels on
the PCCCH or CCCH. Paging sub-channels are monitored according to the paging group determined for the mobile
station and its current discontinuous reception (DRX) mode. The determination of paging group for the mobile station is
defined in GSM 05.02. The DRX procedures are defined in GSM 04.60 and GSM 05.02.
Measurements are treated to assess the need of a cell change as specified in GSM 05.08. When the decision to change
cells is made, the mobile station switches to the BCCH or PBCCH of the new cell. The broadcast information is then
checked to verify the allowance to camp on this cell (cf. section 3.2.2). Dependent on the mobile station type and
configuration, the mobile station may be required to try to read further BCCH and PBCCH information. If allowed, the
cell change is confirmed, and the broadcast information is then treated for Mobility Management actions (cf. section 4).
Similarly, physical contexts are updated (list of neighbouring cells frequencies, thresholds for some actions, etc. (cf.
GSM 05.08 and section 3.2.2)).
A GSM 900 mobile station which only supports the primary GSM band P-GSM 900 (cf. GSM 05.05) may consider the
EXT-IND bit in the Neighbour Cells Description IE in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 message as a spare bit.
If it does so it shall assume that the information element carries the complete BA and it shall ignore any SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 2bis and 2ter messages.
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2quater messages are only sent if there are UTRAN Neighbour cells.
SI2 ter Rest Octet information element in the SI2 ter message may provide information on UTRAN Cells and 3G
Measurement Parameters. Information received in this message is only used for cell reselection in idle mode.
When the SI2terRO_MP_CHANGE_MARK parameter is changed in this information element, the MS shall re-read 3G
Measurement parameters in all instances (by using SI2terRO_INDEX and SI2terRO_COUNT). When the
3G_CHANGE_MARK is changed in this information element, the MS shall re-read UMTS FDD Description and
UMTS TDD Description parameters in all instances (by using SI2terRO_INDEX and SI2terRO_COUNT).
If the additional cell reselection parameters are broadcast then SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 message shall
always contain these parameters. In addition to SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 at least either SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 4 or SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 and 8 messages shall contain these parameters too.
If additional SoLSA specific parameters are broadcast then SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 16 and 17 messages,
shall always contain these parameters. In addition to SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 16 and 17 messages at least
either SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4 or SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 and 8 messages shall contain these
SoLSA specific parameters too.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 30 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 18 and 20 messages are sent when non-GSM broaodcast information must be
transmitted. The scheduling and repetition rate of these messages is determined by the system operator and is indicated
in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 message. Mobile stations without non-GSM capabilities defined for SI 18 and
SI 20 should ignore these messages. An MS with non-GSM capabilities shall decode and identify information related to
the respective Non-GSM protocol by reading the Non-GSM Protocol Discriminator field.
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 19 messages shall be provided if COMPACT neighbour cells exist (see
GSM 05.08). The presence of SI 19 messages shall be indicated in SI 9 message.
The support of GPRS shall be indicated in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 message. In addition, the support of
GPRS shall be indicated in either SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4 or SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 and 8
messages. If GPRS is supported, SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 13 message shall be sent. SI 13 message shall not
be sent if GPRS is not supported. Additional requirements for the broadcast of system information in a cell supporting
GPRS are specified in GSM 04.60.
NOTE 1: The allowed scheduling of SYSTEM INFORMATION messages on the BCCH are specified in
GSM 05.02.
NOTE 2: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 2bis, TYPE 2ter, the EXT-IND bit in the Neighbour Cells Description, the
indication of 2ter in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 and formats used in the Neighbour Cells
Description IE and Cell Channel Description IE used in SYSTEM INFORMATION messages, see this
section, section, and section
NOTE 3: The network should take into account the limitations of earlier version of mobile equipments to
understand the 3-digit MNC format of the location area identification, see section
- information giving unique identification of the current network, location area and cell;
- information used for candidate cell measurements for handover and cell selection procedures;
- information about the length of the part of the message belonging to the phase 1 protocol.
The network may send to the mobile station BCCH scheduling information as specified below:
1) The BCCH scheduling information may be contained in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 messages. If
so, SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 specifies where to find SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 messages
carrying BCCH scheduling information.
2) If the mobile station has received BCCH scheduling information, it shall assume that this BCCH scheduling
information is valid in the location area until new scheduling information is received. It may store the
information in the ME and assume its validity after switch on in the same location area.
3) The network need not indicate the schedule of all SYSTEM INFORMATION messages in SYSTEM
INFORMATION 9. For any System Information message, the MS shall monitor all blocks specified in GSM
05.02 for that System Information message and all blocks specified in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9
message for that System Information message.
4) When the mobile station detects that the BCCH information is not scheduled as defined in the last received SI 9
message, it shall read the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 3 message. If presence of BCCH scheduling
information in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 message is indicated, it shall try to read the information and
continue as in 2 above. If presence of BCCH scheduling information in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9
message is not indicated, it shall assume that there is no valid BCCH scheduling information. Paging
The network is required to send valid layer 3 messages continuously on all paging subchannels on CCCH.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 31 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- if access to the network is allowed (as defined in, the RR entity of the mobile station initiates the
immediate assignment procedure as defined in section;
The request from the MM sublayer to establish an RR connection specifies an establishment cause. Similarly, the
request from the RR entity to establish a RR connection in response to a PAGING REQUEST 1, 2 or 3 message
specifies one of the establishment causes "answer to paging"; the request from the RR entity to establish an RR
connection in order to initiate a notification response procedure specifies one of the establishment causes " procedures
that can be completed with a SDCCH".
The system information messages on the BCCH broadcast the list of authorized access classes and authorized special
access classes in the system information messages, and whether emergency calls are allowed in the cell to all mobile
stations or only to the members of authorized special access classes.
If the establishment cause for the request of the MM sublayer is not "emergency call", access to the network is allowed
if and only if the mobile station is a member of at least one authorized:
- access class; or
If the establishment cause for the request of the MM sublayer is "emergency call", access to the network is allowed if
and only if:
- emergency calls are allowed to all mobile stations in the cell or the mobile station is a member of at least one
authorized special access class
If requesting emergency call access in a cell where voice services are not available (CELL_BAR_QUALIFY_2
parameter indicates no voice service), the mobile station shall immediately go to "Any Cell Selection" state as defined
in GSM 03.22, prior to establishing the emergency call.
It then sends maximally M + 1 CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST messages on the
RACH in a way such that:
- the number of slots belonging to the mobile station's RACH between initiation of the immediate assignment
procedure and the first CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message (excluding
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 32 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
the slot containing the message itself) is a random value drawn randomly for each new initial assignment
initiation with uniform probability distribution in the set {0, 1, ..., max (T,8) - 1};
- the number of slots belonging to the mobile station's RACH between two successive CHANNEL REQUEST or
EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST messages (excluding the slots containing the messages themselves) is
a random value drawn randomly for each new transmission with uniform probability distribution in the set
{S, S + 1, ..., S + T - 1};
S is a parameter depending on the CCCH configuration and on the value of Tx-integer as defined in
table 3.1/GSM 04.18.
The CHANNEL REQUEST messages are sent on the RACH (cf. section 1.5) and contain as parameters:
- an establishment cause which corresponds to the establishment cause given by the MM sublayer and the
broadcast NECI value, or which corresponds to one of the establishment causes "answer to paging" given by the
RR entity in response to a PAGING REQUEST message including the Channel Needed information, or which
corresponds to one of the establishment causes " procedures that can be completed with a SDCCH" given by the
RR entity in order to initiate a notification response procedure;
- a random reference which is drawn randomly from a uniform probability distribution for every new
After sending the first CHANNEL REQUEST message, the mobile station shall start listening to the BCCH; it shall
also listen to the full downlink CCCH timeslot corresponding to its CCCH group.
Having sent M + 1 CHANNEL REQUEST messages, the RR entity of the mobile station starts timer T3126. At expiry
of timer T3126, the immediate assignment procedure is aborted; if the immediate assignment procedure was triggered
by a request from the MM sublayer, a random access failure is indicated to the MM sublayer.
The network may allocate a dedicated channel to the mobile station by sending an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
message or IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT EXTENDED message in unacknowledged mode on the same CCCH
timeslot on which it has received the CHANNEL REQUEST. There is no further restriction on what part of the
can be sent. The type of channel allocated (SDCCH or TCH; the channel mode shall be set to signalling only) is a
network operator decision. Timer T3101 is then started on the network side.
- IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message, containing assignment information for one mobile station
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 33 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- the information field of the CHANNEL REQUEST message and the frame number of the frame in which the
CHANNEL REQUEST message was received;
If frequency hopping is applied, the mobile station uses the last CA received on the BCCH to decode the Mobile
If the message contains both the description of a channel to be used after the indicated time and of a channel to be used
before, the mobile station accesses a channel as an immediate reaction to the reception of the message. If the moment
the mobile station is ready to access is before the indicated time, the mobile station accesses the channels described for
before the starting time. The mobile station then changes to the channel described for after the starting time at the
indicated time. New parameters can be frequency list and MAIO. Other parameters describing the channel to be used
before the starting time are taken from the description of the channel defined for use after the starting time. If the
moment the mobile station is ready to access is after the starting time, the mobile station accesses the channel described
for after the starting time.
If frequency hopping is applied, the mobile station uses the last CA received on the BCCH.
If no channel is available for assignment, the network may send to the mobile station an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
REJECT message in unacknowledged mode on the same CCCH timeslot on which the channel request message was
received. There is no further restriction on what part of the downlink CCCH timeslot an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
REJECT message can be sent. This message contains the request reference and a wait indication.
On receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message corresponding to one of its 3 last CHANNEL
REQUEST messages, the mobile station, stops sending CHANNEL REQUEST messages, starts timer T3122 with the
indicated value, ("wait indication" information element), starts T3126 if it has not already been started, and listens to the
downlink CCCH until T3126 expires. During this time, additional IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT messages
are ignored, but any immediate assignment corresponding to any other of its 3 last CHANNEL REQUEST messages
make the mobile station follow the procedure in section If no such immediate assignment is received, the
mobile station returns to CCCH idle mode (listening to its paging channel).
As an option the mobile station may return to CCCH idle mode as soon as it has received responses from the network
on all, or in case more than 3 were sent the last 3, of its CHANNEL REQUEST messages.
The mobile station is not allowed to make a new attempt to establish a non emergency RR connection in the same cell
until T3122 expires. Provided that an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message has not been received for an
emergency RR connection attempt, the mobile station may attempt to enter the dedicated mode for an emergency call in
the same cell before T3122 has expired.
The Wait Indication IE (i.e. T3122) relates to the cell from which it was received.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 34 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The mobile station in packet idle mode (only applicable to mobile station supporting GPRS) may initiate packet access
in the same cell before T3122 has expired, see GSM 04.60 and section
After T3122 expiry, no CHANNEL REQUEST message shall be sent as a response to a page until a PAGING
REQUEST message for the mobile station is received.
On the mobile station side, the procedure is terminated when the establishment of the main signalling link is confirmed.
The MM sublayer is informed that the RR entity has entered the dedicated mode.
Early classmark sending consists in the mobile station sending as early as possible after access a CLASSMARK
CHANGE message to provide the network with additional classmark information. In addition a MS supporting UMTS
sends a UTRAN Classmark Change message; an MS supporting CDMA2000 sends a CDMA2000 Classmark Change.
When a CLASSMARK CHANGE message and one or more additional UMTS or CDMA2000 Classmark Change
messages are to be sent, the CLASSMARK CHANGE message shall be sent first.
A mobile station which implements the « Controlled Early Classmark Sending » option shall perform the early
classmark sending if and only if explicitly accepted by the network, as indicated in the last reception in the accessed cell
A mobile station which implements support for multiple band shall also implement the « Controlled Early Classmark
Sending » option.
A mobile station which implements the support of one or more non-GSM Radio Access Technology shall also
implement the « Controlled Early Classmark Sending » option.
A mobile station which implements the « multislot capability » option shall also implement the « Controlled Early
Classmark Sending » option.
A mobile station that implements some form of treatment of UCS2 alphabet (see TS GSM 03.38) encoded character
string (e.g., in short message, or in USSD string) may indicate so in the classmark. (An example is a Mobile Equipment
able to display UCS2 encoded character string.) In such a case, it should also implement the « Controlled Early
Classmark Sending » option. It is the mobile station responsibility to provide the UCS2 support information in due time.
If the network needs this information and the mobile station did not provide it, the network may assume that the Mobile
Equipment does not support UCS2.
A mobile station which implements the R-GSM band (see GSM 05.05) shall also implement the « Controlled Early
Classmark Sending » option.
A mobile station which implements the extended measurement function shall also implement the « Controlled Early
Classmark Sending » option.
A mobile station which implements the «GPRS» option shall also implement the « Controlled Early Classmark
Sending » option.
A mobile station which implements the «SoLSA» option shall also implement the « Controlled Early Classmark
Sending» option.
A mobile station which implements the EDGE option shall also implement the Controlled Early Classmark
Sending option.
A mobile station which implements the «LCS» option shall also implement the « Controlled Early Classmark
Sending» option.
A mobile station which implements the « Controlled Early Classmark Sending » option shall indicate it in the
classmark (ES IND bit).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 35 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This procedure enables the network to suspend GPRS services packet flow in the downlink direction.
The GPRS suspension procedure is initiated by the mobile station by sending a GPRS SUSPENSION REQUEST
message. This can be done as early as possible after access but shall be done after sending a CLASSMARK CHANGE
message. The RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS suspend condition to the MM sublayer, see
section 4.
When a mobile station which is IMSI attached for GPRS services (section 4) enters the dedicated mode, and when the
mobile station limitations make it unable to handle both dedicated mode and either packet idle mode or packet transfer
mode simultaneously, the mobile station shall perform the GPRS suspension procedure.
- If the failure is due to information field mismatch in the contention resolution procedure, see section 3.1.5, and
no repetition as described in this paragraph has been performed, the immediate assignment procedure shall be
- If the failure is due to any other reason or if a repetition triggered by a contention resolution failure has been
performed. The mobile station returns to idle mode (RR connection establishment failure), transactions in
progress are aborted and cell reselection then may take place.
If the information available in the mobile station, after the reception of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message does
not satisfactorily define a channel, an RR connection establishment failure has occurred.
If the Mobile Allocation IE indexes frequencies in more than one frequency band then a RR connection establishment
failure has occurred.
If an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message indicates (a) channel(s) in a different frequency band to which the
CHANNEL REQUEST message was sent then, if the frequency band is supported by the mobile station, the mobile
station shall access the indicated channel(s) with the same power control level as used for the CHANNEL REQUEST
On the network side, if timer T3101 elapses before the main signalling link is established, the newly allocated channels
are released and the request is forgotten. Note that the network has no means to distinguish repeated attempts from
initial attempts from a mobile station.
The purpose of the uplink control procedure is to establish an RR connection on a VGCS channel between a mobile
station which is in group receive mode on that channel and the network.
The mobile station enters the group transmit mode when a successful establishment of the RR connection is indicated.
The channel mode assumed by the mobile station is the one derived from the channel description.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 36 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The mobile station in group receive mode shall consider the uplink as free if the last message indicating the uplink as
being free was received less than 480 ms ago and if no UPLINK BUSY message has been received since the last
message indicating the uplink as free.
On receipt of a request from the upper layer to access the uplink and if the uplink is not free, the mobile station starts
the timer T3128.
If the uplink is free or becomes free before expiry of timer T3128, then the uplink investigation procedure is terminated,
the mobile station shall stop T3128, and start the uplink access procedure.
NOTE: The start of the uplink access procedure is not subject to the access class of the mobile station.
If the uplink is not indicated free before the timer expires, the mobile station shall remain in the group receive mode and
indicate a reject of the uplink request to the upper layer.
The mobile station shall send UPLINK ACCESS messages on the voice group call channel with the appropriate
establishment cause. The first UPLINK ACCESS message shall be transmitted by the mobile station with a random
delay between 0 and 20ms. The UPLINK ACCESS messages shall be repeated after a further period of 100ms plus a
random delay between 0 and 20ms.
The UPLINK ACCESS messages contain a random reference which is drawn randomly from a uniform probability
distribution. The UPLINK ACCESS messages repetitions shall contain the same random reference as the one contained
in the first message.
If an uplink identity code (UIC) of the current cell has been provided by the network in the UPLINK FREE message,
the mobile station shall use this UIC IE for the coding of the UPLINK ACCESS messages (see GSM 05.03). If no UIC
is provided, the mobile station shall use the BSIC received from the current cell, for instance from the initial
Having sent the first UPLINK ACCESS message, the mobile station starts timer T3130. At expiry of timer T3130, the
mobile station shall repeat the same procedure if the uplink is free. A maximum of three attempts is allowed and after
that a rejection of the uplink request is indicated to the upper layers.
If no VGCS UPLINK GRANT or UPLINK BUSY message is received by the mobile station 480 ms after having sent
the first UPLINK ACCESS message, the mobile station shall stop sending UPLINK ACCESS messages and wait in
order to receive a VGCS UPLINK GRANT or UPLINK BUSY message.
On receipt of an VGCS UPLINK GRANT message corresponding to one of its UPLINK ACCESS messages, the
mobile station stops T3130, stops sending UPLINK ACCESS messages, and establishes the main signalling link with
an SABM containing the TALKER INDICATION message in the information field. Early classmark sending shall be
performed if applicable. If a UA is received containing the message sent, the mobile station enters the group transmit
mode and indicates the successful seizure of the uplink to the upper layer. If a UA is received with a message different
from the message sent, the mobile station shall remain in the group receive mode and indicate the rejection of the uplink
request to the upper layers.
When receiving an UPLINK BUSY message or a VGCS UPLINK GRANT message aimed to another mobile station
(i.e. not corresponding to one of its UPLINK ACCESS messages), the mobile station stops T3130 and stops sending
UPLINK ACCESS messages. The mobile shall remain in the group receive mode and shall indicate a rejection of the
uplink request to the upper layers.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 37 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
VGCS UPLINK GRANT message to the mobile station, reset and restarts timer T3115. If the VGCS UPLINK GRANT
message has been repeated Ny2 times without a correctly decoded frame being received from the MS, the network shall
stop sending VGCS UPLINK GRANT messages and provide an UPLINK FREE message on the main signalling
channel and wait for a new UPLINK ACCESS message. The correct decoding of a frame means that the decoding
algorithm and the error detection tests, if any, indicate no error.
After the data link layer is established, the RR entity of the network shall analyse the TALKER INDICATION message
received from the mobile station, adapt the RR procedures to the new classmark if necessary and provide the mobile
subscriber identity to the upper layer.
MS Classmark type 2;
Following a successful contention resolution procedure, the mobile station shall implement the Early Classmark
Sending option. Then, the upper layers in the mobile station shall wait for commands from the network, eg for the
allocation of a GPRS resource.
While on the dedicated channel the mobile station shall obey the RR management procedures of 04.18, in particular the
mobile station shall send measurement reports on the SACCH.
The network may also send paging related information on PACCH to a mobile station in packet transfer mode, see
The network may also broadcast paging related information on any voice broadcast or voice group call channel
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 38 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 1: There are 3 types of paging messages which may be used on CCCH:
In a PAGING REQUEST message on CCCH to trigger RR connection establishment, the mobile station shall be
identified by the TMSI (non-GPRS TMSI) or its IMSI. If the mobile station is identified by the TMSI, it shall proceed
as specified in section
If the mobile station in packet idle mode is identified by its IMSI, it shall parse the message for a corresponding Packet
Page Indication field:
- if the Packet Page Indication field indicates a paging procedure for RR connection establishment, or the field is
not present in the message, the mobile station shall proceed as specified in section;
- if the Packet Page Indication field indicates a packet paging procedure, the mobile station shall proceed as
specified in section
A PAGING REQUEST message on CCCH includes for each mobile station that is paged to trigger RR connection
establishment an indication which defines how mobiles of different capabilities shall code the establishment cause field
in the CHANNEL REQUEST message. The information received in the CHANNEL REQUEST can be used by the
network to assign a suitable channel.
A PAGING REQUEST message on CCCH may include more than one mobile station identification.
A PAGING REQUEST TYPE 1 message on CCCH may have additionally a notification message coded in the P1 rest
octets information element.
A PAGING REQUEST message on CCCH may also include priority levels related to the mobile station identifications.
A mobile station in group receive mode supporting eMLPP shall take into account this information to decide whether to
respond to this PAGING REQUEST and, if the call is answered, the mobile station shall store the priority level for the
duration of the call. A mobile station not supporting eMLPP shall ignore this information element when received in a
NOTE 2: A mobile station not supporting VGCS or VBS may ignore this information element when received in a
PAGING REQUEST message, since the priority level is also provided in the SETUP message.
If VGCS or VBS is supported by the network and the network supports reduced NCH monitoring, messages sent on the
PCH may also include an indication of the change of the information sent on the NCH (see section
The choice of the message type depends on the number of mobile stations to be paged and of the types of identities that
are used. The maximum number of paged mobile stations per message is 4 when using only TMSIs for identification of
the mobile stations.
The mobile station in idle mode is required to receive and analyse the paging messages and immediate assignment
messages sent on the paging subchannel corresponding to its paging subgroup, as specified in GSM 05.02.
NOTE 3: The possible immediate assignment messages are: the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT, the IMMEDIATE
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 39 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The paging and immediate assignment type messages contain a page mode information element. This information
element controls possible additional requirements on mobile stations belonging to the paging subgroup corresponding to
the paging subchannel the message was sent on. This implies that a given mobile station shall take into account the page
mode information element of any message sent on its own paging subchannel whatever the nature of this message
(paging messages or immediate assignment messages). This further implies that the mobile station does not take into
account page mode information element of messages sent on paging subchannels other than its own paging subchannel.
The requirements yielded by the page mode information element are as follows:
b) extended paging: the mobile station is required in addition to receive and analyse the next but one message on
the PCH;
c) paging reorganization: The mobile station shall receive all messages on the CCCH regardless of the BS-AG-
BLKS-RES setting. It is required to receive all BCCH messages. When the mobile station receives the next
message to its (possibly new) paging subgroup the subsequent action is defined in the page mode information
element in that message;
d) same as before: No change of page mode from the previous page mode.
Note that a mobile station takes into account the page mode information only in messages of its own paging subchannel
whatever the currently applied requirements (a, b, c or d).
When the mobile station selects a new PCH, the initial page mode in the mobile station shall be set to paging
reorganization. If a message in the paging subchannel is not received correctly, the message is ignored and the previous
page mode is assumed.
The paging initiation procedure and the paging request message used on PCCCH are specified in GSM 04.60.
The paging initiation procedure and the message used to carry paging related information on PACCH are specified in
GSM 04.60.
Upon receipt of the PAGING RESPONSE message the network stops timer T3113. The MM sublayer in the network is
informed that an RR connection exists.
If timer T3113 expires and a PAGING RESPONSE message has not been received, the network may repeat the paging
request message and start timer T3113 again. The number of successive paging attempts is a network dependent choice.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 40 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Start T3101
The network informs the mobile station of starting or on-going voice broadcast calls and voice group calls with the
notification procedure.
In cases where the mobile station has initiated a VGCS call, if the channel mode modify procedure is applied to turn the
dedicated channel into a VGCS channel and ciphering may be applied for that call, in this case the network should
suspend transmission of notification messages until ciphering with the group cipher key has started on the dedicated
- in a NOTIFICATION/NCH message sent on the NCH to notify mobile stations of VBS or VGCS calls in the
current cell, possibly together with a description of the related VBS or VGCS channel;
- in a NOTIFICATION/FACCH message sent in unacknowledged mode on the main DCCH to notify mobile
stations in dedicated mode or on the main DCCH of a VGCS or VBS channel, of other VBS or VGCS calls in
the current cell, possibly together with a description of the related VBS or VGCS channel;
A mobile station supporting neither VGCS listening nor VBS listening may ignore the notifications sent on the NCH or
PCH. It may also ignore the notifications sent on the main DCCH except that a RR-STATUS message shall be sent to
the network with cause #97, "message not existent or not implemented".
Upon receipt of every notification message a mobile station supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening shall give an
indication containing the notified group call reference(s) to upper layers in the mobile station which may then decide:
- join the voice broadcast call or the voice group call, if needed after having stopped on going activities.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 41 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In this subclause, the term notification refers to the notification which has triggered the decision to join a VGCS or
VBS call.
If the notification on the main DCCH concerns a VBS or VGCS in the current cell and does not contain a description of
the VGCS or VBS channel, the mobile station shall read the corresponding notification on the NCH.
If the description of the VGCS or VBS channel was included in the notification for the current cell, RR connection
establishment shall not be initiated, instead, the mobile station shall enter the group receive mode.
If no description for the VGCS or VBS channel is included in the notification, the mobile station shall establish a RR
connection in dedicated mode in order to initiate the notification response procedure.
A reduced NCH monitoring mechanism may be used on the NCH. When the mobile station in idle mode enters a cell
and deduces from the BCCH that an NCH is present, it shall read the NCH until it has received at least two messages on
the NCH indicating NLN, with the two last received NLN being identical. Then it may stop reading the NCH until it
receives on the PCH an NLN(PCH) different from the last previously received NLN or on the SACCH an
NLN(SACCH) different from the last previously received NLN..
A mobile is able to determine the reduced NCH monitoring is active in the network if it receives an NLN in any
message. Once received, the mobile shall assume that NCH monitoring is active for a certain period of time which is
not specified.
- The NLN is a modulo 4 counter which is changed every time a notification for a new VGCS or VBS call is
started on the NCH. If the reduced NCH monitoring is indicated, the NLN provides information on new
notifications provided on the NCH.
- NLN status :
The NLN status is a single bit field which indicates the status of the content of the NOTIFICATION/NCH
messages for a particular NLN value. A change of the NLN status field indicates a change of information on the
NCH which is not related to new calls (e.g. There may have been a release of a previous notified call or change
of priority, etc ...).
If the reduced NCH monitoring is active in the network, the network has to provide both NLN and NLN status
A mobile station supporting neither VGCS listening nor VBS listening shall ignore the NLN(NCH),NLN(PCH),
NLN(SACCH) and NLN status fields.
If a mobile station (supporting VGCS listening and/or VBS listening) receives a NLN parameters on the NLN(PCH) or
NLN(SACCH) field different from the last received NLN value it shall read the NCH until it has received at least two
messages on the NCH indicating NLN with the two last received NLN being identical.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 42 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If a message in the paging subchannel is not received correctly, or if a paging message does not contain the information
on the notification status, the mobile station shall read the NCH until it has received at least two messages on the NCH
indicating NLN, with the two last received NLN being identical.
Upon receipt of the NOTIFICATION RESPONSE message the network stops timer T3101. The MM sublayer in the
network may be informed that an RR connection exists; in this case, the MM sublayer may initiate MM common
The network may use the dedicated connection to order the mobile station to enter the group receive mode.
Those procedures which are specific for group transmit mode or refer to transitions to the group transmit mode are only
applicable for mobile stations supporting VGCS talking.
Direct transition between dedicated mode and group transmit mode is possible in both directions by use of the following
- Handover procedure; General
In dedicated mode and group transmit mode, the SACCH is used in signalling layer at least for measurement results
transmission from the mobile station.
The SACCH has the particularity that continuous transmission must occur in both directions at least on the channel
carrying the main signalling link. For that purpose, in the mobile station to network direction, measurement result
messages are sent at each possible occasion when nothing else has to be sent (see section Similarly, SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 5, 6 and optionally 5bis and 5ter messages are sent in the network to mobile station direction in
UI frames when nothing else has to be sent.
The network may in adddition send MEASUREMENT INFORMATION messages on the SACCH, which may order
the MS to use the enhanced measurement report.
In a multislot configuration the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5, 6 and optionally 5bis, 5ter and MEASUREMENT
INFORMATION messages shall be sent on the SACCH associated with the channel carrying the main signalling link.
In a multislot configuration the mobile station shall ignore all messages received on the SACCH(s) that are not
associated with the channel carrying the main signalling link.
On a VGCS channel, the network may send additional or alternative system information messages for both mobile
stations in group transmit mode and those in group receive mode (see section
A mobile station with extended measurement capabilities which receives EXTENDED MEASUREMENT ORDER
(EMO) messages on the SACCH, shall perform and report extended measurements, see section
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 43 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5bis message shall be sent if and only if the EXT IND bit in the Neighbour Cell
Description information element in both the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5 and TYPE 5bis messages indicates
that each information element only carries part of the BA.
A GSM 900 mobile station which only supports the primary GSM band P-GSM 900 (cf. GSM 05.05) may consider the
EXT-IND bit in the Neighbour Cells Description IE in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5 message bit as a spare
bit, assume that the information element carries the complete BA, and ignore any SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE
5bis messages.
NOTE: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 5ter and TYPE 5bis messages, the EXT-IND bit in the Neighbour Cells
Description, and formats used in the Neighbour Cells Description information element and Cell Channel
Description information element used in SYSTEM INFORMATION messages, see section, and
As specified in GSM 05.08, problems occurring in the reception of SACCH frames are interpreted as a loss of
communication means and appropriate procedures are then triggered as specified in section 3.4.13.
In addition, the MS which implements ECSD options shall use fast inband procedure for downlink quality reporting if
the use of such procedure has been ordered by the BSC.
When the information is received in more than one message the mobile station shall only combine information relating
to the BA (list) from messages received on the same channel and indicating the same value of the BCCH allocation
sequence number without any message indicating a different value of the BCCH allocation sequence number received
in between. If neighbouring cell information for the serving cell is not available, the mobile station indicates this in the
MEASUREMENT REPORT message. These measurement results are obtained as specified in GSM 05.08.
If no other message is scheduled on the SACCH at the instant when a layer 2 frame is due to be sent, then the mobile
station shall send a MEASUREMENT REPORT message or an ENHANCED MEASUREMENT REPORT or an
EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT message (see section in that frame. The interval between two
successive layer 2 frames containing MEASUREMENT REPORT or ENHANCED MEASUREMENT REPORT
messages shall not exceed one layer 2 frame.
In Idle mode a multi-RAT MS shall read and decode a full set of SI2quater messages to form a 3G Neighbour Cell list
(each instance can be used as received). When the 3G-BA-IND parameter is changed in idle mode, the MS shall re-read
all instances and rebuild the 3G Neighbour Cell list. This list shall then be used for reporting when the MS enters
dedicated mode, until the MS has received a given number of instances of MEASUREMENT INFORMATION
messages that contain 3G Neighbour Cell Description. This number of instances is defined by the 3G-WAIT parameter.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 44 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
When the 3G-BA-IND parameter is changed when on SACCH, the MS shall also re-read all instances, rebuild the 3G
Neighbour Cell list, and use the new list for reporting based on the parameter 3G-Wait. For the GSM neighbour cell list
the MS shall combine the BA (list) received in SI5/SI5bis/SI5ter with the BSIC list received in one or more instances of
the MEASUREMENT INFORMATION message. When the BA-IND is changed the MS shall rebuild the combined list
(the BSIC list shall also be rebuilt). When the BA-IND is changed the MS shall also re-read the Real Time Differences
parameters and Rep_Priority parameters in all instances.
If the MP_CHANGE_MARK parameter is changed after a full set of MEASUREMENT INFORMATION message
instances is received, the MS shall re-read and decode the Real Time differences, Rep_Priority, Measurement
Parameters and 3G Measurement Parameters in all instances. The MS shall start using the parameters as soon as they
have been received. In the case that not all the parameters have been received in a full set of instances, then the default
values shall be used. Deriving the 3G Neighbour Cell list from the 3G Neighbour Cell Description:
This applies only to a multi-RAT MS. One or more instances of the Measurement Information message or SI2quater
message may provide 3G Neighbour Cell Description information. This is used to build the 3G Neighbour Cell list. The
3G Neighbour Cell list may contain up to 96 3G Neighbour Cells.
1. The order of indices is FDD Cell indices followed by the TDD Cell indices followed by CDMA 2000 Cell
indices. The ordering of Cell indices within the same radio Access Technology shall be based on:
1.a For UMTS FDD: FDD ARFCNs are included as received in the order of each 3G Neighbour Cell
description. Then for each FDD ARFCN, the concatenated Scrambling codes / Time Diversity parameters
are ordered by increasing numbers.
1.b For UMTS TDD: TDD ARFCNs are included as received in the order of each 3G Neighbour Cell
description. Then for each TDD ARFCN, the concatenated Cell Parameter / Sync Case / Time diversity
parameters are ordered by increasing numbers.
1.c For CDMA 2000: Parameters defining each cell are included as received in the order of each 3G
Neighbour Cell description.
Any 3G Neighbour Cell Description received is added to the Neighbour Cell list, starting with the index equal to the
parameter Index_Start_3G. If this parameter is not present then the value 0 shall be used.
If the MS receives some 3G Neighbour Cell Description on some non-supported frequencies or Radio Access
Technologies, this shall not be considered as an error. However, indices in the 3G Neighbour Cell list are incremented. Deriving the GSM Neighbour Cell list from the BSICs and the BA (list)
One or more instances of the Measurement Information message may provide BSIC information. This is used to build
the GSM Neighbour Cell list. The GSM Neighbour Cell list may contain up to 96 Neighbour Cells.
The BSICs are associated to the frequencies in the BA (list). The BSICs may be received before the corresponding BA
(list). The first BSIC in each instance applies to the frequency in the BA (list) referenced by the parameter
BA_Index_Start_BSIC. For each successive BSIC, one bit indicates if the BSIC applies to the same frequency as the
previous BSIC or to the next frequency in the BA (list), as defined in sub-clause 9.1.54, Measurement Information
message. Deriving the Neighbour Cell list from the GSM Neighbour Cell list and the 3G
Neighbour Cell list
For report with the ENHANCED MEASUREMENT REPORT message, the Neighbour Cell list is the concatenation of
the GSM Neighbour Cell list and the 3G Neighbour cell list (if any). In this concatenation the value of the parameter
Absolute_Index_Start_EMR is added to the 3G Neighbour cell list indices. The Neighbour Cell list may contain up to
96 Neighbour Cells.
NOTE: For report with the MEASUREMENT MESSAGE, the concatenated list is not used. Instead, the two lists
are used separately, as defined in sub-clause, 'Measurement Results'.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 45 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
One or more instances of the Measurement Information message may provide Real Time Difference information. This
is used to build the Real Time Difference list. The Real Time Difference list may contain up to 96 Real Time Difference
Each frequency in the BA (list) can be associated to 0, 1 or more Real Time Difference parameters. The Real Time
Difference parameters may be received before the corresponding BA (list). The parameter(s) BA_Index_Start_RTD in
the structure indicate(s) the index of the frequency in the BA (list) to be taken as a starting reference. A structure is
included for each frequency referenced. Each of those structures indicates if 0, 1 or more RTD parameters are present
for this frequency. If the last frequencies in the BA (list) do not contain RTD information, the structure may not include
the remaining frequencies, see sub-clause 9.1.54 'Measurement Information message'.
Report Priority information can be received in one instance of the MEASUREMENT INFORMATION message. Each
Rep_Priority bit of this field relates to indices of the Neighbour Cell list, starting with index 0. The Report Priority
information may be received before the corresponding Neighbour Cell list.
Indices exceeding the value 95 shall be ignored. If there are less indices than the number of Neighbour Cells, the value
0 shall be assumed for the missing bits.
When in dedicated mode or group transmit mode, a mobile station may receive an EXTENDED MEASUREMENT
ORDER (EMO) message, from the network. The mobile station shall then, as defined in GSM 05.08, for one reporting
period perform measurements on the frequencies specified by this EMO message. The mobile station shall thereafter
send an EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT message. This message contains the measurement results as defined
in GSM 05.08.
If the mobile station has not started to send its EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT within 10 seconds after the
reception of the EMO message, no EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT shall be sent. The mobile station shall
after a successful channel change abort any pending measurements or reporting related to an EMO message received on
the old channel.
If a mobile station receives an EMO message indicating the same value of the sequence code as an EMO message
received earlier on the same channel without having received any EMO message indicating a different value of the
sequence code in between, that EMO message shall be ignored. If the mobile station, before the reporting related to an
EMO message has started, receives a new EMO message with a different value of the sequence code, any pending
measurements or reporting related to the earlier EMO message shall be aborted and the new message treated.
The EMO message and the EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT message are sent on the SACCH, in
unacknowledged mode.
Moreover, but only when in dedicated mode, upper layers have access to the full link layer services for SAPIs other
than 0, with the exception of the error indication and local end release that are directly treated by the RR sublayer, as
specified in particular places of section 3.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 46 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The purpose of the channel assignment procedure is to completely modify the physical channel configuration of the
mobile station without frequency redefinition or change in synchronization while staying in the same cell.
This procedure shall not be used for changing between dependent configurations, i.e. those sharing Radio Resource for
the main signalling link. An example of dependent channels is a full rate channel and one of the corresponding half rate
channels. In multislot operation however, it is allowed to use the same timeslots before and after the assignment, as long
as the main signalling link has been changed. The only procedures provided for changing between dependent
configurations for the main signalling link are the additional assignment and the partial release procedures.
The channel assignment procedure happens only in dedicated mode, dual transfer mode and in group transmit mode.
This procedure cannot be used in the idle mode; in this case the immediate assignment procedure is used.
- the release of the main signalling link, and of the other data links as defined in section 3.1.4, the disconnection of
TCHs if any, and the release of packet resources, if in dual transfer mode;
- The triggering of the establishment of the data link connections for SAPI = 0.
NOTE: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand formats used in
the Frequency List IE and Cell Channel Description IE used in the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND
message, see section and section
When sending this message on the network side, and when receiving it on the mobile station side, all transmission of
signalling layer messages except for those RR messages needed for this procedure and for abnormal cases is suspended
until resumption is indicated. These RR messages can be deduced from sections 3.4.3 and 8.8 Radio Resource
Upon receipt of the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message, the mobile station initiates a local end release of link layer
connections and packet resources, if in dual transfer mode, disconnects the physical channels, commands the switching
to the assigned channels and initiates the establishment of lower layer connections (this includes the activation of the
channels, their connection and the establishment of the main signalling links).
The ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message contains the description of the new configuration, including for the
multislot configuration and the TCH/H + TCH/H + ACCHs configuration, the exact ACCHs to be used and a power
command. The power level defined in this power command shall be used by the mobile station for the initial power on
the new channel(s). It shall not affect the power used on the old channel(s). The message may also contain definitions of
the channel mode to be applied for one or several channel sets. If a previously undefined channel set is defined by the
ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message, a definition of the channel mode for the new channel set shall be included in the
If the channel mode to be applied corresponds to a multi-rate speech codec, the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message
may contain the MultiRate Configuration IE, which defines the set of codec modes and related information to use on the
new channel. For an initial assignment of a multi-rate speech codec, the MS shall expect in the ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND the MultiRate Configuration IE. After reception of the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND, the mobile station
shall use the Initial Codec Mode specified in the MultiRate Configuration IE, if present, or apply the implicit rule
defined in GSM 05.09.
An ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message may indicate a frequency change in progress, with a starting time and
possibly alternative channel descriptions.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 47 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In the case of the reception of an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message which contains only the description of a
channel to be used after the starting time, the mobile station shall wait up to the starting time before accessing the
channel. If the starting time has already elapsed, the mobile shall access the channel as an immediate reaction to the
reception of the message (see GSM 05.10 for the timing constraints).
If the message contains both the description of a channel to be used after the indicated time and of a channel to be used
before, the mobile station accesses a channel as an immediate reaction to the reception of the message. If the moment
the mobile station is ready to access is before the indicated time, the mobile station accesses the channels described for
before the starting time. The mobile station then changes to the channel described for after the starting time at the
indicated time. New parameters can be frequency list, MAIO and HSN. Other parameters describing the allocated
channels must be identical to the parameters described for before the starting time. If the moment the mobile station is
ready to access is after the starting time, the mobile station accesses the channel described for after the starting time.
If frequency hopping is applied, the cell allocation if present in the message is used to decode the mobile allocation. If
the cell allocation is not included, the mobile station uses its current cell allocation, the current CA is the last CA
received on the BCCH. Afterward, the current CA may be changed by some messages sent on the main signalling link
containing a CA (the possible messages are: ASSIGNMENT COMMAND, HANDOVER COMMAND and
FREQUENCY REDEFINITION). Note that there are cases in which the current CA is undefined, see section
The ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message may contain a cipher mode setting IE. In that case, this ciphering mode has
to be applied on the new channel. If no such information is present, the ciphering mode is the same as on the previous
channel. In either case the ciphering key shall not be changed. The ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message shall not
contain a cipher mode setting IE that indicates "start ciphering" unless a CIPHERING MODE COMMAND message
has been transmitted earlier in the RR connection: if such an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message is received it shall
be regarded as erroneous, an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE with cause "Protocol error unspecified" message shall be
returned immediately, and no further action taken.
In a voice group call, the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message may contain a VGCS target mode information element
defining which RR mode is to be used on the new channel (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit mode). If this
information element is not present, the mode shall be assumed to be the same as on the previous channel. The VGCS
target mode information element shall also indicate the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on
the new channel or if the new channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode and
group cipher key shall be the same as on the previous channel. Mobile stations not supporting VGCS talking shall
ignore the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message if the VGCS target mode information element is included in the
message and shall send an RR STATUS message to the network with cause #96. If a VGCS target mode information
element and a cipher mode setting information element is included in the same message, then a mobile station
supporting VGCS talking mobile shall regard the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message as erroneous, an
ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "Protocol error unspecified" shall be returned immediately, and no
further action taken.
The sending of this message on the mobile station side and its receipt on the network side allow the resumption of the
transmission of signalling layer messages other than those belonging to RR management.
At the receipt of the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message, the network releases the previously allocated resources and
stops timer T3107.
If the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a Channel Description or Mode that it
does not support, or if the Channel Mode to use is not defined for all channel sets, then the mobile station shall return an
ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "channel mode unacceptable", and the mobile station shall remain on
the current channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or Channel Mode(s).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 48 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the mobile station receives an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message containing an inconsistent MultiRate
Configuration IE, then the mobile station shall return an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "channel mode
unacceptable", and the mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or
Channel Mode(s).
If during the initial assignment of the multirate speech the mobile station receives an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND
message and the MultiRate Configuration IE is not present, then the mobile station shall return an ASSIGNMENT
FAILURE message with cause "channel mode unacceptable", and the mobile station shall remain on the current
channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or Channel Mode(s).
If the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a frequency that it is not capable of,
then the mobile station shall return an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented",
and the mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s).
If the mobile station receives an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message with a Frequency List IE indicating frequencies
that are not all in one band, then the mobile station shall stay on the current channel(s) and send an ASSIGNMENT
FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented". If the mobile station receives an ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND message with a Mobile Allocation IE indexing frequencies that are not all in one band, then the mobile
station shall stay on the current channel(s) and send an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "frequency not
NOTE: An ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message sent to a multi band mobile station shall not be considered
invalid because it indicates frequencies that are all in a different frequency band to that of the current
On the mobile station side, if a lower layer failure happens on the new channel before the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE
message has been sent, the mobile station deactivates the new channels, reactivates the old channels, reconnects the
TCHs if any and triggers the establishment of the main signalling link. It then sends a ASSIGNMENT FAILURE
message, cause "protocol error unspecified" on the main DCCH and resumes the normal operation, as if no assignment
attempt had occurred. The operational parameters (e.g. ciphering mode) when returning on the old channel are those
applied before the procedure.
When receiving the ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message, the network stops T3107.
If a lower layer failure happens while attempting to connect back to the old channels, the radio link failure procedure is
applied (see section for dedicated mode and for group transmit mode).
On the network side, if timer T3107 elapses before either the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message has been received
on the new channels or an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message is received on the old channels, the old channels and the
new channels are released if they both were dedicated channels and, unless the mobile station has re-established the
call, all contexts related to the connections with that mobile station are cleared. If one of the channels was a VGCS
channel, it shall be maintained and the uplink shall be set free. If both channels were VGCS channels, the network shall
maintain one of the channels and the uplink shall be set free.
On the network side, lower layer failure occurring on the old channels after the sending of the ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND message are ignored. Lower layer failures occurring after the receipt of the SABM Frame on the new
main signalling link are treated following the general rules (cf. section 3.5.2).
NOTE: The decision to do a handover and the choice of the new cell is out of the scope of this technical
The purpose of the handover procedure is to completely modify the channels allocated to the mobile station e.g. when
the cell is changed. A change in the channel configuration nature is possible. This procedure is used only while in
dedicated mode or group transmit mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 49 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The handover procedure shall not be used for changing between dependent configurations (see section 3.4.3). An
exception to this is when the handover procedure is used by Location Services. In this case the mobile may be
commanded to attempt a handover to the same channel as currently assigned to the MS. The MS shall attempt to
perform a handover to this unchanged channel, which includes the transmission of access bursts.
- The disconnection of the main signalling link, and of the other links via local end release (layer 2), and the
disconnection of the TCH(s) if any.
- The disconnection and the deactivation of previously assigned channels and their release (layer 1).
- The triggering of the establishment of data link connection for SAPI = 0 on the new channels.
NOTE: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand formats used in
the Frequency List IE, Frequency Short List IE, and Cell Channel Description IE used in the
HANDOVER COMMAND message, see section, section, and section
When sending this message on the network side, and when receiving it on the mobile station side, all transmission of
signalling layer messages except for those RR messages needed for this procedure and for abnormal cases, is suspended
until resuming is indicated. These RR messages can be deduced from section 3.4.3 and 8.5.1 "Radio Resource
Upon receipt of the HANDOVER COMMAND message, the mobile station initiates, as described in section 3.1.4, the
release of link layer connections, disconnects the physical channels, commands the switching to the assigned channels
and initiates the establishment of lower layer connections (this includes the activation of the channels, their connection
and the establishment of the data links).
- The characteristics of the new channels, including for the multislot configuration and the TCH/H + TCH/H +
ACCHs configuration the exact ACCHs to be used. The message may also contain definitions of the channel
mode to be applied for one or several channel sets. If a previously undefined channel set is defined by the
HANDOVER COMMAND message, a definition of the channel mode for the new channel set shall be included
in the message.
- The characteristics of the new cell that are necessary to successfully communicate (e.g. frequency list in the case
of slow frequency hopping), including the data that allows the mobile station to use the pre-knowledge about
synchronization it acquires by the measurement process (i.e. BSIC + BCCH frequency).
- A power command (cf. GSM 05.08). The power level defined in this power command shall be used by the
mobile station for the initial power on the new channel(s). It shall not affect the power used on the old
- A handover reference, used as specified in the following section. The choice of the handover reference by the
network is out of the scope of this specification and left to the manufacturers.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 50 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- Optionally a cipher mode setting. In that case, this ciphering mode has to be applied on the new channel. If no
such information is present, the ciphering mode is the same as on the previous channel. In either case the
ciphering key shall not be changed. The HANDOVER COMMAND message shall not contain a cipher mode
setting IE that indicates "start ciphering" unless a CIPHERING MODE COMMAND message has been
transmitted previously in this instance of the dedicated mode: if such a HANDOVER COMMAND message is
received it shall be regarded as erroneous, a HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause "Protocol error
unspecified" shall be returned immediately, and no further action taken.
- Optionally, in a voice group call, a VGCS target mode information element defining which RR mode is to be
used on the new channel (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit mode). If this information element is not present,
the mode shall be assumed to be the same as on the previous channel. The VGCS target mode information
element shall also indicate the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on the new channel
or if the new channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode and ciphering
key shall be the same as on the previous channel. Mobile stations not supporting VGCS talking shall ignore the
HANDOVER COMMAND message if the VGCS target mode information element is included in the message
and shall send an RR STATUS message to the network with cause #96. If a VGCS target mode information
element and a cipher mode setting information element is included in the same message, then a mobile station
supporting VGCS talking shall regard the HANDOVER COMMAND message as erroneous, an HANDOVER
FAILURE message with cause "Protocol error unspecified" shall be returned immediately, and no further action
- Optionally, when the channel mode indicates that a multi-rate speech codec must be applied, the
MultiRateconfiguration to be used in the new cell. The MultiRate Configuration IE defines the set of codec
mode and related information to use after the handover. When accessing the new channel, the mobile station
shall use for the Initial Codec Mode the mode specified in the MultiRate Configuration IE, if present, or apply
by default the implicit rule defined in GSM 05.09.
In addition, a HANDOVER COMMAND message may indicate a frequency change in progress, with a starting time
and possibly alternative channel descriptions.
In the case of the reception of a HANDOVER COMMAND message which contains only the description of a channel
to be used after the starting time, the mobile station shall wait up to the starting time before accessing the channel. If the
starting time has already elapsed, the mobile shall access the channel as an immediate reaction to the reception of the
message (see GSM 05.10 for the timing constraints).
If the message contains both the description of a channel to be used after the indicated time and of a channel to be used
before, the mobile station accesses a channel as an immediate reaction to the reception of the message. If the moment
the mobile station is ready to access is before the indicated time, the mobile station accesses the channels described for
before the starting time. The mobile station then changes to the channel described for after the starting time at the
indicated time. New parameters can be frequency list, MAIO and HSN. Other parameters describing the allocated
channels must be identical to the parameters described for before the starting time. If the moment the mobile station is
ready to access is after the starting time, the mobile station accesses the channel described for after the starting time.
If the channel mode indicates that a multi-rate speech codec must be applied, and the MultiRateConfiguration IE is not
included in the HANDOVER COMMAND message, then the mobile station shall assume that the
MultiRateconfiguration has not changed. For the Initial Codec Mode, the mobile station shall use the previously
received Initial Codec Mode, if any, or apply by default the implicit rule defined in GSM 05.09.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 51 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
After having switched to the assigned channels, the mobile station sends four times the HANDOVER ACCESS
message in four successive layer 1 frames on the main DCCH. This message is sent in an access burst. Its content is
reduced to the handover reference information element. The transmission of these four messages is optional if so
indicated by the network in the HANDOVER COMMAND message.
Before completion of the 4 access bursts on the DCCH, additional access bursts may also be sent on the SACCH.
In those cells that support extended TA values if TA value in new cell is greater than 63 and the HANDOVER
COMMAND message indicates that the transmission of four HANDOVER ACCESS messages is optional the MS shall
not transmit these four messages. MS shall not send additional bursts on the SACCH.
It then activates the channels in sending and receiving mode and connects the channels if need be.
If applicable, ciphering is immediately started . The access bursts are not ciphered.
The mobile station then activates the channels in receiving mode and connects the channels if need be (only for
If applicable, deciphering is then immediately started . The access bursts are not ciphered.
When the network has the RF characteristics that are necessary, it sends in unacknowledged mode a PHYSICAL
INFORMATION message to the mobile station on the main DCCH. If applicable, ciphering and deciphering is
immediately started (i.e., before even the reception of a correct access burst), and the message is sent enciphered.
The PHYSICAL INFORMATION message contains various physical layer related information, allowing a proper
transmission by the mobile station.
When sending the PHYSICAL INFORMATION message, the network starts timer T3105. If this timer times out before
the reception of a correctly decoded layer 2 frame in format A or B (see GSM 04.06), or a correctly decoded TCH
frame from the mobile station, the network repeats the PHYSICAL INFORMATION message and restarts timer T3105.
The maximum number of repetitions is Ny1.
The correct decoding of a frame means that the decoding algorithm and the error detection tests, if any, indicate no
When the mobile station receives a PHYSICAL INFORMATION message, it stops timer T3124, stops sending access
bursts, activates the physical channels in sending and receiving mode and connects the channels if need be. If the
allocated channel is an SDCCH (+ SACCH), performance of the mobile station must enable the mobile station to accept
a correct PHYSICAL INFORMATION message sent by the network in any block while T3124 is running.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 52 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
After having switched to the assigned channels, the mobile station sends in four successive slots on the main DCCH a
HANDOVER ACCESS message. This message is sent in random mode and thus does not follow the basic format. Its
content is reduced to the handover reference information element. The transmission of these four messages is optional if
so indicated by the network in the HANDOVER COMMAND message.
Before completion of the 4 access bursts on the DCCH, additional access bursts may also be sent on the SACCH.
In those cells that support extended TA values if TA value in new cell is greater than 63 and the HANDOVER
COMMAND message indicates that the transmission of four HANDOVER ACCESS messages is optional the MS shall
not transmit these four messages. The MS shall not send additional bursts on the SACCH.
The mobile station then activates the channels in sending and receiving mode and connects the channels if need be. The
mobile station may activate the channels in receiving mode and connect the channels while sending access bursts.
If applicable, ciphering is then immediately started. The access bursts are not ciphered.
After having switched to the assigned channels, the mobile station sends in four successive slots on the main DCCH a
HANDOVER ACCESS message. This message is sent in an access burst and thus does not follow the basic format. Its
content is reduced to the handover reference information element. The transmission of these four messages is optional if
so indicated by the network in the HANDOVER COMMAND message.
Before completion of the 4 access bursts on the DCCH, additional access bursts may also be sent on the SACCH.
In those cells that support extended TA values if TA value in new cell is greater than 63 and the HANDOVER
COMMAND message indicates that the transmission of four HANDOVER ACCESS messages is optional the MS shall
not transmit these four messages. MS shall not send additional bursts on the SACCH.
The mobile station then activates the channel in sending and receiving mode and connects the channels if need be. The
timing advance value to be used with the new cell is:
- either the value contained in the HANDOVER COMMAND message if the timing advance information element
is present;
- or the default value for pre-synchronized handover as defined in GSM 05.10, if the timing advance information
element is not included in the HANDOVER COMMAND message. The MS may activate the channels in
receiving mode and connect the channels while sending access bursts.
If applicable, ciphering is immediately started. The access bursts are not ciphered.
The sending of this message on the mobile station side and its receipt on the network side allow the resumption of the
transmission of signalling layer messages other than those for RR management.
When receiving the HANDOVER COMPLETE message, the network stops timer T3103 and releases the old channels.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 53 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If requested to do so in the HANDOVER COMMAND message, the mobile station includes the observed time
difference it has measured when performing the handover, corrected by half the timing advance, in the HANDOVER
COMPLETE message (detailed specifications are given in GSM 05.10).
If the HANDOVER COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a Channel Description or Mode that it
does not support, or if the Channel Mode to use is not defined for all channel sets, then the MS shall return a
HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause "channel mode unacceptable", and the MS shall remain on the current
channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or Mode(s).
If the mobile station receives a HANDOVER COMMAND message containing an inconsistent MultiRateConfiguration
IE, then the mobile station shall return a HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause "channel mode unacceptable",
and the mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or Mode(s).
If the HANDOVER COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a frequency that it is not capable of, then
the mobile station shall return a HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented", and the
mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s).
If the mobile station receives a HANDOVER COMMAND message with a Frequency List IE or Frequency Short List
IE indicating frequencies that are not all in one band, then the mobile station shall stay on the current channel(s) and
send a HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented". If the mobile station receives a
HANDOVER COMMAND message with a Mobile Allocation IE indexing frequencies that are not all in one band, then
the mobile station shall stay on the current channel(s) and send a HANDOVER FAILURE message with cause
"frequency not implemented".
NOTE: A HANDOVER COMMAND message sent to a multi band mobile station shall not be considered invalid
because it indicates target channel frequencies that are all in a different frequency band to that of the
ARFCN in the Cell Description IE.
On the mobile station side, if timer T3124 times out (only in the non- synchronized case) or if a lower layer failure
happens on the new channel before the HANDOVER COMPLETE message has been sent, the mobile station
deactivates the new channels, reactivates the old channels, reconnects the TCHs if any and triggers the establishment of
the main signalling link. It then sends a HANDOVER FAILURE message on the main signalling link and resumes
normal operation as if no handover attempt had occurred. The operational parameters (e.g. ciphering mode) when
returning on the old channel are those applied before the HANDOVER COMMAND message was received.
When the HANDOVER FAILURE message has been received, the network releases the new channels if they were
dedicated channels and stops timers T3105 and stops T3103 in the non-synchronized case. If the new channels were
VGCS channels, they shall be maintained.
If a lower layer failure happens while attempting to connect back to the old channels, the standard rules are applied (cf.
section for dedicated mode and for group transmit mode).
On the network side, if timer T3103 elapses before either the HANDOVER COMPLETE message is received on the
new channels, or a HANDOVER FAILURE message is received on the old channels, or the mobile station has re-
established the call, the old channels are released if they were dedicated channels and all contexts related to the
connections with that mobile station are cleared. If the old channel was a VGCS channel, it shall be maintained and the
uplink shall be set free.
On the network side, if neither a correctly layer 2 frame in format A or B nor a correctly TCH frame have been received
from the mobile station on the new channel, the newly allocated channels are released if they were dedicated channels.
If the new channels were VGCS channels, they shall be maintained and the uplink shall be set free..
On the network side, lower layer failures occurring on the old channels after the sending of the HANDOVER
COMMAND message are ignored. Lower layer failures occurring after the receipt of the SABM frame on the new main
signalling link are treated following a general scheme (cf. section for dedicated mode and for group
transmit mode).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 54 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The network sends to the mobile station a FREQUENCY REDEFINITION message containing the new parameters
together with a starting time indication.
NOTE: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand formats used in
the Cell Channel Description IE used in the FREQUENCY REDEFINITION message, see section
When receiving such a message, the mobile station modifies the frequencies/hopping sequences it uses at the exact
indicated time slot, i.e. the indicated time slot is the first with new parameters. All other functions are not disturbed by
this change. New parameters can be the cell channel description, the mobile allocation and the MAIO. In case of
multislot configuration, the Channel Description IE shall describe the channel carrying the main signalling link, the new
parameters however, shall be used for all assigned timeslots. Other parameters describing the allocated channels must
be identical to the current parameters.
If the mobile station receives a FREQUENCY REDEFINITION message with a Mobile Allocation IE indexing
frequencies that are not all in one band and a Starting Time IE indicating a time that has elapsed, then the mobile station
shall locally abort the radio connection and, if permitted, attempt Call Re-establishment.
If the mobile station receives a FREQUENCY REDEFENITION message on a channel for which it has a pending
redefinition (defined by the immediate assignment, assignment or handover procedure or a previous frequency
redefinition procedure) the frequencies, hopping and starting time parameters defined by the new frequency redefinition
procedure supersedes those of the pending one.
NOTE: A FREQUENCY REDEFINITION message sent to a multi band mobile station shall not be considered
invalid because it indicates new frequencies that are all in a different frequency band to that of the
ARFCN of the serving cell.
The channel mode modify procedure allows the network to request the mobile station to set the channel mode for one
channel or one channel set. The procedure shall not be used if the multislot configuration contains more than one
channel set. The channel mode covers the coding, decoding and transcoding mode used on the indicated channel.
This message shall not be used to modify the mode of a non-multislot configured traffic channel when the MS has
requested a multislot configuration, ie it cannot be used to modify the mode of a traffic channel when the channel was
assigned during the immediate assignment procedure and the user has requested a multislot configuration.
NOTE: Direct transitions between full rate speech coder version 1 and full rate speech coder version 2 (and vice
versa) may cause unpleasant audio bursts.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 55 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- a channel description of the channel(s) on which the mode in the CHANNEL MODE MODIFY message shall be
applied; and
- the mode to be used on that channel, or on all the channels of a channel set in a multislot configuration.
- Optionally, when the channel mode indicates that a multi-rate speech codec must be applied, the
MultiRateconfiguration to be used. The MultiRateConfiguration IE defines the set of codec mode and related
information to use after the mode modify procedure. When initiating the new mode, the mobile station shall use
for the Initial Codec Mode the mode specified in the MultiRateConfiguration IE, if present, or apply by default
the implicit rule defined in GSM 05.09.
This applies whether the mode commanded by the CHANNEL MODE MODIFY is different from the one used by the
mobile station or whether it is already in use. Channel mode modify procedure for a voice group call talker
- a channel description of the channel on which the CHANNEL MODE MODIFY message is sent; and
- optionally, the VGCS target mode information element defining which RR mode is to be used with the new
channel mode (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit mode). If this information element is not present, the RR
mode shall be assumed to be the same as with the previous channel mode. The VGCS target mode information
element shall also indicate the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on the new channel
or if the new channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode and ciphering
key shall be the same as with the previous channel mode. Mobile stations not supporting VGCS talking shall
ignore the CHANNEL MODE MODIFY message if the VGCS target mode information element is included in
the message and shall send an RR STATUS message to the network with cause #96.
The start of ciphering with a group cipher key with the new channel mode is only possible when the mode on the old
channel was not ciphered.
If a VGCS target mode information element indicating a group cipher key number is included in the message and the
previous mode is not non ciphered and the group cipher key number is different to the previous cipher key number, the
mobile station shall behave as if it would not support the indicated channel mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 56 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The cipher mode setting procedure shall not be applied in group transmit mode.
Additionally, the network may, by the use of the cipher response information element, request the mobile station to
include its IMEISV in the CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE message.
The new mode is applied for reception on the network side after the message has been sent.
- one that indicates "start ciphering" and is received by the mobile station in the "not ciphered" mode;
- one that indicates "no ciphering" and is received by the MS in the "not ciphered" mode; or
- one that indicates "no ciphering" and is received by the mobile station in the "ciphered" mode.
Other CIPHERING MODE COMMAND messages shall be regarded as erroneous, an RR STATUS message with
cause "Protocol error unspecified" shall be returned, and no further action taken.
Upon receipt of the CIPHERING MODE COMMAND message indicating ciphering, the mobile station shall start
transmission and reception in the indicated mode.
When the appropriate action on the CIPHERING MODE COMMAND has been taken, the mobile station sends back a
CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE message. If the "cipher response" field of the cipher response information element
in the CIPHERING MODE COMMAND message specified "IMEI must be included" the mobile station shall include
Upon receipt of the CIPHERING MODE COMPLETE message or any other correct layer 2 frame which was sent in
the new mode, the network starts transmission in the new mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 57 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
start reception
in new mode
transmission and
reception in new mode
start transmission
in new mode
In dedicated mode, a change of channel configuration to include an additional channel can be requested by upper layers.
The additional channel assignment procedure shall not be applied in group transmit mode,
The purpose of the additional assignment procedure is to allocate an additional dedicated channel to a mobile station
while keeping the previously allocated channels. In particular the main DCCH and the SACCH are not modified, and
signalling exchanges are not interrupted.
The additional assignment procedure may happen only in dedicated mode. It is used for instance for the transition from
the TCH/H + ACCHs configuration to the TCH/H + TCH/H + ACCHs configuration.
On receipt of the message, the mobile station activates the new channel.
The network considers the channel as allocated from the sending of the ADDITIONAL ASSIGNMENT message. As a
consequence, if a re-establishment occurs, the network will consider the context as if the mobile station has received the
message, and the new configuration allocated after the re-establishment may differ from the one the mobile station had
before the re-establishment.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 58 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The partial channel release procedure shall not be applied in group transmit mode.
The purpose of this procedure is to deactivate part of the dedicated channels in use. The channel configuration remains
NOTE: In the present state of GSM 04.03, this procedure is only possible for the TCH/H + TCH/H + ACCHs to
TCH/H + ACCHs transition. As a consequence it is not needed for simple mobile stations.
- Initiates the disconnection of all the link layer connections carried by the channel to be released;
- Simultaneously initiates the connection on remaining channels of the data link layer connections that have been
- Sends a PARTIAL RELEASE COMPLETE to the network on the (possibly new) main signalling link.
Moreover, on the network side, the channel configuration nature is set from the sending of the PARTIAL RELEASE
message onward. As a consequence, any new assignment after a re-establishment may concern a different channel
configuration nature from the one known by the mobile station before the re-establishment.
The mobile station sends a CLASSMARK CHANGE message to the network. This message contains the new mobile
station classmark 2 information element. It may also contain a Classmark 3 Information Element. There is no
acknowledgement from the network at layer 3.
A UMTS capable MS sends a UTRAN CLASSMARK CHANGE message to the network. A CDMA2000 capable MS
sends a CDMA2000 CLASSMARK CHANGE message to the network.
If the CLASSMARK CHANGE and one or more of these additional messages are to be sent by the MS, the
CLASSMARK CHANGE message shall be sent first.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 59 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the CLASSMARK CHANGE and one or more of these additional messages are to be sent by the MS, the
CLASSMARK CHANGE message shall be sent first..
In dedicated mode or in group transmit mode, the RR entity shall provide indications to the upper layer on all received
notifications for voice group calls or voice broadcast calls according to the VGCS or VBS subscription data stored in
the mobile station. The indication shall include the notified group or broadcast call reference and possibly the related
priority, if provided.
In group transmit mode, if the mobile station has received a paging message with the own mobile station identity on the
PCH or on the voice group call channel downlink, the RR entity shall provide an indication to the upper layers, together
with the related priority, if applicable.
In group transmit mode, if the RR entity receives information on the voice group call channel of the existence of a
paging message in its paging subgroup of the PCH, the RR entity shall pass this information to the upper layers together
with the related priority if provided (see also section 3.3.2 and 3.3.3).
The purpose of this procedure is to deactivate all the dedicated channels in use. When the channels are released and the
mobile station is not IMSI attached for GPRS services (section 4), the mobile station returns to the CCCH
configuration, idle mode.
If the mobile station is IMSI attached for GPRS services the following three cases apply:
- If the mobile station has no radio resources (i.e., no temporary block flow) allocated on a PDCH, the mobile
station returns to the PCCCH or CCCH configuration, packet idle mode.
- If the mobile station is operating in dual transfer mode when the RR connection is released, the radio resources
allocated on a PDCH are released, the mobile station returns to the PCCCH or CCCH configuration, packet idle
- Otherwise, if the mobile station has radio resources allocated on a PDCH, the mobile station enters packet
transfer mode.
The channel release procedure can be used in a variety of cases, including TCH release after a call release, and DCCH
release when a dedicated channel allocated for signalling is released.
In dedicated mode and group transmit mode, the channel release procedure is always initiated by the network.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 60 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) Channel release procedure initiation in dedicated mode and in group transmit
The network initiates the channel release by sending a CHANNEL RELEASE message to the mobile station on the
main DCCH, starts timer T3109 and deactivates the SACCH.
On receipt of a CHANNEL RELEASE message the mobile station starts timer T3110 and disconnects the main
signalling link. When T3110 times out, or when the disconnection is confirmed, the mobile station deactivates all
channels, considers the RR connection as released, and returns to CCCH idle mode, returns to PCCCH or CCCH packet
idle mode or enters packet transfer mode.
NOTE: Data Links other than the main signalling link are disconnected by local end link release.
If case of dedicated mode, on the network side, when the main signalling link is disconnected, the network stops timer
T3109 and starts timer T3111. When timer T3111 times out, the network deactivates the channels, they are then free to
be allocated to another connection.
NOTE: The sole purpose of timer T3111 is to let some time to acknowledge the disconnection and to protect the
channel in case of loss of the acknowledge frame.
If timer T3109 times out, the network deactivates the channels; they are then free to be allocated to another connection.
#5: if the channel is to be assigned for servicing a higher priority call (e.g. an emergency call).
#65: if e.g. a handover procedure is stopped because the call has been cleared.
The CHANNEL RELEASE message may include the information element BA Range which may be used by a mobile
station in its selection algorithm (see GSM 05.08 and TS 23.022).
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS or VBS listening shall consider Group Channel Description and Group Cipher
Key Number information elements as unnecessary in the message and perform the channel release procedure as normal.
For mobile stations supporting VGCS listening, the following procedures apply:
The CHANNEL RELEASE message may include the information element Group Channel Description. In this case, the
mobile station shall release the layer 2 link, enter the group receive mode and give an indication to the upper layer. If a
CHANNEL RELEASE message with no Group Channel Description is received, the normal behaviour applies.
If ciphering is applied on the VGCS or VBS channel, the network shall provide in the CHANNEL RELEASE message
with the Group Cipher Key Number information element for the group cipher key to be used by the mobile station for
reception of the VGCS or VBS channel. If this information element is not included, no ciphering is applied on the
VGCS or VBS channel.
A mobile station not supporting the « GPRS » option shall consider the GPRS Resumption information element as an
information element unknown in the CHANNEL RELEASE message and perform the RR connection release procedure
as normal.
For a mobile station supporting the « GPRS » option, the following additional procedures also apply:
- The CHANNEL RELEASE message may include the information element GPRS Resumption. If the GPRS
Resumption information element indicates that the network has resumed GPRS services, the RR sublayer of the
mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS resumption complete to the MM sublayer, see section 4. If the GPRS
Resumption information element indicates that the network has not successfully resumed GPRS services, the RR
sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS resumption failure to the MM sublayer, see section 4.
- If the mobile station has performed the GPRS suspension procedure (section and the GPRS
Resumption information element is not included in the message, the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall
indicate a RR GPRS resumption failure to the MM sublayer, see section 4.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 61 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- If the mobile station has not performed the GPRS suspension procedure and the GPRS Resumption information
element is not included in the message, the mobile station shall perform the RR connection release procedure as
The CHANNEL RELEASE message may include the information element SI13 or PBCCH Location. The mobile
station may use this information to initiate the acquisition of SI13 and system information on PBCCH, see GSM 04.60.
2) By a data link layer failure as specified in GSM 04.06, on the main signalling link. A data link failure on any
other data link shall not be considered as a radio link failure.
3) When a lower layer failure happens while the mobile station attempts to connect back to the old channels in a
channel assignment procedure, handover procedure, PDCH assignment procedure or RR-cell change order
4) In some cases where timers are started to detect the lack of answer from the other party, as described in section
The two first cases are known by the term "lower layer failure".
- the MS shall perform a local end release on all signalling links unless otherwise specified;
- the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate an RR connection failure to the MM sublayer unless
otherwise specified.
When a mobile station which has performed the GPRS suspension procedure (section detects a radio link
failure, the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS resumption failure to the MM sublayer, see
section 4.
When a radio link failure has been detected, an indication is passed to the upper Mobility Management sublayer on the
network side.
When timer T3109 expires, the network can regard the channels as released and free for allocation.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 62 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This procedure relies on the fact that if a mobile station does not receive the SACCH for some time, it completely
releases the channels (cf. GSM 05.08).
NOTE: The network should maintain for a while the transaction context in order to allow call re-establishment.
The length of timer is for further study.
When a mobile station which has performed the GPRS suspension procedure (section detects a radio link
failure, the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS resumption failure to the MM sublayer, see
section 4.
When a mobile station which has performed the GPRS suspension procedure (section aborts the RR
connection, the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate a RR GPRS resumption failure to the MM sublayer, see
section 4.
If the UPLINK RELEASE message is received from the network on the voice group call channel downlink, the MS
shall perform a release of the main signalling link and go back to the group receive mode.
2) By a data link layer failure as specified in GSM 04.06, on the main signalling link. A data link failure on any
other data link shall not be considered as a radio link failure.
3) When a lower layer failure happens while the mobile station attempts to connect back to the old channels in a
channel assignment procedure or handover procedure.
4) In some cases where timers are started to detect the lack of answer from the other party, as described in section
The two first cases are known by the term "lower layer failure".
- the mobile station shall go back to idle mode and, when possible, to group receive mode;
- the RR sublayer of the mobile station shall indicate an RR connection failure to the MM sublayer unless
otherwise specified.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 63 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
When a radio link failure has been detected, an indication is passed to the upper Mobility Management sublayer on the
network side.
The actions to be taken on receiving a RR STATUS message in the network are an implementation dependent option
see also section 8.
Information on neighbour cells used for cell reselection and reception of the VGCS or VBS channel in the neighbour
cells may be provided on the downlink messages (see section If no such information is provided or
information is missing, the mobile station shall try to read this information on the BCCH and NCH of the neighbour
All messages for mobile stations in group receive mode shall be sent in UI format on the VGCS or VBS channel
downlink. Mobile stations in group receive mode shall ignore all messages which are not sent in UI format or which are
not related to the following mentioned procedures.
The mobile should also monitor messages on the PCH or NCH of the current cell. Spare Spare
The mobile station shall receive CHANNEL MODE MODIFY messages. The mobile station shall use the new channel
mode but shall not transmit any response to the network.
The mobile station shall monitor messages related to notification and paging procedures.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 64 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The RR entity shall provide indications on all received notifications for voice group calls or voice broadcast calls to the
upper layer. The indication shall include the notified group or broadcast call reference and, if provided, and if the
mobile station supports eMLPP the related priority.
On request by the upper layer to join another voice broadcast call or voice group call for which a corresponding
notification has been received on the VGCS or VBS channel downlink, the RR entity shall read the corresponding
notification on the NCH.
If the mobile station has received a paging message with its own mobile station identity on the PCH or on the voice
broadcast channel or voice group call channel downlink, the RR entity shall provide an indication to the upper layers,
together with the related priority, if applicable.
This section applies to mobile stations which are in group receive mode or group transmit mode of dedicated mode and
which in addition want to receive notification messages for other voice broadcast calls or voice group calls and which
aim at reducing the reception load.
If the reduced NCH monitoring mechanism is used on the NCH as defined in section, when the MS in group
receive mode or group transmit mode enters a cell, it should read the NCH until it has received at least two messages on
the NCH indicating NLN, with the two last received NLN being identical. Then it should stop reading the NCH until it
receives on the SACCH an NLN(SACCH) different from the last previously received NLN.
For this, a parameter is provided on the SACCH in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 6 message:
If a mobile station receives on the SACCH an NLN(SACCH) different from the last received NLN it may read the NCH
until it has received at least two messages on the NCH indicating NLN with the two last received NLN being identical.
If a message in the SACCH is not received correctly the MS may read the NCH until it has received at least two
messages on the NCH indicating NLN, with the two last received NLN being identical.
NOTE: If the NLN(SACCH) is not provided on the SACCH, the mobile station, depending on its particular
implementation, may either read the NCH while being in group receive mode or group transmit mode or
may not be able to receive notifications for other voice group calls or voice broadcast calls other than
those notifications provided on the FACCH.
Mobile stations supporting VGCS talking shall monitor the VGCS uplink control related messages UPLINK FREE and
The mobile station shall receive CHANNEL RELEASE messages. On receipt of a CHANNEL RELEASE message, the
RR entity shall go to idle mode and give an indication to the upper layer. (See also section, 4 paragraph.)
On receipt of a SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 6 message indicating that paging channel restructuring has taken
place, if the mobile station wants to be able to read its paging subchannel while in group receive mode or group transmit
mode, the mobile station should read the related messages on the BCCH to know the position of its paging group.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 65 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The first UPLINK ACCESS message shall be transmitted by the mobile station with a random delay between 0 and
20 ms. The second UPLINK ACCESS messages shall be repeated after a further period of 100 ms plus a random delay
between 0 and 20 ms.
If an uplink identity code (UIC) of the current cell has been provided by the network in the UPLINK FREE message,
the mobile station shall use this UIC for the coding of the UPLINK ACCESS messages. If no UIC is provided, the
mobile station shall use the BSIC received of the serving cell, for instance as received from the initial synchronization.
- notifications for the current group or broadcast call are sent; but
- no VGCS or VBS channel description for the current group or broadcast call is provided;
the mobile station shall go to idle mode and give an indication to the upper (sub-)layers.
NOTE: Upper (sub-)layers then can request the establishment of an RR connection in order to be informed about
the channel description by the network.
If the mobile station enters a cell in which notifications for the current group or broadcast call are not sent, the mobile
station shall disconnect locally the TCH, go to idle mode and give an indication to the upper (sub-)layers.
On request by the upper layer in order to respond to a paging message the RR entity shall go to the idle mode in order to
establish a dedicated RR connection.
On receipt of a CHANNEL RELEASE message in UI format from the network the RR entity shall go to idle mode and
give an indication to the upper layer.
If the upper layer requests to abort the group receive mode, the mobile station shall go back to idle mode.
If the upper layer requests an uplink access, the mobile station shall perform the uplink investigation procedure as
defined in section
If the uplink investigation procedure is not successful, the mobile station shall give an indication to the upper layers and
remain in group receive mode.
If the uplink investigation procedure is successful, the uplink access procedure is initiated as defined in section
If the uplink access procedure is successful, the mobile station shall give an indication to the upper layers and enter the
group transmit mode.
If the uplink access procedure is not successful, the mobile station shall give an indication to the upper layers and
remain in group receive mode. General
The network shall provide all messages directed to mobile stations in group receive mode (see section in
unacknowledged mode. Those messages which are also sent to the mobile station in group transmit mode in
acknowledged mode have therefore to be repeated in addition as UI messages on the VGCS channel downlink if they
shall also be received by mobile stations in group receive mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 66 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In the case where the group call area exceeds one cell, the network should provide the SYSTEM INFORMATION
TYPE 6 message on the SACCH related to the voice broadcast channel or voice group call channel.
In addition, if the group call area exceeds one cell, the network should provide SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5
(possibly together with TYPE 5bis and 5ter) on the SACCH related to the voice broadcast channel or voice group call
- The SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5, TYPE 5bis and TYPE 5ter messages provide information on the
BCCH frequency of the neighbour cells.
- The SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 6 message provides information on the location area of the current cell,
possibly the status of the NCH, and an indication of whether paging channel restructuring has taken place.
- $(ASCI)$ Optional messages of the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 message type provide information
improving cell re-selection in group receive mode.
The network may also provide layer 3 messages for notification on the VGCS or VBS channel downlink FACCH. Provision of messages related to the voice group call uplink channel
The network shall provide UPLINK FREE messages on the main signalling link of all voice group call channels when
the uplink is set free. The provision of UPLINK FREE messages shall be repeated as long as no uplink is granted to a
mobile station.
The network shall provide an UPLINK BUSY message on the main signalling link of all voice group call when the
uplink has been granted to a mobile station.
The network may send UPLINK FREE messages containing an uplink access request on the main signalling channel of
the VGCS channels in order to obtain knowledge on whether any listening mobile is present in a cell or not. If there is
no mobile station responding to the uplink access request, the network may decide to clear the VGCS channel in that
If a release request for a voice broadcast call is received from the upper layer, the network shall stop the notification
procedures for that voice broadcast call and locally disconnect any channel related to the voice broadcast call.
The configuration change procedure is used by the network to change the number of timeslots used in a multislot
configuration. The procedure can also be used to change the channel mode of one or several channels and change their
allocation. The main signalling link however, cannot be changed by the configuration change procedure. If a change of
the main signalling link is needed, the assignment or handover procedures shall be used.
The network shall not initiate a new configuration change procedure before a response to the previous
CONFIGURATION CHANGE COMMAND message has been received from the mobile station.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 67 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The message may also contain definitions of the channel mode to be applied for one or several channel sets. If a
previously undefined channel set is defined by the CONFIGURATION CHANGE COMMAND a definition of the
channel mode for the new channel set shall be included in the message.
- at initial assignment (using assignment procedure), the lowest numbered user data substream shall be mapped to
the lowest numbered timeslot etc. in ascending order (the user data substreams are numbered 0 to (n-1), where n
is the number of substreams)
- at channel changes using handover procedure or assignment procedure (where none of the timeslots are present
in both the old and the new configuration), the lowest numbered user data substream shall be mapped to the
lowest numbered timeslot etc. in ascending order (the user data substreams are numbered 0 to (n-1), where n is
the number of substreams)
- at channel changes using assignment procedure (where at least one of the timeslots is the same in both the old
and the new configuration) or configuration change procedure:
- user data substream(s) mapped to timeslot(s) that are present in both the old and the new configuration shall
continue to be mapped to the same timeslot(s) as before the channel change; and
- possibly added timeslot(s) shall carry the lowest numbered available user data substream so that the lowest
numbered data substream among the added is mapped to the lowest numbered added timeslot and so on in
ascending order.
NOTE: The user data substream number is a number that need not be the same as the inband number used for
transparent services. The user data substream number is only used as a point of reference to a specific
user data substream.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 68 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- When an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message is received, "the band used" for the purpose of coding the
classmark information in the service request message, see subclause 3.1.5, shall be understood as the band used
for the CHANNEL REQUEST message or (one of) the band(s) indicated by the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
- For other cases "the band used" for the purpose of coding the classmark information shall be understood as one
of the bands used or attempted to be used within the 2 seconds preceding the passing of the layer 3 message
containing the classmark information to the layer 2 send queue as described in GSM 04.06.
NOTE: This definition means that when a band change is being done the network must take appropriate actions to
handle possible ambiguities in the frequency band related information in the classmark.
When in dedicated mode or in group transmit mode, the network may wish to change the resources used by a mobile
station that supports the <<GPRS option>>. This change may be performed through the assignment to a Packet Data
Channel procedure.
The purpose of the assignment to PDCH channel procedure is to completely modify the physical channel configuration
of the mobile station without frequency redefinition or change in synchronization while staying in the same cell.
The assignment to PDCH procedure only commences in dedicated mode or in group transmit mode. This procedure
cannot be used in the idle mode.
- the release of the main signalling link, and of the other data links as defined in section 3.1.4, and the
disconnection of TCHs if any;
NOTE: The network should take into account limitations of certain mobile stations to understand formats used in
the Frequency List IE and Cell Channel Description IE used in the PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND
message, see section and section
When sending this message on the network side, and when receiving it on the mobile station side, all transmission of
signalling layer messages except for those RR messages needed for this procedure and for abnormal cases is suspended
until resumption is indicated. These RR messages can be deduced from sections 3.4.3 and 8.8 Radio Resource
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 69 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Upon receipt of the PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message, the mobile station initiates a local end release of
dedicated mode link layer connections, disconnects the physical channels, commands the switching to the identified
channels and obeys the procedures relevant to the establishment of the Temporary Block Flow. The mobile station starts
timer T3190.
The PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message contains the description of either the uplink TBF or the downlink
The information on the power to be used on the target TBF shall not affect the power used on the old channel(s).
A PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message may indicate a frequency change in progress, with a starting time and
possibly alternative channel descriptions.
In the case of the reception of a PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message which contains only the description of a
TBF to be used after the starting time, the mobile station shall wait up to the starting time before using the TBF. If the
starting time has already elapsed, the mobile shall use the TBF as an immediate reaction to the reception of the message
(see GSM 05.10 for the timing constraints).
If the message contains both the description of a TBF to be used after the indicated time and of a TBF to be used before,
the mobile station uses the TBF as an immediate reaction to the reception of the message. If the moment the mobile
station is ready to access is before the indicated time, the mobile station uses the TBF described for before the starting
time. The mobile station then changes to the TBF described for after the starting time at the indicated time. New
parameters can be frequency list, MAIO and HSN. Other parameters describing the allocated channels shall be identical
to the parameters described for before the starting time. If the moment the mobile station is ready to access is after the
starting time, the mobile station uses the TBF described for after the starting time.
If frequency hopping is applied, the cell allocation if present in the message is used to decode the mobile allocation. If
the cell allocation is not included, the mobile station uses its current cell allocation, the current CA is the last CA
received on the BCCH. Afterward, the current CA may be changed by some messages sent on the main signalling link
containing a CA (the possible messages are: ASSIGNMENT COMMAND, HANDOVER COMMAND and
FREQUENCY REDEFINITION). Note that there are cases in which the current CA is undefined, see section
The PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND does not contain a cipher mode setting IE. Any RR layer ciphering that may
have been applied in dedicated mode shall not be applied to the target TBF.
The mobile station regards the procedure as successfully completed when RLC/MAC blocks with any TFI are received
on the new PDCH.
If the PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a Coding Scheme that it does not
support then the mobile station shall return an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "channel mode
unacceptable", and the mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s) and uses the old Channel Description or
Channel Mode(s).
If the PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message instructs the mobile station to use a frequency that it is not capable
of, then the mobile station shall return an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented",
and the mobile station shall remain on the current channel(s).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 70 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the mobile station receives a PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message with a Frequency List IE indicating
frequencies that are not all in one band, then the mobile station shall stay on the current channel(s) and send an
ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause "frequency not implemented". If the mobile station receives a PDCH
ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message with a Mobile Allocation IE indexing frequencies that are not all in one band,
then the mobile station shall stay on the current channel(s) and send an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message with cause
"frequency not implemented".
NOTE: A PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message sent to a multi band mobile station shall not be
considered invalid because it indicates frequencies that are all in a different frequency band to that of the
current channel.
On the mobile station side, if RLC/MAC blocks are not successfully received within T3190 seconds, the mobile station
reactivates the old channels, reconnects the TCHs if any and triggers the establishment of the main signalling link. It
then sends an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message, cause "protocol error unspecified" on the main DCCH and resumes
the normal operation, as if no assignment attempt had occurred. The operational parameters (e.g. ciphering mode) when
returning on the old channel are those applied before the procedure.
When receiving the ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message, the network stops T3117.
If a lower layer failure happens while attempting to connect back to the old channels, the radio link failure procedure is
applied (see section
On the network side, if timer T3117 elapses before either the network receives an RLC/MAC block from the mobile
station on the new channel, or, an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message is received on the old channels, then the old
channels and the new resources are released, except that, if the old channel was a VGCS channel, the old channel shall
be maintained and the uplink shall be set free.
On the network side, lower layer failure occurring on the old channels after the sending of the PDCH ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND message are ignored.
In dedicated mode or in group transmit mode, intracell or intercell change of channel(s) can be requested by the
network RR sublayer. This change may be performed through the RR-network commanded cell change order
The purpose of the RR-network commanded cell change order procedure is to permit the complete modification of the
channels allocated to the mobile station e.g. when the cell is changed. This procedure only commences while in
dedicated mode or in group transmit mode.
- The disconnection of the main signalling link, and of the other links via local end release (layer 2), and the
disconnection of the TCH(s) if any.
- The disconnection and the deactivation of previously assigned channels and their release (layer 1).
The RR-network controlled cell change order procedure is always initiated by the network.
When a handover has taken place during dedicated connection, the network shall send a RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER
message to the mobile station in order to establish TBF. In this case the target cell is equal to the old cell.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 71 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
When sending this message on the network side, and when receiving it on the mobile station side, all transmission of
signalling layer messages except for those RR messages needed for this procedure and for abnormal cases, is suspended
until resuming is indicated. These RR messages can be deduced from section 3.4.3 and 8.5.1 "Radio Resource
Upon receipt of the RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER message, the mobile station starts timer T3134, and initiates, as
described in section 3.1.4, the release of link layer connections, disconnects the physical channels, commands the
switching to the identified cell, performs a complete acquisition of BCCH or PBCCH messages (see GSM 04.60), and
obeys the procedures relevant to the establishment of the Temporary Block Flow. The mobile station shall obey the RR-
CELL CHANGE ORDER irrespective of whether or not the mobile station has any knowledge of the relative
synchronisation of the target cell to the serving cell.
- The characteristics of the new cell that are necessary to identify it (i.e. BSIC + BCCH frequency);
The RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER does not contain a cipher mode setting IE. Any RR layer ciphering that may have
been applied in dedicated mode shall not be applied to the target TBF or with the target cell.
The mobile station regards the procedure as successfully completed when it has received a response to a (PACKET)
CHANNEL REQUEST message on the new cell which allocates it a resource on the new cell.
On the mobile station side, if timer T3134 times out before a response to the (PACKET) CHANNEL REQUEST
message has been received, or, if an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message or a PACKET ACCESS
REJECT is received from the new cell, or, if the contention resolution procedure fails on the new cell then the mobile
station shall reactivate the old channels, reconnect the TCHs if any and trigger the establishment of the main signalling
link. It then sends a HANDOVER FAILURE message on the main signalling link and resumes normal operation as if
no handover attempt had occurred. The operational parameters (e.g. ciphering mode) when returning on the old channel
are those applied before the RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER message was received.
When the HANDOVER FAILURE message has been received, the network stops T3119.
If a lower layer failure happens while attempting to connect back to the old channels, the standard rules are applied (cf.
On the network side, if timer T3119 elapses before either the mobile station has been recognised on the new cell, or a
HANDOVER FAILURE message is received on the old channels, then the old channels are released, except that, if the
old channel was a VGCS channel, the old channel shall be maintained and the uplink shall be set free.
On the network side, lower layer failures occurring on the old channels after the sending of the RR-CELL CHANGE
ORDER message are ignored. General
While in dedicated mode, the following applications associated with the Radio Resource management layer may be
supported in the network and MS:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 72 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Either the network or MS may send an APPLICATION INFORMATION message once the MS is in dedicated mode.
The APDU Data in the APPLICATION INFORMATION message shall contain a complete APDU according to the
protocol in use. The APDU ID IE identifies the protocol and associated application. The APDU Flags IE indicates "First
or Only Segment", "Last or Only Segment" and conveys a C/R flag transparently between the communicating
applications. The C/R Flag may be used to distinguish a command from other messages and a final response from a
non-final response. The use of the C/R flag is defined with respect to each application. On receiving an APPLICATION
INFORMATION message, the receiving layer 3 entity shall deliver the message contents to the identified local
The sending layer 3 entity shall segment an APDU by dividing it into one or more segments exactly fitting into
maximum sized APPLICATION INFORMATION messages plus a final segment fitting into an APPLICATION
INFORMATION message of maximum size or smaller. Once segmented, the resulting APPLICATION
INFORMATION messages shall be transferred in sequence to the data link layer for transmission, without being
intersperced by other level 3 messages. The first APPLICATION INFORMATION message in the sequence shall
indicate "First Segment" and "Not Last Segment". Subsequent APPLICATION INFORMATION messages except for
the last shall indicate "Not First Segment" and "Not Last Segment". The last APPLICATION INFORMATION message
shall indicate "Not First Segment" and "Last Segment" and shall include a C/R flag as provided by the sending
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 73 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The receiving layer 3 entity shall reassemble any segmented APDU before transfer to the local application. The receiver
may employ a timer to detect possible loss of APDU segments. If employed, the timer shall be started when the first
APDU segment is received and cancelled after the last segment is received.
An APPLICATION INFORMATION transfer error shall be detected due to any of the following:
- receipt of any other layer 3 message defined to use SAPI 0 on the main DCCH;
c) While not performing APDU reassembly, receipt of an APDU segment indicating "not First or only segment";
If APDU reassembly was in process when the error occurred, the receiving layer 3 entity shall discard the partially
reassembled APDU and reprocess any received APDU or APDU segment that caused the error provided not an error
defined in clause 8. In all other cases, any received APDU or APDU segment shall be discarded.
These procedures constitute a complement to the corresponding procedures for temporary block flow establishment
using CCCH or PCCCH while in idle mode defined in GSM 04.18 and 04.60, respectively.
The packet request procedure is initiated by the MS and it is described in clause The packet notification
procedure is initiated by the network and it is described in The packet downlink assignment is initiated by the
network and it is described in clause
- radio priority,
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 74 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- if access to the network is allowed (section, it initiates the packet request procedure as defined in
If the request from upper layers indicates any signalling procedure the acknowledged RLC mode shall be used.
- if dual transfer mode is supported in the cell, as indicated by the DTM_CELL_SUPPORT field included in SI
NOTE: belonging to an authorised access class or special class, radio priority level and LSA permission are not
considered since they only apply to a mobile station in idle mode.
The mobile station initiates the establishment the packet resource by sending a DTM REQUEST message on the main
- Packet establishment cause which indicates, as applicable, a request to send user data, cell update, page response
or a mobility management message;
Having sent the DTM REQUEST message, the mobile station starts timer T3148.
On receipt of a DTM REQUEST message the network may allocate an uplink packet resource. The packet uplink
resource is assigned to the mobile station in one of the DTM assignment messages:
These messages are sent in acknowledged mode on the main DCCH. If frequency hopping is applied, the mobile station
shall use the cell allocation defined for the cell to decode the mobile allocation.
The allocation of the uplink packet resource may imply the reallocation of the resource for the RR connection. In this
case, the DTM ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message is used and the timer T3107 is started on the network side. The
DTM ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message shall not be used to change to a dependent configuration.
The PACKET ASSIGNMENT message is only used when the packet resource is a PDCH and no reallocation of the RR
connection is needed.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 75 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The MAIN DCCH ASSIGNMENT message is only sent to allocate the main DCCH as the requested packet resource.
This messages indicates the maximum number of octets in length that further LLC frames can be in order to be able to
use the main DCCH without a request. A new packet request procedure shall be initiated when the length of the LLC
frame is above this value or when there is a change in any of the other parameters sent in the DTM REQUEST message.
On receipt of a:
the mobile station shall stop T3148, and switch to the assigned resources. The mobile station has then entered the dual
transfer mode.
upon whose receipt the timer T3148 or T3142 are stopped (if running), the handover or assignment procedure is
If the network cannot allocate the requested packet resource it may send the mobile station a DTM REJECT message in
acknowledged mode on the main DCCH. This message contains a wait time ("wait indication" information element).
The mobile station is not allowed to make a new attempt for packet request during the waiting time.
On receipt of the DTM REJECT message, the mobile station stops T3148, notifies upper layers of a packet resource
establishment failure and starts timer T3142 with the indicated value.
The completion of the packet request procedure depends on the actual assignment message used by the network:
- when the network sends a DTM ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message (i.e. reallocation of the CS resource is
required), after the main signalling link is successfully established, the mobile station returns an ASSIGNMENT
COMPLETE message, specifying cause "normal event", to the network on the main DCCH. The packet request
procedure is completed for the mobile station when the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE message is sent and for the
network when it is received. The network then stops timer T3107.
- when the network sends a PACKET ASSIGNMENT or a MAIN DCCH ASSIGNMENT message, the packet
request procedure is completed for the network when assignment message is sent and for the mobile station
when it is received.
When the packet request procedure is completed, the mobile station has entered the dual transfer mode.
If a failure occurs on the mobile station side before the packet request procedure is completed, all the allocated packet
resources are released, the mobile station returns to dedicated mode and upper layers are notified (packet resource
establishment failure).In the following cases a packet resource establishment failure has occurred and the mobile station
sends a DTM ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message on the old main DCCH:
- if the information available in the mobile station after the reception of a DTM assignment message does not
satisfactorily define uplink packet resources;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 76 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- if the mobile allocation indexes frequencies in more than one frequency band;
- if a DTM assignment message assigns resources not compliant with the multislot capabilities of the mobile
In addition:
- If the network commands the mobile station to reallocate the RR connection and the establishment of the main
DCCH fails, the mobile station shall revert to the old channel and send an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message
on the old main DCCH.
- At expiry of timer T3148, the packet request procedure is aborted and a packet resource establishment failure is
indicated to the upper layers.
The network shall not send the PACKET NOTIFICATION message to a mobile station that does not support dual
transfer mode operation. If a mobile station not supporting dual transfer mode receives this message, it shall ignore it
and remain in dedicated mode.
This procedure is only applicable to a mobile station in dedicated mode and with no TBF allocated. If the mobile station
already has an ongoing TBF, the establishment of the downlink packet resource is performed on the PACCH; see 04.60.
The establishment of a downlink packet resource is initiated by the RR entity on the network side using the packet
downlink assignment procedure in dedicated mode. The procedure is triggered by a request from upper layers to
transfer an LLC PDU; see TS 24.007. The request from upper layers specifies a QoS profile, an RLC mode, DRX
parameters and an MS classmark associated with the packet transfer.
The network shall not send any of the DTM assignment messages to a mobile station that does not support dual transfer
mode operation. If a mobile station not supporting dual transfer mode receives any of these messages, it shall ignore it
and remain in dedicated mode.
- If the mobile station receives the message before the TBF starting time has expired, it shall wait until the frame
number indicated by the TBF starting time and switch to the assigned PDCH.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 77 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- If the mobile station receives the message after the TBF starting time has expired, it shall ignore the indicated
TBF starting time and switch to the assigned PDCH.
- If the Polling bit is set to 1, MS shall send a PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message (see
04.60) on the assigned PDCH, in the uplink block specified by the TBF Starting Time. In this case, the TBF
Starting Time is used both to indicate when the assigned PDCH becomes valid and to specify the uplink block. If
the TBF Starting Time is not present or has expired, the MS shall ignore the polling request. The PACKET
CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message shall be sent as normal bursts irrespective of the value of the
- when the network sends a DTM ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message (i.e. reallocation of the RR connection is
required), after the main signalling link is successfully established, the mobile station returns an ASSIGNMENT
COMPLETE message, specifying cause "normal event", to the network on the main DCCH. The packet
downlink assignment procedure is completed for the mobile station when the ASSIGNMENT COMPLETE
message is sent and for the network when it is received.
- when the network sends a PACKET ASSIGNMENT or a MAIN DCCH ASSIGNMENT message, the packet
downlink assignment procedure is completed for the network when assignment message is sent and for the
mobile station when it is received.
In the following cases a packet resource establishment failure has occurred and the mobile station sends a DTM
ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message on the old main DCCH:
- if the information available in the mobile station after the reception of a DTM assignment message does not
satisfactorily define downlink packet resources;
- if the mobile allocation indexes frequencies in more than one frequency band;
- if a DTM assignment message assigns resources not compliant with the multislot capabilities of the mobile
In addition:
- If the network commands the mobile station to reallocate the RR connection and the establishment of the main
DCCH fails, the mobile station shall revert to the old channel and send an ASSIGNMENT FAILURE message
on the old main DCCH.
- At expiry of timer T3148, the packet request procedure is aborted and a packet resource establishment failure is
indicated to the upper layers.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 78 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- When all packet resources have been released (or aborted), the mobile station returns to dedicated mode.
- When the mobile station is in dual transfer mode, it shall ignore any RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER or PACKET
CELL CHANGE ORDER message and shall remain in dual transfer mode.
- When the mobile station receives a HANDOVER COMMAND or an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message, it
shall abandon the packet resource immediately, enter dedicated mode and perform the handover or assignment
procedure, respectively.
The mobile station remains in dual transfer mode until the RR connection or all the packet resources are released.
The use of the main DCCH as a packet resource is stopped at the release of the signalling connection (during a
handover or assignment procedure) or at the reception of a DTM assignment message allocating other packet resources.
In the case of the release of the RR connection while in dual transfer mode, the mobile station shall abandon the packet
resource and, once in idle mode and packet idle mode, it may start a new establishment as described in 04.60.
These procedures constitute a complement to the corresponding procedures for temporary block flow establishment
using PCCCH, defined in GSM 04.60, and include the procedures using CCCH for packet paging (section 3.5.1),
packet access (section 3.5.2) and packet downlink assignment (section 3.5.3).
The network initiates the paging procedure by sending a paging request message on an appropriate paging subchannel
on CCCH or PCCCH. Paging initiation using a paging subchannel on CCCH is used when sending paging information
to a mobile station and PCCCH is not present in the cell.
NOTE 1: There are three types of paging request messages that are applicable:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 79 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In a PAGING REQUEST message used for the packet paging procedure, the mobile station shall be identified by the P-
TMSI (GPRS TMSI) or its IMSI. If the mobile station is identified by the P-TMSI, it shall proceed as specified in
If the mobile station identified by its IMSI, it shall parse the message for a corresponding Packet Page Indication field:
- if the Packet Page Indication field indicates a paging procedure for RR connection establishment, or the field
is not present in the message, the mobile station shall proceed as specified in section;
- if the Packet Page Indication field indicates a packet paging procedure, the mobile station shall proceed as
specified in section
A PAGING REQUEST message may include more than one mobile station identification.
The mobile station in packet idle mode is required to receive and analyse the paging messages and immediate
assignment messages sent on the paging subchannels on CCCH corresponding to the paging groups determined for it in
packet idle mode, as specified in GSM 05.02. These messages contain a page mode information element.
NOTE 2: The possible immediate assignment messages are: the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT, the IMMEDIATE
The treatment of page mode information, including the procedure when the mobile station selects a new PCH, and the
procedure if a message in a paging subchannel is not received correctly are defined in section
The single block packet access option in this procedure may also be used by a mobile station in packet idle mode to
transfer an RLC/MAC control message other than the PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST message to the network, see
- if access to the network is allowed (section, the RR entity of the mobile station initiates the packet
access procedure as defined in section;
If the request from upper layers indicates signalling, the highest radio priority level shall be used at determination if
access to the network is allowed, and the acknowledged RLC mode shall be used.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 80 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- if the mobile station is a member of at least one authorized access class or special access class as defined in
section, and
- if packet access is allowed in the cell for the radio priority level associated with the packet transfer, as indicated
by the PRIORITY_ACCESS_THR parameter broadcast in SI 13 message.
- if the cell belongs to one of the allowed LSAs for the mobile station, as indicated on the SIM, in the case where
the mobile station is a LSA only access subscriber.
Alternatively, if the SI13 indicates that the cell is EGPRS capable and EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST on
RACH is supported in the cell, an EGPRS mobile station shall send the 11 bits EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL
REQUEST messages at one-phase access attempts, two-phase access attempts and short access attempts (see GSM
04.60); if the SI 13 indicates that the cell is EGPRS capable and EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST on RACH
is not supported in the cell, the EGPRS mobile station shall use the 8 bit CHANNEL REQUEST message and shall
initiate a two phase access request.
The mobile station then leaves the packet idle mode. In particular, the mobile station station shall ignore PAGING
REQUEST messages indicating a packet paging procedure.
A mobile station belonging to GPRS MS class A or B shall continue to monitor its paging subchannel on CCCH for
PAGING REQUEST messages indicating an establishment of RR connection. A mobile station belonging to GPRS MS
class B may abort the packet access procedure at the receipt of a PAGING REQUEST messages indicating an
establishment of RR connection.
The mobile station schedules CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST messages on RACH
as defined in section
The CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST messages are sent on RACH and contain the
- an establishment cause which indicates packet access, and as applicable, a request for one phase packet access or
single block packet access for a CHANNEL REQUEST (section 9.1.8), or a request for one phase access or two
phase access or short access for a EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST (see GSM 04.60);
- a random reference which is drawn randomly from an uniform probability distribution for every new
If the requested RLC mode is unacknowledged mode, the mobile station shall request a single block packet access and
attempt a two phase packet access. If the requested RLC mode is unacknowledged EGPRS mode TBF, the mobile
station shall request and attempt a two phase packet access.
If the purpose of the packet access procedure is to send a Page Response, Cell update, for a GPRS Mobility
Management or a GPRS Session Management procedure, (i.e. the access is for Layer 3 signalling only, and not for a
Layer 3 data transfer), the mobile station shall request a one phase packet access by sending a CHANNEL REQUEST
If the purpose of the packet access procedure is to send a PACKET PAUSE message the mobile station shall request a
single block packet access. Upon sending the first CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST
message the mobile station shall start timer T3204. If timer T3204 expires before an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
message granting a single block period on an assigned packet uplink resource is received, the packet access procedure is
aborted. If the mobile station receives an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message during the packet access procedure
indicting a packet downlink assignment procedure, the mobile station shall ignore the message.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 81 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
After sending the first CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message, the mobile
station shall start listening to the BCCH; it shall also listen to the full downlink CCCH timeslot corresponding to its
CCCH group. The mobile station shall perform signal strength measurements as they are defined for packet idle mode,
see GSM 05.08.
Having sent the maximum number of CHANNEL REQUEST messages, the mobile station starts timer T3146. At
expiry of timer T3146, the packet access procedure is aborted and a packet access failure is indicated to upper layers.
If the mobile station receives an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message during the packet access procedure indicating
a packet downlink assignment procedure, the mobile station shall abort the packet access procedure and respond to the
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message as specified in section The mobile station shall then attempt an
establishment of uplink TBF, using the procedure specified in GSM 04.60 which is applicable in packet transfer mode.
On receipt of a CHANNEL REQUEST message indicating a packet access, the network may allocate a temporary flow
identity and assign a packet uplink resource comprising one PDCH for an uplink temporary block flow in GPRS TBF
mode. On receipt of a EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message, the network may allocate a temporary flow
identity and assign a packet uplink resource comprising one PDCH for an uplink temporary block flow in EGPRS TBF
mode or GPRS TBF mode.
If the establishment cause in the CHANNEL REQUEST message indicates a request for a single block packet access,
the network shall grant only the single block period on the assigned packet uplink resource if the network allocates
resource for the mobile station. If the establishment cause in the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message
indicates a request for a two phase access, the network shall grant one or two radio blocks for the mobile station (within
a Multi Block allocation) to send a PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST and possibly an ADDITIONAL MS RADIO
ACCESS CAPABILITIES messages on the assigned packet uplink resource if the network allocates resource for the
mobile station.
If the establishment cause in the CHANNEL REQUEST message indicates a request for one phase packet access, the
network may grant either a one phase packet access or a single block packet access for the mobile station. If a single
block packet access is granted, it forces the mobile station to perform a two phase packet access. If the establishment
cause in the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message indicates a request for one phase packet access, the
network may grant either a one phase packet access or a two phase access (within a Multi Block allocation). If a
multiple block packet access is granted, it forces the mobile station to perform a two phase packet access.
The packet uplink resource is assigned to the mobile station in an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message sent in
unacknowledged mode on the same CCCH timeslot on which the network has received the CHANNEL REQUEST or
the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message. There is no further restriction on what part of the downlink
CCCH timeslot the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message can be sent. Timer T3141 is started on the network side.
- the information field of the CHANNEL REQUEST or the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST message
and the frame number of the frame in which the CHANNEL REQUEST or the EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL
REQUEST message was received;
If frequency hopping is applied, the network may use the indirect encoding or the direct encoding of the frequency
configuration in the Packet Channel Description information element. If the indirect encoding is used, the mobile
station uses information received in system information or stored from a previous assignment to determine the
frequency parameters, see GSM 04.60. If the direct encoding is used, the mobile station uses the cell allocation defined
for the cell to decode the mobile allocation.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 82 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the indirect encoding is used, the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message may contain a CHANGE_MARK_1 field.
If that is present, the mobile station shall verify the validity of the SI13_CHANGE_MARK associated with the GPRS
mobile allocation to which the message refers, see GSM 04.60. If the CHANGE_MARK_1 field and the
SI13_CHANGE_MARK do not match, the message does not satisfactorily define a PDCH.
If the mobile station receives an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message and the Dedicated mode or TBF information
element indicates that this is the first message in a two-message assignment, the mobile station shall continue to listen
to the full CCCH. The network may send a second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message to the mobile station within
two multiframe periods following the first IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message, specifying the packet channel
description and, if required, a mobile allocation for the assignment. The two IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages in
a two-message assignment shall have the same contents of the Request Reference information elements.
If the mobile station does not receive the second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages in a two-message assignment
within two multiframe periods following the first message, the mobile station shall discard the first IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message received.
On receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message or, in case of a two-message assignment, a matching pair of
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages corresponding to one of its 3 last CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET
CHANNEL REQUEST messages, the mobile station stops T3146 (if running), stops sending CHANNEL REQUEST or
EGPRS PACKET CHANNEL REQUEST messages, and switches to the assigned PDCH.
The content of the packet uplink assignment construction (respectively EGPRS packet uplink assignment construction
indicates which type of packet access is granted: one phase packet access or single (respectively multiple) block packet
In the case the one phase packet access is granted, the packet uplink assignment construction contains:
- the polling bit ;- optionally, the timing advance index (see GSM 05.10);
- optionally, the TBF starting time (note: TBF starting time is mandatory if medium access method is fixed
- optionally a request for the mobile station to send its radio access capability information.
The medium access method is dynamic allocation or fixed allocation and the RLC mode is acknowledged mode, see
GSM 04.60.
If the medium access method is fixed allocation, and the number of blocks allocated in the ALLOCATION_BITMAP is
not sufficient to transfer all the RLC/MAC blocks that the MS has to transmit at the time the packet uplink assignment
construction is received, the MS shall request additional resources by sending a PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST on
one of the allocated blocks.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 83 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the timing advance index (TAI) is included in the packet uplink assignment construction, the mobile station shall use
the continuous update timing advance mechanism, see GSM 05.10, using PTCCH in the same timeslot as the assigned
PDCH. If a timing advance index (TAI) field is not included, the continuous update timing advance mechanism shall
not be used.
In case the packet uplink assignment or EGPRS packet uplink assignment construction contains a TBF starting time and
the mobile station receives the message before the TBF starting time has expired, it shall wait until the frame number
indicated by the TBF starting time before accessing the channel. If the mobile station receives the message after the
TBF starting time has expired, it shall ignore the TBF starting time and may immediately access the channel. If the
medium access method is dynamic allocation, the mobile station shall start timer T3164. Regardless of which allocation
mode is used, the mobile station shall proceed with the contention resolution at one phase access defined in GSM 04.60.
If the Polling bit is set to 1, MS shall send a PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message (see 04.60) on
the assigned PDCH, in the uplink block specified by the TBF Starting Time. In this case the TBF Starting Time is used
both to indicate when the assigned PDCH becomes valid and to specify the uplink block. If the TBF Starting Time is
not present or has expired, the MS shall ignore the polling request.
When the mobile station switches to the assigned PDCH, it shall take the power control parameters received in the
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message into account, perform signal strength measurements and apply output power
control procedures as they are defined for packet transfer mode, see GSM 05.08.
When assigning an EGPRS TBF, the network may request information about radio access capabilities of the mobile
station on one or several frequency bands within the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message ; the list of frequency
bands is ordered by the network starting with the most important and ending with the least important one. The mobile
station shall provide the network with its radio access capabilities for the frequency bands it supports, in the same
priority order as the one specified by the network, by sending a PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST message, and an
ADDITIONAL MS RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES if all the requested informations do not fit in the PACKET
RESOURCE REQUEST. If the mobile station does not support any frequency band requested by the network, it shall
report its radio access capabilities for the BCCH frequency band. The mobile station shall indicate in the PACKET
RESOURCE REQUEST if it will send more information about its radio access capabilities in the ADDITIONAL MS
RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES shall be sent within the one or two first radio blocks allocated for the mobile station
on the assigned PDCH.
The network may request a retransmission of the PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST and the ADDITIONAL MS
RADIO ACCESS CAPABILITIES messages. A request for retransmission of one or both of these messages shall be
indicated in the PACKET UPLINK ACK/NACK message. The mobile station has to indicate within the PACKET
RESOURCE REQUEST if the message is a retransmitted one.
In the case the single block packet access is granted, the packet uplink resource description contains:
If the mobile station receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message before the TBF starting time has expired, it
shall wait until the block period indicated by the TBF starting time. The network shall use the TBF starting time to
indicate the first frame number belonging to the single block period granted for packet access. The mobile station may
either use the assigned block period to send a PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST message to initiate the two phase
packet access procedure defined in GSM 04.60, or to send an RLC/MAC control message other than the PACKET
RESOURCE REQUEST message to the network, see section
If the mobile station receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message after the TBF starting time has expired, a
failure has occurred.
If a failure occurs and the packet access attempt was due to a request from upper layers to transfer a LLC PDU, a TBF
establishment failure has occurred and the mobile station proceeds as specified in section If a failure occurs
and the packet access attempt was due to the sending of an RLC/MAC control message, the packet access is aborted,
the mobile station returns to packet idle mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 84 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In the case the multiblock packet access is granted, the EGPRS packet uplink assignment description contains:
When assigning a multiblock packet access, the network may request information about radio access capabilities of the
mobile station on one or several frequency bands within the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message and allocate one or
two radio blocks for uplink control messages accordingly ; the list of frequency bands is ordered by the network starting
with the most important and ending with the least important one . The mobile station shall then provide the network
with its radio access capabilities for the frequency bands it supports, in the same priority order as the one specified by
the network, by sending a PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST message in the first radio block on the assigned PDCH,
REQUEST message on the assigned PDCH if all the requested informations do not fit in the PACKET RESOURCE
REQUEST and two radio blocks have been allocated by the network. If the mobile station does not support any
frequency band requested by the network, it shall report its radio access capabilities for the BCCH frequency band in
the PACKET RESOURCE REQUEST message. The mobile station shall indicate in the PACKET RESOURCE
REQUEST if it will send more information about its radio access capabilities in the ADDITIONAL MS RADIO
ACCESS CAPABILITIES message. If the mobile station has been allocated two radio blocks and all the requested
CAPABILITIES message shall be sent (see 04.60). Instead, some uplink control block (e.g. packet measurement report,
packet uplink dummy control block) may be sent by the mobile station.
The network may indicate in the next PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT message a request for retransmission of the
If the mobile station receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message before the TBF starting time has expired, it
shall wait until the block period indicated by the TBF starting time. The network shall use the TBF starting time to
indicate the first frame number belonging to the multi block period granted for packet access. If the mobile station
receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message after the TBF starting time has expired, a failure has occurred.
If a failure occurs and the packet access attempt was due to a request from upper layers to transfer a LLC PDU, a TBF
establishment failure has occurred and the mobile station proceeds as specified in section If a failure occurs
and the packet access attempt was due to the sending of an RLC/MAC control message, the packet access is aborted,
the mobile station returns to packet idle mode.
The network may send to the mobile station an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message in unacknowledged
mode on the same CCCH timeslot on which the channel request message was received. There is no further restriction
on what part of the downlink CCCH timeslot an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message can be sent. This
message contains the request reference and a wait indication.
On receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message corresponding to one of its 3 last CHANNEL
REQUEST messages, the mobile station stops sending CHANNEL REQUEST messages, starts timer T3142 with the
indicated value, ("wait indication" information element), starts T3146 if it has not already been started, and listens to the
downlink CCCH until T3146 expires. During this time, additional IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT messages
are ignored, but any immediate assignment corresponding to any other of its 3 last CHANNEL REQUEST messages
make the mobile station follow the procedure in section If no such immediate assignment is received, the
mobile station returns to packet idle mode and notify higher layers (TBF establishment failure) and notify higher layers
(TBF establishment failure).
If the purpose of the packet access procedure is to send a PACKET PAUSE message and an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT REJECT message is received, the packet access procedure is aborted.
If the mobile station has received responses from the network on all, or in case more than 3 were sent the last 3, of its
CHANNEL REQUEST messages, it shall immediately return to packet idle mode and notify higher layers.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 85 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The mobile station is not allowed to make a new attempt for packet access in the same cell until T3142 expires, but may
attempt packet access in an other cell after successful cell reselection for radio conditions reasons (see GSM 05.08). The
value of the wait indication (i.e. T3142) relates to the cell from which it was received.
The mobile station may initiate RR connection establishment in the same cell before T3142 has expired, see section
- If a TLLI mismatch has occurred during the contention resolution procedure, and the repetition of the packet
access has been repeated the maximum number of times as defined in GSM 04.60, a TBF establishment failure
has occurred.
- If the information available in the mobile station, after the reception of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
message or the second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message of a two-message assignment, does not
satisfactorily define a PDCH, a TBF establishment failure has occurred.
- If the mobile allocation indexes frequencies in more than one frequency band then a TBF establishment failure
has occurred.
- If an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message indicates a PDCH in a non-supported frequency band then a TBF
establishment failure has occurred.
On the network side, if timer T3141 elapses before a successful contention resolution procedure is completed, the newly
allocated temporary block flow is released as specified in GSM 04.60 and the packet access is forgotten.
Further action depends on the RLC/MAC control message sent by the mobile station, see GSM 04.60. Unless otherwise
indicated by the RLC/MAC control message, the mobile station remains in packet idle mode.
This procedure may also be used to assign a single downlink block on a PDCH to support the transfer of an RLC/MAC
control message from the network to a mobile station in packet idle mode, see
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 86 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) Entering the packet transfer mode: packet downlink assignment procedure
The establishment of a downlink temporary block flow may be initiated by the RR entity on the network side using the
packet downlink assignment procedure. The procedure is triggered by a request from upper layers to transfer a LLC
PDU, see TS 24.007. The request from upper layers specifies an optional Priority level, a QoS profile including thean
requested RLC mode, optional DRX parameters, and optional IMSI and an optional MS Radio Access Capability
associated with the packet transfer.
Upon such a request, the network shall determine whether the mobile station is in packet idle mode or packet transfer
mode. The packet downlink assignment procedure using CCCH is applicable when the mobile station is in packet idle
mode and when there is no PCCCH present in the cell.
The network may allocate a temporary flow identity and assign a packet downlink resource comprising one PDCH for a
downlink temporary block flow.
The contents of the packet downlink assignment construction determines the further action. At the establishment of a
downlink temporary block flow, the packet downlink assignment construction shall contain:
- the TLLI;
- optionally, EGPRS Window Size (see GSM 04.60) and Link Quality Measurement Mode (see GSM 04.60);
If frequency hopping is applied, the network may use the indirect encoding or the direct encoding of the frequency
configuration in the Packet Channel Description information element. If the indirect encoding is used, the mobile
station uses information received in system information or stored from a previous assignment to determine the
frequency parameters, see GSM 04.60. If the direct encoding is used, the mobile station uses the cell allocation defined
for the cell to decode the mobile allocation.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 87 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the indirect encoding is used, the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message may contain a CHANGE_MARK_1 field.
If that is present, the mobile station shall verify the validity of the SI change mark associated with the GPRS mobile
allocation to which the message refers, see GSM 04.60. If the CHANGE_MARK_1 field and the SI change mark do not
match, the message does not satisfactorily define a PDCH.
If the mobile station receives an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message and the Dedicated mode or TBF information
element indicates that this is the first message in a two-message assignment, the mobile station shall start listen to the
full CCCH. The network may send a second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message to the mobile station within two
multiframe periods following the first IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message, specifying the packet channel
description and, if required, a mobile allocation for the assignment. The two IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages in
a two-message assignment shall have the same contents of the Request Reference information elements.
If the mobile station was operating in DRX mode when it received the first message of a two-message assignment, the
network shall not send the second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message within the two block periods immediately
following the first message.
If the mobile station does not receive the second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages in a two-message assignment
within two multiframe periods following the first message, the mobile station shall discard the first IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message received. After the two multiframe periods following the first message, the mobile station may
resume to DRX mode.
On receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message or, in case of a two-message assignment, a matching pair of
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages, the mobile station stops monitoring downlink CCCH and switches to the
assigned PDCH and starts listening for downlink RLC/MAC blocks identified by the assigned TFI; it starts timer
The IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message may indicate a TBF starting time. If the mobile station receives the
message before the TBF starting time has expired, it shall wait until the frame number indicated by the TBF starting
time, start timer T3190 and switch to the assigned PDCH. If the mobile station receives the message after the TBF
starting time has expired, it shall ignore the indicated TBF starting time, immediately start timer T3190 and switch to
the assigned PDCH.
When the mobile station switches to the assigned PDCH, it shall take the power control parameters received in the
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message into account, perform signal strength measurements and apply output power
control procedures as they are defined for packet transfer mode, see GSM 05.08.
If the Polling bit is set to 1, MS shall send a PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT message (see 04.60) on
the assigned PDCH, in the uplink block specified by the TBF Starting Time. In this case the TBF Starting Time is used
both to indicate when the assigned PDCH becomes valid and to specify the uplink block. If the TBF Starting Time is
not present or has expired, the MS shall ignore the polling request.
An IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message may indicate a timing advance index (TAI) in the packet timing advance
IE. The mobile station shall then use the continuous update timing advance mechanism, see GSM 05.10, using PTCCH
in the same timeslot as the assigned PDCH. If there is no indication of a timing advance index, the continuous update
timing advance mechanism shall not be used.
The TA_VALID flag indicates if the value of the Timing Advance IE is valid or not.
If the network does not have a valid timing advance value for the mobile station to include in the IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message, the network shall use the procedures defined in GSM 04.60 on the assigned TBF, or the
polling mechanism defined in the above paragraph if the PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT format is set
to four access bursts, to obtain a timing advance value and to update the initially assigned timing advance value before
the mobile station is required to transmit other than access burst on the newly assigned channel.
The packet downlink construction may optionally contain the EGPRS Window Size (see GSM 04.60) and Link Quality
Measurement Mode (see GSM 04.60). The presence of these fields indicates EGPRS TBF mode (see GSM 04.60). If
these fields are not present, this indicates GPRS TBF mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 88 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
On the mobile station side, the procedure is completed when the mobile station receives an RLC/MAC block identified
by the assigned temporary flow identity. The mobile station stops timer T3190. The mobile station has entered packet
transfer mode.
- If the mobile station does not receive a RLC/MAC block on the assigned PDCHs before timer T3190 expires,
then a TBF establishment failure has occurred.
- If the information available in the mobile station, after the reception of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
message or the second IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message of a two-message assignment, does not
satisfactorily define a PDCH, then a TBF establishment failure has occurred.
- If the mobile allocation in the frequency parameters indexes frequencies in more than one frequency band, then a
TBF establishment failure has occurred.
If an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message indicates a PDCH in a non-supported frequency band, then a TBF
establishment failure has occurred.
The single downlink block assignment is done according to the procedure defined in, with the following
The packet downlink assignment construction in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message shall contain only:
If the mobile station receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message before the TBF starting time has expired, it
shall wait until the frame number indicated by the TBF starting time. The network shall use the TBF starting time to
indicate the first frame number belonging to the single block period assigned to the mobile station. The mobile station
shall switch to the assigned PDCH and attempt to decode an RLC/MAC control message in the assigned downlink
block. Further action depends on the RLC/MAC control message sent by the network, see GSM 04.60. Unless
otherwise indicated by the RLC/MAC control message, the mobile station remains in packet idle mode. If the mobile
station remains in packet idle mode, it shall continue to monitor downlink CCCH once the block period indicated by the
TBF starting time has passed.
If the mobile station fails to decode or does not receive an RLC/MAC control message in the assigned downlink block,
it shall remain in packet idle mode and continue to monitor downlink CCCH once the block period indicated by the
TBF starting time has passed.
If the mobile station receives the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message after the TBF starting time has expired, it
shall ignore the assignment.
If a failure occurs on the mobile station side due to any other reason, the mobile station shall ignore the assignment.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 89 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8.1 General
The procedures specified in GSM 04.18 and call-related supplementary service handling in TS 24.010 apply to those
messages which pass the checks described in this section.
This section also specifies procedures for the handling of unknown, unforeseen, and erroneous protocol data by the
receiving entity. These procedures are called "error handling procedures", but in addition to providing recovery
mechanisms for error situations they define a compatibility mechanism for future extensions of the protocols.
Error handling concerning the value part of the Facility IE and of the SS Version Indicator IE are not in the scope of this
technical specification. It is defined in TS 24.010 and the GSM 04.8x series.
Most error handling procedures are mandatory for the mobile station.
Detailed error handling procedures in the network are implementation dependent and may vary from PLMN to PLMN.
However, when extensions of this protocol are developed, networks will be assumed to have the error handling that is
indicated in this section as mandatory ("shall") and that is indicated as strongly recommended ("should"). Sections 8.2,
8.3, 8.4, 8.5 and 8.7.2 do not apply to the error handling in the network applied to the receipt of initial layer 3 message:
If the network diagnoses an error described in one of these sections in the initial layer 3 message received from the
mobile station, it shall either:
- try to recognize the classmark and then take further implementation dependent actions; or
Also, the error handling of the network is only considered as mandatory or strongly recommended when certain
thresholds for errors are not reached during a dedicated connection.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 90 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- An IE is defined to be syntactically incorrect in a message if it contains at least one value defined as "reserved"
in section 10, or if its value part violates rules of section 10. However it is not a syntactical error that a type 4 IE
specifies in its length indicator a greater length than defined in section 10.
- A message is defined to have semantically incorrect contents if it contains information which, possibly
dependent on the state of the receiver, is in contradiction to the resources of the receiver and/or to the procedural
part (i.e. sections 3, 4, 5) of GSM 04.18, TS 24.010, or relevant GSM 04.8X series.
If a mobile station receives an RR message with message type not defined for the PD or not implemented by the
receiver in acknowledged mode, it shall return a status message (RR STATUS) with cause # 97 "message type non-
existent or not implemented".
If the network receives an RR message with message type not defined for the PD or not implemented by the receiver in
a protocol state where reception of an unsolicited message with the given PD from the mobile station is not foreseen in
the protocol, the network actions are implementation dependent. Otherwise, if the network receives a message with
message type not defined for the PD or not implemented by the receiver, it shall ignore the message except that it
should return a status message (RR STATUS) with cause #97 "message type non-existent or not implemented".
NOTE: A message type not defined for the PD in the given direction is regarded by the receiver as a message
type not defined for the PD, see TS 24.007 [20].
If the mobile station receives a message not compatible with the protocol state, the mobile station shall ignore the
message except for the fact that, if an RR connection exists, it returns a status message (RR STATUS) with cause #98
"Message type not compatible with protocol state".
If the network receives a message not compatible with the protocol state, the network actions are implementation
- an IE unknown in the message, but encoded as "comprehension required" (see section TS 24.007); or
is received,
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 91 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the message is not one of the messages listed in sections 8.5.1, 8.5.2, 8.5.3 the mobile station shall ignore the
message except for the fact that, if an RR connection exists, it shall return a status message (RR STATUS) with
cause # 96 "Invalid mandatory information".
When the message is not one of the messages listed in section 8.5.3 b), c), d) or e) and 8.5.5 a), b), d) or e),
the network shall either
- try to treat the message (the exact further actions are implementation dependent), or
- ignore the message except that it should return a status message (RR STATUS) with cause # 96 "Invalid
mandatory information".
a) If the message is a CHANNEL RELEASE message, the actions taken shall be the same as specified in 3.5 "RR
connection release".
b) If the message is a PARTIAL RELEASE message, the reactions of the MS are for further study.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 92 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- conditional IE errors.
When the MS upon receipt of a GMM or SM message diagnoses a "missing conditional IE" error or an "unexpected
conditional IE" error or when it receives a GMM or SM message containing at least one syntactically incorrect
conditional IE, it shall ignore the message and it shall return a status message (GMM STATUS or SM STATUS
depending on the PD) with cause value # 100 "conditional IE error".
When the network receives a message and diagnose a "missing conditional IE" error or an "unexpected conditional IE"
error or when it receives a message containing at least one syntactically incorrect conditional IE, the network shall
- try to treat the message (the exact further actions are implementation dependent), or
- ignore the message except that it should return a status message (RR STATUS) with cause # 100 "conditional IE
The network should follow the same procedure except that a status message is not normally transmitted.
Semantic checking of the Facility information element value part (defined in TS 24.080) is the subject of the technical
specifications TS 24.010 and the GSM 04.8x series.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 93 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If truncation is allowed, the mobile station shall assume the value 'L' for the missing components.
If the trunctation is not specified for the relevant rest octet definition, the sending entity must ensure that the complete
set of components fit into the rest octets.
a) a brief description of the message direction and use, including whether the message has:
2. Access significance, i.e. relevant in the originating and terminating access, but not in the network;
3. Dual significance, i.e. relevant in either the originating or terminating access and in the network; or
4. Global significance, i.e. relevant in the originating and terminating access and in the network.
b) a table listing the information elements known in the message and their order of their appearance in the message.
In messages for circuit-switched call control also a shift information element shall be considered as known even
if not included in the table. All information elements that may be repeated are explicitly indicated. ( V and LV
formatted IEs, which compose the imperative part of the message, occur before T, TV, and TLV formatted IEs
which compose the non-imperative part of the message, cf. TS 24.007.) In a (maximal) sequence of consecutive
information elements with half octet length, the first information element with half octet length occupies bits 1 to
4 of octet N, the second bits 5 to 8 of octet N, the third bits 1 to 4 of octet N+1 etc. Such a sequence always has
an even number of elements.
1. the information element identifier, in hexadecimal notation, if the IE has format T, TV, or TLV. Usually,
there is a default IEI for an information element type; default IEIs of different IE types of the same protocol
are different. If the IEI has half octet length, it is specified by a notation representing the IEI as a
hexadecimal digit followed by a "-" (example: B-).
NOTE The same IEI may be used for different information element types in different messages of the same
2. the name of the information element (which may give an idea of the semantics of the element). The name of
the information element (usually written in italics) followed by "IE" or "information element" is used in
GSM 04.18 as reference to the information element within a message.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 94 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
3. the name of the type of the information element (which indicates the coding of the value part of the IE), and
generally, the referenced subsection of section 10 of GSM 04.18 describing the value part of the information
5. The format of the information element (T, V, TV, LV, TLV) as defined in TS 24.007.
6. The length of the information element (or permissible range of lengths), in octets, in the message, where "?"
means that the maximum length of the IE is only constrained by link layer protocol, and in the case of the
Facility IE by possible further conditions specified in TS 24.010. This indication is non-normative.
c) subsections specifying, where appropriate, conditions for IEs with presence requirement C or O in the relevant
message which together with other conditions specified in GSM 04.18 define when the information elements
shall be included or not, what non-presence of such IEs means, and - for IEs with presence requirement C - the
static conditions for presence and/or non-presence of the IEs (cf. TS 24.007).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 95 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 96 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 97 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 98 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the Channel Description IE does not indicate frequency hopping and the information element is present it shall be
considered as an IE unnecessary in the message.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 99 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 100 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) Mode of the First Channel (Channel Set 1) and Mode of Channel Set "X"
If this information element is not present the channel mode of the previously allocated channel or channels for Channel
Set "X" (1=<X<=8) shall be assumed.
If Channel Set "X" is not defined for the configuration, the Mode of Channel Set "X" IE shall be considered as an IE
unnecessary in the message.
NOTE: Clause defines cases when one or several Mode of Channel Set "X" IEs shall be included in the
The connection using the channel previously defined in the Description of the First Channel IEs of an ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND or HANDOVER COMMAND message shall use the channel defined in the Description of the First
Channel IEs of the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message defining the new configuration.
The channel described in the Description of the First Channel IEs carries the main DCCH. The SACCH used is the one
associated with that channel.
This information element appears at least when the channel mode is changed for the channel defined in the second
channel description information elements. Mobile Allocation and Frequency List, after the starting time
If at least one of the channel descriptions for the starting time indicates frequency hopping, one and only one of the
following information elements shall be present and apply to all assigned channels:
If neither of the Channel Description IEs for after time indicate frequency hopping, if decoding of Channel Description
IEs for before time does not require a frequency list for after time (see next section), and one or both of the two
information elements are present they shall be considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
If the starting time information element is present and none of the information elements referring to before the starting
time are present, the mobile station waits and accesses the channels at the indicated time.
If the starting time information element is present and at least one of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, the mobile station does not wait for the indicated time and accesses the channel using the
frequency parameters for before the starting time.
If the starting time information element is not present and at some of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, these information elements shall be considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
If the description of the first channel, before time IE is not present, the channel description to apply for before the time,
if needed, is given by the description of the first channel, after time IE.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 101 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the description of the second channel, after time IE is present, the description of the second channel, before time IE
not present, and a description of the configuration for before the time needed, the channel configuration before the
starting time is nevertheless of two traffic channels, and the channel description to apply to the second channel before
the starting time is given by the description of the second channel, after time IE.
If the starting time IE is present and at least one of the channel descriptions for before the starting time indicates
frequency hopping, one and only one of the following information elements may be present and applies before the
starting time to all assigned channels:
If the starting time IE is present and at least one of the channel descriptions for before the starting time indicates
frequency hopping, and none of the above mentioned IE is present, a frequency list for after the starting time must be
present (see, and this list applies also for the channels before the starting time.
If the cell channel description IE is present, it is used to decode the mobile allocation IEs in the message, as well as in
later messages until reception of a new reference cell frequency list or the cell is left.
This IE indicates which mode is to be used on the new channel (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit mode). If this
information element is not present, the mode shall be the same as on the previous channel.
The IE also indicates the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on the new channel or if the new
channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode shall be the same as on the
previous channel.
NOTE: A mobile station supporting VGCS talking shall not consider a syntactical error when this IE is present
and the channel mode is not speech.
If the Channel Description IE does not require the presence of the information element the Description of the multislot
allocation IE shall be considered as an IE unnecessary in the message.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 102 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If multislot configuration is indicated by the Channel Description IE but the Multislot Allocation IE is not present, all
channels in the configuration belong to one channel set, "Channel Set 1".
NOTE: As a change of timeslot number cannot occur for the channel described after the starting time, the
Multislot Allocation IE does not have to be included more than once.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 103 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: local
This IE indicates which RR mode is to be used with the new channel mode (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit
mode). If this information element is not present, the RR mode shall be the same as with the previous channel mode.
The IE also indicates the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on the new channel or if the new
channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode shall be the same as with the
previous channel mode.
NOTE: A mobile station supporting VGCS Talking shall not consider a syntactical error if this IE is present and
the channel mode is not speech.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 104 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: local
Significance: dual
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening shall consider this information element as unnecessary.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 105 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening shall ignore this information element.
The message is only one octet long, coded as shown in figure 9.1/GSM 4.08 and table 9.9/GSM 04.18.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
octet 1
This information field indicates the reason for requesting the establishment of a connection. This field has a variable
length (from 3 bits up to 6 bits).
This is an unformatted field with variable length (from 5 bits down to 2 bits).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 106 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 1: Examples of these procedures are: IMSI detach, Short Message Service (SMS), Supplementary Service
management, Location Services.
NOTE 2a: If such messages are received by a network, an SDCCH may be allocated.
NOTE 2b:This value shall not be used by the mobile station on RACH. If such message is received by the network,
it may be ignored.
Table 9.9a/GSM 04.18: CHANNEL REQUEST message (when answering to paging for RR connection
NOTE 3: The Paging Indication is provided by the Channel Needed IE (or the Channel Needed field) associated
with the page which triggered the sending of the CHANNEL REQUEST message.
NOTE 4: In some cases the established connection will be used only to allow a default rejection mechanism to take
place (typically the mobile station will send a RELEASE COMPLETE message with cause #88
"incompatible destination" as an answer to the incoming SETUP message).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 107 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 5: In this section, "dual rate capability" means that the MS supports both full rate and half-rate channels at
least for the signalling channel mode. In addition, it may support either speech channel mode, or data
channel modes, or both on half-rate channels.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 108 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 109 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 110 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
1 The variable part of the Information Element is coded as the corresponding Information Record defined in
TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A and TIA/EIA/IS-833. The bit number 1 of the first octet of each Information Element
shall be coded as the first bit of the first field of the corresponding Information Record defined in TIA/EIA/IS-
2000-5-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833, reading the fields defined in TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833
from left to right.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 111 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.12a Spare
Significance: dual
If Channel Set "X" is not defined for the configuration, the Mode of Channel Set "X" IE shall be considered as an IE
unnecessary in the message.
NOTE: Clause defines cases when one or several Mode of Channel Set "X" IEs shall be included in the
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 112 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 113 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
The mobile station shall establish the RR connection immediately, irrespective of the TBF starting time.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 114 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 115 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE: the MS Radio Access capabilities IE is not present since all the relevant information has already been
received by the network in Classmark 3.
Significance: dual
Direction: network to MS
A mobile station that does not support the <<GRPS>> option shall regard this message as an unknown message.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 116 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.13a.1 Mobile Allocation and Frequency List, after the starting time
If the channel description for after the starting time indicates frequency hopping, one and only one of the following
information elements shall be present
If the Channel Description IE for after time does not indicate frequency hopping, if decoding of Channel Description IE
for before time does not require a frequency list for after time (see next section), and one or both of the two information
elements are present they shall be considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
If the starting time information element is present and none of the information elements referring to before the starting
time are present, the mobile station waits and uses the TBFfrom the indicated time.
If the starting time information element is present and at least one of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, the mobile station does not wait for the indicated time and uses the TBF using the frequency
parameters for before the starting time.
If the starting time information element is not present and some of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, these information elements shall be considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 117 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the description of the channel, before time IE is not present, the channel description to apply for before the time, if
needed, is given by the description of the channel, after time IE.
If the starting time IE is present and the channel description for before the starting time indicates frequency hopping,
one and only one of the following information elements may be present and applies before the starting time
If the starting time IE is present and the channel description for before the starting time indicates frequency hopping,
and none of the above mentioned IE is present, a frequency list for after the starting time must be present (see,
and this list applies also for the TBF before the starting time.
If the cell channel description IE is present, it is used to decode the mobile allocation IEs in the message, as well as in
later dedicated mode messages until reception of a new reference cell frequency list or the cell is left.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 118 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This message is only one octet long, coded as shown in figure 9.2/GSM 04.18 and table 9.14/GSM 04.18.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
handover reference octet 1
This is an unformatted 8 bit field.
(also described in section
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 119 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 120 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 121 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) Mode of the First Channel (Channel Set 1) and Mode of Channel Set "X"
If this information element is not present the channel mode of the previously allocated channel or channels for Channel
Set "X" (1=<X<=8) shall be assumed.
If Channel Set "X" is not defined for the configuration, the Mode of Channel Set "X" IE shall be considered as an IE
unnecessary in the message.
NOTE: Clause defines cases when one or several Mode of Channel Set "X" IEs shall be included in the
The connection using the channel previously defined in the Description of the First Channel IE of an ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND or HANDOVER COMMAND message shall use the channel defined in the first channel description IE of
the HANDOVER COMMAND message defining the new configuration.
The channel described in the Description of the First Channel IE carries the main DCCH. The SACCH used is the one
associated with that channel.
This element appears at least when the channel mode is changed for the channel defined in the Description of the
Second Channel information element. Frequency Channel Sequence, Frequency List, Frequency short list and
Mobile Allocation, after time.
If at least one of the channel descriptions for after time indicates frequency hopping, one and only one of the following
information elements shall be present:
If neither of the Channel Description IEs indicate frequency hopping, if they are not required for the decoding of
Channel Description IEs for before time, and if any of the four information elements are present they shall be
considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 122 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Frequency Channel Sequence information element shall not be used unless all the ARFCNs that it indicates are in
the P-GSM band.
The starting time information element refers to the new cell time.
If the starting time information element is present and none of the information elements referring to before the starting
time are present, the mobile station waits and accesses the channels at the indicated time.
If the starting time information element is present and at least one of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, the mobile station does not wait for the indicated time and accesses the channel using the
frequency parameters for before the starting time.
If the starting time information element is not present and some of the information elements referring to before the
starting time is present, these information elements shall be considered as IEs unnecessary in the message.
If the description of the first channel, before time IE is not present, the channel description to apply for before the time,
if needed, is given by the description of the first channel, after time IE.
If the description of the second channel, after time IE is present, the description of the second channel, before time IE
not present, and a description of the configuration for before the time needed, the channel configuration before the
starting time is nevertheless of two traffic channels, and the channel description to apply to the second channel before
the starting time is given by the description of the second channel, after time IE.
If the starting time IE is present and at least one of the channel descriptions for before the starting time indicates
frequency hopping, one and only one of the following information elements may be present and applies before the
starting time to all assigned channels:
If the starting time IE is present and at least one of the channel descriptions for before the starting time indicates
frequency hopping, and none of the above mentioned IE is present, a frequency list for after the starting time must be
present (see, and this list applies also for the channels before the starting time.
In addition, if no information elements pertaining to before the starting time is present in the message, the frequency list
defined by the cell channel description IE is used to decode the mobile allocation IEs in later messages received in the
new cell until reception of a new reference cell frequency list or the new cell is left.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 123 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The cipher mode setting IE shall not be included if a HANDOVER COMMAND message is sent on a VGCS channel or
in a HANDOVER COMMAND message on a dedicated channel for a handover to a VGCS channel.
This IE indicates which mode is to be used on the new channel (i.e. dedicated mode or group transmit mode). If this
information element is not present, the mode shall be the same as on the previous channel.
The IE also indicates the group cipher key number for the group cipher key to be used on the new channel or if the new
channel is non ciphered. If the information element is not present, the ciphering mode shall be the same as on the
previous channel.
NOTE: A mobile station supporting VGCS Talking shall not consider a syntactical error if this IE is present and
the channel mode is not speech.
If the Channel Description IE does not require the presence the information element it shall be considered as an IE
unnecessary in the message.
If multislot configuration is indicated by the Channel Description IE but the Multislot Allocation IE is not present, all
channels in the configuration belong to one channel set, "Channel Set 1".
NOTE: As a change of timeslot number cannot occur for the channel described for after the starting time, the
Multislot Allocation IE does not have to be included more than once. MultiRateconfiguration
This information element appears if the Mode of the First Channel indicates a multi-rate speech codec, and if the
assigned configuration is new, i.e. it is different from the MultiRateconfiguration used in the serving cell. If the Mode of
the First Channel indicates a multi-rate speech codec, and this IE is not included, then the mobile station shall assume
that the MultiRateconfiguration has not changed.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 124 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 125 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
the IA Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 126 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the IA Rest Octets IE indicates that this message is the second message of a two-message assignment of an uplink or
downlink TBF, this information element shall have the same contents as the first message of the assignment.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 127 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If this message assigns a TBF and the Packet Channel Description IE does not indicate frequency hopping or if it uses
indirect encoding of a hopping RF channel configuration, the length indicator of this information element shall be set to
zero, and the mobile station shall consider the IE as an unnecessary IE.
If this message is used in an assignment of an uplink or downlink TBF, the mobile station shall ignore the contents of
the Starting Time information element if included and consider it as an unnecessary IE.
If the starting time IE is present but not the frequency parameters, before time construction, the mobile stations must
wait until the starting time before accessing the channel.
If the starting time IE is present and the Channel Description IE does not indicate frequency hopping the mobile station
shall consider the frequency parameters, before time construction as unnecessary in the message and the mobile must
wait until the starting time before accessing the channel.
If the starting time IE is not present, the mobile station shall consider the frequency parameters, before time
construction as unnecessary in the message.
If the Dedicated mode or TBF IE indicates that this message assigns a dedicated mode resource, but not that the mobile
station is identified in the IA Rest Octets IE information element, the mobile station shall consider the Packet Uplink
Assignment, Packet Downlink Assignment and Second Part Packet Assignment constructions as unnecessary in the
The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
the IAX Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 128 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE: Index 1 refers to the first mobile station, index 2 refers to the second mobile station.
A mobile station which reacts on the request reference 2 shall consider all information elements as unnecessary IE
except Requests Reference 2, Channel Description 2, Timing advance 2, Starting Time and if channel description 2 IE
indicates frequency hopping mobile allocation.
A mobile station in idle mode shall consider all information elements as unnecessary IEs except for the Page Mode IE.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 129 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
NOTE: Index 1 refers to the first mobile station, index 2 refers to the second MS and so on.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 130 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 131 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.21a Notification/FACCH
The understanding of this message is only required for mobile stations supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening.
This message is sent on the main DCCH, in unacknowledged mode using the RR short protocol discriminator by the
network to notify the mobile stations in dedicated mode or in on-going voice broadcast calls or voice group calls on
other voice broadcast calls or voice group calls in that cell.
Notification/FACCH messages for VBS or VGCS calls are differentiated by a flag in the call reference.
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening shall ignore this message.
See table 9.21a/GSM 04.18.
Significance: dual
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to octets 2-5 and bits 5 to 8 of octet 6 of the Descriptive Group or
Broadcast Call Reference information element.
The <Group Channel Description> field is optionally present. When present only the Channel description is provided in
the case of non hopping channels. In the case where the channel is hopping then either a mobile allocation or a
frequency short list is provided.
<Group Channel Description> : := <Channel Description : bit(24)>
{0 -- Non hopping case
|1 {0 <Mobile Allocation : <bit string>>
|1 <Frequency Short List : bit(64)>}} ;
<Channel Description>
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to octets 2-4 of the Channel Description information element. See
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to octets 1-8 of the Frequency Short List 2 information element.
<Mobile Allocation>
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to octet 2 to n+2 of the Mobile Allocation information element.
The <Paging Information> field may be used to inform the mobile station in Group Receive or in Group Transmit mode
that the corresponding mobile identity is paged in that cell.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 132 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
<mobile identity>
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to octet 2-n of the Mobile Identity information element. See
<channel first>
This field is syntactically and semantically equivalent to bits 1 and 2 of the Channel Needed information element. See
<eMLPP priority>
This field is coded as the <Priority1> field in the P1 Rest Octets information element. See
9.1.21a.1 Spare
9.1.21a.2 Spare
9.1.21a.3 Spare
9.1.21a.4 Spare
9.1.21b Notification/NCH
The understanding of this message is only required for mobile stations supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening.
This message is sent on the NCH by the network to notify mobile stations of VBS or VGCS calls in the current cell.
The VBS or VGCS calls are identified by their broadcast call reference or group call reference, respectively. For each
reference, the corresponding VBS or VGCS call channel may be indicated. See table 9.21b/GSM 04.18.
Notification/NCH messages for VBS or VGCS calls are differentiated by a flag in the call reference.
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening shall ignore this message.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 133 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.21b.1 Spare
9.1.21b.2 Spare
9.1.21c Spare
Significance: dual
A mobile station that does not support the <<GRPS>> option shall regard this message as an unknown message.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 134 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 135 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
the P1 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
Significance: dual Unnecessary IE
A mobile station in idle mode shall consider all information elements as unnecessary IEs except for the Page Mode IE.
If this message is used in the packet paging procedure, the Channel Needed IE associated with the corresponding
Mobile Identity 1 or 2 shall be coded with the value 00 (any channel) by the network. The mobile station receiving a
packet paging request shall treat this information element as unnecessary in the message.
This IE may contain a notification list number field and/or, referring to each one of the Mobile Identity 1 and 2 IEs, a
Priority 1 and 2 field and/or a Packet Page Indication 1 and 2 field.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 136 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The L2 pseudo length of this message is the sum of lengths of all information elements present in the message except
the P2 Rest Octets and L2 Pseudo Length information elements.
Significance: dual
If this message is used in the packet paging procedure, the Channel Needed IE associated with the corresponding
Mobile Identity 1 or 2 shall be coded with the value 00 (any channel) by the network. The mobile station receiving a
packet paging request shall treat this information element as unnecessary in the message.
This IE contains the channel needed indication related to the paging of Mobile Identity 3. The treatment of this
indication in the case this message is used in a packet paging procedure is specified in section
This IE may further contain a notification list number field and/or, referring to each one of the Mobile Identity 1, 2 and
3 IEs, a Priority 1, 2 and 3 field and/or, referring to the Mobile Identity 3 IE, a Packet Page Indication 3 field.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 137 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
If this message is used in the packet paging procedure, the Channel Needed IE associated with the corresponding
Mobile Identity 1 or 2 shall be coded with the value 00 (any channel) by the network. The mobile station receiving a
packet paging request shall treat this information element as unnecessary in the message.
This IE may further contain a notification list number field and/or, referring to each one of the Mobile Identity 1, 2, 3
and 4 IEs, a Priority 1, 2, 3 and 4 field.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 138 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 139 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
Significance: local
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 140 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.29 RR Status
This message is sent by the mobile station or the network at any time to report certain error conditions as described in
section 8. See table 9.28a/GSM 04.18.
Significance: local
Direction: both
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 141 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BSIC T1 (high) octet 1
T1 (middle) octet 2
T1 T2 T3' octet 3
(low) (high)
T1, T2 and T3', the 3 parts of the reduced TDMA frame number (RFN) as specified in TS. GSM
05.02 section 3.3.2.
Significance: dual
R1 (low) octet 2
R2 TG octet 3
R1 and R2, the 2 parts of the reduced TDMA frame number (RFN) as specified in TS. GSM
05.02 section 3.3.2.
TG, the time group as specified in TS. GSM 05.02 section 4.3.4.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 142 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
A GSM 900 mobile station which only supports the primary GSM band P-GSM 900 (cf. GSM 05.05) may ignore this
message, see section
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 143 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
This message has a L2 pseudo length of 18. This message may be sent by the network with either a L2 pseudo length of
18 or some other value. A mobile station that does not ignore this message shall not discard the message due to a
received L2 pseudo length different from 18.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 144 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
A mobile station that does not support UTRAN should ignore this message.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 145 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 146 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
When received this information shall be used as the list of BCCH frequencies of the neighbouring cells to be reported
on. Any change in the neighbour cells description must overwrite any old data held by the mobile station. The mobile
station must analyse all correctly received system information type 5 messages. This message has a L2 Pseudo Length
of 18.
Significance: dual
A GSM 900 mobile station which only supports the primary GSM band P-GSM 900 (cf. GSM 05.05) may ignore this
message, see section
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 147 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
When received (and not ignored) this information must be used as the list of neighbouring cells to be reported on. Any
change in the neighbour cells description must overwrite any old data held by the mobile station. The mobile station
must, with the exception stated above, analyse all correctly received system information type 5 messages. This message
has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18.
Significance: dual
When received (and not ignored) this information must be used as part of the list of neighbouring cells to be reported
on. Any change in the neighbour cells description must overwrite this part of any old data held by the mobile station.
The mobile station shall, with the exception stated above, analyse all correctly received system information type 5ter
messages. This message has a L2 Pseudo Length of 18.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 148 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
- if a new Cell Identity is identified, an indication shall be given to the upper layer together with the new identity.
- if a new Location Area Identification is identified, an indication shall be given to the upper layer together with
the new identification.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 149 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 150 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
A mobile station not supporting GPRS shall treat this message as an unknown message type.
Significance: dual
9.1.43b [Spare]
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 151 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
9.1.43c [Spare]
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 152 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
A mobile station that does not support COMPACT should ignore this message.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 153 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
The message is only one octet long, coded as shown in figure 9.4/GSM 04.18 and table 9.45/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 154 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This information field indicates the reason for requesting the establishment of a connection. This field has a variable
length (from 3 bits up to 8 bits).
This is an unformatted field with variable length (from 5 bits down to 0 bits).
The Uplink access message is coded as follows:
This message is broadcasted on the voice group call channel on the main DCCH, SAPI=0, by the network in
unacknowledged mode to inform the mobile station of the uplink status of the voice group call channel. See
table 9.46/GSM 04.18.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 155 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This message may also be used by the network to request the mobile station to perform an uplink reply procedure.
Significance: dual
<implicit spare> ;
When set to H, this element also indicates the uplink as not free for the uplink access procedure
If provided by the network, the Uplink Identity Code shall be used by the mobile for the coding of the UPLINK
ACCESS message
This message is sent on the uplink of the voice group call channel to initiate a deactivation of the group transmit mode
and to set the uplink free or on the downlink of the voice group call channel in order to reject an uplink access which
was already granted by the network. See table 9.48/GSM 04.18
Significance: local
Direction: both
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 156 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This message is sent in unacknowledged mode on the main signalling channel by the network to the mobile station to
stop the sending of access bursts from the mobile station and to change the channel configuration to a dedicated
configuration. See table 9.49/GSM 04.18.
Significance: dual
Messages of this message type are optionally sent by the network in unacknowledged mode on the SACCH. SYSTEM
INFORMATION TYPE 10 messages contain information about neighbour cells. When sent on the SACCH of a VGCS
or VBS downlink, SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 messages address all mobile stations receiving that downlink
within the cell. There may be different SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 messages sent on the same SACCH.
They are not standard layer 3 messages. They shall be transferred using the short header format for SACCH messages
sent in unacknowledged mode specified in TS 24.007.
Each SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 message defines a list of cells and may contain further information for cells
of that list, a cell being identified by the pair of ARFCN and BSIC of the BCCH. Newer information about a cell
received in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 10 messages shall replace older information.
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 157 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
A mobile station which does not support Extended Measurements shall discard this message.
Significance: dual
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 158 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Significance: global
Direction: both
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 159 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
<Measurement information> ::=
{ L | H < 3G Neighbour Cells Description : < 3G Neighbour Cells Description struct >> }
{ L | H < Real Time Difference Description : < Real Time Difference Description struct >> }
{ L | H < BSIC Description : BSIC Description > }
{ L | H < REPORT PRIORITY Description : < REPORT PRIORITY Description struct >> }
{ L | H < MEASUREMENT Parameters Description : < MEASUREMENT Parameters Description struct >> }
{ L | H < 3G MEASUREMENT Parameters Description : < 3G MEASUREMENT Parameters Description struct >> }
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 160 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
| 001 { < QOF : bit (2) > < WALSH_LEN_A : bit (3) >
<AUX_PILOT_WALSH : bit(val(WALSH_LEN_A)+6) >}
-- additional information for 1X Auxiliary Pilot
| 010 { < QOF : bit (2) > < WALSH_LEN_B : bit (3) >
< AUX_TD_WALSH : bit (val(WALSH_LEN_B)+6) >
< AUX_TD_POWER_LEVEL : bit (2) > <TD_MODE : bit (2) >}
-- additional information for 1X Auxiliary Pilot with Transmit Diversity
| 011 { < SR3_PRIM_PILOT : bit (2) > < SR3_PILOT_POWER1 : bit (3) >
< SR3_PILOT_POWER2 : bit(3)>}
-- additional information for 3X Common Pilot
| 110 { < SR3_PRIM_PILOT : bit (2) > < SR3_PILOT_POWER1 : bit (3) >
< SR3_PILOT_POWER2 : bit (3) > < QOF : bit (2) >
< WALSH_LEN_C : bit (3) >
< AUX_WALSH_LEN : bit(val(WALSH_LEN_C)+6) >
{ 0 | 1 < QOF1 : bit (2) > < WALSH_LENGTH1 : bit (3) >
< AUX_PILOT_WALSH1 : bit(val(WALSH_LENGTH1)+6) > }
{ 0 | 1 < QOF2 : bit (2) > < WALSH_LENGTH2 : bit (3) >
< AUX_PILOT_WALSH2 : bit(val(WALSH_LENGTH2)+6)> } }
-- additional information for 3X Auxiliary Pilot
} * val(number_cdma2000_cells) ;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 161 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Report_Type (1bit)
This parameter is used to indicate to the mobile to use the Enhanced Measurement report or Measurement report
messages for reporting:
0 The MS shall use the Enhanced Measurement Report message for reporting if at least one BSIC is allocated to each
BA (list) frequency.
1 The MS shall use the Measurement Report message for reporting.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 162 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This field specifies if cells with unknown BSIC and allowed NCC part of BSIC are allowed to be reported or not, see
GSM 05.08.
0 Report on cells with unknown BSIC and allowed NCC part of BSIC is not allowed.
1 Report on cells with unknown BSIC and allowed NCC part of BSIC is allowed.
3G-WAIT (3 bits)
When 3G-BA-IND is received in a changed state, this parameter indicates the number of instances of
MEASUREMENT INFORMATION messages that contain 3G Neighbour Cells Description which shall be received
before the MS reports on the new 3G Neighbout Cell list. Two different instances of MEASUREMENT
INFORMATION messages are two MEASUREMENT INFORMATION messages with different MI_INDEX. See sub-
000 1 instance that contain 3G Neighbour Cell Description shall be received
001 2 instances that contain Neighbour Cell Description shall be received
111 8 instances that contain Neighbour Cell description shall be received
Index_Start_3G (7 bit)
This optional information element indicates the binary value of the first index to use to build this instance of the 3G
Neighbour Cell list. When missing, the value 0 is assumed. See sub-clause
Absolute_Index_Start_EMR (7 bit)
This parameter indicates in binary the value to be added to the indexes of the 3G Neighbour Cell list for reporting 3G
Cells with the ENHANCED MEASUREMENT REPORT message (see sub-clause If this parameter is
absent, the same value as received in a previous instance (with the exception defined in on the change of 3G-
BA-IND) is assumed.
NOTE: This parameter is not used for reporting 3G Cells with the MEASUREMENT REPORT message, see sub-
clause, 'Measurement Results'.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 163 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
format compression algorithm, see Annex J: 'Algorithm to encode frequency list information'. The computation
formulas for decoding are given in the 'Range 1024 format' sub-clause, The consecutive parameters of this
field are concatened, starting with the bit FDD_Indic0, and then w1, w2…
FDD_Indic0, information 0 indicator (1 bit):
0 information '0000000000' is not a member of the set
1 information '0000000000' is a member of the set
NOTE: This bit FDD_Indic0 is equivalent than the bit F0 bit in the frequency list information element.
For each (10-bit-long) decoded Parameter, bits 1-9 are the Scrambling Codes and bit 10 is the corresponding Diversity
The total number of bits p of this field depends on the value of the parameter
Number_of_Scrambling_Codes_and_Diversity = n, as follows (with p=0 if n=0):
n p n p n p n p
1 11 6 53 11 89 16 123
2 20 7 61 12 96 17 0
3 29 8 68 13 103 18 0
4 37 9 75 14 110 -- 0
5 45 10 82 15 117 31 0
If n=0, this indicates the 3G Neighbour Cell list index for report on RSSI, see GSM 05.08.
If n is equal or greater than 17, this shall not be considered as an error. The corresponding index in the 3G Neighbour
Cell list shall be incremented.
Range-512-Format Cell Parameters and syncs cases and Diversity (q bit field)
This field allows to compute a set of 9-bit-long Scrambling Codes and Diversity Parameters, re-using the Range 512
format compression algorithm, see Annex J: 'Algorithm to encode frequency list information'. The computation
formulas for decoding are given in the 'Range 512 format' sub-clause,, with w0=0. The consecutive
parameters of this field are concatened, starting with the bit TDD_Indic0, and then w1, w2…
TDD_Indic0, information 0 indicator (1 bit):
0 information '000000000' is not a member of the set
1 information '000000000' is a member of the set
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 164 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE: This bit TDD_Indic0 is equivalent than the bit F0 bit in the frequency list information element.
For each (9-bit-long) decoded Parameter, bits 1-7 are the Cell Parameters, bit 8 is the Sync Case and bit 9 is the
Diversity bit
The total number of bits q of this field depends on the value of the parameter Number_of_Cell Parameters_and_Sync
Cases_and_Diversity = m, as follows (with q=0 if m=0):
m q m q m q m q m q
1 10 6 47 11 78 16 106 21 0
18 7 54 12 84 17 112 22 0
3 26 8 60 13 90 18 117 23 0
4 33 9 66 14 96 19 122 -- 0
5 40 10 72 15 102 20 127 31 0
If n is equal or greater than 21, this shall not be considered as an error. The corresponding index in the 3G Neighbour
Cell list shall be incremented.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 165 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Auxiliary Pilot.
QOF1 (1 bit field), WALSH_LEN1 (3 bit field) and AUX_PILOT_WALSH1 (var. length)
Are the corresponding quantities for pilot on the lower frequency of the two remaining SR3 frequencies, as specified in
TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A. The mobile station shall ignore QOF1, WALSH_LEN1 and AUX_PILOT_WALSH1 if it does
not support 3X Auxiliary Pilot.
QOF2 (2 bit field), WALSH_LENGTH2 (3 bit field) and AUX_PILOT_WALSH2 (var. length)
Are the corresponding quantities for pilot on the higher frequency of the two remaining SR3 frequencies, as specified in
TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A. The mobile station shall ignore QOF2, WALSH_LEN2 and AUX_PILOT_WALSH2 if it does
not support 3X Auxiliary Pilot.
PRIORITY Description
0 Normal reporting priority
1 High reporting priority
The use of these bits is defined in sub-clause 'Report Priority Description'.
BSIC Description
BSIC parameters are used to create the GSM Neighbour Cell list, see sub-clause 'Deriving the GSM
Neighbour Cell list from the BSICs and the BA (list)'.
The first BSIC parameter received in the structure relates to the index in the BA(list) frequency referenced by the
parameter BA_Index_Start_BSIC (index 0 if BA_Index_Start_BSIC is missing). Then the
FREQUENCY_SCROLLING bit indicates wether the next BSIC in the structure relates to the same frequency in the
BA(list), with '0', or if the next BSIC in the structure relates to the subsequent frequency in the BA (list), with '1'. Each
next BSIC received within the structure creates a subsequent GSM Cell list index.
When BSIC information is received in different instances, the first BSIC refering to a BA (list) index in one instance
shall be allocated the subsequent GSM Cell list index than the last BSIC refering to the previous BA (list) index in
another instance.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 166 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The use of these parameters is defined in sub-clause, 'Real Time Differences'.
This message may contain reports on GSM and/or 3G Radio Access Technologies. Measurements are defined in GSM
Significance: dual
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 167 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
{ 0 | 1 < Serving cell data : < Serving cell data struct >> }
If this structure is missing, this indicates that no valid measurement exist for the serving cell.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 168 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
This bit indicates whether or not the mobile station used DTX during the previous measurement period.
Each bit of the bitmap points to the corresponding index of the Neighbour Cell list defined in sub-clause
'Deriving the Neighbour Cell list from the GSM Neighbour Cell list and the 3G Neighbour Cell list'.
If this structure is present and more bits than needed are available at the end of the message, the MS shall set the value
of the redundant bitmap positions to '0'.
After the last REPORTING_QUANTITY parameter, some remaining bits indicating no report may be missing.
Reporting_Quantity (6 bits):
10.1 Overview
Within the RR protocols defined in GSM 04.18, every message with the exception of the messages sent on the BCCH,
downlink CCCH, SCH, RACH, and the HANDOVER ACCESS message, is a standard L3 message as defined in
TS 24.007 [20]. This means that the message consists of the following parts:
a) protocol discriminator;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 169 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
b) transaction identifier;
c) message type;
Unless specified otherwise in the message descriptions of section 9, a particular information element shall not be
present more than once in a given message.
The term "default" implies that the value defined shall be used in the absence of any assignment, or that this value
allows negotiation of alternative values in between the two peer entities.
When a field extends over more than one octet, the order of bit values progressively decreases as the octet number
increases. The least significant bit of the field is represented by the lowest numbered bit of the highest numbered octet
of the field.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 170 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 171 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 1 1 1 - - - System information messages:
0 1 0 0 0 - - - System information messages:
0 0 0 1 0 - - - Miscellaneous messages:
0 1 0 - RR STATUS
VGCS uplink control messages:
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 - VGCS UPLINK GRANT
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 - UPLINK RELEASE
0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 - Reserved (see NOTE)
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 - UPLINK BUSY
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 - TALKER INDICATION
Application messages:
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 - Application Information
Bit 8 is reserved for possible future use as an extension bit, see TS 24.007.
NOTE: This value was allocated but never used in earlier phases of the protocol.
Table 10.1a/GSM 04.18: Message types for Radio Resource management messages using the RR
short protocol discriminator
5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 System Information Type 10
0 0 0 0 1 Notification/FACCH
0 0 0 1 0 Uplink Free
0 0 1 0 0 Enhanced Measurement Report (uplink)
0 0 1 0 1 Measurement Information (downlink)
The first octet of an information element in the non-imperative part contains the IEI of the information element. If this
octet does not correspond to an IEI known in the message, the receiver shall determine whether this IE is of type 1 or 2
(i.e. it is an information element of one octet length) or an IE of type 4 (i.e. that the next octet is the length indicator
indicating the length of the remaining of the information element) (see TS 24.007).
This allows the receiver to jump over unknown information elements and to analyse any following information
The information elements which are common for at least two of the three protocols Radio Resources management,
Mobility Management and Call Control, are listed in GSM 04.08, section 10.5.1.
The information elements for the protocols Radio Resources management are listed in section 10.5.2. Default
information element identifiers are listed in annex K.
NOTE: Different information elements may have the same default information element identifier if they belong to
different protocols.
The descriptions of the information element types in section 10.5.2 are organized in alphabetical order of the IE types.
Each IE type is described in one subsection.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 172 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- possibly indicating the length that the information element has if it is either type 5 or if it is used in format TV
(type 1 and 3) or TLV (type 4).
- possibly the position and length of the IEI. (However it depends on the message in which the IE occurs whether
the IE contains an IEI.);
- possibly the position and length of the length indicator. (However it depends on the IE type whether the IE
contains a length indicator or not.);
- possibly octet numbers of the octets that compose the IE (see clause a) below).
Finally, the subsection contains tables defining the structure and value range of the fields that compose the IE value
part. The order of appearance for information elements in a message is defined in section 9.
The order of the information elements within the imperative part of messages has been chosen so that information
elements with 1/2 octet of content (type 1) go together in succession. The first type 1 information element occupies bits
1 to 4 of octet N, the second bits 5 to 8 of octet N, the third bits 1 to 4 of octet N + 1 etc. If the number of type 1
information elements is odd then bits 5 to 8 of the last octet occupied by these information elements contains a spare
half octet IE in format V.
Where the description of information elements in this Technical Specification contains bits defined to be "spare bits",
these bits shall set to the indicated value (0 or 1) by the sending side, and their value shall be ignored by the receiving
side. With few exceptions, spare bits are indicated as being set to "0" in GSM 04.18.
The following rules apply for the coding of type 4 information elements:
a) The octet number of an octet (which is defined in the figure of a subsection) consists of a positive integer,
possibly of an additional letter, and possibly of an additional asterisk, see clause f). The positive integer
identifies one octet or a group of octets.
b) Each octet group is a self contained entity. The internal structure of an octet group may be defined in alternative
c) An octet group is formed by using some extension mechanism. The preferred extension mechanism is to extend
an octet (N) through the next octet(s) (Na, Nb, etc.) by using bit 8 in each octet as an extension bit.
The bit value "0" indicates that the octet group continues through to the next octet. The bit value "1" indicates
that this octet is the last octet of the group. If one octet (Nb) is present, the preceding octets (N and Na) shall also
be present.
In the format descriptions appearing in section 10.5.1 to 10.5.4, bit 8 is marked "0/1 ext" if another octet follows.
Bit 8 is marked "1 ext" if this is the last octet in the extension domain.
Additional octets may be defined in later versions of the protocols ("1 ext" changed to "0/1 ext") and equipments
shall be prepared to receive such additional octets; the contents of these octets shall be ignored. However the
length indicated in sections 9 and 10 only takes into account this version of the protocols.
d) In addition to the extension mechanism defined above, an octet (N) may be extended through the next octet(s)
(N+1, N+2 etc.) by indications in bits 7-1 (of octet N).
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 173 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) BA Range
The purpose of the BA Range information element is to provide the mobile station with ARFCN range information
which can be used in the cell selection procedure.
The BA Range is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 6 octets. No upper length limit is specified
except for that given by the maximum number of octets in a L3 message (see GSM 04.06).
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
BA RANGE IEI octet 1
Length of BA Range contents octet 2
Number of Ranges octet 3
RANGE1_LOWER (high part) octet 4
(low part) (high part)
(low part) (high part)
(low part) (high part)
RANGE2_HIGHER (low part) octet 8
RANGE3_LOWER (high part) octet 9
(low part) (high part)
(low part) (high part)
(low part) (high part)
RANGE4_HIGHER (low part) octet 13
octet n
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 174 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If $(impr-BA-range-handling)$ is supported:
The RANGEi_LOWER is coded as the binary representa-
tion of the ARFCN used as the lower limit of a range
of frequencies which could be used by the mobile
station in cell selection (see GSM 05.08 and
3G TS 23.022)
If $(impr-BA-range-handling)$ is not supported:
The RANGEi_HIGHER is coded as the binary representa-
tion of the ARFCN used as the higher limit of a range
of frequencies to be used by the mobile station in
cell selection (see GSM 05.08 and 3G TS 23.022)
If $(impr-BA-range-handling)$ is supported:
The RANGEi HIGHER is coded as the binary representa-
tion of the ARFCN used as the higher limit of a
range of frequencies which could be used by the
mobile station in cell selection (see GSM 05.08 and
3G TS 23.022)
If $(impr-BA-range-handling)$ is supported:
The Cell Channel Description is a type 3 information element with 17 octets length.
There are several formats for the Cell Channel Description information element, distinguished by the "format indicator"
subfield. Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding scheme.
NOTE: No more than 64 RF channels should be encoded in the Cell Allocation since this is the maximum
number of RF channels which can be referenced in the Mobile Allocation IE.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 175 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
0 0 X X X bit map 0
1 0 0 X X 1024 range
1 0 1 0 0 512 range
1 0 1 0 1 256 range
1 0 1 1 0 128 range
1 0 1 1 1 variable bit map
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 176 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001
Figure 10.5.14/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element, bit map 0 format
Table 10.5.14/GSM 04.18: Cell channel Description information element, bit map 0 format
CA ARFCN N, Cell Allocation Absolute RF Channel
Number N (octet 2 etc.)
Figure 10.5.15/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element (1024 range format)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 177 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.15/GSM 04.18: Cell Channel Description information element, range 1024 format
Figure 10.5.16/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element (512 range format)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 178 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.16/GSM 04.18: Cell Channel Description information element, range 512 format
ORIG-ARFCN, origin ARFCN (octet 2, 3 and 4)
Figure 10.5.17/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element, range 256 format
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 179 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.17/GSM 04.18: Cell Channel Description information element, range 256 format
ORIG-ARFCN, origin ARFCN (octet 2, 3 and 4)
Figure 10.5.18/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element, range 128 format
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 180 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.18/GSM 04.18: Cell Channel Description information element, range 128 format
ORIG-ARFCN, origin ARFCN (octet 2, 3 and 4)
104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
Figure 10.5.19/GSM 04.18 Cell Channel Description information element, variable bit map format
Table 10.5.19/GSM 04.18: Cell Channel Description information element, variable bit map format
ORIG-ARFCN, origin ARFCN (octet 2, 3 and 4)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 181 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The BA List Pref is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 3 octets. No upper length limit is specified
except for that given by the maximum number of octets in a L3 message (see GSM 04.06).
<spare padding>;
The RANGE LOWER is coded as the binary representation of the ARFCN used as the lower limit of a range of
frequencies to be used by the mobile station in cell selection and reselection (see GSM 05.08 and TS 23.022).
The RANGE HIGHER is coded as the binary representation of the ARFCN used as the higher limit of a range of
frequencies to be used by the mobile station in cell selection and reselection (see GSM 05.08 and TS 23.022).
BA FREQ is coded as the binary representation of the ARFCN indicating a single frequency to be used by the mobile
station in cell selection and reselection (see GSM 05.08 and TS 23.022).
The UMTS Frequncy List is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 3 octets. No upper length limit is
specified except for that given by the maximum number of octets in a L3 message (see GSM 04.06).
In addition, this information element associates absolute explicit FDD frequencies to 3 bit field FDD-ARFCN-INDEX
pointers and/or TDD absolute explicit frequencies to 3 bit field TDD-ARFCN-INDEX pointers. The parameters FDD-
message (sub-clause 9.1.54), SI2quater Rest Octets (sub-clause, and/or SI2ter Rest Octets information
element (sub-clause, instead of the explicit frequency. The first FDD frequency shall be assigned to FDD-
ARFCN-INDEX 0. Each subsequent FDD frequency in the information element shall increment the value of FDD-
ARFCN-INDEX by 1. Then the first TDD frequency shall be assigned to TDD-ARFCN-INDEX 0. Each subsequent
TDD frequency in the information element shall increment the value of TDD-ARFCN-INDEX by 1.
If the MS receives some information on some non-supported frequencies, this shall not be considered as an error. The
FDD-ARFCN-INDEX and/or TDD-ARFCN-INDEX shall be incremented.
< LENGTH OF UMTS FREQ LIST : bit (8) > -- length following in octets
spare bits;
FDD_ARFCN and TDD_ARFCN are defined as the UARFCN in 3G TS 25.101 and 3G TS 25.102.
Spare bits in the end of the field are used to fill the last octet.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 182 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 1023
The Cell Options (BCCH) information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.21/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.21/GSM 04.18.
The Cell Options (BCCH) is a type 3 information element with 2 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cell Channel Description IEI octet 1
spare octet 2
The Cell Options (SACCH) information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.22 /GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.22/GSM 04.18.
The Cell Options (SACCH) is a type 3 information element with 2 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 183 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cell Channel Description IEI octet 1
octet 2
NOTE 1: The precise meaning of the PWRC parameter can be found in GSM 05.08.
NOTE 3: The DTX indicator field is not related to the use of downlink discontinuous transmission.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 184 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 1: The precise meaning of the PWRC parameter can be found in GSM 05.08.
NOTE 3: The DTX indicator field is not related to the use of downlink discontinuous transmission.
NOTE 4: These codes shall not be sent to mobile stations that implement an earlier version of this protocol in
which these codes were not defined.
The Cell Selection Parameters information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.23/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.23/GSM 04.18.
The Cell Selection Parameters information element is a type 3 information element with 3 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 185 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cell Selection Parameters IEI octet 1
MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH (octet 2)
The MS-TXPWR-MAX-CCH field is coded as the binary
representation of the "power control level" in TS
GSM 05.05 corresponding to the maximum TX power
level an MS may use when accessing on a Control
Channel CCH. This value shall be used by the Mobile
Station according to GSM 05.08.
Range: 0 to 31.
The RXLEV-ACCESS-MIN field is coded as the binary
representation of the minimum received signal level
at the MS for which it is permitted to access the
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 186 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.24/GSM 04.18
and table 10.5.24/GSM 04.18.
The MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested is a type 1 information element.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
MAC Mode and MAC 0 octet 1
Chan Cod Req IEI mode CS
Figure 10.5.24/GSM 04.18 MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested information element
Table 10.5.24/GSM 04.18: MAC Mode and Channel Coding Requested information element
CS : Coding Scheme
This field indicates to network the channel coding
scheme (see GSM 05.03) that the network should use
on the downlink. The field is encoded according to
the following table:
2 1
0 0 CS 1
0 1 CS 2
1 0 CS 3
1 1 CS 4
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 187 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4
0 0 0 0 1 TCH/F + ACCHs
0 0 0 1 T TCH/H + ACCHs
0 0 1 T T SDCCH/4 + SACCH/C4 or CBCH (SDCCH/4)
0 1 T T T SDCCH/8 + SACCH/C8 or CBCH (SDCCH/8)
Range: 0 to 7.
Octet 3
4 3
0 0 Spare
ARFCN, (octet 3, bits 2 and 1, and
octet 4, bits 8 to 1)
The ARFCN is coded as the binary representa-
tion of the absolute RF channel number
Range: 0 to 1023
Range: 0 to 63.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 188 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Channel Description 2 information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.26 /GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.26/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 189 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
X X X:
0 0 0 no additional timeslots
0 0 1 at timeslot n-1
0 1 0 at timeslot n+1, n-1
0 1 1 at timeslot n+1, n-1 and n-2
1 0 0 at timeslot n+1, n-1, n-2, and n-3
1 0 1 at timeslot n+1, n-1, n-2, n-3 and n-4
1 1 0 at timeslot n+1, n-1, n-2, n-3, n-4
and n-5
1 1 1 at timeslot n+1, n-1, n-2, n-3, n-4, n-5
and n-6
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 TCH/F + FACCH/F and SACCH/M at the time
slot indicated by TN and additional
unidirectional TCH/FDs and SACCH/MDs at
other timeslots according to the
1 1 0 0 1 at timeslot n-1
1 1 0 1 0 at timeslot n+1, n-1
1 1 0 1 1 at timeslot n+1, n-1 and n-2
Range: 0 to 7.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 190 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Octet 3
4 3
0 0 Spare
Range: 0 to 1023
Range: 0 to 63.
The Channel Mode information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.27/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.27/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 191 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 192 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The UTRAN pre-configuration set is a type 4 information element with 3-202 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
UTRAN pre-configuration set IEI Octet 1
Length of UTRAN pre-configuration set contents Octet 2
Value part of the UTRAN pre-configuration indication set is defined as Predefined Octet 3-202
RB Configuration in TS 25.331.
The Classmark Enquiry Mask is a type 4 information element with 3 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Classmark Enquiry Mask IEI octet 1
Length of Classmark Enquiry Mask contents octet 2
Classmark Enquiry Mask value part octet 3
Bit 8:
0 CLASSMARK CHANGE message requested
1 CLASSMARK CHANGE message not requested.
Bit 7-6:
7 6
0 0 UTRAN CLASSMARK message including UTRAN pre-configuration set information element requested
0 1 UTRAN CLASSMARK message excluding UTRAN pre-configuration set information element requested
1 0 UTRAN CLASSMARK message not requested
1 1 Shall not be sent. If received, shall be interpreted as UTRAN CLASSMARK message not requested.
Bit 5:
0 CDMA2000 CLASSMARK message requested
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 193 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Bits 4 - 1: spare(0).
The Channel Request Description information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.30/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.30/GSM 04.18.
The Channel Request Description is a type 3 information element with a length of 6 octets.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 194 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Channel Request Description IEI octet 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
=0-> spare
MT/MO - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- - - octet 2
spare RLC LLC
=1-> priority mode frame
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Requested bandwidth (MSB-Value field) octet 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
spare octet 4
Requested bandwidth (LSB-Value field)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RLC Octet Count (MSB-Value field) octet 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Spare octet 6
RLC Octet Count (LSB-Value field)
00 Priority Level 1 (Highest priority)
01 Priority Level 2
10 Priority Level 3
11 Priority Level 4 (Lower priority)
ates MO, this field indicates the RLC mode of the requested TBF.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 195 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The throughput granted by BSS may be higher to cope with protocol overhead and retransmissions.
The Channel Request Description 2 information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.30a/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.30a/GSM 04.18.
The Cipher Mode Setting information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.31/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.31/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 196 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
SC (octet 1)
0 No ciphering
1 Start ciphering
The Control Channel Description information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.33/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.33/GSM 04.18.
The Control Channel Description is a type 3 information element with 4 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Control Channel Description IEI octet 1
MSCR ATT octet 2
0 0 0 CBQ2 octet 3
spare spare spare
T 3212 octet 4
time-out value
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 197 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 198 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
BS-AG-BLKS-RES (octet 2)
The BS-AG-BLKS-RES field is coded as the binary
representation of the number of blocks reserved for
access grant.
CCCH-CONF (octet 2)
3 2 1
0 0 0 1 basic physical channel used for CCCH,
not combined with SDCCHs
0 0 1 1 basic physical channel used for CCCH,
combined with SDCCHs
0 1 0 2 basic physical channel used for CCCH,
not combined with SDCCHs
1 0 0 3 basic physical channel used for CCCH,
not combined with SDCCHs
1 1 0 4 basic physical channels used for CCCH,
not combined with SDCCHs
all other values are reserved
BS-PA-MFRMS (octet 3)
3 2 1
0 0 0 2 multiframes period for transmission of
PAGING REQUEST messages to the same
paging subgroup
0 0 1 3 multiframes period for transmission of
PAGING REQUEST messages to the same
paging subgroup
0 1 0 4 multiframes period for transmission of
PAGING REQUEST messages to the same
. paging subgroup
1 1 1 9 multiframes period for transmission of
PAGING REQUEST messages to the same
paging subgroup
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 199 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 1 to 255
The Frequency Channel Sequence information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.34/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.34/GSM 04.18.
The Frequency Channel Sequence is a type 3 information element with 10 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Frequency Channel Sequence IEI octet 1
0 Lowest ARFCN octet 2
inc skip of ARFCN 01 inc skip of ARFCN 02 octet 3
Range: 1 to 124
Range: 0 to 15
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 200 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
There are several formats for the Frequency List information element, distinguished by the "format indicator" subfield.
Some formats are frequency bit maps, the others use a special encoding scheme.
0 0 X X X bit map 0
1 0 0 X X 1024 range
1 0 1 0 0 512 range
1 0 1 0 1 256 range
1 0 1 1 0 128 range
1 0 1 1 1 variable bit map
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 201 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 202 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 203 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Wi denotes W(i);
Fi denotes F(i);
+ indicates the natural integer addition;
* indicates the natural integer multiplication;
n mod m indicates the remainder of the euclidian
division of n by m, ie 0 = (n mod m) = m-1 and
there exists k such that n = (k*m) + (n mod m);
F1 = W1
F2 = (W1 - 512 + W2) smod 1023
F3 = (W1 + W3) smod 1023
F4 = (W1 - 512 + (W2 - 256 + W4) smod 511) smod 1023
F5 = (W1 + (W3 - 256 + W5) smod 511) smod 1023
F6 = (W1 - 512 + (W2 + W6) smod 511) smod 1023
F7 = (W1 + (W3 + W7) smod 511) smod 1023
F8 = (W1 - 512 + (W2 - 256 + (W4 - 128 + W8 )
smod 255) smod 511) smod 1023
N := W(INDEX);
while INDEX>1 loop
if 2*INDEX < 3*J then
INDEX := INDEX – J/2; -- left child
N := (N + W(PARENT) - 1024/J - 1) mod
(2048/J - 1) + 1;
else -- right child
N := (N + W(PARENT) - 1) mod (2048/J - 1) + 1;
end if;
J := J/2;
end loop;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 204 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
F(K) := N;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 205 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 206 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
N := W(INDEX);
while INDEX>1 loop
if 2*INDEX < 3*J then -- left child
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 207 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 208 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 209 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 210 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
N := W(INDEX);
while INDEX>1 loop
if 2*INDEX < 3*J then -- left child
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 256/J - 1) mod
(512/J - 1) + 1;
else -- right child
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 1) mod (512/J - 1) + 1;
end if;
J := J/2;
end loop;
F(K) := (W(0) + N) mod 1024;
and so on
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 211 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 212 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
F1 =
(W0 + W1) mod 1024
F2 =
(W0 + (W1 - 64 + W2) smod 127) mod 1024
F3 =
(W0 + (W1 + W3) smod 127) mod 1024
F4 =
(W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + W4) smod 63) smod 127)
mod 1024
F5 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + W5) smod 63) smod 127)
mod 1024
F6 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + W6) smod 63) smod 127)
mod 1024
F7 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + W7) smod 63) smod 127)
mod 1024
F8 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 - 16 + W8 ) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F9 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 - 16 + W9 ) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F10 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + (W6 - 16 + W10) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F11 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + (W7 - 16 + W11) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F12 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 + W12) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F13 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 + W13) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F14 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + (W6 + W14) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F15 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + (W7 + W15) smod 31)
smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F16 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 - 16 + (W8 - 8 + W16)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F17 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 - 16 + (W9 - 8 + W17)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F18 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + (W6 - 16 + (W10 - 8 + W18)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F19 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + (W7 - 16 + (W11 - 8 + W19)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F20 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 + (W12 - 8 + W20)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F21 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 + (W13 - 8 + W21)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F22 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + (W6 + W(14 - 8 + W22)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F23 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + (W7 + (W15 - 8 + W23)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F24 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 - 16 + (W8 + W24)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F25 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 - 16 + (W9 + W25)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 213 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F26 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 + (W6 - 16 + (W10 + W26)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F27 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 + (W7 - 16 + (W11 + W27)
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F28 = (W0 + (W1 - 64 + (W2 - 32 + (W4 + (W12 + W28
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
F29 = (W0 + (W1 + (W3 - 32 + (W5 + (W13 + W29
smod 15) smod 31) smod 63) smod 127) mod 1024
N := W(INDEX);
while INDEX>1 loop
if 2*INDEX < 3*J then -- left child
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 128/J - 1) mod
(256/J - 1) + 1;
else -- right child
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 1) mod (256/J - 1) + 1;
end if;
J := J/2;
end loop;
F(K) := (W(0) + N) mod 1024;
Figure 10.5.40/GSM 04.18 Frequency List information element, variable bit map format
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 214 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.41/GSM 04.18: Frequency List information element, variable bit map format
ORIG-ARFCN, origin ARFCN (octet 3, 4 and 5)
The Frequency Short List information element is a type 3 information element of 10 octet length.
This element is encoded exactly as the Frequency List information element, except that it has a fixed length instead of a
variable length and does not contain a length indicator and that it shall not be encoded in bitmap 0 format.
The Frequency Short List information element is a type 3 information element of 8 octet length.
This element is encoded exactly as the Frequency List information element, except that it has a fixed length instead of a
variable length and does not contain a length indicator and that it shall not be encoded in bitmap 0 format.
The Group Channel Description information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.41/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.42/GSM 04.18.
The Group Channel Description is a type 4 information element with 4 to 13 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 215 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Group Channel Description IEI octet 1
Length of mobile allocation contents octet 2
Channel type octet 3
and TDMA offset TN
H=1-> MAIO (high part)
TSC --- H --- ----------------------------------------------------- octet 4
H=0-> spare (high part)
(low part) octet 5
ARFCN (low part)
C C C C C C C C octet 6
8n 8n-1 8n-2 8n-3 8n-4 8n-5 8n-6 8n-7
C C C C C C C C octet n+5
008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 216 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 7.
Octet 4
4 3
0 0 Spare
ARFCN, (octet 4, bits 2 and 1, and
octet 5, bits 8 to 1)
The ARFCN is coded as the binary representa-
tion of the absolute RF channel number
Range: 0 to 1023
Range: 0 to 63.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 217 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The ACK field (1 bit) is the binary acknowledge of a successful resumption of GPRS services:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 218 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 255.
The frequency parameters, before time construction combines a mobile allocation (see and a MAIO (see the
channel description information element).
The IA Rest Octets information element is coded according to the syntax specified below and described in table
10.5.45/GSM 04.18.
The IA Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 0-11 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 219 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
<Access Technologies Request struct> ::= -- recursive structure allows any combination of Access technologies
<Access Technology Type : bit (4)>
{ 0 | 1 <Access Technologies Request struct> };
{ 1
< TFI_ASSIGNMENT : bit (5) >
< POLLING : bit >
{0 -- Dynamic Allocation
< USF: bit (3) >
{ 0 | 1 < P0 : bit (4) >
< PR_MODE : bit (1) >}
|1 -- Fixed Allocation
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 220 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 1: A 'Timing Advance index' shall not be allocated at a Single Block allocation. A 'TBF Starting Time' shall
be allocated at a Single Block allocation. The control bits set to fixed values to specify these requirements
in a way compatible with early GPRS mobile stations in release 97.
The POLLING field (1 bit) indicates if the MS is being polled for a PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
The TFI_ASSIGNMENT field (5 bit) is the binary representation of the Temporary Flow Identity, see GSM 04.60.
Range: 0 to 31.
The USF field (3 bit) is the binary representation of the uplink state flag, see GSM 04.60. Range: 0 to 7.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 221 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The USF_GRANULARITY field (1 bit) indicates the USF granularity to be applied by the mobile station when it is
assigned a TBF using Dynamic Allocation, see GSM 04.60:
The ALLOCATION_BITMAP_LENGTH field (5 bit) specifies the number of bits in the ALLOCATION_BITMAP.
Range 0 to 31.
The ALLOCATION_BITMAP field (variable length field) represents uplink radio blocks, each bit representing one
radio block. Each bit indicates whether the mobile station is permitted to transmit during the corresponding uplink radio
block. The bitmap describes a one dimensional array of block periods, indexed as follows:
block period[z]
z=n for n = 0 to L,
L = number of bits in the ALLOCATION_BITMAP - 1;
z = block period relative to TBF_STARTING_TIME;
n = bit number index into the ALLOCATION_BITMAP, range 0 to L;
TBF_STARTING_TIME indicates the first block period of the assigned allocation
The CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND field (2 bit) indicates the coding scheme to be used for transmission, see
GSM 05.03:
The TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING field (1 bit) indicates the channel coding to be used for RLC data block
comprising TLLI for contention resolution:
0 mobile station shall use CS-1 in GPRS TBF mode or MCS-1 in EGPRS TBF mode;
1 mobile station shall use coding scheme as specified by the corresponding CHANNEL CODING
The ALPHA field (4 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter for MS output power control, see GSM 05.08:
0000 = 0.0
0001 = 0.1
: :
1010 = 1.0
All other values are reserved.
The GAMMA field (5 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter CH for MS output power control in units of
2 dB, see GSM 05.08.
The TA_INDEX field (4 bit) is the binary representation of the timing advance index (TAI), see GSM 05.10 and
GSM 04.04. Range: 0 to 15.
The TBF_STARTING_TIME field (16 bit) defines a starting time for the packet uplink assignment. The TBF starting
time is coded using the same coding as the V format of the type 3 information element Starting Time (
P0 (4 bit field)
For description and encoding, see the Packet Uplink Assignment message in GSM 04.60.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 222 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The TLLI field (32 bit) is the binary representation of a TLLI. The coding of TLLI is left open for each administration
using the structure specified in TS 23.003.
The TFI_ASSIGNMENT field (5 bit) is the binary representation of the Temporary Flow Identity, see GSM 04.60.
Range: 0 to 31.
The RLC_MODE field (1 bit) indicates the RLC mode, see GSM 04.60:
The ALPHA field (4 bit) and the GAMMA field (5 bit) are the binary representations of the respective parameters
and CH for MS output power control, see Packet Uplink Assignment construction.
The POLLING field (1 bit) indicates if the MS is being polled for a PACKET CONTROL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
The TA_VALID field (1 bit) indicates the validity of the timing advance value given in the Timing Advance IE.
The TIMING_ADVANCE_INDEX field (4 bit) is the binary representation of the timing advance index (TAI), see
GSM 05.10 and GSM 04.04. Range: 0 to 15.
The TBF_STARTING_TIME field (16 bit) defines a starting time for the packet downlink assignment. The TBF
starting time is coded using the same coding as the V format of the type 3 information element Starting Time
P0 (4 bit field)
For description and encoding, see the Packet Uplink Assignment message in GSM 04.60.
The presence of the Second Part Packet Assignment is the indication that this message is the second message of two
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT messages in an assignment of an uplink or downlink Temporary Block Flow (TBF).
The MAIO field (6 bit field) is coded as the binary representation of the mobile allocation index offset. Range: 0 to 63.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 223 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Mobile Allocation field (k octet field (k = Length of frequency parameters –1) contains a bitmap referring to the
Cell Channel Description IE in SI 1 message. The length of the bitmap is 8k, where k = ((NF-1) div 8 + 1) and where
NF denotes the number of ARFCNs contained in the cell channel description. The different bit positions in the mobile
allocation bitmap are assigned indices i = 1 to 8k, starting with i = 8k in the most significant bit position and ending
with i = 1 in the least significant bit position. The bit position with index i corresponds to the i'th frequency in the cell
channel description arranged in ascending order of ARFCN (except that ARFCN = 0, if included, is put last) and
numbered from 1 to NF. Each bit position in the mobile allocation bitmap is coded:
If NF mod 8 <> 0, then bit positions i = NF+1 to 8k shall each be coded with a "0".
This field indicates the access technology that is requested from the mobile station. The field is coded according to the
definition in GSM 24.008. The access technology types requested from the MS in the Access Technologies Request
structure shall be classified by priority, the most important first. The MS shall reply using the same order.
This field contains a constant which is used for filtering channel quality measurements in EGPRS. BEP_PERIOD2
when present shall be used instead of BEP_PERIOD. For details see GSM 05.08.
Range: 0 to 15
The Resegment information element is defined in GSM 04.60.
The IAR Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 3 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 224 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The IAX Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 0-4 octets length.
The L2 Pseudo Length information element is the first part of e.g. SYSTEM INFORMATION messages which are
mentioned as exceptions in section 10.1. It occupies the first octet of such messages.
For any of the SYSTEM INFORMATION messages sent on the BCCH, a mobile station should ignore the contents of
the L2 Pseudo Length value contained in the L2 Pseudo Length information element. For some specific messages,
further requirements are specified in section 9.
The Main DCCH Assignment Information information element is coded as shown in tables 10.5.79a/GSM 04.18 and
10.5.79b/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 225 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 226 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Measurement Results IEI octet 1
0 NO-
spare NCELL
NO-NCELL-M octet 5
(low part) RXLEV-NCELL 1
(high part)
(low part) (high part)
2 BCCH-FREQ-NCELL 2 2 octet 8
(low (high part)
(low part) (high part)
BCCH-FREQ-NCELL 3 3 octet 10
(low part) (high
(low part) (high part)
(low part)
BSIC-NCELL 4 5 octet 13
(high part)
(low part) (high part)
NCELL BSIC-NCELL 5 6 octet 15
5 (low (high
part) part)
(low part) (high part)
NCELL 6 BSIC-NCELL 6 octet 17
(low part)
BA-USED (octet 2), the value of the BA-IND field of the neighbour cells description
information element or elements defining the BCCH allocation used for the coding of
BCCH-FREQ-NCELL fields. Range 0 to 1.
DTX-USED (octet 2) This bit indicates whether or not the mobile station used DTX during
the previous measurement period.
Bit 7
0 DTX was not used
1 DTX was used
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 227 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 63
MEAS-VALID (octet 3)
This bit indicates if the measurement results for the dedicated channel are valid or not
Bit 7
0 The measurement results are valid
1 the measurement results are not valid
3G-BA-USED (octet 3)
The value of the 3G-BA-IND field of the neighbour cells description information element or
elements defining the BCCH allocation used for the coding of 3G BCCH-FREQ-NCELL
fields. Range 0 to 1.
CELL fields are coded as the binary representation of the received signal quality on the
serving cell.
If the i'th neighbouring cell is a GSM RAT cell, the RXLEV-NCELL field is coded as the
binary representation of a value N. N corresponds according to the mapping defined in TS.
GSM 05.08 to the received signal strength on the i'th neighbouring cell. See note 1 & 2.
If the I'th neighbouring cell is a UMTS FDD cell, the field 'RXLEV-NCELL' in Figure
10.5.47 carries
- the RSSI parameter if no Scrambling Code was indicated for this index (n=0 in sub-clause
9.1.54, 'Enhanced Measurement information message').
– otherwise, the CPICH Ec/No or RSCP parameter, depending on the value of the
FDD_REP_QUANT parameter (see GSM 05.08).
RSSI, CPICH Ec/No and RSCP are defined in 3G TS 25.331.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 228 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If the I'th neighbouring cell is a UMTS TDD cell, the field 'RXLEV-NCELL' field in Figure
10.5.47 carries the RSCP parameter, defined in 3G TS 25.331.
If the I'th neighbouring cell is a CDMA 2000 cell, the field 'RXLEV-NCELL' in Figure
10.7.47 field carries the PILOT_STRENGTH parameter defined in TIA/EIA-IS-2000-5-A.
Range: 0 to 63.
BCCH-FREQ-NCELL i, BCCH carrier of the i'th neighbouring cell (octet 6, 8,10, 12, 14,
15, 16 and 17)
In each BCCH channel sub list the absolute RF channel numbers are placed in increasing
order of ARFCN, except that ARFCN 0, if included in the set, is put in the last position in
the sub list. The BCCH channel list consists either of only the sub list derived from the
neighbour cells description information element(s) in System Information 2/5 (and possible
2bis/5bis) or of that sub list immediately followed by the sub list derived from the neighbour
cells description information element in System Information 2ter/5ter for the case System
Information 2ter/5ter is also received. If the set of ARFCNs defined by the reference
neighbour cells description information element or elements includes frequencies that the
mobile station does not support then these ARFCNs shall be included in the list.
The notation 2/5 etc. means that the rules above apply to the neighbour cells description
information elements received in System Information 2, 2bis and 2ter and to those received
in System Information 5, 5bis and 5ter separately.
Range: 0 to 31/30.
If no more than 31 (GSM RAT) ARFCN frequencies are included in the BA (list), the index
BCCH-FREQ-NCELL 31 indicates report(s) on 3G Radio Access Technology cells.
In this case, the corresponding 'BSIC-NCELL' field in Figure 10.5.47 carries the index of
the i'th 3G neighbouring cell in the 3G Neighbour Cell list defined in sub-clause,
Deriving the 3G Neighbour Cell list from the 3G Neighbour Cell Description.
Range: 0 to 63.
BSIC-NCELL i, Base station identity code of the i'th neighbouring cell (octet 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 13, 15 and 17)
For the GSM Radio Access Technology, the BSIC-NCELL i field is coded as the binary
representation of the base station identity code of the i'th neighbouring cell. See note 1 & 2.
Range: 0 to 63.
NOTE 1: If the field extends over two octets the highest numbered bit of the lowest
numbered octet is the most significant and the lowest numbered bit of the highest numbered
octet is the least significant.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 229 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The GPRS Measurement Results information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.48/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.48/GSM 04.18.
The GPRS Measurement Results is a type 3 information element with 3 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
GPRS Measurement Results IEI octet 1
(high part)
RXQ-L 0 SIGN_VAR octet 3
(low) spare
C_VALUE (octet 1), the value of the C parameter calculated by the GPRS mobile
station (see GSM 05.08). This field is encoded as the binary representation of the C
parameter value defined in GSM 05.08. Range 0 to 63.
RXQUAL (octets 1 and 2), contains the RXQUAL parameter field calculated by the
GPRS mobile station (see GSM 05.08). This field is encoded as defined in
GSM 05.08. Range 0 to 7.
SIGN_VAR (octet 3), contains the signal variance parameter SIGN_VAR calculated
by the mobile station (see GSM 05.08). This field is encoded as defined in GSM
The Mobile Allocation is a type 4 information element with 3 to 10 octets length except for the cases specified in
section and
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Mobile Allocation IEI octet 1
octet 2
Length of mobile allocation contents
C C C C C C C C octet 3
8n 8n-1 8n-2 8n-3 8n-4 8n-5 8n-6 8n-7
C C C C C C C C octet n+2
008 007 006 005 004 003 002 001
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 230 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Mobile Time Difference information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.50/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.50/GSM 04.18.
The Mobile Time Difference information element is a type 4 information element with 5 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Mobile Time Difference IEI Octet 1
Length of Mobile Time difference contents Octet 2
Mobile Time Difference value (high) Octet 3
Mobile Time Difference value (contd) Octet 4
Mobile Time Difference value (low) 0 0 0 Octet 5
spare spare spare
The MultiRate configuration is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 4 octets and a maximum length
of 8 octets.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 231 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Multirate speech configuration IEI octet 1
octet 2
octet n
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 04.18 Parameters for multirate speech field for the MR version 1 when a set
with one codec mode is chosen
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 04: Parameters for multirate speech field for the MR version 1 when a set with
two codec modes is chosen
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 04.18: Parameters for multirate speech field for the MR version 1 when a set of
three codec modes is chosen
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Figure 04.18: Parameters for multirate speech field for the MR version 1 when a set of
four modes is chosen
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 232 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Octet 3
8 7 6 Multirate speech version
0 0 1 Adaptive Multirate speech version 1
Bit 5
0 Spare
0 Spare
21 Start Mode,
When Multirate speech version field indicates Adaptive Multirate speech version 1
then the remaining fields are coded as follows:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 233 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
0 10,2 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 10,2 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 7,95 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 7,95 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 7,40 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 7,40 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 6,70 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 6,70 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 5,90 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 5,90 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 5,15 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 5,15 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
0 4,75 kbit/s codec rate is not part of the subset;
1 4,75 kbit/s codec rate is part of the subset;
The multislot allocation information element is a type 4 information element with a minimum length of 3 octets and a
maximum length of 12 octets.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 234 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Multislot alloction IEI octet 1
Length of the multislot allocation contents octet 2
0/1 DA DA DA DA DA DA DA octet 3
ext 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 UA UA UA UA UA UA UA octet 3a
ext 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 235 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) NC mode
The purpose of the NC mode information element is for the network to inform the mobile station of the NC mode to be
implemented on the target cell.
The Neighbour Cells Description information element is coded as the Cell Channel Description information element, as
specified in section, with the exception of bits 5 and 6 of octet 2. figure 10.5.53/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.53/GSM 04.18 contains the difference of specifications.
The Neighbour Cells Description information element is a type 3 information element with 17 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Neighbour Cells Description IEI octet 1
Bit Bit IND IND Bit Bit Bit Bit octet 2
128 127 124 123 122 121
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 236 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If received in System Information 2, 2bis, 5 or 5bis this bit indicates whether the
information element carries the complete information of a BCCH channel sub list or
whether a complementary information element is sent in another message.
A GSM 900 mobile station which only supports the primary GSM band P-GSM 900
(cf. GSM 05.05) may consider this bit as a spare bit and assume that the information
element carries the complete BA, see section
Bit 6
The Neighbour Cells Description 2 information element is coded as the Cell Channel Description information element,
as specified in section, with the exception of bits 5 to 7 of octet 2. figure 10.5.54/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.54/GSM 04.18 contains the difference of specifications.
The Neighbour Cells Description 2 information element is a type 3 information element with 17 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Neighbour Cells Description IEI octet 1
Multiband BA-
Bit reporting IND Bit Bit Bit Bit octet 2
128 124 123 122 121
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 237 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) Spare
The P1 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 0-17 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 238 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE 1: The value 17h shall not be used as a value of the first octet when this information element is used in the
PAGING REQUEST TYPE 1 message. This will prevent mobile stations misinterpreting this information
as the Mobile Identity IEI.
0 0 0 no priority applied
0 0 1 call priority level 4
0 1 0 call priority level 3
0 1 1 call priority level 2
1 0 0 call priority level 1
1 0 1 call priority level 0
1 1 0 call priority level B
1 1 1 call priority level A
The Packet Page Indication i field relates to Mobile Station Identity i (i = 1, 2) and indicates the kind of paging
procedure associated with the mobile station identity. If the identity is not IMSI the Packet Page Indication has no
meaning and is ignored.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 239 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The P2 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 1-11 octets length.
NOTE 1: The value 17h shall not be used as a value of the first octet when this information element is used in the
PAGING REQUEST TYPE 2 message. This will prevent mobile stations misinterpreting this information
as the Mobile Identity IEI.
If the CN3 field is not present, the default value is 00 (any channel).
0 0 0 no priority applied
0 0 1 call priority level 4
0 1 0 call priority level 3
0 1 1 call priority level 2
1 0 0 call priority level 1
1 0 1 call priority level 0
1 1 0 call priority level B
1 1 1 call priority level A
The Packet Page Indication 3 field relates to Mobile Station Identity 3 and indicates the kind of paging procedure
associated with the mobile station identity. If the identity is not IMSI the Packet Page Indication has no meaning and is
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 240 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The P3 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 3 octets length.
0 0 0 no priority applied
0 0 1 call priority level 4
0 1 0 call priority level 3
0 1 1 call priority level 2
1 0 0 call priority level 1
1 0 1 call priority level 0
1 1 0 call priority level B
1 1 1 call priority level A
The Packet Channel Description information element is coded according to the syntax specified below and described in
table 10.58/GSM 04.18.
The Packet Channel Description is a type 3 information element with 4 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 241 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Channel type field (5 bit) shall be ignored by the receiver and all bits treated as spare. For backward compatibility
reasons, the sender shall set the spare bits to binary '00001'.
The TN field (3 bit) is the binary representation of the timeslot number as defined in GSM 05.10. Range: 0 to 7
The TSC field (3 bit) is the binary representation of the training sequence code as defined in GSM 05.02.
Range: 0 to 7.
The MA_NUMBER_IND field (1 bit) is the binary representation of the MA_NUMBER to use as reference to a GPRS
mobile allocation:
0 MA_NUMBER = 14
1 MA_NUMBER = 15
The CHANGE_MARK_1 field (2 bit) is the binary representation of the allowed value of the SI change mark
associated with the GPRS mobile allocation to which the MA_NUMBER refers. Range: 0 to 3.
If the indirect encoding is used, this information element may contain the CHANGE_MARK_1 field. If that is present,
the mobile station being assigned the TBF shall verify the validity of the SI change mark associated with the GPRS
mobile allocation to which this information element refers, see GSM 04.60. The CHANGE_MARK_1 field shall not be
included in this information element if MA_NUMBER = 15 is used.
The HSN field (6 bit) is the binary representation of the hopping sequence number, see GSM 05.02. Range: 0 to 63.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 242 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
- whether the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message relates to a downlink TBF for a mobile station in packet
idle mode; and
- whether the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT message is the first message of two IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT
messages in a two-message assignment of an uplink or downlink TBF.
The Dedicated mode or TBF information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.55/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.59/GSM 04.18.
0 this message assigns a dedicated mode resource
1 this message assigns a Temporary Block Flow (TBF).
0 No meaning
1 this message assigns a resource to the mobile station identified in the IA rest octets. The type of resource
(either dedicated mode or TBF) is indicated by bit 1.
0 No meaning
1 This message is the first message of two in a two-message assignment of an uplink or downlink TBF.
The RR Packet Uplink Assignment information element is coded as shown in tables 10.5.60/GSM 04.18 and
10.5.61/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 243 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 244 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Editors note: This IE has a number of differences to the contents of the PACKET UPLINK ASSIGNMENT message
described in GSM 04.60:
- the PAGE_MODE is not included because this IE is sent on a DCCH, not on the PCH/AGCH;
- the Referenced Address is not included because this IE is sent in a dedicated mode message and hence has only
one intended recipient;
- the CONTENTION_RESOLUTION_TLLI is not included because this IE is sent after dedicated mode
contention resolution;
- the GSM 04.60 Frequency Parameters are not included because the dedicated mode message(s) carry this
information in other information elements (eg Mobile Allocation);
- the TBF_STARTING_TIME is not included because it duplicates the information in the Starting Time IE;
- the ALLOCATION_REFERENCE is not included because this IE is in a message sent in dedicated mode using
a reliable data link.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 245 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
If present, this field is encoded as the UPLINK_TFI_ASSIGNMENT information element in the PACKET UPLINK
ASSIGNMENT message in GSM 04.60.
These fields are optional downlink power control parameters and are encoded as in the PACKET UPLINK
ASSIGNMENT message in GSM 04.60.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 246 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range 0 to 7
0 the MS shall not operate in half duplex mode
1 the MS shall operate in half duplex mode
1 bit 7 of the Timing Advance IE defined in section
2 bit 8 of the Timing Advance IE defined in section
The RR Packet Downlink Assignment information element is coded as shown in tables 10.5.62/GSM 04.18 and
10.5.63/GSM 04.18.
For a mobile station assigned to operate in the fixed allocation MAC mode, the network may assign regularly repeating
intervals during which the mobile station shall measure neighbour cell power levels.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 247 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Editors note: This IE has a number of differences to the contents of the PACKET DOWNLINK ASSIGNMENT
message described in GSM 04.60:
- the PAGE_MODE is not included because this IE is sent on a DCCH not on the
- Referenced Address is not included because this IE is sent in a dedicated
mode message and hence has only one intended recipient.
- the GSM 04.60 Frequency Parameters are not included because the dedicated
mode message(s) carry this information in other information elements
(eg Mobile Allocation);
- the TBF_STARTING_TIME is not included because it duplicates the
information in the Starting Time IE.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 248 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
1 bit 7 of the Timing Advance IE defined in section
2 bit 8 of the Timing Advance IE defined in section
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 249 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Page Mode information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.56/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.64/GSM 04.18.
The SI13 or PBCCH Location information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.56a/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.64a/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 250 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
coding of this field is identical to the coding of the SI13_POSITION field in the SI3 Rest Octets information element.
Pb (4 bit field)
This is the binary representation, range 0 to 15, of the power reduction value used by the BTS on PBCCH blocks,
relative to the output power on BCCH, see GSM 05.08.
TN (3 bit field)
This is the binary representation, range 0 to 7, of the timeslot number for the PBCCH, see GSM 05.02. Spare Spare Spare
The NCC Permitted information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.57/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.65/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 251 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 31.
The Power Command and access type information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.59/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.67/GSM 04.18.
The Power Command and access type is a type 3 information element with 2 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Power Command and Access Type IEI octet 1
spare octet 2
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 252 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
FPC (octet 2)
The FPC field (octet 2) indicates whether Fast Measurement
Reporting and Power Control mechanism is used. It is coded as
Range: 0 to 31.
The RACH Control Parameters information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.60/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.68/GSM 04.18.
The RACH Control Parameters is a type 3 information element with 4 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
RACH Control Parameters IEI octet 1
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 253 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7
0 0 Maximum 1 retransmission
0 1 Maximum 2 retransmissions
1 0 Maximum 4 retransmissions
1 1 Maximum 7 retransmissions
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 254 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Request Reference IEI octet 1
RA octet 2
T1' (high part) octet 3
(low part) T2 octet 4
T1' (octet 2)
The T1' field is coded as the binary representation
of (FN div 1326) mod 32.
T3 (octet 3 and 4)
The T3 field is coded as the binary representation
of FN mod 51. Bit 3 of octet 2 is the most
significant bit and bit 6 of octet 3 is the least
significant bit.
T2 (octet 4)
The T2 field is coded as the binary representation
of FN mod 26. RR Cause
The purpose of the RR Cause information element is to provide the reason for release or the reason for completion of an
assignment or handover.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 255 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SI 1 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 1 octet length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 256 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
In the case the CCCH configuration is not compatible with the NCH position (e.g., CCCH with combined SDCCH and
the value different from 00000, 00001 or 00111), the mobile station shall behave as if the NCH Position field was not
The SI 2bis Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with1 octet length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 257 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
reselection. Information received in this message do not modify the 3G Neighbour Cell list defined in
The SI 2ter Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 4 octets length.
< UMTS TDD Description >::= -- 20 bits are available if this structure is present on its own
{ 00 { 0 < TDD-ARFCN-INDEX : bit (3) > ** 1 } -- requires 2+4n+1
| 01 < TDD-ARFCN : bit (14) > -- requires 2+14=16 bits
| 10 < TDD-ARFCN-INDEX : bit (3) >
< Cell Parameter : bit (7) >
< Sync Case : bit >
< Diversity : bit > -- requires 14 bits
| 11 < TDD-ARFCN-INDEX : bit (3) >
< TDD-ARFCN-INDEX : bit (3) >
< TDD-ARFCN-INDEX : bit (3) > } ; -- requires 11 bits
SI2terRO_MP_CHANGE_MARK (1 bit field), SI2ter Rest Octet Measurement Parameter Change Mark.
This parameter is used to indicate to the MS a change of information concerning 3G Measurement Parameters, as
described in sub-clause, 'System information broadcasting'.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 258 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SI 2quater Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octet length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 259 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 260 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
{ 0 | 1 < 3G Neighbour Cells Description : < 3G Neighbour Cells Description struct >> }
{ 0 | 1 < Measurement_Parameters Description : < Measurement Parameters Description struct >> }
{ 0 | 1 < 3G Measurement Parameters Description : < 3G Measurement Parameters Description struct >> }
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 261 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.71.a1
If n=0, this indicates the 3G Neighbour Cell list index for subsequent report on RSSI, see GSM 05.08.
If n is equal or greater than 17, this shall not be considered as an error. The corresponding index in the 3G Neighbour
Cell list shall be incremented.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 262 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range-512-Format Cell Parameters and syncs cases and Diversity (q bit field)
This field allows to compute a set of 9-bit-long Scrambling Codes and Diversity Parameters, re-using the Range 512
format compression algorithm, see Annex J: 'Algorithm to encode frequency list information'. The computation formulas
for decoding are given in the 'Range 512 format' sub-clause,, with w0=0. The consecutive parameters of this
field are concatened, starting with the bit TDD_Indic0, and then w1, w2….
TDD_Indic0, information 0 indicator (1 bit):
0information '000000000' is not a member of the set
1information '000000000' is a member of the set
NOTE: This bit TDD_Indic0 is equivalent than the bit F0 bit in the frequency list information element.
For each (9-bit-long) decoded Parameter, bits 1-7 are the Cell Parameters, bit 8 is the Sync Case and bit 9 is the
Diversity bit..
The total number of bits q of this field depends on the value of the parameter Number_of_Cell Parameters_and_Sync
Cases_and_Diversity = m, as follows (with q=0 if m=0):
m q m q m q m q m q
1 10 6 47 11 78 16 106 21 0
2 18 7 54 12 84 17 112 22 0
3 26 8 60 13 90 18 117 23 0
4 33 9 66 14 96 19 122 24 0
5 40 10 72 15 102 20 127 31 0
Table 10.5.71.a2.
If n is equal or greater than 21, this shall not be considered as an error. The corresponding index in the 3G Neighbour
Cell list shall be incremented.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 263 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SI 3 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 4 octets length.
<Optional Power Offset> ::= L | H <Power Offset: bit (2)>;<System Information 2ter Indicator> ::= L | H;
CELL_BAR_QUALIFY is used by the network to control mobile station cell selection and reselection. The use and
coding of this parameter is defined in GSM 05.08.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 264 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The PENALTY_TIME is coded as the binary representation of the "PENALTY_TIME" in GSM 05.08. It defines the
length of time for which TEMPORARY_OFFSET is active. The usage of PENALTY_TIME is described in TS 23.022
and GSM 05.08.
If the WHERE field is not contained in the information element, this indicates that BCCH scheduling information is
not sent in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 on the BCCH.
If the WHERE field is contained in the information element, this indicates that BCCH scheduling information is sent in
SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 on the BCCH and that SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 9 messages are sent in
the blocks of the BCCH norm for which ((FN DIV 51) mod (8) = 4 AND (((FN DIV 51) DIV 8) mod (n+1))= 0), where
n is the value encoded in binary in WHERE.
GPRS Indicator
The GPRS Indicator contains the RA COLOUR field and the SI13_POSITION field. If the GPRS Indicator is
contained in the information element, it indicates that GPRS is supported in the cell.
NOTE: In the future evolution of this standard the values 64h and 72h shall not be used as values of the first octet
when this information element is used in the SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 4 message. This will
prevent mobile stations misinterpreting this information as the CBCH IEIs .
The SI 4 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 0 to 10 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 265 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
<spare padding>
} -- truncation allowed, bits 'L' assumed;
<SI7 Rest Octets> ::= <SI4 Rest Octets_O><SI4 Rest Octets_S> |<SI4 Rest Octets_S> ;
<SI8 Rest Octets> ::= <SI4 Rest Octets_O><SI4 Rest Octets_S> |<SI4 Rest Octets_S> ;
If "ACS " in the System information type 4 message is set to "1" then the SI 7 and SI 8 rest octets consists of "SI4 Rest
Octets_O" and "SI4 Rest Octets_S", otherwise of only "SI4 Rest Octets_S".
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 266 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.73/GSM 04.18
CELL_BAR_QUALIFY is used by the network to control mobile station cell selection and reselection. The use and
coding of this parameter is defined in GSM 05.08.
The PENALTY_TIME is coded as the binary representation of the "PENALTY_TIME" in GSM 05.08. It defines the
length of time for which TEMPORARY_OFFSET is active. The usage of PENALTY_TIME is described in TS 23.022
and GSM 05.08.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 267 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.5.74/GSM 04.18
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 268 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
POWER OFFSET is used only by DCS 1800 Class 3 MSs to add a power offset to the value of
MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH used for its random access attempts. It is also used by the MS in its calculation of C1 and C2
parameters. Its use is defined in GSM 05.08.
If this parameter is transmitted on a BCCH carrier within the DCS 1800 band, its meaning shall be described below:
Value Meaning
00 0 dB power offset
01 2 dB power offset
10 4 dB power offset
11 6 dB power offset
If this parameter is transmitted on a BCCH carrier outside the DCS 1800 band, then all bit positions shall be treated as
GPRS Indicator
The GPRS Indicator contains the RA COLOUR field and the SI13_POSITION field. If the GPRS Indicator is
contained in the information element, it indicates that GPRS is supported in the cell.
Break Indicator
The Break Indicator indicates if parameters in addition to those in SI 4 rest octets are sent in SI7 and SI8.
L Additional parameters are not sent in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 and 8.
H Additional parameters, "SI4 Rest Octets_S", are sent in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 7 and 8.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 269 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
specified in GSM 03.03 with bit 0 set to "0" bit 1 to 10 set to the value of the Short LSA_ID field (LSB in bit 1, MSB in
bit 10) and bit 11 to 23 set to "0".
Mobile stations not supporting VGCS listening or VBS listening can ignore the information contained in this
information element.
The SI 6 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 7 octets length.
<inband notifications>::=
0| -- the network does not provide notification on FACCH so that the mobile should
inspect the NCH for notifications
1 -- the mobile shall be notified on incoming high priority VBS/VGCS calls through
NOTIFICATION/FACCH, the mobile need not to inspect the NCH
<inband pagings>::=
0| -- the network does not provide paging information on FACCH so that the mobile
should inspect the PCH for pagings
1 -- the mobile shall be notified on incoming high priority point-to-point calls
through NOTIFICATION/FACCH, the mobile need not to inspect the PCH
2. For <call priority>: see Indication of the highest priority associated with VBS/VGCS calls in a cell.
The SI 7 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
The SI 7 Rest Octets information element is coded as the SI 4 Rest Octets. Its contents is described in Table
b/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 270 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SI 8 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
The SI 8 Rest Octets information element is coded as the SI 4 Rest Octets. Its contents is described in Table
10.5.73/GSM 04.18 and 10.5.74/GSM 04.18.
The SI 9 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 17 octets length.
The scheduling info indicates one or more information types (in info type) together with their positions. Here, a position
specifies at which relative position P (specified in relative_position) modulo a position modulus M (specified in
modulus) messages of the given information type are sent, on the BCCH norm or BCCH ext (see GSM 05.02) as
indicated in bcch_type. Precisely, messages of the given information type are sent in the multiframes for which
Field contents
The fields of the SI 9 Rest Octets information element are coded as shown in table 10.75/GSM 04.18.
Info_type_4_(4 bits)
This field contains a binary encoded non-negative integer number assigned to a type of information sent on the BCCH.
All values indicate unknown, unnecessary information and are reserved for future use.
Info_type_5 (5 bits)
This field contains a binary encoded non-negative integer number assigned to a type of information sent on the BCCH.
All values except those defined below indicate unknown, unnecessary information and are reserved for future use.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 271 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Info_type_6_(6 bits)
This field contains a binary encoded non-negative integer number assigned to a type of information sent on the BCCH.
All values indicate unknown, unnecessary information and are reserved for future use.
modulus (4 bits)
This field encodes the position modulus, according to the following encoding method. Let N be the integer encoded in
binary in the modulus field; the position modulus is then defined as follows :
relative position (0 bits if the non-negative integer n contained in the modulus field is 0; n+1 bits, if the non-negative
integer N encoded in the modulus field is > 0.
This field contains the N+1 bit binary encoding of a non-negative integer number < 2 .
bcch_type (1 bit)
The SI 13 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 272 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 273 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The ALPHA field (4 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter for MS output power control in units of 0.1, see
GSM 05.08: Range: 0 to 10. Values greater than 10 shall be interpreted as 10 by the mobile station.
The T_AVG_W field (5 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter TAVG_W for MS output power control, see
GSM 05.08: Range: 0 to 25. Values greater than 25 shall be interpreted as 25 by the mobile station.
The T_AVG_T field (5 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter TAVG_T for MS output power control, see
GSM 05.08: Range: 0 to 25. Values greater than 25 shall be interpreted as 25 by the mobile station.
The PC_MEAS_CHAN field (bit) indicates the type of channel which shall be used for downlink measurements for
power control:
The N_AVG_I field (4 bit) is the binary representation of the parameter NAVG_I for MS output power control, see
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 274 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Pb (4bit) (for encoding and description see the Global Power Control Parameters IE)
The TSC field (3 bit) is the binary representation of the training sequence code used for PBCCH and PCCCHs. Range:
0 to 7.
The TN field (3 bit) is the binary representation of the timeslot number for the PBCCH and the corresponding PCCCH.
Range: 0 to 7.
The ARFCN field (10 bit) is the binary representation of the absolute RF channel number. Range: 0 to 1023.
The MAIO field (6 bit) is the binary representation of the mobile allocation index offset. Range: 0 to 63. [Spare] [Spare]
The SI 16 Rest Octets information element is coded according to the syntax specified below. Its contents is described in
Table 10.52c/GSM 04.18.
The SI 16 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 275 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table 10.52c/GSM 04.18
The PRIO_THR field is a signal threshold used by the mobile station to determine whether prioritised cell re-selection
shall apply. The use and coding of this parameters is defined in GSM 05.08.
The LSA_OFFSET field applies an offset for LSA reselection between cells with same LSA priorities. The use and
coding of this parameters is defined in GSM 05.08.
If the escape PLMN is broadcast in SI3 and SI4 the cell is used for SoLSA exclusive access and the MCC and MNC
field shall be included. The MS shall then for all purposes use the MCC and MNC values received in the LSA
Parameters instead of the ones received in the Location Area information element in SI3 and 4, eg when deriving the
PLMN identity, the Location Area Identity and Cell Global Identity broadcast by the cell. The MCC and MNC value
field is coded as specified in Figure 10.5.3/GSM 04.18 and Table 10.5.3/GSM 04.18.
The purpose of the LSA_ID field is to identify a LSA. The LSA ID value field is coded as specified in TS 23.003.
The purpose of the Short LSA_ID field is to identify a LSA. The LSA ID defined by the Short LSA_ID is a LSA_ID as
specified in GSM 03.03 with bit 0 set to "0" bit 1 to 10 set to the value of the Short LSA_ID field (LSB in bit 1, MSB in
bit 10) and bit 11 to 23 set to "0".
The SI 17 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
The SI 17 Rest Octets information element is coded as the SI 16 Rest Octets. Its contents is described in Table
10.52c/GSM 04.18.
The SI 19 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 276 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The SI19 change mark field is changed each time information has been updated in any of the SI19 messages. A new
value indicates that the mobile station shall re-read the information from all the SI19 messages. The coding of this field
is network dependent.
Range: 0-3.
The SI19_INDEX field is used to distinguish individual SI19 messages containing information about different
neighbour cells. The field can take the binary representation of the values 0 to n, where n is the index of the last SI19
Range: 0-7.
This field is coded as binary one if the SI19_INDEX in this message is the last SI19 message (i.e., it represents the
highest SI19_INDEX being broadcast). If the field is coded as binary zero, then this is not the last SI19 message.
Range: 0-1.
The Start Frequency defines the ARFCN for the BCCH frequency of the first cell in the list.
The Freq Diff length field specifies the number of bits to be used for the Frequency diff field in the current Frequency
group. The field is coded according to the following table
000 1 bit
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 277 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
001 2 bits
111 8 bits
This field specifies the remaining number of cells that are defined in the frequency group. For each of them the
parameters 'Frequency diff' and 'Cell selection params' will be repeated.
Range 1-16.
This struct contains information about COMPACT neighbour cells. The first field of the COMPACT Cell Selection
struct, BSIC, defines the BSIC of the cell and then comes the field same RA as serving cell. Then follows none, some,
omitted, the values for these parameters are the same as for the preceding cell.
The Frequency Diff field specifies the difference in ARFCN to the BCCH carrier in the next cell to be defined. Note
that the difference can be zero if two specified cells use the same frequency.
The BSIC field is coded as the "Base Station Identity Code" defined in GSM 03.03.
The BCC is specified by encoding its binary representation; it specifies the BSIC given by that BCC and the NCC of the
BSIC specified by the previous occurrence of <BCC : bit(3)> or <BSIC : bit(6)>.
LA Different parameters
If <LA Different struct> contains a < CELL_RESELECT_HYSTERISIS : bit (3)>, this means that the cell is to be
considered by the mobile station to belong to a different location area and that for the cell, the cell reselect hysteresis
specified in < CELL_RESELECT_HYSTERISIS : bit (3)> applies.
If <LA Different struct> doesn't contain a < CELL_RESELECT_HYSTERISIS : bit (3)>, this means that the cell is to
be considered by the mobile station to belong to the same location area.
The TIME_GROUP defines which time group (see GSM 05.02) the cell belongs to
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 278 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
00 Time Group 0
01 Time Group 1
10 Time Group 2
11 Time Group 3
21 Blocks at constant power
00 4
01 5
10 6
11 12 (i.e. BS_PAG_BLKS_RES = 0 in that cell)
The SI 18 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element and is 20 octets long.
001 TIA/EIA-136
00000 Zero octets, There are no more NonGSM Messages embedded in this SI message
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 279 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
11111 The remaining portion of the SI message is used by the associated CONTAINER. The Non-GSM
message continues with the next CONTAINER that has the same NonGSM Protocol Discriminator as the current
CONTAINER (8 bits)
The concatenation of one or several CONTAINER octets forms the actual contents, specific to the non-GSM network
soliciting the transmission of a SI18 message.
NOTE: The format of SI 18 when 2 different non-GSM messages are sent is exemplified below
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
. .
. .
NonGSM Protocol NR_OF_CONTAINER_OCTETS Octet M (optional)
. Octet M+1
. .
. Octet N-1
. Octet N
Padding bits (if present)
The SI 20 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element and is 20 octets long.
The SI 20 Rest Octets are defined as the SI 18 Rest Octets, see also
The Starting Time information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.65/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.79/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 280 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
T3 (octet 2 and 3)
The T3 field is coded as the binary representation
of FN mod 51. Bit 3 of octet 2 is the most
significant bit and bit 6 of octet 3 is the least
significant bit.
T2 (octet 3)
The T2 field is coded as the binary representation
of FN mod 26.
The starting time and the times mentioned above are with reference to the frame numbering in the concerned cell. They
are given in units of frames (around 4.615 ms).
The Starting Time IE can encode only an interval of time of 42 432 frames, that is to say around 195.8 seconds. To
remove any ambiguity, the specification for a reception at time T is that the encoded interval is (T-10808, T+31623). In
rigorous terms, if we note ST the starting time:
if 0 <= (ST-T) mod 42432 <= 31623, the indicated time is the next time when FN mod 42432 is equal to ST
if 32024 <= (ST-T) mod 42432 <= 42431, the indicated time has already elapsed.
The reception time T is not specified here precisely. To allow room for various MS implementations, the limit between
the two behaviours above may be anywhere within the interval defined by
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 281 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The Timing Advance information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.67/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.81/GSM 04.18
For all the bands except GSM 400, the values 0 - 63 are valid TA
values, and bit 7 and bit 8 are set to spare. For GSM 400, the
values 0 to 219 are vaild TA values. The remaining values 220 to
255 decimal are reserved.
The Time Difference information element is a type 4 information element with 3 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Time Difference IEI octet 1
Length of Time Difference contents octet 2
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 282 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) TLLI
The purpose of the TLLI information element is to provide the Temporary Logical Link Identifier. TMSI/P-TMSI
The purpose of the TMSI/P-TMSI information element is to provide the Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity for
paging purposes.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 283 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The coding of the TMSI/P-TMSI is left open for each administration according to TS 23.003. The length is 4 octets.
NOTE: For purposes other than paging the TMSI/P-TMSI should be provided using the mobile identity
information element.
The Wait Indication information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.72/GSM 04.18 and table 10.5.86/GSM 04.18.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 284 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Wait Indication IEI octet 1
T3122/T3142 timeout value octet 2
NOTE 1: The timeout value is used for T3122 when received in IMMEDIATE_ASSIGNMENT REJECT message
for RR connection establishment. For GPRS MS the timeout value isused for T3142 when received in
IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT message for TBF establishment.
The SI 10 Rest Octets information element is a type 5 information element with 20 octets length.
1. 1) Information from the last received neighbour cells description in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5/5bis/5ter
is necessary for the mobile station to interpret <neighbour information>. If <BA ind> is different from the last
received BA IND value indicated in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 5/5bis/5ter, <neighbour information> cannot
be interpreted by the mobile station.
2. 2) If the correspondence between neighbour cell frequencies and sets of pairs (BSIC, cell information) cannot be
established following the rules below, or if more than one set of such pairs corresponds to one neighbour cell
frequency, the mobile station shall diagnose an imperative message part error.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 285 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
1) <cell info> defines a BSIC given by <bsic : bitstring(6)>. It also defines cell information. If <cell parameters> is
contained in <cell info>, this cell information is the cell information given by <cell parameters>; if
<cell parameters> is not contained in <cell info>, this cell information is empty.
2) <differential cell info> defines a BSIC given by <bsic : bitstring(6)> or by <BCC : bitstring(3)>, see below. It
also defines cell information. If <diff cell pars> is contained in <differential cell info>, this cell information is
the cell information given by <diff cell pars>; if <diff cell pars> is not contained in <differential cell info>, this
cell information is empty.
3) <cell parameters> either indicates a barred cell (by presence of <cell barred>)or specifies cell information given
by <further cell info>.
4) Each occurrence of <diff cell pars> either indicates a barred cell (by presence of <cell barred>)or specifies cell
information given by <further diff cell info>.
- <la different>
as defined below.
6) For each occurrence of <further diff cell info>, a cell information is defined. This information is given by <la
different> and remaining cell information established as follows:
The remaining cell information defined for the first occurrence of <further diff cell info> consists of the cell
information given by its actual components plus the cell information specified by <further cell info>
corresponding to its missing components.
The remaining cell information defined for a later occurrence of <further diff cell info> consists of the cell
information given by its actual components plus the remaining cell information corresponding to its missing
components which is defined for the previous occurrence of <further diff cell info>.
Here, the
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 286 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
7) Each occurrence of <bsic : bitstring(6)> specifies a BSIC by encoding its binary representation.
<BCC : bitstring(3)> specifies a BCC by encoding its binary representation; it specifies the BSIC given by that
BCC and the NCC of the BSIC specified by the previous occurrence of <BCC : bitstring(3)> or
<bsic : bitstring(6)>. All occurrences of <bsic: bitstring(6)> and <BCC : bitstring(3)> establish a list of BSIC.
8) <first frequency : bitstring(5)> is the 5 bit binary coding of an integer n with 0 <= n <= 31. It specifies a first
frequency number n+1.
9) <SI10 rest octets> defines a correspondence between neighbour cell frequencies and sets of pairs (BSIC, cell
information) defining the parameters for cell re-selection of any corresponding neighbour cell with BCCH on
that frequency and having that BSIC:
Let a(1),..., a(n) be the list of neighbour cell frequencies, in the order determined by the mobile station. Let i be
the first frequency number specified by <first frequency : bitstring(5)> (see above).
The first BSIC and the cell information specified by <cell info> build a pair belonging to the set corresponding
to a(i).
If an m-th occurrence of <info field> is present (where m >=2), having established the correspondence of the (m-
1)-th BSIC to a neighbour frequency a(k), the m-th BSIC and following <differential cell info>
- belong to a(k), if <next frequency> is not present in the m-th occurrence of <info field>,
- belong to a((smod(k+t)), if <next frequency> is present exactly t times in the m-th occurrence of <info field>.
10)If <la different> contains a <cell reselect hysteresis : bitstring(3)>, this means that the cell is to be considered by
the mobile station to belong to a different location area and that for the cell, the cell reselect hysteresis specified
in <cell reselect hysteresis : bitstring(3)> applies.
If <la different> doesn't contain a <cell reselect hysteresis : bitstring(3)>, this means that the cell is to be
considered by the mobile station to belong to the same location area.
11)<same LA indicator : bitstring(1)> defines whether the location area is the same as the location area of the
serving cell
The Extended Measurement Results information element is coded as shown in figure 10.5.73/GSM 04.18 and table
10.5.87/GSM 04.18.
The Extended Measurement Results is a type 3 information element with 17 octets length.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 287 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Extended Measurement Results IEI octet 1
USED USED RXLEV carrier 0 octet 2
RXLEV carrier 1 carrier 2 octet 3
(high part)
RXLEV carrier 2 RXLEV carrier 3 octet 4
(low part) (high part)
carrier 3 RXLEV carrier 4 octet 5
(low part)
RXLEV carrier 5 carrier 6 octet 6
(high part)
RXLEV carrier 6 RXLEV carrier 7 octet 7
(low part) (high part)
carrier 7 RXLEV carrier 8 octet 8
(low part)
RXLEV carrier 9 carrier 10 octet 9
(high part)
RXLEV carrier 10 RXLEV carrier 11 octet 10
(low part) (high part)
carrier 11 RXLEV carrier 12 octet 11
(low part)
RXLEV carrier 13 carrier 14 octet 12
(high part)
RXLEV carrier 14 RXLEV carrier 15 octet 13
(low part) (high part)
carrier 15 RXLEV carrier 16 octet 14
(low part)
RXLEV carrier 17 carrier 18 octet 15
(high part)
RXLEV carrier 18 RXLEV carrier 19 octet 16
(low part) (high part)
carrier 19 RXLEV carrier 20 octet 17
(low part)
SC USED (octet 2), indicates the value of the SEQ-CODE in the extended measurement
frequency list information element used for defining the list of frequencies reported on.
Range: 0 to 1.
DTX USED (octet 2) This bit indicates whether or not the mobile station used DTX during
the previous measurement period.
Bit 7
0 DTX was not used
1 DTX was used
RXLEV carrier 'N' (octets 2 to 17). This field is coded as the binary representation of a value M.
M corresponds according to the mapping defined in TS. GSM 05.08 to the received signal
strength on carrier N. N is the index to the frequency in the sorted list of frequencies defined in
the EXTENDED MEASUREMENT ORDER message. The list is sorted in increasing order of
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 288 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Range: 0 to 63
If the EXTENDED MEASUREMENT ORDER message contains less than 21 carriers, the fields
in the EXTENDED MEASUREMENT REPORT not referring to any specified carrier shall have
RXLEV values set to zero.
The Extended Measurement Frequency List information element is coded as the Cell Channel Description information
element, as specified in section, with the exception of bit 5 of octet 2. figure 10.5.74/GSM 04.18 and
table 10.5.88/GSM 04.18 contains the difference of specifications.
The Extended Measurement Frequency List information element is a type 3 information element with 17 octets length.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Extended Measurement Frequency List IEI octet 1
Range 0 to 1.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 289 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07) APDU ID
The APDU ID information element identifies the particular protocol and associated application for an APDU.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 290 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
C/R (octet 1)
If last seg. = 0, then:
bit 3
0 Command or Final Response
1 Not Command or Final Response
The APDU Data is a type 4 information element with minimum length of 2 octets. No upper length limit is specified
except for that given by the maximum number of octets in a L3 message (GSM 04.06).
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
APDU IEI octet 1
Length of APDU contents octet 2
APDU Information octet 3-n
The Handover To UTRAN Command is a type 4 information element with length 3-n octets.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Handover to UTRAN Command IEI octet 1
Length of Handover to UTRAN Command contents octet 2
Handover to UTRAN Command value part Octet 3-n
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 291 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
The value part of the Handover To UTRAN Command IE is coded as defined in TS 25.331.
The MSG_TYPE of the cdma2000 message used for the intersystem handover shall be included in the first octet of the
Handover to cdma2000 value part. It is specified in TIA/EIA/IS-2000-4-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833. (E.g.
MSG_TYPE::= {00010001} if Extended Handoff Direction Message (EHDM) is used, MSG_TYPE::= {00011111} if
General Handoff Direction Message is used, etc.). The order of the bits in this octet representing is given by the
following example. If MSG_TYPE::={00010001} (EHDM), the bit number 1 of 'cdma2000 MSG_TYPE IEI' shall be
'0', the bit number 2 shall be '0', etc., and the bit number 8 shall be '1', as illustrated below.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 bit
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
The remaining octets in the Handover to cdma2000 value part shall be coded as the payload of the message used for the
inter system handover, as specified in TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833. The bit ordering shall be similar
to the case described above. The bit number 1 of 'cdma2000 message payload' shall be coded as the first bit of the first
record of the message defined in TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833, reading the records defined in
TIA/EIA/IS-2000-5-A and in TIA/EIA/IS-833 from left to right.
The Handover To cdma2000 Command is a type 4 information element with length 4 to n octets.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 292 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Its value is given by the network in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGN REJECT message.
T3124: This timer is used in the seizure procedure during a hand-over, when the two cells are not
Its purpose is to detect the lack of answer from the network to the special signal.
Its value is set to 675 ms if the channel type of the channel allocated in the HANDOVER
COMMAND is an SDCCH (+ SACCH); otherwise its value is set to 320 ms.
after sending the maximum allowed number of CHANNEL REQUEST messages during an
immediate assignment procedure.
The minimum value of this timer is equal to the time taken by T+2S slots of the mobile station's
RACH. S and T are defined in section The maximum value of this timer is 5 seconds.
T3128: This timer is started when the mobile station starts the uplink investigation procedure and the
uplink is busy.
T3130: This timer is started after sending the first UPLINK ACCESS message during a VGCS uplink
access procedure.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 293 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
T3110: This timer is used to delay the channel deactivation after the receipt of a (full) CHANNEL
RELEASE. Its purpose is to let some time for disconnection of the main signalling link.
Its value is set to such that the DISC frame is sent twice in case of no answer from the network. (It
should be chosen to obtain a good probability of normal termination (i.e. no time out of T3109) of
the channel release procedure.)
T3134 This timer is used in the seizure procedure during an RR network commanded cell change order
procedure. Its purpose is to detect the lack of answer from the network or the lack of availability of
the target cell.
T3142: The timer is used during packet access on CCCH and during packet access while in dedicated
mode. It is started after the receipt of an IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT or a DTM
REJECT message.
Its value is given by the network in the IMMEDIATE ASSIGNMENT REJECT or DTM REJECT
It is started after sending a DTM REQUEST message during a packet access procedure while in
dedicated mode.
after sending the maximum allowed number of CHANNEL REQUEST or EGPRS PACKET
CHANNEL REQUEST messages during a packet access procedure.
The minimum value of this timer is equal to the time taken by T+2S slots of the mobile station's
RACH. S and T are defined in section The maximum value of this timer is 5 seconds.
T3164: This timer is used during packet access using CCCH. It is started at the receipt of an IMMEDIATE
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 294 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
It is stopped at the transmission of a RLC/MAC block on the assigned temporary block flow, see
GSM 04.60.
T3190: The timer is used during packet downlink assignment on CCCH. It is started at the receipt of an
when in dedicated mode.
It is stopped at the receipt of a RLC/MAC block on the assigned temporary block flow, see
GSM 04.60.
T3204: This timer is used by a mobile station with non-GSM capabilities. The timer is started after
sending the first CHANNEL REQUEST during a packet access procedure. The CHANNEL
REQUEST was sent requesting a single block packet access and the purpose of the packet access
procedure is to send a PACKET PAUSE message.
NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum time for a L2 establishment attempt.
T3103: This timer is started by the sending of a HANDOVER message and is normally stopped when the
MS has correctly seized the new channel. Its purpose is to keep the old channels sufficiently long
for the MS to be able to return to the old channels, and to release the channels if the MS is lost.
NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum transmission time of the HANDOVER COMMAND, plus the value
of T3124, plus the maximum duration of an attempt to establish a data link in multiframe mode.)
T3105: This timer is used for the repetition of the PHYSICAL INFORMATION message during the hand-
over procedure.
NOTE: This timer may be set to such a low value that the message is in fact continuously transmitted.
T3107: This timer is started by the sending of an ASSIGNMENT COMMAND or a DTM ASSIGNMENT
COMMAND message and is normally stopped when the MS has correctly seized the new RR
Its purpose is to keep the old channel sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old
channels, and to release the channels if the MS is lost.
NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum transmission time of the ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message
plus twice the maximum duration of an attempt to establish a data link multiframe mode.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 295 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
T3109: This timer is started when a lower layer failure is detected by the network, when it is not engaged
in a RF procedure. It is also used in the channel release procedure.
NOTE: Its value should be large enough to ensure that the MS detects a radio link failure.
T3111: This timer is used to delay the channel deactivation after disconnection of the main signalling link.
Its purpose is to let some time for possible repetition of the disconnection.
T3113: This timer is started when the network has sent a PAGING REQUEST message and is stopped
when the network has received the PAGING RESPONSE message.
NOTE: The value could allow for repetitions of the Channel Request message and the requirements associated
with T3101.
T3115: This timer is used for the repetition of the VGCS UPLINK GRANT message during the uplink
access procedure.
NOTE: This timer may be set to such a low value that the message is in fact continuously transmitted.
T3117: This timer is started by the sending of a PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND message and is
normally stopped when the MS has correctly accessed the target TBF.
Its purpose is to keep the old channel sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old
channels, and to release the channels if the MS is lost.
NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum transmission time of the PDCH ASSIGNMENT COMMAND
message plus T3132 plus the maximum duration of an attempt to establish a data link in multiframe
T3119: This timer is started by the sending of a RR-CELL CHANGE ORDER message and is normally
stopped when the MS has correctly accessed the new cell. Its purpose is to keep the old channels
sufficiently long for the MS to be able to return to the old channels, and to release the channels if
the MS is lost.
NOTE: It could be higher than the maximum transmission time of the RR_CELL CHANGE ORDER, plus
T3134, plus the maximum duration of an attempt to establish a data link in multiframe mode.
T3141: This timer is started when a temporary block flow is allocated with an IMMEDIATE
ASSIGNMENT message during a packet access procedure. It is stopped when the mobile station
has correctly seized the temporary block flow.
Ny2: The maximum number of repetitions for the VGCS UPLINK GRANT message during an uplink
access procedure (see section The value is network dependent.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 296 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 297 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex A (informative):
Example of subaddress information element coding
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 298 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex B (normative):
Compatibility checking
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 299 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex C (normative):
Low layer information coding principles
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 300 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex D (informative):
Examples of bearer capability information element coding
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 301 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex E (informative):
Comparison between call control procedures specified in
GSM [24.008] and CCITT Recommendation Q.931
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 302 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex F (informative):
GSM specific cause values for radio resource management
This annex is informative.
indicates that the channel is released because of a normal event or that an assignment or handover is
successfully, and normally, completed.
indicates that the channel is released because of an abnormal event without specifying further reasons.
indicates that the channel type or channel characteristics are not acceptable.
indicates that some supervisory function has detected that the channel is not active.
indicates that the channel is released in order to be allocated to a call with priority (e.g. an emergency call).
indicates that a handover is unsuccessful because the target BTS is beyond the normal range and the target BTS
would not accept an out of range timing advance.
indicates that the MS does not have the capability to handle the requested mode or type of channel.
indicates that the MS does not have the capability to operate on (at least one of) the requested frequency(ies).
indicates that VGCS uplink or VBS call is released because the mobile talking is outside the group call area
indicates that a handover is unsuccessful because the connection has been released by the network or the remote
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 303 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
indicates that an assignment or handover is unsuccessful because the MS has no current CA.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 304 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex G (informative):
GSM specific cause values for mobility management
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 305 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex H (informative):
GSM specific cause values for call control
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 306 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex I (informative):
GSM specific cause values for session management
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 307 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex J (informative):
Algorithm to encode frequency list information elements
This annex is informative.
J.1 Introduction
Some information elements encode frequency lists with a special method. The main specification specifies the meaning
of the fields and hence the way to decode them, but the corresponding encoding algorithm is difficult to infer from the
decoding algorithm. This annex is intended as an aid for implementers of the encoding algorithm.
It could be shown that any set of frequency with less or the same number of frequencies as the number of words can be
encoded with a careful choice of F1, F2, and so on, i.e. that a set of Wi can be found so that the decoding algorithm
given in the main section will give back the frequency set. The right order is not the order of the frequency values.
The dichotomy is best understood if the range is seen as a circle. For instance, for the 1023 range:
The dichotomy consists in finding a value in the subset such that the diameter determined by this value splits the subset
in two equal or nearly equal sub-subsets. In the following case, we see that value 290 is acceptable (the two sub-subsets
have 3 elements), when value 250 is not acceptable (the two sub-subsets have 4 and 2 elements):
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 308 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
650 480
The pivot value is part of the information field, then the two sub-subsets are renumbered and the same algorithm is
applied again on each of them. Because the range is halved at each step, the number of bits needed to encode a pivot
value is 1 bit less than the number of bits needed to encode the parent pivot value.
The convention is that if the number of values is even, the left sub-subset (that is to say the values that can be expressed
as the pivot value minus some integer between 1 and half the range) will have 1 element more than the right subset.
At each step the subset is numbered from 0 to the range minus 1. The coding in the information field of the pivot value
is its value as renumbered, plus 1. Value 0 is reserved to indicate no element.
The order of appearance in the information field of the successive pivot values is particular. If we present the values as
organized as a tree, with the left child being the pivot of the left sub-subset and the right child the pivot of the right sub-
subset, the order of appearance is given by the following tree:
2 3
4 6 5 7
8 12 10 14 9 13 11 15
(a n d s o o n )
a) whatever the number N of elements in the set, the meaningful nodes are the first N and the value for all nodes
from N+1 on are null (if sent),
Important properties of these trees are used in the algorithms (with generation 1 corresponding to the root):
Generation g contains 2g-1 nodes, and their indices are 2g-1 to 2g-1;
For generation g, nodes 2g-1 to 2g-1+2g-2-1 are left children, the others are right children;
If node k belongs to generation g, its left child is node k + 2g-1 , and its right child is k + 2g;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 309 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Reciprocally, if k is a left child from generation g, its parent node is node k - 2g-2, and if k is a right child of
generation g, its parent is node k - 2g-1.
J.3 Performances
The number of bits needed to encode a given set of values depends on the number of values and on the range they can
For the application on the BCCH and the SACCH (CA and BA information ) 16 octets are available, and the number of
frequencies that can be encoded in one information element is the following:
With two messages (for the BA) the number of frequencies that can be encoded is the following:
NOTE 1: A 1024 range can be split cyclically in to two 512 ranges each with less than 18 frequencies; each subset
is coded in one message with 512 range format.
NOTE 2: A 512 range can be split in to two consecutive 256 ranges. If both sub-ranges contain 22 frequencies or
less, it is possible to code each of these in a messages using the 256 range format. Otherwise one of the
two ranges contains 23 frequencies or more: 22 of them can be coded in one message using the 256 range
format and the remaining frequencies (numbering less than or equal to 18) can be coded in the other
message using the 512 range format.
NOTE 3: The principles described in notes 1 and 2, above apply in this case.
The number of frequencies as a function of the range and the length in octets of the variable length frequency list
information element (including the message type and length fields) is given by the following table:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 310 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Table J.1/GSM 04.18: Performance of the variable length frequency list information element
Range 513 to 1024 257 to 512 129 to 256 up to 128 variable bit map
5 1 1 1 1 8
6 2 2 3 3 16
7 3 3 4 4 24
8 4 4 5 6 32
9 5 6 6 8 40
10 6 7 8 10 48
11 7 8 9 12 56
12 9 9 11 14 64
13 10 11 13 16 72
14 11 12 14 18 80
15 12 13 16 21 88
16 13 15 18 24 96
17 14 16 20 26 104
18 16 18 22 29 112
19 17 19 24 32 120
20 18 21 26 -- 128
21 20 22 28 136
22 21 24 30 144
23 22 26 32 152
24 24 27 34 160
25 25 29 37 168
26 26 30 40 176
27 28 32 42 184
28 29 34 45 192
29 30 36 48 200
30 32 38 50 208
31 33 40 53 216
32 35 42 56 224
This procedure is given a set of integer values and an index. It chooses one of those values and computes the
corresponding W(INDEX) (considered as a global variable), it splits the set less the value in two equal or nearly equal
subsets, and calls itself recursively for each of those subsets, with suitable INDEX.
Assumption: all values in SET lie (inclusively) between 0 and RANGE-1, and they are all distinct.
As written, the program does not assume special values for the range. With a range such as 2k-1, some expressions can
be simplified.
Declarative part:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 311 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
end if;
The following program finds a value in the set such that exactly (SET'SIZE-1)/2 values from the set are between this
value plus 1 and this value plus half the range :
for I in 1..SET'SIZE loop
for J in 1..SET'SIZE loop
if (SET(J)-SET(I)) mod RANGE <= (RANGE-1)/2 then
N := N+1;
end if;
end loop;
The test compares N-1 because the possible pivot value is counted.
if N-1 = (SET'SIZE-1)/2 then
end if;
end loop;
Then the program does the same thing for the two halves of the range delimited by W(INDEX) and W(INDEX)
+RANGE/2. First the left subset:
+ 1) mod RANGE;
for I in 1..SET'SIZE loop
if (SET(I)-ORIGIN_VALUE) mod RANGE) < RANGE/2 then
end if;
end loop;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 312 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
RANGE := (RANGE-1)/2);
The initial call of the procedure depends on the format. Given some set to encode, the first problem is to verify that it
can be encoded, and by so doing to choose the format.
First the encoding process must find the minimum range of the set, that is to say the minimum value R such that there
exists one frequency F0 in the set such that all frequencies in the set can be written (F0 + N) mod 1024, with some N, 0
= N = R-1. The choice of the format depends on R and the number of frequencies : the 512 range format can be chosen
only if Rµ512, the 256 range format can be chosen only if R=256, the 128 range format can be chosen only if Rµ128.
If the chosen format is "1024 range", then the program must first check if frequency 0 is in the set. If so the F0 subfield
is set to 1, and frequency 0 is removed from the set. Otherwise, the F0 subfield is set to 0. Then ENCODE_SUBTREE
is called with INDEX := 1, SET set to the set of values equal to the ARFCN of all frequencies minus 1, and RANGE :=
If the chosen format is "512 range", "256 range" or "128 range", F0 is chosen as ORIG-ARFCN and
ENCODE_SUBTREE is called with INDEX := 1, SET set to the set of values equal to the ARFCN of all frequencies
except F0, minus F0+1, and RANGE set respectively to 511, 255 or 127.
J.5 Decoding
The decoding algorithm, as given below, is the inverse transform of the program given in the previous section, for the
specific case where the original range is a power of 2 minus 1. It is given a set of integer values W(i), and an original
range R, and it builds a set of values from 0..R-1.
The program is here written so that the fact that it is the inverse of the encoding program needs no more proof.
procedure DECODE(in W : array <> of INTEGER;
-- local variables
for K in 1..W'SIZE loop
The next loop follows the tree from child to parent, from the node of index K to the root (index 1). For each iteration the
node of index INDEX is tackled. The corresponding range is RANGE, and N is the value of the element in the range
defined by the node.
Due to the assumption that the original range is a power of two minus one, the range for the parent node can be easily
computed, and does not depend upon whether the current node is a left or right child :
RANGE := 2*RANGE + 1;
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 313 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
then -- left child
The next computation gives the index of the parent node of the node of index INDEX, for a left child :
The next formula is the inverse of the renumbering appearing in the encoding for a left child. It gives the value of the
parent node in the range defined by the grand-parent node:
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 1 + (RANGE-1)/2 + 1)
mod RANGE;
else -- right child
The next computation gives the index of the parent node of the node of index INDEX, for a right child :
The next formula is the inverse of the renumbering appearing in the encoding for a right child:
N := (N + W(INDEX) - 1 + 1) mod RANGE;
end if;
end loop;
F(K) := N;
end loop;
A careful study will show that the programs given in the main part of the Technical Specification are equivalent to the
one presented here. The main difference is the use of different remnant variables to remove most of the calls to the
function giving the greatest power of 2 less than or equal to some integer.
Range 1024 format will be used. Frequency 0 is not in the set, thus field F0 is set to 0. The set is renumbered, so as to
give a subset of 0..1022 : [12, 70, 121, 190, 250, 320, 401, 475, 520, 574, 634, 700, 764, 830, 905, 980].
For the first node (corresponding to W(1)), the value 121 satisfies the requirements. The opposite value is 121 + 511 =
632. There are 8 values between 633 and 120 (namely the left-hand subset 634, 700, 764, 830, 905, 980, 12 and 70),
and 7 values between 122 and 632 (namely the right-hand subset 190, 250, 320, 401, 475, 520 and 574).
The second node (corresponding to W(2)) is the left-hand child of the first node. The corresponding subtree has to
encode for the left-hand subset, renumbered beginning at 633. This gives the following 8 element subset of 0..510,
ordered as resulting from the example of algorithm : [402, 460, 1, 67, 131, 197, 272, 347]. Out of these values, 1 splits
the set in 4 and 3, and the encoded value W(2) is 2.
Similarly, the third node (W(3)) is the right-hand child of the first node and then the corresponding subtree encodes for
the right-hand subset, renumbered starting at 122. This gives the following set of 0..510 : [68, 128, 198, 279, 353, 398,
452]. Out of these values, 68 splits the set into 3 and 3, and the encoded value W(3) is 69.
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The same method is applied for all nodes, giving the following encoded values per node:
Node Value
1 122
2 2
3 69
4 204
5 75
6 66
7 60
8 70
9 83
10 3
11 24
12 67
13 54
14 64
15 70
16 9
122 on 10 bits, then 2 and 69 on 9 bits each, then 204, 75, 66 and 60 on 8 bits each, then 70, 83, 3, 24, 67, 54, 64
and 70 on 7 bits each, and finally 9 on 6 bits.
Conversely the decoding can be done easily. For instance for node 2, the original value is:
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 315 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex K (informative):
Default Codings of Information Elements
This annex is informative.
The information in this annex does NOT define the value of any IEI for any particular message. This annex exists to aid
the design of new messages, in particular with regard to backward compatibility with phase 1 mobile stations.
Table K.2/GSM 04.18 (page 1 of 2): Default information element identifier coding for
Radio Resource management information elements
Reference section
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Note
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Mobile Allocation
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 BA range
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 Note
0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Note
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 Note
0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 Mobile Time difference
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Note
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 Note
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 Note
0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Time Difference
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Starting Time
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Timing Advance
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 TMSI
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 316 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
NOTE: These values were allocated but never used in earlier phases of the protocol.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 317 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex L (normative):
Additional Requirements for backward compatibility with
PCS 1900 for NA revision 0 ME
See TS 24.008.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 318 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Annex M (informative):
Change Record
Based on GSM 04.08 version 7.1.0 and inclusion of CRs
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 319 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
After SMG#31bis:
First some purely editorial changes have been made implementing ETSIs stylesheet in a noticebly better way, and
figures in LD (linedraw) format have been corrected to table format which is also readable in Windows 2000. Corroded
bullit styles in subclause 3.4.17 which consistently crashed the PCs have been corrected. All those framed CSN.1 parts
have been corrected to 'real' tables, which is much more stable and easier to maintain. CRs agreed at SMG#31bis:
A091 Inter System Handover Command (scls in CR is added as scls
A101r1 Downlink and Uplink information for Measurement Reporting and Enhanced Measurement Reporting on 3G
Cells. Note that scls 9.1.53 and 54 in the CR has been added as 9.1.54 and 9.1.55.
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 320 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
SMG#32 - R00 CR: A109 to version 8.4.0 (implemented to version 8.5.0 to include the R99 corrections)
GSM 04.18 version 9.0.0 Release 2000 321 GSM 04.18 V9.0.0 (2000-07)
Document history
V8.0.0 July 1999 Unpublished.
Removal of CN parts to 3GPP specifications