GSM11 11v6 2

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TS 100 977 V6.2.

0 (1999-05)
Technical Specification

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);

Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module -
Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface
(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997)


(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 2 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

RTS/SMG-091111Q6R1 (91o030o3.PDF)

Digital cellular telecommunications system,
Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)


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(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 3 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Intellectual Property Rights................................................................................................................................8
Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................8
1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................9
2 References................................................................................................................................................9
3 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols .................................................................................................11
3.1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Abbreviations................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Symbols ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
4 Physical characteristics ..........................................................................................................................13
4.1 Format and layout ............................................................................................................................................ 14
4.1.1 ID-1 SIM .................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.2 Plug-in SIM................................................................................................................................................ 14
4.2 Temperature range for card operation.............................................................................................................. 14
4.3 Contacts ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 Provision of contacts .................................................................................................................................. 14
4.3.2 Activation and deactivation........................................................................................................................ 14
4.3.3 Inactive contacts......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.4 Contact pressure ......................................................................................................................................... 15
4.4 Precedence ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Static Protection............................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Electronic signals and transmission protocols .......................................................................................15
5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (contact C1) ..................................................................................................................... 16
5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)................................................................................................................................. 16
5.3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact C6) .......................................................................................................... 16
5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3) .................................................................................................................................. 16
5.5 I/O (contact C7) ............................................................................................................................................... 17
5.6 States................................................................................................................................................................ 17
5.7 Baudrate........................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR) .................................................................................................................................. 18
5.8.1 Structure and contents ................................................................................................................................ 18
5.8.2 PTS procedure............................................................................................................................................ 20
5.8.3 Speed enhancement .................................................................................................................................... 21
5.9 Bit/character duration and sampling time ........................................................................................................ 21
5.10 Error handling.................................................................................................................................................. 21
6 Logical Model ........................................................................................................................................21
6.1 General description .......................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 File identifier ................................................................................................................................................... 22
6.3 Dedicated files ................................................................................................................................................. 22
6.4 Elementary files ............................................................................................................................................... 23
6.4.1 Transparent EF........................................................................................................................................... 23
6.4.2 Linear fixed EF .......................................................................................................................................... 23
6.4.3 Cyclic EF.................................................................................................................................................... 24
6.5 Methods for selecting a file.............................................................................................................................. 24
6.6 Reservation of file IDs ..................................................................................................................................... 25
7 Security features.....................................................................................................................................26
7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation procedure....................................................................................... 26
7.2 Algorithms and processes ................................................................................................................................ 26
7.3 File access conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 26
8 Description of the functions...................................................................................................................27
8.1 SELECT........................................................................................................................................................... 28
8.2 STATUS .......................................................................................................................................................... 28

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 4 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

8.3 READ BINARY .............................................................................................................................................. 28

8.4 UPDATE BINARY ......................................................................................................................................... 28
8.5 READ RECORD ............................................................................................................................................. 29
8.6 UPDATE RECORD ........................................................................................................................................ 29
8.7 SEEK ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
8.8 INCREASE...................................................................................................................................................... 30
8.9 VERIFY CHV ................................................................................................................................................. 31
8.10 CHANGE CHV ............................................................................................................................................... 31
8.11 DISABLE CHV ............................................................................................................................................... 31
8.12 ENABLE CHV ................................................................................................................................................ 32
8.13 UNBLOCK CHV............................................................................................................................................. 32
8.14 INVALIDATE ................................................................................................................................................. 32
8.15 REHABILITATE ............................................................................................................................................ 33
8.16 RUN GSM ALGORITHM .............................................................................................................................. 33
8.17 SLEEP ............................................................................................................................................................. 33
8.18 TERMINAL PROFILE.................................................................................................................................... 33
8.19 ENVELOPE..................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.20 FETCH............................................................................................................................................................. 34
8.21 TERMINAL RESPONSE................................................................................................................................ 34
9 Description of the commands ................................................................................................................34
9.1 Mapping principles .......................................................................................................................................... 34
9.2 Coding of the commands ................................................................................................................................. 37
9.2.1 SELECT ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
9.2.2 STATUS .................................................................................................................................................... 40
9.2.3 READ BINARY......................................................................................................................................... 40
9.2.4 UPDATE BINARY.................................................................................................................................... 40
9.2.5 READ RECORD........................................................................................................................................ 40
9.2.6 UPDATE RECORD................................................................................................................................... 40
9.2.7 SEEK.......................................................................................................................................................... 41
9.2.8 INCREASE ................................................................................................................................................ 41
9.2.9 VERIFY CHV............................................................................................................................................ 41
9.2.10 CHANGE CHV.......................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2.11 DISABLE CHV ......................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2.12 ENABLE CHV........................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2.13 UNBLOCK CHV ....................................................................................................................................... 42
9.2.14 INVALIDATE ........................................................................................................................................... 43
9.2.15 REHABILITATE....................................................................................................................................... 43
9.2.16 RUN GSM ALGORITHM......................................................................................................................... 43
9.2.17 SLEEP........................................................................................................................................................ 43
9.2.18 GET RESPONSE....................................................................................................................................... 43
9.2.19 TERMINAL PROFILE .............................................................................................................................. 44
9.2.20 ENVELOPE ............................................................................................................................................... 44
9.2.21 FETCH....................................................................................................................................................... 44
9.2.22 TERMINAL RESPONSE .......................................................................................................................... 44
9.3 Definitions and coding..................................................................................................................................... 44
9.4 Status conditions returned by the card ............................................................................................................. 46
9.4.1 Responses to commands which are correctly executed .............................................................................. 46
9.4.2 Responses to commands which are postponed ........................................................................................... 46
9.4.3 Memory management ................................................................................................................................. 46
9.4.4 Referencing management ........................................................................................................................... 46
9.4.5 Security management ................................................................................................................................. 47
9.4.6 Application independent errors .................................................................................................................. 47
9.4.7 Commands versus possible status responses .............................................................................................. 47
10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)...................................................................................................48
10.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level................................................................................................................. 49
10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification)................................................................................................................... 49
10.1.2 EFELP (Extended language preference)....................................................................................................... 50
10.2 DFs at the GSM application level .................................................................................................................... 50
10.3 Contents of files at the GSM application level................................................................................................. 50

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 5 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.1 EFLP (Language preference) ..................................................................................................................... 50

10.3.2 EFIMSI (IMSI).......................................................................................................................................... 51
10.3.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc) .......................................................................................................................... 52
10.3.4 EFPLMNsel (PLMN selector)................................................................................................................... 52
10.3.5 EFHPLMN (HPLMN search period) ........................................................................................................ 53
10.3.6 EFACMmax (ACM maximum value) ....................................................................................................... 54
10.3.7 EFSST (SIM service table) ........................................................................................................................ 55
10.3.8 EFACM (Accumulated call meter) ............................................................................................................ 57
10.3.9 EFGID1 (Group Identifier Level 1) ........................................................................................................... 57
10.3.10 EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2) ........................................................................................................... 57
10.3.11 EFSPN (Service Provider Name)............................................................................................................... 58
10.3.12 EFPUCT (Price per unit and currency table)............................................................................................. 58
10.3.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message identifier selection)............................................................................. 59
10.3.14 EFBCCH (Broadcast control channels)..................................................................................................... 60
10.3.15 EFACC (Access control class)................................................................................................................... 60
10.3.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs) ............................................................................................................... 61
10.3.17 EFLOCI (Location information) ............................................................................................................... 61
10.3.18 EFAD (Administrative data) ...................................................................................................................... 63
10.3.19 EFPhase (Phase identification) .................................................................................................................. 64
10.3.20 EFVGCS (Voice Group Call Service) ....................................................................................................... 64
10.3.21 EFVGCSS (Voice Group Call Service Status) .......................................................................................... 65
10.3.22 EFVBS (Voice Broadcast Service) ............................................................................................................ 66
10.3.23 EFVBSS (Voice Broadcast Service Status) ............................................................................................... 66
10.3.24 EFeMLPP (enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority) ................................................................... 66
10.3.25 EFAAeM (Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service)................................................................................... 67
10.3.26 EFCBMID (Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data Download) ........................................................ 68
10.3.27 EFECC (Emergency Call Codes)............................................................................................................... 69
10.3.28 EFCBMIR (Cell broadcast message identifier range selection) ................................................................ 70
10.3.29 EFDCK De-personalization Control Keys ................................................................................................. 70
10.3.30 EFCNL(Co-operative Network List).......................................................................................................... 70
10.3.31 EFNIA(Network's Indication of Alerting).................................................................................................. 72
10.3.32 EFKcGPRS (GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS) ........................................................................................... 73
10.3.33 EFLOCIGPRS (GPRS location information) ........................................................................................... 73
10.4 Contents of files at the telecom level ............................................................................................................... 75
10.4.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers) ................................................................................................... 75
10.4.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers) .............................................................................................................. 78
10.4.3 EFSMS (Short messages)........................................................................................................................... 78
10.4.4 EFCCP (Capability configuration parameters) .......................................................................................... 79
10.4.5 EFMSISDN (MSISDN)............................................................................................................................. 80
10.4.6 EFSMSP (Short message service parameters) ........................................................................................... 80
10.4.7 EFSMSS (SMS status) ............................................................................................................................... 82
10.4.8 EFLND (Last number dialled) ................................................................................................................... 83
10.4.9 EFSDN (Service Dialling Numbers) .......................................................................................................... 83
10.4.10 EFEXT1 (Extension1) ............................................................................................................................... 84
10.4.11 EFEXT2 (Extension2) ............................................................................................................................... 85
10.4.12 EFEXT3 (Extension3) ............................................................................................................................... 85
10.4.13 EFBDN (Barred Dialling Numbers)........................................................................................................... 85
10.4.14 EFEXT4 (Extension4) ............................................................................................................................... 86
10.4.15 EFSMSR (Short message status reports) ................................................................................................... 86
10.5 Files of GSM (figure 8).................................................................................................................................... 87
11 Application protocol ..............................................................................................................................88
11.1 General procedures .......................................................................................................................................... 90
11.1.1 Reading an EF ............................................................................................................................................ 90
11.1.2 Updating an EF .......................................................................................................................................... 90
11.1.3 Increasing an EF......................................................................................................................................... 90
11.2 SIM management procedures........................................................................................................................... 91
11.2.1 SIM initialization ....................................................................................................................................... 91
11.2.2 GSM session termination ........................................................................................................................... 92
11.2.3 Emergency Call Codes ............................................................................................................................... 92

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 6 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.2.4 Language preference .................................................................................................................................. 93

11.2.5 Administrative information request;........................................................................................................... 93
11.2.6 SIM service table request ........................................................................................................................... 93
11.2.7 SIM phase request ...................................................................................................................................... 93
11.2.8 SIM Presence Detection and Proactive Polling.......................................................................................... 93
11.2.9 Extended Language preference .................................................................................................................. 93
11.3 CHV related procedures................................................................................................................................... 93
11.3.1 CHV verification ........................................................................................................................................ 93
11.3.2 CHV value substitution .............................................................................................................................. 94
11.3.3 CHV disabling............................................................................................................................................ 94
11.3.4 CHV enabling............................................................................................................................................. 94
11.3.5 CHV unblocking ........................................................................................................................................ 94
11.4 GSM security related procedures..................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation .................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.2 IMSI request............................................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.3 Access control request................................................................................................................................ 95
11.4.4 HPLMN search period request................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.5 Location information.................................................................................................................................. 95
11.4.6 Cipher key .................................................................................................................................................. 95
11.4.7 BCCH information ..................................................................................................................................... 95
11.4.8 Forbidden PLMN ....................................................................................................................................... 95
11.5 Subscription related procedures....................................................................................................................... 95
11.5.1 Dialling numbers ........................................................................................................................................ 95
11.5.2 Short messages ........................................................................................................................................... 98
11.5.3 Advice of Charge (AoC) ............................................................................................................................ 98
11.5.4 Capability configuration parameters .......................................................................................................... 99
11.5.5 PLMN selector ........................................................................................................................................... 99
11.5.6 Cell broadcast message identifier............................................................................................................... 99
11.5.7 Group identifier level 1 .............................................................................................................................. 99
11.5.8 Group identifier level 2 .............................................................................................................................. 99
11.5.9 Service Provider Name............................................................................................................................... 99
11.5.10 Voice Group Call Services......................................................................................................................... 99
11.5.11 Voice Broadcast Services........................................................................................................................... 99
11.5.12 Enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority Service ......................................................................... 100
11.5.13 Cell Broadcast Message range identifier .................................................................................................. 100
11.5.14 Depersonalisation Control Keys............................................................................................................... 100
11.5.15 Short message status report ...................................................................................................................... 100
11.5.16 Network's indication of alerting ............................................................................................................... 100
11.6 SIM Application Toolkit related procedures ................................................................................................. 101
11.6.1 Initialization procedure ............................................................................................................................ 101
11.6.2 Proactive polling ...................................................................................................................................... 101
11.6.3 Support of commands............................................................................................................................... 101
11.6.4 Support of response codes........................................................................................................................ 101
11.6.5 Command-response pairs ......................................................................................................................... 101
11.6.6 Independence of normal GSM and SIM Application Toolkit tasks ......................................................... 101
11.6.7 Use of BUSY status response................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.8 Use of NULL procedure byte................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.9 Using the TERMINAL PROFILE, ENVELOPE, and TERMINAL RESPONSE commands ................. 102
11.6.10 Using the FETCH command .................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.11 Data Download via SMS-CB ................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.12 Data Download via SMS-PP .................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.13 Menu selection ......................................................................................................................................... 102
11.6.14 Call Control.............................................................................................................................................. 103
11.6.15 Proactive SIM .......................................................................................................................................... 103
11.6.16 Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM................................................................................... 103
11.6.17 SIM data download error ......................................................................................................................... 103

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 7 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex A (normative): Plug-in SIM ..................................................................................................104

Annex B (normative): Coding of Alpha fields in the SIM for UCS2 ............................................105
Annex C (informative): FDN/BDN Procedures .................................................................................107
Annex D (informative): Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-personalization..............................112
Annex E (informative): SIM application Toolkit protocol diagrams..............................................113
Annex F (informative): Bibliography.................................................................................................120
Annex G (informative): Change history .............................................................................................121
History ............................................................................................................................................................122

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 8 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Intellectual Property Rights

IPRs essential or potentially essential to the present document may have been declared to ETSI. The information
pertaining to these essential IPRs, if any, is publicly available for ETSI members and non-members, and can be found
in SR 000 314: "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs); Essential, or potentially Essential, IPRs notified to ETSI in respect
of ETSI standards", which is available free of charge from the ETSI Secretariat. Latest updates are available on the
ETSI Web server (

Pursuant to the ETSI IPR Policy, no investigation, including IPR searches, has been carried out by ETSI. No guarantee
can be given as to the existence of other IPRs not referenced in SR 000 314 (or the updates on the ETSI Web server)
which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.

This Technical Specification (TS) has been produced by the Special Mobile Group (SMG).

The present document defines the interface between the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment
(ME) within the digital cellular telecommunications system.

The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within SMG and may change following formal
SMG approval. Should SMG modify the contents of the present document it will then be republished by ETSI with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:

Version 6.x.y


6 indicates GSM Release 1997 of Phase 2+

y the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;

x the second digit is incremented for all other types of changes, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 9 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

1 Scope
The present document defines the interface between the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and the Mobile Equipment
(ME) for use during the network operation phase of GSM as well as those aspects of the internal organization of the
SIM which are related to the network operation phase. This is to ensure interoperability between a SIM and an ME
independently of the respective manufacturers and operators. The concept of a split of the Mobile Station (MS) into
these elements as well as the distinction between the GSM network operation phase, which is also called GSM
operations, and the administrative management phase are described in the GSM 02.17 [6].

The present document defines:

- the requirements for the physical characteristics of the SIM, the electrical signals and the transmission protocols;
- the model which shall be used as a basis for the design of the logical structure of the SIM;
- the security features;
- the interface functions;
- the commands;
- the contents of the files required for the GSM application;
- the application protocol.

Unless otherwise stated, references to GSM also apply to DCS 1800.

The present document does not specify any aspects related to the administrative management phase. Any internal
technical reallocation of either the SIM or the ME are only specified where these reflect over the interface. It does not
specify any of the security algorithms which may be used.

The present document defines the SIM/ME interface for GSM Phase 2. While all attempts have been made to maintain
phase compatibility, any issues that specifically relate to Phase 1 should be referenced from within the relevant Phase 1

2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present

• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or

• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies.

• A non-specific reference to an ETS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same

• For this Release 1997 document, references to GSM documents are for Release 1997 versions (version 6.x.y).

[1] GSM 01.02: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General description of a
GSM Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".

[2] GSM 01.04: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Abbreviations and

[3] GSM 02.07: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile Stations (MS)

[4] GSM 02.09: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security aspects".

[5] GSM 02.11: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Service accessibility".

[6] GSM 02.17: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Subscriber Identity Modules
(SIM) Functional characteristics".

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 10 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

[7] GSM 02.24: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Description of Charge
Advice Information (CAI)".

[8] GSM 02.30: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Man-Machine Interface
(MMI) of the Mobile Station (MS)".

[9] GSM 02.86: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Advice of charge (AoC)
Supplementary Services - Stage 1".

[10] GSM 03.03: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Numbering, addressing and

[11] GSM 03.20: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Security related network

[12] GSM 03.38: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Alphabets and
language-specific information".

[13] GSM 03.40: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of the
Short Message Service (SMS) Point-to-Point (PP)".

[14] GSM 03.41: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Technical realization of
Short Message Service Cell Broadcast (SMSCB)".

[15] GSM 04.08: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Mobile radio interface layer
3 specification".

[16] GSM 04.11: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Point-to-Point (PP) Short
Message Service (SMS) support on mobile radio interface".

[17] GSM 09.91 (ETR 174): "Digital cellular telecommunications system; Interworking aspects of the
Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface between Phase 1 and
Phase 2".

[18] CCITT Recommendation E.118: "The international telecommunication charge card".

[19] CCITT Recommendation E.164: "Numbering plan for the ISDN era".

[20] CCITT Recommendation T.50: "International Alphabet No. 5". (ISO 646: 1983, Information
processing - ISO 7-bits coded characters set for information interchange).

[21] ISO/IEC 7810 (1995): "Identification cards - Physical characteristics".

[22] ISO/IEC 7811-1 (1995): "Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 1: Embossing".

[23] ISO/IEC 7811-3 (1995): "Identification cards - Recording technique - Part 3: Location of
embossed characters on ID-1 cards".

[24] ISO 7816-1 (1987): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 1: Physical

[25] ISO 7816-2 (1988): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 2:
Dimensions and locations of the contacts".

[26] ISO/IEC 7816-3 (1989): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 3:
Electronic signals and transmission protocols".

[27] GSM 11.14 (TS 101 267): "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Specification
of the SIM Application Toolkit for the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM -
ME) interface".

[28] GSM 11.12: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2); Specification of the 3 Volt
Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface".

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 11 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

[29] GSM 02.22: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Personalization of GSM
Mobile Equipment (ME) Mobile functionality specification".

[30] ISO 639 (1988): "Code for the representation of names of languages".

[31] ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 "Information technology -- Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set
(UCS) -- Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane"

[32] GSM 03.60: "Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); General Packet Radio ervice
(GPRS); Service description; Stage 2"

3 Definitions, abbreviations and symbols

3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply. For further information and
definitions refer to GSM 01.02 [1].

access conditions: A set of security attributes associated with a file.

application: An application consists of a set of security mechanisms, files, data and protocols (excluding transmission

application protocol: The set of procedures required by the application.

card session: A link between the card and the external world starting with the ATR and ending with a subsequent reset
or a deactivation of the card.

current directory: The latest MF or DF selected.

current EF: The latest EF selected.

data field: Obsolete term for Elementary File.

Dedicated File (DF): A file containing access conditions and, optionally, Elementary Files (EFs) or other Dedicated
Files (DFs).

directory: General term for MF and DF.

Elementary File (EF): A file containing access conditions and data and no other files.

file: A directory or an organized set of bytes or records in the SIM.

file identifier: The 2 bytes which address a file in the SIM.

GSM or DCS 1800 application: Set of security mechanisms, files, data and protocols required by GSM or DCS 1800.

GSM session: That part of the card session dedicated to the GSM operation.

IC card SIM: Obsolete term for ID-1 SIM.

ID-1 SIM: The SIM having the format of an ID-1 card (see ISO 7816-1 [24]).

Master File (MF): The unique mandatory file containing access conditions and optionally DFs and/or EFs.

normal GSM operation: Relating to general, CHV related, GSM security related and subscription related procedures.

padding: One or more bits appended to a message in order to cause the message to contain the required number of bits
or bytes.

plug-in SIM: A Second format of SIM (specified in clause 4).

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 12 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

proactive SIM: A SIM which is capable of issuing commands to the ME. Part of SIM Application Toolkit (see clause

record: A string of bytes within an EF handled as a single entity (see clause 6).

record number: The number which identifies a record within an EF.

record pointer: The pointer which addresses one record in an EF.

root directory: Obsolete term for Master File.

SIM application toolkit procedures: Defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply, in addition to those listed in
GSM 01.04 [2]:

A3 Algorithm 3, authentication algorithm; used for authenticating the subscriber

A5 Algorithm 5, cipher algorithm; used for enciphering/deciphering data
A8 Algorithm 8, cipher key generator; used to generate Kc
A38 A single algorithm performing the functions of A3 and A8
ACM Accumulated Call Meter
ADN Abbreviated Dialling Number
ADM Access condition to an EF which is under the control of the authority which creates this file
AoC Advice of Charge
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
ATR Answer To Reset
BCCH Broadcast Control CHannel
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BDN Barred Dialling Number
BTS Base Transmitter Station
CB Cell Broadcast
CBMI Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
CCITT The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (now also known as the ITU
Telecommunications Standardization sector)
CCP Capability/Configuration Parameter
CHV Card Holder Verification information; access condition used by the SIM for the verification of the
identity of the user
CNL Co-operative Network List
DCK De-personalization Control Keys
DCS Digital Cellular System
DF Dedicated File (abbreviation formerly used for Data Field)
DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
ECC Emergency Call Code
EF Elementary File
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
eMLPP enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service
etu elementary time unit
FDN Fixed Dialling Number
GSM Global System for Mobile communications
IC Integrated Circuit
ICC Integrated Circuit(s) Card
ID IDentifier
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Kc Cryptographic key; used by the cipher A5

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 13 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Ki Subscriber authentication key; the cryptographic key used by the authentication algorithm, A3, and
cipher key generator, A8
LAI Location Area Information; information indicating a cell or a set of cells
lgth The (specific) length of a data unit
LND Last Number Dialled
LSB Least Significant Bit
MCC Mobile Country Code
ME Mobile Equipment
MF Master File
MMI Man Machine Interface
MNC Mobile Network Code
MS Mobile Station
MSISDN Mobile Station international ISDN number
MSB Most Significant Bit
NPI Numbering Plan Identifier
PIN/PIN2 Personal Identification Number / Personal Identification Number 2 (obsolete terms for CHV1 and
CHV2, respectively)
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PTS Protocol Type Select (response to the ATR)
PUK/PUK2 PIN Unblocking Key / PIN2 Unblocking Key (obsolete terms for UNBLOCK CHV1 and
UNBLOCK CHV2, respectively)
RAND A RANDom challenge issued by the network
RFU Reserved for Future Use
SDN Service Dialling Number
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SMS Short Message Service
SRES Signed RESponse calculated by a SIM
SSC Supplementary Service Control string
SW1/SW2 Status Word 1 / Status Word 2
TMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
TON Type Of Number
TP Transfer layer Protocol
TPDU Transfer Protocol Data Unit
TS Technical Specification
UNBLOCK CHV1/2 value to unblock CHV1/CHV2
VBS Voice Broadcast Service
VGCS Voice Group Call Service

3.3 Symbols
Vcc Supply voltage
Vpp Programming voltage
'0' to '9' and 'A' to 'F' The sixteen hexadecimal digits

4 Physical characteristics
Two physical types of SIM are specified. These are the "ID-1 SIM" and the "Plug-in SIM".

The physical characteristics of both types of SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-1,2 [24, 25] unless otherwise
specified. The following additional requirements shall be applied to ensure proper operation in the GSM environment.

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4.1 Format and layout

The information on the exterior of either SIM should include at least the individual account identifier and the check digit
of the IC Card Identification (see clause 10, EFICCID).

4.1.1 ID-1 SIM

Format and layout of the ID-1 SIM shall be in accordance with ISO 7816-1,2 [24, 25].

The card shall have a polarization mark (see GSM 02.07 [3]) which indicates how the user should insert the card into the

The ME shall accept embossed ID-1 cards. The embossing shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 7811 [22, 23]. The
contacts of the ID-1 SIM shall be located on the front (embossed face, see ISO/IEC 7810 [21]) of the card.

NOTE: Card warpage and tolerances are now specified for embossed cards in ISO/IEC 7810 [21].

4.1.2 Plug-in SIM

The Plug-in SIM has a width of 25 mm, a height of 15 mm, a thickness the same as an ID-1 SIM and a feature for
orientation. See figure A.1 in normative annex A for details of the dimensions of the card and the dimensions and
location of the contacts.

Annexes A.1 and A.2 of ISO 7816-1 [24] do not apply to the Plug-in SIM.

Annex A of ISO 7816-2 [25] applies with the location of the reference points adapted to the smaller size. The three
reference points P1, P2 and P3 measure 7,5 mm, 3,3 mm and 20,8 mm, respectively, from 0. The values in table A.1 of
ISO 7816-2 [25] are replaced by the corresponding values of figure A.1.

4.2 Temperature range for card operation

The temperature range for full operational use shall be between -25°C and +70°C with occasional peaks of up to +85°C.
"Occasional" means not more than 4 hours each time and not over 100 times during the life time of the card.

4.3 Contacts
4.3.1 Provision of contacts
ME: Contacting elements in the ME in positions C4 and C8 are optional, and are not used in the GSM application.
They shall present a high impedance to the SIM card in the GSM application. If it is determined that the SIM is a
multi-application ICC, then these contacts may be used. Contact C6 need not be provided for Plug-in SIMs.

SIM: Contacts C4 and C8 need not be provided by the SIM, but if they are provided, then they shall not be
connected internally in the SIM if the SIM only contains the GSM application. Contact C6 shall not be bonded in
the SIM for any function other than supplying Vpp.

4.3.2 Activation and deactivation

The ME shall connect, activate and deactivate the SIM in accordance with the Operating Procedures specified in
ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26].

For any voltage level, monitored during the activation sequence, or during the deactivation sequence following soft
power-down, the order of the contact activation/deactivation shall be respected.

NOTE 1: Soft Power switching is defined in GSM 02.07 [3].

NOTE 2: It is recommended that whenever possible the deactivation sequence defined in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26]
should be followed by the ME on all occasions when the ME is powered down.

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If the SIM clock is already stopped and is not restarted, the ME is allowed to deactivate all the contacts in any order,
provided that all signals reach low level before Vcc leaves high level. If the SIM clock is already stopped and is
restarted before the deactivation sequence, then the deactivation sequence specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26] subclause
5.4 shall be followed.

When Vpp is connected to Vcc, as allowed by GSM (see clause 5), then Vpp will be activated and deactivated with Vcc,
at the time of the Vcc activation/deactivation, as given in the sequences of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26] subclauses 5.1 and 5.4.

The voltage level of Vcc, used by GSM, differs from that specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26]. Vcc is powered when it has
a value between 4,5 V and 5,5 V.

4.3.3 Inactive contacts

The voltages on contacts C1, C2, C3, C6 and C7 of the ME shall be between 0 and ± 0,4 volts referenced to ground (C5)
when the ME is switched off with the power source connected to the ME. The measurement equipment shall have a
resistance of 50 kohms when measuring the voltage on C2, C3, C6 and C7. The resistance shall be 10 kohms when
measuring the voltage on C1.

4.3.4 Contact pressure

The contact pressure shall be large enough to ensure reliable and continuous contact (e.g. to overcome oxidisation and
to prevent interruption caused by vibration). The radius of any curvature of the contacting elements shall be greater than
or equal to 0,8 mm over the contact area.

Under no circumstances may a contact force be greater than 0,5 N per contact.

Care shall be taken to avoid undue point pressure to the area of the SIM opposite to the contact area. Otherwise this may
damage the components within the SIM.

4.4 Precedence
For Mobile Equipment, which accepts both an ID-1 SIM and a Plug-in SIM, the ID-1 SIM shall take precedence over
the Plug-in SIM (see GSM 02.17 [6]).

4.5 Static Protection

Considering that the SIM is a CMOS device, the ME manufacturer shall take adequate precautions (in addition to the
protection diodes inherent in the SIM) to safeguard the ME, SIM and SIM/ME interface from static discharges at all
times, and particularly during SIM insertion into the ME.

5 Electronic signals and transmission protocols

Electronic signals and transmission protocols shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26] unless specified
otherwise. The following additional requirements shall be applied to ensure proper operation in the GSM environment.

The choice of the transmission protocol(s), to be used to communicate between the SIM and the ME, shall at least
include that specified and denoted by T=0 in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26].

The values given in the tables hereafter are derived from ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26], subclause 4.2 with the following

- VOH and VOL always refer to the device (ME or SIM) which is driving the interface. VIH and VIL always refer to
the device (ME or SIM) which is operating as a receiver on the interface.

- This convention is different to the one used in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26], which specifically defines an ICC for which
its current conventions apply. The following clauses define the specific core requirements for the SIM, which
provide also the basis for Type Approval. For each state (VOH, VIH, VIL and VOL) a positive current is defined as
flowing out of the entity (ME or SIM) in that state.

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- The high current options of ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26] for VIH and VOH are not specified for the SIM as they apply to
NMOS technology requirements. No realization of the SIM using NMOS is foreseen.

5.1 Supply voltage Vcc (contact C1)

The SIM shall be operated within the following limits:

Table 1: Electrical characteristics of Vcc under normal operating conditions

Symbol Minimum Maximum Unit

Vcc 4,5 5,5 V
Icc 10 mA

The current consumption of the SIM shall not exceed the value given in table 1 during any state (including activation
and deactivation as defined in subclause 4.3.2).

When the SIM is in idle state (see below) the current consumption of the card shall not exceed 200 µA at 1 MHz and
25°C. If clock stop mode is allowed, then the current consumption shall also not exceed 200 µA while the clock is

The ME shall source the maximum current requirements defined above. It shall also be able to counteract spikes in the
current consumption of the card up to a maximum charge of 40 nAs with no more than 400 ns duration and an amplitude
of at most 200 mA, ensuring that the supply voltage stays in the specified range.

NOTE: A possible solution would be to place a capacitor (e.g. 100 nF, ceramic) as close as possible to the
contacting elements.

5.2 Reset (RST) (contact C2)

The ME shall operate the SIM within the following limits:

Table 2: Electrical characteristics of RST under normal operating conditions

Symbol Conditions Minimum Maximum

VOH IOHmax = +20 µA Vcc-0,7 Vcc (note)

VOL IOLmax = -200 µA 0V (note) 0,6 V

tR tF Cout = Cin = 30 pF 400 µs

NOTE: To allow for overshoot the voltage on RST shall remain between
-0,3 V and Vcc+0,3 V during dynamic operation.

5.3 Programming voltage Vpp (contact C6)

SIMs shall not require any programming voltage on Vpp. The ME need not provide contact C6. If the ME provides
contact C6, then, in the case of the ID-1 SIM the same voltage shall be supplied on Vpp as on Vcc, while in the case of
Plug-in SIMs the ME need not provide any voltage on C6. Contact C6 may be connected to Vcc in any ME but shall not
be connected to ground.

5.4 Clock CLK (contact C3)

The SIM shall support 1 to 5 MHz. The clock shall be supplied by the ME. No "internal clock" SIMs shall be used.

If a frequency of 13/4 MHz is needed by the SIM to run the authentication procedure in the allotted time (see
GSM 03.20 [11]), or to process an ENVELOPE command used for SIM Data Download, bit 2 of byte 1 in the file
characteristics shall be set to 1. Otherwise a minimum frequency of 13/8 MHz may be used.

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The duty cycle shall be between 40 % and 60 % of the period during stable operation.

The ME shall operate the SIM within the following limits:

Table 3: Electrical characteristics of CLK under normal operating conditions

Symbol Conditions Minimum Maximum

VOH IOHmax = +20 µA 0,7xVcc Vcc (note)

VOL IOLmax = -200 µA 0 V (note) 0,5 V

tR tF Cout = Cin = 30 pF 9 % of period with a maximum of

0,5 µs

NOTE: To allow for overshoot the voltage on CLK shall remain between -0,3 V and
Vcc+0,3 V during dynamic operation.

5.5 I/O (contact C7)

Table 4 defines the electrical characteristics of the I/O (contact C7). The values given in the table have the effect of
defining the values of the pull-up resistor in the ME and the impedances of the drivers and receivers in the ME and SIM.

Table 4: Electrical characteristics of I/O under normal operating conditions

Symbol Conditions Minimum Maximum

VIH IIHmax = ± 20 µA (note 2) 0,7xVcc Vcc+0,3 V
VIL IILmax = +1 mA -0,3 V 0,8 V
VOH (note 1) IOHmax = + 20µA 3,8 V Vcc (note 3)
VOL IOLmax = -1 mA 0 V (note 3) 0,4 V
tR tF Cout = Cin = 30 pF 1 µs
NOTE 1: It is assumed that a pull-up resistor is used in the interface device (recommended
value: 20 kohms).
NOTE 2: During static conditions (idle state) only the positive value can apply. Under
dynamic operating conditions (transmission) short term voltage spikes on the I/O
line may cause a current reversal.
NOTE 3: To allow for overshoot the voltage on I/O shall remain between -0,3 V and
Vcc+0,3 V during dynamic operation.

5.6 States
There are two states for the SIM while the power supply is on:

- The SIM is in operating state when it executes a command. This state also includes transmission from and to the
- The SIM is in idle state at any other time. It shall retain all pertinent data during this state.

The SIM may support a clock stop mode. The clock shall only be switched off subject to the conditions specified in the
file characteristics (see clause 9).

Clock stop mode. An ME of Phase 2 or later shall wait at least 1 860 clock cycles after having received the last
character, including the guard time (2 etu), of the response before it switches off the clock (if it is allowed to do so). It
shall wait at least 744 clock cycles before it sends the first command after having started the clock.

To achieve phase compatibility, the following procedure shall be adhered to:

A SIM of Phase 2 or later shall always send the status information "normal ending of the command" after the successful
interpretation of the command SLEEP received from a Phase 1 ME. An ME of Phase 2 or later shall not send a SLEEP

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A Phase 1 ME shall wait at least 744 clock cycles after having received the compulsory acknowledgement SW1 SW2 of
the SLEEP command before it switches off the clock (if it is allowed to do so). It shall wait at least 744 clock cycles
before it sends the first command after having started the clock.

5.7 Baudrate
The initial baudrate (during ATR) shall be: (clock frequency)/372. Subsequent baudrate shall be: (clock frequency)/372
unless the PTS procedure has been successfully performed. In that case the negotiated baudrate shall be applied
according to subclause 5.8.2.

5.8 Answer To Reset (ATR)

The ATR is information presented by the SIM to the ME at the beginning of the card session and gives operational

5.8.1 Structure and contents

The following table gives an explanation of the characters specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26] and the requirements for
their use in GSM. The answer to reset consists of at most 33 characters. The ME shall be able to receive interface
characters for transmission protocols other than T=0, historical characters and a check byte, even if only T=0 is used by
the ME.

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Table 5: ATR

Character Contents sent by a) evaluation by the ME

the card b) reaction by the ME
1. Initial character coding convention for all always a) always
subsequent characters
TS (direct or inverse b) using appropriate convention
2. Format subsequent interface always a) always
character characters, number of
historical characters b) identifying the subsequent
T0 characters accordingly
3. Interface parameters to calculate the optional a) always if present
character work etu
(global) b) if TA1 is not '11', PTS procedure
shall be used (see subclause 5.8.2)
4. Interface parameters to calculate the optional a) always if present
character programming voltage and
(global) current b) if PI1 is not 0, then reject the SIM (in
accordance with subclause 5.10)
5. Interface parameters to calculate the optional a) always if present
character extra guardtime requested
(global) by the card; no extra b) if TC1 is neither 0 nor 255, then reject the
guardtime is used to send SIM (in accordance with subclause 5.10); see
TC1 characters from the card to the note after the table
the ME
6. Interface protocol type; indicator for optional a) always if present
character the presence of inter- face
characters, specifying rules b) identifying the subsequent characters
TD1 to be used for transmissions accordingly
with the given protocol type
7. Interface not used for protocol T=0 optional a) optional
(specific) b) --------

8. Interface parameter to calculate the never the allowed value of TB1 above defines that an
character programming voltage external programming voltage is not applicable

9. Interface parameters to calculate the optional a) always if present
character work waiting time
(specific) b) using the work waiting time accordingly

10. Interface protocol type; indicator for optional a) always if present
character the presence of interface b) identifying the subsequent characters
characters, specifying rules accordingly
TDi to be used for transmissions
(i>1) with the given protocol type


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Table 5 (concluded): ATR

Character Contents sent by a) evaluation by the ME

the card b) reaction by the ME
11. Interface characters which contain optional a) optional
character interface characters for
other transmission protocols b) --------
TAi, TBi, TCi
12. Historical contents not specified in optional a) optional
characters ISO/IEC
b) --------
13. Check check byte (exclusive not sent if a) optional
character -ORing) only T=0 is
indicated in b) --------
TCK the ATR; in
all other
cases TCK
shall be sent

NOTE: According to ISO/IEC 7816-3:1989/DAM2 (see annex D) N=255 indicates that the minimum delay is 12
etu for the asynchronous half-duplex character transmission protocol.

5.8.2 PTS procedure

Specifically related to the present document the PTS procedure according to ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26], clause 7, is applied,
only if TA1 is not equal to '11', as follows:

a) for MEs only supporting default speed (F=372, D=1)

ME ————————————— Reset —————————————> SIM

<————————————— ATR —————————————— TA1 not = '11'

PTS0 = '00' ———————— PTS Request —————>
PCK = 'FF'
<———————— PTS Response ————— PTS0 = '00'
PCK = 'FF'

Figure 1: PTS procedure

PTS Request and PTS Response consist of the three (3) characters PTSS, PTSO and PCK of which PTSS is sent first.

After this procedure the protocol T=0 and the parameters F=372, D=1 and N=0 will be used.

b) for MEs only supporting enhanced speed (F=512, D=8)

ME ————————————— Reset —————————————> SIM

<—————————————— ATR —————————————— TA1 = '94'

PTS0 = '10' ———————— PTS Request —————>
PTS1 = '94'
PCK = '7B'
<———————— PTS Response ————— PTS0 = '10'
PTS1 = '94'
PCK = '7B'

Figure 2: PTS procedure requesting enhanced speed values (F=512, D=8, see clause 5.8.3)

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PTS Request and PTS Response consist of the four (4) characters PTSS, PTSO, PTS1 and PCK of which PTSS is sent

After this procedure the protocol T=0 and the parameters F=512, D=8 and N=0 will be used.

5.8.3 Speed enhancement

If speed enhancement is implemented, the ME and the SIM shall at least support F=512 and D=8 in addition to F=372
and D=1. However, other values may also be supported. If the ME requests PTS using values other than those above
then the PTS procedure shall be initiated accordingly.

The SIM shall support the default value (F=372 and D=1). If the speed enhancement is supported by the SIM it is
mandatory that F=512 and D=8 is supported. However, the value in TA1 may even indicate a faster speed (F=512 and
D=16). The SIM may also support other values between the default value (F=372 and D=1) and the values indicated in
TA1. The SIM shall offer the negotiable mode, to ensure backwards compatibility with existing MEs. In the negotiable
mode the SIM will use default values even if other parameters are offered in the ATR if the PTS procedure is not

The ME shall support the default value (F=372 and D=1). If the speed enhancement is supported in the ME it is
mandatory to support F=512 and D=8. The ME may additionally support other values.

If the SIM does not answer the PTS request within the initial waiting time the ME shall reset the SIM. After two failed
PTS attempts using F=512 and D=8 or values indicated in TA1, (no PTS response from the SIM) the ME shall initiate
PTS procedure using default values. If this also fails (no PTS response from the SIM) the ME may proceed using default
values without requesting PTS.

If the SIM does not support the values requested by the ME, the SIM shall respond to the PTS request indicating the use
of default values.

5.9 Bit/character duration and sampling time

The bit/character duration and sampling time specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26], subclauses 6.1.1 and 6.1.2, are valid for
all communications.

5.10 Error handling

Following receipt of an ATR, which is not in accordance with the present document, e.g. because of forbidden ATR
characters or too few bytes being transmitted, the ME shall perform a Reset. The ME shall not reject the SIM until at
least three consecutive wrong ATRs are received.

During the transmission of the ATR and the protocol type selection, the error detection and character repetition
procedure specified in ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26], subclause 6.1.3, is optional for the ME. For the subsequent transmission on
the basis of T=0 this procedure is mandatory for the ME.

For the SIM the error detection and character repetition procedure is mandatory for all communications.

6 Logical Model
This clause describes the logical structure for a SIM, the code associated with it, and the structure of files used.

6.1 General description

Figure 3 shows the general structural relationships which may exist between files. The files are organized in a
hierarchical structure and are of one of three types as defined below. These files may be either administrative or
application specific. The operating system handles the access to the data stored in different files.

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DF111 EF
DF12 ....

EF EF ....

Figure 3: Organization of memory

Files are composed of a header, which is internally managed by the SIM, and optionally a body part. The information of
the header is related to the structure and attributes of the file and may be obtained by using the commands GET
RESPONSE or STATUS. This information is fixed during the administrative phase. The body part contains the data of
the file.

6.2 File identifier

A file ID is used to address or identify each specific file. The file ID consists of two bytes and shall be coded in
hexadecimal notation. They are specified in clause 10.

The first byte identifies the type of file, and for GSM is:

- '3F': Master File;

- '7F': 1st level Dedicated File;
- '5F': 2nd level Dedicated File;
- '2F': Elementary File under the Master File;
- '6F': Elementary File under a 1st level Dedicated File;
- '4F': Elementary File under 2nd level Dedicated File.

File IDs shall be subject to the following conditions:

- the file ID shall be assigned at the time of creation of the file concerned;
- no two files under the same parent shall have the same ID;
- a child and any parent, either immediate or remote in the hierarchy, e.g. grandparent, shall never have the
same file ID.

In this way each file is uniquely identified.

6.3 Dedicated files

A Dedicated File (DF) is a functional grouping of files consisting of itself and all those files which contain this DF in
their parental hierarchy (that is to say it consists of the DF and its complete "subtree"). A DF "consists" only of a header

Three 1st level DFs are defined in the present document:

- DFGSM which contains the applications for both GSM and/or DCS 1800;
- DFIS41 which contains the applications for IS-41 as specified by ANSI T1P1;
- DFTELECOM which contains telecom service features.

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All three files are immediate children of the Master File (MF) and may coexist on a multi-application card.

2nd level DFs are defined in the present document under DFGSM.

All 2nd level DFs are immediate children of the DFGSM and may coexist on a multi-application card.

6.4 Elementary files

An Elementary File (EF) is composed of a header and a body part. The following three structures of an EF are used by

6.4.1 Transparent EF
An EF with a transparent structure consists of a sequence of bytes. When reading or updating, the sequence of bytes to
be acted upon is referenced by a relative address (offset), which indicates the start position (in bytes), and the number of
bytes to be read or updated. The first byte of a transparent EF has the relative address '00 00'. The total data length of
the body of the EF is indicated in the header of the EF.


Body Sequence
of bytes

NOTE: This structure was previously referred to as "binary" in GSM.

Figure 4: Structure of a transparent EF

6.4.2 Linear fixed EF

An EF with linear fixed structure consists of a sequence of records all having the same (fixed) length. The first record is
record number 1. The length of a record as well as this value multiplied by the number of records are indicated in the
header of the EF.

Body Record 1
Record 2
Record n

Figure 5: Structure of a linear fixed file

There are several methods to access records within an EF of this type:

- absolutely using the record number;

- when the record pointer is not set it shall be possible to perform an action on the first or the last record by
using the NEXT or PREVIOUS mode;

- when the record pointer is set it shall be possible to perform an action on this record, the next record (unless
the record pointer is set to the last record) or the previous record (unless the record pointer is set to the first

- by identifying a record using pattern seek starting:

- forwards from the beginning of the file;

- forwards from the record following the one at which the record pointer is set (unless the record pointer is
set to the last record);

- backwards from the end of the file;

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- backwards from the record preceding the one at which the record pointer is set (unless the record pointer
is set to the first record).

If an action following selection of a record is aborted, then the record pointer shall remain set at the record at which it
was set prior to the action.

NOTE 1: It is not possible, at present, to have more than 255 records in a file of this type, and each record cannot be
greater than 255 bytes.

NOTE 2: This structure was previously referred to as "formatted" in GSM.

6.4.3 Cyclic EF
Cyclic files are used for storing records in chronological order. When all records have been used for storage, then the
next storage of data shall overwrite the oldest information.

An EF with a cyclic structure consists of a fixed number of records with the same (fixed) length. In this file structure
there is a link between the last record (n) and the first record. When the record pointer is set to the last record n, then the
next record is record 1. Similarly, when the record pointer is set to record 1, then the previous record is record n. The
last updated record containing the newest data is record number 1, and the oldest data is held in record number n.

Body Record 1
Record 2
Record n

Figure 6: Structure of a cyclic file

For update operations only PREVIOUS record shall be used. For reading operations, the methods of addressing are
Next, Previous, Current and Record Number.

After selection of a cyclic file (for either operation), the record pointer shall address the record updated or increased last.
If an action following selection of a record is aborted, then the record pointer shall remain set at the record at which it
was set prior to the action.

NOTE: It is not possible, at present, to have more than 255 records in a file of this type, and each record cannot be
greater than 255 bytes.

6.5 Methods for selecting a file

After the Answer To Reset (ATR), the Master File (MF) is implicitly selected and becomes the Current Directory. Each
file may then be selected by using the SELECT function in accordance with the following rules.

Selecting a DF or the MF sets the Current Directory. After such a selection there is no current EF. Selecting an EF sets
the current EF and the Current Directory remains the DF or MF which is the parent of this EF. The current EF is always
a child of the Current Directory.

Any application specific command shall only be operable if it is specific to the Current Directory.

The following files may be selected from the last selected file:

- any file which is an immediate child of the Current Directory;

- any DF which is an immediate child of the parent of the current DF;
- the parent of the Current Directory;
- the current DF;
- the MF.

This means in particular that a DF shall be selected prior to the selection of any of its EFs. All selections are made using
the file ID.

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The following figure gives the logical structure for the GSM application. GSM defines only two levels of DFs under the

E F1

D F1 D F2

E F2 EF3 E F4

D F3


Figure 7: Logical structure

The following table gives the valid selections for GSM for the logical structure in figure 7. Reselection of the last
selected file is also allowed but not shown.

Table 6: File selection

Last selected file Valid Selections

MF DF1, DF2, EF1
DF1 MF, DF2, DF3, EF2
DF2 MF, DF1, EF3, EF4
DF3 MF, DF1, EF5
EF1 MF, DF1, DF2
EF2 MF, DF1, DF2, DF3
EF3 MF, DF1, DF2, EF4
EF4 MF, DF1, DF2, EF3
EF5 MF, DF1, DF3

6.6 Reservation of file IDs

In addition to the identifiers used for the files specified in the present document, the following file IDs are reserved for
use by GSM.

Dedicated Files:
- administrative use:
'7F 4X', '5F1X', '5F2X'
- operational use:
'7F 10' (DFTELECOM), '7F 20' (DFGSM), '7F 21' (DFDCS1800), '7F 22' (DFIS41), and '7F 2X', where X
ranges from '3' to 'F'.
- reserved under '7F20':
'5F30' (DFIRIDIUM), '5F31' (DFGlobalstar), '5F32' (DFICO), '5F33' (DFACeS), '5F3X', where X ranges from '4' to
'F' for other MSS.
'5F40'(DFPCS-1900), '5F4Y' where Y ranges from '1' to 'F' and,
'5FYX' where Y ranges from '5' to 'F'.

Elementary files:
- administrative use:
'6F XX' in the DFs '7F 4X'; '4F XX' in the DFs '5F 1X', '5F2X'
'6F 1X' in the DFs '7F 10', '7F 20', '7F 21';
'4F 1X' in all 2nd level DFs
'2F 01', '2F EX' in the MF '3F 00';

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 26 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- operational use:
'6F 2X', '6F 3X', '6F 4X' in '7F 10' and '7F 2X';
'4F YX', where Y ranges from '2' to 'F' in all 2nd level DFs.
'2F 1X' in the MF '3F 00'.

In all the above, X ranges, unless otherwise stated, from '0' to 'F'.

7 Security features
The security aspects of GSM are described in the normative references GSM 02.09 [4] and GSM 03.20 [11]. This clause
gives information related to security features supported by the SIM to enable the following:

- authentication of the subscriber identity to the network;

- data confidentiality over the radio interface;
- file access conditions.

7.1 Authentication and cipher key generation procedure

This subclause describes the authentication mechanism and cipher key generation which are invoked by the network. For
the specification of the corresponding procedures across the SIM/ME interface see clause 11.

The network sends a Random Number (RAND) to the MS. The ME passes the RAND to the SIM in the command RUN
GSM ALGORITHM. The SIM returns the values SRES and Kc to the ME which are derived using the algorithms and
processes given below. The ME sends SRES to the network. The network compares this value with the value of SRES
which it calculates for itself. The comparison of these SRES values provides the authentication. The value Kc is used by
the ME in any future enciphered communications with the network until the next invocation of this mechanism.

A subscriber authentication key Ki is used in this procedure. This key Ki has a length of 128 bits and is stored within the
SIM for use in the algorithms described below.

7.2 Algorithms and processes

The names and parameters of the algorithms supported by the SIM are defined in GSM 03.20 [11]. These are:

- Algorithm A3 to authenticate the MS to the network;

- Algorithm A8 to generate the encryption key.

These algorithms may exist either discretely or combined (into A38) within the SIM. In either case the output on the
SIM/ME interface is 12 bytes. The inputs to both A3 and A8, or A38, are Ki (128 bits) internally derived in the SIM,
and RAND (128 bits) across the SIM/ME interface. The output is SRES (32 bits)/Kc (64 bits) the coding of which is
defined in the command RUN GSM ALGORITHM in clause 9.

7.3 File access conditions

Every file has its own specific access condition for each command. The relevant access condition of the last selected file
shall be fulfilled before the requested action can take place.

For each file:

- the access conditions for the commands READ and SEEK are identical;
- the access conditions for the commands SELECT and STATUS are ALWays.

No file access conditions are currently assigned by GSM to the MF and the DFs.

The access condition levels are defined in the following table:

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Table 7: Access condition level coding

Level Access Condition

0 ALWays
1 CHV1
2 CHV2
3 Reserved for GSM Future Use
4 to 14 ADM
15 NEVer

The meaning of the file access conditions is as follows:

ALWAYS: The action can be performed without any restriction;

CHV1 (card holder verification 1): The action shall only be possible if one of the following three conditions is
- a correct CHV1 value has already been presented to the SIM during the current session;
- the CHV1 enabled/disabled indicator is set to "disabled";
NOTE: Some Phase 1 and Phase 2 SIMs do not necessarily grant access when CHV1 is "disabled" and
- UNBLOCK CHV1 has been successfully performed during the current session;

CHV2: The action shall only be possible if one of the following two conditions is fulfilled:
- a correct CHV2 value has already been presented to the SIM during the current session;
- UNBLOCK CHV2 has been successfully performed during the current session;

ADM: Allocation of these levels and the respective requirements for their fulfilment are the responsibility of the
appropriate administrative authority

The definition of access condition ADM does not preclude the administrative authority from using ALW, CHV1,
CHV2 and NEV if required.

NEVER: The action cannot be performed over the SIM/ME interface. The SIM may perform the action

Condition levels are not hierarchical. For instance, correct presentation of CHV2 does not allow actions to be performed
which require presentation of CHV1. A condition level which has been satisfied remains valid until the end of the GSM
session as long as the corresponding secret code remains unblocked, i.e. after three consecutive wrong attempts, not
necessarily in the same card session, the access rights previously granted by this secret code are lost immediately. A
satisfied CHV condition level applies to both DFGSM and DFTELECOM.

The ME shall determine whether CHV2 is available by using the response to the STATUS command. If CHV2 is "not
initialized" then CHV2 commands, e.g. VERIFY CHV2, shall not be executable.

8 Description of the functions

This clause gives a functional description of the commands and their respective responses. Associated status conditions,
error codes and their corresponding coding are specified in clause 9.

It shall be mandatory for all cards complying with the present document to support all functions described in the present
document. The command GET RESPONSE which is needed for the protocol T=0 is specified in clause 9.

The following table lists the file types and structures together with the functions which may act on them during a GSM
session. These are indicated by an asterisk (*).

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 28 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Table 8: Functions on files in GSM session

Function MF DF EF transparent EF linear fixed EF cyclic
SELECT * * * * *
STATUS * * * * *

This function selects a file according to the methods described in clause 6. After a successful selection the record pointer
in a linear fixed file is undefined. The record pointer in a cyclic file shall address the last record which has been updated
or increased.

- file ID.
- if the selected file is the MF or a DF:
file ID, total memory space available, CHV enabled/disabled indicator, CHV status and other GSM specific
- if the selected file is an EF:
file ID, file size, access conditions, invalidated/not invalidated indicator, structure of EF and length of the
records in case of linear fixed structure or cyclic structure.

This function returns information concerning the current directory. A current EF is not affected by the STATUS
function. It is also used to give an opportunity for a pro-active SIM to indicate that the SIM wants to issue a SIM
Application Toolkit command to the ME.

- none.
- file ID, total memory space available, CHV enabled/disabled indicator, CHV status and other GSM specific data
(identical to SELECT above).


This function reads a string of bytes from the current transparent EF. This function shall only be performed if the READ
access condition for this EF is satisfied.

- relative address and the length of the string.
- string of bytes.


This function updates the current transparent EF with a string of bytes. This function shall only be performed if the
UPDATE access condition for this EF is satisfied. An update can be considered as a replacement of the string already
present in the EF by the string given in the update command.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 29 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- relative address and the length of the string;
- string of bytes.
- none.


This function reads one complete record in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF. The record to be read is described by
the modes below. This function shall only be performed if the READ access condition for this EF is satisfied. The
record pointer shall not be changed by an unsuccessful READ RECORD function.

Four modes are defined:

CURRENT: The current record is read. The record pointer is not affected.

ABSOLUTE: The record given by the record number is read. The record pointer is not affected.

NEXT: The record pointer is incremented before the READ RECORD function is performed and the pointed
record is read. If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF, then READ RECORD
(next) shall read the first record and set the record pointer to this record.

If the record pointer addresses the last record in a linear fixed EF, READ RECORD (next) shall not cause the
record pointer to be changed, and no data shall be read.

If the record pointer addresses the last record in a cyclic EF, READ RECORD (next) shall set the record pointer
to the first record in this EF and this record shall be read.

PREVIOUS: The record pointer is decremented before the READ RECORD function is performed and the
pointed record is read. If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF, then READ
RECORD (previous) shall read the last record and set the record pointer to this record.

If the record pointer addresses the first record in a linear fixed EF, READ RECORD (previous) shall not cause
the record pointer to be changed, and no data shall be read.

If the record pointer addresses the first record in a cyclic EF, READ RECORD (previous) shall set the record
pointer to the last record in this EF and this record shall be read.

- mode, record number (absolute mode only) and the length of the record.
- the record.


This function updates one complete record in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF. This function shall only be performed
if the UPDATE access condition for this EF is satisfied. The UPDATE can be considered as a replacement of the
relevant record data of the EF by the record data given in the command. The record pointer shall not be changed by an
unsuccessful UPDATE RECORD function.

The record to be updated is described by the modes below. Four modes are defined of which only PREVIOUS is
allowed for cyclic files:

CURRENT: The current record is updated. The record pointer is not affected.

ABSOLUTE: The record given by the record number is updated. The record pointer is not affected.

NEXT: The record pointer is incremented before the UPDATE RECORD function is performed and the pointed
record is updated. If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected EF, then UPDATE
RECORD (next) shall set the record pointer to the first record in this EF and this record shall be updated. If the
record pointer addresses the last record in a linear fixed EF, UPDATE RECORD (next) shall not cause the record
pointer to be changed, and no record shall be updated.

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PREVIOUS: For a linear fixed EF the record pointer is decremented before the UPDATE RECORD function is
performed and the pointed record is updated. If the record pointer has not been previously set within the selected
EF, then UPDATE RECORD (previous) shall set the record pointer to the last record in this EF and this record
shall be updated. If the record pointer addresses the first record in a linear fixed EF, UPDATE RECORD
(previous) shall not cause the record pointer to be changed, and no record shall be updated.

For a cyclic EF the record containing the oldest data is updated, the record pointer is set to this record and this
record becomes record number 1.

- mode, record number (absolute mode only) and the length of the record;
- the data used for updating the record.
- none.

8.7 SEEK
This function searches through the current linear fixed EF to find a record starting with the given pattern. This function
shall only be performed if the READ access condition for this EF is satisfied. Two types of SEEK are defined:

Type 1 The record pointer is set to the record containing the pattern, no output is available.

Type 2 The record pointer is set to the record containing the pattern, the output is the record number.

NOTE: A Phase 1 SIM only executes type 1 of the SEEK function.

The SIM shall be able to accept any pattern length from 1 to 16 bytes inclusive. The length of the pattern shall not
exceed the record length.

Four modes are defined:

- from the beginning forwards;

- from the end backwards;
- from the next location forwards;
- from the previous location backwards.

If the record pointer has not been previously set (its status is undefined) within the selected linear fixed EF, then the
search begins:

- with the first record in the case of SEEK from the next location forwards; or
- with the last record in the case of SEEK from the previous location backwards.

After a successful SEEK, the record pointer is set to the record in which the pattern was found. The record pointer shall
not be changed by an unsuccessful SEEK function.

- type and mode;
- pattern;
- length of the pattern.
- type 1: none;
- type 2: status/record number

This function adds the value given by the ME to the value of the last increased/updated record of the current cyclic EF,
and stores the result into the oldest record. The record pointer is set to this record and this record becomes record
number 1. This function shall be used only if this EF has an INCREASE access condition assigned and this condition is
fulfilled (see bytes 8 and 10 in the response parameters/data of the current EF, clause 9). The SIM shall not perform the
increase if the result would exceed the maximum value of the record (represented by all bytes set to 'FF').


(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 31 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- the value to be added.

- value of the increased record;
- value which has been added.


This function verifies the CHV presented by the ME by comparing it with the relevant one stored in the SIM. The
verification process is subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:

- CHV is not disabled;

- CHV is not blocked.

If the access condition for a function to be performed on the last selected file is CHV1 or CHV2, then a successful
verification of the relevant CHV is required prior to the use of the function on this file unless the CHV is disabled.

If the CHV presented is correct, the number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be reset to its initial value 3.

If the CHV presented is false, the number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be decremented. After 3
consecutive false CHV presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, the respective CHV shall be blocked and
the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has been successfully performed on the
respective CHV.

- indication CHV1/CHV2, CHV.
- none.


This function assigns a new value to the relevant CHV subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:

- CHV is not disabled;

- CHV is not blocked.

The old and new CHV shall be presented.

If the old CHV presented is correct, the number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be reset to its initial
value 3 and the new value for the CHV becomes valid.

If the old CHV presented is false, the number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV shall be decremented and the
value of the CHV is unchanged. After 3 consecutive false CHV presentations, not necessarily in the same card session,
the respective CHV shall be blocked and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function
has been performed successfully on the respective CHV.

- indication CHV1/CHV2, old CHV, new CHV.
- none.


This function may only be applied to CHV1. The successful execution of this function has the effect that files protected
by CHV1 are now accessible as if they were marked "ALWAYS". The function DISABLE CHV shall not be executed
by the SIM when CHV1 is already disabled or blocked.

If the CHV1 presented is correct, the number of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value 3 and CHV1
shall be disabled.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 32 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

If the CHV1 presented is false, the number of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1 remains
enabled. After 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, CHV1 shall be blocked
and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has been successfully performed on

- CHV1.
- none.


This function may only be applied to CHV1. It is the reverse function of DISABLE CHV. The function ENABLE CHV
shall not be executed by the SIM when CHV1 is already enabled or blocked.

If the CHV1 presented is correct, the number of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be reset to its initial value 3 and CHV1
shall be enabled.

If the CHV1 presented is false, the number of remaining CHV1 attempts shall be decremented and CHV1 remains
disabled. After 3 consecutive false CHV1 presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, CHV1 shall be
blocked and may optionally be set to "enabled". Once blocked, the CHV1 can only be unblocked using the UNBLOCK
CHV function. If the CHV1 is blocked and "disabled", the access condition shall remain granted. If the CHV1 is
blocked and "enabled", the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK CHV function has been
successfully performed on CHV1.

- CHV1.
- none.


This function unblocks a CHV which has been blocked by 3 consecutive wrong CHV presentations. This function may
be performed whether or not the relevant CHV is blocked.

If the UNBLOCK CHV presented is correct, the value of the CHV, presented together with the UNBLOCK CHV, is
assigned to that CHV, the number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that UNBLOCK CHV is reset to its
initial value 10 and the number of remaining CHV attempts for that CHV is reset to its initial value 3. After a successful
unblocking attempt the CHV is enabled and the relevant access condition level is satisfied.

If the presented UNBLOCK CHV is false, the number of remaining UNBLOCK CHV attempts for that UNBLOCK
CHV shall be decremented. After 10 consecutive false UNBLOCK CHV presentations, not necessarily in the same card
session, the respective UNBLOCK CHV shall be blocked. A false UNBLOCK CHV shall have no effect on the status of
the respective CHV itself.

- indication CHV1/CHV2, the UNBLOCK CHV and the new CHV.
- none.

This function invalidates the current EF. After an INVALIDATE function the respective flag in the file status shall be
changed accordingly. This function shall only be performed if the INVALIDATE access condition for the current EF is

An invalidated file shall no longer be available within the application for any function except for the SELECT and the
REHABILITATE functions unless the file status of the EF indicates that READ and UPDATE may also be performed.


(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 33 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- none.
- none.

This function rehabilitates the invalidated current EF. After a REHABILITATE function the respective flag in the file
status shall be changed accordingly. This function shall only be performed if the REHABILITATE access condition for
the current EF is satisfied.

If BDN is enabled (see clause 11.5.1) then the REHABILITATE function shall not rehabilitate the invalidated EFIMSI
and EFLOCI until the PROFILE DOWNLOAD procedure is performed indicating that the ME supports the "Call control
by SIM" facility (see GSM 11.14 [27]).

- none.
- none.


This function is used during the procedure for authenticating the SIM to a GSM network and to calculate a cipher key.
The card runs the specified algorithms A3 and A8 using a 16 byte random number and the subscriber authentication key
Ki, which is stored in the SIM. The function returns the calculated response SRES and the cipher key Kc.

The function shall not be executable unless DFGSM or any sub-directory under DFGSM has been selected as the Current
Directory and a successful CHV1 verification procedure has been performed (see 11.3.1).

- SRES, Kc.

The contents of Kc shall be presented to algorithm A5 by the ME in its full 64 bit format as delivered by the SIM.

8.17 SLEEP
This is an obsolete GSM function which was issued by Phase 1 MEs. The function shall not be used by an ME of Phase
2 or later.


This function is used by the ME to transmit to the SIM its capabilities concerning the SIM Application Toolkit

- terminal profile.
- none.

This function is used to transfer data to the SIM Application Toolkit applications in the SIM.

- data string.
- The structure of the data is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

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8.20 FETCH
This function is used to transfer an Application Toolkit command from the SIM to the ME.

- none.
- data string containing an SIM Application Toolkit command for the ME.


This function is used to transfer from the ME to the SIM the response to a previously fetched SIM Application Toolkit

- data string containing the response.
- none.

9 Description of the commands

This clause states the general principles for mapping the functions described in clause 8 onto Application Protocol Data
Units which are used by the transmission protocol.

9.1 Mapping principles

An APDU can be a command APDU or a response APDU.

A command APDU has the following general format:

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 Data

The response APDU has the following general format:

Data SW1 SW2

An APDU is transported by the T=0 transmission protocol without any change. Other protocols might embed an APDU
into their own transport structure (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26]).

The bytes have the following meaning:

- CLA is the class of instruction (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26]), 'A0' is used in the GSM application;
- INS is the instruction code (ISO/IEC 7816-3 [26]) as defined in this subclause for each command;
- P1, P2, P3 are parameters for the instruction. They are specified in table 9. 'FF' is a valid value for P1, P2 and P3.
P3 gives the length of the data element. P3='00' introduces a 256 byte data transfer from the SIM in an outgoing
data transfer command (response direction). In an ingoing data transfer command (command direction), P3='00'
introduces no transfer of data.
- SW1 and SW2 are the status words indicating the successful or unsuccessful outcome of the command.

For some of the functions described in clause 8 it is necessary for T=0 to use a supplementary transport service
command (GET RESPONSE) to obtain the output data. For example, the SELECT function needs the following two

- the first command (SELECT) has both parameters and data serving as input for the function;
- the second command (GET RESPONSE) has a parameter indicating the length of the data to be returned.

If the length of the response data is not known beforehand, then its correct length may be obtained by applying the first
command and interpreting the status words. SW1 shall be '9F' and SW2 shall give the total length of the data. Other
status words may be present in case of an error. The various cases are:

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 35 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 1: No input / No output


lgth (='00') '90' '00'

Case 2: No input / Output of known length

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '90' '00'

NOTE: lgth='00' causes a data transfer of 256 bytes.

Case 3: No Input / Output of unknown length


lgth (='00') '9F' lgth1

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth2 ≤ lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth2 '90' '00'

Case 4: Input / No output

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '90' '00'

Case 5: Input / Output of known or unknown length

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '9F' lgth1

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth2 ≤ lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth2 '90' '00'

For cases 3 and 5, when SW1/SW2 indicates there is response data (i.e. SW1/SW2 = '9FXX'), then, if the ME requires
to get this response data, it shall send a GET RESPONSE command as described in the relevant case above.

For case 5, in case of an ENVELOPE for SIM data download, SW1/SW2 may also indicate there is response data with
the value '9EXX', and the ME shall then send a GET RESPONSE command to get this response data.

If the GSM application is one of several applications in a multi-application card, other commands with CLA not equal to
'A0' may be sent by the terminal. This shall not influence the state of the GSM application.

The following diagrams show how the five cases of transmission protocol identified in the above diagrams can all be
used to send pro-active SIM commands. For further information on the diagrams below see GSM 11.14 [27].

Case 1: No input / "OK" response with no output, plus additional command from SIM

lgth (='00') '91' lgth1

[Possible "normal GSM operation" command/response pairs]

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth1 '90' '00'

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 36 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

NOTE: lgth1='00' causes a data transfer of 256 bytes.

Case 2: No input / "OK" response with data of known length, plus additional command from SIM
CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '91' lgth1

[Possible "normal GSM operation" command/response pairs]

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth1 '90' '00'

NOTE: lgth='00' causes a data transfer of 256 bytes. The same applies to lgth1.

Case 3: No Input / "OK" response with data of unknown length, plus additional command from SIM

lgth (='00') '9F' lgth1

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth2 ≤ lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth2 '91' lgth3

[Possible "normal GSM operation" command/response pairs]

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth3 SW1 SW2

lgth3 '90' '00'

Case 4: Input / "OK" response with no output data, plus additional command from SIM
CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '91' lgth1

[Possible "normal GSM operation" command/response pairs]

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth1 '90' '00'

Case 5: Input / "OK" response with data of known or unknown length, plus additional command from SIM

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth SW1 SW2

lgth '9F' lgth1

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth2≤lgth1 SW1 SW2

lgth2 '91' lgth3

[Possible "normal GSM operation" command/response pairs]

CLA INS P1 P2 P3 DATA with length lgth3 SW1 SW2

lgth3 '90' '00'

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 37 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

9.2 Coding of the commands

Table 9 below gives the coding of the commands. The direction of the data is indicated by (S) and (R), where (S) stands
for data sent by the ME while (R) stands for data received by the ME. Offset is coded on 2 bytes where P1 gives the
high order byte and P2 the low order byte. '00 00' means no offset and reading/updating starts with the first byte while an
offset of '00 01' means that reading/updating starts with the second byte.

In addition to the instruction codes specified in table 9 the following codes are reserved:

GSM operational phase:

'1X' with X even, from X=6 to X=E.

Administrative management phase:

'2A', 'D0', 'D2', 'DE', 'C4', 'C6', 'C8', 'CA', 'CC', 'B4', 'B6', 'B8', 'BA' and 'BC'.

Table 9: Coding of the commands


SELECT 'A4' '00' '00' '02' S/R
STATUS 'F2' '00' '00' lgth R

READ BINARY 'B0' offset high offset low lgth R

UPDATE BINARY 'D6' offset high offset low lgth S
READ RECORD 'B2' rec No. mode lgth R
UPDATE RECORD 'DC' rec No. mode lgth S
SEEK 'A2' '00' type/mode lgth S/R
INCREASE '32' '00' '00' '03' S/R

VERIFY CHV '20' '00' CHV No. '08' S

CHANGE CHV '24' '00' CHV No. '10' S
DISABLE CHV '26' '00' '01' '08' S
ENABLE CHV '28' '00' '01' '08' S
UNBLOCK CHV '2C' '00' see note '10' S

INVALIDATE '04' '00' '00' '00' -

REHABILITATE '44' '00' '00' '00' -

RUN GSM ALGORITHM '88' '00' '00' '10' S/R

SLEEP 'FA' '00' '00' '00' -

GET RESPONSE 'C0' '00' '00' lgth R

TERMINAL PROFILE '10' '00' '00' lgth S
ENVELOPE 'C2' '00' '00' lgth S/R
FETCH '12' '00' '00' lgth R
TERMINAL RESPONSE '14' '00' '00' lgth S

NOTE: If the UNBLOCK CHV command applies to CHV1 then P2 is coded '00'; if it applies to CHV2 then P2 is
coded '02'.

Definitions and codings used in the response parameters/data of the commands are given in subclause 9.3.

9.2.1 SELECT
SELECT 'A0' 'A4' '00' '00' '02'

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-2 File ID 2

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 38 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Response parameters/data in case of an MF or DF:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-2 RFU 2
3-4 Total amount of memory of the selected directory which is 2
not allocated to any of the DFs or EFs under the selected
5-6 File ID 2
7 Type of file (see subclause 9.3) 1
8 - 12 RFU 5
13 Length of the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1
14 - 34 GSM specific data 21

GSM specific data:

Byte(s) Description Length

14 File characteristics (see detail 1) 1
15 Number of DFs which are a direct child of the current 1
16 Number of EFs which are a direct child of the current 1
17 Number of CHVs, UNBLOCK CHVs and administrative 1
18 RFU 1
19 CHV1 status (see detail 2) 1
20 UNBLOCK CHV1 status (see detail 2) 1
21 CHV2 status (see detail 2) 1
22 UNBLOCK CHV2 status (see detail 2) 1
23 RFU 1
24 - 34 Reserved for the administrative management 0 ‰ lgth ‰ 11

Bytes 1 - 22 are mandatory and shall be returned by the SIM. Bytes 23 and following are optional and may not be
returned by the SIM.

NOTE 1: Byte 35 and following are RFU.

NOTE 2: The STATUS information of the MF, DFGSM and DFTELECOM provide some identical application
specific data, e.g. CHV status. On a multi-application card the MF should not contain any application
specific data. Such data is obtained by terminals from the specific application directories. ME
manufacturers should take this into account and therefore not use application specific data which may
exist in the MF of a mono-application SIM.

Similarly, the VERIFY CHV command should not be executed in the MF but in the relevant application
directory (e.g. DFGSM).

Detail 1: File characteristics

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Clock stop (see below)
For running the authentication algorithm, or the
ENVELOPE command for SIM Data Download, a frequency
is required of at least 13/8 MHz if b2=0 and 13/4
MHz if b2=1
Clock stop (see below)
for coding (see GSM 11.12 [28])
b8=0: CHV1 enabled; b8=1: CHV1 disabled

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 39 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

The coding of the conditions for stopping the clock is as follows:

Bit b1 Bit b3 Bit b4

1 0 0 clock stop allowed, no preferred level
1 1 0 clock stop allowed, high level preferred
1 0 1 clock stop allowed, low level preferred
0 0 0 clock stop not allowed
0 1 0 clock stop not allowed, unless at high level
0 0 1 clock stop not allowed, unless at low level

If bit b1 (column 1) is coded 1, stopping the clock is allowed at high or low level. In this case columns 2 (bit b3)
and 3 (bit b4) give information about the preferred level (high or low, respectively) at which the clock may be

If bit b1 is coded 0, the clock may be stopped only if the mandatory condition in column 2 (b3=1, i.e. stop at high
level) or column 3 (b4=1, i.e. stop at low level) is fulfilled. If all 3 bits are coded 0, then the clock shall not be

Detail 2: Status byte of a secret code

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Number of false presentations remaining
('0' means blocked)
b8=0: secret code not initialised,
b8=1: secret code initialised

Response parameters/data in case of an EF:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-2 RFU 2
3-4 File size 2
(for transparent EF: the length of the body part of the EF)
(for linear fixed or cyclic EF: record length multiplied by the
number of records of the EF)
5-6 File ID 2
7 Type of file (see 9.3) 1
8 see detail 3 1
9 - 11 Access conditions (see 9.3) 3
12 File status (see 9.3) 1
13 Length of the following data (byte 14 to the end) 1
14 Structure of EF (see 9.3) 1
15 Length of a record (see detail 4) 1
16 and RFU -

Bytes 1-14 are mandatory and shall be returned by the SIM.

Byte 15 is mandatory in case of linear fixed or cyclic EFs and shall be returned by the SIM.
Byte 15 is optional in case of transparent EFs and may not be returned by the SIM.
Byte 16 and following (when defined) are optional and may not be returned by the SIM.

Detail 3: Byte 8
For transparent and linear fixed EFs this byte is RFU. For a cyclic EF all bits except bit 7 are RFU; b7=1
indicates that the INCREASE command is allowed on the selected cyclic file.

Detail 4: Byte 15
For cyclic and linear fixed EFs this byte denotes the length of a record. For a transparent EF, this byte shall be
coded '00', if this byte is sent by the SIM.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 40 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

9.2.2 STATUS
STATUS 'A0' 'F2' '00' '00' lgth

The response parameters/data are identical to the response parameters/data of the SELECT command in case of an MF
or DF.


READ BINARY 'A0' 'B0' offset high offset low lgth

Response parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - lgth Data to be read lgth


UPDATE BINARY 'A0' 'D6' offset high offset low lgth

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - lgth Data lgth


READ RECORD 'A0' 'B2' Rec.No. Mode lgth

Parameter P2 specifies the mode:

- '02' = next record;
- '03' = previous record;
- '04' = absolute mode/current mode, the record number is given in P1 with P1='00' denoting the current record.

For the modes "next" and "previous" P1 has no significance and shall be set to '00' by the ME. To ensure phase
compatibility between Phase 2 SIMs and Phase 1 MEs, the SIM shall not interpret the value given by the ME.

Response parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - lgth The data of the record lgth


UPDATE RECORD 'A0' 'DC' Rec.No. Mode lgth

Parameter P2 specifies the mode:

- '02' = next record;
- '03' = previous record;
- '04' = absolute mode/current mode; the record number is given in P1 with P1='00' denoting the current record.

For the modes "next" and "previous" P1 has no significance and shall be set to '00' by the ME. To ensure phase
compatibility between Phase 2 SIMs and Phase 1 MEs, the SIM shall not interpret the value given by the ME.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 41 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - lgth Data lgth

9.2.7 SEEK
SEEK 'A0' 'A2' '00' Type/Mode lgth

Parameter P2 specifies type and mode:

- 'x0' = from the beginning forward;
- 'x1' = from the end backward;
- 'x2' = from the next location forward;
- 'x3' = from the previous location backward
with x='0' specifies type 1 and x='1' specifies type 2 of the SEEK command.

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - lgth Pattern lgth

There are no response parameters/data for a type 1 SEEK. A type 2 SEEK returns the following response

Byte(s) Description Length

1 Record number 1

INCREASE 'A0' '32' '00' '00' '03'

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-3 Value to be added 3

Response parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-X Value of the increased record X
X+1 - X+3 Value which has been added 3

NOTE: X denotes the length of the record.


VERIFY CHV 'A0' '20' '00' CHV No. '08'

Parameter P2 specifies the CHV:

- '01' = CHV1;
- '02' = CHV2.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 42 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-8 CHV value 8


CHANGE CHV 'A0' '24' '00' CHV No. '10'

Parameter P2 specifies the CHV:

- '01' = CHV1;
- '02' = CHV2.

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-8 Old CHV value 8
9 - 16 New CHV value 8


DISABLE CHV 'A0' '26' '00' '01' '08'

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-8 CHV1 value 8


ENABLE CHV 'A0' '28' '00' '01' '08'

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-8 CHV1 value 8


UNBLOCK CHV 'A0' '2C' '00' CHV No. '10'

Parameter P2 specifies the CHV:

- 00 = CHV1;
- 02 = CHV2.

NOTE: The coding '00' for CHV1 differs from the coding of CHV1 used for other commands.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 43 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-8 UNBLOCK CHV value 8
9 - 16 New CHV value 8

INVALIDATE 'A0' '04' '00' '00' '00'

REHABILITATE 'A0' '44' '00' '00' '00'


RUN GSM 'A0' '88' '00' '00' '10'

Command parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 - 16 RAND 16

Response parameters/data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1-4 SRES 4
5 - 12 Cipher Key Kc 8

The most significant bit of SRES is coded on bit 8 of byte 1. The most significant bit of Kc is coded on bit 8 of byte 5.

9.2.17 SLEEP
SLEEP 'A0' 'FA' '00' '00' '00'

NOTE: This command is used by Phase 1 MEs only.


GET RESPONSE 'A0' 'C0' '00' '00' lgth

The response data depends on the preceding command. Response data is available after the commands RUN GSM
ALGORITHM, SEEK (type 2), SELECT, INCREASE and ENVELOPE. If the command GET RESPONSE is executed,
it is required that it is executed immediately after the command it is related to (no other command shall come between
the command/response pair and the command GET RESPONSE). If the sequence is not respected, the SIM shall send
the status information "technical problem with no diagnostic given" as a reaction to the GET RESPONSE.

Since the MF is implicitly selected after activation of the SIM, GET RESPONSE is also allowed as the first command
after activation.

The response data itself is defined in the subclause for the corresponding command.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 44 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)


TERMINAL PROFILE 'A0' '10' '00' '00' lgth

Command parameters/data:
length lgth. The structure of the command parameters is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].
Response parameters/data:
none available

ENVELOPE 'A0' 'C2' '00' '00' lgth

Command parameters/data:
length lgth. The structure of the command parameters is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].
Response parameters/data:
The structure of the data is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

9.2.21 FETCH
FETCH 'A0' '12' '00' '00' lgth

Command parameters/data:
Response parameters/data:
length lgth. The structure of the data is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].


TERMINAL 'A0' '14' '00' '00' lgth

Command parameters/data:
length lgth. The structure of the command parameters is defined in GSM 11.14 [27].
Response parameters/data:
none available.

9.3 Definitions and coding

The following definitions and coding are used in the response parameters/data of the commands.


Each byte is represented by bits b8 to b1, where b8 is the most significant bit (MSB) and b1 is the least significant bit
(LSB). In each representation the leftmost bit is the MSB.


In a GSM specific card all bytes which are RFU shall be set to '00' and RFU bits to 0. Where the GSM application exists
on a multiapplication card or is built on a generic telecommunications card (e.g. TE9) then other values may apply. The
values will be defined in the appropriate specifications for such cards. These bytes and bits shall not be interpreted by an
ME in a GSM session.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 45 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

File status
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
b1=0: invalidated; b1=1: not invalidated
b3=0: not readable or updatable when invalidated
b3=1: readable and updatable when invalidated

Bit b3 may be set to 1 in special circumstances when it is required that the EF can be read and updated even if the EF is
invalidated, e.g. reading and updating the EFADN when the FDN feature is enabled, or reading and updating the EFBDN
when the BDN feature is disabled.

Structure of file
- '00'transparent;
- '01'linear fixed;
- '03'cyclic.

Type of File
- '00'RFU;
- '01'MF;
- '02'DF;
- '04'EF.

Coding of CHVs and UNBLOCK CHVs

A CHV is coded on 8 bytes. Only (decimal) digits (0-9) shall be used, coded in CCITT T.50 [20] with bit 8 set to zero.
The minimum number of digits is 4. If the number of digits presented by the user is less than 8 then the ME shall pad the
presented CHV with 'FF' before sending it to the SIM.

The coding of the UNBLOCK CHVs is identical to the coding of the CHVs. However, the number of (decimal) digits is
always 8.

Coding of Access Conditions

The access conditions for the commands are coded on bytes 9, 10 and 11 of the response data of the SELECT command.
Each condition is coded on 4 bits as shown in table 10.

Table 10: Access conditions

ALW '0' *
CHV1 '1' *
CHV2 '2' *
RFU '3'
ADM '4'
..... ..
NEW 'F' *

Entries marked "*" in the table above, are also available for use as administrative codes in addition to the ADM access
levels '4' to 'E' (refer to subclause 7.3) if required by the appropriate administrative authority. If any of these access
conditions are used, the code returned in the Access Condition bytes in the response data shall be the code applicable to
that particular level.

Byte 9:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 46 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Byte 10:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

Byte 11:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

9.4 Status conditions returned by the card

This subclause specifies the coding of the status words SW1 and SW2.

9.4.1 Responses to commands which are correctly executed

SW1 SW2 Description
'90' '00' - normal ending of the command
'91' 'XX' - normal ending of the command, with extra information from the
proactive SIM containing a command for the ME. Length 'XX' of the
response data
'9E' 'XX' - length 'XX' of the response data given in case of a SIM data download
'9F' 'XX' - length 'XX' of the response data

9.4.2 Responses to commands which are postponed

SW1 SW2 Error description
'93' '00' - SIM Application Toolkit is busy. Command cannot be executed at
present, further normal commands are allowed.

9.4.3 Memory management

SW1 SW2 Error description
'92' '0X' - command successful but after using an internal update retry routine
'X' times
'92' '40' - memory problem

9.4.4 Referencing management

SW1 SW2 Error description
'94' '00' - no EF selected
'94' '02' - out of range (invalid address)
'94' '04' - file ID not found
- pattern not found
'94' '08' - file is inconsistent with the command

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 47 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

9.4.5 Security management

SW1 SW2 Error description
'98' '02' - no CHV initialized
'98' '04' - access condition not fulfilled
- unsuccessful CHV verification, at least one attempt left
- unsuccessful UNBLOCK CHV verification, at least one attempt left
- authentication failed (see note)
'98' '08' - in contradiction with CHV status
'98' '10' - in contradiction with invalidation status
'98' '40' - unsuccessful CHV verification, no attempt left
- unsuccessful UNBLOCK CHV verification, no attempt left
- CHV blocked
- UNBLOCK CHV blocked
'98' '50' - increase cannot be performed, Max value reached

NOTE: A Phase 1 SIM may send this error code after the third consecutive unsuccessful CHV verification attempt
or the tenth consecutive unsuccessful unblocking attempt.

9.4.6 Application independent errors

SW1 SW2 Error description
'67' 'XX' - incorrect parameter P3 (see note)
'6B' 'XX'# - incorrect parameter P1 or P2 (see ##)
'6D' 'XX'# - unknown instruction code given in the command
'6E' 'XX'# - wrong instruction class given in the command
'6F' 'XX'# - technical problem with no diagnostic given

# These values of 'XX' are specified by ISO/IEC; at present the default value 'XX'='00' is the only one defined.
##When the error in P1 or P2 is caused by the addressed record being out of range, then the return code '94 02' shall be

NOTE: 'XX' gives the correct length or states that no additional information is given ('XX' = '00').

9.4.7 Commands versus possible status responses

The following table shows for each command the possible status conditions returned (marked by an asterisk *).

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 48 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Table 11: Commands and status words

OK B Mem Refer. Security Application

u Sta Status Status Independent
s Errors
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 6
0 1 E F 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 B D E F

0 X X X 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 X X X X X
Commands 0 X X X 0 X 0 0 2 4 8 2 4 8 0 0 0 X X X X X
Select * * * * * * *
Status * * * * * * *

Update Binary * * * * * * * * * * * *
Update Record * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Read Binary * * * * * * * * * * *
Read Record * * * * * * * * * * * *
Seek * * * * * * * * * * * *
Increase * * * * * * * * * * * *

Verify CHV * * * * * * * * * * * *
Change CHV * * * * * * * * * * * *
Disable CHV * * * * * * * * * * * *
Enable CHV * * * * * * * * * * * *
Unblock CHV * * * * * * * * * * * *

Invalidate * * * * * * * * * * *
Rehabilitate * * * * * * * * * * *

Run GSM Algorithm * * * * * * * *

Sleep * * * * *

Get Response * * * * * * *
Terminal Profile * * * * * * * *
Envelope * * * * * * * * * * *
Fetch * * * * * *
Terminal Response * * * * * * * *

The responses '91 XX', '93 00' and '9E XX' can only be given by a SIM supporting SIM Application Toolkit, to an ME
also supporting SIM Application Toolkit.

For the SEEK command the response '91 XX' can be given directly after a Type 1 SEEK command. Following the Type
2 SEEK command the SIM can give the response '91 XX' only after the GET RESPONSE command.

10 Contents of the Elementary Files (EF)

This clause specifies the EFs for the GSM session defining access conditions, data items and coding. A data item is a
part of an EF which represents a complete logical entity, e.g. the alpha tag in a EFADN record.

EFs or data items having an unassigned value, or, which during the GSM session, are cleared by the ME, shall have their
bytes set to 'FF'. After the administrative phase all data items shall have a defined value or have their bytes set to 'FF'. If
a data item is 'deleted' during a GSM session by the allocation of a value specified in another GSM TS, then this value
shall be used, and the data item is not unassigned; e.g. for a deleted LAI in EFLOCI the last byte takes the value 'FE'
(GSM 04.08 [15] refers).

EFs are mandatory (M) or optional (O). The file size of an optional EF may be zero. All implemented EFs with a file
size greater than zero shall contain all mandatory data items. Optional data items may either be filled with 'F', or, if
located at the end of an EF, need not exist.

When the coding is according to CCITT Recommendation T.50 [20], bit 8 of every byte shall be set to 0.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 49 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

For an overview containing all files see figure 8.

10.1 Contents of the EFs at the MF level

There are only two EFs at the MF level.

10.1.1 EFICCID (ICC Identification)

This EF provides a unique identification number for the SIM.

Identifier: '2FE2' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 10 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 - 10 Identification number M 10 bytes

- Identification number

according to CCITT Recommendation E.118 [18]. However, network operators who are already issuing
Phase 1 SIM cards with an identification number length of 20 digits may retain this length.
card identification number.

BCD, left justified and padded with 'F'; after padding the digits within a byte are swapped (see below).
However, network operators who are already issuing Phase 1 SIM cards where the digits within a byte are not
swapped may retain this configuration.

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 1
MSB of Digit 1
LSB of Digit 2
MSB of Digit 2

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 3
MSB of Digit 3
LSB of Digit 4
MSB of Digit 4

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 50 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.1.2 EFELP (Extended language preference)

This EF contains the codes for up to n languages. This information, determined by the user/operator, defines the
preferred languages of the user in order of priority. This information may be used by the ME for MMI purposes and for
short message handling (e.g. screening of preferred languages in SMS-CB).

When the CB Message Identifier capability is both allocated and activated the ME selects only those CB messages the
language of which corresponds to one of the languages given in this EF or in EFLP, whichever of these EFs is used (see
subclause 11.2.1). The CB message language is recognized according to GSM 03.38 by its data coding scheme.

Identifier: '2F 05' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 2n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-2 1 language code (highest prior.) O 2 bytes
3-4 2 language code O 2 bytes

2n-1 - 2n nth language code (lowest prior.) O 2 bytes

each language code is a pair of alpha-numeric characters, defined in ISO 639 [30]. Each alpha-numeric
character shall be coded on one byte using the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in GSM 03.38
[12] with bit 8 set to 0.

Unused language entries shall be set to 'FF FF'.

10.2 DFs at the GSM application level

For compatibility with other systems based on the GSM switching platform, DFs may be present as child directories of
DFGSM. The following have been defined.

DFICO '5F32'
DFACeS '5F33'
DFPCS1900 '5F40'

10.3 Contents of files at the GSM application level

The EFs in the Dedicated File DFGSM contain network related information.

10.3.1 EFLP (Language preference)

This EF contains the codes for one or more languages. This information, determined by the user/operator, defines the
preferred languages of the user in order of priority. This information may be used by the ME for MMI purposes and for
short message handling (e.g. screening of preferred languages in SMS-CB).

When the CB Message Identifier capability is both allocated and activated the ME selects only those CB messages the
language of which corresponds to one of the languages given in this EF or in EFELP, whichever of these EFs is used (see
subclause 11.2.1). The CB message language is recognized according to GSM 03.41 by its data coding scheme.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 51 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F05' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 1 language code (highest prior.) M 1 byte
2 2 language code O 1 byte

n nth language code (lowest prior.) O 1 byte

Coding: according to GSM 03.41 [14].

Using the command GET RESPONSE, the ME can determine the size of the EF.

10.3.2 EFIMSI (IMSI)

This EF contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI).

Identifier: '6F07' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 9 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 length of IMSI M 1 byte
2-9 IMSI M 8 bytes

- length of IMSI
The length indicator refers to the number of significant bytes, not including this length byte, required for the
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
This information element is of variable length. If a network operator chooses an IMSI of less than 15 digits,
unused nibbles shall be set to 'F'.

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 1
MSB of Digit 1

For the parity bit, see GSM 04.08 [15].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 52 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Byte 3:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 2
MSB of Digit 2
LSB of Digit 3
MSB of Digit 3

10.3.3 EFKc (Ciphering key Kc)

This EF contains the ciphering key Kc and the ciphering key sequence number n.

Identifier: '6F20' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 9 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-8 Ciphering key Kc M 8 bytes
9 Ciphering key sequence number n M 1 byte

- Ciphering key Kc
The least significant bit of Kc is the least significant bit of the eighth byte. The most significant bit of Kc is
the most significant bit of the first byte.
- Ciphering key sequence number n
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
bits b4 to b8 are coded 0

NOTE: GSM 04.08 [15] defines the value of n=111 as "key not available". Therefore the value '07' and not 'FF'
should be present following the administrative phase.

10.3.4 EFPLMNsel (PLMN selector)

This EF contains the coding for n PLMNs, where n is at least eight. This information determined by the user/operator
defines the preferred PLMNs of the user in priority order.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 53 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F30' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 3n (n Š 8) bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 1 PLMN (highest priority) M 3 bytes

22 - 24 8 PLMN M 3 bytes
25 - 27 9 PLMN O 3 bytes

(3n-2)-3n nth PLMN (lowest priority) O 3 bytes

Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
according to GSM 04.08 [15].
If storage for fewer than the maximum possible number n is required, the excess bytes shall be set to 'FF'.
For instance, using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the MNC and if this is the first and only PLMN, the contents
reads as follows:
Bytes 1-3: '42' 'F6' '18'
Bytes 4-6: 'FF' 'FF' 'FF'

10.3.5 EFHPLMN (HPLMN search period)

This EF contains the interval of time between searches for the HPLMN (see GSM 02.11 [5]).

Identifier: '6F31' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 1 byte Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Time interval M 1 byte

- Time interval
The time interval between two searches.
The time interval is coded in integer multiples of n minutes. The range is from n minutes to a maximum value.
The value '00' indicates that no attempts shall be made to search for the HPLMN. The encoding is:

- '00': No HPLMN search attempts

- '01': n minutes
- '02': 2n minutes
- : :
- 'YZ': (16Y+Z)n minutes (maximum value)

All other values shall be interpreted by the ME as a default period.

For specification of the integer timer interval n, the maximum value and the default period refer to GSM 02.11 [5].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 54 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.6 EFACMmax (ACM maximum value)

This EF contains the maximum value of the accumulated call meter. This EF shall always be allocated if EFACM is

Identifier: '6F37' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 3 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:
(fixed during administrative management)

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 Maximum value M 3 bytes

- Maximum value
maximum value of the Accumulated Call Meter (ACM)

First byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

223 222 221 220 219 218 217 216

Second byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

215 214 213 212 211 210 29 28

Third byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

For instance, '00' '00' '30' represents 25+24.

All ACM data is stored in the SIM and transmitted over the SIM/ME interface as binary.

ACMmax is not valid, as defined in GSM 02.24 [7], if it is coded '000000'.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 55 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.7 EFSST (SIM service table)

This EF indicates which services are allocated, and whether, if allocated, the service is activated. If a service is not
allocated or not activated in the SIM, the ME shall not select this service.

Identifier: '6F38' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: X bytes, X Š 2 Update activity: low

Access Conditions:
Bytes Description M/O Length
1 Services n¡1 to n¡4 M 1 byte
2 Services n¡5 to n¡8 M 1 byte
3 Services n¡9 to n¡12 O 1 byte
4 Services n¡13 to n¡16 O 1 byte
5 Services n¡17 to n¡20 O 1 byte
6 Services n¡21 to n¡24 O 1 byte
7 Services n¡25 to n¡28 O 1 byte
8 Services n¡29 to n¡32 O 1 byte
X Services (4X-3) to (4X) O 1 byte

Contents: Service n°1 : CHV1 disable function
Service n°2 : Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN)
Service n°3 : Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN)
Service n°4 : Short Message Storage (SMS)
Service n°5 : Advice of Charge (AoC)
Service n°6 : Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP)
Service n°7 : PLMN selector
Service n°8 : RFU
Service n°9 : MSISDN
Service n°10: Extension1
Service n°11: Extension2
Service n°12: SMS Parameters
Service n°13: Last Number Dialled (LND)
Service n°14: Cell Broadcast Message Identifier
Service n°15: Group Identifier Level 1
Service n°16: Group Identifier Level 2
Service n°17: Service Provider Name
Service n°18: Service Dialling Numbers (SDN)
Service n°19: Extension3
Service n°20: RFU
Service n°21: VGCS Group Identifier List (EFVGCS and EFVGCSS)
Service n°22: VBS Group Identifier List (EFVBS and EFVBSS)
Service n°23: enhanced Multi-Level Precedence and Pre-emption Service
Service n°24: Automatic Answer for eMLPP
Service n°25: Data download via SMS-CB
Service n°26: Data download via SMS-PP
Service n°27: Menu selection
Service n°28: Call control
Service n°29: Proactive SIM
Service n°30: Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Ranges
Service n°31: Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN)
Service n°32: Extension4
Service n°33: De-personalization Control Keys
Service n°34: Co-operative Network List
Service n°35: Short Message Status Reports
Service n°36 Network's indication of alerting in the MS
Service n°37 Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM
Service n°38 GPRS

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 56 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

For a phase 2 SIM, the EF shall contain at least two bytes which correspond to the Phase 1 services. Further bytes may
be included, but if the EF includes an optional byte, then it is mandatory for the EF to also contain all bytes before that
byte. Other services are possible in the future and will be coded on further bytes in the EF. The coding falls under the
responsibility of ETSI.

NOTE 1: Service N°8 was used in Phase 1 for Called Party Subaddress. To prevent any risk of incompatibility
Service N°8 should not be reallocated.

NOTE 2: As the BDN service relies on the Call Control feature, service n°31 (BDN) should only be allocated and
activated if service n°28 (Call control) is allocated and activated.
2 bits are used to code each service:
first bit = 1: service allocated
first bit = 0: service not allocated
where the first bit is b1, b3, b5 or b7;
second bit = 1: service activated
second bit = 0: service not activated
where the second bit is b2, b4, b6 or b8.

Service allocated means that the SIM has the capability to support the service. Service activated means that
the service is available for the card holder (only valid if the service is allocated).

The following codings are possible:

- first bit = 0: service not allocated, second bit has no meaning;
- first bit = 1 and second bit = 0: service allocated but not activated;
- first bit = 1 and second bit = 1: service allocated and activated.

The bits for services not yet defined shall be set to RFU. For coding of RFU see subclause 9.3.
First byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Service n°1
Service n°2
Service n°3
Service n°4

Second byte:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Service n°5
Service n°6
Service n°7
Service n°8

The following example of coding for the first byte means that service n°1 "CHV1-Disabling" is allocated but
not activated:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

X X X X X X 0 1

If the SIM supports the FDN feature (FDN allocated and activated) a special mechanism shall exist in the SIM which
invalidates both EFIMSI and EFLOCI once during each GSM session. This mechanism shall be invoked by the SIM
automatically if FDN is enabled. This invalidation shall occur at least before the next command following selection of
either EF. FDN is enabled when the ADN is invalidated or not activated.

If the SIM supports the BDN feature (BDN allocated and activated) a special mechanism shall exist in the SIM which
invalidates both EFIMSI and EFLOCI once during each GSM session and which forbids the REHABILITATE command
to rehabilitate both EFIMSI and EFLOCI until the PROFILE DOWNLOAD procedure is performed indicating that the
ME supports the "Call control by SIM" facility. This mechanism shall be invoked by the SIM automatically if BDN is
enabled. The invalidation of EFIMSI and EFLOCI shall occur at least before the next command following selection of
either EF. BDN is enabled when the EFBDN is not invalidated.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 57 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.8 EFACM (Accumulated call meter)

This EF contains the total number of units for both the current call and the preceding calls.

NOTE: The information may be used to provide an indication to the user for advice or as a basis for the
calculation of the monetary cost of calls (see GSM 02.86 [9]).

Identifier: '6F39' Structure: cyclic Optional

Record length: 3 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:
(fixed during administrative management)

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 Accumulated count of units M 3 bytes

- Accumulated count of units

Contents: value of the ACM
Coding: see the coding of EFACMmax

10.3.9 EFGID1 (Group Identifier Level 1)

This EF contains identifiers for particular SIM-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of SIMs for a
particular application.

Identifier: '6F3E' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-n SIM group identifier(s) O n bytes

10.3.10 EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2)

This EF contains identifiers for particular SIM-ME associations. It can be used to identify a group of SIMs for a
particular application.

Identifier: '6F3F' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 1-n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-n SIM group identifier(s) O n bytes

NOTE: The structure of EFGID1 and EFGID2 are identical. They are provided to allow the network operator to
enforce different levels of security dependant on application.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 58 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.11 EFSPN (Service Provider Name)

This EF contains the service provider name and appropriate requirements for the display by the ME.

Identifier: '6F46' Structure: transparent Optional

File Size: 17 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Display Condition M 1 byte
2 - 17 Service Provider Name M 16 bytes

- Display Condition
Contents: display condition for the service provider name in respect to the registered PLMN (see
GSM 02.07 [3]).

Coding: see below

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
b1=0: display of registered PLMN not required
b1=1: display of registered PLMN required
RFU (see subclause 9.3)

- Service Provider Name

Contents: service provider string to be displayed
Coding: the string shall use either
- the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in GSM 03.38 [12] with bit 8 set to 0. The string shall be left
justified. Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.
- one of the UCS2 code options defined in Annex B.

10.3.12 EFPUCT (Price per unit and currency table)

This EF contains the Price per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT). The PUCT is Advice of Charge related information
which may be used by the ME in conjunction with EFACM to compute the cost of calls in the currency chosen by the
subscriber, as specified in GSM 02.24 [7]. This EF shall always be allocated if EFACM is allocated.

Identifier: '6F41' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 5 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:
(fixed during administrative management)

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 Currency code M 3 bytes
4-5 Price per unit M 2 bytes

- Currency code
the alpha-identifier of the currency code.
bytes 1, 2 and 3 are the respective first, second and third character of the alpha identifier. This alpha-tagging
shall use the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in GSM 03.38 [12] with bit 8 set to 0.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 59 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- Price per unit

price per unit expressed in the currency coded by bytes 1-3.
Byte 4 and bits b1 to b4 of byte 5 represent the Elementary Price per Unit (EPPU) in the currency coded by
bytes 1-3. Bits b5 to b8 of byte 5 are the decimal logarithm of the multiplicative factor represented by the
absolute value of its decimal logarithm (EX) and the sign of EX, which is coded 0 for a positive sign and 1
for a negative sign.

Byte 4:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

211 210 29 28 27 26 25 24 of EPPU

Byte 5:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

23 22 21 20 of EPPU

Sign of EX
20 of Abs(EX)
21 of Abs(EX)
22 of Abs(EX)

The computation of the price per unit value is made by the ME in compliance with GSM 02.24 [7] by the
following formula:

price per unit = EPPU * 10EX.

The price has to be understood as expressed in the coded currency.

10.3.13 EFCBMI (Cell broadcast message identifier selection)

This EF contains the Message Identifier Parameters which specify the type of content of the cell broadcast messages that
the subscriber wishes the MS to accept.

Any number of CB Message Identifier Parameters may be stored in the SIM. No order of priority is applicable.

Identifier: '6F45' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 2n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-2 CB Message Identifier 1 O 2 bytes
3-4 CB Message Identifier 2 O 2 bytes

2n-1 - 2n CB Message Identifier n O 2 bytes

- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier

as in GSM 03.41, "Message Format on BTS-MS Interface - Message Identifier".
Values listed show the types of message which shall be accepted by the MS.
Unused entries shall be set to 'FF FF'.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 60 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.14 EFBCCH (Broadcast control channels)

This EF contains information concerning the BCCH according to GSM 04.08 [15].

BCCH storage may reduce the extent of a Mobile Station's search of BCCH carriers when selecting a cell. The BCCH
carrier lists in an MS shall be in accordance with the procedures specified in GSM 04.08 [15]. The MS shall only store
BCCH information from the System Information 2 message and not the 2bis extension message.

Identifier: '6F74' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 16 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 - 16 BCCH information M 16 bytes

- BCCH information
The information is coded as octets 2-17 of the "neighbour cells description information element" in
GSM 04.08 [15].

10.3.15 EFACC (Access control class)

This EF contains the assigned access control class(es). GSM 02.11 [5] refers. The access control class is a parameter to
control the RACH utilization. 15 classes are split into 10 classes randomly allocated to normal subscribers and 5 classes
allocated to specific high priority users. For more information see GSM 02.11 [5].

Identifier: '6F78' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 2 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-2 Access control classes M 2 bytes

- Access control classes

Each ACC is coded on one bit. An ACC is "allocated" if the corresponding bit is set to 1 and "not allocated"
if this bit is set to 0. Bit b3 of byte 1 is set to 0.

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 Number of the ACC (except for bit b3)

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 Number of the ACC

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 61 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.16 EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs)

This EF contains the coding for four Forbidden PLMNs (FPLMN). It is read by the ME as part of the SIM initialization
procedure and indicates PLMNs which the MS shall not automatically attempt to access.

A PLMN is written to the EF if a network rejects a Location Update with the cause "PLMN not allowed". The ME shall
manage the list as follows.

When four FPLMNs are held in the EF, and rejection of a further PLMN is received by the ME from the network, the
ME shall modify the EF using the UPDATE command. This new PLMN shall be stored in the fourth position, and the
existing list "shifted" causing the previous contents of the first position to be lost.

When less than four FPLMNs exist in the EF, storage of an additional FPLMN shall not cause any existing FPLMN to
be lost.

Dependent upon procedures used to manage storage and deletion of FPLMNs in the EF, it is possible, when less than
four FPLMNs exist in the EF, for 'FFFFFF' to occur in any position. The ME shall analyse all the EF for FPLMNs in
any position, and not regard 'FFFFFF' as a termination of valid data.

Identifier: '6F7B' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 12 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 PLMN 1 M 3 bytes
4-6 PLMN 2 M 3 bytes
7-9 PLMN 3 M 3 bytes
10 - 12 PLMN 4 M 3 bytes

Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC).
according to GSM 04.08 [15].
For instance, using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the MNC and if this is stored in PLMN 3 the contents is as
Bytes 7-9: '42' 'F6' '18'
If storage for fewer than 4 PLMNs is required, the unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

10.3.17 EFLOCI (Location information)

This EF contains the following Location Information:

- Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI)

- Location Area Information (LAI)
- Location update status

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 62 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F7E' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 11 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-4 TMSI M 4 bytes
5-9 LAI M 5 bytes
10 TMSI TIME M 1 byte
11 Location update status M 1 byte

Contents: Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

Byte 1: first byte of TMSI

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1


Contents: Location Area Information
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

Byte 5: first byte of LAI (MCC)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MCC Digit 1
MSB of MCC Digit 1
LSB of MCC Digit 2
MSB of MCC Digit 2

Byte 6: second byte of LAI (MCC continued)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MCC Digit 3
MSB of MCC Digit 3
bits b5 to b8 are 1

Byte 7: third byte of LAI (MNC)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MNC Digit 1
MSB of MNC Digit 1
LSB of MNC Digit 2
MSB of MNC Digit 2

Byte 8: fourth byte of LAI (LAC)

Byte 9: fifth byte of LAI (LAC continued)


(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 63 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Contents: Current value of Periodic Location Updating Timer (T3212).

This byte is used by Phase 1 MEs, but it shall not be used by Phase 2 MEs.

- Location update status

Contents: status of location update according to GSM 04.08 [15].
Byte 11:
Bits: b3 b2 b1
0 0 0 : updated
0 0 1 : not updated
0 1 0 : PLMN not allowed
0 1 1 : Location Area not allowed
1 1 1 : reserved
Bits b4 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3).

10.3.18 EFAD (Administrative data)

This EF contains information concerning the mode of operation according to the type of SIM, such as normal (to be
used by PLMN subscribers for GSM operations), type approval (to allow specific use of the ME during type approval
procedures of e.g. the radio equipment), cell testing (to allow testing of a cell before commercial use of this cell),
manufacturer specific (to allow the ME manufacturer to perform specific proprietary auto-test in its ME during e.g.
maintenance phases).

It also provides an indication of whether some ME features should be activated during normal operation.

Identifier: '6FAD' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 3+X bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 MS operation mode M 1 byte
2-3 Additional information M 2 bytes
4 - 3+X RFU O X bytes

- MS operation mode
Contents: mode of operation for the MS
Initial value
- normal operation '00'
- type approval operations '80'
- normal operation + specific facilities '01'
- type approval operations + specific facilities '81'
- maintenance (off line) '02'
- cell test operation '04'

- Additional information
- specific facilities (if b1=1 in byte 1);

Byte 2 (first byte of additional information):

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 64 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Byte 3:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
b1=0: OFM to be disabled by the ME
b1=1: OFM to be activated by the ME

- ME manufacturer specific information (if b2=1 in byte 1).

10.3.19 EFPhase (Phase identification)

This EF contains information concerning the phase of the SIM.

Identifier: '6FAE' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 1 byte Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 SIM Phase M 1 byte

- SIM Phase
'00' : phase 1
'02' : phase 2
'03' : phase 2 and PROFILE DOWNLOAD required (see GSM 11.14 [27]).

All other codings are reserved for specification by ETSI TC SMG. Codings '04' to '0F' indicate that the SIM
supports, as a minimum, the mandatory requirements defined in this specification.

This phase identification does not preclude a SIM to support some features of a phase later than the one indicated in
EFPhase. For example : if EFPhase is coded '00', it may be assumed by the ME that some Phase 2 or Phase 2+ features are
supported by this SIM; if EFPhase is coded '02' or '03', it may be assumed by the ME that some Phase 2+ features are
supported by this SIM.

However, the services n°3 (FDN) and/or n°5 (AoC) shall only be allocated and activated in SIMs of phase 2 or later
with EFPhase being coded '02' or greater. Similarly, service n°31 (BDN) shall only be allocated and activated in SIMs
with EFPhase being coded '03' or greater.

If EFPhase is coded '03' or greater, an ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall perform the PROFILE
DOWNLOAD procedure, as defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

10.3.20 EFVGCS (Voice Group Call Service)

This EF contains a list of those VGCS group identifiers the user has subscribed to. The elementary file is used by the
ME for group call establishment and group call reception.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 65 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6FB1' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 4n bytes (n <= 50) Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-4 Group ID 1 M 4 bytes
5-8 Group ID 2 O 4 bytes
: : : :
(4n-3)-4n Group ID n O 4 bytes

- Group ID

Contents: VGCS Group Id

Coding: according to GSM 03.03 [10]
If storage for fewer than the maximum possible number of n is required, the excess bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

10.3.21 EFVGCSS (Voice Group Call Service Status)

This EF contains the status of activation for the VGCS group identifiers. The elementary file is directly related to the
EFVGCS. This EF shall always be allocated if EFVGCS is allocated.

Identifier: '6FB2' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 7 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-7 Activation/Deactivation Flags M 7 bytes

- Activation/Deactivation Flags
Contents: Activation/Deactivation Flags of the appropriate Group IDs
bit = 0 means - Group ID deactivated
bit = 1 means - Group ID activated
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Group ID 1
Group ID 8

etc : : : : : : : :

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 66 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Byte 7:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Group ID 49
Group ID 50

10.3.22 EFVBS (Voice Broadcast Service)

This EF contains a list of those VBS group identifiers the user has subscribed to. The elementary file is used by the ME
for broadcast call establishment and broadcast call reception.

Identifier: '6FB3' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 4n bytes (n <= 50) Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-4 Group ID 1 M 4 bytes
5-2 Group ID 2 O 4 bytes
: : : :
(4n-3)-4n Group ID n O 4 bytes
- Group ID
Contents: VBS Group Id
Coding: according to GSM 03.03 [10]
If storage for fewer than the maximum possible number of n is required, the excess bytes shall be set to 'FF'.

10.3.23 EFVBSS (Voice Broadcast Service Status)

This EF contains the status of activation for the VBS group identifiers. The elementary file is directly related to the
EFVBS. This EF shall always be allocated if EFVBS is allocated.

Identifier: '6FB4' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 7 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-7 Activation/Deactivation Flags M 7 bytes
- Activation/Deactivation Flags
Contents: Activation/Deactivation Flags of the appropriate Group IDs
see coding of EFVGCS

10.3.24 EFeMLPP (enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority)

This EF contains information about priority levels and fast call set-up conditions for the enhanced Multi Level Pre-
emption and Priority service that which can be used by the subscriber.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 67 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6FB5' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 2 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Priority levels M 1 byte
2 Fast call set-up conditions M 1 byte
- Priority levels
Contents: The eMLPP priority levels subscribed to.
Coding: Each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels subscribed to have their corresponding
bits set to 1. Priority levels not subscribed to have their corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set
to 0.

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
priority level A
priority level B
priority level 0
priority level 1
priority level 2
priority level 3
priority level 4

Example: If priority levels B and 2 are subscribed to, EFeMLPP shall be coded '12'.

- Fast call set-up conditions

Contents: For each eMLPP priority level, the capability to use a fast call set-up procedure.
Coding: Each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels for which fast call set-up is allowed have
their corresponding bits set to 1. Priority levels for which fast call set-up is not allowed have their
corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set to 0.

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
fast call set-up condition for priority level A
` fast call set-up condition for priority level B
fast call set-up condition for priority level 0
fast call set-up condition for priority level 1
fast call set-up condition for priority level 2
fast call set-up condition for priority level 3
fast call set-up condition for priority level 4

Example: If fast call set-up is allowed for priority levels B, 0 and 2, then byte 2 of EFeMLPP is coded '16'.

10.3.25 EFAAeM (Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service)

This EF contains those priority levels (of the Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority service) for which the mobile station
shall answer automatically to incoming calls.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 68 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6FB6' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 1 byte Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Automatic answer priority levels M 1 byte

- Automatic answer priority levels

For each eMLPP priority level, the capability for the mobile station to answer automatically to incoming calls
(with the corresponding eMLPP priority level).
Each eMLPP priority level is coded on one bit. Priority levels allowing an automatic answer from the mobile
station have their corresponding bits set to 1. Priority levels not allowing an automatic answer from the
mobile station have their corresponding bits set to 0. Bit b8 is reserved and set to 0.
Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Automatic answer priority for priority level A
Automatic answer priority for priority level B
Automatic answer priority for priority level 0
Automatic answer priority for priority level 1
Automatic answer priority for priority level 2
Automatic answer priority for priority level 3
Automatic answer priority for priority level 4

Example: If automatic answer is allowed for incoming calls with priority levels A, 0 and 1, then EFAAeMLPP is
coded '0D'.

10.3.26 EFCBMID (Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data Download)

This EF contains the message identifier parameters which specify the type of content of the cell broadcast messages
which are to be passed to the SIM.

Any number of CB message identifier parameters may be stored in the SIM. No order of priority is applicable.

Identifier: '6F48' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 2n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-2 CB Message Identifier 1 O 2 bytes
3-4 CB Message Identifier 2 O 2 bytes

2n-1-2n CB Message Identifier n O 2 bytes

- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier

as in GSM 03.41 [14]. Values listed show the identifiers of messages which shall be accepted by the MS to
be passed to the SIM.

Unused entries shall be set to 'FF FF'.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 69 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.27 EFECC (Emergency Call Codes)

This EF contains up to 5 emergency call codes.

Identifier: '6FB7' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 3n (n ≤ 5) bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-3 Emergency Call Code 1 O 3 bytes
4-6 Emergency Call Code 2 O 3 bytes

(3n-2) - 3n Emergency Call Code n O 3 bytes

- Emergency Call Code

Emergency Call Code
The emergency call code is of a variable length with a maximum length of 6 digits. Each emergency call code
is coded on three bytes, with each digit within the code being coded on four bits as shown below. If a code of
less that 6 digits is chosen, then the unused nibbles shall be set to 'F'.

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 1
MSB of Digit 1
LSB of Digit 2
MSB of Digit 2

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 3
MSB of Digit 3
LSB of Digit 4
MSB of Digit 4

Byte 3:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 5
MSB of Digit 5
LSB of Digit 6
MSB of Digit 6

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 70 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.28 EFCBMIR (Cell broadcast message identifier range selection)

This EF contains ranges of cell broadcast message identifiers that the subscriber wishes the MS to accept.

Any number of CB Message Identifier Parameter ranges may be stored in the SIM. No order of priority is applicable.

Identifier: '6F50' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 4n bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-4 CB Message Identifier Range 1 O 4 bytes
5-8 CB Message Identifier Range 2 O 4 bytes

(4n-3) - 4n CB Message Identifier Range n O 4 bytes

- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Ranges

CB Message Identifier ranges:
bytes one and two of each range identifier equal the lower value of a cell broadcast range, bytes three and
four equal the upper value of a cell broadcast range, both values are coded as in GSM 03.41 [14] "Message
Format on BTS-MS Interface - Message Identifier". Values listed show the ranges of messages which shall be
accepted by the MS.
Unused entries shall be set to 'FF FF FF FF'.

10.3.29 EFDCK De-personalization Control Keys

This EF provides storage for the de-personalization control keys associated with the OTA de-personalization cycle of
GSM 02.22.

Identifier: '6F2C' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 16 bytes Update activity: low
Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to 4 8 digits of network de-personalization control M 4 bytes
5 to 8 8 digits of network subset de-personalization M 4 bytes
control key
9 to 12 8 digits of service provider de-personalization M 4 bytes
control key
13 to 16 8 digits of corporate de-personalization control M 4 bytes

Empty control key records shall be coded 'FFFFFFFF'.

10.3.30 EFCNL(Co-operative Network List)

This EF contains the Co-operative Network List for the multiple network personalization services defined in
GSM 02.22.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 71 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F32' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 6n bytes Update activity: low
Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to 6 Element 1 of co-operative net list O 6 bytes

6n-5 to 6n Element n of co-operative net list O 6 bytes

- Co-operative Network List

MCC, MNC, network subset, service provider ID and corporate ID of co-operative networks.
For each 6 byte list element

Byte 1:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of MCC digit 1
MS bit of MCC digit 1
LS bit of MCC digit 2
MS bit of MCC digit 2

Byte 2:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of MCC digit 3
MS bit of MCC digit 3
LS bit of MNC digit 3
MS bit of MNC digit 3

Byte 3:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of MNC digit 1
MS bit of MNC digit 1
LS bit of MNC digit 2
MS bit of MNC digit 2

Byte 4:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of network subset digit 1
MS bit of network subset digit 1
LS bit of network subset digit 2
MS bit of network subset digit 2

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 72 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

NOTE: Digit 3 of the MNC is placed directly after the MCC fields for compatibility between GSM and PCS 1900
PLMN structures.

Byte 5:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of service provider digit 1
MS bit of service provider digit 1
LS bit of service provider digit 2
MS bit of service provider digit 2

Byte 6:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LS bit of corporate digit 1
MS bit of corporate digit 1
LS bit of corporate digit 2
MS bit of corporate digit 2

For 2 digit MNCs digit 3 of this field shall be 'F'.

For 1 digit network subsets digit 2 of this field shall be 0.
Empty fields shall be coded with 'FF'.
The end of the list is delimited by the first MCC field coded 'FFF'.

10.3.31 EFNIA(Network's Indication of Alerting)

This EF contains categories and associated text related to the Network's indication of alerting in the MS service defined
in GSM 02.07 [3].

Identifier: '6F51' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length : X+1 bytes Update activity: low
Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Alerting category M 1 byte
2 to X+1 Informative text M X bytes

- Alerting category
category of alerting for terminating traffic.
according to GSM 04.08 [15]. Value 'FF' means that no information on alerting category is available.

- Informative text
text describing the type of terminating traffic associated with the category.
see the coding of the Alpha Identifier item of the EFADN (subclause 10.4.1). The maximum number of
characters for this informative text is indicated in GSM 02.07 [3].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 73 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.3.32 EFKcGPRS (GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS)

This EF contains the ciphering key KcGPRS and the ciphering key sequence number n for GPRS (see GSM 03.60 [32]).

Identifier: '6F52' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 9 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-8 Ciphering key KcGPRS M 8 bytes
9 Ciphering key sequence number n for GPRS M 1 byte

- Ciphering key KcGPRS

The least significant bit of KcGPRS is the least significant bit of the eighth byte. The most significant bit of
KcGPRS is the most significant bit of the first byte.

- Ciphering key sequence number n for GPRS

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
bits b4 to b8 are coded 0

NOTE: GSM 04.08 [15] defines the value of n=111 as "key not available". Therefore the value '07' and not 'FF'
should be present following the administrative phase.

10.3.33 EFLOCIGPRS (GPRS location information)

This EF contains the following Location Information:

- Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (P-TMSI)

- Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity signature value (P-TMSI signature value)
- Routing Area Information (RAI)
- Routing Area update status

Identifier: '6F53' Structure: transparent Mandatory

File size: 14 bytes Update activity: high

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-4 P-TMSI M 4 bytes
5–7 P-TMSI signature value M 3 bytes
8 - 13 RAI M 6 bytes
14 Routing Area update status M 1 byte

Contents: Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

Byte 1: first byte of P-TMSI

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 74 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1


- P-TMSI signature value

Contents: Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity signature value
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

Byte 1: first byte of P-TMSI signature value

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1


Contents: Routing Area Information
Coding: according to GSM 04.08 [15].

Byte 5: first byte of RAI

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MCC Digit 1
MSB of MCC Digit 1
LSB of MCC Digit 2
MSB of MCC Digit 2

Byte 6: second byte of RAI (MCC continued)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MCC Digit 3
MSB of MCC Digit 3
bits b5 to b8 are 1

Byte 7: third byte of RAI (MNC)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of MNC Digit 1
MSB of MNC Digit 1
LSB of MNC Digit 2
MSB of MNC Digit 2

Byte 8: fourth byte of RAI (LAC)

Byte 9: fifth byte of RAI (LAC continued)
Byte 10: sixth byte of RAI (RAC)- Routing update status

- Routing update status

Contents: status of location update according to GSM 04.08 [15].
Byte 12:
Bits: b3 b2 b1
0 0 0 : updated
0 0 1 : not updated
0 1 0 : PLMN not allowed
0 1 1 : Routing Area not allowed
1 1 1 : reserved
Bits b4 to b8 are RFU (see subclause 9.3).

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10.4 Contents of files at the telecom level

The EFs in the Dedicated File DFTELECOM contain service related information.

10.4.1 EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers)

This EF contains Abbreviated Dialling Numbers (ADN) and/or Supplementary Service Control strings (SSC). In
addition it contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also
contain an associated alpha-tagging.

Identifier: '6F3A' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte

- Alpha Identifier
Alpha-tagging of the associated dialling number.
this alpha-tagging shall use either
- the SMS default 7-bit coded alphabet as defined in GSM 03.38 [12] with bit 8 set to 0. The alpha
identifier shall be left justified. Unused bytes shall be set to 'FF'.
- one of the UCS2 coded options as defined in Annex B.

NOTE 1: The value of X may be from zero to 241. Using the command GET RESPONSE the ME can determine
the value of X.

- Length of BCD number/SSC contents

this byte gives the number of bytes of the following two data items containing actual BCD number/SSC
information. This means that the maximum value is 11, even when the actual ADN/SSC information length is
greater than 11. When an ADN/SSC has extension, it is indicated by the extension1 identifier being unequal
to 'FF'. The remainder is stored in the EFEXT1 with the remaining length of the additional data being coded in
the appropriate additional record itself (see subclause 10.4.10).
according to GSM 04.08 [15].

- TON and NPI

Type of number (TON) and numbering plan identification (NPI).
according to GSM 04.08 [15]. If the Dialling Number/SSC String does not contain a dialling number, e.g. a
control string deactivating a service, the TON/NPI byte shall be set to 'FF' by the ME (see note 2).

NOTE 2: If a dialling number is absent, no TON/NPI byte is transmitted over the radio interface (see
GSM 04.08 [15]). Accordingly, the ME should not interpret the value 'FF' and not send it over the radio

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 76 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

- Dialling Number/SSC String

up to 20 digits of the telephone number and/or SSC information.
according to GSM 04.08 [15] , GSM 02.30 [8] and the extended BCD-coding (see table 12). If the telephone
number or SSC is longer than 20 digits, the first 20 digits are stored in this data item and the remainder is
stored in an associated record in the EFEXT1. The record is identified by the Extension1 Record Identifier. If
ADN/SSC require less than 20 digits, excess nibbles at the end of the data item shall be set to 'F'. Where
individual dialled numbers, in one or more records, of less than 20 digits share a common appended digit
string the first digits are stored in this data item and the common digits stored in an associated record in the
EFEXT1. The record is identified by the Extension 1 Record Identifier. Excess nibbles at the end of the data
item shall be set to 'F'.

Byte X+3
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 1
MSB of Digit 1
LSB of Digit 2
MSB of Digit 2

Byte X+4:
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
LSB of Digit 3
MSB of Digit 3
LSB of Digit 4
MSB of Digit 4

- Capability/Configuration Identifier
capability/configuration identification byte. This byte identifies the number of a record in the EFCCP
containing associated capability/configuration parameters required for the call. The use of this byte is
optional. If it is not used it shall be set to 'FF'.

- Extension1 Record Identifier

extension1 record identification byte. This byte identifies the number of a record in the EFEXT1 containing an
associated called party subaddress or additional data. The use of this byte is optional. If it is not used it shall
be set to 'FF'.
If the ADN/SSC requires both additional data and called party subaddress, this byte identifies the additional
record. A chaining mechanism inside EFEXT1 identifies the record of the appropriate called party subaddress
(see subclause 10.4.10).

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 77 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

NOTE 3: As EFADN is part of the DFTELECOM it may be used by GSM and also other applications in a
multi-application card. If the non-GSM application does not recognize the use of Type of Number (TON)
and Number Plan Identification (NPI), then the information relating to the national dialling plan must be
held within the data item dialling number/SSC and the TON and NPI fields set to UNKNOWN. This
format would be acceptable for GSM operation and also for the non-GSM application where the TON and
NPI fields shall be ignored.

Example: SIM storage of an International Number using E.164 [19] numbering plan

TON NPI Digit field

GSM application 001 0001 abc...

Other application compatible with GSM 000 0000

where "abc..." denotes the subscriber number digits (including its country code), and "xxx..."
denotes escape digits or a national prefix replacing TON and NPI.

NOTE 4: When the ME acts upon the EFADN with a SEEK command in order to identify a character string in the
alpha-identifier, it is the responsibility of the ME to ensure that the number of characters used as SEEK
parameters are less than or equal to the value of X if the MMI allows the user to offer a greater number.

Table 12: Extended BCD coding

BCD Value Character/Meaning

'0' "0"

'9' "9"
'A' "*"
'B' "#"
'C' DTMF Control digit separator (GSM 02.07 [3])
'D' "Wild" value
This will cause the MMI to prompt the user for a single digit (see
GSM 02.07 [3]).
'E' Expansion digit ("Shift Key").
It has the effect of adding '10' to the following digit. The following BCD digit
will hence be interpreted in the range of '10'-'1E'. The purpose of digits in
this range is for further study.
'F' Endmark
e.g. in case of an odd number of digits

BCD values 'C', 'D' and 'E' are never sent across the radio interface.

NOTE 5: The interpretation of values 'D', 'E' and 'F' as DTMF digits is for further study.

NOTE 6: A second or subsequent 'C' BCD value will be interpreted as a 3 second PAUSE (see GSM 02.07 [3]).

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 78 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.4.2 EFFDN (Fixed dialling numbers)

This EF contains Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN) and/or Supplementary Service Control strings (SSC). In addition it
contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also contain an
associated alpha-tagging.

Identifier: '6F3B' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension2 Record Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of the EFADN (subclause 10.4.1), with the
exception that extension records are stored in the EFEXT2.

NOTE: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the length denoted X in

10.4.3 EFSMS (Short messages)

This EF contains information in accordance with GSM 03.40 [13] comprising short messages (and associated
parameters) which have either been received by the MS from the network, or are to be used as an MS originated

Identifier: '6F3C' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 176 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Status M 1 byte
2 to 176 Remainder M 175 bytes

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 79 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- Status
Status byte of the record which can be used as a pattern in the SEEK command. For MS originating messages
sent to the network, the status shall be updated when the MS receives a status report, or sends a successful
SMS Command relating to the status report.

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

X X 0 free space
X X 1 used space
0 0 1 message received by MS from network; message read
0 1 1 message received by MS from network; message to be
1 1 1 MS originating message; message to be sent

RFU (see subclause 9.3)

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

X X 1 0 1 MS originating message; message sent to the network:

0 0 1 0 1 status report not requested
0 1 1 0 1 status report requested but not (yet) received;
1 0 1 0 1 status report requested, received but not stored
1 1 1 0 1 status report requested, received and stored

RFU (see subclause 9.3)

- Remainder
This data item commences with the TS-Service-Centre-Address as specified in GSM 04.11 [16]. The bytes
immediately following the TS-Service-Centre-Address contain an appropriate short message TPDU as
specified in GSM 03.40 [13], with identical coding and ordering of parameters.
according to GSM 03.40 [13] and GSM 04.11 [16]. Any TP-message reference contained in an MS
originated message stored in the SIM, shall have a value as follows:

Value of the TP-message-reference:

message to be sent: 'FF'
message sent to the network: the value of TP-Message-Reference used in the
message sent to the network.

Any bytes in the record following the TPDU shall be filled with 'FF'.

It is possible for a TS-Service-Centre-Address of maximum permitted length, e.g. containing more than 18
address digits, to be associated with a maximum length TPDU such that their combined length is 176 bytes.
In this case the ME shall store in the SIM the TS-Service-Centre-Address and the TPDU in bytes 2-176
without modification, except for the last byte of the TPDU, which shall not be stored.

10.4.4 EFCCP (Capability configuration parameters)

This EF contains parameters of required network and bearer capabilities and ME configurations associated with a call
established using an abbreviated dialling number, a fixed dialling number, an MSISDN, a last number dialled, a service
dialling number or a barred dialling number.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 80 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F3D' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to 10 Bearer capability information element M 10 bytes
11 to 14 Bytes reserved - see below M 4 bytes

- Bearer capability information element

Contents and Coding:
see GSM 04.08 [15]. The Information Element Identity (IEI) shall be excluded. i.e. the first byte of the EFCCP
record shall be Length of the bearer capability contents.

- Bytes 11-14 shall be set to 'FF' and shall not be interpreted by the ME.


This EF contains MSISDN(s) related to the subscriber. In addition it contains identifiers of associated network/bearer
capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also contain an associated alpha-tagging.

Identifier: '6F40' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of EFADN.

NOTE 1: If the SIM stores more than one MSISDN number and the ME displays the MSISDN number(s) within the
initialization procedure then the one stored in the first record shall be displayed with priority.

NOTE 2: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the length denoted X in

10.4.6 EFSMSP (Short message service parameters)

This EF contains values for Short Message Service header Parameters (SMSP), which can be used by the ME for user
assistance in preparation of mobile originated short messages. For example, a service centre address will often be
common to many short messages sent by the subscriber.

The EF consists of one or more records, with each record able to hold a set of SMS parameters. The first (or only)
record in the EF shall be used as a default set of parameters, if no other record is selected.

To distinguish between records, an alpha-identifier may be included within each record, coded on Y bytes.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 81 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

The SMS parameters stored within a record may be present or absent independently. When a short message is to be sent
from the MS, the parameter in the SIM record, if present, shall be used when a value is not supplied by the user.

Identifier: '6F42' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 28+Y bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to Y Alpha-Identifier O Y bytes
Y+1 Parameter Indicators M 1 byte
Y+2 to Y+13 TP-Destination Address M 12 bytes
Y+14 to Y+25 TS-Service Centre Address M 12 bytes
Y+26 TP-Protocol Identifier M 1 byte
Y+27 TP-Data Coding Scheme M 1 byte
Y+28 TP-Validity Period M 1 byte

Storage is allocated for all of the possible SMS parameters, regardless of whether they are present or absent. Any bytes
unused, due to parameters not requiring all of the bytes, or due to absent parameters, shall be set to 'FF'.

- Alpha-Identifier
Alpha Tag of the associated SMS-parameter.
see subclause 10.4.1 (EFADN).

NOTE: The value of Y may be zero, i.e. the alpha-identifier facility is not used. By using the command GET
RESPONSE the ME can determine the value of Y.

- Parameter Indicators
Each of the default SMS parameters which can be stored in the remainder of the record are marked absent or
present by individual bits within this byte.
Allocation of bits:
Bit number Parameter indicated
1 TP-Destination Address
2 TS-Service Centre Address
3 TP-Protocol Identifier
4 TP-Data Coding Scheme
5 TP-Validity Period
6 reserved, set to 1
7 reserved, set to 1
8 reserved, set to 1

Bit value Meaning

0 Parameter present
1 Parameter absent

- TP-Destination Address
Contents and Coding: As defined for SM-TL address fields in GSM 03.40 [13].

- TP-Service Centre Address

Contents and Coding: As defined for RP-Destination address Centre Address in GSM 04.11 [16].

- TP-Protocol Identifier
Contents and Coding: As defined in GSM 03.40 [13].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 82 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

- TP-Data Coding Scheme

Contents and Coding: As defined in GSM 03.38 [12].

- TP-Validity Period
Contents and Coding: As defined in GSM 03.40 [13] for the relative time format.

10.4.7 EFSMSS (SMS status)

This EF contains status information relating to the short message service.

The provision of this EF is associated with EFSMS. Both files shall be present together, or both absent from the SIM.

Identifier: '6F43' Structure: transparent Optional

File size: 2+X bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Last Used TP-MR M 1 byte
2 SMS "Memory Cap. Exceeded" Not. Flag M 1 byte
3 to 2+X RFU O X bytes

- Last Used TP-MR.

the value of the TP-Message-Reference parameter in the last mobile originated short message, as defined in
GSM 03.40 [13].
as defined in GSM 03.40 [13].

- SMS "Memory Capacity Exceeded" Notification Flag.

This flag is required to allow a process of flow control, so that as memory capacity in the MS becomes
available, the Network can be informed. The process for this is described in GSM 03.40 [13].
b1=1 means flag unset; memory capacity available
b1=0 means flag set
b2 to b8 are reserved and set to 1.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 83 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.4.8 EFLND (Last number dialled)

This EF contains the last numbers dialled (LND) and/or the respective supplementary service control strings (SSC). In
addition it contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also
contain associated alpha-tagging.

Identifier: '6F44' Structure: cyclic Optional

Record length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension1 Record Identifier M 1 byte

Contents and coding: see subclause 10.4.1 (EFADN).

The value of X in EFLND may be different to both the value of X in EFADN and of X in EFFDN.

If the value of X in EFLND is longer than the length of the α-tag of the number to be stored, then the ME shall pad the
α-tag with 'FF'. If the value of X in EFLND is shorter than the length of the α-tag of the number to be stored, then the ME
shall cut off excessive bytes.

10.4.9 EFSDN (Service Dialling Numbers)

This EF contains special service numbers (SDN) and/or the respective supplementary service control strings (SSC). In
addition it contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also
contain associated alpha-tagging.

Identifier: '6F49' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: X+14 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1-X Alpha identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 bytes
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3-X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension3 Record Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding of all data items see the respective data items of the EFADN (subclause 10.4.1), with the
exception that extension records are stored in the EFEXT3.
NOTE: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the length denoted X in

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 84 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

10.4.10 EFEXT1 (Extension1)

This EF contains extension data of an ADN/SSC, an MSISDN, or an LND. Extension data is caused by:

- an ADN/SSC (MSISDN, LND) which is greater than the 20 digit capacity of the ADN/SSC (MSISDN, LND)
Elementary File or where common digits are required to follow an ADN/SSC string of less than 20 digits. The
remainder is stored in this EF as a record, which is identified by a specified identification byte inside the
ADN/SSC (MSISDN, LND) Elementary File. The EXT1 record in this case is specified as additional data;

- an associated called party subaddress. The EXT1 record in this case is specified as subaddress data.

Identifier: '6F4A' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 13 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Record type M 1 byte
2 to 12 Extension data M 11 bytes
13 Identifier M 1 byte

- Record type
Contents: type of the record
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
Called Party Subaddress
Additional data

b3-b8 are reserved and set to 0;

a bit set to 1 identifies the type of record;
only one type can be set;
'00' indicates the type "unknown".

The following example of coding means that the type of extension data is "additional data":
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

- Extension data
Contents: Additional data or Called Party Subaddress depending on record type.
Case 1, Extension1 record is additional data:
The first byte of the extension data gives the number of bytes of the remainder of ADN/SSC (respectively
MSISDN, LND). The coding of remaining bytes is BCD, according to the coding of ADN/SSC
(MSISDN, LND). Unused nibbles at the end have to be set to 'F'. It is possible if the number of additional
digits exceeds the capacity of the additional record to chain another record inside the EXT1 Elementary
File by the identifier in byte 13.
Case 2, Extension1 record is Called Party Subaddress:
The subaddress data contains information as defined for this purpose in GSM 04.08 [15]. All information
defined in GSM 04.08, except the information element identifier, shall be stored in the SIM. The length of
this subaddress data can be up to 22 bytes. In those cases where two extension records are needed, these
records are chained by the identifier field. The extension record containing the first part of the called party
subaddress points to the record which contains the second part of the subaddress.
- Identifier
Contents: identifier of the next extension record to enable storage of information longer than 11 bytes.
Coding: record number of next record. 'FF' identifies the end of the chain.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 85 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Example of a chain of extension records being associated to an ADN/SSC. The extension1 record identifier (Byte
14+X) of ADN/SSC is set to 3.

No of Record Type Extension Data Next Record

: : : :
: : : :
Record 3 ‘02’ xx ........xx ‘06’
Record 4 ‘xx’ xx ........xx ‘xx’
Record 5 ‘01’ xx ........xx ‘FF’
Record 6 ‘01’ xx ........xx ‘05’
: : : :
: : : :

In this example ADN/SSC is associated to additional data (record 3) and a called party subaddress whose length
is more than 11 bytes (records 6 and 5).

10.4.11 EFEXT2 (Extension2)

This EF contains extension data of an FDN/SSC (see EXT2 in 10.4.2).

Identifier: '6F4B' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 13 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Record type M 1 byte
2 to 12 Extension data M 11 bytes
13 Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding see subclause 10.4.10 (EFEXT1).

10.4.12 EFEXT3 (Extension3)

This EF contains extension data of an SDN (see EXT3 in 10.4.9).

Identifier: '6F4C' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 13 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Record type M 1 byte
2 to 12 Extension data M 11 bytes
13 Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding see subclause 10.4.10 EFEXT1 .

10.4.13 EFBDN (Barred Dialling Numbers)

This EF contains Barred Dialling Numbers (BDN) and/or Supplementary Service Control strings (SSC). In addition it
contains identifiers of associated network/bearer capabilities and identifiers of extension records. It may also contain an
associated alpha-tagging.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 86 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F4D' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: X+15 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 to X Alpha Identifier O X bytes
X+1 Length of BCD number/SSC contents M 1 byte
X+2 TON and NPI M 1 byte
X+3 to X+12 Dialling Number/SSC String M 10 bytes
X+13 Capability/Configuration Identifier M 1 byte
X+14 Extension4 Record Identifier M 1 byte
X+15 Comparison Method Information M 1 byte

For contents and coding of all data items, except for the Comparison Method Information, see the respective data items
of the EFADN (subclause 10.4.1), with the exception that extension records are stored in the EFEXT4.

NOTE: The value of X (the number of bytes in the alpha-identifier) may be different to the length denoted X in

- Comparison Method Information

this byte describes the comparison method which is associated with that BDN. Its interpretation is not
specified but it shall be defined by the operators implementing the BDN feature on their SIMs.
binary; values from 0 to 255 are allowed.

10.4.14 EFEXT4 (Extension4)

This EF contains extension data of an BDN/SSC (see EXT4 in 10.4.13).

Identifier: '6F4E' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 13 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 Record type M 1 byte
2 to 12 Extension data M 11 bytes
13 Identifier M 1 byte

For contents and coding see subclause 10.4.10 EFEXT1 .

10.4.15 EFSMSR (Short message status reports)

This EF contains information in accordance with GSM 03.40 [13] comprising short message status reports which have
been received by the MS from the network.

Each record is used to store the status report of a short message in a record of EFSMS. The first byte of each record is the
link between the status report and the corresponding short message in EFSMS.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 87 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Identifier: '6F47' Structure: linear fixed Optional

Record length: 30 bytes Update activity: low

Access Conditions:

Bytes Description M/O Length

1 SMS record identifier M 1
2 - 30 SMS status report M 29 bytes

- SMS record identifier

This data item identifies the corresponding SMS record in EFSMS, e.g. if this byte is coded '05' then this status
report corresponds to the short message in record #5 of EFSMS.
'00' - empty record
'01' - 'FF' - record number of the corresponding SMS in EFSMS.

- SMS status report

This data item contains the SMS-STATUS-REPORT TPDU as specified in GSM 03.40 [13], with identical
coding and ordering of parameters.
according to GSM 03.40 [13]. Any bytes in the record following the TPDU shall be filled with 'FF'.

10.5 Files of GSM (figure 8)

This subclause contains a figure depicting the file structure of the SIM. DFGSM shall be selected using the identifier
'7F20'. If selection by this means fails, then DCS 1800 MEs shall, and optionally GSM MEs may then select DFGSM
with '7F21'.

NOTE 1: The selection of the GSM application using the identifier '7F21', if selection by means of the identifier
'7F20' fails, is to ensure backwards compatibility with those Phase 1 SIMs which only support the
DCS 1800 application using the Phase 1 directory DFDCS1800 coded '7F21'.

NOTE 2: To ensure backwards compatibility with those Phase 1 DCS 1800 MEs which have no means to select
DFGSM two options have been specified. These options are given in GSM 09.91 [17].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 88 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)



'7F20' '7F10' '7F22' '2FE2' '2F05'


'6F3A' '6F3B' '6F3C' '6F3D' '6F40'


'6F42' '6F43' '6F44' '6F47' '6F49'


'6F4A' '6F4B' '6F4C' '6F4D' '6F4E'


'5F30' '5F31' '5F32' '5F33'



'6F05' '6F07' '6F20' '6F30' '6F31' '6F37'


'6F38' '6F39' '6F3E' '6F3F' '6F41' '6F45'


'6F46' '6F48' '6F74' '6F78' '6F7B' '6F7E'


'6FAD' '6FAE' '6FB1' '6FB2' '6FB3' '6FB4'


'6FB5' '6FB6' '6FB7' '6F50' '6F51' '6F52'


Figure 8: File identifiers and directory structures of GSM

11 Application protocol
When involved in GSM administrative management operations, the SIM interfaces with appropriate terminal equipment.
These operations are outside the scope of the present document.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 89 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

When involved in GSM network operations the SIM interfaces with an ME with which messages are exchanged. A
message can be a command or a response.

- A GSM command/response pair is a sequence consisting of a command and the associated response.

- A GSM procedure consists of one or more GSM command/response pairs which are used to perform all or
part of an application-oriented task. A procedure shall be considered as a whole, that is to say that the
corresponding task is achieved if and only if the procedure is completed. The ME shall ensure that, when
operated according to the manufacturer's manual, any unspecified interruption of the sequence of
command/response pairs which realize the procedure, leads to the abortion of the procedure itself.

- A GSM session of the SIM in the GSM application is the interval of time starting at the completion of the
SIM initialization procedure and ending either with the start of the GSM session termination procedure, or at
the first instant the link between the SIM and the ME is interrupted.

During the GSM network operation phase, the ME plays the role of the master and the SIM plays the role of the slave.

Some procedures at the SIM/ME interface require MMI interactions. The descriptions hereafter do not intend to infer
any specific implementation of the corresponding MMI. When MMI interaction is required, it is marked "MMI" in the
list given below.

Some procedures are not clearly user dependent. They are directly caused by the interaction of the MS and the network.
Such procedures are marked "NET" in the list given below.

Some procedures are automatically initiated by the ME. They are marked "ME" in the list given below.

The list of procedures at the SIM/ME interface in GSM network operation is as follows:

General Procedures:

- Reading an EF ME
- Updating an EF ME
- Increasing an EF ME

SIM management procedures:

- SIM initialization ME
- GSM session termination ME
- Emergency call codes request ME
- Extended language preference request ME
- Language preference request ME
- Administrative information request ME
- SIM service table request ME
- SIM phase request ME

CHV related procedures:

- CHV verification MMI

- CHV value substitution MMI
- CHV disabling MMI
- CHV enabling MMI
- CHV unblocking MMI
GSM security related procedures:

- GSM algorithms computation NET

- IMSI request NET
- Access control information request NET
- HPLMN search period request NET
- Location Information NET
- Cipher key NET
- BCCH information NET
- Forbidden PLMN information NET

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Subscription related procedures:

- Dialling Numbers (ADN, FDN, MSISDN, LND, SDN, BDN) MMI/ME

- Short messages (SMS) MMI
- Advice of Charge (AoC) MMI
- Capability Configuration Parameters (CCP) MMI
- PLMN Selector MMI
- Cell Broadcast Message Identifier (CBMI) MMI
- Group Identifier Level 1 (GID1) MMI/ME
- Group Identifier Level 2 (GID2) MMI/ME
- Service Provider Name (SPN) ME
- Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) MMI/ME
- Voice Broadcast Service (VBS) MMI/ME
- Enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority (eMLPP) MMI/ME
- Depersonalisation Control Keys ME
- Short message status reports (SMSR) MMI
- Network's indication of alerting ME

SIM Application Toolkit related procedures:

- Data Download via SMS-CB (CBMID) NET

- Data Download via SMS-PP NET
- Menu selection MMI
- Call Control MMI/ME/NET
- Proactive SIM MMI/ME/NET
- Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM MMI/ME/NET

The procedures listed in subclause 11.2 are basically required for execution of the procedures in subclauses 11.3, 11.4
and 11.5. The procedures listed in subclauses 11.3 and 11.4 are mandatory (see GSM 02.17 [6]). The procedures listed
in 11.5 are only executable if the associated services, which are optional, are provided in the SIM. However, if the
procedures are implemented, it shall be in accordance with subclause 11.5.

If a procedure is related to a specific service indicated in the SIM Service Table, it shall only be executed if the
corresponding bits denote this service as "allocated and activated" (see subclause 10.3.7). In all other cases this
procedure shall not start.

11.1 General procedures

11.1.1 Reading an EF
The ME selects the EF and sends a READ command. This contains the location of the data to be read. If the access
condition for READ is fulfilled, the SIM sends the requested data contained in the EF to the ME. If the access condition
is not fulfilled, no data will be sent and an error code will be returned.

11.1.2 Updating an EF
The ME selects the EF and sends an UPDATE command. This contains the location of the data to be updated and the
new data to be stored. If the access condition for UPDATE is fulfilled, the SIM updates the selected EF by replacing the
existing data in the EF with that contained in the command. If the access condition is not fulfilled, the data existing in
the EF will be unchanged, the new data will not be stored, and an error code will be returned.

11.1.3 Increasing an EF
The ME selects the EF and sends an INCREASE command. This contains the value which has to be added to the
contents of the last updated/increased record. If the access condition for INCREASE is fulfilled, the SIM increases the
existing value of the EF by the data contained in the command, and stores the result. If the access condition is not
fulfilled, the data existing in the EF will be unchanged and an error code will be returned.

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NOTE: The identification of the data within an EF to be acted upon by the above procedures is specified within
the command. For the procedures in subclauses 11.1.1 and 11.1.2 this data may have been previously
identified using a SEEK command, e.g. searching for an alphanumeric pattern.

11.2 SIM management procedures

Phase 2 MEs shall support all SIMs which comply with the mandatory requirements of Phase 1, even if these SIMs do
not comply with all the mandatory requirements of Phase 2. Furthermore, Phase 2 MEs shall take care of potential
incompatibilities with Phase 1 SIMs which could arise through use of inappropriate commands or misinterpretation of
response data. Particular note should be taken of making a false interpretation of RFU bytes in a Phase 1 SIM having
contradictory meaning in Phase 2; e.g. indication of EF invalidation state.

11.2.1 SIM initialization

After SIM activation (see subclause 4.3.2), the ME selects the Dedicated File DFGSM and optionally attempts to select
EFECC. If EFECC is available, the ME requests the emergency call codes.

The ME requests the Extended Language Preference. The ME only requests the Language Preference (EFLP) if at least
one of the following conditions holds:

- EFELP is not available;

- EFELP does not contain an entry corresponding to a language specified in ISO 639[30];
- the ME does not support any of the languages in EFELP.

If both EFs are not available or none of the languages in the EFs is supported then the ME selects a default language. It
then runs the CHV1 verification procedure.

If the CHV1 verification procedure is performed successfully, the ME then runs the SIM Phase request procedure.

For a SIM requiring PROFILE DOWNLOAD, then the ME shall perform the PROFILE DOWNLOAD procedure in
accordance with GSM 11.14 [27]. When BDN is enabled on a SIM, the PROFILE DOWNLOAD procedure is used to
indicate to the SIM whether the ME supports the "Call Control by SIM" facility. If so, then the SIM is able to allow the
REHABILITATE command to rehabilitate EFIMSI and EFLOCI.

If the ME detects a SIM of Phase 1, it shall omit the following procedures relating to FDN and continue with the
Administrative Information request. The ME may omit procedures not defined in Phase 1 such as HPLMN Search
Period request.

For a SIM of Phase 2 or greater, GSM operation shall only start if one of the two following conditions is fulfilled:

- if EFIMSI and EFLOCI are not invalidated, the GSM operation shall start immediately;

- if EFIMSI and EFLOCI are invalidated, the ME rehabilitates these two EFs.

MEs without FDN capability but with Call control by SIM facility shall not rehabilitate EFIMSI and/or EFLOCI if
FDN is enabled in the SIM and therefore have no access to these EFs. GSM operation will therefore be

MEs without FDN capability and without Call control by SIM facility shall not rehabilitate EFIMSI and/or EFLOCI
and therefore have no access to these EFs. GSM operation will therefore be prohibited.

It is these mechanisms which are used for control of services n°3 and n°31 by the use of SIMs for these services
which always invalidate these two EFs at least before the next command following selection of either EF.

NOTE: When FDN and BDN are both enabled, and if the ME supports FDN but does not support the Call control
by SIM facility, the rehabilitation of EFIMSI and EFLOCI will not be successful because of a restriction
mechanism of the REHABILITATE command linked to the BDN feature.

When EFIMSI and EFLOCI are successfully rehabilitated, if the FDN capability procedure indicates that:

i) FDN is allocated and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "enabled", i.e. ADN "invalidated" or not activated;
and the ME supports FDN;

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or ii) FDN is allocated and activated in the SIM; and FDN is set "disabled", i.e. ADN "not invalidated";

or iii) FDN is not allocated or not activated;

then GSM operation shall start.

In all other cases GSM operation shall not start.

Afterwards, the ME runs the following procedures:

- Administrative Information request;

- SIM Service Table request;
- IMSI request;
- Access Control request;
- HPLMN Search Period request;
- PLMN selector request;
- Location Information request;
- Cipher Key request;
- BCCH information request;
- Forbidden PLMN request;
- CBMID request;
- Depersonalisation Control Keys request;
- Network's indication of alerting request.

If the SIM service table indicates that the proactive SIM service is active, then from this point onwards, the ME, if it
supports the proactive SIM service, shall send STATUS commands at least every 30s during idle mode as well as during
calls, in order to enable the proactive SIM to respond with a command. The SIM may send proactive commands (see
GSM 11.14 [27]), including a command to change the interval between STATUS commands from the ME, when in idle
mode. In-call requirements for STATUS for SIM Presence Detection are unchanged by this command.

After the SIM initialization has been completed successfully, the MS is ready for a GSM session.

11.2.2 GSM session termination

NOTE 1: This procedure is not to be confused with the deactivation procedure in subclause 4.3.2.

The GSM session is terminated by the ME as follows:

The ME runs all the procedures which are necessary to transfer the following subscriber related information to the SIM:
- Location Information update;
- Cipher Key update;
- BCCH information update;
- Advice of Charge increase;
- Forbidden PLMN update.

As soon as the SIM indicates that these procedures are completed, the ME/SIM link may be deactivated.

Finally, the ME deletes all these subscriber related information elements from its memory.

NOTE 2: If the ME has already updated any of the subscriber related information during the GSM Session, and the
value has not changed until GSM session termination, the ME may omit the respective update procedure.

11.2.3 Emergency Call Codes

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFECC.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFECC.

NOTE: The update procedure is only applicable when access conditions of ADM for update is set to ALW, CHV1
or CHV2.

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11.2.4 Language preference

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFLP.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFLP.

11.2.5 Administrative information request;

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFAD.

11.2.6 SIM service table request

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSST.

11.2.7 SIM phase request

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPHASE.

11.2.8 SIM Presence Detection and Proactive Polling

As an additional mechanism, to ensure that the SIM has not been removed during a card session, the ME sends, at
frequent intervals, a STATUS command during each call. A STATUS command shall be issued within all 30 second
periods of inactivity on the SIM-ME interface during a call. Inactivity in this case is defined as starting at the end of the
last communication or the last issued STATUS command. If no response data is received to this STATUS command,
then the call shall be terminated as soon as possible but at least within 5 seconds after the STATUS command has been
sent. If the DF indicated in response to a STATUS command is not the same as that which was indicated in the previous
response, or accessed by the previous command, then the call shall be terminated as soon as possible but at least within
5 seconds after the response data has been received. This procedure shall be used in addition to a mechanical or other
device used to detect the removal of a SIM.

If the ME supports the proactive SIM service, and the SIM has this service activated in its Service Table, then during
idle mode the ME shall send STATUS commands to the SIM at intervals no longer than the interval negotiated with the
SIM (see GSM 11.14 [27]).

11.2.9 Extended Language preference

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFELP.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFELP.

11.3 CHV related procedures

A successful completion of one of the following procedures grants the access right of the corresponding CHV for the
GSM session. This right is valid for all files within the GSM application protected by this CHV.

After a third consecutive presentation of a wrong CHV to the SIM, not necessarily in the same GSM session, the CHV
status becomes "blocked" and if the CHV is "enabled", the access right previously granted by this CHV is lost

An access right is not granted if any of the following procedures are unsuccessfully completed or aborted.

11.3.1 CHV verification

The ME checks the CHV status.

In the case of CHV1 the following procedure applies:

If the CHV1 status is "blocked" and CHV1 is "enabled", the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

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If the CHV1 status is "blocked" but CHV1 is "disabled", the procedure ends and is finished successfully. The
ME shall, however, accept SIMs which do not grant access rights when CHV1 is "blocked" and "disabled". In
that case ME shall consider those SIMs as "blocked".

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked" and CHV1 is "disabled", the procedure is finished successfully.

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked" and CHV1 is "enabled", the ME uses the VERIFY CHV function. If the
CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to the corresponding CHV1 stored in the SIM, the procedure is finished
successfully. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is not equal to the corresponding CHV1 stored in the SIM, the
procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

In the case of CHV2 the following procedure applies:

If the CHV2 status is "blocked", the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

If the CHV2 status is not "blocked", the ME uses the VERIFY CHV function. If the CHV2 presented by the ME
is equal to the corresponding CHV2 stored in the SIM, the procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV2
presented by the ME is not equal to the corresponding CHV2 stored in the SIM, the procedure ends and is
finished unsuccessfully.

11.3.2 CHV value substitution

The ME checks the CHV status. If the CHV status is "blocked" or "disabled", the procedure ends and is finished

If the CHV status is not "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled", the ME uses the CHANGE CHV
function. If the old CHV presented by the ME is equal to the corresponding CHV stored in the SIM, the new CHV
presented by the ME is stored in the SIM and the procedure is finished successfully.

If the old CHV and the CHV in memory are not identical, the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

11.3.3 CHV disabling

Requirement: Service n°1 "allocated and activated".

The ME checks the CHV1 status. If the CHV1 status is "blocked", the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked", the ME reads the CHV1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set "disabled", the
procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "enabled", the ME uses the DISABLE
CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to the CHV1 stored in the SIM, the status of CHV1 is set
"disabled" and the procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is not equal to the CHV1 stored
in the SIM, the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

11.3.4 CHV enabling

The ME checks the CHV1 status. If the CHV1 status is "blocked", the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked", the ME reads the CHV1 enabled/disabled indicator. If this is set "enabled", the
procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

If the CHV1 status is not "blocked" and the enabled/disabled indicator is set "disabled", the ME uses the ENABLE
CHV function. If the CHV1 presented by the ME is equal to the CHV1 stored in the SIM, the status of CHV1 is set
"enabled" and the procedure is finished successfully. If the CHV presented by the ME is not equal to the CHV1 stored
in the SIM, the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

11.3.5 CHV unblocking

The execution of the CHV unblocking procedure is independent of the corresponding CHV status, i.e. being blocked or

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 95 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

The ME checks the UNBLOCK CHV status. If the UNBLOCK CHV status is "blocked", the procedure ends and is
finished unsuccessfully.

If the UNBLOCK CHV status is not "blocked", the ME uses the UNBLOCK CHV function. If the UNBLOCK CHV
presented by the ME is equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CHV stored in the SIM, the relevant CHV status
becomes "unblocked" and the procedure is finished successfully. If the UNBLOCK CHV presented by the ME is not
equal to the corresponding UNBLOCK CHV stored in the SIM, the procedure ends and is finished unsuccessfully.

11.4 GSM security related procedures

11.4.1 GSM algorithms computation
The ME selects DFGSM and uses the RUN GSM ALGORITHM function (see 8.16). The response SRES-Kc is sent to
the ME when requested by a subsequent GET RESPONSE command.

11.4.2 IMSI request

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFIMSI.

11.4.3 Access control request

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACC.

11.4.4 HPLMN search period request

The ME performs the reading procedure with EFHPLMN.

11.4.5 Location information

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFLOCI.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFLOCI.

11.4.6 Cipher key

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFKc.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFKc.

11.4.7 BCCH information

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFBCCH.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFBCCH.

11.4.8 Forbidden PLMN

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPLMN.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPLMN.

11.5 Subscription related procedures

11.5.1 Dialling numbers
The following procedures may not only be applied to EFADN and its associated extension files EFCCP and EFEXT1 as
described in the procedures below, but also to EFFDN, EFMSISDN, EFLND, EFBDN and EFSDN and their associated
extension files. If these files are not allocated and activated, as denoted in the SIM service table, the current procedure
shall be aborted and the appropriate EFs shall remain unchanged.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 96 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

As an example, the following procedures are described as applied to ADN.

Requirement: Service n°2 "allocated and activated"

(Service n°3 for FDN,
Service n°9 for MSISDN,
Service n°13 for LND,
Service n°18 for SDN),
Service n°31 for BDN)

Update: The ME analyses and assembles the information to be stored as follows (the byte identifiers used
below correspond to those in the description of the EFs in subclauses 10.4.1, 10.4.4 and 10.4.10):

i) The ME identifies the Alpha-tagging, Capability/Configuration Identifier and Extension1 Record Identifier.

ii) The dialling number/SSC string shall be analysed and allocated to the bytes of the EF as follows:

- if a "+" is found, the TON identifier is set to "International";

- if 20 or less "digits" remain, they shall form the dialling number/SSC string;

- if more than 20 "digits" remain, the procedure shall be as follows:

Service n°10 "allocated and activated"
(Service n°10 applies also for MSISDN and LND;
Service n°11 for FDN;
Service n°19 for SDN;
Service n°32 for BDN.)

The ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free", the ME runs the
Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.

The first 20 "digits" are stored in the dialling number/SSC string. The value of the length of BCD
number/SSC contents is set to the maximum value, which is 11. The Extension1 record identifier is coded
with the associated record number in the EFEXT1. The remaining digits are stored in the selected Extension1
record where the type of the record is set to "additional data". The first byte of the Extension1 record is set
with the number of bytes of the remaining additional data. The number of bytes containing digit information
is the sum of the length of BCD number/SSC contents of EFADN and byte 2 of all associated chained
Extension1 records containing additional data (see subclauses 10.4.1 and 10.4.10).

iii) If a called party subaddress is associated to the ADN/SSC the procedure shall proceed as follows:

Service n°10 "allocated and activated"
(Service n°10 applies also for MSISDN and LND;
Service n°11 for FDN;
Service n°19 for SDN;
Service n°32 for BDN.)

If the length of the called party subaddress is less than or equal to 11 bytes (see GSM 04.08 [15] for coding):

The ME seeks for a free record in EFEXT1. If an Extension1 record is not marked as "free", the ME runs the
Purge procedure. If an Extension1 record is still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.

The ME stores the called party subaddress in the Extension1 record, and sets the Extension1 record type to
"called party subaddress".

If the length of the called party subaddress is greater than 11 bytes (see GSM 04.08 [15] for coding):

The ME seeks for two free records in EFEXT1. If no such two records are found, the ME runs the Purge
procedure. If two Extension1 records are still unavailable, the procedure is aborted.

The ME stores the called party subaddress in the two Extension1 records. The identifier field in the
Extension1 record containing the first part of the subaddress data is coded with the associated EFEXT1 record

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 97 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

number containing the second part of the subaddress data. Both Extension1 record types are set to "called
party subaddress".

Once i), ii), and iii) have been considered the ME performs the updating procedure with EFADN. If the SIM has no
available empty space to store the received ADN/SSC, or if the procedure has been aborted, the ME advises the user.

NOTE 1: For reasons of memory efficiency the ME is allowed to analyse all Extension1 records to recognize if the
additional or subaddress data to be stored is already existing in EFEXT1. In this case the ME may use the
existing chain or the last part of the existing chain from more than one ADN (LND, MSISDN). The ME is
only allowed to store extension data in unused records. If existing records are used for multiple access, the
ME shall not change any data in those records to prevent corruption of existing chains.

Erasure: The ME sends the identification of the information to be erased. The content of the identified
record in EFADN is marked as "free".

Request: The ME sends the identification of the information to be read. The ME shall analyse the data of
EFADN (subclause 10.4.1) to ascertain, whether additional data is associated in EFEXT1 or EFCCP.
If necessary, then the ME performs the reading procedure on these EFs to assemble the complete

Purge: The ME shall access each EF which references EFEXT1 (EFEXT2) for storage and shall identify
records in these files using extension data (additional data or called party subaddress). Note that
existing chains have to be followed to the end. All referred Extension1 (Extension2) records are
noted by the ME. All Extension1 (Extension2) records not noted are then marked by the ME as
"free" by setting the whole record to 'FF'.

NOTE 2: Dependent upon the implementation of the ME, and in particular the possibility of erasure of ADN/SSC
records by Phase 1 MEs, which have no knowledge of the EFEXT1, it is possible for Extension1 records to
be marked as "used space" (not equal to 'FF'), although in fact they are no longer associated with an
ADN/SSC record.

The following three procedures are only applicable to service n°3 (FDN).

FDN capability request. The ME has to check the state of service n°3, i.e. if FDN is "enabled" or "disabled". In case of
enabled FDN, the ME has to switch to a restrictive terminal mode (see GSM 02.07). To ascertain the state of FDN, the
ME checks in EFSST whether or not ADN is activated. If ADN is not activated, service n°3 is enabled. If ADN is
activated, the ME checks the response data of EFADN. If EFADN is invalidated, service n°3 is enabled. In all other cases
service n°3 is disabled.

FDN disabling. The FDN disabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed
successfully and that ADN is activated. If not, FDN disabling procedure will not be executed successfully. To disable
FDN capability, the ME rehabilitates EFADN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of EFADN, which is implicitly set by the
REHABILITATE command, is at the same time the indicator for the state of the service n°3. If ADN is not activated,
disabling of FDN is not possible and thus service n°3 is always enabled (see FDN capability request).

NOTE 3: If FDN is disabled (by rehabilitating EFADN) using an administrative terminal then the FDN disabling
procedure of this administrative terminal need also to rehabilitate EFIMSI and EFLOCI to ensure normal
operation of the SIM in a phase 1 ME or a phase 2 ME which does not support FDN.

FDN enabling. The FDN enabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed
successfully. If not, FDN enabling procedure will not be executed successfully. To enable FDN capability, the ME
invalidates EFADN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of EFADN, which is implicitly cleared by the INVALIDATE
command, is at the same time the indicator for the state of the service n°3 (see FDN capability request). If ADN is not
activated, service n°3 is always enabled.

Invalidated ADNs may optionally still be readable and updatable depending on the file status (see clause 9.3)

The following three procedures are only applicable to service n°31 (BDN).

BDN capability request. The ME has to check the state of service n°31, i.e. if BDN is "enabled" or "disabled". BDN
service is "enabled" only if service n°31 is allocated and activated, and EFBDN is not invalidated. In all other cases, the
BDN service is "disabled".

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 98 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

BDN disabling. The BDN disabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed
successfully. If not, BDN disabling procedure will not be executed successfully. To disable BDN capability, the ME
invalidates EFBDN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of EFBDN, which is implicitly cleared by the INVALIDATE
command, is at the same time the indicator for the state of the service n°31 (see BDN capability request).

BDN enabling. The BDN enabling procedure requires that CHV2 verification procedure has been performed
successfully. If not, BDN enabling procedure will not be executed successfully. To enable BDN capability, the ME
rehabilitates EFBDN. The invalidate/rehabilitate flag of EFBDN, which is implicitly set by the REHABILITATE
command, is at the same time the indicator for the state of the service n°31 (see BDN capability request).

Invalidated BDNs (when BDN capability is disabled) may optionally still be readable and updatable depending on the
file status (see clause 9.3).

11.5.2 Short messages

Requirement: Service n°4 "allocated and activated".

Request: The SIM seeks for the identified short message. If this message is found, the ME performs the
reading procedure with EFSMS.

If service n°35 is "allocated and activated" and the status of the SMS is '1D' (status report
requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the ME performs the reading procedure with the
corresponding record in EFSMSR. If the ME does not find a corresponding record in EFSMSR, then
the ME shall update the status of the SMS with '19' (status report requested, received but not stored

If the short message is not found within the SIM memory, the SIM indicates that to the ME.

Update: The ME looks for the next available area to store the short message. If such an area is available, it
performs the updating procedure with EFSMS.

If there is no available empty space in the SIM to store the received short message, a specific MMI
will have to take place in order not to loose the message.

Erasure: The ME will select in the SIM the message area to be erased. Depending on the MMI, the message
may be read before the area is marked as "free". After performing the updating procedure with
EFSMS, the memory allocated to this short message in the SIM is made available for a new
incoming message. The memory of the SIM may still contain the old message until a new message
is stored in this area.

If service n°35 is "allocated and activated" and the status of the SMS is '1D' (status report
requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the ME performs the erasure procedure for EFSMSR with
the corresponding record in EFSMSR.

11.5.3 Advice of Charge (AoC)

Requirement: Service n°5 "allocated and activated".

Accumulated Call Meter.

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACM. The SIM returns the last updated value of
the ACM.
Initialization: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACM using the new initial value.
Increasing: The ME performs the increasing procedure with EFACM sending the value which has to be added.

Accumulated Call Meter Maximum Value.

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFACMmax.
Initialization: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFACMmax using the new initial maximum value.

Price per Unit and Currency Table (PUCT).

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPUCT.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPUCT.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 99 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.5.4 Capability configuration parameters

Requirement: Service n°6 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCCP.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCCP.
Erasure: The ME sends the identification of the requested information to be erased. The content of the
identified record in EFCCP is marked as "free".

11.5.5 PLMN selector

Requirement: Service n°7 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFPLMNsel.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFPLMNsel.

11.5.6 Cell broadcast message identifier

Requirement: Service n°14 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCBMI.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMI.

11.5.7 Group identifier level 1

Requirement: Service n°15 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFGID1.

11.5.8 Group identifier level 2

Requirement: Service n°16 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFGID2.

11.5.9 Service Provider Name

Requirement: Service n°17 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSPN.

11.5.10 Voice Group Call Services

Requirement: Service n°18 "allocated and activated".

Voice Group Call Service

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFVGCS.

Voice Group Call Service Status

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFVGCSS.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFVGCSS.

11.5.11 Voice Broadcast Services

Requirement: Service n°19 "allocated and activated".

Voice Broadcast Service

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFVBS.

Voice Broadcast Service Status

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFVBSS.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFVBSS.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 100 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.5.12 Enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority Service

Requirement: Service n°18 "allocated and activated".

Enhanced Multi Level Pre-emption and Priority

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFeMLPP.

Automatic Answer on eMLPP service

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFAAeM.
Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFAAeM.

11.5.13 Cell Broadcast Message range identifier

Requirement: Service n°30 "allocated and activated".

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFCBMIR.

Update: The ME performs the updating procedure with EFCBMIR.

11.5.14 Depersonalisation Control Keys

Requirement: Service n°33 "allocated and activated".

Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFDCK.

11.5.15 Short message status report

Requirement: Service n°35 "allocated and activated".

Request: If the status of a stored short message indicates that there is a corresponding status report, the ME
performs the seek function with EFSMSR to identify the record containing the appropriate status
report. The ME performs the reading procedure with EFSMSR.

Update: If a status report is received, the ME first seeks within the SMS record identifiers of EFSMSR for the
same record number it used for the short message in EFSMS. If such a record identifier is found in
EFSMSR, it is used for storage. If such a record identifier is not found, then the ME seeks for a free
entry in EFSMSR for storage. If no free entry is found the ME runs the Purge procedure with EFSMSR.
If there is still no free entry, the status report is not stored.

If the ME found an appropriate record in EFSMSR for storage, it updates the record with the status
report setting the record identifier in EFSMSR to the appropriate record number of the short message

The status in EFSMS is updated accordingly (see 10.4.3) by performing the update procedure with

Erasure: The ME runs the update procedure with EFSMSR by at least storing '00' in the first byte of the
record. The ME may optionally update the following bytes with 'FF'.

Purge: The ME shall read the SMS record identifier (byte 1) of each record of EFSMSR. With each record
the ME checks the corresponding short messages in EFSMS. If the status (byte 1) of the
corresponding SMS is not equal '1D' (status report requested, received and stored in EFSMSR), the
ME shall perform the erasure procedure with the appropriate record in EFSMSR.

11.5.16 Network's indication of alerting

Requirement: Service n°36 "allocated and activated".
Request: The ME performs the reading procedure with EFNIA.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 101 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.6 SIM Application Toolkit related procedures

SIM Application Toolkit is an optional feature. The higher level procedures, and contents and coding of the commands,
are given in GSM 11.14 [27]. Procedures relating to the transmission of commands and responses across the SIM/ME
interface are given in this section. A SIM or ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall conform to the requirements
given in this section.

11.6.1 Initialization procedure

A SIM supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall indicate this through relevant data in EFPhase and EFSST, as defined in
the relevant sections above.

An ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall perform initialization as defined in the SIM Initialization section

11.6.2 Proactive polling

An ME supporting proactive SIM (part of SIM Application Toolkit) shall support the polling procedure as defined

11.6.3 Support of commands

A SIM or ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall support the commands TERMINAL PROFILE, ENVELOPE,

These commands shall never be used if either the SIM or ME does not support SIM Application Toolkit. Therefore
standard SIMs and MEs do not need to support these commands.

11.6.4 Support of response codes

A SIM or ME supporting SIM Application Toolkit shall support the response status words (SW1 SW2) '91 XX', '93 00'
and '9E XX.

The SIM shall send '9E XX' only to an ME indicating in TERMINAL PROFILE that it supports the handling of these
status words.

These responses shall never be used if either the SIM or ME does not support SIM Application Toolkit. Therefore
standard SIMs and MEs do not need to support them.

11.6.5 Command-response pairs

Using the terminology where the ME issues a command and the SIM a response, ending in status words SW1 SW2, a
command-response pair is considered as a single transaction. Each transaction is initiated by the ME and terminated by
the SIM. One transaction must be completed before the next one can be initiated. This protocol applies to SIM
Application Toolkit in the same way as it does to normal operation.

11.6.6 Independence of normal GSM and SIM Application Toolkit tasks

Normal GSM operation (relating to general, CHV related, GSM security related, and subscription related procedures)
and SIM Application Toolkit operation shall be logically independent, both in the SIM and in the ME.

Specifically, this means:

- The currently selected EF and current record pointer in the normal GSM task shall remain unchanged, if still
valid, as seen by the ME, irrespective of any SIM Application Toolkit activity.

- Between successive SIM Application Toolkit related command-response pairs, other normal GSM related
command-response pairs can occur. The SIM Application Toolkit task status shall remain unchanged by these
command-response pairs.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 102 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.6.7 Use of BUSY status response

If for any reason the SIM Application Toolkit task of the SIM cannot process an ENVELOPE command issued by the
ME at present (e.g. other SIM Application Toolkit processes are already running, and this additional one would cause an
overload), the SIM can respond with a status response of '93 00'. The ME may re-issue the command at a later stage.

The BUSY status response has no impact on normal GSM operation.

11.6.8 Use of NULL procedure byte

The NULL procedure byte provides a mechanism for the SIM to obtain more time before supplying the response part of
a command-response pair, during which time the ME is unable to send further commands to the SIM.

If a SIM Application Toolkit activity in the SIM runs for too long, this may prevent the ME from sending "normal
GSM" commands which are time-critical, e.g. RUN GSM ALGORITHM. A MORE TIME command is defined in
GSM 11.14 [27], which ensures that the SIM Application Toolkit task in the SIM gets more processing time, while at
the same time freeing the SIM/ME interface. This should be used in preference to NULL procedure bytes ('60').


RESPONSE commands
These commands are part of the set used by SIM Application Toolkit. The use of the these commands, the occasions
where they are required, and the command and response parameters associated with the commands, are specified in
GSM 11.14 [27]. The ME completes the command parameters/data of the relevant command and sends the command to
the SIM. The transmitted data is processed by the SIM in a specific way depending on the tag value in the command

A SIM or ME not supporting SIM Application Toolkit does not need to support these commands.

11.6.10 Using the FETCH command

This command is used by SIM Application Toolkit. The use of the this command, the occasions where it is required, and
the command and response parameters associated with the command, are specified in GSM 11.14 [27]. It is similar in
function to GET RESPONSE, in that it requests response parameters from the SIM, following a '91 XX' status response.
The transmitted response data from the SIM is processed by the ME in a specific way depending on the tag value in the
response parameters.

A SIM or ME not supporting SIM Application Toolkit does not need to support this command.

11.6.11 Data Download via SMS-CB

Requirement: Service n°25 "allocated and activated".

The ME shall perform the reading procedure with EFCBMID. On receiving a cell broadcast message with an identifier
which matches an identifier in EFCBMID, the ME shall pass the CB message to the SIM using the ENVELOPE command.
If a match is not found and service no. 14 is "allocated and activated", then the message identifier is checked against
those in EFCBMI.

11.6.12 Data Download via SMS-PP

Requirement: Service n°26 "allocated and activated".

The procedures and commands for Data Download via SMS-PP are defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

11.6.13 Menu selection

Requirement: Service n°27 "allocated and activated".

The procedures and commands for Menu Selection are defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 103 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

11.6.14 Call Control

Requirement: Service n°28 "allocated and activated".

The procedures and commands for Call Control are defined in GSM 11.14 [27]. It is mandatory for the ME to perform
the procedures if it has indicated that it supports Call Control in the TERMINAL PROFILE command. When BDN is
enabled, the Call control facility of the ME is used by the SIM to support the BDN service.

11.6.15 Proactive SIM

Requirement: Service n°29 "allocated and activated".

The procedures and commands for Proactive SIM, at the application level, are defined in GSM 11.14 [27].

11.6.16 Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM

Requirement: Service n°37 "allocated and activated".

The procedures and commands for Mobile Originated Short Message control by SIM are defined in GSM 11.14 [27]. It
is mandatory for the ME to perform the procedures if it has indicated that it supports Mobile Originated Short Message
control by SIM in the TERMINAL PROFILE command.

11.6.17 SIM data download error

In case of an ENVELOPE for SIM data download, the SIM can respond with the status words '9E XX' to indicate that
response data is available. The ME shall use the GET RESPONSE command to get the response data. The ME shall
then send transparently to the network this response data, using the error procedure of the transport mechanism.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 104 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex A (normative):
Plug-in SIM
This annex specifies the dimensions of the Plug-in SIM as well as the dimensions and location of the contacts of the
Plug-in SIM. For further details of the Plug-in SIM see clause 4.

Upper edge

2 0 ,8

2,75 m ax

5,29 m ax
4,45 m in
3 ,3

L e ft e d g e

0 P2 P3

7,83 m ax
6,99 m in

9,53 m in
10,37 m ax

12,07 m in


+_ 0

3 ±0,1




1 _+

4 max

3 ±0 ,1
6 m in

1 1 ,6 2 m a x

1 3 ,6 2 m in

(6 ,2 5 ) 2 5 ±0 ,1

NOTE: The Plug-in SIM may be "obtained" by cutting away excessive plastic of an ID-1 SIM. The values in
parenthesis in figure A.1 show the positional relationship between the Plug-in and the ID-1 SIM and are
for information only.
Figure A.1: Plug-in SIM

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 105 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex B (normative):
Coding of Alpha fields in the SIM for UCS2
If 16 bit UCS2 characters as defined in ISO/IEC 10646 [31] are being used in an alpha field, the coding can take one of
three forms. If the ME supports UCS2 coding of alpha fields in the SIM, the ME shall support all three coding schemes
for character sets containing 128 characters or less; for character sets containing more than 128 characters, the ME shall
at least support the first coding scheme. If the alpha field record contains GSM default alphabet characters only, then
none of these schemes shall be used in that record. Within a record, only one coding scheme, either GSM default
alphabet, or one of the three described below, shall be used.

1) If the first octet in the alpha string is '80', then the remaining octets are 16 bit UCS2 characters, with the more
significant octet (MSO) of the UCS2 character coded in the lower numbered octet of the alpha field, and the less
significant octet (LSO) of the UCS2 character is coded in the higher numbered alpha field octet, i.e. octet 2 of the
alpha field contains the more significant octet (MSO) of the first UCS2 character, and octet 3 of the alpha field
contains the less significant octet (LSO) of the first UCS2 character (as shown below). Unused octets shall be set
to 'FF', and if the alpha field is an even number of octets in length, then the last (unusable) octet shall be set to

Example 1

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet 5 Octet 6 Octet 7 Octet 8 Octet 9

'80' Ch1MSO Ch1LSO Ch2MSO Ch2LSO Ch3MSO Ch3LSO 'FF' 'FF'

2) If the first octet of the alpha string is set to '81', then the second octet contains a value indicating the number of
characters in the string, and the third octet contains an 8 bit number which defines bits 15 to 8 of a 16 bit base
pointer, where bit 16 is set to zero, and bits 7 to 1 are also set to zero. These sixteen bits constitute a base pointer
to a "half-page" in the UCS2 code space, to be used with some or all of the remaining octets in the string. The
fourth and subsequent octets in the string contain codings as follows; if bit 8 of the octet is set to zero, the
remaining 7 bits of the octet contain a GSM Default Alphabet character, whereas if bit 8 of the octet is set to one,
then the remaining seven bits are an offset value added to the 16 bit base pointer defined earlier, and the resultant
16 bit value is a UCS2 code point, and completely defines a UCS2 character.

Example 2

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet 5 Octet 6 Octet 7 Octet 8 Octet 9

'81' '05' '13' '53' '95' 'A6' 'XX' 'FF' 'FF'

In the above example;

- Octet 2 indicates there 5 characters in the string

- Octet 3 indicates bits 15 to 8 of the base pointer, and indicates a bit pattern of 0hhh hhhh h000 0000 as the 16
bit base pointer number. Bengali characters for example start at code position 0980 (0000 1001 1000 0000),
which is indicated by the coding '13' in octet 3 (shown by the italicised digits).

- Octet 4 indicates GSM Default Alphabet character '53', i.e. "S".

- Octet 5 indicates a UCS2 character offset to the base pointer of '15', expressed in binary as follows 001 0101,
which, when added to the base pointer value results in a sixteen bit value of 0000 1001 1001 0101, i.e. '0995',
which is the Bengali letter KA.

Octet 8 contains the value 'FF', but as the string length is 5, this a valid character in the string, where the bit
pattern 111 1111 is added to the base pointer, yielding a sixteen bit value of 0000 1001 1111 1111 for the
UCS2 character (i.e. '09FF').

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 106 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

3) If the first octet of the alpha string is set to '82', then the second octet contains a value indicating the number of
characters in the string, and the third and fourth octets contain a 16 bit number which defines the complete 16 bit
base pointer to a "half-page" in the UCS2 code space, for use with some or all of the remaining octets in the
string. The fifth and subsequent octets in the string contain codings as follows; if bit 8 of the octet is set to zero,
the remaining 7 bits of the octet contain a GSM Default Alphabet character, whereas if bit 8 of the octet is set to
one, the remaining seven bits are an offset value added to the base pointer defined in octets three and four, and
the resultant 16 bit value is a UCS2 code point, and defines a UCS2 character.

Example 3

Octet 1 Octet 2 Octet 3 Octet 4 Octet 5 Octet 6 Octet 7 Octet 8 Octet 9

'82' '05' '05' '30' '2D' '82' 'D3' '2D' '31'

In the above example

- Octet 2 indicates there are 5 characters in the string

- Octets 3 and 4 contain a sixteen bit base pointer number of '0530', pointing to the first character of the
Armenian character set.

- Octet 5 contains a GSM Default Alphabet character of '2D', which is a dash "-".

- Octet 6 contains a value '82', which indicates it is an offset of '02' added to the base pointer, resulting in a
UCS2 character code of '0532', which represents Armenian character Capital BEN.

- Octet 7 contains a value 'D3', an offset of '53', which when added to the base pointer results in a UCS2 code
point of '0583', representing Armenian Character small PIWR.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 107 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex C (informative):
FDN/BDN Procedures

S elect D F

G e t R espo n se

Verify C H V1
(if not disabled)

P hase 1 S IM P hase 2+ Perform Profile (see note3)

P hase? D ow nload

Phase 2

S e le ct E F
M E : unrestricted LO C I
(see note1)
G e t R e sponse
(ev alu ation o f
invalida tion flag )

S e le ct E F

(see note1)
G e t R e sponse
(ev alu ation o f
invalida tion flag )

S tatus EF invalidated
not invalidated IM SI
(see note 2 ) and E FLOCI

M E : unrestricted

NOTE 1: In case of enabled FDN and/or enabled BDN, the EF has been invalidated by the SIM at no later than this
NOTE 2: Invalidation of only one of the two EFs is not allowed for FDN and BDN.
NOTE 3: For SIMs with enabled BDN this procedure is used to check whether the ME supports the Call Control by
the SIM facility.

Figure C.1: Example of an Initialization Procedure of a FDN/BDN SIM (see 11.2.1)

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 108 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

SIM capability

yes supports no
CC ?

supports all supports FDN
enabled services no no
and FDN is
(see note 6) enabled
? ?
yes yes

Rehabilitate Rehabilitate

(note 4) (note 4)

rehabilitated no no rehabilitated
(note 5) (note 5)
? ?

yes yes

restricted or unrestricted no operation F D N operation

operation, according to
the state (enabled/disabled)
of the various services
(FD N , C C )

Note 4: In case of "BDN enabled", the SIM only allows rehabilitation of the EFIMSI and EFLOCI, if the ME has indicated
its CC-capability to the SIM (by PROFILE_DOWNLOAD).

Note 5: Possibility for future "restricting" services to use the internal SIM mechanism of invalidation of EFIMSI and

Note 6: If the ME does not support all enabled services (e.g. FDN, BDN), it does not operate. In case of enabled BDN,
the support of the "Call Control Feature" by the ME is sufficient for operation. For future use, there may be
additional "restricting" services, which are not known to the ME. In that case the ME will perform the
subsequent rehabilitation procedure but will fail to rehabilitate EFIMSI and EFLOCI (see note 4).

Figure C.1: Example of an Initialization Procedure of a FDN/BDN SIM (continued)

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 109 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

BDN capability

FDN capability

Figure C.2: SIM capability request

Select EF SS T


BDN no
allocated and


Select EF BDN

Get Response
(evaluation of
invalidation flag)

no EF BDN yes

BDN enabled BDN disabled No BDN SIM

Figure C.3: BDN capability request (see 11.5.1)

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 110 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Select EF

Read EF

yes no
allocated and

no allocated
? Select


Get Response
(evaluation of
invalidation flag)
(see note 7)

yes ADN no

FDN enabled FDN disabled No FDN SIM

NOTE 7: In this case FDN is enabled without the possibility of disabling.

Figure C.4: FDN capability request (see 11.5.1)

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 111 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)


Select EF

(Note 8)

Select EF

Rehabilitate (Note 8)

NOTE 8: If BDN is enabled in the SIM, and if the Profile download procedure has not indicated that the ME
supports Call Control, the EF is not rehabilitated by the SIM.

Figure C.5: Procedure to rehabilitate GSM files

allocated and
Boolean Equation:


FD = FDN enabled
FDA = FDN allocated and activated
ADN ADA = ADN allocated and activated
yes ADI = EF ADN invalidated

ADN no


FDN enabled FDN not enabled

FDN not enabled

Figure C.6: Coding for state of FDN

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 112 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex D (informative):
Suggested contents of the EFs at pre-personalization
If EFs have an unassigned value, it may not be clear from the main text what this value should be. This annex suggests
values in these cases.

File Identification Description Value

'2F E2' ICC identification operator dependant (see 10.1.1)
'2F 05' Extended Language preference 'FF…FF'

'6F 05' Language preference 'FF'

'6F 07' IMSI operator dependant (see 10.3.2)
'6F 20' Ciphering key Kc 'FF...FF07'
'6F 30' PLMN selector 'FF...FF'
'6F 31' HPLMN search period 'FF'
'6F 37' ACM maximum value '000000' (see note 1)
'6F 38' SIM service table operator dependant (see 10.3.7)
'6F 39' Accumulated call meter '000000'
'6F 3E' Group identifier level 1 operator dependant
'6F 3F' Group identifier level 2 operator dependant
'6F 41' PUCT 'FFFFFF0000'
'6F 45' CBMI 'FF...FF'
'6F 46' Service provider name 'FF...FF'
'6F 48' CBMID 'FF...FF'
'6F 49' Service Dialling Numbers 'FF...FF'
'6F 74' BCCH 'FF...FF'
'6F 78' Access control class operator dependant (see 10.1.12)
'6F 7B' Forbidden PLMNs 'FF...FF'
'6F 7E Location information 'FFFFFFFF xxFxxx 0000 FF 01'
(see note 2)
'6F AD' Administrative data operator dependant (see 10.3.15)
'6F AE' Phase identification see 10.3.16
'6F 3A' Abbreviated dialling numbers 'FF...FF'
'6F 3B' Fixed dialling numbers 'FF...FF'
'6F 3C' Short messages '00FF...FF'
'6F 3D' Capability configuration parameters 'FF...FF'
'6F 40' MSISDN storage 'FF...FF'
'6F 42' SMS parameters 'FF...FF'
'6F 43' SMS status 'FF...FF'
'6F 44' Last number dialled 'FF...FF'
'6F 47' Short message status reports '00FF…FF'

'6F 4A' Extension 1 'FF...FF'

'6F 4B' Extension 2 'FF...FF'
'6F 4C' Extension 3 'FF...FF'
'6F 4D' Barred dialling numbers 'FF...FF'
'6F 4E' Extension 4 'FF...FF'
'6F 51' Network's indication of alerting 'FF...FF'

'6F 52 GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS 'FF...FF07'

'6F 53 GPRS Location Information 'FFFFFFFF FFFFFF xxFxxx 0000 FF

NOTE 1: The value '000000' means that ACMmax is not valid, i.e. there is no restriction on the ACM. When
assigning a value to ACMmax, care should be taken not to use values too close to the maximum possible
value 'FFFFFF', because the INCREASE command does not update EFACM if the units to be added would
exceed 'FFFFFF'. This could affect the call termination procedure of the Advice of Charge function.

NOTE 2: xxFxxx stands for any valid MCC and MNC, coded according to GSM 04.08 [15].

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 113 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex E (informative):
SIM application Toolkit protocol diagrams.
The diagrams in this annex are intended to illustrate the data protocols of the SIM toolkit application in various
situations. The SIM application is shown as initiated by SMS Data Download messages. Other possibilities exist (as
defined in GSM 11.14) such as data entry from a menu selection.

Case 1: Simple

Network ME
SIM Application







This shows the simple case where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the SIM by the ME
and processed immediately by the SIM application. This requires no ME action except to acknowledge the SMS.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 114 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 2: Simple with short delay

Network ME SIM Appl



‘60’ (‘60’)

‘60’ (‘60’)



This shows the simple case where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the SIM by the ME
and which requires some time to process by the SIM application. The processing time is "not long" and is obtained by
the SIM application sending "null procedure bytes" to the ME. Each byte has the effect of restarting the work waiting
time so that the ME does not abort the transaction before the SIM application has finished processing the command(s)
sent in the SMS.

Guidelines on timings:

1. The SMS Ack must be sent back before the network times out and sends the SMS again.

2. Use of null procedure bytes must not be excessive as during this time the ME is unable to issue normal GSM
commands to the SIM.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 115 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 3: Simple with short delay and SIM Acknowledgement

Network ME SIM Appl

_Data_Download/Class_2 ENV(SMS)


‘60’ (‘60’)

‘60’ (‘60’)


Get Response (16 bytes)

(SIM Ack)


SMS Ack (with

SIM Ack)

This shows the same case as previously where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the
SIM by the ME and which requires some time to process by the SIM application. However in this case the SIM
application has SIM acknowledgement data to include in the SMS acknowledgement being returned to the network by
the ME.

Guideline on timings:

The SMS Ack must be sent back before the network times out and sends the SMS again.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 116 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 4: A Toolkit command generated by the SIM application as a result of an SMS from the network

Network ME SIM Application


‘60’ (‘60’)

‘60’ (‘60’)









This shows the case where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the SIM by the ME and
processed by the SIM application which then generates a command for action by the ME (e.g. PLAYTONE).

NOTE: If a positive acknowledgement to the network of completion of execution of the instructions given in the
SMS message is required then the SIM application can issue a command to the ME to send a MO SMS.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 117 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 5: A normal GSM command requires processing before the ME can respond to the 91XX from the SIM

Network ME SIM Application





GSM Command








This shows the case where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the SIM by the ME and
processed by the SIM application which then generates a command for action by the ME (e.g. PLAYTONE). However a
normal GSM command requires processing before the ME can FETCH the command which the SIM is waiting to give
it. The response to the normal GSM command is '91XX' in this case to remind the ME of the outstanding SIM
application command request.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 118 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 6: MORE TIME Command

Network ME SIM Application








This shows the case where an SMS for SIM updating is received from the network, passed to the SIM by the ME and
requires a considerable period of time to be processed by the SIM application. In this case the use of null procedure
bytes only is inappropriate as the ME must be given the opportunity to process normal GSM commands. The
opportunities gained by the SIM application for processing, and the opportunities for normal GSM commands are shown
in the diagram above. The sequence of 91XX, FETCH and MORETIME commands can be repeated if required.

Opportunities to process normal GSM commands are shown thus:

Opportunities for SIM application processing are shown thus:

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 119 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Case 7: SIM Application Busy

Network ME SIM






While the SIM application is busy processing a SMS for the SIM application arrives from the network and is sent to the
SIM by the ME in the usual manner. The SIM operating system recognizes that the SIM application is busy, and it sends
a busy response ('9300') to the ME. The ME then sends negative acknowledgement to the network. The responsibility
for a retry rests with the network.

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 120 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex F (informative):
1) EN 726-3 (1994): "Terminal Equipment (TE); Requirements for IC cards and terminals for
telecommunication use Part 3: Application independent card requirements".

2) EN 726-4 (1994): "Terminal Equipment (TE); Requirements for IC cards and terminals for
telecommunication use Part 4: Application independent card related terminal requirements".

3) ISO/IEC 7816-3/A2 (1994): "Identification cards - Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 3:
Electronic signals and transmission protocols": "Protocol type select".

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 121 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Annex G (informative):
Change history
This annex lists all change requests approved for the present document since the first phase2+ version was approved by
tdoc tdoc Version
S16 709/95 154/95 4.15.0 A008 r96 1 SIM Speed Enhancement 5.0.0
S17 062/96 147/95 5.0.0 A006 r96 B Service Dialling Numbers 5.1.0
060/96 06/96 A009 r96 B ASCI for VGCS and VBS
060/96 06/96 A010 r96 B ASCI for eMLPP
059/96 204/95r A013 r96 C Interaction between FDNs and ADNs
061/96 05/96 A014 r96 D Correction of baud rate for SIM Speed enhancement
S18 263/96 57/96 5.1.0 A011 3 r96 B SIM Application Toolkit protocol enhancements 5.2.0
260/96 45/96 A016 r96 A SIM presence detection clarification
261/96 54/96 A018 r96 A Reponse codes and coding of SIM service table
262/96 55/96 A020 r96 A Reference to International Standards
S19 374/96 102/96 5.2.0 A012 r96 C Contacting elements 5.3.0
373/96 105/96 A023 r96 A Clarification of clock stop timing
409/96 107/96 A024 1 r96 B Emergency Call Codes (ECC)
374/96 108/96 A025 r96 C Using ranges of CBMIs
S20 580/96 206/96 5.3.0 A021 r96 B Barred Dialling Numbers 5.4.0
734/96 197/96 A026 r96 B Addition of Cooperative Network List EF
734/96 197/96 A027 r96 B Addition of ME Depersonalisation feature and EF
702/96 207/96 A031 r96 D RFU bit taken into use in GSM 11.12
s21 101/97 97/079 5.4.0 A032 2 r96 D Ammendment to BDN diagrams in Annex B 5.5.0
101/97 97/086 A033 1 r96 B DFs for MSS/ PCS1900/other use
101/97 97/056 A034 r96 C Reading of EFDCK during SIM initialisation
101/97 97/058 A036 r96 D Administrative Access Conditions
101/97 97/059 A037 r96 B Format of EFCNL to include fields for Corporate Personal. Code
101/97 97/089 A041 r96 B Administrative Data field
s22 356/97 183/97 5.5.0 A042 r97 B Extended language preference 5.6.0
356/97 163/97 A044 1 r96 A Clarification of electrical/mechanical SIM/ME interface
356/97 179/97 A045 r96 D Security procedures for 2nd level; DFs located under DF GSM
356/97 187/97 A047 r96 F Number of bytes returned after a SELECT command
356/97 093/97 A048 r96 D Serivce table and "radio interface"
356/97 109/97 A049 r96 F Update Access condition of EFDCK (aligns 11.11 & 02.22)
s23 788/97 97/249 5.6.0 A046 2 r97 B Short Message Status Reports 5.7.0
788/97 97/243 A050 r96 F Addition of SDN and BDN in the description of EFCCP
788/97 97/259 A051 1 r97 C SIM and ME behaviour when SIM is disabled and blocked
788/97 97/262 A053 r96 F Response data following an ENVELOPE command
788/97 97/260 A054 r96 F Coding of EFPhase
788/97 97/271 A055 r97 C Changes to Dialling Number Files and extensions
788/97 97/261 A056 r97 B Network's indication of alerting in the MS
s24 97-0886 97/365 5.7.0 A052 2 r97 b Introduction of UCS2 5.8.0
97-0886 97/383 A057 r97 c MO SMS control by SIM
At SMG #25, it was decided to create a version 6.0.0 of every specification that contained at least one release '97 workitem
s25 98-0157 98p052 5.8.0 A058 2 R97 B Addition of EFs for GPRS 6.0.0
98-0157 98p108 A059 R97 F Clarification regarding EFCCP records
98-0157 98p094 A061 1 r96 A Clarification of removal of the SIM
s26 98-0398 98p240 6.0.0 A066 R97 F RP-ACK RP-ERROR for SIM data download error. 6.1.0
98-0398 98p263 A069 R97 D Allocation of file ID for IS-41
s28 P-99-184 P-99-096 6.1.0 A079 R97 C Addition of P-TIMSI signature value to EF LOCIGPRS 6.2.0
P-99-188 A081 R97 D Deletion of $(......)$ release markers

(GSM 11.11 version 6.2.0 Release 1997) 122 TS 100 977 V6.2.0 (1999-05)

Document history
V6.1.0 July 1998 Publication

V6.2.0 May 1999 Publication

ISBN 2-7437-3097-8
Dépôt légal : Mai 1999


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