Design and Sizing Calculation: Based On Api 521 Fourth Edition, March 1997 Horizontal Knockout Drum Data Input
Design and Sizing Calculation: Based On Api 521 Fourth Edition, March 1997 Horizontal Knockout Drum Data Input
Design and Sizing Calculation: Based On Api 521 Fourth Edition, March 1997 Horizontal Knockout Drum Data Input
The drag coefficient is determined as follows: The dropout velocity is : The vapour rate is:
A horizontal vessel with an inside diameter Di and a cylindrical length L should be assumed:
Di= 4.8 m
L= 12 m
The total cross-sectional area is:
At= 18.09 m2
The liquid holdup required is determined as follows:
AL1= 0.16 m2
The cross sectional segment for liquid is determined as follows:
AL2= 1.51 m2
The cross sectional segment for vapor is determined as follows:
Av= 16.42 m2
The vertical depths of the liquid and vapor spaces are determined using standard geometry:
hv= 4.7002 m
hL1= 0.0009 m which means that: ht= hv+hL1+hL2
hL2= 0.0989 m
Total ht= 4.8 m correct depth calculation