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Appendix D - Large Projects

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[course name] Appendix D: Large Project

Fill in the highlighted text below with the instructions for the larger projects of the course.
Sample text is provided for various types of assignments; you are welcome to customize them.
Contact your instructional designer with any questions. When you have finished, email this
document to your instructional designer.

Term Paper
You will write a paper about […]. It should also be informed by and align with the principles that we have been
studying all semester. The paper should be written in APA format.

Your paper should be [5-7] pages long (not including the cover page or references), and it
should include all of the following topics:
 Topic 1
 Topic 2
 Topic 3
 Topic 4
 Topic 5
 Anything else that you feel is appropriate to defending your position
Your paper should contain at least [5] citations from high quality* external sources
I expect high quality, formal writing that reflects a thoughtful synthesis of the many
principles we have covered, and that exhibits a high level of professionalism. You need a
strong thesis, clear organization, lucid points, a formal tone, conventional use of language,
and formatting in the APA style.
I strongly recommend that you take your drafts to the writing center, either in person or via
email, to get free editing and advice. That's what the writing center is there for!
*A high quality resource is one that is published in a credible professional journal, and is well-
supported and peer-reviewed. Contact me in advance if you are unsure whether a source you
would like to use would be acceptable.

Make sure to use the following resources, if appropriate, as you write your paper:
 Your textbooks
 The lectures and resources provided in this course
 Your own independent research using high quality sources
 This APA formatting guide, or, the manual in print.
 Zotero or another citation tool, to help you create accurate citations (optional, but
recommended, as it will make your life simpler!)
 The ASU Writing Center
Grading Criteria
This paper is worth 100 points. You will be graded based on the following rubric .
Exemplary Sufficient Insufficient Not Evident
Completeness 30 Points 20 Points 10 Points 0 Points
All 5 required topics Only 4 required topics Only 3 required topics Fewer than three of
were covered in the were covered in the were covered in the the required topics
paper. paper. paper. were covered in the
Analysis 25 Points 15 Points 5 Points 0 Points
Arguments were Arguments were Arguments were Very little analysis
explained thoroughly explained adequately presented without was demonstrated.
and developed clearly. and developed clearly. much explanation and
Evidence and logic Evidence and logic were often unclear.
were always used to were usually used to Only a few claims
support claims made. support claims made. were supported by
evidence and logic.
Quality 10 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Sources 5 or more quality 3-4 quality sources 1-2 quality sources No quality sources
sources were cited. were cited. were cited. were cited.
Organization 10 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points
and Flow Paper was Paper was organized Paper contained Paper lacked a central
harmonious and with discernible sequences of organizing structure.
integrated, with a sections and organized thoughts, Thoughts and ideas
unified theme and transitions that but the organization were presented
purpose. Organization helped guide the did not carry without clear purpose
and integration were reader from start to throughout. or connection.
apparent both within end. Connections of
and between ideas to the central
paragraphs. purpose and/or
theme of the paper
were not always clear.
Formatting 10 Points 7 Points 3 Points 0 Points
No APA formatting 1-3 APA formatting 4-5 APA formatting 6 or more APA
errors. errors. errors. formatting errors.
Language 10 Points 7 Points 3 Points 0 Points
Mechanics No spelling, grammar, 1-3 spelling, grammar, 4-5 spelling, grammar, 6 or more spelling,
or punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. or punctuation errors. grammar, or
punctuation errors.
Timing 5 Points 3 Points 1 Points 0 Points
Every stage of the One stage of the paper Two stages of the Three or more stages
paper was handed in was handed in late. paper were handed in of the paper were
on time. late. handed in late.

Final Exam
This exam is worth __ points, and it covers the following topics:

• topic
• topic
• topic
You have 1 hour to take the exam, and you are only allowed one attempt. The timer will
continue running once it starts, even if you close your browser. Once the timer runs out, you
will not be able to get back in, so make sure you are completely ready before you begin.

You will be unable to start the exam after the due date has passed.

You may refer to your textbook, the lectures, articles, and your notes to take the exam, but
because it is timed, you do need to know the material well. You may NOT confer in any way--
electronically, by phone, or in person--with anyone else while taking the exam.

Presentation Project
(Describe the overview and purpose for engaging students in this activity.)
(Provide the instructions that guide students to complete the activity step-by-step.)
Grading Criteria
Tell students what they will be graded on. Best practice is to provide a rubric. Contact your
instructional designer if you would like some high-quality, generic grading rubrics of
various types, to customize for your assignments.

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