Making Soap PDF
Making Soap PDF
Making Soap PDF
making soap
What is this Action Sheet about?
This Action Sheet is about how to make soap. With practice, making your own soap with locally
available materials is not difficult, although there are some hazards that you must take care to avoid.
Washing hands with soap and water is a very healthy practice (See Action Sheet 27), so making
sure that soap is available for your institution or community is an important service. If you can sell
the soap you make, this could also turn into a business opportunity.
Perfume or essential oils give soap an attractive scent. For 4 kilos of soap, use one of the following:
4 teaspoons of sassafras oil, 2 teaspoons of citronella or lavender oil, or 1 teaspoon of clove or
lemon oil. For soap that promotes healthy skin, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of oil of neem, moringa,
jatropha, or baobab.
1 Water
G 2 large pots, bowls, or buckets made of G An accurate weighing scale (lye is
stainless steel, fired clay, or cast measured by weight).
iron. Do not use equipment
G Molds: the best molds are shallow
made from aluminum because wooden boxes that have no openings on
the lye will damage it. the bottom or sides but are open on
G A bowl or other clean the top, and can be pulled apart
container big enough to gently. Molds can also be made
hold all the fat. from small gourds or coconut
G Wooden spoons or
stirring sticks. G Use cloth or waxed paper to
line the molds so that soap can
G Measuring cups.
be easily removed.
Lyes are extremely caustic. They cause burns if splashed on the skin and can cause
blindness if splashed in the eye. If drunk, they can be fatal.
Care is needed when handling lyes and ‘green’ (uncured) soap. Details of the precautions that
should be taken are given below.
Because of these dangers, keep small children away from the processing room while soap is
being made.
1. Add lye to water – never the other way around. The mixture will heat up. Let it cool to body
temperature. Do not put fingers in the solution or it will burn. To test the temperature, feel the
outside of the container.
2. Melt any solid fat in the oil/fat mixture.
3. Pour the lye water slowly into the oil/fat mixture, stirring it constantly in one direction. Then add
perfume or essential oil. The mixture must be stirred for at least half an hour after all the lye has
been added. The mixture should become thicker. When the spoon causes lines to appear on top
of the thick solution, it is ready to pour in the molds.
4. Pour the mixture into lined molds and leave to set undisturbed for 2 days. If it has not set or if it
has grease on top, leave it longer.
5. When the soap has set, remove it from the molds and cut it into bars using a knife or a wire.
6. Stack the bars on trays and let them sit for 4 to 6 weeks. Do not use the soap too soon – it still
7. When the soap is finished, you can shave it from the bar in curls. Touch the soap to the tip of your
tongue to check its quality. If it has a slight bite or burn, it is good. Cover the soap so it does not
lose moisture.
2 Water
If it is very sharp and burns, there is too much lye. If it has no bite, there is not enough lye. If the
soap you made was not successful, it may have been because:
• The fat or oil was rancid or dirty and not cleaned enough.
• The lye water was too hot or too cold when it was poured into the oil/fat mixture.
• The mixture was stirred too fast or not long enough.
We can’t find any lye for sale. Can you make it?
Yes, you can. If commercial lyes that can be bought in tins from pharmacies in larger towns are not
available or affordable, lye can also be made from ashes. Fit a tap near to the bottom of a large (e.g.
250 litre) plastic or wooden barrel/tub. Do not use aluminium because the lye will corrode it and the
soap will be contaminated. Make a filter inside, around the tap hole, using several bricks or stones
covered with straw. Fill the tub with ashes and pour boiling water over them until water begins to run
from the tap. Then shut the tap and let the ashes soak. The ashes will settle to less than one quarter
of their original volume, and as they settle, add more ashes until the tub is full again. Ashes from any
burned plant material are suitable, but those from banana leaf/stem make the strongest lye, and
those from apple wood make the whitest soap.
If a big barrel is not available, or smaller amounts of soap are to be made, a porcelain bowl or
plastic bucket can be used. Fill the bucket with ashes and add boiling water, stirring to wet the
ashes. Add more ashes to fill the bucket to the top, add more water and stir again. Let them stand
for 12 - 24 hours, or until the liquid is clear, then carefully pour off the clear lye.
3 Water
The longer the water stands before being drawn off, the stronger the lye will be. Usually a few hours
will be enough. Lye that is able to cause a fresh egg to float can be used as a standard strength for
soap-making. The strength of the lye does not need to always be the same, because it combines
with the fat in a fixed proportion. If a weak lye is used, more lye can be added during the process
until all the fat has combined with the lye to make soap.
Most commercial lyes are caustic soda, and these can be bought and substituted for homemade lye
to save time. They are supplied in tins and the lids should be kept tightly fitted to stop the lye
absorbing water from the air and forming a solid lump.
You can also make caustic soda by mixing 1 part quicklime (baked ground limestone) with 3 parts
water to make a liquid that has the consistency of cream. Then dissolve 3 parts sal soda (hydrated
sodium carbonate) in 5 parts boiling water, and add the lime cream, stirring vigorously. Keep the
mixture boiling until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Allow it to cool and settle, and pour off the
lye. Discard the dregs in the bottom. Caustic soda (which is just soda lye evaporated to a powder)
is produced by boiling down the lye until the water is evaporated and a dry, white residue is left in
the kettle.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This Action Sheet was compiled using extracts from the booklet “Sanitation and Cleanliness for a Healthy Environment”,
created by the Hesperian Foundation for the UNDP, in cooperation with the Community Water Initiative partners, part of a larger book by the Hesperian
Foundation, A Community Guide to Environmental Health and the Practical Action (formerly known as ITDG) Techical Brief on Soap-Making.
Practical Action (formerly known as ITDG)
Practical Action (ITDG) Technical Brief on Soap-Making This
document will give you many more recipes and ideas if you plan to go into the soap-making business.
Practical Action (ITDG) Technical Brief on Oil Extraction
Small-scale Soapmaking: A handbook, by Peter Donker, IT Publishing/TCC, 1993.
Soap Production – Technologies Series Guide No 3, Centre for the Development of Enterprise, Brussels, 1994.
Essentially Soap (2000) by Robert McDaniel
‘The Soapmaker’s Companion - a comprehensive guide with recipes, techniques and know-how’ (1997) by Susan Miller Cavitch
The Handmade Soap Book (1998) by Melinda Coss and Emma Peios,
WEBSITES has books on soapmaking for sale has a variety of free information, including recipes, safety considerations, ingredient suppliers,
soapmaking methods and the properties of soapmaking oils, with links to many other soapmaking websites. has recipes, soapmaking instructions, a fragrance calculator and saponification chart. contains details of products such as essential oils and plant extracts for use in
soaps, soap moulds, dyes and packaging.
4 Water