Name: Chariezza Le J. Sanglad: Experiment No.5
Name: Chariezza Le J. Sanglad: Experiment No.5
Name: Chariezza Le J. Sanglad: Experiment No.5
Mass Spectrometry is an analytical spectroscopic tool that can determine the molecular
This experiment aimed to identify the compound or structure in the given mass spectrum
Based on the spectrum, given the fragments with m/z of 46, 45, 31,29, 15, the parent ion
peak which has a m/z of 46 did not match to 1-propanol, methanol and isopropanol. Therefore, it
corresponds only either formic acid or ethanol. The peak with 46 m/z is the parent molecular ion.
From this parent molecular ion, some of the fragments were formed by cleaving its particular
bonds. At 45 m/z, this is the molecular ion less with I hydrogen. At this fragmentation, the parent
ion has lost its hydrogen as a form of ion forming the fragment of [CH 3CH2O]+. One of the
properties of alcohols is that it can easily lose a hydrogen. This cleavage of CH3 was not possible
for formic acid because it has no CH3 group in its structure. At 29, this is the cleaving of the C-O
bond or the removal of the OH group forming the fragment [CH3CH2]+.. At fragment 45, the
removal of C-H bond occurred. At 29, the fragmentation for C-O bond and at 31, the removal of
C-C bond. In general, the spectrum clearly shows that the fragments correspond to the structure of
general and analysis in particular. Mass Spectrometry is an analytical spectroscopic tool that can
determine the molecular weight, molecular formula (HRMS), structure (from fragmentation
concerned with the separation of molecular (and atomic) species according to their mass.
The purposes of of this experiment are, to be able to identify the compound or structure in
The mass spectrometer is used to measure the masses and abundances of naturally
occurring isotopes. It is an instrument that generates ions from molecules and measures their
masses. A measure of how well a mass spectrometer separates ions of different mass is known as
resolution. In low resolution, it is capable of separating only ions that differ in nominal mass; that
is ions that differ by at least 1 or more atomic mass units while in high resolution, it refers to
instruments capable of separating ions that differ in mass by as little as 0.0001 atomic mass unit.
Figure 1.Block Diagram for Mass Spectrometer Instrument
When an atom or molecule is hit by high-energy electron, it will ionize. The electron is
deflected but transfers much of its energy to the molecule. This energy-rich species ejects an
electron forming a positively charged, odd-electron species called the molecular ion. Molecular
ion passes between poles of a magnet and is deflected by magnetic field. If the only ion that is
present is the molecular ion, mass spectrometry provides a way to measure the molecular weight
of a compound and is often used for this purpose. However, the molecular ion often fragments to
a mixture of species of lower m/z. The molecular ion dissociates to a cation and a radical. Usually
several fragmentation pathways are available and a mixture of ions is produced. mixture of ions of
different mass gives separate peak for each m/z. Intensity of peak proportional to percentage of
each ion of different mass in mixture. The separation of peaks depends on relative mass.
A molecular ion (M) is a radical cation formed by removal of a single electron from a
parent molecule in a mass spectrometer. For some purposes, it does not matter which electron is
lost; radical cation character is delocalized throughout the molecule; therefore, the molecular
formula of the parent molecule is written in brackets with plus sign to show that it is a cation and
a dot to show that it has an odd number of electrons. Fragment ions rationalize these in terms of
the structure. It identifies as many as possible, in terms of the parent structure. Generally, simply
derived from the molecular ion or, in a simple fashion from a significant higher mw fragment.
Fragments will make chemical se nse structure of the compound. Fragmentation are governed by
product ion stability consideration, octet rule, resonance delocalization, polarizability and
The ionising electron beam can fragment the molecule by cleaving particular bonds. The
molecular fragmentation peaks in the mass spectrum can give clues as to the sub-structure of the
molecule. The peak height is the relative abundance of each species. The most intense peak (called
the Base peak) is assigned a relative abundance of 100. The parent ion peak (i.e. the singly charged
ion of the test molecule denoted by M + located at m/e of 114 in the spectrum above) is often too
weak to be seen in the high energy spectra that are necessary to produce a fragmentation pattern.
an ionizer with a beam of electrons. The ions were then accelerated by an electric field and
deflected in a curve by a further electric field. The various ions were linearly accelerated then
passed through a magnetic field to curve their flight path. The ions were passed again through
another electric field to accelerate into the detector. By varying the electric and magnetic fields,
ions of different mass can be made to enter the detector. Furthermore, there was a pump that keeps
the interior of an instrument under a high vacuum, this was used to allow the ions which were
moving at speed of many kilometer per second, a free path without collisions with air molecules.
In addition, less volatile sample were dissolved in a solvent such as dichloromethane which then
evaporates. The sample tube was placed in a probe which was then inserted into the instrument
with an airlock so that the vacuum in an instrument is maintained. The volatile sample was
vaporized at low pressure inside the instrument but the probe can be heated to vaporize less volatile
sample. The electron streamed out from a heated cathode towards an anode which was held at a
potential of around plus 70V relative to the cathode. The positive ions were formed in ionization
chamber, these were formed when high energy electron strike the sample molecule. The positive
ion beam was passed between two charged curve plates which were then deflected as it passes
through the magnetic field. The beam was deflected again by another set of charged plates which
directed into the detector. The amount of deflection by the magnetic field depends on the mass of
an ion wherein heavier ions was not deflected sufficiently in a magnetic field to reach the detector
The figure below shows the given spectrum for the identification of a compound.
[CH3CH2OH]+. 46 H H
[CH3CH2O]+. 45 H C C O H
[CH2OH]+. 31 H H
[CH3CH2]+. 29
The mass spectrum above may correspond to one of the compounds in the table.
There were five compounds shown in the table namely: Formic acid(46.0262g/mol), 1-
produced from the collision of the sample with a beam of electrons has a mass to charge ratio of
46. The given spectrum did not match to 1-propanol and isopropyl alcohol for the reason that their
molecular weights were too high. In the same manner the methanol compound did not match with
the given spectrum because it has too low molecular weight. Therefore, this spectrum corresponds
only either to formic acid or ethanol since these two compounds have a molecular weight which
were close enough to the m/z value of the parent molecular ion.
At high energies, the electron beam can fragment the molecule by cleaving particular
bonds. There were four major peaks in the spectrum: 46, 45, 31, and 29. The peak with 46 m/z is
the parent molecular ion. From this parent molecular ion, some of the fragments were formed by
cleaving its particular bonds. At 45 m/z, this is the molecular ion less with I hydrogen. At this
fragmentation, the parent ion has lost its hydrogen as a form of ion forming the fragment of
[CH3CH2O]+. One of the properties of alcohols is that it can easily lose a hydrogen. Formic acid
is a carboxylic acid and ethanol is an alcohol so, this is one of the clues that this spectrum belongs
to ethanol. Looking further to the highest peak which is called the base peak, it was observed that
this is when the cleaving of the C-C bond happened or the removal of CH3 from the parent ion
results in the formation of the fragment [CH2OH]+. This cleavage of CH3 was not possible for
formic acid because it has no CH3 group in its structure. At 29, this is the cleaving of the C-O bond
or the removal of the OH group forming the fragment [CH3CH2]+. The cleavage of hydrogen at 45
and the cleavage of CH3 at peak 31 validate that this spectrum is for ethanol.
This experiment aimed to identify which among the five compounds namely: formic acid,
1-propanol, ethanol, methanol, and isopropyl alcohol corresponds to the given mass spectrum. This
The results showed the structure of ethanol matches with the fragments of the spectrum.
The cleavage of hydrogen at fragment 45 and the removal of CH3 at fragment 31 which can be
happened only for ethanol because it is an alcohol and can be deprotonated by an attack of
electrons. Formation of fragment at 31 is not possible for formic acid because it does not have a
b.) R. García and A. P. Báez (2012). MS, Dr. Muhammad Akhyar Farrukh (Ed.), ISBN: 978-
[CH3CH2OH]+. 46 H H
[CH3CH2O]+. 45 H C C O H
[CH2OH]+. 31 H H
[CH3CH2]+. 29