Agile Framework - MSC Final Thesis RM Chandrasekaran
Agile Framework - MSC Final Thesis RM Chandrasekaran
Agile Framework - MSC Final Thesis RM Chandrasekaran
August 2016
Scaled Agile maturity model
Thesis submitted to
Delft University of Technology
Revathi M Chandrasekaran
Student Number: 4385276
COHORT: 2014-2016
Date: 17th August, 2016
Graduation Committee
Chair: Prof.Dr.Ir. Marijn Janssen, TU Delft
First Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Drs. Jolien Ubacht, TU Delft
Second Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Martijn Warnier, TU Delft
External Supervisors: Ms. Yasmina Beithia, Mr. Pascal Kersic, TomTom Group, The
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This thesis report written in the period of March-August 2016 is the final facet of my master studies
and concludes my MSc education in System Engineering Policy Analysis and Management at the
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft. It has been a challenging period of
extensive learning not only in the academic arena, but also on a personal level. I would like to take this
opportunity and thank all those who have supported my research in different occasions and made my
research experience cherish forever.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my first supervisor Jolien Ubacht who helped me in
shaping my ideas towards a clear goal. Starting point of the thesis represented a challenging situation
when the scope was unclear with a broad research context. She believed in my ideas and provided
flexibility in building up the research according to my interests. Her approach towards partnering in
learning and open mindset towards all perspectives demonstrated her perfect role as a coach.
Furthermore, I am grateful to my chair, Professor Marijn Janssen and Second supervisor Martijn
Warnier for their constructive feedbacks and support during our meetings. And I would like to show
my appreciation to entire academic group of TU Delft in helping me achieve great heights.
I would also like to show my deepest gratitude to my TomTom mentors Pascal Kersic and Yasmina
Beithia in demonstrating a positive attitude and taking personal interests towards my work, during my
internship period. Even before the start of internship, they extended constant support and guidance
in analyzing the problem and research context. They constantly appreciated my ongoing effort and
empowered me through constructive feedback and reinforcement. They extended willingne ss to go
out of their comfort zone in different occasions, in spite of their busy schedules. This research would
have not been possible without their support. I have had many chances to work in closer collaboration
with Pascal, who acted as a positive role model in demonstrating specific behaviors and actions
required, to be successful in the professional world.
I would like to thank the experts who helped me in giving constructive inputs during the interview
and expert evaluation phase which was extremely helpful in finalizing my design. I would also like to
thank the rest of my TomTom colleagues who made my stay in Drive team such a pleasant experience.
Finally, my deepest thanks must to be my family and friends who supported me with confidence and
motivation in the most crucial moments of the journey. Saving the most important to the last, I wish
to give my heartfelt thanks to my beloved husband, whose continual support in my academic
endeavors helped me to complete this thesis.
Revathi M Chandrasekaran
August 2016
In today’s world agile software development has been embraced more and more in
software service industry. Though the agile practices have gained widespread popularity
in the recent years, there are quite a number of concerns in scaling the agile practices
from team level to the entire enterprise. Few frameworks such as Scaled Agile
Framework (SAFe, Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) and Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
have been developed to address these concerns in scaling agile practices. Although these
frameworks provide a template in scaling agile in large enterprises, currently there is a
lack of a holistic method which would help them in implementing scaled agile practices
or adapting to scaled agile software development. Before or after adopting such a
framework, organizations require a structured model for assessing the level of
completeness of adoption or find areas of improvements in the scaled agile practices,
which would also help them in developing a roadmap for further progress and
This research offer guidance for the IT organizations towards scaled agile software
development by providing a maturity model. This maturity model is composed of six
stages as rows and five scaled agile principles in columns, in which each stage and
column forms a matrix of scaled agile practices. Each of the practices consists of
indicators which help in assessing the level of adoption of the practices. Once having
identified the lacking criteria in the adoption of scaled agile pract ices, organizations can
start focusing on the lacking criteria and other areas of improvement. The research also
strongly suggests the collaborative spirit in adaptation of scaled agile practices, by using
this model as a discussion tool in the team, program and portfolio levels of scaled agile
environment. Future research in this arena would aim at researching on the dynamics
of emergence on scaled agile practices and the notion of such an emergence on
multitude of stakeholders involved in a scaled agile process.
Key words: Scaled agile framework, Agile software development, Maturity model, Scaled agile practices,
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Table of Contents
ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................... i
List of tables..................................................................................................................................... 7
List of figures ................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 10
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Research context – Scaled agile software development.......................................................... 10
1.3 Problem at stake ................................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Study relevance ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.4.1 Societal relevance............................................................................................................ 12
1.4.2 Scientific relevance ......................................................................................................... 13
1.5 Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 13
1.5.1 Main research question ................................................................................................... 13
1.5.2 Sub research questions.................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Thesis outline and research planning..................................................................................... 15
1.7 Delineations.......................................................................................................................... 17
Chapter 2 Agile and scaled agile software development .................................................................. 19
2.1 Literature review method ...................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Agile software development .................................................................................................. 19
2.2.1 Software development .................................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Need for agile software development.............................................................................. 20
2.2.3 Agile principles and values .............................................................................................. 23
2.2.4 Scrum process ................................................................................................................ 24
2.2.5 Need for scaled agile methodologies ............................................................................... 26
2.3 Scaled agile methodologies.................................................................................................... 26
2.3.1 Scaling software development......................................................................................... 27
2.3.2 Scaled agile software development .................................................................................. 27
2.3.3 Scaled agile principles and core values ............................................................................ 33
2.4 Chapter summary.................................................................................................................. 34
Chapter 3 Maturity models of agile software development ............................................................. 36
3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 36
3.2 Maturity model ..................................................................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Definition and concepts ................................................................................................. 36
3.2.2 Selection criteria ............................................................................................................. 38
3.3 Exploration on maturity models ........................................................................................... 38
3.3.1 Capability maturity model integration for development (CMMI-DEV)........................... 38
3.3.2 Agile maturity model (AMM).......................................................................................... 40
3.3.3 ISO/IEC 15504 – SPICE ............................................................................................... 43
3.3.4 Scrum Maturity model .................................................................................................... 44
3.3.5 Agile adoption framework .............................................................................................. 45
3.3.6 Robert Benefield’s model................................................................................................ 46
3.4 Characteristics of agile maturity models ................................................................................ 49
3.5 Requirements of scaled agile maturity model......................................................................... 51
3.5 Chapter summary.................................................................................................................. 52
Chapter 4 Design and Development of Scaled agile maturity model ............................................... 54
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 54
4.2 Translation of requirements into the model .......................................................................... 54
4.3 Design pattern of the model ................................................................................................. 55
4.3.1 Stages of the maturity models ......................................................................................... 57
4.3.2 Agile/Scaled agile principles ........................................................................................... 61
4.3.3 Agile and Scaled agile practices ....................................................................................... 66
4.2.4 Initial design of Scaled agile maturity model ................................................................... 76
4.2.6 Participatory observation ................................................................................................ 77
4.2.6 Assessment criteria ......................................................................................................... 81
4.3 Chapter summary.................................................................................................................. 81
Chapter 5 Evaluation of the scaled agile maturity model ................................................................ 83
5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 83
5.2 Evaluation approach ............................................................................................................. 83
5.2.1 Type of evaluation used in expert interviews................................................................... 83
5.2.2 Expert selection method................................................................................................. 84
5.2.3 Evaluation procedure ..................................................................................................... 85
5.3 Evaluation results ................................................................................................................. 86
5.4 Adaptation of the scaled agile maturity model....................................................................... 90
5.4.1 Structural adaptations ..................................................................................................... 90
5.4.2 Model adaptations .......................................................................................................... 91
5.4.3 Assessment criteria ......................................................................................................... 94
Chapter 6 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 98
6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 98
6.2 Main findings........................................................................................................................ 98
6.5 Scientific relevance.............................................................................................................. 108
6.6 Societal relevance ................................................................................................................ 109
6.7 Limitations.......................................................................................................................... 109
6.8 Recommendations for future research ................................................................................ 110
6.6 Reflection ........................................................................................................................... 111
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 116
Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................................. 120
Interview structure for expert evaluation .................................................................................. 120
Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................................. 121
Appendix 3: Scientific article ........................................................................................................ 127
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 128
2. Related work ............................................................................................................................ 128
2.1 concepts of maturity model................................................................................................. 128
2.2 Agile maturity models ......................................................................................................... 129
3 Issues of current maturity models.............................................................................................. 131
4 Empirical study ......................................................................................................................... 131
4.1 Participatory observation .................................................................................................... 132
5 Characteristics of scaled agile maturity model ............................................................................ 132
5.1 Potential performance perspective ...................................................................................... 132
5.2 Ambidextrous nature .......................................................................................................... 133
5.3 Underlying notion on maturity ............................................................................................ 133
5.3.1 Adherence to a process................................................................................................. 133
5.3.2 Emphasis on people ..................................................................................................... 133
5.3.3 Emphasis on project ..................................................................................................... 133
6 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 133
References.................................................................................................................................... 134
List of tables
Table 1 Principles of agile software development(Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001)........................... 11
Table 2 Differences between traditional and agile software development methods ......................... 22
Table 3 Definition of software development agility in literature ..................................................... 22
Table 4 Core values of agile methods(Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001)............................................. 23
Table 5 Principles of SAFe ............................................................................................................. 33
Table 6 Translation of requirements into the model ....................................................................... 54
Table 7 Mapping of core values...................................................................................................... 58
Table 8 Final mapping of core values ............................................................................................. 60
Table 9 Principles used in maturity models..................................................................................... 62
Table 10 Initial design of maturity model ....................................................................................... 65
Table 11 Practices involved in studied maturity models .................................................................. 67
Table 12 Practices involved in stage 1............................................................................................. 69
Table 13 Practices involved in stage 2............................................................................................. 70
Table 14 Practices involved in stage 3............................................................................................. 71
Table 15 Practices involved in stage 4............................................................................................. 73
Table 16 Practices involved in stage 5............................................................................................. 74
Table 17 Initial design of the model ............................................................................................... 76
Table 18 Initial design after participant observation ....................................................................... 80
Table 19 Matrix of experts on technical and process dimensions.................................................... 85
Table 20 Evaluation criteria............................................................................................................ 86
Table 21 Expert evaluation results.................................................................................................. 87
Table 22 Suggestion for improvement ............................................................................................ 91
Table 23 Adaptation of practices in Stage 2 .................................................................................... 93
Table 24 Scaled agile maturity model design after expert evaluation ............................................... 96
Table 25 Requirements of the design............................................................................................ 100
Table 26 Initial design .................................................................................................................. 102
Table 27 Criticisms on the model ................................................................................................. 104
Table 28 Expert evaluation interview probes ................................................................................ 120
Table 29 Indicators for the assessment criteria ............................................................................. 121
List of figures
Figure 1 Research design flow ........................................................................................................ 16
Figure 2 Phases of traditional project management methods(Palmquist, Lapham, Miller, Chick, &
Ozkaya, 2013) ................................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 3 Scrum process (Hicks & Foster,p.p 3,2010) ...................................................................... 25
Figure 4 Product and Platform mode of team scaling ..................................................................... 27
Figure 5 SAFe Big picture framework (Leffingwell, 2011) .............................................................. 28
Figure 6 Team, program and portfolio levels .................................................................................. 29
Figure 7 Portfolio level events........................................................................................................ 30
Figure 8 Different forms of ART (Leffingwell, 2011) ..................................................................... 31
Figure 9 Portfolio level events ........................................................................................................ 32
Figure 10 CMMI-DEV Maturity stages .......................................................................................... 39
Figure 11 Design flow of CMMI-DEV .......................................................................................... 40
Figure 12 Agile maturity model (Chetankumar Patel & Ramachandran, 2009) ................................ 41
Figure 13 Process improvement roadmap for AMM ...................................................................... 43
Figure 14 SPICE Maturity stages(Connor & Eds, 2013) ................................................................. 44
Figure 15 Matrix with agile levels and principles(Sidky et al., 2007)................................................. 46
Figure 16 Benefield’s technical maturity model............................................................................... 48
Figure 17 Adaptive systems ............................................................................................................ 50
Figure 18 Design flow .................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 19 Design pattern ................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 20 Initial Design pattern ...................................................................................................... 56
Figure 21 Design pattern of the model ........................................................................................... 56
Figure 22 Mapping of core values................................................................................................... 59
Figure 23 Stage 1 mapping ............................................................................................................ 60
Figure 24 Stage 2 and 4 mapping.................................................................................................... 61
Figure 25 Stage 3 and 5 mapping.................................................................................................... 61
Figure 26 Agile and scaled agile principles ...................................................................................... 63
Figure 27 Mapping of principles ..................................................................................................... 64
Figure 28 Scrum practices .............................................................................................................. 66
Figure 29 Scaled agile practices....................................................................................................... 67
Figure 30 Design pattern .............................................................................................................. 101
Figure 31 Revisiting design guidelines .......................................................................................... 106
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
This chapter represents the introductory part of the research by placing the research context – Scaled
agile software development (Section 1.2), stating the research problem and formulating the research
objective (Section 1.3) and stating the relevance to the conduct of the research (Section 1.4) Further,
the research questions are provided (Section 1.5) and an overview of the research planning in
investigating the research context is given (Section 1.6). Finally the delineations are presented in
section 1.7.
1Referencing my own paper submitted to Master Thesis definition course work, which relates to agile software
responding to change as a default factor and stressed mainly on the agile principles, which reads as
After a decade of innovative trends in agile practices which focused heavily on a team level,
organizations started looking for scaled agile practices in order to scale the agile practices from team
level to enterprise level. This is mainly due to criticisms for agile practices, which can be applied to
only one team rather than several teams working on a project(Reifer, Maurer, & Erdogmus, 2003). In
large-scale development organizations, agile breakdown into smaller tasks poses a serious challenge
due to complex dependencies between the teams which work on same project. These dependencies
can be either the dependencies between workflow in the development process, dependencies due to
different software artefacts, or dependencies due to tasks assigned to team members of different
teams(Sekitoleko, Evbota, Knauss, Sandberg, & Ab, 2014). Complexity of dependencies increases
with the size of the organization where several scrum teams work on a project. In addition,
organizations often discover misalignments between methods used by different teams when using
agile methodologies in a team level, in a large-scale setting(Tourtoglou & Virvou, 2012). Furthermore,
unsolved interdependencies between the teams may lead to long lead times and increase business
failure(Heikkila, Paasivaara, & Lassenius, 2013). Using agile on a team level empowers agility only
across a team. In order for the whole organization to embrace agility, agile methodologies need to
scale up from team level to higher levels. Thus there developed a need for scaled agile software
development among the organizations.
attempts to describe the implementation strategy or the maturation paths of these practices in adopting
the framework.
The problem of this research is formulated as such: Despite the availability of several frameworks,
which described the best practices in scaling agile across the enterprise, there is no clear understanding
on the maturation paths of these practices and assessment criteria in assessing the level of adoption
of these practices. Organizations lack a scaled agile maturity model that could help them in identifying
the areas of improvement of a certain practice and list of standard practices which needs to be in place
in evolving towards a scaled agile practice.
The problem owners are the large scale organizations that have several tea ms working towards a
common goal and could tap the advantage of such a model in adopting towards a scaled agile practice.
Though the model is aimed at being evaluated by experts in one organization from a specific industry
sector, we claim this as our ground work in bridging the gap discussed above. Our objective of this
research is:
“To develop a scaled agile maturity model that can help organizations which have adopted scaled agile methodologies,
in finding the areas of improvements in adapting to scaled agile practices and maturity path of those practices in stages”
As such, the maturity model will identify the stages of maturity of practices and assessment criteria in
evaluating the scaled agile practices used in those stages.
1.4.2 Scientific relevance
Next to the practical significance of this study, academic motivation also plays as a major driver to
conduct this research. This study will serve to the development of a new theoretical body of knowledge
contributing to the existing literature on scaled agile methodologies by introducing a scaled agile
maturity model to be used by the large scale organizations. Furthermore, this research aims in bridging
the gap in literature regarding the articles that address the problem of adaption of scaled agile
methodologies. A lot of research was conducted to investigate the scaled agile software development
and the implications of the framework available in the market, while the topic of maturity model is
only limitedly discussed in literature. Therefore, through this research, we would like to contribute to
the research community in the following domains: Scaled agile adoption and assessment criteria.
The very first stage of the design cycle is the problem identification and motivation for constructing
the new IS artefact. The second stage focusses on describing objectives of the solution, sequentially
after identifying the problem at stake. This step is translated as chapter 1 Introduction, in which we
introduced the problem statement, motivation and objectives of this research.
The third stage of the design cycle focusses on the design and development of our IS artefact, the
scaled agile maturity model. As a first step in design phase, we introduce the first sub-question which
focusses on gathering knowledge on the research context: Scaled agile software development and reads
as follows:
RQ1. What does the process of scaled agile development look like?
This chapter represents the domain description and supports the development of scaled agile maturity
model by looking at the agile and scaled agile software development in general, identifying the need
for scaled agile methodologies in large scale organizations and scaled agile practices. To answer this
question, two research methods are used. First a literature review of academic sources in addressi ng
the topic was made, and then participatory observation on the practices followed by a large scale
organization in real life context, will be performed.
The second research question aims to focus on the maturity models available in literature and design
constructs used by the models in designing them, mainly investigating the merits and demerits of the
design strategy employed by the models.
RQ2. What are the basic requirements which have to be considered in designing a scaled agile maturity
By answering this question, the requirements of designing the scaled agile maturity model will be
identified. After identifying the requirements, the research will aim at designing the model, and the
sub-question reads as follows:
RQ3: How does the initial design of scaled agile maturity model look like?
The answer to this question will provide the first version of the scaled agile maturity model. After the
design and development of the model, the next stage proposed by,al is the demonstration
stage in which the designed artefact is evaluated to observe and measure how well the artefact supports
the solution proposed in the design. Therefore the forth sub-question focusses on this concept and
reads as follows:
RQ4. What is the value of the scaled agile maturity model in a real life context?
This last question will serve as a way to validate the initial design of the model. Expert evaluation will
be used as a research method in answering this sub-question. Experts will be selected based on their
relevance to the proposed research context. TomTom was chosen as a company for the evaluation
stage, due to its situation in software industry which is relevant to our research objective - a large scale
organization with recent adaption to scaled agile methodologies. Since 2014, TomTom is engaged in
developing scaled agile practices across the enterprise with more than 200+ certified and trained scaled
agilists, which makes it suitable for such an evaluation.
1.6 Thesis outline and research planning
With regards to the outline, the final research project consists of a document of six chapters. As a
thumb of rule, each sub question relates to the chapter and corresponds to the sequential order of the
research questions. This section provides an overview of each chapter and their content.
Chapter 1.Introduction. This chapter provides the thesis definition, by introducing the problem
statement, research questions and methodology.
Chapter 2. Agile and Scaled agile software development. This chapter presents an extensive overview of the
agile and scaled agile software development methodologies in literature. Furthermore, process
involved in agile and scaled agile software development will be studied in detail, yielding the main
implications for the research context.
Chapter 3. Maturity models of agile software development. This chapter presents an overview on the agile
maturity models in literature. The main design constructs used in designing a model are discussed.
The possible merits and demerits of including certain design constructs will be investigated. Then,
based on the findings, requirements for initial design will be derived.
Chapter 4. Design and Development of scaled agile maturity model. This chapter presents the initial design of
the model with the requirements identified in Chapter 3. The requirements are then translated into
practical requirements for the model. Apart from the findings on requirements from chapter 3, it will
also include the findings on participatory observation on the practices followed by TomTom.
Chapter 5. Evaluation of scaled agile maturity model. This chapter presents the findings on the expert
evaluation phase explored in TomTom. This is done by presenting the initial design of the model to
various key actors in TomTom and validated for its initial objectives, consistency and completeness
of the model.
Chapter 6: Conclusions. This chapter answers the central research question, reflects on the research and
initial objectives proposed in the introductory chapter. Furthermore, it also includes the future
research questions and reflection in general on the research work.
Figure 1 below depicts the research design flow and helps to visualize the design flow as discussed
above. In addition it also provides an indication of how the sub-questions are organized as chapters.
As a rule of thumb, each sub-question has its own chapter.
Figure 1 Research design flow
1.7 Delineations
Delineations imposed by this research are mainly related to the adaptations to the original design cycle.
This study follows the six steps of design cycle as proposed by Peffers (Peffers et al., 2007).
However some of the steps had to be adjusted to fit the requirements and scope of this thesis, as
The first step, problem identification and motivation and second step, definition of objectives are
described in chapter 1. The third step, Design and development of the model are answered through
three sub-questions and along three chapters (2, 3, 4). After the design phase, Peffers introduce
the demonstration phase, in which the use of the artefact designed, is being demonstrated and
compared with initial objectives of a solution, which focused on ex-post level of evaluation. However
at this stage, due to exploratory nature of the research, we consider using ex-ante level of evaluation
with experts before finalizing the design. This is required at this stage to avoid the feedback loops, in
the further stages of evaluation. The results of expert evaluation are discussed in Chapter 5. Based on
this assessment final version of the scaled agile maturity model will be realized, and final conclusions
will be drawn in Chapter 6. However, ex-post evaluation proposed by Peffers (2007) cannot be
achieved at this stage and further research is required to accomplish the stage.
Chapter 2 Agile and scaled agile software development
This chapter represents the literature review on the research context as shown in the research flow
diagram Figure 1, in and answers the first research question:
RQ1. What does the process of scaled agile development look like?
The objective of this chapter is to provide the background on which the research is based: Agile and
scaled agile software development processes and practices which help the organization in reaching
particular maturity stage. This chapter is exploratory in nature and provides the first insights into what
an agile software development are principles and practices involved in ideal agile and scaled agile
software development.
To answer this sub-question 1, a systematic literature survey was conducted. This chapter is structured
as follows. The first section includes the method of literature survey used in selection of articles and
key words (Section 2.1). Next to that, a brief introduction of software development is given to get
acquainted with the practices and principles of software development in general (Section 2.2). Further
in section 2.3 agile software development and its processes are elaborated. Next to that, scaled agile
software development and its processes are described in section 2.4.
Throughout the literature survey, Scopus was mainly used as a search database to collect the
publications on the research context. The keywords such as agile software development, scaled agile
were used. The queried results were huge if a single query is used to collect the articles. Hence a
combination of keywords such as, ‘software development’, ‘agile’ and ‘scaled agile’ were used, as such
it will contain the main concepts of this research. The search resulted in several articles, most of them
relating to the category of Computer Science and Information Systems. However when the key word
“scaled agile” is used, it resulted in very few articles, describing the newness of the topic in the
academic world. The resulted articles were mostly related to the challenges faced in a large organization
in scaling up agile rather than the practical implications faced by the organization in adapting to scaled
agile practices. This research makes the first effort in bridging the aforementioned gap in literature.
include the discussion on agile principles which forms the backbone of agile software development
practices. Next to that, the need for approaches in scaling agile across the entire enterprise will be
Figure 2 Phases of traditional project management methods(Palmquist, Lapham, Miller, Chick, &
Ozkaya, 2013)
As seen from the figure 2, traditional project management methodologies has a series of sequential
steps in which the requirements are collected upfront before the start of the project. Also from this
representation, it can be pointed out that waterfall based approaches presume that the requirements
will remain unchanged during the course of the project. Next to that, the stage on analysis is done
only once in the course of the project and precedes with design phase. Followed by coding, testing
and integration which occurs single time during the phase of the project.
Problems arise when the goals of the project are changing due to new requirements from the customer
and each phase needs to be revisited several times. Since project management methodologies aims at
sequential process flow, revisiting the stages may lead to several time delays and customers may be left
unsatisfied either due to time creep or due to unavailability of their new requirements (Highsmith &
Cockburn, 2001). Being unresponsive to the changes required by the customer might prove ineffective
and therefore lead to customer dissatisfaction and business failure. In addition, traditional
methodologies focus extensively on documentation and needs a lot of rework if there is a change in
requirements in the middle of the project(Palmquist et al., 2013).
An effective solution for this would be to follow agile response in every phase of software
development by using agile methods, which assumes requirements are changing and there always
might be a need to revisit the previous stages of the project. To bridge this gap on demerits of
traditional waterfall based methods, agile software development approaches emerged which according
to Palmquist,
“an iterative and incremental approach to software development which is performed in a highly collaborative manner by
self-organizing teams within an effective governance framework with “just enough” ceremony that produces high quality
software in a cost effective and timely manner which meets the changing needs of its stakeholders ” (Palmquist et al.,
Agile’s philosophy mainly emphasizes the formation of holistic teams who are multifaceted and exhibit
both specialized and general skills. This redundant role would help them in reacting to emergent
situation and uncertainty, which makes agile unique in contrast to traditional approaches (Nerur &
Balijepally, 2007) 2. Furthermore, agile approaches are quick and adaptive to business changes when
new requirements emerge from the customer. This helps in more customer participation during the
course of project, ultimately leading to more customer satisfaction and business success. Palmquist thus describes agile software development approaches as a parallel world to wate rfall based
approaches, in which the systems evolve through a series of short iterations in which the stages on
analyze, design, code, test and integration occurs at each iteration, as opposed to sequential waterfall
based approaches(Palmquist et al., 2013).
The key differences highlighted by Palmquist et. al and Nerur are described in the table below..
2 Referenced from my own paper submitted to Master thesis definition course related to Agile software development
Table 2 Differences between traditional and agile software development methods
With respect to agile software development, scholars have different definitions on the term agility
which is highlighted in the table below.
Literature Definitions
(Conboy & “It is defined as the continual readiness of an entity to rapidly or inherently,
Fitzgerald, 2004) pro-actively or reactively, embrace change, through high-quality, simplistic,
economical components and relationships with its environment the
continual readiness of an entity”
(Highsmith, 2004) “Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit
in a turbulent business environment; it is the ability to balance flexibility
and stability”
(Qumer & “Agility is a persistent behavior or ability of an entity that exhibits flexibility
Henderson-Sellers, to accommodate expected or unexpected changes rapidly, follows the
2008) shortest time span, and uses economical, simple, and quality instruments in
a dynamic environment; agility can be evaluated by flexibility, speed,
leanness, learning, and responsiveness”
(Lee & Weidong “Software development agility is a team’s capability to efficiently and
Xia, 2009) effectively respond to and incorporate user requirement changes during the
project life cycle”.
Analyzing the definitions from various scholars, software development agility mainly stresses on the
team’s capability and culture to effectively respond to changes and efficiently collaborate with the
users to develop the software product. In order to make a consistent effort towards analyzing the
software development agility, four core values and twelve agile principles were formally introduced
and documented in the publication of the Agile manifesto in the year 2001(Lee & Weidong Xia, 2009).
“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change
for the customer's competitive advantage.
Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a
preference to the shorter timescale.
Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they
need, and trust them to get the job done.
The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
Working software is the primary measure of progress.
Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should
be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
Simplicity — the art of maximizing the amount of work not done — is essential.
The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts
its behavior accordingly”.
According to the Agile Manifesto, agile software development values individuals and interactions over
processes and tools, working software over documentation, customer collaboration over contract
negotiation and responding to change over following a plan. It promotes smaller and frequent delivery
of working software to effectively manage the emerging requirements of user. With these principles
and core values as backbone, several agile methods were developed in the recent years(Campanelli &
Parreiras, 2015). Some of the mainstream agile methodologies include Extreme programming (XP),
Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Feature-driven development (FDD), Dynamic systems Development Method
(DSDM), and Adaptive software development (ASD), Crystal and Rational Unified Process (RUP).
Each method focusses on a specific core value of agile and there is no particular standard on how a
methodology should implement its agile features. With scrum being the most popular and currently
the most adopted agile methodology in various organizations (Campanelli & Parreiras, 2015).
The process starts with scrum iteration called a sprint, which is the basic unit of workflow in scrum.
The sprint is a time-boxed effort that is prominent for a specific period of time. The duration is fixed
for each sprint, and is normally between one or two weeks, with two weeks being the common
duration among many organizations. Before each sprint, there is an initial planning phase called sprint
planning event that aims to define and identify the work for each sprint, and create a backlog of tasks
that has to be finished by the end of the sprint(Rising & Janoff, 2000). These tasks come from
prioritized list of tasks called product backlog, which contains all the potential features of the software
in general. Features which are selected to be implemented for a specific sprint forms the Sprint backlog.
Each sprint aims at delivering a potentially shippable increment to the application and delivering a valuable
functionality to the customers, where potentially shippable increment denotes a piece of working
software that can be used by the customers. During the sprint, the team conducts daily scrum meetings
to discuss the progress made by the team towards the end goal. However, requirements remain fixed
for that Sprint (time-boxed), meaning that no change is allowed in the sprint backlog once it is finalized
and development is started. New requirements are sent to the product backlog and queued up to the
subsequent sprint sessions. At the end of each sprint, there is a review session to review the work done
during the sprint to the respective stakeholders and sprint retrospective session, which identifies lessons to
be learned and improvements for the next sprints(Hicks & Foster, 2010).
Figure 3 Scrum process (Hicks & Foster,p.p 3,2010)
In order to effectively follow the scrum process, few key roles are established:
the decisions made during the scrum meetings and initiate the actionable results for the
decisions(Rising & Janoff, 2000).
Furthermore, it has been highlighted that using an agile framework such as scrum, only on the team
level can lead to dependency and synchronization problems(Kaehkoenen, 2004). This is widely noticed
in large scale organizations, which has dependencies between several teams working on a similar
project. As defined by Sekitoleko (2014),these dependencies can be either the dependencies
between workflow in the development process, dependencies due to different software artefacts, or
dependencies due to tasks assigned to team members of different teams(Sekitoleko et al., 2014).
Complexity of dependencies increases with the size of the organization, due to increase in teams
working on a project. In addition, organizations often discover misalignments between methods used
by different teams when using agile methodologies in a team level, in a large-scale setting(Tourtoglou
& Virvou, 2012). Furthermore, unsolved interdependencies between the teams may lead to long lead
times and increase business failure(Heikkila et al., 2013). Using agile on a team level empowers agility
only across a team. In order for the whole organization to embrace agility, agile methodologies need
to scale up from team level to higher levels.
2.3.1 Scaling software development
Large-scale software development is often large in scope in terms of projects, number of team working
on project, diversity of customers and end goal. Ozkaya inroduces 2 types of scaling, when the
scope increases in a large scale sofware development: Team scaling and Time scaling.
Team dimensions of scale relates to multiple teams working towards the end goal, but with different
tasks. In a large-scale software development, there are often multiple teams within an organization
that must collaborate and provide input to the software product development. It needs careful
orchestration and effective processes for seamless collaboration of these teams in working towards
the end goal(Ozkaya, Gagliardi, & Nord, 2013). This can either be multiple teams working on a project
(product mode) or multiple teams working on multiple products that is part of a program (Platform
In contrast, time dimension of scaling relates to duration of the software development and lifecycle
of the software development process on the whole. Over time, technology and the system may
undergo changes in various ways. In response to the changes, the system needs to rhythmically scale
up taking lifecycle budgeting, planning and milestone planning into account(Ozkaya et al., 2013).
Among the two dimensions, team dimension is typically the very frequent perspective often being
concerned in the software development from team level to enterprise level.
multinational organization(Laanti, 2014). For sake of understanding the scaled agile software
development, we provide a short description of SAFe framework and its process in scaling agile from
team levels to higher levels.
Developed and created by Dean Leffingwell, the scaled agile framework is a highly structured and
prescriptive template that supports large-scale IT organizations to embrace agility across the whole
enterprise. SAFe framework uses agile practices which are used in the real world and extrapolates the
agile practices from team level to enterprise level(Leffingwell, 2011). The framework is developed
under version currently and is publicly available as a big picture format as shown below in Figure 5
(Leffingwell, 2011). This framework is studied for its principles, practices and processes, which will
represent general body of scaled agile methodologies in this research in developing a scaled agile
maturity model.
SAFe Big Picture represents the holistic visual representation of the framework. And uses already
existing agile methodologies such as Scrum and lean(Leffingwell, 2011). In simple words, the
framework is divided into three levels, namely team, program, and portfolio levels. It follows team
dimension in separating the practices followed in these 3 levels.
Figure 6 Team, program and portfolio levels
Team level
On the team level, the framework proposes scrum as the basic element in delivering a potentially
shippable increment towards the end product.. Individually, teams practice scrum principles and
ceremonies such as Sprint planning, retrospective, daily stand ups etc and the team members
collaboratively work on the tasks/items enlisted in their team’s backlog. As such, every team will have
its own backlog of tasks in delivering a potentially shippable increment to the product level goal. The
team level goals of multiple teams will form the product goals at the program level. Hence scaling to
higher levels is achievable, if only the team level has 100% achievement of agile practices. Thus it can
be well noted that ‘being agile at the team level acts as a main pillar in scaling up agile’
Program level
The program level supports in organizing several teams working on a similar project or having multiple
dependencies, in a collaborative manner in order to scale up the agile practices to a step higher than
the team level. Program level helps in aligning the teams with a similar vison and goals for the end
task. Each product in the program level will have its own prioritized program backlog/items which
had to be delivered to the customer at periodic intervals. Together all the teams working on a specific
product in the program level, form Program increment (PI) objectives. These objectives are the
summarized description of the specific business and technical goals intended by the teams to achieve
in the program increment. Thus, similar to Sprint planning in team level, program level has Program
increment planning. Similarly the program level has its own program backlog compared to sprint
backlog in the team level. In the team level, only one team works towards providing working software
increment, whereas in the program level, several teams work together to develop a Program increment
In order to contribute to the PI objectives at the program level, all the teams and team members
should collectively come together for planning and discussion. Such an event is named as Program
increment (PI) planning, can be put in simple words as program level sprint planning with different teams.
The goal of agile/ scaled agile software development is to frequently deliver valuable increments of a
solution at periodic intervals, which is accomplished via stream of releases. With every release, the
organization delivers more value to the customer. SAFe uses the name of “Agile release train (ART)”,
for such releases, in which 5-12 teams plans, commits, and executes the release together at periodic
intervals. ART forms the major construct of SAFe framework, which helps in providing cadence and
synchronization, which forms the pillar in moving towards a scaled agile environment. The releases
are planned during a 2-day planning event (PI planning), which involves all the stakeholders forming
the program level.
It should also be noted that, ART differs in accordance with the company size and distribution, as
shown below in the figure.
Figure 8 Different forms of ART (Leffingwell, 2011)
As can be seen in the figure, organizations differ in their products and number of teams working
towards the product. Each team creates a value stream. There can be either multiple value streams in
a single ART, or multiple ARTs forming a single value stream.(Leffingwell, 2011). However SAFe big
picture, illustrates the case of single ART, in which the team value streams fit well within the limit.
Similar to the scrum roles in the team level, program level also includes essential roles in order to
effectively perform the portfolio level events such as ART in an organization. This is listed as follows:
more clearly to the developers as what the functionality is, before they start to develop the features.
UX designers take the responsibility of visually describing how the feature will improve the quality of
interaction between the users and software. They provide the relevant technical infrastructure to
support the implementation of PI objectives. System architects have the technical responsibility in
creating the overall architecture for a new feature implementation in PI objectives. Architecture refers
to the definition of abstract higher-level requirements and definition of interfaces between different
sub-systems (black boxes), when a new feature is introduced in the application(Leffingwell, 2011).
Portfolio level
Portfolio level is the highest level of concern in the framework. The portfolio level includes basic
governance mechanisms that helps in assuring that the investments across different agile release trains
at the program level, provides necessary returns to the enterprise. The essential events of the level are
highlighted in the figure below.
Portfolio level consists of a program portfolio management system which looks after the activities at
the portfolio level and takes the responsibilities for strategy and investment funding across different
ARTs. They also calculate the financial, technological and business constraints, and further implement
a portfolio solution strategy for ensuring perfect running of agile release trains. In addition, portfolio
level will contribute to Business epics, which capture and reflect the new business ideas that can be used
as an input across different product units in the program level. These epics form the backlog at the
portfolio level and acts as a highest priority backlog in the framework.
2.3.3 Scaled agile principles and core values
With scaled agile levels being defined, it is also essential to investigate the principles SAFe follows in
defining the framework. The practices encouraged in different levels of the SAFe framework, takes its
shape from its core principles(Leffingwell, 2011). The principles include:
Principle Description
Take an economic In order to achieve best value and quality at shorter lead times, it is
view essential to develop a value stream economic framework which illustrates
the costs of delay, operational and development costs etc.
Apply systems It is essential to apply systems thinking in the scaled agile environment,
thinking which mainly focusses in understanding the system by investigating the
interactions among the components that make up the system
Assume variability: Responding to emerging requirements
Preserve options
Base milestones on Each integration should provide an opportunity to evaluate the solution,
objective evaluation frequently and throughout the life cycle of the project. This in turn helps
of working systems in financial, technical and fitness for purpose.
Decentralized Distributed decision making across different levels: team, portfolio, and
decision making program
From the principles, it can be noted that the characteristics on alignment, transparency and
incremental building of technical solution plays an essential role among the practices involved in
scaling the agile practices across the enterprise. Though SAFe helps in achieving substantial
improvements in scaling agile to higher levels than team levels, we believe that there is truly no one
solution to every challenge an organization faces in scaling agile. With its principles and practices SAFe
provides a prescriptive method of how scaling agile across the organization can look like and its
artifacts which has to be in place for the successful implementing practices at scale. However given
the complexity of unique challenges each and every organization faces, it needs an orchestrated
tailoring and customization before being implemented in an organization. In addition to that, SAFe
provides a big picture of what has to be done in scaling agile, but misses the factor on describing the
step by step implementation of those practices, which is highly relevant for an organization to find
areas of improvement (if already adopted to scaled agile methodologies) or areas of achievement (if
not adopted to Scaled agile methodologies).
RQ1. What does the process of scaled agile software development look like?
Using literature review, we determined that scaled agile software development takes a process of
scaling the agile practices from team level to program and portfolio level, by taking team dimension
as the pillar of scaling factor. We also identified different artefacts and practices used in scaled agile
methodologies and its level of abstraction between different levels. We also found that, most of the
agile/scaled agile frameworks defined in the literature are backed up with agile/ scaled agile principles
and core values as the foundation for defining the practices in different levels. It is also identified that,
scaling of agile practices to higher level than team level can occur, only when the team level has clearly
an agile element in the way of working. And number of unique challenges across different
organizations, indicates that the scaled agile practices enlisted by the frameworks cannot be a perfect
solution, unless the solution is tailored and customized according to the needs of the organization. By
combining these findings, along with literature on agile maturity models, we will be able to provide
the description on potential pillars of the scaled agile maturity model.
Chapter 3 Maturity models of agile software development
3.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces the design guidelines has to be taken into account to design the scaled agile
maturity model and answers the second sub research question:
RQ2. What are the basic requirements which have to be considered in designing a scaled agile maturity model?
We have seen in the previous Chapter 2 Agile and scaled agile software development that core
principles and core values form the backbone of the practices enlisted in agile and scaled agile
methodologies. Therefore, design of the maturity model which takes agile/scaled agile methodologies
into account should also employ core principles and values into model. Besides core principles and
values, there are certain other elements which have to be considered in designing the model. Thereby
a systematic literature review is conducted with the goal of identifying main requirements and
characteristics of agile and scaled agile software development using agile maturit y models. In addition
to that, scaled agile methodologies take their roots with agile software development; hence it is
essential to analyze already existing agile maturity models in the academic world. Furthermore, by
using this approach and answering the second research question, the main pillars for designing scaled
agile maturity model can be identified.
This chapter is structured as follows. First a literature review on definitions of “maturity” in terms of
software development is studied. Then, maturity models for agile software development are studied,
by looking at the related studies in this area. The aim of this exercise is to investigate the main factors
used by various maturity models in designing the model. The potential merits and demerits of different
maturity models are studied to analyze the elements that have to be considered in the design. Due to
large number of publications available in literature, a selection process is defined as why only few
models were considered in the review. In the final part of this chapter, key findings from the
exploration of maturity models and main design guidelines of the model are drawn.
Glimko (2001) gives a description on maturity models as “Maturity models describe the
development of an entity over time. This entity can be anything of interest: a human being, an
organizational function, etc.”(G.Klimko, 2001). Willem (2007) defines maturity model as a
“Structured collection of elements that describe the characteristics of effective processes at different
stages of development. It also suggests points of demarcation between stages and methods of
transitioning from one stage to another” (Willem.P, 2007). In addition to that, many publications refer
to the description provided by CMMI as a basic definition in defining a maturity model, which is
described as “A framework representing a path of improvements recommended for software
organizations that want to increase their software process capability”
Though these definitions give us the bottom line on the usage of maturity models, we need a clear
understanding on elements of such a model and meaning of maturity in general. The term maturity is
defined as “the state of being mature: fullness or perfection of development or growth” in oxford
English dictionary. Further in the field of Information technology, maturity is normally referred to
capabilities, in which capability is described as “the power or ability in general to fulfill specified tasks
and goals” (Simpson & Weiner, 1989). Hence from a linguistic perspective maturity models will serve
to ensure the conditions of growth when a specific element reaches the perfect state in their intended
purposes(Wendler, 2012).
Next characteristic which has to be investigated when such a fullness of growth/maturity is reached
is the perspective on the end goal of designing such a maturity model. Tom (2009) defines two
perspectives in defining the purpose of maturity models: Life cycle perspective and Potential performance
perspective (Tom McBride, 2009). Life cycle perspective measures the state of the growth of the process
areas, taking the evolution of an organization into account in evaluating the maturity. This perspective
names the final stage as “Fully mature” and represents the ideal stage of maturity. This perspective
aims at fulfilling certain characteristics at a particular stage of maturity and can evolve to next stage
only if the characteristics are fully performed. Whereas, potential performance perspective defines the
maturity stages through means of a development path which focusses more on the potential
improvements which might occur by moving along the model. This perspective gives user the final
decision to decide which stage of maturity is the “level of completeness” according to their
situation(Wendler, 2012).
To summarize, maturity models define and explain the state of perfection or completeness of certain
elements or objects and ensures a desired evolution or performance path along clear discrete stages.
Though life cycle perspective provides a hard rule in evolving towards a maturity stage, we claim that
the user should have final decision to decide the completeness of the element. This is in line with the
argument that, every organizations face multitude of challenges and there can’ t be a unique solution
to all kind if challenges faced by an organization. Hence we claim taking the “Potential performance”
perspective into account in our design. Our idea comes in intersection with the definition provided
by Becker (2009) “A maturity model consists of a sequence of maturity levels for a class of objects. It represents
an anticipated, desired, or typical evolution path of these objects shaped as discrete stages. Typically, these objects are
organizations or processes or practices”(Becker, Knackstedt, & Pöppelbuß, 2009) This definition forms the
basis of the research in exploring the maturity models, which forms the following section.
3.2.2 Selection criteria
During the process of searching for a range of publications in the domain of agile maturity model, it
was noticed that there are more than 40 maturity models published in the literature to date (May 2016).
Among the models published, only few models were considered popular in the business world and
have proven benefits, through case studies. Since the evaluation of the agile maturity models plays an
important role in this research, few additional inclusion criteria’s are established in selecting a maturity
model for literature review. The inclusion criteria’s include,
1) The model/ framework should entail a detailed description of the model and should have
detailed analysis on the maturation path enlisted in the model.
2) The research/study should have been enlisted in one of the major conference
proceedings/journals relevant to IS research domain (such as International conference on
Information systems (ICIS), European conference on Information systems (ECIS) etc.), which
is considered as an indicator from the academic perspective of the model.
3) The model/framework should entail a discussion on the procedural issues.
Search was based on electronic databases such as Scopus, IEEE and google scholar. The research
domains such as Information systems, computer science or business and management are included
during the search. Search strings such as “maturity model”, “capability model”, “and process
improvement model” were used. Following section provides a literature review on the publications
which resulted after the initial scanning of the publications through the selection criteria
the assessment of the capability for each process areas such as requirements management, software
design, software delivery etc. Thus an organization can choose a set of already named processes which
needs improvement, particular to the selected process areas(CMMI Product Team, 2010).
Staged representation of the model describes 5 levels of process improvement from a level of poorly
developed process level to a highly mature process level. As discussed, CMMI-DEV has a strict
schedule of progress towards the end goal before maturing to the next stage of maturity.
CMMI-DEV has an advantage of including 2 representations for the model and models of each
representation also have their own advantages. However, the criteria on which representation has to
be employed in what kind of situation, is missed out in the design. Furthermore, CMMI-DEV
describes 22 process areas, which may add overhead in terms of documentation. In order to go
through the vast set of documented requirements, organizations may require additional resources for
implementation which may additionally pose additional time and effort. The characteristics of the
CMMI-DEV makes it more of a waterfall or traditional approach, due to its structured way of progress
towards a maturity level and software development teams might oppose such a model as it is not fluid
enough to collaborate with teams working in agile culture. For instance when looking at the design
flow (Figure 11), we recognize that the organizations implementing CMMI-DEV, should go through
three levels of gates in a particular stage. A goal of the process area has practices, and further practices
have sub-practices. Level of completion takes a bottom up approach in which, sub-practices has to be
fulfilled for the practice to be named as “complete” and again the goals are evaluated for completeness
against the completed practices.
Figure 11 Design flow of CMMI-DEV
Following a stage gate model along the maturity paths represents the model is strictly waterfall and
lacks agility when there is a change in the requirements along the course of maturity. This clearly
follows the life cycle perspective of maturity models and considered as a disadvantage.
The model consists of 5 stages, as illustrated in the figure below,
Level 1: Initial Level (no goals definedl)
Level 2: Explored (project planning, stakeholders orientation practices)
Level 3: Defined Level (Customer relationship management, software quality)
Level 4: Improved (Project management)
Level 5: Mature level (Performance Management )
Level 1 Company does not have any defined agile software development practices and follow the
traditional waterfall based approaches.
Patel defines an organization with level 2 capability experiencing fewer problems in software
development than level 1. Main goals in maturing to level 2 would be project planning, Improving
agile requirements engineering, customer and stakeholder’s orientation practices and enhancing value,
collaboration and planning practices.
Level 3 is denoted by more focus on customer relationship management, frequent deliveries, pair
programming, communication, coding, testing and quality of software (Chetankumar Patel &
Ramachandran, 2009). After enhancing processes involved in planning and requirement analysis in
level 2, level 3 focusses more on the technical practices like coding/testing practices, and also on the
practices related to customer relationship management. As such, it also represents that when an
organization matures to level 3, most of the technical problems are solved but the problems related
to human factor such as team level challenges and organization problems exists. This is in contrast to
what we assume as agile mindset/culture. Organization with traditional waterfall based approaches
will need to know what agile methodologies are, as a first step towards adapting to agile. With line of
argumentation that the agile methodologies are a parallel world to traditional waterfall approaches, we
argue that the initial stage should focus on illustrating the differences between agile and waterfall,
through means of proper training and getting people acquainted to agile way of working.
Level 4 denotes the maturity in project management and people orientation practices. The goals of
this level are mostly related to teams. The AMM at level 4 maturity aims to help stakeholders respect
for the co-workers, identify and improve problems related to team level such as self-organizing skills,
self-assignment tasks and collaboration.
Level 5 maturity helps in continually improving the software development processes involved in an
organization through project performance management (Chetankumar Patel & Ramachandran, 2009).
The main goals of this level include faster response to changes and defect prevention.
In addition to the maturity levels, Patel also defines a software process improvement roadmap
for agile software development practices. They describe an agile adaptability and suitability assessment
which helps in effective implementation of agile practices through AMM. The purpose of involving
this process is to ensure the readiness of different team members, in adapting to certain level of
maturity (Chetankumar Patel & Ramachandran, 2009).
Identification of KPAs (Key process areas) through assessing the maturity level forms the next step
in the roadmap. Depending on the goals indicated in the individual maturity level, key process areas
of improvement has to be analyzed. AMM assessment questionnaires play an important role at this
stage, which would help in identifying the KPAs. Validation of the model is conducted with group of
experts; however evaluation of the model in the business world still remains.
Figure 13 Process improvement roadmap for AMM
To summarize, AMM implementation has a similar structure to CMMI and defines the agile maturity
through 5 levels: from initial to sustained mature level. The model has been developed with the
purpose of adapting business objectives with SPI (software process improvement) practices and
enhances the adaptability of agile software development across the organization. For each maturity
level, key process areas, objectives and assessment criteria are defined to help in assessing the maturity
level. However, AMM lacks to identify all the essential practices used in agile software development
and lacks argumentation behind why the practices included at each level and basis of including certain
practices in certain process areas. This makes us question the inclusion of certain practices on certain
levels of the model and the consistency of levels. For instance, we argue that the team level should be
considered at the initial stage in the model, but not in the stage 4.
particular level resonates CMMI’s structure, whereas the maturity stage is different from
CMMI(Connor & Eds, 2013).
Each of the capability levels contains one or more process attributes. Each of the process attributes
has one or more practices which need to be achieved in order to achieve a particular process attribute.
So clearly it follows the same design flow of CMMI (Figure 11 Design flow of CMMI-DEV). But there
are slight differences in the process areas. SPICE and CMMI-DEV, both address continuous process
improvement. SPICE defines 6 capability levels whereas CMMI-DEV defines 4 capability levels. This
means that a process in SPICE can continue to improve up to the 6th capability level independent of
the other processes, whereas in CMMI-DEV a process area which reaches 4th capability level cannot
improve itself further independently. To further improve a process area, some high maturity process
areas need to be deployed which help in improving all other process areas. This means that even in
CMMI-DEV’s continuous process improvement, processes cannot continue to improve
independently after reaching 4th level. However the concerns of being waterfall exist in SPICE as
SMM defines 5 levels,
Level 1- Initial
Level 2- Managed
Level 3- Defined
Level 4- Quantitatively managed
Level 5-Optimizing
Level 1 is the first and lowest level of maturity, defines an organization that uses Scrum, but lacks any
structured process in achieving the goals In the sense, the organizations which lack in any kind of
scrum methodology is classified as belonging to this level (Yin et al., 2011).
Level 2 is almost similar to that of AMM defined by Patel, with similar goals focused on software
requirements engineering and basic scrum management.
Level 3 is focused more on the customer relationship management and Iteration management, with
both goals leading to best customer satisfaction.
Level 4 of scrum maturity aims in boosting the practices in standardizing the project management
and process management.
Level 5 focus on continuous self-improvement and self-learning practices to help compete with the
competitive IT market and helps in achieving higher levels of customer satisfaction and also from
other stakeholders.
To summarize, the characteristics in assessing the adaption level of the maturity model is limited to
scrum. It provides a perspective for the assessing the scrum maturity in an organization. However,
there it lacks in defining a structured process to tell the users an assessment criteria to validate the
responses. This model includes seven goals which refer to the process areas and software processes.
Since the maturity model focusses on the scrum management principles, certain technical practices
are not covered in evaluating the maturity level of the agile process.
As described by the scholars, the motivation behind developing a SAMI is mainly due to the main
concerns of the organizations to determine the readiness of the team members to adapt to agile. But
the agile potential (i.e the degree to which the entity can adopt agile practices) is determined not only
by its practices and team members, but also influenced by the circumstances surrounding them. There
is a need for a measurement index to assess the potential agility of an organization (Sidky et al., 2007).
Level 3: Effective
Level 4: Adaptive
Level 5: Encompassing
Level 1 focusses on the team level dynamics and aims at improving the self-organizing nature of agile
teams, and aims at improving the people factor.
Level 2 aims at improving the evolutionary nature of the artefact developed, through software
configuration management strategies
Level 3 helps in improving the effective software development practices across the enterprise and
tends to focus more on the technical perspective of the model
Level 4 focusses on the practices which help in uncertainty situations and continuous tracking of
emerging requirements.
Level 5 aims at the highest level of maturity, in which the organization is assumed to be completely
mature and include all the practices which represent the ideal situation for an agile environment.
The authors ensured that the agile levels had an agility factor into consideration and agile principles
play a major role in design. The agile principles introduced in the measurement index directly reflect
the agile manifesto introduced in the year 2001(Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001).
The Agile Practices are grouped according to the agile levels and the agile
principles. Each of the practices adheres to the agile principles introduced in the columns (Sidky
et al., 2007). Once the matrix is populated with the agile practices, couple of approaches is used to
assess the achievement of those practices in a particular level. These approaches can be either a single
factor or many factors which can be grouped together to collaboratively help in assessing the level of
achievement of a particular practice. (Sidky et al., 2007). However the model does not include best
practices in the software industry, which guides the software process improvement. For instance the
sprint ceremonies such as daily stand up, sprint planning etc acts as a backbone on the team level to
embrace agility. These practices are not incorporated in the model, which makes it less usable in the
real world scenario.
defines agile maturity with seven dimensions: Automated Regression Testing, Code Quality Metrics,
Automated Deployment and Backout, Automated Builds and Configuration, Management best
practices, Interlocked Delivery and Interface Integration Testing, Test Driven Development (TDD),
Performance and Scalability Testing (Benefield, 2010).This is one of the few models which look
explicitly into technical considerations and its maturity in defining the maturity of the agi le practices .
In addition Benfield also introduces several definitions in his model, which are considered essential in
describing the characteristics of the model.
The following terms are the exact definitions of Benefield used in his publication, pertaining to the seven
dimensions of maturity(Benefield, 2010):
Figure 16 Benefield’s technical maturity model
After defining the seven dimensions on maturity, Benefield defines a maturity model with 5 levels.
Level 1: Emergent engineering best practices
Level 2: Continuous practices at component level
Level 3: Cross component continuous integration
Level 4: Cross journey continuous integration
Level 5: On demand just in time releases.
The goal of Level 1 is to improve series of inconsistencies among the teams by establishing a common
base of software development practices, which will act as a solid foundation for the team to build
further practices upon. For this, Benefield introduces certain practices such as unit testing, code
reviews, code quality management and common coding standards at this level (Benefield, 2010).
The goal of Level 2 is to introduce a rhythm in the development activities within the developemtn
team. Practices such as automation and build –deploy test scripts are introduced at this level to ensure
the same kind of practices are consistently used both in the developmental activities and softw are
production launches.
Within Level 3, Benefield introduces practices for continuous integration and to reduce the length of
cycle releases. For instance, practices such as continuous delivery, test driven development, Model
driven development are introduced to improve frequent releases of software to the customers, in
contrast to bigger releases with longer release cycles.
Level 4 aims at bringing the effective engineering practices as a routine among the development team.
Practices such as refactoring, test automation, shorter release cycles and continuous integration are
acquainted and there exists a closer and more organized collaboration between the organization and
the customers.
At Level 5, Benfield defines the team to be highly mature in the technical practices and team quickly
understands any deviation from the development environment. He defines the level at which the
teams continuously produce software which can be released to the customer any time (Benefield,
To summarize, the Benfield’s model, describes agile maturity in a more technical perspective than a
managerial perspective. The main drawback of this model is the lack of description on practices which
has to be included in every other stage of maturity, in order for the organization to come up with the
assessment of maturity level and key process areas which needs further improvement. Furthermore,
the model does not come up with detailed characteristics or practice based goals, which might be
helpful for an organization to validate the process improvements areas. Next to that, it lacks
visualization of the model which makes it less convenient to look up for stages or practices involved
in the stages.
As discussed earlier, maturity models acts as a tool in defining the user how an element matures. In
software development field, the element may refer to the agile team, which may use the proclamation
used in the maturity models to assess its own situation and find the specific areas of improvement to
achieve highest level of maturity (Fontana, Meyer, Reinehr, & Malucelli, 2015). In the past years,
process improvement is based mainly on the principles and guidelines stated by the Capability Maturity
Model Integration (CMMI-DEV) and International Standard ISO/IEC 15504 SPICE (CMMI
Product Team, 2010).
Various other maturity models take its inspiration from CMMI for its design and implementation(C
Patel & Ramachandran, 2009). However CMMI-DEV suffers from criticisms for its waterfall
approach and its method of documenting various process initiatives. As a matter of fact, when creating
any model or framework for agile software development, agility should be at the goal of the model. It
has been studied that agility cannot be sustained to the highest maturity levels if the improvement path
suggests various process definitions. In addition, it has also been studied that the model will have the
highest possible ability to hinder sustaining agility at increased process definition levels (Lukasiewicz
& Miler, 2012)(Paulk, 2001). It highlights the point that the models which take Life cycle perspective
into account through strict regulations to move from stage A to stage B, suffers from serious agility
issues. This is due to higher process definitions at one stage which has to be fully accomplished before
moving to a succeeding stage. This in term is contrast to the agile environment which places people
over processes, and focusses on adaptive environment instead of a predefined system. Therefore
taking potential performance perspective into account which defines the maturity stage as a
development path with focus on the potential improvements or outcomes can help in sustaining agility
factor throughout the model. In addition, this perspective gives the choice of final decision to the
user, stressing on the fact that there can’t be a unique solution to all kind of challenges faced by the
Furthermore, the agile manifesto describes “placing people and interaction over process and tools”, which
forms the major point of discussion at this point(Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001). The Agile manifesto,
which forms the backbone of all agile models/frameworks, describes placing people (driven by self-
organizing behavior) over process and tools (driven by documentation) and places uncertainty over
following a plan. This core value of being adaptive to external changes should also be reflected in the
agile models/frameworks developed. If the principle is not stressed enough in a model, then the model
cannot have its name as Agile, but rather a generic model.
Further studies also represent “agile teams as complex adaptive systems, which respond to each other’s behavior in
order to improve their behavior and thus the behavior of the system they comprise” (D.Stacey, Griffin, & Shaw,
2002). Complex adaptive systems such as an agile or scaled agile team tend to adapt to the changes
introduced in the environment in the due course of the project, instead of following a predefined
process from the start till the end. This is one of the essential features, which differentiates agile
software development approaches to traditional software development methodologies. In line with
this argumentation, if the agile and scaled agile teams aim at being mature in this perspective of
adapting to external changes through a maturity model, the model should explicitly consider
exploration and exploitation of practices into account in adapting to the system. It is in our view there
is an essential need to shift the focus from prescribing predefined processes in defining maturity to
ambidextrous nature of taking a broader subjective view, in which people play an essential role instead
of predefined processes. With this line of argumentation, we claim that maturity of an adaptive system
such as an agile system cannot be based on a continuous predefined process, rather a continuous
process of combining exploitation and exploration of practices involving agility (Fontana et al., 2015).
Based on these characteristics, we build upon three design guidelines for the design. Further these
guidelines are translated into practical requirements for the initial design of the scaled agile maturity
Design guideline 1 directly corresponds to the criticisms on strict regulation based waterfall
approach used in agile maturity models
Maturing of agile systems cannot be based on waterfall based strict regulations in maturing from one stage to another.
Design Guideline 2 stresses on the importance of practices in the design, as suggested by various other
maturity models in literature. The group of essential practices (so called best practices), has been
implemented in each of the maturity models. And also be stressed on the fact that, organizations vary
in culture and teams are too context dependent. With respect to these practices, the model should
rather act as a point of initial discussion or guide to start exploring certain unadopted practices or start
aiming at improving the practices through assessment criteria. We also argued about the necessity of
ambidextrous nature of the teams in adapting to external changes in contrast to following a predefined
process flows. This line of argumentation is translated as design guideline 2 as follows:
Maturing in agility is too context dependent and models should act as a guide leaving space to emergency of behaviors .
Quite a few maturity models lack in argumentation behind choosing certain process areas and
inclusion of certain practices in a particular level. This made us question the consistency of the model
across different levels. This line of argumentation is translated as design guideline 3 as follows:
These three guidelines arrived at in this section act as a baseline in the design of the model. The
following section deals with the adaptation of these guidelines into practical requirements needed for
the design
Design Guideline 1 stresses on the importance of not being waterfall by introducing strict regulation
for each stage. Practically this guideline can be translated into a model only when the model doesn’t
have any stages of maturity. However, this in term is in contrast to the notion of a maturity model
which helps in denoting how an agile team evolves through stages of maturity. We have two kinds of
interesting notions on maturity model at this point. One is that the maturity model should focus on
the stages, but should not entail a strict regulation in moving from one stage to another. On the other
hand the maturity model, definition per se should claim to have stages of maturity to be called as a
maturity model. In order further discuss on these contrasting opinions, we also consider the design
guideline 2 in this argumentation. As a guideline 2, we added the perspective of developing the
ambidextrous ability of the teams to mature in scaled agile software development, which is a challenge,
given that there is not such a unique recipe for such ambidexterity for every unique problems faced
by the organizations. By combining the guidelines 1 and 2, we propose a different notion on maturity
models which will act as a guide to the team, in getting to know about the scaled agile practices and
its potential outcomes better. This will aim to help in fostering alignment (exploitation) with
prospective outcomes but leaving space for the emergence of variety (exploration) by not prescribing
or forcing the practices the team should implement, however giving an idea on how the practices can
be implemented in stages. In this way, the model supports the discussion for the agile team in exploring
the practices. We also claim by this research that the notion on maturity model focusing on establishing
specific process areas should change in which teams should focus on adapting practices which remain
supportive to their working environment rather than predefined processes and practices established
as stages
Design guideline 3 stresses on the agile factor, which is directly translated into principle, core values
and practices corresponding to both agile and scaled agile software development.
To summarize, we investigated various maturity models existing in literature and reviewed different
aspect of the models such as design flow, merits and demerits of the design constructs, in this chapter.
We answered the sub-question,
RQ2. What are the requirements which have to be considered in designing a scaled agile maturity model?
We determined that the main guidelines for the model will include: 1) Agile and Scaled agile practices,
principles and core values 2) Ambidextrous nature of the practices 3) Discussion tool in evaluating
the nature of practices.
We arrived at these requirements by means of three design guidelines resulted from the literature
review of five agile maturity models. The guidelines mainly stressed on avoiding strict regulations in
the model, taking context dependent nature of practices into account and agility factor which has to
be considered in building a model for agile/scaled agile software development. In addition, we also
claimed that agile systems are adaptive systems, and maturity model for such a system cannot be based
on a continuous process, rather should be a discontinued process of combining exploitation and
exploration of practices involving agility. By combining these findings and other aspects of the model
we will focus on the design of the maturity model in the preceding chapter.
Chapter 4 Design and Development of Scaled agile maturity
4.1 Introduction
This chapter develops the design of the maturity model for scaled agile development and answers
the third sub-question:
RQ3: How does the initial design scaled agile maturity model look like?
Based on the sub-question, this chapter is structured as follows. First, the requirements which form
the basis of the maturity model is discussed (Section 4.2). After which the requirements are studied
in-depth in different sections. Section 4.2.1 discusses the translation of the requirements into the
model by explaining the stages of the maturity model. Section 4.2.2 discusses about the agile and scaled
agile principles which plays a major role in driving the design towards following scaled agile
methodologies. Further, section 4.2.3 deals with the discussion on the scaled agile practices which are
included in each stage of the maturity model and the rationale behind choosing specific practices for
a particular maturity stage. Section 4.2.4 discusses the indicators which help in determining the agility
of the practices at each stage. Finally, section 4.2.5 discusses the assessment criteria which have to be
followed in assessing the maturity stage of an organization.
Figure 18 Design flow
As a first step towards constructing the design pattern, we take the design guideline 3, in
acknowledging the core values or principles in defining the levels. This is due to the fact that it directly
discusses on the design pattern of the model. However, we need a careful orchestration on how we
should include the requirements gathered from guideline 3 in constructing the design pattern of the
model. The guideline stresses on the necessity of including the agile factor as a point of argumentation
in defining the stages or levels of the maturity model. As proposed by Highsmith (2001), the agile
factors are composed of agile principles, agile values and agile practices. Hence we claim to use the
scaled agile principles, core values and practices in the definition of stages or levels in the model.
However we still need to analyze on how these agile or scaled agile factor will form the design pattern
of the maturity model.
For this analysis, we confront the design pattern agile methodologies such as scrum, lean or XP used
in literature. They were developed, by incorporating agile principles and core values from the agile
manifesto. Agile principles and core values formed the subset of these agile practices, which gave a
holistic view on how an agile methodology would work when implemented. This helped in stressing
more on the agility factor of the design. Following the same line of argumentation, scaled agile maturity
model should also focus on agile/scaled agile principles and core values as a subset. As seen in the
figure below, the scaled agile maturity model will include scaled agile/agile practices, which will further
point to the core values and principles of agile and scaled agile methodologies.
With the pattern of the design being figured out, we still need to analyze the position of these agile
factors in the model. We again take inspiration from the design pattern of the agile methodologies.
Each practice is developed by taking the agile principles and core values into account. We apply same
kind of logic in the design in which a scaled agile/agile practice will take the scaled agile/agile principle
or value into account, thus forming a AxB matrix of principles and values, where A represents number
of rows and B represents number of columns.
Populating the model will give rise to a X*Y matrix (Figure below), where X represents the rows (Core
values) and Y represents the columns (Principles). This will form the initial design pattern of the
4.3.1 Stages of the maturity models
With the deisgn pattern in hand, it is essential to discuss the elements used in populating the model.
First being the stages which has to be used in defining the maturity path in the model and also forms
the primary element to be considered in a so called maturity model.
At this point of discussion, we would like to bring into consideration the contrasting design constructs
about evaluating the stages. As already seen, our first design guideline in designing a scaled agile
maturity model is,
“Maturing of agile systems is not a predefined continuous process and cannot be based on waterfall based strict regulations
in maturing from one stage to another”.
This entails that, organizations should not be forced to adopt a particular practice in order to move
onto the next stage of the maturity model. However, this is in complete contrast to the notion of
maturity models in general. Maturity models act as a guide in describing the audience how an element
matures. Element in this case is a practice, which is placed in subset of principle and core values. When
a practice evolves, it will follow a general stage of maturation from the beginning till the end of
maturation. Therefore if a practice has to evolve, it has to follow a maturation path in stages.
Organization cannot simply have a matured practice, unless the practice has gone through a path of
maturity. In order to avoid the contrasting opinions on stages being a continuous process and
discontinued process, this research proposes the process improvements as desired state and not a
mandatory improvement, thereby giving space for the organization to explore the practices. Hence
the stages will form a guide in establishing the maturation path for stages and not force the
organizations to adopt a certain practice. As already discussed, agile software teams are complex
adaptive systems and the practices have to be explored against the new outcomes, which will in turn
generate new practices in the future(Fontana et al., 2015). That being said, this research will not
propose that the organization is fully scaled agile when it reaches the end maturity level proposed with
this study. There is always a road for improvement and this study is a guide on how an organization
can continuously learn to adapt to new practices and outcomes. Hence the fully scaled agile
environment can never be reached at the organization level as the entire system of agile and sclaled
agile is always evolving.
The next challenge after establishing the relation between the practices and the levels is to define the
maturity stages of the model. As already mentioned, each of the agile levels would introduce an
essential scaled agile core value. Hence the starting point of defining the level, should take the core
values mentioned in the agile manifesto (agile software development) and scaled agile process into
The agile manifesto states as follows: (Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001, p.p 11)
“We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have
come to value:
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
• Responding to change over following a plan”
In addition to the values proposed in the manifesto, review of body of literature through several
research studies helped in identifying the core values of agile and scaled agile software development
in Chapter 2 Agile and scaled agile software development, as described below.
1. Responding to change The paradigm shift from the traditional software development
(Sidky & Arthur, 2007) methodologies are mainly motivated for its characteristics to respond to
frequent changes in the goals.
2. Communication and This value represents the quality of fostering communication between
collaboration(Highsmith & different stakeholders involved in the software development.
Cockburn, 2001)
3. Producing quality This value seeks to employ practices that help in developing quality
software (Highsmith & software, in order for the team to adapt quickly to change.
Cockburn, 2001)(Sidky et
al., 2007)
4. Agile mindset and Agile environment that helps in increasing the characteristics of the agile
environment nature in the development process.
5. Continuous delivery of This value focuses on continuous, incremental and evolutionary
software(Sidky et al., 2007) development of software.
6. Alignment (Leffingwell, Alignment of teams with the enterprise business objectives: This starts
2011) from the portfolio level through program backlogs to the team level.
7.Transparency(Leffingwel Enterprise level transparency starting from portfolio level to team level.
l, 2011)
Rows in blue represent the core values of both agile and scaled agile development process, whereas
the rows in green explicitly represent the core values of scaled agile software development. It has to
be noted that the values representing the scaled agile process, takes the core values of team, portfolio
and program level into account. After identifying the key values of agile and scaled agile software
development, the next step is to convert them into stages.
Though there are seven core values sorted out, few core values have similar kind of characteristics and
support similar practices. For instance the core value on communication and collaboration presents a
core idea on fostering communication between the stakeholders in the organization. It is similar to
the core idea on increasing the transparency within all the levels of the scaled agile system such as
program, portfolio and team levels. In the sense, the core value on transparency attributes to fostering
collaboration and communication among all the stakeholder, but in an indirect notion. Hence mapping
the core values based on similar notion will help in next stage of sorting out the similar practices that
can be grouped in a particular stage/level.
The values “communication and collaboration” and “Transparency” are mapped together to form an agile
level. Reason behind is that, value on communication and collaboration stresses a proper collaboration
with different stakeholders involved in the process. Whereas the value on transparency, requires
enterprise level transparency and building trust between different stakeholders involved in the process,
and that they have clear understanding of the goals of each business objective. Hence the underlying
characteristic of being able to have a collaborative environment has been mapped out from these two
values. We chose to use the
The values “Agile mindset” and “Alignment” are mapped together to form an agile level. Agile mindset
is the environment in which the stakeholders involved in the whole process are fully agile and engages
in supporting the agility of development processes. In a similar fashion, the value on Alignment
stresses on the foundation for the enterprise where business objectives and outcomes are fully aligned
and supportive of the scaled agile nature of the processes. Hence the underlying characteristic of the
agile/scaled agile mindset of being supportive to the process has been mapped out from these two
This leads to five core values, which will be translated into five maturity stages in the next section.
Table 8 Final mapping of core values
Agile value
Communication and collaboration;
Responding to change
Producing quality software
Agile mindset; Alignment
Continuous delivery of software
After the overlapping core values in translating into stages are discussed, the next step is to provide
an appropriate sequence of the stages, which provides the staged approach in adopting Scaled agile
methodologies. The order of maturity stages takes inspiration from the SAMI (Sidky agile
measurement index) studied in 3.3.5 Agile adoption framework. SAMI takes the agile manifesto and
various other organizational agile articles into account, in ordering the stages. These studies set the
basis of structuring the stages. The first stage focuses on supporting clear communication between
the stakeholders involved in the process, which focuses mainly on the “people and interaction” factor
mentioned in the agile manifesto. This forms the basic pillar of adoption of agile and scaled agile
methodologies. Without proper communication at place, none of the agile/scaled agile practices can
be considered to be efficient. Hence, the value on communication and collaboration forms the stage
1 of the model.
Next to the value of a communication and collaborative environment, agile and scaled agile practices
stress more on incremental approach, rather than big upfront design proposed by the traditional
methodologies. They focus on creating small increments through time boxed effort called as sprint
and potential increments throughout the process. Hence the agile and scaled agile practices claim to
achieve continuous development and delivery of the software which makes it distinct to traditional
methodologies of building software. Hence we claim to propose the core value on “continuous
delivery of software” in stage 2. There are two different reasons on why other values are not
considered in stage 2. Value which produces quality software cannot be introduced before the value
on responding to change, as the practices involved in producing quality software also depends on the
progressive nature of software development in responding to changes. Hence the value on
“responding to change” should logically follow the value on “producing quality software”.
Nevertheless value on producing quality software cannot be introduced before the value on
“continuous delivery of software” is in place. Hence the value on “continuous deliver of software”
takes the stage 2, value on “producing quality software” takes the stage 3 and value on “Responding
to change” take the stage 4 in the model.
Moreover, the value, which stresses on quickly adapting to constant changes, cannot be introduced
before the value on responding to change, to make sure the practices involved in software
development are of good quality and progressive in nature. This should be considered to make sure
that changes in the middle of the process will not collapse the software and thereby lead to complete
jeopardy. This forms the ordering of stages, as indicated in the following figure.
61 Relation between maturity stages and principles
Before moving on to describing the agile principles, it is necessary to elucidate the relation principles
would entail in the model with respect to the stages illustrated in the previous section. Definition of
relation takes inspiration from the analogy used by Wake in defining the user stories, in which the
scholar illustrates the user as a multi-layer cake and each layer represents the point of view of a
stakeholder in the development process. In this way, when a particular part of user story is sliced, it
will have all the layers in it (Wake, 2003). The same concept is applicable in defining the relation
between principles and stages in the model. Each of the agile levels, made up of scaled agile practices,
is adhered to the agile principles. Hence agile levels and principles form a multilayer cake, in which
the practices corresponding to each level will encompass both the adhered agile principles and
corresponding maturity stage.
After defining the relation of principles across the maturity stages, it is essential to identify the
principles that the model will include in the design. Principles used in various maturity models and
agile/scaled literature were studied in the previous chapters (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3). We provide a
list of all principles derived from the literature and investigate the principles in this section. This
section will also illustrate the mapping of principles into different groups, which can be included in
the design. Literature review helped in getting a holistic picture of the principles included in various
maturity models and agile/scaled agile methodologies. First, we introduce the principles we derived at
from the maturity models, as shown in table 10. Most of the maturity models stress the principles on
team level management (Human-centric principles), Customer relationship management (Stakeholder
collaboration) and Technical skills (Expertise needed for effective software development
methodologies). Benfield’s maturity model explicitly focusses on the technical expertise solutions
needed for an organization in improving the effective software quality and practices, illustrates the
importance of including the technical expertise in the model. Further human centric factor has been
stressed upon in each of the model, but along various stages of the maturity model. For instance,
AMM includes people factor in stage 4, whereas the agile adoption framework introduces the people
factor in stage 1. This helps in determining the people factor plays an important role in agile and scaled
agile systems.
Table 9 Principles used in maturity models
Agile adoption framework, SAMI Plan and deliver software frequently, Human-centric
(Sidky et al., 2007) (relationship management), Uncertainty management,
Changing requirements, requirements engineering, Technical
expertise, pair programming, stakeholder management,
Dependency management.
CMMI –DEV (CMMI Product Requirements engineering, change management, software
Team, 2010) releases, Customer relationship management, self-organizing
team management
SPICE (Connor & Eds, 2013) Team level management, customer relationship management
Benefield’s model (Benefield, Automated testing, coding standards, pair programming,
2010) frequent software releases, scrum, reduced length of release
cycles, dependency management, code refactoring practices.,
High speed development environments
Next to analyzing the principle involved in the maturity models, we analyze the principles involved in
scaled agile and agile methodologies in general.
After the initial set of principles obtained from literature, we now map the principles in different
arenas, so as to introduce the principles as the columns in the design, as shown in the figure below.
Customer and
People and Technical Incremental
interactions expertise building collaboration
High speed
Colloborative team development Embrace change
management environments and deliver
customer value
Decentralize Dependency
decision making management Iteration
Intrinsic motivation
of knowledge Requirements
workers engineering
Quality software
Principle 1: People and interactions
As defined in the agile manifesto, agile and scaled agile principles rely on people and interactions and
this forms the cornerstone in defining the processes and models, which take agile methodologies into
account. In addition the people factor has been emphasized in almost all the agile and scaled agile
models and methodologies.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
4.3.3 Agile and Scaled agile practices
This section highlights the practices populating the model in adherence to the principles and the
maturity stages. Maturity stages form the basic cornerstone in deciding the maturity of the scaled agile
methodologies followed in an organization. As discussed before the scaled agile and agile practices
forms the subset of scaled agile maturity model, which is further composed of scaled agile/agile
practices. Thereby each stage will be composed of set of practices used in the development activities
of agile and scaled agile software development. The list of agile and scaled practices studied in the
previous chapters forms as an input at this stage of the design. As a first step, we identify the practices
followed in the agile methodologies; explicitly looking at scrum process defined in Chapter 2 Agile
and scaled agile software development.
Next to that, we identify the scaled agile practices followed in scaled agile methodologies, explicitly
looking at the SAFe process identified in Chapter 2 Agile and scaled agile software development. Some
of the highlighted practices in the figure below represent the extensive scaled agile practices used in
the scaled agile methodology in addition to agile practices examined in the scrum process. Since scaled
agile practices takes team level agile practices into account, it also includes the team level scrum
practices such as scrum ceremonies, people factor and software quality practices into account. The
practices enlisted in the figure below represents the practices performed at the program and portfolio
level in an organization.
sprint, Agile
spike and release
refactor train
Scaled agile
Backlog Scrum of
refinement scrums
Next to identifying the practices involved in agile and scaled agile methodologies, it is necessary to
analyze the practices included in various maturity models investigated in Chapter 3. This is shown in
the table below:
13. Delivering working product/ software frequently
14. Pair programming
Agile adoption framework, 1. Agile project estimation
SAMI (Sidky et al., 2007) 2. Risk driven iterations
3. Maintaining a list of all features (features prioritization)
4. Continuous delivery
5. Collaborative planning
6. Adaptive planning
7. Plan features, not tasks
8. Evolutionary requirements
9. Continuous customer satisfaction feedback
10. Planning at different levels
11. Reflect and tune process
12. Unit tests
13. Software configuration management
14. Tracking iteration progress
15. Kanban systems
Benefield’s model (Benefield, 1. Unit tests
2010) 2. Test automation
3. Coding standards
4. Code refactoring
5. DevOps
6. Continuous integration
7. Process automation
8. Feedback to customer
9. Change management
10. Frequent releases to production
11. Pair programming
CMMI – DEV process areas 1. Configuration management
(CMMI Product Team, 2010) 2. Project planning
3. Product and process quality assurance
4. Requirements management
populate the model for stage 1, which focusses on core value of increasing communication,
collaboration and transparency between the stakeholders involved in the process. As already discussed,
the stages form a guide to the practices which helps in increasing agility. As such, this stage of the
model helps in introducing to few practices which helps in increasing the effective collaboration
among the stakeholders. The practices which can be grouped under this category is shown below. The
argumentation on the placement of the practices in certain columns can be seen in the following
sections pertaining to principles.
environment, which forms a base for other practices in the next stages. In addition incremental
building requires tool-wise improvements such as Kanban systems and status reporting functionalities
increase the project visibility to the stakeholders. Further, it is also essential for the team to adapt the
lessons learned in the previous process to improve the collaborative and reflective environment. This
plays a major role in collaboration because of its goal in planning activities together as a team.
Principle 4: Customer and stakeholder collaboration
The agile principle, “customer and stakeholder collaboration,” supports a collaborative environment,
so that the stakeholders are well informed of the preferences of the customer. Hence involving
“customer commitment” as a practice in stage 1 is considered essential, to stress the core value of
agile in getting inputs from the customer at every stage. This helps in building a routine among the
stakeholders to respond to the changes attributed by the customers in the course of the project.
releases to a great extent and therefore improves the progressive nature of the release (Benefield,
2010).Continuous improvement can occur only when the requirements are involved iteratively in each
every step of the process. Hence the requirements should be incrementally evolved instead of being
fully coded and designed in one go. This stresses on the practice of including progressive requirement
discovery in stage 2. As the requirements are bound to change, progressive requirements discovery
helps in yielding the best value to the customer and helps in embracing change. From a more technical
perspective, it is crucial to track the progress of the each iteration and the development effort, which
enhances the progressive nature of the maturity level. By applying these practices in a continuous
fashion for each and every iteration, the teams might get acquainted to the continuous fashion of
delivering software, which plays a significant role in the practices involved in the further stages.
Principle 4: Incremental building
Incremental building can be effective only when the software development cycle take the notion of
smaller and more frequent releases into account. In addition to that, at each every cycle the team
should implement a requirements engineering span in which the requirements are revi sed and new
requirements are defined. This helps in continuous delivery of software in response to change in
requirements. The purpose of release planning is to commit to a plan for delivering an increment of
software for a specific time period(Leffingwell, 2011). It is a progressive effort involving many of the
stakeholders for ranking the product backlog, gathering inputs from the team about overall capabilities
and technical impacts and high level vision of the business objectives. This planning helps in
organizing smaller and more frequent releases, which helps in improving the continuous delivery of
the software.
Principle 1: People and interactions
Scrum of scrum plays an important role in scaling scrum to large project teams and scaling up agile
methodologies across various projects. In simple words, it helps in scaling the agile ceremony on daily
stand up to program level. This meeting is organized at the program level in which one representative
from each scrum team collaboratively come together and discuss the technical issues encountered
during the Program increment. Hence it helps in feedback cycle and increase in efficiency of the
developed software. Rationale behind choosing SOS in stage 3 is that the practices involved in stage
4 consists of even more stable and robust practices, which needs effective team building as base.
Principle 2: Technical expertise
The first practice supporting this principle is “continuous integration”. This helps in continuously
integrating the new changes to the system, so that the system is always ready to be launched ot the
customers(Leffingwell, 2011). After writing the code for developing an increment of the software, it
has to be integrated to the existing code base. It is an ideal situation in which the team employs
automated integration process at every increment of code developed. Automated build tools are
employed to verify such integration, in order to detect any errors in the integration process. This helps
in continuous improvement of the software code base and helps in embracing change at shorter lead
times(Leffingwell, 2011). In addition to that, refactoring can be considered at this stage. Refactoring
the code is a practice done by the developers to restructure the codebase, without any disturbances to
the interfaces the codebase is in contact with. This helps in responding to change, without collapsing
other parts of the system. Next to that, Unit tests are introduced in stage 3, to employ the testing of
those units that have integrated to the code base. This helps in maintaining the superior quality of the
Principle 3: Incremental building
The practices included in stage 3 of the model focus on the synchronization factor of the scaled agile
process. Agile release train is the primary construct which needs to be considered after the team’s
ability to deliver frequent releases. As discussed before, agile release train helps in creating common
vision on the program level and helps in achieving alignment and synchronization across the teams.
The rationale behind including these practices in this stage is that trains provide architectural, user
experience and engineering guidance to the teams, which forms the basis of stage 4. Agile release train
plays an essential role in building the potentially shippable increment at each stage of the project.
Roadmap helps in stimulating the vision of the software development life cycle for the next few sprints
and helps in giving an overall picture on how the software should evolve in the future. This helps in
improving the efficiency of the practices. Product backlog in addition helps in synchronization of
team level backlog with program level backlogs.
Principle 4: Customer and stakeholder collaboration
With the principle of producing quality software in mind, we introduce the practice of DevOps in this
section of the model. DevOps is a practice in which the developers (who develop the code) and
operations team (who launch the code to the production environment) need to go hand in hand in
their activities. For every integration made by the developers into the code base, deployment readiness
of the code to the customers has to be checked as an automated process, instead of doing larger
releases(Leffingwell, 2011). This process helps in developing a collaborative environment between the
stakeholders (developers and operation team) and also stresses on the software quality. This forms the
rationale behind choosing this practice in this stage.
practices to be fulfilled(Leffingwell, 2011). Measuring the business performance plays an important
role in quality software due to its importance in viewing the success of the development efforts as a
success of the business. Only when the efforts in measuring the business performance is effectively
distributed across the development efforts, the team could claim an effective development practice.
Principle 4: Customer and stakeholder collaboration
Scaled agile development is highly dependent on the customer engagement to a greater extent. Closer
means of engagement helps in robust software development process when building a general solution
that will be used by a significant number of customers. It is highly unlikely to include customer for all
the planning sessions involved in the development process. However to build a robust environment
which focusses on the changing requirements, closer collaboration with customers is essential. It can
be achieved by means of a customer proxy3, who can involve in various planning sessions.
3Customer proxy represents a person who represents the customer and presents the view of a customer. This practice
of using a customer proxy is practices in organizations for quicker feedbacks and shorter lead times.
decision making responsibilities should be decentralized and strict regulations should be smoothened
Principle 2: Technical expertise
Most of the practices involved in the earlier stages are related to technical practices, whereas maturity
stage 5 focusses on the most fundamental point of estimating the agility of the plans and practices.
Most of the technical practices involve estimation of results at the continuous phase. Though
estimation of results can happen at the continuous phase, it is irrelevant to estimate when some
practice is not practiced in the organization. Hence only when the practice is at place and the team
acknowledges the necessity of the practice in increasing the agility, estimation will prove effective.
This forms the rationale behind introducing scaled agile estimation in stage 5. This is an important
practice to estimate the agility of the practices involved in the previous stages, because plans and
practices can be measured for the level of achievement, only the metric estimates are in place. At the
same time highly responsive systems, need flexible estimating perspective to measure the agility . Hence
metrics which are used in estimating the scaled agility, are context-specific and depends on a specific
Principle 3: Incremental building
Incremental building helps in reaching the objective of smaller and more frequent releases with shorter
lead times. In order to fully reach this objective, it is essential for an organization to involve the specific
group of people to take the responsibility in validating the continuous delivery of software. These
teams are identified as Product/solution management team and System/solution engineering team.
These team of people works closely with the product owner of the development team in imparting
vision and backlog of tasks that needs to accomplished for a particular iteration(Leffingwell, 2011).
System and solution engineering plays a critical role in aligning the development teams towards a
common technical direction. This helps in creating an internal environment of scaled agility across the
organization. In addition, the practice on inspect and adapt helps in achieving the highest maturity in
incremental building. This is due to the fact that inspect and adapt workshop helps in discussing the
next step for improvements and acknowledge the failures in the previous cycles. This helps the team
in achieving ideal results in a smaller and more frequent basis. Next to that, as already discussed in the
scaled agile process, PI planning helps in building a scaled agile environment through alignment of
several teams working on a project.. As denoted by few scaled agile practitioners “If there is no PI planning,
then you are not doing Scaled agile, it plays a vital role in scaling the agile practices to the entire
organization”(Leffingwell, 2011).
Principle 4: Customer and stakeholder collaboration
Scaled agile process defines various roles and responsibilities across the team, portfolio and program
level. Clarity on the process it needs to be followed across different teams that work together, forms
the primary ingredient in scaling agility across the organization. Closer collaboration and clear
identification of roles and responsibilities helps in achieving the highest level maturity, adherent with
this principle. Innovation and planning is a practice in which the stakeholders conjointly involve in
discussing new initiatives and strategies in expanding the business. This can happen only when the
current initiatives are effective and robust. Hence innovation and planning plays an important role in
stakeholder collaboration and effective business agility.
4.2.4 Initial design of Scaled agile maturity model
The previous sections dealt with the rationale behind choosing a particular practice in their respective
stages of maturity. The complete design of the model is shown below:
4The practices for stage 2 on principles “people and interactions” and “customer and stakeholder collaboration” are left
unpopulated in the matrix for review during the expert evaluation phase.
4.2.6 Participatory observation
The practices are positioned in the matrix according to the stages and principles derived at from
literature. In addition to literature review, participant observation is used as research tool in getting
deeper knowledge in the research context. Various other studies in agile software development employ
this approach in exploratory research of the subject(Moe, Aurum, & Dybå, 2012)(Nerur, Mahapatra,
& Mangalaraj, 2005). Further, McAvoy claim the importance of participant observation in their
publication as an appropriate tool to investigate the issues in software development domain(McAvoy
& Butler, 2007). In this research, the master thesis student acted as a participant observant in a large
scale organization, which adapted to SAFe practices in the year 2014. Author observed daily meetings,
scrum ceremonies, planning meetings and release meetings, to understand and analyze the process
and practices used in a specific team in the organization. Observation is limited to a particular team
due to time and scope restrictions in the research. Below are the observations by the author as a
participant in the team for the period of 4 months (March-June 2016). Participatory observation played
a significant role in understanding the process of scaled agile methodology. Being a comparatively
newer topic of research when compared to agile methodologies, scaled agile methodologies are
limitedly explored in literature. In addition, as already argued there is no unique solution to the
problems faced by the organization and there is no unique challenge faced by all the organizations in
this world, with regards to scaled agile methodology. Hence participatory observation helps in
understanding how the team or the organization reacts to context-specific challenges. As already
discussed, the nature of ambidexterity in exploring and exploitation of practices helps in agility across
the teams. With the help of participatory observation we would also like to gather the results on how
the teams employs ambidexterity in employing the practices and their notion towards such an
ambidextrous environment.
The team members coordinate on a daily basis through daily stand up and continuously make
decisions. The team follows a sprint backlog, which is a part of product backlog. The backlog is
transparent to the entire team and progress of every team member towards a task is visible to every
other member. Product owner plays a significant role in prioritizing the backlog and presenting a
prioritized backlog during the planning meetings.
In addition to the scrum ceremonies, the team organize backlog grooming sessions, in which the team
members along with developers, UX designer and product manager take part in making improvements
to the backlog. Grooming sessions are significantly used to breakdown the user stories to smaller
parts, Estimate the backlog items and look deeper into the backlog for any impediments. At the
portfolio level, product management plays a significant role in prioritizing the product backlog
necessary for the program increment planning meetings. Program increment planning sessions are
conducted among the teams which needs to be aligned for the achieving the end goal. PI planning
sessions are a two day meet, for which the agenda is prepared and communicated to the stakeholders
by the release train engineer. In addition, customer requirements are analyzed through means of a
forum, in which there exists a frequent discussion with the team and the customers.
adoption of scaled agile practices. The evolvement of agile teams towards a scaled agile environment
shows that, the team started using scaled agile methods by book. They focused on scaled agile learning
through workshops and training programs. Though the scaled agile learning was established through
workshops, the team didn’t follow all the practices enlisted as ideal practices for a scaled agile
environment. The act of sense-making the practices is accomplished only after the need for such a
practice is established. For instance, the practice on requirements analysis by getting inputs from the
customer is considered as an essential practice in agile and scaled agile software development
approaches (Highsmith & Cockburn, 2001). However the team directly didn’t involve in customer
requirement analysis on a regular basis. But when there was a need to allow themselves to work in
closer collaboration with the customers, the team dedicated a specific time slot to go through the
inputs and feedbacks given by the customers in a local community forum, where customers chat about
their products and its features. The practice therefore was named as “Community input analysis” and
was regularly scheduled every other week for team discussion with all the involved stakeholders. But
even before the adaptation of such a practice, the team involved in an exploration phase to experiment
the benefits of such a practice scheduled on a regular basis. Only when the practices bring efficiency
to the team, it is considered for further discussion for the exploitation. This is in line with the
argumentation on Ambidexterity, where organizations involve in a balance between exploitative and
exploratory nature of practices (Turner, Swart, & Maylor, 2013). It can also be noted from this
characteristic, that the scaled agile teams evolve towards agility through applying ambidexterity
behavior, in the sense it improves self-organizing behavior of the teams in responding to business
changes, which is the core value of agile and scaled agile systems. It also helps the agile teams evolve
towards maturity from agile learning towards ambidextrous behavior, in responsive or adaptive to
complex situations.
Another practice which involved a high percent of ambidexterity can be seen in the practice of creating
a Minimum viable product. In order to test the new strategy or feature, the team dedicates a specific
time span starting to create a product restricted features to gather a validated learning about the
product across the customers, with least effort. The response of the customers are tested across the
problem and solution hypothesis the team had in mind and then the further initiatives are developed
with maximum effort to satisfy the need of the customers. Hence the team involve themselves in a
predefined period of exploitation to gather the inputs from the customer. This practice of testing a
minimum viable product is explored through brainstorming sessions from the team. Due to
unavailability of a model per se, which can be used as a discussion tool in such brainstorming sessions,
the team took a longer time span to look into relevant practices which might help in achieving this
objective. With this line of argumentation, we claim that scaled agile maturity model will not only act
as a primary source for such a discussion tool but also highlights the stages of those practices in the
level of maturity.
With inputs from the participant observation, the practices highlighted in brown are added in the
Table 18 Initial design after participant observation
4.2.6 Assessment criteria
Assessment criteria play a main role in assessing the level of achievement of each of the practice
enlisted in the maturity stages. As already discussed, the model forms a discussion tool in exploring
the practices involved in the scaled agile methodology. In order for the discussion to be more effective,
the model should include couple of factors in addition to practices. The model should also entail the
progressive outcomes of adopting to such a practice (incase if the practice is being explored) or the
indication of effective adaption (incase if the practices is adopted and the team is looking for
improvement measures). Hence we claim that the model should entail the concept of indicators, which
will provide intersubjective criteria for level of achievement on the practices included in the model.
Without the knowledge on the outcomes a particular practice might create, discussion might prove
ineffective as teams should involve themselves to learn more on the practices before even to start
discussion on a practice. This idea on including the assessment criteria through progressive outcomes
can be fulfilled only when the expert evaluation is complete. This is due to the fact that the next phase
on expert evaluation might include a vast change in the initial design of the model, and the notion on
assessment criteria also needs a validation before including it in the model.
RQ3 “How does the scaled agile maturity model would look like?”
To reach this objective, we used the inputs derived from previous chapters into account while
designing the model. By analyzing and interpreting this data, we derived at the design pattern of the
model, which consists agile core values and principles forming the rows and columns of a matrix. The
core values and principles form a matrix of scaled agile practices, thus forming a 5*4 matrix populated
with scaled agile and agile practices. The practices are backed up with the rationale behind populating
the particular practice along the stages. After arriving at the initial design of the model, we came up
with the idea on assessment criteria for the practices. We introduced the concept of indicators which
would help in overall assessment of the practices introduced in the model. As a next step towards
finalizing the design, we employ expert evaluation as a research tool to evaluate and validate the model
for completeness, consistency and general discussion, across different experts in TomTom. This forms
the basis of the preceding chapter.
Chapter 5 Evaluation of the scaled agile maturity model
5.1 Introduction
This chapter represents the evaluation of the designed scaled agile maturity model through experts. A
heuristic evaluation is required at this stage to review the goal and end product by specialists in the
field of scaled agile from the business world, which forms the basis of forth sub-question:
RQ4. What is the value of the scaled agile maturity model in a real life context?
This chapter is meant to answer this question and goal of this chapter it to fetch systematic and
analytical inputs from the experts before finalizing the final version of the scaled agile maturity model.
The quality of the prototype is assessed with the help of expert evaluation. The remainder of the
chapter is structured as follows: in the next section the evaluation approach is discussed, and then the
evaluation and main conclusions are provided. At the end, final design of the scaled agile maturity
model and its adapted version after evaluation results are described.
5.2.2 Expert selection method
The design of the scaled agile maturity model is proposed in Chapter 4 is at a great extent based on
the data collected from the literature and participatory observation of the scaled agile practices
involved in a single organization TomTom.
TomTom was chosen as the company from which range of experts are selected. TomTom
implemented scaled agile framework in the year 2014 and since then, a range of scaled agile practices
have been implemented and adopted for software development in various business units of
TomTom(Leffingwell, 2011). Scaled agile practices are practiced by all of TomTom’s large product
teams representing navigation software, online services, map creation and sport software. Transition
towards a large scale paradigm shift from waterfall based approaches to scaled agile practices was a
greater challenge with more than 4,600 employees worldwide. As a first step in moving towards the
challenge, TomTom started organizing scaled agile training programs for people at higher hierarchical
level such as Chief Information Officers (CIOs), Chief Product Officers (CFOs), Chief scrum masters
(CSMs), Product owners, Managers, Directors, and Vice presidents. From there, TomTom began to
reorganize the scrum team across the team level, and started scaling up, thereby forming different
product clusters at the program level. Specific to this research, TomTom headquarters located at
Amsterdam is analyzed for experts, which has more than 200+ scaled agile certified and trained
employees. Before selecting the experts, it is essential to discuss on whom we call as experts. We take
the definition provided in the publication of Bogner, which takes an extensive research in the
field of expert evaluation to identify the real experts.
“If the expertise (that is specific interpretive knowledge (“know-why”) and procedural knowledge (“know-how”) in a
particular occupational or professional field) is central to the area of research, then the interview can be regarded as an
expert” (Bogner et al.,p.p108,2009)
Following the definition from Bogner and focusing on the research domain, we claim that an
expert should have both interpretive knowledge and procedural knowledge in the field of scaled agile
methodologies. This led to selection of experts in the following two dimensions,
Technical knowledge (know-how) – Very specific knowledge in the field and has detailed
opinions on the operational practices pertaining to scaled agile practices.
Process knowledge (know-why) – Very specific knowledge on the routines, processes, and
stakeholder interactions pertaining to scaled agile.
Based on the two dimensions of expert knowledge, we gathered experts from a different department
other than that of the department used in participatory observation. As can be seen in the matrix
(Table 22) the experts differ in both roles and dimensions of expert knowledge. Senior product owner,
Chief scrum master and Transition manager represent as an expert in both technical know -how and
procedural know-why. They helped in contributing to the knowledge on both technical and process
perspective in the model. Whereas the General Manager and the Q&P control manager represent as
an expert only in Process know-why dimension. Hence they contributed mostly on the procedural
perspective of the model. They were not approached for explicit feedback on columns such as
technical expertise and on technical challenges.
Table 19 Matrix of experts on technical and process dimensions
the selected experts in TomTom, requesting for a face-face session in the Amsterdam office at
TomTom. The length of each session was approximately 75 minutes and only one interviewee is
present during a session Appendix 1).
At the start of each session, the objectives and initial design of the maturity model are shortly
explained. After which we used random set of semi-structured questions in order to inquire the
interviewee’s opinions on the model. The questions majorly covered the consistency, relevancy, and
discussion on model in general (misplacement of practices in the stages, indicator and assessment
criteria). It can be noticed that other evaluation aspects such as neutrality and interrelatedness are not
included in the evaluation criteria. The neutrality of the model refers to the generalizability of the
model with respect to different industries and IT community. This is not included due to couple of
generalizability reasons addressed in section 6.7 Limitations. Interrelatedness reveals whether the
individual aspects of the model are dependent on each other or contradictory. This aspect is explicitly
not included as an evaluation criteria, however indirectly addressed via expert interview while
discussion about the model in general. In order to eliminate the subjective opinions on a certain
statement, we used advocacy to clarify the argumentation of the interviewee.
Table 21 Expert evaluation results
“I like how it comes with a complete package, rather than a descriptive model” – Chief Scrum
One suggestion for improvement was the name, which says “maturity
model” might give a similar feel like CMMI and SPICE which has been criticized
by the software community for being very waterfall.
Many of the respondents acknowledged the use of agile and scaled agile
Principles/practices/ core values in developing a model, rather than
concentrating more on the processes for each stage. In this sense, they believe
that agile factor sustained at the higher agile stages, which is a common challenge
being acknowledged in the agile community.
Another positive remark was that the model takes agility into account in
creating stages.
Some of the respondents felt that the model tends to be too broad and in
depth extensive review is bit difficult at this stage, since it has both technical
components and process component: and few respondents are not an expert in
both dimensions.
Some of the respondents felt that the practices for each of the stages were
filled from left to right (taking core value as a start), rather than being filled from
top to bottom, through which the maturation path of each practice or at least
for most of the practices could be instantly visualized.
“There should be an interplay between filling up the model along the column and rows” –
General Manager.
One of the respondents claimed that the stages 1 and 2 should explicitly
take only team level practices into account, since scaling agile to program level
can happen only when the team level practices are in place.
Discussion Some of the respondents claimed that Indicators should include a qualitative
analysis and not a quantitative analysis, since quantitatively representing a team
or a business unit with a number seems less appealing to improve, for a team
which got lower scores.
“People usually don’t like them being called with a number and comparing the results merely
based on numerical data” – Quality control and process manager.
One of the respondents claimed that the design should also include a process
improvement framework for few of the essential practices enlisted.
All of the respondents came up with suggestions for moving the practices across
different stages, as described below.
Automated testing in stage 2 should be in stage 3 and vice versa. Since
automated testing is not possible without unit tests at place.
The practice of DevOps in customer and collaboration column should
be moved to technical expertise.
Managing distributed teams should be in stage 2, in the first column and
scrum of scrums should be moved to stage 4, since scrum of scrum is
more scaled agile than managing distributed teams.
Few practices such as backlog, adaptive and reflective tuning needs more
Continuous integration and continuous delivery should be exchanged in
their places.
Few of the respondents claimed that the model tend to assume agile
principles more than the scaled agile principles.
“At first look of the model, I get a feeling that it takes more agile principles than scaled agile
principles” - VP
“I think scaled agile principles should be explicitly seen in a scaled agile model” – Senior
product owner
Few of the respondents claimed that, involving one core value at each stage
of the model simply assumes that the core values explained in one stage is not
essential when another stage is a point of discussion.
“We can’t safely assume that the core values form the stages of the model, Since core values are
core to all principles, which is a subset of all the practices” – Transition manager.
Few of the respondents questioned the clarity of naming the stages and also
“Clarity of names introduced gives a more clearer impression on the model” – General manager
To summarize this ex-ante evaluation helped in providing inputs and guidelines in improving the initial
design of the model. The adaptation of the model from the systematic inputs from expert evaluation
is described in the following section.
One of the major suggestions acknowledged by all the respondents is the naming of stages. Rethinking
on the notion of including core values as stages of maturity in this research, presented a huge challenge
in adapting to the expert evaluation. The initial design was based on a design pattern in which the core
values of scaled agile represents the rows and scaled agile principles represent the column, as discussed
in 4.3 Design pattern of the model. But the expert’s suggestion on including explicit scaled agile factor
in the columns might re-consider the whole design. However, we acknowledged the suggestions from
the experts and renamed the stages from numbering to team, program and portfolio levels. This is
due to the fact that, scaled agile systems more than the core values, it hugely represents the three levels
in all approaches. Hence by including the levels as stages in the model will create a specific targeted
discussion on these three levels rather than random discussion on practices. This forms the rationale
behind restructuring the stages as team, program and portfolio. Further the stages on these three levels
are discerned into streamlined and mature. Streamlined represent the initial stage at which the
team/program/portfolio look for practices to adopt to scaled agile methodologies. And mature
represent the stage at which the practices are further progressed from initial stage to a progressive
stage. As discussed earlier, by no means this research acknowledges a perfect matured stage for a
practice, as it depends on the team which employs the practice. However it provides a guide on how
the practices can evolve from initial streamlined stage to a progressive stage.
Table 22 Suggestion for improvement
Stage 1 Team level streamlined
Pair programming which was introduced in technical expertise in the initial design is moved to people
and interactions in the final design as suggested by the experts due to its nature of increasing the
interactive nature of the agile teams than the technical expertise. DEV-UX is a new practice included
in the final design which explicitly takes the relationship of developers and User Experience team in
an organization. This is suggested by few of the experts to be a challenging aspect in a large scale
organization which has a dedicated UX team to support the developers. The relationship between
them is deemed important to help in supporting the goals of the project on time. Few of the
respondents acknowledged the introduction of new practice on knowing the clear responsibilities of
the role, since the conflicts on responsibilities deem to reduce the interactive nature of the people in
a team.
Clear definition of done is introduced as a new practice in the column technical expertise as suggested
by one of the respondents, this being the major factor in decreasing agility across the team levels.
Scaled agile team being a self-organizing team involve self-assigning of tasks. Each and every member
in the team might therefore have different notions on defining the tasks as done. Entailing a common
definition of done thus plays a major role in improving the technical expertise of the team. In addition
code refactoring is also added as a new practice in this column which represents the practice of
continuous process of restructuring the existing codebase of the team to involve new changes. Experts
also suggested to include the practices such as test –first development and exploratory testing in the
team level. Test first development is a process in which the team members start the development
process by writing the test cases first before writing the code. This forms the basis of exploratory
testing in which the team involve themselves in exploring the new features developed via code. The
practices introduced in this stage correspond to the evaluation on consistency criteria in which the
experts acknowledges the lack of present state of art practices in the initial design. This helped in
including the relevant practices as established in the IT community.
The practice on smaller and more frequent cycles introduced in stage 2 of initial design is changed to
Stage 1 in the final design and renamed to “Shorter iterations”. This is in accordance with the expert
suggestion. The task boards used in technical expertise column is moved to column on transparency
due to the fact that the task boards helps in transparency of tasks assigned to different te am members.
The practices such as sprint backlog and scrum ceremonies are included as new practices as suggested
by the experts. Sprint backlog corresponds to the tasks assigned to different team members, which
has to be finished at the end of the sprint. Scrum ceremonies include daily stand up, sprint planning
etc, which promotes transparency among the team members as they collaboratively speak on the tasks
and challenged involved in completing the goal.
of the scaled agile team. These are included in the model to acknowledge the consistency of the model
and openness of the model to state of art IT practices.
Table 23 Adaptation of practices in Stage 2
Tracking iteration progress is moved from column on technical expertise to incremental builds in the
final design. This is in accordance with the change suggested by the experts in which the metrics and
tracking the progress activities are more often involved in continuous flow of software. The chief
scrum master, who looks on the impediments and quality control manager who helps in increasing
the quality of the software acknowledged the use of scaled agile metrics and software quality
characteristics to increase the incremental and continuous flow of software. The practice on
stakeholder alignment is introduced in stage 2 which helps in increased alignment between the internal
and external stakeholders. The practices such as Inspect and adapt workshop are moved from stage 5
in the initial design to stage 2 in the final design. This is due to the fact that the practices concentrates
more on the team level and cannot be introduced in the stages further than team level.
notion on incremental building taking into account both functional and nonfunctional requirements.
Few of the respondents agreed to the fact that the organization should also look at the non-functional
requirements at the program level to help supporting the incremental flow of software. Since
stakeholder alignment is revisited again in this stage, the notation is given as S4P0 in contrast to the
other stages where the practice starts from 1. This is due to the repetition of practices within the
in the Appendix . However quantitative means of assessment is rejected due to the potential tendency
of team members to compare the teams on the scores achieved by different teams/program/portfolio
unit. Hence qualitative assessment is considered as a intersubjective criteria in assessing the practices
enlisted in the model. The criteria chosen are “Fully achieved”, “Partially achieved”, “Not achieved”,
“Not applicable” and “Reason”. As already discussed, indicators provide a means of discussion in an
organization to kick start the scaled agile development process or means of discussion for areas of
improvement. With this line of argumentation a column on reason is included so as to put forward
the reason (if any), they consider as mean of improvement in evaluating the practices across the
qualitative criteria. In addition, the indicators act as a tool in operationalizing the model across large
scale organizations. This entails the point of discussion in focus groups to provide feedback on scaled
agile practices in general or what factors the group perceives need further improvement in the
team/portfolio/program level. With the adaptations from the expert evaluation, the final design of
the model is presented below in table 24.
People and interactions Technical expertise – Built in Incremental building and Alignment Transparency
quality continuous flow
Stage 1 – S1P1 Pair programming S1P5Clear definition of done S1P11 Short iterations S1P12 Task boards S1P15 Automated Status reporting
Team level S1P2DEV-UX S1P6 Coding standards S1P13 Sprint S1P16 Common language
streamlined S1P3 Clear definition on scrum S1P7 Code refactoring Backlog
roles and responsibilities S1P8 Defect analysis S1P14 Scrum
S1P4 Self-organized teams S1P9 Exploratory testing ceremonies
S1P10 Test first development
Tools of Common tool of Code review tools Issue tracking tools, Issue tracking tools
stage 1 communication for all productivity tools
Stage 2 – S2P1Managing distributed S2P3 Test driven S2P8 Frequent builds S2P11Stakeholder S2P12Adaptation sessions –
Team level teams development S2P9 Measuring software alignment Inspect and adapt workshops team
matured S2P2 Increased collaboration S2P4 Acceptance driven quality characteristics level
development S2P10 Tracking iteration S2P13 HIP Sprint –team level
S2P5 Behavior driven progress
S2P6 Continuous integration
S2P7 System integration
Tools of Wikis and blogs Automated deployment Agile metric estimation tools
stage 2 Online project management process tools
Shared mailing list and folder
Stage 3 – S3P1 Clear definition of S3P2DevOps S3P3Team level increments for S3P4Program S3P6 Inspect and adapt workshop
Program program stakeholder roles and functional and non- functional Backlog PI level
level responsibilities. requirements. S3P5Release S3P7 HIP sprint –program level
streamlined planning
Stage 4 – S4P0 Stakeholder alignment S4P1Clear architectural S4P2ART (Agile S4P3PI Execution
Program Scrum of scrums runway Release train) System demo
Tools of Issue tracking and
stage 4 productivity tracking
Stage 5 – S5P1 Strategic themes S5P2 Measuring business S5P3 Portfolio
Portfolio estimation objectives backlog
Stage 6 – S6P1 Program portfolio S6P2 Scaled agile center of S6P3 Estimating funding for S6P4Budget
Portfolio management excellence agile release trains estimation
Chapter 6 Conclusions
6.1 Introduction
In this research project, we developed a scaled agile maturity model to help organizations for
successful adoption of scaled agile practices in stages. In order to design the model, different research
strategies were applied, including: investigating the broad range of scientific publications, participatory
observation of scaled agile practices in an organization, conducting semi-structured interviews for
evaluating the model across experts in the field of scaled agile.
This last chapter summarizes the significant findings of the research and is structured as follows: In
the following section, an overview of the master thesis project will be given, by revisiting and
answering the research questions proposed in the previous chapters. Secondly, the main contributions
of the work in terms of scientific relevance will be given. In addition general discussion on the model
and criticisms are discussed. Thirdly, the main limitations that hampered the extensive research on
this study is provided. In the fourth section, recommendations and potential future research ideas will
be given. In the last part, a reflection study is presented which will represent both my personal
consideration and relevance of this research through the lens of my SEPAM Master programme.
“To develop a scaled agile maturity model that can help organizations which have adopted scaled agile methodologies,
in finding the areas of improvements in adapting to scaled agile practices and the maturity path of those practices in
Following from this objective, the following main research question was determined:
This main research question was divided into four sub-research questions that were constructed for
the purpose of providing step-by-step inputs to the main research question. The first sub-research
question is formulated as,
RQ1. What does the process of scaled agile development look like?
To answer this question, a systematic literature review was conducted. First, we identified the software
development process in general. This also included an analysis on traditional waterfall based
approaches in software development. Thereafter, we started analyzing the need of agile software
development and the main benefits of using it, rather than the traditional waterfall based approac hes.
In order to know more about the agile software development process, we investigated the practices
followed by an agile methodology (scrum), to encourage agility in team level, for developing software.
With this data at hand, we continued investigating the need for scaled agile software development and
its benefits over agile software development approaches. The research revealed two main dimensions
of scaling, through which an organization can scale the agile practices across the whole enterprise
from team level (Time dimension and Team dimension). Team dimensions of scale relates to multiple
teams working towards the end goal, but with different tasks. In contrast, time dimension of scaling
relates to duration of the development and lifecycle of the software development process on the
whole. Over time, technology and the system may undergo changes in various ways. In response to
the changes, the system needs to rhythmically scale up taking lifecycle budgeting, planning and
milestone planning into account. (Ozkaya et al., 2013). It was also revealed that team dimension scaling
is more popular and beneficial for large scale organization, which is looking for scaled agile practices
to scale agility across the enterprise. In order to know more about the scaled agile software
development, we investigated the process of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and its practices in
scaling agile from team level to portfolio level and program level. This research provided insights into
the general practices followed by the scaled agile methodologies, with emphasize not only on the team
level (as proposed in agile methodologies), but also on the program level (which forms the
synchronization level of all the teams which needs to work together) and also on the portfolio level
(which forms the alignment level of all the program levels).
The second research question is focused on investigating more on the requirements for the design of
the agile maturity model and reads as follows:
RQ2. What are the basic requirements which have to be considered in designing a scaled agile maturity
This question was answered by investigating various other agile maturity models in literature. Since
the scaled agile methodologies takes it roots from agile methodologies, agile maturity models were
given a thorough review, exploring the merits and demerits of the design strategy employed in it. For
reviewing the articles, we employed selection criteria for selecting the publications. We investigated
five maturity models in depth and its design strategy in constructing the maturity model. As a start,
the term maturity is carefully analyzed with respect to both linguistic and model perspectives. Model
perspective was studied even more broadly, in which two perspectives emerged: Life cycle perspective
and potential performance perspective. Life cycle perspective measures the state of the growth of the
process areas, taking the evolution of an organization into account in evaluating the maturity. This
perspective names the final stage as “Fully mature” and represents the ideal stage of maturity. This
perspective aims at fulfilling certain characteristics at a particular stage of maturity and can evolve to
next stage only if the characteristics are fully performed. Whereas, potential performance perspective
defines the maturity stages through means of a development path which focusses more on the
potential improvements which might occur by moving along the model. This perspective gives user
the final decision to decide which stage of maturity is the “level of completeness” according to their
situation. Considering the scope and objective of this research, we chose to go for potential
performance perspective in designing the model, which gives users the final decision to decide which
stage of maturity is the “level of completeness” according to their situation.
We claim to use potential perspective by taking the ambidextrous nature of the teams into account. It
turned out the existing agile maturity models in literature are criticized for their waterfall approaches
and defining a process to maturity. We claimed to have a initiated a different notion on maturity model
by including the ambidextrous nature of the team in exploiting and exploring the agile practices that
is suitable for the specific problem and challenge faced by the team or organization. It is in our view
there is an essential need to shift the focus from prescribing the predefined processes in defining
maturity to ambidextrous nature of taking a broader subjective view, in which people play an essential
role instead of predefined processes. This notion on maturity model gave us an insight of using
maturity model as a discussion tool for the team level or program level or portfolio level stakeholders
to discuss on the prospective practices which can be adopted and potential improvements that can be
made for the adopted practices. We also claim that there is no unique solution to a problem hence
defining the level of maturity for a specific practice can be achieved through discussion of the
stakeholders working towards the practice. Hence this research doesn’t base on one-size fits all
approach and claim that needs of one organization differs from the other.
The third research question is focused on investigating more on the initial design of the maturity
RQ3: How does the initial design of scaled agile maturity model look like?
Based on the insights derived from literature, three requirements were considered essential for the
Table 25 Requirements of the design
These requirements are translated into model through practical implications enlisted in the table
With the requirements of the model at place, we started investigating the design pattern of the model.
We again took the inspiration from the design pattern of the agile methodologies. Each practice is
developed by taking the agile principles and core values into account. We apply same kind of logic in
the design in which a scaled agile/agile practice will take the scaled agile/agile principle or value into
account, thus forming a AxA matrix of principles and values, as shown in the figure below.
The relationship between these agile factors, combined with participatory observation has resulted in
the initial design as depicted in Chapter 4. Subsequently the idea on indicators is proposed, which
helps the user in determining the level of completeness/achievement of a particular scaled agile
practice. Qualitative assessment on the level of completeness across the organization is advised to find
the areas of improvements and also on an idea on exploring practices which has not been followed.
In addition to the literature review on practices, principles and values, we conducted participatory
observation to investigate more on the Scaled agile processes and practices. The chosen enterprise is
a large scale organization, which has recently adapted to one of the scaled agile methodology (SAFe).
After the populating the model with practices (both from literature review and participatory
observation), backed up with arguments on why the practice is chosen for the particular stage, we
ended with the initial design of scaled agile maturity model, as shown below. The colored practices in
brown are drawn explicitly from participatory observation.
Table 26 Initial design
People and Technical expertise Incremental building Customer and
interactions stakeholder
P1 Self- P3 Pair programming P8Collaborative planning P13 Customer
Stage 1 organizing P4 Knowledge sharing P9 Epic Kanban systems commitment
teams P5 Coding standards P10 Status reporting to work with
P11 Adaptive and
P2 P6 Task volunteering the
reflective tuning
Empowered P7 Task boards development
P12 Backlog grooming
and motivated team
P3 Automated testing P7 Smaller and more
Stage 2 P1 Daily stand P4 Acceptance testing frequent releases P12
up P5 Tracking iteration P8 Requirements Community
P2 Sprint progress engineering inputs
review P6 Progressive P9 Release planning
requirement discovery P10Continuous delivery
P11 Sprint retrospective
Although the initial design proposed is to a greater extent based on literature and participatory
observation, we decided to fetch systematic inputs from experts in the business world before realizing
the final version through ex-ante evaluation. This would also help in reducing the number of iterations
required before implementing the model in real life context. This exercise answered the fourth
research question:
RQ4. What is the value of the scaled agile maturity model in a real life context?
The evaluation was realized with experts at TomTom, pertaining to the technical and process
knowledge domain of scaled agile methodologies. This method of evaluation was chosen over other
evaluation strategies, as it provides a quick and systematic way to fetch inputs from people with
multitude levels of expertise.
Expert evaluation was conducted by means of a semi-structured interview with three high points as a
base for the questions: Overall relevance, consistency and the design constructs of the framework.
Based on these high points several opportunities for improvement and adaptation of the framework
were suggested: Firstly, experts suggested that the maturity model should include more scaled agile
principles and core values along the columns. Secondly, the bidirectional approach should be stressed
out in populating the model with practices (there should be interplay between the row-wise bottom-
up approach and the column-wise top-down approach). Next to that, maturity flows of a couple of
essential practices could be added in order to help the organization to get a high level abstract view of
maturity for the practices. In addition the design pattern of the model is also adapted by taking team,
program and portfolio level along the stages of the model. The assessment criteria
Following the input received via the evaluation interviews, the central research question was answered
by delivering the final scaled agile maturity model.
How would a scaled agile maturity model for assisting the large scaled IT organization in adopting to scaled agile practice,
look like?
The scaled agile maturity model consists of five scaled agile principles as columns and six stages as
rows. The stages represent the scaled agile levels used in the scaled agile methodology: team, program
and portfolio. There are four main conclusions on the model: 1. Maturing of agile systems ca nnot be
based on strict predefined process based model. 2. Scaled agile maturity model will act as a discussion
tool among the team members 3. It is in our view there is an essential need to shift the focus from
prescribing the practices in the name of maturity model to take a subjective view in which people play
an essential role instead. 4. Agile and scaled agile maturity models should take the ambidextrous nature
of scaled agile systems into account. With these main conclusions in hand, we provided a sca led agile
maturity model along with the assessment criteria. With these conclusions we stress on the fact that
people plays a major role in scaled agile software development maturing process. Thus when people
play the major role, it is explicit that processes come in a secondary place in our view. Majority of
maturity models in software engineering field, are based on process definition and strict
regulations(Maier, Moultrie, & Clarkson, 2012). This give rise to criticisms on number of practical
challenges such as lack of feedback loops, Lack of theoretical and empirical base on the design
guidelines and limited focus on the aspects involved in the design components(Maheshwari & Janssen,
2013). Though these challenges and criticisms are partially addressed in literature, the criticism in
defining process constructs in measuring the agility of the team is often neglected in the design of the
maturity model. We took this perspective into account in our design guidelines and propose fostering
ambidextrous nature of the teams by providing practices with clear expected outcomes, but leaving
space for exploitation of practices With this we added the perspective of developing ambidextrous
ability to mature in scaled agile systems, which is a challenge due to fact that there i s no unique recipe
to ambidexterity concerning a particular organization. With this line of argumentation we propose that
the scaled agile maturity in this research doesn’t provide a one-size fit all approach, rather gives space
for tailoring the maturity model based on challenges faced by an organization.
Though there are quite a number of adaptations between the initial and final design of the model, we
still believe there is always a road for improvement. Hence we would like to reflect on the existing
criticisms of the maturity model on our scaled agile maturity model.
that there is a need to promote sustainable
development of the processes by integrating
the experiences of the developers, their
learning through action, and sharing that
learning and not just mere adaption of
Least attention to process (Allison & Though the research aims at emergent
metamorphosis Merali, 2007) nature of the practices and maturity, the
dynamics of emergence is underexplored.
The emergent properties of practices mean
that they cannot be known a priori, but it
does not mean that there is no intended
design for an action. Hence it will be
proposed as a future study as how the
practices enlisted in the model intend to
Change in Software process (Chikhale & We claimed to have discussed on the first
improvement is not linear Mansouri, point that the software process
through time, nor is it uniform 2015) improvement is not linear through time, but
across all actors or all tasks an adaptive process which changes in
reflection to the external environment.
However the uniformity of the change
across all the actors is unexplored in this
research. There are multitude of
stakeholders who contribute to the scaled
agile process. Emergence of a practice
creates different impacts on the actors.
Though there is no unique solution on how
the actor might pursue the notion on
emergence, exploration on that notion might
create an additional view on emergence.
In addition to these criticisms we would like to add on quite a few reasons on how the model would
be effective as a discussion tool. One might wonder, as why they need such a model as a discussion
tool and a discussion can quite happen in an organization without such a guide. No way have we
promoted that the model has to be involved in all the discussions related to scaled agile methodologies.
However, we question on how a company is supposed to mature in scaled agile if they don’t have a
blueprint on how the scaled agile practices and processes evolve across the team, program and
portfolio practices. The model would act as a starting point for the discussion and act as a blueprint
(not a roadmap) to the organizations trying to adapt scaled agile methodology. Likewise an agile or
scaled agile methodology, the model should be continually evolving as the team or organizations learns
and grow. While we don’t support the notion of one model which fits for all the scaled agile challenges
faced by an organization, we aim at kick starting the process of how an organization can look forward
in the future in terms of scaled agile approach. Regardless of which practice the team choose to adopt,
we strongly suggest that this model be used in the spirit of collaboration. Hence this model would
prove effective as a beginner’s guide on scaled agile approaches and as a discussion tool in evolving
towards a scaled agility.
In addition we would also like to revisit the design guidelines proposed in the Chapter section 3.5
Requirements of scaled agile maturity model and analyze the final design taking the design guidelines
into account.
Maturing of
agile systems
Stages/levels of
cannot be based the model
on waterfall
based strict should be
regulations in backed up with
maturing from an agile factor.
one stage to
Maturing in agility is
too context dependent
and models should act
as a guide leaving
space to emergency of
Though we aimed to achieve the design guidelines in eliminating the waterfall based strict regulations
and context dependent design, incorporating the agile factor along the stages is not fully achieved.
This is due the adaptations made in the final stage of the research, with inputs from expert evaluation.
However we claim that the team, program and portfolio levels used as stages incorporates the scaled
agile factor into the model.
People and interactions Technical expertise – Built in quality Incremental building and Alignment Transparency
continuous flow
Stage 1 – Team S1P1 Pair programming S1P5Clear definition of done S1P11 Short iterations S1P12 Task boards S1P15 Automated Status
level S1P2DEV-UX S1P6 Coding standards S1P13 Sprint Backlog reporting
streamlined S1P3 Clear definition on scrum S1P7 Code refactoring S1P14 Scrum ceremonies S1P16 Common language
roles and responsibilities S1P8 Defect analysis
S1P4 Self-organized teams S1P9 Exploratory testing
S1P10 Test first development
Tools Common tool of communication Code review tools Issue tracking tools, Issue tracking tools
for all stakeholders. productivity tools
Stage 2 – Team S2P1Managing distributed teams S2P3 Test driven development S2P8 Frequent builds S2P11Stakeholder S2P12Adaptation sessions –
level matured S2P2 Increased collaboration S2P4 Acceptance driven development S2P9 Measuring software alignment Inspect and adapt workshops
S2P5 Behavior driven development quality characteristics team level
S2P6 Continuous integration S2P10 Tracking iteration S2P13 HIP Sprint –team level
S2P7 System integration progress
Tools Wikis and blogs Automated deployment process tools Agile metric estimation tools
Online project management tools
Shared mailing list and folder
Stage 3 – S3P1 Clear definition of program S3P2DevOps S3P3Team level increments S3P4Program Backlog S3P6 Inspect and adapt
Program level stakeholder roles and for functional and non- S3P5Release planning workshop PI level
streamlined responsibilities. functional requirements. S3P7 HIP sprint –program
Tools Automated building and deployment Issue tracking tools
Stage 4 – S4P0 Stakeholder alignment S4P1Clear architectural runway S4P2ART (Agile Release S4P3PI Execution
Program level train) System demo
Tools Issue tracking and
productivity tracking tools
Stage 5 – S5P1 Strategic themes estimation S5P2 Measuring business S5P3 Portfolio backlog
Portfolio level objectives
6.5 Scientific relevance
As introduced in Chapter 1 Introduction, this thesis contributes to the creation of a new body of
knowledge in the area of scaled agile, by investigating the scaled agile practices used in implementing
the scaled agile methodology. We claim that as the main contribution to the academic world, with its
uniqueness it brings in helping the organizations in adopting to scaled agile methodologies with respect
to finding the areas of improvement in terms of scaled agile practices.
First of all, we determined in the introductory chapter that there was a lack of academic body of
knowledge for the implementation of scaled agile software development in a large scale organization.
Subsequently, we filled part of this gap by designing a scaled agile maturity model, along with the range
of indicators to be considered for the implementation process.
We place the design of scaled agile maturity model in the domain of Socio- technical systems design
(STSD), in which the design considers human, social, organizational and technical factors. We argue
that there is a need for a pragmatic socio-technic approach to software development methods,
focusing on both social and technical factors that influence the environment surrounding the agile
systems. With this line of argumentation, we consider scaled agile software dev elopment system as a
socio-technical system which mainly focusses on improving the efficiency through increased attention
to human factor technology and external environment. This aspect of socio-technical design can be
clearly seen in the design of scaled agile maturity model, where both the social factors (people &
interactions) and technical factors (Incremental building and technical expertise) are placed as main
pillars of the design. This research thus contributes to the new body of theory on socio te chnical
design for scaled agile software development.
We also identified from the literature that the maturity models existing in literature, have strict
regulations to move from one stage to another, which resembles the waterfall based approach. In
order to be more agile not only in the methods the model preaches, but also on the design constructs,
we introduced the concept of exploration of practices before moving on to the proper implementation
of the practices. Moreover, the practices introduced in the model can be tailored by the user of the
model for level of completeness, which highlights the guidance perspective of the model, instead of a
strict rule based approach (with the help of assessment criteria as seen in appendix 3).
The model includes six stages as rows and five scaled agile principles in columns such as People and
interactions, incremental and continuous flow, alignment, transparency and technical expertise, nevertheless there is
always a scope for improvement. Therefore this thesis provides not only descriptive conclusions in
the form of scaled agile maturity model, but also future recommendations for further research (section
6.8). We hope that this research will help the future researchers in contributing to the field of scaled
agile methodologies.
6.6 Societal relevance
This thesis represents a design-oriented research, given the fact that the end goal represents a design
of a scaled agile maturity model. Organizations which are planning to adopt scaled agile methodologies
or organizations which have adopted scaled agile and are in a need to find areas of improvements will
be benefitted by careful analysis of the assessment criteria. So clearly the research aims in improving
the quality of adoption and maintenance of scaled agile methodologies in a large scale IT organization.
Stakeholders such as scrum master, release managers, developers, product owners and internal
stakeholders across program, portfolio and team levels will greatly benefit from the model in finding
areas of improvement in adopting to scaled agile approach. The societal relevance of the artifact is
that, provided the scaled agile maturity model is used as a discussion tool for collaborative decision
making, the model might contribute to the continuous improvement measures regarding software
processes in the IT community. In addition, the research takes the productive interaction of societal
stakeholders through means of expert ex-ante evaluation, which is considered vital in evaluating the
societal impact of the maturity model that we developed. Furthermore societal stakeholders are greatly
involved in the evaluation of the research, by involving them in the research committee, their inputs
are clearly interwoven along in each phase of the design. This way the knowledge has been
disseminated to the societal stakeholders, pertaining to the context of research.
6.7 Limitations
In order to complement the robust findings of the scaled agile maturity model, we would also like to
acknowledge the limitations that hampered the research. The limitations described in this section have
been extracted in each and every phase of the research journey, while the adaptation decisions to scope
and de-scope the design were channeled through the voice of experts in the evaluation phase.
One of the limitations is the way the research design cycle was applied. In this research, we used an
adapted version of, “Design Science Research Methodology” proposed by Pffers While
the steps such as “Problem identification”, “Definition of objectives”, “Design and development” are
performed in the study, the step on demonstration is neglected in this study and is proposed as future
research (section 6.5). Nevertheless we also consider the scholars point of view in deviating from the
sequential order of steps, in relevance to the problem being addressed and the nature of the problem.
Another limitation is given by the type of sources that was used a research design tool, to construct
this report. Due to newness of the topic we used non-academic references to derive the scaled agile
process and practices in Chapter 2 (i.e articles published in internet by the SAFe founder Lean
Deffingwell and case studies published on the SAFe’s public website). Though we tried to provide an
extensive overview of the scaled agile process with the means of the sources we had, some of the
elements might have been left out due to the unavailability of (more) sources.
With regards to the data gathered form the expert interviews, the respondents are mainly from one
particular organization which adapted to SAFe as a scaled agile methodology. Firstly, the range of scaled
agile practices adopted, differs among organizations. This is considered as a main limitation in
populating the model only with the SAFe practices, since the language and naming of practices might
create confusion among the respondents if the practices seem unfamiliar for them to evaluate.
Secondly, the experts selected are from one particular industry (automotive), in the sense the response
might have been biased to a specific industry. Although we have started to approach the experts for
expert evaluation phase in the early stage of the design (late May 2016), due to non-availability of the
persons, it was not possible to conduct interviews with a larger group and with respondents from
several organizations with another industry domain as a background. Given the fact that we had
interviews with members from a specific industry, we have a small representation of the targeted
audience. This might hinder the generalizability in various ways. First concerning the users of the
scaled agile maturity model, the internal governance, process, and addressed problems are company
specific. While there are high similarities between companies within the same indust ry, roles and
responsibilities might differ across companies. As already indicated there might be a discrepancy on
how the model is perceived across the companies due to the specific name given to the scaled agile
practices and responsibilities enlisted for the stakeholders. We claim that the set of considerations
(principles and scaled agile practices) are not fully organization-specific and to a greater extent, can be
orchestrated to other organizations as well. They are meant to provide a baseline from which any large
scale IT organization interested in scaled agile methodologies, can adjust the model to its own baseline
of practices. This will therefore be a topic of starting a meaningful discussion in finding areas of
improvements in adapting to scaled agile practices.
Also the completeness of the framework is a major limitation. The outcome of the research, the scaled
agile maturity model contains five core principles, from which the practices are populated. However
not all of the five principles were investigated in full depth. This is due to various reasons: availability
of information, thesis scope and lack of previous publications on scaled agile. Based on these factors,
a lot of attention was dedicated to scaled agile practices. Furthermore, focus of the thesis was more
on the process knowledge of the scaled agile development and less on the technical aspects. Most of
the technical changes were to a smaller extent mentioned in the model. However this aspect has been
tackled in chapter 3, in which we performed an in-depth review on both technical and process aspects
of various maturity models in literature.
Apart from the limitations raised in this section, we claim that with our model we made an essential
first step towards a structured approach for large scale IT organizations in adapting towards scaled
agile approaches, by letting them have a faster means of assessment in assessing the practices and
process changes.
However there is always scope for improvement and space for further research while considering the
limitations of the research. This is elaborated in this section as follows:
1. Firstly, we recommend investigating characteristics of the firm in coming up with scaled agile
practices. As discussed in chapter 2, organizations differ in scaling their practices either
through product level or platform level. Investigating the model based on these 2 dimensions
might open different elements for study.
2. Another area of research could be diving deeper into the scaled agile principles in addition to
those proposed in this thesis. For this analysis, we came with mapping the principles based on
their characteristics and came up with columns on principles. This aspect provides the first
indication on one of the strategies to be followed: de-mapping the principles and in-depth of
each principle on its own.
3. Another possibility would be to explore each of the practices in detail and recording the
outputs. As discussed in one of the design guidelines, agile team is an adaptive system in which
the team adjusts itself for new practices and outcomes has to be studied before implementing
the practice in real time. This exploration phase of the model will provide organizations with
additional detail on the practices.
4. Furthermore, implementing a range of practices differs with respect to decisions on the
management level. A subsequent area of research would be to engage stakeholder analysis for
the implementation and adoption of all the practices involved in the model. As already
discussed in Section found. Further research on dynamics of emergent practices is needed. As
the practices emerge in an organization, the stakeholders would require a discussion guide on
how the practices dynamically evolve for the next few years. Though the emergent properties
of practices cannot be known a priori, future research on intended design of such an emergent
property would create additional discussion domains.
5. As a continuation to the four research questions proposed in this study, a fifth research
question would be to do an ex-post evaluation by implementing the model in an organization
and record for validation outputs.
6.6 Reflection
As part of last aspect for consideration in this research, I would like to stress some important
reflections with respect to System Engineering Policy Analysis – Information Architecture (SEPAM
–IA) curriculum.
From a SEPAM - IA angle, this research is highly relevant to the curricula that are structured around
the main themes: large scale and complex problems related to both the public and private sector,
designing technical/ management solutions for socio-technical systems and process management
strategies. These themes are of great importance in this research, as the business sector (software
community) is placed as a central actor and involves designing a solution for a problem being
addressed by the actors.
With regards to curriculum this research includes various concepts and knowledge gained from the
lectures and project work from the courses as follows: Software Architecture [IN4315], Service
systems engineering [SPM5430], Thesis project definition [SPM5905], IA design project
[SPM5920IA], ICT Management [SPM9640], ICT Design and valorization and mobile applications
[SPM 9631].
“Software Architectures” discipline gave an idea on underlying high level structure of software systems
and the software elements which compose those systems. This gave us a start in analyzing the software
systems for new ideas and research opportunities in the field. Many of the agile practices are studied
in depth during the course of study, through a real-time open source project, which helped in gaining
a proper understanding of agile software development in the business world.
“Service System Engineering” provided a fundamental direction on the design cycles and a couple of
the lean-agile practices such as user stories, acceptance criteria and design of a public platform. The
design cycles employed in the course of study gave a complete understanding on the stages such as
“problem identification” and “objectives formulation” in the digital ecosystem.
“Thesis Project Definition”, one of the intensive courses for the whole master program and I consider
this course as an excellent source of inspiration in kick-starting the master thesis. It helped me to
understand the complexity of the master thesis project and prepared me in facing the journey of master
thesis with good hopes. By analyzing various articles, conducting a literature review, having meaningful
discussion and constructive feedback with/from the fellow students, peer reviewing of other student’s
ideas and inspirational feedback from the mentors, I gained a holistic understanding on writing a
project proposal, formulating the research scope. This helped me a lot in employing a meaningful
research design in the thesis. Although, this research is not a 100% continuation of the “Master thesis
project definition” course, I consider that the course kick-started my trajectory towards the research.
“IA design project” and “ICT Management” courses provided fundamental direction on topics such
as software development systems and digital arena which helped in identifying the digital ecosystem
in the business world. “ICT design, valorization and mobile applications” course provided the design
steps and logical pillars in designing an IT artefact. The project work for this course helped me in
getting an idea of good and bad design choices in designing an IT artefact, which is considered as a
main building block in this research. Six-step design cycle approach proposed by Verschuren
(2010) was introduced in this course, which helped as a starting point for this research in considering
the design cycle approach in designing the model.
From a personal perspective, I acknowledge that writing a master thesis is a remarkable experience
and an exceptional arena, where I can showcase all of my knowledge obtained during the master
program to the community. To begin with, during the journey of master thesis I have enhanced my
cognitive and analytic skills required to put pieces of puzzling information in a logical way. It helped
me in various phases of the project such as conducting a literature survey and Expert evaluation, where
a lot of information had to be structured, in order to develop an initial design of the model.
In addition I would say, a critical way of thinking is required during the data analysis phase, where an
objective analysis and evaluation of the dialogues (from the interview) is of paramount importance in
arriving at a judgement on what a respondent tries to propose through his/her arguments. Without
being said, master thesis requires a lot of dedication and discipline, in achieving the results at right
time along the timeline proposed in the kick-off session.
Furthermore, my professional skills such as presentation skills, organizational skills, team building
skills and communication skills improved throughout the course of the thesis. I have to give credits
to TomTom and my external supervisors, who involved me in several discussions and participatory
observation of various day-to-day meets in TomTom. This helped me in preparing myself for the
professional world in advance, which would be my next step after graduation.
Nevertheless, I have to acknowledge that this remarkable journey would have not been possible
without the constant support from my TU Delft staffs, TU Deft supervisors, TomTom mentors and
employees of TomTom.
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Appendix 1
Interview structure for expert evaluation
Short introduction on my background
Description on the project
Appendix 2
Each time-box results in an increment of a
working system that can be evaluated by the
system builder and the customer
Subsequent time-boxes build upon the
previous increments and the solution evolves
until it is released.
Teams follow routine synchronization to help
assure that the evolving solution addresses the
real and current business needs, as opposed to
the assumptions that were established at the
S1P12 Team employs a scrum task board to make the
sprint backlog visible to the team members
S1P13 Team identifies a list of tasks to be completed
during each sprint and organizes a backlog
Team employs the scrum ceremonies on a
regular basis for each sprint
Team employs daily stand up of all the team
members on a day to day basis
All team members collaboratively participate
for all the scrum ceremonies
Team employs sprint review session after every
Team employs sprint demo session after every
Team employs sprint retrospective after every
S1P15 Team employs tracking tools to track the status
of tasks involved in the sprint backlog,
transparent to all team members
S1P16 Team employs a transparent common language
within the team to denote the artefacts.
Distributed teams effectively participates in all
the scrum ceremonies
Team employs an effective tool chain for
requirement repositories, management, build
S2P1 and deployment, and project management.
(Technology alignment)
Team employs remote pairing of team member
to offer knowledge sharing and to foster
collaboration among the team members.
S2P3 As a next step after TFD, team employs regular
refactoring the code to clean up the growing
code base.
Team employs the mantra “Red/green/
refactor” to ensure effective test driven
S2P4 Team employs acceptance tests as a part of
overall testing strategy, in which customer
intent is specified in the tests.
S2P5 Team employs behavior tests as a part of
overall testing strategy, in which the tests are
specified in terms of desired behavior of the
S2P6/S2P8 Software is always in a releasable state
Release time box is well defined and equal to or
less than the business need
Comprehensive automated tests suites are
created through TDD/BDD/ADD and
maintained by developers and testers working
No work is considered done until it has passes
unit acceptance tests associated with it
All the new requirements describe how the
value of this feature will be measured
S2P7 Systems are architected with continuous
deployments in mind.
Team employs frequent system and solution
level integration
Team employs regular system and solution
Team employs incident management process,
in which the production incidents over time
and recurrence are measured. During the
process the team defines the root cause and
implements corrective measures which enables
continuous improvements and prevents
S2P9 recurrence.
Team captures the user sentiments by
measuring how they feel when they interact
with the application
Defect trends are analyzed before each
production release (Number of open defects,
Defect cycle time and Defect spill over)
Team employs techniques to track the progress
of iteration
Planned velocity – Tracking the total
number of story points the team
estimates to complete
Sprint burn down
Release burn down
Scope creep- Total number of hours
worked on a task versus the total
number of hours estimated in the
planning for a task
Team employs the exercise of evaluating the
progress in one of the scrum ceremonies
(sprint review/Sprint planning)
S2P11 Team employs all the stakeholders involved in
the process for planning activities
S2P12 Team employs Inspect and adapts sessions
with all the relevant stakeholders, in which the
lessons learned are incorporated.
S3P13 Team employs a hardening sprint in which the
team stops focusing on building new features
or architecture and instead spends their time in
stabilizing the system to get ready for the
Roles of all the stakeholders are clearly
communicated and defined.
Product management
Develop and communicate the program vision
and roadmap
Develops feature acceptance criteria that can
be used to establish the “definition of done”
for the feature
Collaborate with Product owners on the team
Work with epic owners to develop the business
case for epics that are related to the program
System Architect
Work with customers and stakeholders to
establish high-level solution intent
Supervise and foster built in quality
Establish non-functional requirements at the
solution level
Release train engineer
Facilitates Program increment planning
Coach leaders, teams and scrum masters at
team level for scaled agile practices
Facilitate periodic synchronization of meetings
involved in Agile release trains
Escalate and track impediments of the agile
release train
The organization employs DevOps as a scaled
agile practice under which the development
teams and the operations teams collaborate on
a continuous basis.
The deployment operations or production
team members are active on the agile release
train and fully engaged in the process. (The
operations team is continuously engaged with
the development team throughout the life cycle
of solution development)
S3P2 The organization employs a metric system to
measure the efficiency of DevOps
Release date adherence percentage
Time taken for release to production
Defects attributed to platform
Ops team is continuously involved in the sprint
review and involve in continuous engagement
and collaboration with the development team
to predict the accuracy of the potential release
S3P3 Before ART planning, team employs a team
increment process in which the stories are
checked for completeness in accordan ce with
acceptan ce criteria
Product management together with solution
management team identifies and prioritizes the
backlog before the program increment
planning session.
All the relevant stakeholders have a clear
understanding on the Program increment goals
Stakeholders have visibility into the program
S3P6 All the teams involved in the agile release train
involve in inspect and adapt sessions in which
the lessons learned are incorporated for the
previous program increment.
S3P7 Team employs a hardening sprint in which the
team stops focusing on building new features
or architecture and instead spends their time in
stabilizing the system
Status reporting is automated and based on
objectives of the working systems
Teams and programs have visibility into
S4P0 business and architecture systems.
Portfolio managers and other stakeholders
have a clear understanding on the PI goals and
The organization employs emergent design in
place of Big upfront design
The architectural design evolves hand in hand
with the business functionality, through
constant testing and refactoring.
The organization employs modeling constructs
such as domain modeling or use case modeling
in modeling the problem to gain a better
understanding of the potential problems
The models are recorded as a solution intent,
which is discussed in the PI or release planning
S4P1 events.
The organization employs a collaborative effort
in innovating the architecture, involving all the
stakeholders such as agile teams, architects and
The UX team tracks the artifacts of the
architectural runway and get ready with the
design guidelines and prototypes for the new
program increment functionality.
The UX team continuously validates the user
experience/ architectural designs via user
experience testing. (via creating user personas
S4P2 Planning readiness
Program backlog is ready to be discussed
Team backlog is ready to be discussed
Release planning event
Program stakeholders, business owners and
relevant stakeholders are present
Risks are discusses and addresses
All teams are agreed with the SMART
Confidence vote is exercised for the PI
Portfolio alignment
Program vision and roadmap are aligned with
portfolio vision
Product management effectively works with
epic owners to split the epics and prioritize
them into program backlog
Scrum of scrum meets routinely and effectively
Scope is managed effectively
S4P3 Teams proactively interact outside of scrum of
scrums to address dependencies, impediments
and resolve issues
S5P1 Strategic themes are established which helps in
connecting the evolving enterprise strategy to
portfolio level
S5P2 Early indicators are established to measure the
progress of the strategic themes
S5P3 Strategic themes are converted into epics,
forming the portfolio backlog
Inputs to the portfolio backlog is accompanied
by business outcomes and return on
S6P1 Organization employs a team for program
portfolio management which represents the
people for fiduciary decision making to set
initiatives in a business unit
Program portfolio management measures and
allocates funding to strategic themes and agile
S6P2 release trains
Program portfolio management assists, drives
and support program execution
Involves lean-agile budgeting, in which budgets
are allocated for each epic
Budget estimations are constantly reviewed for
budget creeps
Appendix 3: Scientific article
Stages versus people: Using maturity model as a discussion tool for identifying maturity in
scaled agile software development systems
Revathi M Chandrasekaran (4385276)
Faculty of Technology Policy and Management
Delft university of Technology
Researchers have proposed many agile software development maturity models to provide guidelines for agile process
improvements. Most of them describe various maturity levels and processes the team should adopt to achieve certain goals
in a level. These models differ in their underlying structure describing different possible paths to maturity in agile software
development systems. The team then uses the model to assess its current level and identify the practice s that would guide
them to maturity. However the struggle for the agile team to follow the prescribed practices and processes has always been
neglected in constructing the model. This is due to the fact that the agile practices are highly customized for sp ecific contexts
for a team and as a result the team doesn’t always rely on standard processes. This research is aimed at addressing this
knowledge gap by exploring how agile or scaled agile teams evolve to maturity which takes the nature of agile teams into
account, rather than stressing on predefined maturity levels. To answer this, we investigated the former maturity models
available in literature and through participatory observation in an agile-centered organization. The result is shown as a
vision for the maturity model in which people play a central role in agile and scaled agile software development systems,
with the teams given a scope to explore the agile or scaled agile practices, and the maturity model identifying the progressive
outcomes of adapting to a particular practice by means of discussion with the identified stakeholders. With the team given
the exploitation and exploration choices on practices, the future research directions would be to investigate the assessment
approaches in such an ambidextrous environment.
accomplished before moving on to the next
level. Second is that, the assessment criteria for
1 Introduction the prescribed practices strictly deal with how
Information technology (IT) support of the practices has to be implemented in an ideal
business processes is becoming increasingly agile/scaled agile setting, without being able to
important for organization to help them in discuss on the suitability of the practices in an
their development and to improve competitive organization.
advantage on newest developments. Hence These issues thus, motivated this research. The
organizations look for innovative practices and goal of this paper is to develop a vision for the
trends to continuously improve IT maturity model that overcome the issues
performance and thereby the economic lingering in the current maturity models, with
efficiency(Henderson & Venkatraman, 1999). specific focus to scaled agile environment.
As such agile and scaled agile software With this goal in mind, we formed the primary
development methodologies came into research question for this study: What
existence, which support organizations in characteristics should a maturity model
building more adaptable software development possess to support the agile teams towards
system by increasing their responsiveness in maturing in scaled agile environment?
business change. Organizations started using To answer this question, we first investigate the
maturity models to assess its own situation in maturity models in general. We then review the
agile and scaled agile systems and find guidance literature on agile maturity models in Section 2.
to improve in a specific focus area(Fontana, In section 3, we explore the issues faced by the
Meyer, Reinehr, & Malucelli, 2015). A number current maturity models towards the scaled
agile maturity models has been proposed in the agile environment. We provide the empirical
last years taking into account the guidelines evidence on the characteristics of the scaled
proposed by Capability Maturity Model agile environment in Section 4. Section 5
Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV) discusses on the research questions by
and International standard ISO/IEC 15504, presenting the characteristics and vision of the
which strictly focus on process improvements proposed maturity model that helps the agile
that are previously planned and designed. They teams in maturing towards scaled agile
further stress on continuous improvement environment. In section 6, we draw
only through institutionalization and conclusions and recommendations for future
quantitative management of these research.
processes(CMMI Product Team, 2010). This is
in contrast to the agile principles which stresses
on interactions and people over processes. 2. Related work
There for this reason, a number of agile
maturity models proposed in literature are built 2.1 concepts of maturity model
over agile values and the roadmap they suggest To get a better understanding on what maturity
consider agility at the higher maturity levels models are and the benefits of using such a
than defining quantitative process model, the following section discusses the
improvements(Ozcan-top & Demirörs, 2013). basic concepts of maturity models.
However, a couple of issues linger: First is that, Glimko (2001) gives a description on
though the maturity models consider agile maturity models as “Maturity models describe
values into account, they prescribe practices the development of an entity over time. This
corresponding to hierarchical maturity levels. entity can be anything of interest: a human
This is in contrast to the highly context specific being, an organizational function,
nature of the agile or scaled agile teams, where etc.”(G.Klimko, 2001). Willem (2007)
certain practices cannot be forced to be defines maturity model as a “Structured
collection of elements that describe the maturity stages through means of a
characteristics of effective processes at development path which focusses more on the
different stages of development. It also potential improvements which might occur by
suggests points of demarcation between stages moving along the model. This perspective
and methods of transitioning from one stage to gives user the final decision to decide which
another” (Willem.P, 2007). In addition to that, stage of maturity is the “level of completeness”
many publications refer to the description according to their situation(Wendler, 2012).
provided by CMMI as a basic definition in To summarize, maturity models define and
defining a maturity model, which is described explain the state of perfection or completeness
as “A framework representing a path of of certain elements or objects and ensures a
improvements recommended for software desired evolution or performance path along
organizations that want to increase their clear discrete stages. Though life cycle
software process capability” perspective provides a hard rule in evolving
Though these definitions give us the bottom towards a maturity stage, we claim that the user
line on the usage of maturity models, we need should have final decision to decide the
a clear understanding on elements of such a completeness of the element. This is in line
model and meaning of maturity in general. The with the argument that, every organizations
term maturity is defined as “the state of being face multitude of challenges and there can’t be
mature: fullness or perfection of development a unique solution to all kind if challenges faced
or growth” in oxford English dictionary. by an organization. Hence we claim taking the
Further in the field of Information technology, “Potential performance” perspective into
maturity is normally referred to capabilities, in account as a desired characteristic in designing
which capability is described as “the power or a maturity model for agile teams.
ability in general to fulfill specified tasks and The preceding section deals with maturity
goals” (Simpson & Weiner, 1989). Hence from models with specific focus to agile systems.
a linguistic perspective maturity models will
serve to ensure the conditions of growth when 2.2 Agile maturity models
a specific element reaches the perfect state in Agile software development is an iterative and
their intended purposes(Wendler, 2012). incremental approach to software
Next characteristic which has to be development which takes the changing needs
investigated when such a fullness of of stakeholders into account rather than the
growth/maturity is reached is the perspective traditional software development
on the end goal of designing such a maturity methodologies which involves big upfront
model. Tom (2009) defines two development without any increments or
perspectives in defining the purpose of iterative loops(Palmquist, Lapham, Miller,
maturity models: Life cycle perspective and Potential Chick, & Ozkaya, 2013). Though agile
performance perspective (Tom McBride, 2009). Life approaches helped in overcoming the issues
cycle perspective measures the state of the faced by traditional software development
growth of the process areas, taking the approaches, it has been widely acknowledged
evolution of an organization into account in that agile approaches was only originally
evaluating the maturity. This perspective developed only for smaller teams(Tourtoglou
names the final stage as “Fully mature” and & Virvou, 2012). Problems arise when there
represents the ideal stage of maturity. This are dependencies between several agile teams
perspective aims at fulfilling certain working on a similar project, in a large scale
characteristics at a particular stage of maturity organization. These dependencies can be either
and can evolve to next stage only if the the dependencies between workflow in the
characteristics are fully performed. Whereas, development process, dependencies due to
potential performance perspective defines the different software artefacts, or dependencies
due to tasks assigned to team members of Iacob, & van Sinderen, 2011)(Jakobsen &
different teams(Sekitoleko, Evbota, Knauss, Johnson, 2008)(Tuan & Thang, 2013)
Sandberg, & Ab, 2014). This led to the Second group of studies focused on agile
invention of scaled agile approaches in which values and gave a greater importance to
the agile approaches are scaled from team level improving agility at higher levels. For instance,
to program and portfolio level, where program the model proposed by Sidky (2007) take
level represents the configuration of all the agile values into account to define the five
teams working on a project and portfolio level stages of maturity. Each level consists of set of
represents the configuration of all the portfolio practices corresponding to the agile values,
working on a similar strategic with the last level focusing on sustaining the
theme(Leffingwell, 2011). agile environment(Sidky, Arthur, & Bohner,
2007). Patel and Ramachandran (2009)
propose a maturity model based on CMMI
structure populated with agile practices. They
define five maturity levels and the maturity gain
is being measured through increasing process
definitions based on the agile practices being
adopted from stage one to five(Patel &
Ramachandran, 2009). Benfield defines a
maturity model based on seven agile practices
or dimensions that collaboratively helps in
increasing agility in an organization. These
dimensions are represented through five
maturity levels, with fifth level denoting
practices which helps in sustaining highly
Figure 1: Scaled agile environment productive teams and quick delivery of
As agile values act as a core for both agile and products (Benefield, 2010). Yin (2011)
scaled agile systems, we now investigate the proposes a maturity model for agile by
agile maturity models available in literature. explicitly taking only scrum practices into
In the field of agile maturity models, two paths account. It comprises of five maturity levels to
of research have been studied: First focusses help organizations adopt to scrum practices in
on developing maturity models by adapting an incremental manner via suggested
agile practices to the already existing software practices(Yin, Figueiredo, & Silva, 2011).
maturity models such as Capability Maturity Packlick (2007) defines an agile maturity model
Model Integration (CMMI). The second through goal-oriented approach, in which five
focusses on developing maturity stages by goals enlisted in the model takes the self-
using agile values. The first group of studies serving acronym AGILE. With A for
started with discussion of Mark Paulk in acceptance criteria, G for green bar test and
investigating the complementary nature of builds, I for Iterative planning, L for learning
combining an agile methodology like Extreme and adapting and E for Engineering excellence.
programming (XP) with CMMI (Paulk, 2001). These goals are then mapped to five maturity
Since then, number of studies has been levels. Instead of forcing on practices to be
explored on how agile methodologies can be implemented, the authors define certain goals
combined with the CMMI(Al-Tarawneh, to be accomplished for certain stages. In this
Abdullah, & Ali, 2011)(McCaffery, way agile team members understand the
Pikkarainen, & Richardson, 2008)(Spoelstra, rationale behind the practice much
better(Packlick, 2007).
3 Issues of current maturity models different authors((Ozcan-top & Demirörs,
We studied different agile maturity models in 2013), (Fontana et al., 2015)) have identified
literature and investigated the characteristics of the lack of consistent underlying structure of a
those models. In this section we discuss the maturity model.
issues of former maturity models, in order to
arrive at goal of this study.
As can be seen from the review, most of the 4 Empirical study
agile maturity models focus on agile practices We found the characteristics and issues of the
in general and defines four to five maturity former maturity models in literature that might
levels influenced by the structured process influence the design and development of the
definitions defined in CMMI. Though the maturity model. To help answer the research
second group of studies pursues agile values in question in this study, we employed
the design, they still focus on strict adherence participatory observation in a scaled agile
to a structured process in defining the maturity environment in a large scale organization. The
stages, except for one publication Packlick goal of employing this research tool is to
(2007). The author considers the primary role investigate the nature of scaled agile teams
of self-organization in designing the maturity towards maturity. Participatory observation is
model and explicitly stresses on the goal level used as a research tool because the project is
approach instead of process oriented exploratory in nature and in a relatively newer
improvements (Packlick, 2007). This method domain. This is particularly useful because of
of increasing self-organizing behavior in agile the nature of agile teams to be autonomous in
systems has been continuously researched nature and were described to be a learning
upon by various scholars and proven to be systems that expand their decision space in
effective in encouraging agility instead of response to every day learning (Hoda et al.,
forced process definitions (Hoda, Noble, & 2013). In order to closely involved in the day
Marshall, 2013). The model’s key goal focused to day activities of the team and observe the
in overcoming prejudices against specific nature of scaled agile environment, participant
practices, by focusing more on goals. However observation is chosen as a research tool in this
the model lacked showing a holistic view on research. Further, the study being a qualitative
the practices from which the team can start research, we presume that there will be
exploring in working towards the goal multitude of perspectives within any given
approach. This is required in order to avoid community (agile teams in this research). It is
inconsistencies in a scaled agile environment in therefore essential to know the diverse
which several teams work on a common goal. perspectives and clear understanding of the
As can be noticed the characteristics on highest interplay among them(Mack, Woodsong,
maturity differs in all the models. For instance, MacQueen, Guest, & Namey, 2005). However
Sidky (2007) stresses on sustaining agility there is couple of disadvantages to
at the last stage defined in the model, after all participatory observation which has to be
goals focused on the previous stages has been acknowledged: Participant observation tends
established. Whereas Patel and Ramachandran to be inherently subjective and requires a
(2009) defines highest maturity through conscious effort to objectivity. The activity on
focusing on satisfaction of customers and reporting what is being observed rather than
stakeholders. However we claim that the the exercise on interpreting what is seen helped
models do not explicitly address the maturity in mitigating this issue and thereby reduces
concepts and there is a lack of consensus subjectivity in the research.
among the publications regarding the
characteristics of highest maturity in a model.
Both our literature study and studies by
4.1 Participatory observation the benefits of such a practice scheduled on a
In this research, the author acted as a regular basis. Only when the practices bring
participatory observant in a large scale efficiency to the team, it is considered for
organization, which adapted to Scaled agile further discussion for the exploitation. This is
practices in the year 2014. Author observed in line with the argumentation on
daily meetings, scrum ceremonies, planning Ambidexterity, where organizations involve in
meetings and release meetings, to understand a balance between exploitative and exploratory
and analyze the nature of practices and scaled nature of practices(Turner, Swart, & Maylor,
agile teams in the organization for a period of 2013). It can also be noted from this
four months. The research is restricted to characteristic, that the scaled agile teams evolve
participatory observation to one team due to towards agility through applying ambidexterity
limited time and scope restrictions. behavior, in the sense it improves self-
The organization followed an ad-hoc software organizing behavior of the teams in responding
development process, with a top-down to business changes, which is the core value of
approach before adapting to scaled agile agile and scaled agile systems. It also helps the
practices. New roles and responsibilities agile teams evolve towards maturity from agile
emerged along with the adoption of scaled agile learning towards ambidextrous behavior, in
practices. The evolvement of agile teams responsive or adaptive to complex situations.
towards a scaled agile environment shows that,
the team started using scaled agile methods by
book. They focused on scaled agile learning
through workshops and training programs.
Though the scaled agile learning was Figure 2: Agile teams evolving towards
established through workshops, the team maturity
didn’t follow all the practices enlisted as ideal
practices for a scaled agile environment. The
act of sense-making the practices is 5 Characteristics of scaled agile maturity
accomplished only after the need for such a model
practice is established. For instance, the The analysis of scaled agile and agile systems
practice on requirements analysis by getting resulted in four characteristics which have to
inputs from the customer is considered as an be taken into account while designing a scaled
essential practice in agile and scaled agile agile maturity model: Potential performance
software development approaches(Highsmith perspective, ambidextrous nature, and
& Cockburn, 2001). However the team directly underlying notion on maturity and progressive
didn’t involve in customer requirement analysis outcomes. In the next section, each of the
on a regular basis. But when there was a need characteristics is described in detail.
to allow themselves to work in closer 5.1 Potential performance perspective
collaboration with the customers, the team In the first scan of the agile maturity models
dedicated a specific time slot to go through the
available in literature, quite a large number of
inputs and feedbacks given by the customers in
model take life cycle perspective into account
a local community forum, where customers
in defining the stages of the maturity model.
chat about their products and its features. The Life cycle perspective helps to calculate the
practice therefore was named as “Community
organizational maturity through stages of
input analysis” and was regularly scheduled
improvement. Only when the goals are
every other week for team discussion with all
accomplished for a particular stage, the
the involved stakeholders. But even before the preceding stage is unlocked. This in term is
adaptation of such a practice, the team
contrast to the agile environment which places
involved in an exploration phase to experiment
people over processes, and focusses on institutionalized and effective(Maier, Moultrie,
adaptive environment instead of a predefined & Clarkson, 2012). Thus the maturity models
system. Therefore taking potential encourage the use of existing well-known
performance perspective into account which methods and practices to progress along the
defines the maturity stage as a development maturity scale.
path with focus on the potential improvements
or outcomes can help in supporting agility 5.3.2 Emphasis on people
factor throughout the model. In addition, this Few of the other maturity models conceive
perspective gives the choice of final decision to people as an essential rationale for evolution
the user, stressing on the fact that there can’t towards agile methodologies. The maturity
be a unique solution to all kind of challenges grids focus on evolution of cooperative and
faced by the organization. self-organizing behavior of agile teams, with
maturity focusing on the intervention in the
5.2 Ambidextrous nature social behavior of agile teams in contrast to the
As discussed, agile and scaled agile structural process adherence as discussed
environments are complex adaptive systems earlier.
which adapts to changes introduced in the
environment instead of predefined processes 5.3.3 Emphasis on project
at the start. This is one of the essential features, Since agile software development focuses more
which differentiates agile software on the project management methodologies,
development approaches to traditional maturity models involved the project
software development methodologies. In line management methodologies in the design. This
with this argumentation, if the agile and scaled was also reflected in the assumption of
agile teams aim at being mature in this maturity, which stressed on process
perspective of adapting to external changes transparency and operational efficiency of the
through a maturity model, the model should practices.
explicitly consider exploration and exploitation The aforementioned analysis shows how the
of practices into account in adapting to the notion on maturity has been conceptualized in
system. It is in our view there is an essential different maturity models. We claim in using
need to shift the focus from prescribing the characteristic on process maturity in scaled
predefined processes in defining to maturity to agile software development, where
ambidextrous nature of taking a broader standardized scaled agile practices play an
subjective view, in which people play an essential role in evolving towards scaled agile
essential role instead of predefined processes. environment. However we claim that the
practices should be involved in an
5.3 Underlying notion on maturity ambidextrous nature where exploration and
As seen from the literature review, maturity exploitation are balanced out.
models lack in defining the concept of agile or
scaled agile maturity in designing the model.
We discern three characteristics that have been 6 Conclusion
used as a rationale in describing “What makes This study started with the research question:
the organizational capabilities mature?” What characteristics should a maturity model
possess to support the agile teams towards
5.3.1 Adherence to a process maturing in scaled agile environment? From
A number of agile maturity models in literature our analysis three characteristics were
base the maturity levels on a defined process identified that help in supporting the agile
improvement approach in which the maturity teams in maturing towards a scaled agile
is defined as the degree to which the process is environment. Taking the desired
characteristics into account, we now propose the contexts and agile teams included in the
the vision of the maturity model by translating study. Considering the generalizability limits,
the characteristics into requirements for the we have proposed the desired characteristics
model. As a first stance, we propose process for scaled agile maturity. The main implication
maturity as the underlying notion on maturity of this study is inclusion of ambidexterity or
taking the scaled agile practices into account. subjective assessment of the scaled agile teams
As the scaled agile environment takes three and favors such an environment through
levels of agility into account, the stages enlisted maturity model acting as a discussion tool. In
in the model should focus on the team, comparison to the other maturity models, we
portfolio and program level on the whole. claim to have introduced the desired
Taking life cycle perspective into account, characteristics in a novel approach which
which focusses on potential outcomes of the allows the emergence of context-specific
practices, we stress on including assessment practices instead of predefined processes.
criteria for the scaled agile practices as the Though we have claimed to have done a
function of potential outcomes. This might act qualitative analysis, we further stress on the
as a discussion tool in exploring and future research questions that could be
exploitation of scaled agile practices as a team, addressed:
in increasing the ambidextrous nature. In this Which are the assessment approaches
study, we added the perspective of developing that can help the team in increasing the
the ambidextrous ability of the teams to mature ambidextrous nature of the practices?
in scaled agile software development, which is With the characteristics of the scaled
a challenge, given that there is not such a agile maturity model at hand, future
unique recipe for such ambidexterity for every research should consider analyzing
unique problems faced by the organizations. more cases to replicate and update the
Our proposal is thus fostering alignment findings.
(exploitation) with prospective outcomes but Given that, there is not a unique recipe
leaving space for the emergence of variety for ambidexterity how can it be
(exploration) by not prescribing the practices investigated further in the field of
the team should implement, however giving an scaled agile environment?
idea on how the practices can be implemented
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