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Taking Your Blood Pressure at Home: Establish A Schedule

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Taking your blood pressure at home

Measuring your blood pressure at home can help Establish a schedule
your doctor to diagnose and prevent health Your doctor will tell you how often you should
problems. Your doctor may want to know check your blood pressure. Record the mea-
whether lifestyle changes you are making are surement on a chart, or use the memory function
lowering your blood pressure. If you are already that is included with some monitors. One good
taking blood pressure medicine, monitoring your plan may be to take 3 readings, twice a day, for
blood pressure at home can help you see if 2 weeks. Another strategy is to check your blood
the medicine is working. Or, your doctor may pressure only once a day, before you take your
want to see if your blood pressure is lower (or medication. If your blood pressure is well-con-
higher) at home than in the doctor’s office. Home trolled, you may need to check it only a few
monitoring can also help you remember to take times a week.
your medicine. Even if you measure your blood
pressure at home, you must still see your doctor Your monitoring plan
regularly. I will measure my blood pressure _____ times
per day.
Understand blood pressure I will measure my blood pressure at these
measurement times____________________.
Normal blood pressure levels are less than I will measure my blood pressure __________
130/85 mm Hg. If yours is higher than this, you times per week.
may have high blood pressure (hypertension).
The upper number is the systolic pressure. This
means the pressure your heart uses to pump Aim for accuracy
blood with each beat. The lower number is dias-
tolic pressure. It means the pressure in your To get the best blood pressure readings,
arteries in between beats. The “mm Hg” means follow these tips:
“millimeters of mercury.” • Avoid caffeine and smoking for 30 minutes
before taking your blood pressure.
Learn how to use your monitor • Relax for 5 minutes first.
Read the instructions that come with your moni- • Use the same arm each time. Sit in a chair
with a back, with your arm resting on a desk
tor, and ask your doctor to show you how to use or table in front of you at the level of your
it. Compare the readings with those taken at the heart. If your arm is higher or lower than your
same time from your doctor’s monitor to see if heart, the readings will be too low or too high.
you are taking your blood pressure the right way. • Take the readings at the same time
Make sure you purchase a monitor with the each day.
right size cuff for you. If you use a cuff that is
too small, the reading may be too high. Mea-
sure around your upper arm with a tape mea- NOTES
sure at the midpoint between the tip of your
shoulder and the elbow. Write down the num-
ber of inches, and compare it to the cuff mea-
surements in the store. Cuffs come in small,
medium, and large sizes. The large size is hard
to find, so you may have to ask your pharma-
cist to order one. Keep in mind that even peo-
ple who are of average weight may need a
large size. Make sure that you put the cuff—
and the sensor—at the right place on your arm.

This patient information sheet may be photocopied for distribution by physicians to their patients. Written permission is

required for any other use.


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