Prevent Control High Blood Pressure: Vietnamese Aspire For Healthy Hearts
Prevent Control High Blood Pressure: Vietnamese Aspire For Healthy Hearts
Prevent Control High Blood Pressure: Vietnamese Aspire For Healthy Hearts
V ietnames
Prevent and Control Aspir e For
Healthy He
High Blood Pressure
Steps to Monitor Your Blood Pressure
A great way to support and take care of loved ones is by taking care of your own heart health.
If you do not know your blood pressure is, now is the time to get checked! When you do,
encourage your family and friends to join. Follow these tips to learn how.
Get Checked
High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a risk factor for heart disease. High blood
pressure usually has NO signs or symptoms.
The only way to know you have high blood pressure is to have it checked. You should do this
at least once a year.
If you have high blood pressure, you need to check it more often.
Blood pressure is always given as two numbers. For example, 120 over 80 is written like
this: 120/80. The top number (systolic) tells you the pressure of the blood when the heart is
beating. The bottom number (diastolic) tells you the pressure when the heart is at rest.
Healthy Habits For Your Heart
A normal blood pressure is below 120/80. Follow these tips to reach this goal.
If you do not
know what your blood
pressure is, now is the
time to get checked. Do not
leave for tomorrow what
you can do today!
Tips for Taking Medicine For High Blood Pressure
Making lifestyle changes may not be enough to lower your blood pressure. You may need to take
medicine as well.
Keep these tips in mind while you take your medicines to control high blood pressure.