The KAPS exam online fee is $2,010 AUD. This fee is payable per exam attempt.
Following the successful completion of the KAPS exam, you will be considered suitable to
gain entry to the registration process at the same point as an Australian pharmacy graduate
and will be expected to complete the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s (PBA) registration
requirements to be eligible for general registration.
Candidates should carefully review this information sheet in its entirety before registering for
an exam.
As it can take up to 24 hours to create a Pearson VUE web account you will need to allow
enough time to complete this step before the exam registration closure date or you will be
unable to finalise your registration to sit the exam.
Please contact Pearson VUE if you have any questions or encounter any issues with log-in
or account creation.
If you want someone to liaise with APC on your behalf (e.g. migration agent, family member
or friend) you will need to upload the agent authorisation form that is available in the ‘If You
Use an Agent’ section when setting up your profile in our Candidate Portal. Both you and
your agent must sign the Agent’s Authority form. Under Australian privacy legislation we
must have a written authority form from you before communicating with anyone on your
Please note that APC will not correspond with you (the candidate) directly if you have
nominated an agent/or third party to act on your behalf.
Please note that the email addresses for the candidate and the agent/third party must
be different.
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) will require you to provide
evidence of English proficiency in order to complete the Pharmacy Board of Australia’s
(PBA) registration requirements to be eligible for general registration. Click here to find out
You should consult the Department of Home Affairs for further information on their English
language requirements associated with visa/migration applications.
Payment must be made by credit card (Visa or MasterCard). We do not accept any
alternative forms of payment.
Your credit card must be issued by a bank located in the same country that you are resident
in. If it is not the payment will be suspended and you will not be able to complete the
transaction. Please contact your financial institution if you require any advice relating to
credit card payments.
If you have a condition that may affect your ability to take the exam, you should contact us at
exams@pharmacycouncil.org.au and provide current supporting documentation from an
appropriately qualified practitioner along with your request. The documentation will be used
to verify a condition and provide relevant and useful information in assessing appropriate
adjustments or accommodations. We will then review your application and contact you if we
require additional information.
If your request is approved we will notify you by email. We will also notify the venue
coordinator who will provide you further guidance on the day of the exam.
Candidates should note that reviewing applications for special needs accommodation can
take time. If you think you may require special needs accommodation, please contact us well
in advance of the closing date of your exam registration.
Examples of special needs accommodations that we may be able to arrange for you are:
- additional time
- permission to leave the exam room for breaks
- permission for more leg room due to an injury.
We are unable to facilitate any special needs accommodation requests after the exam
registration closure date.
High-stakes exam development and delivery require the highest levels of security and
In partnership with Pearson VUE, we deliver our high-stakes pharmacy exams to thousands
of candidates around the world.
Through regular subject-matter reviews and psychometric analysis, we ensure the reliability,
defensibility and validity of our exams.
The KAPS exam is delivered by computer (via Pearson VUE).
Stand-alone questions are those questions that are self-contained. You will be given all the
information required to answer the question in the stem. Most questions on the KAPS exam
are stand-alone questions.
Patient profile questions are two to five questions that are linked to content found in a patient
record or profile. The patient profile will provide you with basic information about the patient
(e.g. age, weight, allergies) and also more detailed information such as the presenting
complaint(s), any available test results and the medication history.
You should answer the patient questions within the context of the profile. The answer to a
question in the profile will not be dependent upon correctly answering another question. You
will be able to answer each question independently of other questions.
APC exams are set on the latest information available through relevant journals, publications
and textbooks. It is up to the candidate to obtain the latest information. APC does not
endorse any reference sources.
This is a closed book exam and therefore you are not permitted to take any reference
material into the exam room.
- you are not permitted to have wrist watches, mobile phones, tablets or other
electronic devices at your workstation
- you are not permitted to bring pencils/pens into the exam room
- an erasable notepad and pen will be provided to you
- an online calculator will also be provided as part of the exam software.
To pass the KAPS exam, you must achieve a minimum overall pass mark of 50% in Paper 1
and Paper 2. You must also achieve 50% in each of the sub-sections in both papers.
You or your nominated agent will receive an email from us when your exam result/s are
available to download on our website. This email will contain the link to our Candidate Portal
and information on how to login to access your results.
Successful Candidates: If you have passed the exam please download the Profile
Certificate from the APC web portal. Your APC Skills Assessment Letter (results letter) will
be posted to you, please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery if you live outside Australia. You will
require Profile Certificate and the Result Letter to apply for provisional registration with
AHPRA. Candidates may also use the APC Skills Assessment Letter as part of a visa
/migration application with the Department of Home Affairs.
You are allowed an unlimited number of attempts at the KAPS exam. You must pass both
papers before receiving the APC Skills Assessment letter. If you pass only one paper you
will have two years to pass the second paper. If you cannot pass the second paper in two
years you will be required to sit both papers again.
If you are unable to view your results, please send an email to:
exams@pharmacycouncil.org.au with your full name, and date of birth and a member of our
team be in touch with you to troubleshoot.
APC Exams Team (for step 2)
Email: exams@pharmacycouncil.org.au
Phone: +61 2 6188 4288 – when prompted select option 2 for the Exams Team