Request Letter Template

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Kharagpur, <Insert Date e.g.

15 July 2014>

The <Designation of the Concerned Office/Officer e.g. Dean>
<Name of the Office e.g. Undergraduate Studies>
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Head, Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Faculty Advisor (B.Tech IE 2014-18 / M.Tech Dual EE 2014-19)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

Sub: Request for <Mention the request in 5-10 words>

Respected Sir,

I am currently a student of <Mention the applicable one: B. Tech / M.Tech Dual Degree>
program, <Mention the applicable one: 2014-18 / 2014-19> batch in the Department of
Electrical Engineering.

In this respect I would like to request your kind office to <Mention briefly your request in ~15
words>. <State the reason / basis for your request. This is optional and you may choose not
to state it if it's not required.>

Looking forward to your kind cooperation and thanking you in anticipation.

With sincere regards,

<Remove this line and sign here on the printed copy>

<Enter your full name as appears on Institute Id card>

Roll no: <Enter your roll no here>
<Mention as applicable B. Tech / M. Tech Dual Degree> Student
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

voice: <Provide your active mobile phone number as +91 xxxxx yyyyy >
email: <Enter an active email id here for rapid correspondence>

Once you have filled in the relevant sections, please delete all the instruction text above
mentioned in angular <brackets>, the < > as well, this complete instruction paragraph and
change all the text color to black. Try to keep the contents of the letter within 1 PAGE.
Minimum font size allowed is 10 point. Do not change the font type to other than Arial. Print
the letter, sign at the appropriate place.
Drop the letter in my dropbox opposite to EE office and collect it next day from EE office.

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