MidMeki Manual DSY10003A

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Date Issued Version

A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A


Mekitec Oy Tel. +358 20 741 0990

Teknologiantie 3 Fax +358 20 741 0991
90590 OULU info@mekitec.com
Finland http://www.mekitec.com
Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

We hereby certify that the Mekitec Meki X-ray inspection system complies with the following EU electric
directives and standards:
- Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2006/95/EC
- ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive 2004/108/EC
- and the directive 93/68/EEC applying to both above directives and directive 2006/42/EY

We hereby certify that Mekitec Meki X-ray inspection system complies with all radiation safety
standards, notably the following:
- IEC 601-2-28 and UL 2601-1

We hereby certify that Mekitec Meki X-ray inspection system complies with the EU framework
regulation 1935/2004 for all food contact materials.

The high-voltage (HV) generator satisfies the HV generator standard IEC 601-2-27. The conveyor
system complies with the IP65 standard.

Manufacturer: Mekitec Oy

Contact information: Mekitec Oy

Teknologiantie 3
90590 OULU
Tel. +358 20 741 0990
Fax +358 20 741 0991
Email: info@mekitec.com

Technical Data Collector: Heidi Tikanmäki

Tel. +358 40 542 0007
Fax +358 20 741 0991
Email: heidi.tikanmaki@mekitec.com

Equipment description: X-ray inspection system for non-destructive testing


Frame: Stainless steel

X-ray source: VJ Technology Corp/USA (Model IXS060BP100P035)
Serial Number: S11907-B00065
X-ray detector: Mekitec AQU (Model AQU 0.4-256)
Computer: Axiomtek EP850VGGA (CE certified)
Display: IEI AFL-12M/T-R-R11 (CE certified)

Equipment model: MEKI D4

Serial number: 61144143985
Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

The composition and structure of each unit is entered in our database.

The structure of each equipment unit complies with the following harmonised EU standards:

EN 60439-1:2000, EN 60493-3:1993+A1:1994+A2:2001
The product is referred to by a structural document, document nr DRR2001A

Noise emission: EN 55022:1994 + A1:1995 +A2:1997 (class B), (EN 60555-2:1987)
Generic emission immunity standard in residential, commercial and light industry: EN 50082-1:1992
Generic immunity standard in industrial environment: EN 50082-2:1995
The noise does not exceed 70 dB.

X-ray inspection system

The X-ray source is normally used in medical X-ray inspection systems and therefore satisfies more
stringent radiation safety requirements than for industrial environments, namely

EMC requirements: IEC 601-1-2

Particular requirements for safety of HV generators: IEC 601-2-27 Particular requirements for X-ray
source assemblies: IEC 601-2-28 Inherent filtration: IEC 60522
Standard for x-ray equipment: UL 2601-1 (USA)

The compliance of each manufactured equipment unit with the directives and standards are provided by
our quality assurance instructions.

Place: __________________________________

Date: __________________________________

Name: __________________________________

Title: __________________________________

Signature: __________________________________

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

WELCOME��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
1. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
2. MAIN PARTS OF MIDMEKI�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
3. X-RAY SETTINGS������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 7
4. WASHING INSTRUCTIONS��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
4.1 Opening and washing of system port�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
4.2 Removing the conveyor belt system���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
4.3 Removing the curtain cassette������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
4.4 Protecting the non waterproof parts��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
4.5 After washing: secure functionality��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
5. MAINTENANCE������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
5.1 Warnings����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
5.2 Parts������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10
5.2.1 X-ray generator �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10
5.2.2 X-ray camera (AQU) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
5.2.3 Conveyor��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11
5.3 Electrical connections�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
5.3.1 Main switch��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
5.3.2 Power supply������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12
5.3.3 Safety equipment and safety switches������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 12
5.3.4 Control switches�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
5.4 Mechanics��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
5.4.1 Cabinet and radiation shielding������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
5.4.2 Mechanical construction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 14
5.4.3 USB ports and Ethernet������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
5.5 The error messages����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
5.5.1 X-Ray detector –no response���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
5.5.2 X-Ray generator –no response�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
5.5.3 Other error notifications������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
5.6 Conveyor belt replacement����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

This Midmeki Manual will quide you with general 1. Midmeki system
information and maintenance of Midmeki system. 2. Safety issues
This Manual is original version. 3. Mechanical construction
4. Maintenance of the system
The Manual is intended to help users who need to
work with:

The Meki equipment is composed of electro- Users of the system must comply with the
technical products including X-ray source. The following instructions:
type of X-ray source is X-ray tube meaning that
it is producing radiation only when the X-ray • Never insert any parts of the body into the
is switched on. There is a red warning light on system or system port/port extensions when
whenever the X-ray is on. X-ray is energized!
• Do not attempt to install or use this system if
The Mekitec X-ray inspection system was you have not received the appropriate training.
developed for food inspection and to fulfill the • Do not touch or make changes to the system’s
currently existing health and safety regulations. wiring or safety system.
To ensure a safe operation, it is important that the • Do not remove components or curtain
unit is correctly installed and operated by properly cassettes if system is running either do not
trained personnel. It is extremely important to use the system if cabling is not intact or
follow the safety instructions when using the not connected. This may result a risk of high
system. voltage and radiation!
• Do not use the unit if there are signs of
The manufacturer is not responsible for the safety physical damage.
of the system if the user has made modifications
or repairs to the system without manufacturers
permission, if the system has been installed
contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions, if
the system has been used in violation of the
manufacturer’s instructions, if the system has
been used for purposes for which it was not
intended or if the system has been handled

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A


Warning light tower


Main power switch

Emergency Stop buttons

Switches and control

X-ray source buttons
(inside the cabin)

Conveyor (inside the main Port extensions

frame and port exensions) (not in the picture)

AQU Camera
(inside the conveyor) Stand

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

X-ray values can be adjusted for each product type In the case of thick and/or high density product,
to be inspected. The higher/thicker the product higher kV value (50-80kV) is used. In the case of
is, the higher kV should be used. For example, thin product, lower kV value (30-50 kV) can be
products with high liquid content have a high used.
density and need higher kV to get the X-rays pass The mA value can usually be quite close to max
trough the product. value, but if scanning speed is low, also lower mA
value can be used.
The valid X-ray setting values for Midmeki are:
●● 30kV ~ 80kV Beside the properties of the product, also probable
●● 1 mA ~ 5 mA material of foreign object affects to the kV and mA
values. In the case of very dense foreign object
●● The limited power value is 200W materials, like steel, high kV value is a good choice.
For lower density materials, like glass, a bit lower
The kV value determines the penetration of the kV value and higher mA value is better choice.
radiation. The higher the kV value is the more
penetration power the radiation has.

The mA value adjust the amount of the radiation.

The higher the mA value is the more radiation
(photon flow) is produced by the X-ray source.

Never wash the system when it is running! Make sure Main power is switched off and the power cable
is disconnected before starting the wash!

4.1 Opening and washing of system port

Washing of system port:

1. Open the front door.

2. Dismount all non-fixed parts.

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

1. Take the conveyor out after dismounting cable

2. Lead curtain cassettes can be pulled out. Pay
attention to the safety magnets at inner curtains!

3. Wash the system port regularly with moistened

cloth. If the inside of the system gets too dirty,
the X-ray performance may decrease or lead to
damages of the conveyor belt, which again may
cause false rejections. NOTE! Protect all non-waterproof parts before
washing direct water!

4.2 Removing the conveyor belt system

1. Switch off the system using the main power


2. Disconnect cables between the system and the


3. Slightly raise the conveyor and lift it out of the


Main power switch

Cable connections

4.3 Removing the curtain cassette

The four curtain cassettes can be removed easily

by lifting them up slightly and pulling them out.
The inner cassettes are equipped with safety
contact magnets. The X-ray can’t be switched on if
they are not in correct positions.

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

Lead curtain cassettes

Safety contacts

4.4 Protecting the non waterproof parts

1. Place a hood over the screen of the system

before washing. The display is not waterproof!

2. Wet wipes are recommended when washing the

middle section of the system. Using direct
water is normally not necessary.

3. Avoid spraying water directly to the bottom

panels, where fans and different connectors are

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

4.5 After washing: secure functionality

• After cleaning the system and its • Make sure the curtain cassette is mounted
components, mount all parts according to correct and the curtain cassettes with
instructions to their original form and place. safety contacts are on the inside.

• Make sure all cables are connected properly • Make sure you have needed training and
and onto right places. permission to use system before
switching it back.


5.1 Warnings

Radiation hazard

Before using the X-ray inspection system, ensure Never put any parts of the body inside the system
that the protective lead curtains are in place and when the X-ray is on!
the system is entirely fit for use!

5.2 Parts

5.2.1 X-ray generator

The maximum power of X-ray tube is limited to Picture of the

200W. The maximum voltage value can be 80kV X-ray generator
and maximum current value 5mA. The MIDMEKI control box.
X-ray generator is software controlled and
communicates over COM2 port. Power connection

If the X-ray generator gives a message about

communication error, make sure X-ray key is in COM2 RS-232
ON-position, then check the RS-232 and Power

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

5.2.2 X-ray camera (AQU)

The X-ray camera consists of a camera unit, a

power supply unit, and cabling.

AQU Camera consists of a sensitive detector, so

be careful and protect it from impact, shocks or

AQU Camera is software-controlled via an USB


The AQU Camera is located inside the conveyor.

At the bottom of the system there are several
USB ports. One for camera (AQU) communication
and two for other USB devices (USB mass storage,
keyboard, etc.). Connect all cables in the right
ports. All the ports and cables are labeled.

AQU Camera power plug

AQU Camera USB port

5.2.3 Conveyor

The conveyor is made of stainless steel and the

conveyor belt is approved for use in food industry.

The conveyor speed with standard motor is up to

78m/min (1.3m/s).

Conveyor speed can be set manually. To do so,

open the access panel from the bottom of the
right side. Adjust the speed from the button.

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

5.3 Electrical connections

5.3.1 Main switch

The main power switch is located on the front side

of the system.

Main power switch

5.3.2 Power supply

The Midmeki X-ray inspection system works with

normal socket power. No high-voltage is needed.
Before any maintenance or electrical modification
work to the system, make sure that the power
supply is disconnected and the power cable is

Power supply cable

5.3.3 Safety equipment and safety switches

The system is equipped with safety contacts.

These are located at the cabinet access panels and
curtain casettes. The safety contacts are type NC
(normally closed). The Emergency Stop buttons at
front and back are NO (normally open).

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

Before X-ray is powered, the safety contacts must

be closed and the emergency stop open. If the
safety contacts are open, the X-ray radiation is
automatically turned off or does not start.

Safety contact, cabinet access panel

Emergency Stop Buttons:

The system is equipped with three ESBs, one at

the left and one at the right side of the system and
one at the user panel.

If any Emergency Stop buttons are pressed, the

X-ray cannot be turned on. To start detection,
release ESB by rotating it and press the Reset

5.3.4 Control switches

The control switches are located at the front of the


1. Switch for conveyor (when X-ray key in OFF-

position): Conveyor ON/OFF.
2. X-ray indicator lamp.
3. X-ray key: Power supply for X-ray generator
1 3 4
4. Reset button: Safety switch reset.

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

5.4 Mechanics

5.4.1 Cabinet and radiation shielding

The cabinet is made of stainless steel plate.

Radiation shielding is ensured by a collimator and
lead plates inside the port construction.
Radiation shielding in the port and port extensions
is ensured by lead curtains. Also the AQU camera
includes a lead shielding.

5.4.2 Mechanical construction

The floorstand is equipped with four height

adjustable feet, with which the system can easily
be adjusted into the right height even if the ground
is uneven. In addition the feet can be attached to
the ground.

5.4.3 USB ports and Ethernet

For data connection the system is equipped with

2 USB ports. These can be used for connecting to
e.g. USB mass storage devices or a keyboard.
MIDMEKI can be connected to the factory network
over Ethernet.

Picture from the bottom left of the system

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

5.5 The error messages

5.5.1 X-Ray detector –no response

1) Detector not found

This error message appears if the computer is not

able to communicate with the AQU Camera.
Make sure USB and power cables of AQU are
connected properly and restart the inspection

5.5.2 X-Ray generator –no response

Make sure X-ray key is in ON-position, Emergency

stop buttons are not pressed and access panels
are closed. Also make sure curtain casettes are
attached properly in the right position. After these,
please press the Reset button.

If these actions do not clear the error message,

restart the inspection software.

5.5.3 Other error notifications

These error messages are directly related to X-ray generator:

1) “Generator error-Temp High!“ “Generator error-Arc Fault!” – Generator overheating. First check and
clean air-filter at the bottom of the system
2) “Generator error-High mA!” – Error, current value set too high
3) “Generator error-Low mA!” – Error, current value set too low
4) “Generator error-Low kV!” – Error, voltage value set too low
5) “Generator error-High kV!” – Error, voltage value set too high
6) “Generator error-Watchdog timer expired!” – Error, watchdog monitoring time-out
7) “Generator error-Power Limit” – Error, power limit exceeded
8) “I/O Machine Error” – I/O-error, error in power supply

In the case of these error notifications, contact Mekitec Service-personnel!

Rev Date Issued Version
A 2014-10-20 DSY10003A

5.6 Conveyor belt replacement

1. Shut down the software and Windows

operating system.

2. Switch off the power.

3. Disconnect conveyor cables.

4. Open the front door.

5. Slightly lift up the conveyor and pull it out.

6. To remove the belt from the conveyor open the

both lockings each side of the conveyor.

7. Fold the conveyor frame downwards around

the hinges.

8. Now pull the belt out.

Mekitec Oy Tel. +358 20 741 0990
Teknologiantie 3 Fax +358 20 741 0991
90590 OULU info@mekitec.com
Finland http://www.mekitec.com

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