Wear Study On SS316L, Ti-6Al-4V, PEEK, Polyurethane and Alumina Used As Bio-Material

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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September (2012)

Wear Study on SS316L, Ti-6Al-4V, PEEK, Polyurethane and

Alumina used as Bio-Material
Dr. H G Hanumantharaju1, Dr. H K Shivananda2, Manjunath G Hadimani3, K Suresh Kumar4, S P Jagadish5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shirdi sai engineering college, Anekal, Bangalore, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rao bahadur y mahabaleswarappa engg college, Bellary, India
Abstract— This paper constitutes the wear study of  Corrosion Resistance.
SS316L, Ti-6Al-4V, PEEK, Polyurethane and Alumina used  Resistance to Implant Wear and Aseptic Loosening.
as Bio-Material, over the past centuries there is a considerable
 Properties of Biomaterials.
development in the medical field. There is a lot of
development in surgery and prosthetic fields. For this purpose The goals of the present study are:
a lot of materials are used as implants for replacing them in 1. To study the bio mechanical behavior f the implants.
place of damaged parts. These materials are called as 2. To report wear analysis.
biomaterials. Over the years SS316L has established itself as 3. To study wear properties of biomaterials.
the best available bio implant material. With the advancement 4. To compare results with SS316L material.
in the field of material science, metallurgy and designing, the
5. To study the suitable bio compatible material.
development for more advanced bio materials having better
properties than SS316L is observed. It has been observed that
one of the most important properties governing the suitability II. SELECTION OF BIO-MATERIAL
of the material to be a bio implant is ‘WEAR RESISTANCE’. It is important for orthopedic surgeons to understand the
In materials science, [9] wear is the erosion of material nature of biomaterials, their structural configurations, and
from a solid surface by the action of another surface. There is their properties, as well as the effects of their interaction
no specific standard for testing or measuring a materials wear
resistance. A number of wear tests have been developed by
with soft and hard tissues, blood, and intra- and extra
committees in an attempt to standardize wear testing for cellular fluids of the human body.
specific applications. The study was conducted by using a pin- A Different types of Bio-material used in Orthopedics are:
on-disk apparatus and is issued under the standard ASTM G-
Metals: The metallic implants most widely used in
99. For the PIN-ON-DISK wear test conducted in this
research, the specimens were a pin with a rounded tip, which orthopedic surgery are: Low carbon grade austenitic
is positioned perpendicular to a flat circular disk. stainless steels: 316L. Titanium and titanium-base alloys:
Commercially Pure Titanium (CPTi), Ti-6Al-4V, and other
Keywords— Wear Resistance, Bio-Material, SS316L, Ti- titanium-base alloys. Cobalt alloys: Co-Cr-Mo, and other
6Al-4V, PEEK, Alumina, Pin-on-Disk, Erosion cobalt-base alloy.
Nonmetals: Three main subgroups make up this category:
I. INTRODUCTION polymers, ceramics (alumina), and composites. Polymers
A Bio-material is defined as any systemically, are organic materials that form large chains made up of
pharmacologically inert substance or combination of many repeating units. Polymers are extensively used in
substances utilized for implantation within or incorporation joint replacement components. Currently the polymers
with a living system to supplement or replace functions of most widely used in joint replacements are: Ultrahigh
living tissues or organs. Biomaterial devices used in molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE). Acrylic bone
orthopedics are commonly called implants; these are cements. Thermoplastic polyether ether ketone (PEEK).
manufactured for a great number of orthopedic B Requirements of Biomaterials [3]
applications. The following are the requirements of a Biomaterial:
The main fundamental requirements that orthopedic
 It must be inert or specifically interactive.
devices must fulfill in order to function adequately are
 It must be Biocompatible.
summarized in this section.
 Mechanically and chemically stable.
 Biocompatibility.
 Biodegradable.
 Appropriate Design and Manufacturability of Implants,
Mechanical and Biological Stabilities.  Processable (for manufacturability): It must be
machinable, moldable, and extrudable.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September (2012)
 Nonthrombogenic (if blood contracting). Effects of wear -Most predominant in joint prostheses. Joint
 Sterilizable. wears out but prior to this, the particles produced by wear
 Non-carcinogenic, non-pyrogenic, non-toxic, non- (metal or polyethylene or cement particles) are
allergenic, blood compatible, non-inflammatory. phagocytosed by osteoclasts causing osteolysis and
 Physical Characteristics Requirements: Strength, therefore loosening of components.
Toughness, Elasticity, Corrosion-resistance, Wear
resistance, Long term stability. III. EXPERIMENTAL
C Properties of selected materials A It consist of two methods
The materials used were SS316L, Polyether etherketone 1. Coating process (Thermal spray Technology)
(PEEK), Polyetheretherketone 30 % glass fiber (PEEK- 2. Wear test (pin-on-disc method)
30%GF), Titanium, Polyurethane and Alumina. [6] 1 Coating Process [15]- The implanting material needs to
be coated with HAP to see that the material does not react
Table 1.1
Properties of selected materials [2]
chemically with the body fluids. This is being carried out
by thermal spraying method
Materials Modulus 2 Wear Test: Pin-On-Disc Wear Testing- This test method
Tensile of Melt
Density Strength covers a laboratory procedure for determining the wear of
specimen elasticity temperature
Properties (g/cm3) ultimate materials during sliding using a pin-on-disk apparatus and
(Gpa) (0 C)
Tension is issued under the standard ASTM G 99. For the pin-on-
SS 316L 7.99 515 193 1300 disk wear test conducted in this research, the specimens
PEEK 1.32 90-100 3.6 343
were a pin with a rounded tip, which is positioned
perpendicular to a flat circular disk (the test sample). A
1.52 190 12 345 ball, rigidly held, is often used as the pin. The test machine
30% GF
causes either the disk specimen or the pin to revolve about
Titanium 4.43 950 113.8 1649
the disk center. The sliding path is a circle on the sample
1.27 1-69 69-690 75-137 surface. The pin is pressed against the disk at a specified
urethane load usually by means of an arm or lever and attached
Alumina 3.87 380 375 2072 weights.
B Features & Specifications
D Ways in Which Materials Can Fail [8]
1. Corrosion Table 1.2
Features & Specifications of Wear Testing Machine
2. Fatigue
3. Wear Parameter Unit Min Max
Corrosion -―Gradual degradation of material by electro- Pin Size mm 3 12
chemical attack, when placed in the electrolytic 165 x 8 mm
environment of the body.‖ Disc Size mm _
Corrosion can be minimized by,
 Choosing a corrosion resistant material Sliding Speed M/s 0.05 10
 Treating the surface with a passivating layer prior to use Disc Rotation RPM 200 2000
 Not using combinations of metals in close proximity. Normal Load N 0 200
 Careful operating technique to reduce surface scratching.
Frictional Force N 0 200
 Using non modular implants.
Fatigue -―Progressive failure of a material due to the Wear mm 0 2
application of cyclical stresses below the ultimate stress of to be set _
Track Radius mm
the material is causing crack propagation‖. Stress manually
concentrator or stress riser e.g. a scratch, a hole, a corner or
a change in cross section or where fretting is occurring. At C Conditions for wear test:
these places stress is greater than the average stress in the Normal Load (N) = 30
material. Speed (rpm) = 2000
Wear [5] -―The removal of material from solid surfaces by Wear Track Dia (mm) = 80
mechanical action‖.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September (2012)
Sliding Speed (m/s) = 8.37 Test results for Coated Ti-6Al-4V
Sliding distance (Km) = 7.54 (polyurethane= 0.251)


Test results for Uncoated- SS316L

Graph 1.4 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of

Coated Ti-6Al-4V
Test results for PEEK

Graph 1.1 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of

Uncoated SS316L

Test results for Coated- SS316L

Graph 1.5 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of


Test results for PEEK 30% GLASS FILLED

Graph 1.2 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of
coated SS316L

Test results for Uncoated Ti-6Al-4V

Graph 1.6 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of


Graph 1.3 wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of

Uncoated Ti-6Al-4V

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September (2012)
Test results for POLYURETHANE Initial Final
Materials weight weight
Loss (gm)
(gm) (gm)
Measured values
Un-coated 13.218 12.742 0.476
Coated 15.708 15.265 0.443
Un-coated 8.134 7.930 0.204
Coated 9.699 9.516 0.183
peek 30% g f 3.753 3.752 0.001
peek 2.071 2.067 0.004
polyurethane 3.922 3.421 0.501
alumina 7.364 7.361 0.003

WEAR RATE for SS316L, Ti-6Al-4V.

Graph: 1.7: wear, coefficient of friction, frictional force of


Test results for ALUMINA



Table 1.3
Tabulated results with Pin on Disc apparatus
Frictio Co-
Wear nal efficient Time
(microns) force of (min)
(N) friction
Recorded values
Un- WEIGHT LOSS for SS316L, TI-6AL-4V.
1265 15.51 0.517 15
SS316L coated
Coated 1206 14.13 0.471 15
Ti-6Al- 1452 11.40 0.380 15
Coated 1172 10.2 0.340 15
peek 30% g f 53 10.35 0.345 15
peek 360 18.63 0.621 15
polyurethane 2000 37.02 1.234 0.50
alumina 1358 8.3 0.257 15

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 9, September (2012)
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