Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 1
Dr. Linqing Li TA: Seth Edwards
Office: Kingsbury W317 Office: Kingsbury W314
Phone: Email: Seth.Edwards@unh.edu
Email: Linqing.Li@unh.edu Office hours: Tuesdays 9:00am – 11:00am
Office hours: Appointments
Cell Press
- Matter Royal Society of Chemistry
- Biomaterial Science
- Materials Horizons
- Polymer Chemistry
- Biomaterials
- Materials Today - Soft Matter
- Journal of Materials Chemistry A/B/C
Hosted by Dr. Gordana Vunjak-
Part I: Biomaterials Science & Engineering
Part I Introduction to Materials in Medicine / Logistics
General Biomaterials
Part II Cell Biology, Physiology, and Bonding
Properties of Biomaterials
Part III Basic Cell Biology, ECM and Microenvironment
Biopolymeric Materials
Part III: Nanomaterials and ECM-derived Hydrogels
Part I • Introduction to Tissue Engineering
Homework 10%
Quizzes (4) 20%
Mid-terms (2) 30%
Lab performance and reports 20%
Final Project 20%
Final Project
The students will form groups of 3-4 members. Each group pick 3-4 research articles of one
topic from a leading biomaterials research group. By the end of the semester, each group
should come up with a proposal of the ‘next step’, and present it during the last week of the
semester. A formal report is required from each group as well.
Lecture 1
Introduction to Biomaterials
Different classes of Materials
Properties Characterization
Characterization tools
What is a Biomaterial?
A nonviable material used in a medical device intended to interact with biological systems.
Used to make devices to replace a part of a function of the body in a safe, reliable, economic,
and physiologically acceptable manner.
Any substance (other than a drug), natural or synthetic, that evaluate treats, augments, or replaces
any tissue, organ, and body function.
Williams, D.F. (1987) Definitions in Biomaterials. Proceedings of a Consensus Conference of the European Society For Biomaterials, England, 1986, Elsevier, New York
Word cloud generator from top articles including the word “Biomaterials”
The compelling, human side to biomaterials is that millions of lives have been saved, and the quality of
The combination of basic science (chemistry, physics and biology), engineering (chemical, materials, mechanical),
with medicine (patient specific, preclinical) and industry (product development, manufacture and commercialization).
Scope of Biomaterials
Polymer Physics Polymer Synthesis
Crosslinking chemistry Cell/tissue culture
Surface Hydrogels and
characterization controlled release Biological assays
The time scale over which the host is exposed to the material or device must be considered
Material Selection Parameters: Surface vs Bulk properties
Cells in contact
• Diffusion
• Biocompatibility
• Water Absorption
Bulk Properties
• Mechanical • Biostability
• Thermal/Electrical Conductivity
Classes of Biomaterials
Type Properties Examples Applications
• Most successful Stainless steel, cobalt Stents, catheters,
commercialization alloys, titanium alloys guidewires, joint
1) Metal • Versatility, reliability and replacement implants, etc.
To develop novel materials and processing techniques that are compatible with biological
Aspects of Engineering Biomaterials
Composition Mechanics
- chemical identity - rigidity (stiff or soft)
- elasticity (brittle or stretchy, resilience)
- concentration
- dynamic (relax, creep etc )
- components
Biological features
- Inert
Physical properties
- Cell-interactive
- hydrophilic/hydrophobic
- swelling Geometry/Shape
- porous/non-porous
Surface Feature/Patterns