Chapter 2 - Soal USM 2010
Chapter 2 - Soal USM 2010
Chapter 2 - Soal USM 2010
122. Our first tour destination in Asia is 128. You ... the job if you were not late to the
... our next destination. interview.
A. farther than A. would get
B. the farther than B. would be gotten
C. farthest than C. would have gotten
D. the farthest than D. would have been gotten
123. The little girl is taking care of the 129. While travelling to Mexico, the newlyweds
... the site of the Aztec.
puppy with ...
A. has visited
affection, and kindness.
B. had visited
A. patient
C. visited
B. patience
D. visiting
C. patiently
D. patients 130. the global economy crisis, many labors
lost their job.
124. Promoting ... goods and services, the A. Because of
company salesmen also bid an B. Because
opportunity to earn some profit.
C. Despite
A. they
D. In spite of
B. their
C. its 131. The children ... by the time their parents
D. it got home.
A. sleep
125. The recent progress report ... to the B. was sleeping
Branch Manager. C. has already slept
A. submits D. had already slept
B. will submit
C. will be submited 132. ... her shyness, she would have become a
D. will be submitting great teacher.
A. she had overcome
126. Many people in that hotel were frightened B. had she overcome
... the bombing threat issued by the C. if she overcame
D. if she would overcome
A. off
B. by 133. By the time you get back, we ... care of
C. at everything.
D. with A. will take
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B. will be taking 141. The air turned ... when the wind blew.
C. will have taken A. cold
D. will have been taking B. coldly
C. colds
134. The Whitney Boomerang is the first ... D. coldest
which exceeds all crash testing
requirements. 142. The outbound participants should ... for
A. two seater aircraft the footbridge on the river.
B. two-seater aircraft A. look over
C. two seaters aircraft B. look into
D. two-seaters aircraft C. look out
D. look up
135. nothing went wrong when the director
was gone, ...? 143. We made the juice from freshly ... orange.
A. did it A. squeeze
B. didn’t it B. squeezed
C. was it C. squeezing
D. wasn’t it D. squeezing of
136. Ira barely sleeps before midnight, and ... 144. she has ... many books that she needs
A. Ita does not neither more room to keep them.
B. neither does Ita A. such a
C. either does Ita B. such
D. does not Ita either C. so a
D. so
137. As soon as the midfielder ... the ball, the
striker will shoot it to the goal. 145. …. to buy a house, she rented a small room
A. passes near her office.
B. passed A. being unable
C. will pass B. be unable
D. has passed C. having unable
D. because unable
138. The artificial flower ... from paper was
sold in the market. 146. Ana likes to wear ... when going to the
A. which made party.
B. was made A. jewelry
C. made B. jewelries
D. it was made C. a jewelry
D. some jewelries
139. The patient should avoid ... cosmetics
during the skin recovery. 147. The class teacher insists that the students
A. to wear ... the assignment on time.
B. wearing A. hand in
C. to wearing B. handed in
D. wear C. to hand in
D. handing in
140. X:Our cargoes are not ready yet, Sir.
Y:Well, I think we ... contact our costumer 148. Mars, ... has two satellites.
to ask A. which the fourth planet from the Sun
for some extra time. B. it is the fourth planet from the Sun
A. will C. the fourth planet from the Sun
B. might D. is the fourth planet of the Sun
C. should
D. used to 149. Now that their children are grown up, Mr.
and Mrs. Grayson live ...
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A. their selves
B. themselves
C. by theirselves
D. by themselves
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Read the passage carefully and select the one correct answer from the four choices (A, B, C, or
Reading 1 for question 161-167
The term benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) just simply means an enlarge prostate. It
is generally believed to affect most men over the age of 45 (with various levels of severity).
Overall, the number of men with BPH increases progressively with age. By age 60, 50 percent of
men will have some signs of BPH. By age 85, 90 percent of men will have
signs of the condition. About one-third of these men will develope symptoms that require
treatment. Prostate enlargement, or BPH, is not a malignant condition,but it does put pressure
on the urethra and can cause a number of urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, urinary
urgency, the need to get up at night to urinate, difficulty starting urination, a reduction in the
force of the urine stream, terminal dribbling, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and even the
inabiity to urinate at all. The prostate, a small gland that produces fluid for semen, is in an ideal
position to cause trouble. The gland wraps snugly around the urethra, the tube that carries urine
from the bladder. It’s a tight squeeze-and it only gets tighter as men grow older. As symptoms
progress, a man may also be at higher risk of bladder stones and bladder infection. The kidneys
may be damaged from back pressure caused by the retention of large amounts of urine in the
bladder. There may be sudden blockage of the urinary tube, making urination impossible, and
not infrequently, blood may be detected in the urine. The exact mechanism for the enlargement
of the prostate gland remains unclear; however, there are certain factors that are obviously
involved. As men age, the male sex hormone dihydrotestosterone(DHT) starts to build up in the
prostate, which causes the prostate to slowly enlarge.
The Vahlensieck, AUSI and I-PSS rating systems are used to evaluate the severity of
symptoms associated with BPH. All these methods are based on a limited number of questions
associated with a numbered score: the total score is an evaluative index of BPH-associated
severity, which can be from “mild” to “moderate” or “severe”. Severe symptoms that are
associated with a very large prostate may require surgery.
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161. The word it in line 4 refers to ...
A. prostate enlargement
B. the symptoms
C. the number of men
D. the treatment
162. The following conditions are the indications of prostate enlargement, EXCEPT ...
A. a terminal dribbling
B. a frequent urination
C. a weak urinary stream
D. a nighttime get up
163. The world snugly in line be 11 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. stoutly
B. softly
C. tightly
D. warmly
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Reading 2 for questions 168-174
Narwhal, robust-bodied, toothed whale, occuring only in deep waters of the high arctic,
almost always close to floating ice. It is closely related to the beluga whale. Narwhals are mottled
black and white, with more dark mottling on the back than on the belly. Females grow to 4.2
m(14ft) in length, and males to 4.7m(15ft). Narwhals have only two teeth, both in the upper jaw.
The left tooth of the adult male continues to grow, spiraling forward from the head, until the tusk
is up to 3m(up to 10ft) long. Including this tusk, the overall body length of an older male may be
nearly 8m(nearly 26ft).
Narwhals often occur in small pods of 2 to about 12 animals, which are parts of larger
herds. They migrate seasonally as the ice edge moves, and they can be found in remarkably thick
ice. Fish, squid, and shrimp make up their diet. The members
of a herd may segregate themselves according to age and sex, especially during migration. In
such cases, subadult male or adult male groups can be easily distinguished by the size of their
The social systems of narwhals is not known, although researches believe that males
may display or fight one another for access to females. Males have been observed to use their
tusks for sparring with other males at or above the surface of the water, and males may
occasionally be seen with their tusks partially broken off or with tusks embedded in their bodies.
Actual spearing of one male by another, however, is probably less common. A mature female
may give birth once every three years. Gestation lasts about 15months, and a single calf is born
in the summer.
Narwhals are hunted by Inuits and some northen Europeans for their skin, meat,
blubber, and especially for their tusks. The tusk is used as an ornament, both whole and carved,
and is sometimes ground into a powder for reputed medicinal purposes. Although the existence
of the species does not appear to be threatened, local overhunting of individual narwhals and
their food supply may be limitting populations.
168. The word their in line 13 refers to ... D. its unusual shape
A. female narwhals C. subadult
narwhals 172. How can the male narwhal be
B. male narwhals D. narwhals distinguished from the female narwhal?
A. the color of the body
169. The narwhal is described as all of the B. the mottling on the belly
following EXCEPT ... C. the tusk on the head
A. they are closely related to beluga D. the weight of the body
B. they often occur in small pods 173. it can be inferred from the passage that
C. they live in the arctic narwhal’s populations are influenced by
D. they move seasonally ...
A. human
170. The word segregate in line 9 is closest in B. air
meaning to C. weather
A. separate D. sea current
B. gather
C. collect 174. what is the main idea of the first
D. engage paragraph?
A. the nature of narwhal
171. What made the narwhal’s tusk valuable? B. the life of narwhal
A. its medical effect C. the length of narwhal
B. its scarcity D. the habitat of narwhal
C. its pure powder
177. what can be inferred from the passage about the New Jersey case?
A. the prosecutors have enough evidence
B. the convicts need to find a good lawyer
C. the case needs to be closed
D. the murderers will never be put into trials
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178. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. the site of the murders is an important clue
B. the weapon of the murders has a significant role
C. the bodies were the key piece of evidence
D. the prosecutors were the key elements of a case
180. The author mentions all of the following about the New Jersey cases EXCEPT ...
A. it was the longest running murder case in the US
B. the site of the fire is now a housing complex
C. the case files were lost in a courthouse flood
D. it was originally treated as a missing person’s case
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PEMBAHASAN USM STAN 2010 – Bahasa Inggris
121. A. Ada keterangan waktu “now …”, menandakan tenses yang digunakan continuous tense.
Rumusnya: S+ is/am/are +V ing. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah is recalling.
122. A. comparative degree. Membandingkan 2 hal. Rumusnya : noun + is/are/am + adj. + than +
noun. Maka yang tepat adalah farther than.
123. B. Jika ada kata-kata dihubungkan dengan and maka harus setara (paralel). Dalam kalimat ini
affection dan kindness adalah noun. Maka yang tepat adalah patience (noun).
124. B. Pronoun sebagai pengganti kata “the company salesmen” bersifat jamak, dan digunakan
untuk menyatakan kata ganti milik adalah their. Rumusnya: their + noun.
125. C. Kalimat ini bermakna pasif, maka yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah will be submitted
sehingga artinya menjadi “laporan progres terakhir akan diserahkan ke manajer cabang”.
Rumus passive: S + to be+ V3
126. A. Frightened dapat diikuti: of, away, off, out of, into [POD: Pocket Oxford Dictionary]
127. D. Verb decide selalu diikuti to infinitive.
128. A. Kalimat conditional tipe ke 2, dilihat dari “were not late” dalam bentuk past tense. Maka
yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah would get. Rumus: if+ S+V2, S+would+V1.
129. C. Rumus untuk kata penghubung while adalah : While + S + was/were+ V ing, S + V2. Karena
subjek sama maka S+was/were bisa dihilangkan menjadi while + V ing. Maka yang tepat
untuk melengkapi adalah visited (verb 2).
130. A. kalimat ini bermakna “karena ekonomi krisis global, banyak buruh yang kehilangan
pekerjaannya”. Maka yang tepat untuk mengawali adalah “because of” karena setelahnya
adalah noun. Rumusnya : Because of + noun, atau because +S+verb
131. D. Keterangan waktu by the time menunjukkan kalimat ini adalah kalimat “perfect tense”.
Waktunya terjadi pada masa lampau past, dilihat dari kata “got”. Maka yg tepat adalah: had
already slept. Rumus past perfect tenses: S+ had+V3 by the time …
132. B. Kalimat ini merupakan conditional sentence tipe ke 3, hal ini bisa dilihat dari kata “would
have become” =>past future perfect tense. Rumus: if+S+had+V3, S+would+have+V3 atau
dapat juga if dihilangkan sehingga menjadi Had+S+V3, S+would+have+V3. Maka yang tepat
adalah had she overcome.
133. C. Kata keterangan waktu “by the time” menunjukkan bahwa kalimat tersebut seharusnya
menggunakan tenses future perfect. Rumus: S+will+have+V3. Maka yg tepat adalah will have
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134. B. Dalam penggunaan adjective seperti soal ini, setiap kata sebelum noun dihubungkan
dengan tanda hubung dan tidak boleh jamak (tanpa s/es). Two-seater aircraft.
135. A. kalimat ini bermakna negatif (dari kata nothing), maka Question tag positif. Dan yang
dijadikan dasar adalah kalimat utama yaitu nothing went wrong. Maka yang tepat adalah did
136. B. ini merupakan bentuk elliptical construction yang bersifat negatif karena ada kata barely.
Maka yang digunakan either atau neither. Rumusnya:
S+Verb1 and neither + aux.verb (do/does) + S, atau
S+Verb1 and S + aux.verb (do/does) + not + either
137. A. passes. Setelah kata “as soon as” diikuti oleh present tense => as soon as +S + Verb 1.
138. C. Kalimat awal: the artificial flower which was made from paper was sold in the market.
Kalimat tersebut bermakna pasif ( which was made), sehingga dapat diubah menjadi bentuk
participle V3: the artificial flower made from paper was sold in the market.
139. B. Verb “avoid” selalu diikuti oleh gerund/ Verb ing.
140. C. Kalimat tersebut mengandung makna saran (sebaiknya / seharusnya), maka menggunakan
141. A. Kata kerja Turn diikuti oleh noun atau adj, ex: turn off. Maka yang tepat adalah “cold”.
Cold bisa sebagai kata sifat maupun noun. Sedangkan kata coldly tidak tepat digunakan
dalam konteks kalimat ini karena bermakna “dengan tanpa kasihan”.
142. A. look out = hati-hati. Look over/ look into = menguji, look up= menjadi lebih baik
143. B. Kata yang tepat sebelum kata Orange (noun) adalah kata sifat. Kata sifat dapat berupa V
ing atau Verb 3. Karena bermakna pasif maka yang tepat adalah squeezed (diperas) sehingga
artinya menjadi jeruk segar yang diperas.
144. B. dalam kalimat ini ada noun setelah titik-titik, maka yang tepat adalah such. Rumusnya
adalah: Such + noun+ that + … atau So+ adjective + noun+ that+ …
145. A. being unable. Participle, makna: being unable to buy a house = because she was unable to
buy a house.
146. A. jewelry = uncountable noun. Maka tidak bisa diikuti oleh kata depan “a” atau “some” dan
akhiran s/es.
147. A. hand in. Insist that + sentence. Sentence menyesuaikan pada bentuk tenses dari insist. Jika
present, maka sentence berbentuk present juga (verb 1).
148. C. Apositif atau keterangan penjelas yang diapit dua koma merupakan frase / noun bukan S
+Verb. Maka yang tepat adalah the fourth planet from the sun. Mars, planet keempat dari
matahari, memiliki 2 satelit.
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149. D. by themselves. Pronoun untuk mereka sendiri adalah by themselves.
150. D. bring. Kalimat ini termasuk causative karena menggunakan kata made (make). Rumusnya:
S + (let,make,has/have) + Oactive + Verb 1 atau S + (let,make,has/have) + Opasive + V3. Dalam
kalimat ini, kata made diikuti oleh objek active (yang melakukan sesuatu, umumnya orang)
yaitu the bell boy. Sedangkan objek pasif adalah objek yang diberi perlakuan (umumnya
benda). Maka kata yang tepat adalah the guess made the bell boy bring (Verb 1 tanpa s/es).
151. D. wrong. Seharusnya wrongly karena diikuti oleh verb setelahnya, sehingga sebelumnya
harus adverb (adj+ly). Makna: pria itu dibebaskan setelah polisi sadar bahwa dia salah
dipidana/dihukum atas penyelundupan obat-obatan.
152. A. Seharusnya menggunakan definite article (the), karena jakarta adalah definite noun.
153. B. Frase/ klausa dalam kalimat tanya, maka bentuk kalimat setelah kata tanya kembali ke
bentuk pernyataan. Rumus: 5W + S + aux. verb /modal + Verb. Pola yang tepat adalah: no
one seems to know when the bus will arrive at the bus stop. (noun clause)
154. A. Kata Both seharusnya pasangannya adalah “and” bukan as well as. Maka yang tepat
adalah Both agung and wawan …
155. Menggunakan perbandingan dua benda yang setara digunakan “as + adjective +as” bukan as
+adj. + with. Seharusnya as delicious as.
156. C. better than seharusnya than. Rumusnya Would rather + V1 + than
157. D. alike seharusnya like, umumnya alike digunakan di akhir kalimat sebagai adjective atau
158. C. the centrally government. Seharusnya central, karena yang diterangkan adalah noun
(government) maka membutuhkan adjective. Sedangkan centrally adalah adverb.
159. A. officially. Yang diterangkan adalah noun (reason), maka membutuhkan adjective.
Sedangkan officially adalah adverb. Seharusnya official.
160. D. employers. Karena yang diminta adalah bermakna karyawan atau pekerja, maka
seharusnya menggunakan employees.
161. A. prostate enlargement.
162. D. a nighttime get up. Karena dalam bacaan dijelaskan bahwa bangun di malam hari untuk
buang air kecil. Sedangkan dalam pilihan jawaban hanya dikatakan, bangun di malam hari.
163. C. tightly. Snugly = tightly = dengan pas / kencang / ketat
164. C. the characteristic of prostate enlargement. Dalam paragraf pertama diceritakan tentang
karakteristik, pembesaran prostat, gejala, akibat yang ditimbulkan, dll.
165. A. because the dihydrotestosterone starts to build up. Lihat kalimat terakhir pada paragraf
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166. C. when they got severe symptoms. Perhatikan kalimat terakhir paragraf terakhir.
167. A. it manufactures semen. Lihat kalimat pertama paragraf kedua.
168. B. male narwhals. Their mengacu pada kata ‘males’.
169. C. they live in arctic. Pada wacana disebutkan bahwa, narwhal hanya muncul di perairan
dalam dari high arctic.
170. A. separate. Segregate = separate = memisahkan (diri )
171. A,.(its medical effect). Perhatikan kalimat kedua paragraf terakhir.
172. C (the tusk on the head). Perhatikan ciri-ciri narwhal yang disebutkan dalam paragraf
173. A (human). Perhatikan kalimat terakhir, paragraf terakhir.
174. A (the nature of narwhal). Keseluruhan paragraf pertama menceritakan tentang sifat dasar
175. A (the teens). Lihat pada keseluruhan kalimat.
176. A (eliminated). Obliterate = eliminate = menghapuskan / melenyapkan
177. C (the case needs to be closed). Karena bukti yang tidak cukup dan memakan waktu serta
biaya, dapat disimpulkan, kasus tersebut harus ditutup.
178. C (the bodies were the key piece of evidence) Keseluruhan wacana menceritakan tentang
pentingnya ditemukannya jenazah, karena dapat sebagai bukti paling kuat dan penting.
179. C (in 2010). Lihat paragraf pertama kalimat pertama dan kedua.
180. A (it was the longest running murder case in the US). Pada kalimat pertama hanya
disebutkan bahwa kasus tersebut adalah kasus terlama di negara bagian (state) new jersey
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