Alternate Fingerings For The Saxophone: B B B B B

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Alternate Fingerings for the Saxophone

D#-E trill Eb-F trill F-Gb trill A-Bb trill in passages B-C trill C#-D trill Db-Eb trill
trills involving these notes
sharp (+15) with no flat (-20) flat (-20)
Tone is similar to tone
above the break. Use
octave key.

How to Use This Chart numerical values above are ones I measured, in units useful in rapid playing, but beware of losing the mo-
The keys are shown the as they would look to of hundredths of a semitone.) For this reason, as well bility of your hands by doing this habitually.
people standing behind you if they could see through as to facilitate connecting between standard and non- The Fine Print
both your body and the tube of the saxophone. This standard fingerings, it is a good idea to end trills on These copyrighted materials are available online for free:
will seem natural when you’re holding the horn and a standard fingering.
They are subject to a licensing agreement. If you don’t
looking at the chart, but it’s a mirror image of what B-Flat Fingerings accept the licensing agreement, then you are bound by the nor-
you’ll see if you turn the instrument around and ac- The basic B-flat fingering as well as the two mal provisions of copyright law, and may not copy them. The
tually look at it. alternate fingerings shown above all play in tune, so original editable computer files are available on request via e-
How to Choose a Fingering intonation is not a reason to choose among them. mail if you accept the licensing agreement.
Basically you should always use the standard Most people use one B-flat fingering as a default Licensing Agreement
1. If you accept this licensing agreement in full, then you
fingerings unless they are impossible (or in the case (either the one I call the basic one or the one using
may copy this document for yourself, and give copies to other
of the alternate C# fingerings, to avoid a discontinu- the palm key), and then use the others in specific people who also accept the agreement.
ity in sound across the break). Many professional situations. Almost everyone uses the basic fingering 2. You agree not to remove the author’s name, the copy-
woodwind players advocate using almost nothing but in the chromatic scale, and the left-hand fingering in right notice, the reference to my web site, or this licensing infor-
arpeggios like B-flat major and G minor. mation.
standard fingerings except in a few situations. Alter-
3. You agree not to sell this document for money, or to
nate fingerings tend to move your hands out of posi- Articulated Pinkie Fingerings incorporate any part of it into any commercial product.
tion, and it may be difficult to connect groups of notes You can hold down the A-flat pinkie key while (c) 2000 Benjamin Crowell, all rights reserved.
if they use different types of fingerings. playing other notes in passages that don’t contain
Some alternate fingerings are out of tune. (The any A naturals, and likewise with E-flat. This can be

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