BS 5656-1

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This document outlines testing and examination procedures for new escalator and passenger conveyor installations according to BS EN 115.

This standard provides specifications and forms for testing and examining new escalator and passenger conveyor installations to ensure they meet safety and quality requirements.

Technical Committee MHE/4 on Lifts, hoists and escalators led the development of this standard along with contributions from other industry organizations like the Association of District Councils and Health and Safety Executive.

| BS 5656 :

| Part 1 : 1997
| Incorporating
| Amendment No. 1
Safety rules for the |
construction and installation |
of escalators and passenger |
conveyors |
Part 1. Specification and proformas for |
test and examination of new installations |

ICS 91.140.90 |
Copyright British Standards Institution
Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee
MHE/4, Lifts, hoists and escalators, upon which the following bodies were

Federation of the Electronics Industry

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
subcommittees and panels:

Association of District Councils

British Broadcasting Corporation
British Retail Consortium
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
Department of Trade and Industry (Standards Policy Unit)
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

(Construction Sponsorship Directorate)
Health and Safety Executive
Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Plumbing Union
Engineer Surveyors Section of the MSF
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institution of Incorporated Executive Engineers
Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Institution of Plant Engineers
Lift and Escalator Industries Association
Lloyds Register of Shipping
London Underground Ltd.
Post Office
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation
Safety Assessment Federation Ltd.

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes into
effect on
15 December 1997

 BSI 1998
Amendments issued since publication
Amd. No. Date Text affected

9909 February Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference MHE/4
Draft for comment 96/702415 DC

ISBN 0 580 28685 1

Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Test and examination 1
5 High voltage test (at manufacturer's works) 1
6 Electrical tests (after installation) 2
1 Certificate of test and examination for escalators 3
2 Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors 14

Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI  BSI 1997 i
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997


This Part of BS 5656 has been prepared by Technical Committee MHE/4, Lifts, hoists
and escalators, and is applicable to the testing and examination of new escalators and
passenger conveyors installed in accordance with BS EN 115.
BS 5656 consists of the following Parts:
| Part 1: Specification and proformas for test and examination of new installations
| Part 2: Specification and proformas for test and examination after modernization
| (in preparation)
It was originally intended that BS 5656 (EN 115) would be renumbered as
BS 5656 : Part 1 to produce a logical pair of stand-alone standards for escalators and
passenger conveyors. However, as the practice of dual numbering an EN as a BS was
replaced by implementation as a BS EN, the 1995 revision of EN 115 was published in
the UK as BS EN 115 and the identifier BS 5656 was no longer used for current
standards. Nevertheless, as this BS identifier was well known within the industry, it
was decided to retain it for the testing and examination standard.
Copyright is waived by BSI in respect of the tables in this standard. Enquiries
concerning bulk printed supplies of the form in those tables can be addressed to
BSI Customer Services, Sales Department, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL.
CAUTION. During any inspection and test, maintenance or repair it is suggested that
precautions should be taken so that escalators and passenger conveyors cannot be set
into motion without the knowledge and consent of the person performing such work.
(See 16.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995 and BS 7801). In addition, safety barricades should be
erected at the ends of each escalator or passenger conveyor before any floor coverings
or steps etc. are removed and should remain in position until the escalator or
passenger conveyor is safe and suitable for public use. (See of BS EN 115 : 1995).

Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity

from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii, pages 1
to 26, an inside back cover and a back cover.


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI  BSI 1998
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

1 Scope 4.1.1 The performance of certain tests, as required

to complete the appropriate test and examination
This Part of BS 5656 specifies requirements for the
certification (see 4.1.2) shall be undertaken for
testing and examination of new escalators and
every installation before it is put into normal service,
passenger conveyors covered by BS EN 115, before
i.e. at the time of manufacture and commissioning.
the equipment is put into service. This Part does not
specify such requirements for the testing and 4.1.2 The form of the appropriate certificate for test
examination of equipment after modernization (this and examination conforming to the requirements
is dealt with in Part 2) or for periodic examination. of 16.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995 and referred to in 4.1.1
This Part includes proformas for certificates of test shall be as follows:
and examination (tables 1 and 2), which cover
construction, certain aspects of performance, and a) escalators Table 1
contract data. A requirement to provide test b) passenger conveyors Table 2
certificates relating to certain components of the
equipment is also specified in this Part. 4.2 Component testing
Copies of test certificates relating to particular
2 References components shall be available prior to, or during,
commissioning tests. These test certificates shall
2.1 Normative references relate to individual or type tests carried out by the
This Part of BS 5656 incorporates, by dated or component manufacturer, escalator/passenger
undated reference, provisions from specific editions conveyor manufacturer, or an independent body.
of other publications. These normative references
4.3 Availability of certificates
are made at the appropriate places in the text and
the cited publications are listed on the inside back Copies of completed certificates appropriate to the
cover. For dated references, only the edition cited type of equipment, as referred to in 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
applies; any subsequent amendments to or revisions shall be available for inspection in accordance
of the cited publication apply to this Part of BS 5656 with 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995.
only when incorporated in the reference by
amendment or revision. For undated references, the 5 High voltage test (at manufacturer's
latest edition of the cited publication applies,
together with any amendments. works)
The dielectric or electrical apparatus (excluding
2.2 Informative references motors, generators, transformers, electronic
This Part of BS 5656 refers to other publications that apparatus and instruments, shall withstand a test
provide information or guidance. Editions of these voltage of 10 times the working voltage, with a
publications current at the time of issue of this maximum of 2000 V when applied as follows:
standard are listed on the inside back cover, but a) between the live parts and the case or the
reference should be made to the latest editions. frame with all circuits completed;
b) between main terminals or equivalent parts with
3 Definitions all circuits open;
For the purposes of this Part of BS 5656 the c) between any live parts of independent circuits.
definitions given in clause 3 of BS EN 115 : 1995 NOTE. The dielectric or electrical apparatus should be tested in
apply. accordance with the appropriate British Standard.
The test voltage shall be alternating of approximately
4 Test and examination sine wave form with a frequency of approximately
50 Hz and shall be applied for 1 min.
4.1 Test and examination after manufacture, NOTE. Owing to the impracticability of applying the foregoing
installation and commissioning tests b) and c) on controllers and similar apparatus after
controller wiring has been completed, these tests should be made
NOTE. All test equipment, instruments and personnel needed to at convenient stages of manufacture. A test certificate to this
complete the testing and inspection after installation should be effect issued by the manufacturer is acceptable.
provided by the escalator manufacturer. A power supply at the
declared voltage and frequency, for test and adjustment purposes,
should also be provided by the purchaser.


Copyright British Standards Institution

 BSI 1997
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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

6 Electrical tests (after installation)

Electrical installations, excluding electronic
equipment, shall be subjected to test, by instruments
as follows.
a) Apply d.c. test voltage which is not less than
twice the r.m.s value of the a.c. supply voltage or
not greater than 500 V d.c. for low voltage circuits,
to prove that the insulation resistance to earth is
not less than 0.5 MW.
NOTE. If dampness in a new building prevents a reading of
0.5 MW from being obtained, an insulation resistance of 0.25
MW is provisionally acceptable provided a retest figure of 0.5
MW is obtained when conditions in the building improve.
b) Determine that the earthing of all conduit,
trunking, switch cases and similar metal work is
continuous and does not exceed 0.5 W impedance.
NOTE. An escalator or passenger conveyor installation is
considered to be a self-contained piece of equipment and as
such is not required to conform in all respects to BS 7671 :
1992 (formerly the IEE Regulations) in particular with regard to
the earthing of all apparatus.


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI  BSI 1997
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators

Notes for completion of this certificate:
1. Statements and replies to all relevant questions should be annotated in the appropriate boxes. Where multiple questions are posed
only one of the boxes should be ticked.
2. Boxes marked with an asterisk (*) should be completed by the vendor's design office.
1 Description of installation

Do the additional requirements of BS EN 115 : 1995 apply to this Yes No


Location: *

Vendor: * Vendor's identification no:

Purchaser's identification no: *

Vertical rise m * Angle of inclination Ê *

Nominal step width m * Ratio speed m/s *

Power supply (at time of test)

Specified Actual Is supply 2)
Voltage * Permanent

Phase * Temporary

Hz (Cycle) * Is the above acceptable?

Wire2) * Yes No

Fuse rating *

Fuse type *

Location of control panel


Within escalator truss *

With separate machine room *

| Other
| Description:

Machine room location

Inside truss *

Outside truss *
1) Note the contents of 0.4 of BS EN 115 : 1995.
2) Delete as applicable.

Copyright British Standards Institution

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

2 Static examination, mechanical
2.1 General examination
Has overall visual inspection been carried out in accordance Yes No
with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

2.2 Test certificates

a) Are the factory test and examination records available and in Yes No

b) Is the step type test certificate available and in accordance Yes No

with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

c) Is the handrail type test certificate available and in N/A Yes No

accordance with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) Is a speed sensing device fitted? N/A Yes No

e) If fitted, is a test certificate available and in order? Yes No

2.3 Supporting structure

a) Are intermediate supports provided? N/A Yes No

Specified Actual
b) State the no. of supports fitted: *

c) Is supporting structure side cladding fitted in accordance Yes No

with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) Is the cladding permanent?3) Yes No

e) Are the balustrades fitted correctly and in accordance Yes No

with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

f) Are deflector devices fitted? Yes No

g) If deflector devices are fitted, are they set in accordance N/A Yes No
with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

3) Escalators should not be put into service with temporary cladding.

Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI  BSI 1997
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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

2.4 Machine drive
a) Type of drive: Chain * Gear * Other *

b) If other, specify: *

c) If chain driven, Pitch * mm

details of drive chains:
No. of links per *

2.5 Operational brake(s) (see 12.4.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

Specified Actual
a) Number of brakes fitted: *

b) Location: *

| 2.6 Auxiliary brake(s) (see 12.6 of BS EN 115 : 1995) N/A

Specified Actual
a) Number of brakes fitted: *

b) Location: *

2.7 Step chain lubrication

a) Is a lubrication system fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it working satisfactorily? Yes No

2.8 Return station


a) Tensioning method: Spring * Hydraulic *

Counterweight * Other *

b) If other, specify: *

c) Does it function? Yes No

Copyright British Standards Institution

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

2.9 Steps and step band
a) Length of horizontal travel (see 10.1.3 of BS EN 115 : 1995) Top m *

Bottom m *

2.10 Clearances and alignments


Are the following clearances in accordance with clause 11 Yes No

of BS EN 115 : 1995?
a) Step to step clearance 6 mm or less in accordance with 11.1 Yes No
of BS EN 115 : 1995

b) Step to skirting clearance 4 mm or less at either side and 7 mm Yes No

or less for the sum of both directly opposite sides in accordance
with 11.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995

c) Mesh depth h8 at least 6 mm (see figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995) Yes No

d) Clearance h6 not greater than 4 mm Yes No

(See figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

2.11 Handrail

a) Does the handrail profile and position conform to 7.3.1 of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Is the dimension between the outer edge of the handrail and Yes No
any other obstacle at least 80 mm?

c) Is the dimension in b) above maintained to a height of 2.10 m Yes No

above the steps?

Copyright British Standards Institution

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

3 Static examination, electrical
3.1 Insulation resistance to earth

a) Escalator motor: MW

b) Power system:4) MW

c) Safety circuits:4) MW

3.2 Earthing
a) Check that the maximum continuity resistance to earth is Yes No
less than 0.5 W

b) Is the controller earth-bonded to the truss? Yes No

c) Is the handrail earthed? Yes No

4 Lighting
4.1 Handrail lighting
a) Is handrail lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of handrail lighting installation? MV

4.2 Skirting lighting

a) Is skirting lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of skirting lighting installation? MV

4.3 Comb lighting

a) Is comb lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of comb lighting installation? MV

4.4 Understep lighting

a) Is understep lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of understep lighting installation? MV

4) Electronic circuits may be disconnected for this test.

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

5 Dynamic tests
5.1 Safety devices (see of BS EN 115 : 1995)
Check operation of electrical contacts and connections. For identification, all details are based upon
looking from the bottom of the escalator irrespective of the direction of travel.

a) Are the handrail entry devices set in accordance Yes No

with 7.5.3 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Does each device, when actuated, cause the Yes No

escalator to stop and remain stopped?

c) Are the comb safety devices set in accordance with Yes No of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) When actuated, does each comb safety device cause Yes No

the escalator to stop and remain stopped?

e) When actuated, does each chain tension safety Yes No

device cause the escalator to stop and remain stopped?

f) When actuated, do the step sag safety devices cause Yes No

the escalator to stop and remain stopped?

g) When actuated, does the step which has sagged stop Yes No
before reaching the comb intersection line?

h) When actuated, does the safety device for the Yes No N/A
broken handrail cause the escalator to stop and remain

i) Do the stop switches conform to 6.3.3 of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?

j) Do the locations of the inspection controls conform Yes No

to of BS EN 115 : 1995?

k) Do the operations of the inspection controls Yes No

conform to and of BS EN 115 : 1995?

l) When the speed control device specified in 12.5.1 of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995 is operated, does the escalator stop

m) Does the unintentional reversal safety device Yes No N/A

conforming to 12.5.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995 work

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

5.2 Control devices
a) Do the locations of all the starting controls Yes No
satisfy 14.2.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995?
b) Is a system for remote starting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

c) Are facilities for automatic starting fitted to the Yes * No * N/A *

d) If yes, do they satisfy of Yes No
BS EN 115 : 1995?
e) Do the escalator starting and directional controls Yes No
function correctly?
f) When actuated, do all emergency stop devices Yes No
cause the escalator to stop and remain stopped?
g) If not an integral part of the escalator, are they in Yes No N/A
an easily accessible position?

5.3 Steps
a) Do the steps running at the rated speed in each Yes No
direction of travel conform to 12.2.3 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?
b) Are the steps running free of interference from Yes No
each other, skirting panels, comb sections and other
parts of the escalator structure in each direction of
5.4 Handrail
a) Do the handrails running at the correct speed Yes No
relative to the steps conform to 7.1 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?
b) Does the handrail guiding and tensioning conform Yes No
to 7.7 of BS EN 115 : 1995?
c) Is the handrail running smoothly and free of Yes No
interference with any other part of the machine?


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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

5.5 Stopping distances
NOTE. Load tests are not required by BS EN 115 : 1995. The escalator stopping distances under loaded conditions can be
5.5.1 Operational brake
NOTE. Operational brake test results should represent the average measurement of three separate tests after the escalator has been
run continuously for a minimum of 1 h.

a) No load test stopping distances: Running up m

Running down m

b) Do these measurements conform to of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?
5.5.2 Auxiliary brake N/A

a) With the operational brake not in operation, does the Yes No

auxiliary brake stop the escalator in accordance with
12.6.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

6 Measurements of the electrical system

Provide the following details on the escalator motor(s) (as stated on data plate)
1) maker: *
2) serial no: *
3) type: *

4) a.c. voltage: V *
5) power rating: kW *
6) current rating: A *
7) speed: r/min *
8) class of insulation *
9) duty rating: *
10) d.c. field current: A *
d.c. field voltage: V *
11) d.c. armature current: A *
d.c. armature voltage V *

Copyright British Standards Institution

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

6.1 Escalator motor measurements
Rated speed operation
With no load on the escalators record the following:
Motor no. *

Starting current escalator running up A

Running current escalator running up A

Starting current escalator running down A

Running current escalator running down A

Low speed operation N/A

If a 2nd motor is fitted, with no load on the escalators record the following:
Motor no. *

Starting current escalator running up A

Running current escalator running up A

Starting current escalator running down A

Running current escalator running down A

6.2 Escalator motor overcurrent protective devices

6.2.1 Main windings

a) Measure and record the following (as appropriate):

Type of device Manual Automatic Time to operate Trip current Setting
reset reset
s A

Three phase circuit breaker ********


Overloads, in each phase ********

Timing relay device ******** ******
Thermistor *******
Other-name type

b) Have you found these satisfactory? Yes No

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (continued)

6.2.2 Slow speed windings
a) Measure and record the following (as appropriate):
Type of device Manual Automatic Time to operate Trip current Setting
reset reset
s A

Three phase circuit breaker ********

Overloads, in each phase ********
Timing relay device ******** ******
Thermistor *******
Other-name type

b) Have you found these satisfactory? Yes No

7 Surrounds of the escalator (see 5.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

a) Do the landings of the escalator conform to 5.2.1 of BS Yes No
EN 115 : 1995?
b) Do the landing surfaces conform to 5.2.2 of BS EN 115 Yes No
: 1995?
c) Does the clear height above the steps of the escalator Yes No
conform at all points to 5.2.3 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) If the installation requires head guards in accordance Yes No N/A

with 5.2.4 of BS EN 115 : 1995, have they been located
and fitted correctly?
e) Are skirt deflector devices fitted? Yes No

f) Are warning notices displayed in the machine rooms in Yes No

accordance with 15.1.4 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

g) Have warning notices in accordance with of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995 been provided?

8 Conclusions

b) Is the escalator installation complete and ready to be Yes No

put into service?
NOTE. Some items requiring attention may not be part of the contract for the escalator but part of the installation and the
responsibility of others.

b) If the answer to a) is `No' provide details in the space below.

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 1. Certificate of test and examination for escalators (concluded)

9 Declaration

I/We certify that on the equipment was thoroughly examined and found to be free
from obvious defects, subject to any statement in clause 8 of this table and that the foregoing is a correct
report of the results.

Vendor's/purchaser's identification number


Name and address of public service, association, company, firm or person making examination:

Position in above organization of the person who conducted the examination:

Qualifications of examiner, if working on his/her own account:

Test certificate serial number



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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors

Notes for completion of this certificate:
1. Statements and replies to all relevant questions should be annotated in the appropriate boxes. Where multiple questions are posed
only one of the boxes should be ticked.
2. Boxes marked with an asterisk (*) should be completed by the vendor's design office.
1 Description of installation
Do the additional requirements of BS EN 115 : 1995 apply to Yes No
this installation?1)

Location: *

Vendor: * Vendor's identification no:

Purchaser's identification no: *

Horizontal length m * N/A

Vertical rise m * N/A Angle of Ê * N/A

Nominal step m * Ratio speed m/s *
No. of passenger *
Power supply (at time of test)
Specified Actual Is supply 2)
Voltage * Permanent

Phase * Temporary

Hz (cycle) * Is the above acceptable?
Yes No
Wire2) *

Fuse rating *

Fuse type *
Location of control panel
Within passenger conveyor truss *

With separate machine room *

| Other
| Description:
Machine room location
Inside truss *

Outside truss *

1) Note the contents of 0.4 of BS EN 115 : 1995.

2) Delete as applicable.

Copyright British Standards Institution

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

2 Static examination, mechanical
2.1 General examination

Has overall visual inspection been Yes No

carried out in accordance with
of BS EN 115 : 1995?

2.2 Test certificates

a) Are the factory test and examination records Yes No
available and in order?

b) Is the pallet or belt type test certificate available Yes No

and in accordance with of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

c) Is the handrail type test certificate available and N/A Yes No

in accordance with of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) Is a speed sensing device fitted? N/A Yes No

e) If fitted, is a test certificate available and in Yes No


2.3 Supporting structure

a) Are intermediate supports provided? N/A Yes No

Specified Actual
b) State the no. of supports fitted:

c) Is supporting structure side cladding fitted in Yes No

accordance with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) Is the cladding permanent?3) Yes No

e) Are the balustrades fitted correctly and in Yes No

accordance with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

f) Are deflector devices fitted? Yes No

g) If deflector devices are fitted, are they set in N/A Yes No

accordance with of BS EN 115 : 1995?
3) Passenger conveyors should not be put into service with temporary cladding.

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

2.4 Machine drive
a) Type of drive: Chain * Gear * Other *

b) If other, specify: *

c) If chain driven, Pitch * mm

details of drive chains:
No. of links per *

2.5 Operational brake(s) (see 12.4.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

Specified Actual
a) Number of brakes fitted: *

b) Location: *

| 2.6 Auxiliary brake(s) (see 12.6 of BS EN 115 : 1995) N/A

Specified Actual
a) Number of brakes fitted: *

b) Location: *

2.7 Pallet or belt chain lubrication

a) Is a lubrication system fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it working satisfactorily? Yes No

2.8 Return station

a) Tensioning method: Spring * Hydraulic *

Counterweight * Other *

b) If other, specify: *

c) Does it function? Yes No


Copyright British Standards Institution

Provided by IHS under license with BSI  BSI 1998
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

2.9 Pallets or belts and pallet band
Length of horizontal travel (see 10.1.3 of BS EN 115 : 1995) Top m *

Bottom m *

2.10 Clearances and alignments

Are the following clearances in accordance with clause 11 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

a) Pallet to pallet clearance 6 mm or less except at N/A Yes No

the transition curves where the clearance shall be
8 mm or less, in accordance with 11.1 of
BS EN 115 : 1995

b) Pallet or belt to skirting clearance 4 mm or less at N/A Yes No

either side and 7 mm or less for the sum of both
directly opposite sides in accordance with 11.2 of
BS EN 115 : 1995

c) Pallet or belt vertical clearance to skirting 4 mm N/A Yes No

or less in accordance with 11.2.2 of
BS EN 115 : 1995

d) Mesh depth h8 at least 6 mm for pallet treads N/A Yes No

(see figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

e) Clearance h6 not greater than 4 mm for pallet N/A Yes No

treads (see figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

f) Mesh depth h8 at least 4 mm for belt N/A Yes No

(see figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

g) Clearance h6 not greater than 4 mm for belt N/A Yes No

(see figure 1 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

2.11 Handrail
a) Does the handrail profile and position conform to 7.3.1 of Yes No
BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Is the dimension between the outer edge of the handrail and any Yes No
other obstacle at least 80 mm?

c) Is the dimension in b) above maintained to a height of 2.10 m above Yes No

the pallets or belt?

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Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

3 Static examination, electrical
3.1 Insulation resistance to earth
a) Passenger conveyor motor: MV

b) Power system:4) MV

c) Safety circuits:4) MV

3.2 Earthing
a) Check that the maximum continuity resistance to Yes No
earth is less than 0.5 V.
b) Ensure that the controller is earth-bonded to the truss. Yes No

c) Is the handrail earthed? Yes No

d) Is the belt earthed? N/A Yes No

4 Lighting
4.1 Handrail lighting
a) Is handrail lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of handrail lighting MV

4.2 Skirting lighting
a) Is skirting lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of handrail lighting MV

4.3 Comb lighting
a) Is comb lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No


c) Insulation resistance to earth of handrail lighting MV

4.4 Understep lighting
a) Is understep lighting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

b) If yes, is it correctly installed? Yes No

c) Insulation resistance to earth of comb lighting MV
4) Electronic circuits may be disconnected for this test.

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

5 Dynamic tests
5.1 Safety devices (see of BS EN 115 : 1995)
Check operation of electrical contacts and connections. For identification, all details are based upon
looking from the bottom of the passenger conveyor irrespective of the direction of travel on inclined
machines and looking in the direction of drive for horizontal machines.
a) Are the handrail entry devices set in accordance Yes No
with 7.5.3 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Does each device, when actuated, cause the Yes No

passenger conveyor to stop and remain stopped?

c) Are the comb safety devices set in accordance Yes No

with of BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) When actuated, does each comb safety device Yes No

cause the passenger conveyor to stop and remain

e) When actuated, does each chain tension safety Yes No

device cause the passenger conveyor to stop and
remain stopped?

f) When actuated, do the step sag safety devices Yes No

cause the passenger conveyor to stop and remain

g) When actuated, does the step which has sagged Yes No

stop before reaching the comb intersection line?

h) When actuated, does the safety device for the Yes No N/A
broken handrail cause the passenger conveyor to
stop and remain stopped?

i) Do the stop switches conform to 6.3.3 of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?

j) Do the locations of the inspection controls Yes No

conform to of BS EN 115 : 1995?

k) Do the operations of the inspection controls Yes No

conform to and of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

l) When the speed control device specified in 12.5.1 Yes No

of BS EN 115 : 1995 is operated, does the passenger
conveyor stop satisfactorily?

m) Does the unintentional reversal safety device Yes No N/A

conforming to 12.5.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995 work


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Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

5.2 Control devices
a) Do the locations of all the starting controls Yes No
satisfy 14.2.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Is a system for remote starting fitted? Yes * No * N/A *

c) Are facilities for automatic starting fitted to the Yes * No * N/A *

passenger conveyor?

d) If yes, do they satisfy of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?

e) When actuated, do all emergency stop devices Yes No

cause the passenger conveyor to stop and remain

f) If not an integral part of the passenger conveyor, Yes No N/A

are they in an easily accessible position?

5.3 Pallets and belts

a) Do the pallets or belts running at the rated speed Yes No
in each direction of travel conform to 12.2.3 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Are the pallets running free of interference from Yes No

each other, skirting panels, comb sections and other
parts of the passenger conveyor structure in each
direction of travel?

5.4 Handrail
a) Do the handrails running at the correct speed Yes No
relative to the pallets or belts conform to 7.1 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Does the handrail guiding and tensioning conform Yes No

to 7.7 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

c) Is the handrail running smoothly and free of Yes No

interference with any other part of the machine?


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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

5.5 Stopping distances
NOTE. Load tests are not required by BS EN 115 : 1995. The passenger conveyor stopping distances under loaded conditions can be

5.5.1 Operational brake

NOTE. Operational brake test results should represent the average measurement of three separate tests after the passenger
conveyor has been run continuously for a minimum of 1 h.

a) No load test stopping distances:

inclined passenger conveyor Running up m

Running down m

horizontal passenger conveyor Running in direction of drive m

Running away from direction of m


b) Do these measurements conform to of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?

5.5.2 Auxiliary brake

a) With the operational brake not in operation, does Yes No

the auxiliary brake stop the passenger conveyor in
accordance with 12.6.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

6 Measurements of the electrical system

Provide the following details on the passenger conveyor motor(s) (as stated on data plate)
1) maker: *
2) serial no: *
3) type: *
4) a.c. voltage: V *
5) power rating: kW *
6) current rating: A *
7) speed: r/min *
8) class of insulation: *
9) duty rating: *
10) d.c. field current: A *
d.c. field voltage: V *
11) d.c. armature current: A *
d.c. armature voltage V *

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Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

6.1 Passenger conveyor motor measurements

Rated speed operation

With no load on the passenger conveyors record the following:

Motor no. *
Starting current passenger conveyor running up A
(inclined) running in direction of travel (horizontal)

Running current passenger conveyor running up A

(inclined) running in direction of travel (horizontal)

Starting current passenger conveyor running down A

(inclined) running away from direction of travel

Running current passenger conveyor running down A

(inclined) running away from direction of travel

Low speed operation N/A

If a 2nd motor is fitted, with no load on the passenger conveyors record the following:

Motor no. *
Starting current passenger conveyor running up A

(inclined) running in direction of travel (horizontal)

Running current passenger conveyor running up A

(inclined) running in direction of travel (horizontal)

Starting current passenger conveyor running down A

(inclined) running away from direction of travel

Running current passenger conveyor running down A

(inclined) running away from direction of travel

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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

6.2 Passenger conveyor motor overcurrent protective devices

6.2.1 Main windings

a) Measure and record the following (as appropriate):

Type of device Manual Automatic Time to operate Trip current Setting

reset reset
s A

Three phase circuit breaker ********

Overloads, in each phase ********
Timing relay device ******** ******
Thermistor *******
Other-name type

b) Have you found these satisfactory? Yes No

6.2.2 Slow speed windings

a) Measure and record the following (as appropriate):

Type of device Manual Automatic Time to operate Trip current Setting

reset reset
s A

Three phase circuit breaker ********

Overloads, in each phase ********
Timing relay device ******** ******
Thermistor *******
Other-name type

b) Have you found these satisfactory? Yes No


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Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (continued)

7 Surrounds of the passenger conveyor (see 5.2 of BS EN 115 : 1995)

a) Do the landings of the passenger conveyor Yes No

conform to 5.2.1 of BS EN 115 : 1995?

b) Do the landing surfaces conform to 5.2.2 of Yes No

BS EN 115 : 1995?
c) Does the clear height above steps of the Yes No
passenger conveyor conform at all points to 5.2.3 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

d) If the installation requires head guards in Yes No N/A

accordance with 5.2.4 of BS EN 115 : 1995, have
they been located and fitted correctly?

e) Are skirt deflector devices fitted? Yes No

f) Are warning notices displayed in the machine Yes No

rooms in accordance with 15.1.4 of
BS EN 115 : 1995?

g) Have warning notices in accordance with Yes No

of BS EN 115 : 1995 been provided?

8 Conclusions

a) Is the passenger conveyor installation complete Yes No

and ready to be put into service?

NOTE. Some items requiring attention may not be part of the contract for the passenger conveyor but part of the installation and
the responsibility of others.

b) If the answer to a) is `NO' provide details in the space below.

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Table 2. Certificate of test and examination for passenger conveyors (concluded))

9 Declaration

I/We certify that on the equipment was thoroughly examined and found to be free
from obvious defects, subject to any statement in clause 8 of this table and that the foregoing is a correct
report of the results.

Vendor's/purchaser's identification number


Name and address of public service, association, company, firm or person making examination:

Position in above organization of the person who conducted the examination:

Qualifications of examiner, if working on his/her own account:

Test certificate serial number


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BS 5656 : Part 1 : 1997

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references

BSI publications

BS EN 115 : 1995 Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and
passenger conveyors

Informative references

BSI publications

BS 7801 Safe working on escalators and passenger conveyors

BS 7671 : 1992 Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations.
Sixteenth edition

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