Tutorial PragmaDev
Tutorial PragmaDev
Tutorial PragmaDev
Introduction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4
A simple system - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6
SDL Tutorial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7
Organization ............................................................................................................. 7
Requirements ............................................................................................................. 8
Design .................................................................................................................... 12
Simulating the system ............................................................................................... 25
Simulation options 25
Byte-code generation 25
The SDL simulator 28
Verifying the behavior 36
Prototyping GUI ....................................................................................................... 38
GUI editor 38
Simulation 42
Testing .................................................................................................................... 44
Test case 45
Simulation against the SDL system 47
Code generation ...................................................................................................... 49
Code generation options 49
Graphical debugging 51
Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 55
SDL-RT Tutorial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56
Organization ........................................................................................................... 56
Requirements ........................................................................................................... 58
Design .................................................................................................................... 62
Running the system ................................................................................................... 80
Generation profile 81
Compilation errors 83
The SDL-RT debugger 87
Verifying the behavior 95
Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 100
Prototyping GUI ..................................................................................................... 102
GUI editor 102
Simulation 106
Automatic documentation generation - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 108
Publications ........................................................................................................... 108
Documentation ...................................................................................................... 114
Automatic generation ............................................................................................. 118
1 - Introduction
Before starting this tutorial, it is important to understand the basic concepts used in Real
Time Developer Studio.These concepts derive from the two languages supported by
• SDL stands for Specification and Description Language. SDL is a graphi-
cal, object-oriented, formal language defined by the International Telecommuni-
cation Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) as
recommendation Z100. The language is intended for the specification of com-
plex, event-driven, real-time and interactive applications involving many con-
current activities that communicate using discrete signals.
• SDL-RT stands for Specification and Description Language - Real Time.
It is a mix of SDL with another graphical language, UML, and of a textual lan-
guage, C. It retains the graphical abstraction brought by SDL while keeping the
precision of traditional techniques in real-time and embedded software develop-
ment and making simpler the re-use of legacy code by using natively the C lan-
guage. The object-orientation is also pushed a step further by using the UML
The underlying concepts of both languages are the same: the overall application to
develop is called the system. Anything that is outside the system is called the environ-
ment. The system itself is described via four complementary and consistent views:
• Architecture
A system can be decomposed in functional blocks. A block can be further decom-
posed in sub-blocks and so on until the functionality of the final blocks are simple
enough. A block then fulfils its functionality with one or more processes, commu-
nicating with each other via messages (also called signals). A process is basi-
cally a task and has an implicit message queue to receive messages from other
tasks. There is no need to define it. A block has no direct implementation in the
final application; it is a matter of organizing and structuring the application.
Blocks and process are called agents.
process msg msg
block process
• Communication
Agents exchange messages through channels. Messages going through channels
are listed to define the interface between the agents. When it comes to final code
on the target, channels have no direct implementation; they are only used for
structuring the software and defining the interfaces.
• Behavior
A process behavior is described graphically as a finite state machine. Internal
process states, events (messages), decisions, timer manipulations, semaphore
manipulations have specific symbols briefly summarized below necessary to
understand the following tutorial:
SDL-RT only
Input Take sema-
Give sema-
Decision Declarations
SDL or SDL-RT procedures can be called within the process behavior descrip-
tion. In SDL-RT, C functions can be called as well; SDL also allows the call of C
function via external operators.
• Data and syntax
This is where SDL and SDL-RT differ the most:
• In SDL, data is defined via ADT (Abstract Data Types), using specific con-
cepts and notations. The data manipulation has also a specific syntax, derived
from languages such as Pascal.
• In SDL-RT, the C language is used to define and manipulate data, making
things more familiar to developers…
Another SDL-RT specificity is the integration of UML use case and class diagrams for
less time-critical parts of the system. Objects can be associated to processes or blocks and
used in the behavioral parts of the processes.
In both SDL and SDL-RT projects, RTDS also integrates the Message Sequence Chart
dynamic view. On such a diagram, time flows from top to bottom. Lifelines represent
agents, semaphores or objects and key SDL-RT events are represented. The diagram
emphasizes the sequence in which the events occur.
Would you need any extra information on the diagrams and their meaning, the following
references may be used:
• For SDL, the SDL Forum web-site has many tutorials and presentations:
• For SDL-RT, the reference manual is available in RTDS via the Help / SDL-RT ref-
erence menu. This manual is also available on the SDL-RT web-site:
2 - A simple system
The system we have chosen is simple enough to be written from scratch but rich enough
to pinpoint the basics of SDL-RT and SDL. It is a very basic phone system composed of a
central and of several phones. When the phones are created, the central gives them an
automatically computed phone number. When a user takes a phone to call another one,
the phone asks the central the id of the phone to be called identified by its phone number.
The caller sends directly a call request to the distant phone. For simplicity sake the dis-
tant phone automatically answers.
This tutorial is divided into two parts, depending on the language:
• The part using SDL starts page 7
• The part using SDL-RT starts page 56
And one part for the automatic documentation generation that is based on the SDL sys-
tem but that can be applied to the SDL-RT example.
If you do not want to design the example, you can find a complete project of this system
in the examples under "SDL/tutorial" and "SDL-RT/tutorial".
3 - SDL Tutorial
3.1 - Organization
Let’s get our hands on the tool ! Start Real Time Developer Studio. The window that
appears is called the Project manager:
The project manager gathers all the files needed in the project. First let’s create a new
project with the New SDL project button:
3.2 - Requirements
Let us express the requirements of our system with a Message Sequence Chart (MSC). To
add an MSC, select the project, and click on the right mouse button. A contextual menu
will appear:
Double click on the MSC name or icon to open it. The MSC editor opens:
3.3 - Design
Let us now specify and design the system. As for creating an MSC, select the project and
add a System component:
Double click on the system name or icon to open the system diagram in the SDL editor:
RTDS has created the first partition for us, so let’s use it to declare the types and mes-
sages we’ll need:
The top declaration text box declares the data and types we need:
• The SYNONYM declaration declares a constant for the maximum number of
• The SYNTYPE declaration declares a special type for the phone. This is basically
an integer restricted to be between 1 and the maximum number of phones;
• The NEWTYPE declaration actually declares the type for the array of phone pro-
cesses; the index is a phone number, and the value is a PID, which is a basic type
in SDL, just as INTEGER.
The second declaration text box declares the signals that will be used in the system. They
are mainly the ones we used in the MSC we created earlier, plus a few ones for error con-
ditions. Three of the signals we declare have parameters: sCall, sGetId and sId. Note
the sCall and sGetId signals use the PhoneNumberType type we’ve declared above.
Now let’s design the architecture of the system. As we said, we’ll use another partition, so
let’s create it first, using the new partition button in the partition tool-bar:
A new empty partition appears. What you’ve already done is of course not lost: you can
go back to it using the other buttons in the partition tool-bar.
The system being very simple it will not require any block decomposition. The central
will be a process as well as the phones. All the phones have the same behavior so they will
be several instance of the same process. The phone system is therefore made of two pro-
cesses. For better legibility their name will be prefixed by a "p" because they are pro-
Please note this architecture is not strictly correct in regular SDL, since processes should
not appear directly at system level. But RTDS allows it, so let’s keep things simple.
Note: To draw the cSelf channel keep the shift key down and click where the channel
should break. To change the position of the channel name, select a new segment, right-
click on it and select Set as text segment.
Contextual menu
Since the process is not in the project, it will ask if it should be added. Answer yes and a
save window pre-filled with the process name appears. Click Save and you end up in the
process definition window: The default layout presents the first partition with only a sin-
gle page. We may use either several partitions to describe our process or add extra pages
via the Diagram / Partition page setup menu.
That transition means that once the process is started it will go to state Idle. Note you
can use automatic insertion in the editor: place a start symbol , keep it selected and
double-click on the state symbol in the tool bar . The state symbol is automatically
inserted and connected after the start symbol. You can also place the symbols manually
and connect them one by one.
An internal data dictionary is updated on the fly to ease the writing of the process behav-
ior. First create the Idle state definition: click on the State icon and put it in your dia-
The state name is in edit mode so you can directly type Idle in it; but you may also use
context help by pressing F8 or go to the Edit / List available choices menu to list the avail-
able choices for the state symbol.
There is only one entry because the Idle state is the only one that has been defined so
Once the state has been defined, double click on the input symbol in the tool bar
and the input message symbol will be automatically inserted below the state symbol:
A template of the expected syntax is written by default. Press F8 or go to the Edit / List
available choices menu. A window will list all the SDL messages that have been defined at
system level:
Double click on the sCall message and complete it with the parameter as described
below. This facility is context sensitive and works for messages, states and timers. You
can now finish the state description by yourself as explained below.
Considering the requirements described earlier, the pLocal process can either be asked
to make a call by the operator or receive a call from another phone. The Idle state can
therefore receive two types of messages described below:
When receiving sCnxReq message, it will reply sCnxConf to the sCnxReq sender. TO
and SENDER are SDL keywords in the output symbol. The SENDER id is stored in
remotePid variable. The process then goes to Connected state.
If asked to make a call, the phone number to call needs to be retrieved. To do so, a vari-
able of the correct type is given as parameter of the receiving message. It will be assigned
when this message is received. Since pLocal has no idea how to address a phone num-
ber it asks the central process the process id of the called pLocal with the sGetId mes-
sage. The calledNumber variable is re-used as is. No receiver is specified since the
receiver process is completely determined by the system architecture. We may however
have used TO pCentral to specify it, or even TO PARENT since pLocal was created by
pCentral. The process then goes to GettingId state, waiting for the central to answer.
Once the pid of the remote phone is received from the central, it is stored in a local vari-
able and the connection request message sCnxReq is sent. The process then goes into
state Connecting. If the pid of the receiver was not found, the sError signal is
received. A sBusy message is sent back to inform the user and the process goes back into
state Idle:
Note the receiver for the sBusy message is specified by using VIA cEnvLocal. It means
that the signal will be sent to the process at the other end of the channel cEnvLocal, con-
nected to the process pLocal in the system diagram:
Since this channel is connected to the system’s external frame, the signal will go to the
environment. Please note specifying a receiver for sBusy is necessary here, since this
signal may be sent not only to the environment, but also to the other pLocal processes
in the system. If a receiver is not specified, the SDL semantics is to choose randomly a
receiver among the available ones, so the signal may have been received by the wrong
Once the connection request has been sent, the remote process is either available and
replies sCnxConf, or not available and replies sBusy:
As the description is done, the browsing window on the right side is updated allowing to
quickly jump to a transition: just click on the transition. This is especially useful when
the system gets big.
It is now time to declare variables in our process. To do so, the text symbol in the process
behavior diagram is used. The declarations are introduced via the keyword DCL, followed
by a list of couples <variable name> <variable type>, with an optional default
Note the type of the variable used in the input and output symbols for sCall and
sGetId are not strictly the ones appearing in the definition: the signal declares a Pho-
neNumberType, but we use a regular INTEGER. This is no problem has long as the
INTEGER satisfies the conditions set on the PhoneNumberType type.
Let’s have a look at process pCentral now. It must do the following things:
• At startup, it creates all instances of pLocal and gives them a new phone num-
• When asked for a phone number, it sends back the pid for the corresponding
Go to the system diagram Phone, and double click on pCentral. Since the process is
not in the project it will ask if it should be added. Answer yes and a pre-filled save window
with the process name appears. Click Save and the process definition window appears.
Let’s first write the needed declarations and the initial transition:
The variables include an index which will be used as the phone number for created pLo-
cal’s, and an array of process ids mapping the phone number to the pid.
The initial transition creates all instances of pLocal within a loop testing index <=
NUM_PHONE. Each time the loop is executed the pLocal process is created and its pro-
cess id (OFFSPRING keyword for the parent process) is stored in the pLocals array,
using the phone number as index.
After the pLocal processes creation, the sReady signal is sent to the environment to
indicate initialization is finished and the process goes to state Idle.
Note we have voluntarily introduced an error by typing pLocls instead of pLocals in
the lowest block of code to later show how to analyze the errors.
The only request that can be received by pCentral process is sGetId. The phone
number to reach is the parameter passed to the signal, which we will receive in the
index variable. The process id of the phone is extracted from the array and sent back
directly to the sender of the sGetId message (SDL keyword SENDER). If the phone
number is out of range, an error message is sent back to the sender.
As the simulation profile is the only valid debug profile, it will be used by RTDS by
A log window opens and displays the actions performed by the byte-code generator.
Before actually generating anything, RTDS performs a global syntax and semantics check
on the written code. So any basic error such as typing mistakes or misspelling in variable
names will be reported during this phase.
Since we introduced an error in process pCentral, this is what appears in the byte-code
generator log window:
The byte-code generation started at system level, then went down in pCentral. During
the generation for pCentral’s start transition, the wrong name pLocls was encoun-
tered. Since no variable with this name is known, RTDS looked for an operator named
pLocls (the operator would have been called with the same syntax), but didn’t find any.
So the generation stopped and this error message was displayed.
Double clicking on the error automatically opens the SDL editor and selects the symbol
where the error occurred
Once the error have been corrected the log window should look like this:
Click on the Start MSC trace quick button: A MSC Tracer window appears.
Now let’s actually start the system by clicking on the Run quick button:
Let the system run until all pLocal processes are created by pCentral and their start
transition executed:
Note you can iconize the SDL simulator window if it’s in the way and detach the execu-
tion button bar in double clicking on the double bar on the left:
The SDL simulator window shows the list of all running processes, displaying for each
one its name, process id, number of messages in its message queue and SDL state:
The state / message browser and the View / Go to menu allow to quickly navi-
gate among the transitions defined in the process. Selecting the transition will
automatically open the partition where the transition is and scroll to the corre-
sponding signal input symbol.
• Click on the signal output symbol just after the decision’s true branch:
sistent choices. Here, we want to send a sCall signal, so let’s select this signal in
the list:
Since process pCentral cannot receive signal sCall, it disappears from the list
of available receivers.
• Now let’s select the signal receiver and input the called phone number, which
should be passed as a parameter to the sCall signal:
The signal parameters are described in the right part of the signal send window.
Double click on the parameter to edit its value and hit <Enter>.
• Click the Send & close button.
• Resume system execution by clicking the Run button in SDL simulator window.
• The following actions appear in the MSC trace:
• Then, the breakpoint is hit: the SDL editor then pops up and displays the symbol
where the execution has stopped:
• Since we are in the context of a running process, local variables are automatically
displayed in the SDL simulator window. All complex variables such as structs or
arrays can be expanded to show their contents. Here are the local variables with
the pLocals array expanded:
You can see the value for index is 3, so the value sent with the sId message will
be the pid stored at index 3 in pLocals, i.e. 4.
• You can also execute instructions line by line in the symbols by using the Flat
step quick-button:
(NB: you may have to click on the button twice to go to the next state)
The signal send has been done, as shown in the MSC trace:
• Let’s now finish the system execution by pressing the Run button once more.
• When the signal sCallConf has been received by RTDS_Env in the MSC trace,
stop system execution with button
The SDL states for all running processes are updated in the simulator window:
• The SDL state of a process can be dynamically changed using the contextual
menu in the process list:
Some caution is required with this feature, since it may have unexpected results
on the system behavior…
• We will now disconnect the two connected pLocal processes by sending another
signal. So press once more:
This will send a sHangUp signal to the first pLocal (the receiver for our sCall
message) with no parameters.
• Send the message with the Send & close button.
• We saw that stepping could be done at code line level. There are other step levels
The first MSC is the trace and the second is the normal scenario we described in
the first place. Since the normal MSC was not supposed to be thoroughly
detailed we will only show and compare messages without considering their
The only differences between the MSCs are the dynamic task creation of the
pLocal instances. After that the exchange of messages are the same between the
dynamic trace and the specification. The SDL system is therefore conform to the
normal MSC specification.
This is the end of this very simple SDL simulation session. There are many areas that
have not been covered, such as timers, procedures, external operators, system queue
manipulations, watched variables, and so on… You may discover all these features your-
self using the examples delivered in RTDS distribution or by designing your own system.
The left panel contains the incoming triggers for the GUI, the central panel the GUI itself,
and the right panel the outgoing message from the GUI.
Change their display value in the central panel and their widget name in the right panel
in order to recognize them:
Let’s say that when the user clicks on the "Call John" button, the GUI sends an sCall
message with parameter set to "2". Select the CallJohn widget on the right panel and
right click:
All the available messages in the system are then listed. Select sCall and expand the
created sub-tree. The parameters are listed with their corresponding type:
Let’s say the parameter value is ’2’ and let’s send sHangUp without any parameter when
clicking on Hangup:
On the left panel we will consider a new trigger, select the top of the tree and right click to
get a list of all the possible triggers:
Let’s add the sCallConf trigger. When a trigger is received by the GUI, a case with a set
of filters is verified. Let’s add a new case:
In our case we won’t put any filter, we will just change the color of the LED:
Change the action to change the color. It is possible to directly name the basic colors, oth-
erwise the RGB hexa code can be used. Let’s put the LED back to red when we receive a
HangUp confirmation and we’re done:
3.5.2 Simulation
Let’s start the Simulator again and click on the Start prototyping GUI quick button:
Start an MSC trace and run the system. Click on the "Call John" button, that should send
the sCall message with parameter value set to 2, the sCallConf should be received by
the GUI, and the LED should be set to green.
In practice, this is not a good example because there are a lot of different pLocal pro-
cesses that could receive the messages sent by the GUI so the receiver is randomly
For a more advanced GUI, please have a look at the AccessControl system in the SDL
example directory.
3.6 - Testing
RTDS supports TTCN-3 standard testing language for edition and simulation. We will
build up a small test case and run it on the phone system we have just designed. Let’s add
a TTCN-3 compoment to the project and name it TestPhone (make sure the module
name in the file is the same as the file name):
Since TTCN aims at testing complex systems, it is strongly structured. We first need to
define the data types we will be using in our test case, define the interfaces with the sys-
tem, and the value templates that will be exchanged. Declarations
The messages exchanged between the system and the environment are the ones listed in
the channels connect to the frame of the system. Most of the message exchanged with the
system have no parameters except sCall. sCall takes an integer sub-type as a parameter
we will re-define here:
// Data types
type integer PhoneNumberType (1..5)
There is no message or signal specific type in TTCN, if the message has parameters it is
defined a record, if it has no parameters, it is defined as an enumerated:
// The messages
type record sCall {
PhoneNumberType param1
type enumerated sHangUp { sHangUp }
type enumerated sBusy { sBusy }
type enumerated sCallConf { sCallConf }
type enumerated sHangUpConf { sHangUpConf }
type enumerated sReady { sReady } Ports
TTCN-3 can test asynchronous systems, synchronous systems, or a combination of both.
In our tutorial example only asynchronous messages are exchanged with the system. We
will define a port for each channel in the system representing the 2 interfaces:
// The ports
type port cEnvLocal_type message {
out sCall;
out sHangUp;
in sBusy;
in sCallConf;
in sHangUpConf
} Templates
When exchanging messages with the system, the values of the parameters of the mes-
sages must be pre-defined. These values are called templates. Templates are used to
• define the values of the outgoing messages parameters,
• to verify the values of the received messages parameters are correct.
In our phone example, the messages coming from the system do not have any parameter,
only the sCall message has one parameter. Still we need to define templates for all the
message we will exchange with the system.
// Templates definitions
template sReady SystemIsReady := ?;
template sCallConf CallConf := ?;
template sBusy Busy := ?;
template sCall John := { param1 := 2 };
We’re done with our test case, let’s now run the test on the system and see what it does.
Start an MSC trace and run the System. The scenario will execute by itself and the verdict
is displayed in the shell and in the MSC trace:
Because there are several instances of pLocal it might happen the test case calls itself. In
that case, run the scenario again for the test to pass.
Create a ccg directory where the C files will be generated and use the Option wizard... to
quickly create a valid profile such as described below:
Since several execution profiles are defined, a window pops up asking for the profile you
want to work with:
Select C code generation and click Ok. The code will be generated, compiled, and the
debugger will be started automatically :
The debugger interface looks pretty much like the simulator one :
An MSC Tracer window appears. Let’s start the system; click on ’run’ quick button:
The SDL debugger window shows the list of processes with their names, priority, process
id, queue id, number of messages in their respective message queues, SDL internal state
as we defined in the diagrams, and the RTOS internal system state if available.
As with the SDL Simulator, it is possible to set breakpoints, view the value of variables,
send messages... Would you like to know more about graphical debugging of C code, we
strongly suggest to go through the SDL-RT tutorial as the debugging features are the
3.8 - Conclusion
During this tutorial we have been through the basics of the following:
• SDL,
• Project manager,
• SDL editor,
• MSC editor,
• SDL simulation including three stepping modes:
• SDL code line,
• SDL event,
• transition,
• Conformance checking,
• C code generation.
As a result, you saw that SDL is perfectly suited to describe high-level specifications for
real time projects. Its complete description of architecture and behavior, including the
code itself with the Abstract data types, allows you to fully describe your system indepen-
dently from any technical requirement such as the type of target, the RTOS or even the
implementation language you’ll use.
These advantages may however become drawbacks when it comes to actually design how
the system will actually be implemented on a given target, since additional requirements
will have to be taken into account:
• Use of legacy code and/or external libraries, usually written in C with no way to
manipulate SDL’s high-level abstract data types;
• Support for additional concepts, such as semaphores or pointers, unneeded in an
SDL description, but usually required in real-time systems.
This is the aim of the SDL-RT language, which keeps the graphical description used in
SDL but introduces all missing concepts required for system low-level design.
So let’s move on to the SDL-RT tutorial!
4 - SDL-RT Tutorial
4.1 - Organization
Let’s get our hands on the tool ! Start Real Time Developer Studio. The window that
appears is called the Project manager:
The project manager gathers all the files needed in the project. First let’s create a new
project with the New SDL-RT project button:
4.2 - Requirements
Let us express the requirements of our system as MSC. To add an MSC, select the project,
and click on the right mouse button. A contextual menu will appear:
Double click on the MSC name or icon to open it. The MSC editor opens:
4.3 - Design
Let us now specify and design the system. As for creating an MSC, select the project and
add a C header file component:
This header file will contain all type and macro definitions to use in the whole system.
What we need is the number of phones that will be created and a type for the phone
number. So open common.h type its contents:
Now, let us actually design the system itself. Select the project and add a System compo-
Double click on the system name or icon to open the system diagram in the SDL-RT edi-
Note: to draw the cSelf channel keep the shift key down and click where the channel
should break.
Messages to be exchanged between the processes are defined in the additional heading
symbol and listed in the channels . To specify the incoming and outgoing mes-
sages in the diagram double click on the "[]" and type in between the square brackets.
The channel going to the outer frame is implicitly connected to the environment. In the
above example the channel cEnvLocal connects pLocal to the environment and
defines call and hangUp as incoming messages and callConf, busy and hangUp-
Conf as outgoing messages. The channel cEnvCentral connects pCentral to the
environment and defines ready as an outgoing message. The cSelf channel has been
created to represent messages exchanged between the different instances of pLocal.
In the message definitions, only the messages call, getId and idMsg have parameters.
In our example process ids will be stored, so in order to design an RTOS independent
model the RTDS_QueueId type will be used. During code generation this type will be
mapped to the real RTOS data type.
Messages can handle several parameters and it is important to understand what happens
depending if the parameter is a reference or a value:
• If the parameter type is a reference (a pointer)
Only the pointer is copied but the length does not need to be specified: it will be
computed using a sizeof(...) of the type. That also means the pointed buffer
must be allocated before sending the message and freed when received.
• If the parameter type is a value
The value is simply copied when sent.
Select pLocal and click on the right mouse button to open the process definition:
Contextual menu
Since the process is not in the project it will ask if it should be added. Answer yes and a
save window pre-filled with the process name appears. Click Save and you end up in the
process definition window: The default layout presents a single page but extra pages can
be added from the Diagram / Partition page setup menu.
That transition means that once the process is started it will go to state idle. Note you
can use automatic insertion in the editor: place a start symbol , keep it selected and
double-click on the state symbol in the tool bar . The state symbol is automatically
inserted and connected after the start symbol. You can also place the symbols manually
and connect them one by one.
An internal data dictionary is updated on the fly to ease the writing of the process behav-
ior. First create the idle state definition: click on the State icon and put it at the top of
your page:
The state name is in edit mode so you can directly type idle in it and return or press F8
or go to the Edit / List available choices menu to list the available choices for the state sym-
There is only one entry because the idle state is the only one that has been defined so
Once the state has been defined, double click on the input symbol in the tool bar
and the input message symbol will be automatically inserted below the state symbol:
A template of the expected syntax is written by default. Press F8 key or go to the Edit / List
available choices menu. A window will list all the SDL-RT messages that have been
defined as message at the upper level:
Double click on the call message and complete it with the parameter as described
below. This facility is context sensitive and works for messages, states, semaphores, and
timers. You can now finish the state description by yourself as explained below.
Considering the requirements described earlier the pLocal process can either be asked to
make a call by the operator or receive a call from another phone. The idle state can there-
fore receive two types of messages described below:
When receiving conReq message, it will reply conConf to the conReq sender. TO_ID
and SENDER are SDL-RT keywords in the output symbol. The SENDER id is stored in
remoteId variable. Depending on the RTOS the message queue id type might be differ-
ent, so a typedef has been done to RTDS_QueueId to map to the correct type. The pro-
cess then goes to connected state.
If asked to make a call, the phone number to call needs to be retrieved. To do so, a vari-
able of the correct type is given as parameter of the receiving message. It will be assigned
when this message is received. Since pLocal has no idea how to address a phone number
it asks the central process the receiver queue id with the getId message. The phone-
Number variable is re-used as is and the TO_NAME SDL-RT keyword is used to specify the
receiver. Note TO_ID PARENT could have been used since central process is the current
process parent. The process then goes to gettingId state waiting for the central to
answer. Note also that the memory allocated for phoneNumber memory will be freed by
the receiver of the getId message.
Once the queue id of the remote phone is received from central, it is first stored in a local
variable and the connection request message conReq is sent. The process then goes to
connecting state. If the pid of the receiver was not found, the errorMsg message is
received. The process tells the user (environment: TO_ENV) and goes back to idle
The remote process is either available and replies conConf, or not available and replies
Now that you have understood the basics of the finite state machine you can complete the
process behavior:
As the description is done, the browsing window on the right side is updated allowing to
quickly jump to a transition: just click on the transition. This is especially useful when
the system gets big.
It is now time to declare variables in our process. To do so the text symbol in the process
behavior diagram is used with standard C declarations in it:
Note the types of the variables used in the input and output symbols: short for call
and getId and RTDS_QueueId for idMsg. RTDS_QueueId is the type of a queue id; it
is mapped to the corresponding RTOS data type.
Let’s have a look at process pCentral now. It must do the following things:
• at startup, it creates all instances of pLocal and gives them a new phone number;
• when asked for a phone number, it sends back the queue id for the correspond-
ing process.
To avoid mixing the code managing the phone numbers with the code managing the pro-
cesses, let’s decide we’ll use a class associated to pCentral that will take care of the
phone numbers.
The first thing to do is to tell pCentral that it should use a class. So, let’s go back to the
project manager with the quick button and let’s create a class diagram named
telephoneLibrary in the project:
Double-click on the class diagram’s name to open it and let’s define a class associated to
In a class diagram, the process pCentral is represented as an active class with a "graph-
ical stereotype": the class symbol has bold borders and looks like a process symbol in a
block diagram. When creating this symbol, you may use again the contextual help by
pressing F8; a dialog will open showing all available process names in the current sys-
tem. Note the symbol used is a process symbol, not a process class symbol. That means
the symbol is a direct reference to the process declared in the SDL system.
The class PhoneNumberFactory is the class we will use to manage the phone numbers.
Its interface is quite simple:
• its constructor (named <<create>> in the symbol) will just initialize all internal
data, it takes the maximum number of phones to manage;
• append method will add a new phone to be managed.
• getPid method will return the process id for a given phone number.
The class PhoneNumberFactory will also have 2 private attributes:
• numPhone is the next available phone number;
• phoneList is a pointer on a process id. The process ids will actually be stored in
an array.
Since there will only be one instance of PhoneNumberFactory used only in pCentral,
we can make the instance a part of the process via a composition with a cardinality set to
1. The role name phoneId will identify the instance of PhoneNumberFactory in pCen-
tral. That means phoneId does not need to be declared in the SDL diagram; it is
implicitly declared.
To fill in the attributes and operations, select the class, click on the right mouse button
and open Properties..
Now we have our class to manage the phone numbers. Of course, it isn’t complete yet,
since we didn’t write any actual code for the methods. But its interface is fully defined, so
we can go back to our pCentral process.
Go to the system diagram phone, and double click on pCentral. Since the process is
not in the project it will ask if it should be added. Answer yes and a pre-filled save window
with the process name appears. Click Save and the process definition window appears.
First, its initial transition:
The first thing to do is to create the instance of PhoneNumberFactory we will use. This
is done via an object initialization symbol, where the instance phoneId (the name we set
in the role in the class diagram) is created as an instance of PhoneNumberFactory. The
class constructor takes the maximum number of phones to handle as a parameter. Again,
because of the association between PhoneNumberFactory and pCentral classes,
phoneId is implicitly declared in pCentral SDL behavior diagram.
Then, all instances of pLocal are created in a loop testing index < NUM_PHONE. Each
time the loop is executed the pLocal process is created and its process id (OFFSPRING
keyword for the parent process) is stored in phoneId object via the append method.
After the pLocal processes creation, the ready message is sent to the environment to
indicate initialization is finished and the process goes to state idle.
The only request that can be received by pCentral process is getId. The phone
number to reach is the GetId parameter (phoneNumber). The process id of the phone is
extracted with the getPid method. When received, the index corresponding to the
received phone number is searched via the getPid method on the
PhoneNumberFactory instance. The answer is sent to SENDER (SDL-RT keyword in
output). If the phone number is out of range, an error message is sent back to the sender.
Now, let’s go back to our class PhoneNumberFactory: we could write the .h and .cpp
files directly, but RTDS can help. So go back to the project manager, select the phone sys-
tem, and select Generate classes code... in the Generate menu. A log window will then list
the operations made during the code generation, which should run without errors.
Now let’s close the log window and go back to the project manager:
RTDS class sources package has been automatically created and contains C++ code
generated from the classes defined in the project.
RTDS class sources should contain the .h and .cpp files for the class PhoneNum-
berFactory. Open PhoneNumberFactory.h:
Since the file common.h has been defined at the project level, it is supposed to be needed
everywhere in the project. So it has been automatically included in the generated header
file. RTDS_gen.h is a generated file containing declarations specific to the system. The
class definition then contains all attributes and operations we entered in the class dia-
Please note this header file must not be modified manually: it will be re-generated each
time a code generation is made.
Skeletons for the constructor and the two methods defined for PhoneNumberFactory
have been generated. Note the C++ code browsing window on the right to quickly access
operation definitions. The generated code also includes as a comment the attributes defi-
numPhone represents the next available phone number. The append method stores the
process id in the phoneList array with index numPhone.
Please note that once the .cpp file exists, it will not be overwritten by the next code gen-
eration. So the code you’ve written will be kept as long as you don’t manually erase the
The rest of the tutorial will use your host environment as a target (windows or posix inte-
gration) and gdb as a debugger.
Please note win32 and posix integrations use a socket to communicate with the host. The
default port set to 49250 but it can be modified in the Socket port num field of the corre-
sponding generation profile.
Rename the default empty profile and use the Options wizard to quickly set up a working
profile :
• the C++ include path option includes the upper directory because the common.h
file is in the project directory and the generated C files are in ccg:
If several execution profiles are defined, as in the examples, a window pops up asking for
the profile you want to work with:
RTDS will compare the dates of the generated C/C++ files with the dates of the project,
the diagram, the preferences. If the generated C file are not up to date the following win-
dow will pop up to confirm the code should be generated again or not.
The package RTDS generated code is automatically created in the Project manager
window that will contain all the generated C files.
The package RTDS RTOS adaptation is automatically created in the Project manager
window that will contain all the C files needed to adapt to the selected RTOS. These files
are actually in the code templates directory defined in the generation profile. These files
are normally not needed but since they are part of the build process they must be visible.
The package RTDS class sources is also re-generated, but all the existing .cpp files
are left as is.
Syntaxic verification, semantic verification, code generation, and compilation starts:
Let’s consider an error occurred while designing pCentral process. The compiler will
complain in the Generation / compilation output window:
Double click on the desired warning or error to automatically open the SDL-RT editor on
the error (please note this is only available with gcc based compilers):
Once the error have been corrected the Generation / compilation output window should
look like this:
An MSC Tracer window appears. Note it is not an MSC editor window; the MSC Tracer
has been optimized for performance and the displayed trace can not be edited.
Let the system run until all pLocal processes are created by pCentral and their start
transition executed:
MSC trace
Note you can iconize the SDL-RT debugger window if it’s in the way and detach the exe-
cution button bar in double clicking on the double bar on the left to make it available.
The SDL-RT debugger window shows the list of processes with their names (all the same
in our case), priority, process id, queue id, number of messages in their respective mes-
sage queues, SDL-RT internal state as we defined in the diagrams, and the RTOS internal
system state if available.
We are now going to set a breakpoint, simulate a user using the first phone to call the
phone 2 and step in process pCentral.
• Go to transition getId in state idle using the transition browser window on the
The transition browser of the View/Go to menu will list all SDL-RT states and all
transitions in each state to quickly navigate through the system. In our case there
is only one state and one transition.
• click on the symbol just after the decision:
We will now simulate an incoming message from a user. Please note this feature is not
available in the Tasking integration nor in the XRAY integration because these C debug-
gers can neither execute function calls on target nor simulate interrupts.
• Go to the SDL-RT debugger and click on "Send an SDL message to the running
system" quick-button
• The Send an SDL message window shows up:
The message to be sent is call, and the receiver is the first instance of pLocal.
The message parameter value is 2.
• Click on Send & close button.
• Click on Run in the SDL-RT debugger window,
• The following trace appears in the MSC:
• The SDL-RT editor pops up where the breakpoint was set with the break line in
The values of the process local variables are automatically displayed in the SDL-
RT debugger. For example the phoneNumber variable value is 2:
That quick button will actually step in the C code until the line in the C file is gen-
erated from a graphical symbol. In our case it will only step once.
• The SDL-RT has moved to the next symbol:
• This will step in the C code as any normal C debugger. The text editor opens and
displays the next line to execute in the generated C file. Have a look at the gener-
ated code to see how legible it is.
Note it is possible to switch from the SDL source to the generated C source back
and forth with the Search / Go to SDL symbol and Search / Go to generated source
• Let the system finish its job: click on Run button.
• Stop the system once it has finished execution: . The process list is
updated with their new states:
The state is changed on the target and the process list will refresh:
The first MSC is the execution trace and the second MSC is the normal MSC we
have written in the first place. Since normal MSC was not supposed to be thor-
oughly detailed we will only show and compare messages without considering
their parameters. Click Ok and you should get the following result:
The differences between the MSCs are the dynamic task creation of the pLocal
instances. After that the exchange of messages are the same between the
dynamic trace and the specification. The SDL-RT system is therefore conform to
the normal MSC specification.
You are done with a very simple SDL-RT debugging session. If you want more, do your
own system or run the examples delivered in the distribution to see how to manipulate:
• timers,
• semaphores,
• external C header files,
• global variables.
You should now go to “Automatic documentation generation” on page 108.
4.5 - Conclusion
During this tutorial we have been through the basics of the following:
• Project manager,
• SDL-RT editor,
• MSC editor,
• Code generation,
• SDL-RT debug including the three stepping modes:
• SDL-RT key event,
• SDL-RT graphical,
• textual,
• Conformance checking.
As a result you saw SDL-RT has the preciseness of C language with the graphical abstrac-
tion of SDL and UML perfectly suited to real time systems showing key concepts such as
tasks, semaphores, timers, messages in a single consistent development environment.
Now it is time for you to work on a real real time system !
The left panel contains the incoming triggers for the GUI, the central panel the GUI itself,
and the right panel the outgoing message from the GUI.
Let’s add 2 buttons and one LED:
Change their display value in the central panel and their widget name in the right panel
in order to recognize them:
Let’s say that when the user clicks on the "Call John" button, the GUI sends a call mes-
sage with parameter set to "2". Select the CallJohn widget on the right panel and right
All the available messages in the system are then listed. Select call and expand the cre-
ated sub-tree. The parameters are listed with their corresponding type:
Let’s say the parameter value is ’2’ and let’s send sHangUp without any parameter when
clicking on Hangup:
On the left panel we will consider a new trigger, select the top of the tree and right click to
get a list of all the possible triggers:
Let’s add the callConf trigger. When a trigger is received by the GUI, a case with a set
of filters is verified. Let’s add a new case:
In our case we won’t put any filter, we will just change the color of the LED:
Change the action to change the color. It is possible to directly name the basic colors, oth-
erwise the RGB hexa code can be used. Let’s put the LED back to red when we receive a
HangUp confirmation and we’re done:
4.6.2 Simulation
Let’s start the Debugger again and click on the Start prototyping GUI quick button:
Start an MSC trace and run the system. Click on the "Call John" button, that should send
the call message with parameter value set to 2, the callConf should be received by
the GUI, and the LED should be set to green.
For a more advanced GUI, please have a look at the AccessControl system in the SDL-RT
example directory.
5.1 - Publications
Let’s first define what is important to document in our system and put it in a publication.
For example let’s consider the architecture of the system should be further documented:
Get to the corresponding diagram and gor to the Export menu. In that we will export the
whole partition, to do so select Export/publish partition...
Let’s give our publication a name, the doc type, and check the Remember as publication
box. That set the Texts button active:
Click on Texts allows you to type the text that will be generated before and after the dia-
gram when generating the documentation. Let’s type a few words to document the dia-
gram with the pre-defined paragraph and character styles:
Make sure to use the code-index-entry character style on top of NUM_PHONE so that it
appears as code and that is listed in the index.
When done click Ok.
Let’s now document a transition. Open the pLocal process and go to the Connected
This will export the state with all the connected inputs as a publication. Let’s document
the state:
Please note the publications are saved within the diagram so it is important to also save
the diagrams.
5.2 - Documentation
Let’s now go back the Project manager and create a new item of type Document:
We strongly recommand to put the Document in a separate directory so that the generated
files for documentation are all in a separate directory.
This sub-section will actually be the first chapter of the generated documentation. Add-
ing other sub-sections at the same will generate other chapters. Adding sub-sections to
this section will generate sub-chapters. Let’s type the section title and add a document to
the section with the + button:
The Styled text allows to insert plain text in the documentation. In order to have the Dia-
gram publication reference available it is necessary that the corresponding diagrams are
open. So the top level architecture diagram and the pLocal process should be open in
order to move on. The window should then look like this:
Select the right Publication diagram and Publication name to insert in the Document. Then
create another sub-section in the Document with the other publication:
An OpenDocument is actually a zip file that contains several files among which:
• one is the document itself as an XML file,
• one describes the styles used in the document also as an XML file.
In order to generate the full OpenDocument zip file, RTDS requires a template file. We
suggest you use the one that is provided in the AccessControl example directory:
Now we will create an OpenDocument container for our generated document in which
we can set a title, introduce a table of contents, and an index. To do so, let’s start OpenOf-
fice :
Create a new Master document with File / New / Master document menu:
Type the title, insert a page break, and insert a table of content with the Navigator win-
In the same Navigator window, insert the OpenDocument we have just generated:
It is possible to drag and drop sections in the Navigator window to get the right order:
It is possible to add other sections or other external documents in the master document.
Save the document and insert it in the Project manager: Select the Phone.rdp system,
right click and Add component. Select External file, Open..., and select the FullDocumen-
When you further document your system, to update the generated documentation: open
MyDocumentation, export and replace as an OpenDocument and that’s it ! The FullDoc-
umentation master document will be updated by itself as well as its table of contents and
index and ready to be printed.