Clerk Faciliy
Clerk Faciliy
Clerk Faciliy
Eligibility Only Award Staff members can (1) Only Award Staff members can
claim reimbursement of balance claim reimbursement of balance
amount of hospitalisation amount of hospitalisation expenses
expenses incurred for self and / or incurred for self and / or dependent
dependent family members after family members after reimbursement
reimbursement in terms of in terms of Bipartite Settlement is
Bipartite Settlement considered in respect of ailments /
(hospitalisation expenses) is special operations undergone
considered in respect of ailments / mentioned as under :-
special operations undergone
mentioned as under :- i) Cardiac (ii) Brain (iii) Cancer (iv)
(i)Cardiac (ii) Brain (iii) Cancer Kidney (v) Major Operations of Spine
(iv) Kidney (v) Major Operations (vi) serious burn cases (vii) Major
of Spine (vi) serious burn cases accidents resulting in fractures
(vii) Major accidents resulting in requiring surgical treatment (viii) Cases
fractures requiring surgical of surgery resulting in the amputation
treatment (viii) Cases of surgery of any limb of the body (ix) Detachment
At the request of the Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions, the matter has been re-
examined, it has now been decided not to insist upon for the said undertaking while
allowing an employee or his / her dependents to undergo treatment under walk in walk
out facility.
In terms of Para (6) of the said Administrative Circular wherein it is stated that an
employee is entitled to claim reimbursement of expenses of lowest paying bed as
provided under Bipartite Settlement. However, in respect of certain major ailments i.e.
Cardiac, Brain, Cancer, Kidney, Major operations of spine, serious burn cases, Major
accidents resulting in fractures requiring surgical treatment, cases of surgery resulting
in the amputation of any limb of the body, Detachment of retina / retinal surgery,
grafting of Bone marrow, ESWL (Extra Corporal Shock Wave Lithotrpsy),
Tuberculosis, Liver ailment, Alzheimer / Parkinson and Dementia which have been
identified for reimbursement as specified in Annexure a (1) of Circular Letter No,-
2007-08/96 of 26.10.2007, it may be possible that the Staff members / their
At the request of the Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions, the matter has been re-
examined and Head Office has advised that the patients admitted in a class/es
higher than their entitlement for the treatment of specified ailments / identified
diseases as above are entitled for reimbursement of expenses under ex-gratia
medical aid scheme over and above the expenses already reimbursed to them under
provision of Hospitalisation Scheme of Bipartite Settlement. Head Office has also
advised that the cases of Award Staff members to whom ex-gratia medical aid has
been sanctioned / rejected in terms of the above said Administrative Circular dated
03.08.2012 shall be reopened on the basis of above clarification and difference of
claim amount , if any, is paid to them.
(Ref. No.-HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-713 dated 14.03.2013)
Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses in case of treatment under Indian
Systems of Medicine - Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and Naturopathy
Please refer to our Branch Circular No.99/64 Subject: Personnel 2005-06/6 dated
21.07.2005 (Schedule IV, Annexure-I) and Branch Circular No.99/108 dated 10.10.2005
wherein the revised rates of pathological tests, operation charges etc. reimbursable as
per the 8th Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005 under the Scheme for Reimbursement
of Hospitalisation Expenses have been advised.
02. The medical aid and reimbursement of expenses under the hospitalisation
scheme under the said Settlement are also available for medical treatment under the
recognised systems of medicines, viz. Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathy and
03. Hospitalisation expenses such as charges for bed, doctor’s visits, consultation at
the hospital and residence etc. incurred under these systems of medicine may be
reimbursed subject to such percentages and monetary limits for these services as given
in Schedule IV of the aforesaid Branch Circular No.99/64 dated 21.07.2005.
04. Similarly, if any surgery is done under these systems of medicine, operation
charges upto percentages and monetary limits as given under Annexure-II of Schedule
IV of the above-said Branch Circular would be admissible.
05. Since the line of treatment under these traditional/indigenous systems is different
from the Allopathic system for various ailments, the nomenclature/forms used in the
medical record/report/certificate/prescription for pathological tests, investigations etc.
may not equate with those mentioned in Annexure I of Schedule IV of our above said
Circular. In such cases, the sanctioning authority may have to consult one of the
recognised hospitals providing services under the particular system of medicine, for the
purpose of ascertaining the nature of treatment and tests vis-à-vis those mentioned in the
07. Please note, Zonal Offices should ascertain from the appropriate authority
regarding recognition of the hospital (Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, as the
case may be) by the Central/State Government (like Government Notification / Gazette
Notification / confirmation from Government Health Department etc.), while considering
the claim submitted by the staff member for the treatment taken in the said hospital.
Zonal Office to inform to Staff Administration Division, HR Department, Head Office, the
names of hospitals which are recognised by Central / State Government operating in
their Zone and in respect of whom they have sought confirmation. The procedure given
above shall also be applicable in respect of Officer staff.
08. Please follow the aforesaid guidelines while considering the claim submitted for
reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses, by the staff members for the treatment taken
under Indian systems of medicines i.e. Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and Naturopathy.
We have been receiving queries from the member banks regarding the extent to which
reimbursement of expenses can be made treatments undertaken applying such
advanced techniques. We have examined the matter. We are to advise that in such
cases reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses be restricted to what is otherwise
available for convention type of treatment under the existing scheme under Bipartite
Settlement / Service Regulations / Service Rules.
(Ref. No.- PD/CIR/76/J/605 dated 16.07.1999)
i) If “Caliper” is synonymous to artificial limbs, artificial bone fixtures and
the same is justified by the Authorised Medical Officer of your Zone, you
may consider the claim to the extent permissible under OSR 1979.
ii) Cost of artificial limb may be considered to the extent permissible as per
6th Bipartite Settlement as implanted items during surgery may be
reimbursed @75% for family Members and 100% for himself. Schedule of
charges for the same shall be as per the rates applicable to lowest
paying bed of AIIMS, New Delhi or to the extent such charges
are payable in a Govt. Hospital.
The above contents was advised by Head Office to erstwhile Bihar (South)
Zone vide their IOM No. P:A:TVV:3311 dated 30.11.1998
(Ref. No.Head Office Branch Circular No. 102 /158 dated 13.12.2008)
********************* **********************************************************************
Scheme to provide Incentive to Employees for passing Examinations
conducted by IIBF, MUMBAI in addition to JAIIB / CAIIB Examinations
1. Certificate Examination in Elective subject of CAIIB
2. Diploma in Banking & Finance Examination
3. Diploma in Treasury Investment and Risk Management
4. Diploma in International Banking & Finance
5. Diploma in Banking Technology
6. Diploma in Comm. Derivatives for Banking
7. Banking Oriented Paper in Hindi
8. Advanced Management Programme (AMP)
9. Diploma in Home Loan Advising
10. Certificate Examination in Microfinance
11. Certificate Examination in SME Finance for Bankers
12. Certificate Examination in Credit Card for Bankers
13. Certificate Examination in Quantitative Methods for Banking Finance
14. Certificate Examination in Trade Finance
15. Certificate Examination in CeISB
16. Certificate Examination in AML- KYC
17. Certificate Examination in Customer Service & Banking Codes and Standards
18. Certificate Examination in Security
19. Certificate Examination in Foreign Exchange Facilities for Individuals
20. Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management
1. Certified Bank Trainer
2. Certified Banking Compliance Professional
3. Certified Credit Officer Course
4. Certified Treasury Dealer Course
No prior permission from the competent authority for attempting the courses
conducted by IIBF is required.Course Fee and rs.1000/- shall be reimbursed to
successful candidates. For Specialised Certificate course Rs.2000/- will be
reimbursed in addition to Course Fee.
(Ref. No.- Head Office Branch Circular No.- 104/119 dated 06.01.2011) & 108/180
dated 02.01.2015
(Ref. No.- Head Office Administrative Circular No.- 2012-13/01 dated 23.05.2012)
WAGES w.e.f.
(a) Major 'A' Class Cities and Area I Cities ( Ref. Rs.14,500/-
Head Office Circular IOM No. HO/P/IR/RS/I-
1106/REG-26 dated 26.10.2005)
(b) All other places Rs.13,500/-
The above mentioned revised rates are applicable w.e.f. 01.04.2015 and the same are
inclusive of all expenses like mobile phone, car washing, cost of dusters, bucket,
Sunday / outstation duty etc. for which no separate charges shall be payable.
(Head Office - Reference No.- HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-023 dated 13.04.2015)
Procedure is laid down in Head office Branch Circular No 96/114 dated. 08.11.02.
Revised format of No Objection Certificate to be issued as per new guidelines from
Govt of India. And application for issuance of passport.
(REF NO: Head Office Administrative Circular NO: 2006-07/10 Dated 31.01.2007)
(REF NO: Head Office Administrative Circular NO: 2007-08/1 Dated 08.06.2007)
Branch / Office organising the function for felicitating the retiring employee may incur
Rs.500/- for arranging booquet(s) / garland(s) etc & additionally Rs.25/- per
employee in Branch for Tea / Coffee/snacks Etc . A memento in te form of silver plate /
plaque as advised vide Circular IOM No. 1694 dated 180.02.2006.
(Reference No. Head Office Branch Circular No.- 97/145 dated 06.01.2004 revised
vide HO IOM No. HO:IRVGK:I-106 dated 14.05.2011)
Effect of rigor of punishment on release of Stagnation increment (s) to workmen
Text of IBA Circular No.: CIR / PD / 76 / B / M / 1242, dated 28.12.2006
In terms of the Bipartite Settlement, the clerical / subordinate staff on reaching the
maximum of respective scales of pay shall be eligible for six stagnation increments at
the rate of Rs.560/- and Rs.270/- each under the Settlement and at frequencies of 3
years and 2 years respectively from the date of reaching the maximum of their
respective scales.
One of the penalties that can be imposed on a workman found guilty of gross
misconduct is bring him down to a lower stage in the scale of pay upto a maximum of
two stages (clause 6(e) of the Bipartite Settlement dated 10.4.2002).
In case of major penalty award can be released only after the rigour of punishment is
Award can be released without application of the employee.
Ex-servicemen with 25 years of combined service in Armed forces & bank are
considered for award. (At the time of retirement such case may be referred to H.O.
Employee will be presented with a Silver Medal/Souvenir costing about Rs.2000/- with
Bank's name and logo embossed on it.
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No.-HO /P/IR/SAH/95/45 dated 11.07.2001 & Head Office
IOM No.- HO/P/IR/RSI/1694 dated 18.02.06)
Group saving Linked Insurance Scheme (GSLI)
All employees are covered under the scheme. Premium is paid by the bank Rs. 600/-
p.a. On the death in harness, Rs. 50000/- plus savings portion of premium with
interest will be paid to the legal heir of the deceased. The break up of Rs.600/- is as
follows : Rs.210/- per year goes towards LIC Premium , Rs390/- per year to the credit
to running account to be maintained under the policy to provide for the benefit
payable on the terminal date or upon cessation of membership; other than death
before the terminal date.
(Ref. No.:Head Office Branch Circular No.: 92/58 Dt. 15.07.98)
Reimbursement of expenses incurred by Award staff for Health Check-up:
A) Eligibility:
All permanent Award Staff members (Clerks / Sub-Staff) who have completed 45
years of age and above can avail the benefit under the said Scheme only once in two
calender years.
B) Benefits:
General : No leave will be granted for the purpose. This facility is available up to
the age of 55 years and there after Health check-up available under Bank's Staff
Welfare Scheme. Reimbursement of the above expenses will be made to the debit of
Branch P & L A./c Staff Welfare. The amount claimed will be sanctioned by in-charge
of administration at Branch / concerned controlling office.
(Ref. No.- Head Office Branch Circular No.- 106/40 dated 23.05.2012)
The Safai Karmachari who are below 45 years of age will continue to be covered
under the scheme of Health Check-up for Safai Karmachari which was circulated vide
Branch Circular No.106/40 dated 23.05.2012, whereas those Safai Karmacharis who
are 45 years of age and above will be covered under the new scheme of Health
Check-up for Award Staff. Hereinafter they will not be entitled to claim the benefit
under the scheme of Health Check-up for Safai Karmachari.
(Ref. No.- Branch Circular No.- 108/183 dated 08.01.2015)
Change in Nomenclature of sweepers
New designation for sweepers:
Part time : Safai Karmachari cum Hamal
Full time : Safai Karmachari cum sepoy & so on
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No.: P/IR/CMR/1265 Dt. 21.02.2001)
Upon change in designation, they would become eligible for assignment of duties of
Special Allowances both for specified and unspecified period. However, their seniority
for the purpose of assignment of Special Allowance duties, will be reckoned from the
date of their change in designation only.
Zonal Managers have been authorised to fill up the vacancies of Safai Karmachari-
cum- Sepoys created on account of wastages and opening of new branches in the
The sole purpose of delegating authority to Zonal Managers for replenishment of
/filling up vacancies of safai karmacharis was to provide minimum 1 (one) sub-staff to
each branch office, and to avoid engagement of persons on daily wages / casual basis
which culminates into anti labour practice, and Bank's policy in this regard.
(Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No.-102/169, Ref (HO/HR/IR/VGK/18 dated
23.12.2008 and Head Office IOM No.- HR/R/SCT/2011-12/311 dated 16.09.2011)
a. User should not share their passwords with any one including colleagues and
IT staff
b. User should ensure that nobody is watching when they are entering password
in the system
c. User should not keep a written copy ( in paper or electronic form) of
passwords in easily locatable places
d. User should change their password regularly
e. User should report to the Branch Manager or System Administrator if
account is locked out before 3 bad attempts
f. User should choose passwords that are easy to remember but difficult to
g. All User-ids created should be recorded and acknowledged in a User-id
register to be maintained by the branch
h. Whenever the user proceeds on leave, he / she should get his her User-id
suspended to prevent fraudulent use. The user can get it reactivated upon his /
her return from leave.
Ex-servicemen re-employed in the Bank – Weightage of marks for Defence
Service - for assignment of Special Pay duties / promotion to higher cadre
It has been clarified by IBA that the benefit of seniority on the basis of last service in
the Army can be availed of for the purpose of temporary appointment to the
allowance carrying post or officiating post and afterwards can be considered for
regular promotion to the higher grade from the post to which he was initially recruited
and in case the allowance carrying post is given to the re-employed Ex-Servicemen
on permanent basis, then this benefit will not be allowed for promotion in the bank.
(Ref. Head Office IOM No. P:IR:CMR:B-19:1045 dated 24.11.2000)
It has been decided that Zonal Consultative Committee Meetings with Award
Staff Unions shall be held thrice a year at Zonal Offices.
(Ref. No.- HO:HR:IR:VGK:I-872 dated 30.10.2010)
The Supreme Court has directed that these guidelines be strictly observed at all work
places for the preservation and enforcement of right of gender equality of working
For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined
behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as :
physical contact and advances;
a demand or request for sexual favours;
sexually coloured remarks;
showing pornography and
any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
(For details Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No. 92/53 dated 06.07.1998)
No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15/532/1108
December 31, 2014
Dear Sir/Madam,
We refer to our circulars No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15/532/476 dated the 11th August 2014
and No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15 /532/693 dated 30th September 2014 on the captioned
subject matter in terms of which a scheme of compassionate appointment in lieu of ex-
gratia lumpsum amount has been circulated to all Public Sector Banks.
2. Now, the Department of Financial Services vide its letter F.No. 18/2/2013-IR dated the
5th December 2014 has advised that all Public Sector Banks can have both the options
i.e. compassionate appointment or payment of lumpsum ex-gratia amount. However, any
of these two options can be used only when the other conditions of
compassionate appointment are met.
3. In this connection, we advise that as the Department of Financial Services, vide their
above mentioned letter has clearly mentioned that any of two options can be used only
when the other conditions of compassionate appointment are met, it is apparent that the
terms and conditions applicable to compassionate appointment shall be made applicable
to payment of ex-gratia lumpsum amount also. Please incorporate the payment of ex-
gratia in the scheme circulated vide our circular dated 11 th August 2014. There is no
change in quantum of ex-gratia amount as per the scheme circulated vide our
circular dated 19th July 2007.
Yours faithfully,
K. Unikrishnan
Deputy Chief Executive
Delegation of Authority in respect of various HR related issues to
National Banking General Managers / Zonal Managers
i. Compensation
The instructions on compensation to banks at 25% of the notional value of
counterfeit notes detected and reported and the system of lodging claims for
compensation by Forged Note Vigilance Cell of banks stand withdrawn.
ii. Penalty
Penalty at 100% of the notional value of counterfeit notes, in addition to the
recovery of loss to the extent of the notional value of such notes, will be imposed
under the following circumstances:
a) When counterfeit notes are detected in the soiled note remittance of the bank.
b) If counterfeit notes are detected in the currency chest balance of a bank
Annexure I
Format of the stamp for impounding
A stamp with a uniform size of 5 cm x 5 cm with the following inscription may be
The note (s) described below received from (Name and Address of the tenderer)
is/are counterfeit and has/have therefore been impounded and stamped accordingly.
Transfer / rotation of
Clerical Staff members
The Banking being a sensitive service Industry, it is desired that the staff should not
remain at one particular place for long and should necessarily be transferred / rotated within the
Branches / Offices. This will not only ensure updating their knowledge but will also sharpen their
skills, resulting in enhancing their competency and capability. Moreover, transferability is a
measure of preventive vigilance also. The transfers of staff members are required to be effected
to meet these objectives.
02. As per the provisions of Bipartite Settlements / various Awards, the services of
clerical staff are transferable anywhere in exigencies and that of subordinate staff
03. We reiterate in brief the guidelines / instructions which are in vogue, issued vide various
Branch Circulars / Administrative Circulars / Circular IOMs etc. for your ready reference:-
a) Posting of any clerical staff at a Branch / Office should not be extended beyond 5
years. Rotation of staff within the same Branch/ Office should also be effected at
specific intervals preferably on year to year basis;
b) Transfer of Clerical Staff would be on the basis of first-come first-go at the concerned
Branch / Office as the case may be;
c) Inter-Branch / Office transfers of clerical staff would generally be effected amongst
the staff working at places where two or more Branches / Offices of the Bank are
situated within the same city municipal limits/ urban agglomeration or within the limits
of group of Corporations / municipality / panchayats etc. grouped together;
d) Transfers of clerical staff drawing Special Pay for different categories of posts such as
Special Assistants, Head Cashiers, Computer Terminal Operators etc. are to be
effected within the same category between two Branches / Offices or amongst group
of Branches / Offices at the same place as mentioned in (c) above.
e) Transfer of clerical staff not drawing any special pay should also be effected between
two branches / offices or group of branches / offices as mentioned in (c) above, as
the case may be;
f) Zonal Offices should maintain the Branch / Office-wise list of the staff members, along
with the other details, and effect the transfer exercise on yearly basis, preferably in
the month of April-May;
g) Transfers are to be effected in such a manner that the normal work at the Branches /
Offices is not disrupted. It is not necessary that transfers of all concerned staff
members at all the Branches are effected simultaneously. If the number of staff
members being transferred is large, the same can be done in a phased manner;
h) In respect of physically challenged staff members, whose mobility is restricted, the
specific cases to be looked into sympathetically and are not to be brought under the
purview of guidelines regarding transferability. Further, the Government guidelines are
also to be followed while effecting transfers in respect of staff members having
physically / mentally challenged child / children. Similarly, staff members having less
than one year service left for retirement may not be brought under the purview of
transfer under these guidelines.
i) In respect of Branch Union representatives, he / she may be transferred after
completion of his/her term as Branch Union representative (a term of maximum 3
years) or after completion of 5 years whichever is later. In case he/she is re-elected
as Branch Union representative for successive second term, he/she may be
transferred after completion of the said term as Branch Union representative.
However, the same cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
j) These being administrative transfers, seniority of the concerned transferee will not
be affected for the purpose of any future assignment of Special Pay carrying duties;
k) Transfers should be within the Branches/Offices grouped together as mentioned in
Para (c) above, wherein the applicable rate of City compensatory allowance and / or
House Rent Allowance is the same;
Request Transfers of Award Staff Members are being governed by the guidelines as
mentioned in the following communications:
Head Office Branch Circular No. 80/175 dated 02.07.1986 (Ref. P/IR/VVJ dated
Head Office Branch Circular No. 91/159 dated 02.07.1997 (Ref. P/IR/VBG dated
Inter-Office Memorandum
From To,
The General Manager, The Zonal Manager,
Head Office, Human Resources Dept All Zones, H.R. Department
Industrial Relations Division
Ref No.: HO: HR:IR:VGK-I-1382:C2 -26 Date 22.02.2008
2. In the backdrop of this situation, we are in receipt of queries from the Zones
regarding eligibility of deployed staff for the purpose of selection and assignment of
duties of Special Pay carrying posts. In this connection, we have to advise that -
i. A Clerical staff member deployed from a surplus centre to a deficit center will be
eligible to be considered for selection and assignment of duties of Special Pay
carrying posts of permanent in nature (for Unspecified Period) at the surplus
centre (the centre from where he has been transferred).
ii. (ii) A Clerical staff member deployed from a surplus centre to a deficit center will
not be eligible to be considered for selection and assignment of duties of Special
Pay carrying posts of permanent in nature (for Unspecified period) at the deficit
centre (the present centre where he has been deployed). However, he is eligible
for drawing special pay for Specified (temporary) period at the said deficit centre
(the present centre where he has been deployed) for carrying out such the duties
bearing Special Pay
iii. (iil) Despite the aforesaid situation, in case a deployed staff member desires to be
considered eligible for filling up vacancy of Special Pay carrying post of permanent
in nature (for Unspecified Period) arised at the Centre, where he has been
deployed, such staff member should be specifically advised, before accepting his
application for the said post, that if such duties are eventually assigned to him for
unspecified period
(a) he will have to forego his allowance of Rs.400/- per month
(b) he will also have to forego his right to return to his original centre after
completion of the specified duration of 2/3 years. as per Clause 32 of the
Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005:
(c) the emoluments / salary payable to him will be as applicable to the Branch I
Office where such Special Pay carrying post has been identified.
4. You are requested to be guided by the aforesaid advice while dealing with the
uses / applications received by you while undergoing selection process I assigning duties
attracting Special Pay. Please bring the aforesaid instructions to the notice of Branches I
staff members.
3. We observe from your IOM No. Z0:PERS:NKH-2814 dated 11.07.2006 that your
views regarding payment / non-payment of Iumpsum amount of Rs.400/- pm. to the staff
members. deployed as pa guidelines given vide aforesaid Administrative Circulars, are
not in agreement with the protons of Inipetite Settlement
Inter - Office Memorandum
From . The Zonal Manager
The General Manager All Zones
Head Office Attn: Personnel Department
Industrial Relations Divn.
We have vide our IOM No. HO P:IR:CMR:1-895 dated 23.09.2005 called for the
details on the captioned matter from all the Zones.
2. In this connection, we advice that you may pay the compensation of lump sum
amount of Rs.400/- per month (not ranking for any other benefit) besides protection of
emoluments drawn at the Original Centre to the Clerical Staff who were/have been
3. Please note that the Clerical Staff who have been transferred on their selection for
assignment of duties carrying Special Pay for Unspecified Period and who have been
transferred on their request are not eligible for the said compensation.
(i) As already stated in the aforesaid Bipartite Settlement. the deployment of clerical
staff shall normally be done anywhere within a District, irrespective of the distance
involved, or upto a distance of 100 kms. from his/her existing place of posting in
case the deployment is proposed to be effected to any Branch / Office of the Bank
situated outside the District. However, taking into account the Bank's
requirements, in case it is proposed that the deployment needs to be done beyond
the aforesaid limits, the matter may be referred to the Head Office, Personnel
Department, alongwith full details and your comments on the need for the
proposed deployment.
(ii) Whenever a Centre is considered to be a 'Deficit Centre', warranting the
vacancies to be filled by way of deployment of clerical staff, priority may be given
for deployment to those clerical staff members, who have made a request to be
transferred to the said Centre. However, in case the Centre ! Branch / Office turns
deficit on account of such transfer, the vacancy thus caused shall be filled by way
of fresh deployment.
(iii) As already stated in the aforesaid Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005, the
period of deployment shall be 2 years in a hardship Centre and 3 years in the
other Centres. For this purpose, the hardship Centres shall be those, which have
been so classified for the Bank's Officers.
(iv) While identifying the staff member(s) to be deployed from one Centre to another,
the principle to be followed should be that the clerical staff member, having the
shortest tenure at the concerned Centre, should be considered for such
deployment, before the other staff members who are having a comparatively
longer tenure in the said Centre.
However, the Clerical staff members who have come to the said Centre on
transfer from some other Centre, as also the lady staff members who have joined
2. We trust that the aforesaid guidelines, read alongwith our Administrative Circular
No. 2005-06/12 dated; 02.11.2005, will enable you to streamline the process of
deployment of clerical staff in your Zone, in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the . Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2006.
3. Needless fp mention, in case any clarification is desired in this regard, you may
refer the matter to the Head Office, Personnel Department (I.R. Division) for the desired
Ref: HO:P:1R:CMR: Administrative Circular No. 200506/12
Date: 02.11.2005.
Dear Sir,
2. Vide para 9 of the said Branch Circular, we have mentioned that necessary
guidelines regarding deployment of Clerical Staff would be issued separately.
3. You may now explore the possibility of re-deploying the Clerical Staff members in
terms of the said provisions keeping in mind the following guidelines :
(i) Redeployment of Clerical Staff is restricted to transfer from Surplus Centre to
Shortage Centre.
(ii) ii) No vacancy will be created at such Surplus Centres on account of
redeployment to shortage Centres and hence not to be filled in.
(iii) Surplus and Deficit Centres may be determined by the Zonal Offices.
(iv) Deployment in respect of Clerical Staff mentioned at SI-.No.(vii), (viii) and (ix) of
the Schedule - V of the aforesaid Circular shouId be referred to Head Office -
Personnel Department for approval of General Manager (HR) before effecting the
(v) If a Staff member, who is drawing Special Pay on regular basis is transferred to
another Centre under these provisions, based on length of stay at the Centre /
Some Clarifications by AIBEA
2. In this agreement, we have evolved some industry level norms for deployment
of employees from surplus area to deficit areas. Hence this settlement does not
cover any other case of mobility like rotational transfers, general transfers,
periodical transfers, request transfers, mutual transfers etc.
3. These norms are only applicable to Clerical employees and not for
Subordinate staff.
Deployment Norms:
(B) If vacancies are not there within the district, deployment can be upto a
maximum distance of 100 kms.
(C) In such an event, the emoluments will be protected (i.e. same HRA,CCA drawn
at a higher centre will be continued even at a lower centre will be continued
even at a lower centre)
(E) Repatriation to original centre after 2 years from difficult centres and 3 years
from other centres.
(F) If after this 2/3 years, immediate vacancy is not available for repatriation,
employee may go to another nearby centre by giving 3 options. But still the
compensation of Rs.400/- will continue till repatriated to the original
(G) Ladies above 55 years and gents above 56 years will not be disturbed on
(J) Parents of mentally handicapped /spatic children and employees with serious
ailments will not be disturbed on deployment unless equivalent medical
facilities are available at the deployed centre.
(K) For North East States, Bank level norms can be worked out with in the above
2.Where the existing norms in any Bank are more than this, the same will continue.
3.Other Bank level arrangements / policies on other types of transfer will continue as it
Pensioner’s Profile
To avoid delay and process the application expeditiously, we advise the zones
to maintain a checklist and forward us the following listed documents with duly
filled up application form-
(i) Covering Letter of the zone giving family backgrounds, other
details like family income etc., zone's recommendations and
justification for their recommendation specifying grounds and post
for which they are referring the applicant
(ii) Duly filled up application form alongwith photograph containing
recommendation of the Branch / Zone
(iii) Death Certificate of the deceased employee
(iv) Details of disciplinary action contemplated / initiated / pending, if
any, against the deceased employee
(v) Indicate the place of Home Town of the deceased employee and
preference of applicant's posting alongwith the zone
(vi) In case, if spouse is applying for the appointment under the said
scheme, then marriage certificate should be obtained
(vii) Consent Letter / No Objection Certificate of all the dependent
family members
(viii) Ration Card containing the name of the applicant along with other
family members
(ix) Duly Certified (verify with originals) below mentioned documents
by the branch/zone
(a) SSC Certificate confirming date of birth of the applicant
(b) All other educational qualification mark sheets and certificate
(x) Details of source of income of applicant and other family
members, if any in a separate sheet
(xi) Photo Identity Card of the applicant (Aadhar Card, Pan Card,
Voters ID Card,Passport etc)
(xii) Before forwarding the application, please confirm that the lower
age limit of the applicant should not be below 18 years
(xiii) Please indicated the number of days' of loss of pay of deceased
employee specifying how the "No Pay No Allowance" has been
treated at your end ( whether the leave is regularises or any
disciplinary action is initiated)
( Administrative Circular No. 2015-16/1 dated 28.08.2015
All employees are covered under the scheme. Premium is paid by the bank Rs.
600/- p.a. On the death in harness, Rs. 50000/- plus savings portion of
premium with interest will be paid to the legal heir of the deceased. The break
up of Rs.600/- is as follows : Rs.210/- per year goes towards LIC Premium ,
Rs390/- per year to the credit to running account to be maintained under the
policy to provide for the benefit payable on the terminal date or upon cessation
of membership; other than death before the terminal date.
(Ref. No.:Head Office Branch Circular No.: 92/58 Dt. 15.07.98)
SILVER PLATE WITH BANK NAME & LOGO( approx. weight 250 gms)
1. Rs.1.00 lac immediately after death to the Spouse / dependant of the employee
given by branch under Death Relief Scheme.
3. Rs.80000/-(at present) under Staff Benevolent Scheme (to the members of the
scheme only)
7. Spouse of the deceased employee can become the member of BOI REMAS, if not
gainfully employed (gainfully employed means monthly salary / wages is Rs.2550
or more)