Clerk Faciliy

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Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Interest Free Medical Aid Advance to Staff Members:
The interest free medical advance may be sanctioned to staff members to meet
medical expenses in the following cases : When the amount to be deposited with
hospital authorities ;The estimated expenditure is large; He / she is eligible for medical
aid for the treatment / hospitalization of self / dependent family member as the case
may be, on production of bills / estimates etc. The medical aid advance may be
sanctioned as per the delegated authority for sanction of Clean Loan to the staff. The
repayment of balance amount of medical advance, after appropriation of claim settled
amount in instalments may be sanctioned / approved by the authority competent to
sanction relative medical advance, only in deserving case after ascertaining the
employee’s resources for repayment. The amount of instalments may be stipulated as
under :

For amount up to No. of Monthly Instalments (Maximum)

And inclusive of Sub staff Clerk Officer
Rs. 5000/- 18 18 12
Rs. 15000/- 30 24 18
Rs. 25000/- 42 36 30
Above Rs. 25000/- the number of instalments may be decided on case by case basis
by the Sanctioning Authority taking into consideration the number of left over years of
service of the employee. (Ref. No. P:IR:VRI:843 dated 09 th January, 1991)
Ref: Head Office IOM NO.- HO:HR:IR:KVVSP:I-708 dated 20.09.2010
Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses to employees covered by
Mediclaim Policy :
If the employee has taken any insurance policy for reimbursement of Hospitalisation
expenses incurred, reimbursement received from the insurance company together
with the reimbursement from the Bank should not exceed 100% of the Hospitalisation
expenses incurred.
(Ref.- IBA Circular No.- PD/76/90/J/2005-06/667 DT.28.09.2005)

Ex-gratia Medical Aid to Award Staff Members :

Eligibility Only Award Staff members can (1) Only Award Staff members can
claim reimbursement of balance claim reimbursement of balance
amount of hospitalisation amount of hospitalisation expenses
expenses incurred for self and / or incurred for self and / or dependent
dependent family members after family members after reimbursement
reimbursement in terms of in terms of Bipartite Settlement is
Bipartite Settlement considered in respect of ailments /
(hospitalisation expenses) is special operations undergone
considered in respect of ailments / mentioned as under :-
special operations undergone
mentioned as under :- i) Cardiac (ii) Brain (iii) Cancer (iv)
(i)Cardiac (ii) Brain (iii) Cancer Kidney (v) Major Operations of Spine
(iv) Kidney (v) Major Operations (vi) serious burn cases (vii) Major
of Spine (vi) serious burn cases accidents resulting in fractures
(vii) Major accidents resulting in requiring surgical treatment (viii) Cases
fractures requiring surgical of surgery resulting in the amputation
treatment (viii) Cases of surgery of any limb of the body (ix) Detachment

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

resulting in the amputation of any of retina / retinal surgery (x) Grafting of
limb of the body (ix) Detachment Bone Marrow (xi) ESWL (Extra
of retina / retinal surgery (x) Corporal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) and
Grafting of Bone Marrow (xi) (xii) Tuberculosis (xiii) Liver ailment
ESWL (Extra Corporal Shock (xiv) Alzheimer / Parkinson (xv)
Wave Lithotripsy). Dementia.

Reimbursement @ 90% for 3. Reimbursement @ 90% for

workman himself and 60% for the workman himself and 70% for the
family members in regard to family members in regard to expenses
expenses incurred by the incurred by the workman for dialysis,
workman for dialysis, blood blood transfusion, pace maker, heart
transfusion, pace maker, heart valve, CAT scanning and charges for
valve, CAT scanning and charges Intensive Care Unit.
for Intensive Care Unit.
Percentage 60% of the difference amount in After reimbursing the hosptialisation
of amount the total expenses incurred and expenses in terms of Bipartite
to be the amount of claim settled in Settlement, reimbursement to the
reimbursed terms of Bipartite Settlement in extent of 70% of the balance amount
respect of ailments as specified inof such expenses may be considered
Item No.1 above. subject to the condition that the
concerned staff member to bear
minimum expenses of Rs.10,000/- in
case of Clerical Staff and Rs.5,000/- in
case of Sub-Staff out of the total
expenses incurred by him / her.
(Ref. No.-Head Office Branch Circular Letter No- 2007-08/ 96 dated
Ex-gratia Medical Aid & Hospitalisation Expenses for Award Staff
Reimbursement thereof -
In terms of Head Office Administrative Circular No.-2012-13/2 dated 03.08.2012, Para-
8, it is stated therein that as a pre-condition, an employee has to undertake that he /
she will keep sufficient balance in his / her account to meet the difference amount of
the bill while availing of Walk-in Walk-out facility.

At the request of the Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions, the matter has been re-
examined, it has now been decided not to insist upon for the said undertaking while
allowing an employee or his / her dependents to undergo treatment under walk in walk
out facility.

In terms of Para (6) of the said Administrative Circular wherein it is stated that an
employee is entitled to claim reimbursement of expenses of lowest paying bed as
provided under Bipartite Settlement. However, in respect of certain major ailments i.e.
Cardiac, Brain, Cancer, Kidney, Major operations of spine, serious burn cases, Major
accidents resulting in fractures requiring surgical treatment, cases of surgery resulting
in the amputation of any limb of the body, Detachment of retina / retinal surgery,
grafting of Bone marrow, ESWL (Extra Corporal Shock Wave Lithotrpsy),
Tuberculosis, Liver ailment, Alzheimer / Parkinson and Dementia which have been
identified for reimbursement as specified in Annexure a (1) of Circular Letter No,-
2007-08/96 of 26.10.2007, it may be possible that the Staff members / their

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

dependents had been left with no alternative but to get admitted in available higher
paying class /es.

At the request of the Federation of Bank of India Staff Unions, the matter has been re-
examined and Head Office has advised that the patients admitted in a class/es
higher than their entitlement for the treatment of specified ailments / identified
diseases as above are entitled for reimbursement of expenses under ex-gratia
medical aid scheme over and above the expenses already reimbursed to them under
provision of Hospitalisation Scheme of Bipartite Settlement. Head Office has also
advised that the cases of Award Staff members to whom ex-gratia medical aid has
been sanctioned / rejected in terms of the above said Administrative Circular dated
03.08.2012 shall be reopened on the basis of above clarification and difference of
claim amount , if any, is paid to them.
(Ref. No.-HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-713 dated 14.03.2013)
Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses in case of treatment under Indian
Systems of Medicine - Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and Naturopathy

Please refer to our Branch Circular No.99/64 Subject: Personnel 2005-06/6 dated
21.07.2005 (Schedule IV, Annexure-I) and Branch Circular No.99/108 dated 10.10.2005
wherein the revised rates of pathological tests, operation charges etc. reimbursable as
per the 8th Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005 under the Scheme for Reimbursement
of Hospitalisation Expenses have been advised.

02. The medical aid and reimbursement of expenses under the hospitalisation
scheme under the said Settlement are also available for medical treatment under the
recognised systems of medicines, viz. Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathy and

Naturopathy if such treatment is taken in a clinic / hospital recognised by the

Central/State Government. Further, reimbursement shall be limited to such expenses
within the prescribed ceilings as would have been reimbursable in case the treatment
was taken in a Government/Municipal hospital, subject to the overall limits under the
scheme, i.e. 100% of approved expenses for self and 75% in case of family.

03. Hospitalisation expenses such as charges for bed, doctor’s visits, consultation at
the hospital and residence etc. incurred under these systems of medicine may be
reimbursed subject to such percentages and monetary limits for these services as given
in Schedule IV of the aforesaid Branch Circular No.99/64 dated 21.07.2005.

04. Similarly, if any surgery is done under these systems of medicine, operation
charges upto percentages and monetary limits as given under Annexure-II of Schedule
IV of the above-said Branch Circular would be admissible.

05. Since the line of treatment under these traditional/indigenous systems is different
from the Allopathic system for various ailments, the nomenclature/forms used in the
medical record/report/certificate/prescription for pathological tests, investigations etc.
may not equate with those mentioned in Annexure I of Schedule IV of our above said
Circular. In such cases, the sanctioning authority may have to consult one of the
recognised hospitals providing services under the particular system of medicine, for the
purpose of ascertaining the nature of treatment and tests vis-à-vis those mentioned in the

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Annexure/Schedule in Hospitalisation Scheme as given in the above said Branch
Circular and consider reimbursement within the prescribed limits.

06. Hospitalisation Scheme permits reimbursement of 100% of the cost of medicines

actually incurred in case of employee and 75% for the dependents of the employee in
case of treatment under Unani, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Naturopathy also.
Physician’s prescription and bills of the pharmacy/drugs store should be insisted upon
while considering such claims. In case of any doubt regarding the price of the
drugs/medicines for which reimbursement is claimed, the sanctioning authority may
independently ascertain the maximum price prescribed for the medicine/drug as per the
latest price list of the pharmacies/drug manufacturers concerned. Such price catalogues
can be had from the Government approved pharmacies. Alternatively, the approved
pharmacies may be required to certify that the price charged is as per catalogues of
manufacturers. The Zonal Offices, if they desire, may refer to list of such pharmacies
recognized / approved by Central / State Government available in the book published by
Swamy’s Publishers Private Limited. The said book may be used by the Zones as a
Reference Book only if they desire so.

07. Please note, Zonal Offices should ascertain from the appropriate authority
regarding recognition of the hospital (Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, as the
case may be) by the Central/State Government (like Government Notification / Gazette
Notification / confirmation from Government Health Department etc.), while considering
the claim submitted by the staff member for the treatment taken in the said hospital.
Zonal Office to inform to Staff Administration Division, HR Department, Head Office, the
names of hospitals which are recognised by Central / State Government operating in
their Zone and in respect of whom they have sought confirmation. The procedure given
above shall also be applicable in respect of Officer staff.

08. Please follow the aforesaid guidelines while considering the claim submitted for
reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses, by the staff members for the treatment taken
under Indian systems of medicines i.e. Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy and Naturopathy.

(Ref.No.: Head Office IOM No.-HO:HR:IR: VGK:I-930 dated Date :02.11.2007)


Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses on MSEH Charges for Hernia

Operation :
Expenses on MESH charges for hernia operation can be reimbursed under
hospitalisation scheme, subject to the condition that reimbursement for such implanted
items shall not exceed the rates approved by AIIMS / CGHS for the lowest paying
(Ref. No.- IBA Letter No. :HR& IR/MV/BOI/J/2633 dated 16.02.2009 and Head Office
IOM NO. - HO:HR:IR:VGK:I-1230:B-22 dated 18.02.2009)
Reimbursement of Physiotherapy Charges
IBA has advised that if physiotherapy forms part of hospitalisation expenses for
treatment of fracture then Bank may consider reimbursing the same, having regard to
the cost of such treatment in Govt. Hospital.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

IBA has further advised that where expenses are incurred on physiotherapy as
treatment for paralysis the same be considered as part of domiciliary treatment for
reimbursement as hospitalisation expenses.
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM NO.- P:IR:VRI:843 dated 09.01.1991)
Reimbursement of Hospitalisation Expenses- New Technologies
As per the extant scheme, reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses for treatment of
employees and their dependents is restricted to the ceiling prescribed in the schedule
of charges in the Bipartite settlement / Service Regulations / Service Rules.

With the advancement in medical technology, innovative and highly sophisticated

techniques are now available for treatment of various diseases / ailments with a high
success rate. most hospitals are now applying such new techniques in treatment of
certain diseases, e.g. Lithotripsy for treatment of Kidney Stone, Laser Surgery for
cataract, etc. These treatments are very expensive and are not included in the
schedule of charges under the hospitalisation scheme.

We have been receiving queries from the member banks regarding the extent to which
reimbursement of expenses can be made treatments undertaken applying such
advanced techniques. We have examined the matter. We are to advise that in such
cases reimbursement of hospitalisation expenses be restricted to what is otherwise
available for convention type of treatment under the existing scheme under Bipartite
Settlement / Service Regulations / Service Rules.
(Ref. No.- PD/CIR/76/J/605 dated 16.07.1999)
i) If “Caliper” is synonymous to artificial limbs, artificial bone fixtures and
the same is justified by the Authorised Medical Officer of your Zone, you
may consider the claim to the extent permissible under OSR 1979.
ii) Cost of artificial limb may be considered to the extent permissible as per
6th Bipartite Settlement as implanted items during surgery may be
reimbursed @75% for family Members and 100% for himself. Schedule of
charges for the same shall be as per the rates applicable to lowest
paying bed of AIIMS, New Delhi or to the extent such charges
are payable in a Govt. Hospital.
The above contents was advised by Head Office to erstwhile Bihar (South)
Zone vide their IOM No. P:A:TVV:3311 dated 30.11.1998



Provision of First Aid Kit at Branch / Office Premises :

As per direction from Head Office BCP Committee, First Aid Kit /Box containing
Basic First Aid Materials should be kept at all the branches and Offices. Contents in
the First Aid Box should be updated annually. The box should be kept in a place
which is easily accessible by all staff members and customers.
Sr. Articles Quantity Use
1 First Aid Booklet One Self Explanatory
2 Spirit (200-400ml) One For disinfection of skin
3 Dettol or Savlon (100-200 ml) One For Small cuts and burns it is
necessary to first wash the wound

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

with an antiseptic lotion
4 Nebasulph Powder One Anti infection agent for wound's
5 Absorbent Cotton wool 15 gms Two For dressing
6 Bandage Rolls- 2", 4" and 6" Two For dressings
7 Tourniquet triangular Two nos For slings and splinting
8 Burn Dressings (small) Four For burn dressing
9 Band Aids 10 For minor cuts
10 Solint One No
11 Lecoplast Roll One No To secure bandage or splints
12 Scissor 7 cm & Blade One To cut tape, cloth and bandage
13 Antiseptic Ointments like One no For application on wounds anti
Soframycin or Neosporin infection
14 Non latex disposable gloves Two For reduction of cross infection
each during dressing
15 Safety Pins Ten Nos Used for fixing bandages
16 Paracetamol /Dispirin * Tablets 10*1 Can be used in fever or body pain
10*1 two
17 Silver Sulfadiazine ointment / One no Applied to the skin and or burned
Burnol area
18 Chloromycetin eye drops * One No Eye Drop
19 Metronidazole / Meerozyl * One Anti biotic for loose motion
20 Thermometer One no Taking Temperature
21 Face Masks Four Used for mouth to mouth
22 Important phone Nos e.g. To be displayed in the Branch
Police, Hospitals, Fire Brigade premises / Offices
* Should be used as per physicians advice.
(Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No. 105/09 dated 06.04.2011)
Interest Free Salary Advance for Festival : Board of Directors, during the meeting held
on 12.08.2009, has accorded approval for revision in the amount of Festival Advance to
the nearest thousand of one month's Basic Pay of the staff members, subject to a
minimum of Rs. 8,OOOI- in the case of Clerical Staff members and Rs. 6,OOOI- in the
case of Sub-Staff members with effect from 12.08.2009
(Ref. No. Head Office B.C. No- 103/88 dated 15.08.2009)
Reimbursement of various expenses incurred by Award Staff

Items Clerks Sub ordinate Latest Circular

Staff reference
Cleaning Materials Rs.425/- p.m. Rs. 300 p.m. B.C.No. 106/83

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

dated 03.09.2012
News Papers Rs.225/- p.m. Rs.175/- B.C.No. 106/83
p.m. dated 03.09.2012
Entertainment Exp Rs. 280/- p.m. - B.C.No.105/22
(for Special dated 05.05.2011
Assistants only)
Briefcase Rs,1000/- once
Payable to Special Assistant, Head
in five years
Cashier II and Agriculture Assistant on
declaration basis in terms of B.C.No.
104/137 dated 25.01.2011
Reimbursement of Petrol Expenses :
Category of Staff Consumption basis Maximum amt.
ceiling limit (cost of reimbursable on
litres of petrol p.m.) declaration basis
(Rs.per month)
Special Assistants 8 500
Clerk 6 400
Substaff 3 200
Ref. Head Office Branch Circular No. 109/93 dated 14.07.2015
Out of Pocket Expenses to Employees deputed to Training College:
The scheme has since been modified as follows vide Head office Branch Circular No..
104/137 dated 25.01.2011:
Particulars of Trainee Residential Training Programme
Local Trainee Rs.75/- per day at Mumbai and Delhi
Rs.65/- per day at other centres
Up-country trainees Rs.75/- per day at Mumbai and Delhi
Rs.65/- per day at other centres
Inconvenience Allowance - Details are as under :
Category Amount (8.00 am to Amount (whose working starting
8.00 pm) before 7.00 am and over after 9.30
Officer Rs.60/- per working Rs.90/- per working day
Clerk Rs.40/- per working Rs.60/- per working day
Substaff Rs.20/- per working Rs.30/- per working day
Ref. Branch Circular No.- 100/194 dated 05.03.2007 and 102/136 dated
Performance of Higher Special Pay duties by the Award Staff drawing
Lower Special Pay
Head Office vide its IOM No.- HO:P:IR:CMR:I-868:474 dated 05.09.2003 has
clarified as under "
"As per the provisions of the Bipartite Settlement "the Award Staff, who is in
receipt of Higher Special Pay, is required to perform the duties attached to all
other lower Special Pay Carrying posts in the respective cadre.":

Now, Head Office has clarified as under "


Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

"The aforesaid clarification was issued in particular reference made by Zones,
regarding performing duties of Computer Terminal Operator by Head Cashier
Category 'E' (now Head Cashier Category II), in cash on-line situation. Though
the said Bipartite provisions can be exercised / implemented by the Bank, as
and when required , it may be noted to exercise / implement the said
provisions, in cases- where such duties attracting Special pay are overlapping;
of emergency situation at Branches, offices / exigencies; and Branches / offices
wherein the clerical staff strength is bare minimum Branches / offices having
one or two Clerical Staff component.

You are requested to please be guided accordingly. " UNQUOTE

(Ref. No.Head Office IOM No.- HO:P:IR:VGK:I-1561:474 dated 05.09.2007

Death Relief Scheme:

Under the scheme, an amount of Rs. 125,000/- will be paid to the next kin of any
permanent employee dying in harness.
(Ref. No.-Head Office Branch Circular No.: 77/248 dated 29.10.83, 91/26 dated
14.5.97 , 97/58 dated 6.08.03, 105/124 dated 17.10.2011,107/203 dated 12.02.2014)
subject to revision from time to time
BOI Staff Benevolent Scheme:
Every member should contribute Rs. 2/- in the event of the death of a member of
The sum of such contributed amount will be given to the legal heir of the deceased. If
employee died after retirement but before 65 years, he will be eligible for the benefit
under the scheme.
(Ref. No.-Head Office Branch Circular No.: 87/183 DT. 20.11.93) subject to revision
from time to time
Preferential Rate of Interest on Deposits:
1% extra interest on deposits available to employee /ex-employee. Additional 0.5%
benefit will be given to ex-employee who is senior citizen (B.C. NO.- 102/27 dated
07.05.2008). Following points are also important :
Staff Members are exempted from minimum amount criterion for term deposit
(Ref . No. Head Office Branch Circular No. 98/256)
Bank has allowed additional interest rate over and above the rate of interest subject
to following conditions which are as per RBI guidelines :
In respect of Savings or term deposit account opened in the name of :
a member or retired member of the bank's staff either singly or jointly with any
member or members of his / her family or the spouse of deceased member or a
deceased retired member of the bank's staff and an Association or a fund, memebrs
of which are of the bank's staff Branch should obtain a declaration from the depositor
concerned, that the monies deposited or which may, from time to time, be deposited
in to such account belong to the depositor as stated in clauses (a) to (c) above
(Reference No. - Head Office Branch Circular No. 104/55 dated 09.08.2010)
Compensation to staff members/general public who are killed/ injured while
resisting bank robberies / terrorist attacks on Banks including left-wing

The gist of the scheme is as under :

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

In case of death of an employee as a result of during bank robbery or attacks by
terrorists, including left-wing extremism on bank employees, the family of deceased
will be given compensation by the bank as follows :
i. In case of death of officers : Rs.20.00 lakhs
In case of death of clerical / sub staff : Rs.10.00 lakhs

ii. Educational Expenses of the children of the deceased up to Graduation level

will be borne the Bank.
iii. Bank will give employment to one member of the family of the deceased
employee in accordance with the guidelines for compassionate appointments
issued from time to time.
iv. In case of bank employees who actively resist Bank robberies and terrorist
attacks on Bank, the Bank may consider cash reward not exceeding Rs.2.00
lakhs and the Bank employee may get out of turn promotion, provided ,
the minimum condition of eligibility prescribed for direct recruits to
the post are satisfied but without reference to the number of years of
service rendered.
v. Persons other than bank employee who may get killed as a consequence of
or during robberies and / or attack of terrorist on bank's, lumpsum
compensation of Rs.3.00 lakhs will be paid to the family of the deceased.
Members of public who actively resist Bank robberies and terrorist attack on
Bank will be given cash reward not exceeding Rs.2.00 lakhs and medical
expenses including hospitalisation charges will be reimbursed.
vi. The aforesaid guidelines of the scheme shall be uniformly applicable
throughout the country including North-East and in left-wing extremist
(Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No.106/100 dated 20.09.2012)
The selected staff will be given following incentives.
Enhanced and very attractive perquisites/monetary incentives are provided to
marketing staff as under :

Kit Proposed to all (i.e. General Marketing Staff;

Particulars Business Marketing Staff; Personal Banking Staff
and Retail Hub)

1. Petrol Reimbursement of petrol without bills or equivalent

Expenses amount for those who do not own a vehicle up to a
maximum of:
• 40 liters per month in Metro areas
• 35 liters per month in all other areas
(Above are over and above the normal entitlements)
2. Mobile Mobile phone costing not more than Rs. 4000/-
3. Mobile Prepaid card valued at Rs. 750/- per month or
phone reimbursement of claim up to Rs. 750/-
4. Monthly out • Up to Rs. 1000/- p.m. in Metros.
of pocket • Up to Rs. 750/- in other Areas
expenses (On declaration basis)

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

5. Brief Up to a maximum of Rs. 1000/- every year
6. Umbrella/ Max. Rs. 300/- every year.
Rain coat
7. Tie Two corporate ties every two years.
8. Visiting To be provided as per Bank’s standard design
9. Accident Group Accident Insurance Cover (Death only) of Rs. 10
Insurance lacs per person is obtained by Head Office in a group
Cover policy.

(Ref. No.Head Office Branch Circular No. 102 /158 dated 13.12.2008)
********************* **********************************************************************
Scheme to provide Incentive to Employees for passing Examinations
conducted by IIBF, MUMBAI in addition to JAIIB / CAIIB Examinations
1. Certificate Examination in Elective subject of CAIIB
2. Diploma in Banking & Finance Examination
3. Diploma in Treasury Investment and Risk Management
4. Diploma in International Banking & Finance
5. Diploma in Banking Technology
6. Diploma in Comm. Derivatives for Banking
7. Banking Oriented Paper in Hindi
8. Advanced Management Programme (AMP)
9. Diploma in Home Loan Advising
10. Certificate Examination in Microfinance
11. Certificate Examination in SME Finance for Bankers
12. Certificate Examination in Credit Card for Bankers
13. Certificate Examination in Quantitative Methods for Banking Finance
14. Certificate Examination in Trade Finance
15. Certificate Examination in CeISB
16. Certificate Examination in AML- KYC
17. Certificate Examination in Customer Service & Banking Codes and Standards
18. Certificate Examination in Security
19. Certificate Examination in Foreign Exchange Facilities for Individuals
20. Certificate Examination in Prevention of Cyber Crimes and Fraud Management
1. Certified Bank Trainer
2. Certified Banking Compliance Professional
3. Certified Credit Officer Course
4. Certified Treasury Dealer Course
No prior permission from the competent authority for attempting the courses
conducted by IIBF is required.Course Fee and rs.1000/- shall be reimbursed to
successful candidates. For Specialised Certificate course Rs.2000/- will be
reimbursed in addition to Course Fee.
(Ref. No.- Head Office Branch Circular No.- 104/119 dated 06.01.2011) & 108/180
dated 02.01.2015

Sl. Particulars Periodicit Existin Revised

No y g Ceiling

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

1 Rubber Hand Gloves Monthly Rs.40/- Rs.60/- per
per pair
2 Apron Yearly Rs.100 Rs.160/-
3 Washing Allowance for Monthly Rs.10/- Rs.10/-
4 Mask Monthly
R60/- N.A.
(Rs.15/- per
mask & 4
masks per
Provision of Rubber Hand gloves, apron and mask to Safai Karmachari to protect
them from unhygenic conditions are as follows w.e.f. 01.12.2010
(Ref. Head Office Branch Circular No.- 104/103 dated 02.12.2010)

Uniform to Subordinate Staff :

For male members
Summer : 3 sets in terrycotton / khadi once in 2 years
Winter : Navy Blue Jodhpuri Suit once in 3 years
Footwear :One pair of shoes and 2 pairs of socks every year

For Female members

Summer : 4 White Sarees (with blue borders & blouse once in 2
Winter : One sweater Once in three years
Footwear :One pair of chappal every year

Item Revised Rates for the period

January 2015 to December
1. Summer Uniform 3 sets in 2 Rs. 1200/-per set all
years (White shirt and white inclusive (including stiching
trousers) charges)
2. Winter Uniform 1 set in 3 Rs. 3300/- per set all
years inclusive (including stiching
3. Footwear with 2 pairs of socks Rs. 1150/-
every year
4. Stitching charges 10% increase over the
existing stitching charges for
summer and winter
5 Cost of umbrella once in 2 Rs. 250/-
years or
Raincoat once in 4 years Rs.500/-*

(Ref. No.- Head Office IOM No. HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-185 dated 21.07.2015)

Please note, to implement the instructions given in IOM No.HO:P:IR:CMR:I-300:B-21
dated 08.06.2005 that the female Sub-Staff be supplied with Uniforms at the same
cost (cost of cloth + stitching charges) at par with the total cost applicable to male
Sub-Staff. All the other existing guidelines regarding periodicity, number of sets of
uniform, etc. remain unchanged.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Considering the requests received from different quarters, it has been decided that
reimbursement of expenses / payment for the cost (cost of cloth and stiching charges
(white salwar, kameez and Blue Dupatta / Odhani) for female substaff members may
be considered in lieu of saree and blouse with in the cost ceiling
(Ref. No. HO:HR:IR:VGK:I-370:B-21 dated 11.08.2011)

The details of liveries to watch & ward staff are as follows:

Entitlement Quantity Periodicity
1. Belt black Leather with Bank of India Star
Emblem on white metal plate 1 2 Years

2. Beret Cap one piece (Blue-Black Colour) 1 2 Years

(turban for sikh)

3. Black Shoe 1 Pair 1 Year

4. Socks black/Khaki/Nylon/Woolen 2 Pair 1 Year

5. Lanyard blue 1 1 Years

6. Thunder Whistle 1 5 Years

7. Cap badge Pagdi Badge

white metal BOI emblem 1 3 Years

8. Shoulder title BOI 2 pairs 3 Years

9. Name Plate (with Black background) 1 2 Years

10. Summer Uniform (T/C) 3 Trousers & shirts 2 Years

11. Formation Sign 2 3 Years

12. Rain Cape 1 4 Years

13. Winter Uniform

a. Woolen Trousers Khakhi Serge 1 3 Years
b. Woolen Shirt Angola Full Sleve 2 3 Years
c. Jersy Woolen Khakhi
(Army / Air Force Pattern) 1 3 Years
(Branches located at a height of 1500 meters & above only)
14. Coat Parkha 1 7 Years

15. Winter Uniform as given in 13(a) to (c) 1 Set 1 Year

16. Summer Uniform

(One pant & one Shirt Terrycotton) 1 Set 3 Years

Procurement of Items of Uniform: In order to ensure uniformity of pattern, colour

etc., it is advisable that the items of uniform and accouterments are procured and
provided centrally by Zonal Office concerned, under supervision of Zonal Security

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

4% of Basic Pay - with a maximum of Rs..600/- p.m. if deputed to an organisation
at the same station;
7.75% of Basic Pay- with a maximum of Rs.1150/- p.m. for deputation at an
outstation centre.

(Ref. No.- Head Office Administrative Circular No.- 2012-13/01 dated 23.05.2012)


WAGES w.e.f.
(a) Major 'A' Class Cities and Area I Cities ( Ref. Rs.14,500/-
Head Office Circular IOM No. HO/P/IR/RS/I-
1106/REG-26 dated 26.10.2005)
(b) All other places Rs.13,500/-
The above mentioned revised rates are applicable w.e.f. 01.04.2015 and the same are
inclusive of all expenses like mobile phone, car washing, cost of dusters, bucket,
Sunday / outstation duty etc. for which no separate charges shall be payable.
(Head Office - Reference No.- HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-023 dated 13.04.2015)
Procedure is laid down in Head office Branch Circular No 96/114 dated. 08.11.02.
Revised format of No Objection Certificate to be issued as per new guidelines from
Govt of India. And application for issuance of passport.

(REF NO: Head Office Administrative Circular NO: 2006-07/10 Dated 31.01.2007)
(REF NO: Head Office Administrative Circular NO: 2007-08/1 Dated 08.06.2007)
Branch / Office organising the function for felicitating the retiring employee may incur
Rs.500/- for arranging booquet(s) / garland(s) etc & additionally Rs.25/- per
employee in Branch for Tea / Coffee/snacks Etc . A memento in te form of silver plate /
plaque as advised vide Circular IOM No. 1694 dated 180.02.2006.
(Reference No. Head Office Branch Circular No.- 97/145 dated 06.01.2004 revised
vide HO IOM No. HO:IRVGK:I-106 dated 14.05.2011)
Effect of rigor of punishment on release of Stagnation increment (s) to workmen
Text of IBA Circular No.: CIR / PD / 76 / B / M / 1242, dated 28.12.2006

In terms of the Bipartite Settlement, the clerical / subordinate staff on reaching the
maximum of respective scales of pay shall be eligible for six stagnation increments at
the rate of Rs.560/- and Rs.270/- each under the Settlement and at frequencies of 3
years and 2 years respectively from the date of reaching the maximum of their
respective scales.
One of the penalties that can be imposed on a workman found guilty of gross
misconduct is bring him down to a lower stage in the scale of pay upto a maximum of
two stages (clause 6(e) of the Bipartite Settlement dated 10.4.2002).

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Whether or not the above penalty imposed on a workman, who has reached the top of
the scale, will affect the date of release of stagnation increment(s) to him, was
examined by the Personnel Committee of the Association in its meeting held on 9th
August, 2006. The Committee deliberated on the issue and was of the view that the
penalty which is awarded to a workman for proven gross misconduct should have
some rigor when in fact increments can be stopped with cumulative effect. The
committee decided that the penalty as in clause 6(e) of the Bipartite Settlement dated
10.4.2002 should be more rigorous than clause 6(f) and therefore would affect release
of future stagnation increments. In effect, the release of stagnation increments will be
delayed by the period spent by the employee at a stage below maximum.
Bank may take note and act accordingly.
Yours faithfully
- Sd -
Mile Stone Award:
Amount Rs. 2000/-
Milestone award can be released even in case of disciplinary action viz. minor penalty

In case of major penalty award can be released only after the rigour of punishment is
Award can be released without application of the employee.

Ex-servicemen with 25 years of combined service in Armed forces & bank are
considered for award. (At the time of retirement such case may be referred to H.O.

Employee will be presented with a Silver Medal/Souvenir costing about Rs.2000/- with
Bank's name and logo embossed on it.
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No.-HO /P/IR/SAH/95/45 dated 11.07.2001 & Head Office
IOM No.- HO/P/IR/RSI/1694 dated 18.02.06)
Group saving Linked Insurance Scheme (GSLI)
All employees are covered under the scheme. Premium is paid by the bank Rs. 600/-
p.a. On the death in harness, Rs. 50000/- plus savings portion of premium with
interest will be paid to the legal heir of the deceased. The break up of Rs.600/- is as
follows : Rs.210/- per year goes towards LIC Premium , Rs390/- per year to the credit
to running account to be maintained under the policy to provide for the benefit
payable on the terminal date or upon cessation of membership; other than death
before the terminal date.
(Ref. No.:Head Office Branch Circular No.: 92/58 Dt. 15.07.98)
Reimbursement of expenses incurred by Award staff for Health Check-up:
A) Eligibility:

All permanent Award Staff members (Clerks / Sub-Staff) who have completed 45
years of age and above can avail the benefit under the said Scheme only once in two
calender years.

B) Benefits:

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Eligible staff members can claim reimbursement of expenses incurred by them for
Health Check-up carried at their respective place of posting upto an actual amount of
expenses incurred or Rs.3,000/-,(Metro Centres) and Rs.2500/- (Other Centres)
whichever is less.
(Branch Circular No.- 108/183 dated 08.01.2015)



Eligibility :All confirmed Safai Karmachari / Safai Karmachari-cum- Sepoy

Periodicty :Once in two calendar years

Amount :Rs.200/-(max) towards General Check up

Rs.250/-(max) towards chest x-ray
Thus aggregating Rs.450/-

General : No leave will be granted for the purpose. This facility is available up to
the age of 55 years and there after Health check-up available under Bank's Staff
Welfare Scheme. Reimbursement of the above expenses will be made to the debit of
Branch P & L A./c Staff Welfare. The amount claimed will be sanctioned by in-charge
of administration at Branch / concerned controlling office.
(Ref. No.- Head Office Branch Circular No.- 106/40 dated 23.05.2012)
The Safai Karmachari who are below 45 years of age will continue to be covered
under the scheme of Health Check-up for Safai Karmachari which was circulated vide
Branch Circular No.106/40 dated 23.05.2012, whereas those Safai Karmacharis who
are 45 years of age and above will be covered under the new scheme of Health
Check-up for Award Staff. Hereinafter they will not be entitled to claim the benefit
under the scheme of Health Check-up for Safai Karmachari.
(Ref. No.- Branch Circular No.- 108/183 dated 08.01.2015)

Change in Nomenclature of sweepers
New designation for sweepers:
Part time : Safai Karmachari cum Hamal
Full time : Safai Karmachari cum sepoy & so on
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No.: P/IR/CMR/1265 Dt. 21.02.2001)

Change of designation of all Full Time Safai Karmachari / Hamals as Safai

Karmachari-cum- Sepoys / Hamal -cum-sepoys - eligible for duties attracting
Special Pay
In terms of the decision of Central Consultative Committee (Award Staff) Meeting held
on 18.05.2001, it has now been decided by the Competent Authority to change the
designation of all the Full Time Safai Karmachari / Hamals to Safai Karmachari-cum-
Sepoys / Hamal -cum-sepoys.

Upon change in designation, they would become eligible for assignment of duties of
Special Allowances both for specified and unspecified period. However, their seniority
for the purpose of assignment of Special Allowance duties, will be reckoned from the
date of their change in designation only.

(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No. HO:P:IR:CMR:4-20:I-266 dated 25.05.2002)

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Replenishment / Recruitment of Safai Karmachari-cum-sepoy

Zonal Managers have been authorised to fill up the vacancies of Safai Karmachari-
cum- Sepoys created on account of wastages and opening of new branches in the
The sole purpose of delegating authority to Zonal Managers for replenishment of
/filling up vacancies of safai karmacharis was to provide minimum 1 (one) sub-staff to
each branch office, and to avoid engagement of persons on daily wages / casual basis
which culminates into anti labour practice, and Bank's policy in this regard.

(Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No.-102/169, Ref (HO/HR/IR/VGK/18 dated
23.12.2008 and Head Office IOM No.- HR/R/SCT/2011-12/311 dated 16.09.2011)

Filling up of vacancies of Daftary at the Branches / Offices for specified /

unspecified periods:
Head office has advised all the Zones to fill up the vacancies of Daftary to the next
senior most sub-staff either for specified period or unspecified period.

Head office instruction is as under :

Quote -
You are, therefore, advised that all the vacancies of Daftary which are not yet filled in,
be assigned to the concerned eligible candidates as per instructions conveyed vide
para (5) of Head office Circular No.PERS:VCJ:RM:79:2 dated22.02.1979. For the
sake of ready reference, we quote below the relevant portion of the said circular:-

"The assignment of duties attracting special allowance should be done on seniority-

cum-merit and by following the practice at the centre regarding selection of candidate"
(Ref. No. Head Office IOM No. HO:HR:IR:MSS:I-106 dated 07.05.2013)
Grant of two additional increments to Sub-staff for Passing S.S.C.Examination
S.S.C. Board taking the examination should be recognized one by the concerned
State Government / Board and should have recognition of the Department of
Education of the concerned State.
In other words, the sub-staff who are working in the states which have recognized the
S.S.C. examination only are eligible and the sub-staff who are working in the states
which have not recognized the said examination are not eligible for the said additional
(Ref. No.- Head Office IOM No. P:IR:CMR:C2-61:1177 DATED 01.22.2001 )
Reimbursement of charges for collecting key of branch premise from residence
of officer/Manager
Reimbursement for collecting keys from the residence of officer / Manager of the
branch for cleaning purpose to the Full Time Safai Karmachari - cum- Sepoy would be
made on actual basis.
Payment of Conveyance allowance to Blind/Orthopedically handicapped
Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped employees
(Officers and Award Staff) @ 5% of Basic Pay, subject to maximum of Rs.400/- per
month w.e.f. 18.02.2009. The said allowance is to be paid in addition to regular
transport allowance in terms of the provisions of Bipartite Settlement.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

The Board in its meeting dated 29.05.2014 has approved extending this facility to Deaf
& Dumb employees also. (Details mentioned in Head Office Branch Circular No.-
108/64 dated 28.06.2014 and Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No.103/7 dated
Do’s & Don’ts for Password

( Ref No. Head Office Branch Circular.No.- 102/141 dated 15.11.2008)

effective from 01.12.2008 are as under:
1. The length of the Password will be minimum 8 characters and maximum 14
2. The Password should consist of minimum one alphabet and one numeral and
one special character ( say $, * etc)
3. System would maintain a history of the passwords and would not allow the
user to re- use past 2 passwords.
4. In case of 3 failed login attempts the system will lock the User Account.
Authority to undelete the same is allowed to users of the work class 600 and
above only.
5. The system will enforce the user to change his / her passwords on first login
creation of user / reset by the Authority
6. The system will delete the User-id not used for a continuous period of 30 days
7. The application will force the user to change password every 15 days

a. User should not share their passwords with any one including colleagues and
IT staff
b. User should ensure that nobody is watching when they are entering password
in the system
c. User should not keep a written copy ( in paper or electronic form) of
passwords in easily locatable places
d. User should change their password regularly
e. User should report to the Branch Manager or System Administrator if
account is locked out before 3 bad attempts
f. User should choose passwords that are easy to remember but difficult to
g. All User-ids created should be recorded and acknowledged in a User-id
register to be maintained by the branch
h. Whenever the user proceeds on leave, he / she should get his her User-id
suspended to prevent fraudulent use. The user can get it reactivated upon his /
her return from leave.
Ex-servicemen re-employed in the Bank – Weightage of marks for Defence
Service - for assignment of Special Pay duties / promotion to higher cadre

It has been clarified by IBA that the benefit of seniority on the basis of last service in
the Army can be availed of for the purpose of temporary appointment to the
allowance carrying post or officiating post and afterwards can be considered for
regular promotion to the higher grade from the post to which he was initially recruited
and in case the allowance carrying post is given to the re-employed Ex-Servicemen
on permanent basis, then this benefit will not be allowed for promotion in the bank.
(Ref. Head Office IOM No. P:IR:CMR:B-19:1045 dated 24.11.2000)

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

An Ex-serviceman may be allowed to opt for availing of benefit of weightage for
Defence Service (i.e. in the ratio of 5:1 subject to maximum of 2 years after they
have rendered 3 years service in the Bank) either for appointment against the post of
SWO”B” or for promotion from clerical cadre to officer cadre. However, once the Ex-
serviceman avails of this benefit for appointment against post of SWO”B”, he will not
be eligible for the same benefit at the time of his consideration for promotion from
clerical cadre to officer cadre. The Ex-serviceman should execercise the option at the
time of first available opportunity and option once exercised will be final and no
change in the option would be allowed later, whether or not the Ex-serviceman is
successful in the exercise.
New Work class in Finacle in Rural –Semi urban branches:
It has been decided to create a New Group A with work class 250 as ‘Rural Branch
cashier’ at the single officer Rural and Semi-Urban Branches The work class 250
includes work class 110 and 130 are CTOs and work class 200 is CTO with Head
cashier designation. The following additional menus will be made available to the
work class 250.

1. HUPM Resetting of password required in case same is blocked

2 EFM To assign the work class of head teller to another teller during
leave etc.
3. DDC for canceling a Demand Draft
4. RMTDS for remitting TDS deducted
5. RFTDS for refund to TDS in TDR

(Ref. No.: Head Office Brfanch Circular NO : 103/1 Dated 02.04.2009)

Matrix of CBS
(Ref. No, Head Office Branch Circular NO: 105/130 dated 08.11.2011)

Designation/W Type of Proposed Transaction Remarks

ork class transaction Transaction rights
Single Teller/cash Upto DE & PO Includes tallying of signature
Window payment Rs.10,000/-
Operator “A” Above DE Payment over the limit after the
work class Rs. instrument is passed and posted
110 10,000/- by Supervisory official
Cash/ Upto DE & PO
Receipt Rs.15,000/-
Above DE Transaction to be posted/verified
Rs.15,000/- immediately by supervisory official
Clearing Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
and Rs.15,000/-
transfer Above DE
Single Teller/cash Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
Window payment Rs.20,000/-
Operator “B” Above DE Payment over the limit after the
work class Rs. 20,000 instrument is passed and posted
130 by Supervisory official
Cash/recei Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
pt Rs.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Above DE Transaction to be posted/verified
Rs. 25,000 immediately by supervisory official
Clearing Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
and Rs.25,000/-
transfer Above DE
Rs. 25,000
Head Cashier Teller/cash Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
II Work Class payment Rs.20,000/-
200 & 250 Above DE Payment over the limit after the
Head Cashier Rs.20,000 instrument is passed and posted
by Supervisory official
Upto DE & PO
Above DE Transaction to be posted/verified
Rs. 20,000 immediately by supervisory official
Clearing Upto DE & PO Include tallying of signature
and Rs.50,000/-
transfer Above DE
Rs .50,000
Special Cash Up to PO/VO
Assistant – Payment Rs.35,000/-
Work Class Cash Upto PO/VO
300 Receipt Rs.
Clearing/ Upto PO/VO Include tallying of signature
transfer Rs.150,000/
Above DE
NOTE: In case of situations like when Single Window Operators A & B are absent, the
special Assistants will have to perform Data Entry of cash Payments/Receipts
irrespective of the amount.

Please importantly not that as per the settlements dated 27.04.2010.

Passing includes verification of signatures and scrutiny as to the correctness of
endorsement on and other particulars of such instruments. It will also include checking
and authenticating the relative entries in the respective books of
accounts/ledgers/computer sheets and/or online.
Checking/verifying would mean verifying that the instrument/material checked is in
order in all respects and also includes verification of signature irrespective of the
amount of the instrument and authenticating the same on the instrument/material,
initialing the relative entries in the respective books of accounts, manually and/or
(Ref. No.Head Office Branch Circular NO: 105/130 dated 08.11.2011)
Zonal Consultative Committee Meeting (Award Staff) :

It has been decided that Zonal Consultative Committee Meetings with Award
Staff Unions shall be held thrice a year at Zonal Offices.
(Ref. No.- HO:HR:IR:VGK:I-872 dated 30.10.2010)

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Head Office has advised Zonal Offices to hold meeting of Zonal Business
Promotion Council twice a year by inviting the representatives of both Officers'
Association as well as Award Staff Union.
(Ref. No. HO:HR:IR:KVVSP:I-1301 dated 03.02.2010 read with (Ref. No.- HO :
HR : IR : VGK :I-872 dated 30.10.2010)
Zonal Task Force Committee : Quarterly
Zonal Customer Service Committee : Quarterly
Prevention of Sexual Harassment in work places and procedure for setting up
complaint Cells and Complaint Committee:
The Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, has in a recent landmark judgement dated
14.08.1997 in PIL Writ Petition (Criminal No.-666-70) of 1992 (Vishakha and others
Vs State of Rajasthan and others), on the subject of sexual harassment of women in
the work places, has laid down detailed guidelines for strict observance at all work
places and other institutions, both public and private.

The Supreme Court has directed that these guidelines be strictly observed at all work
places for the preservation and enforcement of right of gender equality of working
For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined
behaviour (whether directly or by implication) as :
physical contact and advances;
a demand or request for sexual favours;
sexually coloured remarks;
showing pornography and
any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
(For details Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No. 92/53 dated 06.07.1998)

Bank of India Scheme for Compassionate Appointment

(Head Office Branch Circular No.-108/132 dated 29.09.2014 &
Administrative Circular No. 2015-16/1 dated 28.08.2015)

Name of the Scheme : "Bank of India Scheme for Compassionate

1. Coverage :
To a dependent family members of permanent employee of the Bank
a. dies while in service (including death by suicide)
b. is retired on medical grounds due to incapacitation before reaching
the age of 55 years
(incapacitation is to be certified by a duly appointed Medical board in a
Government Medical College / Government District Head Quarters
Hospitals / Panel of Doctors nominated by the Bank for the purpose)
2. Dependent Family Members
 Spouse; or
 Wholly dependent Son (including legally adopted son); or
 Wholly dependent daughter (including legally adopted daughter);
 Wholly dependent brother or sister in the case of unmarried

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

3. Authority competent to make compassionate Appointment
 General Manager (HR)
 The Executive Director, Looking after HR, in Special Types of cases
4. Post to which appointments can be made
The appointment shall be made in the Clerical and Subordinate Cadre only.
 The family is indigent and deserves immediate assistance for relief from
financial destitution; and
 Applicant for compassionate appointment should be eligible and suitable
for the post in all respect under the provisions of the relevant
Recruitment Rule
Compassionate Appointment under the Scheme are exempted from
observance of the following requirements:
 Normal Recruitment Procedure i.e. without the agency of selection like
IBPS / Employment Exchange, Recruitment Board of Bank etc.
 The ban orders on filling up of posts issued by Government of India or
any controlling authority
7. Relaxations
Upper age limit could be relaxed wherever found to be necessary. The lower
limit should, however, in no case be relaxed below 18 years of age.

(Head Office Branch Circular No.-108/132 dated 29.09.2014)

For Application Format, Please see chapter "FORMATS"

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)


No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15/532/1108
December 31, 2014

Chief Executives of all Public Sector Banks

Dear Sir/Madam,

Scheme of Compassionate Appointment on Compassionate Grounds in Public

Sector Banks.

We refer to our circulars No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15/532/476 dated the 11th August 2014
and No. CIR/HR&IR/2014-15 /532/693 dated 30th September 2014 on the captioned
subject matter in terms of which a scheme of compassionate appointment in lieu of ex-
gratia lumpsum amount has been circulated to all Public Sector Banks.

2. Now, the Department of Financial Services vide its letter F.No. 18/2/2013-IR dated the
5th December 2014 has advised that all Public Sector Banks can have both the options
i.e. compassionate appointment or payment of lumpsum ex-gratia amount. However, any
of these two options can be used only when the other conditions of
compassionate appointment are met.
3. In this connection, we advise that as the Department of Financial Services, vide their
above mentioned letter has clearly mentioned that any of two options can be used only
when the other conditions of compassionate appointment are met, it is apparent that the
terms and conditions applicable to compassionate appointment shall be made applicable
to payment of ex-gratia lumpsum amount also. Please incorporate the payment of ex-
gratia in the scheme circulated vide our circular dated 11 th August 2014. There is no
change in quantum of ex-gratia amount as per the scheme circulated vide our
circular dated 19th July 2007.
Yours faithfully,
K. Unikrishnan
Deputy Chief Executive
Delegation of Authority in respect of various HR related issues to
National Banking General Managers / Zonal Managers

Sr. Particulars of the Issue Authority to exercise

No the powers
1 Payment of Ex-gratia lump sum amount in National Banking GM
lieu of appointment on compassionate and his absence GM
grounds (Please note that the applications (HR)
which are required to be decided by the
committee of General managers in terms
of para 7 of Annexure to Branch circular
No. 101/150 dated 06.11.2007 shall
Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)
continue to be referred to Staff
Administrative Division, HRD,HO)
2 Ex-gratia Medical Aid to Award Staff Zonal Manager and in
members- cases falling within the purview his absence National
of identified diseases at th level of DGM Banking GM
3 Ex-gratia Medical Aid to Award Staff National Banking GM
members- cases falling outside the purview and in his absence by
of identified diseases at the level of GM (HR)
General Manager (HR)
4 Sanction of increments in respect of Zonal National Banking GM
Managers in Scale V and VI and in his absence by
5 Request for Special Leave / 100% National Banking GM
Medical Aid in respect of injuries while on and in his absence by
duty. GM (HR)
(Ref. No. Head Office Branch Circular No.-104/124 dated 11.01.2011)
Delegation of Authority in respect of HR related issues
of staff members posted at LCBs / MCBs

1 Sanction of gratuity For award staff and officer upto Scale

payment III, the delegated authority will be the
2 Release of annual Chief Incubment not less than the rank
increment of AGM of the concerned LCB / MCB. In
3 Regularisation of respect of MCBs headed by scale IV
unauthorised absence officials, the delegated authority will be
/ leave on loss of pay / the official of the rank of AGM and
extra-ordinary leave on above from the concerned Divisional
no pay no allowance Manager's Office.
basis up to a period of
360 days For Scale IV and above, the delegated
authority will be the General Manager
(HR), Head Office.
However, the Chief Incumbent of the respective branch (LCB/MCB) will
approve / sanction reimbursement claims such as conveyance, newspaper,
entertainment etc. and other routine HR related matter.

(Ref.No. - Head Office Adm.Circular No.- 2011-12/2 dated 02.11.2011)

Strengthening of Security Arrangements:
Security Precautions for Cash in Transit
As per extant instructions, following security precautions are to be followed for
cash in transit :
Cash Van : Cash can be transported in Bank's own or hired cash van which
should be properly modified as per Bank's necessary security requirement like
cash cage with grill gate, hook and chain for chaining the cash boxes, alarm
system, GPS. The Cash Vans are generally being fabricated on Mahindra
Bolero / Tata Sumo/Tata Xenon Vehicles.
Shadow Van: In case the amount to be transported exceeds Rs.1.00 crore (for
permitted limit), an additional vehicle with at least one Armed Guard should be
used as "shadow van". This shadow vehicle should follow the cash van. No
remittance should exceed the insurance limit.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Cash Escort : The cash is required to be escorted by 2 Armed guards,
preferably Bank's own guards. These guards should be equipped with 12 Bore
Pump Action Guns or at least 12 Bore DBBL Guns. The guards while escorting
should keep their guns loaded with safety catch on. While one Armed Guard
should sit next to the Driver and the second guard should sit behind the driver.
Cashier: Mobile phone provided on hired cash van should be with the cashier,
so that he is in communication with the currency chest and the branches. The
Cashier and staff should have the telephone numbers of all branches and
police stations enroute, so that these can be contacted immediately in case of
any emergency.
Driver: The vendor of hired cash van should submit the police verification
report in respect of driver provided on the cash van. All drivers should be
holding valid driving license. Necessary documents related to cash van should
be up-to-date and be available in the vahicle.
Use of 2-wheeler The use of 2-wheeler for transportation of cash should be
avoided and undertaken only when no 4 wheeler vehicle is available. However,
the amount to be transported should NOT exceed Rs.2.00 lacs.
(Ref. No. Head Office Circular Letter No.- 2015-16/75 dated 30.07.2015 )
Time and again Bank has been advising the branches by way of circulars about
the lapse and precautionary measures to be taken against con game so that these
type of cases are not repeated. However, the branch staff are paying scant regard
to security measures to be taken for protection of bank cash.
Following points are the example of absolute carelessness on the part of the
branch staff due to which such incident has been occuring:
a) After bringing the cash from vault room the Chief Cashier and cashier did
not bother to close the cabin door / main entrance door to cash area
b) The brief case, in which cash was kept, was kept behind the cashier's cabin
and without any lock and chain.
c) Fully knowing that some gangs are operating in the area who try to cone the
branch staff in this manner, all the staff were very eager to answer to the
questions of these gang including the cashier.
d) The Armed Guard posted at the Branch did not bother to check that cabin
door was not closed and did not get alerted when about 8 to 10 people
engaged the staff in talk.
e) The Branch designated security officer did not bother to check that all
security precautions as advised by Head Office are being followed by the
branch staff.
f) The Cashier of the branch was very careless in handling the cash of the
Head Office has advised the following points should be followed at branches to
avoid any such type of incidence in future:
a) When the cash is being brought out from the vault room the main door must
be kept locked and no one including staff should be allowed inside.
b) Once the cash has been brought inside the cash cabin the cash box should
be kept under lock and chain.
c) All doors leading to the backside of the cash cabin should be locked with a
night latch. The cashier who is sitting inside the cabin must always keep the
door of the cabin locked.

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

d) The cashier should not get involved in any talk with a customer if it is not
pertaining to cash.
e) The branch designated security officer should take a round of the branch
specially the cash area to ensure that all security arrangements are in
f) Armed Guard if posted in the branch should take a round of the branch any
security lapse is noticed he should bring it to the knowledge of branch
manager / branch designated security officer immediately.
g) Armed Guard if posted should be alert and on the lookout for any unusual
activity and alert the staff immediately.
(Branch Circular No.-109/99 dated 27.07.2015)
Members of the unions/ units are hereby advised to the above instructions
of Head Office strictly to avoid any action against them.

i. Over the Counter : Banknotes tendered over the counter should be

examined for authenticity through machines and such of these determined as a
counterfeit one, shall be stamped as "COUNTERFEIT NOTE" and impounded
as detailed in Annexure I. Each such impounded note shall be recorded
under authentication, in a separate register.

ii. Bulk Receipts at Back Office / Currency Chest

Procedure as at 2 (i) is to be followed where notes are received directly at the
back office / currency chest through bulk tenders.

3. When a banknote tendered at the counter of a bank branch or treasury is found

to be counterfeit, an acknowledgement receipt in the format (Annexure 11) must be
issued to the tenderer, after stamping the note as in Paragraph 2 i. The receipt, in
running serial numbers, should be authenticated by the cashier and tenderer.
Notice to this effect should be displayed prominently at the offices / branches for
information of the public, The receipt is to be issues i even in cases where the tenderer
is unwilling to countersign it.

4. No credit to customer's account is to be given for counterfeit notes, if any, in the

tender received over the counter or at the back-office I currency chest.

5. In view of the revision in the system of detection of counterfeit notes by banks,

the following changes may be noted with respect to existing compensation and
penalty for non-detection of counterfeit notes:

i. Compensation
The instructions on compensation to banks at 25% of the notional value of
counterfeit notes detected and reported and the system of lodging claims for
compensation by Forged Note Vigilance Cell of banks stand withdrawn.

ii. Penalty
Penalty at 100% of the notional value of counterfeit notes, in addition to the
recovery of loss to the extent of the notional value of such notes, will be imposed
under the following circumstances:

a) When counterfeit notes are detected in the soiled note remittance of the bank.
b) If counterfeit notes are detected in the currency chest balance of a bank

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

during Inspection / Audit by RBI.

Annexure I
Format of the stamp for impounding
A stamp with a uniform size of 5 cm x 5 cm with the following inscription may be


Annexure II
Format — Acknowledgement Receipt to be issued to the tenderer of counterfeit
Name of the Bank / Treasury/ Sub-treasury:
Serial Number of the Receipt:

The note (s) described below received from (Name and Address of the tenderer)
is/are counterfeit and has/have therefore been impounded and stamped accordingly.

Serial number of the note Denomination Parameter on which the note

deemed as counterfeit is deemed as

Total number of counterfeit notes:

(Signature of the Tenderer) (Signature of the counter staff)

(Head Office Circular Letter No.-2015-16/75 dated 30.07.2015)
Transfer / Rotation of clerical Staff members are being governed in terms of Head
Office IOM No. HO:HR:IR:VGK:I-08dated 03.04.2010(TEXT OF THE IOM)

Transfer / rotation of
Clerical Staff members
The Banking being a sensitive service Industry, it is desired that the staff should not
remain at one particular place for long and should necessarily be transferred / rotated within the
Branches / Offices. This will not only ensure updating their knowledge but will also sharpen their
skills, resulting in enhancing their competency and capability. Moreover, transferability is a
measure of preventive vigilance also. The transfers of staff members are required to be effected
to meet these objectives.

02. As per the provisions of Bipartite Settlements / various Awards, the services of
clerical staff are transferable anywhere in exigencies and that of subordinate staff

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

within the language area. Such transfers are left to the discretion of the Bank
management, who is in the best position to judge the requirement and post the
requisite personnel at the required place. Transfer of the staff member is the
prerogative of Bank’s management. Though the provisions of Bipartite Settlements
and various Awards have given powers to the Bank’s management regarding
transferability of Award Staff members, for administrative convenience and to
maintain uniformity, our Bank has issued various guidelines / instructions from time
to time in this regard.

03. We reiterate in brief the guidelines / instructions which are in vogue, issued vide various
Branch Circulars / Administrative Circulars / Circular IOMs etc. for your ready reference:-

a) Posting of any clerical staff at a Branch / Office should not be extended beyond 5
years. Rotation of staff within the same Branch/ Office should also be effected at
specific intervals preferably on year to year basis;
b) Transfer of Clerical Staff would be on the basis of first-come first-go at the concerned
Branch / Office as the case may be;
c) Inter-Branch / Office transfers of clerical staff would generally be effected amongst
the staff working at places where two or more Branches / Offices of the Bank are
situated within the same city municipal limits/ urban agglomeration or within the limits
of group of Corporations / municipality / panchayats etc. grouped together;
d) Transfers of clerical staff drawing Special Pay for different categories of posts such as
Special Assistants, Head Cashiers, Computer Terminal Operators etc. are to be
effected within the same category between two Branches / Offices or amongst group
of Branches / Offices at the same place as mentioned in (c) above.
e) Transfer of clerical staff not drawing any special pay should also be effected between
two branches / offices or group of branches / offices as mentioned in (c) above, as
the case may be;
f) Zonal Offices should maintain the Branch / Office-wise list of the staff members, along
with the other details, and effect the transfer exercise on yearly basis, preferably in
the month of April-May;
g) Transfers are to be effected in such a manner that the normal work at the Branches /
Offices is not disrupted. It is not necessary that transfers of all concerned staff
members at all the Branches are effected simultaneously. If the number of staff
members being transferred is large, the same can be done in a phased manner;
h) In respect of physically challenged staff members, whose mobility is restricted, the
specific cases to be looked into sympathetically and are not to be brought under the
purview of guidelines regarding transferability. Further, the Government guidelines are
also to be followed while effecting transfers in respect of staff members having
physically / mentally challenged child / children. Similarly, staff members having less
than one year service left for retirement may not be brought under the purview of
transfer under these guidelines.
i) In respect of Branch Union representatives, he / she may be transferred after
completion of his/her term as Branch Union representative (a term of maximum 3
years) or after completion of 5 years whichever is later. In case he/she is re-elected
as Branch Union representative for successive second term, he/she may be
transferred after completion of the said term as Branch Union representative.
However, the same cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
j) These being administrative transfers, seniority of the concerned transferee will not
be affected for the purpose of any future assignment of Special Pay carrying duties;
k) Transfers should be within the Branches/Offices grouped together as mentioned in
Para (c) above, wherein the applicable rate of City compensatory allowance and / or
House Rent Allowance is the same;

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Periodical job rotation of clerical staff is to be effected at fixed intervals (preferably
on yearly basis) within the same Branch / Office, so that all the clerical staff members
are familiarised with various banking operations;
m) For the purpose of effecting transfers, it may, at times, become necessary to transfer
clerical staff who may have put in less than 5 years’ service at a particular Branch /
04. The above-mentioned guidelines / instructions are indicative and not exhaustive. We have
compiled the gist of guidelines / instructions issued from time to time vide the following
communications which may be referred to for further details :-

(i) Circular Letter No.PERS:ZM:82/18 dated 12.03.1982;

(ii) Circular IOM. No. P:IR:95-96:9 dated 18.07.1995;
(iii) Circular IOM. No.P:TR:A:GNB:4320 dated 13.11.1995;
(iv) Circular IOM No.P:IR:(A):865 dated 22.12.1995;
(v) Circular IOM. No.P:IR:VBG:805 dated 17.01.1998;
(vi) Circular IOM. No.P:IR:0157 dated 05.05.1998.
05. It may please be noted that deployment of clerical staff, as envisaged in terms of 8th
Bipartite Settlement provisions, is different from the administrative transfers undertaken and
hence the provisions of deployment of staff are not applicable for periodical transfer / rotation of
staff members. You are requested to be guided accordingly.

Sd/- (G.C. Tewari)

General Manager (HR)

Request Transfers of Award Staff Members are being governed by the guidelines as
mentioned in the following communications:

Head Office Circular No. - PERS/JND/33 dated 16.06.1971

Head Office Branch Circular No. 80/175 dated 02.07.1986 (Ref. P/IR/VVJ dated

Head Office Branch Circular No. 91/159 dated 02.07.1997 (Ref. P/IR/VBG dated


Inter-Office Memorandum
From To,
The General Manager, The Zonal Manager,
Head Office, Human Resources Dept All Zones, H.R. Department
Industrial Relations Division
Ref No.: HO: HR:IR:VGK-I-1382:C2 -26 Date 22.02.2008

Selection and Assignment of duties of Special Pay carrying posts

Staff members transferred under deployment policy of 8th
Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005
As per the provisions of 8th Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005, a clerical staff
member deployed from a surplus centre to a deficit centre is entitled to draw a lumpsum

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

amount of Rs.400/- per month. The period of deployment has been mentioned in the said
Settlement and repatriation to the original centre of the deployed staff is also provided in
the Settlement.

2. In the backdrop of this situation, we are in receipt of queries from the Zones
regarding eligibility of deployed staff for the purpose of selection and assignment of
duties of Special Pay carrying posts. In this connection, we have to advise that -

i. A Clerical staff member deployed from a surplus centre to a deficit center will be
eligible to be considered for selection and assignment of duties of Special Pay
carrying posts of permanent in nature (for Unspecified Period) at the surplus
centre (the centre from where he has been transferred).

ii. (ii) A Clerical staff member deployed from a surplus centre to a deficit center will
not be eligible to be considered for selection and assignment of duties of Special
Pay carrying posts of permanent in nature (for Unspecified period) at the deficit
centre (the present centre where he has been deployed). However, he is eligible
for drawing special pay for Specified (temporary) period at the said deficit centre
(the present centre where he has been deployed) for carrying out such the duties
bearing Special Pay

iii. (iil) Despite the aforesaid situation, in case a deployed staff member desires to be
considered eligible for filling up vacancy of Special Pay carrying post of permanent
in nature (for Unspecified Period) arised at the Centre, where he has been
deployed, such staff member should be specifically advised, before accepting his
application for the said post, that if such duties are eventually assigned to him for
unspecified period
(a) he will have to forego his allowance of Rs.400/- per month

(b) he will also have to forego his right to return to his original centre after
completion of the specified duration of 2/3 years. as per Clause 32 of the
Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005:

(c) the emoluments / salary payable to him will be as applicable to the Branch I
Office where such Special Pay carrying post has been identified.

4. You are requested to be guided by the aforesaid advice while dealing with the
uses / applications received by you while undergoing selection process I assigning duties
attracting Special Pay. Please bring the aforesaid instructions to the notice of Branches I
staff members.

(Ref No.: HO: HR:IR:VGK-I-1382:C2 -26 dated 22.02.2008)

Inter-Office Memorandum
From To,
The General Manager, The Zonal Manager,
Head Office, Human Resources Dept Kollcata Zone
Industrial Relations Division Attention : Personnel Deptt
Ref No. HO:P:IR:VGK:1-699: C2 -26 Date 09.09.2006

8th Bipartite Settlement dated 2nd Jane, 2005

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

Deployment of Clerical Staff
Please refer to your IOM Nc.ZO:PERS:NKM:3900 dated 28th August, 2006
seeking clarification on certain aspects in the captioned matter.

2. Regarding the deployment of Clerical Staff pursuant to the provision of 8"

Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005, detailed guidelines have already been issued vide
cur Administrative Circular No.2005-06/12 dated D2.11.2005 and 2006-07f3 dated
27.052006. You are recanted to be guided by the said guidelines / instructions for
smooth implementation of the terms of Settlement

3. We observe from your IOM No. Z0:PERS:NKH-2814 dated 11.07.2006 that your
views regarding payment / non-payment of Iumpsum amount of Rs.400/- pm. to the staff
members. deployed as pa guidelines given vide aforesaid Administrative Circulars, are
not in agreement with the protons of Inipetite Settlement

4. We wish to bring it to your notice that for effecting rotational transfers I

administrative transfers, the concept of Centre defers from Zone to Zone. In view of the
said situation, the Centre concept which is presently being taken as a basis (prior to 8th
Bipartite Settlement / suggested Centre, concept) for effecting rotation / administrative
transfers of Clerical Staff may be continued. If a Clerical staff is transferred out of the
present Centre (as per the existing Centre concept) whether within district or within 100
kms. from present place of posting outside District, he will be entitled for getting lumpsum
amount of Rs.400/- p.m, besides protection of emoluments drawnl by him at the original
Centre, as per provisions of 8th Bipartite Settlement.
5. Regarding Centre concept for selection of Special Allowance carrying post, as
mentioned in pars 2(ii), you may continue with the present procedure / practice for filling
up the vacancies (of permanent nature) attracting Special Allowance. We trust the
aforesaid clarification will suffice the purpose.

Inter - Office Memorandum
From . The Zonal Manager
The General Manager All Zones
Head Office Attn: Personnel Department
Industrial Relations Divn.

Ref. NO : HO:P:IR:CMR:I-113:C2-26 Date:27.10.2005

Deployment of Clerical Staff from Surplus Cadre

to Deficit Centre effected on or after 01.02.2001
Payment of Compensation

We have vide our IOM No. HO P:IR:CMR:1-895 dated 23.09.2005 called for the
details on the captioned matter from all the Zones.

2. In this connection, we advice that you may pay the compensation of lump sum
amount of Rs.400/- per month (not ranking for any other benefit) besides protection of
emoluments drawn at the Original Centre to the Clerical Staff who were/have been

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

transferred by the Bank on administrative exigencies for the period they remained at the
Transferee Centre.

3. Please note that the Clerical Staff who have been transferred on their selection for
assignment of duties carrying Special Pay for Unspecified Period and who have been
transferred on their request are not eligible for the said compensation.

You may advise the concerned Branches/Offices accordingly.

Bank of India Head Office Personnel Department (Industrial Relations Division)
Administrative Circular No.: 2006-0713 Ref: HO:P:IR:RS

Deployment of Clerical Staff pursuant to the provisions of 8th

Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005
Guidelines to be followed for smooth and uniform
implementation of the terms of settlement

In continuation to our Administrative Circular No. 2005-06/12 dated 02.11.2005, we

further wish to advise that the following guidelines may also be followed while carrying
out the exercise of deployment of clerical staff, pursuant to the relevant provisions of the
8th Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005 :-

(i) As already stated in the aforesaid Bipartite Settlement. the deployment of clerical
staff shall normally be done anywhere within a District, irrespective of the distance
involved, or upto a distance of 100 kms. from his/her existing place of posting in
case the deployment is proposed to be effected to any Branch / Office of the Bank
situated outside the District. However, taking into account the Bank's
requirements, in case it is proposed that the deployment needs to be done beyond
the aforesaid limits, the matter may be referred to the Head Office, Personnel
Department, alongwith full details and your comments on the need for the
proposed deployment.
(ii) Whenever a Centre is considered to be a 'Deficit Centre', warranting the
vacancies to be filled by way of deployment of clerical staff, priority may be given
for deployment to those clerical staff members, who have made a request to be
transferred to the said Centre. However, in case the Centre ! Branch / Office turns
deficit on account of such transfer, the vacancy thus caused shall be filled by way
of fresh deployment.
(iii) As already stated in the aforesaid Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005, the
period of deployment shall be 2 years in a hardship Centre and 3 years in the
other Centres. For this purpose, the hardship Centres shall be those, which have
been so classified for the Bank's Officers.
(iv) While identifying the staff member(s) to be deployed from one Centre to another,
the principle to be followed should be that the clerical staff member, having the
shortest tenure at the concerned Centre, should be considered for such
deployment, before the other staff members who are having a comparatively
longer tenure in the said Centre.

However, the Clerical staff members who have come to the said Centre on
transfer from some other Centre, as also the lady staff members who have joined

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

the Banks service at the concerned Centre on compassionate grounds, shall be
exempted from being deployed to any other Centre for a period of 5 years from
the date of their joining the Bank's service at that Centre.

Moreover, after a staff member, who is thus deployed to another Centre is

repatriated to the original Centre or to any other Centre opted by him (in case it
is administratively not possible for the Bank to repatriate the employee to the
original Centre), he / she will be exempted from being deployed to any other
Centre, till all the other staff members, irrespective of their length of service at
the Centre, are deployed to other Centres in terms of the aforesaid Settlement.

2. We trust that the aforesaid guidelines, read alongwith our Administrative Circular
No. 2005-06/12 dated; 02.11.2005, will enable you to streamline the process of
deployment of clerical staff in your Zone, in accordance with the relevant provisions of
the . Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2006.
3. Needless fp mention, in case any clarification is desired in this regard, you may
refer the matter to the Head Office, Personnel Department (I.R. Division) for the desired
Ref: HO:P:1R:CMR: Administrative Circular No. 200506/12
Date: 02.11.2005.
Dear Sir,

Bipartite Settlement dated 02.06.2005

Deployment of Clerical Staff

Please refer to our Branch Circular No. 99/64 (Sub:Personnel/2005-06/06) dated

21.07.2005 wherein we have reproduced the provisions of 8th Bipartite Settlement that
are applicable to our Bank.

2. Vide para 9 of the said Branch Circular, we have mentioned that necessary
guidelines regarding deployment of Clerical Staff would be issued separately.

3. You may now explore the possibility of re-deploying the Clerical Staff members in
terms of the said provisions keeping in mind the following guidelines :
(i) Redeployment of Clerical Staff is restricted to transfer from Surplus Centre to
Shortage Centre.
(ii) ii) No vacancy will be created at such Surplus Centres on account of
redeployment to shortage Centres and hence not to be filled in.
(iii) Surplus and Deficit Centres may be determined by the Zonal Offices.
(iv) Deployment in respect of Clerical Staff mentioned at SI-.No.(vii), (viii) and (ix) of
the Schedule - V of the aforesaid Circular shouId be referred to Head Office -
Personnel Department for approval of General Manager (HR) before effecting the
(v) If a Staff member, who is drawing Special Pay on regular basis is transferred to
another Centre under these provisions, based on length of stay at the Centre /

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

City / Branch / Office, will continue to draw the Special Pay he was drawing at the
previous Centre.
(vi) where the deployment is warranted beyond 100 kms. in terms of provisions of
pars 535 and 536 of the Sastri Award, the terms and conditions mentioned for
transfer within 100 kms. shall be applicable to such transfers also.
4. If you require any clarification in the matter, please write to us.
Yours faithfully,

Some Clarifications by AIBEA

1. This industry level agreement on mobility deals only with transfer of

employees from surplus to deficit area, if any. This is in continuation of Clause
32 of 7th Bipartite Settlement, which provided for Bank level agreements on
deployment of staff from surplus to deficit areas.

2. In this agreement, we have evolved some industry level norms for deployment
of employees from surplus area to deficit areas. Hence this settlement does not
cover any other case of mobility like rotational transfers, general transfers,
periodical transfers, request transfers, mutual transfers etc.

3. These norms are only applicable to Clerical employees and not for
Subordinate staff.

Deployment Norms:

(A) If there is a surplus staff in a centre, an employee can be deployed to a deficit

centre anywhere within the District.

(B) If vacancies are not there within the district, deployment can be upto a
maximum distance of 100 kms.

(C) In such an event, the emoluments will be protected (i.e. same HRA,CCA drawn
at a higher centre will be continued even at a lower centre will be continued
even at a lower centre)

(D) Additional compensation will be paid at rs.400/- per month.

(E) Repatriation to original centre after 2 years from difficult centres and 3 years
from other centres.

(F) If after this 2/3 years, immediate vacancy is not available for repatriation,
employee may go to another nearby centre by giving 3 options. But still the
compensation of Rs.400/- will continue till repatriated to the original

(G) Ladies above 55 years and gents above 56 years will not be disturbed on

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

(H) If in contingency, adequate number is not available, the same may be relaxed
upto 58 years.

(I) For physically handicapped employees, there will be no deployment as per

Government guidelines.

(J) Parents of mentally handicapped /spatic children and employees with serious
ailments will not be disturbed on deployment unless equivalent medical
facilities are available at the deployed centre.

(K) For North East States, Bank level norms can be worked out with in the above

1. Where there is no settlement in a Bank on deployment from surplus to deficit, or

where the norms are less than the above, the industry level norms i.e. Clause (A) to (K)
will apply.

- If the distance is less, it will be upgraded to District /100 kms.

- If facilities like compensation, protection of emoluments, repatriation are not

presently available in a particular bank level agreement on deployment from surplus to
deficit, the same will be extended in that Bank.

2.Where the existing norms in any Bank are more than this, the same will continue.

3.Other Bank level arrangements / policies on other types of transfer will continue as it






Claim application by employee

Own contribution for pension optee
Own + Bank’s contribution for PF optee

GRATUITY CLAIM - Payable on Employees’ Death, incapacitation, termination of

service, Retirement on superannuation, voluntary retirement, resignation after 10 years
of service

Calculation sheet as per claim under-

Bipartite Settlement
Payment of Gratuity Act,1972

Pensioner’s Profile

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

ii) Service Particulars of employee (Pensioner)
Nomination for Pension , Commutation
Commutation of Pension

List of papers required

Covering letter from the branch
Request application for Family pension
Family Pension Profile
Worksheet for Family Pension
Death Certificate duly attested
2 latest Passport size photograph of the applicant
Other format required, if any.



To avoid delay and process the application expeditiously, we advise the zones
to maintain a checklist and forward us the following listed documents with duly
filled up application form-
(i) Covering Letter of the zone giving family backgrounds, other
details like family income etc., zone's recommendations and
justification for their recommendation specifying grounds and post
for which they are referring the applicant
(ii) Duly filled up application form alongwith photograph containing
recommendation of the Branch / Zone
(iii) Death Certificate of the deceased employee
(iv) Details of disciplinary action contemplated / initiated / pending, if
any, against the deceased employee
(v) Indicate the place of Home Town of the deceased employee and
preference of applicant's posting alongwith the zone
(vi) In case, if spouse is applying for the appointment under the said
scheme, then marriage certificate should be obtained
(vii) Consent Letter / No Objection Certificate of all the dependent
family members
(viii) Ration Card containing the name of the applicant along with other
family members
(ix) Duly Certified (verify with originals) below mentioned documents
by the branch/zone
(a) SSC Certificate confirming date of birth of the applicant
(b) All other educational qualification mark sheets and certificate
(x) Details of source of income of applicant and other family
members, if any in a separate sheet
(xi) Photo Identity Card of the applicant (Aadhar Card, Pan Card,
Voters ID Card,Passport etc)
(xii) Before forwarding the application, please confirm that the lower
age limit of the applicant should not be below 18 years
(xiii) Please indicated the number of days' of loss of pay of deceased
employee specifying how the "No Pay No Allowance" has been
treated at your end ( whether the leave is regularises or any
disciplinary action is initiated)
( Administrative Circular No. 2015-16/1 dated 28.08.2015

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)


Group saving Linked Insurance Scheme (GSLI)

All employees are covered under the scheme. Premium is paid by the bank Rs.
600/- p.a. On the death in harness, Rs. 50000/- plus savings portion of
premium with interest will be paid to the legal heir of the deceased. The break
up of Rs.600/- is as follows : Rs.210/- per year goes towards LIC Premium ,
Rs390/- per year to the credit to running account to be maintained under the
policy to provide for the benefit payable on the terminal date or upon cessation
of membership; other than death before the terminal date.
(Ref. No.:Head Office Branch Circular No.: 92/58 Dt. 15.07.98)
SILVER PLATE WITH BANK NAME & LOGO( approx. weight 250 gms)





1. Rs.1.00 lac immediately after death to the Spouse / dependant of the employee
given by branch under Death Relief Scheme.

2. Rs.50000/- under Group Linked Insurance Scheme

3. Rs.80000/-(at present) under Staff Benevolent Scheme (to the members of the
scheme only)

4. Provident Fund Contribution up to the date of death plus Bank’s Contribution on

P.F. or Pension (as the case may be)

5. Encashment of PL upto a maximum of 240 days

6. Gratuity as per B.P.S. or as per Gratuity Act whichever is higher subject to a

maximum of Rs.10.00 lacs

7. Spouse of the deceased employee can become the member of BOI REMAS, if not
gainfully employed (gainfully employed means monthly salary / wages is Rs.2550
or more)

Complied by: Bank of India Employees' Union (Jharkhand State)

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