Ej 1122636
Ej 1122636
Ej 1122636
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
This study investigated the impact of in-service training and staff development on workers’ job performance and
optimal productivity in public secondary schools in Osun State, Nigeria. The study used the ex-post-facto
research design. Three research questions and three hypotheses were generated and tested using questionnaire
items adapted from Raja et al (2014) but subjected to manipulation by the researchers which contained closed
ended type of questionnaire based on the research questions and hypotheses and was structured on a four points
Likert scale. The instrument was administered to a purposely selected population of 152 respondents while 134
questionnaires were returned. Data generated were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Multiple
Regression Analysis to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings show that results showed
that in-service training and staff development had insignificant combined effects but significant relative effects
on workers’ optimal job productivity. The study therefore recommended that schools should design proper and
functioning in-service training and staff development programmes for their workers to boost their morale,
enhance their performance and in addition ensure that workers training are conducted frequently to ensure they
cope with changing technological environment and organizational climate in schools.
Keywords: in-service training, staff development, productivity, optimal job performance, Osun State, Nigeria
1. Introduction
The history of training can be traced to industrial revolution in the eighteen century when technological
advancements created an ongoing need for workers training. On the other hand, training and development
evolved when Fredrick Taylor recognized that workers are important and efficient as machine. Taylor asserted
that it is the workers and management that set the pace for production. Hence, there is need for manpower
training and development in order to enhance the organizational predetermined goal. Aroge (2012) asserts that
“scientific management is not a collection of technique only to increase efficiency, but rather a philosophy of
being accomplished by workers training and development”.
In Nigeria, the origin of manpower training and development can be traced to the Ashby Commission
set up in 1959 to conduct an investigation into Nigeria’s personnel need in the areas of post-secondary school
certificate and higher education over the next twenty years. Following this development, the Federal
Government has since established a number of training institutions such as:
(i) The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1971;
(ii) The Nigerian Council for Management Development (the training arm of the institution is known as
Centre for Management Development (CMD) in 1973;
(iii) The Administration Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) in 1973;
(iv) The Nigeria Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) in 1979;
(iv) The Agricultural and Rural Management Training Institution (ARMTI) in 1980 and
(v) Michael Imoudu National Institute of Labour Studies (MINILS) in 1992.
Apart from the aforementioned, Aroge (2012) asserts that there are various federal and state training
centers all over the country. The private sectors also established their own training centers and schools while
many others depend on private consultants and university organized training programmes and seminars as well
as executive development and general management courses run by the Nigeria Institutes of Management (NIM)
and that of Institute of Personnel Management (IPM). It is pertinent to note that there must be continuous
reviews of manpower training to ensure that there is effectiveness throughout the organization so as to enable the
organization achieve its objectives. It is also believed that a vast majority of new employees have not been
prepared to perform the job they may encounter in their organizations irrespective of the technical or
professional education they received. According to Raja et al (2014) “there is therefore need for training and
retraining of the workers to perform new jobs and adapt to changing technology”.
Even though there is an avalanche of empirical studies on the effect of training and development on
productivity, the existing evidence suggests that research in this area is promising. Most of the studies reviewed
were carried outside the shores of Nigeria, while others were mostly done in the financial sector. The few studies
conducted on the educational sector did not focus on training and development. Unlike educational sector, most
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
Nigerian sectors could not survive the recent global financial crisis. Meanwhile, most of the challenges that had
threatened the foundations of the educational sector in Nigeria had been squarely blamed on the lack of
employees training in the sector. This study is therefore motivated by the need to fill these gaps.
The main object of every school management is to improve its performance but it can never be possible
without the efficient performance of workers. This is in consonance with the submission of Neelam et al (2014)
that “the performance management system came into effect as a management reform to address and redress
concerns, organizations had about performance”.
Workers’ in-service training and development are essential work activities that contribute significantly
to the overall effectiveness and profitability of schools. The effectiveness and success of a school lies on the
people who form the workforce and work within the school (Onuka, 2006). The observation of Onuka (2006) is
that “it is the developed human capital of a school that constitutes its performance. It follows, therefore, that
workers’ productivity in respect of achieving school goals and successes is a function of the quantum of the
relevant skills and knowledge, and positive work attitude workers have been able to acquire from constant
manpower development programmes whether through on the job training or in-house training programmes of out
of work training courses they attended”.
Workers’ Productivity refers to the accomplishment of workers or mere working effectiveness. In an
organization, efficiency and productivity are mostly realized at the levels of organization, process and
individuals and the interrelationships among these will define the vantage points of the organization. In
contributing to the overall goal of the organization, training and development processes are implemented as this
benefits not just the organization but also the individuals making up that organization (Onuka & Ajayi, 2012).
At its core is the improvement in the performance of individuals participating in training and
development activities. Learning is mostly achieved through in-service training and development therefore
means to be translated as organizational resource by which the people acquire, infer and utilized (Ezeani, 2013).
4. Research Questions
This study was guided by three main research questions.
RQ 1 Does in-service training affect workers’ optimal job performance in public secondary schools in Osun
State of Nigeria?
RQ 2 Is there any significant relationship between staff development and optimal job productivity f workers in
public secondary schools in Osun State of Nigeria?
RQ 3 Do in-service training and staff development have relative impact on workers’ optimal job productivity
in public secondary schools in Osun State of Nigeria?
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
5. Hypotheses
The following are the hypotheses that guided this study:
H01: In-service training does not affect workers’ optimal job performance in public secondary schools in
Osun State of Nigeria.
H02: There is no significant relationship between staff development and workers’ optimal job productivity in
public secondary schools in Osun State of Nigeria.
H03: In-service training and staff development does not have combined and relative effect on workers’
optimal job productivity in public secondary schools in Osun State of Nigeria.
Research Question 1
Does in-service training affect workers’ optimal job performance?
To answer this question, items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were used.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
Table 1: Mean Response on effect of in-service training on workers’ optimal job performance.
S/N Respondents’ Factors Mean SD Remarks
1 My school organizes in-service training for workers. 2.58 .51 Rejected
2 In-service training programmes in the school are frequent. 2.42 .52 Rejected
3 In-service training enhances my work capabilities. 3.12 .68 Accepted
4 In-service training motivates me to work effectively. 3.27 .79 Accepted
5. Due to in-service training, my competency level increases. 3.05 .63 Accepted
Grand Mean 2.88 .63 Rejected
The critical value for the analysis was 3.00. Result revealed that the grand mean was 2.88. Items 3, 4
and 5 were accepted because they had mean values greater than 3.0 while items 1 and 2 were rejected because
they have mean values lower than 3.0. The critical value was higher than the statistical value. This led to the
rejection of the statements. From the analysis it was concluded as follows: schools did not organize training for
workers; training programmes in schools are not frequent, training enhanced workers capabilities, training
motivated workers effectively and training increased the competence of workers in schools.
Hypothesis I
H01: In-service training does not affect workers’ optimal job performance.
Table 2: Summary of ANOVA Result on the effect of workers’ in-service training and workers’ optimal
Regression ANOVA
Model Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
R =.728a Regression 512.991 2 21.751 12.045 051a
R =.530 Residual 821.005 130 36.116
Adj.R2=.426 Total 1,333.996 132
Significant level at 0.05 (2 tailed).
Table 2 showed the summary of the ANOVA result on the effect of workers’ training and workers’
performance. Results revealed that workers in-service training does not significant affect workers’ performance
(F (132) =12.045; p ˃ 0.05). The result showed that the significance value of 0.051 was higher than the probability
value of 0.05. This showed insignificant relationship between in-service training and workers’ optimal job
performance. Therefore, the null hypothesis which stated that in-service training does not enhance workers’
optimal job productivity was accepted. It was therefore concluded that in-service training does not significantly
affect workers’ optimal job performance.
Research Questions 2
Is there significant relationship between staff development and optimal productivity?
Items 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 were analyzed to answer this question. The results of analysis were contained in table 4.4
Table 3: Mean Response on relationship between workers development and productivity.
S/N Respondents’ Factors Mean SD Remarks
6 There are well designed workers staff development programme 2.15 .62 Rejected
in my school.
Staff development allows me to learn new skills to perform 3.16 .77 Accepted
better on the job.
8 Through staff development, I cope with constant changes on the 3.05 .81 Accepted
9 My superior allows me to try my ideas. 2.52 .51 Rejected
10 I am less supervised due to existence of staff development 2.62 .60 Rejected
programmes in the school.
Grand Mean 2.70 .66 Rejected
The critical value for the analysis was 3.00. Result revealed that the grand mean was 2.88. Items 7 and 8
were accepted because they had mean values of 3.16 and 3.05 which were greater than 3.0 while items 6, 9 and
10 were rejected because they had mean values of 2.15, 2.52 and 2.62 which were lower than 3.0 critical value
pegged for the study. The critical value was higher than the statistical value. This led to the rejection of the
statements. From the analysis it was concluded as follows: there was no proper designed development
programmes in the schools; development allowed school workers to learn new skills needed to perform better on
their jobs; workers coped with constant changes on the job as a result of developmental programmes; superiors
do not allow subordinate to try their ideas and workers were rigorously supervised as a result of lack of
developmental programmes in schools.
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
Hypothesis II
H02: There is no significant relationship between staff development and workers’ optimal job productivity.
Table 4: Summary of Regression Result on the relationship between staff development and optimal job
Regression ANOVA
Model Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig
R =. 541a Regression 412.045 2 42.011 5.672 .065a
R =.293 Residual 620.682 130 23.091
Adj. R2 =.211 Total 1,032.727 132
Significant level at 0.05 (2 tailed).
Table 4 above depicted the summary of the regression result on the relationship between workers’
development and workers’ optimal job productivity. Results revealed that there was no significant relationship
between workers’ development and workers’ productivity (t (132) =5.672; p ˃ 0.05). The result showed that the
significance value of 0.065 was higher than the probability value of 0.05. This showed insignificant relationship
between workers’ development and workers’ optimal job productivity. Also, the R value of 54% (0.541) showed
that there was positive but mild relationship between workers’ development and productivity while the R2 value
of 29.3% (0.293) indicated that workers’ development accounted for 29% variation in workers’ productivity.
Therefore, the null hypothesis which stated that was no significant relationship between workers development
and productivity was accepted. It was therefore concluded that although, there was positive relationship between
workers development and workers’ productivity, the relationship was not significant.
Research Question 3
Do in-service training and staff development have relative impacts on workers’ optimal job productivity?
Items 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 were analyzed to proffer answer to this question. The analysis was shown in
table 4.6 below:
Table 5: Mean Response on relative effect of workers’ in-service training and staff development on workers’ job
optimal productivity.
S/N Respondents’ Factors Mean SD Remarks
11 I perform more when given in-service training. 3.61 .85 Accepted
12 My Performance and productivity increase due to enhanced 3.26 .63 Accepted
competency I exhibited.
13 My productivity increases as a result of reward system in my 2.73 .54 Rejected
14 My organization’s productivity increase due to the positive 3.17 83 Accepted
attitude of employees.
15 My organization’s productivity greatly depend on in-service 3.05 .68 Accepted
training & staff development
Grand Mean 3.14 .66 Accepted
The critical value for this type of analysis was 3.00. Result revealed that the grand mean was 2.88.
Items 11, 12, 14 and 15 were accepted because they had mean values greater than 3.0 while items 13 was
rejected because it had mean values lower than 3.0. The critical value was higher than the statistical value. This
led to the acceptance of the statements. From the analysis it was concluded as follows: workers performed more
when trained; workers performance and productivity increased due to enhanced competency they exhibited;
increase in workers’ productivity was not as a result of reward system in schools; schools’ productivity increased
due to the positive attitude of employees and schools productivity largely depends on training and development.
Hypothesis III
H03: In-service training and staff development do not have relative effect on workers’ productivity.
Table 6: Presentation of Regression Result on relative effects of in-service training and staff development on
workers’ productivity
Dependent Variable: Workers Performance
Variable Coefficient F-Stat F-Stat (Prob.) Sig. T-Test
In-service Training 7.265 7.281 0.061 0.052 8.429
Staff Development 5.590 0.061 9.452
Constant 6.507 0.055 2.781
R-Square = 0.825
Adj. R square = 0.692
Durbin Watson = 1.850
The result revealed that the coefficient of the constant term (6.507) was positive. This indicated that
positive association existed between dependent variable and independent variables. The coefficients of in-service
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
training and development were 7.265 and 5.590. The results indicated that in-service training and development
had positive effect on workers’ optimal job productivity.
The F-Stat value of 7.281 indicated the overall significance of the model. The value indicated that the
model is insignificant. The result indicated that the f-stat value was greater than the significance value of 0.061.
The R-square value of 83% also indicated the coefficient of determination for the model. The result
showed that in-service training and development for 83% of variation in workers’ productivity. The remaining
17% variation in workers’ optimal job productivity was accounted for by other factors other than the
independent variables.
Durbin Watson value of 1.850 was less than 2.0. This showed the multiple auto-correlation between in-
service training and development and workers’ optimal job productivity which also mean that there were
multiple auto-correlations between the independent variables and the dependent variables. Also, the value
indicated that the model possess the quality of a good model. This implied that the model was unbiased, efficient,
consistent and sufficient.
Conclusively, results showed that in-service training and staff development had insignificant combined
effect but significant relative effects on workers’ optimal job productivity.
8. Discussion
The study was guided by three hypotheses. The first and second hypotheses were analyzed using Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) while the third hypothesis was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results from
the analysis of the three statements of relationship formulated for the study were discussed in the subsequent
The result of the first analysis revealed that workers’ training does not significantly affect workers’
performance. The result was a result of lack proper in-service training programme and infrequency of training
programmes in schools. This result was in line with the conclusion of Oni et al (2013) and Atif et al (2011) who
concluded that workers’ training had insignificant effect on workers; productivity but the result refuted the
claimed by Chris (2011), Samaneh & Zoure (2014) and Aroge (2012) who found significant relationship
between workers’ training and workers’ performance.
Result also showed that there was no significant relationship between development and workers’
optimal job productivity. The result was as a result of the fact that most schools do not have well designed staff
development programmes. Superiors do not allow subordinates to try their ideas and the excessive workers
supervision of school workers as a result of lack of developmental programmes in schools. The result of the
study supported the findings of Iwuoha (2002) who concluded that staff development has no significant
relationship with workers’ productivity. It also disagreed with the conclusion of Ezeani & Oladele (2013) who
claimed that development had significant relationship with workers; performance.
The results further showed that in-service training and development had insignificant combined effect
on workers’ productivity. This finding was in line with the conclusion of Atif et al (2011) who found
insignificant relationship between workers’ training and development and workers’ productivity.
9. Conclusion
Personnel management is an important activity in school management which reflects the innovativeness of
workers in such schools and also indicates new way of working principles for working relations and enhancing
workers’ productivity and optimal job performance. In-service training and workers’ development should be
important issues in school personnel management since any goal driven schools should always strive to employ
the services of skilled and capable workers for better productivity. Workers competency increases when they
have the requisite knowledge and skills of doing the task assigned to them and these may not be readily available
at the entry point. This is made possible through the constant and frequent in-service training and development
programmes. In-service training and Development provide workers with the opportunities to improve their
career opportunities and enhances them to get better positions in the organization and in doing so, organizations
efficiency would be increased.
On the other hand, workers are the assets and resources of schools. In-service training would increase
their skills and enables them to perform better than those who are unskilled and untrained.
Workers in any school are the most invaluable asset for schools’ growth and development. As a result,
workers’ in-service training is an important component of workers’ development which helps school workers to
learn how to use the resources in an approved way and also allows schools to meet their desired targets.
10. Recommendations
Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, it was recommended among others that schools should design
proper and functioning in-service training programmes for their workers to enhance their performance. School
managements should also ensure workers training are conducted frequently to ensure they cope with changing
Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol.7, No.33, 2016
climate in schools. Workers should be given some degree of autonomy in the use of their ideas to ensure they
contribute positively to schools effectiveness and performance. Workers should be exposed to seminars,
conferences, workshops, regular professional training in areas such as career development, pre-service and off-
the-job-pupilage training. This will enhance their productivity in the schools and also enable them keep abreast
with the challenges posed by modern schools’ requirements.
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