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Tarbawi: The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development On Employee Performance at I3l

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Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan

Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan
p-ISSN: 2442-8809 |e-ISSN: 2621-9549
Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234

The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on

Employee Performance at i3L
Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya
Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka. Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India
e-mail: wiwiek.s83@gmail.com, tyawiji@gmail.com, iurusliana@uinsgd.ac.id, gn1752@myamu.ac.in

Submitted: 03-08-2023 Revised: 30-09-2023 Accepted: 07-10-2023

ABSTRACT. This study examines the effect of competency, training, and career development on
employee performance at the i3L staff. By utilizing 80 respondents from the i3L staff level obtained
from the saturated sampling technique, the researcher used a quantitative research framework with
survey data collection techniques using an ordinal Likert scale of 1-5. The researcher used SEM-PLS
analysis using the SmartPLS 4 application as a data processing tool. This study concludes that the
original sample (O) value is 0.400 for the competency variable, indicating a positive effect on
performance, with 2.515 > 1.96 as the T Statistics value and a P value of 0.012 <0.05 indicating the
competency variable has a significant effect on performance. The career development variable found
an original sample value (O) of 0.538, which indicates a positive effect on performance, with a T
statistic value of 3.262 > 1.96 and a P value of 0.001 <0.05, which indicates a significant effect on
performance. So, if the effect of competency and career development variables on performance is
positive and significant, these two variables, H0, are rejected, but H1 is accepted. In the training
variable on performance, the original sample value (O) was found to be 0.051, which indicates a
positive effect on performance. However, it was also found that the T statistical value of the training
variable on performance was 0.369 < 1.96, with P values having a value of 0.712 > 0.05, which
indicated that the effect was not significant. Because of this, i3L needs to improve more on suitable
training programs to improve the performance of employees.
Keywords: Career Development; Competence; Human Resources Management; Performance; Training.

How to Cite Setiawati, W., Maulida, W., Rusliana, I., & Abhipraya, F. A. (2023). The Effects of Competency,
Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L. Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan
Manajemen Pendidikan, 9(02), 221-234. doi:10.32678/tarbawi.v9i02.9250.

Globalization has increased the demand for high-quality human resources (HR) and has
created challenges for management in creating added value for organizations. At the same time,
the impact of globalization requires special attention from organizations in carrying out the HR
management function, which is far more challenging due to the diverse organizational cultures
(Reiche et al., 2019). Therefore, many impulses have emerged from HR practitioners to conduct
more profound research in human resources, which is more dynamic due to the global integration
process (Mzee, 2012; Reiche et al., 2019; Zheng, 2017). Today's organizations operate in a much
more complex, competitive, and challenging environment, requiring unique strategies for
sustainability, profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee performance to achieve goals in
global competition. Thus, globally, decision-making within organizations becomes increasingly
complex and intricate (Wotulo et al., 2018).

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Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

According to Bronfenbrenner, as cited in Palley (2018), one of the causes of increased

complexity in an organization is influenced by the global mobility of HR, such as the involvement
of foreign actors in collaborations to achieve global standards. Therefore, this also contributes to
new challenges for organizations to develop the quality of HR with the competencies required by
the organization and the global market. As one of the higher education institutions in the field of
Science in Indonesia, the Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) also strives to
enhance the quality of HR to fulfill its vision of becoming a globally connected and excellent
interdisciplinary higher education institution through science and innovation. Therefore, i3L,
particularly in HR management, continuously seeks to improve HR performance through
competency approaches, training, and employee career development.
According to Wibowo (2017), competency is a skill possessed by human resources (HR) in
performing a job task directly based on specific expertise related to the assigned task. This means
that competency is closely related to the skills of HR in carrying out corporate tasks. For this
reason, competency becomes an essential variable as it determines how corporate tasks assigned to
employees can be completed and achieved as per corporate expectations. On the other hand,
researchers like Rivai and Sagala (2013) explain that in the training variable, there is a more
systematic process to enhance the capacity of HR to perform specific job tasks. This is also related
to changing employee behavior within the organization to achieve organizational goals through
their work.
Furthermore, career development is crucial for employees within a company or corporation.
According to Wibowo (2017), career development is an effort made by employees in an
organization to strengthen their future career plans. This is also supported by the availability of
company management that provides good career opportunities, with clear career paths based on
defined indicators. All three variables, namely competency, training, and career development, are
often found to have an impact on HR performance. In this context, HR performance, as per
Narcisse and Harcourt in Prabowo et al. (2021), is a variable that can be assessed to measure the
abilities and contributions of employees to corporate development in business. Similarly, Boxall
Purcell in O'riordan (2017) states that HR performance is a variable used to evaluate the effects of
other variables on the abilities and contributions of employees within the corporation. It is also a
significant challenge for companies to learn and evaluate HR performance for efficiency
Previous research has shown that all three variables, competency, training, and employee
career development, positively impact HR performance within organizations. For instance,
research by Mardiyah and Purba (2019) explains a positive and significant effect of competency,
training, and career development variables on employee performance within an organization.
Furthermore, a study by Syahputra and Tanjung (2020) found that, in a partial framework, both
competency and career development significantly and positively influence employee performance
within an organization. However, in the same partial framework, the training variable was found
to have no significant positive impact on employee performance within the organization.
Nevertheless, a significant positive effect of all the variables under study was found when examined
in a simultaneous framework.
On the other hand, research by Rosalinda and Safrianto (2021) evaluating the impact of
training and career development on employee performance found that both training and career
development, both simultaneously and partially, significantly impact employee performance.
However, research by Melyscha Imanuella Keka and Tuti Wediawati (2021) found that training had
no significant impact on employee performance, while competency and career development, in
partial terms, had a significant effect on employee performance. Wotulo et al. (2018) also published
a similar finding, stating that the training variable did not have a positive and significant effect.

222 Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234
The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L

Based on previous research, it can be concluded that: 1.) Previous studies examining the
effect of competency, training, and career development on HR performance present diverse and
inconsistent findings in various cases, posing a challenge that requires further research to define
their impact; 2.) Previous research has primarily targeted non-education sectors in corporations
involved in finance/banking, mining, processed products, and culinary. However, building a model
of these four variables in the Education sector is essential to contribute to HR literature
comprehensively; 3.) Previous research tended to use SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) for data analysis. Therefore, researchers consider the need for different data analysis tools
to make research more comprehensive and contribute to human resource literature. Based on the
conclusions drawn by the researcher, this study aims to examine The Effect of Competency,
Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at the Indonesia International
Institute for Life Sciences (i3L), an institution in the Higher Education sector. In this regard, the
researcher will use Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with the utilization of the Partial Least
Squares (PLS) software, specifically SmartPLS, for this research.
According to Wibowo (2017), the dimensions and indicators of the competency variable
include Motivation, which encompasses the Willingness to achieve targets and the ability to
influence others in achieving targets; Character, which includes the ability to initiate problem-
solving and collaborate effectively with a team; Self-concept, which involves confidence in
completing tasks and maintaining a positive attitude toward tasks; Knowledge, which encompasses
task-related knowledge and critical thinking abilities; and lastly, Skills, which involve the effort to
seek the latest information and technical skills to complete tasks. Next, the training variable is
considered one of the strategic programs of a company to motivate and enhance employee skills
(Rivai & Sagala, 2013). The dimensions and indicators that can be used to measure the training
variable include Material, which covers indicators related to the suitability of training materials and
the improvement of performance quality; Method, which includes indicators related to training
methods for enhancing technical and non-technical skills; Trainer's skills, which encompass
indicators indicating the trainer's necessary skills and feedback opportunities in training; Training
facilities, which include indicators related to infrastructure adequacy according to expectations and
supporting infrastructure to enhance capacity.
Furthermore, employees in an organization highly anticipate the career development variable
as they seek higher rights or careers than before (Handoko & Rambe, 2018). The dimensions and
indicators of the career development variable start with Job Achievement, which includes the ability
to describe quality work and adhere to job SOPs and initiate improvements; Career Opportunities,
which include indicators of contributions beyond the scope of work and maintaining good
relationships with stakeholders; Employee Loyalty, which includes indicators of adhering to
company rules and being faithful to company values and culture; Mentor and Sponsor, which
includes indicators of having a mentor to guide and receiving sufficient sponsorship for
development; lastly, Management Support, which includes indicators of healthy career
opportunities provided by the company.
Moreover, according to Wibowo (2017), referring to the performance variable, it can be
described as a more systematic process associated with the work results of employees in an
organization. It relates to how the work process takes place to achieve the goals of the organization
where employees work (DeCenzo et al., 2013). The dimensions and indicators of the performance
variable start with Quality, which includes indicators of understanding work quality and completing
tasks with satisfactory results; Quantity, which includes indicators of completing tasks according
to the specified target quantity; Timeliness, which includes indicators of completing tasks on time
and utilizing spare time without disrupting work; Effectiveness, which includes indicators of the
ability to maximize available resources to complete tasks; lastly, Independence, which includes
indicators of the ability to complete tasks within the division and without the assistance of others.

Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234 223
Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

The authors have delineated the dimensions and indicators in the study related to all the variables
under investigation. Therefore, the following paradigm can be constructed:

Figure 1: Research Paradigm

Therefore, the researcher will explore the effects of competency, training, and career
development on employee performance at the Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences

The researcher conducted a quantitative study (Creswell & Creswell, 2017; Lexy et al., 2019).
Data collection techniques included a literature review to gather secondary data from reports, news,
journal articles, books, and various written sources. Additionally, the researcher used a survey
technique that utilized a questionnaire instrument to collect primary data, including respondents'
demographic information and data related to the four variables selected by the researcher to test the
research hypotheses. The scale used in this study was an ordinal Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 in
a closed-ended questionnaire. This scale was used to measure respondents' feedback tendencies
towards the items provided in the questionnaire instrument, with the number 1 representing
'Strongly Disagree' and the number 5 representing 'Strongly Agree.'
The population in this study consisted of 80 staff members at i3L. Using a saturated sampling
technique, the researcher included the entire population as the sample for this study. In order to
understand the constructed model of the effects of competency, training, and career development
on employee performance at i3L, the researcher employed the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
analysis technique based on Partial Least Squares (PLS) using the SmartPLS software. The
hypothesis testing conducted in this study are:
Table 1: Research Hypothesis
No Hypothesis
H0 is Rejected H0 is Accepted
1 H0: The competency variable does not have a significant effect P Value <0,05 P Value > 0,05
on the performance of i3L employees. or or
H1: The competency variable has a significant effect on the t value ≥ 1,96 t value < 1,96
performance of i3L employees.
2 H0: The training variable does not have a significant effect on P Value <0,05 P Value > 0,05
the performance of i3L employees. or or
H1: The training variable has a significant effect on the t value ≥ 1,96 t value < 1,96
performance of i3L employees.

224 Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234
The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L

3 H0: The career development variable does not have a significant P Value <0,05 P Value > 0,05
effect on the performance of i3L employees. or or
H1: The career development variable has a significant effect on t value ≥ 1,96 t value < 1,96
the performance of i3L employees.


Respondent Description
Based on the data recapitulation obtained through the survey conducted by the researcher,
the data related to the gender of the 80 respondents can be classified as follows:
Table 2: Genders
No Gender Number Percentage (%)
1 Male 40 50
2 Female 40 50
Grand Total 80 100
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that there are 40 respondents, or 50%, who
are male, and an equal number of respondents, which is 40, or 50%, who are female. Furthermore,
the results of the data recapitulation related to the age of the respondents can be classified as
Table 3: Age Range of Respondents
No Age (year) Number Percentage (%)
1 18-25 13 16,3
2 26-35 44 55
3 36-45 13 16,2
4 46-55 10 12,5
5 >55 0 0
Grand Total 80 100
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.
Based on the data recapitulation obtained by the researcher, the following conclusions can
be drawn regarding the age range of the respondents. Respondents aged 18-25 years make up 13
respondents, which is equivalent to 16.3% of the total. Respondents in the age range of 26-35 years
account for 44 respondents, which is equivalent to 55% of the total. Additionally, respondents in
the age range of 36-45 comprise 13 respondents or 16.2% of the total. Respondents aged 46-55
make up ten or 12.5% of the total. Finally, no respondents aged 55 years and above accounted for
0% of the total.
Regarding the level of education, the data recapitulation obtained by the researcher from the
survey can be classified as follows:
Table 4: Level of Educations
No Last Education Level Number Percentage (%)
1 Senior High School/Equivalent 10 12,5
2 Diploma/ Equivalent 3 3,8
3 Bachelor (S1)/ Equivalent 53 66,3
4 Master (S2)/ Equivalent 14 17,5
5 Doctoral (S3)/ Equivalent 0 0
Grand Total 80 100
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

The following conclusions can be drawn based on the data recapitulation obtained by the
researcher regarding the respondents' highest level of education. Respondents with the highest
level of education of high school (SMA)/equivalent account for ten respondents, equivalent to
12.5%. Respondents with the highest level of education of diploma/equivalent are three
respondents or 3.8% of the total. Furthermore, respondents with the highest level of education of

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Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

bachelor's degree (S1)/equivalent makeup 53 respondents, or 66.3% of the total. Respondents with
the highest level of education of master's degree (S2)/equivalent are 14, equivalent to 17.5% of the
total. Lastly, there were no respondents with the highest level of education at the doctoral level,
representing 0% of the total.
On the other hand, the survey results also provided data recapitulation related to the length
of service of the respondents, which can be classified as follows:
Tabel 5: Length of Working
No Length of Working (year) Number Percentage (%)
1 <1 19 23,8
2 1-3 16 20
3 3-5 16 20
4 5-7 11 13,7
5 >7 18 22,5
Grand Total 80 100
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

The following results are obtained based on the data recapitulation obtained by the researcher
regarding the respondents' length of service. Respondents with less than one year of work
experience amount to 19 respondents, which is equivalent to 23.8% of the total. Respondents with
1-3 years of work experience total 16 respondents, or 20%. Similarly, respondents with 3-5 years
of work experience also number 16 respondents, or 20% of the total. Respondents with 5-7 years
of work experience make up 11 respondents or 13.7% of the total. Finally, respondents with more
than seven years of work experience amount to 18 respondents, or 22.5% of the total.

Construct Model
The researcher constructed a structural model in the SEM-PLS analysis using the SmartPLS
4 application. Here is the structural model that forms the basis for the research analysis:

Figure 1: Construct Model

Based on the figure above, it can be described that X1.1 represents the competency variable
to X1.10, which means it has ten indicators/statement items used in the survey to obtain data. X2.1
represents the training variable to X2.11, which means it has 11 indicators/statement items. X3.1
represents the career development variable to X3.10, which means it has ten indicators/statement
items for measurement. On the other hand, for the dependent variable, it can be seen that Y1
represents the performance variable to Y8, which means it has eight indicators/statement items
used in the research instrument.

226 Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234
The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L

Testing Model Measurement (Outer Model)

Convergent Validity
Here are the results of the researcher's data analysis through the matrix of outer loadings:
Table 6: Outer Loadings
Indicator Competency Training Career Development Performance
X1.1 0.906
X1.2 0.743
X1.3 0.814
X1.4 0.882
X1.5 0.851
X1.6 0.891
X1.7 0.866
X1.8 0.921
X1.9 0.885
X1.10 0.883
X2.1 0.961
X2.2 0.935
X2.3 0.926
X2.4 0.939
X2.5 0.877
X2.6 0.969
X2.7 0.963
X2.8 0.922
X2.9 0.945
X2.10 0.989
X2.11 0.989
X3.1 0.915
X3.2 0.829
X3.3 0.808
X3.4 0.836
X3.5 0.779
X3.6 0.812
X3.7 0.804
X3.8 0.830
X3.9 0.821
X3.10 0.825
Y1 0.888
Y2 0.910
Y3 0.910
Y4 0.865
Y5 0.815
Y6 0.922
Y7 0.918
Y8 0.771
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

Based on the results of the data analysis conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded
that all indicators have values greater than 0.7, which means that all indicators can be considered
valid in this research. Here is the flowchart of the outer loadings obtained:

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Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

Figure 2: Outer loading flow diagram

Average Variance Extracted (AVE)

The researcher has processed the data to calculate the Average Variance Extracted (AVE).
Here is a summary of the data obtained:
Table 7. Result of Average Variance Extracted (AVE)
No Variable AVE Explanation
1 Competency 0.749 Valid
2 Training 0.898 Valid
3 Career Development 0.683 Valid
4 Performance 0.768 Valid
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

Based on the table provided, it can be seen that all variables, including Competency, Training,
Career Development, and Performance, have AVE values greater than 0.5. All constructs have met
the validity criteria in this context, as the AVE values are more significant than 0.5 (> 0.5). This
suggests that the constructs are reliable and explain more variance in their indicators than
measurement error.
Construct Reliability
Next is the discussion on construct reliability, which measures the reliability of latent
variables used in this research. The absolute requirement for construct reliability to be considered
reliable is to have a value above 0.70 (> 0.70). In this regard, one can refer to Cronbach's Alpha to
assess the values. Here are the results of the data analysis conducted by the researcher:
Tabel 8: Construct Reliability
Variable RH0_a Composite Reliability
Competency 0.962 0.965 0.968
Training 0.988 0.989 0.968
Career Development 0.949 0.954 0.990
Performance 0.956 0.959 0.964
Source: Results of processed research data, 2023.

If we refer to Table 8, which is the result of the researcher's data analysis, it can be concluded
that all constructs processed have demonstrated Cronbach's Alpha values greater than 0.70 (>
0.70). Therefore, all constructs used in this research are considered reliable. This indicates that the
measurement instruments used to assess these constructs have high internal consistency, and the
constructs are dependable for further analysis and interpretation of the research findings.

Structural Model Analysis (Inner Model)

228 Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234
The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L

Structural Equivalent
In this case, the researcher wants to analyze the structural equation of the data collected
using the structural model that has been built. Therefore, in this context, the researcher refers to
the Path Coefficients as follows:
Table 9: Path Coefficients
Variable Original T Statistics P Values
Sample (O) (IO/STDEV)
Competency-Performance 0.400 2.515 0.012
Training- Performance 0.051 0.369 0.712
Career Development- Performance 0.538 3.262 0.001

Referring to Table 9, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The number of the direct effect coefficient value of the competency variable on performance is
0.400, as seen from the Original Sample (O) value. In this case, it can be explained that if the
competency variable increases by a score of 1, then the performance variable will increase by
0.400. In this case, the assumption is that other variables are considered constant. This means
that the effect of the competency variable on performance has a positive effect.
2. The number of the direct effect coefficient value of the training variable on performance is
0.051, as seen from the Original Sample (O) value. In this case, it can be explained that if the
training variable increases by a score of 1, then the performance variable will increase by 0.051.
In this case, the assumption is that other variables are considered constant. This means that the
effect of the training variable on performance has a positive effect.
3. The number of the direct effect coefficient value of the career development variable on
performance is 0.538, as seen from the Original Sample (O) value. In this case, it can be
explained that if the career development variable increases by a score of 1, the performance
variable will increase by 0.538. In this case, the assumption is that other variables are considered
constant. This means that the effect of the career development variable on performance has a
positive effect.
Hypothesis Testing
The Effect of Competency on Employee Performance at i3L
Referring to Table 14 regarding the Path Coefficients, it can be concluded that the T Statistic
(IO/STDEV) value is 2.515 > 1.96, considering that the P-values have a value of 0.012 < 0.05. In
this case, the effect is considered significant. Therefore, the effect of Competency on Employee
Performance at i3L is significant. In this context, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, and H1
is accepted.
The Effect of Training on Employee Performance at i3L
Referring to Table 14 regarding the Path Coefficients, it can be concluded that the T Statistic
(IO/STDEV) value is 0.369 < 1.96, considering that the P-values have a value of 0.712 > 0.05. In
this case, the effect is considered not significant. Therefore, the effect of Training on Employee
Performance at i3L is insignificant. In this context, it can be concluded that H0 is accepted, and
H1 is rejected.
The Effect of Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L
Referring to Table 14 regarding the Path Coefficients, it can be concluded that the T Statistic
(IO/STDEV) value is 3.262 > 1.96, considering that the P-values have a value of 0.001 < 0.05. In
this case, the effect is considered significant. Therefore, the effect of Career Development on
Employee Performance at i3L is significant. In this context, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected,
and H1 is accepted.
Therefore, based on the discussion provided by the researcher, the direct effect of exogenous
variables on the endogenous variables in this study can be depicted as follows:

Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234 229
Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

Figure 3: The Direct Effect of Exogenous Variables on Endogenous Variables

The Effect of Competency on the Performance of i3L Employees
Based on the research results, data analysis revealed that the T Statistic (IO/STDEV) is
2.515, which is greater than 1.96, and the P-value is 0.012, which is less than 0.05. This indicates
that competency has a direct and significant effect, thus rejecting H0 and accepting H1 in the case
of staff-level employees at i3L.
Furthermore, the competency variable's direct effect coefficient, as seen from the Original
Sample (O) value, is 0.400. This means that if the competency variable increases by 1 point, the
performance variable will increase by 0.400 points, assuming that other variables remain constant.
In other words, the effect of competency on Performance is positive. Overall, respondents feel
that their competency is suitable for supporting their tasks at i3L, improving their Performance.
Therefore, the competency of staff-level employees at i3L significantly enhances their Performance
while performing their tasks at i3L.
This finding supports previous research studies with similar conclusions, such as the research
conducted by Vijh et al. (2022), who believe that competency positively and significantly affects
employee performance in information technology. However, contrasting debate still finds no
significant effect (Kucharska & Erickson, 2020). Like at i3L, in education in other case studies, a
positive and significant effect between competency and Performance has also been found (Qurtubi,
2023). Even in more extensive cases, competency leads to a deep and ingrained employee
personality that directly improves Performance (Wijayanto & Riani, 2021). The importance of
competency in improving employee performance is indeed reflected in research conducted by
(Mullins John, 1996), where competency has been found to assist a company in growing in the face
of an uncertain market through responsive employee performance. Therefore, it becomes a specific
urgency for companies to help improve employee competency (Syaifuddin, 2017).
According to Wotulo et al. (2018), competency in this context is a skill or expertise employees
possess to contribute to business development. Therefore, competency also has a positive impact
on employee performance in achieving the goals of the organization. The effect of competency on
the Performance of i3L employees has a positive and significant effect. The higher the competency
possessed, the higher the Performance provided by i3L employees in achieving the organization's
goals significantly. This conclusion also illustrates the contribution of competency alignment to
improving professional employee performance. When employees have high competency in their
tasks, the success rate in completing tasks in line with the company's targets will be more effective
and efficient to achieve (Syahputra & Tanjung, 2020).

230 Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, Vol. 9, No. 02, 2023, 221-234
The Effects of Competency, Training, and Career Development on Employee Performance at i3L

This finding also provides a new perspective that the dynamics of the effect of competency
on employee performance are predominantly positive, although there are still conflicting findings.
Nevertheless, it is supported by severe scientific consensus that competency has a positive impact
on Performance.
The Effect of Training on i3L Employee Performance
The research results indicate that the effect of training on the Performance of i3L employees
is not significant. This is based on the T Statistic value (IO/STDEV) of 0.369, less than 1.96, and
the P-value of 0.712, more significant than 0.05. Therefore, it is considered that the effect is
insignificant, and as a result, H0 is accepted, while H1 is rejected. Furthermore, the coefficient of
the direct effect on the performance variable due to training is 0.051, as seen from the Original
Sample (O) value. This means that if the training variable increases by a score of 1, the performance
variable will increase by 0.051. In this context, it is assumed that other variables are held constant.
This suggests that employees at the staff level in i3L perceive that the training provided does not
significantly enhance their Performance.
In this context, the training provided may not be well-suited to employees' needs for
significantly improving their Performance in the tasks they undertake while working at i3L. Even
some studies (Diab, 2015; Hendaryan & Widianto, 2022; Kurniatama & Waryanto, 2022; Nguyen,
2021; Salas et al., 2012; Wisnu & Labbase, 2019) have found how crucial suitable kind of training
is in improving employee performance in a company, with a positive and significant impact of
training on employee performance. Regarding educational institutions like i3L, studies in other
educational institutions have also shown that employee training helps enhance their Performance.
Recommendations have been made for human resource management to improve the quality and
quantity of employee training programs (Yimam, 2022).
A strong alignment between employees' job requirements and the content and facilities of
training in an organization is essential. This alignment ensures that the training programs provided
by organizational management are relevant and directly contribute to improving employee
performance. When there is a good match between what employees need in their roles and what
training programs offer, it can lead to more effective learning experiences and, ultimately, enhanced
employee performance and productivity. Therefore, organizations should tailor their training
programs to meet the specific needs of their workforce and the demands of their respective jobs.
In this regard, referring to the recommendations by Mdhlalose (2022), that revealed the adaptation
of training to align with the culture, the organizational need is deemed essential in tailoring
employee training needs. In this case, i3L is advised to adjust its existing training programs.
In this study, it can be concluded that while the training variable does contribute positively
to the Performance of staff-level employees at i3L, its impact is not significant in enhancing
Performance. This research also supports previous findings regarding the importance of employee
training in improving their Performance strongly.
The Effect of Career Development on i3L Employee Performance
According to the research results, data analysis yielded a T Statistic (IO/STDEV) value of
3.262, which is greater than 1.96, and the P-value is 0.001, which is less than 0.05. In this regard,
the effect is considered significant. Therefore, the Effect of Career Development on the
Performance of i3L Employees is significant. In this case, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected,
and H1 is accepted. Furthermore, the magnitude of the coefficient of direct effect on the career
development variable on Performance is 0.538, as seen from the Original Sample (O) value. In this
case, the assumption is that other variables are considered constant. This means that the effect of
the career development variable on Performance has a positive effect.
Upon analysis, it can be observed that employees at the staff level in i3L believe that i3L has
provided the means to develop their careers effectively, which positively impacts the Performance
they deliver to the organization. In this context, the availability of opportunities for career

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Wiwiek Setiawati, Witya Maulida, Iu Rusliana, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya

development for i3L employees at the staff level significantly enhances the Performance of these
staff-level employees at i3L.
The career development variable is the most dominant positive factor influencing
Performance compared to other related variables. In practical terms, companies that actively
support employee career development will increase employees' willingness to deliver their best
Performance for the company (Yimam, 2022). According to Sutoro (2020), it is acknowledged that
an effort to provide career development for employees in a company is considered essential. Career
development impacts individual growth in reaching higher career positions and enhances
professionalism to deliver more optimal Performance in achieving the company's goals. This is
valuable in providing motivation in the effort to reach the company's targets more effectively and
efficiently. On the other hand, it can improve employees' skills and knowledge related to their tasks,
making it easier for employees to handle the workload assigned by the company.
In this context, the effect of the career development variable on the Performance of staff-
level employees at i3L has a positive and significant impact. This means that if career development
is higher, the performance value will also significantly increase. However, a new debate has
appeared (Noe, 1996), which states that career development is the most dominant factor
influencing employee performance. Effective career management by companies for their
employees does not automatically encourage employees to exhibit better Performance. Therefore,
this research contributes to reaffirming the inconsistent findings regarding the impact of the career
development variable on Performance. The effect of these two variables is highly dynamic and
depends on the specific case studies being conducted.

The competency variable has a positive and significant effect on the performance of staff-
level employees at i3L. Staff-level employees at i3L perceive that their competencies directly enhance
their performance. The higher the level of competency they possess, the higher their performance
tends to be. Similarly, the career development variable also has a positive and significant effect on
the performance of staff-level employees at i3L. Staff-level employees at i3L believe that career
development opportunities provided by i3L significantly enhance their performance. However, the
training variable was found to have a non-significant effect on performance. Although it still has a
positive effect, the training provided to staff-level employees at i3L was perceived as not significantly
improving their performance. Therefore, it is recommended that the organizational management at
i3L review the training programs to align them with the specific needs of staff-level employees in
completing their job tasks. This way, improved training programs can have a significant impact on
enhancing employee performance.

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