Malocclusion and The Need For Orthodontic Treatment in Pa-Tients With Temporomandibular Dysfunction

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Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 9: 79-85, 2007

Malocclusion and the need for orthodontic treatment in pa-

tients with temporomandibular dysfunction
Eliis Kaselo, Triin Jagomägi, Ülle Voog


Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate the signs and symptoms of
temporomandibular disorders (TMD) as well as the relationships between TMD, malocclusion
and the need for orthodontic treatment. Material and methods. Forty consecutive patients
(36 F, 4 M) with a median age of 35 (IQR 18) years. Eighteen patients had Class I, 22 patients
Class II malocclusion. A rating scale for the influence of TMJ pain/discomfort on the activities
of daily living (ADL) was used simultaneously with clinical examination. Helkimo's Dysfunction
Index (Di) and the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were determined for each
participant. Results. Pain/discomfort in the TMJ area was positively correlated with
interferences in laterotrusion (p=0.021), pain on palpation over the posterior aspects of TMJ
(p=0.012) and pain in the masticatory muscles (p=0.023).
The impact of TMJ pain/discomfort was greatest on the performance of a yawn and on
opening the mouth wide. There was no statistically significant correlation between malocclusion,
Di and IOTN. A comparison of Class I malocclusion patients to those with Class II malocclusion
revealed no statistically relevant differences in Di and ADL.
Conclusion. In patients with malocclusion, pain from TMJ has a significant negative impact
on activities of daily living. No significant differences were observed between Angle Class I
and Class II groups of patients with respect to TMD. Orthodontic treatment was required for
both groups.
The study was supported by the Estonian Science Foundation Grant No. 6591 and

Key words: ADL, IOTN, malocclusion, pain, TMJ.


Temporomandibular dysfunctions (T MD) Malocclusion itself is a product of multiple

cause numerous limitations in our everyday life factors influencing craniomandibular growth and
activities. development and exerts a significant influence on
The theory of T MD development is the patient’s quality of life [8-9].
multifactorial, often citing malocclusion and occlusal Occlusal interferences may play an important
interferences as contributing factors [1-3]. At the role in the development of TMD through non-working
same time many authors have shown no connection side interferences as well as discrepancy between
or at most a weak connection between malocclusion the intercuspal position and the retruded contact
and TMD [4-7]. position [10].
The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need is
widely used for scoring malocclusion and occlusal
Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
interference which, in turn, constitute important
Tartu, Estonia
Eliis Kaselo* – D.D.S. aspects of TMD development [11]. The Activities
Triin Jagomägi* – D.D.S., MSc., MOrthRCSEd, assist. prof. of Daily Living (ADL) scale is intended to give a
Ülle Voog* – D.D.S., Lic.Med., Dr.Med, assoc. prof.
semi-quantitative assessment of the patient’s overall
Address correspondence to: Eliis Kaselo, Nõva 2a-5, Tartu 50104, function. The scale has been specifically modified
E-mail: for use in patients with TMD [12].

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3 79


It is well accepted that Table 1. Distribution of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), Helkimo´s
Dysfunction Index (Di), pain at rest, the pressure pain threshold (PPT) at reference
traditional orthodontic treatment point (Ref), asymptomatic and symptomatic side, muscle tenderness
does not incr ease the
prevalence of TMD [13-14]. Pat IOTN Di Pain at rest Pain at PPT/ PPT/ PPT/ Muscles
Several malocclusion types MVM Ref Asympt Sympt
such as anterior open bite, cross A 3 I 0 1 429 363 124 1
bite and increased overjet may B 3 II 0 0 172 121 B 101 4
signify an increased likelihood C 4 I 0 0 218 218 168 0
D 4 I 0 0 167 176 140 0
of developing TMD [2-3, 15-
E 3 III 0 1 224 122 82 2
16]. Yet it has not been settled
F 3 I 0 1 304 205 183 2
clinically whether malocclusion G 1 II 0 1 508 346 230 0
causes TMD or vice versa. H 3 II 0 1 273 198 123 2
An interesting question is I 4 I 0 0 409 352 261 0
whether there is a connection J 3 I 0 0 204 216 200 2
between morphologically or K 3 I 0 1 335 288 C 198 0
functionally unacceptable L 4 III 2 2 238 106 98 1
M 1 I 0 0 186 187 184 1
occlusion and tempor o-
N 2 II 0 2 181 140 132 0
mandibular dysfunction. There-
O 1 II 1 1 223 226 218 3
fore the aim of this study was P 3 III 0 1 354 181 167 0
to evaluate the impact of TMJ Q 3 II 0 0 270 250 146 1
signs and symptoms as well as R 1 I 1 1 361 259 177 2
malocclusion on daily living S 2 II 0 1 334 193 188 0
activities of patients with TMD T 4 I 0 0 278 322 308 0
and assess their need for U 2 I 0 0 305 261 196 0
V 4 I 0 0 254 208 204 1
orthodontic treatment.
W 4 I 0 0 418 272 234 2
X 2 I 0 1 498 293 249 0
METHODS Y 1 II 0 0 308 220 178 5
Z 3 I 0 0 317 299 226 1
Patients AA 2 II 2 0 MD MD MD 2
The study included forty AB 1 II 0 1 MD MD MD 2
consecutive patients (36 AC 4 0 0 0 MD MD MD 0
females and four men) with a AD 4 II 0 0 MD MD MD 0
AE 2 II 0 1 MD 189 107 1
mean age of 35 years. Seven
AF 2 I 0 0 MD MD MD 0
of the patients had been AG 4 II 1 1 MD 263 204 0
diagnosed with systemic AH 2 I 0 1 226 182 110 0
inflammatory disease. T he AI 2 I 0 0 229 132 120 0
patients were referred to the AJ 2 III 0 0 358 318 300 4
TMJ specialist at the Clinic of AK 2 II 0 0 318 174 153 0
Stomatology by the general AL 5 I 0 0 254 180 137 0
dentist or oral surgeon during AM 1 II 0 0 268 216 210 1
AN 3 III 1 2 181 124 82 10
the period of May 2005 to
Mean 3 291 223 175 1
December 2005. None of the IQR 2 111 87 79 2
patients had received any TMJ
treatment during the previous PPT – mean of the pressure pain threshold (kPa) over the lateral aspect of the TMJ.
PPT/Ref – referents point, PPT/Asympt – asymptomatic side of the TMJ.
six months. Patients under 18 PPT/Sympt – symptomatic side of the TMJ.
were excluded from the study. Muscles – pain/tenderness of masticatory muscles, 0 – no pain/tendernes.
14 – pain/tenderness in all palpated areas, MD – missing data.
The Activities of Daily
Living (ADL) scale methods generally employed in medical and
The patients were asked to evaluate the influence behavioural science, as modified by List and Helkimo
of pain/discomfort in the TMJ on their daily activities. [12] for assessment of daily activities in patients with
They were instructed to use a rating scale based on temporomandibular disorders. The scale had already

80 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3


Table 2. The prevalence of malocclusion traits, Index of Clinical examination

Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN), Helkimo’s Dysfunction
Index (Di) All patients were examined in the dental chair
in the supine position. The movement capacity of
Prevalence Total the mandible at maximum opening, protrusion,
AI 45.0 18 retrusion and laterotrusion was measured in
AII 55.0 22 millimeters. The pain in the TMJ area was registered
OJ>= 6mm 20.0 8
OB>= 5mm 40.0 16 at rest and during the above measurements. The
PCB 22.5 9 results were recorded as 0 – no pain, 1 – pain in
VOB 10.0 4 one side, 2 – pain in both sides and added up to
IOTN 1 17.5 7
IOTN 2 27.5 11
provide an index sum.
IOTN 3 27.5 11
IOTN 4 25.0 10 Assessment of tenderness to digital palpation
IOTN 5 2.5 1 The tenderness to digital palpation was assessed
Di0, DiI 50.0 20
Di II 37.5 15 on the lateral and posterior aspects of the TMJ. The
Di III 12.5 5 results were recorded as 0 – no pain, 1 – pain in one
n = 40 side, 2 – pain in both sides and added up to provide an
AI – Angle I malocclusion, AII – Angle II malocclusion. index sum.
OJ – overjet, OB – overbite, PCB – posterior crossbite, VOB –
vertical open bite.
IOTN 1 – Grade 1 (None), IOTN 2 – Grade 2 (Slight), IOTN Palpation of masticatory muscles
3 – Grade 3 (Borderline need), IOTN 4 – Grade 4 (Need Pain in the masticatory muscles was registered
treatment), IOTN 5 – Grade 5 (Need treatment). by digital palpation of both sides. The palpation sites
Di0 – clinically symptom-free, DiI – mild symptoms, DiII –
moderate symptoms, DiIII – severe symptoms. were the anterior part of the temporal muscle, the
posterior part of the temporal muscle, the attachment
of the temporal muscle, the profound masseter
been translated from English into Estonian and used muscle, the superficial masseter muscle, the medial
in a previous study [17]. Compared to the original, pterygoid muscle and the lateral pterygoid muscle.
the modified scale excluded one question which had The patients’ scoring of pain (out of a maximum of
been shown by List and Helkimo to be inadequate 14) on digital palpation of each of these muscles
[12]. The scoring in the scale ranged from 0 (activity was added up to provide an index sum.
without any pain/discomfort in the TMJ) to 10
(activity impossible due to pain/discomfort in the TMJ sounds
TMJ). The patients were told to select the score The TMJ sounds (clicking and crepitation) were
value that best described their present ability to investigated on opening and closing the mouth on
perform each of the scale activities. The questions both sides by lateral and posterior palpation. The
appearing in the modified scale are as follows: scores of the sounds (out of a maximum of 8) were
If you feel pain/discomfort in the area of TMJ added up to provide an index sum.
are you able to:
1) socialize with family and close friends? Helkimo´s Dysfunction Index
2) perform daily work? The Clinical Dysfunction Index (D i) was
3) perform daily household chores (preparing calculated according to Helkimo [4]. The index is
meals, cleaning, taking care of small children)? based on five groups of symptoms: impaired range
4) sit in a company or participate in other social of movement of the mandible, impaired function of
activities (e.g. parties)? the TMJ, pain on movement of the mandible, pain
5) exercise (walk, bicycle, jogging, etc)? in the temporomandibular joint, pain in the
6) perform hobbies (read, fish, knit, play an masticatory muscles. Di can be divided into four
instrument)? groups: clinically symptom-free (Di0), mild symptoms
7) sleep at night? (D i I), moderate symptoms (D i II), and severe
8) concentrate? symptoms (DiIII).
9) eat (chew, swallow)?
10) yawn, open mouth wide? Occlusion
11) how much does the pain/discomfort affect Occlusion was registered according to Angle
your daily activities? malocclusion classes based on the occlusal

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3 81


Fig. Distribution of Helkimo´s Dysfunction Index

relationship of the first molars. The patients involved RESULTS

in the study had either Angle Class I or Angle Class
II malocclusion. The prevalence of malocclusion traits, Di and
Contacts in laterotrusion on non-working side IOTN among the participants is shown in Table 1
and in protrusion between posterior teeth were and Table 2.
considered as occlusal interferences.
Orthodontic treatment need was determined Pain/discomfort
according to the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Pain/discomfort in the TMJ area at rest was
Need [11]. The Dental Health Component of the positively corr elated with interfer ences in
index was assessed as follows: grade 1 (none), laterotrusion (rs=0.32; n=40; p=0.02) and the total
grade 2 (slight need), grade 3 (borderline need), pain score from the masticatory muscles (rs=0.32;
gr ade 4 (need treatment), gr ade 5 (need n=40; p=0.02).
treatment). Maximum mouth opening was positively
correlated with TMJ sounds (r s=0.51, n=40;
Statistics p<0.001).
T-test and chi-square test were used to compare
the differences between Angle Class I and Angle ADL scale
Class II malocclusion groups. The significance of The scores of ADL scale are presented in Table 3.
correlations was tested by Spearman rank correlation The impact of TMJ pain/discomfort was
test. A probability level of less than 0.05 was greatest on performing a yawn and on opening the
considered as significant. mouth wide (5.62) and smallest on performing

Table 3. The mean scores of the ADL scale

ADL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mean total 3.44 3.62 3.54 4.03 3.59 2.78 3.90 3.85 4.72 3.95 5.62 4.14
Mean AI 3.76 3.94 3.47 4.24 3.88 3.19 3.76 3.82 4.82 3.76 5.76 3.94
Mean AII 3.18 3.36 3.59 3.86 3.36 2.48 4.00 3.86 4.64 4.09 5.50 4.32
IQR 4 4,5 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4,5 4,5 4
%pos 85 82 85 85 79 75 90 82 92 87 92 87
Angle I group: n=17.
Angle AII group: n=22.
IQR – interquartile range, % pos – percentage of observations exceeding zero,
n.a. – not applicable.

82 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3


hobbies (2.78). The impact of TMJ pain/discomfort entity of pain as a form of subjectively perceived
on performing a yawn and on opening the mouth spontaneous pain [19]. These two aspects of pain
wide was positively correlated with pain/discomfort differ from one another but are both likely due to
in the TMJ area at rest (rs=0.38, n=39, p=0.008), the peripheral sensitization of nociceptive nerve
pain at maximum opening (rs=0.41, n=39, p=0.005) fibers, to central sensitization or a combination of
and negatively correlated with maximum mouth the two and reflect the cumulative effect of pain.
opening (r s=-0.36, n=39, p=0.01). The negative correlation between yawning and
There were no statistically relevant correlations reduced mouth opening capacity probably constitutes
between morphological malocclusion, Di and IOTN. an indirect indicator of the presence of pain, although
other causes of restricted movements such as
Comparison between Angle Class I and Class adhesions in the joint may also be involved. These
II groups findings suggest the need for patients to avoid any
Comparing the Angle Class I and Angle Class excessive excursions of the TMJ in order to prevent
II malocclusion groups revealed that they were TMD development.
statistically heterogeneous in terms of interferences TMJ sounds are caused by non-coordinated
in protrusion (p=0.005) and homogeneous in IOTN movement of the disc and the mandibular caput. In
(p<0.001) and protrusion (p=0.03). more advanced stages of TMD, they may also arise
Severe symptoms of TMD (D i III) were from the destruction of the connecting articular
distributed similarly in Angle Class I and Angle Class surfaces.
II malocclusion groups (Figure). The pain originating from masticatory muscles
is often related to TMJ pain. Interferences in
DISCUSSION laterotrusion could result in pain/discomfort in the
TMJ area at rest as well. It is known that
Accor ding to the r esults of the pr esent interferences in TMJ function affect normal muscular
investigation, pain from TMJ in patients with action. Although the mechanisms behind muscle pain
malocclusion has a significant negative impact on are not fully understood yet, it appears plausible
their activities of daily living. This finding is in that symptoms of pain and fatigue in masticatory
accordance with the results of a previous study by muscles could be due to malocclusion and stress.
the same authors in which rheumatoid arthritis This is amongst other things indicated by the fact
patients with TMJ involvement were asked to assess that patients with more severe and extensive
the impact of TMD on their daily living activities dysfunction of the mandibular muscles demonstrate
[17]. The impact of TMJ pain/discomfort was found a decrease of muscular control of the movement of
in that study to vary between activities and the condyle and disc in the TMJ [20].
individuals. However, the fact that the impact in According to the results of the present study
general was expressed in a mean score of 4 out of there were no differences between Angle Class I
10 suggests a significant influence on daily life. The and Class II patients in relation to orthodontic
impact on opening the mouth, eating and yawning, treatment need. This implies that the morphological
which are all relatively frequent daily activities can and functional malocclusions evidenced by the study
be explained by the pain/discomfort originating from participants cannot be considered the sole cause of
the TMJ area. On the other hand, a very low mean their TMD. Other factors that may also be of
score of 2 in relation to performing hobbies suggests importance include previous emotional or physical
that a pleasant activity helps to forget about the childhood traumas or current emotional stress.
sensation of pain/discomfort. Of course, it is also Systemic inflammatory disease can also be an
possible that the patients had changed their selected important factor contributing to the development of
hobbies, preferring those with lower associated TMJ TMD. The present investigation involved a total of
pain levels. In our study the correlation found 18% of patients with that condition. Since this is a
between yawning and pain on maximum mouth relatively low figure and the corresponding variable
opening was to be expected, while this type of pain was almost equally distributed between the two
can be considered mechanically induced. In this investigated groups (Angle Class I and Class II
respect the results of the present study largely patients), it should not affect the results obtained.
overlap with those of the previous one [17]. The As regards the comparability of the present
correlation with pain at rest would apply on another study with other studies dealing with the same

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3 83


questions, besides more prevalent younger age groups should be seen as merely contributory to developing
[2-3, 21] the latter have also been performed on a temporomandibular dysfunctions.
number of adult groups [1, 7]. Furthermore, it is There was no difference in distribution of most
known that changes in the TMJ due to age tend to of the TMD signs and symptoms between the
appear only after 41 years of age [22]. The findings malocclusion groups established among participants
of this study cannot be affected by the age of according to Angle malocclusion classification. A
participants, since the study involved consecutive similar distribution was found in IOTN and protrusion.
patients with a mean age of 35 years (relatively An explanation of this similarity could lie in the fact
young participants). All of the above indicates good that Angle malocclusion classes describe malocclusion
comparability with other studies in the field. in the sagittal plane only. Different distributions of
The results of the present study showed that interferences in protrusion and overbite indicate that
morphological malocclusion and the Index of in Class II malocclusion the bite is usually deeper
Orthodontic Treatment Need had no significant and as a result of pronounced incisor guidance involves
impact on Helkimo´s Clinical Dysfunction Index. This less interference in protrusion.
may be due to the limited number of patients in the The findings of the present study reinforce the
group studied (type II error). importance of simultaneously administering a clinical
According to Olsson and Lindquist [23] examination and a self-reporting questionnaire.
orthodontic patients appear to be at greater risk of
developing a craniomandibular disorder than CONCLUSION
individuals who only need minor treatment. In other
studies TMD was associated with midline Pain from the TMJ in patients with malocclusion
displacement, posterior crossbite, anterior open bite, has a significant negative impact on activities of
Angle Class III malocclusion, and extreme maxillary daily living. There were no differences between
overjet [2-3, 7, 11]. In a 20-year follow-up of Angle Class I and Angle Class II malocclusion
subjects with and without orthodontic treatment in patients regarding TMD and IOTN. Orthodontic
childhood the correlations between signs and treatment was required for both groups.
symptoms of TMD and differ ent types of
malocclusion were mainly weak, although sometimes ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
statistically significant [7]. A population-based study
in adult patients showed that only a bilateral open The study was supported by the Estonian
bite of up to three mm appeared to be clinically Science Foundation Grant no. 6591, SF0180081s07
relevant and was associated with TMD signs [1]. and was approved by the Ethics Review Committee
This and other population-based studies [24] indicate on Human Research of the University of Tartu (No.
that malocclusions and factors of functional occlusion 129/30, 23.08.2004).

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Received: 21 06 2007
Accepted for publishing: 10 09 2007

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2007, Vol. 9, No. 3 85

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