HPLC-MS-based Methods For The Study of Metabonomics

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Journal of Chromatography B, 817 (2005) 67–76


HPLC-MS-based methods for the study of metabonomics

Ian D. Wilsona,∗ , Robert Plumbb , Jennifer Grangerb , Hilary Majorc ,
Rebecca Williamsa , Eva M. Lenza
a Department of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, AstraZeneca, Mereside, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK104TG, UK
b Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA
c Waters Corporation, Floats Rd, Wythenshawe, Manchester M23 9LZ, UK

Received 10 March 2004; accepted 20 July 2004

Available online 25 September 2004


The development and use of HPLC-MS for the study of metabonomics is reviewed. To date the technique has been applied to the analysis
of urine samples obtained from studies in rodents in investigations of physiological variation (e.g., factors such as strain, gender, diurnal
variation, etc.) and toxicity. Examples are provided of the use of conventional HPLC, capillary methods and the recently introduced high-
resolution systems based on a combination of high pressure and small particle size (“UPLC”). Comparison is also made of the use of 1 H
NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-MS for the analysis of biofluid samples and the advantages and limitations of the two approaches are assessed.
Likely future developments are considered.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Metabolite profiling; Metabonomics; Metabolomics; HPLC-MS; Capillary HPLC-MS; High-resolution HPLC-MS; UPLC


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
2. Current practice of HPLC-MS in metabonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3. Comparison of HPLC-MS with NMR spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4. Capillary HPLC-MS for metabonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5. Multi-dimensional chromatography versus multi-column separations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
6. Developments in high resolution HPLC-MS-based metabonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7. The role of HPLC-MS in metabonomic investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
8. Future prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

1. Introduction distinguish between strains of animal, disease states or to

detect pharmacological or toxic effects obtained following
Metabonomics [1] is a term used to describe the non- the administration of, e.g., candidate drugs. In combina-
targeted “global” analysis of tissues and biofluids for low tion with genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics, metabo-
molecular mass organic endogenous metabolites. Using the nomic analysis is being increasingly used in the discovery and
metabolic fingerprints, thus obtained, it is often possible to development of new medicines. Much, therefore, depends
on the ability of the analytical technique employed to detect
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 1565 513424; fax: +44 1565 654005. often-subtle differences in the complex mixtures found for
E-mail address: Ian.Wilson@astrazeneca.com (I.D. Wilson). biofluids, such as urine and plasma, or in tissue extracts. Con-

1570-0232/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
68 I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76

ventionally, much work in metabonomics has been performed been published, include the investigation of toxicity in rats by
using high field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec- Plumb et al. [14], Idborg-Bjorkman et al. [15] and Lafaye et
troscopy (e.g., see references [2–6]). In this type of applica- al. [16] and metabotyping (metabolic fingerprinting) [20] of
tion, NMR has many advantages, not the least of which are the strain, gender and diurnal variation in mice Plumb et al. [17].
high information content of the resulting spectra, the relative In our own studies, we have used gradient reversed-phase
stability of NMR-chemical shifts, the ease of quantification HPLC-orthogonal acceleration (oa) -time-of-flight (TOF) -
and the lack of any need to pre-select the conditions employed MS and MS/MS for the examination of urine from various
for the analysis. This contrasts with most chromatographic strains of rat (in preparation) and mouse [17] and from rats
methods where the need to select columns and elution condi- exposed to a number of nephrotoxins [18,19]. In these stud-
tions may result in an unintended bias to the analysis plus the ies, a simple linear gradient has usually been applied with
potential for retention times to drift making comparison be- the samples analysed using both +ve and −ve electrospray
tween runs potentially more difficult. Whilst GC–MS-based ionisation (in separate analytical runs). In a typical experi-
analysis has been employed for metabolomic analysis for ment, a 10 ␮l aliquot of urine was injected onto a 2.1 mm ×
plant and microbial metabolite fingerprinting [7–10] together 10 cm Symmetry® C18 3.5 ␮m HPLC column. The column
with a number of publications describing HPLC-MS [11,12] was maintained at 40 ◦ C and elution was performed with a
or CE–MS-based techniques [13] the use of chromatographic linear gradient of 0.1% aqueous formic acid to 20% acetoni-
techniques for metabonomics has not been widespread. How- trile (containing 0.1% formic acid) over the period 0.5–4 min.
ever, recently HPLC-MS has begun to be employed in this This was followed by an increase in the acetonitrile content to
area, either alone [14–17], or in combination with NMR spec- 95% over the period 4–8 min. After holding the solvent com-
troscopy [18,19]. This article provides an overview of the position at 95% acetonitrile for a further minute the column
use of conventional HPLC-MS for metabonomics and then was then returned to its starting conditions. An eluent flow
illustrates the improvements that can result from going to rate of 600 ␮l /min was used and mass spectrometric data was
systems with reduced spectral overlap and higher sensitivity collected over the mass range of 50–850, in either positive or
such as capillary HPLC. Finally, the advantages of the newly negative ion mode on a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The
introduced very high-resolution “ultra performance LC” column eluent was split such that approximately 120 ␮l/min
(UPLC) based on sub 2 ␮m packing materials and high- was directed to the mass spectrometer.
pressure solvent delivery, in combination with MS, for the As part of our investigations into the utility of HPLC-MS,
analysis of metabonomic samples will be described. we elected to study the effects of strain and gender on the uri-
nary metabolic profiles of black, white and nude mice [17].
Samples were collected in both the morning and the afternoon
2. Current practice of HPLC-MS in metabonomics so that we could also examine diurnal variation, as in previ-
ous NMR-based studies, differences were readily observed
As indicated in Section 1, the application of HPLC-MS for for both strain and collection time [20,21]. Mice represent
metabonomic studies is relatively new. Such studies, as have an important experimental animal for the discovery of new

Fig. 1. Representative positive total ion current chromatograms (TIC) obtained in (a) positive and (b) negative ion electrospray for a urine sample collected
from a black male mouse in the morning. Visual inspection of the two TIC plots shows that the two modes of ionization will generate different metabonomic
information based on the ionizability differences of endogenous components in urine [17].
I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76 69

drugs, with the nude mouse being especially important for

the development of anticancer compounds. An understand-
ing of typical “baseline” physiological variation is therefore
an essential pre-requisite for in-depth metabonomic studies
in drug discovery and development. Typical positive and neg-
ative ion total ion current chromatograms (TICs) for a morn-
ing sample obtained from a black male animal are shown
in Fig. 1. Such profiles contain many hundreds of individual
components rendering visual comparison complex. However,
by using pattern recognition approaches based on principal
components analysis (PCA), it was possible to show that all
three strains of mouse could be separated from each other
based on their MS-detected metabolite profiles. A typical ex-
ample of such PCA analysis is shown in Fig. 2, for black, nude
and white male mice, where the scores plot resulting from the
positive ion HPLC-MS data for the morning sample collec-
tion period is shown. One of the ions that contributed to this
separation was m/z 206.0453, corresponding to C10 H8 NO4 .
When subjected to MS/MS analysis, this ion was provision-
ally identified, from the product ion spectra and elemental Fig. 2. Resulting scores plot for PCA of black, nude and white male mice for
the positive ion HPLC-MS data obtained for the morning sample collection
composition, as 4,8 dihydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylic acid,
period. Key: green = nude, yellow = white and red = black. Distinct clustering
a metabolite found in the tryptophan pathway, and this was is observed among all three groups according to strain [17].
confirmed by comparison of the HPLC-MS/MS properties
of an authentic standard. Similarly, female animals from the Fig. 3, where a two-dimensional “map” of m/z data versus run
three strains were readily differentiated from each other by time is shown. Over 1500 ions are detectable in the 10 min
PCA, as indeed were male and female animals from all three run illustrating both the power of the technique and the com-
strains [17]. plexity of the samples. It should be noted that not all of these
More recently we have examined urine samples from male ions may represent individual compounds as some may result
and female Zucker rats, a widely used model of insulin resis- from in-source fragmentation or adduct formation.
tance, for effects of gender and diurnal variation, with similar One of the main applications for NMR-based metabo-
results to those seen with mice. A typical example of such a nomics in pharmaceutical research is in the study of toxicol-
run, illustrating the complexity of the samples, is shown in ogy. This has also been an area where HPLC-MS has found

Fig. 3. Gradient HPLC-MS of urine obtained from a male Zucker rat showing both the total ion current mass chromatogram and a 2D mass chromatogram. In
this typical chromatogram, over 1500 ions can be detected in 10 min.
70 I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76

early application with three studies published to date. In the be used to advantage to eliminate interfering salts, concen-
first of these studies, Plumb et al. [14] used HPLC-TOF-MS trate the samples and provide them in a suitable form for
to examine the toxicological profile of an undisclosed candi- subsequent HPLC-MS analysis. In addition, where there is
date drug. Thus, male and female rats were dosed with either a need to isolate a particular analyte(s) for subsequent iden-
dosing vehicle or the candidate pharmaceutical at one of two tification methods, such as SPE, can provide a valuable first
dose levels (2 and 18 mg/kg) for a period of 3 months. The step.
analytical methodology employed was similar to that used for When the resulting profiles were examined by multivariate
the mouse studies described above and urine samples were data analysis a number of potential markers were observed in
taken at 0–8 and 8–24 h after dosing. Subsequent HPLC-MS the urine samples, though these remained unidentified in this
and PCA of these urine samples allowed the dose groups to be study. As these authors observed, care must be taken with
separated from the control animals and showed both the low- the analysis of the pattern recognition results from studies
dose and high-dose group samples moving away from the such as this because the presence of drug metabolites may
control group on different trajectories. It can be argued that a well cause the data to cluster inappropriately. Indeed, until
reason for this is that, whilst the low dose group did not suffer unequivocally identified all compounds highlighted, as po-
from drug toxicity, there was nevertheless an observable phar- tential biomarkers should be treated with a degree of scep-
macological effect of the compound on the metabolite profile. ticism. The phenomenon of drug metabolites contributing
From the loadings plot generated in this study it was pos- to the cluster separation has been exploited [22] as an aid
sible to identify an ion at m/z 212 in negative ESI that con- to metabolite identification Here, two new drug metabolites
tributed significantly to the clustering observed within the were detected, resulting from metabolic cleavage, that would
data. Identification of this metabolite was aided by accu- not have been predicted by the usual phase I/II metabolic
rate mass analysis, which gave an elemental composition of transformations.
C8 H6 NO4 S and a molecular mass of 212.0018 with an accu- A recent HPLC-MS-based metabonomic study was an
racy of 4.7 ppm. Further, MS/MS, using a hybrid quadrupole investigation of heavy metal toxicity in the rat by Lafaye
time of flight MS, suggested that this metabolite was indi- et al. [16], where urine samples were analysed following
can. This identification was confirmed by comparison with the administration of either uranyl nitrate or cadmium chlo-
the chromatographic and MS spectral properties of an au- ride. These toxins were added to the drinking water of the
thentic standard. Indican is a metabolite of tryptophan, which test animals at a concentration of 100 mg/l for a period of
is converted to indole by intestinal bacterial cleavage of the 3 months. Urine samples were then taken at weekly inter-
tryptophan side chain. vals for the first month and then monthly. Analysis was
The separation of control and dosed groups of rats by by reversed-phase gradient HPLC on an XTerra MS C18
HPLC-MS using +ve and −ve electrospray ionisation in an- bonded column (5 ␮m, 2.1 mm × 150 mm) at 30 ◦ C. The
other toxicity study on the compound citalopram, of inter- gradient was formed from 10 mM ammonium acetate (pH
est because of its potential to induce phospholipidosis, was 6.7) and methanol beginning at 100% aqueous for the first
recently reported by Idborg-Bjorkman et al. [15]. The chro- 10 min rising to 80% methanol over the next 95 min, remain-
matographic separation was performed on an XTerra C18 ing at this composition for 10 min before returning to the
bonded reversed-phase HPLC column (3.5 ␮m, 2.1 mm × starting conditions. In this case, mass spectrometric analy-
150 mm) using a solvent gradient. The solvents were 10 mM sis was employed using both +ve and −ve ESI, with an ion
ammonium acetate, adjusted to pH 4 with formic acid, and trap, over a range of 100–1000 amu. Some 30 resolved peaks
acetonitrile with the starting conditions set at 90% of the were detected in +ve and 20 in −ve ESI, respectively. Dif-
aqueous buffer. After a short (2 min) period of isocratic elu- ferences were noted between the two heavy metals toxins in
tion, the organic component was increased to 90% over terms of the metabolites seen to vary with dosing, but the
15 min, followed by a further isocratic elution for 8 min, bulk of these were unidentified. In this case, examination of
and then a return to the starting condition where the col- the data was performed manually rather than using pattern
umn was re-equilibrated (6.5 min) prior to the next injec- recognition techniques These authors were able to identify a
tion. Prior to HPLC-MS analysis the urine samples were sub- number of molecules including, e.g., riboflavin, phenol sul-
jected to solid phase extraction (on a retentive polymeric SPE phate, ferrulic acid and 7-methylquanine, etc. together with
packing). Aliquots of 0.5 ml were applied to pre-activated the characterisation of various classes of metabolites (car-
cartridges (methanol and then 10 mM pH 4 ammonium ac- boxylic acids, alkylamines, sulphates, glucuronides, glyco-
etate buffer), and then washed with 0.5 ml of buffer fol- sides, etc.) based on the observation of various characteristic
lowed by elution with 0.5 ml of methanol. This eluate was neutral losses.
then directly injected onto the HPLC and, provided that
only 5 ␮l were applied, no adverse effects on chromatog-
raphy were seen. Clearly, when global metabolite profiles 3. Comparison of HPLC-MS with NMR spectroscopy
are required, sample pre-treatment steps such as SPE or
liquid–liquid extraction must be carefully optimised to avoid As indicated in the introduction, until recently the bulk
the loss of important analytes. However, such treatments can of metabonomics investigations have been performed using
I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76 71

high field NMR spectroscopy. However, as part of our evalua- an ion at m/z 188, probably 3-amino-2-naphthoic acid, was
tion of the usefulness of HPLC-MS for metabonomic studies, observed to increase after dosing. As well as these identified
we have performed a number of studies [18,19] where the re- compounds other ions at m/z 297 and 267 decreased after dos-
sults obtained by HPLC-MS have been compared directly ing. In negative ion mode a range of sulphated compounds
with those of high field 1 H NMR spectroscopy on the same were observed, including phenol sulphate and benzene diol
samples. In the first of these studies the effects of the admin- sulphate, which decreased after dosing. As well as the sul-
istration of a single dose of the model nephrotoxin mercuric phated components an unidentified glucuronide at m/z 326
chloride (2.0 mg/kg, subcutaneous) to male Wistar-derived was also observed to decrease after dosing. An interesting
rats on the urinary metabolite profiles of a range of endoge- conclusion from this study was that, whilst both NMR and
nous metabolites has been investigated [18]. Urine samples HPLC-MS showed a similar time course of onset of toxic-
were collected daily for 9 days from both dosed and con- ity and recovery, the markers seen for each technique were
trol animals. Analysis of these samples by gradient reversed- quite different suggesting a useful role for both types of anal-
phase HPLC on a similar system to that used for the mouse ysis. The complementary nature of the two techniques was
urine profiling study [17] revealed marked changes in the pat- confirmed in a subsequent study of the nephrotoxicity of the
tern of endogenous metabolites as a result of HgCl2 toxicity. immunosuppressant cyclosporin A [19]. Here, animals were
Disturbances in the urinary metabolite profiles were most dosed daily with the drug, at 45 mg/(kg day) for 9 days with
pronounced (using both NMR spectroscopy and HPLC-MS) toxicity only becoming apparent, again by both NMR and
at 3 days post dose. Thereafter, the urinary metabolite profile HPLC-MS, after 7 days of administration. In this instance,
gradually returned to a more normal composition. The PCA ions resulting from both the drug, its metabolites and the
analysis of these samples showing control and dosed animals dosing vehicle had to be eliminated from the HPLC-MS data
from positive and negative ion MS data is shown in Fig. 4a prior to analysis by PCA. This was not a significant problem
and b. for the NMR analysis as these components were not present
Markers of toxicity identified by 1 H NMR spectroscopy in detectable amounts.
were raised concentrations of lactate, alanine, acetate, suc- The results from these, and other unpublished studies,
cinate, trimethylamine (TMA) and glucose. Reductions in clearly indicate the complementary nature of HPLC-MS and
the urinary excretion of citrate and ␣-ketoglutarate were also NMR spectroscopy for metabonomic investigations and in
seen. Markers identified by HPLC-MS, in positive ion mode, general we would recommend that, wherever possible, both
were kynurenic acid, xanthurenic acid, pantothenic acid and techniques should be used to analyse samples.
7-methylguanine, which decreased after dosing. In addition,

4. Capillary HPLC-MS for metabonomics

In the case of the Zucker rat example described earlier

some 1500 peaks were detectable by conventional HPLC-
MS. However, if the gradient were to be extended this num-
ber can be significantly increased, albeit at the expense of a
longer analysis time per sample (unpublished observations);
this is mainly due to the reduction in spectral overlap and
the consequent ion suppression effects. Whilst clearly desir-
able in terms of providing a more comprehensive metabolic
fingerprint, such an increase in analysis time is, however,
incompatible with the requirements of the analysis of large
numbers of samples in a “medium” throughput environment.
We were therefore interested in determining whether the use
of other HPLC separations had beneficial effects. One such
alternative technique where ion suppression in the ion source
of the mass spectrometer might be expected to be reduced is
capillary HPLC. Indeed this approach has been employed for
just this purpose in the plant metabolomics area where home-
made C18 bonded monolithic capillary columns (0.2 mm i.d.
of 30–90 cm in length) were used with MS detection for Ara-
padopsis thaliana extracts [11].
Fig. 4. HPLC-MS positive ion PCA scores plot (upper) and HPLC-MS neg-
The system chosen for analysis of the Zucker rat urine
ative ion PCA scores plot (lower) of the data obtained for a toxicity study
on mercuric chloride in the rat [18]. Key: triangles: treated animals; and samples was based on a 320 ␮m capillary, 10 cm in length
squares: controls. Numbers next to the symbols represent the day of study containing a 3.5 ␮m symmetry C18 alkyl bonded packing.
(1–9) after dosing. And a 0.2 ␮l injection of diluted sample was made onto the
72 I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76

Fig. 5. Capillary HPLC-MS of urine obtained from a male Zucker rat urine with corresponding 2D mass chromatogram. A two-fold increase in detectable
peaks is observed in comparison to conventional HPLC-MS.

capillary column. The column was maintained at 40 ◦ C and discrimination between, e.g., samples obtained from female
eluted with a linear gradient of 0–95% acetonitrile contain- animals for a.m. and p.m. collection times. This is illustrated
ing 0.1% aqueous formic acid versus 0.1% formic acid in in Fig. 6 where the PCA data for conventional (Fig. 6a) and
acetonitrile using the same gradient profile as for Fig. 3, at capillary HPLC-MS data are shown (Fig. 6b). As this fig-
10 ␮l/min. The results obtained for this system are shown in ure shows, with the conventional HPLC-MS system there is
Fig. 5 and show a significant improvement in the number of a trend, but no clear separation of the a.m. and p.m. sam-
peaks detectable with over 3000 putative metabolites present. ples. In contrast, when such analysis is performed with the
This increased number of metabolites also enables increased capillary there is a very clear separation. Examination of the

Fig. 6. Scores plots for PCA of both (a) conventional HPLC-MS and (b) capillary HPLC-MS data from analysis of female rat urine obtained from am and pm
timepoints. As a result of the increased number of detected components in the capillary data, improved clustering based on diurnal variation is observed in the
scores plots.
I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76 73

Fig. 7. Corresponding loadings plots for the scores plots presented in Fig. 6 for (a) conventional HPLC-MS and (b) capillary HPLC-MS. As expected, the
loadings plot for the capillary HPLC-MS data contains more contributing ions than that for the HPLC-MS data.

loadings plots shown in Fig. 7a and b clearly shows that many column chemistries to provide a degree of multidimensional-
more ions are contributing to the separation for the capillary ity to the separation. An example of the type of separation that
results (Fig. 5) compared to the corresponding conventional can be obtained using a prototype polymeric MCX column,
HPLC-MS results (Fig. 3). tailored to provide a better separation of polar compounds,
rather than a C18 bonded phase is given in Fig. 8. Similarly,
microbore hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC),
5. Multi-dimensional chromatography versus using polyhydroxyethyl A and TSK Gel Amide 80 columns,
multi-column separations combined with MS has been used for metabolomic analy-
sis of polar plant metabolites [10]. Whilst we have not yet
A further problem associated with complex biofluid sam- fully investigated the use of such systems in detail the even-
ples, such as urine or plasma, is that they contain a very tual application of both mutli-column analysis and coupled-
diverse range of compound classes from polar neutrals such column chromatographies to metabonomic analysis seems
as sugars, which are barely retained on C18 bonded materi- logical and inevitable.
als, through polar acidic and basic compounds, amphoteric
substances and less polar materials of a similar nature. Re-
taining and eluting all of these diverse metabolites using sin- 6. Developments in high resolution HPLC-MS-based
gle column chemistry is probably not feasible. However, to metabonomics
obtain as comprehensive a metabolite fingerprint as possible
has to be a major aim in HPLC-MS-based metabonomics. Whilst capillary HPLC methods provide one means of
This, therefore, leads inevitably to either multiple analysis of obtaining an increase in the peaks detected in a sample by
samples using different column technologies optimised for reducing the chemical noise entering the mass spectrome-
different compound classes or to the use of coupled column ter, alternative strategies are becoming available as the result
techniques combining, e.g., ion exchange and reversed-phase of the introduction of the combination HPLC systems using
74 I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76

Fig. 8. Representative total ion current chromatograms for (a) female and (b) male Zucker rat urine analysed by HPLC-MS on a prototypical polymeric ion
exchange column tailored to separate polar compounds.

sub 2 ␮m packings combined with high operating pressures. to be realised, however, a number of problems and issues
This technology (“UPLC”) employs 1.7 ␮m porous particles, need to be addressed. One problem associated with the use
resulting in higher peak capacity, greater resolution and in- of HPLC-MS-based metabonomic analysis at the moment is
creased sensitivity compared to a 3 ␮m material. Indeed, the that the bulk of the thousands of ions detected are uniden-
analysis of a Zucker rat urine sample by UPLC with a 1 min tified. As a result, whilst the rapid analysis of metabolite
run time enabled a total of some 1000 peaks to be detected profiles obtained by these methods can be undertaken to gen-
(data not shown). This approach, therefore, allows similar erate “markers” it is not always as easy to determine what
results to be achieved to those obtained previously by con- these molecules are. It is quite clear that a major effort is
ventional HPLC, but in one tenth of the time. This radical needed to identify and database as many of these endoge-
shortening of the analysis time opens up the possibility of nous metabolites (i.e., to map the metabonome) as soon as
relatively high throughput screening for metabonomics. Al- possible if the contribution of HPLC-MS in metabonomics
ternatively a longer run (e.g., 5 min) can be employed and the is to be maximised.
number of peaks detected increased to ca. 5000 as shown in Considerable care also needs to be taken in interpreting
Fig. 9 (Plumb et al., in preparation). the data obtained from metabonomic studies where animals
have been dosed with drugs or other toxins to ensure that the
“markers” detected are not merely the excipients (e.g., PEG,
7. The role of HPLC-MS in metabonomic cyclodextrins, DMSO, etc.) used to prepare the dose formu-
investigations lations. Similarly, as discussed earlier, great care must also
be taken to prevent drug metabolites from being identified as
The studies reported in the literature and described here “markers” associated with toxicity, pharmacology or disease
clearly indicate that HPLC-MS has the potential to provide modification, etc. To an extent, similar concerns may sur-
an immensely useful means of generating metabolite pro- round, e.g., dietary components. Ions for the latter may well
files. If hyphenated techniques are to become an important feature in the loadings plots following a toxic insult or drug
component of metabonomic studies, as seems very likely, administration and whilst a decrease in excretion of a food-
then HPLC-MS may offer some advantages over the GC–MS derived component in urine may indeed reflect toxicity such
techniques currently used in metabolomics. In particular, as, e.g., kidney damage it may equally reflect inappetence
the ability to run samples with minimal sample preparation leading to reduced food consumption.
by HPLC-MS is in contrast to the more extensive sample As we have noted above, HPLC-MS and NMR seem to
pre-treatment techniques required to obtain comprehensive provide valuable complementary information and analysis of
metabolite fingerprints by GC-based techniques (which is samples, by both methods promises to provide an analytical
not to say that GC–MS will not find an important place in strategy of great power. We can therefore envisage an analyt-
metabonomic investigations). For the potential of HPLC-MS ical strategy whereby, in initial studies, sample fingerprinting
I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76 75

Fig. 9. A UPLC-MS separation of rat urine on a 3 cm × 2 mm 1.7 ␮m C18 bonded column using a 0–95% acetonitrile gradient over 5 min at 600 ␮l min and
ca. 12,000 psi. Upper trace, total ion current, lower 2D mass chromatogram.

might be performed using both HPLC-MS and NMR tech- 8. Future prospects
niques. Following the detection and identification of suitable
markers for the system under study further work might then be The development of reliable HPLC-MS systems has
performed using only HPLC-MS, with perhaps some modifi- been of great benefit in areas such as drug bioanalysis. The
cation of the analytical methods employed to also include the application of this technology to metabolite fingerprinting
NMR-detected markers if appropriate. Given the relatively for metabonomic analysis was inevitable given the great
widespread availability of HPLC-MS systems compared to potential of this type of technology. Our initial studies, and
high field NMR spectrometers such a strategy has advantages those reported in the literature to date and reviewed above,
in terms of efficient use of the available analytical resources. do indeed demonstrate considerable promise for HPLC-
76 I.D. Wilson et al. / J. Chromatogr. B 817 (2005) 67–76

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