RPPH Preschool Week 1

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Semester / Month / Week : II / Februari / 1

Day / Date : Monday / 5 February 2018
Preschool : Age 2-4 years
Theme / Sub Theme : School Environment

Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument

09.30-10.00 Independence  The child knows the Activity 1 1. Rope or fabric
Communicating name of their school  Introduce the school, school yard, and all 2. Afkaaruna song
Helathy Living  Children of the room at school music
understands some of a. Ask children walk around the school
the rules in the (Starting from the yard, front office,
madrassa office, hall, kindy A, and kindy B).
Children are line up and holding a rope
or fabric (kain)
b. Giving an understanding to the child
about the rules, for example, (1) When
arriving at the madrassa, put sandals on
a sandal rack, (2) Salim and say salam
with someone who is at the front
office, (3) Ask for help when opening
the door, (4) No play and open office
door, (5) Enter the bathroom with the
left foot first, (6) After pee flush the
floor with much of water, (7) If playing
in the yard, do not play sand or water
excessively, (8) Don’t be noisy when
naptime, etc
c. Sing afkaaruna song
10.00-10.30 Independence  Children can climb Activity 2 1. Flag
the ladders with  Cl`imb up the ladder slowly and take the 2. Ladders
right and left legs in flag 3. Wood
turn a. In the backyard, the educator puts a flag
in a rather high place. The child take
the flag by climbing the ladder slowly.
Educator make sure to keep the child
while climbing the ladders
Or, if we don’t have a ladder,
b. Children put flags on prepared wood
from the top of swing
10.30-10.45 Independence  Children are more Activity 3 1. Scrap Paper
familiar and  Make a circle, number 1, and letter A 2. Pencil
recognizes the a. The children poked the paper with the
numbers 1, letter A, tip of the pencil
and circle b. The hole on the paper is formed
number 1, circle, and letter A

Sleman, 30 Januari 2018

Principle Room Leader Preschool

Ahmad SaifulAnam, S.Pd WahyuHanif Al Kirom

NIY. 024.19920516. 03-2017 NIY. -

Semester / Month / Week : II / February / 1

Day / Date : Tuesday / 6 February 2018
Preschool : Age 2-4 years
Theme / Sub Theme : School Environment
Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument
09.30-10.00 Communicating  Children are able to Activity 1 -
Interdependence tell about one of  Newsday (Telling about her friend)
their friends a. After make a circle, children are asked to
sit in pairs
b. Two children came forward to tell their
partner's friend (Who is his/her full and
nick name, about the clothes he/she was
wearing, what he likes, what to do while
being together, what toys that he usually
bring, etc)

10.00-10.30 Independence  The child knows Activity 2 1. Paper for worksheet

some school  Introduce school equipment 2. Small picture to
equipment a. Each child is given one sheet of paper stamps
containing the pictures of school 3. Glue
equipment in the left column
b. The children were given some small
pictures (picture of school equipment)
c. The child stamp the small picture in the
right column, similar to the picture in the
left column
10.30-10.45  Children are able to Activity 3 1. Video / music
follow the music and  English Enrichment (Repeating songs that
lyrics of the song have been memorized : Getting dressed song,
well (improving the walking-walking, I love my family)
ability of English)

Sleman, 30 Januari 2018

Principle Room Leader Preschool

Ahmad SaifulAnam, S.Pd WahyuHanif Al Kirom

NIY. 024.19920516. 03-2017 NIY. -

Semester / Month / Week : II / January / 2

Day / Date : Wednesday / 7 February 2018
Preschool : Age 2-4 years
Theme / Sub Theme : School Environment
Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument
09.30-10.00 Communication,  Children are able to Activity 1 1. Aqua’s glass as a
independence communicate and  Roleplay (Make a yard) pot
Explore work together in the a. Tell the children that we will make a yard 2. Wild flower
role play rules containing flowers plants
b. Let the child play the role of mother, sister, 3. Soil or sand
child, and father who is planting flowers
c. Arrange the flower pot becomes more tidy

10.00-10.30 Independence  The child can put Activity 2 1. Tree from paper
the cherry in right  Sticky the cherry fruits on tree 2. Glue
place a. Educator prepares a tree (stems and leaves 3. Cherry fruit and
attached to the board) number
b. Each child is given a cherry and different
numbers to be stuck to the tree
c. One by one the children stick that cherry and
that number, according to the instructions
(the child who is able to read one of the daily
du’a or who is the proper one)

10.30-10.45 Independence  The child knows Activity 3 1. Some APEs

some APE’s in  Introduce some APE used in school
madrassa, how to a. Educator prepares some APEs from the toy’s
borrow, and APE cupboard and put it on the table
that can be played b. Children are allowed to choose one of APE
and playing it after educator finished
introducing that APEs

Sleman, 30 Januari 2018

Principle Room Leader Preschool

Ahmad SaifulAnam, S.Pd WahyuHanif Al Kirom

NIY. 024.19920516. 03-2017 NIY. -

Semester / Month / Week : II / January / 2

Day / Date : Thursday / 8 February 2018
Preschool : Age 2-4 years
Theme / Sub Theme : School Environment
Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument
09.30-10.00 Explore  Children can be creative in Activity 1 1. Worksheet (School
Independence sticking cotton, rice, green  Decorate school environment picture environment
beans and eggshells into with eggshells, rice, greenbean, and picture)
the picture cotton 2. Cotton
a. Prepare the worksheet 3. Rice
(Environmental picture) 4. Greenbean
b. Children put the cotton, rice, 5. Eggshells
eggshells, and green beans on the 6. Glue
picture (example, cotton on the cow
image, rice on the rice field image,
eggshell on the ground image)

10.00-10.30 Explore  The child is able to try to Activity 2 1. Green beans

plant something and know  Plant green beans in a glass with cotton 2. Glass
how to take care of it (Children plant green beans, and that 3. Water
plant is placed next to the class, wait a 4. cotton
few days to grow)

10.30-10.45 Communicate  Children can get to know Activity 3 1. Photos of

afkaaruna's family  Introduce all of the afkaaruna’s family afkaaruna’s family
a. Ask the children who they know in
b. Show photos and children are asked
to tell about them

Sleman, 30 Januari 2018

Principle Room Leader Preschool

Ahmad SaifulAnam, S.Pd WahyuHanif Al Kirom

NIY. 024.19920516. 03-2017 NIY. -

Semester / Month / Week : II / January / 2

Day / Date : Friday / 9 February 2018
Preschool : Age 2-4 years
Theme / Sub Theme : Shool Environment
Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument
09.30-10.00 Communication  Children are able to Activity 2 1. Broom and cikrak
Interdependence communicate and  Role play “cleaning the classroom” 2. Bin
Healthy Living work together in the  Discussion about cleaning the
role play rules classroom
 Children understand a. What makes the classroom
to always keep the dirty?
classroom clean b. What happens if the classroom
is always dirty?
c. What tools are used to clean the
d. Where should you throw the

10.00-10.30 Independence  Children are able to Activity 2 1. Colorful plastic ball

concentrate on cues  Take a colorful ball that is placed in
different places
a. There are several balls that are
placed in different places
b. At one time, some children took
the balls in accordance with the
cues given by the educator
Sleman, 30 Januari 2018
Principle Room Leader Preschool

Ahmad SaifulAnam, S.Pd WahyuHanif Al Kirom

NIY. 024.19920516. 03-2017 NIY. -

Time Learning Indicator Activity Instrument

07.30-08.00  Reciting asmaul husna Iqro’, Flash Card
 Reciting du’a
 Ngaji sorogan
08.00-08.15 Game for transition*
08.15-08.30  Hifdzul Qur’an
08.30-09.00  Monday : Upacara
 Wednesday : Exercise
 Other day : Take wudzu and pray Dzuha
09.00-09.15  Wash hand and snack time
09.15-09.30 Opening Rope
 Make circle
 Assalamu’alaikum song
 Claps
 Sing “Walking - walking” song
 Reading book
10.45-11.00 Closing
 Make circle
 Ask about what children’s feeling today
 Review about past lesson
1. Who remembers, what do we learn today?
2. Educator explain again What has been done today
 Claps
 Reciting du’a after study
11.00-11.30  Lunch and change clothes

Game Step
Monday, 22 Januari 2018 1. Prepare objects such as stationery, and put in black plastic
Feel the object in black plastic 2. Some children touch the objects in the plastic
3. The child guesses what's inside the plastic and tells it
4. After telling it, take the object out of plastic
5. Give applause to the correct answer
6. Do several children simultaneously
Tuesday, 23Januari 2018 1. Set up the tool (dice and ladder boards)
Snakes and Ladders game 2. The child throws the dice
3. The child stepped from the box to the box on the ladder boards according to the
number of open dice boxes
4. Furthermore, the child's steps follow the instructions based on the drawings on
the board
Wednesday, 24 Januari 2018 1. Children are lined up
APE (The ball relay) 2. The child who stands at the front brings the ball
3. The ball is given to the child behind him through the top of the head
Thursday, 25 Januari 2018 1. Setting up a music
“Patung Musik” 2. Children dance according to the rhythm of music
3. When the music stops, the child also stops dancing like a statue
4. When the music re-sounds, the child returns to dance
Friday, 26 Januari 2018 1. Two children will be nets, and the other children become fish
“Jala Ikan” 2. Children who act as nets, run and catch other children who play the role of fish
3. Who gets caught will join the net, and catch the others.

Tittle Lyrics
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let's stop. Now let's stop.
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let's stop. Now let's stop.
Tiptoe tiptoe. Tiptoe tiptoe.
Jump jump jump. Jump jump jump.
Walking-walking Swimming swimming swimming.
Now let's sleep. Now let's sleep.
Wake up! It's time to go! Are you ready to go fast? Okay! Walking walking.
Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let's stop. Now let's stop.
Walking walking. Walking walking.
Hop hop hop. Hop hop hop.
Running running running. Running running running.
Now let's stop. Now let's stop.

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