Fuels and Combustion Marion L. Smith, Karl W. Stinson.
Fuels and Combustion Marion L. Smith, Karl W. Stinson.
Fuels and Combustion Marion L. Smith, Karl W. Stinson.
Marion L. Smith
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
The Ohio State University
Karl W. Stinson
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
The Ohio State University
Copyright, 1952, by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. Printed in the
United States of America. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof,
may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.
Preface v
1. Fuels 1
2. Stoichiometric Analysis 38
3. Thermochemical Analysis 69
Index 331
35,000 A
n ital en ergy
J / J>> J
V u
/ n r\
15,000 A. t» 'tuminc us coc if
and li jnife
/ r
Pe troleun u total c
— —
ry .J
An fhratii -yWa) fir 0Jtural gas^
hand, the figures on the reserves of pe'troleum and natural gas include
only those oil fields which have been proved. New oil fields have been
brought in more rapidly than petroleum has been used in the past. Con
sequently, while the use of petroleum has more than tripled during the
past 30 years, the proved crude-oil reserves are greater now than in 1920.
X Data from Dr. A. C. Fieldner, Chief, Fuels and Explosives Branch, U.S. Bureau of Mines, corrected
to Jan. 1, 1948.
years, especially if synthetic liquid fuels from coal and oil shale are used
to supplement the supply of petroleum.
The use of foreign oil might also aid in conserving the petroleum
reserves of this country. However, it has been estimated that the United
States has about 35 per cent of the proved world reserve of crude oil, thus
no substantial help from foreign fields is completely dependable, espe
cially in a time of world crisis when the drain on petroleum reserves is
0 i
no ie
Proved reserves
1918 '20 '24 '28 '32 '36 '40 '44 •48
Fig. 1-3. United States production
of crude petroleum compared to proved reserves.
("Petroleum Data Book, 1947," and Mineral Industry Surveys, U.S. Bureau of Mines.)
Railroads 65 0 14 3
Coke, gas, and chemical manufacturers 103 3 22 8
7 7 1 7
Cement mills 7 9 1 7
94 2 20 8
86 6 19 1
Electric-power utilities 88 3 19 4
Others 0 8 0 2
will for a good many years to supply the bulk of the heat and
be used
power needed in this modern civilization.
The solid fuels used in this country primarily are bituminous and
anthracite coal, coke, wood, and charcoal. Of these, the consumption of
coal far exceeds the combined demand for the others, and most of the
discussion here will be devoted to coal.
Origin of Coal. Geological studies prove definitely that coal is of plant
origin. During the initial period of coal formation, heavy vegetation in
swamps and bogs built up a thick layer of partially decayed vegetal
residue which was probably soon covered with water. Over a period of
many centuries the decayed matter accumulated to a depth of several
feet before it was buried by the violent earth upheavals, floods, and
glaciers of the formative period of this planet.
Then began the secondary transformation period wherein the decayed
vegetation was subjected to extreme temperatures and crushing pressures.
It is believed this second stage must have lasted several hundred thousand
years to transform the soggy swamp decay into the solid mineral known
today as coal.
In the course of the coalification, or coal-forming, process the moisture
and gaseous inclusions in the original decayed vegetation were slowly
excluded from the coal bed as a result of the pressures and high tempera
tures exerted by the earth. The extent to which coalification has pro
gressed determines the rank of a coal. The major ranks of coal from
lowest to highest, are
1. Lignite
2. Subbituminous
3. Bituminous
4. Semianthracite
5. Anthracite
There are no clear-cut dividing lines between coals of the various ranks,
and different physical properties are sometimes listed to help classify fuels
which are borderline cases between lignite and bituminous, or bituminous
and anthracite. The method recommended by the American Society for
Testing Materials (ASTM) and the American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) to classify coals according to rank appears in Chap. 5.
The accumulation of decayed vegetation first came to the stage where
it was known as peat. Peat is not a coal but represents the first stage in
the formation of coal. In the early stages of transformation, varying
amounts of water, methane, and carbon dioxide were gradually elimi-
W Virginia
New Mexico
150 200 250 300
Billions of tons
Fig. 1-6. Coal reserves by states, 1948.
Pennsylvania Anthr. 42 7
Bitum. 89 2
131 9 22 2 27.4
West Virginia Bitum. 122 6 13 8 25.5
Kentucky Bitum. 62 6 10 4 13.0
Illinois Bitum. 47 2 13 9 9.8
Ohio Bitum. 31 0 18 3 6.5
Bitum. 16 6 9 7 3.5
Virginia Bitum. 14 6 1 1 3.0
Bitum. 12 9 1 8 2.7
Utah Bitum. 6 2 0 0 1.3
Wyoming Bitum. 6 0 1 1 1.2
Colorado Bitum. 4 6 0 3 1.0
Bitum. 4 2 0 5 0.9
Others Bitum. 20 2 13 0 4.2
480 6 106 ~0~ 100.0
* Mineral Industry Surveys, Bituminous Coal and Lignite in 1949, U.S. Bur. Mines, October, 1950.
Fig. 1-7. The Colmol at work. This modern machine mines and loads coal in one oper
ation without the use of explosives. {Courtesy of Jeffrey Mfg. Co.)
highest rate of production for any country in the world. This figure is
still low as compared to the 15.33 tons per man-day produced by strip
mining, which gives a comparison as to the relative ease of mining by
stripping and other means.
An increasing percentage of coal is being cleaned and sized at the mine.
In the most modern mining operations, the coal is conveyed to a coal
tipple at the mine entrance. Here the large lumps are crushed, and the
entire production of coal is screened to yield products of a uniform size.
Much of the coal is washed and cleaned to remove as much of the rock,
sulfur, and other mineral content as possible. It is then loaded on rail
cars or trucks for the consumer.
Types of Coal. Coals may be classified as banded or nonbanded,
according to the type of their petrographic, or rock, structure. Banded
Fig. 1-8. A bright, banded, bituminous coal. (Courtesy of U.S. Bureau of Mines, Depart
ment of the Interior.)
Fig. 1-9. A cannel coal. (Courtesy of U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior.)
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the accurate chemical analysis required for the ultimate. It lists the four
items: moisture, volatile matter, fixed carbon, and ash in per cent by
weight. The percentage of moisture is found by heating a 1-g sample of
the fuel to about 225 F to evaporate the water and by measuring the loss
in weight of the original sample. By heating another 1-g sample in an
airtight crucible for 7 min at about 1750 F, the volatile matter and the
moisture are expelled from the sample without igniting the fixed carbon.
The percentage of volatile matter is the loss in weight upon heating the
sample minus the percentage of moisture already found. The percentage
of ash is measured in the same manner as was explained for the ultimate
analysis. Obviously, the same percentage of ash should be reported in
the proximate as in the ultimate analysis. The remaining item, fixed
carbon, is computed as 100 minus the percentages of moisture, volatile
matter, and ash.
The heating value of the fuel and the percentage of sulfur are often
given when reporting a proximate analysis of a coal in addition to the
above four items which total 100 per cent. The heating value of the fuel
is determined by burning a 1-g sample in a bomb calorimeter with a large
excess of oxygen to ensure complete combustion, as discussed in Chap. 3.
From the heat emitted following the combustion process, the heating
value, or calorific value, of the fuel can be computed. Under the condi
tions existing in the bomb calorimeter, the sulfur in the fuel burns and
forms sulfuric acid upon uniting with the water vapor. The amount of
sulfur in the original fuel sample can be determined accurately by measur
ing the quantity of sulfuric acid washed out of the bomb calorimeter
following the combustion process. If the percentage of sulfur were to be
included in the proximate, it would be accounted for twice, since it already
has been reported, part being included in the volatile matter and part in
the ash.
The moisture as determined for the proximate analysis consists only of
the free moisture, or surface moisture, present with the solid fuel. Addi
tional hydrogen and oxygen may be contained in the fuel even after the
free moisture is driven off, but they probably are not united to form
water. The volatile matter consists of all gaseous products which can
be expelled by heating the fuel. Fixed carbon is that carbon in the solid
state which remains once the volatile matter and moisture have been
removed. It does not represent all of the carbon in the coal, as listed in
the ultimate analysis, because volatile matter contains considerable
carbon in the form of complex hydrocarbon compounds.
Origin of Petroleum. Of the several theories advanced concerning the
origin of petroleum, the theory of vegetal origin is the most widely
accepted today. It
holds that enormous quantities of gelatinous vegeta
tion accumulated in clays and sands along seacoasts or lakes. Shifting
currents then buried the organic material in layers of sediment which pro
tected it from the normal processes of decay. Subsequent changes in the
earth structure eventually subjected the entrapped vegetal matter to
enormously high pressures and temperatures which brought about a type
of semidestructive distillation. This along with other metamorphic proc
esses resulted in the formation of petroleum.
Geologic studies indicate that petroleum probably was not formed in
the pools where it is found today. As mentioned above, the deposits of
crude petroleum were undoubtedly formed near seashores, but the action
Fig. 1-10. Typical oil-pool formations. In the center, pool water has forced the petroleum
and gas up into a dome, or anticline, in the porous oil rock layer. Hard cap rock prevents
the escape of the oil. A fault, at the left, or a stratigraphic trap, as shown at the right,
similarly traps oil pools between water under high pressure and hard rock strata.
of the surrounding water gradually shifted the location of the oil pool.
After of many centuries, the oil was forced through layers of
a period
porous rock strata until it finally became entrapped under a dome capped
by hard rock. This made it impossible for the gas or oil to escape, and
the water kept the pool of oil under pressure. A sketch of typical oil
rock formations is shown in Fig. 1-10.
Production of Crude Oil. In drilling for oil, the oil-retaining cap rock
above the deposit is penetrated, and the existing pressure forces the oil,
gas, and some water to the surface. An attempt is made to locate the
bottom of the well at the richest part of the oil-bearing rock. This
procedure makes it possible to keep out much of the water which would
otherwise come up with the oil and gas. As the petroleum is removed
from the underground deposit, the water moves in to take its place.
physical properties appear in Table 1-7. Methane has one carbon atom
in the molecule, formula CH4, and each member in the family has one
more carbon atom in the molecule than the compound preceding it. A
large portion of any hydrocarbon fuel is composed of normal paraffins.
H— C— H H— C— C—C— C— C— H H—C— C—C— C— C—C— C— C—H
I I I I 1
H— C— H
00 C C C C C— H
ll H H
H— C—H H— C—H
I 1
Fig. 1-12. Molecular structure of isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane).
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bers of this group is CnH2n. Olefins are formed principally in the refining
process called cracking. As an example, when the heavy paraffin Ci6H34
is subjected to cracking, a reaction of the following nature may occur:
H— G/ \)—H
\ C
Fig. 1-14. Molecular structure of the naph- Fig. 1-15. Molecular structure of the
thene, cyclopentane. aromatic, benzene.
are similar to those of the normal paraffins, but the combustion properties
are more like those of the isoparaffins.
Aromatics. The aromatics are unsaturated but stable ring compounds.
Benzene, C6H6, is the most characteristic member of the group, and all
aromatics consist of some variation of the benzene ring shown in Fig. 1-15.
The general chemical formula for this group is C„H2n-6. An inspection
of the figure shows benzene to be unsaturated. Unlike the olefins, there
is no tendency for oxygen atoms to be picked up to take the place of the
double bond. This group has very desirable combustion characteristics
for use in spark-ignition engines, and members of the group are often
added to gasoline to produce high-octane fuels.
Composition of Crude Oils. Crude oil is a liquid consisting chiefly of
hydrocarbons with traces of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and a few impurities
such as water and sediment. The chemical analyses of representative
petroleums from various oil fields are shown in Table 1-8. This shows
that the percentages of carbon and hydrogen present in the crudes from
all these sources are essentially the same. However, an analysis which
shows merely the percentage of each element in the crude oil is somewhat
misleading. When the crudes are analyzed on the basis of the hydro
carbon families present and the amounts of the different compounds
in those families, it is found that oils from the different sources vary
Impurities, including
Carbon Hydrogen
sulfur, oxygen, nitrogen
Pennsylvania 85 14 1
West Virginia 84 13 3
Ohio 84 13 3
California 82 10 8
85 11 4
Mexico 84 10 6
Russia, Baku 87 12 1
almost any product from any crude oil in the desired proportions,
although in many cases it would not be economical.
A few of the fundamental processes employed in modern refineries are
described in the paragraphs which follow. A simplified flow diagram
showing where each process fits into the over-all production is given in
Fig. 1-16.
Fractional Distillation. The first step in the refining of crude oil is the
fractional distillation process. Primary fractions, obtained from a frac
tionating tower, and the order in which they occur are shown diagram-
matically in Fig. 1-17. In this simplified representation of the process,
Vapor f~
-Light gases to
vapor recovery
|_ -Straight -run
V. -Naphtha
Crude oil
furnace -Medium gas oil
Fig. 1-17. Straight-run fractions obtained from the fractional distillation process.
various catalysts, which give a higher yield of premium gasoline from the
heavy fractions than the thermal method.
Polymerization. Light hydrocarbon gases resulting from the frac
tional distillation or cracking processes may be built up into heavier
compounds by a process of polymerization. Thus, many gaseous prod
ucts of the refinery are utilized which might otherwise be wasted. As an
example of the type of reaction followed here, many light compounds,
such as CH4, C2H4, C3H6, and C3H8, may be polymerized, or joined
together, to form heavier molecules such as C6Hi2, C6Hi4, and C7H14.
The initial and the final compounds may be members of the normal-
paraffin, isoparaffin, olefin, naphthene, or aromatic families, depending
upon the reactions followed. The products from the polymerization
reaction are controlled by regulating the temperature and pressure, and
by the catalyst used in the process.
Absorption Process. The gases leaving the oil well and also many
from the refinery processes contain heavier hydrocarbons in the vapor
state. A portion of these heavier hydrocarbons fall into the gasoline
range. The absorption process is used to recover these vapors. In this
process the gases come into contact with a kerosene or light oil which
absorbs the heavy hydrocarbon vapors but not the lighter hydrocarbons
making up the gas. The vapors are then removed from the absorbing
oil by heating the latter in a steam stripper and driving off the absorbed
vapors. In some cases, part of the heavy vapor is precipitated by flow
ing the natural gas past refrigerating coils before sending it through the
absorption process. If the natural gas is compressed at the well before
entering the pipe lines, much of the vapor may be precipitated at that
Fig. 1-18. Refinery at Baton Rouge, La., showing three Kellogg catalytic crackers on the
left, an alkylation unit in the center, and the light ends plant on the right. (Courtesy of
Standard Oil Co., N. J.; photo by Libsohn.)
ene, propylene, and isobutane, are fed into a reactor which converts them
into isoparaffins having a boiling point which falls into the gasoline range.
Here again is a process which produces a high-octane fuel having a high
boiling point and low vapor pressure.
Finished Blended Products. The products from the various refinery
processes are blended together to form liquid fuels with the proper
Fraction number
I 1 I I l
400 450 500 550 600
Evaporation temperature, F
Fig. 1-19. Distribution of hydrocarbon compounds in a straight-run mid-continent gas
oil by boiling point. (Ward and Smith, "Why Diesel Fuels Behave As They Do," paper
presented before the Western Petroleum Refiners' Association, San Antonio, April, 1951.)
Note that none of these methods attempts to show all the constituent
hydrocarbons, but only the hydrogen and carbon contents. Since these
fuels are composed of so many compounds, any formula given to repre
sent the liquid would be merely an average of all the formulas of the com
pounds making up the fuel.
All gasolines are approximately 85.7 per cent carbon and 14.3 per cent
hydrogen by weight and may be represented quite accurately by the
average molecular formula CsHi6. Most kerosene similarly is 85.7 per
cent hydrogen and 14.3 per cent carbon by weight and the formula
Cn.6H23.2 represents all kerosenes. Light and heavy diesel oils and fuel
oils will vary from about 14 to 15 per cent hydrogen. The average
formula for such heavy fuels may vary widely.
Gaseous fuels enjoy a number of advantages over solid and liquid fuels
for many applications. They may be easily piped into a furnace so that
no physical handling of the fuel is necessary. Generally, gases are free
from ash or other foreign matter, and they burn completely. Also, the
control of gas flames is relatively easy, and complete combustion with no
smoke can be obtained with a low percentage of excess air. In addition
to these advantages, in many parts of the country today, gaseous fuels
compare favorably in cost per Btu to either coal or oil ; in many instances,
gas is the cheapest.
One of the disadvantages in the use of gas is the difficulty in storing
any appreciable supply. Large gas holders which store several million
cubic feet of gas under high pressure are used, but even this is not com
parable to the ease of storing large supplies of solid and liquid fuels.
Brief descriptions of the common gaseous fuels used commercially in
this country appear in the paragraphs which follow. Table 1-9 gives
typical analyses of the components, specific gravities, and heating values
of these gases. The specific gravity of a gas is the ratio of the density of
the gas to the density of air at the same temperature and pressure.
Heating values of gases are reported at 60 F and 30 in. Hg, the standard
adopted by the American Gas Association (AGA) for that purpose.
Natural Gas. Of the various gases listed, natural gas is used far more
widely than any of the others. It is compressed to pressures of several
hundred pounds per square inch and sent through pipe lines from the oil
fields of Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma to areas in the north central
and northeast portions of the United States. Much of the western United
States is supplied with natural gas from wells in that area, while oil fields
in Pennsylvania and West Virginia have supplied local areas with gas for
many years.
Natural gas is a nearly odorless and colorless gas that accumulates in
the upper parts of oil or gas wells. It consists chiefly of methane, CH4,
with varying quantities of heavier hydrocarbons, and has a heating value
between 1000 and 1100 Btu/cu ft. The gas may contain small amounts
of noncombustible constituents such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and
water vapor.
Like petroleum, natural gases from any given region of the country have
certain characteristic analyses. Gases in the east, or Appalachian region,
are usually high in paraffin content. Western gases contain relatively
higher percentages of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen and some helium charac
terize the natural gases from the Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas regions.
In this country, no natural gas contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen, or
olefin hydrocarbons in any appreciable amounts. Some fields produce
gases containing hydrogen sulfide, H2S. Because of their pungent odor
such gases are called "sour" natural gases. They may be " sweetened "
by removing the hydrogen sulfide.
Much of the gas leaving the liquid and gas separator at the oil well still
contains appreciable portions of liquid hydrocarbons in the vapor phase.
"Dry" natural gas contains less than 0.1 gal of gasoline per 1000 cu ft of
gas. The higher hydrocarbons in "wet" gas are mostly propane, butane,
and pentane, although a small percentage of still heavier compounds may
nants Sp
Number and type Source 5; N2 CO H2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 C4H00
and gr
Gross Net
Propane Refinery gas 2.0 72.9 0.8 24. 3i 1.77 2504 2256
Butane Natural gas 6.0 94.0 2.04 3210 295
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Butane Refinery gas 5.0 4.7 0. 3§ 2.00 3904 2935
10. Refinery oil Liq. phase crack. 0.2 1.2 6.1 4.4 72.5 1.00 1650 1524
11. Refinery oil Vap. phase crack. 0.2 1.2 13.1 23.3 21.9 39.6 0.89 1475 1351
12. 5il gas Portland 0.5 7.7 54.2 90.1 3.9 0.37 570 510
13. Coal gas Horizontal retort 0.8 7.4 48.0 27.1 3.0 0.47 542 486
14. Coal gas Inclined retort 0.8 7.3 49.5 29.2 3.4 0.47 259 540
15. Coal gas Vertical retort 0.4 13.5 51.9 24.3 3.4 0.42 520 44
0 1 2 1 2 2
16. Coke oven By-product 0.8 4 8 6.3 5.5 32.1 4.0 0.44 525 509
17. Producer Anthracite 8.0 0.1 50.0 23.2 17.7 1.0 0.86 143 133
90. Producer Bituminous 4.5 0.6 50.9 27.0 14.0 3.0 0.86 163 14
19. Blast furnace 11.5 0.0 27.5 1.0 1.02 92 92
20. Blue gas (water gas) Coke 5.4 0.7 8.3 37.0 47.3 1.3 0.57 07 52
21. Blue gas (water gas) Bituminous 5.5 0.9 27.6 0.2 32.5 4.6 0.7 0.70 50 239
22. Carbureted water. . Low gravity 3.6 0.4 5.0 21.9 49.6 10.6 2.5 6.1 0.54 46 45
23. Carbureted water.. . Heavy oil 6.0 0.9 12.4 5.8 32.2 13.5 8.2 0.4 40 451
24. Carbureted water High Btu 0.7 0.3 5.8 11.7 0.0 36.1 17.4 0.63 840 770
25. Sewage. „ Decatur, 111. 22.0 6.0 2.0 68.0 0.79 250 41
by permission "Gaseous Fuels," American Gas Association, 09008. CsHu. CiHe. «. CiHs.
CiHa. At 60 and 30 in. Hg.
tion, and the type of equipment. In the vertical retorts, steam is often
added to the base of the coal charge. The steam reacts with the incan
descent carbon according to the equation, H2O + C — » CO + H2. The
addition of steam to the charge decreases the Btu per cubic foot of the
coal-gas product formed, but the volume of gas produced per ton of coal
is increased substantially.
Coke-oven Gas. Coke-oven gas is produced in a manner similar to
that for coal gas. The coke ovens are controlled more closely and at
somewhat lower temperatures, between 1200 and 2000 F, to form a high-
quality coke product. A large share of the coke produced today comes
from by-product coke ovens. These ovens are designed to maintain
fairly constant temperatures throughout the charge of volatile coal and
to remove the coke-oven gas and other by-products quickly. They are
heated with producer gas or blast-furnace gas. The composition of coke-
oven gas varies with the size of the charge, the length of the coking period,
and other similar factors. Some of the valuable by-products also derived
from the coking process are ammonia and ammonium salts, light oils
(including benzene, toluene, and light paraffins and olefins), and coal tar.
Each of the manufactured gases contains some compounds called
illuminants, as shown in Table 1-9. Any hydrocarbon compound which
produces a bright yellow flame upon combustion could be called an
illuminant, but the chief ones are ethylene, propylene, butylene, benzene,
toluene, xylene, and acetylene.
Producer Gas. Producer gas is formed in gas generators having a
general construction similar in principle to that shown in Fig. 1-20.
Either anthracite or low grades of bituminous coal are fed to the generator
where the coal is partially burned with a supply of air entering the base
of the combustion zone. The technique and equipment required to
produce gas from bituminous coal differ from those for anthracite; like
wise the composition of the finished producer gas varies widely.
The oxygen in the air entering the combustion zone first unites with
the hot carbon according to the equation, C + O2 — » CO2. The heat
released from this reaction brings the entire charge of coal to a high
temperature, driving off the volatile matter from the coal near the top of
the producer, and leaving incandescent carbon in the middle and bottom
of the unit. As the gases pass on up through the hot coal bed, the carbon
dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide by the reaction, CO2 + C — » 2C0,
since the oxygen is nearly depleted from the gases by the time they reach
the upper part of the combustion zone.
Because of the large percentage of nitrogen appearing in producer gas,
resulting from the air fed to the producer, the heating value of the gas is
low, being about 130 to 150 Btu/cu ft. The Btu value of the finished
gas may be increased by spraying steam into the coke charge of the gas
producer occasionally. The steam reacts with the coke to form carbon
monoxide and hydrogen. The addition of steam to the process must be
employed only intermittently, since this reaction absorbs a considerable
quantity of heat and may cool the coke bed to the point where all reac
tions will cease.
The low heating value of producer gas does not make distribution of
this gas in long pipe lines feasible. It is used extensively for firing open
Producer gas out, intermittently
hearth furnaces in the steel industry. It may be used hot just as comes
from the gas generator, or the tar and other impurities may be "scrubbed
out." Recent research indicates that the use of small, efficient, high-
output gas producers may be a feasible way of utilizing coal, while still
maintaining many of the advantages of burning gaseous fuel in com
bustion equipment.
Blast -furnace Gas. Blast-furnace gas one of the by-products of the
blast furnace operation. It contains large per cent of nitrogen and has
the lowest heating value of any of the commercial gases. The Btu per
cubic foot of blast-furnace gas frequently runs below 100. For this
reason used near the area in which produced to operate gas
engines, to heat by-product coke ovens, and for various heating processes.
the equation: H20 + C — > CO + H2. This reaction cools the charge
within 3 or 4 min. Then the "make" run is stopped, and more air is
forced through the fuel bed to burn and thus heat the coke during
another "blow" run.
Thus, very little nitrogen is included in the finished water gas generated
during the "make" run, because air is not admitted to the fuel bed during
that period. Part of the volatile matter of the coal is included in the
product gas, however. Because of the high carbon monoxide content of
the gas, which burns with a short, blue flame, water gas is often called
blue gas.
The heating value of blue gas is approximately 270 Btu/cu ft, as it
The obvious unbalance between the use of liquid and gaseous fuels and
their reserves, as compared to the use and reserves of coal, has caused
much concern as to what other fuel sources might provide suitable sup
plies of liquid and gaseous fuels to meet future demands. This specula
tion seemed especially urgent during times of temporary petroleum
shortages such as were experienced in 1918-1919 and 1945-1947. Follow
ing each of these periods, new reserves of crude oil were discovered, and
new production and refining methods have enabled the supply of liquid
fuels from petroleum to more than meet the demand.
However, research departments of various private corporations and the
United States government have continued investigations of possible sub
stitutes for petroleum products. Some of the developments receiving
the widest attention and showing more or less promise are discussed here.
Oil Shale. The reserves of oil shale are large in many states of the
union, especially in Colorado. It is estimated that at least 100 billion
barrels of oil can be obtained from known United States deposits of oil
shale. The U.S. Bureau of Mines has established a pilot plant at Rifle,
Colo, to investigate and develop a method for recovering this oil. Oil
shale is a rock bearing anywhere from 7 to 50 gal of oil per ton of shale.
The quantity of liquid is so low that it cannot be forced from the rock by
pumping it from the ground as is done with oil-bearing sands. Neither
will a high pressure exerted on the shale by water or mud displace the oil.
The production of liquid fuels from oil shale may be divided into two
basic operations: (1) mining of the shale and recovery of the crude shale
oil and (2) refining the crude oil obtained. With modern mechanical
mining and quarrying techniques, it has been found that the shale may
be mined, crushed, and conveyed to the recovery plant at a relatively low
cost per ton. A simplified flow diagram showing the processes used to
recover the oil from the shale and refine the crude shale oil appears in
Fig. 1-22. The oil is removed from the shale by passing heated air over
Spent shale
Sized oil shale -Hot air, gases, and oil-
Retort transportation
> I Catalytic
}*- Gasoline
Diesel fuel
Ammonium sulfate
Fiq. 1-22. Recovery of liquid fuels from oil shale.
the raw shale in a retort. The oil evaporates into the air and is later
condensed as crude shale oil, which is rich in olefinic and ring compounds
and somewhat troublesome to refine.
By the method shown in Fig. 1-22, the crude shale oil is hydrogenated
to form a product which can be further refined by conventional refinery
processes into the usual commercial qualities of gasoline, kerosene, fuel
oil, etc. There are various processes by which the crude shale oil might
be refined.
Synthesis of Coal. A number of processes have been developed for
converting coal into liquid fuels. Figure 1-23 shows a simplified flow
Synthesis Gas-purification
Oxygen 2100 F
500 psi
Synthesis gos
■Light polymer
Polymeri -1 , ■Butane
600 to 700 F zavion - Heavy
Product polymer
Synthesis - Gasoline
reactor c_5_a Isomeri-
Steam -Heater oil
Heavier zofion - Heovy gas oil
carbons of the paraffin, olefin, and alcohol families. These products are
further refined by conventional processes to form suitable liquid fuels.
The Bergius hydrogenation process is another means for converting coal
into liquid fuels. It employs a hydrogenation process on a powdered coal
paste. The U.S. Bureau of Mines has established a pilot plant for
investigation of all phases of coal synthesis at Louisiana, Mo.
Synthesis of Natural Gas. A synthetic gasoline can be produced from
natural gas using much the same process as that described for the syn
thesis of oil from coal. In both of these processes, a low-percentage Btu
conversion is obtained since part of the original coal or gas must be burned
to form the synthesis gas. The production of liquid fuels from natural
gas is reported to be able to compete economically with the production of
petroleum fuels. Unfortunately, the reserves of natural gas are small as
compared to those of oil shale and coal, so that the latter seem to offer
the best possibility for supplying unlimited quantities of liquid fuels for
many years.
Alcohol and Vegetable Oils. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has
established a pilot plant at Peoria, 111., to investigate the possibility of
producing liquid fuels from agricultural products. These fuels might
take the form of natural oils, such as corn oil, cottonseed, or peanut oil, or
alcohols formed from organic compounds. While these compounds have
a few select uses at the present, no means seem in sight for processing a
satisfactory fuel in any form from agricultural products which can begin
to compete economically with present fuels.
Underground Gasification of Coal. Attempts are being made to gasify
coal underground and bring up much of the heat content without mining
the coal. Tests have been made to study the feasibility of this plan at
Gorgas, Ala., under the sponsorship of the Alabama Power and Light Co.
and in cooperation with the U.S. Bureau of Mines. Similar tests have
been and are being made in other countries.
The general plan is to force air or oxygen into an enclosed vein of burn
ing coal, let the ground act as a gas producer, and take the product gas
out of the mine a few hundred feet down the vein from the point of the
admission of air. So far it has been proved that the coal will burn, and
rather completely, under such circumstances. The results obtained by
the end of the second Gorgas test in 1950, however, were not too encour
aging in that a gas low in Btu content was produced. At any rate, here
is a possible new development which would throw many new factors into
the economics of the use of fuels and power generation.
1. Distinguish between proved reserves and estimates of fuels.
2. Why is sulfur listed separately when a proximate analysis is reported?
3. Correlate the percentages of volatile matter and fixed carbon for the various
ranks of coal.
4. In general, what conclusion may be drawn in regard to the effect of the composi
tion on the heating value on a dry basis for solid fuels?
5. Why is there less difference between the fixed carbon in the proximate analysis
and the carbon in the ultimate analysis for a high-rank than for a low-rank coal?
6. Discuss the economics of the hypothetical problem: What would happen if
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio should suddenly be depleted of
their coal resources?
7. Compare the origin of coal to the origin of petroleum.
Hydrogen 1.0080 1
Carbon 12.01 12
Nitrogen 14.008 14
Oxygen 16.0000 16
Sulfur 32.06 32
where P absolute pressure, lb/sq ft
V = volume, cu ft
N = number of moles of gas
R = universal gas constant, 1545 ft-lb/(mole) (R)
T = absolute temperature, R
This law is the statement of the physical phenomenon first observed by
Boyle and Charles. For 1 mole of gas,
= R
The universal gas constant R has been determined very accurately for
many gases and is approximately 1545 ft-lb/(mole) (R). It should be
noted that the specific gas constant, whose units are ft-lb/ (lb) (R), is equal
to the universal gas constant divided by the molecular weight of the gas.
Thus, for oxygen which has a molecular weight of 32.0 lb per mole, the
specific gas constant R' is
While the universal gas constant does not vary appreciably, the specific
gas constant for each gas is different since the gases have different
molecular weights.
Oxygen has a molecular weight of 32. Therefore 1 mole of oxygen
weighs 32 lb, and the volume of 1 mole of oxygen at the scientific "stand
ard" temperature and pressure (32 F and 14.7 psia) would be
NRT X ...
1 X 1545 492
" 359
T7 = = CU ft
14.7 X 144
A pound mole of any ideal gas must occupy the same volume at stand
ard conditions since all terms in the ideal-gas equation are constant at the
same temperature and pressure. Experimental evidence substantiates
this pressure-volume-mass relationship for all gases that approximate the
ideal gas.
Appreciable deviations from the ideal-gas law will occur with real gases
and the ideal-gas law can be applied with sufficient accuracy for combus
tion computations.
Avogadro's Law. From the preceding article it is seen that the volume
occupied by 1 mole of any ideal gas is the same under like conditions of
temperature and pressure. Also, the weight of a mole of gas is directly
dependent upon the weight of the molecules making up the gas. It there
fore follows that a mole of any gas always has a fixed number of molecules.
Avogadro stated this relationship. It has been further proved that a
mole of gas contains 2.7 X 1026 molecules. The full importance of
Avogadro's law is not readily recognized. However, in the calculations
which follow, the volume and mole relationship should become evident as
the law is applied.
Dalton's Law. In a mixture of gases, each gas fills the entire volume.
In Fig. 2-1 three gases are considered — first alone, and then as a mixture.
5P = 32 F 71 = 32 F r = 32 F T = 32 F
Fig. 2-1. Partial pressures of a gaseous mixture.
where PT is the total pressure, and PA, Pb, and Pc are the partial pressures
exerted by gases A, B, and C.
If the ideal-gas law is applied to gas A,
(3) pi wT
Solving for the partial pressure of A and substituting the numerical values
from the example of Fig. 2-1,
PA = X PT = X = 14-7
WT \ 44-1 Psk
The fraction N'A/NT is often called the fraction. The partial pres
sure of a gas present in a gaseous mixture is equal to the mole fraction of
that gas times the total pressure of the mixture. Although Dalton's law
of partial pressures can be applied in principle to real gases, the expression
in Eq. (3) is precise only for ideal gases because it was derived from the
ideal-gas law. However, Eq. (3) may be used for all gases within the
limits of accuracy required for combustion calculations.
Ar = wtofCO2 =
44 ,
N -. -n — \ mole
molecular wt 44
p 1 X 1545(460 + 130) . .
Fc(H 6-33 psm
1000 X 144
D =
0.78 X 1545(460 + 130) ,
= 4 nr
Po' 95 pSia
1000 X 144
6.07 X 1545 X 590
= 38.4 psia
1000 X 144
Mixture Gas A
Gas B
+ Gas C
From Fig. 2-2 it is evident that the total volume VT is equal to the sum
of the partial volumes VA, VB, and Vc- Following a derivation similar to
that for Eq. (3),
This is the same as saying that two molecules of hydrogen plus one mole
cule of oxygen will unite to form two molecules of water. While it must
be remembered that a chemical reaction between two substances is actu
ally a combination of the individual molecules of those substances, it is
usually more convenient to work with molal units. The equation also
states that 2 lb moles of hydrogen plus 1 lb mole of oxygen form 2 lb
moles of water. Also from Avogadro's law it can be concluded that 2
vol of hydrogen plus 1 vol of oxygen will form 2 vol of water vapor. Since
each mole of hydrogen weighs 2 lb, a mole of oxygen weighs 32 lb, and
Note that it is not always necessary to balance the equation in such a way
that all the coefficients are whole numbers. It is just as true that 1 mole
of C0 unites with % mole of 02 as if it were written 2 moles of CO unite
with 1 mole of 02. This simplifies balancing the equations. Also it
should be observed that the combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel can be
expressed as a simple combination with oxygen to form carbon dioxide
and water as the combustion products.
Combustion with Air. In most applications of combustion, fuel is
burned in the presence of air. This means that much nitrogen from the
air must accompany the oxygen which goes into the chemical reaction.
However, the nitrogen, being inert, does not enter into the reaction.
Table 2-2 shows the average composition of dry air by volume. This
Table 2-2. Composition of Dry Air*
0 0 ,
+ +
m--wTMA wTMb wTMc+
where M„ = average
molecular weight of mixture
MA, MB, Mc molecular weights of gases A, B, and C, respectively
100 100
= 0.21 X 32 + 0.79 X 28
= 28.9
Because the argon and the small amount of carbon dioxide in the air
are somewhat heavier than nitrogen, the actual average molecular weight
of air is closer to 29.0 than the 28.9 obtained above.
In addition to the various components of dry air listed in Table 2-2,
there is always a certain amount of moisture in the atmosphere. The
weight of water vapor present per pound of dry air under various atmos
pheric conditions may be determined from a psychrometric chart (Fig.
A-8 in the Appendix) . From the chart, the weight of water vapor in 1 lb
of dry air may be found by reading vertically from the dry-bulb air
temperature to the appropriate relative humidity line and then reading
horizontally to the right. Relative humidity is the ratio of the actual to
the saturation quantity of water vapor per unit volume, at the same
temperature. Thus, as read from the psychrometric chart, the maximum
amount of water vapor the air could hold at 70 F would be 0.01(5 lb per
pound of dry air. Since the air generally has a relative humidity con
siderably less than 100 per cent, air used for combustion frequently has
much less than 1 per cent moisture by weight. The error introduced by
neglecting the moisture in the air in combustion calculations is so insig
nificant for most practical problems that it has been omitted from the
examples in this book, although for certain conditions it may be desirable
to include the moisture.
The examples which follow show methods for calculating the various
relationships among fuel, air, and combustion products which must be
known in many types of engineering work. In these problems the
molecular weight of air is taken to be 29.0 lb/mole, and the moisture in the
air used for combustion is neglected.
Combustion of Liquid Fuels. If a liquid fuel can be represented by a
chemical formula, one combustion equation for the chemical reaction can
be written which shows the quantity of oxygen required to burn the fuel,
the combustion products formed, and the nitrogen from the air which
must accompany the required oxygen. For the combustion of the hydro
carbon octane CsHi8 with air, the equation would be
8.72 lb hydrogen/ 1
_ 8.72 lb hydrogen _ 8.72 atoms hydrogen
48 lb carbon/12 48 lb carbon 4 atoms carbon
carbon by weight is burned with 20 per cent excess air, that 20 per cent
more air than theoretically required.
representative formula for the fuel burned. In this case, the ratio of
H/C by weight 16 lb H/84 lb C. By dividing the weight of each ele
C7H16 11O2
excess air the ratio of the excess air supplied to the air
theoretically required times 100. The equation balanced for the theo
retical air, but since the problem states 20 per cent excess air supplied,
the coefficients of the O2 and N2 on the left side of the equation should be
multiplied by 1.20. Again the N2 unchanged during the reaction, but
since more O2 supplied than needed for the chemical reaction, some
+ X X 3.76 1.20)N,
. (13.2
X lb fuel/mole
12 + 16
= 18.2 lb air/lb fuel
sample, after one of the component gases has been absorbed in a pipette,
gives the percentage by volume of that component.
To analyze a sample of flue gas, more than 100 volumes of the gas are
drawn into the measuring burette by lowering the leveling bottle.
Enough of the sample is then expelled to the atmosphere through the
three-way petcock to give exactly a 100-vol sample at atmospheric
pressure in the measuring burette. The petcock leading to the carbon
dioxide absorption pipette is next opened, and the entire sample of flue
gas is forced into the pipette by raising the leveling bottle. The gas
sample is allowed to stand in this pipette, which contains a 20 per cent
Flue gases leave the heater at 750 F and 14.7 psia. Determine the com
position of the flue gases, the air/fuel ratio by volume, and the volume of
flue gases formed per cubic foot of dry fuel gas supplied at 60 F and
14.7 psia.
Solution. When working a problem of this type, we usually find it
advantageous to arrange the calculations in tabular form. From the
basic combustion equations, determine the moles of oxygen theoretically
required to burn each constituent and the moles of combustion products
which result. Thus, from the basic equation, CO + ^O2 —* CO2, it is
seen that 19.15 moles of oxygen are theoretically required to burn 38.3
moles of carbon monoxide to 38.3 moles of carbon dioxide. The 0.1
mole of oxygen present in the fuel will enter into the reaction once the
fuel is heated to combustion temperature. The 0.1 mole of oxygen is
therefore entered in the
" Moles of oxygen required" column as a negative
value, indicating that it is not required from the atmosphere. The
carbon dioxide and nitrogen are inert constituents and are carried over to
the combustion products unchanged.
Orsat analysis,
Total flue g ases, moles Vol % (wet) Dry flue g ases, moles
vol % (dry)
As shown in the above example, the dry flue gases are determined by
omitting the water vapor from the combustion products.
Moles of products/
Lb/100 Moles/ 100 Moles 02 theor. 100 lb coal
lb coal Hi coal req'd. /1001b coal
CO* H20 so2 N2 02
Sulfur dioxide is absorbed in the first pipette with the carbon dioxide in
the common Orsat apparatus. For that reason the percentage of carbon
dioxide appearing in the results of the Orsat analysis is actually the sum
of the percentages of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide present. The
moles of these two gases are added in the above example and listed as
carbon dioxide in the gas analysis.
A _
~ (7.30
X 1.50 X 100/21 moles air) 29.0 lb air /mole
F 100 lb coal
= 15.12 lb air/lb coal
= 37,800
cu ft of flue gases
100 lb coal
Oxygen balance
atoms available
21 . 25
4 . 25 left over
4 .25 to burn 4.25CO to CO2
0.00 left
Assuming the hydrogen gets its share of oxygen atoms first, the number
needed to burn the hydrogen to water vapor is subtracted from the total
number of oxygen atoms available. The number needed to burn the
carbon to carbon monoxide is then deducted. This leaves only 4.25
oxygen atoms to complete the combustion of the 8CO formed. There
fore, all of the CO cannot be burned to CO2, but that reaction will proceed
as long as oxygen is available. As shown, the 4.25 oxygen atoms left
will burn 4.25CO to 4.25CO2. The rest of the 8CO formed in the second
step of the problem remains as CO in the exhaust.
The molecules of CO2
in the exhaust would be 4.25 and the CO, 8 4.25, or 3.75. The final
combustion equation for C8Hi8 with 85 per cent theoretical air could then
be written
fuel gas,
The Orsat analysis shows that 4.76 per cent of the dry flue gases are
oxygen, hence
All of this oxygen is not excess, because 0.0020 X 293, or 0.586, mole of
C0 is also in the flue gases. This C0 would have required 0.586/2, or
0.293 mole of 02 had it burned completely to C02. The moles of excess
02 are then 13.95 — 0.293 = 13.66. Only that oxygen which would have
appeared in the combustion products had the fuel burned completely to
C02 and H20 is considered as excess. The number of moles of 02 theo
retically. required for combustion can now be computed.
Basis: 100 moles fuel gas
co2 6.0
02 0.5 -0.5
N2 5.5
CH4 2.0 4.0 4.0
H2 48.0 24.0 48.0
CO 38.0 19.0
100.0 46.5 52.0
The number of moles of water formed by burning 100 moles of fuel gas is
tabulated above. Hence, total moles of wet flue gases = 293 moles dry
flue gas + 52 moles H20 = 345 moles.
The carbon lost in the ashpit must be subtracted from the carbon in the
coal fired to find the amount burned.
Basis: 100 lb coal fired
Carbon 71.89
68.04 h- 12 5.67 5.67
Hydrogen .... 7.66 + 2 3.83 1.91
Oxygen 9.01 32 0.28 -0.28
Nitrogen 2.68 + 28 0.10
Sulfur 1.91 -s- 32 0.06 0.06
Ash 6.85
100.00 7.36
Balancing the carbon in the flue gases with the carbon burned in the
coal, 1.32 + 11.50 = 12.82 per cent of the dry flue gases must contain
the 5.67 moles of carbon burned.
Since thenumbers of carbon and hydrogen atoms in the fuel are unknown,
they are shown as unknowns x and y. A carbon balance is established
to determine the number of C atoms appearing in the exhaust products
(which must also appear as x, the number of C atoms, in the fuel) . Like
wise a hydrogen balance is used to find the original quantity of hydrogen
y from the hydrogen shown in the exhaust products, keeping in mind
that much hydrogen is present in H2O in the exhaust gas which does not
appear in the dry exhaust-gas analysis.
Carbon balance:
42.88/19.9 = 2.16
/. Volume of air at 80 F and 14.7 psia supplied per gallon of liquid fuel, if the
specific gravity of the fuel is 0.626.
17. Natural gas having the following composition by volume:
burns with 30 per cent excess air. Determine the volumetric analysis of the flue
gases on a wet and a dry basis; calculate the volume of dry air at 70 F and 27 in. Hg
used to burn 1000 cu ft of gas at 68 F and 29.92 in. Hg; and find the dew point and
the average molecular weight of the combustion products.
Ans. 13,620 cu ft air per 1000 cu ft gas.
18. A gas furnace requires a heat input of 500,000 Btu/hr. Gas is supplied at
70 F and 31 in. Hg abs. Twenty per cent excess air is available for combustion at
70 F and 14.7 psia. The gas has a composition in per cent by volume as follows:
The net heating value of the fuel gas is 1002 Btu/cu ft of gas at 60 F and 30.0 in. Hg
abs pressure. Compute:
a. Cubic feet of gas per hour under the supply conditions.
6. Cubic feet per minute of air required.
c.Orsat analysis of the flue gases.
d. Dew point of the combustion products.
19. A gas of the following composition in per cent by volume is burned in a heater
with 25 per cent excess air:
The air for combustion is supplied at a pressure of 14.7 psia and 90 F while the fuel
gas enters at 1 psig and 60 F. Calculate:
a. Volume of air supplied for combustion in cubic feet per cubic foot of gas supplied.
b. The cubic feet of fuel gas per minute required to supply 200,000 Btu/hr heat
release if the heating value of the fuel is given as 1073 Btu /cu ft of gas at 70 F and
30.0 in. Hg.
20. gas having the following composition
A coke-oven in per cent by volume is
a. The Btu per cubic foot of combustible air /gas mixture at 80 F and 14.2 psia, if
the fuel gas has a heating value of 509 Btu/cu ft at 60 F and 30.0 in Hg.
b. The weight of combustion products formed per Btu of heat released.
21. A mixture of 4.7 per cent propane, C3H8, by volume in air flows through the
tube of a bunsen burner. Calculate the percentage of theoretical air in the mixture.
22. Natural gas at 80 F and 14.7 psia, relative humidity of 80 per cent, is compressed
to 300 psia and the gas cooled back to 80 F. How many pounds of water would be
condensed per 1,000,000 cu ft of gas in the original state?
23. Compute the weight of air theoretically required to burn 1 lb of coal having the
following composition:
What would be the Orsat analysis of the dry flue gases produced?
24. If 20 per cent excess
air were supplied for combustion of the coal in Prob. 23
and the coal were burned at a rate of 3 tons/hr, compute the cfm capacity required
of a fan used to supply the combustion air. Assume the air to be dry and at a pressure
of 14.7 psia and temperature of 70 F.
26. Ten pounds of coal per minute having an ultimate analysis as follows is com
pletely burned in a small power boiler:
Twenty-five per cent excess air is supplied at 70 F and 28 in. Hg. The flue gas
leaving the unit is at 550 F and 28 in. Hg. Compute:
a. Air /fuel ratio by weight.
b. Pounds of C02 formed per minute.
a. Compute the cubic feet of air entering the furnace per 100 lb of coal fired if the
air is at 30 in. Hg abs pressure and 70 F, and 50 per cent excess air is supplied for
b. Compute the Orsat analysis of the flue gases.
27. Two hundred pounds of coal per minute having the following ultimate is burned
in a boiler:
a. What would be the rating in cubic feet per minute for a forced-draft fan designed
air at 90 F and 14.7 psia to this boiler?
to supply 35 per cent excess
6. How many pounds per minute of dry flue gases pass out the stack if the Orsat
analysis reads: CO2 = 11.50%, 02 = 5.39%, and CO = 1.32%? Assume that all
of the carbon is burned.
28. A gas of the following composition in per cent by volume is burned in a furnace:
The Orsat analysis of the combustion products reads: C02 = 8.8%, O2 = 6.3%, and
CO = 0.0%. Compute the percentage of excess air used for combustion.
29. Natural gas with an analysis as follows: CO2 = 0.4%, CH4 = 97.3%, N2 = 2.3%,
is burned in a furnace. The Orsat analysis of the flue gases shows: C02 = 8.5%,
02 = 5.6%, CO = 0.1%, and N2 = 85.8%. Find the percentage of excess air
supplied to the furnace.
30. An underfeed stoker feeds coal to a boiler at the rate of 250 lb/hr. The ultimate
analysis of the coal is:
The dry refuse removed from the ashpit shows a combustible content of 20 per cent.
An Orsat analysis of the flue gases gives the following composition:
From the nonflow energy equation,
Q = AE + W
for the constant-volume process, where W = jP dV/J = 0,
Q = AE
Thus, the heat transferred Q in a constant-volume process is equal to the
change of internal energy during the process. Likewise in the nonflow
_(,1+^)_(,, + P£)
Substituting the total-enthalpy expression into the preceding equation,
it follows that for the nonflow constant-pressure process, where the kinetic
energy is zero,
Q = H, - Hx = AH
Q = H2
- H, = AH
(1) Q = AE
(2) Q = AH
Note that these derivations are made from the general energy equation and
the nonflow energy equation so that the relationships will apply equally
well to real fluids, to the so-called perfect gas, and to irreversible as well as
reversible processes.
Specific Heat. The specific heat, also often called heat capacity, of a
substance is defined to be the amount of heat required to raise a unit
quantity of the substance one unit of temperature. In equation form,
C =
dQ dQ
N dT w dT
Q = NfCp dT = AH
or on a per mole basis,
Q = fCp dT = Ah
dh = Cp dT
Cp = or to be precise Cp =
since dh is not an exact derivative of temperature for real gases but varies
slightly with pressure changes. Likewise, for a constant-volume process,
on a per mole basis,
Q = fCv dT = Ae
These equations show the importance of specific heat for determining the
thermodynamic properties of internal energy and enthalpy. The latter
two properties are likewise useful in computing the energy changes
associated with thermodynamic processes.
r = dQ
or the actual heat required to raise 1 mole of the substance 1 deg at the
temperature of the test. The values for instantaneous specific heat are not
constant at all temperatures for real gases. A plot of the experimental
instantaneous values of Cp versus temperature is made and the best curve
drawn through the test points. A mathematical equation for the line is
determined. This equation is usually in the form of Cp = a + bT + eT2
or Cp = a + (b/T) + (e/T2), where the constants a, b, and e are chosen
to make the plot of the equation fall as close as possible to the best curve
through the test points. Instantaneous values of specific heat for several
gases are plotted in Fig. 3-1.
The spectroscopic method for determining specific heats has come into
use more during the past few years because of the greater accuracy which
can be attained, especially in the higher temperature ranges. Relation
ships derived from quantum mechanics are used to calculate the instan
taneous specific heats from the spectroscopic data observed. Again a
mathematical equation is chosen which follows the test values as closely
as possible. Equations for specific heats as reported by R. L. Sweigert
and M. W. Beardsley of the Georgia School of Technology are given in
Table 3-1.
Reasons for Variation of Specific Heat with Temperature. As stated
previously, C„ is a function of the internal energy, and Cp is a function of
For a more complete explanation of experimental procedure to be followed in the
thermal methods, see M. W. Zemansky, "Heat and Thermodynamics," 2d ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1943.
16 1 ■
1 1 1 1 1 —i
Gas or Range, R
Equation, Cp in Btu/(lb mole)(R) error,
vapor (
= 460 + F)
540-5000 1.1
. n.„5 - ™ + J- S + 5000-9000 0.3
CO CP - 9.46 - 3 29 * 103
1 07 * 106
540-9000 1.1
Cv - 5.76 +
7 +
540-4000 0.8
100Q ^_
= 5-76 + 4000-9000 1.4
The rotational motion of the atoms within the molecule starts at very
low temperatures and increases slightly throughout any temperature
rise. In contrast, vibrations between atoms do not exist appreciably in
most gases until temperatures well above room temperature have been
pressures most real gases follow very closely the perfect-gas law at tem
peratures well above the critical. The equations for specific heat gen
erally used are based upon experimental values calculated either at zero
pressure or at 1 atm of pressure.
As shown in Fig. 3-2, the error involved in neglecting the effect of
pressure on specific heat at high pressures and high temperatures is small,
about 2 per cent. At temperatures less than 1000 F and at very high
pressures, this error is appreciable.
However, in the usual situations
encountered, the pressure is not
high at low temperatures. There
fore, little error is involved in
neglecting the effect of pressure on
specific heat for real gases in most
engineering applications.
Computations Using Variable
Temperature, R Specific Heat. Once the relation
Fig. 3-3. Relationship between instan
taneous and mean specific heats.
ship between Cp and temperature
has been established, the heat trans
ferred in a constant-pressure process can be determined by integrating the
" "
(3) CpdT
In Fig. 3-3 the area 1-2-b-a represents the transferred heat Q in a constant-
pressure process.
This integration tends to become very laborious when many calcula
tions are involved, as the equations in Table 3-1 will verify. It is simpler
to establish a mean value of specific heat between the temperature limits
concerned so that a simple equation
Q = NCpm(T* - Ti)
can be used to determine Q accurately. The area e-f-b-a in Fig. 3-3 would
represent Q in this case, and Cpm must be of such a value that the two
areas are equal. Hence,
Q = N [T'cpdT =
NC^iT* - 7\)
I 2
i 1 jTi dT
Tables or graphs of Cpm may be calculated, such as Fig. 3-4, and the values
may be used to shorten calculations considerably.
h = e +
Since most real gases approximate ideal gases, especially at high tempera
tures and low pressures,
, RT
e =
8 Example 1. Determine the heat added to 1 mole of C02 at constant pressure to
raise the temperature from 140 to 3140 F by use of the equation for instantaneous Cp,
the graph of Cpm, and the enthalpy table.
Solution. Using the equation for Cp in terms of temperature from Table 3-1,
« - ' -
CO" +-#ii>
- -
16.271 6.53 X In T
1.41 X lO'peooR
J 600 R
16.2(3600) - 6.53 X 103 In 3600 - 1 41
- 16.2(600) - 6.53 X 10s In 600 - 1.41 X 10*1
[ 600
- 38,860 Btu/mole
With the graph of Cpm, Fig. 3-4,
Q = AH = NCpm(T2 - Ti)
Superior numbers refer to references listed at the end of the chapter.
Table 3-2. Enthalpy Values of Gases*
(Btu/lb mole of gas above zero It)
600 4,156 3 4,168 3 4,167 9 4,075 6 4,168 0 4,600 9 4,764 7 4,851 18,070 36,428
700 4,854 2 4,879 3 4,864 9 4,770 2 4,866 0 5,552 0 5,575 4 5,772 23,180 47, 132
800 5,556 7 5,602 0 5,564 4 5,467 1 5,568 2 6,552 9 6,396 9 6,768 28,900 59 , 008
6,265 6,337 6,268 6,165 6,276 7,597 7,230 7,838 35,170 72,028
1 ('.
900 1 9 1 .3 4
9 9
1000 6,981 7,087 6,977 6,864 6,992 8,682 8,078 8,990 41,940 86, 135
1100 7,705 7,850 7,695 7,564 7,716 9,802 8,942 10,222 49,210 101,280
9 9 9 0 0
1 8 5 4 0
9 8 8 0 7
1 1 6 8 8
0 7 9 3 6
1 4 9 8 4
5 8 7 8 6
1200 8,439 8,625 8,420 8,265 8,450 10,955 9,820 11.528 56,900 117,310
1300 9,181 9,412 9,153 8,968 9,194 12,136 10,714 12,907 64 930 134, 160
, ,
1400 9,933 10,210 9,896 9,673 9,948 13,344 11,624 14,356 73 370 151,600
1500 10,694 11,017 10,648 10,381 10,711 14,576 12,551 15,872 81,990 169,820
1600 11,464 832 11,409 11,092 11,483 15,829 13 494 17,450 90,870 188,620
0 5 0 4 9
0 1 8 6 5
4 6 :i 9 7
1 9 8 4 5
2 8 2 3 4
4 3 1 4 5
7 8 5 4 0
1700 12,242 12,655 12,178 807 12,264 17, 101 14,455 19 088 100,200 208,050
, , ,
1800 13,028 13,485 12,956 12,526 13,053 18,391 15,433 20 782 109,800 228,020
1900 13,821 14,322 13,741 13,250 13,849 19,697 16,427 22 539 119,600 248 400
2000 14,621 15,164 14 534 13 980 14 653 21,018 17,439 24,304 129,600 269,450
2100 15,428 16,010 15,334 14,714 15,463 22,352 18,466 26 148 139,700 290,970
5 9 2 8 0
8 4 0 4 3
4 7 5 8 9
4 2 8 6 9
2 (1 3 0 7
2 9 1 3 0
3 6 8 4 5
2200 16,240 16,862 16,139 15,454 16,279 23,699 19,510 28,041 150,000 312,480
2300 17,058 17,718 16,951 16,199 17,101 25,056 20,570 29,982 160.700 333,300
2400 17,880 18,579 17 767 16,950 17,927 26,424 21,645
6 5 8 2 1
7 1 8 0 4
4 8 2 0 3
3 2 0 2 5
5 5 1 4 8
9 5 8 8 7
2700 20,376 21,182 20,246 19,237 20,434 30,581 24,957
2800 21,215 22,057 21,081 20,011 21,277 31,982 26,088
2900 22,059 22,936 21,919 20,791 22 123 33,391 27,231
8 3 0 2 0
2 6 7 7 9
5 0 2 2 8
3 9 0 5 5
9 9 5 1 7
9 7 0 0 8
, ,
5 1 8 5 5
2 9 3 5 6
1 6 1 5 9
4 8 9 1 4
4 0 0 6 0
9 !) 0 4 4
6 >)5 8 S
7 9 8 4 8
8 0 1 9 5
81 9 1 0
n 1 1 0 1
(1 3 9 l 7
4 0 5 9 6
4 1 8 7 3
8 1 5 1 8
3 9 4 0 7
3 1 6 6 4
2 2 5 5
(1 1 0 9
0 2 3 1
0 3 4 6
0 7 4 3
6 0 3 3
Abstracted by permission from J. H. Keenan and J. Kaye, "Gas Tables," John Wiley Sons, Inc.,
The value of Q could be found directly if the graph were plotted for values of Cpm
above a base of 140 F. However, only values between 60 F and the abscissa tem
peratures are plotted. Therefore, it is necessary to find AH between 140 and 60 F
and subtract it from the value of AH between 3140 and 60 F.
Q = AH = Aff3M0-6O
- - JVC2(140 -
Q = 12.84(3140
- - -
= 39,547 - 60) 9.00(140
720 = 38,827
The slight difference in numerical answers shown by the above three methods is due
in part to the fact that the computations have been carried to more significant figures
than the original fundamental data justify, and in part to the different methods of
interpolation used in developing Fig. 3-4 and Table 3-2.
AvC - Q
where Q = total heat transferred during a given constant-pressure proc
ess with a temperature change of AT
NT number of moles of gas in mixture
The average mean specific heat for mixtures may also be computed as
x x
Av = +
cJ)jB +
• •
(5) e,m^
where each term represents the mole fraction of particular gas times its
Example 2. Find the average Cpm for the combustion products of methane with
theoretical air between the temperatures 60 and 3000 F.
Solution. The combustion products from methane are
Choosing values of Cpm from Fig. 3-4 for C02, H20, and N2, between the temperatures
60 and 3000 F,
1 X 44 + 2 X 18 + 7.52 X 28 290.6 lb
= 27 62
"10.52 lb/mole
10.52 moles
AV^ =
The heat added to the products of combustion of 1 mole of CH4 with stoichiometric
F, could then be found as
air, to heat them from 60 to 3000
270,600 Btu
. Thermometer
with motor 8
water and metal parts surrounding the bomb makes it possible to deter
mine the heat liberated during the chemical reaction. While it is impos
sible to cool the products of combustion completely back to the initial
temperature, only a small temperature rise occurs in the water jacket,
and the heat remaining in the products which is not transferred to the
cooling water is negligible.
Constant-pressure Calorimeter. For the steady-flow constant-pres
sure combustion process, heating values are measured in the constant-
pressure calorimeter shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3-6. Here gas and
air at room temperature enter the calorimeter in a steady-flow process,
the volume of the gas being measured by a gas meter. Complete com-
bustion takes place within the calorimeter, and the products are cooled to
the initial temperature of the gas/air mixture by means of the water
jacket surrounding the combustion chamber. The weight of water flow
ing through the calorimeter for a given length of time is measured, and the
temperature rise of that water is noted on the thermometers. From
these data the heat removed from the combustion products can be calcu
lated. This is equal to the heating value of the fuel.
Q. = AE + W
Qv = AE = E, - Em
where ^
= chemical energy
Esm = sensibleinternal energy of mixture, which is a function of
temperature only
The nonflow energy equation for the constant-volume calorimeter proc
ess can then be rewritten
Qv = Ep — Em = Esp —
(Esm + ^)
= E,p — E,m — ^
In the above equations note that the sensible internal energy of the
products is the same as the total internal energy of those products, since
the chemical energy has already been released in the combustion process.
It should also be observed that the heating value of the fuel Q„ will be a
negative number when it is defined by such an expression. This is
logical by thermodynamic notation because the heating value of the fuel
is removed from the products of combustion and absorbed by the jacket
water surrounding the bomb calorimeter. In thermodynamic equations,
when heat is removed from a substance during a process, the algebraic
sign attached to this transferred heat is negative.
The chemical energy differs from the heating value of a fuel by an
amount equal to the difference between the sensible internal energy of
the products and the sensible internal energy of the initial mixture, when
they are at the same temperature. From Eq. (6) it is evident that the
heating value and the chemical energy of a fuel can be computed, one
from the other, if values of internal energy are known. Ordinarily the
values of chemical energy are computed from the experimentally deter
mined heating values. Chemical energy values are not used frequently
in calculations, and the term is introduced here only to bring out its rela
tionship with the heating value.
For the constant-pressure calorimeter process, the general energy
equation reduces to
El +
^ +
T0 + Q = E2 + Pp + 2gJ
since the change in potential energy of the gases passing through the
calorimeter is negligible and no external work is done. Here again the
term E is used to denote total internal energy. Since
Ep = E,p and Em = Em + ^
Hm + * + Qp
Qp-QV = - - - (E.p - -
- - E,p + E.„
+ +
Since the velocities of gases entering and leaving the constant-pressure
calorimeter are small and nearly equal,
which the flow work required to change the volume of the gases follow
(8) Q„
- Qv = (Np - Nm) ~
In computing the difference between heating values at constant pres
sure and at constant volume, the moles of mixture or products which
appear in the liquid or solid state at the temperature of the test can be
Qp - Q„ = (Np
- Nm) ^
(1.0 - 3.0)
= X ^j-
. _2 x
587 R = _m ^
- to
Qp = Qv 2132
380,598 - 2132
that the heating values are negative numbers, denoting that the heat
leaving the combustion products. In engineering practice the heating
values are often expressed as positive numbers.
From the above example, can be seen that the difference between the
mixture with water vapor so all of the water vapor formed by combustion
will condense. The heating value so obtained known as the higher
heating value or gross heating value. The lower (or net) heating value
pletely in the vapor state. In other words, the lower heating value
equal to the higher heating value minus the latent heat of evaporation of
the water vapor formed. Keenan and Keyes in "Thermodynamic
Properties of Steam show that the latent heat of evaporation at constant
pressure (h/g) 1050.4 Btu/lb at 77 and the latent heat at constant
volume (e/0) 991.3 Btu/lb. This the equivalent of hfa per mole of
The state of the fuel (liquid or gas) is another factor which affects heat
ing values similarly. Thus, the heating value for 1 lb of octane in the
vapor state will be greater than the heating value of the same fuel in the
liquid state by an amount equal to the latent heat of evaporation of the
fuel itself. For precise specifications of the conditions under which a
heating value was obtained, it is necessary to include the initial state of
the fuel and the state of the products of combustion.
Example 4, Calculate the lower heating value at constant pressure in Btu per
pound for methane CH4, if the constant-pressure higher heating value (liquid H20
in products and gaseous fuel in the original mixture) is —23,861 Btu/lb of fuel.
Solution. From the reaction equation,
and the latent heat at constant pressure of the water vapor formed per pound of fuel is
-Higher HV — Lower HV
The chemical energy depends only on the fuel and the heat energy which
will be released during the reaction. Hence it is not affected by tempera
ture change and cancels out of the above equation.
shows the number of moles of mixture and products. Since the same number of moles
of nitrogen appear in the products and the mixture, the numerical values of enthalpy
change for the nitrogen will cancel, and it may be omitted from the calculations.
Using Table 3-2 to find the enthalpy changes of the mixture and products per mole
of fuel:
AH,p = (Ah,)co, + 2(AA,)h:o
where Aft, = sensible enthalpy change per mole of gas between 537 and 1500 R.
Example 5 shows that the heating value of a fuel varies with the tem
perature at which it is determined, but the change is extremely small and
need be included only in the most exacting calculations. In the example,
the change in heating value was only about 0.2 per cent for a temperature
change from 77 to 1040 F. It
should be apparent that the difference
between the heating values of a fuel tested at 60 F, 68 F, 77 F, etc., must
be exceedingly small. In many cases the limits of accuracy of the experi
mental data do not warrant such differentiation.
In summing up the discussion of heating values of fuels, we might con
clude that for most types of engineering work either the constant-volume
or constant-pressure heating value at 77 F may be used with sufficient
accuracy for calculations, regardless of the type of process or the tempera
ture at which the combustion occurs. However, a differentiation
between the higher and the lower heating value must be made.
Table 3-3 gives the heats of reaction for many commonly used fuels.
The values listed in the table and used in the examples are given to more
significant figures than the experimental data warrant in order to point
out the relationships between the different heats of reaction.
Heat of Formation. The heat released or absorbed when a compound
is formed from its elements is called the heat of formation. In the cases of
Example 6. Calculate the heat of reaction of CH, with air, at 77 F and constant
pressure of 1 atm, from the heats of formation of Table 3-3.
— Ah combustion, ]
or heating value,
Mole Ah] Ah
Name Formula cular evapora Btu/lb
weight Btu/lb mole
Higher Lower
* Most of these data obtained from Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons, Nat. Bur. Stand
ards, Circ. C461, API Research Project 44.
t Latent heat of evaporation of fuel at constant pressure, 77 F
t — Aft combustion, or —heating value at constant pressure, 77 F, each compound in its normal state
at 77 F. (E.g., CHi is a gas it 77 F, so heating value is for gaseous fuel. CsHis is ordinarily a liquid
at 77 F, so the heating value for it is reported for liquid fuel.)
§ Ah formation, or heat of formation of compound from its elements at constant pressure, 77 F.
The nitrogen does not affect the heating value and can be neglected. It may be
reasoned that the CH< must be broken down into C + 2H2 so the latter are free to
react with oxygen and form C02 and 2H20. The same quantity of heat must be
absorbed in the endothermic reaction of breaking CH4 down as was released in the
exothermic reaction of formation. Hence, the heat of formation of CH4 is subtracted
algebraicallyfrom the sum of the heats of formation of C02 and 2H20.
Example 7. Compute the heating value in Btu per mole and in Btu per cubic foot
.^at 14.7 psia and 60 F for a manufactured gas of composition as follows:
3 a o 0 0
/ / jj V O O
For coal, Dulong's formula is often used to compute the heating value
when the ultimate analysis of the coal is known.
HHV] = 18,650 -
HHV = 18,440
+ 40 (API
- 10) Btu/lb for fuel oil
Btu/lb for kerosene
(14) HHV =
+ 40
18,320 + 40 (API
gr. - 10)
10) Btu/lb for gasoline
where API gr. is the API
gravity of the fuel at 60/60 F.
Since the above equations give only close approximations to the HHV
of the fuels, it is impossible to designate the temperature at which the
value is exact or to stipulate the condition of constant volume or constant
An interesting relationship between the heat released and the air
required for combustion of various fuels is often overlooked. Investiga-
C. S. Cragoe, Not. Bur. Standards, Misc. Pub. 97, 1929.
t Am. Chem. Soc, vol. 30, 1908.
Q = AE + W
but Q = 0 for the adiabatic and W = 0 for the constant-volume stipula
tions. Then
This formula states that the total energy of the products of combustion
at the high temperature is equal to the total energy of the initial mixture.
Substituting Ep - Esp and Em = E.m + \p gives
Qv = (E.p - Em)Tl - $
(E,p - E,m)Tl -
) = Qv
Substituting this expression for chemical energy into the equation above
EspT, = —
EgmT^ "h EspTl EamTl Qv
and rearranging
= '
E8pTt E,pT1 Qv
This equation shows that all of the heating value of the fuel goes to heat
the products of combustion from the initial to the final temperature.
Actually the combustion reaction is progressive, and the products are
heated gradually as the heat is released, as represented in Fig. 3-7. How
ever, when theoretical flame temperatures are computed, it may be
Here again the heating value of the fuel carries the algebraic negative
sign. This makes the internal energy of the products at the theoretical
flame temperature equal to the sum of the heating value of the fuel and
the internal energy of the combustion products at the initial temperature
of the air/fuel mixture. It should be observed that the lower heating
Theoretical flame temperature
;W2) Products,
° w
\ @
Initial temperature
A Products,
3-7. Effect of the heat released during combustion in heating the products of com
bustion to the final theoretical flame temperature.
value must be used in this type of problem since the water vapor in the
products is very definitely in the vapor state at the flame temperature.
Since the products of combustion are a mixture of several gases, the
determination of the theoretical flame temperature can be found by a
trial-and-error method.
A derivation similar to the above for constant-pressure or steady-flow
adiabatic combustion would yield
From Table 3-3, the lower heating value of octene at constant pressure is 19,000
Btu/lb, which corresponds to 19,000 X 112 lb/mole, or 2,128,000 Btu/mole of fuel.
The computations will be based on the numerical values per mole of fuel. If the
initial temperature is 77 F,
To find the enthalpy of the products at 77 F above a base of 60 F (the base tempera
ture of the Cpm graph), use Fig. 3-4 and the relationship
Between 77 and 60 F,
Av = (V, —jTj Cpm\ + ( —jTf + (\ ~Xr
Nt /cO2 \ Nt Cpwt^
/Hso Nt Cpro^
= 0.1309 X 8.80 + 0.1309 X 7.94 + 0.7382 X 6.95
= 7.32
A certain amount of trial and error is involved in finding a temperature at which the
mixture of combustion products has the enthalpy value stated. To be able to com
pute a reasonable average Cpm of the products following combustion, assume that the
flame temperature is 3800 F. Then between 3800 and 60 F
M - 61.12
= 3865
X 9.04
Hence with this trial, 772 = 3865 + 60 = 3925 F. As the average C,,,„ was computed
for 3800 F, another more accurate value of Cpm may be computed. This time assume
T, is 3920 F. Then,
r2 = 3852 + 60 = 3912 F
If the initial temperature of the air and fuel were 1600 R, or 1140 F, before ignition,
then between 1140 and 60 F
Assume that the flame temperature is 4750 F. Then between 4750 and 60 F
Av Cpm = 0.1309 X 13.50 + 0.1309 X 11.11 + 0.7382 X 8.18
= 9.26 Btu/(mole)(R)
2,650,000 Btu
= =
61.12 X 9.26
T2 = 4682 + 60 = 4742 F
shows that the reaction may proceed both to the right and to the left at
the same time. At agiven condition of temperature and pressure, an
equilibrium among the gases is reached so that the amounts of CO, O2,
and CO2 present will remain constant. The extent of dissociation of the
CO2 will give an indication of the degree of completeness of the combus
tion. Just as heat is released in the exothermic process of forming the
CO2, much of the heat is absorbed when the CO2 is broken down into CO
and O2. In other words, dissociation reactions of combustion products
are endothermic. Therefore, the theoretical combustion temperature can
never be attained if dissociation exists.
The three equilibrium reactions most commonly considered in com
bustion calculations are,
H2 + y2o2 H2O
CO + ko2 ^ co2
CO2 + H2 ?± H2O + CO
The last equation is known as the water-gas reaction and must be taken
into account since both CO2 and H2O are present in practically all com
bustion products.
Other dissociation reactions which occur to a minor extent in high tem
perature combustion are
H2^±H + H
O2^±O + O
H2O ^ H + OH
N2^N + N
H2O + HN2 ^ H2 + NO
(18) K ~
where K
is the equilibrium constant and (PA) 9 is the partial pressure in
atmospheres of gas A, raised to the q power, etc. There are other equa
tions used for applying the equilibrium constant, but the above method is
convenient for combustion calculations and will be followed here.
The numerical value of the equilibrium constant for a given reaction
will remain the same at any one temperature and will show the propor
tional amounts of constituents present. For instance, if the amounts of
A and B remain constant and the quantity of D increases, then the
amount of C present must decrease in order to keep the value of K a
Equilibrium constants vary with temperature, and values of K for some
of the more important combustion reactions are given in Table 3-4.
While the theory involving the method of calculation of the equilibrium
constant is beyond the scope of this book, it may be interesting to know
that equilibrium is related to the entropy change during the reaction.
All self-propelled irreversible processes proceed to the point of maximum
increase of entropy. Hence, the combustion reaction proceeds until the
change of entropy is greatest. At this point an equilibrium among the
constituents is established.
The following examples will serve to demonstrate the use of the equi
librium constant.
Example 9. Experimental evidence shows that carbon dioxide gas becomes 10
per cent dissociated into carbon monoxide and oxygen at a temperature of 4300 R
when the pressure of the mixture is 1 atm. Determine the equilibrium constant for
the equation, CO + HO2 ^ CO2 at this temperature.
Solution. On the basis of 1 mole of CO2 gas to start with, when 10 per cent of the
CO2 dissociates by the equation
CO + J^02 ^ CO2
Temp, R
CO + HO, ^ co2 H2 + K02 ^ H2O C()2 + H2 ^ CO + H20
* Computed from data from B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, J. Am. Chem. Soc, vol. 57, p. 612, 1935.
only 0.90 mole of C02 remains, During this reaction 0.10 mole of CO is formed along
with 0.10/2 or 0.05 mole of 02. Thus the total number of moles of gases present in
the mixture would be
Pco, X 1 atm = 0.857 atm
P01 = X 1 atm = 0.0476 atm
Pco X 1 atm = 0.0952 atm
K =
for the equilibrium equation as it is written,
K = = 41.3
(0.0952) (0.0476) V>
For a temperature of 4300 R the amounts of C02, CO, and O2 present in a mixture of
gases will always be such that the equilibrium constant will have a value of 41.3.
At this point it should be mentioned that the form in which the equilibrium equation
is written must be known before the value of an equilibrium constant can be used.
If the dissociation of CO2 had been written
K _ _(Pco2)\
Thus the equilibrium equation as well as the value of the equilibrium constant must
be specified if the constant is to be significant.
Example 10. Calculate the percentage of dissociation of 1 mole of CO2 at 5000 R
if the pressure on the CO2 mixture is 1.7 in. Hg abs.
Solution. The equilibrium equation is CO + KO2 ^ C02.
Let X = fraction of C02 dissociated, then on the basis of 1 mole of CO2 initially
and t*he partial pressures of the constituents in terms of the pressure P are
Pco2 =
Pco =
1 +X/2P
- X/2 P
1 + X/2P
Setting up the equilibrium equation
K =
\i +x/2/ ;
x pY
( P) ( XV
- X)'
K* =
K2 =
- 2X + X2)(2 + X)
K*X*P X* 3X + -
(K'P - -
= 2
1)X> + 3X 2 = 0
This last equation is convenient to use since it satisfies all equilibrium conditions for
the stated reaction CO + ^j02 ^ CO2. If the temperature is known, the value of K
can be found from the table. Then the percentage dissociation may be determined
for any pressure.
At 5000 R, K = 7.1 from Table 3-4. The pressure in atmospheres at 1.7 in. Hg
abs is 1.7/0.492 X 14.7 = 0.05 atm. Substituting in the above equation
X - 1]X3 + 3X
- 2 = 0
+ SX -
[(7.1)' 0.05
1.52X" 2 = 0
This is fairly close to the correct value of X, and the dissociation of CO2 under these
conditions is 57 per cent. .
The above example shows that the effect of dissociation is very pro
nounced at low pressures. This is somewhat the case when CO2 and H2O
appear in the normal products of combustion of fuel with air. The nitro
gen thoroughly dilutes the combustion products, and the partial pressures
of the CO 2 and H2O in the products are rather small. Since little dissocia
tion occurs at temperatures less than 3000 R, even at low pressures, the
dissociation phenomena come into importance only in internal-combus
tion engines, rockets, welding equipment, etc., where the temperatures
attained are quite high. In most types of atmospheric-pressure heating
or furnace units, the temperatures are too low to make the effects of dis
sociation significant.
When fuel is bu-ned with excess air, the excess oxygen present tends to
drive the equilibrium reaction to completion, even at elevated tempera
tures. The following example shows that dissociation of CO2 at 5000 R
is reduced appreciably if excess oxygen is supplied for combustion.
Example 11. Determine the degree of dissociation of CO2 at 5000 R and atmos
pheric pressure, if 100 per cent excess oxygen is supplied for the reaction.
CO + 02 ^ C02 + HOt
The equilibrium equation for this reaction is
Pco,(Po,)H Pco,
K = =
PcoPo, PcoWo,)*
The latter expression is the same as the equilibrium constant for the equation
CO + y2Q2 ^ C02
Thus, the problem is the same as for the stoichiometric equation except that the partial
pressure of oxygen is now greater.
Let X = fraction dissociated from 1 mole of CO2 = moles CO, then
1 -X = moles C02
J£ = moles 02 excess
X) + X +
-_- +
= 1-5 +
= total moles products
Pco' = P
1.6 + X/2
Pco = P
1.5+ X/2
X/2 + 1/2 X + 1
°" = =
1.5 + X/2 3 + X
A = 1.5+ X/2
1.5 + X/2
- 2X
„, (1 + X')(3 + X) = X3 + X2 5X + - 3
X*(X + 1)P + X')P
K*X'P + K*X'P -
X' X* + 5X 3 = 0 - -
(K*P - 1)X3 + (K*P 1)Z2 + 5X 3 = 0 - -
At 5000 R, K = 7.1 from Table 3-4. For a pressure of 1 atm,
- l]X' - - 3 = 0
[(7.1)' + [(7.1)2 1}X* + 5X
49.4Z' + 49.4X* + 5X - 3 = 0
Hence, under these conditions, the CO2 is 18.8 per cent dissociated. In
Table 3-5, at 1 atm pressure and 5000 R, the dissociation of CO2 is 28.4
per cent. Thus, the addition of excess oxygen reduces the dissociation
materially, even at high temperatures.
Table 3-5 summarizes the effects of temperature and pressure on the
dissociation of carbon dioxide and water. Dissociation below 3000 R is
negligible and, as the pressure is increased, the reaction is driven near
completion even at high temperatures.
At lower temperatures, the combustion reactions tend to progress
slowly. If a mixture of gases at high-temperature equilibrium is cooled
very rapidly, it is possible that the combustion process might not be com
pleted before the temperature drops to the point where no more burning
would take place. The combustion products would then show a certain
amount of dissociation even at low temperatures. Such a condition is
known as "frozen equilibrium." This situation exists in the gasoline
engine where a rather large percentage of C0 is present in the exhaust
even when excess air is used for combustion.
Table 3-5. Dissociation of C02 and H20 at Various Pressures, Per Cent*
Pressure, atm
Temp, R
0.1 0.2 0.3 1.0 10 30
AE = or AH =
Ept, = or HpTl = HmTl
For actual conditions at high temperatures, HpT, must include the sensi
ble enthalpy and the unreleased heating value of the constituents in the
equilibrium mixture. The mathematical determination of an accurate
maximum flame temperature, including all effects of dissociation,
beyond the scope of this book, but a few of the factors to be considered in
such an analysis will be discussed. From Table 3-5 apparent that
3,000 4,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 90 100 110
Temp.,R Temp.,R Temp^R % of theaair
Fig. 3-8. Composition at equilibrium of the gases in the cylinder of a spark-ignition engine
under various conditions. (Hershey, Eberhardt, and Hotlel, SAE Trans., vol. 31, 1936.)
and chemical energies of the fuel and products. In the burning of com
mon fuels with air, C02, H2O, 02, N2, GO, and H2 will all be present in
the combustion products. At extremely high temperatures of combus
tion, additional dissociation reactions produce small quantities of NO,
OH, H and O, as evidenced in Fig. 3-8. Thus, several equilibrium equa
tions must be considered simultaneously when the dissociation of the
combustion products of hydrocarbon fuels is analyzed. Since nitrogen
comprises by far the greatest percentage of the products for combustion
with air, the partial pressures of some of the constituents such as C02,
H2O, CO, and H2 will be very low, especially if the combustion reaction
occurs at atmospheric pressure. These low partial pressures tend to
increase the degree of dissociation, as shown in Table 3-5.
Table 3-6 shows the actual maximum flame temperatures which could
be expected from the combustion of some specific compounds in air.
Acetylene is shown to have a higher flame temperature than any of the
other hydrocarbon gases. This helps account for its widespread use in
welding. If these fuels were burned in oxygen instead of air, the maxi
mum temperatures would go much higher since nearly the same heat would
be liberated from the reaction and no large volume of nitrogen would be
heated. When acetylene is burned with a theoretical oxygen/fuel ratio,
the peak flame temperature goes to 5630 F. However, at the higher
temperatures the effect of dissociation becomes much more pronounced.
Table 3-6. Maximum Adiabatic Flame Temperatures at Atmospheric Pressure*
for Selected Gases
sociation range slightly, but the equilibrium effects are still small at
3000 F. A large-scale chart of Fig. 3-9 is included inside the back cover.
It is based upon a fuel having a lower heating value of 18,700 Btu/lb and
a ratio of hydrogen to carbon by weight of 0.176. The temperature rise
created by burning a given fuel/air ratio/' of this assumed fuel with dry
air may be read from the ordinate. The temperature rise for any fuel
may be found by using the appropriate factors, plotted on the chart,
which make corrections for the heating value of the new fuel Kh, and the
hydrogen/carbon ratio in the new fuel Km. A correction factor Kw is also
included to adjust for the effect of water vapor which might be present in
the combustion air. The chart fuel/air ratio /', based on the assumed
chart fuel, is related to the fuel/air ratio for any hydrocarbon fuel /, by
the relationship
(19) / =
The following examples illustrate the use of the chart.
Example 12. Calculate the fuel /air ratio required to give a temperature of 2000 R
when liquid octene CsHi6 is burned with dry air at constant pressure. Initial air
temperature is 600 R.
Solution. From Table 3-3, the lower heating value of liquid octene at constant
pressure is 19,000 Btu/lb. The ratio of hydrogen/carbon by weight is 16 lb hydrogen
per 8 X 12 lb carbon, or 0.167.
Using Fig. 3-9, for a temperature rise from 600 to 2000 R, or 1400 R, the chart shows
that a fuel/air ratio /' of 0.0204 would be required. The chart fuel/air ratio /' is
based on the chart fuel of H/C = 0.176 and heating value = 18,700 Btu/lb. For
octene, the correction factor for the heating value of the fuel Kk is 0.983. The cor
rection factor for the hydrogen /carbon ratio of the fuel Km is 0.999. Since dry air is
used for burning, the water correction factor K„ is 1.00.
The true fuel/air ratio needed to reach a temperature of 2000 R is then
/ == K,„KkKwf
0.999 X 0.983 X 1.00 X 0.0204 = 0.02003
moisture is given as 0.04 lb moisture per pound of dry air. From Fig. 3-9, the correc
tion factors are Kk = 1.094, Km = 0.971, and K„ = 1.04.
Figure 3-9 shows that the temperature rise for these conditions is 2380 R. Hence,
the combustion temperature is
Fig. 3-10. Sketch of a chart relating the thermodynamic properties of a mixture of com
bustion products at high temperatures.
since the number of moles of gases varies with dissociation. The charts
are constructed for 80, 90, 100, 110, and 120 per cent of theoretical fuel;
that the chart for 90 per cent theoretical fuel for 1/0.90, or 111 per
cent of theoretical air. In the high-temperature combustion range, the
combustion products behave thermodynamically like perfect gases, and
any two of the properties — pressure, temperature, volume, internal energy,
enthalpy, or entropy — are known, the other four can be determined.
In the charts, Es of the products C02, H2O, 02, and N2 set equal to
zero at 560R. H, of the products at 560 R then PV/J, or NRT/J,
where N equals the number of moles of gases per pound of air. Thus,
E, = and H, averages about 41 Btu per pound of unit mixture at 560 R.
combustion. The total internal energy at any temperature equal
to the sensible internal energy Es released in cooling the products at con
stant volume to 560 R, plus the heating value at constant volume Qv of
the unburned portion of the products. Thus,
= E. Q,
H. = E.+
H = = E. +
+ +
H = H.
Hp = H,mT, + Qv
Hp = H,pTl
For 1 mole of fuel, the change of sensible enthalpy of the fuel/air mixture between 560
R is
and 1600
Fuel: - =
- 3886.6)=
(90,870 16,200) 74,670
- 3889.5)
N2: 45.12(11,409.7 = 339,311
XH = 509,332
' Btu -
„„_ . D1 ,,,
- ., — = 307.5 Btu /lb unit mixture
.. . .
1656.5 lb air
(1 + + 45-12) = 0.0351
The charts are based on computations involving the lower heating value of fuel at
constant volume. From Table 3-3, the lower heating value of liquid fuel at constant
pressure is 19,000 Btu/lb. If the fuel is assumed to be in the vapor state at 1600 R,
its heating value would be increased by the amount of the latent heat of evaporation
of the octene, to give 19,158. A further correction to constant- volume conditions
may be made by applying Eq. (8).
Op - Q, = (iV, - Nm)
= (16-13)L986 X 560
= 30 Btu
Hence the lower heating value at constant volume, vapor fuel, is 19,188 Btu/lb.
Note that little error would be introduced by neglecting to correct the heating value
listed in Table 3-3 to constant volume. The heating value of fuel available per pound
of air in the theoretical mixture is
Since H = H. + Q„, ., , Q
H = 346.5 + 1299 = 1645.5 Btu/lb unit mixture
From the chart for theoretical air /fuel mixtures, F = 1.0, at a pressure of 14.7 psia,
H = 1646, T = 4550 R, or 4090 F.
Note that this flame temperature, calculated with the aid of a chart which takes
proper account of dissociation, is about 650 F lower than the theoretical flame tem
perature determined in Example 8, where no effects of dissociation were considered.
1. Using the equation from Table 3-1, calculate the instantaneous specific heat
at constant pressure of CO2 at a temperature of 3600 R. Ans. 14.50 Btu/(mole) (R)
2. What is the average of the instantaneous specific heats at constant pressure for
C02 between the temperatures 3600 and 600 R? Ans. 11.87 Btu/(mole)(R)
3. Calculate the mean specific heat at constant pressure for C02 between the
temperatures 600 and 3600 R. How does this compare with the average of the
instantaneous values found in Prob. 2? Ans. 12.95 Btu/(mole)(R)
4. Check the value of mean molal specific heat of O2 at 4000 F given in Fig. 3-4,
using the equation for instantaneous specific heat given in Table 3-1.
6. Check the value of Cpm of nitrogen at 3000 F given in Fig. 3-4, using the instan
taneous specific heat data of Table 3-1.
6. How much heat must be removed from 88 lb of CO2 to cool the gas at constant
pressure from 3400 to 500 R? Use the values of Cpm plotted in Fig. 3-4 to work this
problem and then check by using the enthalpy data in Table 3-2.
7. Show the justification for using a mean value of Cp of 0.24 Btu/(lb)(R) to find
the heat loss per pound of dry flue gas from a boiler when the flue gases test. 10% CO2,
8% O2, 0.5% CO. The flue-gas temperature at the breeching is 550 F, and the air
entering the furnace is 80 F.
8. Calculate the percentage of error in using a constant value of C„ = 0.1715
Btu/(lb)(R) to heat the products of combustion of octane with theoretical air from
1000 to 3000 R at constant volume instead of taking into account the variation of
specific heat with temperature.
9. A gaseous mixture consisting of 82 moles of N2, 16 moles of CO2, and 2 moles of
O2 is cooled at constant pressure from 2000 to 400 F. Compute the heat removed,
the average Cpm in Btu/(lb) (R) and Btu/(mole) (R), and the average molecular weight
for the mixture.
10. Find the enthalpy change of the theoretical products of combustion of CH4
in cooling from 2500 to 500 F. Express the answer in Btu per mole of CH4 and in
Btu per cubic foot of CH4 at 14.7 psia and 60 F. Also compute the mean specific
heat per pound and the average specific gas constant for the mixture of combustion
11. Find the higher heating value at constant volume for C2H6 if the higher heating
value at constant pressure is 22,304 Btu/lb at 77 F.
12. Compute the difference in the higher heating value at constant volume and at
constant pressure for octane at 77 F.
13. Using the data from Tables 3-2 and 3-3, calculate the lower heating value at
constant pressure of CsH18 at 1500 R.
14. Check the lower heating value of C2H5OH at constant pressure in Table 3-3,
using the value given for the higher heating value.
16. Check the same as above for C6Hu.
16. Compute the higher heating value of octane for gaseous fuel at constant pres
sure and a temperature of 77 F from the data of Table 3-3.
17. Determine the heating value per cubic foot of gas fired and the heating value
per cubic foot of theoretical air/gas mixture supplied to the furnace for the following
water gas, assuming that the gas and air enter the furnace at 60 F and 14.7 psia.
Gas composition, by volume: CO2 = 5.5%; 02 = 0.1%; CO = 38.3%; H2 = 52.8%;
CH4 = 0.4%; N2 = 2.9%. Ans. 298 Btu/cu ft gas and 93.1 Btu/cu ft mixture.
18. Determine the theoretical flame temperature (complete combustion assumed)
for CH4 with theoretical air used for combustion in a constant-pressure process where
the air enters at 77 F.
Same as above except that 50 per cent excess air is used.
H2 + HO, ^ HsO
1. Keenan, J. H., "Thermodynamics," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1941.
2. Obert, E. F., "Thermodynamics," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,
3. Zemansky, M. W., "Heat and Thermodynamics," 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book
Company, Inc., New York, 1943.
4. Keenan, J. H., and J. Kaye, "Gas Tables," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York,
5. Hottel, H. C, and C. N. Satterfield,
Generalized Thermodynamics of High
Temperature Combustion, ASME
Trans., vol. 70, p. 667, 1948.
6. Bogart, D., D. Okrent, and L. R. Turner, Thermodynamic Charts for the Com
putation of Fuel Quantity Required for Constant-pressure Combustion with
Diluents, NACA TN 1655, July, 1948.
7. Hottel, H. C, G. C. Williams, and C. N. Satterfield, "Thermodynamic
Charts for Combustion Processes," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1949.
8. McCann, W. J., L. R. Turner, and E. A. Bauer, Thermodynamic Charts for
Internal-combustion-engine Fluids, NACA TN 1883, 1949.
9. Hottel, H. C, and H. C. Tsien, Effect of Hydrogen-carbon Ratio of Fuel on the
Validity of Mollier Diagrams for Internal Combustion Engines, J. Inst. Aeronauti
cal Sci., vol. 5, no. 5, 1938.
V = volume, cu ft
v = volume per mole or per pound, cu ft
W = work, Btu
w = weight of substance, lb
z = elevation, ft
ii = chemical internal energy, Btu
For many centuries man has studied the nature of fire in an attempt to
control it and use it more efficiently. At one time, it was thought there
were only four elements which composed all nature: fire, water, air, and
earth. In fact, fire has been regarded with awe by men throughout
history, for the useful effects it could perform as well as for the terrible
destruction it might cause.
Experiments with fire were conducted by Robert Boyle and his students
as early as 1630, more than a century before the discovery of oxygen by
Lavoisier. Later in the seventeenth century the phlogiston theory of
burning became popular. According to this principle, everything con
tained an unknown ponderable substance called phlogiston which caused
a flame to appear when it escaped rapidly from whatever was burning.
It was not until the latter part of the eighteenth century that Lavoisier
was able to supplant that theory with the oxygen theory of combustion.
Since the time of Boyle, investigators have spent hundreds of man-
years studying the effects of the numerous variables on burning. Never
theless, many aspects of combustion are still only partly understood. In
the chapter which follows, some modern theories on the subject are
presented along with experimental results showing the actual effects of
different physical factors on the burning process.
Combustion. Combustion is the rapid, high-temperature oxidation of
fuels. Since most fuels used at present consist almost entirely of carbon
and hydrogen, burning involves the rapid oxidation of carbon to carbon
dioxide, or carbon monoxide, and of hydrogen to water vapor. The
combustion reaction takes place in the gaseous phase, except for the
burning of the fixed carbon in solid fuels. Even in the latter case, the
oxygen and the combustion products exist as gases, and only the fixed
carbon itself is present as a solid.
Flame may be defined as gas rendered luminous by the liberation of
chemical energy. The flame front is the surface or area between the
luminous region and the dark region of unburned gas which exists in all
combustion reactions in the gaseous phase. Since the gases may not
become luminous instantly, it is expedient to visualize the burning zone
as consisting of a luminous zone and a reaction zone.1 Ignition and most
of the oxidation occur in the latter zone, while completion of burning and
emission of light take place in the luminous zone. Generally, the locally
available supply of oxygen is consumed in the reaction zone. It is
difficult to make a clear distinction between these regions because the
total thickness of the burning zone may vary from a few thousandths of
an inch to an indefinite thickness, depending upon the turbulence and
the homogeneity of the gases.
The above definitions provide for the persistence of flame until lumi
nosity and radiation cease, even after the chemical reaction has proceeded
to equilibrium. The continuance of luminosity, called afterburning, is
evident in various types of combustion, especially in spark-ignition
engines. A fast-burning mixture has a very thin reaction zone, and ig
nition, combustion, and luminescence occur almost simultaneously. Fig
ure 4-8 shows a diagrammatic sketch of the various zones which exist at
much longer zone of reaction, and there are comparatively few applica
tions where diffusion of the gases alone is relied upon to provide mixing of
the fuel and oxygen.
Explosion Flames. Explosive burning occurs in homogeneous mix
tures of fuel and air, and the flame front progresses rapidly through the
mixture. This type of flame may again be further classified as a (1) con
stant-pressure or (2) a constant-volume reaction.
The former is the type of combustion which exists during a mine explo
sion, in which a flash fire races through the mine from the point of igni
tion. While there is a localized pressure disturbance at the reaction zone,
no appreciable rise in pressure is created in the mine shaft. In constant-
pressure explosions the chemical reaction is generally completed at the
flame front and little or no burning takes place after the passage of the
flame. Characteristics of such flames have been studied rather carefully
in glass tubes.
The explosive flame in the cylinder of a gasoline engine is essentially a
combustion process at constant volume. In this application, the mixture
of air and fuel is ignited with a spark, and the flame front spreads very
rapidly across the cylinder. The high degree of turbulence in the cylin
der aids in the rapid propagation of the flame, resulting in a very irregular
flame front and reaction zone.
Because of the widespread interest in this application of combustion,
many fundamental flame studies have been made on explosion flames in
constant-volume cylinders or bombs. Factors which apparently have no
effect on stationary flames at constant pressure seem to have considerable
importance in explosion flames where the pressure is rising rapidly.
Detonation is a special type of explosion characterized by a tremen
dously increased reaction rate accompanied by an ultra-high velocity per
cussion wave within the cylinder and an abnormal rate of pressure rise.
Detonation is considered more thoroughly in Chap. 8, since it is a problem
encountered in internal-combustion engines.
chemical reactions are started each time one is completed, it is easy to vis
ualize how chain branching can speed up a reaction to explosive violence.
During the past 50 years considerable research work has been per
formed in an attempt to establish the mechanism, or series of individual
intermediate reactions, by which fuels burn. Unfortunately, this is an
extremely complex problem affected by a large number of physical factors.
Even today the mechanism involved in the burning of any but the
simplest of fuels is not definitely known. Spectroscopic analysis of the
reaction zone and flame front shows the presence of certain intermediate
products. The various reactions which occur can be predicted by apply
ing theories of reaction kinetics to qualitative and quantitative data con
cerning the products of the reactions, reaction rates, etc.
In the sections which follow, recently proposed mechanisms are pre
sented along with some experimental evidence to help support these
theories. Only those reactions are given here which are reasonable in
energy release and which do not involve too complicated an atomic
rearrangement. By the very nature of this problem, it becomes obvious
that such experimental work would be performed in the physical chem
istry laboratories.
Hydrogen. The mechanism of the combustion of hydrogen with
oxygen is presented first, not only because hydrogen is one of the simpler
fuels, but because the chain reactions involved in its burning are the most
thoroughly understood.
During the initiation phase of the combustion reaction, active chain
carriers are formed by such reactions as
H2^ 2H
02-> 20
H20 -> OH + H
oxygen atom. Both the second and third steps are branching reactions
as in each equation two chain carriers appear in the products while only
one enters into the reaction. It is quite possible that a free hydrogen
atom also can initiate the reaction chain. Following is a scheme showing
how chain branching builds up with the above three reactions:
The firstlink in the chain [Eq. (2)] destroys one chain carrier — a free
hydrogen atom. By the end of the second link of the chain, composed of
Eqs. (1) and (3), two new chain carriers have been formed, each of which
may start its own new chain. Thus, combustion proceeding by the
above reactions quickly accelerates to explosive velocity. When a mix
ture of hydrogen and oxygen is ignited at temperatures above about
750 F, flame envelops the mixture almost instantaneously. The rate of
the reaction may be slowed, or even stopped, however, by introducing
chain-breaking reactions rapidly enough to destroy some of the chain
carriers as they are formed.
It has been mentioned that cold wall surfaces apparently act to adsorb
chain carriers and thus slow or stop chain reactions. The effect of this
phenomenon can be observed by mixing stoichiometric portions of hydro
gen and oxygen at room temperature and pressure. If such a mixture
is not ignited, the number of chain carriers adsorbed at the walls of the
cules collide per second. At some critical pressure, known as the first
explosion limit, the effect of chain branching becomes greater than the
effect of chain breaking, and an explosion occurs.
chain-breaking reactions at the walls of the container are an
important factor controlling the rate of the combustion, the size of vessel,
type of surface, and the condition of the surface are all variables affecting
the first explosion limit. Because of the poisoning of the wall surface,
or saturation of the wall surface with molecules which do not permit the
wall to adsorb chain carriers in its normal manner, even similar wall
materials do not always act to give the same pressure at the first explosion
limit. Thus, the first explosion limit is difficult to determine and is very
much dependent on test apparatus and procedure.
An excellent example of the complicated nature of the combustion
process is the fact that there is a pressure, somewhat higher than the
pressure at the first explosion limit, above which the chemical reaction of
hydrogen and oxygen no longer proceeds with explosive violence. This
critical pressure is called the second explosion limit; above this limiting
pressure the oxidation of the hydrogen proceeds slowly, as shown in Fig.
4-2. Oddly enough, vessel dimensions and wall surface conditions have
little influence on the second explosion limit. Instead, this phenomenon
seems to be created by a chain-breaking reaction of the form
(4) H + 02 + M -» H02 + M
where M represents any kind of molecule, such as H2, 02, H2O, N2, C02,
etc. Ordinarily H02 is a very unstable combination of hydrogen and
oxygen because more energy is released upon its formation than is
> H20 + H
+°, (Chain-branching path)
-> 0 + OH
' ±^ > H20 + H
+°2 M
I 8'
> H02 + M (Chain-breaking path)
and certain types of clean glass surfaces apparently have lower adsorptive
qualities and allow Eq. (6) to proceed to a greater degree than do vessels
coated with certain salt solutions.
In addition to the reaction path denoted by Eq. (6), it is possible occa
sionally for the H02 to react according to Eq. (7), even in vessels with
excellent adsorptive efficiency.
The above reaction nullifies the chain-breaking powers of Eq. (4), since
the OH radical will form another H atom by the path of Eq. (1).
The reaction of Eq. (5) is the most common of the three possible paths
for the destruction of H02. When it occurs, two-thirds of the free hydro
gen atoms must react according to Eq. (4) to keep the burning from
progressing to explosion, since it removes the free hydrogen atoms from
the gaseous mixture. The reaction of Eq. (6) may develop in the gaseous
phase when the walls fail to adsorb the H02 radicals adequately. As
Eq. (6) shows, another H atom is released by this reaction and the effect
of the chain breaking of Eq. (4) is impaired. Under these conditions it
becomes necessary for more than two-thirds of the free hydrogen atoms
to follow the path of Eq. (4) to offset their formation again by Eq. (6).
Thus, the wall surface has some effect on the second explosion limit,
although this effect is not so marked as it is for the first explosion limit.
It is significant that the primary reaction product, water, itself poisons
the surface of certain vessels. The poisoned surface apparently hinders
the adsorption of H02. The reaction rate progressively increases as the
wall prevents the effectiveness of chain-breaking Eq. (4) . If water vapor
is sprayed over the walls at the beginning of a test, the reaction rate is
rapid from the start.
When the path of Eq. (7) is followed by an H02 radical, the chain-
breaking tendency of Eq. (4) is again impaired. In this case three-
fourths instead of two-thirds of the H atoms must follow Eq. (4) to com
pensate for the later formation of the OH radical.
The intermediate product H202 formed by either Eq. (5) or (6) has
four reaction paths by which it may be destroyed:
the other three possible paths, another OH radical is formed. Under the
latter conditions, a larger number of H atoms must follow the chain-
breaking path Eq. (4) to prevent an explosive reaction. Equation (8)
may occur if an H202 molecule collides with some other molecule with
sufficient energy to split it into two OH free radicals. When the proper
catalytic actions are in force, H202 vapor may decompose by the path of
Eq. (9). The nature of the molecular collisions controls the number of
H202 molecules following Eqs. (7) and (10).
A third explosion limit leading to a very violent reaction exists at pres
sures considerably above the second explosion limit when the diffusion of
H02 to the wall, or its destruction at the wall, is impeded by any of the
following changes:
H02 + H2 -» H202 + H
01 I I I 1 1 I I I
1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160
Temperature, F
Fig. 4-3. Second and third explosion limits for mixtures of 2H2 + O2 in salt-coated vessels.
Calculated curves for vessels of diameter d are shown in solid lines. Experimental data:
T. °i X for d = 3.94-, 2. 91-, and 1.54-in. diameter, respectively, (von Elbe and Lewis,
J. Chem. Phys., 1942.)
Figures 4-3 through 4-6 are presented to show the effects of several
variables on the second and third explosion limits. No curves are given
for the first explosion limit since the nature of the adsorption of chain car
riers at the wall surfaces makes a systematic investigation of this limit
extremely difficult.
Figure 4-3 shows the second and third explosion limits for vessels of dif
ferent diameters at various temperatures. The area to the right of any
curve is the explosive region, whereas to the left of the curve is an area of
Inert gas I
added to ll
3 n
/M // -/
Mixtures of /Helium
H2 and Og
20 / ^{Nitrogen
H2O added to
\ 2H2+O2
.4 i i i i ! 1
1 1 1 1 1
0 02 0.4 Q6 Q8 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0 02 0.4 0.6 03
Mole Mole fraction Mole fraction
of 02 of H20 of inert gas
Fig. 4-4. Second explosion limit pressures as functions of mixture composition. Tem
perature. 986 F. spherical vessel, 2.9 in. diameter, salt-coated pyrex surface. Calculated
curves are solid lines. Experimental data: X, °, +, •. (von Elbe and Lewis, Chem. J.
Phys., wji. 10, p. 366, 1942.)
drop in the reaction vessel occurs because li2 vol of hydrogen and oxygen
are required to form 1 vol of water vapor. Thus, the faster the reaction,
the greater the rate of pressure drop. Since only a comparative reaction
rate is significant, a millimeter of Hg pressure drop is plotted on the graph
as a "unit" of reaction rate.
The solid line curves in Fig. 4-3 represent values calculated from theo
retical equations, assuming that the combustion mechanism consists of
some combination of Eqs. (1) through (10). As can be seen, the calcu
lated values compare very closely to experimental data in most cases. No
other combination of possible reactions yields such excellent agreement.
- X
r x X
X 8
x 9^
o ^ X
S .i
s x
- ^ 1/amete r
8 10 12 14 16
Pressure, psia
Fig. 4-5. Reaction rates for mixtures of 2H2 + O2. Calculated curves, solid lines. Experi
mental data: X, pyrex vessel coated with potassium chloride; A, pyrex with barium chloride.
(von Elbe and Lewis, J.
Chem. Phys., 1942.)
10 IT—
-20% H2 in
-40% H?
6 8 10 12 14 16
Pressure, psia
Fig. 4-6. Reaction rates for various ratios of hydrogen and oxygen. Calculated curves,
solid lines. Experimental data: •, 80% H2 in H2 and 02 mixture; X, 66.7% H2; +, 40%
Hi; * 20% H2, 2. 91-in. -diameter pyrex vessel, potassium chloride coated, at 986 F. (von
Elbe and Lewis, J.
Chem. Phys., 1942.)
The slow combustion reactions, such as are obtained in Zones and I III
of Fig. 4-2, are the subject of much fundamental research at the present
time. Explosive reactions are extremely difficult to handle experimen
tally, and it is hoped that, if the mechanism of slow combustion can be
discovered, the factors which control more violent reactions may be better
understood. However, the mechanisms which prevail under slow com
bustion conditions are quite different from those which lead to explosions.
Carbon Monoxide. The mechanism whereby oxygen unites with car
bon monoxide to form the ultimate combustion product, carbon dioxide,
has not been investigated so thoroughly as that of hydrogen/oxygen mix
tures. Lewis and von Elbe3 29 have suggested the following reactions
as possible in the combustion of CO and 02 mixtures free of water and
other hydrogen compounds:
(15) CO + 02 + H -» C02 + OH
(16) C0 + OH -» C02 + H
(17) H + 02 + M -> H02 + M
(18) C0 + H02 C02 + OH
It can be noted that the above mechanism is of a type similar to that
existing in the combustion of hydrogen.
low as compared with the C0 at all times. Evidently the oxidation reac
tion at the surface proceeds only to the formation of CO, and the gaseous
CO is oxidized at some point beyond the carbon surface. These investi
gations were carried on at pressures of 0.009 psia or lower to reduce the
burning rate considerably in an attempt to learn more of the mechanism
of the reaction. It is believed the same mechanism would prevail at simi
lar temperatures at atmospheric or higher pressures.
Methane. The combustion of methane in air has been studied inten
sively by a number of investigators, and the possible mechanisms are
fairly well established.
Etienne Audibert6, Inspector general of French Mines, has concluded
that there are four different mechanisms whereby methane and air can
unite, but that only a branched-chain mechanism produces active com
bustion, as follows:
(19) -»
02 + CH3 CHsOO
(20) CH4 + CH300 -» CH3 + CH3OOH
(21) CH3OOH -» CO + 2H2 + O
(22) CH4 + O -» CH3 + OH
The primary products C0 and H2 are then oxidized to C02 and H20 by
the secondary mechanisms:
(24) CO + OH H + C02
(25) 02 + CO + H -» OH + C02
(26) H2 + OH -» H + H20
(27) 02 + H2 + H-> OH + H20
H— •
Since the alkyl radicals of the many compounds react similarly under many
circumstances, alkyl radicals are often simply represented by R. Thus, a paraffin
hydrocarbon could be represented as RH, showing that no hydrogen atom is missing.
Some organic compounds involving alkyl radicals which appear as intermediate
or final products of combustion are:
1. Alcohols R— OH
2. Aldehydes R— CHO
3. Acids R— COOH
4. Peracids RCO(OOH)
5. Ketones R— CO— R
6. Hydroperoxides R— OOH
7. Dialkyl peroxides R— OO— R
(35) RH + OH -» R + H20
(36) R + 02 — OH + R'CHO
in which the symbol R' represents the alkyl radical with one less CH2
group than the original alkyl radical, R. The aldehyde thus formed may
then react with OH to yield a carbonyl radical and water
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050
Fig. 4-7. Ignition region of 3.1 per cent hexane in air mixture. Ignition lag in seconds
indicated in numbers along curve. (Townend, Cohen, Mandle-Kar, Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lon
don), A 146, 113, 1934.)
which the reactionwill become explosive for the various temperatures are
quite unpredictable, and in this case give rise to peninsula-shaped
The numbers on the curve represent the time in seconds which was
required to heat the fuel and air mixture before combustion started.
This delay period is known as the ignition lag and is discussed later.
A region of cool flames just outside the explosion area is shown on the
graph of Fig. 4-7. Cool flames are gentle, incomplete combustion reac
tions which emit little light and heat. Under special conditions, a gaseous
mixture of fuel and air may react at rather low temperatures in such a
manner that no flame front or reaction zone is visible. This type of
burning is called homogeneous combustion because the oxidation of the
carbon and hydrogen is apparently occurring at many different points in
the mixture simultaneously but at a very slow rate. This type of reaction
is also called slow combustion. The temperatures thus attained are only
600 to 1000 F, and much less light is emitted than by the usual rapid
oxidation of fuel.
The speed with which the combustion process occurs influences mark
edly the efficiency with which the heat released by the chemical reaction
can be used. With greater rates of heat release, higher peak temperatures
can be obtained. The rate of heat transfer varies with the temperature
difference between the heat source and the body receiving the heat. If
higher temperatures can be achieved through a more rapid combustion
process, it is often possible to transfer a greater portion of the heat
released to some other medium to perform a useful purpose. Likewise,
the burning rate will dictate the volume of combustion chamber required
to burn a given quantity of fuel. Following the present trend toward
the development of more compact and efficient machines, the rate of heat
release is being pushed to the maximum. This requires a high flame
Burning Rates. The spatial velocity of a flame is the velocity with
which the flame moves through space. While this velocity may be
measured, it is not a fundamental fuel property since the spatial velocity
will depend to a large extent on the type of vessel in which the flame exists.
The spatial velocity can be resolved into two important components:
the transformation velocity and the gas velocity. The transformation
velocity is the speed, relative to the unburned gases, with which the flame
front moves from the burned to the unburned gases. It is measured in a
direction normal to the surface of the flame front. In other words, if
the mass flow of the gases could be prevented, then the transformation
velocity would be the actual rate of advance of the flame into the unburned
i There is always a certain amount of expansion of the heated gases at
the vicinity of the flame, which gives rise to a movement of gases in thatl
region and displaces the flame front. The velocity at which the un burned
gases approach the burning zone is called the gas velocity. The spatial
velocity is the vector sum of the gas velocity and the transformation
velocity. In the case of a stationary flame, the spatial velocity is zero. I
Burning zone
Fresh gas Heating Reaction Luminous- Burned gas
mixture zone zone flame zone
Most of Combustion
chain completed (
reaction here \
Fig. 4-8. Diagram of a quiescent flame and the temperature variation within.
zone. Within the very narrow reaction zone, the chain reaction proceeds
to chemical equilibrium. In the region directly behind the reaction zone,
called the luminous flame zone, the radiations which appear as the visible
portion of the flame are emitted. The reaction zone and the luminous
flame zone are almost superimposed, the total width of both regions being
no more than a few ten-thousandths of an inch for rapid, quiescent com
bustion of premixed fuel and air.
Present developments in gas turbines, furnaces, heaters, internal-
combustion engines, etc., need the maximum possible rate of heat release
during the combustion process. To accomplish this, many analytical
studies have been made, and considerable research work is in progress, to
establish specifically which factors control the rate of burning, or the
flame speed, in a given application.
An analysis of the problem shows that at least four factors influence
the rate of flame propagation in varying degrees:
(41) W .= Ke-*'RT
P. J. Daniell, and others, were based upon the assumption that thiel
unburned gas must first be brought to its ignition temperature by direct
conduction of heat from the reaction zone to the gas being heated in the
adjacent layer. These may be classified as thermal theories of flame_\
Mathematical expressions for the transformation velocity, developed
by the above-named researchers and others, based on the thermal theories
of flame propagation, show that
greater for increased partial pressures of CO, O2, and H2. An increase in
the amounts of any of these three constituents would tend to make the
flame hotter. Thus, they concluded, the increase in burning velocity
could also be explained by an increased rate of heat transfer to the
unburned gases. Likewise, their calculations agreed quite well with the
experimental data.
Evidently both factors aid in controlling the rate of flame propagation,
and the relative importance of each as yet can only be speculated upon.
Fig. 4-9. Elements of a bunsen burner and the method of measuring transformation
fled method which yields quite uniform results is based on the equation:
VT = Vav sin a
£D 4
Ac2 H2 /
The flame spreads as a sphere from the point of ignition. Since the
soap bubble expands as the temperature of the gases within rises, the
combustion is essentially at the constant pressure of the surroundings.
The chief advantage of this method
is its simplicity. No rapid rate of
pressure rise is involved, and the
shape of the container (the soap
y Nr
I 20
Spatia 1 veloc bubble) does not interfere with the
normal path of the flame. This
technique does have the disadvan
.£> 15
tage that the percentage of water
10 vapor in the mixture cannot be
— Trarsformo tion ve locity— controlled, because the amount pres
ent is influenced by the surrounding
soap film.
30 40 50 60 70 80
Volume per cent CO in mixture Spatial velocities are measured
Fig. 4-12. Variation of spatial velocity from high-speed photographs taken
and transformation velocity with compo of the explosion. Transformation
sition of CO and O2 mixtures containing
2.7 per cent H»0 vapor, as measured in a velocities are computed from the
soap-bubble explosion. (Fiock and Mar measured spatial velocities, taking
vin, Chem. Rev., vol. 21, 1937.)
into account the expansion of the
burned and unburned gases upon heating. Figure 4-12 shows typical
results obtained from the soap-bubble method for measuring spatial
velocities by E. F. Fiock and C. F. Marvin.19
Glass-tube Method. Much of the early flame research was carried on
in glass tubes whose lengths were
much greater than their diameters. /-Transformation velocity
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Tube diameter, in.
Fig. 4-14. Spatial velocities for various methane/air mixtures in glass tubes of different
diameters. (Coward and Hartwell, J. Chem. Soc, 1932.)
Electronic pickup
for time and
pressure signals
Fig. 4-15. Diagrammatic layout for spherical-bomb explosion studies. (After Fiock,
Marvin, Caldwell, and Roeder, NACA Tech. Rept. 682, 1939.)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Flame radius, in.
Fig. 4-16. Flame speeds in CO and O2 mixtures as measured in a spherical bomb. Initial
mixture pressure, 5 psia. (Fiock, Marvin, Caldwell, and Roeder, NACA Tech. Rept. 682,
w-heptane, and isooctane rated in that order, but there was very little
difference in the actual values for the three fuels. , The addition of tetra-
testing. Part of this difficulty lies in the fact that the wall surfaces,
shape, and size of the container play such an important factor in con
trolling the combustion reaction. Also the physical variables of tempera
ture, pressure, air/fuel ratio, humidity, etc., have an effect on combustion,
and it is nearly impossible to reproduce all these factors from one method
of testing to another.
In the sections which follow, an attempt is made to show the general
effect of each of these physical variables on transformation velocity, and
o A, r5 99/
E \\
/ J fI /
834 7F
8 22
14 18 26
Air- fuel ratio,
Fig. 4-17. Transformation velocities for mixtures of natural gas and air at various temper
atures, measured by a bunsen-burner method. (Johnston, SAE J., December, 1947.)
rises, the transformation velocity increases. The data for these curves
were obtained from tests conducted by W. C. Johnston,18 and S. Sherratt
19 I
4A psia
61 ?ps ia-'
Temperature --6 04 F
10 12 14
600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
Temperature, F
Fig. 4-20. Relative reaction rates at different pressures for an 11.1 per cent pentane in
oxygen mixture. {Neumann and Aivazov, Nature, vol. 135, p. 655, 1935.)
8 Best)
50 75 100 125
Intake velocity, ft /sec
Fig. ';
Effect of turbulence on burning rates in spark-ignition engines.
4-22. (Fiock, Chem-
ical Background for Engine Research,1' Jnterscience Publishers, 1943.)
of fuel in the mixture) which will support combustion. The upper limit
is, of course, the richest mixture which will propagate a flame. Various
other terms such as inflammation limits and explosive limits are often
used interchangeably with the term limits of inflammability.
Like other experimental results from combustion, the limits of inflam
mability are affected by the method of testing. The following factors
appear to affect the limits:24
1. Direction of Flame Propagation. Wider limits are obtained for
upward propagation of flame than for horizontal or downward flame
2. Design of Test Apparatus. Turbulence of the mixture reduces the
lower limit slightly. Hence, most tests are conducted in long glass tubes
to obtain a more or less quiescent mixture.
3. Diameter of Tube. It is found that the limits of inflammability
become wider with increased diameters up to tube diameters of about 2 in.
Larger diameter tubes apparently affect the experimental explosion limits
very little.
4. Length of Tube. The combustion tube must be at least 3 ft in length
to ensure that the mixture is capable of supporting a flame after the heat
of ignition has been dissipated.
5. Temperature at Time of Ignition. Temperature changes of a few
degrees at the time of ignition have little effect on the limits. At tem
peratures considerably above room temperature, the limits are somewhat
wider than those reported in Table 4-1.
6. Pressure. As with temperature, small pressure changes have a
negligible effect on the explosion limits. At high pressures or very low
pressures, each fuel is affected differently and the limits may be greater,
less, or the same as the values in Table 4-1. No extensive systematic
studies of inflammability limits at pressures differing widely from atmos
pheric have been made.
7. Humidity. A normal amount of water vapor in the mixture prior
to ignition seems to have no effect on the lower limit, but it acts to lower
the upper limit.
Table 4-1 gives the lower and upper limits of inflammability for a
number of fuels for upward propagation in a 2-in. -diameter tube. All
data are for mixtures at room temperature and 1 atm pressure.
While the exact controlling factors on inflammability limits are not
completely understood, the following trends are apparent for hydro
carbons. At the lower limit, the heating value per cubic foot of com
bustible mixture is approximately constant. It follows that the flame
temperature reached by burning such mixtures would be constant, which
seems to indicate that the limiting factor for combustion of lean mixtures
% by volume of fuel
vapor in mixture % fuel vapor in j
Type and name Formula stoichiometric
Lower Upper
Methane CHi 5.00 15.00
Ethane. . . . : CsHa 3.22 12.45
Propane C3H8 2.37 9.50
Butane C4Hio 1.86 8.41
Isobutane iso-C4Hio 1.80 8.44
Pentane C6His 1.40 7.80
Isopentane iso-CaHi2 1.32
Hexane CsHh 1.25 6.90
Heptane CvHia 1.00 6.00
Octane C8Ht8 0.95
Nonane CsH20 0.83
Ethylene C2H4 2 75 28.60
Propylene C3H6 2 00 11 . 10
Butylene CiH* 1 70 9.00
Amylene C&H10 1 60
Acetylene C2H2 2.50 80.00
Aromatics :
Benzene C«H< 1 41 6.75
Toluene C7H8 1 27 6.75
o-Xylene C»Hio 1 00 6.00
Cyclopropane C3Hg 2 40 10.40
Cyclohexane CBHi2 1 33 8.35
Methylcyclohexane C7H14 1 15
Terpenes :
Turpentine CioHia 0 80
Methyl CH40 6 72 36.50
Ethyl 3 28 18.95
Propyl C,H»0 2 55
Iso propyl CiH.O 2 65
Butyl C4H10O 1 70
Isobutyl CiHioO 1 68
Amyl CH12O 1 19
Isoamyl C5H12O 1 20
Allyl CjH,0 2 40
Aldehydes :
Acetaldehyde C2H.0 3 97 57.00
Crotonaldehyde C.HeO 2 12 15.50
Furfural CsH.02 2 10
Paraldehyde C.H12O3 1 30
Hydrogen H2 4 00 74.20
Carbon monoxide. . CO 12 50 74.20
Ammonia NHi 15 50 27.00
ar 2200
8. 2000
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
glass container is held at a known level, and drops of the fuel being tested
are sprayed into the flask. The minimum temperature at which the fuel
can be made to ignite and continue to burn is reported as the ignition
temperature. Table 4-2 gives ignition temperatures for a number of
Name Formula Name Formula
temp., F
10 1 1 1 1
Fig. 4-24.Minimum spark energy for the ignition of stoichiometric mixtures of natural
gas and air at atmospheric pressure as a function of spark gap. Electrodes, }^e-in. stain
less-steel points. (Lewis and von Elbe, Trans. ASME, 1948.)
voltage observed. If the first spark did not ignite the mixture, the
charge on the condenser was increased. By passing a series of sparks
between the electrodes, the minimum spark energy in millijoules required
to ignite the mixture was determined. This minimum energy represented
the energy imparted to the gas in the form of heat and ionization. Figure
4-24 shows the effect of spark gap on the minimum spark energy necessary
to ignite a stoichiometric mixture of methane and air at atmospheric
pressure. As the curve shows, above about 0.08-in. electrode gap, the
minimum ignition energy is approximately constant. Below this critical
distance, greater ignition energies are required, probably because of a
quenching effect due to the electrodes being in close proximity to the
newly created combustion wave. The existence of a range of constant-
ignition energy suggests that the flame is not started uniformly along the
path of the spark but is probably generated at a point source near one of
the electrodes. If the spark brought the gas to a uniform ignition tem
perature along its entire path or excited the surrounding gases equally,
i i i i i i i i
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Per cent Methane
Fig. 4-25. Minimum spark energies required to ignite mixtures of methane, oxygen, and
nitrogen at atmospheric pressure. (Lewis and von Elbe, Trans. ASME, 1948.)
Figure 4-25 also shows the variation of the minimum spark energy
required with different oxygen and nitrogen compositions. Inert gases
such as nitrogen have a very pronounced effect on this value. For an
air/methane mixture, about 100 times as much spark energy is required
to set off the most easily ignited mixture as is required to ignite a mixture
of pure oxygen and methane.
Ignition Delay. In the preceding sections, no consideration was given
to the time required for the fuel/air mixture to ignite. Ignition studies
show that an ignition lag, or delay period, always exists between the time a
fuel is subjected to an ignition source and the start of rapid combustion.
It is thought that this delay period is required for the necessary active
Time, sec
Fiq. 4-26. Effect of temperature and pressure level on ignition delay.
period is further reduced. Pressure has much the same effect on ignition
lag. For a given temperature level, a pressure scale might be sub
stituted for the temperature scale on the ordinate of Fig. 4-26, and the
same relationships would prevail. If ignition of a combustible mixture
occurs by the process of adiabatic compression, both pressure and tem
perature increase simultaneously. Both factors then would be acting to
shorten the ignition delay.
The effect of temperature on the ignition delay of stoichiometric mix
tures of benzene, isooctane, and normal heptane, as measured by adia
batic compression, is shown in Fig. 4-27. The ignition lags experienced
at various temperatures and pres
sures for hexane and air mixtures
are shown on the curve of Fig. 4-7,
which shows the definite inter
dependence of pressure and ignition
lag on ignition temperature. Thus,
at 45 psia and 515 F the mixture will
ignite, but it takes 35 sec to pro
duce ignition. Practically speak
ing, the fuel/air mixture cannot be
ignited at 45 psia and 515 F.
The data of Table 4-2 give what
might be termed minimum ignition 0.001
9 10 II 12 13 14 15
Compression ratio
Fig. 4-28. Effect of compression ratio on ignition delay. (Taylor, Taylor, Livengood,
Russell, and Leary, SAE Trans., 1950.)
o 0.02
I — n-butane
2— benzene
3— n-heptane
r I50F
15.5 psia
14.7 psia
14.7 psia
4— isooctane I50F 12.3 14.7 psia
0.04 0.06 0.08 aio 0.12
Fuel /air ratio
Fig. 4-29. Effect of fuel/air ratio on ignition delay. (Taylor, Taylor, Livengood, Russdl,
and Leary, SAE Trans., 1950.)
and very short ignition delays. In fact, the cetane rating of a fuel is
determined by the length of the ignition delay.
The effects of these and other phenomena of combustion on the design
and operation of fuel-burning equipment are presented in the chapters
which follow.
and oxygen, and discuss their effect upon the combustion process.
8. What is meant by the term "poisoning" of wall surfaces?
9. Distinguish between adsorption and absorption.
10. What is a reaction path, and how does it influence combustion?
11. Discuss the significance of the three explosion limits of hydrogen/oxygen
12. Give the molecular structures of the following derivatives from the hydro
carbon re-heptane: alkyl radical, aldehyde, acid, peracid, ketone, hydroperoxide.
13. What organic compounds are formed as intermediate products in the course of
the aldehyde degradation mechanism of a hydrocarbon?
14. Establish the equations which relate transformation, spatial, and gas velocities
in different types of combustion processes.
15. If the rate of a chemical reaction follows the Arrhenius equation accurately,
what would be the relative rates of a given reaction at 100, 110, 150, 200, and 500 F,
if all other factors remained constant?
16. Same as Prob. 15 except T = 100, 1000, and 2000 F.
17. Considering the thermal theory of flame propagation, what would be the effect
on transformation velocity of increasing the air preheat temperature for a given
18. Referring to Fig. 4-10, what percentage of stoichiometric air is required for
each of the fuels shown to form a mixture which would burn with the maximum flame
19. A primary air /fuel mixture of 60 per cent air and 40 per cent hydrogen at 122 F,
14.7 psia, is burned in a bunsen burner having a 0.50-in.-diameter tube. Applying
Eq. (43) and Fig. 4-10, what fuel rate in cubic feet per hour and Btu per hour would be
required to maintain the angle a at 45°. What percentage of stoichiometric air
would be supplied as primary air under these conditions?
20. Same as above except the fuel is carbon monoxide and the mixture is 50 per cent
primary air, 50 per cent CO.
21. List advantages and disadvantages of the four methods for measuring trans
formation velocity discussed in this chapter.
22. Tabulate the physical variables which influence burning rates and discuss why
and how each affects transformation velocities.
23. What percentages of stoichiometric air are present in the upper and lower
inflammability limit mixtures for the following fuels: methane, propane, pentane,
heptane, ethylene, benzene, methyl alcohol, hydrogen, acetylene?
24. What would be the upper and lower inflammability limits for a natural gas
having the composition: CH, = 90%, C2H6 = 4%, C2H4 = 4%, N2 = 2.0%?
25. Discuss the reliability of an equation of the type of Eq. (42) in light of the
experimental data concerning ignition temperatures and ignition lags.
26. Why is it reasonable that both temperature and pressure should affect the igni
tion delay of a fuel/air mixture?
1. Burk, R. E., and O. Grummitt, eds., "The Chemical Background for Engine
Research," Chaps, by Fiock, Rossini, Whitmore, von Elbe, Lewis, and Beeck,
Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1943.
2. von Elbe, G., and B. Lewis, Mechanism of the Thermal Reaction between
Hydrogen and Oxygen, J.
Chem. Phys., vol. 10, p. 366, 1942.
3. Lewis, B., and G. von Elbe, "Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases,"
Cambridge University Press, New York, 1938.
4. Jost, W., "Explosion and Combustion Processes in Gases," translated by H. O.
Croft, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1946.
5. Strickland-Constable, R. F., Kinetics and Mechanism of the Oxidation of
Carbon, Chemistry & Industry, Dec. 4, 1948, p. 771.
6. Audibert, E., The Combustion of Methane-Air Mixtures, Fuel, vol. 27, p. 145,
November-December, 1948.
7. Lewis, B., and G. von Elbe, "Mechanism of Combustion of Hydrocarbons,"
paper presented before the ACS, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, April, 1951.
8. Boord, C. E., K. W. Greenlee, and J. M. Derfer, "Oxidation Reactions as
Related to Hydrocarbon Structure and Engine Knock," paper presented before
the ACS, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, April, 1951.
9. Kahler, E. J., A. E. Bearse, and G. G. Stoner, "Vapor-phase Oxidation of
Hexanes," Ind. Eng. Chem., vol. 43, p. 2777, 1951.
10. Markstein, G. H., and M. Polanyi, Flame Propagation — A Critical Review of
Existing Theories, Cornell Aeronaut. Lab., Bumblebee Series 61, 1947.
11. Jost, W., and V. Muffling, Z. physik. Chem. A, p. 181, 1935.
12. Simon, D. M., "On the Active Particle Diffusion Theory of Flame Propagation,"
paper presented before the ACS, Division of Petroleum Chemistry, April, 1951.
13. Linnett, J. W., The Propagation of Flame. Studies of Shadow Cones & Bubble
Effects, Chem. Age, vol. 61, p. 345, Sept. 10, 1949.
14. Tanford, C, and R. N. Pease, Theory of Burning Velocity, J. Chem. Phys.,
December, 1947, p. 861.
15. Hoare, M. F., and J. W. Linnett, Mechanism of Flame Propagation, J. Chem.
Phys., August, 1948, p. 747.
16. Caldwell, F. R., H. P. Broida, J. J. Dover, and E. F. Fiock, "Apparatus for
Studying Combustion in Bunsen Flames," paper presented before the ACS,
Division of Petroleum Chemistry, April, 1951.
17. Albright, R. E., D. P. Heath, and R. H. Thena, "Flame Velocities of Liquid
Hydrocarbons," paper presented before the ACS, Division of Petroleum Chemis
try, April, 1951.
18. Johnston, W. C, Flame Propagation Rates at Reduced Pressures, SAE J.,
December, 1947, p. 62.
19. Fiock, E. F., and C. F. Marvin, Jr., The Measurement of Flame Speeds, Chem.
Rev., vol. 21, p. 367, 1937.
20. Gerstein, M., O. Levine, and E. L. Wong, The Determination of Fundamental
There are many physical characteristics which enter into the problems
of burning fuels in various types of combustion equipment. Thus one
type of coal may be well adapted for a particular type of stoker, whereas
another type of stoker may encounter considerable difficulty in burning
the same fuel. Similarly kerosene, which contains essentially the same
amounts of hydrogen and carbon as gasoline, does not operate satis
factorily in automobile engines.
Many tests for fuels have been adopted as standard by the ASTM, the
AGA, the API, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, and other interested groups.
Some of these tests which measure the physical properties affecting the
handling, storage, and combustion characteristics of fuels are presented
in this chapter.
The proximate and ultimate analyses and the heating values of solid
fuels, discussed in Chap. 1, may be analyzed and reported on a number of
bases. The most commonly used of these are " as mined," "as received,"
"as fired," "moisture-free," "moisture- and ash-free," "dry, mineral-
free," "moist, mineral-free," and "moisture-, ash-, sulfur-free."
The moisture content of the fuel may vary from the "as mined" to the
"as received" or the "as fired" condition. In addition, coal which has
been stored for a considerable length of time may have weathered, and its
composition changed. When a sample of coal is taken for testing, it
should be selected according to the approved methods of the ASTM, and
placed in a closed vessel to prevent any change of moisture before testing.
The "moisture-free" sample gives the per cent by weight of the various
constituents after the moisture has been driven from the coal by heating
it for several minutes at a temperature of 225 F ; or it is the analysis of the
fuel which would have been determined had the sample been tested dry.
If the moisture and ash could be removed from a coal sample, leaving the
rest of the components just as they were, the per cent by weight of the
remaining constituents would be reported on a "moisture- and ash-free"
basis. Usually coal samples are analyzed "as received," or the sample is
dried and analyzed "moisture-free." The analysis on any other basis
can be computed once the composition of the coal "as received
" is known.
Symbols Used in
Following Equations
C carbon in known ultimate analysis, "as received"
= per cent
VM> =
for all items (C, N, S, A, VM, FC, HV) except hydrogen and oxygen.
Hl _
- - 8M/9)
~ (H
M X - 100 0l — (0
100 -M X 100
When the moisture content changes from one basis to another, the
weight of hydrogen and oxygen in the moisture must be accounted for to
determine the correct values of those elements in the ultimate analysis.
Since 2 lb of hydrogen form 18 lb of water, }4 of the moisture is hydrogen,
{H M/9) represents the free hydrogen present in the original sample,
or the amount beyond that included in the moisture. The free hydrogen
is the part which will remain as a certain percentage of the new "dry"
2. To compute to the "as fired" basis from the "as received" when
moisture changes:
Ci = C X _ etc., for all items except hydrogen and oxygen
- Mi + Mi
100 -M
To compute to the "moisture- and ash-free" basis from the "as
e*c'' ^or a^
- If -
These calculations are made in accordance with the Parr formulas,
FCl =
rc-°15* X 100
100 — noncoal
as used, noncoal = M +
1.08A + 0.55$.
The formula for noncoal, or moisture plus mineral matter, takes into
account the fact that part of the sulfur in the coal combined with iron
HV - 50 X
HV1 =
100 — noncoal
The quantity 50 X S accounts for the loss in heating value when the
sulfur is removed from the sample. While 5000 Btu/lb is greater than
the heating value of sulfur, it gives a close approximation to the actual
change in heating value of the sample.
5. To compute the heating value on the "moist, mineral-matter-free"
basis from the "as received":
The mineral portion of the coal is given by the same type of expression
as in the above paragraph,
HVl =
100 - mineral X 100 =
.100 - (1.08A +0.555) X 100
Ni = NK
The percentages of sulfur and ash in the ultimate analysis are the same as
already reported for the proximate.
Example 1. The proximate analysis of a certain coal "as fired" is M = 7.76%,
VM = 35.45%, FC = 41.49%, A = 15.30%, and the sulfur content is S = 3.13%.
Calculate an ultimate analysis for this coal if the proximate and ultimate analyses of
a coal "as fired" from the same bed are as follows:
Proximate Ultimate
M = 6.79% C = 66.40%
VM = 36.70% H = 5.30%
FC = 45.96% 0 = 14.36%
A = 10.55% N = 1.19%
S = 2.20%
S = 2.20% A = 10.55%
100 - (7.76
(6.79 +
15.30 + 3.13)
10.55 + 2.20)
100 - 26.19
Ci = 66.40 X 0.918 = 60.91
- «f 0.918 +
Hl =
= (5.30 - 0.75)0.918 + 0.86
= 4.55 0.918 + 0.86 = 4.18 0.86 = 5.04
0l _ - 0.918
= (14.36 - 6.04)0.918 + 6.90
= 8.32 X 0.918 + 6.90 = 7.63 6.90 =
Fig. 5-1. Test cones for determining ash-softening temperatures. (Courtesy of ASTM.)
calcium. The chemical composition may be correlated with the ash-
softening temperature.
2. The weathering or slacking index of a coal is an indication of its size
stability when stored exposed to the weather. To determine this
property, a coal sample screened to a 1- to l}4-m. size is air dried, soaked
in water, and again air dried. The sample is screened following the
weathering, and the size degradation is computed as the percentage of
undersize material formed by the test.
3. The grindability index of a coal may be found by either the ball-mill
or the Hardgrove method, and is useful in estimating the power required
to pulverize a coal for use in pulverized fuel burners. In the ball-mill
method, the sample is ground until 80 per cent of it passes through a
No. 200 sieve. A standard ball mill is used, and the results are reported
as 50,000 divided by the number of mill revolutions required to produce
the specific fineness. For the Hardgrove test the sample of coal is sub
jected to 60 revolutions in a miniature pulverizer, and the amount passing
through a No. 200 sieve is weighed. The Hardgrove grindability index
is then calculated as
Index = 13 + 6.93 IF
"Mineral-matter-free" basis
Additional requisite
physical properties
Moist" min
Min % Max % heating value
fixed carbon volatile
I. Anthracite:
98 2
92 8
86 14 Nonagglomeratinc
II. Bituminous:
78 22
69 31
Less than 69 14,000
4. High volatile B Less than 69 13,000
5. High volatile C Less than 69 11,000 a. Agglomerating,
non weathering
6. Agglomerating,
c. Nonagglomerating,
non weathering
III. Subbituminous:
Less than 69 11,000 Weathering, nonag
Less than 69 9500
Less than 69 8300
IV. Lignitic:
Less than 69 Less than 8300 Consolidated
2. Brown coal Less than 69 Less than 8300 Unconsolidated
The heating value is expressed to the nearest 100 Btu on the " as sampled
basis. Symbols standardized by the ASTM to define the ash content,
ash-softening temperature, and sulfur content are listed in Table 5-2.
The grade of a coal is given by listing the symbols designating the above
listed five properties of the sample in order. Thus, a typical coal grade
might be written as 2-4 in., 132-A8-F24-S1.6.
* ASTM Standards.
When it is desired to report the exact rank of a coal along with its
grade, the symbols designating the rank are reported first. The rank
and grade listing would be (62-146), 2-4 in., 132-A8-F24-S1.6.
More tests have been devised to analyze the physical and combustion
properties of petroleum fuels than for any other fuels, mainly because
gasolines and fuel oils are used in equipment wherein the fuel requirements
are very exacting. The ASTM has standardized a series of tests to
measure the many important properties of liquid fuels. Anyone wishing
to conduct such tests should consult the ASTM Standards on Petroleum
Products for complete instructions as to the equipment, procedure, and
method of reporting results for the many tests discussed briefly in the
paragraphs which follow. *
Heating Value. The heating value of a liquid fuel is determined by
burning a carefully measured quantity in the presence of oxygen in a
bomb-type calorimeter, as explained in Chap. 3. The heat released is
Complete ASTM Standards may be obtained from the American Society for
Testing Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia 3, Pa.
perature a quantity of the fuel in the vapor state would start to condense.
Typical results of the distillation tests of several fuels are plotted on the
graph of Fig. 5-3. Another point of interest regarding fuel volatility,
aside from the vaporization tendencies characteristic of each type of fuel,
is that a liquid which evaporates readily at low temperatures constitutes
a fire hazard, and extra-safety precautions must be taken during storage
ol 1 I 1 1 I
0 20 40 60 80 100
Per cent evaporoted
Fig. 5-3. Typical ASTM distillation curves for petroleum fuels.
and handling of the liquid. Also a large portion of a highly volatile fuel
may be lost through evaporation in storage and use.
The distillation curve for a gas oil in Fig. 5-3 shows a comparatively
wide range of boiling points for this oil, and it might be termed a "wide-
cut" fuel, suggesting that the hydrocarbons have been selected over a
wide range of temperatures in the fractional distillation process. The
present trend is toward wider cuts for diesel fuels and jet fuels, since this
allows the available supply of these fuels to be increased with present
refinery techniques and production schedules.
6 API =
141 ^
sp. gr. 60/60 F
- 131-5
Thus a light fuel, which has a low specific gravity, has a higher API
gravity than heavy fuel.
The API gravity, or the specific gravity, of a fuel is obtained by
immersing a hydrometer in the fuel and observing the depth to which it
sinks. For an accurate determination, a correction must be made for
the change in density of the liquid at the temperature of the reading from
the density at 60 F due to thermal expansion. Tables are available for
finding the amount of this correction, or the following formula can be
used, with high accuracy between 30 to 90 deg API, for converting degrees
API at some observed temperature to degrees API at 60 F.
Deg API at 60 F = [0.002(60 - observed temp F) + 1]
X [observed deg API]*
The density of a fuel, being directly dependent upon the hydrogen and
carbon content of the liquid, is also related to the heating value of the
* S. R. Beitler and E. J. Lindahl, "Hydraulic Machinery," The Ronald Press
Company, New York, 1947.
fuel. The relationship between the API gravity of a fuel and the heating
value appears in Chap. 3, and in Fig. A-l in the Appendix.
Viscosity. The viscosity, or resistance to flow, of a liquid fuel is usu
ally measured by a Saybolt viscosimeter. A diagrammatic cross section
of such an instrument is shown in Fig. 5-4.
A quantity of the fuel to be tested is placed in the tube and the sur
rounding oil bath held at a constant temperature until the temperature of
the test fuel is constant. The cork is then removed, and the time in
seconds required for 60 ml of the fuel to flow through the orifice is meas
ured. The viscosity is reported as Saybolt Universal seconds (SUS) at
the temperature of the test. Tests are normally conducted at tempera
Oil for
'viscosity test
,Orifice (either
Universal or Furol)
Receiving flask
tures of 70, 100, 130, and 210 F. The viscosity in Saybolt Universal
seconds may be converted to absolute or kinematic viscosity by tables
available for that purpose. More viscous oils which require longer than
1000 sec to flow through the Universal orifice are tested with a larger
orifice. The Furol orifice (abbreviation for fuel and road oils) permits a
flow of approximately ten times the Universal. The test is conducted in
the same manner at temperatures of 77, 100, 122 and 210 F, but the
results are reported as Saybolt Furol seconds (SFS).
Flash and Fire Points. The flash point may be defined as the lowest
temperature at which a fuel will vaporize sufficiently to form a combusti
ble mixture of fuel vapor and air above the fuel. It is found by heating
a quantity of the fuel in a special container while passing a flame above
the liquid to ignite the vapors. A distinct flash of flame occurs when the
flash-point temperature has been reached.
The fire point is the temperature which must be reached before enough
vapors will rise to produce a continuous flame above the liquid fuel. It is
obtained in much the same manner as the flash point. Both the flash
and the fire points give a relative measure of the safety properties of fuels
since a high flash point denotes that a high temperature must be reached
before dangerous handling conditions are encountered. The minimum
flash point permitted in a fuel is usually written into the specifications.
Pour Point. The pour point of an oil is found by cooling a sample in a
test tube until no movement of the oil will occur for 5 sec after the tube is
tilted to a horizontal position. The pour point is reported 5 deg above
the temperature to which the oil must be cooled
to obtain this condition. This test is an in
dication of the low-temperature fluidity of the
Reid Vapor Pressure. The Reid vapor-pressure
bomb affords another method for measuring the
volatility of a fuel. In conducting the test 100 ml
of fuel are sealed in the bomb and the instrument
is immersed in a 100 F water bath. Figure 5-5
illustrates an assembled Reid vapor-pressure Air
bomb ready for immersion. The portion of the
gasoline which vaporizes rises into an air chamber
above the fuel. The increase in pressure in the
air chamber is measured by a pressure gage
attached to the instrument. The vapor pressure
in the air chamber is reported as the Reid vapor
pressure of the fuel.
Conradson Carbon Residue. The Conradson
Fig. 5-5. Reid vapor
carbon test is designed to show how much carbon
pressure bomb.
deposit will remain when a sample of fuel oil is
evaporated under specific conditions. The test is performed by heating
10 gr of a fuel in a covered crucible to a very high temperature. The
residue which remains in the crucible following the evaporation is care
fully weighed and the per cent Conradson carbon determined as the per
centage of carbon remaining of the original weight of sample. Light fuel
oils having carbon residues less than 0.05 per cent may be tested by using
the last 10 per cent residuum from a distillation-type test for the carbon
residue test. In this case the Conradson carbon residue is reported in
per cent by weight of the 10 per cent residuum employed as the test
sample. Such a test is especially useful in comparing the clean burning
property of various fuels, and the tendency for oils to crack and form
hard carbon deposits upon being heated.
Water and Sediment. The water and sediment test is conducted to
show the percentage of such impurities in the fuel. A sample of the
liquid fuel is dissolved in benzol and the sample placed in a centrifuge for
10 min at a speed of 1500 rpm. The centrifugal force is sufficient to
separate the heavier water and sediment from the lighter fuel, and the
percentage of these impurities may be read directly from graduations on
the centrifuge test tubes.
Gum Content. The gum content of a gasoline is found by evaporating
a sample of fuel and weighing the amount of gum remaining. A 50-ml
sample of fuel is heated to a temperature of 320 F, and air is blown
over the liquid to promote low-temperature oxidation of the fuel,
resulting in the formation of gum. The results of the test are then
reported in terms of milligrams of gum per 100 ml of gasoline.
Gum is particularly troublesome in the fuel systems of automobiles and
aircraft. Gasoline which may be stored for several months at a time has
inhibitors added during the refining processes to reduce the tendency for
gum formation during storage.
Corrosion Test. Two procedures are available for testing the cor
rosive action of fuels: the copper-strip method and the copper-dish
method. In either case, a clean brightly polished copper surface is
exposed to a sample of heated fuel. Sulfur or sulfur compounds present
in the fuel react with the copper, leaving a gray or black corrosion. To
protect fuel systems, the corrosive action of a fuel must be low.
Ash. The ash content of a fuel is the solid material which remains
after complete combustion of the fuel. This quantity is measured in a
manner similar to the Conradson carbon test except that the tempera
tures of the test are sufficiently higher to ensure complete burning of the
Sulfur. The percentage of sulfur in a fuel is determined very accu
rately by an analytical chemical test. Almost all fuels, liquid, gaseous, or
solid, contain small amounts of this element which are very harmful.
Sulfur burns to sulfur dioxide upon combustion of the fuel, and the sulfur
dioxide reacts with the water vapor formed to give sulfurous acid, and in
some cases sulfuric acid. This condition is especially bad when the com
bustion products are cooled enough to precipitate some of the water
vapor. In this case excessive corrosion of the combustion equipment
and exhaust passages will result.
Sulfur can be removed, or at least the amount present can be greatly
reduced, by expensive refining operations. Depending upon the applica
tion for which the fuel is intended, this may or may not be necessary.
Where costly combustion equipment is involved which will show undue
wear or corrosion when high sulfur fuels are used, it is economical to use
premium fuels having a low percentage of sulfur. In other cases, 1 or 2
per cent of sulfur in the fuel may be tolerated.
Several other terms have come into common usage which relate to the
knock tendency of a gasoline. Some fuels are more sensitive to changes
of the operating conditions mentioned above than others. Thus, if two
gasolines each have an octane rating by the motor method of 74, one of
these may knock worse in a car operating on the road than the other,
simply because the actual operating conditions are not the same as the
Fig. 5-6. Cooperative fuels research (CFR) gasoline test engine. (Courtesy of Waukesha
'Motor Co.)
istics of the unknown fuel and mixtures of the reference fuels in a CFR
engine built for compression-ignition tests.
5 6 7 8
Number of Carbon Atoms in Molecule
Fig. 5-7. Effect of molecular structure on the knock tendency of paraffins as indicated by
critical compression ratio. (Lovell, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1948.)
between the octane and the cetane scales, a relatively low-octane fuel
would have a high-cetane number. The aniline point gives a measure of
the amount of paraffins in a fuel oil and thus indirectly is related to the
cetane number.
Desirable Properties of Liquid Fuels. A new and specific set of fuel
requirements is imposed by each fuel application. Hence, an oil to be
used in a heavy oil burner will differ widely from the gasoline required for
an aircraft engine. Even within the same type of fuel, such as aviation
gasoline, it is found the properties that give the best performance in
Alaska are not the same as those which are the most desirable for use in
123456789 NUMBER
Fig. 5-9. Critical compression
the tropics. Therefore, all phases of the intended fuel application must
be considered in determining fuel requirements.
Specifications of some of the more common fuels are given in the pages
which follow. As it would be impractical to include the entire permis
sible range of each property for all fuels, an attempt has been made to
present only typical test results or specifications for some common fuels.
Fuel Oils. Any of the petroleum fractions slightly heavier than the
gasolines could come under the general heading of a fuel oil. A classifica
tion of fuel oils as set forth by the ASTM is given in Table 5-3 along with
the specifications recommended by that organization. As can be seen in
the table, in order to qualify for any one grade of fuel oil, the liquid must
meet the standards of only a few of the many fuel tests. Therefore, a
wide variation in the other fuel properties is to be expected, even in fuels
of the same number classification. This is satisfactory since most oil
burners are capable of burning oils of varying quality. The fuel oil must
have a sufficiently high flash point to be safe to handle, and it should be
fluid enough to work well in the equipment at hand. Other specifications
such as water and sediment, ash, and the Conradson carbon are stipulated
to ensure a reasonable degree of cleanliness.
Gasoline. The requirements for a good grade of gasoline are probably
more stringent than for any other liquid fuel. Because of the com
plexity of the spark-ignition engines utilizing gasolines, there are several
very exacting specifications which must be met. Before a gasoline can
be burned in an engine, it must first be vaporized. Hence, a good
vaporization characteristic is one of the first requirements. Once the
fuel has evaporated and has mixed with air, it is very important that the
air/fuel mixture burn smoothly and evenly within the cylinder of the
engine. In other words, the octane number of the fuel must be high
enough to meet the requirements of the particular engine in which it is
• being used. For the past several years, the octane rating by the motor
method has been considered indicative of the actual performance of the
fuel in an engine on the road. However, in the modern high-compression
engines, the octane rating by the research method seems to be a better
index of actual road performance, and the research-method octane rating
is being used more frequently to denote the antiknock property of a fuel.
While many variables affect the combustion performance of a gasoline,
the octane number of the fuel is one of the most important.
Not only must gasoline vaporize and burn smoothly, but it is highly
undesirable to have large amounts of impurities in the nature of gum,
carbon, sulfur, water, sediment, etc., present. Therefore, care must be
taken to keep the impurities to a minimum. Finally, because of the
complex distribution system whereby gasoline gets from the refinery to
the user, good storage stability is necessary.
The volatility of a gasoline is measured by two tests : ASTM distillation
and Reid vapor pressure. In the ASTM distillation test, the initial
boiling point, or bubble point, serves as an index of the "front end"
volatility of the gasoline. It has some relationship to cold engine start
ing, but because the bubble point is much more difficult to measure
Table 5-3. ASTM Tentative Specifications for Fuel 5ils, 1948
tem29 sec. centistoke
Flash Pour and residue Ash, Sulfur, Grav
ment residue, wt. wt. 500
Grade End Universal Furol
point at 50 at 022
Min Max Max Max Max Max Max Max Min Max Min
No. distillate oil intended f5 Trace 0. 05 520 625 2.2 max 0.5 25
No. 2. distillate
oil f5 general- 0.0 26
purpose domestic heating f5 use 5
in burners not requiring No. legal
fuel oil
No. 5. An oil f5 burner installa 080 20 0.50 0. 5 025 5 26.4 max No limit
ing facilities
No. oil f5 burn 030 0.00 0. 5 050 5 32. min 80 max No limit
er installations equipped with 5
preheating facilities legal
No. An oil f5 use in burners 050 2.00 300 5 638 max No limit
equipped with preheaters and 92 min
permitting high-viscosity fuel
Legal as required by local fire regulations, Fire Underwriters, 5 state laws.
accurately than the 10 per cent evaporation point, the latter is generally
given as the measure of cold starting characteristics. In comparing
gasolines, the lower the 10 per cent point, the easier an engine will start
with that fuel in cold weather. The 20 to 70 per cent range is important
as an index of the warm-up characteristics of the gasoline, while the 90
per cent point indicates the amount
of any very heavy hydrocarbon com
pounds present which do not evapo
rate quickly. The latter may cause
ASTM Distillation A poor mixture distribution in the in
Summer-^/ take manifold and thereby affect
J 20
80 O0
that the fuel does not form an undue
amount of vapor, lest the fuel supply
Per cent evaporated
Fig. 5-10. Comparison of volatility char lines become vapor-locked and pre
acteristics of average summer and winter vent the flow of gasoline to the engine.
premium gasolines as determined by the
ASTM distillation test, and the equilib In order to meet the requirements of
rium air distillation test for 16 to 1 air /fuel cold-weather starting and vapor lock,
ratios. (After Barber and Macpheraon,
SAE Trans., January, 1950.) the volatility of commercial gasoline
in this country is varied from summer
to winter and from one temperature zone to another within the country.
Figure 5-10 compares average ASTM distillation curves for summer and
winter motor gasolines and shows the difference between ASTM distilla
tion temperatures and computed equilibrium air distillation tempera
tures. The Reid vapor pressure of summer gasolines marketed in 1948
was about 7.7 psi; and winter-grade gasolines averaged about 2 to 3 psi
higher than the summer fuel.
The octane requirement of a gasoline may be met by blending stocks
80 91/96 100/130 115/145
84.5 91.1
79.6 82.9
ASTM distillation temp, F:
91 92
10% point 121 119
223 216
90% point 335 334
End point 401 398
Distillation loss, % 1.5 1.5
Reid vapor pressure, psi 10.9 10.7
Tetraethyllead, ml /gal 1.86 2.24
Gum, mg/100 ml 2 2
* Ethyl Corporation.
Jet Fuels. Requirements for jet fuels are much less exacting than
those for the spark-ignition engine. At the present time, the require
ments for a jet fuel are still in a state of flux, because desirable fuel
properties change with new developments in the gas turbines themselves.
Kerosene, gasoline, and the lighter gas oils have all been used as fuels for
jets and gas turbines.
Because of the nature of the constant-pressure combustion in the gas
turbine, a high-octane fuel is not required. Neither is a highly volatile
fuel necessary. For use in aircraft, a high-heating-value fuel with a low
specific gravity is ideal, since this permits the greatest heat release for the
least weight of fuel. Storage stability and cleanliness are as desirable in
jet fuels as in gasolines. In addition, the freezing point for any fuel
' which is to be used at high altitudes and cold temperatures should be
rather low.
In comparing a volatile fuel, such as gasoline, with a less volatile one,
such as a light gas oil, for use in gas turbines and jets, the following effects
become apparent. The volatile fuel (1) gives easier starting in cold
MIL-F-5616, MIL-F-5624A,
grade grade
The type of hydrocarbon which makes up the fuel has an effect on com
bustion efficiency and on the smoke and engine deposits created. In this
connection, the order of preference is for paraffins, naphthenes, olefins,
and finally aromatics. Also the straight-run distillates are easier to burn
completely than cracked fuels, probably because of the higher percentages
of olefins and aromatics formed in the cracking process.
As is evident in the military specifications for jet fuels in Table 5-6, the
present trend is toward the use of the heavier, less volatile liquids. Also
the use of wide-cut fuels is permitted. The less volatile fuels have an
advantage in Btu per gallon of fuel, and they are more available since
they are not competing with gasoline for the lighter hydrocarbon com
pounds in the crude.
Diesel Fuels. The term diesel fuel includes almost as wide a variety of
oils as does the classification of fuel oils. In fact they are fuel oils which
have a few characteristics which make them more adaptable to engine
use than some other types of fuel oils. The chief requirements for diesel-
engine service are good cetane number, freedom from impurities, and a
fairly high flash point.
The cetane number of diesel fuel is not so critical for compression-
ignition engines as is the octane number of gasoline for gasoline engines.
Still it is desirable to have a fuel whose cetane number is around 40 or
better for most modern engine designs. Water, sediment, and ash con
tents of diesel fuels must be kept low since dirty fuel is one of the chief
causes of trouble in compression-ignition engines. The sulfur content
should be low to prevent excessive cylinder and valve wear and corrosion
in the exhaust manifold. Table 5-7 gives diesel fuel properties for eight
selected test fuels. These fuels were chosen by the SAE as representative
of fuels of widely different characteristics, and considerable research
involving the combustion characteristics and general suitability of such
fuels is being conducted in a number of laboratories.
Viscosity is not an important criteria for a good diesel fuel because the
fuel can be heated to reduce the viscosity so it can be forced through the
fuel system. Fuel oils of the No. 6 grade, sometimes called Bunker C oil,
are being used as diesel fuels in a number of applications with excellent
success, although they are not recommended for most modern diesels,
particularly for the small high-speed engines. Oils similar to the No. 1 or
No. 2 fuel oils are found most satisfactory for high-speed compression-
ignition engines.
fuer (mid-C)
3. Brend
7. 8.
Cetane No., ASTM 41.0 54.0 46.0 40.0 40.5 29.0 52.0 83.7
Gravity, API 33.8 39.5 36.7 72.9 21.2 26.4 37.5 51.7
Specific gravity 60/60 F. . . 0.8560 0.8230 0.8413 0.6922 9230 0.8915 0.8341 . 7684
Viscosity, SUS at 100 F. . . 41 .0 34.0 36.0 30.0 33.3 35.6 35.4 33.8
Viscosity, kin at 100 F, cs. 4.594 2.393 3.00 0.5353 2. 160 2.875 2.812 335
- 10
Cloud point, F -10 40 -35 8' 12 32
Flash point, F 210 150 185 225 190 164 172
Initial F, 417 350 372 205 458 419 337 352
10 %, F 453 412 425 206 466 453 432 423
20 %, F 464 432 446 207 467 466 454 448
30 %, F 474 448 460 207 468 476 473 463
40%, F 482 464 476 207 470 486 487 476
50%, F 492 481 489 207 473 496 503 489
60 %, F 502 499 504 207 476 509 518 505
70 %, F 515 519 526 207 482 525 535 523
80%, F 534 548 545 207 492 544 565 546
00%. F 556 587 584 207 514 579 597 586
End point, F 631 660 636 222 541 586 634 622
% recovery 99.0 99.0 99.0
% residue 1.0 4.5 2.2 2.4
Gum, nig/100 cc 43.4 6.2 52.4 1.0 13.8
Conradson carbon, % res. in 10 *
residuum None 0.011 None 058 0.08 0.025 11
strip strip
Sulfur, total %. 0.219 0.25 0.199 0.0097 0.87 0.20 0.12 0.04
Aniline point, F. . . . 134.6 150.2 145.0 153.8 96.4 108.5 154.8 189.7
Bromine No 8.2 3.7 0.0 5.2 6.9 2.6 7.2
Dispersion, specific. 155.6 118.5 104.0
Refractive index. . . . 1.4819 4586 . 5035 1.4651 1.4315
1. The proximate and ultimate analyses of a certain coal "as received" are given
below. From these, calculate the proximate and ultimate analyses on the "moisture-
free" or "dry" basis.
Proximate Ultimate
Per Cent Per Cent
Moisture 4 . 33 Carbon 68 . 30
Volatile matter 40 . 21 Hydrogen 5 . 37
Fixed carbon 45 . 07 Oxygen 10.69
Ash 10.39 Nitrogen 1 . 50
100.00 Sulfur 3 . 75
Ash 10.39
Sulfur. 3.75 iooToo
Heating value = 12,492 Btu/Ib
2. What would be the ultimate analysis of the coal in Prob. 1 "as fired," if the
moisture content changed to 1.8 per cent by the time the fuel was fired?
3. Find the ASTM rank of the coal listed in Prob. 1.
4. Coal used during a boiler efficiency test came from the same bed as the coal
listed in Prob. 1. The proximate analysis of the coal sample taken during this test
plus the percentage of sulfur is given below on the "as fired" basis. Calculate the
ultimate analysis of this coal on the "as fired" basis.
Sulfur 3.12
Proximate Ultimate
Per Cent Per Cent
Moisture 6.1 Carbon 65.0
Volatile matter 45 . 5 Hydrogen 5.2
Fixed carbon 36.2 Oxygen 14.3
Ash 12.2 Nitrogen 1.3
Sulfur 2.0
Ash 12.2
By the time the coal was fired, the moisture content had changed to 3.8 per cent in the
"as fired" proximate analysis.
Calculate the percentage of carbon and of hydrogen in the ultimate on (o) the
"moisture-free" basis, (6) the "as fired" basis.
6. The proximate and ultimate analyses of a coal "as received" are as follows:
When the coal was fired during a test, the moisture of the sample "as fired" was
redetermined and showed moisture equal to 4.62 per cent.
Calculate the percentage of carbon and of hydrogen in the fuel "as fired."
7. The U.S. Bureau of Mines has sampled the coal from a certain mine and found
the proximate and ultimate analyses "as sampled" from that mine to be as follows:
Proximate Ultimate
Per Cent Per Cent
Moisture 6.79 Carbon 66.40
Volatile matter 36 . 70 Hydrogen 5 . 30
Fixed carbon 45 . 96 Oxygen 14 . 36
Ash 10.55 Nitrogen 1.19
Sulfur 2.20
Sulfur 2.20 Ash' 10.55
Heating value = 13,480 Btu/lb
A power plant buys a trainload of coal from this same mine, and the proximate
sample of this coal "as received" showed:
analysis of a representative
Per Cent
Moisture 8.76
Volatile matter 34.45
Fixed carbon 42 . 49
Ash 14.30
Sulfur 3.03
Three months later at the time this coal was fired in a boiler efficiency test, the moisture
of the coal "as fired" was determined to be 9.82 per cent. Calculate the ultimate
analysis of this coal "as fired."
8. Write the expression for the ASTM rank and grade of the coal in Prob. 7 "as
fired," if the size of the coal is J£ to 2 in. and the ash-softening temperature is 2260 F.
9. What would be the ASTM grade and rank designation for the coal of Prob. 6
"as received" if it was sized 1J.£ X J4 m- and had an ash-softening temperature of
2180 F?
10. Give the correct ASTM rank and grade designation for the high-volatile A
bituminous coal listed in Table 1-6 if the coal size is 4 X % in. and the ash-softening
temperature is 2610 F.
11. A petroleum fuel shows an API gravity of 64.5 at 78 F. Calculate the API
gravity at 60 F, the specific gravity at 60/60 F, and the pounds per gallon of fuel.
12. The specific gravity 60/60 F of octane is 0.707. What should be the API
gravity at 83 F?
13. List the coal tests which might be of significance to the purchaser for a large
power plant; for a small retail dealer.
14. Compare the various fuels listed in Fig. 5-3 for tendency to vapor-lock, relative
safety in handling and storage, loss in storage, tendency to leave a deposit in the
combustion chamber.
16. How many petroleum tests are related to a measure of fuel volatility? Discuss
the specific significance of each of these tests.
16. What fuel tests measure the cleanliness and clean burning properties of liquid
17. What is meant by a 92 octane fuel? What other terms are related to the anti
knock characteristic of a fuel for use in spark-ignition engines?
18. Why would a wide-cut gasoline be undesirable for automobiles? Why can it be
tolerated in a jet engine?
Many designs and styles of gas burners are available today, but they all
operate on the common principle that a part of or all the air for combus
tion must be mixed with the gas before ignition. Gas burners are
generally classified as being of either the atmospheric or the high-pressure
type, depending upon the pressure of the gas admitted to the burner.
The latter units use gas at pressures from Yi to 40 psi and create high
rates of heat release in the large-volume combustion chambers of indus
trial furnaces, kilns, etc. Atmospheric gas burners use gas supplied at
pressures of about 2 to 12 in. water gage. Practically all domestic and
Fixed orifice
Burner head Gas
Throat valve
Mixing tube
Primary air
Primary -air shutter-*
Mixture pressure Gas distribution
in burner head pressure
I Pressure at
flame cone
Mixture pressure
at throat
Fig. 6-1. Cross section of a typical atmospheric gas burner, and a diagram showing the
static pressure at different positions in the burner.
140, ,
sure difference to induce primary air from the atmosphere to flow through
the openings in the air shutter and into the bell of the mixing tube. As
the primary air and gas continue through the diverging section of the
mixing tube, they are uniformly mixed and the pressure is increased as
velocity head is converted back into pressure head. A static pressure
diagram appears in Fig. 6-1. The primary-air /fuel mixture issues from
the burner ports where a small bunsen-type flame burns at the tip of each
individual port. Secondary air enters the flame from above the ports to
complete combustion in the outer envelope, or mantle, of the flame. The
combustion reaction of the premixed air and gas reaches chemical equi
librium at the surface of the inner cone as discussed in Chap. 4.
Curves showing the burner operating characteristics appear in Fig. 6-2.
A different set of curves of this type would be obtained for each gas
burner depending upon the burner design, the operating temperature, and
the type of gas used. However, the relative shapes of the curves are
always the same, and it is their position only which is changed. The
operating point at any instant can be plotted in terms of the gas input
rate and the amount of primary air in percentage of the theoretical air
required for complete combustion. (For natural gas about 9.5 cu ft of
air is required stoichiometrically per cubic foot of gas. If 4.75 cu ft of
air per cubic foot of gas is used as primary air, the primary air used is 50
per cent of theoretical.) For operating conditions above line AB, the
flames tend to lift from the burner ports and, under extreme conditions,
may be extinguished. This condition is termed blowoff or lifting. When
the air/gas mixture issues from the ports at such a high rate that the
transformation velocity (Fig. 4-10) of the fuel cannot permit burning to
occur in a compact, well-defined inner cone, the flame will tend to lift
from the ports until enough increased cone area is created to permit burn
ing at the transformation velocity of the mixture.
Below line CD so little primary air is used that a long, wavy, yellow,
dispersion-type flame results. Dispersion flames may cause incomplete
combustion with formation of soot or carbon monoxide. Hence, for any
given gas flow, the percentage of primary air should be kept between the
blowoff and the yellow-flame limits. It will be noted that as the gas flow
rate increases, the range of percentages of primary air for satisfactory
combustion narrows to the point where it may be difficult to achieve good
control. To the right of the line marked CO, increasing amounts of
carbon monoxide appear in the combustion products, usually due to
flame impingement on combustion chamber walls. Inadequacy of either
draft or secondary-air supply will likewise promote the formation of
carbon monoxide.
The gas flow may be so low that the flame may go out, or it may not
wait for the gas to issue from the port but may strike back through the
port and mixing tube to burn at the gas orifice. The latter difficulty is
termed flashback. It occurs when the transformation velocity of the
primary-air/ gas mixture is greater than the velocity of the mixture leaving
the port. Flashback occurs any place to the left of line EF and causes
incomplete combustion, sooting, clogging, and overheating of orifices and
burners. In addition, a very objectionable noise accompanies flashback.
The noise of extinction heard on some burners is actually flashback which
results as the burner is turned off and the gas flow rate is reduced to zero.
The tendency to flash back is influenced by the composition of the gas,
proportion of air in the mixture, mixture temperature, port diameter, and
other factors. Figure 6-3 shows the variation in flashback limits as
established by several of these factors.1 To the left of any one curve,
flashback would occur while normal burning would be experienced to the
right of the curve.
o — Coke-oven gas,Na36 ports y
£ i V 1 1401 sis. - Coke-oven g8as,800 F-
x "X
\ *\
8V OS)/-,C
80) 1*80F
/> i
10 12
input rate, 1000 Btu/(sq in.port area)(hr) input rate,1000 BtuAsq in.port areaKhr)
Fig. 6 -3. Effect of gas composition, temperature, and port size on the propensity for flash-
back. (AGA Bull. 10, 1940.)
The AGA American Standard test codes require that burners be tested
at the normal pressures shown in the accompanying table. The burners
Gas Pressure, Inches Water Gage
Application Manufactured Mixed Natural
Central heating 6 7 11
of the burner. The air shutter is then adjusted to give the proper pro
portion of primary air for the type of flame desired. The pictures in
Fig. 6-4 show the appearance of natural gas and butane flames with vary
ing percentages of primary air. With high primary air, a short hard
flame is obtained, while with less air the flame tends to be longer and a
little softer.
Even in such a simple device as an atmospheric gas burner, good opera
tion is very much dependent upon several interrelated details of construc
tion. In spite of this, great flexibility of design is permissible and burners
are built in almost numberless sizes and shapes. Figure 6-5 shows several
designs of atmospheric gas burners currently used in gas appliances.
Burner Design. For years, gas burners were designed from a few
empirical relationships observed in successfully operating burners.
Recent fundamental research with burners has led to better correlation of
design data, and modern gas-burner design has become much more
precise. In AGA Bull. 10 design criteria and limitations are set forth.
This report is the result of years of research and study at the testing
laboratories of the AGA and other research institutions. Some of the
design factors suggested in that bulletin and in "Gaseous Fuels," pub
lished by the AGA, will be presented here along with other recently
published data on the subject.
Orifice. Gas orifices for atmospheric gas burners are of the fixed,
adjustable, and primary-air-control types. Fixed orifices yield higher
primary-air injection but do not make provision for variable gas flow as
readily as do the other designs. The primary-air-control type of orifice
has the added advantage that it regulates the quantity of primary-air
injection as well as the gas flow. Orifice sizes are designated by the
twist drill size used in drilling the hole. Table A-l in the Appendix lists
the standard drill manufacturers' sizes (DMS) along, with other com
mercially used drill sizes sometimes needed to fill wide gaps in the DMS
The quantity of gas which will flow through a given orifice may be
determined from the following equation, which is derived from the basic
Fig. 6-5. Some contemporary atmospheric gas burners. {Courtesy American Gas
(1) q = 6880 GA E
where q gas flow rate, cu ft/hr at 60 F, 30 in. Hg abs
C coefficient of discharge
A area of orifice, sq in.
V pressure differential across orifice, in. water gage
d specific gravity of gas (air = 1.0)
P initial gas pressure, in. Hg abs
T temperature, R
This type of equation is used for flow calculations throughout the gas
industry because it gives the cubic feet per hour of gas flow at the indus
try standard temperature and pressure regardless of the existing
temperature and pressure.
Commercial fixed orifices, as used in gas appliances where variable gas
flow is not required, are generally of the type shown in Fig. 6-6. The
coefficient of discharge for this type of orifice varies little with variation
of angle of approach or of drill size. For general design calculations, dis
charge coefficients of the following magnitude
^e used with reasonable accuracy: No.
/^~"\\ f*4^^28)~^~/,5''
VV /
" "* / BSZL
"~ V'
^ orifices, 0.77, increasing gradually to 0.815
for a No. 71, 0.815 for No. 71 through 51,
Fig. 6-6. A common design of and increasing gradually to 0.85 for No. 45
fixed orifice.
and larger DMS sizes. The above values
are for orifices having angles of approach ranging from 12 to 60°; for
greater angles of approach, the coefficient of discharge is decreased con
siderably. Adjustable orifices of the type shown in Fig. 6-7 are used on
range-top burners and many other applications where considerable flow
variation is desirable. There are a number of such designs on the
market, but in general they all operate on the principle that a variable
orifice area is obtained by turning the needle relative to the hood or vice
versa. Coefficients of discharge for adjustable orifices vary from 0.60
to 0.77 but average about 0.70.
Adequate primary air is obtainable
with this type of orifice, although
it does not give so great a pos
sibility for air injection as a fixed
orifice. Primary-air-control ori
fices are used in certain commer
cial applications where it is desir
able to control the amount of
primary injection as well as the gas
flow. This gives greater burner
flexibility, especially at high heat Fig. 6-7. An adjustable orifice.
input rates. Figure 6-8 shows two
different types of air-control orifices. The first is the angle orifice which
varies primary air by injecting the gas at different positions into the
throat of the mixing tube. The second is the pressure-reducing and
double orifice which varies the pressure of gas within the orifice, thereby
adjusting both the gas flow and the gas-injection velocity. The latter
controls the percentage of primary air entrained.
Air Injection. Gas appliances are usually designed to be very flexible
in their operation, and the possibility of using almost any type of gas
under extremes of distribution pressure should be considered. Design
pressures as low as 3 in. of water for natural gas and 2 in. of water for
manufactured gases are frequently used even though the test codes of
the AGA do not require burners to operate at these extremely low pres
sures. Since gas burners should perform satisfactorily over a wide range
of operating conditions, the air-injection capacity of a burner must be
sufficient to ensure a generous supply of primary air under the least
favorable conditions. Hence, for some operating conditions blowoff
might result because the burner may be capable of supplying more pri
mary air than is needed. An air shutter or an air-control orifice is pro
vided to regulate the percentage of primary air to secure the flame charac
teristics desired at each setting.
p = gas pressure at orifice, in. water
d = specific gravity of gas
H„ = heating value of gas, Btu/cu ft at 60 F and 30 in. Hg
Am = average area of throat and mixing-tube outlet, sq in
Ap = total port area, sq in.
/= input rate, Btu/hr
per Btu of heat obtained regardless of the gas used. Analysis reveals
that for general design purposes a value of 0.036 may be used for this
entire term. For different gases and distribution pressures there is a
variation in the numerical value of the term, but the suggested value is a
conservative figure based on 1100 Btu/cu ft of natural gas at in.
water pressure, or 530 Btu coke-oven gas at lj^ in. water. For more
favorable distribution pressures, more than adequate primary air would
then be available.
The second term in the equation suggests that the ratio of mixing-tube
area to port area and the total heat input rate also affect the percentage
of primary air entrained. Actually, the ratio of the area at the throat of
the mixing tube to the port area is the more significant term, although the
relationship lends itself to better correlation of data if the average mixing-
tube area is used in the equation. The use of Eq. (2) is limited to burners
having throat-to-port area ratios of 0.2 to 1.0. An interesting relation
ship between mixing-tube area and port area can be obtained by rewriting
the first two terms of Eq. (2) and substituting the fixed value of 0.036 for
the first term.
2-5 X W#AmA,
PA = 0.036 X
Note that the left-hand side of the equation is the Btu per hour per
square inch of the port area, which is shown to be a function of the per
centage of primary air and the ratio Am/Ap. Table 6-1 gives values of
gas input rates for different values of primary air and throat-to-port area
ratio. The latter, of course, is proportional to Am/Ap and is a more
easily visualized term. As can be noted from the table, if high input
rates are desired with high-percentage primary air, it is advantageous to
design for a high throat-to-port area ratio. With low throat-to-port
area ratios, low unit burning rates are obtained and, for a given heat
release per hour, the flames must be spread out over a relatively large
area. Conversely, with larger throat-to-port area ratios, high burning
rates per square inch of port area are obtainable giving longer flames and
greater concentration of heat. Thus, the adaptation of the burner to the
appliance must be considered in choosing a throat-to-port area ratio.
Research with various mixing tubes has shown that mixers machined
smooth give better aeration than rough-surface mixers such as would be
obtained with an ordinary cored sand casting. Smooth mixing tubes
achieve their maximum air entrainment at a given input rate with throat-
to-port area ratios of 0.35 to 0.45. Rough-surface mixers, while they do
not permit quite so high aeration for the same diameter of tubes, achieve
optimum injection at throat-to-port area ratios of 0.45 to 0.60.
Table 6-1. Maximum Gas Input Rates for Various Primary-air Percentages
and Throat-to-port Area Ratios*
(Btu per hour per square inch of port area)
* "Gaseous Fuels," American Gas Association, 1948. Room temperature, ^pd/y/Hl — 0.036.
The third term in Eq. (2) shows the effect of mixture temperature on
primary-air entrainment. In many burners, it is assumed that the
air/gas mixture temperature reaches 400 F before the gas issues from the
ports to burn. . In rare cases, mixing tubes may operate at red heat, and
the gas mixture may reach 800 F. To reduce rapid heating in the mixing
tube, it may be desirable to interpose a shield between the mixing tube
and the burner to protect the former from radiation from the flames and
combustion chamber walls.
Other aspects of the mixing tube and related parts affect the primary-
air injection. The shutter area should be approximately 1.25 to 2.25
times the total port area to ensure proper admittance of air. The air
shutter should be designed in such a way that accidental blocking of the
primary-air opening is unlikely, even when the shutter is partially closed.
The bell should be made with a flare radius large enough to provide the
necessary primary-air openings in the face of the burner and to give a
smooth and gradual approach to the throat.
The distance from the gas orifice to the throat of the mixing tube is
fairly critical in most designs. From general practice it may be con
cluded that if the diameter of the orifice hood or spud is equal to or greater
than the throat diameter, the orifice should be located about 1.5 throat
diameters away. If the orifice hood or spud is smaller than the throat
diameter, best primary-air injection is obtained with the orifice located
Drilled ports,
Burner for Where flames do not Where
coalesce, i.e., do not flames
impinge on each other coalesce
Burner Head. The shape and size of any burner head must be adapt
able to the combustion space available and should provide for uniform
heat distribution. The number and size of ports to be used are deter
mined from the heat input rate and a knowledge of the type of gas to be
used. The port size is governed by the tendencies for flashback and
blowoff. The two extremes are to be avoided. The smaller the port
size, the greater the tendency for the lifting of flames; the larger the port
size, the greater will be the flashback propensity. The AGA recom
mends the port sizes listed in Table 6-2 as maximum.
120 r
01 I 1 I i i I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Input rate, 1000 Btu/(sq in. port area)(hr)
Fig. 6-9. Characteristic lifting and yellow-tip limits for natural gas, manufactured gas,
and butane. (Data from AG A Bull. 10, 1940.)
primary ones which establish the burner capacity. Figure 6-9 shows
that the positions of the limit curves for gas burners vary appreciably
with the composition of the gas used. Manufactured gas, being high in
hydrogen, has a high transformation velocity and hence does not tend to
blow off easily. Butane burns more slowly and may lift at relatively low
port input rates. This heavier hydrocarbon gas also requires more
primary air to burn with clean, sharp flames than the other gases. Mixed
gases burn with characteristics between those of manufactured gases and
the hydrocarbon gases.
There is some variation in the limiting curves with port size, as shown
in Fig. 6-10, but this factor is not so important as the gas composition.
The port sizes for which the curves are plotted, Nos. 29 and 51 DMS,
represent about the largest and smallest drill sizes currently used in
burners for domestic appliances.
Line AB of Fig. 6-10 shows the change in operating characteristic to be
expected in the normal operating range for a fixed-orifice burner with a
change of distribution pressure. If a burner is adjusted to operate at
setting A and the gas pressure is later increased to B, the quantity of gas
flow through the orifice increases while the primary aeration remains
about constant. As a result, the burner operation becomes unstable and
the flames lift from the ports. The burner could have maintained normal
flame characteristics with this same pressure rise if the initial setting
had been made at point C. The upper curve represents the total air-
injection capacity of this burner with a constant gas distribution pressure
of 4 in. water. The burner input rate is varied by changing the orifice
size. From the curves, it is apparent that in this burner natural gas has
ample primary aeration capacity for practically all conditions and that
the air shutter opening must be reduced to prevent blowoff .
Figure 6-11 compares the air-injecting capacity of a manufactured gas
at different pressures with its limiting curves. This gas would encounter
little difficulty from blowoff because for most conditions it could not
inject enough primary air to obtain lifting.
Extensive studies of lifting and yellow-tip limits are summarized in a
correlation of primary aeration and maximum burner input rates in
Table 6-3. Generally, the maximum input rate for natural gas is limited
by blowoff. In comparison, the burning rates for manufactured gases
are limited by their primary-air-injection ability, and liquefied petroleum
gases encounter either blowoff or incomplete combustion at extreme heat
input rates.
120 r
J 80
Ye Ilow -tip limit
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
The AGA points out that the input rates shown in Table 6-3 are
maximum and can be decreased about 20 per cent to advantage in order
to give increased burner flexibility during periods of emergency when the
gas pressure or composition may vary. Burning rates for high-capacity,
heavy-duty burners may be increased above those given in the table, but
burner flexibility generally must be sacrificed to permit high capacity.
Lower input rates give greater burner flexibility. As can be seen from
the preceding discussion, the choice of the primary-air and maximum
input rates is quite flexible and depends on a number of closely inter
related factors. Input rates of 10,000 Btu/(hr) (sq in.) of port area for
range-top burners and 35,000 for water heaters, etc., are common, but
such appliances need not be limited to these capacities.
70 12 19 13 10 19 12 9.5 19 11
65 13.5 22 15 12 22 14 11 22 13
60 15.5 25 18 14 25 16 13 25 15
55 18 30 21 16 30 19 15 30 18
50 21 35 19 35 17.5 35
45 25 42 22 42 21 42
40 31 52 27 52 25 52
35 37 33 31
30 45 41 38
AGA Bull. 10, 1940.
1000 y/pd
where p = gas pressure, in. water
d — specific gravity of gas
Hv heating value of gas, Btu/cu ft
mately inversely proportional to the gas input rate. Table 6-4 compares
primary-air factors of four representative gases at their normal distribu
tion pressures. Butane, typical of liquefied petroleum gases, has less
capacity for injecting its primary air than other gases. Hence, burners
adjusted for use with natural gas may produce yellow, smoky flames when
burning butane.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Input rate, 1000 Btu/(sq
port area) (hr)
Fig. 6-12. Effect of interchangeability on performance of burners. (Courtesy of American
Gas Association.)
Total port area = = 1.6 sq in.
Port size selected is DMS No. 30, the maximum recommended in Table 6-2. A
cast-iron head will be used with port depth of % in.
It is decided that three rows of ports will be used spaced % in. apart. Adjacent
ports will be placed % in. center to center to promote good flame travel at ignition
and yet minimize coalescence.
Burner head dimensions:
Figure 6-13 illustratesthe burner designed here. A cast-iron mixing tube with
a 2° slope is selected. For this rough-surface mixer, a throat-to-port area ratio of
0.55 is assumed for good flexibility and high aeration. Table 6-1 shows that, with this
ratio, the desired input rate can be met with ample primary-air injection.
Throat = 0.55 X 1.6 = 0.88 sq in. or diameter = 1.058 in., say, IKe in-
Orifice-to-throat distance = 1^6 >n- (one throat diameter)
The entrance to the burner head is arbitrarily placed 2J.£ in. above the center
line of the mixing tube. Carry the 2° slope around the elbow and up to the burner
head. Then,
Total length of mixing tube = 6% + 2\i = 9% in.
Diameter at burner-head entrance = 1^6 +9% (2 tan 2°) = lHe +0.654 = 1.717,
use 1% in.
j ^16
Depth of burner head: Each side of the burner head should have a flow area equal
to about l}-2 times the port area on that side.
This depth arbitrarily reduced to about in. at each end of the burner head.
= 6880C,A
Area = 0.0082, or DMS No. 37 (Table A-l)
Primary-air injection:
\/pd 2.5 X 106 x/AnAp v . /540
Vl007 V40,000
= 69.5% at room temperature
The two venturi elements of the injector act in series and serve to increase
the aspirating effect and the resulting turbulent mixing. To help control
blowoff under high gas-flow velocities, a flame holder, or by-pass, such as
that shown in the figure, may be employed. A flame holder operates on
the general principle that a flame can be maintained in a zone of relatively
Fig. 6-14. Burner designed for two-stage injection and employing a flame holder.
low gas velocity, whereas, it may be blown out if the gas velocity greatly
exceeds the transformation velocity. If a steady flame is maintained in
the quiescent zone of the flame holder, ready ignition of the fresh gas mix
ture in the main part of the burner is obtained even though the central
section of the flame may tend to blow off at times.
high burning rates, even with excess air as low as 5 per cent. Gas under
line pressure is admitted through the hollow shaft to ports located on one
side of the turbine blades. The reaction from the gas issuing from the
blade ports at high velocity causes the turbine and the adjacent fan to
rotate. The fan delivers the necessary combustion air at right angles to
the streams of gas discharge from the orifice. Very thorough mixing is
obtained close to the burner. An air shutter controls the quantity of air
admitted to the fan and, consequently, the air/fuel ratio used at the
flame. In units of this type it is possible to obtain excellent flame
characteristics over a wide turndown range. The flame front is so
violently turbulent that it is practically invisible.
Figure 6-17 shows a center-diffusion type of gas burner. This type of
burner is frequently referred to as a gun-type unit because of the long
straight pipe leading to the tip of the burner. The gas issues from the
Fig. 6-17.
L .
A center-diffusion type of gas burner. (Courtesy
of Forney Engineering Co.)
Fig. 6-18. Janitrol conversion burner showing hole port design and diffuser plate. 1.
Flame diffuser; 2. pilot; 3. burner tube; 4. air door; 5. venturi; 6. venturi clip; 7. bleed
tube; 8. gas orifice spud; 9. manifold; 10. electric gas valve; 11. supports. (Courtesy of
Surface Combustion Corp.)
burner tip in the shape of a wide-angle hollow cone. Air for combustion
enters from a wind box and passes through the controlling air louvers.
Mixing of gas and air occurs not in the burner but at the entrance to the
furnace. The air louvers initiate rotation of the incoming air and control
the quantity admitted. Such units give a short, intense, transparent
flame well distributed throughout the furnace. A new development of
the burner shown employs reversible louvers and provides even better
control of the flame pattern in the furnace. Figure 6-17 shows another
type of flame holder device in the form of a diffuser plate attached to the
burner tip. The diffuser ensures a low gas velocity in the central zone
giving steady and prompt ignition. A diffuser plate may also promote
rapid mixing of the air and fuel. This type of burner is well suited for
combination oil- and gas-burner units and has been used in installations
generating more than a million pounds of steam per hour.
Figure 6-18 shows another type of single-hole burner construction
employing a diffusion plate. This particular model is an atmospheric
conversion burner, but the principles of this nozzle and diffuser are
employed in a number of industrial burners. An industrial high-pressure
gas-burner installation showing the piping, regulators, and controls
appears in Fig. 6-19.
Most liquid fuels are extremely difficult to burn from the liquid state.
In fact, a stream of many liquid fuels will extinguish an ignition source
and make the combustion of such liquids impossible. The combustion of
those same fuels in the vapor state is quite another matter. Hence, the
primary function of any liquid fuel burner is to produce vaporization of
the liquid before ignition, or to achieve the next thing to it — a mist of
finely atomized fuel droplets. The burner must also initiate thorough
mixing of fuel and air in the required proportions. To avoid carbon
formations, the fuel should be vaporized or dispersed in a fine mist before
the oil begins to undergo cracking from the high temperatures of the flame
and combustion chamber. No oil should impinge directly upon any
metal surface or cold area. Impingement almost always results in the
formation of carbon and soot.
Many of the more viscous liquid fuels are difficult to evaporate at
atmospheric pressure. An attempt to vaporize these fuels by subjecting
them to high temperatures often leads to thermal cracking of the heavy
hydrocarbons into lighter hydrocarbons and petroleum coke, similar to
the cracking process used in the refining of petroleum. The coke is
actually a rather pure form of carbon and forms deposits in the combus
tion chamber. To promote rapid evaporation of heavy fuel oils, burners
are designed to break the fuel up into minute droplets and project these
into the combustion chamber in the form of a fine mist. Although igni
tion of the oil occurs before all of the fuel is evaporated, it may be assumed
that fuel vapor entirely surrounds each of the independent droplets. As
the fuel vapor mixes with air and burns, the radiant heat from the flame
promotes evaporation of the remainder of the droplet and the entire
combustion process probably occurs between vapor fuel and air.7 The
finer the atomization, the more rapid the evaporation since the vapor
pressure increases as the droplet size decreases and the exposed surface
area per unit quantity of fuel increases rapidly as the droplet size is
reduced. It has been well established that fine atomization is one of the
prerequisites 'for good oil-burner operation.
All oil burners may be classified under one of the following headings
depending upon the method used to atomize the fuel:
1. Vaporizing burner
2. Rotating-cup burner
3. Mechanical or oil-pressure atomizing burner
4. Steam or high-pressure-air atomizing burner
5. Low-pressure-air atomizing burner
There are many different oil-burner designs on the market. The National
Bureau of Standards has established commercial standards describing
desirable features of oil-burner design and application,9 and the Under
writers Laboratories rates, tests, and lists oil burners. While there is no
compulsory legislation demanding that the commercial standards be
much of the fuel is vaporized so that the fluid ejected from the orifice is
largely vapor. Provisions are made for the vapor stream to entrain
primary air and burn in a cylindrical tube. Thus, this type of liquid
burner is essentially a gas burner in which the liquid is vaporized before
being sprayed into the atmosphere.
A very common type of burner for kerosene and No. 1 distillate is the
wick, or shell, type of burner. An asbestos wick raises the liquid by
capillary action. Radiant heat from the flame and nearby heated
surfaces evaporates the fuel from the upper part of the wick. Air is
admitted through holes in the surrounding walls. This type of burner is
most commonly used for cookstoves, hot-water heaters, and other
domestic applications wherein the heat release is rather low. Best
operation is obtained by using fuels with flash points not higher than
110 to 120 F and end points not over 540 F in the ASTM distillation
position just above the rim. At this point enough air is mixed with the
vapors to give a good burning mixture. With pot-type burners, control
of the air and fuel is difficult, and somewhat less efficient combustion
results along with larger formations of sludge and carbon than with other
types of burners. Some soot formation with this type of burner is
inevitable, and units should be taken apart and cleaned periodically.
Rotating Cup. The rotating-cup type of burner is used extensively
under steam boilers and, in a few cases, in domestic applications. Indi
vidual burners are built in capacities up to 200 gal/hr and can burn No. 5
fuel oil cold and No. 6 if the oil is heated. The rotating-cup type is the
one most commonly used in medium-size installations. Figure 6-21
illustrates the principle of this type of burner. These units are most fre
quently mounted horizontally in the furnace wall, although a few domestic
designs are built with the shaft in a vertical position. The latter are
capable of burning No. 3 or lighter fuel oils only. Oil flows through a
tube in the hollow shaft of the burner and into the cup at the furnace end.
The shaft and cup are rotated at speeds from 3600 up to 10,000 rpm by an
electric motor or an air turbine. The usual design has the motor arma
ture concentric with the shaft and an integral part of the burner, although
belt drives are also used. Atomization is obtained largely as a result of
the centrifugal force exerted on the droplets of fuel as they are projected
from the edge of the rapidly rotating cup. A centrifugal fan rotates
with the shaft to force primary air from a cone surrounding the rotating
cup. These fans are built with low capacities but large diameters to pro
vide a small, high-pressure supply of primary air. About 10 to 15 per
cent of the theoretical air is thus supplied as primary air. The angle at
which the air hits the fine oil mist may be adjusted by regulating the rela-
Fig. 6-22. Ace Uniflow belt-drive rotary burner. (Courtesy of Ace Burner Co.)
tive position of the cup and the air cone. An additional atomizing effect
is obtained as the air blasts the fuel mist. In some types of burners, fins
are placed near the end of the air cone to provide for rotation of the pri
mary air, although this is generally not considered necessary. The shape
of the flame is governed by the shape of the cup and the position of the
air nozzle. Moving the air nozzle back changes the combustion from a
long, soft flame to a short, bushy one. Secondary air is generally sup
plied by natural draft through air shutters in the furnace wall. Rotating-
cup burners are compact, efficient, and comparatively low in first cost.
Piping for the air is usually unnecessary, and power requirements are
relatively low. Figure 6-22 is a picture of a horizontal rotary burner
with most of the accessories needed for operation.
Mechanical, or Oil-pressure Atomizing Burner. The oil-pressure
atomizing burner is used for all applications from domestic to units having
a capacity of 700 gal/hr for large industrial boilers. The principle of
atomization in all units is the same and is shown }n Fig. 6-23. High-
pressure oil enters the burner tip and flows from the passage A into the
that no oil impinges against its surface. The flame shape may be adjusted
by the relative position of the nozzle to the burner throat, the quantity of
air supplied, and the rotational effect provided by the air shutters. The
air flow through the burner throat may be evaluated from the relationship :
V = 4,000CS
where V is the air velocity in feet per minute, p is the pressure difference
between the furnace and the windbox in inches of water, and Cq is the
orifice coefficient, which is generally about 0.6 for smooth circular orifices.
Fig. 6-24. Babcock and Wilcox oil-pressure atomizing burner. {Courtesy of Babcock and
Wilcox Co.)
A diffuser is placed at the end of the burner gun just ahead of the nozzle
to initiate turbulence and act as a flame holder in the vicinity of the
nozzle. The oil-pressure atomizing burner is very quiet and has a low
operating cost.
The principle of vortex air flow may be employed to permit high rates
of heat release with low excess air in a very compact space. An oil-
pressure atomizing nozzle sprays the fuel into the air, which enters the
combustion chamber tangentially, as shown in Fig. 6-25.
Steam or High-Pressure-air Atomizing Burner. For use in large
industrial furnaces and steam generating units, the steam or high-
pressure-air type of atomizer is commonly employed. These burners are
Combustion air
Fig. 6-25. The "whirling flame" aircraft heater. (Courtesy of Surface Combustion Corp.)
The inside mixing type of burner, which is more commonly used, pro
vides high efficiency at the high firing rates, a wide turndown, and a
flexible flame shape (Fig. 6-27). In burners of this design, the steam and
oil are mixed inside the burner before the mixture is projected into the
furnace in either a flat spray or in a hollow cone. In most burners of this
type, high-pressure air may be used for atomization in place of steam.
The cost of compressing the air to the 80 to 100 psi required is consider
ably more expensive than using steam. Air atomization results in more
rapid, complete, and efficient combustion than steam, but air is used only
when a large supply of high-pressure air is required for other purposes.
From 0.7 to 5 per cent of the total steam generated in the boiler is used in
the burners for atomization at a pressure of 40 to 80 psi. On the average,
a well-operated installation uses about 1.25 per cent of the steam for
burner atomization. The oil pressure should be slightly higher than
either the steam or the air pressure. Less preheat of the oil is required
for steam atomizing nozzles.
Steam .
Fig. 6-26. Principles of atomization employed in steam and air atomizing nozzles.
Fig. 6-27. An industrial steam atomizing burner. (Courtesy of National Airoil Burner Co.)
and throws raw oil against the walls, since such action would surely
result in carbon deposits. Some rotation of the air supply is desirable.
This type of burner needs no diffuser plate. Variable flame shapes may
be obtained by interchanging nozzle tips.
Low -pressure-air Atomizing Burner. A type of burner which operates
on the same general principle as those previously described but which
requires air at only 0.5 to 2 psi is termed a low-pressure atomizing burner.
Fig. 6-28. An integral furnace boiler for gas, oil, and pulverized coal firing. (Courtesy of
Babcock and Wilcox Co.)
These units are probably the simplest and most versatile of the atomizing
types of burners. They are built in domestic sizes for burning No. 2 and
No. 3 fuel oil. If the oil is heated, grades up to No. 5 may be burned
industrially although the applications are generally restricted to the use of
lighter fuels. Industrial designs capable of burning 500 gal/hr of oil are
made. Again, the many designs manufactured include both inside and
outside mixing units, but the inside mixers are the more popular because
they give better flame control. The outside mixing units are simpler,
give less trouble from clogging, and are more easily cleaned than the
Combination Burners. It is often desirable to install firing equipment
capable of handling gas, oil, or pulverized coal, either separately or in any
combination. Many plants wish to take the economic advantage of
seasonal and annual fuel price fluctuations. Also the added reliability of
combination burners justifies their increased first cost.
Fig. 6-29. A combination gas and oil burner. Oil is atomized by the mechanical nozzle in
burner, while the gas issues from the circular ring. (Courtesy of Babcock
the center of the
and Wilcox Co.)
Figure 6-29 illustrates a burner of the type shown in Fig. 6-24 equipped
with a gas ring to permit combustion of gas and oil simultaneously. The
burners appearing in Fig. 6-28, which are for pulverized coal firing as
shown, may also be converted to combination units by adding mechanical
atomizing oil guns and gas rings. The cross section of another type of
combination burner depicting the combustion of three fuels at once is
presented in Fig. 6-30.
Burner Auxiliaries. An oil burner must be supplied with clean oil at a
uniform rate and pressure if it is to function properly. In addition, the
fuel oil should be of the proper viscosity. In vaporizing burners, com
paratively high-grade volatile fuels are used, and the control problem is
Fig. 6-30. A combination oil, gas, and pulverized coal burner. (Courtesy of Riley Stoker
Fig. 6-31. An oil-heating and pumping unit, equipped for both steam engine and electric
motor drive. Units of this type frequently contain all the fuel strainers and filters, pressure
regulators, by-pass piping, etc., required as auxiliary equipment for oil-burner installations.
0g 1,500
5 1.200
1 1,000
>, 700
§ 600
|j 500
80 100 120 140 160 180200 220 240 260 280300 320 340 360
Temperature, Degrees F.
Fia. 6-32. Effect of temperature on viscosity for five heavy fuel oils. (Steiner, "Oil
Burners," 2d ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1950.)
1. What is the difference between atmospheric and high-pressure gas burners?
2. Draw typical burner operating characteristic curves for burners operating on
hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and butane.
3. Discuss why the limit lines shift position for the various fuels in the preceding
4. Determine the orifice size required to furnish 20,000 Btu/hr if gas No. 3 of
Table 1-9 is supplied at 7 in. water gage pressure.
6. What orifice size should be used if 100,000 Btu/hr are desired when gas No. 22
of Table 1-9 is furnished at 3 in. water?
6. What percentage of primary air could be injected if 40,000 Btu/hr of gas No. 2
of Table 1-9 is supplied at 5 in. water pressure to the burner in Fig. 6-13 when the
temperature of the gas in the burner head is (a) 500 F and (6) 100 F?
7. Show, on a burner-operating characteristic graph for butane, the proper setting
for primary aeration if the gas distribution pressure might increase or decrease by 30%.
8. Compare primary-air factors for gases Nos. 1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 17, 20, and 24 of
Table 1-9 if these fuels are supplied at their normal distribution pressures.
9. Design an atmospheric gas burner for a domestic furnace having a heat input
rate of 120,000 Btu/hr if gas No. 1 of Table 1-9 is to be used.
10. Design a range-top burner of 10,000 Btu/hr capacityfor gas No. 17of Table 1-9.
The burner should also be able to burn gas No. 2 satisfactorily with a change of the
air shutter only.
11. Discuss which general principles of combustion presented in Chap. 4 are applied
to the design and proper operation of gas and oil burners.
12. Why are flame holders required for certain burners?
13. List the range of usual application and the types of fuels used with the different
types of oil burners.
14. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of steam atomization vs. mechanical
atomization for large industrial oil burners.
15. Discuss the merits of various types of ignition systems, safety devices, automatic
controls, and auxiliaries for industrial and domestic oil and gas burners.
Coal retains its position in this country as the king of fuels not only
because it represents nearly one-half of the total fuel burned annually,
but also because the known reserves of coal far exceed those of petroleum
and natural gas. Unfortunately, even though coal is the most used and
plentiful fuel, it is also the least desirable because of the difficulty of
handling and the necessity for removal of the ash. Also it takes more
elaborate equipment and care to burn coal completely and smokelessly
than petroleum liquid or gaseous fuels. However, because of the almost
limitless supply, it has in the past enjoyed a certain economic advantage
over other fuels and thus has been widely used. The economic aspects of
the fuel industry have shifted considerably during the past 10 years, but
in most cases coal still has the edge for such customers as industrials and
electric utilities who can purchase it in large quantities.
In recent years, coal has been the fuel used to develop 75 per cent of the
power generated by the electric utilities in the United States, excluding
hydroelectric stations, at an average fuel rate of about 1.18 lb coal per
kilowatthour. Coal has been utilized almost as widely for the generation
of industrial power. Thus, while oil and gas are also widely used for
power generation in steam plants, coal is the fuel most generally associ
ated with such installations. Therefore, a short discussion of the equip
ment required for modern steam generation is presented in this chapter
for the benefit of those not already familiar with the subject.
enters the furnace. In the air preheater, air passes over one side of the
metal surfaces while the flue gases flow over the opposite side to prevent
mixing of the two gases. The air preheater must be of sufficient size to
heat the combustion air to the temperature desired. The air for com
bustion then separates; the primary air goes to the pulverizers to pick
up the coal dust and carry it to the burners while the secondary air goes
directly to the burners. The fuel/air mixture ignites and burns in the
furnace, which provides the volume necessary for the complete combus
tion of the gases. The hot combustion products then flow across the
many boiler tubes which provide the surface required to transfer much of
the heat in the gases to the water and steam inside the tubes. Baffles
direct the flow of hot gases across several banks of tubes before permitting
them to-leave the boiler. The flue gases may still be at a temperature of
500 to 600 F at this point. Hence, they pass through another heat
exchanger, called an economizer, where the energy derived from further
cooling of the gases is used to heat the boiler feedwater before admitting
it to the boiler. The flue gases, which still contain some available heat,
pass through the air preheater where the combustion products are cooled
to the final stack temperature. They are then put through a dust col
lector to remove most of the fly ash. The flue gases finally leave the
unit through a duct called the breeching and are dispersed high into the
atmosphere over the plant by a stack.
The resistance to gas flow through the combustion equipment and over
all the heat-transfer surfaces may be too great for natural draft to provide
the large quantities of air and gas flow required for high-capacity opera
tion. For that reason forced-draft fans are used to push air into the
system, and induced-draft fans are installed at the exit to suck the com
bustion products out at the rate desired. The draft created by the
chimney effect of a tall stack may also be utilized. The variation in draft
throughout a typical large steam-generating system appears in Fig. 7-2.
Former practice has been to regulate the fans to provide a draft in the
furnace about 0.05 in. water pressure below atmospheric. Thus, any
small leakage which might occur through the furnace walls would be air
leakage into, the combustion space. Some recent installations are using
tightly sealed walls to prevent any gas leakage ; the combustion chamber
may then be pressurized to 20 in. water gage pressure or higher. With
this arrangement, larger forced-draft fans can be employed, and the
induced-draft fans can be eliminated.
Oil or gas burners, discussed in Chap. 6, or one of the several types of
combustion equipment for burning coal discussed in the remainder of this
chapter, may be installed in place of the pulverized-coal-firing equipment
in the steam generator of Fig. 7-1. That the fuel-burning equipment
- + 10 " /
> : > ii ! 1) 11 1
Fig. 7-2. Draft variation in a large steam-generating unit at rated capacity. {Skrotski
and Vopat, "Applied Energy Conversion," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York,
Fig. 7-3. Example of a waterwall furnace construction. (Courtesy of Babcock and. Wilcox
modern installations more than 50 per cent of all the heat is transmitted
to the water through the waterwall, much of it by direct radiation from
the flame to the relatively cool wall.
(VM+CO) +
Secondary air
> > >
lover fire)
Reduction -2 CO
Ash zone
Primary air —
Fig. 7-4. Diagrammatic cross section showing zones of reaction in an overfeed fuel bed.
The successful combustion of coal, and other solid fuels, involves four
stages; (1) distillation of the volatile matter from the coal, (2) combustion
of the fixed carbon to carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, (3) comple
tion of combustion by the oxidation of the gases formed, (4) satisfactory
disposal of the ash. The sequence and rapidity with which the fuel
enters and leaves each of these phases vary with different firing methods.
The principles of combustion and some advantages and disadvantages of
the various methods for burning solid fuels are discussed in the sections
which follow.
Overfeed Firing. In overfeed firing, raw fuel is admitted to the fuel
bed from above the fire. If the fuel is fed in small quantities at frequent
intervals, the appearance of an overfeed fuel bed becomes similar to the
cross-section diagram of Fig. 7-4, which shows also the principal phases of
combustion existing with bituminous coal.
The freshly fired coal, often termed green coal, implying that it is not
of unused primary air through the fuel bed. Similarly, oxygen may pass
around the edges of the coke bed without reacting with the hot coke.
Under such conditions, less secondary air is required, since there is still
oxygen available in the combustion gases above the fuel bed. It is still
necessary to provide turbulence for these gases, however, to prevent
stratification, or incomplete mixing. The volatile matter, containing
much heat, is composed of tarry hydrocarbons and carbon particles which
readily form a black soot if burned incompletely. Hence, a dirty black
smoke from a fire represents a heat loss from incomplete combustion as
well as a nuisance to the neighborhood.
24 L
— f
<5 8
o /
a. 4 1 #
\J s
8 10
The combustion rate in the coke bed is limited only by the speed with
which oxygen is diffused to the surface of the hot carbon. Tests show
that burning rates are proportional to primary-air flow. The latter is
a function of the pressure difference across the fuel bed and may be
increased by raising the pressure beneath the fuel bed with a forced-draft
fan or by opening the damper on the stack draft and increasing the draft
above the fire. Since oxidation occurs in only a thin bottom zone of the
coke bed, the fuel bed need be only thick enough to prevent blowholes in
the fire and provide the draft loss across the bed which may be desired to
help control the burning rate.
The sections which follow discuss present methods employed in over
feed firing practice.
Hand Firing. The oldest means of feeding fuel to a fire is by hand.
This method is still used extensively for small boilers and for domestic
heaters of not more than 1 2 sq f t grate area.
V Ashpit J_
Fig. 7-6. Caking method for burning bituminous coal in a domestic warm-air furnace.
practice for anthracite, the volatile matter is simply expelled and passes
out the stack as thick, unburned smoke because the newly fired coal
covers up the coke, which is the only ignition source.
Heavily caking bituminous coals are burned by the caking method. A
diagrammatic sketch depicting the use of this method for firing a domestic
furnace appears in Fig. 7-6. The hot coke bed is pushed to one side or to
the back of the grate before a fresh charge of high-volatile, caking coal is
fired to the other side or front of the firebox. It is expedient also to throw
a little slack over the green coal. As the heat from the still hot coke bed
slowly penetrates the mass of freshly fired coal, the entire mass cakes into
a dense agglomeration. The slack fuses into a solid cap. As the volatile
matter is released from the green coal, it is forced to flow over the bed of
Gases to main
furnace volume
Over -fire
Rear firing
arch ^Hopper
Chain grate
of the total area in holes to permit adequate air flow without permitting a
high loss of fine coal. For natural draft, nearly 20 per cent of the grate
area may be needed for air flow. The design of the grate varies also for
use with different types of fuels. The air space beneath it is divided into
a number of compartments or zones to enable the air flow to be controlled
at different positions on the grate, as illustrated in Fig. 7-8. The stokers
are built with interlocking side plates to reduce air leakage around the
£20 1 I I II II
bituminous coal can be handled. Caking coals form lumps of coke which
resist the flow of air. Since there is no means for agitating the fuel bed,
these lumps do not burn before they come to the end of the grate and are
dumped over into the refuse pit. Hence, the carbon loss is high for such
fuels. Also, big blowholes may form in the fuel bed with caking coals
which give higher excess air than necessary. Sizing of coal is important
for well-controlled combustion. A large percentage of fines leads to high
carbon loss. Best results are obtained with %-in. nut coal and smaller
with the fines removed. Occasionally it is necessary to temper a bitumi
nous coal by spraying it with water about 12 hr before firing to bring the
moisture content to 12 to 14 per cent. This helps keep the carbon loss
down and regulates the burning rate.
Since the fuel is dropped onto the grate from the hopper, the traveling
grate constitutes an overfeed method of firing. Ignition of the fresh fuel
is accomplished by a combination of three factors, the first of which is
predominant: (1) radiation from an incandescent firebrick arch, (2) hot
gases blowing over the green coal, (3) spray of fine glowing coke particles
which settle on the new fuel.
Figure 7-7 shows a rear-arch furnace construction above the stoker.
The arch radiates heat to the coal on the grate and serves as a powerful
factor in promoting rapid ignition and complete combustion. This arch
may be located at the front of the grate, or a combination of front and
rear arches may be employed. The rear arch is preferable with most fuels
because it helps to eliminate stratification of the combustion gases and
lowers carbon loss and fly ash, although the front arch is best for high-
volatile bituminous coal.
In addition to radiating heat to the fuel bed, the shape and location of
the arch do much to control velocities and direction of gas flow. A rear-
arch furnace, for example, has comparatively high gas velocities near the
rear of the furnace. These tend to pick fine incandescent coke particles
from the rear of the fuel bed, throw them into the combustion space, and
deposit them on the fresh coal near the front of the grate. Likewise, the
hot combustion gases are directed toward the green coal.
Near the front of the furnace, the gases are primarily freshly expelled
volatile matter; near the rear, where the fuel bed is thin, they are mostly
excess air. High turbulence and good mixing of these gases are vital.
This may be partially accomplished with good arch design, but the use of
overfire steam and air jets located in the furnace arch is usually required
to get smoke-free, complete, efficient combustion.
The ash from the burning coal settles to the bottom of the fuel bed and
protects the cast grates. A high-ash fuel is desirable because it leaves a
thicker layer for grate protection. Little trouble is encountered from
clinkering with any ash because the fuel bed is not agitated and the ash
is cooled below the fusion temperature by the primary air.
Inclined -grate Stoker. An older type of stoker and grate arrangement
still used extensively for burning refuse fuels is illustrated in Fig. 7-9,
which shows an overfeed stoker which pushes fresh fuel to a horizontal
platform where it ignites from the heat of the burning fuel below. When
the next charge of fuel enters, the ignited charge on the platform is
pushed onto the inclined grate and works its way down the grate to the
bottom. The refuse is dumped at the bottom. Lugs help hold the fuel
Refuse to pit
Fig. 7-9. Inclined-grate stoker.
to the grate to prevent dumping the fire into the refuse pit before the fuel
is well burned.
The inclined grate is limited to small units and is used principally to
burn such trash fuels as wood bark, bagasse, lignite, and wood pulp.
The fuel bed is disturbed frequently as fuel slides down the grate. Thus,
the lumps of the refuse fuels are broken up and burned. Such stokers
generally operate with rather high excess air and considerable fuel loss in
the ashpit. This is really no great disadvantage when the fuel costs are
Spreader Stokers. The spreader stoker provides a means for feeding
fuel by the overfire method in such a way that much of the fuel is oxidized
while suspended in the air and the remainder is burned on a nonagitated
fuel bed. A diagrammatic cross section of such a unit appears in Fig.
7-10. The spreader stoker consists of a hopper, feeder, distributor, and
horizontal grate. Coal from the hopper is metered by the feeder to the
distributor at the desired steady rate. In most designs, the distributors
consist of paddle wheels with blades which alternately angle to the right
and the left. Thus, the coal is thrown toward the rear of the furnace and
spread evenly from side to side. The larger particles tend to be thrown
to the rear while the fines drop toward the front of the grate. A few
designs distribute the coal with pneumatic feeding nozzles instead of
Ignition of the coal particles occurs almost immediately from the
intense radiation of the fuel bed and from the high temperature of the
the fuel bed may vary considerably from time to time, the air flow is con
trolled quite accurately because the grate resistance is the dominant
factor in flow. The ash layer protects the grate enough so that preheating
of primary air to 350 F is permissible without undue grate maintenance.
Secondary air may be added over the fire through openings above and
below the fuel spreader. In many cases, better efficiency is obtained by
forcing most of the air through the fuel bed. Sufficient air will pass
through holes in the fire to supply the necessary overfire air for burning
2» in the combustion space. In either
"o case, turbulence in the overfire gases
is essential. Steam or air jets, lo
cated about 3 ft above the grate,
may furnish 5 to 15 per cent overfire
air and provide the turbulence so
necessary for quick, complete com
bustion with low excess air. A
sketch of a well-designed steam-air
jet is included in Fig. 7-10.
The spreader stoker was first tried
in England in 1822 but has had a
number of design weaknesses until
the past 10 to 15 years. It is the
most popular new installation today
for coal-fired boilers from about the
Combustion rate, lb/(sq ft)(hr)
Fig. 7-11. Portion of coal burned in sus 150 boiler horsepower size up to
pension in a spreader-type stoker. Ohio 200,000 lb steam per hour units.
coal was high-volatile, caking; Indiana,
The capacity of a spreader unit may
medium-volatile, free-burning; Pocahon
tas, low-volatile, free-burning. (Courtesy be increased by adding more feeder
of Combustion Engineering-Superheater,
units in parallel and making the
grate and furnace wider. This gives
the advantage of permitting good part-load economy, since one or more of
the feeder sections may be out of service at part load or for cleaning.
Any grade of coal from semianthracite to lignite can be handled suc
cessfully. Size of coal is one of the important considerations in achieving
good combustion. If all particles of fuel are about the same size, they
tend to pile up at one point on the grate. The best performance is
obtained when the coal ranges in size from % in. to slack, with not more
than 50 per cent slack. Large lumps fail to burn completely and con
tribute to high carbon loss in the ashpit, while excessive fines may con
tribute to carbon loss up the stack. Caking tendencies have little effect
on performance because most of the coal tars are burned in suspension.
If high-moisture caking coals are burned, the moisture prevents rapid
ignition and some caking may exist on the grates; however, high-volatile
coals ignite quickly. Since there is no agitation of the fuel bed, clinker
formation is rare even with high-ash, low-ash-fusion temperature coal.
The spreader stoker of modern design is efficient, operates with low
maintenance costs, and has high capacity and great fuel flexibility. It is
relatively simple and low in first cost. The greatest disadvantage of such
units is that a part of the ash and fine carbon particles flow through the
furnace and out the stack as fly ash. This condition is especially bad
under high firing loads. Hence, a fly-ash separating system is usually
required to meet atmospheric pollution ordinances. Carbon losses nor
mally run between 2 and 12 per cent of the fly ash. Frequently, the fly
Fig. 7-12. Cross section of the fuel bed of a single-retort underfeed stoker.
ash collected in the last pass of the boiler is reinjected into the furnace
just above the fuel bed. The carbon thus reclaimed may increase over-all
furnace efficiencies as much as 3 to 5 per cent.
Underfeed Firing. A sketch of an underfeed fuel bed appears in Fig.
7-12. Fresh coal is forced into the fire from below by a power ram or
screw. The green coal beneath the combustion zone is heated by the
intense heat from the burning fuel bed. The volatile products are
expelled as the coal is pushed into the active burning zone. In rising
through the bed of incandescent coke, the volatile products are heated to
a sufficiently high temperature to ensure ignition. Since the flow of fuel
is upward, ignition occurs from above. The need for brickwork ignition
arches is thus eliminated. In commercial stokers, the grate slopes
toward the sides or back and the ash, which is above the bed of coke, is
worked to the edge and removed.
Air for combustion enters the fuel bed through openings, called tuyeres,
in the cast-iron supports of the fuel bed. Much of the volatile matter
mixes with primary air and burns on the way through the coke bed. The
lower part of the coke bed serves as an oxidation zone. In the upper
portion, reduction of the newly formed carbon dioxide occurs just as in
overfeed firing. Secondary air admitted over the fire, or air which has
passed through blowholes, completes the burning of combustible gases
rising above the fuel bed. With a little turbulence of the overfire gases,
it is possible to achieve complete combustion and to burn high-volatile
coals almost smokelessly.
In principle the continuous agitation of the fuel bed makes it possible to
burn caking coals because the agglomerations of coke are somewhat
broken up. The same factor of agitation makes it difficult to prevent
bad clinker formation, however, unless a coal having a high-ash-fusion
temperature is used. Fuels with a high sulfur content or a high iron
oxide content in the ash have an especially bad tendency to form clinkers.
Underfeed Stokers. Commercial underfeed stokers employ either a
power ram or a screw to force coal into the fuel bed from below. Air is
supplied from a forced-draft fan. With the usual thick fuel bed carried,
about 1.0 in. water pressure per 10 lb of coal per square foot per hour is
required to supply combustion air. The pressure of the underfire air
may be controlled at various zones to compensate for variations in thick
ness of the bed. Generally, sufficient air escapes through the fuel bed
unburned so that little overfire air is required. By the nature of the
underfeed principles, overfire jets are required only for high firing rates, if
at all.
Underfeed stokers operate most satisfactorily with free-burning to
moderately caking coals, although anthracite and strongly caking, high-
volatile bituminous fuels may be burned with some success. The size of
coal is an important characteristic. For most installations, 1% X 0 in.,
nut and slack give the best results. Coals having high-ash-fusion temper
ature give less trouble with clinkers.
Large sizes of underfeed stokers are built as multiple-retort units.
Several coal hoppers and power rams are operated side by side, feeding
coal to a wide grate area. Figure 7-13 shows a multiple-retort underfeed
stoker. The principles of operation are the same as for smaller underfeed
stokers. Multiple retorts employ secondary rams to agitate the upper
levels of the fuel bed, thus equalizing the distribution of fuel on the grate.
Units of this type are commonly operated at firing rates up to 40 lb coal
per square foot per hour continuously, and up to 60 for peak loads of not
more than 2 hr duration.
Domestic underfeed stokers are similar in principle of operation to the
single-retort stoker, with the exception that most domestic models are
Section A-A
Fig. 7-13. A multiple-retort underfeed stoker.
The BCR smokeless domestic heater, shown in Fig. 7-14, was developed
at the Battelle Memorial Institute under the sponsorship of the Bitumi
nous Coal Research and Stove Manufacturers. As the figure shows, it is
a magazine-fired, underfeed type of heater engineered to give efficient,
smokeless combustion on both high- and low-volatile bituminous coal.
Nut size coal, ^ X 3 in., is poured into the magazine from above. Burn
ing occurs on the ash layer just above the grate. Volatile matter released
from the green coal above the burning fuel bed is mixed with the primary,
or cross-feed, air and is carried across and downward through the hot
which can be adjusted with either the twist damper or the automatic
limit-control check damper. By providing thorough mixing of air with
the slowly emitted volatile matter and by maintaining high temperatures
for ignition in the combustion zone, this design of heater or furnace has
proved to be capable of burning practically any type of coal easily, effi
ciently, and smokelessly.
Pulverized-coal Firing. The most frequently used method for burn
ing coal in large quantities today is by pulverized firing. The coal is
powdered in a pulverizing mill into extremely fine particles, and the coal
dust is mixed with heated primary air. The primary-air coal-dust mix
ture is blown into the furnace through a burner port directly into the
flame. Once inside, the coal is quickly ignited from the high temperature
of the combustion reaction. Almost simultaneously the volatile matter
and the moisture are released, and the volatile gases and fixed carbon
start to burn. To obtain quick ignition and complete combustion, the
coal must be in the form of a very fine dust. The size of pulverized-coal
particles is measured by the percentage of coal which will not pass a
50-mesh screen and the percentage which will pass a 200-mesh. A' 200-
mesh screen has 200 wires per linear inch or 40,000 openings per square
inch and will not pass a particle larger than 0.0029 in. in diameter.
wherein large balls several inches in diameter crush coal against upper and
lower steel races.
The capacity of any pulverizer is affected by the moisture content of
the coal and the fineness of grind desired as well as the grindability index
of the coal. Figure 7-17 shows the relationships between these factors
for one typical mill. The size of coal fed to the pulverizer also has an
effect on the capacity of the mill.
Since mill capacity is reduced with moist coal, pulverizers are designed
to dry the fuel while crushing it. The dried coal also ignites more rapidly
in the furnace. Primary air, heated to 250 to 600 F, is passed over the
Engineering-Superheater, Inc.)
the mixture leaving the nozzle. Turbulence and flame shape in the
furnace can adjusted by regulating the velocity and angle of flow from
the guide vanes. With such a burner, both long diffusion and short
turbulent flames can be obtained. Ignition for "lighting off" a pulver-
ized-fuel furnace is secured from a gas or oil torch located within the
central nozzle. By varying the design of the pulverized-coal nozzle to
include a gas or an oil burner, or both, within the central tube, it is
possible to operate a burner on pulverized coal, oil, or gas with any
individual fuel or in any combination as desired.
— 'i
. —
8 30
o [/-
20 o—
f (/
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
lb air /lb coal
Fig. 7-19. Inflammability curves for mixtures of pulverized coal and air. (Courtesy of
Combustion Engineering-Superheater, Inc.)
The effects of the volatile and ash contents of the pulverized coal on
ignition rates and inflammability limits are shown in Fig. 7-19 for various
air/fuel ratios. It will be noted that the quickest ignition is obtained
with a rather rich mixture of coal and air and that the ignition rates
increase as the volatile content increases and the ash content decreases.
Also the high-volatile fuels are inflammable over a much greater range of
air/fuel ratios than the higher rank coals.
The complex nature of the pulverized-coal combustion reaction makes
quantitative data showing the effect of individual variables difficult to
obtain under actual firing conditions. However, extensive studies of the
subject4-7 show the following trends to exist :
Fig. 7-20. A vertically fired pulverized-coal furnace with continuous slag tap.
gases in the narrow boiler passages, increasing the draft loss through the
installation and making it difficult if not impossible to keep the combus
tion rate up to capacity. Also, the slag tends to erode or corrode and
weaken some surfaces. Hence, adequate slag-removing equipment is
required to knock the ash back down into the furnace where it can be
removed. The amount of ash that passes through the boiler with the
flue gases is usually too high to be tolerated with present atmospheric
pollution ordinances, so that expensive fly-ash collectors are also required.
Furnaces. Furnaces are classified according to the method used for
ash removal as being either of the slag-tap or dry-bottom type. Figure
7-20 shows a furnace designed for continuous molten slag tapping. Part
of the ash settles to the bottom of the furnace and mixes with the pool
of already molten ash. The pool is kept fluid by playing a part of the
flame across it. As the molten ash accumulates on the furnace hearth,
part of it flows over a water-cooled slag dam, which surrounds the slag
drip opening, and into a water bath. Quenching shatters the molten ash
into a granular form which may be removed from the furnace readily.
Fig. 7-21. A package steam generator employing horizontal firing and water-screen bottom
construction. {Courtesy of Combustion Engineering-Superheater, Inc.)
the air and fuel from each burner need not be so accurately controlled as
in the horizontal burner. Tangential firing permits extra-high rates of
heat release and gives high combustion efficiency, even with very little
excess air. Figure 7-23 shows the carbon loss in the fly ash as it is
affected by the different firing methods and the coal particle size.
Because there is never much unburned fuel in the furnace at one time,
pulverized-coal-fired boilers are capable of meeting wide fluctuations in
and have less time to radiate heat to the waterwalls than if the burners
are tilted down.
Because of the complexity and high first cost of the equipment required
to operate a pulverized-fuel system, pulverized firing is used only in large
furnaces burning at least 2000 lb of coal per hour where decreased fuel
costs and fuel flexibility can justify the expense.
Cyclone Furnace. A new method of burning coal in suspension which
utilizes many of the advantages and avoids a number of the disadvantages
of other combustion systems has been developed by the Babcock and
Wilcox Co.8 The cyclone furnace (Fig. 7-24) was first put into field
service in 1944 and is now being used in a number of new and proposed
Fig. 7-24. Diagram of the cyclone furnace. (Courtesy of Babcock and Wilcox Co.)
installations. Primary air and coal crushed finer than in. in diameter
are fired tangentially into a compact cylindrical combustion chamber
about 8 ft in diameter. About 75 to 80 per cent of the total air used also
enters the cylinder tangentially as secondary air and provides thorough
mixing of fuel, air, and combustion products within the horizontal, water-
cooled combustion chamber. The combustion products leave through a
reentrant water-cooled throat at the end of the cylinder and flow into the
main furnace where they are exposed to waterwalls and other boiler heat
ing surfaces. Approximately 5 per cent of the total air is supplied as
tertiary air at the axis of the burner to provide a velocity component in
the direction of the secondary furnace and to ensure burning of any fine
coal particles suspended near the center of the vortex flow pattern.
Combustion chamber temperatures close to 3000 F are achieved by
using only 5 to 15 per cent excess air. At this temperature, the ash is
melted to liquid slag. The centrifugal force resulting from admitting the
primary and secondary air at 20,000 to 30,000 ft/min throws the molten
ash to the periphery of the cylinder. Fuel particles are trapped and
embedded in the film of sticky slag and are subjected to an intense scrub
bing action air sweeps across the coal. Heat release rates in excess
as the
of 500,000 Btu/ (cu ft) (hr) within the cyclone cylinder maintain the ash
in the molten state until it flows by gravity down the slope of the furnace
and through a slag taphole at the rear.
The cyclone principle affords high rates of heat release and at the same
time permits only about 10 per cent of the ash of the coal to enter the main
furnace. The low ash carry-over reduces slag deposits, lowers main
tenance costs, and simplifies any dust-collection apparatus required or
eliminates it entirely. The low excess air, high turbulence, and high
furnace temperatures permit high combustion efficiency. In addition,
the furnace can be operated with any grade of coal with a minimum of
fuel preparation, and air preheat temperatures up to 850 F may be
A heat balance is an account of all the energy entering and leaving a
process. Tests are often made to determine heat balances for engines,
heaters, and boilers because they show the fraction of the heat input that
is being used, and reveal what happens to the remainder. Once the
nature of the losses is understood, operation or design changes which
would result in increased efficiency may be obvious.
Heat-balance calculations for various pieces of equipment differ only in
their details. Since the steam-boiler heat balance is typical of this type
of problem, the method for computing the heat balance for a steam boiler
is presented first. It is felt that once the principles of a heat balance are
understood for one type of equipment, the method of approach may be
adapted readily to other apparatus.
Steam-boiler Heat Balance. The heat input to a boiler is equal to the
number of pounds of coal fired during the test multiplied by the heating
value per pound of coal "as fired." The heat turned into useful energy is
equal to the number of pounds of water evaporated during the period
times the change in enthalpy per pound of water in passing through the
boiler. According to the method proposed in the ASME Boiler Test
Code, the heat losses are attributed to
100 X
N2 - 3.76(02 CO/2)
- CO/2)
It should be noted that this equation is not accurate for use with the
combustion products of fuels containing large amounts of nitrogen, such
as producer gas.
Determination of Weight of Carbon Burned per Pound of Coal Fired. Let
A equal the percentage of ash in the coal fired; a, the percentage of ash in
the refuse; R, the pounds of refuse per pound of coal fired. Then,
assuming that the weight of ash in the refuse equals the weight of ash in
the coal fired,
aR = A
If the analysis of the refuse is given on the dry basis, the refuse consists
only of ash and combustible material. The latter lost in the refuse is
practically all carbon and is usually assumed to be pure carbon. Hence,
the percentage of carbon lost in the refuse is (100 — a), and the pounds of
carbon lost in the ashpit per pound of coal fired is (100 — a)A/100a.
The weight of carbon burned per pound of coal fired is the weight of
carbon in each pound of coal fired (as determined from the ultimate
analysis of the coal) minus the weight of carbon in the refuse per pound of
coal fired. In equation form, the weight of carbon burned per pound of
- a) A
coal fired is
C - (100
where C is the weight of carbon per pound of coal fired, from the ultimate
analysis of the coal.
Determination of the Loss Due to Combustible Material in the Refuse. Let
hc equal the heating value of the combustible material in the refuse, Btu
per pound. This is usually assumed to be the same as that for carbon,
14,600; for very accurate work it may be determined with a calorimeter.
Then, since (100 — a)A/100a is the weight of combustible in the refuse
per pound of coal fired, as shown above, the heat loss due to combustible
in the refuse, in Btu per pound of coal fired, is
- a) A
K 100a
Determination of Loss Due to Heating the Dry Flue Gases. A sizable heat
loss results from the dry flue gases passing out the stack at a relatively
high temperature when the air for combustion enters the furnace at a
much lower temperature. In Chap. 3, it was shown that the heat carried
away with the combustion products was the energy required to heat the
products from the initial temperature of the air to the exit temperature.
Hence, the heat loss to the dry flue gas may be computed as the change in
enthalpy of the combustion products from the initial to the final tempera
This loss is
QL = wCp(Tc
- Ta)
where QL = heat loss to dry flue gases, Btu/lb coal fired
w = weight of dry flue gases formed per pound coal fired
Cp = specific heat at constant pressure of flue gases (a value of
0.24 Btu/lb may be used here with sufficient accuracy for
most work)
Tc = exit temperature of dry flue gases
Ta = temperature of air entering the furnace
CO2 + 02 + CO + N2 = 100,
from which 7(CO + N2) = 700 - 7C02 - 702. If the latter expression
for 7 (CO + N2) is substituted in the preceding equation, the weight of
dry gas per pound of carbon burned reduces to
4C02 + O2 + 700
3(C02 + CO)
The product of the above expression with the weight of carbon burned
per pound of fuel gives the weight of dry flue gas per pound of fuel fired.
Determination of Loss Due to Carbon Monoxide Formation. Again let
the percentages of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the Orsat
analysis be represented by CO2 and CO, respectively. Then the weight
of carbon in 100 moles of the dry flue gas would be 12(C02 + CO).
Likewise, the weight of carbon in the carbon monoxide formed would be
12CO. Therefore,
Since C is the weight of carbon burned per pound of coal
is the weight of carbon burned to
CO2 + CO
CO per pound of coal fired.
- Ta) + 970.3 + 0Ai)(Tc - 212)] = m(1084.8 - Ta + 0AQTc)
where m = weight of moisture in each pound of coal, lb
Ta = temperature of coal when fired, F
Tc = temperature of flue gas leaving boiler, F
The first term in the brackets represents the heat added to 1 lb of water
to bring it up to the boiling point; that
the latent heat of vaporization of water at 212 while the last term
represents the heat required to superheat the water vapor from 212 to
the final temperature. A value of 0.46 Btu/lb of steam used as the
no vaporization takes place until 212 reached and that all the
Determination Loss Due to Moisture Formed by Burning Hydrogen in
the Fuel. When hydrogen in any fuel burns, unites with oxygen to
reported as the total hydrogen, including that which was already com
bined with oxygen to form water. Therefore, the weight of water formed
m) lb, where H
by burning the hydrogen in the coal —
weight of hydrogen in each pound of coal from the ultimate analysis, and
m the weight of moisture in each pound of coal from the proximate
- m) (1084.8
- Ta + 0.46rc)
where H =
pound hydrogen per lb of coal
m = pound moisture per lb of coal
Ta = temperature of fuel and air supplied to furnace, F
Tc = flue-gas temperature, F
It follows that the heat loss due to moisture formed from the burning of
hydrogen in any fuel is M(1084.8 — Ta + 0.46rc), where M represents
the pounds of water formed from the combustion of hydrogen.
Example 1. The following data were observed during an efficiency test of a boiler,
furnace, and underfeed stoker. Compute a heat balance for the installation.
13. Per cent excess air used for combustion is
- - (0.11/2)]
N, -
- (CO/2)]
80.70 -
- (0.11/2)] = gg 4%
~ a)A 100 - 78.34 15.89
lOOa 100 78^4
1 5. Weight of carbon burned per pound of coal fired equals the weight of C in coal,
from ultimate, minus the weight of combustible in refuse per pound of coal
(assuming all the combustible in the refuse is carbon). This is
17. Weight of dry flue gases formed per pound of coal fired is
18. Heat absorbed by water and steam in the boiler per pound of coal fired is
h2 = 1185.2 Btu/lb steam (from superheated-steam tables at 284 F and 14.7 psia)*
and the enthalpy of the steam leaving the boiler is 1185.2 Btu/lb H20.
The enthalpy of the feedwater entering, ht at 174 F, is 141.9 Btu/lb H2O*
Aft = heat added per lb H20 in the boiler = 1185.2 - 141.9 = 1043.3
Heat absorbed by the water and steam in the boiler per pound of coal fired is
4015 4
1043.3 X = 7641.8 Btu 69.2%
20. Heat loss (per pound of coal fired) due to dry gas
leaving the boiler :
Lb C burned CO
Lb coal fired C02 + CO
= (9 X 0.0485 0.0683)
(1084.8 71.4 + 0.46 X 497) = 457.3 Btu 4.1%
24. Heat loss (per pound of coal fired) due to miscellane
ous and unaccounted for:
Thus, 7.08 moles of C02 would be formed in the combustion products, and 7.08
molesof 02 would be required for perfect combustion.
The heat loss to the dry gases up the stack would be, in Btu per pound of charcoal :
The loss to the dry flue gases up the chimney represents 3604/12,400, or 29.0 per
cent of the heating value of the charcoal.
Example 3. The following data were obtained from the heat balance of an oil-fired
Firing rate 25 gal oil /hr
Specific gravity of oil 0 . 730
H/C (by weight) of oil 0. 172
Temperature of air and oil for combustion 80 F
Temperature of flue gases leaving boiler 580 F
Calculate the heat loss, in Btu per hour, due to the water formed by the combustion
of hydrogen in the fuel.
Weight of oil burned per hour is
0-172 lb H
X 100 = 14-b&%
14 65%
1.000 lb C + 0.172 lb
22.3 X 9 = 200.7 lb
it is readily apparent there are two avenues of approach for reducing the
loss: (1) to reduce the temperature difference between the stack gases
leaving and the air entering for combustion, (2) to limit the weight, w, of
flue gases formed per pound of fuel fired. To accomplish the former,
additional heat-exchange surface must be added to the boiler and furnace
installation to cool the combustion gases leaving the boiler, or the existing
heat-exchange surface must be used more efficiently. Thus, an econo
mizer may be added to absorb some of the heat from the flue gases and
heat the feedwater nearer to evaporation temperature before forcing it
into the boiler. Or an air preheater may be added to warm the combus
tion air with heat from the flue gases. The air preheater does double
duty in reducing gas losses, since the stack temperature is reduced and the
inlet-air temperature is raised in the same process.
Often the flue-gas temperature may be lowered by better operation of
the existing installation. For instance, thorough cleaning of the boiler
tubes frequently, both inside and outside, increases the rate of heat
transfer, and a greater portion of the heat of the combustion products is
transferred to the water and steam. Decreasing the exit temperature of
the flue gases also reduces the losses to moisture and combustion of
hydrogen slightly. The lowest temperature to which the flue gases may
be cooled is limited in practice to a value considerably above the dew
point to avoid condensation on heating surfaces at all operating condi
tions. Exit flue-gas temperatures from boilers having no air preheaters
or economizers must be expected to be rather high if these boilers are
heating steam to several hundred degrees. Either an economizer, an air
600 F
500 F
400 F
optimum operation is achieved with about 25 to 30 per cent excess air and
a slight trace of carbon monoxide in the products. The results of many
tests by field engineers showing the excess air used in a large number of
plants with different types of equipment appear in Fig. 7-26. The upper
and lower mark for each type of equipment show the maximum and
minimum percentages of excess air found in the plants contacted while
the curves pass through the averages of the values reported.
r Averages for
240 i 0
Refractory walls
— o— Air-cooled walls
tx Water walls
EL 180
140 i
is 1 9>
Be g in
Fio. 7-26. Percentage of theoretical air supplied when furnaces are adjusted for the best
operating conditions. This graph is plotted from tests of nearly 7000 installations.
(Courtesy of Bailey Meter Co.)
The chief reasons why the percentage of excess air was held as high as it
was for the different installations and the relative importance of these
reasons are given in Fig. 7-27. Thus, for pulverized-coal-fired units the
lower excess-air limit is governed principally by the desire to reduce
furnace maintenance and eliminate smoke, while for oil-fired units it is
smoke, for gas burners it is carbon monoxide formation, etc. The per
centages shown in Fig. 7-27 merely point out the relative importance of
each factor in arriving at the excess air required for each unit.
Since a low percentage of excess air is so important for good operation
and economy, a continuous check of the amount used is very necessary.
As Fig. 7-28 shows, the percentage of excess air can be found if either the
carbon dioxide or the oxygen content of the dry flue gases is known.
Thus, an operator must adjust his air supply to hold the carbon dioxide in
the flue gases to 10.5 per cent if he is firing natural gases and wants to
maintain 10 per cent excess air. As shown in the chart, the percentage of
oxygen is a more uniform index of excess air for all types of fuels. How
ever, carbon dioxide meters are the more common instruments used for
combustion control.
R — Refractory furnace walls
A — *Air- cooled " "
H — Furnace maintenance
0 — Smoke
Fig. 7-27. Relative importance of operating factors which limit the reduction of the per
centage of excess air. For example, with all the natural-draft chain-grate stokers tested,
15 per cent ran into trouble with furnace maintenance if the excess air was reduced
below the best adjustments; another 38 — 15, or 23 per cent, encountered excessive CO
with less air; 12 per cent got smoke; while 50 per cent of the plants tested could not reduce
the percentage of excess air further without getting high ashpit losses. (Courtesy of Bailey
Meter Co.)
0 20 40 60 80
Fio. 7-28. Relation between oxygen, carbon dioxide, and excess air for various fuels.
(Courtesy of Bailey Meter Co.)
volume from the floor up to the first heat-transfer surface, which assumes
that no burning exists after the gases contact the relatively cool boiler
heating surfaces. Since size and first cost of equipment are related to
the volume of the combustion chamber, the desirability of obtaining high
capacity in a small space is obvious. On the other hand too compact an
installation may give incomplete, smoky combustion and high localized
temperatures which may cause softening of the furnace walls, undue
stoker and burner wear, and excessive deposits of slag. Thus, a small
furnace may be more costly over a period of years than a more generously
designed one. The factor of reliability versus conservation of space is
also involved. The formation of slag deposits in the furnace is the most
important factor limiting heat release rates in coal-fired installations.
Typical rates which are generally considered good practice today for
various types of steam-generating installations are presented in Table 7-2
for comparison.9 It has been found good practice to provide plenty of
combustion space in which to burn the combustible gases, especially
Table 7-1. Boiler Heat Balances for Typical Installations*
(In per cent of heating value fired)
Coal Fuel oil Natural gas
with pulverized coal, oil, and gas where the fuels are completely burned
in suspension. With pulverized coal especially, considerable time is
required for complete burning, and the gases must be retained in the
furnace long enough to achieve this. For short periods of time, firing
rates may substantially exceed those listed in the table. As already
pointed out, a design heat release rate is a compromise, and for certain
conditions some factors take priority. For instance, in marine practice
the need for keeping the volume and weight of the furnace low is more
influential in design than very low maintenance.
Data pertinent to the design of combustion chambers for single-retort
underfeed stoker-fired boilers are presented in the "Technical Manual,"
2d ed., Stoker Manufacturer's Association, Chicago, 1947.
Atmospheric Pollution. During the past 15 years an increased interest
has been shown by municipalities toward decreasing the atmospheric
* Figures given are those considered to be reasonable design practice for continuous operation of
steam-generating furnaces using forced draft and waterwall cooling, unless otherwise noted.
The latter provision gives the operator a little leeway during the times
when the ash and soot are blown down and the fires are cleaned of clinkers.
These operations tend to produce extra smoke.
Smoke-free combustion is now a recognized goal of operating and com
bustion engineers, not only to meet the legal requirements of smoke-abate
ment ordinances but to gain optimum operating efficiencies. Black
smoke can be obtained while fuel oil, gas, or coal is burned; but coal, and
especially high-volatile bituminous, is the most difficult to burn smoke-
Fig. 7-29. Ringelmann type of chart for grading smoke density. The observer should
stand about 100 to 1000 ft from the stack and hold the chart at arm.s length. The'jet of
flue gases issuing from the stack is viewed through the hole in the chart. The observer
determines the shade in the chart most nearly corresponding to the shade or density of the
smoke. Care must be taken to prevent having either bright sunlight or dark buildings in
the background. (Courtesy of PHbrico Jointless Firebrick Co.)
gases through the furnace and boiler. Much of it settles out as slag on
the boiler heating surfaces, necessitating frequent cleaning with soot
blowers, but the finer particles continue on through the boiler and out the
stack with the flue gases. As the flue gases rise, are cooled, and lose their
velocity, the ash particles begin to settle out and blanket the vicinity of
the plant with a layer of gray-black fly ash. Such a plant is a nuisance.
The recent trend is to clean up such offenders.11 An ASME "Model
Smoke Law" recommends that fly ash be reduced to 0.85 lb of fly ash per
1000 lb of flue gas, which corresponds to 0.257 grain of ash per cubic foot
of flue gas at 500 F.12
Plants may do much to eliminate the fly-ash problem by
1. Changes in operating conditions,
a. Achieving proper adjustment of firing equipment
b. Reducing firing rates
Fly ash size
o Burning Passing
o rate 325 mesh
10; 23.6 35.8
39.0 28.9
I 0.8
- 35.5
41 6
I* T
20 25 30 35 40 45
Burning rate,lb/sqft/hr
Fig. 7-30. Fly-ash carry-over from a mul Fia. 7-31. A higli-draft-loss dust collector.
tiple-retort underfeed stoker. (Courtesy of (Courtesy of American Blower Corp.)
Bituminous Coal Research.)
water draft and will ordinarily give about 50 to 60 per cent efficiency on
the type of fly ash normally encountered. Sufficient natural draft is
often available to operate such units. Low-draft-loss collectors are com
monly used with underfeed and traveling-grate stokers where the fly-ash
problem is not severe.
Collection efficiencies of 85 to 90 per cent may be obtained with high
1. Which components of a steam generator would be needed in the simplest unit
possible and which are added to increase efficiency, capacity, and control?
2. Make a diagrammatic sketch of a complete modern steam generator showing
the direction of flow of gases, fuel, water, and steam in each element and showing
reasonable temperatures and pressures throughout the unit.
3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of overfeed, underfeed, and pulver-
ized-coal firing.
4. What is stratification and what may be done to reduce its effects?
5. Compare the merits of the various methods of overfeed firing.
6. What purposes does the firing arch serve with a traveling-grate stoker?
7. How important is "fuel flexibility" for coal-burning equipment?
8. What basic principles does the BCR smokeless heater apply to achieve cleaner
combustion than former heaters of comparable size?
9. List the advantages and disadvantages of the three firing methods for pulverized
10. List the advantages of the cyclone firing principle over pulverized firing.
11. List, in the order in which they might practically be considered, the changes
which might be made to improve the efficiency of an existing steam generator which
tests 68 per cent efficiency.
12. What would be the advantage of an O2 meter versus a CO2 meter for combustion
control of a furnace utilizing gas, oil, and coal in varying percentages?
.13. Discuss the principles of furnace design and operation which permit some types
of combustion equipment to operate with a lower percentage of optimum excess air
than others.
14. What is the significance of the heat release rate?
16. What are the two primary sources of atmospheric pollution from combustion
16. Discuss the ramifications of the three T's of good combustion so far as they can
be employed to reduce atmospheric pollution.
17. Discuss the merits of the different pieces of firing equipment from the standpoint
of clean, smoke-free operation.
18. The following data were observed during four different efficiency tests of steam
generators. Compute the heat balance for each.
Compute the heat balance for an oil-fired boiler, given the following:
Firing rate is 200 gal oil per hour having an API gravity of 21.0 and H/C = 0.172
(by weight).
Air and oil are fired at 80 F, flue gases leave at 450 F, C02 meter averages 11.2%
during the test. (Refer to Fig. 7-28 and assume complete combustion.) Feedwater
enters at 210 F, steam leaves at 700 F, 410 psig, 19,800 lb of water are evaporated per
20. Ethyl alcohol is burned with 15 per cent excess air. Compute the percentage of
the higher heating value lost to the dry flue gases if the air and fuel are ignited at 77 F
and the flue gases are at 480 F.
21. Compute the heat lost to the dry flue gases per cubic foot of fuel fired when
methane burns with 18 per cent excess air. Gas and air are initially at 82 F, 14.8 psia;
flue gases leave at 340 F.
22. Same as above except calculate the heat loss to the water formed from the
combustion of hydrogen. What percentage of the higher heating value is lost?
23. Plot a curve showing the heat loss due to the formation of carbon monoxide
versus the percentage of theoretical air, through the range of 70 to 100 per cent
theoretical air, for the combustion of C16H34. Assume complete mixing of fuel and
air and disregard any dissociation effects.
24. Compute the percentage of heat loss due to the formation of carbon monoxide
if the Orsat analysis of the combustion products of butane reads: CO2 = 13.4%,
02 = 0.2%, CO = 0.4%.
Liquid and gaseous fuels burn with an explosive flame with approxi
mately a constant-volume reaction in spark-ignition or compression-
ignition engines; in gas turbines or rockets they burn with a stationary
type of flame at approximately constant pressure.
The operation of a spark-ignition engine is on either the so-called four
cycle or the two-cycle principle. The four-cycle engine requires four
strokes of the piston to complete the cycle: (1) intake, (2) compression,
Spark plug
(3) power, and (4) exhaust. The cross section of such an engine is
shown diagramatically in Fig. 8-1 with the intake and exhaust valves in
their correct positions for each stroke. The intake valve is open during
the intake stroke, while a new charge of fuel and air is drawn, into the
cylinder, and remains closed during the remainder of the cycle, while the
exhaust valve is open only on the exhaust stroke during the expulsion of
the exhaust gases. The two-cycle engine completes the same cycle in
two strokes of the piston. In Fig. 8-2 a simple type of two-cycle engine
is shown. During each upward stroke of the piston a mixture of fuel
the fuel flows and mixes with the air passing through the venturi and the
mixing chamber. The air/fuel ratio is controlled by the relative sizes of
the jet and the air passage. In some modern designs, a fuel injection
system is used in place of a carburetor. In this case, the fuel/air mixture
is obtained by injecting the desired amount of fuel into each intake port
near the intake valve, or directly into the cylinder, during the intake
stroke. Gaseous fuels may be mixed with the air in a mixing valve out
side the cylinders, or they may be injected directly into each cylinder.
The air/fuel ratio is controlled by adjusting the gas flow rate.
Float chamber
Mixing —
-Throttle valve
Fig. 8-4. Turbulent and nonturbulent combustion chambers.
and the cylinder head is generally much less than in B. Also, some
turbulence is created by the relative direction of flow into the cylinder.
The inlet ports in two-cycle engines may direct the gases in a tangential
flow pattern, rather than radial, and thus produce turbulence.
Detonation. As was stated in Chap. 3, detonation is a special type of
explosion characterized by a tremendously increased reaction rate accom
panied by an ultra-high velocity percussion wave within the cylinder and
an abnormal rate of pressure rise. Detonation is accompanied by
increased peak pressures and very high localized temperatures. This
knock reaction also results in a definite loss of chemical energy. Detona
tion may vary from the incipient stage to a very high intensity, and con
tinued operation under conditions which promote high-intensity knock
may prove very detrimental to an engine. The effects of knock on engine
operation and parts are shown in Table 8-1.
Autoignition Theory. For several years a simple detonation theory
has been generally accepted that knock is caused by the autoignition of
the end gases. According to this theory after the charge is ignited, the
flame front travels somewhat radially through the combustion chamber,
Very Scored cylinders
Heavy Cracked pistons and
cylinder heads
rough Ring scuffing
knock Burning of alumi
num pistons
knock Smooth
Incipient None
No knock
Fig. 8-5.
Progression of combustion in a spark-ignition engine, ending in autoignition.
front has just started to progress radially from the spark plug in (a).
The flame has traveled more or less radially, but conforming to the shape
of the combustion chamber across a large portion of the chamber in (b).
Finally, (c) shows the last part of the charge starting to autoignite at a
great many points before the flame front has reached it. The violent
combustion of this last part of the charge sets up the pressure differential
autoignition of the end gases at a rate too slow to produce audible gas
2. Knock that produces both low- and high-pitched tones may be
caused by autoignition followed by the formation of a detonation wave
in the autoignited gases.
3. Knock of a high pitch may be caused by a detonation wave origi
nating in the afterburning gases behind the flame front, and may pass
through the unignited end gases.2 This detonation-wave reaction is
evidently of the chain-branching variety which results in an extremely
violent explosion.
Most of the research on engine knock or detonation indicates that the
so-called high-pitch metallic sound is the result of a detonation wave (3,
above), or a combination of autoignition and the formation of a detonation
wave (2, above), and may occur in either form.
Factors Influencing Detonation. There are many factors which affect
the knocking, or detonating, characteristics of a spark-ignition engine.
However, they influence detonation only in so far as they vary either the
fuel, the temperature of the mixture, or the pressure of the mixture. Table
8-2 lists most of the influencing factors.
The effect of the fuel on detonation depends wholly upon its octane
number; the higher the octane number, the less the detonation. The
knocking tendencies of various liquid fuels were discussed in Chap. 5.
The intensity of detonation in an engine is directly dependent upon the
mixture temperature, and any factor in engine design or operation which
will cause the mixture temperature to increase will increase the severity
of detonation. All combustion reactions are accelerated by an increase in
temperature, as was pointed out in Chap. 4.
and the pressure because more of the mixture is burned before top dead
center, which increases peak temperatures and pressures. The power
output, however, reaches an optimum at an intermediate spark advance.
Increase of the compression ratio, while increasing the power output and
the thermal efficiency of an engine, also causes an increase in mixture
temperature and pressure.
The temperature of the end gas, or the last of the unburned mixture, is
dependent upon the rate of burning. When the rate of burning is slow,
the end gases have more time to absorb heat from hot surfaces and radia
tion from the approaching flame front. One of the chief factors in pro-
The trends of most of the above factors upon the intensity of detona
tion are shown in Fig. 8-6.
Injection for Cooling and Detonation Suppression. Water injection
has been used in kerosene engines for over 50 years as a cooling agent
I I I I J—51 I I I I i 1 I I I I I 186
detonation, thus the heat released from combustion increases slightly, but
the latent heat of the water may cause an over-all reduction of the net
Water mixed with alcohol, ammonia, etc., is commonly injected into
aircraft engines. These mixtures tend to reduce detonation but are used
primarily as cooling agents to permit the operatioa of the engine at abnor
mal manifold pressures (emergency power output) without overheating.
As was shown in the examples in Chap. 2, the air/fuel ratio may be
calculated if the analysis of the exhaust gases for a spark-ignition engine
is known. Figure 8-7 shows the composition of the exhaust gases of an
aircraft engine for a wide variation of fuel/air ratios. It is seen that the
CO2 peaks approximately at the stoichiometric ratio, but some oxygen is
present when rich mixtures are used and some combustible gases still
exist when the fuel/air mixture is lean.
Fig. 8-8. Cross section of a two-cycle compression-ignition engine using a blower to supply
scavenging air. (Courtesy of Detroit Diesel Engine Division, General Motors Corp.)
1. A delay period which covers the time from the initial injection to the
actual ignition of the fuel and air
2. A period of rapid combustion of the fuel accumulated during the
delay period
3. A period of combustion of the remainder of the fuel charge as it is
4. An afterburning period in which the unburned fuel may find oxygen
and burn
In order to study the paths which may be followed by any fuel particle,
an outline6 is shown in Fig. 8-9. In following the paths of the fuel
particles, it should be kept in mind that, after ignition has occurred, many
of these steps will be proceeding at the same instant. This is true since
Mixture -
Ignition - 0 Final combustion -
Delay period -
-Physical delay-»j*Chemical delay*]
of stream of —
I Inflammation
injected fuel
Mixing of Preflame Oxidization Thermal
liquid fuel oxidation of fuel-air decomposition
with air of fuel mixtures of fuel
Temperature Temperature
and oxygen and oxygen
concentration concentration
favorable unfavorable
for complete for complete
combustion combustion
and overrich
1 *
Products of Products of
complete incomplete
combustion combustion
Fig. 8-9. The combustion process in a compression-ignition engine. (Elliott; SAE Trans.,
July, 1949.)
air, vaporize and produce mixture of fuel vapor and air. During the
be noted that the naphthalenes, which are dicyclic aromatics, in all cases
give very low cetane ratings.
Figure 8-12 shows the variation of ignition lag of three gas oils as meas
ured by the Bureau of Mines bomb test.19'22 These oils were produced
from widely different crudes. One gas oil was from the paramnic Brad
ford crude, another with a high percentage of dicyclic naphthenes was
from Hastings crude, while the third with a high percentage of dicyclic
aromatics was from Conroe crude. The aromatic portion of each oil was
Temperature, F
Fig. 8-10.Effect of pressure and temperature on ignition delay in a bomb. The fuel was
straight-run mid-continent gas oil. (Hurn and Hughes, SAE Trans., January, 1952.)
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
Carbon atoms in molecule
Fig. 8-11. Relationship of cetane number and hydrocarbon type. (Ward and Smith,
" Why Diesel Fuels Behave As They Do,"
paper -presented before the Western Petroleum
Refiners. Association, San Antonio, April, 1951.)
tion period. A further means that has been used to reduce the delay
period in very small high-speed compression-ignition engines is an increase
in compression ratio to values of more than 20 to 1.
The type and shape of the combustion chamber determine to a great
extent the degree of turbulence created. It should be remembered that
any turbulence generated by the combustion chamber shape or any other
factor will be further increased in direct proportion to the engine speed.
Figure 8-14 shows representative types of combustion chambers used in
compression-ignition engines.
Open combustion chambers are shown at A and B. Here all of the air is
compressed between piston
the and cylinder head.
the In A little
turbulence is created, but, for a piston shape such as B, very high veloc
ities toward the center are created as the piston approaches closely to the
head. Sketch C is a quiescent precombustion chamber in which some of the
air is compressed through a small opening into the chamber. The air
enters at high velocity but does not tend to create a specific direction of
swirl, and the resultant turbulence is not very great. After the injection
occurs and autoignition has taken place, the increased pressure forces the
! Fig. 8-13. Effect of rpm and fuel cetane rating on the crank position at the beginning of
ignition, at the point of maximum pressure, and at the end of combustion in a compression-
ignition engine operating with a constant injection advance angle of 20 deg. {Adapted
I from Shoemaker and Gadebusch, SAE Trans., 1946.)
fuel and burning mixture down into the main chamber at a high velocity,
thus promoting intimate mixing with the compressed air over the piston,
i and the quick completion of combustion. A turbulent precombustion
chamber is shown at D. The principal difference between C and D is that
in D the air is directed in a path as shown and continues in this path at
very high velocity. When fuel is injected, this high turbulence materially
aids in mixing the fuel and air. A hot catalyzing surface is employed in
both C and D to promote combustion. In each case the lower part of the
precombustion chamber is so located in the cylinder head that it is not
cooled by the cooling liquid. These hot surfaces are a very decided aid
in promoting the chain reactions of combustion. One of the popular
types of combustion chamber designs is shown at E. It is generally
called an energy cell, and the auxiliary chamber may be somewhat similar
to C or D except that the fuel is injected directly into the precombustion
chambers in C and D, while the fuel is injected into the main combustion
chamber in E and directed toward the air or energy cell. Some fuel is
supposed to enter the energy cell, the combustion is supposed to begin in
the cell, and then the partially burned mixture blasts back into the main
Fig. 8-14. Compression-ignition combustion chambers.
1. The multiple-basket or can type (Fig. 8-16) which are mounted sym
metrically about the turbine axis
Fig. 8-18. Elbow type of combustor. (Elliott Type.)
feed holes
About 15 ft/sec About 75 ft/sec
'/sin. H20 head.
Fig. 8-19. Burners with graduated air velocities. (Mock, SAE Trans., 1946.)
The first three steps are common to all combustion processes, but the
fourth is seldom found except in gas turbines.
The fuel and air must be highly homogeneous if there is to be a com
plete chemical reaction. Before such mixing can occur, the liquid fuel
must be vaporized. Even though some heat may be added to the fuel
before it enters the burner, it remains for the turbulence in the compara
tively low-velocity primary air to aid materially in the vaporization of the
fuel. The vaporization is also aided by the radiant heat from the flame
front, though little heat is obtained from the burner walls.
Any specific combustor will have its own limiting fuel/primary-air
mixture ratios which will support combustion. With lean mixtures it
has been found that the flame-extinction limit is leaner than the ignition
limit, that the absolute pressure has little effect on either, that an increase
in air temperature broadens the combustible range, while improved
atomization promotes a better flame-extinction limit.13
The flame propagation rate will be accelerated as the Btu per pound of
mixture is raised, as the difference between the initial temperature of the
fuel and air and the ignition temperature decreases, and as the specific
heat of the fuel/air mixture is lowered. The propagation rate will be
slower as the weight of inert diluents (such as nitrogen) is greater, as
the specific heat of the inert diluents is increased, and as the heat of
vaporization of the liquid fuel is raised. 12 These performance trends con
form with the discussion of flame propagation in Chap. 4.
For octane, the theoretical fuel/air ratio by weight is 0.0662 while
fuel/primary-air ratios between 0.25 and 0.04 can be burned. In gas
turbines, for the maximum reaction speed, the ratio should be approxi
mately 0.073, and for most complete combustion about 0.060. The com
bustion of gasoline with fuel/primary-air ratios less than about 0.055 is
slow and erratic.10
With the high rates of heat release demanded of gas turbine combustors,
their design presents some specific problems. One primary need is to
provide stable combustion over the complete range of power demands.
Another is to provide quick ignition. These problems are much more
difficult than in stationary oil burners owing to the high burning rates,
the high air velocities, and the absence of radiation surfaces. One of the
flame-stabilizing methods employed in several burners is to shelter the
conical fuel spray in the initial zone from the high-velocity secondary
air, as shown in Fig. 8-19. This type of design improves the stability of
combustion at idling and aids ignition when starting.11
The gases leaving the burners are a mixture of the air supplied by the
compressor plus 0.6 to 6.0 per cent water vapor, plus 1.5 to 15 per cent
carbon dioxide, less the oxygen consumed from the air. Fuel /air ratios
required to maintain a given gas temperature leaving the combustor may
100 r
40l__J i i i
4 6 8 10
Grades of altitude, ft/constant
Fig. 8-20. Variation of combustion efficiency with increasing altitude at a constant engine
speed of 88 per cent rated rpm operating an annular combustor with two fuels. (Gibbons
andJonash, " Effect of Fuel Properties on the Performance of the Turbine Engine Combustor,"
paper presented before the ASME, November, 1948.)
Ve TTr
fc*" complete
Generally combustion efficiencies for good operation are slightly less than
100 per cent. If incomplete combustion occurs, there also will be
unburned fuel, a small amount of cracked fuel vapors, carbon monoxide
(usually less than 0.1 per cent), solid carbon particles, and other undesir
able products, such as aldehydes, present in the combustion gases.10
The combustion efficiency of the gas turbine operating at sea-level
static conditions appears to be independent of the molecular structure or
the boiling range of the fuel.21 This fact does not hold, however, when it
is operating at high altitudes, as shown in Fig. 8-20. Tests were made
by the NACA comparing the combustion efficiencies of aviation gasoline
and a kerosene-type fuel. It can be seen from the curves that the latter
has a lower combustion efficiency, and that the difference between the
performance of the two fuels increases with altitude.
The results of study by the NACA of the combustion efficiencies of a
series of fuels at high altitudes are shown in Fig. 8-21. A single tubular
combustor was used at a simulated altitude of 45,000 ft at 76 per cent
rated engine rotor speed. This represents very severe operating condi
tions and serves to increase the spread of combustion efficiencies as well
as to lower them from the corresponding values which would result from
operation at 100 per cent rated engine rotor speed. All fuels showed a
decrease in combustion efficiency with a decrease in the mean tempera
ture rise through the combustor, which is dependent upon the quantity of
fuel injected. These curves also show a very definite decrease in com
bustion efficiency with the less volatile fuels.21
There are two general types of rocket units : the solid-propellant rocket
and the liquid- or bipropellant rocket. Rockets differ from other prime
movers in that not only the fuel but also the oxygen for complete com
bustion is carried with the rocket. The oxygen supply may be com
pressed oxygen or it may be contained in the so-called oxidizer, which is
a chemical reagent that releases the oxygen during the chemical reactions
of combustion. Atmospheric conditions have no bearing on the combus
tion reactions, since the oxygen supply as well as the fuel is provided.
Perfect combustion may be obtained even beyond the earth's atmosphere.
Only a general discussion of combustion in rockets is given here, since a
more complete treatment of this subject
is beyond the scope of this text. propellant^ rlgnitor
Solid-propellant Rockets. This clas
sification is applied to rockets which use
a solid propellant, that
solid propellant, contains about 75 per
cent saltpeter, 15 per cent charcoal, and 10 per cent sulfur. An electric
source used for ignition, and the reaction may be symbolized as
Gas Smoke
The general construction of such unit shown in Fig. 8-22. The charge
through De Laval type of nozzle at very high velocity, thus creating the
but pressures from 200 to 2800 psi are developed during this time. Some
Liquid or Bipropellant Rockets. An oxidizer and fuel are carried in
tanks to the rocket combustion chamber where many of the fuels will
ignite spontaneously on contact with the oxidizer. When the thrust
duration matter of seconds, the oxidizer and the fuel tanks are pres
surized with an inert gas such as nitrogen (Fig. 8-23). When longer
thrust duration desired, the liquids are forced to the combustion cham
generator furnishes the gas or steam to operate the turbine (Fig. 8-24).
The duration of operation limited chiefly by the supply of fuel and
*F. H. Clauser, "Flight beyond the Earth's Atmosphere," paper presented before the SAE, Detroit
Section, November, 1947.
The exit gas velocities derived from various fuel and oxidizer combina
tions are shown in Table 8-3. 17 018 These velocities are a function of the
temperature and pressure created in the combustion chamber. The maxi
mum amount of useful work for each pound of propellant depends upon
the thermochemical energy of the propellant and the efficiency with which
it is utilized. The higher the thermochemical energy per pound, the
greater the net propulsion work per pound even if the efficiency of
utilization is less.16
The chemical reaction during combustion in a rocket may be symbolized
with a fuel and an oxidizer from Table 8-3, gasoline and liquid oxygen,
C8H18 + 12.502 -» 8CO2 + 9H2O
1. List the factors which influence precombustion reactions in a spark-ignition
5. Landen, E. W., Combustion Studies of the Diesel Engine, SAE Trans., vol. 54,
p. 270, 1946.
6. Elliott, M. A., Combustion of Diesel Fuel, SAE Quart. Trans., vol. 3, No. 3,
p. 490, July, 1949.
7. Elliott, M. A., and R. F. Davis, "The Composition of Diesel Exhaust Gas,"
paper presented before the SAE, Diesel Division, November, 1949.
8. Shoemaker, F. G., and C. D. Gadebusch, Effect of Fuel Properties on Diesel
Engine Performance, SAE Trans., vol. 54, p. 339, 1946.
9. Barth, H. W., F. A. Robbins, and H. C. Lafferty, "Railroad Diesel Engine
Improvement Based on Study of Combustion Phenomena and Diesel Fuel Proper
ties," paper presented before the SAE, Tractor and Diesel Division, September,
10. Godsey, A. W., and L. A. Young, "Gas Turbines for Aircraft," McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1949.
11. Zucrow, M. J., "Jet Propulsion and Gas Turbines," John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1948.
12. Mock, F. C, Engineering Development of the Jet Engine and Gas Turbine
Burner, SAE Trans., vol. 54, p. 218, 1946.
13. Samaras, D. J., SAE Trans., vol. 54, p. 227, 1946.
14. Summerfield, M., "Applications of Rocket Propulsion," paper presented before
the SAE, Southern California Section, May, 1945.
15. Zucrow, M. J., The Rocket Powerplant, SAE Trans., vol. 54, p. 375, 1946.
16. Cole, R. A., "German Rocket Aircraft and Their Powerplants," paper presented
before the SAE, Metropolitan Section, March, 1946.
17. Katz, Israel, "Principles of Aircraft Propulsion Machinery," Pitman Publishing
Corp., New York, 1949.
18. Clauser, F. H., "Flight beyond the Earth's Atmosphere," paper presented before
the SAE, Detroit Section, November, 1947.
19. Hurn, R. W., and H. M. Smith, "Combustion Studies of Hydrocarbons in the
Diesel Boiling Range," paper presented before the ACS, Division of Petroleum
Chemistry, Cleveland, April, 1951.
20. Ward, C. C, and H. M. Smith, "Why Diesel Fuels Behave As They Do," paper
presented before the Western Petroleum Refiners' Association, San Antonio,
April, 1951.
21. Gibbons, L. C, and E. R. Jonash, "Effect of Fuel Properties on the Performance
of the Turbine Engine Combustor," paper presented before the ASME, November
22. Hurn, R. W., and K. J. Hughes, Combustion Characteristics of Diesel Fuels as
Measured in a Constant-volume Bomb, SAE Quart. Trans., vol. 6, No. 1, p. 24,
January, 1952.
23. Rifkin, E. B., C. Walcutt, and G. W. Betker, Jr., "Early Combustion
Reactions in Engine Operation," paper presented before the SAP., Fuels and
Lubricants Division, November, 1951.
Note: Designations are in fractions of an inch, in standard twist drill letters, or in standard drill
manufacturers' numbers, the latter being the same as steel wire gauge numbers. (Courtesy of AG A.)
Fig. A-3. Chart for determining the loss due to heat in the dry flue gas. (Courtesy of
Combustion Engineering-Superheater , Inc.)
0 2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2
. 900
8R 700
o 500 h*—
cooled furnace
400 500
10 20 30 40 50 60 7080 100 200 300
Fig. A-7. Radiation loss from furnace walls. furnace wall must have at least one-third its projected surface covered by water-cooled
surface before reduction in radiation loss
permitted. Air through air-cooled walls must be used for combustion reduction in radiation
loss to be made. Example: Unit guaranteed f5 maximum continuous capacity of 050,000 lb/hr with three water-cooled walls. Loss at
W 5 CD
150,000 = 0.65 per cent; loss at 75,000 = 0.30 the American Boiler
per cent. (Courtesy Manufacturer's Association.)
Mc Adams.)
A Atmosphere, composition of, 46
moisture in, 47, 324, 331
Absorption process, 23 Atmospheric gas burners, 198
Acetylene, flame speeds of, 149 design, 202-217
ignition temperature, 157 Atmospheric pollution, 280
inflammability limits, 155 Atomic energy, 6
physical properties, 18 Atomic weights, 40
Acids, structure, 131 Autoignition, by adiabatic compression,
Active centers, 140 161
Afterburning, 115, 147 theory of, 292, 293
Air, composition of, 46 Avogadro's law, 39, 42
enthalpy, 78
moisture in, 47, 331 B
specific heat, 73, 74, 79
theoretical, 48 Bagasse, 13
Alcohol injection, 298 Balances, carbon, 59
Alcohols, for fuels, 36 carbon-hydrogen, 62
ignition temperature, 157 material, 39
inflammability limits, 155 oxygen, 57
physical properties, 18 Ball-mill pulverizers, 255
structure, 131 Benzene, ignition lag, 161, 162
Aldehyde degradation mechanism, 132 (See also Aromatics)
Aldehydes, inflammability limits, 155 Bipropellant rockets, 315-317
structure, 131 Bituminous coal (see Coal)
Alkyl radical, 131 Blast-furnace gas, 31
Alkylation process, 24 composition, 28
Amagat's law, 39, 44 Blue gas, 28, 32
Ammonia inflammability limits, 155 , Boiler heat balance, calculations, 266-
Anthracite (see Coal) 271
API gravity, conversion to specific grav of typical units, 280
ity, 177 Boiling points of hydrocarbons, 18
heating values from, 92 Bomb calorimeter, 81
of hydrocarbons, 18 Bomb method for flame speeds, 146
of liquid fuels, 177, 187, 324 Bowl-mill pulverizers, 256
temperature correction, 177 Bubble point, 175
Aromatics, characteristics, 20 Bunsen-burner method for flame speeds,
inflammability limits, 155 141
mechanism of combustion, 134 Burner head for gas burners, 208
physical properties, 18 Burners Gas burners; Oil burners;
Arrhenius equation, 138 Pulverized coal, burners for)
Ash content, of liquid fuels, 180 Burning (see Combustion)
of solid fuels, 13 Burning rates of gas burners, 210-215
composition, 171 (See also Combustion rates)
Heating value, of liquid fuels, 174, 324 Ignition delay, 160, 161
of solid fuels, 13 Ignition energy, 158, 159
table, 90 Ignition lag, 135, 160, 161
temperature effect, 87 effect of compression ratio on, 162
(See also specific fuels) (See also Delay period)
Heptane ignition lag, 161, 162 Ignition temperature, definition of, 154
(See also Paraffins) natural gas, 156
Hexane, ignition of, 135 table, 157
(See also Paraffins) test methods, 154
Higher heating value, 86 Illuminants, 30
(See also Heating value) Inclined-grate stoker, 248
Homogeneous combustion, 136, 137 Inflammability limits, 152-155
Humidity chart, 331 of pulverized coal, 259
Hydrocarbon fuels, representative for table, 155
mula for, 26, 50 (See also specific fuels)
Hydrocarbon radicals, 131 Insufficient air, 48
Hydrocarbons, combustion equations, calculations, 57
48-50 Intermediate products, 1 17
flame speeds in bombs, 147 Internal energy, sensible and total, 84
heat of formation and heating values, Isooctane ignition lag, 161, 162
90 Isoparaffins, characteristics, 17 .
computations, 92 inflammability limits, 155
ignition temperatures, 157 mechanism of combustion, 134
limits of inflammability, 155 physical properties, 18
mechanism of combustion, 131
physical properties, 18 J
Hydrogen, combustion mechanism, 1 18—
128 Jet speeds of rockets, 317
enthalpy, 78
explosion limits, 121, 125-127 K
in fuel, heat loss due to, 270
heat of combustion, 90 Kerosene, 22
ignition temperature, 157 distillation temperatures, 176
inflammability limits, 155 heating value, 324
mechanism, wall effect, 123 computations, 92
reaction rates, 127 ignition temperature, 157
specific heat, 73, 74, 79 representative formula, 26
transformation velocity, 143 Ketones, structure, 131
Hydrogenation process, 24 Kinetics, 138
Hydroperoxides, structure, 131
Liquid fuels, ash content, 180 Mixtures of gases (see Gaseous mixtures)
combustion equations, 48-50 Moisture in coal, heat loss due to, 270
corrosion test, 180 Mole, definition of, 40
density, 324 Mole fraction, 43
distillation curves, 176 Molecular velocity, 120
flash and fire points, 178, 187, 191 Molecular weight, air, 47
heating value, 324 definition of, 40
computations, 92 hydrocarbons, 18
heating-value test, 174 mixtures, 47
physical properties, 174-192, 324
pour point, 179 N
representative formula for, 26, 50
specific gravity of, 177, 187, 324 Naphthenes, characteristics, 19
7 354 A A 30 r.
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