® An ASM style interface can have a measurable improvement These guidelines provide guidance for directing display on how quickly operators respond to faults and detect events. design projects or display retro-fitting projects and can help Early event detection means that an accident is less likely to project managers to set objectives for their display projects. occur and more likely to be handled proactively at an early The detailed information in these guidelines is most suitable stage. Faster fault response and earlier event detection mean for personnel designing or developing new displays. a safer and more productive process. • Display – Types – Content – Style – Layout – Navigation
• Use of color
• Use of symbols and process connections
• Use of text and numbers
• Interaction with the display
• Alarm configuration schemes
• Audible and visual alarm annunciation
• Design of training programs for new displays
• On-line guidance systems
Get the Savings • Human factors design methodology ® A study was conducted with operators using an ASM display compared with the use of a more traditional interface • Management of change in a high fidelity process simulator. It was reported that with ® the ASM interface, operators: Get the Guidelines • Recognized problems faster and more consistently; ® ASM Consortium Guidelines for Effective Operator • Responded and solved problems faster and more Display Design are available to the public. Visit consistently; a 6.5–9.7 min improvement (35–48%) on www.asmconsortium.org for information about purchasing. four scenarios of 15–20 minute durations; For further information about the ASM Consortium, please • Were more likely to successfully solve the problems, refer to the Consortium Director; send email to HL-ASM- demonstrating a 25% higher success rate for Director@honeywell.com ® participant using the ASM interface versus a traditional interface.
These performance differences were correlated with
expected ranges of incidents per year and incident costs. From the simulation, they estimated the economic benefits of ® using an ASM interface for a 1.8 billion lb/yr ethylene plant to be about $1M/yr in Canadian dollars (about $850 k/yr in USD, Jan 5, 2005). ASM® a registered trademark of Honeywell International.
HSE - A Methodology for the Assignment of Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) to Safety-related Control Functions Implemented by Safety-related Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic Control Systems of Machines