Copywriting 101

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Copywriting 101

An Introduction to Turning Your Writing

Passion Into a High-Paying Career
By K atie Yeakle

Published by:

American Writers & Artists Inc.

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Delray Beach, FL 33483
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Table Of Contents
What Exactly Is Copywriting? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Chapter 1
Five Financial And Lifestyle Options Copywriting Offers . . . 6
Have Complete Control Over Your Schedule For The First Time

Chapter 2
If You Can Write A Simple Letter Or Email, You Can Do This . . 10
What You Don’t Need To Be A Great Copywriter Will Surprise You

Chapter 3
The Secret Structure Of Direct-Marketing Sales Letters . . . 15
Discover The Difference Between Run-Of-The-Mill Copy And Great Copy

Chapter 4
Why Copywriters Make So Much Money . . . . . . . . . . . 27
The One Reason Marketers Will Pay You Top Dollar

Chapter 5
The Secret To Good Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
The “Trick” That Will Strengthen Your Copy A Hundredfold

Chapter 6
A Variety Of Opportunities Await You . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
The Internet Has Exploded The Demand For Copy And That Means
Thousands Of Potential Employers For You

Chapter 7
The Fast And Easy Path To Copywriting Success . . . . . . 49
Make An Investment In Yourself And Get Access
To All The Secrets Of Copywriting Masters

What Exactly Is Copywriting?

“On the road to wealth, developing a financially-valuable skill

is the most important step. It’s the foundation upon which every
other step is based.”
-Mark Morgan Ford

When most people think of “writing careers,” they think they have
two choices:

You can become an author and write books — fiction, non-fiction,

biographies, and so on.

Or, you can get yourself a journalism degree, and write articles and
news stories for newspapers and magazines — either as a freelancer
or staff writer.

Both are noble professions that can be very rewarding and garner
a lot of respect. Problem is, they’re hard work. They’re highly
competitive. You need to spend a lot of time getting very good at
what you do. And, unless you’re among the elite, the pay is typically
pretty average at best.

The kind of writing we do isn’t either of those two — although there

is an element of storytelling and reporting in what we do.

And, even though you see the writing we do every day — in the mail,
on the Internet, in magazines and newspapers — few people stop to
consider who’s writing it … and just how lucrative of a career it can be.

Master Copywriter Mark Morgan Ford, the man who’s mentored
hundreds of up-and-coming copywriters and will be helping you, put
it perfectly some years ago:

You’re a good writer if you can write a story that can make
people cry …

You’re a better writer if your writing can make people laugh …

But, if your writing can persuade people to take action — that’s

when you know you can be a very wealthy writer.

That, in a nutshell, is what we do.

We persuade people to take action — whether it’s to support a

cause, read a special report, buy a product, request some more
information, and so on. It may just be some well-written copy on a
website landing page … an email you send a potential customer … an
ad in a publication … or a personal letter written to someone with an
interest in the product you’re offering. But, it all boils down to good,
conversational, persuasive writing.

You may be wondering … how is this different from ordinary

advertising — like the kind you see on TV and in magazines?

Simple. The difference between “traditional” advertising and the kind

of persuasive writing we do is, while they create awareness for a
product — we get people to take immediate action.

Click on a link … fill out a questionnaire … complete an order form …

buy a product …

Not a week from now. Not tomorrow. Right now.

And, don’t worry if you haven’t a clue on how to do it.

We’ll Teach You The “Formula”

There’s a basic formula to all the writing we do. It’s a secret structure
that you’ll find in every piece of good, persuasive writing … one that’s
been tested and proven to work millions of times in millions of ads. A
structure anyone can know — and one you’ll learn here today.

Once you learn it, understand it, and start using it — well, that’s
when your life will change dramatically.

Because the fact is, once you can write a letter, an ad, or a web page
that persuades — you’ll have a financially-valuable skill that will
reward you for life!

If you can write “copy” that persuades, there isn’t a business in the
world that won’t beat a path to your door to get you to work your
magic for them.

Think about it: If you’re able to sit down and in a week write an ad or
a letter that results in $100,000 in additional sales — and the company
you write for pays you $5,000 to write it — where is the downside?

The business is happy. They just boosted sales by $100,000.

And you — you got $5,000 for a week’s worth of work, writing a
few hours a day. Now, multiply that by all the weeks in the year and
you’re earning over $250,000 a year!

But, it gets better.

There’s an entire $2.3 trillion industry that relies on writers like us

who know the secret to persuasive writing exclusively. It’s called
“the direct-response industry.” And, because the words we write
are the engine of this industry, they pay writers like us very well for
our expertise.

How well?

Experienced writers can command between $5,000 and $10,000 (and

more) per sales promotion. Plus, often you’ll get a percentage of the
sales you generate — “royalties” they’re called — that can add up to
hundreds of thousands of dollars for every ad or letter you write!

Whether you’re helping someone land a better job more quickly as

a resume writer … helping a worthy charity raise money … selling
your own words and expertise as a self-publisher … helping drive
new customers to a business’s website as an expert web writer … or
a copywriter writing ads and “story-style” letters that sell directly to
customers — persuasive writing can pay you millions over the course
of your lifetime!

All while affording you the kind of lifestyle most can only dream
about — where you make your own hours, working when and where
you want.

So, the question is: Are you eager to get started right away?
Great! Because in just a minute, I’m going to reveal the secret to
writing ads and letters that persuade — knowledge that will form
the foundation for your successful copywriting career from this
day forward.

Chapter 1
Five Financial And Lifestyle Options
Copywriting Offers

Have Complete Control Over Your Schedule For The First Time

By the time you finish reading this report, you’ll have a pretty good
idea if a freelance copywriting career fits both your financial and
lifestyle needs. Which makes this the ideal time to take a look at
some of the financial and lifestyle options copywriting offers:

1. You can do it in your spare time to supplement your

current income — You can boost your current income by
writing copy in your spare time — and then, should you so
desire, transition it into a full-time career.

2. It’s a great full-time career — You can launch a full-time

freelance copywriting career immediately. It’s financially
satisfying and offers up a lifestyle of freedom and flexibility that
few people get to experience these days.

3. It will enhance your present career — Depending upon

where you work and what you do, your copywriting skills have
the potential to increase your value to your current employer.

4. You can boost the effectiveness of a side business — If

you have a part-time business, your copywriting expertise will
help you increase your sales and profitability.

5. You’ll have a future filled with unlimited options and

opportunities — You can really take your new set of skills and
use them to branch off and pursue a wide range of lucrative
opportunities (more about this a bit later).

To give you an idea of the kind of money you could make, here are
four typical “copywriting scenarios”:

David works full-time, but wants to earn some extra money for
vacations and for the family’s savings plan. He puts in a few hours
during the evenings and on weekends and makes $25,000 a year.
One day, he plans to transition to copywriting as a full-time career.

Elaine is a stay-at-home single mom. She has two young children

to care for, but still manages to find twenty to twenty-five hours
per week for her freelance copywriting business. She makes over
$75,000 a year.

Paula is ambitious and works 40+ hours a week, not only on

copywriting, but also on the growth and development of her freelance
business. She makes $120,000 a year.

Jack is a real go-getter. He not only found he has a real talent

for copywriting, but also that he’s a terrific networker and business
developer. He has negotiated some lucrative contracts with a number
of big companies and will be making more than $300,000 this year.

The Freedom And Flexibility Of The Copywriting Lifestyle

Of course, money is important, we need it to survive, but the first
reason many copywriters give for loving what they do is the freedom
it offers.

Because as a professional direct-marketing copywriter, you have

complete control over your schedule.

You no longer have to show up at a certain time and be restricted in

what you do over the course of a typical workday.

You decide how hard you work and when.

If you’re a night owl, you can do your writing at night, leaving your
days free for your favorite leisure activities.

If you like to start your day early, you could start writing at say
6 a.m. and finish up by early afternoon.

Then, you’ll have the rest of the day to do whatever you feel like
doing. Go golfing, play tennis, play with the kids, shop — it’s entirely
up to you.

No boss is watching you. There’s no time clock to punch.

Plus, you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Maybe you’ve dreamed of living in a log cabin in the mountains

— miles from anyone. Or, maybe you like the excitement of an
apartment in downtown Manhattan, London, or Paris.

The point is, you’re not forced by your job to live in any one spot.
You can live wherever you choose — even travel the world if you like
— and still make an excellent living.

Plus, on top of offering a flexible lifestyle and a proven path

to financial independence, copywriting is also very stimulating
intellectually. It’s a chance to continually flex your creative muscle —
to always be learning about new and interesting things.

You’ll Be In Big Demand

Another thing that makes a career in copywriting so attractive is that

your services will always be in big demand.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, marketers spent an

estimated $163 billion on direct marketing last year, which generated
approximately $1.91 trillion in incremental sales.

Not only that, the Internet has opened up a whole new world of
opportunity for copywriters … and made it global!

• Online sales are projected to hit $370 billion by 2017.

• U.S. online advertising revenue in the first quarter this year

hit $8.4 billion, the best quarter recorded to date and a jump
of $1.1 billion over the same period last year, according to the
numbers released by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

• Thousands of new products and services emerge through

Internet marketing every day, creating a never-ending,
always-increasing demand for high-powered web marketing
copy and SEO techniques.

Virtually every business that has a website has a need for someone
who possesses copywriting skills!

Chapter 2
If You Can Write A Simple Letter Or Email,
You Can Do This

What You Don’t Need To Be A Great Copywriter

Will Surprise You

One of the great things about copywriting is virtually anyone can do

this. It matters little what education level you’ve reached or what
you’ve done in the past. If you’ve ever written a letter to a friend or
sent an email at work, you have the basic skills you need to succeed.

To thrive and flourish as a copywriter, as with any worthwhile

achievement, first and foremost you need to have within you a
burning desire to succeed.

And, while you definitely don’t have to be a good writer, you have to
have some “speaking” ability. Because the key to writing a successful
letter is your ability to connect emotionally with your reader. And, the
best way to make that connection is by writing “conversationally.”

If you can write like you talk, you are well on the way to becoming a
great copywriter.

What You Don’t Need To Be A Copywriter

Here are a few things you don’t need to be a copywriter ...

You don’t need a lot of money to get started. You don’t need
extensive computer skills — or even an expensive computer.

You don’t need to be a creative genius. Many of your ideas will come
from your clients. As a copywriter, your job is to present those ideas
based on a few basic techniques for writing hard-hitting, focused copy.

You don’t need to be a “natural-born salesperson.”

And, while we’re on the subject of sales, I’d like to say a few quick
words on “sales” and “selling.”

Because when a lot of people see these words, they get nervous and
think to themselves “that’s not for me. I can’t sell anything.” The
thought of doing any type of sales for a living paralyzes them with
fear and literally stops them in their tracks.

It’s important to remember that to varying degrees in life, everyone

is a salesperson. We constantly sell our ideas to others every day of
our lives.

Have you ever encouraged a friend to see a movie you just saw or
read a book you liked? Or, convinced somebody to hire you for a job
... go out on a date with you ... or do you a favor?

If you’ve done any of those, you’re more than qualified for a career
as a freelance copywriter. Because all a copywriter does is persuade
people with words.

It’s arguably the best, most relaxed, most fun type of selling there is.

You’re not promoting products face-to-face with a prospective

customer. You’re writing letters, emails, and so on from the comfort
of home — they do the “selling” for you.

And, you’ll be using proven techniques that can be easily learned by

anyone, no matter what age you are or what you’ve done in the past.

To help you understand the power of persuasion process, here are
Mark Morgan Ford’s ...

Three Fundamental Rules Of Selling

1. People don’t like the idea of being sold. While most

people love to shop, they don’t want to be sold. They love
to buy things — because buying implies control. Being sold,
the opposite.

Have you ever been shopping and encountered a salesperson

that tried to pressure you into buying something? Maybe you
were in an electronics store shopping for a new television or in
a car dealership looking to buy a new car. While high-pressure
tactics might work on some people, most of us retreat and vow
never to do business with that person ever again.

The most successful salespeople do not make you feel like

you are being forced into doing something. They make you
comfortable and give you the features and benefits you need in
order for you to make a decision.

So, if you’re concerned that you’re not a natural-born

salesperson or you can’t see yourself writing high pressure,
hyped-up copy, don’t be. That’s not what successful copywriting
is all about. In a minute, we’ll take you through the various
elements of a successful sales letter so you can see for yourself
how easy (and logical) it is.

2. People buy things for emotional, not rational, reasons.

People don’t buy Rolex watches because they keep track of time
more accurately. They buy Rolex watches to show the world
how successful they are. Buying a Rolex watch appeals to their
sense of pride (or perhaps, in some cases, their vanity).

Pride, vanity, lust, and envy are very important sales motivators.
As are greed, the desire to be richer, more successful, happier,
more secure, more independent. And, the fear of losing

something — money, independence, friends, happiness — can
be a very powerful tool in the direct-marketing world.

As a successful copywriter, the copy you write will appeal to

your prospect’s feelings and desires. In other words, you’ll sell
to the heart first … not to the head.

3. Once sold, people need to satisfy their emotional

decisions with logic. Once the prospect is emotionally sold,
he needs to justify his irrational decision with rational reasons.
He needs to justify his purchase in his mind. It’s very important
that he be able to tell himself (and others), “I’ve made the
right decision.”

A good example of this is TV commercials for cars. First, you

see a stirring image of the car itself — beautiful, stylish, new.
There’s a mountainous landscape for the prospect who wants
to see himself as rugged. A five-star hotel for the prospect
who wants the car to enhance his status. A beautiful woman
by his side ... interior shots of the car ... you get to listen to
the state-of-the-art sound system ... then there’s a shot of the
car driving by the ocean. All designed to show how luxurious
and great your life will be with this car. It’s designed entirely to
appeal to emotion.

But, car commercials don’t stop there. They usually give you
numerous bits and pieces of information — the size of the
engine, statistics on fuel economy, speed, weight, interior
space, and so on.

All the data is not meant to sell the car. Its purpose is to make
the prospect feel good about his decision. This is almost as
important as the emotional appeal as it justifies the sale in your
prospect’s mind and makes him feel good about his choice.

Those are the three basic rules of selling. When you become
a full-fledged copywriter, you’ll be able to use them to sell a
vast array of products and services ... from jewelry to cars to
weight-loss systems ... to just about anything.

Make sense, don’t they?

Okay, now it’s time to get down to the nuts and bolts, so to speak —
to look at what it really takes to build a successful direct-marketing

As you continue further in this report, you’ll discover the extremely

interesting and educational parts of the types of direct-marketing
packages you see in the mail and online now. And my guess is, after
reading through this, you’ll never look at a sales letter you receive in
the mail or view a message online the same way ever again.

Chapter 3
The Secret Structure Of Direct-Marketing
Sales Letters
Discover The Difference Between Run-Of-The-Mill Copy
And Great Copy

The following is an excerpt from the AWAI program Accelerated

Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.

It’s included in this report because it’s one of the most effective ways
to quickly and easily understand the “secret structure” behind a
persuasive letter. It’s written by AWAI Co-founder Don Mahoney:

The funny thing about direct-marketing copy is that it looks so


I remember when I first started out in the business. Someone

handed me one of the classic direct-mail promotions. I looked at it
and thought, “If I can’t write like this, there’s something wrong with
me.” Shortly after that, I sat down to write my first assignment …

Surprise! It wasn’t that easy. Not because the writing itself was
hard … but because great copywriting has an invisible structure that
supports it. A secret structure that holds it up and makes it work.

If you look at a piece of furniture built by a master craftsman, most

of the techniques he uses are fairly simple. You could learn them
from any basic book about woodworking. So, why is it that when the
average Joe tries to build a table, the result is so crude?

Because the master knows hundreds of little secrets about how to

put things together — how to make each little piece work just right
as part of the whole. That’s the invisible structure that holds together
a chair … or a hundred-story building … or a sales letter.

This hidden structure is what really makes the difference between a
run-of-the-mill sales letter and a masterful one. This structure is the
way you lead your prospect through the piece and build his interest
in your product — get him so excited about it that he’s willing to
spend cold hard cash to get it.

Now, Let’s Build A Sales Letter

I’m going to show you how this hidden structure works in an effective
sales letter. Let’s say you’ve been asked to write a sales letter to sell
the peanut diet book for $19.95.

First, you have to know exactly who you are writing your sales letter
to. Obviously, it’s going to mail or email to people who want to lose
weight. And, let’s say your client has actually found a mailing list of
people who not only want to lose weight, but also happen to love
peanuts. Does that mean you can simply write a letter saying, “Hey
Fatso! You want to lose weight? Here you go … ”?

Of course not.

And, this brings us to one of the first and biggest secrets of direct
marketing. You have to hook your prospect with an idea and bring
him into your letter. You do this by identifying a desire or fear he
has, and hitting a “magic” button to activate that feeling. Then, you
lead him by the hand through a series of ideas and images. Create a
picture in his mind — and a desire in his soul.

Here’s another secret:

You don’t want to spend too much time telling him about the diet.
What you want is for him to actually “see himself” slim and trim,
eating his beloved peanuts by the bushel, and getting skinnier and
skinnier. You’re going to make him want this reality with every fiber
of his being … more than anything else in the world … long enough
for him to take out his checkbook and order your book …

So, who is your prospect? Why, he’s a dieter. You say that right up

Dear Dieter …

That wasn’t hard, was it? But, this is where most writers get lost. I’ve
seen the brightest people, with degrees from the best colleges, stare
at a blank computer screen or a piece of paper for hours at this point.
What do you actually say?

It isn’t so easy, is it?

Well, in reality, it is easy — once you understand the secret structure

of direct-marketing copy. You see, each part of the letter is there to
accomplish a specific purpose, to provide another piece of the overall
sales pitch. But, most writers think the first thing they need to do is
convince the prospect how wonderful the peanut diet is. So, they say:

Let me tell you about a diet you’re really going to love.

It’s got fewer calories than the average diet and more
nutrients. Surveys have shown that 9 out of 10 dieters
actually prefer this diet to any other diet they’ve ever
tried … (blah, blah, blah) …


This is one of those magical moments when, if you know what to do,
the job is simple. But, if you don’t know what to do, the task before
you is an insurmountable hurdle.

The ordinary copywriter writes and writes, piling long-winded

explanation on top of long-winded explanation. Every so often, he
stops, and reads what he’s written. But, he knows it sounds flat and

What is he doing wrong?


He’s telling people why the peanut diet is so great. There are almost
no calories in a peanut. The shells slow you down so you don’t eat as
much. They’re chewy so you feel satisfied. (Blah, blah, blah.)

He’s trying to argue the prospect into a decision with facts and
figures. He’s appealing to his prospect’s sense of reason.

Remember, people don’t like the idea of being sold … they buy things
for emotional, not rational, reasons … and once sold, people need
to satisfy their emotional decisions with logic. So, you already know
what’s wrong with the “ordinary” approach. It sells first to the head,
not the heart.

A copywriter who starts his letter with reasons risks failure because
he’s not pushing the “magic” button. He’s not hitting his prospect’s
primary fear or desire.

Here’s how you do it. Ready? Listen closely …

You tell your prospect what the peanut diet is going to do for him.
Make him a PROMISE.

That’s what it’s all about. The promise of what the peanut diet is
going to do for him. Tell him, specifically, what the benefit of the
peanut diet is — show him exactly how he’s going to achieve those
benefits. (To make my point here, I’m going to use some very
exaggerated examples.)

You begin:

Dear Dieter,

I’ve got some exciting news for you. You can eat all the
peanuts you want and you’re going to lose 50 pounds in
a month. In a little while, you’ll weigh less than you have
since you were 12 years old.

You won’t have to count calories and you won’t have to

deprive yourself of your favorite food. It’s easier than
paddling downstream. Your life is about to get better
beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

But, wait — I have to tell you something honestly …

there is a downside. You’re going to have to buy all new
clothes to fit your skinny new body. But, I don’t think
you’ll mind one bit …

The Secret Of The Promise

You’ve just learned the first and most profound secret about
structuring a direct-marketing promotion:

Make your prospect a promise. Identify a fear or desire … what keeps

him awake at night or what he daydreams about while driving to
work. Then, tell him what you’re going to do for him — what benefit
you have for him — that will eliminate this fear or fulfill this desire.
Now you have his attention.

So, you’ve told him his life is going to get better beyond his wildest
dreams with the peanut diet. What do you tell him now? How cheap
it is? That’s what most writers would do — say something like: Guess
what? This peanut diet book is only going to cost you $19.95, an
incredible bargain.

Wrong again.

That writer is well on his way to writing a one-page letter that will
simply not be strong enough to make the sale. Mention the offer
or the sales price too soon, and the prospect won’t even continue
reading it. It’s already headed for the trash. (Please note: This rule,
like all rules, is breakable. You may see examples of great direct-
marketing copy that mention the offer early on. Don’t be confused.
These are exceptions that work for other reasons. Reasons you’ll
learn about later. For now, just remember the rule as is.)

Now, let’s get back to your letter. You’ve made a promise to your
prospect, but it’s only a promise at this point. To cement the desire
for this promise in his heart, you want him to actually PICTURE this
promise in his mind’s eye.

The Secret Of The Picture

Your letter continues ...

You’re going to have more energy than you’ve ever had

in your life. You’re going to be slim, attractive, and you’ll
have the best sex you’ve ever had in your life.

And, the most sex you’ve ever had in your life. Just
picture yourself out on the town for a night — to
celebrate your new image. There’s a new spring in your
step and a lively gleam in your eye. People stop to stare
as you saunter by … admiring your powerful, lean body
… you exude the essence of animal magnetism …

In fact, you’re going to feel so good even your work will

prosper. Don’t be surprised to see your income double or
triple in the next few months! (Imagine buying that Rolls
Royce you always dreamed about.) Can you see yourself
driving down the road with the top down, munching on
your peanuts …

Do you see what I mean? First, you told your prospect what you were
going to do for him. Then you made him “see” himself reaping the
benefits of your promise.

Now what?

Well, you have to give him PROOF. You have to prove to your
prospect that what you say is true. And, you have to prove it to his

The Secret Of Proof

But, how can you prove to your prospect that the peanut diet will
deliver your promise? Well, this is where you can finally use that
mumbo-jumbo you were going to start out with, telling him about the
calories and nutrients, why peanuts give you more energy, how they
produce sex-related hormones, and how peanut oil smoothes the
skin, takes wrinkles out of your face, and makes you look 10 to 20
years younger.

Now, there’s a clever little twist in that last sentence. Notice that
instead of just telling your prospect how and why the peanut diet
works, you remind him of the promise you made — you remind him
of the benefit. In other words, you keep reminding your prospect at
every opportunity, what you’re going to do for him. Even when you’re
proving that the peanut diet really works.

This might be a good place in your letter to throw in a few “bullets”

to draw attention to your proof. Let me show you what I mean.

Your letter continues …

Here are a few amazing facts that you may not know …

• A peanut has only 0.10 calories. That’s right … just one-

tenth of a calorie! That means you can eat 12,000 peanuts
a day and still be getting only 1,200 calories a day … few
enough to let you lose eight pounds a week!

• Peanuts contain micronutrients A, B, and C. A little-known

study from Harvard Medical School has recently proven that
these are the three most important nutrients for human

• Peanuts also contain glandular extracts that stimulate

testosterone production, which has been proven to boost
sexual performance in both men and women.

• And, according to the American Dermatologist Association,

peanut oil is the single best source of moisture for the skin.
In fact, when my Aunt Rosie went on this diet, it made her
crow’s feet disappear and she looked 25 years younger.

But, how will your prospect know that you are a reliable source of

You see, you want your peanut lover to believe every word you say,
so you have to establish CREDIBILITY.

Let me show you a couple of ways to do that …

Two Secret Methods For Establishing Credibility

First of all, you use reliable and believable sources. Back to your letter:

Now, when I first saw how quickly I was losing weight,

I became concerned. Could this be good for me?

So, I asked my doctor, Dr. Goodbones, who’s been a

successful medical practitioner for over 50 years …

“Doc,” I said, “this peanut diet seems too good to be
true. Look at me. I’ve lost forty pounds since I was last
here, and I feel great!”

He smiled at me.

“Do you realize,” he said, “that the peanut diet is really

one of the oldest diets known? Why, they discovered it in
ancient Egypt, but they kept it secret just for the nobility.

“In fact, no less than a hundred societies have used it

and it worked so well, they all kept it secret for the elite
ruling classes. It was only recently rediscovered in an
ancient buried manuscript, and Harvard Medical School
has been doing a study on it.”

That was good to know, but I wanted to be sure. So, I

contacted Harvard Medical School for myself. Here’s a
copy of what they wrote back to me:

Harvard Medical School

From the desk of:

Dean Plato, MD, Ph.D., DDS

Dear Mr. Smith,

You’re absolutely right about the peanut diet. It’s
probably the single greatest weight loss and overall
health diet ever known to man. In fact, we were just
getting ready to publish the results of a special new
research project we recently completed on the benefits
of peanuts on productivity and brain power. According
to a 7-year study, people who eat at least a pound of
peanuts a day experience a 42% increase in energy.

These are very effective ways to build credibility. And, here’s another
one: Use testimonials from real people. For instance …

• “It’s a miracle! I thought my sex drive was gone, but I feel like a
bull in a herd of cows!”
— Freddy Jones, construction worker, Camden, New Jersey

• “This is your Aunt Rosie. Honey, your peanut diet is fabulous!

I’ve lost 38 pounds and I look younger than ever. Yesterday, my
banker asked for my phone number! That hasn’t happened to
me in 15 years.”
— Rosie O’Grady, Boulder, Colorado

• “Last January, I weighed 420 pounds and have weighed at

least 300 pounds since I was 12. I tried the peanut diet and lost
50 pounds in seven weeks. Unbelievable!”
— Joe Blow, baker, Santa Monica, California

• “Thanks so much. I feel better than I have in years … my waist is

8 inches smaller and I can work straight through the day without
tiring. And my wife says I’ve never been ‘better.’ All that just from
eating peanuts!”
— Edward Pearson, bank teller, Fort Wayne, Indiana

The Core Of The Core

Now you are at the heart and soul of your offer. (You are, after all,
offering something for sale … )

It’s time to tell your prospect why your product is the best and only
answer to his needs. In other words, to tell him why it’s unique. This
is known as the USP or the Unique Selling Proposition.

No sense beating around the bush. This is one of the most important
elements of your letter. So, you continue:

This is truly the most revolutionary diet ever to bless

50 million overweight Americans. It works better than
any diet that’s ever been found. There are no powders to
mix, no schedules to remember, no portions to weigh or
measure, no calories to count, and no combinations to
keep track of.

It’s simple, healthy, and works like a charm. And,

everything you need to know about the peanut diet has
now been put together in one place. In fact, my “Health
Through Peanuts” book is the only place in the world you
can find this information.

Now you’ve made your reader drool over this promise: That he’s going
to be reborn into a healthier, happier body through the peanut diet.

You’ve made him literally see himself as skinny, rich, and successful
— all by eating peanuts. You’ve proven that everything you’ve said is
true and you’ve proven it to his satisfaction. You’ve quoted experts
and research, and established the credentials for your USP.

You’ve convinced him that this is the only place in the world he can
find the secret to this glamorous new being he will become.

What now?

Simple. It’s time to CLOSE the sale. And, you do that by making your
specific OFFER. Here’s your short, but sweet, close and offer.

Right now, for a limited time, I’m making a special

promotional offer. I want to get this book out to the
public, so people can see for themselves the remarkable
results of the peanut diet.

Specialized books of this nature, produced in limited
quantities, usually sell for $50 to $75. But, you’re not
going to pay $75 for “Health Through Peanuts.” In
fact, you won’t even pay $50 for this rare and powerful

If you act today, you can take advantage of my limited

time, introductory offer and get my revolutionary book,
“Health Through Peanuts” for only $19.95.

But please, you’ll have to take me up on it immediately.

I cannot promise to hold this price for long. When the
first printing has run out, this offer will be over and
the next one will be at the full price of $49.99. So, if
you act today, you can save an amazing 60% off the
regular price.

You close the letter, sign it, and it’s ready to go.

Wasn’t that eye-opening?

You just learned the basic structure of a successful sales letter

starting with the promise you make to your reader. Then, you paint a
picture for your reader — showing him or her enjoying the benefits of
your product. You back up everything you say with proof, guarantee
what you’re promoting, and then ask for the order.

Are you starting to understand how this works?

Chapter 4
Why Copywriters Make So Much Money

The One Reason Marketers Will Pay You Top Dollar

Okay, now that you know the secret structure, let’s take a look why
writing sales letters is such a profitable way to make a living.

Let’s say you wrote the peanut diet sales letter to promote the book
your client wrote that contains everything you need to know about
losing weight by eating peanuts.

Your client has the book printed up at a cost of $8,400. They decide
to send your peanut diet sales letter to 30,000 people who, in the
past, have bought diet books through the mail.

The mailing — including printing, postage, and lettershop services –

costs $18,600. With the $8,400 spent printing the book, they’re now
out of pocket $27,000.

The end of your letter explains to your reader that there are a
“limited” number of books available for $19 each. You promise to
refund the prospect’s money if he or she isn’t happy.

So, your client sends the letter to the list of 30,000 names … and

Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Nothing happens for days … many days. Your client stares mournfully
at their depleted bank account balance. Then suddenly, two orders
come in. $38 bucks. Your client is only down $26,962.

Another day or two go by until one day, your client goes out to their
mailbox and there’s a single piece of mail. It’s from the mailman:

“Please come down to the central office to claim your mail. There’s
too much to fit in your box.”

In the end, your client deposits $58,342 in their bank account. After
fulfillment of the books and all up-front expenses, they’ve made a
profit of more than $20,000.

But, that’s not even the best part. The thought that’s keeping a
smile on your client’s face is the realization that next month they can
send out the same letter. But, this time they won’t send it to 30,000
names — they’ll send it to 300,000!

Their profit will grow from $20,000 to $200,000! And, they’ve just

Now, imagine they’re selling a peanut diet e-book (electronic book

available via download from the Internet) with no printing or shipping
costs. Suddenly their profits skyrocket that much faster … especially
if they’re selling it through a sales letter email or web page.

So, why do copywriters make so much money?

Let’s say that, instead of being the guy who writes the letter, you
are a direct-marketing publisher — and you’ve decided to sell a book
about losing weight by eating peanuts. You hire two copywriters,
Mutt and Jeff, and pay each of them $5,000 a piece to write a letter
for you.

Mutt’s letter results in $5,000 in sales. Jeff’s brings home the bacon
— to the tune of $25,000.

What do you do?

Well, you thank Mutt and toss his sales letter in the wastebasket.

Then, you congratulate Jeff and mail his letter again. You mail it to
250,000 names this time and it brings in $100,000 in profits!
Then, you mail it again — to a million names — and bring in another

Now, you want to start the marshmallow diet. Mutt gives you a call.
Can he write for you again? “Sorry,” you say, “Not interested.”

But, Jeff has made you over $400,000 from his letter, so naturally
you ask him. He tells you, “Thanks but my price has gone up, I want
$10,000 to write another sales letter.”

What do you do? Tell him to shove off?

Argue with him? Of course not. You pat him on the back and pay him
what he’s asking, because you really, really want him to write this
next letter for you as he’s already made a lot of money for you.

Direct-Mail Marketers Are Happy To Pay Top Dollar For

Winning Copy

Money. That’s the basic motivation on both sides. Copywriters are

not paid well because they are smart or talented or cooperative or
because they type clearly or bring their copy in on time. They are
paid well because their copy makes money.

This means once you know the secrets of writing powerfully, you can
charge an awful lot for your time and direct marketers will be more
than happy to pay you.

And, if you can convince one to two people out of 100, you’ll be
wealthier and better off than 99.9% of all writers on earth.

So, exactly how much money can you make?

To answer that question, I thought the best way would be to give you
real-life examples of people I know who are currently making their
living as freelance work-at-home copywriters.

Full-time Pay, Part-time Hours

Starting with Eileen Coale from Annapolis, Maryland. Eileen started

writing copy for the Internet on a part-time basis in 2002.

She works an average of 25 hours a week. Last year, she brought in

close to six-figures.

“You can make a lot of money. I earn a full-time income doing part-
time work and it’s really wonderful,” Eileen says.

Her income has allowed her and her husband to pay down their
mortgage. It’s helped them purchase a gorgeous piece of land near a
state park where they plan to one day build their dream home.
This past year, they remodeled their kitchen — something Eileen has
wanted to do for over 20 years.

Plus, they’re currently putting two of their four children through


“We have four kids, and family comes first. So, it was important that
if I were going to bring in a second income to our household, it had
to mesh well with family life, as well as be satisfying and well-paying.
I knew right away that freelance copywriting was the perfect fit,” she

$100,593 In 2010!

Mindy McHorse from Albuquerque, New Mexico, had a new baby at

home and a mountain of debt in student loans and expenses when
she decided to become a copywriter.

In 2010, this stay-at-home mom (who recently had a second child)

made $100,593. Since she started copywriting, Mindy has erased
$80,510.43 in debt she’d built up!

Besides the money, Mindy loves the flexibility the copywriting lifestyle
offers. Her husband, an air traffic controller, works “crazy hours.”
Mindy schedules her writing when her husband is home so that
someone is always available to look after the kids. Something she
couldn’t do when she worked at her old 9-to-5 job.

Mindy’s advice to aspiring writers?

“You’ve just got to go for it — and remember that the world won’t
collapse if it takes you a couple of tries to find your copywriting
groove. At first, it may feel a lot like driving with your eyes closed
— it certainly did for me! Just remember, AWAI can give you all the
directions you need to get to where you want to be.”

Between $10,000 To $20,000 Consistently Each Month

Sean McCool, from Knoxville, Tennessee, previously owned his own

handyman business.

Only four-and-a-half months from the time he made a promise to

himself to become a full-time copywriter, he landed a job with a
$60-million-per-year marketing company.

Pretty amazing when you considering Sean is a college drop-out who

failed his 10th grade English class!

A success tip Sean offers up is to make a commitment to yourself.

“Nothing happens until you’re willing to truly commit to being a great

copywriter,” he says.

He now works from home as a freelance writer and consistently

cashes checks totaling between $10,000 and $20,000 each month!

First Full Year = $163,481!

Prior to become a freelance copywriter, Ed Gandia from Marietta,

Georgia, was earning an excellent wage as a salesperson for an
Information Technology company.

But, as a new dad, the weekly travel the job required was getting
him down. Plus, he was tired of continually-rising sales quotas.

His life changed forever for the better when he discovered copywriting.
In his first full year as a freelance copywriter, he made $163,481!

Ed’s advice to anyone thinking of becoming a copywriter is to “take

action immediately.”

“Don’t wait for inspiration or motivation to strike. If you do, you’ll

never get going. More people fail in this business due to lack of
consistent action than for any other reason. I can’t stress this

$10,000+ A Month

Pam Foster lives in a beautiful three-story country home located in

a valley between the Cascades and the Coastal Mountain range near
Eugene, Oregon. She works from her snug sun porch, surrounded by
towering pine trees and a glorious landscape, but is free to travel and
work from other locations throughout the year.

Pam is at the point now where, on average, she brings in more than
$10,000 a month.

She loves that web writing affords her the opportunity “to work
wherever you want, with whomever you want. It’s just great. I
wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Last year, Pam spent the winter in Florida … Which she couldn’t have
done if she had a regular 9-to-5 job.

“Work is fun. Work is exciting. Work is rewarding and interesting. It’s

ever-changing and never dull. There’s none of that ‘Dang, I have to
work today’ anymore. That’s completely gone,” Pam says.

Start Living The Life You’ve Always Pictured For Yourself

Of course, we can’t guarantee how much money you’ll make.

That’s entirely up to you.

But, as you can see, the potential is very real.

And, if you have the desire and the dedication to stick with it, the
writer’s life and all the freedom, flexibility, and money that come with
it are easily within your grasp.

If you’re sick of the status quo, copywriting is your ticket to finally

start living the way life was meant to be lived.

Chapter 5
The Secret To Good Writing

The “Trick” That Will Strengthen Your Copy A Hundredfold

Okay, let’s get back to writing.

Are you ready to go a little deeper?

Good, because you’re about to learn one of the most important rules
to follow to ensure you consistently come up with good, effective,
compelling writing — writing that keeps the reader’s eyes riveted to
the page (or computer screen) from start to finish.

It comes from Mark Morgan Ford and it’s called “The Power of One.”

You see, to be a good writer, you need to be able to present good

ideas clearly. And, the best way to do that is limit yourself to
a single idea.

By restricting each sales letter or article or chapter to a single idea,

you are forced to make sure it is a good one.

The underling rule of The Power of One is that every piece of copy
you write must be built on:

• One good idea

• One core emotion
• One captivating story
• One single, desirable benefit
• One inevitable response

To help you understand the The Power of One, please read the
following article written by Mark:

The Power Of One — One Big Idea

One of the biggest lessons I have ever learned about writing came
very late — in fact, more than twenty years after I wrote my first
piece of copy.

It happened about a year after I began writing Early To Rise (ETR),

the e-newsletter. I was looking over issues I’d written that year and
noting which ones readers rated the highest. Without exception,
those achieving the highest scores presented a single idea.

It struck me that readers didn’t want to hear everything I had to

say about a topic every time I wrote. They were looking for a single,
useful suggestion or idea that could make them more successful.

That was one of those “a-ha!” experiences for me.

As a reader, I had always most enjoyed stories and essays that

tackled one subject effectively and deeply. As a writer, I sensed my
readers felt this way, too. But, it wasn’t until I looked at the ETR
results that I recognized the power of a narrow focus in writing.

I checked to see if this same phenomenon applied to advertising

copy. I pulled out my box of “best promotions of all time.” While not
all of them were on a single topic, most of the very best hit just one
idea strongly.

It seemed I was on to something. I presented this idea as one

“powerful secret to publishing success” when Agora had our first
company-wide meeting for publishers in France.

Bill Bonner reminded me he’d learned about The Power of One from
the great advertising guru David Ogilvy. Ogilvy’s concept was that
every great promotion has, at its core, a single, powerful idea that he
called “the Big Idea.”

At about that same time, John Forde was rereading the classic
1941 book, “How to Write a Good Advertisement” by Victor Schwab
— the man Advertising Age called the “greatest mail-order copywriter
of all time.”

In that book, Schwab listed his choice for the “Top 100 Headlines.”
John found that of those 100 Top Headlines, 90 were driven by
single, Big Ideas.

Note how instantly clear and engaging these “Big Ideas” are …

• “The Secret of Making People Like You”

• “Is the Life of a Child Worth $1 to You?”

• “To Men Who Want to Quit Work Someday”

• “Are You Ever Tongue-Tied at a Party?”

• “How a New Discovery Made a Plain Girl Beautiful”

• “Who Else Wants a Screen Star Figure?”

• “You Can Laugh at Money Worries — If You Follow This Simple Plan”

• “When Doctors Feel Rotten This is What They Do”

• “How I Improved My Memory in One Evening”

• “Discover the Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Salary”

• “How I Made a Fortune with a ‹Fool Idea’”

• “Have You a ‹Worry’ Stock?”

At ETR, we made this concept a “rule” for writing. The mandate was
clear. Write about one thing at a time. One good idea, clearly and
convincingly presented, was better than a dozen so-so ideas strung

When we obeyed that rule, our essays were stronger. When we
ignored it, they were not as powerful as they could have been.

Like a river, your copy must flow in one clearly-defined channel.

Every diversion and unnecessary thought added will dilute its power.

Like a train, your copy must get on one single, straight set of “rails”
and stay on it. When it does, it will generate momentum and speed.
You can lead your reader straight to your destination.

It’s a natural impulse to throw in everything you can, thinking it will

help your copy. It seems logical that more ideas will strengthen your
argument. They won’t. You must think counter-intuitively and stick to
your one main idea.

The Power of One also means every paragraph you write will contain
one single idea. If you need three sentences to express that one idea,
use three sentences. If it can be done in one sentence, fine. There is
a reason for paragraphs: If done properly, they help the reader read
more efficiently.

Be absolutely disciplined about The Power of One. In every piece you

write. Every time.

Find your Big Idea — one great, dominant idea your reader can grasp
immediately. Then commit to it. Stick with it. Make sure that every
single sentence directly relates to and supports it.

Here’s an example of “The Power of One” as applied to
an advertorial taken from ETR:

Subject Line: The Easiest Product to Sell Online

Dear Early to Riser,

Would you be interested in investing $175 to make $20,727?

That’s exactly what Bob Bly just accomplished!

See how he did it below … and how easily you could do the same.

MaryEllen Tribby, 
ETR Publisher

Dear Friend,

There’s no product easier to create or sell online …

 … than a simple, straightforward instructional or how-to e-book.

Why are e-books the perfect information product to sell on the


• 100% profit margin.

• No printing costs.

• No inventory to store.

• Quick and easy to update.

• No shipping costs or delays.

• Higher perceived value than regular books.

• Quick, simple, and inexpensive to produce.

My very first e-book has generated $20,727 in sales (so far).

My total investment in producing it: just $175.

Now, I want to show you how to make huge profits creating and
selling simple e-books — in my new e-book “Writing E-Books for
Fun & Profit.”

Normally my e-books sell for anywhere from $29 to $79, and later
this year, “Writing E-Books for Fun & Profit” will sell for $59.

However, to make it affordable for you to get started in e-book

publishing, I’m letting you have “Writing E-Books for Fun & Profit”
for only $19 today — a savings of $40 off the cover price!

For more information … or to order on a risk-free 90-day trial

basis … just click here now.


Bob Bly

P.S. But, I urge you to hurry. This special $40 discount is for a
limited time only. And once it expires, it may never be
repeated again.

Let me explain how The Power of One operates here.

In the lift letter (signed by MaryEllen Tribby), Bob asks a question

and then tells a single sentence story. The question is an inverted
promise. The story validates the promise.

The sales letter follows. This, too, is a beautifully-simple piece of

copy. It leads with a statement that expresses one clear idea: “The
easiest way to make money on the Internet it to market e-books.”

That statement is supported by a number of bulleted “facts.” Then,

Bob validates the statement by mentioning his own experience.

The reader is already sold. Bob makes the sale irresistible with a
strong, one-time-only offer.

Short, sweet, and simple.

The Power of One is not only one big, central idea. It’s a fully-
engaging piece of copy with five necessary elements. Using Bob’s

• One good idea: “There’s no product easier to create or sell

online than a simple, straightforward instructional or how-to

• One core emotion: “It is simple! I bet I can do it!”

• One captivating story: Told brilliantly in 11 words: “My very

first e-book has generated $20,727 in sales (so far).”

• One single, desirable benefit: “Now, I want to show you how

to make huge profits creating and selling simple e-books.”

• One inevitable response: The only way to get this book for
$19 is “click here now.”

To create blockbuster promotions time after time, you must
understand the difference between good copy and great copy. The
Power of One is the driving force behind great copy.

Veteran advertising consultant James Loftus, who’s worked with

Anheuser-Busch, Holiday Inn, McDonald’s, and many other clients,

“Also keep in mind that the more points you try to cover, the less
effective each point, and therefore your ad, will be. An effective
ad will actually have only one central focus, even if you discuss it
from two or three perspectives. If your points are too diverse, they
compete with each other, and end up pulling the reader’s attention in
separate directions.”

When challenged with an advertising assignment, most writers

conjure lists of features and benefits, then mention as many as
possible. Their thinking goes, “I wonder which of these benefits will
really push the buttons I want? I’ll throw them all in. That way, if one
doesn’t work, another one will.”

This is B-level copywriting. It’s not the way to create breakthrough


The Power of One is commonplace now at Agora … it’s taught by

AWAI … and you’ll see that most top copywriters follow it.

You can use The Power of One to create your own blockbuster copy.
Ask yourself: “What is the Big Idea here?” “Is this idea strong enough
to capture the hearts of my customers?” Or “Are my ideas all over
the place?”

The challenge is to find that one good idea the reader can grasp
immediately. And stick to it. So, the idea has to be strong, easy to
understand … and easy to believe.

Put The Power of One to work for you in all your communications.
You’ll be amazed at how much stronger — and successful — your
copy will be.

Chapter 6
A Variety Of Opportunities Await You
The Internet Has Exploded The Demand For Copy And That
Means Thousands Of Potential Employers For You

One of the reasons for the HUGE DEMAND for copywriters is because
of all the ways you can use your “persuasive writing” skills …
especially when it comes to the Internet. Here’s just a partial list of
some of the web-based projects you can take on as a copywriter:

• Website Copywriting — There’s a huge demand for

copywriters who know how to make websites sell, instead of
just look pretty.

• Email Marketing — Use these email sales techniques to

market products to your existing customers (or your client’s).

• Autoresponders — Short emails that pay extraordinarily well.

• Pay-Per-Click Ad Writing — The fast-emerging writer’s

market that can pay up to $50 per word.

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialist — Companies

pay very well for a copywriter who can get their website to the
top of the search-engine rankings.

• Landing Page Writer — The web page your client’s customer

first sees is crucial to the browsing (and buying) process. That’s
why this expertise is in very high demand.

• Site Audit Specialist — Get paid to write a report on a

company website’s strengths and weaknesses (and then get
paid more to fix them!).

• Advertorials — News-style articles that also sell.

• Banner Ads — Short, fun, and challenging ads that get

customers to click to your customer’s website.

• Press Releases — Done right, they can be free advertising for
your client — and persuasive writing talents are mandatory.

• Researchers — While you’re learning the copywriting ropes,

why not make good money helping writers with their research?

• Webinars — Online presentations used in Business-to-Business

to educate customers and sell to prospects.

• Social Media Specialist — One of the fastest-growing

sectors of the copywriting world, learn how to market through
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

• Blogging — Companies, experts, personalities, and celebrities

don’t have the time to write their own blogs, so they hire
copywriters to learn their voice and write blog posts for them.
And, in most cases, they want a writer who can persuade, too.

You can also choose to specialize in a writing field that interests

you most …

• Writing for the health market — Thanks to the tens of

millions of Baby Boomers, this market has THRIVED in recent
years: health newsletter subscriptions, supplements, natural
cure products, and more.

• Catalog writing — It’s a billion-dollar industry (how many

show up in your mailbox?) … and guess who writes all those
product descriptions? Copywriters!

• Writing for the financial market — Sales promotions that

market financial newsletters and financial advisory services for
the financial publishing industry.

• Travel writing — Earn extra income and travel free writing

articles about your global travel adventures (make money from
your travel photos as well).

• Resume writing — Using your persuasive skills to help people
find jobs in this difficult economy.

• Writing for nonprofits — Make good money helping your

favorite cause raise money. Many people particularly enjoy this
aspect of life — making a living while helping organizations you
believe in passionately.

• Grant writing — Billions of dollars await worthy causes … your

persuasive skills can help them get it.

And then, there’s what I consider to be the biggest market of them

all — Business-to-Business, or B2B.

This area is SO BIG it deserves special attention …

Just What Is B2B Marketing Anyway?

Simply put, “Business-to-Business” refers to companies that sell

things to other companies.

For example, you buy a toaster from your local Walmart store. That’s
a “Business-to-Consumer” (B2C) sale …

But, there were perhaps a dozen Business-to-Business transactions

that went on before that toaster could ever make it to the store shelf.
There was the metal fabrication company that supplied the machine
to the toaster-maker that enabled it to stamp out and shape the
material used to make the product …

The printing machine company that sold the pad print product that
enabled the company to print its name on the finished toaster …

The paper company that made the box the toaster came in …

The artist who designed the art for the packaging …

And, chances are, there was a consulting firm who convinced the
toaster company that they could help them get their toasters into
Walmart stores nationwide in the first place.

All these are Business-to-Business companies. And, there are more

than 8 million of them in dozens of industries just in North America
alone — all of which need to reach prospective customers by
advertising their products and services using copywriters like you.

But, B2B advertising is a little different than traditional advertising …

This prospect doesn’t need to be sold “emotionally” like when you’re
selling to consumers …

You don’t have to appeal to the “core” emotions like fear and greed …

And, you don’t need the kind of “Big Ideas” that drive a lot of
copywriting success … or clever headlines to capture their attention.

Why? Because businesses know they need what you’re selling. It’s
just a matter of educating him or her on your product or service …
showing why yours is better than the competition from a cost and
performance standpoint.

Often, you don’t even have to do that much …

One of the most common tasks for a Business-to-Business copywriter

is to generate a “lead.” In other words, get the prospective company
to agree to simply learn more about your product!

Don’t get me wrong though …

It’s not that there’s no selling going on here. There is. It’s just much
more subtle. In fact, in just a moment’s time, I’ll show you some of
the ways businesses market to other businesses — and share with
you one of the most powerful secrets for getting results in any form
of B2B marketing. (You’ll have this secret within minutes — and once
you have it, you’ll be well on your way … more knowledgeable than
half the B2B copywriters working today!)

But, before I get to all that, here’s a fascinating fact … one that no
copywriter thinking about the B2B market should ignore.

Breaking News:
The Pie Is Getting Bigger!

With all the doom and gloom out there, businesses are cutting back
on spending like never before.

Bad news for copywriters, yes?

Absolutely not …

Because, while it’s true businesses are cutting back on “cost-based”

spending (things that aren’t tied to generating revenues, like new
artwork for the office or sales meetings in Vegas) — they’re spending
more on things that make and save money.

According to the Direct Marketing Association, Business-to-Business

companies spend over $55 billion per year on B2B marketing —
everything from advertisements, brochures, direct mail, white
papers, case studies, sell sheets, and so on.

According to the market research firm AMR Research (a part of

Gartner, Inc.), B2B companies will spend more than $3 billion alone
on online marketing this year … and that number is expected to grow
by 12% a year through at least 2013.

In addition, according to a story published in B-to-B, The Magazine
for Marketing Strategists, AMR predicts B2B social media spending
will grow at an annual average rate of 21% through 2013 … and that
B2B spending on lead-generation sites is anticipated to grow at 17%
in the same time frame.

But, that’s not the most interesting part of AMR’s findings.

According to AMR CEO Denzil Rankin, B2B publishers are not doing
enough to take advantage of this projected growth in spending …

“There is not enough innovation in lead-generation products.

Multi-media services are weak, and measurement capabilities are
frequently lacking,” he said.

And then, there’s this …

Over the past couple of years, many B2B firms have cut their in-
house marketing departments to the bone, in order to weather the
recent recession. Now, they’re scrambling to source talent for critical
marketing projects. And, rather than reverting to the typical “hire
and fire” cycle, many are turning to freelance B2B writers.

Add it all up and what does it mean?

It means a huge opportunity for B2B writers like you who can
deliver innovative and effective lead-generation campaigns …
master the relatively new field of social media marketing … and
offer comprehensive, multi-media solutions to any business that has
something to offer another business, no matter what the size.

And, in addition to all of the projects I showed you earlier, the B2B
market also has a few specialty projects of its own …

• Case Studies — Mini “essays” demonstrating how a business

product has worked or solved a problem for another business.

• Sell Sheets — Feature and benefit sheets, “leave-behinds” for

salespeople to distribute on sales calls.

• Lead Generators — The heart and soul of Business-to-

Business marketing; ads, emails, sales letters, and more.

• Marketing Scripts — For telemarketers to use on sales calls.

• Video Scripts — The newest and biggest opportunity in both

the B2B and B2C markets, the use of video in marketing
is growing phenomenally — mini product overviews and
“commercials” prospects can watch on their phone or computer.

• Company Newsletters — How companies keep and nurture

relationships with existing customers.

• White Paper Reports — Big in the B2B world, they’re how-to

manuals on getting the most out of your company’s products.

And the best part is, many of these projects can be completed in less
than a day!

With so many projects, you can see why the B2B market is such a
hot opportunity for copywriters right now.

Chapter 7
The Fast And Easy Path To Copywriting
Make An Investment In Yourself And Get Access To All The
Secrets Of Copywriting Masters

What you’ve just learned are the basic principles behind every
successful advertisement ever written. You’ve learned about the secret
of the PROMISE, the secret of the PICTURE, the secret of PROOF, and
how to close your letter with an enticing offer and guarantee.

You’ve learned about Mark Morgan Ford’s Three Fundamental Rules of

Selling, and “The Power of One” — an important rule that separates
great writers from average ones.

You now know more than 99% of the people on the planet about
how to persuade people using the written word. Plus, you’ve learned
about the lifestyle that’s possible through copywriting. The freedom,
flexibility, and the six-figure-income potential it offers.

More importantly, you now possess a “financially-valuable skill.” A

skill that has the potential to bring you in hundreds of thousands of
dollars over the next few years.

Right now, you could sit down and write up a sales letter for a client
and get paid for it ...

... but if you want to succeed faster and make more money, you’ll
want to get access to the deeper secrets for becoming a successful
six-figure copywriter.

You’ll find everything you need to know to launch a successful

six-figure copywriting career in AWAI’s Accelerated Program for
Six-Figure Copywriting.

Here is just a small sample of what you’ll learn that will put you on
the fast track to profits in this lucrative business:

• The 4 U’s® — Use the four U’s as a checklist for every headline
you write and you’ll never write a dull, ineffective headline.

• The Golden Thread — Knowing how to weave “the golden

thread” throughout sales copy separates the great copywriters
from the average ones.

• The Four-Legged Stool — Use the four-legged stool to

quadruple the strength and stability of your copy.

• AWAI’s 3-Step Copy Cleaning System — This simple

three-step system will ensure your copy always has the
“just right” conversational tone.

• Four things you need to do before you start writing —

Do these four tasks before you start writing and you’ll never
write a bad sales letter.

• The difference between a Direct Lead and an Indirect

Lead — Which one you choose to use is determined by who will
be reading your letter and what you’re promoting.

• Five ways to create a powerful P.S. — Next to the headline,

the most read part of a sales letter is the P.S. … so it’s important
it be as strong as possible. Follow these five steps and every
P.S. you write will increase your letter’s conversion rate.

• Six ways to create intimacy with your reader — Creating

a connection and bond of trust with your reader are the keys to
a good sales letter. Here are six ways to ensure that your letter
always hits the right emotional notes with your reader.

• And much, much, much more ...

A Rich Man’s Best Advice

Warren Buffett, one of the smartest and most successful men of our
time — and recent Medal of Freedom winner — was asked not too
long ago what he considered to be the best investment anyone could
make in these challenging times.

His answer was quick and simple …

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

That could very well be the best advice Mr. Buffett has ever offered.
There has never been a better time to put your future squarely in
your own hands — and master a financially-valuable skill that will
forever be in-demand … now and right through your retirement years.

And, not just because of this rare opportunity to learn a fun and life-
transforming skill — one that can free up your lifestyle enough that
you’re able to live like “carefree millionaires” do … and turn every day
from here on out into an exciting adventure.

Imagine having time to travel like you’ve always wanted … to finally

take up that hobby you’ve always wanted to do … master that
sport … or get into the best physical shape of your life.

As a copywriter, you can have the time and the money to do it.

But, here’s why now is the ideal time to see if the writer’s life is the
life for you:

Get Started for Just $197 – a 60% Savings!

Through this special offer — you can actually access the entire
program, and give it a try risk-free. You’ll get complete access
to everything you need to live the writer’s life — yours for a full
year. Take that time to look through the program … start the learning
process … learn about the direct-response business … what the life of
a work-from-anywhere, in-demand, highly paid, barefoot copywriter
is all about.

If it’s not for you, let us know, and we’ll simply (and immediately)
deactivate your access code and refund your money — no questions

So, if you’re ready to put the “workaday life” behind you —

and choose a lifestyle that’s richer, freer, and infinitely more
rewarding … get AWAI’s Accelerated Program for Six-Figure
Copywriting today. And, remember – you’ll be saving a full 60%!

To get started on your career as a copywriter immediately, click here.

Or for even more details about if copywriting is right for you,

click here.
You can also call AWAI’s Member Services Team toll-free at
866-879-2924, or at 561-278-5557.

Remember, there’s no risk.

And, if you love it — and decide the writer’s life is for you — your
very first letter could be the next one to rock the direct-response
world … and lead to, among other things, a $10,000 writing contract
from AWAI with your name on it.

About The Author
KATIE YEAKLE has spent over 25 years in the world of direct
marketing and publishing in the roles of copy editor, editorial
coordinator, product manager, fulfillment supervisor, marketing
manager, and publisher. Recognizing the industry-wide need for
talented copywriters who can deliver copy that sells, she helped
establish American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) with co-founders
Paul Hollingshead and Don Mahoney in 1997. Today, as Executive
Director, Katie oversees AWAI’s 100+ programs designed to help
people turn their passions into careers.

American Writers & Artists Inc.

245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 102
Delray Beach, FL 33483
Phone: 561-278-5557 • Fax: 561-278-5929


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