Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,498,801 B2

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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,498,801 B2

Nagatsuyu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 30, 2013

(54) ENGINE START CONTROL SYSTEM AND 7,827,975 B1 * 11/2010 Gibson et a1. ............... .. 123/636
METHOD 7,848,875 B2 * 12/2010 Nakal .......... .. 701/113
7,861,683 B2 * 1/2011 Saitoh et a1. ..... .. 123/1794
_ _ 2005/0199209 A1 * 9/2005 Shimokawa et a1. .... .. 123/1794
(75) IIWBIIIOFSI Toshlya Nagatsllyll, S2111211112101’); 2005/0228575 A1* 10/2005 Murakami et a1. .......... .. 701/112
Toshifumi OsaWa, Saitama (JP); 2006/0016413 A1* 1/2006 Satake et a1. ..... .. 123/1794
- - ' 2007/0151536 A1 * 7/2007 Yamauchi et a1. . 123/1794
Katsuhlm Utsugl’ gamma (JP) 2008/0091336 A1* 4/2008 Kato ........................... .. 701/112

(73) Assignee: Honda Motor Co., Ltd, Tokyo (JP) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
JP 11-351035 A 12/1999
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2004_ 162543 A 6/2004
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 2005-146945 A 6/2005
U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 558 days_ JP 2005-248921 A 9/2005
JP 2006-009632 A l/2006
_ JP 3824132 B 7/2006
(21) Appl' NO" 12/721’028 JP 2006-207565 A 8/2006
(22) F1 d
1 e :
M ar. 10 2010 JP 2009-052438 A 3/2009
’ * cited by examiner
(65) Prior Publication Data
Primary Examiner * John KWon
US 2010/0250105 A1 Sep. 30, 2010 Assistant Examiner i Johnny Hoang
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Squire Sanders (U S) LLP
Mar. 24, 2009 (JP) ............................... .. 2009-072663 ( ) _
A 720-degree motor stage storage means for holding the
(51) Int_ CL result of stroke discrimination for the engine E also in the
F02D 43/00 (200601) period for carrying out an idle stop control is provided. At the
(52) us CL time of restarting the engine E from an idle stop state, a neW
USPC ......................................... .. 701/112- 701/113 Stroke discn'minating Processing is not Conducted’ but the
(58) Fi61 d of Classi?cation Search 5 result of stroke discrimination stored in the 720-degree motor
USPC 701/103 104 110 112*114, 123/179 1 stage storage means is used, to thereby drive a fuel injection
"""1'23/179 4 ’179 ’5 17’9 7 198 D’B 198 DC’ system and an ignition device. A stage decision unit for allo
' ’ ' ’ ' ’ 123/198’D 198p’ cating a period of tWo revolutions of a crankshaft to 720
See application ?le for Complete Search histor; degree motor stages based on the result of stroke discrimina
' tion, a fuel injection and ignition stage correlation table
(56) References Cited having predetermined correlations of 720-degree motor
stages With fuel injection stages and ignition stages, and
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS restarting time motor stage conversion means for conversion
7,079,941 B2 * 7/2006 Tetsuno et a1. .............. .. 701/112
of a 720-degree motor stage into a fuel injection stage and an
7,210,443 B2* 5/2007 Shimokawa 123/1794 ignition stage, are provided.
7,354,379 B2* 4/2008 Moriya .... ... ... .. . . . . .. 477/199

7,415,955 B2* 8/2008 Matsukiet a1. .......... .. 123/1795 14 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets




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US 8,498,801 B2
1 2
ENGINE START CONTROL SYSTEM AND time of restarting the engine from the idle stop control, a neW
METHOD stroke discriminating process is not conducted, hoWever, the
result of the stroke discrimination stored in the storage unit
FIELD can be used, to thereby drive the fuel injection system and the
ignition device.
Embodiments of the invention relate to an engine start In accordance With another embodiment of the invention,
control system, and more particularly to an engine start con there is provided an engine start control system. The engine
trol system for performing an idle stop control. start control system can include an idle stop controlling
means for stopping an engine upon establishment of a prede
DESCRIPTION OF RELATED ART termined condition and con?gured to restart, by a throttle
operation at the time of starting the engine, using a starting
An idle stop control is knoWn in Which at the time of sWitch. The engine start control system can further include
momentary stop of a vehicle, such as the time of Waiting for fuel injecting means for performing a simultaneous fuel
the tra?ic lights to change, the engine is stopped upon estab injection until completion of a stroke discrimination, and
lishment of a predetermined condition and, thereafter, the igniting means for igniting at a preset ?xed timing every one
engine is restarted in response to a throttle operation. revolution of a crankshaft. Further, the engine start control
Japanese Patent No. 3824132 (“JP 3824132”) discloses an system can include storing means for storing, during execu
engine start control system in Which at the time of starting an tion of the idle stop controlling means, a result of the stroke
idle stop control, the crankshaft is driven to rotate in reverse to discrimination after starting the engine starting. After
a predetermined position beyond a compression top dead 20 completion of the stroke discrimination, the engine start con
center, immediately after the stop of the engine, for the pur trol system can be con?gured to perform a fuel injection and
pose of enhancing startability in the restarting of the engine. ignition control once every tWo revolutions of the crankshaft.
MeanWhile, operation of a fuel injection system and an At the time of restarting the engine by the idle stop controlling
ignition device When starting an engine by operating a start means, the result of the stroke discrimination stored in the
ing sWitch after turning on a main poWer supply of a vehicle 25 storage unit can be used, instead of conducting a neW stroke
is commonly carried out as folloWs. First, until stroke dis discrimination, thereby driving the fuel injecting means and
crimination for the engine is completed, simultaneous fuel the igniting means.
injection is conducted in Which fuel injection is conducted In accordance With another embodiment of the invention,
When the engine rotating speed has reached or exceeded a there is provided a method. The method can include stopping
predetermined value. Thereafter, fuel injection is carried out 30 an engine upon establishment of a predetermined condition,
at a timing based on each predetermined crank angle, and restarting, by a throttle operation at the time of starting the
?xed ignition is conducted every one revolution (3 60 degrees) engine, using a starting switch, and performing simultaneous
of a crankshaft. fuel injection until completion of a stroke discrimination. The
In the engine start control system, as described in JP method can further include igniting at a preset ?xed timing
3824132, the crankshaft is driven to rotate in reverse to pre 35 every one revolution of a crankshaft, storing, during execu
pare for restarting. In JP 3824132, hoWever, no investigation tion of the idle stop control, a result of the stroke discrimina
has been made for the method for driving the fuel injection tion after starting the engine starting, and after completion of
system and the ignition device at the time of restarting the the stroke discrimination, performing a fuel injection and
engine. For instance, at the time of the restarting, also, in the ignition control once every tWo revolutions of the crankshaft.
case Where change-over to normal driving (computed fuel 40 The method can also include, at the time of restarting the
injection, computed ignition, etc.) is made upon completion engine by the idle stop control, using the result of the stroke
of the stroke discrimination for the engine, simultaneous fuel discrimination stored in the storage unit, instead of conduct
injection and 3 60-degree ignition are carried out each time the ing a neW stroke discrimination, thereby driving the fuel
engine is restarted from an idle stop condition. injection system and the ignition device.
45 In addition, in accordance With another embodiment of the
SUMMARY invention, the engine start control system can include a stage
decision unit for allocating a period of tWo revolutions (720
Embodiments of the invention provide an engine start con degrees) of a crankshaft to a plurality of motor stages set at
trol system in Which the result of engine stroke discrimination regular intervals based on the result of the stroke discrimina
is stored during an idle stop and the result is applied at the time 50 tion. The engine start control system further can include a
of restarting the engine. correlation table in Which correlations of the motor stages
In accordance With an embodiment of the invention, an With fuel injection stages to be used for driving the fuel
engine start control system can include an idle stop control injection system and ignition stages to be used for driving the
that can be con?gured to automatically stop an engine upon ignition device are predetermined. Further, the engine start
establishment of a predetermined condition and can be fur 55 control system can include stage conversion means for con
ther con?gured to restart the engine by a throttle operation at ver‘ting the motor stage into the fuel injection stage and the
the time of starting the engine using a starting sWitch. A fuel ignition stage at the time of restarting the engine after the idle
injection system can perform simultaneous fuel injection stop from the idle stop control.
until completion of a stroke discriminating process. An igni In accordance With another embodiment of the invention, a
tion device can ignite at a preset ?xed timing every one 60 length of one period of the motor stage can be set to be shorter
revolution (3 60 degrees) of the crankshaft. After completion than the length of one period of the fuel injection stage.
of the stroke discrimination, a fuel injection and an ignition In accordance With another embodiment of the invention,
control can be performed once every tWo revolutions (720 the engine start control system can include an idle stop start
degrees) of the crankshaft. The engine start control system ing time reWind control unit by Which the crankshaft of the
can include a storage unit (e.g., storage means) for storing, 65 engine can be reWound to a predetermined position beyond a
during execution of the idle stop control, the result of the compression top dead center When the engine is stopped by
stroke discrimination after starting the engine starting. At the the idle stop control.
US 8,498,801 B2
3 4
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, injection and ignition control can be performed once every
the motor can include an altemating-current generator (ACG) two revolutions (720 degrees) of the crankshaft. Therefore,
starter motor functioning as both a starter motor and anACG. even in the case of restarting the engine, an optimum fuel
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, injection and ignition control can be performed from the
at the time of restarting the engine (E) from the idle stop beginning, whereby fuel economy can be further improved.
control, a fuel injection and ignition control can be performed According to an embodiment of the invention, the stroke
once every two revolutions (720 degrees) of the crankshaft. discriminating processing can be carried out by discriminat
In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, ing an intake stroke and a combustion stroke from each other
the stroke discriminating process can be carried out by dis based on the fact that a PB value detected by a PB sensor can
criminating an intake stroke and a combustion stroke from be lowered due to a manifold air pressure in the intake stroke
each other based on the fact that a PB value detected by a PB and, alternatively, can be raised due to the non-execution of
sensor is lowered due to a manifold air pressure in the intake intake in the combustion stroke after 360-degree rotation.
stroke and, alternatively, is raised due to the non-execution of Therefore, the stroke discrimination for a four-cycle engine
intake in the combustion stroke after 360-degree rotation. can easily be carried out based on the value of an output from
According to an embodiment of the invention, the engine a PB sensor (e.g., intake pressure sensor).
start control system can include the storage means for hold
ing, during execution of the idle stop control, the result of the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
stroke discrimination after starting the engine. At the time of
restarting the engine from the idle stop control, a new stroke FIG. 1 is a side view of a motor scooter-type motorcycle to
discriminating processing is not conducted, however, the 20 which an engine start control system has been applied, in
result of the stroke discrimination stored in the storage means accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
can be used to drive the fuel injection system and the ignition FIG. 2 is a sectional view taken along line A-A ofFIG. 1, in
device. Therefore, at the time of restarting the engine from the accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
idle stop, it may be unnecessary to perform engine stroke FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a control system for an ACG
discrimination, and an optimum fuel injection and ignition 25 starter motor, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven
control can be carried out from the beginning. Accordingly, tion.
startability at the time of restarting the engine can be FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating a major part in an
enhanced. Additionally, the non-execution of simultaneous electronic control unit (ECU) for drive control of the ACG
fuel injection in conjunction with the idle stop effect can starter motor, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven
further improve fuel economy. 30 tion.
According to an embodiment of the invention, the engine FIG. 5 is a time chart illustrating the ?ow of swing-back
start control system can include a stage decision unit for control at the time of starting the engine, in accordance with
allocating a period of two revolutions (720 degrees) of a an embodiment of the invention.
crankshaft to a plurality of motor stages set at regular inter FIG. 6 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of the
vals based on the result of the stroke discrimination. A corre 35 swing-back control at the time of starting the engine, in accor
lation table in which correlations of the motor stages with fuel dance with an embodiment of the invention.
injection stages to be used for driving the fuel injection sys FIG. 7 is a time chart illustrating the ?ow of rewind control
tem and ignition stages to be used for driving the ignition at the time of starting an idle stop, in accordance with an
device can be predetermined. The engine start control system embodiment of the invention.
can also include stage conversion means for converting the 40 FIG. 8 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of the
motor stage into the fuel injection stage and the ignition stage rewind control at the time of starting the idle stop, in accor
at the time of restarting the engine after the idle stop from the dance with an embodiment of the invention.
idle stop control. Accordingly, fuel injection stages and igni FIG. 9 is a graph illustrating the drive conditions of a fuel
tion stages can be set, for example, by use of 720-degree injection system and an ignition device at the time of starting
motor stages obtained by allocating the period of two revo 45 the idle stop, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven
lutions (720 degrees) of the crankshaft to a total of stages tion.
including Stages #0 to #71, with each stage being 10 degrees FIG. 10 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of fuel
long. injection and ignition control at the time of staring the idle
According to an embodiment of the invention, the length of stop, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
one period of the stage can be set to be shorter than the length 50 FIG. 11 is a timing chart illustrating the relationships of the
of one period of the fuel injection stage. Accordingly, the rotational angle of a crankshaft with 720-degree motor stages,
length of the fuel injection stage can be ?nely set by use of in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.
short-period stages. FIG. 12 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of a fuel
According to an embodiment of the invention, the engine injection and ignition stage conversion control, in accordance
start control system can include an idle stop starting time 55 with an embodiment of the invention.
rewind control unit by which the crankshaft of the engine can FIG. 13 is a correlation table illustrating correlations of
be rewound to a predetermined position beyond a compres 720-degree motor stages with fuel injection stages and igni
sion top dead center when the engine is stopped by the idle tion stages, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven
stop control. Therefore, startability at the time of restarting tion.
the engine from the idle stop state can be further enhanced. 60
According to an embodiment of the invention, the motor DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS
can be an ACG starter motor functioning as both a starter
motor and an AC generator. Therefore, both starting of the Embodiments of the invention will be described in detail
engine and power generation after starting the engine can be below referring to the drawings. FIG. 1 is a side view of a
carried out using a single motor provided on the crankshaft. 65 motor scooter-type motorcycle 1 to which an engine start
According to an embodiment of the invention, at the time control system, in accordance with an embodiment of the
of restarting the engine from the idle stop control, a fuel invention, has been applied. A front part and a rear part of a
US 8,498,801 B2
5 6
vehicle body can be connected to each other through a loW regulated by the belt transmission mechanism, and can be
?oor-type ?oor part 4. A body frame can generally include a transmitted to the rear Wheel WR through a centrifugal clutch
doWn tube 6 and a main pipe 7. A seat 8 canbe disposed on the (not shoWn) and the speed reducing mechanism 9 (see FIG.
upper side of the main pipe 7. 1).
A handle bar 11 can be rotatably supported by a head pipe AnACG starter motor 70 can include a starter motor and an
5, and can extended upWards. On the loWer side of the head AC generator in combination and can be disposed in the
pipe 5, a front fork 12 for rotatably supporting a front Wheel inside of the right case 75. The ACG starter motor 70 can
WF can be mounted. A handle cover 13 functioning as an include an outer rotor 71 ?xed to a tip taper part of the
instrument panel can be mounted on an upper part of the crankshaft 51 by a mounting bolt 120, and a stator 102 dis
handle bar 11. In addition, an ECU 80, as the engine start posed on the inner side of the outer rotor 71 and mounted to
control system, can be disposed on the front side of the head the right case 75 by a mounting bolt 121. A radiator 68 and a
pipe 5. cover member 69 formed With a plurality of slits can be
A bracket 15 can be projectingly provided at a position mounted to the right side, in the ?gure, of an air fan 65 ?xed
corresponding to the rear end of the doWn tube 6 and a rising to the outer rotor 71 by a mounting bolt 67.
part of the main pipe 7. A hanger bracket 18 of a sWing unit 2 A sprocket 55 around Which a cam chain for driving a
can be sWingably supported on the bracket 15 through a link camshaft (not shoWn) is Wrapped can be ?xed to the crank
member 16. shaft 51, betWeen the ACG starter motor 70 and the bearing
A four-cycle, single-cylinder engine E can be disposed at a 54. Besides, the sprocket 55 can be formed integrally With a
front part of the sWing unit 2. A continuously variable trans gear 56 for transmitting poWer to a pump (not shoWn) for
mission 10 can be disposed on the rear side of the engine E, 20 circulating an oil.
and a rear Wheel WR can be rotatably borne on an output shaft FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a control system for the ACG
of a speed reducing mechanism 9. A rear shock absorbing unit starter motor 70, in accordance With an embodiment of the
3 can be interposed betWeen the upper end of the speed invention. The same reference symbols used above for FIGS.
reducing mechanism 9 and a bent part of the main pipe 7. An 1 and 2 denote those parts Which are the same as, or equivalent
air cleaner 14 and a throttle body 20 of a fuel injection system 25 to, the above-mentioned parts. The ECU 80 can include a
connected to an intake pipe 19 extended from the engine E full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit 81 for full-Wave recti?
can be disposed on the upper side of the sWing unit 2. cation of a three-phase alternating current of the ACG starter
FIG. 2 is a sectional vieW taken along line A-A of FIG. 1, in motor 70, and a regulator 82 for limiting an output of the
accordance With an embodiment of the invention. The sWing full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit 81 to a planned regula
unit 2 can include a crankcase 74 that can include a right case 30 tory voltage (regulator operation voltage, for example, 14.5
75 on the right side of the motorcycle in the Width direction V). The ECU 80 can further include a sWing-back control unit
and a left case 76 on the left side of the motorcycle in the 90 for reversely rotating the crankshaft 51 to a predetermined
Width direction. A crankshaft 51 can be rotatably borne on position at the time of starting the engine, and an idle stop
bearings 53 and 54 ?xed to the crankcase 74. A connecting starting time reWind control unit 1 00 for reversely rotating the
rod 73 can be connected to the crankshaft 51 through a crank 35 crankshaft 51 to a predetermined position at the time of start
pin 52. ing an idle stop. Further, the ECU 80 can include restarting
The left case 76 can function as a transmission case, and a time motor stage conversion means 110 for setting fuel injec
belt drive pulley can include a movable-side pulley half 60 tion and ignition stages at the time of restarting the engine
and a ?xed-side pulley half 61 and can be mounted to a left from an idle stop state, 720-degree motor stage storage means
end portion of the crankshaft 51. The ?xed-side pulley half 61 40 111 for storing 720-degree motor stages as crankshaft posi
can be fastened to the left end portion of the crankshaft 51 by tions at the time of starting the idle stop, and a fuel injection
a nut 77. In addition, the movable-side pulley half 60 can be and ignition stage correlation table 112 used for setting the
spline ?tted to the crankshaft 51 to be movable in the axial fuel injection and ignition stages. The above-mentioned con
direction. A V-belt 62 can be Wrapped around both the pulley trol system Will be described in detail later.
halves 60 and 61. 45 A fuel injection system 28, a motor angle sensor 29, an
On the right side of the movable-side pulley half 60, a ramp ignition coil 21, a throttle position sensor 23, a fuel sensor 24,
plate 57 can be ?xed to the crankshaft 51. A slide piece 58 a seat sWitch 25 for detecting the seated state of a rider, an idle
mounted to an outer peripheral end portion of the ramp plate stop control enable sWitch 26, a cooling Water temperature
57 can be engaged With a ramp plate sliding boss part 59 sensor 27, and an ignition pulser 30 can be connected to the
formed in the axial direction at the outer peripheral end of the 50 ECU 80, and detection signals from these parts can be input
movable-side pulley half 60. In addition, the ramp plate 57 ted to the ECU 80. A spark plug 22 can be connected to a
can be provided at its outer peripheral portion With a taper secondary side of the ignition coil 21.
surface inclined toWard the movable-side pulley half 60 as Furthermore, a starter relay 34, a starting sWitch 35, stop
one goes radially outWards. A plurality of Weight rollers 63 sWitches 36, 37, a stand-by indicator 38, a fuel indicator 39, a
can be contained betWeen the taper surface and the movable 55 vehicle speed sensor 40, and a head light 42 can be connected
side pulley half 60. to the ECU 80. The head light 42 can include a dimmer sWitch
When the rotating speed of the crankshaft 51 increases, a 43. The above-mentioned component parts can be supplied
centrifugal force can cause the Weight rollers 63 to move With electric poWer from a battery 46 through a main fuse 44
radially outWards. This can cause the movable-side pulley and a main sWitch 45.
half 60 to move toWard the left in the ?gure to move closer to 60 FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the con?guration of a
the ?xed-side pulley half 61. As a result, the V-belt 62 major part in the ECU 80 for drive control of the ACG starter
clamped betWeen both the pulley halves 60 and 61 can be motor 70, in accordance With an embodiment of the inven
moved radially outWards, Whereby the Wrap radius thereof tion. The full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit 81 can be con
can be enlarged. On the rear side of the sWing unit 2, a driven nected in parallel With three sets of poWer FETs, Whereby
pulley (not shoWn) can be provided on Which the Wrap radius 65 each set can include tWo poWer FETs connected in series. A
of the V-belt 62 varies, corresponding to the pulley halves 60, smoothing capacitor 86 can be arranged betWeen the battery
61. A driving force of the engine E can be automatically 46 and the full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit 81.
US 8,498,801 B2
7 8
A stage decision unit 83, based on output signals from the E is about to be started from the fully stopped state, a duty
motor angle sensor 29 and the ignition pulser 30, can be ratio at the time of reversely rotating the ACG starter motor 70
con?gured to divide tWo revolutions of the crankshaft 51 into under the sWing-back control can be set by a sWing-back
72 stages (720-degree motor stages) including Stages #0 to reverse-rotation duty ratio setting unit 92 included in the
#71, and further can be con?gured to determine the current sWing-back control unit 90.
stage. Incidentally, in the period after the starting of the On the other hand, When it is decided by the engine starting
engine and until stroke discrimination (decision of the status decision unit 84 that the engine E is about to be
obverse and reverse of tWo revolutions of the crankshaft), restarted from the idle stop state, a duty ratio at the time of
based on an output from a PB sensor and the like, is com reversely rotating the ACG starter motor 70 for the reWind
pleted, the stage decision can be carried out using 360-degree control can be set by a reWind reverse-rotation duty ratio
motor stages obtained by dividing one revolution of the setting section 101 included in the idle stop starting time
crankshaft 51 into 36 stages including Stages #0 to #35. The reWind control unit 100. Incidentally, the idle stop starting
ignition pulser 30 can be provided as one body With the motor time reWind control unit 100 can include a timer 102 for
angle sensor 29 of the ACG starter motor 70, and can be detecting various kinds of predetermined periods of time.
con?gured to detect the rotational angle of the ACG starter Then, a drive control unit 85 can be con?gured to supply, at
motor 70 mounted to the crankshaft 51. the time of the sWing-back control, driving pulses With the
The ECU (engine start control system) 80, in accordance duty ratio set by the sWing-back control unit 90 to the poWer
With an embodiment of the invention, can perform an “engine FETs in the full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit 81. Altema
starting time sWing-back control” in Which, at the time of tively, at the time of the reWind control, driving pulses With
starting the engine E by operating the starting sWitch 35 (see 20 the duty ratio set by the idle stop starting time reWind control
FIG. 3) starting from the condition Where the engine E is unit 100 can be supplied to the poWer FETs in the full-Wave
stopped, the engine E can be reversely rotated to a predeter recti?cation bridge circuit 81. The engine start control system
mined position. Hence, the engine E can be sWung back to the (ECU) 80, in accordance With an embodiment of the inven
predetermined position, and thereafter the engine E can be tion, can be con?gured to set the duty ratio at the time of the
rotated in a normal direction, Whereby an approach-run 25 sWing-back control and the duty ratio at the time of the reWind
period can be prolonged until coming to a compression top control to be different from each other. Speci?cally, the
dead center, Whereby the rotating speed of the crankshaft 51 reverse-rotation duty ratio at the time of the reWind control
at the time of crossing the compression top dead center for the can be set to be loWer than the reverse-rotation duty ratio at the
?rst time can be enhanced. Accordingly, the engine starting time of the sWing-back control (for instance, the duty ratio is
time sWing-back control, in accordance With an embodiment 30 100% at the time of the sWing-back control, and 45% at the
of the invention, makes it possible to enhance the startability time of the reWind control). NoW, the sWing-back control and
at the time of starting the engine by the starting sWitch 35. the reWind control Will be described in detail beloW, referring
In addition, the ECU 80 can perform an idle stop control in to FIGS. 5 to 8.
Which, at the time of a stop of the vehicle, such as the time of FIG. 5 is a time chart illustrating the How of sWing-back
Waiting for the traf?c lights to change, the engine can be 35 control at the time of starting the engine E, in accordance With
stopped When a predetermined condition is satis?ed. The an embodiment of the invention. In the chart, motor rotating
predetermined condition for starting the idle stop can be, for speed, motor rotation state, and starting sWitch operation state
example, the lapse of a predetermined period of time in the are illustrated, in this order from the upper side. When the
presence of such a condition that the idle stop control enable starting sWitch 35 is turned ON at time t10 starting from the
sWitch 26 is ON, that the seating of the rider is detected 40 condition Where the engine E is in a fully stopped state (i.e.,
through the seat sWitch 25, that the vehicle speed detected by not restarting from an idle stop state), the sWing-back control
the vehicle speed sensor 40 is not more than a predetermined unit 90 can be con?gured to start reverse-rotation driving of
value (e. g., 5 km/h), that the engine rotating speed detected by the ACG starter motor 70 at a duty ratio of 100%.
the ignition pulser 30 is not more than a predetermined value Next, at time t11, normal-rotation driving at a duty ratio of
(e. g., 2000 rpm), and that the throttle position is not more than 45 100% can be started. Then, at time t13, the engine E can be
a predetermined value (e.g., ?ve degrees). Then, the engine E started, the rotating speed of the ACG starter motor 70 can
can be restarted When the throttle position reaches or exceeds become higher than the driving speed by current passage
a predetermined value during the idle stop. control, and accordingly, the current passage can be stopped.
Furthermore, the ECU 80, in accordance With an embodi At time t14, the starting sWitch 35 can be turned OFF by the
ment of the invention, can be con?gured to perform an “idle 50 rider Who has con?rmed the starting of the engine E. Inciden
stop starting time reWind control” in Which, at the time of tally, as for the motor stages, detection of 360-degree motor
stopping the engine E When the above-mentioned idle stop stage can be started at time t12. Thereafter, When stroke
condition is satis?ed, the crankshaft 51 can be reversely discrimination is completed at time t15, 720-degree motor
rotated from the position Where it is stopped to a predeter stages can be de?nitely determined.
mined position. Hence, the engine E can be reWound to the 55 FIG. 6 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of a sWing
predetermined position, Whereby the approach-run period back control at the time of starting the engine E, in accordance
can be prolonged until coming to the compression top dead With an embodiment of the invention. In step S100, it can be
center and the startability at the time of restarting the engine decided Whether or not the engine E is at stop. When the result
E can be enhanced. Incidentally, this reWind control is not of decision in step S100 is af?rmative, the control can proceed
carried out in the case Where the engine E is stopped by 60 to step S101, in Which it can be decided Whether or not the
turning off the main sWitch 45. engine E is in an idle stop. When the decision in step S101 is
An engine starting status decision unit 84 can be con?g af?rmative, the control can proceed to step S102, Where a
ured to determine Whether the starting of the engine E is about reverse-rotation duty ratio for sWing-back control (100%) can
to be conducted by operating the starting sWitch 35. Hence, be determined. Incidentally, When the decision in each of
the engine E can be started from a fully stopped state, or the 65 steps S100 and S101 is negative, the control can return to the
engine E can be restarted from an idle stop state in response to relevant decision. In the subsequent step S103, it can be
a throttle operation. Then, When it is decided that the engine decided Whether or not the starting sWitch 35 has been turned
US 8,498,801 B2
9 10
ON. When the decision is af?rmative, the control can proceed be continued With the result that the crankshaft 51 is shifted
to step S104, Whereas When the decision is negative, the into normal rotation. Hence, sWinging back of the crankshaft
control can return to decision in step S103. 51 can be started. When it is detected, based on an output
In step S104, reverse-rotation driving of the ACG starter signal from the motor angle sensor 29, that the ACG starter
motor at a duty ratio of 100% can be started. In the subsequent motor 70 has started rotating in normal direction, the idle stop
step S105, it can be decided Whether or not a predetermined starting time reWind control unit 100 can be con?gured to
position beyond the compression top dead center is detected. determine Whether the crankshaft 51 has reached a predeter
The predetermined position here may for example be set to be mined position beyond the compression top dead center, can
a position of 30 degrees beyond the compression top dead be con?gured to stop the current supply to the ACG starter
center. When the decision in step S105 is af?rmative, the motor 70, and can be con?gured to start counting a predeter
control can proceed to step S106, in Which normal-rotation mined sWinging-back Waiting time by the timer 102 (see FIG.
driving of the ACG starter motor 105 at a duty ratio of 100% 4).
can be started. Incidentally, When the decision in step S105 is Subsequently, during the period from time t23 to time t24,
negative, the control can return to S104. the crankshaft 51 can be reversely rotated due to an exhaust
Next, in step S107, simultaneous fuel injection for inject valve driving resistance, and can be stopped at time t24. Then,
ing a fuel every tWo revolutions of the crankshaft at a preset at time t25, the time having been counted by the timer 1 02 can
stage of the 360-degree motor stages and 360-degree ignition reach the predetermined sWinging-back Waiting time, result
for performing ignition every one revolution of the crankshaft ing in transition to the idle stop state.
at a preset stage of the 360-degree motor stages can be started. Thereafter, at time t26, it can be detected that the throttle
In step S108, it can be decided Whether or not stroke discrimi 20 position has reached or exceeded a predetermined value due
nation (discrimination of each of intake, exhaust, compres to a throttle operation by the rider, and normal -rotation driv
sion, and combustion strokes of the engine corresponding to ing at a duty ratio of 100% can be started for the purpose of
a crank angle of 720 degrees) for the engine E is completed by restarting the engine. Then, at time t27, the engine can be
use of an output of the PB sensor during tWo revolutions of the started, Whereby its rotating speed can be made to exceed the
crankshaft. When the decision result is af?rmative, 720-de 25 driving rotating speed of the ACG starter motor 70, and the
gree motor stages can be determined in step S109, and fuel restarting is completed.
injection and ignition stages can be determined in step S110. Incidentally, the predetermined position beyond the com
Then, ignition control and fuel injection control conducted pression top dead center mentioned above can also be
once per 720 degrees (once per tWo revolutions of the crank detected based on a change (deceleration) in the passing
shaft) can be started in step S111, and a series of control can 30 speed of the 720-degree motor stage obtained by equally
be ?nished. Incidentally, When the decision in step S108 is dividing tWo revolutions of the crankshaft 51 by the 72 motor
negative, the control can proceed back to step S107. stages. The passing speed of the stages can be obtained by
As previously described, in the engine start control system, counting the passing time of each stage. Incidentally, While
in accordance With an embodiment of the invention, the duty the details of the 720-degree motor stages Will be described
ratio for reverse-rotation driving can be set to 100% at the 35 later, the detection of the predetermined position beyond the
time of sWing-back control, Whereby the reverse-rotation compression top dead center during reverse-rotation driving
driving as preparation for normal-rotation driving can be in the above-mentioned sWing-back control can also be car
completed in a period of time as short as possible. On the ried out in the case Where the 720-degree motor stage has
other hand, in reWinding at the time of starting an idle stop, reached a predetermined stage, or based on a change in the
normal-rotation driving is not conducted continuously after 40 passing speed of the 720-degree motor stage.
reverse-rotation driving, so that no problem Would be gener FIG. 8 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of reWind
ated even if reverse rotation is conducted at a loW speed, for control at the time of starting an idle stop, in accordance With
example, at a duty ratio of 45%. Besides, according to the an embodiment of the invention. In step S200, it can be
reWind control at the time of starting the idle stop Which Will decided Whether or not an idle stop condition is established.
be described beloW, the reverse-rotation speed at the time of When the decision is af?rmative, the control can proceed to
reWinding can be loWered, Whereby it is possible to prevent an step S201, in Which a stopping processing of the engine E is
excessive return in the normal direction from the compression performed. Incidentally, When the decision in step S200 is
top dead center from occurring, and can reduce the in?uence negative, the control can return to step S200.
of a compression reaction force at the time of reverse rotation, Next, in step S202, it can be decided, based on an output
thereby sWiftly stopping the crankshaft 51 at an optimum 50 signal from the motor angle sensor 29, Whether or not the
position for restarting. Incidentally, the preset respective duty rotation of the crankshaft 51 is stopped. When the decision in
ratios may be corrected according to engine cooling Water step S202 is negative, the control can return to step S202. On
temperature. the other hand, When the decision is a?irmative, the control
FIG. 7 is a time chart illustrating the How of reWind control can proceed to step S203, in Which a motor duty ratio for
at the time of starting an idle stop, in accordance With an 55 reWind control (45%) is determined. In the subsequent step
embodiment of the invention. In the chart, motor rotating S204, reverse-rotation driving at a duty ratio of 45% can be
speed, throttle position, and motor rotation state are illus started. In step S205, it can be decided Whether or not normal
trated, in this order from the upper side. At time t20, the rotation is detected by the motor angle sensor 29, and When
above-mentioned idle stop condition can be satis?ed, and idle the decision is af?rmative, the control can proceed to step
stop control can be started. Thereafter, When it is detected at 60 S206. When the decision in step S205 is negative, the control
time t21 that the crankshaft 51 is stopped, reWind control at a can return to step S204. In step S206 to Which the control
duty ratio of 45% can be started. proceeds upon detection of normal rotation of the crankshaft
At time t22, the crankshaft 51 can approach the compres 51, the motor duty ratio can be set to Zero. Hence, the current
sion top dead center in the reverse direction, and the compres supply to the ACG starter motor 70 can be stopped. In the
sion reaction force on the piston can be enhanced, Whereby 65 subsequent step S207, counting of a predetermined sWinging
the piston can be pushed backWard in the condition Where back Waiting time (e. g., tWo seconds) by the timer 102 can be
reverse-rotation current passage at the duty ratio of 45% can started. Then, in step S208, it can be decided Whether or not
US 8,498,801 B2
11 12
the predetermined sWinging-back Waiting time has elapsed. timing ofthe ignition device, and 720-degree motor stages are
When the decision is negative, the control can return to the illustrated, in this order from the upper side.
decision in step S208. On the other hand, When the decision is The 720-degree motor stages can be obtained by allocating
af?rmative, the control can proceed to step S209, in Which the period of tWo revolutions (720 degrees) of the crankshaft
transition to an idle stop state can be made, Whereby a series to a total of 72 stages including Stages #0 to #71, With each
of control can be ?nished. stage being 10 degrees long. In addition, the motor angle
FIG. 9 is a graph illustrating the drive conditions of the fuel sensor 29 can be con?gured so that the W-phase, U-phase and
injection system 28 and the ignition device (spark plug 22) at V-phase output respective pulse signals have a Width of 30
the time of starting an idle stop, in accordance With an degrees at intervals of 30 degrees With each phase staggered
from one another by 10 degrees. This ensures that the rota
embodiment of the invention. In the diagram, the value of
tional angle of the crankshaft 51 canbe detected in increments
manifold air pressure measured by the PB sensor and driving
of 10 degrees, and a reference position therefor can be deter
pulses for the ignition device and the fuel injection system are mined by a crank pulse signal. A pulser rotor can be mounted
illustrated, in this order from the upper side. In addition, FIG. to the crankshaft 51 for the purpose of detecting the crank
10 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of engine stop pulse signal has such a shape that four short reluctors having
control at the time of starting the idle stop, in accordance With a detection Width of 22.5 degrees in the circumferential direc
an embodiment of the invention. tion and one long reluctor having a detection Width of 82.5
In the engine start control system, in accordance With an degrees in the circumferential direction are arranged at inter
embodiment of the invention, at the time of starting the idle vals of 37.5 degrees. The output of the W-phase can be con
stop, only fuel injection is stopped and an igniting operation 20 ?gured to output a signal at a central position of the long
can be continued as it is. Referring to FIG. 10, in step S300, it reluctor and can be con?gured to serve as a reference for
can be decided Whether or not the idle stop condition is deducing the crank rotational angle.
established. When the decision is af?rmative, the control can Then, the 360-degree motor stages can be determined by a
proceed to step S301. Incidentally, if the decision in step S300 crank pulse signal and a rotor sensor signal. In an intake
is negative, the control can be ?nished. In step S301, fuel 25 stroke on the obverse side, the PB value (the value of an
injection by the fuel injection device 28 can be stopped, and output from the PB sensor) can become smaller. In the com
ignition by the spark plug 22 is continued as it is. When the bustion stroke on the reverse side after 360-degree rotation,
engine is stopped (the rotation of the crankshaft 51 is stopped) obverse/reverse decision, based on the absence of intake and
in step S302, a series of control can be ?nished. According to an increase in the PB value, can be conducted, Whereby the
the con?guration as previously discussed, even if unburned 30 obverse/reverse decision as to tWo revolutions of the crank
gas should be remaining in a combustion chamber of the shaft is de?nitely determined, Whereon 720-degree motor
engine E or the like at the time of starting the idle stop, it stages can be determined. For instance, the position of 30
Would be possible to completely combust the unburned gas degrees before the compression top dead center mentioned
until the crankshaft 51 is stopped. above can be detected due to the 720-degree motor stage
MeanWhile, the driving of the fuel injection system and the 35 being #69. Incidentally, ignition can be conducted in an IG
ignition device at the time of starting the engine has been stage range of 9 to 11, and fuel injection can be conducted in
carried out as folloWs. During the period after engine stroke an FI stage range of 12 to 17.
discrimination is completed and until the 720-degree motor FIG. 12 is a ?owchart illustrating the procedure of a fuel
stages are de?nitely determined, simultaneous fuel injection injection and ignition stage conversion control, in accordance
for performing one time the fuel injection When the engine 40 With an embodiment of the invention. In step S400, it can be
rotating speed has reached or exceeded a predetermined value decided Whether or not an idle stop is being conducted. When
is conducted. Thereafter the fuel injection is conducted at a the decision is af?rmative, the control can proceed to step
timing based on a predetermined crank angle, and ?xed igni S401, in Which it is decided Whether or not the throttle is
tion is carried out one time every one revolution (3 60 degrees) opened to or in excess of a predetermined position. When this
of the crankshaft. Therefore, even in the case of restarting the 45 decision is af?rmative, the control can proceed to step S402.
engine from the engine stop state due to the idle stop, the Incidentally, When the decision result of each of steps S400
simultaneous fuel injection and the fuel injection at the timing and S401 is negative, the control can return to the relevant
based on a predetermined crank angle and the 360-degree decision.
ignition have been carried out until the stroke discrimination In step S402, the ACG starter motor 70 can be driven to
is ?nished. 50 rotate in normal direction for the purpose of restarting the
In contrast, in the engine start control system, in accor engine. Then, in step S403, based on the 720-degree motor
dance With an embodiment of the invention, the 720-degree stage at the time of starting of the idle stop Which is stored in
motor stage determined before starting the idle stop can be the 720-degree motor stage storage means 111, a fuel injec
stored even during the idle stop so that the fuel injection and tion and ignition stage correlation table 112, as illustrated in
ignition control based on the 720-degree motor stage can be 55 FIG. 13, can be referred to so as to deduce an FI stage and an
carried out from the beginning Without performing the stroke IG stage. For example, When the 720-degree motor stage is in
discrimination at the time of restarting the engine. NoW, this the range of #2 to #4, it can be converted into an FI stage of #4
Will be described in detail beloW, referring to FIGS. 11 to 13. and an IG stage of #12. Incidentally, since current supply to
FIG. 11 is a timing chart illustrating the relationships of the the ECU 80 is continued during the idle stop, the 720-degree
rotational angle of the crankshaft 51 With 720-degree motor 60 motor stage storage means 111 can be composed of a RAM in
stages, in accordance With an embodiment of the invention. In Which the stored contents are reset in response to tuming
the chart, four strokes (compression, combustion, exhaust, OFF of the poWer supply.
and intake strokes) of the four-cycle engine, crankshaft rota In step S404, driving of the fuel injection system and the
tional angle, crank pulse, an output signal (W-phase, ignition device based on the FI stage and IG stage, Which are
U-phase, and V-phase) from the motor angle sensor 29, fuel 65 ascertained in step S403 and on a fuel injection map and an
injection (FI) stages as reference for driving timing of the fuel ignition map Which are predetermined, can be started. Inci
injection system, ignition (IG) stages as reference for driving dentally, the fuel injection map can be composed of a map for
US 8,498,801 B2
13 14
determining a fuel injection time based on engine rotating a fuel injection system con?gured to perform simultaneous
speed Ne, throttle position 0, manifold air pressure detected fuel injection until completion of a stroke discrimina
by the PB sensor, etc. Then, in step S405, it can be decided tion;
Whether or not the engine rotating speed (motor rotating an ignition device con?gured to ignite at a preset ?xed
speed) Ne has reached or exceeded a start completion rotating timing every one revolution of a crankshaft; and
speed (e. g., 1000 rpm). When the decision result is negative, a storage unit con?gured to store, during execution of the
the control can return to the decision in step S405. On the idle stop control, a result of the stroke discrimination
other hand, When the decision in step S405 is af?rmative, the after initiating the engine starting,
control can proceed to step S406, in Which the driving of the Wherein, after completion of the stroke discrimination, the
ACG starter motor 70 is stopped, Whereby a series of control engine start control system is con?gured to perform a
can be ?nished. fuel injection and ignition control once every tWo revo
Thus, according to embodiments of the invention, as lutions of the crankshaft based on an output value of a
described for the fuel injection and ignition stage conversion lead (Pb) sensor, and
control, at the time of restarting the engine from the idle stop, Wherein, at the time of restarting the engine by the idle stop
it may be unnecessary to perform engine stroke discrimina 15 control, the result of the stroke discrimination stored in
tion. Optimum fuel injection and ignition control based on the storage unit is used to drive the fuel injection system
720-degree motor stages can be carried out from the begin and the ignition device, instead of conducting a neW
ning, so that startability at the time of restarting the engine can stroke discrimination.
be enhanced. In addition, since simultaneous fuel injection is 2. The engine start control system according to claim 1,
not conducted, fuel economy can be improved. 20 further comprising:
Incidentally, the shapes and structures of the ACG starter a stage decision unit con?gured to allocate a period of tWo
motor, the pulser rotor, and the motor angle sensor, the inside revolutions of the crankshaft to a plurality of motor
con?guration of the ECU (engine start control system), the stages set at regular intervals based on the result of the
respective reverse-rotation duty ratios in sWing-back control stroke discrimination;
and idle stop starting time reWind control, the correlation of 25 a correlation table con?gured to predetermine correlations
720-degree motor stages With fuel injection and ignition of the plurality of motor stages With fuel injection stages
stages, etc. are not limited to those illustrated for the above to be used for driving the fuel injection system and
embodiments, and various modi?cations thereof are possible. ignition stages to be used for driving the ignition device;
For instance, according to the above-described embodiments, and
the sWing-back control at the time of starting the engine, the 30 a stage converter con?gured to convert a motor stage into a
reWind control at the time of starting an idle stop, the fuel fuel injection stage and an ignition stage at the time of
injection stop and ignition continuation control at the time of restarting the engine after the idle stop by the idle stop
starting the idle stop, and the fuel injection and ignition stage control.
conversion control at the time of restarting the engine from 3. The engine start control system according to claim 2,
the idle stop state canbe applied in combinations of them. The 35 Wherein a length of one period of the motor stage is set to be
engine start control system, in accordance With an embodi shorter than the length of one period of the fuel injection
ment of the invention, can be applicable not only to motor stage.
cycles, but also to three-Wheel vehicles, four-Wheel vehicles, 4. The engine start control system according to claim 1,
and the like. further comprising:
40 an idle stop starting time reWind control unit con?gured to
DESCRIPTION OF REFERENCE NUMERALS reWind the crankshaft of the engine to a predetermined
position beyond a compression top dead center, When
1 Motorcycle the engine is stopped by the idle stop control.
21 Ignition coil (Ignition device) 5. The engine start control system according to claim 1,
22 Spark plug (Ignition device) 45 further comprising:
28 Fuel injection system a motor, Wherein the motor comprises an alternating-cur
29 Motor angle sensor rent generating starter motor con?gured to function as
30 Ignition pulser both a starter motor and an alternating-current generator.
51 Crankshaft 6. The engine start control system according to claim 1,
70 ACG starter motor (Motor) 50 Wherein, at the time of restarting the engine from the idle stop
80 ECU (Engine start control system) control, the engine start control system is further con?gured
81 Full-Wave recti?cation bridge circuit to perform a fuel injection and ignition control once every tWo
90 SWing-back control unit revolutions of the crankshaft.
91 SWing-back reverse-rotation duty ratio setting section 7. The engine start control system according to claim 1,
100 Idle stop starting time reWind control unit 55 Wherein the engine control system is con?gured to process
101 ReWind reverse-rotation duty ratio setting section the stroke discrimination by discriminating an intake stroke
102 Timer and a combustion stroke from each other based on the fact that
110 Restarting time motor stage conversion means an intake pres sure value detected by a intake pres sure sensor
111 720-degree motor stage storage means is loWered due to a manifold air pressure in the intake stroke,
112 Fuel injection and ignition stage correlation table 60 and further con?gured to raise the stroke discrimination due
to the non-execution of intake in the combustion stroke after
We claim: a 360-degree rotation.
1. An engine start control system, comprising: 8. An engine start control system, comprising:
an idle stop control con?gured to stop an engine upon idle stop controlling means for stopping an engine upon
establishment of a predetermined condition and con?g 65 establishment of a predetermined condition and con?g
ured to restart, by a throttle operation at the time of ured to restart, by a throttle operation at the time of
starting the engine, using a starting switch; starting the engine, using a starting sWitch;

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