United States Patent: Chang Et Al. (10) Patent No.: US 9,071,100 B2
United States Patent: Chang Et Al. (10) Patent No.: US 9,071,100 B2
United States Patent: Chang Et Al. (10) Patent No.: US 9,071,100 B2
(56) References Cited 7,156,195 B2* 1/2007 Yamagishi et al. .......... 180/651
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U.S. Patent Jun. 30, 2015 Sheet 1 of 22 US 9,071,100 B2
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U.S. Patent Jun. 30, 2015 Sheet 22 of 22 US 9,071,100 B2
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US 9,071,100 B2
1. 2
CENTRFUGAL, HEAT DISSIPATION DEVICE increased rotor temperature and limited motor power; (2) heat
AND MOTOR USING SAME tends to accumulate in the rotor; and (3) the rotor has low
cooling performance.
The present application is a division of U.S. patent appli A primary object of the present invention is to provide a
cation Ser. No. 13/179,564, filed on Jul. 11, 2011, titled centrifugal heat dissipation device that utilizes a centrifugal
Centrifugal Heat Dissipation Device and Motor Using Same, force to enable enhanced vapor-liquid circulation of a work
listing ShVV-Woei Chang and Kuei-Feng Chiang as inventors. 10 ing fluid filled therein, so as to provide increased heat dissi
This application claims the priority benefit of Taiwan patent pation effect.
application number 100110737 filed on Mar. 29, 2011. Another object of the present invention is to provide a
motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION To achieve the above and other objects, the centrifugal heat
15 dissipation device according to the present invention includes
The present invention relates to a centrifugal heat dissipa a main body having a shaft hole, a heat-absorption Zone, and
tion device, and more particularly to a centrifugal heat dissi a heat-transfer Zone. The heat-transfer Zone has a radially
inner side connected to the shaft hole and a radially outer side
pation device that rotates and utilizes a produced centrifugal connected to the heat-absorption Zone; and the shaft hole
force to enable enhanced vapor-liquid circulation of a work axially extends through the main body.
ing fluid filled therein. The present invention also relates to a To achieve the above and other objects, the motor with
motor that uses the above-described centrifugal heat dissipa centrifugal heat dissipation device according to an embodi
tion device and therefore has largely upgraded heat dissipa ment of the present invention includes at least one shaft, a
tion performance. centrifugal heat dissipation device, a plurality of silicon Steel
25 sheets, and a housing. The shaft internally defines a hollow
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION space, and has a first end and an opposite second end com
municating with the hollow space. The centrifugal heat dis
All the currently available motors, power generators, and sipation device includes a main body having a shaft hole, a
various kinds of electric engines include a rotor and a stator. heat-absorption Zone, and a heat-transfer Zone. The heat
When a motor is excited due to the effect of stator-rotor 30 transfer Zone has a radially inner side connected to the shaft
mutual induction, the motor works or generates power. Heat hole and a radially outer side connected to the heat-absorption
will be generated when the silicon steel sheets provided on the Zone; and the shaft hole axially extends through the main
rotor and the winding coils wound on the silicon steel sheets body for receiving the shaft therein. The silicon steel sheets
are supplied with an electric current. The hysteresis loss (iron are externally fitted around the main body of the centrifugal
loss) and copper loss of the rotor would generate thermal 35 heat dissipation device. The housing is internally provided
power, which causes increased temperature and lowered effi with a magnetic member, which is located corresponding to
ciency of the motor rotor, and thereby limits the maximum but spaced from the silicon steel sheets when the centrifugal
power of the rotary motor. heat dissipation device and the shaft are mounted in the hous
A motor usually has an efficiency of 85%. The 15% loss of ing. The housing has at least one end being an open end, to
40 which a cap is connected to close the housing.
the motor would cause heat transfer among the motor wind To achieve the above and other objects, the motor with
ings, the motor stator and/or the motor housing. When oper centrifugal heat dissipation device according to another
ating under atmospheric pressure, the heat generated by the embodiment of the present invention includes at least one
motor rotor is transferred to the motor housing mainly via shaft, a centrifugal heat dissipation device, at least one mag
convection. That is, the heat generated by the motor rotor is 45 netic member, and a housing. The shaft internally defines a
transferred to the motor housing with the air inside the motor hollow space, and has a first end and an opposite second end
as the heat transfer medium. By providing the motor rotor communicating with the hollow space. The centrifugal heat
with radiating fins to cool the motor, the effect of heat transfer dissipation device includes a main body having a shaft hole,
via convection can be maximized. a heat-absorption Zone, and a heat-transfer Zone. The heat
It is also possible to transfer part of the thermal loss power 50 transfer Zone has a radially inner side connected to the shaft
of the motor or the power generator to an external environ hole and a radially outer side connected to the heat-absorption
ment through heat conduction and radiation via the rotary Zone; and the shaft hole axially extends through the main
shaft and bearings of the motor or the power generator. How body for receiving the shaft therein. The magnetic member is
ever, this type of heat transfer mechanism can only provide externally fitted around the main body of the centrifugal heat
relatively small cooling effect. When a high-speed shaft and a 55 dissipation device. The housing is internally provided with a
thermal rotor operate in a high-temperature condition, the plurality of silicon Steel sheets, which are located correspond
rotor must be cooled. Otherwise, the rotor rotating at high ing to but spaced from the magnetic member when the cen
load is subject to burnout due to the thermal power generated trifugal heat dissipation device and the shaft are mounted in
by the hysteresis loss (iron loss) and copper loss. the housing. The housing has at least one end being an open
The currently cooling systems available for motors and 60 end, to which a cap is connected to close the housing.
power generators are mainly designed to carry heat away When the centrifugal heat dissipation device rotates along
from the stator. As to the rotor, it could not be effectively with the shaft of the motor, a centrifugal force is produced.
cooled since there has not been any effective heat dissipation The centrifugal force enables enhanced vapor-liquid circula
means for rotor up to date. tion of a working fluid filled in the heat-absorption Zone of the
In brief, the prior art motors or power generators have the 65 main body of the centrifugal heat dissipation device, so that
following disadvantages: (1) the hysteresis loss and copper heat generated by the operating motor is absorbed by the
loss of the rotor thereof generates thermal power to result in centrifugal heat dissipation device and transferred to the shaft
US 9,071,100 B2
3 4
for guiding out of the motor, allowing the motor to have FIG. 20 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of an
largely upgraded heat dissipation performance. eleventh embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dis
sipation device according to the present invention; and
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 21 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a
twelfth embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissi
The structure and the technical means adopted by the pation device according to the present invention.
present invention to achieve the above and other objects can
be best understood by referring to the following detailed DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
description of the preferred embodiments and the accompa EMBODIMENTS
nying drawings, wherein 10
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a first embodiment of a The present invention will now be described with some
centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the present preferred embodiments thereof and with reference to the
invention; accompanying drawings. For the purpose of easy to under
FIG. 2 is a cross sectional view of FIG. 1; stand, elements that are the same in the preferred embodi
FIG.3a is a cross sectional view of a second embodiment 15
of the centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the ments are denoted by the same reference numerals.
present invention; Please refer to FIGS. 1 and 2 that areassembled perspective
FIG.3b is a cross sectional view of a variant of the second view and cross sectional view, respectively, of a first embodi
embodiment of the centrifugal heat dissipation device ment of a centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a according to
according to the present invention; the present invention. As shown, the centrifugal heat dissipa
FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view of a third embodiment of tion device 1a in the first embodiment includes a cylindrical
the centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the main body 1 having a shaft hole 11, a heat-absorption Zone
present invention; 12, and aheat-transfer Zone 13. The heat-transfer Zone 13 has
FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a fourth embodiment of the a radially outer side connected to the heat-absorption Zone 12
centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the present 25 and a radially inner side connected to the shaft hole 11. The
invention; shaft hole 11 axially extends through the main body 1.
FIG. 6 is an exploded perspective view of a first embodi The heat-absorption Zone 12 is internally provided with a
ment of a motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device working fluid 2.
according to the present invention; Please refer to FIG.3a that is a cross sectional view of a
FIG. 7 is an assembled view of FIG. 6; 30 second embodiment of the centrifugal heat dissipation device
FIG. 8 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of the 1a according to the present invention, and to FIG. 3b that is a
motor of FIG. 6; cross sectional view of a variant of the second embodiment of
FIG.9 is an exploded perspective view of a second embodi the centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a. As can be seen from
ment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device FIGS. 3a and 3b, the centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a in
according to the present invention without showing the hous 35 the second embodiment and the variant thereof are generally
ing thereof; structurally similar to the first embodiment, except for a wick
FIG. 10 is an assembled perspective view of a third structure 125 that is further provided in the heat-absorption
embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipation Zone 12. The wick structure 125 may be a sintered powder
device according to the present invention without showing the structure as shown in FIG.3a, or a net-like structure as shown
housing thereof; 40 in FIG. 3b, or include a plurality of continuous or discontinu
FIG. 11 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a ous grooves (not shown), or be any combination of the pre
fourth embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissi vious structures.
pation device according to the present invention; FIG. 4 is a cross sectional view of a third embodiment of
FIG. 12 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a the centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the
fifth embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipa 45 present invention. As shown, the third embodiment is gener
tion device according to the present invention; ally structurally similar to the first embodiment, except for a
FIG. 13 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a plurality of recesses 126 formed in the heat-absorption Zone
sixth embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipa 12.
tion device according to the present invention; FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a fourth embodiment of the
FIG. 14 is an exploded perspective view of a seventh 50 centrifugal heat dissipation device according to the present
embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipation invention. The fourth embodiment is generally structurally
device according to the present invention; similar to the first embodiment, except that the heat-absorp
FIG. 15 is an assembled view of FIG. 14; tion Zone 12 is radially outward extended from only a partial
FIG. 16 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of the axial length of the heat-transfer Zone 13 and has a first trans
seventh embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dis 55 verse surface 12a and an opposite second transverse Surface
sipation device according to the present invention; 12b.
FIG. 17 is an assembled perspective view of an eighth The present invention also relates to a motor 9 with cen
embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipation trifugal heat dissipation device. Please refer to FIGS. 6, 7 and
device according to the present invention without showing the 8, in which a first embodiment of the motor 9 with centrifugal
housing thereof; 60 heat dissipation device according to the present invention is
FIG. 18 is an assembled perspective view of a ninth shown. As shown, the motor 9 in the first embodiment thereof
embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipation includes at least one shaft 3, a centrifugal heat dissipation
device according to the present invention without showing the device 1a, a plurality of silicon Steel sheets 4, and a housing 5.
housing thereof; The shaft 3 internally defines a hollow space 31 and has a
FIG. 19 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a 65 first end 32 and an opposite second end 33. The first and the
tenth embodiment of the motor with centrifugal heat dissipa second end 32, 33 are communicable with the hollow space
tion device according to the present invention; 31.
US 9,071,100 B2
5 6
The centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a includes a cylin space 31 of the shaft 3 when the shaft 3 is rotating, so as to
drical main body 1, which includes a shaft hole 11, a heat remove heat from the rotating shaft 3 to achieve the purpose
absorption Zone 12, and a heat-transfer Zone 13. The heat of cooling the motor.
transfer Zone 13 has a radially inner side connected to the Please refer to FIGS. 14, 15 and 16, which are respectively
shaft hole 11 and a radially outer side connected to the heat an exploded perspective view, an assembled perspective
absorption Zone 12. The shaft hole 11 axially extends through views, and an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a
the main body 1, and the shaft 3 is fitted in the shaft hole 11. seventh embodiment of the motor 9 with centrifugal heat
The silicon steel sheets 4 are externally fitted around the dissipation device according to the present invention. As
main body 1 of the centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a. shown, the motor 9 with centrifugal heat dissipation device in
The housing 5 is internally provided with a magnetic mem 10 the seventh embodiment thereof includes at least one shaft3,
ber 51, which is located corresponding to but spaced from the a centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a, at least one magnetic
silicon Steel sheets 4 when the centrifugal heat dissipation member 51, and a housing 5.
device 1a and the shaft 3 are mounted in the housing 5. The The shaft 3 internally defines a hollow space 31, and has a
housing 5 has at least one end being an open end, to which a first end 32 and a second end 33. The first and second ends 32,
cap 52 is connected to close the housing 5. In a preferred 15 33 are communicable with the hollow space 31.
embodiment, the magnetic member 51 is a magnet. The centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a includes a main
A cooling fluid 6 is filled in the hollow space 31 of the shaft body 1, which has a shaft hole 11, a heat-absorption Zone 12,
3. The cooling fluid 6 may be air, oil, or water. and a heat-transfer Zone 13 as that shown in FIG. 1. The
The silicon steel sheets 4 have a plurality of winding coils heat-transfer Zone 13 has a radially inner side connected to the
41 externally wound thereon. shaft hole 11 and a radially outer side connected to the heat
Please refer to FIG. 9 that is an exploded perspective view absorption Zone 12. The shaft hole 11 axially extends through
of a second embodiment of the motor according to the present the main body 1, and the shaft 3 is fitted in the shaft hole 11.
invention without showing the housing thereof. As shown, the The magnetic member 51 is externally fitted around the
motor in the second embodiment is generally structurally main body 1 of the centrifugal heat dissipation device 1a.
similar to the first embodiment, except that the centrifugal 25 The housing 5 is internally provided with a plurality of
heat dissipation device for the second embodiment has a silicon steel sheets 4, which are located corresponding to but
heat-absorption Zone 12 that is radially outward extended spaced from the magnetic member 51 when the centrifugal
from only a partial axial length of the heat-transfer Zone 13 heat dissipation device 1a and the shaft 3 are mounted in the
and has a first transverse Surface 12a and an opposite second housing 5. The housing 5 has at least one end being an open
transverse surface 12b, and the silicon steel sheets 4 are in 30 end, to which a cap 52 is connected to close the housing 5. In
contact with the first or the second transverse surface 12a, 12b a preferred embodiment, the magnetic member 51 is a mag
of the heat-absorption Zone 12 of the centrifugal heat dissi net.
pation device. A cooling fluid 6 is filled in the hollow space 31 of the shaft
FIG. 10 is an assembled perspective view of a third 3. The cooling fluid 6 may be air, oil, or water.
embodiment of the motor according to the present invention 35 The silicon steel sheets 4 have a plurality of winding coils
without showing the housing thereof. As shown, the motor in 41 externally wound thereon.
the third embodiment is generally structurally similar to the FIG. 17 is an assembled perspective view of an eighth
second embodiment, except for a first rotary oil seal 71 and a embodiment of the motor according to the present invention
second rotary oil seal 72 that are further mounted around the without showing the housing thereof. As shown, the motor in
first and the second end 32, 33 of the shaft 3, respectively. 40 the eighth embodiment is generally structurally similar to the
Please refer to FIG. 11 that is an assembled longitudinal seventh embodiment, except that the centrifugal heat dissipa
sectional view of a fourth embodiment of the motor according tion device for the eighth embodiment has a heat-absorption
to the present invention. As shown, the motor in the fourth Zone 12 that is radially outward extended from only a partial
embodiment is generally structurally similar to the third axial length of the heat-transfer Zone 13 and has a first trans
embodiment, except for a pressure device 10 that is further 45 verse surface 12a and an opposite second transverse Surface
connected to the shaft 3. The pressure device 10 is a pump 12b, and the magnetic member 51 is in contact with the first or
formed of a pressure unit 101, a first pipe 102, and a second the second transverse surface 12a, 12b of the heat-absorption
pipe 103. The pressure unit 101 has an outlet 1011 and an inlet Zone 12.
1012, which are connected to the two ends of the shaft 3 via FIG. 18 is an assembled perspective view of a ninth
the first pipe 102 and the second pipe 103, respectively. 50 embodiment of the motor according to the present invention
Please refer to FIG. 12 that is an assembled longitudinal without showing the housing thereof. As shown, the motor in
sectional view of a fifth embodiment of the motor according the ninth embodiment is generally structurally similar to the
to the present invention. As shown, the motor in the fifth eighth embodiment, except for a first rotary oil seal 71 and a
embodiment is generally structurally similar to the third second rotary oil seal 72 that are further mounted around the
embodiment, except for a pressure device 10 that is further 55 first and the second end 32, 33 of the shaft 3, respectively.
mounted to the hollow space 31 of the shaft 3. The pressure Please refer to FIG. 19 that is an assembled longitudinal
device 10 is a turbine blade assembly being able to guide a sectional view of a tenth embodiment of the motor according
cooling fluid 6 (i.e. ambient air) into the hollow space 31 to the present invention. As shown, the motor in the tenth
when the shaft 3 is rotating, so as to remove heat from the embodiment is generally structurally similar to the ninth
rotating shaft 3 to achieve the purpose of cooling the motor. 60 embodiment, except for a pressure device 10 that is further
FIG. 13 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a connected to the shaft 3. The pressure device 10 is a pump
sixth embodiment of the motor according to the present formed of a pressure unit 101, a first pipe 102, and a second
invention. As shown, the motor in the sixth embodiment is pipe 103. The pressure unit 101 has an outlet 1011 and an inlet
generally structurally similar to the second embodiment, 1012, which are connected to the two ends of the shaft 3 via
except for a pressure device 10that is further connected to one 65 the first pipe 102 and the second pipe 103, respectively.
end of the shaft 3. The pressure device 10 is a fan being able Please refer to FIG. 20 that is an assembled longitudinal
to guide a cooling fluid 6 (i.e. ambient air) into the hollow sectional view of an eleventh embodiment of the motor
US 9,071,100 B2
7 8
according to the present invention. As shown, the motor in the a centrifugal heat dissipation device including a main body
eleventh embodiment is generally structurally similar to the having a shaft hole, a heat-absorption Zone, and a heat
seventh embodiment, except for a pressure device 10 that is transfer Zone; the heat-transfer Zone having a radially
further mounted to the hollow space 31 of the shaft 3. The outer side connected to the heat-absorption Zone and a
pressure device 10 is a turbine blade assembly being able to radially inner side connected to the shaft hole; the shaft
guide a cooling fluid 6 (i.e. ambient air) into the hollow space hole axially extending through the main body, and the
31 when the shaft 3 is rotating, so as to remove heat from the shaft being fitted in the shaft hole;
rotating shaft 3 to achieve the purpose of cooling the motor. at least one magnetic member being externally fitted
FIG. 21 is an assembled longitudinal sectional view of a around the main body of the centrifugal heat dissipation
twelfth embodiment of the motor according to the present 10
device; and
invention. As shown, the motor in the twelfth embodiment is a housing being internally provided with a plurality of
generally structurally similar to the ninth embodiment, except silicon steel sheets, which are located corresponding to
for a pressure device 10 that is further connected to one end of but spaced from the centrifugal heat dissipation device
the shaft 3. The pressure device 10 is a fan being able to when the centrifugal heat dissipation device and the
forcedly guide a cooling fluid 6 (i.e. ambient air) into the 15
hollow space 31 of the shaft 3 when the shaft 3 is rotating, so shaft are mounted in the housing; and the housing having
as to remove heat from the rotating shaft 3 to achieve the at least one end being an open end, to which a cap is
purpose of cooling the motor. connected to close the housing, wherein the heat-ab
In the previous eighth to twelfth embodiments, the cooling Sorption Zone is radially outward extended from only a
fluid 6 filled in the hollow space 31 of the shaft3 may also be partial axial length of the heat-transfer Zone, and defines
air, oil, a refrigerant, or water. a first transverse surface and an opposite second trans
Please refer to FIGS. 1 to 21. According to the embodi verse surface; and the magnetic member being in contact
ments of the present invention, the centrifugal heat dissipa with one of the first and the second transverse surface of
tion device 1a is a thermosiphon plate. The centrifugal heat the heat-absorption Zone.
dissipation device 1a is internally in a vacuum low-pressure 25 2. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
state and filled with a working fluid 2. The working fluid 2 claimed in claim 1, wherein the first and the second end of the
absorbs the heat transferred to the centrifugal heat dissipation shaft are connected to a first and a second rotary oil seal,
device 1a, so that the working fluid 2 in the centrifugal heat respectively.
dissipation device 1a is vaporized or boiled. In other words, 3. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
the working fluid 2 absorbs sufficient latent heat of evapora 30
claimed in claim 1, wherein the hollow space of the shaft is
tion and is transformed into a vapor-phase working fluid 21. filled with a cooling fluid, and the cooling fluid being selected
The vapor-phase working fluid 21 is subject to a lower radi from the group consisting of air, oil, and water.
ally outward centrifugal force compared to a liquid-phase 4. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
working fluid 22. The centrifugal force would guide the
vapor-phase working fluid 21 toward a rotating center, i.e. 35 claimed in claim 1, wherein the silicon steel sheets have a
toward a center of the shaft 3, while guiding the liquid-phase plurality of winding coils externally wound thereon.
working fluid 22 toward the radially outer side of the heat 5. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
absorption Zone 12 to thereby achieve a vapor-liquid separat claimed in claim 1, wherein the magnetic member is a mag
ing function. Therefore, the centrifugal heat dissipation 6. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
device 1a provides better heat transfer efficiency than con 40
claimed in claim 1, further comprising a pressure device
ventional heat pipes and vapor chambers that guide the work connected to the shaft; the pressure device being a pump and
ing fluid only via the force of gravity.
The present invention has been described with some pre formed of a pressure unit, a first pipe and a second pipe; the
ferred embodiments thereof and it is understood that many pressure unit having an outlet and an inlet, which are con
nected to the two ends of the shaft via the first and the second
changes and modifications in the described embodiments can 45
pipe, respectively.
be carried out without departing from the Scope and the spirit 7. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
of the invention that is intended to be limited only by the claimed in claim 1, further comprising a pressure device
appended claims.
What is claimed is: mounted to the hollow space of the shaft, and the pressure
1. A motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device, com 50 device being a turbine blade assembly.
prising: 8. The motor with centrifugal heat dissipation device as
at least one shaft internally defining a hollow space and claimed in claim 1, further comprising a pressure device
having a first end and an opposite second end; and the connected to one end of the shaft, and the pressure device
first and second ends being communicable with the hol being a fan.
low space;