Goa Deis
Goa Deis
Goa Deis
Chapters 1-9
Appendices A-H
December 2009
This Draft EIS/OEIS has been prepared by the Department of the Navy in compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code § 4321 et seq.); the Council on
Environmental Quality Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA (Title 40 Code
of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] §§ 1500-1508); Department of the Navy Procedures for Implementing
NEPA (32 C.F.R. § 775); and Executive Order 12114, Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal
Actions. The National Marine Fisheries Service Headquarters is a cooperating agency on this Draft
EIS/OEIS. The Navy has identified the need to support and conduct current, emerging, and future training
activities in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Three alternatives are analyzed in this Draft EIS/OEIS. The No
Action Alternative will continue training activities of the same types, and at the same levels of training
intensity as currently conducted, without change in the nature or scope of military activities in the Draft
EIS/OEIS Study Area. Alternative 1, in addition to accommodating training activities addressed in the No
Action Alternative, would support an increase in training activities, as well as the inclusion of Anti-
Submarine Warfare activities to include the use of active sonar. Alternative 1 also proposes training
required by force structure changes to be implemented for new weapons systems, instrumentation, and
technology as well as new classes of ships, submarines, and new types of aircraft. In addition, specific
training instrumentation enhancements would be implemented, to include development and use of the
portable undersea tracking range. Alternative 2 would include all elements of Alternative 1. In addition,
under Alternative 2, one additional carrier strike group exercise would occur during the summer months.
This Draft EIS/OEIS addresses the potential environmental impacts that result or could result from
activities under the No Action Alternative, Alternative 1, and Alternative 2. Environmental resource
topics evaluated include air quality, expended materials, water resources, acoustic environment
(airborne), marine plants and invertebrates, fish, sea turtles, marine mammals, birds, cultural resources,
transportation and circulation, socioeconomics, environmental justice and protection of children, and
public safety.
This Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (OEIS)
analyzes the potential environmental effects that may result from the United States (U.S.) Navy’s
Proposed Action and Alternatives. The Proposed Action and Alternatives address ongoing naval training
activities (one joint force exercise occurring over a maximum time period of 14 days during summer
months [April through October]); proposed naval training activities of Alternative 1 that would increase
the number of training activities, increase the joint force exercise to last up to 21 days, and conduct Anti-
Submarine Warfare (ASW) activities; and the proposed naval training activities of Alternative 2 that
would increase the number of training activities, increase the joint force exercise to last up to 21 days,
conduct Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) activities, implement the use of a Portable Undersea Tracking
Range (PUTR), add a second carrier strike group activity during the months of April through October,
and conduct a Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) during each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) in the
Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA).
The Proposed Action consists of Navy training activities that occur during the summer in one or two
major exercises or focused activity periods. These exercises or activity periods would each last up to 21
days and consist of multiple component training activities as described in greater detail in the body of this
document. During these focused activity periods, intermittent Navy Unit Level Training (ULT) could also
occur. However, outside of these focused activity periods, during the other 46-49 weeks of the year, the
Navy does not train within the TMAA or other areas of the GOA.
These exercises would occur within and around the GOA and State of Alaska on established training
ranges and military owned/controlled lands. Training activities analyzed in this Draft EIS/OEIS include
those conducted by the Navy and other U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) services supporting Navy
training as discussed in the Description of Proposed Action and Activities (Chapter 2).
The geographic area covered by this Draft EIS/OEIS consists of three components: 1) the GOA TMAA;
2) U.S. Air Force (Air Force) over-land Special Use Airspace (SUA) and air routes over the GOA and
State of Alaska, and 3) U.S. Army (Army) training lands. Collectively, for the purposes of this Draft
EIS/OEIS, these areas are referred to as the Alaska Training Areas (ATAs) (Figure ES-1). This Draft
EIS/OEIS does not involve the creation or development of new training areas on land or changes in the
use of airspace over land or water. Nor does it include modifications to training areas at sea that the Navy
has been using over the last ten years during exercises and training.
This Draft EIS/OEIS has been prepared by the Department of the Navy in compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] § 4321 et seq.); the Counsel
on Environmental Quality (CEQ) Regulations for Implementing the Procedural Provisions of NEPA
(Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] Parts [§§] 1500-1508); Department of the Navy
Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 C.F.R. § 775); and Executive Order (EO) 12114, Environmental
Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions (EO No. 12114, 44 Federal Register [FR] 1957 Jan 4, 1979).
This Draft EIS/OEIS satisfies the requirements of NEPA and Executive Order (EO) 12114, and will be
filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and made available to appropriate federal, state,
local, and other private and public entities for review and comment.
The Navy is the lead agency for the Draft EIS/OEIS and the National Marine Fisheries Service is a
cooperating agency, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. §§ 1501.6 and 1508.5.
Since about 2000, the Navy has participated in a major exercise that involves Departments of the Navy,
Army, and Air Force participants reporting to a unified or joint commander who coordinates the activities
planned to demonstrate and evaluate the ability of the services to engage in a conflict and carry out plans
in response to a national security threat. Service Secretaries and Combatant Commanders report to the
Secretary of Defense. Combatant Commanders are the senior military authority for their assigned area of
responsibility. The U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM1), based in Hawaii, has the primary warfighting
mission to defend the United States and its interests in the Asia-Pacific Region. The U.S. Northern
Command (NORTHCOM) has the primary responsibility for homeland defense. Each of these combatant
commanders is supported by component commanders comprising forces from the Navy, Army, and Air
Force. The Combatant Commanders develop exercises that train the Navy, Army and Air Force
components to execute plans for situations that they identify as necessary to defend United States interest.
The TMAA is composed of 42,146 square nautical miles (nm2) (145,482 square kilometers [km2]) of
surface and subsurface ocean training area and overlying airspace that includes the majority of Warning
Area 612 (W-612). W-612 consists of about 2,256 nm2 (8,766 km2) of airspace (Figure ES-1). The
TMAA is approximately 300 nautical miles (nm) (555.6 kilometers [km]) in length by 150 nm (277.8 km)
in width and situated south of Prince William Sound and east of Kodiak Island. The TMAA’s northern
boundary is located approximately 24 nm (44 km) south of the shoreline of the Kenai Peninsula, which is
the largest proximate landmass. The only other shoreline close to the TMAA is Montague Island, which is
located 12 nm (24 km) north of the TMAA. The approximate middle of the TMAA is located 140 nm
(259 km) offshore. The inland Air Force SUA consists of 46,585 nm2 (159,782 km2/61,692 mi2) of
airspace and the Army training land consists of 2,624 mi2 (1,981 nm2 or 6,796 km2) of land area.
Training activities conducted by the Navy in the GOA are contained within the TMAA (Figure ES-2) and
the exercises normally occur during the period between April and October. For Navy training activities
that do occur in the inland Alaska ranges of the Air Force and Army, impacts associated with those
activities have previously been analyzed and addressed in separate environmental analyses conducted by
the Air Force and the Army (See Chapter 1, Section 1.6). As such, those activities are identified but not
carried forward for analysis within the Draft EIS/OEIS.
The Navy’s mission is to organize, train, equip, and maintain combat-ready naval forces capable of
winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas. This mission is mandated by
federal law (Title 10 U.S.C. § 5062), which ensures the readiness of the United States’ naval forces.2 The
Navy executes this responsibility by establishing and executing training programs, including at-sea
training and exercises, including Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) activities (to include the use of active
sonar), and ensuring naval forces have access to the ranges, operating areas, and airspace needed to
develop and maintain skills for conducting naval activities.
PACOM is a unified command which includes about 325,000 military personnel from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine
Corps (about 20 percent of all active duty U.S. military forces).
Title 10, Section 5062 of the United States Code provides: “The Navy shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for
prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at sea. It is responsible for the preparation of Naval forces necessary for the
effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with Integrated Joint Mobilization Plans, for the
expansion of the peacetime components of the Navy to meet the needs of war.”
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Figure ES-1: Alaska Training Areas
The ATA plays a vital part in executing this naval readiness mandate. The training areas serve as the
principal training venue for annual joint training exercises, which can involve forces from the Navy, Air
Force, Army, and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The Navy’s Proposed Action is a step toward ensuring the
continued vitality of this essential naval training resource.
In this regard, the ATA furthers the Navy’s execution of its roles and responsibilities under Title 10. To
comply with its Title 10 mandate, the Navy needs to:
• Maintain current levels of military readiness by training in the ATA;
• Accommodate future increases in training activity tempo in the ATA;
• Support the acquisition and implementation into the Fleet of advanced military technology using
the ATA to conduct training activities for new platforms and associated weapons systems
(EA-18G Growler aircraft, Guided Missile Submarines [SSGN], P-8 Poseidon Multimission
Maritime Aircraft [MMA], Guided Missile Destroyer [DDG] 1000 [Zumwalt Class] destroyer,
and several types of Unmanned Aerial Systems [UASs]);
• Identify shortfalls in training, particularly training instrumentation, and address through
• Maintain the long-term viability of the ATA as a Navy training area while protecting human
health and the environment, and enhancing the quality, capabilities, and safety of the training
area; and
• Be able to bring Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard assets together into one geographic
area for joint training.
Environmental effects in the open ocean beyond the U.S. territorial sea (outside of 12 nm) are analyzed in
this Draft EIS/OEIS pursuant to EO 12114 and associated implementing regulations.
This Draft EIS/OEIS provides an assessment of environmental effects associated with current and
proposed training activities and changes in force structure (to include new systems, platforms, and
Scoping is the early and open public process for determining the “scope” of issues to be addressed in the
Draft EIS/OEIS, and for identifying significant issues related to a Proposed Action. In April of 2008, the
three scoping meetings for this Draft EIS/OEIS (held in Kodiak, Alaska [AK]; Anchorage, AK; and
Cordova, AK) invited public attendance to help define and prioritize environmental issues, and convey
these issues to the Navy. As a result of the scoping process, the Navy received comments from the public
(see Appendix G), as well as agencies, private entities, and federally recognized Native American Tribes
and Nations which have been considered in the preparation of this Draft EIS/OEIS.
Incorporating public input from the scoping process, this Draft EIS/OEIS was prepared to assess the
potential effects of the Proposed Action and Alternatives on the human environment. A Notice of
Availability was published in the Federal Register, and notices were placed in the aforementioned
newspapers announcing the availability of the Draft EIS/OEIS. The Draft EIS/OEIS is now available for
general review, and is being circulated for review and comment. Public meetings will be advertised and
held in the same geographic venues as the scoping meetings, as well as two additional venues, to receive
public comments on the Draft EIS/OEIS.
A Final EIS/OEIS will be prepared that responds to all public comments, including comments received
from other federal and state agencies, on the Draft EIS/OEIS. Responses to public comments may take
various forms as necessary, including correction of data, clarifications of and modifications to analytical
approaches, and inclusion of additional data or analyses. The Final EIS/OEIS will then be released and
available to the public.
After a review of comments received from the public, a decision among the alternatives will be made and
the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Installations and Environment) will issue a Record of
Decision (ROD) no sooner than 30 days after the Final EIS/OEIS is made available to the public. The
ROD will summarize the Navy’s decision, identify the selected Alternative, describe the public
involvement and agency decision-making processes, and include commitments to specific mitigation
Comments received from the public during the scoping process are categorized and summarized below in
Table ES-1. This table is not intended to provide a complete listing, but to show the extent of the scope of
comments and the variety of parties making comments. A more thorough summary of the public scoping
process is presented in Appendix G of this Draft EIS/OEIS.
states to determine whether it has potential direct or indirect effects on coastal zone resources or uses
under the provisions of the state CMP.
The State of Alaska has an approved CMP (Alaska Coastal Management Program -“ACMP”), which is
found at Alaska Statutes Annotated (AS) 46.40.020. The ACMP received federal approval from the
NOAA in 1979. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) is the state’s designated coastal
management agency and is responsible for reviewing projects for consistency with the ACMP and issuing
coastal management decisions under the provisions of 11 AAC Code Chapters 110 and 112. Specific
statewide standards for review under the ACMP are found at 11 AAC Chapter 112,
In general, the CZMA defines the coastal zone as extending “to the outer limit of State title and
ownership under the Submerged Lands Act.” For the state of Alaska, CZMA coastal boundaries are
determined by each individual Coastal Resource District pursuant to 11 Alaska Administrative Code
(AAC) 114.220. Specific standards under the ACMP that appear applicable to proposed training activities
occurring in the TMAA are 11 AAC Chapter 112 Sections 280 (“Transportation Routes and Facilities”),
300 (“Habitats”), 310 (“Air, Land, and Water Quality), and 320 (“Historic, Prehistoric, and Archeological
For the activities covered in this Draft EIS/OEIS, the Navy will ensure compliance with the CZMA
through coordination with the ADNR.
For purposes of this Draft EIS/OEIS, the No Action Alternative serves as the baseline level of operations,
representing the regular and historical level of training activity necessary to maintain Navy readiness.
Consequently, the No Action Alternative stands as no change from current levels of training usage. This
interpretation of the No Action Alternative is consistent with guidance provided by CEQ (CEQ's 40 Most
Asked Questions, Question #3; http://ceq.hss.doe.gov), which indicates that where ongoing federal
programs continue, even as new plans are developed, “no action” is “no change” from current
management direction or level of management intensity. The potential impacts of the current level of
training within the ATA (defined by the No Action Alternative) are compared to the potential impacts of
activities proposed under Alternative 1 and Alternative 2.
The purpose of including a No Action Alternative in environmental impact analyses is to ensure that
agencies compare the potential impacts of the proposed major federal action to the known impacts of
maintaining the status quo.
Alternatives considered in this Draft EIS/OEIS were developed by the Navy after careful assessment by
subject-matter experts, including military units and commands that use the ATA, range management
professionals, and Navy environmental managers and scientists. The Navy has developed a set of criteria
to use in assessing whether a possible alternative meets the purpose of and need for the Proposed Action.
Each of these criteria assumes implementation of mitigation measures for the protection of natural
resources, as appropriate. Any alternative considered for future analysis should support or employ the
following criteria:
The mission requirement of ALCOM is to integrate military activities within Alaska to maximize the readiness of theater
forces, expedite deployment of forces from and through Alaska in support of worldwide contingencies, and serve as the Joint
Task Force (JTF) headquarters for protection of critical infrastructure and coordination of Military Assistance to Civil Authorities
5. Minimal encroachments on joint training requirements that could include, but are not limited to:
• Low interference in the electronic spectrum to allow for unrestricted use of electronic sensors and
systems; and
• Large areas with sparse populations or low to no permanent human populations.
6. Training sustainment in support of the DoD Title 10 mandate.
7. Proximity to shipping lanes for realistic training on avoiding conflicts with air and marine traffic.
Having identified criteria for generating alternatives for consideration in this Draft EIS/OEIS, the Navy
eliminated several alternatives from further consideration after initial review. Specifically, the following
potential alternatives were not carried forward for analysis:
• Alternative Locations
• Reduced Training
• Alternate Time Frame
• Simulated Training
After careful consideration of each of these potential alternatives in light of the identified criteria, the
Navy determined that none of them meets the Navy’s purpose and need for the Proposed Action. For a
more detailed discussion of identified criteria and alternatives selected pursuant to the guidance of 40
C.F.R. § 1502.14(a), see Chapter 2 (Section 2.3.1); for alternatives considered but eliminated, see Chapter
2 (Section 2.3.2).
and accommodate force structure changes to include new platforms, weapon systems, and training
enhancement instrumentation; 3) Alternative 2 – increase training activities to include the use of active
sonar, accommodate force structure changes to include new platforms, weapon systems, and training
enhancement instrumentation, and conduct one additional Carrier Strike Group (CSG) exercise during
summer months (April through October), annually.
The following sections contain the detailed discussion of Alternatives carried forward for analysis in the
ES 1.4.3 No Action Alternative – Current Training Activities within the Alaska
Training Areas
The Navy routinely trains in the ATA for national defense purposes. Under the No Action Alternative,
training activities (no active sonar) as part of large-scale joint exercises would continue at baseline levels
required to execute the joint training exercise requirements (one joint force exercise occurring over a
maximum time period of up to 14 consecutive days during the summer months [April through October]).
The Navy would not increase training activities above historical levels, but would continue exercises in
the ATA, and specifically the TMAA, with up to one CSG or equivalent forces. Evaluation of the No
Action Alternative in this Draft EIS/OEIS provides a baseline for assessing environmental impacts of
Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative), as described in the following subsections.
Training activities and exercises currently conducted in the ATA are briefly described below. Each
military training activity described in this Draft EIS/OEIS meets a requirement that can be traced
ultimately to requirements from the National Command Authority.4 Training activities in the ATA stem
from large-scale joint exercises, such as Northern Edge, which may involve thousands of participants and
span several days. These exercises include basic individual or unit level training events of relatively short
duration involving few participants that occur simultaneously with the large-scale joint exercises.
Over the years, the tempo and types of activities have fluctuated within the ATA due to changing
requirements, the introduction of new technologies, the dynamic nature of international events, advances
in warfighting doctrine and procedures, and force structure changes. Such developments have influenced
the frequency, duration, intensity, and location of required training. The factors influencing tempo and
types of activities are fluid in nature and will continue to cause fluctuations in training activities within
the ATA. However, even with the fluidity of the training requirements, the “ceiling numbers” for the
alternatives in the Draft EIS/OEIS will not be exceeded. Accordingly, training activity data used
throughout this Draft EIS/OEIS are a representative baseline for evaluating impacts that may result from
the proposed training activities.
ES 1.4.4 Description of Current Training Activities within the Alaska Training Areas
For purposes of analysis, training activity data used in this Draft EIS/OEIS are organized by Navy
Primary Mission Areas (PMARs). The Navy currently trains in five PMARs in the TMAA: Anti-Air
Warfare, Anti-Surface Warfare, Electronic Combat (EC), Naval Special Warfare (NSW), and Strike
Warfare (STW). The Navy also conducts STW, EC, and NSW training in the Air Force SUA and Army
training lands of the ATA. Although discussed in this document, these inland activities and their impacts
are covered under other NEPA documentation by the Air Force and Army (USAF 1995, USAF 2007,
Army 1999, and Army 2004 [refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3]). Navy requirements will mandate ASW
National Command Authority (NCA) is a term used by the United States military and government to refer to the ultimate lawful
source of military orders. The term refers collectively to the President of the United States (as commander-in-chief) and the
United States Secretary of Defense.
training activities take place in the TMAA using active sonar. Summary descriptions of current training
activities are outlined in Table 2-7 (Section 2.6.3). As stated earlier, the No Action Alternative is the
baseline of current training area usage, thus allowing a comparative analysis between the current tempo
and proposed new uses and accelerated tempo of use.
• Conduct one additional separate large-scale joint force exercise, occurring over a maximum time
period of up to 21 consecutive days during the summer months (April through October).
Alternative 2 would include basic individual or unit level training events of relatively short
duration occurring simultaneously with the large-scale joint force exercise..
• Conduct a SINKEX during each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) within the TMAA.
During a SINKEX, a decommissioned surface ship is towed to a deep-water location and sunk
using a variety of ordnance. The SINKEX would occur, by rule, at least 50 nm (93 km) offshore.
Alternative 2 is the Preferred Alternative because it would allow the greatest flexibility for Navy exercise
planners to benefit from the unique joint training environment in the ATA. Additionally, Alternative 2
fully meets the criteria identified in Section 2.3.1.
Analysis of potential impacts of Navy activities on marine mammals is particularly complex. Therefore,
the Navy has provided a comprehensive discussion of the approach to and results of the impacts analysis
relating to marine mammals in Section 3.8 Marine Mammals and Appendix D Marine Mammal
Table ES-2: Categories of Resources Addressed and EIS/OEIS Chapter
As part of its commitment to sustainable use of resources and environmental stewardship, the Navy
incorporates measures that are protective of the environment into all of its activities. These include
employment of BMPs, SOPs, adoption of conservation recommendations, and other protective measures
that mitigate the impacts of Navy activities on the environment. Some of these measures are generally
designed to apply to certain geographic areas during certain times of year or for specific types of Navy
training. Conservation measures covering habitats and species occurring in the ATA have been developed
through various environmental analyses conducted by the Navy for land and sea ranges and adjacent
coastal waters. The discussion in Chapter 5 describes mitigation measures applicable to Navy activities in
the TMAA. Existing protective measures and mitigation measures are also presented in Table ES-2 for
each resource section analyzed.
2004). These documents concluded Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army 2004). These
that no significant impacts related to concluded that no significant impacts related documents concluded that no significant
air quality would occur. to air quality would occur. impacts related to air quality would occur.
• Overflights of ocean (0-12 nm) and • Overflights of ocean (0-12 nm) and land • Overflights of ocean (0-12 nm) and land
land areas at altitudes above 3,000 ft areas at altitudes above 3,000 ft AGL would areas at altitudes above 3,000 ft AGL would
AGL would not affect ground-level air not affect ground-level air quality. not affect ground-level air quality.
3.1 Air Quality
MITIGATION MEASURES: Equipment used by military organizations within the GOA, including ships and other marine vessels, aircraft, and other
equipment, are properly maintained in accordance with applicable Navy and Marine Corps requirements. Operating equipment meets federal and state
emission standards, where applicable. Annual emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants produced by the Proposed Action are well below a level
that could degrade regional air quality. Therefore, no mitigation measures are required to reduce the impacts on the environment of air emissions from
the Proposed Action.
• Current Navy activities were • Under Alternative 1, Navy activities were • Under Alternative 2, Navy activities were
considered and are consistent with considered and would be consistent with considered and would be consistent with
those analyzed in the previous those analyzed in the previous those analyzed in the previous environmental
environmental documentation (USAF environmental documentation (USAF documentation (USAF 1995, USAF 2007,
1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army 1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army Army 1999, Army 2004). No significant
2004). No significant impacts related 2004). No significant impacts related to impacts related to expended materials would
to expended materials will occur. expended materials would occur. occur.
• Aircraft overflights will not involve • Aircraft overflights would not involve • Aircraft overflights would not involve
expenditures of training materials. expenditures of training materials. expenditures of training materials.
3.2 Expended Materials
MITIGATION MEASURES: As summarized in Section 3.2.4, the alternatives would contribute small amounts of hazardous materials to the environment.
Given the large size of the training area and the expected fate and transport of the constituents, hazardous materials released to the environment by the
Proposed Action are not likely to be present at detectable concentrations. Current Navy protective measures, such as hazardous waste management
procedures identified in Section, would continue to be implemented. No additional mitigation measures would be required under the Preferred
MITIGATION MEASURES: Impacts on water resources resulting from the alternatives would be below thresholds that could result in long-term
degradation of water resources or affect water quality. Possible impacts to water quality during normal operating conditions would continue to be
mitigated by measures identified in Section, which include shipboard management, storage, and discharge of hazardous materials and wastes,
and other pollution protection measures intended to protect water quality. No additional mitigation measures would be implemented because there
would be no substantial impact to water quality.
Army 2004). These documents USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army 2004). These
documents concluded that no significant
concluded that no significant impacts documents concluded that no significant
impacts related to Airborne Noise would
related to Airborne Noise would occur. impacts related to Airborne Noise would occur.
3.4 Acoustic Environment (Airborne)
• Aircraft overflights (> 15,000 ft) over the • Aircraft overflights (> 15,000 ft) over the U.S.
• Aircraft overflights (> 15,000 ft) over the U.S.
U.S. Territorial Seas (0-12 nm) to the Territorial Seas (0-12 nm) to the TMAA would
Territorial Seas (0-12 nm) to the TMAA would
TMAA would have no effect on the have no effect on the acoustic environment.
have no effect on the acoustic environment.
acoustic environment.
MITIGATION MEASURES: In the TMAA, most Navy training takes place far out to sea, and airborne noise levels would primarily affect military
personnel operating the equipment/weapon systems producing the noise. Personnel engaged in the exercise wear personal protective equipment and
are not considered sensitive receptors for purposes of the EIS/OEIS analysis. No additional noise-specific mitigation measures are required.
Seas, 0 to 12 nm)
(U.S. Territorial
• Overflights would not affect marine • Overflights would not affect marine plants and • Overflights would not affect marine plants and
plants and invertebrates. invertebrates. invertebrates.
munitions constituents and other would be distributed widely over the TMAA (2.4
materials would be distributed widely 2 2 communities. More than 91 percent of these
2 items per nm [0.7 per km ]) and have minimal
over the TMAA (1.9 items per nm [0.5 items would be from gunshells and small
effects on pelagic and benthic communities.
per km2]) and have minimal effects on More than 93 percent of these items would be
caliber rounds.
pelagic and benthic communities. More from gunshells and small caliber rounds. • Surface or near-surface explosions have the
than 97 percent of these items would be potential to kill or harm individual animals and
• Surface or near-surface explosions have the
EO 12114
from gunshells and small caliber rounds. plants in the immediate vicinity resulting in
potential to kill or harm individual animals and
• Surface or near-surface explosions have plants in the immediate vicinity resulting in
localized impacts. Given the TMAA size and
the potential to kill or harm individual using conservative estimates, 0.14 explosion
localized impacts. Given the TMAA size and 2 2
animals and plants in the immediate would occur per nm (0.04 per km ) per year
using conservative estimates, 0.02 explosion
vicinity resulting in localized impacts. resulting in minimal effects. Benthic
would occur per nm2 (0.006 per km2) per year
Given the TMAA size and using communities would not be affected by
resulting in minimal effects. Benthic
conservative estimates, 0.01 explosions explosions due to water depth.
2 2 communities would not be affected by
would occur per nm (0.003 per km ) per explosions due to water depth. • Although localized and temporary impacts to
year resulting in minimal effects. Benthic the pelagic environment would occur from a
communities would not be affected by • Localized and temporary impacts to benthic
SINKEX, the relatively small quantities of
explosions due to water depth. fauna may occur from the PUTR, but no long-
materials expended, dispersed as they are
term impact is anticipated.
over a very large area, would have no
adverse physical effects on marine biological
MITIGATION MEASURES: The Navy has no existing protective measures in place specifically for marine plants and invertebrates. However, marine
plants and invertebrates benefit from measures in place to protect marine mammals and sea turtles that are described in full in Chapter 5. As
summarized above, and in detail in Section 3.5.2, the actions proposed under the alternatives described in this EIS/OEIS would have minimal impacts
on the marine plant and invertebrate communities of the TMAA. Therefore, no resource-specific mitigation measures would be required.
Seas, 0 - 12 nm)
(U.S. Territorial
• Overflights would not adversely affect • Overflights would not adversely affect fish • Overflights would not adversely affect fish
fish populations or EFH as defined under populations or EFH as defined under the populations or EFH as defined under the
2 2
TMAA size and using conservative materials would be 2.4 per nm (0.7 per km ).
(1.4 per km2). More than 91 percent of these
estimates, the concentration of expended More than 93 percent of these items would be
items would be from gunshells and small
materials would be 1.9 per nm2 (0.5 per from gunshells and small caliber rounds.
caliber rounds.
km ). More than 97 percent of these • Explosive ordnance use may result in injury or
items would be from gunshells and small • Explosive ordnance use may result in injury or
mortality to individual fish but would not result
3.6 Fish
• Activities would have temporary and • Activities would have temporary and spatially • Activities would have temporary and spatially
EO 12114
spatially limited short-term impacts. limited short-term impacts. limited short-term impacts.
• No long-term effects would occur. • No long-term effects would occur. • No long-term effects would occur.
• No Action Alternative may affect ESA- • Alternative 1 may affect ESA-listed leatherback • Alternative 2 may affect ESA-listed
listed leatherback turtles. turtles. leatherback turtles.
MITIGATION MEASURES: Impacts to the leatherback turtle resulting from the alternatives proposed in this EIS/OEIS would be below thresholds that
could adversely affect the continued presence of this species in the GOA or the TMAA. The comprehensive suite of protective measures and SOPs
implemented by the Navy to reduce impacts to marine mammals also serves to mitigate potential impacts on sea turtles. In particular, personnel and
watchstander training, establishment of turtle-free exclusion zones for at-sea explosions, and pre- and post-exercise surveys all serve to reduce or
eliminate potential impacts of Navy activities on sea turtles that may be present in the vicinity. The current requirements and practices described in detail
in Chapter 5 would continue to be implemented, and no further mitigation measures would be needed to protect leatherback turtles in the TMAA.
• Potential for short-term behavioral • Extremely low probability of direct strikes from and low potential for ingestion of expended materials
responses to low level overflights. No ordnance and low potential for ingestion of
expended materials • For at-sea explosions, modeling indicates 240 MMPA
long-term population-level effects.
3.8 Marine Mammals
harassment from slight injury, and no exposures mitigation measures, the four MMPA Level A
• For at-sea explosions, behavioral effects resulting in potential severe injury. Mitigation would
modeling, indicates 102 MMPA Level B harassments and one severe injury should not occur.
reduce the number of these harassments. With Increase in at-sea explosions from SINKEX are offset by
harassments from sub-TTS and/or TTS, implementation of mitigation measures the one
one MMPA Level A harassment resulting area clearance procedures.
MMPA Level A harassment should not occur.
from slight injury, and no exposures • For active sonar & other non-sonar acoustic sources,
resulting in potential severe injury. With • For active sonar & other non-sonar acoustic behavioral effects, modeling indicates 424,620 MMPA
implementation of mitigation measures, sources, behavioral effects modeling indicates Level B harassments from non-TTS and 931 MMPA
the MMPA Level A harassments should 215,053 MMPA Level B harassments from non-TTS Level B harassments from TTS. There is one predicted
not occur. and 446 MMPA Level B harassments from TTS. MMPA Level A harassment from PTS, but with
There is one predicted MMPA Level A harassment implementation of mitigation measures, this MMPA Level
• All seven ESA-listed species of marine from PTS, but with implementation of mitigation
mammals may be affected by one or A harassment should not occur.
measures, this MMPA Level A harassment should
more stressors resulting from Alternative not occur. • All seven ESA-listed species of marine mammals may be
1 training activities. All species may be affected by one or more stressors resulting from
affected by exposures to at-sea • All seven ESA-listed species of marine mammals Alternative 1 training activities. All species may be
explosions. may be affected by one or more stressors resulting affected by exposures to sonar emissions and at-sea
from Alternative 1 training activities. All species may explosions.
be affected by exposures to sonar emissions and
at-sea explosions.
MITIGATION MEASURES: The Navy intends to implement a comprehensive suite of mitigation measures that serve to reduce impacts to marine mammals that might
result from Navy training in the TMAA (summarized in Sec 3.8.7 and in detail in Sec 5.1.7). In particular, personnel and watchstander training, establishment of marine
mammal-free exclusion zones for at-sea explosions, and pre- and post-exercise surveys all serve to reduce or eliminate potential impacts of Navy activities on marine
mammals that may be present in the vicinity. The current requirements and practices described in detail in Ch. 5 would continue to be implemented, and no further mitigation
measures would be needed to protect marine mammals in the TMAA.
is extremely low and is not anticipated. is extremely low and is not anticipated.
strikes is extremely low and is not • The remainder of training activities are located • The remainder of training activities are
anticipated. outside the U.S territorial seas boundary. located outside the U.S territorial seas
• The remainder of training activities are boundary.
located outside the U.S territorial seas
• Harm due to vessel movements is • Harm due to vessel movements is unlikely.
unlikely. • Harm due to vessel movements is unlikely.
• Brief behavioral response to overflights in
• Brief behavioral response to • Brief behavioral response to overflights in
nonterritorial seas. Low potential for harm to
(Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
overflights in nonterritorial seas. Low nonterritorial seas. Low potential for harm to
birds from aircraft strikes.
potential for harm to birds from aircraft birds from aircraft strikes.
• Low potential for harm to birds from ordnance
strikes. • Low potential for harm to birds from ordnance
use in nonterritorial seas.
• Low potential for harm to birds from use in nonterritorial seas.
3.9 Birds
MITIGATION MEASURES: Some of the SOPs and BMPs implemented by the Navy for resource protection that are described in detail in Chapter 5
would also reduce potential effects to birds (e.g., avoidance of birds and their nesting and roosting habitats and monitoring of exclusion zones
surrounding at-sea explosions prior to detonations). As summarized above and in detail in Section 3.9.2, the actions proposed in this EIS/OEIS could
affect birds within the TMAA, but community- or population-level effects would not be expected under any of the alternatives. Current protective
measures would continue to be implemented by the Navy, and no additional mitigation measures would be needed to protect birds or their habitats.
documents concluded that no significant 1999, Army 2004). These documents Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents
impacts related to cultural resources concluded that no significant impacts related to concluded that no significant impacts related
onshore would occur. cultural resources onshore would occur. to cultural resources onshore would occur.
• Aircraft overflights above 15,000 ft (915 • Aircraft overflights above 15,000 ft (915 m) • Aircraft overflights above 15,000 ft (915 m)
m) altitude between the shore and the altitude between the shore and the TMAA altitude between the shore and the TMAA
TMAA would have no impact on cultural would have no impact on cultural resources. would have no impact on cultural resources.
3.10 Cultural Resources
• Submerged cultural resources would not be • Submerged cultural resources would not be
be impacted because of the type of
impacted because of the type of training impacted because of the type of training
training activities and the low density of
activities and the low density of submerged activities and the low density of submerged
submerged cultural resources within the
cultural resources within the area of effect. cultural resources within the area of effect.
area of effect.
MITIGATION MEASURES: The Navy has established protective measures to reduce potential effects on cultural and natural resources from training
exercises in coastal waters and for land and sea ranges. Some are generally applicable, while others apply to particular geographic areas or during
specific times of year. Protective measures in other locations include avoidance of known shipwreck sites or the use of inert ordnance. Precise and
accurate locations for shipwrecks in the TMAA are not known. As summarized above and in detail within Section 3.10.2, no substantial impacts on
cultural resources from the proposed activities were identified. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are necessary or appropriate.
• Current Navy activities were considered • Under Alternative 1, Navy activities were • Under Alternative 2, Navy activities were
and are consistent with those analyzed in considered and would be consistent with considered and are consistent with those
the previous environmental documentation those analyzed in the previous analyzed in the previous environmental
(USAF 1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, environmental documentation (USAF 1995, documentation (USAF 1995, USAF 2007,
Army 2004). These documents concluded USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army 2004). These Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents
that no significant impacts related to inland documents concluded that no significant concluded that no significant impacts related
transportation and circulation would occur. impacts related to inland transportation and to inland transportation and circulation would
• With the use of the Altitude Reservation circulation would occur. occur.
(ALTRV), overflights would have no • With the use of the ALTRV, overflights would • With the use of the ALTRV, overflights would
3.11 Transportation and Circulation
adverse impact on non-military air or have no adverse impact on non-military air have no adverse impact on non-military air or
marine traffic. or marine traffic. marine traffic.
(Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
• No adverse effects on commercial or • Effects on air and marine traffic would be the
• Effects on air and marine traffic would be the
general aviation would occur. Limitations same as described under the No Action
same as described under Alternative 1. There
are communicated to commercial airlines Alternative. No additional impacts on the
are no adverse effects to air or marine traffic
and general aviation by Notice to Airmen Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s)
EO 12114
MITIGATION MEASURES: Safety and security factors dictate that use of airspace and control of air traffic be closely regulated. Accordingly, regulations
applicable to all aircraft are promulgated by the FAA to define permissible uses of designated airspace, and to control that use. The Navy provides
publication of NOTMARs and other outreach information about potentially hazardous activities planned for the TMAA, for publication by the USCG. To
ensure the broadest dissemination of information about hazards to commercial and recreational vessels, the Navy provides schedule conflicts along with
other Coast Guard concerns via the internet. As summarized above and in detail within Section 3.11.2, no adverse effects on air or marine traffic from the
proposed activities were identified. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are necessary.
documents concluded that no significant 1999, Army 2004). These documents Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents
impacts related to socioeconomics concluded that no significant impacts related to concluded that no significant impacts related
would occur. socioeconomics would occur. to socioeconomics would occur.
• Overflights would not result in adverse • Overflights would not result in adverse effects • Overflights would not result in adverse effects
effects to commercial shipping, to commercial shipping, commercial fishing, to commercial shipping, commercial fishing,
commercial fishing, recreation, or recreation, or tourism. recreation, or tourism.
3.12 Socioeconomics
• No adverse impacts to
commercial/recreational fishing, civilian
• No adverse impacts to commercial/recreational access, or tourism would occur as a result of
fishing, civilian access, or tourism would occur Alternative 2.
as a result of Alternative 1. • Use of the PUTR by Fleet ships and aircraft
EO 12114
• No adverse impacts to
• Use of the PUTR by Fleet ships and aircraft would have no socioeconomic impact to the
commercial/recreational fishing, civilian region.
would have no socioeconomic impact to the
access, or tourism would occur as a
result of the No Action Alternative.
region. • Gear placement for the PUTR on the seafloor
• Gear placement for the PUTR on the seafloor could be incompatible with certain commercial
could be incompatible with certain commercial fishing activities.
fishing activities. • SINKEX under Alternative 2 would not result
in impacts to fish populations and thus
commercial fishing operations.
MITIGATION MEASURES: Long-range advance notice of scheduled activities and times are made available to the public and the commercial fishing
community via the Internet. To minimize potential military/civilian interactions, the Navy would continue to publish scheduled potentially hazardous
training activities using the NOTAM and NOTMAR systems as applicable. As summarized above and in detail within Section 3.12.2, no adverse effects
to socioeconomics from the proposed activities were identified. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are necessary.
• No permanent human population • No permanent human population centers exist • No permanent human population centers
EO 12114
centers exist in non-U.S. territorial seas in non-U.S. territorial seas and subsistence exist in non-U.S. territorial seas and
and subsistence uses occur mostly uses occur mostly outside of the TMAA. subsistence uses occur mostly outside of the
outside of the TMAA. Therefore, no Therefore, no impacts related to environmental TMAA. Therefore, no impacts related to
impacts related to environmental justice justice or protection of children would occur environmental justice or protection of children
or protection of children would occur. under Alternative 1. would occur under Alternative 2.
MITIGATION MEASURES: As summarized above and in detail within Section 3.13.2, no adverse effects to environmental justice or protection of children
from the proposed activities were identified. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures are necessary.
• Current Navy activities were considered • Under Alternative 1, Navy activities were • Under Alternative 2, Navy activities were
and are consistent with those analyzed considered and would be consistent with those considered and would be consistent with
in the previous environmental analyzed in the previous environmental those analyzed in the previous environmental
documentation (USAF 1995, USAF documentation (USAF 1995, USAF 2007, Army documentation (USAF 1995, USAF 2007,
2007, Army 1999, Army 2004). These 1999, Army 2004). These documents Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents
documents concluded that no significant concluded that no significant impacts on public concluded that no significant impacts on
impacts on public safety would occur. safety would occur. public safety would occur.
• Aircraft overflights would not affect • Increase in aircraft overflights would not affect • Increase in aircraft overflights would not affect
public safety because aircraft are limited public safety because aircraft are limited to public safety because aircraft are limited to
to flying within the ALTRV and follow flying within the ALTRV and follow FAA flying within the ALTRV and follow FAA
FAA guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.
3.14 Public Safety
MITIGATION MEASURES: Navy training activities in the TMAA comply with numerous established safety procedures (Fleet area control and
surveillance facility safety procedures, DoD SOPs, Navy SOPs for aviation and submarine navigation safety, and general exercise safety procedures
regarding surface vessels, aircraft, live and inert ordnance, sonar, electromagnetic radiation, and lasers) to ensure that neither participants nor
nonparticipants engage in activities that endanger life or property (described in full in Section As summarized above and in detail within
Section 3.14.2, no substantial impacts from the proposed activities have been identified. The safety procedures followed by the Navy lower the risk that
Navy training activities pose on public safety. No further mitigation measures would be required.
AREAS .............................................................................................................................................. 2-17
........................................................................................................................................... 2-18 Anti-Air Warfare (AAW) Training ......................................................................... 2-18 Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW) Training ................................................................ 2-19 Electronic Combat (EC) Training ........................................................................... 2-22 Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Training ................................................................. 2-23 Strike Warfare (STW) Training .............................................................................. 2-23 Other Training ......................................................................................................... 2-24
2.4.2 NAVAL FORCE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................... 2-24 “Baseline” Naval Force Composition ..................................................................... 2-25 Opposition Force Composition ............................................................................... 2-25
ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMMODATE FORCE STRUCTURE CHANGES .................................................. 2-25
2.5.1 DESCRIPTION OF TRAINING ACTIVITIES AND LEVELS ...................................................... 2-25
2.5.2 ANTI-SUBMARINE WARFARE (ASW) TRAINING............................................................... 2-25 Sonars Used in the TMAA ...................................................................................... 2-27
2.5.3 FORCE STRUCTURE CHANGES ........................................................................................... 2-30 New Platforms/Vehicles .......................................................................................... 2-30 New Weapons Systems ........................................................................................... 2-32 New Training Instrumentation Technology ............................................................ 2-32
AND CONDUCT ONE SINKEX DURING EACH SUMMERTIME EXERCISE ......................................... 2-33
2.6.1 PROPOSED NEW ACTIVITY ................................................................................................ 2-33 Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) ................................................................................... 2-33
2.6.2 REVISED LEVEL OF ACTIVITIES......................................................................................... 2-36
3.0 GENERAL APPROACH TO ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 3-2
3.0.1 STRESSORS .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.0.2 DATA SOURCES ................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.1 AIR QUALITY................................................................................................................................ 3.1-1
3.1.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................... 3.1-1 Existing Conditions ................................................................................................ 3.1-1 Current Requirements and Practices ...................................................................... 3.1-3
3.1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES .................................................................................. 3.1-3 Previous Analyses .................................................................................................. 3.1-4 Regulatory Framework ........................................................................................... 3.1-4 Approach to Analysis ............................................................................................. 3.1-6 No Action Alternative ............................................................................................ 3.1-9 Alternative 1 ......................................................................................................... 3.1-10 Alternative 2 ......................................................................................................... 3.1-11
3.1.3 MITIGATION ................................................................................................................... 3.1-13
3.1.4 SUMMARY OF EFFECTS................................................................................................... 3.1-13
3.2 EXPENDED MATERIALS ............................................................................................................... 3.2-1
3.2.1 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................... 3.2-1 Expended Materials ................................................................................................ 3.2-1
TABLE 3.4-3: WARFARE AREAS AND NOISE-RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS ............................................ 3.4-9
TABLE 3.4-4: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................................... 3.4-13
TABLE 3.5-1: EXPENDED TRAINING MATERIALS IN THE TMAA – ALL ALTERNATIVES ........................................ 3.5-23
TABLE 3.5-2: EXPLOSIVE MUNITIONS USED IN THE TMAA – ALL ALTERNATIVES .............................................. 3.5-25
TABLE 3.5-3: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................................... 3.5-29
TABLE 3.6-2: PACIFIC SALMONID ESUS AND DPSS IN THE TMAA AND VICINITY ............................................... 3.6-11
TABLE 3.6-3: MARINE FISH HEARING SENSITIVITIES ............................................................................................ 3.6-17
TABLE 3.6-4: RANGE OF EFFECTS FOR AT-SEA EXPLOSIONS ................................................................................. 3.6-31
TABLE 3.6-5: ESTIMATED FISH-EFFECTS RANGES FOR EXPLOSIVE BOMBS ........................................................... 3.6-32
TABLE 3.6-6: ESTIMATED FISH-EFFECTS RANGES FOR 5-IN NAVAL GUNFIRE ROUNDS ........................................ 3.6-32
ALTERNATIVE, ALTERNATIVE 1, AND ALTERNATIVE 2................................................................................. 3.6-33
TABLE 3.6-8: EXPENDED TRAINING MATERIALS IN THE TMAA – ALL ALTERNATIVES ........................................ 3.6-34
TABLE 3.6-9: ACTIVE SYSTEMS AND PLATFORMS PROPOSED FOR USE IN THE TMAA.......................................... 3.6-39
TABLE 3.6-10: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................... 3.6-48
TURTLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 3.7-9
TABLE 3.7-2: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................................... 3.7-24
TABLE 3.8-1: SUMMARY OF MARINE MAMMAL SPECIES FOUND IN THE GOA ........................................................ 3.8-2
SUMMER (APRIL – OCTOBER) ......................................................................................................................... 3.8-5
PINNIPEDS IN THE TMAA ............................................................................................................................. 3.8-90
SQS-53 SONAR ........................................................................................................................................... 3.8-103
SONAR ........................................................................................................................................................ 3.8-104
TABLE 3.8-7: EFFECTS ANALYSIS CRITERIA FOR AT-SEA EXPLOSIONS............................................................... 3.8-106
ACTIVITIES AREA ....................................................................................................................................... 3.8-107
TABLE 3.8-8: AVERAGE GROUP SIZE FOR RARE SPECIES IN THE TMAA............................................................. 3.8-110
TABLE 3.8-10: ALTERNATIVE 1 ANNUAL AT-SEA EXPLOSION EXPOSURES SUMMARY ....................................... 3.8-136
TABLE 3.8-11: ANNUAL SONAR HOURS AND SOURCES FOR ALTERNATIVE 1 ...................................................... 3.8-137
TABLE 3.8-12: ANNUAL NON-SONAR ACOUSTIC SOURCES FOR ALTERNATIVES 1 .............................................. 3.8-137
TABLE 3.8-14: ALTERNATIVE 2 ANNUAL AT-SEA EXPLOSION EXPOSURES SUMMARY ....................................... 3.8-145
TABLE 3.8-15: ANNUAL SONAR HOURS AND SOURCES FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 ...................................................... 3.8-146
TABLE 3.8-16: ANNUAL NON-SONAR ACOUSTIC SOURCES FOR ALTERNATIVE 2 ................................................ 3.8-147
THAT MAY OCCUR IN THE TMAA – ALTERNATIVE 2 (PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE) ................................... 3.8-158
TABLE 3.8-19: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS OF THE ALTERNATIVES ........................................................................... 3.8-159
TABLE 3.9-2: EXPENDED TRAINING MATERIALS IN THE TMAA – ALL ALTERNATIVES ........................................ 3.9-14
TABLE 3.9-3: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ....................................................................................... 3.9-24
TABLE 3.10-1: SHIPWRECKS THAT MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN THE TMAA ........................................................... 3.10-4
TABLE 3.10-2: TRIBES OFFERED CONSULTATION.................................................................................................. 3.10-7
TABLE 3.10-3: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ................................................................................... 3.10-10
TABLE 3.11-1: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................... 3.11-9
TABLE 3.12-1: SUMMARY EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE .......................................................................................... 3.12-7
TABLE 3.13-1: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ..................................................................................... 3.13-3
TABLE 3.14-1: TRAINING ACTIVITIES AFFECTING PUBLIC SAFETY ....................................................................... 3.14-6
TABLE 3.14-2: SUMMARY OF EFFECTS BY ALTERNATIVE ................................................................................... 3.14-10
TABLE 4-2: ANNUAL GHG EMISSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 4-13
TABLE 5-1: WASTE DISCHARGE RESTRICTIONS FOR NAVY VESSELS ......................................................................... 5-3
TABLE 5-2. RANGE TO EFFECTS FOR SHIPBOARD MID-FREQUENCY ACTIVE SONAR .................................................. 5-8
TABLE 6-1: SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION ........................................... 6-1
A-A Air-to-Air BAMS Broad Area Maritime Surveillance
A-G Air-to-Ground BCC Birds of Conservation Concern
A-S Air-to-Surface BDA Battle-Damage Assessment
AAC Alaska Administrative Code BDU Bomb Dummy Unit
AAMEX Air-to-Air Missile Exercise BE Biological Evaluation
AAW Anti-Air Warfare BFM Basic Fighter Maneuvering
ABR auditory brainstem response BMDS Ballistic Mission Defense System
AC Alaska Current BMP Best Management Practice
ACC Alaska Coastal Current BO Biological Opinion
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation BOMBEX Bombing Exercise
ACM Air Combat Maneuver(ing) BRAC Base Realignment and Closure
ACMP Alaska Coastal Management Plan BT Bathythermograph
ADAR Air Deployed Active Receiver ºC degrees Celsius
ADCAP Advanced Capability C4 Command, Control, Communications, & Computers
ADCs Acoustic Device Countermeasures C4I Command, Control, Communications, Computers
ADD Acoustic Deterrent Devices & Intelligence
ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation CAA Clean Air Act
ADEX Air Defense Exercise cal caliber
ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game CASS Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System
ADH Acoustic Harassment Devices CEO Chief Executive Officer
ADLFP Air Deployable Low Frequency Projector CEQ Counsel on Environmental Quality
ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental
AEER Advanced Extended Echo Range Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
AESA Airborne Electronically Scanned Array CETAP Cetacean and Turtle Assessment Program
AESO Aircraft Environmental Support Office CFMETR Canadian Forces Maritime
AFAST Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training Experimental and Test Ranges
AFB Air Force Base C.F.R. Code of Federal Regulations
AGL above ground level CG Guided Missile Cruiser
AICUZ Air Installation Compatibility Use Zone CHAFFEX Chaff Exercise
AKR Alaska Region CH4 methane
AMHS Alaska Marine Highway System chl a chlorophyll a
ALCOM Alaskan Command CIWS Close-in-Weapon System
ALTRV Altitude Reservation cm centimeters
AMCC Alaska Marine Conservation Council CMP Coastal Management Plan
AMHS Alaska Marine Highway System CNO Chief of Naval Operations
AMRAAM Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile CO Commanding Officer
AMSP Advanced Multi-static Processing Program CO carbon monoxide
AMW Amphibious Warfare CO2 carbon dioxide
ANCSA Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act COMPACFLT Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet
ANILCA Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act COMPTUEX Composite Training Unit Exercise
AO Arctic Oscillation COMSUBPAC Commander, Submarine Force U.S.
APE Area of Potential Effect Pacific Fleet
ARG Amphibious Ready Group COSEWIC Committee on the Status of Endangered
ARPA Archaeological Resources Protection Act Wildlife in Canada
ARS Advance Ranging Source CPF Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center GRAB Gaussian Ray Bundle
AS Alaskan Stream CSAR Combat Search and Rescue
ASG Alaska Sea Grant CSG Carrier Strike Group
ASHPA Alaska Seamount Habitat Protection Area CV Coefficient of Variation
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials CWA Clean Water Act
ASUW Anti-Surface Warfare CZ Coastal Zone
ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
ATA Alaska Training Area dB decibel
ATC Air Traffic Control dBA A-weighted decibel
ATCAA Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace DDG Guided Missile Destroyer
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and DDT Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane
Disease Registry DEIS Draft Environmental Impact Statement
atm atmospheres DHS Department of Homeland Security
BA Biological Assessment DICASS Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy
System ft feet
DIFAR Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording ft2 square feet
DLCD Department of Land Conservation and Development ft3 cubic feet
DLQ Deck Landing Qualification ft/sec feet per second
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles FTCA Federal Tort Claims Act
DNL Day-Night Average Sound Level FY Fiscal Year
DNR Department of Natural Resources g gram
DNT dinitrotoluene GAO U.S. General Accounting Office
DoD Department of Defense GHG greenhouse gases
DoDD Department of Defense Directive GOA Gulf of Alaska
DoDINST Department of Defense Instruction GOACHPA Gulf of Alaska Coral Habitat
DoN Department of Navy Protection Area
DOPAA Description of Proposed Action GOASHCA Gulf of Alaska Slope Habitat
and Alternatives Conservation Area
DOT Department of Transportation GUNEX Gunnery Exercise
DPS Distinct Population Segments GWP Global Warming Potential
DSCA Defense Support of Civilian Authorities H2 hydrogen
DTR Detonation Training Range HAPs hazardous air pollutants
DU depleted uranium HAPCs Habitat Areas of Particular Concern
DVD Digital Versatile Disk HARM High-speed Anti-radiation Missile
DZ Drop Zone HARPS High Frequency Acoustic Recording Packages
EA Environmental Assessment HC Hydrocarbons
EA Electronic Attack HCA habitat conservation area
EC Electronic Combat HE High Explosive
EDMS Emission and Dispersion Modeling System HELO Helicopter
EER Extended Echo Ranging HFA High Frequency Active
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone HLX cyclo-1,3,5-tetramethylene-2,4,6-tetranitramine
EFD Energy Flux Density HMX High Melting Explosive
EFH Essential Fish Habitat (cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine)
EIS Environmental Impact Statement HLD Homeland Defense
EL Energy Flux Density Level H2O water
EMATT Expendable Mobile Anti-SubmarineWarfare HPA habitat protection area
Training Target hr hour
EMR Electromagnetic Radiation HRC Hawaii Range Complex
ENP Eastern North Pacific HSMSTs High Speed Maneuverable Surface Targets
EO Executive Order HxFx hydrogen fluoride compounds
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal Hz hertz
EPA Environmental Protection Agency ICAP Improved Capability
ES Executive Summary ICES International Council for Exploration of the Sea
ES Electronic Support ICMP Integrated Comprehensive Monitoring Program
ESA Endangered Species Act ICRMP Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan
ESG Expeditionary Strike Group IED Improvised Explosive Device
ESU Evolutionary Significant Unit IEER Improved Extended Echo Ranging
EW Electronic Warfare IFH improved flexible Hose
°F degrees Fahrenheit IFQ Individual Fishing Quota
FAA Federal Aviation Administration IFR Instrument Flight Rules
FACSFAC Fleet Area Control and IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
Surveillance Facility in inch(es)
FAD fish aggregating devices INRMP Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization IOC Initial Operational Capability
FDNF Forward Deployed Naval Forces IP Implementation Plan
FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change
FFG Fast Frigate IPHC International Pacific Halibut Commission
FGG Guided Missile Frigate ISE Investigative Science and Engineering
FICON Federal Interagency Committee on Noise ISR Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
FL Flight Level IUCN International Union for Conservation of
FMC Fishery Management Council Nature and Natural Resources
FMP Fishery Management Plan IWC International Whaling Commission
FNSB Fairbanks North Star Borough JATO Jet Assisted Take-Off
FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact JTF Joint Task Force
FR Federal Register JTFEX Joint Task Force Exercise
FRTP Fleet Readiness Training Plan JOOD Junior Officer of the Deck
Term Definition
Acoustics The scientific study of sound, especially of its generation, transmission, and
Active sonar Detects objects by creating a sound pulse, or ping, that transmits through
the water and reflects off the target, returning in the form of an echo. This is
a two-way transmission (source to reflector to receiver).
Alternative A different method for accomplishing the Proposed Action. An alternative
can consist of the same action in a different location, or a modification to the
Proposed Action.
Ambient noise The typical or persistent environmental background noise present in the
Anadromous Species of fish that are born in freshwater, migrate to the ocean to grow into
adults, and return to freshwater to spawn.
Anthropogenic noise Noise related to, or produced by, human activities.
Anti-Submarine Naval operations that involves the detection, tracking and potential
Warfare (ASW) engagement of submarines their supporting forces, and operating bases
that demonstrate hostile intent or are declared hostile by appropriate
Baleen In some whales (see Mysticete below), the parallel rows of fibrous plates
that hang from the upper jaw and are used for filter feeding.
Bathymetry The measurement of water depth at various places in a body of water; the
information derived from such measurements.
Behavioral effect Defined in this EIS/OEIS as a variation in an animal’s behavior or behavior
patterns that results from an anthropogenic acoustic exposure and exceeds
the normal daily variation in behavior, but which arises through normal
physiological process (it occurs without an accompanying physiological
Benthic Referring to the bottom-dwelling community of organisms that creep, crawl,
burrow, or attach themselves to either the sea bottom or such structures as
ships, buoys, and wharf pilings (e.g., crabs, clams, worms).
Bight Refers both to a bend in the shoreline, and to the wide bay which is formed by
such a bend.
Biologically important Those activities or behaviors essential to the continued existence of a
activities/behaviors species, such as migration, breeding/calving, or feeding.
Biological Opinion A document that is the result of Endangered Species Act, Section 7 formal
consultation. This document states the opinion of the Service on whether or
not a Federal action is likely to adversely affect or jeopardize the continued
existence of listed species or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of critical habitat and, if so, the Service provides
recommendations to minimize or avoid adverse impacts.
Cetacean An order of aquatic mammals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Condition Code A method for evaluating the stage of decomposition of a stranded animal or
carcass. Codes range from live animals (Code 1) to skeletal remains (Code
5) (modified from Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide for Strandings by
J.R. Geraci and V.J. Lounsbury).
Term Definition
Critical habitat Critical habitat is defined in Section 3 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
as (1) the specific areas within the geographical area occupied by a
species, at the time it is listed in accordance with the ESA, on which are
found those physical or biological features (i) essential to the conservation
of the species, and (ii) that may require special management considerations
or protection; and (2) specific areas outside the geographical area occupied
by a species at the time it is listed, upon a determination that such areas
are essential for the conservation of the species.
Cumulative impact The impact on the environment which results from the incremental impact of
the action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future actions regardless of what agency (federal or nonfederal) or person
undertakes such other actions.
Decibel (dB) A unit used to express the relative difference in power, usually between
acoustic or electrical signals, equal to 10 times the common logarithm of the
ratio of the two levels. Since the decibel scale is exponential and not linear,
a 20-dB sound is 10 times louder than a 10-dB sound, and a 30-dB sound is
100 times louder than a 10-dB sound.
Demersal Living at or near the bottom of a waterbody, but having the capacity for
active swimming. Term used particularly when describing various fish
Distinct population A vertebrate population or group of populations that is discrete from other
segment (DPS) populations of the species and significant in relation to the entire species.
The ESA provides for listing species, subspecies, or distinct population
segments of vertebrate species.
Endangered species Any species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant
portion of its range (ESA §3[6]).
Energy flux density The energy traversing in a time interval over a small area perpendicular to
level (EFDL) the direction of the energy flow, divided by that time interval and by that
area. EFDL is stated in dB re 1 µPa2-s for underwater sound.
Epifauna Organisms living on the surface of the sediment/sea bed/substrate.
Essential fish habitat Those waters and substrate that are defined within Fishery Management
(EFH) Plans for federally managed fish species as necessary to fish for spawning,
breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity.
Evolutionary A stock that is reproductively isolated from other stocks of the same species
Significant Unit (ESU) and which represents an important part of the evolutionary legacy of the
species. An ESU is treated as a species for purposes of listing under the
ESA. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) uses this designation.
Exclusive Economic A maritime zone adjacent to the territorial sea that may not extend beyond
Zone (EEZ) 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the
territorial sea is measured.
Term Definition
Exhibiting Indicators Animals exhibiting an uncommon combination of behavioral and
of Distress physiological indicators typically associated with distressed or stranded
animals. This situation would be identified by a qualified individual and
typically includes, but is not limited to, some combination of the following
characteristics: 1) Marine mammals continually circling or moving
haphazardly in a tightly packed group – with or without a member
occasionally breaking away and swimming towards the beach. 2) Abnormal
respirations including increased or decreased rate or volume of breathing,
abnormal content or odor. 3) Presence of an individual or group of a
species that has not historically been seen in a particular habitat, for
example a pelagic species in a shallow bay when historic records indicate
that it is a rare event. 4) Abnormal behavior for that species, such as
abnormal surfacing or swimming pattern, listing, and abnormal appearance.
Expended materials Those munitions, items, devices, equipment and materials which are
uniquely military in nature, and are used and expended in the conduct of the
military training and testing mission, such as sonobuoys, flares, chaff,
drones, targets, bathymetry measuring devices and other instrumentation,
communications devices, and items used as training substitutes. This
definition may also include materials expended (such as propellants,
weights, guidance wires) from items typically recovered, such as aerial
target drones and practice torpedoes.
Federal Register The official daily publication for actions taken by the federal government,
such as Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of federal agencies and
organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential
Frequency Description of the rate of disturbance, or vibration, measured in cycles per
second. Cycles per second are usually referred to as hertz, or Hz, the unit
of measure.
Harassment As defined in this document, harassment is an intentional or negligent act or
omission which creates the likelihood of injury to wildlife by annoying it to
such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavioral patterns which
include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding, or sheltering.
High-frequency As defined in this document, frequencies greater than 10 kilohertz (kHz).
Hydrography The characteristic features (e.g., flow, depth) of bodies of water.
Hydrophone An underwater receiver used to detect the pressure change caused by
sound in the water. That pressure is converted to electrical energy. It can
then be translated to something that can be heard by the human ear.
Sometimes the detected acoustic pressure is outside the human range of
Infauna Animals living within the sediment.
Isobath A line on a chart or map connecting points of equal depths; bathymetric
Term Definition
Letter of authorization The Marine Mammal Protection Act provides for a “small take authorization”
(LOA) (i.e., letter of authorization) for maritime activities, provided NMFS finds that
the takings would be of small numbers (i.e., taking would have a negligible
impact on that species or stock), would have no more than a negligible
impact on those marine mammal species not listed as depleted, and would
not have an unmitigable adverse impact on subsistence harvests of these
Level A harassment Level A harassment includes any act that injures or has the significant
potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild.
Injury is identified as the destruction or loss of biological tissue. The
destruction or loss of biological tissue will result in an alteration of
physiological function that exceeds the normal daily physiological variation
of the intact tissue.
Level A harassment Extends from an acoustic or impulsive source out to the distance and
zone exposure at which the slightest amount of injury is predicted to occur. The
acoustic exposure that produces the slightest degree of injury is therefore
the threshold value defining the outermost limit of the Level A harassment
Level B harassment Level B harassment includes all actions that disturb or are likely to disturb a
marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild through the disruption
of natural behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering but which does not have
the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild. Unlike Level A harassment, which is solely associated with
physiological effects, both physiological and behavioral effects have the
potential to cause Level B harassment.
Level B harassment Begins just beyond the point of slightest injury and extends outward from
zone that point. It includes all animals that may potentially experience Level B
harassment. Physiological effects extend beyond the range of slightest
injury to a point where slight temporary distortion of the most sensitive
tissue occurs, but without destruction or loss of that tissue. The animals
predicted to be in this zone experience Level B harassment by virtue of
temporary impairment of sensory function (altered physiological function)
that can disrupt behavior.
Low-frequency As defined in this document, frequencies less than 1 kHz.
Masking The obscuring of sounds of interest by interfering sounds, generally at the
same frequencies.
Mid-frequency As defined in this document, frequencies between 1 kHz and 10 kHz.
Mitigation measure Measures that will minimize, avoid, rectify, reduce, eliminate, or
compensate for significant environmental effects.
Munitions (military) All ammunition products and components produced or used by or for the
U.S. Department of Defense, or the U.S. Armed Services for national
defense and security, including military munitions under the control of the
Department of Defense, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Department of
Energy, and the National Guard.
Mysticete Any whale of the suborder Mysticeti having plates of whalebone (baleen
plates) instead of teeth. Mysticetes are filter-feeding whales, also referred to
as baleen whales, such as blue, fin, gray, and humpback whales.
Term Definition
Notice of intent (NOI) A written notice published in the Federal Register that announces the intent
to prepare an EIS. Also provides information about a proposed federal
action, alternatives, the scoping process, and points of contact within the
lead federal agency regarding the EIS.
Odontocete Any toothed whale (without baleen plates) of the suborder Odontoceti such
as sperm whales, killer whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Onset permanent PTS (defined below) is nonrecoverable and, by definition, must result from
threshold shift the destruction of tissues within the auditory system. PTS therefore qualifies
(onset PTS) as an injury and is classified as Level A harassment under the wording of
the Marine Mammal Protection Act. In this EIS/OEIS, the smallest amount
of PTS (onset PTS) is taken to be the indicator for the smallest degree of
injury that can be measured. The acoustic exposure associated with onset
PTS is used to define the outer limit of the Level A harassment zone
Onset temporary TTS (defined below) is recoverable and is considered to result from the
threshold shift temporary, noninjurious distortion of hearing-related tissues. In this
(onset TTS) EIS/OEIS, the smallest measurable amount of TTS (onset TTS) is taken as
the best indicator for slight temporary sensory impairment. Because it is
considered no-injurious, the acoustic exposure associated with onset TTS is
used to define the outer limit of the portion of the Level B harassment zone
attributable to physiological effects. This follows from the concept that
hearing loss potentially affects an animal’s ability to react normally to the
sounds around it. Therefore, the potential for TTS qualifies as a Level B
harassment that is mediated by physiological effects upon the auditory
Ordnance Explosives, chemicals, pyrotechnics, and similar stores (e.g., bombs, guns
and ammunition, flares, smoke, or napalm).
Passive sonar Detects the sound created by an object (source) in the water. This is a one-
way transmission of sound waves traveling through the water from the
source to the receiver.
Pelagic Pelagic is a broad term applied to species that inhabit the open, upper
portion of marine waters rather than waters adjacent to land or near the sea
Permanent threshold Exposure to high-intensity sound may result in auditory effects such as
shift (PTS) noise-induced threshold shift, or simply a threshold shift (TS). If the TS
becomes a permanent condition, generally as a result of physical injury to
the inner ear and hearing loss, it is known as PTS.
Phase 1 Investigation A Phase 1 Investigation, for the purposes of this document, will typically
include the following tests and procedures (which are described in NMFS’
Biomonitoring Protocols): 1) Demographics of the stranding, environmental
parameters. 2) Behavioral assessment of group. 3) Live animal (physical
examination, blood work, diagnostics such as AEP or ultrasound,
assessment or treatment) or dead animal (External examination and
external human interaction evaluation, morphometrics, photographs,
diagnostic imaging including CT/MRI scans or ultrasound as appropriate
and feasible, and necropsy with internal examination, descriptions,
photographs and sample collection).
Term Definition
Phase 2 Investigation A Phase 2 Investigation, for the purposes of this document, will typically
include the following tests and procedures (which are described in NMFS’
Biomonitoring Protocols): Analyses and review of diagnostic imaging
obtained in Phase I, histopathology, special stains, ancillary diagnostics
(e.g., PCR for infections, gas emboli), CT of ears, additional diagnostic
imaging as needed, histology of ears, case summaries, and review
Physiological effect Defined in the EIS/OEIS as a variation in an animal’s physiology that results
from an anthropogenic acoustic exposure and exceeds the normal daily
variation in physiological function.
Ping Pulse of sound created by a sonar.
Pinger A pulse generator using underwater sound transmission to relay data such
as subject location.
Pinniped Any member of a suborder (Pinnipedia) of aquatic carnivorous mammals
(i.e., seals and sea lions) with all four limbs modified into flippers.
Platform A vessel, pier, barge, etc. from which test systems can be deployed.
Predation A biological interaction where a predator organism feeds on another living
organism or organisms known as prey. The act of predation results in the
ecologically significant death of the prey.
Qualified NMFS has a rigorous set of standards and training in place to qualify
stranding responders, however, since the stranding network is a largely
volunteer network, there is significant variability from one area to another.
In the Biomonitoring Protocol, NMFS will identify the minimum qualifications
necessary for individuals to make the determinations necessary to carry out
this plan. These qualifications are currently in development and will be
finalized in the Biomonitoring Protocols. Not all qualified individuals
(veterinarians, technicians, etc.) will be NMFS employees. However, only
specific individuals (NMFS Protected Resources, HQ – senior
administrators) indicated in the GOA Stranding Communication Protocol will
be empowered to advise the Navy of the need to implement shutdown
Received level The level of sound that arrives at the receiver, or listening device
(hydrophone). The received level is the source level minus the transmission
losses from the sound traveling through the water.
Record of Decision A concise summary of the decision made by the project proponent (e.g.,
(ROD) Navy) from the alternatives presented in the Final EIS. The ROD is
published in the Federal Register.
Resonance A phenomenon that exists when an object is vibrated at a frequency near its
natural frequency of vibration – the particular frequency at which the object
vibrates most readily. The size and geometry of an air cavity determine the
frequency at which the cavity will resonate.
Term Definition
Shutdown Procedures The act of the Navy ceasing operation of sonar or explosive detonations
within a designated area for a designated time. The time is designated by
the Restart Procedures. The designated area, for the purposes of this
document, is an area within 14 nm of any live, in the water animal involved
in the USE. This distance (14 nm) is the distance at which sound from the
sonar source is anticipated to attenuate to approximately 140-145 dB (SPL).
If this distance appears too short (i.e, the proximity of sonar use may likely
be deterring the animals from returning to the open water), NMFS and the
Navy will further coordinate to determine what measures are necessary to
further minimize that likelihood and implement those measures as
Scoping An early and open process with federal and state agencies and interested
parties to identify possible alternatives and the significant issues to be
addressed in an EIS.
Sonobuoy A device launched from an aircraft to determine environmental conditions
for determination of best search tactics, to communicate with friendly
submarines, and to conduct search, localization, tracking, and, as required,
attack of designated hostile platforms. Sonobuoys provide both a
deployable acoustical signal source and reception of underwater signals of
Sound Navigation and Any anthropogenic (man-made) or animal (e.g., bats, dolphins) system that
Ranging (Sonar) uses transmitted acoustic signals and echo returns for navigation,
communication, and determining position and bearing of a target. There are
two broad types of anthropogenic sonar: active and passive.
Sound pressure level A measure of the root-mean square, or “effective,” sound pressure in
(SPL) decibels. SPL is expressed in dB re 1 μPa for underwater sound and dB re
to 20 μPa for airborne sound.
Source level The sound pressure level of an underwater sound as measured one meter
from the source.
Substrate Any object or material upon which an organism grows or to which an
organism is attached.
Tactical Sonar A category of sonar emitting equipment that includes surface ship and
submarine hull-mounted active sonars.
Take Defined under the Marine Mammal Protection Act as "harass, hunt, capture,
kill or collect, or attempt to harass, hunt, capture, kill or collect."
Temporary threshold Exposure to high-intensity sound may result in auditory effects such as
shift (TTS) noise-induced threshold shift, or simply a threshold shift (TS). If the TS
recovers after a few minutes, hours, or days it is known as a Temporary
Threshold Shift (TTS).
Threatened species Any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the
foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range (ESA
Threshold Shift (TS) Lower level exposures to sound levels of sufficient duration may cause
permanent or temporary hearing loss; such an effect is called a noise-
induced threshold shift, or simply a TS. A TS may be either permanent, in
which case it is called a PTS, or temporary, in which case it is called a TTS.
Term Definition
Transmission loss Energy losses that occur as the pressure wave, or sound, travels through
the water. The associated wavefront diminishes due to the spreading of the
sound over an increasingly larger volume and the absorption of some of the
energy by water.
Uncommon Stranding A stranding event that takes place during an MTE and involves any one of
Event (USE) the following: 1) Two or more individuals of any cetacean species (i.e.,
could be two different species, but not including mother/calf pairs, unless of
species of concern listed in next bullet) found dead or live on shore within a
two day period and within 10 miles of one another, 2) A single individual or
mother/calf pair of any of the following marine mammals of concern to be
designated by NMFS at a later date, or 3) A group of 2 or more cetaceans
of any species exhibiting indicators of distress.
Since the 1990s, the Navy has participated in a major joint training exercise that involves the Departments
of the Navy1, Army, Air Force, and Coast Guard participants reporting to a unified or joint commander
who coordinates the activities planned to demonstrate and evaluate the ability of the services to engage in
a conflict and carry out plans in response to a threat to national security. Service Secretaries and
Combatant Commanders report to the Secretary of Defense. Combatant Commanders are the senior
military authority for their assigned area of responsibility. The U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM2), based
in Hawaii, has the primary warfighting mission to defend the United States and its interests in the Asia-
Pacific Region. The U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) has the primary responsibility for
homeland defense. Each of these combatant commanders is supported by component commanders
comprising forces from the Navy, Army, and Air Force. The combatant commanders develop exercises
that train the Navy, Army, and Air Force components to execute plans for situations that they identify as
potential threats to the United States. PACOM further delegates its authority to several different joint task
force commanders including Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (PACFLT).
The exercise alternates annually between a PACOM and a NORTHCOM scenario. Because of the severe
environmental conditions during the winter months, the exercises normally occur during the period
between April and October. PACOM’s scenarios typically center on a major conflict that poses a threat to
the United States that requires integration of Navy and Air Force assets with Army units conducting
ground warfare in mountainous rural areas. The manner in which the Defense Department deploys its
forces to respond to scenarios is relatively consistent, aiding a programmatic analysis at this time.
NORTHCOM’s scenarios supporting homeland defense, and the manner in which it deploys its forces,
change rapidly as new needs and requirements are identified. Given this information, this comprehensive
programmatic analysis cannot adequately capture the broad range of activities that may be possible in a
NORTHCOM scenario. As these exercise scenarios are developed, environmental compliance needs will
be evaluated for each exercise. Hence, this EIS/OEIS analyzes exercises designed to address PACOM’s
The Department of the Navy includes the United States Marine Corps. References to Navy training include Marine
Corps training.
PACOM is a unified command which includes about 325,000 military personnel from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine
Corps (about 20 percent of all active duty U.S. military forces).
requirements in Alaska. It does not address activities unique to the NORTHCOM-conducted exercises in
The exercises have typically occurred within the ATA over a 14-day period during the April – October
time frame. The ATA (Figure 1-1) is comprised of three basic components: 1) the Gulf of Alaska (GOA)
Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA); 2) U.S. Air Force (Air Force) over-land Special Use
Airspace (SUA3) and air routes over the GOA and State of Alaska; and 3) U.S. Army (Army) training
lands (to include associated airspace). An overview of the ATA is provided in Section 1.3, and a detailed
discussion is provided in Chapter 2.
Modern military actions require teamwork between hundreds or thousands of people, and their various
equipment, vehicles, ships, and aircraft, all working individually and as a coordinated unit to achieve
success. This joint training conducted in the ATA by the services during these exercises allows for an
opportunity to train Navy, USAF and USA forces simultaneously in an area of diverse terrain over large
areas with relatively unconstricted air space.
The Navy’s mission is to organize, train, equip, and maintain combat-ready naval forces capable of
winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas. This mission is mandated by
federal law (Title 10 U.S.C. § 5062), which ensures the readiness of the United States’ naval forces.4 The
Navy executes this responsibility by establishing and executing training programs, including at-sea
training and exercises, and ensuring naval forces have access to the ranges, operating areas, and airspace
needed to develop and maintain skills for conducting naval activities.
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to achieve and maintain fleet readiness using the ATA to support
and conduct current, emerging, and future training activities.
The need for the Proposed Action is to enable the Navy to meet its statutory responsibility to organize,
train, equip, and maintain combat-ready naval forces and to successfully fulfill its current and future
global mission of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas.
The ATA plays a vital part in executing this naval readiness mandate. The training areas serve as a
training venue for annual joint training exercises, which can involve forces from the Navy, Air Force,
Army, and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). The Navy’s Proposed Action is a step toward ensuring the
continued vitality of this essential naval training resource.
This EIS/OEIS assesses environmental effects associated with current and proposed training activities and
force structure changes (to include new weapons systems and platforms) in the ATA. Chapter 2 describes
in greater detail the alternatives, including the Proposed Action addressed in this EIS/OEIS. In summary,
the Navy proposes to implement actions within the ATA to:
Special use airspace (SUA) is airspace of defined vertical and lateral limits that has been established by the FAA to
segregate air activities, which may be hazardous to non-participating aircraft. Restricted areas, Military Operating
Areas (MOAs), and Military Training Routes (MTRs) are examples of different types of SUA.
Title 10, Section 5062 of the United States Code provides: “The Navy shall be organized, trained, and equipped primarily for
prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at sea. It is responsible for the preparation of Naval forces necessary for the
effective prosecution of war except as otherwise assigned and, in accordance with Integrated Joint Mobilization Plans, for the
expansion of the peacetime components of the Navy to meet the needs of war.”
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• Increase certain training activities from current levels in order to support the Fleet exercise
requirements to include the use of active sonar; and
• Accommodate new training requirements associated with force structure changes and
introduction of new weapons and systems to the Fleet.
The Proposed Action would result in selectively focused and critical increases in training activities and
levels that are necessary if the Navy is to maintain a state of military readiness commensurate with the
national defense mission (conducting up to two joint force level exercises each of which could last up to
21 days between April and October).
The ATA serves as the principal training venue for annual joint exercises, which can involve forces from
the Navy, Air Force, Army, and USCG, and to support required current, emerging, and future training.
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to achieve and maintain Fleet readiness using the ATA to support
and conduct current, emerging and future training activities. The decision to be made by the Navy is to
determine the scope and levels of training to be conducted within the ATA.
To support an informed decision, the EIS/OEIS identifies objectives and criteria for naval training
activities in the ATA. The core of the EIS/OEIS is the development and analysis of different alternatives
for achieving the Navy’s objectives. Alternatives development is a complex process, particularly in the
dynamic context of military training. The touchstone for this process is a set of criteria that respond to the
naval readiness mandate, as it is implemented in the ATA. The criteria for developing and analyzing
alternatives to meet these objectives are set forth in Section 2.3.1. These criteria provide the basis for the
statement of the Proposed Action and alternatives and selection of alternatives for further analysis
(Chapter 2), as well as analyses of the environmental effects of the Proposed Action and alternatives
(Chapter 3). Chapter 2 also discusses alternatives that were considered but eliminated because they do not
satisfy the purpose and need or they fail to meet selection criteria.
This EIS/OEIS is being prepared in compliance with NEPA; the CEQ Regulations for Implementing the
Procedural Provisions of NEPA (Title 40) Code of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] Parts [§§] 1500-1508);
Department of the Navy Procedures for Implementing NEPA (32 C.F.R. Part 775); and EO 12114,
Environmental Effects Abroad of Major Federal Actions. The NEPA process ensures that environmental
impacts of proposed major federal actions are considered in agency decision making. EO 12114 requires
consideration of environmental impacts of actions outside the United States territorial seas. This
EIS/OEIS satisfies the requirements of both NEPA and EO 12114.
The U.S. Navy routinely trains and operates in the ATA for national defense purposes. The land, air, and
sea space of the ATA have provided, and continue to provide, a safe and realistic training environment for
naval and joint forces.
The Navy’s training cycle, Fleet Response Plan, ensures that naval forces achieve and maintain the
capabilities to carry out the requirements of combatant commanders. The Navy implements this Plan
through the Fleet Response Training Cycle. This cycle involves three basic phases: unit level training;
integration training; and sustainment. The exercises that the Navy conducts in the ATA focus on
maintaining and improving readiness of forces or the sustainment phase. These exercises also allow the
Navy to train in a joint environment. Joint training is invaluable, as most conflicts tend to be fought
jointly and the ability of the individual services to work cohesively together while maximizing and
exploiting each services’ own unique capabilities often times is the difference between success and
To provide the experience so important to success and survival, training must be as realistic as possible.
The Navy often employs simulators and synthetic training to provide early skill repetition and to enhance
teamwork, but live training in a realistic environment is vital to success. This training requires sufficient
sea and airspace to maneuver tactically, realistic targets and objectives, simulated opposition that creates a
realistic enemy, and instrumentation to objectively monitor the events to help participants learn to correct
Training areas provide controlled and safe environments that enable our forces to conduct realistic
combat-like training as they undergo all phases of the graduated buildup needed for combat-ready
deployment. These training areas and operating areas provide the space necessary to conduct controlled
and safe training scenarios representative of those that our men and women would have to face in actual
combat. The training areas are designed to provide the most realistic training in the most relevant
environments, replicating to the best extent possible the operational stresses of warfare. The integration of
undersea ranges and operating areas with land training ranges is critical to this realism, allowing
execution of multidimensional exercises in complex scenarios. Typically, they also provide
instrumentation that captures the performance of Navy tactics and equipment in order to provide the
feedback and assessment that are essential for constructive criticism of personnel and equipment. The
live-fire phase of training facilitates assessment of the Navy’s ability to place weapons on target with the
required level of precision while in a stressful environment.
Navy training activities focus on achieving proficiency in each of several functional areas encompassed
by Navy operations. These functional areas, known as Primary Mission Areas (PMARs), are: Anti-Air
Warfare (AAW), Amphibious Warfare (AMW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Anti-Submarine Warfare
(ASW), Mine Warfare (MIW), Strike Warfare (STW), Electronic Combat (EC), and Naval Special
Warfare (NSW). With the exception of MIW and AMW, all PMARs are conducted in the ATA and each
training activity addressed in the EIS/OEIS is categorized under a PMAR.
The ATA is one of several areas (Southern California Range Complex, Hawaii Range Complex,
Northwest Training Range Complex) used by the Navy for training of operational forces in the northern
and eastern Pacific Ocean. As with each Navy training area, the primary mission of the ATA is to provide
a realistic training environment for naval and joint forces to ensure that they have the capabilities and
high state of readiness required to accomplish their assigned missions.
Training is focused on preparing for worldwide deployment. Naval forces generally deploy in specially
organized units called Strike Groups. A Strike Group may be organized around one or more aircraft
carriers, together with several surface combatant ships and submarines, collectively known as a Carrier
Strike Group (CSG). A naval force known as a Surface Strike Group (SSG) consists of three or more
surface combatant ships. The Navy and Marine Corps deploy CSGs and SSGs on a continuous basis. The
number and composition of Strike Groups deployed and the schedule for deployment are determined
based on worldwide requirements and commitments.
Location. The large contingent of Air Force aircraft and Army assets based within a few hundred miles of
the TMAA creates the possibility of rare joint training opportunities with Navy forces. The TMAA
provides a maritime training venue that is located within flight range of Elmendorf Air Force Base (AFB),
Eielson AFB, Fort Richardson, Fort Wainwright, Fort Greely, and their associated air and land training
ranges (Figure 1-1). Furthermore, numerous shipping lanes in the GOA and the abundance of commercial
vessels on those shipping lanes provide valuable training during exercise scenarios.
Area of Training Space. The ATA is one of the largest air, surface, subsurface, and land training areas in
the Northern Pacific. Detailed descriptions of these areas are provided in Section 1.3.2. This vast training
area provides ample space to support the necessary forces and allow for the full range of activities
required of a robust joint training scenario.
TMAA. The TMAA (see Figure 1-2) is composed of the 42,146 nm2 (145,482 km2) of surface and
subsurface operating area and overlying airspace that includes the majority of W-612 located over Blying
Sound. W-612 is 2,256 nm2 (8,766 km2) of SUA. The TMAA is roughly rectangular shaped and oriented
from northwest to southeast, approximately 300 nautical miles (nm) (555.6 kilometers [km]) long by 150
nm (277.8 km) wide, situated south of Prince William Sound and east of Kodiak Island. The TMAA is
bounded by the following coordinates: 57° 30‘N, 141° 30’W to 59° 36’N, 148° 10’W to 58° 57’N, 150°
04’W to 58° 20’N, 151° 00’W to 57° 16’N, 151° 00’W to 55° 30’N, 142° 00’W. The majority of Navy
training activities occur in the TMAA. The specific geographical area of the TMAA supports operational
and logistical (time, speed, and distance) challenges associated with real world scenarios that support joint
operations within PACOM’s unique area of responsibility. For example, CSG and land based joint
operations, both overland and overwater, require air route access to land ranges, proximity to bases where
a landing could be made in an emergency, and supportable fuel costs, which includes air-to-air refueling
where appropriate. The TMAA provides these requirements.
Northern Edge is training exercise that exercises joint interoperability of service component forces by testing and evaluating
contingency plans, policies, procedures, command structure, communications, logistics, and operations in a joint environment.
The exercise also provides a venue for the development and implementation of joint experimentation in Alaska. Depending on
the specific exercise objectives, Northern Edge may also incorporate joint task force training modules and transformation
initiatives for air and space operations center employment, defensive counter air, counter surface/maritime interdiction, and
personnel recovery.
A Joint Task Force Commander and supporting staff is capable of planning and executing any contingency from relatively
small-scale operations, such as noncombatant evacuations or maritime interdiction, to major theater conflict.
The mission requirement of ALCOM is to: 1) integrate military activities within Alaska to maximize the readiness of theater
forces, 2) expedite deployment of forces from and through Alaska in support of worldwide contingencies, and 3) serve as the JTF
headquarters for protection of critical infrastructure and coordination of Military Assistance to Civil Authorities.
Air Force Inland Special Use Airspace Training Areas. The ATA includes numerous Air Force airspace
areas designated as Restricted Areas (RAs), Military Operations Areas (MOAs) or Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) corridors. Other airspace for special use in Alaska consists of Military Training Routes (MTRs),
Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (ATCAA), Air Refueling Anchors/Tracks, Low-Altitude Tactical
Navigation (LATN) areas, Controlled Firing Areas, and Slow Speed Low-Altitude Training Routes. In
total, these training areas comprise 46,585 nm2 (159,782 km2/61,692 mi2) of SUA, 43,963 nm2 (150,789
km2/58,220 mi2) of which is instrumented (ability to track, score and replay events), that overlays portions
of the State of Alaska, generally to the west and north of Anchorage and to the east of Fairbanks. The Air
Force’s SUA in Alaska is among the largest components of SUA in the Air Force’s range inventory,
facilitating realistic training involving high speed military aircraft with the capability to traverse extensive
airspace very quickly. A significant portion of naval air activity occurs in the Air Force’s SUA.
Army Training Land. The ATA includes numerous Army land training areas that are located both on and
off Army installations. In total, these training areas comprise 2,624 mi2 (1,981 nm2/6,796 km2) of land
that is located generally to the south and east of Fairbanks, below the Air Force’s SUA. The Army’s land
training areas in Alaska are among the largest of all training areas in the Army’s inventory. These ground
training areas provide an extensive suite of capabilities for tactical training, including live-fire training
areas for small arms, maneuver areas, and other dedicated areas for the conduct of training. These training
areas have extensive instrumentation, and provide opposing force simulation and targets for use in land
and air live-fire training. Additionally, these training areas contain airfields, drop zones, landing zones,
and other infrastructure for training and logistical support. Combined with the Air Force’s SUA, these
ground training areas provide Navy and Air Force aircraft the capability to drop live and inert munitions
into existing impact areas near instrumented ranges during large, complex flying evolutions.
• Achieving and maintaining Fleet readiness using the ATA to support and conduct current,
emerging, and future training activities; and
The Proposed Action is needed to continue providing a training environment with the capacity and
capabilities to fully support required training tasks for operational units participating in joint exercises,
such as the annual Northern Edge exercise. The Navy has developed alternatives criteria based on this
statement of the purpose and need for the Proposed Action (see Section 2.3.1).
In this regard, the ATA furthers the Navy’s execution of its roles and responsibilities under Title 10. To
comply with its Title 10 mandate, the Navy needs to:
• Maintain current levels of military readiness by training in the ATA;
• Support the acquisition and implementation into the Fleet of advanced military technology using
the ATA to conduct training activities for new platforms and associated weapons systems
(EA-18G Growler aircraft, Guided Missile Submarines [SSGN], P-8 Poseidon Multimission
Maritime Aircraft [MMA], Guided Missile Destroyer [DDG] 1000 {Zumwalt Class destroyer},
and several types of Unmanned Aerial Systems [UASs]);
• Maintain the long-term viability of the ATA as a premiere Navy training area while protecting
human health and the environment, and enhancing the quality, capabilities, and safety of the
training area; and
• Be able to bring Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard assets together into one geographic
area for joint training.
The Navy is preparing a Draft EIS/OEIS for the ATA to assess the effects of ongoing and proposed future
activities on the environment. The Draft EIS/OEIS also gives the Navy an opportunity to review its
procedures and ensure the benefits of recent scientific and technological advances are applied toward
minimizing environmental effects.
The first step in the NEPA process is the preparation of a Notice of Intent (NOI) to develop an EIS/OEIS.
The NOI provides an overview of the Proposed Action and the scope of the EIS/OEIS. The NOI for this
project was published in the Federal Register on March 17, 2008, and in four local newspapers,
(Anchorage Daily News, Kodiak Daily Mirror, Cordova Times, Peninsula Clarion [see Appendix G for
information on the scoping meetings]). The NOI and newspaper notices included information about
comment procedures, a list of information repositories (public libraries), the project website address
(http://www.GulfofAlaskaNavyEIS.com), and the dates and locations of the scoping meetings.
Scoping is an early and open process for developing the “scope” of issues to be addressed in the
EIS/OEIS, and for identifying significant issues related to a Proposed Action. The scoping meetings for
this EIS/OEIS were advertised in local newspapers; the advertisements invited public attendance to help
define and prioritize environmental issues, and convey these issues to the Navy (see Appendix G for
information on the scoping meetings). Comments from the public, as well as from agencies and special
interest groups, including the development of alternatives were considered in the preparation of this
Some of the comments received from the public during the scoping process are categorized and
summarized in Table 1-1. This table is not intended to provide a complete listing, but to show the extent
of the scope of comments.
Subsequent to the scoping process, this Draft EIS/OEIS was prepared to assess the potential effects of the
Proposed Action and alternatives on the environment. A Notice of Availability (NOA) was published in
the Federal Register, and notices were placed in the aforementioned newspapers announcing the
availability of the Draft EIS/OEIS. The Draft EIS/OEIS is now available for general review, and is being
circulated for review and comment. Although exact venues have not been identified, public meetings will
be advertised and held in the same cities as the scoping meetings, as well as two additional cities, Homer
and Juneau, to receive public comments on the Draft EIS/OEIS.
A Final EIS/OEIS will be prepared that responds to all public comments received on the EIS/OEIS.
Responses to public comments may take various forms as necessary, including correction of data,
clarifications of and modifications to analytical approaches, and inclusion of additional data or analyses.
The Final EIS will then be made available for public review.
Finally, after the Final EIS/OEIS is made available to the public and a 30 day wait period has elapsed, a
Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued. The ROD will summarize the Navy’s decision, identify the
selected alternative, describe the public involvement and agency decision-making processes, and present
commitments to specific mitigation measures.
Navy training activities that occur within the Air Force inland SUA and the Army training lands are
analyzed under separate previous NEPA documentation (the Alaska Military Operations Area EIS [USAF
1995], Improvements to Military Training Routes in Alaska Environmental Assessment [USAF 2007], the
Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative EIS [Army 1999], and the Transformation of
U.S. Army Alaska FEIS [Army 2004]). These documents are incorporated by reference which, in NEPA
terms, means that the environmental effects of these activities are addressed in these documents. For
additional information, see Section 1.6.
For the majority of resource sections addressed in this Draft EIS/OEIS, projected impacts outside of U.S.
territorial waters would be similar to those within territorial waters. Beyond 12 nm (22 km) is simply a
jurisdictional boundary and is not delineated for purposes of scheduling or management of military
training activities. In addition, the baseline environment and associated impacts to the various resource
areas analyzed in this Draft EIS/OEIS are not substantially different within or outside the 12 nm (22 km)
jurisdictional boundary. Therefore, for these resource sections, the impact analyses contained in the main
body of the Draft EIS/OEIS are comprehensive and follow both NEPA and EO 12114 guidelines. The
description of the affected environment addresses areas both within and beyond U.S. territorial sea.
Table 1-2 lists training activities by warfare area, and indicates whether a given activity is addressed
pursuant to NEPA (because it occurs within U.S. territory, including the territorial seas) or pursuant to EO
12114 (because it occurs outside the territorial seas).
Table 1-2: Training Activities Analyzed under NEPA and EO 12114 (continued)
NEPA EO 12114
Warfare Area Training Activity
0-12 Beyond
NM3 12 NM
Visit Board Search and Seizure X
Air-to-Surface MISSILEX X
Air-to-Surface Bombing Exercise (BOMBEX) X
Anti-Surface Air-to-Surface GUNEX X
Warfare (ASUW) Surface-to-Surface GUNEX X
Maritime Interdiction X X
Sea Surface Control X
Sinking Exercise X X
EC Exercise X X X
Chaff Exercise X X X
Combat (EC)
Counter Targeting Exercise X
Naval Special
Insertion/Extraction X
Warfare (NSW)
Strike Warfare Air-to-Ground BOMBEX X X
(STW) Personnel Recovery X X
Other Activities
N/A Deck Landing Qualification (DLQs) X
1 – ASW activities are not currently conducted in the TMAA. N/A – Not applicable.
2 - Navy inland activities are a part of the Proposed Action; however, those inland activities are analyzed under existing
USAF/Army NEPA documents, including potential increases in training activities.
3 – The only activities that occur within 0-12 nm are aircraft overflights above 15,000 feet.
CZMA defines the coastal zone (16 U.S.C. § 1453) as extending, “to the outer limit of State title and
ownership under the Submerged Lands Act.” The coastal zone extends inland only to the extent necessary
to control the shoreline. Excluded from the coastal zone are lands the use of which is by law subject
solely to the discretion of, or which is held in trust by, the federal government (16 U.S.C. § 1453).
Accordingly, federal military lands are not within the coastal zone. In the State of Alaska, CZMA coastal
boundaries are determined by each individual Coastal Resource District pursuant to 11 Alaska
Administrative Code (AAC) 114.220.
The State of Alaska has an approved CMP, the Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP), which is
found at Alaska Statutes Annotated (AS) Title 45 Chapter 40. The ACMP received federal approval from
the NOAA in 1979. The ACMP provides stewardship for Alaska’s rich and diverse coastal resources to
ensure a healthy and vibrant Alaskan coast that efficiently sustains long-term economic and
environmental productivity. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) is the state’s
designated coastal management agency and is responsible for reviewing projects for consistency with the
CMP and issuing coastal management decisions under the provisions of 11 AAC Code Chapters 110 and
112. Specific statewide standards for review under the ACMP are found at 11 AAC Chapter 112.
The CZMA federal consistency determination process includes a review of the Proposed Action to
determine whether it has potential direct or indirect effects on coastal zone resources or uses under the
provisions of the CMP. An in-depth examination of any such effects, and a determination on whether
those effects are consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the state’s enforceable policies, is
then conducted by the action proponent. Specific standards under the ACMP that appear applicable to
proposed training activities occurring in the TMAA are 11 AAC Chapter 112 Sections 280
(“Transportation Routes and Facilities”), 300 (“Habitats”), 310 (“Air, Land, and Water Quality), and 320
(“Historic, Prehistoric, and Archeological Resources”).
For the activities covered in this Draft EIS/OEIS, the Navy will ensure compliance with the CZMA
through coordination with the ADNR.
The National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136) amended the
definition of harassment as applied to military readiness activities or scientific research activities
conducted by or on behalf of the federal government, consistent with Section 104(c)(3) [16 U.S.C. 1374
(c)(3)]. The Fiscal Year 2004 National Defense Authorization Act adopted the definition of “military
readiness activity” as set forth in the Fiscal Year 2003 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law
107-314). Military training activities within the TMAA constitute military readiness activities as that term
is defined in Public Law 107-314 because training activities constitute “training and operations of the
Armed Forces that relate to combat” and constitute “adequate and realistic testing of military equipment,
vehicles, weapons, and sensors for proper operation and suitability for combat use.”
For military readiness activities, the relevant definition of harassment is any act that:
• Injures or has the significant potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild (“Level A harassment”).
• Disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of natural behavioral patterns including, but not limited to, migration, surfacing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering to a point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned
or significantly altered (“Level B harassment”) [16 U.S.C. 1362 (18)(B)(i)(ii)].
16 U.S.C. § 1371(a)(5) directs the Secretary of the Department of Commerce to allow, upon request, the
incidental (but not intentional) taking of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a specified
activity (exclusive of commercial fishing), if certain findings are made and regulations are issued.
Permission will be granted by the Secretary for the incidental take of marine mammals if the taking will
have a negligible impact on the species or stock and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of such species or stock for taking for subsistence uses.
In support of the Proposed Action, the Navy is requesting a Letter of Authorization (LOA) pursuant to
Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA. After the application is reviewed by NMFS, a Notice of Receipt of
Application will be published in the Federal Register. Publication of the Notice of Receipt of Application
will initiate the 30-day public comment period, during which time anyone can obtain a copy of the
application by contacting NMFS. In addition, the MMPA requires NMFS to develop regulations
governing the issuance of a LOA and to publish these regulations in the Federal Register. Subsequently,
NMFS will publish its Proposed Rule in the Federal Register. After receiving public comments on this
Proposed Rule, NMFS will publish its Final Rule. Several species of marine mammals occur in the
TMAA. Accordingly, the Navy has initiated the MMPA compliance process with NMFS, by submission
of a request for a LOA. The Navy will receive a LOA from NMFS to permit takes as appropriate.
The ESA provides a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and
the habitats in which they are found. The law requires federal agencies, in consultation with the USFWS
and/or NMFS, to ensure that actions they authorize, fund, or carry out are not likely to jeopardize the
continued existence of any threatened or endangered species or result in the destruction or adverse
modification of designated critical habitat of such species. Under Section 7 of the ESA, “jeopardize”
means to engage in any action that would be expected to reduce appreciably the likelihood of the survival
and recovery of a listed species by reducing its reproduction, numbers, or distribution.
Regulations implementing the ESA expand the consultation requirement to include those actions that
“may affect” a listed species or adversely modify critical habitat. If an agency’s proposed action would
take a listed species, the agency must obtain an incidental take statement from the responsible wildlife
agency. Consultation is complete once NMFS prepares a final Biological Opinion (BO) and issues an
incidental take statement.
Seven marine mammal species that are listed as endangered under the ESA could potentially occur in the
TMAA. Critical habitat for Northern Pacific right whales and Steller sea lions has been designated under
the ESA; however, these areas are outside the action area of the TMAA. Accordingly, the Navy has
initiated the ESA Section 7 consultation process with NMFS.
• Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSFCMA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 1801-
• Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act, CWA) (33 U.S.C. §§ 1251-1387);
• EO 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-
Income Populations (EO 12898, 59 Federal Register [FR] 7269 [Feb 16, 1994]);
• EO 13045, Environmental Health and Safety Risks to Children (EO 13045, 62 FR 19885 [Apr 23,
• Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA) (43 U.S.C. §§ 1601-1629); and
• Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 3101-3233).
In addition, laws and regulations of the State of Alaska appropriate to Navy actions are identified and
addressed in this EIS/OEIS. This EIS/OEIS will facilitate compliance with applicable, appropriate state
laws and regulations.
• U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1995. Alaska Military Operations Areas Environmental Impact
Statement. August 1995.
o This EIS analyzed periodic major Joint Task Force (JTF8) (Army, Air Force, Marine
Corps, and Navy) exercises such as COPE THUNDER and NORTHERN EDGE which
utilize the three withdrawn military areas and which stage assets and/or personnel at the
Army installations as well as at Eielson and Elmendorf Air Force Bases. The EIS
evaluated the occurrence of up to six JTF exercises or Major Flying Exercises (MFE)
each year, one sometime between February and April, four between May and August, and
one between October and November. Each JTF or MFE usually covers 10 to 15 flying
days, not exceeding 60 flying days each year. Additionally, each MFE could have up to
100 aircraft and 200 sorties per MFE-day.
o The military uses examined in the Military Operations Areas Environmental Impact
Statement correspond to the military activities of aircraft combat maneuvers, electronic
combat operations, insertion/extraction, air-to-ground bombing exercises, and personnel
recovery included in the Proposed Action addressed in the GOA EIS.
• U.S. Department of the Air Force, 2007. Improvements to Military Training Routes (MTRs) in
Alaska Environmental Assessment (EA), Elmendorf AFB, Alaska: 11 AF.
o The numbers and timing of sorties and the aircraft altitudes and speeds examined in the
Improvements to MTRs in Alaska EA encompass those that would be associated with the
military activities of aircraft combat maneuvers, electronic combat operations,
insertion/extraction, air-to-ground bombing exercises, and personnel recovery included in
the Proposed Action addressed in the GOA EIS.
• U.S Department of the Army, 1999. Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative
Environmental Impact Statement.
o The Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative EIS (Army 1999)
examined the effects of continued withdrawal from public use under the Military Lands
Withdrawal Act and the continued military use of the Fort Wainwright Yukon Training
Area (formerly the Fort Wainwright Maneuver Area), the Fort Greely West Training
Area (formerly the Fort Greely Maneuver Area) and the Fort Greely East Training Area
(formerly the Fort Greely Air Drop Zone). These areas together cover approximately
871,500 acres (352,684 hectares) in interior Alaska.
o The EIS examined military aircraft air-to-ground training in restricted airspaces R2202
and R2205 over Fort Greely West Training Area and Fort Wainwright Yukon Training
Area, respectively. It also analyzed periodic major JTF (Army, Air Force, Marine Corps,
These JTF exercises are not “certification for deployment” exercises as conducted by Naval Forces in other Range
and Navy) exercises such as COPE THUNDER and NORTHERN EDGE which utilize
the three withdrawn military areas and which stage assets and/or personnel at the Army
installations as well as at Eielson and Elmendorf Air Force Bases. The EIS evaluated the
occurrence of up to six JTF exercises or Major Flying Exercises (MFE) each year, one
sometime between February and April, four between May and August, and one between
October and November. Each JTF or MFE usually covered 10 to 15 flying days, but not
exceeding 60 flying days each year.
o The EIS also assessed Air Force and joint forces uses of Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely
areas for military aircraft air-to-ground training in the restricted airspaces R2202 and
R2205. The use of mock enemy airfields, targets, manned radar emitters, anti-aircraft
threat simulators, and electronic scoring sensors in the areas was examined. Both low
altitude and high altitude bombing by most aircraft in the military inventory at the time of
the EIS were analyzed. Weaponry training included aircraft machine guns, rockets,
bombs, and air-to-ground missiles.
o The military uses examined in the Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal Final Legislative EIS
correspond to the military activities of aircraft combat maneuvers, electronic combat
operations, insertion/extraction, air-to-ground bombing exercises, and personnel recovery
included in the Proposed Action addressed in the GOA EIS.
• U.S. Department of the Army, 2004. Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska Final Environmental
Impact Statement.
o The Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska Final EIS examined the effects of transforming
the Army’s Current Force to a Future Force during the next 30 years. This transformation
would affect most aspects of the Army’s doctrine, training, leader development,
organizations, installations, materiel, and Soldiers. As part of this action, the Army
transformed the 172nd Infantry Brigade (Separate) at FWA and FRA into a Stryker
Brigade Combat Team (SBCT). Transformation to a SBCT included stationing additional
Soldiers; acquiring the Stryker vehicle, UASs and other weapon systems; changing
training requirements; and constructing facilities.
o The military uses examined in the Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska Final EIS are
consistent with the land training elements of the Proposed Action addressed in the GOA
EIS, including insertion/extraction and personnel recovery.
The Proposed Action would result in selectively focused but critical increases in training to address
training shortfalls, as necessary to ensure the ATA supports Navy training and readiness objectives.
Actions to support current, emerging, and future training activities in the ATA will be evaluated in this
EIS/OEIS. These actions include:
• Increasing the number of training activities from current levels as necessary to support Fleet
exercise requirements (that could last up to 21 days between April and October);
• Conducting training in the Primary Mission Areas (PMARs) including Anti-Air Warfare (AAW),
Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Naval Special Warfare (NSW),
Strike Warfare (STW), and Electronic Combat (EC). Conduct of training may include that
necessary for newer systems, instrumentation, and platforms, including the EA-18G Growler
aircraft, Guided Missile Submarines (SSGN), P-8 Poseidon Multimission Maritime Aircraft
(MMA), Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG) 1000 (Zumwalt Class) destroyer, and several types of
Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs);
• Accommodating training enhancement instrumentation, to include the use of a Portable Undersea
Tracking Range (PUTR);
• Conducting an additional Carrier Strike Group (CSG) exercise during the months of April
through October which could also last up to 21 days (first CSG exercise being part of the baseline
No Action Alternative); and
• Conducting a Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) during each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) in
the TMAA.
This chapter includes the following major topical subsections: Section 2.1 describes the components of
the ATA, and Sections 2.2 through 2.6 describe the major elements of the Proposed Action and
alternatives to the Proposed Action, including the No Action Alternative.
• In the inland Special Use Airspace (SUA) areas of the United States (U.S.) Air Force (Air Force)
to include: Restricted Airspace; Military Operations Areas (MOAs); and Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) Corridors.
• On the training lands of the U.S. Army (Army) to include: Restricted Areas1; Fort Richardson;
Fort Wainwright; and the Donnelly Training Area.
Figure 2-1 depicts the components of the ATA.
2.1.1 Gulf of Alaska Temporary Maritime Activities Area
The TMAA is a temporary area that is established in conjunction with the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) for up to 14 days per year to support the Northern Edge exercise. The TMAA is a
surface, undersea space and airspace maneuver area within the GOA for ships, submarines, and aircraft to
conduct required training activities. As depicted in Figure 2-2, the TMAA is a polygon that roughly
resembles a rectangle oriented from northwest to southeast, approximately 300 nautical miles (nm) (555.6
kilometers [km]) in length by 150 nm (277.8 km) in width, located south of Prince William Sound and
east of Kodiak Island. With the exception of Cape Cleare on Montague Island located over 12 nm (22 km)
from the northern point of the TMAA, the nearest shoreline (Kenai Peninsula) is located approximately
24 nm (44 km) north of the TMAA’s northern boundary. The approximate middle of the TMAA is
located 140 nm (259 km) offshore.
Restricted Areas: An area or volume of airspace in which the local controlling authorities have determined that air traffic must
be restricted (if not continually prohibited) for safety or security concerns. Restricted areas denote the existence of unusual, often
invisible, hazards to aircraft such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles.
, .
Kodiak .Ii
I~nd,;t"" .
f' Z
ill b
50 100 200
' I M ant
" lmeAcf"
IV " lesArea Specia l Use Airspace
c=J Military 0 peratmg
. Area (MOA
• City
L-..J Restricted Area )
Interstate Highway 40 80 160
VVarning Area
- - Road, General N
Projection: WG 584, UTM 6N
Interstate H ighway
Road . General
o Restricted Area , ,N~utICa I M _
WamingArc3 0 ~ ~ 00
DoD Insta llations and Ranges
o U_S_Army Pr,*ction: 'M3SB4. UTM 6N
Table 2-1 summarizes the air, sea, and undersea space of the TMAA and Figure 2-2 depicts the TMAA.
2.1.2 The Inland Special Use Airspace Training Areas of the United States Air Force
The Air Force has a vast network of SUA to conduct flight operations (Figures 2-3 and 2-4). During joint
training activities, these inland SUAs are used by the Navy and joint aircraft to conduct AAW and Air-to-
Ground integrated Strike Warfare (STW) training activities. In total, the Air Force has over 46,585 nm2
(159,782 km2/61,692 square miles [mi2]) of SUA, of which 43,963 nm2 (150,789 km2/58,220 mi2) are
instrumented. The Air Force’s SUAs include Restricted Areas (RAs), Military Operations Areas (MOAs),
and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) corridors.
RAs are SUAs within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restrictions.
Activities within these areas must be confined because of their nature or limitations imposed upon aircraft
operations that are not a part of those activities or both. Restricted areas denote the existence of unusual,
often invisible, hazards to aircraft such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. The Army
RAs include:
• Oklahoma (R-2202A/B/C) air-to-ground weapons range
• Stuart Creek (R-2205) air-to-ground weapons range
• Blair Lake (R-2211) air-to-ground weapons range
• Fort Richardson (R-2203A/B/C)
Table 2-1: Air, Sea, and Undersea Areas of the Temporary Maritime Activities Area
Area Name Airspace (nm2) Sea Space (nm2) Undersea Space (nm2)
The Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet is the principal advisor to the Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet for
submarine matters. The force provides anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, precision land strike, mine warfare,
intelligence, surveillance, and early warning and special warfare capabilities to the U.S. Pacific Fleet and strategic deterrence
capabilities to the U.S. Strategic Command.
V,I!JKOf'l4'" D
'i:ru ~ON 1
, I
000 Installations and Ranges
U.s. Army
D U.S. Army Projection: VVGS84, UTM 6N
CJ U.S. Air Force
Figure 2-3: Inland Air Ranges and Training Lands of the United States Air Force and Army
C Dilling ham
Homer '.
• City o 25 50 100
Interstate Highway
Road , Genera l
Projection: WGS84 , UTM 6N
Spe cial Use Airspace
I I Military Operating Area (M OA),
L-..J U.S. Air Force Sources: ESRI, NGA, IVT, DISOI, OR IS
Figure 2-4: Inland Air Ranges of the United States Air Force
MOAs are SUA of defined vertical and lateral dimensions established outside of Class A airspace to
separate certain nonhazardous military activities from Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) traffic in controlled
airspace and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted. The Air Force MOAs
• Eielson
• Fox 1, 2, 3
• Falcon
• Birch
• Buffalo
• Viper A & B
• Yukon: 1, 2, 3 High, 3A Low, 3B Low, 4, 5, and 6
• Stony A and B, Galena, Susitna, Naknek 1 and 2
VFR corridors are airspace of defined vertical and lateral dimensions that permit general aviation aircraft
operating on VFR flight plans to pass through a controlled airspace that would normally require an
aircraft to be on an IFR flight plan. These corridors are designed to allow sightseeing of structures of
interest that lie within MOA airspace, or allow general aviation aircraft to travel from airport to airport,
below or through the MOA, with provided separation from military aircraft. They are typically very
specific in regards to altitudes, headings, and speeds to be flown and communications to be made. The Air
Force VFR corridors include:
• Richardson Highway
• Alaska Highway
• Birch
The specifics of each SUA are detailed in the Alaska MOAs EIS (USAF 1995). Although Navy AAW
and STW activities occurring in Air Force SUAs are discussed in this GOA Draft EIS/OEIS, these
activities were analyzed under separate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis by the Air
Force (Alaska MOAs EIS [USAF, 1995]) for which a Record of Decision (ROD) was issued by the Air
Force (U.S. Department of the Air Force 1997). These documents are incorporated by reference, which, in
NEPA terms means that the environmental effects of these activities are addressed in these documents.
Therefore, further effects analysis of Navy training activities in Air Force airspace in this document is not
required. Figures 2-3 and 2-4 depict the Inland Air Ranges of the Air Force.
• Restricted Areas:
o Donnelly Training Area (R-2202)
Al aska
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• City Special Use Airspace I
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Road, General U.S. Army
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DoD Installations and Ranges
D U.S. Army
c:::J U.S. Air Force Projection: WGS84, UTM 6N
• Active sonar emits pulses of sound waves that travel through the water, reflect off objects, and
return to the receiver on the ship or other sonar sources. By knowing the speed of sound in water
and the time for the sound wave to travel to the target and back, a sonar operator can quickly
calculate distance between the ship and the underwater object. For example, active sonar systems
can be used to track targets and realign internal navigation systems by identifying known ocean
floor features. Whales, dolphins, and bats use the same technique, echolocation, for identifying
their surroundings and locating prey.
• Passive sonar is a listening device that uses hydrophones (underwater microphones) that receive,
amplify, and process underwater sounds. Passive sonar is used primarily to detect the presence of
submarines. The advantage of passive sonar is that it places no sound in the water, and thus does
not reveal the location of the listening vessel. Passive sonar can indicate the presence, character,
and direction of submarines.
Underwater sounds in general, and sonar specifically, can be categorized by their frequency. For the
analysis in this EIS/OEIS, sonar falls into one of three frequency ranges: low-frequency, mid-frequency,
and high-frequency.
• Low-frequency sonar is sonar that emits sounds in the lower frequency range, less than 1
kilohertz (kHz). Low-frequency sonar is useful for detecting objects at great distances, as low-
frequency sound does not dissipate as rapidly as higher frequency sounds. However, lower
frequency sonar provides less accuracy than other sonars. There are only two ships in use by the
U.S. Navy that are equipped with low-frequency sonar: both are ocean surveillance vessels
operated by Military Sealift Command. While SURTASS low-frequency active sonar was
analyzed in a separate EIS/OEIS, the proposed action does not include the integration of LFA into
the alternatives considered in this Draft EIS/OEIS.
• Mid-frequency sonar uses sound in the frequency spectrum between 1 kHz and 10 kHz. With a
typical range of up to 10 nm, mid-frequency sonar is the Navy’s primary tool for detecting and
identifying submarines. Sonar in this frequency range provides a valuable combination of range
and target resolution (accuracy).
• High-frequency sonar uses frequencies greater than 10 kHz. Although high-frequency sonar
dissipates rapidly, giving it a shorter effective range, it provides higher resolution and is useful at
detecting and identifying smaller objects such as sea mines.
Modern sonar technology includes a multitude of sonar sensor and processing systems. In concept, the
simplest active sonar emits sound waves, or “pings,” sent out in multiple directions (i.e., is
omnidirectional). Sound waves reflect off the target object and move in multiple directions (Figure 2-6).
The time it takes for some of these sound waves to return to the sonar source is calculated to provide a
variety of information, including the distance to the target object. More sophisticated active sonars emit
an omnidirectional ping and then rapidly scan a steered receiving beam to provide directional as well as
range information. Even more advanced sonars use multiple pre-formed beams to listen to echoes from
several directions simultaneously and provide efficient detection of both direction and range. For more
information about sonar or sound in the sea, go to www.dosits.org.
Submarines have been and are likely to remain the weapon system with the highest leverage in the
maritime domain. The ability to locate and track a submarine is a mission skill that must be possessed by
every ASW-capable ship, submarine, and aircraft.
There are three fundamental truths about ASW. First, it is critically important to U.S. Navy strategies of
sea control, power projection, and direct support to land campaigns.
Second, ASW requires a highly competent team of air, surface, and subsurface platforms to be effective
in a complex and a highly variable three-dimensional environment. Each asset has unique strengths that
contribute to the full spectrum of undersea, surface, airborne, and space-based ASW systems. The
undersea environment – ranging from the shallows of the littoral to the vast depths of the great ocean
basins and polar regions under ice – demand a multidisciplinary approach: reliable intelligence;
oceanography; and surveillance and cueing of multiple sensors, platforms, and undersea weapons. Most
importantly, it takes highly skilled and motivated people.
Finally, as modern submarines have become significantly quieter, passive sonar is not effective enough in
tracking and prosecuting all enemy submarines. Active sonar systems, particularly medium frequency
active (MFA) sonar, are key enablers of our ability to conduct effective ASW. MFA sonar is the Navy’s
most effective tool for locating and tracking submarines at distances that preclude effective attack on our
ships. The Navy must conduct extensive integrated training, to include the use of active sonar, which
mirrors the intricate operating environment present in hostile waters, particularly the littorals. This is of
the highest importance to our national security and the safety of our Sailors and Marines
The No Action Alternative currently exists in the EIS/OEIS as a baseline, where the action presented
represents a regular and historic level of activity in the ATA to support this type of training and exercises.
In other words, the EIS/OEIS’s baseline, or No Action Alternative, represents no change from current
levels of training usage. The potential impacts of the current level of training activities in the ATA
(defined by the No Action Alternative) are compared to the potential impacts of activities proposed under
Alternative 1 and Alternative 2.
The Navy solicited input on the alternatives during public scoping meetings, and discussions with
regulators and Alaska Native Tribes. Subsequently, alternatives considered in this EIS/OEIS were
developed by the Navy after careful assessment by subject-matter experts, including units and commands
that use the ATA, range management professionals, and Navy environmental managers and scientists.
The Navy has developed a set of criteria to use in assessing whether a possible alternative meets the
purpose of and need for the Proposed Action. Each of these criteria assumes implementation of mitigation
measures for the protection of natural resources, as appropriate. Any alternative considered for future
analysis should support or employ the following:
1. Appropriate physical environment, including unique and complex bathymetric and oceanographic
conditions. These attributes combine to provide a challenging environment for Navy forces to
conduct ASW training.
• Existence of a continental shelf, submarine canyons, and seamounts in the area;
• Fresh water inputs into the GOA from multiple sources; and
purpose and need, the Navy determined that none of the eliminated alternatives meet the Navy’s purpose
of and need for the Proposed Action and satisfy all of the above listed selection criteria.
The ATA provides a venue in which a large Air Force contingent of aircraft can train jointly with and
around a complete Navy Carrier Strike Group (CSG), comprised of an aircraft carrier and several other
combatant surface ships. When the Navy conducts Joint training with Air Force assets, the training is
often limited to Navy and Air Force aircraft conducting air training on Navy or Air Force ranges. In some
cases, Air Force aircraft train with CSGs in other Pacific ranges; however, the size and mix of Air Force
forces are significantly limited by the availability of local Air Force assets or by the cost of transporting
and sustaining the aircraft and crews for the duration of an exercise. More importantly, very few airfields
could meet the parking requirements of the large number of Air Force aircraft that would be involved in a
robust Joint training exercise.
However, the Navy’s CSG is mobile and capable of carrying out sustained operations over a long period
of time. Having Navy forces transit to the TMAA for training not only adds realism, but is economically
prudent. When operating in the TMAA, CSG aircraft can reach established Air Force and Army
instrumented ranges in which they can conduct air-to-ground and air-to-air training. Likewise, Alaska-
based Air Force aircraft can reach the TMAA without refueling to conduct training with the CSG.
Navy training in the ATA is not limited to air-to-air and air-to-ground training. The unique and complex
bathymetric and oceanographic environment in the TMAA presents a challenging ASW training
opportunity. The complexity of the sea bottom, the input of freshwater into the sea, and the areas of
upwelling and ocean currents combine in the TMAA like in no other training area in the Pacific Ocean.
Numerous air, surface, and subsurface assets within a CSG would gain valuable experience conducting
ASW training in this environment. For these reasons, alternative sites do not meet the purpose of and
need for the Proposed Action and, therefore, were eliminated from further study and analysis.
the health and safety of the exercise participants. Therefore, an alternate time frame would not meet the
evaluation factor/screening criterion #4 for maritime activities at sea.
The Navy and Marine Corps continue to research new ways to provide realistic training through
simulation, but there are limits to realism that simulation can presently provide, most notably in dynamic
environments involving numerous forces, and where the training environment is too complex to
accurately model, such as sound behavior in the ocean. Specifically, one such area that would be
particularly adversely affected by simulation is ASW training.
Current simulation technology does not permit ASW training with the degree of fidelity required to
maintain proficiency. Basic training of sonar technicians does take place using simulators, but beyond
basic levels, simulation is of limited utility. A simulator cannot match the dynamic nature of the
environment, either in bathymetry, sound propagation properties, or oceanography. Specifically,
coordinated unit level and Strike Group Training activities require multiple crews to interact in a variety
of acoustic environments that cannot be simulated. Moreover, it is a training imperative that crews
actually use the equipment they will be called upon to operate.
Sonar operators and crews must train regularly and frequently to develop the skills necessary to master
the process of identifying underwater threats in the complex subsurface environment. They cannot
reliably simulate this training through current computer technology because the actual marine
environment is too complex. Sole reliance on simulation would deny Navy Strike Groups the ability to
develop battle-ready proficiency in the employment of active sonar in the following specific areas:
This alternative—substitution of simulation for live training—fails to meet the purpose of and need for
the Proposed Action, and was therefore eliminated from detailed study.
As noted in Section 1.4, the purpose of the Proposed Action is to achieve and maintain Fleet readiness
using the ATA to support current and future training activities. The Navy proposes to:
• Increase training activities from current levels as necessary to support the Fleet exercise
requirements to include the use of active sonar;
• Accommodate new training requirements associated with force structure changes and
introduction of new platforms, weapon systems, and training enhancement instrumentation to the
The following sections contain the detailed discussion of alternatives carried forward for analysis in the
Training activities and exercises currently conducted in the ATA are briefly described below. Each
military training activity described in this EIS/OEIS meets a requirement that can be traced ultimately to
requirements from the National Command Authority.3 Training activities in the ATA stem from large-
scale joint exercises, such as Northern Edge, which may involve thousands of participants and span
several days. These exercises include basic individual or unit level training events of relatively short
duration involving few participants that occur simultaneously with the large-scale joint exercises.
Over the years, the tempo and types of activities have fluctuated within the ATA due to changing
requirements, the introduction of new technologies, the dynamic nature of international events, advances
in warfighting doctrine and procedures, and force structure changes. Such developments have influenced
the frequency, duration, intensity, and location of required training. The factors influencing tempo and
types of activities are fluid in nature and will continue to cause fluctuations in training activities within
National Command Authority (NCA) is a term used by the United States military and government to refer to the ultimate lawful
source of military orders. The term refers collectively to the President of the United States (as commander-in-chief) and the
United States Secretary of Defense.
the ATA. Accordingly, training activity data used throughout this EIS/OEIS are a representative baseline
for evaluating impacts that may result from the proposed training activities.
2.4.1 Description of Current Training Activities within the Alaska Training Areas
For purposes of analysis, training activity data used in this EIS/OEIS are organized by Navy Primary
Mission Areas (PMARs). The Navy currently trains in five PMARs in the TMAA; AAW, ASUW, EC,
NSW, and STW. The Navy also conducts STW, EC, and NSW training in the Air Force SUA and Army
training lands of the ATA. Although discussed in this document, these inland activities and their impacts
are covered under other NEPA documentation by the Air Force and Army (USAF 1995, USAF 2007,
Army 1999, and Army [2004] [refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3]). In the future, Navy requirements will
mandate ASW training activities take place in the TMAA using active sonar. Summary descriptions of
current training activities conducted in the TMAA and other components of the ATA are provided in the
following subsections. As stated earlier, the No Action Alternative is the baseline of current training area
usage, thus allowing a comparative analysis between the current tempo and proposed new uses and
accelerated tempo of use.
Air Combat Maneuvers (ACM): ACM includes Basic Flight Maneuvers (BFM) where aircraft engage in
offensive and defensive maneuvering against each other. During an ACM engagement, no ordnance is
fired. These maneuvers typically involve two aircraft; however, based upon the training requirement,
ACM exercises may involve over a dozen aircraft. For the purposes of this document, aircraft activities
will be described by the term “sortie.” A sortie is defined as a single activity by one aircraft (i.e., one
complete flight from takeoff to landing).
ACM activities within the ATA are conducted in the TMAA and the inland SUA of the Air Force. These
activities are primarily conducted by F/A-18 aircraft. However, for purposes of this study, ACM includes
other aircraft activities conducted routinely in preparation for more advanced training flights such as
ACM. These other activities include in-flight refueling, basic familiarization training, and formation
flying. Additionally, Air Force F-15s, F-16s, and F/A-22s also conduct ACM in the TMAA. No ordnance
is released during these exercises. When conducted in the inland SUA of the Air Force, these activities
and their impacts are covered under other NEPA analyses (refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
Air Defense Exercise (ADEX): ADEX is an exercise to train surface and air assets in coordination and
tactics for defense of the strike group or other Naval Forces from airborne threats. The activities occur
within the TMAA; however, no ordnance is fired.
Surface to Air Missile Exercise (SAMEX): During a SAMEX, surface ships engage threat missiles and
aircraft with missiles with the goal of disabling or destroying the threat. One live or inert missile is
expended against a target towed by a commercial air services Lear jet after two or three tracking runs.
The exercise lasts about 2 hours. The BQM-74E target drone, sometimes augmented with a Target Drone
Unit (TDU), is used as an alternate target for this exercise. The BQM target is a subscale, subsonic,
remote controlled ground or air launched target. A parachute deploys at the end of target flight to enable
recovery at sea. The Surface to Air Missile (SAM) launched can be a Rolling Airframe Missile if installed
on an aircraft carrier; otherwise the SAM used is the NATO Sea Sparrow Missile or the Standard Missile.
These activities occur within the TMAA.
Surface-to-Air Gunnery Exercise (GUNEX S-A): During a GUNEX S-A, a ship’s gun crews engage threat
aircraft or missile targets with their guns with the goal of disabling or destroying the threat. A typical
scenario involving a DDG with 5-inch guns and/or a guided missile frigate (FFG) with 76 millimeter
(mm) Main Battery Guns would have a threat aircraft or anti-ship missile being simulated by an aircraft
towing a target (a cloth banner) toward the ship below 10,000 ft, at a speed between 250 and 500 knots
(kts) (463 to 926 kilometers per hour [km/h]). Main battery guns are manned and 5-inch and/or 76mm
rounds are fired at the threat with the goal of destroying the threat before it reaches the ship. This is a
defensive exercise where about six rounds of 5-inch Variable Timed, Non-Fragmentation (VTNF)
ammunition and/or 12 rounds of 76-mm per gun mount are fired at a target towed by a commercial air
services Lear jet. The ship(s) will maneuver but will typically operate at 10 to 12 kts (18 to 22 km/h) or
less during the exercise. The exercise lasts about 2 hours, which normally includes several nonfiring
tracking runs followed by one or more firing runs. The target must maintain an altitude above 500 ft
(152.4 m) for safety reasons, and is occasionally not destroyed during the exercise. These activities occur
within the TMAA.
A typical scenario involving a DDG or FFG with 20mm Close-in-Weapon System (CIWS) is similar,
except the ships involved engage the simulated threat aircraft or missile with the CIWS. CIWS-equipped
ships can expend between 900 and 1,400 rounds per mount per firing run, for a total of up to five runs
during the typical 2-hour exercise. The actual number of rounds expended during this exercise is
dependent on the ship class, the CIWS model installed, and the available ammunition allowance.
There is also a Preventive Maintenance requirement to test fire CIWS prior to this exercise, called a Pre-
action calibration firing (PACFIRE). A PACFIRE generally expends about 30 rounds per firing mount.
Air to Air Missile Exercise (AAMEX): During an AAMEX, aircraft attack a simulated threat target aircraft
with air-to-air missiles with the goal of destroying the target. Air-to-air missiles (approximately half of
the missiles have live warheads and about half have an inert telemetry package) are fired from aircraft
against aerial targets to provide aircrews with experience using aircraft missile firing systems and training
on air-to-air combat tactics. Participating air units include fighter and fighter/attack aircraft firing a
variety of air-to-air missiles. The main aerial targets are flares for heat-seeking missiles and Tactical Air
Launched Decoys (TALDs) for radar-guided missiles. The targets typically are launched by other Navy
aircraft that are participating in the exercise. Neither the flares nor TALDs are recovered after use. These
activities occur within the TMAA. Similar activities could occur in the Air Force SUAs of the ATA, but
their impacts are covered under other NEPA analyses (refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
A typical scenario would involve a flight of two aircraft operating between 15,000 and 25,000 ft (4,572
and 7,620 m) and at a speed of about 450 kts (834 km/h) that approach a target from several miles away
and, when within missile range, launch their missiles against the target. The missiles fired, to include the
AIM-7 Sparrow, AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-120 AMRAAM, are not recovered. The target is either a
TALD or a LUU-2B/B illumination paraflare (an illumination flare that hangs from a parachute). Both the
TALDs and the paraflares are expended. These exercises last about one hour, and are conducted in the
TMAA outside of 12 nm (22 km) and well above 3,000 ft (914 m).
Air-to-surface ASUW is conducted by aircraft assets employing long-range attack maneuvers using
precision guided munitions or aircraft cannons. ASUW also is conducted by warships employing naval
guns and surface-to-surface missiles. Submarines attack surface ships using submarine-launched, anti-
ship cruise missiles. Training in ASUW includes surface-to-surface gunnery and missile exercises, air-to-
surface gunnery and missile exercises, and submarine missile launch events. Training generally involves
expenditure of ordnance against a towed target. ASUW also encompasses maritime interdiction, that is,
the interception of a suspect surface ship by a Navy ship for the purpose of boarding-party inspection or
the seizure of the suspect ship.
Visit Board Search and Seizure/Vessels of Interest (VBSS/VOI): VBSS/VOI missions are the principal
type of Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO) used by naval forces. Highly trained teams of armed
personnel, wearing body armor, flotation devices, and communications gear are deployed from ships at
sea into small Zodiac boats or helicopters to board and inspect ships and vessels suspected of carrying
contraband. Once aboard, the team takes control of the bridge, crew, and engineering plant, and inspects
the ship's papers and its cargo. VBSS missions are assumed to be nonhostile, but team members are
trained and prepared to deal with noncooperation at all levels. When a helicopter is involved, either to
provide cover or embark the inspection party, it is considered a Helicopter Visit Board Search and
Seizure. These activities occur within the TMAA.
Air-to-Surface Missile Exercise (A-S MISSILEX): A-S MISSILEX involves fixed-winged aircraft and
helicopter crews launching missiles at surface maritime targets, day and night, with the goal of training to
destroy or disable enemy ships or boats. These activities occur within the TMAA; however all missile
launches are be simulated.
For helicopter A-S MISSILEX, one or two MH-60R/S helicopters approach and acquire an at-sea surface
target, which is then designated with a laser to guide an AGM-114 Hellfire missile to the target. The laser
designator may be onboard the helicopter firing the hellfire, another helicopter, or another source. The
helicopter simulates launching a missile from an altitude of about 300 ft against a specially prepared
target with an expendable target area on a nonexpendable platform. The platform fitted with the
expendable target could be a stationary barge, a remote-controlled speed boat, or a jet ski towing a
trimaran whose infrared signature has been augmented with a heat source (charcoal or propane) to better
represent a typical threat vessel. All missile firings would be simulated.
For A-S MISSILEX fired from fixed-wing aircraft, the simulated missile used is typically an AGM-84
Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM-ER), an AGM-84 Harpoon, or an AGM-65
Maverick. A flight of one or two aircraft approach an at-sea surface target from an altitude between
40,000 ft (12,192 m) and 25,000 ft (7,620 m) for SLAM-ER or Harpoon, and between 25,000 ft (7,620 m)
and 5,000 ft (1,524 m) for Maverick, complete the internal targeting process, and simulate launching the
weapon at the target from beyond 150 nm (278 km) for SLAM-ER and from beyond 12 nm (22 km) for
Maverick. The majority of unit level exercises involve the use of captive carry (inert, no release) training
missiles; the aircraft perform all detection, tracking, and targeting requirements without actually releasing
a missile. These activities occur within the TMAA and all missile launches would be simulated.
Air-to-Surface Bombing Exercise (A-S BOMBEX): During an A-S BOMBEX, maritime patrol aircraft
(MPA) or F/A-18 deliver free-fall bombs against surface maritime targets, with the goal of destroying or
disabling enemy ships or boats.
A flight of one or two aircraft will approach the target from an altitude of between 15,000 ft (4,570 m) to
less than 3,000 ft (914 m) while adhering to designated ingress and egress routes. Typical bomb release
altitude is below 3,000 ft (914 m) and within a range of 1,000 yards (yd) (914 m) for unguided munitions,
and above 15,000 ft (4,572 m) and in excess of 10 nm (18 km) for precision-guided munitions. Exercises
at night will normally be done with captive carry (no drop) weapons because of safety considerations.
Laser designators from own aircraft or a support aircraft are used to illuminate certified targets for use
with lasers when using laser guided weapons. Bombs used could include BDU-45 (inert) or MK-82/83/84
(live and inert). These activities occur within the TMAA. In the near future, the Navy will be transitioning
all carrier based MK-80 series bombs to BLU 110, 111, and 117 live and inert bombs. The difference is
that the BLU-series bombs contain insensitive (less likely to accidently explode) high explosives, which
make them safer for carrier-based operations. All other attributes would remain the same.
Air-to-Surface Gunnery Exercise (A-S GUNEX): Strike fighter aircraft and helicopter crews, including
embarked NSW personnel use guns to attack surface maritime targets, day or night, with the goal of
destroying or disabling enemy ships, boats, or floating or near-surface mines.
For fixed-wing A-S GUNEX, a flight of two F/A-18 aircraft will begin a descent to the target from an
altitude of about 3,000 ft (914 m) while still several miles away. Within a distance of 4,000 ft (1,219 m)
from the target, each aircraft will fire a burst of about 30 rounds before reaching an altitude of 1,000 ft
(305 m), then break off and reposition for another strafing run until each aircraft expends its exercise
ordnance allowance of about 250 rounds from its 20mm cannon.
For rotary-wing A-S GUNEX, a single helicopter will carry several air crewmen needing gunnery training
and fly at an altitude between 50 and 100 ft (15 to 30m) in a 300-ft (91-m) racetrack pattern around an at-
sea target. Each gunner will expend about 200 rounds of 0.50 caliber (cal) and 800 rounds of 7.62mm
ordnance in each exercise. The target is normally a noninstrumented floating object such as an expendable
smoke float, steel drum, or cardboard box, but may be a remote-controlled speed boat or jet ski type
target. The exercise lasts about 1 hour and occurs within the TMAA.
Surface-to-Surface Gunnery Exercise (S-S GUNEX): These exercises train surface ship crews in high-
speed surface engagement procedures against mobile (towed or self-propelled) seaborne targets. Both live
and inert training rounds are used against the targets. The training consists of the pre-attack phase,
including locating, identifying, and tracking the threat vessel, and the attack phase in which the missile is
launched and flies to the target. In a live-fire event, aircraft conduct a surveillance flight to ensure that the
range is clear of nonparticipating ships.
For S-S GUNEX from a Navy ship, gun crews engage surface targets at sea with their main battery 5-inch
and 76mm guns as well as smaller surface targets with 25mm, 0.50-caliber (cal), or 7.62mm machine
guns, with the goal of disabling or destroying the threat target.
For S-S GUNEX from a Navy small boat, the weapon used is typically a 0.50-cal, 7.62mm or 40mm
machine gun.
The number of rounds fired depends on the weapon used for S-S GUNEX. For 0.50-cal, 7.62mm, or
40mm ordnance, the number of rounds is approximately 200, 800, and 10 rounds respectively. For the
ship main battery guns, the gun crews typically fire approximately 60 rounds of 5-inch or 76mm ordnance
during one exercise. These activities occur within the TMAA.
Maritime Interdiction (MI): MI is a coordinated defensive preplanned attack against multiple sea-borne
and air targets using airborne and surface assets with the objective of delivering a decisive blow to enemy
forces. These exercises typically involve all the assets of the CSG and Joint forces in an attempt to
neutralize the threat. Weapons firing is simulated, and the exercise occurs exclusively within the TMAA
each day.
Sea Surface Control (SSC): SSC exercises involve aircraft, typically FA-18 hornets, performing
reconnaissance of the surrounding battlespace. Under the direction of the Sea Combat Commander4, the
airborne assets investigate surface contacts of interest and attempt to identify, via onboard sensors or
cameras, the type, course, speed, name, and other pertinent data about the ship of interest. Due to the
curvature of the earth, surface assets are limited in their ability to see over the horizon. The airborne
assets, due to their speed and altitude, can cover great distances in relatively short periods, and see far
beyond the capabilities of the surface ship. This enables them to report contacts that cannot be seen by
ships. By using airborne assets, the Sea Combat Commander, in effect, is able to see beyond the horizon
and develop a clearer tactical picture well in advance. These activities occur within the TMAA.
Electronic Combat (EC): EC exercises are conducted to prevent or reduce the effective use of enemy
electronic equipment and ensure the continued use of friendly electronic equipment, including command
and control capabilities. During EC training, appropriately configured aircraft fly threat profiles against
ships so that the ship’s crews are trained to detect electronic signatures of various threat aircraft and
counter the jamming of the ship’s own electronic equipment by the simulated threat.
Electronic Support (ES) provides the capability to intercept, identify, and locate enemy emitters while
Electronic Attack (EA) employs tactics, such as electronic jamming, to prevent or reduce effective use of
enemy electronic equipment and command and control capability. EA and ES are subsets of EC. Typical
EC activities include threat-avoidance training, signals analysis, and use of airborne and surface
electronic jamming devices to defeat tracking radar systems. During these exercises, aircraft, surface
ships, and submarines attempt to control critical portions of the electromagnetic spectrum used by threat
radars, communications equipment, and electronic detection equipment to degrade or deny the enemy’s
ability to defend its forces from attack and/or recognize an emerging threat early enough to take the
necessary defensive actions. These activities occur within the TMAA. Additionally, this activity can
occur in and on the Air Force SUA and Army land ranges of ATA. When conducted in the Air Force
SUA and Army land ranges, these activities and their impacts are covered under other NEPA analyses
(refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
Chaff Exercise (CHAFFEX): Ships, fixed-winged aircraft, and helicopters deploy chaff to disrupt threat
targeting and missile guidance radars and to defend against an attack. The chaff exercise trains aircraft in
the use and value of chaff to counter an enemy threat. Radio frequency chaff is an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Chaff is released or dispensed from military vehicles in cartridges or projectiles
that contain millions of chaff fibers. Chaff is composed of an aluminum alloy coating on glass fibers of
silicon dioxide. These aluminum-coated glass fibers (about 60 percent silica and 40 percent aluminum by
weight) range in lengths of 0.8 to 7.5-cm with a diameter of about 40 micrometers. When deployed, a
diffuse cloud of fibers undetectable to the human eye is formed. Chaff is a very light material that can
remain suspended in air anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours. Chaff is employed for a number of
The Sea Combat Commander is the individual who has the overall responsibility for defending the CSG against surface threats.
different tactical reasons, but the end goal is to create a target from the chaff that will lure enemy radar
and weapons system away from the actual friendly platform.
Chaff may be employed offensively, such as before a major strike to “hide” inbound striking aircraft or
ships, or defensively in reaction to being detected by an enemy targeting radar. Defensive chaff training is
the most common exercise used for training both ships and aircraft. In most cases, the chaff exercise is
training for the ship or aircraft that actually deploys the chaff, but it is also a very important event to “see”
the effect of the chaff from the “enemy” perspective so that radar system operators may practice
corrective procedures to “see through” the chaff jamming, so exercises are often designed to take
advantage of both perspectives. These activities occur within the TMAA. Additionally, this activity can
occur in and on the Air Force SUA and Army land ranges of ATA. When conducted in the Air Force
SUA and Army land ranges, these activities and their impacts are covered under other NEPA analyses
(refer to Sections 2.1.2 and 2.1.3).
Counter Targeting: A Counter Targeting exercise is a coordinated, defensive activity utilizing surface and
air assets, that attempts to use jamming and chaff to show a false force presentation to inbound surface-to-
surface platforms. During these exercises, EA-6B jamming aircraft will position itself between the CSG
assets and the threat and jam the radar systems of potential hostile surface units. CSG ships will launch
chaff to create false targets that saturate the threat radars return, thus masking their true position. These
activities occur within the TMAA.
Insertion/Extraction: Personnel approach or depart an objective area using various transportation methods
and covert or overt tactics depending on the tactical situation. These exercises train forces to insert and
extract personnel and equipment day or night. There are a number of different insertion or extraction
techniques that are used depending on the mission and tactical situation. NSW personnel conduct
insertion/extraction exercises using helicopters and other equipment. These activities take place in
existing Air Force SUA and Army training lands. When conducted in the Air Force SUA and Army land
ranges, these activities and their impacts are covered under other NEPA analyses (refer to Sections 2.1.2
and 2.1.3).
Personnel Recovery (PR): PR is a strike warfare activity with the purpose of training aircrews to locate,
protect, and evacuate downed aviation crew members. In a hostile environment, this exercise becomes a
Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) mission. The activity can include reconnaissance aircraft to find the
downed aircrew, helicopters to conduct the rescue, and fighter aircraft to perform close air support to
protect both the downed aircrews and the rescue helicopters. These activities can take place throughout
the ATA.
DLQ activities take place on an underway Navy or USCG ship. The activities take place in both day and
night, and could involve more than one helicopter over a period of several hours. The crew that is
receiving the training typically departs from a shore facility and flies out to sea to make an approach and
landing aboard the ship. After the required number of landings is completed, the helicopter either remains
aboard ship or departs for shore. These activities take place in the TMAA.
Under Alternative 1, in addition to training activities currently conducted, the ATA would support an
increase in training activities designed to meet Navy and DoD current and near-term operational
requirements. This increase would encompass conducting one large-scale joint force exercise, including
ASW activities and the use of active sonar, occurring over a maximum time period of up to 21
consecutive days during the summer months (April through October). Alternative 1 would include basic
individual or unit level training events of relatively short duration occurring simultaneously with the
large-scale joint force exercise. Alternative 1 would also accommodate increases in training activities due
to force structure changes associated with the introduction of new weapon systems, vessels, aircraft, and
training instrumentation into the Fleet. Training activities associated with force structure changes would
be implemented for the EA-18G Growler, SSGN, P-8 MMA, DDG 1000 (Zumwalt Class), and UASs.
Force structure changes associated with new weapons systems would include new types of sonobuoys.
Force structure changes associated with new training instrumentation include the use of a Portable
Undersea Tracking Range (PUTR) (refer to Section
Helicopter ASW TRACKEX: A helicopter ASW TRACKEX typically involves one or two MH-60R
helicopters using both passive and active sonar for tracking submarine targets. For passive tracking, the
MH-60R will deploy patterns of passive sonobuoys that will receive underwater acoustic signals,
providing the helicopter crew with locating information on the target. Active sonobuoys may also be
used. An active sonobuoy, as in any active sonar system, emits an acoustic pulse that travels through the
water, returning echoes if any objects, such as a submarine, are within the range of acoustic detection. For
active sonar tracking, the MH-60R crew will rely primarily on its AQS-22 Dipping Sonar. The sonar is
lowered into the ocean while the helicopter hovers within 50 ft (15m) of the surface. Similar to the active
sonobuoy, the dipping sonar emits acoustic energy and receives any returning echoes, indicating the
presence of an underwater object.
The target for this exercise is either an EMATT or live submarine which may be either nonevading and
assigned to a specified track or fully evasive depending on the state of training of the helicopter crew. A
Helicopter TRACKEX usually takes 2 to 4 hours. No torpedoes are fired during this exercise.
Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA)5 ASW TRACKEX: During these exercises, a typical scenario involves a
single MPA dropping sonobuoys, from an altitude below 3,000 ft (914 m), into specific patterns designed
for both the anticipated threat submarine and the specific water conditions. These patterns vary in size and
coverage area based on anticipated threat and water conditions. Typically, passive sonobuoys will be used
first, so the threat submarine is not alerted. Active sonobuoys will be used as required either to locate
extremely quiet submarines or to further localize and track submarines previously detected by passive
buoys (see Section 2.2.1 for a discussion of passive and active sonar). The MPA will typically operate
below 3,000 ft (914 m) to drop sonobuoys, will sometimes be as low as 400 ft (122 m), then it may climb
to several thousand feet after the buoy pattern is deployed. The higher altitude allows monitoring the
buoys over a much larger search pattern area.
The target for this exercise is either an EMATT or live submarine which may be either nonevading and
assigned to a specified track or fully evasive depending on the state of training of the MPA. A
TRACKEX-MPA usually takes 2 to 4 hours. No torpedoes are fired during this exercise.
Extended Echo Ranging (EER) ASW Exercises: This exercise is an at-sea flying event designed to train
MPA crews in the deployment and use of the EER sonobuoy systems. This system uses the SSQ-110A as
the signal source and the SSQ-77 as the receiver buoy. This activity differs from the MPA ASW
TRACKEX in that the SSQ-110A sonobuoy uses two explosive charges per buoy for the acoustic source.
Other active sonobuoys use an electrically generated “ping.”
A typical EER exercise lasts approximately 6 hours. The aircrew will first deploy 16 to 20 SSQ-110A
sonobuoys and 16 to 20 passive sonobuoys in 1 hour. For the next 5 hours, the sonobuoy charges will be
detonated, while the EER system analyzes the returns for evidence of a submarine. This exercise may or
may not include a practice target. In the near future, the Navy will be replacing the EER sonobuoys with
the Multi-static Active Coherent (MAC) sonobuoys, which are described in detail in Section
ASW TRACKEX (Surface Ship): Surface ships operating in the TMAA would use hull-mounted active
sonar to conduct ASW Tracking exercises. Typically, this exercise would involve the coordinated use of
other ASW assets, to include MPA, helicopters, and other ships.
MPA currently refers to the P-3C Orion aircraft. The P-8 Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft is scheduled to replace the P-3C as
the Navy’s Maritime Patrol Aircraft.
ASW TRACKEX (Submarine): During these exercises submarines use passive sonar sensors to search,
detect, classify, localize, and track the threat submarine with the goal of developing a firing solution that
could be used to launch a torpedo and destroy the threat submarine. However, no torpedoes are fired
during this exercise.
Certain systems, because of their frequent use or high power output, were quantitatively modeled for their
acoustic impacts. The acoustic systems presented in Table 2-2 have been quantitatively modeled. Table
2-3 lists the systems that have been analyzed, but not quantitatively modeled. The systems that were not
modeled include systems that are typically operated at frequencies greater than 200 kHz. Because it is not
used in the TMAA, low-frequency sonar was not analyzed in this EIS/OEIS.
It is important to note that, as a group, marine mammals have functional hearing ranging from 10 hertz
(Hz) to 180 kHz (Southhall et al. 2007). Their best hearing sensitivities are concentrated near the middle
of that range. Since active sonar sources operating at 180 kHz or higher dissipate rapidly and are at or
outside the upper frequency limit of marine mammals, further consideration and modeling of these higher
frequency acoustic sources are not warranted. As such, high-frequency active sonar systems in excess of
180 kHz are not analyzed in this EIS/OEIS.
Currently Proposed
System* Frequency System Use/Description Used in Use in
AN/SQS- Surface ship Utilized 70% in search mode
MF No Yes
53C sonar (DDG/CG) and 30% in track mode.
AN/SQS- Surface ship Utilized 70% in search mode
MF No Yes
56C sonar (FFG) and 30% in track mode.
Helicopter and 12 pings, 30 seconds
MPA deployed between pings.
AN/AQS-22: 10 pings/dip, 30
Helicopter seconds between pings)-
or AN/AQS- MF No Yes
dipping sonar also used to represent
Explosive Impulsive MPA deployed Contains two 4.1 lb charges. No Yes
Currently Proposed
System* Frequency System Use/Description Used in Use in
Active for 15 minutes per
HF Submarine torpedo run – To be used No Yes
during SINKEX.
HF Surface ships PUTR target tracking. No Yes
and Targets
Uplink MF/HF PUTR PUTR tracking uplink signal. No Yes
MK-39 Ship and aircraft Simulates a target submarine
MF No Yes
EMATT deployed for tracking exercises
Submarine Submarine hull-mounted
AN/BQQ-10 MF No Yes
Sonar sonar (2 pings per hour)
Submarine Submarine mine detection
AN/BQS-15 HF No Yes
Sonar sonar.
Limited duration,
Expendable buoy deployed
system is used
from aircraft and ships used
Selectable for
as a signaling device to
SUS, MK-84 3.3 or 3.5 communications No Yes
communicate with
kHz between surface
submarines. Operating life of
ship and
70 seconds.
*System Descriptions are discussed within Appendix H
DDG – Guided Missile Destroyer; CG – Guided Missile Cruiser; DICASS – Directional Command-Activated Sonobuoy System;
FFG – Fast Frigate; MF – Mid-Frequency; MPA – Maritime Patrol Aircraft
Currently Proposed
Reason Not System
System Frequency used in use in
Modeled Use/Description
Not used in MCM over the side
AN/SQQ-32 HF No No
TMAA system.
MK-46, MK-54 Not used in Surface ship and aircraft
HF No No
Torpedo TMAA fired exercise torpedo.
AN/SLQ-25 Not used in DDG, CG, and FFG
MF No No
(NIXIE) TMAA towed array.
AN/SQS-53 and DDG, CG, and FFG hull-
Not used in
AN/SQS-56 MF mounted sonar (small No No
(Kingfisher) object detection).
ADC MK-3 and Not used in Submarine-fired
MF No No
MK-2 TMAA countermeasure.
Currently Proposed
Reason Not System
System Frequency used in use in
Modeled Use/Description
System is not
unique to
military and
Surface Ship and
operates Depth finder on surface
Submarine 12 kHz Yes Yes
identically to ships and submarines.
available bottom
System is a
passive towed A listening device towed
SQR-19 Passive Yes Yes
array emitting behind a surface ship.
no active sonar
System is a
passive towed A listening device towed
TB-16/23/29/33 Passive Yes Yes
array emitting behind a submarine.
no active sonar
Sonobuoy, Sonobuoy is Passive listening buoys
AN/SSQ-101 Passive passive & emits deployed from helicopter No Yes
(ADAR), no active sonar or MPA.
Replacement for
AN/SQQ-125 AN/SSQ-110A, uses
MF MPA deployed No Yes
(MAC) Sonobuoy electronic, not explosive,
sound source
outside the
Helicopter towed array
AN/AQS- upper limit for
>200 kHz used in MIW for the No No
14/20/24 marine
detection of mines.
mammals and
not used in
Not used in package deployed during
Countermeasures MF No No
TMAA some ASW events to
(MK-1, MK-2,
counter torpedoes.
MK-3, MK-4)
Unmanned Data collection telemetry
Not used in
Underwater MF/HF and mapping sonars No No
Vehicles may be active sources.
Currently Proposed
Reason Not System
System Frequency used in use in
Modeled Use/Description
Surface ship and
submarine buoys –
operational use of
passive hydrophones
system is used
and arrays and active
AN/WSQ-9; for
MF/HF transducers as system No Yes
ACOMMS communications
components used to
transmit voice and data
surface ship
underwater for safety,
and submarines
data sharing, and
ADC – Acoustic Device Countermeasure; DDG – Guided Missile Destroyer; DIFAR – Directional Frequency Analysis and
Recording; FFG – Fast Frigate; HF – High-Frequency; kHz – Kilohertz; MCM – Mine Countermeasures; MF – Mid-Frequency;
MIW – Mine Warfare; MPA – Maritime Patrol Aircraft
Specific force structure changes and their impact on training within the GOA are based on the Navy’s
knowledge of future requirements for the use of new platforms and weapons systems and based on the
level of information available to evaluate potential environmental impacts. Therefore, this EIS/OEIS, to
the extent feasible, will evaluate potential environmental impacts associated with the introduction of the
following platforms and weapon systems. Should additional requirements for the use of platforms and
weapon systems be needed, separate NEPA and environmental documentation would be required to
analyze potential impacts.
These ships are armed with up to 154 Tomahawk or Tactical Tomahawk land attack missiles. They have
the ability to carry and support a team of 66 SOF personnel for up to 90 days as compared to 15 days for a
SOF outfitted Fast Attack Submarine (SSN). Clandestine insertion and retrieval of these SOF is enhanced
by the ability to host dual dry deck shelters or Advanced Seal Delivery System. Each SSGN is able to
conduct a variety of peace-time, conventional deterrent and combat activities all within the same
deployment. The first SSGNs became operational in Fiscal Year (FY) 2007. Their use in Alaska waters
will not include the strike mission, but may involve clandestine special operations.
Although potential use of the SSGN in the TMAA is not clear, any impacts would be identical to those of
the SSN; therefore no further differentiation of the SSGN in this analysis is necessary.
Analysis within this EIS/OEIS of any P-3 activity also considers the potential impacts of future activities
with the P-8A.
Analysis within this EIS/OEIS of surface ship activities also considers the potential impacts of future
activities with the DDG-1000.
Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) UAS: The BAMS UAS is being designed to support
persistent, worldwide access through multisensor, maritime ISR providing unmatched awareness of the
battlespace. It will support a spectrum of Fleet missions serving as a distributed ISR node in the overall
naval environment. These missions include maritime surveillance, Battle-Damage Assessment (BDA),
port surveillance and homeland security support, MIW, MI, Surface Warfare (SUW), counter drug
activities, and battlespace management. The BAMS will operate at altitudes above 40,000 ft (12.2 km),
above the weather, and above most air traffic to conduct continuous open-ocean and littoral surveillance
of targets as small as exposed submarine periscopes. Operation of these systems could produce new
requirements for range complexes in terms of airspace and frequency management. IOC is anticipated for
Navy Unmanned Combat Air System (N-UCAS): The N-UCAS (Grumman X-47B) program is a Navy
effort to demonstrate the technical feasibility, military utility, and operational value of an aircraft carrier
based, networked system of high performance, weaponized UASs to effectively and affordably execute
21st century combat missions, including Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD), surveillance, and
precision strike within the emerging global command, and control architecture. Operation of these
systems could produce new requirements for range complexes in terms of airspace, frequency
management, and target sets. IOC of these systems has not yet been established.
The PUTR would be developed to support ASW training in areas where the ocean depth is between 300
and 12,000 ft (91 and 3,657 m) and at least 3 nm (5.5 km) from land. However, for exercises occurring
within the GOA, the PUTR would be deployed solely within the TMAA. This proposed project would
temporarily (for the duration of the exercise) instrument an area on the seafloor from 25-100 nm2 or
smaller, and would provide high fidelity crew feedback and scoring of crew performance during ASW
training activities. When training is complete, the PUTR equipment would be recovered.
No onshore construction would take place. Seven electronics packages, each approximately 3 ft (0.9 m)
long by 2 ft (0.6 m) in diameter, would be temporarily installed on the seafloor by a range boat, in water
depths greater than 600 ft (182 m). The anchors used to keep the electronics packages on the seafloor
would be either concrete or sand bags, which would be approximately 1.5 by 1.5 ft (0.45 by 0.45 m) and
would weigh approximately 300 pounds. Operation of this range requires that underwater participants
transmit their locations via pingers (see “Range Tracking Pingers” below). Each package consists of a
hydrophone that receives pinger signals, and a transducer that sends an acoustic “uplink” of locating data
to the range boat. The uplink signal is transmitted at 8.8 kHz, 17 kHz, or 40 kHz, at a source level of 190
decibels (dB). The PUTR system also incorporates an underwater voice capability that transmits at 8-11
kHz and a source level of 190 dB. Each of these packages is powered by a D cell alkaline battery. After
the end of the exercise the electronic packages would be recovered and the anchors would remain on the
seafloor. No additional ASW activity is proposed as a result of PUTR use.
Range tracking pingers would be installed on ships, submarines, and ASW targets when ASW
TRACKEX training is conducted on the PUTR. A typical range pinger generates a 12.93-kHz sine wave
in pulses with a maximum duty cycle of 30 milliseconds (3 percent duty cycle) and has a design power of
194 dB re 1 micro-Pascal at 1 meter. Although the specific exercise, and number and type of participants
will determine the number of pingers in use at any time, a maximum of three pingers and a minimum of
one pinger would be used for each ASW training activity. On average, two pingers would be in use for 3
hours each during PUTR operational days.
• Conduct one additional separate large-scale joint force exercise, occurring over a maximum time
period of up to 21 consecutive days during the summer months (April through October).
• Conduct a SINKEX during each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) in the TMAA
Alternative 2 is the Preferred Alternative because it would allow the greatest flexibility for Navy exercise
planners to benefit from the unique joint training environment in the ATA.
The target is typically a decommissioned combatant or merchant ship that has been made environmentally
safe for sinking according to standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). It is
placed in a specific location that is greater than 50 nm (93 km) out to sea and in water depths greater than
6,000 ft (1,830 m) (40 C.F.R. § 229.2) so that when it sinks it will not be a navigation hazard to marine
Ship, aircraft, and submarine crews typically are scheduled to attack the target with coordinated tactics
and deliver live ordnance to sink the target. Inert ordnance is often used during the first stages of the event
so that the target may be available for a longer time. The duration of a SINKEX is unpredictable because
it ends when the target sinks, but the goal is to give all forces involved in the exercise an opportunity to
deliver their live ordnance. Sometimes the target will begin to sink immediately after the first weapon
impact and sometimes only after multiple impacts by a variety of weapons. Typically, the exercise lasts
for 4 to 8 hours and possibly over 1 to 2 days, especially if inert ordnance, such as 5-inch gun projectiles
or MK-82 dummy bombs, is used during the first hours.
A SINKEX is conducted under the auspices of a permit from the USEPA.
The participants and assets could include, but are not limited to:
• One full-size target ship hulk
• One to five CG, DDG, or FFG firing ships
• One to 10 F/A-18, or MPA firing aircraft and One E-2 aircraft for Command and Control
• One or two HH-60H, MH-60R/S, or SH-60B Helicopters
• One firing submarine
• One to three range clearance aircraft.
Some or all of the following weapons could be employed (see Table 2-7):
• Two HARM air-to-surface missiles
• Five Harpoon surface-to-surface or air-to-surface missiles
• One Hellfire air-to-surface missiles
• Three air-to-surface Maverick missiles
• One Penguin air-to-surface missiles
• One surface-to-air Standard Missile 1 and One surface-to-air Standard Missile 2
• 10 MK-82 General Purpose Bombs (seven live, three inert)
• Four MK-83 General Purpose Bombs
• 400 rounds 5-inch gun
• One MK-48 heavyweight submarine-launched torpedo
Figure 2-7 identifies the area with the TMAA that, based upon USEPA requirements, could support a
~I ._ 3,656 - 4,570
_ 4,570 - 5,484
_ 5,484 - 6,398
Table 2-4: Active Systems and Platforms Proposed for Use in the TMAA
Hours Modeled
System (Annual) Associated Platform/Use
Alt 1 Alt 2
AN/SQS-53 289 578 DDG and CG hull-mounted sonar
AN/SQS-56 26 52 FFG hull-mounted sonar
AN/BQQ-10 24 48 Submarine hull-mounted sonar
AN/AQS-13 or AN/AQS-22 96 192 Helicopter dipping sonar
BQS-15 12 24 SSN navigation
PUTR Transponders 40 80 Portable Undersea Tracking Range
MK-84 Range Tracking Pingers 40 80 Ships, submarines, ASW targets
DICASS Sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-62) 133 266 MPA deployed sonobuoys
IEER Sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-110A) 20 40 MPA deployed sonobuoys
MAC Sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-125) 20 40 MPA deployed sonobuoys
SUS, MK-84 12 24 Surface Ships and Aircraft
EMATT 6 12 Surface ships and Aircraft
CG – Guided Missile Cruiser; DDG – Guided Missile Destroyer; FFG – Fast Frigate; DICASS – Directional Command-Activated
Sonobuoy System; HF – High-Frequency; MF – Mid-Frequency.
Table 2-5: Current and Proposed Annual Level of Activities in the Alaska Training Areas
Table 2-5: Current and Proposed Annual Level of Activities in the Alaska Training Areas (continued)
Table 2-5: Current and Proposed Annual Level of Activities in the Alaska Training Areas (continued)
ASW Tracking
SSBN, SSGN Targets: MK-39 EMATT N/A 2 events 3 events TMAA
Exercise - Submarine
EA-6B, EA-18G, P-3,
Electronic Combat TMAA, Air
EP-3, CVN, CG, None 4 5 events 10 events
(EC) Exercises Force SUA1
Table 2-5: Current and Proposed Annual Level of Activities in the Alaska Training Areas (continued)
Table 2-6: Annual Ordnance and Expendables Use in the TMAA (continued)
Table 2-7: Representative Annual Ordnance Expended During a SINKEX in the TMAA
Ordnance Type Number of Rounds per Year2
MK-82 14
MK-82 (Inert) 6
MK-83 8
Harpoon 10
Maverick 6
Hellfire 2
Penguin Missile 2
Standard Missile 1 2
Standard Missile 2 2
MK-48 2
5 inch 800
1 MK-80 series bombs will be replaced with BLU series bombs
2 Total rounds are cumulative for 2 separate SINKEXs
The affected environment and environmental consequences are described and analyzed according to 14
categories of resources. The resource categories and their sections in this Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS)/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (OEIS), from here on referred to as EIS/OEIS
Land-based resource categories (Land Use, Geology and Soils, and Terrestrial Biological Resources), are
not analyzed in this EIS/OEIS, as existing and proposed Navy activities and impacts to these resources
have already been considered and analyzed in separate environmental documents by the United States
(U.S.) Air Force (Air Force) and the U.S. Army (Army). Resource areas carried forward for analysis
include reference to the appropriate Air Force/Army environmental analyses for addressing inland areas
and their associated impacts from Navy training activities. Proposed Navy training activities that have the
potential to affect land areas are evaluated in the aforementioned Air Force and Army environmental
documents. Existing and planned activities were accounted for by Army and Air Force range planners.
Proposed Navy training activities that do not have the potential to affect land areas are addressed and
analyzed as appropriate in the resource sections listed above. Therefore, as noted in Chapter 2, separate
environmental analyses of impacts from Navy training activities conducted in the inland training areas on
Air Force/Army ranges is not required.
During the environmental impact analysis process, the resources analyzed are identified and the expected
geographic scope of potential impacts for each resource is defined. Known as the resource’s Region of
Influence (ROI), this area is defined as the geographic area in which impacts to the subject resource have
the potential to occur. For the majority of resource categories, the ROI coincides with the air, sea, and
undersea training areas of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA). For
some resources, the ROI encompasses broader regions within the GOA.
The specific contributions of a particular project to global or regional climate change generally cannot be
identified based on existing scientific knowledge, because they typically are extremely small. Also,
climate processes are understood at only a general level. Cumulative regional contributions to climate
change are addressed in Chapter 4.
Additional steps may be added to some resource evaluations to address unique resource characteristics or
specific regulatory and public-issue concerns.
3.0.1 Stressors
The EIS/OEIS interdisciplinary team and Navy subject matter experts used a screening process to analyze
the warfare areas and training activities to identify specific activities in the alternatives that could act as
stressors to resources. Other information that was evaluated to identify and analyze stressors included
public and agency scoping comments, previous environmental analyses, agency consultations, resource-
specific information, and applicable laws, regulations, and executive orders. This process was used to
focus the information presented and analyzed in the affected environment and environmental
consequences sections of this EIS/OEIS. Table 3-1 summarizes warfare areas, the number of yearly
training activities of each type that would be associated with each alternative, and the stressors that
potentially would occur within each warfare area because of those activities. The stressors and some of
the mechanisms that would result in stress include:
High-Explosive Ordnance
No Action Alternative
Weapons Firing/Non-
Expended Materials
Aircraft Overflights
Vessel Movements
Explosive Practice
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Warfare Area and Activity Training Area(s)
Anti-Air Warfare (AAW)
TMAA, Air Force
Air Combat Maneuver (ACM) Special-Use Airspace 300 300 600 9 9
Air Defense Exercise (ADEX) TMAA 3 4 8 9 9 9
Surface-to-Air Missile Exercise (S-A MISSILEX) TMAA 2 3 6 9 9 9 9 9
Surface-to-Air Gunnery Exercise (S-A GUNEX) TMAA 2 3 6 9 9 9 9 9
Air-to-Air (A-A) MISSILEX TMAA, Air Force SUA 2 3 6 9 9 9 9
Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)
Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) TMAA 12 12 24 9 9
Air-to-Surface (A-S) MISSILEX TMAA 1 2 4 9 9 9 9 9
Air-to-Surface Bombing Exercise (A-S BOMBEX) TMAA 12 18 36 9 9 9 9 9
Air-to-Surface (A-S) GUNEX TMAA 5 7 14 9 9 9 9 9
Surface-to-Surface (S-S) GUNEX TMAA 5 6 12 9 9 9 9
Maritime Interdiction Exercise (MI) TMAA 14 14 28 9 9 9 9
Sea Surface Control (SSC) TMAA 6 6 12 9 9
Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) TMAA N/A N/A 2 9 9 9 9 9
Number of
High-Explosive Ordnance
No Action Alternative
Weapons Firing/Non-
Expended Materials
Aircraft Overflights
Vessel Movements
Explosive Practice
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Warfare Area and Activity Training Area(s)
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
ASW Tracking Exercise – Helicopter (TRACKEX-
TMAA N/A 22 44 9 9 9 9 9
ASW Tracking Exercise – Maritime Patrol Aircraft
TMAA N/A 13 26 9 9 9 9 9
ASW Tracking Exercise - Extended Echo Ranging
TMAA N/A 2 4 9 9 9 9
(EER) (Includes IEER and AEER)
ASW Tracking Exercise - Surface Ship
TMAA N/A 2 3 9 9 9
ASW Tracking Exercise – Submarine (TRACKEX-
TMAA N/A 2 3 9 9 9 9
Electronic Combat (EC)
Electronic Combat (EC) Exercises TMAA, Air Force SUA 4 5 10 9 9 9
High-Explosive Ordnance
No Action Alternative
Weapons Firing/Non-
Expended Materials
Aircraft Overflights
Vessel Movements
Explosive Practice
Alternative 1
Alternative 2
Warfare Area and Activity Training Area(s)
Strike Warfare
Air Force SUA, Army
Air-to-Ground Bombing Exercise (A-G BOMBEX) 150 150 300 N/A N/A N/A N/A
TMAA, Air Force SUA,
Personnel Recovery (PR) 3 4 8 9 9
Army Ranges
Support Operations
Deck Landing Qualifications (DLQs) ATA 4 6 12 9 9
Note: N/A – Not Applicable because activity and stressors have been analyzed in previous environmental documents by the United States Air Force and/or the United States Army.
Table 3-2 shows the relationships between stressors and the physical and biological resources that are
evaluated in this EIS/OEIS. These tables provide the organizational framework for the description of
environmental impacts presented in the following sections.
Table 3-2: Physical and Biological Resources That Could Be Affected by Stressors Associated
with the Alternatives
Marine Mammals
Sea Turtles
Potential Stressor
Vessel Movements
Vessel Disturbance 9 9 9 9 9
Vessel Collisions 9 9 9 9 9
Aircraft Overflights
Aircraft Disturbance 9 9 9 9
Aircraft Strikes 9
Mid- and High-Frequency Sonar 9 9 9
Weapons Firing/Nonexplosive Practice Ordnance
Weapons Firing Disturbance 9 9 9 9
Nonexplosive Ordnance Strikes 9 9 9 9 9
Nonexplosive Ordnance Disturbance 9 9 9 9 9
High Explosive Ordnance
Underwater Detonations 9 9 9 9 9 9
Explosive Ordnance 9 9 9 9 9
Expended Materials
Ordnance-Related Materials 9 9 9 9 9
MK-58 Marine Markers 9 9 9 9
Target Related Materials 9 9 9 9 9
Expendable Mobile ASW Training Targets 9 9 9 9
Sonobuoys 9 9 9 9 9 9
Chaff 9 9 9 9 9 9
Flares 9
Winds in the central GOA are primarily from the east or northeast, due to the interaction of the Pacific
High with the GOA Low. Wind speeds often exceed 50 miles (mi) per hour (80 kilometers [km] per hour)
except during the summer, when winds are relatively calm. Along the coast, this general circulation
pattern may be altered locally by downslope surface winds following major river valleys that empty into
the GOA, or by winds blowing through gaps in the ranges of mountains that border the GOA.
The continental climate in Alaska’s interior, where Air Force air ranges and Army land ranges are
located, is characterized by long, very cold winters and short, warm summers. The mean annual
temperature in Fairbanks, for example, is 28 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (-2 degrees Celsius [°C]). Daytime
summer temperatures in the interior of Alaska are relatively high, in large part due to the long days, and
rain showers are common. Most of southern Alaska, such as the Anchorage metropolitan area, has a
climate intermediate between the continental climate of the interior and the maritime climate along the
Regional Emissions
No stationary sources of air pollutant emissions exist within the GOA. Unknown quantities of air
pollutants are emitted by commercial and recreational vessels operating in the GOA. Given the low
population density of coastal areas in southeastern Alaska and prevailing wind directions, air pollutants
generated in adjacent land areas likely have little or no effect on air quality in the GOA.
In mainland Alaska, the Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Juneau urban areas are large area sources of air
pollutants, but these pollutants readily disperse during warm weather. In winter, when ground-based
inversions are common, air pollutants from urban sources such as wood-burning stoves and automobiles
become concentrated near the ground, where their concentrations may exceed health-based air quality
standards. In rural areas, mining, oil extraction and refining, timber harvesting and processing, and other
extractive industries are major point sources of air pollutants, as are large wildfires.
William Sound and east of Kodiak Island. The TMAA is 42,146 square nautical miles (nm2) (144,556
square kilometers [km2]) in area.
With the exception of Cape Cleare on Montague Island, located over 12 nm (22 km) from the northern
edge of the TMAA, the nearest shoreline (Kenai Peninsula) is located approximately 24 nm (44 km) north
of the TMAA’s northern boundary. The approximate middle of the TMAA is located 140 nm (259 km)
offshore. Therefore, air quality in the TMAA is not monitored. However, the GOA is well ventilated by
air masses moving in from the North Pacific Ocean. There are no substantial sources of air pollutants in
the GOA, and the frequent precipitation probably scavenges from the air any particulates or other
pollutants that might be present. Therefore, the air quality in the GOA is expected to be very good.
Alaskan lands in the study area also should have generally good air quality because there are few
industries or urban areas to generate criteria air pollutants. The State is divided into the Cook Inlet, North
Alaska, South-Central Alaska, and Southeastern Alaska Intrastate Air Quality Control Regions (40 Code
of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.], Part 81). The only portions of the State where air quality is regularly
monitored, however, are the three major urban areas– Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Juneau. Monitoring data
indicate that the two air pollutants of major concern in Alaska are carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate
matter (PM).
In accordance with the federal Clean Air Act (CAA), the State of Alaska has adopted (and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] has generally approved) a State Implementation Plan (SIP)
with provisions to maintain the air quality in attainment areas and to improve the air quality in
nonattainment areas. The SIP, however, does not extend to portions of the State designated as Indian
Country under federal law (18 United States Code [U.S.C.] 1151); these areas are administered directly
Air quality regions that do not meet the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for a specific
criteria air pollutant are designated as nonattainment areas under the CAA. Anchorage and Fairbanks
were designated as nonattainment areas for CO in 1990, but in 2004 were redesignated as CO
maintenance areas (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation [ADEC] 2007). Eagle River, near
Anchorage, and Juneau are designated as nonattainment areas for particulates under 10 microns (μm)
(PM10), but are in the process of being redesignated as maintenance areas for PM10 (ADEC 2009).
Concentrations of fine particulates continue to be a concern in developed areas of the State (see below).
All other portions of the State are in attainment of the NAAQS, or unclassifiable due to an absence of
monitoring data.
USEPA recently updated the NAAQS for PM. USEPA retained the current 24-hour PM10 standard of 150
micrograms (µg)/cubic meter (m3) and eliminated the annual PM10 standard. USEPA increased the
stringency of the standard for particulates under 2.5 μm (PM2.5) by lowering the previous 24-hour
standard of 65 µg/m3 to 35 µg/m3. USEPA left the annual PM2.5 standard of 15 µg/m3 in place. Until
USEPA revised the standard, Alaska had been in compliance with the PM2.5 standard. PM2.5 monitoring
shows Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) exceeding the more stringent revised PM2.5 standard; in the
future, FNSB will be in “nonattainment” status.
In December 2007, the State proposed to reclassify portions of FNSB and Juneau Borough (Mendenhall
Valley) as nonattainment for PM2.5, with respect to the 24-hour averaging period. USEPA, in turn,
proposed designation of a larger area. USEPA and ADEC have since been negotiating the boundaries of
PM2.5 nonattainment areas for these two regions of the State. While the final boundaries are yet to be
agreed upon, the potential exists for portions of Fort Wainwright (cantonment area, Yukon Training Area,
and Tanana Flats Training Area) and portions of Eielson Air Force Base (main base and Eielson, Birch,
and Yukon Military Operations Area [MOAs]) to be encompassed by the new boundaries of the FNSB
PM2.5 nonattainment area.
Sensitive Receptors
Air quality is an environmental concern primarily because it affects human health. A secondary concern is
its potential effects on vegetation and wildlife. In addition, some air pollutants can damage structures,
reduce visibility, or contribute to climate change. On the ocean ranges in the study area, the air pollutants
generated by the Proposed Action would mostly affect marine biological resources. Crews of vessels and
recreational users of the GOA could also be affected by air pollutants, but such individuals are expected
to be few in number and the durations of substantial exposures to these pollutants very limited.
Climate Change
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since
the mid-20th century. Global surface temperatures have increased by an average of about 0.74 °C or by
about 1.3 °F during the last century (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] 2007). Climate
change has been attributed to many factors, including increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon
dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), and other greenhouse gases (GHG). Most of the
observed temperature increase since the mid-20th century is correlated with increasing concentrations of
GHGs emitted by human activities, such as combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation (IPCC 2007).
The GHG effect is the process by which absorption and emission of radiation by gases in the atmosphere
warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface. GHGs are transparent to long-wave radiation from the
sun; this radiation passes through the atmosphere with little absorption or reflection, and warms the
earth’s surface. GHGs trap short-wave (infrared) radiation emitted by the earth’s surface, however,
preventing it from dissipating into space and re-radiating it down to the surface of the earth. The existence
of the greenhouse effect is not disputed. The issues are how the strength of the greenhouse effect changes
with increases in the concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere, and the relationships among natural
sources and sinks of GHGs, human sources of GHGs, and atmospheric concentrations of GHGs.
CO2 is the major GHG emitted by human activities, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels such as
coal, oil, and natural gas. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have increased by 36% since the mid-1700s
(EPA 2008). This level is much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years (Neftel et al. 1985).
Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen about 20 million years
ago (Pearson and Palmer 2000). The burning of fossil fuel has produced about 75 percent of the increase
in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years.
GHG emissions for a proposed action can be inventoried, based on methods prescribed by state and
federal agencies. However, the specific contributions of a particular project to global or regional climate
change generally cannot be identified based on existing scientific knowledge, because individual projects
typically have a negligible effect. Also, climate processes are understood at only a general level.
Cumulative effects on climate change are addressed in Chapter 4.
Army 1999, Army 2004). These documents are incorporated by reference. Environmental effects in the
open ocean beyond the U.S. territorial seas (outside of 12 nm [22 km]) are analyzed in this EIS/OEIS
pursuant to Executive Order (EO) 12114.
Ambient air quality is defined by the atmospheric concentrations of criteria air pollutants and other
selected chemical compounds at particular locations determined to be generally representative of local or
regional conditions. Lower ambient concentrations of these air pollutants indicate higher air quality.
Ambient air quality data are generally reported as a mass per unit volume (e.g., μg/m3 of air) or as a
volume fraction (e.g., parts per million [ppm] by volume). USEPA has established NAAQS for these
pollutants (Table 3.1-1). Areas that exceed a NAAQS are designated as “nonattainment” for that
pollutant, while areas that are in compliance with a NAAQS are in “attainment” for that pollutant.
USEPA typically delegates the regulation of air quality to local air quality management agencies. The
CAA also allows states to establish air quality standards more stringent than the NAAQS. The GOA is
located offshore of the State of Alaska in USEPA Region 10; some elements of the Proposed Action
occur within the State. Statutory authority for air quality regulation in Alaska is delegated to the Air and
Water Quality Division of ADEC. State of Alaska air quality standards generally correspond to federal
primary standards. Additional Alaska standards include a 1-hour O3 standard and an annual PM10 standard
(Table 3.1-1).
Areas in which ambient air concentrations of a pollutant exceed a NAAQS are designated as
“nonattainment” for that pollutant. Nonattainment areas for some criteria pollutants are further classified,
depending upon the severity of their air quality problem, to facilitate their management:
The ambient air quality levels measured at a particular location are determined by the interactions of
pollutant emissions, chemical properties and reactions that occur in the atmosphere, and meteorology.
Emission considerations include the types, amounts, and locations of pollutants emitted into the
atmosphere. Chemical reactions can transform pollutant emissions into criteria pollutants. Meteorological
considerations include wind and precipitation patterns affecting the distribution, dispersion, and removal
of pollutant emissions.
Air pollutants or pollutant precursors are released into the atmosphere (emitted) by air pollutant sources.
Pollutant emissions contribute to the ambient air concentrations of criteria pollutants, either by directly
affecting the pollutants in the ambient air or by reacting in the atmosphere to form criteria pollutants.
Pollutants such as CO, SO2, lead, and some particulates that are released directly into the atmosphere by
emission sources are primary pollutants. Criteria pollutants such as O3, NO2, and some particulates are
secondary pollutants formed through atmospheric chemical reactions that are influenced by meteorology,
ultraviolet light, and other atmospheric processes. Air pollutants that lead to formation of secondary
pollutants are termed precursor pollutants.
Table 3.1-1: National and State of Alaska Ambient Air Quality Standards
NAAQS Alaska State
Pollutant Averaging Period
Primary Secondary Standard
1-Hour 235 μg/m3
Same as Primary
Ozone (O3) 0.075 ppm
8-Hour 3 Standard
(157 μg/m )
9.0 ppm
8-Hour (10 milligrams 10 mg/m
Carbon Monoxide (CO) (mg)/m ) None
35 ppm 3
1-Hour 3 40 mg/m
(40 mg/m )
0.053 ppm Same as Primary 3
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Annual Average 3 100 μg/m
(100 μg/m ) Standard
3 3
80 μg/m 80 μg/m
Annual Average -
(0.03 ppm) (0.03 ppm)
3 3
365 μg/m 365 μg/m
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) 24-Hour -
(0.14 ppm) (0.14 ppm)
1,300 μg/m 1,300 μg/m3
3-Hour -
(0.5 ppm) (0.5 ppm)
Suspended Particulate 24-Hour 150 μg/m3 Same as Primary 150 μg/m3
Matter (PM10) Annual Arithmetic Mean - Standard 50 μg/m3
3 3
Fine Particulate Matter 24-Hour 35 μg/m Same as Primary 35 μg/m
(PM2.5) Annual Arithmetic Mean 15 μg/m3 Standard 15 μg/m3
Same as Primary
Lead (Pb) Calendar Quarter 1.5 μg/m3 1.5 μg/m3
The following notes apply.
NAAQS (other than O3, particulate matter, and those based on annual averages or annual arithmetic mean) are not to be
exceeded more than once a year. The O3 standard is attained when the fourth highest 8-hour concentration in a year, averaged
over 3 years, is equal to or less than the standard. For PM10, the 24-hour standard is attained when 99 percent of the daily
concentrations, averaged over 3 years, are equal to or less than the standard. For PM2.5, the 24-hour standard is attained when
98 percent of the daily concentrations, averaged over 3 years, are equal to or less than the standard. There are both primary
and secondary NAAQS:
National Primary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary, with an adequate margin of safety, to protect the public health.
National Secondary Standards: The levels of air quality necessary to protect the public welfare from any known or anticipated
adverse effects of a pollutant.
Source: 40 C.F.R. Part 50; 18 Alaska Administrative Code, Section 50.010, Ambient Air Quality Standards.
For example, reactive organic gases (ROG) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) are precursors of O3. In general,
emissions of precursors are monitored and regulated to control the ambient levels of their associated
criteria pollutants. PM10 and PM2.5 are primary pollutants emitted by various mechanical processes (e.g.,
abrasion, erosion, mixing, or atomization) or combustion processes. PM10 and PM2.5 also can be formed
as secondary pollutants by chemical reactions or by condensation of gaseous pollutants into fine aerosols.
Noncriteria air pollutants that can affect human health are categorized as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)
under Section 112 of the CAA. USEPA has identified 188 HAPs. Examples of HAPs include benzene,
which is found in gasoline; perchloroethylene, which is emitted from some dry cleaning facilities; and
methylene chloride, which is used as a solvent and paint stripper in some industries. HAPs are regulated
under the CAA’s National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, which apply to specific
sources of HAPs, and under the Urban Air Toxics Strategy, which applies to area sources.
For assessing health-based air quality effects under NEPA, all training activities where aircraft, missiles,
or targets operate at or below 3,000 feet (ft) (914 meters [m]) above ground level (AGL) or that involve
vessels in U.S. territorial seas were included in the emissions estimates. For assessing health-based air
quality effects under EO 12114, only those training activities where aircraft, missiles, or targets operate at
or below 3,000 ft (914 m) AGL or that involve vessels outside of U.S. territorial seas were considered in
the evaluation. Emissions that do or would occur above 3,000 ft (914 m) AGL are considered to be above
the atmospheric inversion layer and, therefore, have no effect on air quality at the earth’s surface (USEPA
1995, USEPA 1992). Because the only elements of Navy training in the GOA that occur within 12 nm
(22 km) of the coast are aircraft overflights above 3,000 ft (914 m) AGL, a detailed air quality analysis
was prepared only for EO 12114 compliance. For assessing effects on global climate change, however, all
emissions of GHG from aircraft and vessel activities in the GOA were included because GHG emissions
at altitudes above 3,000 ft AGL do have an effect.
The air quality analysis involves estimating the amounts of criteria air pollutants and HAPs emitted by the
proposed activities and assessing their potential impacts on air quality. Trace amounts of HAPs would be
emitted by combustion sources and ordnance. Potentially hazardous air pollutants, such as rocket motor
exhaust and unspent missile fuel vapors, are emitted during missile and target operations. These pollutants
would have no adverse effects because of their negligible emissions rates and their distance from
potentially sensitive receptors. A quantitative evaluation of HAP emissions is thus not warranted.
The Proposed Action does not include training activities in nonattainment areas, so CAA General
Conformity Analysis pursuant to the General Conformity Rule (40 C.F.R. Part 93, Subpart B) is not
required. In addition, the General Conformity Rule does not apply to activities outside of U.S. territorial
seas because the CAA does not apply to actions outside of the United States. The estimation of pollutants
and assessment of potential effects on air quality outside of U.S. territorial seas is performed through the
EO-compliant analysis.
Data for the air quality analysis are based, wherever possible, on information from the GOA participants
and training requirements. These data were used to estimate the numbers and types of aircraft, surface
ships and vessels, submarines, and ordnance that would be involved in training activities under each
alternative. Each of these project elements is a potential source of air emissions. Emissions sources and
the approach used to estimate emissions under the No Action Alternative (baseline), Alternative 1, and
Alternative 2 are presented below.
Emissions Estimates
Aircraft Activities
To estimate aircraft emissions, the operating modes, number of hours of operation, and type of engine for
each type of aircraft were evaluated. Aircraft flights are assumed to originate from aircraft carriers
offshore. All aircraft are assumed to travel to and from training ranges at or above 3,000 ft (914 m) AGL
and, therefore, their transits to and from the ranges do not affect surface air quality. Air Combat
Maneuvers (ACM) and Air-to-Air Missile Exercise (A-A MISSILEX) are conducted at altitudes well in
excess of 3,000 ft (914 m) AGL and, therefore, are not included in the estimated emissions of criteria air
pollutants. All other training activities (Table 3.1-2) are included in the emissions estimates.
The types of aircraft used and the numbers of sorties flown under the No Action Alternative, which
include both Navy and U.S. Air Force aircraft, are derived from historical data. For Alternatives 1 and 2,
estimates of future aircraft sorties were based on evolutionary changes in the Navy’s force structure and
mission assignments. Where there were no major changes in types of aircraft, future activity levels were
estimated from the distribution of baseline activities.
Time on range (activity duration) under the No Action Alternative was calculated from average times
derived from range records. To estimate time on range for each aircraft activity in Alternatives 1 and 2, an
average duration was extrapolated from the baseline data. Estimated altitudes of activities for all aircraft
were obtained from aircrew members in operational squadrons.
Air pollutant emissions were estimated based on the Navy’s Aircraft Environmental Support Office
(AESO) Memorandum Reports for individual aircraft categories (Aircraft Emission Estimates: Mission
Operations). For aircraft for which AESO emission factors were not available (such as the Learjet
aircraft), emission factors were obtained from other published sources.
The types of surface ships and numbers of operations for the No Action Alternative are derived from
participant data. For Alternatives 1 and 2, estimates of future ship activities were based on anticipated
evolutionary changes in the Navy’s force structure and mission assignments. Where there were no major
changes in types of ships, estimates of future activities were based on the historical distribution of ship
For surface ships, the durations of activities were estimated by taking an average over the total number of
activities for each type of training. Emissions for baseline activities and for future activities were
estimated on the basis of discussions with exercise participants. In addition, information provided by
participants was used to develop a breakdown of time spent at each power level used during activities in
which marine vessels participated.
Emission factors for marine vessels were obtained from the database developed for Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA) by JJMA Consultants (JJMA 2001). Emission factors were provided for each
marine vessel type and operational mode (i.e., power level). The resulting calculations provided
information on the time spent at each power level in each part of the TMAA, emission factors for that
power level (in pounds [lb] of pollutant per hour), and total emissions for each marine vessel for each
operational type and mode.
Submarine Activities
No U.S. submarines burn fossil fuel under normal operating conditions, so no air pollutants are emitted by
their training activities.
Table 3.1-3: Annual Air Pollutant Emissions under the No Action Alternative
Emissions, tons/year
Emission Source
Aircraft 3.4 4.2 0.3 0.2 2.7
Marine Vessel 11.3 8.0 1.2 5.9 1.1
Ordnance 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 16.2 12.2 1.5 6.1 3.8
Notes: HC=hydrocarbons
Under the No Action Alternative, the annual numbers of Navy training activities in the TMAA will
remain at baseline levels. Emissions rates will remain constant for those pollutant sources that are not
affected by other federal, state, or local requirements to reduce air emissions. Pollutants emitted in the
TMAA may be transported ashore, possibly affecting air basins in southern and southeastern Alaska. The
contributions of air pollutants generated in the TMAA to the air quality in Alaskan air basins are minor
compared to the contributions of existing onshore emission sources because of the distances these
offshore pollutants are transported and their substantial dispersion during transport.
Table 3.1-3 shows the total amounts of regulated air pollutants under the No Action Alternative generated
by Navy training activities in the TMAA. Considering the low level of air pollutants emitted under the No
Action Alternative and the pollutant dispersion that normally occurs during long-range transport, these
sources will not substantially affect air quality in the closest State of Alaska air basins. Ambient
concentrations of criteria air pollutants in Alaskan air basins will not change under the No Action
HAP emissions will be distributed over the entire range, and their concentrations will be further reduced
by atmospheric mixing and other dispersion processes. Most of the training activities will occur 12 nm
(22 km) or more offshore, where no sensitive receptors (i.e., residents, schools, hospitals, etc.) are located,
so no health effects are anticipated from emissions of HAPs in the TMAA. Therefore, HAP emissions for
the Proposed Action will not be quantitatively estimated in this EIS. Alternative 1
Criteria Air Pollutants
Table 3.1-4 lists the estimated criteria air pollutant and precursor emissions in the TMAA under
Alternative 1 by general source category. The air pollutant that would be emitted in the greatest quantity
is CO; most of the CO emitted under Alternative 1 would be from Air-to-Surface BOMBEX. Most of the
NOx emissions would be from vessel and aircraft activities. Other than CO from live bombs, ordnance
would be an insignificant source of air pollutants.
Emissions, tons/year
Emission Source
Aircraft 4.1 6.4 0.4 0.4 3.9
Marine Vessel 12.4 8.8 1.3 6.3 1.2
Ordnance 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 18.7 15.2 1.7 6.7 5.1
Increase Over No Action Alternative 2.5 3.0 0.2 0.6 1.3
Under Alternative 1, the annual numbers of various Navy training activities in the TMAA would increase
by about 12 percent. Criteria air pollutants would increase slightly, with the largest increases in emissions
of CO (2.5 tons per year [TPY]) and NOx (3.0 TPY). Pollutants emitted in the TMAA may be transported
ashore, possibly affecting air basins in southern and southeastern Alaska. The contributions of air
pollutants generated in the TMAA to the air quality in terrestrial air basins are minor, however, compared
to the contributions of existing onshore emission sources because of the distances these offshore
pollutants are transported and their substantial dispersion during transport.
Considering the low level of air pollutants emitted under Alternative 1 and the pollutant dispersion that
normally occurs during long-range transport, these sources will not substantially affect the State’s air
quality. Ambient concentrations of criteria air pollutants in Alaskan air basins will not change under
Alternative 1.
HAP emissions will be distributed over the entire range, would rapidly disperse, and would be diluted
through mixing in the atmosphere to a much lower ambient concentration. Most of the training activities
would occur 12 nm (22 km) or more offshore, where no sensitive receptors (i.e., residents, schools,
hospitals, etc.) are located, so no health effects would result from emissions of HAPs in the TMAA under
Alternative 1.
Training activities in the TMAA under Alternative 1 would emit air pollutants for a few weeks per year.
Air pollutant emissions under Alternative 1 would increase relative to the baseline (No Action
Alternative) emissions. Air pollutant emissions from training activities would be released to the
environment in a remote area with good ventilation and few existing sources of air pollutants. Training
emissions would be rapidly dispersed over a large ocean area where few individuals would be exposed to
them. Residual air pollutant effects during the large portion of the year when training was not being
conducted would be negligible. Based on the estimated levels of air pollutant emissions presented in
Table 3.1-4, no substantial air pollutant effects are expected under Alternative 1. Alternative 2
Criteria Air Pollutants
Under Alternative 2, the annual numbers of various Navy training activities in the TMAA would increase
by about 123 percent from No Action Alternative (baseline) levels. Air pollutant emissions rates also
would increase substantially, relative to emissions under the No Action Alternative. Table 3.1-5 lists the
estimated criteria air pollutant and precursor emissions in the TMAA by general source category under
Alternative 2. The air pollutant that would be emitted in the greatest quantity is CO (27.4 TPY). Most of
the CO emitted under Alternative 1 would be from Air-to-Surface BOMBEX, the annual number of
which would double under Alternative 2. Under Alternative 2, CO emissions from vessel and aircraft
operations in the open ocean (more than 12 nm [22 km] from land) also would substantially increase.
Most of the NOx emissions (22.6 TPY) would be from vessel and aircraft activities, and these emissions
also would substantially increase relative to baseline emissions. Other than CO from live bombs,
ordnance would be an insignificant source of air pollutants.
Emissions, tons/year
Emission Source
Aircraft Operations 8.0 12.5 0.9 0.7 7.6
Marine Vessel Operations 24.8 17.5 2.5 12.3 2.3
Ordnance 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SINKEX 6.3 4.8 0.5 1.2 0.9
Total 43.6 34.8 3.9 14.2 10.8
Increase Over No Action Alternative 27.4 22.6 2.4 8.1 7.0
Pollutants emitted in the TMAA may be transported ashore, possibly affecting air basins in southern and
southeastern Alaska. The contributions of air pollutants generated in the TMAA to the air quality in
terrestrial air basins are minor, however, compared to contributions from existing onshore emission
sources because of the distances these offshore pollutants are transported and their substantial dispersion
during transport.
The criteria air pollutants emitted under Alternative 2 would be distributed over a large, well-ventilated
area, where their effects on ambient air pollutant concentrations would be minor. Due to the air pollutant
dispersion that normally occurs during long-range transport, these sources will not substantially affect the
State’s air quality. Ambient concentrations of criteria air pollutants in Alaskan air basins will not change
under Alternative 2.
HAP emissions will be distributed over the entire range, would rapidly disperse, and would be diluted
through mixing in the atmosphere to a much lower ambient concentration. Most of the training activities
would occur 12 nm (22 km) or more offshore, where no sensitive receptors (i.e., residents, schools,
hospitals, etc.) are located, so no health effects would result from emissions of HAPs in the TMAA under
Alternative 1.
Alternative 2 would include SINKEX, in which several aircraft and vessels fire various types of ordnance
at a ship hulk until it sinks. Estimated criteria air pollutant emissions from this activity are shown in Table
3.1-5. SINKEX would generate a substantial portion of the total air pollutants emitted under Alternative
Training activities in the TMAA under Alternative 2 would emit air pollutants for a few weeks per year.
The increase in air pollutant emissions under Alternative 2 would represent a substantial increase in air
pollutant emissions relative to the baseline (No Action Alternative) emissions. Air pollutant emissions
from training activities would be released to the environment in a remote area with good ventilation and
few other existing sources of air pollutants. Training emissions would be rapidly dispersed over a large
ocean area where few individuals would be exposed to them. Residual air pollutant effects during the
large portion of the year when training was not being conducted would be negligible. Based on the
estimated levels of air pollutant emissions presented in Table 3.1-5, no substantial air pollutant effects are
expected under Alternative 2.
3.1.3 Mitigation
As described in Sections to, annual emissions of criteria and hazardous air pollutants
produced by the Proposed Action are well below a level that could degrade regional air quality.
Therefore, no mitigation measures are required to reduce the impacts on the environment of air emissions
from the Proposed Action.
NEPA EO 12114
Alternative (U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
• Under Alternative 2, Navy activities • Outside of U.S. territory, air pollutant
were considered and would be consistent emissions would increase substantially,
with those analyzed in the previous mainly from increased surface vessel and
environmental documentation (USAF aircraft activities.
1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army
• SINKEX would generate a substantial
Alternative 2 2004). These documents concluded that
portion of the air pollutants that would be
(Preferred no significant impacts related to air quality
emitted under Alternative 2.
Alternative) would occur.
• Although Alternative 2 would increase
• Overflights of ocean (0-12 nm) and land emissions of air pollutants over the No Action
areas at altitudes above 3,000 ft AGL Alternative, emissions outside of U.S.
would not affect ground-level air quality. territorial seas would not cause an air quality
standard to be exceeded.
In this section, the phrase “hazardous materials” refers collectively to hazardous materials, hazardous
wastes, and individual components and constituents of larger objects or processes (e.g., missile warheads
and fuel) that may be hazardous. Hazardous materials often are used in small amounts in high-technology
weapons, ordnance, and targets because they are strong, lightweight, reliable, long lasting, or low cost.
For this analysis, hazardous constituents are defined as components of expended materials that may
contain hazardous materials or substances. Nonhazardous expended materials are defined as parts of a
device that are made of nontoxic metals (e.g., steel, iron, aluminum), polymers (e.g., nylon, rubber, vinyl,
and various other plastics), glass, fiber, or concrete. Sources of these non-hazardous materials include
bombs, shells, and targets. A portion of these non-hazardous items represent persistent seabed litter but,
because of their strong resistance to degradation and their chemical composition, they do not chemically
contaminate the surrounding environment by leaching heavy metals or organic compounds.
Open ocean areas are typically considered to be relatively pristine with regard to hazardous substances.
Hazardous substances are anthropogenic sources of material that could negatively affect the marine and
land environment, and organisms inhabiting those environments. Hazardous substances are present in
varying concentrations in marine waters and sediments from past activities such as ocean dumping,
military activities (e.g., bombing ranges during World War II), commercial activities, and chemical spills.
No information is available, however, on the types and quantities of hazardous substances present in the
Table 3.2-1 provides information on the types of training items used in the TMAA that may contain
hazardous constituents. All training materials listed therein will be used under the No Action Alternative,
except for training materials used in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercises. The potential
environmental effects of expended Navy training materials are primarily associated with the toxicity of
hazardous constituents to marine biota. Hazardous materials may be contained in several components of
expended materials, including outer casings, propellants, batteries, explosives, and pyrotechnics.
Hazardous Materials
Heavy Metals
Some metals are necessary for biological organisms to function properly, such as iron, zinc, copper, and
manganese in humans. Heavy metals commonly of concern include lead, cadmium, mercury, and
chromium. Zinc, copper, and manganese also may be of concern when exposure levels are high. In the
GOA study area, heavy metals are present in manned and unmanned aircraft, bombs, shells, missiles,
bullets, sonobuoys, batteries, electronic components, and anticorrosion compounds coating exterior
surfaces of ordnance, including missiles, small-caliber rounds, torpedoes, and bombs. Most of these
materials are inert and dense, and will settle to the bottom. There they will eventually be covered by
sediment, coated by chemical processes (e.g., corrosion), or encrusted by marine organisms (e.g.,
Hazardous chemicals include fuels and other propellants, and combustion byproducts of those fuels and
propellants. These materials are present or may be generated by the use of aircraft, vessels, ordnance, and
unmanned aircraft. Toxic components of fuel oils include aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene,
toluene, and xylene, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as naphthalene, acenaphthene, and
fluoranthene. Like commercial and recreational watercraft, boat engines discharge petroleum products in
their wet exhaust.
In general, the single largest hazardous constituent of missiles is solid propellant, such as solid double-
base propellant, aluminum and ammonia propellant grain, and arcite propellant grain. The solid propellant
is primarily composed of rubber (polybutadiene) mixed with ammonium perchlorate. In general, a
surface-to-air missile typically consumes 99 to 100 percent of its propellant when it functions properly
(Department of the Navy [DoN] 2009). Hazardous constituents, such as plastic-bonded explosives (PBX)
high-explosive (HE) components, PBX-106 explosive, and PBX (AF)-108 explosive, are also used in
igniters, explosive bolts, batteries (potassium hydroxide and lithium chloride), and warheads.
Explosives are used in live bombs, spotting charges for training rounds, missiles, and sonobuoys. Most
new military explosives are mixtures of plastic or other polymer binders and Royal Demolition Explosive
(RDX, cyclotrimethylene trinitramine) and High Melting Explosive (HMX, cyclotetramethylene
tetranitramine). Pentaerythritoltetranitrate (PETN) is used in blasting caps, detonation cord, and similar
initiators of explosions. When live ordnance functions properly, 99.997 percent of the explosives
contained therein are converted to inorganic compounds (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] 2003).
Explosives become a concern when ordnance does not function correctly, and fails to detonate (failure) or
detonates incompletely (low-order detonation). In these cases, all or a portion of the explosive remains
unconsumed. Table 3.2-2 provides the failure and low-order detonation rates of various ordnance items.
Heavy Metal
Training Item
AIM-7 Sparrow missile
AIM-9 Sidewinder missile
AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile
Standard Missile-1
AGM-65 Maverick
AGM-84 Harpoon
AGM-84K Standoff Land Attack Missile – Expanded
Response (SLAM-ER)
AGM-88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM)
AGM-114 Hellfire
AGM-119 Penguin
BDU-45 Practice (inert)2
MK-82 500-pound (lb) bomb (192.2 Net Explosive
Bombs Weight [NEW]), HE3
MK-83 1,000-lb bomb (415.8 NEW), HE3
MK-84 2,000-lb bomb (944.7 NEW), HE3
5"/54-caliber (cal) gun shell (inert)
5”/54-cal gun shell (live)
76- millimeter (mm) gun shell (inert)
Naval Gun
76-mm gun shell (live)
57-mm gun shell
25-mm gun shell
20-mm gun shell
These materials can release small amounts of hazardous substances into the water or sediment as they
degrade and decompose. Table 3.2-3 provides a list of hazardous constituents typically present in
components of expended training materials.
Pyrotechnic materials are used in pyrotechnic devices such as flares and markers. Hazardous pyrotechnic
materials include magnesium and white and red phosphorus, which do not explode, but burn at high
temperatures once ignited. Metals such as barium, sodium, nickel, and titanium are often incorporated
into pyrotechnic materials to produce specific visual characteristics, such as color, smoke, or both.
Perchlorates may be used as oxidizers and to enhance the visual characteristics of the item. Residues from
pyrotechnic items that function as designed include metallic compounds and residual perchlorate
compounds. Pyrotechnic items also may include igniters and fuses.
Metals exposed to seawater generally begin to oxidize (corrode). This process creates a layer of corroded
material around the object. This corrosion layer isolates the parent material from the corrosive seawater, a
process that further slows movement of the metals into the adjacent sediments and the water column. This
process is particularly true of aluminum. In a similar fashion, as materials become covered by marine
organisms, the direct exposure of the material to seawater decreases and the rate of corrosion decreases.
Dispersal of these materials in the water column is controlled by physical mixing and diffusion, both of
which tend to vary with time and location. A recent study of similar Canadian military operations in the
Strait of Georgia found that few biological impacts resulted from ordnance and other materials expended
during its operations (Canadian Forces Maritime Experimental and Test Ranges [CFMETR] 2005).
In general, ordnance constituents appear to pose little risk to the marine environment. Military-grade
explosives generally have low water solubility, so they do not readily dissolve in water and are, therefore,
relatively immobile in water (Table 3.2-4). The degradation and dissolution of these materials are slowed
by the physical structure and composition of blended explosives, which contain several chemical
compounds, often with additional binding agents. Ordnance constituents of concern include
nitroaromatics—principally trinitrotoluene (TNT), its degradation products, and related compounds and
cyclonitramines, including RDX, HMX, and their degradation products. TNT degrades to dinitrotoluene
(DNT) and to subsequent degradation products by bacterial activity (biodegradation). RDX is subject to
photolysis and biodegradation once exposed to the environment.
Additional sources of hazardous materials are expended training materials that are not completely
consumed during use, such as flares and pyrotechnics, and explosives that fail to function properly.
Explosives, which are designed to be consumed during use, have a high potential of environmental
contamination because duds and low-order detonations account for a large percentage of hazardous
materials due to the amounts of explosives used. Ordnance failure or low-order detonation means that
hazardous materials, such as propellants, explosives, and batteries, are present in greater quantities
because substances are not consumed during use. Expended training materials from ordnance that
functions as designed are primarily metal casings.
Bombing exercises typically involve one or more aircraft bombing a target that simulates a hostile surface
vessel at sea. Bomb casings are made of steel, with fins of steel or aluminum. Based on standards
established by American Society for Testing and Materials International, each steel bomb body or fin also
may contain small percentages of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, nickel, chromium,
molybdenum, vanadium, columbium, or titanium, although typically present at less than 1 percent by
weight. The aluminum fins may also contain zinc, magnesium, copper, chromium, manganese, silicon, or
titanium (DoN 2009). Bombs may be live or inert (so-called “practice” or “bomb dummy units”). The
latter are bomb bodies filled with an inert material (e.g., concrete) and configured to have the same
weight, size, center of gravity, and ballistics as a live bomb.
The main hazardous component of expended bombs is residual explosives. Most of the residual
explosives result from incomplete (low-order) detonations or complete failure of the item to detonate.
High-order detonations generally consume an estimated 99.997 percent of the explosives (USACE 2003).
Bombs that are fail to function (i.e., “duds”) deposit large amounts of unconsumed explosives. The
estimated failure rate for high explosives under test conditions is 3.37 percent (see Table 3.2-2), but the
failure rate during training typically is higher because of operator inexperience. Most inert bombs contain
a spotting charge, which is a small amount of explosive (usually two to three pounds) used to identify the
point of impact.
Missiles are fired by aircraft and ships at a variety of airborne and surface targets. Table 3.2-5 describes
the explosives and propellants used in the types of missiles that will be used in the TMAA under all of the
alternatives. Missiles may contain hazardous materials as normal parts of their functional components,
including igniters, explosive bolts, batteries, warheads, and solid propellants. Chemicals released during
missile launches are provided in Table 3.2-6, along with their estimated maximum concentrations.
In general, the single largest hazardous constituent of missiles is the solid propellant. Missile propellants
typically contain ammonium perchlorate (NH4ClO4), aluminum compounds, copper, and organic lead
compounds. A surface-to-air missile typically consumes 99 to 100 percent of its propellant when it
functions properly (DoN 2009). The remaining solid propellant fragments (less than one percent of initial
propellant weight) sink to the ocean floor and undergo physical and chemical changes in the presence of
seawater. Tests show that water penetrates only 0.06 inch (in) (0.14 centimeter [cm]) into the propellant
during the first 24 hours of immersion, and that fragments slowly release ammonium and perchlorate ions
(Fournier 2005). These ions rapidly disperse into the surrounding seawater, so local concentrations are
extremely low.
For example, a Standard Missile-1 typically has 150 lb (68 kg) of solid propellant, resulting in less than
1.5 lb (0.7 kg) of propellant residual after training exercises. Assuming that all of the propellant on the
ocean floor was in the form of 4-in (10-cm) cubes, only 0.42 percent of it would be wetted during the first
24 hours of immersion. If all of the ammonium perchlorate leached out of the wetted propellant, then
approximately 0.01 lb (0.003 kg) would enter the surrounding seawater (DoN 2009). The leach rate would
decrease over time as the concentration of perchlorate in the propellant declined. The aluminum in the
propellant binder would eventually be oxidized by seawater to aluminum oxide. The remaining binder
material and aluminum oxide would not pose a threat to the marine environment.
During aviation exercises, approximately 50 percent of missiles contain telemetry warheads (inert
versions), and do not explode on contact with the target or ocean surface. Exploding warheads may be
used in air-to-air missile exercises but, to avoid damaging the aerial target, the missile explodes in the air,
disintegrates, and falls into the ocean. Live missiles used in air-to-surface exercises explode near the
water surface. An estimated 99.997 percent of this material would be consumed in a high-order
detonation. Missiles that are duds contain large amounts of unconsumed explosives, which are considered
to be hazardous. The estimated failure rate for missiles is approximately the same as for bombs (3.37
Missile batteries are another possible source of contaminants. The batteries used for missiles are similar in
type and size to those used for sonobuoys. Possible hazardous materials in batteries are described later in
this section under Sonobuoys.
At sea, targets are usually remotely operated aerial, surface, or subsurface units, most of which are
recovered for reuse. Targets and countermeasures proposed for the GOA study area are described below.
Aerial Targets
Aerial targets are used in several training warfare areas, and include targets used for both simulated and
live-fire exercises. Possible expended or unrecovered targets include LUU-2B/B paraflares, Tactical Air
Launched Decoy (TALDs), and BQM-74Es. LUU-2B/B and TALD targets are not recovered after
training use. BQM-74E targets are normally recovered after training, but some individual BQM-74E
targets may not be recovered for various reasons.
The LUU-2B/B is a flare that illuminates targets by burning magnesium at high temperature while
suspended from a parachute. The LUU-2B is constructed of aluminum, and weighs about 30 lb (DoN
2001c). The flare material and portions of the assembly are usually consumed during flight (DoN 2001c).
Hazardous materials in pyrotechnic compositions are discussed later in this section under Flares.
The TALD is an air-launched, gliding vehicle that emits signals to confuse air defense systems during
aircraft Strike Warfare training. It is constructed of aluminum, and weighs about 400 lb (Global Security
2008a). TALDs contain two 38-volt thermal batteries, which are lost after training use. Thermal batteries
may contain hazardous components similar to lithium batteries, and are discussed later in this section
under Sonobuoys.
The BQM-74E is a remote-controlled, subsonic, jet-powered aerial target that can be launched from the
air or surface, and recovered on land or at sea. The target generates signals for tracking purposes. It is
powered by a jet engine, and thus contains oils, hydraulic fluid, batteries, and explosive cartridges. (DoN
2001b). Hazardous materials in aerial targets are mostly consumed during training use, and BQM-74E
targets are recovered after training exercises, to the maximum extent possible.
Surface Targets
Surface targets are used for Anti-Surface Warfare exercises. MK-58 marine markers are pyrotechnic
devices dropped on the water’s surface during training exercises to mark a position on the ocean surface,
primarily for Bombing Exercises. The chemical flame of a marine marker burns like a flare, but also
produces smoke. The MK-58 marine marker is a tin tube that weighs about four lb, and produces a yellow
flame and white smoke for 10 to 20 minutes. It contains a red phosphorous compound that is ignited by a
seawater-activated battery (DoN 1996a). MK-58 marine markers are not recovered because they are
mostly consumed during use. Hazardous materials in pyrotechnic compositions are discussed later in this
section under Flares. Other surface targets used during training exercises (Killer Tomatoes and Spar
Buoys) do not contain hazardous materials or are recovered after training use, to the maximum extent
Underwater Targets
The MK-39 EMATT is an air- or surface-launched unmanned target that maneuvers underwater in the
ocean, and emits magnetic or acoustic signals that are monitored by aircraft and surface vessels for
training (see Appendix H for physical description of EMATT). The duration of EMATT activity is about
three hours, and EMATTs are not recovered after training use. EMATTs use lithium-sulfur dioxide
batteries, which may contain hazardous materials. Each EMATT contains a battery pack consisting of 15
“DD” size lithium-sulfur dioxide batteries, weighing approximately 6.2 lb (2.83 kg) (Peed et al. 1988).
Lithium batteries consist of an exterior nickel-plated steel jacket, sulfur dioxide, lithium metal, carbon,
acetonitrile, and lithium bromide (DoN 2008a). The chemical reaction that generates electricity proceeds
nearly to completion once the cell is activated, so only limited amounts of reactants are present when the
battery life terminates. Lithium and bromine naturally occur in seawater. Lithium metal is extremely
reactive with water, resulting in an exothermic reaction that generates soluble hydrogen gas and lithium
hydroxide. Hydrogen gas enters the atmosphere, while lithium hydroxide ultimately disassociates into
lithium ions and water (DoN 2008a). Sulfur dioxide ionizes in water, forming bisulfite. Bisulfite is easily
oxidized into sulfate, which is present in large quantities in the ocean.
An evaluation of lithium-sulfide dioxide batteries in the marine environment (CFMETR 2005) concluded
that: “The standard lithium-sulfur dioxide battery theoretically presents little or no acute or chronic
danger to the marine environment. The battery consists of seven material components, and each has been
considered in terms of environmental exposure. In each case, it was determined that immersion in
seawater would result in the formation of either water-soluble or chemically inert waste products. These
will be infinitely dispersible and virtually unsusceptible to significant accumulation.” The ocean currents
would greatly diffuse concentrations of the chemicals leached by EMATT batteries within a short period.
Therefore, lithium batteries would not be expected to substantially affect water quality because of the low
amount of reactants remaining after use and the low concentration of leaching materials.
The implementation of a Portable Undersea Training Range (PUTR) would be included under Alternative
1 and Alternative 2. The PUTR is a portable system with the capability to score, track, and provide
feedback on underwater events. The PUTR consists of seven electronics packages to be temporarily
installed on the ocean floor via concrete anchors. While the electronics packages would be recovered
upon completion of training exercises, the concrete anchors would remain on the ocean floor. Each
anchor is approximately 1.5 feet (ft) by 1.5 ft (0.46 meter [m] by 0.46 m), and would weigh
approximately 3,000 lb (1,364 kg). Anchors would be constructed of either concrete or sand bags.
Concrete and sand would be relatively inert in the marine environment, and would be covered with sand
or sediment over time.
Flares are used as targets or markers; the previous section on surface targets describes their use and
composition. Hazardous constituents are typically present in pyrotechnic residues, but are bound up in
relatively insoluble compounds. Solid flare and pyrotechnic residues may contain, depending on their
purpose and color, an average weight of up to 0.85 lb (0.4 kg) of aluminum, magnesium, zinc, strontium,
barium, cadmium, nickel, and perchlorates (DoN 2009). As inert, incombustible solids with low
concentrations of leachable metals, these residues typically are not characterized as hazardous materials.
The perchlorate compounds present in the residues are relatively soluble, albeit persistent in the
environment, and probably disperse quickly.
Radiofrequency chaff is an electronic countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure
aircraft, ships, and other equipment from radar tracking sources. Chaff is released or dispensed from
military vehicles in cartridges or projectiles that contain millions of chaff fibers. Chaff is composed of an
aluminum alloy coating on glass fibers of silicon dioxide. The coating is about 99.4 percent aluminum by
weight, and contains negligible amounts of silicon, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc, vanadium,
and titanium (USAF 1997). Chaff fibers are similar to a human hair in size and shape (USAF 1997).
These aluminum-coated glass fibers (about 60 percent silica and 40 percent aluminum by weight) range in
length from 0.8 to 7.5-cm, with a diameter of about 40 micrometers. For each chaff cartridge used, a
plastic end-cap and Plexiglas piston are released into the environment, but these materials are not
hazardous. The end-cap and piston are both round, and are 1.3 inches in diameter and 0.13 inch thick
(Spargo 2007).
When chaff is deployed, a diffuse cloud of fibers undetectable to the human eye is formed. Chaff is a very
light material that can remain suspended in air anywhere from 10 minutes to 10 hours. It can travel
considerable distances from its release point, depending on prevailing atmospheric conditions (Arfsten et
al. 2002). For example, Hullar et al. (1999) calculated that a 4.97-mile by 7.46-mile area (37.1 square
miles or 28 square nautical miles [nm2]) would be affected by deployment of a single cartridge containing
150 grams of chaff. The resulting chaff concentration would be about 5.4 grams (g) per nm2. This
concentration corresponds to fewer than 179,000 fibers per square nautical mile, or about one fiber per
200 square feet, assuming that each canister contains five million fibers.
Specific release points tend to be random, and chaff dispersion in air depends on prevailing atmospheric
conditions. After falling from the air, chaff fibers would be expected to float on the ocean surface for
some period, depending on wave and wind action. The fibers would be further dispersed by ocean
currents as they float and slowly sink toward the bottom. The fine, neutrally buoyant chaff streamers
would act like particulates in the water, temporarily increasing the turbidity of the ocean’s surface, while
the end caps and pistons would sink. The chaff fibers would quickly disperse and turbidity readings
would return to normal. The expended material could also be transported long distances before becoming
incorporated into the bottom sediments.
A review of numerous toxicological studies indicated that the principal components of chaff are unlikely
to have significant effects on humans and the environment, based on the general toxicity of the
components, the dispersion patterns, and the unlikelihood of the components to interact with other
substances in nature to produce synergistic toxic effects (USAF 1997). In addition, available evidence
suggests that chaff use does not result in significant accumulation of aluminum in sediments after
prolonged training. Sediment samples collected from an area of the Chesapeake Bay where chaff had
been used for approximately 25 years indicated that aluminum concentrations in sediments were not
significantly different than background concentrations (Wilson et al. 2002).
The small explosive cartridge used to eject the chaff from a small tube may contain hazardous materials
(Global Security 2008b). Chaff deployment charges contain approximately 0.49 g (0.02 ounces [oz]) of
pyrotechnic materials (USAF 2001). Hazardous materials in pyrotechnic materials are discussed earlier in
this section under Flares.
The presence of shell casings in the sediments would not be expected to substantially affect water quality
because brass would undergo slow corrosion, even in a salty environment, and leached substances would
be quickly diluted by ocean currents. Most of the ammunition expended during activities involving small
arms fire is comprised of steel, with small amounts of aluminum and copper. Steel practice bullets may
release small amounts of iron, aluminum, and copper into the sediments and the overlying water column
as the bullets corrode. All three elements are widespread in the natural environment, although elevated
levels can cause toxic reactions in exposed plants and animals. Any elevation of metals in sediments
would be restricted to a small zone around the bullet, and any release to the overlying water column
would be quickly diluted.
Close-in weapons systems (CIWS) use 20-mm cannon shells composed of either depleted uranium (DU)
or tungsten. DU is “depleted” in that it has only one-third of the isotopes of U235 and 60 percent of the
radiation as natural uranium (World Health Organization 2009). The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
approved the Navy's license application, which clearly stated that CIWS DU rounds would be fired at sea
and not recovered. Depleted uranium is not part of the Proposed Action for this EIS. The Navy phased out
use of DU rounds in favor of tungsten rounds because of the superior flight characteristics of tungsten and
its performance against missile casings. The Navy’s transition to tungsten began in 1989, and most rounds
with DU have been replaced. None of the surface combatant ships stationed in the Pacific Northwest have
DU onboard, and Commander Pacific Fleet has directed that all Pacific Fleet ships offload all DU rounds
at the earliest opportunity.
Tungsten has replaced DU in CIWS 20-mm rounds. Tungsten used for munitions is typically a tungsten
alloy, where pure tungsten powder is combined with binding materials, such as nickel, iron, copper, or
cobalt, that makes the tungsten grains ductile and easy to machine. Tungsten is a naturally occurring
element, but not as a pure metal. Tungsten is typically released into the environment via weathering or
mining of wolframite and scheelite (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [ATSDR] 2005).
In water, tungsten metal and metal alloys will exist as insoluble solids, while tungsten compounds will
exist either as ions or insoluble solids (ATSDR 2005). Tungsten compounds typically adsorb to
suspended soils and sediment in the water column. Tungsten ions in ocean water have an estimate
residence time of approximately 1,000 years, before it is removed from the aquatic phase by
sedimentation or other processes (ATSDR 2005). Metallic tungsten dissolves in water, reaching
concentrations up to 475-500 mg/L. The dissolution of tungsten is associated with a decrease in dissolved
oxygen and pH in both aqueous and soil matrices (Strigul et al. 2005). The corrosion rates of tungsten
alloys increase as pH increases, and also increase with exposure to chloride ions, which are abundant in
salt water, in aqueous solution (U.S. Army 1987).
Tungsten is a heavy metal that can have negative effects on humans and other biological organisms.
Tungsten alloys may have additional health effects associated with the alloyed metals. The two primary
exposures are though inhalation and ingestion. Bullets impacting a hard target may release tungsten
particles into the air, but such releases would be small. Some respiratory issues from tungsten have been
reported, but reports were in environments where people were exposed to several heavy metals over
prolonged periods (ATSDR 2005). Inhalation of tungsten particles by humans or other biological
organisms would not be likely because of the distance offshore that training takes place. Reports of oral
consumption of tungsten and tungsten alloys by humans or other biological organisms are limited. Rats
implanted with pellets of weapons-grade tungsten alloy developed aggressive tumors surrounding the
pellets (Kalinich et al. 2005). A study on the use of tungsten in shot for waterfowl hunting, adult mallards
(Anas platyrhynchos) were fed several types of shot, including tungsten-iron and tungsten-polymer shot.
None of the ducks that were fed either tungsten shot died during the 150-day trial (Mitchell et al. 2001).
Significant liver hemosiderosis was present in some ducks for all types of shot, but it was determined that
neither type of tungsten shot had deleterious health effects based on mortality, body weights, organ
weights and histology of the liver and kidneys (Mitchell et al. 2001).
Sonobuoys are used for ASW training exercises under both Alternatives 1 and 2. Sonobuoys are
expendable metal cylinders launched from aircraft and ships that collect and generate information about
the marine environment and potential threats and targets. Sonobuoys consist of two main sections, a
surface unit that contains the seawater battery and a metal subsurface unit (see Appendix H for physical
descriptions of sonobuoys). The seawater battery is activated upon contact with the water. The subsurface
assembly descends to a selected depth, the sonobuoy case falls away, and sea anchors deploy to stabilize
the hydrophone (underwater microphone) (Global Security 2008e).
Sonobuoys are designed to be expended upon completion of training exercises. Scuttled sonobuoys sink
to the ocean floor, where they are subjected to the corrosion and sedimentation caused by ocean currents.
Occasionally, an expended sonobuoy may become flotsam if it fails to be scuttled. Sonobuoys as flotsam
move with ocean currents until they either sink or are washed ashore. Scuttled sonobuoys contain a small
amount of hazardous materials, but do not pose a threat to public safety, water quality, or biological
resources. Hazardous materials leach slowly, and are not expected to substantially affect the environment.
Sonobuoys contain other metal and nonmetal components, such as metal housing (nickel-plated, steel-
coated with polyvinyl chloride [PVC] plastics to reduce corrosion), batteries, lead solder, copper wire,
and lead ballast that, over time, can release hazardous constituents into the surrounding water. Most of the
other sonobuoy components are either coated with plastic to reduce corrosion or are solid metal. The slow
rate at which solid metal components corrode in seawater translates into slow release rates into the marine
environment. Once the metal surfaces corrode, the rates at which metals are released into the environment
decrease. Releases of chemical constituents from metal and nonmetal sonobuoy components are further
reduced by encrustation of exposed surfaces by benthic organisms. Therefore, toxic components of the
sonobuoy do not substantially degrade marine water quality. Hazardous constituent contents of sonobuoys
are provided in Table 3.2-7, based on the composition of similar sonobuoys used by the Navy for training
off San Clemente Island.
Approximately 0.04 lb (20 g) of lead solder are used in the internal wiring (solder) of each sonobuoy, and
0.85 lb (425 g) of lead are used for the hydrophone and lead shot ballast. Lead in sonobuoys is in an un-
ionized metallic form that is insoluble in water, so the lead shot and solder are not released into the
seawater. Various lead salts, which have low solubilities, likely form on the exposed metal surfaces. For
these reasons, lead components of the sonobuoy do not substantially degrade marine water quality.
Sonobuoys may contain up to three different types of batteries (seawater, lithium, and thermal),
depending on the type of sonobuoy. Regardless of type, each sonobuoy contains a seawater battery
housed in the upper, floating portion that supplies power to the sonobuoy. These seawater batteries
contain 0.7 lb to 0.9 lb (300 to 400 g) of lead (DoN 2008a). In cases where the upper portion of the
sonobuoy is lost to the seabed, the lead batteries are also lost. Chemical reactions within sonobuoy
batteries proceed almost to completion once the cell is activated, and only a small amount of reactants
remain when the battery life ends. These residual materials slowly dissolve, and are diluted by ongoing
ocean and tidal currents. In addition, the exterior metal casing can become encrusted by marine organisms
or coated by corrosion, thus slowing the rate of further corrosion. Also, many of the components of
concern are coated with plastic to reduce corrosion, providing an effective barrier to water exchange. In
instances where seawater corrodes the sonobuoy, that corrosion takes at least 40 years (Klassen 2005).
The approach used to evaluate the environmental effects of seawater batteries involved comparing the
expected concentrations of potentially toxic battery constituents with U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA) water quality criteria that have been established for the protection of aquatic life
(USEPA 2006) or the best available literature values that established conservative toxicity thresholds
(Table 3.2-8). This assessment applies the findings from a study reported by Naval Facilities Engineering
Command (NAVFAC) (DoN 1993, Appendix D) in a sonobuoy training document developed for
activities at San Clemente Island, California. The study involved a laboratory experiment where activated
seawater batteries were held in a 64-liter (17-gallon) seawater bath for eight hours to provide an empirical
estimate of expected leach rates for metals of concern. Water column concentrations of metals at the end
of the exposure can be used to derive average leaching rates, and can then be interpreted in the context of
minimum current velocities to estimate maximum field exposures. The exposure scenario applied in the
NAVFAC report represents reasonable and conservative assumptions that have been retained for this
analysis. It is assumed that only one seawater battery will occupy the test volume within its eight-hour
operating life span. No vertical turbulence is applied, and the horizontal ocean current flow is set at two
inches per second (in/sec) (five centimeters per second [cm/sec]).
The sonobuoy battery experiment employed lead chloride batteries over an eight-hour period. The
concentration of lead at the end of the exposure in the bath was 0.2 mg/L (DoN 1993). Hence, the total
amount of lead leached from the battery was (0.2 mg × 64 L =) 12.8 mg. As shown in Table 3.2-9, the
rate is thus 1.6 milligrams per hour (mg/hr), or 0.000444 milligrams per second (mg/sec). Applying a
highly conservative model, wherein all of the lead released in a single second is contained within 1 mL,
the concentration would be 0.4 mg/L.
Considering each milliliter as a discrete parcel, a reasonable dilution model at a current velocity of five
cm/sec (two in/sec) assumes that the contaminated section is diluted by a factor of two per second. Thus,
the lead released from the battery is diluted to 0.2 mg/L or 200 μg/L, in two seconds, which is less than
the acute criteria of 210 μg/L, a criteria applied as a one-hour mean. Likewise, assuming the exponential
factor of two dilutions, the concentration is less than the chronic limit (8.1 μg/L) in seven seconds.
Therefore, lead chloride batteries will not substantially degrade marine water quality. Table 3.2-9
provides a description and summary of the calculations performed to determine the potential effects of
scuttled lead chloride batteries.
The relatively large differences in the propensity of lead ions (Pb+2) to solubilize relative to copper (Cu+2)
and silver (Ag+) ions assures that the potential effects of batteries containing silver chloride or copper
thiocyanate are substantially lower than those of a lead chloride battery. While the copper thiocyanate
battery also would release cyanide, a material often toxic to marine organisms, thiocyanate is tightly
bound, and will form a salt or bind to bottom sediments. Therefore, the risk from thiocyanate is very low.
The AN/SSQ-62D and AN/SSQ-62E DICASS have been improved with the replacement of the standard
lithium battery with a lithium iron disulfide thermal battery. An important component of the thermal
battery is a hermetically sealed casing, which is Series 300 welded stainless steel 0.7- to 2.54-mm (0.03-
to 0.1-in) thick and resistant to the battery electrolytes (DoN 2008b). The electrochemical system in the
thermal battery includes an iron disulfide cathode and a lithium alloy anode. In addition, the electrolyte
mixture includes chloride, bromide, and iodide salts of lithium and potassium. This mixture is inert and
nonconductive until the battery is activated. Upon activation, the mixture becomes molten and highly
conductive, allowing the cathode to interact efficiently with the anode. The thermal source is a mixture of
iron powder and potassium perchlorate. In the case of extreme degradation of the battery housing on the
ocean floor, risks from thermal batteries would be similar to those from lithium batteries (i.e., negligible)
but less so because the iron alloy is less soluble.
Lithium batteries are used in DICASS sonobuoys but not in the explosive sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-110A).
These batteries are contained within a metal casing housing sulfur dioxide, lithium metal, carbon,
acetonitrile, and lithium bromide. The environmental fate of lithium batteries during and after training
exercises has already been described in this section under Underwater Targets.
Detonation Byproducts
One type of explosive sonobuoy is proposed for use, the SSQ-110A. This sonobuoy is composed of two
sections, an active (explosive) section and a passive section. The upper section is similar to the upper
electronics package of the SSQ-62 DICASS sonobuoy, while the lower section consists of two payloads
of explosive, weighing 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) each (Global Security 2008c). This explosive is composed of cyclo-
1,3,5-tetramethylene-2,4,6-tetranitramine (HLX), which is 90-percent RDX, plus small amounts (less than
0.3 g) of PBX and hexanitrostilbene, a detonator component. Once in the water, the charges explode,
creating a loud acoustic signal.
The explosion creates an air bubble of gaseous byproducts that travels to the surface and escapes into the
atmosphere. Some of the gas, however, dissolves into the water column. The byproducts with the greatest
toxicity are hydrogen fluoride compounds (HxFx), reaction byproducts associated with the binding agent
used to stabilize the HLX. Natural exposure levels and effects in saltwater would need to be characterized
to provide a basis for assessing effects on marine systems. Only a small percentage (0.63 percent) of the
available HxFx explosion byproduct, however, dissolves in the water prior to the bubble reaching the
surface, and the HxFx is rapidly diluted upon mixing with the adjacent water column (National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration 2008).
MK-48 ADCAP torpedoes would only be used in the TMAA under Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative).
Torpedoes typically contain hazardous materials such as propellants, petroleum products and lubricants,
components of guidance systems and instrumentation, and explosives in warheads. The ADCAP torpedo
is an acoustic homing torpedo used in force protection. It is 19 ft (5.8 m) long, with a 21-inch diameter,
and weighs about 3,700 lb (1,680 kg). Although the hazardous materials list for the MK-48 is classified,
the MK-48 torpedo contains approximately 851 lb (383 kg) of explosives and uses Otto Fuel II as a
propellant. Most of the explosive is consumed upon detonation of the torpedo.
OTTO Fuel II propulsion systems are used in MK-48 torpedoes. Otto Fuel II is a liquid propellant
composed of propylene glycol dinitrate and nitro-diphenylamine (76 percent), dibutyl sebacate (23
percent) and 2-nitrodiphenylamine as a stabilizer (2 percent), and may be toxic to marine organisms (DoN
1996b,c). There have been approximately 30,000 exercise test runs of the MK-48 torpedo over the last 25
years (DoN 1996c). Most of these launches have been on Navy test ranges, where there have been no
reports of deleterious effects on marine water quality from OTTO Fuel II or its combustion products
(DoN 1996b,c). Furthermore, Navy studies conducted at torpedo test ranges that have lower flushing rates
than the open ocean did not detect residual OTTO Fuel II in the marine environment (DoN 1996b,c).
Thus, no adverse effects are anticipated from use of this fuel.
Exhaust products from the combustion of OTTO Fuel II include NOx, CO, carbon dioxide (CO2),
hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (DoN
1996b,c). These combustion products are released to the ocean, where they are dissolved, disassociated,
or dispersed in the water column. These combustion products are not expected to substantially affect the
marine environment. Except for HCN, combustion products are not a concern (DoN 1996b,c) because:
• Most OTTO Fuel II combustion products, specifically water, CO2, N2, CH4, and NH3, occur
naturally in seawater.
• Several of the combustion products are bioactive. N2 is converted into nitrogen compounds
through nitrogen fixation by certain cyanobacteria, providing nitrogen sources and essential
micronutrients for marine phytoplankton. CO2 and CH4 are integral parts of the carbon cycle in
the oceans, and are taken up by many marine organisms.
• CO and H2 have low solubility in seawater and excess gases bubble to the surface.
• Trace amounts of NOx may be present, but they are usually below detectable limits. NOx in low
concentrations are not harmful to marine organisms, and are a micronutrient source of nitrogen
for aquatic plant life.
• Ammonia can be toxic to marine organisms in high concentrations, but releases from OTTO fuel
are quickly diluted to negligible levels.
HCN does not normally occur in seawater and, at high concentrations, could pose a risk to both humans
and marine biota. The USEPA acute and chronic national recommendation for cyanide in marine waters is
1.0 μg/L, or 1 part per billion (ppb) (DoN 1996b,c). HCN concentrations ranging from 140 to 150 ppb
will be discharged from MK-48 torpedoes (DoN 1996c). These initial concentrations are well above the
level recommended by USEPA for cyanide. However, because it is very soluble in seawater, HCN will be
diluted to less than 1 μg/L at 17.7 ft (5.4 m) from the center of the torpedo’s path when first discharged,
and thus should pose no substantial threat to marine organisms.
Each torpedo also deploys a guidance wire with a flex hose during each run. The guidance wire is
composed of copper and cadmium within a plastic coating, and is about 0.04 inch in diameter (0.1 cm)
(DoN 2008b). The MK-48 torpedo uses either a Strong Flexible Hose (SFH) or Improved Flexible Hose
(IFH). The flex hose is typically 250-ft long and less than a half inch in diameter, and will sink rapidly to
the ocean floor once expended. The IFH is a multi-component design that consists of a stainless-steel
spring overlaid with a polyester braid and then a layer of lead tape (DoN 1996b). The entire assembly is
then overlaid with a stainless-steel wire braid. The IFH contains 24 kg (53 lb) of metallic lead. The SFH
is constructed primarily of stainless steel, and contains no lead or other materials that may pose a threat to
the marine environment (DoN 1996b).
The potential for the release of lead into the ocean bottom environment immediately surrounding the IFH
to have adverse effects on pelagic and benthic organisms was analyzed. Benthic marine organisms that
are near the IFH may be exposed to low concentrations of lead slowly released over time from the IFH. In
marine biota, lead residues are generally highest near sources (e.g., disposal sites, dredging sites, mining
areas), but no significant biomagnification of lead occurs in aquatic food chains (Eisler 1988).
At sea, Navy vessels are required to operate in a manner that minimizes or eliminates any adverse impacts
to the marine environment. Environmental compliance policies and procedures applicable to shipboard
activities afloat are defined in: the Navy Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual
(OPNAVINST 5090.1C), Chapter 4, “Pollution Prevention,” and Chapter 22, “Environmental
Compliance Afloat”; and Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction 5000.2-R (§C5., “Pollution
Prevention”) (DoN 2007). In addition, provisions in Executive Order (EO) 12856, Federal Compliance
With Right-To-Know Laws and Pollution Prevention Requirements, and EO 13101, Greening the
Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition, reinforce the CWA
prohibition against discharge of harmful quantities of hazardous substances into U.S. waters out to 200
nm (371 km), and mandate stringent hazardous waste discharge and storage, dumping, and pollution
prevention requirements.
applicable to expended materials during Navy training exercises in the TMAA, and are provided only for
informational purposes.
The Military Munitions Rule (MMR) identifies when military munitions become solid wastes under
RCRA. Under the MMR, military munitions include: confined gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants;
explosives; pyrotechnics; and chemical and riot agents. The MMR provides that the use of these
munitions to train military personnel on a designated military range constitute the normal use of the
product, so they are not solid wastes and are not subject to RCRA regulation. As defined by the MMR, a
used or fired military munition is considered to be a solid waste only if “… the munition lands off-range
and is not promptly rendered safe or retrieved” (40 CFR §266.202). Under the MMR, wholly inert items
and non-ordnance training materials are not defined as military munitions.
Hazardous materials are considered solid wastes if they are used in a manner constituting disposal rather
than for their intended purpose. Expended materials are considered solid waste under the RCRA when
discarded materials are “abandoned.” A material is abandoned if it is disposed of; burned or incinerated;
or accumulated, stored, or treated before or instead of being disposed of.
Solid wastes and hazardous materials are regulated by the Alaska Department of Environmental
Conservation (ADEC). Alaska has adopted the federal MMR by reference, but has not developed any
state-specific military munitions regulations. The provisions of the MMR are regulated by the Waste
Management Division of the ADEC. Solid waste regulations are established by Alaska Administrative
Code Title 18, Chapter 60: Solid Waste. The Waste Management division enforces the State of Alaska’s
hazardous waste regulations, which can be found in Alaska Statutes Title 46, Chapter 3 (e.g., Section 296
[Hazardous Waste Disposal], Section 299 [Hazardous Waste Regulations]; and Section 308
[Transportation of Hazardous Waste], and in Chapter 9 [Hazardous Substance Release Control]). The
Navy complies with applicable state regulations under EO 12088, Federal Compliance with Pollution
Control Standards; DoD Directive 4165.60, Solid Waste Management; and Navy guidelines for
hazardous materials and wastes management.
Alaska oil pollution control regulations are found in the Alaska Statutes Title 46, Chapter 5 and Chapter
8. These regulations address issues with transportation and liability of petroleum products. Alaska has
developed contingency plans for the State that describe the strategy for a coordinated federal, state, and
local response to a discharge or substantial threat of discharge of oil or a release of a hazardous substance
from a vessel, offshore facility, or onshore facility.
For each alternative, this document characterizes and quantifies the total amount of training materials,
both hazardous and nonhazardous, that are expended annually during Navy training in the TMAA.
Hazardous material weights are calculated based on assumptions identified in Section for each
expended training material. This analysis does not include materials expended during Navy training in the
inland lands of the GOA because those activities are covered by Army and Air Force documents
identified in Section
This analysis assumes that expended training materials are deposited on 20 percent of the available
training area (TMAA) (DoN 2009). The TMAA consists of an ocean area of approximately 42,146 nm2
(145,482 square kilometers [km2]). Deposition of expended materials across 20 percent of the training
area would affect an area of approximately 8,430 nm2 (29,100 km2). This is a conservative assumption
that is based on Navy personnel experience, which indicates that the distribution of training exercises
within ocean training areas is not uniform.
Aircraft overflights occur under all of the alternatives. Aircraft overflights between the TMAA and the
Alaska inland training areas would not involve expenditures of training materials. Therefore, aircraft
overflights in the GOA will not be addressed further in this section.
Table 3.2-10: Summary of Expended and Hazardous Training Materials – No Action Alternative
Under the No Action Alternative, 120 bombs will be expended annually during training, of which 72
(about 60 percent) will be inert. Expended bombs will deposit approximately 54,000 lb (24,300 kg) of
training materials per year, distributed over the TMAA at an average density of 6.4 lb per nm2 (0.83 kg
per km2), assuming deposition of expended materials over 20 percent of the TMAA (42,146 nm2 [145,482
km2]). The primary hazardous material from bombs is residual explosives. Most of the residual explosives
will result from bombs that are duds. Approximately 395 lb (180 kg) of explosives will be left
unconsumed, which will deposit about 0.05 lb per nm2 (less than 0.01 kg per km2) of hazardous material
in the TMAA. Practice bombs contain a small amount of explosives for use as a spotting charge. Upon
impact, spotting charges will combust and be consumed, producing smoke in the process. Explosives are
generally insoluble in water, and will leach slowly into the marine environment. Explosive material will
break down on the ocean floor, and will not accumulate over time. Ocean currents will disperse leaching
materials quickly. Bomb casings may contain anti-corrosion coatings and metals, but these substances
typically constitute less than one percent of the casing’s weight. Bomb casings will degrade slowly, and
leaching will be further slowed by encrusting and sedimentation. The environmental fate of expended
bombs is described in greater detail in Section Due to the low areal density of expended materials
and the low amount of hazardous material, expended bombs will have a minimal impact on the benthic
Twenty-two missiles will be used annually under the No Action Alternative. Approximately 50 percent of
missiles used during aviation exercises are inert versions, and do not explode on contact with the target or
ocean surface. Exploding warheads may be used in air-to-air missile exercises but, to avoid damaging the
aerial target, the missile explodes in the air, disintegrates, and falls into the ocean. Live missiles used in
air-to surface exercises explode near the water surface. Approximately 6,770 lb (3,050 kg) of expended
materials from missiles will be deposited annually on the ocean floor, resulting in an average density of
0.8 lb per nm2 (0.1 kg per km2) per year. Hazardous materials from expended missiles consist of residual
missile propellants and unconsumed explosives from missiles that are duds. Under the No Action
Alternative, expended missiles will annually result in approximately 56.4 lb (25.6 kg) (approximately 38
lb [17 kg] of explosives and 18 lb [8.1 kg] of propellant) in the TMAA. These amounts of hazardous
materials are not expected to have a substantial effect because of the large deposition area and subsequent
dispersal by ocean currents. The deposition of the missile body in the water will have minimal effects on
water quality because it will become encrusted through chemical processes and the growth of benthic
organisms, slowing leaching.
The principal source of potential impacts on water and sediment quality will be unburned solid propellant
residue and batteries. Solid propellant fragments will sink to the ocean floor and will undergo changes in
the presence of seawater. The propellant concentration will decrease over time as the leaching rate
decreases and further dilution occurs. The aluminum will remain in the propellant binder, and eventually
will be oxidized by seawater to aluminum oxide. The remaining binder material and aluminum oxide will
pose no threat to the marine environment (DoN 1996d).
Number of
Type of Target or Pyrotechnic
TDU-34 towed target 2
BQM-74E unmanned aircraft 2
Killer Tomato surface target 10
LUU-2B/B* 12
MK-58 Marine Marker* 20
Chaff* 212
Total number used 276
Total not recovered 252
Total expended weight (lb) 3,610
*Not recovered
Under the No Action Alternative, LUU-2B/B illuminating flares, TALDs, chaff, and MK-58 marine
markers will not be recovered, resulting in approximately 3,610 lb (1,640 kg) of expended training
materials per year. Illuminating flares and marine markers are consumed during use. Flares typically
contain approximately 0.85 lb of residual pyrotechnic material, which is considered to be hazardous. Flare
use under the No Action Alternative will deposit approximately 27.2 lb (12.4 kg) of hazardous materials
annually in the TMAA. Smoke from marine markers rapidly diffuses by air movement. The marker itself
is not designed to be recovered, and will eventually sink to the bottom and become encrusted or
incorporated into the sediments. Phosphorus contained in the marker will settle to the ocean floor, where
it will react with the water to produce phosphoric acid until all phosphorus is consumed. Combustion of
red phosphorus produces phosphorus oxides, which have a low toxicity to aquatic organisms. Red
phosphorus released during training is not anticipated to substantially affect the marine environment
(DoN 2006).
TALDs will result in approximately 16 expended thermal batteries per year, which contain chemicals
considered to be hazardous. Expended thermal batteries will not have a substantial impact to the
environment because chemical reactions in batteries continue until battery life ends, with only a small
amount of reactants remaining. Remaining chemicals, most of which are abundant in the ocean, will leach
slowly, and will be diluted by ocean and tidal currents. The environmental fates of batteries are described
in Section
Chaff will only be used during Electronic Combat exercises. Approximately 540 lb (245 kg) of chaff will
be expended under the No Action Alternative. The environmental fate of chaff is described in Section Chaff fibers will be widely dispersed and will not result in harmful concentrations. The only
hazardous material associated with chaff is the pyrotechnic deployment charge (approximately 0.02 oz
[0.48 g] of pyrotechnic material for each charge) (USAF 2001). This amount of pyrotechnic material will
not affect water or sediment quality because most of the material will be consumed during combustion
and the remaining amounts will be dispersed over a large area.
Infrequently, a recoverable target may be lost. In those cases, the hazardous materials of concern include
propellant, petroleum products, metals, and batteries. Small concentrations of fuel and ionic metals
released during battery operation could enter the water and contaminate limited areas; however, they are
not a source of substantial environmental degradation. The potential impact of expended batteries is
discussed in Section
Most target fragments will sink quickly in the ocean. Expended material that sinks to the ocean floor will
gradually degrade, be overgrown by marine life, or be incorporated into bottom sediments. Floating
nonhazardous expended material may be lost from target boats, and will either degrade over time or wash
ashore as flotsam. An extensive study conducted at CFMETR near Nanoose, British Columbia concluded
that, in general, the direct impact of debris accumulation on the ocean floor appeared to be minimal, and
had no detectable effects on wildlife or sediment quality (CFMETR 2005). Under the No Action
Alternative, no measurable impact on the environment will occur within the study area because the
majority of targets will be recovered after use and the majority of expended materials are inert, and will
be buried in bottom sediments.
Live 5-in shells are typically fused to detonate within 3 ft (0.9 m) of the water surface. Shell fragments
rapidly decelerate through contact with the surrounding water, and settle to the ocean floor. The impact of
naval shells on the environment under the No Action Alternative will be negligible because of the
relatively small sizes of the training materials and their broad distribution within the TMAA. The
environmental fate of naval gun shells on the ocean bottom will be similar to that of bombs (see
discussion above).
will not have an effect on the marine environment. Hazardous materials are discussed in detail in Section Expended materials from small-caliber ammunition are relatively inert in the marine
environment. Expended rounds may release small amounts of lead, antimony, iron, aluminum, and copper
into the sediments and the overlying water column as they corrode. The rate of corrosion will be low,
however, and releases to the overlying water column will be diluted by ocean and tidal currents.
The SSQ-36 BT sonobuoy will be used under the No Action Alternative. The SSQ-36 BT is designed to
record the thermal gradient of the water at various depths (Global Security 2008d). The impacts of
sonobuoys on the environment are described in Section Under the No Action Alternative, 24
SSQ-36 BT sonobuoys will be expended per year. The estimated weight of expended materials from
sonobuoys will be 936 lb (421 kg). Table 3.2-12 provides the weight of hazardous materials for
sonobuoys expended under the No Action Alternative. Hazardous materials are discussed in detail in
Approximately 71 lb (32 kg) of hazardous materials from sonobuoys will be deposited in the TMAA
under the No Action Alternative. Sonobuoys contain other metal and nonmetal components, such as metal
housing (nickel-plated, steel-coated with PVC plastics to reduce corrosion), batteries, lead solder, copper
wire, and lead used for ballast that, over time, can release hazardous constituents into the surrounding
water. This level of deposition will not affect marine conditions because most of the hazardous materials
are in insoluble forms. Leaching from metals will be slow. Lead has a low solubility in water and leaching
is further decreased by encrusting through chemical and natural processes. Lead from expended
sonobuoys will degrade slowly, and will not exceed USEPA’s maximum acute concentration (210 µg/L)
or maximum chronic concentration (8.1 µg/L) for lead (USEPA 2006). The quality of the water and
sediments immediately surrounding an expended sonobuoy may be affected by chemicals leached from
the item, but ocean currents will quickly disperse chemicals to nontoxic levels. Thus, expended
sonobuoys under the No Action Alternative will not have a substantial effect on the environment.
expended materials are considered to be hazardous. The density of hazardous materials within the
affected areas will be approximately 0.22 lb per nm2 (0.03 kg per km2) per year. The majority of these
materials will be residual explosive, which break down slowly. Any leaching chemicals will be quickly
dispersed by ocean currents, and will not be present in harmful concentrations. Thus, expended materials
under the No Action Alternative will not substantially affect marine resources. Alternative 1
This section describes the annual amounts and types of training materials proposed under Alternative 1,
compared to annual amounts under the No Action Alternative. Alternative 1 would increase training
tempo and introduce ASW training in the TMAA, which would increase in the amount of expended
materials. The numbers and weights of training materials that would be expended annually under
Alternative 1 are provided in Tables 3.2-13 and 3.2-14.
Under Alternative 1, an additional 60 bombs would be expended annually, a 50-percent increase over the
No Action Alternative. A 48-percent increase (from 54,000 lb [24,300 kg] to 79,900 lb [36,000 kg]) in the
weight of training materials expended annually would occur under Alternative 1. The amount of
unconsumed explosives would increase from 390 lb (176 kg) per year under the No Action Alternative to
617 lb (278 kg) per year under Alternative 1. This level of deposition would result in approximately 0.07
lb per nm2 (0.01 kg per km2) per year of hazardous material in the TMAA. Residual explosive materials
would break down slowly, and would not be expected to accumulate. Sixty percent of the bombs used
during training exercises would be inert. While inert bombs would contain a small amount of explosives
(spotting charge), this amount would be negligible because it would be consumed upon contact with land
or water. Given the potential impacts of bombs, as described for the No Action Alternative, and the low
amount of hazardous materials, this increase over the No Action Alternative would not have measurable
effects in the TMAA.
Under Alternative 1, an additional 11 missiles (33 total) would be used over the No Action Alternative, a
50-percent increase over the No Action Alternative. The weight of expended materials would increase by
the same percentage (from 6,770 lb [3,050 kg] to 10,200 lb [4,590 kg] per year). Expended hazardous
materials would also increase by 50 percent, with 85 lb (38 kg) (57 lb [26 kg] of explosives and 28 lb [13
kg] of propellants being deposited annually in the TMAA. Explosives would leach slowly in the marine
environment, and would not be expected to affect water or sediment quality because of the low quantity
of material. Missile casings would have a minimal effect on the environment because their relatively inert
materials would corrode, and become encrusted by benthic organisms and chemical processes. Hazardous
materials would be deposited on the TMAA when missiles suffer ordnance failure or low-order
detonations. The small increase in the weight of hazardous materials under Alternative 1 would not have a
substantial effect on the environment because of its low density in the TMAA. Contaminants would leach
slowly, and would be dispersed rapidly by ocean and tidal currents.
Of the targets and pyrotechnics that would be used under Alternative 1, 322 items would not be recovered
annually, which would be a 28-percent increase over the No Action Alternative. Unrecovered targets
would deposit 5,610 lb (2,520 kg) of expended materials per year on the ocean floor, a 55-percent
increase over the No Action Alternative. Most of the remaining targets and countermeasures are
recovered after use, and these are constructed of relatively inert materials. If targets were lost, they would
become buried in bottom sediments or wash up onshore.
Pyrotechnics would mostly be consumed by chemical reactions that produce smoke. Residual pyrotechnic
materials from flares would weigh approximately 66 lb (30 kg). This amount of material, spread over 20
percent of the TMAA, would have minimal impacts on the marine environment. Ocean currents would
quickly disperse materials, reducing concentrations below harmful concentrations. The use of chaff would
not increase under Alternative 1 from that under the No Action Alternative. Chaff would not affect water
or sediment quality, as described under the No Action Alternative.
TALDs used during training exercises would expend 24 thermal batteries per year. Thermal batteries
would have effects on the marine environment similar to those of lithium batteries. Most of the hazardous
materials in batteries would be consumed during activation. The steel casing would become encrusted
through natural processes, further slowing any leaching of hazardous materials. This amount of expended
batteries would not be expected to affect the marine environment.
The use of EMATTs for ASW exercises would deposit 120 lb (56 kg) of expended lithium batteries per
year in the TMAA. As described in Section, lithium batteries would not have substantial effects on
marine conditions because most of the chemical components are abundant in seawater. The leaching rate
of chemicals through the steel casing would be further slowed by encrusting from benthic organisms and
natural processes. Thus, Under Alternative 1, no measurable impact on the environment would occur
from the use of targets and countermeasures.
amounts of hazardous materials, their small size, and their wide distribution across the TMAA, the
increase under Alternative 1 would not have a measurable impact on the environment.
Alternative 1 would introduce new ASW training exercises to the TMAA. ASW training would introduce
a new target (MK-39 EMATT) and new types of sonobuoys. Table 3.2-16 summarizes the types and
numbers of sonobuoys proposed for use under Alternative 1.
Under Alternative 1, 793 sonobuoys would be expended annually. An even distribution of expended
training materials over 20 percent of the TMAA would result in approximately 0.1 expended sonobuoys
per nm2 per year. Sonobuoys used during training would result in approximately 30,900 lb (13,900 kg) of
expended material. Their annual density by weight would be about 3.7 lb per nm2 (0.5 kg per km2). The
hazardous materials in the expended sonobuoys would weigh approximately 2,340 lb (Table 3.2-17).
There would be a substantial increase in hazardous materials under Alternative 1, but the density would
remain low (approximately 0.28 lb per nm2 [0.04 kg per km2] per year). This level of deposition of
expended sonobuoys would have a minimal impact on ocean water resources under Alternative 1. Lead
concentrations would not be expected to exceed USEPA standards because of the large area within which
sonobuoys would be deployed and the dilution of leached lead by ocean currents. Detonation byproducts
from explosive sonobuoys used under Alternative 1 would not have a substantial impact because of the
large training area and the low number of explosive sonobuoys used during training exercises. Expended
batteries would not substantially affect the marine environment because most of the hazardous
constituents are consumed during use. The remaining hazardous materials would slowly leach, and would
quickly be dispersed by ocean currents, resulting in concentrations of hazardous materials below harmful
Only a small amount of expended materials would be considered hazardous (Table 3.2-14). Alternative 1
would result in an increase in the hazardous material of about 160 percent, but would only deposit
approximately 0.58 lb per nm2 (0.08 kg per km2) of hazardous material across 20 percent of the TMAA.
The majority of these materials would be residual explosives, which break down slowly. Any leaching
chemicals would be quickly dispersed by ocean currents, and would not be expected to result in harmful
concentrations. Thus, expended materials under Alternative 1 would not substantially affect marine
Under Alternative 2, an additional 240 bombs, for a total of 360, would be used per year, a 200-percent
increase over the No Action Alternative. Approximately 160,000 lb (72,000 kg) of bombs would be
deposited on the ocean floor. This level of deposition would result in a density of approximately 19 lb per
nm2 (2.5 kg per km2) of expended material per year over 20% of the TMAA. Eighty-two percent of the
bombs would be inert, and the small amount of explosives contained in the spotting charge would be
minimal. The amount of hazardous materials expended would increase from 390 lb per year under the No
Action Alternative to 1,130 lb per year under Alternative 2. Alternative 2 would deposit approximately
0.13 lb per nm2 (0.02 kg per km2) per year of hazardous material in the TMAA. Hazardous materials are
discussed in detail in Section Explosives would leach slowly, and ocean currents would disperse
leaching materials. Hazardous materials from bombs would be spread over a large area, and would break
down. Explosive material would not accumulate on the ocean floor. Although this level of deposition
would be a measureable increase over the No Action Alternative, the low areal density of hazardous
materials would not be expected to affect water or sediment quality in the TMAA. Given the potential
impacts of expended bombs under the No Action Alternative, this increase would have no measurable
impact on the environment.
Under Alternative 2, an additional 44 missiles (66 total) per year would be used over the No Action
Alternative, a 200-percent increase. The weight of expended materials from missiles would increase at the
same rate, resulting in 20,300 lb (9,140 kg) of expended materials from missiles, or 2.4 lb per nm2 (0.3 kg
per km2), deposited per year in the TMAA. Hazardous material would make up 169 lb [77 kg] per year of
the expended material from missiles. The density of hazardous materials would be approximately 0.02 lb
per nm2 (less than 0.01 kg per km2). Hazardous materials would consist of explosives from dud missiles
and missile propellants. Hazardous materials are discussed in detail in Section Explosives from
missiles would not be expected to affect water or sediment quality because of the small amount of
hazardous material and its low density within the training area. Since most missiles (approximately 50
percent) would not employ explosive warheads, the increase over the No Action Alternative would not
have measurable effects on the TMAA marine environment.
Seventy-nine percent of the targets and pyrotechnics used under Alternative 2 would not be recovered.
Unrecovered targets would deposit approximately 11,200 lb (5,040 kg) per year of expended materials in
the TMAA. The density of expended targets and pyrotechnics within the affected areas would be
approximately 1.3 lb per nm2 (0.2 kg per km2). Of the unrecovered expended materials, a large portion
(about 68 percent) of expended materials would be pyrotechnics, which are mostly consumed by chemical
reactions. Most of the expended materials would be relatively inert in the marine environment, with only
380 lb (170 kg) per year of expended materials considered to be hazardous, consisting of approximately
130 lb (59 kg) of residual pyrotechnic materials and 250 lb (113 kg) of batteries from EMATTs per year.
This annual increase in the amounts of hazardous materials deposited in the TMAA would be expected to
have minimal effects on the marine environment because of its density (0.05 lb per nm2 [less than 0.01 kg
per km2]). Hazardous materials would be dispersed by ocean currents, and would not be expected to be at
harmful concentrations.
TALD targets would not be recovered after training exercises. Under Alternative 2, TALDs would result
in 48 expended thermal batteries per year (information on weight of batteries was not available). The
effects of thermal batteries would be similar to those identified for lithium batteries. Batteries may contain
hazardous materials, but would not be expected to have an effect on the marine environment because
most hazardous constituents would be consumed during battery activity. Remaining hazardous materials
would be leached slowly through the steel shell, and would not result in harmful concentrations because
leached materials would be dispersed quickly by ocean currents.
Under Alternative 2, 1,080 lb (490 kg) of chaff would be used per year, an increase of 100 percent from
the No Action Alternative. Chaff is generally nontoxic, and relatively inert in the marine environment.
The constituents of chaff and their environmental fates are described in Section Most of the
remaining targets and countermeasures would be recovered after use, and these are constructed of mostly
inert materials. Should they be lost at sea, they would become buried in bottom sediments or wash up
onshore. Under Alternative 2, no measurable impact on the marine environment would result from
expended chaff within the TMAA.
Under Alternative 2, 1,587 sonobuoys would be used per year. Assuming deposition of expended
materials over 20 percent of the TMAA, the increase in their annual density would be approximately 0.2
sonobuoy per nm2 (0.1 per km2). Sonobuoys expended during training would deposit approximately
61,900 lb (27,900 kg) of material within the TMAA each year. About 4,680 lb (2,108 kg) of expended
sonobuoys would be considered hazardous materials, which would result in approximately 0.56 lb per
nm2 (0.07 kg per km2) of hazardous material per year. Hazardous materials are discussed in detail in
Section Table 3.2-21 compares the types and numbers of sonobuoys proposed under Alternative 2
to those under the No Action Alternative. Table 3.2-22 provides the weights of hazardous constituents for
sonobuoys used under Alternative 2.
Under Alternative 2, there would be a 6,500-percent increase in the amount of expended and hazardous
materials from sonobuoys. However, this level of deposition of sonobuoys would have a minimal impact
on marine environment because of the low density of hazardous materials (less than one lb per nm2) per
year. These materials would leach slowly, and would not result in harmful concentrations because of
dispersion by ocean currents. Hazardous materials are discussed in detail in Section As
previously discussed for the No Action Alternative and Alternative 1, expended sonobuoys and their
hazardous constituents would not result in adverse effects on the marine environment.
Under Alternative 2, two SINKEX would occur, with one occurring with each summertime activity.
Table 3.2-23 provides a list of ordnance used during SINKEX.
Ordnance use during SINKEX would vary, based on training requirements and training conditions. For
example, a MK-48 ADCAP torpedo would only be used at the conclusion of SINKEX if the target vessel
was still afloat. This analysis assumes that the greatest number of each type of ordnance would be used
during 2 SINKEX events under Alternative 2. Therefore, an estimated 858 ordnance items would be
expended annually during 2 SINKEX events under Alternative 2.
These expenditures would result in approximately 67,800 lb (30,500 kg) per year of expended materials.
These materials would be used in a small area, resulting in a high density of expended materials, relative
to other training events. For example, if each SINKEX activity were contained within 8 nm2 (assuming an
8-hour event and a 1.0-nm-per-hour current), then the density of deposited materials on the ocean floor
would be about 4,238 lb (1,926 kg) per nm2. Each year, two of these relatively high-density areas of
expended training materials would be created.
Most of these expended training materials would be relatively inert, with approximately 650 lb (290 kg)
per year of hazardous material. Hazardous materials from expended ordnance would be residual
explosives, propellant, and heavy metals (mostly lead). These materials would be in solid forms, and
would leach slowly because of their low solubility. Ocean currents would disperse leaching materials to
non-toxic concentrations. Therefore, this amount of hazardous materials would not be expected to affect
the marine environment.
Under Alternative 2, two MK-48 ADCAP torpedoes would be expended during SINKEX events. Most of
the expended material would be relatively inert in the marine environment. Hazardous materials
information on MK-48 ADCAP torpedoes is confidential, but torpedoes (in general) could contain
explosives, heavy metals, and propellants (OTTO Fuel II). Explosives and propellant would be mostly
consumed during torpedo activation and detonation. Heavy metals would be in solid forms, and would
leach at a slow rate because of natural processes (encrusting). The low number of torpedoes used under
Alternative 2 would not result in substantial effects to the marine environment.
Alternative 2 would expend two surface vessels per year during SINKEX events. For SINKEX, the
vessels used as targets are selected from a list of U.S. Navy approved vessels that have been cleaned in
accordance with USEPA guidelines. By rule, SINKEX can only be conducted at least 50 nm (93 km)
offshore and in water at least 6,000 feet (1,830 m) deep (40 CFR §229.2). USEPA considers the
contaminant levels that would be released during the sinking of a target to be within the standards of the
Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (16 U.S.C. 1341, et seq.). As with other inert materials,
the vessel would become encrusted by chemical processes and biological organisms. Therefore, vessels
used as targets would not pose a hazard to ocean water resources.
Alternative 2 would also two SINKEX training activities. Materials expended annually during both
SINKEXs are provided in Table 3.2-23. Target vessels expended during training would be cleaned
according to USEPA standards, and would be relatively inert in the marine environment. Approximately
67,800 lb of ordnance would be expended annually, with less than one percent consisting of hazardous
materials. The majority of materials expended during SINKEX training would be inert in the marine
environment. SINKEX training would result in a relatively high areal density of expended and hazardous
materials, within those portions of the TMAA used for this activity, compared to the overall areal density
within the TMAA that would result from all other training exercises under Alternative 2.
3.2.3 Mitigation
As summarized in Section 3.2.4, the alternatives would contribute small amounts of hazardous materials
to the environment. Given the large size of the training area and the expected fate and transport of the
constituents, hazardous materials released to the environment by the Proposed Action are not likely to be
present at detectable concentrations. Current Navy protective measures, such as hazardous waste
management procedures, identified in Section, would continue to be implemented. No additional
mitigation measures would be required under the Preferred Alternative.
• Water bodies, including lakes, ponds, rivers, groundwater, the ocean, and transitional areas such
as wetlands and estuaries;
• Water processes, including ocean currents, seasonal changes in precipitation and resulting runoff,
percolation from surface to aquifers, and biological, physical, and chemical changes that occur as
water moves through the hydrologic cycle;
• Water uses, including drinking, recreation, commerce such as transportation and fishing, and
plant and animal habitat;
• Water quality, including the chemical and physical composition of groundwater and fresh and
marine surface waters, as affected by natural conditions and human activities; and
• The topography of the ocean bottom (bathymetry) that influences currents and sediment
movement. Ocean Water Resources
Alaska’s water resources, including the GOA, are generally in pristine condition because of the low
intensity of use in this remote area (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] 2004). Marine
water resources in the study area are affected by ocean currents, climate and weather patterns, and
bathymetry. Ocean currents influence conditions in the study area by altering surface water temperatures,
transporting and depositing sediments, and concentrating or diluting the resources on which marine life
depends. Similarly, prevailing winds change with the season and alter the movement of surface waters.
During spring and summer, southerly winds push surface waters away from the coast and bring cold,
nutrient-rich waters from deeper areas, a process known as upwelling. These processes sustain active
fisheries for a variety of fish and marine invertebrates, influence weather patterns and the hydrologic
cycle of much of the western United States, and play a vital role in the economy of many coastal
Pacific Ocean
The TMAA is located in the Northeast Pacific Ocean off the mountainous coast of southern Alaska. The
temporary boundaries of TMAA form a roughly rectangular area oriented from northwest to southeast,
approximately 300 nautical miles (nm) (556 kilometers [km]) long by 150 nm (278 km) wide, situated
south of Prince William Sound and Kenai Peninsula and east of Kodiak Island. Covering approximately
42,146 square nautical miles (nm2) (145,482 square kilometers [km2])of ocean, the TMAA spans both
coastal and deepwater habitats ranging from approximately 426 feet (ft) (130 meters [m]) to over 12,000
ft (3,660 m) in depth. The GOA forms a large, semicircular bight opening southward into the North
Pacific Ocean. The GOA is characterized by a broad and deep continental shelf containing numerous
troughs, seamounts, and ridges. The region receives high amounts of freshwater input, experiences
numerous storms, and exhibits highly variable environmental conditions (Department of Navy [DoN]
Continental Shelf
The GOA shoreline is bordered by a deep continental shelf subject to persistent coastal downwelling. The
GOA continental margin is extremely irregular, having been shaped by glacial forces, plate tectonics, and
ocean currents. Bottom depths along the shelf range from 490 ft to 660 ft (150 to 200 m). The continental
shelf encompasses approximately 1.1 x 105 nm2 (3.7 x 105 km2) of ocean floor. The width of the
continental shelf varies from 3 to 110 nm (5 to 200 km) at different points along the GOA (DoN 2006).
Seamounts are isolated underwater mountains rising 3,000 to 10,000 ft (900 to 3,000 m) above the
surrounding ocean bottom. Seamounts are found in all oceans, but are most numerous in the Pacific
Ocean, which has over 2,000. The significant seamounts in the TMAA are the Dall, Pratt, Giacomini, Ely,
Quinn, and Surveyor Seamounts (Figure 3.3-1). These seamounts, except for Dall Seamount, are part of
the Kodiak-Bowie Seamount chain, which is a chain of extinct volcanoes that formed over the Bowie
Hotspot as the tectonic plate shifted. Seamounts provide a unique habitat for both deep-sea and shallow-
water organisms because of their large ranges of depth, hard substrate, steep vertical gradients,
convoluted surfaces, variable currents, clear oceanic waters, and geographic isolation. Upwelling often
occurs around seamounts because currents push cold water from the depths up the slopes of the
seamounts, bringing fresh nutrients to the surface.
Submarine Canyons
Submarine canyons have steep walls, winding valleys, narrow V-shaped cross-sections, steps, and
considerable irregularity along the sea floor. Many troughs and canyons in the GOA transect the
continental shelf (DoN 2006). They are the flooded remains of terrestrial canyons cut by large rivers fed
by glacial meltwater. The floors of submarine canyons are primarily mud, with isolated sandy patches.
Currents flowing through submarine canyons transport sediment from the coast to the deep ocean,
forming sediment fans where they open to the abyssal plain.
The major troughs within the TMAA, Stevenson and Amatuli, are located on the eastern edge of Kodiak
Island. These troughs are broad, U-shaped valleys that extend from near the shoreline to the shelf break.
All of the troughs are relatively straight, running in a northwest to southeast orientation, and are often
located between two broad submarine banks. The troughs along Kodiak Island range in depth from 490 ft
to 980 ft (150 m to 300 m). The slope of the ocean floor in these troughs is gradual, rarely exceeding two
degrees (DoN 2006).
The Aleutian Trench runs along the shelf margin in the Gulf of Alaska and is one of the deepest portions
of the eastern North Pacific. It stretches from the southern coastline of Alaska to waters of the
northeastern coast of Siberia. The trench is approximately 2,000 nm (3,700 km), with an average width of
27 nm (50 km) and a maximum depth of 25,300 ft (7,700 m) (DoN 2006). The Aleutian Trench is a
tectonic subduction zone, where the Pacific Plate is subducted under the North American Plate.
. I} ,.
P Anchorage &/ 4. ~
~ "'"l" M'I.'J<
• • ~Prince'
~, William
AK Kenai ~ ~Sound
P;J c?
Figure 3.3-1: Major Geological Features of the TMAA and Vicinity
eo"N Peninsula
.i ~~~;nCh;nbrook
/I ~";d I
\~()¢' /
\ ff
", .
Portlock / 4mat/J/i TrOUgh
s'J' \
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'f ~
,s1'09v&r,> ]
o r.
""". ~ Oall
Seamount J
N. Albat oss
57°N • -+
M. Albatross -"' ,
Bank ~~
~ Pratt
S. Albatross
(J ,.,~
,,<f' Gulf of
D. D.
A b. Seamount
Isobath (100 and 200 meters )
a 50 100 D Temporary Maritime Activ ities Area
!'"__ <==::;? Kilometers
a 50 100 Source: DoN 2006
Nautical Miles
Abyssal Plain
The abyssal plain is a relatively flat area of the deep ocean floor beyond the foot of the continental slope.
Depths vary from 9,800 to 16,000 ft (3,000 to 5,000 m) (DoN 2006). The abyssal plain is relatively flat
and featureless because fine-grained sediments, mostly silt and clay, have filled in the originally uneven
surface of oceanic crust. Most of this sediment is deposited by currents that have been channeled from the
continental margins along submarine canyons. The remainder of the sediment is dust blown out to sea
from land and the remains of small marine plants and animals that sink from the upper layer of the ocean,
known as pelagic sediment.
The GOA remains ice-free for the entire year, with the warmest sea surface temperatures in August and
the coldest sea surface temperatures in February and March. Portions of bays and inlets may be covered
by ice or may have floating glacial ice during the coldest months.
El Niño
El Niño Southern Oscillation (El Niño) events affect the GOA; these events can initiate large shifts in
global climate, atmospheric circulation, and oceanographic processes. El Niño conditions typically last 6
to 18 months, but can persist for longer periods. El Niño events cause global changes over time scales of
months to years. El Niño is caused by the interannual changes in sea level pressures between the eastern
and western hemispheres of the tropical Pacific Ocean. The trade winds weaken in the central and western
Pacific Ocean, and cause the normal east-to-west surface water transport to decrease. The result is a rise
in the sea surface temperature across the mid- to eastern Pacific Ocean (DoN 2006).
La Niña
La Niña is the opposite phase of El Niño in the Southern Oscillation cycle, and is usually associated with
the opposite climatic effects. La Niña is characterized by strong trade winds that push the warm surface
waters back across to the western Pacific Ocean. Under these conditions, along with increased upwelling
along the eastern Pacific Ocean coastline, the thermocline in the eastern Pacific Ocean becomes shallower
(DoN 2006). (The thermocline is that portion of the water column between a relatively warm surface zone
and a colder deep-water zone, in a thermally stratified [layered] body of water, where the temperature
decreases rapidly with increasing depth).
Arctic Oscillation
The Arctic Oscillation (AO), which affects the GOA, varies based on atmospheric changes in the polar
region and mid-latitudes. It varies between negative and positive phases on a decadal scale. The negative
phase generally consists of higher-than-normal pressure over the polar region, while the positive phase
consists of intense low pressure (USEPA 2004). The low-pressure system results in stormy weather, with
high winds and increased precipitation, as well as elevated sea levels and warmer water temperatures.
Under these conditions, the wind-induced cross-shelf transport and the Alaska Coastal Current (ACC)
increase (DoN 2006).
Ocean Currents
The general ocean circulation in the GOA is dominated by the counter-clockwise Alaska Gyre, centered
at approximately 52º to 53º north (N) and 145º to 155º west (W). The Gyre includes the Alaska Current
(AC), the Alaskan Stream (AS), and the North Pacific Current (NPC). Nearshore flow is dominated by
the ACC (DoN 2006).
Alaska Current
The AC is a northward-flowing, warm-water current offshore of the continental shelf. The AC is broad,
54 to 220 nm (100 to 400 km) wide, and highly variable. It is the dominant transport system of surface
waters in the GOA. The AC flows adjacent to the coast of North America at velocities between 30 and
100 cm/sec (DoN 2006). The AC frequently meanders and eddies along the shelf break, most frequently
in the fall. Eddies propagate shoreward as the AC proceeds north, with troughs or trenches from the shelf
break creating clockwise eddies toward shore (DoN 1993). These eddies cause a variety of ocean currents
near the edge of the continental shelf. The AC flows northward along the coast of Alaska to the head of
the GOA, where the current follows the curve of the shoreline and forms the AS. Shifts in regional
climate also can play a role in the AC. For example, during an El Niño event, the AC destabilizes,
increasing the variability in flow volume and direction (DoN 2006).
The AC originates in the western Pacific Ocean, and marine pollution and floating refuse from Asia, from
open ocean dumping and from accidents at sea, can be swept northward and westward around the shelf
edge in the GOA. Trash from the international fishing industry operating 200 miles offshore is commonly
found on beaches in the region (DoN 2006).
Alaskan Stream
The AS, which forms at the head of the GOA, is the extension of the AC, and flows westward along the
Alaska Peninsula. The AS is narrow (185 nm [100 km]) and swift (18 to 48 in/sec [45 to 123 cm/sec]),
affecting the upper 1,600 ft (500 m) of the water column. Periods of low pressure during the AO affect
the velocity of the AS; velocities increase northeast of Kodiak Island and decrease southwest of the island
(DoN 2006).
The GOA can be generally characterized by two surface temperature regimes throughout the year.
Relatively warm surface water occurs over the continental shelf, while colder water is found farther
offshore beyond the shelf break. Surface temperatures within the AC vary by approximately 20 degrees
Fahrenheit (°F) (10 degrees Celsius [°C]) throughout the year. On the inner shelf, mean monthly sea
surface temperatures (SSTs) range from approximately 38°F (3.5°C) in March to 57°F (14°C) in August.
Across the shelf, changes in SSTs are generally small (approximately 4°F [2°C]). The overall difference
in annual temperature diminishes with depth, with the annual range being only 2°F (1°C) at depths greater
than 490 ft (150 m). During winter, intense circulation over the GOA produces easterly coastal winds and
downwelling, which results in a well-mixed water column over the continental shelf. Stratification
develops during summer because of decreased winds, increased freshwater discharge, and increased solar
radiation (DoN 2006).
Anomalous warmer SSTs in the GOA often are associated with El Niño events. El Niño events do not
always result in an immediate shift in SSTs in the North Pacific Ocean; SST anomalies were detected in
the region one year after the onsets of the 1976, 1982, 1986, and 1992 El Niño events. During positive
AOs, the GOA experiences above-average SSTs. Negative AOs result in below-average SSTs (DoN
The North Pacific Ocean is less saline than the North Atlantic Ocean. Fresh water entering the North
Pacific Ocean inhibits the development of deep water masses, which affects oceanic heat transport. The
annual average fresh water influx is approximately 8.1 x 105 cubic feet per second (ft3/sec) (23,000 cubic
meters per second [m3/sec]). This runoff enters the marine environment through many small drainage
systems. The discharges peak in early fall and decrease rapidly during winter, when precipitation is stored
as snow. A secondary runoff peak occurs in spring and summer from snowmelt in the region. This
discharge, approximately 20 percent greater than the mean annual Mississippi River discharge, accounts
for nearly 40 percent of the freshwater flows into the GOA. The phasing and magnitude of these
freshwater flows are important, because salinity primarily affects horizontal and vertical density gradients
in the northern GOA. Seasonal variability in the upper layers of the offshore Alaska Gyre reflects the
effects of wind-induced mixing and heat exchange with the atmosphere (DoN 2006).
The vertical salinity structure of the GOA and Alaska Gyre consists of a seasonally varying upper layer
extending from the surface to approximately 330 ft (100 m) depth, a halocline (a strong, vertical salinity
gradient) that extends from 330 ft to 660 ft (100 m to 200 m) depth, where the salinity increases from 33
to 34 practical salinity units (psu), and a deep layer extending to approximately 3,300 ft (1,000 m), where
the salinity increases slowly to 34.4 psu. Beneath the deep layer, the salinity increases gradually to a
maximum value of approximately 34.7 psu at the ocean bottom. The halocline is a permanent feature of
the subarctic North Pacific Ocean. It is formed by the high rates of precipitation and runoff, in
conjunction with large-scale circulation processes of the North Pacific Ocean. The strong density gradient
of the halocline limits vertical exchange between the saline and nutrient-rich deep water and the upper
layer (DoN 2006).
During the winter, salinities in the upper layer of ocean water range from 32.5 to 32.8 psu. The upper
layer in the northern GOA is less saline and colder than the upper layer in the southern GOA. During
spring, the upper layer gradually becomes less saline and warms because wind speeds decrease and solar
heating increases. Salinities reach a minimum of approximately 25 psu in August. Decreasing wind
speeds allow intrusion of high salinity waters from the oceanic regions of the GOA onto the shelf. The
summer mixed layer includes a weak secondary halocline, a vertical salinity gradient, centered at
approximately 98 ft (30 m) depth. As atmospheric cooling and wind-mixing increase in fall, the seasonal
water density gradient erodes rapidly and the physical properties of the upper layer revert to winter
conditions (DoN 2006).
Surface waters are usually saturated or supersaturated with dissolved oxygen as a result of photosynthetic
activity and wave mixing. Below the surface, dissolved oxygen generally remains between 0.4 and 0.6
milliliter per liter (mL/L). Anaerobic (no oxygen) conditions are found in bottom sediments and at the
water-sediment interface in deep ocean basins (Dailey et al. 1993).
Nutrients are chemicals or elements necessary to produce organic matter. In marine systems, basic
nutrients include dissolved nitrogen, phosphates, and silicates. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen occurs in
ocean water as nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia, with nitrates as the dominant form. The nitrate
concentration of nearshore water varies from 0.1 to 10.0 micrograms per liter (µg/L). The lowest
concentrations typically occur in summer. At a depth of 33 ft (10 m), the concentration of phosphate
ranges from 0.25 to 1.25 µg/L, while the concentration of silicate ranges from 2.0 to 15 µg/L (Dailey et
al. 1993).The marine environment has relatively stable pH (between 7.5 and 8.5) because of the presence
of dissolved elements, particularly carbon and hydrogen. Most of the carbon in the sea is present as
dissolved inorganic carbon that originates from the complex interaction of dissolved carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water. This CO2-carbonate equilibrium system is the major buffering system in seawater,
meaning that it keeps pH stable.
Chemical processes involve salinity, pH, dissolved minerals, oxygen, nutrient levels, and pollutants.
Biological processes involve the influence of living things on the physical and chemical environment,
such as the uptake, conversion, and excretion of materials during growth, reproduction, and
decomposition. These processes operate and interact continuously, creating a dynamic system. Changes in
these conditions alter the viability of habitat at certain locations and water depths to various organisms.
For instance, excessive nutrients (eutrophication) can lead to algal blooms, subsequent die-offs, and
declines in dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) to the point where fish can no longer survive.
Contaminants found in marine environments include suspended solids, sediment, nutrients and organic
debris, metals, synthetic organic compounds such as pesticides and plastics, and pathogens. The sources
of these contaminants include commercial and recreational vessels, oil spills, industrial and municipal
discharges (point source pollution), legal and illegal ocean dumping, poorly or untreated sewage, and
runoff from urban and agricultural areas (nonpoint source pollution). Conduits for contamination include
streams, rivers, and air currents that carry materials from inland areas to the sea. Alaska coastal resources
are generally considered to be pristine because of the low population density and the distance of most of
its coastline from major urban and industrial areas (USEPA 2004).
Potential pollutants should be viewed in the context of their “bioavailability,” that is, the capacity of
material to be taken up by living organisms through physical contact or ingestion. If a pollutant is not
available to the organisms in the ecosystem, then it does not have an environmental impact. Factors that
influence bioavailability include the ocean water parameters noted previously (i.e., temperature, salinity,
dissolved oxygen, nutrients, and pH). In sediments, bioavailability is influenced by particle size, organic
carbon content, the presence of iron oxyhydroxides and iron sulphides, and the presence of other metals.
The mountains surrounding the GOA are geologically young, and provide plentiful sources of sediment to
the marine environment. Glacial scouring of the underlying bedrock also provides an abundance of fine-
grained sediments to the Gulf of Alaska shelf and basin. The Bering and Malaspina glaciers are major
sources of glacial sediments in the Gulf of Alaska. The Alsek and Copper Rivers in the northern GOA,
and the Knik, Matanuska, and Susitna Rivers that feed Cook Inlet all contribute sediment as well (DoN
2006). The majority of rivers along the Pacific Coast drain small, steep watersheds that produce large
amounts of sand-sized sediment. Submarine canyons are major conduits for sediment transport to the
open ocean. The remainder of the sediment is composed of dust blown out to sea from land, and the
remains of small marine plants and animals that sink from the upper layer of the ocean. The Continental
Rise in the eastern GOA is an accumulation of sediments from the continental shelf; these fine sediments
are generally transported west.
Management Practices for shipboard management, storage, and discharge of hazardous materials and
wastes, and on other pollution protection measures intended to protect water quality. Onshore policies and
procedures related to spills of oil and hazardous wastes are detailed in OPNAVINST 5090.1C, Chapter
12. (DoN 2007a).
Shipboard waste-handling procedures governing the discharge of nonhazardous waste streams have been
established for commercial and Navy vessels. These categories of wastes include solids (garbage) and
liquids such as “black water” (sewage), “gray water” (water from deck drains, showers, dishwashers,
laundries, etc.), and oily wastes (oil-water mixtures). Table 3.3-1 summarizes the waste stream discharge
restrictions for Navy vessels at sea.
MARPOL 73/78, the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as
modified by the Protocol of 1978, is the primary international marine environmental convention.
MARPOL 73/78 is designed to minimize pollution from ships. It contains six major annexes or sections:
I-Oil, II-Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk, III-Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form,
IV-Sewage from Ships, V-Garbage from Ships, and VI-Air Pollution from Ships. Discharges from ships
are restricted within specified distances from shore. On the open seas, natural bacterial action is
considered adequate for dealing with raw sewage. The U.S. is not party to Annex IV-Sewage from Ships
(USEPA 2009); however, the Navy regulates discharges from vessels under OPNAVINST 5090.1C
(Table 3.3-1).
The principal federal law protecting water quality is the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, more
commonly known as the CWA (33 U.S. Code [U.S.C.] 1251 et seq.), which is enforced by the USEPA. In
addition, NOAA oversees coastal and marine water resources under CWA, the Coastal Zone Management
Act (CZMA), the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act (MPPRCA), and the Oil Pollution
Act (OPA). NOAA also is responsible for managing and protecting coastal and marine habitats through
its National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).
those for wastewater treatment (CWA §402). Discharges from point sources require permits under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. Military vessels are not considered point-source
dischargers under the CWA (Section 502[6]).
CWA also created Uniform National Discharge Standards that regulate incidental liquid discharges from
military vessels operating in inland waters and the ocean out to 12 nm (22 km). This program is jointly
administered by the DoD, USEPA, and U.S. Coast Guard. Twenty-five vessel discharges requiring
control standards have been identified under Phase I of the program. Phase II involves developing
performance standards and control procedures for those discharges. The program also established
processes that USEPA and states must follow to establish no-discharge zones in which any release of a
specified discharge is prohibited. At this writing, there are no designated no-discharge zones within the
damaged natural resources. The Act also establishes an Interagency Coordinating Committee on Oil
Pollution Research to research and develop plans for natural resource restoration and oil spill prevention.
new enforceable policies, updated in 2003 and 2005. The ACMP is described and its applicability to Navy
training in the TMAA is discussed in Section 1, Purpose and Need of Proposed Action.
Sources of Information
A systematic review of relevant literature was conducted to complete this analysis of water resources in
the study area, including journals, DoD reports and operational manuals, natural resource management
plans and other technical reports published by government agencies, prior environmental documents for
facilities and activities in the study area, and work conducted by private businesses and consulting firms.
This analysis assumes that 99 percent of expended training materials are deposited on 20 percent of the
available training area (DoN 2009). This is a conservative assumption that is based on Navy personnel
experience, which indicates that the distribution of training activities within sea training areas is not
uniform. The TMAA is an ocean area of approximately 42,146 nm2 (145,482 km2). Twenty percent of the
TMAA is approximately 8,430 nm2 (29,100 km2).
Aircraft overflights occur under all of the alternatives. Aircraft transiting between the TMAA and Alaska
inland training areas would not expend any training materials. Therefore, aircraft overflights associated
with Navy training in the GOA will not be further addressed in this section.
Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are present in vessels, manned and unmanned aircraft, bombs, shells, missiles, bullets,
sonobuoys, batteries, and electronic components, and as anticorrosion compounds coating exterior
surfaces (e.g., missiles, vessels). Heavy metals that may be present in expended materials include lead,
antimony, brass, copper, nickel, chromium, and cadmium. The USEPA recommends application of a 24-
hour acute limit and 4-day chronic limit. Neither limit can be exceeded more than once every 3 years, on
the average. Water quality criteria for several pollutants expected to result from expended materials
during Navy training are provided in Table 3.3-2.
Criteria (μg/L)
Metal Acute Chronic
(24-hr exposure) (4-day mean exposure)
Lead 210 8.1
Silver 1.9 n/a
Copper 4.8 3.1
Cadmium 40 8.8
Nickel 74 8.2
Silver 1.9 n/a
Lithium1 6,000 n/a
n/a = no chronic value is available; μg/L = micrograms per liter; hr = hour
(1) No USEPA criteria available; values shown are based on literature (Kszos et al. 2003)
Source: USEPA 2006
Explosives are contained in live bombs, missiles, and one type of sonobuoy. Most new military
explosives are mixtures of plastic or other polymer binders and Royal Demolition Explosive (RDX,
cyclotrimethylene trinitramine) or High Melting Explosive (cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine).
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate is used in blasting caps, detonation cord, and similar initiators of explosions.
Explosives that fail to function as designed (duds) or are low-order detonations result in residual
explosives. Dud and low-order detonation rates are discussed in Section 3.2, Expended Materials.
• Many contaminants are conveyed into marine systems by the wind or by surface runoff, such as
from rivers.
• Once training materials are deposited, natural physical, chemical, and biological processes can re-
suspend, transport, and redeposit these materials in areas far removed from their original source.
• The properties of seawater, such as temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen concentration,
and hardness, affect the mobility and the toxicity of contaminants. The presence of other
substances in seawater, such as extremely small particles (< 0.63 µm), bicarbonates, sulfides,
phosphates, and other metals, also affect the mobility and the toxicity of contaminants.
Approximately 120 bombs per year will be expended in the TMAA under the No Action Alternative,
resulting in approximately 54,000 pounds (lb) (24,300 kilograms [kg]) of expended materials. Assuming
a distribution of expended materials over 20 percent of the TMAA, the deposition rate of expended
bombs will be approximately 6.4 lb of material per nm2 (0.83 kg per km2) per year. Bombs used during
training exercises will deposit approximately 395 lb (180 kg) per year of hazardous materials (residual
explosives and heavy metals). This rate will increase the amounts of hazardous materials deposited in the
TMAA by less than 0.05 lb per nm2 (less than 0.01 kg per km2) per year. The majority of bombs (60
percent) will be inert. They will settle to the ocean bottom, and become encrusted by chemical processes
and marine organisms. Inert bombs may contain explosive spotting charges. The amounts will be small,
however, and will be consumed upon contact with land or water. Therefore, inert bombs will present no
hazard to ocean water resources. Live bombs will have no measurable impact on ocean water resources
because most of their hazardous constituents will be consumed upon detonation and a low percentage
(approximately 3.37 percent [Rand 2005]) would be duds.
Table 3.3-4 describes the types of explosives and propellants for selected types of missiles used in the
TMAA under the No Action Alternative.
In general, the single largest hazardous constituent of missiles is solid propellant, such as solid double-
base propellant, aluminum and ammonia propellant grain, and arcite propellant grain. The solid propellant
is primarily composed of rubber (polybutadiene) mixed with ammonium perchlorate. Hazardous
constituents, such as Plastic Bonded Explosive (PBX) high-explosive (HE) components, PBX-106
explosive, and PBX (AF)-108 explosive, are also used in igniters, explosive bolts, batteries (potassium
hydroxide and lithium chloride), and warheads. Testing has demonstrated that water penetrates only 0.06
in (0.15 cm) into solid propellants during the first 24 hours of immersion, and that fragments will very
slowly release ammonium and perchlorate ions (DoN 2007a). These ions will be rapidly diluted and
disperse in the surrounding water such that local concentrations will be extremely low.
Type of Missile Type of Propellant
Another concern is when ordnance does not function correctly—it either does not detonate (“dud”) or
does not detonate completely (low-order detonation), and some of the explosive remains. As with
propellants, these materials can release small amounts of hazardous materials into the water as they
degrade and decompose. Table 3.3-5 provides a list of these items.
Pyrotechnics, Tracers, and Spotting charges Barium chromate and Potassium perchlorate
Oxidizers Lead oxide
Barium chromate, Potassium perchlorate, and
Delay Elements
Lead chromate
Propellants Ammonium perchlorate
Fuses Potassium perchlorate
Detonators Fulminate of mercury and Potassium perchlorate
Primers Lead azide
Source: United States Army Corps of Engineers 2007
Twenty-two missiles will be used annually under the No Action Alternative, and no missiles will be
recovered after training exercises. The total weight of missiles expended will be 6,770 lb (3,050 kg) each
year. If deposited on 20 percent of the training area, this will be a deposition rate of 0.8 lb per nm2 (0.1 kg
per km2) per year. Approximately 56.4 lb (25.6 kg) of expended missile material (approximately 38 lb [17
kg] of residual explosives and 18 lb [8.1 kg] of residual propellant) would be considered hazardous.
Residual explosives and solid propellants will slowly leach hazardous substances, but would not result in
concentrations considered to be harmful. Missile casings are relatively inert, and will corrode in the
marine environment. Corrosion and benthic organisms will encrust the missile body, further slowing
degradation. Thus, expended training materials will not impact water resources.
and 12 LUU-2B/B illuminating flares will be used, and will be mostly consumed as heat and smoke
during use. Approximately 27 lb (12 kg) of residual pyrotechnic material will be expended in the TMAA
per year during Navy training. Pyrotechnics make up 97 percent of the unrecovered targets and
Table 3.3-6: Types and Numbers of Targets and Pyrotechnics – No Action Alternative
Under the No Action Alternative, 540 lb (245 kg) of chaff will be used per year. All components of the
aluminum coating are present in seawater in trace amounts, except magnesium, which is present at 0.1
percent. The stearic acid coating is biodegradable and nontoxic. The potential for chaff to have a long-
term adverse impact on water quality is very unlikely, and chemicals leached from the chaff will also be
diluted by the surrounding seawater, thus reducing the potential for concentrations to build up to levels
that can affect sediment quality and benthic habitats. Further analysis of chaff and its environmental
effects is provided in Section 3.2, Expended Materials.
Even though chaff dipoles contain aluminum and other trace metals that can ultimately be leached from
the chaff, the amount of chaff needed to raise environmental concentrations of these metals above
background levels far exceeds the number than can be realistically deposited in a given area of land or
body of water. Chaff is generally resistant to chemical weathering, and likely remains in the environment
for long periods. Chaff is much like aluminosilicate minerals, so its influence on the physical environment
will be small, and likely limited to settling with bottom geology (DoN 2007b). Ocean waters are in
constant contact with crustal materials, so there is little reason to believe that small amounts of chaff
would affect either water or sediment composition (Hullar et al. 1999).
chemical processes and marine organisms. Metals will leach slowly, and will not pose a hazard to ocean
water resources because leached constituents will be rapidly dispersed by ocean currents.
The No Action Alternative will use SSQ-36 Bathythermograph (BT) sonobuoys, which monitor water
temperature. Sonobuoys consist of two main sections: a surface unit that contains the seawater battery and
a metal subsurface unit. Sonobuoy components of concern for water resources are the seawater batteries,
lithium batteries, battery electrodes, metal housing, lead solder, copper wire, and lead used for ballast.
Sonobuoys also expend inert materials, such as parachutes and nylon wire.
Each sonobuoy contains a seawater battery, housed in the upper, floating portion, which supplies power to
the sonobuoy. These seawater batteries contain about 300 grams of lead, in addition to battery electrodes
composed of lead chloride, cuprous thiocyanide, or silver chloride. In cases where the upper portion of
the sonobuoy is lost to the seabed, the lead batteries are also lost. Silver chloride, lithium, or lithium iron
disulfide thermal batteries are used to power subsurface units. The lithium-sulfur batteries used typically
contain lithium sulfur dioxide and lithium bromide, but may also contain lithium carbon monofluoroxide,
lithium manganese dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and acenitrile (a cyanide compound). During battery
operation, the lithium reacts with the sulfur dioxide to form lithium dithionite. Lithium iron disulfide
thermal batteries are used in Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System (DICASS) sonobuoys.
An important component of the thermal battery is a hermetically sealed casing of welded stainless steel
0.03- to 0.1-in thick that is resistant to the battery electrolytes (Klassen 2005).
The evaluation of the potential effects associated with seawater batteries includes comparing the expected
concentrations of potentially toxic battery constituents with USEPA water quality criteria established for
the protection of aquatic life or with conservative toxicity thresholds available from the literature.
Chemical reactions of sonobuoy batteries proceed almost to completion once the cell is activated, and
only a small amount of reactants remain when the battery life ends. These residual materials will slowly
dissolve and become diluted by ongoing ocean and tidal currents. Given the mobility of the most soluble
battery constituent, lead chloride, there is a low potential for substantial accumulations of contaminants in
sediments. As the outside metal case corrodes, it becomes encrusted by seawater processes and marine
organisms, thus slowing the rate of further corrosion. Many of the components of concern are coated with
plastic to reduce corrosion, providing an effective barrier to water exchange. In instances where seawater
causes the body of the sonobuoy to corrode, that corrosion will take at least 40 years (Klassen 2005).
Lithium always occurs as a stable mineral or salt, such as lithium chloride or lithium bromide (Ksozos
2003). Lithium is naturally present in freshwater, soil, and sediment. A study demonstrated that sodium
ions in saltwater mitigate the toxicity of lithium to sensitive aquatic species. (Fathead minnows
[Pimephales promelas] and water fleas [Ceriodaphnia dubia] were unaffected by lithium concentrations
as high as 6 milligrams per liter [mg/L] in the presence of tolerated concentrations of sodium). In the
marine environment, therefore, where sodium concentrations are at least an order of magnitude higher
than tolerance limits for the tested freshwater species, lithium would be essentially nontoxic. Because of
these factors, lithium batteries would not adversely affect marine water quality. One estimate concluded
that 99 percent of the lithium in a battery would be released to the environment over 55 years. The release
will result in a dissolved lithium concentration of 83 mg/L in the immediate area of the breach in the
sonobuoy housing. At a distance of 5.5 mm from the breach, the concentration of lithium will be about 15
mg/L, or 10 percent of typical seawater lithium values (150 ppm); thus it would be difficult to distinguish
the additional concentration due to the lithium leakage from the background concentration (Klassen
Two studies involved on-site or laboratory studies of batteries expended from U.S. Coast Guard aid-to-
navigation sites (USEPA 2001, Borener and Maughan 1998). Sediment samples were taken adjacent to
and near the navigation sites, and were analyzed for all metal constituents in the batteries. Results
indicated that metals were either below or consistent with background levels or compared favorably with
NOAA sediment screening levels, “reportable quantities” under the Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act §103(a), or USEPA toxicity procedures.
A study by the Navy (DoN 1993) examined the impact of materials released by activated seawater
batteries in sonobuoys that freely dissolve in the water column (e.g., lead, silver, and copper ions), as well
as nickel-plated steel housing, lead solder, copper wire, and lead shot used for sonobuoy ballast. The
study concluded that constituents released by saltwater batteries, as well as the decomposition of other
sonobuoy components, did not exceed state or federal standards, and that the reaction products are short-
lived in seawater. A detailed description of this study is provided in Section 3.2, Expended Materials.
The impacts of lead and lithium (among other materials) were studied at the CFMETR near Nanoose Bay,
British Columbia, Canada (CFMETR 2005). These materials are common to EMATTs, Acoustic Device
Countermeasures, sonobuoys, and torpedoes. The CFMETR study noted that lead is a naturally occurring
heavy metal in the environment. Cores taken of marine sediments in the test range show a steady increase
in lead concentration from the bottom of the core to a depth of approximately 8 in (20 cm). Sediments
found at this depth were deposited during the late 1970s and early 1980s, and their elevated lead
concentrations were attributed to deposition of atmospheric lead derived from a gasoline additive. The
sediment cores showed a general reduction in lead concentration with decreasing depth, coincident with
the phasing out of lead-based additives in gasoline by the mid-1980s. The study also noted that studies at
other ranges have shown minimal impacts of lead ballasts because they are usually buried deep in marine
sediments where they are not biologically available. The study concluded that there would be no effects
from the lead ballasts due to the low probability of mobilization (CFMETR 2005).
Regarding lithium, cores of marine sediments taken in the test range showed fairly consistent lithium
concentrations with depth, indicating little change in lithium deposition with time. Compared with
ambient lithium concentrations from outside the range, the report concluded that “it is difficult to
demonstrate an environmental impact of lithium caused by CFMETR” (CFMETR 2005).
Lead in Sonobuoys
Sonobuoys contain other metal and nonmetal components, such as metal housing (nickel-plated, steel-
coated with polyvinyl chloride plastics to reduce corrosion), batteries, lead solder, copper wire, and lead
used for ballast that, over time, can release hazardous constituents into the surrounding water. Most of the
other sonobuoy components are either coated with plastic to reduce corrosion or are solid metal. The slow
rate at which solid metal components are corroded by seawater translates into slow release rates into the
marine environment. Once the metal surfaces corrode, the rate of metal released into the environment
decreases. Releases of chemical constituents from all metal and nonmetal sonobuoy components are
further reduced by natural encrustation of exposed surfaces. Therefore, corrosive components of the
sonobuoy do not substantially degrade marine water quality. Sonobuoy hazardous components are
analyzed in Section 3.2, Expended Materials.
Under the No Action Alternative, 24 SSQ-36 BT sonobuoys will be expended each year. These expended
materials will weigh approximately 936 lb (421 kg), and will be deposited on the ocean floor at a rate of
0.11 lb per nm2 (0.01 kg per km2) per year. Approximately 71 lb (32 kg) per year of hazardous materials
will be deposited by sonobuoy use in the TMAA. This rate of hazardous materials deposition is not
expected to affect water resources. The effects of sonobuoy batteries will be as described in this section.
Expended sonobuoys may contaminate nearby water and sediment, but ocean and tidal currents will
disperse these chemicals quickly. Thus, with the low concentration of expended training materials in the
study area, sonobuoy use under the No Action Alternative in GOA will not have substantial effects on
water resources. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, there would be an increase in training tempo in the TMAA, which would increase
the amount of expended training materials. Alternative 1 would introduce ASW training exercises that
would use additional sonobuoys and underwater targets. This section analyzes the possible impacts of
water quality from training in the TMAA under Alternative 1. Table 3.3-7 summarizes the expended
materials for Navy training under Alternative 1. Table 3.3-8 shows the weight of hazardous materials in
each type of training material and the percentage of hazardous materials in the total expended materials
Under Alternative 1, 33 missiles would be expended per year, an increase of 11 over the No Action
Alternative. The weight of expended materials would be 10,200 lb (4,590 kg), with a deposition rate of
approximately 1.21 lb per nm2 (0.16 kg per km2) of ocean per year. Hazardous materials would also
increase by 50 percent, with 85 lb (38 kg) (57 lb [26 kg] of explosive and 28 lb [13 kg] of propellant) of
hazardous materials being deposited per year in the TMAA. As noted under the No Action Alternative, no
expended missiles would be recovered. The primary constituents of concern in missiles (i.e., solid
propellant) would be expended in the marine environment if the missile failed to function properly. Solid
propellants decompose very slowly in the marine environment. Ocean and tidal currents would disperse
these materials to undetectable concentrations under Alternative 1. Thus, there would be no substantial
impact on water resources.
Under Alternative 1, the number of targets and pyrotechnics used in the TMAA would increase by 27
percent (75 items). Targets and pyrotechnics not recovered represent 92 percent of all training materials.
The weight of expended targets would increase by 55 percent, but the density of expended materials on
the ocean floor would be low because of the large area of the TMAA. A new type of target (MK-39
EMATT) would be used during ASW exercises. The use of EMATTs for ASW exercises would expend
120 lb (56 kg) per year of lithium batteries. Approximately 22 percent of unrecovered items are flares
(MK-58 and LUU-2B/B), the bulk of which are consumed as heat and smoke. Annual residual
pyrotechnic materials from flares would weigh approximately 66 lb (30 kg). No additional chaff would be
used under Alternative 1, and chaff effects would be similar to effects under the No Action Alternative.
Given the small amount of hazardous materials and the inert nature of most components, these training
materials would not have a measurable impact on ocean water resources.
per year of material being deposited on the ocean floor, of which approximately 2.1 lb (0.9 kg) per year
would be considered hazardous. Given the inert nature of the majority of these items, this rate of
deposition would not have a substantial impact on ocean water resources.
Alternative 1 would introduce ASW as a new training mission area to the TMAA. ASW would use
sonobuoys to assist aircraft and surface vessels in locating submarines. Table 3.3-10 shows the types and
numbers of sonobuoys proposed under Alternative 1.
Under Alternative 1, 793 sonobuoys would be expended each year. Assuming that expended sonobuoys
would be deposited on 20 percent of the TMAA, the deposition rate would be approximately 0.1
expended sonobuoy per nm2 (0.03 sonobuoy per km2) of ocean per year. Expended sonobuoys would
weigh 30,900 lb (13,900 kg) per year, with a deposition rate (by weight) of approximately 3.7 lb per nm2
(0.47 kg per km2) of ocean per year. Hazardous materials of expended sonobuoys would weigh
approximately 2,340 lb (1,050 kg), increasing the concentration of these materials on the ocean floor in
the TMAA by approximately 0.28 lb per nm2 (0.04 kg per km2) each year. The expended sonobuoys
would be relatively inert in the marine environment, becoming encrusted by corrosion and benthic
organisms; these natural processes would decrease leaching rates, and ocean and tidal currents would
disperse hazardous constituents as they leached. Hazardous materials would be dispersed over large areas
of ocean bottom. Therefore, expended sonobuoys would have a negligible impact on ocean water
resources under Alternative 1.
Given this dilution and the large area within which the sonobuoys would be deployed, the adverse
impacts of detonation byproducts would be negligible. Leaching chemicals, such as lead and lithium,
would result in water and sediment toxicity surrounding each expended sonobuoy. The effect would be
limited to the immediate area of the leaching source because mixing and dispersion by ocean currents
would quickly dilute chemicals to concentrations below harmful levels. SSQ-110A sonobuoys would
make up 5.5 percent of the expended sonobuoys during training exercises. With a deposition rate of 0.1
expended sonobuoy per year per nm2 of ocean, any impact on water resources would be negligible.
Alternative 1 would result in an increase in expended hazardous materials of about 160 percent (4,890 lb
[2,220 kg]), but would only deposit approximately 0.58 lb of hazardous materials per nm2 (0.08 kg per
km2) of ocean per year within 20 percent of the TMAA. The metals would corrode, eventually becoming
encrusted through chemical processes and marine organisms, and would pose no hazard to ocean water
resources. Leaching would decrease as surfaces become encrusted through natural processes. Hazardous
materials from explosive constituents would be mostly consumed upon detonation, and would not affect
water quality. The remaining hazardous materials have low solubility in water, and would leach
hazardous materials at rates below harmful concentrations.
Bombs used under Alternative 2 would deposit approximately 160,000 lb (72,000 kg) of expended
material, and 1,130 lb (510 kg) per year of hazardous materials. Alternative 2 would deposit
approximately 0.13 lb of hazardous materials per nm2 (0.02 kg per km2) of ocean per year in the TMAA.
Inert bombs would contain spotting charges; the small amount of explosives would not have a substantial
effect on water quality. Expended materials would settle to the sea bottom and corrode. This would cause
the metals to become encrusted by chemical processes and marine organisms and, therefore, pose no
hazard to ocean water resources. The use of live bombs would have no measurable adverse impacts on
water quality because these items would be dispersed over large areas of ocean and because their
hazardous constituents would be mostly consumed upon detonation.
Under Alternative 2, 66 missiles would be used each year, an increase of 44 over the No Action
Alternative. Expended material weight from missiles would increase 200 percent over the No Action
Alternative to 20,300 lb (9,140 kg) tons per year. Distributed over 20 percent of the TMAA, missile use
during training would deposit 2.4 lb (1.1. kg) of expended training material per nm2 (0.3 kg per km2) of
ocean per year. As noted under the No Action Alternative, missiles used during training would not be
recovered. The constituent of concern in missiles (i.e., solid propellant) becomes hazardous to water
resources only if missiles fail to function properly, and such materials decompose very slowly in the
marine environment. Ocean and tidal currents would disperse these materials to undetectable levels; thus,
there would be no substantial impact on water resources under Alternative 2.
Under Alternative 2, the number of targets and pyrotechnics used would increase by 150 percent (426
items) over the No Action Alternative. Items not recovered would represent about 92 percent of all
training materials (644 items per year), and 90 percent of these items would be pyrotechnics. Expended
targets would deposit 11,200 lb (5,040 kg) per year of expended material on the sea floor, an increase of
210 percent over the No Action Alternative. Most of the expended materials would be relatively inert in
the marine environment, with 381 lb (170 kg) per year of expended materials (approximately 130 lb [59
kg] of residual pyrotechnic materials and 250 lb [113 kg] of batteries from EMATTs) considered to be
hazardous. This rate of hazardous materials deposition would have minimal effects on the marine
environment because of its low density (0.05 lb per nm2 [less than 0.01 kg per km2]) in the TMAA.
Chaff use would increase to 1,080 lb (490 kg) per year under Alternative 2, but would not affect water
resources because of the large dispersal area and its inert composition. Expended chaff would have
similar effects to those described under the No Action Alternative. Given the number of items and the
relatively inert nature of the components, these training materials would not have a measurable impact on
ocean water resources.
Table 3.3-14 compares the types and numbers of sonobuoys proposed under Alternative 2 compared to
the No Action Alternative.
Under Alternative 2, 1,587 sonobuoys would be used each year during training exercises. Assuming an
expended materials deposition area of 20 percent of the TMAA, the deposition rate of expended
sonobuoys would be approximately 0.2 sonobuoy per nm2 (0.05 sonobuoys per km2) of ocean per year.
Expended materials from sonobuoys would weigh approximately 61,900 lb (27,900 kg) per year, with a
deposition rate (by weight) of 7.35 lb per nm2 (0.96 kg per km2) of ocean per year.
About 4,680 lb (2,100 kg) of hazardous materials would be deposited annually on the ocean floor from
ASW exercises using sonobuoys, which would deposit approximately 0.56 lb per year of hazardous
material per nm2 (0.07 kg per km2) of ocean. Section discusses the potential impact on water
resources of sonobuoy batteries and explosive components. Given the conclusions in that section,
sonobuoy use under Alternative 2 would only affect water and sediment quality in the immediate vicinity
of expended sonobuoys. Ocean currents would quickly disperse leached substances to concentrations
below harmful levels. Thus, the proposed increase in sonobuoy use under Alternative 2 would have no
measurable impact on water resources.
Alternative 2 would include two SINKEX events (one each summertime training exercise). Table 3.3-15
provides a list of the types and numbers of training materials that could be expended annually during
Ordnance use during SINKEX would vary, based on training requirements and training conditions. For
example, a MK-48 ADCAP torpedo would only be used at the conclusion of SINKEX if the target vessel
was still afloat. This analysis assumes that the greatest number of ordnance would be used during
SINKEX under Alternative 2. Therefore, 858 ordnance items per year would be expended during two
SINKEX events under Alternative 2. This would result in approximately 67,800 lb (30,500 kg) per year
of expended materials, which would increase the ocean floor density of such materials by approximately
8.0 lb per nm2 (1.0 kg per km2) per year. Most of these materials would be relatively inert, with
approximately 650 lb (290 kg) per year of hazardous material (e.g., residual explosives, propellant, and
heavy metals such as lead). These materials would be in solid forms, and would leach slowly because of
their low solubility. This amount of hazardous materials would not have an effect on the marine
Alternative 2 would expend two surface vessels per year during two SINKEX events. For SINKEX, the
vessels used as targets are selected from a list of U.S. Navy-approved vessels that have been cleaned in
accordance with USEPA guidelines. By rule, SINKEX would be conducted at least 50 nm (93 km)
offshore and in water at least 6,000 feet deep (1,830 m) (40 CFR §229.2). USEPA considers the
contaminant levels that would be released during the sinking of a target vessel to be within the standards
of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (16 USC 1341, et seq.). As with other inert
materials, the vessel would become encrusted by chemical processes and biological organisms. Therefore,
vessels used as targets would not pose a hazard to ocean water resources.
Under Alternative 2, approximately 10,300 lb (4,680 kg) per year of hazardous material would be
expended. Assuming deposition of expended materials on 20 percent of the TMAA, the ocean floor
density of hazardous materials would increase by approximately 1.2 lb per nm2 (0.2 kg per km2) per year.
Alternative 2 would also include two decommissioned surface vessels expended during two SINKEX
events. Vessels would be cleaned according to USEPA standards, and would be considered relatively
inert in the marine environment.
Most expended materials would relatively inert, and hazardous materials would either be consumed upon
detonation or would be present in insoluble forms. Most expended materials would be relatively inert and
would settle to the sea bottom, becoming encrusted by chemical processes and marine organisms. This
would slow chemical leaching below harmful concentrations, and pose no hazard to ocean water
resources. Expended materials under Alternative 2 would not substantially impact water resources
because the distribution density of hazardous materials would be low and most expended training
materials would consist of relatively inert substances that degrade slowly in the marine environment.
3.3.3 Mitigation
Impacts on water resources under the alternatives would be below thresholds that could result in long-
term degradation of water resources or affect water quality. Possible impacts on water quality during
normal operating conditions would continue to be mitigated by measures identified in Section No
additional mitigation measures would be implemented because there would be no substantial impact on
water quality.
Aircraft overflights occurring above 15,000 feet (ft) in altitude will take place in airspace over the U.S.
territorial seas (0-12 nautical miles [nm]) to the TMAA. Given the altitude of these subsonic flights, they
will have no effect on the acoustic environment and are, therefore, dismissed from further analysis.
Beyond subjective effects, however, sound at higher intensities or power levels can have physical
consequences. The range of such impacts have been defined for humans as falling into three categories as
sound pressure levels increase: subjective effects (e.g., annoyance, nuisance, dissatisfaction),
interferences with activities (e.g. communication, sleep, learning, behavioral changes), and physiological
effects (e.g., anxiety, hearing impacts, loss of hearing).
Sound waves are characterized by parameters such as amplitude, intensity, wavelength, frequency, and
velocity. The amount of energy contained in a sound pressure wave is referred to as its amplitude, while
the amount of energy passing through a unit area per unit of time is the sound wave’s intensity. The units
of sound intensity are watts per square meter (energy per unit of time per unit of area). Amplitude and
intensity are directly and linearly related. Higher amplitude sounds are perceived to be louder than lower
amplitude sounds. Sound pressures are usually represented in micropascals (μPa). A pascal is equal to one
newton of force distributed over 1 square meter. The maximum sound pressure level of a noise event is
referred to as the “peak noise level.”
The frequency of sound represents the rate at which the source produces sound waves (a complete cycle
of high and low pressure waves) or the rate at which the sound-producing body completes one vibration
cycle. Frequency is a precisely measurable quantity representative of a particular sound. Sounds are
produced throughout a wide range of frequencies, including frequencies beyond the audible range of a
given receptor. Most of the sounds we hear in the environment do not consist of a single frequency, but
rather a broad band of frequencies differing in sound level. The intensities of each frequency add to
generate the sound we hear.
The speed of sound is not affected by its intensity, amplitude, or frequency, but rather depends wholly on
the characteristics of the medium through which it is passing. Sound generally travels faster as the density
of the medium increases. Speeds of sound through air are primarily influenced by air temperature, and
negligibly by the air’s relative humidity and pressure, averaging about 1,115 feet/second (ft/sec) (340
meters/second [m/sec]) at standard barometric pressure. Sound speeds in air increase as air temperature
increases. Speed of sounds in liquid is similarly influenced primarily by the liquid’s density and
temperature. Thus, the speed of sound in 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) (0 degrees Celsius [°C]) water is
4,600 ft/sec (1,402 m/sec) and in 68°F (20°C) water is 4,862 ft/sec (1,482 m/sec). The speed of sounds in
solids is a more complex matter, with longitudinal and transverse waves traveling at different speeds
depending on the density of the material as well as its geometry and molecular structure.
The mathematical relationship between sound stimulus and sound perception by a human receptor is
logarithmic. This logarithmic relationship between magnitude and perception is the basis for the decibel
(dB) scale used to express sound intensity. The decibel scale measures relative sound intensities rather
than absolute intensities; specifically, it measures the ratio of a given intensity (of sound) to the threshold
sound intensity of human hearing (by definition 0 dB). For most human individuals, a sound wave
pressure of 20 μPa represents the hearing threshold. As sound stimuli increases geometrically (i.e.,
multiplied by a fixed factor), the corresponding perception changes arithmetically (i.e., additive by
constant amounts). Thus, a tenfold increase in sound stimulus over the threshold of hearing is assigned a
value of 10 dB but is perceived as a doubling of loudness; a hundredfold increase to 20 dB is perceived as
sound that is four times louder, and so forth (Figure 3.4-1).
Although sound is a physical phenomenon that can be represented by mathematical expressions and
measured with precision, perception of sound pressure level is the result of physiological responses as
well as subjective factors, each influenced by current circumstances and past exposures. The sound
pressure level is the perception of a sound wave’s pressure by a single receptor at a specified distance and
direction from the sound source.
Sound pressure levels are measured by sound level meters, which typically contain filters that reduce the
meter’s sensitivity to frequencies of little or no relevance to the human receptor. The method commonly
used to quantify environmental sounds consists of determining all of the frequencies according to a
weighting system that reflects the nonlinear response characteristics of the human ear. Filtering the very
low and very high frequency sounds thus acts as a general approximation of the human ear’s response to
sounds of medium intensity. This is called “A” weighting, and the decibel level measured is called the A-
weighted sound level (dBA). In practice, the level of a noise source is conveniently measured using a
sound level meter that includes a filter corresponding to the dBA curve.
A common method of describing sound pressure levels is by comparing commonly experienced sounds.
Typical sound sources and their corresponding environments are presented in Figure 3.4-1. Sound levels
indicated are for single events. Such events are discrete, and two or more events cannot simply be added
together. Integrating varying noise levels and sources over a given period requires complex calculations
or modeling.
The sound measure employed by federal agencies is known as the day-night average sound level (DNL).
The DNL is defined as the A-weighted average sound level for a 24-hour day. It is a calculated noise
metric derived from measurements but includes a 10-dB penalty for late-night (i.e., 10:00 p.m. to 7:00
a.m.) sound levels. This penalty accounts for the increased sensitivity of humans to noise at night.
Oxygen Torch --120 ____ 32 Times as Loud
Garbage Disposal
Threshold of
Sources: Harris, 1979; Hearing
Federal Interagency
Committee On Noise
(FICON) 1992
Figure 3.4-1: Sound Levels of Typical Airborne Noise Sources and Environments
Sound Propagation
Understanding the impact of sound on a receptor requires a basic understanding of how sound propagates
from its source. Sound propagation follows the inverse square law: the intensity of a sound wave
decreases inversely with the square of the distance between the source and the receptor. Thus, doubling
the distance between the receptor and a sound source results in a reduction in the intensity of the sound of
one fourth of its initial value; tripling the distance results in one ninth of the original intensity, and so on.
Sound propagates through gases and liquids primarily as longitudinal waves, causing displacements of the
molecules comprising the gas or liquid in directions generally parallel to the direction of the sound wave.
While the concept of a longitudinal or transverse sound wave traveling from its source to a receptor is
relatively simple, sound propagation in fact is quite complex due to the simultaneous presence of
numerous sound waves of different frequencies and other phenomena such as reflections of sound waves
and subsequent constructive or destructive interferences between reflected and incident waves.
Interferences between two waves with different frequencies result in the production of “beats.”
Depending on whether the interferences between these waves are constructive (where their amplitudes are
additive) or destructive (where their amplitudes cancel each other), the sound perceived by the receptor is
alternately loud and soft, with the rate at which such amplitude changes occur generally reflecting the
difference between the frequencies of the two interacting waves. Perception of interfering sound waves is
complex, and in some frequency ranges the receptor perceives (“hears”) neither of the frequencies of the
interacting waves, but rather a third frequency known as a “subjective tone” or “difference tone.”
Issues with regard to airborne noise as transmitted underwater are discussed in Sections 3.5 (Marine
Plants and Invertebrates), 3.6 (Fish), 3.7 (Sea Turtles), 3.8 (Marine Mammals), and 3.9 (Birds).
Military Aircraft
Flying aircraft contribute sound to the environment. As with most manmade sounds, most aircraft sounds
involve low frequencies. Aircraft sound entering the water at an angle of incidence of 13 degrees from the
vertical or less will lose some of the sound energy as sound is transmitted under the water’s surface. At
greater angles of incidence, the water surface acts as an effective reflector of the sound wave, allowing
the sound energy to remain largely unchanged in the above-water environment (Urick 1972, Eller and
Cavanagh 2000). Navy training activities involving aircraft in the TMAA are generally dispersed over
large expanses of the open ocean. Representative sound levels associated with military aircraft and
ordnance use are depicted in Table 3.4-1.
Table 3.4-1: Representative Aircraft and Ordnance Sound Sources in the TMAA
Noise Source Sound Level (dBA)
Jet Aircraft Takeoff 115 @ 1,000 ft
SH-60 Helicopter Hovering 90 @ 50 ft
ASW Target Drop 90 @ 50 ft
Chaff (packet rupture at high altitude) Aircraft ALE-37 90 @ 50 ft
Aircraft Defensive Flares 65 @ 50 ft
Practice Bombs, 25 lb inert, spotting charge 60 @ 50 ft
Inert Bombs, 500 lb (at impact) 105 @ 50 ft
Inert Bombs, 1,000 lb (at impact) 108 @ 50 ft
Live Bombs, 500 lb (at impact) 110 @ 50 ft
Live Bombs, 1,000 lb (at impact) 125 @ 50 ft
Naval Gun Ammunition 5”/54 110 @ 50 ft
Cannon Shells, 20mm (at source) 105 @ 50 ft
Cannon Shells, 25mm (at source) 110 @ 50 ft
7.62mm M60 Machine Gun 90 @ 50 ft
0.50-caliber Machine Gun 98 @ 50 ft
Notes: 50 ft and 1,000 ft are standard reference distances. ASW - Anti-Submarine Warfare; dBA - decibels,
A-weighted; ft - feet; lb - pound; TMAA – Temporary Maritime Activities Area; mm - millimeters
Source: Investigative Science and Engineering (ISE), 1997; Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, 1993;
Ewbank, 1977
Supersonic aircraft flights can occur from time to time in the TMAA. Such flights are usually limited to
altitudes above 30,000 ft (9,144 m) and/or locations more than 30 nm (55.6 km) from shore. Several
factors influence sonic booms: weight, size, shape of aircraft or vehicle; altitude; flight paths; and
atmospheric conditions. A larger and heavier aircraft must displace more air and create more lift to
sustain flight compared with small, light aircraft. Therefore, larger aircraft create sonic booms that are
stronger and louder than those of smaller, lighter aircraft. Consequently, the larger and heavier the
aircraft, the stronger the sonic boom shock waves will be (Department of Navy [DoN] 2007).
Of all the factors influencing sonic booms, increasing altitude is the most effective method of reducing
sonic boom intensity. The width of the boom “carpet” or area exposed to sonic boom beneath an aircraft
is about 1 mile (mi) (1.6 km) for each 1,000 ft (305 m) of altitude. For example, an aircraft flying
supersonic straight and level at 50,000 ft (15,240 km) can produce a sonic boom carpet about 50 mi (80
km) wide. The sonic boom, however, will not be uniform. Maximum intensity is directly beneath the
aircraft, and decreases as the lateral distance from the flight path increases until shock waves refract away
from the ground and the sonic boom attenuates. The lateral spreading of the sonic boom depends only on
altitude, speed, and the atmosphere, and is independent of the vehicle’s shape, size, and weight. The ratio
of the aircraft length to maximum cross-sectional area also influences the intensity of the sonic boom. The
longer and more slender the aircraft, the weaker the shock waves will be. The wider and more blunt the
vehicle, the stronger the shock wave can be (DoN 2007). Sonic booms are generated as aircraft reach
Mach 1.0 (speed of sound) and increase in intensity as the Mach number increases.
Ordnance Use
Impulsive sound results from ordnance use in the TMAA. Some representative ordnance sound levels are
depicted in Table 3.4-1.
In the TMAA, the BQM-74 is likely to be the typical target drone. It can be launched from surface vessels
as shown in Figure 3.4-2, as well as aircraft. The BQM-74s will be used during Surface-to-Air (S-A)
Missile Exercise (MISSILEX) training proposed to occur under Alternatives 1 and 2. They are proposed
to occur very infrequently. The events take place at high altitude (between 10,000 ft and 20,000 ft [3,048
m and 6,096 m) and over 12 nm (22.2 km) from shore.
Ordnance Detonations
Ordnance detonated at the water surface can introduce loud, impulsive, broadband sounds into the marine
environment. The potential impacts of explosive detonations on wildlife are considered in Sections 3.5
(Marine Plants and Invertebrates), 3.6 (Fish), 3.7 (Sea Turtles), 3.8 (Marine Mammals), and 3.9 (Birds).
The airborne noise associated with underwater explosions is minimal. A characteristic phenomenon of the
difference in acoustic impedance between air and water is that the air/water interface will act as a very
good reflector, the so-called Lloyd mirror. Therefore, very little energy will pass this reflector, meaning
that sound generated in the water will not pass over to the air and vice versa.
Three source parameters influence the effect of an explosive: the weight of the explosive warhead, the
type of explosive material, and the detonation depth. The net explosive weight (NEW) accounts for the
first two parameters. The NEW of an explosive is the weight of the explosive material in a given round,
referenced to the explosive power of trinitrotoluene (TNT) or C4. Table 3.4-2 sets forth the explosive
weight of various explosive ordnance items used in the TMAA. The ordnance used is shown with the
particular training event using that ordnance. All events will occur in the open ocean far from shore.
The detonation depth of an explosive in the water is important due to a propagation effect known as
surface-image interference. For sources located near the sea surface, a distinct interference pattern arises
from the coherent sum of the two paths that differ only by a single reflection from the pressure-release
surface. As the source depth and/or the source frequency decreases, the destructive interference of these
two paths increases and reaches total cancellation at the surface (barring surface reflection scattering
loss). Since all explosive sources used in military activities in the TMAA (with two exceptions) are
munitions that detonate essentially on impact, the effective source depths are quite shallow, and therefore
the surface-image interference effect can be pronounced. The exceptions are the SSQ-110 (Improved
Extended Echo Ranging [IEER]) sonobuoy, which is a small underwater detonation producing no
airborne noise and the MK-48 torpedo (associated with SINKEX).
For analysis of impacts on the acoustic environment, a “sensitive receptor” is a location of a human activity where
the introduction of sound as noise would have an adverse impact on the activity associated with that location.
Examples of typical types of locations (sensitive receptors) include residences, places of worship, schools, hospitals,
some businesses (e.g., cinema, concert hall), or the outdoors (e.g., parks, natural areas). Examples of potential
impacts to these locations can involve the effects to occupancy, re-sale, purpose, or enjoyment of the environment
(natural quiet).
environmental impact analysis). Given the distance from shore for the majority of the TMAA, Notices to
Mariners (NOTMARs), and the inability to safely conduct most training activities in the vicinity of non-
training participants, these potential human receptors should not be present and therefore will not be
exposed to high levels of sound resulting from training activities.
Noise impacts on humans depend on a variety of factors, including the duration of the noise event, the
decibel level of the noise event, and the context of the noise within the ambient noise environment. Table
3.4-3 illustrates the various training events that occur associated with the proposed training activities, the
noise stressors associated with each training event, and the general location where the events occur. As
shown in the table, potential noise stressors can emanate from aircraft engine noise, surface vessel engine
noise, and ordnance noise. Most training event types occur far out in the open ocean, given the
approximate center of the TMAA is located 140 mi from the coast with the closest boundary 24 nm from
shore and thus beyond the hearing of any human receptors on shore.
Beyond 12 nm
Vessel Engine
Gunfire Noise
Engine Noise
0-12 nm from
Explosive or
Over land
Primary Warfare Area and Activity Area(s)
Anti-Air Warfare (AAW)
Air Combat Maneuver (ACM) 9 9 9 9
Force SUA
Air Defense Exercise (ADEX) TMAA 9 9 9 9
Missile Exercise (Surface-to-Air) (MISSILEX
TMAA 9 9 9 9
Gunnery Exercise (Surface-to-Air) (GUNEX
TMAA 9 9 9 9 9
Missile Exercise (Air-to-Air) TMAA, Air
9 9 9 9 9
Surface Warfare (SUW)
Visit Board Search and Seizure (VBSS) ATA 9 9 9
Missile Exercise (Air-to-Surface) (MISSILEX
TMAA 9 9 9
Bombing Exercise (Air-to-Surface) (BOMBEX
TMAA 9 9 9
Gunnery Exercise (Air-to-Surface) (GUNEX
TMAA 9 9 9
Gunnery Exercise (Surface-to-Surface)
TMAA 9 9 9
Maritime Interdiction ATA 9 9 9 9
Sea Surface Control (SSC) ATA 9 9 9
Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) TMAA 9 9 9 9 9
Stressors Location
Beyond 12 nm
Vessel Engine
Gunfire Noise
Engine Noise
0-12 nm from
Explosive or
Over land
Primary Warfare Area and Activity Area(s)
Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
Anti-Submarine Warfare Tracking Exercise –
TMAA 9 9
Helicopter (ASW TRACKEX-Helo)
Anti-Submarine Warfare Tracking Exercise –
Maritime Patrol Aircraft TMAA 9 9 9
Anti-Submarine Warfare Tracking Exercise –
Extended/ Improved/ Advanced Echo Ranging TMAA 9 9
Anti-Submarine Warfare Tracking Exercise-
Surface Ship TMAA 9 9
Anti-Submarine Warfare Tracking Exercise –
TMAA 9 9
Submarine (ASW TRACKEX-Sub)
Electronic Combat (EC)
Electronic Combat (EC) Exercises 9 9 9 9
Force SUA
Chaff Exercise (CHAFFEX) 9 9 9 9
Force SUA
Counter Targeting Exercise TMAA 9 9 9
Naval Special Warfare (NSW)
Insertion/Extraction ATA 9 9
Strike Warfare (STW)
Air Force
Bombing Exercise (Air-to-Ground) (BOMBEX
SUA, Army 9 9 9 9
Personnel Recovery (PR) 9 9 9 9
SUA, Army
Other Activities
Deck Landing Qualifications (DLQs) ATA 9 9
Note: ATA- Alaska Training Areas; TMAA – Temporary Maritime Activities Area; SUA – Special Use Airspace
1 - The only activities that occur within 0-12 nm are aircraft overflights above 15,000 feet.
Data Sources
A review of relevant literature and data has been conducted to complete this analysis for airborne noise in
the TMAA. Of the available scientific literature (both published and unpublished), the following types of
documents were utilized in the assessment: journals, books, periodicals, bulletins, Department of Defense
(DoD) operations reports, theses, dissertations, and other technical reports published by government
agencies, private businesses, or consulting firms.
The method used in this EIS/OEIS to assess the airborne noise environment impacts associated with
existing and proposed Navy training and testing within the TMAA includes the following steps:
• Analyze existing federal noise management regulations applicable to the proposed action;
• Consider existing Navy policies affecting noise production levels (e.g., standard operating
procedures [SOPs]);
• Analyze the natural ambient or background noise levels in the TMAA;
• Analyze the various types of noise sources associated with training and testing within the TMAA
(e.g., continuous versus impulsive noises); and
• Determine the overall noise environment impacts associated with existing Navy training and
testing within the TMAA given the regulatory/procedural framework.
The analysis presented in this section is limited to impacts of airborne sound on humans. Impacts of
military-generated sound on natural resources are addressed in Sections 3.6 (Fish), 3.7 (Sea Turtles), 3.8
(Marine Mammals), and 3.9 (Birds).
Personnel engaged in the training events who might be exposed to noise from these activities are required
to take precautions, such as the wearing of protective equipment, to reduce or eliminate potential harmful
effects of such exposure (personnel engaged in the training are not considered sensitive receptors for
purposes of impacts analysis). The center of the TMAA is located approximately 140 nm (259.3 km) from
shore, and at its closest is over 12 nm (22.2 km) from shore. Activities in the TMAA are likely to be
beyond the hearing of any human receptors other than personnel who are part of the training event.
Because sound-generating events in the TMAA are intermittent, occur in remote areas or off-limits areas,
and do not expose the public to high noise levels, no sensitive receptors are likely to be exposed to sound
from military activities under the No Action Alternative. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, in addition to training activities currently conducted, the Navy would increase the
number of training activities above baseline levels for some activities and would conduct training
associated with the introduction of new weapon systems, vessels, and aircraft into the Fleet. This
alternative would include conducting Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) activities and the use of active
sonar sources during ASW activities. Some of those ASW activities introduce the use of additional
helicopters in low-level flight over the water and the use of the P-3 for the detection and tracking of
The replacement of the EA-6B with the EA-18G would decrease the contribution to the noise
environment from these activities over the foreseeable future. Slight decreases in noise levels from past
Navy training activities throughout the TMAA airspace would be expected given the projected decreases
in noise levels from the EA-18G aircraft. Also planned is the use (beginning in 2013) of the P-8A
Poseidon (Multimission Maritime Aircraft [MMA]) as the Navy’s replacement for the aging P-3 Orion
turbo-prop aircraft. MPA is a term used to describe both the P-3 Orion aircraft and the P-8A Poseidon.
The P-8A is a modified Boeing 737-800ERX that brings together a highly reliable airframe and high-
bypass turbo fan jet engine. It will be equipped with modern ASW, Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW), and
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors. In short, the P-8A MMA is a long-range
ASW, ASUW, ISR aircraft that is capable of broad-area, maritime, and littoral activities. Average sound
levels for the P-3 and P-8A are similar (for example, the P-8A is approximately 1 dB louder than the P-3
during takeoff; DoN 2008) so the minimal difference resulting from the proposed replacement of this
aircraft should not result in any noticeable changes in sound levels in the TMAA.
Under Alternative 1, the majority of activities involving or potentially involving explosive ordnance in
the TMAA would increase above current levels, as discussed in Chapter 2. As noted previously,
precautions are taken to eliminate exposure of non-military personnel to unwanted sound from military
activities. As with the No Action Alternative, sound-generating events under Alternative 1 are
intermittent during the exercise period and would occur in remote areas or off-limits areas. The center of
the TMAA is located approximately 140 nm (259.3 km) from shore and at its closest is over 12 nm (22
km) from shore. Activities in the TMAA are likely to be beyond the hearing of any human receptors. Alternative 2
Under Alternative 2, the majority of Navy training activities would increase approximately twofold, as
discussed in Chapter 2. Activities that include or would include aircraft make up a large portion of
Alternative 2 activities. Although a small proportion of flights would be at altitudes as low as 300 ft, the
preponderance of these air activities would take place at high altitudes far out to sea and out of range of
human receptors.
Under Alternative 2, activities involving or potentially involving explosive ordnance would double. The
types of sound generated by military activities under Alternative 2 would be identical to those under the
No Action Alternative and Alternative 1. As with the No Action Alternative and Alternative 1, sound
generating events under Alternative 2 are intermittent and would occur in remote ocean areas or off-limits
areas. The center of the TMAA is located approximately 140 nm (259.3 km) from shore, and at its closest
is over 12 nm (22 km) from shore. Activities in the TMAA are likely to be beyond the hearing of any
human receptors. Precautions are taken pursuant to safety exclusion zone SOPs would prevent noise
generating activities from occurring in the proximity to non-exercise personnel in ocean areas (such as
fishermen in the TMAA). Members of the public at-sea in the TMAA, therefore, would not likely be
exposed to high noise levels (such as may be generated by aircraft engine noise or explosive-related
Because sound-generating events in the TMAA are intermittent, occur in remote areas or off-limits areas,
and do not expose the public to high noise levels, no sensitive receptors are likely to be exposed to sound
from military activities under Alternative 2.
3.4.4 Mitigation
In the TMAA, most Navy training takes place far out to sea, and airborne noise levels will primarily
affect military personnel operating the equipment/weapon systems producing the noise. Personnel
engaged in the exercise wear personal protective equipment and are not considered sensitive receptors as
that term is used in this EIS/OEIS analysis. No additional noise-specific mitigation measures are required.
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, >12 nm)
Surface Ship Noise
• Current Navy activities involving • No change from current conditions.
aircraft overflight were considered and Minor at-sea noise. No sensitive receptors
are consistent with those analyzed in present.
the previous environmental
documentation (USAF 1995, USAF Aircraft Noise
2007, Army 1999, Army 2004). These
No Action
documents concluded that no • No change from current conditions.
Alternative Short-term noise impacts, including sonic
significant impacts related to Airborne
Noise would occur. booms. No sensitive receptors present at
• Aircraft overflights (> 15,000 ft) over Weapon and Target Noise
the U.S. territorial seas (0-12 nm) to
the TMAA would have no effect on the • No change from current conditions. Very
acoustic environment. short-term noise impacts. No sensitive
receptors present at sea.
The GOA is one of the world’s most productive ocean regions and the habitats associated with these cold
and turbulent waters contain identifiable collections of macrohabitats that sustain resident and migratory
species including seabirds, marine mammals, invertebrates, and fishes (e.g., salmon and groundfish;
Mundy and Cooney 2005, Mundy and Spies 2005); these habitats support some of the largest fisheries in
the United States. (Heifetz et al. 2003).
Important ecosystem functions provided by marine plants and invertebrates within the GOA include the
A Shelf Break
50 100
_ _-===::i Kilometers D Temporary Ma ritime Activities Area (TMAA)
50 100
_ _ _ _ _====:::;Naulical Miles
From 660 to 3,300 ft (200 to 1,000 m) is the mesopelagic zone, a twilight zone where some light filters
through, but does not reach a level of brightness necessary for photosynthesis to occur.
The bathypelagic zone is from 3,300 to 13,200 ft (1,000 to 4,000 m) and completely dark. Plants are non-
existent in the bathypelagic zone. Animals that can live here survive on the dead material, or detrius, that
falls from surface zones or on other animals that live in the deep sea. Most animals in the abyssalpelagic
zone, located from 13,200 ft (4,000 m) down, are blind and colorless due to the complete lack of light.
Microscopic Communities
Plankton are organisms that float or drift in the water column and are unable to maintain their position
against the movement of water masses (Parsons et al. 1984); they are at the mercy of the currents in the
local aquatic environment. Planktonic assemblages include bacterioplankton (bacteria), zooplankton
(animals) including ichthyoplankton (larval fish), and phytoplankton (plant-like). In general, plankton are
very small or microscopic although there are exceptions. For example, jellyfish (even though some
jellyfish can grow to 10 ft [3 m] in diameter) and pelagic Sargassum are considered part of the plankton
group due to their inability to move against surrounding currents.
Phytoplankton make up most of the marine plant life in the GOA. These organisms photosynthesize to
convert light energy into chemical energy; thereby, in the oceans, they comprise the lowest level of the
food web and can be considered the most important group of organisms in the ocean. A vast majority of
organisms in the oceans depend either directly or indirectly on phytoplankton for survival. Growth and
distribution of phytoplankton are influenced by several factors including temperature (Eppley 1972), light
(Yentsch and Lee 1966), nutrient concentration (Goldman et al. 1979), alkalinity (pH), and salinity
(Parsons et al. 1984). In general, the distribution of phytoplankton is patchy, occurring in regions with the
optimal conditions for growth. The concentration of chlorophyll measured in the water column or at the
sea surface can be used as a proxy for phytoplankton; regions of enhanced chlorophyll (chl a)
concentrations are indicative of high phytoplankton abundance (Figure 3.5-3). In general, the
concentration of phytoplankton decreases with increased distance from the shore and water depth.
In the GOA, the annual production cycle is characterized by well-defined spring (and sometimes fall)
blooms of large diatom species (most are larger than 50 µm; Cooney 2005). These blooms typically begin
in late March and early April in response to a seasonal stabilization of the winter-conditioned deep mixed
layer, and increased ambient light (Stabeno et al. 2004, Cooney 2005, Mundy and Cooney 2005).
These blooms and their associated high rates of photosynthesis typically last only 4 to 6 weeks before
being controlled by nutrient depletion, sinking, and zooplankton grazing (Goering et al. 1973, Mundy and
Cooney 2005). The timing, duration, and intensity of blooms are controlled largely by the physical
structure of the water column. Depending on the variable conditions of any given spring, the plant bloom
may be early or late by as much as 3 weeks; strong periods of wind, tidal mixing, or both during the
bloom can prolong bloom events (Cooney 2005, Mundy and Cooney 2005, Weingartner 2005). When the
phytoplankton bloom is prolonged in this way, its intensity is lessened.
In the late spring and early summer, large diatom-dominated spring blooms decline as nutrient supplies
are diminished; dinoflagellates and other smaller forms are the dominant taxa under these conditions
(Cooney 2005). In Prince William Sound, dominance in the phytoplankton bloom was shared by the large
chain-forming diatoms including Skeletonema, Thalassiosira, and Chaetoceros. Later in June, when
nutrients become more restrictive to growth, phytoplankton are dominated by smaller diatoms (e.g.,
Rhizosolenia) and tiny flagellates. Regions southeast of Kodiak Island have higher standing stocks during
the summer than shelf regions to the northeast where fewer submarine canyons and troughs are located. It
is believed that intrusion of nutrient-rich waters in these troughs and the subsequent mixing of these
nutrients into the euphotic zone support this phytoplankton assemblage (Ladd et al. 2005a).
In some years, a nearshore or inshore fall bloom of diatoms occurs in September and October in response
to a deepening wind-mixed layer and enhanced nutrient levels (Cooney 2005). A fall phytoplankton
bloom occasionally can be detected in Prince William Sound. The ecological importance of this late-
season production and the physical forces responsible are not yet understood (Mundy and Cooney 2005).
Nautical Miles
Albers Equal Area Conic (Alaska)
Figure 3.5-3: Seasonal Distribution of Chlorophyll throughout the TMAA and surrounding Vicinity
during Summer (May through October) and Winter (November through April)
Zooplankton is a term for microscopic (< 2 µm) to small animals (2 to 20 cm) that live in the open ocean.
Examples include ciliates; a wide variety of crustaceans such as copepods and krill (euphausiids); and the
eggs, larvae, and juvenile stages of organisms ranging in complexity from jellyfish to fish (Kideys 2002).
Most zooplankton feed on phytoplankton. The zooplankton, in turn, serves as an important food source
for other organisms, including fishes and whales. Copepods and krill are the two most important food
sources for adult pelagic fish and baleen whales. Krill usually live at depths beyond the range of surface-
feeding animals, but during swarming, large numbers may migrate to the surface within reach of flocks of
birds (Sheard 1953, Boden et al. 1955).
Shelf waters in the GOA host a traditional plankton community in which large phytoplankton (diatoms
and dinoflagellates) are grazed upon by copepods (Cooney 1986b, Sambrotto and Lorenzen 1986, Incze et
al. 1997, Coyle and Pinchuk 2003, Cooney 2005, Coyle and Pinchuk 2005). The dominant zooplankton
that inhabit the GOA are copepods and cnidarians, and abundance and species composition is largely
driven by local salinity (Coyle and Pinchuk 2003). In addition to copepods, larger micronektonic species
(e.g., euphausiids, amphipods, and some shrimp species) can be important zooplankton components in the
diets of local fish and large predators (Coyle and Paul 1992, Incze et al. 1997, Boldt and Haldorson 2003).
Highest levels of biomass tend to occur in the summer months of May (copepods) and August
(cnidarians); lowest values tend to occur in February (Coyle and Pinchuk 2003, Zamon and Welch 2005).
Cross-shelf distribution of zooplankton is influenced by their depth preferences, migration behavior,
salinity and temperature preferences, and water movement. A mid-shelf transition region also can be
identified where the zooplankton community is composed of a mixture of neritic and oceanic species
(Coyle and Pinchuk 2005).
Grazing by the larger mesozooplankton (i.e., copepods) accounts for only a small percentage of
phytoplankton mortality in the Alaska Gyre (Mackas and Tsuda 1999). Rather, production of
phytoplankton in the oceanic regions of the GOA is thought to be controlled by an assemblage of
microzooplankters and microconsumers, represented by abundant ciliate protozoans and small flagellates,
rather than by large copepods (Miller et al. 1991a, Miller et al. 1991b, Booth et al. 1993, Dagg 1993,
Frost 1993). Because the growth rates of these grazers are higher than those of the phytoplankton, it is
hypothesized that these consumers are capable of efficiently tracking and limiting the overall oceanic
productivity by eating the primary producers (Banse 1982, Taniguchi 1999). Oceanic zooplankton in the
upper layers of the water column exhibit marked seasonality. In the late winter, biomass of zooplankton in
the region increased 5-fold to 100-fold (values increase from 5 to 20 mg/m3 in the winter to 100 to 500
mg/m3 in the mid-summer). During this increase, copepods dominate the zooplankton community
(Cooney 1986a, 1986b; Hood 1986; Landry and Lorenzen 1989; Cooney 2005).
Many of the zooplankton inhabiting the GOA migrate diurnally over 330 ft (100 m) or more. These
migrations may interact with vertical or horizontal currents in ways that create localized swarms and
patches of plankton in the region (Mundy and Cooney 2005, Weingartner 2005).
El Niño events have little effect on the phytoplankton composition within the shelf waters of the GOA
(Coyle and Pinchuk 2003, Zamon and Welch 2005). Horizontal expansion of zooplankton stocks occur
during warm periods of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) along the coast. Both El Niño and the PDO
affect the phytoplankton assemblage in the oceanic regions. Following the shift to a positive (warm) PDO
regime in the late 1970s, zooplankton biomass doubled in the offshore regions of the GOA (Brodeur and
Ware 1992, McFarlane and Beamish 1992, Brodeur et al. 1996, Francis and Hare 1997). During an El
Niño event, a shallower mixed layer restricts the supply of nutrients to the ocean surface. In turn, the
entire GOA experiences extreme nitrate depletion and decreased levels of primary production.
Zooplankton become depleted as their food source is not as abundant (Freeland 2000).
Pelagic Invertebrates
Open-ocean or pelagic invertebrates consist of “jellies”—jellyfish (cnidarians), comb jellyfish
(ctenophorans), and salps (chordates)—plus a wide variety of other animals, including shrimp (decapods),
gastropods, and polychaete marine worms. Most of these animals filter the sea water for plankton. Salps
are more abundant in phytoplankton-rich surface waters, but have been found at depths to 3,300 ft (1,000
m). Many of these soft-bodied invertebrates are important sources of food for sea turtles.
In addition, the distribution, diversity, and abundance of the benthos of the GOA are strongly influenced
by the Alaska Coastal Current in conjunction with heavy sediment loads that originate from glacial
meltwater. The GOA has a relatively wide shelf (up to 54 nm [100 km]) with several banks bisected by
submarine canyons. Most regions of the GOA shelf experience high sedimentation rates of clayey silt that
results in poorly consolidated sediments; however, in some relatively shallow areas, few sediments
accumulate because of scouring by strong bottom currents and frequent winter storm waves. The
megahabitats (delineated by water depth) of the GOA include the continental shelf (<660 ft [<200 m]),
upper slope (~660 to 9,900 ft [200 to 3,000 m]), submarine canyons (660 to 1,320 ft [200 to 400 m]), and
abyssal plain (~9,900 to 16,500 ft [3,000 to 5,000 m]). Over 400 infaunal invertebrate taxa, representing
11 phyla, and approximately 180 epifaunal species, representing 10 phyla, have been described along the
continental shelf. Over the entire shelf of the GOA, the mean diversity and species richness was highest
on banks and at the shelf break (Feder and Jewett 1986). The more offshore areas of the GOA, the
continental slope and abyssal plain, are characterized as having substrata with large grain sizes (e.g.,
boulders, cobble) that provide macrohabitats to support a diversity of organisms including groundfish and
rich epifaunal communities (e.g., coral, sponges, anemones, bryozoans). Since many deepwater areas are
characterized by stable environments dominated by long-lived species, the potential impacts of fishing on
these areas can be substantial (National Marine Fisheries Service – Alaska Region [NMFS-AKR] 2005).
The following are summaries of each megahabitat.
Continental Shelf
Much of the continental shelf is covered with sand, mud, silt, bits of broken shell, and other fine materials
that are often inhabited by organisms living within the upper layers of the seafloor (infauna) or on the
surface of these seafloor substrates (epifauna). The benthic invertebrate fauna of the GOA differs
markedly as a function of bottom type. Epifauna live attached to or rove over the sediment surface
wherever suitable substrate occurs. For example, sponges, barnacles, anthozoans, soft corals, ascidians,
sea whips, sea pens, mussels, and bryozoans are distributed throughout the continental shelf of the GOA,
many of which provide important structure to the soft sediment seafloor. Infaunal invertebrates such as
polychaetes, clams, nematodes, and amphipods burrow into sand and mud bottoms and stabilize the
sediments. These benthic invertebrates serve as prey for mobile epibenthic invertebrates and for demersal
fishes. In the GOA, common predatory invertebrates include sea stars (e.g., leather [Dermasterias
imbricate] and sunflower star [Pycnopodia helianthoides]), crabs (e.g., helmet, Dungeness, king, snow,
and Tanner crabs), shrimp (Carangon and Pandalus shrimps), gastropods, and some scavenging
invertebrates (AMCC [Alaska Marine Conservation Council] and ASG [Alaska Sea Grant] 2003,
Peterson 2005).
The shelf of the GOA is a complex and dynamic geologic environment characterized by banks, patchy
rocky substrate, and patchy bottom sediments. Banks are exposed to both wave and current action
(particularly during winter storms) that continually resuspend bottom sediments. Bottom material such as
sand, gravel, boulders, and broken shells are most characteristic of the banks while finer sediment
accumulates in the depressions and the troughs of the region. Sessile suspension feeders are most
abundant at the shelf edge with the biomass exceeding 9.9 ounces/ square foot (ft2) (3,000 grams
[g]/square meter [m2]) in some regions. Mobile suspension feeders occur mainly in two areas: 1) on the
plateau-like surfaces of the shelf in areas with smooth relief and predominance of sand sediments and 2)
on the sides of troughs and canyons. Selective deposit-feeders comprise 15 percent of the total biomass of
the shelf and are most common between 172 and 521 ft (52 and 158 m) on bottoms covered with fine-
grained sand or muddy sediments that are characterized by a smooth relief (Feder and Jewett 1986).
In the TMAA, the benthos of Portlock Bank was surveyed in water depths from about 165 to 2,475 ft (50
to 750 m). The seafloor is generally flat and covered with small boulders, cobble, and gravel. The most
common epifauna were crinoids, small nonburrowing sea anemones, glass sponges, stylasterid corals, and
brittlestars. The glass sponges and stylasterid corals found attached to the boulders were larger than those
observed on the surrounding seafloor (Heifetz et al. 2003).
Sponges - The distribution of sponges (Phylum Porifera) in the GOA is patchy. However, there are four
common sponges found in the GOA. The barrel sponge (Halichondria panicea) is a large, thick-walled
colony. Although highly variable in shape, the barrel sponge can reach a maximum height of 12 inches
(in) (30 cm). The cloud sponge (Aphrocallistes vastus) is an upright sponge that grows to 12 in (30 cm) in
height. The hermit sponge (Suberites ficus) is a small sponge (less than 6 in [15 cm] in height) that grows
over snail shells. The tree sponge (Mycale loveni) forms a hard, tree-like skeleton surrounded by soft
sponge and attains a maximum height of 10 in (25 cm) (National Marine Fisheries Service–Alaska
Region [NMFS-AKR] 2005). Sponges provide prime habitat for red king crab (Paralithodes
camtschaticus), rockfish, and Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) (AMCC and ASG 2003).
Bryozoans - Bryozoans are small colonial animals that are common on hard substrates (i.e., rock, live and
dead bivalve and gastropod shells, and crab shells). Roughly two-thirds of the known species in the
region are low-profile encrusting forms. In the GOA, the bryozoans, Flustrella sp. and Dendrobeania
spp., have been associated with the largest catches of juvenile red king crab, suggesting that bryozoans
provide prime habitat for these crabs (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Hydroids - Hydroids are small, mostly colonial, cnidarians; in the GOA, approximately 200 species have
been identified. Most hydroids are erect, tree-like, and grow no taller than 6 in (15 cm); other hydroids
encrust on mollusk shells, rock, and other hard surfaces. In the GOA, hydroids are considered to be the
main food source of juvenile red king crab (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Ascidians - Ascidians, small sedentary marine invertebrates with a saclike body, include members of the
genus Boltenia (sea onions), Styela (sea potato), and Halocynthia (sea peach). In the GOA, sea onions,
sea potatoes, anemones, and sponges typically cover the sandy seafloor at depths of 83 to 330 ft (25 to100
m) (AMCC and ASG 2003, NMFS-AKR 2005). Sea onions are stalked, solitary ascidians with a white or
pinkish bulb-like body that floats in the water column and is tethered to the bottom by a stalk; the entire
animal reaches up to 30 cm or more in length. Two species of sea onions, Boltenia ovifera and B. villosa,
are commonly found in the GOA. Compound ascidians, bryozoans, and hydroids frequently attach to the
stems and holdfasts of sea onions. Sea onions and associated attached invertebrates are known to provide
habitat to small juvenile red king crab. Sea potatoes are dark brown and have a potato-shaped body that
can reach a maximum size of 4 in (10 cm). They grow in clumps that permanently attach to snail, clam, or
other invertebrate shells. The sea peach, Halocynthia aurantium, is a large (up to 7 in [18 cm]), ascidian
that is often found in groups. It has a smooth or wrinkled red-orange outer covering with a barrel-shaped
body that attaches directly to the substrate (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Anthozoans - Anthozoans are a large taxonomic group that include sea raspberries (Gersemia sp.), a soft
coral whose groups of small polyps, when inflated, form thick, soft, red lobes in colonies that can reach a
height of 10 in (25 cm). When contracted, the colony has a “brain-like” appearance and is considerably
smaller. Two species of sea raspberries that are found in the GOA, G. rubiformis and G. fruticosa, have
the widest temperature and substrate preference range of all Alaskan soft corals (AMCC and ASG 2003).
Anthozoans also include sea anemones, sea pens, sea whips, and corals, all of which can form dense
concentrations in the GOA (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Sea whips and sea pens - Some of the most distinctive groups of long-lived, habitat-forming organisms
are the sea whips and sea pens (order Pennatulacea). Sea whips and sea pens can reach a length of 1.5 m
or more and can be found on soft substrates at depths greater than 26 ft (8 m) but are more common at
greater depths and have been found in depths as great as 300 ft (91 m) (NMFS-AKR 2005). However,
several genera are typically collected most frequently at depths exceeding 3,300 ft (1,000 m) worldwide
and are known from 1,650 to 3,300 ft (500 to 1,000 m) in the GOA, e.g. Anthoptilium spp. (DoN 2006).
In the TMAA, the sea whips, Protoptilum sp. and Halipteris willemoesi, have been found in densities as
high as 10 individuals per m2 and sea pens, such as Ptilosarcus gurneyi, have been found in dense
aggregations at depths less than 99 ft (30 m) (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Stands of sea whips and sea pens provide vertical relief to otherwise flat habitats and shelter for many
organisms including gadids (e.g., pollock), rockfish, crab, and the Pacific ocean perch, Sebastes alutus
(AMCC and ASG 2003; NMFS-AKR 2005). A clear relationship exists between sea whip and sea pen
abundance and the diversity of marine life. For example, worms, bivalves, sea cucumbers, basket stars,
shrimps, several species of flatfishes, small octopuses, and squids are often found in sea whip and sea pen
habitats (AMCC and ASG 2003).
Coral communities - Etnoyer and Morgan (2003, 2005) synthesized data on the occurrence of habitat-
forming deep-sea corals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Deep-sea corals are typically found from the edge
of the continental shelf to the continental rise, on banks, and on seamounts (Freiwald et al. 2004). While
the mean depth range of deep-sea corals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean is 875 to 4,165 ft (265 to 1,262
m), deep-sea corals are known to occur in the GOA from the shoreline to the upper slope (3.3 to 2,789 ft
[1 to 845 m]) water depth range; Heifetz 2002, Marine Conservation Biology Institute [MCBI] 2003,
Etnoyer and Morgan 2005).
True deep-sea coral communities live in complete darkness, in temperatures as low as 39 degrees
Fahrenheit (°F) (4 degrees Celsius [°C]) and in waters as deep as 19,800 ft (6,000 m); therefore, they are
also known as “cold-water coral reefs” (Freiwald et al. 2004). Deep-sea corals lack the symbiotic
zooxanthellae found in tropical reef-building corals. Thus, deep-sea corals do not benefit from a carbon
supply provided by symbiotic algae but rather survive solely on suspension feeding. The biological
diversity of deep-sea corals communities is high; from an economic perspective, this diversity creates
valuable habitat for several commercially fished species (Witherell et al. 2000, Gass 2003).
Deep-sea coral communities usually consist of sessile stony corals (Order Scleractinia), soft corals (Sub
Class Octocorallia), black corals (Order Antipatharia), and lace corals (Order Stylasterina, Freiwald et al.
2004, Hain and Corcoran 2004, Roberts and Hirshfield 2004). These corals can build very large 3D
structures in deep-sea environments that are comparable in size and complexity with coral reefs that occur
in shallow tropical waters. Deep-sea coral assemblages provide habitat to thousands of species including
sponges, polychaetes (or bristle worms), crustaceans (crabs and lobsters), mollusks (clams, snails,
octopuses), echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, brittle stars, feather stars), bryozoans (sea moss), and fish
(Freiwald et al. 2004). Yet, much like shallow-water corals, deep-sea corals are fragile and slow growing:
thus, they are vulnerable to human-induced physical impacts (Andrews et al. 2002, Roberts and Hirshfield
2003, Freiwald et al. 2004, Roberts and Hirshfield 2004).
The overall size of deep-sea coral communities can range from patches of small solitary corals to massive
reef structures (mounds, banks, and forests) several meters to tens of kilometers across and a meter to tens
of meters high (Tucker and Wright 1990, Cairns 1994). The red tree coral, Primnoa pacifica, found in the
GOA (33 to 2,640 ft [10 to 800 m] water depth), can reach 9.9 ft (3 m) in height and 23.1 ft (7 m) in
width and achieve over 100 years of age (Heifetz 2000, Andrews et al. 2002, Heifetz 2002, Cairns and
Bayer 2005). Bamboo corals (Family Isididae), found at 2,310 ft (700 m) water depth in the GOA,
Warwick Seamount (48°3’ north [N], 132°44’W), were 75 to 208 years old and their growth rates ranged
from 0.05 to 0.16 millimeters (mm)/year (yr) (Roark et al. 2005).
Trawls and heavy fishing gear used by commercial fishing have caused severe damage to deep-sea coral
communities in many areas of the world including the GOA (Freese et al. 1999, Roberts and Hirshfield
2004). Deep-sea coral communities are also susceptible to physical impacts caused by oil- and gas-related
activities, cable laying, seabed aggregate extraction, shipping activities, the disposal of waste in deep
waters, coral exploitation, mineral exploration, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) (Gass
2003, Freiwald et al. 2004, Roberts and Hirshfield 2004). It may take decades to centuries for physically
damaged deep-sea coral communities to recover (Freiwald et al. 2004, Roberts and Hirshfield 2004). The
recovery of the deep-sea corals is particularly slow not only because of slow growth rates but also
because larvae production is positively related to the size of the parent coral colony. Further, some
damaged colonies will first devote energy to making repairs before sexual reproduction takes place
(Andrews et al. 2002).
Corals in Alaskan waters are found in the GOA, the Aleutian Islands, and the Bering Sea (Heifetz 2002,
MCBI 2003). The known distribution of deep-sea corals is contained to water depths that are shallower
than 2,970 ft (900 m); however, given the general distribution of deep-sea corals in the Northeast Pacific
Ocean it is likely that deep-sea corals occur at greater depths and over a broader geographical extent. In
the GOA, the distribution of corals may extend beyond the 2,970 ft (900 m) isobath (Freiwald et al. 2004,
Hoff and Stevens 2005). In a recent survey of seamounts in the Kodiak-Bowie Seamount Chain (Kodiak
Seamounts), diverse deep-sea coral communities (including new coral species; tentatively belonging to
the Primonidae, Isididae, and Antipathidae coral families) and associated invertebrates and fishes were
documented in the deep-sea coral distribution database; however, these recent discoveries have yet to be
reported in the peer-reviewed literature (Tsao and Morgan 2005).
There are a total of 105 known coral species in Alaskan waters including soft corals, gorgonians, sea
pens, sea whips, cup corals, black corals, and hydrocorals (Wing and Barnard 2004). The locations of 14
coral taxa mapped in the GOA include antipatharians (Family Antipathidae), gorgonians (Families
Corallidae, Isididae, Paragorgidae, Primnoidae), and hydrozoans (Family Stylasteriidae; Heifetz 2002,
MCBI 2003; Figure 3.5-4). Yet the most common coral taxa encountered in the GOA are cup corals
(unidentified scleractinians; 31 percent of coral records) and gorgonians (mostly Callogorgia and
Primonoa; ~45 percent of coral records; Heifetz 2002). For comparison, there are 43 coral taxa known for
the Aleutian Islands and 8 coral taxa for the Bering Sea. The cup corals found in the GOA are probably of
the genera Balanophyllia (occurring in waters depth ranging from 0 to 40 ft [12 m]) and Caryophyllia (40
to 13,200 ft [12 to 4,000 m]; NMFS-AKR 2005). Black corals (antipatharians) are found throughout the
GOA in water depths ranging from 1,320 to 3,300 ft (400 to 1,000 m) (NMFS-AKR 2005). Gorgonians
are the most abundant coral taxa in the Aleutian Islands, and soft corals are the most abundant in the
Bering Sea (Heifetz 2002). Gorgonians and cup corals occur throughout the Aleutian Islands but have a
patchy distribution in the GOA, including substantial patches located off the Kenai Peninsula.
Hydrocorals (Order Stylasterina) and soft corals (Order Alcyonacea) are found in a few small patches in
the GOA (Heifetz 2002).
Because of their abundance, size, and longevity, red tree corals form essential habitat for fishes and
invertebrates. Krieger and Wing (2002) observed colonies of Primnoa spp. in the southeast GOA (531 to
1,205 ft [161 to 365 m] water depth) that were used as habitat by rockfish (e.g., rougheye [Sebastes
aleutianus], redbanded [S. babcocki], shortraker [S. borealis], sharpchin [S. zacentrus], dusky [S.
ciliatus], and yelloweye [S. ruberrimus]), sea stars (e.g., Hippasteria heathi), nudibranchs (e.g., Tritonia
exulans), crinoids (e.g., Florometra sp.), basket stars (e.g., Gorgonocepahlaus eucnemis), golden king
crab (Lithodes aquaspina), shrimps, snails, anemones (e.g., Cribinopsis spp., Stomphia spp., and Tealia
spp.), and sponges. Seastars, nudibranchs, and snails found on the Primnoa colonies were feeding upon
and damaging coral polyps. Crinoids, basket stars, anemones, and sponges used Primnoa as a substrate
for attachment in an effort to filter feed while suspended off the surrounding seafloor. Rockfish, shrimp,
and crabs sought refuge within the branches of the Primnoa colonies (Krieger and Wing 2002). In the
GOA, Primnoa colonies have been harvested for jewelry (200 kilograms [kg]/yr) from 1997 to 2001
(Krieger and Wing 2002). Deep-sea corals, including colonies of Primnoa, were accidentally but
indiscriminately destroyed by commercial bottom trawling (Krieger and Wing 2002, Etnoyer and Morgan
2005). Increased use and geographic expansion of bottom-impacting fishing gear are likely to negatively
impact deep-sea coral habitats and associated species. The regulation of fisheries by regional fishery
management councils can protect deep-sea coral ecosystems that are currently impacted and prevent the
destruction of unexploited areas by using science-based information (surveys and mapping) to implement
an ecosystem-based approach (Freese et al. 1999, Witherell et al. 2000, Andrews et al. 2002, Frame and
Gillelan 2005).
Corals in the TMAA are known in water depths ranging from 3 to 2,789 ft (1 to 845 m) (MCBI 2003;
Figure 3.5-4). As noted earlier they occur in deeper water and over a broader expanse potentially
including Dall Seamount found within the TMAA. Known corals in the TMAA include antipatharians
(Family Antipathidae), gorgonians (Families Corallidae, Isididae, Paragorgidae, and Primnoidae), and
hydrozoans (Family Sytlasteriidae; MCBI 2003). However, this area has not been fully sampled and deep-
sea corals are likely to occur in deeper water and over a broader expanse within the TMAA (MCBI 2003).
Albe rs Equal Area Coni c (Alaska ) Deepwater Coral Families Water Depth (meters)
50 100
D Temporary Maritime Activities Area
.-_ _'::==::' Kilometers
______ 100 Miles
Source: DoN 2006
Continental Slope
In addition to substrate, the species composition of the benthos in the GOA changes significantly with
water depth. The bottom substrate of the continental slope is typically covered with silts, clays, and fine
sediments; however, there is the occasional hardbottom substratum (e.g., rocky outcroppings, rubble,
talus, vertical wall, and seamounts) that supports a diverse assemblage of deep-sea invertebrates and
fishes. Bottom substrate type governs the abundance and diversity of deep-sea organisms. Abundance and
diversity are generally higher on hard, irregular substrates than on smooth, hard surfaces (Lissner 1988).
Although there have been many descriptive studies detailing the community assemblages on the
continental shelf, habitats on the continental slope and deeper are challenging to study because they
usually lie beyond the range of self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) and mechanical
sampling is difficult (Airamé et al. 2003). Therefore, the outer continental shelf and the continental slope
are not well studied in the GOA system. There has been some description of the mobile epibenthic
communities and the demersal fish communities (Feder and Jewett 1986); however, most sampling of the
continental slope habitats involves trawling and focuses on the commercial fisheries of crabs, shrimps,
and demersal fishes. The continental shelf represents key fishing areas in the GOA and has
correspondingly high value to humans. Because trawling can dramatically modify and damage the
community structure of benthic biogenic habitats such as sponges and soft corals from equipment
dragging along the sea floor, this human fishing activity is an object of concern (Peterson 2005).
Some of the production associated with submarine canyons is introduced via adjacent habitats. Drift
macroalgae and other organic matter produced in shallow or surface waters may settle and accumulate at
the mouth and along the slopes of submarine canyons. This detritus may be washed down into the canyon
during storms, contributing to productivity in the deep sea. In addition, the soft substrate at the base of the
canyons supports a diverse invertebrate community. The complex structure of rocky substrate in
submarine canyons provides cover for numerous fish species (e.g., groundfish) and can help to protect
these species from overfishing because they tend to be difficult to locate and target. However, submarine
canyons are vulnerable to human activities; they extend across a range of depths and may be heavily
influenced by the deposition of sediments and pollutants that is associated with coastal development
(Airamé et al. 2003).
Abyssal Plain
In the GOA, the abyssal plain extends from the bordering continental rises to the south and the mid-
oceanic ridge to the west; it is a relatively flat expanse of sea floor that is 9,900 to 16,500 ft (3,000 to
5,000 m) below sea level. In the GOA, there is abyssal plain habitat that occurs at the base of the
continental slope and extends eastward into the GOA basin with a deepest depth of approximately 16,500
ft (5,000 m). Abyssal plains are covered with fine particles that constantly rain down from the overlying
water column. These particles, fine, clay-sized sediments and the remains of marine life, drift slowly
downward filling in depressions on the irregular rocky ocean floor. They have accumulated to make up
the 16,500 ft (5,000 m) thick sediment bed that constitutes the largest portion of the ocean basin (Airamé
et al. 2003). Because of this thick layer of sediment, abyssal plains are among the smoothest surfaces on
the planet, with less than 5 ft (1.5 m) of vertical variation for every mile. In a few places, extinct
volcanoes or seamounts disrupt the monotony of the abyssal plain (Wilson 1976; Beaulieu 2001a, 2001b;
Cunha and Wilson 2003; O'Dor 2003). The abyssal plain is regarded as the true ocean floor and is
characterized by extremely cold water, no light, and extremely diverse marine inhabitants (e.g., deep sea
isopods, polychaetes, worms, sponges, crustaceans, and sea stars) that are adapted to near freezing
temperatures and immense pressure (Smith 1991). The deep sea is one of the largest and least explored
ecosystems on Earth and is a major reservoir of biodiversity and evolutionary novelty.
Significant physical, chemical, and biological interactions occur between the upper ocean and the deep
benthos on time scales of days to millennia (Airamé et al. 2003). Benthic communities that live within,
upon, or associated with the ocean bottom rely upon the input of detritus (e.g., marine snow) from the
surface waters; this sinking detritus provides the primary source of nutrients for bathypelagic and deep-
sea communities. On average, less than 3 percent of primary production sinks through the water column
to the deep sea; however, in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, where production is particularly high,
approximately 5 to 15 percent of the surface production eventually reaches the deep sea. Deep benthic
fauna living on or in the benthos grow more slowly, live longer, have smaller broods than animals living
in shallow waters, and although consumption is slow, once organic matter reaches the sea floor, it is
almost entirely consumed; a very small portion of the organic matter may dissolve or become buried in
sediments (Grassle 1991).
In spite of these extreme conditions, the deep sea supports a remarkable diversity of organisms (Airamé et
al. 2003). Due to the unpredictable and patchy supply of food, organisms in the deep sea use a variety of
foraging strategies. Many deep-sea animals are “sit-and-wait” predators, while others are active
scavengers that break down carcasses on the sea floor, attracting slower-moving animals, such as
mollusks, sea stars, brittlestars (ophiuroids), and sea cucumbers. In many areas of the deep sea, ophiuroids
are the dominant megafauna; they are often found around sea pen (Pennatulacea) beds and are so
abundant that their feeding behavior and high activity levels can alter the ecology of benthic softbottom
Seamounts are isolated mountains rising from 2,970 to 9,900 ft (900 to 3,000 m) above the surrounding
bottom. Seamounts are found in all oceans but are more numerous in the Pacific Ocean, with over 2,000
having been identified (Thompson et al. 1993). Very little research has been conducted on seamounts;
they are among the least understood habitats in the ocean basins (Rogers 1994). Seamounts provide a
unique habitat for both deep-sea and shallow-water organisms due to the large ranges of depth, hard
substrate, steep vertical gradients, cryptic topography, variable currents, clear oceanic waters, and
geographic isolation that characterize seamount habitats (Rogers 1994). Thus, seamounts are capable of
supporting a wide range of organisms (Wilson and Kaufmann 1987). The most common invertebrates
found on seamounts worldwide are cnidarians and the most common fishes are scorpaenids and morids
(Wilson and Kaufmann 1987). The abundant and diverse benthic fauna consists of a wide array of
sponges (including large brilliant-yellow barrel sponges that have been known to support intrinsic
communities), coral (including large gorgonians and huge golden coral sea fans), brittlestars, crinoids,
clams, seastars, polychaetes, crabs, tunicates, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and octopi (Rogers 1994).
Seamounts attract various predators, including fishes and marine mammals as a result of this relatively
high biomass.
A total of 597 invertebrate species have been recorded from seamounts in studies that have been
conducted worldwide (Wilson and Kaufmann 1987). A rich and diverse benthic fauna with a high degree
of endemism exists on seamounts. In one study, levels of endemism among 850 macro- and megafaunal
species (including fish) were as high as 29 to 34 percent (Richer de Forges et al. 2000). Thus, seamounts
can function ecologically as island groups or chains, leading to localized species distributions with
apparent speciation. Dispersal of organisms from the seamounts is likely an active and a passive process;
seamounts appear to provide “stepping stones” for transoceanic dispersal of animals in both the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans (Richer de Forges et al. 2000; Johnston and Santillo 2004). Few studies have
investigated the interaction between seamount-inhabiting organisms and the surrounding abyssal plain,
nearshore area, and other seamount habitats.
Seamount communities are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of fishing. Some seamount fish and
benthos are already known to have been seriously impacted by fishing activities (Johnston and Santillo
2004); their recovery is complicated by the limited fixed habitat, the extreme longevity of many species
(on the order of 100 years and more), and the slow or limited recruitment between seamounts (Richer de
Forges et al. 2000). The global status of seamount benthic communities is unknown; however, the limited
distribution of seamount biota greatly increases the threat of extinction. The conservation and protection
of seamount communities is necessary and requires action to be taken on a local scale (O'Dor 2003).
There are several seamounts located in the TMAA (Figure 3.5-5). The coral and rocky relief that are
associated with the Dall seamount are known to provide shelter for adult and juvenile rockfish,
greenlings, and ling cod and attachment substrates for hydrocorals and red tree corals. With further
explorations some undiscovered pinnacles and seamounts will undoubtedly be identified; this exploration
will help to unveil their ecological value to the surrounding ocean habitats. For example, deep-sea
explorers of seamounts in the GOA have discovered that lingcod spawn in very deep water at the base of
pinnacles and seamounts and giant spider crabs have been discovered that span over 7 feet across. Some
pinnacles, such as the Albatross Pinnacle south of Kodiak Island, come close to the surface and provide a
substrate for kelp that in turn provide essential rearing habitat for juvenile fish. These pinnacles are
known to be covered with sponges, anemones, hydroids, tunicates, barnacles, crabs, worms, snails,
chitons, and other invertebrates and algae (AMCC and ASG 2003).
Chemosynthetic Ecosystem
In a normal marine ecosystem, the primary producers (e.g., phytoplankton and seagrasses) produce
energy through photosynthesis (a photosynthetic ecosystem). In methane- and sulfide-rich environments,
chemolithoautotrophic bacteria (i.e., sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, methane-oxidizing bacteria, and sulfide-
reducing bacteria) create the energy that can be used by the organisms in the environment (a
chemosynthetic ecosystem; Hessler and Lonsdale 1991, Hashimoto et al. 1995, Galkin 1997). Some of
the benthic fauna associated with chemosynthetic ecosystems contain symbiotic chemosynthetic bacteria
inside their bodies to obtain essential nutrients (Nybakken 2001). Chemosynthetic communities are a
significant source of biological productivity on the deep-sea floor. In some locations, vast fields of
hydrothermal vents can support benthic communities (Fisher et al. 2000, Lanoil et al. 2001, Reed et al.
2002). In other locations, gas hydrates in the sediments support extensive chemosynthetic communities
(Fujikura et al. 2002).
Chemosynthetic habitats are formed by a variety of geological and biological processes on continental
margins, and despite their location in the deep sea, have high biomasses maintained by chemosynthetic
bacterial production (Hessler and Lonsdale 1991, Hashimoto et al. 1995, Galkin 1997, Smith et al. 2003)
Cold seeps, natural whale falls, hydrothermal vents, and wood falls provide specific habitat duration and
each of these chemosynthetic habitats appears to foster a characteristic fauna (Fujikura et al. 2002, Smith
et al. 2003). In general, chemosynthetic communities in the GOA are characterized by tubeworms, giant
white clams, mussels, gastropods, and sponges (Anderson et al. 1993).
p ~chOrage ;}
Figure 3.5-5: Major Geological Features of the TMAA and Surrounding Vicinity
6O' N
AK d
~I iJpr-ince
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o £:, Da/l J
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M. Albatross 'f~
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(/9~S . Albatross
~ Ely P"ff
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e v..,"U' Durgin
(j ,<p Quinn Seamount
,,~ Gulf of Seamount &J/Veyor
Alaska Seamount
Ap~ uist Welker "'~n
£:,. Seamount Seamount Seamount
£:, £:,
A /', Seamount
Isobath (100 and 200 meters)
so 100
:::J Kilometers o Tempora ry Maritime Activities Area
o so 100
Nautical Miles Source: DoN 2006
Cold Seeps
A cold seep (sometimes referred to as a cold vent) is a region of the seafloor that releases hydrogen
sulfide, methane, and other hydrocarbon-rich fluids (Hashimoto et al. 1989, Kvenvolden 1993). Cold seep
communities depend upon chemolithoautotrophic production associated with the emission of reducing
chemicals from “cold” hypersaline brines or other hydrocarbon seeps such as methane hydrates (Airamé
et al. 2003).
Chemolithoautotrophic bacteria oxidize the reduced chemicals to form organic matter from carbon
dioxide. Typically, cold seeps originate from relatively young sediments and are common along basin
margins (Kvenvolden 1993). However, in recent years many seep communities have been reported in
tectonically passive margins, active regions of plate collision, and along marginal basins (Schmidt 2004).
Cold seeps have formed along much of the GOA where the water is cold and the pressure is sufficient to
support formation; although they are not known to occur in the TMAA, in the GOA region, two seep
microhabitats were observed at 14,563 to 14,662 ft (4,413 to 4,443 m). These seep areas were populated
by dense aggregations of Calyptogena phaseoliformis (clams), Siboglinidae (pogonophorans), and
galatheid crabs (Levin and Michener 2002).
Whale Falls
Whale carcasses on the seafloor support a high abundance of organisms commonly found near seeps,
vents, and other deep-sea hard substrates (Smith and Baco 2003). It has been estimated that at any given
time there may be in excess of 500,000 sulfide-rich whale skeletons on the deep-sea floor (Smith et al.
2003). Whale falls promote high species diversity by providing hard substrates for settling, organic
enrichment, and free sulfides on a typically organic-poor, sediment-covered sea floor (Smith et al. 2003);
these whale falls can support productive communities of chemosynthetic organisms for decades. The falls
of large whales yield massive pulses of organic matter to the deep-sea floor (Smith et al. 2003). The
chemosynthetic communities associated with whale falls are probably the least known of the
chemosynthetic ecosystems. Studies of whale falls have revealed that chemolithoautotrophic bacteria
reside in, on, and around whale falls (Smith and Baco 2003). Sulfide diffuses out of the bone and provides
the energy source for the chemolithoautotrophic bacteria (Bennett et al. 1994, Butman et al. 1995, Smith
and Baco 2003).
Although whales have been much reduced throughout the world’s oceans, Smith (1992) estimates that
such sulfide-rich whale falls may have an average spacing of one per 14 nm (25 km) in the North Pacific
and may give credence to the hypothesis that such falls may be the stepping stones that permit the sulfide-
based communities to disperse over vast distances between the vent systems.
Artificial Habitat
Artificial habitats (shipwrecks, artificial reefs, jetties, pontoons, docks, and other man-made structures)
are physical alterations to the naturally occurring marine environment. In addition to artificial structures
intentionally or accidentally placed on the seafloor, fish aggregating devices are suspended in the water
column and anchored on the seafloor to attract fish (Fager 1971, Bohnsack et al. 1991). Artificial
structures provide a substrate upon which a marine community can develop (Ritter et al. 1999).
Navigational, meteorological, and oceanographic buoys suspended in the water column potentially
function like artificial habitats.
When solid, hard objects with numerous and varied surfaces are introduced to the seafloor, artificial
substrates are provided for the settlement and colonization of epibenthic organisms (e.g., algae, sponges,
barnacles, mussels, amphipods, soft corals, sea anemones, and hydroids; Ambrose and Swarbrick 1989,
DeMartini et al. 1994). The initial colonization of artificial habitats works to build communities that
increase marine production by providing an attachment substrate and a biotope suitable for larger motile
organisms (e.g., starfish, lobster, crabs, fishes; Ritter et al. 1999).
Artificial habitat sites are often important nearshore locations for human activities including commerce,
navigation, aquaculture, and recreation (Baine 2001). Fishermen often target these artificial habitats as
they tend to provide food, shelter, and nurseries for a variety of demersal and pelagic fishes (including
sport fishes) and many invertebrates (Seaman and Jensen 2000). Under optimal conditions, artificial
habitats benefit benthic communities and offshore/onshore economies. The benefits experienced by
marine biological communities increase with time (Ambrose and Swarbrick 1989, DeMartini et al. 1994).
There are a significant number of artificial habitats available for the marine communities in the GOA
including shipwrecks, buoys, and moorings (Figure 3.5-6); however, in the TMAA, moorings and buoys
are the only artificial habitats.
Marine Management Areas (MMAs) are similar to MPAs, but encompass a wider range of management
intents, including geological, cultural, or recreational resources, plus security zones, shellfish closures,
sewage discharge areas, and pipeline and cable corridors. The primary difference between MPAs and
MMAs is the duration of the site. MMAs must provide yearly protection for at least 3 months out of each
year, and must provide a minimum of 2 years of protection. MPAs must be designated with the intention
to become permanent. Seven sites are located within the TMAA and vicinity. Examples include the
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Steller Sea Lion Protection Areas, Kachemak Bay Research
Reserve, Katmai National Park and Preserve, and the Kodiak Island Wildlife Refuge (DoN 2006).
• "",
'1) IO~ •
'"' (J • !
• ,,,,,~
I """',
Albers Equal Area Conic (Alaska ) • Buoy Isobath (meters)
N .L Shipwreck D Temporary Maritime Activities Area
A ... Mooring
50 100
_ _ _e:=::;:; Kilometers
a_ _ _ _ _-======'
50 100
Nautical Miles Source: DoN 2006
Protected Habitats
Protected areas (Conservation Areas) throughout the GOA restrict groundfish harvest to minimize
harmful impacts of fishing methodology and equipment to ocean bottom habitat (Figure 3.5-7). A
widespread Atka mackerel closure established in 2002 under Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation
and Management Act (MSFCMA) extends from the coastline to the EEZ boundary (200 nm) throughout
the GOA (DoN 2006). Fishing restrictions also reduce food resource competition by increasing Steller sea
lion prey abundance (NMFS 1997). Protected areas are located around Steller sea lion haulout and
rookery sites with coverage varying from 3 to 20 nm (5.6 to 37 km). Access, harvest, and fishing
restrictions are modified for all 79 sites. Restriction enforcement and fishery management are controlled
by NOAA, North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC), and United States Coast Guard
The federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA; 16 U.S.C. 1451, et seq.) is a voluntary federal-state
partnership that encourages states to adopt programs that meet federal goals of protecting and restoring
coastal zone resources, including protecting coastal waters from nonpoint source pollution (16 U.S.C.
1455[b]). The program is administered by NOAA. The act requires participating coastal states to develop
management programs that demonstrate how states will carry out their obligations and responsibilities in
managing their coastal areas. Upon federal approval of a state’s coastal zone management program, the
state benefits by becoming eligible for federal coastal zone grants and by gaining review authority over
certain federal activities in the coastal zone and the consistency of those activities with the coastal zone
management plan. CZMA specifically excludes federal lands from state designation. However, federal
consistency requirements in the act (Section 307) require that federal activities be consistent with the
management program to the “maximum extent practicable.”
Potential stressors to marine communities in the TMAA that would result from changes in activities
between the No Action Alternative and the other alternatives are limited to 1) direct impacts to bottom-
dwelling communities from materials expended during training, or the accumulation of those materials;
and 2) explosions on or below the sea surface. Impacts to pelagic and benthic marine communities could
include localized disturbance of water column habitat, alteration or destruction of benthic habitat, or
detrimental effects to federal and state species of concern or their habitats. Some of the metals and other
materials used during training are hazardous, such as lead ballast and battery components. The impact of
these materials on marine water and sediment quality is discussed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, Expended
Materials and Water Resources, respectively.
Alternatives were evaluated for long-term effects on marine communities that would result from
explosions, based on their force, location, and proximity to the bottom. Short-term effects, including
increases in local turbidity, were not considered because they dissipate relatively quickly under the
influence of ocean and tidal currents, wind-generated currents, and the natural sediment transport
processes that operate continuously in the open ocean.
Expended Materials
Materials expended during training include sonobuoys; parachutes and nylon cord; some towed,
stationary, and remote-controlled targets; inert munitions; and exploded and unexploded munitions,
including missiles, bombs, and shells. These materials arise from 1) missiles and bombs used during
Missile Exercises (MISSILEX) and Bombing Exercises (BOMBEX), respectively; and 2) shells fired
during Gunnery Exercises (GUNEX) and BOMBEX. BOMBEX mostly involves the use of inert training
munitions, but explosives are occasionally used.
Materials from these sources include a variety of plastics, metals, and batteries. Unless otherwise noted in
the discussion or the table, targets are not recovered. Most of these materials are inert and dense, and will
settle deep in bottom sediments, become covered by sediments, or encrusted by physical or biological
processes. However, some of the metals and other materials such as lead, lithium, and batteries, are
Additional materials expended during training include illuminating flares, marine markers, and chaff.
These materials were dismissed from further analysis because, for both canisters and markers, the
majority of the constituents are consumed by heat and smoke, both of which dissipate in the air. Any
remaining materials from marine markers would sink into bottom sediments or become encrusted by
chemical processes or by marine animals. Phosphorus contained in the markers reacts with seawater to
produce phosphoric acid, a variable, but normal, component of seawater. Chaff consists of aluminum-
coated polymer fibers inside of a launching mechanism, and are widely dispersed on deployment. Chaff
settling on the ocean surface may temporarily raise turbidity, but will quickly disperse with particles
eventually settling to the ocean floor.
The impact of these materials on marine water and sediment quality is discussed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3,
Expended Materials and Water Resources, respectively.
Pelagic Communities
Pelagic species, whether plankton or large invertebrates, are most common in the surface and near-surface
layers of the open ocean. Therefore, any expended materials have the potential to kill or harm individual
animals and plants in the immediate vicinity. In situations where expended materials are deposited in an
area with a high concentration of individuals, the extent of death or harm would be greater than in a more
barren area. However, pelagic species are abundant, have high rates of reproduction, are widely
distributed, both across the ocean surface and vertically in the water column, and their distribution tends
to be patchy rather than uniform. Because of these factors and the very low density of expended materials
that would be associated with the No Action Alternative, negligible impacts are anticipated.
Most expended materials are inert and dense and readily sink deep into existing sediments or become
covered with sediment over time. These materials would also become encrusted by chemical processes or
by marine organisms that further isolates them from the environment. Once deposited, the materials
would not pose a hazard to benthic communities. Because high quality habitat occupies only a small
portion of the benthic environment, there is a small potential for the communities to be affected by initial
impact of expended materials. However, injury or death could occur to bottom-dwelling organisms if
The deposition of training materials on the ocean bottom under the No Action Alternative is judged to
have negligible impacts because 1) expended materials are distributed widely enough that less than two
items would be deposited on the bottom per nm2; and 2) the majority of those items are small caliber
rounds that would have little impact. However, if sensitive habitats were struck by larger objects,
localized impacts could occur. These communities usually have slow rates of recovery; however, over the
long term, such objects could also provide new, hard substrate for benthic communities to utilize.
Under the No Action Alternative, activities involving explosive munitions occur at or just below the
surface in the TMAA. These include sea surface explosions from missiles and bombs used during
BOMBEX and SINKEX; and shells fired during GUNEX and BOMBEX. Additional subsurface
explosions involve the use of explosive sonobuoys used during Tracking Exercises (TRACKEX).
Open Ocean Habitats
The effect of explosions in the TMAA is based on the number and force of explosive munitions in
proximity to pelagic and deepwater benthic habitats. Under the No Action Alternative an estimated 88
explosive munitions would be used in the open ocean of the TMAA (Table 3.5-2). Based on a TMAA
size of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of
the TMAA, 0.01 explosions would occur per nm2 (0.003 per km2) per year.
Pelagic Communities
Pelagic species, whether plankton or large invertebrates, are most common in the surface and near-surface
layers of the open ocean. Therefore, any surface or near-surface explosions or impacts have the potential
to kill or harm individual animals and plants in the immediate vicinity. However, the shock waves from
such explosions attenuate quickly (within a period of milliseconds). In situations where an explosion or
impact occurred in an area with a high concentration of individuals, the extent of death or harm would be
greater than in a more barren area. However, pelagic species are abundant, have high rates of
reproduction, are widely distributed, both across the ocean surface and vertically in the water column, and
their distribution tends to be patchy rather than uniform. Because of these factors and the very low density
of explosions that would be associated with the No Action Alternative, negligible impacts are anticipated. Alternative 1
Alternative 1 is a proposal designed to meet Navy and DoD current and near-term operational training
requirements. If Alternative 1 were to be selected, in addition to training activities currently conducted,
the ATA would support an increase in training activities to include conducting ASW activities and the use
of MFA sonar during ASW activities, as well as increases in training activities due to force structure
changes associated with the introduction of new weapon systems, vessels, aircraft, and training
instrumentation into the Fleet. Under Alternative 1, baseline-training activities would be increased for
some activities. In addition, training activities associated with force structure changes would be
implemented for the EA-18G Growler, Guided Missile Submarine (SSGN), P-8 Multimission Maritime
Aircraft (MMA), Guided Missile Destroyer [DDG] 1000 [Zumwalt Class] destroyer, and unmanned aerial
systems (UASs). Force structure changes associated with new weapons systems would include new
sonobuoys. Force structure changes associated with new training instrumentation include the Portable
Undersea Training Range (PUTR).
Activities under Alternative 1 that may affect marine communities include materials expended during
training as well as explosions and impacts. This analysis reviews the circumstances under which those
expended materials and explosions may harm or substantially degrade the pelagic marine communities or
benthic communities in the TMAA.
Pelagic Communities
Pelagic species are abundant, have high rates of reproduction and are widely distributed, both across the
ocean surface and vertically in the water column. Because of these factors and the low density of
materials expended during training, Alternative 1 would have negligible impacts on pelagic communities.
Open Ocean Habitats
As shown in Table 3.5-2, an estimated 168 explosions would occur in the TMAA under Alternative 1, an
increase of 91 percent over the No Action Alternative. Based on an open ocean area of 42,146 nm2
(144,557 km2) and conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA, there
would be about 0.02 explosions per nm2 (0.006 per km2) per year.
Pelagic Communities
Based on the abundance and wide-spread distribution of pelagic species, the effects of explosions under
Alternative 1 would be negligible.
No area supporting a PUTR system has been identified; however, potential impacts to marine habitats that
support plants and invertebrates can be assessed based on several assumptions. Assuming that
transponders are deployed on soft-bottom habitats, impacts would be similar to those discussed for
expended materials. There would be direct impact to soft bottom habitat where the clump weight
contacted the bottom, which may result in localized mortality to epifauna and infauna within the footprint,
although it is anticipated that recolonization would occur within a relatively short period of time. Upon
completion of the exercise, the transponders, which have an acoustic link, are sent a signal that breaks the
link and the transponders float to the surface for recovery. This design feature eliminates any potential
impacts associated with hazardous materials such as batteries and electronic components. The clump
weights are not recovered, and since they are composed of inert material, they are not a potential source
of contaminants, and could provide a substrate for benthic fauna. There may also be indirect effects
associated with increased turbidity due to resuspension of sediments from the clump weights contacting
the bottom. The turbidity plume is expected to be localized and temporary, as sediment would eventually
settle to the ocean floor or be dispersed by ocean currents. Therefore, localized and temporary impacts to
benthic fauna may occur from the PUTR, but no long-term impact is anticipated. Alternative 2
Implementation of Alternative 2 would include all elements of Alternative 1 (accommodating training
activities currently conducted, increasing specific training activities to include the use of active sonar, and
accommodating force structure changes). In addition, under Alternative 2 the following activities would
• Conduct one additional separate summertime CSG exercise lasting up to 21 days within the ATA.
Activities under Alternative 2 that may affect marine communities include materials expended during
training as well as explosions. This analysis reviews the circumstances under which those expended
materials and explosions may harm or substantially degrade the pelagic marine communities or benthic
communities in the TMAA.
Pelagic Communities
Pelagic species are abundant, have high rates of reproduction, and are widely distributed, both across the
ocean surface and vertically in the water column. Because of these factors and the low density of
materials expended during training, negligible impacts are anticipated under Alternative 2 (same as the
No Action Alternative).
have slow rates of recovery; however, over the long term, such objects could also provide new, hard
substrate for benthic communities to utilize.
Open Ocean Habitats
Under Alternative 2, an estimated 1,194 explosions would occur in the open ocean of the TMAA, an
increase of 1,257 percent over the No Action Alternative (see Table 3.5-2). Based on an open ocean area
of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the
TMAA, there would be 0.14 explosions per nm2 (0.04 km2) per year.
Pelagic Communities
Based on the abundance and wide-spread distribution of pelagic species, the effects of explosions under
Alternative 2 would be negligible.
A SINKEX is conducted under the auspices of an overarching permit from the USEPA (40 CFR § 229.2,
Transport of Target Vessels, and the August 1999 Navy/USEPA agreement that details vessel preparation
requirements to address PCBs under the SINKEX permit). Operations involve the use of missiles, bombs,
and torpedoes, which contain missile propellants, fuel, engine oil, hydraulic fluid, and batteries, all of
which may affect marine water quality and biota. The detailed analysis of Sections 3.2 (Expended
Materials) and 3.3 (Water Resources) indicates that the concentration of potential contaminants associated
with bombs, missiles, and torpedoes is below criteria established for the protection of aquatic life.
Although localized and temporary impacts to the pelagic environment would occur, the relatively small
quantities of materials expended, dispersed as they are over a very large area, would have no adverse
physical effects on marine biological resources. In addition, SINKEX operations occur in the open ocean
(at least 1,000 fathoms [6,000 ft] deep). However, the sunken vessel may alter soft-bottom habitats, but
may provide a beneficial use by providing habitat in the deep water environment. Given these reasons,
impacts to open ocean habitats from SINKEX are negligible.
3.5.3 Mitigation
As summarized in Section 3.5.2, the actions proposed under the alternatives described in this EIS/OEIS
would have minimal impacts on the marine plant and invertebrate communities of the TMAA. Therefore,
no resource-specific mitigation measures would be required. See Chapter 5 for additional discussion of
mitigation measures.
Alternative 1, and Alternative 2 on marine plants and invertebrates under both the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and EO 12114.
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
3.6 FISH
3.6.1 Affected Environment
For purposes of this Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS/OEIS), the Region of Influence (ROI) for fish is the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Temporary Maritime
Activities Area (TMAA). The TMAA is more than 12 nautical miles (nm) (22 kilometers [km]) from the
closest point of land and is therefore outside of United States (U.S.) territorial seas. Thus, this section
provides an overview of the species, distribution, and occurrence of fishes that are either resident or
migratory through the GOA TMAA. A brief discussion of Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) is provided in
Section of this EIS/OEIS and a brief discussion of federally listed threatened and endangered fish
species protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the TMAA is provided in Section
The Navy will consult, as appropriate, with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as part of the
EIS/OEIS process.
In the GOA, the majority of the fishery resources are found along the broad continental shelf ecosystem
(Richardson and Erickson 2005). Important marine species include salmonids (Chinook, coho, chum,
pink and sockeye salmon, and steelhead), Pacific halibut, shelf and slope groundfish (walleye pollock,
Pacific, sablefish, rockfishes, rex sole, Dover sole, arrowtooth flounder), dungeness crab, and scallops
(NMFS-AKR [Alaska Region] 2005, Richardson and Erickson 2005). The Pacific high seas salmon are
arguably the most important living marine resource within the GOA. Currently the GOA supports habitats
of “endangered” and “threatened” populations of high seas salmon (Chinook, coho, chum, and sockeye
salmon, and steelhead) (See Table 3.6-2, Section (NMFS 2005b, 2005d).
The TMAA falls within the Alaska Current (AC) and the Alaska Coastal Current (ACC) systems. Both
currents flow in a northerly direction off southeastern Alaska and then turn southwestward along the
Alaska coast. Beyond Kodiak Island, the AC intensifies and becomes the Alaskan Stream as it flows
along Alaskan Peninsula and the Aleutian Archipelago (Reed and Schumacher 1986). The AC system is
rich in microscopic organisms (i.e., large-celled diatoms, small cyanobacteria, microflagellates, micro-
/meso-zooplankton) which form the base of the food chain in the GOA. Grazers like forage species and
small pelagic fish depend on this planktonic food supply, and in turn are forage for larger species, such as
highly migratory species (e.g., high seas salmon) (Parsons 1986).
The TMAA and vicinity is a highly productive region for various marine fish and shellfish populations
and supports some of the most productive fisheries in the United States. (Lanksbury et al. 2005). It is also
an important spawning area for many fishes, supporting a diverse array of larval fish species influenced
by bathymetric features (i.e., shelf, slope, etc.) in the spring and bathymetry/circulation features in the
autumn (Doyle et al. 2002, Matarese et al. 2003, Doyle et al. 2005, Lanksbury et al. 2005). At least 383
species belonging to 84 families of marine and anadromous fishes have been reported from the
predominant ecosystems found in the GOA TMAA: nearshore, continental shelf/slope, and offshore areas
(Mecklenburg et al. 2002). Bony fishes (e.g., sculpins, snailfish, rockfish, and flatfish) dominate the
number of species in the GOA with less than 10 percent of species being cartilaginous fishes (e.g., sharks,
skates) (Mundy and Hollowed 2005). Shellfish (arthropods [e.g., crabs/shrimps] and mollusks (e.g.,
scallops, squids, and octopuses]) along with other benthic invertebrates comprise the bottom assemblage
on the shelf/slope and nearshore areas in number of species and biomass (Feder and Jewett 1986; Outer
Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment program [OCSEAP] 1986).
The fish fauna of the GOA consists of a mix of temperate and subarctic species, resulting in a large
gradient in species composition along the shelf from the eastern to the western GOA (Hart 1973).
Nearshore areas (e.g., Kodiak Island, lower Cook Inlet, and Prince William Sound) consisting of habitats
such as rocky/kelp, epipelagic, intertidal beaches, subtidal shelves, and deeper bottom of bays serve as
important spawning and nursery grounds for juveniles of numerous demersal and pelagic species (Rogers
FISH 3.6-1
1986, Rogers et al. 1986). These species include high seas salmon, walleye pollock, Pacific cod, crab,
flatfish, and various forage species (Mueter 2004). The life history of many of these species is closely tied
to the cyclonic boundary currents (e.g., subarctic), which transport eggs and larvae, and serve as
important migratory pathways for juvenile salmon (Beamish et al. 2005).
Offshore areas are dominated by large epipelagic species that are capable of moving independently of
currents (i.e., nekton), such as high seas salmon throughout the year with Pacific pomfret (Brama
japonica), Pacific saury (Cololabis saira), and albacore tuna being common in the summer. These
offshore areas in the GOA provide the principal feeding habitat for many species, particularly high seas
salmon (Brodeur et al. 1999). All of these various species display a strong latitudinal gradient with their
distribution correlating with sea surface temperature (Mueter 2004).
There are six dominant species of salmon that occur in the GOA and have the potential of occurring in the
TMAA: Chinook (O. tshawytscha), coho (O. kisutch), chum (O. keta), pink (O. gorbuscha), sockeye (O.
nerka), and steelhead (O. mykiss). Salmonids found in the GOA are anadromous fish species that spend at
least part of their adult life in the ocean but return to freshwater environments to spawn.
Pacific salmon (genus Oncorhynchus) range from San Francisco Bay, California, northward around the
Pacific Rim through Alaska and southward along the coasts of Russia, Japan, and Korea (Myers et al.
1998). There are seven species of Pacific salmon; two species, masu (Oncorhynchus masou) and amago
(O. rhodurus) only occur in Asia, and five species, Chinook, coho, chum, pink, and sockeye reproduce in
North America and Asia (Groot and Margolis 1991, DFO 2002, NMFS-AKR 2005).
Until 1988, steelhead (the anadromous form of rainbow trout) was classified in the genus Salmo along
with Atlantic salmon, brown trout, and several western trout species. With additional osteology and
biochemistry data, biologists have now reclassified steelhead as members of the genus Oncorhynchus.
The reason for this is that new information suggested that steelhead are more closely related to Pacific
salmon than to brown trout and Atlantic salmon. As such, the American Fisheries Society - American
Society of Ichthyologists Committee on Names of Fishes voted unanimously to accept Oncorhynchus as
the proper generic name. For full scientific details, see Smith and Stearley 1989. As such, the scientific
name of steelhead was changed from Salmo gairdneri to Oncorhynchus mykiss.
In general, the life history of Pacific salmon and steelhead includes incubation, hatching and emergence
in freshwater, migration to the ocean, and subsequent initiation of maturation and return to freshwater for
completion of maturation and spawning (Eggers 2004). Salmon are anadromous, meaning that they
migrate up rivers and streams from the sea to spawn in freshwater. Pacific salmon spawn in gravel beds in
rivers, streams and along lake-shores where females lay their eggs in nests or “redd” (Groot and Margolis
1991, Eggers 2004). Depending on the species, they spend between 1 to 7 years at sea, with most making
extensive and complicated migrations (Quinn 2005). Generally, Pacific salmon return to their natal rivers
to spawn and, with few exceptions, die soon after (Quinn 2005). The death of these salmon returns much-
needed nutrients from the ocean to the otherwise nutrient-poor streams (Groot and Margolis 1991).
Anadromy and the strong fidelity of homing to their natal streams have resulted in the development of
FISH 3.6-2
many reproductively isolated subpopulations (little inbreeding occurs between salmon from one river and
another) referred to as stocks (Quinn 2005). These subpopulations are exposed to different physical and
biotic factors such as temperature, flow, gravel size, predators, prey, competitors, and pathogens (Quinn
2005). These variations between streams have led to the evolution of specializations to help the salmon
survive in their home rivers (PFMC 2000). These distinct habitat dynamics require these subpopulations
be managed individually rather than as one homogenous species (Duffy et al. 2005).
Groundfish Species
Groundfish species (i.e., flatfish, rockfish, thornyheads, roundfish, skates, sharks and chimeras) support
important commercial and recreational fisheries. Many species of groundfish have EFH in the TMAA,
and are discussed in more detail in Section
The continental shelf/slope supports a large biomass of groundfishes, particularly the wide shelf and
banks around Kodiak Island, northwest of the GOA TMAA (Mueter 2004). Typically, the groundfish
community in the GOA exhibits strong-depth gradient in species composition and diversity (Mueter and
Norcross 2002) found in many other demersal fish communities inhabiting shelf and upper slope regions
(Colvocoresses and Musick 1984, Jay 1996, Mahon et al. 1998). Information is lacking about demersal
species on the deeper parts of the slope, continental rise, in the deep central basin, and on the numerous
seamounts (Mueter 2004). Faunal assemblages collected from GOA seamounts, south of the TMAA, were
dominated by giant (Albatrossia pectoralis) and Pacific (Coryphaenoides acrolepis) grenadiers, rockfish
(Sebastes spp. and Sebastolobus sp.), and sablefish (Hoff and Stevens 2005) and may be representative of
other seamounts in the GOA (Maloney 2004, Morato and Pauly 2004).
Flatfish live on the bottom, and are represented by flounders, soles, turbots, and plaice (Mecklenburg et
al. 2002).
Rockfish of the Family Scorpaenidae inhabit rocky areas in shallow to moderately deep water or occur
farther offshore on silty and sandy, soft bottoms in the marine waters of the TMAA and are represented
by the genera Sebastes and Sebastolobus (Mecklenburg et al. 2002). Approximately 32 of the 36 species
of Sebastes and two of the three species Sebastolobus species have been documented in the TMAA.
Rockfish diversity is highest in southern southeast Alaska with the number of species declining markedly
west of the central GOA (Enticknap and Sheard 2005). The rockfishes have been divided into three
assemblages for management purposes based on species habitat and distribution, as well as commercial
composition data: slope, demersal shelf, and pelagic shelf, whereas the thornyheads are managed
independently (O'Connell et al. 2003, NMFS-AKR 2005). Rockfish are long-lived and sexual maturity is
attained between 5 and 20 years of age. Spawning for most species generally takes place in the early
spring (April) or late fall. Once hatched (late winter to mid-summer) the juvenile larvae form part of the
pelagic community for up to 3 years and use nearshore habitats. Due to their long lives and late sexual
maturity, rockfish are extremely susceptible to over harvest and stock depletion.
Species of sharks and skates that are known to occur in the GOA include salmon shark (Lamna ditropis),
spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias), big skate (Raja binoculata), and longnose skate (R. rhina). Sharks and
skates form part of the benthic and near-bottom fish communities and are not classified as food fish.
These species are often caught as bycatch in groundfish fisheries.
Groundfish range throughout the EEZ and occupy diverse habitats at all stages in their life histories.
Some species are broadly dispersed during specific life stages, especially those with pelagic eggs and
larvae. The distribution of other species and/or life stages may be relatively limited, as with adults of
many nearshore rockfish which show strong affinities to a particular location or substrate type.
FISH 3.6-3
Habitat parameters affecting fish distribution throughout the TMAA include both physical (depth,
substrate, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen) and biological (competitors, predators, and
facilitators) variables (NMFS-Northwest Region [NWR] 2005). Habitat types in the GOA can be
separated into two zoogeographic provinces: coastal Aleutian (Aleutian Islands to Sitka, Alaska, Dixon
Entrance, or Cape Flattery, Washington) and oceanic Subarctic (GOA to Latitude 43°N). These provinces
can further be broken down into the following habitat types utilized by managed fishes within the GOA
(Briggs 1974, Feder and Jewett 1986, O'Clair and Zimmerman 1986, Allen and Smith 1988, Malecha et
al. 2005, Peterson 2005).
As discussed in Section 3.5, the TMAA is over 12 nm (22.2 km) offshore and does not include nearshore
habitat, but primarily consists of offshore open ocean habitats including pelagic, continental shelf, slope,
and abyssal plain regions, which are influenced by both the ACC and the Alaska Gyre. However, a brief
description of nearshore habitats is provided since some fishes may utilize this habitat throughout their
life cycle.
Nearshore Habitats
Embayments include bays, fjords, and inlets influenced by both the ocean and river and serve as the
transitional zone between fresh and saltwater. Major embayments found north and northwest of the
TMAA include Prince William Sound, Resurrection Bay, and lower Cook Inlet.
Islands include areas separated from the mainland by straits (Kodiak Island by Shelikof Strait) or
occurring at mouth of embayments (Montague Island – Prince William Sound or Barrens Island – lower
Cook Inlet).
Nearshore Hardbottom
Nearshore hardbottom is composed of bedrock, boulders, cobble, or gravel/cobble. Nearshore hardbottom
is one of the least abundant benthic habitats, but one of the most important for fishes, especially rockfish
(e.g., Sebastes spp.), lingcod, and sculpins. Most Alaska Pacific herring stocks spawn in intertidal and
shallow subtidal hardbottom.
FISH 3.6-4
Offshore Hardbottom
The hardbottom is composed of bedrock, boulders, cobble, or gravel/cobble. Large, mobile, demersal
fishes (e.g., rockfish, sablefish, Pacific hake, spotted ratfish) are typically associated with this habitat.
The NMFS and regional Fishery Management Councils (FMCs) develop EFH descriptions for federally
managed fish species and include them in their respective Fishery Management Plans (FMPs). The FMPs
identify and describe EFH, describe the EFH impacts (fishing and nonfishing), and suggest measures to
conserve and enhance the EFH. The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) developed
FMPs for all fisheries occurring within the boundary of the TMAA. The GOA is defined in the FMP as
the U.S. EEZ of the North Pacific Ocean, exclusive of the Bering Sea, between the eastern Aleutian
Islands at 170°W longitude and Dixon Entrance at 132°40’W longitude and includes the Western,
Central, and Eastern regulatory areas (NMFS-AKR 2005).
FISH 3.6-5
A total of 68 fish and invertebrate species with designated EFH occur in the TMAA (see Table 3.6-1).
They are grouped into the High Seas Salmon (five species), Scallop (four species), and Groundfish
Complex (59 species).
Table 3.6-1: The Fish and Invertebrate Species with EFH Designated in the Gulf of Alaska TMAA
NPFMC-Managed Species by Management Plan
High Seas Salmon FMP Species
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)
Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)
Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta)
Scallop FMP Species
Pink or reddish scallop (Chlamys rubida) Spiny scallop (Chalmys hastata)
Rock scallop (Crassadoma gigantea) Weathervane scallop (Patinopectin caurinus)
Groundfish Complex FMP Species
Arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias) Rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus)
Flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon)
Flatfish - Shallow-water Assemblage
Alaska plaice (Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus) Southern rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineatus)
Butter sole (Isopsetta isopleis) Sand sole (Psettichthys melanostictus)
English sole (Parophrys vetulus) Starry Flounder (Platichthys stellatus)
Northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) Yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera)
Flatfish - Deepwater Assemblage
Deepsea sole (Embassichthys bathybius) Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides)
Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus)
Rockfish - Slope Assemblage
Bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) Redstripe rockfish (Sebastes proriger)
Darkblotched rockfish (Sebastes crameri) Rougheye rockfish (Sebastes aleutianus)
Greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes elongatus) Sharpchin rockfish (Sebastes zacentrus)
Harlequin rockfish (Sebastes variegatus) Shortraker rockfish (Sebastes borealis)
Northern rockfish (Sebastes polyspinis) Silvergray rockfish (Sebastes brevispinis)
Pacific ocean perch (Sebastes alutus) Splitnose rockfish (Sebastes diploproa)
Pygmy rockfish (Sebastes wilsoni) Vermilion rockfish (Sebastes miniatus)
Redbanded rockfish (Sebastes babcocki)
Rockfish - Demersal Shelf Assemblage
Canary rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) Rosethorn rockfish (Sebastes helvomaculatus)
China rockfish (Sebastes nebulosus) Tiger rockfish (Sebastes nigrocinctus)
Copper rockfish (Sebastes caurinus) Yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus)
Quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger)
Rockfish - Pelagic Shelf Assemblage
Dark rockfish (Sebastes ciliatus) Widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas)
Dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) Yellowtail rockfish (Sebastes flavidus)
Longspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus altivelis) Shortspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus alascanus)
FISH 3.6-6
Table 3.6-1: The Fish and Invertebrate Species with EFH Designated in the Gulf of Alaska TMAA
The status, distribution, habitat preference (substrate, depth, temperature, and salinity), life history
(migration, movements, and spawning), common prey species, and EFH designations of the species
complexes and/or individual species are summarized in greater detail in an EFH Assessment prepared by
the Navy.
Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs) are a subset of EFH. FMCs are encouraged to designate
HAPCs under the MSFCMA. HAPCs are identified based on habitat level considerations rather than
species life stages as are identified with EFH. EFH guidelines published in federal regulations identify
FISH 3.6-7
HAPCs as types or areas of habitat within EFH that are identified based on one or more of the following
In addition to the EFH status, some of these species are assigned status categories in conjunction with the
ESA and various federal or international agencies. Currently, there are no existing HAPCs in the NPFMC
region (Moncada et al. 2004). Several habitat types identified as HAPCs (areas with living substrates in
shallow/deep waters and freshwater areas used by anadromous fish) within EFH amendments 55/55/8/5/5
(NPFMC 1999) are currently being revised within EFH amendments 65/65/12/7/8, with the focus
centering on specific habitat locations, such as seamounts and hard coral areas (NPFMC 2005b). In
addition, the final rule to amendments 7 and 8 to the FMP for salmon fisheries in the EEZ off the coast of
Alaska, amendments 7 and 9 to the FMP for the scallop fishery off Alaska, and amendments 73 and 65 to
the FMP for groundfish of the GOA have established the following Habitat Conservation Areas (HCAs)
and Habitat Protection Areas (HPAs) in the GOA: 10 Gulf of Alaska Slope Habitat Conservation Areas
(GOASHCAs), 15 Alaska Seamount Habitat Protection Areas (ASHPAs), and 5 Gulf of Alaska Coral
Habitat Protection Areas (GOACHPAs) (NMFS 2006b). Two GOASHCA (Cable and Middleton West)
and four ASHPA (Dall, Giacomini, Kodiak, and Quinn Seamounts) occur within or in the vicinity of the
TMAA (see Figure 3.5-7).
EFH Designations
Salmon EFH includes streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and other water bodies currently or historically
accessible to salmon. The geographic extent of marine EFH for salmon extends from the nearshore and
tidal submerged environments within state territorial seas out to the full extent of the Exclusive Economic
Zone (EEZ), 200 nm offshore (Pacific Fisheries Management Council [PFMC] 2000, NMFS-AKR 2005).
FISH 3.6-8
Freshwater EFH for salmon (streams, lakes, ponds, or wetlands) is not within the TMAA. For more
information on freshwater EFH, see NMFS-AKR (2005).
None of these high seas salmon are currently listed on the International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (IUCN) red list of threatened species. Those species listed under the ESA are
discussed in Section
Target species consist of the following groups: 13 flatfish species (right-eye flounders) consisting of a
single family, 32 rockfish and two thornyheads in the family Scorpaenidae; four roundfish species
representing three families; and five skate species in the family Rajidae. Other species consist of six
sculpins representing two families, three sharks from three families, four squids consisting of two
families, and two octopuses representing two families (see Table 3.6-1) (NPFMC 2005b). The forage fish
species comprises nine fish families and one crustacean order Euphausiacea (NPFMC 2005a). EFH
designation is based upon the aquatic habitat necessary for groundfish production in supporting a long-
term sustainable fisheries and contributing to a healthy ecosystem (NMFS-AKR 2005). According to the
Final EIS (FEIS) for EFH Identification and Conservation in Alaska, other species, such as sharks, octopi,
and forage fishes are lacking sufficient information to define EFH (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Fifty-nine of the 66 NPFMC managed groundfish species are known to occur in the GOA TMAA
(NMFS-AKR 2005). These groundfish species occupy various marine environments including estuaries,
tideland marshes, bays, fjords, sandy beaches, unprotected rocky shores, river deltas, and a variety of
continental shelf, slope, seamounts, and deep ocean habitats encompassing different physical and
biological attributes at various stages in their life histories (Hood and Zimmerman 1986). Research on the
life histories and habitats of these species varies in completeness, so while some species are well studied,
there is relatively little information on other species. The status, distribution, habitat preference (substrate,
depth, temperature, and salinity), life history (migration, movements, and spawning), common prey
species, and EFH designations of the species complexes and/or individual species are summarized below,
with greater detail provided in an EFH Assessment prepared by the Navy (NPFMC 1990, 2004b, 2005b).
The flatfishes in the GOA have been divided into several categories for management purposes. With the
exception of arrowtooth flounder, rex sole, and flathead sole, which are managed as individual species,
FISH 3.6-9
the remaining flatfishes are managed as “shallow-water” and “deepwater” assemblages (NMFS-AKR
2005). Each of the managed individual species has its own EFH designation (Table 3.6-1). The EFH
designation of the Alaska plaice and rock and yellowfin soles best represents the shallow-water
assemblage, whereas the Dover sole best represents the deepwater assemblage (NMFS-AKR 2005).
According to NMFS (2005a) and NPFMC (2004a), no groundfish stocks are designated as overfished.
The abundances of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific ocean perch (Sebaste alutus), northern
rockfish (S. polyspinis), dusky rockfish (S. ciliatus), thornyheads, flathead sole (Hippoglossoides
elassodon), Dover sole, and arrowtooth flounder are above target stock size, whereas abundances of
walleye pollock are below target stock size (NPFMC 2004a). The relative abundances of other deepwater
flatfish, shallow-water flatfish, rex sole, shortraker rockfish (S. borealis), rougheye rockfish (S.
aleutianus), demersal shelf rockfish, other pelagic shelf rockfish, other slope rockfish, Atka mackerel
(Pleurogrammus monopterygius), and skates are unknown (NMFS 2004a).
Currently, the various individual species comprising the groundfish complex are not listed as threatened
or endangered or species of concern (formerly candidate species) under the ESA in the TMAA. Five
groundfish species are on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Bocaccio (S. paucispinis) is
considered critically endangered due to an estimated reduction of at least 80 percent of its population over
the last 10 years or three generations. The shortspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus alascanus) is considered
endangered due to an estimated reduction of at least 50 percent of its population over the last 10 years or
three generations. The salmon shark is listed as data deficient, and the big skate is listed as lower risk, but
near threatened. The spiny dogfishes’ northeast Pacific subpopulation is listed as vulnerable due to the
fisheries overexploitation of this species because of its late maturity, low capacity to reproduce, longevity,
generation time (25 to 40 years), and a low intrinsic population rate increase of 2 to 7 percent per year.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the salmon shark is listed as category 1 due
to a lack of fisheries data (Castro et al. 1999).
Federally listed species of fish are identified by Evolutionarily Significant Units (ESUs) or Distinct
Population Segments (DPSs). This policy indicates that one or more naturally reproducing populations
will be considered to be distinct population segments and, hence, a species under the ESA, if they
represent an ESU or DPS of the biological species. To be considered an ESU, a population must satisfy
two criteria: (1) It must be reproductively isolated from other population units of the same species, and (2)
it must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the biological species (Good et al.
2005). The first criterion, reproductive isolation, need not be absolute but must have been strong enough
to permit evolutionarily important differences to occur in different population units. The second criterion
is met if the population contributes substantially to the ecological or genetic diversity of the species as a
whole (NMFS 1999). The DPS policy adopts criteria similar to, but somewhat different from, those in the
ESU policy for determining when a group of vertebrates constitutes a DPS: the group must be discrete
from other populations and it must be significant to its taxon (NMFS 2006a).
Once an ESU or DPS is listed, the ESA requires NOAA and USFWS to designate “critical habitat” for the
species. “Critical habitat” is defined as: 1) specific areas within the geographical area occupied by the
species at the time of listing, if they contain physical or biological features essential to conservation, and
those features may require special management considerations or protection; and 2) specific areas outside
FISH 3.6-10
the geographical area occupied by the species if the agency determines that the area itself is essential for
Various listed ESUs or DPSs of salmonids (Chinook salmon, coho salmon, chum salmon, sockeye
salmon, and steelhead) migrate north to mature in the GOA and may occur in the TMAA. While these
listed salmonids have designated critical habitat, none of the critical habitat occurs within the TMAA.
Salmon (Chinook and coho, in particular) support important traditional, commercial, and recreational
fisheries in the GOA and have long been an integral part of the Native American culture (North Pacific
Fisheries Management Council [NPFMC] 1990). Salmon are extremely important to both marine and
terrestrial ecosystems (Gende et al. 2002).
Federally listed species that may occur within the TMAA are listed in Table 3.6-2; however, it should be
noted that no designated critical habitat occurs within the TMAA.
Table 3.6-2: Pacific Salmonid ESUs and DPSs in the TMAA and Vicinity
ESA Listing Critical Habitat in
Species ESU
Status TMAA
Sacramento River Winter-run Endangered No
Upper Columbia River Spring-run Endangered No
Snake River Spring/Summer-run Threatened No
Snake River Fall-run Threatened No
Chinook No
Central Valley Spring-run Threatened
California Coastal Threatened No
Puget Sound Threatened No
Lower Columbia River Threatened No
Upper Willamette River Threatened No
Central California Coast Endangered No
Coho Southern Oregon / Northern California Coasts Threatened No
Salmon Lower Columbia River Threatened No
Oregon Coast Threatened No
Chum Hood Canal Summer-run Threatened No
Salmon Columbia River Threatened No
Sockeye Snake River Endangered No
Salmon Ozette Lake Threatened No
Southern California Endangered No
Upper Columbia River Threatened No
Snake River Basin Threatened No
Middle Columbia River Threatened No
Lower Columbia River Threatened No
Steelhead No
Upper Willamette River Threatened
South-Central California Coast Threatened No
Central California Coast Threatened No
Northern California Threatened No
California Central Valley Threatened No
Puget Sound Threatened No
Source: NMFS 2009
FISH 3.6-11
Chinook Salmon
The Chinook salmon’s historical range in North America extended from the Ventura River in California
to Point Hope, Alaska (Myers et al. 1998). The natural freshwater range for Chinook salmon extends
throughout the Pacific Rim of North America. This species has been identified from the San Joaquin
River in California to the Mackenzie River in northern Canada (Healey 1991). The oceanic range
encompasses Washington, Oregon, California, throughout the north Pacific Ocean, and as far south as the
U.S./Mexico border (PFMC 2000). Offshore ocean distribution is generally more limited (within 200
miles [mi] of the coast) for Chinook than other Pacific salmonids (NPFMC 1990).
Chinook salmon exhibit one of the more diverse and complex life history strategies of all Pacific salmon
and are separated into two generalized life-history types: stream-type and ocean-type (Myers et al. 1998,
PFMC 2000). Timing of migration to seawater for juveniles is highly variable (PFMC 2000). Ocean-type
juveniles may migrate to the ocean immediately after hatching in the late winter or early spring, but most
remain in freshwater for 30 to 90 days (NMFS-AKR 2005). Ocean-type juveniles typically inhabit
estuaries for several months before migrating to higher salinity waters (PFMC 2000). Stream-type
juveniles pass quickly through estuaries, are highly migratory, and may make extensive migrations in the
open ocean (NMFS-AKR 2005). Fry enter the upper reaches of estuaries in late winter for the more
southern populations or early spring for the more northern populations (PFMC 2000). For a year or more,
they reside as fry or parr in freshwater where they exhibit downstream dispersal and utilize a variety of
freshwater rearing environments before migrating to sea (Healey 1991). They perform extensive offshore
oceanic migrations and return to their natal river during the spring and early summer, several months
prior to spawning (Healey 1991). Ocean residency varies but may last from 1 to 6 years (Healey 1991).
Stream-type adults often enter freshwater in the spring and summer as immature fish and spawn in upper
watersheds in late summer or early fall (PFMC 2000). Stream-type life histories are most common in
Alaska, but ocean-type populations are also present in a few watersheds (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Ocean-type Chinook migrate to the ocean within the first year (typically within a few months) after
emergence where they spend an average of 4 to 5 years. (Myers et al. 1998, PFMC 2000, Augerot and
Foley 2005). Ocean-type Chinook salmon spend most of their ocean life in coastal waters, and return to
their natal rivers from spring to winter (Healey 1991). Spawning may range from May/June to
December/January depending on location but periods are specific for each run and/or stock (Emmett et al.
1991, Healey 1991, PFMC 2000). Spawning may occur from the tidewater to 1,988 mi (3,200 km)
upstream (Healey 1991). Stream-type and ocean-type spawning populations are separated considerably
(Healey 1991). In North America there seems to be a sudden shift from stream-type to ocean-type stocks
somewhere around Alaska-British Columbia border (Healey 1991). South of approximately 56oN, stream-
type Chinook are only found in larger rivers with ocean-type salmon dominating the majority of the runs
(Healey 1991).
Chinook salmon may return to their natal streams during any month but there are one to three peaks
associated with salmon migratory activity (Healey 1991). These peaks vary between river systems.
Northern river systems generally see a single peak in migratory activity around June, although runs can
possibly occur from April to August (Healey 1991). As you go farther south, runs occur progressively
later (Healey 1991).
Within the TMAA, early life history stages for Chinook occur in freshwater but juveniles and adults
utilize marine habitats. Juvenile Chinook prefer coastal areas (less than 34 mi [55 km]) throughout
California, Oregon, and Washington, north to the Strait of Georgia and the Inland Passage, Alaska
(PFMC 2000). The majority of marine juveniles are found within 17 mi (28 km) of the coast (PFMC
2000). They tend to concentrate around areas of pronounced coastal upwellings (PFMC 2000).
Populations originating north of Cape Blanco, Oregon migrate north to the GOA, while populations
originating south of Cape Blanco migrate south and west into the waters off California and Oregon
FISH 3.6-12
(PFMC 2000). Chinook salmon spawning in rivers south of the Rogue River in Oregon rear in marine
waters off California and Oregon, whereas, salmon spawning in rivers north of the Rogue River migrate
north and west along the Pacific coast (NMFS-AKR 2005). These migrations are important from a
management perspective since fish from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska have the
potential of being harvested in the GOA (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Coho Salmon
Coho salmon are found in freshwater drainages from Monterey Bay, California north along the west coast
of North America to Alaska, around the Bering Sea south through Russia to Hokkaido, Japan (California
Department of Fish and Game [CDFG] 2002). Oceanic lifestages are found from Camalu Bay, Baja
California north to Point Hope, Alaska and through the Aleutian Islands (Marine Biological Consultants
[MBC] 1987, Sandercock 1991, NMFS-AKR 2005). In the northeastern Pacific, coho can be found south
of 40oN, but only in the coastal waters of the California Current (MBC 1987). Tagging studies have
shown coho originating from Washington and Oregon as far north as 60oN latitude and coho originating
from California as far north as 58oN latitude (PFMC 2000). Oregon coho have been taken in offshore
waters near Kodiak Island in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Westward migration of coho salmon appears to
extend beyond the EEZ beginning at approximately 45oN latitude off the coast of Oregon (PFMC 2000).
In strong upwelling years coho are more dispersed offshore, whereas in weak upwelling years they
concentrate near submarine canyons and areas of consistent upwelling.
Adult coho migrate into streams where they deposit their eggs in gravel (Sandercock 1991). Eggs
incubate throughout the winter and emerge in the spring as free-swimming fry (Sandercock 1991).
Typical freshwater and estuarine residency time in Alaska is one to two years, though coho may spend up
to 5 years if their growth is slow (NMFS-AKR 2005). Juveniles spend a minimum of 18 months at sea
before returning to their natal streams to repeat the process (NPFMC 1990, Sandercock 1991).
Adult coho salmon migrate to their natal streams from June to February with northern populations
beginning their return earlier than southern populations (Emmett et al. 1991, Sandercock 1991).
Throughout their range, coho exhibit a variety of return timing patterns (Sandercock 1991). Most juvenile
migration occurs from April to August with a peak in May (Emmett et al. 1991). Generally, as you move
farther north, estuarine residency time for juveniles increases (PFMC 2000). Upon entering the ocean,
coho may spend several weeks or their entire first summer in coastal waters before migrating north
(PFMC 2000). In Alaska, coho spend up to 4 months in coastal waters before migrating offshore (NMFS-
AKR 2005). Tag, release, and recovery studies suggest that coho salmon of California origin can be found
as far north as southeast Alaska and salmon from Oregon and Washington as far north as the northern
GOA (PFMC 2000). The extent of coho migrations appears to extend westward along the Aleutian Island
chain ending somewhere around Emperor Seamount (believed to be an area of high prey abundance;
PFMC 2000). The southern extent of the population expands and contracts annually, with Point
Conception, California generally considered the faunal break for the coho and other temperate marine
species (PFMC 2000). Offshore, juvenile coho are generally found in waters over the continental shelf,
ranging from 23 to 46 mi (37 to 74 km) from shore (NMFS-AKR 2005). Adult coho may enter freshwater
as early as July in the Alaska and as late as December or January in California (Sandercock 1991, PFMC
2000). Summer-run coho may enter rivers exceptionally early (spring or early summer; PFMC 2000).
Larger rivers have a wider range of entry times than smaller systems (PFMC 2000).
Because of the coho’s extended residency in freshwater environments (streams, ponds, and lakes), they
are especially vulnerable to anthropogenic activities such as timber harvesting, mining, and road building
(NPFMC 1990). Catch rates for coho in Alaska are at historically high levels and most stocks are rated as
stable (NMFS-AKR 2005).
FISH 3.6-13
Chum Salmon
Chum salmon have the largest range of natural geographic and spawning distribution of all the Pacific
salmon species (Pauley et al. 1988). Historically, in North America, chum salmon occurred from
Monterey, California to the Arctic coast of Alaska and east to the Mackenzie River which flows into the
Beaufort Sea. Present spawning populations are now found only as far south as Tillamook Bay on the
northern Oregon coast (Salo 1991). Juvenile chum occur along the coast of North America and Alaska in
a band that extends out to 22 mi (36 km) (Salo 1991).
Chum salmon are an anadromous species distributed throughout the North Pacific Ocean (Salo 1991).
They are highly migratory with fry heading seaward immediately after emergence (NPFMC 1990, Salo
1991). Chum salmon do not have the clearly defined smolt stages that occur in other salmonids; however
they are capable of adapting to seawater soon after emergence from the gravel (Salo 1991). Migrations of
juvenile chum are correlated with the warming of nearshore waters (Salo 1991). They migrate to estuaries
during their first spring or summer and spend little time rearing in freshwater (Pauley et al. 1988).
Juveniles enter estuaries from March to mid-May where they remain for several months (Emmett et al.
1991). As chum salmon grow, there is a general movement toward the ocean, moving offshore from April
to June (Emmett et al. 1991). They then head north along the continental shelf until they reach the Gulf of
Alaska (Emmett et al. 1991). Adults return to their natal streams at various ages but generally within 2 to
5 years (Salo 1991). Chum salmon return to their natal streams from June to January with more northern
populations returning earlier than those to the south (NMFS-AKR 2005). The majority of chum spawning
in Alaska is finished by November (NMFS-AKR 2005). For chum salmon, two spawning stocks exist: a
northern stock that spawns from June to September and a southern (late-run) stock that spawns from
August to January (Emmett et al. 1991).
Within the TMAA, early life history stages for chum salmon occur in freshwater but juveniles and adults
utilize marine habitats. Juvenile chum migrations follow the GOA coastal belt to the north, west, and
south during their first summer at sea (Salo 1991). While overall migration patterns of juvenile chum
salmon within the GOA are understood, nearshore residency times and offshore migrations patterns are
still unclear (Salo 1991). Migrations of immature fish during the late summer, fall, and winter occur in a
broad southeasterly fashion, primarily south of 50oN and east of 155oW in the GOA. During the spring
and early summer, chum salmon migrate to the north and west (Salo 1991). Maturing fish destined for
North American streams are widely distributed throughout the GOA during the spring and summer (Salo
Sockeye Salmon
The sockeye salmon are primarily anadromous, where they migrate as juveniles from freshwater habitats
to marine environments and return to freshwater habitats to spawn, but there are also distinct landlocked
populations (kokanee) which never migrate to marine waters, spending their entire life cycle in fresh
water habitats (Burgner 1991, Emmett et al. 1991).
After emergence, sockeye typically rear in lakes or glacial river sloughs for 1 to 3 years before migrating
to the ocean (NPFMC 1990, Burgner 1991). Anadromous sockeye spend 1 to 4 years at sea before
returning to their natal streams in the summer and autumn to spawn and eventually die. Offshore
movements of sockeye are complex and are affected by a variety of physical factors (e.g., season,
temperature, and salinity) and biological factors (e.g., life stage, age and size, availability and distribution
of prey, and stock-of-origin; Burgner 1991). Juveniles generally remain in a band close to the coast upon
entering the ocean environment (NMFS-AKR 2005). In British Columbia and southeast Alaska, juveniles
are usually present in the open sea by late June. These fish are found moving northwestward into the
GOA during July. This northwestward movement up the eastern Pacific Rim is followed by a
southwestward migration along the Alaskan Peninsula (NMFS-AKR 2005).
FISH 3.6-14
In North America, spawning populations are found from the Sacramento River in California, north to
Kotzebue Sound (Burgner 1991). Spawning is temperature-dependent and varies by location generally
occurring from August to December and peaking in October (Emmett et al. 1991). Sockeye generally
spawn in streams associated with lakes where the juveniles rear in the limnetic zone before they smoltify
and migrate to the ocean (Pauley et al. 1989, Burgner 1991, Emmett et al. 1991). For this reason, the two
largest spawning complexes are the Bristol Bay watershed in southwestern Alaska and the Fraser River
watershed in British Columbia, both of which have extensive lake rearing habitats accessible to sockeye
(Burgner 1991).
Within the TMAA, early life history stages for sockeye occurs in lakes and streams, but juveniles and
adults utilize marine habitats and vicinity. Seaward migrations in Alaska begin in mid-May in association
with salinity gradients (NPFMC 1990). Soon after entering the ocean, juvenile sockeye (excluding those
from Bristol Bay) begin moving north into the GOA where they remain along the coastal belt until late-
fall or early-winter. They then disperse offshore moving west and south (Emmett et al. 1991). In the
GOA, sockeye move north during the spring and summer and south and west during the winter (Emmett
et al. 1991). Ocean residency for sockeye is 1 to 4 years (Pauley et al. 1989).
Steelhead Trout
Steelhead trout exhibit a great diversity of life history patterns, and are phylogenetically and ecologically
complex. Steelhead may exhibit either an anadromous life style, or a freshwater residency, where they
spend their entire life in freshwater (NMFS 1997). Freshwater residents are referred to as rainbow trout.
Different life history forms include anadromous and nonanadromous, winter or summer steelhead, inland
or coastal groupings, and half-pounder strategies. Some anadromous forms spend up to 7 years in
freshwater and 3 years in the ocean prior to their first spawning (Busby et al. 1996), while other
anadromous steelhead typically spend the first 2 years of their lives in freshwater, migrate to the marine
environment and spend 2 to 3 years there, before returning to the freshwater environment to spawn at 4 to
5 years of age (McEwan and Jackson 1996, Schultz 2004).
Steelhead have excellent homing abilities and have been separated into two races depending on their
return to their natal stream (winter-run and summer-run; Emmett et al. 1991). Winter-run steelhead
migrate upstream during the fall, winter, and early spring, whereas summer-run steelhead migrate during
the spring, summer, and early fall (Emmett et al. 1991). Winter steelhead enter their home stream in
various stages of sexual maturation from November to April, and spawn within a few months of entering
the river between late March and early May (Pauley et al. 1986). They are the most widespread of the two
reproductive types. Coastal streams are dominated by winter steelhead, and there are only a few
occurrences of inland winter steelhead populations (Busby et al. 1996). Juveniles generally rear in
freshwater for 1 to 4 years before migrating to the ocean where they reside from 1 to 5 years (Emmett et
al. 1991). Steelhead may also exhibit a “half-pounder” run (mostly summer steelhead) where they return
to natal streams after only a few months at sea, overwinter, and then migrate back to the ocean (Emmett et
al. 1991). Steelhead spend little time in estuaries and are abundant throughout the North Pacific and Gulf
of Alaska (Emmett et al. 1991).
Spawning typically occurs from December to June; peaks are in February and March (McEwan and
Jackson 1996). Steelhead can spawn more than once (iteroparity); all other species of Pacific
Oncorhynchus spawn once and then die (semelparity). North of Oregon, repeat spawning is relatively
uncommon and more than two spawning migrations is rare. Iteroparity occurs predominantly in females
(Busby et al. 1996).
In the TMAA and vicinity, early life history stages of the steelhead are found only in freshwater habitats,
while the later life history stages of the anadromous life form (i.e., juveniles and adults) utilize the marine
environment. In the spring, Alaskan steelhead smolt leave their natal streams and enter the ocean where
FISH 3.6-15
they reside for 1 to 3 years before returning to spawn (NMFS-AKR 2005). Populations may return in July
(summer-run) or in August, September, and October (fall-run; NMFS-AKR 2005). Summer returns are
rare in Alaska and are only found in a few southeast Alaska streams. Fall-run steelhead are much more
common in Alaska, north of Federick Sound, and are found in rivers, such as the Anchor, Nahu, Karluk,
and Situk. Steelhead also exhibit spring runs (April, May, and June), but they are predominately found in
southeast Alaska.
The lateral line system of a fish allows for sensitivity to sound (Hastings and Popper 2005). This system
is a series of receptors along the body of the fish that detects water motion relative to the fish that arise
from sources within a few body lengths of the animal. The sensitivity of the lateral line system is
generally from below 1 Hz to a few hundred Hz (Coombs and Montgomery 1999, Webb et al. 2008). The
only study on the effect of exposure to sound on the lateral line system (conducted on one freshwater
species) suggests no effect on these sensory cells by intense pure tone signals (Hastings et al. 1996).
While studies on the effect of sound on the lateral line are limited, Hasting et al.’s (1996) work, showing
limited sensitivity to within a few body lengths and to sounds below a few hundred Hz, make the effect of
the mid-frequency sonar of the Proposed Action unlikely to affect a fish’s lateral line system. Therefore,
further discussion of the lateral line in this analysis in unwarranted.
Broadly, fish can be categorized as either hearing specialists or hearing generalists (Scholik and Yan
2002). Fish in the hearing specialist category have a broad frequency range with a low auditory threshold
due to a mechanical connection between an air filled cavity, such as a swimbladder, and the inner ear.
Specialists detect both the particle motion and pressure components of sound and can hear at levels above
1 kilohertz (kHz). Generalists are limited to detection of the particle motion component of low-frequency
sounds at relatively high sound intensities (Amoser and Ladich 2005). It is possible that a species will
exhibit characteristics of generalists and specialists and will sometimes be referred to as an “intermediate”
hearing specialist. For example, most damselfish are typically categorized as generalists, but because
some larger damselfish have demonstrated the ability to hear higher frequencies expected of specialists,
they are sometimes categorized as intermediate.
Of the fish species with distributions overlapping the TMAA for which hearing sensitivities are known,
most are hearing generalists, including salmonid species.
Although hearing capability data only exists for fewer than 100 of the 29,000 fish species (Popper 2008),
current data suggest that most species of fish detect sounds from 0.05 to 1.0 kHz, with few fish hearing
sounds above 4 kHz (Popper 2008). Moreover, studies indicate that hearing specializations in marine
species are quite rare and that most marine fish are considered hearing generalists (Popper 2003, Amoser
and Ladich 2005). Specifically, the following species are all believed to be hearing generalists:
elasmobranchs (i.e., sharks and rays) (Casper et al. 2003, Casper and Mann 2006, Myrberg 2001),
scorpaeniforms (i.e., scorpionfishes, searobins, sculpins) (Lovell et al. 2005), scombrids (i.e., albacores,
FISH 3.6-16
bonitos, mackerels, tunas) (Iversen 1967, Iversen 1969, Popper 1981, Song et al. 2006), damselfishes
(Egner and Mann 2005, Kenyon 1996, Wright et al. 2005, Wright et al. 2007), and more specifically,
midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) (Sisneros and Bass 2003), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) (Hawkins
and Johnstone 1978), and Gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta) (Remage-Healey et al. 2006). Moreover, it is
believed that the majority of marine fish have their best hearing sensitivity at or below 0.3 kHz (Popper
2003). However, it has been demonstrated that marine hearing specialists, such as some Clupeidae, can
detect sounds above 100 kHz. A list of fish hearing sensitivities is presented in Table 3.6-3.
In contrast to marine fish, several thousand freshwater species are thought to be hearing specialists.
Nelson (1994) estimates that 6,600 of 10,000 freshwater species are otophysans (catfish and minnows),
which are hearing specialists. Interestingly, many generalist freshwater species, such as perciforms
(percids, gobiids) and scorpaeniforms (sculpins) are thought to have derived from marine habitats
(Amoser and Ladich 2005). It is also thought that Clupeidae may have evolved from freshwater habitats
(Popper et al. 2004). This supports the theory that hearing specializations likely evolved in quiet habitats
common to freshwater and the deep sea because only in such habitats can hearing specialists use their
excellent hearing abilities (Amoser and Ladich 2005).
Range Greatest
Description Common Sensitivity
Family Scientific Name (kHz) Sensitivity
of Family Name Classification
Low High
Albulidae Bonefishes Bonefish Albula vulpes 0.1 0.7 0.3 Generalist
Anguillidae Eels European eel Anguilla anguilla 0.01 0.3 0.04-0.1 Generalist
Ariidae Catfish Ariopsis felis 0.05 1 0.1 Generalist
sea catfish
Midshipman Porichthys notatus .065 0.385 Generalist
Batrachoididae Toadfishes
Gulf toadfish Opsanus beta <1 Generalist
Alewife 0.12 Specialist
Alosa aestivalis 0.12 Specialist
American 0.2-0.8 and
Alosa sapidissima 0.1 0.18 Specialist
shad 0.025-0.15
Herrings, Gulf Brevoortia
shads, 0.1 Specialist
Clupeidae menhaden patronus
sardines Bay anchovy Anchoa mitchilli 4 Specialist
Scaled Harengula
4 Specialist
sardine jaguana
Sardinella aurita 4 Specialist
Clupea pallasii 0.1 5 Specialist
fishes, rays, 0.2 1 Generalist
sharks, skates
Gadidae Cod Gadus morhua 0.002 0.5 0.02 Generalist
Gobidae Gobies Black goby Gobius niger 0.1 0.8 Generalist
FISH 3.6-17
Range Greatest
Description Common Scientific Sensitivity
Family (kHz) Sensitivity
of Family Name Name Classification
Low High
Shoulderbar Myripristis
0.1 3.0 0.4-0.5 Specialist
Squirrelfish soldierfish kuntee
and soldierfish Hawaiian Adioryx
0.1 0.8 Generalist
squirrelfish xantherythrus
Tautog Tautoga onitis 0.01 0.5 0.037-0.050 Generalist
Labridae Wrasses Blue-head Thalassoma
0.1 1.3 0.3-0.6 Generalist
wrasse bifasciatum
Schoolmaster Lutjanus
Lutjanidae Snappers 0.1 1.0 0.3 Generalist
snapper apodus
Warming’s Ceratoscopelus
Myctophidae Lanternfishes Specialist
lanternfish warmingii
Dab 0.03 0.27 0.1 Generalist
Pleuronectidae Flatfish
European Pleuronectes
0.03 0.2 0.11 Generalist
plaice platessa
Blue striped Haemulon
Pomadasyidae Grunts 0.1 1.0 Generalist
grunts sciurus
Abudefduf Generalist/
major 0.1 1.6 0.1-0.4
saxatilis Intermediate
Pomacentridae Damselfish Bicolor Stegastes Generalist/
0.1 1.0 0.5
damselfish partitus Intermediate
Nagasaki Pomacentrus Generalist/
0.1 2.0 <0.3
damselfish nagasakiensis Intermediate
Salmonidae Salmons Salmo salar <0.1 0.58 Generalist
Atlantic Micropogonias
0.1 1.0 0.3 Generalist
croaker undulatus
Spotted sea Cynoscion
trout nebulosus
Kingfish Generalist
Sciaenidae weakfish, Spot 0.2 0.7 0.4 Generalist
Black drum 0.1 0.8 0.1-0.5 Generalist
Weakfish 0.2 2.0 0.5 Specialist
Silver perch 0.1 4.0 0.6-0.8 Specialist
Bluefin tuna 1.0 Generalist
Albacores, Thunnus
Yellowfin tuna 0.5 1.1 Generalist
bonitos, albacares
mackerels, Euthynnus
tunas Kawakawa 0.1 1.1 0.5 Generalist
Skipjack tuna Generalist
FISH 3.6-18
Range Greatest
Description Common Scientific Sensitivity
Family (kHz) Sensitivity
of Family Name Name Classification
Low High
Scorpaenidae searobins, Sea scorpion Generalist
Seabasses, Epinephelus
Serranidae Red hind 0.1 1.1 0.2 Generalist
groupers guttatus
Sparidae Porgies Pinfish 0.1 1.0 0.3 Generalist
Leopard Prionotus
Triglidae searobins, 0.1 0.8 0.39 Generalist
searobin scitulus
Sources: Astrup 1999; Astrup and Mohl 1993; Casper and Mann 2006; Casper et al. 2003; Coombs and Popper 1979; Dunning et
al. 1992; Egner and Mann 2005; Gregory and Clabburn 2003; Hawkins and Johnstone 1978; Higgs et al. 2004; Iversen 1967, 1969;
Jorgensen et al. 2005; Kenyon 1996; Lovell et al. 2005; Mann et al. 1997, 2001, 2005; Myrberg 2001; Nestler 2002; Popper 1981;
Popper and Carlson 1998; Popper and Tavolga 1981; Ramcharitar and Popper 2004; Ramcharitar et al. 2001, 2004, 2006a;
Remage-Healey et al. 2006; Ross et al. 1996; Sisneros and Bass 2003; Song et al. 2006; Wright et al. 2005, 2007; Popper 2008
Some investigators (e.g., Amoser and Ladich 2005) hypothesize that, within a family of fish, different
species can live under different ambient sound conditions, which requires them to adapt their hearing
abilities. Under this scenario, a species’ probability of survival would be greater if it increased the range
over which the acoustic environment, consisting of various biotic (sounds from other aquatic animals) and
abiotic (wind, waves, precipitation) sources, could be detected. For the marine environment, Amoser and
Ladich (2005) cite the differences in the hearing ability of two species of Holocentridae as a possible
example of such environmentally-derived specialization. Both the shoulderbar soldierfish (Myripristis
kuntee) and the Hawaiian squirrelfish (Adioryx xantherythrus) can detect sounds at 0.1 kHz. However, the
high-frequency end of the auditory range extends towards 3 kHz for the shoulderbar soldierfish but only
to 0.8 kHz for the Hawaiian squirrelfish (Coombs and Popper 1979). Though these two species live in
close proximity on the same reefs, it is not certain that differing environmental conditions cause the
hearing variations (Popper 2008). Generally, a clear correlation between hearing capability and the
environment cannot be asserted or refuted due to limited knowledge of ambient sound levels in marine
habitats and a lack of comparative studies.
Susceptibility to the effects of anthropogenic sounds has been shown to be influenced by developmental
and genetic differences in the same species of fish. In an exposure experiment, Popper et al. (2007) found
that experimental groups of rainbow trout had substantial differences in hearing thresholds. While fish
were attained from the same supplier, it is possible different husbandry techniques may be the reason for
the differences in hearing sensitivity. These results emphasize that caution should be used in extrapolating
data beyond their intent.
Among all fishes studied to date, perhaps the greatest variability is found within the family Sciaenidae
(i.e., drumfish, weakfish, croaker), where there is extensive diversity in inner ear structure and the
relationship between the swim bladder and the inner ear. Specifically, the Atlantic croaker’s
(Micropogonias undulatus) swim bladder has forwardly directed diverticulae that come near the ear but
do not actually touch it. However, the swim bladders in the spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and black drum
(Pogonias cromis) are further from the ear and lack anterior horns or diverticulae. These differences are
associated with variation in both sound production and hearing capabilities (Ladich and Popper 2004;
Ramcharitar et al. 2006a). Ramcharitar and Popper (2004) discovered that the black drum responded to
sounds from 0.1 to 0.8 kHz and was most sensitive between 0.1 and 0.5 kHz, while the Atlantic croaker
FISH 3.6-19
responded to sounds from 0.1 to 1 kHz and was most sensitive at 0.3 kHz. Additional sciaenid research by
Ramcharitar et al. (2006b) investigated the hearing sensitivity of weakfish (Cynoscion regalis) and spot.
Weakfish were found to detect frequencies up to 2 kHz, while spot detected frequencies only up to 0.7
The sciaenid with the greatest hearing sensitivity discovered thus far is the silver perch (Bairdiella
chrysoura), which has demonstrated auditory thresholds similar to goldfish, responding to sounds up to 4
kHz (Ramcharitar et al. 2004). Silver perch swim bladders have anterior horns that terminate close to the
ear. The Ramcharitar et al. (2004) research supports the suggestion that the swim bladder can potentially
expand the frequency range of sound detection. Furthermore, Sprague and Luczkovich (2004) calculated
silver perch are capable of producing drumming sounds ranging from 128 to 135 decibels (dB). Since
drumming sounds are produced by males during courtship, it can be inferred that silver perch detect
sounds within this range.
The most widely noted hearing specialists are otophysans (i.e., members of the super order Ostariophysi),
which have bony Weberian ossicles (bones that connect the swim bladder to the ear), along which
vibrations are transmitted from the swim bladder to the inner ear (Amoser and Ladich 2003). However,
only a few otophysans inhabit marine waters. In an investigation of a marine otophysan, the hardhead sea
catfish (Ariopsis felis), Popper and Tavolga (1981) determined that this species was able to detect sounds
from 0.05 to 1 kHz, which is considered a much lower and narrower frequency range than that common to
freshwater otophysans (i.e., above 3 kHz) (Ladich and Bass 2003). The difference in hearing capabilities
in the respective freshwater and marine catfish appears to be related to the inner ear structure (Popper and
Tavolga 1981).
Experiments on marine fish have obtained responses to frequencies up to the range of ultrasound; that is,
sounds between 40 and 180 kHz (University of South Florida 2007). These responses were from several
species of the Clupeidae (i.e., herrings, shads, and menhadens) (Astrup 1999); however, not all clupeid
species tested have responded to ultrasound. Astrup (1999) and Mann et al. (1998) hypothesized that
these ultrasound detecting species may have developed such high sensitivities to avoid predation by
odontocetes (i.e., members of the suborder of cetaceans that have teeth). Studies conducted on the
following species showed avoidance to sound at frequencies over 100 kHz: alewife (Alosa
pseudoharengus) (Dunning et al. 1992, Ross et al. 1996), blueback herring (A. aestivalis) (Nestler 2002),
Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) (Mann et al. 2001) and American shad (A. sapidissima) (Popper
and Carlson 1998). The highest frequency to solicit a response in any marine fish was 180 kHz for the
American shad (Gregory and Clabburn 2003, Higgs et al. 2004). The Alosa species have relatively low
thresholds (about 145 dB re 1 micropascal [µPa]), which should enable the fish to detect odontocete
clicks at distances up to about 656 feet (ft) (200 meters [m]) (Mann et al. 1997). For example,
echolocation clicks ranging from 200 to 220 dB could be detected by shad with a hearing threshold of 170
dB at distances from 82 to 591 ft (25 to 180 m) (University of South Florida 2007). In contrast, the
Clupeidae bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), scaled sardine (Harengula jaguana), and Spanish sardine
(Sardinella aurita) did not respond to frequencies over 4 kHz (Gregory and Clabburn 2003, Mann et al.
Wilson and Dill (2002) demonstrated that there was a behavioral response seen in Pacific herring (Clupea
pallasii) to energy levels associated with frequencies from 1.3 to 140 kHz, although it was not clear
whether the herring were responding to the lower frequency components of the experiment or to the
ultrasound. However, Mann et al. (2005) advised that acoustic signals used in the Wilson and Dill (2002)
study were broadband and contained energy of less than 4 kHz to ultrasonic frequencies. Mann et al.
(2005) found that Pacific herring could not detect ultrasonic signals at received levels up to 185 dB
re 1 µPa. Pacific herring had hearing thresholds (0.1 to 5 kHz) that are typical of Clupeidae that do not
detect ultrasound signals.
FISH 3.6-20
Species that can detect ultrasound do not perceive sound equally well at all detectable frequencies. Mann
et al. (1998) reported that the American shad can detect sounds from 0.1 to 180 kHz with two regions of
best sensitivity: one from 0.2 to 0.8 kHz, and the other from 25 to 150 kHz. The poorest sensitivity was
found from 3.2 to 12.5 kHz.
Although few non-clupeid species have been tested for ultrasound (Mann et al. 2001), the only other non-
clupeid species shown to possibly be able to detect ultrasound is the cod (Gadus morhua) (Astrup and
Mohl 1993). However, in Astrup and Moh’s (1993) study it is feasible that the cod was detecting the
stimulus using touch receptors that were over driven by very intense fish-finding sonar emissions (Astrup
1999, Ladich and Popper 2004). Nevertheless, Astrup and Mohl (1993) indicated that cod have ultrasound
thresholds of up to 38 kHz at 185 to 200 dB re 1 µPa, which likely only allows for detection of
odontocete’s clicks at distances no greater than 33 to 98 ft (10 to 30 m) (Astrup 1999).
As mentioned above, investigations into the hearing ability of marine fishes have most often yielded
results exhibiting poor hearing sensitivity. Experiments on elasmobranch fish (i.e., sharks and rays) have
demonstrated poor hearing abilities and frequency sensitivity from 0.02 to 1 kHz, with best sensitivity at
lower ranges (Casper et al. 2003, Casper and Mann 2006, Myrberg 2001). Though only five
elasmobranch species have been tested for hearing thresholds, it is believed that all elasmobranchs will
only detect low-frequency sounds because they lack a swim bladder, which resonates sound to the inner
ear. Theoretically, fishes without an air-filled cavity are limited to detecting particle motion and not
pressure and, therefore have poor hearing abilities (Casper and Mann 2006).
By examining the morphology of the inner ear of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Song et al. (2006)
hypothesized that bluefin tuna probably do not detect sounds too much over 1 kHz (if that high). This
research concurred with the few other studies conducted on tuna species. Iversen (1967) found that
yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) can detect sounds from 0.05 to 1.1 kHz, with best sensitivity of 89 dB (re 1
µPa) at 0.5 kHz. Kawakawa (Euthynnus affinus) appear to be able to detect sounds from 0.1 to 1.1 kHz
but with best sensitivity of 107 dB (re 1 µPa) at 0.5 kHz (Iversen 1969). Additionally, Popper (1981)
looked at the inner ear structure of a skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and found it to be typical of a
hearing generalist. While only a few species of tuna have been studied, and in a number of fish groups
both generalists and specialists exist, it is reasonable to suggest that unless bluefin tuna are exposed to
very high intensity sounds from which they cannot swim away, short- and long-term effects may be
minimal or nonexistent (Song et al. 2006).
Some damselfish have been shown to be able to hear frequencies of up to 2 kHz, with best sensitivity well
below 1 kHz. Egner and Mann (2005) found that juvenile sergeant major damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis)
were most sensitive to lower frequencies (0.1 to 0.4 kHz); however, larger fish (greater than 50
millimeters [mm]) responded to sounds up to 1.6 kHz. Still, the sergeant major damselfish is considered
to have poor sensitivity in comparison even to other hearing generalists (Egner and Mann 2005). Kenyon
(1996) studied another marine generalist, the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus), and found the
bicolor damselfish responded to sounds up to 1.6 kHz with the most sensitive frequency at 0.5 kHz.
Further, larval and juvenile Nagasaki damselfish (Pomacentrus nagasakiensis) have been found to hear at
frequencies between 0.1 and 2 kHz, however, they are most sensitive to frequencies less than 0.3 kHz
(Wright et al. 2005, Wright et al. 2007). Thus, damselfish appear to be primarily generalists with some
ability to hear slightly higher frequencies expected of specialists (Popper 2008).
Female midshipman fish apparently use the auditory sense to detect and locate vocalizing males during
the breeding season. Interestingly, female midshipman fish go through a shift in hearing sensitivity
depending on their reproductive status. Reproductive females showed temporal encoding up to 0.34 kHz,
while nonreproductive females showed comparable encoding only up to 0.1 kHz (Sisneros and Bass
FISH 3.6-21
The hearing capability of Atlantic salmon (Samo salar), a hearing generalist, indicates a rather low
sensitivity to sound (Hawkins and Johnstone 1978). Laboratory experiments yielded responses only to
0.58 kHz and only at high sound levels. Salmon’s poor hearing is likely due to the lack of a link between
the swim bladder and inner ear (Jorgensen et al. 2004).
Furthermore, investigations into the inner ear structure of fishes belonging to the order Scorpaeniformes
have suggested that these fishes have generalist hearing abilities (Lovell et al. 2005). Although an
audiogram (which provides a measure of hearing sensitivity) has yet to be performed, the lack of a
swimbladder is indicative of these species having poor hearing ability (Lovell et al. 2005). However,
studies of the leopard robin (Prionotus scitulus), another species in this order that do contain swim
bladders, indicated that they are hearing generalists as well (Tavolga and Wodinski 1963), which makes
extrapolation on hearing from this species to all members of the group very difficult to do (Popper 2008).
The effects on fish could include direct physical injury, such as potential for death, injury, or failure to
reach (or an increase in the time needed to reach) the next developmental stage. Potential effects of fish
eggs, larvae, and adult fish were evaluated in the analysis and results presented in the following
subsections as well as a review of the literature regarding potential effects on fish common to most
activities. These include warfare areas and environmental stressors, acoustic effects of underwater sounds
to fish, effects of underwater impulsive sounds, explosive ordnance, nonexplosive ordnance, and
expended materials.
Regulatory Framework
The primary laws that make up the regulatory framework for fish and EFH include the MSFCMA and the
ESA. These, along with other applicable laws, are briefly described below:
FISH 3.6-22
considered to determine adverse impacts to EFH, and an EFH Assessment has been prepared for the
If an agency’s Proposed Action would take a listed species, the agency must obtain an incidental take
statement from the responsible wildlife agency. The ESA defines the term “take” to mean “harass, harm,
pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or attempt any such conduct.”
FISH 3.6-23
access and govern the Pacific halibut catch in waters off Alaska. All Council action must be approved and
implemented by the U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
This Treaty also called for the establishment of the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC), to oversee the
implementation of the Treaty. The PSC is composed of representatives of both countries to provide
regulatory and technical advice. Fisheries regulation is a shared responsibility of the United States and
On June 30, 1999, the following PST provisions were implemented: (a) establish abundance-based fishing
regimes for Pacific salmon fisheries under the jurisdiction of the PSC; (b) create two bilaterally based
funds to promote cooperation, improve fishery management, and aid stock and habitat enhancement.
Additionally, the PST includes provisions to enhance bilateral cooperation, improve the scientific basis
for salmon management, and apply institutional changes to the PSC.
Data Sources
A comprehensive and systematic review of relevant literature and data has been conducted in order to
complete this analysis for fish and EFH. Of the available scientific literature (both published and
unpublished), the following types of documents were utilized in the assessment: journals, books,
periodicals, bulletins, Department of Defense (DoD) operations reports, EISs, and other technical reports
published by government agencies, private businesses, consulting firms, or nongovernmental
conservation organizations. The scientific literature was also consulted during the search for geographic
location data on the occurrence of resources within the TMAA. The primary sources of information used
to describe the affected environment for fish and EFH was the U.S. Pacific Fleet Marine Resource
Assessment (MRA) for the GOA Operating Area (Department of Navy [DoN] 2006). The MRA report
provides compilations of the most recent data and information on the occurrence of marine resources in
the TMAA.
FISH 3.6-24
defined as any impact that reduces the quality and/or quantity of EFH (NMFS 2004a, 2004b). The EFH
regulations in 50 C.F.R. 600.815(a)(2)(ii) (NMFS 2002a) establish a threshold for determining adverse
effects (NMFS 2002b). Adverse effects are more than minimal and not temporary in nature. Temporary
effects are those that are limited in duration and allow the particular environment to recover without
measurable impact (NMFS 2002b). Minimal effects are those that may result in relatively small changes
in the affected environment and insignificant changes in ecological functions. To help identify Navy
activities falling within the adverse effect determination, the Navy has determined that temporary or
minimal impacts are not considered to “adversely affect” EFH (Chief of Naval Operations Instruction
[OPNAVINST] 5090.1C). The EFH Final Rule (67 FR 2354) and 50 C.F.R. 600.815(a)(2)(ii) were used
as guidance for this determination, as they highlight activities with impacts that are more than minimal
and not temporary in nature, as opposed to those activities resulting in inconsequential changes to habitat.
Whether an impact is minimal will depend on a number of factors:
The factors outlined above were also considered in determining the significance of effects under EO
12114. For purposes of ESA compliance, effects of the action were analyzed to make the Navy’s
determination of effect for listed species. The definitions used in making the determination of effect under
Section 7 of the ESA are based on the USFWS and NMFS Endangered Species Consultation Handbook
(USFWS 1998).
FISH 3.6-25
There are a wide range of potential effects on fish that range from no effect at all (e.g., the fish does not
detect the sound or it “ignores” the sound) to immediate mortality. In between these extremes are a range
of potential effects that parallel the potential effects on marine mammals that were illustrated by
Richardson et al. (1995). These include, but may not be limited to:
• No effect behaviorally or physiologically: The animal may not detect the signal, or the signal is
not one that would elicit any response from the fish.
• Small and inconsequential behavioral effects: Fish may show a temporary “awareness” of the
presence of the sound but soon return to normal activities.
• Behavioral changes that result in the fish moving from its current site: This may involve leaving a
feeding or breeding ground. Some behavioral changes can result in lost feeding or reproduction
opportunities, or make fish vulnerable to other stressors in the environment such as the presence
of predators. This effect may be temporary, in that the fish return to the site after some period of
time (perhaps after a period of acclimation or when the sound terminates), or permanent.
• Temporary loss of hearing (often called Temporary Threshold Shift – TTS): This recovers over
minutes, hours, or days.
• Physical damage to auditory or nonauditory tissues (e.g., swim bladder, blood vessels, brain): The
damage may be only temporary, and the tissue “heals” with little impact on fish survival, or it
may be more long term, permanent, or may result in death. Death from physical damage could be
a direct effect of the tissue damage or the result of the fish being more subject to predation than a
healthy individual.
Studies on effects on hearing have generally been of two types. In one set of studies, the investigators
exposed fish to long-term increases in background sound to determine if there are changes in hearing,
growth, or survival of the fish. While data are limited to a few freshwater species, it appears that some
increase in ambient sound level, even to above 170 dB re 1 μPa, does not permanently alter the hearing
ability of the hearing generalist species studied, even if the increase in sound level is for an extended
period of time. However, this may not be the case for all hearing generalists, though it is likely that any
temporary hearing loss in such species would be considerably less than for specialists receiving the same
sound exposure. It is critical to note that more extensive data are needed on additional species, and if there
are places where the ambient levels exceed 170 to 180 dB, it would be important to do a quantitative
study of effects of long-term sound exposure at these levels. It is also clear that there is a larger temporary
hearing loss in hearing specialists. Again, however, extrapolation from the few freshwater species to other
species (freshwater or marine) must be done with caution until there are data for a wider range of species,
and especially species with other types of hearing specializations than those found in the species studied
to date (all of which are otophysan fishes and have the same specializations to enhance hearing).
In the second type of studies, fish were exposed to short duration but high intensity signals such as might
be found near a high intensity sonar, pile driving, or seismic air gun survey. The investigators in such
studies were examining whether there was not only hearing loss and other long-term effects, but also
short-term effects that could result in death to the exposed fish. Because study results vary, it is difficult
to speculate why there are many differences in the studies, including species, precise sound source, and
spectrum of the sound (Popper 2008).
One study tested effects of seismic air guns, a highly impulsive and intense sound source. This study
demonstrated differences in the effects of air guns on the hearing thresholds of different species. In effect,
these results substantiate the argument made by Hastings et al. (1996) and McCauley et al. (2003) that it
is difficult to extrapolate between species with regard to the effects of intense sounds.
FISH 3.6-26
Another study examined the effects of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low-Frequency Active
(SURTASS LFA) sonar; this study determined there was no effect on ear tissue (Popper et al. 2007).
Other earlier studies suggested that there may be some loss of sensory hair cells due to high intensity
sources. However, these studies did not concurrently investigate effects on hearing or nonauditory tissues
(Enger 1981, Hastings et al. 1996). In neither study was the hair cell loss more than a relatively small
percent of the total sensory hair cells in the hearing organs (Popper 2008).
Explosive Sources
A number of studies have examined the effects of explosives on fish; these are reviewed in detail in
Hastings and Popper (2005). However, these studies are often variable, so extrapolation from one study to
another, or to other sources, such as those used by the Navy, is not really possible. While many of these
studies show that fish are killed if they are near the source, and there are some suggestions that there is a
correlation between size of the fish and death (Yelverton et al. 1975), little is known about the very
important issues of nonmortality damage in the short- and long-term, and nothing is known about effects
on behavior of fish.
The major issue in explosives is that the gas oscillations induced in the swim bladder or other air bubble
in fishes caused by high sound pressure levels can potentially result in tearing or rupturing of the
chamber. This has been suggested to occur in some (but not all) species in several gray literature
unpublished reports on effects of explosives (e.g., Aplin 1947, Coker and Hollis 1950, Gaspin 1975,
Yelverton et al. 1975), whereas other published studies do not show such rupture (e.g., the peer reviewed
study by Govoni et al. 2003). Key variables that appear to control the physical interaction of sound with
fishes include the size of the fish relative to the wavelength of sound, mass of the fish, anatomical
variation, and location of the fish in the water column relative to the sound source (e.g., Yelverton et al.
1975, Govoni et al. 2003).
Explosive blast pressure waves consist of an extremely high peak pressure with very rapid rise times (< 1
millisecond [ms]). Yelverton et al. (1975) exposed eight different species of freshwater fish to blasts of 1-
pound (lb) spheres of Pentolite (high explosive) in an artificial pond. The test specimens ranged from 0.02
grams (g) (guppy) to 744 g (large carp) body mass and included small and large animals from each
species. The fish were exposed to blasts having extremely high peak overpressures with varying impulse
lengths. The investigators found what appears to be a direct correlation between body mass and the
magnitude of the “impulse,” characterized by the product of peak overpressure and the time it took the
overpressure to rise and fall back to zero (units in pounds per square inch (psi)-ms), which caused 50
percent mortality (see Hastings and Popper 2005 for detailed analysis).
FISH 3.6-27
One issue raised by Yelverton et al. (1975) was whether there was a difference in lethality between fish
which have their swim bladders connected by a duct to the gut and fish which do not have such an
opening. The issue is that it is possible that a fish with such a connection could rapidly release gas from
the swim bladder on compression, thereby not increasing its internal pressure. However, Yelverton et al.
(1975) found no correlation between lethal effects on fish and the presence or lack of connection to the
While these data suggest that fishes with both types of swim bladders are affected in the same way by
explosive blasts, this may not be the case for other types of sounds, and especially those with longer rise
or fall times that would allow time for a biomechanical response of the swim bladder (Hastings and
Popper 2005). Moreover, there is some evidence that the effects of explosives on fishes without a swim
bladder are less than those on fishes with a swim bladder (e.g., Gaspin 1975, Goertner et al. 1994, Keevin
et al. 1997). Thus, if internal damage is, even in part, an indirect result of swim bladder (or other air
bubble) damage, fishes without this organ may show very different secondary effects after exposure to
high sound pressure levels. Still, it must be understood that the data on effects of impulsive sources and
explosives on fish are limited in number and quality of the studies, and in the diversity of fish species
studied. Thus, extrapolation from the few studies available to other species or other devices must be done
with the utmost caution.
In a more recent published report, Govoni et al. (2003) found damage to a number of organs in juvenile
pinfish (Lagodon rhomboids) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) when they were exposed to submarine
detonations at a distance of 11.8 ft (3.6 m), and most of the effects, according to the authors, were
sublethal. Effects on other organ systems that would be considered irreversible (and presumably lethal)
only occurred in a small percentage of fish exposed to the explosives. Moreover, there was virtually no
effect on the same sized animals when they were at a distance of 24.6 ft (7.5 m), and more pinfish than
spot were affected.
Based upon currently available data it is not possible to predict specific effects of Navy impulsive sources
on fish. At the same time, there are several results that are at least suggestive of potential effects that
result in death or damage. First, there are data from impulsive sources such as pile driving and seismic air
guns that indicate that any mortality declines with distance, presumably because of lower signal levels.
Second, there is also evidence from studies of explosives (Yelverton et al. 1975) that smaller animals are
more affected than larger animals. Finally, there is also some evidence that fish without an air bubble,
such as flatfish and sharks and rays, are less likely to be affected by explosives and other sources than are
fish with a swim bladder or other air bubble.
Yet, as indicated for other sources, the evidence of short- and long-term behavioral effects, as defined by
changes in fish movement, etc., is nonexistent. Thus, it is unknown if the presence of an explosion or an
impulsive source at some distance, while not physically harming a fish, will alter its behavior in any
significant way.
Expended Materials
Falling Material and Small-Arms Rounds
Inert bombs, intact missiles, and targets could impact the water with great force and produce a large
impulse and loud sound. Physical disruption of the water column by the shock wave and bubble pulse is a
localized, temporary effect, and would be limited to within tens of meters of the impact area and would
persist for a matter of minutes. Large objects hitting the water produce sounds with source levels on the
order of 240 to 271 dB re 1 µPa and pulse durations of 0.1 to 2 ms, depending on the size of the object
(McLennan 1997). Physical and chemical properties of seawater would be temporarily affected (e.g.,
increased oxygen concentrations due to turbulent mixing with the atmosphere), but there would be no
FISH 3.6-28
lasting adverse effect on the water column habitat from this physical disruption. A remote possibility
exists that some individual fish at or near the surface may be directly impacted (i.e., direct strike) if they
are in the target area at the point of physical impact at the time of nonexplosive ordnance delivery.
Therefore, effects of shock waves from inert bombs and intact missiles and targets hitting the water
surface on fish are expected to be localized and minimal.
However, most missiles hit their target or are disabled before hitting the water. Thus, most of these
missiles and aerial targets hit the water as fragments, which quickly dissipate their kinetic energy within a
short distance from the surface. Similarly, expended small-arms rounds may also strike the water surface
with sufficient force to cause injury. Most fish swim some distance below the surface of the water.
Therefore, fewer fish are exposed to mortality from falling fragments whose effects are limited to the near
surface, than mortality from intact missiles and targets whose effects can extend well below the water
Munitions Constituents
Munitions constituents can be released from sonobuoys, targets, torpedoes, missiles, aerial targets, and at
sea explosions. Petroleum hydrocarbons released during an accident are harmful to fish. Jet fuel is toxic to
fish but floats and vaporizes very quickly. Assuming that a target disintegrates on contact with the water,
any residual unburned fuel may be spread over a large area and dissipate quickly. In addition, fuel spills
and material released from weapons and targets could occur at different locations and at different times.
Potential impacts from Navy explosives training include degradation of substrate and introduction of
toxic chemicals into the water column. Combustion products from the detonation of high explosives—
carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen (H2), water (H2O), nitrogen (N2), and ammonia
(NH3)—are commonly found in sea water. The primary constituents that would be released from
explosives training are nitroaromatic compounds such as trinitrotoluene (TNT), cyclonite (Royal
Demolition Explosive or RDX), and octogen (High Melting Explosive or HMX) (URS 2000). Initial
concentrations of explosion by-products are not expected to be hazardous to marine life (DoN 2001) and
would not accumulate in the training area because exercises are spread out over time and the chemicals
disperse in the ocean. The water quality effects of the explosions would be infrequent, temporary, and
localized, and would have no long-term adverse effect on water quality. Effects on marine fish associated
with the release of munitions constituents and other materials are expected to be minimal.
Vessel Movements
Many of the ongoing and proposed activities within the TMAA involve maneuvers by various types of
surface vessels, most of which use propellers for propulsion. When moving, vessels generally displace
water from the hull, and an even greater volume from propeller wash. Currently, approximately four Navy
vessels will be operating in the TMAA, but the number can vary based on training schedules and
scenarios. Activities involving vessel movements occur intermittently and are short in duration, generally
a few hours in duration. These activities are widely dispersed throughout the TMAA, which is a vast area
encompassing 42,146 square nm (nm2) (144,557 square km [km2]) of surface/subsurface ocean.
Vessel movements have the potential to expose fish to sound and general disturbance, which could result
in short-term behavioral and/or physiological responses (swimming away, increased heart rate). Such
responses would not be expected to compromise the general health or condition of individual fish. The
FISH 3.6-29
probability of collisions between vessels and adult fish, which could result in injury or mortality, would
be extremely low because this life stage is highly mobile and Navy vessel density in the TMAA is low.
Vessel movements would result in short-term and localized disturbances to the water column, but benthic
habitats would not be affected. Ichthyoplankton (fish eggs and larvae) in the upper portions of the water
column could be displaced, injured, or killed by vessel and propeller movements. However, no
measurable effects on fish recruitment would occur because the number of eggs and larvae exposed to
vessel movements would be low relative to total ichthyoplankton biomass. Vessel movements under the
No Action Alternative would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from vessel movements in
nonterritorial seas would be minimal under the No Action Alternative.
Aircraft Overflights
Aircraft overflights produce airborne sound and some of this energy would be transmitted into the water.
However, sound does not transmit well from air to water. Predicted sound levels resulting from HC-130
aircraft flying at 1,000 ft (305 m) and 250 ft (76 m) were 110 and 121 dB re 1 µPa, respectively, directly
under the flight path at a depth of 1 ft (maximum one-third octave level for frequencies 20 hertz [Hz]–5
kHz). The same sound levels resulting from an HH-60 helicopter flying at 1,000 ft (305 m), flying at 100
ft (30 m), and hovering 10 ft (3 m) were 110, 129, and 143 dB re 1 µPa (respectively) directly under the
helicopter at a depth of 1 ft (0.3 m) (USAF 1999). The sound levels would decline at increasing lateral
distances from the aircraft’s track or location and with increasing depth in the water, and the underwater
sounds originating from the aircraft would decline rapidly after the aircraft has passed. It is unlikely that
these sound levels would cause physical damage or even behavioral effects in fish based on the sound
levels that have been found to cause such effects. In addition to sound, helicopters flying at low levels can
create a vertical down wash of air (rotor wash) that becomes a surface wind, which may disturb the water
surface below the aircraft and displace any fishes in the general vicinity.
Such responses would not compromise the general health or condition of individual fish. Aircraft
overflights under the No Action Alternative would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH
as defined under MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from
aircraft overflight movements in nonterritorial seas under the No Action Alternative would be minimal.
Explosive Ordnance
Explosions that occur under the No Action Alternative in the TMAA are associated with training
exercises that use explosive ordnance, including bombs (BOMBEX), missiles (MISSILEX), and naval
gun shells (GUNEX), 5-inch (in) high explosive rounds. Potential effects of explosive charge detonations
on fish and EFH include disruption of habitat; exposure to chemical by-products; disturbance, injury, or
death from the shock (pressure) wave; acoustic impacts; and indirect effects including those on prey
species and other components of the food web.
Concern about potential fish mortality associated with the use of at-sea explosives led military researchers
to develop mathematical and computer models that predict safe ranges for fish and other animals from
explosions of various sizes (e.g., Yelverton et al. 1975, Goertner 1982, Goertner et al. 1994). Young’s
(1991) equations for 90-percent survivability were used to estimate fish mortality in the Seawolf
Shipshock Trial EIS (DoN 1998). In that document, Yelverton’s (1981) equations were used to predict
survival of fish with swim bladders, although the equations apply to simple explosives, and may not apply
to all the explosives used in the TMAA. The impulse levels that kill or damage fish with swim bladders
have been determined empirically to be as follows (from Yelverton 1981):
• 50 percent Mortality ln(I)=3.6136 + 0.3201 ln(M)
• 1 percent Mortality ln(I)=3.0158 + 0.3201 ln(M)
• No Injuries ln(I)=2.0042 + 0.3201 ln(M)
FISH 3.6-30
Where I = impulse (in Pascal•seconds or Pa•s) and M = body mass of a fish (g) with a swim bladder.
Yelverton (1981) cautioned against using these equations for fish weighing more than a few kg because
fish used in the experiments from which these equations were derived did not weigh more than 2.2 lb (1
kg). Young’s parameters include the size of the fish and its location relative to the explosive source, but
are independent of environmental conditions (e.g., depth of fish and explosive shot frequency). An
example of such model predictions is shown in Table 3.6-4, which provides the radius of effect of various
charges, depths, and fish size. The 10-percent mortality range is the distance beyond which 90 percent of
the fish present would be expected to survive.
Typically, BOMBEX at sea involve one or more aircraft bombing a target simulating a hostile surface
vessel. Practice bombs entering the water would be devoid of combustion chemicals found in the
warheads of explosive bombs, and would generate physical shock entering the water, but would not
explode. After sinking to the bottom, the physical structure of bombs would be incorporated into the
marine environment by natural encrustation and/or sedimentation (discussed later in Expended Materials
Section). Air-to-ground bombing using explosive ordnance is mostly conducted on land ranges which are
outside the scope of the ROI; however, some live bombs may be dropped at sea.
As with underwater detonations, the range within which fish may sustain injury or death from an
exploding bomb would depend on environmental parameters, the size, location, and species of the fish,
and its internal anatomy (e.g., whether it has a swim bladder) (DoN 2005). Fish without swim bladders
are far more resistant to explosions than those with swim bladders (Keevin and Hempen 1997). Explosive
bombs will be fused to detonate on contact with the water and it is estimated that 99 percent of them will
explode within 5 ft (1.5 m) of the ocean surface (DoN 2005). Table 3.6-5, based on Young’s (1991)
model, displays 10-percent mortality (90-percent survival) ranges for the largest explosive bombs that
may be deployed during at-sea exercises.
FISH 3.6-31
Potential effects from the use of Naval gun systems have been analyzed in a variety of environmental
documents (DoN 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007). The 5-inch gun has the largest warhead fired during
routine gunnery exercises. Most training uses nonexplosive 5-in rounds. The surface area of the ocean
impacted by a nonexplosive 5-in round has been estimated to be 20 square in (in2) (129 square cm [cm2])
(DoN 2007). Considering the vast expanse of the TMAA, few fish would be directly struck by a shell
from a 5-in gun.
Explosive rounds would have the greatest potential for impacts to fish in surface waters. As previously
indicated, biological effects of at sea explosions depend on many factors, including the size, type, and
depth of both the animal and the explosive, the depth of the water column, the standoff distance from the
charge to the animal, and the sound-propagation properties of the environment. Potential impacts can
range from brief acoustic effects, tactile perception, and physical discomfort, to slight injury to internal
organs and the auditory system, to death of the animal (Keevin and Hempen 1997).
Table 3.6-6 provides an estimation of the potential range of lethal effects on swim bladder fish based on
Young’s (1991) model for five-in explosive projectiles. These rounds have a Net Explosive Weight
(NEW) of TNT of approximately 8 lb (3.6 kg) and are assumed to detonate at a depth of 5 ft (1.3 m).
Behavioral reactions of fish would extend over a substantially larger area. The overall impacts to water-
column habitat would, however, be minor as fish would return following the activity. The abundance and
diversity of fish and the quality and quantity of fish habitat within the range is unlikely to decrease as a
result of gun fire training.
Table 3.6-6: Estimated Fish-Effects Ranges for 5-in Naval Gunfire Rounds
10% Mortality Range
Weight of Fish
feet meters
1 ounce (28 g) 405 123
1 lb (0.4 kg) 282 86
30 lbs (13.6 kg) 181 55
Impacts to fish under the No Action Alternative from explosions would be possible, but these elements of
the action are not expected to have measurable or detectable impacts to fish given the vast area
encompassing the TMAA (42,146 nm2 [144,557 km2]); further reduced using conservative estimates
assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA (Table 3.6-7). While serious injury and/or
mortality to individual fish would be expected if they were present in the immediate vicinity of explosive
ordnance use, explosions under the No Action Alternative would not result in impacts to fish populations
based on the low number of fish that would be affected. Disturbances to the water column would be short-
term and localized, while disturbance to benthic habitats from explosions would be unlikely due to the
water depth where training activities occur. Habitat disturbance and fish injury and mortality from
explosions are reduced by Navy mitigation measures, as discussed in Chapter 5. In accordance with EO
FISH 3.6-32
11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from explosive ordnance use in nonterritorial seas would be
minimal under the No Action Alternative.
Table 3.6-7: Number of Explosive Ordnance Expended Annually in 20% of the TMAA for the No
Action Alternative, Alternative 1, and Alternative 2
No Action
Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Ordnance % %
Number Number Number
Increase Increase
Number per nm2 Number per nm2 Number per nm2
from No from No
(km2) (km2) (km2)
Action Action
0.006 0.009 0.017
Bombs 48 72 50% 166 246%
(0.002) (0.002) (0.005)
Gunshells 0.005 0.007 0.013
40 56 40% 112 180%
(5-inch/76 (0.001) (0.002) (0.004)
SINKEX 0 0 0 NA 0 858 NA
Because effects to fish can occur from impulsive sounds greater than 180 dB (Popper et al. 2005), only
those in the immediate vicinity (0.004 nm2 [0.015 km2] area) would be affected and effects would be
limited to short-term, transitory alarm or startle responses. Since activities are infrequent (see Table 3.6-7)
and widely dispersed throughout the TMAA, weapons firing under the No Action Alternative would not
result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to
fish populations or habitat from weapons firing disturbance movements in nonterritorial seas would be
minimal in accordance with EO 11214.
Expended Materials
The Navy uses a variety of expended materials during training exercises conducted in the TMAA. The
types and quantities of expended materials used and information regarding fate and transport of these
materials within the marine environment are summarized in Table 3.6-8, and are discussed in Sections 3.2
FISH 3.6-33
(Expended Materials) and 3.3 (Water Resources). The analyses presented in these sections predict that the
majority of the expended materials would rapidly sink to the sea floor, become encrusted by natural
processes, and incorporated into the sea floor, with no significant accumulations in any particular area and
no significant negative effects to water quality or marine benthic communities.
Nonexplosive Ordnance
Current Navy training activities in the TMAA such as MISSILEX, BOMBEX, and GUNEX include
firing a variety of weapons and employ a variety of nonexplosive training rounds, including bombs, naval
gun shells, cannon shells, and small caliber ammunition. These materials are used in the TMAA located
in the open ocean beyond 20 nm (37 km). Direct ordnance strikes from firing weapons are potential
stressors to fish.
Nonexplosive bombs and intact targets could impact the water with great force and produce a large
impulse and loud sound. Physical disruption of the water column by the shock wave and bubble pulse is a
localized, temporary effect, and would be limited to within tens of meters of the impact area and persist
for a matter of minutes. Physical and chemical properties would be temporarily affected (e.g., increased
oxygen concentrations due to turbulent mixing with the atmosphere), but there would be no lasting
adverse effect on the water column habitat from this physical disruption.
Large objects hitting the water produce sounds with source levels on the order of 240 to 271 dB re 1 µPa
and pulse durations of 0.1 to 2 ms, depending on the size of the object (McLennan 1997). Impulses of this
magnitude could potentially injure fish. Because the rise times of these shock waves are very short, the
impulses causing injury and mortality derived for explosive sources were used to estimate effects of
shock pulses created by missile and target effects.
While serious injury and/or mortality to individual fish would be expected if they were present in the
immediate vicinity of a nonexplosive ordnance use, under the No Action Alternative, the total number of
nonexplosive ordnance in the TMAA would be 15,770 items per year. Based on a TMAA size of 42,146
nm2 (144,557 km2) and conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA, the
concentration of expended ordnance would be 1.9 per nm2 (0.5 per km2). More than 97 percent of these
items would be from gunshells and small caliber rounds. Based on the low density of use, nonexplosive
FISH 3.6-34
ordnance use would not result in significant impacts to fish populations. Disturbances to the water column
would be short-term and localized, while disturbance to benthic habitats would be unlikely due to the
water depth where training activities are proposed. Nonexplosive ordnance use under the No Action
Alternative would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA.
Harm to fish populations or habitat from nonexplosive ordnance use in nonterritorial seas would be
minimal in accordance with EO 11214.
The probability of fish ingesting expended ordnance would depend on factors such as the location of the
spent materials, size of the materials, and the level of benthic foraging that occurs in the impact area,
which is a function of benthic habitat quality, prey availability, and species-specific foraging strategies. It
is possible that persistent expended ordnance could be colonized by benthic organisms, and mistaken for
prey, or that expended ordnance could be accidentally ingested while foraging for natural prey items. As
discussed in Section 3.2, no long-term impacts to water or sediment quality are anticipated from
ordnance-related materials.
Ingestion of expended ordnance may affect individual fish; however, ordnance-related expended materials
under the No Action Alternative would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined
under the MSFCMA. Harm to fish populations or habitat from ordnance-related materials in nonterritorial
seas would be minimal in accordance with EO 11214 under the No Action Alternative.
Illuminating flares and marine markers are consumed during use. Smoke from marine markers rapidly
diffuses by air movement. The MK-58 marine marker is approximately 2 ft (0.6 m) in length, and sinks to
the bottom intact; these targets present no ingestion hazard to fish. It produces chemical flames and
regions of surface smoke and are used in various training exercises to mark a surface position to simulate
divers, ships, and points of contact on the surface of the ocean. The smoke dissipates in the air, having
little effect on the marine environment. The marker itself is not designed to be recovered, and will
eventually sink to the bottom and become encrusted or incorporated into the sediments. Phosphorus
contained in the marker settles to the sea floor, where it reacts with the water to produce phosphoric acid
until all phosphorus is consumed. Combustion of red phosphorus produces phosphorus oxides, which
have a low toxicity to aquatic organisms. Red phosphorus released during training is not anticipated to
substantially affect the marine environment (DoN 2006). Approximately 20 marine markers would be
used in the TMAA under the No Action Alternative. Given the size of the TMAA and the low number of
markers used, it would be very unlikely that fish would be affected by use of marine markers.
Under the No Action Alternative, eight TALDs would be used annually. TALDs operate as an expendable
vehicle with no recovery capabilities, and use lithium sulfur dioxide batteries. An important component of
the thermal battery is a hermetically-sealed casing of welded stainless steel 0.03- to 0.1-in thick that is
resistant to the battery electrolytes. As discussed in Section 3.2, in the evaluation of the potential effects
associated with seawater batteries, it is expected that in the marine environment, lithium potentially
released from these batteries would be essentially nontoxic in seawater. Because of these factors, lithium
batteries would not adversely affect fish.
FISH 3.6-35
The TALD will not result in any significant physical impacts to the sea floor, as it is unlikely that it would
remain intact upon contact with the water. Therefore, small sections would be dispersed by currents prior
to settling to the bottom. These pieces would sink into a soft bottom or would lie on a hard bottom, where
they may provide a substrate for benthic colonization or eventually be covered by shifting sediments.
Metal components are corroded by seawater at slow rates. Natural encrustation of exposed surfaces would
eventually occur as invertebrates grow on the surfaces of the sunken objects. As the exterior becomes
progressively more encrusted, the rates at which the metals will dissolve into the surrounding water will
also decrease. Rates of deterioration would vary, depending on material and conditions in the immediate
marine and benthic environment. Factors such as oxygen content, salinity, temperature, and pH all
contribute to the manner and speed at which metals will dissolve. Over a period of years, the TALDs
would degrade, corrode, and become encrusted or incorporated into the sediments, thus precluding
adverse effects to fish.
The BQM-74E is a remote-controlled, subsonic, jet-powered aerial target that can be launched from the
air or surface and recovered on land or at sea. It is powered by a jet engine, and thus contains oils,
hydraulic fluid, batteries, and explosive cartridges. The hazardous materials of concern include propellant,
petroleum products, metals, and batteries; however, the hazardous materials in aerial targets would be
mostly consumed during training use.
As discussed in Section 3.2, expended seawater-activated batteries will not have a substantial impact to
the environment because chemical reactions in batteries continue until battery life ends, with only a small
amount of reactants remaining. Remaining chemicals will leach slowly, and will be diluted by ocean and
tidal currents. Also discussed in Section 3.2, most target fragments will sink quickly in the sea. Expended
material that sinks to the sea floor would gradually degrade, be overgrown by marine life, or be
incorporated into bottom sediments. Floating nonhazardous expended material will either degrade over
time or wash ashore as flotsam.
Chaff consists of aluminum-coated polymer fibers inside of a launching mechanism. Upon deployment,
the chaff and small pieces of plastic are expended. Chaff may be deployed mechanically or
pyrotechnically. Mechanical deployment results in expended paper materials, along with the chaff.
Pyrotechnic deployment uses a small explosive cartridge to eject the chaff from a small tube. Chaff fibers
are widely dispersed on deployment. Chaff settling on the ocean surface may temporarily raise turbidity,
but will quickly disperse with particles eventually settling to the ocean floor.
An extensive review of literature, combined with controlled experiments, revealed that chaff use pose
little risk to the environment or animals (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory 1999). The
materials in chaff are generally nontoxic except in quantities significantly larger than those any marine
fish could reasonably be exposed to from normal usage. Particulate tests and a screening health risk
assessment concluded that the concern about chaff breaking down into respirable particle sizes is not a
significant issue. Experiments have shown that animals should not suffer toxic or physical effects from
chaff ingestion (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory 1999). There is no published evidence
that chaff exposure has caused the death of a marine fish, and experiments have shown no direct effects of
chaff on marine animals (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory 1999), therefore no effects of
chaff on fish are expected.
Under the No Action Alternative, 24 SSQ-36 Bathythermograph (BT) sonobuoys will be expended. The
SSQ-36 BT is designed to record the thermal gradient of the water at various depths. The primary source
of contaminants in each sonobuoy is the seawater battery; these batteries have a maximum operational life
FISH 3.6-36
of 8 hours, after which the chemical constituents in the battery are consumed. As described in Section 3.2,
the immediate water and sediment quality may be affected by chemical leaching from expended
sonobuoys, but ocean and tidal current will quickly disperse chemicals to nontoxic levels.
Given the size of the TMAA and the low number of sonobuoys used, it would be very unlikely that fish
would be affected by use of sonobuoys. Sonobuoy emissions are not anticipated to accumulate or result in
additive effects on water or sediment quality as would occur within an enclosed body of water since the
constituents of sonobuoys would be widely dispersed in space and time throughout training areas. In
addition, dispersion of released metals and other chemical constituents due to currents near the ocean
floor would help minimize any long-term degradation of water and sediment quality. Therefore,
sonobuoy-related materials under the No Action Alternative may have a short-term and localized effect,
but would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA. In
accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from sonobuoy related materials in
nonterritorial seas would be minimal under the No Action Alternative.
The proposed activities in the TMAA have the potential to result in the following impacts:
FISH 3.6-37
• Cumulative impacts.
Effects to EFH could potentially result from vessel movements, aircraft overflights, explosive ordnance
use, sonar activities, nonexplosive ordnance use, weapons firing disturbance, expended materials, and
target related materials, all of which have been analyzed in the previous sections, and with a more focused
analysis in a separate EFH Assessment. The analyses indicate that impacts to the water column habitat
and fish would be short-term and localized, that adverse disturbance to benthic habitats would be unlikely
due to the water depth where training activities occur, with the low probability of affecting HAPCs (see
Section 3.5, Marine Plants and Invertebrates). Therefore, the No Action Alternative would not result in
adverse affects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, the general level of some activities in the TMAA would increase relative to those
under the No Action Alternative. In addition, training activities associated with force structure changes
would be implemented for the EA-18G Growler, SSGN, P-8 MMA, DDG 1000, and UASs. Force
structure changes associated with new weapons systems would include new sonobuoys. Force structure
changes associated with new training instrumentation include the PUTR.
Vessel Movements
As described for the No Action Alternative, the number of Navy vessels operating during training
activities varies, but generally includes up to seven surface ships and one submarine (collectively referred
to as vessels). Under Alternative 1, steaming hours would increase from current conditions, although the
increase in steaming hours would not measurably increase potential effects to fish. Disturbance impacts to
fish from vessel movements under Alternative 1 would be the same as those described for the No Action
Vessel movements under Alternative 1 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as
defined under the MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214 harm to fish populations or habitat from
vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be minimal under Alternative 1.
Aircraft Overflights
As described for the No Action Alternative, aircraft overflight responses would not compromise the
general health or condition of individual fish or fish populations, and under Alternative 1, overflights
would increase from current conditions. The increase in potential exposure to visual and sound
disturbance would not measurably increase effects to fish. Thus, the impacts of overflights under
Alternative 1 would be the same as those for the No Action Alternative.
Aircraft overflights under Alternative 1 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as
defined under MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from aircraft
overflights in nonterritorial seas would be minimal under Alternative 1.
Explosive Ordnance
Explosive ordnance use would increase under Alternative 1 compared to the No Action Alternative (Table
3.6-7). In addition, Alternative 1 would include the use of the Improved Extended Echo Ranging (IEER)
sonobuoys (IEER will be replaced by the Multi-Static Active Coherent [MAC] sonobuoy). Unlike other
sonobuoys, IEER sonobuoys contain two Signal, Underwater Sound (SUS) explosive payloads (Class A)
weighing 4.2 lb (1.9 kg) each. Explosive source sonobuoys could affect water quality by the release of
explosive by-products, and could affect bottom habitats releasing chemicals (primarily from batteries)
into the sediment. The sonobuoy explosive package consists primarily of HLX (i.e., explosive cord) and
small amounts of plastic-bonded molding powder. Explosions create gaseous by-products, many of which
FISH 3.6-38
travel to the surface and escape into the atmosphere. A small amount of the gas, however, dissolves into
the water column. Although several by-products are produced, the products with greatest potential to
result in toxicity are hydrogen fluoride compounds. However, only a minute amount of these substances
are expected to be introduced, and they would be rapidly diluted by water movement. It is therefore
considered unlikely that the explosive reactions associated with sonobuoys will result in localized
As described for the No Action Alternative, impacts to fish from explosions would be possible, but these
elements of the action are not expected to have measurable or detectable impacts to fish given the vast
area encompassing the TMAA (42,146 nm2 [144,557 km2]); impacts are further reduced using
conservative estimates assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA (Table 3.6-7).
Habitat disturbance and fish injury and mortality from explosions are reduced by Navy mitigation
measures, as discussed in Chapter 5. While serious injury and/or mortality to individual fish would be
expected if they were present in the immediate vicinity of explosive ordnance use, explosions under
Alternative 1 would not result in impacts to fish populations based on the low number of fish that would
be affected. Disturbance to water column and benthic habitats from explosions would be short-term and
localized. The effects of other expended materials in sonobuoys (e.g., batteries) are discussed in Section
3.2. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from explosive ordnance use in
nonterritorial seas would be minimal under Alternative 1.
Impacts to fish under the No Action Alternative from explosions would be possible, but because these
elements of the action are not expected to have measurable or detectable impacts to fish given the vast
area encompassing the TMAA (42,146 nm2 [144,557 km2]); impacts are further reduced using
conservative estimates assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA (Table 3.6-7).
Effects to fish populations and EFH from sonar use could potentially result from acoustic impacts (Table
3.6-9). Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) exercises include training sonar operators to detect, classify, and
track underwater objects and targets. There are two basic types of sonar: passive and active. Passive
sonars only listen to incoming sounds and, since they do not emit sound energy in the water, lack the
potential to acoustically affect the environment. Active sonars emit acoustic energy to obtain information
about a distant object from the reflected sound energy. Active sonars are the most effective detection
systems against modern, ultra-quiet submarines and sea mines in shallow water.
Table 3.6-9: Active Systems and Platforms Proposed for Use in the TMAA
Hours Modeled
System (Annual) Associated Platform/Use
Alt 1 Alt 2
AN/SQS-53 289 578 DDG and CG hull-mounted sonar
AN/SQS-56 26 52 FFG hull-mounted sonar
AN/BQQ-10 24 48 Submarine hull-mounted sonar
AN/AQS-13 or AN/AQS-22 96 192 Helicopter dipping sonar
BQS-15 12 24 SSN navigation
PUTR Transponders 40 80 Portable Undersea Tracking Range
MK-84 Range Tracking Pingers 40 80 Ships, submarines, ASW targets
DICASS sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-62) 133 266 MPA deployed sonobuoys
IEER Sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-110A) 20 40 MPA deployed sonobuoys
FISH 3.6-39
Table 3.6-9: Active Systems and Platforms Proposed for Use in the TMAA (continued)
Hours Modeled
System (Annual) Associated Platform/Use
Alt 1 Alt 2
MAC Sonobuoy (AN/SSQ-125) 20 40 MPA deployed sonobuoys
SUS, MK-84 12 24 Surface Ships and Aircraft
EMATT 6 12 Surface Ships and Aircraft
CG – Guided Missile Cruiser; DDG – Guided Missile Destroyer; FFG – Fast Frigate; DICASS – Directional Command-Activated
Sonobuoy System; HF – High-Frequency; MF – Mid-Frequency.
Modern sonar technology has developed a multitude of sonar sensor and processing systems. In concept,
the simplest active sonars emit acoustic pulses (“pings”) and time the arrival of the reflected echoes from
the target object to determine range. More sophisticated active sonars emit a ping and then scan the
received beam to provide directional as well as range information. Only about half of the Navy’s ships are
equipped with active sonar and their use is generally limited to training and maintenance activities; 90
percent of sonar activity by the Navy is passive (DoN 2007).
Active sonars operate at different frequencies, depending on their purpose. High-frequency sonar (>10
kHz) is mainly used for establishing water depth, detecting mines, and guiding torpedoes. At higher
frequencies, sound energy is greatly attenuated by scattering and absorption as it travels through the
water. This results in shorter ranges, typically less than 5 nm (9.2 km). Mid-frequency sonar is the
primary tool for identifying and tracking submarines. Mid-frequency sonar (1 kHz - 10 kHz) suffers
moderate attenuation and has typical ranges of 1-10 nm (1.8-18.5 km). Low-frequency sonar (<1 kHz)
has the least attenuation, achieving ranges over 100 nm (185 km). Low-frequency sonars are primarily
used for long-range search and surveillance of submarines. SURTASS LFA is the U.S. Navy’s low-
frequency sonar system (DoN 2001b); it employs a vertical array of 18 projectors using the 100-500 Hz
frequency range.
Sonars used in ASW are predominantly in the mid-frequency range (DoN 2007). ASW sonar systems
may be deployed from surface ships, submarines, and rotary and fixed wing aircraft. The surface ships are
typically equipped with hull-mounted sonar but may tow sonar arrays as well. Helicopters are equipped
with dipping sonar (lowered into the water). Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft may also deploy both
active and passive sonobuoys and towed sonar arrays to search for and track submarines.
Submarines also use sonars to detect and locate other subs and surface ships. A submarine’s mission
revolves around stealth, and therefore submarines use their active sonar very infrequently since the
pinging of active sonar gives away their location. Submarines are also equipped with several types of
auxiliary sonar systems for mine avoidance, for top and bottom soundings to determine the submarine’s
position in the water column, and for acoustic communications. ASW training targets simulating
submarines may also emit sonic signals through acoustic projectors.
Torpedoes use high-frequency, low-power, active sonar. Their guidance systems can be autonomous or
electronically controlled from the launching platform through an attached wire. The autonomous guidance
systems are acoustically based. They operate either passively, exploiting the emitted sound energy by the
target, or actively, ensonifying the target and using the received echoes for tracking and targeting.
Military sonars for establishing depth and most commercial depth sounders and fish finders operate at
high frequencies, typically between 24 and 200 kHz. Although low-frequency sonar is not proposed for
FISH 3.6-40
use in the TMAA, the following text summarizes the types and potential impacts associated with the three
main types of sonar.
Low-Frequency Sonar
Low-frequency sound travels efficiently in the deep ocean and is used by whales for long-distance
communication (Richardson et al. 1995; NRC 2003, 2005). Concern about the potential for low-frequency
sonar (<1 kHz) to interfere with cetacean behavior and communication has prompted extensive debate
and research (DoN 2001b, 2007; NRC 2000, 2003).
Some studies have shown that low-frequency sound will alter the behavior of fish. For example, research
on low-frequency devices used to deter fish away from turbine inlets of hydroelectric power plants
showed stronger avoidance responses from sounds in the infrasound range (5-10 Hz) than from 50 and
150 Hz sounds (Knudsen et al. 1992, 1994). In test pools, wild salmon exhibit an apparent avoidance
response by swimming to a deeper section of the pool when exposed to low-frequency sound (Knudsen et
al. 1997).
Turnpenny et al. (1994) reviewed the risks to marine life, including fish, of high intensity, low-frequency
sonar. Their review focused on the effects of pure tones (sine waves) at frequencies between 50 Hz and 1
kHz. Johnson (2001) evaluated the potential for environmental impacts of employing the SURTASS LFA
sonar system. While concentrating on the potential effects on whales, the analysis did consider the
potential effects on fish, including bony fish and sharks. It appears that the swimbladders of most fish are
too small to resonate at low frequencies and that only large pelagic species such as tunas have
swimbladders big enough to resonate in the low-frequency range. However, investigations by Sand and
Hawkins (1973) and Sand and Karlsen (1986) revealed resonance frequencies of cod swim bladders from
2 kHz down to 100 Hz.
Popper et al. (2005, 2007) investigated the impact of Navy SURTASS LFA sonar on hearing and on
nonauditory tissues of several fish species. In this study, three species of fish in Plexiglass cages
suspended in a freshwater lake were exposed to high-intensity LFA sonar pulses for periods of time
considerably longer than likely LFA exposure. Results showed no mortality and no damage to body
tissues either at the gross or histological level. Some individuals exhibited temporary hearing loss but
recovered within several days of exposure. The study suggests that SURTASS LFA sonar does not kill or
damage fish even in a worst case scenario.
Mid-Frequency Sonar
ASW training activities use mid-frequency (1-10 kHz) sound sources. Most fish only detect sound within
the 1 to 3 kHz range (Popper 2003, Hastings and Popper 2005). Thus, it is expected that most fish species
would be able to detect the ASW mid-frequency sonar at the lower end of its frequency range.
Some investigations have been conducted on the effect on fish of acoustic devices designed to deter
marine mammals from gillnets (Gearin et al. 2000, Culik et al. 2001). These devices generally have a
mid-frequency range, similar to the sonar devices that would be used in ASW exercises. Adult sockeye
salmon exhibited an initial startle response to the placement of inactive acoustic alarms designed to deter
harbor porpoise. The fish resumed their normal swimming pattern within 10 to 15 seconds. After 30
seconds, the fish approached the inactive alarm to within 1 ft. (30 cm). The same experiment was
conducted with the alarm active. The fish exhibited the same initial startle response from the insertion of
the alarm into the tank; however, within 30 seconds, the fish were swimming within 1 ft. (30 cm) of the
active alarm. After 5 minutes of observation, the fish did not show any reaction or behavior change except
for the initial startle response. This demonstrated that the alarms were either inaudible to the fish, or the
fish were not disturbed by the mid-frequency sound.
FISH 3.6-41
Jørgensen et al. (2005) carried out experiments examining the effects of mid-frequency (1 to 6.5 kHz)
sound on survival, development, and behavior of fish larvae and juveniles. Experiments were conducted
on the larvae and juveniles of Atlantic herring, Atlantic cod, saithe (Pollachius virens), and spotted
wolfish (Anarhichas minor). Swimbladder resonance experiments were attempted on juvenile Atlantic
herring, saithe, and Atlantic cod. Sound exposure simulated Naval sonar signals. These experiments did
not cause any significant direct mortality among the exposed fish larvae or juveniles, except in two (of a
total of 42) experiments on juvenile herring where significant mortality (20 to 30 percent) was observed.
Among fish kept in tanks 1 to 4 weeks after sound exposure, no significant differences in mortality or
growth related parameters (length, weight, and condition) between exposed groups and control groups
were observed. Some incidents of behavioral reactions were observed during or after the sound exposure:
“panic” swimming or confused and irregular swimming behavior. Histological studies of organs, tissues,
or neuromasts from selected Atlantic herring experiments did not reveal obvious differences between
control and exposed groups.
The work of Jørgensen et al. (2005) was used in a study by Kvadsheim and Sevaldsen (2005) to examine
the possible “worst case” scenario of sonar use over a spawning ground. They conjectured that normal
sonar operations would affect less than 0.06 percent of the total stock of a juvenile fish of a species,
which would constitute less than 1 percent of natural daily mortality. However, these authors did find that
the use of continuous-wave transmissions within the frequency band corresponding to swim bladder
resonance will escalate this impact by an order of magnitude. The authors therefore suggested that modest
restrictions on the use of continuous-wave transmissions at specific frequencies in areas and at time
periods when there are high densities of Atlantic herring present would be appropriate.
The results of several studies have indicated that acoustic communication and orientation of fish, in
particular of hearing specialists, may be limited by sound regimes in their environment (Wysocki and
Ladich 2005). Most marine fish are hearing generalists, though a few have been shown to detect sounds in
the mid-frequency and ultrasonic range. While these species can detect mid-frequency sounds, their best
hearing sensitivities are not in the mid-frequency range. If a sound is at the edge of a fish’s hearing range,
the sound must be louder in order for it to be detected than if in the more sensitive range.
Experiments on fish classified as hearing specialists (but not those classified as hearing generalists) have
shown that exposure to loud sound can result in temporary hearing loss, but it is not evident that this may
lead to long-term behavioral disruptions in fish that are biologically significant (Amoser and Ladich 2003,
Smith et al. 2004a,b). There is no information available that suggests that exposure to nonimpulsive
acoustic sources results in fish mortality.
In summary, while some marine fish may be able to detect mid-frequency sounds, most marine fish are
hearing generalists and have their best hearing sensitivity below mid-frequency sonar. If they occur,
behavioral responses would be brief, reversible, and not biologically significant. Sustained auditory
damage is not expected. Sensitive life stages (juvenile fish, larvae and eggs) very close to the sonar source
may experience injury or mortality, but area-wide effects would likely be minor. The use of Navy mid-
frequency sonar would not compromise the productivity of fish or adversely affect their habitat.
High-Frequency Sonar
Although most fish cannot hear sound frequencies over 10 kHz, some shad and herring species can detect
sounds in the ultrasonic range, i.e., over 20 kHz. (Mann et al. 2001, Higgs et al. 2004). Ross et al. (1996)
reviewed the use of high-frequency sound to deter alewives from entering power station inlets and
suggested that impingement of alewives was reduced by 81–84%. The alewife, a member of the shad
family (Alosinae) which can hear sounds at ultrasonic frequencies (Mann et al. 2001), uses high-
frequency hearing to detect and avoid predation by cetaceans. Wilson and Dill (2002) demonstrated that
FISH 3.6-42
exposure to broadband sonar-type sounds with high frequencies cause behavioral modification in Pacific
Since high-frequency sound attenuates quickly in water, high levels of sound from mine hunting sonars
would be restricted to within a few meters of the source. Even for fish able to hear sound at high
frequencies, only short-term exposure would occur, thus high-frequency military sonars are not expected
to have significant effects on resident fish populations.
Because a torpedo emits sonar pulses intermittently and is traveling through the water at a high speed,
individual fish would be exposed to sonar from a torpedo for a brief period. At most, an individual animal
would hear one or two pings from a torpedo and would be unlikely to hear pings from multiple torpedoes
over an exercise period. Most fish hear best in the low- to mid-frequency range and, therefore, are
unlikely to be disturbed by torpedo pings.
The effects of high-frequency sonar on fish behavior for species that can hear high-frequency sonar would
be transitory and of little biological consequence. Most species would probably not hear these sounds and
would therefore experience no disturbance.
With these caveats and qualifications in mind, the limited information currently available suggests that
populations of fish are unlikely to be affected by the projected rates and areas of use of military sonar.
Most fish species would be able to detect mid-frequency sonar at the lower end of its range. Short-term
behavioral responses such as startle and avoidance may occur, but are not likely to adversely affect
indigenous fish communities. Auditory damage from sonar signals is not expected and there is no
indication that nonimpulsive acoustic sources would result in fish mortality. Thus, sonar use in TMAA
training is not anticipated to result in adverse affects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from sonar use movements
in nonterritorial seas would be minimal under Alternative 1.
FISH 3.6-43
(0.004 nm2 [0.015 km2] area) would be affected and effects would be limited to short-term, transitory
alarm or startle responses. Since activities are infrequent and widely dispersed throughout the TMAA, the
impacts to fish would be the same as those described for the No Action Alternative.
Under Alternative 1, weapons firing may affect fish, but this effect would be minimal. Weapons firing
under Alternative 1 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish from weapons firing would not be likely in nonterritorial seas in
accordance with EO 12114.
Expended Materials
Under Alternative 1, the total number of expended ordnance in the TMAA would be 20,223 items per
year, an increase of 26 percent. Based on an open ocean area of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and
conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA, 2.4 items per nm2 (0.07 per
km2) per year would be deposited in the ocean (see Table 3.6-8). More than 93 percent of these items
would be from gunshells and small caliber rounds.
The increase in potential exposure would not measurably increase effects to fish. Given the large area of
the TMAA and low concentration of expended materials, with no potential for long-term degradation of
water and sediment quality (See Section 3.2, Expended Materials, and 3.3, Water Resources), the impacts
to fish would be the same as those described for the No Action Alternative. Similarly, ingestion of
expended materials is possible, but has a low potential for occurrence, as described for the No Action
Alternative. Habitat disturbance and fish injury and mortality from expended materials use are reduced by
Navy mitigation measures, as discussed in Chapter 5. While serious injury and/or mortality to individual
fish would be expected if they were present in the immediate vicinity of expended materials contacting
the ocean surface, implementation of Alternative 1 would not result in impacts to fish populations based
on the low number of fish that would be affected. Disturbances to water column and benthic habitats from
expended materials would be short-term and localized.
Expended materials under Alternative 1 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as
defined under the MSFCMA. In accordance with EO 11214, harm to fish populations or habitat from
expended materials in nonterritorial seas would be minimal under Alternative 1.
No area supporting a PUTR system has been identified; however, potential impacts to EFH can be
assessed based on several assumptions. Assuming that transponders are deployed on soft-bottom habitats,
impacts would be similar to those discussed for expended materials. There would be direct impact to soft
bottom habitat where the clump weight contacted the bottom, which may result in localized mortality to
epifauna and infauna within the footprint, although it is anticipated that recolonization would occur within
a relatively short period of time. Upon completion of the exercise, the transponders are recovered, which
eliminates any potential impacts associated with hazardous materials such as batteries and electronic
components. The clump weight is not recovered, and since it is composed of inert material, it is not a
potential source of contaminants, and could provide a substrate for benthic fauna. There may also be
FISH 3.6-44
indirect effects associated with increased turbidity due to resuspension of sediments from the clump
weight contacting the bottom. The turbidity plume is expected to be localized and temporary, as sediment
would eventually settle to the ocean floor or be dispersed by ocean currents. Therefore, localized and
temporary impacts to benthic fauna, water quality, and EFH may occur from the PUTR, but no long-term
adverse impact is anticipated.
Pursuant to the ESA, Section 7, the Navy finds the activities associated with Alternative 1 may affect the
threatened salmonid species in the TMAA; the Navy is in Section 7 consultations with NMFS and results
of the consultation will be incorporated into the Final EIS. No destruction or adverse modification of
designated critical habitat would result from implementation of Alternative 1. Alternative 2
Implementation of Alternative 2 would include all elements of Alternative 1 (accommodating training
activities currently conducted, increasing specific training activities to include the use of active sonar, and
accommodating force structure changes). In addition, under Alternative 2 the following activities would
• Conduct one additional separate summertime CSG exercise lasting up to 21 days within the ATA.
Vessel Movements
As described for the other alternatives, the number of Navy vessels operating during training exercises
varies and would average eight vessels per activity. Under Alternative 2, steaming hours would increase
from current conditions, although the increase in steaming hours would not measurably increase potential
effects to fish. Disturbance impacts to fish from vessel movements under Alternative 2 would be the same
as those described for the No Action Alternative.
Vessel movements under Alternative 2 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as
defined under the MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish populations or habitat from vessel movements in
nonterritorial seas would be minimal in accordance with EO 11214.
FISH 3.6-45
Aircraft Overflights
As described for the No Action Alternative, aircraft overflight responses would not compromise the
general health or condition of individual fish or fish populations, and under Alternative 2, overflights
would increase from current conditions. The increase in potential exposure to visual and sound
disturbance would not measurably increase effects to fish. Thus, the impacts of overflights under
Alternative 2 would be the same as those for the No Action Alternative.
Aircraft overflights under Alternative 2 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as
defined under MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish populations or habitat from aircraft overflights in
nonterritorial seas would be minimal in accordance with EO 11214.
Explosive Ordnance
Explosive ordnance use would increase under Alternative 2 compared to the No Action Alternative (Table
3.6-7). And similar to Alternative 1, Alternative 2 would include the use of the IEER sonobuoy. As
described for the No Action Alternative, impacts to fish from explosions would be possible, but these
elements of the action are not expected to have measurable or detectable impacts to fish given the vast
area encompassing the TMAA (42,146 nm2 [144,557 km2]); impacts are further reduced using
conservative estimates assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA (Table 3.6-7).
Habitat disturbance and fish injury and mortality from explosions are reduced by Navy mitigation
measures, as discussed in Chapter 5. While serious injury and/or mortality to individual fish would be
expected if they were present in the immediate vicinity of explosive ordnance use, explosions under
Alternative 2 would not result in impacts to fish populations based on the low number of fish that would
be affected. Disturbances to water column and benthic habitats from explosions would be short-term and
localized. The effects of other expended materials in sonobuoys are discussed in Section 3.2.
Under Alternative 2, sonar would have the potential to affect fish in the TMAA. Most fish species would
be able to detect mid-frequency sonar at the lower end of their range. Short-term behavioral responses
such as startle and avoidance may occur, but are not likely to adversely affect indigenous fish
communities. Auditory damage from sonar signals is not expected and there is no indication that
nonimpulsive acoustic sources result in fish mortality. Sonar use under Alternative 2 would not result in
adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish
populations or habitat from sonar use in nonterritorial seas would be minimal in accordance with EO
Under the Alternative 2, weapons firing may affect fish, but this affect would be minimal. Weapons firing
under Alternative 2 would not result in adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish from weapons firing would not be likely in nonterritorial seas in
accordance with EO 12114.
FISH 3.6-46
Expended Materials
Under Alternative 2, expended materials in the TMAA would increase approximately 160 percent over
the No Action Alternative (see Table 3.6-8). Based on an open ocean area of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2)
and conservatively assuming that activities occur across 20 percent of the TMAA, 4.9 items per nm2 (1.4
per km2) per year would be deposited in the ocean. More than 91 percent of these items would be from
gunshells and small caliber rounds. Despite the increase in expended materials, given the large area of the
TMAA and low concentration of expended materials, with no potential for long-term degradation of
water and sediment quality (See Section 3.2, Expended Materials, and 3.3, Water Resources), the impacts
to fish would be the same as those described for the No Action Alternative.
Under Alternative 2, ingestion of expended materials is possible, but has a low potential for occurrence,
as described for the No Action Alternative. Expended materials under Alternative 2 would not result in
adverse effects to fish populations or EFH as defined under the MSFCMA. Furthermore, harm to fish
populations or habitat from expended materials in nonterritorial seas would be minimal in accordance
with EO 11214.
Under Alternative 2, a SINKEX is typically conducted by aircraft, surface ships, and submarines in order
to take advantage of a full size ship target and an opportunity to fire live weapons. The target is typically
a decommissioned combatant or merchant ship that has been made environmentally safe for sinking
according to standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). It is placed in a
specific location that is greater than 50 nm (93 km) out to sea and in water depths greater than 6,000 ft
(1,830 m) (40 C.F.R. § 229.2) so that when it sinks it will serve another purpose, such as a reef, or be in
deep water where it will not be a navigation hazard to other shipping. Ship, aircraft, and submarine crews
typically are scheduled to attack the target with coordinated tactics and deliver live ordnance to sink the
Aspects of the exercise that have potential effects on fish are vessel movement, aircraft overflights, active
sonar, surface firing noise, shock waves from munitions hitting the water, munitions constituents, missile
launches, shock waves, underwater detonations, and presence of expended materials (fragments of
missiles and bombs). These stressors have been analyzed separately in previous sections, and while
serious injury and/or mortality to individual fish would be expected if they were present in the immediate
vicinity of several of these stressors (e.g., explosive ordnance), SINKEX under Alternative 2 would not
result in impacts to fish populations based on the low number of fish that would be affected. Disturbances
to water column and benthic habitats from SINKEX would be short-term and localized (See Section 3.5).
FISH 3.6-47
Pursuant to the ESA, Section 7, the Navy finds the activities associated with Alternative 2 may affect the
threatened salmonid species in the TMAA; the Navy is in Section 7 consultations with NMFS and results
of the consultation will be incorporated into the Final EIS. No destruction or adverse modification of
designated critical habitat would result from implementation of Alternative 2.
3.6.3 Mitigation
As summarized in Section 3.6.4, the alternatives proposed in the EIS/OEIS would be expected to affect
individual fish and have localized effects on their habitats, but would not affect communities or
populations of species or their use of the TMAA. The current protective measures described in Chapter 5
would continue to be implemented, and no further mitigation measures would be needed to protected fish
in the TMAA.
FISH 3.6-48
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
• Vessel movement, aircraft overflight, weapons
firing disturbance, and expended materials
would result in minimal harm to fish or EFH.
Given the TMAA size and using conservative
estimates, the concentration of expended
materials would be 2.4 per nm2 (0.7 per km2).
More than 93 percent of these items would be
from gunshells and small caliber rounds. See
pages 3.6-38 to 3.6-44.
• Explosive ordnance use may result in injury or
mortality to individual fish but would not result in
impacts to fish populations. Given the TMAA
size and using conservative estimates, the
• Overflights would not adversely concentration of explosive ordnance would be
Alternative affect fish populations or EFH as 0.020 per nm2 (0.006 per km2). See pages 3.6-
1 defined under the MSFCMA. See 38 to 3.6-39.
page 3.6-38.
• Because only a few species of fish may be
able to hear the relatively higher frequencies of
mid-frequency sonar, sonar used in Navy
exercises would result in minimal harm to fish or
EFH. See pages 3.6-39 to 3.6-43.
• Activities would not adversely affect fish
populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. See page 3.6-45.
• May affect threatened and endangered
species. See page 3.6-45.
• No effect to designated critical habitat. See
page 3.6-45.
FISH 3.6-49
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
• Vessel movement, aircraft overflight,
weapons firing disturbance, and expended
materials would result in minimal harm to
fish or EFH. Given the TMAA size and
using conservative estimates, the
concentration of expended materials would
be 4.9 per nm2 (1.4 per km2). More than 91
percent of these items would be from
gunshells and small caliber rounds. See
pages 3.6-45 to 3.6-47.
• Explosive ordnance use may result in
injury or mortality to individual fish but
would not result in impacts to fish
populations. Given the TMAA size and
• Overflights would not adversely using conservative estimates, the
Alternative 2 concentration of explosive ordnance would
(Preferred affect fish populations or EFH as
defined under the MSFCMA. See be 0.142 per nm2 (0.041 per km2). See
Alternative) page 3.6-46.
page 3.6-45.
• Because only a few species of fish may
be able to hear the relatively higher
frequencies of mid-frequency sonar, sonar
used in Navy exercises would result in
minimal harm to fish or EFH. See page 3.6-
• Activities would not adversely affect fish
populations or EFH as defined under the
MSFCMA. See page 3.6-48.
• May affect threatened and endangered
species. See page 3.6-47.
• No effect to designated critical habitat.
See page 3.6-47.
FISH 3.6-50
The distribution of sea turtles in ocean waters off the U.S. West Coast and the GOA is strongly affected
by seasonal changes in water temperature. Cool water temperatures also prevent sea turtles from nesting
on U.S. west coast beaches and may also inhibit reproductive activity by reducing the quality and
availability of food resources in the area (Fuentes et al. 2000). In general, sea turtle sightings off the U.S.
west coast south of the GOA peak during July through September and in abnormally warm water years
such as in El Niño years. During El Niño years, changes in ocean currents bring warmer waters north,
which can bring more sea turtles (and their preferred prey) to the west coast region (Washington to
California) and as far north as Alaska (National Marine Fisheries Service [NMFS] 2003). There are no
known sea turtle nesting areas in the Alaska region.
All sea turtles are listed as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). There are
seven living species of sea turtles from two taxonomic families, the Cheloniidae (hard-shelled sea turtles;
six species) and the Dermochelyidae (leatherback turtles; one species). Five species of sea turtles occur in
the North Pacific: leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), green (Chelonia
mydas), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata). However, only
four species have been observed, albeit rarely, in Alaska waters between 1960 and 1998: the leatherback,
loggerhead, green, and olive ridley (Hodge and Wing 2000).
Although members of the Cheloniidae family of sea turtles occur in the warm, subtropical areas of the
Pacific such as southern California and Hawaii, the GOA is considered beyond their normal range of
occurrence because of cold water temperatures. The ocean waters of the TMAA have an average sea
surface temperature in summer in the upper 100 m (328 feet [ft]) of approximately 51.8 degree Fahrenheit
(°F) (11 degrees Celsius [°C]). Most hard-shell turtles seek optimal seawater temperatures near 65°F and
are cold-stressed at seawater temperatures below 50°F (Mrosovsky 1980, Schwartz 1978). In contrast,
leatherback sea turtles regularly occur in cold temperate waters of high latitudes (Bleakney 1965,
Pritchard 1980, and Eckert et al. 1989). Individuals will often move into cooler temperate waters and
sometimes cold northern waters during late summer and early fall (Keinath and Musick 1990, James et al.
After analyzing 363 records of sea turtles sighted along the Pacific coast of North America, Stinson
(1984) concluded that the leatherback was the most common sea turtle in U.S. waters north of Mexico. In
Alaska, 19 leatherback sea turtle occurrences were documented between 1960 and 2006, including two
summer occurrences recorded near Cordova, Alaska, which is north of the TMAA (Hodge and Wing
2000, DoN 2006). Also recorded during that time frame were 9 green sea turtle occurrences, 2 olive ridley
occurrences, and 2 loggerheads. Therefore, although sightings of sea turtles from the Chelonidae family
have been documented in Alaska, most of these involve individuals that were either cold-stressed, likely
to become cold-stressed, or already deceased (Hodge and Wing 2000, McAlpine et al. 2002). Thus, the
TMAA is considered to be outside the normal range for sea turtle species of the Cheloniidae family and
this family of sea turtles is not considered for further analysis in this EIS/OEIS.
The leatherback turtle, however, is distributed globally in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters
throughout the year and is the only species of sea turtle expected to occur in the TMAA and thus is
considered further in this analysis.
The issues of concern for leatherback sea turtles include potential effects of sounds in the water, and
impacts related to vessel movements, ordnance use, and possible entanglement or contact with expended
materials that are not recovered. The analysis of effects addresses these issues by grouping effects based
on activities with common components such as vessel movement, ordnance use, and expended materials.
The leatherback sea turtle is the most oceanic and has the widest range (71°N to 47°S) of the seven living
species of sea turtles (Boulon et al. 1988, Pritchard and Trebbau 1984). Leatherback sea turtles have been
documented in Alaska waters as far north as approximately 60º latitude (approximately 50 miles north of
the northern edge of the TMAA) and as far west in the GOA as the Aleutian Islands (Eckert 1993)
Although leatherback turtles are expected to be present within the TMAA, they are likely few in number
given the TMAA is near the northern edge of the known extent of their Pacific range (Eckert 1993, DoN
2006). No numbers or density estimates are available for leatherback turtles in the TMAA, but given their
distribution patterns based on water temperature elsewhere (Eckert 1993) the number of leatherback sea
turtles in the GOA are likely very low. The analysis in this EIS/OEIS therefore assumes leatherback
turtles may be encountered in the TMAA during the summer (April to October) although they will be
extremely rare (very few in number).
The leatherback, which is the largest living sea turtle, has a unique carapace structure. The carapace lacks
the outer layer of external plates or scales possessed by all other sea turtles. Instead, it is composed of a
flexible layer of dermal bones underlying tough, oily connective tissue and smooth skin. The body of a
leatherback is barrel-shaped, tapered to the rear, with seven longitudinal dorsal ridges; the body is almost
completely black with variable spotting (McDonald and Dutton 1996). Carapace lengths in adult
leatherbacks range from about 50 to 70 inches (in) (1.2 to 1.8 meters [m]), with an average around 57 in
(1.4 m) and weighing between 450 and 1,575 pounds (lb) (200 to 700 kilograms [kg]) (NMFS and U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service [USFWS] 1998b), although there is documentation suggesting this average may
be greatly exceeded (Eckert and Luginbuhl 1988).
In contrast with other sea turtles, leatherback sea turtles have physiological traits that allow for the
conservation of body heat which enable them to maintain body core temperatures well above the ambient
water temperatures (Mrosovsky and Pritchard 1971, Greer et al. 1973, Neill and Stevens 1974, Goff and
Stenson 1988, Paladino et al. 1990, Eckert 1993, Lutz and Musick 1996, DoN 2006). Shells, or carapaces,
of adult leatherbacks are 4 cm (1.5 inches) thick on average, contributing to the leatherback’s thermal
tolerance that enables this species to forage in water temperatures far lower than the leatherback’s core
body temperature (Center for Biological Diversity et al. 2007). In an analysis of available sightings
(Eckert 2002), researchers found that leatherback turtles with carapace lengths smaller than 100 cm (39
inches) were sighted only in waters 79°F or warmer, while adults were found in waters as cold as 32°F to
59°F off Newfoundland (Goff and Lien 1988). As a result, they are more capable of surviving for
extended periods of time in cooler waters than the hard-shelled sea turtles (Bleakney 1965, Lazell 1980).
Historically, some of the world’s largest nesting populations of leatherback turtles were found in the
Pacific Ocean, although nesting on Pacific beaches under U.S. jurisdiction has always been rare (NMFS
and USFWS 1998c). The northernmost nesting sites in the eastern Pacific Ocean are located in the
Mexican states of Baja California Sur and Jalisco (Fritts et al. 1982). Post-nesting adults appear to
migrate along bathymetric contours from 656 to 11,483 ft (200 to 3,500 m) (Morreale and Standora
1994), and most of the eastern Pacific nesting stocks migrate south (NMFS 2002). Other principal nesting
sites in the Pacific Ocean indicate that gene flow between eastern and western Pacific nesting populations
is restricted (Dutton et al. 1998, 1999, 2000a, 2000b).
Leatherbacks are highly pelagic and specialized for life at sea. Occasionally, sea turtles can end up on the
shore if they are dead, sick, injured, or cold-stressed. These events, known as strandings, can be caused by
either biological factors (e.g., predation and disease) or environmental factors (e.g., water temperature). In
addition, leatherbacks approach coastal waters only during the reproductive season (EuroTurtle 2001).
Male leatherbacks do not return to land after they hatch from their nests whereas mature females return to
land only to lay eggs (Carr 1995, Spotila et al. 1997). Aside from this brief terrestrial period, which lasts
approximately three months during egg incubation and hatching, leatherback turtles are rarely
encountered out of the water. Sea turtles bask on the water surface to regulate their body temperatures,
elude predators, avoid harmful mating encounters, possibly accelerate the development of their eggs, and
destroy aquatic algae growth on their carapaces (Whittow and Balazs 1982, Spotila et al. 1997). Hatchling
leatherbacks are pelagic, but nothing is known about their distribution during the first 4 years of life
(Musick and Limpus 1997).
The leatherback is one of the deepest divers in the ocean, with dives as deep as 3,937 ft (1,200 m),
although it spends most of its time feeding at a depth of less than 328 ft (100 m) (DoN 2006).
Leatherback turtles primarily feed on gelatinous zooplankton such as cnidarians (jellyfish and
siphonophores) and tunicates (salps and pyrosomas) (Bjorndal 1997, NMFS and USFWS 1998b). The
leatherback dives continually and spends short periods of time on the surface between dives (Eckert et al.
1986, Southwood et al. 1999). Typical dive durations averaged 6.9 to 14.5 minutes (min) per dive, with a
maximum of 42 min (Eckert et al. 1996). Sea turtles typically remain submerged for several minutes to
several hours depending upon their activity state (Standora et al. 1984, Renaud and Carpenter 1994).
Long periods of submergence hamper detection and confound census efforts. Leatherbacks dive
continually and spend short periods on the surface between dives (Eckert et al. 1986, Southwood et al.
1999). During migrations or long distance movements, leatherbacks maximize swimming efficiency by
traveling within 15 ft (5 m) of the surface (Eckert 2002).
The world female leatherback turtle population is estimated at 35,860 (Spotila 2004). The western Pacific
(west of the International Date Line) leatherback population was estimated to contain 2,700 to 4,500
nesting females (Dutton et al. 2007). A subset of these females, and an unknown number of males, forage
off the U.S. west coast (Washington to California) each year from about May to November, when dense
aggregations of jellyfish (leatherback prey) are present (Benson et al. 2007a, 2007b). Foraging abundance
estimates are only available for nearshore waters off California, where the estimated minimum
leatherback abundance has ranged from 12 to 379 individuals per year, based on aerial surveys.
A major factor in the decline of the leatherback turtle worldwide is commercial harvesting for meat and
eggs. The crash of the Pacific leatherback turtle population, once the world’s largest, is believed to be
primarily the result of exploitation by humans for their eggs and meat. Enforcement of existing laws in
remote areas is also a major problem.
It was estimated that worldwide, more than 50,000 leatherbacks were incidentally taken as pelagic
longline bycatch in 2000 and that thousands die from longline gear interactions every year in the Pacific
Ocean (Lewison et al. 2004). They have been known to ingest longline hooks used to catch tuna and
swordfish (Davenport and Balazs 1991, Skillman and Balazs 1992, Grant 1994, Work and Balazs 2002).
Incidental capture of leatherbacks by the north Pacific high seas driftnet fleet, which targets squid and
tuna, was also a source of mortality during the 1980s and early 1990s (Eckert 1993). In 2001, NMFS
prohibited drift gillnet fishing in California and Oregon from August 15 to November 15 from Monterey,
California to 45ºN latitude within 13 nm (24 km) of the coast. This ruling was necessary to avoid the
likelihood that this fishery would jeopardize the continued existence of the leatherback turtle population
in the Pacific as leatherbacks annually migrated through this area (NOAA 2001).
Environmental contamination from coastal runoff, marina and dock construction, dredging, aquaculture,
oil and gas exploration and extraction, increased underwater noise, and boat traffic can degrade marine
habitats used by marine turtles. The development of marinas and docks in inshore waters can negatively
impact nearshore habitats. Fueling facilities at marinas can sometimes discharge oil, gas, and sewage into
sensitive estuarine and coastal habitats. An increase in the number of docks built may also increase boat
and vessel traffic. Sea turtles swimming or feeding at or just beneath the surface of the water are
particularly vulnerable to boat and vessel strikes, which can result in serious propeller injuries and death.
Marine debris is a continuing contaminant problem for marine turtles. Marine turtles living in the open
ocean commonly ingest or become entangled in marine debris (e.g., tar balls, plastic bags, plastic pellets,
balloons, and ghost fishing gear) as they feed along oceanographic fronts, where debris and their natural
food items converge. This is especially problematic for sea turtles that spend all or significant portions of
their life cycle in the open ocean (e.g., leatherbacks, juvenile loggerheads, and juvenile green turtles).
Investigation of clutch hatching success suggests that the leatherback turtle has lower hatching success
levels than other sea turtles. Reasons for this condition are unknown. Excessive nest predation of eggs and
new hatchlings by native and nonnative predators and degradation of foraging habitats are primary natural
mortality factors. Predators of eggs and hatchlings include several species of mammals, birds,
invertebrates, and fish. Eggs and hatchlings have high mortality rates, but as the survivors grow, natural
mortality declines markedly.
Sea turtles do not have an external ear pinnae or eardrum. Instead, they have a cutaneous layer and
underlying subcutaneous fatty layer that function as a tympanic membrane (TM). The subcutaneous fatty
layer receives and transmits sounds to the middle ear and into the cavity of the inner ear (Ridgway et al.
1969). Sound also arrives by bone conduction through the skull. Sound arriving at the inner ear via the
columella (homologous to the mammalian stapes or stirrup) is transduced by the bones of the middle ear.
Sea turtle auditory sensitivity is not well studied, though a few preliminary investigations suggest that it is
limited to low frequency bandwidths, such as the sounds of waves breaking on a beach. The role of
underwater low-frequency hearing in sea turtles is unclear. It has been suggested that sea turtles may use
acoustic signals from their environment as guideposts during migration and as a cue to identify their natal
beaches (Lenhardt et al. 1983).
Lenhardt et al. (1983) applied audiofrequency vibrations at 250 hertz (Hz) and 500 Hz to the heads of
loggerheads and Kemp’s ridleys submerged in salt water to observe their behavior, measure the
attenuation of the vibrations, and assess any neural-evoked response. These stimuli (250 Hz, 500 Hz)
were chosen as representative of the lowest sensitivity area of marine turtle hearing (Wever 1978). At the
maximum upper limit of the vibratory delivery system, the sea turtles exhibited abrupt movements, slight
retraction of the head, and extension of the limbs in the process of swimming. Lenhardt et al. (1983)
concluded that bone-conducted hearing appears to be a reception mechanism for at least some of the sea
turtle species, with the skull and shell acting as receiving surfaces. Finally, sensitivity even within the
optimal hearing range was low as threshold detection levels in water are relatively high at 160 to 200
decibels referenced to one micro Pascal at a distance of one meter (dB re 1 μPa-m), which is the standard
reference measure for underwater sound energy in this regard; Lenhardt 1994).
Ridgway et al. (1969) used aerial and mechanical stimulation to measure the cochlea in three specimens
of green turtle, and concluded that they have a useful hearing span of perhaps 60 to 1,000 Hz, but hear
best from about 200 Hz up to 700 Hz, with their sensitivity falling off considerably below 200 Hz. The
maximum sensitivity for one animal was at 300 Hz, and for another was at 400 Hz. At the 400 Hz
frequency, the green turtle’s hearing threshold was about 64 dB in air (approximately 126 dB in water).
At 70 Hz, it was about 70 dB in air (approximately 132 dB in water). We may be able to extrapolate this
data to pertain to all hard-shell sea turtles (i.e., the olive ridley, green, loggerhead, hawksbill, and Kemp’s
ridley turtles). No audiometric data are available for the leatherback turtle, but based on other sea turtle
hearing capabilities, they probably also hear best in the low frequencies.
For exposures to impulsive sound, a recent study on the effects of air guns on sea turtle behavior also
suggests that sea turtles are most likely to respond to low-frequency sounds (McCauley et al. 2000).
Green and loggerhead sea turtles will avoid air-gun arrays at 2 km and at 1 km, with received levels of
166 dB re 1 µPa-m and 175 dB re 1 µPa, respectively (McCauley et al. 2000). The sea turtles’ response
was consistent: above a level of about 166 dB re 1 µPa, the sea turtles noticeably increased their
swimming activity. Above 175 dB re 1 µPa, their behavior became more erratic, possibly indicating that
they were agitated (McCauley et al. 2000).
Currently it is believed that the range of maximum sensitivity for sea turtles is 200 to 800 Hz, with an
upper limit of about 2,000 Hz (Lenhardt 1994, Moein et al. 1994). Hearing below 80 Hz is less sensitive
but still potentially usable to the animal. Green turtles are most sensitive to sounds between 200 and 700
Hz, with peak sensitivity at 300 to 400 Hz (Ridgway et al. 1997). They possess an overall hearing range
of approximately 60 to 1,000 Hz (Ridgway et al., 1969). Juvenile loggerhead turtles hear sounds between
250 and 1,000 Hz and, therefore, often avoid low-frequency sounds (Bartol et al. 1999). Finally,
sensitivity even within the optimal hearing range is apparently low—threshold detection levels in water
are relatively high at 160 to 200 dB re 1 µPa-m (Lenhardt 1994). Given the lack of audiometric
information for leatherback turtles, the potential for temporary threshold shifts among leatherback turtles
must be classified as unknown but would likely follow those of other sea turtles. In terms of sound
emission, nesting leatherback turtles produce sounds in the 300 to 500 Hz range (Mrosovsky 1972).
Any potential role of long-range acoustical perception in sea turtles has not been studied. The concept of
sound masking (the ability of one sound to make the ear incapable of perceiving another) is difficult, if
not impossible, to apply to sea turtles. The best available science however, suggests that sea turtles cannot
hear the mid- and high-frequency sound sources proposed for use in the TMAA.
“No effect” is the appropriate conclusion when a listed species will not be affected, either because the
species will not be present or because the project does not have any elements with the potential to affect
the species. “No effect” does not include a small effect or an effect that is unlikely to occur.
If effects are insignificant (in size) or discountable (extremely unlikely), a “may affect” determination is
appropriate. Insignificant effects relate to the magnitude or extent of the impact (that is, they must be
small and would not rise to the level of a take of a species). Discountable effects are those extremely
unlikely to occur. Based on best judgment, a person would not (1) be able to meaningfully measure,
detect, or evaluate insignificant effects; or (2) expect discountable effects to occur. These factors were
also considered in determining the significance of effects under the NEPA and EO 12114.
As discussed in Section 3.2, Expended Materials, and Section 3.3, Water Resources, potential pollutants
in sediments, water, and air would be released into the environment as a result of the alternatives. The
analyses presented in those sections indicate that any increases in pollutants resulting from Navy training
in the TMAA would be negligible and localized, and impacts would not be significant. Based on these
analyses, water quality changes would have negligible effects on sea turtles. Accordingly, the effects of
water quality changes on sea turtles are not addressed further in this EIS/OEIS.
Data Sources
A systematic review of relevant literature and data was conducted of both published and unpublished
sources. The following types of documents were used in the assessment: journals, books, periodicals,
bulletins, Department of Defense (DoD) operations reports, theses, dissertations, endangered species
recovery plans, species management plans, and other technical reports published by government agencies,
private businesses, and consulting firms. The scientific literature was also consulted during the search for
geographic location data (geographic coordinates) on the occurrence of sea turtles within the TMAA.
As discussed previously in Sea Turtle Hearing, effects on leatherback turtles are not likely from the use of
mid-frequency or high-frequency sound sources given that all available information indicates the
leatherback turtle hearing range is likely well below those frequencies. Acoustic masking of leatherback
hearing should not occur as a result of the proposed use of the sources in those mid- and high-frequency
ranges. Under ESA, use of sonar during training activities in the TMAA may effect leatherback turtles
since it is possible that they may be exposed to sonar although not perceive it via hearing mechanisms.
Consideration of a physiological or stress response as a result of the proposed training activities must be
discussed given the possible duration of the combined (exercise) activities (a maximum of 21 days).
Although an individual training activity (such as an anti-submarine tracking exercise) may be hours in
duration, the participants and activities are dispersed in the TMAA, the majority of sources are generally
active only intermittently once or twice each minute, the sources have a small range of effect based on the
hearing sensitivity of a sea turtle, and the sources are almost always moving rapidly (in relation to a sea
turtle). Based on the discussion and citations provided in Section, leatherback turtles are not
expected to be able to perceive the sounds from mid- and high-frequency sound sources and, given the
likely short duration of any exposure to these sources, there should be no physiological or stress response
as a result of their use in the TMAA.
Further discussion of potential effects from use of mid-frequency and high-frequency sound sources is not
carried through in the analysis of the various alternatives for sea turtles.
At-Sea Explosions
Ordnance cannot be released and explosives cannot be detonated until the target area is determined to be
clear. Training activities are halted immediately if cetaceans, pinnipeds, or sea turtles are observed in the
target area. Training activities are delayed until the animal clears the target area. All observers are in
continuous communication to be able to immediately halt training activities. The event can be delayed as
necessary to ensure the target area is clear. If the area cannot be cleared, the operation is relocated or
canceled. These practices lower the risk of harming leatherback turtles.
The lead time to set up and clear the impact area before an event using explosives takes place may be 30
minutes to several hours. There will, therefore, be a long period of area monitoring before any detonation
or live-fire event begins.
Criteria and thresholds for estimating the impacts to leatherback turtles from a single at-sea explosion
event were determined from information on marine species used for the environmental assessments for
the two Navy ship-shock trials: the Seawolf Final EIS (DoN 1998) and the Churchill Final EIS (DoN
2001). During the analysis of the effects of explosions on marine mammals and sea turtles conducted by
the Navy for the Churchill EIS, analysts compared the injury levels reported by these experiments to the
injury levels that would be predicted using the modified-Goertner method and found them to be similar
(DoN 2001, Goertner 1982). While the criteria and thresholds for injury and harassment summarized in
Table 3.7-1 were developed based on data from marine mammals, extrapolation from human and marine
mammal data to sea turtles may be inappropriate given the morphological differences between the
auditory systems of mammals and turtles. However, they are also used for sea turtles because no other
criteria exist.
The criteria for non-injurious harassment include acoustic annoyance and physical discomfort (Viada et
al. 2007). Temporary threshold shift (TTS) is the criterion for acoustic annoyance; TTS is a temporary,
recoverable, loss of hearing sensitivity (NMFS 2001, DoN 2001). There are two criteria for TTS: (1) 182
dB re 1 squared micropascal-second (μPa2-s) maximum Energy Flux Density Level (EL) level in any 1/3-
octave band at frequencies greater than 100 Hz for sea turtles, and (2) 12 pounds per square inch (psi)
peak pressure. Navy policy is to use a peak pressure level of 23 psi as a criterion for explosive charges
less than 2,000 lb (900 kg) and a peak pressure level of 12 psi as a criterion for explosive charges larger
than 2,000 lb. It was introduced to provide a safety zone for TTS when the explosive or the animal
approaches the sea surface (for which case the explosive energy is reduced but the peak pressure is not).
In addition to acoustic annoyance, non-injurious harassment may also include physical discomfort and
tactile detection, particularly in areas around the eyes, mouth, external nares, and vent (Viada et al. 2007).
Table 3.7-1: Summary of Criteria and Acoustic Thresholds for at-Sea Explosion Impacts to Sea
Impact to Marine
Criterion Threshold
Level A harassment Onset of severe lung injury Goertner Modified Positive Impulse indexed
Mortality to 31 psi-ms
Two criteria are used for injury: onset of slight lung hemorrhage and 50 percent eardrum (TM) rupture.
These criteria are considered indicative of the onset of injury. The threshold for onset of slight lung injury
is calculated for a small animal (a dolphin calf weighing 27 lb [12 kg]), and is given in terms of the
“Goertner modified positive impulse,” indexed to 13 psi-millisecond (ms) (DoN 2001). This threshold is
conservative since the positive impulse needed to cause injury is proportional to animal mass, and
therefore, larger animals require a higher impulse to cause the onset of injury. The threshold for TM
rupture corresponds to a 50 percent rate of rupture (i.e., 50 percent of animals exposed to the level are
expected to suffer TM rupture); this is stated in terms of an EL value of 205 dB re 1 μPa2-s. The criterion
reflects the fact that TM rupture is not necessarily a serious or life-threatening injury, but is a useful index
of possible injury that is well correlated with measures of permanent hearing impairment (e.g., Ketten
1998), and indicates a 30 percent incidence of permanent threshold shift [PTS] at the same threshold.
Another slight injury that may result from at-sea explosions includes hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal
tract. This is caused by excitation of radial oscillations of small gas bubbles normally present in the
intestine. Hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal tract is not expected to be debilitating, and a sea turtle would
be expected to recover on its own (Viada et al. 2007).
The criterion for mortality for marine mammals used in the Churchill Final EIS is “onset of severe lung
injury.” In the absence of analogous data for sea turtles, the criteria developed for marine mammals are
also applied to sea turtles. This is conservative for marine mammals in that it corresponds to a 1 percent
chance of mortal injury, and yet any animal experiencing onset severe lung injury is counted as a lethal
exposure. The threshold is stated in terms of the Goertner (1982) modified positive impulse with value
“indexed to 31 psi-ms.” Since the Goertner approach depends on propagation, source/animal depths, and
animal mass, the actual impulse value corresponding to the 31 psi-ms index is a complicated calculation.
Again, to be conservative, the Churchill analysis used the mass of a dolphin calf (27 lb [12 kg]), so that
the threshold index is 30.5 psi-ms. Gastrointestinal tract injuries are associated with lung hemorrhage and
would be expected to include contusions with ulcerations throughout the tract, ultimately resulting in tract
ruptures. Mortality is highly likely under these conditions (Viada et al. 2007). Lethal injuries may also
result from shock waves with high peak pressure. These high peak pressure shock waves may result in
concussive brain damage; cranial, skeletal, or shell fractures; hemorrhage; or massive inner ear trauma,
leading either directly or indirectly to mortality (Viada et al. 2007).
The largest proposed shell size for training activities is a 5-in shell. This will produce the greatest pressure
of all ammunition used in the study area. All analysis was done using the 5-in shell as a source of
produced and transmitted pressure, with the recognition that smaller ammunition sizes would have lesser
In June 2000, the Navy collected a series of pressure measurements during the firing of a 5-in gun.
Average pressure measured approximately 200 dB with reference pressure of one micropascal (200 dB re
1 µPa) at the point of the air and water interface. Based on these values, down-range peak pressure levels
were calculated to be less than 186 dB re 1 µPa at 100 m (DoN 2000), and down-range pressure levels
decreased with increasing distance. The rapid dissipation of the sound pressure wave, the low potential
for occurrence of leatherback turtles in the TMAA, and the protective measures implemented by the Navy
(see Chapter 5 for details) to detect leatherback turtles in an area prior to implementing training activities
would result in the gun muzzle blasts having no effect on leatherback turtles. This topic is not addressed
further in the analyses of effects on sea turtles.
Vessel Movements
Training activities within the study area involve maneuvers by various types of surface vessels and
submarines (collectively referred to as vessels). Vessel movements have the potential to affect leatherback
turtles by directly striking or disturbing individual animals. The probability of vessel and leatherback
turtle interactions depends on factors such as the presence or absence and density of leatherback turtles;
numbers, types, and speeds of vessels; duration and spatial extent of activities; and protective measures
implemented by the Navy.
The number of Navy vessels participating in training under the No Action Alternative is 23, consisting of
4 military vessels and up to 19 contracted vessels and boats. Although Navy vessels are capable of much
faster speeds, specific training activities will generally be at speeds in the range of 10 to 14 knots (kts) (18
to 26 kilometers per hour [km/h]). Training activities are widely dispersed throughout the TMAA, which
encompasses 42,146 square nm (nm2) (145,482 square km [km2]) of surface and subsurface ocean.
Leatherback turtles exposed to the general disturbance associated with a passing Navy vessel could
exhibit short-term behavioral responses. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from
vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA
effects determination language, vessel visual or acoustic disturbance under the No Action Alternative may
affect leatherback turtles.
Vessel Collisions
Vessel collisions or strikes have the potential to affect leatherback turtles in the TMAA. Sea turtles
swimming or feeding at or just beneath the surface of the water are particularly vulnerable to a vessel
strike. Sea turtles struck by vessels could be unharmed, injured, or killed. Collisions between vessels and
leatherback turtles are possible, but have a low potential for occurrence. The probably extreme low
density for leatherback turtles, low number of steaming hours over a large area (42,146 nm2 [144,556
km2]), and Navy standard lookouts meant to reduce the collision potential would combine to limit the
likelihood of vessel-sea turtle collisions.
As noted above, there is little information available on how sea turtles respond to vessel approaches.
Hazel et al. (2007) found that sea turtles reacted to approaching vessels in a variety of ways. Benthic sea
turtles launched upwards at a shallow angle and began swimming. The majority of the sea turtles swam
away from the vessel, while some swam along the vessel’s track, and some crossed in front of the vessel’s
track before swimming away. Sea turtle reaction time was greatly dependent on the speed of the vessel;
sea turtles were able to react faster to slower moving vessels than to faster moving vessels. Sea turtle
reactions to vessels elicited short-term responses.
Human disturbance to wild animals, such as vessel movement, may elicit similar reactions to those caused
by natural predators (Gill et al. 2001, Beale and Monaghan 2004). Behavioral responses may also be
accompanied by a physiological response (Romero 2004), although this is very difficult to study in the
wild. Immature Kemp’s ridley turtles have shown physiological responses to the acute stress of capture
and handling through increased levels of corticosterone (Gregory and Schmid 2001). In the short term,
exposure to stressors results in changes in immediate behavior (Frid 2003). For sea turtles, this can
include intense behavioral reactions such as biting and rapid flipper movement (Gregory and Schmid
2001). Repeated exposure to stressors, including human disturbance such as vessel disturbance and
anthropogenic sound, can result in negative consequences to the health and viability of an individual or
population. Chronic stress can result in decreased reproductive success (Lordi et al. 2000, Beale and
Monaghan 2004), decreased energy budget (Frid 2003), displacement from habitat (Southerland and
Crockford 1993), and lower survival rates of offspring (Lordi et al. 2000). Although this study related to
natural induced stressors, similar physiological changes may result from other types of stressors such as
anthropogenic disturbance. At this time, it is unknown what the long-term implications of chronic stress
may be on sea turtle species.
The Navy’s SOPs include a number of measures that will prevent a collision between a naval vessel and a
leatherback turtle (see Chapter 5). Navy vessels use lookouts 24 hours a day, who serve to alert the bridge
to any and all objects in the water, including sea turtles. Ships and surfaced submarines use caution and
operate at safe speeds consistent with weather and sea state conditions. Ships and submarines will
maneuver to avoid a collision with a sea turtle to the extent possible, with safety of the vessel paramount.
The combination of the low initial probability of collision with a leatherback turtle and the procedures to
avoid such an event makes it extremely unlikely a ship would collide with a leatherback turtle. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, vessel strikes
under the No Action Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
Aircraft Overflights
Under the No Action Alternative, overflights associated with 300 sorties would occur above the TMAA.
Most aircraft overflights would occur over the TMAA at elevations in excess of 15,000 ft (915 m). All
aircraft overflights between the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above
15,000 ft (915 m). There would be 32 training events that may involve helicopter flights conducted over
Aircraft overflights produce noise, and some of this sonic energy would be transmitted into the water. Sea
turtles could be exposed to noise associated with fixed-wing aircraft overflights and helicopter activities
while at the surface or while submerged. In addition, low-flying aircraft passing overhead could create a
visual shadow effect that could induce a reaction in sea turtles.
It is difficult to differentiate between reactions that sea turtles may experience to the presence of aircraft
and reactions to sound. Based on information on their sensory biology as discussed in Sea Turtle Hearing
(Ridgway et al. 1969, Lenhardt 1994, Bartol et al. 1999, Bartol and Musick 2003, Ketten and Bartol
2006), sound from low-flying aircraft could be heard by a sea turtle at or near the surface. Exposures to
elevated noise levels that are associated with current activities are brief and infrequent, based on the
transitory and dispersed nature of the overflights. Sound exposure levels are relatively low because sea
turtles spend only 3 to 6 percent of the time at the sea surface and because most of the overflights would
be above 15,000 ft. In addition, overflights do not generate underwater sound levels that result in harm to
sea turtles (Eller and Cavanagh 2000, Laney and Cavanagh 2000).Hazel et al. (2007) suggested that green
turtles rely more on visual cues than auditory cues when reacting to approaching water vessels. This
suggests that sea turtles might not respond to aircraft overflights based on noise alone.
Leatherback turtles exposed to aircraft overflights that occur under the No Action Alternative may exhibit
no response, or may exhibit behavioral reactions such as quick diving. Any behavioral avoidance reaction
would be short-term and would not permanently displace animals or result in physical harm. Overflights
are not expected to result in chronic stress because it is extremely unlikely that individual animals would
be repeatedly exposed to low-altitude overflights. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback
turtles from aircraft overflights in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with
the ESA effects determination language, aircraft overflights under the No Action Alternative may affect
leatherback turtles.
At-Sea Explosions
Explosions that would occur in the No Action Alternative in the TMAA would result from training
exercises that use explosive ordnance, including bombs (BOMBEX), high explosive (HE) rounds
(Gunnery Exercise [GUNEX]) as identified in Table 2-8. At-sea explosions conducted under the No
Action Alternative have the potential to adversely affect sea turtles in the study area by causing temporary
behavioral effects, sub-lethal or lethal injuries, or direct mortality.
Missiles used in air to air training events at sea, although part of a live fire event, are designed to detonate
in the air and do not constitute an at-sea explosion occurring in water as analyzed in this document.
However, the same factors that would limit other adverse effects to sea turtles would result in a low
potential for impacts from explosions. These include the relatively low potential for sea turtles to occur in
the study area, the limited number of training activities using explosive ordnance over a large area, and
consistent implementation of Navy resource protection measures.
Under the No Action Alternative, approximately 48 live bombs may be used during a BOMBEX. During
Surface-to-Surface (S-S) GUNEX, 30 5-in rounds and 10 76-millimeter (mm) rounds could be fired each
year during training activities under the continuing activities of the No Action Alternative. Their use
would occur in all areas of the TMAA.
An analysis of potential impacts from at-sea explosions using acoustic modeling could not be conducted
for leatherback turtles, given there is no data regarding the abundance or distribution in the Pacific
(NMFS and USFWS 1998c) and no known density or information available to derive an estimate for the
number of leatherback turtles in the GOA or in the TMAA. In analyses undertaken for similar actions at
other locations, modeling to predict potential impacts required that the zone of influence resulting from
each explosion or detonation be multiplied by the sea turtle density to assess the potential for and number
of impacts likely (see Sea Turtle Hearing Section and Section for sea turtle-specific thresholds and
Section 3.8, Marine Mammals, for a full description of the modeling and methods). Modeling efforts in
these cases are completed as if no mitigation measures were in effect. The purpose of this is to model
without consideration for reduction in the predicted impact numbers as a result of standard mitigations
(regarding standard mitigations, see Current Requirements and Practices Section).
Given the indications there are likely to be very low numbers of leatherback turtles present in the TMAA,
modeling would likely result in a conclusion that there were no exposures in any event. However, without
density information and modeling of potential impacts, there remains a possibility there could be an
exposure of a leatherback to at-sea explosions. Based on this possibility, under the No Action Alternative,
the explosions and detonations that would take place in the TMAA may affect leatherback turtles. No sea
turtle mortalities would be expected under this alternative.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from explosive ordnance use in nonterritorial
seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of
explosive ordnance in the TMAA under the No Action Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
Expended Materials
The Navy expends a variety of materials during training exercises. Under the No Action Alternative,
15,982 expendable items may be used. The types and quantities of materials expended and information
regarding fate and transport of these materials within the marine environment are discussed in Section 3.2
(Expended Materials), and Section 3.3 (Water Resources). The analyses in these sections determined that
most expended materials rapidly sink to the seafloor where they become encrusted by natural processes or
are incorporated into the seafloor, with no substantial accumulations in any particular area and no
significant negative effects to water quality or marine benthic communities. Given that materials
expended during training do not remain at the surface and are generally used in areas where the water
depth is beyond that of foraging sea turtles, it is unlikely expended materials would affect sea turtles.
Sea turtles of all sizes and species are known to ingest a wide variety of marine debris, which they might
mistake for prey. Plastic bags and plastic sheeting are most commonly swallowed by sea turtles, but
balloons, styrofoam beads, monofilament fishing line, and tar are also known to be ingested (National
Research Council [NRC] 1990). Most materials expended during Navy training are larger in size than the
marine debris ingested by sea turtles. Marine debris can pass through the digestive tract and be voided
naturally without causing harm, or it can cause sublethal or lethal effects (Balazs 1985). Sublethal effects
include nutrient dilution, which occurs when nonnutritive debris displaces nutritious food in the gut,
leading to slow growth or reduced reproductive success (McCauley and Bjorndal 1999).
Lutz (1997) found that hungry sea turtles will actively seek and consume marine debris if other food is
not available. In most cases, this debris passed through the gut within a few days, but latex was found to
take up to 4 months to clear the intestinal system. While ingestion of marine debris has been linked to sea
turtle mortalities, sublethal effects are more common (NRC 1990, McCauley and Bjorndal 1999).
Ordnance-Related Materials
Ordnance-related materials include nonexplosive training rounds and shrapnel from explosive rounds.
Under the No Action Alternative, 15,706 items of ordnance or related materials would be expended. The
solid materials of high metal content quickly sink through the water column and into the seafloor in the
TMAA where they would generally be beyond the reach of foraging leatherback turtles (although
leatherbacks have been known to dive to a depth of 1,200 m [DoN 2006]).
Leatherbacks feed throughout all zones of the water column (Davenport 1988, Eckert et al. 1989, Grant
and Ferrell 1993, Salmon et al. 2004, James et al. 2005). Prey is predominantly gelatinous zooplankton
such as jellyfish and tunicates (Grant and Ferrell 1993, Bjorndal 1997, James and Herman 2001, Salmon
et al. 2004), and as discussed in Species Accounts and Life History, they typically do not feed in the
benthic environment. Therefore, although leatherbacks could reach ordnance-related materials resting on
the bottom at depths up to 1,000 m, they are unlikely to ingest it.
Ingestion of expended ordnance is not expected to occur in the water column because ordnance quickly
sinks. Leatherbacks would not be expected to ingest ordnance expended under the No Action Alternative
because they do not typically feed in the benthic environment. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to
leatherback turtles from expended materials in nonterritorial seas would not be likely to occur. In
accordance with the ESA effects determination language, ordnance-related materials under the No Action
Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
Approximately 10,454 nonexplosive ordnance rounds would be used in the TMAA under the No Action
Alternative. Given the few number of leatherback turtle likely in the TMAA, the large area encompassed
by the training activities, and area clearance procedures, the potential for leatherback turtles to be struck
by ordnance is very low.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from nonexplosive ordnance use in
nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination
language, nonexplosive ordnance strikes under the No Action Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
Target-Related Materials
At-sea targets used in the TMAA could range from high-technology, remotely operated airborne and
surface targets (such as airborne drones) to low-technology, floating, at-sea targets (such as inflatable
targets) and airborne, towed banners. Many of the targets are designed to be recovered for reuse and are
not destroyed during training. There are 252 target related items used under the No Action Alternative
and all but eight of these would be recovered. The expendable targets used in the study area under this
alternative are the Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD), BQM-74E, and Killer Tomato. When not
recovered after use, these units are large and remain in large pieces when they sink to the bottom after
use. Because of this characteristic, they present no ingestion hazard to sea turtles.
In addition to expendable target use, MK-58 marine markers or LUU-2B/B flares are used which produce
chemical flames and surface smoke. They are used in training exercises to mark a surface position to
simulate divers, vessels, and points of contact on the surface of the ocean. The smoke dissipates in the air
and has little effect on the marine environment. The marker burns similar to a flare, producing a flame
until all burn components have been used. While the light generated from the marker is bright enough to
be seen up to 3 mi (4.8 km) away in ideal conditions, the light either reflects off the water’s surface or
enters the water and attenuates in brightness over depth. Because they spend only three to six percent of
time on the sea surface, it would be extremely unlikely that leatherback turtles would be affected by the
light from the marker.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from target use in nonterritorial seas would be
possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of target-related
materials under the No Action Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
As detailed in Section, chaff consists of aluminum-coated polymer fibers used as an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Upon deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually
land in the water and sink to the ocean floor. An extensive review of literature, combined with controlled
experiments, revealed that chaff use poses little risk to the environment or animals (U.S. Air Force 1997,
Naval Research Laboratory 1999, Arfsten et al. 2002, Farrell and Siciliano 2007). The materials in chaff
are generally nontoxic except in quantities significantly larger than those any animal could reasonably be
exposed to from normal usage. Particulate tests concluded that the concern about chaff fibers breaking
down into respirable particle sizes is not a significant issue. Experiments have shown that animals should
not suffer toxic or physical effects from chaff ingestion (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory
1999). It is likely that due to the small size of chaff, if ingested, it would pass through the digestive tract
and be voided naturally without causing harm, sublethal, or lethal effects. Under the No Action
Alternative, ingestion of chaff, although very unlikely, could occur but any effects are likely insignificant
and discountable. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of chaff under the No
Action Alternative may affect leatherback turtles.
Entanglement in persistent marine debris threatens the survival of sea turtles in the eastern Pacific Ocean
(NMFS and USFWS 1998a). Often, sea turtles that become entangled in debris or abandoned fishing gear
cannot submerge to feed or surface to breathe. Those that do not starve or drown may lose a limb or
attract predators with their struggling. Sea turtles can also become entangled in plastics and other buoyant
and persistent synthetic debris discarded into the ocean (Balazs 1995, Carr 1987).
Although entanglement in military expended materials was not cited as a source of injury or mortality for
any sea turtle in a large stranding database for Californian waters, there is a potential for sea turtles to
become entangled in expended materials.
The greatest risk of entanglement occurs when expendable devices, primarily parachutes, are on or near
the surface. Aircraft-launched sonobuoys, flares, and other expendable devices deploy nylon parachutes
of varying sizes (e.g., the surface area is 1.5 square ft [ft2] [0.1 square m {m2}] to 3.5 ft2 [0.3 m2]). At
water impact, the parachute lines and assembly is expended and sinks because all of the material is
negatively buoyant. Other components of the expendable devices are metallic and will sink rapidly.
Entanglement and the eventual drowning of a leatherback turtle in a parachute assembly would be
unlikely because such an event would require the parachute to land directly on a leatherback turtle, or the
leatherback turtle to swim into the parachute before it sinks. Approximately 56 expendable devices
employing parachutes are used annually under the No Action Alternative in the TMAA.
The expended material accumulates on the ocean floor and is covered by sediments over time, reducing
the potential for entanglement. If bottom currents are present, the canopy may billow and pose an
entanglement threat to sea turtles with bottom-feeding habits. As described in Species Accounts and Life
History, leatherback turtles have been recorded as diving to depths in excess of 1,200 m (3,937 ft) (DoN
2006) though spend the majority of time at depths less than 100m (328ft). With the general depth in the
TMAA being over 1,000 m (3,281 ft), the probability of a leatherback turtle encountering a submerged
parachute assembly is low, and the potential for accidental entanglement in the canopy or suspension lines
is therefore discountable.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from entanglement from military expended
materials in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects
determination language, entanglement from military expended materials under the No Action Alternative
may affect leatherback turtles. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, the level of activities in the TMAA would increase relative to the No Action
Alternative. In addition to accommodating an increase in training activities currently conducted,
Alternative 1 would also support an introduction of training activities to include training activities
associated with ASW training.
Vessel Movements
Under Alternative 1, the number of vessels used in training events would increase from 23 under the No
Action Alternative (current conditions) to 27 surface vessels plus 1 submarine; however, vessel
movements would be widely dispersed throughout the area. This would be an increase of 17 percent over
the No Action Alternative’s current conditions. The small increase in number of vessels over current
conditions would not measurably increase potential effects to sea turtles. As described for the No Action
Alternative, leatherback turtles exposed to the general disturbance associated with a passing Navy vessel
could exhibit a short-term behavioral response such as fleeing. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to
leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In
accordance with the ESA effects determination language, vessel movements under Alternative 1 may
affect leatherback turtles.
Vessel Collisions
The types of vessel strike impacts to sea turtles under Alternative 1 would be the same as those described
for the No Action Alternative. The increase of four surface vessels and one submarine over current
conditions would not measurably change effects on sea turtles relative to the No Action Alternative.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, vessel
collisions under Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
Aircraft Overflights
Under Alternative 1, overflights associated with 300 sorties would occur above the TMAA annually. This
would represent no change from No Action Alternative conditions. In addition there would be 59 training
events that may involve helicopter flights conducted over water, an approximate 84 percent increase from
the No Action Alternative. As with the other alternatives, most aircraft overflights would occur over the
TMAA at elevations in excess of 15,000 ft (915 m). All aircraft overflights between the shore and 12 nm
(22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft (915 m).
Exposures to elevated noise levels associated with Alternative 1 would be brief and infrequent, based on
the transitory, dispersed nature of the overflights. Sound exposure levels are relatively low because sea
turtles spend only three to six percent of the time at the sea surface, and most of the overflights would be
above 15,000 ft.
As described for aircraft overflights under the No Action Alternative, sea turtles could exhibit no
response, or may exhibit behavioral reactions such as quick diving. Any behavioral avoidance reaction
would be short-term and would not permanently displace animals or result in physical harm. Overflights
are not expected to result in chronic stress because it is extremely unlikely that individual animals would
be repeatedly exposed to low-altitude overflights.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, aircraft
overflights under Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
At-Sea Explosions
Under Alternative 1, approximately 72 bomb explosions would occur each year during training activities
in the TMAA, which is a 52% increase over the No Action Alternative. There would also be 42 5-in
rounds and 14 76mm rounds fired during S-S GUNEX, which is a 167% increase over the No Action
In addition, 40 SSQ-110A Improved Extended Echo Ranging (IEER) sonobuoys could be used for the
first time in the TMAA under Alternative 1 in association with ASW training. These sonobuoys contain
an explosive component and could be used in all areas of the TMAA. In the very rare event that a
leatherback sea turtle was in the vicinity of an IEER sonobuoy, remained undetected, and loitered in the
vicinity until the 4.4-lb charge was detonated, the leatherback turtle could be exposed to noise and the
pressure wave from the detonation. Monitoring and resource protection undertaken prior to any
detonation of an IEER would reduce the likelihood of sea turtles being exposed to such detonations.
Protective measures that are used during training activities to identify sea turtle presences and suspend
detonation activities if a sea turtle should be spotted would make these effects discountable.
An analysis of potential impacts from at-sea explosions under Alternative 1 using acoustic modeling
could not conducted for leatherback turtles. There is no data regarding the abundance or distribution in
the Pacific (NMFS and USFWS 1998c) and no known density or information available to derive an
estimate for the number of leatherback turtles in the GOA or in the TMAA. In analyses undertaken for
similar actions at other locations, modeling to predict potential impacts required that the zone of influence
resulting from each explosion or detonation be multiplied by the sea turtle density to assess the potential
for and number of impacts likely (see Sea Turtle Hearing Section and Section for sea turtle-
specific thresholds and Section 3.8, Marine Mammals, for a full description of the modeling and
methods). The approach in prior modeling efforts were to model without consideration for reduction in
the predicted impact numbers as a result of standard mitigations (regarding standard mitigations, see
Current Requirements and Practices Section).
Given the low numbers of leatherback turtles likely present in the TMAA, modeling would likely result in
a conclusion that there were no exposures in any event. However, without density information and
modeling of potential impacts, there remains a possibility there could be an exposure of a leatherback to
at-sea explosions. Based on this possibility, under Alternative 1, the explosions and detonations that
would take place in the TMAA may affect leatherback turtles. No sea turtle mortalities would be expected
under this alternative. The Navy is working with NMFS through the ESA Section 7 consultation process
to ensure that unavoidable significant effects to sea turtles do not result from implementation of the
Proposed Action.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from explosive ordnance use in nonterritorial
seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of
explosive ordnance in the TMAA under Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
Expended Materials
Ordnance-Related Materials
Under Alternative 1, a total of 19,101 items of ordnance or related materials would be expended. This is a
17 percent increase over current conditions. As described for the No Action Alternative, leatherback
turtles would not be expected to be at risk from ingesting ordnance-related materials because they feed in
the water column, not in the benthic environment. Because these materials sink rapidly and are encrusted
on the seafloor, the potential to affect leatherbacks would be remote.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from expended materials in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, ordnance-
related materials under Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from nonexplosive ordnance use in
nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination
language, nonexplosive ordnance strikes under the Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
Target-Related Materials
At-sea targets used in the TMAA could range from high-technology, remotely operated airborne and
surface targets (such as airborne drones) to low-technology, floating, at-sea targets (such as inflatable
targets) and airborne, towed banners. Many of the targets are designed to be recovered for reuse and are
not destroyed during training (i.e., Killer Tomato and BQM-74E). The expendable targets used in the
study area under this alternative are the Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD), BQM-74E, and Killer
Tomato. When not recovered after use, these units are large and remain in large pieces when they sink to
the bottom after use. Because of this characteristic, they present no ingestion hazard to sea turtles. Under
Alternative 1, there would be 322 target-related materials expended.
As discussed for the No Action Alternative, the smoke and flames produced by the marine markers or
flares dissipate in the air, having little effect on the marine environment. While the light generated from
the marker is bright enough to be seen up to 3 mi (4.8 km) away in ideal conditions, the light either
reflects off the water’s surface or enters the water and attenuates in brightness over depth.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from target use in nonterritorial seas would be
possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of target-related
materials under Alternative 1 may affect leatherback turtles.
As detailed in Section chaff consists of aluminum-coated polymer fibers used as an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Upon deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually
land in the water and sink to the ocean floor. An extensive review of literature, combined with controlled
experiments, revealed that chaff use poses little risk to the environment or animals (U.S. Air Force 1997,
Naval Research Laboratory 1999, Arfsten et al. 2002, Farrell and Siciliano 2007). The materials in chaff
are generally nontoxic except in quantities significantly larger than those any animal could reasonably be
exposed to from normal usage. Particulate tests concluded that the concern about chaff fibers breaking
down into respirable particle sizes is not a significant issue. Experiments have shown that animals should
not suffer toxic or physical effects from chaff ingestion (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory
1999). It is likely that due to the small size of chaff, if ingested, it would pass through the digestive tract
and be voided naturally without causing harm, sublethal, or lethal effects. Under Alternative 1, ingestion
of chaff, although very unlikely, could occur but any effects are likely insignificant and discountable. In
accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of chaff under Alternative 1 may affect
leatherback turtles.
No area supporting a PUTR system has been identified. The transponders are not deployed on sensitive
hard-bottom habitat, but rather on soft-bottom habitats. There would be direct impact to soft bottom
habitat from the clump weight anchoring the transponder, however, this should have no impact on sea
turtles. Cabling between the clump weight and the transponder is under tension and would not present an
entanglement hazard to leatherback sea turtles. Upon completion of the exercise, the transponders are
recovered, which eliminates any potential impacts associated with hazardous materials such as batteries
and electronic components associated with the PUTR system. The clump weight is not recovered, and
since it is composed of inert material, it is not a potential source of contaminants. Sediments stirred up by
the clump weight anchor should only result in a temporary and localized turbidity. Therefore, use of the
PUTR under Alternative 1 is not likely to have impact on sea turtles.
Under Alternative 1, use of parachuted expended devices (sonobuoys, flares, EMATT) would increase by
859 items as compared to the No Action Alternative. Changes in the use of targets and markers that are
delivered using parachutes were provided under “Target-Related Materials.” The greatest risk of
entanglement occurs when expendable devices, primarily parachutes, are on or near the surface. Aircraft-
launched sonobuoys, flares, and other expendable devices deploy nylon parachutes of varying sizes. At
water impact, the parachute lines and assembly is expended and sinks because all of the material is
negatively buoyant. Other components of the expendable devices are metallic and will sink rapidly.
Entanglement and the eventual drowning of a leatherback turtle in a parachute assembly would be
unlikely because such an event would require the parachute to land directly on a leatherback turtle, or the
leatherback turtle to swim into the parachute before it sinks.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from entanglement from military expended
materials in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects
determination language, entanglement from military expended materials under Alternative 1 may affect
leatherback turtles. Alternative 2
Under Alternative 2, the level of activities in the TMAA would increase relative to the No Action
Alternative and Alternative 1. Implementation of Alternative 2 would generally double the number of
activities proposed under Alternative 1. Alternative 2 includes the following activities:
• Conduct one additional separate summertime CSG exercise lasting up to 21 days within the ATA.
• Conduct a SINKEX in each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) in the TMAA.
Vessel Movements
Under Alternative 2, there may be up to 27 surface vessels and 1 submarine participating in training
activities during two training periods. This alternative would increase by 17 percent the number of vessels
relative to the No Action Alternative. Vessel movements would be widely dispersed throughout the
TMAA. The increase in the number of vessels would not measurably increase potential effects to sea
turtles. Sea turtles exposed to the general disturbance associated with a passing Navy vessel could exhibit
a short-term behavioral response such as fleeing. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback
turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with
the ESA effects determination language, vessel disturbance under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback
Vessel Collisions
The types of vessel strike effects to sea turtles under Alternative 2 would be the same as those described
for the No Action Alternative. The 17 percent increase in the number of vessels associated with this
alternative would not measurably change effects on sea turtles under Alternative 2 in comparison to the
No Action Alternative.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, vessel
disturbance under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
Aircraft Overflights
Under Alternative 2, overflights associated with 600 sorties would occur above the TMAA annually. This
would be a 100 percent increase over the number of overflights in the No Action Alternative. In addition
there would be 120 training events that may involve helicopter flights conducted over water, an
approximate 275 percent increase from the No Action Alternative. As with the other alternatives, most
aircraft overflights would occur over the TMAA at elevations in excess of 15,000 ft (915 m). All aircraft
overflights between the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft
(915 m).
The increase in potential exposure to visual and noise disturbance that would be associated with the
increase in sorties and helicopter flights would not measurably increase effects to sea turtles. Sea turtles
could exhibit no response, or may change their behavior to avoid the disturbance. Any behavioral
avoidance reaction would be short-term and would not permanently displace animals or result in physical
harm. Overflights are not expected to result in chronic stress because it is extremely unlikely that
individual animals would be exposed to low-altitude overflights during the short periods of takeoff and
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas
would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, aircraft
overflights under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
At-Sea Explosions
Under Alternative 2, approximately 144 live bombs may be dropped during BOMBEX and 84 5-in
rounds and 28 76mm rounds could be fired during S-S GUNEX. In addition, 80 SSQ-110A explosive
sonobuoys would be used during ASW Tracking Exercises (TRACKEXs) under Alternative 2. These
events involving the use of at-sea explosions may occur in all areas of the TMAA. As mentioned
previously, monitoring and resource protection undertaken prior to any detonation of an IEER would
reduce the likelihood of sea turtles being exposed to such detonations. Protective measures that are used
during training activities to identify sea turtle presence and suspend detonation activities if a sea turtle
should be spotted would make these effects discountable.
In addition to the events noted above, under Alternative 2 the potential to conduct a SINKEX training
event during each of the two possible summer exercise periods is also proposed. During a SINKEX, a
decommissioned vessel is towed to a deep-water location and sunk using a variety of ordnance containing
high explosives that may include missiles, bombs, and gunfire. For each SINKEX, there may be up to 10
non-inert bombs and 400 explosive rounds of 5-inch gunfire used during the event. For modeling
purposes it was assumed that approximately one third of the munitions used (one Maverick missile, three
bombs, and 120 of the 5-inch rounds) would miss the target and explode in the water (for details, see
Appendix D). SINKEX may also include the use of one MK-48 ADCAP torpedo, which can be used at
the end of SINKEX if the target is still afloat.
Aspects of the SINKEX event that have potential effects on sea turtles (e.g., vessel movement, aircraft
overflights, gunfire firing noise, munitions constituents) have been analyzed separately in previous
sections. Other than as a result of a vessel strike, serious injury and/or mortality to individual sea turtles is
unlikely. If a sea turtle remained in the immediate vicinity of the SINKEX and ordnance missed the target
vessel, injury or mortality could occur. SINKEX under Alternative 2 is, however, not likely to result in
impacts to leatherback turtles based on the low number of leatherback turtles likely to be in the TMAA,
the assumption that they will not remain in the vicinity of the activities surrounding a SINKEX event, and
area clearance procedures (See Section 5.1.7).
An analysis of potential impacts from at-sea explosions under Alternative 2 using acoustic modeling,
could not conducted for leatherback turtles. There is no data available regarding the abundance or
distribution in the Pacific (NMFS and USFWS 1998c) and no known density or information available to
derive an estimate for the number of leatherback turtles in the GOA or in the TMAA. In analyses
undertaken for similar actions at other locations, modeling to predict potential impacts required that the
zone of influence resulting from each explosion or detonation be multiplied by the sea turtle density to
assess the potential for and number of impacts likely (see Sea Turtle Hearing Section and Section
for sea turtle-specific thresholds and Section 3.8, Marine Mammals, for a full description of the modeling
and methods).
Given the low numbers of leatherback turtles likely present in the TMAA, modeling would likely result in
a conclusion that there were no exposures in any event. However, without density information and
modeling of potential impacts, there remains a possibility there could be an exposure of a leatherback to
at-sea explosions. Based on this assumption, under Alternative 2, the explosions and detonations that
would take place in the study area are unlikely to affect leatherback turtles. No sea turtle mortalities
would be expected under this alternative. The Navy is working with NMFS through the ESA Section 7
consultation process to address effects to sea turtles for the Preferred Alternative (Alternative 2). NMFS
will determine, through issuance of a Biological Opinion, the effect to listed species that may result from
implementation of the Proposed Action.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from explosive ordnance use in nonterritorial
seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of
explosive ordnance in the TMAA under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
Expended Materials
Ordnance-Related Materials
Approximately 39,036 items of ordnance or related materials would be used in the TMAA under
Alternative 2; the majority of these are non-explosive rounds, this is a 60 percent increase over current
conditions. As discussed for the no Action Alternative and Alternative 1, leatherback turtles would not be
expected to be at risk under Alternative 2 from ingesting ordnance-related materials because they feed in
the water column, not in the benthic environment. Because these materials sink rapidly and are encrusted
on the seafloor, the potential to affect the leatherback would be discountable. In accordance with EO
12114, harm to leatherback turtles from expended materials in nonterritorial seas would be possible but
unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, ordnance-related materials under
Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from nonexplosive ordnance use in
nonterritorial seas would be possible but very unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination
language, nonexplosive ordnance strikes under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
Target-Related Materials
At-sea targets used in the TMAA could range from high-technology, remotely operated airborne and
surface targets (such as airborne drones) to low-technology, floating, at-sea targets (such as inflatable
targets) and airborne, towed banners. A total of 644 targets and target related materials would be used
under Alternative 2, an increase of 160% over the No Action Alternative. Many of the targets are
designed to be recovered for reuse and are not destroyed during training. The expendable targets used in
the study area under this alternative are the Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD), BQM-74E, and Killer
Tomato. When not recovered after use, these units are large and remain in large pieces when they sink to
the bottom after use. Because of this characteristic, they present no ingestion hazard to sea turtles.
As discussed for the No Action Alternative, the smoke and flames produced by marine markers and flares
dissipate in the air, having little effect on the marine environment. The light generated from the marker
either reflects off the water’s surface or enters the water and attenuates in brightness over depth.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from target use in nonterritorial seas would be
possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of target-related
materials under Alternative 2 may affect leatherback turtles.
As detailed in Section chaff consists of aluminum-coated polymer fibers used as an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Upon deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually
land in the water and sink to the ocean floor. An extensive review of literature, combined with controlled
experiments, revealed that chaff use poses little risk to the environment or animals (U.S. Air Force 1997,
Naval Research Laboratory 1999, Arfsten et al. 2002, Farrell and Siciliano 2007). The materials in chaff
are generally nontoxic except in quantities significantly larger than those any animal could reasonably be
exposed to from normal usage. Particulate tests concluded that the concern about chaff fibers breaking
down into respirable particle sizes is not a significant issue. Experiments have shown that animals should
not suffer toxic or physical effects from chaff ingestion (U.S. Air Force 1997, Naval Research Laboratory
1999). It is likely that due to the small size of chaff, if ingested, it would pass through the digestive tract
and be voided naturally without causing harm, sublethal, or lethal effects. Under Alternative 2, although
the use of chaff may double as compared to the No Action Alternative, ingestion of chaff remains,
although very unlikely, could occur but any effects are likely insignificant and discountable. In
accordance with the ESA effects determination language, use of chaff under Alternative 2 may affect
leatherback turtles.
Under Alternative 2, the use of 1,847 expendable devices using parachutes is proposed. Changes in the
use of targets, sonobuoys, and markers that are delivered using parachutes were provided under “Target-
Related Materials.” The greatest risk of entanglement occurs when expendable devices, primarily
parachutes, are on or near the surface. Aircraft-launched sonobuoys, flares, and other expendable devices
deploy nylon parachutes of varying sizes. At water impact, the parachute lines and assembly is expended
and sinks because all of the material is negatively buoyant. Other components of the expendable devices
are metallic and will sink rapidly. Entanglement and the eventual drowning of a leatherback turtle in a
parachute assembly would be unlikely because such an event would require the parachute to land directly
on a leatherback turtle, or the leatherback turtle to swim into the parachute before it sinks.
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to leatherback turtles from entanglement from military expended
materials in nonterritorial seas would be possible but unlikely. In accordance with the ESA effects
determination language, entanglement from military expended materials under Alternative 2 may affect
leatherback turtles.
3.7.3 Mitigation
Impacts to the leatherback turtle resulting from the alternatives proposed in this EIS/OEIS would be
below thresholds that could adversely affect the continued presence of this species in the GOA or the
TMAA. The current requirements and practices described in Chapter 5 would continue to be
implemented, and no further mitigation measures would be needed to protect leatherback turtles in the
All marine mammals are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). In addition,
specific “listed species” are protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Both the MMPA and
ESA are administered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS).
Information on species listed under the ESA is presented first, followed by non-ESA listed marine
mammals subject to regulation under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). These lists are further
subdivided by taxonomic Order with the species listed by common name in alphabetical order. Tables are
provided to summarize this information where appropriate.
Seven of the marine mammals found in the TMAA are designated “listed species” under the ESA. The
ESA has additional requirements when assessing the effect of proposed activities on those species and
their critical habitats. Sections and provide further details. All marine mammals are
protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972, amended in 1994. The MMPA is
administered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Marine mammals that are expected to be present within the TMAA belong to two taxonomic groups:
• Cetaceans is the generalized term describing both Mysticetes (large whales with baleen) and
odontocetes (toothed whales, porpoises, and dolphins).
• Pinnipeds (seals and sea lions) are divided into eared seals or otariids such as Steller sea lions
and Northern fur seals, and earless seals or phocids such as harbor seals and elephant seals.
Although pinnipeds come ashore to rest, molt, breed, and bear young, the waters of the TMAA
are locations where they may hunt and feed.
There are 26 species of marine mammals with possible or confirmed occurrence in the waters of the GOA
(Carretta et al. 2007, Angliss and Allen 2008, Rone et al. 2009, Stafford 2009), but not all inhabit waters
within the TMAA (Table 3.8-1). Six species, the beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), false killer whale
(Pseudorca crassidens), northern right whale dolphin (Lissodelphis borealis), Risso’s dolphin (Grampus
griseus), short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), and sea otter (Enhydra lutris), are
considered extralimital in the TMAA and not expected to be present given their documented habitat
preferences (Department of the Navy [DoN] 2006, Angliss and Outlaw 2007). Since the TMAA is well
outside the normal range of these species, they will be discussed briefly and then dismissed from further
Cook Inlet
Beluga Whale 375c Cook Inlet NA Decreasing Extralimital None
Delphinapterus leucas
Sperm whale1,3,4
Unknown North Pacific 0.0003 Unknown Rare None
Physeter macrocephalus
Table 3.8-1: Summary of Marine Mammal Species Found in the GOA (continued)
Table 3.8-1: Summary of Marine Mammal Species Found in the GOA (continued)
The abundance for each species is specific to that species and varies seasonally in Alaska waters (Table
3.8-1; in simple terms, abundance is the number in a specified area and the density is the number per unit
area). For purposes of analysis of environmental effects in this section, the abundance of the marine
mammal species has been estimated using the summer months, which is when they are most abundant and
when the proposed action would occur. As reflected in Table 3.8-1, many species are listed as common,
indicating that they occur routinely, either year-round or during annual migrations into or through the
Some species are indicated as “rare” because of sporadic sightings and species listed as “very rare” are
very few in number, very few in number in the TMAA, or are unlikely to be present in the TMAA. Those
species considered “extralimital” are considered outside their normal habitat range in the TMAA although
their past presence may have been documented on a few occasions in GOA. All of the species that occur
in the TMAA are either cosmopolitan (occur worldwide), or associated with the temperate and sub-Arctic
oceans (Leatherwood et al. 1988). For many species, the TMAA constitutes a small portion of their total
range given seasonal migrations to warmer waters where breeding and calving occur. These species, for
example, include the humpback whale (Megaptera noveangliae) and gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus),
which both feed in Alaska waters in roughly the May to September timeframe.
The 20 species that occur in the TMAA include 7 species of baleen whales (mysticetes), 8 species of
toothed whales/dolphins/porpoises (odontocetes), and 5 species of seals and sea lions (pinnipeds). Tables
3.8-1 and 3.8-2 summarize the available information regarding their density, ESA and MMPA status,
population trends, and occurrence in the area.
Table 3.8-2: Summary of Marine Mammal Species, Density, and Information Sources for the
TMAA in Summer (April – October)
Species Source
(animal /km2)
ESA Listed Species
Fin whale 0.010 Rone et al. (2009)
Humpback whale 0.0019 Rone et al. (2009)
Sperm whale 0.0003 Waite (2003), Mellinger et al. (2004)
Steller sea lion 0.0098 Angliss and Allen (2008), Bonnell and Bowlby (1992)
Non-ESA Listed Species
Gray whale 0.0125 Moore et al. (2007)
Minke whale 0.0006 Waite (2003)
Baird's beaked whale 0.0005 Waite (2003)
Cuvier's beaked whale 0.0022 Waite (2003)
Dall's porpoise 0.1892 Waite (2003)
Killer whale 0.0100 Zerbini et al. (2007)
Pacific white-sided dolphin 0.0208 Waite (2003)
Northern elephant seal 0.0022 Carretta et al., 2009
Northern fur seal 0.1180 Carretta et al., 2009
Notes: ESA = Endangered Species Act, km2 = squared kilometers
Information presented in Tables 3.8-1 and 3.8-2 was compiled mainly from NMFS Stock Assessment
Reports (Angliss and Outlaw 2007, Angliss and Allen 2008, Carretta et al. 2008) and supporting literature
as referenced. Life history and habitat information for these species in the GOA was previously detailed
in the Marine Resources Assessment for the GOA Operating Area (DoN 2006). Much of the species-
specific information in that comprehensive assessment has been brought forward into this section of the
Draft EIS/OEIS in summary or verbatim for the convenience of the reader.
Much of the analysis in this section deals with potential consequences resulting from exposure to
underwater sound associated with Navy training activities. Behavioral responses to sound are greatly
influenced by the context of the exposure and the individual animal’s experience, motivation, and
conditioning (Southall et al. 2007). While this leads to great variance in potential responses to a given
sound, measurements of marine mammal sound production and hearing capabilities provide some basis
for assessment of whether exposure to a particular sound source (its frequency and sound level) may
affect a marine mammal behaviorally or potentially result in direct injury. Table 3.8-3 provides a
summary of sound production and hearing capabilities for marine mammal species in the TMAA.
Table 3.8-3: Sound Production and Hearing Capabilities of Marine Mammals in the TMAA
Risso’s Dolphin
The Risso’s dolphin is distributed worldwide in tropical to warm-temperate waters, roughly between
60°N and 60°S, where surface water temperature is usually greater than 50°F (10°C) (Kruse et al. 1999).
The average sea surface temperature for the GOA is reported to be approximately 49.3°F (9.6°C) and has
undergone a warming trend since 1957 (Aquarone and Adams 2008). The average summer temperature
within the upper 328 ft (100 m) of the TMAA is approximately 52°F (11°C) based on data as presented in
the modeling analysis undertaken. In the eastern Pacific, Risso’s dolphins range from the GOA to Chile
(Leatherwood et al. 1980, Reimchen 1980, Braham 1983, Olavarria et al. 2001). Water temperature
appears to be a factor that affects the distribution of Risso’s dolphins in the Pacific (Leatherwood et al.
1980, Kruse et al. 1999). Risso’s dolphins are expected to be extralimital in the TMAA. They prefer
tropical to warm-temperate waters and have been seldom sighted in the cold waters of the GOA. There
are a few records of this species near the TMAA. Risso’s dolphins have been sighted near Chirikof Island
(southwest of Kodiak Island) and offshore in the GOA, just south of the TMAA boundary (Consiglieri et
al. 1980, Braham 1983). Based on the above information, there is a very low likelihood of Risso’s
dolphins being present in the action area, so this species will not be considered in greater detail in the
remainder this analysis.
Sea Otter
On 16 December 2008, the USFWS proposed to designate critical habitat for the Southwest Alaska stock
of the northern sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) under the ESA (Department of the Interior [DOI] 2008).
This critical habitat designation was effective as of 9 November 2009. This species is under the federal
jurisdiction of the USFWS.
Sea otters occupy and use shorelines and coastal nearshore habitat well outside the boundaries of the
TMAA. Sea otters are primarily found within 1-2 km (0.5-1.1 nm) of the shore and/or the 30 fathom
(55 m) isobath (DOI 2008, NMFS 2005a). Critical habitat map units boundaries for “Unit 5” in the
Kodiak Island area are for nearshore waters within approximately 328 ft (100 m) from the mean high tide
line. The closest point from the critical habitat to the TMAA is, therefore, located more than 24 nm (44
km) from the western corner of the TMAA. Sea otters are considered extralimital to the TMAA and none
were encountered within the TMAA during the April 2009 GOALS survey (Rone et al. 2009).
For the purposes of this analysis, the Navy has adopted a conservative approach to modeling underwater
noise exposure to marine mammals, in that it will tend to overestimate exposures as follows:
• Cetaceans – assume 100 percent of time is spent underwater and therefore exposed to noise.
• Pinnipeds – adjust densities to account for time periods spent at breeding areas, haulouts, etc.;
but for those animals in the water, assume 100 percent of time is spent underwater and therefore
exposed to noise.
In April 2009, the Navy funded and NMFS conducted the Gulf of Alaska Line-Transect Survey (GOALS)
to address the data needs for this analysis (Rone et al. 2009). Line-transect survey visual data to support
distance sampling statistics and acoustic data were collected over a 10-day period both within and outside
the TMAA. This survey resulted in sightings of several species and allowed for the derivation of densities
for fin and humpback whale (Rone et al. 2009). In addition to this latest survey, two previous vessel
surveys conducted in the near shore region of the TMAA were also used to derive the majority of the
density data used in acoustic modeling for this analysis. The methods used to derive density estimates for
all remaining species in the TMAA are detailed in Appendix E and summarized below.
Zerbini et al. (2006) conducted dedicated vessel surveys for large whales in summer 2001-2003 from
Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula to Amchitka Island in the Aleutian Islands. Survey effort near
the TMAA was nearshore (within approximately 46 nm [85 km] of shore), and is delineated as “Block 1”
in the original paper. Densities for this region were published for fin and humpback whales.
Waite (2003) conducted vessel surveys for cetaceans near Kenai Peninsula, within Prince William Sound
and around Kodiak Island, during acoustic-trawl surveys for pollock in summer 2003. Surveys extended
offshore to the 1,000 meter (3,280 feet [ft]) isobath and therefore overlapped with some of the TMAA.
Waite (2003) did not calculate densities, but did provide some of the elements necessary for calculating
density (see Appendix E).
Mysticetes occurring in the GOA include blue, fin, gray, humpback, minke, North Pacific right, and sei
whales which have been sighted in the GOA (Angliss and Allen 2008, Rone et al. 2009). Blue, North
Pacific right, and sei whales are considered rare, are too few in number to allow for quantitative analysis,
and are included here only for discussion purposes given they are endangered species.
Gray whale density was calculated from data obtained from feeding studies near shore in the GOA. Gray
whales are found almost exclusively in near shore areas; therefore, they would not be expected to be
found in the majority of the TMAA (>50 nm [93 km] offshore and >5,997 ft [1,828 m] depth). (DoN
2006) The recent 2009 survey encountered one group of two gray whales on the shelf within the western
edge of the TMAA and two groups well outside the TMAA near shore at Kodiak Island (Rone et al.
Odontocetes occurring regularly include sperm whale, Cuvier’s, Baird’s, and Stejneger’s beaked whales,
killer whale, Pacific white-sided dolphin, and Dall’s porpoise (Angliss and Allen 2008, Rone et al. 2009).
In Alaskan waters, harbor porpoises inhabit nearshore areas and are common in bays, estuaries, and tidal
channels. In the GOA, harbor porpoise inhabit coastal waters where depths are less than 328 ft (100 m) in
depth (DoN 2006, Angliss and Allen 2008). The majority of the TMAA is well offshore of the normal
habitat range for harbor porpoise. There is no density data available for this species in the nearshore
fraction of the TMAA overlapping the harbor porpoise range. An estimated quantification of impacts for
harbor porpoise was, however, undertaken as is described in Section
Pinnipeds occurring regularly include Steller sea lion, northern fur seal, and northern elephant seal.
California sea lion range extends as far north as the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea. Tagging data
indicate that most northern fur seal forage and migration takes place to the west of the TMAA (Ream et
al. 2005), although the derived density for this species assumed the population would be present in the
area for modeling purposes. Harbor seals are primarily a coastal species and are rarely found more than
12 miles (mi) (20 km) from shore (DoN 2006). Harbor seals should be very rare in the TMAA and there
was no attempt to model for this species.
Pinniped at-sea density is not often available because pinniped abundance is obtained via shore counts of
animals at known rookeries and haulouts. Lacking any other available means of quantification, densities
of pinnipeds were derived using shore counts. Several parameters were identified for pinnipeds from the
literature, including area of stock occurrence, number of animals (which may vary seasonally) and season,
and those parameters were then used to calculate density. Once density per “pinniped season” was
determined, those values were prorated to fit the warm water (June-October) and cold water (November-
May) seasons. Determining density in this manner is risky as the parameters used usually contain error
(e.g., geographic range is not exactly known and needs to be estimated and abundance estimates usually
have large variances). As is true of all density estimates, they assume that animals are always distributed
evenly within an area which is likely never true. Table 3.8-2 presents all available densities of species for
the TMAA and pertinent references.
Additional information on all species can be found in the Marine Resources Assessment for the GOA
Operating Area (DoN 2006). The Marine Resource Assessment listed 6 mysticetes, 12 odontocetes, and 5
pinnipeds as occurring or possibly occurring in the GOA region (DoN 2006; Table 3.8-1). However,
several of the species listed are extralimital to the TMAA. Only species for which densities are available
are included in Table 3.8-2.
There are somewhat suitable depth distribution data for a few marine mammal species. Sample sizes are
usually extremely small, nearly always fewer than 10 animals total and often only 1 or 2 animals. Depth
distribution information often must be interpreted from other dive and/or preferred prey characteristics.
Depth distributions for species for which no data are available are extrapolated from surrogate species
(example in Section
The ever-expanding database of marine mammal behavioral and physiological parameters obtained
through tagging and other technologies has demonstrated that marine mammals use the water column in
various ways, with some species capable of regular deep dives (<2,625 ft [<800 m]) and others regularly
diving to <656 ft (<200 m), regardless of the bottom depth. Assuming that all species are evenly
distributed from surface to bottom is almost never appropriate and can present a distorted view of marine
mammal distribution in any region.
By combining marine mammal density with depth distribution information, a more accurate three-
dimensional (3-D) density estimate is possible. These 3-D estimates allow more accurate modeling of
potential marine mammal exposures from specific noise sources. See Appendix D for additional modeling
Regulatory Status
Blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) are listed as endangered under the ESA and a recovery plan has
been prepared (NMFS 1998b). The Eastern North Pacific (ENP) stock is designated depleted and
classified as strategic under the MMPA.
While it is expected that the north Pacific population of blue whales has increased since being given
protected status in 1966, there is no clear information on the population structure or population trend of
species. The abundance of blue whales along the California coast has clearly been increasing
(Calambokidis et al. 1990, Barlow 1994, Calambokidis 1995). However, the scarcity of blue whales in
areas of former abundance (e.g., GOA near the Aleutian Islands) suggests that the potential increasing
trend does not apply to the species’ entire range in the eastern north Pacific (Calambokidis et al. 1990).
Blue whales are distributed from the ice edges to the tropics in both hemispheres. In the North Pacific
Ocean, blue whales are sighted from Kamchatka (Russia) to southern Japan in the west, and from the
GOA south to at least Costa Rica in the east. Historical areas of concentrations include the eastern GOA,
the eastern Aleutians, and the far western Aleutians (DoN 2006).
Blue whales as a species are thought to summer in high latitudes and move into the subtropics and tropics
during the winter. A discovery tag on a blue whale by whalers off Vancouver Island in May 1963 was
recovered a year later in June 1964 just south of Kodiak Island and a blue whale photoidentified south of
Prince William Sound was identified five times between 1995 and 1998 off southern California. These
occurrences support the hypothesis that blue whales seasonally migrate to and from feeding areas in the
GOA (DoN 2006). Data from both the Pacific and Indian Oceans, however, indicate that some individuals
may remain year-round in low latitudes, such as over the Costa Rican Dome. The productivity of the
Costa Rican Dome may allow blue whales to feed during their winter calving/breeding season and not
fast, like humpback whales are believed to do.
In the GOA, three blue whales were sighted in the summer of 2004 during survey work (Calambokidis et
al. 2008). Blue whale calls, with a strong seasonal pattern, have been acoustically detected in the GOA in
mid-July to mid-December with the peak occurrence from August through November (Moore et al. 2006,
DoN 2006). The area of primary occurrence is seaward of the shelf break, with waters over the shelf area
of a secondary occurrence (DoN 2006).
Life History
The eastern North Pacific stock of blue whales feeds in waters from California to Alaska in summer and
fall and migrates south to the waters of Mexico to Costa Rica in winter (National Marine Fisheries
Service 2006e) for breeding and to give birth (Mate et al. 1999).
Calving occurs primarily during the winter (Yochem and Leatherwood 1985) and blue whales move south
from feeding areas to give birth. There are no known areas used by blue whales for reproduction or
calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Blue whales spend more than 94 percent of their time below the water’s surface (Lagerquist et al. 2000).
Croll et al. (2001) determined that blue whales dived to an average of 462 ft (141 m) and for 7.8 minutes
(min) when foraging and to 222 ft (68 m) and for 4.9 min when not foraging. Calambokidis et al. (2003)
deployed tags on blue whales and collected data on dives as deep as about 984 ft (300 m).
In 1994 off the coast of California, blue whale vocalizations at 17 hertz (Hz) were estimated to have
source levels in the range of 195 decibels (dB) referenced to 1 micropascals at a distance of 1 meter (dB
re 1 µPa @ 1 m) (Aburto et al. 1997). Blue whale vocalizations are long, patterned low-frequency sounds
with durations up to 36 seconds repeated every 1 to 2 min. Their frequency range is 12 to 400 Hz, with
dominant energy in the infrasonic range at 12 to 25 Hz (see Table 3.8-3) (Ketten 1998, Mellinger and
Clark 2003). Vocalizations of blue whales in Alaska appear be of two distinct types suggestive of separate
populations consisting of western Pacific and northeastern Pacific types (Moore et al. 2006). While no
data on hearing ability for this species are available, it is hypothesized that mysticetes have excellent low
frequency hearing (Ketten 1997).
The blue whale population was severely depleted by commercial whaling in the twentieth century
(NMFS 1998b). In the North Pacific, pre-exploitation population size is speculated to be approximately
4,900 blue whales, and the current population estimate is a minimum of 3,300 blue whales (Wade and
Gerrodette 1993, NMFS 2006c).
Fisheries Interactions
Because little evidence of entanglement in fishing gear exists and large whales such as the blue whale
may often die later and drift further offshore, it is difficult to estimate the numbers of blue whales killed
and injured by gear entanglements. The offshore drift gillnet fishery is the only fishery that is likely to
take blue whales from this stock, but no fishery mortalities or serious injuries have been observed. In
addition, the injury or mortality of large whales due to interactions or entanglements in fisheries may go
unobserved because large whales swim away with a portion of the net or gear. Fishermen have reported
that large whales tend to swim through their nets without entangling and causing little damage to nets.
(Carretta et al. 2008)
Ship Strikes
There is no record of any ship strike involving a blue whale in Alaska waters (Jensen and Silber 2004).
According to NMFS, the average number of blue whale mortalities in California attributed to ship strikes
was 0.6 whales per year for 2002-2006 (Carretta et al. 2008). As recently as September 2007, commercial
vessels were implicated in the deaths of three blue whales in the Santa Barbara Channel off southern
California. Additional mortality from ship strikes probably goes unreported because the whales do not
strand, or if they do, they do not always have obvious signs of trauma. However, several blue whales have
been photographed in California with large gashes in their dorsum that appear to be from ship strikes.
(Carretta et al. 2008)
Regulatory Status
Fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) are listed as endangered under the ESA. The Northeast Pacific stock
is designated as depleted and classified as strategic under the MMPA. A draft species recovery plan for
fin whales has been prepared (NMFS 2006b).
Currently there are no reliable estimates of current or historical abundance numbers for the Northeast
Pacific fin whale stock. Fin whales have a worldwide distribution, with three distinct stocks recognized in
the Pacific: (1) Alaska (Northeast Pacific), (2) California/Washington/ Oregon, and (3) Hawaii.
Provisional estimates for the Northeastern Pacific based on surveys in 1999 and 2000 are 3,368 (CV =
0.18) for the central-eastern Bering Sea and 683 (CV = 0.32) for the eastern Bering Sea. (Angliss and
Allen 2008)
The population trend for this species estimated for 1987 to 2003 is reported as growing at 4.8 percent
annually, which is consistent with estimated the growth rates of other large whales (Angliss and Allen
2008). For purposes of acoustic impact modeling, a density of 0.010 individuals per km2 was used for fin
whales in the TMAA as provided by Rone et al. (2009) and described in detail in Appendix E.
Fin whales are broadly distributed throughout the world’s oceans, usually in temperate to polar latitudes
and less commonly in the tropics (Reeves et al. 2002). Single fin whales are most common, but they
gather in groups, especially when good sources of prey are aggregated.
Fin whales in the North Pacific spend the summer feeding along the cold eastern boundary currents and
have been observed as far north as the Chukchi and Bering Seas (Gambell 1985, Perry et al. 1999, DoN
2006, Angliss and Allen 2008). However, although fewer in number, fin whales have also been sighted in
the Bering Sea all winter (Mizroch et al. 1999). Acoustic signals from fin whales are detected year-round
in the GOA with most calls from August through February (Moore et al. 2006, Mizroch et al. 2009).
Around Kodiak Island (in the vicinity of the TMAA) fin whales have been observed year-round with most
sightings from April to September (DoN 2006).
Life History
Natural sources and rates of mortality are largely unknown, but Aguilar and Lockyer (1987) suggest
annual natural mortality rates may range from 0.04 to 0.06 (based on studies of northeast Atlantic fin
whales). The occurrence of the nematode Crassicauda boopis appears to increase the potential for kidney
failure in fin whales and may be preventing some fin whale stocks from recovering from whaling
(Lambertsen 1992). Killer whale or shark attacks may result in serious injury or death in very young and
sick whales (Perry et al. 1999).
Fin whales become sexually mature between 6 to 10 years of age, depending on density-dependent factors
(Gambell 1985). Reproductive activities for fin whales occur primarily in the winter. Gestation lasts about
12 months and nursing occurs for 6 to 11 months (Perry et al. 1999). Although fin whales are present in
GOA in the winter, there are no known calving areas in GOA (Mizroch et al. 2009) Peak calving is in
October through January (Hain et al. 1992) and fin whales likely move south from feeding areas to give
birth. There are no known areas used by fin whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details of diving behavior and the derivation of parameters used in the acoustic modeling are presented in
Appendix D. Kopelman and Sadove (1995) found significant differences in blow intervals, dive times,
and blows per hour between surface feeding and nonsurface-feeding fin whales. Various researchers have
reported foraging fin whales have dive durations of approximately 4 to 15 min and to depths between
approximately 200 and 500 ft (61 and 152 m) (DoN 2006). Dives are followed by sequences of four to
five blows at 10- to 20-second (sec) intervals (Cetacean and Turtle Assessment Program [CETAP] 1982,
Stone et al. 1992, Lafortuna et al. 2003).
Fin whales produce calls with the lowest frequency and highest source levels of all mysticetes. Fin whales
produce a variety of sounds with a frequency range from 15 to 750 Hz (see Table 3.8-3). The long-
patterned 15- to 30-Hz vocal sequence 1 second in duration with a source level of 184 to 200 dB re 1 Pa
@ 1 m is most typically recorded (Richardson et al. 1995, Charif et al. 2002). Only males are known to
produce infrasonic pulses, suggesting they may function as a male breeding display (Croll et al. 2002,
Moore et al. 2006). Although data on hearing ability for fin whales are unavailable, it is hypothesized that
based on their anatomy and vocalizations, fin whales have acute infrasonic hearing (Ketten, 1997).
Fisheries Interactions
The incidental take of fin whales in fisheries is extremely rare. In the California/Oregon drift gillnet
fishery, observers recorded the entanglement and mortality of one fin whale, in 1999, off southern
California (NMFS 2000). Based on a worst-case scenario, NMFS estimates that a maximum of six fin
whales (based on calculations that adjusted the fin whale observed entangled and killed in 1999 by the
number of sets per year) could be captured and killed in a given year by the California-Oregon drift
gillnet fleet (NMFS 2000). Anecdotal observations from fishermen suggest that large whales swim
through their nets rather than get caught in them (NMFS 2000). Because of their size and strength, fin
whales probably swim through fishing nets, which might explain why these whales are rarely reported as
having become entangled in fishing gear. NMFS has no records of fin whales being killed or injured by
commercial fisheries operating in the North Pacific (Ferrero et al., 2000).
Vessel Collisions
Worldwide historical records indicate fin whales were the most likely species to be struck by vessels
(Laist et al. 2001). For Alaska waters, the available whale-vessel collision data has been presented in an
unpublished preliminary summary of opportunistically collected reports involving 62 whale-vessel
collisions between 1978 and 2006 (Gabriele et al., manuscript on file). Recognizing that this report is
likely biased toward near shore reports and inland waters of Southeast Alaska where the authors were
located and where nearshore vessels and a population of humpback whales overlap, there have been no
recorded vessel collisions with fin whales in Alaska waters.
Regulatory Status
Humpback whales are listed as endangered under the ESA. They are designated as depleted throughout
their range under the MMPA and the Western North Pacific stock is classified as strategic. A final species
recovery plan has been prepared (NMFS 1991).
In addition to being listing as endangered, there are regulations that have been issued governing the
approach to humpback whales in Alaska waters, “within 200 miles of the coast” (NOAA 2001b). These
regulations were issued to manage the threat caused by whale watching activities by: (1) prohibiting
approach to within 100 yards (yd) (91.4 m) of humpback whales; (2) implementation of a “slow safe
speed” in proximity to humpbacks, and (3) creating exemptions for some vessels including military
vessels engaged in “official duty” (training).
It has been recently estimated there are 3,000 to 5,000 humpback whales are in the GOA area
(Calambokidis et al. 2008). The best abundance estimate for the Central North Pacific Stock, is 4,005 (CV
= 0.095) individuals (Angliss and Allen 2008). In summer 2003, a survey in the Shelikof Strait (north of
Kodiak), Cook Inlet, Prince William Sound and between Kodiak and Montague Island detected 128
humpbacks whales along the shelf break and having an average group size of 2.7 (Waite 2003). An April
2009 survey in the TMAA had 11 visual observations of humpback groups totaling 20 individuals during
a 10-day period (Rone et al. 2009). Density for the entire TMAA was 0.0019/km2 (Table 9, Rone et al.
2009) for the April-December timeframe (Table 3.8-2) as described in detail in Appendix E. As the
humback whales tend to prefer shallow water and are concentrated nearshore over the shelf, this is likely
an overestimate for humpback density in the TMAA.
Humpback whales live in all major ocean basins from equatorial to subpolar latitudes, migrating from
tropical breeding areas to polar or subpolar feeding areas (Jefferson et al. 1993, NMFS 2006c). North
Pacific humpback whales are distributed primarily in four more-or-less distinct wintering areas: the
Ryukyu and Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands (south of Japan), the Hawaiian Islands, the Revillagigedo Islands
off Mexico, and along the coast of mainland Mexico (Calambokidis et al. 2008). There is known to be
some interchange of whales among different wintering grounds, and matches between Hawaii and Japan
and Hawaii and Mexico have been found (Calambokidis et al. 2008). However, it appears that the overlap
is relatively small between the western north Pacific humpback whale population and Central North
Pacific and ENP populations (Calambokidis et al. 2008).
Humpbacks in the Pacific are generally found during the summer on high-latitude feeding grounds in a
nearly continuous band from southern California to the Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, and the
Bering and Chukchi seas (Calambokidis et al. 2001). The U.S./Canada border is an approximate
geographic boundary between the California and Alaska feeding groups (Carretta et al. 2006). There is
much interchange of whales among different feeding grounds, although some site fidelity occurs.
During the winter, humpbacks generally migrate to the tropics and subtropics where they can be found
around islands, over shallow banks, and along continental coasts, where calving and breeding occur.
Humpbacks have one of the longest migrations known for any mammal with individuals traveling nearly
4,320 nm (8,000 km) between feeding and breeding areas (Clapham and Mead 1999). Most humpback
whale sightings are in nearshore and continental shelf waters; however, humpback whales frequently
travel through deep water during migrations such as the route to and from the Hawaiian Islands (Clapham
and Mattila 1990, Calambokidis et al. 2001). Migratory transits between the Hawaiian Islands and
southeastern Alaska have been documented to take as little as 36 to 39 days (Gabriele et al. 1996,
Calambokidis et al. 2001).
In the GOA, peak abundance occurs in late November and early December and slowly declines in January
as humpback whales migrate to southerly breeding grounds (Consiglieri et al. 1982, Straley 1990, DoN
2006). Humpback whales that have migrated south begin to return to Alaskan feeding grounds in April
(Consiglieri et al. 1982).
Identifications made between feeding areas and wintering areas indicate that the majority of humpbacks
in the GOA winter in Hawaii (about 57 percent of the population) with the remainder wintering in
Mexican waters around the Revillagigedo Islands, Baja, and the Mexican mainland (Calambokidis et al.
2008). Whales from Southeast Alaskan waters almost exclusively go to Hawaii. However, approximately
15 to 17 percent of the whales identified in the Western GOA could not be matched to known wintering
areas, suggesting the existence of undocumented humpback wintering area(s) (Calambokidis et al. 2008).
As noted previously, a small number of humpbacks humpback whales occur in the GOA year-round
(DoN 2006).
Life History
Humpbacks primarily feed on small schooling fish and krill (Angliss and Allen 2008). The whales
primarily feed along the shelf break and continental slope (Green et al. 1992, Tynan et al. 2005).
Humpback whales migrate to calving/breeding grounds (e.g. Hawaii and Central America) in the lower
latitudes each winter (Calambokidis et al. 2008). There are no known areas used by humpback whales for
reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details of diving behavior and the derivation of parameters used in the acoustic modeling are presented in
Appendix D. Humpback whale diving behavior depends on the time of year (Clapham and Mead 1999).
In summer, most dives last less than 5 min; those exceeding 10 min are atypical. Although humpback
whales have been recorded to dive as deep as about 1,638 ft (500 m) (Dietz et al. 2002), on the feeding
grounds they spend the majority of their time in the upper 400 ft (120 m) of the water column (Dolphin
1987, Dietz et al. 2002). In winter, dives average 10 to 15 min; dives of greater than 30 min have been
recorded (Clapham and Mead 1999) and with recorded dives to 577 ft (176 m) (Baird et al. 2000).
Humpback whales produce three classes of vocalizations: (1) “songs” in the late fall, winter, and spring
by solitary males primarily on wintering grounds and much less frequently on northern feeding grounds;
(2) sounds made within groups on the wintering (calving) grounds; and (3) social sounds made on the
feeding grounds (Thomson and Richardson 1995). The best-known types of sounds produced by
humpback whales are songs, which are thought to be breeding displays used only by adult males (Helweg
et al. 1992). Singing is most common on breeding grounds during the winter and spring, but is
occasionally heard on feeding grounds outside breeding areas and season (Matilla et al. 1987, Clark and
Clapham 2004). There is geographical variation in humpback whale song, with different populations
singing different songs, and all members of a population using the same basic song. The song evolves
over the course of a breeding season, but remains nearly unchanged from the end of one season to the
start of the next (Payne et al. 1983). Social calls are from 50 Hz to over 10 kilohertz (kHz), with the
highest energy below 3 kHz (Silber, 1986).
Female humpback whale vocalizations appear to be simple: Simão and Moreira (2005) noted little
complexity. The male song, however, is complex and changes between seasons. Components of the song
range from under 20 Hz to 4 kHz and occasionally 8 kHz, at source levels of 144 to 174 dB re 1 µPa @ 1
m, with a mean of 155 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m. The main energy lies between 0.2 and 3.0 kHz, with
frequency peaks at 4.7 kHz (Table 3.8-3). Au et al. (2001) reported source levels (between 171 and 189
dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) of humpback whale songs.
No tests of humpback whale hearing have been made. Houser et al. (2001) constructed a humpback
audiogram using a mathematical model based on the internal structure of the ear. The predicted
audiogram indicates sensitivity to frequencies from 700 Hz to 10 kHz, with maximum relative sensitivity
between 2 kHz and 6 kHz. Au et al. (2006) took recordings of whales off Hawaii and found high-
frequency harmonics of songs extending beyond 24 kHz, which may indicate that they can hear at least as
high as this frequency. A single study suggested that humpback whales responded to mid-frequency
active (MFA) sonar (3.1 to 3.6 kHz) sound (Maybaum 1989). The hand-held sonar system had a sound
artifact below 1,000 Hz which caused a response to the control playback (a blank tape) and may have
affected the response to sonar (i.e., the humpback whale responded to the low-frequency artifact rather
than the MFA sonar sound).
Fisheries Interactions
Entanglement in fishing gear poses a threat to individual humpback whales throughout the Pacific. A
number of fisheries based out of West Coast ports may incidentally take the ENP stock of humpback
whales, and documented interactions are summarized in the U.S. Pacific Marine Mammal Stock
Assessments: 2006 (Carretta et al. 2007). The estimated impact of fisheries on the ENP humpback whale
stock is probably underestimated; the serious injury or mortality of large whales from entanglement in
gear may go unobserved because whales swim away with a portion of the net, line, buoys, or pots. In
1996 and again in 2001, gear traced to fishing activities in Alaska were removed from two entangled
humpback whales in Hawaii. According to the NMFS Pacific Islands Region Marine Mammal Response
Network Activity Update (dated July 2007 [NMFS 2007]), there were reports of 26 distressed marine
mammals in Hawaii found entangled in fishing gear for the 6-month period, November to April 2007.
NMFS estimates that between 2002 and 2006, there were incidental serious injuries to 0.2 humpback
annually in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands sablefish longline fishery. This estimation is not considered
reliable. Observers have not been assigned to a number of fisheries known to interact with the Central and
Western North Pacific stocks of humpback whale. In addition, the Canadian observation program is also
limited and uncertain. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Ship Strikes
Humpback whales, especially calves and juveniles, are highly vulnerable to ship strikes and other
interactions with nonfishing vessels. Younger whales spend more time at the surface, are less visible, and
are found closer to shore (Herman et al. 1980, Mobley et al. 1999), thereby making them more susceptible
to collisions. Nine ship strikes were implicated in mortality or serious injuries of humpback whales
between 2001 and 2005. Seven of these ship strikes occurred in Southeast Alaska and two occurred in the
northern portion of the Central North Pacific’s range (Angliss and Allen 2008). Additional mortality from
ship strikes probably goes unreported because the whales do not strand or, if they do, they do not have
obvious signs of trauma.
Whale-watching tours are becoming increasingly popular, and ship strikes have risen in recent years.
Regulations governing the approach to humpback whales in Alaska were promulgated in 2001 to manage
the threat caused by whale watching activities (NOAA 2001b). Two whale watch vessel strikes in Alaska
waters have also involved humpback whales (Jensen and Siber, 2004). Available whale-vessel collision
data presented in an unpublished preliminary summary indicates that most of the 62 recorded collisions
between vessels and whales in Alaska waters involve humpback whales (Gabriele et al., manuscript on
As noted previously, many of the humpbacks feeding in GOA winter in Hawaii. In the Hawaiian Islands,
ship strikes of the humpback whale are of particular concern. According to the NMFS Pacific Islands
Region Marine Mammal Response Network Activity Update (dated January 2007 [NMFS 2007]), there
were nine reported collisions with humpback whales in 2006 (none involved the Navy).
Other Threats
Humpback whales are potentially affected by a resumption of commercial whaling, loss of habitat, loss of
prey (for a variety of reasons including climate variability), underwater noise, and pollutants. Very little is
known about the effects of organochlorine pesticides, heavy metals, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other
toxins on baleen whales, although the impacts may be less than higher trophic level odontocetes due to
baleen whales’ lower levels of bioaccumulation from prey (Angliss and Allen 2008).
Anthropogenic noise may also affect humpback whales, because humpback whales seem to respond to
moving sound sources, such as whale-watching, fishing, and recreational vessels and low-flying aircraft
(Richardson et al. 1995). Their responses to noise are variable and affected by the context of the exposure
and the animal’s experience, motivation, and conditioning (Wartzok et al. 2003, Southall et al. 2007).
Regulatory Status
North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena robustus) are classified as endangered under the ESA and are
considered one of the world’s most endangered large whale species. The right whale is designated as
depleted and the ENP stock is classified as strategic under the MMPA. (DoN 2006)
North Pacific right whales in locations other than Alaska waters have been sighted in even deeper depths,
as evidenced by a sighting off California with a bottom depth as deep as 5,577 ft (1,700 m). The
International Whaling Commission (IWC) noted a surprising absence of evidence for coastal calving
grounds, since right whales in the North Atlantic and in the Southern Hemisphere have calving grounds
located in shallow bays, lagoons, or in waters over the continental shelf. (DoN 2006)
Sightings of North Pacific right whales in 1996 during an Alaska Fisheries Science Center groundfish
assessment cruise led to intense photoidentification and vessel surveys from 1998 to 2004 in the south-
eastern Bering Sea. According to Moore et al. (2006), the sighting locations indicated that right whales
preferred the relatively shallow waters of the southeastern Bering Sea middle shelf, which are
approximately 230 ft (70 m) in depth. Also determined during these surveys was that right whale calls
occurred from May through November, with the greatest number of calls recorded in September and
October. (Moore et al. 2006)
In July 1998, a lone North Pacific right whale was sighted among humpback whales during an aerial
survey southeast of Kodiak Island. Acoustic surveys of this area produced very few north Pacific right
whale calls; however, unambiguous right whale calls were detected in August and early September in
western GOA. In addition calls were recorded from locations where right whales were formerly abundant
but have not been seen in recent decades. (Moore et al. 2006)
In August 2004, a NMFS researcher observed a single right whale among a group of humpbacks. In
August 2005, a NMFS researcher reported yet another sighting of a right whale within 820 to 1,640 ft
(250 to 500 m) of groups of humpback and fin whales. (Angliss and Allen 2008) There were no right
whales detected acoustically or visually during the April 2009 survey of the TMAA (Rone et al. 2009).
In May 2008, NMFS issued a final rule designating two areas as North Pacific right whale critical habitat,
one in the GOA and one in the Bering Sea. The location of the critical habitat for North Pacific right
whales in the GOA is shown on Figure 3.8-1. This area is located beyond approximately 16 nm (30 km)
west of the southwest corner of the TMAA. The final rule for this critical habitat designation cites
consistent sightings of right whales—both single individuals and pairs—in specific areas in spring and
summer over an extended period as an indicator of primary constituent element (dense concentrations of
prey) in a feeding area. While sightings of right whales are fewer in number in the GOA than in the
Bering Sea, just prior to the final rule three individuals were sighted in the critical habitat area in the
GOA. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Right whales occur in subpolar to temperate waters. They are generally migratory, with at least a portion
of the population moving between summer feeding grounds in temperate or high latitudes and winter
calving areas in warmer waters (DoN 2006). However, Right whale calls have been detected as early as
May and as late as November in southeast Bering Sea region (Munger et al. 2008).
Current distribution patterns and migration routes of North Pacific right whales are not known. Historical
whaling records provide virtually the only information on North Pacific right whale distribution. North
Pacific right whales historically occurred across the Pacific Ocean north of 35°N, with concentrations in
the GOA south of Kodiak Island, the eastern Aleutian Islands, south-central Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea, and
the Sea of Japan. Presently, sightings are extremely rare, occurring primarily in the Okhotsk Sea and the
eastern Bering Sea in roughly the same location. There is evidence that the GOA was used as a feeding
ground, and recent surveys suggest that some individuals continue to use the shelf east of Kodiak as a
feeding area, which has now been designated as critical habitat. It is not known whether there is an
interchange between the Bering Sea and GOA areas; for example, an individual right whale that was
photographed off Kodiak Island did not match to any photographs of individuals seen in the Bering Sea
(DoN 2006, Moore et al. 2006).
The area of densest concentration of North Pacific right whales in the GOA is roughly east from 170°W
to 150°W and south to 52°N. (DoN 2006). In GOA off Kodiak Island, sightings of a single lone right
whale have occurred in 1998, 2004, 2005, and 2006 (Angliss and Allen 2008). Many of the recent
sightings of right whales in GOA are individuals seen in association with humpback whales.
Figure 3.8-1: Right Whale Critical Habitat in the Vicinity of the TMAA
There have since been 10 acoustic detections of probable right whale calls off the continental shelf near
Kodiak Island (Moore et al. 2006).
The highly endangered status of North Pacific right whales necessitates an extremely conservative
determination of this species’ occurrence in the GOA. Right whales will be rare in the TMAA due to the
small number in population. There is sparse survey effort during the winter, and this species is believed to
be largely absent in Alaska waters during December through April. It is assumed right whales would be
on their breeding grounds, which are likely located further south, although the location of the breeding
grounds is unknown. (DoN 2006)
Life History
Feeding habitat for right whales is defined by the presence of sufficiently high densities of prey,
especially calanoid copepods. Development of those patches is essentially a function of oceanic
conditions, such as stratification, bottom topography, and currents which concentrate zooplankton, and
concentration is probably enhanced by the behavior of the organisms themselves. The apparent shift in
Bering Sea right whale occurrences from deep waters in the mid-twentieth century to the mid-shelf region
in the late 1900s was attributed to changes in the availability of optimal zooplankton patches, possibly
relating to climatic forcing (variability in oceanic conditions caused by changes in atmospheric patterns).
Sightings in the Bering Sea are clustered in relatively shallow water (waters with a bottom depth of 50 m
to 80 m [164 to 262 ft]). Recently, however, a tagged individual moved between the middle and outer
portions of the continental shelf in the Bering Sea, which is consistent with historical distribution patterns.
Additionally, sightings of some other right whale individuals during the 2004 survey were made on the
outer continental shelf. In other locations, North Pacific right whales have been sighted in even deeper
waters, as evidenced by a sighting off California in waters with a bottom depth as deep as 1,700 m (5,577
ft). The IWC noted a surprising absence of evidence for coastal calving grounds, since right whales in the
North Atlantic and in the Southern Hemisphere have calving grounds located in shallow bays, lagoons, or
in waters over the continental shelf. (Department of the Navy 2006)
The location of calving grounds for the eastern North Pacific population is unknown. There were no
records in the last 100 years of newborn or very young calves in the eastern North pacific until 2004 when
the presence of at least two calves was documented in the eastern Bering Sea. (Department of the Navy
2006) There are no known areas used by right whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
There is almost nothing known of North Pacific right whale diving abilities. Dives of 5 to 15 min or even
longer have been reported for North Atlantic right whales. Observations of North Atlantic right whales
found that the average depth dive was strongly correlated with both the average depth of peak copepod
abundance and the average depth of the bottom mixed layer’s upper surface. North Atlantic right whale
feeding dives are characterized by a rapid descent from the surface to a particular depth between 262 and
574 ft (80 and 175 m), remarkable fidelity to that depth for 5 to 14 min, and then rapid ascent back to the
surface. Longer surface intervals have been observed for reproductively active females and their calves.
(DoN 2006)
North Pacific right whale calls are classified into five categories: (1) up, (2) down-up, (3) down, (4)
constant, and (5) unclassified. The “up” call is the predominant type and is typically a signal sweeping
from about 90 to 150 Hz in 0.7 sec. Right whales commonly produce calls in a series of 10 to 15 calls
lasting 5 to 10 min, followed by silence lasting an hour or more. Some individuals do not call for periods
of at least 4 hours. Morphometric analyses of the inner ear of right whales resulted in an estimated
hearing frequency range of approximately 0.01 to 22 kHz, based on established marine mammal models
(see Table 3.8-3).
Nowacek et al. (2004, 2007) documented observations of the behavioral response of North Atlantic right
whales exposed to alert stimuli (containing mid-frequency components) in an experiment to help develop
a potential ship strike avoidance tool. To assess risk factors involved use of the tool, a multisensor
acoustic tag was used to measure the responses of whales to passing ships and experimentally tested their
responses to the controlled exposures to various alert stimuli sounds, which included recordings of ship
noise, the social sounds of conspecifics, and a signal designed to alert the whales. The alert signal was 18
min of exposure consisting of three 2-min signals played sequentially three times over. The three signals
had a 60-percent duty cycle and consisted of (1) alternating 1-sec pure tones at 500 Hz and 850 Hz; (2) a
2-sec logarithmic down-sweep from 4,500 Hz to 500 Hz; and (3) a pair of low (1,500 Hz) to high (2,000
Hz) sine wave tones amplitude modulated at 120 Hz and each 1-sec long. The purposes of the alert signal
were (1) to provoke an action from the whales via the auditory system with disharmonic signals that cover
the whales’ estimated hearing range, (2) to maximize the signal to noise ratio (obtain the largest
difference between background noise), and (3) to provide localization cues for the whale.
At maximum received levels ranging from 133 to 148 dB re 1μPa/√Hz, five out of six whales reacted to
the signal designed to elicit a behavioral reaction. The reaction documented, however, was that the whales
ceased feeding and came to the surface, which is not a desired effect given the purpose for the exposure
was meant as an alert signal to prevent whale/ship interactions.
Fisheries Interactions
Gillnets were implicated in the death of a right whale off the Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia) in October of
1989. No other incidental takes of right whales are known to have occurred in the North Pacific. Based on
the available records, the estimated annual mortality rate incidental to U.S. commercial fisheries
approaches zero whales per year from this stock. Therefore, the annual human-caused mortality level is
considered to be insignificant and approaching a zero mortality and serious injury rate (Angliss and
Outlaw 2006).
Ship Strikes
In the North Pacific, ship strikes and entanglements may pose a threat to right whales but information is
lacking. Using what is known for the North Atlantic right whale, the species seems generally
unresponsive to vessel sounds and given they are slow moving, they are susceptible to vessel collisions
(Nowacek et al. 2004). In contrast to conditions for the North Atlantic right whale, however, ship strikes
and entanglement impacts to the North Pacific right whale population may pose less of a threat because of
their rare occurrence and scattered distribution in the GOA (NMFS 2007). Thus, the estimated annual rate
of human-caused mortality and serious injury appears minimal (Angliss and Outlaw 2006).
Regulatory Status
Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) are listed as endangered under the ESA. A species recovery plan has
not been prepared. The ENP stock is considered a “depleted” and “strategic” stock under the MMPA.
Application of various models to whaling catch and effort data suggests that the total population of adult
sei whales in the north Pacific declined from about 42,000 to 8,600 between 1963 and 1974 (Tillman
1977). Since 500 to 600 sei whales per year were killed off Japan from 1910 to the late 1950s, the stock
size presumably was already, by 1963, below its carrying capacity level (Tillman 1977). Currently, the
best estimate for the ENP stock is 43 (CV = 0.61) individuals (Carretta et al. 2007b). There are not
sufficient numbers of individuals of this species present in the TMAA to allow for acoustic impact
modeling, given they are few in number.
Sei whales have a worldwide distribution and are currently found primarily in cold temperate north
Pacific (north of 40°N) to subpolar latitudes (as far south as 20°N), rather than in the tropics or near the
poles. Sei whales range as far south as Baja California, Mexico, Hawaii, and Guam in the Northern
Marianas Islands. Whaling data suggest that the northern limit for this species was about 55°N. Sei
whales are usually observed singly or in small groups of 2 to 5 animals, but are occasionally found in
larger (30 to 50) loose aggregations (DoN 2006).
Sei whales are also known for occasional irruptive occurrences in areas followed by disappearances for
sometimes decades. Currently in the Alaskan waters, sei whales are thought to occur mainly south of the
Aleutian Islands. Whaling records from the 1900s indicate there were high densities of sei whales in the
northwestern and northeastern portions (i.e., near Portlock Bank) of the GOA during May through
August. (DoN 2006) There were no sei whales detected during the April 2009 survey of the TMAA
(although there were sightings of 38 unidentified large whales; Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
In the North Pacific, sei whales particularly feed along the cold eastern currents (Perry et al. 1999). In the
North Pacific, prey includes calanoid copepods, krill, fish, and squid (Nemoto and Kawamura 1977). The
dominant food for sei whales off California during June through August is the northern anchovy, while in
September and October they eat mainly krill (Rice 1977). The location of winter breeding areas and
characteristics of preferred breeding grounds are unknown (Rice 1998, Perry et al. 1999).
No breeding areas have been determined but calving is thought to occur from September to March (Rice
1977) and sei whales likely move south for breeding/calving. Their reproductive cycle is about 2 years
(Gambell 1985). There are no known areas used by sei whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
There are no reported diving depths or durations for sei whales. Sei whales are capable of diving 5 to 20
min to opportunistically feed on plankton (e.g., copepods and krill), small schooling fish, and
cephalopods (e.g., squid) by both gulping and skimming. (DoN 2006)
Sei whale vocalizations have been recorded on a few occasions. In the North Atlantic off Canada,
recorded sounds from sei whales consisted of 10 to 20 short duration frequency-modulated sweeps
between 1.5 and 3.5 kHz; source level unknown (Richardson et al. 1995). Sei whales were also recorded
in the Antarctic having produced broadband “growls” and “whooshes” at an average frequency of 433 Hz
(see Table 3.8-3) and source level of approximately 156 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m (McDonald et al. 2005).
While no data on hearing ability for this species are available, it has been hypothesized that mysticetes
have acute infrasonic hearing (DoN 2006).
A major area of discussion in recent years has been IWC member nations issuing permits to kill whales
for scientific purposes. Since the moratorium on commercial whaling came into effect Japan, Norway,
and Iceland have issued scientific permits as part of their research programs. For the last 5 years, only
Japan has issued permits to harvest sei whales although Iceland asked for a proposal to be reviewed by the
IWC Scientific Committee in 2003. The Government of Japan has issued scientific permits in recent years
to capture minke, Bryde’s, and sperm whales in the North Pacific, known as JARPA II and JARPN II
programmes. The Government of Japan extended the captures to include 50 sei whales from pelagic areas
of the western North Pacific. (Carretta et al. 2007)
Fisheries Interactions
Sei whales, because of their offshore distribution and relative scarcity in U.S. Atlantic and Pacific waters,
probably have a lower incidence of entrapment and entanglement than fin whales. Data on entanglement
and entrapment in non-U.S. waters are not reported systematically. Heyning and Lewis (1990) made a
crude estimate of about 73 rorquals killed/year in the southern California offshore drift gillnet fishery
during the 1980s. Some of these may have been fin whales instead of sei whales. Some balaenopterids,
particularly fin whales, may also be taken in the drift gillnet fisheries for sharks and swordfish along the
Pacific coast of Baja California, Mexico (Barlow et al. 1997). Heyning and Lewis (1990) suggested that
most whales killed by offshore fishing gear do not drift far enough to strand on beaches or to be detected
floating in the nearshore corridor where most whale-watching and other types of boat traffic occur. Thus,
the small amount of documentation may not mean that entanglement in fishing gear is an insignificant
cause of mortality. Observer coverage in the Pacific offshore fisheries has been too low for any confident
assessment of species-specific entanglement rates (Barlow et al. 1997). The offshore drift gillnet fishery is
the only fishery that is likely to take sei whales from this stock, but no fishery mortalities or serious
injuries to sei whales have been observed. Sei whales, like other large whales, may break through or carry
away fishing gear. Whales carrying gear may die later, become debilitated or seriously injured, or have
normal functions impaired, but with no evidence recorded.
Ship Strikes
The decomposing carcass of a sei whale was found on the bow of a container ship in Boston harbor,
suggesting that sei whales, like fin whales, are killed at least occasionally by ship strikes (Waring et al.
1997). Sei whales are observed from whale-watching vessels in eastern North America only occasionally
(Edds et al. 1984) or in years when exceptional foraging conditions arise (Weinrich et al. 1986, Schilling
et al. 1992). There is no comparable evidence available for evaluating the possibility that sei whales
experience significant disturbance from vessel traffic. During 2000-2004, there were an additional five
injuries and three mortalities of unidentified large whales attributed to ship strikes. Additional mortality
from ship strikes probably goes unreported because the whales do not strand or, if they do, they do not
always have obvious signs of trauma. (DoN 2006)
Other Threats
No major habitat concerns have been identified for sei whales in either the North Atlantic or the North
Pacific. Sei whales have a preference for copepods and euphausiids (i.e., low trophic level organisms),
and may be less susceptible to the bioaccumulation of organochlorine and metal contaminants than, fin,
humpback, and minke whales, all of which seem to feed more regularly on fish and euphausiids (O’Shea
and Brownell 1994). Sei whales off California often feed on pelagic fish as well as invertebrates (Rice
1977). There is no evidence that levels of organochlorines, organotins, or heavy metals in baleen whales
generally (including fin and sei whales) are high enough to cause toxic or other damaging effects (O'Shea
and Brownell 1994). However, very little is known about the possible long-term and trans-generational
effects of exposure to pollutants.
Regulatory Status
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are listed as endangered under the ESA and designated as
depleted under MMPA. The North Pacific stock is classified as strategic. A draft species recovery plan
has been prepared (NMFS 2006a).
Sperm whales have a highly diverse diet. Prey includes large mesopelagic squid and other cephalopods,
fish, and occasionally benthic invertebrates (Fiscus and Rice 1974, Rice 1989, Clarke 1996).
Estimates of pre-whaling abundance in the North Pacific are considered somewhat unreliable, but sperm
whales may have totaled 1,260,000 individuals (Angliss and Allen 2008). Approximately 258,000 sperm
whales in the North Pacific were harvested by commercial whalers between 1947 and 1987 (Hill and
DeMaster 1999). However, this number may be negatively biased by as much as 60 percent because of
under-reporting by Soviet whalers (Brownell et al. 1998). In particular, the Bering Sea population of
sperm whales (consisting mostly of males) was severely depleted (Perry et al. 1999). Catches in the north
Pacific continued to climb until 1968, when 16,357 sperm whales were harvested. Catches declined after
1968, in part through limits imposed by the IWC (Rice 1989).
The following has been estimated for other stocks in the Pacific:
From 26 June to 15 July 2003, a survey in the Shelikof Strait (north of Kodiak), Cook Inlet, Prince
William Sound and between Kodiak and Montague Island detected six sperm whales along the shelf
break, with an average group size of 1.2 (Waite 2003). Data from this survey yielded a density of
0.0003/km2, which is applicable year-round for sperm whales in the TMAA as described in detail in
Appendix E. This density was based on only two “on effect” sightings, so confidence in the value is low,
but it is the only data from which to derive a density that exists at this time for the region. The April 2009
survey in the TMAA recorded sperm whales acoustically in both the inshore and offshore strata but no
sperm whales were detected visually (Rone et al. 2009).
Sperm whales occur throughout all ocean basins from equatorial to polar waters, including the entire
North Atlantic, North Pacific, northern Indian Ocean, and the southern oceans. Sperm whales are found
throughout the North Pacific and are distributed broadly from tropical and temperate waters to the Bering
Sea as far north as Cape Navarin. Male sperm whales are found from tropical to polar waters in all oceans
of the world, between approximately 70°N and 70°S (Rice 1998). In the North Pacific, the distribution of
females and young sperm whales is more limited year-round and generally corresponds to tropical and
temperate waters approximately to 50°N latitude (at least 6 degrees south of the TMAA; Whitehead
2003). Summer surveys in the coastal waters around the central and western Aleutian Islands have found
sperm whales to be the most frequently sighted large cetacean (Angliss and Allen 2008). Acoustic surveys
have detected the presence of sperm whales year-round in the GOA although about twice as many are
present in summer as in winter (Mellinger et al. 2004, Moore et al. 2006). Fewer detections in winter are
reflected by the documented seasonal movement of whales from Canada and Japan to the GOA/Bering
Sea/Aleutian Islands region (Angliss and Allen 2008).
Life History
Female sperm whales become sexually mature at about 9 years of age (Kasuya 1991). Male sperm whales
take between 9 and 20 years to become sexually mature, but will require another 10 years to become large
enough to successfully compete for breeding rights (Kasuya 1991). The age distribution of the sperm
whale population is unknown, but sperm whales are believed to live at least 60 years (Rice 1978).
Estimated annual mortality rates of sperm whales are thought to vary by age, but previous estimates of
mortality rate for juveniles and adults are now considered unreliable (International Whaling Commission
Calving generally occurs in the summer at lower latitudes and the tropics (Department of the Navy 2005).
Adult females give birth after about 15 months gestation and nurse their calves for 2 to 3 years. The
calving interval is estimated to be about 4 to 6 years (Kasuya 1991). There are no known areas used by
sperm whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the relatively extensive dive behavior information for sperm whales are presented in
Appendix D. In general, sperm whales forage during deep dives that routinely exceed a depth of 1,312 ft
(400 m) and 30 min duration (Watkins et al. 2002). Sperm whales can dive to depths of over 6,562 ft
(2,000 m) with durations of over 60 min (Watkins et al. 1993). Sperm whales spend up to 83 percent of
daylight hours underwater (Jaquet et al. 2000, Amano and Yoshioka 2003). Males do not spend extensive
periods at the surface (Jaquet et al. 2000). In contrast, females spend prolonged periods at the surface (1
to 5 hours daily) without foraging (Whitehead and Weilgart 1991, Amano and Yoshioka 2003). The
average swimming speed is estimated to be 2.3 ft/sec (0.7 m/sec) (Watkins et al. 2002). Dive descents
averaged 11 min at a rate of 5.0 ft/sec (1.52 m/sec), and ascents averaged 11.8 min at a rate of 4.6 ft/sec
(1.4 m/sec) (Watkins et al. 2002).
Sperm whales produce short-duration (generally less than 3 sec), broadband clicks. These clicks range in
frequency from 100 Hz to 30 kHz (Weilgart and Whitehead, 1993, 1997; Goold and Jones 1995; Thode et
al. 2002), with dominant energy in two bands (2 to 4 kHz and 10 to 16 kHz). The source levels can be up
to 236 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m (Møhl et al. 2003). Thode et al. (2002) suggested that the acoustic directivity
(angular beam pattern) from sperm whales must range between 10 and 30 dB in the 5- to 20-kHz region.
The clicks of neonate sperm whales are very different from the usual clicks of adults, in that they are of
low directionality, long duration, and low frequency (centroid frequency between 300 and 1,700 Hz) with
estimated source levels between 140 and 162 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m (Madsen et al. 2003). Clicks are heard
most frequently when sperm whales are engaged in diving and foraging behavior (Whitehead and
Weilgart 1991, Miller et al. 2004, Zimmer et al. 2005). These may be echolocation clicks used in feeding,
contact calls (for communication), and orientation during dives. When sperm whales socialize, they tend
to repeat series of clicks (codas), which follow a precise rhythm and may last for hours (Watkins and
Schevill 1977). Codas are shared between individuals of a social unit, and are considered to be primarily
for intragroup communication (Weilgart and Whitehead 1997, Rendell and Whitehead 2004).
The anatomy of the sperm whale’s ear indicates that it hears high-frequency sounds (Ketten 1992).
Anatomical studies also suggest that sperm whales have some ultrasonic hearing, but at a lower maximum
frequency than many other odontocetes (Ketten 1992). Sperm whales may also possess better low-
frequency hearing than some other odontocetes, although not as extraordinarily low as many baleen
whales (Ketten 1992). Auditory brainstem response in a neonatal sperm whale indicated highest
sensitivity to frequencies between 5 and 20 kHz (Ridgway and Carder 2001; Table 3.8-3).
Fisheries Interactions
In U.S. waters in the Pacific, sperm whales have been incidentally taken only in drift gillnet operations,
which killed or seriously injured an average of nine sperm whales per year from 1991-1995 (Barlow et al.
1997). Of the eight sperm whales taken by the California/Oregon drift gillnet fishery, three were released
alive and uninjured (37.5 percent), one was released injured (12.5 percent), and four (50 percent) were
killed (NMFS 2000). Therefore, approximately 63 percent of captured sperm whales could be killed
accidentally or injured, based on the mortality and injury rate of sperm whales observed taken by the U.S.
fleet from 1990 to 2000. Based on past fishery performance, sperm whales were not observed taken in
every year; they were observed to be taken in 4 out of 10 years (NMFS 2000). During the 3 years the
Pacific Coast Take Reduction Plan has been in place, a sperm whale was taken only once, in a set that did
not comply with the Take Reduction Plan (NMFS 2000).
Interactions between sperm whales and longline fisheries in the GOA have been reported since 1995 and
are increasing in frequency (Rice 1989, Hill and Mitchell 1998, Hill and DeMaster 1999). Between 2002
and 2006, there were three observed serious injuries (considered mortalities) to sperm whales in the GOA
from the sablefish longline fishery (Angliss and Allen 2008). Sperm whales have also been observed in
GOA feeding off longline gear (for sablefish and halibut) at 38 of the surveyed stations (Angliss and
Allen 2008). Recent findings suggest sperm whales in Alaska may have learned that fishing vessel
propeller cavitations (as gear is retrieved) are an indicator that longline gear with fish is present as a
predation opportunity (Thode et al. 2007).
Berzin (1972) noted that there were “many” reports of sperm whales of different age classes being struck
by vessels, including passenger ships and tug boats. Sperm whales spend long periods (typically up to 10
min) at the surface between deep dives (Jacquet et al. 1998). This behavior could make sperm whales
more vulnerable to ship strikes. There is record of one collision between a fishing vessel and a sperm
whale within the TMAA (Gabriele et al., manuscript on file).
Eastern and Western United States
Regulatory Status
In 1997, NMFS reclassified Steller sea lions into two distinct subpopulations, based on genetics and
population trends (Loughlin 1997, Angliss and Outlaw 2005). The Western U.S. stock was designated as
endangered and includes animals at and west of Cape Suckling, Alaska (144°W; NMFS 1997c). The
Eastern U.S. stock remained designated as threatened and includes animals east of Cape Suckling (NMFS
1997c, Loughlin 2002, Angliss and Outlaw 2005) that extend into southeastern Alaska, and Canada.
Rookeries of the Eastern U.S. stock occur along the coasts of Oregon and California (NMFS 2008c). The
Steller sea lion is designated as depleted under MMPA. A final revised species recovery plan addresses
both the Eastern U.S. and Western U.S. stocks (NMFS 2008c).
Steller sea lions form large rookeries during late spring when adult males arrive and establish territories
(Pitcher and Calkins 1981), so the rookeries would normally be occupied during the likely time-period for
the annual Northern Edge exercise.
In 1993, NMFS published a final rule to designate critical habitat for Steller sea lions (NMFS 2008).
There is no Critical Habitat for Steller sea lions in the TMAA. The areas designated as critical habitat
were based on land use patterns, the extent of foraging trips, and the availability of prey items with
particular importance given to the haul out areas where animals rest, pup, nurse, mate, and molt. Two
kinds of marine habitat were designated as critical: “aquatic zones” around rookeries and haulouts and
three special aquatic feeding areas in Alaska. The special aquatic foraging areas were chosen, “based on
1) at-sea observations indicating that sea lions commonly used these areas for foraging, 2) records of
animals killed incidentally in fisheries in the 1980s, 3) knowledge of sea lion prey and their life histories
and distributions, and 4) foraging studies” (NMFS 2008).
For the Eastern U.S. stock, the Critical Habitat aquatic zones (located east of 144°W longitude) extend
3,000 ft (0.9 km) seaward in state and federally managed waters from the baseline or basepoint of each
major rookery. None of this Critical Habitat is in the vicinity of the TMAA.
For the Western U.S. stock, Critical Habitat for aquatic zones located (west of 144°W longitude) extend
20 nm (37 km) seaward in state and federally managed waters. None of the aquatic zones are located
within the boundaries of the TMAA. Critical Habitat for the Western U.S. stock in the vicinity of the
TMAA is depicted in Figure 3.8-2 (NMFS 2008).
For purposes of acoustic impact modeling, a density of 0.0098/km2 was derived for Steller sea lions in the
TMAA as described in detail in Appendix E.
Steller sea lions do not migrate, but they often disperse widely outside of the breeding season (Loughlin
2002). Steller sea lions are gregarious animals that often travel or haul out in large groups of up to 45
individuals (Keple 2002). At sea, groups usually consist of females and subadult males; adult males are
usually solitary while at sea (Loughlin 2002). An area of high occurrence extends from the shore to the
273-fathom (500-m) depth. For the GOA, foraging habitat is primarily shallow, nearshore, and
continental shelf waters 4.3 to 13 nm (8 to 24 km) offshore with a secondary occurrence inshore of the
3,280 ft (1,000 m) isobath, and a rare occurrence seaward of the 3,280 ft (1,000 m) isobath. Steller sea
lions have been sighted foraging in the middle of the GOA (DoN 2006). The April 2009 survey in the
TMAA encountered two groups of Steller sea lions (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
Foraging habitat is primarily shallow, nearshore and continental shelf waters, and some Steller sea lions
feed in freshwater rivers (Reeves et al. 1992, Robson 2002). They also are known to feed in deep waters
past the continental shelf break (Department of the Navy 2006). Haulout and rookery sites are located on
isolated islands, rocky shorelines, and jetties. Steller sea lions are opportunistic predators, feeding
primarily on fish and cephalopods, and their diet varies geographically and seasonally (Merrick et al.
1997). They feed near land or in relatively shallow water (Pitcher and Calkins 1981).
Steller sea lions form large rookeries during late spring when adult males arrive and establish territories.
Large males aggressively defend territories while non-breeding males remain at peripheral sites or
haulouts. Females arrive soon after and give birth to pups. Females reach sexual maturity at 4 to 5 years
of age. (Pitcher and Calkins 1981)
l SO"O'O"W 14S"O'O"W
o z
Critical Habitat
* Reference Location 0 50 100 200 Nautical Miles
Ste ller Sea Lion C ritical Habitat· Aquatic Foraging Area
Figure 3.8-2: Steller Sea Lion Western U.S. Stock Critical Habitat in the Vicinity of the TMAA
Natural mortality in Steller sea lions is thought to result primarily from killer whale predation, diseases
and parasites, and habitat loss (National Marine Fisheries Service 2008b). The carrying capacity of the
North Pacific for Steller sea lions also likely fluctuates in response to changes in the environment.
Most births occur from mid-May through mid-July at rookeries outside the boundaries of the MAA, and
breeding takes place shortly thereafter (Pitcher and Calkins 1981). Rookeries of the Eastern stock occur
along the coasts of Oregon and California (National Marine Fisheries Service 2008c). There are no known
areas used by Steller sea lions for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
Steller sea lions are provided in Appendix D. Diving and foraging activity varies by sex, age, and season.
During the breeding season, females with pups feed mostly at night, while territorial males eat little or no
food (Loughlin 2002). In the winter, females make long trips of around 81 mi (130 km) and dive deeply
to locate prey (Merrick and Loughlin 1997, Loughlin 2002). In the summer, trip length is about 11 mi (17
km) and dives are shallower (Loughlin 2002). Females usually go to sea to feed and return to nurse their
pups in 24- to 48-hour cycles (NRC 2003). Steller sea lions tend to make shallow dives of less than 820 ft
(250 m) but are capable of deeper dives (NMFS 2003).
On land, territorial male Steller sea lions usually produce low frequency roars (Schusterman et al. 1970,
Loughlin et al. 1987). The calls of females range from 30 Hz to 3 kHz (see Table 3.8-3), with peak
frequencies from 150 Hz to 1 kHz; typical duration is 1.0 to 1.5 sec (Campbell et al. 2002). Pups produce
bleating sounds. Underwater sounds are similar to those produced on land (Loughlin et al. 1987).
When the underwater hearing sensitivity of two Steller sea lions was tested, the hearing threshold of the
male was significantly different from than that of the female. The range of best hearing for the male was
from 1 to 16 kHz, with maximum sensitivity (77 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) at 1 kHz. The range of best hearing
for the female was from 16 kHz to above 25 kHz, with maximum sensitivity (73 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) at
25 kHz. However, because of the small number of animals tested, the findings could not be attributed to
individual differences in sensitivity or sexual dimorphism (Kastelein et al. 2005).
Historically, the Eastern U.S. stock was subjected to substantial mortality by humans, primarily due to
commercial exploitation and both sanctioned and unsanctioned predator control (NMFS 2008c). Alaska
Natives are exempted from the MMPA and ESA and continue taking seals for subsistence and/or
handicraft purposes. The mean annual harvest of Steller sea lions by Alaska Natives between 2000 and
2004 was estimated approximately 190 animals with the majority of these harvests having involved the
Western U.S. stock (NMFS 2000). The mean annual take for subsistence harvest between 2002 and 2006
is estimated to have been 198 animals in the Western U.S. stock (Angliss and Allen 2008).
State-sanctioned commercial harvest of Steller sea lions ended in 1972 with the advent of the MMPA.
Although not well documented, there is little doubt that numbers of Steller sea lions were greatly reduced
in many locations by these activities (NMFS 2008c). Commercial hunting and predator control activities
have been discontinued and no longer affect the Eastern U.S. stock. In contrast to the Western U.S. stock,
which is experiencing potential human-related threats from competition with fisheries (potentially high),
incidental take by fisheries (low), and toxic substances (medium) no threats to continued recovery were
identified for the Eastern U.S. stock. Although several factors affecting the Western U.S. stock also affect
the Eastern U.S. stock (e.g., environmental variability, killer whale predation, toxic substances,
disturbance, shooting), these threats do not appear to be at a level sufficient to keep the Eastern U.S. stock
from continuing to recover, given the long-term sustained growth of the population as a whole (NMFS
Fisheries Interactions
Lethal deterrence of seals from fishing activities ended in 1990 when Steller sea lions were listed under
the ESA. Incidental take by fisheries has been assessed as having a low potential threat for the Western
U.S. stock with an estimated approximate 30 lethal entanglements annually and 3.6 lethal entanglements
(estimated in 2005) for the Eastern U.S. stock (NMFS 2008, Angliss and Allen 2008). Entanglement in
marine debris is assessed as a minor threat to the Steller sea lions (NMFS 2008).
Both climate shift and fisheries induced changes in prey communities may have affected the condition of
Steller sea lions over the last 40 years, but the relative importance of each is a matter of considerable
debate (NMFS 2008c). There are two fishery-related theories about what may have contributed most to
decline of Steller sea lions through reductions in prey biomass and quality, which resulted in nutritional
stress (proximate cause) and subsequent decreases in vital rates (Trites et al. 2006a). In one case,
nutritional stress stems from climate-induced changes in the species composition, distribution or
nutritional quality of the sea lion prey base. In the other, fishery-induced reductions in localized or overall
prey abundance cause nutritional stress (Braham et al. 1980; NMFS 1998a, 2000).
What may have been unusual about the decline in sea lions observed through 2000 is the introduction of
large-scale commercial fisheries on sea lion prey. While large-scale groundfish fisheries began in the
1960s, their potential for competitive overlap with Steller sea lions (e.g., catches within what would be
designated as critical habitat) increased markedly in the 1980s. Overall and localized fisheries removals
of prey could have exacerbated natural changes in carrying capacity, possibly in nonlinear and
unpredictable ways (Goodman et al. 2002). Reductions in carrying capacity may have contributed to
declines in Steller sea lion fatality that are believed to have occurred at some rookeries through at least
2002 despite shifts to potentially more favorable environmental conditions that may have occurred in
1989 and 1998 (NMFS 2008c).
Regulatory Status
Baird’s beaked whales (Berardius bairdii) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The Alaska stock of Baird’s beaked whales is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Baird’s beaked whales appear to occur mainly in cold deep waters (3,300 ft [1,000 m] or greater) over the
continental slope, oceanic seamounts, and in areas with submarine escarpments. They may also occur
occasionally near shore along narrow continental shelves. The range for the Alaska stock of Baird’s
beaked whale extends from Cape Navarin (63°N) and the central Sea of Okhotsk (57°N) to St. Matthew
Island, the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, and the northern GOA. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
Baird’s beaked whales are found only in the North Pacific and the adjacent seas (Bering Sea, Okhotsk
Sea, Sea of Japan, and the Gulf of California), mainly north of 34°N in the west and 28°N in the east. The
best-known populations occur in the coastal waters around Japan since whaling takes place there. Along
the U.S. west coast, Baird’s beaked whales are seen primarily along the continental slope from late spring
to early fall. British Columbia whalers commented that Baird’s beaked whales were most often sighted
during May through September, with most catches occurring during August. Baird’s beaked whales are
seen less frequently and are presumed to be further offshore during the colder water months of November
through April. (DoN 2006)
Within the GOA, the area of primary occurrence for Baird’s beaked whales during both summer and
winter is between the depths of 1,640 and 9,842 ft (500 and 3,000 m). There is no evidence of seasonal
movements by this species that would affect these predicted occurrence patterns. There is a secondary
occurrence between the 656 and 1,640 ft (200 and 500 m) isobaths, as well as seaward of the 9,842 ft
(3,000 m) isobath. There is a rare occurrence in waters shallower than the 656 ft (200 m) isobath. In 2003,
Waite (2003) reported a group of four Baird’s beaked whales was sighted at the shelf break to the east of
the TMAA. There were no beaked whales detected acoustically or visually (although two groups of
unidentified small whale were sighted) during the April 2009 survey of the TMAA (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
Baird’s beaked whales occur in relatively large groups of 6 to 30, and groups of 50 or more sometimes are
seen (Balcomb 1989). Baird’s beaked whales in Japan prey primarily on deepwater gadiform fishes and
cephalopods, indicating that they feed primarily at depths ranging from 800 to 1,200 m (Walker et al.
2002, Ohizumi et al. 2003). Sexual maturity occurs at about 8 to 10 years, and the calving peak is in
March and April (Balcomb 1989).
Mating generally occurs in October and November but little else is known of their reproductive behavior
(Balcomb 1989). There are no known areas used by Baird’s beaked whales for reproduction or calving in
the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
Baird’s beaked whales is provided in Appendix D. Analysis of stomach contents from captured and
stranded individuals suggests that beaked whales are deep-diving animals, feeding by suction (Heyning
and Mead 1996). The overall dive behavior of Baird’s beaked whales is not known; therefore the diving
behavior of a related species, Blainville’s beaked whale, is used to provide diving behavior information.
Baird et al. (2006) reported on the diving behavior of four Blainville’s beaked whales (a similar species)
off the west coast of Hawaii. The Blainville’s beaked whales foraged in deep ocean areas (2,270-9,855 ft
[691-3,003 m]) with a maximum dive to 4,619 ft (1,407 m). Dives ranged from at least 13 min (lost dive
recorder during the dive) to a maximum of 68 min (Baird et al. 2006).
Sounds recorded from beaked whales are divided into two categories: whistles and pulsed sounds (clicks),
with whistles likely serving a communicative function, and pulsed sounds being important in foraging
and/or navigation (Johnson et al. 2004, Madsen et al. 2005, MacLeod and D’Amico 2006). Both whistles
and clicks have been recorded from Baird’s beaked whales in the eastern north Pacific. Whistles had
fundamental frequencies between 4 and 8 kHz, with two to three strong harmonics within the recording
bandwidth. Clicks had a dominant frequency around 23 kHz, with a second frequency peak at around
42 kHz (see Table 3.8-3) and, unlike species that echolocate, were most often emitted in irregular series
of very few clicks. (DoN 2006)
There is no information on the hearing abilities of Baird’s beaked whale. In fact, there is no direct
information available on the exact hearing abilities of most beaked whales, except for recent information
from a live stranded juvenile Gervais’ beaked whales (Mesoplodon europaeus); another whale in the same
taxonomic family. Auditory evoked potential tests on this beaked whale found its hearing to be most
sensitive to high-frequency signals between 40 and 80 kHz but it also perceiving mid-frequency sound
down to 5 kHz although resulting in smaller evoked potentials (Cook et al. 2006).
It has been previously postulated, based on the occurrence of beaked whale strandings associated with
ASW training events, that the species in general may be more sensitive than other cetaceans to sonar
(Southall et al. 2007). In contrast and based on recent field experiments with tagged beaked whales, it has
been suggested that beaked whales may be “particularly sensitive to anthropogenic sounds, but there is no
evidence that they have a special sensitivity to sonar compared with other signals” (Tyack 2009). These
beaked whales’ reactions to three different sound stimulus consisted of the animals stopping their
clicking, producing fewer foraging buzzes than normal, and ending their dives in a long and unusually
slow ascent while moving away from the sound source (Tyack 2009).
For Alaska waters this is important given that between 27 June and 19 July 2004, five beaked whales
were discovered stranded at various locations along 1,600 mi (2,625 km) of the Alaskan coastline and one
was found floating (dead) at sea; These whales included three Baird’s beaked whales. As described in
Appendix F in greater detail, questions were raised soon after the strandings as to whether they were the
result of Navy sonar use, although sonar training events had not been part of an exercise which took place
in that general timeframe. While records of Baird’s beaked whale strandings are uncommon in Alaska
waters, they are not unknown. Between 1975 and 1987, eight Baird’s beaked whales were found stranded
as far north as the area between Cape Pierce and Cape Newenham, to the east near Kodiak, and along the
Aleutian Islands (Zimmerman, 1991). In Alaska there has been on average, including more recent data,
between zero and three beaked whale strandings documented per year (Jensen 2008).
Regulatory Status
Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The Alaska stock of Cuvier’s beaked whales is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
World-wide, beaked whales normally inhabit continental slope (656-6,562 ft [200-2,000 m]) and deep
oceanic waters (>6,562 ft [>2,000 m]), and only rarely stray over the continental shelf (Pitman 2002).
Beaked whales are only occasionally reported in waters over the continental shelf. Cuvier’s beaked
whales generally are sighted in waters with a bottom depth greater than 656 ft (200 m) and are frequently
recorded at depths of 3,280 ft (1,000 m) or more. Forney and Brownell (1996) made one sighting of
Cuvier’s beaked whales during surveys in the Aleutian Islands during 1994 in waters with a bottom depth
of 13,123 to 16,404 ft (4,000 to 5,000 m). Rice and Wolman (1982) observed a group of six Cuvier’s
beaked whales in about 17,716 ft (5,400 m) of water southeast of Kodiak Island. Waite (2003) reported
one sighting of a group of four Cuvier’s beaked whales at the shelf break within the TMAA. There were
no beaked whales detected acoustically or visually (although two groups of unidentified small whale were
sighted) during the April 2009 survey of the TMAA (Rone et al. 2009).
The general distribution of Cuvier’s beaked whales is primarily derived from strandings, which indicated
that they are the most widely distributed of the beaked whales. They occur in all three major oceans and
most seas. In the north Pacific, they range north to the northern GOA, the Aleutian Islands, and the
Commander Islands and as far south as Hawaii. Cuvier’s beaked whales generally are sighted in waters
with a bottom depth greater than 656 ft (200 m) and are frequently recorded in areas with depths of 3,281
ft (1,000 m) or more. Occurrence has been linked to physical features such as the continental slope,
canyons, escarpments, and oceanic islands. (Angliss and Outlaw 2005)
Life History
Little is known of the feeding preferences of Cuvier’s beaked whale. They may be mid-water and bottom
feeders (Baird et al. 2005b) on cephalopods and, rarely, fish (MacLeod et al. 2003).
Little is known of Cuvier’s beaked whale reproductive behavior. There are no known areas used by
Cuvier’s beaked whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Recent research has provided considerable information regarding the complex patterns associated with the
diving behavior of this species. Details regarding dive behavior information and how it was used in
deriving parameters for input to the acoustic modeling are provided in Appendix D. In general, Cuvier’s
beaked whales feed on deep sea fish and squid and tend to dive for an hour or more to considerable depths
to forage. Tagged Cuvier’s beaked whale dive durations have been recorded for as long as 87 min and
dive depths of up to 6,529 ft (1,990 m). (Baird et al. 2006)
MacLeod (1999) suggested that beaked whales use frequencies of between 300 Hz and 129 kHz for
echolocation, and between 2 and 10 kHz, and possibly up to 16 kHz, for social communication.
Blainville’s beaked whales echolocation clicks were recorded at frequencies from 20 to 40 kHz (Johnson
et al. 2004) and Cuvier’s beaked whales at frequencies from 20 to 70 kHz (Zimmer et al. 2005). Soto et
al. (2006) reported changes in vocalizations during diving on close approaches of large cargo ships which
may have masked their vocalizations. Cuvier’s beaked whales only echolocated below 200 m (656 ft)
(Tyack et al. 2006a). Echolocation clicks are produced in trains (interclick intervals near 0.4 second) and
individual clicks are frequency modulated pulses with durations of 200-300 microsecond; the center
frequency was around 40 kHz with no energy below 20 kHz (Tyack et al. 2006a).
As noted previously for Baird’s beaked whales, mass strandings associated with naval training that may
have included mid-frequency sonar is a concern for all beaked whales. Between 27 June and 19 July
2004, five beaked whales were discovered stranded at various locations along 1,600 mi (2,575 km) of the
Alaskan coastline and one was found floating (dead) at sea. These whales included two Cuvier’s beaked
whales. As described in Appendix F in greater detail, these strandings were not associated with sonar use
by the Navy. Additionally, prior to the Navy conducting the exercise (before 27 June), two Cuvier’s
beaked whales were discovered stranded at two separate locations along the Alaskan coastline (February
26 at Yakutat and June 1 at Nuka Bay).
Zimmerman (1991) reported that between 1975 and 1987, 19 Cuvier’s beaked whales were found
stranded from the eastern GOA to the western Aleutians. As noted previously, on average in Alaska there
has been on average between zero and three beaked whale strandings documented per year (Jensen 2008).
Regulatory Status
Dall’s porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The Alaska stock of Dall’s porpoise is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Dall’s porpoises are a cool- temperate to subarctic deepwater species found only in the North Pacific and
adjacent seas. Cool water temperature (<63 degrees Fahrenheit [°F], 17 degrees Celsius [°C]) is
characteristic of their primary habitat. Dall’s porpoises are common along the shelf break, slope, and in
offshore waters (Consiglieri et al. 1982, Calkins 1986). The waters of the TMAA are an area of primary
Dall’s porpoises are found from northern Baja California, Mexico, north to the northern Bering Sea and
south to southern Japan (Jefferson et al. 1993). The species is only common between 32°N and 62°N in
the eastern north Pacific (Morejohn 1979; Houck and Jefferson 1999). Dall’s porpoises shift their
distribution southward during cooler-water periods (Forney and Barlow 1998). Norris and Prescott (1961)
reported finding Dall’s porpoises in southern California waters only in the winter, generally when the
water temperature was less than 59°F (15°C). Inshore/offshore movements off southern California have
also been reported, with individuals remaining inshore in fall and moving offshore in the late spring
(Norris and Prescott 1961, Houck and Jefferson 1999, Lagomarsino and Price 2001). Seasonal
movements have also been noted off Oregon and Washington, where higher densities of Dall’s porpoises
were sighted offshore in winter and spring and inshore in summer and fall (Green et al. 1992).
Fiscus et al. (1976) suggested that Dall’s porpoise is probably the most common cetacean from the
northeast GOA to Kodiak Island. Dall’s porpoises are regularly found throughout the GOA year-round.
Sightings indicate a general seasonal shift in distribution in the GOA from east in April to west in May
and south in June. Dall’s porpoises are common along the shelf break, slope, and in offshore waters.
Dall’s porpoises are primarily found seaward of the 328 ft (100 m) isobaths in the GOA throughout the
year. (Angliss and Outlaw 2008, DoN 2006). The April 2009 survey in the TMAA encountered 10 groups
of Dall’s porpoise totaling 59 individuals in both inshore and offshore strata (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
Dall’s porpoises feed primarily on small fish and squid (Houck and Jefferson 1999). Groups of Dall’s
porpoises generally include fewer than 10 individuals and are fluid, probably aggregating for feeding
(Jefferson 1990, 1991; Houck and Jefferson 1999). There is a strong summer calving peak from June
through August, and a smaller peak in March (Jefferson 1989). Animals reach sexual maturity at 3.5 to 8
years (Houck and Jefferson 1999).
Calving for Dall’s porpoise occurs in the north Pacific from early June through late July (Ferrero and
Walker 1999). There are no known areas used by Dall’s propoise for reproduction or calving in the
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
Dall’s porpoises are provided in Appendix D. Dall’s porpoises feed on small fish and squid. In the GOA,
Dall’s porpoises primarily feed on lanternfish (myctophids). Hanson and Baird (1998) provided the first
data on diving behavior for this species: an individual tagged for 41 min dove to a mean depth of 109.6 ft
(33.4 m; Standard Deviation [S.D.] = ±23.9 m) for a mean duration of 1.29 min (S.D. = ±0.84 min). (DoN
Only short-duration pulsed sounds have been recorded from Dall’s porpoises; this species apparently does
not whistle often. Dall’s porpoises produce short-duration (50 to 1,500 microsesond [µs]), high-
frequency, narrow-band clicks, with peak energies between 120 and 160 kHz. There are no published data
on hearing abilities of this species. However, based on the morphology of the cochlea, it is estimated that
the upper hearing threshold is about 170 to 200 kHz (see Table 3.8-3). (DoN 2006)
Regulatory Status
The ENP stock of gray whales was delisted given an increase in population so it was no longer considered
“endangered” or “threatened” under the ESA. Subsequent review determined that the stock was neither in
danger of extinction, nor likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future. The ENP stock is not
classified as a “strategic” stock by NMFS. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Habitat Preferences
Gray whales primarily occur in shallow waters over the continental shelf. Their feeding grounds are
generally less than 223 ft (68 m) deep and most of the ENP stock can be found in summer feeding
grounds north of the Aleutian Islands. During migration through the GOA en route from subtropical
breeding grounds, gray whales’ primary occurrence extends seaward 15 nm (28 km) from the shoreline
within a narrow margin of the TMAA’s northern boundary. A rare occurrence is expected seaward of the
shelf break. (DoN 2006)
Gray whales are found only in the North Pacific. The ENP population is found from the upper Gulf of
California, south to the tip of Baja California, and up the Pacific coast of North America to the Chukchi
and Beaufort seas. This stock is known to summer in the shallow waters of the northern Bering Sea,
Chukchi Sea, and western Beaufort Sea, but some individuals spend the summer feeding along the Pacific
coast from southeastern Alaska to central California. Beginning in October, the whales migrate south to
calving and breeding grounds on the west coast of Baja California and the southeastern Gulf of
California. Some gray whales are known to deviate from the typical migration path/seasons; for example,
gray whale calls have been documented off Barrow, Alaska, in the winter. (DoN 2006, Angliss and Allen
Gray whales are found along the shore in the northern GOA during migrations between breeding and
feeding grounds. Individuals are expected to occur along the northern coast of the GOA between March
and November; peak abundance is expected from April through May and in November and December.
The southbound migration begins in early October, when gray whales move from the Bering Sea through
the Unimak Pass and along the coast of the GOA. The southbound migration continues into the winter
season between October and January. Migration of gray whales past Kodiak Island peaks in mid-
December. During the northbound migration, the peak of migration in the GOA is in mid-April. Although
most gray whales migrate to the Bering Sea to feed, some whales do not complete the migration north but
feed in coastal waters in the GOA and the Pacific Northwest. (DoN 2006)
Most gray whales follow the coast during migration and stay within 1.2 mi (2 km) of the shoreline, except
when crossing major bays, straits, and inlets from southeastern Alaska to the eastern Bering Sea.
However, gray whales are known to move further offshore between the entrance to Prince William Sound
and Kodiak Island and between Kodiak Island and the southern part of the Alaska Peninsula. Gray whales
use the nearshore areas of the Alaska Peninsula during the spring and fall migrations and are often found
within the bays and lagoons, primarily north of the peninsula, during the summer. (DoN 2006) The April
2009 survey encountered one group of two gray whales within the western edge of the TMAA and two
groups well outside the TMAA nearshore at Kodiak Island (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
Most of the gray whales in the Eastern North Pacific stock spend the summer feeding in the northern
Bering and Chukchi Seas. However, gray whales have been seen feeding in the summer off of Southeast
Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California. Each fall, the whales migrate south from
Alaska to Baja California, in Mexico. The stock winters primarily in certain shallow, nearly landlocked
lagoons and bays along the west coast of Baja California. Calves are born from early January to mid-
February. The northbound migration begins in mid-February and continues through May, with cows and
newborn calves migrating northward primarily between March and June along the U.S. west coast.
(Angliss and Outlaw 2007)
The winter breeding grounds consist of subtropical lagoons that are protected from the open ocean (Jones
and Swartz 2002). There are no known areas used by gray whales for reproduction or calving in the
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for gray
whales are provided in Appendix D. When foraging, gray whales typically dive to 164 to 196 ft (50 to 60
m) for 5 min to about 8 min. When migrating, gray whales may remain submerged near the surface for 7
to 10 min and travel 1,640 ft (500 m) or more before resurfacing to breathe. Migrating gray whales
sometimes exhibit a unique “snorkeling” behavior in which they surface cautiously, exposing only the
area around the blow hole, exhale quietly without a visible blow, and sink silently beneath the surface.
The maximum known dive depth is 557 ft (170 m) (DoN 2006, Jones and Swartz 2002).
Gray whales produce broadband signals ranging from 0.1 to 4 kHz (and up to 12 kHz). The most common
sounds on the breeding and feeding grounds are knocks, which are broadband pulses from about 0.1 to 2
kHz (dominant frequency range: 0.327 to 0.825 kHz; see Table 3.8-3). The source level for knocks is
approximately 142 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m. During migration, individuals most often produce low-frequency
(predominantly below 1.5 kHz) bonging sounds and moans. (DoN 2006)
The structure of the gray whale ear is evolved for low-frequency hearing. The ability of gray whales to
hear frequencies below 2 kHz (as low as 0.8 kHz) has been demonstrated in playback studies and in their
responsiveness to underwater noise associated with oil and gas activities. Gray whale responses to noise
in these studies include startle responses (i.e., water disturbances, tail-lobbing); changes in swimming
speed and direction to move away from the sound source; abrupt behavioral changes from feeding to
avoidance, with a resumption of feeding after exposure; changes in calling rates and call structure; and
changes in surface behavior, usually from traveling to milling. It was determined the threshold for
inducing feeding interruptions from air gun noise was a received level of 173 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m, and for
continuous industrial noise, the threshold for inducing avoidance was a received level of approximately
120 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m. (DoN 2006)
Vessel Collisions
The nearshore migration route used by gray whales makes ships strike a potential source of mortality.
Between 1999 and 2003, the California stranding network reported four serious injuries or mortalities of
gray whales caused by ship strikes. One ship strike was reported in Alaska in 1997. Additional mortality
from ship strikes probably goes unreported because the whales either do not strand or do not have obvious
signs of trauma. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Regulatory Status
Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The Gulf of Alaska stock of harbor porpoise is classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Harbor porpoises are generally found in cool temperate to subarctic waters over the continental shelf. This
species is seldom found in waters warmer than 62°F (17°C). In Alaskan waters, harbor porpoises inhabit
nearshore areas and are common in bays, estuaries, and tidal channels. Harbor porpoises are often found
in coastal waters and in the GOA and Southeast Alaska; they occur most frequently in waters less than
328 ft (100 m) in depth. (DoN 2006, Angliss and Allen 2008) Waite (2003) reports a single sighting (two
individuals) 27 nm (50 km) offshore, but within the 328 ft (100 m) isobath. The majority of the TMAA is
well offshore of the normal habitat range for harbor porpoise. The April 2009 survey encountered 30
groups of harbor porpoise totaling 89 individuals but only one of these groups was located within the
TMAA (Rone et al. 2009).
To derive an estimate for the number of harbor porpoise that may be exposed to potential MMPA Level B
harassment (behavioral disturbance), an analysis of the approximate distribution of harbor porpoise in the
Gulf of Alaska stock (occurring from Unimak Pass to Cape Suckling as presented in the stock
assessment; Angliss and Outlaw 2006) was undertaken as a first step. The stock assessment information
indicates an area for the GOA stock of approximately 69,829 nm2 (239,597 km2) with an abundance of
41,854 animals, resulting in the second highest density for a marine mammal species in the GOA
(0.5993/nm2 or 0.1747/km2). The nearshore portion of the TMAA overlaps this approximate distribution
by an area of 4,538 nm2 (15,565 km2). If an even distribution of harbor porpoise in the Gulf of Alaska
stock is assumed, there would be 2,719 harbor porpoise in the portion of the TMAA that overlaps the
distribution as presented in the stock assessment. While this is likely an overestimate for the number of
animals present in the area given the TMAA is outside harbor porpoise habitat preferences, it will be
assumed for purposes of this analysis that 2,719 harbor porpoise would be exposed to a sound level at or
above 120 dB Sound Pressure Level (SPL) resulting in MMPA Level B behavioral harassment during one
summer training event.
Harbor porpoises are generally found in cool temperate to subarctic waters over the continental shelf in
both the North Atlantic and North Pacific. Harbor porpoises regularly occur in the GOA year-round. They
are common in nearshore waters of the northeast GOA and south of Kodiak Island on Albatross and
Portlock banks. They also regularly occur in Kachemak Bay, Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and
southeast Alaska, particularly between April and September. Based on aerial surveys in coastal and
offshore waters from Bristol Bay (eastern Bering Sea) to Dixon Entrance (southeast Alaska), harbor
porpoises are abundant in Bristol Bay and between Prince William Sound and Dixon Entrance. Lower
abundance estimates were calculated for Cook Inlet, Kodiak Island, and the south side of the Alaska
Peninsula. (DoN 2006, Angliss and Allen 2008)
Life History
Harbor porpoises are not known to form stable social groupings, which is the typical situation for species
in the porpoise family. In most areas, harbor porpoises are found in small groups consisting of just a few
individuals. (Department of the Navy 2006)
They mature at an earlier age, reproduce more frequently, and live for shorter periods than other toothed
whales (Read and Hohn 1995). Calves are born in late spring (Read 1990, Read and Hohn 1995). Dall’s
and harbor porpoises appear to hybridize relatively frequently in the Puget Sound area (Willis et al. 2004).
There are no known areas used by Harbor porpoises for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Harbor porpoises make brief dives, generally lasting less than 5 min. Tagged harbor porpoise individuals
spend 3 to 7 percent of their time at the surface and 33 to 60 percent in the upper 7 ft (2 m) of the water
column. Average dive depths range from 46 to 135 ft (14 to 41 m), with a maximum known dive of 741 ft
(226 m), and average dive durations ranging from 44 to 103 sec. (DoN 2006)
Harbor porpoise vocalizations include clicks and pulses, as well as whistle-like signals. The dominant
frequency range is 110 to 150 kHz, with source levels of 135 to 177 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m. Echolocation
signals include one or two low-frequency components in the 1.4 to 2.5 kHz range. (DoN 2006).
A behavioral audiogram of a harbor porpoise indicated the range of best sensitivity is 8 to 32 kHz at
levels between 45 and 50 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m; however, auditory-evoked potential studies showed a much
higher frequency of approximately 125 to 130 kHz with two frequency ranges of best sensitivity. More
recent psycho-acoustic studies found the range of best hearing to be 16 to 140 kHz (see Table 3.8-3), with
a reduced sensitivity around 64 kHz and maximum sensitivity between 100 and 140 kHz. (DoN 2006)
Eastern North Pacific Alaska Resident, Eastern North Pacific Northern Resident, Eastern North Pacific
Offshore, Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Island, and Bering Sea Transient, AT1 Transient; and West Coast
Regulatory Status
The ENP Alaska Resident, ENP Northern Resident, ENP Offshore, GOA, Aleutian Islands, and Bering
Sea transient, and West Coast Transient stocks of killer whales are not listed as threatened or endangered
under the ESA or classified as depleted or strategic under the MMPA. In June 2004, NMFS designated
the AT1 Transient stock of killer whales as a “depleted” stock under the MMPA and therefore classified
as strategic. (Angliss and Allen 2008). In the past, the AT1 Transient stock was one of the most
frequently encountered and was sighted year-round in Prince William Sound in the 1980s. However, since
the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, the size of the AT1 Transient stock has been reduced by half. The AT1
Transient stock is not currently listed as threatened or endangered.
Habitat Preferences
Killer whales have the most ubiquitous distribution of any species of marine mammal, observed in
virtually every marine habitat from the tropics to the poles and from shallow, inshore waters (and even
rivers) to deep, oceanic regions. Although reported in tropical and offshore waters, killer whales occur in
higher densities in colder and more productive waters of both hemispheres, with the greatest densities
found at high latitudes. In the eastern north Pacific, including Alaskan waters, killer whales are found in
protected inshore waters, as well as offshore waters. (DoN 2006)
ENP Alaskan Resident stock individuals are found from southeastern Alaska to the Aleutian Islands and
Bering Sea; intermixing has been documented among these three areas (Angliss and Outlaw 2007). The
ENP Northern Resident stock occurs from British Columbia through part of southeastern Alaska. There
are about 656 and 216 photoidentified individuals in the ENP Alaska Resident and ENP Northern
Resident stocks, respectively (Angliss and Allen 2008).
The minimum population estimate for the Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea Transient
stock is 314 individuals based on photoidentification work. There is a minimum population estimate of
320 individuals in the West Coast Transient stock including about 225 in Washington State and British
Columbia, and southeastern Alaska, and 105 off California. The population estimate for the ENP Stock of
transient killer whales is 346. The minimum population estimate for the AT1 Transient stock is seven
individuals based on photographs from recent years. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
The minimum population estimate for the ENP Offshore stock of killer whales is 1,214 individuals
(Carretta et al. 2007). The total number of known Offshore killer whales is 211 individuals, but the
proportion of time this transboundary stock spends in U.S. waters is unknown (Carretta et al. 2006). For
purposes of acoustic impact modeling, a density of 0.010/km2 was derived as representative for all killer
whales in the TMAA as described in detail in Appendix E.
Movement data on ENP Alaska Resident stock individuals have been documented based on photographic
matches. Southeast Alaskan killer whale pods have been seen in Prince William Sound and in the GOA.
Prince William Sound pods have been seen near Kodiak Island, but have never been observed in
southeastern Alaska. Recent studies have documented very limited movements between the Bering Sea
and GOA. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
Transient killer whales in the eastern north Pacific spend most of their time along the outer coast, but visit
Hood Canal and Puget Sound in search of harbor seals, sea lions, and other prey. Transient occurrence in
inland waters appears to peak during August and September, which is the peak time for harbor seal
pupping, weaning, and post-weaning. Offshore killer whales usually occur 9 mi (15 km) or more offshore
but also visit coastal waters and occasionally enter protected inshore waters. Along the Pacific coast of
North America, killer whales are found along the entire Alaskan coast, and are seen frequently in
southeast Alaska and the area between Prince William Sound and Kodiak Island. (Angliss and Allen
2008; DoN 2006)
GOA, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea transients are seen throughout the GOA, including occasional
sightings in Prince William Sound. Wade et al. (2003) noted that transients were more frequently seen
from Shumagin Islands to the eastern Aleutian Islands. The AT1 Transient stock is primarily seen in
Prince William Sound and in the Kenai Fjords region. At present, there is no information available to
determine if this group regularly uses the TMAA. West coast transients are found from California to
northern southeast Alaska. Some individual killer whales have been documented to move between the
waters of southeast Alaska and central California. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
The known range of the ENP Northern Resident stock includes Canadian waters from approximately
Mid-Vancouver Island and throughout most of southeastern Alaskan waters. They have also been
frequently seen in Washington state waters. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
In Alaska, sightings of killer whales are widely distributed, mostly occurring in waters over the
continental shelf, but also quite frequently in offshore waters. The Resident population is suspected to
pass through the TMAA regularly during the summer based on limited satellite tagging data. The
sympatric Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Island, and Bering Sea transient population is suspected to spend
considerable time in offshore waters, due to the infrequency of nearshore sightings; however, it is not
certain how much time these killer whales spend in the TMAA. Members of the Offshore population have
been seen only irregularly adjacent to the TMAA, and although it is likely they pass through it there is not
data to document this. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
There is no known seasonal component to the killer whale’s occurrence in the TMAA. Resident, AT1
transient, and Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Island, and Bering Sea transient populations all remain in the
general area during the winter, however, there is no data that specifically places these whales in the
TMAA due to lack of substantial research effort offshore and in winter. (Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN
The April 2009 GOALS survey visually detected six groups of killer whales totaling 119 individuals
within the TMAA although there were additional acoustic detections as well (Rone et al. 2009). Analysis
of photos taken for identification has not yet been completed and, at present, the specific eco-types for
some of these detected killer whales have not been determined.
Life History
Diet in the eastern North Pacific is specific to the type of killer whale. The offshore ecotype appears to eat
mostly fish (Bigg 1982, Morton 1990, Heise et al. 2003, Herman et al. 2005). Few details are known
about the biology of offshore killer whales, but they commonly occur in groups of 20 to 75 individuals
(Wiles 2004).
Transient killer whales show greater variability in habitat use, with some groups spending most of their
time foraging in shallow waters close to shore while others hunt almost entirely in open water (Heimlich-
Boran 1988, Felleman et al. 1991, Baird and Dill 1995, Matkin and Saulitis 1997). Transient killer whales
feed on marine mammals and some seabirds, but apparently no fish (Morton 1990, Baird and Dill 1996,
Ford et al. 1998, Ford and Ellis 1999, Ford et al. 2005). Transient killer whales travel in small, matrilineal
groups, but they typically contain fewer than 10 animals and their social organization generally is more
flexible than in residents (Morton 1990, Ford and Ellis 1999). These differences in social organization
probably relate to differences in foraging (Baird and Whitehead 2000).
There is no information on the reproductive behavior of killer whales in this area. Among resident killer
whales in the northeastern Pacific, births occur largely from October to March, although births can occur
year-round (Olesiuk et al. 1990, Stacey and Baird 1997).
While there is a lack of data on the reproduction/breeding activities of transient killer whales, it is thought
that calving occurs year-round, but tends to peak in fall through spring. (Angliss and Outlaw 2007) There
are no known areas used by killer whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
The maximum depth recorded for free-ranging killer whales diving off British Columbia is 866 ft (264 m)
(Baird et al. 2005a). On average, however, for seven tagged individuals, less than one percent of all dives
examined were to depths greater than 98 ft (30 m). A trained killer whale dove to a maximum of 853 ft
(260 m) (Baird et al. 2003). The longest duration of a recorded dive from a radio-tagged killer whale was
17 min (DoN 2006). Details regarding the diving behavior as characterized for acoustic modeling input
are provided in Appendix D.
Killer whales produce a wide-variety of clicks and whistles, but most of this species’ social sounds are
pulsed, with frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 25 kHz (dominant frequency range: 1 to 6 kHz).
Echolocation clicks recorded for this species indicate source levels ranging from 195 to 224 dB re: 1 ìPa
@ 1 m peak-to-peak (see Table 3.8-3), dominant frequencies ranging from 20 to 60 kHz, and durations of
80 to 120 microseconds (ìsec). Source levels associated with social sounds have been calculated to range
from 131 to 168 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m and have been demonstrated to vary with vocalization type (e.g.,
whistles: average source level of 140.2 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m, variable calls: average source level of 146.6
dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m, and stereotyped calls: average source level 152.6 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m). Additionally,
killer whales modify their vocalizations depending on social context or ecological function (i.e., short-
range vocalizations [<5.4 nm {10 km} range]) are typically associated with social and resting behaviors
and long-range vocalizations [5.4 to 8.6 nm {10 to 16 km} range] associated with travel and foraging).
(DoN 2006)
Resident killer whales are very vocal, making calls during all types of behavioral states. Acoustic studies
of resident killer whales in the Pacific Northwest have found that there are dialects in their highly
stereotyped, repetitive discrete calls, which are group-specific and shared by all group members. These
dialects likely are used to maintain group identity and cohesion, and may serve as indicators of
relatedness that help in the avoidance of inbreeding between closely related whales. Dialects have been
documented in northern Norway and southern Alaskan killer whale populations and are likely to occur in
other regions as well. Residents do not need to alter their sounds (i.e., frequency or amplitude) when
hunting fishes, since most of their prey (i.e., salmonids) are not capable of hearing in this frequency range
(i.e., >20 kHz).
Transient killer whales, conversely, appear to use passive listening as a primary means of locating prey,
call less often, and frequently vocalize or use high-amplitude vocalizations only when socializing (i.e., not
hunting), trying to communicate over long distances, or after a successful attack, as a result of their prey’s
ability (i.e., primarily other marine mammal species) to hear or “eavesdrop” on their sounds. Discrete
pulsed calls were recently identified in the vocal repertoire of the AT1 transients and for transients off
southern Alaska, indicating that transients may maintain reproductive and socially isolated
subpopulations using distinct vocalizations as well. (DoN 2006)
Both behavioral and auditory brainstem response (ABR) techniques indicate killer whales can hear a
frequency range of 1 to 100 kHz and are most sensitive at 20 kHz, which is one the lowest maximum-
sensitivity frequency known among toothed whales (DoN 2006).
Other Mortality
During the 1992 killer whale surveys conducted in the Bering Sea and western GOA, 9 of 182 individual
whales in 7 of the 12 pods encountered had evidence of bullet wounds. The relationship between
wounding due to shooting and survival is unknown. There have been no obvious bullet wounds observed
on killer whales during recent surveys in the Bering Sea and western GOA. However, researchers have
reported that killer whale pods in certain areas exhibit vessel avoidance behavior, which may indicate that
shootings occur in some places. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Regulatory Status
Minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
designated as depleted under the MMPA. Because minke whales are considered common in the waters off
Alaska, the Alaska stock is not considered a strategic stock.
Habitat Preferences
Minke whales typically occupy waters over the continental shelf, including inshore bays and some
estuaries. In the eastern north Pacific, minke whales are found feeding off California and Washington
State in waters over the continental shelf. Based on whaling catches and surveys worldwide, there is also
a deep-ocean component to the minke whale’s distribution. In the western North Pacific, minke whales
occur extensively in deep waters. Most sightings of minke whales in the central-eastern Bering Sea occur
along the upper slope in waters with a bottom depth of 328 to 656 ft (100 to 200 m). Minke whales are
relatively common in the Bering and Chukchi Seas and in the inshore areas of the GOA. (DoN 2006)
Minke whales are distributed in polar, temperate, and tropical waters (Jefferson et al. 1993); they are less
common in the tropics than in cooler waters. Minke whales are present in the North Pacific from near the
equator to the Arctic. The number of sightings of minke whales in the GOA is generally sparse. The
summer range extends to the Chukchi Sea. In the winter, minke whales are found south to within 2° of the
equator. The distribution of minke whale vocalizations (specifically, “boings”) suggests that the winter
breeding grounds are the offshore tropical waters of the North Pacific Ocean. In the northern part of their
range, minke whales are believed to be migratory, although there is no obvious migration from low-
latitude, winter breeding grounds to high-latitude, summer feeding locations in the western North Pacific
as there is in the North Atlantic. However, there are some monthly changes in densities in both high and
low latitudes. Minke whales are seen in several locations year-round in the eastern north Pacific. (Angliss
and Allen 2008)
It is believed that minke whales are more abundant in the nearshore waters of the Aleutian Islands than in
the waters of the TMAA. Minke whales are known to be a migratory species; however, the patterns are
not as well-known or defined as for some other species, such as gray and humpback whales. There are no
winter sightings of this species in this area. (DoN 2006)
The number of sightings of minke whales in the GOA is generally sparse (DoN 2006). Large numbers of
minke whales were reported at Portlock Bank (in the TMAA) and Albatross bank (west of the TMAA)
during May 1976; however, subsequent NMFS surveys encountered none at those locations (Fiscus et al.
1976). Six sightings in shallow water (<656 ft [200 m]) and two in deep water (>3,281 ft [1,000 m]) were
reported in 1987. Waite (2003) reported three sightings at or inshore of the shelf break in the northern
margin of the TMAA. Two encounters totaling three individual minke whales occurred on the shelf
during the April 2009 survey although only one of these encounters (at Portlock Bank) was within the
TMAA (Rone et al. 2009.
Life History
Although minke whales are distributed in polar, temperate, and tropical waters (Jefferson et al. 1993),
there is no obvious migration from low-latitude, winter breeding grounds to high-latitude, summer
feeding locations in the western North Pacific (Horwood 1990).
Stewart and Leatherwood (1985) suggested that mating occurs in winter or early spring although it had
never been observed. There are no known areas used by minke whales for reproduction or calving in the
Diving Behavior
Details of minke whale dive behavior as characterized for acoustic modeling are provided in Appendix D.
A general surfacing pattern of minke whales consisting of about four surfacings interspersed by short-
duration dives averaging 38 sec have been recorded. After the fourth surfacing, there was a longer
duration dive ranging from approximately 2 to 6 min. Minke whales are lunge-feeding “gulpers,” like
most other rorquals. (DoN 2006)
Recordings of minke whale sounds indicate the production of both high- and low-frequency sounds
(range: 0.06 to 20 kHz, see Table 3.8-3). Minke whale sounds have a dominant frequency range of 0.06
kHz to greater than 12 kHz, depending on sound type. There are two basic forms of pulse trains: a “speed-
up” pulse train (dominant frequency range: 0.2 to 0.4 kHz) with individual pulses lasting 40 to 60
milliseconds (ms), and a less common “slow-down” pulse train (dominant frequency range: 50 to 0.35
kHz) lasting for 70 to 140 ms. Source levels for this species have been estimated to range from 151 to 175
dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m. Source levels for some minke whale sounds have been calculated to range from 150 to
165 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m. In the Southern Hemisphere a complex and stereotyped sound sequence (“star-
wars vocalization”) was recorded. This sound sequence spanned a frequency range of 50 Hz to 9.4 kHz.
Broadband source levels between 150 and 165 dB re 1 ìPa @ 1 m were calculated. “Boings” recorded in
the North Pacific have many striking similarities to the star-wars vocalization in both structure and
acoustic behavior. “Boings,” recently confirmed to be produced by minke whales and suggested to be a
breeding display, consist of a brief pulse at 1.3 kHz followed by an amplitude-modulated call with
greatest energy at 1.4 kHz, with slight frequency modulation over a duration of 2.5 sec. (DoN 2006)
While no empirical data on hearing ability for this species are available, Ketten (1997) hypothesized that
mysticetes are most adapted to hear low to infrasonic frequencies.
Regulatory Status
Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) are not listed as threatened or endangered
under the ESA or depleted under the MMPA. The North Pacific stock is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Pacific white-sided dolphins occur in temperate North Pacific waters over the outer continental shelf and
slope, and in the open ocean. In the eastern north Pacific, the species occurs from the southern Gulf of
California, north to the GOA, west to Amchitka in the Aleutian Islands, and is rarely encountered in the
southern Bering Sea. The species is commonly found on both the high seas and along the continental
margins, and animals are known to enter the inshore passes of Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington.
(Angliss and Allen 2008, DoN 2006)
Pacific white-sided dolphins occur across the central North Pacific waters to latitudes as low as (or lower
than) 38°N and northward to the Bering Sea and coastal areas of southern Alaska. Surveys suggest a
seasonal north-south movement of Pacific white-sided dolphins in the eastern north Pacific, with animals
found primarily off California during the colder water months and highest densities shifting northward
into Oregon and Washington State as water temperatures increase during late spring and summer.
(Angliss and Allen 2008; DoN 2006)
Pacific white-sided dolphins occur regularly year-round throughout the GOA. They are widely distributed
along the shelf break, continental slope, and in offshore waters. Inshore movements of Pacific white-sided
dolphins are not common, but instances have been documented in Washington State, British Columbia,
and southeast Alaska. In Alaska, peak abundance is between July and August, when Pacific white-sided
dolphins tend to congregate near the Fairweather Grounds in the southeastern GOA and Portlock Bank in
the northeast part of the TMAA. (Angliss and Allen 2008; DoN 2006)
Previous survey data did not indicate the potential for a large number of Pacific white-sided dolphins in
the vicinity of the TMAA (DoN 2006). Waite (2003), however, reported sighting two large groups (an
average group size 56) just off Kenai Peninsula. This was previously characterized as an area of rare
occurrence (relatively shallow waters) (DoN 2006). As a result of this new information, for purposes of
acoustic impact modeling Pacific white-sided dolphins are analyzed as having the second highest density
for cetaceans in the TMAA. The GOALS survey encountered Pacific white-sided dolphins only once (a
group of 60 individuals) although this was outside the TMAA inside the shelfbreak to the southeast of
Kodiak Island (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
The diet in the eastern North Pacific includes cephalopods and fish (Schwartz et al. 1992, Black 1994,
Heise 1997, Brownell et al. 1999, Morton 2000), and includes salmonids off Washington (Stroud et al.
1981). In this gregarious species, group sizes range from tens to thousands of dolphins (Leatherwood et
al. 1984). They frequently aggregate with Risso’s and northern right whale dolphins (Brownell et al.
Calving occurs from June through August (Heise 1997). There are no known areas used by pacific white-
sided dolphins for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
Pacific white-sided dolphins are provided in Appendix D. Pacific white-sided dolphins in the eastern
north Pacific feed primarily on epipelagic fishes and cephalopods. This does not appear to be a deep-
diving species. Based on feeding habits, it has been inferred that Pacific white-sided dolphins dive to at
least 120 m. The majority of foraging dives last less than 15 to 25 sec. (DoN 2006)
Vocalizations produced by Pacific white-sided dolphins include whistles and echolocation clicks.
Whistles are in the frequency range of 2 to 20 Hz. Echolocation clicks range in frequency from 50 to 80
kHz (see Table 3.8-3); the peak amplitude is 170 dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m. (DoN 2006)
Tremel et al. (1998) measured the underwater hearing sensitivity of Pacific white-sided dolphins from
0.075 kHz through 150 kHz. The greatest sensitivities were from 2 to 128 kHz, while the lowest
measurable sensitivities were 145 dB at 100 Hz and 131 dB at 140 kHz. Below 8 Hz and above 100 kHz,
this dolphin’s hearing was similar to that of other toothed whales. (DoN 2006)
Regulatory Status
Stejneger’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the
ESA or depleted under the MMPA. The Alaska stock is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Stejneger’s beaked whales (also called Bering Sea beaked whales) appear to prefer cold-temperate and
subpolar waters, although strandings have been reported as far south as Monterey, California (Reeves et
al. 2002). World-wide, beaked whales normally inhabit continental slope and deep oceanic waters (>656
ft [200 m]). In many locales, occurrence patterns have been linked to physical features, in particular, the
continental slope, canyons, and escarpments, and oceanic islands. Off Alaska, this species has been
observed in waters ranging in bottom depth from 2,395 to 5,118 ft (730 to 1,560 m) on the steep slope of
the continental shelf as it drops off into the Aleutian Basin which exceeds 11,483 ft (3,500 m) in bottom
depth. (DoN 2006)
impact modeling from Cuvier’s beaked whales as a surrogate, given that sufficient information exists for
Cuvier’s beaked whales, they are in the same taxonomic family, and the predicted density of Cuvier’s
beaked whale in GOA is higher than that of Baird’s beaked whales and therefore presumably errs on the
side of overestimation.
Stejneger’s beaked whales (also called Bering Sea beaked whales) appear to prefer cold-temperate and
subpolar waters and are found only in the North Pacific. The Alaska stock is recognized as separate from
the species off California (Angliss and Outlaw 2007). Off Alaska, this species has been observed in
waters ranging in bottom depth from 730 to 1,560 m (2,395 to 5,118 ft) on the steep slope of the
continental shelf as it drops off into the Aleutian Basin (which exceeds 3,500 m [11,482 ft] in bottom
depth) (DoN, 2006). Stejneger's beaked whales are found only in the North Pacific. The species range
from the waters off southern California, north to the Bering Sea, and south to the Sea of Japan (Reeves et
al. 2003).
Life History
Observed group sizes for beaked whales are typically small. Stejneger’s beaked whales have been
observed in groups of 5 to 15 individuals, often containing individuals of mixed sizes (Jefferson et al.
1993). Most sightings of beaked whales are brief since these whales are often difficult to approach and
they actively avoid aircraft and vessels (e.g., Würsig et al. 1998).
There is no available information on the reproduction or breeding of this species. There are no known
areas used by Stejneger’s beaked whales for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Most sightings of beaked whales are brief since these whales are often difficult to approach, and they
actively avoid aircraft and vessels. Stejneger’s beaked whale stomach contents include squids and pelagic
fish. Until recently, it was thought that all beaked whales probably feed at or close to the bottom in deep
oceanic waters, taking whatever suitable prey was encountered or was locally abundant, by suction-
feeding. However, based on recent tagging data from Cuvier’s and Blainville’s beaked whales, it is
suggested that feeding might actually occur at midwater rather than only at or near the bottom. Durations
of long dives for Mesoplodon species are over 20 min. (DoN 2006)
There is no information available for Stejneger’s beaked whale vocalizations. Sounds recorded from
beaked whales are, in general, divided into two categories: whistles and pulsed sounds (clicks), with
whistles likely serving a communicative function, and pulsed sounds being important in foraging and/or
navigation. Whistle frequencies are about 2 to 12 kHz, while pulsed sounds range in frequency from 300
Hz to 135 kHz, however, higher frequencies may not be recorded due to equipment limitations. (DoN
There is no empirical information available on the hearing abilities of Stejneger’s beaked whales. (DoN
Regulatory Status
California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The U.S. stock is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Alaska waters are north of the main breeding and feeding range located in California. California sea lions
congregate near rookery islands in California waters and typically feed over the continental shelf staying
within approximately 27 nm (50 km) of rookery islands although are occasionally sighted up to several
hundred kilometers offshore (DoN 2006). California sea lions recorded in Alaska usually are observed at
Steller sea lion rookeries and haulout sites and are present throughout the year (DoN 2006).
The primary rookeries for California sea lions are located on the California Channel Islands. California
sea lions appear to be extending their feeding range farther north and increasing numbers of sightings are
recorded in Alaskan waters (Maniscalco et al. 2004). The first recorded account of a California sea lion in
Alaska was in 1973 at Point Elrington in the northern GOA (Maniscalco et al. 2004). Since then,
California sea lions have been sighted throughout Alaska from Forrester Island in southeast Alaska to St.
Matthews Bay, Prince William Sound, and St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea. Both male and female
California sea lions have been observed as far north as the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea in recent
years (Maniscalco 2002, DoN 2006). The few California sea lions recorded in Alaska usually are
observed at Steller sea lion rookeries and haulout sites with most sightings recorded between March and
May although they may be found in the GOA throughout the year. (Maniscalco et al. 2004, DoN 2006).
Life History
Survey data from 1975 to 1978 were analyzed to describe the seasonal shifts in the offshore distribution
of California sea lions (Bonnell and Ford 1987). During summer, the highest densities were found
immediately west of San Miguel Island. During autumn, peak densities of sea lions were centered on
Santa Cruz Island. During winter and spring, peak densities occurred just north of San Clemente Island.
The seasonal changes in the center of distribution were attributed to changes in the distribution of the prey
species. If California sea lion distribution is determined primarily by prey abundance, these same areas
might not be the center of sea lion distribution every year.
The distribution and habitat use of California sea lions vary with the sex of the animals and their
reproductive phase. Adult males haul out on land to defend territories and breed from mid-to-late May
until late July. Individual males remain on territories for 27–45 days without going to sea to feed. During
August and September, after the mating season, the adult males migrate northward to feeding areas as far
away as the GOA (Lowry et al. 1991). They remain there until spring (March–May), when they migrate
back to the breeding colonies. Distribution of immature California sea lions is less well known, but some
make northward migrations that are shorter in length than the migrations of adult males (Huber 1991).
However, most immature seals are presumed to remain near the rookeries (Lowry et al. 1991). Adult
females remain near the rookeries throughout the year.
Most sea lion births occur from mid-June to mid-July (peak in late June) on the island rookeries in
California and Mexico. GOA is outside the known breeding range for California sea lion. There are no
known areas used by California sea lions for reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
California sea lions usually do not need to dive very deeply, since most of their food is found in shallow
waters, about 85 to 243 ft (26 to 74 m) deep. They can, however, dive to depths of about 900 ft (274 m).
California sea lions typically stay submerged 3 min or less; however, they can remain submerged for as
long as 10 min. (Carretta et al. 2007b)
In air, California sea lions make incessant, raucous barking sounds; these have most of their energy at less
than 2 kHz. The male barks have most of their energy at less than 1 kHz. Males vary both the number and
rhythm of their barks depending on the social context; the barks appear to control the movements and
other behavior patterns of nearby conspecifics. Females produce barks, squeals, belches, and growls in the
frequency range of 0.25 to 5 kHz, while pups make bleating sounds at 0.25 to 6 kHz (see Table 3.8-3).
California sea lions produce two types of underwater sounds: clicks (or short-duration sound pulses) and
barks. All underwater sounds have most of their energy below 4 kHz. (DoN 2006)
The range of maximal sensitivity underwater is between 1 and 28 kHz. Functional underwater high
frequency hearing limits are between 35 and 40 kHz, with peak sensitivities from 15 to 30 kHz. California
sea lions show relatively poor hearing at frequencies below 1,000 Hz. Peak sensitivities in air are shifted
to lower frequencies; the effective upper hearing limit is approximately 36 kHz. The best range of sound
detection is from 2 to 16 kHz. Older sea lions (22 to 25 years of age) show in-air and underwater hearing
losses that range from 10 dB at lower frequencies to 50 dB near the upper frequency limit. It has been
determined that hearing sensitivity generally worsens with depth—hearing thresholds were lower in
shallow water, except at the highest frequency tested (35 kHz), where this trend was reversed. (DoN
Regulatory Status
Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina richardsi) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA or
depleted under the MMPA. The U.S. stock is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Harbor seals are coastal animals that primarily occur within 11 nm (20 km) from shore (Baird 2001,
Lowery et al. 2001, Small et al. 2005). Harbor seals are considered abundant throughout most of their
range which extends from Baja California to the eastern Aleutian Islands. In Alaska, they range from the
Dixon Entrance to Kuskokwim Bay, are widely distributed along the coastal GOA (Angliss and Outlaw
2007), and are also found on offshore islands (Hoover 1988). There are over 300 coastal haulout sites for
harbor seals in the GOA (Boveng et al. 2003). Harbor seals are abundant in fjords with tidewater glaciers,
Prince William Sound, in several areas in the Kodiak Archipelago, and in major estuaries, particularly
along the north side of the Alaska Peninsula (Hoover 1988, Lowrey et al. 2001, Boveng et al. 2003).
There are haul outs along the shoreline of southeast Alaska, the south side of the Alaska Peninsula, the
Aleutian Islands, and Middleton and Montague Islands (Hoover 1988, Lowrey et al. 2001). There is none
of the harbor seal’s preferred coastal habitat within the waters of the TMAA.
The harbor seal is one of the most widespread of the pinniped species distributed from the eastern Baltic
Sea, west across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to southern Japan, along the coast and offshore islands of
Gulf of Alaska (DoN 2006). The harbor seal’s preferred coastal habitat does not extend into the waters of
the TMAA. Studies using satellite tags have documented the movements and home range of harbor seals
in the vicinity of the TMAA (Lowry et al. 2001, Small et al. 2005). Although these tagging studies have
documented harbor seal movement into deep water (beyond the shelf break) in the GOA, these
movements are the exception. With few exceptions, harbor seals will be located in shallow nearshore
areas and not at sea in the TMAA. Harbor seals, therefore, should be very rare in the small section of the
TMAA nearest Kenai Peninsula, Montague Island, and Middleton Island. No harbor seals were
encountered within the TMAA during the April 2009 GOALS survey (Rone et al. 2009).
Life History
On land, harbor seals tend to congregate in small groups of about 30 to 80 individuals, although larger
groups are found in areas where food is plentiful. In Alaska, group size at haulouts ranges from 25
animals to more than 1,000 in some areas. (DoN 2006)
Information from tagged seals has indicated movement from haulouts to sea was age dependent with 3-5
nm (5-10 km) for adults and 5-14 nm (10-25 km) for juveniles (Lowry et al. 2001). Although some harbor
seal pups made extensive movements, approximately 97% of pups were located less than 25 km from
their haulouts (Small et al. 2005).
In the Gulf of Alaska, male harbor seals attain sexual maturity around 5 to 6 years of age, while females
are usually sexually mature at 5 years. Pups are typically born from late May through June. In general, the
pupping season lasts up to 10 weeks with a two-week peak. Suckling harbor seal pups spend as much as
40% of their time in the water. The nursing period is approximately four to six weeks and after the pups
are weaned, mating, which takes place in the water, may take place shortly thereafter. In the Gulf of
Alaska, mating takes place from late June through July. Delayed implantation occurs for about 11 weeks
after mating. (Don 2006)
Diving Behavior
Harbor seals are generally shallow divers. About 50% of their diving is shallower than 40 m, and 95% is
shallower than 250 m. Dive durations are typically shorter than 10 min, with about 90% lasting less than
7 min. A tagged harbor seal in Monterey Bay dove as deep as 481 m. Harbor seal pups swim and dive
with their mothers, although they dive for short periods compared with their mothers. Recorded dive
durations for older individuals may be as long as 32 min. (DoN 2006)
Harbor seal males produce a variety of low-frequency (<4 kHz) in-air vocalizations including snorts,
grunts, and growls, while pups make individually unique calls for mother recognition (contain multiple
harmonics with main energy below 0.35 kHz). Adult males also produce several underwater sounds
during the breeding season that typically range from 0.025 to 4 kHz (duration range: 0.1 s to multiple
seconds) with individual variation in the dominant frequency range of sounds between different males.
(DoN 2006)
Harbor seals hear nearly as well in air as underwater (Kastak and Schusterman 1998). Harbor seals hear
frequencies from 1 to 180 kHz (most sensitive at frequencies below 50 kHz; above 60 kHz sensitivity
rapidly decreases) in water and from 0.25 kHz to 30 kHz in air (most sensitive from 6 to 16 kHz using
behavior and auditory brainstem response testing). (DoN 2006)
Subsistence Interactions
The MMPA restricts the hunting of harbor seals to Alaska Natives. In some areas, harbor seals are an
important part of the subsistence economy. Angliss and Allen (2008) report that based on data from
Alaska Department of Fish and Game for the years 2000 to 2004, the annual number of harbor seal taken
from the Gulf of Alaska stock is 795 animals.
Regulatory Status
Northern elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris) are not listed as threatened or endangered under the
ESA or depleted under the MMPA. The California Breeding stock is not classified as strategic.
Habitat Preferences
Breeding and molting habitats for northern elephant seals are characterized by sandy beaches, mostly on
offshore islands, but also in some mainland locations, along the coast. When on shore, seals will also use
small coves and sand dunes behind and adjacent to breeding beaches. They rarely enter the water during
the breeding season, but some seals will spend short periods in tide pools and alongshore; these are most
commonly weaned pups that are learning to swim. Feeding habitat is mostly in deep, offshore waters of
warm temperate to subpolar zones. Some seals will move into subtropical or tropical waters while
foraging. (DoN 2006)
Northern elephant seals are endemic to the North Pacific Ocean, occurring almost exclusively in the
eastern and central North Pacific. Adult males range further north into the GOA and along the Aleutian
Islands. Vagrant individuals do sometimes range to the western North Pacific. The most far-ranging
known individual appeared on Nijima Island, off the Pacific coast of Japan in 1989 demonstrating the
great distances these animals are capable of covering. (DoN 2006)
Adult males and females segregate while foraging and migrating (Stewart and DeLong 1995, Stewart
1997). Adult females mostly range east to about 173°W, between the latitudes of 40°N and 45°N
remaining far to the west of the TMAA. In contrast, adult males range further north and east into the
GOA and along the Aleutian Islands to between 47°N and 58°N (Stewart and Huber 1993, Stewart and
DeLong 1995, Le Boeuf et. al. 2000). Northern elephant seal males regularly occur in the GOA year-
round (Calkins 1986). Adults stay offshore during migration, while juveniles and subadults are often seen
along the coasts of Oregon, Washington State, and British Columbia (Condit and Le Boeuf 1984, Stewart
and Huber 1993). Females may cover over 18,000 km (11,185 mi) and males over 21,000 km (13049 mi)
during these postbreeding migrations (Stewart and DeLong 1995). There are few records of northern
elephant seals being present in southeast Alaska. (DoN 2006)
Life History
Northern elephant seals haul out on land to give birth and breed from December through March, and pups
remain hauled out through April. After spending time at sea to feed (post-breeding migration), they
generally return to the same areas to molt (Odell 1974, Stewart and Yochem 1984, Stewart and DeLong
1995). However, they do not necessarily return to the same beach. Adult males tend to haul out to molt
between June and August (peaking in July), whereas females and juveniles haul out to most between
March and May (peaking in April). Sub-adult and adult male northern elephant seals are found in the
MAA predominately in the spring and fall (Le Boeuf et al. 2000). For much of the year, northern elephant
seals feed mostly in deep, offshore waters, and their foraging range extends thousands of kilometers
offshore from the breeding range into the eastern and central North Pacific (Stewart and DeLong 1995,
Stewart 1997, Le Boeuf et al. 2000). Adult males and females segregate while foraging and migrating;
females mostly range west to about 173°W, between the latitudes of 40°N and 45°N, whereas males range
further north into the GOA and along the Aleutian Islands, to between 47°N and 58°N (Stewart and
Huber 1993, Stewart and DeLong 1995, Le Boeuf et al. 2000).
The elephant seal pupping/breeding season occurs from December through March on the rookeries in
California and Mexico. There are no known areas used by elephant seals for reproduction or calving in
the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
elephant seals are provided in Appendix D. Elephant seals are probably the deepest and longest diving
pinnipeds; few other mammals can match their abilities. Adults dive continuously, day and night, during
their feeding migrations. Elephant seals may spend as much as 90 percent of their time submerged; this
year-round pattern of continuous, long, deep dives explains why northern elephant seals are rarely seen at
sea and why their oceanic whereabouts and migrations have long been unknown. The average diving
cycle consists of a 23-min dive, followed by a 2- to 4-min surface interval. The longest known dive is 106
min. Dives average between 1,148 and 1,805 ft (350 and 550 m) in depth and can reach as deep as 5,121
ft (1,561 m; females) and 5,200 ft (1,585 m; males). (DoN 2006)
Northern elephant seals produce loud, low-frequency in-air vocalizations. The mean fundamental
frequencies are in the range of 147 to 334 Hz for adult males. The mean source level of the male
produced vocalizations during the breeding season is 110 dB re 20 ìPa. In-air calls made by aggressive
males include (1) snoring, which is a low-intensity threat; (2) a snort (0.2 to 0.6 kHz) made by a dominant
male when approached by a subdominant male; and (3) a clap threat (<2.5 kHz) which may contain
signature information at the individual level. Seismic (low frequency) vibrations accompany these in-air
vocalizations; they are produced as males move about and vocalize on sand beaches. These sounds appear
to be important social cues. The mean fundamental frequency of airborne calls for adult females is 500 to
1,000 Hz. In-air sounds produced by females include a <0.7 kHz belch roar used in aggressive situations
and a 0.5 to 1 kHz bark used to attract the pup. Pups use a <1.4 kHz call to maintain contact with the
mother. Evidence for underwater sound production by this species is scant. Except for one
unsubstantiated report, none have been definitively identified. (DoN 2006)
The audiogram of northern elephant seals indicates that this species is well-adapted for underwater
hearing; sensitivity is best between 3.2 and 45 kHz (see Table 3.8-3), with greatest sensitivity at 6.4 kHz
and an upper frequency cutoff of approximately 55 kHz. Elephant seals exhibit the greatest sensitivity to
low frequency (<1 kHz) sound among seals in which hearing has been tested. In-air hearing is generally
poor, but is best for frequencies between 3.2 and 15 kHz, with greatest sensitivity at 6.3 kHz. The upper
frequency limit in air is approximately 20 kHz. Elephant seals are relatively good at detecting tonal
signals over masking noise. (DoN 2006)
Other Interactions
Stranding databases for California, Oregon, and Washington states that are maintained by NMFS contain
the following records of human-related elephant seal mortalities and injuries in 2000-2004: (1) boat
collisions (3 mortalities), (2) power plant entrainment (1 mortality), (3) shootings (4 mortalities), and (4)
entanglement in marine debris (10 mortalities). This results in a minimum annual average of 1.6
nonfishery related mortalities for 2000-2004. (Carretta et al. 2007b)
Regulatory Status
The northern fur seal is not listed as threatened or endangered under the ESA. The Eastern Pacific stock
of northern fur seal is classified as a strategic stock because it is designated as depleted under the MMPA.
Habitat Preferences
Northern fur seals are a highly oceanic species spending all but 35 to 45 days per year at sea. They are
usually sighted 38 to 70 nm (70 to 130 km) from land along the continental shelf and slope, seamounts,
submarine canyons, and sea valleys, where there are upwellings of nutrient-rich water. The Pribilof
Islands in the Bering Sea are the rookery location for most of the worldwide population during the
summer breeding season (Angliss and Allen 2008). Following the breeding season, most females and
juveniles migrate south to waters off British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California, and most
adult males remain in the GOA (DoN 2006).
acoustic impact modeling, a density of 0.1180/km2 was derived for northern fur seals in the TMAA as
described in detail in Appendix E.
Northern fur seals occur from Southern California north to the Bering Sea and west to the Okhotsk Sea
and Honshu Island, Japan (Carretta et al., 2006). They are a coldwater species and when at sea they are
usually sighted in forage areas along the continental shelf and slope 38 to 70 nm (70 to 130 km) from land
and along the continental shelf and slope where they typically forage (Kajimura 1984). The Eastern
Pacific stock spends May–November in northern waters and at northern breeding colonies (north of the
GOA). In late November, females and young begin to arrive in offshore waters of California, with some
animals moving south into continental shelf and slope waters. Adult males from the Eastern Pacific stock
generally migrate only as far south as the GOA (Kajimura 1984). Maximum numbers are found in the
southern extent of their range in waters from 42ºN to 34ºN during February–April. By early June, most
seals of the Eastern Pacific stock have migrated back to northern waters (Antonelis and Fiscus 1980).
Peak abundance in the TMAA should occur between March and June during the annual migration north to
the Pribilof Islands breeding grounds (Fiscus et al. 1976, Consiglieri et al. 1982). Tagging data presented
by Ream et al. (2005) indicate the main foraging areas and the main migration route through the GOA are
located far to the west of the TMAA. There are no rookeries or haulout sites in the vicinity of the TMAA.
Some northern fur seals, particularly juvenile males and nonpregnant females, remain in the GOA
throughout the summer and have been documented in the nearshore waters of Southeastern Alaska, Prince
William Sound, Portlock Bank, and the middle of the GOA (Calkins 1986, Fiscus et al. 1976). (DoN
2006) The 2009 GOALS survey (Rone et al. 2009) did not encounter any northern fur seals in the TMAA
although the acoustic analysis assumes they are the second-most abundant marine mammal in the area. It
is likely, therefore, that effects from Navy activities on this species in this analysis are an overestimate.
Life History
Northern fur seals are solitary at sea but tend to congregate in food-rich areas where as many as 100
individuals have been sighted (Antonelis and Fiscus 1980, Kajimura 1984). Northern fur seals feed
opportunistically on a variety of fish and squids species throughout their range (Kajimura, 1984).
Northern fur seals are gregarious during the breeding season and maintain a complex social structure on
the rookeries. The largest rookery is on St. Paul and St. George Islands in the Pribilof Islands Archipelago
in Alaska. Smaller breeding colonies are located on the Kuril Islands, Robben Island, and the Commander
Islands in Russia; Bogoslof Island in the southeastern Bering Sea; and San Miguel and the Farallon Islands
in California (Pyle et al. 2001, Robson 2002).
Pupping and breeding occur between June and August on the Pribilof Islands (York, 1987). Pups are
weaned at around 4 months (Gentry, 1998). There are no known areas used by Northern fur seals for
reproduction or calving in the TMAA.
Diving Behavior
Details regarding the characterization of diving behavior for input into acoustic impact modeling for
northern fur seals are provided in Appendix D. Northern fur seals are solitary at sea but tend to
congregate in food-rich areas where as many as 100 individuals have been sighted. The average dive time
for northern fur seals is 2.6 min, with a maximum between 5 and 7 min. The deepest recorded dive is 679
ft (207 m), but most are between 66 and 459 ft (20 and 140 m) and are probably associated with feeding.
(DoN 2006)
Northern fur seals produce underwater clicks, and in-air bleating, barking, coughing, and roaring sounds.
Males vocalize (roar) almost continuously at rookeries. Females and pups produce airborne sounds
(bawls) to reunite after separation. The hearing ability of this species has been measured in air and
underwater by behavioral methods. (DoN 2006)
Of all the pinniped species for which hearing information is available, northern fur seals are the most
sensitive to airborne sound. In air, this species can hear sounds ranging from 0.1 to 36 kHz, with best
sensitivity from 2 to 16 kHz. There is an anomalous in-air hearing loss at around 4 or 5 kHz, which is
attributed to a middle specialization. The underwater hearing range of northern fur seals ranges from 0.5
Hz to 40 kHz (most sensitive from 2 to 32 kHz). The underwater hearing sensitivity of this species is 15
to 20 dB better than in the air. (DoN 2006)
Subsistence Interactions
Alaska Natives residing on the Pribilof Islands are allowed an annual subsistence harvest of northern fur
seals, with a take range determined from annual household surveys. Between 2001 and 2006, there was an
annual average of 667 seals harvested per year. (Angliss and Allen 2008)
Other Interactions
Mortality resulting from entanglement in marine debris has been implicated as a contributing factor in the
previous decline of Eastern Pacific stock of northern fur seal. The average entanglement rate for adult
males from 1998 to 2002 was 0.27 percent (Angliss and Allen 2008), and if that rate was sustained, the
result would be approximately 1,900 mortalities to male fur seals based on the current minimum
population estimate.
• Training personnel and watchstander to identify and locate nearby marine mammals;
• Maintaining minimum buffer zones for surface vessel approach to marine mammals;
• Maintaining minimum aircraft overflight buffer zones of critical habitat and pinniped rookeries
and haulout sites;
• Maneuvering to avoid interactions and collisions with marine species;
• Reducing mid-frequency active sonar emissions when marine mammals are in the proximity of
training activities; and
• Establishing marine mammal-free exclusion zones for activities involving at-sea explosions.
This section distinguishes between U.S. territorial seas (shoreline to 12 nm [22 km]) and nonterritorial
seas, (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) for the purposes of applying the appropriate regulation (EO 12114) to
analyze potential environmental effects.
Unlike NEPA, EO 12114 does not require a scoping process. However, the EIS and OEIS have been
combined into one document, as permitted under NEPA and EO 12114, in order to reduce duplication.
Therefore, the scoping requirements found in NEPA were implemented with respect to actions occurring
seaward of U.S. territorial seas (outside 12 nm [22 km]), and discussions regarding scoping requirements
will reference the combined GOA Draft EIS/OEIS.
Regulatory Framework
The MMPA and ESA prohibit the unauthorized harassment of marine mammals and endangered species,
and provide the regulatory processes for authorizing any such harassment that might occur incidental to
an otherwise lawful activity. These two acts also establish the context for determining potentially adverse
impacts to marine mammals from military activities.
the 1994 amendments to the MMPA, which provided two levels of harassment, Level A (potential injury)
and Level B (potential behavioral disturbance).
The National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136) amended the
definition of harassment as applied to military readiness activities or scientific research activities
conducted by or on behalf of the federal government, consistent with Section 104(c)(3) [16 U.S.C. 1374
(c)(3)]. The Fiscal Year 2004 National Defense Authorization Act adopted the definition of “military
readiness activity” as set forth in the Fiscal Year 2003 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law
107-314). Military training activities within the TMAA constitute military readiness activities as that term
is defined in Public Law 107-314 because training activities constitute “training and operations of the
Armed Forces that relate to combat” and constitute “adequate and realistic testing of military equipment,
vehicles, weapons, and sensors for proper operation and suitability for combat use.”
For military readiness activities, the relevant definition of harassment is any act that:
• Injures or has the significant potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild (“Level A harassment”).
• Disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of natural behavioral patterns including, but not limited to, migration, surfacing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering to a point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned
or significantly altered (“Level B harassment”) [16 U.S.C. 1362 (18)(B)(i)(ii)].
Section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA directs the Secretary of the Department of Commerce to allow, upon
request, the incidental (but not intentional) taking of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (exclusive of commercial fishing), if certain findings are made and regulations are
issued. Permission will be granted by the Secretary for the incidental take of marine mammals if the
taking will have a negligible impact on the species or stock and will not have an unmitigable adverse
impact on the availability of such species or stock for taking for subsistence uses.
In support of the Proposed Action for the Preferred Alternative, the Navy is requesting a Letter of
Authorization (LOA) pursuant to Section 101(a)(5)(A) of the MMPA. After the application is reviewed
by NMFS, a Notice of Receipt of Application will be published in the Federal Register. Publication of the
Notice of Receipt of Application will initiate the 30-day public comment period, during which time
anyone can obtain a copy of the application by contacting NMFS. In addition, the MMPA requires NMFS
to develop regulations governing the issuance of an LOA and to publish these regulations in the Federal
Register. Specifically, the regulations for each allowed activity establish (1) permissible methods of
taking, and other means of affecting the least practicable adverse impact on such species or stock and its
habitat, and on the availability of such species or stock for subsistence, and (2) requirements for
monitoring and reporting of such taking. For military readiness activities (as described in the National
Defense Authorization Act), a determination of “least practicable adverse impacts” on a species or stock
that includes consideration, in consultation with the Department of Defense (DoD), of personnel safety,
practicality of implementation, and impact on the effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
Several species of marine mammals occur in the TMAA. Accordingly, the Navy has initiated the MMPA
compliance process with NMFS, by submission of a request for a LOA.
range. The USFWS and NMFS jointly administer the ESA and are also responsible for the listing of
species (designating a species as either threatened or endangered). The USFWS has primary management
responsibility for management of terrestrial and freshwater species, while NMFS has primary
responsibility for marine species and anadromous fish species (species that migrate from saltwater to
freshwater to spawn). The ESA allows the designation of geographic areas as critical habitat for
threatened or endangered species.
The ESA requires federal agencies to conserve listed species and consult with the USFWS and/or NMFS
to ensure that proposed actions that may affect listed species or critical habitat are consistent with the
requirements of the ESA. The ESA specifically requires agencies not to “take” or “jeopardize” the
continued existence of any endangered or threatened species, or to destroy or adversely modify habitat
critical to any endangered or threatened species. Under Section 9 of the ESA, “take” means to harass,
harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect. Under Section 7 of the ESA, “jeopardize”
means to engage in any action that would be expected to reduce appreciably the likelihood of the survival
and recovery of a listed species by reducing its reproduction, numbers, or distribution.
Regulations implementing the ESA expand the consultation requirement to include those actions that
“may affect” a listed species or adversely modify critical habitat. If an agency’s proposed action would
take a listed species, the agency must obtain an incidental take statement from the responsible wildlife
agency. Consultation is complete once NMFS prepares a final Biological Opinion and issues an incidental
take statement.
Seven marine mammal species that are listed as endangered under the ESA could potentially occur in the
TMAA. Critical habitat for Northern Pacific right whales and Steller sea lions has been designated under
the ESA, however, these areas are outside the action area of the TMAA. Accordingly, the Navy has
initiated the ESA Section 7 consultation process with NMFS.
Data Sources
A comprehensive and systematic review of relevant literature and data was conducted to complete this
analysis. Of the available scientific and technical literature (both published and unpublished), the
following types of documents were utilized: journals, books, periodicals, bulletins, DoD operations
reports, theses, dissertations, endangered species recovery plans, species management plans, stock
assessment reports, environmental impact statements, range complex management plans, and other
technical reports published by government agencies, private businesses, or consulting firms. Scientific
and technical literature was also consulted during the search for geographic location data (geographic
coordinates) on the occurrence of marine resources within the GOA.
Information was collected from the following sources to summarize the occurrence of and to evaluate the
impacts to marine mammal species in the Study Area:
• Marine Resource Assessment (MRA) for the TMAA and marine mammal density estimates for
the GOA;
• On-line databases: Ingenta, Web of Science; Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, Science
Direct, Synergy, BIOSIS previews;
• The Internet, including various databases and related websites: National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-Coastal Services Center, NMFS, Ocean Biogeographic
Information System, U.S. Geological Survey, WhaleNet, Blackwell-Science, FishBase, Food and
Agriculture Organization, Federal Register, Pacific and North Pacific Fishery Management
• Federal and state agencies: the DoN, Pacific Fishery Management Council, NMFS Highly
Migratory Species Division, NMFS Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NMFS Southwest
Fisheries Science Center, NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NMFS Northwest Regional
Office, NMFS Office of Habitat Protection, NMFS Office of Protected Resources, NOAA:
Marine Managed Areas Inventory, USFWS Ecological Services Field Offices, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Geological Survey: Sirenia Project, Bureau of Land
Management, Minerals Management Service, California Department of Fish and Game, Oregon
Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; and
• Marine resource experts and specialists.
General Approach to Analysis
Each alternative analyzed in this Draft EIS/OEIS includes several warfare areas (for example, Anti-
Surface Warfare [ASUW] and Anti-Submarine Warfare [ASW]). Most warfare areas include multiple
types of training activities (for example, ASW Tracking Exercise [TRACKEX]). Likewise, many
activities (for example, vessel movements, aircraft overflights, and weapons firing) are common to many
training scenarios. Accordingly, the analysis of the consequences to marine mammals is organized by
specific activity and/or stressors associated with that activity, rather than warfare area.
The following general steps were used to analyze the potential environmental consequences of the
alternatives to marine mammals:
• Identify those aspects of the Proposed Action that are likely to act as stressors to marine
mammals by having a direct or indirect effect on the physical, chemical, and biotic environment.
As part of this step, the spatial extent of these stressors, including changes in that spatial extent
over time, were identified. The results of this step identified those aspects of the Proposed Action
that required detailed analysis in this Draft EIS/OEIS.
• Identify marine mammal resources that may occur in the action area.
• Identify the marine mammal resources that are likely to co-occur with the stressors in space and
time, and the nature of that co-occurrence (exposure analysis).
• Determine whether and how marine mammals are likely to respond given their exposure to the
proposed activities based on available scientific knowledge of their probable responses.
• Estimate the effectiveness of proposed mitigation measures in avoiding, offsetting, and reducing
the intensity of any potential adverse impacts to marine mammals.
• Determine implications of the estimated risks under the ESA and MMPA.
Warfare Areas and Associated Environmental Stressors
Navy subject matter experts, in consultation with NMFS, identified the warfare areas and activities
included in the Proposed Action to identify specific activities that could act as stressors to marine
mammals. Public and agency scoping comments, previous environmental analyses, previous agency
consultations, laws, regulations, executive orders, and resource-specific information were also evaluated.
This process was used to organize the information presented and analyzed in the affected environment
and environmental consequences sections of this Draft EIS/OEIS. Potential stressors and the type of
effect to marine mammals include:
• Vessel movements;
• Aircraft overflights;
• Non-explosive practice ordnance;
Assessing whether a sound may disturb or injure a marine mammal involves understanding the
characteristics of the acoustic sources, the marine mammals that may be present in the vicinity of the
sound, and the effects that sound may have on the physiology and behavior of those marine mammals.
Although it is known that sound is important for marine mammal communication, navigation and
foraging (NRC 2003, NRC 2005), there are many unknowns in assessing the effects and significance of
marine mammals responses to sound exposures related to the context for the exposure and the disposition
of the marine mammal (Southall et al. 2007). For this reason, the Navy enlisted the expertise of NMFS as
a cooperating agency. Their input assisted the Navy in developing a conceptual analytical framework for
evaluating what sound levels marine mammals might receive as a result of Navy training actions, whether
marine mammals might respond to these exposures, and whether that response might have a mode of
action on the biology or ecology of marine mammals such that the response should be considered a
potential harassment. From this framework of evaluating the potential for harassment incidents to occur,
an assessment of whether acoustic sources might impact populations, stocks or species of marine
mammals can be conducted.
The flow chart in Figure 3.8-3 is a representation of the general analytical framework utilized in applying
the specific thresholds discussed in this section. The framework presented in the flow chart is organized
from left to right and is compartmentalized according to the phenomena that occur within each. These
include the physics of sound propagation (Physics), the potential physiological processes associated with
sound exposure (Physiology), the potential behavioral processes that might be affected as a function of
sound exposure (Behavior), and the immediate effects these changes may have on functions the animal is
engaged in at the time of exposure (Life Function – Proximate). These compartmentalized effects are
extended to longer term life functions (Life Function – Ultimate) and into population and species effects
(“life functions” are the basic processes organisms undergo to survive and reproduce such as feeding and
Throughout the flow chart, dotted and solid lines are used to connect related events. Solid lines designate
those effects that “will” happen; dotted lines designate those that “might” happen but must be considered
(including those hypothesized to occur but for which there is no direct evidence).
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Figure 3.8-3: Analytical Framework for Evaluating Sonar Effects to Marine Mammals
Some boxes contained within the flow chart are colored according to how they relate to the definitions of
harassment in the MMPA. Red boxes correspond to events that are injurious. By prior ruling and usage,
these events would be considered as Level A harassment under the MMPA. Yellow boxes correspond to
events that have the potential to qualify as Level B harassment under the MMPA. Based on prior ruling,
the specific instance of Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) is considered as part of Level B harassment
(Level B harassment includes TTS, non-TTS, and sub-TTS). Boxes that are shaded from red to yellow
have the potential for injury (Level A harassment) and behavioral disturbance (Level B harassment).
The analytical framework outlined within the flow chart acknowledges that physiological responses must
always precede behavioral responses (i.e., there can be no behavioral response without first some
physiological effect of the sound) and an organization where each functional block only occurs once and
all relevant inputs/outputs flow to/from a single instance.
Starting with a sound source, the attenuation of an emitted sound due to propagation loss is determined.
Uniform animal distribution is overlaid onto the calculated sound fields to assess if animals are physically
present at sufficient received sound levels to be considered “exposed” to the sound. If the animal is
determined to be exposed, two possible scenarios must be considered with respect to the animal’s
physiology – effects on the auditory system and effects on nonauditory system tissues. These are not
independent pathways and both must be considered since the same sound could affect both auditory and
nonauditory tissues. Note that the model does not account for any animal response; rather the animals are
considered stationary, accumulating energy until the threshold is tripped.
Potential impacts to the auditory system are assessed by considering the characteristics of the received
sound (e.g., amplitude, frequency, duration) and the sensitivity of the exposed animals. Some of these
assessments can be numerically based (e.g., TTS, Permanent Threshold Shift [PTS], perception). Others
will be necessarily qualitative, due to lack of information, or will need to be extrapolated from other
species for which information exists. Potential physiological responses to the sound exposure are ranked
in descending order, with the most severe impact (auditory trauma) occurring at the top and the least
severe impact occurring at the bottom (the sound is not perceived).
1. Auditory trauma represents direct mechanical injury to hearing related structures, including tympanic
membrane rupture, disarticulation of the middle ear ossicles, and trauma to the inner ear structures
such as the organ of Corti and the associated hair cells. Auditory trauma is always injurious but could
be temporary and not result in PTS. Auditory trauma is always assumed to result in a stress response.
2. Auditory fatigue refers to a loss of hearing sensitivity after sound stimulation. The loss of sensitivity
persists after, sometimes long after, the cessation of the sound. The mechanisms responsible for
auditory fatigue differ from auditory trauma and would primarily consist of metabolic exhaustion of
the hair cells and cochlear tissues. The features of the exposure (e.g., amplitude, frequency, duration,
temporal pattern) and the individual animal’s susceptibility would determine the severity of fatigue
and whether the effects were temporary (TTS) or permanent (PTS). Auditory fatigue (PTS or TTS) is
always assumed to result in a stress response.
3. Sounds with sufficient amplitude and duration to be detected among the background ambient noise are
considered to be perceived. This category includes sounds from the threshold of audibility through the
normal dynamic range of hearing (i.e., not capable of producing fatigue). To determine whether an
animal perceives the sound, the received level, frequency, and duration of the sound are compared to
what is known of the species’ hearing sensitivity.
Since audible sounds may interfere with an animal’s ability to detect other sounds at the same time,
perceived sounds have the potential to result in auditory masking. Unlike auditory fatigue, which always
results in a stress response because the sensory tissues are being stimulated beyond their normal
physiological range, masking may or may not result in a stress response, depending on the degree and
duration of the masking effect. Masking may also result in a unique circumstance where an animal’s
ability to detect other sounds is compromised without the animal’s knowledge. This could conceivably
result in sensory impairment and subsequent behavior change; in this case, the change in behavior is the
lack of a response that would normally be made if sensory impairment did not occur. For this reason,
masking also may lead directly to behavior change without first causing a stress response.
The features of perceived sound (e.g., amplitude, duration, temporal pattern) are also used to judge
whether the sound exposure is capable of producing a stress response. Factors to consider in this decision
include the probability of the animal being naïve or experienced with the sound (i.e., what are the
known/unknown consequences of the exposure).
The received level is not of sufficient amplitude, frequency, and duration to be perceptible by the animal.
By extension, this does not result in a stress response (not perceived).
Potential impacts to tissues other than those related to the auditory system are assessed by considering the
characteristics of the sound (e.g., amplitude, frequency, duration) and the known or estimated response
characteristics of nonauditory tissues. Some of these assessments can be numerically based (e.g.,
exposure required for rectified diffusion). Others will be necessarily qualitative, due to lack of
information. Each of the potential responses may or may not result in a stress response.
1. Direct tissue effects – Direct tissue responses to sound stimulation may range from tissue shearing
(injury) to mechanical vibration with no resulting injury. Any tissue injury would produce a stress
response, whereas noninjurious stimulation may or may not.
2. Indirect tissue effects – Based on the amplitude, frequency, and duration of the sound, it must be
assessed whether exposure is sufficient to indirectly affect tissues. For example, the hypothesis that
rectified diffusion occurs is based on the idea that bubbles that naturally exist in biological tissues can
be stimulated to grow by an acoustic field. Under this hypothesis, one of three things could happen:
(1) bubbles grow to the extent that tissue hemorrhage occurs (injury); (2) bubbles develop to the extent
that a complement immune response is triggered or nervous tissue is subjected to enough localized
pressure that pain or dysfunction occurs (a stress response without injury); or (3) the bubbles are
cleared by the lung without negative consequence to the animal. The probability of rectified diffusion,
or any other indirect tissue effect, will necessarily be based on what is known about the specific
process involved.
3. No tissue effects – The received sound is insufficient to cause either direct mechanical) or indirect
effects to tissues. No stress response occurs.
The presence and magnitude of a stress response in an animal depends on a number of factors. These
include the animal’s life history stage (e.g., neonate, juvenile, adult), the environmental conditions,
reproductive or developmental state, and experience with the stressor.
Not only will these factors be subject to individual variation, but they will also vary within an individual
over time. Prior experience with a stressor may be of particular importance as repeated experience with a
stressor may dull the stress response via acclimation (St. Aubin and Dierauf 2001). In considering
potential stress responses of marine mammals to acoustic stressors, each of these should be considered.
For example, is the acoustic stressor in an area where animals engage in breeding activity? Are animals in
the region resident and likely to have experience with the stressor (i.e., repeated exposures)? Is the region
a foraging ground or are the animals passing through as transients? What is the ratio of young (naïve) to
old (experienced) animals in the population? It is unlikely that all such questions can be answered from
empirical data; however, they should be addressed in any qualitative assessment of a potential stress
response as based on the available literature.
Marine mammals naturally experience stressors within their environment and as part of their life histories.
Changing weather and ocean conditions, exposure to diseases and naturally occurring toxins, lack of prey
availability, social interactions with conspecifics, and interactions with predators all contribute to the
stress a marine mammal experiences. In some cases, naturally occurring stressors can have profound
impacts on marine mammals; for example, chronic stress, as observed in stranded animals with long-term
debilitating conditions (e.g., disease), has been demonstrated to result in an increased size of the adrenal
glands and an increase in the number of epinephrine-producing cells (Clark et al. 2006). Anthropogenic
activities have the potential to provide additional stressors above and beyond those that occur naturally.
Potential stressors resulting from anthropogenic activities must be considered not only as to their direct
impact on the animal but also as to their cumulative impact with environmental stressors already
experienced by the animal.
Studies on the stress response of odontocete cetaceans to acute acoustic stimuli were previously discussed
Thomas et al. 1990, Miksis et al. 2001, Romano et al. 2004). Other types of stressors include the presence
of vessels, fishery interactions, acts of pursuit and capture, the act of stranding, and pollution. In contrast
to the limited amount of work performed on stress responses resulting from sound exposure, a
considerably larger body of work exists on stress responses associated with pursuit, capture, handling and
stranding. Pursuit, capture and short-term holding of belugas has been observed to result in a decrease in
thyroid hormones (St. Aubin and Geraci 1988) and increases in epinephrine (St. Aubin and Dierauf 2001).
In dolphins, the trend is more complicated with the duration of the handling time potentially contributing
to the magnitude of the stress response (St. Aubin et al. 1996, Ortiz and Worthy 2000, St. Aubin 2002).
Elephant seals demonstrate an acute cortisol response to handling, but do not demonstrate a chronic
response; on the contrary, adult females demonstrate a reduction in the adrenocortical response following
repetitive chemical immobilization (Engelhard et al. 2002). With respect to anthropogenic sound as a
stressor, the current limited body of knowledge will require extrapolation from species for which
information exists to those for which no information exists.
The stress response may or may not result in a behavioral change, depending on the characteristics of the
exposed animal. However, provided a stress response occurs, we assume that some contribution is made
to the animal’s allostatic load. Allostasis is the ability of an animal to maintain stability through change
by adjusting its physiology in response to both predictable and unpredictable events (McEwen and
Wingfield 2003). The same hormones associated with the stress response vary naturally throughout an
animal’s life, providing support for particular life history events (e.g., pregnancy) and predictable
environmental conditions (e.g., seasonal changes). The allostatic load is the cumulative cost of allostasis
incurred by an animal and is generally characterized with respect to an animal’s energetic expenditure.
Perturbations to an animal that may occur with the presence of a stressor, either biological (e.g., predator)
or anthropogenic (e.g., construction), can contribute to the allostatic load (McEwen and Wingfield 2003).
Additional costs are cumulative and additions to the allostatic load over time may contribute to reductions
in the probability of achieving ultimate life history functions (e.g., survival, maturation, reproductive
effort and success) by producing pathophysiological states. The contribution to the allostatic load from a
stressor requires estimating the magnitude and duration of the stress response, as well as any secondary
contributions that might result from a change in behavior.
If the acoustic source does not produce tissue effects, is not perceived by the animal, or does not produce
a stress response by any other means, Figure 3.8-3 assumes that the exposure does not contribute to the
allostatic load. Additionally, without a stress response or auditory masking, it is assumed that there can be
no behavioral change. Conversely, any immediate effect of exposure that produces an injury (i.e., red
boxes on the flow chart in Figure 3.8-3) is assumed to also produce a stress response and contribute to the
allostatic load.
Acute stress responses may or may not cause a behavioral reaction. However, all changes in behavior are
expected to result from an acute stress response. This expectation is based on the idea that some sort of
physiological trigger must exist to change any behavior that is already being performed. The exception to
this rule is the case of masking. The presence of a masking sound may not produce a stress response, but
may interfere with the animal’s ability to detect and discriminate biologically relevant signals. The
inability to detect and discriminate biologically relevant signals hinders the potential for normal
behavioral responses to auditory cues and is thus considered a behavioral change.
Numerous behavioral changes can occur as a result of stress response, and Figure 3.8-3 lists only those
that might be considered the most common types of response for a marine animal. For each potential
behavioral change, the magnitude in the change and the severity of the response needs to be estimated.
Certain conditions, such as stampeding (i.e., flight response) or a response to a predator, might have a
probability of resulting in injury. For example, a flight response, if significant enough, could produce a
stranding event. Under the MMPA, such an event would be considered a MMPA Level A harassment.
Each altered behavior may also have the potential to disrupt biologically significant events (e.g., breeding
or nursing) and may need to be qualified as MMPA Level B harassment. Exposures to sonar resulting in
non-TTS behavioral disturbance and exposure to at-sea explosions resulting in sub-TTS behavioral
disturbance are quantified as MMPA Level B harassment. All behavioral disruptions have the potential to
contribute to the allostatic load. This secondary potential is signified by the feedback from the collective
behaviors to allostatic loading (physiology block).
The response of a marine mammal to an anthropogenic sound source will depend on the frequency
content, duration, temporal pattern and amplitude of the sound as well as the animal’s prior experience
with the sound and the context in which the sound is encountered (i.e., what the animal is doing at the
time of the exposure). The direction of the responses can vary, with some changes resulting in either
increases or decreases from baseline (e.g., decreased dive times and increased respiration rate). Responses
can also overlap; for example, an increased respiration rate is likely to be coupled to a flight response.
Differential responses between and within species are expected since hearing ranges vary across species
and the behavioral ecology of individual species is unlikely to completely overlap.
A review of marine mammal responses to anthropogenic sound was first conducted by Richardson and
others in 1995. A more recent review (Nowacek et al. 2007) addresses studies conducted since 1995 and
focuses on observations where the received sound level of the exposed marine mammal(s) was known or
could be estimated. The following sections provide a very brief overview of the state of knowledge of
behavioral responses. The overviews focus on studies conducted since 2000 but are not meant to be
comprehensive; rather, they provide an idea of the variability in behavioral responses that would be
expected given the differential sensitivities of marine mammal species to sound and the wide range of
potential acoustic sources to which a marine mammal may be exposed. Estimates of the types of
behavioral responses that could occur for a given sound exposure should be determined from the literature
that is available for each species, or extrapolated from closely related species when no information exists.
Flight Response
A flight response is a dramatic change in normal movement to a directed and rapid movement away from
the perceived location of a sound source. Relatively little information on flight responses of marine
mammals to anthropogenic signals exists, although observations of flight responses to the presence of
predators have occurred (Connor and Heithaus 1996). Flight responses have been speculated as being a
component of marine mammal strandings associated with sonar activities (Evans and England 2001).
Response to Predators
Evidence suggests that at least some marine mammals have the ability to acoustically identify potential
predators. For example, harbor seals that reside in the coastal waters off British Columbia are frequently
targeted by certain groups of killer whales, but not others. The seals discriminate between the calls of
threatening and non-threatening killer whales (Deecke et al. 2002), a capability that should increase
survivorship while reducing the energy required for attending to and responding to all killer whale calls.
The occurrence of masking or hearing impairment provides a means by which marine mammals may be
prevented from responding to the acoustic cues produced by their predators. Whether or not this is a
possibility depends on the duration of the masking/hearing impairment and the likelihood of encountering
a predator during the time that predator cues are impeded.
Changes in dive behavior can vary widely. They may consist of increased or decreased dive times and
surface intervals as well as changes in the rates of ascent and descent during a dive. Variations in dive
behavior may reflect interruptions in biologically significant activities (e.g., foraging) or they may be of
little biological significance. Variations in dive behavior may also expose an animal to potentially
harmful conditions (e.g., increasing the chance of ship-strike) or may serve as an avoidance response that
enhances survivorship. The impact of a variation in diving resulting from an acoustic exposure depends
on what the animal is doing at the time of the exposure and the type and magnitude of the response.
Nowacek et al. (2004) reported disruptions of dive behaviors in foraging North Atlantic right whales
when exposed to an alerting stimulus, an action, they noted, that could lead to an increased likelihood of
ship strike. However, the whales did not respond to playbacks of either right whale social sounds or
vessel noise, highlighting the importance of the sound characteristics in producing a behavioral reaction.
Conversely, Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins have been observed to dive for longer periods of time in
areas where vessels were present and/or approaching (Ng and Leung 2003). In both of these studies, the
influence of the sound exposure cannot be decoupled from the physical presence of a surface vessel, thus
complicating interpretations of the relative contribution of each stimulus to the response. Indeed, the
presence of surface vessels, their approach and speed of approach, seemed to be significant factors in the
response of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Ng and Leung 2003). Low frequency signals of the
Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) sound source were not found to affect dive times of
humpback whales in Hawaiian waters (Frankel and Clark 2000) or to overtly affect elephant seal dives
(Costa et al. 2003). They did, however, produce subtle effects that varied in direction and degree among
the individual seals, illustrating the equivocal nature of behavioral effects and consequent difficulty in
defining and predicting them.
Due to past incidents of beaked whale strandings associated with sonar operations, feedback paths are
provided between avoidance and diving and indirect tissue effects. This feedback accounts for the
hypothesis that variations in diving behavior and/or avoidance responses can possibly result in nitrogen
tissue supersaturation and nitrogen off-gassing, possibly to the point of deleterious vascular bubble
formation (Jepson et al. 2003). Although hypothetical, the potential process is being debated within the
scientific community.
Disruption of feeding behavior can be difficult to correlate with anthropogenic sound exposure, so it is
usually inferred by observed displacement from known foraging areas, the appearance of secondary
indicators (e.g., bubble nets or sediment plumes), or changes in dive behavior. Noise from seismic
surveys was not found to impact the feeding behavior in western gray whales off the coast of Russia
(Yazvenko et al. 2007) and sperm whales engaged in foraging dives did not abandon dives when exposed
to distant signatures of seismic airguns (Madsen et al. 2006). Balaenopterid whales exposed to moderate
low-frequency signals similar to the ATOC sound source demonstrated no variation in foraging activity
(Croll et al. 2001), whereas five out of six North Atlantic right whales exposed to an acoustic alarm
interrupted their foraging dives (Nowacek et al. 2004). Although the received sound pressure level at the
animals was similar in the latter two studies, the frequency, duration, and temporal pattern of signal
presentation were different. These factors, as well as differences in species sensitivity, are likely
contributing factors to the differential response. A determination of whether foraging disruptions incur
fitness consequences will require information on or estimates of the energetic requirements of the
individuals and the relationship between prey availability, foraging effort and success, and the life history
stage of the animal.
Variations in respiration naturally vary with different behaviors and variations in respiration rate as a
function of acoustic exposure can be expected to co-occur with other behavioral reactions, such as a flight
response or an alteration in diving. However, respiration rates in and of themselves may be representative
of annoyance or an acute stress response. Mean exhalation rates of gray whales at rest and while diving
were found to be unaffected by seismic surveys conducted adjacent to the whale feeding grounds (Gailey
et al. 2007). Studies with captive harbor porpoises showed increased respiration rates upon introduction of
acoustic alarms (Kastelein et al. 2000, Kastelein et al. 2006a) and emissions for underwater data
transmission (Kastelein et al. 2005). However, exposure of the same acoustic alarm to a striped dolphin
under the same conditions did not elicit a response (Kastelein et al. 2006a), again highlighting the
importance in understanding species differences in the tolerance of underwater noise when determining
the potential for impacts resulting from anthropogenic sound exposure.
Social relationships
Social interactions between mammals can be affected by noise via the disruption of communication
signals or by the displacement of individuals. Disruption of social relationships therefore depends on the
disruption of other behaviors (e.g., caused avoidance, masking, etc.) and no specific overview is provided
here. However, social disruptions must be considered in context of the relationships that are affected.
Long-term disruptions of mother/calf pairs or mating displays have the potential to affect the growth and
survival or reproductive effort/success of individuals, respectively.
Vocal changes in response to anthropogenic noise can occur across the repertoire of sound production
modes used by marine mammals, such as whistling, echolocation click production, calling, and singing.
Changes may result in response to a need to compete with an increase in background noise or may reflect
an increased vigilance or startle response. For example, in the presence of low-frequency active sonar,
humpback whales have been observed to increase the length of their ”songs” (Miller et al. 2000, Fristrup
et al. 2003), possibly due to the overlap in frequencies between the whale song and the low-frequency
active sonar. A similar compensatory effect for the presence of low frequency vessel noise has been
suggested for right whales; right whales have been observed to shift the frequency content of their calls
upward while reducing the rate of calling in areas of increased anthropogenic noise (Parks et al. 2007).
Killer whales off the northwestern coast of the United States have been observed to increase the duration
of primary calls once a threshold in observing vessel density (e.g., whale watching) was reached, which
has been suggested as a response to increased masking noise produced by the vessels (Foote et al. 2004).
In contrast, both sperm and pilot whales potentially ceased sound production during the Heard Island
feasibility test (Bowles et al. 1994), although it cannot be absolutely determined whether the inability to
acoustically detect the animals was due to the cessation of sound production or the displacement of
animals from the area.
Avoidance is the displacement of an individual from an area as a result of the presence of a sound. It is
qualitatively different from the flight response in its magnitude (i.e., directed movement, rate of travel,
etc.). Oftentimes avoidance is temporary, and animals return to the area once the noise has ceased. Longer
term displacement is possible, however, which can lead to changes in abundance or distribution patterns
of the species in the affected region if they do not become acclimated to the presence of the sound
(Blackwell et al. 2004, Bejder et al. 2006, Teilmann et al. 2006). Acute avoidance responses have been
observed in captive porpoises and pinnipeds exposed to a number of different sound sources (Kastelein et
al. 2000, Finneran et al. 2003, Kastelein et al. 2006a, Kastelein et al. 2006b). Short term avoidance of
seismic surveys, low frequency emissions, and acoustic deterrents has also been noted in wild populations
of odontocetes (Bowles et al. 1994; Goold 1996, 1998; Stone et al. 2000; Morton and Symonds 2002) and
to some extent in mysticetes (Gailey et al. 2007), while longer term or repetitive/chronic displacement for
some dolphin groups and for manatees has been suggested to be due to the presence of chronic vessel
noise (Haviland-Howell et al. 2007, Miksis-Olds et al. 2007).
A shift in an animal’s resting state or an attentional change via an orienting response represent behaviors
that would be considered mild disruptions if occurring alone, and thus are placed at the bottom of the
framework behavior list. As previously mentioned, the responses may co-occur with other behaviors; for
instance, an animal may initially orient toward a sound source, and then move away from it. Thus, any
orienting response should be considered in context of other reactions that may occur.
Life Functions
Proximate Life Functions
Proximate life history functions are the functions that the animal is engaged in at the time of acoustic
exposure. The disruption of these functions, and the magnitude of the disruption, is something that must
be considered in determining how the ultimate life history functions are affected. Consideration of the
magnitude of the effect to each of the proximate life history functions is dependent upon the life stage of
the animal. For example, an animal on a breeding ground which is sexually immature will suffer
relatively little consequence to disruption of breeding behavior when compared to an actively displaying
adult of prime reproductive age.
level use of sonar by a vessel transiting through an area that is utilized for foraging, but not for breeding,
may disrupt feeding by exposed animals for a brief period of time. Because of the brevity of the
perturbation, the impact to ultimate life functions may be negligible. By contrast, weekly training over a
period of years may have a more substantial impact because the stressor is chronic. Assessment of the
magnitude of the stress response from the chronic perturbation would require an understanding of how
and whether animals acclimate to a specific, repeated stressor and whether chronic elevations in the stress
response (e.g., cortisol levels) produce fitness deficits.
The proximate life functions are loosely ordered in decreasing severity of impact. Mortality (survival) has
an immediate effect, in that no future reproductive success is feasible and there is no further addition to
the population resulting from reproduction. Severe injuries may also lead to reduced survivorship
(longevity) and prolonged alterations in behavior. The latter may further affect an animal’s overall
reproductive success and reproductive effort. Disruptions of breeding have an immediate impact on
reproductive effort and may impact reproductive success. The magnitude of the effect will depend on the
duration of the disruption and the type of behavior change that was provoked. Disruptions to feeding and
migration can affect all of the ultimate life functions; however, the impacts to reproductive effort and
success are not likely to be as severe or immediate as those incurred by mortality and breeding
disruptions. Taking into account these considerations, it was determined if there were population and
species effects.
Regulatory Framework
The MMPA prohibits the unauthorized harassment of marine mammals and provides the regulatory
processes for authorization for any such incidental harassment that might occur during an otherwise
lawful activity.
The model for estimating potential acoustic effects from ASW training activities on cetacean species
makes use of the methodology that was developed in cooperation with the NOAA for the Navy’s Draft
EIS/OEIS (DoN 2005). Via response comment letter to Undersea Warfare Training Range (USWTR)
received from NMFS dated January 30, 2006, NMFS concurred with the use of Energy Flux Density
Level (EL) for the determination of physiological effects to marine mammals. Therefore, this
methodology is used to estimate the annual exposure of marine mammals that may be considered MMPA
Level A harassment or MMPA Level B harassment as a result of temporary, recoverable physiological
In addition, the approach for estimating potential effects from training activities on marine mammal
makes use of the comments received and documents associated with previous Navy NEPA documents
analyzing Navy training activities (DoN 2008). As a result of these analyses and in consultation with
NMFS, this analysis uses a risk function approach to evaluate the potential for non-TTS MMPA Level B
harassment from behavioral effects. The risk function is further explained in Section
A number of Navy actions and NOAA rulings have helped to qualify possible events deemed as
“harassment” under the MMPA (e.g. DoN 2008). As stated previously, “harassment” under the MMPA
includes both potential injury (Level A), and disruptions of natural behavioral patterns to a point where
they are abandoned or significantly altered (Level B). NMFS also includes mortality as a possible
outcome to consider in addition to MMPA Level A and MMPA Level B harassment. The acoustic effects
analysis and exposure calculations are based on the following premises:
Harassment that may result from Navy training activities described in this Draft EIS/OEIS is
unintentional and incidental to those activities.
The acoustic effects analysis is based on primary exposures only. Secondary, or indirect, effects, such as
susceptibility to predation following injury and injury resulting from disrupted behavior, while possible,
can only be reliably predicted in circumstances where the responses have been well documented.
Consideration of secondary effects would result in much MMPA Level A harassment being considered
MMPA Level B harassment, and vice versa, since much injury (Level A harassment) has the potential to
disrupt behavior (Level B harassment), and much temporary physiological or behavioral disruption (Level
B) could be conjectured to have the potential for injury (Level A). Consideration of secondary effects
would lead to circular definitions of harassment. However, consistent with prior ruling (NOAA 2001,
2006b), this analysis assumes that MMPA Level A and MMPA Level B do not overlap so as to preclude
circular definitions of harassment.
The biological framework proposed here is structured according to potential physiological and behavioral
effects resulting from sound exposure. The range of effects may then be assessed to determine which
qualify as injury or behavioral disturbance under MMPA regulations Physiology and behavior are chosen
over other biological traits because:
• They are consistent with regulatory statements defining harassment by injury and harassment by
• They are components of other biological traits that may be relevant.
• They are a more sensitive and immediate indicator of effect.
For example, ecology is not used as the basis of the framework because the ecology of an animal is
dependent on the interaction of an animal with the environment. The animal’s interaction with the
environment is driven both by its physiological function and its behavior, and an ecological impact may
not be observable over short periods of observation. Ecological information is considered in the analysis
of the effects of individual species.
A “physiological effect” is defined here as one in which the “normal” physiological function of the
animal is altered in response to sound exposure. Physiological function is any of a collection of processes
ranging from biochemical reactions to mechanical interaction and operation of organs and tissues within
an animal. A physiological effect may range from the most significant of impacts (i.e., mortality and
serious injury) to lesser effects that would define the lower end of the physiological impact range, such as
the noninjurious distortion of auditory tissues. This latter physiological effect is important to the
integration of the biological and regulatory frameworks and will receive additional attention in later
A “behavioral effect” is one in which the “normal” behavior or patterns of behavior of an animal are
overtly disrupted in response to an acoustic exposure. Examples of behaviors of concern can be derived
from the harassment definitions in the MMPA.
In this Draft EIS/OEIS the term “normal” is used to qualify distinctions between physiological and
behavioral effects. Its use follows the convention of normal daily variation in physiological and
behavioral function without the influence of anthropogenic acoustic sources. As a result, this Draft
EIS/OEIS uses the following definitions:
The definitions of physiological effect and behavioral effect used within this document should not be
confused with more global definitions applied to the field of biology or to existing federal law. It is
reasonable to expect some physiological effects to result in subsequent behavioral effects. For example, a
marine mammal that suffers a severe injury may be expected to alter diving or foraging to the degree that
its variation in these behaviors is outside that which is considered normal for the species. If a
physiological effect is accompanied by a behavioral effect, the overall effect is characterized as a
physiological effect; physiological effects take precedence over behavioral effects with regard to their
ordering. This approach provides the most conservative ordering of effects with respect to severity,
provides a rational approach to dealing with the overlap of the definitions, and avoids circular arguments.
The severity of physiological effects generally decreases with decreasing sound exposure and/or
increasing distance from the sound source. The same generalization does not consistently hold for
behavioral effects because they do not depend solely on the received sound level. Behavioral responses
also depend on an animal’s learned responses, innate response tendencies, motivational state, the pattern
of the sound exposure, and the context in which the sound is presented. However, to provide a tractable
approach to predicting acoustic effects that is relevant to the terms of behavioral disruption described in
the MMPA, it is assumed here that the severities of behavioral effects also decrease with decreasing
sound exposure and/or increasing distance from the sound source. Figure 3.8-4 shows the relationship
between severity of effects, source distance, and exposure level, as defined in this Draft EIS/OEIS.
Figure 3.8-4: Relationship between Severity of Effects, Source Distance, and Exposure Level
Public Law 108-136 (2004) amended the MMPA definitions of Level B harassment for military readiness
activities, which applies to this action. For military readiness activities, MMPA Level B harassment is
defined as “any act that disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock by
causing disruption of natural behavioral patterns including, but not limited to, migration, surfacing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering to a point where such behaviors are abandoned or significantly
altered.” Unlike MMPA Level A harassment, which is solely associated with physiological effects, both
physiological and behavioral effects may cause MMPA Level B harassment.
For example, some physiological effects (such as TTS) can occur that are non-injurious but that can
potentially disrupt the behavior of a marine mammal. These include temporary distortions in sensory
tissue that alter physiological function, but that are fully recoverable without the requirement for tissue
replacement or regeneration. For example, an animal that experiences a temporary reduction in hearing
sensitivity suffers no injury to its auditory system, but may not perceive some sounds due to the reduction
in sensitivity. As a result, the animal may not respond to sounds that would normally produce a
behavioral reaction. This lack of response qualifies as a temporary disruption of normal behavioral
patterns – the animal is impeded from responding in a normal manner to an acoustic stimulus.
The harassment status of slight behavior disruption has been addressed in workshops, previous actions,
and rulings (NOAA 2001, 2008b, 2008c; DoN 2001a). The conclusion is that a momentary behavioral
reaction of an animal to a brief, time-isolated acoustic event does not qualify as MMPA Level B
harassment. A more general conclusion, that MMPA Level B harassment occurs only when there is “a
potential for a significant behavioral change or response in a biologically important behavior or activity,”
is found in recent rulings (NOAA 2002a, 2008b, 2008c). Public Law 108-136 (2004) amended the
definition of MMPA Level B harassment for military readiness activities, which applies to this action. For
military readiness activities, MMPA Level B harassment is defined as “any act that disturbs or is likely to
disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock by causing disruption of natural behavioral
patterns…to a point where such behaviors are abandoned or significantly altered.”
Although the temporary lack of response discussed above may not result in abandonment or significant
alteration of natural behavioral patterns, the acoustic effect inputs used in the acoustic model assume that
temporary hearing impairment (slight to severe) is considered MMPA Level B harassment. Although
modes of action are appropriately considered, as outlined in Figure 3.8-5, the conservative assumption
used here is to consider all hearing impairment as harassment from TTS. As a result, the actual incidental
harassment of marine mammals associated with this action may be less than predicted via the analytical
Figure 3.8-5: Exposure Zones Extending from a Hypothetical, Directional Sound Source
that NMFS would classify as harassment. See Section for a thorough description of the risk
function methodology. Figure 3.8-5 illustrates harassment zones extending from a hypothetical,
directional sound source and is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the sizes or shapes of
the actual exposure zones.
As depicted in Figure 3.8-5, the red MMPA Level A (PTS) exposure zone extends from the source out to
the distance and exposure at which the slightest amount of injury is predicted to occur (a distance of
approximately 33 ft [10 m] from a SQS-53 sonar in the TMAA). The acoustic exposure that produces the
slightest degree of injury is therefore the threshold value defining the outermost limit of the MMPA Level
A exposure zone. Use of the threshold associated with the onset of slight injury as the most distant point
and least injurious exposure takes account of all more serious injuries by inclusion within the MMPA
Level A harassment zone.
The orange MMPA Level B (TTS) exposure zone begins just beyond the point of slightest injury (33 ft
[10 m]) and extends outward from that point to include all animals that may possibly experience MMPA
Level B harassment from TTS (a distance of approximately 584 ft [178 m] from an SQS sonar in the
TMAA). Physiological effects extend beyond the range of slightest injury to a point where slight
temporary distortion of the most sensitive tissue occurs, but without destruction or loss of that tissue (such
as occurs with inner ear hair cells subjected to TTS). The animals predicted to be in this zone are assumed
to experience MMPA Level B harassment from TTS by virtue of temporary impairment of sensory
function (altered physiological function) that can disrupt behavior. The criterion and threshold used to
define the outer limit of the MMPA Level B exposure zone for the on-set of certain physiological effects
are given in Figure 3.8-5.
On Figure 3.8-5 in the yellow non-TTS MMPA Level B harassment exposure zone, varying percentages
of exposed animals would be included under MMPA Level B harassment from behavioral reactions (to a
distance of approximately 105 km [57 nm] from a SQS-53 in the TMAA).
The mammalian auditory system consists of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear, and central nervous
system. Sound waves are transmitted through the middle ears to fluids within the inner ear except
cetaceans. The inner ear contains delicate electromechanical hair cells that convert the fluid motions into
neural impulses that are sent to the brain. The hair cells within the inner ear are the most vulnerable to
over-stimulation by sound exposure (Yost 1994).
Very high sound levels may rupture the eardrum or damage the small bones in the middle ear (Yost
1994). Lower level exposures of sufficient duration may cause permanent or temporary hearing loss; such
an effect is called a noise-induced threshold shift, or simply a TS (Miller 1974). A TS may be either
permanent, in which case it is called a PTS, or temporary, in which case it is called a TTS. Still lower
levels of sound may result in auditory masking (described in Section, which may interfere with an
animal’s ability to hear other concurrent sounds.
Because the tissues of the ear appear to be the most susceptible to the physiological effects of sound and
TSs tend to occur at lower exposures than other more serious auditory effects, PTS and TTS are used here
as the biological indicators of physiological effects. TTS is the first indication of physiological
noninjurious change and is not physical injury. The remainder of this section is, therefore, focused on
TSs, including PTSs and TTSs. Since masking (without a resulting TS) is not associated with abnormal
physiological function, it is not considered a physiological effect in this Draft EIS/OEIS, but rather a
potential behavioral effect. Descriptions of other potential physiological effects, including acoustically
mediated bubble growth and air cavity resonance, are described in the Appendix F.
The magnitude of a TS normally decreases with the amount of time post-exposure (Miller, 1974). The
amount of TS just after exposure is called the initial TS. If the TS eventually returns to zero (the threshold
returns to the pre-exposure value), the TS is a TTS. Since the amount of TTS depends on the time post-
exposure, it is common to use a subscript to indicate the time in min after exposure (Quaranta et al. 1998).
For example, TTS2 means a TTS measured 2 min after exposure. If the TS does not return to zero but
leaves some finite amount of TS, then that remaining TS is a PTS. The distinction between PTS and TTS
is based on whether there is a complete recovery of a TS following a sound exposure. Figure 3.8-6 shows
two hypothetical TSs: one that completely recovers, a TTS, and one that does not completely recover,
leaving some PTS.
TTS is recoverable and, as in recent rulings (NOAA 2001, 2002a, 2009), is considered to result from the
temporary, non-injurious distortion of hearing-related tissues. In the TMAA, the smallest measurable
amount of TTS (onset-TTS) is taken as the best indicator for slight temporary sensory impairment.
Because it is considered non-injurious, the acoustic exposure associated with onset-TTS is used to define
the outer limit of the portion of the MMPA Level B exposure zone attributable to physiological effects.
This follows from the concept that hearing loss potentially affects an animal’s ability to react normally to
the sounds around it. Therefore, in the TMAA, the potential for TTS is considered as a MMPA Level B
harassment that is mediated by physiological effects on the auditory system.
Marine mammal ears are functionally and structurally similar to terrestrial mammal ears; however, there
are important differences (Ketten 1998). The most appropriate information from which to develop
PTS/TTS criteria for marine mammals would be experimental measurements of PTS and TTS from
marine mammal species of interest. TTS data exist for several marine mammal species and may be used
to develop meaningful TTS criteria and thresholds. Because of the ethical issues presented, PTS data do
not exist for marine mammals and are unlikely to be obtained. Therefore, PTS criteria must be
extrapolated using TTS criteria and estimates of the relationship between TTS and PTS.
This section begins with a review of the existing marine mammal TTS data. The review is followed by a
discussion of the relationship between TTS and PTS. The specific criteria and thresholds for TTS and
PTS used in this Draft EIS/OEIS are then presented. This is followed by discussions of sound energy flux
density level (EL), the relationship between EL and SPL, and the use of SPL and EL in previous
environmental compliance documents.
EL and SPL
EL is measure of the sound energy flow per unit area expressed in dB. EL is stated in dB re 1 μPa2-s for
underwater sound and dB re (20 μPa)2-s for airborne sound.
SPL is a measure of the root-mean square (rms), or “effective,” sound pressure in decibels. SPL is
expressed in dB re 1 μPa for underwater sound and dB re 20 μPa for airborne sound.
• Schlundt et al. (2000) reported the results of TTS experiments conducted with bottlenose dolphins
and white whales exposed to 1-second tones. This paper also includes a reanalysis of preliminary
TTS data released in a technical report by Ridgway et al. (1997). At frequencies of 3, 10, and 20
kHz, SPLs necessary to induce measurable amounts (6 dB or more) of TTS were between 192
and 201 dB re 1 μPa (EL = 192 to 201 dB re 1 μPa2-s). The mean exposure SPL and EL for onset-
TTS were 195 dB re 1 μPa and 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s, respectively. The sound exposure stimuli
(tones) and relatively large number of test subjects (five dolphins and two white whales) make the
Schlundt et al. (2000) data the most directly relevant TTS information for the scenarios described
in this Draft EIS/OEIS.
• Finneran et al. (2001, 2003, 2005) described TTS experiments conducted with bottlenose
dolphins exposed to 3-kHz tones with durations of 1, 2, 4, and 8 seconds. Small amounts of TTS
(3 to 6 dB) were observed in one dolphin after exposure to ELs between 190 and 204 dB re 1
μPa2-s. These results were consistent with the data of Schlundt et al. (2000) and showed that the
Schlundt et al. (2000) data were not significantly affected by the masking sound used. These
results also confirmed that, for tones with different durations, the amount of TTS is best
correlated with the exposure EL rather than the exposure SPL.
• Finneran et al. (2007) conducted TTS experiments with bottlenose dolphins exposed to intense 20
kHz fatiquing tone. Behavioral and auditory evoked potentials (using sinusoidal amplitude
modulated tones creating auditory steady state response [AASR]) were used to measure TTS. The
fatiguing tone was either 16 (mean = 193 re 1μPa, SD = 0.8) or 64 seconds (185-186 re 1μPa) in
duration. TTS ranged from 19-33db from behavioral measurements and 40-45dB from ASSR
• Nachtigall et al. (2003) measured TTS in a bottlenose dolphin exposed to octave-band sound
centered at 7.5 kHz. Nachtigall et al. (2003a) reported TTSs of about 11 dB measured 10 to 15
min after exposure to 30 to 50 min of sound with SPL 179 dB re 1 μPa (EL about 213 dB re
μPa2-s). No TTS was observed after exposure to the same sound at 165 and 171 dB re 1 μPa.
Nachtigall et al. (2003b) reported TTSs of around 4 to 8 dB 5 min after exposure to 30 to 50 min
of sound with SPL 160 dB re 1 μPa (EL about 193 to 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s). The difference in
results was attributed to faster post-exposure threshold measurement—TTS may have recovered
before being detected by Nachtigall et al. (2003a). These studies showed that, for long-duration
exposures, lower sound pressures are required to induce TTS than are required for short-duration
tones. These data also confirmed that, for the cetaceans studied, EL is the most appropriate
predictor for onset-TTS.
• Finneran et al. (2000, 2002) conducted TTS experiments with dolphins and white whales exposed
to impulsive sounds similar to those produced by distant at-sea explosions and seismic water
guns. These studies showed that, for very short-duration impulsive sounds, higher sound
pressures were required to induce TTS than for longer-duration tones.
• Kastak et al. (1999, 2005) conducted TTS experiments with three species of pinnipeds, California
sea lion, northern elephant seal and a Pacific harbor seal, exposed to continuous underwater
sounds at levels of 80 and 95 dB Sensation Level (referenced to the animal’s absolute auditory
threshold at the center frequency) at 2.5 and 3.5 kHz for up to 50 min. Mean TTS shifts of up to
12.2 dB occurred with the harbor seals showing the largest shift of 28.1 dB. Increasing the sound
duration had a greater effect on TTS than increasing the sound level from 80 to 95 dB.
Figure 3.8-7 shows the existing TTS data for cetaceans (dolphins and white whales). Individual exposures
are shown in terms of SPL versus exposure duration (upper panel) and EL versus exposure duration
(lower panel). Exposures that produced TTS are shown as filled symbols. Exposures that did not produce
TTS are represented by open symbols. The squares and triangles represent impulsive test results from
Finneran et al. 2000 and 2002, respectively. The circles show the 3-, 10-, and 20-kHz data from Schlundt
et al. (2000) and the results of Finneran et al. (2003). The inverted triangle represents data from
Nachtigall et al. (2003b).
Figure 3.8-7 illustrates that the effects of the different sound exposures depend on the SPL and duration.
As the duration decreases, higher SPLs are required to cause TTS. In contrast, the ELs required for TTS
do not show the same type of variation with exposure duration. At this time the raw data for pinnipeds is
not available to construct a similar graph of TTS in pinnipeds as there is for cetaceans in Figure 3.8-7.
The solid line in the upper panel of Figure 3.8-7 has a slope of -3 dB per doubling of time. This line
passes through the point where the SPL is 195 dB re 1 μPa and the exposure duration is 1 second. Since
EL = SPL + 10log10 (duration), doubling the duration increases the EL by 3 dB. Subtracting 3 dB from
the SPL decreases the EL by 3 dB. The line with a slope of -3 dB per doubling of time, therefore,
represents an equal energy line – all points on the line have the same EL, which is, in this case, 195 dB re
1 μPa2-s. This line appears in the lower panel as a horizontal line at 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s. The equal energy
line at 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s fits the tonal and sound data (the nonimpulsive data) very well, despite
differences in exposure duration, SPL, experimental methods, and subjects.
Legend: Filled symbol: Exposure that produced TTS, Open symbol: Exposure that did not produce TTS Squares: Impulsive test
results from Finneran et al. 2000, Triangles: Impulsive test results from Finneran et al. 2002, Circles: 3, 10, and 20-kHz data from
Schlundt et al. (2000) and results of Finneran et al. (2003), and Inverted triangle: Data from Nachtigall et al. 2004.
In summary, the existing cetacean TTS data show that, for the species studied and sounds (nonimpulsive)
of interest, the following is true:
• The growth and recovery of TTS are analogous to those in land mammals. This means that, as in
land mammals, cetacean TSs depend on the amplitude, duration, frequency content, and temporal
pattern of the sound exposure. Threshold shifts will generally increase with the amplitude and
duration of sound exposure. For continuous sounds, exposures of equal energy will lead to
approximately equal effects (Ward 1997). For intermittent sounds, less TS will occur than from a
continuous exposure with the same energy (some recovery will occur between exposures) (Kryter
et al. 1966, Ward 1997).
• SPL by itself is not a good predictor of onset-TTS, since the amount of TTS depends on both SPL
and duration.
• Exposure EL is correlated with the amount of TTS and is a good predictor for onset-TTS for
single, continuous exposures with different durations. This agrees with human TTS data
presented by Ward et al. (1958, 1959).
• An energy flux density level of 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s is the most appropriate predictor for onset-
TTS from a single, continuous exposure.
• For the purposes of this Draft EIS/OEIS a measurable amount of 6 dB is considered the onset of
Relationship between TTS and PTS
Since marine mammal PTS data do not exist, onset-PTS levels for these animals must be estimated using
TTS data and relationships between TTS and PTS. Much of the early human TTS work was directed
towards relating TTS2 after 8 hours of sound exposure to the amount of PTS that would exist after years
of similar daily exposures (e.g., Kryter et al. 1966). Although it is now acknowledged that susceptibility
to PTS cannot be reliably predicted from TTS measurements, TTS data do provide insight into the
amount of TS that may be induced without a PTS. Experimental studies of the growth of TTS may also be
used to relate changes in exposure level to changes in the amount of TTS induced. Onset-PTS exposure
levels may therefore be predicted by:
• Estimating the largest amount of TTS that may be induced without PTS. Exposures causing a TS
greater than this value are assumed to cause PTS.
• Estimating the additional exposure, above the onset-TTS exposure, necessary to reach the
maximum allowable amount of TTS that, again, may be induced without PTS. This is equivalent
to estimating the growth rate of TTS – how much additional TTS is produced by an increase in
exposure level.
Experimentally induced TTSs, from short duration sounds 1-8 seconds in the range of 3.5-20 kHz, in
marine mammals have generally been limited to around 2 to 10 dB, well below TSs that result in some
PTS. Experiments with terrestrial mammals have used much larger TSs and provide more guidance on
how high a TS may rise before some PTS results. Early human TTS studies reported complete recovery of
TTSs as high as 50 dB after exposure to broadband sound (Ward 1960; Ward et al. 1958, 1959). Ward et
al. (1959) also reported slower recovery times when TTS2 approached and exceeded 50 dB, suggesting
that 50 dB of TTS2 may represent a “critical” TTS. Miller et al. (1963) found PTS in cats after exposures
that were only slightly longer in duration than those causing 40 dB of TTS. Kryter et al. (1966) stated: “A
TTS2 that approaches or exceeds 40 dB can be taken as a signal that danger to hearing is imminent.”
These data indicate that TSs up to 40 to 50 dB may be induced without PTS, and that 40 dB is a
reasonable upper limit for TS to prevent PTS.
The small amounts of TTS produced in marine mammal studies also limit the applicability of these data
to estimates of the growth rate of TTS. Fortunately, data do exist for the growth of TTS in terrestrial
mammals. For moderate exposure durations (a few min to hours), TTS2 varies with the logarithm of
exposure time (Ward et al. 1958, 1959; Quaranta et al. 1998). For shorter exposure durations the growth
of TTS with exposure time appears to be less rapid (Miller 1974, Keeler 1976). For very long-duration
exposures, increasing the exposure time may fail to produce any additional TTS, a condition known as
asymptotic threshold shift (Saunders et al. 1977, Mills et al. 1979).
Ward et al. (1958, 1959) provided detailed information on the growth of TTS in humans. Ward et al.
(1958, 1959) presented the amount of TTS measured after exposure to specific SPLs and durations of
broadband sound. Since the relationship between EL, SPL, and duration is known, these same data could
be presented in terms of the amount of TTS produced by exposures with different ELs.
Figure 3.8-8 shows results from Ward et al. (1958, 1959) plotted as the amount of TTS2 versus the
exposure EL. The data in Figure 3.8-8 (a) are from broadband (75 Hz to 10 kHz) sound exposures with
durations of 12 to 102 min (Ward et al. 1958). The symbols represent mean TTS2 for 13 individuals
exposed to continuous sound. The solid line is a linear regression fit to all but the two data points at the
lowest exposure EL. The experimental data are fit well by the regression line (R2 = 0.95). These data are
important for two reasons: (1) they confirm that the amount of TTS is correlated with the exposure EL;
and (2) the slope of the line allows one to estimate the in additional amount of TTS produced by an
increase in exposure. For example, the slope of the line in Figure 3.8-8 (a) is approximately 1.5 dB TTS2
per dB of EL. This means that each additional dB of EL produces 1.5 dB of additional TTS2.
Figure 3.8-8: Growth of TTS versus the Exposure EL (from Ward et al. [1958, 1959])
The data in Figure 3.8-8 (b) are from octave-band sound exposures (2.4 to 4.8 kHz) with durations of 12
to 102 min (Ward et al. 1959). The symbols represent mean TTS for 13 individuals exposed to continuous
sound. The linear regression was fit to all but the two data points at the lowest exposure EL. The slope of
the regression line fit to the mean TTS data was 1.6 dB TTS2/dB EL. A similar procedure was carried out
for the remaining data from Ward et al. (1959), with comparable results. Regression lines fit to the TTS
versus EL data had slopes ranging from 0.76 to 1.6 dB TTS2/dB EL, depending on the frequencies of the
sound exposure and hearing test.
An estimate of 1.6 dB TTS2 per dB increase in exposure EL is the upper range of values from Ward et al.
(1958, 1959) and gives the most conservative estimate – it predicts a larger amount of TTS from the same
exposure compared to the lines with smaller slopes. The difference between onset-TTS (6 dB) and the
upper limit of TTS before PTS (40 dB) is 34 dB. To move from onset-TTS to onset-PTS, therefore,
requires an increase in EL of 34 dB divided by 1.6 dB/dB, or approximately 21 dB. An estimate of 20 dB
between exposures sufficient to cause onset-TTS and those capable of causing onset-PTS is a reasonable
To summarize:
In the absence of marine mammal PTS data, onset-PTS exposure levels may be estimated from marine
mammal TTS data and PTS/TTS relationships observed in terrestrial mammals. This involves:
• Estimating the largest amount of TTS that may be induced without PTS. Exposures causing a TS
greater than this value are assumed to cause PTS.
• Estimating the growth rate of TTS – how much additional TTS is produced by an increase in
exposure level.
• A variety of terrestrial mammal data sources point toward 40 dB as a reasonable estimate of the
largest amount of TS that may be induced without PTS. A conservative is that continuous-type
exposures producing TSs of 40 dB or more always result in some amount of PTS.
• Data from Ward et al. (1958, 1959) reveal a linear relationship between TTS2 and exposure EL. A
value of 1.6 dB TTS2 per dB increase in EL is a conservative estimate of how much additional
TTS is produced by an increase in exposure level for continuous- type sounds.
• There is a 34 dB TS difference between onset-TTS (6 dB) and onset-PTS (40 dB). The additional
exposure above onset-TTS that is required to reach PTS is therefore 34 dB divided by 1.6 dB/dB,
or approximately 21 dB.
• Exposures with ELs 20 dB above those producing TTS may be assumed to produce a PTS. This
number is used as a conservative simplification of the 21 dB number derived above.
Threshold Levels for Harassment from Physiological Effects
For this specified action, sound exposure thresholds for modeling TTS and PTS exposures are as
presented in Table 3.8-4.
Table 3.8-4: Summary of the Physiological Effects Thresholds for TTS and PTS for Cetaceans and
Pinnipeds in the TMAA
The TTS and PTS thresholds for pinnipeds vary with species. A threshold of 206 dB re 1 μPa2-s for TTS
and 226 dB re 1 μPa2-s for PTS is used for otariids (California sea lion, Steller sea lion, and Northern fur
seal). Although this criteria is based on data from studies on California sea lions (Kastak et al. 1999,
2005), all three species are morphologically related (e.g., similar body structure and anatomy), and have
similar breeding and foraging behaviors. Northern elephant seals are similar to otariids and use thresholds
of TTS = 204 dB re 1 μPa2-s, PTS = 224 dB re 1 μPa2-s. A lower threshold is used for harbor seals (TTS
= 183 dB re 1 μPa2-s, PTS = 203 dB re 1 μPa2-s).
The PTS threshold is based on a 20-dB increase in exposure EL over that required for onset-TTS. The 20-
dB value is based on estimates from terrestrial mammal data of PTS occurring at 40 dB or more of TS,
and on TS growth occurring at a rate of 1.6 dB/dB increase in exposure EL. This is conservative because:
(1) 40 dB of TS is actually an upper limit for TTS used to approximate onset-PTS, and (2) the 1.6 dB/dB
growth rate is the highest observed in the data from Ward et al. (1958, 1959).
Pinniped Threshold
The TTS threshold for pinnipeds is based on TTS data from Kastak et al. (1999, 2005). Although their
data is from continuous noise rather than short duration tones, pinniped TTS can be extrapolated using
equal energy curves. Continuous sound at a lower intensity level can produce TTS similar to short
duration but higher intensity sounds such as sonar pings.
The EL for each individual ping is calculated from the following equation:
EL = SPL + 10log10(duration)
The EL includes both the ping SPL and duration. Longer-duration pings and/or higher-SPL pings will
have a higher EL.
If an animal is exposed to multiple pings, the energy flux density in each individual ping is summed to
calculate the total EL. Since mammalian TS data show less effect from intermittent exposures compared
to continuous exposures with the same energy (Ward 1997), basing the effect thresholds on the total
received EL is a conservative approach for treating multiple pings; in reality, some recovery will occur
between pings and lessen the effect of a particular exposure.
Therefore, estimates are conservative because recovery is not taken into account – intermittent exposures
are considered comparable to continuous exposures.
The total EL depends on the SPL, duration, and number of pings received. The TTS and PTS thresholds
do not imply any specific SPL, duration, or number of pings. The SPL and duration of each received ping
are used to calculate the total EL and determine whether the received EL meets or exceeds the effect
thresholds. For example, the TTS threshold would be reached through any of the following exposures:
The 192 dB re 1 μPa2-s reference point differs from the threshold of 195 dB re 1 μPa2-s used in this Draft
EIS/OEIS. The 192 dB re 1 μPa2-s value was based on the minimum observed by Ridgway et al. (1997)
and Schlundt et al. (2000) during TTS measurements with bottlenose dolphins exposed to 1-second tones.
At the time, no impulsive test data for marine mammals were available and the 1-second tonal data were
considered to be the best available. The minimum value of the observed range of 192 to 201 dB re 1 μPa2-
s was used to protect against misinterpretation of the sparse data set available. The 192 dB re 1 μPa2-s
value was reduced to 182 dB re 1 μPa2-s to accommodate the potential effects of pressure peaks in
impulsive waveforms.
The additional data now available for onset-TTS in small cetaceans confirm the original range of values
and increase confidence in it (Finneran et al. 2001, 2003; Nachtigall et al. 2003a, 2003b). This Draft
EIS/OEIS therefore, uses the more complete data available and the mean value of the entire Schlundt et
al. (2000) data set (195 dB re 1 μPa2-s), instead of the minimum of 192 dB re 1 μPa2-s. Use of the data in
this manner has been established as standard by NMFS for these types of actions in other Navy training
locations in the Pacific (NOAA 2009). From the standpoint of statistical sampling and prediction theory,
the mean is the most appropriate predictor—the “best unbiased estimator”—of the EL at which onset-TTS
should occur; predicting the number of exposures in future actions relies (in part) on using the EL at
which onset-TTS will most likely occur. When that EL is applied over many pings in each of many sonar
exercises, that value will provide the most accurate prediction of the actual number of exposures by onset-
TTS over all of those exercises. Use of the minimum value would overestimate the number of exposures
because many animals counted would not have experienced onset-TTS. Further, there is no logical
limiting minimum value of the distribution that would be obtained from continued successive testing.
Continued testing and use of the minimum would produce more and more erroneous estimates.
behavioral disturbance, the non-TTS behavioral effects discussed in this section may be thought of as
behavioral disturbance occurring at exposure levels below those causing TTS.
A large body of research on terrestrial animal and human response to airborne sound exists, but results
from those studies are not readily extendible to the development of effect criteria and thresholds for
marine mammals. For example, “annoyance” is one of several criteria used to define impact to humans
from exposure to industrial sound sources. Comparable criteria cannot be developed for marine mammals
because there is no acceptable method for determining whether a nonverbal animal is annoyed. Further,
differences in hearing thresholds, dynamic range of the ear, and the typical exposure patterns of interest
(e.g., human data tend to focus on 8-hour-long exposures) make extrapolation of human sound exposure
standards inappropriate.
Behavioral observations of marine mammals exposed to anthropogenic sound sources exist; however,
there are few observations and no controlled measurements of behavioral disruption of cetaceans caused
by sound sources with frequencies, waveforms, durations, and repetition rates comparable to those
employed by the tactical sonars to be used in the TMAA. At the present time there is no consensus on
how to account for behavioral effects on marine mammals exposed to continuous-type sounds (NRC,
2003). Assessing MMPA Level B Non-TTS Behavioral Harassment Using Risk Function
Based on available evidence, marine animals are likely to exhibit any of a suite of potential behavioral
responses or combinations of behavioral responses upon exposure to sonar transmissions. Potential
behavioral responses include, but are not limited to: avoiding exposure or continued exposure; behavioral
disturbance (including distress or disruption of social or foraging activity); habituation to the sound;
becoming sensitized to the sound; or not responding to the sound.
It is possible that some marine mammal behavioral reactions to anthropogenic sound may result in
strandings. As detailed in Appendix F, several “mass stranding” events—strandings that involve two or
more individuals of the same species (excluding a single cow–calf pair)—that have occurred over the past
two decades have been associated with naval training activities, seismic surveys, and other anthropogenic
activities that introduced sound into the marine environment. Based on the results of recent experiments
with tagged beaked whales, it has been suggested that that beaked whales may be “particularly sensitive
to anthropogenic sounds, but there is no evidence that they have a special sensitivity to sonar compared
with other signals” (Tyack 2009). Sonar exposure has, however, been identified as a contributing cause or
factor in five specific mass stranding events: Greece in 1996; the Bahamas in March 2000; Madeira,
Portugal in 2000; the Canary Islands in 2002, and Spain in 2006 (Advisory Committee on Acoustic
Impacts on Marine Mammals 2006).
In these five events, exposure to acoustic energy has been considered a potential indirect cause of the
death of marine mammals (Cox et al. 2006). A popular hypothesis regarding a potential cause of the
strandings is that tissue damage results from a “gas and fat embolic syndrome” (Fernandez et al. 2005;
Jepson et al. 2003, 2005). Models of nitrogen saturation in diving marine mammals have been used to
suggest that altered dive behavior might result in the accumulation of nitrogen gas such that the potential
for nitrogen bubble formation is increased (Houser et al. 2001, Zimmer and Tyack 2007). If so, this
mechanism might explain the findings of gas and bubble emboli in stranded beaked whales. It is also
possible that stranding is a behavioral response to a sound under certain contextual conditions and that the
subsequently observed physiological effects of the strandings (e.g., overheating, decomposition, or
internal hemorrhaging from being on shore) were the result of the stranding and not the direct result of
exposure to sonar (Cox et al. 2006).
In order to represent a probability of risk, the function should have a value near zero at very low
exposures, and a value near one for very high exposures. One class of functions that satisfies this criterion
is cumulative probability distributions, a type of cumulative distribution function. In selecting a particular
functional expression for risk, several criteria were identified:
1− ⎜ ⎟
R= ⎝ K ⎠
−2 A
1− ⎜ ⎟
⎝ K ⎠
In order to use this function, the values of the three parameters (B, K, and A) need to be established. The
values used in this Draft EIS/OEIS analysis are based on three sources of data: TTS experiments
conducted at SSC and documented in Finneran, et al. (2001, 2003, and 2005; Finneran and Schlundt
2004); reconstruction of sound fields produced by the USS SHOUP associated with the behavioral
responses of killer whales observed in Haro Strait and documented in Department of Commerce, NMFS
(2005), DoN (2004), and Fromm (2004a, 2004b); and observations of the behavioral response of North
Atlantic right whales exposed to alert stimuli containing mid-frequency components documented in
Nowacek et al. (2004). The input parameters, as defined by NMFS, are based on very limited data that
represent the best available science at this time.
Finneran and Schlundt (2004) examined behavioral observations recorded by the trainers or test
coordinators during the Schlundt et al. (2000) and Finneran et al. (2001, 2003, 2005) experiments
featuring 1-second (sec) tones. These included observations from 193 exposure sessions (fatiguing
stimulus level > 141 dB re 1μPa) conducted by Schlundt et al. (2000) and 21 exposure sessions conducted
by Finneran et al. (2001, 2003, 2005). The observations were made during exposures to sound sources at
0.4 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz, and 75 kHz. The TTS experiments that supported Finneran and Schlundt
(2004) are further explained below:
Schlundt et al. (2000) provided a detailed summary of the behavioral responses of trained marine
mammals during TTS tests conducted at SSC San Diego with 1-sec tones. Schlundt et al. (2000) reported
eight individual TTS experiments. Fatiguing stimuli durations were 1-sec; exposure frequencies were 0.4
kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz and 75 kHz. The experiments were conducted in San Diego Bay. Because of
the variable ambient noise in the bay, low-level broadband masking noise was used to keep hearing
thresholds consistent despite fluctuations in the ambient noise. Schlundt et al. (2000) reported that
“behavioral alterations,” or deviations from the behaviors the animals being tested had been trained to
exhibit, occurred as the animals were exposed to increasing fatiguing stimulus levels.
Finneran et al. (2001, 2003, 2005) conducted TTS experiments using tones at 3 kHz. The test method was
similar to that of Schlundt et al. (2000) except the tests were conducted in a pool with very low ambient
noise level (below 50 dB re 1 μPa/Hz), and no masking noise was used. Two separate experiments were
conducted using 1-sec tones. In the first, fatiguing sound levels were increased from 160 to 201 dB SPL.
In the second experiment, fatiguing sound levels between 180 and 200 dB re 1 μPa were randomly
Nowacek et al. (2004) documented observations of the behavioral response of North Atlantic right whales
exposed to alert stimuli containing mid-frequency components. To assess risk factors involved in ship
strikes, a multi-sensor acoustic tag was used to measure the responses of whales to passing ships and
experimentally tested their responses to controlled sound exposures, which included recordings of ship
noise, the social sounds of conspecifics and a signal designed to alert the whales. The alert signal was 18-
min of exposure consisting of three 2-minute signals played sequentially three times over. The three
signals had a 60 percent duty cycle and consisted of: (1) alternating 1-sec pure tones at 500 Hz and 850
Hz; (2) a 2-sec logarithmic down-sweep from 4,500 Hz to 500 Hz; and (3) a pair of low (1,500 Hz)-high
(2,000 Hz) sine wave tones amplitude modulated at 120 Hz and each 1-sec long. The purposes of the alert
signal were (a) to provoke an action from the whales via the auditory system with disharmonic signals
that cover the whales estimated hearing range; (b) to maximize the signal to noise ratio (obtain the largest
difference between background noise) and c) to provide localization cues for the whale. Five out of six
whales reacted to the signal designed to elicit such behavior. Maximum received levels ranged from 133
to 148 dB re 1μPa.
were reported for groups of whales, not individual whales, the observations associated with the USS
SHOUP provide the only data set available of the behavioral responses of wild, noncaptive animal upon
exposure to the SQS-53 MFA sonar. U.S. Department of Commerce (NMFS 2005), DoN (2004), Fromm
(2004a, 2004b) documented reconstruction of sound fields produced by the USS SHOUP associated with
the behavioral response of killer whales observed in Haro Strait. Observations from this reconstruction
included an approximate closest approach time which was correlated to a reconstructed estimate of
received level at an approximate whale location (which ranged from 150 to 180 dB), with a mean value of
169.3 dB.
The risk function presented here is based on three data sets that NMFS and Navy have determined are the
best available science at this time. The Navy and NMFS acknowledge each of these data sets has
limitations. However, this risk function, if informed by the limited available data relevant to the MFA
sonar application, has the advantages of simplicity and the fact that there is precedent for its application
and foundation in marine mammal research.
While NMFS considers all data sets as being weighted equally in the development of the risk function,
the Navy believes the SSC San Diego data is the most rigorous and applicable for the following reasons:
• The data represents the only source of information where the researchers had complete control
over and ability to quantify the noise exposure conditions.
• The altered behaviors were identifiable due to long term observations of the animals.
• The fatiguing noise consisted of tonal exposures with limited frequencies contained in the MFA
sonar bandwidth.
However, the Navy and NMFS do agree that the following are limitations associated with the three data
sets used as the basis of the risk function:
• The three data sets represent the responses of only four species: trained bottlenose dolphins and
beluga whales, North Atlantic right whales in the wild and killer whales in the wild.
• None of the three data sets represent experiments designed for behavioral observations of animals
exposed to MFA sonar.
• The behavioral responses of marine mammals that were observed in the wild (observations of
killer whales in Haro Strait) are based on an estimated received level of sound exposure; they do
not take into consideration (due to minimal or no supporting data):
o Potential relationships between acoustic exposures and specific behavioral activities (e.g.,
feeding, reproduction, changes in diving behavior, etc.), variables such as bathymetry, or
acoustic waveguides; or
o Differences in individuals, populations, or species, or the prior experiences, reproductive
state, hearing sensitivity, or age of the marine mammal.
SSC San Diego Trained Bottlenose Dolphins and Beluga Data Set:
• The animals were trained animals in captivity; therefore, they may be more or less sensitive than
cetaceans found in the wild (Domjan 1998).
• The tests were designed to measure TTS, not behavior.
• Because the tests were designed to measure TTS, the animals were exposed to much higher levels
of sound than the baseline risk function (only two of the total 193 observations were at levels
below 160 dB re 1 μPa2-s).
• The animals were not exposed in the open ocean but in a shallow bay or pool.
The K Parameter
NMFS and the Navy used the mean of the following values to define the midpoint of the function: (1) the
mean of the lowest received levels (185.3 dB) at which individuals responded with altered behavior to 3
kHz tones in the SSC data set; (2) the estimated mean received level value of 169.3 dB produced by the
reconstruction of the USS SHOUP incident in which killer whales exposed to MFA sonar (range modeled
possible received levels: 150 to 180 dB); and (3) the mean of the five maximum received levels at which
Nowacek et al. (2004) observed significantly altered responses of right whales to the alert stimuli than to
the control (no input signal) is 139.2 dB SPL. The arithmetic mean of these three mean values is 165 dB
SPL. The value of K is the difference between the value of B (120 dB SPL) and the 50 percent value of
165 dB SPL; therefore, K=45.
Probability of Harassment
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Received Level (dB)
Figure 3.8-9: Risk Function Curve for Odontocetes (toothed whales) and Pinnipeds
Probability of Harassment
120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190
Received Level (dB)
Justification for the Steepness Parameter of A=10 for the Odontocete Curve
The NMFS independent review process described in Section of DoN (2008) provided the
impetus for the selection of the parameters for the risk function curves. One scientist recommended
staying close to the risk continuum concept as used in the SURTASS LFA sonar EIS. This scientist
opined that both the basement and slope values; B=120 dB and A=10 respectively, from the SURTASS
LFA sonar risk continuum concept are logical solutions in the absence of compelling data to select
alternate values supporting the Feller-adapted risk function for MFA sonar. Another scientist indicated a
steepness parameter needed to be selected, but did not recommend a value. Four scientists did not
specifically address selection of a slope value. After reviewing the six scientists’ recommendations, the
two NMFS scientists recommended selection of A=10. Direction was provided by NMFS to use the A=10
curve for odontocetes based on the scientific review of potential risk functions developed for the HRC
EIS/OEIS (Section of DoN 2008; NOAA 2009).
As background, a sensitivity analysis of the A=10 parameter was undertaken and presented in
Appendix D of the SURTASS/LFA FEIS (DoN 2001). The analysis was performed to support the A=10
parameter for mysticete whales responding to a low-frequency sound source, a frequency range to which
the mysticete whales are believed to be most sensitive to. The sensitivity analysis results confirmed the
increased risk estimate for animals exposed to sound levels below 165 dB. Results from the Low
Frequency Sound Scientific Research Program (LFS SRP) phase II research showed that whales
(specifically gray whales in their case) did scale their responses with received level as supported by the
A=10 parameter (Buck and Tyack, 2000). In the second phase of the LFS SRP research, migrating gray
whales showed responses similar to those observed in earlier research (Malme et al. 1983, 1984) when the
low frequency source was moored in the migration corridor (1.1 nm [2 km] from shore). The study
extended those results with confirmation that a louder SL elicited a larger scale avoidance response.
However, when the source was placed offshore (2.2 nm [4 km] from shore) of the migration corridor, the
avoidance response was not evident. This implies that the inshore avoidance model – in which 50 percent
of the whales avoid exposure to levels of 141 + 3 dB – may not be valid for whales in proximity to an
offshore source (DoN 2001). As concluded in the SURTASS LFA Sonar Final OEIS/EIS (DoN 2001), the
value of A=10 produces a curve that has a more gradual transition than the curves developed by the
analyses of migratory gray whale studies (Malme et al. 1984; Buck and Tyack 2000; and SURTASS LFA
Sonar EIS, Subchapters 1.43, and Appendix D; NMFS 2008; NOAA 2009).
Justification for the steepness parameter of A=8 for the Mysticete Curve
The Nowacek et al. (2004) study provides the only available data source for a mysticete species
behaviorally responding to a sound source (i.e., alert stimuli) with frequencies in the range of tactical
mid-frequency sonar (1-10 kHz), including empirical measurements of received levels (RLs). While there
are fundamental differences in the stimulus used by Nowacek et al. (2004) and tactical mid-frequency
sonar (e.g., source level, waveform, duration, directionality, likely range from source to receiver), they are
generally similar in frequency band and the presence of modulation patterns. Thus, while they must be
considered with caution in interpreting behavioral responses of mysticetes to mid-frequency sonar, they
seemingly cannot be excluded from this consideration given the overwhelming lack of other information.
The Nowacek et al. (2004) data indicate that five out the six North Atlantic right whales exposed to an
alert stimuli “significantly altered their regular behavior and did so in identical fashion” (i.e., ceasing
feeding and swimming to just under the surface). For these five whales, maximum RLs associated with
this response ranged from root- mean-square sound (rms) pressure levels of 133-148 dB (re: 1 μPa).
When six scientists (one of them being Nowacek) were asked to independently evaluate available data for
constructing a dose response curve based on a solution adapted from Feller (1968), the majority of them
(4 out of 6; one being Nowacek) indicated that the Nowacek et al. (2004) data were not only appropriate
but also necessary to consider in the analysis. While other parameters associated with the solution adapted
from Feller (1968) were provided by many of the scientists (i.e., basement parameter [B], increment
above basement where there is 50 percent risk [K]), only one scientist provided a suggestion for the risk
transition parameter, A.
A single curve may provide the simplest quantitative solution to estimating behavioral harassment.
However, the policy decision, by NMFS-OPR, to adjust the risk transition parameter from A=10 to A=8
for mysticetes and create a separate curve was based on the fact the use of this shallower slope better
reflected the increased risk of behavioral response at relatively low RLs suggested by the Nowacek et al.
(2004) data. In other words, by reducing the risk transition parameter from 10 to 8, the slope of the curve
for mysticetes is reduced. This results in an increase the proportion of the population being classified as
behaviorally harassed at lower RLs. It also slightly reduces the estimate of behavioral response
probability at quite high RLs, though this is expected to have quite little practical result owing to the very
limited probability of exposures well above the mid-point of the function. This adjustment allows for a
slightly more conservative approach in estimating behavioral harassment at relatively low RLs for
mysticetes compared to the odontocete curve and is supported by the only dataset currently available. It
should be noted that the current approach (with A=8) still yields an extremely low probability for
behavioral responses at RLs between 133-148 dB, where the Nowacek data indicated significant
responses in a majority of whales studied. (Note: Creating an entire curve based strictly on the Nowacek
et al. [2004] data alone for mysticetes was advocated by several of the reviewers and considered
inappropriate, by NMFS-OPR, since the sound source used in this study was not identical to tactical mid-
frequency sonar, and there were only five data points available). The policy adjustment made by NMFS-
OPR was also intended to capture some of the additional recommendations and considerations provided
by the scientific panel (i.e., the curve should be more data driven and that a greater probability of risk at
lower RLs be associated with direct application of the Nowacek et al. 2004 data).
Harbor Porpoises
The information currently available regarding these inshore species that inhabit shallow and coastal
waters suggests a very low threshold level of response for both captive and wild animals. Threshold levels
at which both captive (e.g. Kastelein et al. 2000, 2005b, 2006) and wild harbor porpoises (e.g. Johnston,
2002) responded to sound (e.g. acoustic harassment devices (AHDs), acoustic deterrent devices (ADDs),
or other nonpulsed sound sources) is very low (e.g. ~120 dB SPL), although the biological significance of
the disturbance is uncertain. Therefore, Navy has not used the risk function curve but has applied a step
function threshold of 120 dB SPL to estimate MMPA Level B non-TTS behavioral harassment exposure
of harbor porpoises in the TMAA (i.e., assumes that all harbor porpoises exposed to 120 dB or higher
MFAS will respond in a way NMFS considers behavioral harassment).
The data used to produce the risk function were compiled from four species that had been exposed to
sound sources in a variety of different circumstances. As a result, the risk function represents a general
relationship between acoustic exposures and behavioral responses that is then applied to specific
circumstances. That is, the risk function represents a relationship that is deemed to be generally true,
based on the limited, best-available science, but may not be true in specific circumstances. In particular,
the risk function, as currently derived, treats the received level as the only variable that is relevant to a
marine mammal’s behavioral response. However, we know that many other variables—the marine
mammal’s gender, age, and prior experience; the activity it is engaged in during an exposure event, its
distance from a sound source, the number of sound sources, and whether the sound sources are
approaching or moving away from the animal—can be critically important in determining whether and
how a marine mammal will respond to a sound source (Southall et al. 2007). The data that are currently
available do not allow for incorporation of these other variables in the current risk functions; however, the
risk function represents the best use of the data that are available (NOAA 2009).
As more specific and applicable data become available, NMFS can use these data to modify the outputs
generated by the risk function to make them more realistic (and ultimately, data may exist to justify the
use of additional, alternate, or multi-variate functions). As mentioned above, it is known that the distance
from the sound source and whether it is perceived as approaching or moving away can affect the way an
animal responds to a sound (Wartzok et al. 2003, Southall et al. 2007). In the TMAA, modeling indicates
animals exposed to received levels between 120 and 130 dB may be 36 to 57 nm (76 to 105 km) from a
sound source; those distances would influence whether those animals might perceive the sound source as
a potential threat, and their behavioral responses to that threat (DoN 2008, NOAA 2009). Though there
are data showing marine mammal responses to sound sources at that received level, NMFS does not
currently have any data that describe the response of marine mammals to sounds at that distance (or to
other contextual aspects of the exposure, such as the presence of higher frequency harmonics), much less
data that compare responses to similar sound levels at varying distances (NOAA 2009). However, if data
were to become available that suggested animals were less likely to respond (in a manner NMFS would
classify as harassment) to certain levels beyond certain distances, or that they were more likely to respond
at certain closer distances, Navy will re-evaluate the risk function to try to incorporate any additional
variables into the “take” estimates. For distances to MMPA Level B harassments from non-TTS and the
percent of MMPA Level B harassments for those distances in the TMAA for an SQS-53 sonar, see Table
3.8-5 and Figure 3.8-11.
Table 3.8-5: Non-TTS MMPA Level B Harassments at Each Received Level Band in the TMAA from
SQS-53 Sonar
Received Level Distance at which Levels Percent of Behavioral Harassments
(dB SPL) Occur in GOA Occurring at Given Levels
Below 138 42 km – 105 km ~0%
138<Level<144 28 km – 42 km <1%
144<Level<150 17 km – 28 km ~1 %
150<Level<156 9 km – 17 km 7%
156<Level<162 5 km – 9 km 18 %
162<Level<168 2.5 km – 5 km 26 %
168<Level<174 1.2 km – 2.5 km 22 %
174<Level<180 0.5 km – 1.2 km 14 %
180<Level<186 335 m – 0.5 km 6%
186<Level<TTS 178 m – 335 m 5%
Notes: dB = decibel, GOA = Gulf of Alaska, km = kilometer, TMAA = Temporary Maritime Activities Area, MMPA =
Marine Mammal Protection Act, nm = nautical mile, SPL = Sound Pressure Level
Percentage of Harassments
120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185
Received Level (dB)
Figure 3.8-11: The Percentage of MMPA Level B Harassments from Non-TTS for Every 3 dB of
Received Level in the TMAA
It is worth noting that Navy and NMFS would expect an animal exposed to the levels at the bottom of the
risk function to exhibit non-TTS MMPA Level B harassment behavioral responses that are less likely to
adversely affect the longevity, survival, or reproductive success of the animals that might be exposed,
based on received level, and the fact that the exposures will occur in the absence of some of the other
contextual variables that would likely be associated with increased severity of effects, such as the
proximity of the sound source(s) or the proximity of other vessels, aircraft, submarines, etc. maneuvering
in the vicinity of the exercise. NMFS will consider all available information (other variables, etc.), but all
else being equal, takes that result from exposure to lower received levels and at greater distances from the
exercises would be less likely to contribute to population level effects (NMFS 2008, NOAA 2009). Navy Protocols for Acoustic Modeling Analysis of Marine Mammal Exposures
The quantification of the acoustic modeling results for sonar includes additional analysis to increase the
accuracy of the number of marine mammals affected. Table 3.8-6 provides a summary of the modeling
protocols used in the standard Navy analysis. Modeling for ASW and other sound generating activities in
the TMAA differ from these protocols in that the annual required sonar hours data was derived from
projected future needs based on input gathered during previous Northern Edge Exercise planning
conferences and discussions with U.S. Navy Third Fleet training directorate. Post modeling analysis
includes reducing acoustic footprints where they encounter land masses, accounting for acoustic
footprints for sources that overlap to accurately sum the total area when multiple ships are operating
together, and to better account for the maximum number of individuals of a species that could potentially
be exposed to sound sources within the course of one day or a discreet continuous event.
Table 3.8-6: Navy Protocols Providing for Modeling Quantification of Marine Mammal Exposures
to Sonar
Historical Sonar Positional Annual active sonar usage data is obtained from the SPORTS
Data Reporting System database to determine the number of active sonar hours and the
(SPORTS) geographic location of those hours for modeling purposes.
The SQS-53 and the SQS-56 active sonar sources are modeled
SQS-53 and SQS-
Acoustic 56
separately to account for the differences in source level,
Parameters frequency, and exposure effects.
Submarine active sonar use during ASW or ASUW is included in
Submarine Sonar
effects analysis calculations using the SPORTS database.
For sound sources within the acoustic footprint of land, the land
Land Shadow
area is subtracted from the marine mammal exposure calculation. Analytical Framework for Assessing Marine Mammal Response to At-Sea Explosions
The effects of an at-sea explosion on a marine mammal depends on many factors, including the size, type,
and depth of both the animal and the explosive charge; the depth of the water column; the standoff
distance between the charge and the animal; and the sound propagation properties of the environment.
Potential impacts can range from brief acoustic effects (such as behavioral disturbance), tactile
perception, physical discomfort, slight injury of the internal organs and the auditory system, to death of
the animal (Yelverton et al. 1973, O’Keeffe and Young 1984, DoN 2001). Non-lethal injury includes
slight injury to internal organs and the auditory system; however, delayed lethality can be a result of
individual or cumulative sublethal injuries (DoN 2001a). Short-term or immediate lethal injury would
result from massive combined trauma to internal organs as a direct result of proximity to the point of
detonation (DoN 2001a).
The criterion for mortality for marine mammals is “onset of severe lung injury” as presented in the Final
Rule for the Hawaii Range Complex MMPA Letter of Authorization (NOAA 2009). This is conservative
in that it corresponds to a 1 percent chance of mortal injury, and yet any animal experiencing onset severe
lung injury is counted as a lethal exposure.
• The threshold is stated in terms of the Goertner (1982) modified positive impulse with value
“indexed to 31 psi-ms.'” Since the Goertner approach depends on propagation, source/animal
depths, and animal mass in a complex way, the actual impulse value corresponding to the 31-psi-
ms index is a complicated calculation. Again, to be conservative, CHURCHILL used the mass of
a calf dolphin (at 26.4 pound [lb] [12.2 kilogram {kg}]), so that the threshold index is 30.5
pounds per square inch (psi)-ms (Table 3.8-7).
• Two criteria are used for injury: onset of slight lung hemorrhage and 50 percent eardrum rupture
(tympanic membrane [TM] rupture). These criteria are considered indicative of the onset of injury
(Table 3.8-7).
• The threshold for onset of slight lung injury is calculated for a small animal (a dolphin calf
weighing 27 lb [12 kg]), and is given in terms of the “Goertner modified positive impulse,”
indexed to 13 psi-ms in the (DoN 2001a, 2008d). This threshold is conservative since the positive
impulse needed to cause injury is proportional to animal mass, and therefore, larger animals
require a higher impulse to cause the onset of injury.
• The threshold for TM rupture corresponds to a 50 percent rate of rupture (i.e., 50 percent of
animals exposed to the level are expected to suffer TM rupture); this is stated in terms of an SEL
value of 205 dB re 1 μPa2-s. The criterion reflects the fact that TM rupture is not necessarily a
serious or life-threatening injury, but is a useful index of possible injury that is well correlated
with measures of permanent hearing impairment (e.g., Ketten 1998 indicates a 30 percent
incidence of PTS at the same threshold).
Noise Exposure
Temporary Auditory 23 psi All marine mammals
Level B
Peak Pressure
Notes: Goertner 1982. Prediction of at-sea explosion safe ranges for sea mammals. Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oak Laboratory,
Silver Spring, MD. NSWC/WOL TR-82-188. 25 pp.
Department of the Navy, 2001a. USS Churchill Shock Trail FEIS- February, 2001.
NMFS. Briefed to NMFS for VAST-IMPASS.
dB re 1μPa2-s = decibels referenced to 1 micropascal squared per second, Hz = hertz
MSE = Multiple Successive Explosions, msec = millisecond
psi = pounds per square inch, SEL = Sound Exposure Level
TM = Tympanic membrane, TTS = Temporary Threshold Shift
The following criterion is considered for noninjurious harassment TTS, which is a temporary,
recoverable, loss of hearing sensitivity (NMFS 2001, DoN 2001a, NOAA 2009).
• A threshold of 12 psi peak pressure was developed for 10,000-lb charges as part of the
CHURCHILL Final EIS (DoN 2001a, [FR70/160, 19 Aug 05; FR 71/226, 24 Nov 06]). It was
introduced to provide a more conservative safety zone for TTS when the explosive or the animal
approaches the sea surface (for which case the explosive energy is reduced but the peak pressure
is not). Navy policy with concurrence from NMFS is to use a 23 psi criterion for explosive
charges less than 2,000 lb (907 kg) and the 12 psi criterion for explosive charges larger than
2,000 lb (907 kg). This is below the level of onset of TTS for an odontocete (Finneran et al.
2002). All explosives modeled for the TMAA are less than 1,500 lb (608 kg).
• A threshold of 182 dB re:1µPa2-sec for any 1/3 octave band over all exposures
The approximate nominal radial distance from various at-sea explosives to these thresholds in the TMAA
during the summer time-frame are presented In Table 3.8-7a.
Table 3.8-7a. Approximate Distance to Effects for At-Sea Explosives in the Temporary Maritime
Activities Area
MMPA Level B Harassment MMPA Level A Harassment Severe Injury or
(behavioral disturbance) (slight injury) Mortality
Explosive 50 percent
Source Sub-TTS, TTS, TTS, Lung 30.5 psi-ms
TM rupture,
177 dB re 1 182 dB re 1 23 psi peak injury, impulse
205 dB re 1
μPa2-s μPa2-s pressure 2 13 psi-ms pressure
μPa -s
MK-82 2720 1584 809 302 263 153
MK-83 4056 2374 1102 468 330 195
MK-84 5196 3050 1327 611 378 226
76 mm 168 95 150 19 25 13
5 inch 413 227 269 43 44 23
sonobuoy NA 325 271 71 135 76
Notes: dB re 1 μPa -s = decibels referenced to 1 micropascal squared per second, EER = Extended Echo Ranging, IEER = Improved
Extended Echo Ranging, mm = millimeters, MMPA = Marine Mammal Protection Act, psi = pounds per square inch, psi-ms= pounds per
square inch per millisecond, TM = Tympanic Membrane, TTS = Temporary Threshold Shift
MMPA Level B Harassment from Sub-TTS for Multiple Successive Explosions (MSE)
There may be rare occasions when multiple successive explosions are part of a static location event such
as during SINKEX, BOMBEX, or GUNEX (when using other than inert weapons). For MSEs,
accumulated energy over the entire training time is the natural extension for energy thresholds since
energy accumulates with each subsequent shot; this is consistent with the treatment of multiple arrivals as
first presented in Churchill (DoN 2001). For positive impulse, NMFS has determined it is consistent with
Churchill to use the maximum value over all impulses received (NOAA 2009).
For MSE, the acoustic criterion for sub-TTS MMPA Level B harassment is used to account for behavioral
effects significant enough to be judged as harassment, but occurring at lower sound energy levels than
those that may cause TTS. The threshold for MMPA Level B harassment from sub-TTS is derived
following the approach NMFS has established for the energy-based TTS threshold (NOAA 2009).
The research on pure tone exposures reported in Schlundt et al. (2000) and Finneran and Schlundt (2004)
provided the pure-tone threshold of 192 dB as the lowest TTS value. This value is modified for
explosives by (a) interpreting it as an energy metric, (b) reducing it by 10 dB to account for the time
constant of the mammal ear, and (c) measuring the energy in 1/3 octave bands, the natural filter band of
the ear. The resulting TTS threshold for explosives is 182 dB re 1 mPa2-s in any 1/3 octave band. As
reported by Schlundt et al. (2000) and Finneran and Schlundt (2004), instances of altered behavior in the
pure tone research generally began five dB lower than those causing TTS. The threshold is therefore
derived by subtracting five dB from the 182 dB re 1 mPa2-s in any 1/3 octave band threshold, resulting in
a 177 dB re 1 μPa2-s sub-TTS MMPA Level B harassment threshold for multiple successive explosives
that may result in behavioral disturbance (NOAA 2009).
The Navy acoustic exposure model process uses a number of inter-related software tools to assess
potential exposure of marine mammals to Navy generated underwater sound including sonar and
explosions. For sonar, these tools estimate potential impact volumes and areas over a range of thresholds
for sonar specific operating modes. Results are based upon extensive pre-computations over the range of
acoustic environments that might be encountered in the operating area (Appendix D).
The acoustic model includes four steps used to calculate potential exposures:
1. Identify unique acoustic environments that encompass the operating area. Parameters include depth and
seafloor geography, bottom characteristics and sediment type, wind and surface roughness, sound
velocity profile, surface duct, sound channel, and convergence zones.
2. Compute transmission loss (TL) data appropriate for each sensor type in each of these acoustic
environments. Propagation can be complex depending on a number of environmental parameters listed
in step one, as well as sonar operating parameters such as directivity, source level, ping rate, and ping
length, and for explosives the amount of explosive material detonated. The standard Navy
Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System/Gaussian Ray Bundle (CASS-GRAB) acoustic
propagation model is used to resolve complexities for underwater propagation prediction.
3. Use that TL to estimate the total sound energy received at each point in the acoustic environment.
4. Apply this energy to predicted animal density for that area to estimate potential acoustic exposure, with
animals distributed in 3-D based on best available science on animal dive profiles.
For purposes of predicting potential acoustic and explosive effects on marine mammals, the Navy uses an
acoustic impact model process with numeric criteria agreed upon with the NMFS (NOAA 2009). While
this process is described more completely in Appendix D, there are some caveats necessary to understand
in order to put these exposures in context and used in recent Final Rules (NOAA 2008b, 2008c).
For instance, (1) significant scientific uncertainties are implied and carried forward in any analysis using
marine mammal density data as a predictor for animal occurrence within a given geographic area; (2)
there are limitations to the actual model process based on information available (animal densities, animal
depth distributions, animal motion data, impact thresholds, and supporting statistical model); and (3)
determination and understanding of what constitutes a significant behavioral effect is still unresolved.
The sources of marine mammal densities used in this analysis are derived from NMFS broad scale
surveys. However, although survey design includes statistical placement of survey tracks, the survey itself
can only cover so much ocean area and post-survey statistics are used to calculate animal abundances and
densities (Barlow and Forney, 2007). There is often significant statistical variation inherit within the
calculation of the final density values depending on how many sightings were available during a survey.
Occurrence of marine mammals within any geographic area, such as the TMAA, is highly variable and
strongly correlated to parameters such as oceanographic conditions, prey availability, and ecosystem level
patterns rather than broad changes in a stock’s reproduction success and survival (Forney 2000, Ferguson
and Barlow 2001, Benson et al. 2002, Moore et al. 2002, Tynan 2005, Redfern 2006). For some species,
distribution may be even more highly influence by relative small scale features over both short and long-
term time scales (Balance et al. 2006, Etnoyer et al. 2006, Ferguson et al. 2006, Skov et al. 2007).
Unfortunately, the scientific level of understanding of some large scale and most small scale processes
thought to influence marine mammal distribution is incomplete.
Given the uncertainties in marine mammal density estimation and localized distributions, the Navy’s
acoustic impact models can not currently be used to predict occurrence of marine mammals within
specific regions of the GOA. To resolve this issue and allow modeling to proceed, animals are uniformly
distributed within acoustic modeling provinces as described in Appendix D. This process does not
account for animals that move into or out of the region based on foraging and migratory patterns, and
adds a significant amount of variability to the model predictions. Parameters have, therefore, been chosen
to err on the side of overestimation.
Results, therefore, from acoustic impact exposure models should be regarded as exceedingly conservative
estimates strongly influenced by limited biological data. While numbers generated allow establishment of
predicted marine mammal exposures for consultation with NMFS, the short duration and limited
geographic extent of most sonar and at-sea explosive events does not necessarily mean that these
exposures will in fact occur.
In addition to the predicted exposure numbers or expected values resulting from acoustic modeling, there
remains the possibility, although rare, that a marine mammal may be present in the TMAA when Navy
activities are occurring (rare in this context refers to a species that is few in number in the GOA).
For some species whose numbers are few but have a known abundance (e.g., sperm whale, gray whale,
minke whale), acoustic modeling was completed but the results indicate no predicted exposures for at-sea
explosions under any alternative. For other species (blue whale, California sea lion, harbor porpoise,
harbor seal, North Pacific Right whale, and sei whale), there are no valid abundance or density estimates
for the TMAA. However, even if an accurate abundance or density could be derived for these species,
being so few in number in the TMAA, accepted modeling methodology will predict zero exposures
(based on modeling results for species with higher abundance such as sperm and gray whale, but having
no predicted exposures). To account for the possibility that harassment of rare marine mammals may
occur, special consideration has been given these cases. Therefore, for each proposed 21-day exercise
period, the number of behavioral harassments per rare species will be based on an assumption of having
exposed the species average group size1 to one instance of behavioral harassment to account for all at-sea
explosions and one instance average group size behavioral harassment to account for all acoustic sources
With regard to marine mammals, the “average group size” (sometimes also “mean group size”) is a commonly reported estimate derived from
data collected during a marine mammal survey. Average group size is typically defined as the estimated total number of individual animals of a
species divided by the number of sightings of groups of that species. Marine mammal observers generally record best, high, and low group size
estimates for each sighting. For species with highly variable group sizes, different methods can be used to derive a measure of “average group
size” based on the observers’ combined estimates. In addition, when survey data are used to estimate species abundance, various methods are
often used to reduce the potential for bias (i.e., larger groups are easier to detect and can be over-represented in a sample) and group size
estimates can be derived in a much more complex manner (see Buckland et al. 1993). Resulting average group size numbers are often integers
and reported with a corresponding percent coefficient of variation (% CV) to represent the precision of the estimate. For purposes of estimating
effects in this analysis, an approximate rounded average group size number is used. This number is not meant to be an accurate representation of
average group size for calculating abundance and density but is used to account for the potential presence of rare animals during Navy training in
the TMAA.
(e.g., sonar, pingers, EMATT) for purposes of this analysis in the TMAA. This average group size
estimate was only used if there was no density data available for modeling or if modeling resulted in zero
exposures for the species. Table 3.8-8 provides the average group size for rare species in the TMAA as
derived or reported from the citations listed.
Table 3.8-8: Average Group Size for Rare Species in the TMAA
Species Group Size Total Encounters Reference
- Rounded1 (number of individuals)
ESA Listed Cetacea
Blue whale 1 15(15) Calambokidis et al., (2009)
Humpback whale 2 11(20) Rone et al., (2009)
North Pacific right whale 1 1(1) Angliss and Allen (2008)
Sei whale 4 - Leatherwood et al., (1988)
Sperm whale 1 - Rone et al., (2009)
Non-ESA Listed Cetacea
Baird’s beaked whale 114 n/a Wade et al., (2003)
Gray whale 3 3(8) Rone et al., (2009)
Harbor porpoise 2 30(89) Rone et al., (2009)
Minke whale 2 2(3) Rone et al., (2009)
Non-ESA Listed Pinniped
California sea lion 15 - -
Harbor seal 1 2(2) Rone et al., (2009)
1. Lacking otherwise published numbers for Average Group Size for marine mammals in the TMAA, the method for deriving Average Group
Size for use in quantifying the potential for rare animals was to take survey data providing the total number of animals sighted and dividing
that by the number of visual encounters for each species during that survey with the resulting number then rounded to a whole number.
2. Based on the sighting in GOA of one lone North Pacific right whale in with a group of humpbacks from Waite (2003).
3. Based on no sightings of family groups although numerous acoustic detections were made.
4. Based on sightings in Alaska waters (DoN 2006).
5. It is assumed given that California sea lions are very rare in GOA, that they would only be encountered individually even if a prey species
was running.
Behavioral Responses
Behavioral responses to exposure from MFA and HFA sonar, other non-sonar acoustic sources, and at-sea
explosions can range from no observable response to panic, flight and possibly stranding (Figure 3.8-12)
(NOAA 2009). Recent behavioral response study field experiments with tagged beaked whales found
their reactions to MFA sonar consisted of the animals stopping their clicking, producing fewer foraging
buzzes than normal, and ending their dives in a long and an unusually slow ascent moving away from the
sound source (Tyack 2009). It was further suggested based on these response studies that beaked whales
may be “particularly sensitive to anthropogenic sounds, but there is no evidence that they have a special
sensitivity to sonar compared with other signals” (Tyack 2009).
It has been long recognized that the intensity of the behavioral responses exhibited by marine mammals
depends on a number of conditions including the age, reproductive condition, experience, behavior
(foraging or reproductive), species, received sound level, type of sound (impulse or continuous) and
duration of sound (Reviews by Richardson et al. 1995, Wartzok et al. 2003, Cox et al. 2006, Nowacek et
al. 2007, Southall et al. 2007). Many behavioral responses may be short term (seconds to minutes) and of
little immediate consequence for the animal such as simply orienting to the sound source. Alternatively,
there may be a longer term response over several hours such as moving away from the sound source. In
addition, some responses have the potential life function consequences such as leading to a stranding or a
mother-offspring separation (Baraff and Weinrich 1994, Gabriele et al. 2001). Generally the louder the
sound source the more intense the response although duration, context, and disposition of the animal are
also very important (Southall et al. 2007). Exposure to loud sounds resulting from Navy training would be
brief as the ship and other participants are constantly moving and the animal will likely be moving as
According to the severity scale response spectrum proposed by Southall et al. (2007) (Figure 3.8-12),
responses classified as from 0-3 are brief and minor, those from 4-6 have a higher potential to affect
foraging, reproduction, or survival and those from 7-9 are likely to affect foraging, reproduction and
survival. Sonar and explosive mitigation measures (sonar power-down or shut-down zones and explosive
exclusion zones) would likely prevent animals from being exposed to the loudest sonar sounds or
explosive effects that could potentially result in TTS or PTS and more intense behavioral reactions (i.e. 7-
9) on the response spectrum.
There are little data on the consequences of sound exposure on vital rates of marine mammals. Several
studies have shown the effects of chronic noise (either continuous or multiple pulses) on marine mammal
presence in an area exposed to seismic survey airguns or ship noise (e.g., Malme et al. 1984, McCauley et
al. 1998, Nowacek et al. 2004). MFA sonar use in Navy ranges is not new and has occurred using the
same basic sonar equipment and output for over approximately 30 years. Given this history the Navy
believes that risk to marine mammals from sonar training is low.
Even for more cryptic species such as beaked whales, the main determinant of causing a stranding
appears to be exposure in a limited egress area (a long narrow channel) with multiple ships. This would
be consistent with the recent suggestion that beaked whales are not particularly sensitive to sonar but tend
to move away from all anthropogenic noise (Tyack 2009). When animals are unable to avoid the exposure
because of constructed bathymetry and multiple ships, in these specific circumstances and conditions
MFA sonar is believed to have contributed to the stranding and mortality of a small number of beaked
whales in locations other than the GOA. There are no limited egress areas (long narrow channels) or
landmasses within the TMAA, therefore, it is unlikely that the proposed sonar use would result in any
strandings. Although the Navy has substantially changed operating procedures to avoid the aggregate of
circumstances that may have contributed to previous strandings, it is important that future unusual
stranding events be reviewed and investigated so that any human cause of the stranding can understood
and avoided.
There have been no known beaked whale strandings in the GOA associated with the use of MFA/HFA
sonar by fisheries research activities or seismic research. There are critical contextual difference between
the TMAA and areas of the world where beaked whale strandings have occurred (see Appendix F). While
the absence of evidence does not prove there have been no impacts on beaked whales, decades of use of
sonar in Navy concentration areas (e.g., Southern California, the Atlantic Coast, Gulf of Mexico) with no
observed beaked whale strandings associated with MFA sonar, or indications of significant effects to
species or populations of beaked whales has been given consideration.
Figure 3.8-12: Marine Mammal Response Spectrum to Anthropogenic Sounds (Numbered severity
scale for ranking observed behaviors from Southall et al. 2007)
A TTS is a temporary recoverable, loss of hearing sensitivity over a small range of frequencies related to
the sound source to which it was exposed. The animal may not even be aware of the TTS and does not
become deaf, but requires a louder sound stimulus (relative to the amount of TTS) to detect that sound
within the affected frequencies. TTS may last several minutes to several days and the duration is related
to the intensity of the sound source and the duration of the sound (including multiple exposures). Sonar
exposures from ASW training are generally short in duration and intermittent (several sonar pings per
minute from a moving ship), and with mitigation measures in place, TTS in marine mammals exposed to
MFA or HFA sonar or other sound sources and at-sea explosions are unlikely to occur. There is currently
no information to suggest that if an animal has TTS, that it will decrease the survival rate or reproductive
fitness of that animal. TTS range from an SQS-53 sonar’s 235 dB source level one second ping is
approximately 584 ft (178 m) from the bow of the ship under nominal oceanographic conditions during
the summer in the TMAA.
A PTS is non-recoverable, results from the destruction of tissues within the auditory system and occurs
over a small range of frequencies related to the sound exposure. The animal does not become deaf but
requires a louder sound stimulus (relative to the amount of PTS) to detect that sound within the affected
frequencies. Sonar exposures are general short in duration and intermittent (several sonar pings per
minute from a moving ship), and with mitigation measures in place, PTS in marine mammals exposed to
MFA or HFA sonar is very unlikely to occur. There is currently no information to suggest that if an
animal has PTS that it decrease the survival rate or reproductive fitness of that animal. The distance to
PTS from an SQS-53 sonar’s 235 dB source level and one second ping is approximately 33 ft (10 m) from
the bow of the ship under nominal oceanographic conditions in the TMAA.
The impact areas of the at-sea explosions are derived from mathematical calculations and models that
predict the distances to which threshold noise levels would travel. The equations for the models consider
the amount of net explosive, the properties of detonations under water, and environmental factors such as
depth of the explosion, overall water depth, water temperature, and bottom type.
The result of the analysis is an area known as the Zone of Influence (ZOI). A ZOI is based on an outward
radial distance from the point of detonation, extending to the limit of a particular threshold level in a 360-
degree area. Thus, there are separate ZOIs for mortality, injury (hearing-related injury and slight, nonfatal
lung injury), and harassment (temporary threshold shift, or TTS, and sub-TTS). The ZOIs are also
influenced by the body size and species of marine mammal exposed. Given the radius, and assuming
noise spreads outward in a spherical manner, the entire area ensonified (i.e., exposed to the specific noise
level being analyzed) is estimated. The radius is assumed to extend from the point of detonation in all
directions, allowing calculation of the affected area.
The number of marine mammal takes is estimated by applying marine mammal density to the ZOI (area)
for each detonation type. Species density for the more abundant marine mammals is presented in Tables
3.8-1 and 3.8-2. This derived density data were input into the modeling with factors applied to account for
the species specific dive behaviors, as detailed in Appendix D and E. By combining marine mammal
density and dive behaviors, a more accurate prediction of acoustic exposure is possible. The model-
specific adjustments applied for each type of detonation are described in the following paragraphs.
At-sea explosives detonated underwater introduce loud, impulsive, broadband sounds into the marine
environment. Three source parameters influence the effect of an explosive: the weight of the explosive,
the type of explosive material, and the detonation depth. The net explosive weight (or NEW) accounts for
the first two parameters. The NEW of an explosive is the weight of only the explosive material in a given
round, referenced to the explosive power of TNT.
The detonation depth of an explosive is particularly important due to a propagation effect known as
surface-image interference increasingly. For sources located near the sea surface, a distinct interference
pattern arises from the coherent sum of the two paths that differ only by a single reflection from the
pressure-release surface. As the source depth and/or the source frequency decreases, these two paths
increasingly, destructively interfere with each other, reaching total cancellation at the surface (barring
surface-reflection scattering loss).
For the TMAA, explosive sources having detonations in the water include the following: SSQ-110 EER
sonobuoys, MK-82, MK-83, MK-84 bombs, 5” and 76 mm gunnery rounds, MK-48 torpedo, and the
Maverick missile. The EER source can be detonated at several depths within the water column. For the
modeling analysis, a relatively shallow depth of 65 ft (20 m) was used to optimize the likelihood of the
source being positioned in a surface duct. A source depth of two meters was used for bombs and missiles
that do not strike their target. The MK-48 torpedo detonates immediately below the target’s hull and a
nominal depth of 50 ft (14 m) was used as its source depth in this analysis. For the gunnery rounds, a
source depth of one foot was used. The NEW modeled for these sources are as follows:
space, allowing for sufficient animal movements to ensure a different population of animals is considered
for each detonation (NOAA 2009).
Modeling was completed for surface gunnery exercises that take place in the open ocean to provide
gunnery practice for Navy ship crews. Exercises can involve a variety of surface targets that are either
stationary or maneuverable. Gun systems employed against surface targets include the 5-inch, 76mm,
57mm, 25mm, 20mm, .50-caliber, and the 7.62mm (only a small percentage of the 5-inch and 76mm
rounds are inert). The ZOI, for explosives when multiplied by the estimated animal densities and total
number of events, provides exposure estimates for that animal species for the given gunnery system using
live ordnance.
Modeling was completed for three explosive weights involved in BOMBEX, each assumed detonation at
3.3-ft (1-m) depth. The NEW used in simulations of the MK82, MK83, and MK84 explosives are 192.2
lb (87.2 kg), 415.8 lb (188.6 kg), 944.7 lb (428.5 kg), respectively. The ZOI, when multiplied by the
estimated animal densities and total number of events, provides exposure estimates for that animal species
for the given bomb source.
SSQ-110 Sonobuoys
Modeling was completed for use of SSQ-110 sonobuoys, which have a charge totaling 4.4 lb (2 kg) for
each of two detonations. The ZOI for the detonation is then multiplied by the estimated animal densities
and total number of events, provides exposure estimates for that animal species for the use of SSQ-110
sonobuoys for each alternative.
Impact Thresholds
In addition to the impact thresholds described previously, this EIS/OEIS analyzes potential effects to
marine mammals in the context of the MMPA, ESA (listed species only), and EO 12114 where
applicable. The factors used to assess the significance of effects vary under these Acts and are discussed
For purposes of compliance with the MMPA, effects of the action were analyzed to determine if an
alternative would result in Level A harassment or Level B harassment of marine mammals based on
previous standards established by NMFS (NOAA 2009). For military readiness activities under the
MMPA, the relevant definition of harassment is any act that:
• Injures or has the significant potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the
wild (Level A harassment).
• Disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing
disruption of natural behavioral patterns including, but not limited to, migration, surfacing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering to a point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned
or significantly altered (Level B harassment) [16 U.S.C. 1362 (18)(B)(i)(ii)].
• For purposes of MMPA compliance, exceeding the modeled exposure of 0.5 animals presumes a
“take” and requires Navy Action Proponents to seek authorization from the appropriate regulatory
For purposes of ESA compliance, effects of the action were analyzed to make a determination of effect
for listed species (for example, no effect or may affect). The definitions used in making the determination
of effect under Section 7 of the ESA are based on the USFWS and NMFS Endangered Species
Consultation Handbook (USFWS and NMFS 1998), and recent NMFS Biological Opinions involving the
same activities and many of the same species in the Pacific (e.g., NMFS 2008, 2009b).
• “No effect” is the appropriate conclusion when a listed species or its designated critical habitat
will not be affected, either because the species will not be present or because the project does not
have any elements with the potential to affect the species or modify designated critical habitat.
“No effect” does not include a small effect or an effect that is unlikely to occur.
• If effects are insignificant (in size) or discountable (extremely unlikely), a “may affect”
determination is appropriate. Insignificant effects relate to the magnitude or extent of the impact
(for example, they must be small and would not rise to the level of a take of a species).
• For ESA protected marine mammals, if quantitative analysis indicates a modeled exposure
exceeds 0.05 protected marine mammals, then there is a presumption that the proposed activity
“may affect” the protected marine mammal thus triggering consultation with the appropriate
regulatory agency pursuant to reference.
• Discountable effects are those extremely unlikely to occur and based on best judgment, a person
would not: (1) be able to meaningfully measure, detect, or evaluate insignificant effects; or (2)
expect discountable effects to occur.
For purposes of ESA compliance relative to listed critical habitats and as noted previously, there is no
designated critical habitat in the TMAA.
Under the preferred alternative and with regard to annual Navy vessel traffic, the Navy has proposed
providing the flexibility to conduct (as required) a second summer exercise within the TMAA between
2010 and 2015. Within the maximum two summer exercises, the length of the exercise, the number of
vessels, and the allotted at-sea time within the TMAA during an exercise will be variable between years.
These variations cannot be predicted given unknowns including the availability of participants for the
annual exercise(s), which is a direct result of factors such as Navy responses to real-world events (e.g.,
tactical deployments, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, etc.), planned and unplanned deployments,
vessel availability due to funding and maintenance cycles, and logistic concerns with conducting an
exercise in the GOA. The Navy predicts, however, there will be no increase required in excess of two
annual summer exercises as described for Alternative 2 over the course of the 2010 and 2015 timeframe
such that it is unlikely increases in steaming days would occur during this time period.
The following paragraphs present a context and assessment for the potential for Navy ship strikes in the
TMAA. Accurate data regarding vessel collisions with whales is difficult for several reasons but mainly
due to a lack of mandatory reporting by vessels other than the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard (Navy and
Coast Guard report all whale collisions to NMFS as a standard procedure). As a result, historic trends,
annual rates of collision, and, most importantly, the effect vessel collisions may have on particular stocks
of whales or other marine mammals remain unknown.
The Navy requires reporting of all collisions involving marine mammals. While recognizing Navy
activity in the TMAA has previously involved no more than an annual brief three-week period in the
summer, there have been no known collisions, referred to as “ship strikes” by Navy vessels in Alaska
waters over many years of operation.
Reviews of the record, involving mostly commercial vessel collisions between ships and whales have
been published (e.g., Laist et al., 2001, Jensen and Silber 2004). However, Navy vessel operations differ
from commercial vessels in a number of ways important to the prevention of whale collisions. Navy
surface ships maintain a constant, 24/7 navigation watch with dedicated lookouts while underway. The
Navy has developed a Marine Species Awareness Training, which is required for all lookouts and is
designed to recognize marine mammal cues to assist in avoiding potential collisions with whales. In
addition to lookouts, there are often other watchstanders such as ship officers and supervisory personnel,
as well as lookouts responsible for safe navigation and avoidance of in-water objects (marine mammals,
other vessels, flotsam, marine debris, etc.). There are numerous reports from Navy transits and exercises
in other locations involving the detection of whales with vessels subsequently proactively maneuvering to
avoid a collision with a whale. For the safety of the crew, stewardship of marine mammals, and to avoid
damage to vessels, the Navy does what it can to avoid ship strikes.
For Alaska waters, the available whale-vessel collision data has been presented in an unpublished
preliminary summary (Gabriele et al., manuscript on file). The summary presents an opportunistically
collected record containing reports of 62 whale-vessel collisions between 1978 and 2006 with most
occurring in Southeast Alaska. This report is likely biased toward near shore reports and inland waters of
Southeast Alaska where the authors were located and where nearshore vessels and a population of
humpback whales overlap. Only one collision was recorded within the TMAA (involving a fishing
vessel/sperm whale). As is evident from the Alaska record, most known collisions in Alaska waters
involve humpback whales, although worldwide historical records indicate fin whales were the most likely
species to be struck (Laist et al 2001). Most of the TMAA is above deep water and well offshore, which is
not the preferred habitat for humpback whales, but is an area where fin whales or other species may
certainly be present.
The following Navy requirements are intended to reduce the likelihood of a collision with whales. Naval
vessels will maneuver to keep at least 1,500 ft (500 yds) away from any observed whale in the vessel's
path and avoid approaching whales head-on. These requirements do not apply if a vessel's safety is
threatened, such as when change of course will create an imminent and serious threat to a person, vessel,
or aircraft, and to the extent vessels are restricted in their ability to maneuver. Vessels will take all
practicable steps to alert other vessels in the vicinity of the whale.
In summary, fin, humpback and other large whales may be present in the TMAA, but the sparse available
data on whale-vessel collisions indicates that collisions are unlikely overall. The risk of collision is further
reduced by the short duration of the exercise, Navy protocols for maintaining a lookout at all times, and
maneuvering to avoid whales when possible. Given these factors, it is unlikely that Navy training
activities in the TMAA would result in a collision with a whale.
deployments, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, etc.), planned and unplanned deployments, vessel
availability due to funding and maintenance cycles, and logistic concerns with conducting an exercise in
the GOA.
Marine mammals are frequently exposed to vessels traffic as a result of commercial fishing activities,
research, ecotourism, commercial and private vessel traffic. The presence of vessels has the potential to
alter the behavior patterns of marine mammals. It is difficult to differentiate between responses to vessel
sound and visual cues associated with the presence of a vessel; thus, it is assumed that both play a role in
prompting reactions from animals (NMFS 2008). Anthropogenic sound has increased in the marine
environment over the past 50 years as a result of increased vessel traffic, marine dredging and
construction, oil and gas drilling, geophysical surveys, sonar, and at-sea explosions (Richardson et al.
1995, NRC 2003). Vessel strikes are rare, but do occur and can result in injury (NMFS 2008).
Marine mammals react to vessels in a variety of ways and seem to be generally influenced by the activity
the marine mammal is engaged in when a vessel approaches (Richardson et al. 1995). Some respond
negatively by retreating or engaging in antagonistic responses while other animals ignore the stimulus
altogether (Watkins 1986, Terhune and Verboom 1999). The ESA-listed marine mammal species (blue,
fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales; and Steller sea lion) that occur in the TMAA
are not generally documented to approach vessels in their vicinity. The predominant reaction is either
neutral or avoidance behavior, rather than attraction behavior. If available, additional information
regarding each listed species is provided below.
were between 0 and 6,562 ft (2,000 m) away (Baker et al. 1983): 1) horizontal avoidance (changing
direction and/or speed) when vessels were between 6,562 ft (2,000 m) and 13,123 ft (4,000 m) away, or
2) vertical avoidance (increased dive times and change in diving pattern).
Based on existing studies, it is likely that fin and humpback whales would have little reaction to vessels
that maintain a reasonable distance from the animals2. The distance that will provoke a response varies
based on many factors including, but not limited to, vessel size, geographic location, and individual
animal tolerance levels (Watkins et al. 1981, Baker et al. 1983, Jahoda et al. 2003). Should the vessels
approach close enough to invoke a reaction, animals may engage in avoidance behaviors and/or alter their
breathing patterns. Reactions exhibited by the whales would be temporary in nature. They would be
expected to return to their pre-disturbance activities once the vessel has left the area.
Sperm Whale
Sperm whales generally show little to no reaction to ships, except on close approaches (within several
hundred meters); however, some did show avoidance behavior such as quick diving (Würsig et al. 1998).
In addition, in the presence of whale watching and research boats, changes in respiration and echolocation
patterns were observed in male sperm whales (Richter et al. 2006). Disturbance from boats did not
generally result in a change in behavior patterns and is short-term in nature (Magalhães et al. 2002).
Killer Whale
In Washington and British Columbia beginning in the late 1970s, whale watching involving mainly killer
whales has become an important regional tourist industry. Both commercial and private vessels engage in
whale watching. The number of vessels engaged in this activity increased from a few boats and fewer
than 1,000 passengers annually in the early 1980s to about 41 companies with 76 boats and more than
500,000 passengers annually in 2006 (Koski 2007). The growth of whale watching during the past 20
years has meant that killer whales in the region are experiencing increased exposure to vessel traffic. Not
only do greater numbers of boats accompany the whales for longer periods of the day, but there has also
been a gradual lengthening of the viewing season. Several studies have linked vessels with short-term
behavioral changes in northern and southern resident killer whales (Kruse 1991, Kriete 2002, Williams et
al. 2002, Bain et al. 2006), although whether it is the presence and activity of the vessel, the sounds of the
vessel or a combination these factors is not well understood. Individual whales have been observed to
react in a variety of ways to whale-watching vessels. Responses include swimming faster, adopting less
predictable travel paths, making shorter or longer dives, moving into open water, and altering normal
Regulations governing approach distances to humpback whales in Alaska waters were promulgated by NMFS in
2001 (NOAA 2001b).
patterns of behavior at the surface (Kruse 1991, Williams et al. 2002, Bain et al. 2006), while in some
cases, no disturbance seems to occur. Avoidance tactics often vary between encounters and the sexes,
with the number of vessels present and their proximity, activity, size, and “loudness” affecting the
reaction of the whales (Williams et al. 2002). Avoidance patterns often become more pronounced as boats
approach closer.
The potential impacts of whale watching on killer whales remain controversial and inadequately
understood. Although numerous short-term behavioral responses to whale watching vessels have been
documented, no studies have yet demonstrated a long-term adverse effect from whale watching on the
health of any killer whale population in the northeastern Pacific (NMFS 2008). There are no reported
instances of killer whale strikes, mortality, or injury reported because of these vessel activities (NMFS
Species of delphinids can vary widely in their reaction to vessels. Many exhibit mostly neutral behavior,
but there are frequent instances of observed avoidance behaviors (Hewitt 1985, Würsig et al. 1998). In
addition, approaches by vessels can elicit changes in behavior, including a decrease in resting behavior or
change in travel direction (Bejder et al. 2006). Alternately, many of the delphinid species exhibit behavior
indicating attraction to vessels. This can include solely approaching a vessel (observed in harbor
porpoises and minke whales) (David 2002), but many species such as common, rough-toothed and
bottlenose dolphins are frequently observed bow riding or jumping in the wake of a vessel (Norris and
Prescott 1961, Shane et al. 1986, Würsig et al. 1998, Ritter 2002). While this is also a regular occurrence
wit Navy vessels, in the past, this also occurred when Navy vessels when using mid-frequency active
sonar (current mitigation measures now preclude this from occurring). These behavioral alterations are
short-term and would not result in any lasting effects.
If vessel traffic related to the proposed activity passed near marine mammals, this would only occur on an
incidental basis. Most of the studies mentioned previously examine the reaction of animals to vessels that
approach and intend to follow or observe an animal (i.e., whale watching vessels, research vessels, etc.).
Reactions to vessels not pursuing the animals, such as those transiting through an area or engaged in
training exercises, may be similar but would likely result in less stress to the animal because they would
not intentionally approach animals. In fact, Navy mitigation measures include several provisions to avoid
approaching marine mammals (see Section 5.1.7 for a detailed description of mitigation measures). As
previously noted, all quick avoidance maneuvers are short-term alterations and not expected to
permanently impact an animal. Most studies have ascertained the short-term response to vessel sound and
vessel traffic (Watkins et al. 1981, Baker, et al. 1983, Magalhães et al. 2002); however, the long-term
implications of ship sound on marine mammals is largely unknown (NMFS 2007).
Marine mammals exposed to a passing Navy vessel may not respond at all, or they could exhibit a short-
term behavioral response, but not to the extent where natural behavioral patterns would be abandoned or
significantly altered. Human disturbance to wild animals may elicit similar reactions to those caused by
natural predators (Gill et al. 2001, Beale and Monaghan 2004). Behavioral responses may also be
accompanied by a physiological response (Romero 2004), although this is very difficult to study in the
wild. Short-term exposures to stressors result in changes in immediate behavior (Frid 2003). Repeated
exposure to stressors, including human disturbance such as vessel disturbance and anthropogenic sound,
can result in negative consequences to the health and viability of an individual or population. Chronic
stress can result in decreased reproductive success (Lordi et al. 2000, Beale and Monaghan 2004),
decreased energy budget (Frid 2003), displacement from habitat (Southerland and Crockford 1993), and
lower survival rates of offspring (Lordi et al. 2000). At this time, it is unknown what the long-term
implications of chronic stress may be on marine mammal species.
Vessel movements under the No Action Alternative are not expected to result in chronic stress because, as
discussed above, Navy vessel density in the TMAA would remain low and the Navy implements
mitigation measures to avoid marine mammals. General disturbance associated with vessel movements
may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. It is not likely that disturbance associated with vessel
movements during training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in
the TMAA. This same disturbance is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined
by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to marine mammals from vessel disturbance in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) would be minimal. The Navy is working with NMFS
through the ESA consultation and MMPA permitting processes accordingly.
Aircraft Overflights
Various types of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters are used in training exercises throughout the TMAA.
These aircraft overflights would produce airborne noise and some of this energy would be transmitted
into the water. Marine mammals could be exposed to noise associated with subsonic and supersonic
fixed-wing aircraft overflights and helicopter activities while at the surface or while submerged. In
addition to sound, marine mammals could react to the shadow of a low-flying aircraft and/or, in the case
of helicopters, surface disturbance from the downdraft.
with a 26 degree apex angle extending vertically downward from the aircraft (Figure 3.8-13). The
intersection of this cone with the surface traces a “footprint” directly beneath the flight path, with the
width of the footprint being a function of aircraft altitude.
The sound pressure field is actually doubled at the air-to-water interface because the large difference in
the acoustic properties of water and air. For example, a sonic boom with a peak pressure of 10 pounds per
square foot (48.8 kg/square meter [m2]) at the sea surface becomes an impulsive wave in water with a
maximum peak pressure of 20 pounds per square foot (97.6 kg/m2). The pressure and sound levels then
decrease with increasing depth.
Eller and Cavanagh (2000) modeled estimates of SPL as a function of time at selected underwater
locations (receiver animal depths of 7 ft [2 m], 33 ft [10 m], and 164 ft [50 m]) for F-18 aircraft subsonic
overflights (250 knots [463 km/hr]) at various altitudes (984 ft [300 m], 3,281 ft [1,000 m], and 9,842 ft
[3,000 m]). As modeled for all deep water scenarios, the sound pressure levels ranged from approximately
120 to 150 dB re 1 µPa] in water. They concluded that it is difficult to construct cases (for any aircraft at
any altitude in any propagation environment) for which the underwater sound is sufficiently intense and
long lasting to cause harm to any form of marine life.
The maximum overpressures calculated for FA-18 aircraft supersonic overflights range from 5.2 pounds
per square foot (psf) (25.4 kg/m2) at 10,000 ft (3,048 m) to 28.8 psf (140.6 kg/m2) at 1,000 ft (305 m)
(Ogden 1997). Considering an extreme case of a sonic boom that generates maximum overpressure of 50
psf (244.1 kg/m2) in air, it would become an impulsive wave in water with a maximum peak pressure of
100 psf (488.2 kg/m2) or about 0.7 psi (0.05 kg/cm2). Therefore, even a worst-case situation for sonic
booms would produce a peak pressure in water well below the level that would cause harassment or
injury to marine mammals (Laney and Cavanagh, 2000).
overflights between the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft
(915 m) and have no effect on marine mammals. While fixed-wing aircraft activities can occur in Special
Use Airspace throughout the Alaska Training Area, a majority of the sorties are associated with Navy Air
Combat Maneuver (ACM) training, will take place in the TMAA. Under the No Action Alternative,
approximately 300 ACM sorties would occur annually (average of 21 sorties per day). Altitudes range
from approximately 6,000 ft (1,920 m) to 30,000 ft (9,144 m) and typical airspeeds range from very low
(less than 100 knots [185.2 km/hr]) to high subsonic (less than 600 knots [1,111.2 km/hr]). ACM training
in the TMAA will also involve supersonic flight which produces sonic booms, but this would not occur
below 15,000 ft (4,572 m) AMSL.
Exposure to fixed-wing aircraft noise would be brief (seconds) as an aircraft quickly passes overhead.
Exposures would be infrequent based on the transitory and dispersed nature of the overflights; repeated
exposure to individual animals over a short period of time (hours or days) is extremely unlikely.
Furthermore, the sound exposure levels would be relatively low to marine mammals that spend the
majority of their time underwater.
Most observations of cetacean responses to aircraft overflights are from aerial scientific surveys that
involve aircraft flying at relatively low altitudes and low airspeeds. It should be noted that most of the
aircraft overflight exposures analyzed in the studies mentioned above are different than Navy aircraft
overflights. Survey and whale watching aircraft are expected to fly at lower altitudes than typical Navy
fixed-wing overflights. Exposure durations would be longer for aircraft intending to observe or follow an
animal. These factors might increase the likelihood of a response to survey or whale watching aircraft.
Mullin et al. (1991) reported that sperm whale reactions to aerial survey aircraft (standard survey altitude
of 750 ft [229 m]) were not consistent. Some sperm whales remained on or near the surface the entire
time the aircraft was in the vicinity, while others dove immediately or a few minutes after the sighting.
Smultea et al. (2001) reported that a group of sperm whales responded to a circling aircraft (altitude of
800 ft [244 m] to 1,100 ft [335 m]) by moving closer together and forming a fan-shaped semi-circle with
their flukes to the center and their heads facing the perimeter. Several sperm whales in the group were
observed to turn on their sides, to apparently look up toward the aircraft. Richter et al. (2003) reported
that the number of sperm whale blows per surfacing increased when recreational whale watching aircraft
were present, but the changes in ventilation were small and probably of little biological consequence. The
presence of whale watching aircraft also apparently caused sperm whales to turn more sharply, but did not
affect blow interval, surface time, time to first click, or the frequency of aerial behavior (Richter et al.
2003). A review of behavioral observations of baleen whales indicates that whales will either demonstrate
no behavioral reaction to an aircraft or, occasionally, display avoidance behavior such as diving (Koski et
al. 1998). Smaller delphinids also generally display a neutral or startle response (Würsig et al. 1998).
Species, such as Kogia spp. and beaked whales, that show strong avoidance behaviors with ship traffic,
also exhibit disturbance reactions to aircraft (Würsig et al. 1998). Although there is little information
regarding reactions to aircraft overflights for other cetacean species, it is expected that reactions would be
similar to those described above; either no reaction or quick avoidance behavior.
Marine mammals exposed to a low-altitude fixed-wing aircraft overflights could exhibit a short-term
behavioral response, but not to the extent where natural behavioral patterns would be abandoned or
significantly altered. Fixed-wing aircraft overflights are not expected to result in chronic stress because it
is extremely unlikely that individual animals would be repeatedly exposed to low altitude overflights.
Fixed-wing aircraft overflights may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. It is not likely that aircraft
overflights associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine
mammals in the TMAA. This same disturbance is not expected to result in Level A or Level B
harassment as defined by the MMPA. High-altitude fixed-wing aircraft overflights over nonterritorial seas
(seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in accordance with EO
12114. The Navy is working with NMFS through the ESA consultation and MMPA permitting processes
Helicopter Overflights
Approximately 32 training events could involve helicopters in the TMAA annually under the No Action
Alternative. Helicopter overflights can occur throughout the TMAA. Unlike fixed-wing aircraft,
helicopter training activities can occur at low altitudes (75 ft [23 m] to 100 ft [30 m]), which increases the
likelihood that marine mammals would respond to helicopter overflights. However, the only places that
helicopters are below 500 ft [152 m] above ground level (AGL) over water is during training when
personnel jump from the helicopter into water from 75 ft [23 m] to 100 ft [30 m] above the surface, when
doing Deck Landing Qualifications, or when using dipping sonar. Otherwise, helicopters are 500 ft [152
m] AGL or higher while in transit. There are no haul outs or rookeries in the TMAA and none of these
overflight activities in the TMAA would take place near a haul out or rookery location.
Very little data are available regarding reactions of cetaceans to helicopters. One study observed that
sperm whales showed no reaction to a helicopter until the whales encountered the downdrafts from the
helicopter rotors (Clarke 1956). Other species such as bowhead whale and beluga whales show a range of
reactions to helicopter overflights, including diving, breaching, change in direction or behavior, and
alteration of breathing patterns, with belugas exhibiting behavioral reactions more frequently than
bowheads (Patenaude et al. 2002). These reactions were less frequent as the altitude of the helicopter
increased to 492 ft (150 m) or higher.
Helicopters are used in studies of several species of seals hauled out and is considered an effective means
of observation (Gjertz and Børset 1992, Bester et al. 2002, Bowen et al. 2006), although they have been
known to elicit behavioral reactions such as fleeing (Hoover 1988). Jehl and Cooper (1980) indicated that
low-flying helicopters, humans on foot, sonic booms, and loud boat noises were the most disturbing
influences to pinnipeds. In other studies, harbor and other species of seals and sea lions showed no
reaction to helicopter overflights (Gjertz and Børset 1992). Among the pinnipeds, harbor seals are the
most likely to startle; no serious disturbance was recorded among northern elephant seals. Numerous
observations of marine mammal reactions (or lack of reaction) to aircraft have been reported. In most
cases, airborne or waterborne noise from aircraft was the apparent stimulus (Richardson et al. 1995).
Other studies have shown less drastic reactions. Hoover (1988) reported strong reactions to aircraft below
200 ft (61 m), but minimal reaction to aircraft above 250 ft (76 m). Other studies have suggested that
harbor seals can become sensitized to overflights and show little or no reaction after frequent exposure
(Frost and Lowry 1993, Bigg as cited in Johnson et al. 1989). Harbor seals have been noted to react to
aircraft flyovers when on the beach, however, Navy fixed wing aircraft would be at high altitude over
harbor seal haul out locations and within established air transit routes. In the case of helicopter flyovers of
less than 393 ft (120 m), mothers have abandoned newborn pups and retreated into the water. This
behavior can result in permanent separation of newborn pups and subsequent death (Johnson 1967).
Helicopters overflights of rookeries would not occur in the TMAA as there are no haul out locations
within the TMAA.
If animals do flush into the water, they may return to the haul-out site immediately, stay in the water for a
length of time and then return to the haul-out, or temporarily haul-out at another site. Many factors
contribute to the degree of behavioral modification, if any, including seasonality, group composition of
the pinnipeds, type of activity they are engaged in, and noises they may be accustomed to experiencing.
Short-term reactions such as startle or alert reactions are not likely to disrupt behavior patterns such as
migrating, breeding, feeding and sheltering, nor would they be likely to result in serious injury to marine
mammals. However, if startle reactions were accompanied by large-scale movements of marine
mammals, such as stampedes into the water, the disruption could result in injury of individuals, especially
if pups were present.
Marine mammals exposed to a low-altitude helicopter overflights under the No Action Alternative could
exhibit a short-term behavioral response, but not to the extent where natural behavioral patterns would be
abandoned or considerably altered. Helicopter overflights are not expected to result in chronic stress
because it is extremely unlikely that individual animals would be repeatedly exposed. Helicopter
overflights can occur throughout the TMAA, but will not be in close proximity land and therefore far
from known haul out areas and established rookeries. In addition, the Navy complies with restrictions
prohibiting fixed wing aircraft or helicopter overflight or surface training activities within 3,000 ft
(914 m) of Steller sea lion critical habitat (NMFS 1993), rookeries or pinniped haulout areas (DoN
2002c). These mitigation measures minimize adverse reactions of seals and Steller sea lions to training
As such, helicopter overflights in the TMAA may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. These overflights
are not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is not likely that
helicopter flights associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine
mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to marine mammals from helicopter
overflights over nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) would be minimal. The Navy is working
with NMFS through the ESA consultation and MMPA permitting processes accordingly.
The number of non-explosive practice ordnance events by type of projectile occurring for the No Action
Alternative is presented in Table 2-8. Non-explosive practice ordnance includes naval gunshells (20mm,
25mm, 57mm, 76mm, and 5-inch projectiles) and small arms rounds (7.62mm and .50-caliber
projectiles). Annually, there would be about 10,524 inert naval gunshells and about 5,000 small arms
projectiles expended into the ocean with the No Action Alternative.
Direct ordnance strikes and disturbance associated with sound from firing are potential stressors to other
listed marine mammals. Ingestion of expended ordnance is not a potential concern for marine mammals
given it should sink to the ocean floor very quickly.
The potential for marine mammals to be struck by fired ordnance is extremely low given the density of
marine mammals in the TMAA and the rapid loss of velocity once entering the water. The probability of a
direct ordnance strike is further reduced by Navy mitigation measures, which require the area be clear of
marine mammals before ordnance is used (see Section 5.1.7). Non-explosive ordnance may affect marine
mammals although it is not likely that use of non-explosive ordnance associated with training activities
would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance EO12114,
non-explosive ordnance use in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) would not cause significant
harm to marine mammals.
Propagating energy is transmitted into the water in a finite region below the gun. A critical angle (about
13°, as measured from the vertical) can be calculated to determine the region of transmission in relation to
a ship and gun (DoN 2006).
The largest proposed shell size for these activities is a 5-inch shell. This will produce the highest pressure
and all analysis will be done using this as a conservative measurement of produced and transmitted
pressure, assuming that all other smaller ammunition sizes would fall under these levels.
Aboard the USS Cole in June 2000, a series of pressure measurements were taken during the firing of a
five-inch gun. Average pressure measured approximately 200 decibels (dB) with reference pressure of
one micro Pascal (dB re 1 µPa) at the point of the air and water interface. Based on the USS Cole data,
down-range peak pressure levels were calculated to be less than 186 dB re 1 µPa at 328 ft (100 m) (DoN
2000) and as the distance increases, the pressure would decrease.
In reference to the energy flux density (EFD) harassment criteria, the EFD levels (greatest in any 1/3
octave band above 0.01 kHz) of a 5-inch gun muzzle blast were calculated to be 190 dB with reference
pressure of one micropascal squared in one second (dB re 1 µPa2-sec) directly below the gun muzzle
decreasing to 170 dB re 1 µPa2-sec at 328 ft (100 m) into the water (DoN 2006). The rapid dissipation of
the sound pressure wave coupled with the mitigation measures implemented by the Navy (see Section
5.1.7 for details) to detect marine mammals in the area prior to conducting activities, would likely result
in a blast from a gun muzzle having no effect, however, the sound from gunfire may affect marine
mammal species listed under the ESA. In with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine
mammals resulting from transmitted gunnery sound during training exercises in nonterritorial seas
(seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
The structural component for a standard round was calculated to be 6.19 percent of the air blast (DoN
2006). Given that this component of a gun blast was a small portion of the sound propagated into the
water from a gun blast, and far less than the sound from the gun muzzle itself, the transmission of sound
from a gun blast through the ship’s hull likely would have no effect, but may affect species listed under
the ESA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine mammals resulting
from sound transmitted through a ship hull during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12
nm [22 km]). Furthermore, performing visual clearance of the range prior to conducting training exercises
further reduce the likelihood of practice ordnance hitting marine mammals.
The modeled explosive exposure harassment numbers by species (as derived using the methods described
in Section and harassment exposures for rare species (few in number in the TMAA) are presented
in Table 3.8-9. The table quantifies MMPA Level B harassment from behavioral disturbance and MMPA
Level A harassment from potential injury to marine mammals.
For at-sea explosions under the No-Action Alternative, quantification from modeling, accounting for rare
species for which modeling was not possible, and for which modeling provided an estimate of zero
exposures, indicates 80 MMPA Level B harassments from sub-TTS for MSE. The modeling indicates 22
MMPA Level B harassments from TTS. Under the No Action Alternative from at-sea explosions,
quantification from modeling and accounting for rare species indicates a total of 102 MMPA Level B
harassments annually.
These exposure modeling results are estimates of marine mammal at-sea explosion sound exposures
without consideration of standard operating procedures and mitigation procedures. The implementation of
the mitigation presented in Section 5.2.1 will reduce the potential occurrence for some of these modeled
marine mammal exposures and harassments as a result of area clearance procedures (NMFS 2008). For
example, modeling for at-sea explosions under the No Action Alternative also indicates potential for one
MMPA Level A harassment from slight injury and no annual exposures that could cause severe injury or
mortality. This slight injury exposure should not occur given it is predicted for Dall’s porpoise, which
should be readily detectable given the species general large group size and characteristic porpoising
Without consideration of mitigation measures, modeling and accounting for rare species indicates at-sea
explosion exposures with the No Action Alternative may affect ESA listed blue, fin, humpback, North
Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and Steller sea lions. Although modeling was not possible for rare
species as defined in this analysis, it is unlikely these few animals would co-occur in the TMAA during
the short duration of the training and in areas cleared of marine mammals.
The implementation of the mitigation and monitoring procedures as addressed in Section 5.1.7 will
further minimize the potential for marine mammal exposures to at-sea explosions. When reviewing the
acoustic exposure modeling results, it is also important to understand that the estimates of marine
mammal exposures are presented without consideration of standard protective measure operating
procedures. Section 5.1.7 presents details of the mitigation measures currently used for ASW activities
including detection of marine mammals and power down procedures if marine mammals are detected
within one of the safety zones. The Navy will work through the MMPA incidental harassment regulatory
process to discuss the mitigation measures and their potential to reduce the likelihood for incidental
harassment of marine mammals. It is not likely that any exposures from training activities associated with
at-sea explosions would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA.
Active Sonar
There would be no effects to marine mammals from active sonar for the No Action Alternative. For the
No Action Alternative, there is no use of active sonar for ASW Training, no ASW Tracking Exercise –
Maritime Patrol Aircraft, Extended Echo Ranging (EER) ASW, Surface Ships ASW, or Submarine ASW
Expended Materials
The Navy expends a variety of materials during training exercises. Under the No Action Alternative,
15,982 expendable items may be used. The types and quantities of materials expended and information
regarding fate and transport of these materials within the marine environment are discussed in Section 3.2
(Expended Materials), and Section 3.3 (Water Resources). The analyses in these sections determined that
most expended materials rapidly sink to the seafloor where they become encrusted by natural processes or
are incorporated into the seafloor, with no substantial accumulations in any particular area and no
significant negative effects to water quality or marine benthic communities. Given that materials
expended during training do not remain at the surface and are generally used in areas where the water
depth is beyond that of foraging marine mammals, it is unlikely expended materials would be later
encountered by any marine mammal.
The potential for ordnance ingestion depends on species-specific feeding habitats and where ordnance use
will occur. The blue, fin, and sei whales and Steller sea lion feed at the surface or in the water column and
would not ingest ordnance from the bottom. Activities involving ordnance use will most likely occur in
the open ocean beyond the shelfbreak areas above in deep water (> 3,280 ft [1,000 m] depth).
While humpback whales feed predominantly by lunging through the water after krill and fish, there have
been instances of humpback whales disturbing the bottom in an attempt to flush prey, the northern sand
lance (Ammodytes dubius) (Hain et al. 1995). Right whales can also be bottom feeders, however, North
Pacific right whales and Humpback whales are not expected to ingest ordnance because abundant prey is
available in the water column in the TMAA. Ordnance ingestion under the No Action Alternative would
have no effect on the ESA listed blue whales, fin whales, humpback whales, North Pacific right whales,
sei whales, and Steller sea lions.
Although sperm whales feed predominantly on cephalopods, they also frequently feed on or near the
bottom (Whitehead et al. 1992). In doing so, animals may ingest nonfood items such as rocks and sand
(NMFS 2006a). Sperm whales are known to incidentally ingest foreign objects while foraging (Walker
and Coe 1990), suggesting that the potential exists to ingest debris that has settled on the ocean floor as a
result of the proposed activities. Sperm whales display a strong offshore preference (Rice 1989) and are
mostly associated with waters over the continental shelf edge, continental slope, and offshore waters
(CETAP 1982, Hain et al. 1985, Smith et al. 1996, Waring et al. 2001, Davis et al. 2002). Although the
possibility exists for ingestion of expended ordnance, the potential that exposed ordnance would be at a
depth where it could be encountered, that it would not be buried, and that in those very rare events the
animal would ingest that ordnance creates so unlikely a series of events that the potential is discountable.
Ordnance ingestion under the No Action Alternative under the ESA may affect sperm whales. However,
it is not likely that ordnance ingestion would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in
the TMAA.
Most other nonlisted baleen and toothed whales, and other pinnipeds, which feed at the surface or in the
water column, would not be expected to ingest ordnance from the bottom. Gray and beaked whales are,
however, known to be bottom feeders. The habitat preference of gray whales with an occurrence being
inshore of the shelfbreak, is not an area where ordnance use is likely to occur. Beaked whales have
exhibited bottom feeding behavior using suction feeding techniques (MacLeod et al. 2003) and are known
to incidentally ingest foreign objects while foraging (Walker and Coe 1990). Although the possibility
exists for ingestion of expended ordnance, the potential that exposed ordnance would be encountered and
that in that very rare event the animal would ingest that ordnance is discountable. Ordnance related
materials are not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In
accordance with EO 12114, ordnance related materials would not cause significant harm to marine
mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
As discussed above for ordnance-related materials, species that feed on or near the bottom (which are the
sperm whales and beaked whales) may encounter an expended target while feeding; however, the size of
the target would suggest ingestion by any listed species it is unlikely. The use of targets under the No
Action Alternative may affect listed marine mammals. It is not likely that use targets associated with
training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. Targets
are not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with
EO 12114, targets would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of
12 nm [22 km]).
As detailed in Section, chaff consists of aluminum-coated fibers used as an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Upon deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually
land in the water and sink to the ocean floor.
Chaff will only be used during Electronic Combat (EC) exercises and mainly by fixed wing aircraft and
as projectiles from ships. Under the No Action Alternative, 540 lb (245 kg) of chaff would be used
annually. The only hazardous material associated with chaff is the pyrotechnic deployment charge
(approximately 0.02 oz [0.48 g] of pyrotechnic material for each charge). Chaff consists of aluminum-
coated polymer fibers inside of a launching mechanism. Upon deployment, the chaff and small pieces of
plastic are expended. Chaff may be deployed mechanically or pyrotechnically. Mechanical deployment
results in expended paper materials, along with the chaff. Pyrotechnic deployment uses a small explosive
cartridge to eject the chaff from a small tube that does not affect water or sediment quality because most
of the material is consumed during combustion and the remaining amounts are be dispersed over a large
area. Chaff fibers are widely dispersed on deployment. Chaff settling on the ocean surface may
temporarily raise turbidity, but will quickly disperse with particles eventually settling to the ocean floor.
As first presented in DoN (2009), the dispersion characteristics of chaff make it likely that marine
mammals would occasionally come in direct contact with chaff fibers while at the water's surface and
while submerged, but such contact would be inconsequential. Chaff is similar in form to fine human hair
with the fibers being flexible and soft. Evaluation of the potential for chaff to be inhaled by humans,
livestock, and animals found that the fibers are too large to be inhaled into the lung (Arfsten et al. 2002,
Hullar et al. 1999, USAF 1997). Although these reviews did not specifically consider the respiratory
system of large whales, any effects of chaff inhalation on marine mammals are considered insignificant
given the dispersal of chaff fibers resulting in very low concentration in the air.
While no studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of chaff ingestion on marine mammals, the
effects are expected to be insignificant and discountable based the low concentrations when dispersed, the
small size of chaff fibers, available data on the toxicity of chaff components (silicon dioxide and
aluminum), and evidence indicating the lack of significant accumulation of aluminum in sediments after
prolonged training (DoN 2009). Silicon and aluminum are two of the most abundant elements in the
earth's crust. Marine mammals, such as gray whales that forage on the bottom, routinely ingest sediment
containing these elements. The aluminum concentrations in brain tissue of gray whales are within the
range for terrestrial mammals that may receive high concentrations of aluminum in their diets, suggesting
a broad range in tolerance to aluminum in mammals (Varanasi et al. 1993, Tilbury 2002, DoN 2009).
Chaff cartridge plastic end-caps and pistons would also be expended into the marine environment, where
they would sink and could potentially be ingested by marine mammals. Based on the low concentration of
these components in the TMAA, it is very unlikely a marine mammal would encounter a plastic end-cap
or piston from the chaff cartridge. Even in the very unlikely event one of these components was
encountered and then consumed by a marine mammal, the small size of chaff end-caps and pistons (1.3
inch [33 mm] diameter and 0.13 inch [3.3 mm] thick) would suggest it would likely pass through the
digestive tract and be voided without causing harm.
Under ESA, chaff use under the No Action Alternative may affect blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific
right, sei, and sperm whales but these effects are insignificant and discountable. Use of chaff is not
expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA and would not cause
significant harm to marine mammals in non-territorial waters in accordance with EO 12114.
Marine Markers
The MK-58 marine marker produces chemical flames and regions of surface smoke and is used in various
training exercises to mark a surface position to simulate divers, ships, and points of contact on the surface
of the ocean. When the accompanying cartridge is broken, an area of smoke is released. The smoke
dissipates in the air having little effect on the marine environment. The marker burns similar to a flare,
producing a flame until all burn components have been used. While the light generated from the marker is
bright enough to be seen up to 3 mi (5 km) away in ideal conditions, the resulting light would either be
reflected off the water’s surface or would enter the water and attenuate in brightness over depth. The point
source of the light would be focused and be less intense than if an animal were to look to the surface and
encounter the direct path of the sun. The MK-58 is composed of tin and contains two red phosphorus
pyrotechnic candles and a seawater-activated battery. The MK-58 marine marker is 22 inch (0.5 m) long
and 5 inch (0.1 m) in diameter, weighs 13 lb (6 kg), and produces a yellow flame and white smoke for a
minimum of 40 min and a maximum of 60 min (The Ordnance Shop 2007). The marker itself is not
designed to be recovered and would eventually sink to the bottom and become encrusted and/or
incorporated into the sediments. Approximately 20 marine markers would be used in the TMAA per year
under the No Action Alternative.
It is unlikely that marine mammals would be exposed to any chemicals that produce either flames or
smoke because these components are consumed in their entirety during the burning process. Animals are
unlikely to approach and/or get close enough to the flame to be exposed to any chemical components.
Expended marine markers are a potential ingestion hazard for marine mammals while they are floating or
after they sink to the bottom. However, the probability of ingestion is extremely low based on the low
number of marine markers expended per year (20) versus the large operational area of the TMAA. Marine
marker ingestion under the No Action Alternative will not affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of
marine markers is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is
not likely that use of marine markers associated with training activities would result in effects to the life
functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant
harm to marine mammals resulting from use of marine markers during training exercises in nonterritorial
seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Pieces of expended TALDS (if any) are a potential ingestion hazard for marine mammals after they sink
to the bottom. However, the probability of ingestion is extremely low based on size of the likely pieces (if
any) the low number of TALDS expended per year (8), and the large operational area of the TMAA.
TALD ingestion under the No Action Alternative may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of
TALDS is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is not
likely that use of TALDS associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions of
marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to
marine mammals resulting from use of TALDS during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of
12 nm [22 km]).
The BQM-74E is a remote-controlled, subsonic, jet-powered aerial target that can be launched from the
air or surface and recovered on land or at sea. It is powered by a jet engine, and thus contains oils,
hydraulic fluid, batteries, and explosive cartridges. The hazardous materials of concern include propellant,
petroleum products, metals, and batteries; however, the hazardous materials in aerial targets would be
mostly consumed during training use.
Although BQM-74Es are recovered, pieces of expended BQM-74Es (if any) are a potential ingestion
hazard for marine mammals after they sink to the bottom. However, the probability of ingestion is
extremely low based on the low number of BQM-74Es expended per year (2) versus the large operational
area of the TMAA. BQM-74E ingestion under the No Action Alternative may affect ESA-listed marine
mammals. The use of BQM-74Es is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined
by the MMPA. It is not likely that use of BQM-74Es associated with training activities would result in
effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would
be no significant harm to marine mammals resulting from use of BQM-74Es during training exercises in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
One sonobuoy type, a SSQ-036 BT (a temperature sensor with no active emissions), would be used under
this alternative. Sonobuoys are deployed by either surface vessels or aircraft to monitor the environment,
to passively detect sounds created by submarines and/or surface vessels, or to actively detect submerged
or surface vessels by generating their own sonar signals. Sonobuoys are temporary devices that are
activated once they contact ocean water. When their operating service life is attained, the sonobuoy shuts
down and sinks to the ocean bottom to decompose. Under the No Action Alternative, up to 24 SSQ-036
BT sonobuoys would be deployed in the TMAA.
Aircraft-launched sonobuoys, flares, and markers deploy nylon parachutes of various sizes. At water
impact, the parachute assembly is expended and sinks, as all of the material is negatively buoyant.
Metallic components are heavy and will sink rapidly. Parachute and cord are lighter and sink more slowly
but are weighted to insure they will do so. While these materials are sinking through in the water column,
they represent a potential entanglement risk to passing marine mammals in the area. An estimated 24
sonobuoys, 12 flares, and 20 markers will be expended under the No Action Alternative (see Table 2-8).
Given this number of sonobuoys, flares, and markers deployed, the large size of the TMAA, and the
relatively low density of marine mammals in the area, the risk of a marine mammal encounter with a
parachute assembly, and other expended debris is unlikely. Entanglement and the eventual drowning of a
marine mammal in a parachute assembly would be unlikely, since such an event would require the
parachute to land directly on an animal, or the animal would have to swim into it before it sinks. The
expended material will accumulate on the ocean floor and will be covered by sediments over time,
remaining on the ocean floor and reducing the potential for entanglement. If bottom currents are present,
the canopy may billow and pose an entanglement threat to marine animals with bottom-feeding habits;
however, the probability of a marine mammal encountering a submerged parachute assembly and the
potential for accidental entanglement in the canopy or suspension lines is considered to be unlikely.
Expended sonobuoys are a potential ingestion hazard for marine mammals while they are floating, while
they are descending to the seafloor, or after they sink to the bottom although this seems extremely
unlikely. The probability of ingestion is also low based on the number of sonobuoys expended per year
(24) compared to the size of the TMAA. It is not likely that sonobuoy ingestion would result in effects to
the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. Sonobuoy ingestion under the No Action Alternative
may affect ESA-listed marine mammals because it cannot be discounted. The use of sonobuoys is not
expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with
EO 12114, harm to marine mammals resulting from use of passive sonobuoys during training exercises in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) would also be minimal.
Critical Habitats
There are no critical habitats in the TMAA. Provisions of the ESA require a determination of whether
proposed federal actions may destroy or adversely modify critical habitat. Critical habitat designation is
based on the presence and condition of certain physical and biological habitat factors called primary
constituent elements (PCEs) that are considered essential for the conservation of the listed species
(USFWS and NMFS 1998, ESA §3[5][A][i], 50 C.F.R. §424.12[b]). There are no designated Critical
Habitat PCEs in the TMAA.
Therefore, in accordance with ESA consultation provisions to assess potential effects of Proposed Action
to critical habitat, it is concluded that Navy activities will have no effect on any critical habitats. Alternative 1
Vessel Movements
Under Alternative 1, the number of Navy vessels would increase by four (three surface vessels and one
submarine) for a total of eight Navy vessels, a 50 percent increase over the No Action Alternative. This
increase would include both training and transit activities for Alternative 1. Contracted support vessels
would remain at 19. The total increase in vessel activity equates to a 17 percent increase over the No
Action Alternative. These changes would result in increased potential for short-term behavioral reactions
to naval vessels. Potential for collision would increase slightly compared to the No Action Alternative;
however, Navy mitigation measures would reduce the probability and collisions would remain unlikely.
Vessel movements are not expected to result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals. Vessel
movements under Alternative 1 may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. Vessel movements are not
expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO
12114, vessel movements would cause minimal harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward
of 12 nm [22 km]).
Aircraft Overflights
Alternative 1 would have no increase in the 300 fixed-wing aircraft sorties under the No Action, but
would add six training events as described in Table 2-7. Alternative 1 would also add 26 helicopter events
associated with ASW, Deck Launch Qualifications, and Air-to-Surface training. Peak noise levels
generated by the MH-60R/S helicopters would be similar to the noise levels generated with the No Action
The additional overflights may result in increased instances of behavioral disturbance due to sound,
shadow-effects, and/or, in the case of helicopters, water column disturbance. As with the No Action
Alternative, the responses would be limited to short-term behavioral or physiological reactions. It is not
likely that exposures to aircraft overflights associated with training activities would result in effects to the
life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. Aircraft overflights under Alternative 1 may affect ESA-
listed marine mammals. Aircraft overflights of the TMAA are not expected to result in Level A or Level
B harassment as defined by the MMPA. Furthermore, aircraft overflights would not cause notable harm to
marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) in accordance with EO 12114. All
aircraft overflights between the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above
15,000 ft (915 m) and would have no effect on marine mammals.
expended into the ocean. Compared to the No Action Alternative, this equates to an increase of about 24
percent and 14 percent respectively, in naval gunshells and small arms projectiles.
These changes would result in increased potential exposure of marine mammals to ordnance strikes;
however, Navy standard operating procedures and mitigation measures would reduce the probability of
strikes by modifying activities when marine mammals are known to be in the area. It is not likely that use
of non-explosive ordnance associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions
of marine mammals in the TMAA. There should be no effect from use of non-explosive practice
ordnance, but it may affect ESA-listed marine mammals under Alternative 1. Non-explosive ordnance use
is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with
EO 12114, non-explosive practice ordnance would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Proposed for replacement of the SSQ-110 (EER/IEER) is the SSQ-125 Acoustic Extended Echo Ranging
(AEER) system, which is similar to the existing EER/IEER system in that it will be used for the same
purpose and will use the same ADAR sonobuoy as the acoustic receiver. However, instead of using an
explosive SSQ-110 as an impulsive source for the active acoustic wave, the AEER system will use a
battery powered (electronic) source for the SSQ 125 sonobuoy. The output and operational parameters for
the SSQ-125 sonobuoy (source levels, frequency, wave forms, etc.) are classified; however, this sonobuoy
is intended to replace the SSQ-110’s use of explosives. Acoustic impact analysis for the SSQ-125 in this
document was not undertaken given the deployment year is still uncertain. Given SSQ-125 is an acoustic
source, it is assumed the potential to affect marine mammals is less than that of the explosive SSQ-110
buoys and that the analysis presented for SSQ-110 in this EIS/OEIS likely provides an overestimate of
potential effects to marine mammals.
The modeled explosive exposure harassment numbers by species and harassment exposures for rare
species or those few in number are presented in Table 3.8-10. The table quantifies MMPA Level B
harassments from behavioral disturbance and MMPA Level A harassments from potential injury to
marine mammals from Alternative 1.
Level A harassment from slight injury and no annual exposures that could cause severe injury or
mortality. This slight injury exposure should not occur given it is predicted for Dall’s porpoise, which
should be readily detectable given the species general large group size and characteristic porpoising
Behavioral effects modeling, accounting for rare species for which modeling was not possible, and for
which modeling provided an estimate of zero exposures, indicates at-sea explosion exposures under
Alternative 1 may affect ESA listed blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and
Steller sea lions. It is not likely that use of ordnance or SSQ-110 sonobuoys associated with training
activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA.
surface ships, weapons, targets, and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and distribute the data to a
data processing and display system, either aboard ship, or at a shore site. No specific area for use of a
PUTR system has been identified in the TMAA.
The PUTR functions by the use of MK-84 tracking pingers affixed to vessels and targets with anchored
transponders detecting the pinger signals and relaying those signals to a hydrophone on a buoy or
stationary vessel serving as a hub for relay to range controllers via radio. The pingers in the TMAA were
modeled as using having a 12.9 kHz, 15 millisecond signal at 194 dB re 1μPa every two seconds. The
transponders were modeled as in 1,800 m depth and operating at 8.8 kHz with each pinger report assumed
to be 15 milliseconds duration. The transponder spacing is designed so that four transponders will hear
each pinger signal. Therefore, for every pinger signal there will be four transducer reports – one ping
every two seconds is representative. However, not every ping will be heard. The design of the PUTR
assumes 63% (5 in 8) will be received by the transducer. It is therefore assumed that of the 30 pinger
signals per minute (per pinger), an average of 19 (63%) pinger signals will be received by four
transponders and therefore generate 76 pinger signal reports from transponders to the range relay hub.
Quantification from acoustic impact modeling for active sonar and other non-sonar acoustic sources use
under Alternative 1 and possible exposures for rare animals indicates 215,053 MMPA Level B
harassments from non-TTS (Table 3.8-13). The modeling also indicates 466 MMPA Level B harassments
from TTS. Without consideration of the reduction expected from implementation of mitigation measures,
the total MMPA Level B harassments for active sonar use is 215,519 under Alternative 1.
Table 3.8-13: Alternative 1 Annual Sonar and Non Sonar Acoustic Exposures Summary
Without consideration of the reduction expected from implementation of mitigation measures, modeling
indicates potential for one MMPA Level A harassment under Alternative 1 for acoustic sources. This one
exposure should not occur given it is predicted for Dall’s porpoise, which should be readily detectable
given their general large group size and characteristic porpoising behavior. The implementation of the
mitigation procedures presented in Section 5.1.7 will also reduce the potential occurrence for some of the
modeled MMPA Level B marine mammal exposures and harassments (NMFS 2008).
Behavioral effects modeling indicates sonar use under Alternative 1 may affect ESA listed blue, fin,
humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and Steller sea lions. It is not likely that use of
acoustic sources associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine
mammals in the TMAA based on previous NMFS Biological Opinions for the same actions in other
locations (NMFS 2008, 2009b; NOAA 2009). In accordance with EO 12114, non-explosive practice
ordnance would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm
[22 km]).
Expended Materials
Under the Alternative 1, 20,223 expendable items may be used resulting in a 26 percent increase over the
No Action. The types and quantities of materials expended and information regarding fate and transport
of these materials within the marine environment are discussed in Section 3.2 (Expended Materials), and
Section 3.3 (Water Resources). The analyses in these sections determined that most expended materials
rapidly sink to the seafloor where they become encrusted by natural processes or are incorporated into the
seafloor, with no substantial accumulations in any particular area and no significant negative effects to
water quality or marine benthic communities. Given that materials expended during training do not
remain at the surface and are generally used in areas where the water depth is beyond that of foraging
marine mammals, it is unlikely expended materials would later be encountered by any marine mammal.
Ordnance-Related Materials
The number of ordnance related materials used in the TMAA would increase under Alternative 1 (Table
2-8) to 19,101, increasing by approximately 21 percent from current conditions.
Ingestion of ordnance under Alternative 1 may affect sperm whales. Ordnance-related materials under
Alternative 1 should have no effect on ESA listed blue whales, fin whales, humpback whales, North
Pacific right whales, sei whales, Steller sea lions or other marine mammals in the TMAA based on the
feeding habits of these species. Ordnance-related materials would not be expected to result in MMPA
Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, ordnance-related
materials would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm
[22 km]).
Under Alternative 1, there would be no change in the quantity of chaff used (540 lbs/245 kg) for the No
Action. As detailed in Section, chaff consists of aluminum-coated fibers used as an electronic
countermeasure designed to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from
radar tracking sources. Upon deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually
land in the water and sink to the ocean floor.
As first presented in DoN (2009), the dispersion characteristics of chaff make it likely that marine
mammals would occasionally come in direct contact with chaff fibers while at the water's surface and
while submerged, but such contact would be inconsequential. Chaff is similar in form to fine human hair
with the fibers being flexible and soft. Evaluation of the potential for chaff to be inhaled by humans,
livestock, and animals found that the fibers are too large to be inhaled into the lung (Arfsten et al. 2002,
Hullar et al. 1999, USAF 1997). Although these reviews did not specifically consider the respiratory
system of large whales, any effects of chaff inhalation on marine mammals are considered insignificant
given the dispersal of chaff fibers resulting in very low concentration in the air.
While no studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of chaff ingestion on marine mammals, the
effects are expected to be insignificant and discountable based the low concentrations when dispersed, the
small size of chaff fibers, available data on the toxicity of chaff components (silicon dioxide and
aluminum), and evidence indicating the lack of significant accumulation of aluminum in sediments after
prolonged training (DoN 2009). Silicon and aluminum are two of the most abundant elements in the
earth's crust. Marine mammals, such as gray whales that forage on the bottom, routinely ingest sediment
containing these elements. The aluminum concentrations in brain tissue of gray whales are within the
range for terrestrial mammals that may receive high concentrations of aluminum in their diets, suggesting
a broad range in tolerance to aluminum in mammals (Varanasi et al. 1993, Tilbury 2002, DoN 2009).
Chaff cartridge plastic end-caps and pistons would also be expended into the marine environment, where
they would sink and could potentially be ingested by marine mammals. Based on the low concentration of
these components in the TMAA, it is very unlikely a marine mammal would encounter a plastic end-cap
or piston from the chaff cartridge. Even in the very unlikely event one of these components was
encountered and then consumed by a marine mammal, the small size of chaff end-caps and pistons (1.3
inch [33 mm] diameter and 0.13 inch [3.3 mm] thick) would suggest it would likely pass through the
digestive tract and be voided without causing harm.
Under ESA, chaff use under the Alternative 1 may affect blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei,
and sperm whales but these effects are insignificant and discountable. Use of chaff is not expected to
result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA and would not cause significant harm
to marine mammals in non-territorial waters in accordance with EO 12114.
Marine Markers
The number of marine markers used in the TMAA would increase under Alternative 1 to 60 per year. The
probability of a marine mammal ingesting an expended marine marker would be essentially the same as
under the No Action Alternative (using 20 markers). Marine marker ingestion under Alternative 1 may
affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of marine markers is not expected to result in Level A or
Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no
significant harm to marine mammals resulting from use of marine markers during training exercises in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
The number of TALDS used in the TMAA would increase under Alternative 1 to 12 per year. The
probability of a marine mammal ingesting pieces of an expended TALD would be essentially the same as
under the No Action Alternative (using 8 TALDS). TALD ingestion under Alternative 1 may affect ESA-
listed marine mammals. The use of TALDS is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as
defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine
mammals resulting from use of TALDS during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm
[22 km]).
The number of BQM-74Es used in the TMAA under Alternative 1 would remain at 2 per year. The
probability of a marine mammal ingesting pieces of an expended BQM-74E would be the same as under
the No Action Alternative. BQM-74E ingestion under Alternative 1 may affect ESA-listed marine
mammals. The use of BQM-74Es is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined
by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine mammals
resulting from use of BQM-74Es during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22
There was no use of EMATTs under the No Action Alternative. The use of up to 6 EMATTs could occur
under Alternative 1 in support of ASW Training. An EMATT is a small device (approximately 2 ft in
length and 3 inches in diameter) shaped like a torpedo that can be launched by hand from a surface vessel
or deployed from a submarine or aircraft. EMATTs are programmed to move through the water and
provide acoustic and other sensor that mimic a submarine. At the end of its use, an EMATT will sink to
the floor of the ocean. Expended EMATTs are unlikely to result in any physical impacts to the sea floor.
Expended EMATTs would sink into a soft bottom or would lie on a hard bottom, where they may provide
a substrate for benthic colonization and may be covered eventually by shifting sediments.
Entanglement impacts to marine mammals from sonobuoys and other expended debris are unlikely. The
assemblies would sink and the density of such debris in the TMAA would be a very low concentration.
Expended sonobuoys are a potential ingestion hazard for marine mammals while they are floating, while
they are descending to the seafloor, or after they sink to the bottom. However, the probability of ingestion
is extremely low based on the low number of sonobuoys expended per year (745) across the TMAA.
Sonobuoy ingestion under Alternative 1 may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of passive
sonobuoys is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. Effects
of active sonobuoys are addressed as part of the sonar analysis. In accordance with EO 12114, there
would be no significant harm to marine mammals resulting from use of passive sonobuoys during training
exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Critical Habitats
There is no critical habitat located or PCEs in the TMAA. Therefore, in accordance with ESA
consultation provisions to assess potential effects of proposed actions to critical habitat, it is concluded
that Navy activities of Alternative 1 will have no effect on any critical habitat. Alternative 2
Vessel Movements
Under Alternative 2, the number of vessels would remain the same as under Alternative 1. However, The
Navy has proposed providing the flexibility to conduct (as required) a second summer exercise within the
TMAA between 2010 and 2015. Within the maximum two summer exercises, the length of the exercise,
the number of vessels, and the allotted at-sea time within the TMAA during an exercise will be variable
between years. These variations cannot be predicted given unknowns including the availability of
participants for the annual exercise(s), which is a direct result of factors such as Navy responses to real-
world events (e.g., tactical deployments, disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, etc.), planned and
unplanned deployments, vessel availability due to funding and maintenance cycles, and logistic concerns
with conducting an exercise in the GOA. The Navy predicts, however, there will be no increase required
in excess of two annual summer exercises as described for Alternative 2 over the course of the 2010 and
2015 timeframe such that it is unlikely increases in steaming days would occur during this time period.
The additional vessel movements under Alternative 2 would result in a small increased potential for short-
term behavioral reactions to naval vessels. Potential for collision would increase slightly compared to the
No Action Alternative during each of two possible summertime exercises; however, Navy mitigation
measures would reduce the probability and vessel collisions with whales remains unlikely. Vessel
movements under Alternative 2 may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. Vessel movements are not
expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO
12114, vessel movements would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas
(seaward of 12 nm [22 km]) in accordance with EO 12114.
Aircraft Overflights
Alternative 2 would include 600 fixed-wing aircraft sorties (a 100 percent increase over the No Action).
There would be 118 events involving helicopters in the TMAA compared to 32 under the No Action
Alternative (existing conditions). The number of aircraft sorties and events using helicopter are double for
Alternative 2 as compared to Alternative 1 and would occur in the same locations. As a result, the
potential for marine mammals to be exposed to overflights would increase compared to baseline
conditions. Some training would involve supersonic flight, resulting in sonic booms, but such airspeeds
are infrequent and occur above 30,000 ft (9,144 m) and at least 30 nm (56 km) offshore, further reducing
their potential for noise impacts. Peak noise levels generated by individual SH-60 helicopters would be
similar to the noise levels generated with the No Action Alternative.
The additional overflights may result in increased instances of behavioral disturbance due to sound,
shadow-effects, and/or, in the case of helicopters, water column disturbance. Similar to the No Action
Alternative, the responses would be limited to short-term behavioral or physiological reactions. It is not
likely that exposures to aircraft overflights associated with training activities would result in effects to the
life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. Aircraft overflights under Alternative 2 may affect ESA-
listed marine mammals. Aircraft overflights are not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment
as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO12114, aircraft overflights would not cause significant
harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]). All aircraft overflights
between the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft (915 m)
and would have no effect on marine mammals.
These changes would result in increased potential exposure of marine mammals to non explosive practice
ordnance strikes; however, Navy standard operating procedures and mitigation measures would reduce
the probability of strikes by modifying training activities when marine mammals are known to be in the
area. It is not likely that use of non-explosive ordnance associated with training activities would result in
effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. There should be no effect from use of
non-explosive practice ordnance, but it may affect ESA-listed marine mammals under Alternative 2.
Non-explosive ordnance use is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the
MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, non-explosive practice ordnance would not cause significant harm
to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
In addition to the events noted above, under Alternative 2 the potential to conduct a SINKEX training
event during each of the two possible summer exercise periods is also proposed. During a SINKEX, a
decommissioned vessel is towed to a deep-water location and sunk using a variety of ordnance containing
high explosives that may include missiles, bombs, and gunfire. For each SINKEX, there may be up to 17
missiles, 10 non-inert bombs, and 400 explosive rounds of 5-inch gunfire used during the event. For
modeling purposes it was assumed that all missiles except a portion of the Maverick missiles fired would
hit the target vessel. Approximately one third of the non-guided munitions used (one Maverick missile,
three bombs, and 120 of the 5-inch rounds) were modeled as missing the target vessel and exploding in
the water (for details, see Appendix D). SINKEX may also include the use of one MK-48 torpedo, which
can be used at the end of SINKEX if the target is still afloat.
Aspects of the SINKEX event that have potential effects on marine mammals (e.g., vessel movement,
aircraft overflights, gunfire firing noise, munitions constituents) have been analyzed separately in
previous sections. If a marine mammal remained in the immediate vicinity of the SINKEX, ordnance
missed the target vessel, and then impacts the water at or near a marine mammal, behavioral disturbance,
injury, or mortality could occur. SINKEX under Alternative 2 is, however, not likely to result in injury or
mortality given the assumption that marine mammals will not remain in the vicinity of the activities
surrounding a SINKEX event and that mitigation involving area clearance requirements during the
lengthy set-up to safely conduct a SINKEX (see Section will reduce the likelihood that animals
would be in the vicinity during the event. The modeled explosive exposure harassment numbers by
species are presented in Table 3.8-14. The table quantifies MMPA Level B harassment from behavioral
disturbance and MMPA Level A harassment from potential injury to marine mammals.
Without consideration of target area clearance procedures as standard mitigation, quantification from
behavioral effects modeling, accounting for rare species indicates at-sea explosion exposures under
Alternative 2 may affect ESA listed blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and
Steller sea lions. For large whales, exposures in vicinity to a source are unlikely to occur given the
sightability of species such as blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales.
For at-sea explosions under Alternative 2, quantification from modeling and accounting for rare species
indicates 170 MMPA Level B harassments from sub-TTS for MSE. The modeling indicates 70 MMPA
Level B harassments from TTS. Under Alternative 2 for at-sea explosions, quantification from modeling
and accounting for rare species, indicates a total of 240 MMPA Level B harassments annually.
Quantification from modeling also indicates potential for four MMPA Level A harassments from slight
injury and one estimated exposure that could result in severe injury or mortality. The exposure modeling
results are an estimate of marine mammal at-sea explosion sound exposures without consideration of
standard mitigation procedures summed across all at-sea explosion events during the two proposed
exercises per year. The implementation of the mitigation procedures presented in Section 5.1.7 will
reduce the potential for marine mammal exposure and harassment through area clearance procedures
(NMFS 2008). The set up procedures and checks required for safety of event participants make it unlikely
Dall’s porpoise, Pacific white-sided dolphin, or Northern fur seal would remain in an area undetected
during the set-up of the event or before explosive detonation occurred during the period the target area or
SINKEX is under observation. In addition, the distances from an at-sea explosion at which these injuries
would occur are relatively short and well within the buffer zones established as standard mitigation (see
Section Therefore, the four MMPA Level A harassments and the one severe injury/mortality are
predicted by the modeling without consideration of standard mitigation should not occur.
Active Sonar and Other Non-Sonar Acoustic Sources for ASW Training
There was no sonar use in conjunction with ASW training under the No Action Alternative. Under
Alternative 2, use of sonar and other non-sonar acoustic sources would double above that proposed in
Alternative 1. This sonar and other non-sonar acoustic source use for ASW training is associated with the
potential addition of another carrier strike group participating in the training during a second summer
time-frame exercise. However, it is unlikely that effects to marine mammals from sonar and other non-
sonar acoustic source use would be significant because of the mitigation measures employed by the Navy
to exclude marine mammal presence in the vicinity of the sources.
Alternative 2 would include mid and high frequency sonar use, including 578 hours of SQS-53 and 52
hours of SQS-56 surface ship sonar (315 additional hours of usage over Alternative 1), the BQQ-10 (48
hours) and BQS-15 (24 Hours) submarine sonars (twice that of Alternative 1), 266 active SSQ-62
sonobuoys (increase of 133 sonobuoys compared to Alternative 1), and 192 dips (an increase of 96
compared to Alternative 1) of helicopter dipping sonar (see Table 3.8-15 and 3.8-16).
Quantification from behavioral effects modeling, accounting for rare species for which modeling was not
possible, and for which modeling provided an estimate of zero exposures, indicates sonar use under
Alternative 2 may affect ESA listed blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and
Steller sea lions
Quantification from behavioral effects modeling and accounting for rare species indicates 424,620
MMPA Level B harassments from non-TTS for Alternative 2 (Table 3.8-17). The modeling also indicates
931 MMPA Level B harassments from TTS. There is one predicted MMPA Level A harassment from
PTS for Alternative 2. This one MMPA Level A harassment should not, however, occur given it is
predicted for Dall’s porpoise, which should be readily detectable given their general large group size and
characteristic porpoising behavior. Without consideration of the reduction expected from implementation
of mitigation measures, modeling and accounting for rare species estimates a total of 425,551 MMPA
Level B harassments for active sonar and non-sonar acoustic sources for Alternative 2. The
implementation of the mitigation and monitoring procedures presented in Section 5.1.7 will reduce the
potential occurrence for some of these modeled marine mammal exposures and harassments (NMFS
Under Alternative 2, sonar use may result in Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. Sonar and
non-sonar acoustic source use under Alternative 2 would not result in Level A harassment as defined by
the MMPA. MMPA Level B harassments associated with Alternative 2 may affect the ESA listed blue
whales, fin whales, humpback whales, North Pacific right whales, sei whales, sperm whales, and Steller
sea lions.
It is not likely that use of sonar and other acoustic sources associated with training activities would result
in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, use of
sonar and other acoustic sources would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial
seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Table 3.8-17: Alternative 2 Annual Sonar and Non-Sonar Acoustic Exposures Summary
Complex (Falcone et al. 2009), where Navy ASW activities have been occurring year-round for decades,
indicates Cuvier’s beaked whales are resident at that ASW training location with no apparent effect from
exposure to mid-frequency sonar.
To allow for scientific uncertainty regarding the strandings of beaked whales and the exact mechanisms
of the physical effects, the Navy will request authorization for take, by mortality, of the beaked whale
species present in the TMAA despite the decades long history of these same training operations with the
same basic equipment having had no know effect on beaked whales at any Navy training ranges where
mid-frequency sonar training routinely has occurred.
Accordingly and to account for this potential under the preferred alternative, the MMPA Letter of
Authorization request will include an annual mortality take request for a total of three (3) beaked whales
of the Ziphidae family, to include any combination of Baird's beaked whale, Cuvier's beaked whale,
Stejneger’s beaked whale, and Mesoplodon sp.
Expended Materials
The amount of expended materials would increase to 41,298 items or approximately 160 percent in the
TMAA under Alternative 2 as compared to the No Action Alternative.
Ordnance-Related Materials
The amount of ordnance-related materials would increase to 39,060 items or approximately 149 percent
in the TMAA under Alternative 2 as compared to the No Action Alternative. Ingestion of ordnance under
Alternative 2 may affect sperm whales. Ordnance-related materials under Alternative 2 should have no
effect on the remaining ESA-listed species (blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei and sperm
whales, and Steller sea lions) or other marine mammals in the TMAA based on the feeding habits of these
species and the likely deep water areas where training using ordnance will occur. It is not likely that use
of ordnance related material associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions
of marine mammals in the TMAA. Ordnance-related materials would not be expected to result in Level A
or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. In accordance with EO 12114, ordnance related
materials would not cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm
[22 km]).
Target-Related Materials
Under Alternative 2, the number of targets used in the TMAA would increase to 250 by 290 percent over
the No Action Alternative. As discussed above for the No Action Alternative, species that feed on or near
the bottom (which are the sperm whales and beaked whales) could possibly encounter an expended target
while feeding; however, the size of the target or pieces would generally prohibit any listed species from
ingesting it. However, if target materials are fragmented into smaller pieces, there is a possibility to ingest
fragments while feeding on the sea floor although the required co-occurrence of these unlikely events is
considered discountable. Therefore, Alternative 2 may affect sperm whales under the ESA. Ingestion of
target-related materials under Alternative 2 should not affect the other ESA listed marine mammals (blue,
fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei, and sperm whales, and Steller sea lions) given their feeding
habits. Target materials would not be expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by
the MMPA. It is not likely that use of targets associated with training activities would result in effects to
the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO12114, targets would not
cause significant harm to marine mammals in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Under Alternative 2, the quantity of chaff used (1080 lbs/490 kg) would increase by 100 percent from the
No Action. This increase is not considered significant given the size of the area involved. As detailed in
Section, chaff consists of aluminum-coated fibers used as an electronic countermeasure designed
to reflect radar waves and obscure aircraft, ships, and other equipment from radar tracking sources. Upon
deployment, the chaff fibers are widely dispersed in the air and eventually land in the water and sink to
the ocean floor.
As first presented in DoN (2009), the dispersion characteristics of chaff make it likely that marine
mammals would occasionally come in direct contact with chaff fibers while at the water's surface and
while submerged, but such contact would be inconsequential. Chaff is similar in form to fine human hair
with the fibers being flexible and soft. Evaluation of the potential for chaff to be inhaled by humans,
livestock, and animals found that the fibers are too large to be inhaled into the lung (Arfsten et al.2002,
Hullar et al. 1999, USAF 1997). Although these reviews did not specifically consider the respiratory
system of large whales, any effects of chaff inhalation on marine mammals are considered insignificant
given the dispersal of chaff fibers resulting in very low concentration in the air.
While no studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of chaff ingestion on marine mammals, the
effects are expected to be insignificant and discountable based the low concentrations when dispersed, the
small size of chaff fibers, available data on the toxicity of chaff components (silicon dioxide and
aluminum), and evidence indicating the lack of significant accumulation of aluminum in sediments after
prolonged training (DoN 2009). Silicon and aluminum are two of the most abundant elements in the
earth's crust. Marine mammals, such as gray whales that forage on the bottom, routinely ingest sediment
containing these elements. The aluminum concentrations in brain tissue of gray whales are within the
range for terrestrial mammals that may receive high concentrations of aluminum in their diets, suggesting
a broad range in tolerance to aluminum in mammals (Varanasi et al. 1993, Tilbury 2002, DoN 2009).
Chaff cartridge plastic end-caps and pistons would also be expended into the marine environment, where
they would sink and could potentially be ingested by marine mammals. Based on the low concentration of
these components in the TMAA, it is very unlikely a marine mammal would encounter a plastic end-cap
or piston from the chaff cartridge. Even in the very unlikely event one of these components was
encountered and then consumed by a marine mammal, the small size of chaff end-caps and pistons (1.3
inch [33 mm] diameter and 0.13 inch [3.3 mm] thick) would suggest it would likely pass through the
digestive tract and be voided without causing harm.
Under ESA, chaff use under the Alternative 2 may affect blue, fin, humpback, North Pacific right, sei,
and sperm whales but these effects are insignificant and discountable. Use of chaff is not expected to
result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA and would not cause significant harm
to marine mammals in non-territorial waters in accordance with EO 12114.
As described previously in Section, a SINKEX event involves use of a decommissioned and
environmentally remediated vessel as a target for training involving the use of bombs, missiles, gunfire,
and torpedoes. Analysis of effects on marine mammals from at-sea explosions during a SINKEX was
presented in the preceding sub-section. Analysis of the SINKEX vessel as expended material was
presented in Section In summary, however, each target vessel is made environmentally safe for
sinking according to standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Requirements
are that the SINKEX must occur greater than 50 nm (93 km) out to sea and in water depths greater than
6,000 ft (1,830 m) (40 C.F.R. § 229.2), which is beyond the known dive depth of marine mammals. The
presence of a vessel hull on the bottom in excess of 6,000 ft (1,830 m) depth should have no effect on
marine mammals.
Marine Markers
The number of marine markers used in the TMAA would increase 500 percent from the No Action under
Alternative 2 to 120 per year. The probability of a marine mammal ingesting an expended marine marker
would be extremely low based on the low concentration in the TMAA (0.014/nm2). Marine marker
ingestion under Alternative 2 may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of marine markers is not
expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is not likely that use of
marine markers associated with training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine
mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine
mammals resulting from use of marine markers during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of
12 nm [22 km]).
The number of TALDS used in the TMAA would increase 200 percent from the No Action under
Alternative 2 to 24 per year. The probability of a marine mammal ingesting a piece of an expended TALD
would be extremely low based on the size of the TMAA. TALD ingestion under Alternative 2 may affect
ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of TALDS is not expected to result in Level A or Level B
harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is not likely that use of TALDS associated with training activities
would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO
12114, there would be no significant harm to marine mammals resulting from the use of TALDS during
training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
The number of BQM-74Es used in the TMAA would increase 100 percent from the No Action under
Alternative 2 to 4 per year. The probability of a marine mammal ingesting a piece of an expended BQM-
74E would be extremely low based on the size of the TMAA. BQM-74E ingestion under Alternative 2
may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of BQM-74Es is not expected to result in Level A or
Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. It is not likely that use of BQM-74Es associated with
training activities would result in effects to the life functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In
accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant harm to marine mammals resulting from the use
of BQM-74Es during training exercises in nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Use of EMATTs was not part of the No Action Alternative. The use of up to 12 EMATTs could occur
under Alternative 2 in support of ASW Training. This is an increase of 100 percent over Alternative 1.
passive SSQ-53 DIFAR and an additional 8 percent would be passive SSQ-101 VLAD. About 17 percent
of all sonobuoys would be active sonar emitters (SSQ-62 DICASS Active). Approximately 267 active
(SSQ-62 DICASS) acoustic sonobuoys would be deployed in the TMAA annually and approximately
1,000 passive SSQ-53 Directional Frequency and Ranging (DIFAR) sonobuoys would be used in
conjunction with the DICASS sonobuoys. Approximately 120 SSQ-77 Very Long Range Acoustic
Detection (VLAD) passive sonobuoys would also be used under Alternative 2. Approximately 24 SUS
MK-84 signaling devices would also be used under Alternative 2. Also under Alternative 2 would be the
use of the EER system using approximately 80 SSQ-110 active and 80 passive SSQ-101 ADAR.
With regard to potential entanglement encounters between marine mammals and unrecovered sonobuoy
and flare parachute assemblies expended during military activities, the entanglement effects would be
potentially greater than those described for the No Action Alternative and Alternative 1 because of the
greater number of sonobuoy and flare deployments (1,507 more sonobuoys than the No Action
Alternative and 732 more sonobuoys than Alternative 1). With Alternative 2 unrecovered materials would
sink; the amount remaining on or near the sea surface would be low, and the density of such debris would
be double that resulting from Alternative 1 activities. Entanglement impacts to marine mammals from this
and other expended debris are unlikely.
Expended sonobuoys are a potential ingestion hazard for marine mammals while they are floating, while
they are descending to the seafloor, or after they sink to the bottom. However, the probability of ingestion
is extremely low based on the number of sonobuoys expended (1,507) and the size of the TMAA.
Sonobuoy ingestion under Alternative 2 may affect ESA-listed marine mammals. The use of passive
sonobuoys is not expected to result in Level A or Level B harassment as defined by the MMPA. Acoustic
effects of active sonobuoys and SUS MK-84 are addressed as part of the acoustic effects analysis. It is not
likely that use of passive sonobuoys associated with training activities would result in effects to the life
functions of marine mammals in the TMAA. In accordance with EO 12114, there would be no significant
harm to marine mammals resulting from use of passive sonobuoys during training exercises in
nonterritorial seas (seaward of 12 nm [22 km]).
Critical Habitats
There is no designated critical habitat or PCEs within the TMAA. Therefore, in accordance with ESA
consultation provisions to assess potential effects of proposed actions to critical habitat, it is concluded
that Navy activities of Alternative 2 will have no effect on any critical habitat.
3.8.8 Mitigation
The Navy has implemented a comprehensive suite of mitigation measures that will serve to reduce
impacts to marine mammals that might result from Navy training in the TMAA. The mitigation measures
applicable to this Proposed Action are described in Section 5.1.7. In order to make the findings necessary
to issue a LOA under the MMPA, it may be necessary for NMFS to require additional mitigation or
monitoring measures beyond those addressed in this Draft EIS/OEIS. These measures could include
measures considered, but eliminated in this Draft EIS/OEIS, or as yet undeveloped measures. The public
will have an opportunity, through the MMPA process, both to provide information to NMFS in the
comment period following NMFS’ Notice of Receipt of the application for an LOA, and to review any
additional mitigation or monitoring measures that NMFS might propose in the comment period at the
proposed rule stage. The final suite of measures developed as a result of the MMPA process would be
identified and analyzed in the Final EIS/OEIS.
Effective training in the TMAA dictates that ship, submarine, and aircraft participants utilize their sensors
and exercise weapons to their optimum capabilities as required by the mission. Section 5.1.7 presents a
comprehensive list of mitigation measures that would be utilized for training activities analyzed in this
Draft EIS/OEIS in order to minimize potential for impacts on marine mammals and sea turtles in the
Section 5.1.7 includes mitigation measures that are followed for all types of exercises; those that are
associated with a particular type of training event; and those that apply generally to all Navy training at
sea. For major exercises, the applicable mitigation measures are incorporated into a naval message which
is disseminated to all of the units participating in the exercise or training event and applicable responsible
commands. Appropriate measures are also provided to non-Navy participants (other DoD and allied
forces) as information in order to ensure their use by these participants.
The extensive set of protective measures avoids, minimizes, and reduces potential adverse effects of
surface, air, and subsurface training and testing activities on marine mammals. In general the protective
measures include:
• Training personnel (watchstanders) to detect and report the presence of marine mammals so that
activities can be stopped or altered to prevent conflicts or injuries.
• Maneuvering to keep at least 1,500 ft (500 yds) away from any observed whale in the vessel's
path and avoid approaching whales head-on. These requirements do not apply if a vessel's safety
is threatened, such as when change of course will create an imminent and serious threat to a
person, vessel, or aircraft, and to the extent vessels are restricted in their ability to maneuver.
• Taking all practicable steps to alert other vessels in the vicinity of an observed whale.
• Conducting pre-training site surveys for events involving ordnance in the water to detect and
clear training areas of marine mammals that might be affected by activities before training
activities are initiated.
• Reducing sonar emission when marine mammals are detected in the vicinity of naval activities.
• Adjusting, delaying or moving activities when marine mammals are detected in the area.
• Maintaining protective buffer zones around ships and other vessels when marine mammals are
detected within established safety zone distances of ships and sonar exercises.
• Maintaining marine mammal exclusion zones around areas that involve at-sea explosions.
• Coordinating with NMFS before, during, and after major training exercises and reporting
incidents that may have involved marine mammals.
The effectiveness of these protective measures was considered in determining the impacts of the proposed
alternatives to marine mammals.
Navy shipboard lookouts (also referred to as “watchstanders”) are highly qualified and experienced
observers of the marine environment. Their duties require that they report all objects sighted in the water
to the Officer of the Deck (e.g., trash, a periscope, marine mammals, sea turtles) and all disturbances (e.g.,
surface disturbance, discoloration) that may be indicative of a threat to the vessel and its crew. There are
personnel serving as lookouts on station at all times (day and night) when a ship or surfaced submarine is
moving through the water. Navy lookouts undergo extensive training in order to qualify as a lookout. This
training includes on-the-job instruction under the supervision of an experienced lookout, followed by
completion of the Personal Qualification Standard program, certifying that they have demonstrated the
necessary skills (such as detection and reporting of partially submerged objects).
The Navy also includes marine species awareness as part of its training for its bridge lookout personnel
on ships and submarines. Lookouts are trained how to look for marine species, and report sightings to the
Officer of the Deck so that action may be taken to avoid the marine species or adjust the exercise to
minimize effects to the species. Marine Species Awareness Training (MSAT) was updated in 2006, and
the additional training materials are now included as required training for Navy ship and submarine
lookouts. This training addresses the lookout’s role in environmental protection, laws governing the
protection of marine species, Navy stewardship commitments, and general observation information to aid
in avoiding interactions with marine species. Additionally, all Commanding Officers and Executive
Officers (CO/XOs) of units involved in training exercises are also required to review the marine species
awareness training material.
• Reduction of training. The requirements for training have been developed through many years of
iteration to ensure sailors achieve levels of readiness to ensure they are prepared to properly
respond to the many contingencies that may occur during an actual mission. These training
requirements are designed provide the experience needed to ensure sailors are properly prepared
for operational success. There is no extra training built in to the plan, as this would not be an
efficient use of the resources needed to support the training (e.g. fuel, time). Therefore, any
reduction of training would not allow sailors to achieve satisfactory levels of readiness needed to
accomplish their mission.
• Use of ramp-up to attempt to clear the range prior to the conduct of exercises. Ramp-up
procedures, (slowly increasing the sound in the water to necessary levels), are not a viable
alternative for training exercises because the ramp-up would alert opponents to the participants’
presence. This affects the realism of training in that the target submarine would be able to detect
the searching unit prior to themselves being detected, enabling them to take evasive measures.
This would insert a significant anomaly to the training, affecting its realism and effectiveness.
Though ramp-up procedures have been used in testing, the procedure is not effective in training
sailors to react to tactical situations, as it provides an unrealistic advantage by alerting the target.
Using these procedures would not allow the Navy to conduct realistic training, thus adversely
impacting the effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
• Visual monitoring using third-party observers from air or surface platforms, in addition to the
existing Navy-trained lookouts.
o The use of third-party observers would compromise security due to the requirement to
provide advance notification of specific times/locations of Navy platforms.
o Reliance on the availability of third-party personnel would also impact training flexibility,
thus adversely affecting training effectiveness.
o The presence of other aircraft in the vicinity of naval exercises would raise safety concerns
for both the commercial observers and naval aircraft.
o Use of Navy observers is the most effective means to ensure quick and effective
implementation of mitigation measures if marine species are spotted. A critical skill set of
effective Navy training is communication. Navy lookouts are trained to act swiftly and
decisively to ensure that appropriate actions are taken.
o Use of third-party observers is not necessary because Navy personnel are extensively trained
in spotting items on or near the water surface. Navy spotters receive more hours of training,
and use their spotting skills more frequently, than many third-party trained personnel.
o Crew members participating in training activities involving aerial assets have been
specifically trained to detect objects in the water. The crew’s ability to sight from both
surface and aerial platforms provides excellent survey capabilities using the Navy’s existing
exercise assets.
o Security clearance issues would have to be overcome to allow non-Navy observers onboard
exercise participants.
o Some training events will span one or more 24-hour periods, with operations underway
continuously in that timeframe. It is not feasible to maintain non-Navy surveillance of these
activities, given the number of non-Navy observers that would be required onboard.
o Surface ships having active mid-frequency sonar have limited berthing capacity. As exercise
planning includes careful consideration of this limited capacity in the placement of exercise
controllers, data collection personnel, and Afloat Training Group personnel on ships involved
in the exercise. Inclusion of non-Navy observers onboard these ships would require that in
some cases there would be no additional berthing space for essential Navy personnel required
to fully evaluate and efficiently use the training opportunity to accomplish the exercise
o Contiguous ASW events may cover many hundreds of square miles. The number of civilian
ships and/or aircraft required to monitor the area of these events would be considerable. It is,
thus, not feasible to survey or monitor the large exercise areas in the time required ensuring
these areas are devoid of marine mammals. In addition, marine mammals may move into or
out of an area, if surveyed before an event, or an animal could move into an area after an
exercise took place. Given that there are no adequate controls to account for these or other
possibilities and there are no identified research objectives, there is no utility to performing
either a before or an after the event survey of an exercise area.
o Survey during an event raises safety issues with multiple, slow civilian aircraft operating in
the same airspace as military aircraft engaged in combat training activities. In addition, most
of the training events take place far from land, limiting both the time available for civilian
aircraft to be in the exercise area and presenting a concern should aircraft mechanical
problems arise.
o Scheduling civilian vessels or aircraft to coincide with training events would impact training
effectiveness, since exercise event timetables cannot be precisely fixed and are instead based
on the free-flow development of tactical situations. Waiting for civilian aircraft or vessels to
complete surveys, refuel, or be on station would slow the unceasing progress of the exercise
and impact the effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
o Multiple simultaneous training events continue for extended periods. There are not enough
qualified third-party personnel to accomplish the monitoring task.
• Reducing or securing power during the following conditions.
o Low-visibility / night training: ASW can require a significant amount of time to develop the
“tactical picture,” or an understanding of the battle space such as area searched or
unsearched, identifying false contacts, understanding the water conditions, etc. Reducing or
securing power in low-visibility conditions would affect a commander’s ability to develop
this tactical picture and would not provide realistic training.
o Strong surface duct: The complexity of ASW requires the most realistic training possible for
the effectiveness and safety of the sailors. Reducing power in strong surface duct conditions
would not provide this training realism because the unit would be operating differently than it
would in a combat scenario, reducing training effectiveness and the crew’s ability.
Additionally, water conditions may change rapidly, resulting in continually changing
mitigation requirements, resulting in a focus on mitigation versus training.
• Vessel speed: Establish and implement a set vessel speed.
o Navy personnel are required to use caution and operate at a slow, safe speed consistent with
mission and safety. Ships and submarines need to be able to react to changing tactical
situations in training as they would in actual combat. Placing arbitrary speed restrictions
would not allow them to properly react to these situations, resulting in decreased training
effectiveness and reduction the crew proficiency.
• Increasing power down and shut down zones:
o The current power down zones of 457 and 914 m (500 and 1,000 yd), as well as the 183 m
(200 yd) shut down zone were developed to minimize exposing marine mammals to sound
levels that could cause TTS or PTS, levels that are supported by the scientific community.
Implementation of the safety zones discussed above will prevent exposure to sound levels
greater than 195 dB re 1μPa for animals sighted. The safety range the Navy has developed is
also within a range sailors can realistically maintain situational awareness and achieve
visually during most conditions at sea.
o Although the three action alternatives were developed using marine mammal density data and
areas believed to provide habitat features conducive to marine mammals, not all such areas
could be avoided. ASW requires large areas of ocean space to provide realistic and
meaningful training to the sailors. These areas were considered to the maximum extent
practicable while ensuring Navy’s ability to properly train its forces in accordance with
federal law. Avoiding any area that has the potential for marine mammal populations is
impractical and would impact the effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
• Using active sonar with output levels as low as possible consistent with mission requirements and
use of active sonar only when necessary.
o Operators of sonar equipment are always cognizant of the environmental variables affecting
sound propagation. In this regard, the sonar equipment power levels are always set consistent
with mission requirements.
o Active sonar is only used when required by the mission since it has the potential to alert
opposing forces to the sonar platform’s presence. Passive sonar and all other sensors are used
in concert with active sonar to the maximum extent practicable when available and when
required by the mission.
3.8.9 Summary of Effects Endangered Species Act
The Navy is consulting with NMFS under Section 7 of the ESA regarding its determination of effect for
federally-listed marine mammals and critical habitat. Table 3.8-18 provides a summary of the Navy’s
determination of acoustic effects for federally listed marine mammals that potentially occur in the
TMAA. The analysis presented above indicates that all seven ESA-listed species of marine mammals may
be affected by one or more stressors resulting from Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative) training
activities. All species may be affected by exposures to sonar emissions and at-sea explosions.
This assessment focused on four aspects of the proposed Navy training events—ship traffic, use of active
sonar, other non-sonar acoustic sources, aircraft overflights, and at-sea explosions. Potential risks
associated with sonars and other non-sonar acoustic sources that are likely to be employed during anti-
submarine warfare exercises were assessed by treating the acoustic energy produced by those sources as a
pollutant introduced into the ocean environment. The acoustic analyses evaluated the likelihood of listed
species being exposed to sound pressure levels associated with active sonar and other non-sonar acoustic
sources, which includes estimating the intensity, duration, and frequency of exposure. The analysis
assumed that active sonar and other non-sonar acoustic sources posed no risk to listed species if they were
not exposed to sound pressure levels exceeding established regulatory thresholds. The analyses also
assumed that the potential consequences of exposure to sonar and other non-sonar acoustic sources on
individual animals would be a function of the intensity (measured in both SPL in decibels and frequency),
duration, and frequency of the animal’s exposure to the mid- and high frequency sonar transmissions and
to other acoustic sources.
Potential risks associated with at-sea explosions that are likely to be employed during BOMBEX,
GUNEX, SINKEX, and use of SSQ-110 sonobuoys were assessed by treating the impulse energy
produced by at-sea explosions as an energy force introduced into the ocean environment. The at-sea
explosion analysis evaluated the likelihood of ESA listed species being exposed to sound pressure levels
associated with at-sea explosions, which includes estimating the intensity, duration, and frequency of
exposure. The analysis assumed that the energy from at-sea explosions posed no risk to marine mammal
species if they were not exposed to sound or pressure levels from the detonations.
There are no critical habitats in the TMAA and Navy training activities will not destroy or adversely
modify critical habitat. There are no primary constituent elements of critical habitat present in the TMAA.
Therefore, in accordance with ESA consultation provisions to assess potential effects of Proposed Action
to critical habitat, it is concluded that Navy activities will have no effect on any critical habitats.
Table 3.8-18: Summary of the Navy’s Determination of Effect for Federally Listed Marine Mammals That May Occur in the TMAA – Alternative 2
(Preferred Alternative)
Humpback North Pacific Right
Stressor Blue Whale Fin Whale Sei Whale Sperm Whale Steller Sea Lion
Whale Whale
Vessel Movements
Vessel Disturbance MA MA MA MA MA MA MA
Vessel Collisions MA MA MA MA MA MA MA
Aircraft Overflights
Aircraft Disturbance MA MA MA MA MA MA MA
Non-explosive Practice Ordnance
Weapons Firing Disturbance MA MA MA MA MA MA MA
3.9.1 Affected Environment
For purposes of this Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS/OEIS), the Region of Influence (ROI) for birds is the Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA)
within the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). The nearest shoreline (Kenai Peninsula) is located approximately 24
nautical miles (nm) (44 kilometers [km]) north of the TMAA’s northern boundary. The approximate
middle of the TMAA is located 140 nm (259 km) offshore. Given that the TMAA is more than 12 nm (22
km) from the closest point of land, it is therefore outside of United States (U.S.) Territorial Seas. Areas
inland from the coastline, including United States (U.S.) Air Force (Air Force) air ranges and U.S. Army
(Army) training lands, are addressed in the Alaska Military Operations Areas EIS (USAF 1995),
Improvements to Military Training Routes in Alaska Environmental Assessment (USAF 2007), Alaska
Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative EIS (Army 1999) and the Transformation of U.S.
Army Alaska FEIS (Army 2004). Thus, this section provides an overview of the species, distribution, and
occurrence of birds that are either resident or migratory through the TMAA.
Migratory birds are any species or family of birds that live, reproduce, or migrate within or across
international borders at some point during their annual life cycle. Seabirds, which are included in
migratory birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA, Section (U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service [USFWS] 1985), are birds whose normal habitat and food source is the sea, whether they
utilize coastal waters (the nearshore), offshore waters (the continental shelf), or pelagic waters (the open
sea) (Harrison 1983).
The TMAA consists of open water surface and subsurface operating areas and overlying airspace to the
south of Prince William Sound and east of Kodiak Island. The GOA is one of the world’s most productive
ocean regions and the habitats associated with these cold and turbulent waters contain identifiable
collections of macrohabitats that sustain resident and migratory species of seabirds. The waters of the
GOA provide both protected shallow water habitat for seabirds and sea ducks, which forage on the sea
bottom, and nutrient rich offshore areas for seabirds that rely on upwelling zones and shelf currents to
transport prey to the surface. In general, seabird and sea duck distribution in the GOA is seasonally
influenced by prey availability and probably weather patterns (Hunt and Schneider 1987). Since carbon
flux for the benthic community is highest in the nearshore areas (Iverson et al. 1979), these waters
provide good winter food sources for bottom-feeding ducks.
The GOA is a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) that lies off the southern coast of Alaska and the western
coast of Canada. It is separated from the East Bering Sea LME by the Alaska Peninsula. Its climate is
sub-Arctic. The cold Subarctic Current, as it bifurcates towards the south, serves as the boundary between
the GOA and the California Current LME. Decadal climate change has shown an effect on plankton
production and plankton species composition. The GOA LME is a Class I, highly productive (>300 grams
[g] of carbon per square meter [m2] per year) ecosystem based on global primary productivity estimates
(Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor [SeaWiFS] 2008). It presents a significant upwelling
phenomenon linked to the presence of the counterclockwise gyre of the Alaska Current (National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] 2002). A well-documented climatic regime shift occurring in
BIRDS 3.9-1
the late 1970s caused the Alaska gyre to be centered more to the east (Lagerloef 1995). The LME’s cold,
nutrient-rich waters support a diverse ecosystem. Large-scale atmospheric and oceanographic conditions
affect the productivity of this LME. Changes in zooplankton biomass have been observed in both the
GOA LME and the California Current LME directly to the south. These biomass changes appear to be
inversely related to each other (Brodeur et al. 1999).
Many of the larger seabirds, especially the albatrosses and the shearwaters, move into the Gulf from more
southern climates during the summer and fall months and feed along the Alaskan current as it traces the
continental shelf break. Carbon flux in the pelagic food chain is greatest in the outer shelf (where bottom
depth is 328 to 558 feet (ft) (100 to 170 meters [m]); Iverson et al. 1979), as upwelling brings deepwater
nutrients to the surface, which stimulates planktonic growth. Hunt and Schneider (1987) found that the
pelagic distribution of seabirds mirrored the distribution of plankton, regardless of the trophic level on
which a particular species fed. Since the TMAA occurs mostly over outer shelf, slope, and deeper ocean
waters, this area is dominated by those species that use the region seasonally and are not land-based
outside the nesting season.
The USFWS, which oversees the National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) System, protects a significant
amount of marine habitat within U.S. waters. Three NWRs (Alaska Maritime, Becharof, and Kenai) that
contain a marine component are located throughout the GOA. These NWRs provide over 3 million
hectares of refuge for seabirds, shorebirds, migratory waterfowl, and a diverse array of marine mammals
and flora. Together with federal agencies and legislation, the operation and management of Alaska NWRs
is also influenced by policy documents such as the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of
1980 (USFWS 2004a).
Table 3.9-1 identifies bird species known to occur in or breed in the coastal zones within the GOA. Two
of these are protected under the authority of the Endangered Species Act (ESA): one is federally listed as
endangered (Short-tailed Albatross [Phoebastria albatrus]) and one is federally listed as threatened
(Steller’s Eider [Polysticta stelleri]). Five species are not listed as threatened or endangered under the
ESA but have been named Birds of Conservation Concern (BCC) by the USFWS. These are the Black-
footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes), Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis), Aleutian Tern
(Onychoprion aleutica), Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea), and the Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia).
Other species are not listed but have been identified by agencies for different reasons. The Black
Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is considered by the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan and its
regional counterpart, the Alaska Shorebird Conservation Plan, as a species of high concern. Classification
is due to the species’ limited breeding distribution and small global populations (Brown et al. 2001). The
Kittlitz’s Murrelet (Brachyramphus brevirostris) has been listed as a candidate species throughout its
range as several core populations have been reduced by 80 to 90 percent in the past two decades.
BIRDS 3.9-2
Table 3.9-1: Representative Birds Known to Occur or Breed in the Coastal Zones within the GOA
Common Name Genus and Species Common Name Genus and Species
Aleutian TernBCC, B Onychoprion aleutica Long-billed Dowitcher
American Avocet Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis
American Golden-
Pluvialis dominica Long-tailed JaegerB Stercorarius longicaudus
American Wigeon Anas americana Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta
B Synthliboramphus
Ancient Murrelet Mallard Anas platyrhynchos
Arctic Loon Gavia arctica Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus
Arctic TernBCC,B Sterna paradisaea Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa
Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii Marbled MurreletB
Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Mew GullB Larus canus
Black GuillemotB Cepphus grylle Mongolian Plover Charadrius mongolus
Black Oystercatcher Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata
Black Scoter Melanitta nigra Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata
Arenaria B
Black Turnstone Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis
Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola Northern Pintail Anas acuta
Phoebastria nigripes Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata
albatrossBCC, B
Black-legged KittiwakeB Rissa tridactyla Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Pacific Golden-Plover Pluvialis fulva
Black-winged Stilt Pacific Loon Gavia pacifica
Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Parakeet Auklet Aethia psittacula
Bonaparte's Gull Larus philadelphia Parasitic JaegerB Stercorarius parasiticus
Brandt's CormorantB Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos
Brant Branta bernicla Pelagic Cormorant Phalacrocorax pelagicus
Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps
Tryngites subruficollis Pigeon GuillemotB Cepphus columba
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola Puffinus creatopus
Buller's Shearwater Puffinus bulleri Pin-tailed Snipe Gallinago stenura
Cackling Goose Branta huchinsii Pomarine JaegerB Stercorarius pomarinus
Canada Goose Branta canadensis Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima
Canvasback Aythya valisineria Red Knot Calidris canutus
Caspian TernBCC,B Hydroprogne caspia Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius
Ptychoramphus Red-breasted
Cassin's AukletB Mergus serrator
aleuticus Merganser
Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii Phalacrocor axurile
Common Eider Somateria mollissima Redhead Aythya americana
BIRDS 3.9-3
Table 3.9-1: Representative Birds Known to Occur or Breed in the Coastal Zones within the GOA
Common Name Genus and Species Common Name Genus and Species
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Rissa brevirostris
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena
Common Loon Gavia immer Phalaropus lobatus
Common Merganser Mergus merganser Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata
Common MurreB Uria aalge Rhinoceros AukletB Cerorhinca monocerata
Common Ringed
Charadrius hiaticula Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris
Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Rock Sandpiper Calidris ptilocnemis
Cook's Petrel Pterodroma cookii Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres
Crested AukletB Aethia cristatella Ruff Philomachus pugnax
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Rufous-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis
Phalacrocorax auritus Sabine’s GullB Xema sabini
DovkieB Alle alle Sanderling Calidris alba
Dunlin Calidris alpina Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus
Emperor Goose Chen canagica Calidris pusilla
Eskimo Curlew Numenius borealis Calidris acuminata
Eurasian Dotterel Charadrius morinellus Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus
Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope Phoebastria albatrus
AlbatrossE, B
Numenius Short-tailed
Far Eastern Curlew Puffinus tenuirostris
madagascariensis ShearwaterB
Puffinus carneipes Slaty-backed GullB Larus schistasagus
Fork-tailed Storm-
Oceanodroma furcata Snow Goose Chen caerulescens
Gadwall Anas strepera Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus
Glaucous GullB Larus hyperboreus Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria
Glaucous-winged GullB Larus glaucescens Sooty Shearwater B Puffinus griseus
Gray-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes Spectacled Eider Somateria fischeri
Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris Spoonbill Sandpiper
Greater Scaup Aythya marila Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus
Greater White-fronted
Anser albifrons Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus
Green-winged Teal Anas crecca Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata
Harlequin Duck Surfbird Aphriza virgata
Herring GullB Larus argentatus Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus
Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus Thick-billed Murre B Uria lomvia
BIRDS 3.9-4
Table 3.9-1: Representative Birds Known to Occur or Breed in the Coastal Zones within the GOA
Common Name Genus and Species Common Name Genus and Species
Horned PuffinB Fratercula corniculata Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica Tufted PuffinB Fratercula cirrhata
Jack Snipe Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda
King Eider Somateria spectabilis Wandering Tattler Tringa incana
Brachyramphus Aechmophorus
Kittlitz’s MurreletB Western Grebe
brevirostris occidentalis
Laysan AlbatrossBCC, B Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri
Leach's Storm-PetrelB Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Least AukletB Aethia pusilla Whiskered AukletB Aethia pygmaea
Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla Calidris fuscicollis
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis White-winged Scoter Melanitta fusca
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor
Little Curlew Numenius minutus Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
Little Stint Calidris minuta Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii
Notes: Endangered, Threatened, Bird of Conservation Concern, Breeding
Based loosely on their geographic distribution and feeding habits, birds observed in the TMAA are
divided into two groups, (Department of Commerce [DOC] 1993), seabirds and waterfowl.
• Seabirds, such as alcids, shearwaters, and gulls. These feed in open waters ranging from the
shoreline and estuaries to the open ocean. Some seabirds are strictly pelagic, while others prefer
the nearshore environment.
• Waterfowl, such as ducks and geese. These familiar species are found near shore on the open
coast and in estuaries, but some also use inland freshwater habitats.
In general, seabird activity is most concentrated along the GOA coastline, while waterfowl are found
primarily in the bays and shallow waters of the southern coast (DOC 1993). Waterfowl (e.g., ducks and
geese) can be hunted, but seasons and bag limits are established in federal and/or state regulations.
Seabirds known to occur within the GOA include those that are pelagic (generally foraging far offshore
over the continental shelf and in oceanic waters) and those that feed in nearshore zones. Pelagic seabirds
go ashore primarily to breed (Piatt and Springer 2003). Pelagic species include albatross, petrels,
BIRDS 3.9-5
shearwaters, cormorants, jaegers, skuas, gulls, terns, and alcids. Nearshore seabirds feed within sight of
land and include Pacific (Gavia pacifica) and Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata), Western Grebes
(Aechmorphorus occidentalis), Brown Pelicans, several species of gulls and cormorants, Common Murres
(Uria aalge), and Red-necked Phalaropes (Phalaropus lobatus). Coastal rocks, headlands, and islands
along the outer coast are critical nesting and roosting sites for many seabird species (DOC 1993). Colony
sites are important habitat for seabirds because reproductive success and continuation of species depend
on these sites.
Alcids are a distinctive family of seabirds present in the GOA and along the coast that includes the Tufted
Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata), Rhinoceros Auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata), Cassin’s Auklet
(Ptychoramphus aleuticus), Common Murre, Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus), Marbled
Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus), and Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba) (DoC 1993). They
are long-lived colonial nesters that reproduce slowly and are found in shallower nearshore waters,
especially in summer when birds are closely tied to nesting sites (DOC 1993). Large colonies of Tufted
Puffins, Rhinoceros Auklets, Cassin’s Auklets, and Common Murres are present on the Aleutian islands.
Common Murres are circumpolar and number in the millions worldwide. They are the dominant member
of the breeding seabird community on the west coast. They nest on open rock or dirt ledges along the
Alaskan outer coast and sometimes shift colony sites. These birds are strong fliers and forage long
distances from their colonies. They dive to considerable depths to capture fish, crustaceans, and
cephalopods. In late summer and fall, adult females of the Washington coastal population fly into Puget
Sound to molt and winter (DOC 1993).
Waterfowl are flat-billed birds that spend most of their lifecycle on the water (DOC 1993). Waterfowl
typically breed in freshwater habitats, but many species move to shoreline or nearshore habitats when
breeding is complete. Many species of waterfowl stage and winter in Alaskan waters and winter in the
western Arctic plain. Species such as the Harlequin Duck (Histronicus histronicus), scoters (Melanitta
sp.), Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), mergansers, goldeneyes, Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis),
and scaup winter in the nearshore waters of the open coast (DOC 1993). Scoters and eiders are by far the
most numerous species of sea ducks in nearshore waters, with all four species of eider, King (Somateria
spectabilis), Common (S. mollissima), Steller’s and Spectacled (S. fischeri) breeding in Alaska.
The Alaska breeding population of Steller’s eiders was listed as threatened under ESA on June 11, 1997
(62 FR 31748). Steller’s eiders are not expected to occur in the TMAA, and there is no critical habitat or
foraging areas in or within the vicinity of the TMAA. During the months of April to October, when the
training activities are planned to occur, Steller’s eiders can be found in nearshore areas, and in particular
protected lagoons with tidal flats located hundreds of miles to the northwest and west of the TMAA
(Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 2009). During the winter, the distribution of Steller’s
eiders includes the nearshore areas around Kodiak Island, Cook Inlet, the southern side of the Alaska
Peninsula, and the eastern Aleutian Islands. Though these areas are north and west of the TMAA, there
will be no Navy activities in the TMAA during the winter. Therefore, Steller’s eiders are not likely to be
present in the TMAA or be affected by any of the proposed activities and will not be considered further in
this analysis.
A description of the Short-tailed Albatross, its habitat and brief life history is presented below.
BIRDS 3.9-6
Short-tailed Albatross
The Short-tailed Albatross is the largest of the three north Pacific albatrosses (Harrison 1984). Adult
Short-tailed albatrosses are distinguishable from other Pacific albatrosses by their entirely white back and
large bubble-gum pink bill that is strongly hooked at the end (Roberson 2000).
The Short-tailed Albatross was listed as endangered throughout its range under the ESA in 2000 (USFWS
2000). There is no designated critical habitat under ESA for the Short-tailed Albatross. During the late
1800s, the world population of short-tailed albatrosses was severely reduced by aggressive hunting for
their plumage, resulting in the death of an estimated five million birds. Short-tailed albatrosses nest on
isolated, windswept, offshore islands owned and administered by Japan that have restricted human access.
The population has been rebounding in recent years because several Pacific rookeries have been protected
from human use. The world population of short-tailed albatross is currently estimated at approximately
1,200 birds and is increasing (USFWS 2001b).
Current human-induced threats include hooking and drowning on commercial long-line gear,
entanglement in derelict fishing gear, ingestion of plastic debris, contamination from oil spills, and
potential predation by introduced mammals on breeding islands (USFWS 2001b). Plastic bags and plastic
sheeting are most commonly swallowed by birds but balloons, Styrofoam beads, monofilament fishing
line, and tar are also known to be ingested (Lutz 1990, Bjorndal et al 1994, Tomas 2002). Invasive species
at colonies, including cats, rats, and plants, also can be a significant source of mortality (USFWS 2005).
Short-tailed albatrosses have a lifespan of more than 40 years. Sexual maturity is reached at age 7 or 8
(Harrison 1990; USFWS 2001b). The nesting seasons lasts from August to December on two rugged
islands in Japan in October, with the hatching of a single egg occurring in late December and January.
Both adults incubate the egg during this period. Fledging occurs in late April to early June, and the colony
is totally deserted by mid-July (Roberson 2000). This species disperses throughout the north Pacific when
it is not breeding.
Short-tailed albatrosses are pelagic wanderers, traveling thousands of miles at sea during the nonbreeding
season (DoN 2006). Foraging occurs over open, offshore, ocean waters (DoN 2006). Most of their travel
is concentrated along the continental shelf edge upwelling zones where they forage, utilizing shallow
dives between 15 and 40 ft (4.5 and 12 m) in depth, on squid, fish, shrimp and other crustaceans, and
flying-fish eggs (USFWS 2005). Their at-sea distribution includes the entire Pacific north of about 20°N,
but they tend to concentrate along the Aleutians in the Bering Sea (Piatt et al. 2006).
Historic records indicate frequent use of nearshore and coastal waters in the eastern north Pacific from
California through Alaska (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada [COSEWIC]
2002; USFWS 2001b). Current sightings in the eastern north Pacific and in the TMAA are concentrated
offshore of Alaska and British Columbia. Sightings off the continental states are gradually increasing as
the population rebounds (Unitt 2004). Sightings of short-tailed albatross have the potential to increase in
frequency as the species continues recovering.
Hearing in Birds
While little is known about the general hearing or underwater hearing capabilities of birds, research
suggests an in-air maximum auditory sensitivity between 1 and 5 kilohertz (kHz) for most bird species
(National Marine Fisheries Service [NMFS] 2003). It is possible that birds are likely to hear some mid-
frequency sound in air. However, there is little published literature on the effects of underwater sound on
diving birds. A review of available literature shows that most research focused on effects of pile-driving
and seismic surveys. During such studies, airguns did not cause harm to birds. Similarly explosives used
BIRDS 3.9-7
during ship shock trials did not cause harm unless birds were within 200 meters of the detonation site
(Turnpenny and Nedwell 1994).
NMFS issued an environmental assessment with regards to the harassment of marine mammals in 2003 in
accordance with the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (MMPA). As part of the environmental
documentation, birds were analyzed for potential effects associated with exposure to active sonar. The
operating frequency of the system was greater than 20 kHz, with a maximum source level at or less than
220 decibels (dB) at a reference pressure of 1 microPascal at 1 meter (re 1 μPa-m) in individual pulses
less than 1 second for a duty cycle (time on over total time) of less than 10 percent. For example, in an 8-
hour day, maximum sonar use would be less than 48 minutes (NMFS 2003). The potential hearing
capability of birds was outside the proposed high frequency of the operating system and there is no
evidence that birds utilize sound underwater to forage or locate prey. Thus, it was concluded that effects
were unlikely. In addition, birds would not be an effective receptor because they are submerged only for
short periods and birds at the surface can rapidly fly away from disturbance and annoying sounds.
BIRDS 3.9-8
include the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia), European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris), and House Sparrow
(Passer domesticus).
On December 2, 2003, the President signed the 2003 National Defense Authorization Act. The Act
provides that the Secretary of the Interior shall exercise his/her authority under the MBTA to prescribe
regulations to exempt the Armed Forces from the incidental taking of migratory birds during military
readiness activities authorized by the Secretary of Defense. Take under the MBTA is defined to be
unlawful at any time, by any means or in any manner, to pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, attempt to take,
capture, or kill, possess, offer for sale, sell, offer to barter, barter, offer to purchase, purchase, deliver for
shipment, ship, export, import, cause to be shipped, exported, or imported, deliver for transportation,
transport or cause to be transported, carry or cause to be carried, or receive for shipment, transportation,
carriage, or export, any migratory bird, any part, nest, or eggs of any such bird, or any product, whether or
not manufactured, which consists, or is composed in whole or part, of any such bird or any part, nest, or
egg thereof, included in the terms of the conventions between the United States and Great Britain for the
protection of migratory birds concluded August 16, 1916 (39 Stat. 1702), the United States and Mexico
for the protection of migratory birds and game mammals concluded February 7, 1936, the United States
and the Government of Japan for the protection of migratory birds and birds in danger of extinction, and
their environment concluded March 4, 1972 and the convention between the United States and the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics for the conservation of migratory birds and their environments concluded
November 19, 1976.
The final rule authorizing the Department of Defense (DoD) to take migratory birds during military
readiness activities was published in the Federal Register on February 28, 2007. The regulation can be
found at 50 C.F.R. Part 21. The regulation provides that the Armed Forces must confer and cooperate
with the USFWS on the development and implementation of conservation measures to minimize or
mitigate adverse effects of a military readiness activity if it determines that such activity may have a
“significant adverse effect” on a population of a migratory bird species. An activity has a significant
adverse effect if, over a reasonable period of time, it diminishes the capacity of a population of a
migratory bird species to maintain genetic diversity, to reproduce, and to function effectively in its native
ecosystem. A population is defined as “a group of distinct, coexisting, same species, whose breeding site
fidelity, migration routes, and wintering areas are temporally and spatially stable, sufficient distinct
geographically (at some point of the year), and adequately described so that the population can be
effectively monitored to discern changes in its status. Virtually all bird species found within the TMAA
and coastal areas of the GOA are covered by the MBTA (exceptions are noted above). Two of the species
covered under the MBTA are also federally listed as threatened or endangered and have additional
protection under the ESA.
BIRDS 3.9-9
determination of effect under Section 7 of the ESA are based on the USFWS and NMFS Endangered
Species Consultation Handbook (USFWS and NMFS 1998).
“No effect” is the appropriate conclusion when a listed species will not be affected, either because the
species will not be present or because the project does not have any elements with the potential to affect
the species. “No effect” does not include a small effect or an effect that is unlikely to occur.
If effects are insignificant (in size) or discountable (extremely unlikely), a “may affect but not likely to
adversely affect” determination is appropriate. Insignificant effects relate to the magnitude or extent of
the impact (that is, they must be small and would not rise to the level of a take of a species). Discountable
effects are those extremely unlikely to occur. Based on best judgment, a person would not (1) be able to
meaningfully measure, detect, or evaluate insignificant effects; or (2) expect discountable effects to occur.
These factors were also considered in determining the significance of effects EO 12114.
Assessment Methods
The analysis considered effects on seabirds as a group from:
• Vessel movements;
• Aircraft overflights, including aircraft disturbance (such as noise) and aircraft strikes on birds;
• Ordnance use;
• Explosions and impacts; and
• Expended materials, including ordnance-related materials, target-related materials, and
Each of the species that was identified as a federally listed threatened and/or endangered, or candidate
species was then individually evaluated for each of these stressors. An assessment was not conducted on
the effects of sonar on seabirds. As described in Section (Hearing in Birds), a study documented
by NMFS (2003) concluded that effects to seabirds from sonar were unlikely. Although some species
BIRDS 3.9-10
may be able to hear sonar, several factors combine to make effects improbable, most notably the fact that
seabirds spend a very small fraction of time submerged and most return to the surface within seconds of
diving. Because seabirds spend relatively little time beneath the water surface, there would be a low
likelihood of seabird exposure. Given that there is no evidence of sonar causing harm to seabirds, this
issue is not addressed further in the analysis of effects on this resource.
As discussed in Section 3.1 (Air Quality) and Section 3.3 (Water Resources), some air and water
pollutants would be released into the environment as a result of the Proposed Action. The analyses
presented in Sections 3.1 and 3.3 indicate that any increases in air or water pollutant concentrations
resulting from Navy training activities in the TMAA would be negligible and localized, and impacts to air
and water quality would be minor. Based on these analyses, air and water quality changes would have no
effect or negligible effects on birds. Accordingly, the effects of air and water quality changes on birds are
not addressed further in this section.
As previously discussed in Section, military readiness activities are exempt from the take
prohibitions of the MBTA provided they do not result in a significant adverse effect on a population of a
migratory bird species. The migratory bird species that are protected under ESA are discussed in the
analyses that follow.
Birds respond to moving vessels in various ways. Some species, such as gulls and albatross, commonly
follow vessels (Hamilton 1958, Hyrenbach 2001, Hyrenbach 2006), while other species, such as plovers
and curlews, seem to avoid vessels (Borberg et al. 2005, Hyrenbach 2006). Vessel movements could elicit
brief behavioral or physiological responses, such as alert response, startle response, or fleeing the
immediate area, such responses typically conclude as rapidly as they occur. However, the general health
of individual birds is not compromised (see additional discussion of these responses below for aircraft
Direct collisions with vessels or a vessel’s rigging, such as wires, poles, or masts, could result in bird
injury or mortality. Bird/vessel collisions are probably rare events during daylight hours, but the
possibility of collisions could increase at night, especially during inclement weather. Birds can become
disoriented at night in the presence of artificial light (Black 2005), and lighting on vessels may attract
some birds (Hunter et al. 2006), increasing the potential for harmful encounters.
Based on the low density of Navy vessels and the high mobility of birds, the probability of bird/vessel
collisions is low. Navy mitigation measures (see Chapter 5), which include avoidance of seabird colonies
and habitats where birds may concentrate, would further reduce the probability of bird/vessel collisions.
BIRDS 3.9-11
In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be
Short-tailed albatross exposure to vessels could occur while foraging or migrating in open water
environments within the TMAA. Periods of exposure of individual birds would be extremely short given
the low density and constant movement of naval vessels at sea. If birds were to respond to vessel
movements, the responses would be limited to short-term behavioral or physiological reactions. Direct
collisions with vessels or a vessel’s rigging could result in bird injury or mortality, but is unlikely based
on the low density of Navy vessels and the high mobility of birds. In accordance with the ESA, vessel
movements under the No Action Alternative may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed
Aircraft Overflights
Aircraft Disturbance
Various types of fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters are used in training activities throughout the TMAA.
For this reason, birds in the TMAA could be exposed to airborne noise associated with these aircraft.
Numerous studies have documented that birds respond to anthropogenic noise, including aircraft
overflights, weapons firing, and explosions (National Park Service [NPS] 1994, Larkin 1996, Plumpton
2006). The manner in which birds respond to noise depends on several factors, including life-history
characteristics of the species, characteristics of the noise source, loudness, onset rate, distance from the
noise source, presence or absence of associated visual stimuli, and previous exposure.
Researchers have documented a variety of behavioral responses of birds to noise, such as alert behavior,
startle response, flying or swimming away, diving into the water, and increased vocalizations. While they
are difficult to measure in the field, some of these behavioral responses are likely accompanied by
physiological responses, such as increased heart rate, or stress (NPS 1994). Chronic stress can
compromise the general health of birds, but stress does not necessarily result in negative consequences to
individual birds or to populations (NPS 1994; Larkin 1996). For example, the reported behavioral and
physiological responses of birds to noise exposure are within the range of normal adaptive responses to
external stimuli, such as predation, that birds face on a regular basis. Unless they are repeatedly exposed
to loud noises or simultaneously exposed to a combination of stressors, individuals may return to normal
behavior and physiology almost immediately after exposure. Studies also have shown that birds can
become habituated to noise following frequent exposure and cease to respond behaviorally to the noise
(NPS 1994; Larkin 1996; Plumpton 2006); however, such frequent exposure is not anticipated to occur in
the TMAA.
Under the No Action Alternative, most overflights would occur over marine environments, at elevations
in excess of 15,000 ft (4,752 m) above mean sea level (MSL), and beyond 20 nm (37 km) from shore.
Bird exposure to aircraft noise would be brief as aircraft quickly passed overhead. Exposures would be
infrequent to seabirds and practically nonexistent to waterfowl based on the distance of the TMAA from
coastal environments, large operational area of the TMAA, dispersed nature of the overflights, and the
low probability of repeated exposure of individual birds over a short period of time (hours or days).
Most documented responses of birds have been to low-level aircraft overflights occurring below 3,000 ft
(914 m) (NPS 1994). Unlike the situation at a busy commercial airport or military landing field, repeated
exposure of individual birds or groups of birds is unlikely within the TMAA based on the dispersed
nature of the overflights. If birds were to respond to an overflight, the responses would be limited to brief
behavioral or physiological reactions and the general health of individual birds would not be
compromised. Aircraft transiting between the TMAA and inland special use areas do so within a
BIRDS 3.9-12
designated corridor that is above 15,000 ft (4,752 m), well above altitudes that would cause an exposure
to birds near the surface from aircraft noise.
Unlike fixed-wing aircraft, helicopter training activities often occur at low altitudes (75 to 100 ft [22.8 to
30 m]), which increases the likelihood that birds would respond to helicopter overflights. In addition,
some studies have suggested that birds respond more to noise from helicopters than that from fixed-wing
aircraft (Larkin 1996; Plumpton 2006). Noise from low-altitude helicopter overflights would be expected
to elicit brief behavioral or physiological responses in exposed birds. Repeated exposure of individual
birds or groups of birds would be unlikely, based on the distance of the TMAA from coastal
environments, large operational area of the TMAA, and the dispersed nature of the overflights. The
general health of individual birds would not be compromised.
Aircraft noise under the No Action Alternative would not adversely affect populations of migratory birds
and their habitat. In accordance with NEPA, aircraft noise over territorial seas would have minimal
impacts on birds. In accordance with EO 12114, aircraft noise over nonterritorial seas would not cause
considerable harm to birds.
Short-tailed albatross exposure to aircraft noise could occur while foraging or migrating in open water
environments within the TMAA. Periods of elevated noise levels would be brief and repeated exposure of
individual birds would be extremely short given the constant movement of naval vessels at sea. If birds
were to respond to an overflight, the responses would be limited to short-term behavioral or physiological
reactions. In accordance with the ESA, aircraft noise under the No Action Alternative may affect but is
not likely to adversely affect ESA-listed seabirds.
Aircraft Collisions
Aircraft strikes on birds are a major concern for the Navy because they can cause harm to aircrews,
damage equipment, and produce bird mortality. During maritime operations, OPNAVINST 3750.6R
identifies measures to evaluate and reduce or eliminate bird/aircraft strike hazards to aircraft, aircrews,
and birds and requires the reporting of all strikes when damage or injuries occur as a result of a bird –
aircraft strike. However, the numbers of bird deaths that occur annually from all Navy activities are
insignificant from a bird population standpoint. From 2002 through 2004, an annual average of 596
known wildlife/aircraft strike events occurred Navy-wide. While most of these involved birds (Navy
Safety Center [NSC] 2004), only five known bird strikes occurred involving vessel-based aircraft.
While bird strikes can occur anywhere aircraft are operated, Navy data indicate that they occur most often
over land or close to shore. The potential for bird strikes to occur in offshore areas is relatively low
because activities are widely dispersed and at relatively high altitudes (above 15,000 ft [4,752 m] for
fixed-wing aircraft) where bird densities are low. Approximately 95 percent of bird flight during
migrations occurs below 10,000 ft (3,048 m) with the majority below 3,000 feet (914 m) (USGS 2006).
Aircraft transiting between the TMAA and inland special use areas do so within a designated corridor that
is above 15,000 ft (4,752 m), in regions where bird density is extremely low.
Aircraft strikes under the No Action Alternative would not adversely affect migratory bird populations
and their habitat. In accordance with NEPA, aircraft strikes over territorial seas are not anticipated and
would have minimal impacts on birds. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from aircraft strikes
over nonterritorial seas would not be expected.
Short-tailed albatross could be exposed to airborne noise associated overflights and to potential aircraft
strike. Fixed wing aircraft overflights generally occur at altitudes above that where albatross are present.
Additionally, Navy helicopter pilots are vigilant with regard to strike hazards and avoid interactions with
BIRDS 3.9-13
birds. Aircraft strikes under the No Action Alternative may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect,
ESA-listed seabirds.
Expended Materials
The Navy expends a variety of materials during training exercises in the TMAA. The types and quantities
of expended materials used, and information regarding fate and transport of these materials within the
marine environment, are discussed in Section 3.2 (Expended Materials) and Section 3.3 (Water
The effect of materials expended during training in the TMAA is assessed by the number of expended
items per unit area. Under the No Action Alternative, an estimated 15,982 items would be expended in
this area (Table 3.9-2). Based on a TMAA size of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and assuming distribution of
activities within 20 percent of the TMAA (8,429 nm2 [28,911 km2]), 1.9 items per nm2 per year (0.5 kg
per km2) would be deposited in the ocean. More than 97 percent of these items would be from gunshells
and small caliber rounds.
Additional materials expended during training include illuminating flares, chaff, and marine markers.
These materials are dismissed from further analysis because, for both canisters and markers, the majority
of the constituents are consumed by heat and smoke, both of which dissipate in the air. MK-58 marine
markers produce chemical flames and surface smoke and are used in training exercises to mark an ocean
surface position to simulate divers, ships, and points of contact. The smoke dissipates in the air and has
little or no effect on birds. The marker burns similarly to a flare, producing a flame until all combustible
components have been consumed. Any remaining materials from marine markers would sink into bottom
sediments or become encrusted by chemical processes or by marine animals. Phosphorus contained in the
markers reacts with seawater to produce phosphoric acid, a variable, but normal, component of seawater.
Chaff is a thin polymer with an aluminum coating that is cut in various lengths to affect and block various
radar frequencies. All of the components of the aluminum coating are present in seawater in trace
amounts, except magnesium, which is present at 0.1 percent. The stearic acid coating is biodegradable
and nontoxic. The fibers are too short and fine to pose an entanglement risk. Although they potentially
could be ingested by marine life, the fibers are non-toxic. Chemicals leached from the chaff would be
diluted by the surrounding seawater to levels below those that can affect sediment quality and benthic
BIRDS 3.9-14
Direct ordnance strikes from firing weapons are a potential, but unlikely, stressor to seabirds. Seabirds
both in flight and resting on the water’s surface would be vulnerable to an ordnance strike. Seabirds
exposed to an ordnance strike would suffer sublethal injury or mortality. However, the vast area over
which training activities occur and implementation of Navy resource protection measures, combined with
the small size and ability of birds to flee disturbance, would make direct strikes unlikely. Individual birds
may be affected, but ordnance strikes have no effect on species or community populations. Ordnance
strikes under the No Action Alternative will not have a significant adverse effect on migratory bird
populations. Furthermore, in accordance with EO 12114, harm to seabirds from ordnance strikes in
nonterritorial seas is improbable. Ordnance strikes under the No Action Alternative may affect, but are
not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
Expended materials resulting from ordnance use include remnants and shrapnel from explosive rounds
and nonexplosive training rounds. These solid materials, many of which have a high metal content,
quickly drop through the water column to the sea floor. Ingestion of expended ordnance does not occur in
the water column because ordnance-related materials quickly sink.
The probability of birds ingesting expended ordnance depends on factors such as the location of the spent
material, size of the material, likelihood the material would be mistaken for prey, and extent of benthic
foraging that occurs in the impact area. Some materials, such as nonexplosive training bombs, would be
too large to be ingested by a bird, but other materials, such as small-caliber ammunition and shrapnel, are
small enough to be swallowed. Marine debris can pass through the digestive tract and be voided naturally
without causing harm, or it can cause sublethal or lethal effects. Sublethal effects include nutrient
dilution, which occurs when nonnutritive debris displaces nutritious food in the gut, leading to slow
growth or reduced reproductive success (McCauley and Bjorndal 1999). While ingestion of marine debris
has been linked to bird mortalities, sublethal effects are more common (Bjorndal et al 1994, Tomas 2002,
McCauley and Bjorndal 1999). It is possible that persistent expended ordnance could be colonized by
benthic organisms (such as clams and oysters) and then mistaken by birds for prey, or that expended
ordnance could be accidentally ingested by birds while they were foraging for natural prey items. As
foraging depths of diving birds is restricted to shallow depths, it is highly unlikely that benthic foraging
by birds would occur in areas of ordnance use, or that ingestion of expended ordnance would affect birds.
Most benthic foraging by birds occurs in nearshore areas (Lutcavage et al. 1997). All ordnance use in the
TMAA would occur in areas beyond 12 nm (22 km) from shore where water depths in excess of 3,000 ft
would exclude benthic foraging.
Ordnance-related materials under the No Action Alternative would not adversely affect migratory bird
populations and their habitat. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from ordnance-related
materials would be unlikely in nonterritorial waters.
Direct ordnance strikes from firing weapons are potential, but very unlikely, threats to short-tailed
albatross. Based on a TMAA size of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and assuming distribution of activities
within 20 percent of the TMAA (8,429 nm2 [28,911 km2]), 1.86 items per nm2 per year (0.5 kg per km2)
would be used in within the TMAA. However, the potential for a direct bird strike by ordnance would
remain quite low. Effects could include disturbance and relocation, sub-lethal injury, and mortality.
However, the vast area of 42,146 nm2 (145,482 km2) over which training activities could occur and
BIRDS 3.9-15
combined with the small size of the birds and the ability of the birds to flee, would make direct strikes
unlikely. Additionally, Navy guidance indicates that activities involving explosions must have a cleared
buffer area of 600 yards around the detonation area before the activity can be conducted (See Mitigation,
Section 3.9.3) further reduces the possibility of a direct ordnance strike. In accordance with the ESA,
ordnance and ordnance-related materials under the No Action Alternative may affect, but are not likely to
adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
Target-Related Materials
A variety of at-sea targets are used in the TMAA, ranging from high-technology, remotely operated
airborne and surface targets (such as airborne drones) to low-technology, floating, at-sea targets (such as
inflatable targets) and airborne, towed banners. Many of the targets are designed to be recovered for reuse
and are not destroyed during training. The expendable targets used in the TMAA include the BQM-74E
Tactical Air Launched Decoy (TALD), floating targets, and MK-58 marine marker. These units are 2 and
3 ft (0.6 and 0.9 m) in length, respectively, sink to the bottom intact, and present no ingestion hazard to
The TALD is an air launched, preprogrammed, unpowered vehicle used to deceive and saturate enemy
integrated air defenses during strike aircraft operations. It is approximately 7.5 ft (2.3 m) long, with a
wing span of 5 ft (1.5 m). It operates as an expendable vehicle with no recovery capabilities. Under the
No Action Alternative, eight TALDs would be used annually. Based on the large size of the TMAA, low
number of TALDs used, and abilities of birds to readily disperse from disturbance, it is very unlikely that
birds would be measurably affected by use of TALDS.
Floating targets, such as naval gunnery target balloons (known as Killer Tomatoes) are required and
utilized by Navy units to maintain a state of readiness in target acquisition and gunnery skills. Surface
targets are made from urethane fabric, are relatively lightweight, easily stored, inflated, and deployed by
just a few personnel. Most target balloons are radar enhanced with reflective metal foil material intended
to simulate a small-craft on electronic systems. This allows radar system operators to lock onto their
target to ascertain range and azimuth information for use by commanders to initiate simulated combat,
interdiction, or rescue missions. Though the naval gunnery target balloons are attempted to be recovered
after training activities, a destroyed floating target could fill with water and sink to the bottom of the
water column. Combined with the low number of floating targets that could sink in this manner, the large
area of the TMAA, and the depth of the expended target after completing the exercise, it is very unlikely
that birds would be measurably affected by use of floating targets.
Target use under the No Action Alternative would not adversely affect migratory bird populations and
their habitat. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from targets and marine markers would be
unlikely in nonterritorial seas.
Target use under the No Action Alternative is an unlikely threat to short-tailed albatross. The expendable
targets used in the TMAA quickly sink to the bottom, and present little to no ingestion hazard to short-
tailed albatross. Impacts would be possible, but have a low potential for occurrence due to the large area
of the TMAA and low numbers of targets used. Target use in nonterritorial seas under the No Action
Alternative may affect, but is unlikely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
Expended material such as parachutes from sonobouys, associated parachute lines, or shrouds may be
encountered by birds in the waters of the TMAA. Entanglement in persistent marine debris causes
mortality in birds in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Birds that become entangled could drown, starve to death,
lose a limb, or attract predators with their struggling (Melvin and Parrish 2001). There is a potential for
BIRDS 3.9-16
birds to become entangled in expended materials that are on or near the surface. Materials that are
expended in training activities, including sonobuoys and markers, usually sink shortly after they are
deployed. As a result, the potential for entanglement in these materials is low.
Under the No Action Alternative, approximately 24 parachutes associated with sonobuoys are deployed
and not recovered. These parachutes deliver sonobuoys during training activities in the TMAA. Given the
infrequent occurrence of birds in the study area and the low concentration of entanglement hazards, the
potential for bird entanglement in Navy debris would be low. Entanglement hazards under the No Action
Alternative would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to
birds from marine debris would be unlikely in nonterritorial seas.
Similar to target use, parachute lines or shrouds sink shortly after being deployed. Given the low density
of short-tailed albatross in the TMAA and the low concentration of entanglement hazards, the potential
for short-tailed albatross entanglement in Navy expended material is low. In accordance with the ESA,
expended material under the No Action Alternative may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect, ESA-
listed seabirds.
At-Sea Explosions
Under the No Action Alternative, activities involving explosions and impacts occur at or just below the
surface in the TMAA. These explosions missiles and bombs used during Bombing Exercises
(BOMBEX); and high-explosive shells fired during Gunnery Exercises (GUNEX) and BOMBEX.
Missiles used in air-to-air training events at sea (MISSLEX), although part of live fire events, are
designed to detonate in the air (typically above 15,000 feet where expected bird density is low) and do not
constitute an at-sea explosion occurring in water as analyzed in this document. Birds in the immediate
vicinity and exposed to explosions and impacts could suffer temporary effects, and these effects would be
in proportion to the proximity to the explosion and size of the detonation. Birds that may be present in
proximity to these activities could be disturbed and relocate, or they could be injured or killed (NMFS
2002). Based on a TMAA size of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and assuming distribution of activities within
20 percent of the TMAA (8,429 nm2 [28,911 km2]), 0.01 explosions per nm2 per year (0.003 per km2)
could occur in within the TMAA. This usage would produce a very low density of offshore detonations
per year within the TMAA. This, coupled with Navy resource protection measures implemented prior to
these activities (Section 3.9.3) would provide a high level of protection for the birds during these
exercises, making the potential for effects quite low.
At-sea explosions under the No Action Alternative would not adversely affect migratory bird populations
and their habitat. In accordance with EO 12114, minimal harm to birds from at-sea explosions in
nonterritorial seas would occur.
Direct impacts from at-sea explosions are possible, but are unlikely threats to short-tailed albatross.
Explosions have the potential to affect the short-tailed albatross only if the bird is in the immediate
vicinity above the explosion. Impacts would be possible, but have a low potential for occurrence given the
large area of the TMAA, limited use of live ordnance, and implementation of Navy protective measures.
In accordance with the ESA, at-sea explosions under the No Action Alternative may affect, but are not
likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
BIRDS 3.9-17
not likely to adversely affect individual or populations of Short-tailed albatross under the No Action
Alternative in the TMAA. Alternative 1
Vessel Movements
As discussed for the No Action Alternative, the number of Navy vessels operating during training
activities varies, but generally includes up to 27 surface ships and one submarine (collectively referred to
as vessels). Vessel movements would be widely dispersed throughout the area. Under Alternative 1,
steaming hours would increase from current conditions. The small increase in steaming hours would not
measurably increase potential effects to birds from disturbance or vessel collision. Impacts would be the
same as those described for the No Action Alternative.
Vessel movements under Alternative 1 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be
unlikely. In accordance with the ESA, vessel movements in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 1 may
affect but are unlikely to adversely affect ESA-listed seabirds.
Aircraft Overflights
As discussed for the No Action Alternative, most flights under Alternative 1 would occur over marine
environments, at elevations in excess of 3,000 ft (914 m), and beyond 12 nm (22 km). Most sound
exposure levels would be lower than 97 A-weighted decibels (dBA) because a majority of the overflights
would occur above 15,000 ft (4,752 m). Overflights occurring between the TMAA and inland operating
areas occur at altitudes above 15,000 ft, well above those flight levels that would cause exposure to
sound. Impacts to birds from aircraft disturbance would be the same as those described for the No Action
Alternative. Under Alternative 1, aircraft overflight noise would elicit brief behavioral responses in
exposed birds, but the general health of individual birds would not be compromised.
As discussed for the No Action Alternative, relatively few vessel-based Navy aircraft strike birds each
year. The potential for bird strikes to occur offshore is low because activities are widely dispersed and at
altitudes above 15,000 ft (914 m) where densities bird are low. Overflights occurring between the TMAA
and inland operating areas occur at altitudes above 15,000 ft (4,752 m), where bird densities are much
lower than those at lower altitudes. The proposed increase in aircraft overflights would not measurably
change impacts from those described for the No Action Alternative. Few, if any, birds would be struck by
vessel-based Navy aircraft under Alternative 1.
Aircraft overflights under Alternative 1 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from aircraft overflights in nonterritorial seas is possible, but
would be unlikely. Aircraft overflights in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 1 may affect, but are not
likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
BIRDS 3.9-18
Expended Materials
Under Alternative 1, an estimated 20,223 items would be expended in the TMAA, a 26 percent increase
over the No Action Alternative (see Table 3.9-2). Based on an open ocean area of 42,146 nm2 (144,557
km2) and assuming a distribution of activities over 20 percent of this area, 2.4 items per nm2 per year (0.7
kg per km2) would be deposited in the ocean. More than 93 percent of these expended items would be
gunshells and small caliber rounds that sink through the water column quickly. It is highly unlikely that
benthic foraging by birds occurs in the area where ordnance would be found. All ordnance use in the
TMAA would occur in areas more than 3 nm offshore where water depths are in excess of 3,000 ft (914
m). Under Alternative 1, ingestion of expended materials may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect,
ESA-listed seabirds.
As described for the No Action Alternative, the potential for birds to be struck by ordnance is low, given
the patchy distribution of birds, ability of birds to flee from disturbance, and low concentration of
dispersed rounds. Individual birds may be affected, but ordnance strikes would have no effect on species
or community populations. Avoidance measures are implemented prior to and during these activities to
minimize impacts to birds (see Section 3.9.3 and Chapter 5, Mitigation).
As indicated in Table 3.9-2, use of targets and pyrotechnics would increase by 28 percent under
Alternative 1 from 252 to a total of 322 targets. As discussed for the No Action Alternative, the
expendable targets used in the TMAA are the Expendable Mobile Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
Training Target (EMATT), floating targets, and TALD. An EMATT is a small device (approximately 2 ft
in length and 3 inches in diameter) shaped like a torpedo that can be launched by hand from a surface
vessel or deployed from a submarine or aircraft. EMATTs are programmed to move through the water
and provide acoustic and other sensor that mimic a submarine. At the end of its use, an EMATT will sink
to the floor of the ocean. Expended EMATTs are unlikely to result in any physical impacts to the sea
floor. Expended EMATTs would sink into a soft bottom or would lie on a hard bottom, where they may
provide a substrate for benthic colonization and may be covered eventually by shifting sediments. All
EMATTs used in the TMAA would occur in areas beyond 12 nm (22 km) from shore where water depths
in excess of 3,000 ft (914 m) would exclude benthic foraging on materials resting on the bottom
following exercises. The modest change in use of these materials and the inclusion of EMATTs would not
measurably change the impacts to birds over existing conditions. Thus, effects would be the same as those
described for the No Action Alternative.
Under Alternative 1, approximately 793 parachutes associated with sonobuoys would be deployed and not
recovered. Assuming a distribution of hazards covering only 20 percent of the TMAA, the concentration
of entanglement hazards would be 0.09 per nm2. As described for the No Action Alternative, given the
infrequent occurrence of birds in the TMAA and the low concentration of entanglement hazards, the
potential for bird entanglement in Navy debris would be low.
Expended materials under the Alternative 1 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from expended materials in nonterritorial seas would be
unlikely. In accordance with the ESA, expended materials in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 1 may
affect, but are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
At-Sea Explosions
Under Alternative 1, explosions from missiles and bombs used during BOMBEX and MISSILEX; and
shells fired during GUNEX and BOMBEX would increase. As mentioned previously, missiles used in air
to air training events at sea (MISSLEX), although part of a live fire event, are designed to detonate in the
air (typically above 15,000 ft (4,752 m) where expected bird density is low) and do not constitute an at-
sea explosion occurring in water as analyzed in this document. In addition, there would also be subsurface
BIRDS 3.9-19
explosions that involve the use of explosive sonobuoys used during a Tracking Exercise (TRACKEX).
Birds in relatively close proximity to these activities could be disturbed and relocate, or be injured or
killed. Based on a TMAA size of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and assuming distribution of GUNEX and
BOMBEX activities within 20 percent of the TMAA (8,429 nm2 [28,911 km2]), 0.015 explosions per nm2
per year (0.004 per km2) would occur in within the TMAA. Although the potential for birds to be injured
by explosions exists, the chance of this occurrence is low. Navy avoidance measures (see Section 3.9.3)
implemented prior to explosive activities would provide a high level of protection for birds during at-sea
Under Alternative 1, explosions and impacts would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from at-sea explosions in nonterritorial seas would be unlikely.
In accordance with the ESA, explosions in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 1 may affect, but is
unlikely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds. Alternative 2
Vessel Movements
Under Alternative 2, there may be up to 30 surface vessels and 1 submarine participating in training
activities during two distinct training periods. Under Alternative 2, steaming hours would increase from
current conditions, although the increase in steaming hours would not measurably increase potential
effects to birds. Disturbance impacts to birds from vessel movements under Alternative 2 would be the
same as those described for the No Action Alternative.
Vessel movements under Alternative 2 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from vessel movements in nonterritorial seas would be
unlikely. In accordance with the ESA, vessel movements in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 2 may
affect, but are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
Aircraft Overflights
As discussed in the analyses for the No Action Alternative and Alternative 1, bird responses to noise from
aircraft overflights would be limited to brief behavioral or physiological reactions and the general health
of individual birds would not be compromised. The increase in potential exposure to visual and sound
BIRDS 3.9-20
disturbance would not measurably increase effects to birds. Aircraft noise effects of Alternative 2 would
be the same as the described for the other alternatives.
As described for the No Action Alternative and Alternative 1, the potential for bird strikes to occur in
offshore areas is relatively low because activities are widely dispersed and at relatively high altitudes
where bird densities are low. Few, if any, aircraft strikes are expected to occur in the TMAA. The
potential for bird strikes to occur between the TMAA and inshore areas is much lower than those for
offshore areas, as the bird densities at the altitudes of these overflights (above 15,000 ft) is extremely low.
Aircraft overflights under Alternative 2 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with NEPA, aircraft overflights in territorial waters would have minimal impacts on birds. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from aircraft overflights in nonterritorial seas would be
unlikely. In accordance with the ESA, aircraft overflights in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 2 may
affect, but are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
Expended Materials
Under Alternative 2, an estimated 41,298 items would be expended in the TMAA, a 160 percent increase
over the No Action Alternative (Table 3.9-2). Based on an open ocean area of 42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2)
and assuming distribution of activities over 20 percent of the TMAA, 4.9 items per nm2 per year (1.4 kg
per km2) would be deposited in the ocean. As described for the other alternatives, all ordnance use would
occur in areas beyond 12 nm (22 km) from shore where water depths in excess of 3,000 ft (914 m),
excluding seabird benthic foraging. Although a small potential for expended materials to be ingested by
birds may exist, the low concentration of expended rounds and the great depth to benthic habitats in the
TMAA would make this occurrence highly unlikely.
As described for the other alternatives, birds could be vulnerable to a direct ordnance strike. However, the
potential for birds to experience strike would remain quite low. Avoidance measures are implemented
prior to and during these activities to minimize impacts to birds (see Section 3.9.3). The large area over
which ordnance is used, small size of the birds, and ability of birds to readily flee would make direct
strikes unlikely. Individual birds may be affected, but ordnance strikes would have no effect on species or
community populations.
Ordnance strikes under Alternative 2 would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In
accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from ordnance use in nonterritorial seas would not be likely.
Under Alternative 2, 644 target related materials would potentially be expended in the TMAA. As
described for the other alternatives, many of the targets are designed to be recovered for reuse, but the
EMATT, and TALD would be expended. Based on the large size of the TMAA, low number of targets
used, and abilities of birds to readily disperse from disturbance, it is not likely that birds would be
measurably affected by use of at-sea targets.
Under Alternative 2, approximately 1,587 parachutes associated with sonobuoys would be deployed with
at-sea targets and marine markers in offshore areas and not recovered. Assuming a distribution of
activities over 20 percent of the TMAA, the concentration of these expended parachutes which represent
an entanglement hazard would be 0.18 per nm2. Given this low concentration, the potential for bird
entanglement in Navy debris would be low. Under Alternative 2, birds may be affected by entanglement
in Navy debris, but the effects would be small because of the infrequent occurrence of birds and low
concentration of debris.
Expended materials would not adversely affect migratory bird populations. In accordance with EO 12114,
harm to birds from expended materials in nonterritorial seas would be possible, but unlikely. In
BIRDS 3.9-21
accordance with the ESA, expended materials in nonterritorial seas under Alternative 2 may affect, but
are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed seabirds.
At-Sea Explosions
Under Alternative 2, explosions and impacts would occur either at the water’s surface, or underwater at
depth. Birds in relatively close proximity to these activities could be disturbed and relocate, or be injured
or killed. However, the rate of occurrence of these effects would be quite low. Based on a TMAA size of
42,146 nm2 (144,557 km2) and assuming distribution of GUNEX and BOMBEX activities within 20
percent of the TMAA (8,429 nm2 [28,911 km2]), 0.02 explosion per nm2 per year (0.006 per km2) would
occur in the TMAA. Navy avoidance measures (see Section 3.9.3 and Chapter 5, Mitigation)
implemented prior to explosive activities would provide a high level of protection for birds during at-sea
explosions, and the likelihood of birds being affected is expected to be quite low.
Birds exposed to explosions could suffer temporary effects, sublethal injury or mortality (Yelverton et al.
1973, Yelverton 1981). Although the potential for birds to be injured by explosions exists, the chance of
this occurrence is low. At-sea explosions under Alternative 2 would not adversely affect migratory bird
populations. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from at-sea explosions in nonterritorial seas
would be unlikely. In accordance with the ESA, at-sea explosions in nonterritorial seas under Alternative
2 may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect ESA-listed seabirds.
Under Alternative 2, additional explosions would occur in the Study Area associated with two sinking
exercises (SINKEX) that use explosive ordnance. In a SINKEX, weapons are typically fired in order of
decreasing range from the source with weapons fired until the target is sunk. For each SINKEX, up to 14
missiles, 14 bombs, 400 gunnery rounds, and 1 torpedo are utilized during SINKEX activities.
More than 93 percent of these items would be gunnery (5-inch) rounds. As described for other activities
involving ordnance, individual birds may be affected, but ordnance strikes would have no effect on
species or community populations. Birds exposed to underwater explosions would suffer temporary
effects, sub-lethal or lethal injuries, or direct mortality, in proportion to the proximity to the explosion and
size of the detonation. Avoidance measures are implemented prior to and during these activities to
minimize impacts to birds (see Section 3.9.3 and Chapter 5). Typical areas where large numbers of birds
congregate are located in nearshore and intertidal areas. Offshore explosives use in the TMAA is a
considerable distance from areas where most birds would be expected, therefore impacts to birds from
offshore explosions are possible, but have a low potential for occurrence.
Under Alternative 2, ordnance use and explosions associated with SINKEX would not adversely affect
migratory bird populations. In accordance with EO 12114, harm to birds from at-sea ordnance use and
explosions in nonterritorial seas would be unlikely.
Direct impacts from explosions associated with SINKEX activities are possible, but are unlikely threats to
short-tailed albatross. Explosions have the potential to affect the short-tailed albatross only if the bird is in
the immediate vicinity above the explosion. Effects would depend on the distance from the detonation and
size of the explosion and would include disturbance and relocation, temporary effects, sub-lethal injuries,
or direct mortality. Impacts would be possible, but have a low potential for occurrence given the use of
live ordnance is limited. In accordance with the ESA, ordnance use and explosions in nonterritorial seas
associated with SINKEX under Alternative 2 may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect, ESA-listed
BIRDS 3.9-22
3.9.3 Mitigation
As summarized in Section 3.9.4, the actions proposed in this EIS/OEIS could affect some individual birds
within the TMAA, but community- or population-level effects would not be expected under any of the
alternatives. Current mitigation measures include:
• Guidance involving explosions contains instructions to personnel to observe the surrounding area
within 600 yards for 30 minutes prior to detonation. If diving birds (or marine mammals or sea
turtles) are seen, the activity must be relocated to an unoccupied area or postponed until animals
leave the area.
Current protective measures would continue to be implemented by the Navy, and no additional mitigation
measures would be needed to protect birds or their habitats.
Under the No Action Alternative, Alternative 1, or Alternative 2 (Preferred Alternative) at the TMAA,
vessel movements, aircraft overflight, ordnance use, at-sea explosions, and military expended materials
(entanglement) may affect, but not likely to adversely affect, individual Short-tailed albatross.
BIRDS 3.9-23
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
BIRDS 3.9-24
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
BIRDS 3.9-25
BIRDS 3.9-26
More than 10,000 years ago, the Alaska mainland was, physically and ecologically, a part of Asia, from
which it was severed by the rising seawater that formed the Bering Sea to the south and the Chukchi Sea
to the north. The Bering Strait is the connection between the two seas. Alaska’s importance to American
prehistory is the result of its unique geographic position; not just for the early settlement of the continent
but also as the area through which later waves of immigration passed (U.S. Department of the Interior
[USDOI], National Park Service [NPS] 2004).
At the height of the Pleistocene Epoch (approximately 11,500 years ago), the Alaskan interior formed a
relatively ice-free bowl, covered by “steppe tundra” vegetation (also called mammoth tundra), out of
which a narrow, ice-free corridor led eastward and southward into the continental interior. There may
have also been an ice-free zone along coastal zones into the Pacific Northwest; however, most of those
areas are now submerged due to rising sea levels and there is no definitive evidence confirming this
migration route. At the time of European contact (18th century), inhabitants of the Alaska coast existed by
open-water hunting and fishing; the Alaskan interior was home to broadly adapted hunters and fishers of
the boreal forest (USDOI, NPS 2004).
Archaeological evidence from Alaska reveals a wide range of archaeological site types. Among the most
important are those that date from the late Pleistocene and early Holocene (approximately 15,000 to 8,000
years before the present). These sites (known as Paleoarctic or Paleoindian sites) provide a record of the
first entries of humans into the Americas and are consequently associated with a significant migratory
event- the peopling of the New World. Descendants of the “First Alaskans” eventually migrated across
both North and South America (USDOI, NPS 2004).
* Reference Location 50 100 200 Nautica l Miles
• Shipwreck I I
12-Nautica l Mile Li mit 50 100 200 Kilometers
~ Isobath (Depth in Meters)
Consultation with the Alaska SHPO was conducted during the preparation of the Alaska MOA EIS and
the Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska FEIS. A copy of SHPO correspondence regarding the Alaska
MOA EIS is provided in Appendix C of this EIS/OEIS. Based on the previous consultations, no further
analysis of prehistoric and historic archaeological resources on land is required.
Federal mandates include provisions of NEPA and Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA) and their implementing regulations at 40 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.)
1500 and 36 C.F.R. 800, respectively.
• Under NEPA, for all federal actions that could significantly affect the quality of the human
environment, agencies must consider the effect an action would have on cultural resources,
including prehistoric and historic resources, architectural resources, and traditional cultural
properties that are eligible for listing in the NRHP (i.e., historic properties).
• Section 106 includes the mandate to assess the significance and integrity of those cultural
resources to determine eligibility for listing in the NRHP. The NRHP eligibility criteria are
defined by the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Evaluation in 36 C.F.R. 60. Regulations at
36 C.F.R. 800.8 provide for coordination of public participation, consultation, and evaluation to
meet the purpose and requirements of both NEPA and NHPA in a timely and efficient manner.
• Section 110 of the NHPA requires inventory of cultural resources present in the Area of Potential
Effect (APE).
As required in these regulations, the Navy has complied with the requirements for using the NEPA
process to achieve Section 106 compliance. Groups that have been formally notified about the project
include Alaska Native tribes, the Alaska SHPO, and the ACHP. The Navy also has undertaken public
involvement activities throughout development of this EIS/OEIS and the draft EIS/OEIS will be
forwarded to these groups for their review and comment.
In 2004, the Sunken Military Craft Act (passed as Title XIV of the fiscal year 2005 National Defense
Authorization Act) preserved the “sovereign status of sunken U.S. military vessels and aircraft by
codifying both their protected sovereign status and permanent U.S. ownership regardless of the passage of
time.” This act recognizes the probable historic status of the craft and the fact that these craft often
contain the remains of U.S. military personnel. The Sunken Military Craft Act explicitly states that the
protection of the law “shall not be extinguished by the passage of time, regardless of when the sunken
military craft sank regardless of age.”
Military regulations that mandate protection of cultural resources as part of the Navy’s mission include:
Government-to-Government Consultation
Government-to-government consultation with federally recognized Native American tribes and nations
was outlined in an April 29, 1994, presidential memorandum titled, “Government-to-Government
Relations with Native American Tribal Governments.” Native American sacred sites were included in EO
13007, May 24, 1996. EO 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Tribal Governments, was issued in
2000 to establish collaboration with American Indian tribal governments.
Of the 229 federal tribes in Alaska, this EIS/OEIS takes into consideration comments resulting from
government-to-government consultation, which has been offered to the Alaska Native tribes listed in
Table 3.10-2 given their general proximity to the TMAA. Letters were sent to each tribe by Alaskan
Command (ALCOM), Elemendorf Air Force Base (AFB), in March 2008 (see example letter in Appendix
C). The result was that all 12 tribes replied to ALCOM via telephone or letters indicating that they have
no concerns over the proposed activities described within this EIS/OEIS. The Navy will, however, keep
the tribes informed of the timeframes of future joint training exercises.
• Introduction of visual, atmospheric, or audible elements that alter the setting and diminish the
integrity of the property’s significant features;
• Neglect of a resource, resulting in its deterioration or destruction; and
• Any change that could adversely affect the qualities that make the property significant.
Under NHPA, assessing impacts involves identifying activities that could directly or indirectly affect
significant resources, identifying known or expected significant resources in the area of potential effects,
and determining the level of impacts on the resources. Possible findings include no effect, no adverse
effect, or an adverse effect on significant resources (36 C.F.R. § 800.4-9).
Under the No Action Alternative, the Navy would continue to conduct training activities within the
TMAA. Effects of offshore training activities on cultural resources are limited to training expendable
materials (e.g., targets, sonobuoys, and bombs, missiles, and other ordnance) falling into the ocean and
potentially settling on submerged cultural resources. These effects from training on historic resources are
negligible because there is only one shipwreck believed to be located the middle of the TMAA (as
opposed to the edge) where training activities are likely. The probability of expendable material landing
on a submerged cultural resource is so extremely low it can be discounted. In addition, the settling of
material on submerged cultural resources will have no more adverse effect than the gradual accumulation
of natural sediments on such resources. In addition, the only shipwreck that has been determined eligible
for inclusion in the National Register is outside the TMAA situated north of Kodiak Island,
approximately 65 mi (120 km) from the TMAA. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, the number of Navy training events in the TMAA would increase (refer to Table
2-7). The nature of the training activities, however, would not change substantially. Aerial, surface, and
subsurface training activities would not affect submerged cultural resources resting on or buried in bottom
Under Alternative 1, a Portable Undersea Tracking Range (PUTR) would be used to support Anti-
Submarine Warfare (ASW) training in the TMAA where the ocean depth is between 300 ft and 12,000 ft.
The PUTR is a self-contained, portable, undersea tracking capability that employs modern technologies to
support safe and coordinated undersea warfare training for Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF). The
system will be capable of tracking submarines, surface ships, weapons, targets, and Unmanned
Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) and distribute the data to a data processing and display system, either
aboard ship, or at a shore site. When training is complete, the PUTR equipment would be recovered.
No area supporting a PUTR system has been identified; however, potential impacts to cultural resources
can be assessed based on several assumptions. The Navy would avoid known resource sites in the
placement of the PUTR equipment. Upon completion of the exercise, the transponders are recovered. This
eliminates any potential long term impacts associated with hazardous materials such as batteries and
electronic components. Effects of PUTR training activities on cultural resources are limited to
transponders settling on submerged resources. These effects on historic resources are negligible because
there are few underwater cultural resources, and they are widely dispersed. The probability of a
transponder landing on a resource is very low and, in any case, the temporary settling of transponder on
submerged resources will have no more adverse effect than the gradual accumulation of natural sediments
on such resources. Deployment and use of the PUTR under Alternative 1 would not affect submerged
cultural resources. Alternative 2
Implementation of Alternative 2 would include all elements of Alternative 1 (accommodating training
activities currently conducted, increasing specific training activities to include the use of active sonar, and
accommodating force structure changes). In addition, under Alternative 2 the following activities would
• Conduct one additional separate summertime Carrier Strike Group exercise lasting up to 21 days
within the ATA.
• Conduct a Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) in each summertime exercise (a maximum of 2) in the
A SINKEX is typically conducted by aircraft, surface ships, and submarines in order to take advantage of
a full size ship target and an opportunity to fire live weapons. Ship, aircraft, and submarine crews
typically are scheduled to attack the target with coordinated tactics and deliver live ordnance to sink the
target. As such, aspects of the exercise that have potential effects on submerged cultural resources include
the presence of expended materials (fragments of missiles and bombs) as well as the sunken target vessel
itself. The effects from expended materials on historic resources has been addressed previously and are
negligible because there are few underwater cultural resources, and they are widely dispersed. The
probability of anything landing on a resource is very low and, in any case, the settling of small amounts of
expended materials on submerged resources will have no more effect than the gradual accumulation of
natural sediments on such resources.
Alternative 2 would expend two surface vessels per year during SINKEX. By rule, SINKEX would be
conducted at least 50 nm (93 km) offshore and in water at least 6,000 feet deep (1,830 m) (40 CFR
229.2). As shown in Figure 3.10-1, there is only one known shipwreck that is further than 50 nm (93 km)
offshore and within the TMAA. The probability of a sunken vessel settling on a submerged cultural
resource is extremely unlikely and can be discounted. Therefore, conducting a SINKEX would not impact
submerged cultural resources.
Under Alternative 2, the number of Navy training events in the MAA would increase (refer to Table 2-7).
These increases, which would also include SINKEX, would not change from those described under the
other alternatives. Aerial, surface, and subsurface training activities would not affect submerged cultural
resources resting on or buried in bottom sediments.
3.10.3 Mitigation
No substantial impacts on cultural resources from the proposed activities were identified. Therefore, no
additional mitigation measures are necessary or appropriate.
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
Additionally, a portion of Warning Area (W-612) lies within the northwestern quadrant of the TMAA
over Blying Sound (Figure 3.11-1). The airspace provides 2,256 nm2 (8,766 km2) of SUA and extends
from the ocean surface up to Flight Level (FL) 290. Military pilots travel under Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) flight plans from local air bases until they reach W-612 and proceed under Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) while operating within it or the TMAA. When W-612 is active, aircraft on IFR clearances are
precluded from entering the warning area by the FAA. However, since W-612 is located entirely over
international waters, nonparticipating aircraft operating under VFR are not prohibited from entering the
area. Examples of aircraft flights of this nature include light aircraft, fish spotters, and whale watchers.
When not included as part of the TMAA, W-612 is used by USAF aircraft to conduct training in Anti-Air
Warfare (AAW) and by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) to fulfill some of its training
requirements. Activation of the warning areas by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is
performed by notifying the controlling air traffic agency of the change in status. This allows the agency to
issue an advanced warning via a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) or provide real-time notices and
deconfliction to pilots to alter their courses to avoid military activities.
Military Aviation
Military aircraft operating in the TMAA can originate from aircraft carriers offshore in the TMAA or
from military airfields in Alaska. Aircraft taking off from aircraft carriers operating in the TMAA will
launch under Visual Meteorological Conditions or Instrument Meteorological Conditions and proceed to
their designated working area within the TMAA or W-612. When operating within the confines of the
TMAA or W-612, military aircraft will operate using a “see-and-avoid” rule to remain clear of other air
traffic. Aircraft taking off from military airfields will normally file for and receive an IFR clearance from
FAA Air Traffic Control Center. This clearance will provide them with the routing to the inland SUA,
either via the normal jet route structure, via special instructions as assigned by the FAA, or some
combination of both. Once within the TMAA or W-612, flights proceed via VFR, using a “see-and-avoid”
rule to remain clear of other air traffic. Subsequent to leaving the TMAA, these aircraft will have
contacted and activated their return IFR clearance with the FAA.
+ ~
<f) 10
Military traffic consists of the transit of large military vessels at sea, including submarines. The TMAA
surface/subsurface operating area is depicted in Figure 3.11-1. Total surface area of the TMAA is 42,146
nm2 (145,482 km2). The TMAA undersea training area lies beneath the surface and extends to the
seafloor. Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet 1 manages this underwater space as transit
lanes and operational areas for U.S. submarines.
Marine vessels, large and small, transit the GOA to several commercial ports occurring near the TMAA.
Vessel traffic approaching these ports is managed by the Vessel Traffic Service, which is operated jointly
by the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the Marine Exchange of Alaska (a nonprofit organization
established to serve the Alaska Maritime Community by providing information, communications, and
services to ensure safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally responsible maritime operations). The
Vessel Traffic Center is located in Valdez at the north end of Prince William Sound (USCG Navigation
Center n.d.). The ocean traffic flow in congested waters, especially near coastlines, is controlled by the
use of directional shipping lanes for large vessels, including cargo, container ships, and tankers. Traffic
flow controls are also implemented to ensure that harbors and ports-of-entry remain as uncongested as
Two major ports close to the TMAA, Anchorage and Valdez, were ranked in the top 150 U.S. ports by
tonnage in 2000 (U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology
Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics 2001). Commercially navigable waterways traverse
the TMAA, but are controlled by the use of directional shipping lanes for large vessels (cargo, container
ships, and tankers) (see Figure 3.11-1). Ships traveling from major ports to the Lower 48 and Hawaii as
well as marine traffic between coastal ports enter the TMAA briefly, but Navy activities are
communicated to all vessels and operators by use of NOTMARs found at
The Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet is the principal advisor to the Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet for
submarine matters. The force provides anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, precision land strike, mine warfare,
intelligence, surveillance, and early warning and special warfare capabilities to the U.S. Pacific Fleet and strategic deterrence
capabilities to the U.S. Strategic Command.
In addition to large commercial vessels traversing the GOA, the Alaska Marine Highway System
(AMHS) provides ferry service for passengers and vehicles between coastal communities (AMHS 2007).
The Southwest Alaska route services Prince William Sound, Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, and the
Aleutian Islands. The ferry route closest to the TMAA provides service to Chenega Bay in the Prince
William Sound and the town of Kodiak on Kodiak Island (see Figure 3.11-1). The route is one of the least
busy routes with only 12 sailings in 2007 (AMHS 2007).
Accordingly, regulations applicable to all aircraft are promulgated by the FAA to define permissible uses
of designated airspace, and to control that use. These goals of military access, joint use, and safety are
promoted through various coordination and outreach measures, including:
• NOTAMs advising of the status and nature of activities being conducted in W-612, and other
components of SUA in the TMAA. NOTAMs are available via the internet at
• Return of SUA to civilian FAA control when not in use for military activities. According to FAA
and Department of Defense policy, SUA, including warning areas, should be made available for
use by nonparticipating aircraft when all or part of the airspace is not needed by the using agency.
To accommodate the joint use of SUA, a Letter of Authorization (LOA) or a Letter of Procedure
is drafted between the controlling agency and the using agency. The LOA establishes the
activation/deactivation procedures for the SUA and may outline periods when the FAA, with the
Navy’s concurrence, may route IFR traffic through the active SUA. The LOA defines the
conditions and procedures to ensure safe and efficient joint use of warning areas. The FAA does
not prohibit aircraft operating under VFR from entering warning areas that overlie international
The Navy provides publication of NOTMARs and other outreach information about potentially hazardous
activities planned for the TMAA, for publication by the USCG in NOTMARs. To ensure the broadest
dissemination of information about hazards to commercial and recreational vessels, the Navy provides
schedule conflicts along with other Coast Guard concerns at: http://www.navcen.uscg.gov/lnm/d17/.
Factors used to assess the significance of impacts on air traffic include consideration of an alternative’s
potential to result in an increase in the number of flights such that they could not be accommodated within
established operational procedures and flight patterns; a requirement for an airspace modification; or an
increase in air traffic that might increase collision potential between military and nonparticipating civilian
Factors used to assess the significance of impacts on ocean vessel traffic include the extent or degree to
which an alternative would disrupt the flow of commercial surface shipping or recreational fishing or
boating. A serious disruption occurs when a vessel is unable to proceed to its intended destination due to
exclusion from areas in the TMAA.
Air Traffic
Navy aviation activities travelling from the TMAA to inland training areas have the potential to affect
commercial and recreational air traffic. Section of the Northern Edge Exercise Final EA-OEA
(2008) describes the proposed Western Altitude Reservation (ALTRV). An ALTRV is a flight clearance
corridor provided by the FAA, for a “block of airspace” used to conduct activities and/or allow aircraft to
transit from one area to another. Such would be the case when military aircraft leave the TMAA enroute
to the inland SUA of the Air Force. During training activities, aircraft operating within the ALTRV will
be under positive control of the FAA and will comply with all FAA flight rules. Figure 3.11-2 is an
example of an ALTRV that could be used to accommodate aircraft overflights between the TMAA and
the inland training ranges. In coordination with the FAA, the ALTRV will be reassessed each exercise
year for suitability and functionality and may change to accommodate the needs of the military and the
FAA. Due to the coordination between the FAA and the military, no impacts are expected to occur from
overflights to commercial and general aviation.
Warning areas such as W-612 have been established to coordinate offshore civilian and military uses.
When military aircraft are conducting activities that are not compatible with civilian activity, military
aircraft is confined to the designated SUA, which is specifically designed to coordinate incompatible
activities. Limitations are communicated to commercial airlines and general aviation by NOTAMs,
published by the FAA. Because of these precautions, there will be no adverse effects on commercial or
general aviation activities as a result of the No Action Alternative.
• City
D VVaming Area 0
Interstate H ighway DoD Installations and Ranges
Road , General
D U.S. Army Projection: VVGS84 , UTM 6N
Stationary ALTR V
D U.S. A ir Force Sources: ESRI, NGA, A
Figure 3.11-2: Example of a Temporary ALTRV between the TMAA and Inland Ranges
Marine Traffic
Military use of the TMAA is generally compatible with civilian use. Where naval vessels are conducting
activities that are not compatible with other uses, they typically operate in areas away from shipping lanes
to allow traffic to flow freely. If training activities occur within shipping or high traffic areas, these
activity areas are communicated to all vessels and operators by NOTMARs, published by the USCG.
Navy activities do not have an effect on recreational marine traffic because public activities are centered
at local harbors and anchorages away from the TMAA and vessels are not precluded from entering the
TMAA to transit to their desired locations. In the interest of safety, the Navy may temporarily exclude
commercial and recreational marine traffic from small operational areas and require slight deviations
from the intended course or the use of alternate routes. However, the use of alternative routes as a result
of these temporary exclusions does not constitute a significant disruption to marine traffic. Based on the
discussion above, there will be no adverse effects on commercial or recreational marine traffic under the
No Action Alternative. Alternative 1
Alternative 1 would have all the components of the No Action Alternative with the addition of one
training instrumentation enhancement with the potential to impact marine traffic in the offshore area: a
Portable Undersea Tracking Range (PUTR). The PUTR involves the temporary placement of seven
electronics packages on the seafloor, each approximately 3 ft (0.9 m) long by 2 ft (0.6 m) in diameter.
Although no specific locations have yet been identified, the electronic packages would be placed in water
depths greater than 600 ft (182 m), at least 3 nm (5.5 km) from land. Because this is a temporary
installation (to be recovered once training is complete), no formal restricted areas would be designated
and no limitations would be placed on commercial or civilian use of the area, thus limiting impacts to
marine traffic.
Air Traffic
The FAA has established warning areas for military operations, in this case, W-612. Offshore activities
proposed under Alternative 1 would have all the components of the No Action Alternative, but the
training tempo would increase, resulting in more air traffic. The traffic control procedures implemented
under this alternative would be the same as those described above under the No Action Alternative. No
additional impacts on the FAA’s capabilities would be created. The remoteness of the offshore use areas,
the use of LOAs and the ALTRV to better orchestrate traffic, and public notification procedures would
substantially reduce possible congestion during these activities. Because of these precautions, there will
be no adverse effects on commercial or general aviation activities as a result of Alternative 1.
Marine Traffic
Military use of the TMAA under Alternative 1 has all the components of the No Action Alternative, but
the training tempo and number of assets would increase, resulting in more marine traffic. The same
general procedures as described above under the No Action Alternative would be implemented for
Alternative 1. Additionally, Alternative 1 would include the installation and use of the PUTR.
Implementation of the PUTR would require the Navy to issue a NOTMAR to advise the public of the
PUTRs existence and general location. Despite an increase in training tempo, marine traffic would not be
affected by military operational increases. Increased Navy activities would not have an effect on marine
traffic because public activities are centered at local harbors and anchorages away from the TMAA and
vessels would not be precluded from entering the TMAA to transit to their desired locations.
As described above for the No Action Alternative, there will be no adverse effects on commercial or
recreational marine traffic under Alternative 1. In addition, because the PUTR is a temporary installation
(to be recovered once training is complete), no formal restricted areas would be designated and no formal
limitations would be placed on commercial or civilian use of the area, thus limiting impacts to marine
traffic from the PUTR. Alternative 2
Alternative 2 would have all the components of Alternative 1 (accommodating training activities
currently conducted, increasing specific training activities to include the use of active sonar, and
accommodating force structure changes). In addition, under Alternative 2 the following activities would
• Conduct one additional separate summertime CSG exercise lasting up to 21 days within the ATA.
Air Traffic
Effects on air traffic would be the same as those described under Alternative 1. Offshore activities
proposed under Alternative 2 would have all the components of Alternative 1, but the training tempo
would increase and the addition of a SINKEX would result in more air traffic. No additional impacts on
the FAA’s capabilities would be created. For safety purposes, the locations of SINKEX activities will be
in areas that are not generally used by non-military aircraft. Prior to the commencement of a SINKEX,
extensive range clearance procedures are conducted (Section in conjunction with the defined
operational parameters listed in the Letter of Instruction (LOI), which establishes precise ground rules for
the safe and successful execution of the exercise.
The remoteness of the TMAA, the use of LOA’s, NOTAMs, LOI, and the ALTRV to better orchestrate
traffic, and public notification procedures would substantially reduce possible congestion during these
activities. Because of these precautions, there will be no adverse effects on commercial or general
aviation activities as a result of Alternative 2.
Marine Traffic
Effects on marine traffic would be the same as those described under Alternative 1. Despite an increase in
training tempo and the inclusion of two SINKEXs, commercial and recreational interests would not be
affected by military operational increases.
Navy clearance measures for live-fire training exercises would be implemented, and, therefore, marine
traffic would not be affected during a SINKEX. For safety purposes, the locations of SINKEX activities
will be in areas that are not generally used by non-military watercraft. Prior to the commencement of a
SINKEX and following the issuance of a NOTMAR, extensive range clearance procedures are conducted
(Section in conjunction with the defined operational parameters listed in the Letter of Instruction
(LOI), which establishes precise ground rules for the safe and successful execution of the exercise.
Increased Navy activities would not have an effect on marine traffic because public activities are centered
at local harbors and anchorages away from the TMAA and vessels would not be precluded from entering
the TMAA to transit to their desired locations. The use of NOTMARS and other public notification
procedures would also be used to give the public advanced notification of Navy activities.
3.11.3 Mitigation
No adverse effects on air or marine traffic were identified. Therefore, no additional mitigation measures
are necessary.
• With the use of the ALTRV, overflights • Installation and use of the temporary
would have no adverse impact on non- PUTR will not affect air and marine traffic.
military air or marine traffic.
• Under Alternative 2, Navy activities • Effects on air and marine traffic would be
were considered and would be the same as described under Alternative 1.
consistent with those analyzed in the There are no adverse effects to air or
previous environmental documentation marine traffic as a result of implementation
(USAF 1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, of Alternative 2.
Alternative 2
Army 2004). These documents
concluded that no significant impacts • Marine Traffic will not be affected by
Alternative) military operational increases.
related to inland transportation and
circulation would occur. • With implementation of LOI, range
• With the use of the ALTRV, overflights clearance procedures, and NOTMARs,
would have no adverse impact on non- SINKEX will not affect non-military
military air or marine traffic. transportation and circulation.
3.12.1 Affected Environment
For purposes of this Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement
(EIS/OEIS), the Region of Influence (ROI) for socioeconomics includes the Gulf of Alaska (GOA)
Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA). With the exception of Cape Cleare on Montague Island
located over 12 nautical miles (nm) (22 kilometers [km]) from the northern point of the TMAA, the
nearest shoreline (Kenai Peninsula) is located approximately 24 nm (44 km) north of the TMAA’s
northern boundary. The approximate middle of the TMAA is located 140 nm (259 km) offshore. Areas
inland from the coastline, including United States (U.S.) Air Force (Air Force) air ranges and U.S. Army
(Army) training lands, are addressed in the Alaska Military Operations Areas EIS (USAF 1995),
Improvements to Military Training Routes in Alaska Environmental Assessment (USAF 2007), Alaska
Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative EIS (Army 1999), and the Transformation of U.S.
Army Alaska FEIS (Army 2004).
Commercial Fishing
Commercial fishing takes place throughout the GOA waters and in coastal inlets and bays. The North
Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) is one of eight regional fishery management councils
established by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (MSFCMA)
for the purpose of managing fisheries 3 to 200 miles (mi) (1.8 to 370 kilometers [km]) offshore of the
U.S. coastline (Carroll 2008). The primary responsibility of the NPFMC is the groundfish fisheries in the
federal waters of the Bering Sea and the GOA. The groundfish include cod, flatfish, mackerel, Pollock,
sablefish, and rockfish species outside of three miles offshore. Other large Alaska fisheries such as
salmon, crab and herring are managed by the State of Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G).
The commercial fish resources of Alaska are of great importance to the economies of the state and the
nation (Carlile et al. 2005). Most groundfish fisheries in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) are
managed by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) (ADF&G 2008a). The NMFS Alaska
Regional Office maintains commercial catch data for groundfish in federal waters. The TMAA spans the
Central and Eastern regulatory areas, west of Prince William Sound and east of Chirkiof (Figure 3.12-1)
(NMFS 2008). In 2007, the Central regulatory area yielded 71,210 metric tons of groundfish which
equaled approximately 54 percent of the total groundfish catch for the entire GOA. Groundfish fisheries
in state waters are not discussed, as the TMAA exists outside of state waters.
Alaska’s commercial fisheries produce large volumes of shellfish, including several types of crab and
shrimp (ADF&G 2008b). All commercial shellfish fisheries in state and federal waters are managed by
the ADF&G. Ocean areas with fisheries near the TMAA are located around Kodiak Island. Dungeness
and Tanner crabs are the two types of crabs harvested near Kodiak. In 2007, fisheries near Kodiak Island
yielded approximately 522 metric tons of Tanner and Dungeness crabs, approximately 2 percent of the
total crustacean catch (ADF&G 2007).
Weathervane scallops are the only scallop commercially harvested in Alaska at this time (ADF&G
2008c). Commercial fishing for weathervane scallops occurs in the GOA, Bering Sea, and Aleutian
Islands where scallops occur in distinct beds composed of sand, silt, and clay. A major bed in the GOA is
located off the coast of Kodiak Island. Individual catch data for the Kodiak beds is not maintained;
however, the ADF&G states that between 1998 and 2002, one of the largest harvests came from the
Kodiak area averaging 82 metric tons each year (Carlile et al. 2005). As a comparison, 222 metric tons
were collected statewide for the 2006-2007 season (ADF&G 2007).
boating occurs close to shore in protected coves because of dangerous Gulf waters (National Park Service
Many people choose to navigate the GOA on ferries giving them spectacular views of glaciers, fjords,
lush forests, and concentrations of seabirds and marine wildlife. Cruise travel along the GOA is a popular
recreational activity and is the fastest growing tourist trade (city-data.com 2008). With excellent fishing
and stunning coastal scenery, many visitors to the GOA choose to tour the area by boat and can choose
from single-day to multi-day cruises (Alaska Travel Industry Association 2008).
Whale watching in Southcentral Alaska and the GOA occurs between June and early September, with
August being the prime viewing month. A number of charter boat companies run whale watching cruises
throughout the area.
In 2007, a total of 69,948 boats were registered statewide with Kenai and Kodiak accounting for 9,737
and 1,789 boats, respectively (Division of Motor Vehicles 2007). The totals do not account for thousands
more small boats and watercraft that do not require registration.
A / ask a
0 25 50 100
Temporary Maritime Activities Area Miles
Nautical Miles
_ . - U.S. Territorial Sea (12 NM ) I I I
0 20 40 SO
~ U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) (200 NM)
o Park Projection: Albers Equal Area Conic
Sources: ESRI, NGA ,
Overflights associated with 300 sorties would occur above the TMAA. Most aircraft overflights would
occur over the TMAA at elevations in excess of 15,000 ft (915 m). All aircraft overflights between the
shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft (915 m). Though
aircraft overflights produce noise and some of this sonic energy would reach the air-water interface, these
activities are not expected to alter access to commercial or recreational fishing areas or affect commercial
or recreational fishing resources. As described in Section, the behavioral responses that could
occur from exposure to overflight noise would not compromise the general health or condition of
individual fish and, as such, commercial or recreational fishing resources.
Many different types of commercial fishing gear are used in the GOA: gillnets, longline gear, troll gear,
trawls, seining, and traps or pots. Damage to fishing gear from Navy activities in the TMAA is rare.
When damage does occur to commercial fishing gear due to Navy actions (i.e., net entanglement,
destruction of buoys), the fishermen (or the owner of the property damaged) can file a claim with the
DoN under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) under the provisions of 28 U.S. Code (U.S.C.) Section
2671, et seq. and request reimbursement. Forms for filing an FTCA claim can be obtained from any Navy
Legal Services Office. Reimbursement requests must be made within 2 years of incurring damage. Alternative 1
The increase in number of activities for the TMAA amounts to a 13 percent increase in the training
activities over the No Action Alternative. Though the number of activities will increase under Alternative
1, training activities will continue to occur during a single period of up to 21 days, or 6% of the available
training days in a year. To minimize potential military/civilian interactions, the Navy would continue to
publish scheduled potentially hazardous training activities using the NOTAM and NOTMAR systems as
applicable. This ensures that commercial and recreational users are aware of the Navy’s plans, and allows
users to plan their activities to avoid the scheduled activity (U.S. Navy 2007).
For years, fisheries in various parts of the world have complained about declines in their catch after
acoustic activities (including naval exercises) moved into the area, suggesting that noise is seriously
altering the behavior of some commercial species. Based on the analysis presented in Section 3.6 (Fish) of
the EIS/OEIS, some marine fish may be able to detect mid-frequency sounds; most marine fish are
hearing generalists and have their best hearing sensitivity below mid-frequency sonar. If they occur,
behavioral responses would be brief, reversible, and not biologically significant. Sustained auditory
damage is not expected. Sensitive life stages (juvenile fish, larvae, and eggs) very close to the sonar
source may experience injury or mortality, but area-wide effects would likely be minor. The use of Navy
mid-frequency sonar would not compromise the productivity of fish or adversely affect their habitat.
Under Alternative 1, a Portable Undersea Tracking Range (PUTR) would be implemented. The PUTR
involves the temporary placement of seven electronics packages (sensors) on the seafloor, each
approximately 3 feet (ft) (0.9 m) long by 2 ft (0.6 m) in diameter. Although no candidate locations have
yet been identified, the electronic packages would be placed in water depths greater than 600 ft, at least 3
nm from land. Because this is a temporary installation—to be recovered once training is complete—no
permanent restricted areas would be designated. While use of the PUTR by Fleet ships and aircraft would
have no socioeconomic impact to the region, the gear placement on the seafloor could be incompatible
with certain commercial fishing activities. Implementation of the PUTR would require the Navy to
establish a temporary restricted area and issue a NOTMAR in order to limit any activity that could
damage or disturb the sensors and could place an economic hardship on commercial fishing enterprises if
the range is deployed in a viable fishing area.
The increased training tempo, addition of sonar use, and the temporary installation of a PUTR would not
result in a negative effect on socioeconomics in the region due to advanced public notification, practicable
range siting, and the primarily short-term duration of military activities. Alternative 2
Alternative 2 includes all elements of Alternative 1 plus a further increase in the number of training
activities in the TMAA. Training activities under Alternative 2 would occur over two distinct periods,
each up to 21 days. In addition, Alternative 2 includes a Sinking Exercise (SINKEX) to be performed in
each of the summer time exercises. As described in Section, SINKEX operations occur in the open
ocean (at least 1,000 fathoms [6,000 ft] deep) where there are no sensitive marine resources or benthic
fishing grounds. The stressors associated with SINKEX have been analyzed separately in previous
sections, and while serious injury and/or mortality to individual fish would be expected if they were
present in the immediate vicinity of several of these stressors (e.g., explosive ordnance), SINKEX under
Alternative 2 would not result in impacts to fish populations and, thus, commercial fishing operations
based on the low number of fish that would be affected.
To minimize potential military/civilian interactions, the Navy would continue to publish scheduled
potentially hazardous training activities using the NOTAM and NOTMAR systems as applicable. This
ensures that commercial and recreational users are aware of the Navy’s plans, and allows users to plan
their activities to avoid the scheduled activity (U.S. Navy 2007). The increased training tempo, as well as
the addition of SINKEXs, would not result in a negative effect on socioeconomics in the region due to
advanced public notification and the primarily short-term duration of military activities.
3.12.3 Mitigation
No effects to socioeconomics were identified; therefore, no mitigation measures are necessary.
• Overflights would not result in adverse • Gear placement for the PUTR on the
effects to commercial shipping, commercial seafloor could be incompatible with
fishing, recreation, or tourism. certain commercial fishing activities.
Protection of Children
The President issued EO 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety
Risks, in 1997. This order requires that each federal agency “(a) shall make it a high priority to identify
and assess environmental health risks and safety risks that may disproportionately affect children; and (b)
shall ensure that its policies, programs, activities, and standards address disproportionate risks to children
that result from environmental health risks or safety risks.”
Regulatory actions covered under EO 13045 include those that may be “economically significant” (under
EO 12866 [Regulatory Planning and Review]) and “concern an environmental health risk or safety risk
that an agency has reason to believe may disproportionately affect children.” Furthermore, EO 13045
defines “environmental health risks and safety risks [to] mean risks to health or to safety that are
attributable to products or substances that the child is likely to come in contact with or ingest (such as the
air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink or use for recreation, the soil we live on, and the
products we use or are exposed to).” To comply with the EO, this document addresses child-specific
environmental health and safety risks.
Training activities in the TMAA are not expected to significantly alter access to subsistence fishing areas
or affect subsistence fishing resources because these fishing activities are generally located outside of the
TMAA. Overflights associated with 300 sorties would occur above the TMAA. Most aircraft overflights
would occur over the TMAA at elevations in excess of 15,000 ft (915 m). All aircraft overflights between
the shore and 12 nm (22 km) from land would occur at altitudes at or above 15,000 ft (915 m). Though
aircraft overflights produce noise and some of this sonic energy would reach the air-water interface, these
activities are not expected to alter access to subsistence fishing areas or affect subsistence fishing
resources. Therefore, because no effects are anticipated, no disproportionately high and adverse effects on
any low-income or minority groups would occur as a result of implementation of the No Action
Alternative. With regard to effects on children, there are no population centers within the TMAA.
Therefore, no effects on children would occur as a result of implementation of the No Action Alternative. Alternative 1
Under Alternative 1, the number of activities for the TMAA amounts to a 13 percent increase in the
training activities over the No Action Alternative. Though the number of activities will increase under
Alternative 1, training activities will continue to occur during a single period of up to 21 days, or 6% of
the available training days in a year. However, under Alternative 1, effects would be the same as those
identified under the No Action Alternative because no population centers are found within the TMAA.
Potential effects on inland areas have been analyzed within existing Army and Air Force documents
(discussed in Section and no disproportionately high and adverse effects on low-income or
minority populations have been identified. Alternative 2
Alternative 2 includes all elements of Alternative 1 plus a further increase in the number of training
activities in the TMAA. Training activities under Alternative 2 would occur over two distinct periods,
each up to 21 days. In addition, Alternative 2 includes a Sinking Exercise to be performed in each of the
summer time exercises. However, under Alternative 2, effects would be the same as those identified under
the No Action Alternative because no population centers are found within the TMAA. Potential effects on
inland areas have been analyzed within existing Army and Air Force documents (discussed in Section and no disproportionately high and adverse effects on low-income or minority populations have
been identified.
3.13.3 Mitigation
No effects to environmental justice or protection of children were identified; therefore, no mitigation
measures are necessary.
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
• Under Alternative 1, Navy activities • No permanent human population
were considered and would be consistent centers exist in non-U.S. territorial seas
with those analyzed in the previous and subsistence uses occur mostly
environmental documentation (USAF outside of the TMAA. Therefore, no
1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army impacts related to environmental justice
2004). These documents concluded that or protection of children would occur
no significant impacts related to under Alternative 1.
environmental justice or protection of
children would occur.
Alternative 1
• No effects are anticipated from training
activities and overflights; no
disproportionately high and adverse effects
on any low-income or minority groups
would occur.
• There are no population centers found
within the TMAA. Therefore, no effects on
children would occur as a result of
implementation of Alternative 1.
• Under Alternative 2, Navy activities • No permanent human population
were considered and would be consistent centers exist in non-U.S. territorial seas
with those analyzed in the previous and subsistence uses occur mostly
environmental documentation (USAF outside of the TMAA. Therefore, no
1995, USAF 2007, Army 1999, Army impacts related to environmental justice
2004). These documents concluded that or protection of children would occur
no significant impacts related to under Alternative 2.
environmental justice or protection of
Alternative 2 children would occur.
Alternative) • No effects are anticipated from training
activities and overflights; no
disproportionately high and adverse effects
on any low-income or minority groups
would occur.
• There are no population centers found
within the TMAA. Therefore, no effects on
children would occur as a result of
implementation of the Alternative 2.
The TMAA also is used for subsistence harvesting by Alaska Natives. Alaska Natives rely heavily on the
harvesting of marine mammals and fish that inhabit the TMAA. Designated subsistence-use areas are
located within 3 nautical miles (nm) (5.5 kilometers [km]) of shore. Navy training exercises will not
affect subsistence harvesting because the subsistence use areas are outside of the TMAA.
When hazardous training activities occur, and the Navy requires exclusive control for public safety
concerns, Notices to Mariners (NOTMARs) and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) about the hazards are
issued. In addition, during training activities in the TMAA, weapons delivery activities are delayed or
cancelled if training areas are not clear of nonparticipants. A training area is considered a “Green Range”
if the ordnance-area footprint is clear of all nonparticipating surface vessels, divers, and aircraft; if the
training area is not clear, then the area is considered a “Red Range.” Training can only be conducted if a
“Green Range” is issued, and, if considered a “Red Range,” training must be delayed until all
nonparticipants are cleared and a “Green Range” is issued. These designations assure public safety during
training activities that otherwise could harm nearby nonparticipants.
Ordnance Handling
As described in Chapter 2, some training activities use ordnance. The procedures for handling and storing
ordnance are found in Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Operational Procedures (OP) 5,
Ammunition and Explosives Ashore: Safety Regulations for Handling, Storing, Production, Renovation,
and Shipping (DoN 2001).
• Commanders are responsible for ensuring that impact areas and targets are clear prior to
commencing hazardous activities.
• The use of underwater ordnance must be coordinated with submarine operational authorities. The
coordination also applies to towed sonar arrays and torpedo decoys.
• Aircraft or vessels expending ordnance shall not commence firing without permission of the
scheduling authority for their specific range area.
• Firing units and targets must remain in their assigned areas, and units must fire in accordance
with current safety instructions.
• Vessels are authorized to fire their weapons only in offshore areas and at specific distances from
land, depending on the caliber and range of the weapons fired. The larger the caliber, the farther
offshore the firing must take place.
• Aircraft carrying ordnance to or from ranges shall avoid populated areas to the maximum extent
Aircrews must be aware that nonparticipating aircraft are not precluded from entering the area and may
not comply with a NOTAM or radio warnings that hazardous activities are scheduled or occurring.
Aircrews are required to maintain a continuous lookout for nonparticipating aircraft while operating under
visual flight rules in warning areas.
Aviation Safety
Aircraft fly under visual flight rules and under visual meteorological conditions. This means that the
commanders of military aircraft are responsible for the safe conduct of their flight. Prior to releasing any
weapons or ordnance, the impact area must be clear of nonparticipating vessels, people, or aircraft. The
Officer Conducting the Exercise is ultimately responsible for the safe conduct of range training. A
qualified safety officer is assigned to each training event or exercise, and can terminate activities if unsafe
conditions exist.
Only hazardous activities require exclusive use of airspace, and these periods are scheduled and broadcast
by the Navy through NOTAMs. Navy personnel must ensure that the hazard footprint of the ordnance
being fired is clear of nonparticipating aircraft.
The Naval Sea Systems Command Instruction (NAVSEAINST) 3150.2, Safe Diving Distances from
Transmitting Sonar, is the Navy’s governing document for human divers in relation to active sonar
systems; it provides procedures for calculating safe distances from active sonars. Such procedures are
derived from experimental and theoretical research conducted at the Naval Submarine Medical Research
Laboratory and the Navy Experimental Diving Unit.
Safety ranges vary based on conditions that include diver dress, type of sonar, and duration of time in the
water. If low-frequency sonar (160 kilohertz (kHz) to 320 kHz) is used, divers should not be in the
vicinity or should be warned that exposure is likely. Low-frequency sonar can cause dizziness, vertigo,
skin tingling, or vibratory sensations in the throat and abdomen.
Electromagnetic Radiation
Communications and electronic devices such as radar, electronic jammers, and other radio transmitters
produce electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Equipment that produces an electromagnetic field may
generate hazardous levels of EMR. An EMR hazard exists when transmitting equipment generates an
electromagnetic field that induces currents or voltages large enough to trigger electro-explosive devices in
ordnance. EMR also can be a health hazard to people or an explosive hazard for fuel. EMR hazards are
reduced or eliminated by establishing minimum separation distances between EMR emitters and people,
ordnance, and fuel.
EMR effects are directly proportional to the frequency of the EMR source. For example, the lower the
frequency of the EMR source, the lower the acceptable power density threshold before a potential hazard
to human health exists. Likewise, the higher the frequency of the EMR source, the higher the acceptable
power density threshold before health effects occur. Hazards of EMR to personnel, ordnance, and fuel
have been determined for EMR sources based on frequency and power output.
Sources of EMR include radar, navigational aids, and Electronic Warfare (EW) hardware. These systems
are the same as, or similar to, civilian navigational aids and radars at local airports and television weather
stations throughout the United States. EW systems emit EMR similar to that from cell phones, hand-held
radios, commercial radio, and television stations. SOPs in place to protect Navy personnel and the public
include setting the heights and angles of EMR transmission to avoid direct exposure, posting warning
signs, establishing safe operating levels, and activating warning lights when radar systems are operational.
To avoid excessive exposures from EMR, military aircraft are operated in accordance with standard
procedures that establish minimum separation distances between EMR emitters and people, ordnance, and
Lasers may be used for precision range finding and as target designation devices for guided munitions.
Laser safety procedures for aircraft require an initial pass over the target prior to laser activation to ensure
that target areas are clear. During actual laser use, aircraft run-in headings are restricted to avoid
unintentional contact with personnel or nonparticipants. Personnel participating in laser training activities
are required to complete a laser safety course. For training activities conducted in the TMAA, eye-safe
lasers are used.
Data Sources
Available reference materials, including prior Environmental Assessments (EAs) and EISs/OEISs, were
reviewed and used where their information on training activities, policies, equipment, or environmental
impacts was applicable. All current and proposed training activities were examined for the possibility of
civilians entering a hazardous training environment. Current Navy safety procedures in existing Navy
instructions were assessed to determine whether the procedures would protect the public from the
hazardous training activities proposed in the alternatives.
Each alternative analyzed in this EIS/OEIS includes training activities in several warfare areas (e.g., Anti-
Air Warfare, Anti-Surface Warfare), and most warfare areas encompass more than one training activity
(e.g., Surface-to-Air Gunnery Exercise, Air-to-Surface Missile Exercise [MISSILEX]). Likewise, each
activity has several elements (e.g., weapons firing, target deployment). Accordingly, this analysis is
organized by specific activity rather than by warfare area (Table 3.14-1). The approach to the public
safety analysis includes characterizing the training activities that may affect public safety in the TMAA.
These activities include: missile flights; target expenditures; ship, vessel, and aircraft movements; and
weapons firing. Training materials that could affect public safety include ordnance.
Target areas are cleared of nonparticipants prior to conducting training, so public safety issues will only
occur if an activity exceeds the safety area boundaries or a nonparticipant is not identified prior to the
start of training. Risks to public safety are reduced, in part, by providing termination systems on some of
the missiles. In those cases where a weapon system does not have a flight termination capability, the
target area is determined to be clear of unauthorized vessels and aircraft, based on the flight distance the
vehicle can travel plus a 5-mile-long area beyond the system’s performance parameters.
Prior public notification of Navy training activities, use of known training areas, avoidance of nonmilitary
vessels and personnel, and the remoteness of the TMAA will reduce the potential for interaction between
the public and Navy vessels during training activities. To date, these generally conservative safety
strategies have been successful.
Aircraft Overflights
Aircraft overflights during training exercises and during transits to and from the TMAA and the inland
training lands could affect public safety. Aircraft transit through an established Altitude Reservation
(ALTRV). The ALTRV is a flight clearance corridor provided by the FAA. A description of a typical
ALTRV is provided in Section 3.11, Transportation and Circulation. While operating within the ALTRV,
aircraft are under positive control of the FAA, and comply with all FAA flight rules. Aircraft accidents
are rare, but may occur during training activities. However, aircraft overflights would not have a
substantial effect on public safety because of the use of the ALTRV, the FAA and military procedures,
and flight rules that the participating aircraft must follow. With regard to the TMAA, there is a very low
probability that an aircraft could collide with a public surface vessel or aircraft due to the remoteness of
the TMAA and its relative size. Therefore, aircraft overflights pose little to no risk to public safety. Alternative 1
Offshore activities proposed under Alternative 1 would have all the components of the No Action
Alternative. Additionally, Alternative 1 would support an increase in training activities to include force
structure changes associated with the introduction of new weapon systems and vessels into the fleet
(Table 3.14-1). Under Alternative 1, baseline training activities generally would be increased. In addition,
new ASW activities (including the use of active sonar) would be implemented. Force structure changes
associated with new weapon systems would include sonobuoys, which would add a small number of
detonations associated with the SSQ-110A Extended Echo-Ranging (EER)/Improved EER (IEER)
sonobuoy. The safety procedures implemented under the No Action Alternative would continue to be
implemented under Alternative 1. The remoteness of the TMAA, the use of temporary access restrictions,
and public notification procedures would substantially reduce potential safety risks during these activities.
Several training activities would experience increases from current levels; increases in the number of
individual training activities would increase the potential for conflicts with nonparticipants. However,
given the Navy’s comprehensive, conservative safety procedures and its excellent safety record for these
activities, the actual potential for public safety impacts from training activities would remain very low.
Potential for aircraft collisions with public surface vessels and aircraft would remain low because of the
large area available in the GOA.
NSW Activities
Alternative 1 would include all NSW training activities described under the No Action Alternative. There
would be no increase in NSW activities under Alternative 1. Thus, the impacts of NSW training activities
under Alternative 1 are the same as described under the No Action Alternative and would be negligible.
Aircraft Overflights
Under Alternative 1, there would be an increase in overflights from the TMAA to the Alaska inland
training areas via the ALTRV. Safety procedures for participants using the ALTRV would remain
consistent. Public safety would not be affected by the increase in overflights because of the light air traffic
in the GOA and coordination between the Navy and the FAA.
ASW Activities
ASW activities within the TMAA would use active sonar. The effect of sonar on humans varies with the
frequency of sonar involved. Of the three types of sonar (high-, mid-, and low-frequency), mid-frequency
and low-frequency have the greatest potential to affect humans. NAVSEAINST 3150.2 is the Navy’s
governing document for human divers in relation to active sonar systems; it provides procedures for
calculating safe distances from active sonars. For example, a diver wearing a wetsuit without a hood has a
permissible exposure limit of 71 minutes at a distance of 1,000 yards from the Navy’s most powerful
sonar. At this distance, the sound pressure level would be approximately 190 decibels (dB). At 2,000
yards, or approximately 1 nm, a diver could operate for over 3 hours. Exposure to sonar in excess of 190
dB could cause slight visual-field shifts, fogging of the faceplate, spraying of water within the mask, and
general ear discomfort. (DoN 2005). Under Alternative 1, sonar could affect nonparticipants in the water
nearby. However, nonparticipants in the water would not be expected in the TMAA because of the
temperature of the water, the Navy safety procedures prior to training activities, and the distance from
shore to the areas where ASW activities would take place. If nonparticipants were present in the training
area, Navy safety procedures would delay training until nonparticipants were cleared from the range. The
training area would be constantly monitored for nonparticipants during training activities that use sonar.
ASW exercises would introduce the use of sonobuoys in the TMAA. Although extremely rare, some solid
training items expended at sea could migrate to the shoreline where the public could encounter them.
Included among these items are targets and sonobuoys. Targets typically would be recovered after each
use. However, expendable targets such as the MK-39 Expendable Mobile Anti-Submarine Warfare
Training Target (EMATT) would not be recovered. MK-39 EMATTs and sonobuoys are designed to
scuttle and sink either when commanded, or when their service life has expired, no greater than 8 hours
after being deployed. If either an EMATT or a sonobuoy migrated to shore, they would pose little risk to
the public. Sonobuoys contain no fuel, the batteries would have lost all power, and the materials used in
their construction are inert or sealed in hard plastic casings. Section 3.2, Expended Materials, discusses
the hazardous materials and environmental effects of sonobuoys.
One type of sonobuoy, the EER sonobuoy, has explosive charges used to generate acoustic energy in the
water. Underwater detonations would cause acoustic pressure, which could harm nonparticipants in the
water nearby. Nonparticipants in the water would not be expected because of Navy safety procedures
prior to training exercises. If nonparticipants were present in the training area, Navy safety procedures
would delay training until nonparticipants were cleared from the range. The training area would be
constantly monitored for nonparticipants during training for activities that use ordnance. This sonobuoy
would present a hazard if it failed to detonate and washed ashore. These sonobuoys would be used far out
to sea, however, and have several redundancies built in to assure that the charges detonate when the
sonobuoy is scuttled. Management of expended materials (including hazardous materials) in conjunction
with U.S. Navy training activities is addressed in Section 3.2, Expended Materials. No substantial releases
of these materials to the environment are anticipated. Alternative 2
Alternative 2, the Preferred Alternative, would include all elements of Alternative 1 (accommodating
training activities currently conducted, increasing training activities, accommodating force structure
changes, and conducting ASW activities with the use of active sonar). In addition, training tempo for all
activities would be increased 100 percent over levels identified in Alternative 1 (see Table 2-7).
Alternative 2 would include two SINKEX. A single SINKEX would be conducted once per summertime
training exercise. During a SINKEX, a decommissioned surface ship is towed to a deep-water location
and sunk using a variety of ordnance. The use of live ordnance could affect public safety, but a SINKEX
would occur, by rule, at least 50 nm (93 km) offshore. Public use of waters at least 50 nm (93 km)
offshore would be infrequent. Navy clearance measures for live-fire training exercises would be
implemented, which would greatly decrease the chance that nonparticipants would be in the training area
during SINKEX. Therefore, SINKEX would not affect public safety because of the implemented range
clearance measures and remoteness of the location.
With the exception of SINKEX, no new training exercises would be conducted. The safety procedures
implemented under Alternative 2 would be the same as those described under the No Action Alternative.
These safety procedures would substantially decrease the likelihood that Navy training in the TMAA
would affect public safety. The remoteness of the TMAA, the use of temporary access restrictions, and
public notification procedures would substantially reduce potential safety risks during these activities.
Therefore, effects on public safety under Alternative 2 would be similar to those under Alternative 1.
NSW activities proposed under Alternative 2 would be the same as those described under Alternative 1.
Safety procedures as described under Alternative 1 would ensure that nonparticipants were not
3.14.3 Mitigation
No substantial impacts have been identified. The safety procedures followed by the Navy lower the risk
that Navy training activities pose on public safety. No further mitigation measures would be required.
NEPA EO 12114
(U.S. Territorial Seas, 0 to 12 nm) (Non-U.S. Territorial Seas, > 12 nm)
The approach taken herein to analyze cumulative effects1 meets the objectives of the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations, and
CEQ guidance. CEQ regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] §§ 1500-1508) provide the
implementing procedures for NEPA. The regulations define “cumulative effects” as:
“. . . the impact on the environment which results from the incremental impact of the
action when added to other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions
regardless of what agency (Federal or non-Federal) or person undertakes such other
actions. Cumulative impacts can result from individually minor but collectively
significant actions taking place over a period of time.” (40 C.F.R. 1508.7).
CEQ provides guidance on cumulative impacts analysis in Considering Cumulative Effects Under the
National Environmental Policy Act (CEQ 1997). This guidance further identifies cumulative effects as
those environmental effects resulting “from spatial and temporal crowding of environmental
perturbations. The effects of human activities will accumulate when a second perturbation occurs at a site
before the ecosystem can fully rebound from the effects of the first perturbation.” Noting that
environmental impacts result from a diversity of sources and processes, this CEQ guidance observes that
“no universally accepted framework for cumulative effects analysis exists,” while noting that certain
general principles have gained acceptance. One such principal provides that “cumulative effects analysis
should be conducted within the context of resource, ecosystem, and community thresholds—levels of
stress beyond which the desired condition degrades.” Thus, “each resource, ecosystem, and human
community must be analyzed in terms of its ability to accommodate additional effects, based on its own
time and space parameters.” Therefore, cumulative effects analysis normally will encompass geographic
boundaries beyond the immediate area of the Proposed Action, and a time frame including past actions
and foreseeable future actions, to capture these additional effects. Bounding the cumulative effects
analysis is a complex undertaking, appropriately limited by practical considerations. Thus, CEQ
guidelines observe, “[i]t is not practical to analyze cumulative effects of an action on the universe; the list
of environmental effects must focus on those that are truly meaningful.”
For the Proposed Action to have a cumulatively significant impact on an environmental resource, two
conditions must be met. First, the combined effects of all identified past, present, and reasonably
foreseeable projects, activities, and processes on a resource, including the effects of the Proposed Action,
must be significant. Secondly, the Proposed Action must make a substantial contribution to that
significant cumulative impact. Finally, if the effects of the Proposed Action alone would have a
significant impact on an environmental resource within its Region of Influence, then the impacts of the
Proposed Action in combination with all other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions would
normally be cumulatively significant.
CEQ Regulations provide that the terms “cumulative impacts” and “cumulative effects” are synonymous (40 C.F.R.
§ 1508.8[b]).
Department of Defense (DoD) and commercial project activity, the geographic boundary for the majority
of resources analyzed for cumulative impacts in this Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) is the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). However, migratory wildlife
are analyzed for cumulative impacts based on the ecological ranges of their populations.
Activities taking place in areas inland from the coastline, including United States (U.S.) Air Force (Air
Force) air ranges and U.S. Army (Army) training lands, are addressed in the Alaska Military Operations
Area EIS (USAF 1995), Improvements to Military Training Routes in Alaska Environmental Assessment
(USAF 2007), the Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal Renewal Final Legislative EIS (Army 1999), and the
Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska FEIS (Army 2004). The nature and extent of training on Air Force
and Army inland training lands has not changed substantially during the past five years, and is not
expected to change substantially in the foreseeable future (with the exception of the United States Army
Alaska [USARAK] Stationing and Training of Increased Aviation Assets, included in Table 4-1).
Table 4-1: Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects in the GOA
Project Timeframe
Project Project Description
Past Present Future
The APEX was initiated under Restoration Project 94163, entitled X
Forage Fish Influence on Recovery of Injured Species. This pilot
project was designed to investigate prey (forage fish) distribution,
abundance, and availability. The 1995 project, 95163
Seabird/Forage Fish Interactions, merged a group of existing bird
and forage fish investigations and proposals to provide an integrated
Alaska research approach that examined the interactions of seabirds and
Predator their prey, the reasons that changes in prey might have occurred,
Ecosystem and the consequences for seabirds. The primary hypothesis to be
Experiment tested is that several seabird species have failed to recover from the
(APEX) Exxon Valdez oil spill because of shifts in food supply that may have
occurred independently in the marine ecosystem of Prince William
Sound and the northern Gulf of Alaska. In 1996 (96163), the project
incorporated Cook Inlet study sites, modeling components, and
broad ecosystem approaches to address the project objectives. The
last year in the field for APEX was 1999, followed by a year of data
analysis and production of publications.
Initiated in 1999, GAP's primary goal is to document trophic X
relationships between Steller sea lions, their prey, predators, and
potential competitors in waters near Kodiak Island, an area of
continued sea lion declines and extensive commercial fishing.
Broadly, through integrated studies that overlap spatially and
temporally, GAP will assess the degree of dietary overlap among
Kodiak's sympatric apex predators while exploring processes that
drive populations of their prey within a dynamic marine environment.
Collectively, GAP studies will indirectly test the hypothesis that
Steller sea lions are prey-limited by documenting a) sea lion prey; b)
the abundance, distribution, and quality of those prey species; and c)
the productivity and health of other consumers of the same prey.
GAP studies will also collect baseline data needed to test the
Gulf Apex
hypothesis that predation by killer whales or sharks may be limiting
Steller sea lion recovery in the Gulf of Alaska. Additionally, by
Prey (GAP)
simultaneously monitoring environmental and oceanographic
parameters over time in this area, GAP researchers will test the
hypothesis that environmental and oceanographic change affects
Steller sea lions, their prey, predators, and potential competitors.
Funding from National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in Fiscal
Year (FY) 02 will provide continued support of GAP's long-term
goals and objectives. Some modifications and additions to the
program's previous methodology are proposed in response to FY01
findings. Specifically, seasonal prey surveys will be extended to
include waters surrounding Marmot Island, nearshore prey
communities will be surveyed on a finer spatial and temporal scale,
sea lion use of ephemeral prey resources will be monitored, and the
diet and foraging patterns of sympatric harbor seals will be
Surveillance Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for was X X
Towed Array issued in April 2007, and the Record of Decision (ROD) was issued
Sensor in August 2007. Under the action, a maximum of four systems would
System Low be deployed in the Pacific-Indian ocean area and in the Atlantic-
Frequency Mediterranean area. Of an estimated maximum 294 underway days
Active per year, the SURTASS LFA sonar would be operated in the active
(SURTASS mode about 240 days.
LFA) Sonar
Table 4-1: Past, Present, and Planned Future Projects in the GOA (continued)
Project Timeframe
Project Project Description
Past Present Future
Commercial fisheries for Pacific halibut are managed by a treaty between the United States (U.S.) and
Canada, and through recommendations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). Pacific
halibut is considered as one large interrelated biological stock, although it is regulated by subareas
through catch quotas, time-area closures, and since 1995 in Alaska, by an individual fishing quota (IFQ)
program adopted by the NPFMC and implemented by the NMFS. Commercial catch limits in the GOA,
located in IPHC Regulatory Area 3A, are higher than those in other areas of the eastern North Pacific
because those waters are believed to be the center of Pacific halibut abundance (NMFS-AKR 2005).
Pacific salmon support numerous commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries in Alaskan State
waters. However, only a single commercial troll fishery and three historical coastal net fisheries are
allowed in federal waters of the Alaska Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). All five species of Alaska
salmon (chinook, chum, coho, pink, and sockeye) are fully utilized, and stocks in most regions of the
State generally have rebuilt to or beyond previous high levels (Clark et al. 2006). Pink and sockeye
salmon are the most abundant species in catches in the GOA (Eggers 2004).
Scallop fisheries in the GOA are relatively small compared to the region’s groundfish, halibut, and
salmon fisheries. As discussed in Section (Socioeconomics), a major scallop bed in the GOA is
located off the coast of Kodiak Island. Individual catch data for the Kodiak beds are not maintained;
however the ADF&G states that, between 1998 and 2002, one of the largest harvests came from the
Kodiak area averaging 82 metric tons each year (Woodby et al. 2005). The weathervane scallop is the
only commercially exploited scallop stock in the GOA. Weathervane scallop populations were first
evaluated for commercial potential in the early 1950s, but it was not until the late 1960s that interest in a
fishery off Alaska took shape. Initial commercial fishing effort took place in 1967, when two vessels
harvested weathervane scallops from fishing grounds off the east side of Kodiak Island. By the following
year, 19 vessels had entered the fishery. Since then, vessel participation and harvests have fluctuated
greatly, but have remained below the peak levels experienced in the late 1960s (NPFMC 2005b). All
commercial fisheries for scallops take place in the relatively shallow waters of the continental shelf.
Data on recreational and subsistence fishing in the GOA are limited (Richardson and Erickson 2005).
Recreational fishing mainly occurs off southeastern Alaska and along the northern Gulf of Alaska coast,
including Prince William Sound, Kenai Peninsula, Cook Inlet, and Kodiak Island (Squire and Smith
1977). Fishing derbies for salmon and halibut are regularly held in Seward, Cordova, Homer, and Valdez.
Sportfishing charters also routinely operate out of each of these ports. Subsistence fishing primarily
occurs in coastal areas to the west and north that are relatively inaccessible to most recreational anglers.
Nearly all recreational and subsistence fishing activities occur in State waters, as rough waters are a
limiting factor further offshore (Squire and Smith 1977, NPFMC 1990 2005b, NMFS-AKR 2005). As a
result, recreational and subsistence fishing are not expected within the GOA.
Commercial fishing can affect fish habitat and managed species. Potential effects of commercial fishing
include over-fishing of targeted species and by-catch, both of which affect fish stocks. Mobile fishing
gears such as bottom trawls disturb the seafloor and reduce structural complexity. Indirect effects of
trawls include increased turbidity, alteration of surface sediment, removal of prey (leading to declines in
predator abundance), removal of predators, ghost fishing (i.e., lost fishing gear continuing to ensnare fish
and other marine animals), and generation of marine debris. Lost gill nets, purse seines, and long-lines
may foul and disrupt bottom habitats. Recreational fishing could affect fish habitats because of the large
number of participants and the intense, concentrated use of specific habitats. Other indirect environmental
effects of fishing include water pollution, air pollution from vessel engine exhaust, vessel transit noise,
and vessel maintenance, which generates solid and hazardous wastes.
Commercial fishing in Alaska, including the GOA, appears to be a mature industry, with year-to-year
variations in total landings of particular species, but no substantial increases in overall landings of
commercial fish and other seafood (NMFS 2004, NOAA 2009). The overall numbers of fishing vessels
engaged in major commercial fisheries and commercial fishing licenses in Alaska both have declined
substantially in the past 8 years (State of Alaska Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission 2008). On the
basis of these trends, the level of commercial fishing in the GOA is not expected to increase substantially
in the foreseeable future.
In addition to large commercial vessels traversing the GOA, the Alaska Marine Highway System
(AMHS) provides ferry service for passengers and vehicles between coastal communities (AMHS 2007).
The Southwest Alaska route services Prince William Sound, Kodiak Island, the Alaska Peninsula, and the
Aleutian Islands. The ferry route closest to the GOA is in Chenega Bay in the Prince William Sound and
the town of Kodiak on Kodiak Island. The route is one of the least busy routes, with only 12 sailings in
2007 (AMHS 2007).
Two major ports close to the GOA, Anchorage and Valdez, were ranked in the top 150 U.S. ports by
tonnage in 2000 (Research and Innovative Technology Administration/Bureau of Transportation Statistics
[RITA/BTS] 2001). Commercially used waterways traverse the GOA, but are controlled by the use of
directional shipping lanes for large vessels (cargo, container ships, and tankers). Ships traveling from
major ports to the Lower 48 and Hawaii, as well as marine traffic between coastal ports, enter the GOA
briefly, but Navy activities are communicated to all vessels and operators by use of Notices to Mariners
Commercial vessels are sources of pollutants introduced into the water and air of the GOA. Additionally,
commercial vessels are a source of transient noise, affecting the acoustic environment. Finally,
commercial vessels are a source of ship strikes on marine mammals, and are implicated in many ship
strikes in the GOA. Pleasure boats are sources of fuel leaks and toxins from antifouling paints (National
Marine Manufacturers Association [no date], Nichols 1988).
The volumes of commercial and recreational vessel traffic in the GOA are closely tied to conditions in
mainland Alaska. The population of Alaska is growing (Western Rural Development Center 2008); ferry
services and private recreational fishing and boating are likely to grow in proportion to the increase in
population. Additionally, cruise ship traffic and other tourism activities such as whale-watching, fishing
charters, and other commercial recreational activities in the GOA are expected to increase in response to
increasing demand for outdoor recreational experiences in Alaska (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2009).
Based on projections for freight shipments through the Port of Anchorage, freight shipments through
Alaskan waters, and thus cargo vessel traffic, are expected to grow about 10 percent every five years (Port
of Anchorage 2005). Further energy development in Alaska, such as expansion of Arctic oil fields or new
oil and gas developments on the outer continental shelf, by encouraging population and economic growth
(Institute of Social and Economic Research 2009), will indirectly increase commercial and recreational
vessel traffic. On the basis of the trends mentioned above in population, recreation, and industry, the
volume of commercial and recreational vessel traffic in the GOA is expected to increase substantially in
the future.
POPs are common at low concentrations in the GOA because their physical and chemical properties allow
them to persist for long periods in the Arctic environment. POPs in offshore areas of the GOA result
primarily from distant sources because POPs can travel large distances in ocean currents and on surface
winds (Sheppard 2000). They persist for long periods in the environment, and bioaccumulate in the food
chain, causing heath effects in humans and wildlife. Recent sampling of fish in Alaska by ADEC,
including from the GOA, however, indicate that concentrations of organic and inorganic contaminants are
generally substantially lower than concentrations in fish from other areas (ADEC, no date, Fish
Monitoring Program: Analysis of Organic Contaminants; accessed in May 2009). Concentrations of POPs
from distant sources are likely to increase in the GOA in the future in response to long-term trends in
Pacific Ocean pollution.
Petroleum hydrocarbons may enter the marine environment during exploration, extraction, and
transportation of crude oil, natural gas, coal, and coal bed methane resources. Oil may be discharged
when it is discovered, during accidental blowouts, and during transportation. Low volumes of oil are
continually discharged during the drilling process; drill cuttings and mud, which contain heavy metals and
lubricants, are contained in process water that is deposited directly into the marine environment, estuaries,
land, or deep injection wells. Process water also may include heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium,
zinc, chromium, and copper. Benthic infauna can be impacted within 15 square kilometers (km2) of an oil
rig due to disposal of water-based muds. The State of Alaska and the federal government are expanding
their oil and gas leasing program in Alaska for exploration and extraction to meet the nation’s energy
demands, but there are no planned leases in either GOA or Kodiak planning areas (Minerals Management
Service 2009).
Marine water quality in the GOA is also affected by air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases
(GHGs). Air pollutants adhere to or are absorbed by water droplets, and are rained out of the atmosphere
during precipitation events, which transport these pollutants into the GOA. GHGs, especially CO2, are
absorbed into ocean surface waters and, through downwelling, mixed into deeper waters. Marine waters
near the poles have a greater capacity for dissolving carbon dioxide than do waters in the tropics, making
them more susceptible to ocean acidification (Congressional Research Service 2009). A study of ocean
acidification released in September 2009 indicates, based on monitoring data collected by instrumented
buoys, that the acidity of GOA marine waters has increased by about 25 percent from its pre-industrial
level (University of Alaska, Fairbanks 2009). Based on current trends in atmospheric GHG concentrations
and the known characteristics of arctic marine waters, the quantities of GHGs absorbed by ocean waters
and ocean acidity are expected to increase in the foreseeable future.
Cruise ships are a substantial source of water pollutants because of the large number of passengers and
the hazardous wastes generated. For example, a typical cruise ship produces 15 tons of garbage, 170,000
gallons of gray water, 21,000 gallons of sewage, and 5,000 gallons of oil-contaminated water per day
(USEPA 2008). The amount of pollutants is similar to a small city, and the cruise industry is expanding.
The cruise ship industry in North America has been growing at an annual rate of about five percent, and
the future outlook for the industry in Alaska is for continued slow long-term growth.
Overall, to summarize the discussion above, based on long-term regional trends and anticipated
developments, water quality in the GOA is expected to degrade slowly over time.
marine mammals, provided that the activity does not rise to Level A harassment of the animals. These
authorizations are usually issued for no more than 1 or 2 years, depending on the project.
The impacts of this type of research are largely unmeasured. However, given the analysis and scrutiny
given to permit applications, it is assumed that any adverse effects are largely transitory (e.g., inadvertent
harassment, biopsy effects). Data to assess population level effects from research are not available. Even
if data were available, it is uncertain that research effects could be separately identified from other
adverse effects on cetacean populations. Levels of research-related vessel and aircraft activities in the
GOA are assumed to remain relatively unchanged for the foreseeable future.
The intensity of commercial air traffic and private aviation in Alaska is expected to increase somewhat in
the future (ADEC 2008), due to increases in the resident population (Western Rural Development Center
2008), increased summer tourism (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2009), and increased air cargo
shipments (Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development 2005).
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases, have a propensity to trap heat
in the atmosphere. CO2 is the predominant greenhouse gas emitted by human activities, primarily from
the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. The observed increase in average global
air temperatures since the mid-20th Century is very likely a result of increased atmospheric
concentrations of GHG (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change [IPCC] 2007). This phenomenon is
commonly referred to as “global warming.” Global warming due to GHG emissions induces climate
change through the complex interaction of increased temperature with various natural processes such as
ocean and atmospheric circulation. Effects of climate change in turn create complex feedback loops, such
as loss of reflective snow and ice cover, that increase the rate of climate change. Scientists are now in
general agreement that climate change is occurring (American Meteorological Society 2007, Alaska State
Legislature 2008), and that current trends are very likely to continue unless worldwide emissions and
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and other GHG are substantially reduced (Ledley et al 1999, Energy
Information Agency 2008).
Climate Change
As noted by the IPCC, climate change in the Arctic over the last half-century has been well documented.
Alaska’s climate has warmed by about 4°F (2.2°C) since the 1950s, and about 7°F (3.9°C) in interior
Alaska during the winter. The State experienced a 30-percent average increase in precipitation between
1968 and 1990. The growing season has lengthened by about two weeks. Changes in the climate of
Alaska have had several direct and indirect effects on animals, indigenous peoples, and coastal
communities. Among the effects are rising air and ground temperatures, loss of sea ice, loss of protection
from fall storms, and retreat of the permafrost boundaries. Sea ice has retreated by about 14 percent since
1978, and thinned by 60 percent since the 1960s, resulting in widespread effects on marine ecosystems,
coastal climates, and human settlements. Permafrost has melted, causing erosion, landslides, and damaged
infrastructure in central and southern Alaska. Recent warming has been accompanied by increases in
forest disturbances, including insect infestations. A sustained infestation of spruce bark beetles, limited in
the past by low temperatures, has caused widespread tree mortality over 2.3 million acres (906,000
hectares) on Kenai Peninsula since 1992, the largest loss of trees to insects ever recorded in North
America (IPCC 2007).
Effects of climate change on Arctic marine mammals are poorly understood, due to lack of integrated
baseline data (Burek et al., 2008). This lack of data on health, diseases, and toxicant effects in Arctic
marine mammals severely limits our ability to predict the effects of climate change on marine mammal
health. The overall health of an individual animal is the result of complex interactions among immune
status, body condition, pathogens and their pathogenicity, toxicant exposure, and the various
environmental conditions that interact with these factors. Climate change could affect these interactions in
several ways. There may be direct effects of loss of the sea ice habitat, elevations of water and air
temperature, and increased occurrence of severe weather. Some of the indirect effects of climate change
on animal health will likely include alterations in pathogen transmission due to a variety of factors, effects
on body condition due to shifts in the prey base/food web, changes in toxicant exposures, and factors
associated with increased human habitation in the Arctic (e.g., chemical and pathogen pollution in the
runoff due to human and domestic-animal wastes and chemicals and increased ship traffic with the
attendant increased risks of ship strike, oil spills, ballast pollution, and possibly acoustic injury). The
extent to which climate change will impact marine mammal health will also vary among species, with
some species more sensitive to these factors than others. Baseline data on marine mammal health
parameters along with matched data on the population and climate change trends are needed to document
these changes (Burek et al., 2008).
Ocean Acidity
It has been posited that the continued emission of CO2 is resulting in seawater becoming more acidic as
CO2 from the atmosphere dissolves in the oceans. Ocean acidification from the invasion of CO2 is a
recognized phenomenon (Cicerone et al. 2004, Feely et al. 2004, Sabine et al. 2004). Scientists estimate
that the oceans are now about 25 percent more acidic than they were at the start of the industrial
revolution about 300 years ago.
The negative effects of ocean acidification are likely to be felt on biological processes such as
calcification (Orr, et al. 2005, Kleypas et al. 2006). Ocean acidification from CO2 invasion and reduced
ventilation also may result in decreases in sound absorption for frequencies lower than 10 kHz (Hester et
al. 2008). This would result in increases in ambient noise levels in ocean environments, and enhanced
propagation of anthropogenic sound. The scale of potential acidification is presently unknown, due to lack
of data and challenges associated with sampling on a basin-wide or regional scale. While this
phenomenon is under study (cf. Hester et al. 2008), the effects of CO2 emissions on ocean acidity and the
resultant potential for enhanced sound propagation remain indeterminate due to incomplete information.
The cold water and broad, shallow continental shelves bordering the GOA could make this area more
susceptible to acidification than warmer portions of the ocean. The colder the water, the higher its
dissolved gases content; cold water absorbs more CO2 than warm water. The vast shallow continental
margins around the GOA also could maintain higher concentrations of CO2 because there is less mixing
of surface layers with deeper ocean waters (University of Alaska 2009). Atmospheric CO2 concentrations
are expected to increase, at least in the near-term, and increases in ocean acidity are expected to generally
reflect those increases.
Cumulative Effects
The potential effects of proposed GHG emissions are by nature global and cumulative impacts, as
individual sources of GHG emissions are not large enough to have an appreciable effect on climate
change. Therefore, an appreciable impact on global climate change would only occur when proposed
GHG emissions combine with GHG emissions from other man-made activities on a global scale.
Currently, there are no formally adopted or published NEPA thresholds of significance for GHG
emissions. Formulating such thresholds is problematic, as it is difficult to determine what level of
proposed emissions would substantially contribute to global climate change. Therefore, in the absence of
an adopted or science-based NEPA significance threshold for GHGs, this EIS compares GHG emissions
that would occur from the Preferred Alternative to the U.S. GHG baseline inventory of 2006 to determine
the relative increase in proposed GHG emissions.
CO2, N2O, and CH4 are generated during Navy training activities primarily through combustion of fossil
fuels by vessels, aircraft, and energetic or powered training items (e.g., missiles, bombs). For purposes of
determining the project contribution to global climate change, all GHG emitted during a training exercise
are included. For ease of expression, the amounts of GHG other than CO2 are added to the total amount of
CO2 to produce a single CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) value.
On a per-molecule basis, N2O and CH4 have more effect on global climate change than CO2. Therefore,
these values are weighted based on their Global Warming Potential (GWP) relative to CO2. The GWP of
N2O is 310 and the GWP of CH4 is 21. Thus, the calculation of CO2-e is:
Navy training activities in the TMAA under the No Action Alternative will generate an estimated 22,000
TPY of CO2-e. This amount is approximately 0.0003 percent of the nationwide GHG emissions in 2006
(USEPA 2008).
Navy training activities in the TMAA under Alternative 1 would generate an estimated 23,171 TPY of
CO2-e, an increase of about 1,200 TPY over that generated under the No Action Alternative. The amounts
of GHG emitted under Alternative 1 are approximately 0.0003 percent of the nationwide GHG emissions
in 2006 (USEPA 2008).
Navy training activities in the TMAA under Alternative 2 would generate an estimated 48,530 TPY of
CO2-e, an increase of 26,530 TPY over that generated under the No Action Alternative. This amount is
approximately 0.0007 percent of the nationwide GHG emissions in 2006 (USEPA 2008).
Table 4-2 summarizes the annual GHG emissions associated with implementation of the Preferred
Alternative. Under any of the alternatives, the contribution of the Proposed Action to national GHG
emissions, and thus to climate change and ocean acidity, would be insignificant.
Navy Stewardship
In response to concerns over climate change, Department of the Navy leadership has initiated broad
programs to reduce energy consumption and shift energy demand to renewable and alternative fuels to the
extent consistent with its national security mission, thereby reducing emissions of CO2 and other GHG.
The Navy has implemented a number of shore installation and fleet programs that have substantially
reduced the generation of GHG, primarily through conservation of fossil fuels and electricity.
Ashore, the Navy has aggressively encouraged its installations to reduce energy costs, both through
facility competitions and through investments in solar, wind, and geothermal technologies. Since 1985,
the Navy has sponsored a world-wide energy management program that has reduced its energy use by
more than 29 percent (Naval Facilities Engineering Command [NAVFAC] Public Affairs, 10/26/2005).
At Pearl Harbor, for example, the installation of approximately 2,800 energy-efficient light fixtures has
reduced electricity use by about 758 megawatt-hours (MWh) per year, equal to 448 tons per year (TPY)
of CO2 emissions (NAVFAC Public Affairs, 3/18/2008). New air conditioning chillers also installed at
this installation will save another 252 MWh of electricity per year, equal to about 149 TPY of CO2
emissions. Implementing similar energy conservation measures at Navy shore installations world-wide
has substantially decreased the Navy’s carbon footprint, and the Navy continues to identify new energy
conservation measures.
Energy conservation aboard Navy vessels at sea also has achieved substantial reductions in fuel
consumption, and thus emissions of GHG. Naval Sea Systems Command has established an Energy
Conservation Awards Program to reward leading fuel conservers among underway surface ships with
special recognition and cash incentives, During the first half of 2009, this program reduced the Navy’s
fuel consumption by about 682,000 barrels, or about 346,000 tons of CO2 emissions (Navy News Service
The Navy also is researching and implementing new technologies that may result in substantial additional
fuel savings. The new amphibious assault ship Makin Island, using a new hybrid power propulsion
system, saved an estimated 900,000 gallons of fuel (equal to about 11,000 tons of CO2) on its initial
voyage from the Gulf of Mexico to San Diego. As new Navy ships are placed into service and older ships
are retired, the overall fuel efficiency of the Navy’s fleet will substantially increase. The Navy also is
investigating new hull-cleaning technologies that could substantially reduce drag from fouling of vessel
hulls by marine organisms, potentially saving millions of gallons of fuel per year. Finally, the Navy is
investigating the use of biofuels such as camelina oil to power its ships and aircraft; camelina jet biofuel
produces 80 percent less carbon emissions than conventional jet fuels (Scientific American on line,
September 14, 2009).
These examples illustrate the Navy’s leadership role in achieving large-scale energy reductions that will
substantially contribute to a long-term national effort to mitigate global climate change.
Quantities of solid wastes and other manmade materials deposited in the GOA each year are expected to
remain at about current levels. Fishing gear is likely the largest component of expended materials, and the
intensity, duration, and geographic range of fishing activity in the GOA are unlikely to substantially
increase, as discussed in Section 4.1.3. Commercial, scientific, and recreational vessel traffic are expected
to increase substantially as a result of the projects described in Section 4.12 (e.g., port expansion, ferry
service) and the regional processes and trends described in Section 4.13, but these ocean users typically
do not discard large quantities of materials in the ocean. Coastal development (see Table 4-1) could
increase deposition of manmade materials in coastal areas, but such materials are not likely to be
transported into the GOA in substantial quantities. No hazardous materials or wastes are expected to be
deposited in State or federal waters, in the absence of upset conditions such as a natural disaster, and
deposition of hazardous materials or wastes in international waters of the GOA is expected to be
negligible. Most of the expended materials deposited in the GOA are denser than seawater and inert, and
thus persist for long periods on the ocean bottom, but because of their inert character they have little
effect on benthic organisms or resources. Overall, the cumulative impacts on GOA ocean resources of
manmade materials expended by past, present, and reasonably foreseeable actions, projects, and activities,
including the Proposed Action, would be less than significant.
and hazardous wastes generated by these activities, and subsequently sent to hazardous waste
management facilities in the region, are anticipated to be relatively small. Construction of new
infrastructure in coastal areas and expansion of port facilities (see Table 4-1) likely will generate
substantial quantities of hazardous wastes requiring disposal. While the regional costs for hazardous
waste transport, treatment, storage, and disposal could increase substantially in response to increased
cumulative demand, the hazardous waste management industry generally has sufficient physical capacity
to respond to this increased demand. Past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects and activities in
the GOA region thus will not have a cumulatively significant impact on the hazardous waste management
industry or the environment.
Navy vessels engaged in training activities under the Proposed Action would offload used hazardous
materials to the Navy shore facilities at their home ports, where the used materials would become part of
the overall hazardous waste stream managed by the appropriate Navy facility. Increased levels of training
would result in increased throughput of hazardous wastes, but likely would not require additional storage,
transport, or disposal facilities ashore for these materials. The Navy’s hazardous waste management
system and procedures are adequate to accommodate an increase in hazardous waste volumes. While the
costs for hazardous waste transport, treatment, storage, and disposal could increase substantially in
response to increased cumulative demand, the hazardous waste management industry generally has
sufficient physical capacity to respond to this increased demand.
The Proposed Action was evaluated for long-term effects on marine communities that would result from
explosions based on their force, location, and proximity to the bottom. Based on the short duration of
annual training activities and the analysis presented in Section 3.5, the Proposed Action would not result
in long-term changes in species abundance or diversity, loss or degradation of sensitive habitats, or effects
on threatened and endangered species. The Proposed Action would not affect the sustainability of marine
resources, the regional ecosystem, or the human community. Therefore, the Proposed Action would not
contribute substantially to the cumulative effects on marine plants and invertebrates resulting from past,
present, or planned projects and other activities within the GOA.
4.2.6 Fish
The GOA is a highly productive region for various fish populations, largely as a result of a rich
population of microscopic organisms that form the basis of the food chain. The GOA also is an important
spawning area for many fish species, supporting a diverse array of fish larvae. The fish fauna in offshore
portions of the GOA is dominated by large epipelagic species, and offshore areas provide the principal
feeding habitat for many species.
Current and anticipated future projects and ongoing processes in the GOA region, particularly port
development and new coastal development, as described in Table 4-1, and general population growth in
Alaska, would increase vessel traffic through the GOA. Increased vessel traffic would, in turn,
incrementally increase marine pollution, including the frequency and extent of underwater noise. Coastal
development could increase the amount of sediments and urban pollutants released into coastal waters
but, due to the circulation patterns of the GOA, such releases probably would not affect water quality in
the GOA. Ongoing commercial fishing operations would affect commercially valuable fish species and
ongoing recreational fishing could affect populations of game fish, although proper management of these
industries would prevent any substantial declines in fish populations. Ocean bottom disturbance and
damage from fish trawls would continue; recovery of these areas is very gradual, so degradation of the
ocean floor and attendant loss of habitat for some fish species is cumulative within the foreseeable future.
Climate change and ocean acidification (see Section may alter prey abundance and distribution,
or alter the distribution and abundance of competitors and predators. With the possible exception of
climate change and ocean acidification, the long-term effects of which are not well understood, the
cumulative impacts of past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects and processes in the GOA would
be less than significant.
Potential contributions of Navy training exercises to cumulative impacts on fish include releases of
chemicals into the ocean, introduction of debris into the water column and onto the seafloor, mortality and
injury of marine organisms and fish near the detonation or impact point of ordnance or explosives, and
physical and acoustic impacts of vessel activity. Based on the short duration of the Proposed Action and
the analysis provided in Section 3.6, impacts on fish from explosions would have a low potential for
occurrence. Disturbance of the water column would be short-term and local, while disturbance of benthic
habitats would be unlikely due to the water depths where training activities occur. Habitat disturbance and
fish injury and mortality from explosions are reduced by Navy mitigation measures (Section 3.6). No
long-term changes in species abundance or diversity and no loss or degradation of sensitive or critical
habitats are anticipated. The overall contribution of the Proposed Action to cumulative impacts on fish
stocks in the GOA would be negligible.
4.2.7 Sea Turtles
The only species of sea turtle expected to occur regularly in the GOA is the leatherback turtle, which is
globally distributed, although likely low in number in the GOA. Adult leatherbacks can tolerate a wide
range of water temperatures, and have been sighted along the west coast of the United States as far north
as the GOA. Leatherback turtles appear to forage in the GOA in limited numbers, but no nesting grounds
are located in the region. Leatherback turtles are endangered throughout their range (National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] 2007).
Leatherback turtle populations can be affected both directly and indirectly by human activities. Incidental
“take” in fishing operations, or bycatch, is one of the most serious direct threats to sea turtle populations.
In the Pacific, NMFS requires measures (e.g., gear modifications, changes to fishing practices, and
time/area closures) to reduce sea turtle bycatch in the Hawaii- and California-based pelagic longline
fisheries and the California/Oregon drift gillnet fishery. In 2000, an estimated 50,000 leatherbacks were
incidentally taken in worldwide as pelagic longline bycatch (Lewison et al. 2004).
Sea turtles also can ingest marine debris or become entangled in debris (e.g., tar balls, plastic bags, plastic
pellets, balloons, and ghost fishing gear). Marine pollution from coastal runoff, marina and dock
construction, dredging, aquaculture, oil and gas exploration and extraction, increased underwater noise,
and boat traffic can also degrade marine habitats used by sea turtles. In addition, sea turtles swimming or
feeding at or just beneath the surface of the water are vulnerable to boat and vessel strikes, which can
result in serious propeller injuries and death. Global warming could affect all aspects of a leatherback
turtle’s life cycle, as well as the abundance and distribution of its prey.
Current and anticipated future projects that increased the volume of vessel traffic (see Table 4-1) and
ongoing processes that increased the volume of marine vessel traffic (see Sections,, and would increase the potential for vessel strikes and increase the volume of marine debris. Bycatch
from fishing operations would not change substantially because the intensity and extent of fishing
operations in the GOA are not expected to change, as discussed in Section Marine pollution,
including the frequency and intensity of underwater noise, is expected to increase in response to increased
vessel traffic and increased coastal development. Climate change (see Section may alter prey
abundance and distribution, or alter the distribution and abundance of competitors and predators. These
anticipated future conditions are generally not expected to substantially affect the level of foraging by
leatherback turtles in the GOA, although climate change may result in a northward expansion of sea turtle
foraging activity. Thus, cumulative impacts on leatherback turtles in the GOA, including those of the
Proposed Action, would be less than significant. Additionally, the incremental effects of the Proposed
Action would not substantially contribute to the cumulative impacts on leatherback turtles.
Percent of 71 small cetacean species threatened 25%
10% 9.0%
Fisheries- Fisheries- Pollution Habitat Unknown Prey Fisheries- Noise
Bycatch Directed Degradation Overfishing Culling
Entanglement- Entanglement in active fishing gear is a major cause of death or severe injury among the
whale species in the GOA. Entangled marine mammals may drown, escape with pieces of gear still
attached to their bodies, or be set free either by their own efforts or by fishermen. Many large whales
carry off fishing gear after becoming entangled (Read et al. 2006). When a marine mammal swims off
with gear attached, the result can be fatal. The gear may be too cumbersome for the animal or it may be
wrapped around a crucial body part and tighten over time. Stranded marine mammals frequently exhibit
signs of previous fishery interaction, such as scarring or gear attached to their bodies. Deaths of stranded
marine mammals often are attributed to such interactions (Baird and Gorgone 2005). Marine mammals
that die from fisheries interactions may not wash ashore and not all animals that do wash ashore exhibit
clear signs of interactions, so data probably underestimate fishery-related mortality and serious injury
(NMFS 2005).
From 1998-2005, based on observer records, five fin whales (CA/OR/WA stock), 12 humpback whales
(ENP stock), and six sperm whales (CA/OR/WA stock) were either seriously injured or killed in fisheries
off the west coast of the United States (California Marine Mammal Stranding Network Database 2006).
Reported entanglements thus average about three whales per year for the entire west coast. Fishing
practices are unlikely to change substantially in the foreseeable future, so this source of whale injury and
mortality is expected to remain about the same for the foreseeable future. The Proposed Action would
have no direct or indirect effects on the level of marine mammal entanglements in the GOA.
Commercial ports and associated commercial vessel traffic have grown as a result of the globalization of
trade. The Final Report of the NOAA International Symposium on “Shipping Noise and Marine
Mammals: A Forum for Science, Management, and Technology” stated that the worldwide commercial
fleet has grown from approximately 30,000 vessels in 1950 to over 85,000 vessels in 1998 (NRC 2003,
Southall 2005). Current statistics support the prediction that the international shipping fleet will continue
to grow at the current rate or at greater rates in the future. Shipping densities in specific areas and trends
in routing and vessel design are as significant, or more significant, than the total number of vessels.
Densities along existing domestic and international coastal routes are expected to increase. New routes
are also expected to develop as new ports are opened and existing ports are expanded. New vessel
propulsion systems are also advancing toward faster ships operating in higher sea states at lower costs;
and container ships are expected to become larger along certain routes (Southall 2005).
Among the regional projects identified in Section 4.1.2 are developments at Port MacKenzie and at the
Port of Anchorage, both of which are expected to increase the amount of commercial vessel traffic in the
GOA. Ferry service and cruise ship traffic also are expected to increase, and new oil and gas
developments also may encourage additional vessel traffic in the GOA. The numbers and sizes of fishing
vessels operating in the GOA are expected to remain about the same as at present. The cumulative effect
of these projects and trends is expected to be a moderate increase in large commercial vessel traffic in the
GOA in the foreseeable future. Ship strikes on marine mammals in the future are expected to increase in
rough proportion to the increased volume of ship traffic and an increase in the average speed of these
vessels. Based on the most recent scientific information, however, the cumulative impact of ship strikes
on marine mammal populations in the GOA is unlikely to be significant (Laist et al. 2001).
U.S. Navy vessel traffic is a small fraction of the commercial and fishing vessel traffic in the GOA. While
U.S. Navy vessel movements may incrementally contribute to the ship strike threat, given the lookout and
mitigation measures adopted by the U.S. Navy, the probability of vessel strikes is greatly reduced.
Furthermore, actions to avoid close interaction of U.S. Navy ships and marine mammals, such as
maneuvering to avoid any observed marine mammal are part of existing at-sea protocols and standard
operating procedures. Navy ships have up to three or more dedicated and trained lookouts as well as two
to three bridge watchstanders during at-sea movements who would be searching for any whales or other
obstacles on the water surface. Such lookouts are expected to further reduce the chances of a collision.
Accordingly, the Proposed Action would not contribute substantially to the cumulative impact of ship
strikes on marine mammals in the GOA.
Ingestion of Plastic Objects and Other Marine Debris and Toxic Pollution Exposure
Ingestion. For many marine mammals, debris is a great hazard. Not only is debris a hazard because of
possible entanglement, but animals may mistake plastics and other debris for food (NMFS 2007b). Sperm
whales have been known to ingest plastic debris, such as plastic bags (Evans et al. 2003, Whitehead
2003). While ingestion has led to mortality, the scale on which ingestion affects sperm whale populations
is unknown, but Whitehead (2003) suspects it is not substantial at this time. The cumulative effect of the
projects identified in Section 4.1.2 and the trends and processes described in Section 4.1.3 probably
would be a minor increase in the levels of marine debris present in the GOA, and thus a minor increase in
the instances of ingestion of marine debris by marine mammals. Given that this source of marine mammal
mortality is not now substantial, and assuming a minor increase, then ingestion of marine debris is not
expected to be a substantial source of marine mammal mortality in the future. Furthermore, the limited
annual duration of Navy training activities in the GOA under the Proposed Action and Navy afloat
procedures would assure that the Navy’s contribution to cumulative marine debris pollution would be
negligible (see Section and Table 3.3-1 in Water Resources).
Toxic Pollution. High concentrations of potentially toxic substances within marine mammals, along with
an increase in new diseases, have been documented in recent years. Scientists are considering possible
links between pollutants and marine mammal mortality. The manmade chemicals called polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) and the pesticide dichlorodiphyenyltrichloroethane (DDT), for example, are both
considered persistent organic pollutants; they are banned in the United States because of their harmful
effects in wildlife and humans (NMFS 2007c). Despite having been banned for decades, the levels of
these compounds in marine mammal tissue samples taken along U.S. coasts are still high (Hickie et al.
2007, Krahn et al. 2007, NMFS 2007c). Both compounds are long-lasting, reside in marine mammal fat
tissues (especially in the blubber), and can have toxic effects such as reproductive impairment and
immunosuppression (NMFS 2007c).
The effects of toxic pollutants on marine mammals are difficult to measure. However, some researchers
have correlated contaminant exposure with possible adverse health effects in marine mammals (Borell
1993, O’Shea and Brownell 1994, O’Hara and Rice 1996, O’Hara et al. 1999). In addition to direct
effects, marine mammals are indirectly affected by habitat contamination that degrades prey species
availability or that increases disease susceptibility (Geraci et al. 1999). Vessel traffic and commercial
fishing both contribute incrementally to marine pollution in the GOA through deliberate discharges of
allowable wastes and byproducts, incidental and accidental discharges of petroleum products, and
equipment and materials losses. Based on the projects and processes identified in Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3,
a moderate increase is anticipated in the levels of toxic pollutants in the GOA in the foreseeable future.
Thus, the cumulative impact would be less than significant.
U.S. Navy vessel operations in the GOA could release small amounts of pollutants into the water column.
U.S. Navy vessels are not a typical source, however, of contaminants with bioaccumulation potential such
as pesticides and PCBs. Furthermore, any vessel discharges associated with the vessels, such as bilge
water and deck runoff, would be in accordance with international and U.S. requirements for eliminating
or minimizing discharges of oil, garbage, and other substances, and are not likely to contribute
substantially to cumulative changes in ocean water quality or to affects on marine mammals.
Sound emitted by large vessels, particularly during transit, is the principal source of noise in the ocean
today, primarily due to the properties of sound emitted by civilian cargo vessels (Richardson et al. 1995,
Arveson and Vendittis 2000). Ship propulsion and electric generation engines, engine gearing,
compressors, bilge and ballast pumps, as well as hydrodynamic flow around a ship’s hull and any hull
protrusions, contribute to a large vessels’ underwater noise emissions. Propeller-driven vessels also
generate noise through cavitation, which accounts for much of the noise emitted by a large vessel and
which is related to its speed. Military vessels underway or involved in naval activities or exercises also
generate anthropogenic noise in the marine environment. Noise emitted by large vessels is low-frequency,
continuous, and tonal. The sound pressure levels around the vessel vary according to its speed, burden,
capacity, and length (Richardson et al. 1995, Arveson and Vendittis,2000). Vessels ranging from 135 to
337 meters generate peak sound levels of 169 - 200 dB between 8 Hz and 430 Hz, although Arveson and
Vendittis (2000) documented components of higher frequencies (10-30 kHz) as a function of newer
merchant ship engines and higher speeds. Given the propagation of low-frequency sounds, a large vessel
in this sound range can be heard 139-463 kilometers away (Ross 1976 in Polefka 2004). U.S. Navy
vessels, however, have incorporated significant underwater ship-quieting technology to reduce their
acoustic signature, compared to a vessel of similar size, thus reducing their vulnerability to detection by
enemy passive acoustics (Southall 2005).
As noted in Section, commercial and recreational vessel traffic in the GOA are expected to
increase moderately in the foreseeable future, and underwater noise levels associated with vessel transits
are expected to increase in rough proportion to this increase. Fishing vessel traffic in the GOA is expected
to remain about the same as at present, although the average size and speed of fishing vessels may change
over time. Oil and gas development, especially exploration, could be a substantial new source of
underwater noise in the GOA, but this activity is expected to occur primarily along the northern and
western margins of the GOA on the continental shelf. Overall, the level and geographic range of
underwater noise in the GOA are expected to increase in the future in response to past, present, and
reasonably foreseeable projects and processes, including the Proposed Action, but this cumulative
increase would be less than significant.
Navy vessels would be present in the GOA for a small portion of the year under the Proposed Action, and
thus their contribution to cumulative ship noise would be minimal. As noted above, U.S. Navy vessels
have underwater ship-quieting technology that reduces their acoustic signature compared to vessels of
similar size, further reducing their contribution to cumulative underwater noise impacts. Naval sonars
would operate in a limited number of areas, as discussed in Section 3.8, and most likely would not
contribute substantially to underwater noise levels in the GOA. Modeling of atmospheric and underwater
ordnance detonations for the Proposed Action (Section 3.8) indicated that few marine mammals, if any,
would be exposed to underwater noise from these sources. In summary, the contribution of the Proposed
Action to cumulative increases in underwater sound in the GOA would be minimal. Summary
Cumulative impacts on marine mammals from past, present, and reasonably foreseeable projects,
processes, and trends would result primarily from climate change and fisheries interactions, with ship
strikes, ingestion of and entanglement by marine debris, effects of toxic pollutants, and underwater noise
all minor sources of impacts. The Proposed Action would not contribute to fisheries interactions, and its
contributions to future ship strikes, ingestion of marine debris, health effects of marine pollutants, and
climate change would be negligible. The Proposed Action would contribute minimally to cumulative
increases in underwater sound in the GOA. Overall, the Proposed Action would not contribute
substantially to cumulative impacts on marine mammals.
4.2.9 Seabirds
Seabird populations within the GOA are affected by direct and indirect perturbations of breeding and
foraging habitat on the coastal mainland and inshore islands. The single greatest concern is the loss of
suitable habitat for nesting and roosting seabirds throughout the coastal northwest due to land
development and human encroachment. Historically, seabird populations have sustained numerous
impacts from pollution and human activities within the GOA from a variety of sources, including the
discharge of hazardous chemicals and sewage. Seabird populations in the GOA have become more
susceptible to impacts due to their increased concentration. Large-scale effects on seabird populations
such as global warming, reduced fish populations, and development in other regions or countries are not
well defined for individual species but have been cited as contributing to the overall decline of seabirds.
Past, present and reasonably foreseeable future actions discussed in Section 4.1.2 (vessel traffic from port
development, coastal development) and other activities described in Section 4.1.3 (increased commercial
and recreational vessel traffic), together with the Proposed Action, would elevate the potential for direct
and indirect impacts on seabirds, including the short-tailed albatross (a species listed under the federal
Endangered Species Act). Increased vessel and low-flying aircraft traffic would result in a greater level of
day-to-day disturbance of seabirds and interference with foraging activities. Increased ocean pollution
could degrade the health of seabirds through direct exposure and through ingestion of trash or
contaminated prey. New coastal development (see Table 4-1) would decrease lands available for seabird
nesting and roosting. The cumulative effects of increased disturbance, decreased health, and decreased
terrestrial habitat on seabird populations would be adverse, but less than significant. The contributions of
the Proposed Action to cumulative habitat disturbance and ocean pollution (the Proposed Action would
not directly affect land areas) would not be substantial.
Underwater archaeological resources are submerged sites that may have a cultural affiliation. This type of
site includes shallow water or nearshore prehistoric or historic sites or isolated artifacts, historic
shipwrecks, airplanes, or pieces of ship components, such as cannons or guns. Ship and aircraft wrecks
are the only potential cultural resource of concern in the open ocean portions of the GOA. There are no
known prehistoric or historic archaeological resources, architectural resources, or traditional cultural
properties within the GOA.
Cumulative impacts on cultural resources would consist of the effects of the Proposed Action in
combination with other cumulative actions and processes (as listed in Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3), that
would affect shipwrecks and associated open ocean-bottom resources. Of the cumulative projects and
activities identified in the GOA, only fish trawling could have such an effect. Trawling for bottom fish
and invertebrates in the GOA is a widespread and long-standing practice. In light of the effects of
trawling on deep sea corals, it is unlikely that any wrecks in the GOA retain sufficient integrity to be
considered as cultural resources. Trawling is expected to continue at current levels for the foreseeable
The analysis presented determined that the Proposed Action would have no potential to affect underwater
cultural resources on the floor of the ocean. Project activities would not disturb the ocean floor where
cultural resources may be present. Navy activities in the GOA will not add to any cumulative impacts on
cultural resources from other ongoing and anticipated ocean activities.
Other current, planned, and reasonably foreseeable projects and processes in the GOA are not expected to
have a substantial effect on vessel traffic and circulation. The volume of cargo vessels traversing the
GOA is expected to increase moderately, while the volume of tanker traffic is not expected to change
substantially. For hazardous training activities in the TMAA or W-612, the Navy would continue to issue
NOTMARs. With cumulative increases in vessel traffic, the numbers of vessels detouring around the
TMAA would increase, but the affected vessels would not be prevented from reaching their destinations.
Thus, cumulative impacts on marine transportation are expected to be less than significant.
4.2.12 Socioeconomics
The economy of the coastal communities is based on commercial fishing of pink and red salmon, fish
processing, timber, minerals, agriculture and tourism. Current socioeconomic conditions in the GOA
primarily are associated with fishing. Several native communities rely on the harvesting of marine
resources (fish, shellfish, marine mammals, birds) for subsistence. Tourism also is a socioeconomic factor
in the area, but tourism activities mostly occur in coastal waters. Vessels and aircraft transiting across the
GOA value it as a relatively short, unimpeded route between source and destination; disruption or
displacement of this traffic would incrementally increase operating costs for the transportation industry.
The area has some potential for oil and gas development, primarily on the continental shelves on its
northern and western margins. Fishing in the GOA is a mature industry with little remaining potential for
substantial growth, and the possibility exists that one or more major fisheries will be further restricted in
the future to protect fish stocks from overfishing.
Several native communities rely for their subsistence on the harvesting of marine resources (fish,
shellfish, marine mammals, birds). The economy of the coastal communities is based on commercial
fishing of pink and red salmon, fish processing, timber, minerals, agriculture and tourism. Shellfish
fisheries developed in the 1960s in the Gulf of Alaska (see Our Living Oceans, 1999). Conflicts have
emerged between coastal and offshore interests. In 1998, there was an increase of visitors to over 1
million a year. The livelihood of 70,000 full-time residents living in the area was directly affected by the
Exxon Valdez oil spill. They had to overcome the effects of the oil-related fish mortalities. Others using
the area seasonally for work or recreation were also affected.
Cumulative impacts on socioeconomics would consist of the effects of the Proposed Action in
combination with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions and processes that would
significantly affect regional employment, income, housing, or infrastructure. Port development and
coastal development (see Table 4-1) would contribute to long-term economic growth. Increased marine
vessel traffic (Section and commercial air traffic (Section would incrementally increase
regional employment. Employment and income could be substantially affected by changes in fishing or
tourism activities, or development of other resource extraction industries (e.g., oil and gas). Based on the
socioeconomic resources available and sectors represented in the GOA, no direct cumulative impacts on
housing or infrastructure are expected, although declines in employment and income could indirectly
affect housing demand or funding for infrastructure projects.
Implementation of the Proposed Action alone would not produce any significant regional employment,
income, housing, or infrastructure impacts. Effects on commercial and recreational fishermen, and boaters
would be short-term and would produce some temporary access limitations. Some activities in the
TMAA, especially if coincident with peak fishing locations and periods, could cause temporary
displacement of and potential economic loss to individual fishermen. However, most activities within the
TMAA are short in duration and have a small operational footprint. Effects on fishermen are mitigated by
a series of Navy initiatives, including public notification of scheduled activities, near-real time schedule
updates, prompt notification of schedule changes, and adjustment of hazardous activities areas. In selected
instances where safety requires exclusive use of a specific area, fishermen may be asked to relocate to a
safer nearby area for the duration of the activity. These measures would not have a noticeable effect on
any individual fisherman, overall commercial revenue, or public recreational opportunities.
Other current, planned, and reasonably foreseeable projects and processes would have little effect on
socioeconomic conditions in the GOA. The fishing industry is not expected to change substantially (see
Section An expected moderate increase in cargo vessels (see Table 4-1 and Section
would have a small, but positive effect on socioeconomic conditions in the region, as would development
of oil and gas resources on the outer continental shelf. Moderate growth in the tourism industry,
especially in cruise ship traffic, as well as the local economic stimulus of planned infrastructure projects
in coastal areas (see Table 4-1) would have a moderate, beneficial economic effect in communities on the
northern and western margins of the GOA.
The aggregate effects of cumulative projects and processes on socioeconomic factors in the GOA region
are expected to be moderately beneficial, but not significant. The Proposed Action, as noted above, would
not contribute to these cumulative impacts. Therefore, the Proposed Action would not result in significant
cumulative socioeconomic impacts.
4.2.13 Environmental Justice and Protection of Children
No permanent human population exists in the GOA, and no cumulative effects on environmental justice
or protection of children are possible without resident populations. Populations within the greater GOA
region are not affected by Navy training activities because of the rare and inconsistent nature of these
activities. Based on these factors, no disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental
effects on minority or low-income populations would occur from implementation of the Proposed Action.
Therefore, no cumulative impacts would occur because the aggregate impacts of the Proposed Action and
other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, are not significant.
4.2.14 Public Safety
Despite the size of the GOA, the frequently severe weather, and the large number of vessels and aircraft
that operate in or traverse the area, substantial accidents posing a safety risk to the public are rare. Most
reported accidents involve commercial vessels. Of these, on-board fires appear to be the most common
type of accident, followed by groundings. Vessel sinkings and collisions and aircraft accidents are very
rare. The potentials for vessel groundings and collisions, moreover, are much higher in coastal waters
where vessel traffic is substantially more congested than in the open GOA and obstacles to navigation are
much more common. Thus, current risks to public safety in the GOA from past and present activities are
very low.
Cumulative impacts on public safety would consist of the combined effects of the Proposed Action and
other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions and processes (as listed in Sections 4.1.2
and 4.1.3) on public safety conditions in the GOA. Navy training poses potential risks to the public in the
GOA primarily through aircraft and vessel movements, live ordnance fire, and explosive ordnance, in
combination with the accidental presence of non-participants in a designated temporary training area.
Aircraft and ship collisions would be the primary public safety concern. These risks are minimized
through standard Navy practices and procedures. The incremental increase in public safety risk from
temporary Navy operations in the GOA probably is offset by the availability of substantial Navy physical
assets and communications systems to assist in search-and-rescue operations in the event of an accident
involving a commercial or private aircraft or vessel.
Other projects and activities that would increase the number aircraft or vessels in the GOA, or the
duration of their presence there, such as additional cruise ship and marine cargo traffic (see Section and increased commercial airliner traffic (see Section, could increase public safety risks
in the future. Projects that increased the number of individuals present in the GOA also could increase the
public safety risk by increasing the population exposed to such risks. Other proposed or operational
commercial, industrial, and recreational activities in the GOA would not substantially affect public safety.
Based on the existing low incidence of vessel and aircraft accidents and an anticipated moderate increase
in aircraft and vessel activities in the GOA in the foreseeable future, the overall public safety risk in the
GOA is expected to remain less than significant.
The Proposed Action would not contribute substantially to the public safety risks in the GOA resulting
from other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future actions. As noted above, the Proposed Action
could have a beneficial effect on cumulative public safety risk in this remote region of the GOA because
Navy assets could assist commercial or private aircraft or vessels in distress. Therefore, the cumulative
impact on public safety from implementation of the Proposed Action, when added to past, present, or
reasonably foreseeable projects in the GOA would be less than significant.
Effective training in the Alaska Training Areas (ATA) dictates that aircraft, ship, and submarine
participants utilize their sensors and weapon systems to their optimum capabilities as required by the
training objectives. The Navy recognizes that such use has the potential to cause behavioral disruption of
some marine mammal species in the vicinity of training (as outlined in Chapter 3). National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations require that an Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) include analysis of appropriate mitigation measures not
already included in the Proposed Action or Alternatives (40 Code of Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] §
1502.14 [h]). Each of the Alternatives, including the Proposed Action considered in this EIS/OEIS,
includes mitigation measures intended to reduce the environmental effects of Navy activities as discussed
throughout this EIS/OEIS.
This chapter presents the Navy’s standard protective measures in detail, outlining steps that would be
implemented to protect marine mammals and federally listed species during training activities. These
protective measures will mitigate impacts resulting from training. It should be noted that protective
measures have been standard operating procedures since 2004 for all levels of training from unit-level
training through Major Exercises. This chapter also presents a discussion of other measures that have
been considered but not adopted because they were determined either (1) not feasible, (2) to present a
safety risk, (3) to provide no known or ambiguous protective benefit, or (4) to have an unacceptable
impact on training fidelity.
As previously mentioned, the majority of training activities conducted by the Navy are contained within
the Temporary Maritime Activities Area (TMAA). For Navy training activities that do occur in the inland
ranges of the United States (U.S.) Air Force (USAF) and the training lands of the U.S. Army, applicable
rules, regulations, safety procedures, standard operating procedures, and mitigation measures of those
installations and training areas will be observed by all Navy participants. As such, this chapter focuses on
protective measures specific to activities conducted within the TMAA and Warning Area 612 (W-612).
The Navy has also implemented hazardous materials management programs to ensure compliance and
provide guidance on handling and disposing of such materials. Navy instructions include stringent
discharge, storage, and pollution prevention measures and require facility managers to reduce, to the
extent possible, quantities of toxic substances released into the environment. All Navy vessels and
facilities have comprehensive programs in place that implement responsible stewardship, hazardous
materials management and minimization, pollution prevention, recycling, and spill prevention and
response. These and other programs allow Navy ships to retain used and excess hazardous material on
board for shore offload within 5 working days of arrival at a Navy port. All activities can return excess
and unused hazardous materials to the Navy’s Hazardous Material Minimization Centers. Additional
information regarding water discharge restrictions for Navy vessels is provided in Table 5-1, Water
At sea, Navy vessels are required to operate in a manner that minimizes or eliminates any adverse impacts
to the marine environment. Environmental compliance policies and procedures applicable to shipboard
operations afloat are defined in the Navy Environmental and Natural Resources Program Manual (DoN
2007), Chapter 4, “Pollution Prevention,” and Chapter 22, “Environmental Compliance Afloat”;
Department of Defense (DoD) Instruction 5000.2-R (§C5., “Pollution Prevention”). In addition,
provisions in Executive Order (EO) 12856, Federal Compliance With Right-To-Know Laws and Pollution
Prevention Requirements, and EO 13101, Greening the Government through Waste Prevention,
Recycling, and Federal Acquisition reinforce the Clean Water Act’s (CWA’s) prohibition against
discharge of harmful quantities of hazardous substances into or upon U.S. waters out to 200 nautical
miles (nm) (371 kilometers [km]), and mandate stringent hazardous waste discharge, storage, dumping,
and pollution prevention requirements. Table 5-1 provides information on Navy SOPs and BMPs for
shipboard management, storage, and discharge of hazardous materials and wastes, and on other pollution
protection measures intended to protect water quality. Although not applicable to the Gulf of Alaska
(GOA) Navy Training Activities EIS/OEIS, onshore policies and procedures related to spills of oil and
hazardous materials are detailed in OPNAVISNT 5090.1C, Chapter 12.
Shipboard waste-handling procedures governing the discharge of nonhazardous waste streams have been
established for commercial and Navy vessels. These categories of wastes include solids (garbage) and
liquids such as “black water” (sewage), “gray water” (water from deck drains, showers, dishwashers,
laundries, etc.), and oily wastes (oil-water mixtures). Table 5-1 summarizes the waste stream discharge
restrictions for Navy vessels at sea.
Aircraft SOPs are largely oriented toward safety, which also provide significant noise abatement benefits.
For example, many SOPs involve flight routing and minimum altitudes. Each of these procedures
increases the range of the noise source from human receptors, thus reducing noise impacts. Additionally,
each aircrew will be familiar with the noise profiles of their aircraft and shall be committed to minimizing
noise impacts without compromising operational and safety requirements. Flights of naval aircraft shall
be conducted so that a minimum of annoyance is experienced by persons that may be below. It is not
enough for the pilot to be satisfied that no person is actually endangered. Definite and particular effort
shall be taken to fly in such a manner that individuals do not believe they or their property are
Military personnel who might be exposed to sound in the air from military activities, such as military
aircraft or at sea explosions heard on the surface of the ocean, are required to take precautions, such as the
wearing of protective equipment, to reduce or eliminate potential harmful effects of such exposure. With
regard to potential exposure of non-military personnel in the ocean, precautions are taken pursuant to
SOPs to prevent such exposure. These include advance notice of scheduled training activities to the public
and the commercial fishing community via the worldwide web, Notices to Mariners (NOTMARs), and
Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs). In addition, range safety SOPs ensure that civilians are excluded from,
and if necessary removed from areas of military activities, or that military activities do not occur when
civilians are present. These procedures have proven to be effective at minimizing potential military /
civilian interactions in the course of training or other military activities.
Subsequently, the buffer zones that have been established to reduce or eliminate potential effects of Navy
activities on marine mammals serve to reduce or eliminate potential effects on marine plants and
invertebrates as well. The buffer zones for marine mammals have been designated for training events
using both explosive and nonexplosive ordnance. Lookouts are posted to visually survey for floating kelp,
plants, or algal mats which are objects that sea turtles and other marine mammals are drawn to. For
training activities using explosive ordnance, the intended impact area shall not be within 600 yards (yd)
(585 meters [m]) of known or observed kelp beds, floating plants, or algal mats. For training events using
nonexplosive ordnance, intended impact area shall not be within 200 yd (183 m) of known or observed
kelp beds, floating plants, or algal mats. For air-to-surface missile exercises, the buffer zone is extended
to 1,800 yd (1,646 m) around hard bottom communities, kelp forests, floating plants, and algal mats, for
both explosive and nonexplosive ordnance.
5.1.6 Fish
Mitigation measures for at-sea activities involving explosive ordnance, implemented for marine mammals
and sea turtles, also offer protections to habitats associated with fish communities. No additional
mitigation measures are proposed or warranted because no substantial effects on fish or fish habitat were
5.1.7 Birds
The majority of aircraft activities that might affect seabirds are concentrated within the TMAA where the
potential for bird aircraft strikes exists. Pursuant to Navy instruction (OPNAVINST 3750.6R), measures
to evaluate and reduce or eliminate this hazard to aircraft, aircrews, and birds are implemented during
activities in the TMAA. Additionally, guidance involving land or at sea activities involving explosive
ordnance contains instructions to personnel to observe the surrounding area within 700 yd (640 m) for 30
minutes prior to detonation. If birds (or marine mammals or sea turtles) are seen, the activity must be
relocated to an unoccupied area or postponed until animals leave the area. Monitoring of seabird
populations and colonies by conservation groups and researchers is conducted intermittently within
coastal areas and offshore islands with limited support from various military commands.
The Navy has established protective measures to reduce potential effects on cultural and natural resources
from training activities. Some are generally applicable, while others apply to particular geographic areas
during specific times of year for certain types of Navy training activities. These measures are based on
environmental analyses conducted by the Navy for coastal waters and for land and sea ranges.
Most of these protective measures are focused on protection of the natural environment. Such protective
measures also benefit culturally valued natural resources such as salmon and shellfish. Some of the
protective measures include use of inert ordnance and passive tracking and acoustical tools, avoidance of
sensitive habitats, and visually monitoring areas to ensure significant concentrations of sea life are not
• Publication of NOTAMs advising of the status and nature of activities being conducted in the
TMAA and Warning Area (W)-612.
• Return of Special-Use Airspace (SUA) to civilian Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) control
when not in use for military activities. To accommodate the joint use of SUA, a Letter of
Agreement is in place between the military and the Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center
(ARTCC). The Letter of Agreement defines the conditions and procedures to ensure safe and
efficient joint use of the TMAA and Warning Area.
• Publication of NOTMARs and other outreach mechanism. The Navy provides information about
training activities planned for the TMAA, for publication by the U.S. Coast Guard in NOTMARs.
• Developing methods of outreach with the fishing community.
5.1.10 Socioeconomics
Given the nature and location of Navy activities addressed in this EIS/OEIS, mitigation and protective
measures are unnecessary with respect to socioeconomic considerations.
• Commanders are responsible for ensuring that impact areas and targets are clear prior to
commencing activities that are hazardous.
• Aircraft or vessels expending ordnance shall not commence firing without permission of the
scheduling authority for their specific range area.
• Firing units and targets must remain in their assigned areas, and units must fire in accordance
with current safety instructions.
• Ships are authorized to fire their weapons only in offshore areas and at specific distances from
land, depending on the caliber and range of the weapons fired.
• The use of pyrotechnic or illumination devices and marine markers such as smoke or dye markers
will be allowed only in the assigned areas, to avoid the launch of Search and Rescue forces when
not required. Aircraft carrying ordnance to or from ranges shall avoid populated areas to the
maximum extent possible.
• Aircrews operating in the TMAA and W-612 are aware that nonparticipating aircraft are not
precluded from entering the area and may not comply with a NOTAM or radio warning that
hazardous activities are scheduled or occurring. Aircrews are required to maintain a continuous
lookout for non-participating aircraft while operating under Visual Flight Rules (VFRs) in the
TMAA or W-612.
In addition to the above-mentioned procedures, the Navy has instituted the following SOPs for use in the
The Navy has implemented a variety of marine mammal mitigation measures over the last two decades.
The following discussion briefly describes the genesis and status of those mitigation measures.
The Navy has developed and implemented mitigation measures as a result of environmental analysis or in
consultation with regulatory agencies for research, development, test, and evaluation activities (RDT&E)
and training exercises involving various sonar systems. These measures included visual detection by
trained lookouts, power down and shut down procedures, the use of passive sensors to detect marine
mammals, and avoidance of marine mammals.
In December 2000, the Navy issued a memorandum entitled “Compliance with Environmental
Requirements in the Conduct of Naval Exercises or Training at Sea” (DoN 2000). This memorandum
clarified Navy policy for continued compliance with certain environmental requirements including
preparation of environmental planning documents, consultations pursuant to the Endangered Species Act
(ESA), and applications for “take” authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA).
In 2003, the Navy issued the Protective Measures Assessment Protocol (PMAP) that implemented Navy-
wide mitigation measures for various types of routine training events. Following the implementation of
PMAP, the Navy agreed to additional mitigation measures as part of MMPA authorization and ESA
consultation processes for specific training exercises from 2004-2007.
This Section describes mitigation measures applicable to the military readiness activities described in
Chapter 2 within the study area of the GOA Draft EIS/OEIS.
Effective training in the GOA dictates that ship, submarine, and aircraft participants utilize their sensors
and exercise weapons to their optimum capabilities as required by the mission. This section is a
comprehensive list of mitigation measures that would be utilized for training activities analyzed in the
EIS/OEIS in order to minimize potential for impacts on marine mammals and sea turtles in the GOA.
Marine mammals may be exposed to sound energy levels sufficient to cause a physiological effect. As
described in Section 3.8, specific received sound energy levels are associated with permanent threshold
shift (PTS), a permanent hearing loss over a subsection of an animal’s hearing range (injury); and with
temporary threshold shift (TTS), a temporary hearing loss and associated behavioral disruption. Received
sound energy level thresholds for PTS and TTS from exposure to mid-frequency sonar are 215 dB re
1µPa2-s and 195dB 1µPa2-s respectively. The predicted ranges, or distances, to received sound energy
levels associated with marine mammal PTS and TTS for the most powerful and the most commonly used
shipboard mid-frequency active sonar used in the Gulf of Alaska are shown in Table 5-2.
The typical ranges, or distances, from the most powerful and common active sonar sources used in the
ATA to received sound energy levels associated with TTS and PTS are shown in Table 5-2. Due to
spreading loss, sound attenuates logarithmically from the source, so the area in which an animal could be
exposed to potential injury (PTS) is small. Because the most powerful sources would typically be used in
deep water and the range to effect is limited, spherical spreading is assumed for 195 decibels referenced
to 1 micro-Pascal squared second (dB re 1μPa2-s) and above. Also, due to the limited ranges, interactions
with the bottom or surface ducts are rarely an issue.
Current mitigation measures employed by the Navy include applicable training of personnel and
implementation of activity specific procedures resulting in minimization and/or avoidance of interactions
with protected resources.
• All Commanding Officers (COs), Executive Officers (XOs), lookouts, OODs, Junior OODs
(JOODs), maritime patrol aircraft aircrews, and Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)/Mine Warfare
(MIW) helicopter crews will complete the NMFS-approved Marine Species Awareness Training
(MSAT) by viewing the U.S. Navy MSAT digital versatile disk (DVD). MSAT may also be
viewed on-line at https://portal.navfac.navy.mil/go/msat. MSAT training must be reviewed at
least annually and again prior to the first use of mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar and/or IEER
during major ASW exercises (e.g., Composite Training Unit Exercise [COMPTUEX] and Rim of
the Pacific Exercise [RIMPAC]). This training must be recorded in the individual’s training
• Navy lookouts will undertake extensive training to qualify as a watchstander in accordance with
the Lookout Training Handbook (Naval Education and Training Command [NAVEDTRA]
• Lookout training will include on-the-job instruction under the supervision of a qualified,
experienced watchstander. Following successful completion of this supervised training period,
lookouts will complete the Personal Qualification Standard Program, certifying that they have
demonstrated the necessary skills (such as detection and reporting of partially submerged
objects). Personnel being trained as lookouts can be counted among required lookouts as long as
supervisors monitor their progress and performance.
• Lookouts will be trained in the most effective means to ensure quick and effective
communication within the command structure to facilitate implementation of mitigation measures
if marine species are spotted.
• Lookouts’ ability to detect objects in the water, including marine mammals and sea turtles, is
critical to Navy environmental compliance and will be evaluated by Navy and contracted
Operating Procedures & Collision Avoidance
• Prior to major exercises, a Letter of Instruction, Mitigation Measures Message or Environmental
Annex to the Operational Order will be issued to further disseminate the personnel training
requirement and general marine species mitigation measures.
• COs will make use of marine species detection cues and information to limit interaction with
marine species to the maximum extent possible consistent with safety of the ship.
• While underway, surface vessels will have at least two lookouts with binoculars; surfaced
submarines will have at least one lookout with binoculars. Lookouts already posted for safety of
navigation and man-overboard precautions may be used to fill this requirement. As part of their
regular duties, lookouts will watch for and report to the OOD the presence of marine mammals
and sea turtles.
• On surface vessels equipped with a MFA sonar, pedestal mounted “Big Eye” (20x110) binoculars
will be properly installed and in good working order to assist in the detection of marine mammals
in the vicinity of the vessel.
• Personnel on lookout will employ visual search procedures employing a scanning methodology in
accordance with the Lookout Training Handbook.
• After sunset and prior to sunrise, lookouts will employ Night Lookout Techniques in accordance
with the Lookout Training Handbook.
• Personnel on lookout will be responsible for reporting all objects or anomalies sighted in the
water (regardless of the distance from the vessel) to the OOD, since any object or disturbance
(e.g., trash, periscope, surface disturbance, discoloration) in the water may be indicative of a
threat to the vessel and its crew, or indicative of a marine species that may need to be avoided as
warranted. Navy environmental compliance relies heavily on the abilities of lookouts to detect
and avoid protected species. Therefore, it is critical that lookouts be vigilant in their reporting.
• While in transit, naval vessels will be alert at all times, use extreme caution, and proceed at a
“safe speed” so that the vessel can take proper and effective action to avoid a collision with any
marine animal and can be stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances
and conditions.
• When sea turtles or marine mammals have been sighted in the area, Navy vessels will increase
vigilance and take reasonable and practicable actions to avoid collisions and activities that might
result in close interaction of naval assets and marine mammals. Actions may include changing
speed and/or direction and are dictated by environmental and other conditions (e.g., safety,
• Naval vessels will maneuver to keep at least 1,500 ft (500 yds) away from any observed whale in
the vessel's path and avoid approaching whales head-on. These requirements do not apply if a
vessel's safety is threatened, such as when change of course will create an imminent and serious
threat to a person, vessel, or aircraft, and to the extent vessels are restricted in their ability to
maneuver. Restricted maneuverability includes, but is not limited to, situations when vessels are
engaged in dredging, submerged activities, launching and recovering aircraft or landing craft,
minesweeping activities, replenishment while underway and towing activities that severely
restrict a vessel's ability to deviate course. Vessels will take reasonable steps to alert other vessels
in the vicinity of the whale. Given rapid swimming speeds and maneuverability of many dolphin
species, naval vessels would maintain normal course and speed on sighting dolphins unless some
condition indicated a need for the vessel to maneuver.
• Floating weeds and kelp, algal mats, clusters of seabirds, and jellyfish are good indicators of
marine mammals. Therefore, where these circumstances are present, the Navy will exercise
increased vigilance in watching for marine mammals.
• Navy aircraft participating in exercises at sea will conduct and maintain, when operationally
feasible and safe, surveillance for marine mammals as long as it does not violate safety
constraints or interfere with the accomplishment of primary operational duties. Marine mammal
detections will be immediately reported to assigned Aircraft Control Unit for further
dissemination to ships in the vicinity of the marine species as appropriate when it is reasonable to
conclude that the course of the ship will likely result in a closing of the distance to the detected
marine mammal.
• All vessels will maintain logs and records documenting training operations should they be
required for event reconstruction purposes. Logs and records will be kept for a period of 30 days
following completion of a major training exercise. Measures for Specific Training Events
Mid-Frequency Active Sonar Activities
General Maritime Mitigation Measures: Personnel Training
• All lookouts onboard platforms involved in ASW training events will review the NMFS-approved
MSAT material prior to use of MFA sonar.
• All COs, XOs, and officers standing watch on the bridge will have reviewed the MSAT material
prior to a training event employing the use of MFA sonar.
• Navy lookouts will undertake extensive training in order to qualify as a watchstander in
accordance with the Lookout Training Handbook.
• Lookout training will include on-the-job instruction under the supervision of a qualified,
experienced watchstander. Following successful completion of this supervised training period,
lookouts will complete the Personal Qualification Standard program, certifying that they have
demonstrated the necessary skills (such as detection and reporting of partially submerged
objects). This does not forbid personnel being trained as lookouts from being counted as those
listed in previous measures so long as supervisors monitor their progress and performance.
• Lookouts will be trained in the most effective means to ensure quick and effective
communication within the command structure in order to facilitate implementation of mitigation
measures if marine species are spotted.
General Maritime Mitigation Measures: Lookout and Watchstander Responsibilities
• On the bridge of surface ships, there will always be at least three people on watch whose duties
include observing the water surface around the vessel.
• All surface ships participating in ASW training events will, in addition to the three personnel on
watch noted previously, have at all times during the exercise at least two additional personnel on
watch as marine mammal lookouts.
• Personnel on lookout and officers on watch on the bridge will have at least one set of binoculars
available for each person to aid in the detection of marine mammals.
• On surface vessels equipped with MFA sonar, pedestal mounted “Big Eye” (20x110) binoculars
will be present and in good working order to assist in the detection of marine mammals in the
vicinity of the vessel.
• Personnel on lookout will employ visual search procedures employing a scanning methodology in
accordance with the Lookout Training Handbook.
• After sunset and prior to sunrise, lookouts will employ Night Lookout Techniques in accordance
with the Lookout Training Handbook.
• Personnel on lookout will be responsible for reporting all objects or anomalies sighted in the
water (regardless of the distance from the vessel) to the OOD, since any object or disturbance
(e.g., trash, periscope, surface disturbance, discoloration) in the water may be indicative of a
threat to the vessel and its crew or indicative of a marine species that may need to be avoided as
Operating Procedures
• A Letter of Instruction, Mitigation Measures Message, or Environmental Annex to the
Operational Order will be issued prior to the exercise to further disseminate the personnel training
requirement and general marine mammal mitigation measures.
• COs and OICs will make use of marine species detection cues and information to limit interaction
with marine species to the maximum extent possible, consistent with safety of the ship.
• All personnel engaged in passive acoustic sonar operation (including aircraft, surface ships, or
submarines) will monitor for marine mammal vocalizations and report the detection of any
marine mammal to the appropriate watch station for dissemination and appropriate action.
• During MFA sonar operations, personnel will utilize all available sensor and optical systems
(such as night vision goggles) to aid in the detection of marine mammals.
• Navy aircraft participating in exercises at sea will conduct and maintain, when operationally
feasible and safe, surveillance for marine species of concern as long as it does not violate safety
constraints or interfere with the accomplishment of primary operational duties.
• Aircraft with deployed sonobuoys will use only the passive capability of sonobuoys when marine
mammals are detected within 200 yd (183 m) of the sonobuoy. Only the sonobuoys that are
impacted by the mammal presence within 200 yd (183 m) need to be used in passive mode.
• Marine mammal detections will be immediately reported to assigned Aircraft Control Unit for
further dissemination to ships in the vicinity of the marine species, as appropriate, where it is
reasonable to conclude that the course of the ship will likely result in a closing of the distance to
the detected marine mammal.
• Safety Zones—When marine mammals are detected by any means (aircraft, shipboard lookout, or
acoustically) within 1,000 yd (914 m) of the sonar dome (the bow), the ship or submarine will
limit active transmission levels to at least 6 decibels (dB) below normal operating levels. (A 6 dB
reduction equates to a 75 percent power reduction. The reason is that decibel levels are on a
logarithmic scale, not a linear scale. Thus, a 6 dB reduction results in a power level only 25
percent of the original power.)
o Ships and submarines will continue to limit maximum transmission levels by this 6-dB
factor until the animal has been seen to leave the 1,000 yd safety zone, has not been
detected for 30 minutes, or the vessel has transited more than 2,000 yd (1,829 m) beyond
the location of the last detection.
o Should a marine mammal be detected within 500 yd (457 m) of the sonar dome, active
sonar transmissions will be limited to at least 10 dB below the equipment's normal
operating level. (A 10 dB reduction equates to a 90 percent power recuction from normal
operating levels.) Ships and submarines will continue to limit maximum ping levels by
this 10-dB factor until the animal has been seen to leave the 500 yd safety zone, has not
been detected for 30 minutes, or the vessel has transited more than 2,000 yd (1,829 m)
beyond the location of the last detection.
o Should the marine mammal be detected within 200 yd (183 m) of the sonar dome, active
sonar transmissions will cease. Sonar will not resume until the animal has been seen to
leave the 200 yd safety zone, has not been detected for 30 minutes, or the vessel has
transited more than 2,000 yd (1,829 m) beyond the location of the last detection.
o Special conditions applicable for dolphins and porpoises only: If, after conducting an
initial maneuver to avoid close quarters with dolphins or porpoises, the OOD concludes
that dolphins or porpoises are deliberately closing to ride the vessel's bow wave, no
further mitigation actions are necessary while the dolphins or porpoises continue to
exhibit bow wave riding behavior.
o If the need for power-down should arise as detailed in “Safety Zones” above, the Navy
will follow the requirements as though they were operating at 235 dB, the normal
operating level (i.e., the first power-down will be to 229 dB, regardless of at what level
above 235 dB active sonar was being operated).
• Prior to start up or restart of active sonar, operators will check that the Safety Zone radius around
the sound source is clear of marine mammals.
• Active sonar levels (generally)—Navy will operate active sonar at the lowest practicable level,
not to exceed 235 dB, except as required to meet tactical training objectives.
• Helicopters will observe/survey the vicinity of an ASW training event for 10 minutes before the
first deployment of active (dipping) sonar in the water.
• Helicopters will not dip their active sonar within 200 yd (183 m) of a marine mammal and will
cease pinging if a marine mammal closes within 200 yd (183 m) after pinging has begun.
• Submarine sonar operators will review detection indicators of close-aboard marine mammals
prior to the commencement of ASW training events involving MFA sonar.
• Night vision goggles will be available to all ships and air crews, for use as appropriate.
• Increased vigilance during major ASW training exercise with tactical active sonar when critical
conditions are present.
The Navy should avoid planning major ASW training exercises with MFA sonar in areas where
they will encounter conditions which, in their aggregate, may contribute to a marine mammal
stranding event. Of particular concern are beaked whales, for which strandings have been
associated with MFA sonar operations.
The conditions to be considered during exercise planning include:
o Areas of at least 1,000 m (3,280 ft) depth near a shoreline where there is a rapid change
in bathymetry on the order of 1,000-6,000 m (3,280-19,685 ft) occurring across a
relatively short horizontal distance (e.g., 5 nm).
o Cases for which multiple ships or submarines (≥ 3) operating MFA sonar in the same
area over extended periods of time (≥ 6 hours) in close proximity (≤ 10 nm apart).
o An area surrounded by land masses, separated by less than 35 nm and at least 10 nm in
length, or an embayment, wherein operations involving multiple ships/submarines (≥ 3)
employing MFA sonar near land may produce sound directed toward the channel or
embayment that may cut off the lines of egress for marine mammals.
o Though not as dominant a condition as bathymetric features, the historical presence of a
significant surface duct (i.e., a mixed layer of constant water temperature extending from
the sea surface to 100 ft [30 m] or more).
If the Major exercise must occur in an area where the above conditions exist in their aggregate, these
conditions must be fully analyzed in environmental planning documentation. Requests to conduct an
exercise that meet these conditions must be sent to the applicable U.S. Navy Component Commander no
later than 90 days prior to the scheduled exercise. At a minimum, the request must contain dates of the
exercise, location, participating units, and anticipated total time of MFA sonar use. The Navy will
increase vigilance under these circumstances by undertaking the following additional mitigation
• The exercises will be conducted only if marine mammals are not visible within the buffer zone.
Air-to-Surface Missile Exercises (explosive and nonexplosive)
• Ordnance will not be targeted to impact within 1,800 yd (1,646 m) of known or observed floating
• Aircraft will visually survey the target area for marine mammals. Visual inspection of the target
area will be made by flying at 1,500 ft (457 m) or lower, if safe to do so, and at slowest safe
speed. Firing or range clearance aircraft must be able to actually see ordnance impact areas.
Explosive ordnance will not be targeted to impact within 1,800 yd (1646 m) of sighted marine
Sinking Exercise (SINKEX)
The selection of sites suitable for SINKEX involves a balance of operational suitability and requirements
established under the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) permit granted to the
Navy (40 Code of Federal Regulations § 229.2). To meet operational suitability criteria, locations must be
within a reasonable distance of the target vessels’ originating locations. The locations should also be close
to active military bases to allow participating assets access to shore facilities. For safety purposes, these
locations should also be in areas that are not generally used by non-military air or watercraft. The
MPRSA permit requires vessels to be sunk in waters which are at least 1,000 fathoms (6,000 ft [2,000
yds/1,829 m]) deep and at least 50 nm (92.6 km) from land.
In general, most marine mammals prefer areas with strong bathymetric gradients and oceanographic
fronts for significant biological activity such as feeding and reproduction. Typical locations include the
continental shelf and shelf-edge.
o All visual surveillance activities will be conducted by Navy personnel trained in visual
surveillance. At least one member of the mitigation team will have completed the Navy’s
marine mammal training program for lookouts.
o In addition to the overflights, the exclusion zone will be monitored by passive acoustic
means when assets are available. This passive acoustic monitoring would be maintained
throughout the exercise. Potential assets include sonobuoys, which can be utilized to
detect any vocalizing marine mammals (particularly sperm whales) in the vicinity of the
exercise. The sonobuoys will be re-seeded as necessary throughout the exercise.
Additionally, passive sonar onboard submarines may be utilized to detect any vocalizing
marine mammals in the area. The OCE would be informed of any aural detection of
marine mammals and would include this information in the determination of when it is
safe to commence the exercise.
o On each day of the exercise, aerial surveillance of the exclusion and safety zones will
commence two hours prior to the first firing.
o The results of all visual, aerial, and acoustic searches will be reported immediately to the
OCE. No weapons launches or firing may commence until the OCE declares the safety
and exclusion zones free of marine mammals.
o If a protected species observed within the exclusion zone is diving, firing will be delayed
until the animal is re-sighted outside the exclusion zone, or 30 minutes have elapsed.
After 30 minutes, if the animal has not been re-sighted it would be assumed to have left
the exclusion zone.
o During breaks in the exercise of 30 minutes or more, the exclusion zone will again be
surveyed for any protected species. If marine mammals are sighted within the exclusion
zone, the OCE would be notified, and the procedure described above would be followed.
o Upon sinking of the vessel, a final surveillance of the exclusion zone will be monitored
for two hours, or until sunset, to verify that no marine mammals were harmed.
• Aerial surveillance will be conducted using helicopters or other aircraft based on necessity and
availability. The Navy has several types of aircraft capable of performing this task; however, not
all types are available for every exercise. For each exercise, the available asset best suited for
identifying objects on and near the surface of the ocean would be used. These aircraft would be
capable of flying at the slow safe speeds necessary to enable viewing of marine vertebrates with
unobstructed, or minimally obstructed, downward and outward visibility. The exclusion and
safety zone surveys may be cancelled in the event that a mechanical problem, emergency search
and rescue, or other similar and unexpected event preempts the use of one of the aircraft onsite
for the exercise.
• Where practicable, the Navy will conduct the exercise in sea states that are ideal for marine
mammal sighting, i.e., Beaufort Sea State Level 3 or less. In the event of a Level 4 or above,
survey efforts will be increased within the exercise area. This will be accomplished through the
use of an additional aircraft, if available, and conducting tight search patterns.
• The exercise will not be conducted unless the exclusion zone can be adequately monitored
• In the event that any marine mammals are observed to be harmed in the area, a detailed
description of the animal will be taken, the location noted, and if possible, photos taken. This
information will be provided to NMFS via the Navy chain of command for purposes of
identification (see the Stranding Plan for detail).
• An after action report detailing the exercise time line, the time the surveys commenced and
terminated, amount, and types of all ordnance expended, and the results of survey efforts for each
event will be submitted to NMFS.
Mitigation Measures Related to Explosive Source Sonobuoys (AN/SSQ-110A)
AN/SSQ-110A Pattern Deployment
• Crews will conduct visual reconnaissance of the drop area prior to laying their intended sonobuoy
pattern. This search will be conducted below 1,500 ft (457 m) at a slow speed, if operationally
feasible and weather conditions permit. In dual aircraft operations, crews are allowed to conduct
coordinated area clearances.
• Crews will conduct a minimum of 30 minutes of visual and aural monitoring of the search area
prior to commanding the first post (source/receiver sonobuoy pair) detonation. This 30-minute
observation period may include pattern deployment time.
• For any part of the briefed pattern where a post (source/receiver sonobuoy pair) will be deployed
within 1,000 yd (914 m) of observed marine mammal activity, the Navy will deploy the receiver
ONLY and monitor while conducting a visual search. When marine mammals are no longer
detected within 1,000 yd (914 m) of the intended post position, the Navy will co-locate the
explosive source sonobuoys (AN/SSQ-110A) (source) with the receiver.
• When able, Navy crews will conduct continuous visual and aural monitoring of marine mammal
activity. This is to include monitoring of aircraft sensors from first sensor placement to checking
off-station and out of Radio Frequency (RF) range of these sensors.
AN/SSQ-110A Pattern Employment
• Aural Detection:
o If the presence of marine mammals is detected aurally, then that will cue the Navy
aircrew to increase the diligence of their visual surveillance.
o Subsequently, if no marine mammals are visually detected, then the crew may continue
multi-static active search.
• Visual Detection:
If marine mammals are visually detected within 1,000 yd (914 m) of the explosive source
sonobuoys (AN/SSQ-110A) intended for use, then that payload will not be detonated.
Aircrews may utilize this post once the marine mammals have not been re-sighted for 30
minutes, or are observed to have moved outside the 1,000 yd (914 m) safety buffer. Aircrews
may shift their multi-static active search to another post where marine mammals are outside
the 1,000 yd (914 m) safety buffer.
AN/SSQ-110A Scuttling Sonobuoys
• Aircrews will make every attempt to manually detonate the unexploded charges at each post in
the pattern prior to departing the operations area by using the “Payload 1 Release” command,
followed by the “Payload 2 Release” command. Aircrews will refrain from using the “Scuttle”
command when two payloads remain at a given post. Aircrews will ensure a 1,000 yd (914 m)
safety buffer, visually clear of marine mammals, is maintained around each post as is done during
active search operations.
• Aircrews will only leave posts with unexploded charges in the event of a sonobuoy malfunction,
an aircraft system malfunction, or when an aircraft must immediately depart the area due to issues
such as fuel constraints, inclement weather, and in-flight emergencies. In these cases, the
sonobuoy will self-scuttle using the secondary or tertiary method.
• The Navy will ensure all payloads are accounted for. Explosive source sonobuoys (AN/SSQ-
110A) that cannot be scuttled will be reported as unexploded ordnance via voice communications
while airborne, then upon landing via naval message.
• Mammal monitoring will continue until out of own-aircraft sensor range. Conservation Measures
Monitoring: Integrated Comprehensive Monitoring Program
The U.S. Navy is committed to demonstrating environmental stewardship while executing its National
Defense mission and is responsible for compliance with a suite of federal environmental and natural
resources laws and regulations that apply to the marine environment. As part of those responsibilities, an
assessment of the long-term and/or population-level effects of Navy training activities as well as the
efficacy of mitigation measures is necessary. The Navy is developing an Integrated Comprehensive
Monitoring Program (ICMP) for marine species in order to assess the effects of training activities on
marine species and investigate population trends in marine species distribution and abundance in various
range complexes and geographic locations where Navy training occurs. This program will emphasize
active sonar training.
• Monitor Navy training events, particularly those involving MFA sonar and at sea explosions, for
compliance with the terms and conditions of Endangered Species Act (ESA) Section 7
consultations or Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) authorizations;
• Collect data to support estimating the number of individuals exposed to sound levels above
current regulatory thresholds;
• Assess the efficacy of the Navy’s current marine species mitigation;
• Add to the knowledge base on potential behavioral and physiological effects to marine species
from mid-frequency active sonar and underwater detonations; and,
• Assess the practicality and effectiveness of a number of mitigation tools and techniques (some not
yet in use).
Adaptive Management
Adaptive management principles consider appropriate adjustments to mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting as the outcomes of the proposed actions and required mitigation are better understood. NMFS
includes adaptive management principles in the regulations for the implementation of the proposed action,
and any adaptive adjustments of mitigation and monitoring would be led by NMFS via the MMPA
process and developed in coordination with the Navy. Continued opportunity for public input would be
included via the MMPA process, as appropriate (i.e. via the “Letter of Authorization” process). The intent
of adaptive management here is to ensure the continued proper implementation of the required mitigation
measures, to conduct appropriate monitoring and evaluation efforts, and to recommend possible
adjustments to the mitigation/monitoring/reporting to accomplish the established goals of the mitigation
and monitoring which include:
• Avoidance or minimization of injury or death of marine mammals wherever possible,
• A reduction in the numbers of marine mammals (total number or number at biologically
important time or location) exposed to received levels of sound associated with the proposed
active sonar activities,
• A reduction in the number of times (total number or number at biologically important time or
location) individuals would be exposed to received levels,
• A reduction in the intensity of exposures (either total number or number at biologically important
time or location) to received levels,
• A reduction in effects to marine mammal habitat, paying special attention to the food base,
activities that block or limit passage to or from biologically important areas, permanent
destruction of habitat, or temporary destruction/disturbance of habitat during a biologically
important time, and
• For monitoring directly related to mitigation—an increase in the probability of detecting marine
mammals, thus allowing for more effective implementation of the mitigation measures (shut-
down zone, etc.).
• An increase in the probability of detecting marine mammals, both within the safety zone (thus
allowing for more effective implementation of the mitigation) and in general to generate more
data to contribute to the effects analyses.
• An increase in our understanding of how many marine mammals are likely to be exposed to
levels of MFA sonar/High-Frequency Active (HFA) sonar (or explosives or other stimuli) that we
associate with specific adverse effects, such as behavioral harassment, Temporary Threshold
Shift (TTS), or Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS).
• An increase in our understanding of how marine mammals respond to MFA sonar/HFA sonar (at
specific received levels), explosives, or other stimuli expected to result in take and how
anticipated adverse effects on individuals (in different ways and to varying degrees) may impact
the population, species, or stock (specifically through effects on annual rates of recruitment or
• An increased knowledge of the affected species.
• An increase in our understanding of the effectiveness of certain mitigation and monitoring
Generally speaking, adaptive management supports the integration of NEPA’s principles into the ongoing
implementation and management of the Proposed Action, including a process for improving, where
needed, the effectiveness of the identified mitigations. Note that any adjustment of mitigation and
monitoring would be within the scope of the environmental analyses and considerations presented in this
The Navy provides a significant amount of funding and support to marine research. In the past 5 years the
agency funded over $100 million ($26 million in Fiscal Year [FY] 08 alone) to universities, research
institutions, federal laboratories, private companies, and independent researchers around the world to
study marine mammals. The U.S. Navy sponsors 70 percent of all U.S. research concerning the effects of
human-generated sound on marine mammals and 50 percent of such research conducted worldwide.
Major topics of Navy-supported research include the following:
• Better understanding of marine species distribution and important habitat areas,
• Developing methods to detect and monitor marine species before and during training,
• Understanding the effects of sound on marine mammals, sea turtles, fish, and birds, and
result in increased knowledge of the species and of the level of taking or impacts on populations of
marine mammals that are expected to be present.
The GOA TMAA Monitoring Plan proposes monitoring goals for marine mammals that are unique with
regard to their breadth as well as their focus on potential impacts of mid-frequency active sonar (MFAS)
and underwater explosions on marine mammals and sea turtles. To accomplish these goals, the Navy will
use similar methods of implementation and data analysis which have demonstrated success in comparable
monitoring programs studying the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine animals. To this end, the
Navy in consultation with NMFS designed a series of focused “study questions” to gather data in various
combinations within the Navy’s range complexes to address:
• Question 1. Are marine mammals and sea turtles exposed to mid-frequency active sonar
(MFAS), especially at levels associated with adverse effects (i.e., based on NMFS’ criteria for
behavioral harassment, TTS, or PTS)? If so, at what levels are they exposed?
• Question 2. If marine mammals and sea turtles are exposed to MFAS in the TMAA, do they
redistribute geographically as a result of continued exposure? If so, how long does the
redistribution last?
• Question 3. If marine mammals and sea turtles are exposed to MFAS, what are their
behavioral responses to various levels?
• Question 4. What are the behavioral responses of marine mammals and sea turtles that are
exposed to explosives at specific levels?
• Question 5. Is the Navy’s suite of mitigation measures for MFAS and explosives (e.g.,
Protective Measures Assessment Protocol [PMAP]), major exercise measures agreed to by the
Navy through permitting) effective at avoiding TTS, injury, and mortality of marine mammals
and sea turtles?
Given the larger scope of training events within other Navy range complexes as compared to GOA, not
every one of these original five study questions will be addressed within the TMAA. Rather, data
collected from the GOA TMAA monitoring will be used to supplement a consolidated range complex
marine mammal monitoring report incorporating data from the Atlantic Fleet Active Sonar Training
Range, Hawaii Range Complex, Northwest Training Range Complex, Marianna Islands Range Complex,
and Southern California (SOCAL) Range Complex.
Monitoring methods proposed for the TMAA include use of passive acoustic monitoring to primarily
focus on providing additional data for study questions 2, 3, and 4. In addition, in April of 2009, the Navy
contributed approximately $150,000 in funding to support a NMFS marine mammal density survey of the
offshore waters in GOA. The goal of this validation monitoring was increase the state of awareness on
marine mammal occurrence, density, and distribution within GOA, an area that has not had significant
visual survey effort. In addition to the U.S. Pacific Fleet funded monitoring initiative, the Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO) Environmental Readiness Division and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) have
developed a coordinated Science & Technology and Research & Development program focused on
marine mammals and sound. Total investment in this program from 2004-2008 was $100 million. FY09
funding was $22 million. Continued funding at levels greater than $14 million is foreseen in subsequent
years (2010 and beyond).
This GOA TMAA Monitoring Plan has been designed to attempt gathering data on all species of marine
mammals and sea turtles observed in the TMAA study area. However, the Navy will prioritize monitoring
efforts for species based on regulatory requirement due to ESA-listing, and on non-ESA-listed beaked
whales. Therefore, offshore species for study within the Monitoring Plan that regularly occur within
TMAA will be prioritized for research as follows:
• Beaked whale species (Baird’s beaked whale, Cuvier’s beaked whale, Stejneger’s beaked whale)
• ESA-listed cetacean species (blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, North Pacific right whale,
sei whale, and sperm whale)
As an adaptive management strategy, the GOA TMAA Monitoring Plan will integrate elements from
Navy-wide marine mammal research into the regional monitoring and data analysis proposed in this Plan
when new technologies and techniques become available. Specific areas within the TMAA will be
selected after consultations with NMFS and the regional science community for the most appropriate
monitoring technique. Each monitoring technique has advantages and disadvantages that vary temporally
and spatially, as well as support one particular study objective better than another. Given potential sea
states and ocean conditions during winter, and the relatively infrequent Navy presence in the GOA,
passive acoustic monitoring represents the best current technique to employ within the TMAA. There
may be a number of potential additional marine mammal monitoring techniques, or variations of those
already described, that could be attempted under this Plan. Future modifications to the TMAA Monitoring
Plan may include integration of additional marine mammal monitoring techniques and research as either
new technology or new information becomes available. As part of future dialogue to begin in the summer
of 2010 with NMFS marine mammal scientists, Alaska academic scientists, and other subject matter
experts with extensive field monitoring experience, the Navy will continually solicit input and
recommendations to this Plan. An annual formal review with NMFS is being proposed at the end of each
year’s monitoring to capture lessons learned, and seek concurrence as to the best mix of monitoring
techniques to employ in the next year’s sampling based on scientific merit, applicability to the direct
research questions posed in this Plan, and logistic and economic feasibility. Stranding Response Plan for Major Navy Training Exercises in the TMAA
NMFS and the Navy will develop a draft Stranding Response Plan for Major Exercises in the TMAA.
Pursuant to 50 CFR Section 216.105, the proposed plan outlined below will be included by reference and
included in the TMAA proposed and final rules from NMFS, and included fully as part of (attached to)
the Navy’s MMPA LOA. This Stranding Response plan is specifically intended to outline the applicable
requirements the authorization is conditioned upon in the event that a marine mammal stranding is
reported in the TMAA during a major training exercise (MTE) (see glossary). As mentioned above,
NMFS considers all plausible causes within the course of a stranding investigation. However, this plan in
no way presumes that any strandings are related to, or caused by, Navy training activities, absent a
determination made in a Phase 2 Investigation as outlined in this plan, indicating that MFAS or explosive
detonation in the TMAA were a cause of and/or contributed to the stranding. This plan is designed to
address the following three issues:
• Mitigation – When marine mammals are in a situation that can be defined as a stranding (see
glossary below), they are experiencing physiological stress. When animals are stranded, and
alive, NMFS believes that exposing these compromised animals to additional known stressors
would likely exacerbate the animal’s distress and could potentially cause its death. Regardless of
the factor(s) that may have initially contributed to the stranding, it is NMFS' goal to avoid
exposing these animals to further stressors. Therefore, when live stranded cetaceans are in the
water and engaged in what is classified as an Uncommon Stranding Event (USE) (see Appendix
F), the shutdown component of this plan is intended to minimize the exposure of those animals to
MFAS and explosive detonations, regardless of whether or not these activities may have initially
played a role in the event.
• Monitoring – This plan will enhance the understanding of how MFAS (as well as other
environmental conditions) may, or may not, be associated with marine mammal injury or
strandings. Additionally, information gained from the investigations associated with this plan
may be used in the adaptive management of mitigation or monitoring measures in subsequent
LOAs, if appropriate. We note that detections of stranded marine mammals off the southern
Alaskan Coast are typically accomplished using passive surveillance, i.e. individuals conducting
their normal activities happen to see an animal and report it to the stranding network. If surveys
or expanded active detection efforts are specifically used during Navy training exercises, we
expect that the number of strandings detected during training may be higher relative to other
times because of the increased targeted effort.
• Compliance – The information gathered pursuant to this protocol will inform NMFS’ decisions
regarding compliance with Sections 101(a) (5) (B and C) of the MMPA. In addition to outlining
the necessary procedural steps for the Navy to undertake in the event of a USE during an MTE
(as required by the LOA), this document describes NMFS’ planned participation in stranding
responses off the Alaskan Coast, as NMFS’ response relates specifically to the Navy
requirements described here. The NMFS Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response
Program (MMHSRP) and the participating Regional Stranding Networks have specific
responsibilities regarding unusual marine mammal mortality events (UMEs) pursuant to Title IV
of the MMPA. This standing plan does not serve to replace or preclude any of the procedures
currently in place for NMFS’ response to UMEs or to any normal operations of the stranding
network. NMFS will pursue any activities to fulfill obligations relative to UMEs any time that a
trigger is reached as determined by the Working Group on Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality
Events. This document highlights (or adds to) applicable existing (and in development) protocols
and procedures to be used with the specific circumstances and specific subset of strandings
addressed here, namely a USE off the Alaskan Coast during the MTE. This document has been
reviewed and approved by the NMFS staff responsible for conducting and overseeing the
referenced activities and this plan will be implemented by NMFS to the degree that resources are
available and logistics are feasible.
General Notification Provision
If, at any time or place (i.e., not just in TMAA and not just during the activities covered under NMFS’
regulations), Navy personnel find a stranded marine mammal either on the shore, nearshore, or floating at
sea, NMFS requests the Navy contact NMFS immediately (or as soon as clearance procedures allow) as
described in the TMAA Stranding Communication Protocol (currently under development, but subject to
incorporation into this plan upon mutual agency approval). NMFS will request the Navy provide NMFS
with species or description of animal(s), the condition of the animal (including carcass condition if the
animal is dead, location, time of first discovery, observed behaviors (if alive), and photo or video (if
In addition, NMFS requests that in the event of a ship strike by any Navy vessel, at any time or place, the
Navy do the following:
• Navy immediately report to NMFS the species identification (if known), location (lat/long) of the
animal (or the strike if the animal has disappeared), and whether the animal is alive or dead (or
• As soon as feasible, report to NMFS the size and length of animal, an estimate of the injury status
(e.g., dead, injured but alive, injured and moving, unknown, etc.), vessel class/type, and
operational status.
• Report to NMFS the vessel length, speed, and heading as soon as feasible.
• Provide NMFS a photo or video, if possible.
in the general notification provision above, as available. Based on the information provided, NMFS will
determine if a modified shutdown (i.e., a shutdown other than those described here, based on specific
information available at the time) is appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
c) In the event, following a USE, that: a) qualified individuals are attempting to herd animals back out to
the open ocean and animals are not willing to leave, or b) animals are seen repeatedly heading for the
open ocean but turning back to shore, NMFS and the Navy will coordinate (including an investigation of
other potential anthropogenic stressors in the area) to determine if the proximity of MFAS operations or
explosive detonations, though farther than 14 nm from the distressed animal(s), is likely decreasing the
likelihood that the animals return to the open water. If so, NMFS and the Navy will further coordinate to
determine what measures are necessary to further minimize that likelihood and implement those measures
as appropriate. Navy and NMFS will maintain a dialogue regarding the plan to return the animal(s) to the
d) If no live (Condition Code 1) or freshly dead (Condition Code 2) cetaceans are involved in the USE,
NMFS will advise the Navy that shutdown procedures need not be implemented. Aerial surveys will be
conducted if feasible (see second bullet below).
3. Restart Procedures
• If at any time, the subject(s) of the USE die or are euthanized, NMFS will immediately advise the
Navy that the shutdown around that animal(s)’ location is no longer needed.
• Shutdown procedures will remain in effect until NMFS determines that, and advises the Navy
that, all live animals involved in the USE have left the area (either of their own volition or
herded). Leading up to restart, NMFS will coordinate internally, with the Navy, and with other
federal and state agencies with the intent of securing arrangements to track the movement of the
animals (via aircraft, vessel, tags, etc.) following the dispersal of the USE. If the Navy has
restarted operations in the vicinity of the animals, NMFS and the Navy will further coordinate to
determine (based on location and behavior of tracked animals and location/nature of Navy
activities) if the proximity of MFAS operations is likely increasing the likelihood that the animals
re-strand. If so, NMFS and the Navy will further coordinate to determine what measures are
necessary to minimize that likelihood and implement those measures as appropriate.
4. Information – Within 72 hours of the notification of the USE the Navy will inform NMFS where and
when they were operating MFAS or conducting explosive detonations (within 80 nm and 72 hours prior
to the event). Within 7 days of the completion of any exercises that were being conducted within 80 nm or
72 hours prior to the event, the Navy will further provide available information to NMFS (per the GOA
Stranding Communication Protocol) regarding the number and types of acoustic/explosive sources,
direction and speed of units using MFAS, and marine mammal sightings information associated with
those training activities. Information not initially available regarding the 80 nm, 72 hours, period prior to
the event will be provided as soon as it becomes available. The Navy will provide NMFS investigative
teams with additional relevant unclassified information as requested (or classified information to
designated NMFS staff), if available.
5. Phase 1 Investigation – Because of the variability of available resources across stranding network
agencies in the Alaska region, NMFS cannot currently commit, in advance, to the specific degree of
investigation that will be conducted for any given stranding. NMFS stranding coordinators are currently
assessing available resources with the goal of setting forth a plan that realistically outlines the possible
responses in a given area. Meanwhile, the ideal responses (Phase 1 and 2 Investigations) are described in
the Biomonitoring Protocols and are referred to below (here and in # 7), and NMFS will respond in the
indicated manner when resources are available and it is logistically feasible:
Within 4 weeks of a USE (when feasible), NMFS will conduct and complete the Phase 1 Investigation
(list of procedures typically included in Phase 1 investigation are included in the glossary of this
document, description of actual procedures are contained in the Biomonitoring Protocols) for all USEs
that occur along the southern Alaskan Coast coincident with MTEs. Results from the Phase 1
Investigation will be categorized in one of the two ways discussed below and trigger the indicated action:
• If the results of the Phase 1 Investigation indicate that the USE was likely caused by something
(such as entanglement or ship strike) other than MFAS or explosive detonations authorized by the
Navy’s LOA, then the USE investigation will be considered complete as related to the MMPA
• If NMFS cannot conclude that the stranding was likely caused by something other than MFAS or
explosive detonations authorized by the Navy LOA, rather, the results of the Phase 1
Investigation range from completely inconclusive to including potential early indicators that
acoustic exposure could have played a role, then a Phase 2 Investigation will be conducted by
qualified individuals, under the direction of NMFS staff, and an individual case report will be
prepared for each animal (list of procedures typically included in Phase 2 investigation are
included in the Glossary of this document, description of actual procedures are contained in the
Biomonitoring Protocols).
6. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) – The Navy and NMFS will develop an MOA, or other
mechanism consistent with federal fiscal law requirements (and all other applicable laws), that allows the
Navy to assist NMFS with the Phase 1 and 2 Investigations of USEs through the provision of in-kind
services, such as (but not limited to) the use of plane/boat/truck for transport of stranding responders or
animals, use of Navy property for necropsies or burial, or assistance with aerial surveys to discern the
extent of a USE. The Navy may assist NMFS with the Investigations by providing one or more of the in-
kind services outlined in the MOA, when available and logistically feasible and which do not negatively
affect Fleet operational commitments.
7. Phase 2 Investigation – Please see # 5, Phase 1 Investigation. Results from the Phase 2 Investigation
(procedures outlined in the Biomonitoring Protocols) will be categorized in one of the three ways
discussed below and trigger the indicated action:
• If the results indicate that the USE was likely caused by something (such as entanglement or blunt
force trauma) other than MFAS or explosive detonations authorized by the Navy’s LOA, then the
USE investigation will be considered complete as related to the MMPA authorization.
• If the results are inconclusive which, historically, is the most likely result (i.e., NMFS can neither
conclude that the USE was likely caused by something other than acoustic trauma nor conclude
that there is a high likelihood that exposure to MFAS or explosive detonations were a cause of the
USE), then the USE investigation will be considered complete as related to the MMPA
• If the results of a comprehensive and detailed scientific investigation into all possible causes of
the stranding event indicate that there is a high likelihood that MFAS was a cause of the USE,
one of the following will occur: The Navy will be provided at least ten working days to review
and provide comments on NMFS’ summary and characterization of the factors involved in the
USE. NMFS will consider the Navy’s comments prior to finalizing any conclusions and/or
deciding to take any action involving any take authorization.
8. USE Response Debrief and Evaluation – Within 2 months after a USE, NMFS and Navy staff will
meet to discuss the implementation of the USE response and recommend modifications or clarifications to
improve the Stranding Response Plan. These recommendations will feed into the adaptive management
strategy discussed below.
9. Adaptive Management – The regulations under which the Navy’s LOA (and this Stranding Response
Plan) are issued will contain an adaptive management component. This gives NMFS the ability to
consider the results of the previous years’ monitoring, research, and/or the results of stranding
investigations when prescribing mitigation or monitoring requirements in subsequent years. In the event
that NMFS concludes that there is a high likelihood that MFAS or explosive detonations were a cause of
a USE, NMFS will review the analysis of the environmental and operational circumstances surrounding
the USE. In subsequent NMFS LOAs, based on this review and through the adaptive management
component of the regulations, NMFS may require the mitigation measures or Stranding Response Plan be
modified or supplemented if the new data suggest that modifications would either have a reasonable
likelihood of reducing the chance of future USEs resulting from a similar confluence of events or would
increase the effectiveness of the stranding investigations. Further based on this review and the adaptive
management component of the regulations, NMFS may modify or add to the existing monitoring
requirements if the data suggest that the addition of a particular measure would likely fill a specifically
important data or management gap. Additionally, the USE Debrief and Evaluation discussed above (in
combination with adaptive management) will allow NMFS and the Navy to further refine the Stranding
Response Plan for maximum effectiveness.
Effective communication is critical to the successful implementation of this Stranding Response Plan.
Very specific protocols for communication, including identification of the Navy personnel authorized to
implement a shutdown and the NMFS personnel authorized to advise the Navy of the need to implement
shutdown procedures (NMFS Protected Resources HQ – senior administrators) and the associated phone
trees, etc. (to be included in the document entitled “TMAA Stranding Communication Protocols”) will be
finalized at a subsequent date, and updated yearly (or more frequently, as appropriate).
The Stranding Response Plan is dependent upon advance notice to NMFS (HQ and Alaska Regional
Office) of the planned upcoming MTE. NMFS and the Navy will develop a mechanism (that conforms
with operational security requirements) wherein the Navy can provide NMFS with necessary advance
notification of MTEs.
NMFS will keep information about planned MTEs in a confidential manner and will transmit information
to NMFS personnel responding to USEs to the minimum necessary to accomplish the NMFS mission
under this plan.
Supplemental Documents in Development
GOA Stranding Communication Protocol
This document, which is currently in development, will include all of the communication protocols
(phone trees, etc.) and associated contact information required for NMFS and the Navy to carry out the
actions outlined in this Stranding Response Plan. This document is currently being developed by NMFS
and when completed, will be updated yearly (or more frequently, as appropriate).
Biomonitoring Protocols for GOA
This NMFS document (which is currently in a draft form, but will be finalized in 2010) will contain
protocols for the procedures that are necessary for NMFS staff to implement this Stranding Plan
• Qualifications necessary for individuals to implement certain parts of the Stranding Plan, such as:
identifying a USE, identifying a Code 2 animal, or conducting a Phase 1 or 2 Investigation
• A protocol for the stranding responders that outlines the actions to take in the event of a USE
during MTEs
• Protocols for the investigators that describe in detail the procedures implemented for conducting
the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Investigations
Memorandum of Agreement
This document (or other mechanism consistent with federal fiscal law requirements and all other
applicable laws), which will be finalized in 2010, will establish whereby the Navy can assist with
stranding investigations, when feasible. This document will include a comprehensive list of the specific
ways the Navy could provide this assistance. Alternative Mitigation Measures Considered but Eliminated
As described in Section 3.9 and Appendix D, the vast majority of estimated sound exposures of marine
mammals in the GOA during proposed active sonar activities would not cause injury. Potential acoustic
effects on marine mammals would be reduced by the mitigation measures described previously.
Therefore, through this EIS and associated regulatory documents. the National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) and the Navy have concluded the Proposed Action and mitigation measures would achieve the
least practical adverse impact on species or stocks of marine mammals.
Based on NMFS’ preliminary determinations reached in the development of the proposed rule associated
with the Gulf of Alaska, the Navy anticipates that NMFS will determine that the Final EIS/OEIS
adequately analyzes the training activities in the Gulf of Alaska. NMFS is anticipated to adopt the GOA
Final EIS/OEIS to support the proposed issuance of the MMPA incidental take regulations, the 2009
LOA, and future LOAs as appropriate. As mentioned above, NMFS must also prescribe regulations that
set forth the means of effecting the least practicable adverse impact on affected species or stocks and their
habitat (i.e., mitigation measures). The Navy’s Final EIS/OEIS will include a suite of proposed mitigation
measures, a discussion of mitigation measures that were considered by the Navy and NMFS, but
eliminated, and an indication that additional mitigation measures (either not discussed in the Final
EIS/OEIS or measures considered but eliminated in the Final EIS/OEIS) may be required by NMFS/Navy
Final Rule adaptive management process. As will be indicated in the Final EIS/OEIS, all alternatives
include implementation of mitigation measures, and the analysis of mitigation alternatives will be
specifically presented in this chapter of the Final EIS/OEIS.
In making a determination of “least practicable adverse impact,” NMFS considers the following factors
relative to one another: (1) the manner in which, and the degree to which, the successful implementation
of the measure is expected to minimize adverse impacts to marine mammals; (2) the proven or likely
efficacy of the specific measure to minimize adverse impacts as planned; and (3) the practicability of the
measure for Navy implementation, which includes consideration of personnel safety, practicality of
implementation, and the impact on the effectiveness of the military readiness activity. Accordingly, the
following additional mitigation measures were analyzed and eliminated from further consideration:
However, the concept of geographical and seasonal (or temporal) limitations is inconsistent with the Title
10 responsibilities of Department of Defense to assure a fully trained and ready military force in regards
to training activities in the GOA. Such restrictions would not be appropriate in the GOA. The training
area locations utilized in the GOA were very carefully chosen by planners based on training requirements
and the ability of ships, aircraft, and submarines to operate safely. Moving the training activities to
alternative locations would impact the effectiveness of the training and has no known benefit.
It is important that any measures are used carefully at times and places where their effects are relatively
well known. For example, if there is credible evidence that concentrations of marine mammals are known
to be high at a specific place or during a specific time of the year, or that certain areas are selectively used
for important life functions like breeding or feeding (such as the high densities of humpback whales in the
main Hawaiian Islands, or North Atlantic right whale critical habitat on the east coast), then these types of
seasonal or geographic exclusions or limitations can be effective. However, if marine mammals are only
known to prefer certain types of areas (as opposed to specific areas) for certain functions (such as beaked
whales use of seamounts or marine mammal use of productive areas like fronts), which means that they
may or may not be present at any specific time, it may be less effective to require avoidance or limited
use of that type of area all of the time.
In the GOA, for the purposes of this EIS/OEIS, the Navy has no plans to conduct sonar training, and only
very minimal underwater explosive training, in the Inshore Area where the Southern Resident killer whale
critical habitat is located. The Navy will abide by the standard 3,000-ft aquatic and aerial restrictions
designated for Stellar Sea Lion critical habitat on the coast.
Aside from the general reasons of impracticability cited above, below are some of the specific reasons
that certain specific types of seasonal and geographic restrictions or limitations are impracticable for the
Coastal restrictions (such as 25 nm from 200-m isobath) - Littoral waterspace is where potential enemies
will operate. The littoral waterspace is also the most challenging area to operate due to a diverse acoustic
environment. In real world situations, it is highly likely the Navy would be working in these types of
areas. It is not realistic to refrain from training in the areas that are the most challenging and operationally
important. Areas where ASW events are scheduled to occur are carefully chosen to provide for the safety
of events and to allow for the realistic development of the training scenario including the ability of the
exercise participants to develop, maintain, and demonstrate proficiency in all areas of warfare
simultaneously. Limiting the training event to a few areas would have an adverse impact on the
effectiveness of the training by limiting the ability to conduct other critical warfare areas including, but
not limited to, the ability of the Strike Group to defend itself from threats on the surface and in the air
while carrying out air strikes and/or amphibious assaults. In those locations where amphibious landing
events occur, coastal restrictions would decouple ASW training and Amphibious training, which are
critically important to be conducted together due to the high risk to forces during actual Amphibious
operations. Furthermore, training activities using integrated warfare components require large areas of the
littorals and open ocean for realistic and safe training.
Sea Mounts and Canyons- Submarine tracking is a long and complicated tactical procedure. Seamounts
are often used by submarines to hide or mask their presence, requiring the need to train in this complex
ocean environment. This is precisely the type of area needed by the Navy to train. Sea mounts and
canyons impact the way sound travels in water as well as the Navy’s ability to search and track
submarines. If the Navy does not train near sea mounts and canyons and understand how these features
affect their ability to search and track a submarine, they will be unable to do so when faced with an actual
threat. Exercise locations are carefully chosen based on training requirements and the ability of ships,
aircraft, and submarines to operate safely. Given the strategic training needs, restricting active sonar
operation around seamounts and canyons in the TMAA is not practicable. This discussion considers the
impracticability of avoiding all seamounts and canyons. While it may be somewhat less impracticable to
avoid a subset of specific seamounts or canyons, marine mammal use of these areas is ephemeral and
varies based on many changing factors, which would make it difficult to justify requiring the avoidance of
any particular features since doing so may or may not benefit marine mammals at any particular time.
Fronts and other Major Oceanographic Features – NMFS has determined that the impracticability to the
Navy of avoiding these features outweighs the potential conservation gain. Though many species may
congregate near fronts and other major oceanographic features, these areas may be both large and
transitory, so restricting access to these features to avoid animals that may congregate in a small subset of
the total areas is not practicable. Additionally, limiting sonar use in the vicinity of these types of features
would disrupt training for the reasons described above for sea mounts and canyons.
• The use of third-party observers could compromise security due to the requirement to provide
advance notification of specific times/locations of Navy platforms.
• Reliance on the availability of third-party personnel would also impact training flexibility, thus
adversely affecting training effectiveness. The presence of other aircraft in the vicinity of naval
exercises would raise safety concerns for both the commercial observers and naval aircraft.
• Use of Navy observers is the most effective means to ensure quick and effective implementation
of mitigation measures if marine species are spotted. A critical skill set of effective Navy training
is communication. Navy lookouts are trained to act swiftly and decisively to ensure that
appropriate actions are taken.
• Security clearance issues would have to be overcome to allow non-Navy observers onboard
exercise platforms.
• Some training events will span one or more 24-hour period(s), with operations underway
continuously in that timeframe. It is not feasible to maintain non-Navy surveillance of these
operations, given the number of non-Navy observers that would be required onboard.
• Surface ships with active mid-frequency sonar have limited berthing capacity. Exercise planning
includes careful consideration of this limited capacity in the placement of exercise controllers,
data collection personnel, and Afloat Training Group personnel on ships involved in the exercise.
Inclusion of non-Navy observers onboard these ships would require that in some cases there
would be no additional berthing space for essential Navy personnel required to fully evaluate and
efficiently use the training opportunity to accomplish the exercise objectives.
• Aerial surveying during an event raises safety issues with multiple, slow civilian aircraft
operating in the same airspace as military aircraft engaged in combat training activities. In
addition, most of the training events take place far from land, limiting both the time available for
civilian aircraft to be in the exercise area and presenting a concern should aircraft mechanical
problems arise.
• Scheduling civilian vessels or aircraft to coincide with training events would impact training
effectiveness, since exercise event timetables cannot be precisely fixed and are instead based on
the free-flow development of tactical situations. Waiting for civilian aircraft or vessels to
complete surveys, refuel, or be on station would slow the progress of the exercise and impact the
effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
• Multiple events may occur simultaneously in areas at opposite ends of the TMAA and continue
for multiple days at a time. There are not enough qualified third-party personnel to accomplish
the monitoring task.
In order for additional marine mammal detection methods to assist in the implementation of mitigation
(shutdown and powerdown), they must be able to localize, or identify where the marine mammal is in
relation to the sound source of concern (since shutdown and powerdown mitigation is triggered by the
distance from the sound source), and transmit the applicable data to the commanding officer in real time
(i.e., quickly so that the sonar source can be turned down or shut off right away or the explosive
detonation can be delayed). A limited number of techniques based on the real-time participation of
additional observers (such as additional aerial platforms) can achieve this, while many passive acoustic
methods cannot. The section below contains information that speaks both to the practicality of
implementation of some methods as well as the effectiveness.
Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) in Hawaii, radar systems were only capable of detecting whales
under very controlled circumstances and when these whales were already visually spotted by
lookouts/watchstanders. Enhancing radar systems to detect marine mammals requires additional resources
to schedule, plan and execute Navy limited objective experiments (LOEs) and RDT&E events. The Navy
is currently reviewing opportunities to pursue enhancing radar systems and other developmental methods
such as laser detection and ranging technology as potential mitigation for detecting marine mammals.
Until funding resources and the data are available to develop enhanced systems, it is not known whether it
will be technically feasible in the future to implement radar as an additional detection method.
Additional Platforms (aerial, UAV, Gliders, and Other) - The number of aerial and unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) systems currently integrated into fleet training is extremely low and their availability for
use in most training events is rare; therefore, shifting their use and focus from hunting submarines to
locating marine mammals would be costly and negatively impact the training objectives related to these
systems. If additional platforms are civilian, scheduling civilian vessels or aircraft to coincide with
training events would affect training effectiveness since exercise events or timetables are not fixed and
are based on a free flow development of tactical situations. Waiting for civilian aircraft or vessels to
complete surveys, refuel, or be on station would slow the required progress of the training exercise. In
addition, the precise location data and exercise plans provided to non-Navy assets poses logistical
challenges and classification or security issues. While the Navy is currently reviewing options for
additional detection methods, these additional platforms proved to be impracticable for the following
• Additional Aerial Survey Detection: Airborne assets when available already monitor for the
presence of marine mammals with no reported incidents where marine mammals were overlooked
during an exercise or where aerial assets were unable to perform their duties while watching for
marine mammals; therefore, the allocation of additional airborne assets is not well justified. In
addition, the presence of additional aircraft (not involved in the exercise) near naval exercises
would present safety concerns for both commercial and naval observers because ASW training
exercises are dynamic, can last several hours or days, and cover large areas of ocean several miles
from land.
• UAV Detection: Currently and in the foreseeable five-year period of the requested authorization,
these assets are extremely limited and are rarely if ever available and, therefore, impractical and
• Gliders Detection: Gliders are not currently capable of providing real time data and, therefore, are
not an effective detection method for use in mitigation implementation.
Active Sonar - As previously noted, the Navy is actively engaged in acoustic monitoring research
involving a variety of methodologies; however, none of the methodologies have been developed to the
point where they could be used as a mitigation tool for MFAS or HFAS. At this time, the active sonar and
adjunct systems listed below proved to be impracticable for the following reasons:
• Use of multiple systems (meaning the MFAS used for the exercise plus any additional active
system used for marine mammal detection) operating simultaneously increases the likelihood that
a submarine may be detected under conditions where it is attempting to mask its presence before
activating sonar, resulting in an impact to the effectiveness of the military readiness activity.
Additionally, interference may occur when certain active sonar systems (such as HFM3) are
activated concurrently with MFAS.
• HFM3 is an adjunct system used by LFA because the hulls of those platforms can be modified
and travel can occur at slow speeds. MFAS combatants are not equipped with HFM3 systems and
it is impractical to install such a system on MFAS combatants.
The Navy will continue to coordinate acoustic monitoring and detection research specific to the proposed
use of active sonar. As technology and methodologies become available, their applicability and viability
will be evaluated for potential future incorporation.
The Navy is improving the capabilities to use range instrumentation to aid in the passive acoustic
detection of marine mammals. At the Southern California Offshore ASW Range (SOAR) in the SOCAL
Range Complex, development of effective passive acoustic detection as part of the instrumented range is
progressing fairly rapidly. Passive acoustic monitoring has the potential to significantly improve the
ability to detect marine mammal presence within SOAR. The Navy sponsored Marine Mammal
Monitoring on Navy Ranges (M3R) program has developed hardware and software that leverages the
SOAR sensors to detect and localize marine mammal vocalizations. Localization is possible when the
same signal is detected, precisely time-tagged, and associated on at least three sensors. Prototype M3R
systems have been installed on both the AUTEC (Bahamas) and SOAR ranges.
The M3R system is capable of monitoring all the range hydrophones in real-time. The Navy is refining
the M3R system by developing tools to display detected transient signals including marine mammal
vocalizations and localizations. The tools operate in real-time and are being used in a series of tests to
document marine mammal species, their vocalizations, and their distribution on the SOAR range. In
addition, they are being used to collect and analyze opportunistic data at AUTEC, and as part of the on-
going Behavioral Response Study (BRS) there.
Reliable automated methods are needed for detection and classification of marine mammal calls to allow
range hydrophones to be used for routine marine mammal monitoring in SOAR. The performance of
these hydrophones must be quantified. The calls of many baleen whale species are stereotyped and well
known. Identification of stereotyped mysticete calls within SOAR has been accomplished using automatic
detectors. However, the full range of mysticete call types that are expected within SOAR is not known
(e.g. sei whales). Odontocete call identification is more difficult owing to their call complexity. Calls of
some odontocetes, such as sperm whales, killer whales, and porpoises, are easily distinguishable. For
most species, however, the variation in and among call types is a topic of current research. Likewise,
pinniped call types are complex and more data are needed to develop automatic detectors and classifiers
to allow automated identification for pinniped species within SOAR. The Navy continues to develop this
At SOAR the large number of species and high animal density combined with imprecise acoustic
localization makes the efficacy of such monitoring for use for mitigation implementation during real-time
operations questionable.
Prior to implementation of real-time passive acoustic monitoring for use in mitigation, the species present
and their distribution should be established. A system must be implemented on range and Detection,
Classification, and Localization (DCL) algorithms specific to these species must be developed and tests
with visual observers must be conducted to verify their performance. The Navy continues to work on this,
and such systems are not yet available for consideration as required mitigation.
Infrared technology – As a complement to existing methods, use of the Infrared (IR) band for marine
mammal detection and location has some obvious benefits if proved viable, including the ability to
operate infrared at night, as well as the ability to establish automated detections procedures which might
well reduce the factor of human fatigue that affects observer-based methods. The Navy has committed to
a program of research, development, and testing of IR-based technologies for detection of marine
mammals in the wild.
The Navy program will have two main thrusts. NAVAIR will continue to pursue operational tests of their
airborne monitoring and mitigation program for marine species using net-centric Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) systems. The proposed system uses a radar detect and track
cueing sensor for a turreted airborne Electro-Optic/Infrared/Multi-spectral imaging sensor. If fully funded
for prototyping and demonstration, this program would evaluate the efficacy for marine mammal
detection of a large, high-powered system designed, tested, and deployed for other purposes, and operates
beyond the domain of research Science and Technology.
At the same time, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) will take the lead in pursuing a longer-range,
research S&T program to evaluate new concepts for IR detection that may ultimately lead to an
operationally viable technique(s). The focus of the ONR effort will be on comparatively small, low-power
systems that might be deployable on small, robot aircraft known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as
well as operating in a ship-based mode. Either option might allow the inclusion of standard video for
confirmation of mammal detections during the day. The UAV option might allow for multiple passages of
an area of interest at low altitude to confirm mammal detections and identification.
ONR will continue to support this effort for at least several years, with the potential for sustained support,
though the future breadth of this program will depend on the outcome of early efforts. The system is not
considered practicable to require for implementation at this time.
As mentioned previously, no known areas of specific importance to marine mammals (that would benefit
from a training restriction, i.e., not counting pinniped haulouts where the animals are not in the water the
majority of the time) are present within these designated areas. Therefore, limiting activity in these areas
would be of questionable value to marine mammals.
vision goggles are always available to all vessel and aircrews as needed and passive acoustic monitoring
is always in use. As mentioned previously, the estimated zone in which TTS may be incurred is within
about 140 m of the sound source (830 m for harbor seals), and the estimated zone for injury is within 10
m of the sonar dome. The powerdown and shutdown zones are at 1000, 500, and 200 yds. The Navy is
expected to be able to effectively implement the necessary mitigation measures during nighttime and
times of lower visibility.
Because of the limited visibility beyond 1000 yards, Navy personnel could potentially detect fewer
animals early (outside of the 1000 yds), as they are approaching to within 1000 yd, which could result in a
slightly delayed powerdown or shutdown as compared to when operations are conducted in full daylight.
However, any such potential delays would be at the outer edge of the safety zone and would not result in
an animal being exposed to received sound levels associated with TTS or injury. So, suspension of MFAS
during times of lower visibility may slightly reduce the exposures of marine mammals to levels associated
with behavioral harassment, but would not reduce the number of marine mammals exposed to sound
levels associated with TTS or injury.
Regarding surface ducts, their presence is based on water conditions in the exercise areas, is not uniform,
and can change over a period of a few hours as the effects of environmental conditions such as wind,
sunlight, cloud cover, and tide changes alter surface duct conditions. Across a typical exercise area, the
determination of “significant surface ducting” is continually changing, and this mitigation measures
cannot be accurately implemented. Furthermore, surface ducting alone does not necessarily increase the
risk of MFA sonar impacts to marine mammals. While surface ducting causes sound to travel farther
before losing intensity, simple spherical and cylindrical spreading losses result in a received level of no
more than 175 dB rms at approximately 1,100 yards (assuming the nominal source of 235 dB rms), even
in significant surface ducting conditions.
MFAS training at night is vital because differences between daytime and nighttime affect the detection
capabilities of MFAS systems. Ambient noise levels are higher at night because many species use the
nighttime period for foraging and movement. Temperature layers, which affect sound propagation, move
up and down in the water column from day to night. Consequently, personnel must train during all hours
of the day to ensure they identify and respond to changing environmental conditions. An ASW team
trained solely during the day cannot be sent on deployment and be expected to fight at night because they
would not identify and respond to the changing conditions.
Finally, as a matter of safety and international law, Navy vessels are required to use all means available in
restricted visibility, including MFAS and positioning of additional lookouts, to provide heightened
vigilance to avoid collision. The International Navigation Rules of the Road considers periods of fog,
mist, falling snow, heavy rainstorm, sandstorms, or any similar events as “restricted visibility.” In
restricted visibility, all mariners, including Navy vessel crews, are required to maintain proper lookout by
sight and hearing as well as “by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and
conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision.” Prohibiting or
limiting vessels from using sensors like MFAS during periods of restricted visibility violates international
navigational rules, increases navigational risk, and jeopardizes the safety of the vessel and crew.
Surface ducting occurs when water conditions (e.g., temperature layers, lack of wave action) result in
sound energy emitted at or near the surface to be refracted back up to the surface, then reflected from the
surface only to be refracted back up to the surface so that relatively little sound energy penetrates to the
depths that otherwise would be expected. This increases active detection ranges in a narrow layer near the
surface, but decreases active sonar detection below the thermocline, a phenomenon that submarines have
long exploited. Significant surface ducts are conditions under which ASW training must occur to ensure
Sailors learn to identify these conditions, how they alter the abilities of MFA sonar systems, and how to
deal with the resulting effects on MFA sonar capabilities. To be effective, the complexity of ASW
requires the most realistic training possible. Reducing power in significant surface ducting conditions
undermines training realism, and is, therefore, impracticable.
• The ability of an animal to dive longer than the required shutdown time does not mean that it will
always do so. Therefore, the additional delay would only potentially add value in instances when
animals had remained under water for longer than the shutdown time required.
• Navy vessels typically move at 10-12 knots (5-6 m/sec) when operating active sonar and
potentially much faster when not. Fish et al. (2006) measured speeds of 7 species of odontocetes
and found that they ranged from 1.4–7.30 m/sec. Even if a vessel was moving at the slower
typical speed associated with active sonar use, an animal would need to be swimming near
sustained maximum speed for an hour in the direction of the vessel’s course to stay within the
safety zone of the vessel (i.e., to be in danger of being exposed to levels of sonar associated with
injury or TTS).
• Additionally, the times when marine mammals are deep-diving (i.e., the times when they are
under the water for longer periods of time) are the same times that a large portion of their motion
is in the vertical direction, which means that they are far less likely to keep pace with a
horizontally moving vessel.
• Given that, the animal would need to have stayed in the immediate vicinity of the sound source
for an hour and considering the maximum area that both the vessel and the animal could cover in
an hour, it is improbable that this would randomly occur. Moreover, considering that many
animals have been shown to avoid both acoustic sources and ships without acoustic sources, it is
improbable that a deep-diving cetacean (as opposed to a dolphin that might bow ride) would
choose to remain in the immediate vicinity of the source. It is unlikely that a single cetacean
would remain in the safety zone of a Navy sound source for more than 30 minutes.
• Last, in many cases, the lookouts are not able to differentiate species to the degree that would be
necessary to implement this measure. Plus, Navy operators have indicated that increasing the
number of mitigation decisions that need to be made based on biological information is more
difficult for the lookouts (because it is not their area of expertise).
Practicability of the Measure
When there is an artificial break in the exercise (such as a shutdown) the flow of the exercise is lost and
several hours of training may be wasted, depending on where the Navy was in the exercise. An increase in
the delay of MFAS use that occurs during an exercise will likely further negatively affect the
effectiveness of the military readiness training because it will be harder to regain the flow of the exercise
the longer the equipment and personnel are on hold. Moreover, lengthening a delay in training
necessitates a continuation of the expenditure of resources (operation of all of the equipment and
personnel), while not making progress towards the accomplishment of the mission (training completion).
Halting of MFAS Use in the Event of a Marine Mammal Injury or Death (and Stranding) until Cause
is Determined:
Benefit to Marine Mammals/Effectiveness of Measure
Only in a very small portion of incidents (such as when a ship strikes a whale and personnel realize it
immediately) is the cause of marine mammal injury or death immediately known. Halting MFAS use in
the event of a marine mammal stranding may have only a very limited immediate benefit to marine
mammals if animals have stranded and are still in the water and are within a certain distance of a Navy
sound source(s) (not to imply that the Navy source would be assumed to have caused the event), i.e., it is
physically possible for them to be exposed to received levels of sound that could potentially result in an
additional adverse effects. In this case, cessation of sonar may alleviate additional stress to an animal that
is already in a compromised physical state. However, if stranded animals are dead or on the beach, the
benefit of a cessation of sonar does not exist as neither dead nor beached animals can benefit from it. The
Navy only plans to conduct approximately 678 hours of hull-mounted MFAS activity annually in the
TMAA. The Navy will be required (by the MMPA authorization) to notify NMFS immediately if an
injured, stranded, or dead marine mammal is found during or shortly after, and in the vicinity of, any
Navy training exercise utilizing MFAS, HFAS, or underwater explosive detonations taking place within
the TMAA.
indicate this assumption is correct. The Navy is currently gathering data and assessing it regarding the
potential usefulness of this procedure as a mitigation measure. With seismic surveys, which have
relatively large safety zones compared to MFAS (and for which NMFS estimates that injury can occur at
greater distances from the source than MFAS), NMFS utilizes ramp-up as a cautious mitigation measure
to reduce Level B harassment and help ensure that Level A harassment does not occur.
Enlargement of the powerdown or shutdown zones would primarily result in the further reduction of the
maximum received level that the detected animal might be exposed to, which could potentially mean that
an animal expected to respond in a manner NMFS would classify as level B harassment could potentially
either respond in a less severe manner or maybe not respond at all. This could be more important at an
important time or place or in the presence of species or age-classes of concern (such as beaked whales).
NMFS has received varying recommendations regarding the potential size of an expanded powerdown or
shutdown zone, including 2 km, 4 km, or the 154 dB isopleth. As noted below, the ability of the lookouts
to effectively monitor the safety zone decreases as the distance to the edge of the zone increases and the
area that it is necessary to monitor increases by a factor of 4 as the distance to the edge doubles.
A review of the Navy’s post-exercise reports shows lookouts have not reported any observed response of
marine mammals at any distance.
Of note, aside from SINKEXs, training events involving explosives are generally completed in a short
amount of time. For smaller detonations such as those involving underwater demolitions training, the area
is observed to ensure all the charges detonated and that they did so in the manner intended; however, it is
not possible to have visual contact 100 percent of the time for all explosive in-water events. The Navy
must clear all people from the explosive zone of influence prior to an in-water explosive event for the
safety of personnel and assets. If there is an extended break between clearance procedures and the timing
of the explosive event, clearance procedures are repeated.
Using MFA and HFA Sonar with Output Levels as Low as Possible Consistent with Mission
Requirements or Using Active Sonar Only When Necessary:
Operators of sonar equipment are trained to be aware of the environmental variables affecting sound
propagation. In this regard, the sonar equipment power levels are always set consistent with mission
requirements. Active sonar is only used when required by the mission since it has the potential to alert
opposing forces to the sonar platform’s presence. The Navy remains committed to using passive sonar
and all other available sensors in concert with active sonar to the maximum extent practicable consistent
with mission requirements.
unnecessarily prolonged and intensive sound levels rather than the more transient exposures predicted by
the current planning that makes use of multiple exercise areas. Furthermore, exercises using integrated
warfare components require large areas of the littorals and open ocean for realistic and safe training.
The majority of the ships participating in training activities in the TMAA have a number of advantages
for avoiding ship strikes as compared to most commercial merchant vessels. These include the following:
(1) Navy ships have their bridges positioned forward, offering good visibility ahead of the bow; (2) Crew
size is much larger than that of merchant ships, allowing for more potential observers on the bridge; (3)
Dedicated lookouts are posted during a training activity scanning the ocean for anything detectable in the
water; anything detected is reported to the Officer of the Deck; (4) Navy lookouts receive extensive
training including Marine Species Awareness Training designed to provide marine species detection cues
and information necessary to detect marine mammals; and (5) Navy ships are generally much more
maneuverable than commercial merchant ships.
Restricting the Use of MFA Sonar During ASW Training Events While Conducting Transits
Between Islands (i.e., Choke-points):
This restriction is not applicable to training in the TMAA. A chokepoint is a strategic strait or canal.
Although there are over 200 major straits around the world, only a handful are considered to be strategic
“chokepoints,” such as the Strait of Gibraltar, Panama Canal, Strait of Magellan, Strait of Malacca,
Bosporus and Dardanelles, Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal, and Bab el Mandeb. While chokepoints are
relatively few in number, significant quantities of international commerce and naval shipping move
through these chokepoints, making them strategically important to the United States because a single
quiet diesel submarine can position itself in the chokepoint and effectively block access beyond that point.
The primary similarity of these chokepoints is lengthy shorelines that restrict maneuverability. The longer
and more narrow the passage, the more likely the chokepoint creates an area of restricted egress for
marine mammals. However these features are not present in the areas of the TMAA in which the Navy
plans to conduct sonar training.
Plans, Policies, and Controls Status of Compliance
Navy training activities that occur within the
National Environmental Policy United States (U.S.). Air Force (Air Force)
Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United inland Special Use Airspace (SUA) and the
States Code [U.S.C] §§ 4321 et U.S. Army (Army) training lands are analyzed
seq.) under previous NEPA documentation (the
Council on Environmental Alaska Military Operations Areas EIS [USAF
Quality (CEQ) Regulations for 1995], Improvements to Military Training
Implementing the Procedural Navy Routes in Alaska Environmental Assessment
Provisions of NEPA (40 Code of [USAF 2007], Alaska Army Lands Withdrawal
Federal Regulations [C.F.R.] §§ Renewal Final Legislative EIS [Army 1999],
1500-1508) and the Transformation of U.S. Army Alaska
Navy Procedures for FEIS [Army 2004]). These documents are
Implementing NEPA (32 C.F.R. incorporated by reference. Public participation
§ 775) and review is being conducted in compliance
with NEPA.
This EIS/OEIS has been prepared in
accordance with EO 12114 as implemented by
Executive Order (EO) 12114, 32
32 C.F.R. 187, which requires environmental
C.F.R. 187, Environmental
Navy consideration for actions that may affect the
Effects Abroad of Major Federal
environment outside of U.S. territorial waters
within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) and on the high seas.
U.S. No permits are required under the CWA
Federal Water Pollution Control
Environmental Sections 401, 402, or 404 (b) (1), since the
Act (Clean Water Act [CWA])
Protection Agency activities in GOA occur outside 12nm and the
(33 U.S.C. §§ 1344 et seq.)
(USEPA) proposed action does not involve construction.
No permit is required under the Rivers and
Rivers and Harbors Act (33 U.S. Army Corps
Harbors Act as no construction in navigable
U.S.C.§§ 401 et seq.) of Engineers
waterways is proposed.
The Navy is preparing a Coastal Consistency
Coastal Zone Management Act Determination (CCD) for compliance with the
Department of
(CZMA) (16 C.F.R. §§ 1451 et CZMA. See Section 6.1.1, below, for
seq.) discussion of Navy activities and compliance
with the CZMA.
Table 6-1: Summary of Environmental Compliance for the Proposed Action (continued)
Plans, Policies, and Controls Status of Compliance
The Proposed Action would only have localized
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery National Marine
and temporary impacts to Essential Fish Habitat
Conservation and Management Fisheries
(EFH) and managed species. Therefore, no
Act (16 U.S.C. §§ 1801-1802) Service (NMFS)
consultation with NMFS is required.
The EIS/OEIS analyzes potential effects to
species listed under the ESA. In accordance
with ESA requirements, the Navy will complete
consultation under Section 7 of the ESA with
NMFS and USFWS on the potential that
U.S. Fish and implementation of the Proposed Action may
Wildlife Service affect threatened and endangered listed
Endangered Species Act (ESA) (USFWS) species.
(16 U.S.C. §§ 1531 et seq.)
Informal consultation for listed marine birds will
NMFS be conducted with USFWS.
Consultation for listed marine species, including
mammals, turtles, and fish, will be conducted
with NMFS. Upon concluding Section 7
consultation, the Navy will adhere to any
provisions of the Biological Opinion (BO).
The MMPA governs activities with the potential
to harm, disturb, or otherwise “harass” marine
mammals. As a result of acoustic effects
associated with mid-frequency active sonar use
and underwater detonations of explosives,
Marine Mammal Protection Act
implementation of the alternatives including the
(MMPA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 1431 et NMFS
Proposed Action may result in potential Level A
(harm) or Level B (disturbance) harassment to
marine mammals. Therefore, the Navy has
submitted an application for a Letter Of
Authorization (LOA) from NMFS to permit takes
of marine mammals.
The Sikes Act of 1960 (16
U.S.C. §§ 670a-670o, as No Navy installations are a part of the Proposed
amended by the Sikes Act Navy Action. Therefore, no trigger exists for Sikes Act
Improvement Act of 1997, Pub. compliance.
L. No. 105-85)
The Navy has determined that the Proposed
Action would have no adverse effects on cultural
National Historic Preservation and historic resources within the Temporary
Act (NHPA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 470 Navy Maritime Activities Area (TMAA). This
et seq.) conclusion will be reviewed and agreed upon by
the Alaska State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO) and affected Alaska Native tribes.
Table 6-1: Summary of Environmental Compliance for the Proposed Action (continued)
Plans, Policies, and Controls Status of Compliance
EO 12898, Federal Actions to The Proposed Action would not result in any
Address Environmental Justice disproportionately high adverse human health or
in Minority Populations and environmental effects on minority or low-income
Low-Income Populations populations.
EO 13045, Protection of
The Proposed Action would not result in
Children from Environmental Navy
environmental health and safety risks to children.
Health Risks and Safety Risks
Alaska Native Claims No lands in Alaska subject to aboriginal claims
Settlement Act of 1971 exist within the TMAA. Therefore, there is no
(ANCSA) (43 U.S.C. §§ 1601- requirement for action by the Navy under the
1624) ANSCA.
No resources that are governed by this EO exist
EO 13089, Coral Reef within the TMAA. Therefore, mitigation of effects
Protection will not be necessary for the protection of
resources under EO 13089.
A review of the actions under the implementation
of the alternatives presented (including the
Proposed Action) shows that there would not be a
Migratory Bird Treaty Act
USFWS significant adverse effect on a migratory bird
(MBTA) (16 U.S.C. §§ 703-712)
population. Therefore, under 50 CFR § 21.15,
there is no need to confer with USFWS regarding
MBTA species.
CZMA defines the coastal zone (16 U.S.C. § 1453) as extending, “to the outer limit of State title and
ownership under the Submerged Lands Act.” The coastal zone extends inland only to the extent necessary
to control the shoreline. Excluded from the coastal zone are lands the use of which is by law subject
solely to the discretion of, or which is held in trust by, the federal government (16 U.S.C. § 1453).
Accordingly, federal military lands are not within the coastal zone. In the state of Alaska, CZMA coastal
boundaries are determined by each individual Coastal Resource District pursuant to 11 Alaska
Administrative Code (AAC) 114.220.
The State of Alaska has an approved CMP, Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP), which is
found at Alaska Statutes Annotated (AS) Title 46 Chapter 40. The ACMP received federal approval from
the NOAA in 1979. The ACMP provides stewardship for Alaska’s rich and diverse coastal resources to
ensure a healthy and vibrant Alaskan coast that efficiently sustains long-term economic and
environmental productivity. The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) is the state’s
designated coastal management agency and is responsible for reviewing projects for consistency with the
CMP and issuing coastal management decisions under the provisions of 11 AAC Code Chapters 110 and
112. Specific statewide standards for review under the ACMP are found at 11 AAC Chapter 112.
The CZMA federal consistency determination process includes a review of the Proposed Action to
determine whether it has potential direct or indirect effects on coastal zone resources or uses under the
provisions of the CMP. An in-depth examination of any such effects, and a determination on whether
those effects are consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the state’s enforceable policies, is
then conducted by the action proponent. Specific standards of the ACMP that appear applicable to
proposed training activities occurring in the TMAA are 11 AAC Chapter 112 Sections 280
(“Transportation Routes and Facilities”), 300 (“Habitats”), 310 (“Air, Land, and Water Quality), and 320
(“Historic, Prehistoric, and Archeological Resources”).
For the activities covered in this Draft EIS/OEIS, the Navy will ensure compliance with the CZMA
through coordination with the ADNR.
The Proposed Action would result in both short- and long-term environmental effects. However, the
Proposed Action would not be expected to result in any impacts that would reduce environmental
productivity, permanently narrow the range of beneficial uses of the environment, or pose long-term risks
to health, safety, or the general welfare of the public. The Navy is committed to sustainable training area
management, including co-use of all the training areas of the Alaska Training Area (ATA) with the
general public and commercial interests to the extent practicable, consistent with accomplishment of the
Navy mission and in compliance with applicable law. This commitment to co-use will enhance the long-
term productivity of the training areas throughout the ATA.
For the alternatives including the Proposed Action, most resource commitments are neither irreversible
nor irretrievable. Most impacts are short-term and temporary or, if long lasting, are negligible. No habitat
associated with threatened or endangered species would be lost as result of implementation of the
Proposed Action. Since there would be no building or facility construction, the consumption of materials
typically associated with such construction (e.g., concrete, metal, sand, fuel) would not occur. Energy
typically associated with construction activities would not be expended and irreversibly lost.
Implementation of the Proposed Action would require fuels used by aircraft, ships, and ground-based
vehicles. Since fixed- and rotary-wing flight and ship activities could increase, relative total fuel use
would increase. Therefore, total fuel consumption would increase and this nonrenewable resource would
be considered irreversibly lost.
Energy requirements would be subject to any established energy conservation practices at each facility.
No additional power generation capacity would be required for any of the activities. The use of energy
sources has been minimized wherever possible without compromising safety or training activities. No
additional conservation measures related to direct energy consumption by the proposed activities are
Resources that will be permanently and continually consumed by project implementation include water,
electricity, natural gas, and fossil fuels; however, the amount and rate of consumption of these resources
would not result in significant environmental impacts or the unnecessary, inefficient, or wasteful use of
resources. Nuclear-powered vessels would be a benefit as they decrease use of fossil fuels. Pollution
prevention is an important component of mitigation of the alternative’s adverse impacts. To the extent
practicable, pollution prevention considerations are included.
Sustainable range management practices are in place that protect and conserve natural and cultural
resources; and preservation of access to training areas for current and future training requirements, while
addressing potential encroachments that threaten to impact range and training area capabilities.
Tom Craven, Assistant Project Lead, U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Command/Army Forces
Strategic Command (Environmental Division)
B.S. 1971, Biology/Math, University of Alabama, Birmingham
M.S. 1974, Biology, University of Alabama, Birmingham
Years of experience: 35
Amy Burt, Project Manager and Navy Technical Representative, NAVFAC Northwest, Environmental
Planning & Natural Resources
B.S. 2001, Public Affairs and Environmental Management, Indiana University
Years of experience: 8
Andrea Balla-Holden, Fisheries and Marine Mammal Biologist, NAVFAC Northwest, Environmental
Planning & Natural Resources
B.S. 1995, Fisheries, University of Washington
Years of experience: 14
Chip Johnson, Marine Species Advisor & Staff Marine Biologist, Commander, Pacific Fleet
B.S. 1984, Biology, University of North Carolina, Wilmington
M.A. 1987, Marine Science, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary
Years of experience: 16
Dean Kiyohara, Deputy Fleet and Joint Exercises Officer, Commander, Pacific Fleet
B.S. 1979, Physical Science, University of California, Berkley
M.S. 1990, Financial Management, Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey
Years of experience: 30
Karen Barnes (KAYA Associates, Inc.), Environmental Scientist
B.S. 1989, Natural Science and Mathematics, University of Alabama, Birmingham
M.S. 1998, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Policy & Management, Florida A&M
Years of experience: 18
Philip Thorson (ManTech SRS Technologies, Inc.), Senior Research Biologist/Marine Mammal Biologist
B.A. 1985, Biology, University of California at Santa Cruz
Ph.D. 1993, Biology, University of California at Santa Cruz
Years of experience: 27
Brian D. Wauer (ManTech SRS Technologies, Inc.), Director, Range and Environmental Services
B.S. 1983, Administrative Management, University of Arkansas
B.S. 1984, Industrial Management, University of Arkansas
Years of experience: 24
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No References in this section.
No References in this section.
Following is a list of public officials, government agencies, Native American Tribes and Nations,
organizations, and individuals who attended the public scoping meetings, provided comments during the
scoping process, or have been identified by the Navy to be on the distribution list for the Gulf of Alaska
Navy Training Activities Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact
Statement (DEIS/OEIS).
Federal and state regulatory agencies and project information repositories (noted below with an asterisk*)
will receive both one (1) hard copy version and one (1) CD-ROM version of the Gulf of Alaska Navy
Training Activities DEIS/OEIS. Stakeholders who have specifically requested a hard copy version will
also receive one, along with a CD-ROM version. All other stakeholders will receive one (1) CD-ROM
version. Additional hard copies and/or CD-ROM versions of the DEIS/OEIS will be available upon
Native American Tribes and Nations* Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Charlie Huggins, Hon. Cathy Munoz,
Kaguyak Village AK District H AK District 4
Lesnoi Village Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Native Village of Afognak Hon. Fred Dyson, Hon. Bill Thomas, Jr.
AK District I AK District 5
Native Village of Chenega
Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Native Village of Eyak
Hon. Bill Wielechowski, Hon. Woodie Salmon,
Native Village of Old Harbor AK District J AK District 6
Native Village of Ouzinkie Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Native Village of Port Graham Hon. Bettye Davis, Hon. Mike Kelly,
AK District K AK District 7
Native Village of Port Lions
Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Native Village of Tatitlek Hon. Johnny Ellis, Hon. David Guttenberg,
Shoonaq Tribe of Kodiak AK District L AK District 8
Yakutat Tlingit Tribe Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Hollis French, Hon. Scott Kawaski,
Federal Elected Officials AK District M AK District 9
U.S. Representative Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Donald Young, AK Hon. Lesil McGuire, Hon. Jay Ramras,
AK District N AK District 10
U.S. Senator
Hon. Lisa Murkowski, AK Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Kevin Meyer, Hon. John Coghill,
U.S. Senator AK District O AK District 11
Hon. Mark Begich, AK
Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
State Elected Officials Hon. Con Bunde, Hon. John Harris,
AK District P AK District 12
Governor of Alaska
Hon. Sean Parnell Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Thomas Wagoner, Hon. Carl Gatto,
Alaska State Senator AK District Q AK District 13
Hon. Bert Stedman,
AK District A Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Gary Stevens, Hon. Wes Keller,
Alaska State Senator AK District R AK District 14
Hon. Dennis Egan,
AK District B Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Lyman Hoffman, Hon. Mark Neuman,
Alaska State Senator AK District S AK District 15
Hon. Albert Kookesh,
AK District C Alaska State Senator Alaska State Representative
Hon. Donald Olson, Hon. Bill Stoltze,
Alaska State Senator AK District T AK District 16
Hon. Joe Thomas,
AK District D Alaska State Representative Alaska State Representative
Hon. Kyle Johansen, Hon. Anna Fairclough,
Alaska State Senator AK District 1 AK District 17
Hon. Joe Paskvan,
AK District E Alaska State Representative Alaska State Representative
Hon. Peggy Wilson, Hon. Nancy Dahlstrom,
Alaska State Senator AK District 2 AK District 18
Hon. Gene Therriault,
AK District F Alaska State Representative Alaska State Representative
Hon. Beth Kerttula, Hon. Pete Peterson,
Alaska State Senator AK District 3 AK District 19
Hon. Linda Menard,
AK District G
Notice of Intent
Inquiries regarding field Service Records of current members should be DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE
Record Books/Officer Qualification addressed to the Commanding Officer of
Records of current members should be the Marine Corps unit to which they are Department of the Navy
addressed to the Commanding Officer of attached.
the Marine Corps unit to which they are Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Official mailing addresses are Environmental Impact Statement and
published in the Standard Navy Overseas Environmental Impact
Official mailing addresses are
published in the Standard Navy Distribution List that is available at Statement for Navy Training Activities
Distribution List that is available at http://doni.daps.dla.mil/sndl.aspx. in the Gulf of Alaska
http://doni.daps.dla.mil/sndl.aspx. Requests should contain the member’s AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DoD.
Requests should contain the member’s full name, Social Security Number ACTION: Notice.
full name, Social Security Number (SSN) (and/or enlisted or officer service
(SSN) (and/or enlisted or officer service number), rank/rate, approximate dates SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 102(2)(c)
number), rank/rate, approximate dates of service, address, and signature of the of the National Environmental Policy
of service, address, and signature of the requester. Act of 1969 (NEPA) as implemented by
requester. Transfer or Discharge (DD the Council on Environmental Quality
Current members (active and reserve)
Form 214), discharge certificate, driver’s regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500–1508),
license, or other data sufficient to and former members may visit any of
and Executive Order 12114
ensure that the member is the subject of the above activities for review of
(Environmental Effects Abroad of Major
the record. records. Proof of identification will be
Federal Actions), the Department of the
Current members (active and reserve) required and may consist of an
Navy (Navy) announces its intent to
and former members may visit any of individual’s active, reserve, or retired prepare an Environmental Impact
the above activities for review of identification card, Armed Forces Statement (EIS)/Overseas
records. Proof of identification will be Report of Transfer or Discharge (DD Environmental Impact Statement (OEIS)
required and may consist of an Form 214), discharge certificate, driver’s to evaluate the potential environmental
individual’s active, reserve, or retired license, or other data sufficient to effects of conducting Navy training in
identification card, Armed Forces ensure that the member is the subject of and around the Gulf of Alaska (GOA),
Report of. the record. including participation in large-scale
Joint exercises, to support Fleet training
CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: exercise requirements. The Navy will
Individuals seeking access to records
The USMC rules for contesting invite the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
about themselves contained in this
contents and appealing initial agency and National Marine Fisheries Service
system of records should address
determinations are published in to be cooperating agencies in
written requests to the following
Secretary of the Navy Instruction preparation of this EIS/OEIS.
Inquiries regarding permanent Official 5211.5; Marine Corps Order P5211.2; 32 DATES AND ADDRESSES: Three public
Military Personnel File records of all CFR part 701; or may be obtained from scoping meetings will be held to receive
active duty and reserve members, the system manager. oral and/or written comments on
former members discharged, deceased, environmental concerns that should be
or retired after 31 December 1997 RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: addressed in the EIS/OEIS. Each of the
should be addressed to the three scoping meetings will consist of
Staff agencies and subdivisions of an informal, open house session with
Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code
MMSB), Headquarters, U.S. Marine Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps; information stations staffed by Navy
Corps, 2008 Elliot Road, Quantico, VA Marine Corps commands and representatives. The public scoping
22134–5030. organizations; other agencies of federal, meetings will be held at the following
Inquiries regarding field Service state, and local government; medical dates, times, and locations:
Record Books/Officer Qualification reports; correspondence from financial 1. Tuesday, April 1, 2008, 6 p.m. to
Records of reserve members serving in and other commercial enterprises; 9 p.m., at Kodiak Best Western, 236 W.
the Individual Ready Reserve should be correspondence and records of Rezanof Drive, Kodiak, AK 99615,
addressed to the Commanding General, educational institutions; 2. Wednesday, April 2, 2008, 6 p.m.
Marine Corps Mobilization Command, correspondence of private citizens to 9 p.m., at Kincaid Outdoor Center,
15303 Andrews Road, Kansas City, MO addressed directly to the Marine Corps North Assembly Room, 9401 W.
64147–1207. or via the U.S. Congress and other Raspberry Road, Anchorage, AK 99502,
Inquiries regarding Official Military 3. Thursday, April 3, 2008, 6 p.m. to
agencies; investigations to determine
Personnel File records of former 9 p.m., at Mt. Eccles Elementary School,
suitability for enlistment, security
members discharged, deceased, or 200 Adams Street, Cordova, AK 99574.
clearances, and special assignments; Details of the meeting locations and
retired before 1 January 1998 should be investigations related to disciplinary
addressed to the Director, National times will be announced in local
proceedings; and the individual of the newspapers. Additional information
Personnel Records Center, Military record.
Personnel Records, 9700 Page Avenue, concerning meeting times will be
St. Louis, MO 63132–5100. available on the EIS/OEIS Web page
Veterans and relatives of deceased
veterans may obtain information on how None. www.GulfofAlaskaNavyEIS.com.
to obtain copies of records from the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mrs.
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:19 Mar 14, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00037 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17MRN1.SGM 17MRN1
14238 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 52 / Monday, March 17, 2008 / Notices
Code EV1.AB, telephone number: 360– health and the environment, and DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY
396–0924. enhancing the quality and the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The capabilities of the training area, Agency Information Collection
proposed EIS/OEIS analyzes potential including safety. Extension
environmental effects of Navy training The No Action Alternative is the U.S. Department of Energy.
activities that will take place in and continuation of current training levels, Notice and Request for
around the Gulf of Alaska and those with one carrier strike group per Comments.
aircraft events that originate in the exercise, to exclude the use of mid-
maritime exercise area (MEA) and frequency active sonar (MFAS). SUMMARY: The Department of Energy
extend over established inland Alaska Alternative 1 consists of an increase in (DOE), pursuant to the Paperwork
military operating areas. Navy training the number of training activities from Reduction Act of 1995, intends to
activities primarily take place in, or baseline levels, to include the use of extend for three years, an information
originate from, the MEA. The MEA MFAS, plus training associated with the collection package with the Office of
provides approximately 42,000 nm2 introduction of new weapon systems, Management and Budget (OMB)
(144,056 km2) of air and surface/ vessels, and aircraft into the Fleet. concerning Collection of Human
subsurface ocean operating area and Alternative 2 consists of all elements of Resource information from major DOE
overlying airspace. Alternative 1, plus the addition of a contractors for contract management,
The MEA is a polygon that is oriented second summertime carrier strike group administration, and cost control.
from northwest to southeast, Comments are invited on:
exercise each year, to include the use of
approximately 300 nm in length by 150 (a) Whether the extended collection of
nm in width, situated south of Prince information is necessary for the proper
William Sound and east of Kodiak Environmental issues that will be performance of the functions of the
Island, Alaska. The EIS/OEIS study area addressed in the EIS/OEIS include but agency, including whether the
includes Gulf of Alaska ocean area are not limited to the following: Air information shall have practical utility;
within approximately 200 km from the quality; airspace; biological resources, (b) The accuracy of the agency’s
MEA and the waters within this including threatened and endangered estimate of the burden of the proposed
boundary up to the coastline. Military species; cultural resources; geology and collection of information, including the
operations also occur over established soils; hazardous materials and waste; validity of the methodology and
land-based Military Operating Areas health and safety; noise; assumptions used;
maintained by the Air Force in Alaska. socioeconomics; transportation and (c) Ways to enhance the quality,
These Alaska training areas are used water resources. utility, and clarity of the information to
to conduct Navy training, including The Navy is initiating the scoping be collected; and
participating in large-scale Joint training process to identify community concerns (d) Ways to minimize the burden of
exercises such as the annual Northern and local issues that will be addressed the collection of information on
Edge exercise, involving military in the EIS/OEIS. Federal, state, and local respondents, including through the use
hardware, personnel, tactics, munitions, agencies, Alaska Native Federally- of automated collection techniques or
explosives, and electronic combat. Recognized Tribes, the public, and other forms of information technology.
Alaska is an ideal location to support interested persons are encouraged to DATES: Comments regarding this
naval and joint operational readiness by provide oral and/or written comments proposed information collection must
providing the maritime component to a be received on or before May 16, 2008.
to the Navy to identify specific
‘‘geographically realistic’’ range for U.S. If you anticipate difficulty in submitting
environmental issues or topics of
Pacific Command (PACOM) and U.S. comments within that period, contact
environmental concern that the
Northern Command (NORTHCOM) the person listed below as soon as
commenter believes the Navy should
scenario-based training. possible.
consider. All comments, written or
The purpose of the Proposed Action
is to: (1) Support PACOM and provided orally at the scoping meetings, ADDRESSES: Written comments may be
NORTHCOM training requirements; (2) will receive the same consideration sent to: Robert M. Myers, U.S.
achieve and maintain Fleet readiness during EIS/OEIS preparation. Department of Energy, 1000
using these Alaska training areas to Written comments on the scope of the Independence Avenue, SW.,
support and conduct current, emerging, EIS/OEIS should be postmarked no later Washington, DC 20585–1615, 202–287–
and future training activities; (3) than April 30, 2008. Comments may be 1584, or by fax at 202–287–1656 or by
accommodate new training mailed to: Mrs. Amy Burt, Naval e-mail at robert.myers@hq.doe.gov.
requirements associated with the Facilities Engineering Command, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT:
introduction of new weapons and Northwest, 1101 Tautog Circle, Suite Requests for additional information or
systems to the Fleet; and (4) support 203, Silverdale, Washington 98315– copies of the information collection
civilian authorities in homeland defense 1101, Attn: GOA Navy Training instrument and instructions should be
training exercises. Activities EIS/OEIS Project Manager, directed to Robert Myers at the address
The need for the Proposed Action is Code EV1.AB. Comments can also be listed above.
to: (1) Maintain current levels of submitted via the EIS/OEIS Web page SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This
military readiness; (2) accommodate located at http:// package contains:
future increases in training activities to www.GulfofAlaskaNavyEIS.com. (1) OMB No. 1910–0600;
support Fleet exercise requirements in (2) Package Title: Industrial Relations;
Dated: March 11, 2008.
the Alaska training areas; (3) support the (3) Type of Review: Renewal;
pwalker on PROD1PC71 with NOTICES
acquisition and implementation into the T.M. Cruz, (4) Purpose: This information is
Fleet of advanced military technology; Lieutenant, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, required for management oversight for
and (4) maintain the long-term viability U.S. Navy, Federal Register Liaison Officer. the Department of Energy’s Facilities
of the Alaska training areas as a Navy [FR Doc. E8–5316 Filed 3–14–08; 8:45 am] Management Contractors and to ensure
training area while protecting human BILLING CODE 3810–FF–P that the programmatic and
VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:19 Mar 14, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\17MRN1.SGM 17MRN1
Appendix B
Ser N456E/8U158107
31 March 2008
As a cooperating agency, the Navy requests NMFS support the Navy
ln the following manner:
Copy to:
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Environment)
Office of Assistant General Counsel (Installation & Environment)
Commander, u.s. Pacific Fleet (N01CE, N7)
Commander, u.s. Fleet Forces Command (N73, N77)
Commander, Naval Installations Command (N45)
Commander, Navy Region Northwest (N40)
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest (N4S)
5090 -- a
Ser NOlC~1/0379
4 Apr 08
As the lead agency, the Navy will prepare the EIS/OEIS that
includes but is not limited to the following:
n, U.S. Navy
Fleet Civil Engineer
Copy to:
Chief of Naval Operations (N45)
Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (N73, N77)
Commander, U.S . Pacific Fleet (N7)
Commander, Naval Installations Command (N45)
Commander, Navy Region Northwest (N4, N40)
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest (EV1)
WASHINGTON, DC 20350-2000
Ser N456M/8U158134
21 April 2008
Ronald Tickle
Head, Operational Environmental
Readiness and Planning Branch
Environmental Readiness Division
(l) DRAFT - Gulf of Alaska Navy Training Activities ErS/OEIS
Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives (Dated March
Copy to:
Chief of Naval Operations (N43)
Commander, u.S. Fleet Forces Command (N73, N77)
Commander, u.S. Pacific Fleet (NOICE, N3, N7)
Commander, Naval Installations Command (N45)
Commander, Navy Region Northwest (N40)
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Northwest
From: Frances_Mann@fws.gov
To: Burt, Amy E CIV NAVFAC NW, EV1;
cc: Ann_Rappoport@fws.gov; Frances_Mann@fws.gov;
Subject: FWS declines to be cooperators on EIS for Gulf of Alaska
Date: Monday, September 08, 2008 16:21:55
Thank you for your April 4, 2008, request for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
to be a cooperating agency in your preparation of an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for navy training exercises in the Gulf of Alaska. I regret that
we must decline this opportunity due to staffing and timing constraints of other
Service priorities. Nevertheless, we are concerned about potential effects of the
proposed activities on Service trust resources in this area and surrounding areas
where there could be secondary and indirect effects. Consequently we expect to
maintain our status as a commenting agency throughout your National
Environmental Policy Act process for this potential action. In that regard, we will
involve pertinent Service programs and expect to work with your staff as the EIS
is developed.
For further coordination and comments on this project, please contact Ann
Rappoport or me (contact information provide below).
Thank you.
INC. .…….……………………………………………………….……………................FEBRUARY 28, 1994
The purpose of this letter is to inform your Tribal Council of anticipated U.S. Navy training
activities in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) in future years (Enclosure 1). The Navy is preparing an
Environmental Impact Statement/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (EIS/OEIS) for
Navy training activities in the GOA.
The majority of Navy training activities in Alaska and the GOA would occur in the GOA
temporary Maritime Exercise Area, or MEA (Enclosure 2). This area includes 42,146 square
nautical miles (144,560 km2 ) of surface and subsurface ocean operating area and overlying
airspace. The GOA MEA serves as the principal training venue for annual exercises, which can
involve forces from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, and U.S. Coast Guard. The air
and sea components of the GOA MEA provide the space and resources needed to realistically
train Service men and women to achieve and maintain U.S. Pacific Fleet readiness. The Navy's
Proposed Action is a step toward ensuring the continued vitality of this essential training
opportunity .
As global defense technology advances, it is necessary for the Navy to enhance its training
capabilities. Therefore, the Navy is proposing to support current, emerging, and future training
activities in the GOA as necessary to achieve and sustain military readiness, including:
o Maintain current levels of military readiness by training in Alaska and the GOA;
o Accommodate future increases in training activities from current levels as necessary
to support Fleet exercise requirements;
Accommodate training requirements associated with force structure changes; and
o Support civilian authorities in homeland defense training exercises.
distribution), by activities occUlTing in Although my staff believes
H~',"H.L"" areas are outside boundaries of the your tribe is one of the closest Federally-
Recognized Tribes to the MEA. Therefore, I am notifying you of this action and seeking your
Pursuant to our American Indian!Alaska Native policy, I ask you to consider whether this
proposal will significantly affect any of Kaguyak Village's tribal rights or protected tribal
resources. I would appreciate a reply by May 30, 2008, with your analysis. If yes, please
specify which tribal right(s) or protected tribal resource(s) will be affected and how it (they) will
be significantly affected. If you reply by indicating an effect to a right or resource, we invite you
to consult with us on a Government-to-Government basis as a way to discuss issues before we
move forward with further environmental analysis and public comment.
We look forward to working with you to address any concerns you may have on this
project. Please feel free to contact my Native AffairslNatural Resources Advisor, Dr. Jerome
Montague, at (907) 552-2769 or jerome.montague@elmendorf.af.mil if you have any questions.
2 Enclosures:
1. GOA Navy Training Activities EIS/OEIS Exercise Description
2. GOA Navy Training Activities EIS/OEIS Areas Map
Navy training activities within the Alaska Training Areas will consist of the following sea and land
exercises. These exercises will involve Navy assets and will include participation by other services
in joint exercises. Possible activities include: Command and Control (C2), Special Warfare
Operations (SPECWAROPS), Personnel Recovery (PR), Deck Landing Qualifications (DLQ), Close
Air Support (CAS), Defense Counter Air (DCA), Air Interdiction of Maritime Targets (AIMT), Air
to Air Exercises, Air to Surface Exercises, Underway Replenishments (UNREP), Aircraft Operations
Support (AIROPS), Submarine Operations (SUBOPS), and Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercises
(ASW). Navy training will include the use of tactical mid-frequency active sonar.
Navy training activities in the state of Alaska and the Gulf of Alaska will occur during two separate
summer season (April-October) events, for approximately 16 hours per day over a three-week period
for each event.
Enclosure (1)
Air Defense Exercise (ADEX): ADEX is an exercise to train ships and aircraft assets in coordination
and tactics for defense of the CSG or other Naval forces from airborne threats.
Surface to Air Missile Exercise (SAMEX): During a SAMEX, surface ships engage threat missiles
and aircraft with missiles with the goal of disabling or destroying the threat. The exercise lasts about
two hours.
Surface-to-Air Gunnery Exercise (GUNEX S-A): During a GUNEX S-A, a ship's gun crews engage
threat aircraft or missile targets with their guns with the goal of disabling or destroying the threat.
The exercise lasts about two hours which normally includes several non-firing tracking runs followed
by one or more the firing runs.
Air to Air Missile Exercise (AAMEX): During an AAMEX, aircraft attack a simulated threat target
aircraft with air-to-air missiles with the goal of destroying the target. Air-to-air missiles are fired
from aircraft against aerial targets to provide aircrews with experience using aircraft missile firing
systems and training on air-to-air combat tactics.
2 Enclosure (1)
Visit, Board, Search Seizure/Vessels of (VBSS/VOI): are
principal type of maritime interdiction operations used by naval forces. teams
armed personnel, wearing body armor, flotation devices, and communications gear are deployed by
Zodiac boats or helicopters to board and inspect ships and vessels suspected of carrying
contraband. Once aboard, the team takes control of the bridge, crew, and engineering plant, and
inspects the ship's papers and its cargo.
Air-to-Surface Missile Exercise (A-S MISSILEX): A-S MISSILEX involves fixed winged aircraft
and helicopter crews launching missiles at surface maritime targets, day and night, with. the goal of
destroying or disabling enemy ships or boats. The platform fitted with the expendable target could
be a stationary barge or a remote controlled speed boat. The majority of exercises involve the use of
captive carry (inert, no release) training missiles; the aircraft perform all detection, tracking, and
targeting requirements without actually releasing a missile.
Air-to-Surface Bombing Exercise (A-S BOMBEX): During an A-S BOMBEX, maritime patrol
aircraft (MPA) or FIA-IS delivers bombs against surface maritime targets, with the goal of
destrQying or disabling enemy ships or boats. Exercises at night will normally be done with captive
carry (no drop) weapons because of safety considerations. Laser designators from aircraft are used to
illuminate certified targets for use with lasers when using laser guided weapons. The majority of unit
level exercises involve the use of inert training bombs; the aircraft perform all detection, tracking,
and targeting requirements without actually releasing a bomb.
Air-to-Surface Gunnery Exercise (A-S GUNEX): Strike fighter aircraft and helicopter crews,
including embarked Naval Special Warfare personnel, use guns to attack surface maritime targets,
day or night, with the goal of destroying or disabling enemy ships, boats, or floating or near-surface
Surface-to-Surface Gunnery Exercise (S-S GUNEX): These exercises train surface ship crews in
high-speed surface engagement procedures against mobile (towed or self-propelled) seaborne targets.
Both live and inert training rounds are used against the targets. The training consists of the pre-
attack phase, including locating, identifying, and tracking the threat vessel, and the attack phase in
which the weapon is launched and flies to the target. In a live-fire event, aircraft would conduct a
surveillance flight to ensure that the range is clear of non-participating ships and that no marine
mammals are present.
Maritime Interdiction (MI): MI is a coordinated defensive pre-planned attack against multiple sea-
borne and air targets using airborne and surface assets with the objective of delivering a decisive
blow to enemy forces. These exercises typically involve all the assets of the eSG and joint forces in
an attempt to neutralize the threat.
Sea Surface Control (SSC): sse exercises involve aircraft performing reconnaissance of the
surrounding sea area. Airborne assets investigate surface contacts of interest and attempt to identify,
via onboard sensors or cameras, the type, course, speed, name, and other pertinent data about the ship
of interest.
3 Enclosure (1)
attempt to
communications equipment, and electronic detection equipment to degrade or deny the enemy's
ability to defend its forces from attack and/or recognize an emerging threat early enough to take the
necessary defensive actions.
Chaff Exercise (CHAFFEX): Ships, fixed-winged aircraft, and helicopters deploy chaff to disrupt
threat targeting and missile guidance radars and to defend against an attack. Chaff is a radar reflector
material made of thin, narrow, metallic strips cut in various lengths to elicit frequency responses,
which deceive enemy radars. Chaff training is the most common exercise used for training both
ships and aircraft.
Personnel Recovery (PRJ: PR is the umbrella term for activities that are focused on the task of
recovering captured, missing, or isolated personnel from harm's way. PR exercises train rescue
forces personnel on the tasks needed to recover distressed personnel during war or military
operations other than war. PR exercises will include insertion of a survivor into the water or on land
ranges and rescue activities to recover the survivor by helicopter. In a hostile environment, this
exercise becomes a Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) mission. The exercise can include
reconnaissance aircraft to find the downed aircrew, helicopters to conduct the rescue, and in a hostile
4 Enclosure (1)
to to
Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA): DSCA exercises provide training for Navy forces in
responding to a request for emergency support in response to a request for military support. The
purpose is to train CSG forces in providing assistance and relief to a civilian population. The basic
elements of the training are to provide logistics support, communications, and civil relations
associated with a civilian requirement.
Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore (JLOTS): Naval Beach Group units provide support during
amphibious assaults and with Maritime Preposition Force units to load and unload ships without the
benefit of deep draft-capable, fixed port facilities in friendly or undefended territory. Essentially,
these units create and operate facilities ashore where no facilities exist, and bring equipment and
supplies from ships at sea to ashore staging points for use by forces ashore. This type of exercise is
called Logistics Over-the-Shore and is composed of several types of activities depending on what has
to be done to unload the ships.
Non-combatant Evacuation Operation (NEO): NEO training practices the evacuation of American
citizens from a country or region in which their safety cannot be assured such as during a revolution
or coup. The essential elements of a NEO exercise include establishing and securing a marshalling
area for evacuees, moving evacuees to the marshalling area, accounting for evacuees, and moving
evacuees from the marshalling area to a safe haven, often on ships at-sea. A NEO requires rapid
planning, ingress with appropriate transportation, location, identification and securing of evacuees,
and egress to a secure location.
1.4 Analysis of Potential Impacts to Marine Mammals and Fish in the GOA
The Navy will conduct an analysis of direct and indirect impacts to marine mammals, including
cetaceans and pinnipeds, and fish during the training activities described above that could take place
as a part of Navy training activities in Alaska and the GOA. As results of that analysis are finalized,
that information will be explained through the NEP A process.
Further, the Navy must comply with the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and the
Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Navy will seek to obtain the appropriate permits and
authorizations under these federal laws from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
Headquarters and from the Alaska Regional Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS).
5 Enclosure (1)
ProjectJon: WGS84, UTM 6N
Enclosure (2)
Kaguyak Village Lesnoi age
5078 P.O. B x 9009
Akhiok, AK 99615 Kod' k, AK 99615
r. Pete Kompkoff
Dr. Gordon Pullar
Native Village of Chenega
Lesnoi Village
P.O. Box 8079
P.O. Box 9009
Chenega Bay, AK 99574
Kodiak, AK 99615
Claudia Nissley
Director, Western Office
of Review
fD)lrn © rn 0\Y1 rn ~!
IW MAY 2 6 1994 \il~
I I l/-
12 April 1994
5800 G Street Suite 203
Elmendorf AFB AK 99506-2150
Ms Claudia Nissley
Western Office of Project Review
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
730 Simms Street Room 40 I
Golden CO 80401
Dear Ms Nissley
In accordance with the provisions of Title 36 CFR 800.5(d)(i)(i), this letter notifies the
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Council) of the consultation between the Pacific Air
., Forces, Eleventh Air Force, and the Alaska State Ffistoric Preservation Officer (SHPO) regarding
the Air Force Proposal to Restructure Military Operations Areas in Alaska (proposal) and
associated Determination of No Adverse Effect to Cultural Resources (Determination).
Consultation regarding potential effects to cultural resources included meetings with the
SHPa and other agencies. The following documents are enclosed for your information and
d) Map showing the Proposal Areas within the State of Alaska (Atch 4).
The Determination and associated correspondences will be published and available for public
inspection in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (ElS). The Draft ElS is presently
scheduled to be published on or before 2 September 1994.
Volume III Cultural Resources Correspondence
If there are any questions, please contact Mr James W. Hostman, 11 AFILGV, at 907-552-
1. Spectrum Letter of 4 Feb 94
2. Final Detennination of No Adverse Effect
3. SHPO Concurrence Jetter, 28 Feb 94
4. Map of Proposed Action
Pursuant to Section ·106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 470), i
and according to the regulations governing Section 106, 36 CFR Part 800 "Protection of -!
Historic Properties," a determination is made of No Adverse Effect to cultural resources due I
a) The Proposal is limited to structuring (location, dimensions, etc.) and Air Force
use of MOA airspace. There would be DO ground disturbance associated with the
Proposal (i.e., no construction of new buildings or facilities, or alteration of existing
buildings or facilities).
b) Supersonic activity would not occur below 5,000 feet AGL within any of the
c) Intentional flare deployment would not occur below 2,000 feet AGL, an altitude
designated to allow complete flare burnout prior to contact with the ground or
Due to tbe extensive area affected by the Proposal, it would be infeasible to identify all
historic properties in the Region of Influence. It is reasonable to conclude tbat the MOAs
as described would overlay lands tbat contain a number of historic properties (cultural
resources) already listed in or eligible for the Register of National Historic Places
(Register). Such properties or resources may include surface and subsurface prehistoric
sites; above-groun4 historic structures such as sad, log, and frame buildings and Cold War
Era sites; and histo·ric and prehistoric trails, including the Iditarod National Historic Trail.
To date, there have been no traditional Native use sites identified.
The range and extent of cultural resources that might be affected by the Proposal were
determined through preliminary consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer
(SHPO) (September 8,1993); agency,local government, and public scoping meetings for the
Environmental Impact Statement; review of agencies' resource management and cultural
resource management plans; and review of various literature that describes Alaska's cultural
4. How and why the Criteria of Adverse Effect were found inapplicable.
5. Views of the SHPO, other agencies, governments, and the public and a description of the
means employed to solicit these views.
a) Views of the SHPO, otber agencies, goverrunents, and the public indicated a broad,
general concern for cultural resources. However, no specific cultural re&OUrce or historic'
property was identified that was considered to be threatened by· implementation of the
Proposed Action or Alternatives. It was the preliminary conclusion of scoping that the
Proposal was unlikely to have signillcant adverse effects to cultural resources.
b) Pursuant to tbe National Environmental Policy Act (40 CFR 1501.7), views were solicited
during the Environmental Impact Statement scoping process. Scoping meetings were held
to inform. agencies and the public of the Proposal and to solicit input and identify concerns.
Federal and state agency scoping meetings were held with the Alaska Departments of
Natural Resources, Fish and Game, and Community and Regional Affairs; and the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and
Bureau of Indian Affairs. Public seoping meetings were held in fourteen communities, and
.public input was solicited through a mail-out brochure and sUIVey form. Meetings were also
held with local gove=en!S, public interest organizations, and other groups, including the
Alaska Congressional delegation, Tanana Chiefs Conference, and the Fairhanks North Star
Borough. Additionally, the SHPO was consulted separately to discuss the possible effects
that might occur to cultural resources due to the Proposed Action or Alternatives.
TIDs Determination has been made final upon receipt of concurrence from the SHPO (see
attached letter, February 28, 1994). 1£ for any reason the nature of the Proposal changes
. during the regular course of the Environmental Impact Statement process, further
. 'consultation with the SHPO and with the public and other agencies will occur.
P.O. Bo" 107001
Olllce of HIstory and Archaeology ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510-7001
Thank you for your letter and determination of effect for the
referenced project. We concur with your finding that the
undertaking will have no adverse effect on properties listed on or
eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.
The Advisory council on Historic Preservation should be notified o~.
this consultation pursuant to 36 CPR BOO.5(d) (1) (i). Please·
contact Tim Smith at 762-2625 if there are any questions or if we
can be of further assistance.
state Historic Preservation Officer
Spectrum Sciences and Software, Inc., has been contracted by the U.S. Air Force to prepare
an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for an action proposed by Headquarters, Pacific
Air Forces, to be conducted in Alaska under tbe auspices of 11th Air Force. Susan Means
:. and I (of Spectrum) met with you and Mr. Tim Smith on September 8, 1993, to discuss tbe
. potential effects of this proposal with regard to cultural resources.
Enclosed is a detailed description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives (Proposal). The
heart of the Proposal is the conversion in Alaska of temporary Miliary- Operations Area
(MOA) airspace to permanent MOA airspace. The Proposal does not include any
construction or other ground-disturbing activities (i.e., there would be no cbange to the
existing ground activities at any of the ranges or bases). Please Dote the addition of
Alternative B which would affect an area in vicinity of Tok, Alaska. This alternative has
been added siDce our September meeting.
Also enclosed please find a Preliminary Determination of No Adverse Effect, per Section
106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, to Alaska's cultural resourc_es due to the
activities described in the Proposal. This .letter requests your concurrence with the
Determination. Unless the scope of the Proposal changes during the course of the EIS
process, and per Section 106 of the Natignal Historic Preservation Act, your concurrence
will be considered final and no further an-alysis of the potential effects to cultural resources
by the Proposal will be undertaken_ In the event of change of scope or a. response of
nonconcurrence, consultation will continue_ Please advise me if the Air Force should notify
the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation of this determination.
All correspondence associated with this consultation will be induded in the Administrative
Record of the EIS. The Draft EIS is scbeduled for release on September 2, 1994. In order
to include in the Draft EIS this determination and your concurrence therewith (or resolution
of non-concurrence with this determination, if necessary), receipt of your response is
requested no later tban April I, 1994. If you have any questions regarding the proposed
(0&01) 051·21111
FAX (0t) ~'_211f7
""" "......,
j FAX (807) 27~
.5.35-.... Eu!. ~ A<I.,
Karen McKibbin ,.
Spectrum Science~ and Software, Inc.
Draft Description of the Proposed Action and Alternatives
Preliminary Determination of No Adverse Effect
Pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 470),
and according to the regulations governing Section 106, 36 CFR Part 800 "Protection of
Historic Properties," a preliminary determination is made of No Adverse Effect to cultural
resources due to the implementation of the Pacific Air Forces' Proposal for Improvements
to Military Operations Areas in Alaska (proposal).
a) The Proposal is limited to structuring (iocation, dimensions, etc.) and Air Force
use of MOA airspace. There would be no ground disturbance associated with the
Proposal (i.e., no construction of new buildings or facilities, or alteration of existing
buildings or facilities).
b) Supersonic activity would not occur below 5,000 feet AGL within any of the
c) Intentional flare deployment would not occur below 2,000 feet AGL, an altitude
designated to allow complete flare burnout prior to contact with the ground or
2. Description of historic properties thal may be affected by the undertaking.
Due to the extensive area affected by the Proposal, it would be infeasible to identify all
historic properties in the Region of Influence. It is reasonable to conclude that the MOA.s
as described would overlay lands that contain a Dumber of historic properties (cultural
resources) already listed in or eligible for the Register of National Historic Places
(Register). Such properties or resoUrces may include surface and subsurface prehistoric
sites; above-ground historic structures such as sad, log, and frame buildings and Cold \\'ar
Era sites; and historic and prehistoric trails, including the Iditarod National Historic Trail.
To date, there have been no traditional Native use sites identified.
The range and extent of cultural resources that might be affected by the Proposal were
determined through preliminary consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer
(SHPO) (September 8,1993); agency, local government, and public scoping meetings for the
Environmental Impact Statement; review of agencies' resource management and cultural
resource management plans; and review ofvarions literature that describes Alaska's cultural
resources. 1
4. How and why the Criteria of Adverse Effect were found inapplicable.
5. Views of the SHPO, other agencies, governments, and the public and a description of the
means employed to solicit these views.
a) Views of the SHPO, other agencies, governments, and the public indicated a broad,
general concern for cultural resources. However, no specific cultural resource or historic
property was identified that was considered to be threatened by implementation of the
Proposed Action or Alternatives. It was the. preliminary conclusion of seoping that the
Proposal was unlikely to have significant adverse effects to cultural resources.
b) Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (40 CPR 1501.7), views were solicited
during the Environmental Impact Statement scoping process. Scoping meetings were held
to inform agencies aod the public of the Proposal and to solicit input and identify concerns.
Federal and state agency scoping meetings were held with the Alaska Departments of
Natural Resources, Fish and Game, and Community and Regional Affairs; and the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and
Bureau of Indian Affairs. Public seoping meetings were held in fourteen communities, and
public input was solicited through a mail-out brochure and survey form. Meetings were also
held with local gove=ents, public interest organizations, and other groups, including the
Alaska Congressional delegation, Tanana Chiefs Conference, and the Fairbanks North Star
Borough. Additionally, the SHPO was consulted in a separate meeting to discnss the
possible effects that might occur to cultural resources due to the Proposed Action or
This Preliminary Determination will be made final upon receipt of concurrence from the
SHPO. If the SHPO does not concur with this finding, consultation with the SHPO will
continue until resolution is achieved. If for any reason the nature of the Proposal changes
during the regular course of the Environmental Impact Statement process, further
consultation with the SHPO and with the public and other agencies would occur.
Volume III Cultural Resources Correspondence L-7
Appendix D
The Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA) provides for the conservation of species that are endangered
or threatened throughout all or a significant portion of their range, and the conservation of their
ecosystems. A “species” is considered endangered if it is in danger of extinction throughout all or a
significant portion of its range. A species is considered threatened if it is likely to become an endangered
species within the foreseeable future. There are marine mammals, already protected under MMPA, listed
as either endangered or threatened under ESA, and afforded special protections.
Actions involving sound in the water include the potential to harass marine animals in the surrounding
waters. Demonstration of compliance with MMPA and the ESA, using best available science, has been
assessed using criteria and thresholds accepted or negotiated, and described here.
Sections of the MMPA (16 United States Code [U.S.C.] 1361 et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
to allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of small numbers of marine mammals by
U.S. citizens who engage in a specified activity, other than commercial fishing, within a specified
geographical region.
Authorization for incidental takings may be granted if the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
finds that the taking will have no more than a negligible impact on the species or stock(s), will not have
an immitigable adverse impact on the availability of the species or stock(s) for subsistence uses, and that
the permissible methods of taking, and requirements pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring and
reporting of such taking are set forth.
NMFS has defined negligible impact in 50 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 216.103 as an impact
resulting from the specified activity that cannot be reasonably expected to, and is not reasonably likely to,
adversely affect the species or stock through effects on annual rates of recruitment or survival.
Subsection 101(a)(5)(D) of the MMPA established an expedited process by which citizens of the United
States can apply for an authorization to incidentally take small numbers of marine mammals by
harassment. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2004 (NDAA) (Public Law 108-136) removed
the small numbers limitation and amended the definition of “harassment” as it applies to a military
readiness activity to read as follows:
(i) any act that injures or has the significant potential to injure a marine mammal or
marine mammal stock in the wild [Level A Harassment]; or
(ii) any act that disturbs or is likely to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal
stock in the wild by causing disruption of natural behavioral patterns, including, but
not limited to, migration, surfacing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering, to a
point where such behavioral patterns are abandoned or significantly altered [Level B
The primary potential impact to marine mammals from underwater acoustics is Level B harassment from
exposure to various sources of sound in the water including sonar and explosives. The criteria for
modeling impacts from these sources are detailed in the following sections.
Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS) is non-recoverable and results from the destruction of tissues within the
auditory system. PTS therefore qualifies as an injury and is classified as Level A harassment under the
MMPA. The smallest amount of PTS (onset- PTS) is taken to be the indicator for the smallest degree of
injury that can be measured. The acoustic exposure associated with onset-PTS is used to define the outer
limit of the Level A exposure zone.
If the TS eventually returns to zero (the threshold returns to the pre-exposure value), the TS is a
Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS). TTS is, from recent rulings (NOAA 2001; 2002a), considered to result
from the temporary, non-injurious distortion of hearing-related tissues. The smallest measurable amount
of TTS (onset-TTS) is taken as the best indicator for slight temporary sensory impairment. Because it is
considered non-injurious, the acoustic exposure associated with onset-TTS is used to define the outer
limit of the portion of the Level B exposure zone attributable to physiological effects. This follows from
the concept that hearing loss potentially affects an animal’s ability to react normally to the sounds around
it. Therefore, the potential for TTS is considered as Level B harassment caused by physiological effects
on the auditory system.
The exposure threshold established for onset-TTS is 195 dB re 1µPa2-s. This result is supported by the
short-duration tone data of Finneran et al. (2002, 2005) and the long-duration sound data from Nachtigall
et al., (2003). Together, these data demonstrate that TTS in small odontocetes is correlated with the
received EL and that onset-TTS exposures are fit well by an equal-energy line passing through 195 dB re
1µPa2-s. Absent any additional data for other species and being that it is likely that small odontocetes are
more sensitive to the mid-frequency active/high-frequency active frequency levels of concern, this
threshold is used for analysis for all cetacea.
The PTS thresholds established for use in this analysis are based on a 20 dB increase in exposure EL over
that required for onset-TTS. The 20 dB value is based on estimates from terrestrial mammal data of PTS
occurring at 40 dB or more of TS, and on TS growth occurring at a rate of 1.6 dB/dB increase in exposure
EL. This is conservative because: (1) 40 dB of TS is actually an upper limit for TTS used to approximate
onset-PTS, and (2) the 1.6 dB/dB growth rate is the highest observed in the data from Ward et al. (1958,
1959). Using this estimation method (20 dB increase from onset-TTS) for analysis, the PTS threshold for
cetacea is 215 dB re 1µPa2-s.
Unlike cetaceans, the TTS and PTS thresholds used for pinnipeds vary with species. Otariids have
thresholds of 206 dB re 1µPa2-s for TTS and 226 dB re 1µPa2-s for PTS. Northern elephant seals are
similar to otariids (TTS = 204 dB re 1µPa2-s, PTS = 224 dB re 1µPa2-s) but are lower for harbor seals
(TTS = 183 dB re 1µPa2-s, PTS = 203 dB re 1µPa2-s). A certain proportion of marine mammals is
expected to experience behavioral disturbance at different received sound pressure levels and are counted
as Level B harassment takes. The details of this theory and calculation are described in the Risk Function
section. Table D-1 summarizes the threshold levels for analysis of non-explosive sound sources used
during Navy training activities in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Temporary Maritime Activities Area
Physiological Effects
TTS 204 Level B Harassment
Northern Elephant Seal
PTS 224 Level A Harassment
D.1.2 Explosives
For underwater explosions resulting from use of live ordnance in the TMAA, in the absence of any
mitigation or monitoring measures, there is a very small chance that a marine mammal could be injured or
killed when exposed to the energy generated from an explosive force. Analysis of sound and pressure
impacts from underwater explosions is based on criteria and thresholds initially presented in U.S. Navy
Environmental Impact Statements for ship shock trials of the Seawolf submarine and the Winston
Churchill (DDG 81), and subsequently adopted by NMFS.
Non-lethal injurious impacts (Level A Harassment) are defined in those documents as tympanic
membrane (TM) rupture and the onset of slight lung injury. The threshold for Level A Harassment
corresponds to a 50-percent rate of TM rupture, which can be stated in terms of an energy flux density
(EFD) value of 205 dB re 1µPa2-s. TM rupture is well-correlated with permanent hearing impairment.
Ketten (1998) indicates a 30-percent incidence of permanent threshold shift (PTS) at the same threshold.
The criteria for onset of slight lung injury were established using partial impulse because the impulse of
an underwater blast wave was the parameter that governed damage during a study using mammals, not
peak pressure or energy (Yelverton, 1981). Goertner (1982) determined a way to calculate impulse values
for injury at greater depths, known as the Goertner “modified” impulse pressure. Those values are valid
only near the surface because as hydrostatic pressure increases with depth, organs like the lung, filled
with air, compress. Therefore the “modified” impulse pressure thresholds vary from the shallow depth
starting point as a function of depth.
The shallow depth starting points for calculation of the “modified” impulse pressures are mass-dependent
values derived from empirical data for underwater blast injury (Yelverton, 1981). During the calculations,
the lowest impulse and body mass for which slight, and then extensive, lung injury found during a
previous study (Yelverton et al, 1973) were used to determine the positive impulse that may cause lung
injury. The Goertner model is sensitive to mammal weight such that smaller masses have lower
thresholds for positive impulse so injury and harassment will be predicted at greater distances from the
source for them. Impulse thresholds of 13.0 and 31.0 psi-msec, found to cause slight and extensive injury
in a dolphin calf, were used as thresholds in the analysis contained in this document.
Level B (behavior response) Harassment includes temporary (auditory) threshold shift (TTS), a slight,
recoverable loss of hearing sensitivity. One criterion used for TTS, the total energy flux density of the
sound, is a threshold of 182 dB re 1µPa2-s maximum EFD level in any 1/3-octave band above 100 Hz for
toothed whales (e.g., dolphins). A second criterion, a maximum allowable peak pressure of 23 psi, has
recently been established by NMFS to provide a more conservative range for TTS when the explosive or
animal approaches the sea surface, in which case explosive energy is reduced, but the peak pressure is
not. NMFS applies the more conservative of these two.
For multiple successive explosions (MSE) occurring underwater, the acoustic criterion for non-TTS
behavioral disturbance is used to account for behavioral effects significant enough to be judged as
harassment, but occurring at lower sound energy levels than those that may cause TTS. The non-TTS
threshold is derived following the approach of the Churchill Final Environmental Impact Statement
(FEIS) for the energy-based TTS threshold. The research on pure-tone exposures reported in Schlundt et
al. (2000) and Finneran and Schlundt (2004) provided a threshold of 192 dB re 1µPa2-s as the lowest TTS
value. This value for pure-tone exposures is modified for explosives by (a) interpreting it as an energy
metric, (b) reducing it by 10 dB to account for the time constant of the mammal ear, and (c) measuring the
energy in 1/3 octave bands, the natural filter band of the ear. The resulting TTS threshold for explosives is
182 dB re 1μPa2-s in any 1/3 octave band. As reported by Schlundt et al. (2000) and Finneran and
Schlundt (2004), instances of altered behavior in the pure-tone research generally began five dB lower
than those causing TTS. The non-TTS threshold is therefore derived by subtracting 5 dB from the 182 dB
re 1μPa2-s in any 1/3 octave band threshold, resulting in a 177 dB re 1μPa2-s (EL) sub-TTS behavioral
disturbance threshold for MSE. Table D-2 summarizes the threshold levels for analysis of explosives used
in the GOA.
The sound sources will be located in an area that is inhabited by species listed as threatened or
endangered under the ESA (16 USC §§ 1531-1543). Operation of the sound sources, that is, transmission
of acoustic signals in the water column, could potentially cause harm or harassment to listed species.
“Harm” defined under ESA regulations is “…an act which actually kills or injures…” (50 CFR 222.102)
listed species. “Harassment” is an “intentional or negligent act or omission which creates the likelihood of
injury to wildlife by annoying it to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavioral patterns
which include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding, or sheltering” (50 CFR 17.3).
If a federal agency determines that its proposed action “may affect” a listed species, it is required to
consult, either formally or informally, with the appropriate regulator. There is no permit issuance under
ESA, rather consultation among the cognizant federal agencies under Section 7 of the ESA. Such
consultations would likely be concluded favorably, subject to requirements that the activity will not
appreciably reduce the likelihood of the species’ survival and recovery and impacts are minimized and
Second, the types of sources have different sets of harassment metrics and thresholds. Energy metrics are
defined for both types. However, explosives are impulsive sources that produce a shock wave that dictates
additional pressure-related metrics (peak pressure and positive impulse). Detailed descriptions of both
types of sources are provided in the following subsections.
The acoustic modeling that is necessary to support the harassment estimates for each of these sonars relies
upon a generalized description of the manner of the sonar’s operating modes. This description includes
the following:
• “Effective” energy source level—This is the level relative to 1μPa2-s of the integral over
frequency and time of the square of the pressure and is given by the total energy level across
the band of the source, scaled by the pulse length (10 log10 [pulse length]).
- Vertical beam width - Width of the source beam (degrees) in the vertical plane
measured at the 3-dB down point (assumed constant for all vertical steer directions).
- Vertical steer direction - Direction in the vertical plane that the beam is steered
relative to the horizontal (upward looking angles are positive).
To avoid sharp transitions that a rectangular beam might introduce, the power response at
vertical angle θ is
where θs is the vertical beam steer direction, and n = 2*L/λ (L = array length, λ =
The beamwidth of a line source is determined by n (the length of the array in half-
wavelengths) as θw = 180o /n.
• Ping spacing - Distance between pings. For most sources this is generally just the product of
the speed of advance of the platform and the repetition rate of the sonar. Animal motion is
generally of no consequence as long as the source motion is greater than the speed of the
animal (nominally, 3 knots). For stationary (or nearly stationary) sources, the “average” speed
of the animal is used in place of the platform speed. The attendant assumption is that the
animals are all moving in the same constant direction.
These parameters are defined for each of the active sound sources in Table D-4 and D-5.
The following are the usage units for sonar sources in the TMAA (all modeled during the summer
D.2.2 Explosives
Explosives detonated underwater introduce loud, impulsive, broadband sounds into the marine
environment. Three source parameters influence the effect of an explosive: the weight of the explosive
material, the type of explosive material, and the detonation depth. The net explosive weight (or NEW)
accounts for the first two parameters. The NEW of an explosive is the weight of TNT required to produce
an equivalent explosive power.
The detonation depth of an explosive is particularly important due to a propagation effect known as
surface-image interference. For sources located near the sea surface, a distinct interference pattern arises
from the coherent sum of the two paths that differ only by a single reflection from the pressure-release
surface. As the source depth and/or the source frequency decreases, these two paths increasingly,
destructively interfere with each other, reaching total cancellation at the surface (barring surface-
reflection scattering loss).
For the TMAA, explosive sources having detonations in the water include the following: SSQ-110 EER
sonobuoys and MK-82, MK-83, MK-84, BDU-45 bombs, 5” rounds and 76 mm gunnery rounds, MK-48
torpedo, and Maverick missile. The SSQ-110 source can be detonated at several depths within the water
column. For this analysis, a relatively shallow depth of 65 ft (20 m) is used to optimize the likelihood of
the source being positioned in a surface duct. A source depth of two meters is used for bombs and
missiles that do not strike their target. The MK-48 torpedo detonates immediately below the target’s hull
and a nominal depth of 50 ft (14 m) is used as its source depth in this analysis. For the gunnery rounds, a
source depth of one foot is used. The NEW modeled for these sources are as follows:
The harassments expected to result from these sources are computed on a per in-water explosive basis.
The cumulative effect of a series of explosives can often be derived by simple addition if the detonations
are spaced widely in time or space, allowing for sufficient animal movements as to ensure a different
population of animals is considered for each detonation.
The cases in which simple addition of the harassment estimates may not be appropriate are addressed by
the modeling of a “representative” sinking exercise (SINKEX). In a SINKEX, a decommissioned vessel is
towed to a specified deep-water location and there used as a target for a variety of weapons. Although no
two SINKEXs are ever the same, a representative case derived from past exercises is described in the
Programmatic SINKEX Overseas Environmental Assessment (March 2006) for the Western North
Atlantic. Unguided weapons are more frequently off-target and are modeled according to the statistical
hit/miss ratios. Note that these hit/miss ratios are artificially low in order to demonstrate a worst-case
scenario; they should not be taken as indicative of weapon or platform reliability. With one exception, it
is assumed that all missiles in a SINKEX will strike the target vessel. The Maverick missile and bombs
used in SINKEX were modeled as missing the target vessel approximately 33 percent of the time. For all
live rounds fired in a GUNEX and an estimated 32 percent of rounds fired in SINKEX may explode in the
In a SINKEX, weapons are typically fired in order of decreasing range from the source with weapons
fired until the target is sunk. A torpedo is used after all munitions have been expended if the target is still
afloat. Since the target may sink at any time during the exercise, the actual number of weapons used can
vary widely. In the representative case, however, all of the ordnances are assumed expended; this
represents the worst case with maximum exposure.
The sequence of weapons firing for the representative SINKEX is described in Table D-6. Guided
weapons are nearly 100% accurate and are modeled as hitting the target (that is, no underwater acoustic
effect) in all but two cases: (1) the Maverick is modeled as a miss to represent the occasional miss, and
(2) the MK-48 torpedo intentionally detonates in the water column immediately below the hull of the
target. Unguided weapons are more frequently off-target and are modeled according to the statistical
hit/miss ratios. Note that these hit/miss ratios are artificially low in order to demonstrate a worst-case
scenario; they should not be taken as indicative of weapon or platform reliability.
Range Control Officer receives reports that the exercise area is clear of non-
participant ship traffic, marine mammals, and sea turtles.
0909 Hellfire missile fired, hits target.
0915 2 HARM missiles fired, both hit target (5 minutes apart).
0930 1 Penguin missile fired, hits target.
0940 3 Maverick missiles fired, 2 hit target, 1 misses (5 minutes apart).
1145 1 SM-1 fired, hits target.
1147 1 SM-2 fired, hits target.
1205 5 Harpoon missiles fired, all hit target (1 minute apart).
7 live and 3 inert MK 82 bombs dropped – 7 hit target, 2 live and 1 inert miss target
(4 minutes apart).
1355-1410 4 MK 83 bombs dropped – 3 hit target, 1 misses target (5 minutes apart).
Surface gunfire commences – 400 5-inch rounds fired (one every 6 seconds), 280
hit target, 120 miss target.
1700 MK 48 Torpedo fired, hits, and sinks target.
The spatial variability of the sound speed field is generally small over operating areas of typical size. The
presence of a strong oceanographic front is a noteworthy exception to this rule. To a lesser extent,
variability in the depth and strength of a surface duct can be of some importance. In the mid-latitudes,
seasonal variation often provides the most significant variation in the sound speed field. For this reason,
both summer and winter profiles are modeled for each selected environment.
On the other hand, the range of interest for marine animal harassment by most Naval activities is more
limited. This reduces the importance of the exact location of source and marine animal and makes the
modeling required more manageable in scope.
In lieu of trying to model every environmental profile that can be encountered in an operating area, this
effort utilizes a limited set of representative environments. Each environment is characterized by a fixed
water depth, sound velocity profile, and bottom loss type. The operating area is then partitioned into
homogeneous regions (or provinces) and the most appropriately representative environment is assigned to
each. This process is aided by some initial provincing of the individual environmental parameters. The
Navy-standard high-frequency bottom loss database in its native form is globally partitioned into nine
classes. Low-frequency bottom loss is likewise provinced in its native form, although it is not considered
in the process of selecting environmental provinces. Only the broadband sources produce acoustic energy
at the frequencies of interest for low-frequency bottom loss (typically less than 1 kHz); even for those
sources the low-frequency acoustic energy is secondary to the energy above 1 kHz. The Navy-standard
sound velocity profiles database is also available as a provinced subset. Only the Navy-standard
bathymetry database varies continuously over the world’s oceans. However, even this environmental
parameter is easily provinced by selecting a finite set of water depth intervals. For this analysis “octave-
spaced” intervals (10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 5000 m) provide an adequate sampling of
water depth dependence.
ZOI volumes are then computed using propagation loss estimates derived for the representative
environments. Finally, a weighted average of the ZOI volumes is taken over all representative
environments; the weighting factor is proportional to the geographic area spanned by the environmental
The selection of representative environments is subjective. However, the uncertainty introduced by this
subjectivity can be mitigated by selecting more environments and by selecting the environments that
occur most frequently over the operating area of interest.
As discussed in the previous subsection, ZOI estimates are most sensitive to water depth. Unless
otherwise warranted, at least one representative environment is selected in each bathymetry province.
Within a bathymetry province, additional representative environments are selected as needed to meet the
following requirements.
• In shallow water (less than 1,000 meters), bottom interactions occur at shorter ranges and more
frequently; thus significant variations in bottom loss need to be represented.
• Surface ducts provide an efficient propagation channel that can greatly influence ZOI estimates.
Variations in the mixed layer depth need to be accounted for if the water is deep enough to
support the full extent of the surface duct.
Depending upon the size and complexity of the operating area, the number of environmental provinces
tends to range from 5 to 20.
The GOA contains a total of 20 distinct environmental provinces. These represent various combinations
of six bathymetry provinces, two Sound Velocity Profile (SVP) provinces, and four High-Frequency
Bottom Loss (HFBL) classes.
The bathymetry provinces represent depths ranging from 100 meters to typical deep-water depths
(slightly more than 5,000 meters). Nearly two-thirds of the Exercise Area is characterized as deep-water
(depths of 2,000 meters or more). The second most prevalent water depth, covering nearly one-quarter of
the Exercise Area, is representative of waters near the continental shelf break. The remaining water
depths provide only small contributions (individually less than 5%) to the analysis. The distribution of the
bathymetry provinces over the GOA is provided in D-7.
The distribution of the two sound speed provinces found in the TMAA is presented in Table D-8.
The variation in sound speed profiles associated with these two provinces is significant. This is illustrated
in Figure D-1 and D-2 that display the upper 1,000 meters of the winter and summer profiles,
respectively. In the winter, province 21 is a classic half-channel profile. The strong near-surface (within
the upper 200 meters) gradient is the likely product of thorough mixing by strong winter winds and some
fresh water sources. The winter profile for province 22 features a strong surface duct to a depth of 100
meters, also the result of thorough mixing by the winter winds. In contrast to province 21, however, the
surface layer is modestly warmer. Nonetheless, both profiles are conducive to favorable sound
propagation from a near-surface source.
400 21
600 22
400 21
600 22
The four HFBL classes represented in the GOA vary from low-loss bottoms (class 2, typically in shallow
water) to high-loss bottoms (class 8). The four classes are fairly equally distributed as indicated in Table
D-9 Distribution of High-Frequency Bottom Loss Classes in GOA. However, since two (classes 2 and 3)
of the four classes are relatively low-loss, the bias in the environmental provinces will be towards low-
loss bottoms.
The logic for consolidating the environmental provinces focuses upon water depth, using the sound speed
profile (in deep water) and the HFBL class (in shallow water) as secondary differentiating factors. The
first consideration was to ensure that all six bathymetry provinces are represented. Then within each
bathymetry province further partitioning of provinces proceeded as follows:
• The three shallowest bathymetry provinces are each represented by one environmental province.
In each case, the bathymetry province is dominated (in some cases almost exclusively) by a single
HFBL class, so that the secondary differentiating environmental parameter is of no consequence.
• The 1000-meter bathymetry province has two environmental provinces (differing in SVP
province only) that occur in small, but relatively equal portions. Although they collectively
represent less than 5% of the TMAA, both are included in the analysis to ensure thoroughness. A
third environmental province with a different HFBL class is not encountered enough to warrant
• The 2000-meter bathymetry province contains two environmental provinces that feature different
SVP provinces. Both occur with sufficient frequency to warrant inclusion in the analysis.
• The 5000-meter bathymetry province consists of five environmental provinces. Four of these
provinces are maintained for analysis; the fifth province is representative of less than one percent
of the TMAA and for that reason, is excluded from consideration.
The distribution of the resulting eleven environmental provinces used in the acoustic modeling is
summarized in Table D-10 and depicted in Figure D-3.
-151.5 -150.43 -149.36 -148.29 -147.21 -146.14 -145.07 -144
On this plot, darker-colored regions correspond to higher environmental province numbers, and hence
depict deeper regions of the TMAA.
SINKEX operations are restricted to areas outside of 50 nautical miles (nm) from land and in waters
deeper than 1,000 fathoms (or 1,852 meters). These limitations result not only in a smaller set of
environments for analysis but also different frequencies of occurrence as indicated in Table D-11.
The impact volume associated with a particular activity is defined as the volume of water in which some
acoustic metric exceeds a specified threshold. The product of this impact volume with a volumetric
animal density yields the expected value of the number of animals exposed to that acoustic metric at a
level that exceeds the threshold. The acoustic metric can either be an energy term (energy flux density,
either in a limited frequency band or across the full band) or a pressure term (such as peak pressure or
positive impulse). The thresholds associated with each of these metrics define the levels at which half of
the animals exposed will experience some degree of harassment (ranging from behavioral change to
Impact volume is particularly relevant when trying to estimate the effect of repeated source emissions
separated in either time or space. Impact range, which is defined as the maximum range at which a
particular threshold is exceeded for a single source emission, defines the range to which marine mammal
activity is monitored in order to meet mitigation requirements.
With the exception of explosive sources, the sole relevant measure of potential harm to the marine
wildlife due to sonar operations is the accumulated (summed over all source emissions) energy flux
density received by the animal over the duration of the activity. Harassment measures for explosive
sources include energy flux density and pressure-related metrics (peak pressure and positive impulse).
Regardless of the type of source, estimating the number of animals that may be injured or otherwise
harassed in a particular environment entails the following steps.
• Each source emission is modeled according to the particular operating mode of the sonar. The
“effective” energy source level is computed by integrating over the bandwidth of the source,
scaling by the pulse length, and adjusting for gains due to source directivity. The location of the
source at the time of each emission must also be specified.
• For the relevant environmental acoustic parameters, transmission loss (TL) estimates are
computed, sampling the water column over the appropriate depth and range intervals. TL data are
sampled at the typical depth(s) of the source and at the nominal center frequency of the source. If
the source is relatively broadband, an average over several frequency samples is required.
• The accumulated energy within the waters that the source is “operating” is sampled over a
volumetric grid. At each grid point, the received energy from each source emission is modeled as
the effective energy source level reduced by the appropriate propagation loss from the location of
the source at the time of the emission to that grid point and summed. For the peak pressure or
positive impulse, the appropriate metric is similarly modeled for each emission. The maximum
value of that metric, over all emissions, is stored at each grid point.
• The impact volume for a given threshold is estimated by summing the incremental volumes
represented by each grid point for which the appropriate metric exceeds that threshold.
• Finally, the number of harassments is estimated as the “product” (scalar or vector, depending
upon whether an animal density depth profile is available) of the impact volume and the animal
This section describes in detail the process of computing impact volumes (that is, the first four steps
described above). This discussion is presented in two parts: active sonars and explosive sources. The
relevant assumptions associated with this approach and the limitations that are implied are also presented.
The final step, computing the number of harassments is discussed in subsection D.6.
• Identification of the underwater propagation model used to compute transmission loss data, a
listing of the source-related inputs to that model, and a description of the output parameters that
are passed to the energy accumulation algorithm.
• Definitions of the parameters describing each sonar type.
• Description of the algorithms and sampling rates associated with the energy accumulation
D.4.1.1 Transmission Loss Calculations
Transmission loss (TL) data are pre-computed for each of two seasons in each of the environmental
provinces described in the previous subsection using the Gaussian Ray Bundle (GRAB) propagation loss
model (Keenan, 2000). The TL output consists of a parametric description of each significant eigenray (or
propagation path) from source to animal. The description of each eigenray includes the departure angle
from the source (used to model the source vertical directivity later in this process), the propagation time
from the source to the animal (used to make corrections to absorption loss for minor differences in
frequency and to incorporate a surface-image interference correction at low frequencies), and the
transmission loss suffered along the eigenray path.
The frequency and source depth TL inputs are specified in Table D-12.
The eigenray data for a single GRAB model run are sampled at uniform increments in range out to a
maximum range for a specific “animal” (or “target” in GRAB terminology) depth. Multiple GRAB runs
are made to sample the animal depth dependence. The depth and range sampling parameters are
summarized in Table D-13. Note that some of the low-power sources do not require TL data to large
maximum ranges.
In a few cases, most notably the SQS-53 for levels below approximately 180 dB, TL data may be required
by the energy summation algorithm at ranges greater than covered by the pre-computed GRAB data. In
these cases, TL is extrapolated to the required range using a simple cylindrical spreading loss law in
addition to the appropriate absorption loss. This extrapolation leads to a conservative (or under) estimate
of transmission loss at the greater ranges.
Although GRAB provides the option of including the effect of source directivity in its eigenray output,
this capability is not exercised. By preserving data at the eigenray level, this allows source directivity to
be applied later in the process and results in fewer TL calculations.
The other important feature that storing eigenray data supports is the ability to model the effects of
surface-image interference that persist over range. However, this is primarily important at frequencies
lower than those associated with the sonars considered in this subsection. A detailed description of the
modeling of surface-image interference is presented in the subsection on explosive sources.
The source is then moved along one of the axes in the horizontal plane by the specified ping separation
range and the second ping is processed in a similar fashion. Again, once all grid points have been
processed, the resulting sum of the incremental volumes represents the impact volume for two pings. This
procedure continues until the maximum number of pings specified has been reached.
Defining the volumetric grid over which energy is accumulated is the trickiest aspect of this procedure.
The volume must be large enough to contain all volumetric cells for which the accumulated energy is
likely to exceed the threshold but not so large as to make the energy accumulation computationally
Determining the size of the volumetric grid begins with an iterative process to determine the lateral extent
to be considered. Unless otherwise noted, throughout this process the source is treated as omni-directional
and the only animal depth that is considered is the TL target depth that is closest to the source depth
(placing source and receiver at the same depth is generally an optimal TL geometry).
The first step is to determine the impact range (Rmax) for a single ping. The impact range in this case is the
maximum range at which the effective energy source level reduced by the transmission loss is greater
than the threshold. Next, the source is moved along a straight-line track and energy flux density is
accumulated at a point that has a CPA range of Rmax at the mid-point of the source track. That total energy
flux density summed over all pings is then compared to the prescribed threshold. If it is greater than the
threshold (which, for the first Rmax, it must be) then Rmax is increased by ten percent, the accumulation
process is repeated, and the total energy is again compared to the threshold. This continues until Rmax
grows large enough to ensure that the accumulated energy flux density at that lateral range is less than the
threshold. The lateral range dimension of the volumetric grid is then set at twice Rmax, with the grid
centered along the source track. In the direction of advance for the source, the volumetric grid extends on
the interval from [–Rmax, 3 Rmax] with the first source position located at zero in this dimension. Note that
the source motion in this direction is limited to the interval [0, 2 Rmax]. Once the source reaches 2 Rmax in
this direction, the incremental volume contributions have approximately reached their asymptotic limit
and further pings add essentially the same amount. This geometry is demonstrated in Figure D-4 below.
Lateral Direction
Direction of
3 Rmax Advance
Figure D-4. Horizontal Plane of Volumetric Grid for Omni Directional Source
If the source is directive in the horizontal plane, then the lateral dimension of the grid may be reduced and
the position of the source track adjusted accordingly. For example, if the main lobe of the horizontal
source beam is limited to the starboard side of the source platform, then the port side of the track is
reduced substantially as demonstrated in Figure D-5.
Lateral Direction
0.1 Rmax
–Rmax 3 Rmax Direction of
Limit of Energy Grid in Horizontal
Figure D-5. Horizontal Plane of Volumetric Grid for Starboard Beam Source
Once the extent of the grid is established, the grid sampling can be defined. In both dimensions of the
horizontal plane the sampling rate is approximately Rmax/100. The round-off error associated with this
sampling rate is roughly equivalent to the error in a numerical integration to determine the area of a circle
with a radius of Rmax with a partitioning rate of Rmax/100 (approximately one percent). The depth-sampling
rate of the grid is comparable to the sampling rates in the horizontal plane but discretized to match an
actual TL sampling depth. The depth-sampling rate is also limited to no more than ten meters to ensure
that significant TL variability over depth is captured.
The slope of the asymptotic limit of the impact volume at a given depth is the impact volume added per
ping. This number multiplied by the number of pings in an hour gives the hourly impact volume for the
given depth increment. Completing this calculation for all depths in a province, for a given source, gives
the hourly impact volume vector, vn , which contains the hourly impact volumes by depth for province n.
Figure D-7 provides an example of an hourly impact volume vector for a particular environment.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Ensonified Volume (cubic meters) 10
x 10
⎛ 4π f z s z a ⎞
sin 2 ⎜ 2
⎝ c t ⎠
where f is the frequency, zs is the source depth, za is the animal depth, c is the sound speed and t is the
travel time from source to animal along the propagation path. For small arguments of the sine function
this expression varies directly as the frequency and the two depths. It is this relationship that causes the
propagation field to go to zero as the depths approach the surface or the frequency approaches zero.
This surface-image interference must be applied across the entire bandwidth of the explosive source. The
TL field is sampled at several representative frequencies. However, the image-interference correction
given above varies substantially over that frequency spacing. To avoid possible under sampling, the
image-interference correction is averaged over each frequency interval.
The effective energy source level, which is treated as a de facto input for the other sources, is instead
modeled directly for SSQ-110 explosive sonobuoys and munitions. For both, the energy source level is
comparable to the model used for other explosives (Arons (1954), Weston (1960), McGrath (1971), Urick
(1983), Christian and Gaspin (1974)). The energy source level over a one-third octave band with a center
frequency of f for a source with a net explosive weight of w pounds is given by:
where the peak pressure for the shock wave at 1 meter is defined as
In contrast to munitions that are modeled as omni-directional sources, the SSQ-110 is a directed source
consisting of two explosive strips that are fired simultaneously from the center of the array. Each strip
generates a beam pattern with the steer direction of the main lobe determined by the burn rate. The
resulting response of the entire array is a bifurcated beam for frequencies above 200 Hz, while at lower
frequencies the two beams tend to merge into one.
Since very short ranges are under consideration, the loss of directivity of the array needs to be accounted
for in the near field of the array. This is accomplished by modeling the sound pressure level across the
field as the coherent sum of contributions of infinitesimal sources along the array that are delayed
according to the burn rate. For example, for frequency f the complex pressure contribution at a depth z
and horizontal range r from an infinitesimal source located at a distance z’ above the center of the array is
p(r,z) = e iφ
α = 2 πf / cb
with k the acoustic wave number, cb the burn rate of the explosive ribbon, and r’ the slant range from the
infinitesimal source to the field point (x,z).
Beam patterns as function of vertical angle are then sampled at various ranges out to a maximum range
that is approximately L2 / λ where L is the array length and λ is the wavelength. This maximum range is a
rule-of-thumb estimate for the end of the near field (Bartberger, 1965). Finally, commensurate with the
resolution of the TL samples, these beam patterns are averaged over octave bands.
A couple of sample beam patterns are provided in Figure D-8 and Figure D-9. In both cases, the beam
response is sampled at various ranges from the source array to demonstrate the variability across the near
field. The 80-Hz family of beam patterns presented in Figure D-8 shows the rise of a single main lobe as
range increases.
(dB re Omni)
-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Vertical Angle (deg)
Figure D-8. 80-Hz Beam Patterns across Near Field of EER Source
On the other hand, the 1,250-Hz family of beam patterns depicted in Figure D-9 demonstrates the typical
high-frequency bifurcated beam.
Beam Response
(dB re Omni) 10
-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
Vertical Angle (deg)
Figure D-9. 1250-Hz Beam Patterns across Near Field of SSQ-110 Source
• The square root of the averaged transmission ratio of the peak arrival,
• The peak pressure at a range of 1 meter (given by equation A-1), and
• The similitude correction (given by r –0.13, where r is the slant range along the eigenray estimated
as tc with t the travel time along the dominant eigenray and c the nominal speed of sound).
If the peak pressure for a given grid point is greater than the specified threshold, then the incremental
volume for the grid point is added to the impact volume for that depth layer.
∫ p(t) dt
where p(t) is the pressure wave from the explosive as a function of time t, defined so that p(t) = 0 for t <
0. This pressure wave is modeled as
where pmax is the peak pressure at 1 meter (see, equation B-1), and θ is the time constant defined as
with w the net explosive weight (pounds), and r the slant range between source and animal.
where Tcut is the time to cutoff and Tosc is a function of the animal lung oscillation period. When the upper
limit is Tcut, the integral is the definition of positive impulse. When the upper limit is defined by Tosc, the
integral is smaller than the positive impulse and thus is just a “partial” impulse. Switching the integral
limit from Tcut to Tosc accounts for the diminished impact of the positive impulse upon the animals lungs
that compress with increasing depth and leads to what is sometimes call a “modified” positive impulse
The time to cutoff is modeled as the difference in travel time between the direct path and the surface-
reflected path in an isospeed environment. At a range of r, the time to cutoff for a source depth zs and an
animal depth za is
The animal lung oscillation period is a function of animal mass M and depth za and is modeled as
where M is the animal mass (in kg) and za is the animal depth (in feet).
The modified positive impulse threshold is unique among the various injury and harassment metrics in
that it is a function of depth and the animal weight. So instead of the user specifying the threshold, it is
computed as K (M/42)1/3 (1 + za/33)1/2. The coefficient K depends upon the level of exposure. For the
onset of slight lung injury, K is 19.7; for the onset of extensive lung hemorrhaging (1% mortality), K is
Although the thresholds are a function of depth and animal weight, sometimes they are summarized as
their value at the sea surface for a typical dolphin calf (with an average mass of 12.2 kg). For the onset of
slight lung injury, the threshold at the surface is approximately 13 psi-msec; for the onset of extensive
lung hemorrhaging (1% mortality), the threshold at the surface is approximately 31 psi-msec.
As with peak pressure, the “modified” positive impulse at each grid point is compared to the derived
threshold. If the impulse is greater than that threshold, then the incremental volume for the grid point is
added to the impact volume for that depth layer.
Sound is a pressure wave, so at a certain point in space, sound is simply rapidly changing pressure.
Pressure at a point is a function of time. Define p(t) as pressure (in micropascals) at a given point at time t
(in seconds); this function is called a “time series.” Figure D-10 gives the time series of the first
“hallelujah” in Handel's Hallelujah Chorus.
x 10
Pressure (microPascals)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (Sec.)
The time-series of a source can be different at different places. Therefore, sound, or pressure, is not only a
function of time, but also of location. Let the function p(t), then be expanded to p(t;x,y,z) and denote the
time series at point (x,y,z) in space. Thus, the series in Figure D-10 p(t) is for a given point (x,y,z). At a
different point in space, it would be different.
Assume that the location of the source is (0,0,0) and this series is recorded at (0,10,-4). The time series
above would be p(t;0,10,-4) for 0<t<2.5.
As in Figure D-10, pressure can be positive or negative, but acoustic power, which is proportional to the
square of the pressure, is always positive, this makes integration meaningful. Figure D-11
is p 2 (t ;0,10,−4) .
x 10
Pressure2 (sq. microPascals)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (Sec.)
The metric chosen to evaluate the sound field at the end of this first “hallelujah” determines how the time
series is summarized from thousands of points, as in Figure D-10, to a single value for each point (x,y,z)
in the space. The metric essentially “boils down” the four dimensional p(t,x,y,z) into a three dimensional
function m(x,y,z) by dealing with time. There is more than one way to summarize the time component, so
there is more than one metric.
⎛ p2 ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ p ⎞⎞
SPL = 10 log10 ⎜ 2 ⎟ = 20 log10 ⎜ abs⎜ ⎟⎟
⎜p ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ p ⎟⎟
⎝ ref ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ ref ⎠ ⎠
(Note that SPL is defined in dB re a reference pressure, even though it comes from a ratio of powers.)
One way to characterize the power of the time series p (t ; x, y , z ) with a single number over the 2.5
seconds is to only report the maximum SPL value of the function over time or,
{ ( )}
SPLmax = max 10 log10 p 2 (t , x, y , z ) (relative to a reference pressure of 1µPa2-s) for 0<t<2.5
The SPLmax for this snippet of the Hallelujah Chorus is 10 log 10 6.4 × 1011 μPa 2 / 1μPa 2 = 118 dB re )
1µPa2-s and occurs at 0.2606 seconds, as shown in Figure D-12.
SPL (dB re 1 micoPascal)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time (Sec.)
D.5.3 Integration
SPLmax is not necessarily influenced by the duration of the sound (2.5 seconds in this case). Integrating
the function over time gives the EFD, which accounts for this duration. A simple integration of
p 2 (t ; x, y, z ) over t is common and is proportional to the EFD at (x,y,z). Because we will again be
dealing in levels (logarithms of ratios), we neglect the impedance and simply measure the square of the
Energy = ∫ p 2 (t , x, y, z )dt , where T is the maximum time of interest in this case 2.5.
The energy for this snippet of the Hallelujah Chorus is 8.47 × 1010 μPa 2 ⋅ s . This would more commonly
be reported as an energy level (EL):
⎛T 2 ⎞
⎜ ∫ p (t , x, y, z )dt ⎟
⎜ ⎟
EL = 10 log 10 ⎜ 0 ⎟ = 109.3 dB re 1µPa2-s
⎜ 1.0 μPa s ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎠
Energy is sometimes called “equal energy” because if p(t) is a constant function and the duration is
doubled, the effect is the same as doubling the signal amplitude (y value). Thus, the duration and the
signal have an “equal” influence on the energy metric.
Mathematically we have
2T T T
0 0 0
Sometimes, the integration metrics are referred to as having a “3 dB exchange rate” because if the
duration is doubled, this integral increases by a factor of two, or 10log10(2)=3.01 dB. Thus, equal energy
has “a 3 dB exchange rate.”
After p(t) is determined (i.e., when the stimulus is over), propagation models can be used to determine
p(t;x,y,z) for every point in the vicinity and for a given metric. Define
menergy ( x, y, z; T ) = ∫ p(t ) 2 dt
( )
m max SPL ( x , y , z ; T ) = max 10 log 10 p 2 (t ) over [0, T ]
Since modeling is concerned with the effects of an entire event, T is usually implicitly defined: a number
that captures the duration of the event. This means that m a ( x, y, z ) is assumed to be measured over the
duration of the received signal.
To further reduce the calculation burden, it is possible to reduce the domain of m a ( x, y, z ) to two
dimensions by defining ma ( x, y ) = max{ma ( x, y, z )} over all z. This reduction is not used for this
analysis, which is exclusively three-dimensional.
D.5.4 Threshold
For a given metric, a threshold is a function that gives the probability of exposure at every value of m a .
This threshold function will be defined as
D(ma ( x, y, z )) = P (effect at ma ( x, y, z ))
An example of threshold functions is the heavyside (or unit step) function, currently used to determine
permanent and temporary threshold shift (PTS and TTS) in cetaceans. For PTS, the metric is
menergy ( x, y , z ) , defined above, and the threshold function is a heavyside function with a discontinuity at
215 dB, shown in Figure D-13.
Probability of PTS
140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230
Level (dB)
Any function can be used for D, as long as its range is in [0,1]. The risk function uses normal Feller risk
functions (defined below) instead of heavyside functions, and use the max SPL metric instead of the
energy metric. While a heavyside function is specified by a single parameter, the discontinuity, a Feller
function requires three parameters: the basement cutoff value, the level above the basement for 50%
effect, and a steepness parameter. Mathematically, these Feller, “risk” functions, D, are defined as
⎧ 1
⎪ A
for m max SPL ≥ B
⎪ ⎛ K ⎞
D (mmax SPL ) = ⎨1 + ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ 1
⎪ ⎝ max SPL − B ⎠
⎪0 for mmax SPL < B
where B = cutoff (or basement), K = the difference in level (dB) between the basement and the median
(50% effect) harassment level, and A = the steepness factor. The dose function for odontocetes and
pinnipeds uses the parameters:
B = 120 dB,
K = 45 dB, and
A = 10.
B = 120 dB,
K = 45 dB, and
A = 8.
Harbor porpoises are a special case. Though the metric for their behavioral harassment is also SPL, their
risk function is a heavyside step function with a harassment threshold discontinuity (0 % to 100 %) at 120
dB. All other species use the continuous Feller risk-function for evaluating expected harassment.
∞ ∞ ∞
∫ ρ (V ) D(m
a (V ) )dV = ∫ ∫ ∫ ρ ( x, y , z ) D ( m
− ∞− ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z )) dx dy dz
In this analysis, the densities are constant over the xy-plane, and the z dimension is always negative, so
this reduces to
0 ∞ ∞
∫ ρ ( z ) ∫ ∫ D(m
−∞ − ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z )) dx dy dz
1 The equation can also be represented as shown in Section of this EIS/OEIS
bounds are infinite, D is non-negative out to 120 dB, which, depending on the environmental specifics,
can drive propagation loss calculations and their numerical integration out to more than 100 km.
The first step in the solution is to separate out the xy-plane portion of the integral:
∞ ∞
Define f (z)= ∫ ∫ D(m
− ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z )) dx dy .
Calculation of this integral is the most involved and time consuming part of the calculation. Once it is
0 ∞ ∞ 0
∫ ρ ( z ) ∫ ∫ D(m
−∞ − ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z )) dx dy dz = ∫ ρ ( z ) f ( z ) dz ,
Thus, the calculation of f(z) requires the majority of the computation resources for the numerical
integration. The rest of this section presents a brief outline of the steps to calculate f(z) and preserve the
results efficiently.
The concept of numerical integration is, instead of integrating over continuous functions, to sample the
functions at small intervals and sum the samples to approximate the integral. Smaller sized intervals yield
closer approximations with longer calculation time, so a balance between accuracy and time is determined
in the decision of step size. For this analysis, z is sampled in 5 meter steps to 1000 meters in depth and 10
meter steps to 2000 meters, which is the limit of animal depth in this analysis. The step size for x is 5
meters, and y is sampled with an interval that increases as the distance from the source increases.
z ∈ Z = {0,5,...1000,1010,...,2000}
x ∈ X = {0,±5,...,±5k }
⎧ ⎤⎫
[ ⎡ j
y ∈ Y = ⎨0,±5 ∗ (1.005) 0 ,±5 ∗ (1.005) 0 + (1.005)1 ,...,±5 ∗ ⎢∑ (1.005) i ⎥ ⎬ ]
⎩ ⎣ i =0 ⎦⎭
for integers k, j, which depend on the propagation distance for the source. For this analysis, k = 20,000
and j = 600.
∞ ∞
With these steps, f ( z 0 ) = ∫ ∫ D(m
− ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z 0 ))dxdy is approximated as
∑ ∑ D(m
z∈Y x∈ X
max SPL ( x, y, z 0 ))ΔxΔy
This calculation must be repeated for each z 0 ∈ Z , to build the discrete function f(z).
With the calculation of f(z) complete, the integral of its product with ρ (z ) must be calculated to complete
evaluation of
∞ ∞ ∞ 0
∫ ρ ( z ) ∫ ∫ D (m
−∞ − ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y, z ))dxdydz = ∫ ρ ( z ) f ( z )dz
Since f(z) is discrete, and ρ (z ) can be readily made discrete, this equation is approximated numerically as
∑ ρ ( z ) f ( z ) , a dot product.
Saving the entire m max SPL for each z is unrealistic, requiring great amounts of time and disk space.
Instead, the different levels in the range of m max SPL are sorted into 0.5 dB wide bins; the volume of water
at each bin level is taken from m max SPL , and associated with its bin. Saving this, the amount of water
ensonified at each level, at a 0.5 dB resolution, preserves the ensonification information without using the
space and time required to save m max SPL itself. Practically, this is a histogram of occurrence of level at
each depth, with 0.5 dB bins. Mathematically, this is simply defining the discrete functions V z (L) , where
L = {.5a} for every positive integer a, and for all z ∈ Z . These functions, or histograms, are saved for
future work. The information lost by saving only the histograms is where in space the different levels
occur, although how often they occur is saved. But the thresholds (risk function curves) are purely a
function of level, not location, so this information is sufficient to calculate f(z).
∞ ∞
∑ D(l)V
z0 (l ) ≈ ∫ ∫ D(m max SPL ( x, y, z 0 ))dxdy
− ∞− ∞
So, once the histograms are saved, neither mmax SPL ( x, y, z ) nor f(z) must be recalculated to generate
0 ∞ ∞
∫ ρ ( z ) ∫ ∫ D (m
−∞ − ∞− ∞
max SPL ( x, y , z ))dxdydz for a new threshold function.
For the interested reader, the following section includes an in-depth discussion of the method, software,
and other details of the f(z) calculation.
The case of a single emission of sound energy, one ping, illustrates the computational process in more
detail. First, the sound pressure levels are segregated into a sequence of bins that cover the range
encountered in the area. The SPL are used to define a volumetric grid of the local sound field. The impact
volume for each depth is calculated as follows: for each depth in the volumetric grid, the SPL at each xy-
plane grid point is calculated using the SPL of the source, the TL curve, the horizontal beam pattern of the
source, and the vertical beam patterns of the source. The sound pressure levels in this grid become the
bins in the volume histogram.
Figure D-14 shows an example volume histogram for a low-power source. Level bins are 0.5 dB in width
and the depth is 50 meters in an environment with water depth of 100 meters. The oscillatory structure at
very low levels is due to the flattening of the TL curve at long distances from the source, which magnifies
the fluctuations of the TL as a function of range. The “expected” impact volume for a given level at a
given depth is calculated by multiplying the volume in each level bin by the risk function evaluated at that
level. Total expected impact volume for a given depth is the sum of these “expected” volumes.
Volume (m )
Level (dB)
Impact Volume (m 40,000
0 20 40 60 80 100
Depth (m)
The volumetric grid covers the waters in and around the area of a source’s operation. The grid for this
analysis has a uniform spacing of 5 meters in the x-coordinate and a slowly expanding spacing in the y-
coordinate that starts with 5 meters spacing at the origin. The growth of the grid size along the y-axis is a
geometric series where each successive grid size is obtained from the previous by multiplying it by 1 +
Ry, where Ry is the y-axis growth factor. The nth grid size is related to the first grid size by multiplying by
(1 + Ry)(n-1). For an initial grid size of 5 meters and a growth factor of 0.005, the 100th grid increment is
8.19 meters. The constant spacing in the x-coordinate allows greater accuracy as the source moves along
the x-axis. The slowly increasing spacing in y reduces computation time, while maintaining accuracy, by
taking advantage of the fact that TL changes more slowly at longer distances from the source. The x-and
y-coordinates extend from –Rmax to +Rmax, where Rmax is the maximum range used in the TL calculations.
The z direction uses a uniform spacing of 5 meters down to 1000 meters and 10 meters from 1000 to 2000
meters. This is the same depth mesh used for the effective energy metric as described above. The depth
mesh does not extend below 2000 meters, on the assumption that animals of interest are not found below
this depth.
The next three figures indicate how the accuracy of the calculation of impact volume depends on the
parameters used to generate the mesh in the horizontal plane. Figure D-16 shows the relative change of
impact volume for one ping as a function of the grid size used for the x-axis. The y-axis grid size is fixed
at 5 m and the y-axis growth factor is 0, i.e., uniform spacing. The impact volume for a 5 meters grid size
is the reference. For grid sizes between 2.5 and 7.5 meters, the change is less than 0.1%. A grid size of 5
meters for the x-axis is used in the calculations.
Figure D-17 shows the relative change of impact volume for one ping as a function of the grid size used
for the x-axis and the y-axis grids, respectively. The x-axis grid size is fixed at 5 meters and the y-axis
growth factor is 0. The impact volume for a 5 meters grid size is the reference. This figure is very similar
to that for the x-axis grid size. For grid sizes between 2.5 and 7.5 meters, the change is less than 0.1%. A
grid size of 5 meters is used for the y-axis in our calculations. Figure D-18 shows the relative change of
impact volume for one ping as a function of the y-axis growth factor. The x-axis grid size is fixed at 5
meters and the initial y-axis grid size is 5 meters. The impact volume for a growth factor of 0 is the
reference. For growth factors from 0 to 0.01, the change is less than 0.1%. A growth factor of 0.005 is
used in the calculations.
Percentage Change
0 2 4 6 8 10
Grid Size (m)
Percentage Change
0 2 4 6 8 10
Grid Size (m)
Percentage Change
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010
Y Axis Growth Factor
Another factor influencing the accuracy of the calculation of impact volumes is the size of the bins used
for sound pressure level. The sound pressure level bins extend from 100 dB (far lower than required) up
to 300 dB (much higher than that expected for any sonar system).
Figure D-19 shows the relative change of impact volume for one ping as a function of the bin width. The
x-axis grid size is fixed at 5 meters, and the initial y-axis grid size is 5 meters with a y-axis growth factor
of 0.005. The impact volume for a bin size of 0.5 dB is the reference. For bin widths from 0.25 dB to 1.00
dB, the change is about 0.1%. A bin width of 0.5 is used in our calculations.
Percentage Change
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Bin Width (dB)
Two other issues for discussion are the maximum range (Rmax) and the spacing in range and depth used
for calculating TL. The TL generated for the energy accumulation metric is used for dose-response
analysis. The same sampling in range and depth is adequate for this metric because it requires a less
demanding computation (i.e., maximum value instead of accumulated energy). Using the same value of
Rmax needs some discussion since it is not clear that the same value can be used for both metrics. Rmax was
set so that the TL at Rmax is more than needed to reach the energy accumulation threshold of 173 dB for
1000 pings. Since energy is accumulated, the same TL can be used for one ping with the source level
increased by 30 dB (10 log10(1000)). Reducing the source level by 30 dB, to get back to its original value,
permits the handling of a sound pressure level threshold down to 143 dB, comparable to the minimum
required. Hence, the TL calculated to support energy accumulation for 1000 pings will also support
calculation of impact volumes for the dose-response metric.
The process of obtaining the maximum sound pressure level at each grid point in the volumetric grid is
straightforward. The active sonar starts at the origin and moves at constant speed along the positive x-axis
emitting a burst of energy, a ping, at regularly spaced intervals. For each ping, the distance and horizontal
angle connecting the source to each grid point is computed. Calculating the TL from the source to a grid
point has several steps. The TL is made up of the sum of many eigenrays connecting the source to the grid
point. The beam pattern of the source is applied to the eigenrays based on the angle at which they leave
the source. After summing the vertically beamformed eigenrays on the range mesh used for the TL
calculation, the vertically beamformed TL for the distance from the sonar to the grid point is derived by
interpolation. Next, the horizontal beam pattern of the source is applied using the horizontal angle
connecting the sonar to the grid point. To avoid problems in extrapolating TL, only grid points with
distances less than Rmax are used. To obtain the sound pressure level at a grid point, the sound pressure
level of the source is reduced by that TL. For the first ping, the volumetric grid is populated by the
calculated sound pressure level at each grid point. For the second ping and subsequent pings, the source
location increments along the x-axis by the spacing between pings and the sound pressure level for each
grid point is again calculated for the new source location. Since the risk-function metric uses the
maximum of the sound pressure levels at each grid point, the newly calculated sound pressure level at
each grid point is compared to the sound pressure level stored in the grid. If the new level is larger than
the stored level, the value at that grid point is replaced by the new sound pressure level.
For each bin, a volume is determined by summing the ensonified volumes with a maximum SPL in the
bin's interval. This forms the volume histogram shown in Figure D-14. Multiplying by the dose-response
probability function for the level at the center of a bin gives the impact volume for that bin. The result can
be seen in Figure D-15, which is an example of the impact volume as a function of depth.
The impact volume for a sonar moving relative to the animal population increases with each additional
ping. The rate at which the impact volume increases for the risk function metric is essentially linear with
the number of pings. Figure D-20 shows the dependence of impact volume on the number of pings. The
slope of the line at a given depth is the impact volume added per ping. This number multiplied by the
number of pings in an hour gives the hourly impact volume for the given depth increment. Completing
this calculation for all depths in a province, for a given source, gives the hourly impact volume vector
which contains the hourly impact volumes by depth for a province.
Figure D-21 provides an example of an hourly impact volume vector for a particular environment. Given
the speed of the sonar platform, the hourly impact volume vector could be displayed as the impact volume
vector per kilometer of track.
Impact Volume (m 3)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of Pings
Depth (m)
0.00 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00
9 3
Impact Volume (10 m )
Consider transmission loss with cylindrical symmetry surrounding an omni-directional source (Figure D-
When the factors of continuous pinging behavior, monotonic transmission loss in the short range, and
maximum SPL as the input metric for the risk function, computing the maximum SPL field is a matter of
extending the field as such (Figure D-23):
In the direction orthogonal to source motion, maximum SPL is achieved at CPA. This algorithm takes a
0.5-meter resolution frequency-dependent TL curve and proceeds as follows.
• Find the received level in one meter increments about a source. In the first one meter step,
calculate the area of circle ensonified at the matching received level.
• Calculate areas of subsequent nth circles in 1 meter steps.
• Compute the area on a rectangular strip for a one-meter extent in parallel to annulus radius of
equivalent received level. Scale by the probability of harassment based on received level at this
nth range. Note that received level at the outer-radius of the modified annulus was used to
calculate the probability with the risk function.
• Convert annulus result to volume based on the depth increment.
• Sum all scaled volumes of interior cylinder and subsequent annuli to impact range at 120 dB to
find a cumulative volume for this depth interval which inherits the probabilistic calculation.
This algorithm takes place over the entire water column to capture dynamics of ensonification over all
depths, and hence produces an impact volume vector.
This section defines the animal densities and their depth distributions for the TMAA. This is followed by
a series of tables providing MMPA harassment estimates per unit of operation for each source type (active
sound sources and explosives).
In general, the impact volume vector samples depth in finer detail than given by the depth distribution
data. When this is the case, the densities are apportioned uniformly over the appropriate intervals. For
example, suppose the impact volume vector provides volumes for the intervals 0-10 meters, 10-50 meters,
and 50-200 meters. Then for the depth-distributed densities discussed in the preceding paragraph,
Once depth-varying, three-dimensional densities are specified for each species type, with the same depth
intervals and the ensonified volume vector, the density calculations are finished. The expected number of
ensonified animals within each depth interval is the ensonified volume at that interval multiplied by the
volume density at that interval and this can be obtained as the dot product of the ensonified volume and
animal density vectors.
Since the ensonified volume vector is the ensonified volume per unit operation (i.e. per hour, per
sonobuoy, etc), the final harassment count for each animal is the unit operation harassment count
multiplied by the number of units (hours, sonobuoys, etc).
Modeling these general scenarios requires a statistical approach to incorporate the scenario nuances into
harassment calculations. For example, one may ask: “If an animal receives 130 dB SPL when the source
passes at closest point of approach (CPA) on Tuesday morning, how do we know it doesn't receive a
higher level on Tuesday afternoon?” This question cannot be answered without knowing the path of the
source (and several other facts). Because the path of the source is unknown, the number of an individual's
re-exposures cannot be calculated directly. But it can, on average, be accounted for by making appropriate
Table D-14 lists unknowns created by uncertainty about the specifics of a future proposed action, the
portion of the calculation to which they are relevant, and the assumption that allows the effect to be
computed without the detailed information:
The following sections discuss two topics that require action details, and describe how the modeling
calculations used the general knowledge and assumptions to overcome the future-action uncertainty with
respect to re-exposure of animals, and land shadow.
For the first period of time, the source is traveling in a straight line and pinging at a given rate. In this
time, it is known how many animals, on average, receive their max SPLs from each ping. As long as the
source travels in a straight line, this calculation is valid. However, after an undetermined amount of time,
the source will change course to a new and unknown heading.
If the source changes direction 180 degrees and travels back through the same swath of water, all the
animals the source passes at closest point of approach (CPA) before the next course change have already
been exposed to what will be their maximum SPL, so the population is not “fresh.” If the direction does
not change, only new animals will receive what will be their maximum SPL from that source (though
most have received sound from it), so the population is completely “fresh.” Most source headings lead to
a population of a mixed “freshness,” varying by course direction. Since the route and position of the
source over time are unknown, the freshness of the population at CPA with the source is unknown. This
ambiguity continues through the remainder of the exercise.
What is known? The source and, in general, the animals remain in the vicinity of the range. Thus, if the
farthest range to a possible effect from the source is X km, no animals farther than X km outside of the
TMAA can be harassed. The intersection of this area with a given animal’s habitat multiplied by the
density of that animal in its habitat represents the maximum number of animals that can be harassed by
activity in that TMAA, which shall be defined as “the local population.” Two details: first, this maximum
should be adjusted down if a risk function is being used, because not 100% of animals within X km of the
TMAA border will be harassed. Second, it should be adjusted up to account for animal motion in and out
of the area.
The ambiguity of population freshness throughout the exercise means that multiple exposures cannot be
calculated for any individual animal. It must be dealt with generally at the population level.
D.6.4.1 Solution to the Ambiguity of Multiple Exposures in the General Modeling Scenario
At any given time, each member of the population has received a maximum SPL (possibly zero) that
indicates the probability of harassment in the exercise. This probability indicates the contribution of that
individual to the expected value of the number of harassments. For example, if an animal receives a level
that indicates 50% probability of harassment, it contributes 0.5 to the sum of the expected number of
harassments. If it is passed later with a higher level that indicates a 70% chance of harassment, its
contribution increases to 0.7. If two animals receive a level that indicates 50% probability of harassment,
they together contribute 1 to the sum of the expected number of harassments. That is, we statistically
expect exactly one of them to be harassed. Let the expected value of harassments at a given time be
defined as “the harassed population” and the difference between the local population (as defined above)
and the harassed population be defined as “the unharassed population.” As the exercise progresses, the
harassed population will never decrease and the unharassed population will never increase.
The unharassed population represents the number of animals statistically “available” for harassment.
Since we do not know where the source is, or where these animals are, we assume an average (uniform)
distribution of the unharassed population over the area of interest. The densities of unharassed animals are
lower than the total population density because some animals in the local population are in the harassed
Density relates linearly to expected harassments. If action A in an area with a density of 2 animals per
square kilometer produces 100 expected harassments, then action A in an area with 1 animal per square
kilometer produces 50 expected harassments. The modeling produces the number of expected
harassments per ping starting with 100% of the population unharassed. The next ping will produce
slightly fewer harassments because the pool of unharassed animals is slightly less.
For example, consider the case where 1 animal is harassed per ping when the local population is 100,
100% of which are initially unharassed. After the first ping, 99 animals are unharassed, so the number of
animals harassed during the second ping are
⎛ 99 ⎞
1⎜ ⎟ = 1(.99) = 0.99 animals
⎝ 100 ⎠
Define H = number of animals harassed per ping with 100% unharassed population. H is calculated by
determining the expected harassments for a source moving in a straight line for the duration of the
exercise and dividing by the number of pings in the exercise (Figure D-24).
∫ ∫ ∫ ρ ( z) D( L( x, y, z))dxdydz
N pings
The total un-harassed population is then calculated by iteration. Each ping affects the un-harassed
population left after all previous pings:
P0 = local population
P1 = P0 − H
⎛P ⎞
P2 = P1 − H ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟
⎝ P0 ⎠
⎛P ⎞
Pn = Pn −1 − H ⎜⎜ n −1 ⎟⎟
⎝ P0 ⎠
2 n
⎛ ⎛H ⎞⎞ ⎛ ⎛H ⎞⎞ ⎛ ⎛H ⎞⎞
Pn = Pn −1 ⎜⎜1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟ = Pn − 2 ⎜1 − ⎜⎜
⎟ ⎜
⎟⎟ ⎟ = ... = P0 ⎜1 − ⎜⎜
⎟ ⎜
⎟⎟ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ P0 ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ P0 ⎠⎠ ⎝ ⎝ P0 ⎠⎠
Thus, the total number of harassments depends on the per-ping harassment rate in an un-harassed
population, the local population size, and the number of operation hours.
NMFS has defined a twenty-four hour “refresh rate,” or amount of time in which an individual animal can
be harassed no more than once. The Navy has determined that, in a twenty-four hour period, all training
events in the TMAA involve sources that transmit for no longer than sixteen (16) hours.
The most conservative assumption for a single ping is that it harasses the entire population within the
range (a gross over-estimate). However, the total harassable population for multiple pings will be even
greater since animal motion over the period in the above table can bring animals into range that otherwise
would be out of the harassable population.
For a circular area, the straight-line motion in any direction produces the same increase in harassable
population. However, since the ranges are non-circular polygons, choosing the initial fixed direction as
perpendicular to the longest diagonal produces greater results than any other direction. Thus, the product
of the longest diagonal and the distance the animals move in the period of interest gives an overestimate
of the expansion in range modeling areas due to animal motion. The expansions use this estimate as an
absolute upper bound on animal-motion expansion.
Figure D-25 illustrates the overestimation, which occurs during the second arrow:
It is important to recognize that the area used to calculate the harassable population, shown in Figure D-
25 will, in general, be much larger than the area that will be within the ZOI of a ship for the duration of its
broadcasts. For a ship moving faster than the speed of the marine animals, a better (and much smaller)
estimate of the harassable population would be that within the straight line ZOI cylinder shown in Figure
D-26. Using this smaller population would lead to a greater dilution of the unharassed population per ping
and would greatly reduce the estimated harassments.
Original Area Expanded for Animal Motion Expanded for Dose Response
L −1 (120 dB )
∫ D ( L(r ))dr ,
Where L is the SPL function with domain in range and range in level,
L-1(120 dB) is the range at which the received level drops to 120 dB, and
L −1 (120 dB )
[π − θ ] ∫ D ( L(r ))rdr
with D, L, and r as above, and
For the risk function and transmission loss of the TMAA, this method adds an area equivalent by
expanding the boundaries of the adjusted box by four kilometers. The resulting shape, the adjusted box
with a boundary expansion of 4 km, does not possess special meaning for the problem. But the number of
individuals contained by that shape, is the harassable population and an absolute upper bound on possible
harassments for that operation.
The following plots illustrate the growth of area for the sample case above. The shapes of the boxes are
unimportant. The area after the final expansion, though, gives an upper bound on the “harassable”, or
initially unharassed population which could be affected by operations.
Example Case
Consider a sample case from the TMAA. For the most powerful source, the SQS-53, the expected winter
rate of exposures under the risk function considered behaviorial MMPA Level B harassment for minke
whales is approximately 0.068985832 harassments per ping. The exercise will transmit sonar pings for 16
hours in a 24 hour period as consistent with planned use, with 120 pings per minute, a total of 120 * 16 =
1,920 pings in a 24 hour period.
The TMAA has an area of approximately 92,246 square kilometers and a diagonal of 486.5 km. Adjusting
this with straight-line (upper bound) animal motion of 5.5 kilometers per hour for 16 hours, animal
motion adds 486.5 * 5.5 * 16 = 42,812 square kilometers to the area. Using the risk function to calculate
the expected range outside the OA approximately adds another 5,068 square kilometers, bringing the total
upper-bound of the affected area to 140,126 square km.
For example, minke whales have an average winter density of 0.0006 animals per square kilometer, so the
upper bound number of minke whales that can be affected by SQS-53 activity in the GOA during a 24
hour period is 140,126 * 0.0006 = 84.0756 whales.
In the first ping, 0.068985832 minke whales will be harassed. With the second ping,
⎛ 84.0756 − 0.06898583 2 ⎞
0.06898583 2 ⎜ ⎟ = 0.06892922 8 minke whales will be harassed. Using
⎝ 84.0756 ⎠
the formula derived above, after 16 hours of continuous operation, the remaining unharassed population
1920 1920
⎛ ⎛ h ⎞⎞ ⎛ ⎛ 0.068985832 ⎞⎞
P1920 = P0 ⎜⎜1 − ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟⎟ = 84.0756 ⎜⎜1 − ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎟ ≈ 17.3861
⎝ ⎝ P0 ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ 84.0756 ⎠⎠
Contrast this with linear accumulation of harassments without consideration of the local population and
the dilution of the unharassed population:
which is 57% greater than the estimated local population of 84.0756 minke whales. Because linear
accumulation assumes an infinite local population, it always overestimates the number of harassments,
sometimes to the point of producing impossible results.
As discussed in the introduction of “Additional Modeling Considerations” Navy planners do not know the
exact location and transmission direction of the sonars at future times. These factors however, completely
determine the interference of the land with the sound, or “land shadow,” so a general modeling approach
does not have enough information to compute the land shadow effects directly. However, modelers can
predict the reduction in harassments at any point due to land shadow for different pointing directions and
use expected probability distribution of activity to calculate the average land shadow for operations in
each range.
For each of the coastal points that are within 105 km of the grid, the azimuth and distance are computed.
In the computation, only the minimum range at each azimuth is computed.
Now, the average of the distances to shore, along with the angular profile of land is computed (by
summing the unique azimuths that intersect the coast) for each grid point. The values are then used to
compute the land shadow for the grid points.
Table D-15 – Behavioral Harassments at each Received Level Band from SQS-53 During Summer
Received Level Distance at which Levels Percent of Behavioral Harassments
(dB SPL) Occur in GOA Occurring at Given Levels
Below 138 42 km – 105 km ~0%
138<Level<144 28 km – 42 km <1%
144<Level<150 17 km – 28 km ~1 %
150<Level<156 9 km – 17 km 7%
156<Level<162 5 km – 9 km 18 %
162<Level<168 2.5 km – 5 km 26 %
168<Level<174 1.2 km – 2.5 km 22 %
174<Level<180 0.5 km – 1.2 km 14 %
180<Level<186 335 m – 0.5 km 6%
186<Level<TTS 178 m – 335 m 5%
Percentage of Harassments
120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185
Received Level (dB)
Percentage of Harassments
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance from Source (km)
With the data used to produce the previous figure, the average effect reduction during summer months for
a sound path blocked by land can be calculated. For the SQS-53, since approximately 92% of harassments
occur within 10 km of the source, a sound path blocked by land at 10 km will, on average, cause
approximately 92% of the effect of an unblocked path.
As described above, the mapping process determines the angular profile of and distance to the coastline(s)
from each grid point. The distance, then, determines the reduction due to land shadow when the sonar is
pointed in that direction. The angular profile, then, determines the probability that the sonar is pointed at
the coast.
Define A(r) = average effect adjustment factor for sound blocked at distance r
The land shadow at point n can be approximated by A(rn)θn/(2π). For illustration, the following plot gives
the land shadow reduction factor at each point in each range area for the SQS-53 (Figure D-29) . The
white portions of the plot indicate the areas outside the range and the blue lines indicate the coastline. The
color plots inside the ranges give the land shadow factor at each point. The average land shadow factor
for the SQS-53 in the GOA is essentially 1, or the reduction in effect is 0% for both seasons. For the
other, lower-power sources it follows that this reduction is also negligible.
of the two sound fields at each point in that overlap cancel the weaker. If the distance between sources is
twice as large as the range to cutoff, there will be no overlap.
Computation of the overlap between sound fields requires the precise locations and number of the source
ships. The general modeling scenarios of the TMAA do not have these parameters, so the effect was
modeled using an average ship distance, 20 km, and an average number of ships per exercise, in this case
three ships.
The formation of ships in any of the above exercised has been determined by Navy planners. The ships
are located in a straight line, perpendicular to the direction has traveled. The figures below (D-30 to D-34)
show examples with four ships, and their ship tracks.
Direction of Travel
Ship Track
Direction of Travel
The sound field created by these ships, which transmit sonar continually as they travel will be uniform in
the direction of travel (or the “x” direction), and vary by distance from the ship track in the direction
perpendicular to the direction of travel (or the “y” direction).
This sound field of the four ships operating together (Figure D-32) ensonifies less area than four ships
operating individually. However, because at the time of modeling, even the average number of ships and
mean distances between them were unknown, a post-calculation correction should be applied.
As shown on Figure D-32, the sound field around the ship tracks, the portion above the upper-most ship
track, and the portion below the lower-most ship track sum to produce exactly the sound field as an
individual ship (Figure D-33).
Therefore, the remaining portion of the sound field, between the uppermost ship track and the lowermost
ship track, is the contribution of the three additional ships (Figure D-34).
This remaining sound field is made up of three bands. Each of the three additional ships contributes one
band to the sound field. Each band is somewhat less than the contribution of the individual ship because
its sound is overcome by the nearer source at the center of the band. Since each ship maintains 20 km
distance between it and the next, the height of these bands is 20 km, and the sound from each side projects
10 km before it is overcome by the source on the other side of the band. Thus, the contribution to a sound
field for an additional ship is identical to that produced by an individual ship whose sound path is
obstructed at 10 km. The work in the previous discussion on land shadow provides a calculation of effect
reduction for obstructed sound at each range. An SQS-53-transmitting ship with obstructed signal at 10
kilometers across both seasons causes an average of 95% of the number of harassments as a ship with an
unobstructed signal. Therefore, each additional ship causes 0.95 times the harassments of the individual
ship. Applying this single-ship factor to the exercise type described earlier (three ships), the adjustment
factor given this formation is approximately 2.90.
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REGULARLY SEEN. .............................................................................................................................................E-4
SURVEY EFFORTS OUTSIDE OF THE TMAA. .......................................................................................................E-5
TABLE 2.............................................................................................................................................................E-5
TABLE 4. SUMMARY OF MARINE MAMMAL DEPTH DISTRIBUTIONS FOR THE TMAA..................................................E-7
FIT WARM (JUNE-OCTOBER) AND COLD (NOVEMBER-MAY) WATER SEASONS.................................................E-18
For the purposes of this analysis, we have adopted a conservative approach to underwater noise and
marine mammals:
• Cetaceans – assume 100% of time is spent underwater and therefore exposed to noise
• Pinnipeds – adjust densities to account for time periods spent at breeding areas, haulouts, etc.;
but for those animals in the water, assume 100% of time is spent underwater and therefore
exposed to noise.
E.1.1 Density
Mysticetes regularly occurring in the GOA include fin, minke, humpback and gray whales; blue and
North Pacific right whales have been sighted in the GOA, but are considered rare and are included here
only for discussion purposes because both are endangered species. Odontocetes regularly occurring
include sperm whale, Cuvier’s and Baird’s beaked whales, killer whale, Pacific white-sided dolphin and
Dall’s porpoise. Belugas are occasionally sighted in the GOA, but most sightings are in coastal areas and
their occurrence in the region is extremely low. Pinnipeds regularly occurring include Steller’s sea lion,
northern fur seal and northern elephant seal. California sea lion range extends as far north as the Pribilof
Islands in the Bering Sea but their occurrence is likely rare.
Recent survey data for marine mammals in the GOA is limited. Most survey efforts are localized and
extremely near shore. There is evidence of occurrence of several species based on acoustic studies, but
these do not provide measurements of abundance. Best available density data were incorporated from
several different sources which are described below and summarized in Table 1.
The Gulf of Alaska Line-Transect Survey (GOALS) was conducted in April 2009 (Rone et al., 2009) in
the TMAA. Line-transect visual data and acoustic data were collected over a 10-day period, which
resulted in sightings of several odontocete and mysticete species. Densities were derived for fin and
humpback whales for inshore and offshore strata (Table 9 in Rone et al., 2009). Densities from each
stratum were weighted by the percentage of stratum area compared to the TMAA: inshore stratum was
33% of the total area and offshore stratum was 67% of the total area.
Killer Whale
Vessel surveys were conducted in nearshore areas (within 85 km) of the TMAA in 2001-2003 (Zerbini et
al., 2006), between Resurrection Bay on the Kenai Peninsula to Amchitka Island in the Aleutians.
Densities were calculated for fin, humpback and killer whales; only those for killer whales are included
here (Table 1) because more recent densities for fin and humpback whales are available from Rone et al.
(2009). Killer whale densities are from “Block 1” in Zerbini et al. (2006).
Minke, Sperm and Beaked Whales, Pacific White-sided Dolphin and Dall’s Porpoise
Waite (2003) conducted vessel surveys for cetaceans near Kenai Peninsula, within Prince William Sound
and around Kodiak Island, during acoustic-trawl surveys for pollock in summer 2003. Surveys extended
offshore to the 1000 m contour and therefore overlapped with some of the TMAA. Waite (2003) did not
calculate densities, but did provide some of the elements necessary for calculating density.
f(0) = sighting probability density at zero perpendicular distance (influenced by species detectability and
sighting cues such as body size, blows and number of animals in a group)
g(0) = probability of seeing a group directly on trackline (influenced by perception bias and availability
Three values, n, s, and L, were provided by Waite (2003). Values for f(0) and g(0) were not provided, and
were instead assigned based on values from the literature for other vessel survey efforts in the North
Pacific (Table 2). Using values calculated from other vessel survey efforts is acceptable in this situation
because the correction factors were calculated from vessel surveys that were conducted similarly to the
GOA effort. Specifically, factors such as number of observers (three), height of the flying bridge from the
water’s surface (12 m), ship’s speed (11 kts), number of “Bigeyes” binoculars used (two), and acceptable
sea state conditions (up to B05) during the GOA survey effort were all comparable to those used during
NMFS survey efforts along the west coast of the US, in Hawaii and in the eastern tropical Pacific (see
Table 2). Values for f(0) and g(0) are very similar per species between efforts, therefore the most
conservative value was adopted for each species and applied to the density calculation.
Table 3 illustrates how the data from Waite (2003) were used to calculate densities using correction
factors from Table 2. There are no variances attached to any of the resulting density values, so overall
confidence in these values is unknown. Densities based on only one or two sightings generally have fairly
high variance.
Gray whales
Gray whale density was calculated from data obtained from a feeding study near Kodiak Island (Moore et
al. (2007).
Steller Sea Lion, Northern Fur Seal and Northern Elephant Seal
Pinniped at-sea density is not often available because pinniped abundance is obtained via shore counts of
animals at known rookeries and haulouts. Therefore, densities of pinnipeds were derived quite differently
from those of cetaceans. Several parameters were identified from the literature, including area of stock
occurrence, number of animals (which may vary seasonally) and season, and those parameters were then
used to calculate density. Once density per “pinniped season” was determined, those values were prorated
to fit the warm water (June-October) and cold water (November-May) seasons. Determining density in
this manner is risky as the parameters used usually contain error (e.g., geographic range is not exactly
known and needs to be estimated, abundance estimates usually have large variances) and, as is true of all
density estimates, it assumes that animals are always distributed evenly within an area which is likely
never true. However, this remains one of the few means available to determine at-sea density for
The Marine Resource Assessment for the Gulf of Alaska Operating Area (Department of the Navy, 2006),
listed six mysticetes, twelve odontocetes, and five pinnipeds as occurring or possibly occurring in the
GOA region (Department of the Navy, 2006; Table 3-1). However, several of the species listed are rare
and do not regularly occur. Brief species summaries are included for all marine mammals whose
distribution extends to the GOA, even if rarely seen, and additional information on all species can be
found in the Marine Resources Assessment referenced above.
1 Table 1. Marine mammals in the Gulf of Alaska; densities and season(s) included for species regularly seen.
Common Name Scientific Name Status Season Source
within TMAA
Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus Endangered -
Fin whale B. physalus Endangered 0.010 Year round Rone et al. (2009)
Sei whale B. borealis Endangered -
Minke whale B. acutorostrata 0.0006 Year round Waite (2003)
0.0019 Apr-Dec Rone et al. (2009)
Humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae Endangered
- Jan-Mar Reeves et al. (2002)
North Pacific right whale Eubalaena japonica Endangered -
Gray whale Eschrichtius robustus 0.0003 Year round Moore et al. (2007)
Sperm whale Physeter catodon Endangered 0.0003 Year round Waite (2003); Mellinger et al. (2004a)
Cuvier's beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris 0.0022 Year round Waite (2003)
Baird's beaked whale Berardius bairdii 0.0005 Year round Waite (2003)
Stejneger's beaked whale Mesoplodon stejnegeri -
Killer whale Orcinus orca 0.0100 Year round Zerbini et al. (2007)
Beluga Delphinapterus leucas -
Pacific white-sided dolphin Lagenorhynchus obliquidens 0.0208 Year round Waite (2003)
Northern right whale dolphin Lissodelphis borealis -
Risso's dolphin Grampus griseus -
False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens -
Short-finned pilot whale Globicephala macrorhynchus -
Dall's porpoise Phocoenoides dalli 0.1892 Year round Waite (2003)
Harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena -
Endangered/ Angliss and Allen (2009); Bonnell and
Steller's sea lion Eumetopias jubatus 0.0098 Year round
Threatened Bowlby (1992)
California sea lion Zalophus californianus -
Harbor seal Phoca vitulina -
Northern fur seal Callorhinus ursinus 0.1180 June-October Carretta et al., 2009
Northern elephant seal Mirounga angustirostris 0.0022 June-October Carretta et al., 2009
Table 2. Comparison of f(0) and g(0) values, for species being considered from Waite (2003) from survey efforts outside of the TMAA.
Species f0 g0 f0 g0 f0 g0 f0 g0 f0 g0 f0
Minke whale 0.567 0.84 0.362 0.84 0.38 0.856 0.46 0.856
Sperm whale 0.217 0.87 0.462 0.87 0.36 0.87 0.34 0.87 0.27 0.87 0.14
Baird's beaked whale 0.354 0.96 0.215 0.96 0.37 0.96 0.52 0.96
Cuvier's beaked whale 0.567 0.23 0.362 0.23 0.39 0.23 0.37 0.23 0.61 0.23 0.58
Pacific white-sided dolphin 0.809 1 0.519 1 0.4 0.97 0.45 0.97
Dall's porpoise 1.221 0.79 0.855 0.79 0.74 0.822 0.91 0.822
Eastern Tropical
Survey region US West Coast US West Coast US West Coast US West Coast Hawaii
Number of observers 3 3 3 3 3 3
Speed of vessel (kts) 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10 9-10
Height of flying bridge (m) 10.5 10.5 10.5 and 15.2 10.5 and 15.2 10.5 10.5
Big Eyes binoculars two pair two pair two pair two pair two pair two pair
Sea conditions up to B05 up to B05 up to B05 up to B05 up to B05 up to B05
Conservative values for each species are bolded
Table 3. Densities calculated from data presented in Waite (2003) using f(0) and g(0) values from Table 2.
There are somewhat suitable depth distribution data for a few marine mammal species. Sample sizes are
usually extremely small, nearly always fewer than 10 animals total and often only one or two animals.
Depth distribution information can also be interpreted from other dive and/or preferred prey
characteristics, and from methods including behavioral observations, stomach content analysis and habitat
preference analysis. Depth distributions for species for which no data are available were extrapolated
from similar species.
Depth distribution information for marine mammal species with regular occurrence and for which
densities are available is provided in Table 4. More detailed summary depth information for species in
the GOA for which densities are available is included as Table 6.
The ever-expanding database of marine mammal behavioral and physiological parameters obtained
through tagging and other technologies has demonstrated that marine mammals use the water column in
various ways, with some species capable of regular deep dives (>800 m) and others regularly diving to
<200 m, regardless of the bottom depth. Therefore, assuming that all species are evenly distributed within
the water column does not accurately reflect behavior and can present a distorted view of marine mammal
distribution in any region.
By combining marine mammal density with depth distribution information, a more accurate three-
dimensional density estimate is possible. These 3-D estimates allow more accurate modeling of potential
marine mammal exposures from specific noise sources.
This document is organized into taxonomic categories: Mysticetes, Odontocetes and the pseudo-
taxonomic category Pinnipeds. Nomenclature was adopted from the Integrated Taxonomic Information
System (www.itis.gov). Distribution and density summaries are followed by discussions of depth
distribution for those species that have regular occurrence. Density and depth info are bolded in text.
Minke whale B. acutorostrata 53% at <20m, 47% at 21-65m Blix and Folkow (1995)
Killer whale Orcinus orca 96% at 0-30 m, 4% at >30 m Baird et al. (2003)
E.2.1 Blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus
Blue whales were previously sighted and caught throughout the GOA, but are rarely seen in the post-
whaling era; two blue whales seen in 2004 during a NMFS humpback whale study and approximately 150
nm southeast of Prince William Sound are the first documented sightings of blue whales in several
decades. There may be two to five stocks of blue whale in the north Pacific (Angliss and Allen, 2009).
The Eastern North Pacific population, which winters as far south as the eastern tropical Pacific, has been
sighted off Oregon and Washington although sightings are rare and there is no abundance estimate
(Angliss and Allen, 2009). Blue whale calls attributed to this stock as well as the Northwestern stock were
recorded in the Gulf of Alaska (Stafford, 2003) via hydrophones located offshore of the TMAA. Both call
types were recorded seasonally, with peak occurrence from August-November. Blue whales are likely
present in low numbers in the GOA; there is no density estimate available (Table 1).
Fin whales feed on planktonic crustaceans, including Thysanoessa sp and Calanus sp, as well as
schooling fish including herring, capelin and mackerel (Aguilar, 2002). Depth distribution data from the
Ligurian Sea in the Mediterranean are the most complete (Panigada et al., 2003; Panigada et al., 2006),
and showed differences between day and night diving; daytime dives were shallower (<100m) and night
dives were deeper (>400m), likely taking advantage of nocturnal prey migrations into shallower depths;
this data may be atypical of fin whales elsewhere in areas where they do not feed on vertically-migrating
prey. Traveling dives in the Ligurian Sea were generally shorter and shallower (mean = 9.8 m, maximum
= 20 m) than feeding dives (mean = 181m, maximum = 474 m) (Jahoda et al., 1999). Goldbogen et al.
(2006) studied fin whales in southern California and found that ~56% of total time was spent diving, with
the other 44% near surface (<50m); dives were to >225 m and were characterized by rapid gliding ascent,
foraging lunges near the bottom of dive, and rapid ascent with flukes. Dives are somewhat V-shaped
although the bottom of the V is wide. Therefore, % of time at depth levels is estimated as 44% at
<50m, 23% at 50-225 m (covering the ascent and descent times) and 33% at >225 m.
Peninsula (see Figure 2 in Waite, 2003). Rone et al. (2009) sighted three minke whales in April 2009, all
of which were in the Nearshore stratum, but no density was calculated. Density calculated from Waite
(2003) data yielded a density of 0.0006/km2 (Table 1), which is applicable to the entire region year
round. Although this is lower than density calculated by Zerbini et al. (2006), it is likely more
representative of minke whale abundance in the region as the Waite (2003) surveys were farther offshore.
Minke whales feed on small schooling fish and krill, and are the smallest of all balaenopterid species
which may affect their ability to dive. Hoelzel et al. (1989) observed minke whales feeding off the San
Juan Islands of Puget Sound, Washington, where 80% of the feeding occurred over depths of 20-100m
and two types of feeding were observed near surface, lunge feeding and bird association. The only depth
distribution data for this species were reported from a study on daily energy expenditure conducted off
northern Norway and Svalbard (Blix and Folkow, 1995). The limited depth information available (from
Figure 2 in Blix and Folkow, 1995) was representative of a 75-min diving sequence where the whale was
apparently searching for capelin, then foraging, then searching for another school of capelin. Search dives
were mostly to ~20 m, while foraging dives were to 65 m. Based on this very limited depth
information, rough estimates for % of time at depth are as follows: 53% at <20 m and 47% at
21-65 m.
Humpback whales feed on pelagic schooling euphausiids and small fish including capelin, herring and
mackerel (Clapham, 2002). Like other large mysticetes, they are a “lunge feeder” taking advantage of
dense prey patches and engulfing as much food as possible in a single gulp. They also blow nets, or
curtains, of bubbles around or below prey patches to concentrate the prey in one area, then lunge with
open mouths through the middle. Dives appear to be closely correlated with the depths of prey patches,
which vary from location to location. In the north Pacific, most dives were of fairly short duration (<4
min) with the deepest dive to 148 m (southeast Alaska; Dolphin, 1987), while whales observed feeding on
Stellwagen Bank in the North Atlantic dove to <40 m (Hain et al., 1995). Hamilton et al. (1997) tracked
one possibly feeding whale near Bermuda to 240 m depth. Depth distribution data collected at a feeding
area in Greenland resulted in the following estimation of depth distribution: 37% of time at <4 m, 25%
of time at 4-20 m, 7% of time at 21-35m, 4% of time at 36-50 m, 6% of time at 51-100 m, 7% of
time at 101-150 m, 8% of time at 151-200 m, 6% of time at 201-300 m, and <1% at >300 m (Dietz et
al., 2002).
cetaceans. There have been only two verified sightings of right whales in the GOA since the 1970s, with
one occurring very near Kodiak Island (Shelden et al., 2005). Regular sightings of right whales do occur
in the southeastern Bering Sea in summer, where up to 13 individual whales have been identified based
on photos and biopsy dart data, but their winter habitat remains unknown. Acoustic monitoring for right
whales was carried out via autonomous hydrophones in 2000-2001 near Kodiak Island, and right whale
calls were recorded in August and early September (Moore et al., 2006; Mellinger et al., 2004b). Right
whales are likely present in extremely low numbers in the GOA; there is no density estimate available
(Table 1).
Gray whales migrate from breeding and calving grounds in Baja California to primary feeding grounds in
the Bering and Chukchi Seas between Alaska and Russia. Behavior, including diving depth and
frequency, can vary greatly between geographic regions. Gray whales feed on the bottom, mainly on
benthic amphipods that are filtered from the sediment (Reeves et al., 2002), so dive depth is dependent on
depth at location for foraging whales. There have been several studies of gray whale movement within the
Baja lagoons (Harvey and Mate, 1984; Mate and Harvey, 1984), but these are likely not applicable to gray
whales elsewhere. Mate and Urban Ramirez (2003) noted that 30 of 36 locations for a migratory gray
whale with a satellite tag were in water <100m deep, with the deeper water locations all in the southern
California Bight within the Channel Islands. There has been only one study of a gray whale dive profile,
and all information was collected from a single animal that was foraging off the west coast of Vancouver
Island (Malcolm and Duffus, 2000; Malcolm et al.,1995/96). They noted that the majority of time was
spent near the surface on interventilation dives (<3 m depth) and near the bottom (extremely nearshore in
a protected bay with mean dive depth of 18 m, range 14-22 m depth). There was very little time spent in
the water column between surface and bottom. Foraging depth on summer feeding grounds is generally
between 50-60 m (Jones and Swartz, 2002). Based on this very limited information, the following is a
rough estimate of depth distribution for gray whales: 40% of time at <4 m (surface and
interventilation dives), 38% of time at 3-30 m (active migration), 22% of time at >30 m (foraging).
Figure E-1. TMAA, GOA Large Marine Ecosystem and Gray Whale Density Area.
E.3.1 Sperm whale, Physeter catodon
Sperm whales are well known from the GOA region. Sperm whales are most often found in deep water,
near submarine canyons, and along the edges of banks and over continental slopes (Reeves et al., 2002).
Acoustic evidence collected via autonomous recorders suggests that sperm whales are present in the
offshore regions of the GOA year round (see Figure 2 in Mellinger et al., 2004a). Rone et al. (2009;
Figure 8) recorded sperm whales acoustically in both the inshore and offshore strata of the TMAA in
April 2009; no sperm whales were detected visually. Waite (2003) recorded two on-effort sightings of
sperm whales; both within the TMAA (see Figure 2 in Waite, 2003). Data from vessel surveys
conducted by Waite (2003) yielded a density of 0.0003/km2 (Table 1), which is applicable to the
entire region year round. Density was based on only two sightings, so confidence in the value is low,
but it is the only density that exists at this time for the region.
Unlike other cetaceans, there is a preponderance of dive information for this species, most likely because
it is the deepest diver of all cetacean species so generates a lot of interest. Sperm whales feed on large and
medium-sized squid, octopus, rays and sharks, on or near the ocean floor (Whitehead, 2002; Clarke,
1986). Some evidence suggests that they do not always dive to the bottom of the sea floor (likely if food
is elsewhere in the water column), but that they do generally feed at the bottom of the dive. Davis et al.
(2007) report that dive-depths (100-500 m) of sperm whales in the Gulf of California overlapped with
depth distributions (200-400 m) of jumbo squid, based on data from satellite-linked dive recorders placed
on both species, particularly during daytime hours. Their research also showed that sperm whales foraged
throughout a 24-hour period, and that they rarely dove to the sea floor bottom (>1000 m). The most
consistent sperm whale dive type is U-shaped, during which the whale makes a rapid descent to the
bottom of the dive, forages at various velocities while at depth (likely while chasing prey) and then
ascends rapidly to the surface. There is some evidence that male sperm whales, feeding at higher latitudes
during summer months, may forage at several depths including <200 m, and utilize different strategies
depending on position in the water column (Teloni et al., 2007). Perhaps the best source for depth
distribution data comes from Amano and Yoshioka (2003), who attached a tag to a female sperm whale
near Japan in an area where water depth was 1000-1500m. Based on values in Table 1 (in Amano and
Yoskioka, 2003) for dives with active bottom periods, the total dive sequence was 45.9 min (mean surface
time plus dive duration). Mean post-dive surface time divided by total time (8.5/45.9) plus time at surface
between deep dive sequences yields a percentage of time at the surface (<10 m) of 31%. Mean bottom
time divided by total time (17.5/45.9) and adjusted to include the percentage of time at the surface
between dives, yields a percentage of time at the bottom of the dive (in this case >800 m as the mean
maximum depth was 840 m) of 34%. Total time in the water column descending or ascending results
from the duration of dive minus bottom time (37.4-17.5) or ~20 minutes. Assuming a fairly equal descent
and ascent rate (as shown in Table 1 in Amano and Yoshioka) and a fairly consistent descent/ascent rate
over depth, we assume 10 minutes each for descent and ascent and equal amounts of time in each depth
gradient in either direction. Therefore, 0-200 m = 2.5 minutes one direction (which correlates well with
the descent/ascent rates provided) and therefore 5 minutes for both directions. The same is applied to 201-
400 m, 401-600 m and 601-800 m. Therefore, the depth distribution for sperm whales based on
information in the Amano paper is: 31% in <10 m, 8% in 10-200 m, 9% in 201-400 m, 9% in 401-
600 m, 9% in 601-800 m and 34% in >800 m. The percentages derived above from data in Amano and
Yoshioka (2003) are in fairly close agreement with those derived from Table 1 in Watwood et al. (2006)
for sperm whales in the Ligurian Sea, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
Cuvier’s feed on mesopelagic or deep water benthic organisms, particularly squid (Heyning, 2002).
Stomach content analyses indicate that they take advantage of a larger range of prey species than do other
deep divers (e.g., Santos et al., 2001; Blanco and Raga, 2000). Cuvier’s, like other beaked whales, are
likely suction feeders based on the relative lack of teeth and enlarged hyoid bone and tongue muscles.
Foraging dive patterns appear to be U-shaped, although inter-ventilation dives are shallower and have a
parabolic shape (Baird et al., 2006a). Depth distribution studies in Hawaii (Baird et al., 2005a; Baird et
al., 2006a) found that Cuvier’s undertook three or four different types of dives, including intermediate (to
depths of 292-568 m), deep (>1000 m) and short-inter-ventilation (within 2-3 m of surface); this study
was of a single animal. Studies in the Ligurian Sea indicated that Cuvier’s beaked whales dived to >1000
m and usually started “clicking” (actively searching for prey) around 475 m (Johnson et al., 2004; Soto et
al., 2006). Clicking continued at depths and ceased once ascent to the surface began, indicating active
foraging at depth. In both locations, Cuvier’s spent more time in deeper water than did Blainville’s
beaked whale, although maximum dive depths were similar. There was no significant difference between
day and night diving indicating that preferred prey likely does not undergo vertical migrations.
Dive information for Cuvier’s was collected in the Ligurian Sea (Mediterranean) via DTAGs on a total of
seven animals (Tyack et al., 2006) and, despite the geographic difference and the author’s cautions about
the limits of the data set, the Ligurian Sea dataset represents a more complete snapshot than that from
Hawaii (Baird et al., 2006a). Cuvier’s conducted two types of dives – U-shaped deep foraging dives
(DFD) and shallow duration dives. Dive cycle commenced at the start of a DFD and ended at the start of
the next DFD, and included shallow duration dives made in between DFD.
Mean length of dive cycle = 121.4 min (mean DFD plus mean Inter-deep dive interval)
Total time at surface (0-2 m) was calculated by subtracting the mean length of DFD and two shallow
duration dives from the total dive cycle (121.4 - 58.0 – 30.4 = 33 min). Total time at deepest depth was
taken from the Vocal phase duration time, as echolocation clicks generally commenced when animals
were deepest, and was 32.8 min. The amount of time spent descending and ascending on DFDs was
calculated by subtracting the mean Vocal phase duration time from the mean total DFD (58.0 - 32.8 =
25.2 min) and then dividing by five (# of 200 m depth categories between surface and 1070 m) which
equals ~five min per 200 m. The five-minute value was applied to each 200 m depth category from 400-
1070 m; for the 2-220 m category, the mean length of shallow duration dives was added to the time for
descent/ascent (30.4 + 5 = 35.4 min). Therefore, the depth distribution for Cuvier’s beaked whales
based on best available information from Tyack et al. (2006) is: 27% at <2 m, 29% at 2-220 m, 4%
at 221-400 m, 4% at 401-600 m, 4% at 601-800 m, 5% at 801-1070 m and 27% in >1070 m.
There are no depth distribution data for this species. Studies conducted on the diet of Baird’s from
stomach content analysis reveal some insight into feeding patterns. Samples collected off the Pacific coast
of Honshu, Japan, revealed a preference primarily for benthopelagic fish (87%) and cephalopods (13%),
while samples collected in the southern Sea of Okhotsk were primarily cephalopods (Walker et al., 2002).
Other stomach samples collected from same geographic regions indicated demersal fish were the most
commonly identified prey, and that Baird’s were feeding at the bottommost depths of at least 1000 m
(Ohizumi et al., 2003). The overall dive behavior of this beaked whale is not known (e.g., shape of dive,
interventilation dives, etc). In lieu of other information, the depth distribution for northern bottlenose
whales, Hyperoodon ampullatus, will be extrapolated to Baird’s. There has been one study on northern
bottlenose whales, which provides some guidance as to depth distribution (Hooker and Baird, 1999).
Most (62-70%, average = 66%) of the time was spent diving (deeper than 40 m), and most dives were
somewhat V-shaped. Both shallow dives (<400 m) and deep dives (>800 m) were recorded, and whales
spent 24-30% (therefore, average of 27%) of dives at 85% maximum depth indicating they feed near the
bottom. Using these data points, we estimate 34% of time at 0-40 m, 39% at 41-800 m, 27% at >800
m for H. ampullatus and extrapolate this to B. berardius.
Diving studies on killer whales have been undertaken mainly on “resident” (fish-eating) killer whales in
the Puget Sound and may not be applicable across all populations of killer whales. Diving is usually
related to foraging, and mammal-eating killer whales may display different dive patterns. Killer whales in
one study (Baird et al., 2005b) dove as deep as 264 m, and males dove more frequently and more often to
depths >100 m than females, with fewer deep dives at night. Using best available data from Baird et al.
(2003), it would appear that killer whales spend ~4% of time at depths >30 m and 96% of time at
depths <30 m. Dives to deeper depths were often characterized by velocity bursts which may be
associated with foraging or social activities.
Pacific white-sided dolphins are generalist feeders (von Waerebeek and Wursig, 2002). Studies on diving
by this species have not been undertaken. Satellite tag studies of a rehabilitated related species
(Lagenorhynchus acutus) in the Gulf of Maine indicated that nearly all time was spent in waters <100 m
total depth with largely directed movement (Mate et al., 1994). Another related species, Lagenorhynchus
obscurus, was observed feeding in two circumstances; at night to 130 m depth to take advantage of the
deep scattering layer closer to the surface and during the day in shallower depths (<65 m) where they fed
on schooling fish (Benoit-Bird et al., 2004). In lieu of the lack of other data available for this Pacific
lags, the following are very rough estimates of time at depth: daytime - 100% at 0-65 M; night time
– 100% at 0-130 m.
Dall’s porpoise feed on a wide variety of schooling fish, including herring and anchovies, mesopelagic
fish including deep-sea smelts, and squids (a, 2002). One study of this species includes dive information
for a single animal (Hanson and Baird, 1998). The authors concluded that the animal responded to the
TDR tag for the initial eight minutes it was in place. Therefore, using data only from dives 7-17 (after the
abnormally deep high velocity dive) in Table 2 of Hanson and Baird (1998), total time of the sequence
was 26.5 min (from start of dive 7 to end of dive 17). Total time at the surface was 10.27 min (time
between dives minus the dive durations). Dives within 10 m totaled 2.11 min, dives to >60 m totaled 0.4
min, and dives with bottom time between 41 and 60 m totaled 1.83 min. The remaining time can be
assumed to be spent diving between 11 and 40 m. Based on this information, the depth distribution
can be estimated as 39% at <1 m, 8% at 1-10 m, 45% at 11-40 m, and 8% at >40 m.
E.4.1 Steller’s sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus
The range of the Steller’s sea lion (SSL) crosses the north Pacific from Japan to northern California. This
species does not undergo extensive migrations but will disperse widely during the non-breeding season.
There are two US stocks, which are delineated based on location of rookeries. The Western US stock,
listed as Endangered, encompasses SSL using rookeries west of 144˚W, and the Eastern US stock, listed
as Threatened, include SSL whose rookeries are east of 144˚W. SSL from both stocks likely use the
TMAA. Most SSL remain fairly close to rookeries and haulouts throughout the year, with adult females
with pups averaging 17 km trip length in summer and 130 km trip length in winter; however foraging
trips extended to >500 km offshore (Loughlin, 2002; Merrick and Loughlin, 1997) which encompasses
the entire TMAA. Foraging trips are interspersed with time spent at haulouts throughout the year, and
different age and sex classes molt at different times from late summer through early winter.
Consequently, at any particular time during the year, at least some portion of the population will be at-sea.
Call et al. (2007) found that the duration of at-sea and on-shore cycles of juvenile SSL differed between
regions. In the Aleutian Islands and GOA, juvenile SSL departed at dusk and returned to haul out just
prior to sunrise, while juvenile SSL in southeast Alaska departed throughout the day. Time of day
departures and length of time at-sea are likely related to foraging opportunities and the distance/depth
required for juveniles to travel finding food.
Pinniped at-sea density is not generally calculated because they are counted much more easily while on
shore. Therefore, to determine densities of SSL in the TMAA, two sets of parameters need to be identified
– the specific area and the number of animals. The area of the TMAA (measured in ArcMap) is ~87,250
km2 (Figure 1). This represents 6.25% of the entire GOA Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) as defined by
NOAA (www.lme.noaa.gov), and measured via ArcMap (~1,396,800 km2, not including inland passages).
The GOA LME extends from the Alaska Peninsula in the west to the British Columbia-Washington
border in the east. To determine the number of SSL in the GOA LME, the most recent counts of adult,
juvenile and pup SSL at rookeries in the GOA (pups = 4,518, non-pups = 13,892; data from 2004-2005),
southeast Alaska (n=20,793, data from 2005) and British Columbia (n=15,402, data from 2002) were
combined for a total of 54,605 SSL (Angliss and Allen, 2009). These are considered minimum counts, as
they were not corrected for animals not counted because they were at sea. Bonnell and Bowlby (1992)
estimated that 25% of the SSL sea lion population was feeding at sea at any given time. Therefore, 13,651
SSL (54,605 * 0.25) would be expected feeding at-sea in the GOA LME. To estimate the number within
the TMAA, the number of SSL in the entire GOA (13,651) was multiplied by the percent area of the
TMAA compared to the GOA LME (0.0625) for a total of 853 SSL. Density was then calculated as 853
SSL/87,250 km2, or 0.0098/km2, which is applicable to the entire region year round (Table 1).
Acoustic modeling was calculated for two seasons, warm (June-October) and cold (November-May)
water. Pinniped densities were therefore averaged to these two seasons by summing monthly densities
and dividing by the number of months in each season (Table 5). For Steller sea lions the warm and cold
water densities are the same, as densities are expected to remain consistent throughout the year.
Steller sea lions feed on fishes and invertebrates, including walleye pollock, Pacific cod, mackerel,
octopus, squid and herring (Loughlin, 2002). Ongoing studies of SSL diving behavior have been
conducted by NMFS in Alaska and Washington as part of an overall effort to determine why sea lion
populations have been steadily declining (Merrick and Loughlin, 1997; Loughlin et al., 2003). Tagging
studies often focus on different age classes (weanling, young of year, adult female). Steller sea lion prey
changes depending on the season, with some prey moving farther offshore in winter, which affects
maximum depth. Females dived the longest and deepest, with young of the year and weanlings having
lesser values for both categories (Call et al., 2007; Loughlin et al., 2003). Adult males generally disperse
farthest (commonly 120 km but as far as 500 km) from haulouts (Raum-Suryan et al., 2004). Loughlin et
al. (2003) recorded maximum dive depth of 328 m, although most dives were shallower. Some SSL
appear to take advantage of vertically migrating prey, leaving haulouts at dusk and returning at dawn
(Call et al., 2007) but other SSL appear to feed throughout daylight hours as well. Because all age classes
may be in the water at any given time, the depth distribution was estimated from the proportion of dives
per depth range for all age classes (Merrick and Loughlin, 1997; Figures 4 and 2, respectively). Based on
this information, the depth distribution can be roughly estimated at 60% at 0-10 m, 22% at 11-20
m, 12% at 21-50 m, 5% at 51-100 m and 1% at >100 m.
Table 5. Averaging of Stellers sea lion, Northern fur seal, and Northern elephant seal densities to
fit warm (June-October) and cold (November-May) water seasons.
Species Stellers sea lion Northern fur seal Northern elephant seal
Month Density
June 0.0098 0.1059 0.0000
July 0.0098 0.0000 0.0000
August 0.0098 0.0000 0.0000
September 0.0098 0.0072 0.0055
October 0.0098 0.4768 0.0055
Average Warm Season 0.0098 0.1180 0.0022
November 0.0098 0.4768 0.0055
December 0.0098 0.4768 0.0000
January 0.0098 0.0072 0.0000
February 0.0098 0.0072 0.0000
March 0.0098 0.0072 0.0055
April 0.0098 0.0072 0.0055
May 0.0098 0.1059 0.0000
Average Cold Season 0.0098 0.1555 0.0024
Males are present in the rookeries from around mid-May until August; females are present in the
rookeries from mid-June to late-October. Nearly all fur seals from the Pribilof Island rookeries are
foraging at sea from fall through late spring. Females and young males migrate through the Gulf of
Alaska and feed primarily off the coasts of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California before
migrating north to the rookeries (Ream et al., 2005). Immature males and females may remain in southern
foraging areas year round until they are old enough to mate (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2006).
Adult males migrate only as far as the Gulf of Alaska or to the west off the Kuril Islands. Therefore, adult
males (September-April), adult females (October-December; May-June) and all non-adult fur seals
(October-December) can potentially be found in the TMAA depending on the time of year.
Counts conducted in 2004 of males at Pribilof Island rookeries yielded a total 9,978 (Table 2 in National
Marine Fisheries Service, 2006). Assuming an even distribution of fur seals throughout the GOA, and
using a similar method as for other pinnipeds, the number of male fur seals was multiplied by the percent
area of the TMAA compared to the GOA LME (0.0625) for a total of 624 fur seals. Density was then
calculated as 624 fur seals/87,250 km2, or 0.0072/km2, which is applicable for the entire region in
September and January through April. Because some northern fur seal adult males feed near the Kuril
Islands, this density is likely an over-estimate.
To determine density for migration time periods when adult female, adult male and non-adult fur seals
would be present in the TMAA while enroute to feeding areas (October-December), the total number of
fur seals in the eastern Pacific stock (665,550) was multiplied by the percent area of the TMAA compared
to the GOA LME (0.0625) for a total of 41,597 fur seals. Density was then calculated as 41,597 fur
seals/87,250 km2, or 0.4768/km2. This density is applicable for the entire TMAA for October-
December. Because this number includes pups of the year and first year mortality due to predation and
other factors is very high, the density is very likely an over-estimate.
To account for migration time periods when adult females would be migrating north thru the TMAA
enroute to the rookeries (May-June), the number of pups born (2006 Pribilof Islands and Bogoslof Island
count= 147,900; Angliss and Allen, 2009) was used to estimate the number of adult females (assuming all
adult females birthed a pup). Assuming an even distribution of fur seal females as they migrate through
the GOA, the number of female fur seals was multiplied by the percent area of the TMAA compared to
the GOA LME (0.0625) for a total of 9,244 fur seals. Density was then calculated as 9,244 fur
seals/87,250 km2, or 0.1059/km2. This density is applicable for the entire TMAA for May-June.
In most years, northern fur seals would not be expected in the GOA in July and August, because adults
would still be in the rookeries and non-adults would be foraging farther south, so density would be zero.
Acoustic modeling was calculated for two seasons, warm (June-October) and cold (November-May)
water. Northern fur seal densities were therefore averaged to these two seasons by summing monthly
densities and dividing by the number of months in each season (Table 5). The warm water density for
northern fur seals was 0.1180/km2 and the cold water density was 0.1555/km2 (see Table 1), which
are applicable to the entire area.
Northern fur seals feed on small fish and squid in deep water and along the shelf break; deep dives occur
on the shelf and feeding probably occurs near the bottom (Gentry, 2002). There have been a few studies
of this species’ diving habits during feeding and migrating, although there is no information on dive depth
distribution. Ponganis et al. (1992) identified two types of northern fur seal dives, shallow (<75 m) and
deep (>75 m). Kooyman and Goebel (1986) found that the mean dive depth for seven tagged females was
68 m (range 32-150 m) and the mean maximum depth was 168 m (range 86-207). Sterling and Ream
(2004) reported that the mean dive depth for 19 juvenile males was 17.5 m, with a maximum depth
attained of 175 m. Diving was deeper in the daytime than during nighttime, perhaps reflecting the
different distribution of prey (especially juvenile pollock), and also differed between inner-shelf, mid-
shelf, outer-shelf and off-shelf locations. Deeper diving in the Sterling and Ream study tended to occur
on-shelf, with shallower diving off-shelf. Diving patterns during migration tended to be shallower, with
diving occurring mainly at night (indicating some feeding on vertically migrating prey) and most time
during the day in the upper 5 m of the water column (Baker, 2007). Based on these very limited depth
data, the following are very rough order estimates of time at depth: daytime: 74% at <2 m; 26% at
2-260 m; nighttime: 74% at <2 m; 26% at 2-75 m.
Counts of males at rookeries in the Channel Islands and some central California sites in 2005 yielded
3,815 males and juveniles for which sex could not be determined. Some rookeries were not included in
this estimate, including a rapidly growing rookery at Piedras Blancas, which in 2007 had an estimated
population of 16,000 animals of all age and sex classes (www.elephantseal.org). The California elephant
seal population has also been steadily increasing over time (Carretta et al., 2009). To account for males at
rookeries not counted and an increase in the population since 2005, the number of males and juveniles
reported in the 2009 stock assessment report (3,815) was doubled to 7,630. Using similar methods as
described for Steller’s, the number of male elephant seals (7,630) was multiplied by percent area of the
TMAA compared to the GOA LME (0.0625) for a total of 477 elephant seals. Density was then
calculated as 475 seals/87,250 km2, or 0.0055/km2, which is applicable for the entire TMAA for
March-April and September-November. Because all elephant seal adult males are not at-sea at the
same time, the density is probably an over-estimate.
As with northern fur seals, elephant seal densities were averaged to warm (June-October) and cold
(November-May) water seasons to provide data suitable for acoustic modeling. To do so, monthly
densities were summer and divided by the number of months in each season (Table 5). The warm water
density for elephant seals was 0.0022/km2 and the cold water density was 0.0023/km2 (see Table 1,
which is applicable to the entire area.
Elephant seals feed on deep-water squid and fish, and likely spend about 80% of their annual cycle at sea
feeding (Hindell, 2002). There has been a disproportionate amount of research done in the diving
capabilities of northern elephant seals. Breeding and molting beaches are all located in California and
Baja California, and elephant seals are relatively easy to tag (compared to cetaceans) when they are
hauled out on the beach; the tag package can be retrieved when the animal returns to shore rather than
relying on finding it in the ocean. They are deep divers, and have been tracked to depths >1000 m,
although mean depths are usually around 400-600 m. Elephant seals have more than one dive type,
termed Types A-E, including rounded and squared-off U-shape, V-shape and others. Particular dive types
appear to be used mainly during transit (Types A and B), “processing” of food (Type C), and foraging
(Types D and E; Crocker et al., 1994). Asaga et al. (1994) collected dive information on three female
seals and provided summary statistics for three dive types. Davis et al. (2001) recorded the diving
behavior of a seal returning to the beach, and demonstrated transit depths averaging 186 m with range of
depth from 8 m to 430 m. LeBoeuf et al. (1986; 1988), Stewart and DeLong (1993) and LeBoeuf (1994)
provided histograms of dives per depth range for tagged females. LeBoeuf et al. (2000; 1988) and
LeBoeuf (1994) provided details on foraging trips for males and females offshore California, including
information on percentage of time at surface. Hassrick et al. (2007) noted that larger animals (adult males)
exhibited longer bottom times and that surface swimming was not noted in the sixteen elephant seals that
they tagged. Hindell (2002) noted that traveling likely takes place at depths >200m.
Even with this abundance of information, the numerous types of dives and lack of clear-cut depth
distribution data means that the percentage of time at depth needs to be estimated. The closest information
provided is from Asaga et al. (1994), which was used here. Note that this information is representative of
type D foraging dives of female only. This is the type of dive that would be likely of an elephant seal at-
sea. Summary stats from Table 17.3 (Asaga et al., 1994) were used; the data were collected from females
only but will be applied to both sexes and all age classes due to lack of other concise data. Mean dive
duration and mean surface intervals were added together to come up with total dive cycle in minutes.
Amount of time to traverse from surface to bottom and bottom to surface was calculated by subtracting
bottom time (given) from dive duration. Values for total cycle, surface interval, bottom time and
descent/ascent were then averaged for all three females. Roundtrip surface to bottom and back averaged
12.9 minutes. Assuming a mean rate of descent/ascent over 527 m (average mean dive depth for all three
females combined), the average rate per 100 m was 2.4 min. Based on these averaged numbers, the
following are estimates of time at depth: 9% at <2 m, 11% at 2-100 m, 11% at 101-200 m, 11% at
201-300 m, 11% at 301-400 m, 11% at 401-500 m and 36% at >500 m.
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Table 6. Summary of Marine Mammal Depth and Diving Information for Species Found in the TMAA
NOTE: some species that are not endemic to GOA are included in this appendix because data on their depth and diving preferences were extrapolated to GOA species.
Sperm whale North Atlantic Dives did not approach bottom of ocean (usually One whale/ Watkins et al.
(Caribbean) >200 m shallower than bottom depth); day dives April/ Time- (2002)
deeper than night dives but not significantly; 63% depth tag
of total time in deep dives with 37% of time near
surface or shallow dives (within 100 m of surface)
Sperm whale Feeding Northern Cephalopods of several genera recovered Two animals/ Clarke and
Pacific uknown/ Young (1998)
(Hawaii) stomach
Sperm whale Occurrence Mediterranean Preferred waters >700m Vessel transects Canadas et
Sea (Alborian al. (2002)
Sea south of
Sperm whale Feeding Arctic Ocean Dives from 14-1860 m with median of 175 m; Four adult Teloni et al.
(Norway) clicking (searching for prey) began at 14-218 m males/ July/ (2007)
and stopped at 1-1114 m, and whale spent 91% of DTAG
overall dives emitting clicks; shallower dives were
apparently to target more sparse prey while deep
dives led to frequent prey capture attempts and
were likely within denser food layers
Cuvier's beaked Meso-pelagic or deep water Offshore, deep waters of Heyning (2002); Feeding Northeast Max dive depth = 1450 m; identified at least three Two Baird et al.
whale benthic organisms, particularly continental slope (200-2000 m) Santos et al. (2001); Pacific dive categories including inter-ventilation (<4 m, whales/Septem (2006a);
squid (Cephalapoda: or deeper Blanco and Raga (Hawaii) parabolic shape), long duration (>1000m, U- ber- Baird et al.
Teuthoidea); may have larger (2000); Clarke (1986) shaped but with inflections in bottom depth), and November/Time (2005a)
range of prey species than other intermediate duration (292-568 m, U-shaped); dive -depth recorders
deep divers; likely suction cycle usually included one long duration per 2
feeders based on lack of teeth hours; one dive interval at surface of >65 min;
and enlarged hyoid bone and mean depth at taggin was 2131 m so feeding
tongue muscles occurred at mid-depths; no difference between day
and night diving
Cuvier's beaked Feeding Mediterranean Two types of dive, U-shaped deep foraging dives 27% in <2 m (surface); 29% Seven whales/ Tyack et al.
whale (Ligurian Sea) (>500 m, mean 1070 m) and shallower non- in 2-220 m; 4% in 221-400 m; June/ DTAGs (2006)
foraging dives (<500 m, mean 221 m); depth 4% in 401-600 m; 4% in 601-
distribution taken from information in Table 2 800 m; 5% in 801-1070; 27%
in >1070 m
Cuvier's beaked Feeding Mediterranean Deep dives broken into three phases: silent Two whales/ Johnson et
whale (Ligurian Sea) descent, vocal-foraging and silent ascent; September/ al. (2004);
vocalizations not detected <200m depth; detected DTAGs Soto et al.
when whales were as deep as 1267 m; (2006)
vocalizations ceased when whale started
ascending from dive; clicks ultrasonic with no
significant energy below 20 kHz
FIGURE F-2. HUMAN THREATS TO WORLD WIDE SMALL CETACEAN POPULATIONS ............................................... F-10
FIGURE F-3. NORTHWEST REGION HARBOR PORPOISE STRANDINGS 1990 – 2006 .................................................. F-26
The majority of animals that strand are dead or moribund (NMFS, 2007). For animals that strand alive,
human intervention through medical aid and/or guidance seaward may be required for the animal to return
to the sea. If unable to return to sea, rehabilitation at an appropriate facility may be determined as the best
opportunity for animal survival. An event where animals are found out of their normal habitat may be
considered a stranding depending on circumstances even though the animals do not necessarily end up
beaching (Southall, 2006).
Three general categories can be used to describe strandings: single, mass, and unusual mortality events.
The most frequent type of stranding involves only one animal (or a mother/calf pair) (NMFS, 2007).
Mass stranding involves two or more marine mammals of the same species other than a mother/calf pair
(Wilkinson, 1991), and may span one or more days and range over several miles (Simmonds and Lopez-
Jurado, 1991; Frantzis, 1998; Walsh et al., 2001; Freitas, 2004). In North America, only a few species
typically strand in large groups of 15 or more and include sperm whales, pilot whales, false killer whales,
Atlantic white-sided dolphins, white-beaked dolphins, and rough-toothed dolphins (Odell 1987, Walsh et
al. 2001). Some species, such as pilot whales, false-killer whales, and melon-headed whales occasionally
strand in groups of 50 to 150 or more (Geraci et al. 1999). All of these normally pelagic off-shore species
are highly sociable and infrequently encountered in coastal waters. Species that commonly strand in
smaller numbers include pygmy killer whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Pacific white-sided
dolphin Frasier’s dolphins, gray whale and humpback whale (West Coast only), harbor porpoise, Cuvier’s
beaked whales, California sea lions, and harbor seals (Mazzuca et al. 1999, Norman et al. 2004, Geraci
and Lounsbury 2005).
Unusual mortality events (UMEs) can be a series of single strandings or mass strandings, or unexpected
mortalities (i.e., die-offs) that occur under unusual circumstances (Dierauf and Gulland, 2001; Harwood,
2002; Gulland, 2006; NMFS, 2007). These events may be interrelated: for instance, at-sea die-offs lead to
increased stranding frequency over a short period of time, generally within one to two months. As
published by the NMFS, revised criteria for defining a UME include (71 FR 75234, 2006):
(1) A marked increase in the magnitude or a marked change in the nature of morbidity, mortality, or
strandings when compared with prior records.
(4) The species, age, or sex composition of the affected animals is different than that of animals that are
normally affected.
(5) Affected animals exhibit similar or unusual pathologic findings, behavior patterns, clinical signs, or
general physical condition (e.g., blubber thickness).
(6) Potentially significant morbidity, mortality, or stranding is observed in species, stocks or populations
that are particularly vulnerable (e.g., listed as depleted, threatened or endangered or declining). For
example, stranding of three or four right whales may be cause for great concern whereas stranding of a
similar number of fin whales may not.
(7) Morbidity is observed concurrent with or as part of an unexplained continual decline of a marine
mammal population, stock, or species.
UMEs are usually unexpected, infrequent, and may involve a significant number of marine mammal
mortalities. As discussed below, unusual environmental conditions are probably responsible for most
UMEs and marine mammal die-offs (Vidal and Gallo-Reynoso, 1996; Geraci et al., 1999; Walsh et al.,
2001; Gulland and Hall, 2005).
In 1992, Congress amended the MMPA to establish the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response
Program (MMHSRP) under authority of the NMFS. The MMHSRP was created out of concern started in
the 1980s for marine mammal mortalities, to formalize the response process, and to focus efforts being
initiated by numerous local stranding organizations and as a result of public concern.
• National Marine Mammal Tissue Bank (NMMTB) and Quality Assurance Program
• Marine Mammal Health Biomonitoring, Research, and Development
• Marine Mammal Disentanglement Network
• John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program (a.k.a. the Prescott Grant
• Information Management and Dissemination.
The United States has a well-organized network in coastal states to respond to marine mammal
strandings. Overseen by the NMFS, the National Marine Mammal Stranding Network is comprised of
smaller organizations manned by professionals and volunteers from nonprofit organizations, aquaria,
universities, and state and local governments trained in stranding response animal health, and diseased
investigation. Currently, 141 organizations are authorized by NMFS to respond to marine mammal
strandings (National Marine Fisheries Service, 2007o). Through a National Coordinator and six regional
coordinators, NMFS authorizes and oversees stranding response activities and provides specialized
training for the network.
NMFS Northeast Region- ME, NH, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, PA, DE, MD, VA
NMFS Southeast Region- NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, LA, TX, PR, VI
NMFS Pacific Islands Region- HI, Guam, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands (CNMI)
Stranding reporting and response efforts over time have been inconsistent, although effort and data
quality within the U.S. have been improving within the last 20 years (NMFS, 2007). Given the historical
inconsistency in response and reporting, however, interpretation of long-term trends in marine mammal
stranding is difficult (NMFS, 2007). Nationwide, between 1995-2004, there were approximately 700-
1500 cetacean strandings per year and between 2000-4600 pinniped strandings per year (NMFS, 2007). In
Alaska from 2001-2004, there were 45-165 cetacean strandings per year and 58-125 pinniped strandings
per year (NMFS, 2007). Detailed regional stranding information including most commonly stranded
species can be found in Zimmerman (1991), Geraci and Lounsbury (2005), and NMFS (2007).
Stranding of cetaceans and pinnipeds reported to NMFS Alaska Region from 1998-2007 are summarized
in Table F-2. The southcentral area includes the area from Cape Suckling to Cape Douglas and the
Kodiak area follows the boundaries of the Kodiak Borough.
Strandings constituting this record were reported by fishermen, hunters, fishery observers, and other
members of the public and include animals found dead (floating and beach-cast) and reports of live
stranded, mass stranded, abandoned, sick or injured animals. Strandings where the animal(s) could not be
examined are included in the numbers as long as the animal was at least identified as either cetacean or
pinniped. Human interactions like ship strike/collisions, fishery interactions and entanglements are also
included. Known subsistence takes are not included, but suspected subsistence animals are in some cases
included (e.g., animals reported shot). Fishery observer reports are not included unless the animal was
observed outside of statistical reporting protocols (and thus would not be included by the observer
program as part of their watch data set). (NMFS, Alaska Region, Protected Resources, 2008).
Both unconfirmed and confirmed reports are included. (NMFS, Alaska Region, Protected Resources,
2008). This practice differs somewhat from strandings tabulated in the official record for other regions
(such as for the Northwest Region), where a field investigation must confirm the reported stranding,
however, Alaska’s size, weather conditions, geography, and remote coastlines do not always allow for a
field investigation/ confirmation to be a reasonable use of resources.
While the Alaska records could potentially be argued to constitute a variable record based on
opportunistic reports, this data collection (sampling) method has been consistent for a decade and
therefore constitutes a record that can be compared across reporting years. It is recognized that controls
were not established for other important variables influencing the occurrence of strandings and/or the
reporting of strandings (e.g, weather, seismic events, changes in fisheries).
Records gathered by Zimmerman (1991) for the period between 1975 and 1987 indicate that 325 stranded
cetaceans were reported for the entire state of Alaska. Prior to 1985, a centralized Federal stranding
network had not been established, which limited the number of stranding reports recorded. Table F-3
details the most commonly stranded cetaceans in the Gulf of Alaska for that period.
Table F-3. Most Commonly Reported Species of Cetaceans Found Stranded in the Gulf of Alaska
1975 – 1987
Species Number Stranded
Gray Whale 7
Beluga Whale 20
Stejneger’s Beaked Whale 5
Killer Whale 6
Cuvier’s Beaked Whale 5
Minke Whale 10
Bowhead Whale 0
Humpback Whale 9
Sperm Whale 4
Baird’s Beaked Whale 1
Fin Whale 3
Total 70
Source: Zimmerman, 1991
becomes susceptible to various other influences because of its weakened condition, making it difficult to
determine a primary cause. In many stranding cases, scientists never learn the exact reason for the
Specific potential stranding causes can include both natural and human influenced (anthropogenic) causes
listed below and described in the following sections:
Like other mammals, marine mammals frequently suffer from a variety of diseases of viral, bacterial,
parasitic, and fungal origin (Visser et al. 1991; Dunn et al. 2001; Harwood 2002). Gulland and Hall
(2005) provide a more detailed summary of individual and population effects of marine mammal diseases.
Microparasites such as bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms are commonly found in marine
mammal habitats and usually pose little threat to a healthy animal (Geraci et al. 1999). For example, long-
finned pilot whales that inhabit the waters off of the northeastern coast of the U.S. are carriers of the
morbillivirus, yet have grown resistant to its usually lethal effects (Geraci et al. 1999). Since the 1980s,
however, virus infections have been strongly associated with marine mammal die-offs (Domingo et al.,
1992; Geraci and Lounsbury, 2005). Morbillivirus is the most significant marine mammal virus and
suppresses a host’s immune system, increasing risk of secondary infection (Harwood 2002). A bottlenose
dolphin UME in 1993 and 1994 was caused by infectious disease. Die-offs ranged from northwestern
Florida to Texas, with an increased number of deaths as it spread (NMFS 2007c). A 2004 UME in Florida
was also associated with dolphin morbillivirus (NMFS 2004). Influenza A was responsible for the first
reported mass mortality in the U.S., occurring along the coast of New England in 1979-1980 (Geraci et al.
1999; Harwood 2002). Canine distemper virus (a type of morbillivirus) has been responsible for large
scale pinniped mortalities and die-offs (Grachev et al. 1989; Kennedy et al., 2000; Gulland and Hall,
2005), while a bacteria, Leptospira pomona, is responsible for periodic die-offs in California sea lions
about every four years (Gulland et al. 1996; Gulland and Hall 2005). It is difficult to determine whether
microparasites commonly act as a primary pathogen, or whether they show up as a secondary infection in
an already weakened animal (Geraci et al. 1999). Most marine mammal die-offs from infectious disease
in the last 25 years, however, have had viruses associated with them (Simmonds and Mayer 1997; Geraci
et al. 1999; Harwood 2002).
Macroparasites are usually large parasitic organisms and include lungworms, trematodes (parasitic
flatworms), and protozoans (Geraci and St. Aubin 1987; Geraci et al. 1999). Marine mammals can carry
many different types, and have shown a robust tolerance for sizeable infestation unless compromised by
illness, injury, or starvation (Morimitsu et al. 1987; Dailey et al. 1991; Geraci et al., 1999). Nasitrema, a
usually benign trematode found in the head sinuses of cetaceans (Geraci et al. 1999), can cause brain
damage if it migrates (Ridgway and Dailey 1972). As a result, this worm is one of the few directly linked
to stranding in the cetaceans (Dailey and Walker 1978; Geraci et al. 1999).
Non-infectious disease, such as congenital bone pathology of the vertebral column (osteomyelitis,
spondylosis deformans, and ankylosing spondylitis [AS]), has been described in several species of
cetacean (Paterson 1984; Alexander et al. 1989; Kompanje 1995; Sweeny et al. 2005). In humans, bone
pathology such as AS, can impair mobility and increase vulnerability to further spinal trauma (Resnick
and Niwayama 2002). Bone pathology has been found in cases of single strandings (Paterson 1984;
Kompanje 1995), and also in cetaceans prone to mass stranding (Sweeny et al. 2005), possibly acting as a
contributing or causal influence in both types of events.
In the Gulf of Mexico and mid- to southern Atlantic states, “red tides,” a form of harmful algal bloom, are
created by a dinoflagellate (Karenia brevis). K. brevis is found throughout the Gulf of Mexico and
sometimes along the Atlantic coast (Van Dolah 2005; NMFS 2007). It produces a neurotoxin known as
brevetoxin. Brevetoxin has been associated with several marine mammal UMEs within this area (Geraci
1989; Van Dolah et al. 2003; NMFS 2004; Flewelling et al. 2005; Van Dolah 2005; NMFS 2007). On the
U.S. West Coast and in the northeast Atlantic, several species of diatoms produce a toxin called domoic
acid which has also been linked to marine mammal strandings (Geraci et al. 1999; Van Dolah et al. 2003;
Greig et al. 2005; Van Dolah 2005; Brodie et al. 2006; NMFS 2007; Bargu et al. 2008; Goldstein et al.
2008). Other algal toxins associated with marine mammal strandings include saxitoxins and ciguatoxins
and are summarized by Van Dolah (2005).
Figure F-1. Animal Mortalities from Harmful Algal Blooms within the U.S., 1997-2006.
The effect of large scale climatic changes to the world’s oceans and how these changes impact marine
mammals and influence strandings is difficult to quantify given the broad spatial and temporal scales
involved, and the cryptic movement patterns of marine mammals (Moore 2005; Learmonth et al. 2006).
The most immediate, although indirect, effect is decreased prey availability during unusual conditions.
This, in turn, results in increased search effort required by marine mammals (Crocker et al. 2006),
potential starvation if not successful, and corresponding stranding due directly to starvation or
succumbing to disease or predation while in a more weakened, stressed state (Selzer and Payne 1988;
Geraci et al. 1999; Moore 2005; Learmonth et al. 2006; Weise et al. 2006).
Two recent papers examined potential influences of climate fluctuation on stranding events in southern
Australia, including Tasmania, an area with a history of more than 20 mass stranding since the 1920s
(Evans et al., 2005; Bradshaw et al. 2006). These authors note that patterns in animal migration, survival,
fecundity, population size, and strandings will revolve around the availability and distribution of food
resources. In southern Australia, movement of nutrient-rich waters pushed closer to shore by periodic
meridinal winds (occurring about every 12 to 14 years) may be responsible for bringing marine mammals
closer to land, thus increasing the probability of stranding (Bradshaw et al. 2006). The papers conclude,
however, that while an overarching model can be helpful for providing insight into the prediction of
strandings, the particular reasons for each one are likely to be quite varied.
Navigation Error
Geomagnetism - It has been hypothesized that, like some land animals, marine mammals may be able to
orient to the Earth’s magnetic field as a navigational cue, and that areas of local magnetic anomalies may
influence strandings (Bauer et al. 1985; Klinowska 1985; Kirschvink et al. 1986; Klinowska, 1986;
Walker et al. 1992; Wartzok and Ketten 1999). In a plot of live stranding positions in Great Britain with
magnetic field maps, Klinowska (1985; 1986) observed an association between live stranding positions
and magnetic field levels. In all cases, live strandings occurred at locations where magnetic minima, or
lows in the magnetic fields, intersect the coastline. Kirschvink et al. (1986) plotted stranding locations on
a map of magnetic data for the East Coast of the U.S., and were able to develop associations between
stranding sites and locations where magnetic minima intersected the coast. The authors concluded that
there were highly significant tendencies for cetaceans to beach themselves near these magnetic minima
and coastal intersections. The results supported the hypothesis that cetaceans may have a magnetic
sensory system similar to other migratory animals, and that marine magnetic topography and patterns may
influence long-distance movements (Kirschvink et al. 1986). Walker et al. (1992) examined fin whale
swim patterns off the northeastern U.S. continental shelf, and reported that migrating animals aligned
with lows in the geometric gradient or intensity. While a similar pattern between magnetic features and
marine mammal strandings at New Zealand stranding sites was not seen (Brabyn and Frew, 1994), mass
strandings in Hawaii typically were found to occur within a narrow range of magnetic anomalies
(Mazzuca et al. 1999).
Echolocation Disruption in Shallow Water - Some researchers believe stranding may result from
reductions in the effectiveness of echolocation within shallow water, especially with the pelagic species
of odontocetes that may be less familiar with coastline (Dudok van Heel 1966; Chambers and James
2005). For an odontocete, echoes from echolocation signals contain important information on the location
and identity of underwater objects and the shoreline. The authors postulate that the gradual slope of a
beach may present difficulties to the navigational systems of some cetaceans, since it is common for live
strandings to occur along beaches with shallow, sandy gradients (Brabyn and McLean, 1992; Mazzuca et
al., 1999; Maldini et al., 2005; Walker et al., 2005). A contributing factor to echolocation interference in
turbulent, shallow water is the presence of microbubbles from the interaction of wind, breaking waves,
and currents. Additionally, ocean water near the shoreline can have an increased turbidity (e.g., floating
sand or silt, particulate plant matter, etc.) due to the run-off of fresh water into the ocean, either from
rainfall or from freshwater outflows (e.g., rivers and creeks). Collectively, these factors can reduce and
scatter the sound energy within echolocation signals and reduce the perceptibility of returning echoes of
Social Cohesion
Many pelagic species such as sperm whale, pilot whales, melon-head whales, and false killer whales, and
some dolphins occur in large groups with strong social bonds between individuals. When one or more
animals strand due to any number of causative events, then the entire pod may follow suit out of social
cohesion (Geraci et al. 1999; Conner 2000; Perrin and Geraci 2002; NMFS 2007).
Percent of 71 small cetacean species threatened
10% 9.0%
Fisheries- Fisheries- Pollution Habitat Unknown Prey Fisheries- Noise
Bycatch Directed Degradation Overfishing Culling
Bycatch - Bycatch is the catching of non-target species within a given fishing operation and can include
non-commercially used invertebrates, fish, sea turtles, birds, and marine mammals (NRC 2006). Read et
al. (2006) attempted to estimate the magnitude of marine mammal bycatch in U.S. and global fisheries.
Data on marine mammal bycatch within the United States was obtained from fisheries observer programs,
reports of entangled stranded animals, and fishery logbooks, and was then extrapolated to estimate global
bycatch by using the ratio of U.S. fishing vessels to the total number of vessels within the world’s fleet
(Read et al., 2006). Within U.S. fisheries, between 1990 and 1999 the mean annual bycatch of marine
mammals was 6,215 animals, with a standard error of +/- 448 (Read et al., 2006). Eight-four percent of
cetacean bycatch occurred in gill-net fisheries, with dolphins and porpoises constituting most of the
cetacean bycatch (Read et al., 2006). Over the decade there was a 40 percent decline in marine mammal
bycatch, which was significantly lower from 1995-1999 than it was from 1990-1994 (Read et al., 2006).
Read et al., (2006) suggests that this is primarily due to effective conservation measures that were
implemented during this period.
Read et al. (2006) then extrapolated this data for the same time period and calculated an annual estimate
of 653,365 of marine mammals globally, with most of the world’s bycatch occurring in gill-net fisheries.
With global marine mammal bycatch likely to be in the hundreds of thousands every year, bycatch in
fisheries is the single greatest threat to many marine mammal populations around the world (Read et al.,
Entanglement - Entanglement in active fishing gear is a major cause of death or severe injury among the
endangered whales in the action area. Entangled marine mammals may die as a result of drowning, escape
with pieces of gear still attached to their bodies, manage to be set free either of their own accord, or are
set free by fishermen. Many large whales carry off gear after becoming entangled (Read et al., 2006).
Many times when a marine mammal swims off with gear attached, the end result can be fatal. The gear
may be become too cumbersome for the animal or it can be wrapped around a crucial body part and
tighten over time. Stranded marine mammals frequently exhibit signs of previous fishery interaction, such
as scarring or gear attached to their bodies, and the cause of death for many stranded marine mammals is
often attributed to such interactions (Baird and Gorgone, 2005). Because marine mammals that die or are
injured in fisheries may not wash ashore and because not all animals that do wash ashore exhibit clear
signs of interactions, stranding data probably underestimate fishery-related mortality and serious injury
(NMFS 2005a)
From 1993 through 2003, 1,105 harbor porpoises were reported stranded from Maine to North Carolina,
many of which had cuts and body damage suggestive of net entanglement (NMFS 2005e). In 1999 it was
possible to determine that the cause of death for 38 of the stranded porpoises was from fishery
interactions, with one additional animal having been mutilated (right flipper and fluke cut off) (NMFS
2005e). In 2000, one stranded porpoise was found with monofilament line wrapped around its body
(NMFS 2005e). In 2003, nine stranded harbor porpoises were attributed to fishery interactions, with an
additional three mutilated animals (NMFS 2005e). An estimated 78 baleen whales were killed annually in
the offshore Southern California/Oregon drift gillnet fishery during the 1980s (Heyning and Lewis 1990).
From 1998-2005, based on observer records, five fin whales (CA/OR/WA stock), 12 humpback whales
(ENP stock), and six sperm whales (CA/OR/WA stock) were either seriously injured or killed in fisheries
off the mainland West Coast of the U.S. (California Marine Mammal Stranding Network Database 2006).
Ship Strike
Vessel strikes to marine mammals are another cause of mortality and stranding (Laist et al., 2001; Geraci
and Lounsbury 2005; de Stephanis and Urquiola, 2006). An animal at the surface could be struck directly
by a vessel, a surfacing animal could hit the bottom of a vessel, or an animal just below the surface could
be cut by a vessel’s propeller. The severity of injuries typically depends on the size and speed of the
vessel (Knowlton and Kraus, 2001; Laist et al., 2001; Vanderlaan and Taggart, 2007).
An examination of all known ship strikes from all shipping sources (civilian and military) indicates vessel
speed is a principal factor in whether a vessel strike results in death (Knowlton and Kraus, 2001; Laist et
al., 2001, Jensen and Silber, 2003; Vanderlaan and Taggart, 2007). In assessing records in which vessel
speed was known, Laist et al. (2001) found a direct relationship between the occurrence of a whale strike
and the speed of the vessel involved in the collision. The authors concluded that most deaths occurred
when a vessel was traveling in excess of 13 knots although most vessels do travel greater than 15 knots.
Jensen and Silber (2003) detailed 292 records of known or probable ship strikes of all large whale species
from 1975 to 2002. Of these, vessel speed at the time of collision was reported for 58 cases. Of these
cases, 39 (or 67 percent) resulted in serious injury or death (19 or 33 percent resulted in serious injury as
determined by blood in the water, propeller gashes or severed tailstock, and fractured skull, jaw,
vertebrae, hemorrhaging, massive bruising or other injuries noted during necropsy and 20 or 35% resulted
in death). Operating speeds of vessels that struck various species of large whales ranged from 2 to 51
knots. The majority (79 percent) of these strikes occurred at speeds of 13 knots or greater. The average
speed that resulted in serious injury or death was 18.6 knots. Pace and Silber (2005) found that the
probability of death or serious injury increased rapidly with increasing vessel speed. Specifically, the
predicted probability of serious injury or death increased from 45 percent to 75 % as vessel speed
increased from 10 to 14 knots, and exceeded 90% at 17 knots. Higher speeds during collisions result in
greater force of impact, but higher speeds also appear to increase the chance of severe injuries or death by
pulling whales toward the vessel. Computer simulation modeling showed that hydrodynamic forces
pulling whales toward the vessel hull increase with increasing speed (Clyne, 1999; Knowlton et al.,
The growth in civilian commercial ports and associated commercial vessel traffic is a result in the
globalization of trade. The Final Report of the NOAA International Symposium on “Shipping Noise and
Marine Mammals: A Forum for Science, Management, and Technology” stated that the worldwide
commercial fleet has grown from approximately 30,000 vessels in 1950 to more than 85,000 vessels in
1998 (NRC, 2003; Southall, 2005). Between 1950 and 1998, the U.S. flagged fleet declined from
approximately 25,000 to fewer than 15,000 and currently represents only a small portion of the world
fleet. From 1985 to 1999, world seaborne trade doubled to 5 billion tons and currently includes 90 percent
of the total world trade, with container shipping movements representing the largest volume of seaborne
trade. It is unknown how international shipping volumes and densities will continue to grow. However,
current statistics support the prediction that the international shipping fleet will continue to grow at the
current rate or at greater rates in the future. Shipping densities in specific areas and trends in routing and
vessel design are as, or more, significant than the total number of vessels. Densities along existing coastal
routes are expected to increase both domestically and internationally. New routes are also expected to
develop as new ports are opened and existing ports are expanded. Vessel propulsion systems are also
advancing toward faster ships operating in higher sea states for lower operating costs; and container ships
are expected to become larger along certain routes (Southall 2005).
While there are reports and statistics of whales struck by vessels in U.S. waters, the magnitude of the risks
of commercial ship traffic poses to marine mammal populations is difficult to quantify or estimate. In
addition, there is limited information on vessel strike interactions between ships and marine mammals
outside of U.S. waters (de Stephanis and Urquiola 2006). Laist et al. (2001) concluded that ship collisions
may have a negligible effect on most marine mammal populations in general, except for regional based
small populations where the significance of low numbers of collisions would be greater given smaller
populations or populations segments.
U.S. Navy vessel traffic is a small fraction of the overall U.S. commercial and fishing vessel traffic.
While U.S. Navy vessel movements may contribute to the ship strike threat, given the lookout and
mitigation measures adopted by the U.S. Navy, probability of vessel strikes is greatly reduced.
Furthermore, actions to avoid close interaction of U.S. Navy ships and marine mammals and sea turtles,
such as maneuvering to keep away from any observed marine mammal and sea turtle are part of existing
at-sea protocols and standard operating procedures. Navy ships have up to three or more dedicated and
trained lookouts as well as two to three bridge watchstanders during at-sea movements who would be
searching for any whales, sea turtles, or other obstacles on the water surface. Such lookouts are expected
to further reduce the chances of a collision.
Ingestion of Plastic Objects and Other Marine Debris and Toxic Pollution Exposure
For many marine mammals, debris in the marine environment is a great hazard and can be harmful to
wildlife. Not only is debris a hazard because of possible entanglement, animals may mistake plastics and
other debris for food (NMFS, 2007g). U.S. Navy vessels have a zero-plastic discharge policy and return
all plastic waste to appropriate disposition on shore.
There are certain species of cetaceans, along with Florida manatees, that are more likely to eat trash,
especially plastics, which is usually fatal for the animal (Geraci et al. 1999). From 1990 through October
1998, 215 pygmy sperm whales stranded along the U.S. Atlantic Coast from New York through the
Florida Keys (NMFS 2005a). Remains of plastic bags and other debris were found in the stomachs of 13
of these animals (NMFS 2005a). During the same period, 46 dwarf sperm whale strandings occurred
along the U.S. Atlantic coastline between Massachusetts and the Florida Keys (NMFS 2005d). In 1987 a
pair of latex examination gloves was retrieved from the stomach of a stranded dwarf sperm whale (NMFS
2005d). One hundred twenty-five pygmy sperm whales were reported stranded from 1999 to 2003
between Maine and Puerto Rico; in one pygmy sperm whale found stranded in 2002, red plastic debris
was found in the stomach along with squid beaks (NMFS 2005a).
Sperm whales have been known to ingest plastic debris, such as plastic bags (Evans et al. 2003;
Whitehead 2003). While this has led to mortality, the scale to which this is affecting sperm whale
populations is unknown, but Whitehead (2003) suspects it is not substantial at this time.
High concentrations of potentially toxic substances within marine mammals along with an increase in
new diseases have been documented in recent years. Scientists have begun to consider the possibility of a
link between pollutants and marine mammal mortality events. NMFS takes part in a marine mammal bio-
monitoring program not only to help assess the health and contaminant loads of marine mammals, but
also to assist in determining anthropogenic impacts on marine mammals, marine food chains and marine
ecosystem health. Using strandings and bycatch animals, the program provides tissue/serum archiving,
samples for analyses, disease monitoring and reporting, and additional response during disease
investigations (NMFS 2007).
The impacts of these activities are difficult to measure. However, some researchers have correlated
contaminant exposure to possible adverse health effects in marine mammals. Contaminants such as
organochlorines do not tend to accumulate in significant amounts in invertebrates, but do accumulate in
fish and fish-eating animals. Thus, contaminant levels in planktivorous mysticetes have been reported to
be one to two orders of magnitude lower compared to piscivorous odontocetes (Borell 1993; O’Shea and
Brownell 1994; O’Hara and Rice 1996; O’Hara et al. 1999).
The manmade chemical PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl), and the pesticide DDT
(dichlorodiphyenyltrichloroethane), are both considered persistent organic pollutants that are currently
banned in the United States for their harmful effects in wildlife and humans (NMFS, 2007c). Despite
having been banned for decades, the levels of these compounds are still high in marine mammal tissue
samples taken along U.S. coasts (NMFS, 2007c). Both compounds are long-lasting, reside in marine
mammal fat tissues (especially in the blubber), and can be toxic causing effects such as reproductive
impairment and immunosuppression (NMFS, 2007c).
Both long-finned and short-finned pilot whales have a tendency to mass strand throughout their range.
Short-finned pilot whales have been reported as stranded as far north as Rhode Island, and long-finned
pilot whales as far south as South Carolina (NMFS 2005b). For U.S. East Coast stranding records, both
species are lumped together and there is rarely a distinction between the two because of uncertainty in
species identification (NMFS 2005b). Since 1980 within the Northeast region alone, between 2 and 120
pilot whales have stranded annually either individually or in groups (NMFS 2005b). Between 1999 and
2003 from Maine to Florida, 126 pilot whales were reported stranded, including a mass stranding of 11
animals in 2000 and another mass stranding of 57 animals in 2002, both along the Massachusetts coast
(NMFS 2005b).
It is unclear how much of a role human activities play in these pilot whale strandings, and toxic poisoning
may be a potential human-caused source of mortality for pilot whales (NMFS, 2005b). Moderate levels of
PCBs and chlorinated pesticides (such as DDT, DDE, and dieldrin) have been found in pilot whale
blubber (NMFS 2005b). Bioaccumulation levels have been found to be more similar in whales from the
same stranding event than from animals of the same age or sex (NMFS 2005b). Numerous studies have
measured high levels of toxic metals (mercury, lead, and cadmium), selenium, and PCBs in pilot whales
in the Faroe Islands (NMFS 2005b). Population effects resulting from such high contamination levels are
currently unknown (NMFS 2005b).
Habitat contamination and degradation may also play a role in marine mammal mortality and strandings.
Some events caused by man have direct and obvious effects on marine mammals, such as oil spills
(Geraci et al. 1999). But in most cases, effects of contamination will more than likely be indirect in
nature, such as effects on prey species availability, or by increasing disease susceptibility (Geraci et al.
U.S. Navy vessel operation between ports and exercise locations has the potential for release of small
amounts of pollutant discharges into the water column. U.S. Navy vessels are not a typical source,
however, of either pathogens or other contaminants with bioaccumulation potential such as pesticides and
PCBs. Furthermore, any vessel discharges such as bilge water and deck runoff associated with the vessels
would be in accordance with international and U.S. requirements for eliminating or minimizing
discharges of oil, garbage, and other substances, and not likely to contribute significant changes to ocean
water quality.
Sound from a low-flying helicopter or airplane may be heard by marine mammals and turtles while at the
surface or underwater. Due to the transient nature of sounds from aircraft involved in at-sea operations,
such sounds would not likely cause physical effects but have the potential to affect behaviors. Responses
by mammals and turtles could include hasty dives or turns, or decreased foraging (Soto et al., 2006).
Whales may also slap the water with flukes or flippers or swim away from the aircraft track.
Sound emitted from large vessels, particularly in the course of transit, is the principal source of noise in
the ocean today, primarily due to the properties of sound emitted by civilian cargo vessels (Richardson et
al., 1995; Arveson and Vendittis, 2000). Ship propulsion and electricity generation engines, engine
gearing, compressors, bilge and ballast pumps, as well as hydrodynamic flow surrounding a ship’s hull
and any hull protrusions contribute to a large vessels’ noise emission into the marine environment.
Propeller-driven vessels also generate noise through cavitation, which accounts for much of the noise
emitted by a large vessel depending on its travel speed. Military vessels underway or involved in naval
operations or exercises, also introduce anthropogenic noise into the marine environment. Noise emitted
by large vessels can be characterized as low-frequency, continuous, and tonal. The sound pressure levels
at the vessel will vary according to speed, burden, capacity and length (Richardson et al. 1995; Arveson
and Vendittis, 2000). Vessels ranging from 135 to 337 meters generate peak source sound levels from 169
to 200 dB between 8 Hz and 430 Hz, although Arveson and Vendittis (2000) documented components of
higher frequencies (10-30 kHz) as a function of newer merchant ship engines and faster transit speeds.
Whales have variable responses to vessel presence or approaches, ranging from apparent tolerance to
diving away. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to determine whether the whales are responding to
the vessel itself or the noise generated by the engine and cavitation around the propeller. Apart from some
disruption of behavior, an animal may be unable to hear other sounds in the environment due to masking
by the noise from the vessel. Any masking of environmental sounds or conspecific sounds is expected to
be temporary, as noise dissipates with a vessel transit through an area.
Vessel noise primarily raises concerns for masking of environmental and conspecific cues. However,
exposure to vessel noise of sufficient intensity and/or duration can also result in temporary or permanent
loss of sensitivity at a given frequency range, referred to as temporary or permanent threshold shifts (TTS
or PTS). Threshold shifts are assumed to be possible in marine mammal species as a result of prolonged
exposure to large vessel traffic noise due to its intensity, broad geographic range of effectiveness, and
Collectively, significant cumulative exposure to individuals, groups, or populations can occur if they
exhibit site fidelity to a particular area; for example, whales that seasonally travel to a regular area to
forage or breed may be more vulnerable to noise from large vessels compared to transiting whales. Any
permanent threshold shift in a marine animal’s hearing capability, especially at particular frequencies for
which it can normally hear best, can impair its ability to perceive threats, including ships. Whales have
variable responses to vessel presence or approaches, ranging from apparent tolerance to diving away from
a vessel. It is not possible to determine whether the whales are responding to the vessel itself or the noise
generated by the engine and cavitation around the propeller. Apart from some disruption of behavior, an
animal may be unable to hear other sounds in the environment due to masking by the noise from the
Most observations of behavioral responses of marine mammals to human generated sounds have been
limited to short-term behavioral responses, which included the cessation of feeding, resting, or social
interactions. Nowacek et al. (2007) provide a detailed summary of cetacean response to underwater noise.
Given the sound propagation of low frequency sounds, a large vessel in this sound range can be heard 139
to 463 kilometers away (Ross, 1976 in Polefka, 2004). U.S. Navy vessels, however, have incorporated
significant underwater ship quieting technology to reduce their acoustic signature (compared to a
similarly sized vessel) in order to reduce their vulnerability to detection by enemy passive acoustics
(Southall, 2005). Therefore, the potential for TTS or PTS from U.S. Navy vessel and aircraft movement is
extremely low given that the exercises and training events are transitory in time, with vessels moving over
large area of the ocean. A marine mammal or sea turtle is unlikely to be exposed long enough at high
levels for TTS or PTS to occur. Any masking of environmental sounds or conspecific sounds is expected
to be temporary, as noise dissipates with a U.S. Navy vessel transiting through an area. If behavioral
disruptions result from the presence of aircraft or vessels, it is expected to be temporary. Animals are
expected to resume their migration, feeding, or other behaviors without any threat to their survival or
reproduction. However, if an animal is aware of a vessel and dives or swims away, it may successfully
avoid being struck.
The effects of mid-frequency active naval sonar on marine wildlife have not been studied as extensively
as the effects of air-guns used in seismic surveys (Madsen et al., 2006; Stone and Tasker, 2006; Wilson et
al., 2006; Palka and Johnson, 2007; Parente et al., 2007). Maybaum (1989, 1993) observed changes in
behavior of humpbacks during playback tapes of the M-1002 system (using 203 dB re 1 µPa-m for study);
specifically, a decrease in respiration, submergence, and aerial behavior rates; and an increase in speed of
travel and track linearity. Direct comparison of Maybaum’s results, however, with U.S Navy mid-
frequency active sonar are difficult to make. Maybaum’s signal source, the commercial M-1002, operated
differently from naval mid-frequency sonar. In addition, behavioral responses were observed during
playbacks of a control tape, (i.e. a tape with no sound signal) so interpretation of Maybaum’s results are
Research by Nowacek, et al. (2004) on North Atlantic right whales using a whale alerting signal designed
to alert whales to human presence suggests that received sound levels of only 133 to 148 pressure level
(decibel [dB] re 1 microPascals [µPa]) for the duration of the sound exposure may disrupt feeding
behavior. The authors did note, however, that within minutes of cessation of the source, a return to normal
behavior would be expected. Direct comparison of the Nowacek et al. (2004) sound source to MFA sonar,
however, is not possible given the radically different nature of the two sources. Nowacek et al.’s source
was a series of non-sonar like sounds designed to purposely alert the whale, lasting several minutes, and
covering a broad frequency band. Direct differences between Nowacek et al. (2004) and MFA sonar is
summarized below from Nowacek et al. (2004) and Nowacek et al. (2007):
(1) Signal duration: Time difference between the two signals is significant, 18-minute signal used by
Nowacek et al. versus < 1 sec for MFA sonar.
(2) Frequency modulation: Nowacek et al. contained three distinct signals containing frequency
modulated sounds:
3rd - pair of low-high (1500 and 2000 Hz) sine wave tones amplitude modulated at 120 Hz
(3) Signal-to-noise ratio: Nowacek et al.’s signal maximized signal-to noise-ratio so that it would be
distinct from ambient noise and resist masking.
(4) Signal acoustic characteristics: Nowacek et al.’s signal comprised of disharmonic signals spanning
northern right whales' estimated hearing range.
Given these differences, therefore, the exact cause of apparent right whale behavior noted by the authors
can not be attributed to any one component since the source was such a mix of signal types.
The effects of naval sonars on marine wildlife have not been studied as extensively as have the effects of
airguns used in seismic surveys (Nowacek et al., 2007). In the Caribbean, sperm whales were observed to
interrupt their activities by stopping echolocation and leaving the area in the presence of underwater
sounds surmised to have originated from submarine sonar signals (Watkins and Schevill, 1975; Watkins
et al., 1985). The authors did not report receive levels from these exposures, and also got a similar
reaction from artificial noise they generated by banging on their boat hull. It was unclear if the sperm
whales were reacting to the sonar signal itself or to a potentially new unknown sound in general. Madsen
et al. (2006) tagged and monitored eight sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico exposed to seismic airgun
surveys. Sound sources were from approximately 2 to 7 nm (4 to 13 km) away from the whales and based
on multipath propagation RLs were as high as 162 dB re 1 uPa with energy content greatest between 0.3
and 3.0 kHz. Sperm whales engaged in foraging dives continued the foraging dives throughout exposures
to these seismic pulses. In the Caribbean Sea, sperm whales avoided exposure to mid-frequency
submarine sonar pulses, in the range 1000 Hz to 10,000 Hz (IWC 2005). Sperm whales have also moved
out of areas after the start of air gun seismic testing (Davis et al. 1995). In contrast, during playback
experiments off the Canary Islands, André et al. (1997) reported that foraging sperm whales exposed to a
10 kHz pulsed signal did not exhibit any general avoidance reactions.
The Navy sponsored tests of the effects of low-frequency active (LFA) sonar source, between 100 Hz and
1000 Hz, on blue, fin, and humpback whales. The tests demonstrated that whales exposed to sound levels
up to 155 dB did not exhibit significant disturbance reactions, though there was evidence that humpback
whales altered their vocalization patterns in reaction to the noise. Given that the source level of the
Navy’s LFA is reported to be in excess of 215 dB, the possibility exists that animals in the wild may be
exposed to sound levels much higher than 155 dB.
Acoustic exposures have been demonstrated to kill marine mammals and result in physical trauma, and
injury (Ketten 2005). Animals in or near an intense noise source can die from profound injuries related to
shock wave or blast effects. Acoustic exposures can also result in noise induced hearing loss that is a
function of the interactions of three factors: sensitivity, intensity, and frequency. Loss of sensitivity is
referred to as a threshold shift; the extent and duration of a threshold shift depends on a combination of
several acoustic features and is specific to particular species (TTS or PTS, depending on how the
frequency, intensity and duration of the exposure combine to produce damage). In addition to direct
physiological effects, noise exposures can impair an animal’s sensory abilities (masking) or result in
behavioral responses such as aversion or attraction (see Section 3.19).
Acoustic exposures can also result in the death of an animal by impairing its foraging, ability to detect
predators or communicate, or by increasing stress, and disrupting important physiological events. Whales
have moved away from their feeding and mating grounds (Bryant et al., 1984; Morton and Symnods,
2002; Weller et al., 2002), moved away from their migration route (Richardson et al., 1995), and have
changed their calls due to noise (Miller et al., 2000). Acoustic exposures such as MFA sonar tend to be
infrequent and temporary in nature. In situations such as the alteration of gray whale migration routes in
response to shipping and whale watching boats, those acoustic exposures were chronic over several years
(Moore and Clarke 2002). This was also true of the effect of seismic survey airguns (daily for 39 days) on
the use of feeding areas by gray whales in the western North Pacific although whales began returning to
the feeding area within one day of the end of the exposure (Weller et al. 2002).
Below are evaluations of the general information available on the variety of ways in which cetaceans and
pinnipeds have been reported to respond to sound, generally, and mid-frequency sonar, in particular.
The Navy is very concerned and coordinates with NMFS as they thoroughly investigate each marine
mammal stranding potentially associated with Navy activities to better understand the events surrounding
strandings (Norman 2006). Strandings can involve a single animal or several to hundreds. An event where
animals are found out of their normal habitat may be considered a stranding even though animals do not
necessarily end up beaching (such as the July 2004 “Hanalei Mass Stranding Event”; Southall et al.,
2006). Several hypotheses have been given for the mass strandings which include the impact of shallow
beach slopes on odontocete sonar, disease or parasites, geomagnetic anomalies that affect navigation,
following a food source in close to shore, avoiding predators, social interactions that cause other
cetaceans to come to the aid of stranded animals, and human actions. Generally, inshore species do not
strand in large numbers but generally just as a single animal. This may be due to their familiarity with the
coastal area whereas pelagic species that are unfamiliar with obstructions or sea bottom tend to strand
more often in larger numbers (Woodings, 1995). The Navy has studied several stranding events in detail
that may have occurred in association with Navy sonar activities. To better understand the causal factors
in stranding events that may be associated with Navy sonar activities, the main factors, including
bathymetry (i.e., steep drop offs), narrow channels (less than 35 nm), environmental conditions (e.g.,
surface ducting), and multiple sonar ships were compared between the different stranding events.
When a marine mammal swims or floats onto shore and becomes “beached” or stuck in shallow water, it
is considered a “stranding” (MMPA section 410 (16 USC section 1421g); NMFS, 2007a). NMFS
explains that “a cetacean is considered stranded when it is on the beach, dead or alive, or in need of
medical attention while free-swimming in U.S. waters. A pinniped is considered to be stranded either
when dead or when in distress on the beach and not displaying normal haul-out behavior” (NMFS,
Over the past three decades, several “mass stranding” events [strandings involving two or more
individuals of the same species (excluding a single cow-calf pair) and at times, individuals from different
species] that have occurred have been associated with naval operations, seismic surveys, and other
anthropogenic activities that introduce sound into the marine environment (Canary Islands, Greece,
Vieques, U.S. Virgin Islands, Madeira Islands, Haro Strait, Washington State, Alaska, Hawaii, North
Information was collected on mass stranding events (events in which two or more cetaceans stranded) that
have occurred and for which reports are available, from the past 40 years. Any causal agents that have
been associated with those stranding events were also identified. Major range events undergo name
changes over the years, however, the equivalent of COMPTUEX and JTFEX have been conducted in
southern California since 1934. Training involving sonar has been conducted since World War II and
sonar systems described in the SOCAL EIS/OEIS since the 1970's (Jane’s 2005).
A review of historical data (mostly anecdotal) maintained by the Marine Mammal Program in the
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution reports 49 beaked whale mass stranding
events between 1838 and 1999. The largest beaked whale mass stranding occurred in the 1870s in New
Zealand when 28 Gray’s beaked whales (Mesoplodon grayi) stranded. Blainsville’s beaked whale
(Mesoplodon densirostris) strandings are rare, and records show that they were involved in one mass
stranding in 1989 in the Canary Islands. Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) are the most
frequently reported beaked whale to strand, with at least 19 stranding events from 1804 through 2000
(DoC and DoN, 2001; Smithsonian Institution, 2000).
The discussion below centers on those worldwide stranding events that may have some association with
naval operations, and global strandings that the U.S. Navy feels are either inconclusive or can not be
associated with naval operations.
2005a; 2005b; Podesta et al., 2006). Four of the five events occurred during NATO exercises or events
where U.S. Navy presence was limited (Greece, Portugal, Spain). One of the five events involved only
U.S. Navy ships (Bahamas).
Case Studies of Stranding Events (coincidental with or implicated with naval sonar)
1996 Greece Beaked Whale Mass Stranding (May 12 – 13, 1996)
Description: Twelve Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) stranded along a 38.2-kilometer strand
of the coast of the Kyparissiakos Gulf on May 12 and 13, 1996 (Frantzis, 1998). From May 11 through
May 15, the NATO research vessel Alliance was conducting sonar tests with signals of 600 Hz and 3 kHz
and root-mean-squared (rms) sound pressure levels (SPL) of 228 and 226 dB re: 1μPa, respectively
(D'Amico and Verboom, 1998; D’Spain et al., 2006). The timing and the location of the testing
encompassed the time and location of the whale strandings (Frantzis, 1998).
Findings: Partial necropsies of eight of the animals were performed, including external assessments and
the sampling of stomach contents. No abnormalities attributable to acoustic exposure were observed, but
the stomach contents indicated that the whales were feeding on cephalopods soon before the stranding
event. No unusual environmental events before or during the stranding event could be identified (Frantzis,
Conclusions: The timing and spatial characteristics of this stranding event were atypical of stranding in
Cuvier’s beaked whale, particularly in this region of the world. No natural phenomenon that might
contribute to the stranding event coincided in time with the mass stranding. Because of the rarity of mass
strandings in the Greek Ionian Sea, the probability that the sonar tests and stranding coincided in time and
location, while being independent of each other, was estimated as being extremely low (Frantzis, 1998).
However, because information for the necropsies was incomplete and inconclusive, the cause of the
stranding cannot be precisely determined.
Description: Seventeen marine mammals - Cuvier’s beaked whales, Blainville’s beaked whales
(Mesoplodon densirostris), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), and one spotted dolphin (Stenella
frontalis), stranded along the Northeast and Northwest Providence Channels of the Bahamas Islands on
March 15-16, 2000 (Evans and England, 2001). The strandings occurred over a 36-hour period and
coincided with U.S. Navy use of mid-frequency active sonar within the channel. Navy ships were
involved in tactical sonar exercises for approximately 16 hours on March 15. The ships, which operated
the AN/SQS-53C and AN/SQS-56, moved through the channel while emitting sonar pings approximately
every 24 seconds. The timing of pings was staggered between ships and average source levels of pings
varied from a nominal 235 dB SPL (AN/SQS-53C) to 223 dB SPL (AN/SQS-56). The center frequency
of pings was 3.3 kHz and 6.8 to 8.2 kHz, respectively.
Seven of the animals that stranded died, while ten animals were returned to the water alive. The animals
known to have died included five Cuvier’s beaked whales, one Blainville’s beaked whale, and the single
spotted dolphin. Six necropsies were performed and three of the six necropsied animals (one Cuvier’s
beaked whale, one Blainville’s beaked whale, and the spotted dolphin) were fresh enough to permit
identification of pathologies by computerized tomography (CT). Tissues from the remaining three
animals were in a state of advanced decomposition at the time of inspection.
Findings: The spotted dolphin demonstrated poor body condition and evidence of a systemic debilitating
disease. In addition, since the dolphin stranding site was isolated from the acoustic activities of Navy
ships, it was determined that the dolphin stranding was unrelated to the presence of Navy active sonar.
All five necropsied beaked whales were in good body condition and did not show any signs of external
trauma or disease. In the two best preserved whale specimens, hemorrhage was associated with the brain
and hearing structures. Specifically, subarachnoid hemorrhage within the temporal region of the brain and
intracochlear hemorrhages were noted. Similar findings of bloody effusions around the ears of two other
moderately decomposed whales were consistent with the same observations in the freshest animals. In
addition, three of the whales had small hemorrhages in their acoustic fats, which are fat bodies used in
sound production and reception (i.e., fats of the lower jaw and the melon). The best-preserved whale
demonstrated acute hemorrhage within the kidney, inflammation of the lung and lymph nodes, and
congestion and mild hemorrhage in multiple other organs. Other findings were consistent with stresses
and injuries associated with the stranding process. These consisted of external scrapes, pulmonary edema
and congestion.
Conclusions: The post-mortem analyses of stranded beaked whales lead to the conclusion that the
immediate cause of death resulted from overheating, cardiovascular collapse and stresses associated with
being stranded on land. However, subarachnoid and intracochlear hemorrhages were believed to have
occurred prior to stranding and were hypothesized as being related to an acoustic event. Passive acoustic
monitoring records demonstrated that no large scale acoustic activity besides the Navy sonar exercise
occurred in the times surrounding the stranding event. The mechanism by which sonar could have caused
the observed traumas or caused the animals to strand was undetermined. The spotted dolphin was in
overall poor condition for examination, but showed indications of long-term disease. No analysis of
baleen whales (minke whale) was conducted. Baleen whale stranding events have not been associated
with either low-frequency or mid-frequency sonar use (ICES 2005a, 2005b).
2000 Madeira Island, Portugal Beaked Whale Strandings (May 10 – 14, 2000)
Description: Three Cuvier’s beaked whales stranded on two islands in the Madeira Archipelago, Portugal,
from May 10 to 14, 2000 (Cox et al., 2006). A joint NATO amphibious training exercise, named “Linked
Seas 2000,” which involved participants from 17 countries, took place in Portugal during May 2 to 15,
2000. The timing and location of the exercises overlapped with that of the stranding incident.
Findings: Two of the three whales were necropsied. Two heads were taken to be examined. One head was
intact and examined grossly and by CT; the other was only grossly examined because it was partially
flensed and had been seared from an attempt to dispose of the whale by fire (Ketten, 2005).
No blunt trauma was observed in any of the whales. Consistent with prior CT scans of beaked whales
stranded in the Bahamas 2000 incident, one whale demonstrated subarachnoid and peribullar hemorrhage
and blood within one of the brain ventricles. Post-cranially, the freshest whale demonstrated renal
congestion and hemorrhage, which was also consistent with findings in the freshest specimens in the
Bahamas incident.
Conclusions: The pattern of injury to the brain and auditory system were similar to those observed in the
Bahamas strandings, as were the kidney lesions and hemorrhage and congestion in the lungs (Ketten,
2005). The similarities in pathology and stranding patterns between these two events suggested a similar
causative mechanism. Although the details about whether or how sonar was used during “Linked Seas
2000” is unknown, the presence of naval activity within the region at the time of the strandings suggested
a possible relationship to Navy activity.
2002 Canary Islands Beaked Whale Mass Stranding (September 24, 2002)
Description: On September 24, 2002, 14 beaked whales stranded on Fuerteventura and Lanzaote Islands
in the Canary Islands (Jepson et al., 2003). Seven of the 14 whales died on the beach and the 7 were
returned to the ocean. Four beaked whales were found stranded dead over the next three days either on the
coast or floating offshore (Fernández et al., 2005). At the time of the strandings, an international naval
exercise (Neo-Tapon 2002) that involved numerous surface warships and several submarines was being
conducted off the coast of the Canary Islands. Tactical mid-frequency active sonar was utilized during the
exercises, and strandings began within hours of the onset of the use of mid-frequency sonar (Fernández et
al., 2005).
Findings: Eight Cuvier’s beaked whales, one Blainville’s beaked whale, and on Gervais’ beaked whale
were necropsied; six of them within 12 hours of stranding (Fernández et al. 2005). The stomachs of the
whales contained fresh and undigested prey contents. No pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the
whales, although parasites were found in the kidneys of all of the animals. The head and neck lymph
nodes were congested and hemorrhages were noted in multiple tissues and organs, including the kidney,
brain, ears, and jaws. Widespread fat emboli were found throughout the carcasses, but no evidence of
blunt trauma was observed in the whales. In addition, the parenchyma of several organs contained
macroscopic intravascular bubbles and lesions, putatively associated with nitrogen off-gassing.
Conclusions: The association of NATO mid-frequency sonar use close in space and time to the beaked
whale strandings, and the similarity between this stranding event and previous beaked whale mass
strandings coincident with sonar use, suggests that a similar scenario and causative mechanism of
stranding may be shared between the events. Beaked whales stranded in this event demonstrated brain and
auditory system injuries, hemorrhages, and congestion in multiple organs, similar to the pathological
findings of the Bahamas and Madeira stranding events. In addition, the necropsy results of the Canary
Islands stranding event lead to the hypothesis that the presence of disseminated and widespread gas
bubbles and fat emboli were indicative of nitrogen bubble formation, similar to what might be expected in
decompression sickness (Jepson et al., 2003; Fernández et al., 2005). Whereas gas emboli would develop
from the nitrogen gas, fat emboli would enter the blood stream from ruptured fat cells (presumably where
nitrogen bubble formation occurs) or through the coalescence of lipid bodies within the blood stream.
The possibility that the gas and fat emboli found by Fernández et al. (2005) was due to nitrogen bubble
formation has been hypothesized to be related to either direct activation of the bubble by sonar signals or
to a behavioral response in which the beaked whales flee to the surface following sonar exposure. The
first hypothesis is related to rectified diffusion (Crum and Mao, 1996), the process of increasing the size
of a bubble by exposing it to a sound field. This process is facilitated if the environment in which the
ensonified bubbles exist is supersaturated with gas. Repetitive diving by marine mammals can cause the
blood and some tissues to accumulate gas to a greater degree than is supported by the surrounding
environmental pressure (Ridgway and Howard, 1979). Deeper and longer dives of some marine
mammals, such as those conducted by beaked whales, are theoretically predicted to induce greater levels
of supersaturation (Houser et al., 2001). If rectified diffusion were possible in marine mammals exposed
to high-level sound, conditions of tissue supersaturation could theoretically speed the rate and increase the
size of bubble growth. Subsequent effects due to tissue trauma and emboli would presumably mirror
those observed in humans suffering from decompression sickness. It is unlikely that the brief duration of
sonar pings would be long enough to drive bubble growth to any substantial size, if such a phenomenon
occurs. However, an alternative but related hypothesis has also been suggested: stable bubbles could be
destabilized by high-level sound exposures such that bubble growth then occurs through static diffusion
of gas out of the tissues. In such a scenario the marine mammal would need to be in a gas-supersaturated
state long enough for bubbles to become of a problematic size. The second hypothesis speculates that
rapid ascent to the surface following exposure to a startling sound might produce tissue gas saturation
sufficient for the evolution of nitrogen bubbles (Jepson et al. 2003; Fernández et al. 2005). In this
scenario, the rate of ascent would need to be sufficiently rapid to compromise behavioral or physiological
protections against nitrogen bubble formation. Tyack et al. (2006) showed that beaked whales often make
rapid ascents from deep dives suggesting that it is unlikely that beaked whales would suffer from
decompression sickness. Zimmer and Tyack (2007) speculated that if repetitive shallow dives that are
used by beaked whales to avoid a predator or a sound source, they could accumulate high levels of
nitrogen because they would be above the depth of lung collapse (above about 210 feet) and could lead to
decompression sickness. There is no evidence that beaked whales dive in this manner in response to
predators or sound sources and other marine mammals such as Antarctic and Galapagos fur seals, and
pantropical spotted dolphins make repetitive shallow dives with no apparent decompression sickness
(Kooyman and Trillmich, 1984; Kooyman et al., 1984; Baird et al., 2001).
Although theoretical predictions suggest the possibility for acoustically mediated bubble growth, there is
considerable disagreement among scientists as to its likelihood (Piantadosi and Thalmann, 2004). Sound
exposure levels predicted to cause in vivo bubble formation within diving cetaceans have not been
evaluated and are suspected as needing to be very high (Evans, 2002; Crum et al., 2005). Moore and Early
(2004) reported that in analysis of sperm whale bones spanning 111 years, gas embolism symptoms were
observed indicating that sperm whales may be susceptible to decompression sickness due to natural
diving behavior. Further, although it has been argued that traumas from recent beaked whale strandings
are consistent with gas emboli and bubble-induced tissue separations (Jepson et al. 2003), there is no
conclusive evidence supporting this hypothesis and there is concern that at least some of the pathological
findings (e.g., bubble emboli) are artifacts of the necropsy. Currently, stranding networks in the United
States have agreed to adopt a set of necropsy guidelines to determine, in part, the possibility and
frequency with which bubble emboli can be introduced into marine mammals during necropsy procedures
(Arruda et al., 2007).
2006 Spain, Gulf of Vera Beaked Whale Mass Stranding (26-27 January 2006)
Description: The Spanish Cetacean Society reported an atypical mass stranding of four beaked whales
that occurred January 26 to 28, 2006, on the southeast coast of Spain near Mojacar (Gulf of Vera) in the
Western Mediterranean Sea. According to the report, two of the whales were discovered the evening of
January 26 and were found to be still alive. Two other whales were discovered on January 27, but had
already died. A following report stated that the first three animals were located near the town of Mojacar
and were examined by a team from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, with the help of the
stranding network of Ecologistas en Acción Almería-PROMAR and others from the Spanish Cetacean
Society. The fourth animal was found dead on the afternoon of January 27, a few kilometers north of the
first three animals.
From January 25-26, 2006, a NATO surface ship group (seven ships including one U.S. ship under
NATO operational command) conducted active sonar training against a Spanish submarine within 50 nm
of the stranding site.
Findings: Veterinary pathologists necropsied the two male and two female beaked whales (Z. cavirostris).
Conclusions: According to the pathologists, a likely cause of this type of beaked whale mass stranding
event may have been anthropogenic acoustic activities. However, no detailed pathological results
confirming this supposition have been published to date, and no positive acoustic link was established as
a direct cause of the stranding.
Even though no causal link can be made between the stranding event and naval exercises, certain
conditions may have existed in the exercise area that, in their aggregate, may have contributed to the
marine mammal strandings (Freitas, 2004):
- Operations were conducted in areas of at least 1000 meters in depth near a shoreline where there is a
rapid change in bathymetry on the order of 1000 to 6000 meters occurring a cross a relatively short
horizontal distance (Freitas, 2004).
- Multiple ships, in this instance, five MFA sonar equipped vessels, were operating in the same area over
extended periods (20 hours) in close proximity.
Description: At 1040 hours on May 5, 2003, the USS SHOUP began the use of mid-frequency tactical
active sonar as part of a naval exercise. At 1420, the USS SHOUP entered the Haro Strait and terminated
active sonar use at 1438, thus limiting active sonar use within the strait to less than 20 minutes. Between
May 2 and June 2, 2003, approximately 16 strandings involving 15 harbor porpoises (Phocoena
phocoena) and one Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) were reported to the Northwest Marine Mammal
Stranding Network. A comprehensive review of all strandings and the events involving USS SHOUP on
May 5, 2003 were presented in U.S. Department of Navy (2004). Given that the USS SHOUP was known
to have operated sonar in the strait on May 5, and that supposed behavioral reactions of killer whales
(Orcinus orca) had been putatively linked to these sonar operations (NMFS Office of Protected
Resources, 2005), NMFS undertook an analysis of whether sonar caused the strandings of the harbor
Whole carcasses of ten harbor porpoises and the head of an additional porpoise were collected for
analysis. Necropsies were performed on ten of the porpoises and six whole carcasses, and two heads were
selected for CT imaging. Gross examination, histopathology, age determination, blubber analysis, and
various other analyses were conducted on each of the carcasses (Norman et al., 2004).
Findings: Post-mortem findings and analysis details are found in Norman et al. (2004). All of the
carcasses suffered from some degree of freeze-thaw artifact that hampered gross and histological
evaluations. At the time of necropsy, three of the porpoises were moderately fresh, whereas the remainder
of the carcasses was considered to have moderate to advanced decomposition. None of the 11 harbor
porpoises demonstrated signs of acoustic trauma. In contrast, a putative cause of death was determined for
five of the porpoises; two animals had blunt trauma injuries and three animals had indication of disease
processes (fibrous peritonitis, salmonellosis, and necrotizing pneumonia). A cause of death could not be
determined in the remaining animals, which is consistent with expected percentage of marine mammal
necropsies conducted within the Northwest region. It is important to note, however, that these
determinations were based only on the evidence from the necropsy to avoid bias with regard to
determinations of the potential presence or absence of acoustic trauma. The result was that other potential
causal factors, such as one animal (Specimen 33NWR05005) found tangled in a fishing net, was unknown
to the investigators in their determination regarding the likely cause of death.
Conclusions: NMFS concluded from a retrospective analysis of stranding events that the number of
harbor porpoise stranding events in the approximate month surrounding the USS SHOUP use of sonar
was higher than expected based on annual strandings of harbor porpoises (Norman et al., 2004). In this
regard, it is important to note that the number of strandings in the May-June timeframe in 2003 was also
higher for the outer coast indicating a much wider phenomena than use of sonar by USS SHOUP in Puget
Sound for one day in May. The conclusion by NMFS that the number of strandings in 2003 was higher is
also different from that of The Whale Museum, which has documented and responded to harbor porpoise
strandings since 1980 (Osborne, 2003). According to The Whale Museum, the number of strandings as of
May 15, 2003, was consistent with what was expected based on historical stranding records and was less
than that occurring in certain years. For example, since 1992 the San Juan Stranding Network has
documented an average of 5.8 porpoise strandings per year. In 1997 there were 12 strandings in the San
Juan Islands with more than 30 strandings throughout the general Puget Sound area. Disregarding the
discrepancy in the historical rate of porpoise strandings and its relation to the USS SHOUP, NMFS
acknowledged that the intense level of media attention focused on the strandings likely resulted in an
increased reporting effort by the public over that which is normally observed (Norman et al., 2004).
NMFS also noted in its report that the “sample size is too small and biased to infer a specific relationship
with respect to sonar usage and subsequent strandings.”
Seven of the porpoises collected and analyzed died prior to SHOUP departing to sea on May 5, 2003. Of
these seven, one, discovered on May 5, 2003, was in a state of moderate decomposition, indicating it died
before May 5; the cause of death was determined, most likely, to be salmonella septicemia. Another
porpoise, discovered at Port Angeles on May 6, 2003, was in a state of moderate decomposition,
indicating that this porpoise also died prior to May 5. One stranded harbor porpoise discovered fresh on
May 6 is the only animal that could potentially be linked in time to the USS SHOUP’s May 5 active sonar
use. Necropsy results for this porpoise found no evidence of acoustic trauma. The remaining eight
strandings were discovered one to three weeks after the USS SHOUP’s May 5 transit of the Haro Strait,
making it difficult to causally link the sonar activities of the USS SHOUP to the timing of the strandings.
Two of the eight porpoises died from blunt trauma injury and a third suffered from parasitic infestation,
which possibly contributed to its death (Norman et al. 2004). For the remaining five porpoises, NMFS
was unable to identify the causes of death.
Additionally, it has become clear that the number of harbor porpoise strandings in the Northwest
increased beginning in 2003 and through 2006. Figure F-3 shows the number of strandings documented in
the Northwest for harbor porpoises. On November 3, 2006, a UME in the Pacific Northwest was declared.
In 2006, a total of 66 harbor porpoise strandings were reported in the Outer Coast of Oregon and
Washington and Inland waters of Washington (NOAA Fisheries, 2006; NOAA Fisheries, Northwest
Region, 2006a).
Additional allegations regarding USS SHOUP use of sonar having caused behavioral effects to Dall’s
porpoise, orca, and a minke whale also arose in association with this event (see U.S. Department of Navy
2004 for a complete discussion).
Dall’s porpoise: Information regarding the observation of Dall’s porpoise on May 5, 2003 came from the
operator of a whale watch boat at an unspecified location. This operator reported the Dall’s porpoise were
seen “going north” when the SHOUP was estimated by him to be 10 miles away. Potential reasons for the
Dall’s movement include the pursuit of prey, the presence of harassing resident orca or predatory transient
orca, vessel disturbance from one of many whale watch vessels, or multiple other unknowable reasons
including the use of sonar by SHOUP. In short, there was nothing unusual in the observed behavior of the
Dall’s porpoise on May 5, 2003 and no way to assess if the otherwise normal behavior was in reaction to
the use of sonar by USS SHOUP, any other potential causal factor or a combination of factors.
Orca: Observer opinions regarding orca J-Pod behaviors on 5 May 2003 were inconsistent, ranging from
the orca being “at ease with the sound” or “resting” to their being “annoyed.” One witness reported
observing “low rates of surface active behavior” on behalf of the orca J-Pod, which is in conflict with that
of another observer who reported variable surface activity, tail slapping and spyhopping. Witnesses also
expressed the opinion that the behaviors displayed by the orca on 5 May 2003 were “extremely unusual,”
although those same behaviors are observed and reported regularly on the Orca Network Website, are
behaviors listed in general references as being part of the normal repertoire of orca behaviors. Given the
contradictory nature of the reports on the observed behavior of the J-Pod orca, there is no way to assess if
any unusual behaviors were present or if present they were in reaction to vessel disturbance from one of
many nearby whale watch vessels, use of sonar by SHOUP, any other potential causal factor, or a
combination of factors.
Minke whale: A minke whale was reported porpoising in Haro Strait on May 5, 2003, which is a rarely
observed behavior. The cause of this behavior is indeterminate given multiple potential causal factors
including but not limited to the presence of predatory Transient orca, possible interaction with whale
watch boats, other vessels, or SHOUP’s use of sonar. Given the existing information, there is no way to
be certain if the unusual behavior observed was in reaction to the use of sonar by SHOUP, any other
potential causal factor or a combination of factors.
2004 Alaska Beaked Whale Strandings (Northern Edge Exercise, 7-16 June 2004)
Description: Between 27 June and 19 July 2004, five beaked whales were discovered at various locations
along 1,600 miles of the Alaskan coastline and one was found floating (dead) at sea. These whales
included three Baird’s beaked whales and two Cuvier’s beaked whales. Questions and comments posed
on previous Navy environmental documents have alleged that sonar use may have been the cause of these
strandings in association with the Navy Alaska Shield/Northern Edge exercise, which occurred June 7 to
June 16, 2004 (within the approximate timeframe of these strandings).
Findings: Information regarding the strandings is incomplete as the whales had been dead for some time
before they were discovered. The stranded beaked whales were in moderate to advanced states of
decomposition and necropsies were not performed. Additionally, prior to the Navy conducting the Alaska
Shield/Northern Edge exercise, two Cuvier’s beaked whales were discovered stranded at two separate
locations along the Alaskan coastline (February 26 at Yakutat and June 1 at Nuka Bay).
Zimmerman (1991) reported that between 1975 and 1987, 11 species of cetaceans were found stranded in
Alaska seven or more times, including 29 Stejneger’s beaked whales, 19 Cuvier’s beaked whales, and 8
Baird’s beaked whales. Cuvier’s beaked whales have been found stranded from the eastern Gulf of Alaska
to the western Aleutians. Baird’s beaked whales were found stranded as far north as the area between
Cape Pierce and Cape Newenham, east near Kodiak, and along the Aleutian Islands. (Zimmerman, 1991).
In short, however, the stranding of beaked whales in Alaska is a relatively uncommon occurrence (as
compared to other species).
Conclusions: The at-sea portion of the Alaska Shield/Northern Edge 2004 exercise consisted mainly
surface ships and aircraft tracking a vessel of interest followed by a vessel boarding search and seizure
event. There was no ASW component to the exercise, no use of mid-frequency sonar, and no use of
explosives in the water. There were no events in the Alaska Shield/Northern Edge exercise that could
have caused or been related to any of the strandings over this 33 day period along 1,600 miles of
2004 Hawai’i Melon-Headed Whale Unusual Milling Event (July 3-4 2004)
Description: The majority of the following information is taken from the NMFS report (which referred to
the event as a “mass stranding event”; Southall et al., 2006) but includes additional and new information
not presented in the NMFS report. On the morning of July 3, 2004, between 150 and 200 melon-headed
whales (Peponocephala electra) entered Hanalei Bay, Kauai. Individuals attending a canoe blessing
ceremony observed the animals entering the bay at approximately 7:00 a.m. The whales were reported
entering the bay in a “wave as if they were chasing fish” (Braun 2006). At 6:45 a.m. on July 3, 2004,
approximately 25 nm north of Hanalei Bay, active sonar was tested briefly prior to the start of an anti-
submarine warfare exercise.
The whales stopped in the southwest portion of the bay, grouping tightly, and displayed spy-hopping and
tail-slapping behavior. As people went into the water among the whales, the pod separated into as many
as four groups, with individual animals moving among the clusters. This continued through most of the
day, with the animals slowly moving south and then southeast within the bay. By about 3 p.m., police
arrived and kept people from interacting with the animals. The Navy believes that the abnormal behavior
by the whales during this time is likely the result of people and boats in the water with the whales rather
than the result of sonar activities taking place 25 or more miles off the coast. At 4:45 p.m. on July 3,
2004, the RIMPAC Battle Watch Captain received a call from a National Marine Fisheries representative
in Honolulu, Hawaii, reporting the sighting of as many as 200 melon-headed whales in Hanalei Bay. At
4:47 p.m. the Battle Watch Captain directed all ships in the area to cease active sonar transmissions.
At 7:20 p.m. on July 3, 2004, the whales were observed in a tight single pod 75 yards from the southeast
side of the bay. The pod was circling in a group and displayed frequent tail slapping and whistle
vocalizations and some spy hopping. No predators were observed in the bay and no animals were reported
as having fresh injuries. The pod stayed in the bay through the night of July 3, 2004. On the morning of
July 4, 2004, the whales were observed to still be in the bay and collected in a tight group. A decision was
made at that time to attempt to herd the animals out of the bay. A 700-to-800-foot rope was constructed
by weaving together beach morning glory vines. This vine rope was tied between two canoes and with the
assistance of 30 to 40 kayaks, was used to herd the animals out of the bay. By approximately 11:30 a.m.
on July 4, 2004, the pod was coaxed out of the bay.
A single neonate melon-headed whale was observed in the bay on the afternoon of July 4, after the whale
pod had left the bay. The following morning on July 5, 2004, the neonate was found stranded on Lumahai
Beach. It was pushed back into the water but was found stranded dead between 9 and 10 a.m. near the
Hanalei pier. NMFS collected the carcass and had it shipped to California for necropsy, tissue collection,
and diagnostic imaging.
Following the unusual milling event, NMFS undertook an investigation of possible causative factors of
the event. This analysis included available information on environmental factors, biological factors, and
an analysis of the potential for sonar involvement. The latter analysis included vessels that utilized mid-
frequency active sonar on the afternoon and evening of July 2. These vessels were to the southeast of
Kauai, on the opposite side of the island from Hanalei Bay.
Findings: NMFS concluded from the acoustic analysis that the melon-headed whales would have had to
have been on the southeast side of Kauai on July 2 to have been exposed to sonar from naval vessels on
that day (Southall et al. 2006). There was no indication whether the animals were in that region or
whether they were elsewhere on July 2. NMFS concluded that the animals would have had to swim from
1.4-4.0 m/s for 6.5 to 17.5 hours after sonar transmissions ceased to reach Hanalei Bay by 7:00 a.m. on
July 3. Sound transmissions by ships to the north of Hanalei Bay on July 3 were produced as part of
exercises between 6:45 a.m. and 4:47 p.m. Propagation analysis conducted by the 3rd Fleet estimated that
the level of sound from these transmissions at the mouth of Hanalei Bay could have ranged from 138-149
dB re: 1 μPa.
NMFS was unable to determine any environmental factors (e.g., harmful algal blooms, weather
conditions) that may have contributed to the stranding. However, additional analysis by Navy
investigators found that a full moon occurred the evening before the stranding and was coupled with a
squid run (Mobley 2007). One of the first observations of the whales entering the bay reported the pod
came into the bay in a line “as if chasing fish” (Braun, 2005). In addition, a group of 500 to700 melon-
headed whales were observed to come close to shore and interact with humans in Sasanhaya Bay, Rota,
on the same morning as the whales entered Hanalei Bay (Jefferson et al. 2006). Previous records further
indicated that, though the entrance of melon-headed whales into the shallows is rare, it is not
unprecedented. A pod of melon-headed whales entered Hilo Bay in the 1870s in a manner similar to that
which occurred at Hanalei Bay in 2004.
The necropsy of the melon-headed whale calf suggested that the animal died from a lack of nutrition,
possibly following separation from its mother. The calf was estimated to be approximately one week old.
Although the calf appeared not to have eaten for some time, it was not possible to determine whether the
calf had ever nursed after it was born. The calf showed no signs of blunt trauma or viral disease and had
no indications of acoustic injury.
Conclusions: Although it is not impossible, it is unlikely that the sound level from the sonar caused the
melon-headed whales to enter Hanalei Bay. This conclusion is based on a number of factors:
1. The speculation that the whales may have been exposed to sonar the day before and then fled to the
Hanalei Bay is not supported by reasonable expectation of animal behavior and swim speeds. The flight
response of the animals would have had to persist for many hours following the cessation of sonar
transmissions. Such responses have not been observed in marine mammals and no documentation exists
that such persistent flight response after the cessation of a frightening stimulus has been observed in other
mammals. The swim speeds, though feasible for the species, are highly unlikely to be maintained for the
durations proposed, particularly since the pod was a mixed group containing both adults and neonates.
Whereas adults may maintain a swim speed of 4.0 m/s for some time, it is improbable that a neonate
could achieve the same for a period of many hours.
2. The area between the islands of Oahu and Kauai and the Pacific Missile Range Facility training range
have been used in RIMPAC exercises for more than 30 years, and are used year-round for ASW training
with mid frequency active sonar. Melon-headed whales inhabiting the waters around Kauai are likely not
naive to the sound of sonar and there has never been another stranding event associated in time with ASW
training at Kauai. Similarly, the waters surrounding Hawaii contain an abundance of marine mammals,
many of which would have been exposed to the same sonar operations that were speculated to have
affected the melon-headed whales. No other strandings were reported coincident with the RIMPAC
exercises. This leaves it uncertain as to why melon-headed whales, and no other species of marine
mammal, would respond to the sonar exposure by stranding.
3. At the nominal swim speed for melon-headed whales, the whales had to be within 1.5 to 2 nm of
Hanalei Bay before sonar was activated on July 3. The whales were not in their open ocean habitat but
had to be close to shore at 6:45 a.m. when the sonar was activated to have been observed inside Hanalei
Bay from the beach by 7 a.m. (Hanalei Bay is very large area). This observation suggests that other
potential factors could have caused the event (see below).
4. The simultaneous movement of 500 to 700 melon-headed whales and Risso’s dolphins into Sasanhaya
Bay, Rota, in the Northern Marianas Islands on the same morning as the 2004 Hanalei stranding
(Jefferson et al., 2006) suggests that there may be a common factor which prompted the melon-headed
whales to approach the shoreline. A full moon occurred the evening before the stranding and a run of
squid was reported concomitant with the lunar activity (Mobley et al. 2007). Thus, it is possible that the
melon-headed whales were capitalizing on a lunar event that provided an opportunity for relatively easy
prey capture (Mobley et al. 2007). A report of a pod entering Hilo Bay in the 1870s indicates that on at
least one other occasion, melon-headed whales entered a bay in a manner similar to the occurrence at
Hanalei Bay in July 2004. Thus, although melon-headed whales entering shallow embayments may be an
infrequent event, and every such event might be considered anomalous, there is precedent for the
5. The received noise sound levels at the bay were estimated to range from roughly 95 to 149 dB re: 1
μPa. Received levels as a function of time of day have not been reported, so it is not possible to determine
when the presumed highest levels would have occurred and for how long. However, received levels in the
upper range would have been audible by human participants in the bay. The statement by one interviewee
that he heard “pings” that lasted an hour and that they were loud enough to hurt his ears is unreliable.
Received levels necessary to cause pain over the duration stated would have been observed by most
individuals in the water with the animals. No other such reports were obtained from people interacting
with the animals in the water.
Although NMFS concluded that sonar use was a “plausible, if not likely, contributing factor in what may
have been a confluence of events (Southall et al. 2006)," this conclusion was based primarily on the basis
that there was an absence of any other compelling explanation. The authors of the NMFS report on the
incident were unaware, at the time of publication, of the simultaneous event in Rota. In light of the
simultaneous Rota event, the Hanalei event does not appear as anomalous as initially presented and the
speculation that sonar was a causative factor is weakened. The Hanalei Bay incident does not share the
characteristics observed with other mass strandings of whales coincident with sonar activity (e.g., specific
traumas, species composition, etc.). In addition, the inability to conclusively link or exclude the impact of
other environmental factors makes a causal link between sonar and the melon-headed whale event highly
speculative at best.
Description: Brownell et al. (2004) compare the historical occurrence of beaked whale strandings in Japan
(where there are U.S. Naval bases), with strandings in New Zealand (which lacks a U.S. Naval base) and
concluded the higher number of strandings in Japan may be related to the presence of the US. Navy
vessels using mid-frequency sonar. While the dates for the strandings were well documented, the authors
of the study did not attempt to correlate the dates of any navy activities or exercises with those stranding
To fully investigate the allegation made by Brownell et al. (2004), the Center for Naval Analysis (CNA)
in an internal Navy report, looked at past U.S. Naval exercise schedules from 1980 to 2004 for the water
around Japan in comparison to the dates for the strandings provided by Brownell et al. (2004). None of
the strandings occurred during or soon (within weeks) after any U.S. Navy exercises. While the CNA
analysis began by investigating the probabilistic nature of any co-occurrences, the strandings and sonar
use were not correlated by time. Given that there was no instance of co-occurrence in over 20 years of
stranding data, it can be reasonably postulated that sonar use in Japan waters by U.S. Navy vessels did not
lead to any of the strandings documented by Brownell et al. (2004).
2005 North Carolina Marine Mammal Mass Stranding Event (January 15-16, 2005)
Description: On January 15 and 16, 2005, 36 marine mammals consisting of 33 short-finned pilot whales,
one minke whale, and two dwarf sperm whales stranded alive on the beaches of North Carolina (Hohn et
al., 2006a). The animals were scattered across a 111-km area from Cape Hatteras northward. Because of
the live stranding of multiple species, the event was classified as a UME. It is the only stranding on record
for the region in which multiple offshore species were observed to strand within a two- to three-day
The U.S. Navy indicated that from January 12-14 some unit level training with mid-frequency active
sonar was conducted by vessels that were 93 to 185 km from Oregon Inlet. An expeditionary strike group
was also conducting exercises to the southeast, but the closest point of active sonar transmission to the
inlet was 650 km away. The unit level operations were not unusual for the area or time of year and the
vessels were not involved in antisubmarine warfare exercises. Marine mammal observers on board the
vessels did not detect any marine mammals during the period of unit level training. No sonar
transmissions were made on January 15-16.
The National Weather Service reported that a severe weather event moved through North Carolina on
January 13 and 14. The event was caused by an intense cold front that moved into an unusually warm and
moist air mass that had been persisting across the eastern United States for about a week. The weather
caused flooding in the western part of the state, considerable wind damage in central regions of the state,
and at least three tornadoes that were reported in the north central part of the state. Severe, sustained (one
to four days) winter storms are common for this region.
Over a two-day period (January 16-17), two dwarf sperm whales, 27 pilot whales, and the minke whale
were necropsied and tissue samples collected. Twenty-five of the stranded cetacean heads were examined;
two pilot whale heads and the heads of the dwarf sperm whales were analyzed by CT.
Findings: The pilot whales and dwarf sperm whale were not emaciated, but the minke whale, which was
believed to be a dependent calf, was emaciated. Many of the animals were on the beach for an extended
period of time prior to necropsy and sampling, and many of the biochemical abnormalities noted in the
animals were suspected of being related to the stranding and prolonged time on land. Lesions were
observed in all of the organs, but there was no consistency across species. Musculoskeletal disease was
observed in two pilot whales and cardiovascular disease was observed in one dwarf sperm whale and one
pilot whale. Parasites were a common finding in the pilot whales and dwarf sperm whales but were
considered consistent with the expected parasite load for wild odontocetes. None of the animals exhibited
traumas similar to those observed in prior stranding events associated with mid-frequency sonar activity.
Specifically, there was an absence of auditory system trauma and no evidence of distributed and
widespread bubble lesions or fat emboli, as was previously observed (Fernández et al., 2005).
Sonar transmissions prior to the strandings were limited in nature and did not share the concentration
identified in previous events associated with mid-frequency active sonar use (Evans and England, 2001).
The operational/environmental conditions were also dissimilar (e.g., no constrictive channel and a limited
number of ships and sonar transmissions). NMFS noted that environmental conditions were favorable for
a shift from up-welling to down-welling conditions, which could have contributed to the event. However,
other severe storm conditions existed in the days surrounding the strandings and the impact of these
weather conditions on at-sea conditions is unknown. No harmful algal blooms were noted along the
Conclusions: All of the species involved in this stranding event are known to occasionally strand in this
region. Although the cause of the stranding could not be determined, several whales had preexisting
conditions that could have contributed to the stranding. Cause of death for many of the whales was likely
due to the physiological stresses associated with being stranded. A consistent suite of injuries across
species, which was consistent with prior strandings where sonar exposure is expected to be a causative
mechanism, was not observed.
NMFS was unable to determine any causative role that sonar may have played in the stranding event. The
acoustic modeling performed, as in the Hanalei Bay incident, was hampered by uncertainty regarding the
location of the animals at the time of sonar transmissions. However, as in the Hanalei Bay incident, the
response of the animals following the cessation of transmissions would imply a flight response that
persisted for many hours after the sound source was no longer operational. In contrast, the presence of a
severe weather event passing through North Carolina during January 13 and 14 is a possible, if not likely,
contributing factor to the North Carolina UME of January 15. Hurricanes may have been responsible for
mass strandings of pygmy killer whales in the British Virgin Islands and Gervais’ beaked whales in North
Carolina (Mignucci-Giannoni et al. 2000; Norman and Mead 2001).
A review of past stranding events associated with sonar suggest that the potential factors that may
contribute to a stranding event are steep bathymetry changes, narrow channels, multiple sonar ships,
surface ducting and the presence of beaked whales that may be more susceptible to sonar exposures. The
most important factors appear to be the presence of a narrow channel (e.g. Bahamas and Madeira Island,
Portugal) that may prevent animals from avoiding sonar exposure and multiple sonar ships within that
channel. There are no narrow channels (less than 35 nm wide and 10 nm in length) in the MAA and the
ships would be spread out over a wider area allowing animals to move away from sonar activities if they
choose. In addition, beaked whales may not be more susceptible to sonar but may favor habitats that are
more conducive to sonar effects. There have been no mass strandings in GOA attributed to Navy sonar
during any of the prior Northern Edge exercises or as the result of ay Navy sonar use.
By comparison and as described previously, potential impacts to all species of cetaceans worldwide from
fishery related mortality can be orders of magnitude more significant (100,000s of animals versus tens of
animals) (Culik, 2002; ICES, 2005b; Read et al., 2006). This does not negate the influence of any
mortality or additional stressor to small, regionalized sub-populations which may be at greater risk from
human related mortalities (fishing, vessel strike, sound) than populations with larger oceanic level
distribution or migrations. ICES (2005a) noted, however, that taken in context of marine mammal
populations in general, sonar is not a major threat, nor is it a significant portion of the overall ocean noise
In conclusion, a constructive framework and continued research based on sound scientific principles is
needed in order to avoid speculation as to stranding causes, and to further our understanding of potential
effects or lack of effects from military mid-frequency sonar (Bradshaw et al., 2005; ICES, 2005b; Barlow
and Gisiner, 2006; Cox et al., 2006).
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• Oral statements at the public meetings (as recorded by the tape recorder);
• Written comments at the public meetings;
• Written letters (received any time during the public comment period);
• Electronic mail (received any time during the public comment period); and
• Comments submitted directly on the project website (received any time during the public
comment period).
In total, the Navy received comments from 77 individuals or organizations. These comments included 52
comments via the website, 18 comments via mail, and 7 comments made in person during the public
scoping meetings. This summary gives an overview of comments received during the scoping period.
Comments are organized by issue area.
Comments regarding alternatives suggested that the Navy consider other sites to conduct its activities.
Several commenters expressed that, of the three alternatives, they could only support the No Action
Alternative. Additional comments expressed general disappointment with use of the term “No Action
Alternative” to refer to continuing activities at current levels.
The majority of comments received in this focus area expressed concerns about impacts to marine life.
Many of these comments specifically raised concerns about the effect of Navy sonar on marine life, such
as marine mammals, fish, sea turtles, sea invertebrates and zooplankton. Numerous comments were made
about the number of endangered species in the GOA, particularly whales (seven whale species in total)
and the North Pacific Right Whale specifically, and the presence of North Pacific Right Whale critical
habitat in the GOA. Participants frequently requested that the EIS/OEIS consider alternative technologies
to mid-frequency active (MFA) sonar, while others stated that MFA and other forms of sonar are not
required for training and should not be used within the GOA based upon “common knowledge” of the
effects of sonar. Other commenters quoted previous EIS/OEIS’s such as the Hawaii Range Complex
Supplemental Draft EIS to state that the Navy, in this EIS, “…found that the use of MFA sonar and high-
frequency active (HFA) sonar was harassment to a variety of whale species which included the
endangered blue whale, fin whale, humpback and sperm, also Stellar Sea Lion.” Several comments
addressed protective and mitigation measures that are used now and that could be used for marine
mammals when sonar is in use. Still, other comments voiced concern over the effects of all forms of sonar
on migration patterns of whales, marine mammals, fish, and birds. A few comments expressed concern
about potential negative impacts from sonar, both short- and long-term, to fish and the developing
eggs/embryos of salmon and other commercial species (halibut, herring, haddock, pollock and crab).
Other comments concerned sonar effects on the marine mammal food chain, including fish and
Several comments expressed general concern about Navy impacts, other than sonar, such as habitat
quality and water quality, on marine life, while others identified specific policies that must be considered
in the Navy’s analysis, such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, the
Coastal Zone Management Act, the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation Management Act, the
Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Executive Order 13158.
methods of input for low-income populations and the means of outreach to these potentially affected
Several commenters expressed concern about noise from ordnance, mid-frequency sonar, sonar jamming
signals, low-frequency communication and surveillance sonar, mid- and high- frequency communication
sonars and mechanical noises associated with warfare exercises, to include engine noises, explosions and
munitions firing. Another commenter wanted to know what the seismic and sonic noise impacts will be to
marine mammals, especially whales, walrus, and seals, and to fish and birds. Another commenter stated
that the EIS should describe the impacts of noise on human and wildlife health and behavior, as well as
the measures that will be employed to mitigate those impacts, such as physical controls, operations plans
and flight corridors. Commenters stated that noise analysis methodologies should be explained and the
single-event and cumulative noise metrics utilized in the analysis should be defined. One commenter was
concerned about air or noise pollution in ancestral homelands – on or off shore.
Several comments were received that stated that the Navy was, in effect, moving to Alaska to conduct
training, specifically sonar training, because “Court orders and lawsuits ran the Navy out of both
California and Hawaii for similar tests and now you are making (a) move on our Alaskan waters.” One
commenter wanted to inform the Navy of vital telecommunication cables on the seafloor and indicated
that Navy activities must be conducted away from these cables.
Navy needs to better identify clear monitoring goals and objectives with specific parameters for
measuring success and provide a feedback mechanism for the public to view information on mitigation
effectiveness and monitoring results.
One comment expressed concern about preserving the integrity of commercial, sport and subsistence
activities, including fishing and traditional harvesting of animals. Another comment concerned the
possibility of being subjected to sonar while diving. Still others mentioned whale watching activities and
how Navy activities might affect them.
Comments regarding socioeconomic concerns included questions about the effects and impacts on
commercial fishing, tourism, and the economy in general.
Mitigation 36 7.79%
Policy/NEPA 31 6.70%
Alternatives 26 5.62%
Socioeconomics 15 3.24%
Noise 6 1.29%
Miscellaneous 6 1.29%
Recreation 2 0.43%
AN/SQS-53 (R)................................................................................................................................................ H-1
FIGURE H-2: OLIVER HAZARD PERRY CLASS FFG EQUIPPED WITH AN/SQS-56 ..................................................... H-2
FIGURE H-3: AN/SQR-19......................................................................................................................................... H-2
FIGURE H-4: AN/BQQ-5.......................................................................................................................................... H-3
FIGURE H-5: SAILORS OPERATING AN/BQQ-10....................................................................................................... H-3
FIGURE H-6: AN/BQS-15 DISPLAY (L), AND SENSOR COMPONENTS (R) .................................................................. H-4
FIGURE H-7: AN/WQC-2 TRANSDUCER (L), AND CONTROL UNIT (R) ...................................................................... H-4
FIGURE H-8: AN/AQS-13 BEING DEPLOYED BY A NAVY HELICOPTER ..................................................................... H-5
FIGURE H-9: AN/AQS-22 BEING DEPLOYED BY A NAVY HELICOPTER ..................................................................... H-5
FIGURE H-10: AN/SQS-62 (L); MPA EQUIPPED WITH AN/SQS-62 SONOBUOYS (R) ............................................... H-6
FIGURE H-11: MPA DEPLOYING AN/SSQ-110A...................................................................................................... H-6
FIGURE H-12: AN/SSQ-53 (L); AN/SSQ-53 BEING LOADED ONTO MPA (R) .......................................................... H-7
FIGURE H-14: MK 46 TORPEDO AT LAUNCH (L), AND RECOVERY (R)...................................................................... H-8
FIGURE H-15: MK 39 EMATT (L) AND MK 30 (R) ................................................................................................. H-8
FIGURE H-16: MK 84 ............................................................................................................................................... H-9
Figure H-1: Arleigh Burke Class DDG equipped with AN/SQS-53 (L); Ticonderoga Class CG
showing AN/SQS-53 (R)
• AN/SQS-53 Kingfisher – a modification to the AN/SQS-53 sonar system that provides the
surface ship with an object detection capability. The system uses MFA sonar, although the
exact frequency range is classified. This sonar system is installed on Arleigh Burke Class
DDGs, and Ticonderoga Class CGs.
• AN/SQS-56 – a hull-mounted sonar that features digital implementation, system control by a
built-in mini computer, and an advanced display system. The sonar is an active/passive,
preformed beam, digital sonar providing panoramic active echo ranging and passive digital
multibeam steering (DIMUS) surveillance. The sonar system is characterized as MFA sonar,
although the exact frequency range is classified. The AN/SQS-56 (Figure H-2) is the major
component of the AN/SQQ-89 sonar suite and is installed on Oliver Hazard Perry Class
frigates (FFGs).
Figure H-2: Oliver Hazard Perry Class FFG equipped with AN/SQS-56
• AN/SQR-19 – a tactical towed array sonar (TACTAS) that is able to passively detect adversary
submarines at a very long range. The AN/SQR-19, which is a component of the AN/SQQ-89 sonar
suite, is a series of passive hydrophones towed from a cable several thousand feet behind the ship.
This sonar system is a passive sensing device; therefore, it is not analyzed in this Environmental
Impact Statement (EIS)/Overseas Environmental Impact Statement (OEIS). The AN/SQR-19 (Figure
C-3) can be deployed by Arleigh Burke Class DDGs, Ticonderoga Class CGs, and Oliver Hazard
Perry Class FFGs.
• AN/WQC-25 – an MFA sonar underwater communications system that can transmit either
voice or signal data in two bands, 1.5 to 3.1 kHz or 8.3 to 11.1 kHz. The AN/WQC-2 (Figure
H-7), also referred to as the “underwater telephone” (UWT), is on all submarines and most
surface ships, and allows voice and tonal communications between ships and submarines.
• AN/AQS-13 Helicopter Dipping Sonar – an active scanning sonar that detects and maintains
contact with underwater targets through a transducer lowered into the water from a hovering
helicopter. It operates at mid-frequency, although the exact frequency is classified. The
AN/AQS-13 (Figure H-8) is operated by MH-60R helicopters.
• AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low-Frequency Sonar (ALFS) – the U.S. Navy’s dipping sonar system
for the MH-60R helicopter Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System III (LAMPS III), which is
deployed from aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and frigates. It operates at mid-
frequency, although the exact frequency is classified. The AN/AQS-22 (Figure H-9) employs
both deep- and shallow-water capabilities.
Figure H-10: AN/SQS-62 (L); MPA equipped with AN/SQS-62 sonobuoys (R)
Figure H-12: AN/SSQ-53 (L); AN/SSQ-53 being loaded onto MPA (R)
H.1.6 Torpedoes
Torpedoes are the primary ASW weapon used by surface ships, aircraft, and submarines. When torpedoes
operate actively, they transmit an active acoustic signal to ensonify the target and use the received echoes
for guidance.
Figure H-13: MK 48/MK 48 ADCAP (L); Seawolf Class SSN launching MK-48/MK-48 ADCAP (R)
• MK 46 Lightweight Torpedo (Figure H-14) are ASW torpedoes. They are less than half the
size of the MK 48 and can be launched from surface ships, helicopters, and fixed wing
aircraft. When used in training, the MK 46 is inert and considered HF sonar, but the exact
frequency range is classified. When dropped from an aircraft, the MK 46 may have a
parachute, which is jettisoned when it enters the water. The MK 46 torpedo also carries a
small sea dye marker (Fluorescein) that is marks the torpedo’s position on the surface to
facilitate recovery. The MK 46 is planned to remain in service until 2015.
In addition, surface targets such as “sleds” (aluminum catamarans), seaborne powered targets (radio-
controlled high-speed boats), and target drone units (TDUs) could also be deployed during training
Figure H-16: MK 84
PUTR-D, shown below in Figure H-17, consists of a set of transponders which will be deployed by a ship
of opportunity and anchored to the ocean bottom. Once deployed a survey is conducted by a range vessel
to determine the transponder locations and to test tracking accuracy. The transponder is activated by
utilizing an acoustic command signal during operations and commanded into sleep mode when not in use.
Operational lifetime, due to transponder battery life, will meet the key performance parameters, including
the operating objective of actual tracking time. The transponders can remain deployed for up to 12
months in a dormant state. Transponders will be recovered for battery/buoy maintenance or for range
recovery by transmitting an acoustic command which releases the transponder electronics/floatation buoy
package from the anchor. The ship of opportunity will then retrieve the transponders leaving the anchor
Figure H-17: Portable Undersea Training Range Deep (PUTR-D) Transponder Configuration
The AEER system is similar to the IEER system in that it uses the AN/SSQ-101 Air Deployed Active
Receiver (ADAR) sonobuoy. But instead of the SSQ-110A Extended Echo Range Sonobuoy it is coupled
with the SSQ-125 Air Deployable Coherent Source Sonobuoy. The SSQ-125 system is in the R&D stage
with two types of sensor technology being considered (the ADLFP and ARS). The buoy is intended to
provide the user with a sonobuoy with an improved bi-static acoustic source and better signal processing
for harsh water environments. Table H-1 below is a comparison of the echo ranging systems.