107 Feb
107 Feb
107 Feb
TEMPERATURE Blue lines show per-
PRESSURE.Centered near 36°S, 98°W, the average cen- The mean air tempera- centages of observations
tral pressure of the South Pacific subtropical high runs ture (°C) in red lines is reporting visibilities less
just over 1023 millibars in February. The subtropical high shown for every 2 de- than 2 miles.
extends from 8°S to 50°S at 100°W and from South grees. All weather narra-
America to Australia. The equato.0rial trough is centered tives refer to air tempera-
north of the equator between South America and 170°W,
then swings southwest between Australia and New Guinea.
A strong zonal pressure gradient remains south of 50°S.
TEMPERATURE.At the equator, mean air temperatures GALES S E A SURFA C E
The red numerals in TEMPERATURE
range from 25°C off the coast of South America to over the center of each 5-de-
28°C west of 15- 5°W. Along the equator 98% of the ob- The mean sea surface
gree square on this inset temperature (C°), in blue
servations fall between 22°C and 32°C. At 60°S, means chart show the average lines, is shown for every
range from 4°C to 5°C, with approximately 98% of the ob- percentage of ship re- degrees.
servations occurring between 0°C and 8°C. ports in which winds of at
least force 8 have been
recorded for the month.
WINDS.Southeast trade winds range north of 40°S from In cases where the obser-
vation count is low the
the coast of South America to as far west at 130°W. East- gale frequency may be
erly winds extend from here to 170°W, northerly winds nonrepresentative and
prevail north of Australia, and southeasterly winds pre- therefore different from
vail between Australia and New Zealand. Westerly winds the values used in the text.
continue to prevail south of 40°S where scalar winds av- Where 0 is given, gales
erage force 4 to 5. North of 40°S winds average force 3 may have been recorded,
to 5. but too infrequently to
give a percentage value.
GALES.Although gale force winds (force 8 or greater)
are infrequently observed north of 40°S, the probablility
of occurrence is slightly greater at these latitudes over
the western Pacific due to tropical storm activity. Gale
force winds are reported 10% or more of the time south EXPLANATION OF WIND ROSES
of 50°S; frequencies reach 20% off the southwest coast PREVAILING WINDS AND CALMS.The wind rose in
of Chile and over the central South Pacific between 55°S blue color is located in the center of each 5° square
and 60°S. where there was sufficient data. The rose shows the
distribution of the winds that have prevailed in the
TROPICAL CYCLONES.February brings the highest fre- area over a considerable period. The wind percentages
quency of tropical storms to the South Pacific, observed are summarized for the eight points and calm. The ar-
solely within the northwest quadrant. During an average rows fly with the wind indicating the direction from
10-year period, 41 tropical storms (_> 34 knots) can be which the wind blew. The length of the shaft, measured
expected to occur and of these, 11 should attain hurri- from the outside of the circle using the scale below,
cane strength (_> 64 knots). gives the percent of the total number of observations
in which the wind has blown from that direction. The
VISIBILITY.In general, poor visibilities (less than 2 miles) number of feathers shows the average force of the
occur 10% or more of the time south of 45°S. Frequen- wind on the Beaufort scale. The figure in the center
cies increase to a maximum of over 30% south of 55°S. of the circle gives the percentage of calms. When the
arrow is too long to fit conveniently in the 5° square,
anything over 29 percent, the shaft is broken and the
percentage is indicated by numerals.
WAVE HEIGHTS.Wave height frequencies of 12 feet or FOR EXAMPLE.The sample wind rose
greater are at a minimum between the equator and 20°S. should read thus: In the reported observations
Most areas south of 20°S report frequencies of 10% or the wind has averaged as follows:
more except for the coastal areas of New Zealand and From N. 3 percent, force 3; N.E. 16 percent,
Australia. Between 50°S and 60°S, frequencies of 40% force 4; E. 61 percent, force 4; S.E. 17 percent,
or higher are reported, except south of New Zealand (30%) force 5; S. 1 percent, force 4; S.W. less than 1
and South America (20%). percent, force 3; W. 1 percent force 2; N.W. 1
percent, force 4; calms 0 percent.