1st Interim Report ISH0306 Volume 2 Final

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Mekong River Commission

Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane Office of the Secretariat in Phnom Penh

184 Fa Ngoum Road, Ban Sithane Neua, 576 National Road, no. 2, Chok Angre Krom,
P.O. Box 6101, Vientiane, Lao PDR P.O. Box 623, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (856-21) 263 263 Fax: (856-21) 263 264 Tel: (855-23) 425 353 Fax: (855-23)425 363

mrcs@mrcmekong.org www.mrcmekong.org

The ISH 0306 Study

Development of Guidelines for Hydropower Environmental
Impact Mitigation and Risk Management in the Lower
Mekong Mainstream and Tributaries

1st Interim Report - Final

December 2015
Volume 2 – Version 1.0 – Hydropower Risks and Impact
Mitigation MANUAL –Key Hydropower Risks, Impacts and
Vulnerabilities and General Mitigation Options for Lower
Document history

Version Revision Description Issue date Issued by

1 0 First Draft 9 Oct. 2015 Leif Lillehammer

2 1.0 Final (based on Regional Workshop 11 Dec. 2015 Leif Lillehammer


The Draft 1st Interim Report constitutes 3 volumes:

Volume 1: Version 1.0 – Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation Guidelines and Recommendations

Volume 2: Version 1.0 – Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation MANUAL – Key Hydropower
Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities and General Mitigation Options for Lower Mekong

Volume 3: Case Study – Objectives, Scope and Methodology

Preface..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1 Description, Purpose and How to Use the Manual ....................................................................... 12
2 Hydrology and Water Resources – Status, Risks and Mitigation .................................................. 13
2.1 Status and Overview.............................................................................................................. 13
2.1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.2 Stream Flows ..................................................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Water Use and Abstraction ............................................................................................... 16
2.1.4 Floods and Droughts.......................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities ......................................................................................... 18
2.3 Hydrology and Water Resources Mitigation Measures ........................................................ 26
2.4 Indicators and Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 26
3 Geomorphology and Sediments – Status, Risks and Mitigation ................................................... 27
3.1 Status and Overview.............................................................................................................. 27
3.1.1 Importance of sediments and sediment transport in river systems ................................. 27
3.1.2 Catchment geomorphology ............................................................................................... 28
3.1.3 Sediment transport in the LMB ......................................................................................... 31
3.1.4 Recent changes to sediment transport in the LMB ........................................................... 32
3.1.5 Other activities affecting sediment transport ................................................................... 34
3.1.6 Observed geomorphic Changes associated with Altered Sediment Delivery ................... 37
3.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities ......................................................................................... 38
3.2.1 Annual and inter-annual flow changes.............................................................................. 39
3.2.2 Short-term flow fluctuations ............................................................................................. 40
3.2.3 Loss of river connectivity and creation of impoundments ................................................ 41
3.2.4 Intra or inter-basin transfers ............................................................................................. 42
3.3 Identification of LMB specific geomorphic risks associated with HP developments ............ 42
3.3.1 Zone 1: Chiang Saen to upstream of Vientiane ................................................................ 42
3.3.2 Zone 2 – Upstream Vientiane to Kong Chiam ................................................................... 43
3.3.3 Zone 3 Kong Chiam to Kratie ............................................................................................. 45
3.3.4 Zone 4: Kratie to Chaktomuk and Tonle Sap .................................................................... 46
3.3.5 Zone 5 Delta ...................................................................................................................... 48
3.3.6 Interaction between HP impacts and other catchment developments ............................ 49
3.3.7 LMB Specific challenges associated with sediment management .................................... 50

3.4 Geomorphology and Sediments Mitigation Measures ......................................................... 51
3.4.1 Background information from the MRC Preliminary Design Guidance ............................ 51
3.4.2 General approaches to geomorphology and sediment mitigation ................................... 52
3.4.3 Master Plan & Feasibility ................................................................................................... 53
3.4.4 Detailed design .................................................................................................................. 57
3.4.5 Construction phase............................................................................................................ 69
3.4.6 Operational phase ............................................................................................................. 70
3.5 Indicators and monitoring ..................................................................................................... 73
4 Water Quality, Nutrients and Reservoir Stratification .................................................................. 74
4.1 Status and Overview.............................................................................................................. 74
4.1.1 Introduction and importance of water quality in river system ......................................... 74
4.1.2 Water quality trends in the LMB ....................................................................................... 74
4.1.3 Changes to sediment and flow and impacts on water quality .......................................... 82
4.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities ......................................................................................... 84
4.2.1 Annual /inter-annual flow changes ................................................................................... 84
4.2.2 Daily or short-time period flow changes ........................................................................... 85
4.2.3 Loss of river connectivity ................................................................................................... 86
4.2.4 Conversion of river to lake ................................................................................................ 87
4.2.5 Inter intra-basin transfers ................................................................................................. 89
4.2.6 Other risks associated with hydropower developments................................................... 89
4.3 Water Quality Mitigation Measures ...................................................................................... 90
4.3.1 General .............................................................................................................................. 90
4.3.2 Background information from the MRC Preliminary Design Guidance ............................ 90
4.3.3 Master Plans and feasibility .............................................................................................. 91
4.3.4 Detailed design .................................................................................................................. 94
4.3.5 Construction ...................................................................................................................... 99
4.3.6 Operational Stage ............................................................................................................ 100
4.4 Water quality indicators and monitoring ............................................................................ 100
5 Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology ..................................................................................................... 103
5.1 Status and Overview............................................................................................................ 103
5.1.1 Importance of the hydrological cycle .............................................................................. 104
5.1.2 Importance of natural sediment transport ..................................................................... 106
5.1.3 Importance of connectivity/ migration systems ............................................................. 107
5.1.4 Importance of habitats .................................................................................................... 113

5.1.5 Fisheries ........................................................................................................................... 118
5.1.6 Recent changes to species diversity and abundance ...................................................... 121
5.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities ....................................................................................... 123
5.2.1 Annual/ inter annual flow changes ................................................................................. 125
5.2.2 Short-term flow fluctuations/ hydropeaking .................................................................. 126
5.2.3 Loss of river connectivity/ fragmentation ....................................................................... 129
5.2.4 Water abstraction............................................................................................................ 142
5.2.5 Water quality alterations ................................................................................................ 142
5.3 Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Mitigation Measures........................................................... 147
5.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 147
5.3.2 Master Plan and Feasibility ............................................................................................. 147
5.3.3 Detailed design ................................................................................................................ 157
5.3.4 Construction .................................................................................................................... 166
5.3.5 Operation ........................................................................................................................ 166
5.4 Indicators and Monitoring ................................................................................................... 166
6 Biodiversity, Wetlands and Natural Resources ........................................................................... 169
6.1 Status and Overview............................................................................................................ 169
6.1.1 Status and Overview – Biodiversity and Flagship Species ............................................... 169
6.1.2 Status and Overview – Wetlands and Natural Resources ............................................... 174
6.2 Risks, Impacts and vulnerabilities – biodiversity, wetlands and natural resources ............ 180
6.3 Biodiversity, Wetlands and Natural Resources Mitigation Measures................................. 183
6.3.1 Overarching principles..................................................................................................... 183
6.3.2 Master Plan and Feasibility ............................................................................................. 183
6.3.3 Detailed Design................................................................................................................ 183
6.3.4 Construction and Operation ............................................................................................ 184
6.4 Indicators and Monitoring ................................................................................................... 185
7 Engineering Response to Environmental Risks ........................................................................... 186
7.1 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 186
7.2 Master Plans ........................................................................................................................ 186
7.2.1 River basin planning ........................................................................................................ 186
7.2.2 Project locations and layouts .......................................................................................... 187
7.3 Feasibility and Detailed Design ........................................................................................... 188
7.3.1 Annual / Inter Annual Changes to Flow........................................................................... 188
7.3.2 Daily / short-time scale changes to flow and water level ............................................... 189

7.3.3 Loss of River Connectivity................................................................................................ 192
7.3.4 Impoundments ................................................................................................................ 201
7.3.5 Diversion / Intra Basin Transfers ..................................................................................... 204
7.4 Construction ........................................................................................................................ 205
7.4.1 Site controls ..................................................................................................................... 205
7.4.2 Construction access & material sources.......................................................................... 206
7.4.3 Erosion protection ........................................................................................................... 206
7.4.4 Re-vegetation .................................................................................................................. 207
7.4.5 Access restriction............................................................................................................. 208
7.5 Operation ............................................................................................................................ 208
7.5.1 Annual / Inter Annual Changes to Flow........................................................................... 208
7.5.2 Inter basin transfers ........................................................................................................ 211
7.5.3 Adaptive management .................................................................................................... 212
8 Ecosystem Services ...................................................................................................................... 214
8.1 Status and Overview - Concept and classification of ecosystem services .......................... 214
8.2 Valuation of Ecosystem Services at Risk in LMB ................................................................. 216
8.3 Suggestions for improved valuation of ecosystem services for in the LMB........................ 219
8.4 Mitigation Recommendations and Options for Ecosystem Services .................................. 220
8.4.1 ESIA Mitigation versus Ecosystem Services Mitigation ................................................... 220
8.4.2 Mitigating impacts on ecosystem services ...................................................................... 222
8.4.3 Managing dependencies of development projects on ecosystem services .................... 224
References and ISH0306 Knowledge Base .......................................................................................... 226

This documents is the 1st Interim Report of the ISH0306 Mekong River Commission study -
Development of Guidelines for Hydropower Environmental Impact Mitigation and Risk Management
in the Lower Mekong Mainstream and Tributaries. It builds on the work and results from inception
period and the Inception Report (Volume 1 – 3) with emphasis in this 1st Interim Phase on developing;
(i) Version 1.0 - Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation Guidelines and Recommendations (Volume
1) (ii) Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation MANUAL - Key Hydropower Risks, Impacts and
Vulnerabilities and General Mitigation Options for Lower Mekong, as well as; (iii) Case Study –
Objectives, Scope and Methodology for the 2nd Interim Phase (Volume 3). The study is supervised and
coordinated by the Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower (ISH)/Mekong River Commission Secretariat
(MRCS) with the following key personnel:
 Mr. Voradeth Phonekeo
 Mr. Simon Krohn and
 Mr. Piseth Chea

The project is executed by a team of experts from Multiconsult (Norway/UK) in association with
Deltares (The Netherlands) plus two Key Experts on individual contracts (Australia and Austria). The
following key-experts are involved:
 Mr. Leif Lillehammer (Team Leader, Multiconsult),
 Mr. Chris Grant (Hydropower Design and Operations Expert, Multiconsult),
 Mr. Jean-Pierre Bramslev (Hydropower Modeller and Economics Expert, Multiconsult),
 Mr. Ron Passchier (Hydrologist and Water Resources Modeller, Deltares),
 Dr. Kees Sloff (Hydraulic and Sediment Modelling Expert, Deltares),
 Dr. Lois Koehnken (Sediment and Water Quality Expert, Individual Consultant, Australia) and
 Dr. Stefan Schmutz (Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Expert, BOKU - Vienna).

The team includes also the following non-key experts and support staff:
 Dr. Jørn Stave and Mr. Jens Johan Laugen (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and
Safeguards Experts, Multiconsult)
 Mr. Bjørn Stenseth (Power Economist, Multiconsult)
 Dr. Sanjay Giri (Hydraulic Expert, Deltares)
 Mrs. Carina Mielach (Aquatic Ecologist, BOKU-Vienna)
 Mr. Bernhard Zeiringer (Fish-Pass Eco-Engineer, BOKU-Vienna)
 Ms. Ragnhild Heimstad and Mr. Amrit Poudel (Terrestrial/Riparian Ecologists, Multiconsult)
 Mrs. Irene N. Koksæter (Livelihoods Expert, Multiconsult)

National Consultants also providing input to the study are as follows:

 Lao PDR: Ms. Thipsathiane Khamvongsa (Environment and Water Resources)

 Lao PDR: Mr. Lamphone Dimanivong (Hydropower and Energy)
 Cambodia: Dr. Sophal Chhun (Environment and Water Resources, Ecosystem Services)
 Cambodia: Dr. Heng Sokchay ( Hydropower and Energy)
 Vietnam: Dr Nguyen Quang Trung (Environment and Water Resources)
 Vietnam: Dr. Hoang Minh Tuyen (Hydropower and Energy)

ADB – Asian Development Bank

AEP - Annual exceedance probability

BDP – Basin Development Plan

BOD – Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BOKU – University of Natural Sciences and Life Sciences/Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien

BP – Bank Procedure (World Bank)

CIA – Cumulative Impact Assessment

COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand

CPUE - Catch per unit effort

DF – Design Flood

DHI – Danish Hydraulic Institute

DIN – Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen

DIP – Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus

DO – Dissolved Oxygen

DRIFT – Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation

DSF – Decision Support Framework

DSHPP – Don Sahong Hydropower Project

DTM - Digital Terrain Model

DSF – Decision Support Framework

EAMP – Environmental Assessment and Management Plan

EF – Environmental Flow

EFA – Environment Flow Assessment

EGAT – Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand

EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment

ELOHA – Ecological Limits Of Hydrologic Alteration

EP – Environment Programme

EPP – Emergency Preparedness Plan

ESIA – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

FP – Fisheries Programme

GBD – Gas Bubble Disease

GFL – Great Fault Line

GIS – Geographical Information System

GIZ – Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

GMS – Greater Mekong Sub-Region

HPP – Hydropower Project

IAIA – International Association for Impact Assessment

IBFM – Integrated Basin Flow Management

ICCS – International Cooperation & Communication Section

ICOLD – International Commission on Large Dams

IEA – International Energy Agency

IEC – International Electrotechnical Commission

IFIM – Instream Flow Incremental Methodology

IHA – International Hydropower Association

IKMP – Information and Knowledge Management Programme

IR – Inception Report

IRBM – Integrated River Basin Management

ISH – Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower

IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature

IWRM – Integrated Water Resources Management

JOR – Joint Operation Rules

LAPTS – Lao Electric Power Technical Standard

LMB – Lower Mekong Basin

MRC – Mekong River Commission

MRCS – Mekong River Commission Secretariat

MSL – Mean Sea Level

MW – Mega Watt

NFPA - (US) National Fire Protection Association

NGO – Non Governmental Organization

NMC – National Mekong Committee

OP – Operational Policy (World Bank)

OSP – Office of the Secretariat in Phnom Penh (MRC)

OSV – Office of the Secretariat in Vientiane (MRC)

PAH – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon

PCB – Polychlorinated Biphenyl

PDG – Preliminary Design Guidance

PDIES – Procedures for Data and Information Exchange and Sharing

PMF – Probable Maximum Flood

PMFM – Procedures for Maintenance Flows on the Mainstream

PNPCA – Procedures for Notification, Prior Consultation and Agreement

PWQ – Procedures for Water Quality

PWUM – Procedures for Water Use Monitoring

R&D – Research & Development

RSAT – Rapid Basin Wide Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Tool

RVA – Range of Variability Approach

SEA – Strategic Environmental Assessment

SEG – Sediment Expert Group

SoB – State of the Basin

ToR – Terms of References

TP – Total Phosphorus

TSS – Total Suspended Solids

UMB – Upper Mekong Basin

USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers

VEC – Valued Ecosystem Components

WB – World Bank

WQMN – Water Quality Monitoring Network

WUA – Weighted Usable Area

WUP – Water Utilization Project

WWF – World Wildlife Foundation

1 Description, Purpose and How to Use the Manual
This document is Version 1.0 of the Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation Manual (Volume 2 – 1st
Interim Report) and follows due from the activities and outputs undertaken during the Inception and
1st Interim Periods of the ISH0306 Study. This Volume 2 has been elaborated to support by Volume 1
which is Version 1.0 of the Hydropower Risks and Impact Mitigation Guidelines and
Recommendations for the Lower Mekong and Tributaries. Volume 2 goes much more in detail related
to describing risks, impacts and vulnerabilities as well as in describing mitigation options. In Volume 1
the latter is summarized in Chapter 5.3 in the tables 5.1 to 5.5. In this Volume 2 there is also a wide
array of examples of good industrial practise mitigation options internationally, from the Greater
Mekong Sub-Region (GMS) and the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB). The manual is further supported by a
Knowledge Base of data and document files. The Knowledge Base will be further developed and
structured in the 2nd Interim and Final Phases, and will be interactively connected to Volume 1 and 2
at final delivery. Details of this is given in Volume 1, Chapter 1.3.4.

In Volume 1 the hydropower risks, impacts, vulnerabilities and associated mitigation identified
constitutes 5 major themes, namely:

1. Hydrology and downstream flows

2. Geomorphology and sediments
3. Water quality
4. Fisheries and aquatic ecology; and
5. Biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem services

In this Volume 2, the Manual, the structure is basically the same where these issues are separated into
Chapters 2 to 6. However Ecosystem Services has been separated out as a stand-alone Chapter 8, and
a Chapter 7 on Engineering Response to Environmental Risks, with good industrial practice example
has been included. Multicriteria Evaluation of Mitigation Recommendation and Dam Safety Guidelines
is only treated in Volume 1 and not repeated in Volume 2.
As for Volume 1 for the thematic areas above a set of 5 key common overarching changes related to
hydropower development has been identified, which are;
I. Annual / inter-annual changes to flow
II. Daily / short-time scale changes to flow and water level
III. Loss of river connectivity
IV. Impoundments
V. Diversion and intra basin transfers

Risks, impacts and vulnerabilities within each theme (1 to 5) for the changes (I to V) are then listed.
The risks, impact and vulnerabilities is then the basis for the detailed mitigation options proposed
within each theme (Chapters 2 to 8) at the various phases during the project life cycle.

Reference to the relevant sections in Volume 1, to find supporting documentation, is made where

2 Hydrology and Water Resources – Status, Risks and Mitigation

2.1 Status and Overview

2.1.1 Introduction
The hydrology and water resources form the basis for the study of the potential impact of hydropower
development in the Mekong region and therefor it is important to sketch the overall regime of the
river. Particularly the ‘layout’ of the flow regime over the entire basin is important to assess the
expected impact hydropower development on a regional and local scale. For this purpose, first an
overview is provided of the most salient features of the hydrology of the Mekong, mostly based on
existing studies published either by MRC or available in the international literature. The first studies of
the expected and, recently, observed impact of hydropower development are presented and
discussed. The changes in hydrology are evidently intimately linked to the various topics that are
discussed in the subsequent Chapters in this report, particularly the sediment transport and the
fishery, but direct links also exist between the (expected) change in discharge and the navigation and
salt intrusion in the Mekong delta. In this chapter, only the expected impacts of hydropower on the
flow regime are discussed, while in the subsequent chapters the link to the various sectors is analysed.
In a similar way, the local mitigation options for the affected sectors are discussed in the corresponding
chapters. Here only remarks are made on the possible large-scale measures that might be taken, but
it should be realized that possibilities to compensate for the changes in the overall flow regime of the
Mekong due to hydropower development are limited.

2.1.2 Stream Flows

The hydrological regime of the Mekong River and its tributaries form the basis for the present situation
with regards to sediment transport, ecology, water quality, etc. Although there are many rivers with a
seasonal cycle in the monsoon-driven river systems in Asia, the Mekong has a very peculiar flow
pattern that is the reason for a number of unique features that are intimately linked to a very well-
defined seasonal cycle. This cycle is shown in Figure 2.1. In Figure 2.2, the timing of the transition
between the wet and dry season is given for Vientiane and Kratie. In both figures, the most important
feature is the small deviation in time of the transition zones, the start varying only a few weeks in time
over the years.

Figure 2.1. Flow regime of the main Mekong River (MRC, 2006).

Figure 2.2. Timing of the transition between wet and dry season - Vientiane and Kratie (MRC, 2006).

Particularly the strong dependency of the river ecology on the timing of the transition implies that any
(man-made) changes to the timing will immediately sort effect. Evidently, the introduction of major
(over-year storage) reservoirs on both the main river and the tributaries will easily lead to a shift in the
timing of the transition zones, apart from changes in the flow magnitude itself.

Figure 2.3. Specific yield and percentage average flow contribution in the Mekong basin.

The actual impact of possible changes in the river system on the flow regime depends very much on
the location. In the first place, it is important to visualize the principle sources of flow in the river basin
(Figure 2.3). The specific yield, i.e. the yearly amount of runoff in mm, is shown in the left figure and
shows that in general the yield increases from West to East. However, there are a number of ‘hot spot’
tributary basins, shown in the right picture, that on average have a very large contribution, expressed
in percentages of total flow of the Mekong. In this picture it is shown that the average contribution
from the Upper Mekong (Lancang) basin is about 16%, while two major tributary regions, in Laos and
the ‘3S’ in Cambodia/Vietnam, contribute even more, respectively 19% and 23%. On the other hand,
the large tributary basin in the western part, in Thailand, contributes only 6% of total flow due to a
much lower rainfall in this region. It should be remarked, though, that not only are these average yearly
values, on a volume basis, but they give the percentages of the total flow of the Mekong. The local
importance of a certain tributary can be much higher, e.g. the impact of Lancang on the stretch of the
Mekong between the Chinese border and Vientiane, or the impact of the ‘3S’ rivers on the flow at
Kratie, are very significant. This is expressed in Figure 2.4, where a distinction is also made between
the wet and dry season contribution. From this figure it is clear that the contribution of flow from
Lancang is about 65% in the dry season at Vientiane, but diminishes to about 40% during the wet
season, still much larger than the average 16% for the total flow over the year in the Mekong. Here
also the dominant role of the local (Lao) tributaries is shown, which play a major role in the total
discharge at Vientiane both in the wet and dry season. At Kratie the impact of Lancang has evidently
diminished, but particularly in the dry season it is still in the order of 35%. Here, the contribution of
the Lao and 3S tributaries is dominant.

Figure 2.4. Contribution of the various tributaries on the flow during wet and dry season.

In Figure 2.5 the average contribution of the flow from the various tributaries to the main Mekong
River over the year is shown in a hydrograph. Here the large impact of the Lao tributaries (Nam Ngum,
Nam Theun and Nam Hinboun) is clear as well as the impact of the ‘3S’ (Se Kong, Se San and Sre Pok)
between Pakse and Kratie.

Figure 2.5. Average contribution of the various tributaries to the main Mekong over the year.

2.1.3 Water Use and Abstraction

Although there are many locations of water use and abstraction along the Mekong River and its
tributaries, the total impact of these abstractions, both at present and in the future, are considered to
be much lower than the impact of the existing and planned hydropower reservoirs. Only in the Mekong
Delta does the water demand from irrigation play a major role in the hydrology.

An interesting study on the impact of irrigation on the flow regime in the Mekong basin is given by
Räsänen (2014), using one of the ‘3S’ rivers, the Sesan, as an example. The study looked at both the
impacts of hydropower development and irrigated rice. The conclusion was that the impact of the
abstractions for irrigation were minor compared to the impact of the hydropower development, with
the total abstraction being in the order of 1.9-2.1% of the total flow of the Sesan (Figure 2.6). Irrigated
agriculture without hydropower development did, however, have a major impact on the dry season
flows with values of 32% (February) to 70% (early May) of river depletion. This shows that the impact
of water consumption by irrigated agriculture may easily be obscured by the impact of large dams and
should be taken into account.

Figure 2.6. Changes in flow of the Sesan River due to hydropower and irrigation.

In the present study, the water use is included in the modelling as the boundary conditions for the
simulation of the Lao cascade will be based on the simulations with the DSF modelling suite,
particularly the IQQM (now eWater) modelling results.

2.1.4 Floods and Droughts

It is expected that the introduction of large reservoirs will also have a major impact on the extremes
on the Mekong. In order to judge the changes, it is important to assess first the possible natural
changes in the occurrence of floods and droughts. The former are more difficult to establish as they
are short-duration events, in the order of several days to a few weeks, but low flow events normally
last much longer, in the order of several weeks to an entire season or even years. In Figure 2.7 the
occurrence of deviations from the average flow on the Mekong at Vientiane and Kratie is shown that
gives an impression of possible changes in the extremes, particularly the low-flow events. From this
figure no particular trend can be found, although some variation with long-term effects (in the order
of decades) can be seen, particularly for the location of Vientiane, where the flow seems to be above
average in the period 1960 – 1985 and below average in the period 1985 – 1993, with above average
flows again after 1993. This pattern is also discernible at Kratie, but less pronounced. In general, no
long-term trend can be observed for this period.

Figure 2.7. Percentage deviation from average flow (Vientiane and Kratie) 1960 – 2005 (MRC, 2006).

A thorough study is available on the occurrence of floods and droughts in the Mekong basin (Räsänen,
2014), with the gauging station of Stung Treng in Cambodia as major point of reference. In this study,
the correlation between large scale weather phenomena, like ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) was
studied. This was found to explain most of the floods and droughts were correlated with ENSO events.
A distinction should be made between El Niño y La Niña, respectively leading to below and above
average rainfall. It was found that at Stung Treng the annual flow volume decreased on average about
19.9% during El Niño and increased about 13.2% during La Niña events. In addition, the ENSO
modulated also the timing of the annual flood pulse: the start of the flood period was delayed and the
flood period was shorter during an El Niño, while the opposite happened during a La Niña year. It was
observed that the activity of ENSO has increased during the past decades with more extreme events
as a result. Not all the extreme events are due though to ENSO: about 50% of the events can be
correlated to ENSO, while the rest are due to other circumstances, like tropical cyclones. More details
are given in Räsänen (2014). The strong variability and the ongoing increase in the ENSO make it more
difficult to distinguish the cause for changes in the occurrence of extreme events, either coming from
natural sources or by the impact of man-made changes in the basin. However, changes in the extremes,
particularly the low flows, can definitely be expected due to the implementation of major reservoirs,
particularly the dams on Lancang, but also the larger reservoirs on the main tributaries. A discussion
of the expected changes will be given in the next paragraph.

2.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities

Several studies exist on the expected impact of the implementation of reservoirs on the flow regime
of the Mekong River, both for the Lancang as for the main river further downstream, and for the
tributaries. An overview of the potential impacts is given in Räsänen (2014). According to this study,
the six large reservoirs planned in the Lancang will have a regulating capacity of about 28% of the
annual flow at Chian Saen and about 5% of the total yearly flow of the Mekong. The overall expected
of the Lancang cascade along the main river over the year is shown in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8. Expected changes in discharge due to implementation of Lancang reservoirs (Räsänen, 2014).

In this figure it is clear that there will be a major impact of the Lancang reservoirs on the flow regime
in the main Mekong. Evidently the impact diminishes downstream, but even at Kratie, particularly in
the dry season, there is still a change of about 40% in the discharge. The smallest changes occur in the
wet season (October & November) when the flow from other tributaries dominate the contribution to
the total flow, assuming that no changes would occur in those tributaries. With the on-going, and
planned, implementation of reservoirs in the tributaries, particularly in Laos, but also in the 3S, this
assumption is not valid and the major shift in flow regime can be expected all along the Mekong river.
The overall changes in the hydrographs of both the tributaries and the main river anywhere where
reservoir development is on-going or planned, is shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.9. Overall changes in hydrograph shape due to reservoir implementation.

In this figure, the most important expected changes are shown. Those changes are:

 Decreasing of peak flows and decrease in annual flood volume

 Increase in dry season flow
 Smoothing of the hydrograph due to the damping effect of the reservoirs
 Diminishing of early flood season flows and increasing of later flood season flows
 Later start and end of the flood season
 Mean annual flow will remain more or less the same.

The last point often leads to the erroneous assumption that the reservoirs do not have an important
impact; no water (apart from some evaporation and seepage losses) is lost due to the reservoirs.

These changes are already apparent in the main Mekong, although definite conclusions cannot be
drawn yet until sufficient years of data are available and comparisons are made with the rainfall data
to avoid mixing up the sources of the observed changes in the flow regime.

It is important to quote the conclusions from the study by Räsänen (2014) on the combined effects of
the development of hydropower, annual meteorological cycles (ENSO) and irrigated agriculture (Figure

Figure 2.10. Expected changes in flow due to climate, hydropower development and irrigation (Räsänen, 2014).

In many cases, the effects are cumulative and it is difficult to distinguish the actual source of an
observed anomaly in the flow regime. This is important to realize when conclusions are drawn from
the observations of recent discharge series.

The expected results of the changes in the flow regime are manifold, but here the most important
changes at basin level on other issues are:

1. Change in timing of the transition zone affects fishery

2. Change in flow velocities affect both fishery and sediment transport/erosion

3. Change in flood season duration and magnitude affects particularly the sediment/erosion
and will have a major impact on the Tonle Sap system
4. Change in dry season flow will affect salt intrusion in the Mekong delta

The detailed changes in the geomorphology/sediment transport and fisheries are further discussed in
Chapters 3 and 5.

There is still limited quantitative information available on the expected impact of the existing and
planned hydropower development. However, in a recent draft report of the study by CAR consultants1
for the feasibility of the Pakbeng run-of-river hydropower dam, the expected impact of the Lancang
and the local hydropower development (Nam Pha 1 and Nam Tha 1) in Laos on the hydrology at the
dam site were studied. Although the results are still preliminary, they make a useful distinction
between the impact of the Lancang stretch (Yunnan in the report) and the reservoirs on the Laos

In Figure 2.11 the impact of the Lancang stretch at Chian Saen is shown, together with observed daily
discharges in the year 2014. Although such data should be combined with rainfall to distinguish
between natural variability and reservoir-induced changes, it is likely that the observed daily discharge
hydrograph for 2014 reflects the operation of the reservoirs on the Lancang stretch. Clearly the
changes in flow regime in the wet and dry season are shown, as well as the later start of the wet season
flow increase due to the dam operation.

Figure 2.11. Daily discharge values at Chiang Saen (average values before 2008 and the year 2014).

Car Engineering (2015): Pak Beng & Sanakham Feasibility Study Review. Draft Report Book 1: Pak Beng.

In Figure 2.12 the expected impact of both the Lancang reservoirs and the combined Lancang / Laos
tributary dams is shown. As can be expected, given the size of the Chinese dams, the dominant impact
is caused by the changes in flow regime in the Lancang stretch. The impact of the planned reservoirs
on the tributaries has the same tendency, but much smaller.

Figure 2.12. Annual daily discharge hydrograph at Pakbeng dam site (baseline & Yunnan / Yunnan + Laos
tributary dams).

According to this study, the expected change in flow regime at the Pakbeng dam site are:

Lancang stretch:

 Discharge increase during the low flow season: +52% on average from December to May;
 Discharge decrease during the high flow season: -14% on average from June to November.
Lancang plus local (Laos) tributaries:

 Discharge increase during the low flow season: +60% on average from December to May;
 Discharge decrease during the high flow season: -17% on average from June to November

For the low flow season, important for the feasibility of the hydropower development, the impact is
even more significant. The annual minimum monthly discharges highlight that the 5-year return period
discharge increases by 95% and 106%, under regulation respectively of Lancang cascade and planned
hydro projects in Lao PDR. During the flood season, there is an expected decrease in flow of
respectively 13% and 15%. This shows also the impact of the (two) local reservoirs is minor compared
to the Lancang stretch.

The recent study on the Pakbeng run-of-river hydropower development is a good example of the
importance of the study of the ongoing and planned activities upstream on the local hydrology.
Although studies do exist on the overall changes, like the one cited earlier by Räsänen (2014), it is
urgently required to arrive at a more comprehensive picture of the expected changes using a
Masterplan approach for the entire river system.

A special case that needs attention is the Tonle Sap lake system. The Tonle Sap reverse flow system is
very sensitive to the changes in the duration and magnitude of the flood season. In Figure 2.13 the
yearly cycle is shown with the average flows in and out of the lake plus the variations in the pattern.

Figure 2.13. Pattern of inflow and outflow from Tonle Sap.

A study was made of the impact of the implementation of reservoirs on the Mekong river, including
developments in the 3S tributaries. The results are shown in Figure 2.14 and Figure 2.15.

Figure 2.14. Expected changes in inundation pattern at Tonle Sap (Arias, et al, 2014).

Figure 2.15. Expected changes in inundation area at Tonle Sap in km 2 (Kummu & Sarkkula, 2008).

The results of the study show that there will be a shift in the timing of the inundation period and
extension in Tonle Sap due to the changes in the flow conditions in the Mekong as response to the
implementation of reservoirs on both the main river and in the tributaries (particularly in the ‘3S’). In
general the inundation extent will decrease, while the duration of the inundation period will become
longer. As a result, it can be expected that a change will occur in the ecology of the wetlands and
coastal zones of the lake.

The key risks, impacts and vulnerabilities to hydrology and water resources are summarised and
aggregated as follows and is also presented in the Guidelines (Volume 1).

Table 2.1. Hydrology and downstream flows – Key risks, impacts and vulnerabilities.

Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Annual / inter-annual changes to flow

Changes in seasonality & Change of timing & duration of floods and low flows, changes in flows Tonle
continuous uniform Sap and changes in salt intrusion in the delta
Modification of flood Peaks in flood and low flow change, smoother hydrograph
intervals: Reduction in
occurrence of minor
floods & no change in
large events

Daily / short-time period changes in flow

Hydro-peaking Safety and navigation related changes caused by sudden rise or drop of
water levels

2.3 Hydrology and Water Resources Mitigation Measures
As mentioned already in the introduction, there are not many options for mitigation of hydrological
impact of the implementation of major reservoirs on the Mekong River. For the smaller (run-of-river)
reservoirs, like the ones planned as part of the Lao cascade, the flow changes themselves are minor
and the high-frequency changes due to hydropeaking can in principle easily be mitigated by the
introduction of re-regulation dams directly downstream from the structure. It is an altogether another
story for the major reservoirs, particularly with over-year storage, where the possibilities for mitigation
of the impact on the flow regime can only be found within the system itself. In theory, it would be
possible to introduce a system of operational rules that tries to mimic as far as possible the natural
flow regime, but this will always be limited by the hydropower requirements. It would be very
complicated, and probably unrealistic, to include the Chinese dams in this strategy. Given also the
immense complexity of the many reservoirs, existing, in progress and being planned, with different
owners, this option is not further exploited.

An important aspect however, is that the hydropower development in the Mekong has various degrees
of coordination, i.e. there seems to be a lack of proper connection between the various studies and an
overall Masterplan approach is lacking. This masterplan could be essential though, as isolated studies
necessarily lack a proper assessment of the expected changes in the flow regime by ongoing or planned
activities upstream that will likely affect the planning and design of future hydropower developments.

2.4 Indicators and Monitoring

Regarding the issue of monitoring, it should be mentioned that there is an urgent need to improve the
coordination of the operation of the various reservoirs on the Mekong River. At present, little
information on real-time operation is available along the course of the river, i.e. on the daily operation
of the Chinese dams in the Lancang stretch. It is recognised that it would not be easy to make
adjustments to the operation rules of the existing reservoirs, which are hardly known now, but at least
information on the operation would be an option. Given the major impact of these reservoirs on the
flow regime of the Mekong, particularly in the dry season, such a monitoring and early-warning system
would be very beneficial for the downstream water users, both hydropower and other sectors.

3 Geomorphology and Sediments – Status, Risks and Mitigation

3.1 Status and Overview

3.1.1 Importance of sediments and sediment transport in river systems
Sediments and sediment transport are linked to the physical, chemical and biological attributes of river
systems, estuaries, and coastal environments. Physically, the magnitude and characteristics (grain-size,
composition, surface area, etc.) of sediment moving through a river dictates the nature and
morphology of river beds, banks and floodplains both spatially and temporally. The transport,
deposition, storage and erosion of sediment govern habitat distribution and quality within river
channels and floodplains which underpins biological systems and biodiversity.

The seasonal timing and magnitude of sediment transport in a river is fundamental to ecological
functioning, with food and nutrient delivery, migratory cues, breeding habitats, and riparian and
floodplain ecological cycles all dependant on sediment transport at specific times of the year. It is also
important to recognise the dependence of sediment transport on riverine hydrology, and how
generally sediment delivery or removal is linked to specific hydrologic conditions or cycles. As depicted
in Figure 3.1, sediment transport needs to be considered in four-dimensions: (i) the downstream
movement of sediment (ii) the lateral transport of sediment between the channel and floodplain (iii)
the vertical deposition and re-suspension of sediment within the river channel or floodplain and (iv)
the seasonal pattern and variable over time.

Figure 3.1. Block diagram showing the 4

dimensions of sediment delivery: downstream
(length), into and out of the floodplains (width),
deposition or erosion in the channel (vertical), and
variability through time (temporal). (FISRWG,

Sediments also play an important role in many aspects of water quality in rivers, inter alia;
 Sediment concentration and grain-size determines light penetration which controls algal or
other plant growth;
 The composition of sediments determines the availability of naturally occurring nutrients, and
affects the availability of oxygen (e.g. organic rich sediments can reduce oxygen levels);
 The geochemical reactions between sediments and river water control fundamental water
quality parameters such as pH, alkalinity and acidity (e.g. carbonates, pyritic sediments,
organic rich sediment);

 The grain-size and surface area of sediments is critical for the transport of nutrients and other
parameters which are transported through adsorption on the sediments. Fine-grained
sediment serve as the link between solid and dissolved in the aquatic environment;

Sediments and sediment transport are also important for social reasons. In alluvial reaches, the
stability of river channels and banks is dependent on continued sediment availability and delivery.
Physical changes to river banks and channels can increase risks to infrastructure located on river banks,
affect navigation and lead to the redistribution of land. Physical changes to river channels can affect
local hydraulics, navigation, river bank and floodplain agriculture, and riverine and coastal fisheries, all
of which can have social impacts. Sediments also provide a ready source of building materials, and
changes to sediment transport can affect the availability of material for extraction and / or lead to
increased impacts due to the extractions.

In addition to sediment supply and transport, rivers require variability in sediment delivery to maintain
the dynamic equilibrium present in natural river systems. Inter-annual variability combined with
episodic extreme events is necessary for maintaining diversity within riparian zones and in-channel

3.1.2 Catchment geomorphology

The Mekong River originates in the high mountains of China, and flows through a range of geologic
and geomorphic settings which control the supply and delivery of sediment to the mainstream Mekong
and ultimately the floodplains of Cambodia and Vietnam. Reviews of the geology and geomorphology
of the river are available in other MRC reports (Carling, 2005, 2009; MRC, 2010) and this brief review
is limited to attributes of direct relevance to hydropower development and mitigation with respect to
sediment transport.

The Mekong River in the UMB is confined to a narrow, steep, bedrock valley over the first 1800 km of
its course, with gradients reducing substantially in the LMB (Figure 3.2). In the LMB, the course of the
river continues to be strongly bedrock controlled in northern Lao PDR, before entering a predominantly
alluvial zone in upstream of Vientiane, which extends downstream to Savannakhet (Lao
PDR)/Mukdahan (Thailand). Downstream of this point, the river is structurally controlled to varying
degrees until it enters the alluvial reaches of the floodplain near Kratie. The floodplain reaches, which
include the Tonle Sap River, Tonle Sap Great Lake and Vietnamese Delta, are considered sediment sinks
in the context of the Mekong, although sediment is also derived from the tributaries feeding the Tonle
Sap Great Lake.

The delineation of these recognised geomorphic ‘zones’ are shown on the map and long-section in
Figure 3.2 and the general geomorphic characteristics of the mainstream are summarised in Table 3.1.
Recognising the inherent differences between the geomorphic zones and the variability within zones
is fundamental to understanding potential changes associated with hydropower developments and
identifying appropriate mitigation measures. These characteristics also have a strong influence on the
distribution of hydropower projects within the LMB as the steeper sloped, bedrock controlled reaches
in northern Lao PDR are conducive for the development of hydropower on the mainstream. The steep
slopes of the upper catchment, which also experience high rainfall runoff, are also major sources of
sediment to the river system.

1 2 3 4 5

& Tonle Sap R

& Great Lake

Figure 3.2. (top left) Long-section of the Mekong River showing elevation and national boundaries (MRC, 2005).
(top right) Generalised hydro-geomorphic zones of the Mekong River (MRC, 2005); (bottom) Long-section of the
LMB showing depth of thalwag and extent of geomorphic zones.

Table 3.1. Geomorphic attributes of the 5 general geomorphic zones recognised in the LMB.
Zone Reach Description Approximate Geomorphology
River km

1 China Border to upstream ~750 Single bedrock channel-


2 Upstream Vientiane to Kong ~800 Alluvial-braided with bars; sediment

Chiam storage & reworking with high sediment
input from tributaries;

3 Kong Chiam to Kratie ~350 Anastomosed bedrock channels, storage

& reworking

4 Kratie to Chaktoumuk, Tonle Sap ~230 Meandering alluvial channels, floodplain

River and Great Lake & Tonle Sap system

5 Phnom Penh to delta front ~350 Deltaic alluvial channels & distributaries

As indicated in the descriptions of the geomorphic zones, there are two areas within the mainstream
which are dominated by bedrock controlled channels, namely, the zone 1, extending from the Chinese
border to upstream of Vientiane, and zone 3, the anastomosing river reach between Kong Chiam and
Kratie. The exposure of bedrock in these reaches is extensive, as shown by the distribution of rapids
(Figure 3.3). These bedrock controlled reaches are also characterised by the presence of ‘deep pools’
which provide habitat and refuge during the dry season. The deepest pools in the mainstream LMB
occur between Mukdahan and Pakse, and are maintained by a combination of high shear stress, and
the annual pattern of sediment delivery (MRC, 2005, Halls et al., 2013).

Figure 3.3. (left) Distribution of rapids in the Mekong showing distribution of bedrock controlled channels in
the LMB; (right) Distribution of deep pools showing highest density and depths between Mukdahan and

All geomorphic zones contain floodplains, ranging from discrete floodplain pockets typically
concentrated near tributary confluences, to the extensive Cambodian floodplain and Tonle Sap system,
and Vietnamese delta (Figure 3.4). These alluvial reaches are directly linked to and dependant on the
sediment transport regime of the Mekong for maintenance. Alterations to the flow and sediment
regime of the river will translate to adjustments in these alluvial environments.

These geomorphic reaches are discussed in more detail in 3.3, where Mekong specific risks associated
with hydropower development are discussed in more detail.

Figure 3.4. Distribution of areas subject to flood
risks (floodplains) in the LMB. Mainstream
floodplains shown in pink, tributary floodplains
indicated in yellow. Areas prone to flash flooding
are shown in tan. Around the delta, the areas
susceptible to storm surges and tsunamis are
highlighted in blue (MRC 2010).

3.1.3 Sediment transport in the LMB

Sediment delivery to the Mekong mainstream is closely linked to the flood-pulse of the river, with the
highest sediment loads transported during the rising limb and flood-peaks of the wet season.
Sediment investigations have found that bedload also moves as a pulse over the duration of the wet
season as well, with pulses observed moving into, through and out of deep holes in the channel over
the course of one year (Conlan et al., 2008).

Alterations to the quantity or characteristics (e.g. grain-size) of sediments transported through a river
will translate into geomorphic changes to the bed and / or banks and floodplains of a river system, as
the river moves towards a new dynamic equilibrium. These physical changes can affect channel
morphology, bank stability and floodplain characteristics.

Prior to the development of hydropower on the mainstream of the Mekong, the general consensus on
the sediment budget of the LMB was that approximately 160 Mt/yr of sediment was transported by
the river in suspension at the downstream site of Pakse. Of this total, approximately 60% was derived
from upstream the Chinese border, 10% from the 3S river system, and the remaining 30% contributed
by the rest of the tributaries. No estimates of bedload transport are available for historical conditions.
The suspended sediment load of the Mekong River has historically been described as silt. Recent
investigations however (which reflect conditions after implementation of the Chinese cascade), and
monitoring by the MRC Countries, has documented both silt and sands in the suspended load. Sand is
predominating in the upper catchment (up to 80%) and grading to silt downstream, where sand
comprises about 10% of the suspended load (Bravard et al. 2013, Koehnken, 2014). Bedload and bed
textures in the LMB have been found to vary over distance and time in the river bed. Coarser gravels
and sands predominate in the upper catchment during periods of high flow, grading to finer sand in

the lower river. During the dry season, finer material is deposited on the river bed, leading to an
increase in the proportion of silt in the bed materials.

Figure 3.5. (left) Schematic showing distribution of sediment input to the LMB based on WUP-FIN modelling;
(right) Grain size distribution of suspended sediments in the Mekong mainstream in the LMB. CS=Chiang Saen,
LP=Luang Prabang, NK=Nong Khai, PK= Pakse, KT= Kratie and TC=Tan Chau (Koehnken, 2015).

3.1.4 Recent changes to sediment transport in the LMB

The development of the Lancang cascade in the UMB, damming of tributaries for hydropower and
irrigation, and other catchment developments have altered the flow regime of the river and the
sediment dynamics of the mainstream Mekong.

Sediment trapping by reservoirs is well recognised, with the extent to which sediments are trapped
dependent on the morphology of the impoundment, the characteristics (grain-size) of the inflowing
sediments, the hydrodynamics within the impoundment and the operating regime of the project.
Sediment trapping efficiencies derived for the Lancang cascade (Figure 3.19) show that the smaller
impoundments, such as Manwan and Jinghong have lower rates as compared to the larger
impoundments, such as Gonguoqiao and Nuozhadu. Sediment trapping is cumulative, but as coarser
material is trapped in upstream impoundments, the actual trapping rates in downstream
impoundments may reduce, due to the finer-nature of the influent sediment load. This preferential
trapping can also lead to nutrients being trapped in different proportions as compared to sediments,
due to nutrients’ affinity for the finer-grained sediments.

Understanding the distribution of nutrients with respect to sediment grain-size is a

knowledge gap in the Mekong. Integrated water quality and suspended sediment
monitoring and investigations are required to provide this important information.

Figure 3.6. Theoretical sediment trapping efficiencies of the Lancang cascade (Kummu and Varis, 2007).

Consistent with predicted sediment trapping, the sediment load in the LMB has decreased as dams in
the UMB and LMB tributaries have been completed, leading to a large reduction in the suspended load
of the river. Recent MRC monitoring results suggest that suspended sediment loads in the LMB are
now in the range of ~70 Mt/yr, compared with the historic values of ~160 Mt/yr (Koehnken, 2014).
Large reduction have been recorded at all monitoring locations, with the largest reduction occurring
at the upstream site closest to the cascade, Chiang Saen, where suspended sediment loads are now
estimated to be ~10-12 Mt/yr as compared to historic values of 60-100 Mt/yr (Figure 3.7). No historic
information is available regarding the grain-size distribution of the load entering the LMB from the
UMB, but it is likely that the reduction in sediment loads has been accompanied by a reduction in grain-
size distribution due to the coarser sediment being more efficiently retained in the impoundments.

Figure 3.7. (left) Comparison of historic (coloured bars) and recent (blue bars) suspended sediment loads at
monitoring sites on the Mekong mainstream. Historic loads based on results from MRC Master catalogues and
recent results based on sediment monitoring completed by the MRC Member Countries (Koehnken, 2014).
(right) Box and whisker plot summarising of suspended sediment concentrations at Chiang Saen between 1994
and 2013 based on historic results and recent monitoring results. The box encompasses the 25 th to 75th
percentile values, whilst the ‘whiskers’ indicate the minimum and maximum values. The median is shown as a
line in the box.

In addition to a reduction in the magnitude of sediment delivery from the UMB, there have also been
recent changes to the timing of sediment deliver. The Mekong is a ‘sediment’ pulse system as well as
a hydrological flood pulse system, with 60% of the sediment load transported within a 2 month period,
and 80% within a 4 month window under natural conditions. As shown in Figure 3.8, this pattern

remains intact at Kratie throughout the 2009 – 2013 period, however at Chiang Saen, the timing of
sediment delivery is being altered, as evident by the 2013 results. The downstream sites (such as
Kratie) are less susceptible to the changes related to the Lancang Cascade, but as more tributary dams
are commissioned and operate, similar changes to sediment delivery patterns may occur in the lower
LMB as well.

Figure 3.8. Timing of sediment delivery in the LMB 2009 - 2013. Graphs show percentage of total sediment load
transported each month at Chiang Saen and Kratie (from Koehnken, 2014).

3.1.5 Other activities affecting sediment transport

In addition to sediment trapping in dams, other activities in the basin affect the hydrology and
sediment transport of the LMB. Relevant activities include sand mining, the infilling of floodplains, and
the development of infrastructure floodplains.

Sand and gravel extraction from the LMB has been cited as altering the sediment budget of the
mainstream Mekong, with extracted quantities conservatively estimated at >35 Mm3 in 2011,
equivalent to ~50 Mt/yr (Bravard, et al., 2014). Extractive industries are predominantly removing sand
from the river bed and these activities are concentrated in the lower LMB, with ~80% of the
documented extractions occurring in Cambodia and Viet Nam. Large volume extractions can lead to
bed incision and channel instability due to over-steepening of banks.

Figure 3.9. Map of aggregate extraction in the LMB based on surveys of operators (Bravard, et al, 2014).

Much of the sand extracted from the river is used for floodplain filling which affects the hydrology and
geomorphology of the river in two ways: (i) infilling reduces the volume available for water storage on
the floodplain, thus reducing the buffering capacity of the system, and reducing the connectivity
between the river and floodplain; and (ii) because there is reduced storage availability on the
floodplain water remains in channels which increases flow velocities and promotes channel incision.
Channel incision will lead to deepening and increase channel capacity, which in turn will reduce the
connectivity between the river and the floodplain.

In addition to the direct filling of floodplains, the construction of roads and other infrastructure can
alter the local hydrology and hydraulics of an area, leading to hydrologic and geomorphic change. The
photos shown in Figure 3.10 are a time series of the divide between the mainstream Mekong and the

Tonle Sap. Overland flow between these waterways has been disrupted by the construction of an
elevated roadway, and the subsequent infilling of the floodplain.


2008 Feb 13


2012 Nov 2013

Figure 3.10 . (Top 4 photos) time-series of

progressive infilling of the floodplain between the
Mekong mainstream and Tonle Sap Rivers; (left)
map showing route of historic overland from
Mekong mainstream to Tonle Sap. Exchange has
been limited by road construction and floodplain

WorldFish Center (2007)

In the Mekong Delta, investigations have been completed examining the relationship between
sediment delivery to the floodplain and the canals and other water management infrastructure
present in the delta (Figure 3.11). Apel et al., (2012) found that the highest concentrations of sediment
and the highest rate of sediment deposition on undeveloped floodplains occur during the onset of
floods. The researchers found that the vast network of canals in the delta restrict the sediment pulse
reaching the floodplain, with gates and pumps also altering the timing and extent of floodplain
inundation. Instead of flood peaks controlling sediment dispersal, the height of control structures and
timing of operations controls sediment distribution. Smaller, but numerous built structures such as
embankments, channels and dykes, have more localised effects on flood plains, but most probably
lead to significant cumulative impacts (WorldFish Center, 2007).

Figure 3.11. Map of Mekong Delta in Vietnam
indicating the density and extent of the excavated
canal system. Blue area indicates extent of flooding
in 2000. (MRC, 2005).

3.1.6 Observed geomorphic Changes associated with Altered Sediment Delivery

A reduction in suspended and bedload sediment transport has the potential to alter the distribution
and quantity of sediment deposited in the flood-plain, delivered to the delta, or stored in the channel.
Reductions in sediment load can also affect water quality and ecological processes through the loss of
available nutrients, or altered delivery patterns. Impacts from a reduction in fine-grained sediment
transport are more likely to occur in areas where fine sediments were previously deposited. These can
be at long distances from the site of sediment retention. The impacts may be evident over relatively
short-time scales due to the immediate reduction in transported material. Conversely, changes in the
transport of coarser material which is predominately transported as bedload, may be delayed relative
to the reduction in sediment loads due to the availability of sediment resident in the channel for
downstream transport.

In recent investigations, sand extraction in the delta has been linked to changes in the morphology of
the Mekong and Bassac River channels (Brunier, et al., 2014). A link has also been suggested between
the reduction in the suspended sediment load in the Mekong and alterations to the flow regime to
erosion of the delta front (Anthony, 2013). Based on an analysis of satellite imagery between 2003 and
2011, annualised average retreat rates of the delta front – range from ~3 m to ~12 m in different
sectors of the delta.

Recent research has also shown that the attributes of the coastal plume of the river have altered over
the 2003 – 2011 period, with changes consistent with a reduction in sediment delivery to the South
Sea (Loisel, 2014). It is acknowledged that the systems are complex and other factors are also cited as
potentially contributing to the observed changes, such as changes to the morphology of the delta
channels, flow changes, climate change, seal level rise and coastal dynamics.

One of the hindrances in the LMB to understanding or recognising geomorphic change is a lack of
understanding regarding the natural or present rates of change in the river. Rates of erosion or
deposition or large scale long term changes such as channel migration or alterations have not been

A better understanding of the present and past rates of geomorphic change in the
rives is required in order to better predict, manage and mitigate changes
associated with hydropower or other water resource developments.

3.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities

HP projects can affect sediment transport through two mechanisms:
 Alteration of the flow regime which affects sediment transport; and,
 Alteration of the quantity of sediment available downstream of the HP project.

Typical flow and sediment changes and common geomorphic responses to these flow changes are
described in the flowing sections, and summarised in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2. Summary of flow changes and key risks, impacts and vulnerabilities associated with geomorphology
and sediment transport.
Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Annual / inter-annual changes to flow

Changes in seasonality & Water logging & loss of vegetation leading to increased bank erosion
continuous uniform Increased erosion due to increased scour (bed incision, bank erosion)
Winnowing of smaller sediment leading to bed armouring & reduction in
downstream sediment supply
Bank scour focussed over limited range leading to increased bank erosion
Modification of flood Channel narrowing through encroachment of vegetation
intervals: Reduction in Increased risk in upstream of flooding and floodplain stripping during large
occurrence of minor (>1:10 ARI) flood events
floods & no change in
large events
Change in relationship Decoupling of tributary & mainstream flows
of flow & sediment Erosion and / or deposition due to tributary rejuvenation
Daily / short-time period changes in flow
Hydro-peaking Rapid wetting & drying of banks increases susceptibility to bank erosion
and seepage processes
Increase in shear stress during flow changes increases erosion and bed
Loss of river connectivity
Disconnect between Sediment availability not timed with periods of recession leading to
flow and sediment decreased deposition
Loss of sediment ‘pulse’
Creation of impoundments
Trapping of sediments Reduction in sediment availability downstream of dam leading to
increased erosion
Changes to the grain-size distribution of sediment downstream
contributing to channel armouring and alteration of habitats
Water level changes Lake bank erosion, increased risk of landslips
within impoundment
Diversions or intra basin transfers

Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Decreased flow in donor Channel narrowing due to vegetation encroachment

Armouring of beds and bars due to reduced sediment transport
Decrease in frequency of high flow events increases impacts of extreme
events (upstream flooding, floodplain stripping)
Increased flow in Increased bank erosion and bed incision to accommodate increased flow
receiving basin

3.2.1 Annual and inter-annual flow changes

Continuous uniform flow release: Uniform flow releases are typically associated with baseload power
generation, with low or no variability of flow in the release for days or weeks at a time. These types of
discharges can affect banks by increasing and concentrating scour at discrete levels along a bank face.
Unregulated rivers generally induce scour at a range of bank levels owing to the variability of flows. If
the variability is removed, then scour can be focussed within a narrow range of bank heights, inducing
bank instability. The extended discharge of a uniform flow level can also result in the removal of
vegetation from river banks, through inundation and water logging. The loss of vegetation will increase
bank instability due to a reduction in the physical protection and buttressing of the bank associated
with the loss of roots and foliage, and a decrease in bank roughness which will increase the
susceptibility of the bank to erosion. Extended continuous flows will also prevent the deposition of
organic matter on bank faces, thus diminishing plant recruitment, and ultimately leading to denuded
bank faces, which are more susceptible to erosion.
In the bed of the river, sediments which can be transported by the uniform flow will be winnowed and
moved downstream, reducing the variability of bed sediment grain-sizes, and increasing the risk of the
remaining material becoming immobile and ‘locked’.
In addition, prolonged elevated flow levels will increase bank saturation, and increase the risk of
seepage failure following power station shutdown. Seepage failure occurs when the river level drops
rapidly, and saturated banks are unsupported, and unstable. As water drains from the banks along
steep groundwater slopes, sediment can be entrained and transported out of the bank, leading to bank

Figure 3.12. Example of hydrgraph showing Baseload Figure 3.13. Example of vegetation and soil loss
power generation over a 1-month period. from the riparian zone due to extended inundation
associated with baseload power generation in
Western Tasmania, Australia.

Reduction in medium flood flows: Altering the flood frequency with in a river can change the ‘mosaic’
of erosion and deposition occurring within unregulated rivers. High flows periodically deliver
sediments to floodplains, so reducing the frequency of high flows can reduce deposition on floodplains.
High flows exert high rates of erosion for short periods of time in riparian zones, which drives diversity
within the riparian environment. Reducing the frequency of high flow event can lead to a reduction in
the extent of the riparian zone due to terrestrial vegetation moving downslope. Where flow variability
is greatly reduced, the riparian zone may disappear. These changes may actually increase bank
stability, but also lead to channel narrowing due to the encroachment of vegetation. Where this
occurs, there is a high risk of flooding stripping and flooding when a high flow does occur, owing to the
reduced capacity of the channel.
Reduction in large flood events: Large storage impoundments that have the capacity to retain or
dampen very large floods can affect the geomorphology of the downstream channel through the
decoupling of mainstream and tributary inflows. The changes in the relative magnitude and timing of
flow in the mainstream and tributaries will lead to adjustments of the river morphology at tributary
confluences. Confluences may experience increased erosion, leading to channel widening of the
tributary, or increased deposition leading to the creation of ‘rejuvenation’ bars.
Similar to a reduction in medium flow events, a reduction in very large flow events over time will lead
to channel constriction due to increased vegetation growth on banks and bars, such that when a large
flood does occur, there is reduced channel capacity leading to a higher risk of floodplain stripping and
associated flooding.

3.2.2 Short-term flow fluctuations

Hydro-peaking operations: To target periods of high value electricity tariffs, hydropower plants are
often operated in a ‘peaking’ mode where discharge is limited to certain periods of the day, and the
station is either shut-down or discharging very low volumes of water during the remaining hours. The
rapidity with which hydropower can be started or stopped makes it suited to targeting ‘peak’ power
periods, but the rapidly changing water levels can increase bank erosion through seepage processes,
as described in the previous section. Hydropeaking can also lead to bank scour owing to the high shear
stresses associated with changing water levels (shear stress is proportional to the water surface slope).
Combined, the erosional process of seepage and scour can lead to bank retreat, through the
mobilisation and deposition of bank material onto bank toes following power station shut-down due
to seepage processes, and then the subsequent removal of the material by scour during the following
operational ‘peak’. Erosion will continue until a long, low-angle bank slope is created which is stable
under ‘seepage conditions (Figure 3.16).

Figure 3.14. Hydrograph showing effect of hydropeaking on Figure 3.15. Seepage erosion on a sandy
water levels in the upper SrePok River, Vietnam. alluvial bank downstream of a hydropower
scheme in Tasmania, Australia.

Figure 3.16. Low-angle bank slope

developed on an alluvial bank downstream of
a hydro-peaking hydropower project in
Western Tasmania, Australia.

3.2.3 Loss of river connectivity and creation of impoundments

The trapping of sediment within a hydropower impoundment alters the timing and magnitude of
sediment delivery downstream of the dam. Trapping of sediment will also alter the grain-size
distribution of sediment which passes through the reservoir, and usually results in a fining of the
suspended sediment load downstream. Bedload, generally composed of coarser sediments, is very
efficiently trapped within impoundments, whereas the retention of finer sediments is dependent on
the retention time and water velocity within the lake. A reduction in sediment discharge downstream
of the dam frequently results in one or more of the following geomorphic changes:
 Erosion of alluvial banks or in stream bars downstream of the power station;
 Armouring (winnowing of fine-sediments and ‘locking’ of coarser sediments) of the river bed;

 Alteration to the level of the river bed;

 Changes to the extent and magnitude of sediment deposition, and changes to the
composition of the deposited sediments;

 Changes to the vegetation on river banks and floodplains which affects bank stability;
 Increased flooding upstream due to deposition of sediments at the upstream end of the

In addition to geomorphic changes, the retention of sediment within reservoirs can affect hydropower
operations through the loss of storage (notably the active storage by the deltaic deposits at the head
of the impoundment); clogging of outlets, and abrasion of turbines or other infrastructure.

3.2.4 Intra or inter-basin transfers

Diverting water from one catchment to another, will affect the geomorphic processes in both the
donor and recipient waterways. The geomorphic changes typically associated with the donor
catchment due to reduced flow include channel narrowing through the encroachment of vegetation,
and a reduction in sediment transport of material delivered by tributaries. These changes can lead to
increased impacts during large floods as the channel is no longer capable of transferring the same
volume of water.

Conversely, the receiving catchment is generally characterised by an increase in channel depth and /
or width due to the increased flow volumes. Increased erosion and associated bank instability are
common impacts associated with these flow changes.

3.3 Identification of LMB specific geomorphic risks associated with HP

How hydropower development in the Mekong mainstream or tributaries will affect the
geomorphology of the rivers will vary depending on the attributes of the area, and the operation of
the hydropower scheme. The following sections highlight potential changes associated with each of
the five geomorphic zones in the LMB.

3.3.1 Zone 1: Chiang Saen to upstream of Vientiane

The characteristics of the Mekong in this zone include steep slope, a single channel, strong bed-rock
control, with bedload consisting of a high proportion of gravels. The area is also characterized by
extensive, transitory sand deposits, which are concentrated near the mouths of tributaries and at local
slope breaks. The reach has recently experienced a large decrease in sediment supply and alterations
to water levels due to development of the Lancang Cascade, and geomorphic changes are already
occurring within the reach. The commissioning of the Xayabouri HP and tributary dams in the near
future will further alter flows and sediment transport through the reach.

Although the morphology of the channel is controlled by bedrock at the large scale, modifications to
the sandy insets (bed material, bank deposits, sand bars and islands) are likely to include the following:

 Reduction in the presence of gravels and sands in the bed of the river due to reduced supply.
This could lead to channel deepening in some areas, but will be limited by the depth of

 Erosion of sandy banks and islands leading to the potential loss of habitat and river side
gardens or other land;

 Loss of riparian vegetation due to increased inundation during the dry season
 Reduction in the height of the riparian zone due to a reduction in flood flows;
 Increased exposure of bedrock;
 Conversion of a 100 km of river environment to a lake environment following closure of the
Xayabouri dam.

Recent observations suggest that geomorphic changes associated with changes to water level in the
dry season are already occurring, with the loss of vegetation, and erosion of banks. Bank protection
measures have been, and are being implemented at a large number of locations in the zone, which
may reflect increased bank erosion in the area.

Figure 3.17. (top left) Google Earth view of a reach in

zone 1, showing strong bedrock control and localised
sandy deposits; (top right) photo of eroding sand
bank showing lines associated with extended periods
of fixed water levels and eroding soils and
trees;(middle left) hydrograph showing increase in
dry season water levels at Chiang Saen; (middle
right) Loss of vegetation in riparian zone due to
extended inundation (bottom left) bank flattening
and erosion between trees which are stabilising local

3.3.2 Zone 2 – Upstream Vientiane to Kong Chiam

The geomorphic zone that extends from upstream of Vientiane to Kong Chiam is characterized by
lower slopes as compared to the upstream zone, and long alluvial reaches bordered by floodplains of
varying widths. The mainstream channel is incised through fine-grained floodplain deposits in many
areas, resulting in steep fine-grained, lateritic banks throughout the zone. Lozenge shaped islands are
similar in characteristic to the lateritic banks, with more mobile sand deposits creating bars adjacent
to the islands. The floodplains bordering the channel are underlain by thick lateritic deposits, which

yield fine-grained sediments when disturbed. Within the zone there is a large increase in flow and
sediment load in the river owing to the inflow of the ‘left bank’ tributaries from Lao PDR, which have
some of the highest runoff rates in the catchment. Several of these tributaries have already been
developed for hydropower (Nam Theun, Nam Hinboun), and many other HP projects are under
development in this zone.

The influence of bedrock increases in the downstream end of the zone, with the reach between
Mukdahan and Kong Chiam characterized by very deep pools, which are likely controlled by bedrock
at depth. In this reach the channel is also constrained by bedrock and rapids become more common.

This zone is already experiences flow changes associated with the Lancang Cascade and tributary
developments. There are no mainstream dams planned for this zone of the river, but in the future the
flow and sediment regime of the zone will continue to be modified due to the establishment of the
cascade in upper Lao PDR, and the continued development of hydro-resources within the tributaries.

Potential geomorphic changes related to this zone associated with HP development include the
following. Many of these processes are likely already occurring due to the existing hydropower
development in the Lancang and tributaries.

 Channel widening in alluvial reaches due to a large reduction in sediment load such that
erosion is not balanced by deposition;
 Channel incision leading to a reduction in the connectivity between the river channel and the
 Loss of vegetation due to the increased in dry season flows leading to inundation and water
logging. Vegetation may also increase above the regulated high water level owing to a
reduction in flood events;
 Tributary rejuvenation due to the decoupling of flows between the mainstream and
tributaries. This impact will be compounded in this reach due to the large number of tributary
Hydro projects which will eventually operate, and because the alluvial nature of confluences
in the zone. Relative changes in flows between the mainstream and tributaries are likely to
induce changes to the mouths of tributaries, potentially extending up to the level of Mekong
influence on the floodplain,
 Potential loss or modification of deep pools. Deep pools are dependent on maintaining the
timing of the sediment pulse in the river, and the high shear stress of the river during peak
flows. As the cumulative impact of mainstream and tributary dams alters flow magnitudes and
sediment timing, the risk of change to the deep pools will increase.

Figure 3.18. (top left) Mekong River upstream of Kong Chiam showing broad valley and bedrock
constrained channel and bedrock islands; (top right) Alluvial river bank and flood plain along the Mekong
River upstream of Kong Chiam; (bottom left) alluvial river bank in tributary in North eastern Lao PDR
showing lateritic characteristics and susceptibility to erosion; (bottom Right), Graph of Total Suspended
Solids at Pakse showing reduction in suspended sediment over time.

3.3.3 Zone 3 Kong Chiam to Kratie

The zone encompassing Kong Chiam to Kratie is highly variable, and includes alluvial and bedrock
controlled channel reaches. Slope within the zone varies, and is locally steep in the bedrock sections.
An interest characteristic of the reach is the development of anastomosing channels within bedrock in
several sections. These sections also contain a wide range of alluvial deposits and islands. Lozenge
shaped islands similar to those occurring upstream are also present, as are the thick lateritic river
banks. The zone is also characterized by the inflow of the 3S River system (SrePok, SeSan, SeKong)
which contributes a large percentage of water and sediment to the system. Floodplains are generally
concentrated in the upper and lower reaches of the zone, with high flow accommodated within the
broad, multi-channeled reach in the mid-zone.

Geomorphic risks associated with the development of hydropower in the LMB include:
o Bank erosion and channel incision within the alluvial reaches;
o A loss of the sandy insets and islands in the bedrock controlled reaches leading to an increased
exposure of bedrock;
o Loss of vegetation due to inundation, with the ‘flooded’ forests characteristic of this reach at
risk due to the increase in dry season flows;
o The conversion of a river environment to a lake in areas upstream of future dam construction.

Figure 3.19. (top left) Oblique Google Earth image
showing multi-channelled bedrock controlled area
downstream of Pakse, and entrance of the 3S River
system (top right) View of Mekong upstream of
Kong Chiam showing broad channel and bedrock
constrained channel (middle left) multi-island area
upstream of Kratie (middle right) sand deposits on
islands upstream of Kratie (bottom left) fooded
forest near Lao PDR Cambodian border.

3.3.4 Zone 4: Kratie to Chaktomuk and Tonle Sap

The zone extending from Kratie to the Chaktomuk confluence, and the Tonle Sap River and Great Lake
is characterized by alluvial reaches flowing through extensive flood plain deposits. The reach has low
river slopes, and thick lateritic flood plains. Little ‘new’ sediment enters this reach (e.g. minor
tributaries and the tributaries of the Great Lake) and sediment transported by the river is derived from
upstream, or reworking of the floodplain deposits. The lower slope of the river results in the
suspended load of the river being characterized by finer grain sizes as compared to upstream.

The timing and magnitude of flow and sediment moving into and out of the Tonle Sap River and into
the Great Lake are strongly influenced by water level in the Mekong mainstream (see Hydrology
section), and the system provides water and sediment ‘buffering’ to the downstream delta.

Hydropower associated geomorphic risks associate with this zone include:

 A potential increase in bank erosion, channel incision and channel migration associated with
the reduced sediment loads and altered flow regime;
 An increasing disconnect between the river channel and floodplain due to deeper channels
and reduced peak flood flows;
 Loss of vegetation due to inundation associated with increased dry season flow levels;
 A reduction in the magnitude and change in the timing of the sediment pulse entering the
Great Lake.

Figure 3.20. (top left) Google earth image

showing Mekong, Cambodian floodplain and
Tonle Sap system, (top right) Fine-grained river
bank downstream of Kampong Cham, (Middle
left) View of Mekong downstream of Kampong
Cham showing bank protection works, broad
river channel and floodplain (middle right) Clay
material dredged to create channel in Tonle Sap
(bottom left) grain-size distribution of
suspended sediment at Kratie in 2012-2013
showing dominance of silt in suspended load
(Koehnken, 2014)

3.3.5 Zone 5 Delta
From the Chaktomuk confluence to the sea, the Mekong is characterized as a broad, flat alluvial delta
system. The zone has a very low slope, and flow and sediment movement is affected by tidal
influences. No ‘new’ sediment enters the zone, with all material derived from upstream or from re-
working within the deltaic environment. The suspended sediment load is characterized by a higher
proportion of clays and fine silts as compared to upstream, with sand predominantly transported as
bedload. Flow and sediment dispersion in the delta has been modified through the development of
an extensive canal system and other water management infrastructure.

Risks associated with the development of hydropower upstream include:

 Bank erosion and channel incision and channel migration;
 An increasing disconnect between the river channel and floodplain due to deeper channels
and reduced peak flood flows;

 Loss of riparian vegetation due to increased inundation during the dry season;
 Alteration of the seasonal relationship between tidal forces and the flow and sediment pulse
in the Mekong, potentially leading to a modification of salt intrusion in the estuary branches
and the estuarine turbidity maximum;
 Decreasing floodplain availability for water storage through infilling and infrastructure
development can induce channel incision by forcing water to remain within a restricted area.
This can exert a similar pressure on the channel as hydropower projects.
 Reduction in the supply of fine sediment (wash load) to the inundated areas in the delta, due
to sediment trapping by upstream reservoirs and changes to the magnitude and duration of
flood discharges.

Figure 3.21. (top left) Oblique Google Earth image
showing the Chaktomuk bifurcation near Phnom
Penh to the delta shoreline; (top right) Canal and
floodplain in delta area (middle left) Bassac River
near Chau Doc showing development; (middle right)
River bank near Leuk Daek on Mekong River
showing evidence of erosion (bottom left) grain-size
distribution of suspended material at Tan Chau on
the Mekong River, 2012-2013 (Koehnken, 2014).

3.3.6 Interaction between HP impacts and other catchment developments

Hydropower is not the only development in the LMB (or UMB) affecting the river geomorphology. As
discussed in 3.1.5, activities such as sand mining, and infrastructure developed to control flow, channel
alterations to improve navigation, or developments on floodplains can also induce geomorphic change
in the river.

Recognising the potential relationship and linkages between these various development activities is
necessary in order to identify cumulative impacts. Some important feedback mechanisms and linkages

 Channel incision and floodplain isolation: both hydropower and sand mining have the
potential to induce river bed incision and bank erosion through a reduction in the availability
of sediment. The extraction of sand and gravels downstream of hydropower projects has the
potential to exacerbate the impacts of sediment trapping by the HP;

 The extraction of sand combined with the trapping of sediment in HP projects will decrease
the sediment available to the downstream environment for maintenance of depositional
environments, such as the floodplain and delta;
 Pump and storage irrigation projects have the same potential to alter flow regimes and
sediment balances as hydropower developments;

3.3.7 LMB Specific challenges associated with sediment management

The present status of the Mekong River needs to be considered when identifying potential mitigation
measures. The LMB is in a state of change due to developments and activities in the UMB and within
the LMB. These changes are likely to be inducing geomorphic changes to the river channel and
floodplain at present, and need to be recognised when considering ‘baselines’ and potential future

Lancang Cascade & tributary dams: The implementation of the Lancang Cascade has altered the timing
of water and sediment delivery. Changes include increased dry season flows, a delay in the onset of
the wet season, and a less pronounced relationship between flow and sediment. Some of these flow
changes are shown in Figure 3.22. The loss of strong, consistent seasonality within the flow and
sediment regime of the river will make it challenging to identify periods when sediment sluicing or
flushing might be applicable. The variability of flows could also make energy planning more

The flow and sediment regime in the LMB will continue to change into the future as additional
hydropower projects come on line, and other water resource development projects are implemented.
In particular, the larger, inter-annual storage schemes that have been and continue to be developed
in some tributaries will increase the water discharged during the dry seasons, and decrease wet season
flows. These ongoing changes will present challenges for managing downstream dams, and highlights
the need for flexibility with respect to mitigation, and operations. Coordinating operations within and
between catchments is likely to lead to the most efficient operations and best environmental

Geomorphic impact of sediment extractions: Large volumes of sand, pebbles and gravels are extracted
from the Mekong each year for use in floodplain in-filling and construction materials. Recent estimates
(Bravard et al., 2014) based on surveys of extractive operations were of the order of ~35 Mm3/yr, with
most of the extractions occurring in the lower alluvial reaches of the Mekong. The geomorphic impacts
of extractions of this magnitude are unknown, although anecdotal observations suggest increased
bank failure near extractive sites. However, the present degree or rates of change to the banks and
bed of the river are unquantified, so quantifying these impacts is not possible based on present
available information.

Unknown future water resource developments: Predicting future changes to river flow or sediment
input is difficult, as catchment developments over periods of decades to centuries are unknown. The
development of HP projects also increases development opportunities through the establishment of
access roads, lakes and other infrastructure. These developments in turn promote other opportunities,
such as forestry, irrigation, aquaculture, tourism and other recreation which in turn can affect inflows
to HP projects, or require additional regulation of outflows to meet downstream needs or values. As it

is not possible to predict the future, planning and designing for operational flexibility is the best
approach to minimising this risk.

Figure 3.22. Elevated flow during the dry season at Chiang Saen (left) and Pakse (right). Purple line indicates
2014 – 2015 dry season flows, dark blue line denotes the long term average, orange line shows previous year’s
(2013-2014) flow pattern.

3.4 Geomorphology and Sediments Mitigation Measures

This section provides an overview of mitigation approaches relevant to hydropower developments and
includes general descriptions of approaches and the underlying theory behind mitigation measures.

3.4.1 Background information from the MRC Preliminary Design Guidance

The MRC Preliminary Design Guidance for Mainstream Dams (2009) provides an overview of potential
sediment related impacts associated with the development of hydropower projects and approaches
for mitigation and management. These impacts include reservoir deposition, changes to sediment
transport from inflowing tributaries (both in the reservoir and downstream), downstream channel
adjustments related to changes in hydrology and sediment loads and associated impacts on habitat
distribution and quality. A summary of guiding principles for considering sediment related issues during
the planning phase is provided for developers, which highlight the importance of:

 Understanding the relationships between hydraulics, river morphology and ecology;

 Assessing whether dam developments should be avoided in reaches susceptible to severe
morphological change;
 Making dams transparent to sediment transport as much as possible;
 Considering sediment transport issues associated with tributary inputs.

The PDG discusses a range of sediment management options, including sediment routing, sediment
bypass, sediment flushing, mechanical removal, sediment traps and sediment augmentation
downstream of reservoirs. General guidance is provided with respect to site selection, modelling and
monitoring of sediments into, within and downstream of the impoundment, and the inclusion of gates
to enable sediment management options. Operational and ecological issues associated with the timing
of sediment management are also highlighted, with an emphasis on continued monitoring over the
life-cycle of the project to guide management strategies. Reactive measures, such as physical bank
protection are indicated as a means of mitigating impacts which cannot be avoided through
management of the project.

The following sections provide a more in-depth description and consideration of the issues addressed
in the PDG and ISH0306 recommended guidelines.

3.4.2 General approaches to geomorphology and sediment mitigation

As previously discussed, mitigation measures to address sediment transport and geomorphic aspects
of hydropower developments need to be considered at every stage of the HP life-cycle. Mitigation
needs to be an integral part of the planning, development, construction and operational periods of a
project, and not something that is considered reactively, in response to a ‘problem’. The
environmental challenges facing HPs change over time, as impoundments develop and catchment
activities evolve. Frequently the challenges facing a new operation are different as compared to those
facing the same project after decades of operation, and long-term flexibility needs to be a key
component of all mitigation strategies.

Mitigation measures need to be based on an accurate and detailed understanding of the river system,
with ongoing and long-term monitoring at a variety of spatial and temporal required for the
identification and implementation of effective mitigation strategies. Information and monitoring
needs associated with hydropower projects were identified and summarised in the ISH11 Project,
which should be consulted for more detail. Indicators relevant for identifying and evaluating
mitigation measures are discussed in Section 3.5.

Whilst mitigation strategies are generally aimed at ameliorating an impact or stress resulting from
hydropower operations, mitigation strategies should also be considered with respect to the potential
for increasing the operational flexibility of a hydropower project. For example, a re-regulation weir
can help mitigate downstream geomorphic impacts associated with widely fluctuating water levels,
thus providing operational flexibility to the operators of the scheme. Similarly, aeration weirs which
increase the oxygen content of water discharged from a hydropower project enable more flexibility
with respect to operations as releasing low DO water does not pose an environmental risk to the
downstream ecosystem.

An overview of the risks posed by HP development on geomorphic and sediment transport processes
and mitigation options to address these risks are summarised in Table 3.2. The following sections
present an overview of the range of mitigation measures and how they fit within the life-cycle of
hydropower projects.

Range of mitigation strategies

Sediment mitigation can be divided into (1) minimising inputs or (2) maximising throughput in a
reservoir, or (3) physical removal of deposited sediment, with a combination of approaches most likely
to provide the best results. These approaches are summarised schematically in Figure 3.23 and Figure
3.24 based on experience in Japan (Sumi et al, 2015). As shown under the ‘Methods and details of
sediment control measures’ column in Figure 3.24, there are a wide range of infrastructure options /
requirements for sediment management, with the selection of sediment management approach
dependant on the site-specific characteristics of the project.

A range of sediment mitigation approaches have been developed overtime because there is no single
approach that is applicable to all reservoirs, catchments and scenarios. A sound, site specific
understanding of the hydrology, sediment loads, sediment timing, sediment characteristics, reservoir

characteristics and downstream environment are all required for the identification and successful
implementation of mitigation measures.

Figure 3.23. Schematic showing the

range of sediment mitigation
approaches used in Japan (Sumi et
al., 2015).

Figure 3.24. Classification of sediment control measures (Sumi, T. and Kantoush, S.A., 2011).

3.4.3 Master Plan & Feasibility

Sediment and geomorphic mitigation needs to be considered and incorporated at the earliest stages
of HP planning and design. These considerations need to be based on a solid understanding of the
water way and sediment characteristics of the catchment. During the planning and feasibility stages,
site-specific investigations should be initiated to provide a greater level of detail regarding sediment

movement and the geomorphic characteristics of the impoundment area, and downstream river as
compared to what might be available from larger scale catchment assessments.

Siting and design

The siting and design of an HP project will determine its potential impact on the downstream
environment, and guide the selection of mitigation approaches. Evaluating and minimizing potential
impacts associated with siting is considered a fundamental mitigation strategy, as indicated in Tables
5.1-5.5 in Volume 1 where siting options are listed under Avoidance for each of the flow alteration

The location of the development with respect to upstream and downstream tributaries will govern the
amount of power which can be generated by an HP, and will determine which mitigation measures
may or may not be applicable. The geometry of reservoirs and the physical location of tributaries
entering the impoundment will also affect the viability of mitigation measures.

At a local scale, the siting of hydropower projects within extended bedrock controlled reaches can limit
channel widening and bed incision immediately downstream of the project, and assist with the
management of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the discharge (discussed in water quality section).

The process of siting of hydropower projects also needs to consider sedimentation issues, including
managing and mitigating reservoir sedimentation processes and associated storage losses, potential
damage to hydropower infrastructure due to sediments and sedimentation effects, and downstream
geomorphic impacts associated with changes to the sediment regime in the river.

Developments which have large, unregulated tributaries entering short-distances downstream of the
dam wall (or power station discharge point) generally have a reduced impact on the downstream river
system owing to the unregulated flow and sediment inflows provided by the tributaries. A schematic
example of how mitigation strategies and downstream impacts may vary depending on the siting of a
project is shown in Figure 3.25.

Figure 3.25. Example of how siting of an HP can affect

environmental impacts and mitigation options. The diagram at
right shows a hypothetical river with two tributaries. The
A downstream disruption of sediment supply and sediment
management within the impoundment will differ depending on
B whether a dam is constructed at sites ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’.
A dam at ‘A’ will have a smaller impact on downstream flows and
sediment supply as compared to ‘B’ or ‘C’. A development located at
C ‘C’ will need to include sediment mitigation strategy to avoid
sedimentation near power station intakes

During the siting of hydropower projects consideration needs to be given to the larger catchment,
including present and future developments (future hydropower, irrigation projects, possible land use
changes, etc.). Project designs need to be flexible to accommodate potential changes to upstream
water and sediment inflows, and downstream values and water demands. The constraints on project
operations may vary over time depending on the number and location of upstream or downstream HP
projects, and mitigation responses need to be able to adapt to future changes and demands. For

example, Xayabouri will be the most downstream dam when commissioned, and will therefore need
to provide discharge patterns conducive to the downstream transboundary water needs. In the future,
the power project may be upstream of other developments, and the demands for downstream
releases may change.

A catchment approach is required during the planning phase if minimizing sediment input is identified
as an appropriate mitigation option. Coordinated catchment management involving all stakeholders
should be initiated at the earliest possible stage of the project to ensure successful implementation of
catchment management plans and strategies. In Lao PDR, the establishment of National Protected
Areas surrounding impoundments has been adopted as a sediment mitigation approach which also
serves to protect local biodiversity including fauna displaced by development of the impoundment
(Figure 3.26). Long term management of the protected area with respect to disturbance is required for
this strategy to be effective.

Figure 3.26. Locations of National Protected Areas in

Lao PDR, many of which are located in catchments
where hydropower has been, or is in the process of
being developed.

Impoundment size and characteristics (refer to IV.1.2 in Table 5.4, Volume 1): The size and
morphology of hydro impoundments relative to the quantity of water and sediment inflows will be a
determinant factor in governing which sediment mitigation strategies can be adopted at the site.

Instream dams which create impoundments will have a larger effect on river flows and the
downstream environment as compared to off stream dams, or those which only partially obstruct river
flows. In general, small, shallow reservoirs with low residence times have lower downstream impacts
on flow and retain less sediment as compared to large inter-annual storage projects. Smaller
impoundments are also generally more amenable to sediment sluicing or flushing strategies, however
each site is different and a detailed understanding of the morphology of impoundments is required to
guide mitigation

Some general guidance relating the size, water inflows and sediment inflows and applicable mitigation
measures was developed by Basson and and Rooseboom (1997), who identified a relationship between
the capacity of reservoirs and the mean annual water and sediment inflows and appropriate mitigation

measures. This approach has been expanded upon by others, with examples shown in Figures 3.27
and 3.28.

Developments which are characterised by low storage to inflow ratios, and low storage to sediment
inflow ratios are most amenable for sediment flushing, whereas sediment sluicing has been successful
in storages with slightly higher ratios of these parameters. Mitigation strategies for developments with
very large storages relative to water and sediment inflow are more limited in sediment mitigation
options, with long term storage and density current venting being most common.

These parameters have been plotted on a similar graph for the existing Lancang Cascade, Xayabouri
the Lower Sesan 2 proposed development and the Nam Theun 2 (NT2) scheme, based on figures
available in the literature and EIAs (Figure 3.29). The two large Chines dams (Xiawan and Dachaoshan)
and NT2 plot squarely in the ‘storage’ area of the graph, whereas all of the other projects fall within
the realm of sediment sluicing or flushing. Xayabouri is plotted twice, once using the ‘historic’
sediment load estimate of 80 Mt/yr, and the other based on the reduced sediment load measured at
the site following establishment of the Lancang Cascade (~20 Mt/yr). NT2 and Xayabouri post-Lancang
Cascade have relatively low sediment loads compared to the envelope of ‘most world dams’. This is
attributable to the forested nature of the catchment upstream of the NT2 impoundment, and the
sediment trapping occurring in the Lancang Cascade upstream of Xayabouri.

These types of graphs should be considered as a guide only, as other factors, such as the morphology
of the impoundment, and pattern of water and sediment inflows will also determine the applicability
of sediment management strategies. For example, in an assessment of the feasibility of flushing
sediment from reservoirs, Atkinson (1996) found that reservoirs where sediment flushing was
successful tended to be <5km in length, whereas flushing in longer impoundments resulted in far less
removal of material. Sediment sluicing is more applicable to larger and especially longer
impoundments, where the technique has been successful in reservoirs in excess of 50 km.

Also of consideration is the relative location of inflowing tributaries in relation to power station intakes.
Sedimentation in the reservoir in Rangit dam in India experienced uneven sediment deposition and
damage to turbines due to the entrance of a high sediment-bearing river close to the power station
intakes. Mitigation measures developed to address the issue included operating rules governing the
seasonal use of intakes and low level gates to manage sediment inflow and protect, and the
reinforcement of infrastructure with high performance concrete (Sen, 2014).

The lesson provided by these graphs and experiences at different sites is that the types of mitigation
approaches adopted for any project need to be based on the site specific physical, environmental and
economic characteristics of the site and river system.

Figure 3.27. Sediment
management at dams
in Japan (Sumi, 2008 in
Sumi et al., 2015).

Figure 3.28. Potentially

sustainable and non-
sustainable sediment
mitigation measures as
a function of reservoir
capacity (CAP) and
mean annual water
(MAF) and sediment
(MAS) inflows.
Annondale, 2013.

Figure 3.29. Lancang

cascade, Xayabouri,
Lower Sesan 2 and Nam
Theun 2 HP projects
plotted on Basson and
Rooseboom (1997)

3.4.4 Detailed design

During the design stage, the infrastructure required for implementation of the mitigation options
identified during the planning and feasibility phase need to be engineered. Including infrastructure in
the initial design is generally less expensive and more efficient than retro-fitting hydropower station
or dams with mitigation infrastructure after commissioning. The range of potential mitigation

approaches is summarized in Figure 3.24 and sediment mitigation infrastructure related to these
approaches include:

• Off stream impoundments (refer III - IV.2.1 in Table 5.3 and 5.4, Volume 1): Off stream
impoundments can be used to reduce sediment accumulation in a reservoir, by targeting low
sediment bearing water for capture, and allowing periods with high sediment concentrations
to flow unimpeded downstream. Examples of several geometries of off-stream
impoundments are shown in Figure 3.30 and Figure 3.31.

Figure 3.30. Examples of off-

stream impoundments, from the
Reservoir Sedimentation
Handbook (Morris and Fan, 1998).

Figure 3.31. Example of a river

course being used as a bypass
channel for sediment
management (Morris and Fan,

• Bypass canals or channels (refer I.2.4, III-IV.2.1 in Table 5.1 and 5.3, Volume 1): Bypass
structures, whether they are tunnels, constructed canals or existing river channels can be used
to pass high sediment bearing water and bedload around an impoundment, thus decreasing
the trapping of sediment. An advantage of this (and the off-stream impoundment) approach,
is that the seasonality of sediment delivery to the downstream river is maintained.
Sediment bypass channels have been successfully used in Japan and Switzerland for decades,
with construction of relatively steep channels or tunnels which maintain sediment movement.
Table 3.3 show the characteristics of sediment bypass tunnels in use in Japan and Europe, which
Table 3.4 lists the planning, design and management considerations required for successful
implementation of sediment bypass structures.
Operations of bypass structures are typically linked to the seasonal hydrology of the
catchment. An example is the Miwa Dam on the Mibu River in Japan where the sediment
laden flows associated with the rising limb of hydrographs are diverted in to the tunnel. The

‘clear’ water, which is generally associated with the falling limb is stored (Kondolf, et al., 2014).
Bypass infrastructure can be added after the development of a project, as evidenced by the
Wushe dam in Taiwan, where an accelerated loss of storage within the impoundment due to
earthquake induced sediment inputs has led to the investigation of retro-fitting a bypass
structure to the project (Lai et al., 2015). Sediment bypass structures as a mitigation approach
for hydropower is gaining favour internationally, and the First International Conference on
Bypass was held in 2015 in Switzerland.

Table 3.3. Bypass tunnel characteristics in Japan and Europe (Kantosh and Sumi, 2010).

Table 3.4. Planning, design and management considerations of sediment bypass tunnels (Sumi, 2015).

• Upstream sedimentation ponds or check dams (refer III.2.1,III.2.2 in Table 5.3, Volume 1):
Reducing the volume of sediment entering an impoundment can also be accomplished using
upstream sedimentation ponds, or upstream ‘check-dams’ which promote the deposition of
sediment either off stream or in the upstream of the main impoundment. Maintenance of the
ponds involves periodic clearing of the ponds, which is typically done during periods of low

sediment inflow. Recovery of material deposited either upstream of ‘check-dams’ or
deposited naturally at the upstream end of reservoirs can be accessed and excavated during
periods of low flow. The recovered material can be used for local construction or at additional
expense, could be transported to a neighbouring tributary or downstream of the dam site and
discharged back into the river system (Figure 3.32, Figure 3.33).

Figure 3.32.
Schematic of bypass
system and sediment
budget at Miwa Dam,
Japan (Sakurai and
Kobayashi, 2015).

Figure 3.33. Slit

check dam designed
to promote sediment
deposition when
concentrations are
high (Sumi, 2008).

• Re-introduction of dredged material (refer III.2 in Table 5.3, Volume 1): Approaches for re-
introducing excavated or recovered material back into the downstream channel vary,
depending on the nature of the material, and the downstream mitigation goal. Material can
be placed into the base of the downstream channel where low and high water levels will
transport different size fractions downstream, or it can be placed in the channel at levels
where only high flows will mobilise the material, or some combination of the two, as shown in
Figure 3.34 to Figure 3.36.

Figure 3.34. (top left) Schematic bypass
arrangement for Miwa Dam, Japan (after I.E.A.,
2006 in Morris, 2014); (top right) a ‘slit-check-dam’
used to promote the deposition of coarse sediment
prior to entering a reservoir (Kantoush and Sumi,
2010);(left) Gravel mining in the upper end of the
Three River Gorges project in the Yangze (Wang,

Figure 3.35 . Sediment replenishment

methods according to sediment
placement or injection types (a) in-
channel bed stockpile (b) High-flow
stockpile (c) Point bar stockpile, and (d)
high flow direct injection Ock et al., 2013,
in Morris, 2015).

Figure 3.36. Gravel replenishment into Isar at the Oberfohringer Wehr: Excavated material is transported by
truck and deposited in river (left) and naturally distributed by minor flood events (right) (Kantosh and Sumi,

• Infrastructure to promote warping. Warping involves the discharge, diversion or retention of

sediment laden water on floodplains upstream of reservoirs such that the sediments deposit
prior to the water returning to the channel and entering a reservoir. Warping has the added
benefit of depositing nutrient rich sediments on a floodplain, where they can be used in
agriculture, rather than trapping them in a reservoir where they can fuel algal growth and

contribute to water quality issues. Sediment warping is implemented in the middle Yellow
River where there has been extensive erosion on the Loess Plateau. Warping dams are
constructed across incised channels and trap coarse sediments prior to entering the main river
channel (YRCC, 2012). Warping has also be used downstream of impoundments in association
with sediment flushing and sluicing so that the heavily sediment laden water enters the
floodplain rather than the riverine environment (Shaozu and Jinze., 1989).

The following sediment mitigation approaches require infrastructure to be incorporated into the dam
wall to allow the passage of sediment through the impoundment. Generally low level and high level
gates are included in hydropower designs to provide flexibility in implementing mitigation strategies.
Common approaches include:
 Sediment sluicing (refer I.2.3, II2.2, IV.2.2 in Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4, Volume 1). The aim of
sediment sluicing is to maintain sediment in suspension and move it through the
impoundment prior to deposition. Sediment sluicing is applicable to operations which are
located in catchment characterised by distinct wet and dry seasons. Sediment sluicing typically
involves a reduction in the water level in the impoundment prior to the onset of periods when
sediment concentrations are anticipated to be elevated. As sediment concentrations in the
inflow increase, low level (and high level if applicable) gates are opened which increase the
velocity of water through the impoundment, and the sediment rich water is discharged
downstream. Once suspended sediment concentrations have decreased, the low level gates
are closed, and low-sediment bearing water is retained in the impoundment. This approach
has been used for decades as hydropower projects around the world;

Sediment Sluicing typically consists of the following operational steps:

 The water level of the reservoir is drawn down at the end of the dry season in anticipation of
the first major flood pulses, which usually contain the highest concentrations of sediment;
 Water levels are maintained at these reduced levels throughout the initial flood pulse
promoting an increase in the water surface slope (and velocity ) of the water moving through
the reservoir, so a greater percentage of sediment is retained in suspension as compared to
‘normal’ operations;
 The low level gates at the dam are opened during the pulse, and the high-sediment water is
allowed to pass through the dam into the downstream environment;
 Following a reduction in the suspended sediment of the inflowing water, the gates are closed
and water levels are increased for the duration of the wet season, and into the next dry season.
Successful sediment sluicing requires the availability of ‘excess’ water to transport the sediment
through the impoundment, and relatively large capacity outlets, and is generally more successful in
narrow reservoirs where higher flow velocities can be maintained across the impoundment. An
example of how sediment sluicing is managed at the Three Gorges Project in China is shown in Figure

Figure 3.37. Sediment sluicing regime at
Three Gorges Dam, China (top left): Annual
operating curve for the TGD reservoir
showing Normal Pool Level (NPL), Dry
Season Control Level (DCL) and Flood season
control Level (FCL, from Zhou, 2004); (top
right) generalised annual water level curve
compared to suspended sediment
concentrations of inflowing water (Wang,
undated); (bottom left) Modelled volume of
accumulated sediment under the Dry Flood
operating rule shown above, and under
‘basic’ operations without the sediment
sluicing operating rules.

Another example where sediment sluicing is employed is in Africa, where hydropower stations on
several major rivers have been designed to promote downstream migration of sediment to avoid loss
of live storage and to mitigate river channel erosion caused by sediment denuded river discharge. The
proposed 650 MW Dal hydropower project on the Main Nile in Sudan has been designed such that
river discharges during the high flow season can be conveyed through the barrage by a combination
of generating plant and sluice gates with the reservoir level drawn down to Minimum Operating Level.
This strategy was originally established at Roseires upstream on the Blue Nile and has subsequently
been adopted by the hydropower plants on the system including Merowe and the planned Kajbar
project. At Roseires draw down during the low flow season is primarily determined by the need for
irrigation but the result is that the reservoir level is low at the onset of the high river flow period and
sediment deposition is largely avoided in the live storage zone. Downstream sediment migration can
be brought into natural equilibrium after a few years of operation. A similar approach was adopted by
the 128 MW Kapichira project on the Lower Shire in Malawi.

 Turbidity current venting (refer I.2.3, II2.2, IV.2.2 in Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4, Volume 1): Turbidity
venting is similar to sediment sluicing but water levels remain higher in the reservoir as
compared to sluicing. Venting can be achieved when sediment laden water entering an
impoundment is sufficiently dense to ‘flow’ along the bottom of the reservoir to the toe of the
dam wall (Figure 3.38). For this reason, density venting is most suitable to impoundments with
steeply sloping longitudinal profiles.

 Low level gates or deep sluices can be used to ‘vent’ this sediment to the downstream river.
During sediment sluicing or turbidity venting, clean water is frequently released from high level
gates or spillways to dilute the concentration of sediment in the downstream river (Figure 3.38).
Successful turbidity current venting operations have been performed in the Shihmen reservoir
in Taiwan. The turbidity currents usually occur during typhoons, when large amounts of fine
sediments are originating from landslides in the catchment, coinciding with severe rainfall. The
use of 3-dimensional models (a.o. Delft3D) and advanced monitoring techniques allow the
dam operators to optimise the release of the turbidity currents and the amount of clear water
to sufficiently dilute the flow for environmental constraints (Figure 3.40 and Figure 3.41).
 Turbidity venting is also adopted in the Mapragg hydropower project in Switzerland, with low-
level outlets opened once the suspended sediment concentration in the bottom water behind
the dam wall exceeds 2 g/L (Figure 3.42). Venting involves the gradual increase in flow to mimic
a medium sized flood event. Venting continues until suspended sediment concentrations
decrease to below 2 g/L, and then flow is gradually decreased to also mimic a medium flood
event. Maximum sediment concentrations during flushing are projected to be up to 14 g/L
(Boes and Hagmann, 2015).

Figure 3.38. Example of turbidity

venting through a low-level gate to
move sediment through an
impoundment (Morris and Fan,

Figure 3.39. A Google Earth image

of the Plei Krong HP on the upper
Sesan River showing the release of
high sediment bearing water
through low level outlets (or power
house) accompanied by the
discharge of low-sediment bearing
water from the surface of the

Figure 3.40 . Turbidity current
venting through low-level sluice in
Shihmen reservoir (Taiwan), seen
from the spillway from which clear
water from the upper layers is
released to dilute the turbid outflow
(in 2013).

Figure 3.41. Turbidity current in

Shihmen reservoir simulated with
Delft3D (Commandeur, 2015).

Figure 3.42. Water discharge and

suspended sediment concentrations
during density current venting at the
Mapragg hydropower project in

 Sediment flushing (refer I.2.3, II2.2, IV.2.2 in Tables 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4, Volume 1) involves a
similar approach as sediment sluicing however lake levels are reduced to pre-impoundment
levels, enabling the ‘river’ to erode deposited sediments. This approach is efficient at
remobilising sediments deposited in the pre-existing river channel, but may not be effective at
eroding deposits located on historic floodplains.

The use of sediment flushing is widespread internationally. White et al. (1999) and White (2000) have
reviewed the efficacy of sediment flushing based on an analysis of 50 case studies and identified the
following factors which influence the viability and efficiency of sediment flushing:

 Riverine conditions must be created in the reservoir for a significant length of time, with full
drawdown and empty flushing being more effective than partial drawdown;

 The hydraulic capacity of the outlets must be sufficient to maintain the reservoir at a constant
level during the flushing period:
o Flushing discharges of at least twice the mean annual flow are required;
o Flushing volumes of at least 10% of the mean annual runoff should be anticipated;
o There must be enough water available to transport the required volume of sediment;
o A regular annual cycle of flows and a defined flood season provide optimum conditions
for sediment flushing, including monsoon conditions;

 The deployment of lateral and longitudinal diversion channels has been successful in
promoting flushing in reservoirs which are hydrological large or contain significant proportions
of deposition in areas remote from the main flushing channel

 Sediment sizes are an important factor in determining whether the quantity of water available
for flushing will be adequate to remove the desired quantity of sediment from the reservoir;
 Deposited coarse sediments are more difficult to remove than fine sediments;

 Understanding the size range of incoming sediment is important;

 Delta deposits of fine sand and coarse silt are the most likely to produce success in flushing a

 The most suitable conditions for flushing are to be found in reservoirs which are similar in
shape to the incised channel which develops during flushing. Long, relatively narrow reservoirs
are better suited to flushing than short, wide, shallow reservoirs;
 Operational considerations, such as water and power demand can limit the ability to flush

 Pressure flushing differs from other mitigation approaches, as the water level of the
impoundment is not decreased. During pressure flushing, low level gates are opened and
the sediment near the toe of the dam wall is mobilised and discharged from the dam.
Pressure flushing is only effective in the immediate vicinity of the dam as indicate in Figure
3.43 which shows the extent of flushing as a function of water depth and outflow volume.

Figure 3.43. Approximate limit of scour upstream
from low level outlets in static water (from White
and Bettess, 1984, in Atkinson, 1996).

A final type of infrastructure applicable to hydropower projects includes re-regulation weirs or ponds.
The aim of these structures is to reduce downstream bank erosion by reducing water level fluctuations
in the downstream environment. Re-regulation weirs are especially relevant to operations which
intend to operate in a peaking more, and or where water level fluctuations are undesirable, for social
or ecological reasons. At Nam Ngiep 1 in the LMB, a re-regulation weir has been included in the design
of the project which includes a small turbine. In this configuration, energy is also generated by the re-
regulation weir. An example of a re-regulation weir in Cambodia is shown in Figure 3.44.

Figure 3.44. Google Earth image of the Kamchay
Hydropower Project in southwestern Cambodia,
Main Dam showing the main dam and downstream re-
regulation weir.


3.4.5 Construction phase

Mitigating geomorphic and sediment transport issues during the construction phase of the
development is highly dependent on the work completed during the design phase of the project.
During site establishment and construction, large quantities of sediment can be generated through
land disturbance and site preparation works. This especially relevant to areas in the LMB which are
characterized by thick, fine-grained lateritic soils which are susceptible to erosion once exposed.
Identifying and establishing environmentally sensitive access corridors, and using construction
methods which minimize land disturbance are two approaches which can minimize sediment runoff
during the construction phase.

Other approaches include concentrating earth works during the dry season so there is a lower risk of
sediment rich runoff entering local rivers, wetting roads during the dry season to suppress dust
generation and providing physical protection for exposed hillsides and banks which are at risk of
erosion (Figure 3.45). During construction, cut-off drains and settling ponds should be used to capture
and settle material generated from the site. In the longer term, the rapid revegetation of hillslopes
and disturbed areas is considered the best long-term solution to mitigating construction impacts.

Figure 3.45. Slope protection measures
at Nam Ngiep designed to minimise
sediment erosion.

Mitigation measures aimed at reducing impacts in the downstream river or in the impoundment area
can also be initiated during the construction phase. For example, river banks near the discharge point
of the power station which have been identified as having a high risk of erosion and which could affect
infrastructure or communities could be stabilized and buttressed during this phase. Similarly, areas in
the impoundment which are likely to be at risk due to wave induced erosion, or the changes in water
level could also be targeted for preventative stabilization if warranted.

3.4.6 Operational phase

The operational phase of a hydropower project is the longest period within the life cycle of the project.
During this period, the impacts and challenges faced by the operator are likely to change as conditions
within the impoundment, and large catchment change and evolve. It is important that operational
flexibility be incorporated into projects at the feasibility and design stages so that power station
managers have a range of mitigation approaches available over the long period of operations.
Operational approaches to mitigation are relevant to each of the five major flow alterations as shown
in Tables 5.1-5.5, Volume 1.

Operation of a hydropower plant is ideally based on an adaptive management approach, with

operations guided by operational opportunities, and mitigation needs. Figure 3.46 shows an example
of an adaptive management approach for hydropower management. The system is based on
monitoring appropriate indicators, and reporting results on a regular basis either internally or
externally through publications such as State of the Basin reports. The monitoring results are used to
evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures. If the measures are achieving the desired outcome,
then monitoring continues through another cycle.

If indicators are not within desired ranges, then a series of investigations and models may be initiated
to better understand what has changed in the system, and / or what the change in the value of the
indicators signifies. If warranted, mitigation measures can be revised and trialed or implemented,
following which monitoring is again used to gauge the efficacy of the actions.

Figure 3.46. Adaptive management approach to hydropower during the operational phase of the project.

Examples of monitoring linked to adaptive management responses include:

• Monitoring the effectiveness of sediment management strategies, such as sediment sluicing

or flushing with respect to maintaining viable sand bars and banks in the downstream
environment and monitoring the deposition of sediment in the reservoir to assess the
longevity of impoundment, and revising operating strategies as required (e.g., increase or
decrease the duration of sediment sluicing, implement sediment flushing in addition to
sediment sluicing, implement additional catchment management strategies to reduce inputs,
• Monitoring the downstream impact of water level fluctuations on erosion rates of river banks
and modifying the conditions under which flow ramp-downs are required, or adjusting the
ramp-down rate;
• Altering mitigation strategies due to additional hydropower projects coming on line either
upstream, downstream or in tributaries. This might include developing joint operations to
increase efficiencies with respect to mitigation strategies such as sediment sluicing.

During the operational phase it is also important to maintain good monitoring data bases, and to
document changes and actions which have occurred. The operational phase of a project can last
decades to centuries, so ensuring that the knowledge base acquired by one generation is available to
guide future generations is key to efficient long-term operations.

Operating Rules
Operating rules are first defined during the feasibility stage, but implementation occurs during the
operational stage. The success of sediment mitigation measures is largely dependent on the
development and implementation of appropriate operating rules. Examples of the range of operating
rules that are applicable to sediment and geomorphic mitigation include:

 Maintenance of reservoir lake levels within specified ranges to minimise disturbance and
destabilisation of shoreline banks;

 Setting limits for the rate at which lake levels can change to reduce bank erosion;

 Schedules and triggers for operation of sediment bypass canals and tunnel;

 Establishing the yearly lake level targets to maximise efficacy of upstream sediment retention
basins, including recovery of material;
 Identifying appropriate operating patterns associated with the re-introduction of sediment
downstream of a dam;

 Establishing the annual sediment sluicing schedule and requirements, including identifying
appropriate lake levels, dates or triggers for implementation, rates and duration of draw down
and sluicing events, and release volumes from high-level and low-level outlets;
 Schedules for sediment venting, based on inflowing water rates and sediment concentrations;

 Up ramping or down-ramping rules to minimise downstream bank erosion;

Operating rules are site-specific and need to be based on a solid understanding of the hydrology and
sediment characteristics of the project.

Example of Adaptive Management

An example of adaptive sediment management is the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River (USA).
The retention of sediment in the reservoir after the start of operations at the dam in 1962 has caused
a gradual decline of sand bars in the Grand Canyon. Similar to the upstream reaches of the LMB, the
Colorado is a bed-rock dominated channel with sand bars in eddy zones below rapids and stagnant
zones. This decline caused serious loss of fish habitat, and the loss of camping sites for visitors to the
National Park. In response, the US government initiated an operational strategy to mitigate these
impacts, and restore the sand bars. This strategy includes artificial flood releases from the dam after
high tributary flows (with high sand loads) deposit sand in the main river channel. The artificial flood
flows allow sand to be picked up from the bed, and deposited on the remaining sand bars. Presently
studies in this river focus on the impact of turbidity on the distribution of invasive fish species, and on
effects of vegetation on bar development and stabilization. ‘Lessons learned’ from this river, can
contribute to a better understanding and appropriate sediment management in the Mekong bed-rock

Figure 3.47. Bar deposition in the Colorado high-flow release in 2013, at Carbon Canyon (RM 65.1R). Left
situation before high flow, right situation after high flow.

3.5 Indicators and monitoring
The ISH11 project (Improved Environmental and Socio-Economic Baseline Information for Hydropower
Planning) identified information needs for hydropower projects over the project-life-cycle. Table 3.4
summarises parameters and information that are relevant to hydropower planning and operations.
When considering sediments and geomorphology, it is important to implement monitoring regimes
that will provide adequate information at the required scales. For example, short term sediment
transport information is required to understand the timing, seasonality and variability of sediment
inputs, whilst the same information over years and decades is needed to assess how long-term
sediment yields respond to upstream flow alterations, catchment land use changes or climate change.

Table 3.5. Summary of sediment transport and geomorphic indicators as identified by ISH11 (2013).
Parameter Relevance for hydropower planning Parameter Types and
Group and operation Examples
Sediments and Sediment characteristics:
 Influx of sediments to suspended and bedload fluxes,
impoundments is critical for siting seasonality, grain-size, organic
and design of hydro schemes content, mineralogy, lithology
 Need to understand sediment and Geomorphic characteristics
and habitat quantity & quality:
geomorphic processes to design
Channel cross-sections,
appropriate mitigation measures longitudinal channel profiles,
 Changes to sediment fluxes planform features (e.g.
downstream of power stations can channels, sinuosity, braiding),
affect geomorphological and presence of woody debris
Geomorphic rates: rate of
ecological processes and have
channel migration, rates of
social impacts
channel infilling or incision,
 Separating changes due to bank stability, ,
hydropower from the effects of River dynamics: coefficient in
other basin developments/actions variability of depth,
heterogeneity of current
at transboundary locations.
velocities floodplain
connectivity, Tonle Sap
Tidal sediment dynamics: rates
of change and locations for
transport, deposition, erosion

4 Water Quality, Nutrients and Reservoir Stratification

4.1 Status and Overview

4.1.1 Introduction and importance of water quality in river system
Good water quality is critical for human and ecological health. Riverine water quality is affected by
inflows and inputs, as well as instream and groundwater processes. In the context of sustainable
hydropower planning, implementation and management, water quality can have a direct effect on
hydropower infrastructure and operations, and hydropower operations can affect water quality,
especially during storage in reservoirs and release to the downstream environment. The
establishment of hydropower schemes can also lead to the parallel development of new water based
industries (e.g. aquaculture, irrigation, industrial) or social benefits (potable water supply) which have
water quality requirements or impacts that need to be understood. Water quality is also a
transboundary issue, with the potential for cumulative impacts.

The PDG focuses on water quality risks associated with a series of low-head dams as proposed for the
mainstream Mekong in the LMB, emphasizing that larger deeper storages may promote greater
changes. The water quality risks identified by the PDG include changes to physical and chemical water
quality parameters which can impact on the downstream ecosystem, and geomorphology (as related
to sediment concentrations).

The water quality parameters that are important to consider in hydropower developments include
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, nutrients (total and dissolved
phosphorus and nitrogen species) and coliform bacteria. These parameters can be altered during
storage within a reservoir and especially under conditions where thermal stratification can lead to the
development of stagnant water at depth.

Guidance for maintaining water quality includes the design and management of reservoirs which will
achieve the water quality guidelines as set out in the MRC Technical Guidelines for Procedures on
Water Quality. The PDG state the necessity of site – specific water quality monitoring, with the results
to be interpreted within larger scale trends provided by the Water Quality Monitoring Network and
Ecological Health Monitoring Network.

4.1.2 Water quality trends in the LMB

Water quality has been collaboratively monitored by the MRC Member Countries since 1985
(Cambodia began in 1993) through the Water Quality Monitoring Network (WQMN). Monthly results
collected through the WQMN are analysed annually using indicators related to protection of aquatic
life, human impacts and agricultural uses. Water quality in the mainstream Mekong is generally
considered acceptable, based on the results reported by the MRC Member Countries and water quality
Indices reported in annual Water Quality Report Cards (MRC, 2008).

Results for the period 2000 – 2008 are summarised in Figure 4.1 for the indicator ‘Human Impacts on
Water Quality’ which is based on the water quality results for dissolved oxygen, ammonia, total
phosphorus and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). The summary suggests that since approximately
2004 there has been a catchment wide decline in water quality, with the poorest results recorded in

the upper catchment and the delta, with several sites reporting ‘D’ values2. Tributaries (not included
in Table 1.16) generally have acceptable water quality.

Figure 4.1. Water Quality class of Mekong

mainstream stations for ‘Human Impact on
Water Quality’ 2000 – 2008 based on
WQMN results. ND= No results available.

A more detailed investigation of water quality was completed in 2003 and 2004 under the WUP
Programme (MRC, 2007). Water and sediment samples were analysed for a range of contaminants,
including persistent and bio-accumulating organic pollutants such as pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, dioxins
and furans. Concentrations were typically below detection levels or published guidelines, although
several sediment samples gave a positive toxic response to the bioassay organisms. The information is
considered to provide a baseline for future surveys.

More recent WQMN mainstream results (MRC, 2015) also show trends of increasing values for these
water quality parameters. In Figure 4.2 the results from the mainstream sites have been grouped by
year for the parameters ammonia, total phosphorus and COD showing sizeable increases in ammonia
and total phosphorus in recent years.

‘D’ indicates most aquatic lives threatened or impaired.

Figure 4.2. Box and whisker plots of ammonia (top
left) total phosphorus (top right) and Chemical
Oxygen Demand (bottom right) for the period 1995
or 2000 to 2013 showing catchment trends (Ly et al.,

Site specific comparisons for Pakse and Stung Treng show increases in total phosphorus and COD at
Pakse, with increases in ammonia and total phosphorus at Stung Treng. The difference in trends at the
sites highlight the importance of the tributary inputs, with Pakse influenced by the Pak Mun inflow,
and Stung Treng reflecting inputs from the 3S.

Figure 4.3. WQMN results from 2005 – 2012
compared with 2013 results for ammonia (top left),
total phosphorus (top right) and Chemical Oxygen
Demand (bottom left) for Pakse and Stung Treng.

Analysis of WQMN time-series

The WQMN monthly results also provide information about spatial and seasonal changes at the
monthly time-scale. Median monthly temperature, electrical conductivity (EC), total phosphorus and
dissolved nitrogen species (Nitrate + Nitrite) are presented in Figure 4.4 through 4.7 for the period
1985 to 2008. The Temperature results show a warming of water and reduction in seasonal differences
between Chiang Saen and the downstream sites. Prek Dam has higher dry season median temperature
values, probably due to the broad shallow nature of the lake which promotes warming. The delta sites
show a decrease in temperature relative to Kratie during the beginning and end of the wet season.

Electrical conductivity results show similar seasonal trends at all sites except Prek Kdam. In the
mainstream sites EC decreases with distance downstream and is highest during the dry season, which
is typical of rivers. The higher values recorded at Chiang Saen likely reflect the inputs from limestone
areas in the upper catchment. At Prek Kdam electrical conductivity is low during the dry season, and
increases in June as flow from the Mekong enters the river during the peak flood periods.

Monthly median total phosphorus and dissolved nitrogen species (nitrite + nitrate) results provide an
overview of general nutrient trends in the LMB for the same period (1985 – 2008) (Figure 4.6 and 4.7).
Nutrient values in the mainstream Mekong tend to decrease downstream between Chiang Saen and
Kratie, and then increase in the delta sites. The water quality in the Tonle Sap is similar to that of the
mainstream Mekong during the period of inflowing water, but differs during the outflowing period,
with elevated nitrogen concentrations occurring late in the dry season. These higher values likely
reflect the draining of the floodplain as the lake contracts and reflects the high productivity of the

Figure 4.4. Median monthly values for
Temperature between 1985 and 2008 at
Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Pakse,
Kratie, Prek Kdam (Tonle Sap), Tan Chau
and My Thuan based on monthly WQMN

Figure 4.5. Median monthly values for

electrical conductivity (EC) between 1985
and 2008 at Chiang Saen, Nakhon
Phanom, Pakse, Kratie, Prek Kdam (Tonle
Sap), Tan Chau and My Thuan based on
monthly WQMN results.

Figure 4.6. Median monthly values for

Total Phosphorus between 1985 and 2008
at Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Pakse,
Kratie, Prek Kdam (Tonle Sap) Tan Chau
and My Thuan based on monthly WQMN

Figure 4.7. Median monthly values for

Nitrite + Nitrate (NO2+NO3) Phosphorus
between 1985 and 2008 at Chiang Saen,
Nakhon Phanom, Pakse, Kratie, Prek Kdam
(Tonle Sap) Tan Chau and My Thuan based
on WQMN results.

Viewing the WQMN results as time-series provides insights into water quality events and trends over
time. Available results for the period 1985 to 2012 for Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, Nitrite +

Nitrate and COD are shown for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham and Tan Chau in the
following graphs. The results show the following:

 TP (Figure 4.8) and TN (Figure 4.9) show distinct increases around 2002 at the three sites in
the river, with a gradual decrease in concentrations over the following few years. The 2012
results were again elevated. The results from the upper delta (Tan Chau) show overall
higher values, and there is no distinct increase around 2002;
 Ammonia results (Figure 4.10) show small increases at about the same time as the total
nutrient results at Chiang Saen and Nakhon Phanom, but not at the downstream sites;
 The nitrite + nitrate results (Figure 4.11) do not show a punctuated increase around 2002,
suggesting that the increase in TN is not attributable to these parameters;
 The COD results (Figure 4.12) also show increases in the riverine sites at about the same
time, and there is a trend of increasing values in the delta.

Collectively, these water quality results may be reflecting the establishment of the Lancang Cascade,
and other developments in the tributaries, and may be indicative of likely future water quality changes
associated with the establishment of new hydropower projects in the LMB. . Water quality results
from the Lancang Cascade showed that water quality typically deteriorated in the years following
impoundment with improvements noted after a period of about 7 years in the case of the Manwan HP
(Wei, et al., 2009). The increase and subsequent decline in total nutrients, ammonia and COD at the
WQMN monitoring sites is consistent with the decomposition of organic matter in recently inundated
areas. Ammonia and COD commonly increase in the low-oxygen environments created by
impoundments. The large increase in the total nutrients but lack of increase in nitrite + nitrate could
be reflecting the nutrients occurring predominantly as particulate organic P or N, which is also
consistent with the establishment of reservoirs. Land use changes during this period may also be
contributing to the water quality changes.

Some of the nutrient results may also be attributable to a change in the relative proportion of fine to
coarse sediments being transported by the river following establishment of the Lancang Cascade. Liu
et al., (2014) investigated the distribution of phosphorus species in the sediments of the Xiawan,
Manwan and Dachoashan impoundments and found that total phosphorus was correlated with iron in
the sediments, and exchangeable phosphorus
was correlated with the silt/clay component of The lack of dissolved phosphorus results in the
the sediment, suggesting the relationship is WQMN data base is a limitation to
associated with surface area. Differences in the understanding how available phosphorus is
proportion of biologically available phosphorus changing over time in response to water
present in the impoundments were attributed to resource developments in the LMB. It is
different rates of nutrient release from the recommended that this parameter be re-
sediments, with the two newer impoundments included in future monitoring;
(Xiawan and Dachoashan) having higher levels of
The re-inclusion of iron in the WQMN parameter
bioavailable P, presumably elated to the
list would also increase the potential to
degradation of organic material following initial
understand water quality changes associated
inundation. Iron results at Chiang Saen show a
with hydropower developments.
very large increase in the mid-2000s, but
unfortunately the parameter was not included in the WQMN after 2005, so the long-term trend is

unknown. Unfortunately dissolved phosphorus parameters are not included in the WQMN either so it
is not possible to determine whether these trends were discernible in the downstream LMB.

Figure 4.8. WQMN Total phosphorus results for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham and Tan Chau,
1985 – 2012.

Figure 4.9. WQMN Total Nitrogen results for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham and Tan Chau,
1985 – 2012.

Figure 4.10. WQMN ammonia results for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham and Tan Chau, 1985 –

Figure 4.11. WQMN Nitrite + Nitrate results for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham and Tan Chau,
1985 – 2012.

Figure 4.12. WQMN Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) results for Chiang Saen, Nakhon Phanom, Kampong Cham
and Tan Chau, 1985 – 2012.

4.1.3 Changes to sediment and flow and impacts on water quality

As previously discussed in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, there have been considerable changes to the flow and
sediment regimes of the LMB owing to the development of the Lancang Cascade and tributary dams,
and aggregate mining. These changes can affect water quality in a variety of ways:

 Sediments provide a large surface area onto which nutrients and contaminants become
bound. Alteration to the quantity and grain-size distribution of sediments entering the LMB
could alter the transport patterns of nutrients in the Mekong. A possible example of this is
shown in Figure 4.13, where the relationship between TSS and Total Phosphorus shows a
distinct change before and after ~2003. The 2004 – 2008 data sets show a higher TP/TSS ratio
which is consistent with similar amounts of phosphorus being transported on less sediment.
It is likely that the suspended sediment in the 2004 – 2008 period is finer as compared to pre-
2004 (due to preferential retention of sediment in the hydropower impoundments), so it is
possible that the fate and transport pathways of the nutrients differ between the two periods.
Nutrient fluxes and budgets are being derived from the catchment and will be contained in
subsequent reports.
 The reduction in suspended sediment entering the LMB from China can affect water quality by
increasing the light penetration to the river (or potentially hydropower). Light penetration is
likely to increase when suspended sediment concentrations are below 100 mg/L. The
comparison between historic and recent suspended sediment concentrations at Chiang Saen
(Figure 4.14) shows that median sediment concentrations were below this value for three
months of the dry season prior to development of the Lancang Cascade, whereas in the recent
data set this occurs for six months. Much of this increase is attributable to the delayed onset
of flood flows relative to unregulated conditions (Figure 4.15). An increase in light penetration
can promote algal growth, and increase water temperatures, which in turn can affect
parameters such as dissolved oxygen.

Figure 4.13. TSS compared to Total Phosphorus at
Chiang Saen for the periods 1985 – 2003 and 2004 –

Figure 4.14. Comparison of suspended sediment concentrations at Chiang Sean during the dry season for the
period 1968 – 1992 (left) and 2009 – 2013 (right) showing large reduction.

Figure 4.15. Comparison of flow at Chiang Saen in

1985 and 2013 demonstrating the delayed onset of
high flows, reduced peak flows and higher low
season flows in 2013 relative to the historic record.

The existing trends and risks associated with water quality in the LMB are summarised in Table 4.1.
Additional vulnerabilities and risks associated with hydropower development in the LMB are
discussed in the following section.

Table 4.1. Present water quality trends that are relevant to hydropower planning and operations.

Trend HP Risk

Increasing nutrient concentrations Algal growth in impoundment with the potential to

impact ecosystems & human health;
Algal growth can reduce oxygen levels which can affect
the quality of discharge from a power station;
Increasing COD Consume oxygen in impoundments contributing to the
creation of low DO conditions;
Increased risk of discharging low DO water from power

Trend HP Risk

Increased risk in promoting the release of

nutrients/contaminants from sediments
Increasing light penetration Promote algal growth in impoundment and in
downstream environment
Delayed onset of wet season Increased water temperature
Prolonged growth of algae during dry season
Change to sediment delivery Change to light penetration & nutrient transport

4.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities

This section reviews the potential impact that the development of hydropower projects can have on
water quality, based on the five large-scale changes typically associated with hydropower. The risks
and associated with each of these flow changes are summaries in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Risks associated with hydropower development in the LMB associated with water quality
characteristics and trends.
Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Annual / inter-annual changes to flow

Changes in seasonality & Changes / loss of seasonal temperature patterns downstream
continuous uniform
Change in relationship Increased water clarity increasing risk of algal growth
between flow and Increased water clarity increasing water temperature
sediment delivery
Daily / short-term changes in flow
Hydro-peaking or Fluctuating water quality including increase in variability of temperature
fluctuating discharge and nutrients
Altered concentrations of downstream discharges or inputs
Loss of river connectivity
Changes to nutrient Trapping of nutrients within impoundment leading to change in
transfer downstream delivery
Creation of impoundments
Conversion of river to Lake stratification leading to low dissolved oxygen bearing water and
lake release of nutrients, metals or pollutants from sediments
Increased water clarity in lake increases risk of algal blooms
Temperature change in lake (warmer or cooler)
DO and temperature of discharge affected by impoundment – Low DO or
high gas supersaturation
Diversions or intra basin transfers
Diversion of water from Change in nutrient and other water quality parameters in both donor and
one catchment to receiving catchments

4.2.1 Annual /inter-annual flow changes

The physical and chemical characteristics of water can be altered during impoundment through
physical processes, such as the warming or cooling or water, or chemical processes, such as redox

reactions associated with low dissolved oxygen conditions. These processes are discussed in more
detail in Section 4.2.4.

Inter-annual storage of water commonly leads to alterations in the temperature of water released
from the power station relative to the ‘natural’ condition. In areas where there is a strong seasonality,
this difference may be considerable, and affect the ecology of the downstream river system. The depth
of the water intake is a factor in determining temperature changes to water; high-level intakes that
draw water from at or near lake surfaces may be seasonally more adjusted as compared to water
drawn from deep in impoundments where temperatures can remain constant throughout the year.

The example in Figure 4.16 is from the final impoundment in a cascade in Australia and has a high level
intake. Median water temperatures during summer (Feb) and winter (July) are similar to values
obtained from nearby unregulated tributaries, however, during autumn and spring there is a
considerable difference in temperatures.

Reductions to dissolved oxygen during summer periods when lakes are stratified is also a common
feature of hydropower projects that store water over annual or inter-annual time scales.

Figure 4.16. Comparison of water temperature in the release from a power station and an unregulated
tributary, showing warmer autumn temperatures and cooler spring temperatures in the power station release.

Long-duration storage such as that associated with the inter-annual storage schemes, can also
promote increased algal growth within impoundments due to the generally slow velocity of the
water, which enables algae to remain at the surface, and increased light penetration following the
deposition of sediments. The risk of algal growth will increase if there are elevated nutrient
concentrations within the water way, and if water and air temperatures are warm.

4.2.2 Daily or short-time period flow changes

Hydropeaking, or similar short duration releases from hydropower stations, can alter water quality in
the downstream river system by discharge ‘pulses’ of water modified during storage resulting in
fluctuating temperature, electrical conductivity or other water quality characteristics in the
downstream environment. An example of ‘thermo-peaking’ associated with hydropeaking is shown in
Figure 4.17 where power station operations can result in temperature changes of up to 15°C in short
periods of time.

Figure 4.17. Comparison of water temperature downstream of a hydropeaking power station (John Butters
Power Station on the King River, Tasmania, Australia) and in a nearby unregulated tributary.

4.2.3 Loss of river connectivity

The loss of river connectivity is closely related to the establishment of an impoundment and the
potential for sediment deposition and nutrient capture. A large proportion of nutrients are typically
associated with sediments in a river, but the nutrients are not uniformly distributed within sediments.
The preferential capture of certain size-classes of sediment will alter the delivery of nutrients
downstream, but not in a uniform manner. An example of nutrient and sediment changes associated
with hydropower impoundments is shown in Figure 4.18 for the Susquehanna River, USA.

The balance shows that approximately 70% of the sediments were trapped in the impoundments, but
this resulted in only a 2% decrease in Nitrogen and 40% decrease in Phosphorus export to the
downstream catchment. These differences are attributable to larger sediments being more efficiently
trapped within impoundments, but nutrients being more commonly associated with finer-grained

Figure 4.18. Sediment
and nutrient capture in
the Susquehanna River,
USA (USGS, 1998).

4.2.4 Conversion of river to lake

The conversion of a river to a lake can lead to major changes in water quality, with the degree of change
usually associated with the duration of impoundment. Typical changes include

 Temperature alterations: Temperatures can decrease in surface waters and decrease in sub-
surface waters relative to the temperature of unregulated rivers. An example of this for the
Nam Theun 2 Reservoir is shown in Figure 3.78;

 Thermal stratification: Temperature differences between surface and sub-surface waters can
lead to stratification of a water body with colder more dense water overlain by less dense
 Reductions in sub-surface oxygen concentrations: During periods of thermal stratification,
there is no contact between the bottom water and the atmosphere. As oxygen in the sub-
surface water is consumed by normal biological processes, conditions of low or no dissolved
oxygen may result (Figure 3.80). Following the exhaustion of oxygen, methanogens and
sulphate reducing bacteria will become active, leading to the generation and potential release
of methane and hydrogen sulphide from impoundments. This is a very common issue during
the first 5 to 10 years following establishment of an impoundment. Because methane is a
potent greenhouse gas, consideration of the climate change impact associated with
development of the impoundment is often assessed within the context of the renewable
energy generated by the project in the EIA process. Hydrogen sulphide is a potentially highly
toxic gas that can also cause irritation at low concentrations;
 Conditions of low dissolved oxygen can lead to the reduction and dissolution of iron and
manganese oxy-hydroxides, increasing the dissolved concentrations of these parameters, and
any other metals, nutrients or contaminants associated with the iron or manganese. ;

 Reductions in the dissolved oxygen content of the river downstream of the impoundment due
to release of low DO from depth in the impoundment;

 Increases in iron, manganese or other metals, contaminants or nutrients associated with low
dissolved oxygen conditions in the impoundment. Increased iron concentrations in the
discharge from the Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project have been recorded, and have had
impacts on hydropower infrastructure (Chanudet et al., 2015);
 The methylation of mercury has been found to occur within impoundments if the metal is
present in the soils or bedrock underlying the area or there is a pathway through which it can
enter the impoundment. The increased methylation is attributable to increased microbial
activity in the water body. Mercury has been identified as a contaminant of concern in the
UMB impoundments and waterways (He et al, 2009);

 A reduction in suspended sediments in the impoundment can increase light penetration

leading to increased algal and plant growth. This in turn can consume oxygen from the water
column. Noxious plant growth can also affect hydropower infrastructure. The growth of
water hyacinths has impacted operations at the Kafue Gorge project in Zambia and at the
Owens Falls Project in Jinja, Uganda by causing blockages of hydropower turbines (UNEP,
 Very high dissolved oxygen concentrations associated with aeration of water during power
station generation or subsequent aeration.

Figure 4.19. Water temperature

(°C) profiles in the Nam Theun 2
Reservoir (RES1 and RES9)
between 2008 and 2013 (WD:
warm dry season, WW: warm wet
season, CD: cool dry season).
(Chanudet et al., 2015).

Figure 4.20. Dissolved oxygen

(mg.L-1) profiles in the Nam Theun
2 Reservoir (RES1 and RES9)
between 2008 and 2013 (WD:
warm dry season, WW: warm wet
season, CD: cool dry season).
(Chanudet et al., 2015).

Figure 4.21. Schematic showing
mercury cycling within an
impoundment. (Mercury
Pollution: Integration and
Synthesis. Copyright Lewis
Publishers, an imprint of CRC
Press.in USGS, 1995).

4.2.5 Inter intra-basin transfers

Neighbouring catchments or sub-catchments can have quite different water quality characteristics
depending on the underlying geology and land-uses, and diverting water between basins may change
the physical or chemical attributes in both catchments. The lower flows in the ‘donor’ catchment may
lead to increased water clarity due to a decrease in sediment concentrations or increased water
temperature, due to slower moving water. The ‘receiving’ catchment may be subjected to fluctuating
or continuous changes to water quality, depending on the pattern of water release. An example of
this has been documented through the Nam Theun 2 monitoring program where changes to the
concentration of calcium in the water have been linked to small changes in the macroinvertebrate
assemblage present downstream.

4.2.6 Other risks associated with hydropower developments

In addition to the water quality risks associated with present water quality trends in the catchment
(Table 4.1) and risks associated with the establishment and operation of hydropower projects (Table
4.2), there are some other long-term risks that need to be recognised and considered in the context of
hydropower mitigation and management.

Catchments and catchment uses change over time, and water quality usually reflects these changes.
Land use changes such as the clearing and conversion of forests to agricultural lands, development of
irrigation schemes and increasing the number of crops grown in a year are all possible future
developments which have the potential to alter the quality of water entering the Mekong mainstream
and tributaries.

The development of hydropower schemes can increase the availability of a reliable or potable water
supply, which in turn may fuel growth and development in the area. More directly, aquaculture
opportunities within impoundments, increased populations and increased access can all lead to
increased pressure on water quality.

In the context of mitigation, these future potential changes are impossible to identify with a high
degree of confidence prior to development of the scheme, so future water quality risks need to be
considered when mitigation options are being identified for a hydropower scheme.

An additional risk facing the LMB with respect to water quality is the timing and intensity of
hydropower development in the catchment. It is recognised that following filling of an impoundment
and extending into the first few years of hydropower operation water quality tends to be poorest
owing to the degradation of organic matter in the inundated area. The filling and commissioning of a
large number of hydro-power projects in the tributaries of the LMB are scheduled to occur within a
relatively short period of time. This situation could result in a cumulative degradation of water quality
in the LMB, as reduced water quality enters from the tributaries.

4.3 Water Quality Mitigation Measures

4.3.1 General
Mitigation approaches for water quality need to be considered at all stages of the hydropower life
cycle. Water quality needs to be considered within a catchment context to include the water entering
the impoundment, the processes occurring within the impoundment, and the potential downstream
impacts associated with discharge from the power station and impoundment. Maintenance of good
water quality entering and within the impoundment is not only of environmental and social benefit,
but good water quality is also required for the maintenance and efficient operation of hydropower

Water quality will change over the life-cycle of a hydropower project so mitigation and management
needs to be based a good understanding of the catchment which requires monitoring at a range of
temporal and spatial scales. In the LMB, the existence of the WQMN provides a sound basis at the
catchment scale for water quality characteristics and trends, but additional site-specific and more
frequent monitoring is required to underpin sustainable management of water quality issues. Water
quality monitoring and indicators are discussed in more detail Section 4.4.

Changes to water quality over time will include catchment changes which affect inflowing water,
evolution of the impoundment which can alter the physical and chemical attributes of water during
storage, and downstream needs and ecological values. These factors necessitate that hydropower
developments be flexible with respect to mitigation approaches, and be guided by adaptive
management. Water quality management needs to be integrated with flow and sediment
management and mitigation, as these are inter-related.

4.3.2 Background information from the MRC Preliminary Design Guidance

The PDG focuses on water quality risks associated with a series of low-head dams as proposed for the
mainstream Mekong in the LMB, emphasizing that larger deeper storages may promote greater
changes. The water quality risks identified by the PDG include changes to physical and chemical water
quality parameters which can impact on the downstream ecosystem, and geomorphology (as related
to sediment concentrations).

The water quality parameters that are important to consider in hydropower developments include
temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, Biological Oxygen Demand, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and
coliform bacteria. These parameters can be altered during storage within a reservoir and especially
under conditions where thermal stratification can lead to the development of stagnant water at depth.

Guidance for maintaining water quality includes the design and management of reservoirs which will
achieve the water quality guidelines as set out in the MRC Technical Guidelines for Procedures on
Water Quality. The PDG state the necessity of site – specific water quality monitoring, with the results
to be interpreted within larger scale trends provided by the Water Quality Monitoring Network and
Ecological Health Monitoring Network.

The following sections provide a more in-depth description and consideration of the issues addressed
in the PDG.

4.3.3 Master Plans and feasibility

Water quality considerations need to be included in catchment level-Master Plans and hydropower
feasibility studies, as highlighted under sections I to IV in Tables 5.1 – 5.5, Volume 1. Planning should
be based on a sound knowledge of the catchment, and risk-assessments as to the quality of water
entering the impoundment, and water quality needs and considerations downstream of the
impoundment should be considered at the earliest stages of the project.

The siting and morphology of impoundments will have a direct impact on long-term water quality
characteristics. The size, morphology and through-flow of an impoundment will dictate whether
stratification will occur, which in turn exerts a strong control on water quality over the life of the
project. In general, small reservoirs in which the inflow greatly exceeds the volume of storage will
have lower risks with respect to stratification due to short storage periods. However, even low volume,
short storage duration impoundments can stratify if they are long, narrow and deep, with a large
proportion of ‘dead’ storage. The location of the power station intake will also affect mixing within
the reservoir, as the intake will generate ‘currents’.

Small volume reservoirs also tend to exert less of an impact on downstream water quality, as retention
time is low so physical characteristics such as temperature or dissolved oxygen have less time to
change during storage, and the discharge is likely to retain its seasonality. Wind mixing may be
sufficient to maintain a thermally mixed and well oxygenated reservoir if the impoundment is shallow.

The siting of dams should consider the potential for the downstream reach to induce turbulence in the
discharge, which is beneficial for both aerating, and de-gassing water and promoting mixing. Mixing
can be important if water is being released from multiple levels within the lake. Project design and
siting should also consider the proximity of communities which may be affected by noxious odours
associated with the release of hydrogen sulphide bearing water, especially during the first years of

Water quality impacts can also be ameliorated if unregulated tributaries enter immediately
downstream of the impoundment. These tributaries will decrease the percentage of regulated flow in
the river, and provide seasonal cycles with respect to temperature and water quality parameters.

An example of where the siting of a hydropower project was influenced by water quality issues is the
John Butters Power Scheme on the King River in Tasmania, Australia. The dam and power station were
intentionally situated upstream of a tributary which transports contaminated mining waste from an
historic mine site. The low pH, high acidity water in the tributary, and associated high suspended solids
content at times lead to concerns about the potential impact on hydropower infrastructure, and the
potential water quality of the impoundment (Figure 4.22).

Figure 4.22. John Butters
Power Power Station on the King
Station River in Tasmania,
Australia. Siting of the HP
was guided by presence of
tributary contaminated by
acidic discharges from
historic mine sites.

During the design and planning phase, clearing of the area of inundation needs to be considered. The
clearing of reservoir areas is generally completed to reduce the amount of organic matter that will
decompose following inundation. Recent investigations have indicated that a large proportion of the
carbon is associated with soil organic matter that is not removed during clearing. Additional vegetation
growth may occur between the time of clearing and reservoir filling which will also affect the net
volume of carbon reduction. Fish monitoring in Nam Theun 2 has found that fish population in terms
of biomass and abundance was enhanced in areas of structured habitat in the form of inundated trees
suggesting that leaving some vegetation may be beneficial as fish habitat (Cottet et al., 2015).

Each reservoir needs to be considered on a site-specific basis, with issues such as access and collateral
damage assessed. Providing access inundation areas may prove harmful in the long term if
deforestation extends beyond the area of inundation, or the access roads provide future access to
areas which are desirable to protect.

Greenhouse gas emissions: As part of the water quality investigations associated with the
establishment of an impoundment, the potential for methane release during the life cycle of the
storage needs to be considered, and placed in a comparative context with the amount of greenhouse
gases released through other electricity generating methods. Table 4.3 compared greenhouse gas
emissions for various energy sources, and shows the large range associated with hydropower
operations, with the differences largely attributable to the latitude of the project. Tropical reservoirs
have the potential to have higher GHG yields owing to the greater carbon stores within impoundments,
and the potential for ongoing high carbon inputs to the impoundment. In temperate and boreal areas,
the GHG emissions have been found to peak within 3 to 5 years of inundation, whereas the time
periods associated with tropical reservoirs can be much longer (Tremblay, et al., 2009).

Table 4.3. Full energy chain greenhouse gas emission factors in g CO2 equiv / kWh(e) h-1 (modified from IAEA,
1996, Tremblay et al., 2009).

Measurements of GHG emissions from Nam Theun 2 in eastern Lao PDR prior to, and during the first
2 years of operation was completed by Deshmukh (2013), and estimates of 310 and 300 gCO2 eq/kWh
were derived for the two years. These years likely represent some of the highest emissions during the
project’s life cycle. The investigation also found that up to 25% of the GHG emission could be
attributed to exposed banks during reservoir drawdown. The GHG emission rate for Nam Thuen 2 is
compared to the energy production technologies in Figure 4.23.

Figure 4.23. Estimates of lifecycle GHG emissions (gCO2eq.kWh-1) for broad categories of electricity generation
technologies (IPCC, 2012). The red star indicates the GHG emissions factor for the first 2 years after
impoundment of the NT2 Reservoir (which is not the lifecycle GHG emissions).

4.3.4 Detailed design
The inclusion of infrastructure to allow mitigation and management of water quality issues needs to
be considered and incorporated into the planning and design stage of the project. Management
options for water quality issues considered as having a high risk of occurring (such as low dissolved
oxygen levels for several years after creation of an impoundment), need to be addressed as well as
including infrastructure that will provide future flexibility with respect to operations and water quality
issues. The long life span of hydropower projects it is not possible to predict all potential future water
quality issues with any degree of certainty, and having infrastructure which can be used in an adaptive
management approach is the best way to reduce future water quality risks. Examples of infrastructure
associated with water quality mitigation are described in the following sections.

Multiple inlets / outlets, including high level (refer I.2.3, II.2.2, III.2.2, IV.2.3 in Tables 5.1 – 5.4, Volume
1): The depth from which water is drawn from a reservoir will affect the water quality entering the
power station and released to the downstream environment. Figure 4.24 shows how different outlet
levels can be used to release anoxic bottom mixed with sediments, cold deep water or warmer well
oxygenated water from above the thermocline. These different outlet levels can be used to maximise
or minimise discharges from a specific level of the lake, or be used to mix waters. Multiple intakes are
applicable for management of the release of seasonally appropriate water temperatures or minimising
the release of anoxic water. These outlets are also applicable for sediment mitigation approaches,
including the sluicing or flushing from low levels and providing ‘clean’ water from higher level outlet.

Operating patterns of power stations can also be used to manage dissolved oxygen concentrations in
reservoirs. The drawing of water from different levels induces currents within the impoundments
which will draw ‘newer’ more oxygenated water into the impoundment Turbine ‘pulsing’ through low-
level outlets has been used to keep sub-surface waters from stagnating.

Figure 4.24. Multiple level outlets in a dam

allowing discharge of water of differing
characteristics. (Thornton et al 1996, after
Cole and Hannan, 1990).

Passive aeration approaches and infrastructure (refer II.2.4, IV.2 in Tables 5.2 and 5.4, Volume 1): Low
dissolved oxygen in hydropower impoundments is a common issue, and numerous passive mitigation
measures have been developed to increase the dissolved oxygen concentrations of water downstream
of dams and power stations. Most exploit gravity to induce turbulence in the flowing water, which
increases aeration. Figure 4.25 shows a range of passive techniques which have been adopted at sites
within the LMB, and internationally. The turbulence of water can be increased by ‘flow splitters’ as it
passes over spillway gates as employed at Pak Mun dam, in Thailand. At Nam Theun 2, an aeration
weir provides aeration as water flows over the structure within the discharge channel. Intermittent

smaller weirs in the discharge channel also assist with aeration. The aeration provided by the weirs
also induces the precipitation of iron from the water, thus reducing downstream concentrations. At
Nam Ngiep 1, a ‘Labyrinth’ spillway design increases the aeration of water over the spillway and in the
downstream river. The Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States have incorporated an ‘infusion’
weir downstream of a hydropower project which oxygenates the surface water discharge as it passes
through the structure.

An example of the change in dissolved oxygen provided by the mitigation measures employed at Nam
Theun 2 is provided by comparing the dissolved oxygen concentrations with those in Figure 4.26.

Figure 4.25. Examples of passive aeration structures. (top left) flow ‘splitting’ features on the top of the
gates at Pak Mun dam, Thailand; (top right) aeration weir at Nam Theun 2, Lao PDR, (bottom left) design of
labyrinth spillway at Nam Ngiep 1 (Kansai, 2013), (bottom right) Infusion weir at Chatuge Dam, North

Figure 4.26. Water temperature
(°C) and dissolved oxygen (mg.L-
1) profiles in the regulating pond
(REG1) between 2009 and 2013.
(WD: warm dry season, WW:
warm wet season, CD: cool dry
season). Chanudet et al., 2015

Auto-venting turbines (refer II.2.4, IV.2 in Tables 5.2 and 5.4, Volume 1): Auto-venting turbines vent
low pressure areas within turbines to the surface to draw air into the turbine during power generation
(Figure 4.27). Introducing air during power generation has been commonly employed since the early
1960s (March, 1992) and is used to optimise power generation as well as improve downstream
environmental conditions. The introduction of air into the turbine can occur at different points within
the turbine, and different approaches provide the most benefit at different turbine loads.

Figure 4.27. (top) Auto-venting turbine aeration methods, showing Central, Distributed and Peripheral Air
intakes, (bottom) Auto-venting hub baffle on a turbine (Tennessee Valley Authority website).

Active aeration approaches (refer II.2.4, IV.2 in Tables 5.2 and 5.4, Volume 1): The active pumping of
air or injection of oxygen into reservoirs has been used to oxygenate water whilst still in storage in the
impoundment. Examples of these systems as used by the Tennessee Valley Authority are shown in
Figure 4.28.

Figure 4.28. (left) Surface water pumps which oxygenate sub-surface water at the Douglas Dam in
Tennessee, USA, (right) Oxygen injection system used to inject liquid oxygen through a diffuser hose deep in a
reservoir (TVA website).

Managing over oxygenated water. Water which contains high levels of dissolved gases is also
potentially harmful to aquatic environments as elevated dissolved gas levels can induce gas-bubble
disease, a potentially fatal disease which can harm fish, amphibians and macroinvertebrates.
Generally gas saturation in excess of 120% is associated with the condition, although the depth of the
water and temperature will also affect gas saturation. Gas Bubble Disease (GBD) generally occurs
during the release of highly turbulent water, such as ‘spills’ during large flood events. GBD has also
been associated with the over-oxygenation of water as it passes through a power station. Gas can be
entrained as the water flows through trash-racks prior to entering the station, or if air is injected to
reduce cavitation or enhance environmental releases.
Mitigation approaches to reduce the risk of releasing water containing high levels of dissolved gases
 Continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen in the tail water and adjustment of air injection
or auto-venting turbines to maintain gas levels within acceptable limits;
 Installation of infrastructure to reduce turbulence associated with the discharge or spill of
 Siting of projects in areas where downstream turbulence will assist with de-gassing of the

An example of gas bubble disease mitigation is provided by the Yacyreta Hydropower project on the
Parana River between Argentina and Paraguay (IEA, 2006). The 3,000 MW project was completed in
1994 and is operated by the Entidad Binacional de Yacyreta. The presence of an island in the river at
the dam site resulted in the construction of a split spillway system. Soon after construction of the dam,
but prior to operation of the power station, a mass fish mortality event occurred downstream of the
spillway, with the cause identified as gas bubble disease. Investigations identified that symmetric
discharge through the partially opened gates was responsible for the event, with gas saturation levels
reaching 150% downstream of the impoundment (compared to 100% within the impoundment). It
was also revealed that the high gas bearing water was very slow to mix with the underlying turbine
discharge water, with elevated gas conditions persisting for 90 km downstream.

Operating procedures which restricted the use of partially opened spillway gates were implemented
to manage the situation in the short term. In the longer term, deflectors were installed at the
downstream slope of the spillway which smoothed the flow and greatly reduced the entrainment of

gas in the discharge entering the stilling basin (Figure 4.29). The deflectors, in combination with
operating procedures that require symmetrical use of the spillways resolved the GBD issue.

Figure 4.29. (left) Spillway flow at time of fish mortality event; (right) Flow over spillway following installation of

In reservoir management of water quality (Refer III.2 in Table 5.3, Volume 1): Water quality trends and
processes will vary depending within an impoundment, with most lakes characterised by a ‘riverine’,
‘transitional’ and ‘lacustarine’ zone (Thornton, et al, 1996). A schematic of these areas and their typcial
characteristics are summarised in Figure 4.30. in situ strategies to mitigate water quality are typically
related to maintenance of water circulation to reduce oxygen consumption (including air injection), or
mixing of surface waters to minimise algal growth. Solar powered mixers (Figure 4.31) can reduce algal
growth by mixing surface waters and reducing conditions favourable for growth. These are typically
used in scenarios where the impoundment is utilised for drinking water as mixing reducing the risk of
blue-green algal growth.

Where aquatic plant growth interfers with hydropower or other infrastrucutre, or navigation, the
physical harvesting of plants in limited areas may be utilised (Figure 4.32).

Figure 4.30. Longitudinal

zonation of water quality
conditions in reservoirs (Thornton
et al., 1996, modified from
Kimmel and Groeger, 1984).

Figure 4.31. Solar powered
mixer to reduce the growth of
noxious algae in reservoirs.

Figure 4.32. Macrophyte

harvester used to remove plant
growth around infrastructure.

4.3.5 Construction
The construction phase of a hydropower project is a discrete phase which requires specific water
quality mitigation approaches. Construction can involve large scale land disturbance, the use of large
volumes of fuels, explosives, drilling reagents and other chemicals. Best practice construction and
reagent handling techniques are required to minimize the runoff of sediment and contaminants into
water ways. The use of cut-off drains, sediment or grease and oil collection and settlement ponds and
the bunding of areas using hydrocarbons are all common approaches to water quality maintenance.
The education of the workforce and implementing a site-wide awareness of best practice techniques
is also critical to successful water quality management.

The construction phase of hydropower projects generally results in a large influx of people to the area,
which may continue after commissioning. A rapid increase in population necessitates that waste and
waste water management systems be implemented prior to project construction, and high standards
of sanitation be incorporated at work camps. Waste generated during the construction phase should
not be disposed of in the future impoundment area, and a long-term waste management plan for the
region should be developed which provides long-term protection of water quality in the catchment.
At Nam Ngiep 1 in Lao PDR, waste management has included the development of a landfill well
removed from the river for the disposal of non-recyclable waste.

As catchment populations increase during and after the construction phase, the hydropower
developer should work with the local and regional governments to ensure that adequate municipal
and industrial water quality infrastructure be implemented and maintained. The local opportunities

provided by the establishment of an impoundment need to be managed and regulated such that waste
water discharges will not compromise water quality within the impoundment.

Figure 4.33. Landfill at Nam Ngiep 1 for the

disposal of non-recyclable waste.

4.3.6 Operational Stage

Water quality management during the operational stage of the development needs to be based on
monitoring and the adoption of adaptive management (refer the ‘Operations Column’ in Tables 5.1-
5.5, Volume 1). Water quality risks and challenges will change between seasons and over years, and a
flexible approach, based on sound monitoring is the best management strategy for maintaining
acceptable water quality within and downstream of a hydropower project.

During the operational phase, operating rules related to dissolved oxygen within and downstream of
the reservoir need to be developed and implemented utilising the range of management and
infrastructure options incorporated during the planning and design stages.

Continuous monitoring and management of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the discharge from
dams and power stations is required to minimise downstream impacts. Over longer time frames, the
potential impacts of catchment developments and activities need to be considered within the context
of water quality mitigation, and a cooperative catchment management approach is can usually provide
the best outcomes.

4.4 Water quality indicators and monitoring

The ISH11 project (Improved Environmental and Socio-Economic Baseline Information for Hydropower
Planning) identified monitoring and information needs for hydropower projects over the project-life-

Table 4.4 contains a summary of the range of information requirements associated with water quality,
and summarises indicators which can provide the required information. When considering water
quality, it is important to implement monitoring regimes that will provide adequate information at the
required scales. For example, continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring is required to ensure
downstream impacts associated with power station discharge are minimised, whilst catchment
information is required over scales of years to decades to assess how long-term catchment
development may affect reservoir inflows.

Water quality indicators associated with managing hydropower operations within a catchment context
are summarised in Table 3.12, indicators associated with specific water uses are summarized.

Table 4.4. Water quality parameters and indicators applicable to Hydropower operations from ISH0306.

Type of Relevance for hydropower planning and Indicator examples

Parameter or operation
Water quality Suspended sediment
 Water quality can affect characteristics: size and
hydropower infrastructure composition of material
 Need to understand influent water
quality to predict and manage Physio-chemical water quality
characteristics: temperature, pH,
potential changes during storage,
acidity, alkalinity, dissolved
and to assess whether inflowing oxygen in surface and sub-
water is changing over time; surface water
 Need to understand changes to
water quality during storage so can Metals: total and dissolved iron,
manganese, zinc, mercury,
differentiate between hydropower
development impacts and other
impacts (such as aquaculture) Nutrients: concentration,
 Need to understand any speciation, seasonal variability,
downstream impact on water changes during storage
quality due to hydropower
operations, and to distinguish
between hydropower impacts and
other land use impacts

Table 4.5. Water quality monitoring requirements as a function of Principal Water use (Thornton, et al., 1996).

5 Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology
The following chapters focus on the status of aquatic ecology and fisheries in the LMB and highlight
risks as well as mitigation options related to hydropower development in the mainstream and

The status of aquatic organisms is strongly linked to the availability and accessibility of suitable
habitats. Geology and tectonics, as well as climate and land cover are important factors which
influence hydro-morphological conditions at smaller scales. They are responsible for channel
characteristics and therefore highly relevant for the formation of different habitats in longitudinal
direction and over time (e.g. seasons). As a consequence, any changes to the system (e.g. hydrology,
geomorphology, water quality) cause changes to the habitat and consequently influence aquatic
organisms. Therefore, several aspects, which were already discussed in previous chapters, will be
raised once again and addressed from the perspective of aquatic ecology.

5.1 Status and Overview

The physical diversity of the Mekong favours a high species diversity and productivity (Valbo-Jorgensen
et al., 2009). As a consequence, the LMB represents a regional hotspot for biodiversity
(Termvidchakorn & Hortle, 2013) supporting a rich flora (e.g. non-cultivated submerged or floating
water plants, phytoplankton) and fauna (e.g. invertebrates, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,

With a fish fauna of at least 1,000 fish species, the Mekong has the second highest richness of species
in the world after the Amazon River (Halls & Kshatriya, 2009; FishBase, Froese & Pauly, 2010; Baran &
Myschowoda, 2009). The number of species is continuously increasing as taxonomists reclassify
existing species and identify new ones (NCCV, 2013). Fish species diversity increases from headwaters
to the lower sections, as usual in rivers (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

With approximately 220 endemic fish species (Lu &

Siew, 2005), endemism is fairly high, especially in the
upper catchments (Van Zalinge et al. 2003).
Furthermore, the Mekong has the highest number of
giant freshwater fish in the world (i.e. at least seven
species; Stone 2007). It includes the critically
endangered Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon
gigas), giant pangasius (Pangasius sanitwongsei) and
giant barb (Catlocarpio siamensis) as well as the Figure 5.1. Giant pangasius (Pangasius
sanitwongsei (MRC, 2007).
endangered seven-striped barb (Probarbus jullieni)
(Hortle, 2009, Hogan et al., 2004, Baird, 2006).

Due to the large number of species and lack of ecological studies, many species are hardly explored.
However, the Mekong Fish Database (MFD, 2003) provides data on >500 fish species. Further
information is available from fishbase (fishbase.org) or selected literature. For instance, Poulsen et al.
(2004) describe the distribution and ecology of around 40 important riverine fish species of the
Mekong River Basin, feeding preferences, population structure and critical habitats. Furthermore,
Cowx et al. (2015) and Hortle et al. (2012) investigated larval and juvenile fish communities and drift
along the LMB.

5.1.1 Importance of the hydrological cycle
As described in Chapter 2, the flow regime of the Mekong is characterized by a distinct hydrological
cycle of wet- and dry seasons. The Mekong’s rich ecosystem has evolved in accordance with the
seasonal hydrological cycle. Furthermore, the four seasons, i.e. dry, wet and two transition seasons
(see also Figure 5.2), coincide with distinctive ecosystem functions (MRC, 2009):

Figure 5.2. The flow regime and its importance for aquatic organisms, discharge at Luang Prabang in year 1988
(based on MRC, 2009).

1. The dry season starts between November/ December (Kratie) and January (downstream of Tonle
Sap). It is a period where aquatic organisms suffer from limited habitat availability and poor water
quality. The magnitude (Q) and duration (days) of the lowest discharge of this season is a good
indicator for the stress experienced by the ecosystem.
2. The first transition season starts at the onset of the flood (the first time the flow increases to twice
the minimum discharge) and is usually confined to a few weeks in May and June. Pre-flood spates
may trigger spawning migrations and have positive impacts on the water quality (e.g. oxygen). The
increase of flow is larger in downstream sections of the Mekong.
3. The flood season starts around June when the flow exceeds the long-term mean annual discharge
(MQ) for the first time. As the flood volume is equally important as the flood discharge, both criteria
are used for the distinction of flood-, normal- and drought-years. The magnitude, duration and
timing of the annual flood determine the availability, size and productivity of the floodplain
ecosystem (e.g. Tonle Sap – Great Lake System) and consequently the yield of commercially
important species. Another important phenomenon is the flow reversal of the Tonle Sap, allowing
fish and nutrients to enter the floodplain system.
4. The second transition season starts when the flow drops below MQ. It is a short period in the upper
reaches (two weeks in early to mid-November) but tends to be longer and later further downstream

due to the dewatering of the Tonle Sap. The average daily rate of flow recession (m³/d) indicates
the rate of post flood drainage of the floodplains and triggers downstream fish migration as well as
vegetation changes.

Especially in the upper LMB, China’s catchment contributes a high share of the flow (i.e. 60 % in the
dry and 40 % in the wet season in Vientiane), however, as tributaries enter the system, the importance
decreases (i.e. 35 % in the dry and 15 % in the wet season in Kratie; see also Figure 2.4). As a
consequence, dry season flows have approximately the same magnitude along the Mekong
mainstream (i.e. dominated by Chinese hydrograph) while wet season flows increase in magnitude in
downstream direction (see also Figure 2.5).

The ecological integrity of a river depends to a high degree on an intact hydrological cycle. The
magnitude, duration, frequency, timing and rate of change of the flow are responsible for type-specific
sediment compositions (e.g. prevention of clogging), water quality conditions (e.g. temperature,
oxygen), availability of energy sources (e.g. nutrients) and biotic interactions (e.g. spawning) (see also
Figure 5.3; Karr, 1991; Bunn & Arthington, 2002). A natural flow regime therefore ensures site-specific
habitats, supports life history patterns (e.g. formation of spawning habitats, recruitment success) and
seasonal connectivity thereby providing suitable habitats and conditions for locally adapted aquatic
organisms (see also Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.3. Important factors of the flow regime (Karr 1991).

Figure 5.4. Important principles of natural flow (Bunn & Arthington, 2002).

5.1.2 Importance of natural sediment transport

Sediment transport in the Mekong is closely linked to the hydrologic cycle. While dissolved nutrients
are low, nutrients are often associated with sediments. Depending on the particle size and
characteristics (e.g. gravel, sand, clay and silt), the absorption and transportation of nutrients (e.g.
phosphorus and nitrogen) and organic particles is facilitated. Thereby, the sediment transport is closely
related to the productivity of tropical river ecosystems as the Mekong, including floodplains, estuaries
and coastal areas (Baran & Guerin, 2012).

The following biological processes rely on natural sediment transport (Baran & Guerin, 2012):

- Respiration: the decomposition of organic components transported by sediments requires

oxygen and therefore has a direct negative impact on the dissolved oxygen concentration. On

the other hand, absorbed nutrients influence plant photosynthesis and consequently the
amount of dissolved oxygen.
- Nutrition: Sediments and their connected nutrients represent the basic input for the food web.
On the one hand, turbidity reduces photosynthesis and decreases primary production. On the
other hand, a reduction of suspended sediments might cause a decrease in primary production
by reducing the nutrient load.
- Habitats: Sediments are important for the site-specific formation of habitats and spawning
- Migration: Changes in turbidity are known to trigger migrations for several fish species.

Any changes to the sediment transport (e.g. caused by dam development, the related impoundments
or hydrological changes) will eventually also interfere with the above described processes (Baran &
Guerin, 2012).

Fish biodiversity and fisheries yield depends to a high degree on the availability and accessibility of
important habitats and food sources, which are both linked to a natural sediment transport. Valbo-
Jorgensen et al. (2009) assessed the food items of the Mekong fish fauna and concluded that mud
feeders constitute only 1 % of all species while 69 species were classified as detritivores.

Figure 5.5. Number of percentage of Mekong fish species feeding on various food sources (Valbo-Jorgensen et al.,

Many fish species feed on the first levels of the trophic pyramid. Since zooplankton and benthic
invertebrates rely on carbon components of sediment and phytoplankton, algae and aquatic plants
require nutrients absorbed on sediment, permanently reduced sediment loads alter the food webs and
consequently may reduce fish diversity and biomass (Baran & Guerin, 2012).

5.1.3 Importance of connectivity/ migration systems

Connectivity is a measure of how spatially continuous a corridor or a matrix is (Forman & Gordon,
1986). Thus, healthy ecosystems also depend on the connectivity towards floodplains. A stream
corridor with connections among its natural communities promotes transport of materials and energy
and movement of flora and fauna (Loucks & van Beek 2005).

The ecosystem productivity of large tropical river-floodplain systems like the Mekong is highly
dependent on the undisturbed connectivity between river and floodplain habitats (Bayley, 1995).
Many species rely on those habitats to fulfil their life cycles (e.g. spawning and nursery habitats) (King
et al., 2009; Louca et al., 2009; Tonkin et al., 2008) and perform migrations between them.

Northcote (1984) defines migration as “movements that result in an alternation between two or more
separate habitats, occur with a regular periodicity, and involve a large proportion of the population”.
Most fish species are considered migratory to some degree. While some move only 100 m from
mainstream habitats to floodplains to breed, others move hundreds of kilometres to reach critical
habitats (NCCV, 2013) and therefore highly depend on intact connectivity between these habitats. Fish
migrations in the LMB involve shifts between marine and freshwater habitats, between upstream and
downstream areas within the Mekong River, between the Mekong River and its tributaries, and
between rivers and floodplains (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015). Migrations mostly occur with regard to the
spatial separation between dry season refuge habitats and flood season spawning, nursery and growth
habitats (Poulsen et al., 2004). Although migrations occur throughout the year, there are migration
peaks at the onset and during the wet season (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

Fish migrations are usually triggered by several complex interacting factors (Pavlov, 1989; Colgan,
1993, Lucas & Baras, 2001). Although the knowledge with regard to migration triggers is still
incomplete, it is assumed that for the majority of species it is associated with changes in river flow
(NCCV, 2013). The most important triggers under discussion in tropical freshwater fish are water level,
current, discharge, precipitation, lunar cycle, water colour, turbidity and the apparition of insects
(Baran, 2006).

Fishtek Consulting (2015) assessed the hourly fish biomass passage rate at Xayaburi over an entire year
(see Figure 5.6) with a DIDSON underwater sonar video system enabling fish observations in turbid
waters. Peak migration (i.e. with 1,200 kg/hr) occurred with the onset of the wet season (May). The
highest observed value in this month was 5,000 kg/hr. In general, the highest migration rates were
found between February and June, which corresponds to the dry season. These data are very valuable
but should be interpreted with caution. Wet season estimates might be biased as a DIDSON camera
covers only 20-30 m in range (Burwen et al., 2011) which makes it difficult to get accurate data in large
rivers and/ or flows. Small fish might have lower detection rates and accurate biomass estimates are
difficult to achieve (Hateley & Gregory, 2006.)

Figure 5.6. Estimated hourly biomass passage rate at Xayaburi (Fishtek Consulting, 2015).

While adults migrate actively up- and downstream, ichthyoplankton develops while drifting passively
downstream (Termvidchakorn & Hortle, 2013; Poulsen & Valbo- Jørgensen, 2000; Halls et al., 2013;
Agostinho & Gomes, 1997a, Nakatani et al., 1997, Agostinho et al., 2000). Since reproduction often
coincides with floods, the rising flows carry the eggs and larvae to downstream river sections and/ or
lateral floodplains which are important nursery habitats. The possibility to return to or repopulate
downstream reaches is important for long-term reproduction success (Poulsen et al., 2004; Agostinho
et al., 2000).

Fish species can be grouped into different guilds with regard to their migratory behaviour. Within the
LMB, species are usually classified as “white fish” which migrate within the mainstream and into the
floodplains during the wet season, “black fish” with restricted migratory behaviour and “grey fish”
representing an intermediate group (Poulsen et al., 2002; Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

However, there is also a more detailed classification provided by MRC (2009), which divides species
into ten guilds (see Figure 5.7 and Table 5.1).

Figure 5.7. Schematic description of guilds and their distribution (MRC, 2009).

The AMCF (Assessment of Mekong Capture Fisheries) survey reported 233 species belonging to 55
families within the main channel, floodplains and estuary. Error! Reference source not found. shows
he number of species per guilds and their relevance for fisheries (kg and % of catch). Guild 10 includes
19 marine species, 22 species are considered as non-migratory (guild 6, black fish) and 42 species were
only found in the estuary (guild 7). The remaining 150 species (belonging to the guilds 1-5, 8, 9) can be
considered as migratory, with the guilds 2, 3, 8 and 9 as long-distance migrators (Halls & Kshatriya,
2009). A more detailed description of these species follows below.

Table 5.1. Mekong fish guilds, associated number of species and their total and relative contribution to the total
catch recorded by the AMCF survey, Nov 2003 – Dec 2004 (from Halls & Kshatriya, 2009).

 Guild 1 (rhithron) inhabits rapids and pools in rocky areas in the rhithron. They feed on insects or
algae, are small in size and are lithophilic or phytophilic with extended breeding seasons, however
perform only limited migrations.

 Guild 2 (marine to rhithron) is represented by long distance migrants (incl. anadromous species)
which spawn in the main channel. Species may be pelagophilic (with drifting pelagic eggs),
lithophilic or psammophil. Adults may be piscivorous but do not enter the floodplain.
 Guild 3 (floodplains to rhithron) includes species spawning in the main channel or tributaries
(pelagophilic, lithophilic, phytophilic, psammophilic) with pelagic egg or larval stages. Both, adults
and larvae feed in the floodplain but migrate to refuges (pools) in the main channel during the dry
 Guild 4 (floodplains to potamon) differs from guild 3 as spawning occurs on the floodplain
(phytophils) while the main channel is used as dry season refuge.
 Guild 5 (floodplains and potamon) performs limited migrations in the mainstream. Species are
generalists (highly adaptable, repeat breeders, tolerant to low O2). They are semi-migratory but
might migrate to lateral floodplains during flooding to occupy similar habitats.
 Guild 8 occurs in estuaries and the lower potamon and enters freshwater/ brackish areas for
 Guild 9 (marine to rhithron) reproduces in the sea, but juveniles or sub-adult migrate to freshwater
habitats, often located far upstream in the catchment.

The LMB is divided into three distinct migration systems (Baran, 2006; Poulsen, et al. 2002):

The Lower LMB expands from the Vietnamese coast up to the Khone Falls in southern Lao PDR. It
therefore includes the whole Cambodian and Vietnamese Mekong. Wet season feeding and rearing
habitats are spatially and temporally separated from the dry-season refuge habitats. During the dry
period, migrations occur out of the floodplains and tributaries (incl. Tonle Sap) towards and upstream
the mainstream of the Mekong River. Several species spawn with the onset of the wet season (Baran,
2006). They either migrate toward the floodplains to spawn or rely on the flow to transport their
offspring to the floodplains (Poulsen et al., 2002). For the Dai fishery in the Tonle Sap River, species of
the genus Henicorhynchus account for 40 % of the total catch (Lieng et al 1995; Pengbun & Chantoeun,
2001). However, also larger species (Catlocarpio siamensis, Cirrhinus microlepis, Cylocheilichthys
enoplos, Robarbus jullieni) migrate within this system (Poulsen et al., 2002). According to Van Zalinge
et al. (2000) white fish account for 63 % of the yield in this area. Although part of the Lower LMB, the
Sesan tributary system also appears to contain its own sub-migration system.
The Middle LMB covers the area between the Khone Falls and Vientiane (Lao PDR) and is characterized
by the presence of large tributaries (e.g. Mun River, Songkhram River, Xe Bang Fai River, Hinboun River
and others) (Poulsen et al., 2002). Upstream migrations often coincide with the wet season and rising
water levels when species enter the tributaries and their floodplains for feeding and reproduction.
During lower water levels, refuges downstream in the Mekong are inhabited (Poulsen, 2003). The
Middle LMB includes the entire Thai Mekong and around 80 % of the Lao Mekong.
The Upper LMB is located in Lao PDR upstream of Vientiane (Poulsen et al., 2002) and is characterized
by a lack of floodplains and major tributaries. While the wet season triggers upstream migrations for
spawning, dry season habitats can be found within the mainstream of the Mekong (Van Zalinge et al.,

Figure 5.8. Lower, middle and upper migration systems with major migration route; black arrows indicate
migrations at the beginning of the wet season and brown arrows indicate migrations at the beginning of the dry
season (Schmutz & Mielach 2015, based on Poulsen et al., 2002).

Although the three systems show different migration patterns, they are not isolated from each other
(Barlow et al., 2008). Some species (e.g. Cyclocheilichthys enoplos or Cirrhinus microlepis) spend their
juvenile stages in the Lower migration system but migrate upstream to the Middle system as adults
(Poulsen et al., 2002). However, while the Lower and Middle migration systems seem to be connected
to a high degree, the Upper LMB is more isolated from them with only a few species covering all three
systems. This might be caused by a section with rare pool habitats between Paksan to the Loei River,
which may act as a natural barrier (Poulsen et al., 2002). In this area, observations of mature fish are
rare. However, the systems might be connected by the downstream drift of eggs and larvae.
The Mekong Fish Database (MFD; Visser et al., 2003) includes catch data (species presence) of 597
sampling sites along the Mekong mainstream and tributaries. Grill et al. (2014) used these data to
assess the range of migratory fish species in the LMB. Figure 5.9a shows the number of migratory
species per sample site. Figure 5.9b visualizes the minimum species range of the Mekong giant catfish
(Pangasianodon gigas) based on recorded occurrences. Although it covers only 12 % of the river
network length, it utilized 72 % of the available flow volume. Furthermore, Figure 5.9c combines the
minimum species range of 25 migratory species into a migration heatmap (i.e. number of migratory
species per river reach; Grill et al., 2014).

Figure 5.9. Migratory species occurrences on the basis of the Mekong Fish Database (Grill et al., 2014; based on
Visser et al., 2003).

While many fish migrate upstream for spawning, the knowledge about post-spawning migrations is
still very sparse. Many species rely on the passive downstream drift of larvae and eggs by flow. Cowx
et al. (2015) sampled eleven sites along the Mekong twice a month over a year with conical plankton
nets and seine nets. Although it is known, that many species migrate upstream with the onset of the
wet season, Cowx et al. (2015) did not observe a peak season of ichthyoplankton drift. Larval drift could
be observed throughout the year - also in the dry season. Overall, Cyprinids and Clupeids make up a
high share of the catch (see Figure 5.10). However, some species were more prevalent in certain
seasons and sampling sites.

Figure 5.10. Larval fish caught with conical plankton nets and seine nets (Cowx et al., 2015).

5.1.4 Importance of habitats

The knowledge of important habitats is sparse in the LMB. However, some selected well documented
habitats can be used to reflect the overall habitat availability and quality. Along with the BDP, a
planning atlas of the LMB was elaborated (MRC, 2011). This document provides a good overview of (1)

protected areas, (2) preliminary wetland maps and environmental hotspots, (3), fish migration
patterns, (4) deep pools, (5) rapids and (6) flooded areas (e.g. inundation of the year 2000) (MRC,

It is recognized that deep pools are critical for maintaining ecological integrity of the LMB, which is
why they are often used as fish conservation zones (FCZs; Halls et al., 2013). Deep pools are not only
thought to represent spawning areas (Poulsen et al., 2002), but also serve as shelter during the dry
season. Many species leave these dry season refuges at the onset of the flood season to migrate to
their spawning and rearing areas (e.g. Tonle Sap, Great Lake System) (Poulsen et al., 2004). Halls et al.
(2013) prepared a MRC Technical Paper (No. 31) on deep pools where they discuss their fundamental
function for sustaining the fisheries of the LMB.

For example, it has been reported that more than 75 % of the Dai fisheries catch in Cambodia depends
upon fish populations utilizing deep pools between Kratie and the Khone Falls, and within the Sesan
river basin (Viravong et al., 2006). While more than 200 fish species (e.g. the Mekong giant catfish and
other critically endangered species) use deep pools as dry season refuges, some species are believed
to spawn there (Boesemania microlepis, Hypsibarbus malcolmi) or to inhabit them throughout the year
(Baird et al., 2001, Baird, 2006; MRC, 2005). One of those species is the Mekong River dolphin (Orcaella
brevirostris) which spends most of its time in deep pools from where it migrates to hunt (Halls et al.,
2013). Furthermore, deep pools are also believed to provide important shelter from predators and
serve as thermal refuges (Baird, 2006).

As shown in Figure 5.11, the deepest pools are (1) between Huay Xay and 20 km upstream of Vientiane,
(2) between Mukdahan and Pakse (deepest pools) and (3) between Stung Treng and Kratie (Halls et
al., 2013).

Chiang Nakhon Khone Stung
Depth below dry season

Saen Luang Prabang Vientiane Phanom Mukdahan Pakse Falls Treng Kratie Phnom Penh
water surface (m)

-60 Riverbed depth profile
Reference dry season water surface
-80 A Break in raw depth profile at the
Major towns/cities Khone Falls due to a lack of depth data
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2300

Chiang Saen Riverbed elevation profile
Huay Xai
350 5.11. Longitudinal schematization of deep pools with their depths in Mekong
Water mainstream
surface elevation (dry between
season) Chiang
Major towns/cities and the Phapeng waterfall (Khone Falls)
and Phnom PenhLuangareas (Halls et al., 2013).

While fishermen assume that pool depth is the most important factor (Baird, 2006), Baird et al. (1998)
Elevation (mASL)

and Baird & Flaherty (1999) argue that also flow velocity,
substrate type, slope, proximity to wetland
Phanom Mukdahan
forest and the occurrence of objects which provide shelter have a high influence
on the quality of the
Khone Falls
deep pools. The following table provides an overview of different characteristics ofStung selected
Treng pools.
Kratie Phnom Penh
0 B

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2300

Distance downstream from the Lao PDR/Myanmar border (km)

Table 5.2. Summary of deep pool characteristics including substrate type, max. depth, area, estimated fish
density and biomass and number of fish species (Halls et al., 2013).

Max Fish Fish

Sub- Area Fish
Country Province/name depth density biomass Citation
strate (ha) species
(m) (N/ha) (kg/ha)
Cambodia/ Stung Treng & 15,600-
- 8 - 76 - 1.2-2.1 Mio 48 1
Lao PDR Champassak 328,000
Lao PDR Campassak - 20 - - - 68 2
Cambodia Kratie/ Preh Tiet bedrock 30 1.5 5165 1151 121 3
Cambodia Stung Treng/ Veoundoc alluvial 70 29 340 48 116 3
Viet Nam An Gian/ Van Nao alluvial 30 31 2745 371 52 4
Viet Nam An Gian/ Tan Chau alluvial 40 28 9259 389 58 4
Champassak/ Ban
Lao PDR alluvial 10 5 1327 61 34 5
Lao PDR Champassak/ Ban Na bedrock 26 2 840 101 38 5
Lao PDR Champassak/ Ban Hat bedrock 37 2 - - 59 5
Champassak/ Ban
Lao PDR bedrock 7 3 - - 52 5
1) Viravong et al., 2006; 2) Baran et al., 2005; 3) Chan et al., 2008; 4) Vu Vi An (in prep.); 5) Viravong (pers. Comm
to Halls et al., 2013)

Also floodplains represent important spawning and rearing habitats. The extent, duration and timing
of the annual flood determine the size and productivity of the ecosystem and consequently the yield
of commercially important species (MRC, 2009). However, also other factors as e.g. the quality of the
water (e.g. nutrient load) or the depth play a major role (Hortle & Bamrungrach, 2015). Figure 5.11
shows the location of small, medium and large rivers with or without floodplains. While the upper LMB
includes only small sections with floodplains, floodplains are prevailing in the Mekong mainstream and
larger tributaries of the lower LMB.

Figure 5.11. Ecological regions and river types (with/without floodplains) (Grill et al., 2014).

Rapids in the Mekong mainstream and its tributaries support diverse fish assemblages. Rapids occur
where bedrock is exposed in the riverbed, forming an obstacle to the flow. They are quite common
along the LMB (173 recorded rapids) and even occur in predominantly alluvial reaches (e.g. between
Vientiane and Savannakhet).

Rapids provide important habitats for feeding and spawning. The rocky substrate supports diverse food
sources and the specific hydraulic conditions distribute nutrients, plants and macro-invertebrates in
the water column, making it available for fish (MRC, 2011). More than 200 species rely on them as
habitat for feeding, breeding or spawning. Consequently, many productive fishing grounds are located
at or close to rapids (Poulsen et al., 2002, Valbo-Jørgensen & Poulsen, 2000). Also the critically
endangered Mekong Giant Catfish uses rapids between Chiang Khong and Chiang as spawning sites
(MRC, 2010). Due to the high turbulence, pools are often found immediately downstream of rapids.
(MRC, 2011).

Figure 5.12. Location of rapids within the LMB (MRC, 2011).

Other hotspots are represented by protected or sensitive areas containing a rich biodiversity,
important species at risk, areas important for migrating species or supporting key ecological processes
(MRC, 2011). As an example, MRC (2011) provides a list of 39 hotpots including Ramsar Sites, Biosphere
Reserves, Protected areas and Greater Mekong Subregion Hotspots.

5.1.5 Fisheries
Due to the high species diversity and productivity, the Mekong supports the most productive inland
fishery of the world, compared to other inland fisheries. About 60 million people in the four main LMB
countries rely on these fisheries (Hortle, 2007 and 2009). The Mekong fishery contributes greatly to
socioeconomic development of the Mekong countries. Furthermore, fishery provides the main income
for many riparian people and increases their food security and socioeconomic development. According
to Dugan (2008) there are areas, as in Southern Laos, that have a high dependence on the sector where
up to 80 % of the population is involved in fishing.

Fisheries yield can be estimated directly (yield per area) or indirectly (consumption and market sales).
As market data are not widely available, approaches on the basis of yield per unit area or household
consumption are often used to estimate the system’s yield (Campbell, 2009). Several studies estimated
the total consumption of fish and other aquatic organisms in the LMB (Hortle, 2007).

Hortle & Bamrungrach (2015) divided the total area of fisheries habitats (i.e. 194,364 km²) into three
main zones and estimated the fisheries yield-per-unit area from several sources:

1) Major flood zone: all areas within the major flood in 2000 (major rivers and floodplains, Tonle
Sap-Great Lake System, recession rice fields);
2) Rainfed zone: mainly rice fields but also swamps, waterbodies, wetland crops and others; 30-
50cm deep with numerous barriers, restricted migration, amphibious species, black fishes
(snakeheads, walking catfish, swamp eels, climbing perch) and OAA (frogs, sails, shrimps)
3) Permanent water bodies outside zones 1&2: large reservoirs including rivers and canals
connected to them.

Figure 5.13. The left graph shows the flood inundation of the year 2000 (major flood zone) and reservoirs, while
the right graph shows a map of wetlands and environmental hotspots (MRC 2011).

Hortle & Bamrungrach (2015) include estimates of yield from floodplains on the basis of several
studies. The yield of major flood zones is estimated with 100-200 kg/ha/year, whereby higher yields
are assumed in more productive areas (Cambodia and Viet Nam) and lower yields in floodplains of
short duration and depth (Laos and Thailand) (Hortle & Bamrungrach, 2015).

Table 5.3. Estimated fisheries yield of selected floodplains (Hortle & Bamrungrach, 2015).

Location Habitats Composition Comment Source
study area 8,252 ha,
mostly floodplain
max flooded area
with recession
6,732 ha. Based on
Tonle Sap, rice, rainfed rice fish and
243-532 fisher logbooks plus Dubeau et al., 2001
Cambodia fields, permanent OAAs
commercial catches
waterbodies bout
which were 4–9% of
5% of area
Mekong Delta rice fields, deep
fish 47%, intensive monitoring De Graaf & Chinh,
Floodplain, Viet water floodplain, 63
OAAs 53% at one site 2000
Nam acid soils
rice fields, deep
Mekong Delta
water floodplain, fish 89%, intensive monitoring De Graaf & Chinh,
Floodplain, Viet 119
non-acid & acid OAAs 11% at one site 2000
floodplain-rice underestimated:
Prey Veng,
fields, single-crop, 55 fish includes only Troeung et al., 2003
former forest commercial large and

Location Habitats Composition Comment Source
floodplain- middle-scale catches
degraded flooded in fishing lots, does
Prey Veng,
forest 31% cover 92 fish not include artisanal Troeung et al., 2003
and rice fields, catch
single crop
Battambang, floodplain-flooded
95 fish Troeung et al., 2003
Cambodia forest
Prey Nup, artificial deep
extensive permanent
Cambodia floodplains behind 630 fish Lim et al., 2005
(coastal) polders
Tonle Sap
floodplain, total 230 fish? crude estimate Baran et al., 2001
Tonle Sap foodplain, total for Lieng & van Zalinge,
139-190 fish? crude estimate
Floodplain 1995-99 2001

The yield of the rainfed zone was estimated between 50-100 kg/ha/yr while permanent water bodies
are believed to contribute with 100-300 kg/ha/yr (see also chapter

Considering the distribution of habitats within each country, Hortle & Bamrungrach (2015) estimated
the total yield of the LMB. The calculated yield of 1.3 and 2.7 Mio. kt/year is similar to previous
estimates (e.g.: 0.7-2.9 Mio. kt/yr by Hortle 2007; 2.23 Mio. kt/yr by Sverdrup-Jensen 2002). The
application of yield-ranges (i.e. max. and min. yields per habitat) allowed the approximation to the
“most likely yield” on the basis of consumption data (i.e. 2,304 kt/year; Hortle & Bamrungrach 2015).
It is assumed that the gap between consumption and yield in Viet Nam (i.e. 349 kt/yr) is compensated
by the surplus of the other countries, either by the migration of organisms or imports (see also Table
5.4; Hortle & Bamrungrach, 2015).

Table 5.4. Estimated LMB yields (kt/year) per country and habitat (based on Hortle & Bamrungrach, 2015).

Viet Nam
Habitat Cambodia Lao PDR Thailand Total LMB
Delta Highlands
1 Major flood zone
area in km² 28,262 4,617 7,795 17,343 - 58,017
total yield in kt/yr 283-565 46-92 78-156 173-347 - 580-1,160
(assuming 100-200 kg/ha/yr) -
most likely yield kt/yr 565 92 117 260 1,035
2 Rainfed zone
area in km² 17,605 8,962 93,119 8,573 1,576 129,835
total yield in kt/yr 88-176 45-90 466-931 43-86 8-16 650-1,299
(assuming 50-100 kg/ha/yr)
most likely yield kt/yr 176 90 698 64 16 1,044
3 Permanent water bodies
area in km² 853 2,143 3,521 839 156 2,373
total yield in kt/yr 9-26 21-64 35-106 8-25 2-5 75-225
(assuming 100-300 kg/ha/yr)
most likely yield kt/yr 26 64 106 25 5 226
Total estimated yield (kt/yr) 767 246 921 349 20 2,304
Consumption estimate 558 166 861 659 60 2,304
(for year 2000; kt/yr)
Surplus/ deficit 209 80 61 -310 -39 0
(green: high yield; orange: middle yield assumed to fit “most likely yield”)

In particular, studies by Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand and Lao PDR fisheries departments in co-
operation with the MRC (Poulsen et al., 2002; Baran, 2006) have shown that the Great Fault Line (GFL),
a geological feature forming the Khone Falls, represents a boundary between the two most productive
fisheries systems in the Mekong River (see also migration systems in chapter 5.1.3). The lower fisheries
system is based on the Mekong Delta, Tonle Sap Lake and the interconnecting mainstream Mekong
channel upstream to the GFL. It includes all yields from Cambodia and VietNam. The middle fisheries
system extends from the GFL to an area just upstream of Vientiane and includes almost the entire
catchment of Thailand (excl. small Thai tributaries upstream of Vientiane) and around 80 % of the Lao
Mekong. The third system extends north upstream of Vientiane (Poulsen et al., 2004) and includes the
remaining 20 % of the Lao Mekong and small Thai tributaries. Furthermore, the catch of the Chinese
part of the Mekong River (Lancang) is about 25,000 t (Xie & Li, 2003), but is not considered in this

The productivity of these systems depends on many factors, but is greater in the lower systems which
are more favourable in terms of temperature, habitat availability, flow rate, and nutrient loads (Kang
et al., 2009). The relative importance of the tributaries and floodplains associated with these
mainstream systems is less well known, but is assumed to play a highly significant role in maintaining
the fisheries production of the system (Poulsen et al., 2002).

According to the flood pulse concept the high productivity is maintained by transferring nutrients and
organic detritus during high flows to the floodplains. Total catches are well correlated with the extent
(flood height, area, duration) of annual flooding (Halls et al., 2008; Welcomme, 1985; De Graaf et al.,
2001). Campbell (2009) and Hortle & Bamrungrach (2015) indicate that river-floodplain systems yield
approximate 100-200 kg/ha annually with higher values in more productive parts (Cambodia, Viet Nam
Delta) and with lower yields where flooding is less pronounced (Lao DDR, Thailand). The productivity
of reservoirs is discussed in chapter – impoundments & reservoirs).

5.1.6 Recent changes to species diversity and abundance

Several fish species of the LMB are listed on the IUCN Red List of threatened species. However, due to
unknown migratory behaviour, indispensable habitats and life strategies, evaluations to detect the
reasons for their decline are hard to perform. Main impacts are most likely associated to fishing
pressure and hydro-morphological changes connected to hydropower development in the Lancang
River and LMB tributaries. However, also other impacts (e.g. irrigation, damming) might be

In general, some species are more sensitive than other species. With regard to fragmentation, the
guilds, 2, 3, 8 and 9 can be considered as highly vulnerable. But also species outside these guilds might
react due to changes in habitat availability or quality changes. Since all aspects and processes in the
LMB are connected, impact pathways are not always easy to detect.

The following table shows selected endangered fish species which occur along the LMB and are
considered as migratory and therefore also threatened by mainstream hydropower development
along the Mekong.

Table 5.5. Selected endangered species (fishbase.org and iucnredlist.org).

English name Latin name IUCN list status Population status

Goonch Bagarius yarrelli near threatened decreasing
Two head carp Bangana behri vulnerable 30-50% decline
decreasing, local
Boeseman croaker Boesemania microlepis near threatened
Giant barb Catlocarpio siamensis critially endangered 80-95% decline
Small scale mud carp Cirrhinus microlepis vulnerable 30-50% decline
Striped river barb Mekongina erythrospila* near threatened decreasing
Giant Mekong catfish Pangasianodon gigas* critically endangered >80% decline
Striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus endangered ~95% decline
Krempf's catfish Pangasius krempfi vulnerable ~30% decline
Giant pangasius Pangasius santiwongsei critically endangered ~99% decline
Jullien's barb Probarbus jullieni endangered ~50% decline
Thicklip barb Probarbus labeamajor* endangered ~50% decline
Laotian shad Tenualosa thibaudeaui* vulnerable ~30% decline

5.2 Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities
Hydropower can affect aquatic organisms and consequently fisheries in several ways. Hydrological
alterations (e.g. seasonal shifts, hydropeaking, diversion of flows) influence the sediment transport
and the river morphology and may consequently change the accessibility, quality and quantity of
habitats. Impoundments and reservoirs change the free-flowing river to a more stagnant water body
also causing impacts on sediment and water quality. Furthermore, dams act as a barrier blocking
migrations and fragmenting habitats and populations. Finally, water quality alterations, caused by
impoundments or hydrological alterations (e.g. thermopeaking) change the natural habitat conditions.

However, besides direct effects, also indirect impacts through the food web have to be considered (see
also chapter 5.1.2). For instance, hydropower may alter the composition and abundance of
phytoplankton assemblages (Zhang et al., 2010; Perbiche-Neves et al., 2011), which serve as important
primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem (Li et al., 2013a) (see Error! Reference source not found.).


Connec- Morpho- Water

Flow Sediment
Physical/ tivity logy quality
chemical effects

Phyto- Zoo-
plankton plankton

Indirect effects Direct

via food web effects
Inverte- Vegeta-
brates tion

Effects on fish
Fish ecology and fisheries

Figure 5.14. Potential direct and indirect hydropower impacts.

The following table provides an overview of the most important changes, their potential effect and
related risks. The table follows the concept of the 5 key common overarching changes related to
hydropower development. Furthermore, a chapter on water quality alterations was added to cover
the impact of water quality changes caused by hydro-morphological alterations (e.g. impoundments)
on aquatic organisms. A more detailed description of the table-content will be provide in the following

Table 5.6. Key Risks, Impacts and Vulnerabilities with regard to aquatic ecology and fisheries.

Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

(I) Annual / inter-annual changes to flow
Changes in seasonality Morphological alterations and habitat loss
(delayed floods, Loss of migration/spawning triggers
increase of dry and
Loss of productivity due to reduced flood pulse (increase in permanently flooded
decrease of wet season and decrease in seasonally flooded area).
Stress due to water quality changes
(II) Daily / short-time period changes in flow
Fast increase of flow High drifting rate of fish and macroinvertebrates; offset of migration triggers
Fast decrease of flow Stranding of fish and macroinvertebrates
Morphological Bank erosion, increased erosion and bed incision causes habitat degradation
Thermopeaking Stress, disturbance/ offset of migration triggers.

(III) Barriers/ loss of river connectivity

Disconnect between Morphological alterations, habitat loss

flow and sediment
Habitat fragmentation Blocked spawning and feeding migrations, isolation of sub-populations

Turbine passage Fish damage and kills

Spillflow passage Fish damage and kills

(IV) Creation of impoundments

Trapping of sediments Morphological alteration and habitat loss. Upstream: filling up of deep pools,
reduced vertical connectivity, Downstream: loss of habitat structures (sand bars),
reduced connectivity to tributaries and floodplains (incision).

Loss of free flowing Delay/ deposition of drifting eggs & larvae

river sections
Loss/ reduction of fish species adapted to free flowing rivers

Loss of orientation for upstream migrating fish

Increased visibility Algae growth and changes in temperature, oxygen

Stratification & Stress due to water quality changes (temperature, oxygen)

temperature changes
Water level changes Stranding of fish and macroinvertebrates
within impoundment
Reservoir flushing Fish damage and kills; alteration of habitats

(V) Diversions or intra basin transfers

Reduction of river Reduced productivity, species alteration (e.g. loss or large species), reduced depth
dimension may impact connectivity, water quality changes

Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities
Homogenisation of Armouring of beds and bars due to reduced sediment transport. Habitat loss
Increased flow in Increased bank erosion and bed incision to accommodate increased flow
receiving basin
Water quality changes Stress

5.2.1 Annual/ inter annual flow changes

As already discussed in Chapter 2, seasonal flow shifts (i.e. from the wet to the dry season) are already
visible in the Mekong River. With regard to the Lancang cascade, wet season flows decreased by
approximately 5-35 % and dry season flows increased by 45-150 % (in Kratie and Chiang Saen
respectively; Räsänen, 2014). Of course, the impact declines in downstream direction as tributaries
enter the system. However, considering the realisation of storage hydropower plants in LMB
tributaries, impacts will become more pronounced also in downstream areas of the mainstream.
Together with the seasonal shifts, the hydrograph will become smoother. Furthermore, the flood
season will start and end later and will show lower flows at the beginning and higher flows at the end,
compared to natural conditions (see also Figure 2.9).

Since hydrology also triggers ecological processes (e.g. migrations), changes to the timing and
magnitude of floods might have drastic consequences. However, little is known about the sensitivity
of fish of these migration triggers.

Furthermore, the accessibility, quantity and quality of floodplain habitats may change. As shown in
Figure 5.15, the floodplain represents a temporarily/ seasonally inundated area due to the changes
between the dry and wet season water levels. By increasing the dry season flows the area permanently
flooded increases. In addition, reduced wet season flows limit the area flooded in the wet season
resulting in loss of flood pulses and decreased productivity.

Figure 5.15. Schematic representation of impacts of dams on floodplain flooding (Baran, 2010).

Arias et al. (2014) compared the inundation of the Tonle Sap (see also Figure 2.14) between the
baseline scenario and the definite futures scenario incl. 3S dams. Marginally inundated areas (i.e. 0.5-
10 % of the time) and areas permanently inundated (i.e. 90-100 % of the time) will expand by 16 % and
9 % respectively. Consequently, intermediate classes (inundated 20-90 % of the time) will be reduced.

5.2.2 Short-term flow fluctuations/ hydropeaking

Depending on the type of hydropower operation, energy production may be directly linked to the
short-term energy demand, leading to rapid and frequent changes in flows called ‘hydropeaking’. In
general, hydropeaking can occur due to various circumstances and can be grouped into (1) peaking
flows in a single cycle or in several cycles per day alternating with minimal flows (Cushman, 1985), (2)
load-following flows (in response to immediate system load demands; Geist et al., 2008), (3) flushing
flows (discretionary but mostly timed with peaks in the natural hydrograph with the aim of removing
accumulated sediments (Milhours, 1990; Petts, 1984), (4) spill flows (if the regulated capacity is
exceeded; Lundqvist et al., 2008), (5) recreation flows (Dauber & Young, 1981) and (6) discretionary
operational flows so that downstream facilities can generate energy (Young et al., 2011).

Although the effects of dams and their role in fragmentation are well documented, the specific effects
of hydropeaking on fish are not yet assessed in detail. However, this knowledge is crucial for managers
to predict and mitigate possible negative effects. Young et al. (2011) discussed these hydropower-
related pulsed-flow impacts on stream fishes, considering conceptual models, knowledge gaps and
research needs. Impacts with regard to hydro peaking arise by (Young et al., 2011; Schmutz et al., 2014;
Hunter, 1992; Anselmetti et al., 2007; Scruton et al., 2008; Smokorowski et al., 2011; Nagrodski et al.,
2012; Harby & Noack, 2013; Bruno et al., 2013).

I. stranding of fish along the changing channel margins,
II. downstream displacement and drift,
III. red dewatering/ spawning interference,
IV. untimely or obstructed migration,
V. indirect impacts by e.g. loss of food, high turbidity, stress and increased predation as well as
increased bank erosion.

Although most assessments focus on salmonid species (Nagrodski et al., 2012) also effects on some
other species were assessed (Young et al., 2011; Boavida et al., 2015). There are no analyses in the
LMB available; however, it is very likely that the known impacts are also valid for many Mekong fish
species if hydropeaking is applied to LMB dams.

In particular, the effects of stranding (also with regard to other pulsed flow effects) are well
documented (e.g. Bauersfeld, 1978; Hamilton & Buell, 1976; Olson & Metzgar, 1987). Although
stranding may also occur naturally the high frequency of flow fluctuations can cause cumulative
mortalities with significant fish losses (Bauersfeld, 1978; Hamilton & Buell, 1976; Olson & Metzgar,
1987). Stranding rates highly depend on the local morphology, substrate type, down-ramping rate,
critical flow (i.e. minimum operating discharge), frequency of fluctuations, prior flow conditions,
duration of stranding and timing of pulse, fish size and fish species (e.g. Young et al., 2011; Bauersfeld,
1978; Hunter, 1992, Parasiewicz et al., 1998; Schmutz et al., 2014; Olson, 1990; Hoffarth, 2004). Also
the ramping range (amplitude, magnitude) is an important indicator which is relevant for downstream
displacement, reduced spawning or altered migration (Young et al., 2011).

The impact pathways are highly complex but the interaction of the season, frequency, magnitude,
duration, photophase (day/night) are most likely to determine the effects on specific species and age
classes (Young et al., 2011). There are still substantial knowledge gaps with regard to (1) pulse type
and life stage, (2) water quality and fish behaviour (e.g. influence of oxygen and temperature on
migration), (3) habitat complexity, (4) habitat changes (e.g. changed morphology caused by hydro
peaking), (5) long term, cumulative effects and (6) mitigation (Young et al., 2011). Especially for the
development of suitable mitigation measures, knowledge and clear understanding of mechanisms and
relationships causing the impacts are necessary. Schmutz et al. (2014) used an extensive field dataset
to analyse the impact of different types of hydrological and morphological indicators in combination
with fish community data. Their results demonstrated that fish react to a combination of peak
frequency, ramping rate and habitat conditions, with an equal importance of habitat and flow criteria.
Based on flume experiments Schmutz et al. 2014 showed that most larval fish drift during the increase
and peak flow during hydropeaking events (Figure 5.16a). The experiments also revealed that high
downramping rates result in high stranding rates (Figure 5.16b). Consequently, effective mitigation
measures should consider the complexity of hydro-morphological processes determining the
functional (hydraulic) habitat conditions (Schmutz et al., 2014).


Figure 5.16a. Larval drift observations during increasing, peak and decreasing flow (comparison between no
peaking (control group) and peaking); Figure 5.16b. Stranding at different downramping rates (i.e. 2.9 / 0.5 /
0.32 / 0.2 cm/min) (adapted from Schmutz et al. 2014).

Within the LMB, hydropeaking caused by storage hydropower plants may occur mainly in the
tributaries, however, detailed hydrological analyses are missing. With respect to the mainstream,
Cochrane et al. (2014) analysed historical water levels at six stations along the Mekong and the Tonle
Sap River and concluded that there are already some alterations linked to the hydropower
development in the Lancang River. Especially in Chiang Saen (most upstream station), the number of
water level fluctuations (cumulative average daily flows) increased by 75 % within the last decades.
Effects decrease in downstream direction as tributaries enter the system. While these results are
already very indicative, sub-daily flow data would be required to assess the real impact on the aquatic

Figure 5.17. Number of annual water level fluctuations at CS (Chian Saen), LP (Luang Prabang), VT (Vientiane)
and MH (Mukdahan) (solid lines indicate a 5-year moving average for each station) (Cochrane et al., 2014).

Also run-of-river hydropower plants within the Mekong mainstream are able to perform small flow
fluctuations, especially in the dry season, when the ratio between storage volume and inflow is high.

Once the inflow drops below the installed capacity, it might be commercially interesting to process the
available flow during times of higher revenue and release less flow at other times. However, flow
fluctuations might be limited by safety concerns. Anyway, it has to be investigated, if and to which
degree mainstream dam will cause hydropeaking waves.

5.2.3 Loss of river connectivity/ fragmentation

Hydropower development in the Mekong mainstream and its tributaries will affect the connectivity
in the following ways:

- Blocked longitudinal and lateral migration of adult species (sub-chapter

- Delay in migration (sub-chapter
- Harmful downstream passage through turbines and spillflows (sub-chapters and
- Reduction/ prohibition of passive downstream drift of fish eggs and larvae (chapter
on impoundments).
- Altered accessibility of seasonal habitats due to seasonal flow changes (chapter 5.2.1 on
seasonal flow changes)

The disruption of river continuity is considered the main cause of impact to aquatic organisms,
especially migratory fish. Aquatic organisms rely on connectivity on four dimensions: lateral,
longitudinal, vertical and seasonal (Stanford & Ward, 2001; Ward, 1989). Connectivity affects both
ecosystems (functions, habitats and community structures) and population dynamics (migration,
dispersal). An example for an ecosystem with high and low degree of connectivity is illustrated in Figure

Figure 5.18. Example for ecosystem with high (left) and low (right) degree of connectivity (From Loucks and van
Beek, 2005).

The Serial Discontinuity Concept, SDC, (Ward & Stanford, 1983, revised version 1995) is a central
theory within river ecology, especially for regulated rivers. The SDC view dams as discontinuities within
the river continuum. Biophysical responses are predicted in terms of “discontinuity distance”, the
upstream and downstream extent of impacts induced by regulation, and by “intensity”, the extent of
departure from the natural reference condition (Stanford & Ward, 2001). The original SDC only
considered longitudinal connectivity, whereas the revised version also included lateral and vertical
connectivity. This version considers that flow regulation, flow abstraction and channel revetment alter
exchange of water and materials between river channels and
floodplains in relation to natural or reference conditions.

Lengths of discontinuity impact have been measured for a variety

of rivers and have been summed up in Stanford & Ward (2001).
The discontinuity impact may range from a few kilometres
(Caning, Australia) to several hundred kilometres (Colorado River,
USA). For the Mekong mainstream the discontinuity might extend
over thousand kilometres especially impacting long distance

Both the Mekong mainstream and tributary dams alter all four
dimensions of connectivity. Nevertheless, impacts on the
longitudinal connectivity are the most critical. Effects on lateral Figure 5.19. Examples of river
connectivity, e.g. caused by changed flow regime is discussed in fragmentation and loss of
chapter 5.2.1. connectivity (Grill et al., 2014). Blocked migration

Longitudinal fragmentation can be assessed by several methods. Simplistic methods assess the number
of dams per river kilometre or the proportion of river inaccessible from the sea (Anderson et al., 2008;
Lassalle et al., 2009, Vörösmarty et al., 2010, Grill et al., 2014). The dendritic connectivity index (DCI)

calculates the proportion of length of disconnected fragments in relation to the entire network (Cote
et al., 2009). This method, however, neglects the location of the individual dam within the river
network. Thereby, a barrier upstream in a tributary results in the same DCI as barrier close to the river
mouth, although the latter would cause much higher impacts. To overcome this methodological
disadvantage, the DCI can be extended by different weighting factors (e.g. the flow volume, river
classes or migration corridors) (Grill et al., 2014).

At the moment, the LMB can be considered as widely free-flowing, as there are no operating dams in
the Mekong mainstream. In 2011, 65 % (DCI) of the entire Mekong catchment area were connected
with the largest disconnected parts being located in China and in the Nam Mun catchment (Grill et al.,

However, with the Xayaburi dam, the first mainstream dam is under construction. Although fish pass
facilities are considered, it is most likely that the dam will contribute to the isolation of upper and
lower sections, at least for certain species. If all planned dams are built (i.e. additional 81 dams by
2022), the Mekong River would become highly fragmented, with a DCI of 11 % (Grill et al., 2014). This
means that the Mekong will become one of the highest fragmented large rivers of the world (see Figure

Figure 5.20. Fragmentation history of selected large river basins and predictions for the Mekong (Grill et al.,

Especially long-distance migrants are vulnerable to mainstream dam development. As already

mentioned in chapter 5.1.3, the guilds 2, 3 and 9 can be considered as highly vulnerable. Guild 8 (semi-

anadromous guild) is also vulnerable but only to dams located in the river mouth or in the lower
potamon (Table 5.7).

Table 5.7. Mekong guilds vulnerable to mainstream dam development (Baran, 2010; adapted from Halls &
Kshatriya, 2009).

Also Grill et al. (2014) highlighted, that the Mekong mainstream and major tributaries host the highest
number of migratory species, which makes these areas especially vulnerable to fragmentation.

Figure 5.21. Migratory species range in the LMB: a) recorded migratory species, b) recorded locations and
migratory range of Pangasius gigas, c) range of migratory species (Grill et al,. 2014).

Baran (2010) used data of several studies (Poulsen et al., 2002 and 2004; MRC, 2001, MFD, 2003; Starr,
2008, Halls & Kshatriya, 2009) to describe the migration patterns of 23 migratory species. He
developed a map of the main migration corridors of 18 migratory species where data on both
distribution and importance in catches were available. In Figure 5.22 the arrow width indicates the

relative importance (i.e. biomass involved) of migration corridors in the mainstream (black) and the
tributaries (brown). The area between Phnom Penh and Stung Treng features the highest number of
considered species. For the tributaries, the 3S system (12/18 species) and the Tonle Sap (11/18) seem
to represent the most important migration corridors.

Figure 5.22. Main migration corridors and their relative importance based on 18 migratory fish species: Black
arrows for mainstream migrations, brown arrows for tributary migrations (Baran, 2010).

As a result of fragmentation, fish are not able to perform their migrations. If crucial habitats for
spawning or feeding cannot be reached, fish are not be able to complete their life cycle or interact with
other sub-population. The resulting stock declines will also cause losses for fisheries. Delay in migration

Even if fish passes are available, migrations might be delayed by multiple dam passage (Caudill et al.,
2007) or due to reduced orientation in the reservoir. This can cause high energy losses that impede
the fish from completing spawning (Geist et al., 2000).Delays were observed for Atlantic salmon (Salmo
salar, Karppinen et al., 2002), barbel (Barbus barbus, Lucas & Frear 1997), American shad (Alosa
sapidissima, Moser et al.,2000), sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus, Haro & Kynard 1997), paddlefish
(Polyodon spathula, Zigler et al.,2004) and Pacific salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) of the Columbia River
Basin (Williams, 1998; Keefer et al.,2004).

Caudill et al. (2007) monitored the migrations of 18,286 adult salmonids over seven migration seasons
(1996 - 2003) in the Columbia River system. Although most adults passed each dam within two days
after entering the tailrace of the respective dam (Keefer et al. 2004, 2005) many specimens (1.4 - 13.7%
in each run) needed more than five days (and up to weeks) to pass a single dam. Fish with long passing
times were often unable to reproduce successfully.

When fish migrate upstream in dammed rivers, they have to face several challenges. They have to pass
the tailrace (1–2 km before the dam) with turbulent flows coming from the turbines and spillways.
After that, they have to find the entrance to the FP which greatly depends on the characteristics of the
attraction flow and the location of the FP. If fish cannot find the entrance at the first go, they lose
valuable time searching for alternative migration routes. Once they found the entrance, they still have
to pass the FPs. The time spent in the tailrace and fish pass depends, besides hydraulics at the entrance,
on flow levels (turbines and spill flow, Caudill et al., 2006a), fallback behaviour (Boggs et al., 2004) and
water temperature (Caudill et al., 2006b, Goniea et al., 2006, High et al., 2006). If they manage the
ascent, it might be that the previous delays can be compensated by low-velocity conditions within the
reservoirs upstream of the dam (Keefer et al., 2004, Naughton et al., 2005). However, if might also be
that the low flow velocity in the impoundment causes disorientation and further delays. Therefore,
only if species rapidly finding the entrance of the FP, successfully passing it and finding suitable
reproduction habitats may not experience a delay compared to undisturbed conditions.

Also in downstream direction, dams can cause a delay in migrations between spawning and rearing
habitats (Muir & Williams, 2012). Raymond (1979) discovered at the Columbia River that survival rates
of Chinook salmon smolts passing dams was very low (average of 22 % from 1966 - 1980) and even
worse during dry years (e.g. 1973, 1977), therefore, mitigation measures for improved downstream
passage were introduced (Williams & Matthews, 1995). The installation of screened bypass systems at
most of the mainstream dams, spill management (Williams et al., 2005) and surface-passage structures
(Johnson & Dauble, 2006) restored survival rates to historic levels (Muir & Williams, 2012; Welch et
al., 2008). Nevertheless, the time required for downstream travel still exceeds historic values and cause
delayed entry into the ocean (Muir et al., 2006, Scheuerell et al., 2009) and a negative energy balance
(Muir & Williams, 2012). Turbine passage

Fish migrating in downstream direction have to pass the turbines, if no other migration corridor is
available. Turbines can cause damage or mortality due to (Agostinho et al. 2002):

 Contact with fixed/mobile equipment,
 Sudden pressure changes (incl. exposure to low pressure conditions),
 Extreme turbulence (e.g. amputation), and/or
 Cavitation
For high pressures plants, the mortality can reach up to 100 %. In general, several factors influence the
damage of turbines, as e.g. diameter of the rotor, distance between the rotor blades rotation speed,
pressure differences. Turbine passage can cause losses of 10 – 40% of juveniles and up to 100% for
large fish, especially if they are passing several consecutive dams (Turnpenny 1998, Holzner 2000). Spillflow passage

In general, spill flows represent high discharges exceeding the capacity of the turbines. However, spill
flows are sometimes also intentionally used to bypass downstream-migrating fish. While spillway
passage is considered the most effective passage route for selected species and age classes (e.g.
juvenile salmonids), disadvantages such as increased mortality (Schilt, 2007) and supersaturation of
dissolved gas (see chapter 5.2.5) have to be taken into consideration.

Spillway mortality varies from 0.2 - 99% depending on the height and design of the spillways. The
Columbia River (Bonneville-, McNary- and John Day Dam) with spillways of ~30 m height presented
mortality rates between 0 – 4%. However, higher mortality rates (i.e. 8 – 37 %) were estimated for
dams at the Elwha River (Glines and Lower Elwha Dam, 60 and 30 m in height) (Bell & Delacy, 1972;
Ruggles & Murray, 1983). Injuries and mortality are caused by abrasion against the surface, sudden
pressure changes, rapid current changes (shearing effects) or supersaturation (Backmann et al., 2002).
Spillway passage can reduce fitness and swimming performance, causes disorientation and
consequently favour predation (Schilt, 2007; Larinier & Travade, 2002; Schmutz & Mielach, 2015). Impoundments & reservoirs

Hydropower and the related dams cause inundation of previously free flowing river sections. The river
changes to a totally different environment with reduced flow velocity, increased sedimentation,
increased visibility, higher depths (and widths) and altered water quality (e.g. temperature, oxygen).

The main impacts on aquatic organisms are connected to the reduction in flow velocity:

- Loss of orientation (if flow velocity <0.3 m/s)

- Loss of species adapted to free-flowing conditions (i.e. rheophilic guild)
- Sedimentation processes (alteration of habitats; see also Chapter 3.2)
- Deposition of drifting larvae/ eggs
- Reduced turbidity/ increased visibility (with possible impacts on algal bloom and connected
water quality changes)
- Stratification of the water body (incl. water quality changes)

In general, two main types have to be distinguished since they differ with regard to their impact on
the aquatic ecosystem: impoundments which are usually associated with run-of-river HP and
reservoirs which are associated with storage HP.

HP in the Mekong mainstream (LMB) are mostly run-of-river HPPs, which utilise the available flow for
electricity production. Although they might be capable of a short-term storage on an hourly or daily

basis, the generation highly depends on the natural river flow. The impoundments usually have a low
retention time (i.e. high turnover) and, therefore, represent a “hybrid” type of water body neither
being a lake nor a river. During low-flow conditions, impoundments are more lake-like and may even
stratify. In contrast, during floods, they might resume typical characteristics of running waters
(Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

Storage HPPs benefit from the possibility of storing water in a reservoir. Such HPPs are designed for
flexible energy production to cover peak demands or times with high revenue potential. Large
reservoirs can store months or even years of inflows. Retention time of the water depends on the flow
passing through the reservoir. Large reservoirs with high water-retention time resemble lakes and,
deeper reservoirs are likely to be vertically stratified. Such HPPs can be found in large tributaries of the
Mekong or in the Lancang River in China. Pumped-storage HPPs represent a special type which pumps
water from a lower reservoir or river into an upper reservoir in times of energy surplus and produces
energy when energy is required (overall efficiency of 70-85 %) (IEA, 2015). If they have an additional
natural inflow, they can be considered as storage HP with pumping potential (Schmutz & Mielach,

Although there is no clear definition or differentiation between impoundments and reservoirs, they
differ with regard to the specific conditions within the waterbody which highly depend on the shape
(e.g. depth) and water exchange rate (i.e. relation of full supply volume to the inflow). Run-of-river
HPPs usually have a relatively high inflow in relation to their storage and therefore high exchange rates.
Furthermore, with regard to seasonal flow variations, the typical impoundment-character is only given
in the dry season, while the waterbody is almost free flowing during the wet season. Reservoirs, on
the other hand, have a large storage compared to the relatively low inflow (takes several months/years
to fill up) and have more or less constant water levels.

The transformation of free flowing river sections into impoundments or reservoirs may causes a loss
or reduction of species adapted to river ecosystems and an increase of generalist species (e.g. plankton
or algae bloom and eutrophication; Nogueira et al., 2010). Li et al. (2013a) assessed changes in the
cascade of Manwan and Xiaowan and observed that the abundance of phytoplankton sharply
increased in the impounded areas (in the dry and rainy season), with decreasing shares of
Bacillariophytoa (which dominated in free flowing conditions) and increasing shares of Chlorophyta
and Cyanophyceae. The changes in the species assemblage were connected to significantly rising water
temperatures, prolonged water retention times and increased transparency after damming. Other
factors, as total nitrogen and total phosphorus, however, were not considered as key factors impacting
the phytoplankton assemblage (Li et al., 2013a). Furthermore, the transformation of lotic to lentic
habitats, caused a significant decline of fish species. Especially endemic fish (mostly insectivorous and
herbivorous species) were replaced by non-native (mostly omnivorous and planktivorous) species (Lie
et al., 2013b).

While clams and shrimp can be abundant in reservoirs (Suwannapeng, 2007), it is usually assumed that
the fisheries yield increases for some years after the flooding due to nutrient release of the flooded
areas and then decreases again. However, a decrease might be offset as farming intensifies and
nutrient delivery sustains (Hortle et al., 2015). In general, smaller reservoirs (with a long shoreline
compared to the volume) might bring more yield, especially if they are stocked (Hortle et al., 2015).

Also a regular draw down of reservoirs might re-mobilize nutrients and therefore increase the fisheries
yield (Nissanka, 2001).

While Hortle & Bamrungrach (2015) estimated the fisheries yield in reservoirs between 100-
300 kg/ha/year, it has to be considered that such high rates can only be achieved by stocking which is
maybe only feasible in reservoirs but not in mainstream impoundments with large annual flow volumes
and changing habitat conditions (Baran, 2010). For mainstream impoundments (as e.g. Xayaburi),
Baran (2010) estimates a productivity between 20 kg/ha/yr (if <20 % are <2 m deep) and 200 kg/ha/yr
(impoundments with >50 % are <2 m deep). The following table provides selected characteristics and
yield-estimates for selected run-of-river- and storage HP. It shows that reservoirs only yield
>200 kg/ha/yr if they are stocked. With self-recruiting stocks, yields between 60 and 180 kg/ha/yr
seem more reasonable.

Table 5.8. Estimates of existing and expected fisheries yields from reservoirs including retention rate, area and
mean depth (diverse sources).

Water Mean Bernacsek Baran Hortle et Self-

Reservoir Area
Country retention depth 1997 2010 al. 2015 recruiting
name (km²)
(days) (m) kg/ha/yr kg/ha/yr kg/ha/yr (%)
Lao PDR Pak Beng* 0.8 88 3.1 50
Lao PDR Luang Prabang* 2.3 62 12.9 20
Lao PDR Xayaburi* 2.1 50 7.4 20
Lao PDR Pak Lay* 1.1 77 5.1 20
Lao PDR Sanakham* 11.1 71 53.7 20
Lao PDR Nam Ngum 1** 189.7 370 18.9 19 185 1 all, native
Thailand Nam Un** 501.5 85 6.1 19 121 most
Thailand Ubolratana** 369.1 410 16 31 59 97%, native
Viet Nam Yang Re** 0.56 32.2 575 4 13
Viet Nam Ea Kar** 1.41 54.7 388 2
Viet Nam Ea Kao** 2.1 123.5 324 588 23
Viet Nam Ea Soup** 2.4 51.4 214 98
Viet Nam Lak Lake** 6.58 84.2 128 97
Mattson et al. 2001; 2 Nachaipherm et al. 2003, 3 Pholprasith & Sirimongkonthaworn 1999; 4 Tran et al. 2001
*Run-of-river HP; ** Storage HP;

Furthermore, the reduced flow velocity in impoundments/ reservoirs has a barrier-effect for up- and
downstream fish migrations. In upstream direction, fish might not be able to orient themselves if
minimum flow velocities are not ensured. Fish show a so called “positive rheotaxis”, which means that
they detect flow velocity, use it for orientation and swim towards it (Lucas & Baras, 2001). If the flow
velocity falls below a species- and age-specific threshold (usually between 0.15-0.3 m/s) fish lose their
orientation (Adam & Schwevers, 1997; Seifert, 2012; ICPDR, 2013) and might not be able to continue
their migrations.

In downstream direction, the impoundment might prevent eggs and larvae, which highly depend on
the passive downstream drift by natural flow, to reach their nursing habitats (Agostinho & Zalewski,
1995; Lowe-McConnell, 1999). If the flow velocity is reduced, their transport might be delayed or, even
worse, their deposition in the impoundment will cause high mortality rates (Agostinho & Gomes,
1997b). Pompeu et al. (2011) assessed the larvae drift through the Santa Clara Power Plant in the

Mucuri River. The dam is 60 m high and 240 m wide, causing a reservoir of 7.5 km² (150 Mio. m³).
Larvae abundance, both up- and downstream of the reservoir, was highly related to high flow rates
(Figure 5.23). During higher flows (i.e. a water residence of ~4 days), the density of eggs and larvae was
similar up- and downstream of the reservoir. For lower flows (e.g. water residence time of ~19 days),
only 8 % of eggs/larvae were found downstream of the dam (Pompeu et al., 2011).

Figure 5.23. Comparison of egg/larvae density upstream and downstream of the Santa Clara dam and the
related flows in the Mucuri River (October 2002 to February 2003; Pompeu et al. 2011).

Also in the Tocantins River, the Lageado dam (residence time of 24 days) hinders larvae from passing
the reservoir (Agostinho et al., 2007). Furthermore, the passage through the dam may also cause
injuries and losses (Clay, 1995; see also chapters and With regard to the Mekong, it is
most likely that tributary reservoirs with high water retention times do not support larvae drift. In
mainstream impoundments, it has to be investigated if passive drift might still be supported during dry
and/or flood season.

Also with regard to water quality changes in the reservoir, it has to be considered that increased
temperatures and reduced oxygen levels may have a drastic impact on fish, especially on the more
sensitive life stages, i.e. eggs and larvae (see also Chapters 4.2 and 4.2.6).

138 Sedimentation & river bed incision
The ecological integrity of a river depends to a high degree on a natural sediment transport (as already
described in Chapter 3). According to Koehnken (2014) monitoring data revealed that the suspended
sediment load in the LMB is already highly impacted by sedimentation processes. Compared to the
historic values of 160 Mt/yr, the Mekong nowadays only transports ~70 Mt/yr. Although reductions
have been recorded in all monitoring locations, the highest shortage was observed at Chiang Saen (i.e.
closest site to the Chinese cascade), where suspended sediment loads decreased from 60-100 MT/yr
to 10-12 Mt/yr (Koehnken, 2014). Such sediment deficits can have a high impact on aquatic habitats,
as the still high transport capacity might cause river bed incision.

Up- and downstream of the dams, the following impacts might occur:

- Sedimentation (upstream) causing

o filling up of important habitat structures (e.g. deep pools)
o deposition of finer sediments, reduction of vertical connectivity (clogging of
o loss of site-specific grain sizes (loss of species relying on those substrates, e.g.
lithophilic fish)
- Sediment lack (downstream) causing
o loss of certain habitat structures (e.g. sand bars)
o river bed incision (deepening of the river)
o reduced connectivity to the floodplains and consequently loss of floodplain habitats
- Reservoir flushing (although it is a mitigation measure, it is also connected with negative
impacts on the aquatic ecosystem, therefore listed here for the sake of completeness; more
details follow in chapter

Dams may not only block access routes to important habitats, they also cause massive habitat
alterations due to sedimentation upstream and sediment deficit downstream of the dam. Due to
sedimentation processes, species depending on a site-specific (natural) substrate composition might
lose their habitat (e.g. species feeding on benthic invertebrates inhabiting the interstitial).
Furthermore, sedimentation processes might cause a filling up of deep pools upstream of the dam. As
already discussed in chapter 5.1.4, deep pools are critical habitats for maintaining ecological integrity,
as many species rely on them as habitat, especially during the dry season.

The cascade of planned mainstream dams will totally alter the geomorphology of the Mekong River
and most likely reduce the quantity and quality of deep pools (see Figure 5.24).

Figure 5.24. Location and proposed normal operating water levels of proposed hydropower dams in relation to
the longitudinal profile of the Lower Mekong river bed and dry season water surface (Operating water level of
dams are according to CNR 2009 and ICEM 2010, yellow shading indicates alluvial reaches of the river, the
remaining sections are bedrock-controlled (Halls et al. 2013).

The lack of sediment downstream might cause river bed incision (Thompson et al., 1998), thereby
reducing the connectivity to floodplain habitats. Together with reduced flood flows (e.g. due to
storage) the dimension and quality of floodplain habitats will be reduced, affecting the productivity of
the entire LMB. Also further downstream in the Delta, the lack of sediment might cause salt intrusion,
thereby making this area unsuitable for freshwater species not able to sustain in brackish water. Reservoir flushing

Reservoir flushing is an important mitigation measure for sediment re-mobilisation and, thus, the
restoration of natural sediment dynamics including the formation of type-specific habitats.
Nevertheless, it is also associated with negative effects on physico-chemical conditions (e.g. turbidity,
oxygen deficiency, hydropeaking) impacting fish directly (e.g. increased drift, gill and skin injuries,
stress, fish kills) and indirectly (e.g. reduced food supply caused by increased drift and loss of benthic
invertebrates, reduced growth, lost habitats due to sedimentation) (Kemp et al., 2011; Jones et al.,
2012; Crosa et al., 2009; Henley et al., 2000).

Newcombe & Jensen (1996) classified the effects of reservoir flushing as (1) lethal effect (high to low
mortality, high to medium habitat degradation, (2) lethal and para-lethal effects (high predatory
pressure, prolonged hatching of larvae), (3) sub-lethal effects (reduction of growth, fitness and feeding,
disturbed homing effect, physiologic stress, elevated breath frequency) and (4) behavioural effects
(emigration, active/ passive drift). While behavioural effects are mainly reversible and limited to the
duration of exposure (Newcombe, 1994), physiologic changes have a more chronic character. For
example, changes of the habitat availability due to sedimentation of flushed sediments in important
habitats downstream the dam (Scullion & Milner, 1979; Lisle and Lewis, 1992) may also induce a loss
of ecosystem productivity (Bjornn et al., 1977; Saunders & Smith, 1965; Alexander & Hanse 1986). Geo-
morphological changes can also negatively impact fish migrations (Alabaster & Lloyd, 1982). Therefore,
flushing is a potential threat to entire fish populations (Garric et al., 1990; Eberstaller et al., 2001;

Schmutz, 1999 and 2001). However, comprehensive impact assessments are challenging and complex,
as the assessment of reservoir flushing should include delayed long-term effects and indirect impacts.

The intensity of impacts depends mainly on the concentration and duration of exposure, but also the
size and texture of particles, water temperature, chemical and physical conditions (Stone & Droppo,
1994). Furthermore, toxic substances, acclimatisation as well as other stressors and their interaction
are relevant (Waters, 1995). For example, the release of organic matter and the consecutive oxygen
depletion may lead to suffocation of fish and benthic invertebrates (Garric et al., 1990).

The “ranked effects model” is a tool for quantifying negative effects of suspended solids on fish
(Newcombe & Mac Donald, 1991; Newcombe & Jensen, 1996). The model compiled results of more
than 80 investigations on the negative impact of total (inorganic) suspended solids (TSS) on freshwater
fish (mainly salmonids but also for cyprinids) and benthic invertebrates. On the basis of duration (h)
and concentration of exposure (mg/l), a so called “severity of ill index” (SEV) is calculated whereby
several models are used depending on the species and age class. The results range from 0 (no changes
in behaviour) to 14 (80-100 % mortality).

5.25. Relational trends of freshwater fish activity to turbidity values and time
(www.lakesuperiorstreams.org/understanding/param_turbidity.html, based on Newcombe & Jensen, 1996).

Another comparable model (Newcombe, 2003) allows assessments in the field on the basis of turbidity
and visibility. However, it is only applicable to clear water streams. Since the above-mentioned models
only consider direct impacts neglecting indirect effects caused by habitat changes, Anderson et al.
(1996) developed a model to assess the negative impacts on fish habitats, which also used rankings
between 0 and 14.

5.2.4 Water abstraction
Usually water is diverted for hydropower production from the main river channel to the hydropower
plant and then reintroduced. Another possibility is the transfer of water from one catchment into
another. In such a case, the river is impacted by water abstraction until the effect is offset by major
tributaries. Water abstractions may not only occur due to hydropower production but also with regard
to other uses as e.g. irrigation.

In general, the impact depends on the quantity and quality of the water remaining in the main channel.
Loss of habitat is associated with loss in fish productivity. Usually, the reduction of flow goes hand in
hand with a reduction of flow dynamics. This might consequently change the substrate patterns (e.g.
silting up of the interstitial). Furthermore, with regard to flow reduction, the river in the residual flow
section becomes smaller (reduced depth and width), which might have negative impacts on the
connectivity (to tributaries and adjacent floodplains), but also on the water quality. The reduced buffer
capacity of the water body might induce a temperature increase and, together with a reduction of
water quality due to reduced dilution, increases the chance of eutrophication.

The importance of a natural flow regime (Karr, 1991; Bunn & Arthington, 2002) was already discussed
in previous Chapter 2.1 and 5.1.1). Any deviation from the natural hydrology may alter instream
habitats and affect natural processes which consequently reduces fish biodiversity, density and

5.2.5 Water quality alterations

Risks, impacts and vulnerabilities with regard to water quality alterations were already discussed in
Chapter 4.2. This chapter will, therefore, focus on the impact of water quality alterations on aquatic
organisms, as e.g.:

- Seasonal temperature increase/decrease (may offset migration triggers; decrease of

stenotherm species; fish kills)
- Thermopeaking (see chapter 5.2.2)
- Oxygen deficiency (e.g. in stratified reservoirs or due to temperature increase)
- Oxygen supersaturation (may cause gas bubble disease)
- pH changes (as certain pH values favour the existence of toxic substances)
- increased/decreased nutrient load (increase BOD; algae bloom, eutrophication)
- increased/decreased turbidity (harmful concentrations; increased visibility)

As shown in Figure 4.16, the LMB water temperatures are between 18-32°C. Natural temperature
regimes are related to the hydrological cycle, with lower temperatures and higher temperature ranges
in upstream areas (~18-26 °C in Chiang Saen), compared to downstream sections (~27-30 °C in Kratie).

Any changes to the seasonal temperature regime may impact aquatic organisms. As water
temperature is also assumed to trigger migrations, any changes to the seasonal temperature regime
may also effect migrations. Furthermore, temperature changes might cause stress for aquatic
organisms. While some species tolerate a wide range of temperatures (i.e. eurytherm), other species
(i.e. stenotherm) are adapted to the local temperature regime and are, therefore, very vulnerable to
small temperature changes. Furthermore, temperature has a high influence on the gonad
development and maturation time of eggs. A reduction in temperature may postpone the hatching of

eggs and, therefore, reduce the time available for feeding. Lower temperatures may - in general - result
in lower productivity due to reduced metabolism. Furthermore, if lethal temperatures are reached,
massive fish kills might be the consequence. Especially eggs and larvae react sensitive to higher
temperatures which is why impacts might level down the reproduction success.

Figure 5.26 depicts the relation between oxygen saturation and demand in dependence of the water
temperature (Kieckhäfer, 1973). Based on the Van‘t Hoff equation, an increase of 10 °C enhances
metabolic processes by 2-3 times and consequently also the oxygen demand. However, at the same
time, the absolute oxygen saturation in the water (mg/L) decreases at higher temperatures causing an
increasing discrepancy between demand and availability.

Figure 5.26. Oxygen need (a) and oxygen saturation (b) in dependence of the water temperature (Kieckhäfer,

In turbulent and nutrient-poor water bodies, the oxygen saturation might be close to 100 %. If the
organic load increases, daily oxygen fluctuations might occur (due to production at daytime and
respiration at night time). The dissolved oxygen concentration in the free-flowing Mekong mainstream
ranges between 5.5-8.5 mg/l. Although lower concentrations can be observed in stagnant waters
during the dry season, anoxic conditions only occur if the water stratifies (e.g. in deep impoundments)
(MRC, 2009).

Lefecre et al. (2011) assessed the swimming depth of Pangasianodon hypophthalmus in relation to the
oxygen level in a pond in the Mekong Delta and observed, that the species only used the upper-most
25 % of the water column. Especially at night and increasing depths (i.e. >1 m), species were
confronted with hypoxia and anoxia. Furthermore, deeper areas might also host toxic compounds (e.g.
ammonia, nitrite, hydrogen sulphide) making them unsuitable for fish (Lefcre et al., 2011).

Table 5.9 provides several water quality parameters between 1985-2010 and 2011 compared to water
quality guidelines with regard to human health and aquatic life.

Table 5.9. Comparison of water quality data of the Mekong River between 1985-2010 and 2011 (MRC, 2013)
(yellow values highlight values outside of the guidelines for the protection of human health and/ or aquatic life).

Not only too low but also too high oxygen levels might cause problems to aquatic organisms.
Supersaturated levels of total dissolved gas in the water can cause gas bubble disease (GBD). Thereby,
gas bubbles accumulate in the blood vasculature and tissues, causing lesions in the fish. Both,
supersaturation of oxygen and nitrogen can cause GDB, however, the total dissolved gas (TDG) is more
important than the levels the gases individually.

Figure 5.27. Visible gas bubbles in vasculature of operculum and in eye as observed in acute gas bubble disease.

Supersaturation means, that the water contains more dissolved gas than it can normally hold in
solution at a given temperature and atmospheric pressure. This can occur in plunge pools from dams,
where the gravity head forces gas into solution. Thereby, energy dissipation structures, spill rates (see
also Figure 5.28) and operation patterns are the main factors to be considered (Qu et al., 2011).

Figure 5.28. Relation between spillway flow and total dissolved gas saturation (Qu et al., 2011).

The following table provides a comparison of large Chinese dams and their TDG saturations which are
between 115 and 143 %.

Table 5.10. Comparison of total dissolved gas (TDG) saturation levels below large Chinese dams (Qu et al.

Case Project Location of the observed section Energy dissipation Spill Power TDG level
No. rate flow (%)
(m3/s) (m3/s)
1 Three Gorges 4000 m downstream the dam Ski-jump energy dissipation 20200 15600 138.0
2 Ertan 3000 m downstream the dam Ski-jump energy dissipation 3706 1809 140.0
3 Zipingpu Rainbow Bridge downstream the Ski-jump energy dissipation 340 0 114.9
4 Manwan Downstream stilling basin export Ski-jump energy dissipation 1810 1927 124.0
5 Dachaoshan Bridge downstream the dam Ski-jump energy dissipation 830 2120 116.0
6 Gongzui Gongdian Bridge downstream the Surface flow energy 2642 1580 142.5
dam dissipation
7 Tongjiezi Stilling basin export Underflow energy 317 1920 138.7

Lab experiments on the effects of gas supersaturation on lethality and avoidance responses in juvenile
rock carp (Procypris rabaudi) show that these fish can survive in water with a supersaturated level of
up to 115 % of TDG. Especially juvenile individuals avoid and die in water with higher levels (Huang et
al., 2010). However, field studies revealed that critical levels might be even lower. Ryan et al. (2000)
collected data from the Snake and Columbia Rivers. On the basis of GBD observations in large samples
of non-salmonids and invertebrates, they developed a model for the prediction of GBD signs. TDG
saturation, duration and level of exposure strongly correlated with the prevalence of GBD signs
(r2=0.79). While signs were rare when TDG remained below 120 % of saturation, external GBD signs
were observed for TDG levels >120 %. Weitkamp (2008) indicates that TDG supersaturation also occurs
in the Canal da Piracema.

With regard to total suspended solids (TSS; reflecting turbidity/visibility) aquatic organisms have
evolved and are therefore adapted to local and seasonal dynamics of TSS. The natural level of TSS

highly depends on the geo-hydromorphological conditions in the catchment and can be highly variable
over the year. The highest natural TSS peaks occur during larger floods and may also affect fish.
However, healthy ecosystems are usually able to compensate these effects in the long run. Reservoir
flushing can cause TSS concentrations much higher than the natural background concentration.
Depending on the concentration and duration, is can result in stress or complete elimination of fish

5.3 Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Mitigation Measures
This chapter builds on mitigation measures introduced in Chapters 2.3, 3.4 and 4.3 (related to hydro-
morphological and water quality alterations) and complements aspects relevant for aquatic organisms
which were not discussed (e.g. the restoration of connectivity for fish).

5.3.1 General
Hydropower planning has to start at an early stage and on a large scale and under involvement of all
relevant disciplines to allow the application of the full mitigation hierarchy, from avoidance through
minimization, mitigation and compensation (Hartmann et al. 2013; Poff et al., 2015).

The MRC Preliminary Design Guidance for Mainstream Dams (MRC, 2009) highlights, that avoidance
should be preferred over mitigation, and that compensation measures should only be considered for
unmitigated impacts. To take full consideration of avoidance options, large scale assessments under
consideration of different hydropower locations have to be performed. Thereby, vulnerable locations
can be avoided at an early stage. Furthermore, although general guidelines on selected mitigation
measures exist, the incorporation of local characteristics and vulnerabilities is necessary, to ensure
their functionality. Therefore, the collection and assessment of basin-wide characteristics (e.g. with
regard to fish migration, sediment transport, hydrology) constitutes an important mitigation measure
itself. Furthermore, as many mitigation measures were not tested for large tropical rivers and the
system may change due to additional HPs, a high degree of adaptability/ flexibility should be ensured,
allowing modifications on the basis of knowledge gained during monitoring operations. Especially with
regard to aquatic ecology, compensatory measures should only be considered, if avoidance and
mitigation measures are proven to be insufficient. Even then, compensation measures have to be
planned and implemented with great caution, since e.g. the stocking with alien species might cause
additional pressure on native species.

5.3.2 Master Plan and Feasibility Dam siting

The siting and scale of hydropower projects are critical factors in determining the long-term impacts
of developments. The development of master plans for sustainable hydropower development relies to
a high degree on the collection and assessment of catchment-wide data. These data can then be used
to identify basin-wide vulnerabilities and to develop guidelines or requirements which have to be
aimed for.

With regard to aquatic ecology and fisheries, the following information should be collected

- Distribution of migratory and vulnerable species and assessment of their life-cycle

requirements, e.g.
o migration purpose
o migration period
o life cycle
o migratory behaviour (distance, swimming capabilities, migration corridor)
o location of spawning habitats
o environmental conditions triggering migrations
o role of floodplain migrations for sub-adult individuals
o role of passive drift for eggs & larvae

- Distribution and relevance of habitat structures (e.g. deep pools, rapids)
- Vulnerability to certain habitat alterations (e.g. hydropeaking, seasonal shifts, impoundments)

As already discussed in previous chapters, certain reaches of the Mekong are more vulnerable than
others. With regard to fish migration, this applies to the Mekong mainstream and larger tributaries.
Consequently, hydropower plants further upstream in the Mekong mainstream (close to the Chines
cascade) cause less impacts than hydropower plants further downstream. The same applies for
tributary dams, where a dam at the mouth of the tributary would disconnect the entire upstream
catchment. Also important habitats should be considered for the siting of dams. Furthermore, there
might be sites with topological constraints (e.g. spatial restrictions) possibly preventing the realisation
of the best suitable fish pass.

Large scale assessments should also incorporate the location of other existing and planned dams, since
the realisation of a project in an already fragmented section most likely causes less impacts. The
International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM) performed a Strategic Environmental
Assessment of existing hydropower plants (i.e. eight plants > 30 MW and 50 plants <50 MW) for the
Vu Gia Thu Bon River basin in Vietnam (ICEM, 2008), to assess existing plans for further hydropower
development (Hartmann et al., 2013). The cost-benefit analysis of these projects included 15 themes
for economic, social and environmental values and resources and concluded that the pace and scale
of the proposed development cannot be sustained. However, by excluding some small hydropower
plants from the development plan, the basin would retain the connectivity of two full sub-catchments
(i.e. from headwaters to the sea; Figure 5.29).

Figure 5.29. Proposed intact rivers in Vu Gia Thu Bon basin (ICEM 2008).

Furthermore, Opperman et al. (2015) performed multiple dam building scenarios for three case studies
and compared them on the basis of hydropower capacity and impact on connectivity (defined as
longest connected network in the catchment). In one of the case studies, the Coatzacoalcos River
Basin, hydropower was not yet developed. On the basis of 28 potential hydropower plants with a
capacity of 495 MW, 25 different scenarios were calculated. Up to 40 % of the hydropower capacity
could be developed with relatively little impacts on connectivity (i.e. ~90 % of connectivity preserved).
Furthermore, the impacts on connectivity varied considerably between scenarios with the same
energy output (Figure 5.30).

Figure 5.30. Hydropower capacity and river kilometres affected by fragmentation for different scenarios in the
Coatzacoalcos Basin (red dots: scenarios shown in next figure; Opperman et al., 2015).

Figure 5.31. Two scenarios with similar hydropower capacity but considerably different levels of connectivity
(Opperman et al., 2015).

While the other two case studies (Magdalena River Basin in Colombia; Tapajós River Basin in Brazil)
already had some existing hydropower plants, the results again highlighted that large-scale assessment
can make a significant difference on overall impacts (Opperman et al., 2015).

The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR, 2013) provides an
example on the regional scale. It promotes guiding principles for sustainable HP development in the
Danube catchment including a two levels approach (Error! Reference source not found. 5.32) under
he consideration of several criteria.

Figure 5.32. Strategic HP planning approach – national/regional and project-specific assessments (ICPDR 2013).

To answer the questions of “where” to build a new hydropower plant, all rivers sections are evaluated
in this approach with regard to their hydroelectric potential and environmental values. Ecological
criteria include (1) naturalness (hydromorphological status), (2) rarity, ecological value and sensitivity,
(3) specific ecological structures and functions (e.g. habitats of sensitive fish species) and (4)
conservation areas (e.g. Ramsar sites). After selecting sites with high energy potential and low

vulnerability, individual projects and their site-specific mitigation measures can be planned. Given the
plans of further hydropower development on the Mekong and its tributaries (see for example the
Tributary Significance Study – Hydropower; Muir, 2010) the concept of retaining some intact river
routes should be considered as an overarching mitigation option.

From the perspective of aquatic ecology, changes to the sediment transport processes should be kept
to a minimum. In this context, also the minimisation of impoundments (i.e. locating them offsite or
reducing their length) should be considered. Possible sediment management options were already
discussed in Chapter 3.4. When applying these measures ecological requirements should be
considered. Adaptation of hydropower scheme/ operation

Adaptive hydropower schemes or operations represent an important measure to avoid and mitigate
impacts. For instance, the opening of gates during migration periods can represent a suitable measure
for restoring connectivity when it is most important.

Surface spill flow can serve as a migratory pathway if the water depth is ¼ of the fall height and at least
0.9 m (DWA, 2005). Fish could be injured if the velocity exceeds 15 - 16 m/s (Bell & Delacy, 1972). This
critical velocity depends on the fish length and is reached after a free fall of 30 - 40 m for 15 - 16 cm
long fish or 13 m for > 60 cm long fish. Fish that are less than 10 – 13 cm long are not harmed if their
velocity remains below the critical thresholds of 15 -16 m/s. However, according to BAFU (2012) the
free fall should not exceed 2.5 m. A release below the surface is not recommended since fish might be

The Pak Mun hydropower plant opens the flood gates for four months of the year to facilitate fish
passage. While this measure is also suitable to allow passage of large fish peaks, experiences of spillway
passage for large fish are scarce. Parsley et al. (2007) report successful passage of sturgeons via bottom
gates at the Dalles Dam (Columbia River). However, no information has been found if this measure is
effective in facilitating fish passage in the LMB. Therefore, further research is necessary to test its
efficiency and to formulate recommendations for the Mekong River.

Furthermore, new innovative hydropower schemes can be considered or existing principles can be
adapted to cause less impact. The reduction of the dam height may reduce impacts related to
reservoirs and impoundments. Furthermore, a large number of different fish pass types and alternative
turbine designs (see also chapter can be considered to restore connectivity in up- and
downstream direction. Development of environmental flow rules

The development and application of environmental flow rules is important for avoiding and mitigating
all types of hydrological alterations, as e.g. hydropeaking, seasonal shift of flows and flow diversion.

Gupta (2008) defines environmental flow (EF) as discharges of a particular magnitude, frequency and
timing, which are necessary to ensure that a river system remains environmentally, economically and
socially healthy. In this context, EF can be considered as mitigation measures for all hydrological
alterations (I.e. seasonal shifts, hydropeaking, water abstraction).

It is widely accepted that not only the quantity of discharge but also, flow dynamics are key factors for
sustaining native species diversity and ecological integrity of rivers (e.g. Poff et al., 1997; Karr, 1991;

Bunn & Arthington, 2002; Postel & Richter, 2003; Annear et al., 2004; Biggs et al., 2005). Also the PDG
(MRC, 2009) states that minimum flow releases as well as restrictions on changes to natural variability
need to be assessed on the basis of appropriate environmental flor techniques. Since water quality
changes are usually caused by altering the flow or sediment transport, also mitigation measures
focusing on hydro-morphology may improve the water quality.

Several reviews on different EF approaches exist (e.g. Dyson et al., 2003; Acreman & Dunbar, 2004;
Gupta, 2008; Tharme, 2003; Arthington et al., 2006). In general, their requirements and complexity
increases from (1) hydrological, (2) hydraulic rating methods to (3) habitat rating to (4) holistic
approaches (King et al., 1999).

Hydrological analyses (also called desktop analyses) are mostly used to define minimum flow
thresholds (e.g. Q95%) (Barker & Kirmond, 1998). For example, the Tennant or Montana Method
(Tennant, 1976) defines EF values as percentage of the average daily discharge or mean annual flow
(MQ) with 10 % MQ considered as minimum flow, and 60-100 % MQ for providing optimal habitat
conditions. However, since these methods lack ecological relevance and sensitivity to individual rivers
they are considered as inadequate to sustain ecological integrity. Therefore, hydraulic rating methods
try to incorporate channel-discharge relationships. The Range of Variability Approach (RVA by Richter
et al., 1997) uses 32 hydrological parameters (their range and variation) as indicators of hydrological
alteration (IHA; Richter et al., 1996) to characterize ecologically relevant attributes of the local flow
regime and to translate them into defined flow-based management targets. The method suggests a
natural flow paradigm including the full range of natural intra and inter-annual variation of hydrological
regimes and associated characteristics of timing, duration, frequency and rate of change as critical
factors to sustain the integrity of the riverine ecosystem (Richter et al., 1997). Although considering
flow dynamics, these methods still neglect the requirements of aquatic biota. The Flow Events Method
(FEM; Stewardson & Gippel, 2003) evaluates the frequency of hydraulically relevant flow indices
(selected by experts) under alternate flow regimes (Acreman & Dunbar, 2004). It consists of five steps:
After preparing a list of ecological factors affected by flow variation, different flow events and their
distribution in time are analyzed. Then hydraulic parameters (e.g. wetted perimeter) at these different
flow events are modelled. A comparison and evaluation of different flow management scenarios with
regard to ecological consequences leads to the specification of certain flow rules (Stewardson & Gippel

Furthermore, methods assessing different flows in combination with habitat availability for certain
species were developed. Waters (1976) invented the concept of weighted usable area (WUA), which
was used by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Bovee, 1982) to develop the computer model PHABSIM
(physical habitat simulation). It investigates the usable habitat for certain species under different flow
scenarios (Acreman & Dunbar, 2004). A similar model is MesoHABSIM (Mesohabitat Simulation Model)
where the computer model SimStream is used to predict the habitat availability of aquatic
communities for different discharge scenarios (Parasiewicz, 2001). Also the Instream Flow Incremental
Methodology (IFIM; Bovee & Milhous, 1978, Reiser et al., 1989a, b; Stalnaker et al., 1995) is used for
the approximation of a suitable EF on the basis of biological habitat preferences and hydraulic
modelling (Poff et al., 1997). However, even IFIM was criticized to be confusing and incomplete as the
whole assessment module remains largely at a theoretical level (King & Tharme, 1994). This lead to
the development of holistic approaches, as e.g. the Building Block Methodology (BBM; Tharme & King,
1998) which states that aquatic organisms rely on basic elements (i.e. building blocks) of the flow

regime (e.g. low flows, medium flows and floods). In this method EF is assessed by an expert-based
combination of building blocks. The Expert Panel Assessment Method (Swales & Harris, 1995), the
Scientific Panel Approach (Thoms et al., 1996) or the Benchmarking Methodology (Brizga et al., 2002)
try to evaluate, how much a flow regime can be altered before the integrity of the aquatic ecosystem
is altered or seriously affected. Also ELOHA (“ecological limits of hydrologic alteration”; Poff et al.,
2010) is based on the premise that increasing degrees of flow alteration enforce increasing ecological
change. The evaluation of the relationship is further based on the testing of plausible hypotheses
stated by experts. Ecological response variables are most suitable if they react to flow alterations, allow
validation using monitoring data and are esteemed by society (e.g. for fishery) (Poff et al., 2010).

Figure 5.33. Example of flow regime built up using building blocks (from Acreman and Dunbar, 2004 based on
Tharme & King, 1998).

However, since (1) current EF determinations are often prescriptive and not negotiable (i.e.
consequences of non-compliance are not discussed) and (2) socio-economic impacts are not
adequately considered (costs-benefits of water-resource developments), the DRIFT method
(Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation; King et al., 2003) was developed. DRIFT
utilizes knowledge of experienced scientists from biophysical disciplines as hydrology, hydraulics,
fluvial geomorphology, sedimentology, chemistry, botany and zoology. Each specialist uses discipline-
specific methods to derive the links between river flow and river condition. Furthermore, experts from
socio-economic disciplines can be included. DRIFT aims at combining data and knowledge from all
relevant disciplines in four modules (King et al., 2003; MRC, 2014; Acreman & Dunbar, 2004):

 The biophysical module for evaluating changes of the ecosystem (e.g. hydrology, hydraulics,
geomorphology, water quality, riparian vegetation, aquatic plants, organisms etc.) in response
to altered flow.
 The socio-economic module for covering all relevant river resources.
 The scenario-building module for impact assessment.
 The economic module for considering compensation-/ mitigation-costs of each scenario.

All assumptions and interrelations, i.e. ecosystem’s response to certain flow aspects of the flow
regime, are recorded within the data management tool and can be viewed and changed if required.

Therefore, a high level of transparency is ensured. Based on different scenarios and the connected
flow regime changes, DRIFT calculates the responses of the riverine ecosystem (MRC, 2014).

In the LMB, the MRC proposed the Integrated Basin Flow Management (IBFM) approach to balance
economic, social and ecological requirements (Sarkkula et al., 2005). The IBFM incorporates analytical
tools as e.g. hydrological, hydrodynamic or water quality models which are then linked to social,
economic and policy issues. Sarkkula et al. (2005) used (1) flood characteristics (duration, area, arrival
time, depth), (2) dissolved oxygen, (3) TSS and net sedimentation and (4) dry season water quality as
scenario indicators for the application of IBFM.

Although many different methodologies exist, it is still a challenge to translate the knowledge of
hydrologic-ecological principles into specific management rules (Poff et al., 2003). For applications in
the LMB, (1) relationships between hydrological alteration and habitat changes and (2) habitat
requirements of key species have to be assessed. Since the knowledge on habitat requirements is
limited, the dimension of known important habitats as e.g. deep pools or rapids could be used as
surrogate parameters for the overall habitat quality.

With regard to the Mekong, environmental flow assessments will be relevant for diversion hydropower
plants, but also for storage- and selected run-of-river hydropower plants with irregular production
characteristics. Mitigation measures have to focus on sufficient flow (minimum flow) and the
consideration of natural flow dynamics:

o Sufficient flow for

 Fish passability (minimum depth and minimum flow velocity)
 Triggering spawning migrations
 Supporting spawning migrations (including migration peaks)
o Incorporation of flow dynamics following the natural variability to ensure
 That migration triggers remain functional
 The seasonality and natural reallocation of sediment (mobilization of fine sediments to
prevent soil clogging)
 The seasonality and diversity of type-specific habitats (e.g. floodplain habitats)
 Suitable increase- and downramping velocities (for hydropeaking)
 Suitable conditions of oxygen and temperature

The selection of the appropriate methodology depends on available resources (e.g. time, money, and
data) and the question stated. Environmental flow assessments should be incorporated into the
planning phase of hydropower plants. Finally, it has to be kept in mind that each EF assessment, be it
calculated by a simple rule of thumb or a holistic method, has to be evaluated with regard to its
biological relevance and effectiveness for the specific river to be assessed. Therefore, the selected EF
has to be monitored and, if necessary, adapted accordingly (see also chapter 5.3.5).

In the case of hydropeaking, environmental flows also have to incorporate the following points:

 Avoidance of hydro-peaking operations

 Adaptation of the operation mode of hydropower plants
 Interposition of re-regulation weirs or compensation basins

 Reduction or coordination of electricity demand peaks to reduce the peak demands
 Reduction of the amplitude (increase of the base flow and/or decrease of the hydropower
 Deceleration of the rise and fall of the discharge (i.e. ramping rates)
 Improvement of river morphology

With regard to hydropeaking, there are still substantial knowledge gaps (Young et al., 2011) with
regard to (1) pulse type and life stage, (2) water quality and fish behaviour (e.g. influence of oxygen
and temperature on migration), (3) habitat complexity, (4) habitat changes (e.g. changed morphology
caused by hydro peaking), (5) long term, cumulative effects and (6) mitigation possibilities. Especially
for the Mekong, suitable increase- and downramping rates have to be developed for the entire LMB. Development of Water quality standards and turbidity thresholds

Measures for water quality maintenance were already discussed in Chapter 4.3. In general, mitigation
measures have to aim for minimizing alterations on water quality upstream, within and downstream
of impoundments under consideration of seasonal quality cycles. Therefore, mitigation measures have
to aim for adequate levels of dissolved oxygen and sufficiently low levels of phosphorus, nitrogen and
biological oxygen demand. However, with regard to the Mekong, further assessments have to reveal
suitable thresholds for these parameters.

According to Dao et al. (2008) reference sites in the MRC biomonitoring programme have to meet
requirements including a pH between 6.5-8.5, electrical conductivity <70 mS/m, dissolved oxygen
concentration >5 mg/L and average SDS between 1.00-1.67. These values are also used as a baseline
to measure environmental changes.

As the physiological process of oxygen uptake by diffusion across the gills relies on the differences in
oxygen saturation between the blood and the surrounding water, DO should be measured in percent.
However, most data are expressed in mg/l and therefore require the related temperature to calculate
the precentral concentration. In general, levels of >90 % are considered as suitable for aquatic life
(Ongley, 2009). The sensitivity to low oxygen levels is species- and age specific, with most species
experiencing stress at levels below 2-4 mg/l, while mortality occurs at concentrations <2 mg/l

Assuming an average temperature of 27.2 °C for the Mekong system, this correspond to 7 mg/l. Since
several Mekong species are adapted to low oxygen levels and capable of breathing surface air, also
lower levels might be sufficient. Tsadik & Kutty (1997) indicated that Tilapia showed a measurable
decline in fish growth at oxygen saturations <90 %. MRC technical groups proposed a value of 5 mg/l
as suitable for aquatic life (Ongley, 2009). However, for impact assessment it is important to consider
both, the oxygen level and the duration of exposure and to compare it to natural/ undisturbed

Table 5.11. Parameters and thresholds used to classify the water quality in the Mekong (Baran & Guerin, 2012;
based on MRC, 2007).

With regard to the gas bubble disease, the recent literature indicates that fish can compensate
supersaturated gas levels by occupying deeper areas with a higher hydrostatic pressures.
Consequently, Total Dissolved Gas (TDG) supersaturation results in little or no gas bubble disease
(GBD) at levels up to 120 % of saturation when compensating depths of 2 m or more are available
(Weitkamp, 2008).

The relevance of the TSS-level will be discussed in chapter on reservoir flushing.

Figure 5.34. Actual and total dissolved gas levels experienced by fish at various depths (Weitkamp et al., 2003). Ecological considerations for reservoir flushing operations

In general, the definition of certain turbidity thresholds is relevant to mitigate negative impacts. While
a high protection level can be assured with 25 mg/l TSS, 80 mg/l is considered as moderate and
400 mg/l as low (EIFAC, 1965) protection level. However, these thresholds are only valid for temperate
rivers. In comparison, Table 5.11 states thresholds of ≤35 mg/l TSS for fair and ≤50 mg/l for bad water
quality and is therefore stricter than the recommendations from EIFAC (1965). However, TSS
concentrations always have to be assessed with regard to natural conditions including seasonal

The following open questions have to be answered to better understand and manage the effects of
flushing operations:

 Identification of species or age classes sensitive to increased turbidity.

 Identification of migration triggers connected to turbidity.
 Definition of turbidity thresholds on the basis of natural events (flood season).
 Modelling and assessment of different reservoir-flushing operation rules with regard to their
induced conditions (e.g. flow velocity, turbidity).
 Measurements of turbidity during flushing operations and investigations on the actual effect
on the local fish fauna.
 Development of guidelines to reduce possible impacts.

5.3.3 Detailed design Restoration of connectivity

The disruption of river connectivity is considered the main cause of impact to aquatic organisms and
especially migratory fish. In order to mitigate the effect of hydropower plants on aquatic organisms,
fish passes should be considered for all existing and planned hydropower plants as referenced in the
Mekong River Commission’s Preliminary Design Guidance (MRC, 2009). This does, however, require a
sound understanding of the ecosystem, fish passage types as well as their efficiency and effectiveness
under certain aquatic, ecological and biological conditions.

The MRC Preliminary Design Guidance for Mainstream Dams (2009) defines the following goals for
continuity restoration

 Fish passes for both up- and downstream migration (i.e. providing safe passage for 95 % of the
target species and all flow conditions).
 Thereby, covering the most important species (i.e. broad selection including all ecological guilds,
commercially important & threatened species) in periods when they migrate.
 Establishment of preferences, tolerances and biological attributes of those target species (i.e.
migration periods and corridors, swimming capabilities; biomass peaks).
 Consideration of multiple facilities and entrances to cover different flow regimes and species
requirements and biomass peaks.
 Dam and fish passage design which seeks to minimise fish injury, mortality and entrapment
(consideration of fish friendly turbines, if feasible)
 Monitoring facilities (up- and downstream of the dam and in the fish pass)
 Adjustable facilities (and consideration of a contingency fund for modification at a later stage,
covering 20% of the initial costs of the fish pass)
 Development of compensation programs, if fish passage is too low to sustain viable populations
and fishery resources.

Facilities for up- and downstream migration and fish protection

Once a specific site was selected, the planning of fish passes should occur parallel to the planning of
the hydropower plant (and not subsequently!). While standards for fish pass design are already
available for temperate rivers (e.g. USA, Europe), examples of functional fish passes in tropical rivers

are sparse which makes it even more important to investigate the following points and to adapt
existing guidelines accordingly:

- Detailed understanding of the hydro-morphological and hydraulic conditions at the site

- Basic knowledge on migratory species (should already be collected and available at the
Master Plan-stage)
- Assessment of suitability of different fish pass types or other additional solutions (e.g.
adapted operation mode; should be considered at feasibility-stage)
- Design of an adaptive approach including monitoring (i.e. planning of an adjustable fish pass
which allows the consideration of monitoring results during construction and operation)

With regard to fish passes, three main aspects have to be considered, which will be addressed in
succession in the following paragraphs:

- Facilities for upstream fish migration

- Facilities for fish protection and downstream fish migration

Technologies for upstream fish migration vary with regard to the conceptual design, spatial demands
and applicability for single or multiple-species. While most fish passes are still built for small or
medium-sized dams (<15 m in height), fish passes at large rivers like the Mekong remain a challenge.
Overall, information and experiences from fish passes in the Mekong are extremely limited. Data and
information for tropical rivers are available largely for South American rivers (which are of particular
interest due to their diverse and highly productive fish fauna – similarly to the Mekong River), and for
temperate rivers for North America and Europe. For large dams, many challenges remain, in particular
for those constructed in multi-species tropical rivers. Therefore, the MRC performed a review of
existing research on fish passage through large dams and its applicability to the Mekong mainstream
river (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015). The report aimed for summarizing current knowledge and research
on fish pass solutions for both upstream and downstream migration. International examples are
discussed and assessed with regard to their applicability to the Mekong River.

In general, a fish pass should be functional >300 days per year (DWA, 2010), considering extreme
hydrological conditions (high flows, low flows) which might prevent the operation of a fish pass.
Furthermore, fish passes should support the migrations of a majority of fish, enabling all types of
species, life stages and fish sizes to pass the barrier. The efficiency of an upstream fish pass depends
on both its perceptibility and passability.

Perceptibility refers to fish finding the entrance of a fish pass, which is a key challenge for the
effectiveness of fish passes. In general, the fish pass entrance should be located in the migration
corridor of relevant species. In large rivers as the Mekong, several fish passes and entrances are
required to ensure the perceptibility for all fish species during different flow situations (Larinier et al.,
2002). Unfavourably located fish pass entrances can make a fish pass inefficient or cause time delays
in migration (especially for several consecutive barriers) which in turn can cause reproduction losses
or even extinction of the species (Agostinho et al., 2002; DWA, 2010).

The perceptibility of the fish pass can be increased by attraction flow, which depends on the flow
velocity, flow volume and position of the entry. Attraction flows can take between 1-10 % of the total
discharge (Williams et al., 2012), and therefore can cause high energy losses to the hydropower plant.

Furthermore, if the entry is not in an ideal position, even higher attraction flows might be required
(Calles & Greenberg, 2005; Larinier, 2002). The introduction of attraction flow turbines is
recommended to keep energy losses to a minimum (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

Since the operational discharge of the FP serves mainly the passability of the FP, it might not be
sufficient to act as attraction flow and additional flow might be required at the fish pass entry to attract
fish. There are two possibilities to increase the attraction flow at large rivers:

1. Installation of a small hydro power plant to increase attraction flow, which also produces
additional energy (see example of FP in Iffezheim at river Rhine).
2. Installation of special pumps that use water coming directly from the forebay together with water
from the tailrace to reinforce the attraction flow (see Figure 5.35). An example of such an
attraction flow pump was developed and patented by the University of Kassel (Germany, Hassinger

Figure 5.35. Schematic sketch of the attraction flow pump (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015; adapted from Hassinger

Figure 5.36. Attraction flow pump in operation (Universität Kassel s.a.).

The pump is based on the Venturi principle. It utilizes a small, but energy-rich flow from the forebay
to set a larger flow into motion. The water coming from the forebay is accelerated due to the level
difference, exits at several jets and takes additional water from the tailwater. The pump is designed to
prevent fish entry. Only 25% (for low head dams) to 10% (head >8 m) of the difference between the
operational discharge and the required attraction flow are needed from the forebay water (jet) while
a large proportion enters from the tailrace (Hassinger, 2008 and 2011).

Such an attraction flow pump was installed in the River Drau at Villach (Austria) and showed promising
results. The system has not been tested yet for large rivers (Hassinger 2008, 2011). However, it is likely
that this principle also applies for large rivers such as the Mekong though additional tests are needed
(Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

With regard to passability, the fish pass has to offer suitable migration corridors for all relevant species
and age classes, which is the case if:

 hydraulic conditions allow the weakest species and age classes to pass,
 continuous rough substrate to ensure lower flow velocities towards the bottom, supporting
bottom-dwelling and weaker species,
 continuous minimum flow velocity of 0.2 - 0.3 m/s (rheoactive velocity) allows orientation and
 spatial dimensions and geometry (depth, width, length) allow the largest species and biomass
peaks to pass the FP.
However, for the Mekong River the required fish pass designs and dimensions are yet to be established
and more detailed knowledge on the local species is required (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

In general, vertical slot fish passes and nature-like bypass channels can be considered as state-of-the-
art for large multi-species rivers, while other fish pass types may favour species with high swimming
abilities. Trap-and-truck solutions, fish lifts and fish locks might be suitable for selected species, but

are not considered as stand-alone solutions (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015). Table 5.12 provides a
comparison of upstream fish pass solutions and their applicability to the LMB.

Table 5.12. Comparison/ applicability of upstream fish pass solutions in the LMB including examples from other
rivers (Schmutz & Mielach, 2015).

Upstream Applicability for the

Case studies Advantages Disadvantages
FP types Mekong

Comparable low
spatial demands, More expensive than Suitable if
possibility to construct nature-like morphometric values
an optimally located constructions; higher and hydraulic
FP Iffezheim (Rhine),
Vertical-slot entry under spatial maintenance effort; no parameters are
FP Gambsheim (Rhine),
FP restrictions; suitable suitable habitat; no designed with regard
FP Geesthacht (Elbe);
for a diverse fish experiences available to the local
community; hydraulic for large, high dams in characteristics and fish
parameters can be tropical rivers community
easily calculated
Case studies for large
Canal da Piracema
rivers are rare but this
(Paraná), Adequate for multiple
Nature-like Sensitive to upstream type should be
FP Freudenau & Melk species; effective if
bypass level variations; high applicable if designed
(Danube), large enough, suitable
channel spatial demands large enough and
Marchfeld channel habitat
sufficient space is
(Rußbach, Danube)
Sensitive to upstream
High transfer capacity; level variations; optimal
suitable habitat; partial position of entry (near
substitute of lost the dam) difficult with Should be applicable
Bypass fluvial habitat; can be regard to low slope and for the Mekong if
Danube (planned)
system used to overcome high length of the FP; sufficient space is
several barriers high discharge available.
concurrently; high required; high spatial
cost-benefit ratio demands, no
experiences available
Capacity depends on
Flexible design allows
cycle time and volume;
construction at Suitable if designed
no permanent
different dam types; and operated properly;
Salto Grande Dam suitable passage for risk of selectivity
Fish locks flow/passage; more
(Uruguay River) selected species; remains. Therefore,
suitable for
potential for tropical only recommended in
rivers with low addition to other types
species; inefficient if
not operated regularly
Can be used
Not suitable for high
everywhere, especially Only suitable as an
biomass; high operation
when other systems interim solution for
Trap & Santa Clara Dam costs; fish might lose
fail; can be used to specific cases or
Truck (Mucuri River) orientation; highly
overcome several species; not suitable as
relies on present
barriers; functionality a permanent solution
can be easily verified

Upstream Applicability for the
Case studies Advantages Disadvantages
FP types Mekong

High costs for

construction, operation
and maintenance; fish
might be stressed and
Only suitable in
Fish lifts/ lose orientation;
Used for high heights combination with
Elevators capacity depends on
other FP systems
cycle time and volume;
usually no permanent
attraction flow and
Usually at locations
with low flow velocity
Not suitable if they are
Shipping No or low additional and therefore
not planned to attract
locks effort/costs no/limited attraction
fish in the first place
flow; no continuous


Figure 5.37. Recommended fish pass types (1: Geesthacht at Elbe River (Geesthacht Elbe s.a.); 2: Nature-like fish
pass at Danube River; 3: Planned bypass system for the Danube River. The figure shows the integration of the
bypass system into the mainstem of the Danube below the dam (Mühlbauer & Zauner 2010, unpublished

Facilities for fish protection and downstream migration are largely lacking, especially for large, multi-
species rivers. However, unidirectional connectivity restoration can transform reservoirs to ecological
traps (Pelicice & Agostinho, 2008). Downstream fish passes, fish-friendly turbines, adaptations of the
operational mode of spill flow (Ĉada et al., 1997; Holzner, 2000) or modifications of the hydropower
plant management are methods to enable downstream migration (AG-FAH, 2011).

For example, at the Itaipú Dam (Paranà River, Brazil/Paraguay), larvae are able to drift through the
reservoir and reach the dam. However, their migration through turbines or spillways leads to high
mortality and reduces the number of larvae downstream of the dam (Agostinho et al., 2002).

With regard to fish protection, behavioural or physical barriers and adapted turbine designs should be
considered. Anyway screens should be positioned in a way that guides fish towards bypass systems.
Behavioural barriers are facilities producing a stimulus which repels fish from entering the turbines

(e.g. guide walls, Louver screens). For the Mekong, knowledge on the behaviour of fish facing such
barriers is missing. According to Williams et al. (2012), physical barriers acting as a mechanic filter
should be preferred. However, to prevent even small fish, such screens would require clear distances
(bar spacing) of <20 mm (Dumont, 2005; Larinier & Travade, 2002; DWA, 2005), which would cause
very high losses to energy production. Thus, larger bar distances are usually applied. As it is not possible
to prevent all fish from entering the turbines and solutions for passive drifting juveniles are currently
unavailable, “fish-friendly” turbines should be considered as a standard-equipment for hydropower
plants. Although turbines might never be fish-friendly, they can at least be designed in a way that is
less harmful for fish passage. Nielsen et al. (in press) prepared a “Review of Existing Knowledge on the
Effectiveness and Economics of Fish-Friendly Turbines” for the MRC giving more details on this topic.

While turbine passage represent only one possible corridor, additional facilities for downstream
migration should be included. For instance, physical barriers should guide fish into a bypass system or
into a fish pass for upstream migration. Some innovative hydropower solutions are shown in Figure

Horizontal rake (very flat,

comparable to a shaft power

Guiding fish to the overflow (or

a bypass system)

Fish-friendly turbine with

included fish- and turbine
protection (very low head (VLH)

Pivoting turbine with included
fish- and turbine protection

Screw turbine for downstream


(new hydroconnect turbine,

where up- and downstream
migration is possible:

Figure 5.38. Examples for innovative solutions (based on Aufleger & Brinkmeier, 2015).

For the Xayaburi dam, the turbines were adapted, and consist of vertical Kaplan turbines with a
diameter of 8.6 m, 5 blades, 83 rpm, a minimal gap runner and an adapted guide vane design (Fishtek
Consulting, 2015b). Monitoring of mortality rates is required to assess effects of adaptations.

Floodplain rehabilitation (lateral connectivity)

There are very few examples of floodplain rehabilitation projects in the LMB, e.g. reconnecting
floodplain channels and habitats. Also the BDP (and SEAs of individual projects) did not consider
floodplain restoration measures in their scenario assessment.

Floodplain restoration and rehabilitation measures rehabilitating the hydrological connectivity

between the mainstream river and the tributary/ floodplain system are of high importance. Enhanced
connectivity can be re-established by the construction of floodplain fish passes or by manipulation of
the river hydrograph (Jones & Stuart, 2008). Although the potential of reconnecting floodplain habitats
to the mainstream river is not yet investigated in detail, first attempts are on the way and seem to be
very promising (Rhein NL, Baumgartner et al., 2010; Schmutz et al., 2013). Nowadays, many floodplains
of the Mekong and tributary system are already disconnected by levees and water-gates, interrupting
the connectivity to the main river and therefore also require reconnection or the installation of fish
pass facilities.

Mitigation measures for floodplain rehabilitation can therefore be defined as:

 Removal of levees/ water-gates

 Construction of fish passes to floodplains/ tributaries
 Reconnection of side-arms

 Reconstruction of floodplains
 Definition of suitable environmental flows to ensure the seasonal availability of floodplain
habitats (see chapter

5.3.4 Construction
During construction, it is important to sustain suitable habitat conditions for all aquatic organisms.
Consequently, all previously discussed parameters (e.g. water quality standards, environmental flow
rules, turbidity thresholds, connectivity) have to be ensured during construction. Monitoring should
already start at a very early stage, including construction to allow a quick response to deviations of
previously defined standards.

5.3.5 Operation
While some mitigation measures are already well developed for temperate regions in Europe or in the
USA, their applicability and efficiency has to be tested for large tropical rivers as the Mekong River.
Therefore, suitable monitoring programmes are required to collect additional data on the efficiency of
planned mitigation measures.

Suitable methods for fish passes include fish traps (at the end of the fish pass), tagging methods (e.g.
PIT tag) or telemetry studies. Telemetry and underwater video observations might also be useful to
assess, if species are able to continue their migrations, or if they show disorientated behaviour.
Especially for the Mekong, fish-ecological investigations are of high importance to increase the
knowledge concerning fish behaviour and species requirements.

If monitoring data reveal that previously defined conditions are not met or that biological indicators
(e.g. species diversity, biomass, and density) are impacted in some way, developers have to respond
with adaptive management until monitoring data show that the impacts are successfully mitigated.
Only if the adaptation of mitigation measures are proven not to be successful, compensatory measures
should be considered. However, in this case, compensatory measures should be performed in a
cautious and sustainable manner to avoid further impacts on the aquatic ecosystem.

5.4 Indicators and Monitoring

In spite of the substantial global knowledge on fish passes, a number of challenges and open research
questions remain to be answered in order to develop effective mitigation options for fish passage
through dams on the Mekong mainstream and tributaries. These include the large size of fish passes
required, the migration of large species, migration peaks with high biomass, the high diversity of
species and seasonal variations in the discharge and water level (for more details on knowledge gaps
on fish passes see Schmutz & Mielach (2015).

Since it is impossible to monitor all habitat components and species, monitoring should focus on
selected indicators covering a wide range of habitat characteristics and biotic requirements. Selected
key species representing different guilds (e.g. with regard to vulnerability, migrations, feeding, habitat
preferences) should be used to assess the overall impact of HPPs and the efficiency of implemented
mitigation measures. Examples are endangered species, endemic species, large species or
economically important species.

The following table provides a list of possible indicators (making no claim to be exhaustive):

Table 5.13. Selection of possible indicators for monitoring the impact on aquatic organisms.

LMB level National/ local level
 Flow (sub-daily/ hourly)  average wet season peak daily flow
 Water level (sub-daily/ hourly)  average flow volume entering Tonle
Hydrology  monthly average dry season flow (i.e.
flow in march)
 total wet season flow volume

 bed elevation and habitat structures  Quality of habitat structures (e.g.

(deep pools, sand bars, rapids) deep pools, sand bars, rapids)
Morphology  approximate flow velocity  Bank erosion, landslips
 sediment load and transport rates  Sediment extractions
 substrate composition
 lateral connectivity  More detailed assessment on
 longitudinal connectivity national/local level: which species rely
 Species assessment: which species on connectivity and what are their
rely on connectivity and what are characteristics (migration period,
Connectivity their characteristics (migration migration corridor, swimming
period, migration corridor, capabilities)
swimming capabilities)  Assessment of migration peaks
 Assessment of migration peaks  Important habitats (for reproduction
and feeding)
 General water quality  temperature
 pH
 conductivity
 dissolved oxygen
Water quality
 total suspended sediments (TSS)
 total dissolved nutrients (P, N)
 salinity
 floodplain inundation patterns  quality of floodplain habitats
(depth, duration)  type: flooded forest, marshes,
 inundation area (extent) inundated rice fields, inundated
Floodplain grasslands
 riparian vegetation
 off-river water bodies
Presence of Biomass/ number/ relevance of
 algae (e.g. diatom, blue-green)  algae (e.g. diatom, blue-green)
 macrophytes (e.g. submerged,  macrophytes (e.g. submerged,
floating) floating)
 macroinvertebrates (e.g. shrimps,  macroinvertebrates (e.g. shrimps,
mayflies) mayflies)
 fish (e.g. different guilds,  fish (e.g. different guilds, endangered,
endangered, commercially commercially important)
important)  herpetofauna (e.g. reptiles,
 herpetofauna (e.g. reptiles, amphibians)
amphibians)  birds (e.g. ground-nesting channel sp.)

LMB level National/ local level
 birds (e.g. ground-nesting channel  mammals (e.g. dolphin, otter)
sp.)  vegetation (e.g. bank vegetation,
 mammals (e.g. dolphin, otter) riparian gardens, marshes)
 vegetation (e.g. bank vegetation,
riparian gardens, marshes)

6 Biodiversity, Wetlands and Natural Resources

6.1 Status and Overview

6.1.1 Status and Overview – Biodiversity and Flagship Species
Recent estimates of the biota of the greater Mekong region include 20,000 plant species, 430 mammal,
1200 bird, 800 reptile and amphibian (Thompson 2008), and 850 fish species (Hortle 2009). New
species continue to be described, even today. Between 1997 and 2007, at least 1068 new species were
discovered in the Mekong Basin. This figure does not include invertebrates, which could possibly add
thousands more new species to the list (Thompson 2008).

The wetlands of the Lower Mekong Basin are vitally important for many mammals. These mammal
species fall into two groups: permanent wetland residents and seasonally wetlands residents,
particularly reliant on wetlands with permanent water in the dry season. As many as 70 mammal
species are endemic to the Mekong Basin (Thompson 2008). These wetlands support 1 Globally
Critically Endangered, 7 Globally Endangered, 4 Globally Vulnerable, and 1 Globally Near-threatened
species of mammals.

Species of particular concern are the Critically Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris,
Globally Endangered Wild Water Buffalo Bubalus arnee, Hairy-nosed Otter Lutra sumatrana, and
Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus; Globally Vulnerable Oriental Small-clawed Otter Aonyx cinerea,
Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra; and the Endangered Lowe’s Otter Civet Cynogale lowei, which is also
endemic to the region. The Critically Endangered
Irrawaddy Dolphin inhabits coastal and larger river
systems in the Indo-Malayan realm. Today, the
population is estimated to be less than 100 individuals,
which are mainly confined to Kratie and Stung Treng
Provinces in Cambodia with occasional wet season
reports from the Xe Kong. The Globally Endangered Wild
Water Buffalo Bubalus arnee was reported in southern
Lao PDR earlier this century. It is now believed to be
close to extinction in the Mekong River Basin as the
result of disturbance and hunting. Figure 6.1. The Fishing Cat (Source: SoB, 2010).

The Endangered Lowe’s Otter Civet Cynogale lowei is endemic to the region. It is reported to be found
in Viet Nam, Yunnan and north-eastern Thailand and may still be present in Lao PDR or Cambodia. The
Globally Endangered Hairy-nosed Otter Lutra sumatrana and Globally Vulnerable Smooth-coated Otter
Lutrogale perspicillata are reported from smaller rivers and relatively undisturbed habitats. Both
species are believed to be in serious decline due to hunting. However, there are reports of viable
populations in some localities in the Lower Mekong Basin. The Globally Vulnerable Oriental Small-
clawed Otter Aonyx cinerea is found in rivers and streams in forests and in adjacent degraded areas.
The Globally Vulnerable Eurasian Otter Lutra lutra is still believed to occur in a number of different
wetland habitats; and The Globally Endangered Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrinus is found in lowland
riverine and deciduous forest (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010). All otter species are under heavy threat
by the local demand for skins and for use in traditional medicine (Campbell et al. 2006).

Other mammals reported in flooded forests near Tonle Sap include flying-foxes (Pteropus sp.) and
three species of primate; the slow loris (Nycticebus coucang), the longtailed macaque (Macaca
fascicularis) and the silvered leaf monkey (Semnopithecus cristatus) (Campbell et al. 2006).

Furthermore, the Mekong stretches in northern Cambodia may be globally significant for the
conservation of at least three mammal species; hog deer (Axis porcinus), silvered leaf monkey and
otters (Bezuijen et al. 2008). The most important habitat for large mammals is the mosaic of tall grass
formations on floodplains (Bezuijen et al. 2008).

Of the 913 bird species in the Lower Mekong Basin, 220 were identified as riparian species for the
Lower Mekong River and associated wetland habitats (for feeding, nesting and resting). The LMB
wetlands are critically important for a number of globally-threatened water bird species. These
wetlands support 6 Globally Critically Endangered species, 7 Globally Endangered species, 15 Globally
Vulnerable species, and 15 Globally Near-threatened species, and at least 1 Endemic species which is
the Globally Near-threatened Mekong Wagtail Motacilla
samveasnae (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010).

The Critically Endangered Giant Ibis Pseudibis gigantea,

long thought to be extinct, was re-discovered in 1993
along the Xe Kong floodplain in southern Lao PDR. Small
waterbodies along the Xe Kong in Attapeu Province in
southern Lao PDR and near the Se San and Srepok Rivers
in Stung Treng are vitally important for this species. The
total world population may be less than 100 individuals.
Figure 6.2. The Giant Ibis (Source: SoB, 2010).

The population of the Globally Endangered White-winged Duck Cairina scutulata in southern Lao PDR
and northern Cambodia is one of the largest remaining worldwide. The Critically Endangered White-
shouldered Ibis Pseudibis davisoni and Globally Endangered Greater Adjutant Leptoptilos dubius occur
in the dipterocarp forest and wetland mosaic of northern Cambodian and southern Lao PDR. These
areas are also vital for the Globally Endangered Green Peafowl Pavo muticus. The Critically Endangered
Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis is found in Tram Chim on the Plain of Reeds and in the
seasonally flooded grasslands of Lake Tonle Sap. Similar habitats are important for Globally Vulnerable
Eastern Sarus Crane Grus antigone sharpii, which in the wet season migrates to northern Cambodia
and southern Lao PDR to seek out non-flooded grasslands.

Globally Vulnerable species relying on the riverine habitats of the Mekong and its larger tributaries
include the Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis and the Globally Near-threatened Black-bellied Tern
Sterna acuticauda. Other Globally Vulnerable species depending on a variety of wetland habitats in the
Lower Mekong Basin include the Masked Finfoot Heliopais personata, Pallas's Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus
leucoryphus, Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis, Milky
Stork Mycteria cinerea and the Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010).

The plains of the lower Mekong, including southern Lao PDR, still retain some areas of near primary
habitats for water birds, with mosaics of open deciduous dipterocarp forests, seasonally inundated
wetlands and grasslands and riverine habitats. Most notably, the plains of northern and eastern
Cambodia are the last stronghold for giant ibis and breeding grounds for white-shouldered ibis and
sarus crane (BirdLife International 2003; Bezuijen et. al. 2008; Wright et al. 2009). The area along the
Mekong River is probably also critical for the conservation of the Mekong wagtail (Motacilla
samveasnae) and may support the largest Indochinese populations of river tern (Sterna aurantia),
woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus) and pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis), as well as the only known
breeding colonies of Plain Martin (Riparia chinensis) in Cambodia. The most important habitats for

birds are the well-vegetated areas of the Mekong channel, particularly those areas forming a mosaic
of seasonally exposed sand, grass, shrub and tree patches (Bezuijen et al. 2008).

The Tonle Sap Great Lake is one of the most important areas for bird conservation in the region and
has long been understood to be extremely important for gregarious large water birds, particularly
storks, pelicans, ibises and cormorants. Seventeen globally threatened or near threatened species
occur regularly around the Tonle Sap Great Lake (Campbell et al. 2006). The swamp forests around the
lake support globally significant breeding populations of spot-billed pelican, lesser adjutant and greater
adjutant. The seasonally inundated grasslands around the lake are probably also the global stronghold
for Bengal florican (Houbaropsis bengalensis). These ecosystems also harbour important populations
of whiterumped (Gyps bengalensis) and slender-billed vultures (Gyps indicus), both critically
endangered species. One of the only known slender-billed vulture nesting areas in the world was found
in 2006 just east of the Mekong River in Cambodia’s Stung Treng province (ScienceDaily 2007).

According to the MRC Technical Note 9 (2010) 25 species of reptiles from 9 families are recorded from
the Lower Mekong system of which, at least 5 of these are Globally Critically Endangered, 7 are Globally
Endangered, 6 are Globally Vulnerable, and 2 are Globally Near-threatened. At least 1 species, the
Tonle Sap Water Snake Enhydris longicauda is endemic to the Tonle Sap Lake of Cambodia.

The Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis is Critically Endangered,

which was formerly widespread throughout the Lower Mekong Basin,
but has declined drastically due to excessive hunting and habitat
destruction. This species is now very rare and believed to be extinct in
the wild in Viet Nam and Thailand. The small numbers confined to the
south of Lao PDR and Cambodia are of high global importance as the
last wild populations but they still face a number of threats. The most
serious threats include hunting, habitat destruction and harvesting of
the young for crocodile farms. The natural genetic stock is also under
threat from cross-breeding with both the Cuban Crocodile Crocodylus
rhombifer and the Saltwater Crocodile Crocodylus porosus encouraged
by crocodile farms in the region (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010).
Figure 6.3. Siamese Crocodile
(Source: SoB, 2010).
Over 20 species of turtles, tortoises and terrapins occur in the Lower Mekong Basin, 17 of which are
listed in the Red Data Book. The River or Mangrove Terrapin Batagur baska, South-east Asian Striped
Softshell Turtle Chitra chitra, and Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle Cuora trifasciata are Critically
Endangered. Another 6 species are listed Globally Endangered, 6 species are listed Globally Vulnerable,
and 1 species is listed Globally Near-threatened (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010). The Mekong River in
northern Cambodia is seen as globally significant for the Cantor´s giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys
cantorii) and may support the largest remaining breeding populations in the Mekong Basin (Bezuijen
et al. 2008). A number of aquatic or semi-aquatic turtles, snakes and lizards occur in the basin, many
of which are hunted for subsistence or sold for food or medicine in local markets (Bezuijen et al. 2008).

Two species of monitor are found associated with the wetlands of the Lower Mekong Basin. These are
the Bengal monitor Varanus bengalensis, and the water monitor Varanus salvator (MRC Technical Note
9, 2010). The reptiles utilize a wide range of habitats in the rivers and in the floodplains in the
Mekong basin.

There have been few systematic studies of the amphibians of the Lower Mekong Basin. Over 100
species of frogs are reported from Lao PDR. According to the IBFM Report No. 7, 2005, at least 17
species of amphibians in 5 families are present in the Lower Mekong System.

In Cambodia 30 species of frogs were documented (Stuart et al. 2006) including two new species and
11 species reported for the first time in the country. Bezuijen et al. (2009) report at least 16 frog and
toad species from the Mekong River in northeastern Cambodia alone. The frog fauna of Lao PDR is
poorly known relative to that of neighbouring China, Thailand, and Viet Nam, but scientists have still
been able to identify at least 46 species (Stuart 2005).

At least one species is listed Globally Endangered, 16 are listed Globally Vulnerable, and 1 is listed
Globally Near-threatened.

Flagship species
According to MRC SEA (2010), WWF, and the IUCN Red List at least 111 species encountered in the
Lower Mekong Basin have a Globally Threatened status. Of these 18 are Critically Endangered (CR), 30
are Endangered (EN), 43 are Vulnerable (VU), and 20 are Near-threatened (NT). At least 13 species are
Mekong Endemic species, whereas many other species are of regional and public concern. (MRC,

The Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use Programme selected four
globally threatened species as so-called Flagship species, they are the Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaella
brevirostris), the Sarus Crane (Grus antigone sharpii), the Siamese Crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis),
and the Mekong Giant Catfish (Pangasianodon gigas). They are considered representative for the
unique ecosystems and habitats of the Mekong River Basin. These four species have been selected as
Flagship species because they meet one or more of the following criteria:

 They inhabit a broad diversity of important wetlands and therefore are representative of
threatened wetland habitats and their associated fauna;
 They are regional in distribution and trans-boundary in nature; and
 They provide an opportunity for enhancing regional collaboration for conservation and
management of biodiversity and ecosystems.

Below is a more detailed description of these species as they also will be very important related to
elaboration of the Mitigation Guidelines and Recommendations. They are under various risks due to
development on the Mekong as reported in the BDP development scenarios (See Figure 6.4)

Figure 6.4. Sustainability of flagship species (Source: MRC BDP, 2011).

Mekong River Dolphin, Irrawaddy Dolphin Orcaella brevirostris, IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered
The Mekong Dolphin population is already listed as Critically Endangered and has an alarming mortality
rate. The Mekong population is thought to contain 66–86 individuals (Dove 2009). The entire dolphin
population is restricted to the southern Laotian and upper Cambodian Mekong River, inhabiting 9 deep
water areas (preferably > 8 m) in the 190 km river segment from Kratie to Khone Falls that physically
obstruct further upstream movement. During the flood season (June – October), the dolphins follow
their prey through their habitat range on the Mekong and the lower reaches of tributaries, occasionally
they ascend the Sekong River and its tributaries, Xepian to 50 km above the Sekong confluence,
although deep dolphin pools remain areas of greatest dolphin concentration. There is limited
movement between the northern most group at the transboundary pool on the Laos/Cambodia border
and other groups that are linked to deep pools 65 – 190 km further south. The Mekong population of
Irrawaddy dolphins has an annual mortality rate that greatly exceeds the acceptable 1%, with 19
confirmed mortalities in 2006 (16 calves) and 13 mortalities (11 calves) in the first half of 2007 only
(Dove et al., 2007). With this serious decline, the Mekong dolphin is susceptible to extinction in the
near future if mitigation measures are not properly implemented. According to the SEA (ICEM, 2010)
findings, mortality of dolphins in the braided channel between Siphandone and Kratie may lead to local
extinction within 10 years.

Mekong Giant Catfish Pangasianodon gigas, IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered
Mekong Giant Catfish is the largest freshwater catfish in the world and is one of the most vulnerable
endemic species in the Mekong River Basin, already listed as Critically Endangered and has an alarming
rate of decline (90% decrease in number in the past 2 decades). Captive breeding and re-introduction
to the rivers and reservoirs has not resulted in any established populations. Only one spawning
migration has been firmly established throughout the basin (in the upper reaches near Bokeo – Chiang
Khong). This suggests that only one population exists. However, spawning may also occur in northern
Cambodia (between Kratie and Stung Treng), where the species has been sporadically reported
(Poulsen et al., 2004). Present distribution is limited to the Mekong and its tributaries in Cambodia,
Lao PDR Thailand and Viet Nam. Current spawner abundance is estimated to between 155 – 185

Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis, IUCN Red List: Critically Endangered
This freshwater crocodile, was thought to be extinct in the wild, until rediscovered again in southern
Lao PDR, Savannakhet, in 2005. Around only 200 Siamese Crocodiles exist in the wild, confined to the
south of Lao PDR, Cambodia and Viet Nam. They are being farmed extensively in Cambodia and

Eastern Sarus Crane Grus antigone sharpii, IUCN Red List: Vulnerable
Eastern Sarus Crane is the tallest flying bird in the world. It often makes short seasonal movements
between dry and wet season habitats. It formerly occurred throughout Indochina but over the last 50
years numbers has been decimated throughout the region. Its range has declined dramatically, but it
still occurs in limited numbers, (< 1,000 birds) in 3 countries: Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Viet Nam.
Recorded populations from annual population surveys are: at Phu My grassland / Ha Tien Plain – 94
cranes in 2007; Kien Luong – 40 cranes in 2004-05.

6.1.2 Status and Overview – Wetlands and Natural Resources

The LMB contains rich and extensive areas of wetlands, estimated to cover 6–12 million hectares of
the entire lower basin (Ringler 2001). The river and its numerous tributaries, backwaters, lakes, and
swamps support many unique ecosystems, such as deep river pools, plains of reeds and mangrove
forests. A number of important wetland types have been identified in the LMB countries as presented
in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1. Important wetland types in the Lower Mekong Basin by country (SOB, 2011).

The joint UNDP, IUCN, MRC, GEF funded program on Mekong Wetlands Biodiversity Conservation and
Sustainable Use, distinguished a number of wetland ecosystems/habitats in Mekong river basin, that
are particularly valuable, either because they support the very valuable inland fisheries or other
livelihoods of the people in the basin, or because they are very important for the sustenance of the
rich biodiversity of the area. Table 6.2 briefly describes these valuable ecosystems/habitats.

Table 6.2. Valuable wetland ecosystems/habitats in the Mekong river basin.

Valuable Description of their importance


1- River channels of the Mekong and its largest low gradient Tributaries

Main river Channels are vitally important for the seasonal longitudinal migration of white fish species
channels and for a distinctive guild of riverine bird species.

There are at least 17 fish species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened and Endangered
species, 6 of which are highly migratory. The most well known is the Mekong Giant Catfish
Pangasianodon gigas.

Mammals depending on the river channels are the Critically Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin
Orcaella brevirostris, the Globally Endangered Fishing Cat Prionailurus viverrina, and the
Globally Vulnerable Smooth-coated Otter Lutra perspicillata.

Deep pools Deep pools are a vital dry season refuge for both resident and migratory fish species and
probably contain a diverse assemblage of undescribed invertebrates.

Rapids Rapids support a diverse assemblage of fish (and invertebrate) species.

Small islands The smaller sand bars and islands provide safe breeding sites for many species of water
and riverine birds, some of which are globally rare and endangered.

Seasonally The biodiversity values of this habitat are not well known, but the forest is probably
inundated important for fish breeding and shelter during peak flow. Some fish species are known to
riverine forest feed on the fruit of the trees. The forest may also be important for monkeys and gibbons.

2- Permanent and seasonally-inundated floodplain wetlands (along the mainstream and major tributaries
and in the Cambodian floodplain)

Seasonally- One of the most important wetland habitats of the Lower Mekong Basin. Over 200 species
inundated of plants have been found in these inundated forests. Woody species of this forest are
riparian forest often laden with fruits and seeds at the time of inundation, providing food for the 34
species of fruit-eating fish of the Lower Mekong Basin. Over 200 species of fish use this
habitat as a feeding, breeding, and nursery ground and it is vitally important for breeding
colonies of large water birds. The gallery and associated forest of Lake Tonle Sap is the best
known and most productive example of this habitat.

Marshes, In the dry season, these wetlands are vital in maintaining breeding stocks of floodplain fish,
small pools including air-breathing species, while in the wet season they function as breeding and
and seasonal nursery grounds for many fish species These wetlands are important for almost all water
wetlands in birds in the Lower Mekong Basin.
the lowland

- Inundated These areas support a number of globally rare and endangered species (Sarus Crane,
grasslands White-shouldered Ibis, Bengal Florican and Greater and Lesser Adjutants). Although, in the
Lower Mekong Basin, these areas are greatly disturbed, they do hold more substantial
grasslands that other parts of S.E. Asia and thus are a priority for conservation.

3- Deltaic Formations and the Plain of Reeds (Vietnamese floodplain)

Valuable Description of their importance

Lowland Melaleuca forests are encountered in areas of acid sulphate soils. A high proportion of
forests them are of relatively recent origin, and many are within wood production reserves.
Although today’s melaleuca forest is low in plant biodiversity, they act as one of the few
sources of fish, amphibian, reptilian and bird biodiversity in the Delta. These melaleuca
forests are of prime important for their breeding colonies of large water birds and are one
of the few refuges in the Delta for freshwater species such as turtles.

Inundated Like in the Cambodian floodplains, the remaining grasslands are important for water birds
grasslands including the Sarus Crane, White-shouldered Ibis, Greater and Lesser Adjutants and the
Bengal Florican.

Mangroves This is an ecologically important area as a breeding ground for many species of fish, crabs
and shrimps. Over 300 species of fish have been recorded in the Delta. The wildlife is
diverse with mammals such as fishing cats, otters and crab-eating macaques. Many fish
and shrimp species depend upon the estuaries of the Delta for their breeding and nursery
areas. Some marine species of fish ascend the rivers to spawn in the gradient or freshwater
zone of the estuaries, while the larvae of many economically important shrimp species,
spawning in the shallow coastal areas, are moved by tides into the brackish water zone
where they stay as juveniles for 2-4 months amongst abundant food and safe from

The Lower Mekong River Basin wetland ecosystems are exceptionally rich in biodiversity. They form
habitats for a wide range of globally threatened and endemic species, by providing water and primary
productivity upon which people and numerous species of plants and animals depend for survival and
completion of their life cycle. Wetland ecosystems support high concentrations of birds, mammals,
reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrate species. Many of these species can only live in wetlands and
loss of wetlands will eliminate part of the wetland-dependent species.

The table below shows a rough indication of the number of species depending on the wetland types in
the LMB. The table is based on sketchy available information from various sources.
Table 6.3. LMB Wetland types and number of species dependent on them.

In the following important wetland sites by member countries is given.

Cambodia may have up to 20 separate wetland sites of regional and/or international significance – five
examples are listed in Table 6.4. Boeng Chhmar and associated river system and floodplain and Stung
Treng are internationally significant Ramsar sites and Prek Toal, which is part of the Tonle Sap Lake
system is the core zone of a Biosphere Reserve. The others have high biodiversity and other values and
both would meet the criteria for Ramsar status in Cambodia.
Table 6.4. Examples of important wetland sites in Cambodia.

Lao PDR:
A total of 30 regionally/internationally important wetland sites have been identified in Lao PDR
(Calridge 1996), mainly in the central and southern parts of the country. Siphandon in Lao PDR is
nominated as a potential future Ramsar Site.
Table. 6.5. Examples of important wetland sites in Lao PDR.

Altogether, a total of 39 important wetland sites cover an area of 1,601,082 ha in the Mekong River
Basin of Thailand (Scott 1989; Wolstencroft et al. 1993; OEPP 2002). At least 15 of these wetlands are
of international importance and 15 are of priority national importance, according to criteria of high
fish and bird diversity (OEPP 2002). The Bung Kong Long (Nongkhai) wetland of International
Importance is located in Thailand.
Table 6.6. Examples of important wetland sites in Thailand.

Viet Nam:
The Mekong River Delta stretches from Kampong Cham in Cambodia through Viet Nam till it discharges
in the South China Sea. About 70 per cent of the Mekong Delta, formed by sediment deposition during
the last 6000 years, lies within Viet Nam and is home to 17 million people, who depend upon it for
their livelihoods. Each year flood waters inundate 3.9 million hectares. The lower reaches of the
mainstream; estuaries and floodplains (including seasonally inundated grasslands); as well as the
mangrove and melaleuca forests and mudflats are the most important wetland ecosystems. The fauna
of the delta include 23 species of mammals, 386 species and subspecies of birds, 35 species of reptiles
and six species of amphibians (Thinh 2003). At least 460 species of fish are known from the delta
(Vidthayanon 2008). The Mekong Delta contains about 20 important wetlands, four of which are
shown in Table 6.7. Another four or five important wetland sites are found in the headwaters of the
Sekong, Sesan and Srepok rivers in Viet Nam.

Table 6.7. Examples of important wetland sites in Viet Nam.

Environmental Hotspots:
Within the Mekong basin a number of environmental ‘hotspots’ has been identified, that are
considered to be of utmost importance for the functioning of the Mekong environmental system and
having transboundary significance in ecological, socio-cultural, and economic aspects. In total 32
environmental ‘Hotspots’ that are likely to be affected by the hydrological changes under different
development scenarios have been identified within the LMB. Selected as hotspots were:
protected/sensitive areas with local/national/regional/global conservation management status,
containing a rich biodiversity, a large number of important species at risk (threatened or endemic
species), as well as areas important for migrating species, or supporting key ecological processes.
Included are designated Ramsar Sites, Biosphere Reserves, Protected Areas, Important Bird Areas
(IBA’s) and Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Hotspots (MRC Technical Note 9, 2010).
Table 6.8. Location and status of the identified environmental hotspots.

6.2 Risks, Impacts and vulnerabilities – biodiversity, wetlands and natural
The population increase, land use change and infrastructure developments in LMB, including
development of mainstream and tributary dams, is and will impact the biodiversity, wetlands, and
other important habitats hence also local livelihoods of the Lower Mekong. Regarding dams and
reservoirs they may block natural fish migration routes; alter the hydrology and the rivers’ natural
patterns of erosion and silt deposition, nutrient transport, as well as water temperature and water
quality – all of which impacts on the aquatic life. The wetland ecosystems exist in a transition zone
between aquatic and terrestrial environments and can be affected even by even slight alterations to
hydrology. Reduced ‘flood pulse’ transport of sediment into the floodplains can also reduce the
nutrients available for aquatic plant growth – the primary engine driving much of the productivity of
the wetlands and floodplain habitats. Below are listed some main issues related to impacts and
vulnerabilities. Specifically the following is at risk related to impacts and vulnerabilities:

1. The Mekong Irrawady Dolphin and the Giant Catfish, which are already under threat from
other human activities, however they are both migratory and depend upon access to deep
pools, hence they will be threatened especially by mainstream dams since these might be
situated in their main migratory routes (see also Chapter 5.2.3, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology
which discusses the effect of this in detail).
2. Siamese Crocodile is currently under threat in the wild by other activities, and changes in the
flow regime will probably cause only small change to its natural habitats. Breeding programs
may ensure the sustainability of this species.
3. Sarus Crane, depends upon the availability of inundated grassland. This habitat is expected to
diminish slightly due to changes in flow regime, but not to the extent that it will threaten the
sustainability of this bird.
4. It is likely that population of Irrawaddy dolphins on the Mekong is the most threatened of all
the existing populations in Southeast Asia (Dove 2009). The principal cause of adult mortality
has been drowning in fishnets, which from 2001 to 2005 accounted for almost one-third of
documented deaths in Cambodia and Lao PDR (Bezuijen et al. 2007). Causes of high juvenile
and calf mortality are largely unknown but a recent report suggests that pollutants, such as
mercury, DDT and PCB, may have weakened the animals’ immune systems – especially in
young individuals – making them more susceptible to disease (Dove 2009). This and other
stresses, in combination with limited genetic diversity due to inbreeding, may have made
otherwise manageable bacterial diseases become deadly (SOB Report, 2011). As reported
under point 1, especially mainstream dam development will exacerbate the stress upon this
species. The proposed Don Sahong dam is situated < 2 km north of the transboundary ‘Dolphin
Pool’ in southern Lao PDR. Although all permanent populations occur below this dam site,
dolphins may visit Hoo Sahong channel and upstream areas for feeding in the wet season.
Sambor dam (given its proposed position and size) is situated within the dolphin habitat range.
(MRC Technical Note 9, 2010).
5. Of the 32 identified ‘environmental hotspots’ (see Table 6.8), 9 will be moderately and 1 highly
affected under the Definite Future Scenario of BDP.
6. Changes in Flow Volumes and Flooding Patterns (see also Table 6.9, with reference to Annual
and Inter Annual Changes to Flow) - Construction and operation of hydropower dams along
the Mekong River and its tributaries could cause a decrease in wet season flows and an
increase in dry season flows (ICEM 2010, MRC 2010a, Lauri et al. 2012) throughout the LMB.

Changes in flow volumes could result in changes in water levels and inundation patterns, which
could, over time, cause changes in LMB wetlands and floodplain habitat.
7. Changes in Timing and Duration of Seasonal Flows (see also Table 6.9, with reference to Annual
and Inter Annual Changes to Flow) – Storage of water in upstream dams for hydropower
production could delay the onset of flood flows (ICEM 2010) and decrease the length of the
transition seasons between high and low flows. These changes in the timing and duration of
high flows could reduce the availability of important wetland and floodplain habitats during
critical life history stages of some species.
8. Change in Sediment and Nutrient Transport (see also Table 6.9, with reference to Annual and
Inter Annual Changes to Flow) – Construction of dams in the UMB is predicted to cause a
considerable reduction in coarse sediment transport throughout the river and a decrease in
the supply of fine nutrients and sediment to the lower portions of the river including Tonle Sap
Lake and the delta (see Chapters 3.1.3 to 3.1.6).
9. Construction of planned LMB mainstream dams would reduce the remaining sediment supply,
and would reduce nutrient deposition in the delta. A decrease in sediment transport would
cause an increase in erosion throughout the system, leading to the loss of in-channel islands,
sandbars, mangrove forests, and other riverine and coastal habitat. A decrease in nutrient
transport and deposition would result in a decrease in primary and secondary productivity
throughout aquatic and seasonally flooded areas in the delta.
10. The globally important Siphandone wetlands might be directly affected with reduced seasonal
variability and loss of wetland habitats due to the Don Sahong project.
11. Development of hydropower schemes on the Mekong River in countries upstream of
Cambodia can effect the wetland ecosystems and fisheries of the Tonle Sap Lake. Change in
flow pattern will reduce the area of land subject to seasonal inundation around Tonle Sap Lake
(see also Chapter 2.2 and Figures 2.13-2.15).
12. An internationally Ramsar site above Stung Treng dam would be directly affected.

Based on the Status and Overview (Chapter 6.1) and the above specific risks, impacts and
vulnerabilities, this has been transformed into more generic risks for LMB as a whole in the following
table, that is also extracted into Volume 1, Chapter 3, to support the proposed mitigation guidelines
and recommendations (Chapter 5, Volume 1).

Table 6.9. Biodiversity, natural resources and ecosystem services- Key risks, impacts and vulnerabilities.
Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Annual / inter-annual changes to flow3

Changes in seasonality Changes in timing of flow to wetlands and floodplain riparian habitats
to flow
Modification of flood Dispersal of species to and between floodplain habitats
recurrence intervals
Change in relationship Changes in wetlands functions, dynamics and ecosystem services due to
between flow and timing of sediment and nutrient delivery

Impacts on floodplains and wetlands has also been discussed under Chapter 5.2.1 of Fisheries and Aquatic

Change Key Risks, Impacts & Vulnerabilities

Change Loss of wetland/floodplain habitats

inundation/exposure of
downstream floodplains
and wetlands
Daily / short-time period changes in flow 4
Fast increase and Degradation of function, dynamics and ecosystem services of wetland and
decrease of flow riparian habitats

Loss of river connectivity5

Change to sediment Changes in wetland functions, dynamics and ecosystem services due to
and nutrient transfer decrease in transfer of sediments and nutrients
Change to/loss of Loss of riparian- ecosystems, habitats and biodiversity
riparian areas

Diversion scheme / inter basin transfers

Alternation of flow Flow changes to wetland and floodplain areas (decrease or increase)
regime of contributing leading to changes in ecosystem- functions, dynamics and services as well
and receiving (sub) as biodiversity

Most of the key risks, impacts and vulnerabilities are closely related to those outlined for Fisheries and
Aquatic Ecology in Chapter 5 (and hence the proposed mitigation measures), however potential loss
of riparian- ecosystems, habitats and biodiversity stands out as a special case. These are residual
impacts that are not possible to mitigate, so creating offsets is the only solution.

Impacts on habitat complexity and changes has also been discussed in Chapter 5.2.2, Fisheries and
Aquatic Ecology.
Impacts on ecosystem function, habitats and community structures has also been discussed under
Chapter 5.2.3, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology.

6.3 Biodiversity, Wetlands and Natural Resources Mitigation Measures
The mitigation measures for biodiversity, wetlands and natural resources are closely related to those
of Fisheries and will not be repeated in detail here, however extracted and commented on its relevance
for this theme. This is listed below, for the relevant project phases.

6.3.1 Overarching principles

The proposed mitigation options and measures should align to international good industrial practice
related to environmental mitigation policies, guidelines, standards and options (See Volume 1, Chapter
4 especially).This could include establishment of comprehensive environmental flows requirements,
ecological capacity building and control of additional ecological stressor activities, as well as
establishment of compliance requirements for developers and operators.

6.3.2 Master Plan and Feasibility

Dam siting and assessment alternative location for projects (see Chapter in Fisheries and
Aquatic Ecology) is also an important mitigation measure for this theme to avoid direct impacts on
sensitive biodiversity resources, wetland and floodplain habitats, fragmentation of sensitive habitats
or indirect impacts to these due to changes in flow regime, sediment transport or nutrient delivery.
Non-aquatic fauna and flora will also benefit if connectivity is sustained as well as corridors for
migration (see for example Figure 5.30 in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology).

Development of environmental flow rules (also including those of hydropeaking), detailed discussed
under Chapter in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology, will also help maintain wetland and floodplain
functions and biodiversity values at reasonable levels. For the latter also planning for provision of by-
pass flows during reservoir construction should be included.

6.3.3 Detailed Design

During this phase it is important to design plans rehabilitation and restoration of impacted wetlands
and floodplains. This is thoroughly discussed in Chapter in Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology.
Impoundments will however create residual impacts on riparian ecosystems. This loss can to some
degree be compensated by creating biodiversity and ecosystem offsets areas, but for example cascade
developments on mainstream with several hundred kilometers of impoundments this can only be
compensated partly. The general principle though should be to establish provision for equivalent or
reasonably comparable offsets for all critical habitat loss or deterioration. In cases of unavoidable harm
to biodiversity, each project or groups of projects should take conservation actions to compensate (e.g.
regeneration of vegetation by planting, wetlands rehabilitation etc.).

The Lesotho Highlands Water Project implemented during Phase 1B Feasibility and Detailed Design an
extensive biological program including also extensive studies on wildlife and plants, aquatic weeds,
fisheries, aquatic communities, instream flow requirements, medical biology, limnology and water
quality. These special studies identified key areas for offsets and environmental reserves development.
The conservation areas were developed and declared accordingly based on conservation status, and
include two nature reserves, a conservation area and a botanical garden that houses rescued plants
from Katse valley prior to inundation (Table 6.10, and Figure 6.5 the Katse dam). Training of local
people in nature conservation has been taking place as part of the biological programme (Monyake
and Lillehammer, 2011.

Table 6.10. Conservation areas within the project area of LHWP (Source: Monyake and Lillehammer, 2011).
Name of conservation area Conservation objective Size (hectares)
Liphofung conservation area Heritage and cultural site 4.5
Bokong nature reserve Alpine reserve on highest elevation 1975
Muela nature reserve Fauna & flora of lowlands and foothills 45
Tsehlanyane Leucosidae woodland 5600
Katse botanical gardens Rescued plants from Katse dam valley 3.62

In addition the National University of Lesotho herbarium was used to house all rare plants from all
areas that were to be inundated.

Figure 6.5. The Katse dam in the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (Photo: Astrid Janssen, WL Delft Hydraulics).

6.3.4 Construction and Operation

As for Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology During construction, it is important to sustain suitable habitat
conditions for affected wetlands floodplains and riparian habitats. Consequently, all previously
discussed issues should be monitored in an Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan (EMMP,
see also Chapter 5.4.3 in Volume 1) during construction as well as during operation. Implementation
of the EMMP should also consist of an extensive, carefully targeted data collection scheme on basic
ecological data to also test the success of various mitigation measures.

6.4 Indicators and Monitoring
For indicators and monitoring reference is made to table 5.18 in Chapter 5.4, in Fisheries and Aquatic
Ecology. These will basically be the same for biodiversity, wetlands and natural resources and are not
repeated here. Once further developed they should be integrated.

7 Engineering Response to Environmental Risks

7.1 Overview
Sections 2 to 6 of this Volume 2 present the Mitigation Guidelines, Recommendations and Options for
each of the following thematic areas:

 Hydrology and Water Resources

 Geomorphology and Sediments
 Water Quality, Nutrients & Reservoir Stratification
 Fisheries & Aquatic Ecology
 Biodiversity, Wetlands and Natural Resources

The Guidelines and Recommendations are presented in tables in each Section, sub-divided into five
key common overarching changes related to hydropower development. These are:

I. Annual / inter-annual changes to flow

II. Daily / short-time scale changes to flow and water level
III. Loss of river connectivity
IV. Impoundments
V. Diversion / intra basin transfers
This Section 7 presents selected engineering design and operational responses that have been adopted
on hydropower projects in the region and internationally to mitigate the environmental risks identified
in the Guidelines tables.

7.2 Master Plans

Guideline table reference I.1, II.1, III.1, IV.1 & V.1.

7.2.1 River basin planning

Environmental management of hydropower schemes in the same river basin benefits from an
integrated approach and a common set of guidelines at a national and international level. This has
already been accomplished in other parts of the world. As an example, countries in the Danube Basin
have devised a set of guiding principles (‘Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Danube Basin,
Guiding Principles’, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, June 2013) to
address the need to increase renewable energy production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
2020 whilst maintaining riverine ecology and effectively achieving sustainability. Recommendations
in the Danube Guiding Principles are sub-divided into the following general principles:

 technical upgrading of existing hydropower plants;

 ecological restoration;
 strategic planning for new hydropower development; and
 mitigation measures.

These guidelines are not legally binding but serve as guidance for national application.

The configuration and siting of the currently planned mainstream schemes generally follows the
recommendations given in the Mekong Mainstream Run-of-River Hydropower Report prepared in
1994 by Compagnie Nationale du Rhone (CNR), in collaboration with Acres International Limited and
the Mekong Secretariat Study Team. This report proposed several low head run of the river
hydropower developments based only on benefits due to electricity generation, although
consideration to social impacts was given at an initial screening stage. Suggested priorities also
considered flooded areas and numbers of people displaced in a qualitative manner. The report further
recommended that fisheries and public health concerns were addressed at later stages.

The 1994 study was updated in 2009 by CNR (Optimisation of Mekong Mainstream Hydropower – June
2009). The main purpose of this updated study was to determine the maximum and minimum
operating water level of each of the upstream five sites in Lao PDR (Pak Beng, Luang Prabang, Xayaburi,
Pak Lay and Sanakham) leading to a global optimization of the cascade of dams. The study seeks to
assess an appropriate balance between hydroelectric production and social and environmental issues,
without taking into account construction costs. The study also includes a preliminary review of
environmental and socio-economic impacts of the five sites. The Xayaburi project has subsequently
been re-optimised by the project developers and is currently under construction. The Pak Beng project
has also been the subject of a feasibility study and re-optimisation. In both cases the final project
parameters are different to those proposed in the 2009 cascade study. This is largely because they are
optimised on a project basis and not a cascade basis.

7.2.2 Project locations and layouts

The selection of future project locations and layouts should consider all environmental risks, mitigation
options and guidelines at an early stage, from River Basin Master Planning to Feasibility Study and
Detailed Design.

Project locations are usually determined by non-environmental factors such as local topography,
availability of flows, economic viability, access, etc. As such, opportunities for fundamental changes
may be limited, unless the river configuration lends itself to a more environmentally friendly solution.
For example, the project location may be adjusted to allow fish migration from/to tributaries and
distributaries or through braided channels on the mainstream. At Sambor, on the Mekong in
Cambodia, it was identified that by moving the dam upstream from its original location, a naturally
occurring bypass channel could be utilised for fish passage. This is shown in Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1. Alternative dam locations at Sambor, Cambodia (Source: Ian G Cowx, Hull Fisheries Institute).

More generally, the possibility of building lower head schemes at more frequent intervals along the
Mekong should be considered. This would require finding additional locations for hydropower
development and would require a greater overall investment. However low head schemes have a
reduced environmental footprint during operation and keep the river closer to its natural flow regime.
Civil works associated with the conveyance of sediments and provision of fish passage would be
designed for lower heads and may be more effective as a result. Fish passage in a downstream
direction would be further aided by the use of low speed bulb turbines (typical of low head schemes)
which can be designed to achieve lower fish injury and mortality.

Run of the river schemes typically benefit from well-defined design solutions and operational rules to
minimise environmental impacts. These solutions should be flexible to allow for adaptive
management. In terms of design, it is good practice to provide blank openings, starter walls and other
geometry to facilitate changes in design and operation in the future.

7.3 Feasibility and Detailed Design

7.3.1 Annual / Inter Annual Changes to Flow
Guideline table reference I.2.5, I.2.6

Changes to annual and inter annual discharge typically result from storage schemes designed to retain
wet season discharge and release it during the dry months of the year to provide a uniform energy
supply. A uniform power supply throughout the year is commercially valuable to the power off taker
because it displaces the requirement for standby (most probably thermal) dry season power capacity
on the system. The storage of wet season flows also reduces spillage and increases annual energy

Projects designed as storage schemes typically have the potential to alter downstream flood
hydrographs and attenuate flood peaks.

Basic decisions made at the Master Plan and Feasibility Study stage will dictate the design of the project
and the quantity of seasonal storage to be provided. The commercial feasibility of the project will be
assessed on this basis.

If it is determined that loss of seasonality in the downstream discharge and altered flood release
hydrographs are environmentally unacceptable then these characteristics should not be incorporated
in the design of the scheme. For storage schemes that are already in service, it will be possible in most
cases to change the operational regime to restore seasonality and natural flood discharges. There will
however be a commercial cost arising from such changes.

The implications of these operational revisions are discussed in Section 7.5.

7.3.2 Daily / short-time scale changes to flow and water level
Guideline table reference II.2.2, II.2.3, II.2.10 Hydropeaking
Hydropeaking is commercially valuable because of the typical structure of energy tariffs, whereby
tariffs vary according to the time of day and day of the week. This form of operation is most readily
achieved on schemes with head ponds that can store water at certain times of the day and days of the
week, to later release this water when the tariff is higher.

The introduction of daily discharge peaks in the river downstream of the power plant creates hydro
safety issues, river bank damage and the risk of fish and boat standing. It is typically a requirement
that suitable flow ramp rates are introduced in the downstream discharge, and that the peak discharge
magnitude should be reduced and the minimum discharge should be increased. There are several
engineering options for creating re-regulation of downstream discharges. Cascades
On a cascade of schemes only the downstream scheme needs to be designed and operated for tail
water control since the intermediate head ponds will have the capacity to absorb the de-regulated
flow. This approach is commonly adopted on hydropower cascades around the world. For example
on the Dordogne in France the cascade of hydroelectric dams between Bort and Chastang are used for
daily peaking operations to augment base load power production from nuclear power stations. These
schemes comprise high dams with large regulating storage. The downstream scheme at Sablier is an
entirely different design comprising a low head bulb turbine gated barrage designed to deliver near
constant daily discharge under a range of head pond levels and inflows. The Sablier scheme was
initially used as a test facility for the bulb turbines eventually adopted for the tidal power facility at La
Rance. The arrangement of the cascade is shown in Figure 7.2. The river reach between Argentat and
Mauzac is returned to near natural conditions with this arrangement and the downstream schemes at
Mauzac, Tuileres and Bergerac operate on a pure run of river basis.

Figure 7.2. Dordogne Hydropower Cascade, France (Source: EdF).

189 Re-regulating Dams
The majority of hydropower schemes on the tributaries of the Mekong have a significant storage
capacity and operate on a peaking basis and provide seasonal regulation. If hydropeaking is adopted
on the downstream scheme of a tributary development it is necessary to provide a re-regulating
facility. The Nam Theun 2 project in Laos is an example of where a regulating dam was provided
downstream of the power station to absorb rapid changes in generation output and impose acceptable
ramp rates on the downstream discharge. The ramp rates were based on hydro safety and river bank
stability considerations in the downstream channel and the receiving river, the Xe Bang Fai. The
adopted water level ramp rates were 0.2 m/hr falling and 0.3 m/hr rising. The peak discharge was only
required to be reduced from 330 m3/s at the power station to 315 m3/s at the Xe Bag Fai. The pond
storage volume was dictated by the requirement to preserve a minimum downstream discharge of
30m3/s on a Sunday when the station is sometimes shut down.

The Nam Theun 2 regulating dam is shown in Figure 7.3. It is located on the natural river course of the
Nam Kathang. There are two sets of gates. One set regulates discharges back into the Nam Kathang.
The current requirement that the discharge from these gates should equal the natural inflow, including
floods, but provision has been made in the design for enhanced discharges to be made if these are
found to be of beneficial use to communities downstream. The second set of gates regulates
discharges from the power station into a 27 km long downstream channel leading to the receiving Xe
Bang Fai. Additional outlets were incorporated into the design of the regulating dam when it was
constructed. These outlets provide the potential for micro hydro and dry season irrigation. One of
these outlets is currently being developed to provide water supply for dry season irrigated rice

Figure 7.3. Nam Theun 2 regulating dam, Lao PDR (Source: Multiconsult).

An alternative approach to re-regulation is being implemented at the Nam Ngiep 1 Hydroelectric

Project in Lao PDR. The main 272 MW power station is designed to deliver daily peak energy to
Thailand for 16 hours each day, six days per week. The discharge profile downstream of the main
power station is shown in Figure 7.4.

Figure 7.4. Nam Ngiep 1 discharge profile, Lao PDR (Source: Nam Ngiep 1 PC Ltd).

A regulating dam is currently being constructed across the river downstream of the main dam. This
will house an 18 MW low head bulb turbine to provide base load energy to the Lao grid and release a
more uniform downstream discharge. The outflow profile is also shown on Figure 7.4 and the general
arrangement of the Nam Ngiep 1 regulating dam is shown in Figure 7.5. A labyrinth weir is provided
to discharge flood flows. This approach avoids the requirement for a gated spillway but imposes a
large flood surcharge in the pond water level.

Figure 7.5. Nam Ngiep 1 regulating dam, Lao PDR (Source: Nam Ngiep 1 PC Ltd). Re-regulating Ponds

Both the Nam Theun 2 and Nam Ngiep 1 re-regulating facilities are created by constructing dams and
re-regulating reservoirs in river valleys. This approach introduces additional environmental issues such
as loss of sediment and fish connectivity in the river, changes to riverine ecology and the requirement
to manage flood flows. Where space is available, it is preferable to provide the re-regulating facility
outside the river channel so that these issues do not arise. At the Pergau Hydroelectric Project in
Malaysia the re-regulating pond was placed on the right bank of the river at the location of the tailrace

outfall. The layout is shown in Figure 7.6. Discharges from the pond are commanded by a radial gate
structure working on signals provided by the project Distributed Control System. An air regulated
siphon spillway is provided to protect the confining embankment from being over topped in the event
of a logic failure or short notice changes in station dispatch. Design details may be found in (Grant -
Institution of Civil Engineers – 1999) and design guidance for air regulated siphons in (Hardwick & Grant
– Institution of Civil Engineers – 1997).

Figure 7.6. Pergau Re-regulating Pond, Malaysia (Source: Institution of Civil Engineers - UK).

7.3.3 Loss of River Connectivity Sediment Management

Guideline table reference III.2.2, III.2.6

Efficient sediment management can be achieved through different design solutions and operational
approaches. These approaches are well established in many parts of the world.

The Dal Hydropower Project, on the Nile River in Sudan, will achieve flood and sediment management
with four gated overflow bays and ten gated underflow bays. The gated underflow bays will be used
to draw down the reservoir to minimum operating level in order to pass the flood flows and
accompanying suspended sediments by combination of the underflow bays and the generating plant
throughout the wet season. As a consequence the maximum utilisation of the generating plant occurs
with the reservoir drawn down to minimum operating level and the turbines have been selected
accordingly. Sections through the underflow and overflow bays are shown in Figure 7.7. A very similar
spillway configuration has been adopted at the Xayaburi Hydroelectric Project on the mainstream
Mekong. Provisional operating rules have been developed for the Xayaburi and Pak Beng projects
comprising reservoir draw down during low return period floods to flush sediment from the reservoir
and provide a seasonal sediment pulse downstream.

The convenience of this sediment management strategy was first observed at the Roseires reservoir
on the Blue Nile, which has been in service for over 50 years and is progressively drawn down during
the dry season to satisfy irrigation requirements. The reservoir is therefore fully drawn down when
the sediment laden early wet season flood flows occur. A similar strategy is currently implemented on
the Great Nile at the Merowe Hydroelectric Project and will be similarly adopted at the Kajbar
Hydroelectric Project, both of which are upstream of Dal. A further example of wet season draw down

to limit sediment deposition is adopted at the Kapichira Hydropower Project, on the Lower Shire River
in Malawi.

The exceptionally high sediment load at Dal (146 Mt/year, 90% of which is delivered between July and
October) has required the additional provision of dedicated sediment sluices, positioned beneath each
power intake to manage local bed load not removed by reservoir flushing. A section through a
sediment flushing sluice is shown in Figure 7.8. This configuration has been tested by physical and
numerical modelling and is designed to keep the turbines free of course bed load and preserve the
area in front of the power intakes.

Figure 7.7. Sections through the overflow (top) and underflow (bottom) bays at Dal Hydropower Project, Sudan
(Source: Multiconsult).

Figure 7.8. Section through sediment sluices at Dal Hydropower Project, Sudan, (Source: Multiconsult).

Figure 7.9. Sediment sluice model study for Dal Hydropower Project, Sudan, (Source: TUM & Multiconsult).

In cases where sediment management is not efficient, the scheme may remain operational and
economically viable if a different operating strategy is adopted. The Kindaruma Hydropower Project,
part of the Tana River Cascade in Kenya, has been in operation for over 50 years and the reservoir is
largely filled with sediments. However, the generating plant has recently been refurbished and the
installed capacity of the station has been increased. It is now used for daily peaking which requires
only limited storage capacity. The silted-up reservoir has proven to be an attractive habitat for local
fauna. Photographs of the reservoir area and the recently refurbished and expanded powerhouse are
shown in Figures 7.10 and 7.11, respectively.

Figure 7.10. Reservoir area at Kindaruma Hydropower Project, Kenya (Source: Multiconsult).

Figure 7.11. Refurbished power station at Kindaruma Hydropower Project, Kenya (Source: Multiconsult). Fish passage

Guideline table reference III.2.3

Recommendations for the configuration and design of fish passages for upstream and downstream
migration are presented in Section 5 of this Volume 2. A significant feature of fish passage systems is
the requirement to provide attraction flows in the upstream and downstream directions. These
attraction flows represent energy loss to the project and this loss can be significant on major schemes.

At the Xayaburi project, currently under construction on the mainstream Mekong, an elaborate system
of upstream and downstream fish migration facilities is being incorporated. A general schematic of the
systems is shown in Figure 7.12.

Figure 7.12. Xayaburi Fish Migration System, Lao PDR (Source: Xayaburi Power Company Ltd).

The upstream system is represented by the red arrows and comprises a series of openings across the
base of the power station above the draft tube outlets, with a further opening in the spillway bay on
the right side of the intermediate block. These openings are linked by a collecting gallery that connects
to the base of the fish ladder on the left abutment. The ladder covers approximately half the height
of the barrage. From the top of the ladder the fish are conveyed to head pond level by a double fish
lock system. The combined upstream system requires an attraction flow of approximately 5% of the
design generation flow of the station. Feeding this system from the head pond would therefore
represent 5% energy loss for the project. The solution has been to provide the attraction flow in the
connecting gallery and lower openings using a pumping station from the tail bay. The pumping head
is very much less than the generating head on the project. The fish ladder flow is drawn from the head
pond through an auxiliary hydropower station on the left abutment, driven by the head difference
commanded by the fish locks. The fish ladder therefore becomes a source of energy gain and not
energy loss. Discharge from the fish ladder contributes to the attraction flow at the downstream
entrances and reduces the tail water pumping requirement.

The downstream system is represented by the blue arrows in Figure 7.12. Openings are provided
across the upstream face of the power station above the power intakes. The attraction flow of
approximately 2.5% of power generation discharge is provided by a pumping station from the head
pond. Fish are collected in a pond at the right side of the power station and sluiced intermittently
down the ramp in the intermediate block. This intermittent system limits the amount of water that
by-passes the generating plant.

These provisions for energy management of the upstream and downstream attraction flows have
effectively avoided a loss of 7.5% of the overall scheme output. It is commercially and environmentally
important that careful consideration is given to energy recovery on major fish passage systems.

196 Low head barrages
Guideline table reference III.1.4, III.2.1

Notwithstanding provisions for sediment management and fish passage, medium head barrages in the
range of 20 to 40 m head, still constitute a break in river connectivity. The spillway structures shown
in Figure 7.7 are a barrier to fish migration, even with the gates fully open and the reservoir level drawn
down. Similarly the vertical axis turbine configuration of the power station shown in Figure 7.8 is a
hazard for larger fish species, even with the selection of low speed plant and improved runner

An alternative approach is to adopt a greater number of low head barrages with a design that can
completely restore river connectivity in either direction when required. A typical head range would
be 5 to 15 m. An example of a barrage designed to have these characteristics is shown in Figure 7.13.
The location is the Mersey Estuary in Liverpool, UK. There is almost no fluvial discharge in the estuary
but the tidal range is significant and the barrage indicated would have an installed capacity of 700 MW
and be capable of delivering approximately 1,000 GWh/yr through ebb tide generation. The structure
comprises low speed horizontal axis bulb turbines and sluices gates as shown in Figure 7.14. For the
Mersey project these structures were designed as caissons that could be fabricated off site and floated
into position. Navigation locks are provided on the left abutment. The sill of the sluice gates is level
with the bed of the estuary and offers no obstruction when fully open. Vertical lift gates are shown
because of the bi-directional flow. On a river, a radial gate would be a preferable solution.

With reference to Figure 7.13, the structure offers no resistance to landward flow on the rising (flood)
tide. The sluice gates are open and the turbines are unloaded with the blades rotated. Fish and
sediment can pass under natural conditions. On the falling (ebb) tide the sluice gates and turbines are
closed until sufficient generating head has been developed. The ebb tide is then turbined at a head
ranging from 10 to 5 m. Once the head drops below this range the sluice gates are re-opened to
complete the ebb cycle and full connectivity is restored. Fish and sediment can pass in a seaward
direction. (Grant & Libaux – 2011)

A similarly designed structure could be configured for a single direction fluvial condition. Power
generation could be suspended and full connectivity provided during periods of peak fish migration or
sediment transport. A high degree of operational flexibility would be provided by a structure of this

Flood tide:

All sluice gates open and

turbines unloaded.

Barrage offers no obstruction

to flow and full fish and
sediment connectivity is

Ebb tide (1st stage):

Gates are closed and a head

difference develops. Turbines
operate down to 5 m head

Ebb tide (2nd stage):

Once head difference has

dropped below 5 m gates are
opened and turbines are

Remaining part of the ebb tide

cycle is sluiced, restoring fish
and sediment connectivity.

Figure 7.13. Mersey Low Head Tidal Barrage, Liverpool UK (Source: Peel Energy Ltd).

Figure 7.14. Mersey turbine and gate caissons (Source: Peel Energy Ltd). Very low head technologies

Guideline table reference III.1.4, III.2.1

Technologies are commercially available for power generation down to heads of approximately 2 m.
These installations are typically associated with zero fish mortality and require relatively little
infrastructure. Examples include stream current devices, venturi energy converters, helical screws
and very low head reaction turbines. Power outputs are, by definition, very low. These solutions may
be of interest on small water courses in isolated rural areas but not major generation facilities at a
national scale.

An example of a high connectivity installation using commercially available very low head technology
is shown in Figure 7.15. This barrage was one of many similar structures engineered for Voies
Navigable de France for adoption on the Ainse and Meuse Rivers to maintain navigable water levels.
The structure shown comprises a rubber dam in two sections and three MJ2 TechnologiesR turbines on
the right abutment. The generating head is 2 m and the combined power output is 1.5 MW. The crest
level of the rubber dams can be adjusted and full river connectivity can be provided by deflating the
structure. The turbine housings are hinged and can be lifted out of the water for maintenance or when
unobstructed river flow is required.

It is noteworthy that a rubber dam was originally adopted for the diversion weir on the Theun Hinboun
project in Lao PDR. This structure was found to be vulnerable to damage by floating trash and was
replaced in 2000 by a fixed concrete weir.

Figure 7.15. Very low head barrage (Source: VNF France). Partial barrages

Guideline table reference III.1.4, III.2.1

An alternative approach to retain river connectivity is to construct a partial scheme that leaves much
of the natural river channel unobstructed. There are many such schemes around the world, typically
on major rivers such as the Zambezi (Victoria Falls), the Congo (Inga) and the Mekong (Don Sahong).
The opportunity for such schemes depends on specific topographic features such as central islands and
major waterfalls with multiple channels. One such scheme that is currently under consideration is the
Ngonye Falls project on the upper Zambezi in the Western Province of Zambia. The proposed layout
is shown in Figure 7.16. The project leaves the visual spectacle of the Ngonye Falls unchanged and
diverts water from the subsidiary left river channel into a canal and low head power scheme. There is
effectively no by passed reach with this arrangement and sediment transit is virtually unaffected. The
impact on fish migration is currently being studied but it is anticipated that the Ngonye Falls provide a
natural barrier to upstream migration and the project will not significantly change the natural

Figure 7.15. Ngonye Falls partial barrage - Zambia (Source: Multiconsult).

7.3.4 Impoundments
Guideline table reference IV.2 Water quality

Impoundments created for storage schemes typically result in large residence times and thermal
stratification. The observed stratification cycle in the Nam Theun 2 reservoir is shown in Figure 7.16.
Stratification is strongest in the hot period from April to July. It then weakens is the wet season from
August to October due rainfall and catchment inflows. The reservoir becomes monomictic in the cold
season between November and March. The hypolimnion, when present, typically has low dissolved
oxygen and high iron content.

Figure 7.16. Nakay reservoir stratification – Lao PDR (Source: Nam Theun 2 Power Company Ltd).

Water quality in the early years of operation is usually linked to clearance of biomass from the
reservoir area. The Nakay Reservoir area was not generally cleared of forest cover prior to
impounding. However selected areas near critical structures were cleared and commercially valuable
timber was extracted. Considerations against general clearance at Nakay included:

 The environmental implications of clearing an area of 450 km2 of forest and burning the
waste material;
 The recognition that a significant percentage of forest biomass is below ground at is not
removed by clearance;
 The potential for re-growth following primary clearance and during each recessional dry
season period.

An examination of considerations regarding reservoir clearance is presented in the literature (Salignat

et al – 2011).

An analysis of CO2 equivalent emissions from the reservoir undertaken by the Nam Theun Power
Company is shown in Figure 7.17. In the early years of operation the CO2 release is assessed as
approximately one third of the amount released per kWh by coal fired generation. The long term
figure drops to a small fraction of the equivalent emissions for thermal power generation.

Figure 7.17. Nakay reservoir CO2 emissions – Lao PDR (Source: Nam Theun 2 Power Company Ltd). Outlet Structures

A key design consideration for the outlet structures from large reservoir impoundments should be to
avoid or limit the release of low water quality into downstream rivers.

For environmental flow release structures this can typically be achieved by multiple level intakes
designed to take water only from the epilimnion. This is achieved at the Nam Theun 2 Nakay Dam by
inserting and removing stop logs at the intake structure as the reservoir level varies, so that only the
top 0.5 m of reservoir water is drawn into the intake. The release back into the river is commanded
by a fixed cone valve designed to disperse the jet and promote aeration. The arrangement is shown
in Figure 7.18.

Figure 7.18. Nakay reservoir riparian release – Lao PDR (Source: Multiconsult).

Water abstractions from power intakes typically present a greater challenge because the intake must
be set deeper in the hypolimnion so that it can command the full operating range of the reservoir.
Multiple level intakes can be designed but are typically much less convenient to operate.

An alternative approach is to consider the siting of the intake structure. At Nam Theun 2 the power
intake is set at the end of a long approach channel. Flow towards the intake in this approach channel
causes re-mixing of the stratified layers and the net result is improved water quality downstream. A
view of the intake and approach channel prior to impounding is shown in Figure 7.19.

Figure 7.19. Nam Theun 2 power intake approach channel – Lao PDR (Source: Nam Theun 2 PC Ltd).

203 Aeration Weirs
An aeration weir has been provided downstream of the power station at Nam Theun 2 to provide an
additional system for improving water quality before the discharge is released into the receiving river.
The aeration weir is shown in Figure 7.20. The weir dimensions are based on empirical data obtained
from Petit Saut in French Guiana (Abril et al – 2008). It was found that a dispersed fall of approximately
2 m was sufficient to release 80% of dissolved methane and ensure a minimum dissolved oxygen
content of 2 mg/L. The specific discharge on the weir crest at design discharge is 1m3/s/m. The flow
dispersion at the Nam Theun 2 aeration weir is achieved by a timber lattice on the downstream side
of the weir crest. This lattice is expected to deteriorate over the first few years of operation, after
which it will no longer be required. The weir performs a long term function of maintaining a high water
level in the downstream channel under a full range of discharges so that water can be abstracted by
gravity for irrigation.

Figure 7.20. Nam Theun 2 downstream aeration weir – Lao PDR (Source: Multiconsult).

7.3.5 Diversion / Intra Basin Transfers

Guideline table reference V.2.5

A significant engineering consideration for intra basin transfers is to make provision for the receiving
river to withstand a greatly increased discharge. In the case of the Nam Theun 2 project it was
determined that it was not feasible for the Nam Kathang at the power station location to accept the
additional power generation discharge. An engineered downstream channel was therefore required
to convey the power station discharge a distance of 27 km to the larger Xe bang Fai. The route (3) is
indicated on Figure 7.21. The first 8 km of the downstream channel is lined to permit higher flow
velocities and a smaller cross section. This approach was adopted to minimise land take through an
area of productive rice paddy. The hydraulic grade line was kept above ground level by the aeration
weir shown in Figure 7.20 to facilitate gravity fed dry season irrigation. The remaining sections of the
downstream channel are unlined and receive inflows from local water courses. The downstream
section of the channel was formed by enlarging the natural course of the Nam Phit. Control weir are
provided at intervals along the unlined sections to limit water velocities during de-watering and re-
filling of the channel.

Figure 7.21. Nam Theun 2 downstream channel – Lao PDR (Source: Nam Theun Power Company Ltd).

7.4 Construction
7.4.1 Site controls
Environmental mitigation measures should be incorporated into the construction process by analysing
the potential impacts of access, working areas, sources of materials, equipment and materials
management and construction methodologies and defining actions to eliminate or mitigate these
impacts. To this end, it is standard good industrial practice to require the contractor to prepare and
submit an environmental monitoring and management plan for specialist review and approval. This
plan should be required to include specific sub-plans which would typically cover the following:

 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan  Vegetation Clearing Plan

 Spoil Disposal Plan  Waste Management Plan
 Quarry Management Plan  Reservoir Impoundment Management Plan
 Water Quality Monitoring Plan  Environmental Training for Construction
 Chemical Waste/Spillage Management Plan Workers Plan
 Emergency Plan for Hazardous Materials  On-site Traffic and Access Management
 Emissions and Dust Control Plan Plan
 Noise Control Plan  Explosive Ordnance Survey and Disposal
 Physical Cultural Resources Plan
 Landscaping and Revegetation Plan  Constructions Work Camps and
Spontaneous Settlement Areas Plan

In addition, a Manual of Best Practice in Site Management of Environmental Matters and a Project
Staff Health Program should be drafted and reviewed by an independent expert. To achieve a

consistent approach, such standards should be imposed by Government through the Concession

In addressing the requirement for a high standard of environmental monitoring and management
during construction, most modern contractors recognise that there are commercial benefits to be
gained from good site practice. Site maintenance costs can be reduced and waste construction
materials frequently have commercial re-sale value if properly separated and managed.

7.4.2 Construction access & material sources

Major environmental impacts are sometimes caused by poor site planning and inadequate
consideration of construction access. Temporary infrastructure and construction roads should be kept
away from environmentally sensitive areas. In order to achieve this, it may be of value, for example,
to consider the use of quarry locations that are not visually intrusive (e.g. in low lying areas) and that
are closer to the construction site, although they may not provide the best material. Consideration
should also be given to minimising construction roads and specifically avoiding roads in steep terrain
by adopting alternative routes. Alternative forms of access such as tunnels or constructing an aerial
cable way can offer less environmentally damaging solutions. Where roads on cross slopes are
required, excavated material should always be carried away and disposed of in designated and
landscaped spoil areas and not dumped down valley slopes.

7.4.3 Erosion protection

During construction, open excavations and works areas require temporary protection to prevent
erosion and contamination of water courses with sediment. Figure 7.22 shows good practice at the
works area for the Nam Ngiep 1 regulating dam powerhouse. The cofferdam is armoured on the outer
face with rock fill and the internal slopes are protected with geo-fabric to prevent erosion. Water
pumped from excavations and surface run off from rainfall is directed to settlement ponds before
being returned to the river. Spoil areas have been landscaped and positioned away from the river.
Temporary excavations have been profiled to stable slopes with established drainage paths. A complex
works area is maintained in a tidy and organised condition.

Figure 7.22. Nam Ngiep 1 regulating powerhouse works area, Lao PDR (Source: Nam Ngiep 1 PC Ltd).

7.4.4 Re-vegetation
Construction activities inevitably result in disturbance of vegetation and exposure of soil slopes. Re-
establishment of indigenous vegetation should be the ultimate objective but can rarely be achieved in
sufficient time to prevent erosion, environmental de-gradation and contamination of natural water
courses by sediment. A programme of soil stabilisation is typically required before revegetation is
attempted. Indeed the most appropriate sequence in tropical climates is:

 soil stabilisation;
 followed by re-vegetation; and
 finally re-forestation.

Areas that are planted during the dry season are very difficult to maintain and areas planted in the wet
season are likely to be damaged by erosion before root systems become established. There are a
number of strategies for soil stabilisation that can be employed but some form of de-gradable fabric
protection is typically the best approach. On Road 13 North in Lao PDR recently created cut slopes are
protected with coir matting. This protection is costly but provides shade and moisture retention during
the dry season and protection from rainfall impact and erosion during the wet season. This allows
indigenous vegetation to naturally colonise the slopes. The use of this approach is shown in
Figure 7.23.

In other areas on Road 13 soil reinforcement has been provided by planting a sterile hybrid form of
Vetiver grass along contour lines. This grass variety will rapidly establish a deep root system. Vetiver
is unpalatable to browsing livestock and the sterile variety dies off after approximately four years, by
which time natural vegetation has colonised the slope. In this manner soil stabilisation is achieved
without introducing invasive alien species.

Figure 7.23. Soil stabilisation on Road 13 North, Lao PDR (Source: Multiconsult).

7.4.5 Access restriction
Consideration should be given at the construction stage to environmental problems that are likely to
occur during the lifespan of the project. An example would be the de-commissioning of construction
roads that might otherwise provide access for environmentally damaging activities such as timber
extraction. This can be achieved at low cost by removing the drainage structures and preventing
further use of unwanted roads. If access must be retained for social reasons, consideration should be
given to restricting the type of vehicle that can use these roads. At Nam Theun 2 bridges with a limited
width have been built to prevent large vehicles from accessing densely forested areas. An example is
shown in Figure 7.24 where only small farm tractors and motorbikes can gain access to the opposite
bank of the downstream channel. Pedestrian refuges have been provided at locations along the

Figure 7.24. Access bridge across the downstream channel of Nam Theun 2 Hydropower Project, Lao PDR
(Source: Multiconsult).

7.5 Operation
7.5.1 Annual / Inter Annual Changes to Flow Changes to seasonal flow patterns

Guideline table reference I.2.6

The provision of seasonal storage provides a valuable function to power system operators. Figure 7.25
shows the reservoir level trajectories for the Nakay Reservoir at Nam Theun 2 since commercial
operation commenced in 2010. Other major storage schemes in the region follow similar patterns.
The reservoir level is progressively lowered between December and the following June each year as
water is taken out of storage to augment the dry season inflow. From June to October the inflow
exceeds power generation requirements and the reservoir re-fills. This approach permits the project
to deliver a near constant power output throughout the year. However it also results in the
downstream discharge being approximately constant throughout the year.

If it is preferable for environmental reasons to maintain seasonal patterns in downstream discharge
then a decision can be made to change the operation of the project. The reservoir can be maintained
at full supply level throughout the year, energy production during the dry months of the year would
reduce, and spilling during the wet months of the year would increase. No engineering changes are
required but the commercial consequences would be considerable.

The downstream environmental benefits of this revised form of operation would need to be assessed
against the increased energy costs for the consumer and additional energy and installed capacity
requirements from potentially less environmentally satisfactory forms of generation elsewhere.

Figure 7.25. Nakay reservoir water levels, Lao PDR (Source: Nam Theun Power Company Ltd). Cascade operations

Guideline table reference I.2.6

Cascades of storage schemes may offer the opportunity to deliver largely uniform power throughout
the year whilst reintroducing some seasonality in the downstream discharge. The cascade shown in
Figure 7.26 comprises a red project which was constructed first, and an upstream blue project which
was constructed second.

Figure 7.26. Reservoir cascade operation (Source: Multiconsult).

The optimum operating upper and lower rule curves for the red project are shown as chain dotted
lines. Once the blue project is constructed seasonal regulation is introduced and the red project no
longer needs to use all its operating storage. The red reservoir level therefore becomes more uniform
and higher, thereby providing more generating head. The average water level becomes as shown by
the solid red line in Figure 7.26.

Optimum operation of the blue project is within the rule curve envelope.

If a third project was added upstream of the blue project then the same change would occur and the
average operating curves for the blue and red projects would become flatter and higher. Under this
condition it may be possible for the red project to turbine more water in the wet season than in the
dry season, thereby re-introducing some seasonality in the downstream release. Changes to flood frequency and magnitude

Guideline table reference I.2.6

Peak flood magnitudes in the region are typically high and most projects require gated spillways to
provide the necessary flood discharge capacity. Gated spillways permit the operators to control
spillway releases. With the exception of extreme floods, it will be generally possible for scheme
operators to release floods in accordance with the natural magnitude or frequency. There will
however be commercial consequences.

With reference to Figure 7.25 low return period floods are typically captured by the reservoir until full
supply level is reached. As a consequence, many smaller flood events are no longer transmitted
downstream. However this is an operational decision and not an engineering characteristic of the

project. Natural flood events could be released during reservoir filling, if required for environmental

The release of flood events during the reservoir filling period increases the risk that a reservoir full
condition may not be reached at the end of the wet season. It would also reduce the available head
for power generation. The project owners would need to be compensated commercially if this form
of operation was required.

Once full supply level is reached projects with gated spillways will typically release such floods without
modification and an entirely natural flood sequence should be achieved. More extreme events will be
attenuated by allowing the reservoir level to rise above full supply level. The PMF event for the Nam
Ngiep 1 project is shown in Figure 7.27.

Hydrograph Outflow Water level

10,000 325

9,000 324

8,000 323

7,000 322

Water Level (m)

Inflow (m³/s)

6,000 321

5,000 320

4,000 319

3,000 318

2,000 317

1,000 316

0 315
0 2 4 6 8 10121416182022242628303234363840424446485052545658606264
Time (hour)

Figure 7.27. Nam Ngiep 1 PMF attenuation, Lao PDR (Source: Nam Ngiep 1 Power Company Ltd).

Attenuation of major flood events by using reservoir storage would normally be seen as
environmentally beneficial.

For run of river Mekong mainstream schemes the requirement to pass floods without modification
should be automatic and be without commercial consequence.

The use of upstream hydrometric networks and cyclone forecasting systems is standard for most major
projects in the region and flood management is typically based on predicted inflows so that flood
freeboard is not used unnecessarily. This data would provide the basis for alternative flood
management if required.

7.5.2 Inter basin transfers

Guideline table reference V.2.4, V.2.5 Flood management

Inter-basin transfers can require operational restrictions to avoid adverse impacts on the receiving
river. The Nam Theun 2 project downstream channel joins the Xe Bang Fai at the location shown on
Figure 7.28. This area is prone to flooding during the wet season and additional inflows from the

downstream channel would worsen local flooding. The Concession Agreement and Power Purchase
Agreement therefore impose a requirement that the output of the Nam Theun 2 is progressively
reduced and finally stopped at pre-defined gauge readings at Mahaxai downstream. Whilst this
measure does not prevent flooding in the area, it does ensure that the project is not responsible. Hydropeaking
Discharges into the Xe Bang Fai from the downstream channel retain the generation peaks resulting
from the operation of the power station. In the wet season these variations are negligible compared
with the natural discharge in the Xe Bang Fai. In the dry season these variations in flow can represent
in excess of a 200% change in discharge but this was assessed to be acceptable. The rates of change
of discharge are however limited by the re-regulating pond as described in Section Impact compensation

Dry season flows in the Xe Bang Fai are considerably increased downstream of the confluence with the
downstream channel. There is also a backwater effect upstream extending past Ban Somsanouk
shown on Figure 7.28. These changes have resulted in loss of river bank gardens and changed fish
breeding patterns, all of which impact local livelihoods. An extensive programme has been
implemented to assess these impacts and provide compensation to project affected people.

Figure 7.28. Nam Theun 2 downstream channel confluence, Lao PDR (Source: Multiconsult).

7.5.3 Adaptive management

Guideline table reference I.4, II.4, III.4, IV.4, V.4

Monitoring and adaptive management during operation is an essential part of the environmental
mitigation process. Some operational changes can be introduced without commercial consequence
and adoption should therefore not present any particular problem. However changes that require
capital expenditure or that impact energy generation and revenue cannot be imposed without
compensation to the project owners. Such changes may be very difficult to implement.

It is therefore most important that potential requirements for adaptive management are identified at
the feasibility stage and incorporated in the design and commercial rationale of the project. The ESIA
needs to be comprehensive and anticipate as many future requirements as possible. Design provisions
for future changes should be incorporated into the works and provisions made in the Concession
Agreement and Power Purchase Agreement for changes to be implemented and compensated.

8 Ecosystem Services
The ecosystem services spans issues covering all the previous thematic areas and is as such treated
here in a separate Chapter. Understanding mitigation of ecosystem services is also still in its incubation
period, but should gradually be integrated into the other themes. An initiative in MRC to undertake
this is described in Chapter 8.1.

8.1 Status and Overview - Concept and classification of ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are defined as “the benefits people obtain from ecosystems” (Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment 2005)6. Ecosystem services have become an important research topic in
sustainability science. A number of papers addressing ecosystem services has increased exponentially,
especially after the completion of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) in 2005 (Carpenter et
al. 2009, Fisher, Turner, and Morling 2009). Despite this fast growing, there is yet consensus on their
concept and classification system. For instance, ecosystem services have been interchangeably used
with other terms such as ecological, landscape or environmental services due to different
understandings of their concept (Lamarque, Quetier, and Lavorel 2011). MA classifies ecosystem
services into four categories: provisioning, cultural, regulating and supporting services and many
subcategories under each category (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). MA’s classification
(Figure 8.1) is the most widely adopted system, but some scholars have argued that it is not
appropriate for a practical valuation purpose as it leads to double counting the values of some
ecosystem services in the aggregation of economic values of an ecosystem (the total economic value
or TEV is the sum of direct use, indirect use, option use, and non-use values). For instance, it is argued
that ecosystem processes that do not directly affect human well-being are not ecosystem services
(Wallace 2007); regulating services should only be included in the valuation if they have an impact
outside the direct ecosystem services to be valued (Hein et al. 2006).

Option values
e values

Figure 8.1. Linkage between ecosystem services and constituents of human well-being (Source: Emerton 2006,
cited in; WWF-Greater Mekong 2013).

MA is a monumental work involving over 1300 scientists.

A more recent classification system proposed by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) groups the
many subcategories proposed under MA’s classification into three somewhat different categories:
provisioning, regulating and maintenance, and cultural services (USIAD Mekong Adaptation and
Resilience to Climate Change 2015). EEA’s classification has been further refined to provide a “so
called” uniform, standardized and comprehensive system for the valuation of ecosystem services
(Figure 8.2), but the practicality of this system remains to be seen.

Figure 8.2. Types and classification of ecosystem services (Source: USIAD Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to
Climate Change 2015).

Very recent MRC (2015) has developed the approach even further to be tailored for the LMB, by
combining the assessment of ecosystems components with that of ecosystem services assessment.
Ecosystem assessment can involve an assessment of the ecosystem components and/or an assessment
of the ecosystem services that are derived from the interaction of those components in support of
human well-being (Figure 8.3). MRC uses the same ecosystem services classification as that of MEA,
e.g.; provisioning, cultural, regulating and supporting.

There is a direct link between the ecosystem components and services. Changes in the biophysical
ecosystem components will have an impact on the ecosystem services that are produced. For example,
significant disturbance of the hydrological regime is likely to impact on the capacity of the ecosystem
to produce fish for food provision. Comprehensive ecosystem assessments will often consider
biophysical changes as well as the related changes in ecosystem services.

(Biophysical) Ecosystem Ecosystem Services
Assessment Assessment
Provisioning (e.g. food from fish)

chemical Regulating (e.g. flood control)

Cultural (e.g. aesthetic, spiritual)

Supporting (e.g. habitat)

More sensitive More important for

to impacts Modelling decisions

Provides data and information to support assessment activities

Figure 8.3. The different activities involved in ecosystem and ecosystem services assessments as of MRC
(Source: Discussion Note on MRC Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Activities, 18 th August 2015).

8.2 Valuation of Ecosystem Services at Risk in LMB

A number of Mekong-related publications emphasises the importance of the concept of ecosystem
services in understanding, valuing and managing our environmental assets and the necessity of these
in basin development planning. Without valuation, economically important impacts of new
infrastructure or development may be overlooked and accordingly decision-making tends to be biased
towards new infrastructure or development. Among many publications reviewed, two (Costanza et al.
2011, WWF-Greater Mekong 2013) stand out to be most recently and comprehensively analysing the
values of Mekong ecosystem services. A more recent publication (USIAD Mekong Adaptation and
Resilience to Climate Change 2015) generically highlights policy venues in the LMB countries
(Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam) where ecosystem services valuation can play a role.

Costanza et al. (2011) focus their valuation of the services the Mekong River provides to the population
of the LMB through its fisheries and wetlands. At various discount rates with a specified replacement
cost of USD 3.00/kg, the net present values of the loss in capture fisheries, the gain in reservoir fisheries
(due to the increase of dams), and the gain in aquaculture production (a primary mitigation measure
for lost capture fisheries) were estimated. In aggregate, the value of increased reservoir fisheries and
aquaculture production could replace the lost of capture fisheries value, under certain economic
assumptions but not under others.

The forgone economic value due to the loss of three types of wetlands (flooded forests, marshes, and
inundated grasslands) under the established scenarios was estimated at different discount rates. The
ecosystem services of wetlands in this case were claimed to embrace water supply, water flow
regulation, waste treatment, flood protection, food production, raw material production, habitat
refuges, recreation, and aesthetics, but the estimation of the total economic value of the wetlands was
not based on analyses of changes in values of these ecosystem services. A value transfer technique
(Brander 2013) was instead used to transfer a unit value (USD/ha/year) of each type of the three
wetlands from a recent Mississipi study. The results indicated a net loss in the total values due to lost
wetlands in the LBM under the ‘definite future scenario’7 and ‘6 dam scenario’8 and a net gain in the
total values due to gained wetlands under the ‘11 dam scenario’9. The latter result reflects the
projected increase in wetlands from dam reservoir inundation and increased rainfall associated with
climate change.

The recalculation of the values calculated in the BDP2 to reflect the changes in values of the ecosystem
services (fisheries and wetlands) under the established scenarios and at different discount rates
yielded results as showed in Figure 8.4. The revised total economic value at 1% discount rate turns
negative under all scenarios. At 3% discount rate, the revised total economic value still turns negative
under the 11 dam scenario or the revised economic gain under either the definite future or 6 dam
scenario drops to a minimal level. At 10% discount rate, the revised economic gains under all scenarios
considerably drop, but are still positive. These values has been revised and slightly updated in a recent
Working Paper (Intralawan, Wood and Frankel, 2015), but conclusions remains largely the same.

Figure 8.4. Comparison of original and revised NPVs for the three scenarios assuming 10%, 3% and 1% discount
rates (Source: Costanza et al. 2011).

2015 Upper Mekong dams plus 26 additional hydropower dams in LMB and 2008 irrigation and flood
2015 Definite Future plus 6 LMB mainstream dams in upper LMB and 30 planned tributary, irrigation, and
water supply. This scenario also includes climate change for an average year between 2010 and
2030 and 17cm sea level rise.
2015 Definite Future plus 11 LMB mainstream dams and 30 planned tributary dams, irrigation, and water
supply. This scenario also includes climate change for an average year between 2010 and
2030 and 17cm sea level rise.

The publication of WWF – Greater Mekong (2013) provides an analysis of the values of ecosystem
services the population of the LMB obtains from four types of ecosystems (forests, freshwater
wetlands, mangroves, and coral reefs) under two defined scenarios (business as usual – BAU and green
economy growth – GEG). The valuation only cover the ecosystem services of most importance, for
which information is available, and for which real revenues can be attributed in order to focus on
economic gains on the ground. A unit-value transfer technique (Brander 2013) was the basis for the
valuation (no primary data was collected). Table 8.1 summarises the per-unit values of ecosystem
services derived from various valuation studies in the Lower Mekong region (a database of previous
estimates of ecosystem service values built for this study can be obtained from WWF – Greater
Mekong 2013). The valuation of freshwater wetlands in this case covered two ecosystem services: local
use of aquatic products and water quality and flow services. The values of these ecosystem services
were derived from one study in Cambodia (Chong 2005), two studies in Laos (Emerton et al. 2002,
Gerrard 2004 ), on study in Thailand (Pagdee et al. 2007 ), and one study in Vietnam (Do and Bennett
2007). The results (Table 8.1) suggest that freshwater wetlands in the LMB have a total value of USD
1,634/ha/year, which is just about half of the mean value of the three types of wetlands (USD
2997/ha/year) used by (Costanza et al. 2011). The difference in the value estimates is perhaps due to
factors such as the coverage of ecosystem services included in the valuation, locations/countries and
years of previous studies from which the transferred values are derived.

Table 8.1. Summary of ecosystem services values in LMB (USD/ha/year).

Source: (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013), p.16

It is anticipated that MRC own work on ecosystems and ecosystem services assessment described in
Chapter 8.1 will give additional information to the Costanza and WWF report and be more practically
oriented towards the activities and initiatives in MRC itself. MRC has also outlined its work in this field
for the Strategic Period of 2016-2020 (MRC, 2015).

8.3 Suggestions for improved valuation of ecosystem services for in the
Given the importance of the values of ecosystem services as inputs for basin development planning
and other initiatives in the LMB, improved valuation of changes in the ecosystem services under certain
basin development scenarios is necessary. Below list some suggestions to improve such valuation:

 Identify and characterise ecosystem services to be valued: Maximizing the number of

ecosystem services in the valuation is necessary in order to ensure the total economic value
of an ecosystem is not underestimated, but caution needs to be paid to the problem of double
counting. In addition to changes in values of fisheries/aquatic products and in values of
ecosystem services due to lost wetlands as studied by (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013, Costanza
et al. 2011), the valuation should also cover, for example, forgone values associated with
biodiversity loss and changes in values of ecosystem services provided by lost forests. Risks to
aquatic species and loss of forests in expanded reservoirs (25,000 ha in total) present major
public concerns and therefore including the values of these may substantially affect the total
economic values of each scenario. Once identified, the ecosystem services need to be
characterized in a way that does not involve double counting of certain values, resembles the
potential outcomes of each scenario under consideration, and is readily valuated given
available data for value transfer (Brander 2013) or available methods for primary valuation
studies (see e.g., (Champ, Boyle, and Brown 2003, Garrod and Willis 1999)). For meaningful
valuation, ecosystem services may be best identified and characterised through wide
consultation with stakeholders and experts. The types and classification of ecosystem services
proposed in Figure 8.2 and 8.3 may be either considered in, or used as inputs for, such
identification and characterisation.
 Adjust value estimates if value transfer is used: There are three methods for value transfer:
unit value transfer, value function transfer, and meta-analytic function transfer (Brander
2013). The first method (unit value transfer) can be adjusted to reflect the differences between
previous primary study and present study sites (e.g., income, year of valuation). Valuation of
ecosystem services discussed above (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013, Costanza et al. 2011) did
not make such adjustment, and many of the transferred values used were not from primary
valuation studies either. The last two value transfer methods already take into account the
characteristics of the site being studied.
 Analyse changes in values of ecosystem services to derive the total economic value of a
changing ecosystem: The values of ecosystem services are not static; they depend both on the
types, extent and quality of ecosystems, and on the level of reliance of the region’s human
population on ecosystem services for their economic well- being. Quantifying changes in
ecosystem services provided by a particular type of ecosystems (e.g., wetlands, forests) and
estimating the values of the associated changes to derive the total value of an ecosystem can
relatively reduce biased estimates, compared to directly estimating the total value of the
ecosystem as done by (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013, Costanza et al. 2011).
 Focus on marginal changes: Any new infrastructure or development involves trade-offs
between the values of ecosystem services. Decision-makers are relatively more interested in
the information about a net change in the values of changing ecosystem services induced by
the new infrastructure or development than about the total value of the ecosystem services

per se (TEEB -- The Economics of Ecosystem and Biodiversity for Local and Regional Policy
Makers 2010).
 Enhance primary valuation studies: There are a limited number of reliable primary valuation
studies in the LMB region. Primary valuation studies are costly and time-consuming, but they
are essentially required to inform BDP design and decision-making. Quantifying changes in
ecosystem services (ecological processes that benefit humans) induced, for instance, by the
above discussed scenarios (definite future, 6 dams, and 11 dams) is a prerequisite for valuation
that relates directly to the BDP. Given biological complexity of the Mekong water and
wetlands, such quantification is difficult and might not be completed in a short-term (3 years).
An alternative approach that uses a stated preference technique that describes the potential
changes in ecosystem services under the discussed scenarios can be instead used to elicit
public preferences and more quickly estimate the values of the changing ecosystem services
(see; Chhun, Thorsnes, and Moller 2013, McVittie and Moran 2010) for examples of such an
approach). Results from an appropriate primary valuation using such an approach are at least
relatively more reliable and defensible than those using a benefit transfer technique.

8.4 Mitigation Recommendations and Options for Ecosystem Services

8.4.1 ESIA Mitigation versus Ecosystem Services Mitigation
Weaving ecosystem services into impact assessment (World Resources Institute 2013a) offers a
promising approach to eventually mitigating development impacts on ecosystem services provided by
the Mekong water and wetlands. As of 2012, the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC)
performance standards require IFC-financed projects to assess their impacts and dependencies on
ecosystem services and take necessary measures to preserve the benefits from ecosystem services. Yet,
standard environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs), which are broadly applied in the LMB
countries, do not specifically account for a project’s impacts on ecosystem services. For instance, none
of the environmental impact assessment reports of dam construction projects approved in Cambodia
(e.g., Lower San II, Kamchay, Kirirom III, Stung Atay I, and Stung Aktay II) specifically accounts for
impacts on ecosystem services. The recently approved environmental impact assessment report of
Don Sahong Hydropower Project in Laos (National Consulting Company 2013) does not either contain
the words “ecosystem service”. Assessing the impacts on ecosystems or environment is different from
assessing the impacts on ecosystem services; hence, mitigation options are also different. Box 8.1
contains some examples of the differences between both assessments. In relation to the impacts of
dam construction in the Mekong, fishing might be, for instance, traditionally embedded in some local
communities so the degradation of local fisheries could alienate their cultural identity in addition to
the loss of income and protein intakes. Without specifically accounting for ecosystem services, the
standard ESIA might accordingly overlook stakeholders who are vulnerable to ecosystem change, or
miss some of the harmful social consequences of a project’s environmental effects.

Box 8.1. Examples of the differences between standard Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and
Ecosystem Service Impact Assessment.
 The goal of standard mitigation measures for project impacts on fisheries would be the
mitigation of the impacts on fish populations. In contrast, when looking at ecosystem
services, the target of mitigation measures would be to maintain pre-project income levels
and protein intakes for fishing communities.
 In a standard ESIA, the assessment of project water abstraction looks at change in river flows
(e.g., cubic meters of water per second). In this case, the indicator does not communicate the
implications of water abstraction for local women who fetch water from the river. When
looking at ecosystem services, the ESIA team assesses the impact of water abstraction in
terms of change in the quantity of water available to these women (e.g., cubic meters of
water per person). Change in water availability can, in turn, be linked to a change in time
spent by local women to fetch water.
 The impacts of a project on total wildlife populations may be considered low, and mitigation
measures deemed unnecessary, in a standard ESIA. Addressing ecosystem services, however,
focuses the assessment of project impacts on wildlife populations in hunting grounds, which
might differ from the assessment of impact over the total population and can be defined in
terms of potential loss in health and income by hunting communities.
 In a standard ESIA, habitat fragmentation caused by a project is assessed as insignificant
because it would affect only a small, localized area. In contrast, when looking at ecosystem
services, the impact might be assessed as significant if local communities have complex and
deep-rooted relationships to the habitat in its present condition.

Source: Extracted from (World Resources Institute 2013a, b)

The Ecosystem Services Review for Impact Assessment (ESR for IA) provides guidance for integrating
ecosystem services into standard ESIA with two objectives: to mitigate project impacts on the benefits
provided by ecosystems and to provide measures to manage operations dependent on ecosystems to
achieve planned performance. The ESR for IA does not replace the standard ESIA process; it instead
considers ecosystem services in complement with what the ESIA process routinely addresses (see
Figure 8.5, blue and black text respectively). The ESR for IA provides the ESIA team with a conceptual
framework to link the project to ecosystems, ecosystem services, and benefits derived from ecosystem
services. See (World Resources Institute 2013a) for the introduction to a step-by-step method of
weaving ecosystem services into impact assessment or/and for (World Resources Institute 2013b) for
ESIA practitioners. The early road-test of the step-by-step method has demonstrated its potential to
unveil unidentified socio-economic dimensions of environmental impacts and operational risks of
ecosystem change and reveal additional mitigation measures for social impacts and management
measures of operational risks.

Figure 8.5. A step-by-step method for ecosystem service assessment in the six-step standard ESIA.Source:
(World Resources Institute 2013a).

8.4.2 Mitigating impacts on ecosystem services

The main objective of mitigating the impacts on ecosystem services is to ensure that affected
stakeholders maintain the benefits they derive from ecosystem services. Like in standard ESIA, the
mitigation hierarchy can be used to identify measures to avoid, minimize, restore and offset losses in
the benefits the affected stakeholders derive from ecosystem services and to enhance gains in such
benefits (Figure 8.6). If a combination of avoidance and minimization measures is insufficient to
mitigate for the loss, for example, in cultural identity associated with fishing, restoration of nearby
fishing grounds that are accessible to the affected communities could be proposed. If, even after the
proposed restoration, there is still an anticipated residual loss in ecosystem service benefits, the
affected beneficiaries could be engaged to determine whether the residual loss would be acceptable
to them or monetary compensation is needed to achieve the no net loss. Valuation of ecosystem
services discussed in the previous section provides a basis for determining a proxy amount of such
compensation. If, even with monetary compensation, the residual loss in ecosystem service benefits is
deemed unacceptable by the affected stakeholders, alternatives for the project should be considered.

Figure 8.6. Mitigating and enhancing project impacts on ecosystem service benefits (Source: World
ResourcesInstitute 2013a).

Monetary compensation can be considered as the application of the “polluters pay principle” or as a
way of internalizing residue impacts on ecosystem services. Such internalization can improve the
efficiency and intergenerational equity in the use of natural resources (Tietenberg 2004); however, its
application in the context of dam construction in the Mekong region needs to at least get through the
following challenges:

 Intangible benefits of ecosystem services and limited knowledge about their values: Financial
benefits and anticipated economic boost as a result of electricity generated from hydropower is
often given more weight than the intangible benefits of ecosystem services. This is even
exacerbated due to our limited knowledge about the values of ecosystem services to be impacted
by dam construction. Recall that there are a quite limited number of publications about the values
of ecosystem services in the LMB.
 Lack of operational mechanisms: Charging the loss of ecosystem service benefits from developers
or forcing the developers to pay for compensation of the loss at an early stage of dam construction
or operation might not be possible due to a wide range of uncertainty inherent in the assessment
of ecosystems, ecosystem changes, and values of the benefits derived from changing ecosystem
services. A recoverable assurance bond that is large enough to cover the worst case damages
caused by dam construction is recommended as a method of shifting the burden of proof about
impacts from the public to the developers (Costanza et al. 2011). An appropriate operational
mechanism, which is not in place yet, is needed to ensure a payment stream of the loss of
ecosystem service benefits to the affected stakeholders.
 Trans-boundary impacts: The loss of ecosystem service benefits, even though a mechanism for
monetary compensation is in place, cannot be fully compensated due to trans-boundary impacts.
Getting each nation in the LMB responsible for the impacts of its development on other nations
has been difficult; this is even exacerbated with the involvement of equity issues. Year 2000 was
used as the baseline for the assessment of impact assessment in BDP2 and estimation of the values
of the impacts done by (Costanza et al. 2011). Due to the fact that some nations had more dams

than others in that year, the assumed baseline is not equitable. The baseline for ecosystem services
inclusive impact assessment needs to be defined in an equitable way and get consensuses among
all nations of the LBM if such monetary compensation is to be used as the last resort of the
mitigation hierarchy to ensure the no net loss of ecosystem service benefits.

8.4.3 Managing dependencies of development projects on ecosystem services

The main objective of managing dependencies of development projects on ecosystem services is to
ensure planned operational performance (World Resources Institute 2013a). Just as the projects can
adversely impact the benefits derived from ecosystem services, changes in ecosystems and ecosystem
services can jeopardize project outcomes. To abide by IFC Performance Standards, project developers
routinely have ecosystem service dependence assessment (ESDA) conducted as part of the risk
assessment process. The ESDA can alternatively be integrated into standard ESIA by using the step-by-
step method developed by the ESR for IA. In this case, the ESIA team works in close collaboration with
project developers to identify a list of cost-effective measures to manage the operational risks to
project performance arising from ecosystem changes. As demonstrated in Figure 8.7, the measures
can either increase the supply of an ecosystem service (blue arrow) and/or decrease the supply
required by the project to achieve planned operational performance (orange arrow). In case of dam
construction, the ESIA team can propose protection of upstream watershed to maintain water supply
required for hydropower production. Alternatively (or in combination), the ESIA team can propose
lowering the height of a dam to reduce risks associated with shortage in water supply during a dry

Figure 8.7. Managing project dependencies on ecosystem services to ensure planned operational performance.

Payments for ecosystem services (PES) offer a promising mechanism that can translate external, non-
market value of the ecosystems into real financial incentives for local actors to provide ecosystem
services (Fripp 2014 ). As demonstrated in Figure 8.8, the payments to local actors in combination with
the benefits from forest conservation need to be greater than or at least equal to the benefits that
could be derived from alternative land uses in order to incentivize those actors to protect the forest.
Hydropower producers have been identified as potential payers of water regulation and soil

conservation services of the intact forest on upstream watershed for the benefits they derive from the
ecosystem services. For instance, one hectare of forest was valued at USD 69 per year for the two
ecosystem services to the Da Nhim hydropower project in Vietnam (Winrock International 2011).
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) has been exploring market-based PES schemes at two
hydroelectricity sites located within protected areas of the Cardamom Mountains landscape in
Cambodia (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013).

Figure 8.8. The logic of payments for ecosystem services (Source: Engel, Pagiola, and Wunder 2008).

PES can be promising for managing dependencies of development projects on ecosystem services to
ensure planned operational performance; however, according to (WWF-Greater Mekong 2013) all
forms of PES are very much at an incipient stage in the Lower Mekong countries. Pilot PES schemes
exist, or are emerging, in all of the Lower Mekong countries, but only Vietnam has institutionalized PES
and has it specifically covered by law. In Cambodia, Laos and Thailand, there is a great deal of interest
(among both government and the NGO community) in scaling up site-specific PES efforts and
establishing some kind of national institutional, legal and funding framework that could guide the
further development of PES across the country.

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