IFC Cities English

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IFC Cities Initiative

Cities are critical for economic growth and poverty reduction.

80% of global GDP is currently generated by cities with
70% of the emerging market population expected to live in
cities by 2050. Cities also generate about 70% of the world’s
greenhouse gases.
Urban density, agglomeration and proximity are fundamental to human
advancement, economic productivity and social equity. Yet in many cities
inadequate infrastructure stifles development and drives up costs. Strategic
city interventions can reduce urban poverty and boost shared prosperity IFC Solutions for Private
by creating jobs, improving service delivery, employment productivity and and Public Clients
overall resilience to economic, financial and environmental shocks. Financing
IFC is scaling up its financial and advisory services offerings to help cities • Full suite of financial products:
become more competitive—more attractive places for people to live and debt/equity/quasi-equity/
firms to operate—by: i) strengthening institutions and regulations; ii) guarantees/consumer financing
improving critical infrastructure and environmental sustainability; iii) • Access to capital markets
fostering skills and innovation; and iv) expanding access to finance. IFC is • Mobilization of co-funders
uniquely positioned to bring together municipalities, utilities and private • Innovative transaction
sector players to comprehensively address the most pressing needs of structuring
cities in emerging markets.
Advisory Services
• Macroeconomic/sector analysis
to identify opportunities for
private clients and areas of
growth and efficiency for cities
• PPP advisory: advisory services
to governments to structure
and tender concessions
• Green building standards
• Capacity building and
• Identification and management
ABOUT IFC of environmental and social risks
• Matchmaking: connecting cities
IFC invested $9.5 billion in 292 city-related projects in more with private service providers
than 61 countries across 207 cities in the 2004-2015 period.
IFC also managed $260 million in 228 city-related advisory Project Development
• Funding support for third-party
projects in more than 62 countries across 127 cities.
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global • IFC InfraVentures (project
development institution focused on the private sector. Working in over development fund)
100 countries, we use our capital, expertise, and influence to help
eliminate extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. Our $52 billion
loan and equity portfolio includes over 2,000 active clients.


Elena Bourganskaia, Global Head, Cities Practice Group

+1 (202) 458-8185 • ebourganskaia@ifc.org

Lisa Da Silva, Principal Investment Officer, Cities Practice Group

+1 (202) 473-5691 • lsilva@ifc.org
Why Do Business with IFC?
Long-Term Partnership: IFC helps
clients grow, often providing multiple
rounds of financing. We see clients
through growth periods and turbu-
lent economic times.

Part of WBG: IFC leverages global

knowledge, expertise and direct
CITY PROJECT EXAMPLES support from across the World Bank
Group to enhance our impact in
Intelligent Mass Transit, Colombia
emerging markets.
$176 million financing to develop and operate the fare collection, fleet
management, and real-time information technology system for Bogota’s Sector Expertise: Our in-house
bus Integrated Public Transportation System, expected to benefit 6 million industry specialists assess each
passengers daily. project we finance and provide
invaluable guidance to clients.
Urban Water Systems Expansion, China
$16 million loan to a private company investing and operating in the water Brand Enhancement: IFC’s interna-
supply and wastewater treatment sector in China’s second and third tier cities. tionally recognized finance and sus-
tainability standards help strengthen
Urban Housing Solutions, Brazil clients’ reputations and open doors to
$47 million debt and equity investment to a real estate developer to new sources of funding.
expand the supply of low-income housing in urban areas.
Tailored Solutions: Our integrated
Metro Expansion, Turkey investment and advisory services
$68 million loan to the Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul for the respond to client’s specific needs. We
expansion of the metro system to the Asian side of the city. provide flexible financial structures
and a full suite of products.
District Heating, Romania
$10 million loan to the municipality of Botosani to implement infrastructure Mobilization Capacity: Through
upgrades, together with an advisory project to identify and implement our syndication and parallel loan
technical and non-technical measures to improve operational efficiency and facilities we offer clients access to
lower the cost of heat supply for the municipal district heating company. our wide network of commercial and
development finance partners.
Street Lighting, India
Advisory project to support India’s Orissa State to upgrade its street Risk Mitigation: We help clients
lighting network under a public-private partnership that will improve raise their environmental, social and
energy efficiency and increase safety in areas currently without street light. corporate governance standards and
management systems.
Credit Enhancement of Municipal Bond, South Africa
$31 million partial credit guarantee of a local currency bond issue by the Third-Party Capital: The IFC Asset
City of Johannesburg to support water and wastewater, electricity and Management Company (AMC) is
roads projects. a wholly-owned subsidiary of IFC
that serves as a fund manager of
Innovative Urban Waste Water Solution, Hungary third-party capital for projects in
$5 million venture capital investment in a Budapest based wastewater developing countries.
treatment company that is developing and deploying a next-generation
biological wastewater treatment technology.

Mortgage Financing, Cambodia

$5 million loan to Cambodia’s largest bank to help finance residential
mortgages—a new type of financing in Cambodia—to meet rising demand
from home buyers.

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