Upstream FINAL - 11 10 20
Upstream FINAL - 11 10 20
Upstream FINAL - 11 10 20
As part of the World Bank Group, IFC has two overarching goals: ending
extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity. Through direct
investments and advisory services, IFC provides private sector solutions that lay
the foundation for sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
With its six decades of experience working with private sector clients and
governments, global footprint, and core competencies, IFC is well-placed to
catalyze much-needed private investment. IFC’s new corporate strategy is
focused on creating markets, mobilizing private capital, and providing support
to countries where private capital flows are inadequate to address major
development needs.
IFC’s upstream activities consist of pre-investment work that lays the foundation
for future transactions, often in collaboration with the World Bank and the
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Efforts include technical Eligibility Criteria
assistance, capacity building for institutions and private companies, and support
to clients and governments, among others. It complements our existing business Uncover development
and unlocks new investment opportunities. problems and/or market
or investment gaps that
could be addressed through
investment projects and/
Why Upstream or conducting regulatory/
• Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals calls for a significant scale- sectoral reforms
up in private investment in emerging economies. However, bankable deals
Have a clear line of sight to
are in short supply, especially in the most challenging countries and frontier a potential private sector
markets. investment within five years
• In the poorest countries and in fragile and conflict-affected states, what’s
needed is a more systematic look at overarching development challenges Demonstrate consistency
and how to solve them. Our upstream work encompasses this broader with World Bank Group/IFC
scope, in addition to identifying individual projects worthy of support. country strategy priorities
• Our upstream efforts support the creation of tools to help de-risk projects
and identify development gaps that can be addressed through private Deliver measurable
sector solutions. development impact once
the investment occurs
Upstream Project Highlights
Fourth-generation road PPP program in Colombia | Markets and enabling environment; global delivery platform
IFC’s upstream support enabled the procurement and financing of 29 road PPPs, spanning more than 8,000
kilometers and generating $15 billion in investment. Our involvement included structuring the program,
standardizing documents, streamlining procurement, and supporting reforms to facilitate capital markets
financing. IFC’s catalytic role extended to enhancing Colombia’s development finance structure, with
investments in the national development bank—a key program financier—and a pioneering debt fund to
mobilize financing from institutional investors. The program is expected to add up to 0.4 percent to GDP growth
through 2022 and generate more than 800,000 jobs.