21stcentury Literature From ThePhil
21stcentury Literature From ThePhil
21stcentury Literature From ThePhil
Course Title 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World 12
Number of Hours 80 Hours
Lecture 80 Hours
Course/ Subject Description
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Notre Dame of Dadiangas University is a Catholic, Filipino institution of Academic Excellence established by the Marist Brothers (FMS – Fratres Maristae a Scholis)
characterized by St. Marcellin Champagnat’s ideals of simplicity, humility, and quiet zeal of God’s work as inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary. The school is dedicated to the
formation of persons in all levels of learning who as:
Christian Leaders
Competent Professionals
Community-Oriented citizens, and
Culture-Sensitive Individuals
As a Catholic Educational Institution, NDDU shares in the Church’s mission of evangelization by integrating life and faith;
As a Filipino Institution, NDDU seeks to preserve Filipino Culture and propagate love of country and its people;
As an institution of Quality Education, NDDU aims leadership in Curricular Programs, Multi-Disciplinary Programs, Research, and Community Service;
As a Marist Institution, NDDU promotes the core values of Family Spirit, Marian Spirit, Simplicity, Prefence for the Least Favored, Love of Work, and Integrity of Creation; and
As a Community-Oriented institution, NDDU aims to respond the challenges of the locality (SOCSKSARGEN Area) it is serving.
NDDU is a Catholic Institution, which seeks to develop the spiritual, intellectual, social, aesthetic, and physical abilities of the students through systematic instruction and
NDDU is concerned with creating a Christian Community among its members; therefore, NDDU offers religious instruction and provides opportunities for apostolic zeal
and witness.
NDDU is committed to further national development. Students are made aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and are given opportunities to participate in
institutional and community development.
NDDU contributes to improving the quality of education in the region of SOCSKSARGEN. As an institution of higher learning, NDDU seeks to foster cooperation and
innovation among the educational institution in the region.
And as a Marist school, NDDU lives in the spirit of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, dedicated to the Christian education in accordance with the Marist motto, “ ALL TO
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The ultimate goal of NDDU-IBED is the integral development and formation of the whole person. The school aims to incorporate absolute values into culture and life. It
considers Christian values in the context of life. In brief, it is committed to the human, academic, and Christian development of the students in the Philippines’ milieu.
Human Growth
By graduation, the students will mature as a person: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and socially.
Academic growth
By graduation, the students will display an appropriate mastery of the fundamental concepts and skills, and will develop attitude, basic to personal development.
Christian Growth
By graduation, the students will possess desirable values through basic religious instruction, and spiritual experiences to respond in any life situation.
By graduation, the students will have knowledge and experience of the local communities, adequate enough to be competent and responsible citizens.
Study and appreciation of the Literature of the region whose school is located in relation to the Literature of the other regions of the country.
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1.Philippine Literature: Dimensions of a National Imagery 1. Border Crossings in World Literature Today
1.1 The Regional Approach to reading Philippine Literature 1.1 What is literature?
1.2 An overview of Philippine Literary History 1.2 What is World Literature?
1.3 On National Literature and Its Social Dimensions 1.3 Literatures of the Global North
1.4 How to contribute to the Development of local Literature 1.4 Literatures of the Global South
2. Critical Issues in the 21st Century
2.The Regions in Focus: Selected Contemporary Issues 2.1 Globalization, Migration and Hybridity
2.1 Luzon: Genres of Urban Writing 2.2 Class, Ideology and Cultural Forms
2.1 Visayas: Hybrid Modes in Color 2.3 Gender and Sexuality
2.2 Mindanao: Literature of Conflict 2.4 Media Technology and Popular Culture
2.5 Language and Translation
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1. to understand and appreciate the elements and contexts of 21st century Philippine literature from the regions.
2. to understand and appreciate literary texts in various genres across national literature and cultures.
The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through:
1. a written close analysis and critical interpretation of a literary text in terms of form and theme, with a description of its context derived from research;
2. critical paper that analyzes literary texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical
approaches; and
3. an adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
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Teaching Values Materials/
Topics/Time Frame Specific Objectives Evaluation References
Strategies Integration Resources
1. Philippine Literature:
Dimensions of a National
1.1. The Regional 1. identify the 1. Students identify 1. Paper-pencil 1. value the 1. Textbook 1. Uychoco, M. T.
approach to reading geographic, linguistic, the whereabouts Assessment contributions 2. Springboard (2016). 21st
Philippine Literature and ethnic dimensions and significant 2. Feature of local 3. Pictures century
of Philippine literary things about writing writers to the 4. Writing materials literature. From
1.1.1 The datedness of Map a family tree; some areas in 3. Group development 5. Coloring materials the Philippines
2. Identify the message the Philippines. discussion of regional and the World.
Manila-centric view of
conveyed in the 2. Let them answer 4. Poster literary Quezon City:
literature Making
excerpt; the question traditions. Rex Printing
3. Unlock unfamiliar “What makes the 5. Making a 2. Appreciation Company, Inc.,
1.1.2 A list of authors
words taken from the Philippines more mind map of local pp. 2-5.
associated with each region 6. Recitation
excerpt; than just a literary 2. Campo, E,&
in the Philippines
4. Read the excerpt destination?” heritage Martine
entitled, “The 3. Students identify 3. Appreciation M.,et.al.(2014)
Examining Context”; unfamiliar words foremergent, Beyond Borders
5. Share the importance taken from the non- Reading
of literature in excerpt and give canonical,les PhilLiterature in the
expressing feelings meaning into it. ser known 21st
and emotions; and 4. Students identify works from Century.Quezon
6. value the contributions the background the region City:Phoenix
of local writers to the of the Philippine Publishing
development of literature. Company,Inc.pp.2-
regional literary 7
7. Make a poster
showing the
relationship of reading
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and revolution.
1.2 An Overview of
Philippine Literary History
Week 1 (4 Hours)
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6. Explain the literary
and socio-cultural
contexts and discuss
how they enhance
the text’s meabibg
and enrich the
7. Explain the
relationship of
context with the text’s
Week1 (4 hours)
1. Uychoco, M. T.
1.3.1The changing political 1. Infer literary meaning 1. Answering 1. Critical 1. Appreciation 1. Copy of Pasion (2016). 21st
value of the term “national from literary language comprehension paper on the of one’s and Noli Me century
literature” based on usage; and close assigned national Tangere. literature. From
2. Appreciate the reading guide literary text/s heritage 2. Writing Materials the Philippines
1.3.2 The Rizal Bill and contributions of the questions (via 2. Group skit. 2. Critical 3. Guide questions and the World.
National Artist Awards. canonical Filipino class thinking 4. Concept Maps Quezon City:
writers to the discussion,group about Rex Printing
1.3.3 Case Studies: the Noli development of work,quiz,seatwo canons and Company, Inc.,
national literature; rk,homework,pap categories; pp. 6-8.
and the Pasyon; short stories
3. Analyse the figures of a,etc..whichever
by four National Artist speech from literary the teacher 2. Campo, E,&
techniques and requires) Martine
devices in the text; 2. Dramatic M.,et.al.(2014)
4. Explain the literary interpretation of a Beyond Borders
,biograpjical,linguistic short story. Reading
and sociocultural PhilLiterature in
context and discuss the 21st
Page 8 of 22
how they enhance the Century.Quezon
text’s meaning and City:Phoenix
enrich the readers Publishing
understanding; Company,Inc.pp.8
5. Situate the text in the -11
context of the region
and the nation;
6. Explain the
relationship of context
with the text’s
1.4. How to contribute to the
development of Local
(8 hours)
1. Uychoco, M. T.
1.4.1 Tips on researching 1. Identify representative 1. Components of 1. Student- 1. Research as 1. Sample research
(2016). 21st
about authors and works texts and authors from the research teacher a 21st paper century
each region(e.g. process will be consultation century skill 2. Textbook
from one’s literature. From
Engage in oral history discussed s 3. Powerpoint
locality(town/province/region) the Philippines
research with focus on through 2. Peer-review presentation
and the World.
key personalities from researched or 3. Researched
Quezon City:
the students’ region sustained based paper Rex Printing
province/town) interest in our or
Company, Inc.,
2. Value the town/region multimedia
pp. 6-8.
contributions of local literature and presentation
writers to the literary history of research, 2. Campo, E,&
development of are either as an Martine
regional literary strengtehened. individual or M.,et.al.(2014)
traditions; 2. Study of non small group Beyond Borders
3. Analyse the figures of canonical,local endeavour Reading
speech and other or emergent 4. Evidence of PhilLiterature in
literary techniques literature reveals research the 21st
and devices in the interesting process(e.g. Century.Quezon
text; issues typically field City:Phoenix
4. Explain the literary overlooked in notes,intervi Publishing
biographical, linguistic, broader studies ews,bibliora Company,Inc.pp.
and sociocultural of national phy,minutes 8-11
Page 9 of 22
contexts and discuss literature. of prject
how they enhance the discussion)
text’s meaning and
enrich the reader’s
5. Situate the text in
context of the region
of the region and the
6. Explain the
relationship of context
with the text’s
2. The Region in Focus:
Selected Contemporary
(4 hours)
2.1The role of literacy and 1. Compare and 1. Sharing of 1. Text tula 1. Innovation,or 1. Textbook 1. Uychoco, M. T.
the internet in creating an contrast the various experiences inspired of recreating 2. Guide (2016). 21st
21st century literary 2. Discussion by old forms questions century
atmosphere conducive to genres and the ones 3. Answering another into new 3. Character literature. From
21st century genres. from earlier comprehension literary one’s analysis the Philippines
genres/periods citing and close text of 4. Poetry and the World.
2.2 Genre case study: their elements, reading guide another analysis Quezon City:
creative non-fiction; modern structures,and questions (via genre Rex Printing
tanaga or text tula traditions class discussion, Company, Inc.,
2. Value the group work ,quiz, pp. 6-8.
contributions of local seatwork,
writers to the homework, 2. Campo, E,&
development of paper, etc.) Martine
regional literary 4. Creative M.,et.al.(2014)
traditions adaptation of Beyond Borders
3. Analyse the figures prose and poetry Reading
of speech and other PhilLiterature in the
Page 10 of 22
literary techniques 21st
and devices in the Century.Quezon
text City:Phoenix
4. Explain the literary, Publishing
biographical, Company,Inc.pp.8-
linguistic and 11
sociocultural contexts
and discuss how they
enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich
the reader’s
5. Situate the text in the
context of the region
and nation.
6. Explain the
relationship of
context with the text’s
7. Produce a creative
representation of a
literary text by
applying multimedia
multimedia form of
interpreting a literary
8. Apply ICT skills in
crafting an
adaptation of a
literary text;
9. Do the self-and/or
peer assessment of
the creative
adaptation of a
literary text based on
rationalized criteria,
prior to the
Page 11 of 22
Page 12 of 22
certain groups of people, 2. Value the seatwork, literary analysis Inc., pp. 6-8.
displacement from ancestral contributions of local homework, journal
lands,colonization) in shaping writers and indigenous paper, etc.) 2. Campo, E,& Martine
the region’s literary output. people to the 2. M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
development of Borders Reading
2.4.2 Case study: literary regional literary PhilLiterature in the
anthologies traditions 21st Century.Quezon
3. Explain the City:Phoenix
literary,biographical,lin Publishing
guistic and Company,Inc.pp.8-11
sociocultural contexts
and dicuss how they
enhance the text’s
meaning and enrich
the reader’s
4. Situate the text in the
region and nation;
Explain the relationship of
context with the text
Page 13 of 22
Teaching Materials/
Topics/Time Frame Specific Objectives Evaluation Values Integration References
Strategies Resources
1. Border Crossings in
World Literature Today
Page 14 of 22
and discuss how they
enhance the text’s
meaning and the
understanding ;
6. Examine relationship
between text and
7. Produce creative
representation of a
literary text;
8. Apply ICT skills in
crafting an
adaptation of literary
9. Do self-and/or peer
assessment of the
creative adaptation of
a literary text, based
on rationalized
criteria, prior to
1.2 What is World
literature?” 1. Uychoco, M. T.
(8 Days) (2016). 21stcentury
1.2.1 Definition of world 1. Describe the different 1. Answering 1. Adaptation of 1. Appreciation of 1. Textbook literature. From the
overviews about comprehensi a literary art linguistic 2. Guide Philippines and the
world literature; on and close form into a ,thematic and questions
1.2.2 Asian Literature World. Quezon
2. Differentiate Asian reading guide visual art stylistic diversity 3. Historical
1.2.3 Considerations when City: Rex Printing
reading a work from another literary forms from questions (via of the world material Company, Inc., .,
country ,culture, or region Westernized literary class literature pp. 6-8.
pieces; discussion,gr 2. Critical thinking
3. Explain the text in oupwork, about so-called 2. Campo, E,& Martine
terms of literary 2. Sharing of literary values M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
elements, genres views to a Borders Reading
and traditions; small PhilLiterature in the
4. Situate texts in the discussion 21st Century.Quezon
context of the region, 3. Making a City:Phoenix
nation and the world. collage Publishing
Page 15 of 22
5. Appreciate the Company,Inc
cultural and aesthetic
diversity of literature
of the world;
6. Appreciate the
cultural and aesthetic
diversity of the world;
7. Identify the figures of
speech and other
literary techniques;
8. Explain the
linguistic and
sociological contexts
and discuss how they
enhance the text’s
meaning and the
9. Examine the
relationship between
text and context;
10. Produce creative
representation of a
literary text by
multimedia skills
multimedia frorm of
interpreting a literary
11. Do self-and/or peer
assessment of the
creative adaptation of
a literary text based
on rationalized
criteria,prior to
Page 16 of 22
1.3 Literature of the global
1.3.1 Issues raised by authors 1. Identify issues raised 1. Answering 1. Critical 1. Appreciation of 1. Textbook 1. Uychoco, M. T.
writing from the global north by authors in the comprehension paper on the linguistic, 2. Movie (2016). 21stcentury
1.3.2 Anglo-American and literature. From the
development of and close assigned thematic and 3. PowerPoint
European Literature Philippines and the
1.3.3 Realism, Modernism and literary pieces in the reading guide literary text stylistic diversity presentation
world; questions (via 2. Reaction of world World. Quezon City:
2. Explain the text in class discussion, paper on literature. Rex Printing Company,
terms of literary group work, quiz, film/s viewed 2. Openness to Inc., .
elements, genres seatwork, with post alternative,
and traditions; homework, paper modern subjugated 2. Campo, E,& Martine
3. Situate the text in and pencil theme discourse M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
contexts of the 2. Film viewing Borders Reading
region, nation and PhilLiterature in the
the world. 21st Century.Quezon
4. Appreciate the City:Phoenix
cultural and aesthetic Publishing
diversity of literature Company,Inc .
of the world;
5. Identify the figures of
speech and other
literary techniques
and devices in the
6. Explain the
linguistic and
contextsand discuss
how they enhance
the text’smeaning
and the reader’s
7. Examine the
Page 17 of 22
relationship between
text and context;
Page 18 of 22
2. Critical Issues in the 21st
1. Understand literary 1. Answering 1. Critical 1. Understanding 1. Textbook 1. Uychoco, M. T.
2.1Globalization,Migration meanings in context comprehension Paper how identity 2. Movie (2016). 21stcentury
and Hybridity and the use of critical and close 2. Personal formation is 3. PowerPoint literature. From the
2.1.1Local and Global in reading strategies; reading guide Essay contingent presentation Philippines and the
“globalization’ 2. Explain the questions upon socio- World. Quezon City:
2.1.2How intensified flows of biographical linguistic 2. Class discussion cultural Rex Printing Company,
objects, ideas and people and sociological 3. Group work realities Inc.,
(migration) create new contexts and discuss 4. Composing
realities (e.g how they enhance self/personal 2. Campo, E,& Martine
hybridity,cosmopolitanism) the text’s meaning essay M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
2.1.3Critical approaches: and the reader’s Borders Reading
Cultural Studies understanding PhilLiterature in the
3. Examine relationship 21st Century.Quezon
between text and City:Phoenix
context; Publishing
2.2 Class, ideology and
cultural formation 1. Answering
2.2.1Critical Approaches: 1. Define different comprehension 1. Critical 1. Understanding 1. Textbook 1. Uychoco, M. T.
Marxism literary approaches in and close Paper how identity 2. Movie (2016). 21stcentury
analysing the text; reading guide 2. Personal formation is 3. PowerPoint literature. From the
2.2.2 Genre case studies: 2. describe literary questions Essay contingent upon presentation Philippines and the
romance novel and chick lit meanings in context 2. Class discussion socio-cultural World. Quezon City:
as women’s literature and the use of critical 3. Group work realities Rex Printing
reading strategies; 4. Composing Company, Inc.,
3. Explain the self/personal 2. Campo, E,& Martine
biographical linguistic essay M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
and sociological Borders Reading
contexts and discuss PhilLiterature in the
how they enhance 21st Century.Quezon
the text’s meaning City:Phoenix
and the reader’s Publishing
understanding Company,Inc
4. Examine relationship
between text and
Page 19 of 22
2.3 Gender and Sexuality 1. Uychoco, M. T.
2.3.1 Critical approaches: 1. Describe gender and (2016). 21st
Gender studies, post sexuality approach in century
colonialism analysing text; literature. From
2. Explain the role os the Philippines
2.3.2 Gendered critical gender and sexuality and the World.
readings (e.g. orientalist, in the development of Quezon City:
discourses; the subaltern) awareness in the Rex Printing
modern society Company, Inc.,
3. Examine relationship pp. 6-8.
between text and
context; 2. Campo, E,& Martine
M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
Borders Reading
PhilLiterature in the
21st Century.Quezon
2.4 Media, Technology and 1. Understand literary 1. Uychoco, M. T.
Popular Culture meanings in context (2016). 21stcentury
2.4.1Critical approaches: and the use of critical literature. From the
Cultural Studies reading strategies; Philippines and the
2. Explain the World. Quezon City:
biographical linguistic Rex Printing Company,
and sociological Inc.,
contexts and discuss
how they enhance 2. Campo, E,& Martine
the text’s meaning M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
and the reader’s Borders Reading
understanding PhilLiterature in the
3. Examine relationship 21st Century.Quezon
between text and City:Phoenix
context; Publishing
2.5 Language Translation 1. Understand 1. Uychoco, M. T.
literary meanings in (2016). 21stcentury
2.5.1 Negotiations of context and the use literature. From the
meaning when translating of critical reading Philippines and the
Page 20 of 22
works from one language to strategies; World. Quezon City:
another 2. Explain the Rex Printing Company,
biographical linguistic Inc.,
2.5.2 Critical approaches: and sociological 2. Campo, E,& Martine
Translation studies contexts and discuss M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond
how they enhance Borders Reading
the text’s meaning PhilLiterature in the
and the reader’s 21st Century.Quezon
understanding City:Phoenix
3. Examine relationship Publishing
between text and Company,Inc
Page 21 of 22
A. Bibliography
1. Uychoco, M. T. (2016). 21st century literature. From the Philippines and the World. Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc.,
2. Campo,E,&Martine M.,et.al.(2014) Beyond Borders Reading PhilLiterature in the 21st Century.Quezon City:Phoenix Publishing Company,Inc.
B. Electronic Journals
1. Mr.Steel Literary Devices http://philippineliteraturenow.blogspot.com/2009/12/poetic-devices-and-literary-terminology.html (accessed 26.June.2017)
2. Valerie L. Cruz Literary Standards, https://www.slideshare.net/eirel/literature-and-literary-standards (accessed 28.June.2017)
C. Grading System
Written Work- 40%
Performance Task- 30%
Quarterly Assessment- 30%
Total 100%
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