Railway Hazards
Railway Hazards
Railway Hazards
C.17.1. ROSA (Rail Optimisation Safety Analysis), a project in the framework of DEUFRAKO
list covering standard railway operation. The aim and challenge was to define these hazards
at a maximum level of detail possible while not reflecting the specificities of the French and
German railways. The list was established using currently existing hazard lists from both
countries (SNCF and DB) and was also cross-checked with hazard lists from other countries.
In spite of the declared objective to be comprehensive and generic, the list is only given here
as an indicative example that may serve as a help for the actors when they have to identify
hazards for a particular project. It is expected that the hazards given in this list would
C.17.2. The hazards in the draft list below are called "starting point hazards" (SPH), meaning
hazards from which both a consequence analysis and a causal analysis could be carried out
in order to determine safety measures/barriers and safety requirements for controlling the
SPH 03 Wrong braking distance determined /wrong speed profile / wrong braking
European Railway Agency ● Boulevard Harpignies, 160 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33
(0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ● http://www.era.europa.eu
SPH 48 Person falls/climbs from platform into gap between vehicle and platform
SPH 49 Person falls out of/ leaves train without presence of platform
SPH 54 Fire/ explosion hazard (in/ at train) - accident category, Consequence of SPH