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Railway Hazards

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Example of a generic hazard list for railway operation

C.17.1. ROSA (Rail Optimisation Safety Analysis), a project in the framework of DEUFRAKO

(French-German cooperation) attempted to establish a generic and comprehensive hazard

list covering standard railway operation. The aim and challenge was to define these hazards

at a maximum level of detail possible while not reflecting the specificities of the French and

German railways. The list was established using currently existing hazard lists from both

countries (SNCF and DB) and was also cross-checked with hazard lists from other countries.

In spite of the declared objective to be comprehensive and generic, the list is only given here

as an indicative example that may serve as a help for the actors when they have to identify

hazards for a particular project. It is expected that the hazards given in this list would

probably need to be refined or complemented to reflect any specificities of a project.

C.17.2. The hazards in the draft list below are called "starting point hazards" (SPH), meaning

hazards from which both a consequence analysis and a causal analysis could be carried out

in order to determine safety measures/barriers and safety requirements for controlling the


C.17.3. ROSA project hazard list:

SPH 01 Initial wrong Determination of speed limit (related to infrastructure)

SPH 02 Wrong Determination of speed limit (train related)

SPH 03 Wrong braking distance determined /wrong speed profile / wrong braking


SPH 04 Insufficient deceleration (physical causes)

SPH 05 Wrong/ inappropriate speed/ brake command

SPH 06 Wrong speed registered (wrong speed train)

SPH 07 Failure of speed limit communication

SPH 08 Train rolls away

SPH 09 Wrong travel direction/ intentional backwards moving - (combination of SPH 08

and SPH 14)

SPH 10 Wrong absolute/ relative position registered

SPH 11 Train detection failure

SPH 12 Loss of train integrity

SPH 13 Possible wrong route for train

SPH 14 Failure in transmission/communication of timetable/MA (movement authority)

SPH 15 Guideway structural failure

SPH 16 Broken switch component

SPH 17 Wrong switch command

SPH 18 Wrong switch status

SPH 19 System object on guideway/ within CE (clearance envelope) (excl. Ballast)

SPH 20 Foreign object on guideway/ within CE

SPH 21 Road traffic user on LC

SPH 22 Slipstream effects on ballast

SPH 23 Aerodynamic forces impact on train

SPH 24 Train equipment/ element/ loading infringes CE of train

SPH 25 Inappropriate CE dimension for train (wayside)

SPH 26 Wrong distribution of loading

SPH 27 Broken wheel, broken axle

SPH 28 Hot axle/ wheel/ bearing

SPH 29 Failure of bogie/ suspension, damping

SPH 30 Failure of vehicle frame/ car body

SPH 31 Trespassing (security-aspect)

SPH 32 Authorised person crosses track

European Railway Agency

Collection of examples of risk assessments and of some possible tools

supporting the CSM Regulation

Reference: ERA/GUI/02-2008/SAF Version: 1.1 Page 105 of 105

File Name: Collection_of_RA_Ex_and_some_tools_for_CSM_V1.1.doc

European Railway Agency ● Boulevard Harpignies, 160 ● BP 20392 ● F-59307 Valenciennes Cedex ● France ● Tel. +33
(0)3 27 09 65 00 ● Fax +33 (0)3 27 33 40 65 ● http://www.era.europa.eu

SPH 33 Staff working on track

SPH 34 Unauthorised person intrudes track (negligence)

SPH 35 Person falls from platform edge onto track

SPH 36 Slipstream/ person too close to platform edge

SPH 37 Staff working near track e.g. neighbouring track

SPH 38 Person leaves train intentionally (excl. passenger exchange)

SPH 39 Person falls out of (side) door

SPH 40 Person falls out of door in end wall

SPH 41 Train leaves/ rolls with open doors (uninfringed CE)

SPH 42 Person falls in gangway area between two cars

SPH 43 Passenger leans out of door

SPH 44 Passenger leans out of window

SPH 45 Staff/ train attendant leans out of door

SPH 46 Staff/ train attendant leans out of window

SPH 47 Shunting staff on vehicle leaning out from step

SPH 48 Person falls/climbs from platform into gap between vehicle and platform

SPH 49 Person falls out of/ leaves train without presence of platform

SPH 50 Person falls in door area at passenger exchange

SPH 51 Train doors close with person in door area

SPH 52 Train moves during passenger exchange

SPH 53 Possibility of person hurt in train

SPH 54 Fire/ explosion hazard (in/ at train) - accident category, Consequence of SPH

55, SPH 56)

SPH 55 Inappropriate temperature (in train)

SPH 56 Intoxication/ asphyxiation (in/ at train)

SPH 57 Electrocution (in/ at train)

SPH 58 Person falls on platform (excluding passenger exchange)

SPH 59 Inappropriate temperature (on platform)

SPH 60 Intoxication/ asphyxiation (on platform)

SPH 61 Electrocution (on platform

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