CH 2001 Fluid Mechanics Video Lectures: Module 12: Applications and Limitations of Bernouli's Equation

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CH 2001 Fluid Mechanics video

Module 12: Applications and
Limitations of Bernouli’s equation

Presented by
Dr. Sreenivasula Reddy Ramireddy,
Ph. D.
• Pressure measurement
• Velocity, Volumetric flow rate measurement
• Understand the applications and limitations of
Bernouli’s equation
Static, Stagnation and Dynamic
• Static Pressure: Pressure used in Bernouli’s
equation is the thermodynamic pressure or static
pressure, which is Pressure experienced by the
fluid particle as it moves
• Stagnation (total) Pressure is obtained when
a flowing fluid is decelerated to zero by a
frictionless force
Stagnation Pressure measurement


Pressure measurement in flowing
• No Pressure variation normal to the straight
stream lines
• This is because the radius of curvature is
infinite and pressure gradient is zero
Static Pressure measurement

Fluid stream is close to

the wall Fluid stream is far from
and stream lines are the wall and stream lines
straight are curved
Pitot-static probe

Velocity of the
flowing fluid
In class exercise to find fluid speed
• A pitot tube is inserted in an air flow ( at STP) to
measure the flow speed. The tube is inserted so
that it points upstream into the flow and the
pressure sensed by the probe is the stagnation
pressure. The static pressure is measured at the
same location using a wall pressure tap. If the
pressure difference is 30 mm of mercury,
determine the flow speed.
Solution continued
Can we apply Bernouli’s eqn here?
• Speed of fluid=80.8 m/s
• Speed of sound at 20 °C is 343 m/s, M=0.236
<0.3, incompressible assumption holds
• Pitot tubes are used in regular process plumbing
to find the fluid velocities
• Commonly attached to the exterior of air craft
to get the air speeds relative to air-craft or vice
Limitations of Bernouli’s equation
• In order for the assumption, incompressible flow to be
true, the fluid velocities should be in a such way that
the Mach number is below 0.3, can be applied to
subsonic nozzle flows
• Incase of Subsonic diffuser, caution must be exercised
as the boundary layer separation occurs and one-
dimensional inviscid flow may not be applicable.
Similarly sudden expansions and contractions
• Cannot be used to model flow through a hydraulic
pump, propeller, turbine or wind mill as it is impossible
to have a steady or stream line flow through these
Limitations of Bernouli’s equation
• In case of gases, temperature changes are
critical and can affect the compressibility. This
equation cannot be applied for flows of gases
through heating or cooling elements
• However, correction factors can be introduced in
majority cases, kinetic energy losses due to
viscosity or friction, loss of energy due to the
geometry of fluid path, sudden expansions,
contractions or flow through pumps

Energy Grade Line (EGL) Grade Line

Elevation head
Pressure head Velocity head
• The rise in the height of the fluid in a pitot tube
to measure the total pressure or stagnation
• The height of the column measured from the
datum attached to a pitot tube indicates EGL
• The height of the column attached to a static
pressure tap indicates HGL

Summary on EGL and HGL
• EGL is constant for incompressible, inviscid fluid
flow when there is no work included
• The HGL is always lower than EGL by V2/2g,
the velocity V depends on the overall system
(reservoir height, diameter of pipe) but changes
only when diameter of pipe changes
In class exercise-1
• A U-tube acts a water
siphon. The bend of the tube
is 1 m above the water
surface; the tube outlet is 7m
below the water surface. The
water issues from the bottom
of the siphon as a free jet at
atmospheric pressure.
Determine the speed of the
free jet and the minimum
absolute pressure the water
in the bend?
In class exercise-2- Optional

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