Science, Technology, Engineering and Math:: Education For Global Leadership
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math:: Education For Global Leadership
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math:: Education For Global Leadership
The United States has become a global leader, in STEM education will happen only if Hispanics, African-
large part, through the genius and hard work of its Americans, and other underrepresented groups in the
scientists, engineers and innovators. Yet today, that STEM fields—including women, people with disabilities,
position is threatened as comparatively few American and first-generation Americans—participate.
students pursue expertise in the fields of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)— THE PLAN
and by an inadequate pipeline of teachers skilled in The Obama administration will facilitate a cohesive
those subjects. President Obama has set a priority of national strategy, with new and repurposed funds, to
increasing the number of students and teachers who reorganize STEM education programs and increase
are proficient in these vital fields. the impact of federal investments in four areas:
K-12 instruction; undergraduate education; graduate
THE NEED fellowships; and education activities that typically take
place outside of the classroom. The reorganization of
Only 16 percent of American high school seniors are STEM programs will consolidate or restructure 114 STEM
proficient in mathematics and interested in a STEM career. education programs across 11 agencies, improving the
Even among those who do go on to pursue a college major delivery, impact, and visibility of STEM efforts. Nearly
in the STEM fields, only about half choose to work in a
related career. The United States
is falling behind internationally,
ranking 25th in mathematics
and 17th in science among PROJECTED PERCENTAGE INCREASES
industrialized nations. In our
competitive global economy, this
IN STEM JOBS: 2010–2020
situation is unacceptable.
Projected Percentage in Job Increases (2010-2020)
President Obama has articulated a 62%
clear priority for STEM education: 60
within a decade, American
students must “move from the
40 36%
middle to the top of the pack in 32%
science and math.” Specifically,
he has called on the nation 16%
20 14%
to develop, recruit, and retain
100,000 excellent STEM teachers
over the next 10 years. He also has 0
All Mathematics Computer Systems Medical Biomedical
asked colleges and universities Occupations Systems Software Scientists Engineers
to graduate an additional 1 Analysts Developers
million students with STEM
majors. These improvements in
$180 million will be
redirected from consolidated
programs to the Department
of Education, the National
Science Foundation, and
the Smithsonian Institution
to implement initiatives in
the four core reform areas.
The administration will
coordinate and streamline
federal efforts to improve
STEM education.
The Department of
Education will lead several
new initiatives, including:
• STEM Innovation
Networks ($150 million):
These networks of
school districts, colleges, mathematics teachers to improve STEM education
and other regional partners will improve STEM across America. The Corps will recognize and reward
education in their communities by training future the most accomplished STEM educators by offering
STEM teachers, supporting existing STEM educators, them membership in a national community of
providing students with meaningful and engaging talented STEM educators, opportunities to serve as
STEM learning opportunities, and involving current instructional leaders in their schools and communities,
STEM professionals in educating the next generation of and additional pay in exchange for their leadership and
STEM leaders and creators. Approximately $5 million service. The President’s budget provides $35 million to
of these funds would be set aside to establish a robust, pilot the program before the program is taken to scale.
largely online community of STEM educators, designed
to promote the broad adoption of effective STEM Together, these programs will identify and implement
education strategies. effective approaches for improving STEM teaching and
learning; facilitate the dissemination and adoption of
• STEM Teacher Pathways ($80 million): To support the effective STEM instructional practices nationwide; and
President’s goal of preparing 100,000 effective STEM promote STEM education experiences that prioritize
teachers, this new program will provide competitive hands-on learning to increase student engagement,
awards to high-quality programs that recruit and train interest, and achievement in the STEM fields.
talented STEM educators for high-need schools.
• STEM Master Teacher Corps ($35 million): This
program will enlist the country’s leading science and Other important STEM investments are described in the
Department’s STEM crosscut document.
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