Degree Programs COURSES
M.Sc (Engg)
M.E. Courses Offered in August-December 2007
Courses Course Credits Course Name Instructor
Upcoming E0 221 3:1 Discrete Structures L. Sunil Chandran
Descriptions E0 222 3:1 Automata Theory and Computability Deepak D'Souza / Priti Shankar
Courses Offered in January-April 2008
E0 268 3:1 Data Mining M. Narasimha Murty
E0 320 3:1 Topics in Graph Theory L. Sunil Chandran
E0 343 3:1 Topics in Computer Architecture R. Govindarajan,
T. Matthew Jacob
E0 361 3:1 Topics in Database Systems Jayant R. Haritsa
E0 371 3:1 Topics in Machine Learning Chiranjib Bhattacharyya
E0 373 3:1 Topological methods for visualization Vijay Natarajan
E0 374 3:1 Topics in Combinatorial Geometry Sathish Govindarajan
E1 335 3:1 Cognition and Machine Intelligence C.E. Veni Madhavan
E1 254 3:1 Game Theory Y. Narahari
E1 313 3:1 Topics in Pattern Recognition S. K. Shevade
Degree Programs COURSES
M.Sc (Engg)
E0 221 (3:1)
Discrete Structures
Prospective Students
Review of Set Theory; Combinatorics: Basic Combinatorial Numbers, Generating Functions and
Recurrence Relations, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Introduction to Polya Theory; Graph Theory:
Connectivity, Matchings, Hamiltonian Cycles, Coloring Problems; Algebraic Structures: Groups, Rings, and
Fields; Probabilistic Methods.
V. Krishnamurthy, "Combinatorics, Theory and Applications", East-West Press, 1985.
N. Alon and J. Spenser, "Probabilistic Methods", John Wiley and Sons, 2nd edition, 2000.
R. Diestel, "Graph Theory", Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition, 2000.
I. N. Herstein, "Topics in Algebra", Vani Educational Books, India, 1986.
E0 222 (3:1)
Automata Theory and Computability
Finite-state automata, including the Myhill-Nerode theorem, ultimate periodicity, and Buchi's logical
characterization. Pushdown automata and Context-free languages, including deterministic PDA's, Parikh's
theorem, and the Chomsky-Shutzenberger theorem. Turing machines and undecidability, including Rice's
theorem and Godel's incompleteness theorem.
Hopcroft J.E. and Ullman J.D.: Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation. Addison Wesley,
Dexter Kozen: Automata and Computability. Springer 1999.
Wolfgang Thomas: Automata on infinite objects, in Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume
B, Elsevier, 1990.
E0 223 (3:1)
Automated Verification
Buchi automata: acceptance conditions, closure under intersection, union and complementation,
emptiness checking. Linear time temporal logic (LTL): syntax, semantics, satisfiability and model checking
problems, solution via translation to Buchi automata. CTL (branching time temporal logic): syntax,
semantics, model checking algorithm. Specifying properties in LTL/CTL: modelling some simple finite-
state systems, expressing properties in LTL/CTL. Model checking tools based on LTL/CTL (SMV, spin):
introduction to the tools, some sample programs. Symbolic Model Checking: Binary Decision Diagrams,
encoding a model. Timed automata and modelling real-time systems: Timed automata, region
construction algorithm for emptiness, modelling real-time systems. Tools based on TA (Kronos, Uppaal):
introduction, examples.
Edmund M. Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Doron Peled: Model Checking, MIT Press Cambridge, 2001.
B. Berard, M. Bidoit, A. Finkel et al.: Systems and Software Verification, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
G. J. Holzmann: Design and Validation of Computer Protocols, Prentice Hall, 1991.
E0 225 (3:1)
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Max flow algorithms, Shortest path algorithms, Fibonacci heaps, Union-find data structure, String matching
algorithms, Randomized algorithms for min cut, for primality testing, for some geometric problems,
introduction to NP-completeness and approximation algorithms.
Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E. and Rivest, R. L., Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 1990.
E0 227 (3:1)
Program Analysis and Verification
Specification Languages: automata and temporal safety; Pushdown systems and temporal safety.
Verification using type checking: Standard type checking and type inference; Non-standard type
inference; Type state checking (Vault and CQual). Dataflow analysis: Intra procedural analysis, Inter-
procedural analysis, Pointer analysis (precision vs efficiency tradeoffs), DATALOG as a specification
language for flow analysis, BDDBDDB and ESP. Abstract interpretation as a unified model for all the
above analyses; ASTREE tool. Theorem proving: Basics of assertional reasoning and verification
condition generation; ESC, Spec#/Boogie, George Necula's PCC system using the Simplify prover. Model
checking: Pushdown model checking; Abstraction refinement; SLAM, BLAST and MOPS (Hao Chen's tool).
Principles of Program Analysis: by Flemming Nielson,
Hanne R. Nielson, Chris Hankin. Springer
(Corrected 2nd printing, 452 pages, ISBN 3-540-65410-0), 2005.
Thomas Ball's course at University of Washington: http://research.microsoft.com/~tball/CSE599L/
Current Literature.
E0 229 (3:1)
Algorithms in Coding
Introduction to Algebra: Groups, Rings, Fields and Vector Spaces. Introduction to linear block codes,
Hamming, BCH and Reed Solomon Codes. Bounds, MacWilliams Identities. Algebraic decoding algorithms:
Peterson, Berlekamp-Massey, Berlekamp-Welch, Euclid decoding algorithms and the relationship
between them. Low density parity check codes. Tanner Graphs. Decoding on graphs using message
passing algorithms. Expander codes and their construction. List decoding algorithms.
W.W. Peterson and E.J. Weldon, Error Correcting Codes, M.I.T. Press, 1972.
Richard Blahut, Algebraic Codes for Data Transmission, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
Rudiger Urbanke, Modern Coding Theory, (preprint), 2006.
Current Literature.
E0 230 (3:1)
Computational Methods of Optimization
Fletcher R., Practical Methods of Optimization, John Wiley, 2000.
E0 235 (3:1)
Elementary number theory, Finite fields, Arithmetic and algebraic algorithms, Secret key and public key
cryptography, Pseudo random bit generators, Block and stream ciphers, Hash functions and message
digests, Public key encryption, Probabilistic encryption, Authentication, Digital signatures, Zero knowledge
interactive protocols, Elliptic curve cryptosystems, Formal verification, Cryptanalysis, Hard problems.
Koblitz, N. Course on Number Theory and Cryptography, Springer Verlag, 1986
Menezes, A, et.al. Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996
Current Literature
E0 238 (3:1)
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Problem solving, knowledge and reasoning, Logic, Inference,
Knowledge based systems, reasoning with uncertain information, Planning and making decisions,
Learning, Distributed AI, Communication, Web based agents, Negotiating agents, Artificial Intelligence
Applications and Programming.
S. Russel and P. Norvig, Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach, Prentice Hall, 1995.
George F. Luger, Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education, 2001.
Nils J. Nilsson, Artificial Intelligence- A New Synthesis, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2000.
Prerequisites(if any): None
E0 240 (3:1)
Modeling and Simulation
Introduction to Probability theory, Random variables, commonly used continuous and discrete
distributions. Introduction to Stochastic Process, Poisson process, Markov chains, steady stateand
transient analysis. Psuedo random numbers: Methods of Generation and testing. Methods for generating
continuous and discrete distributions. Methods for generating Poisson Process. Building blocks of
Simulation, Data Structures and Algorithms. Introduction to Probabilistic modelling, Maximum Likelihood
Variance reduction techniques: antithetic variates, control variates, common random numbers, importance
sampling. Analysis of Simulation results: confidence intervals, design of experiments. Markov Chain
Monte Carlo techniques.
Sheldon M. Ross Introduction to Probability Models 7th Edition, Academic Press, 2002
Donald E. Knuth The Art of Computer Programming - Volume 2: Semi Numerical Algorithms, 2nd Edition,
Addison Wesley, Reading MA, USA 2000
Sheldon M. Ross Simulation 3rd Edition, Academic Press, 2002
A. M. Law and W. D. Kelton. Simulation Modeling and Analysis, 3rd Edition, McGrawHill, New York, USA,
Raj Jain The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis, John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA, 1991
E0 241 (3:1)
Computer Communication Networks
Introduction to computer networks; telephone networks, networking principles; switching - circuit
switching, packet switching; scheduling - performance bounds, best effort disciplines, naming and
addressing, protocol stack, SONET/SDH; ATM networks - AAL, virtual circuits, SSCOP; Internet -
addressing, routing, end point control; Internet protocols - IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, HTTP; performance
analysis of networks - discrete and continuous time Markov chains, birth-death processes, time
reversibility, queueing / delay models - M/M/1, M/M/m, M/M/m/m, M/G/1 queues, infinite server systems;
open and closed queueing networks, Jackson's theorem, Little's law; traffic management - models,
classes, scheduling; routing algorithms - Bellman Ford and Dijkstra's algorithms; multiple access,
frequency and time division multiplexing; local area networks - Ethernet, token ring, FDDI, CSMA/CD,
Aloha; control of networks - QoS, window and rate congestion control, open and closed loop flow control,
large deviations of a queue and network, control of ATM networks.
I. Mitrani, Modelling of Computer and Communication Systems, Cambridge, 1987.
J.Walrand and P.Varaiya, High Performance Communication Networks, Harcourt Asia (Morgan Kaufmann),
S.Keshav, An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking, Pearson Education, 1997.
D.Bertsekas and R.Gallager, Data Networks, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
J.F.Kurose and K.W.Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, Pearson
Education, 2001.
E0 243 (3:1)
Computer Architecture
Processor architecture, pipelining, vector processing, superscalar processors, hardware and compiler
support for branch prediction, out-of-order Instruction issue, speculative execution and other techniques
for high-performance, Instruction and data cache organizations, multilevel caches, parallel memory
systems, Support for virtual memory, Multiple processor systems, taxonomy, programming models,
message passing systems, Interconnection networks, shared memory system, memory models, cache
coherence, I/O systems, parallel disk organisations, Introduction to advanced topics.
Hennessy, J.L., and Patterson, D.A., Computer Architecture, A quantitative Approach, Morgan Kaufmann.
Stone, H.S., High-Performance Computer Architecture, Addison-Wesley.
Current Literature
E0 245 (3:0)
Fault Tolerant Computing
Redundancy techniques, Fault Coverage, Computational integrity, Fault detection methods Fault
identification algorithms, Exception handling, Damage assessment and confinement, System
diagnosability, Diagnosis algorithms, System recovery and distribution, Reconfiguration techniques,
Repairable Systems, algorithms based fault tolerance testing techniques, Test scheduling, Test pattern
generation, Fault tolerant computer communication networks, Fault tolerance of Software.
Pre-requisite: E0 241
Anderson, L., and Lee, P. A., Fault Tolerance, Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall, 1981.
Siework, C. P. and Swartz, R. S., Theory and Practice of Reliable System Design, Mc-Graw Hill, 1982.
Current Literature.
E0 246 (3:0)
Real - time Systems
Hard and soft real-time systems, Deadlines and timing constraints, Workload parameters, Periodic task
model, Precedence constraints and data dependency, Real time scheduling techniques, Static and dynamic
systems, Optimality of EDF and LST algorithms, Off-line and on-line scheduling, Clock driven scheduling,
cyclic executives, scheduling of aperiodic and static jobs, Priority driven scheduling, fixed and dynamic
priority algorithms, Schedulable utilization, RM and DM algorithms, priority scheduling of aperiodic and
sporadic jobs, Deferrable and sporadic servers, Resource access control, priority inversion, priority
inheritance and priority ceiling protocols, Real-time communication, Operating systems.
Jane W. S. Liu, Real-Time Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2001.
Current literature.
E0 247 (3:0)
Sensor Networks
Basic concepts and issues, survey of applications of sensor networks, homogeneous and heterogeneous
sensor networks, topology control and clustering protocols, routing and transport protocols, access control
techniques, location awareness and estimation, security information assurance protocols, data fusion and
management techniques, query processing, energy efficiency issues, lifetime optimization, resource
management schemes, task allocation methods, clock synchronization algorithms. Tiny operating system,
middleware support, simulation packages.
Pre-requisite: Consent of Instructor
C. S.Raghavendra, K. M. Shivalingam and T. Znati, Wireless Sensor Networks, Springer, New York, 2004.
F. Zhao and L.Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks, An Information processing Approach, Morgan
Kauffmann, San Fransisco 2004.
Current Literature.
E0 251 (3:1)
Data Structures and Algorithms
Abstract data types and data structures, Classes and objects, Complexity of algorithms: worst case,
average case, and amoritized complexity. Algorithm analysis. Algorithm Design Paradigms. Lists: stacks,
queues, implementation, garbage collection. Dictionaries: Hash tables, Binary search trees, AVL trees,
Red-Black trees, Splay trees, Skip-lists, B-Trees. Priority queues. Graphs: Shortest path algorithms,
minimal spanning tree algorithms, depth-first and breadth-first search. Sorting: Advanced sorting
methods and their analysis, lower bound on complexity, order statistics.
A.V. Aho, J.E. Hopcroft, and J.D. Ullman, Data Structures and Algorithms, Addison Wesley, Reading
Massachusetts, USA, 1983
T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, and R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT Press, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, 1990
M.A. Weiss, Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis in C++, Benjamin/Cummins, Redwood City,
California, USA, 1994.
E0 253 (3:1)
Operating Systems
User Level Specification of OS. Fundamental Concepts of Multiprogrammed OS, Basic Concepts and
Techniques for Implementation of Multiprogrammed OS. Processes and the Kernel, Microkernel
Architecture of OS. Multiprocessor, Multimedia, and Real-Time OS. POSIX Standards. Management and
Control of Processes. Basic Concept of Threads, Types of Threads, Models of Thread Implementations.
Traditional and Real-Time Signals. Clocks, Timers and Callouts. Thread Scheduling for Unix, Windows, and
Real-Time OS, Real-Time Scheduling. Interprocess/Interthread Synchronization and Communication,
Mutual Exclusion/Critical Section Problem, Semaphores, Monitors, Mailbox, Deadlocks. Concepts and
Implementation of Virtual Memory(32-bit and 64-bit), Physical Memory Management. File Organization,
File System Interface and Virtual File Systems, Implementation of File Systems. I/O Software:Interrupt
Service Routines and Device Drivers. Protection and Security. Case Study of Unix, Windows, and Real-Time
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, ``Modern Operating Systems'', Second Edition, Pearson Education, Inc., 2001.
Uresh Vahalia, ``UNIX Internals: The New Frontiers'', Prentice-Hall, 1996.
J. Mauro and R. McDougall, ``Solaris Internals: Core Kernel Architecture'', Sun Microsystems Press, 2001.
Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati, "Understanding the Linux kernel", 2nd Edition O'Reilly & Associates,
Inc., 2003.
E0 255 (3:1)
Compiler Design
Review of syntax analysis and use of tools LEX and YACC; symbol tables and semantic analysis; run time
storage administration and intermediate code generation; dataflow analysis, code optimization and
register allocation; instruction selection and code generation; machine dependent optimizations for
pipelined, and clustered architectures.
Aho, A.V., Ravi Sethi and J.D. Ullman, Compilers- Principles, Techniques and Tools, Addison Wesley,
S. Muchnick., Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan Kauffman, 1998.
Selected Papers.
E0 261 (3:1)
Database Management Systems
Design of Database Kernels, Query Optimization (Rewriting Techniques, Access Methods, Join Algorithms,
Plan Evaluation), Transaction Management (ARIES), Distributed Databases (Query Processing and
Optimization, Concurrency Control, Commit Protocols), Object-Relational Databases (Motivation, Design
and Implementation), Spatial Databases (Storage, Indexing Techniques, Query Optimization), Data
Mining (Association, Classification and Sequence Rules, Integration with Database Engines), Data
Warehousing (Star and Snowflake Schemas, Data Cubes, View Maintenance), Semistructured and Web
Databases (Data Models, Query Systems, XML, XML-Schema, Relational Storage, Compression), Mobile
Databases (Broadcast Disks, Indexing Techniques), Applications to E-commerce.
Fundamentals of Database Systems R. Elmasri and S. B. Navathe, Addison-Wesley, 3rd ed., 1999.
Database Management Systems R. Ramakrishnan and J. Gehrke, McGraw-Hill, 2nd ed., 1999.
Readings in Database Systems M. Stonebraker and J. Hellerstein, Morgan Kaufmann, 3rd ed., 1998.
Object-Relational DBMSs M. Stonebraker, Morgan Kaufmann, 1996 .
Data Warehousing (Strategies, Technologies and Techniques) R. Mattison, IEEE Press, 1998.
Data Mining R. Groth, Prentice Hall, 1998.
Recent Conference and Journal papers.
Data Structures, C or C++, Undergraduate course in DBMS covering Data Models, Query Languages,
Logical and Physical Design
E0 262 (3:0)
Multimedia Information Systems
Multimedia Information, Delay-sensitive and Time-based Media data Modeling, Multimedia storage and
retrieval techniques, Multimedia Communications: Synchronization, delay compensation, QoS negotiation
protocols, Architectures and Issues for Distributed Multimedia Systems, Prototype Multimedia systems:
Video-on-Demand, Video conferencing.
P. Venkataram, Design Aspects of Multimedia Information Systems, Pearson Publishers, 2006.
W. I. Grosky, R. Jain and R. Mehrotra, The Hand Book of Multimedia Information Management, Prentice-
Hall, 1997.
J. F. Koegel Buford, Multimedia Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
Relevant Research Papers from the Journals/Conferences.
E0 264 (3:1)
Distributed Computing Systems
Fundamental Issues in Distributed Systems, Distributed System Models and Architectures. Classification of
Failures in Distributed Systems, Basic Techniques for Handling Faults in Distributed Systems. Logical and
Physical Clocks, Physical Clock Synchronization. Interprocess Communication, Protocols for Peer-to-Peer
Communication, Remote Procedure Calls, Broadcast Protocols. Naming in Distributed Systems. Global
State, Termination, and Distributed Deadlock Detection. Distributed Mutual Exclusion, Leader Election,
Agreement Protocols. Group Membership Protocols. Distributed Scheduling and Load Balancing.
Distributed File Systems, and Distributed Shared Memory. Security and Fault-Tolerance Issues. Real-Time
Distributed Systems. Case Studies of Distributed Systems.
Randy Chow, and Theodore Johnson. Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithms. Addison- Wesley,
G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, and and T. Kindberg, "Distributed Systems: Concepts and Designs", Fourth
Edition, Addison Wesley, 2005.
Mukesh Singhal, and N. G. Shivaratri. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems, Distributed, Database,
and Multiprocessor Operating Systems, McGraw Hill, 1994.
Relevant papers from various IEEE and ACM Transactions/Journals and Conference Proceedings.
E0 265 (3:0)
Multimedia Systems
Introduction: Video, Audio. Image compression: JPEG, GIF. Video compression: MPEG-1, -2, -4, and -7,
H.261. MPEG Audio compression, AC 3, Content based retrieval, Multimedia networking: ATM, RTP, RSVP,
RTSP; Multicasting: Storage and server issues, Multimedia processors, Mobile multimedia, Watermarking,
Multimedia systems: VoD, video and conferencing, HDTV.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of DSP and Programming
Raghavan, S. V. and Tripathi, S. K., Networked Multimedia Systems: Concepts, Architecture and Design.
Raif Steinmetz, Klara Nahrtedt, Multimedia: Computing, Communication and Application, Prentice Hall,
E0 266 (3:0)
Topics in Ubiquitous Computing
Definition and Scope of ubiquitous computing, Essential Elements of Ubiquitous Networks, Architecture for
ubiquitous computing: new devices and communications; and software architectures. Integrating the
physical and the virtual worlds: sensing and actuation; ontology and modeling the world; awareness and
perception. Interactions between humans and (ubiquitous) computers: situated (context-aware)
computing; multimodal and natural interaction; disambiguation and proactivity. Social aspects of
ubiquitous computing: implications on privacy, security and autonomy; system and legal safeguards; cost-
benefit and market focus. Ubiquitous applications: The appropriate design; Weiser’s vision of ubiquitous
computing; context awareness; mixed reality and sensible design. Illustration of some existing application
domains for ubiquitous computing in such areas as gaming, workplaces, domestic spaces, museums and
educational communities.
Prerequisite: Communication Protocols/Computer Networks
References: Research papers on Ubiquitous Computing.
E0 268 (3:1)
Data Mining
Introduction to data mining. Data preprocessing and cleaning. Data visualization and exploratory data
analysis. Data mining techniques. Performance evaluation. Finding patterns and rules. Predictive and
descriptive modeling. Issues relating to large data sets. Applications to Web Mining and Bioinformatics.
A. K. Pujari. Data Mining Techniques, Universities Press (India), 2001.
Recent Literature.
E0 271 (3:1)
Computer Graphics
Principles of computer graphics; graphics pipeline; graphics hardware; transformations; viewing; lighting;
shading; modeling; selected topics in meshing, subdivision techniques, multi-resolution methods,
visualization, ray tracing; individual projects.
Edward S. Angel. Interactive Computer Graphics, A top-down approach with OpenGL. Addison-Wesley,
OpenGL Architecture Review Board, Dave Shreiner, Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, and Tom Davis. OpenGL
Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL. Addison-Wesley, 2005.
Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker. Computer Graphics with OpenGL. Prentice Hall, 2003.
Courses in linear algebra, data structures, algorithms, and programming.
E0 284 2:1
Digital VLSI Circuits
Introduction to MOS transistor theory, Circuit characterization & simulation, theory of logical effort,
interconnect design and analysis combinational circuit design, sequential circuit design. Design
methodology & tools, testing & verification, datapath subsystems, array subsystems, power and clock
distribution, introduction to packaging.
N.Weste and D. Harris, CMOS VLSI Design. A Circuits and Systems Perspective, Addison Weley, 2005.
J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, and B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits.
E0 285 (3:0)
Computer Aided Design of VLSI Systems
Introduction to VLSI CAD: Motivating factors and some trends; Digital hardware modeling: Logic and
System level modeling, Hardware description languages (VHDL and Verilog), RTL simulation; Synchronous
and asynchronous system design; Verification methodology:Simulatin, BDD, Formal methods; Logic
Synthesis:Technology mapping, ASIC design methodology, FPGA based designs and prototyping; Layout
synthesis: The physical design, Timing analysis; Graph Algorithms and their applications in IC design; CAD
tools and their use; Design for testability; System level design: may have a brief mention of System C and
System Verilog
S K Nandy
E0 286 (3:0)
Test and Verification for SOC Designs
Introductory Module on SOC Design Paradigm : Design paradigm for SOCs. Embedded cores. Design cycle
for SOCs. Design examples.
References: Class Handouts
E0 320 (3:1)
Topics in Graph Theory
Minors: Introduction- properties which causes dense minors in graphs: average degree, girth,Wagner's
characterisation of graphs without K5 minors. Tree Decompositions: treewidth, pathwidth, upper and
lower bounds for treewidth, relation of treewidth and minors, influence on algorithmic graph problems.
Hadwiger's conjecture- its relation with the four colour theorem, related work
Graph Theory (Chapters 8 and 12), Reinhard Diestel, Springer, 2000.
Current Literature.
E0 325 (3:1)
Topics in Algorithms
Network algorithms and algebraic algorithms: Algebraic algorithms include algorithms for primality testing,
factoring polynomials and the LLL algorithm. On network algorithms the focus will be on algorithms for
flows, cuts, and connectivity problems concentrating on algorithms for global min cut (Gabow's tree
packing algorithm, Karger's near linear time Monte Carlo algorithm), Steiner min cut (the Cole-Hariharan
algorithm), Edmonds' arborescences.
Relevant papers from literature and the book “Modern Computer Algebra" by von zur Gathen and Gerhard.
E0 330 (3:1)
Convex Optimization
Convex sets and functions, Convex Optimization Problems, Duality, Approximation and fitting, Statistical
Estimation, Geometric Problems, Unconstrained minimization, Interior-point methods.
S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe., Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
E0 343 (3:1)
Topics in Computer Architecture
Architecture and harware description languages (RTL, ISPS, vhdl). Processor architecture, Instruction
level parallelism, Latency tolerance, multithreading, interconnection networks, Standards (bus, SCI),
architectures, routing, Cache coherency, protocol specification, correctness, performance. Memory
consistency models, synchronization primitives, parallel programming paradigms, I/O systems, Interface
standards, parallel I/O, performance evaluation, analytical methods, simulation algorithms and
techniques, benchmarking.
Pre-requisites; Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Some Familiarity with Analytical Performance
Evaluation Techniques.
E0 355 (3:1)
Topics in Compiler Design
Dynamic and Just-In-Time compilation. Compilation for embedded systems: performance, memory, and
energy considerations. Static analysis: points-to analysis, abstract interpretation. WCET estimation. Type
Optimizations for O-O languages. Compilation for multi-core systems.
This course will be based on seminars and mini projects.
Good knowledge of dataflow analysis and compiler optimizations
Y.N. Srikant and Priti Shankar (ed.), The Compiler Design Handbook:
Optimizations and Machine Code Generation, 2nd ed., CRC Press, 2008.
E0 361 (3:1)
Topics in Database Systems
Readings in Database Systems edited by M. Stonebraker, Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd ed., 1994.
Conference and Journal papers.
EO 367 (3:1)
Topics in Mobile Computing Technologies
Wireless Technologies: Land Mobile Vs. Satellite Vs. In-building Communications Systems, Cellular
Telephony, Personal Communication Systems/Networks. Wireless Architectures for Mobile Computing.
Applications. Wireless LANs, Wireless Networking, Hand-off, Media Access Methods, Mobile IP, Unicast and
Multicast Communication, Wireless TCP, Security Issues. Mobile
Computing Models, System- Level Support, Disconnected Operation, Mobility, Failure Recovery.
Information Management, Broadcast, Caching, Querying Location Data. Location and Data Management
for Mobile Computing, Hierarchical Schemes, Performance Evaluation. Case Studies.
Current Literature from IEEE Transactions, Journals,and Conference Proceedings.
Abdelsalam A. Helal et al, Any Time, Anywhere Computing : Mobile Computing Concepts and Technology,
Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, 1999.
Evaggelia Pitoura and Geaorge Samaras, Data Managemnet for Mobile Computing, Kluwer International
Series on Advances in Database Management,October 1997.
Consent of the Instructor
E0 371 (3:1)
Topics in Machine Learning
Graphical Models: Bayesian Networks, Problem of Inference, Belief Propagation, Markov Chain Monte
Carlo based Techniques for approximate inference, Mean-field methods. Learning of Graphical models
from Data, EM algorithm. Semidefinite Programming approaches for Approximate inference Convex
Optimization for M/c learning: Semidefinite programming approaches for classification, Feature selection.
Applications: Missing values, time series, Bioinformatics
Current Literature
Prerequisites: Consent of the Instructor
E0 373 (3:1)
Topological Methods for Visualization
Topological methods for analyzing scientific data; efficient combinatorial algorithms in Morse theory;
topological data structures including contour trees, Reeb graphs, Morse- Smale complexes, Jacobi sets,
and alpha shapes; robustness and application to sampled data from simulations and experiments; multi-
scale representations for data analysis and feature extraction; application to data exploration and
Textbooks: Course material will consist of current literature and lecture notes.
Basic familiarity with fundamental algorithms and data structures is desirable (E0 225 or E0 251).
Familiarity with the basics of scientific visualization will be useful but not essential. Interested students
with a non-CS background may also register for the course after consent of instructor.
E0 374 (3:1)
Topics in Combinatorial Geometry
The objective of this course is to investigate various topics on combinatorial/structural properties of
geometric objects. The course will cover both classical as well as current results.
Fundamental Theorems: Radon's theorem, Helly's theorem. Geometric graphs: Proximity graphs,
geometric results on planar graphs. Geometric incidences: Incidence bounds using cuttings technique,
crossing lemma. Distance based problems: Bounds on repeated distances and distinct distances. Epsilon
Nets: Epsilon Net theorem using random sampling and discrepency theory, epsilon nets for simple
geometric spaces, weak epsilon nets.
1. Janos Pach and Pankaj K. Agarwal, "Combinatorial Geometry", Wiley, 1st edition, 1995.
2. J. Matousek, "Lectures on Discrete Geometry", Springer-Verlag, 1st edition, 2002.
3. Current Literature.
The registrants should have preferably completed the "Design and Analysis of Algorithms" or "Discrete
Structures" course.
E1 254 (3:1)
Game Theory
Games in extensive form. Games in strategic form. Neumann-Morgenstern utilities. Nash equilibrium.
Nash's existence theorem.Two player zero sum games: connection to duality, minimax theorem.
Computation of Nash equilibria. Important complexity results for Nash equilibria. The notion of a Nash
program. Notions of security, stability, and optimality.
Games with incomplete information. Bayesian games. Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Introduction to repeated
games, dynamic games, and Stackelberg games.
Cooperative games: coalitions, core, nucleolus, Shapley value, cost sharing, bargaining games, Nash
bargaining solution.
Mechanism Design: Direct revelation mechanisms, revelation principle, Incentive compatibility, VCG
(Vickrey-Clarke-Groves) mechanisms, Expected Groves mechanisms, Design of auctions and exchanges.
Algorithmic mechanism design.
Algorithmic Game Theory: Worstcase equilibria, price of anarchy, network routing games, selfish routing.
Roger B. Myerson, Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, Harvard University Press, September 1997
Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, "A Course in Game Theory", The MIT Press, August 1994
Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green, Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University
Press, New York, 1995.
Current Literature
E1 313 (3:1)
Topics in Pattern Recognition
Foundations of pattern recognition. Soft computing paradigms for classification and clustering. Knowledge-
based clustering. Association rules and frequent itemsets for pattern recognition. Large-scale pattern
R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, and D.G. Stork, Pattern Classification, John Wiley & Sons (Asia), Singapore, 2002
E1 335 (3:1)
Cognition and Machine Intelligence
Biological cerses computational dichotomy, critical computer - anatomy of neocortex, 100 steps at 5 msec
rule, symbolic architecture, connectionist approach, multi-sensory-motor information, hierarchical,
network, pyramidal models, spatio-temporal pattern matching, pattern representation and storage,
invariant representations, sequences of sequences, autoassociative, content addressable memory retrieval,
memory prediction paradigm, domains: language acquiaition, vision and attention, mental models, design
and development of thought experiments and simulation.
Foundations of Cognitive SCience, ed. M.I. Posner, The MIT Press, 1993.
Books and Survey Articles by: M. Minsky, A. Newell, H.A. Simon, D.E. Rumelhart, T. Sejnowski, J. Barwise,
N. Chomsky, S. Pinker, V.S. Ramachandran and others
E1 396 (3:0)
Topics in Stochastic Approximation Algorithms
Introduction to Stochastic approximation algorithms, ordinary differential equation based convergence
analysis, stability of iterates, multi-timescale stochastic approximation, asynchronous update algorithms,
gradient search based techniques, topics in stochastic control, infinite horizon discounted and long run
average cost criteria, algorithms for reinforcement learning.
Degree Programs COURSES
M.Sc (Engg)
M.E. Upcoming Courses During August-December 2008
Courses Course No Credits Course Title Instructor
Current E0 221 3:1 Discrete Structures L. Sunil Chandran
Upcoming E0 222 3:1 Automata Theory and Computability Deepak D'Souza / Priti Shankar
Descriptions E0 225 3:1 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Satish Govindarajan
Prospective Students E0 227 3:1 Program Analysis and Verification Deepak D'Souza / Aditya Nori /
Sriram Rajamani
E0 235 3:1 Cryptography C.E. Veni Madhavan
E0 238 3:1 Artificial Intelligence V. Susheela Devi
E0 243 3:1 Computer Architecture R. Govindarajan / T. Matthew
E0 251 3:1 Data Structures and Algorithms M. Narasimha Murty
E0 253 3:1 Operating Systems R. C. Hansdah
E0 261 3:1 Database Management Systems Jayant Haritsa
E0 271 3:1 Computer Graphics Vijay Natarajan
E0 330 3:1 Convex Optimization S.K. Shevade
E0 355 3:1 Topics in Compiler Design Y.N. Srikant / Tulika Mitra
E1 354 3:1 Topics in Game Theory Y. Narahari
Courses during January - April 2009
Modern Applications of Automata
E0 375 3:1 Deepak D’Souza / Priti Shankar
E1 254 3:1 Game Theory Y. Narahari
E1 313 3:1 Topics in Pattern Recognition M. Narasimha Murty
Cognition and Machine
E1 335 3:1 C. E. Veni Madhavan
The next important issue is the idea of pursuing research. As a part of ME Programme, you
are required to do a Dissertation Work. Over the years, the nature of this dissertation work
has become more research-oriented, and you are expected to publish papers in international
conferences and journals from your dissertation work. Gradually, facilities have been
enhanced to do this kind of dissertation work. In the good old days, papers need to be
xeroxed (many times not available) and read, but now everything is available at your
fingertips (you still need to read them). At the same time, Gigabytes of storage space is also
available. The only additional input you require from your end is your determination to carry
out an excellent dissertation work. It is useful to identify your guide and topic of dissertation
Considering that you are among the top students of the country, it is likely that you have
harboured ambitions of doing cutting-edge research or pursuing an academic career. Factors
that are likely to steer you away from pursuing your dreams are lack of good prospects after a
Ph.D., fear of not following the crowd to industry, etc.
With regard to job prospects, the Indian job market now has very challenging jobs to offer in
the future, especially for researchers. The rigours and challenges of our doctoral Programme
have enabled several of our Ph.D. graduates to occupy key, senior positions in corporate R &
D institutions.
Suppose you are convinced enough to start thinking in terms of a Ph.D. The next question is:
why do so at IISc? Here are a bunch of good reasons: intellectual ambience of IISc coupled
with excellent faculty at CSA. You have an opportunity here to do a world-class Ph.D. without
losing out on the benefits of living in the environment and culture that you are probably most
comfortable in. Now suppose you are convinced that you want to do Ph.D. at IISc. The
question that arises is: how can you join Ph.D. here? There are two options available: First,
you can convert your ME to Ph.D. at the end of first, second or third term. The only
requirement is that you have a certain minimum CGPA (See the students' handbook for
details). Second, you appear in our research interview either immediately after completing
your ME Programme or after having spent sometime in the industry.
Course Requirements:
A minimum of 24 credits comprising at least 12 credits each from Pool A and Pool B as given
Project: 24 Credits
EP 299 0:24 Dissertation Project
0:08 August-December Term
0:16 January-April Term
The balance of credits to make up the minimum of 64 credits required for completing the ME
Degree Programme (all at 200 level or higher) should be covered with elective courses from
within/outside the department and these courses can be taken with the approval of the
DCC/Faculty advisor only.
Faculty Advisor
While we are sure that all of you have the inherent motivation and abilities to get through the
programme with flying colours, we believe a little extra guidance from us will go a long way in
smoothing out your adjustment to a new academic environment and in enhancing your
academic performance. Your primary source of academic guidance and counseling is the
faculty advisor assigned to you. You should make it a point to get to know your advisor well,
and meet your advisor frequently in the early part of your stay here, and especially whenever
you face any problems. The distinction between students and faculty is more blurred: you will
find faculty willing to deal with you on a more equal level, to listen to and value ideas from
you that might be contradictory to their current knowledge and viewpoints, etc.
Another person who can help you will be the TA (Teaching Assistant) for each course. The TA
is likely to be a student just one year senior to you; occasionally, the TA can be someone from
your batch who has done the course a semester before you! This is because graduate studies
are also meant to teach you things such as honest and critical evaluation of work done by
Student Advisor
There will also be a student advisor assigned to each student. He/She is someone with whom
you can interact closely in a friendly and informal way to help yourself acclimatize to the
environment here. Apart from the Faculty Advisor, the Student Advisor is another avenue for
helping you in adjusting with the environment in the CSA department and the IISc campus in
Information Brochure (pdf format)