A Systematic Development Method For Cyber-Physical Machine Tools
A Systematic Development Method For Cyber-Physical Machine Tools
A Systematic Development Method For Cyber-Physical Machine Tools
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4 authors, including:
Xun Xu
University of Auckland
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Machine Tool 4.0 introduces a new generation of machine tools that are smarter, well connected, widely
Received 30 November 2017 accessible, more adaptive and more autonomous. Cyber-Physical Machine Tools (CPMT), based on recent
Received in revised form 21 January 2018 advancements of the Information and Communication Technology, provides a promising solution for
Accepted 2 February 2018
Machine Tool 4.0. This paper proposes a systematic development method for CPMT. Generic system
Available online xxx
architecture is developed to provide guidelines for advancing existing Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
machine tools to CPMT. The proposed architecture allows machine tool, machining processes, real-time
machining data and intelligent algorithms to be deeply integrated through various types of networks. The
Machine tools
Machine tool 4.0
development methodologies for the core of the CPMT, the Machine Tool Cyber Twin (MTCT), are studied
Cyber-physical systems and discussed in detail. MTCT enables different types of feedback loops among the physical world, the
Cyber twin cyber space and humans to be realized. An MTConnect-based CPMT prototype is developed to validate the
MTConnect proposed CPMT. Experimental results have proved great interoperability, connectivity and extensibility
of the proposed CPMT. The potential of implementing artificial intelligence in CPMT is also discussed.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
0278-6125/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
integration of the machine tool, machining processes, compu- machine tools more flexible, adaptable and intelligent has never
tation and networking, where embedded computations monitor stopped. The development and implementation strategies of intel-
and control the machining processes, with feedback loops in ligent CNC machining systems have been a topic if research for
which machining processes can affect computations and vice versa some time. Cheng et al. [17] developed an intelligent CNC sys-
[4]. With CPS technology deeply implemented, CPMT has dis- tem to improve the intelligence and communication ability of
tinct advantages in comparison with traditional machine tools. conventional NC machine tools under the distributed network
On one hand, embedded computations take full advantage of the manufacturing mode. The system comprised a tool monitoring
real-time manufacturing data, providing efficient decision-making module, a mechanical actuator error compensation module, an
support for humans, meanwhile endowing CPMT with advanced intelligent control module and a communication module. Aim-
intelligence and autonomy. Consequently, machining performance ing at improving the intelligence of machine tools, Kim et al.
and efficiency can be significantly improved. On the other hand, [18] proposed an agent-based knowledge evolution system in
ubiquitous networking and advanced connectivity enable the servi- the machine-to-machine environment. A sensory agent, a dia-
tization of CPMT, hence CPMT becomes product-service systems logue agent and a decision support agent were developed to
[15] as well as cloud manufacturing resources [16] that provide autonomously gather knowledge, produce knowledge and make
significant benefits for both the machine tool manufacturers and decisions during machining processes. Work-offset compensation
the users. and recommendation of cutting condition based on thermal change
This paper proposes a systematic development method for were performed on a tapping machine to verify the proposed
CPMT. Generic system architecture for CPMT is developed. The key system. In order to achieve the intelligent control of production
components and functions included in a typical CPMT are pro- processes, Zhang et al. [14] proposed a data-driven add-on CPS
posed and explained. The proposed CPMT architecture provides architecture of a CNC machine tool. Three key issues of the con-
guidelines for advancing existing CNC machine tools to CPMT. The figuration design of the add-on CPS system were studied, i.e., node
development methodologies for the Machine Tool Cyber Twin, the configuration of the add-on cyber-physical system, interconnection
core of a CPMT, are studied and discussed to provide directions for technology of the heterogeneous nodes and data-driven adap-
future research. An MTConnect-based CPMT prototype developed tive configuration method of the sensor networks. Ridwan and Xu
in our lab is introduced. The experimental results validated the fea- [19] developed an intelligent machine condition monitoring sys-
sibility and advantages of the proposed CPMT. The remainder of this tem that allows machining parameter optimization before, during
paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the and after machining to shorten machining time and increase prod-
state-of-the-art work related to the development of CPMT in both uct quality. Real-time cutting power, vibration and feed-rate data
academia and industry. Section 3 introduces the generic system collected using different sensors were streamed in MTConnect for-
architecture for CPMT. Section 4 studies and discusses the devel- mat and fuzzy logic was utilized to realize autonomous in-process
opment methodologies of each key component of the Machine Tool feed-rate optimization. Morgan and O’Donnell [20] presented the
Cyber Twin. Section 5 introduces an MTConnect-based CPMT pro- design and development of a reconfigurable, flexible and extensi-
totype developed in our lab. Section 6 concludes the paper and ble CPS monitoring system for machine tools. An advanced signal
provides directions for the future work. processing chain was developed to realize the semi-autonomous
process characterization of a CNC turning machine tool. Atluru
2. State of the art et al. [21] proposed a system framework for a smart machine
supervisory system which integrates individual process monitoring
Although there have been few studies on the generic develop- and control modules to realize a globally optimal machining solu-
ment methods for CPS-based machine tools, the effort to make tion. The communication mechanism of the system was based on
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 3
MTConnect protocol. The decision-making mechanism of the sys- to improve the intelligence, connectivity, accessibility, adaptability
tem was demonstrated through a LabView application which and autonomy of CPMT.
integrates process planning, health monitoring and tool condi-
tion monitoring. Focused on data-sharing capabilities, Li et al. 3. Generic system architecture for CPMT
[22] developed an intelligent CNC machining system consisted
of a shared machining parameters database, an open and This section provides generic system architecture for CPMT
high-performance CNC system, an online monitoring module, a (Fig. 2). CPMT is a CPS-based machine tool featuring ubiquitous
parameters optimization module, an energy efficiency analysis connectivity, advanced intelligence and autonomy. Real-time man-
module and a machine tool health diagnosis platform. ufacturing data from the physical devices are collected by diverse
Practitioners from industry are also making significant efforts types of sensors and transferred into the cyber space via different
to improve the connectivity, the digitization and the intelligence networks. In the cyber space, a Machine Tool Cyber Twin (MTCT) is
of machine tools. Recently, STEP Tools, Inc. is developing a digital modelled by integrating the manufacturing data with an informa-
thread solution for CNC machining processes to keep the design, tion model, a database and different intelligent algorithms. MTCT
manufacturing, and inspection of a product connected around a is a digital abstraction of the machine tool which represents the
digital twin [23]. A 3D model-based machining simulator which characteristics and real-time status of the machine tool, monitors
fuses STEP (ISO 10303) models of the product, MTConnect sta- and controls the machine tool with built-in computation and intel-
tus of the machine tool and Quality Information Framework (QIF) ligence, and sends the shop-floor manufacturing data to different
metrology feedback was developed to build the digital twin of the Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs) as well as the cloud to provide
product with integrated machining and measurement while a part efficient decision-making support for different users. In this way,
is being cut. Mazak Cooperation launched a Mazak SmartBox [24] various types of feedback loops among the physical world, the cyber
as a scalable, end-to-end Industrial Internet of Things platform that space and humans are established (indicated by colored arrows in
connects manufacturing equipment, including machines, software Fig. 2). Consequently, the performance and the efficiency of the
and other devices, to a factory’s network and allows the free flow machine tools can be significantly improved. The detailed func-
of information to management systems via MTConnect. The Mazak tions and the features of the proposed CPMT are explained in the
SmartBox provides intelligent data analytics and monitoring of CNC following subsections.
machine tools while considering security issues. Aiming at facilitat-
ing the digitization of machine tools, DMG MORI provides a series
of software solutions for machine tools such as Virtual Machine, 3.1. Components and functions
Service Agent and Messenger, to offer high-fidelity simulation and
estimation of machining processes, web-based real-time machine A CPMT comprises three main components, i.e. Physical devices,
monitoring through mobile devices and intelligent maintenance Networks and MTCT.
services based on real machining data [25]. Shenyang Machine Tool
Company developed an i5 smart numerical control system as an 1) Physical devices: It can be divided into two categories: machining
Internet-based intelligent terminal comprising intelligent control, devices and data acquisition devices. Machining devices include
intelligent operation, intelligent programming, intelligent mainte- each component of the CNC machine tool, the cutting tools and
nance and intelligent management [26]. Based on real-time data the workpieces; while data acquisition devices contain various
collection and cloud-based big data analytics, i5 enables remote types of sensors and measurement devices such as radio fre-
machine monitoring and workshop management services through quency identification (RFID) tags and readers, power meters,
mobile devices. dynamometers, accelerometers, Acoustic Emission (AE) sensors,
The state-of-art work in this area shows that both researchers and Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM). During machining
and industrial practitioners are striving to implement the CPS processes, the CNC controller and the data acquisition devices
technology in machine tools. However, from the perspective of capture real-time machining data generated by the machining
academia, most of the previous research focuses on the develop- devices and send them to the cyber space for further analysis.
ment of specific intelligent functions for a machine tool, such as Real-time machining data acquisition is the prerequisite for all
CPS-based condition monitoring and prognostics, process planning, the subsequent functions in a CPMT.
adaptive control and machining parameter optimization. These 2) Networks: one of the distinct advantages of CPMT is the
functions are usually developed as standalone CPS, and hence advanced connectivity. In CPMT, various types of networks can
are difficult to integrate or cooperate with other functions of be implemented to achieve reliable, efficient and ubiquitous
the machine tool. Few studies have been attempted to develop a communications among the physical world, the cyber space and
machine tool as a complete CPS (or CPMT) in a systematic way. humans. Real-time feedback from the CNC controllers can be
From the perspective of industry, machine tool manufacturers retrieved through various industrial Ethernet, fieldbus and serial
are making efforts to integrate CPS-based intelligent functions in communication protocols such as Profinet, EtherCAT, Power-
their products. Nonetheless, most of the industrial solutions are link, RS-232 and RS-485. Data collected by various sensors can
vendor-dependent and require huge investments, presenting great be transmitted to the cyber space through different communi-
integration and interoperability challenges for modern manufac- cation protocols such as Ethernet, WiFi, ZigBee and Bluetooth,
turing systems which usually contain machine tools from different with the implementation of low-cost microcontrollers such as
vendors. Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Open communication standards such
To address these issues, this paper proposes a systematic as MTConnect and OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) allow
development method for CPMT. A generic, extensible and standard- the data to be uniformly transferred across the data acquisition
based system architecture is developed to provide guidelines for devices, data analysis applications and HMIs through the Inter-
advancing existing a CNC machine tool to a CPMT. The proposed net. Consequently, various types of feedback loops among the
method enables the machine tool, machining processes, real-time CPMT, the cloud and humans can be realized.
machining data and intelligent algorithms to be deeply inte- 3) Machine Tool Cyber Twin: The most significant difference
grated through standardized communication protocols. Machine between a CPMT and a traditional CNC machine tool lies in the
Tool Cyber Twin, as a digital model of the machine tool, is proposed MTCT. The MTCT comprises four main modules, including Data
fusion, Information model, Intelligent algorithms and Database.
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
• Data fusion: data fusion is a preliminary step to build the MTCT. categorizes the real-time data into different groups and feeds
Firstly, raw data generated by different sensors are cleansed and them into the embedded intelligent algorithms in the MTCT based
preprocessed so that meaningful information can be extracted. on specific data requirements. On the other hand, the database
Secondly, real-time machining data generated by CNC controller stores the timestamped real-time manufacturing data as histori-
and data acquisition devices are converted into a common format, cal data and provides them to the cloud for further data analytics
such that the data can be efficiently manipulated in the follow- and value-added services.
ing processes. Thirdly, data from different data sources (e.g. CNC
controller, RFID tags and various sensors) are grouped to their 3.2. Feedback loops
correlated component, in preparation for the following infor-
mation modelling. As a result, the data fusion module provides Feedback loops are an indispensable part of any CPS since they
unified, accurate and reliable data as the basis for modelling the complete the integration of the physical world, the cyber space
MTCT. and humans. The proposed CPMT enables three types of feedback
• Information model: The information model provides a compre- loops as indicated by the colored arrows in Fig. 2, i.e. autonomous
hensive understanding of the machine tool. It clearly presents the feedback control loop (blue arrows), shop-floor decision-making
logical structure of the machine tool including the relationships support loop (purple arrows) and cloud-based decision-making
between each sub-system and critical component on one hand. support loop (green arrows).
On the other hand, it groups all the available data items related to
a specific component together such that the real-time manufac- 1) Autonomous feedback control loop: in the autonomous feedback
turing data can be effectively manipulated and utilized in further control loop, the MTCT analyzes the real-time manufacturing
analysis. Since the information model is digitally developed, it data with embedded intelligent algorithms and sends con-
is easy to be modified or extended when existing physical com- trol commands directly to the CNC controller, such that the
ponents and data acquisition devices are replaced, or additional machine tool can autonomously adjust machining parameters
devices are implemented. during machining processes to adapt to the changing machin-
• Intelligent algorithms: various data visualization, process opti- ing conditions, while meeting specific requirements such as
mization and Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) surface quality, cutting tool wear and processing time. It is
algorithms can be embedded in the MTCT. These algorithms worth mentioning that open CNC controllers such as STEP-NC
retrieve specific real-time machining data directly from the infor- based controllers [27,28] play an important role in this con-
mation model, endow the machine tool with intelligent and text. With the implementation of STEP-NC technology, data
autonomous functions and provide efficient decision-making related to machine capability, process planning and various
supports for shop-floor technicians. The output of these embed- machining parameters can be optimized in STEP-NC files and
ded algorithms can be directly sent to the CNC controller as directly feedback to the STEP-NC controllers as control com-
control commands to realize autonomous in-process optimiza- mands [29–31]. Consequently, autonomous feedback control
tion, or fed back to machine operators to improve machine loop can be efficiently realized without developing additional
utilization and machining performances. interfaces between MTCT and CNC controllers.
• Database: since the CNC controller and the data acquisition 2) Shop-floor decision-making support loop: The integration of the
devices generate enormous amounts of real-time manufacturing real-time analytical information generated by the embedded
data during machining processes, it is necessary for the MTCT to intelligent algorithms and the advancements of data visualiza-
have a database that is able to safely, reliably and effectively store tion technologies such as AR give rise to various types of smart
and manage all the big industrial data. On one hand, the database HMIs (e.g. smart phones, tablets and wearable devices) that
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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6 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
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C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 7
respectively. Take the sub-component Spindle as an example; it 4.4. Database and intelligent algorithms
represents the spindle of the turning lathe. The static property of
the spindle is indicated by its maximum speed, which is obtained Having all the static property data and real-time machining data
from the specification of the machine tool and manually input to represented by the information model, a database must be devel-
the information model. The real-time status of the spindle is rep- oped in the MTCT such that the big data can be safely, reliably
resented by the speed and rotating direction obtained from the and effectively stored, managed, as well as retrieved by external
CNC controller, the motor power obtained from the power meter, intelligent algorithms and data analytics tools. Since the informa-
and the vibration obtained from the accelerometer. In this way, the tion model has already assigned each data item with a unique ID
MTConnect-based information model comprehensively represents and a timestamp, an efficient strategy for developing the database
the status of the entire machine tool. is to divide the database into different categories in accordance
with the structure of the information model. Each category repre-
4.3.2. OPC UA-based machine tool information model sents a component in the information model, containing the static
OPC UA, compared with MTConnect, provides a more generic properties and all the real-time data. Based on the open and royalty-
information modelling method. OPC UA defines an object-based free data communication standards applied in the MTCT, various
address space model as a Meta model, based on which vari- database developing tools such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite
ous domain-specific information models can be developed. The can be utilized to develop the database. Fig. 6 shows a generic
objects, similar to the concept of Object-Oriented Programming, structure of the proposed database. Based on this structure, a com-
are placeholders of variables, events and methods. Objects and their prehensive performance history of each component and machining
components are represented in the address space as a set of nodes process of the CPMT can be archived. Consequently, various data
described by attributes and interconnected by references [47]. Con- analytics applications in the cloud can retrieve specific historical
sequently, in order to develop a machine tool information model data items in specific time periods.
using OPC UA, the developer needs to build the structure of the Intelligent algorithms embedded in the MTCT make the CPMT
information model and define all the objects, attributes and ref- intelligent and autonomous. The proposed MTCT builds a solid
erences within it according to the actual structure, components foundation for the implementation of artificial intelligence in
and available data of the machine tool. Fig. 5 shows the struc- machine tools. In the MTCT, various types of embedded intelligent
ture of an OPC UA-based information model of a simple turning algorithms can access the real-time data directly from the infor-
lathe. Each component is modelled as an object and may have sub- mation model and extract specific data items to provide real-time
components and property as its child nodes. Each object may have monitor and control functions, such as in-process machining opti-
some data items modelled as its attributes with different data types. mization, high-fidelity simulation, data visualization and PHM. For
It is obvious that OPC UA provides developers with more flexibilities example, Augmented Reality (AR)-based algorithms can be embed-
to build the machine tool information model, but in the meantime, ded to retrieve the real-time machining video, axes positions and
relatively more effort and time are required. speeds, and perform AR-assisted monitoring and simulation [48].
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithms can be embedded to RFID tags. A Kistler 3-axis dynamometer (type 9273) was mounted
retrieve the cutting speed, feed and depth of cut, and perform tool on the work table to measure the cutting forces in X, Y and Z direc-
wear prediction [33]. Fuzzy inference systems can be embedded to tion. A PCB Piezoelectric accelerometer (model 352C65) was used to
retrieve the spindle speed, feed-rate and depth of cut, and perform measure the vibration of the spindle. An RPM sensor was mounted
surface roughness prediction [49]. The development methodolo- above the spindle to measure the spindle speed.
gies of the intelligent algorithms will not be discussed in detail The overall system architecture of the CPMT prototype is
since it is beyond the scope of this paper. described in Fig. 8. The machine tool is controlled by LinuxCNC
software installed in a Linux based computer. The static property
5. MTConnect- based CPMT prototype data of the machine tool and cutting tool in the RFID tags are read
by the Arduino microcontroller, and transferred to the MTConnect
An MTConnect-based CPMT prototype was developed to val- Adapter through serial connection. The sensor signals from the
idate the feasibility and performance of the proposed CPMT dynamometer, the accelerometer and the RPM sensor are trans-
architecture and development methodologies. MTConnect was ferred to a NI PXI-1031 data acquisition platform and processed
utilized as the communication standard and the information mod- using LabView software. The processed data are then sent to the
elling technology. MTConnect Adapter through TCP/IP connection. Real-time machin-
ing data from the CNC controller are retrieved from the LinuxCNC
software to the MTConnect Adapter directly through APIs since Lin-
5.1. Experimental setup
uxCNC is open sourced and they were installed in the same Linux
computer. The MTConnect Adapter transforms all the received data
The experimental setup of the MTConnect-based CPMT proto-
into SHDR (Simple Hierarchical Data Representation) format with
type is shown in Fig. 7. The prototype was built based on a Sherline
timestamps attached in front of each changed data, and keeps send-
3-Axis Milling machine. The machine tool and a test cutting tool
ing these data to the MTConnect Agent through TCP/IP connection.
were both assigned with a 13.56 MHz RFID tag containing their
The MTConnect Agent, running on a Windows computer, will then
static property information. An Arduino Uno development board
group all the data into the information model, format the data into
with an NFC shield connected was used to read the data from the
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 9
XML format and publish them to various applications through the 5.3. CPMT-Cyber twin application
A CPMT-Cyber Twin application was developed as the MTCT
of the MTConnect-based CPMT prototype. Fig. 10 shows the User
5.2. Information modelling Interface of the application. It comprises four main modules as
marked in Fig. 10. The application connects to the MTConnect Agent
The MTConnect-based information model for this machine tool through the Internet by specifying the IP address and port number
was developed as a Device.xml file based on the XML schema pro- of the Agent. Once connected, the application reads the Device.xml
vided by MTConnect standard. Fig. 9 shows the structure and all the file and displays the logical structure of the machine tool as a tree
components involved in the information model. All the data items structure in module 1. The tree structure clearly shows the logical
are collapsed due to space limitation. The detailed data items of relationships between each component. All the available data items
the spindle, the CNC controller and the cutting tool are expanded are shown under the component to which they are associated. The
on the right to illustrate how the data from different sources were name and data type of each data item are also displayed in the tree
grouped. As shown in Fig. 9, the spindle speed and vibration data structure. Consequently, this structure provides a comprehensive
collected from different sensors, the execution status information understanding of the static attributes of the machine tool.
retrieved from the LinuxCNC software, and the static property data Module 2 shows the real-time status of each component and
of the cutting tool obtained from the RFID tags were grouped as data machining process. All the available real-time data items are dis-
items under the spindle component, controller component and cut- played and continuously updated in the text boxes under their
ting tool component respectively. Each component and data item related component. The Machine Tool components show the basic
were assigned with a unique ID such that each component and data attributes of the machine tool and the time stamp of all the real-
item can be retrieved and manipulated separately. time data. The Controller component shows the real-time status
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
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JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx
of the controller, including the current power status (ON or OFF), Module 3, at the bottom of the interface, provides data visu-
execution status (Active, Interrupted or Ready), controller mode alization and analytics functions based on the real-time data. As
(Automatic or Manual), NC program (file path and name), current shown in Fig. 10, under the Machine Status tab, the historical exe-
line of the CN program, feed rate and feed rate override. The Axes cution status of the machine tool is displayed as a line graph, where
component shows the commanded and actual positions of each the X-axis indicates the time and the Y-axis indicates the execu-
linear axis and the speed and vibration of the spindle. The cutting tion status, i.e. Active (machining), Interrupted (paused) or Ready
forces and cutting tool information are also displayed. The tick-box (stopped). The machine utilization rate is calculated and shown
before the data item indicates that it can be chosen and plotted as as a pie chart accordingly. The current application allows all the
a line graph in module 3. real-time data to be directly visualized as line graphs in the time
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
G Model
JMSY-638; No. of Pages 12 ARTICLE IN PRESS
C. Liu et al. / Journal of Manufacturing Systems xxx (2018) xxx–xxx 11
domain. Fig. 11 shows another two examples of the visualization It is worth mentioning that there are several limitations of the
of cutting forces and spindle vibration. These data visualization current prototype. First, MTConnect is a read-only standard. The
functions help the machine operators to identify severe changes feedback loops cannot be realized directly through MTConnect.
of machining conditions during machining processes and make Additional interfaces need to be developed to control the machine
quick decisions to prevent further damages. In effect, these data can tool. Second, since the amount of the real-time data is enormous,
be further analyzed in frequency and discrete time domain using the data transmission rate from the MTConnect agent to the appli-
wavelet transform and SVM, to predict and avoid chatter [50]. cation in the current prototype is limited to 100 ms. This could
Module 4 displays the historical data of a specific data item be improved by optimizing the application program or utilizing
selected in the machine tool structure. As shown in Fig. 10, the higher bandwidth networks. Third, the cutting tool is modelled
spindle vibration is selected in the machine tool structure, and the as a sensor component containing some basic data items in the
historical vibration data are displayed as a spreadsheet in mod- information model. To realize a comprehensive cutting tool infor-
ule 4. The first column contains the timestamps of each value. The mation model, the MTConnect Assets model which is compatible
second column shows the values of the data. The third column with ISO 13399 (Cutting tool data representation and exchange) can
indicates the sequence numbers of each value that are defined in be implemented. Last, the current CPMT-Cyber Twin application
MTConnect standard. These historical data can be directly saved as only provides some basic data visualization and analytics functions.
spreadsheets locally or transferred to the cloud database through Advanced intelligent algorithms need to be embedded to improve
the Internet. Various machine learning algorithms can directly use the intelligence of the prototype.
these data as training data or test data and provide the machine
tool with self-learning capabilities.
This application represents the MTCT of the MTConnect-based 6. Conclusions and future work
CPMT prototype. It allows users to remotely monitor the real-
time status of the machine tool, its critical components and the Machine Tool 4.0 introduces a new generation of machine tools
machining processes through the Internet. Based on this applica- that are smarter, well connected, widely accessible, more adap-
tion, machine operators can make efficient decisions to improve tive and more autonomous. CPMT, based on the advancements of
the machining performance; maintenance technicians can per- CPS, IoT and cloud technology, provides a promising solution for
form proactive maintenance to improve the machine utilization Machine Tool 4.0. In this paper, a systematic development method
rate; production planners and managers can remotely monitor the for CPMT is proposed to provide guidelines for advancing current
machine status in real time and optimize the production plans; var- CNC machine tools to CPMT. Generic system architecture for CPMT
ious service providers can access the historical data in the cloud to is developed. Based on this architecture, machine tool, machin-
provide value-added services using their own applications. ing processes, real-time machining data and intelligent algorithms
are integrated through diverse types of networks. MTCT is pro-
posed as the digital model of the physical machine tool in the cyber
5.4. Discussion space. It monitors and controls the machine tool with embedded
intelligence, and enables various types of feedback loops among
The MTConnect-based CPMT prototype validated the feasibil- the physical world, the cyber space and humans. Development
ity of the proposed CPMT system architecture. Various real-time methodologies for the key modules in MTCT including manufac-
manufacturing data were collected from the CNC controller, RFID turing data acquisition, data fusion and information modelling of
tags and different sensors. Different types of networks were utilized machine tools are proposed and discussed.
to transmit the data to the cyber space. Data fusion was realized The feasibility and advantages of the proposed CPMT architec-
based on the implementation of MTConnect standard across dif- ture and development methodologies are demonstrated through
ferent operation systems. An MTConnect-based information model the development of an MTConnect-based CPMT prototype. Static
was developed to represent the logical structure of the machine tool property data and real-time machining data were collected from
as well as the real-time status of each component and machining the CNC controller and different sensors such as RFID tags,
process. The experimental results shown in the CPMT-Cyber Twin accelerometer, dynamometer and RPM sensor. MTConnect was uti-
application have proved that the MTConnect-based CPMT proto- lized to realize unified and efficient data communication across
type has great potential of improving machining performances and different networks and operation systems. A CPMT-Cyber Twin
increasing machine tool utilization. It not only provides the basic application was developed to demonstrate the advancements of
requirements for implementing artificial intelligence in machine the MTCT. Experimental results validated that MTCT represents a
tools, but also enables various forms of feedback loops proposed in comprehensive digital model of the machine tool, including the
Section 3.2 to be realized. MTConnect has been proved to be capa- structure of the machine tool and the real-time status of each com-
ble of providing CPMT with great interoperability, connectivity and ponent and machining process. Data visualization and analytics
extensibility. functions developed in the application have indicated the great
Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),
G Model
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Please cite this article in press as: Liu C, et al. A systematic development method for cyber-physical machine tools. J Manuf Syst (2018),