Manfaat Dan Khasiat Rebusan Daun Seledri

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Nama : Kekel Syafitri

Nim : 1609154010006

Dosen : Azis Pondak, MP

Courses : English

(Benefits And Benefits of Celery Leaf Stew)

Celery leaf stew is a beverage derived from celery stew. Celery leaves are usually
used for cooking materials as well as to add a distinctive taste that arouse the taste. In
addition celery leaves have a very important benefit to health. Water stew is often used as a
traditional medicine since the first. Behind it all these drinks have many benefits for the
health of the body and there are many nutritional content. No need to consume a lot of celery,
enough 1-2 glasses of juice a day can have a positive effect.

The content contained from celery stew includes folate, vitamin A, vitamin B1,
vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, iron, calcium and many more. The
content is believed to have many benefits and benefits f or the body. And where the efficacy
of celery stew can also treat people who experience diseases such as rheumatic diseases,
overcoming oily skin, fighting cancer, lowering cholesterol levels, keeping skin taut and
young, lowering high blood pressure. celery made by celery juice can help control appetite.
Manfaat Dan Khasiat Rebusan Daun Seledri

(Benefits And Benefits of Celery Leaf Stew)

Rebusan daun seledri merupakan minuman berasal dari rebusan daun seledri. Daun
seledri biasanya di gunakan untuk bahan masakan serta untuk menambah rasa yang khas
yang menggugah selera. Selain itu daun seledri memiliki manfaat yang sangat penting untuk
kesehatan. Air rebusan ini sering dijadikan obat tradisional sejak dahulu. Dibalik itu semua
minuman ini memiliki banyak manfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh serta banyak terdapat
kandungan gizinya. Tidak perlu banyak mengkonsumsi seledri, cukup teratur 1-2 gelas jus
dalam sehari sudah dapat menimbulkan efek positifnya.

Celery leaf stew is a beverage derived from celery stew. Celery leaves are usually
used for cooking materials as well as to add a distinctive taste that arouse the taste. In
addition celery leaves have a very important benefit to health. Water stew is often used as a
traditional medicine since the first. Behind it all these drinks have many benefits for the
health of the body and there are many nutritional content.

Kandungan yang terdapat dari rebusan daun seledri meliputi kandungan folat, vitamin
A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, zat besi, kalsium
dan masih banyak lagi. Kandungan tersebut dipercaya memiliki banyak manfaat dan khasiat
bagi tubuh. Dan dimana khasiat dari rebusan daun seledri ini juga bisa mengobati orang-
orang yang mengalami penyakit seperti penyakit Rematik, mengatasi kulit berminyak,
memerangi kanker, menurunkan kadar kolesterol, menjaga kulit agar tetap kencang dan
muda, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. seledri yang dibuat jus seledri dapat membantu
mengontrol nafsu makan.

The content contained from celery stew includes folate, vitamin A, vitamin B1,
vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, iron, calcium and many more. The
content is believed to have many benefits and benefits f or the body. And where the efficacy
of celery stew can also treat people who experience diseases such as rheumatic diseases,
overcoming oily skin, fighting cancer, lowering cholesterol levels, keeping skin taut and
young, lowering high blood pressure.

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