Thank God because of the blessing to the writer for finishing the term paper assignment entitled
“Reader Response”.
The writer also wishes to express her deep and sincere gratitude for those who have support her
to completing this paper. This term paper contains of definition of Reader Response itself.
Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to enrich their knowledge about “Reader Response”
A theory, which gained prominence in the late 1960s, that focuses on the reader or
audience reaction to a particular text, perhaps more than the text itself. Reader-response criticism
constructing texts rather than passively consuming them. Unlike text-based approaches such as
New Criticism, which are grounded upon some objective meaning already present in the work
being examined, reader-response criticism argues that a text has no meaning before a reader
experiences—reads—it. The reader-response critic’s job is to examine the scope and variety of
reader reactions and analyze the ways in which different readers, sometimes called “interpretive
communities,” make meaning out of both purely personal reactions and inherited or culturally
conditioned ways of reading. The theory is popular in both the United States and Germany; its
main theorists include Stanley Fish, David Bleich, and Wolfgang Iser.
Although literary theory has long paid some attention to the readers role in creating the
meaning and experience of a literary work, modern reader-response criticism began in the 1960s
and 70s, particularly in America and Germany, in work by Norman Holland, Stanley Fish,
Wolfgang Iser, Hans-Robert Jauss, Roland Barthes, and others. Important predecessors were I.
Rosenblatt, who, in Literature as Exploration (1938), argued that it is important for the teacher to
avoid imposing any "preconceived notions about the proper way to react to any work"; and C. S.
Reader-response theory recognizes the reader as an active agent who imparts "real
existence" to the work and completes its meaning through interpretation. Reader- response
criticism argues that literature should be viewed as a performing art in which each reader creates
his or her own, possibly unique, text-related performance. It stands in total opposition to the
theories of formalism and the New Criticism, in which the readers role in re-creating literary
works is ignored. New Criticism had emphasized that only that which is within a text is part of
the meaning of a text. No appeal to the authority or intention of the author, nor to the psychology
Kinds of Reader-Response Criticism One can sort reader-response theorists into three
groups: those who focus upon the individual readers experience ("individualists"); those who
conduct psychological experiments on a defined set of readers ("experimenters"); and those who
assume a fairly uniform response by all readers ("uniformists"). One can therefore draw a
distinction between reader-response theorists who see the individual reader driving the whole
experience and others who think of literary experience as largely text- driven and uniform (with
individual variations that can be ignored). The former theorists, who think the reader controls,
derive what is common in a literary experience from shared techniques for reading and
interpreting which are, however, individually applied by different readers. The latter, who put the
text in control, derive commonalities of response, obviously, from the literary work itself. The
most fundamental difference among reader-response critics is probably, then, between those who
regard individual differences among readers responses as important and those who try to get
around them.
In the 1960s, David Bleich began collecting statements by influencing students of their
feelings and associations. He used these to theorize about the reading process and to refocus the
classroom teaching of literature. He claimed that his classes "generated" knowledge, that is,
knowledge of how particular persons recreate texts. Michael Steig and Walter Slatoff have, like
Bleich, shown that students highly personal responses can provide the basis for critical analyses
in the classroom. Jeffrey Berman has encouraged students responding to texts to write
anonymously and share with their classmates writings in response to literary works about
sensitive subjects like drugs, suicidal thoughts, death in the family, parental abuse and the like.
Michael Steig and Walter Slatoff have, like Bleich, shown that students highly personal
responses can provide the basis for critical analyses in the classroom. Jeffrey Berman has
encouraged students responding to texts to write anonymously and share with their classmates
writings in response to literary works about sensitive subjects like drugs, suicidal thoughts, death
have focused on individual readers responses. American magazines like Reader, Reading
Research Quarterly, and others publish articles applying reader-response theory to the teaching
readers role in selecting literature. He analyzed their selections in light of their goals in reading.
In 1967, Stanley Fish published Surprised by Sin, the first study of a large literary work
(Paradise Lost) that focused on its reader experience. In an appendix, "Literature in the Reader",
Fish used "the" reader to examine responses to complex sentences sequentially, word-by-word.
Since 1976, however, he has turned to real differences among real readers. He explores the
reading tactics endorsed by different critical schools, by the literary professoriate, and by the
legal profession, introducing the idea of "interpretive communities" that share particular modes
of reading.
Literary Response to model the literary work. Each reader introverts a fantasy "in" the text, then
responses from real readers, Holland found variations too great to fit this model in which
Holland then developed a second model based on his case studies 5 Readers Reading. An
individual has (in the brain) a core identity theme (behaviors then becoming understandable as a
theme and variations as in music). This core gives that individual a certain style of being--and
reading. Each reader uses the physical literary work plus invariable codes (such as the shapes of
letters) plus variable canons (different "interpretive communities", for example) plus an
individual style of reading to build a response both like and unlike other readers responses.
Holland worked with others at the State University of New York at Buffalo, Murray Schwartz,
David Willbern, and Robert Rogers, to develop a particular teaching format, the "Delphi
Reuven Tsur in Israel has developed in great detail models for the expressivity of poetic
single line of Shakespeare). Richard Gerrig in the U.S. has experimented with the readers state of
mind during and after a literary experience. He has shown how readers put aside ordinary
knowledge and values while they read, treating, for example, criminals as heroes. He has also
investigated how readers accept, while reading, improbable or fantastic things (Coleridges
"willing suspension of disbelief"), but discard them after they have finished.
In Canada, David Miall, usually working with Donald Kuiken, has produced a large body
experiments and new developments in neuropsychology, and have developed a questionnaire for
There are many other experimental psychologists around the world exploring readers
responses, conducting many detailed experiments. One can research their work through their
professional organizations, the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature and
Media, and International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, and through such psychological
indices as PSYCINFO.
Two notable researchers are Dolf Zillmann and Peter Vorderer, both working in the field
of communications and media psychology. Both have theorized and tested ideas about what
produces emotions such as suspense, curiosity, surprise in readers, the necessary factors
Wolfgang Iser exemplifies the German tendency to theorize the reader and so posit a
uniform response. For him, a literary work is not an object in itself but an effect to be explained.
But he asserts this response is controlled by the text. For the "real" reader, he substitutes an
implied reader, who is the reader a given literary work requires. Within various polarities created
by the text, this "implied" reader makes expectations, meanings, and the unstated details of
characters and settings through a "wandering viewpoint". In his model, the text controls. The
readers activities are confined within limits set by the literary work.
Another important German reader-response critic was Hans-Robert Jauss, who defined
Germany for "response"). For Jauss, readers have a certain mental set, a "horizon" of
expectations, from which perspective each reader, at any given time in history, reads. Reader-
response criticism establishes these horizons of expectation by reading literary works of the
period in question.
Both Iser and Jauss, and the Constance School they exemplify, return reader-response
criticism to a study of the text by defining readers in terms of the text. In the same way, Gerald
Prince posits a "narratee", Michael Riffaterre posits a "super reader", and Stanley Fish an
"informed reader." And many text-oriented critics simply speak of "the" reader who typifies all
Reader-response critics hold that, to understand the literary experienc or the meaning of a
text, one must look to the processes readers us to create that meaning and experience.
subjectivism, allowing readers to interpret a text any way they want They accuse reader-response
critics of saying the text doesnt exis (Reader-response critics respond that they are only saying
that explore someone literary experience, one must ask the someone, no pore over the text.) By
contrast, text-oriented critics assume that on can understand a text while remaining immune to
ones own culture status, personality, and so on, and hence "objectively."
objective, and their question is not "which" but "how".[clarification needed] Some reader-
response critics (uniformists) assume a bi-active model of reading: the literary work controls part
of the response and the reader controls part. Others, who see that position as internally
contradictory, claim that the reader controls the whole transaction (individualists). In such a
reader-active model, readers and audiences use amateur or professional procedures for reading
Another objection to reader-response criticism is that it fails to account for the text being
able to expand the readers understanding. While readers can and do put the own ideas and
experiences into a work, they are at the same time gaining new understanding through the
Some argue that artworks are now purposely being fabricated which lack meaning but rather the
artworks are fabricated only to generate a reader response.The reader response then is corralled
via interpretative communities.Reader response rather than handing a freedom to the reader
empowers the leaders of an interpretative community against the reader.The reader has no
ground to evaluate the artwork as the artwork is senseless.Only a reader response, basically an
emotive response, is legitimate.The Web provides an ideal way to form such interpretative
communities.The power of reader response strategy is that people are fundamentally hungry for
culture and will attempt to impart meaning even to artworks that are senseless. Of course, people
can always opt out of these interpretative communities centered around senseless artworks with
attempting to find principles of response, and psychoanalytic psychology for those studyin
that it is the reader who make meaning. Increasingly, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics
neuroscience, and neuropsychoanalysis have given reader-respons critics powerful and detailed
In 2011 researchers found that during listening to emotionally intens parts of a story,
readers respond with changes in heart rate variabilit , indicative of increased activation of the
sympathetic nervous system . Intense parts of a story were also accompanied by increased brai
generalizes to other arts: cinema (David Bordwell), music, or visual art (E. H. Gombrich), and
even to history (Hayden White). In stressing the activity of the scholar, reader-response theory
justifies such upsettings of traditional interpretations as, for example, deconstruction or cultural
criticism.Since reader-response critics focus on the strategies readers are taught to use, they
address the teaching of reading and literature. Also, because reader-response criticism stresses
the activity of the reader, reader-response critics readily share the concerns of feminist critics and
Prominent figure and their thought
1. Stanley fish
Fish's literary theory before criticizing it and then tie it in more broadly
and society which I will argue are historically conditioned. In other words, Fish's
focuses on what happens in the reader's mind as he or she reads. Fish applies this
method in his early work "Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost." His
intentionally to lead the reader into a false sense of security whereupon he would
effect a turn from the reader's expectations in order to surprise the reader with his
own prideful self-sufficiency. The supposed intent of Milton was to force the
reader to see his own sinfulness in a new light and be forced back to God's grace.
Fish's concern at this point in his career is with what "is really happening
in the act of reading," and this is reflected in his compilations of essays entitled Is
There a Text in This Class? Especially the first half. Fish defines his own
reader in relation to the words as they succeed one another in time. His concern is
with what the text does as opposed to what it means. As J. F. Worthen suggests,
much of his work can be seen as a reaction against the formalism that
characterized the age of New Critical theory which held that meaning was
embedded in the textual artifact or, as Wimsatt and Beardsley referred to it, "the
object". He suggests that, "The context for the discussion is the question of
As one might imagine Fish eventually offers a negative response to this question.
He posits that rather than having a text that contains formal features identifiable in
all times and places that it is the reader that projects these features onto the text,
thereby also answering "No" to the question, "Is there a text in this class?"
stylistics." Fish claims that it is the interpretive community that creates its own
reality. It is the community that invests a text, or for that matter life itself, with
interpret through such a grid, they will be opposed to theories such as his own.
His theory is epistemological in that it deals not so much with literary criticism
(although the implications for such are tremendous) as with how one comes to
know. In the following analysis of Fish's theory I will focus primarily on his later
reader-response theory.
Fish's theory is one of the most radical and controversial. He posits that
meaning inheres not in the text but in the reader, or rather the reading community.
"In the procedures I would urge," he writes, "the reader's activities are at the
center of attention, where they are regarded not as leading to meaning but as
having meaning. He can hold this because he believes that there is no stable basis
for meaning. There is no correct interpretation that will always hold true. Meaning
does not exist "out there" somewhere. It exists, rather, within the reader.
In his earlier work he made a claim, not wholly disavowed in his later
material, that what a text means is the experience that it produces in the reader. To
Wimsatt and Beardsley, that what it does is what it means. Here Fish stakes out
the territory of his critical enterprise which is to set himself against the formalist
principles of the past with its supposed scientific agenda. This project he admits
took some time from which to effect a complete liberation. But this is the
principle that will eventually lead his theory from (what his critics would call) an
Fish's next move in his anti-formalist agenda is to deny the text as object,
which was so important to Wimsatt and Beardsley and the New Critics. "The
somewhat unclear. He does not, as it may appear, deny the ontological reality or
the existence of the palpable object, although one could argue that that is exactly
what this sentence by itself means because he apparently pairs the word
"objective" with "physical. It is the context that illuminates what he is driving at.
But he does deny the text's independence as a repository of meaning. The text
does not contain meaning: despite being written upon, it is a tabula rasa, a blank
slate onto which the reader, in reading, actually writes the text.
Fish takes the idea of the hermeneutical circle seriously. The reader is
always reading her preunderstanding back into the text with no possibility of
interpretive theory is itself circular, that the interpreter will always find what he is
looking for in the text, that formal patterns "are themselves constituted by an
Theories always work and they will always produce exactly the results
they predict, results that will be immediately compelling to those for whom the
theory's assumptions and enabling principles are self-evident. Indeed, the trick
Because the assumptions one begins with will determine the outcome of
the study, for Fish, "success is inevitable. The methods with which one
approaches the text have already determined the outcome, one's presuppositions
For Fish a text is only a Rorschach blot onto which the reader projects her
text contains nothing in itself, rather the content is supplied by the reader. It is the
reader that determines the shape of text, its form, and its content. This is how Fish
can claim that reader's write texts. Worthen's comment is apt. He says, "as far as
Fish is concerned, reading can only repeat reality, in that it necessarily consists of
strategies. This is exactly what reading does and this is one of the difficulties of
his theory. It fails to account for the text being able to expand the readers'
For Fish the text can only function as a mirror that provides a reflection of its
2. David Bleich
readers to pay attention to both their experiences and the text in creating
effectively. But I wondered how realistic it was to expect students. who did not
literature in this way. To satisfy my curiosity, I asked Roberta Lott. a teacher at
Holt Junior High, if she would be interested in trying the Bleich heuristic in one
of her classes. She was familiar with reader-response theory and agreed to try it
literature and then translate the responses into decisions about meaning. The
reader's written responses are a record of his or her perception of the reading
response to the literature during or after the reading, and, in the act of writing this
response, the reader-writer becomes more aware of how and why meaning is
sharing their perceptions and subjective reactions. This approach denies the
existence of one objective "truth" that can be sought and found in a literary work.
Instead. it assumes that meaning comes from response to literature within a social
context. That is. in sharing their individual responses. the students negotiate a
the reader is asked to "say what the poem says." Bleich emphasizes that it is
important to resist the temptation to criticize such statementsand instead ask why
the reader saw the poem in just the way he or she did. In the second phase, the
affective response, the reader describes the actual feeling experienced while
reading the poem. The third and most complex form of response is the associative
response. which asks the reader to identify associated thoughts and feelings that
come to mind when reflecting on the work. Bleich emphasizes that the associative
response shows that each reader reads a poem according to the demands of his or
her personality. Through the associative phase of the response we are able to see
3. Wolfgang Iser
elements” which the reader must fill by active participation, and he observes that
meaning evolves through the convergence of the text and the reader, as the active
and creative reader fills the “gaps” or the “unwritten implications” by exercising
established by the text itself, as one who is expected to respond in specific ways
to the “response inviting structures” of the text, and the “actual reader” whose
the in.determinate areas, the readers attempt to impart consistency and coherence
making the reader aware of the inexhausabitity of the text and its potential to
generate numerous meanings, according to the interpretation of different readers.
Iser further elaborates his concept of the “implied reader” in The Act of Reading,
in which he discusses the “real reader” (the actual reader whose response is
documented in the text” and the “hypothetical reader” (who is a “projection of all
Reader response focuses on the reader or audience reaction to a particular text, perhaps
more than the text itself. This criticism argues that literature should be viewed as a performing
art in which each reader creates his or her own, possibly unique, text-related performance.
Kinds of Reader-Response Criticism One can sort reader-response theorists into three
groups: those who focus upon the individual readers experience ("individualists"); those who
conduct psychological experiments on a defined set of readers ("experimenters"); and those who
The main figures of the reader response are Stanley Fish, David Bleich and Wolfgang
Iser. Fish said that meaning inheres not in the text but in the reader, or rather the reading
community, and also the reader's activities are at the center of attention, where they are regarded
not as leading to meaning but as having meaning. Bleich said, this theory approach encourages
the reader to respond emotionally to literature and then translate the responses into decisions
about meaning. The reader's written responses are a record of his or her perception of the reading
experience. And Iser said, a literary text contains a number of “gaps” or “indeterminate
elements” which the reader must fill by active participation, and he observes that meaning
evolves through the convergence of the text and the reader, as the active and creative reader fills