CHM256 - Tutorial 2
CHM256 - Tutorial 2
CHM256 - Tutorial 2
1) Give the answer to the following equations in the correct significant figure.
i. 9.5 + 0.978
ii. 17.7 - 0.32 + 5.14
iii. 3.65 × 5.849 ÷ 1.0234
iv. (16.5 + 0.8321) ÷ 2.98
v. 6.02 × 1023 + 2.53 × 1024
vi. 9.51 × 106 ÷ 3.02 × 102
2) Differentiate between
i. Accuracy and precision
ii. Systematic and random error
3) Name two sources of determinate error and give one example each of the
Calculate the mean, median, range, deviation, standard deviation and % relative
standard deviation.
5) The following data set was obtained in an analysis to determine the weight
content of ascorbic acid from vitamin C tablets.
No. of experiment 1 2 3 4 5
Weight obtained (mg) 3.274 3.258 3.265 3.350 3.483
Calculate the 90% and 95% confidence intervals for the volume.
7) The homogeneity of the chloride level in a water sample from a lake was tested
by an analyst. Below are the concentration in parts per million (ppm) of Cl:
8) Two different analytical methods are compared for determining Ca. The following
are two sets of data.
Set 1 Set 2
155.779 155.784
155.787 155.787
155.813 155.765
155.781 155.793
9) The following mass in gram was recorded from an experiment to determine the
average mass of copper foil as catalyst.
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mass of catalyst (g) 6.079 6.094 6.108 6.064 6.111 6.173 6.198
Samples no. 1 2 3 4 5 6
% Fe 20.10 20.50 18.65 19.25 19.40 19.99
i. Calculate the mean and median from the set of the data above
ii. If the true value of %Fe is 19.65 %, calculate the value for absolute error
and percentage relative error for sample no. 3
iii. Using Q-test, justify whether an of the data must be rejected at 95 %
confidence level
iv. Calculate the standard deviation and relative standard deviation of the